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Biggar Fire Report
newer members to get them some time working together and knowledge of the tools abilities. We also trained on proper techniques in dealing with vehicle fires. One practise was dedicated to maintenance on the trucks to make sure everything is in good condition, ready to go and of course shiny.
During the month of July there were nine calls including, two STARS landings, two Motor Vehicle Collisions, one referrals. Whether newcomers are from outside of Canada or relocated from another Canadian province, BIRC provides support. structure fire and four false alarms. We were also involved in an incident at the Malt Plant involving an overheating storage bin. This would bring our total calls so far in 2023 to 51.
You can check out their website at battlefordsimmigration.ca or their Facebook page, Battlefords Immigration Resource Centre.
by Ian Boxall, President, Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatch-
ewan (APAS)
Grain contracts are in the media again, and with many areas in Saskatchewan experiencing drought conditions, there is a concern that many farmers will suffer a repeat of 2021, highlighting a long-standing problem with contracts.
For many Saskatchewan grain farmers, this isn’t news. Over the past few years, farmers have been raising concerns around the lack of transparency grain purchase contract terms and conditions. These concerns were exacerbated by the drought in 2021.
In response to these concerns, APAS has been advocating for more balance into grain contracts by improving clarity of terms and conditions to help create greater transparency and accountability for both buyers and sellers.
After the 2021 drought, APAS and SaskCrops hired Mercantile Consulting Venture Inc. to create a report to identify the common issues expe-