Webpaper 51

Page 1

Vol. 104 No. 51


Box 40, 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0

email: tip@sasktel.net

28 pages

Phone: 306-948-3344



Long-term care funding to improve seniors’ care Province allocates Urgent Issues Action Fund R e s i d e n t s o f Saskatchewan’s long-term care facilities will benefit from improved quality of

care and quality of life. Health Minister Dustin Duncan, December 6, announced the allocation

of the Urgent Issues Action Fund to address priority issues identified by health regions stemming from

CEO tours of long-term care facilities earlier this year. “We are committed to making improvements that place the needs of our longterm care residents first,” Duncan said. “Today we are providing funding to the health regions to address issues that improve quality of care for seniors. This is an important step in the transformation of our longterm care system.” The initial October commitment of $10 million has been bolstered. Regions have received $10.04 million to address urgent issues, as well as $3.8 million to address ongoing p r e s s u r e s. E x a m p l e s include: • Purchasing priority equipment including lifts, tubs, electric beds and pressure supports to improve care for residents, while allowing staff more

time to spend on direct client care; • Training staff in the Gentle Persuasion Approach which helps front-line staff better care for residents with dementia; • Improving quality of life through improved dietary services and programming opportunities; and • Implementing electronic charting and point-of-care technologies that allow staff to spend more time with residents. This week, more than 100 health system leaders, long-term care providers, families and other stakeholders from across Saskatchewan will take part in an engagement session, to focus on quality and appropriate models of care in long-term care settings, as well as the broader continuum of care.

Vandals hit vehicles Not naughty, just misunderstood . . . St. Gabriel School student Kaleb Little puts on a bit of a frown, Friday, as Santa poses the “naughty or nice” query. We suspect Kaleb was just a wee bit miffed at having

his picture taken, just when he finally gets some alone time with St. Nicholas. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Trans-Pacific partnership negotiations continue in Singapore The Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International T r a d e, D e c e m b e r 1 0 , highlighted progress made at a successful meeting with trade ministers from the countries of the TransPacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP Ministerial Meeting was held December 7 to 10 in Singapore, in the wake of the successful WTO Ministerial held in Bali, Indonesia. “Our government is committed to opening new markets throughout the Asia-Pacific region to help Canadian exporters expand and succeed, which creates jobs and opportunities across Canada,” said Fast. “To achieve this goal, our focus through the TPP is to continue to promote and advance Canada’s key interests. We look forward to working closely with all members toward an agreement that benefits all TPP countries.”

TPP ministers made good progress in Singapore, identifying potential outcomes for key outstanding areas of the text and agreeing to continue work to conclude market access negotiations. On the Prairies, the agriculture sector is a key component of Western C a n a d a ’ s e c o n o m y, employing almost 172,000 people in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Agriculture is also one o f We s t e r n C a n a d a ’s largest export sectors. In 2012, Saskatchewan alone accounted for exports totalling $11.1 billion. Significant export commodities include grains, beef and pork products, wheat, oils and other food products. Among the TPP member c o u n t r i e s, t a r i f f s o n agricultural goods are wide-ranging. For example, Japan maintains average

most-favoured nation (MFN) applied tariffs of 23 per cent on agricultural goods; Malaysia maintains average MFN applied tariffs of almost 11 per cent; Vietnam’s average applied MFN tariff is 17 per cent; and Peru maintains an average MFN applied tariff of four per cent on agricultural goods. Canada’s agriculture and agri-food exports to TPP members include oilseeds and oils (such as canola), pork, beef, grains, pulses, fruits and vegetables, maple syrup and processed agricultural products. Eliminating tariff barriers could help support sales of Western Canada’s worldclass agricultural products in the lucrative TPP market of 792 million consumers. Enhanced access to this market would directly benefit hardworking Canadians in Western Canada through more jobs,

higher wages and greater long-term prosperity. Twelve countries are currently participating in the TPP negotiations: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia,

Biggar RCMP are looking for person(s) responsible for property damage in the Town of Biggar. On December 7, between 2 and 8 a.m., unknown person(s) spray painted and punctured all the tires on two trucks parked at 216 Fourth Avenue West in Biggar. If you have any information, please contact the Biggar RCMP, 948-6600. Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam. The TPP market represents more than 792 million people and a combined GDP of $27.5

trillion - more than 38 per cent of the world’s economy. A TPP agreement is expected to generate significant broad-based benefits across all sectors and regions of Canada.

Snow’s a blown’ . . . Cold, frigid temperatures are the normal for the area, and Friday the snow came calling. A few days later, warmer temperatures hit the area. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)



Hoop Stars shine in Biggar rivalry St. Gabriel School Saints and the Biggar Central School Blazer junior girls squads hit the court December 12 for a hoop rivalry battle. BCS, holding home court, fought hard, leading at the half, 15-10. The Saints came marching back, nal score score. defeating the Blazers by a 32-27 ÀÀnal (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)



Council Minutes highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held November 19, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Alan Boyle, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. Council resolved that the RCMP Local Detachment Report for the period October 12 to November 15, 2013, be accepted as presented by Cst. Reagan Eyford. Council resolved that they approve the installation of a new 10zone fire alarm panel at Jubilee Stadium at

a cost of approximately $3,500. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $38,014.97 and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $20,180.40. Council resolved that the following financial reports for the month of October 2013,be accepted: Bank Reconciliation; Statement Financial Activities. Council resolved that letters be sent to the following individuals regarding snow removal: Dennis Martin; Rebel Landscaping; Silver Eagle Excavating.

Council resolved that the Fire Department’s payroll for the month of October be accepted as presented. Council resolved that the following individuals be authorized to attend the 2014 annual SUMA Convention to be held in Regina, February 2-5: Ron Arnold, Alan Boyle, Kirk Sherbino, Barb Barteski. Council resolved that the request from Fire Chief Gerry Besse to buy 2,800 feet of four-inch high volume supply hose at a cost of $18,260, be approved. • Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

End of an era - Independent’s on the move! . . . Biggar Independent publishers Daryl and Peg Hasein look over the renovations to their building on Third Avenue West, soon to be a gymnasium/fitness centre, New U Fitness. The Independent, as of the new year, will be located at 122 Main Street, just beside the post office. Hope you visit as we settle into our new digs! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Saskatchewan children better served by changes to pediatric services Based on support from key clinicians, specialists, medical professionals and health leaders, Health Minister Dustin Duncan is confident changes to pediatric services approved December 11 by the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region (RQHR) board will result in safer, better, high quality health care for children. “Earlier on in this process, I was very clear that no changes would occur unless they improve care for the children who depend on these services,” Duncan said. “I have received those assurances from key pediatricians, pediatric oncologists, an infection control specialist and others that changes will improve care, safety and better meet the health needs of children in southern Saskatchewan.” Providing the best possible patient care was the

foremost consideration in RQHR’s analysis and recommendations to its board, which followed extensive consultation with medical experts, families, staff and other health care professionals. “The analysis provided to me by RQHR certainly supported the recommendations,” Duncan said. “However, on the particularly technical and complex decision around combining pediatric inpatient services in Regina, I sought extra assurances beyond the analysis provided through the consultation process, receiving clear direction from key clinical leaders.” Assurances about the efficacy of the changes to pediatric inpatient services in Regina included: • Dr. Juliet Soper, Head of Pediatrics, RQHR: “I am convinced that the recommendation to amalgam-

ate pediatric services at Regina General Hospital will result in better care for the children of southern Saskatchewan. . . Children on the pediatric unit at Pasqua Hospital have been disadvantaged for a number of years by lack of supportive services such as dedicated social workers or dieticians, with such services being provided on a case-by-case basis by professionals who spend most of their time working with adults. Children are not little adults; their needs vary not only with changes in medical condition but also with growth and development.” • Dr. Jessica Minion, Microbiologist and Medical Head of Infection Control, RQHR: “I would like to express my support for the current proposal to amalgamate pediatric services at the Regina General Hospital. . . Sepa-

rated oncology wards do not exclude infectious patients and general pediatric wards do not exclude immunocompromised patients. The idea that oncology wards are ‘clean’ compared to general wards is a dangerous misconception that can lead to false sense of security and do a serious disservice to those vulnerable patients. . . The current planning for the pediatric ward at Regina General Hospital includes strategies to enhance infection control practices.” • Saskatchewan Cancer Agency: Scott Livingstone (CEO), Dr. Monica Behl (VP Clinical Services and Sr. Medical Officer) and Dr. Kaiser Ali (Provincial Leader, Pediatric Oncology): “We believe that amalgamating pediatric care to the Regina General Hospital provides the opportunity for us to improve and expand services

to assist both patients and family members. . . We welcome the opportunity to remain engaged with your region to ensure the very best outcome of our combined efforts as we work to improve the care and experience of pediatric patients and their families.” Government has provided $2.65 million in 201314 for enhancements to pediatric intensive care in Saskatoon. This funding will help support changes the RQHR board approved to transition its Medical Pediatric Intensive Care Unit to a High Acuity Unit, result-

ing in a greater number of transfers of critically ill or injured children to Saskatoon. Further, the Ministry of Health will be amending its critical care ambulance transfer policy to cover the cost of any transfers of critically ill or injured children to/from Regina and Saskatoon. Overall, the province is strengthening pediatric services in Saskatchewan, including more than $215 million committed for a new Children’s Hospital in Saskatoon and a 27 per cent increase in the number of pediatricians practicing in Saskatchewan.

GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP PUMP… … Wednesday, DECEMBER 18, 11:20 a.m. (stations randomly selected)

Biggar .............................................113.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock .........................113.9¢/L Perdue… .........................................113.9¢/L Landis… .........................................115.9¢/L Rosetown… ....................................115.9¢/L North Battleford….........................113.9¢/L Unity...............................................113.4¢/L Saskatoon .......................................113.9¢/L Humboldt .......................................115.9¢/L Lloydminster ..................................104.9¢/L Kindersley ......................................115.9¢/L Swift Current .................................117.9¢/L

Lottery Numbers


649 - Sat., DEC. 14 13, 18, 19, 20, 35, 40 Bonus 14 Extra 5544826 649 - Wed., DEC. 11 04, 15, 28, 31, 37, 44 Bonus 35 Extra 3260156 Western 649 - Sat., DEC. 14 13, 15, 16, 23, 34, 38 Bonus 27

Holiday virtuosos . . . Kathleen May and Emily Goring, right, tickle the ivory, Thursday at the Biggar New Horizon’s Board supper. Students of Tanya

Schultz and Peggy L’Hoir entertained the crowd over the noon hour, putting everyone in the Christmas mood. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Western 649 - Wed., DEC. 11 01, 06, 12, 13, 28, 33 Bonus 48 Lotto Max - Friday, DEC. 13 06, 16, 24, 32, 36, 45, 47 Bonus 25 Extra 6037062 Western Lotto Max - Fri., DEC. 13 01, 05, 27, 30, 36, 38, 42 Bonus 10

Opinions ........................................................... 4 Agriculture ...................................................... 8 ‘CHRISTMAS’ Shopping Guide............... 15 - 19 Classifieds ................................................20 - 21 Business & Professional Directories ........22 - 24 ‘Shop the Battlefords’ Guide ....................26 - 27



New year, new location As we head into the final week of the holiday season, there is always lots to do. It’s not just the preparations for the day itself but the other events that take place in the build up. Christmas parties. Christmas concerts. Christmas recitals. Baking. Extra cooking. Preparing for company. Or if you are going away making preparations for travel. It’s just a busy time all round. Still, in the midst of all the extra activities the day to day normal routine stuff has to get done as well. It is still business as usual for most people. Speaking of business this is just a reminder to our readers: The Independent will be moving over the holidays. Our new location will be 122 Main Street (beside the post office). We will close for the season on December 19, 2013 and reopen January 2, 2014 at which time we will be in our new office. If you are picking up your paper come there. At this time everyone at The Independent would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Here’s wishing you all the best in 2014. P.H.

Partnership a good deal for taxpayers by Colin Craig Saskatchewan Taxpayers Federation If it were cheaper for you to send out your dirty laundry to get cleaned, folded and put back in your closet, than to do it yourself, wouldn’t you jump at that opportunity? Fortunately, a body set-up by local health regions has done just that.

3sHealth has brokered a new partnership between health regions in Saskatchewan and KBro, a laundry company from Alberta. Over the next ten years, the partnership is expected to save taxpayers a whopping $93 million. Instead of the government building several new laundry facilities around Saskatchewan,

K-Bro will centralize the cleaning of hospital bed sheets at a facility in Regina and then send it out to distribution centres in other parts of the province. Through this centralization, and more efficient operations, the firm will save taxpayers millions rather than having each health region continuing to do its own thing. At the same time, the firm will have to meet rigorous quality standards set out by the government. Thus, if you’re a taxpayer or a patient standing back and watching the partnership unfold, you’re going to see the

same level of service (or better) at a lower cost; a win-win! Even better, if a flood or fire wreaks havoc on Saskatchewan like one did recently in Alberta, the K-Bro company will use its facilities outside the province to help ensure the bed sheets in Saskatchewan hospitals still get cleaned. This is exactly the type of partnership that the government should do more often. If you think about it, it’s something most taxpayers do almost everyday; you shop around for the best service. Prior to hiring a business to do the laundry service, governmentfunded hospitals did the work themselves for decades. That would be like you shopping at the same store for decades and never wondering if you could buy products for a lower price at a competitor. Doesn’t

make much sense. But not everyone is happy about the new deal. The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour is upset because a more efficient laundry service run by K-Bro could mean fewer workers are needed and the ones that are needed may be a paid a lower, more competitive salary. These differences can be chalked up to the old problem with government unions; their contracts are ultimately under the watchful eye of politicians. And we all know politicians are often too scared to deal with unions going on strike or the possibility of losing their votes during election. That’s why government employees often see richer contracts than those doing similar work for businesses. Conversely, unionized employees working for private businesses know they can’t demand too

much or go on strike too frequently or they’ll risk losing their jobs by driving their employer out of business. Perhaps what’s most important is to encourage the government to pursue more partnerships like this. For example, it could start looking at hospital cafeterias. Back in 2012, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, a donationbased taxpayers watchdog organization, noted that three hospital cafeterias in Saskatoon had lost $1.2 million over the past two years. No one would expect cafeterias to be big money makers for hospitals, but perhaps a partnership could turn those losses into a break-even situation? One thing is for certain, we need to encourage the government to keep sniffing around for more savings. It’s just plain healthy for your wallet.


Phone: 306-948-3344

Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Tom Larson

E-mail: tip@sasktel.net

P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.



The Majestic Theatre Í written and signed by Clement Moore, was given to a friend in 1860 and was sold to a private collector in 2006 for $280,000. Parodies abound in today’s culture. Garfield was the narrator when this comic strip choose to feature the poem one week in December in 1983. Another comic duo Tom and Jerry used the poem’s first lines to have Jerry appear from his hole as soon as he heard the word “mouse”. Clark Griswold was reading the story to his family when he looks out the window to see his cousin Eddie and his kidnapped boss approaching his house. Quick to adapt Clark then proceeded to describe the strange scene taking place in his front yard. Natasha Wing wrote a series of children’s books based on the poem. She penned a

modern day spoof on the classic entitled “The Night Before the Night Before Christmas.” Others titles in the series -- The Night Before Kindergarten, The Night Before First Grade, The Night Before the Tooth Fairy . . . There is also the Cajun version -- The Cajun Night Before Christmas -- using Cajun dialect and the setting is in a Louisiana swamp with alligators pulling a skiff instead of a sleigh. Merry Christmas, My Friend was penned by Lance Corporal James M. Schmidt and is a Marine’s version of the Christmas tale. The Muppets version is perhaps one of the best. Ernie narrated the poem as the father with Bert as the Mamma (apparently he lost a coin toss). The monsters were the reindeer and the TwoHeaded Monster made an appearance as Santa Claus. Grover was the mouse who didn’t stir.

Friday, DECEMBER 20 Saturday, DECEMBER 21 Sunday, DECEMBER 22 8:00 p.m.

“HUNGER GAMES” Thursday, DECEMBER 26 Friday, DECEMBER 27 Saturday, DECEMBER 28 8:00 p.m.

This popular Christmas poem by Clement Clarke Moore is well known by all. There have been many versions from films, comics, films and parodies. Still, it is a well loved poem about a gent who hears a mysterious noise on Christmas Eve, gets up to investigate and is surprised by the appearance of St. Nick. The poem is also called “A Visit from St. Nicholas” and when Moore wrote it in 1822 and it was first published December

23, 1823. Moore composed the poem while out shopping riding in a sleigh while snowflakes fell from the sky. He modelled Saint Nicholas after a Dutch handyman and introduced the reindeer as well as having “jolly old St. Nick” arrive on Christmas Eve instead of the day. Of course some of the words have changed over the course of time: “But I heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight” becomes “as he drove out of sight”; “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight” is often replaced with “Merry Christmas to all” and goodnight is now one word. There were no typewriters or computers in Moore’s time so his works were hand written. There are four copies of the poem in existence -- three are in museums. The fourth,


Sunday, DECEMBER 29 Monday, DECEMBER 30 Tuesday, DECEMBER 31 8:00 p.m.

“LAST VEGAS” Wednesday, JANUARY 1 Thursday, JANUARY 2 Friday, JANUARY 3 8:00 p.m.


For bookings and information please phone Bear Hills RDC @ 306-948-2295 This space is courtesy of The Biggar Independent

New Horizons rings in Christmas season . . . Biggar New Horizons members dish up Thursday during their annual board supper event. The foul, cold weather didn’t keep many away as the hall was filled with the sounds of friendship and laughing, mixed with the smells of great food. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

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December 31, 2013 Pick up -- $30.45 40 Mile/Online -- $35.70 Outside 40 Mile -- $40.95

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By Phone: 306-948-3344 By Email: tip@sasktel.net By Web: biggarindependent.ca By Mail: Biggar Independent, Box 40, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 In Person: 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, SK

“Hanover Junction”

Wishing all our customers and future customers

and a

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.


Prosperous 2014!

… Destiny, Stacey and Jim



by Bob Mason

Warm warm water! “Keep amovin’ Dan – Don’t listen to him Dan! He’s a devil, not a man, and he paints the burning sand ‘With water, water, evil clear water!’” Not ever having been lost out in the dessert somewhere, without a drink of “cool clear water!” (as in the above, ahem, ‘fugue’) Yours Truly can’t give a very good description of what that is like. But in telling about winter in Saskatchewan, and warm baths, he almost feels like some kind of an authority! Below are a few, sometimes nostalgic, accounts of how he remembers the past, although none of his sentiments on the subject of “warm warm water”, will ever put

songwriters out of business. I suppose that a fellow could sit up here all night and never find himself at a loss to drum up a few lines about water, hot or cold! Heck! Yours Truly has been in “Hot Water”, most of his life, but those are times that we would like to forget! So come with me as we dip into a few “warm water” places that we want to remember! Often I wonder how come out pioneering parents could ever enjoy the parts that they had to play, just to make a home for their families! For one thing, Dad had to cut wood in order to keep us comfortable, and mother always melted huge amounts of snow

for our weekly baths. Then, still seeming to enjoy themselves, they carried the bath water and ashes outside again! All without pressing a button or turning a tap! And yet they seemed to enjoy it all! Plumbers, electricians and gas fitters do the same job now, except that they get higher wages and mebbe aren’t as happy either! All the moves that wee make right now, in the name of “progress” have made us richer mebbe, but certainly not better people! When mother finally got that big copper boiler full of nice warm water, she would open the oven door to let the stove heat out, filled the bath tub and told us to “jump in!” Then she glowed with pride and sanctification that her children would be spick and span for tomorrow’s Sunday School! How we enjoyed that nice warm water! Even when Dad came in and the cold breeze from the opening door told us how cold it was outside! I think that the warm water in that tub was a part of our lives that we will never forget, as little by unnoticeable little,


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society has gotten away from those small things that used to mean so much to us! Mebbe we have a little more money now to buy things that will make our lives easier, but we are not a darn bit cleaner! No more melting snow now, and warming it for our children (and their hearts!), we just go and watch TV while they have a shower! I suppose that waterheater manufacturers and the C.E.O.s of huge gas companies (along with government advisors!) have gotten their heads together to fill that boiler for us. And that those pioneer methods (however effective!) will just disappear down the drain! Incidentally, Y.T. thought he had better put that “old bathtub” bit in here just in case Urla gives me another air freshener for Christmas! Merry Christmas Independent People! I think that quite a few readers have had that “old bathtub by the oven door” experience, so rather than keep on boring them with that “wash behind your ears!” stuff, he should change his line a little! It has taken Y.T. quite a few years to grow up. But just to get along with his obvious “dotage” about the “Good Old Days” and the fact that this article is about “warm water”, mebbe we should mention a bit about the old “pasture slough”!

I imagine that a lot of young people wouldn’t feel like spending a hot summers day sitting on a big stone and dipping their toes in the lukewarm, foot deep water of a pasture slough – especially if a couple of gartersnakes went swimming by! Darn it all though, despite all their carryings on in the Garden of Eden, and Cleopatra’s basket, why should they have all the fun? Also, if snakes weren’t an important part of our world, they wouldn’t be here! Note: Heckler, to Politician: “You are so low you could crawl under a snake!” Politician to Heckler: “Lay down and I’ll try it.” Enough about politics, eh? Lets get back to the old pasture slough! In those peaceful days of our youth, we used to do things like that! The warm stone and almost warmer water, filled with wildlife, were heated by the same sun that shone down a billionaire, money grabbing tyrant! Even the memory of those long past things, brings a kind of war feeling into our lives again! As usual, Y.T. made a long list of warm-water thing to write about. Some of them very sentimental and some not so nice. And a lot of fly-by-night pieces that wouldn’t be interesting to anybody. “Boiling water for pigs!”, sure doesn’t sound right, eh? “Starting the old 1928


truck”, always makes my hands so cold that Y.T. couldn’t hold a pen! “Barrel-radiator on the old Holt combine”, reads kind of wrong, and “Hot water pipe burst in the skating rink”, is way too sad. “Lukewarm Coffee in Holland” is maybe a bit better but, eureka! Water forever! (Good show, eh?) But life has to go on, and between dusty summer-fallowing, dusting haying and harvest, there were things to do! During that hot, hot summer of 1949, Walt took an outside shower every evening from a sprinkler setup that he had put on the roof and far side of one of the buildings. Not to be out done by a young farmer, our (also young!) wives decided one that that they should have one, too. So, out they go, undress, and were giggling away down there, when a couple of the neighbours drove in ... Mebbe a fellow shouldn’t tell any more about that, but Y.T. never heard a louder shriek since a big garter snake crawled into our old school and wrapped itself around the teacher’s leg! Although we had lived through quite a few winters out here, every time Y.T. thinks of those cold nights on the island of Papelsche Veer, he fills the family tub full of nice warm water, leans back and relaxes!



Biggar Happenings on December 10, 1953 (Exerpts from The Independent) by Delta Fay Cruickshank at the Biggar Museum and Gallery Ice Ready at Skating and Curling Rinks Biggar Skating Rink, sponsored by the Kinsmen Club is now open for business; ice is in fair shape, needs more cold weather. Curling expected to open; Biggar will be playing Perdue for the ‘Wells Trophy’. Now, I do know that the Jubilee did not open until 1959, so where were the curling and skating rinks in 1953? With help from Rae

Chamberlain from the Biggar Genealogical Society, we were able to find the 1930 Fire Insurance Maps and then a 1945 updated version in the archives at the Biggar Museum. What we found was that the curling and skating rinks were side by side on the corner right where the town office stands now! Ye Schole Diarye Square dancing at the Biggar Town Hall (where the RM office is now) competition. Sets came from Wilkie, Kindersley and Biggar. The

winner was the second set from Kindersley . . . as for Biggar’s effort . . . “An amusing performance of dancing was put on by dancers from Biggar Public School . . . what they lacked in skill, they made up for in energy!” After the competition all went to the Home Ec. Room for sandwiches, cake and coffee. All was ready for the Community Day, Monday, December 14! A carol competition on Main Street, Santa Claus was going to be

at the Legion Hall, free movies for the kiddies, free cocoa and hot dogs at the Town Hall, free skating at the rink and a dance at the Town Hall was 9:30 until 1:30! Now here is something I don’t know what they are talking about, at the Town Hall “‘arf and ‘arf” at midnight, what is that? Would it be half and half? The ads of note were: Leslie’s Drug Store had a mail order coupon to “Give baby a Playtex Christmas!” pull on panties for the little ones!

Donahue Farm Service on Third Avenue West, right where the Biggar Museum now

stands, had the ‘54 Nash! The headline read: “Introducing the car motorists asked for!”

The 1954 Nash was the car motorists asked for, and Donahue Farm Service on Third Avenue West had it for sale! The Biggar Museum and Credit Union Gallery now stands where Donahue Farm Service stood. (Photo from google/images.com)

Alley Katz Bowling scores Tuesday Mixed League: Men’s High Single – Reg Horner, 219; Men’s High Multi – John Hammond, 604; Women’s High Single – Nicole Otterson, 193; Women’s High Multi – Pat Phillips, 437. New Horizons League: Men’s High Single – Geoff Cooke, 220; Men’s High Multi – Jack Eckart, 560;

Women’s High Single – Donna Eckart, 182; Women’s High Multi – Donna Eckart, 488. Thursday Senior’s League: Men’s High Single – Geoff Cooke, 225; Men’s High Multi – Geoff Cooke, 564; Women’s High Single – Lee Silvernagel – 187; Women’s High Multi – Lee Silvernagel, 474. Y.B.C. League:

Bowlasaurus High Score – Sawyer Heimbecker, 78; Peewee High Score – Maggie Genaille, 106; Peewee High Double – Maggie Genaille, 209; Bantam High Score – Cassie Raschke, 133; Bantam High Triple – Cassie Raschke, 343; Juniors High Score – Hailey Booboyer, 135; Juniors High Triple – Justin Otterson, 306.

Perdue Bowl (week ending December 13) Club 55: M.H.S. - Jim Brown, 177; M.H.T. John Latta, 506; L.H.S. - Carol Lemon, Elizabeth McMahon, 163; L.H.T. - Esther Nicholls, 477; T.H.S. - Hopefuls, 1,085; T.H.T. - Hopefuls, 3,115; M.H.A. - John Latta, 163; L.H.A. - Carol Lemon, 157. Ladies League: L.H.S. - Joey Levitt, 223;

L.H.T. -Joey Levitt, 525; T.H.S. - Other Frame, 1,183; L.H.A. - Dorrie Laberswieler, 188. Men’s League: M.H.S. Al Levitt, 291; M.H.T. - Al Levitt, 696; T.H.S. - J.A.G. - 784; M.H.T. - W.W.F., 2, 137; M.H.A. - Al Levitt, 192. Mixed League: M.H.S. - Bob Lemon, 262; M.H.T. - Bob Lemon, 666; L.H.S.

- Joey Levitt, 204; L.H.T. - Joey Levitt, 573; T.H.S. - Smilin “5”, 1,117; T.H.T. - D.J.’s, 3,265; M.H.A. - Al Levitt, 189; L.H.A. - 173. Y.B.C.: Juniors – Dakota Anderson, 159; Bantam Boys – Adam Munro, 151; Bantam Girls – Cadence Watson, 104; Bowlasaurus – Ayden Moody, 51.

BCS Principal’s report by James Walker Well, the Christmas break has arrived. The past weeks have been quite busy at BCS 200. The school basketball teams have been hosting and attending tournaments. It is great to see the commitment from our athletes and coaches. Thanks to our teachers and volunteer coaches who are offering their time and expertise to make these events possible. Last week, I promised to give you the result of the basketball game between out senior girls and teachers. It was a close game but the teachers managed to pull off the victory. I hear rumours that the senior boys team want a shot at our team of teachers. We will have to arrange something in January or February if the teachers are brave

enough to accept the challenge. The SCC is considering trying to do a bulk school supply order. What this would mean is that teachers would submit their student supply orders to the office and the SCC would do a bulk order for these supplies. Parents would then pay the school

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for the supplies that were required for their child instead of having to go pick them up individually. Please watch for a survey to be sent out to you via email in the new year in regards to your opinion and/or support for this idea. Have a great holiday!

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Credit Union donates to Biggar ambulance service . . . Biggar Credit Union’s Diane Larouche-Ellard hands a $2,500 cheque to Biggar ambulance’s Doug Beeson. The substantial donation will go to the cardiac monitors and a CPR machine for the top-notch crew that keeps us safe and sound. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Diamond Lodge News by Karen Kammer Less than a week till Christmas! All the residents and the staff are getting into the holiday spirit and talking about the holidays. Now let me talk to you about some of the many things we did this week. Monday was Exercises and in the afternoon was Scatergories. This game I had the residents think of words related to Christmas. Tuesday we were very

lucky to have the Grade 1-6 classes from BCS come over. There was about 100 students there singing some old and new songs. Later that day the residents gathered in the Activity Room and had a craft. We took old jars and glued tissue paper on it. When it was dry we added tea lights in them to brighten them up. Wednesday was curling. Last time team blue won so it was red’s turn to beat them. They did indeed 15-4! At 2:30 we

had ice cream cart. Thursday was exercises and bingo. Friday was Breakfast club and set up for our family Christmas Dinner. Saturday and Sunday at 12:00 families gathered and had a turkey dinner. Entertainment was provided on both days. After lunch Sunday St. Gab’s Catholic Church did church and had sang Christmas Carols. That is all from us today. Have a good day!



New gov’t bill will change the face of farming

by Calvin Daniels

An omnibus Bill is moving through Parliament right now dealing with agriculture. The Agricultural Growth Act, when passed, which is all but inevitable in a majority government situation, is going to change things for Canadian farmers. Just how much, and whether those changes will be good, or bad for farmers is a matter of much conjecture. The AGA is being called an omnibus bill for agriculture because it proposes amendments to a number of acts dealing with plant breeders’ rights, feed, seed, fertilizer, animal health, plant protection, monetary penalties, ag marketing programs and

farm debt mediation. Regular readers will know of course that I am generally leery of things undertaken by Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. From the first step into Parliament by Ritz and Prime Minister Stephen Harper the government has had a political agenda around agriculture, and have forged ahead often with question tactics being employed. It is difficult not to applaud the determination of Ritz and company in the sense they have a vision, and are dedicated to implementing that vision for farming by any means possible. But having a vision does

not ensure the vision is a good one. And you should at least be willing to give people a look at exactly what changes you want to make so some analysis of the impact of those changes can be undertaken. One of the problems of so-called omnibus legislation is the sheer scope of what is being dealt with in the Act. The more broadly based proposed changes are, and in this case they cross through a number of areas dealing with regulatory issues and industry standards, the more difficult even basic understanding is. It is difficult to offer constructive criticism, or even reasonable support when there are so many possible outcomes associated with such a broad stroke piece of legislation.

Couple that with the tendency of this government to push through legislation limiting debate in the process, and farmers are likely to face dramatic changes they were not even fully aware were in the Act. “This legislation will fundamentally restructure agriculture in ways that will profoundly affect farmers, their rural communities and the food system they supply. Its effects will reach far beyond agriculture,” stated Jan Slomp, NFU National President in a release. “Amending the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act to align with the requirements of UPOV ‘91 (the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) instead of UPOV ’78 will devastate farmers’ ability to save,

sell and reuse seed. At the same time, greater corporate control over every aspect related to seed will mean farmers pay much higher seed prices.” Now I appreciate the NFU is about as politically opposite the Conservatives as you can get, and that as an organization it too has an agenda it is unwavering from, so their position must be taken with grain of salt. But their question is one which should at least be acknowledged, and answered as the Act progresses. And there are no doubt a long list of other concerns from farmers, many not tied to an agenda quite as much as the NFU. For such an important Act as this one is, Ritz and company should be eager for feedback,

since farmers often understand what is reasonable for them far better than politicians and their Ottawa-bound staff. To not have a long, public debate about this Act has to leave the question what the government does not want to eye of public review to see. That may only be a perception of the situation, but perception often ends up being reality, and we should expect better of government. If the changes have the merit Ritz believes, let him tell the details, answer concerns, and move forward with legislation made better by the effort of open dialogue with those about to be affected by the changes.

Industry groups form corporation to oversee livestock brand inspection December 11, Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart announced that livestock industry organizations have formed a new corporation to deliver livestock brand inspection services in Saskatchewan. Livestock Services of Saskatchewan (LSS) Corp. is the new non-profit corporation owned and operated by the five main livestock producer groups requiring inspection services. The groups governing LSS Corp. are the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association, Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association, Saskatchewan Cattle Feeders Association, Saskatchewan Horse

Federation and Livestock Marketers of Saskatchewan. The new LSS Corp. will work to provide more efficient brand inspection in the province. “The advisory committee we appointed to examine industry-led delivery options for brand inspection has recommended this approach following thorough analysis and consultation,” Stewart said. “This is an important service and, as producers and industry are the primary users of brand inspection, it makes sense to transfer it to livestock organizations.” Livestock brand inspection services, which en-

sure animals offered for sale are rightfully owned and verified through a brand registry, have traditionally been provided in Saskatchewan through Ministry of Agriculture livestock inspectors. This government role was unique; no other agricultural commodity purchased or sold in Saskatchewan has a government service verifying ownership. Both Alberta and British Columbia have industry delivered livestock brand inspection. Manitoba has no brand inspection. “The livestock industry in Saskatchewan is a vital contributor to the econo-

my and brand inspection is an important safeguard to all producers,” Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Chair Mark Elford said. “Livestock Services of Saskatchewan Corp. will be carrying on this important function on a go-forward basis and our members are fully supportive of the new venture.” The Provincial Government will continue to be responsible for legislation governing livestock inspection. The authority to carry out the duties of the legislation will be transferred to LSS Corp. on January 1, 2014. Ministry staff responsible for livestock inspection services will also move to the new organization. The Provincial Government will continue working with LSS Corp. to ensure a smooth transition. “I would like to thank livestock industry representatives for their hard work on the advisory committee,” Stewart said. “We are committed to working with LSS Corp. on this transfer and I am confident they will deliver effective, efficient brand inspection in Saskatchewan.”



Credit Union announces Share the Warmth winners

Biggar Credit Union’s Diane Larouche-Ellard, left, congratulates Jan Phillips on her $75 gift certificate win - all part of the Share the Warmth program. The gift certificates can be used at a grocery store of their choice.

Perdue Credit Union’s Shelly Eaton, left, with draw winner, Bev Lemon.

For Health’s Sake! by Carmen McGregor, B.S.P., Biggar Pharmasave Treating Head Lice

What are head lice? Head lice are tiny bugs the size of a sesame seed. Young lice, or nymphs, are clear, but as they feed on blood they become a reddish-brown to black colour. Usually head lice do not cause health problems, but they can be annoying. Getting head lice does not mean a person is dirty, but rather that they have been near someone with head lice. How do you get head lice? While head lice do not fly or jump, they can move quickly. Head lice travel from person to person after close contact. Sharing of hats, brushes, combs, or pillows can easily spread head lice from one person to the next. Close headto-head contact, such as when children are playing together, can also spread head lice. How do I know if my child has head lice? Children with head lice

may complain of their head itching. Some children may also have red bumps on their scalp. If you look closely you may see the live lice, but not always. Seeing nits, or lice eggs, is often the only way to tell your child has lice. The tiny yellowishwhite oval nits are attached to the hair shaft and may be confused with dandruff. Unlike dandruff, nits are not flaky or easily removed from the hair. Nits may be found throughout the hair, but are most often seen at the back of the head, just above the neck, or behind the ears. How do you treat head lice? Once you know your child has head lice, you should begin treatment. Use of over-the-counter (OTC) lice products is the first step. Experts recommend products containing permethrin one per cent (Nix, Kwellada-P) or pyrethrins (R&C, others). These have a long track record of safety and efficacy. Lindane (Hexit, others) should not be used in children less than 2 years old. Do not use it

in anyone with a history of seizures. Other options are the non-insecticides Nyda, Resultz, and Zap. When using any lice product, the directions should be carefully followed. To reduce body exposure to lice products, the child should not sit in the bath water while the hair is being rinsed. In addition to use of these lice products, you may also want to remove the nits using a fine-tooth nit comb. Proper nit removal may help the products work better. Experts also recommend a second treatment with lice products seven to 10 days after the first treatment, to kill remaining lice or lice that have just hatched. Keep in mind itching can occur after treatment. This does not mean your child still has head lice. But if after two treatments you still see live lice, you should call your child’s prescriber. Don’t use unproven remedies like mayonnaise, petrolatum jelly (Vaseline), olive oil, butter, Cetaphil, or tea tree oil. Also, don’t use dangerous chemicals such

as rubbing alcohol, kerosene, gasoline, or paint thinners. Once I’ve treated my child, how do I keep them lice free? Going overboard with house cleaning is not necessary. Wash things that have been in close contact with your child’s head (e.g., hats, pillowcases, brushes). Also wash clothes, bedding, and towels used by your child within the previous two days. Use hot water (66 degrees C) and/or dry them in a hot dryer for 15 minutes. Items that can’t be washed or placed in the dryer can be vacuumed or stored in a sealed plastic bag for two weeks. The use of lice sprays on furniture is not recommended. Carefully check your child’s hair (and their brothers’ and sisters’ hair too!) for several weeks after treatment. Then continue to check their hair every now and again. The sooner you know your child has lice, the easier it is to treat it and keep it from spreading.

Diane Larouche-Ellard with draw winner, Toni Aabue. (Submitted Photos)

Another Travel Voucher winner . . . Janet Hanson, left, is congratulated by Town of Biggar Recreation Director Amanda Carruthers as being the December Travel Voucher’s $2,000 winner. Brian Watson was the lucky $100 winner. (Photo for The Independent by Kathy Sarvas)

Building permits set record in October October was a very busy month for construction companies in the province as building permits totalled a record $370.6 million. M o n t h - o v e r- m o n t h , building permits were up by 26.2 per cent between September 2013 and October 2013, the highest percentage increase among the provinces and well ahead of the 7.4 per cent posted nationally. According to the Sta-

tistics Canada report released December 5, building permits were up by 14.0 per cent when compared with October 2012, second best in Canada and better than the 6.2 per cent decline recorded nationally. “The Saskatchewan economy is in very good shape,” Economy Minister Bill Boyd said. “Building permits released today support the overall growth and more im-

portantly, reminds us to be optimistic about the versatility and strength of our economy.” Residential building permits were $172.5 million in October 2013, up 7.0 per cent over last year. Non-residential permits came in at $198.2 million, a 20.9 per cent rise over last October. “As we move into the latter months of 2013 with record building permit figures, it is very clear we

are among the top economies in Canada,” Boyd said. “The stellar performance this year suggests 2014 will be another good year filled with optimism and prosperity.”

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May we all have a happy Christmas and an exciting and productive new year. A special thank you for your Ànancial support in 2013. Biggar and District Community Foundation P. O. Box 489 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0



The Sky This Month - December 2013 by Gary Boyle, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Comet ISON’S last gasp (Part 2)

Moving two and a half degrees to the northeast of NGC 210 we come across a grand planetary nebula NGC 246. Aka the Skull Nebula, this planetary has a three light year radius containing a 12th magnitude central star and measures about four arc minutes in diameter. The Skull Nebula is an estimated 1,600 light years from us. We next look at NGC 145 located to the upper right section of the constellation. This compact spiral galaxy is listed at magnitude

12.7 but only measure 1.8 by 1,5 arc minutes. It does however appear to posses a odd set of spiral arms. NGC 145 lays 44 million light years distant. And before we leave this area, take a look at the planet Uranus just over the border in Pisces. Two of the brightest beacons of the solar system show themselves throughout the night. First we have Venus in the west seen minutes after sunset. In fact Venus will be at its brightest on December 6 at magnitude minus 4.9. the is the sweet time to view Venus in a telescope as it is now moving between the Sun and us, thus taking on a phase structure much like the Moon. In fact on

the 6th it will be 26 per cent sunlit. It does sink below the horizon about 7:30 local time. Then to the east we have mighty Jupiter when rises about a half an hour after Venus sets. It still holds a good altitude on the ecliptic so these cold winter nights should still be ideal for imaging. As usual consult page 236 of the 2013 Observers Handbook for a complete list of Jovian events from eclipses to transits of satellites and shadows. These are a couple of meteor showers on tap for this month. First we have the Geminids slated for the night of the 13/14. This shower is expected to produce some 120 meteor her hour. Burning

up at a slow 35 km/sec, the Geminids are the most graceful of all the showers. The only problem is the full Cold Long Night Moon occurs on the 17th. On the night of the shower, the waxing gibbous moon will be 95 per cent lit and will definitely reduce numbers. But still, bundle up and head out for at least an hour to experience the Geminids. The shower begins after sunset. We also have the Ursids peaking on the 21/22 with only about 10 meteors seen per hour which occasionally soar to 50. Their

store telescopes. The prices might seem attractive but these gifts might not perform as advertised. Stay away from flashy packaging promising Hubble style colour images. To get the most of you purchasing dollar and to enjoy your scope, look up a local telescope dealer. They are in the business of astronomy are are extremely helpful. May you all have a save and happy holiday season. Until next month, clear skies everyone.

New record for electricity use signals strong growth With temperatures dipping, Saskatchewan set a new record for electricity use on Friday, December 6. A total of 3,543 megawatts (MW) were used at 5:42 p.m. “This record high demand for power reinforces just how important it is for SaskPower to invest in the province’s electricity system,” said SaskPower President Robert Watson. “We need to make sure we have enough power while also ensuring the stations and lines that carry the power are built and upgraded.” According to Watson, the company expects to break this record again in the coming cold winter months, given the growth taking place in the province. In 2013 alone, demand for electricity is forecasted to increase by six per cent, compared to the annual average of 1.4 per cent from 2000 to

Skull Nebula. (Submitted Photo)

speed of 33 km/sec should still make a find show – if you wait long enough. At least the Moon will be a bay. Lunation 1125 new moon is Dec. 3. And the dreaded season of winter in the Northern Hemisphere officially rings in on the 21st at 17:11 UT. After this the days will appear to be getting longer. And finally with Christmas just around the corner if you plan to purchase you first scope or buying one for a family member or friend, please stay away from the department and camera

2010. “Our long-term plan calls for investments of $1 billion per year to renew and replace the power grid so we can support the province’s economic momentum,” said Watson. “A good portion of our generation facilities, power lines and poles are 30 to 50 years old and need attention.” While power use increases, SaskPower reminds customers of some simple ways to conserve electricity: • Use a programmable thermostat: Changing the temperature of your home by even a few degrees can make a big difference. For every degree (Celsius) you lower your thermostat overnight for an eight-hour period, you can save up to two per cent on your heating costs.

• Decorate with efficient lighting: Seasonal LED lights use up to 90 per cent less power than comparable incandescent strings. The amount of electricity consumed by just one 7W incandescent bulb could power 140 LEDS – enough to light two 7.3 metre (24 foot) strings of LEDs. • Plug in for four hours: Your vehicle only needs to be plugged in for four hours. Use a timer on your vehicle’s block heater – set it to begin four hours before you plan to use your vehicle – to save about $25 a year. • Plug into a power bar: Use a power bar to manage your entertainment, computer and gaming power use. Hit the off switch on your power bar to stop your devices from drawing power while you’re not using them.

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St. Gabriel School, “Outta My Mind” by Rick Garchinski This entry has been weeks in the making. It was quite evident in mid-November what I would like to reflect on, but I needed to be certain that my right-brained thoughts could be articulated in a way that the message would not be lost in its delivery. Remembrance Day 2013 is now just a recent memory and despite all

our efforts to keep the message in our consciousness it can be difficult. At St. Gabriel School we take great pride in providing out students with a meaningful school Remembrance Day program. It is with much thanks to the support of the Biggar Legion, and within our school. This year the Legion invited Sgt. Swarenko, from the Biggar detachment of

the RCMP to speak about peacekeeping within our own borders. “Don’t you have anything better to do?” was the ironic, yet profound theme for his talk. Most of us, if not all of us, may not think about how our local peacekeepers are very much like those that our country has sent, and continues to send around the world to aid in conflict. Sargent Saw-

renko shared with us the daily experiences that the members of the RCMP face, even within our community, that will put them in harm’s way. It is difficult for us to comprehend some of the happening in our own community. My parents instilled in me at an early age respect for members of the RCMP. Perhaps because of this I have had

An’ a one, an’ a two . . . St. Gabriel School students practice their dance moves in preparation of the annual Christmas concert, coming this Thursday. The sounds of Christmas are at their best when they come from the mouths of the young. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

no negative experiences with officers of the law . . . despite the odd ticket (which of course was my own doing). Sargent Sawrenko made reference to how many in the public actually believe in the old stereotype of police officers spend most of their time in donut/ coffee shops. He referred to the comment, “Don’t you have anything better to do?” This question appears to be too frequently directed at him and other peace officers. I would suggest that if one was to sit down with any member of any police force – who, if they could, candidly share with us the details of what the experience on a daily basis, all of us would be not only welcoming them into the coffee shop, but flipping the bill for their coffee and donuts. Now my right brain is making a connection, which I hope, does not diminish my first reference to the RCMP. “Don’t you have anything better to do?” This is a phrase that I could easily ask those individuals that I have contact with not only within St. Gabriel School, but also in every school. Our community has been blessed with committed school staffs – teachers and support staff that could easily be

“doing something better” with their time, but instead they spend extra time before school, during breaks and lunch, after school and evenings providing extra support for many students and families with their school work, clubs, and extracurricular sports. Need some concrete evidence? Previous examples may not convince you? Then come visit us on December 19 – the day of our annual Christmas Concert. Observing our concert will send you home with a wonderful feeling – a good start to the Christmas break. You might ask staff if they had “nothing better to do” - but I’m confident you would be grateful for the time and effort they have put in to their continued teaching curriculum, but also how they extended curriculum so our students experience “community” and “celebration” in St. Gabriel fashion. So I am extremely grateful to those many people within our community – RCMP, educators, health care, business, recreation, families, et cetera, who “have nothing better to do” and enhance life for the rest of us! I too will continue to “do nothing better”.

Two Maidstone men fined for using aircraft to hunt wildlife Two men from Maidstone were fined a total of $21,000 in Lloydminster provincial court on December 11 for using an aircraft to hunt wildlife. Erick and Jan Alsager were each convicted under The Saskatchewan Wildlife Regulations. Erick Alsager was also found guilty of wilfully obstructing a peace officer in the execution of his duties contrary to the Criminal Code. In addition to the fines, Jan Alsager received a

two-year hunting suspension and Erick received a one-year hunting suspension. All seized items were ordered forfeited to the Crown. The charges were laid as the result of an investigation by the Ministry of Environment in January of 2012. A caller to the Turn In Poachers line reported shots being fired from a helicopter flying southeast of Maidstone. Conservation officers from Lloydminster investigated and determined

that Erick and Jan Alsager had been flying in the helicopter and shooting at coyotes on the ground. They were subsequently charged. “Most hunters in Saskatchewan respect hunting laws, which are intended to protect and preserve our natural resources,” Ministry of Environment Compliance and Field Services Executive Director Kevin Callele said. “Unfortunately, there are some who try to get around the

system. This issue not only concerns Saskatchewan’s valuable fish and wildlife resource, but it also concerns public safety. Shooting from a helicopter is illegal from a wildlife perspective and incredibly dangerous to other humans on the ground.” Anyone who suspects wildlife, fisheries or environmental violations is encouraged to report them to the nearest Ministry of Environment office or to call the prov-

With strong employment growth predicted to continue in Saskatchewan, SaskJobs.ca continues to be the go-to Web site for employers and job seekers. In November 2013 alone, employers listed 13,784 job postings in 272 communities across the province. Employers are looking to hire people with various skills and experiences. Among the vacancies in November, 41 per cent were oriented toward higher skills, requiring at least

some post-secondary education or management experience. Demand is particularly strong for occupations that require a post-secondary certificate/diploma or apprenticeship training. The importance of SaskJobs.ca as an enabler for employment becomes more evident when the province’s labour market forecasts are considered. In the five-year period from 2013–2017, an estimated 94,500 new positions will be created in Saskatchewan accord-

ing to a Ministry of the Economy report. “Saskatchewan’s continued economic growth has created strong demand for employees, and while SaskJobs.ca helps address this challenge, we are responding in other ways to these labour market pressures,” Economy Minister Bill Boyd said. “We are focused on three key approaches - creating more opportunities for underemployed groups in the province, supporting the retention of our working-

age population, and attracting skilled workers from outside the province to meet urgent skill needs.” More and more people are coming to SaskJobs. ca, with visits to the site up 11.5 per cent in November, or 108,856 visits year-over-year, to reach a total of 1,056,477 visits. In terms of overall volume, Alberta is the top source of visitors to SaskJobs.ca from inside Canada, while most international traffic comes from the Philippines.

Nearly 14,000 jobs listed on SaskJobs.ca

ince’s toll-free Turn In Poachers (TIP) line at 1-800-667-7561 or #5555 for SaskTel cell phone subscribers. Suspected violations can also be reported online at env i r o n m e n t . g o v. s k . c a / compliance-enforcement. Callers may be eligible for cash rewards of up to $2,000 from the SaskTip Reward Program.


Through its 44 offices across the province, the Ministry of Environment provides science-based solutions, compliance and mitigation measures aimed at protecting the environment, safeguarding communities and helping to meet the challenges of economic growth.




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NDP opposes closure of Pasqua pediatrics The NDP wants the government to change course and stop the closure of children’s treatment units at Regina’s Pasqua Hospital. Following a decision from the health region, pediatric care in Regina would be delivered only at the Regina General Hospital. Children battling cancer being treated at the Pasqua’s Allan Blair Cancer Centre would be moved to the General Hospital, away from the cancer treatment centre. And, pediatric intensive care would be closed entirely, leaving care for the sickest children only available in Saskatoon. “This government is dismissing the needs of patients and the pressures of growth while it continues its cuts to health care,” said Danielle

Chartier, NDP health critic, December 12. “Cutting hospital capacity in a growing province makes no sense. Failing to put the right resources in place, like properly trained health care specialists, is short-sighted. And, cutting back to one children’s unit and no intensive care available in the south part of the province for the sickest little ones is just unacceptable.” Chartier said the NDP is concerned with the plan to transfer all young intensive care patients to Saskatoon, increasing risk and taking children and families further from their home and support community. She also said the plan to transfer children battling cancer into the general pe-

diatrics unit at the Regina General Hospital continues to be a very serious concern, which the NDP first raised in the spring. In April, she added, parents spoke out against that possibility, expressing their belief that the separate children’s cancer unit they have at the Pasqua now keeps their kids safer from infection in a space that works for kids and families, just an elevator-ride away from the region’s only cancer treatment centre. Chartier said that capacity issues at the already overcrowded and understaffed Regina General Hospital could be exacerbated by the move. “The solution for this government’s growing sustainability problems in children’s care at the

Government invites Canadians to “Have Your Say” on Canada’s 150th celebrations The Honourable Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, December 11 launched pan-Canadian consultations to seek Canadians’ views on how they would like to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation. “Canada’s 150th celebrations will give us the opportunity to reflect on all the things that make Canada the united, prosperous and free country it is today,” said Glover. “I invite all Canadians across our great country to tell us how they would like to celebrate in 2017.” The Government of Canada will undertake exten-

sive consultations, with meetings being planned throughout Canada. The consultations kicked off December 11 with a roundtable in Toronto, where Minister Glover met with community leaders to discuss their perspective on Canada’s approaching milestone anniversary. Additional roundtables in other communities will be announced at a later date. At the same time, Canadians are invited to participate in the consultations through an online questionnaire at Canada. ca/150 or Canada150. gc.ca. Over the next four years,

on the Road to 2017, celebrations will mark key historic milestones that have defined our country. In 2014, commemorations will include the centennial of the start of the First World War, the 75th anniversary of the start of the Second World War, the bicentennial of Sir GeorgeÉtienne Cartier’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the Charlottetown and Québec Conferences.

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2014 core of officers installed December 17… front row, Vera McNeil, Gordon Mair; second row, Donna Sweet, Sylvia Thomson, Cheryl Rann, Linda White, Nancy Pike, Janet Mair, Don Tokaryk; back row, Jim Reid, Ron Robinson, Elizabeth McMahon, John Welykochy, Urla Tyler, and Rick Rann; missing, Myrtle Robinson, Debbie Robinson and Joanne Lobdell. (Submitted photo) Pasqua shouldn’t be to ment from this govern- a better situation for sick shut it down,” said Chart- ment back in April to kids. Now we’re saying ier. “In fact, we thought maintain those care ser- to the government: keep families had a commit- vices for nothing less than that promise.”

MERRY CHRISTMAS! 2004 Jeep Cherakee Laredo, black, 157,453km, StkR4922A ...........................................................................$12,900 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT, black, 118,000km, StkT13579C ........................................................$14,900 2005 Chev Silverado ¾ crew, silver, 108,000km, StkR5032A ..........................................................$19,900 2006 GMC Crew ¾ SLE, one-ton, white, 174,799, StkR5026A...........................................................$25,900 2007 Chev Silverado ½ crew LTZ, brown, 151,456km, StkT14231A .............................$19,900 2007 GMC Acadia FWD, brown, 88,425km, StkC1412B ................................................$13,900 2007 Chev Tahoe LT 4x4, gold, 180,000km, T14156A ...................................................$15,900 2007 GMC Yukon XL Denali, black, 154,809km, StkT13578A ......................................$24,900 2008 Ford F-350 Supercrew Lariat, white, 104,990km, Stk T14126A ............................$31,900 2008 Ford Supercrew Lariat 4x4, white, 131,699km, StkT14123A ................................$20,900 2008 Chev Silverado ½ crew 2WD, silver, 103,081km, Stk T13104B .............................$17,900 2008 GMC Acadia SLE AWD, white, 106,395km StkR4999A ........................................$19,900 2008 Chev Avalanche LTZ, gold, 142,000 km, StkR5003A..........................................$23,900 2009 Chev Cobalt LT Coupe, yellow, 82,384km, StkT14356A ........................................$10,900 2009 GMC ½ crew SLT 4x4, 62,284km, StkT14284A ............................................. $23,900 2010 GMC ½ ext 4x4 SLE, blue, 97,000km, StkT1420A ................................................$19,900 2010 Chev Malibu LT, white, 97,757km, StkT13456B ...................................................$16,900 2010 GMC Terrain SLE AWD, blue, 86,000km, StkT13484A.........................................$21,900 2010 GMC ½ crew SLT, 4x4, white, 102,608km, StkT14278A .......................................$27,900 2010 GMC ¾ Crew SLT 4x4, silver, 120,426km, T14291A ........................................ $41,900 2011 GMC ½ crew SLE 4x4, white, 56,322km, StkT1479A ....................................... $28,500 2011 GMC Denali ½ crew, diamond white, 118,319km, Stk 14288A ........................ $31,900 2011 Chev Silverado ½ crew LT, 4x4, white diamond, 93,226km, StkT14210B ......... $26,900 2011 Buick Enclave CXL FWD, cocoa, 22,251km, StkT14256A................................. $33,900 2011 GMC Savanna, 12 pass van, white, 46,300km, Stk R5029..................................$29,900 2012 Ford Supercab F-150, Fx4, white, 96,363km, Stk T14283A...................................................$38,900 2012 GMC Sierra SLE, 2 wheel, white, 106,599km, Stk T13473A...................................................$16,900 2012 GMC Y2 Reg Cab SLE 4x4, mocca, 19,433km, StkT13327A.................................................$25,900

$1000.00 Fuel Card till December 31, 2013 on all USED vehicle purchases.

If we don’t have the vehicle you want, we will FIND one for YOU!

Rosetown Mainline Motor Products AGI comes up big for Secret Santa . . . Biggar business, AGI Enviro Tank’s Brittney Orban, centre, with Biggar Kayette’s Donna Fines, left, and Mary McGown, are surrounded by the efforts of AGI employees. The good folks at AGI donated toys as part of their annual Christmas party, a true gift of the season, and one that fits with the Kayette’s Secret Santa picture. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Hwy #7 West, Rosetown, Sask. Toll free:1-877-979-7999 or 306-882-2691 Dealer License #311284



The Biggar

INDEPENDENT will be CLOSED from December 23 nd until January 2

We will be OPENING at our NEW location nd

Thursday, January 2

122 Main St., Biggar next to Post OfÔce



With each purchase at THESE participating merchants,


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Here is a g reat gift idea fo r Christmas !

Rothschild Farms

gift sets, starting $5.50 Come see all of our specialty food products.

Wishing you lots of beautiful and treasured moments during this holiday season of happiness and joy. We truly value the precious gift of your friendship and thank you for your continued business. See you again in the new year!

Denise, Ross, Donna Jean, Elisabeth and Cathy

OPEN: Thurs., Dec. 19, Fri., Dec 20, Mon., Dec. 23… 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 24… 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CLOSED… CLOSED … Dec. 25, and 26 Open regular hours Dec. 27… 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Santa·s List… • APPLE iPads/iPods/iMacs • ‘Keurig· K-cup coffee machines • Smart TVs & Not So Smart TVs • iPhones, LG Phones, Samsung Phones & More • Samsung Tablets, 7”, 8” & 10” • Blenders, Juicers, Steamers, Slow Cookers… • RC Helicopters and Cars • Skull Candy earbuds & earphones • Portable Wireless Speakers • Laptops/Tablets/Desktops • Shaw Direct Satellite TV • Sound Bars, Home Theatre Surround Sound • Ranges, Dishwashers, Fridges, Laundry Pairs

BIGGAR LEISURE (AVU) 217 Main St., Biggar • 306-948-2452 Reg. Hours Open: Monday - Saturday… 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

216 Main Street • Biggar • 948-2266 Store Hours… Tuesday - Saturday… 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


Your Community Grocer! Main Street, Biggar • 306-948-3337

*Check out our weekly Áyer for more great specials!!! ‘Country Morning’ ‘Mitchell’ Counry Skinless Classic Ham, Shankless 1.7kg… Ham, bone in



$2. /lb.


Stock Up for Holidays! Coca-Cola or Pepsi Products 12x355ml… 3

for $9.99

Kraft Stove Top StufÀng,

120g… 97¢ Mandarin Oranges, seedless, easy to peel, imported

99¢/lb ENTER TO WIN The 12 Draws of Christmas! See in-store for details!

• ‘Roughrider’

2013 Championship GEAR has arrived… hats, lights, T-shirts, ice bucket, mugs, etc.

Gift Wrap, ½ price ȼ ‘Duck Dynasty’, Biggar hats/caps in stock

ȼ Folgers Coffee… $7.99 • Lottery Terminal • FREE Home Delivery • Test your Blood Pressure FREE • Customized Gift Baskets year round

(some exceptions apply)

Leslie’s Drugstore 205 Main St., Biggar 306-948-3397


Give the Gift of Health, Wellness & Fitness on these terriÀc great ideas at… 114 - 2nd Ave. W., Biggar Gift ideas such as…

• Gym Membership • Hydro-jet bed packages • Massage Gift CertiÀcate • Personal Training Programs • Newly featured health product uct from #1 natural nutrition company in North America --


Westwinds Motor Hotel “Experience the Difference”

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New Year’s Eve

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 Live Entertainment…

“Passage” • Midnight Champagne


• Party Favours • Lunch



306-948-3301 Needing a night out but don’t want to drive… leave that to us!

FREE Shuttle Service, call 306-948-3301

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO OUR MEMBERS The Board of Directors of Duperow Co-op is pleased to announce an equity repayment to all eligible members, including seniors and the general membership. The payment is based on 2012 purchases as stated on your February 2, 2013 equity statement. The cheques (494) range in size from the minimum $10 to $16,513, for a total of $400,380. Following is a summary of payments during the year with comparison to previous years:

General payment Seniors, estates Withholding tax





166,394 98,039 46,160 310,593

197,681 94,905 50,062 342,648

245,745 98,316 61,867 405,928

278,795 121,585 72,438 472,818



This is a record payment and a beneÀt of co-operative ownership of Duperow Co-op, Federated Co-operatives Limited, The Regina Co-op Upgrader/ReÀnery, and the Co-op Retailing System. Thank you for your support and we wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. Ted Craig, Manager Robert Hammond, President Dwayne Zagoruy, Secretary Colin Gabriel, Vice-President Allen Barber, Director Don Morton, Director Wes Goring, Director



Countdown to Christmas continues…


Thurs., Dec. 19 Buy one box of CHOCOLATES, get another for

50% off

Fri., Dec. 20

40% off Christmas Merchandise/ confection

Committed to the Community • Greg Pidwerbesky and Naomi Van Berkom NEW HOLIDAY HOURS… Thurs., Fri., Mon. ‘till 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 22, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 24 (Christmas Eve) ‘till 5 p.m.

** some exclusions apply

…Fireworks FRESH PRODUCE before Christmas, Monday, December 23… Cranberries, product of USA or Canada, 340g… 2/$4


Sweet Potatoes,

starts Friday, Dec. 20…

product of USA, no. 1 grade…


Brussels Sprouts,

Coca-Cola/Pepsi products,

product of USA or Mexico… $1.99/lb. Pineapple, product of Costa Rica… $1.99

4/$5 99 Pringles chips… chips… $1. Old Dutch chips… chips… 2/$5 2 L…


Romaine hearts, product of USA,

pkg of 3….......... $2.49 Coca-Cola or Pepsi soft drinks, 2L, selected varieties… ....................................3/$5

Mott’s Clamato juice, selected varieties, 1.89L… $2.99


Biggar in-store gift certiÀcates, Redeem Your any denomination, available! Turkey Vouchers 215 Main Street, Biggar • 948-3315 Hours… Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. FREE delivery Check us out on facebook: www.facebook.com/biggarpharmasave

Let US help YOU with Your Shopping List!!! …from Comfy & Cozy to Glitzy & Glamorous Choose from BRAND NAMES like… • Silver Jeans • Scarves • Jackets • Jeans • Tribal • Purses • Boots • Jewellery • French Dressing • Mittens • TanJay/Alia • Artex Bring in a Non-perishable • Jag Jeans item for the Food Bank and • Soya Concept • Press • Libra • Picadilly • Point Zero on most items • Powder Room (even sale items!!!) • Nicole Benisti … and more!!!

SAVE 20%

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Our gift certiÀcates Àt everyone!!!


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216 Main Street • Biggar • 948-4855 Store Hours… Tuesday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


NOW! Start Redeeming Dec. 13 to Dec. 31



Winterize your vehicle…

FREE checkup of tire pressure, Áuids, and block heater.

Winter Snow Tires…

Call 306-948-3376 for appointments pp at at… t…

Corner of First Avenue aan and Main Street, Biggar

All subscriptions expire December 31, 2013 Pickup -- $30.45 • 40 Mile/Online -- $35.70 • Outside 40 Mile -- $40.95

Renew Now By phone • 306-948-3344 Email • tip@sasktel.net Online • biggarindependent.ca Mail • Biggar Independent, Box 40, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 In Person • 102 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, SK





the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #63, 606 Spadina Crescent, Saskatoon. In lieu of Àowers, donations on behalf of Mom can be made to the Community Clinic, the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, the MS Society or a charity of the donor’s choice. Arrangements are entrusted to Saskatoon Funeral Home, 306-244-5577. 51c1

call: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 email: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0


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PLEASE READ YOUR AD -- Advertisers should read their advertisement THE FIRST ISSUE IT APPEARS and report any errors in time for the next insertion. The Independent is responsible subject to the conditions noted above, for ONLY the Årst incorrect insertion. NO REFUND on classiÅeds. Times to run must be stated at First Insertion. Enclose cheque, money order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express for your classiÅed. Other Advertising Rates Available upon Request. The BIGGAR INDEPENDENT accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publication by this newspaper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES… Pick up… $29.00 + $1.45 gst = $30.45 Inside 40-mile radius/ONLINE $34.00 + $1.70 gst = $35.70 Outside 40-mile radius… $39.00 + $1.95 gst = $40.95

OBITUARIES Wilfred Pashovitz June 7, 1937 December 11, 2013 Wilfred passed away December 11, 2013 in Asquith, Sask. at the age of 76. Wilfred is predeceased by his parents, Anthony and Octavia; and brother, Raymond. He is survived by children, Valerie (Brett) Rupert, Daryl (Iryna), Carmen (Michael) Aumond, and Elden; with grandchildren, Nicholas, Ashton, Seth, Aliya, Ethan and Emerie; sister, Katie Wetcell; brothers, Floyd (Ethel), Ken (Eileen); sister-in-law, Marg; and their families. Wilfred was born in Perdue, Sask. and grew up west of Struan, Sask., later to move with his family to the Arelee area. He attended Balmae School and farmed with his dad and brother, Floyd. Wilfred then bought and started his farm in the Asquith district. There he married Emma Radchenko and raised their four children in the farming lifestyle. Wilfred continued to farm until his passing. Wilfred loved to work in his shop. He was a creative accomplished welder. He never turned away a friend who needed repairs or modi¿cations. Wilfred also enjoyed hunting over the years, taking drives in the country, checking crops and visiting with neighbours. Wilfred loved visiting with his grandkids and teaching them things about the farm. Wilfred will be sadly missed by family and friends. Funeral Services were held Tuesday, December 17, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Asquith Baptist Church followed by lunch. The interment was held at the Arelee Mennonite Cemetery after lunch. Those who wished to pay their respect did so prior to the service. The family wishes to sincerely thank the Asquith First Responders for their attentive care to Wilfred in his time of need. Arrangements entrusted to the Saskatoon Funeral Home, 306-244-5577. 51c1


Doris Eileen Patricia Curths (nee Atkinson) January 30, 1939 December 10, 2013 It is with profound sadness that the daughters of Doris announce her sudden and unexpected passing on December 10, 2013. Doris was born in Biggar, Sask. to Elsie (Elizabeth Jamieson) and Bob (Robert Roy) Atkinson Sr. on January 30, 1939. She was the youngest daughter of 10 children. While growing up on the family farm, she enjoyed her time in the 4-H showing cattle, playing the piano, guitar and accordion (all by ear) and honing her craft skills especially knitting, crochet, and needlework which she did up until her death. She was educated in the Bushville School located north of Springwater, Sask. In her grade 12 year she attended and graduated from high school in Biggar, Sask. Doris went on to teachers college and earned her certi¿cate in 1959, she taught for one year at Wartime, Sask. She met the love of her life, Fred Curths, they were married in 1960 and were blessed with two daughters, Kathy and Vilda Leigh. Doris was active in the school and community associations, Girl Guides, she was elected to the boards of the Saskatoon Community Health Association -- Community Clinic as well as the Saskatoon Co-operative Association Ltd. She was a strong advocate for Medicare in the 1960s to the present. Doris returned to school in the 1980s and received her certi¿cate in Chemical Technology, unable to ¿nd a job in her ¿eld she took a position with the City of Saskatoon working at Harry Bailey and Lathy pools until she retired. As her children grew up Doris and Fred enjoyed travelling to various countries in the Caribbean with their good friends Dennis and Donna. Her last big tip was with her daughters and granddaughter to Ireland. During her travels she would pick up the latest recipe to “try” on her family and friends, she was famous for her stuffed mushrooms and her pineapple soufÀé. Doris struggled with Crohn’s her entire life and learned to cope, thrive and live through her many curve balls but always came out on top, this time was different as she was diagnosed with MS and her struggles continued. Her grandchildren became a beacon in her ever closing world as she started to lose her struggle with MS, and they will truly miss their G-MA. Doris is survived by daughter, Kathy, (Lloyd Litwin), granddaughter Nancy Litwin (special friend Taras Kachkowski), grandson Geoffrey Litwin; daughter, Vilda Leigh, (Allen McCormick), grandsons Christopher and Jordan McCormick; her siblings, Roy Atkinson, Elsie Hill, Roberta Storey, Lavone Stokke, Blair Atkinson (Phil) and Thora Harvey; sister-in-law, Vera; sister-in-law, Muriel (Jack) Kraft; and numerous nieces and nephews. Doris was predeceased by her parents; her husband, Fred Curths (1994); her siblings, Margaret (Frank) Storey, Louise (Neil) Cox, David Atkinson; in-laws, Bette Atkinson, Earl Hill, Earl Storey, Jeff Harvey. A celebration of Mom’s life and death was held on Tuesday, December 17, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at

Thomas Leonard Meszaros May 31, 1951 December 16, 2013 Funeral Service will be held FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 at 2:00 p.m. at the Biggar Associated Gospel Church. Reception at Biggar Community Hall following interment and service. Tom is survived by his wife of 38 years, Karen; children, Chad (Burgandy) Meszaros and children Hyden & Lara; Kim (Tyson) Westgard and children Chayce and Makayla; Jared Meszaros (Tamera Baber); Michelle (Mathew) Danychuk and children, Mya, Myles, Meeka; and Josh Meszaros; mother, Emily Meszaros; brothers and sisters, Larry (Mariellen) Meszaros, Murray (Melanie) Meszaros, Keith (Joanne) Meszaros, Karl Meszaros, Margaret Meszaros, many nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his father, Frank. Meszaros.


Thomas Clayton Muc Nov. 26, 1959 - Dec. 23, 2005


Don Wileman 1947 - 2003

“We never shall forget you, Memories cling round your name, Hearts that in life always loved you Will love you in death just the same.” … Lovingly remembered by your family


“Love is one thing that death cannot take away We miss you and think of you everyday.” … Lovingly remembered by Mom, Clayton, Amy, Brent, Brenda, Jerry and families On December 10 nephew, Arlen Muc, cut his long hair for the third time and donated it to the Cancer Society in memory of Uncle Tom. KALUZY: In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, George, who passed away December 29, 1973. “There is a link death cannot sever Love and remembrance last forever.” Ever remembered, loved and missed by the family 51p1

Lacey Elizabeth Longworth February 12, 1987 December 29, 2010

Harvey Weir

In Our Hearts, Rose de Leon “I will miss you always even in the moments when you are right beside me. Time apart has planted longing inside me and I do not think it is a weed that will ever stop growing. It will always live there but my god, it grows the most spectacular Áowers.” --by Tyler Knott Gregson

…Love you forever, Mom, Dad, Rebecca and Shelby

“We thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday and days before that too. We think of you in silence. We often speak your name. Now all we have is memories, And your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake with which we’ll never part. God has you in His keeping, We have you in our heart.”

Forever loved and missed everyday, #’s 1 thru 6, Mom and Grand Kids

MEMORIALS SMITH, Norman and Florence and LOCKWOOD, Florence: In our hearts and minds at Christmas… Our Dad/Grandpa, March 29, 1925 - December 20, 1995; Our Mom/Nannie, March 27, 1930 - April 23, 1997; Our Mom/Grandma/GreatGrandma, March 23, 1912 June 17, 1995. Missing you and thinking of you everyday… Kelly, Floyd, Amanda (Ryan), Jeffrey and Makenzie 51c1

CARD OF THANKS We would like to say a special thank you to Drs. Lou, Moser, Shaw, Bedi and Crane; all the nurses and staff at RUH and Biggar Hospital for the wonderful care; also to Drs. Abbas, Varachoni and staff at the cancer clinic. A big thank you to anyone else who helped us in anyway over the past year. Have a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years. Reg and Pat Turner 51p1

COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in December: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans (PALS) will be worshipping at Redeemer Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m. except for: Tuesday, Dec. 24: Early service at Redeemer, 7 p.m.; late service at St. Paul’s, 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 25: 10:30 at Redeemer Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome. For more information or pastoral services, please phone Pastor Mark Kleiner @ 306-948-3731 or 306-951-7122 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner of 8th and Quebec Street @ 10:50 a.m.; Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Everyone is welcome to join us. Pastor Wicks can be reached in the of¿ce at 306948-3424, Tuesday through Thursday. 36tfn SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21: SORRY!! Service at 7th Day Adventist Church has been cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience. 51c1 SUNDAY, DEC. 29: Biggar Wildlife is holding their Antler Scoring @ 2:00 p.m. at Milo Hanson Farm, 306-948-2045 or contact Jim Vancha, 306-9484393. For ¿sh entries, contact Larry Tavanetz, 306-948-3864. 51c1




TUESDAY, JANUARY 7: Biggar Youth Travel Club Bottle Drive, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. If you will not be home but would like to donate, bottles maybe left on your front step for pickup or call Tallie Chupik at 306-948-2614 or Raylynn Hooper at 306-2374441 or bottles may be dropped off at BCS parking lot on Tues. Jan. 7. Proceeds to Biggar Youth Travel Club. Thank you for your support. 50c3

NOTICE This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our web site at www.swna. com. tfn

MISCELLANEOUS METAL ROOFING, SIDING, AND TRIMS. 36” Tuff-Rib/ Low-Rib Colored 83¢/sq.ft. Galvalume 72¢/sq.ft. Largest Color Selection. Custom Trims Manufactured In-house 40 Year Warranty. Call MEL-VIEW METAL 1-306-752-4219. P R O V I N C E - W I CLASSIFIEDS. Reach 550,000 readers weekly. this newspaper NOW or 649.1400 for details.


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WANTED Four Bourgault Titan II packer arms, 306-948-3474 40tfn Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 306-658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-948-1773 or 306-948-5393. Pickup available. 32tfn I have retired and am looking for a 1933/34/35/36 FORD ROADSTER or CABRIOLET to restore, any condition will do. Contact hughswan@mymts.net or 204 771 4206

Wanted All Wild fur, old traps & antlers. Phone Bryon (306) 2787756 or Phil (306) 278-2299


Wrecking auto-trucks: Parts to ¿t over 500 trucks. Lots of Dodge, GMC, Ford, imports... We ship anywhere. Lots of Dodge, diesel, 4x4 stuff... Trucks up to 3 tons. North-East Recyclers 780-8750270 (Lloydminster). Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.

RECREATION 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 306-948-7521. tfn 1985 Honda Goldwing, new rubber, shocks redone this spring, new battery, $3500 obo; phone 306-948-3344 tfn WWW.CheapSleds.CA - has affordable snowmobiles - many machines available, Arctic Cat, Skidoo, Polaris and Yamaha. Please visit the website for details! 306-227-9754 Delisle, SK WWW.CheapSleds.CA


Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM

Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @ www.westerncommodities.ca

REAL ESTATE ONLY A FEW UNITS LEFT! 55 PLUS ADULT COMMUNITY Ground Level Ranchers. www. diamondplace.ca 306 241 0123 Warman, SK

LAND for SALE FARMLAND WANTED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 66 1/4’s South Central - 18 1/4’s East Central - 74 1/4’s South - 70 1/4’s South East - 22 1/4’s South West - 58 1/4’s North - 6 1/4’s North West - 12 1/4’s East - 55 1/4’s FARM AND PASTURE LAND AVAILABLE TO RENT


HOUSES for RENT One bedroom house for rent in Biggar. Call 306-222-8216 50c3 Partially furnished 3-bedroom house for rent, 306-948-3676 50p3 3-bedroom house for rent, close to downtown and school, Fridge and stove included. For viewing call 306-948-3674 or 306-9489517. 50tfn

FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins.

Call DOUG 306-955-2266 saskfarms@shaw.ca

For more information call: Karen/Kevin • 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar



LAND FOR CASH RENT: RM of Biggar #347… NW 5-3713-W3rd; NW 21-37-14-W3rd; NE 21-37-14-W3rd; SE 31-3714-W3rd; NE 18-37-14-W3rd; SW 18-37-14-W3rd; NE 13-3715-W3rd; SE 26-37-15-W3rd; NW 36-37-15-W3rd; NW 3037-14-W3rd; SW 31-37-14W3rd: Approximately 1600 acres. All or in parcels. 3 year contract. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Only written tenders accepted until December 31, 2013. Send to Paul Shamon, Box 701, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 49p3

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT For Rent: 980 sq. ft. storefront and 2200 sq ft. heated warehouse, $850 per month. 306-948-7022 41tfn

HOUSES for SALE House for sale in Landis, Sask. Double corner lot, directly across from the school. Three bedrooms, full basement, good size kitchen with lots of cupboards; washer, dryer, fridge, stove, built in dishwasher and microwave included. Large shed with good garden spot; deck on back of house. REDUCED to $45,000.00 obo. Would make a great starter home or retirement home. For more information call (306) 948-7161. 38tfn

Real Estate LANE REALTY CORP. For the most exposure that you deserve in the marketing of your farm or ranch property. Contact your local agent:

MURRAY MURDOCH (306) 858-8000 To view full colour feature sheets for all of our CURRENT LISTINGS, visit our Website at www.lanerealty.com

LANE REALTY CORP. Now representing purchasers from across Canada, and around the World!”


Biggar and District Family Centre is looking for a Coordinator. The position will involve organizing programs and activities out of the Family Centre. Other responsibilities include: Overseeing program staff and volunteers, fundraising, and the general day to day running of the Family Centre. This job has lots of oppportunity to plan ahead but also has last minute things that can come up that need to be addressed right away. The position has Áex hours, which means your hours of work will depend on when the programs are running and other Family Centre needs. If you are well organized, love to plan, and work well with others, this job may be for you. The Coordinator’s job would be great for someone who is retired or a person who is not looking for full time employment. Please contact Georgina Heather for more information at 306-948-5623 or send your resume with three references before Monday, January 13, 2014 to: The Biggar and District Family Centre, P. O. Box 98, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0

If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at

306.948.4141 - Sherry Thompson We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca Biggar & District Arts Council are available for bar tending services at your functions/events. Contact Denise at 306-948-2452. 40tfn

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Help wanted… Depot Assistant Supervisor. Full time person with a desire to work with persons with disabilities. Job requires being able to run cash registers, serve customers and supervise staff. Some lifting is required. Monday to Friday position with competitive wages and a comprehensive bene¿t plan. A minimum Class 5 drivers license is required. Apply with resume to SARCAN Recycling or mail to Box 1431, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0. JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. offers competitive wages, relocation allowance, negotiable depending on experience. Bright, modern shop. Fulltime permanent with bene¿ts. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban centres. More info at: hannachrysler.ca. Fax 403854-2845; Email: chrysler@ telusplanet.net. Want to see the country? Semi Retired? We are looking for 1 ton O/O to transport RVs throughout N. America. 1-800-867-6233; www.roadexservices.com

Saskatchewan’s Farm & Ranch Specialists™

Ph:(306) 569-3380 Email: lanerealtycorp@sasktel.net“


Stop in to… 1st Ave. West, Biggar 948-2700

HUFNAGEL LTD., based out of the Lloydminster area requires

NEW DRIVERS. Oilfield Tickets, Clean Drivers Abstract and 1 Year Fluid Hauling is required. Shift Work (2 weeks on/1 off). $26/hr to Start plus Holiday Pay, Overtime Pay (after 8hrs/day), New Housing Accommodations, Full Benefits & RRSP plan. Scheduled Holidays, Company Vehicle, Night Shift $1/hr Premium as well as a $4000/Yearly Bonus. Extraordinary team where family and safety come first. Serious applicants fax resume w/abstract to 306-825-5344, email hufnagel@me.com or call 780-893-0120.

Werstroh Plumbing & Heating is now booking work for January 1st. We do new construction, heating, service work and heating systems. Call for a free qoute! We are located in Spiritwood but work in the following areas Meota, Edam, Turtleford, Glaslyn, Medstead,Rabbit Lake, Shell Lake, Leoville and Chitek. Please call 306-883-8902 or 306-841-7630.

Please arrange to pick up photos that have been used for publications. …Thanks, The Independent



The Biggar Independent makes a great gift that lasts all year!!! Get all the local news and upcoming events every week!

Pickup: $29.00 + $1.45 GST = $30.45 Within 40 mile radius or Online: $34.00 + $1.70 GST = $35.70 Outside 40 mile radius: $39.00 + $1.95 GST = $40.95

The Indepndent will be CLOSED from December 23 until January 2nd We will be opening at our NEW location Thursday, January 2nd 122 Main St., Biggar next to the Post OfÔce

(306) 948 3344 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar email: biggarindependent.ca



Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for:

Saskatoon - Biggar Office

•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar


948-5052 (office)

403 Main St., Biggar

Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm

Cell 948-9168

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Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation

of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated

FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational

Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night

Cell: 306.843.7898 Bus: 306.446.8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net Web site: www.remaxbattlefords.com

FOR RENT BIGGAR HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income

Call: 306-948-2101

FAX SERVICE at The Independent

Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag., Broker

www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com

Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs

Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Residential

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

948-5052 (office) Cell 948-7995 www.TimHammond.ca http://Cari.TimHammond.ca

Cari McCarty Residential Sales

Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent This space in this directory is available for only

$161.20 plus gst…

Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial rd

113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar

one column x 2 inches for 26-week prepaid commitment


KEVIN KURULAK Mortgage Associate THE BIGGAR Broker License #316322 INDEPENDENT 403 Main St., Biggar direct. 306.948.5200 cell. 306.303.9025 NEWSSTANDS The Mortgage toll free phone. 1.877.734.3216 Group @ toll free fax. 1.877.734.3219 License #315872 • Esso email. kevin.tmgbroker.com


• Leslie’s Drugstore www.mortgagegroup.com • Pharmasave • Quick Stop INSURANCE • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends ¾ Auto & Home Insurance • Feudal Co-op, ¾ Farm & Commercial Insurance ¾ Health & Travel Insurance Perdue ¾ Life Insurance & Investments • The Store, Perdue

¾ Farm Succession & Estate Planning ¾ Notary Publics Landis Of¿ce Hours: Biggar Of¿ce Hours…

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

304 Main St., Biggar Phone: 306-948-2204 Toll Free: 1-855-948-2204 Website: www.biggarinsurance.ca Email: biggar@biggarinsurance.ca

100 - 2nd Ave. W., Landis Phone: 306-658-2044 Toll Free: 1-855-658-2044 Website: www.landisinsurance.ca Email: landis@landisinsurance.ca

“We’ll getcha covered”

948-5052 (office) Cell 948-4478

(regular price is $19.88 per week = $516.88 plus gst)

www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com

Dave Molberg

Call 306-948-3344


Exposure, Experience and Effort.

biggarindependent.ca biggarindependent.ca

Contact US for OFFICE SUPPLIES, FORMS and SERVICES… ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Rubber Stamps Faxing Photocopies Envelopes Letterheads Business Cards Receipts Invoices Statements Flyers

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Posters Resumes Menus Programs and Booklets Pamphlets Christmas letters File Folders Address Labels Sticky Labels

; ; ; ; ;

Social Tickets Draw Tickets Calendars and Day Planners Wedding and Anniversary INVITATIONS Presentations

Call now for your FREE quote on all your printing needs Phone: 948-3344 Fax: 306-948-2133 Email: tip@sasktel.net Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

and more, just INQUIRE…

If you DO NOT receive your Independent in a timely manner, please call your local post office or Canada Post @ 1-866-607-6301


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

Helping you Help yourself Phone:

306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050 ELECTRICAL

AURORA CONSTRUCTION & HAPPY AMPER SERVICES • Sewer • Water • Power • Drainage • Footings

Electrical Installation & Maintenance






CONTRACTING LTD. For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453


• Commercial • Industrial • Residential

Electrical… 306-658-3004 Excavation… 306-951-7667 BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan


PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 306-948-5393

Cell: 306-221-6888


for all your electrical needs

Dion Harrabek 306-948-2657 cell: 306-948-9136 dionh@sasktel.net


For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young

• framing • additions • windows & door sales • siding • rooÄng • drywall & Änishing

& AZg]rfZg L^kob\^l & EZ[hnk Abk^ L^kob\^ FREE quotes Prompt Honest Service

Nick Maguire 306-948-3325 (home) 306-948-4558 (cell)

Biggar, Sask.

Spray Foam In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar

For appointments… 1-855-651-3311


Photos by Jocelyn Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.




306-948-2805 Cell: 306-948-6062 Email: northland83@yourlink.ca Want to insulate your quonset, farm/commercial buildings, house or cabin? Lower your heating and cooling costs and add strength to your buildings!


Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses GEORGE STAHL (306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503 Ph:

This space in this directory is available for only $161.20 plus gst… one column x 2 inches for 26-week prepaid commitment Call 306-948-3344

- together with -

Fitness Centre Healthy Lifestyle Weight Loss 30-minute Circuit Personal Training Fitness Classes

…owned and operated by Brett Barber

(back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar


Michelle Spuzak,

Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available. 306-948-2548 or 948-9710


Weight Loss & Wellness Centre

• ‘Ideal Protein’ Weight Loss • ‘Slender You’ Figure Salon Weightless Coach Anne G. Livingston 317 Main St., Biggar


Call Making Biggar Smaller!



“Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin, PFT, CPTA, CNHC

Specializing in Exclusive Seasonal Personal Training Sessions! …for weight loss,

Garry A. Faye Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West

body sculpting, strength training.

Offering… One-on-One Rehab & Therapy Sessions * Limited Memberships available to fully equipped Private Fitness Studio & Cardio Room Gift Certificates available

P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.

Phone: 306-948-5133

Visit us @ 114- 2nd Ave. W., Biggar Where you can feel right at home!

223 Main Street Biggar

Phone… 306-948-2548 Cell… 306-948-8048

Family Therapist and Marriage Commissioner (Wilkie)

Perdue Massage Clinic Registered Massage Therapist (MTAS)

Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO

OPEN: Tues.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-4 p.m.


ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.

Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca

Roderick B. Campbell, CMA

Evenings and Saturday appointments available.

• Bookkeeping • Tax Returns • Financial Statements

Phone or Text:

Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460

306-321-4991 Website: www.perdue massageclinic.com www.facebook.com/ perduemassageclinic

rod.campbell@sasktel.net Box 988, Biggar, SK




BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6th Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.


New Stucco & Restoration…




~ Gift CertiÅcates ~

(regular price is $19.88 per week = $516.88 plus gst)

modernlookhomerenos@gmail.com www.facebook.com/modern.look.35

New Beginnings Wellness Centre

jacklinandrews@ gmail.com

• Shamanic Healing • Psychosomatic Therapy • Massage • Emotional Release Therapy

interior & exterior painting, textured ceilings, drywall, mud & tape acrylic Ànish, full system foam, paper/ wire, pargings/ICF blocks, custom pillars & battons, repair/service

306-948-4565 (c)

Services available…


306-951-7666, Murray; 306-948-2953, Walter (h)

R.M.T. (NHPC member) Located @ New Beginnings Wellness Centre, 114 - 2nd Ave. W., BIGGAR

Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff

Doctor of Optometry

• residential or acreage • FREE estimates and fence designing • full service or premade for the do-it-yourself handyman • tongue and groove style


306-948-3389 Kirk Ewen



>qm^kbhk IZbgmbg`




Jacklin Andrews, MSW

NCM Home Maintenance & Bgm^kbhk Zg]

DMH ELECTRIC Construction, consulting and Maintenance Licensed Journeyman

www.madgerooÀng.com Biggar, Sask.

Build fences and decks For all your fence and deck needs, give me a call…


DR. GLENN RIEKMAN Dentist 115 - 1st Avenue West Rosetown, Sask.

OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone:306.882.2123 Emergency (after hours) 306.882.2006 This space is available for only $80.60 plus gst… one column x 1 inch for 26-week prepaid commitment (regular price is $9.94 per week = $258.44 plus gst)

Call 306.948.3344

PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK

306-948-3346 …serving your community since 1972

Roe & Peszko is a full service law office that practices… ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Criminal Law Commercial Law Real Estate Law Wills and Estate Law and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Lisa Watson look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:

306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865 BOOKS Pat Wicks,

Living Books Distributor 205-3rd Ave. East, Biggar Books, gifts, cards. Shop at my home! Call 306-948-3427 for appts.


INVESTMENTS For all your investment needs, Visit…





BIGGAR COURIER • Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service

• Computer Sales • Support and Consultancy • Backup and Disaster Recovery • Email • Wired/Wireless Networking

~Brian and Cathy Fick~ Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI

Lyndsey Sacher

Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.

Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.

Cell: 306-948-7524

222 Main St., Biggar

Tel: 306-986-2600

Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352

Want a truly independent advisor who will find your unique solution? Are you looking for Life, Living Benefits Insurance and/or Investment Strategies? Do you just want to know if your premiums are fair with the right coverage?

222 Main Street 306 948 5377

info@twhÀnancial.ca www.twhÀnancial.ca

Kevin Kurulak Investment Rep Insurance Broker P. 306 948 5200 F. 306 948 5207 Appointments Preferred



M & N REPAIR 701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar

306.948.3996 Open Monday-Friday Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial

Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George

306-948-3376 after hours George: 948-4042 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar 1st Ave. West, Biggar

Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic

Heavy Truck Repair SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair TIRES

KRF Auto Centre 100% handwash “Where we do it all for you!!”

306.948.2700 Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer

• Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals Owned & operated by Kevin Fick

227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar

Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System Prairieland Collision Rosetown, Sask.


YH Truck, Ag & Auto • Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories www.yhtruckagauto.com

Hwy 14 East, Biggar 306-948-2109


Get the Biggar Independent


Go to… biggarindependent.ca to sign up.

306.237.7671 Troy May, owner/operator Fax: 306.237.TROY email: tmay@hotmail.ca

Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance

Place a CLASSIFIED by phone

306-948-3344 or email


Toll Free: 866-403-2298

Email: garethmckee@burntorangesolutions.com Website: www.burntorangesolutions.com

Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.

403 Main Street, Biggar


Gareth McKee

Pamela Eaton

Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.



Super B outÀts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan

Rockin D Trucking & Cattle

• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.

HAULS TO THE DUMP Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck

Ph/fax: 306-948-3856 or cell: 306-948-7896


Phone: 306-948-5600


Mobile Units Office: 306-948-2805 306- 48 2805 Cell: 306-948-6062 306-948-6062 email: northland83@yourlink.ca


306-629-3332 SERVICES


• Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting

• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks

• Laser Engraving • Promotional products (mugs, mousepad, etc)

t Delivery

Ask Abou

Your authorized

Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Yamaha Audio Dealer;

• trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Call Colin Graham at 306-948-5455

SaskTel Mobility and

A Sign of Qualilty! • Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs

Jerry Muc Phone: 306-948-2958 Fax:


Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built

Phillips Radio Shop 109 Main St., Biggar

Phone: 306-948-2442 Fax: 306-948-2484


and Your authorized

High Speed Internet Dealer



948-3955 Anne G. Livingston

CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 306-948-7274 greengables2@sasktel.net

The Country Clipper • All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Natural health care for pets • Massage “Acupressure”

For appointments and inquiries, call

306-948-2091 Mon. - Thurs., 7 a.m. - 5 pm. 2 mi. N. on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi. E. on Golf Course Rd.

Great for hauling utility tractors, quads, gravel, dirt, snow, trees, turf, garbage, etc.

Contact: Brad Poletz

306-948-6052 SMALL ADS WORK You’re reading this one!


Custom Embroidery

Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication.

Judy Kahovec…

.…thanks, The Independent

Hair Salons Christina Prpick of

Mane Essence Hair Salon

• Taking appointments Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays. (Saturday and evenings on request) Contact Christina @

306-948-2712 SEED CLEANING

Wylie Farms Ltd. SEED CLEANING Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table

Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning Call: Bill: Dale:

306- 948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394

Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.

McNULTY’S MOBILE SEED CLEANING Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat

This space in this directory is available for only $161.20 plus gst…

• custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking

• sides of Beef available

306-948-3312 sales@gvsigns.ca

Phone: 306-948-5678

Modern Licenced Abbatoir

14 ft. x 81 inch dump trailer with two-way tailgate, tarp, two six foot ramps, and two 7000 pound axles.

• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more

“Your complete decal and signage shop”

Biggar Sand & Gravel



306-948-2879, evenings 306-948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky

•Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting ing n ng g •Internal Coatingss •Rock Guard Coatings tings

J. G. Smith


Rebel Landscaping

Teams, Corporate and Personal Attire 306-882-4313, cell 306-831-7935


306-658-4474, Landis

one column x 2 inches for 26-week prepaid commitment (regular price is $19.88 per week = $516.88 plus gst)

Call 306-948-3344

For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar


Chef Dez on cooking

Perfect nachos for New Year’s Eve

An unsatisfying visit to a franchise restaurant, and the expectation of the New Year’s Eve celebration, has compelled me to write this column on nachos. With fierce competition in the restaurant industry, it surprises me that there are any menu options that lack flavour, let alone something as simple as nachos. For approximately $10 (plus the cost of adding chicken or beef) I was presented with a mediocre sized plate of bland nachos. The presentation was great as it offered many colours to please the eye, but flavour was very scarce. There was nothing special about them. One would like to assume that restaurant owners/managers actually taste their wares and make efforts to offer the most superior product within their means and food cost budget. Flavour comes from a variety of ingredients that will produce a

complex complimentary taste in the final product. First, let’s discuss seasoning. The chips weren’t even seasoned - not even a light dusting of salt. This gave the impression that the nachos were made with pieces of crispy cardboard. The socalled “spicy chicken” that accompanied the toppings was even bland. Seasoning is very crucial. For example, if one was consuming tomato slices, chances are they would be lightly seasoned with salt and pepper to help enhance the natural tomato flavour. When preparing nachos for the crowd at New Year’s Eve, make sure to use a number of toppings to add depth of flavour. I recommend starting with salted tortilla chips that are thick enough to support a number of toppings and inhibit sogginess. Rather than placing all of the ingredients on top the nachos, build three or four layers of chips, cheese, and toppings. This ensures


that toppings are in abundance throughout the dish, and no one is left with plain chips once the top has been consumed. One can use an array of ingredients, but I recommend the following: aged cheddar cheese, beef or chicken cooked with blackening spice or taco seasoning, fresh diced tomatoes, sliced black olives, green onions, and jalapenos. Furthermore season each layer with a sprinkling of salt, pepper, and chili powder. The additional seasoning will guarantee the full taste of the toppings will be prominent. Make a habit of being selective with ingredients in any recipe you prepare and you will have a more superior tasting product. For example, instead of using mild cheddar cheese, use extra-old aged cheddar - the taste will be more prevalent throughout. For the other topping suggestions, make sure you use “fresh” whenever possible. Serve with side dishes of sour cream, fresh salsa, and homemade guacamole for the perfect accompaniments and you will have everybody raving about your celebratory fare. All the best to you in 2014!

All subscriptions expire

December 31, 2013 Pick up -- $30.45 40 Mile/Online -- $35.70 Outside 40 Mile -- $40.95

Renew Now

By Phone: 306-948-3344 By Email: tip@sasktel.net By Web: biggarindependent.ca By Mail: Biggar Independent, Box 40, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 In Person: 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, SK

Wishing you & your family a season Àlled with Faith, Hope and Love And a New Year Àlled with many blessings Merry Christmas

Kelly Block

Member of Parliament Saskatoon - Rosetown - Biggar

1-888-590-6555 www.kellyblockmp.ca

Dear Chef Dez: Is it just me, or do you find that jalapeno peppers aren’t as hot as they used to be? John M. Chilliwack, B.C. Dear John: You are absolutely right. When I was a teenager, it was considered daring to order these fiery green rings on nachos, and downing three or four slices was a feat in itself. I won’t reveal how long ago that was, but the demand for these peppers have grown considerably over the years. Through some investigation, I learned that in many instances they are now cultivated to be milder. This is done to expand the appeal of this pepper to a larger consumer market and thus increase sales even further. Send your food/cooking questions to dez@chefdez. com or P.O. Box 2674, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6R4. Chef Dez is a Food Columnist, Culinary Instructor and Cookbook Author. Visit him at chefdez.com.

Credit Union donates to Secret Santa . . . Sherril Beckett of the Biggar Kayettes, left, accepts a cheque for $492.50 from Biggar Credit Union’s Diane Larouche-Ellard. The money was raised by the Credit Union employees during their ‘Casual For a Cause’ days at the local financial institution. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)



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from our family to yours…

Merry Christmas and All the Best in the New Year!

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