Vol. 106 No. 52
24 pages
Here’s hoping the year ahead is filled with the finer things in life: health, happiness and good friends like you!
It was a Christmas play with a message, and St. Gabriel School held their annual concert, December 17. “Partridge in a Pear Tree” showed the true meaning of the season - with a bit of comedy thrown in for good measure. The kids held two shows, and everyone came away with a smile, a bit more knowledge of the season, and a whole lot more joy in their hearts! (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)
Biggar Town Council
Hometown return for Holt on fourth Arts Council show
Minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held December 1, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Alan Boyle, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. Council resolved that Bylaw No. 15-765, being a bylaw to provide a loan to the Biggar Golf Club, be read three times and adopted at this meeting. Council resolved that the minutes of the November 26, 2015 Union Bargaining Committee Meeting, be accepted as presented. Council resolved that the Fire Chief ’s Report and monthly payroll for the month of November, 2015, be accepted as presented by Fire Chief Gerry Besse. Council resolved that the following individuals be appointed to the Biggar and District Recreation Board for the term of October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016: Kevin Ellard, Kathy Hawes, Michelle Keith, Melissa Raschke, Cindy Seidl, Hailey Metz, Rayel Martin (BCS 2000 Student Representative).
Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $117,184.07, and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $25,854.96, be approved. Council resolved that the following correspondence be accepted for Council’s information and filed: Government of Saskatchewan Wa t e r w o r k s Compliance Report; SUMAssure - Zamboni Insurance Payout; PIWIK Monthly Report; Catterall and Wright - Tenders for North East Lift Station; Government of Saskatchewan - Public Disclosure Statements. Council resolved that the draft letter, along with the 50 per cent incentive for each commercial enterprise for commercial recycling costs for 2015, be approved. Council resolved that the following individuals be authorized to attend the 2016 annual SUMA Convention to be held in Regina, January 30 to February 3, 2016: Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Alan Boyle, Kirk Sherbino, Barb Barteski. s -EETING ADJOURNED AT 8:20 p.m.
The Marc Holt Quintet comes to the Majestic Theatre on Saturday, January 9. (Submitted Photo) The fourth show of the Biggar and District Arts Council concert season features a five eager musicians led by hometown boy, Marc Holt. The Marc Holt Quintet is a Saskatoon-based group of passionate young jazz musicians exploring and putting their own spin on classic standards and new arrangements. The quintet has a taste for swing, ballads, and the blues along with some funk and contemporary jazz. Led by baritone saxophonist Marc Holt, the quintet recorded their first EP together in
December of 2013, called ‘The Majestic Sessions’ and after a few small shows as a trio or quartet, they made their full band debut at the 2014 SaskTel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival. Marc is backed up by pianist Bryn Becker, guitarist Michael Stankowski, bassist Nevin Buehler, and drummer Dylan Smith. The Marc Holt Quintet will play at the Biggar Majestic Theatre, Saturday, January 9 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are still available from de Moissac Jewellers.
Saskatchewan continues to post strong population growth Saskatchewan continues to have one of the strongest population growth rates in all of Canada. New figures released December 16 by Statis-
Holiday best wishes . . . Biggar National Kevin Fick, right, sends his best wishes for the holiday to a Luseland/Dodsland Mallard at the Jubilee, December 18. The contest went to OT with the Nats
tics Canada show that in the third quarter of 2015, the number of people living in Saskatchewan grew by 5,242
to an all-time high of 1,138,879. That represents the second-highest growth rate in Canada in both
coming out on top with a 5-4 win. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
the last quarter and the last year, behind only Alberta. Premier Brad Wall said the new population numbers and recent strong job growth numbers show Saskatchewan people have built an economy that is diverse, resilient and strong. “Obviously, we are facing serious challenges in the energy sector,” Wall said. “But Saskatchewan’s diverse economy continues to create new jobs and our population continues to grow. That’s a big difference from a decade ago, when a downturn in one sector would mean fewer jobs and a declining population across the entire province.” Saskatchewan’s population has now grown by 146,000 people over the past decade, after declining by nearly 24,000 over the previous decade. In the third quarter of 2015, Saskatchewan had net international in-migration of 4,075 people, net interprovincial outmigration of 639 people and a natural increase (births minus deaths) of 1,806.
2015 Review according to Schneider
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Tom Larson
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
Brown conspire to send Marty back to where he came from. And, using a DeLorean and the “Flux Capacitor” as a time machine was just brilliant. In real life it was the brainchild of an automotive engineer who was an executive at General Motors. This engineer was the founder of the DeLorean Motor Company which didn’t fare too well financially eventually filing for bankruptcy. However the producers and writers settled on the car to be the unsung
hero of the shows. Three automobiles were purchase for the first film. They were modified into the famous time machine. Three more vehicles were purchased for the two sequels. For the flying scenes in the second part, a full sized fibreglass replica was built. Moons in the sky It wasn’t just that it was a supermoon but on this particular night there was a lunar eclipse. A supermoon total eclipse. The total duration of the eclipse is
Happy New Year! With appreciation for your patronage this past year. Troy, Kerry and everyone at…
resumes on
at The Legion Main St., Biggar
Congratulations to all our winners! . . . Biggar Independent Advertising Consultant Urla Tyler, right, gets Jo Angelopoulous to help in pick the winners in our Christmas Advertising Promotion. Our major prize winner or $700 - to be spent at participating advertisers - was Madelyn Leschinski. Marie Roesch, Shirley Laventure, Art Fallas, Tricia Hagel, Barb Charlton and Dorothy Honcharuk were $100 winners. Congratulations to all! (Independent Photo by Kevin
The Majestic Theatre Á
As 2015 comes to a close and 2016 is just around the corner it is a long standing practise to look back at the past year and relfect. I did just that with my previous columns and will now share some highlights. Chocoholics There was a huge furor in the chocolate world the second week of January when Cadbury announced changes to their creme eggs. Chocoholics had a melt down. Canadians were informed that there would be no changes in the manufacturing of their creme eggs only residents of the United Kingdom would see a a change. Monopoly has a birthday This year the famous board game turned 80. Parker Brothers released the game in 1935 but its predecessor was created by Lizzie Phillips who created The Landlord’s Game to explain the single tax theory. Phillips intended the game to be used as an educational tool to outline the negative aspects of private monopolies. The designers at Parker Brothers came along and evolved the game into a 4x10 space to a side layout with cards. Streets in Atlantic City and New Jersey inspired the first format. By 1936 Parker Brothers was selling the game internationally. Back to the Future Fast forward now, 30 years later. Yes, it has been 30 years since Marty McFly and Doc
five hours, 11 minutes. The magnitude of the eclipse is 1.276. The total duration of the partial phases is two hours, eight minutes. The last supermoon eclipse was in 1982 and the next won’t happen until 2033. You couldn’t help but notice it in the night sky. It was huge. There is no other way to describe it. You almost felt if you reached out you could actually touch it. That’s because it is so close to the Earth. It is also called a perigee. Earthquake The world was glued to news outlets recently as they watched the devastation caused by an earthquake in Nepal. Natural disasters seem to have a way of humbling mankind, and no
THE INDEPENDENT, BIGGAR, SK - 5 matter where in the watched film footage and world a disaster hapsaw the debris where pens, people are quick to buildings once stood. respond. We were riveted by the We watched the death happenings at the base toll rise and listened to camp of Earth’s highest stories about how difand most climbed mounficult it was to reach tain, Mount Everest. remote villages. We
“Love The Coopers”
Genre: Comedy Running Time: 1 hr. 47 min.
McNulty’s Mobile Seed Wayne, Dorothy, Kenneth and Megan
Friday, JAN. 1 • 8 p.m. Saturday, JAN. 2 • 8 p.m. Sunday, JAN 3 • 2:00 p.m. Matinee ($5 admission)
Friendship • Love • Joy • Peace Prosperity • Health • Fun • Success Laughter • Adventure
Wishing You a New Year Filled with Every Happiness!
Campbell Accounting Services
Genre: Drama/War Running Time: 1 hr. 53 min.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We’d like to extend our warm wishes and gratitude to all our kind neighbours this holiday season. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure serving you.
Rated: PG
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Friday, JAN. 8 • 2 p.m. matinee & 8:00 p.m. Sunday, JAN. 10 • 2 p.m. matinee ($5 admission)
Rod and Jennifer Campbell 122 Main St., Biggar
For bookings and information please phone Bear Hills RDC @ 306-948-2295
306-948-4430 or 306-98-4460
This space is courtesy of The Biggar Independent
by Bob Mason
Pleasantville Hall I’m not sure that places like Pleasantville Hall exist anymore and the person who reads this may not say that it never did exist! In Y.T.’s lifetime it was there alright! And although many people may say “Oh that old fellow is dreaming all this up!” that ‘Old Fellow’ is going to tell about it anyway! In a way Yours Truly feels a little sad that he does have to tell about things like this to a society that has everything (including their own memories) done for them at the flick of a finger. He fears a future where “person-to-person” living has almost been forgotten, and leaves older people nothing to look back on! Mebbe a fellow should tell about its exact loca-
tion a little more, but that wouldn’t be fair to thousands of places where it should have been. Actually, it was a few miles west of my cousin’s hometown and a little east of Uncle Will’s homestead, just past the Bukinghams Corner! Yours Truly has no idea of who named it or why, but he does know that some of his finest memories are about the times we spent there! When Y.T. went by there a few years ago, there was no sign that wonderful place had ever been there! Someone told me that the hall had been moved into one of the local towns as a senior centre, but sentiment or not, Y.T. never went in to see! After all, any memories that a fellow might have about the ball, where
many of us who had almost laughed our way through The Depression of the 1930’s, just wasn’t there anymore! One day while driving past Buchingham’s corner, a young fellow was stopped there, and I asked him a few questons. “I’ve only been in this community for five years or so and I don’t know many of the people! They tell me that an old hall used to be right here, but there isn’t a sign of it now! Then, as he drove slowly away, Y.T. looked back in time . . . What a wonderful place it had been for 16 year old Y.T.! He hoped that there had been a “Pleasantville Hall” in everybody’s life! From far out in that empty field he felt that he could hear the harmonizing violins of the “Silvertone Rangers”! There had been a lot of “circle two-steps” and square dances in those days, and the square dances in Pleasantville Hall were something else! Times have changed quite a bit since then. Everybody knows we can’t do much about that. There must be “other” times worth looking back on, but these
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! From Our Hearth To Yours
When it comes to Christmas, we’ve got you covered -- with our warm wishes and heartfelt thanks.
are mine! Note: an example of that “change” was when, a while back, Y.T. wished “Happy New Year!” to a couple that he hadn’t been introduced to. They frowned at me – bad manners, eh? At Pleasantville, as soon as the violins started off with some time like “Uncle Jim”, toes started tapping all over the hall and it wasn’t long until six squares formed for a square dance. The local square dance caller (who made up a lot of his calls!), jumped up on a chair (or piano) and “away we go”: “With a hi-de-hi and a ho-de-ho; “With a flip and a flap and a flippety flop. “We wiggle around like a snake in the grass! “All join hands and away we go!” Some people circled to the right instead, but some of Jimmy’s calls weren’t all by the book either! There even was a little more active stuff when he hollered: “Ladies cross your lily white hands, “And men all cross their grimy paws, “And away to the left” And a ladies shoe hit me on the cheek while she was still wearing it! My cheek still tingles a little when Y.T. recalls things like that!
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2015 Probably one of Y.T.’s the long lane there, he most unforgettable was a bit surprised that memories of old Jimmy the whole family was was when, standing on waiting outside to greet top of the piano and what they throught was calling a square dance, him! he spit his upper plate It was then that Y.T. out onto the floor among knew his good times the whooping dancers! were over and that the Jimmy just jumped future was not going to down and retrieved it be nice! I think that before anyone stepped a big part of Pleasanton it, jumped up again ville’s “way of life” died and carried on! that night! I’m kind of sorry about Quite a few of us went this, but a lot of people overseas. Yours Truly open doors for me to even met some of his go through, and others Pleasantville friends hold my arm whilst Y.T. over there, but things walks across the street, would never be quite the trying I think, to point same again. A cloud out to me that I am get- seemed to be hanging ting kind of old. over everything! Well, we older types Whenever I hear “Uncle sure haven’t got a lot Jim” being played on the of time to look forward violin (way to go Johnto, but we can sure look ny!), my toes start tapa long way back. And ping. And though these when we do we remem- (ahem!) hearing aids ber places . . . seem to distort everyA few years after those thing, my memories of wonderful years that the Pleasantville music we spent in Pleasant- is as good as ever! ville country, that hall, Coming up is a whole and our boyhood, just new way of life, I think, disappeared! The war but Y.T. will never forget came along and those the good times we had violins that had thrilled at Pleasantville! us so much during the When Y.T. sees our carefree (if Depressed young people absorbed 1930’s), we beat into with their handheld the machine guns of the tools that seem to know 1940’s. They made a lot everything, he someof different noises than times wonders: was made on the Pleas“Will they have things antville floor! to look back on when When “Willie” joined they get old?” up, Yours Truly called at And again, he wonders his home one time, and . . . as I came whistling up
Hunters reminded about CWD testing As the 2015-16 hunting season winds down, the Ministry of Environment is reminding hunters that free chronic wasting disease (CWD) testing is available for harvested deer, elk and moose. The ministry is currently monitoring the distribution of CWD in Saskatchewan to determine how widespread the issue is and results of this testing will be made available in 2016. Hunters are encouraged to drop off deer and elk heads at ministry offices throughout the province. Moose heads can be dropped off at the Canadian Wildlife Health Co-operative at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.
CWD is a disease that affects the nervous system of deer, elk and moose, and can be fatal for those animals. When healthy animals come in contact with the bodily fluids of an infected animal or a contaminated environment, they can become infected. There is currently no scientific evidence that CWD has or can spread to humans, either through contact with infected animals or by eating the meat of infected animals; however, hunters are encouraged not to consume meat from animals that have tested positive for CWD. CWD was first detected in Saskatchewan in the fall of 2000 in a wild mule deer. It has since spread to wild
white-tailed deer and elk populations in several locations. There is no evidence that CWDaffected deer and elk can transmit the disease to other species such as cattle. Hunters should also take certain precautions when field dressing, transporting and processing animals. Hunters can help slow the spread of CWD by not introducing the disease to new areas of the province through disposal of deer carcass waste. Avoid transporting a deer carcass from the area where it was taken, especially from areas where CWD has been detected. If the carcass is transported, dispose of carcass waste by double-bagging it and taking it to a landfill.
Cover the province with one phone call.
Place a blanket classified! 306-948-3344
“Chase The Ace” at The Legion Fridays
Happy New Year! May your holiday season be filled with lots of good times and cause for celebration. Your support gives usmuch cause for good cheer. Thanks, everyone!
Christmas mayhem . . . Mackenzie Farrell, left, tries her best while blindfolded to feed pal, Savana Ellis, December 18. Biggar Central School held an
afternoon of fun and games - a perfect way to ease into the Christmas break. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Serving the community for over 15 years 212 Main St., Biggar 306-948-4800
Pizza Ray (aka Mayor Ray) and staff
Adoption of Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 5-2015 Adoption of Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Zoning Bylaw No. 6-2015 NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 intends to consider the adoption of a new Official Community Plan (“RM of Glenside Official Community Plan”) and Zoning Bylaw under the Planning and Development Act, 2007. These bylaw will be referred to respectively as Bylaw No. 5-2015 and Bylaw No. 6-2015. INTENT OF OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN The proposed Bylaw establishes municipal land use policies addressing, but not limited to, the following subject: General Policies Agricultural Resources Country Residential Development Public Utilities and Health and Safety Ground and Source Water Protection Natural and Environmental Areas Recreation and Tourism Cultural and Heritage Resources Community Economic Development Transportation Networks Natural Resources The Official Community Plan contains a Future Land Use Map (contained in this notice) which graphically displays, in a conceptual manner, the present, intended short and longer term future location and extent of general land uses within the RM of Glenside. This will assist in the application of general goals, objective and policies of the Plan. The policies in the Official Community Plan will be implemented primarily through administration of the municipality’s Zoning Bylaw. INTENT OF ZONING BYLAW Intent of the proposed Zoning Bylaw establishes local provisions and regulations for development within the RM of Glenside. The Zoning Bylaw implements the District Plan and the Official Community Plan and the use of land for amenity of the areas for the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality. The Zoning Bylaw establishes zoning districts which regulate permitted, discretionary and prohibited principal and accessory uses of land in the RM of Glenside as well as provide development permitted processes and standards. The Zoning Districts include: Agriculture Resource (AR) Country Residential Acreage (CR) Commercial/Industrial (C/I) Flood Hazard Overlay (FH) Slope Hazard Overlay (SH) Ecological Sensitive Overlay (ES) Heritage Resource Overlay (HR) AFFECTED LAND All land within the corporate limits of the RM of Glenside as shown on the Future Land Use Map and Zoning District Map contained in this notice, is affected by the new Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. You property may be directly affected by the provisions in the new Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. Please check the full
version of these documents that are available for viewing oat the RM Municipal Office. REASON FOR OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN The RM of Glenside Official Community Plan will help direct and manage growth and development in the RM of Glenside for the next twenty-five plus years. REASON FOR ZONING BYLAW The RM of Glenside Zoning Bylaw will help implement the Official Community Plan with site-specific provisions and regulations of the RM of Glenside. PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the proposed Bylaws at the RM of Glenside Office during regular hours. Copies of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw may also be obtained for a charge of $25.00. PUBLIC HEARING The Council of the RM of Glenside will hold a respective public hearing at: The RM of Glenside No. 377 office from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on January 22, 2016 at 113 6th Avenue East, Biggar, SK to hear any person or group that wishes to comment on the proposed bylaws. The Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the RM Office before the hearing. Issued at the RM of Glenside, this 29th day of December, 2015. Signed: Joanne Fullerton, A/Administrator
Biggar Liquor Board Store Lana and Cindy • 306-948-3575
Whether you view the new year as a beginning or an end, what really counts is finding the time to spend with people you care about, doing the things that matter most, and for us that means letting you know just how much we appreciate your generous support!
Happy New Year and many thanks.
Westwinds Motor Hotel “Experience the Westwinds Difference” Dayna,Trent and staff
Notley-led lunacy for Alberta farmers by Calvin Daniels
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest is the third novel in the best-selling Millennium series and the last by Swedish writer Stieg Larsson. It might also be the title for the relationship of Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and Albertan farmers. Notley caused waves of opposition and a series of protests where farmers showed their anger as she introduced Bill 6. The Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act passed third reading recently, and is still being opposed by farm groups, and of
course Opposition MLAs. Once the bill is in force farmers with paid farm workers must provide Workers Compensation Board (WCB) coverage by January 1 and follow occupational health and safety standards. In a world where farming is still stuck somewhere in between the idyllic notion it is a ‘way-of-life’ and that is merely another business the same as a welding shop, or potash mine, the idea of WCB regulations is still seen as a frontal attack on the sector. Farmers, who are in Alberta are generally
not on the same political page as the New Democrats who are the helm now, immediately saw the legislation as an attack on the ‘family farm’ because they feared having to follow the basic rules of employees in other sectors if the children were headed to the barn to clean pens, or collect eggs. Those are just things farms kids do, and to suddenly create a rule set that would impact the ability of family members to contribute to the operation of a farm without a roll of red tape was a bit over-the-top to be sure. Although to be fair current farms are far more high tech than they have ever been, so training to do most jobs is increasingly needed. Let’s face it, most farms, unless specialized, do not have a coop full of laying hens for the farms kids to collect eggs from for the kitchen table, or a cow to milk, or a pen of two or
To All Our Membe rs
May all your times be glad times in the upcoming year. Happy New Year, everyone!
three hogs to feed. That is a farm now all but lost to the pages of a children’s book. So the line between what is reasonable for farm youth to do on the farm without regulation, and what should require worker protections available in other sectors is blurring. In the case of Bill 6, and the Notley-led NDP, the real problem in the end was how they handled the Bill’s introduction. Nothing conjures unrest and causes fear like a bill that is vague in what it is designed to do. Farmers saw their family members working beside them as being jeopardized, and that did not sit well.
From the get-go the bill wasn’t clear in its intent, and thousands of farmers turned up at government sponsored information sessions and also rallied on the steps of the Alberta legislature protesting the bill. In this case the ground swell of protest appears to have worked. The government amended the bill to exempt family members, both paid and unpaid, volunteers and neighbours from WCB coverage and occupational health and safety rules. That should have quelled the concerns of farmers, but then again it is Alberta where again farmers are generally not NDP’ers so the furor con-
tinues. In some respects that is even understandable. With Bill 6 in place, it is an amendment away from impacting farm family workers. But if a 17-year-old works in his father’s hog farrowing barn should he reasonably have the same protections as he would get if he was pumping gas in the town down the road? And therein lies the great debate, and Notley’s mishandling of Bill 6 from introduction to passage only managed to muddy the water, and did not ultimately answer that very fundamental question.
Saskatchewan Agriculture is reminding producers to be on the lookout for anthrax in their animals after confirmation that anthrax has been found in cattle in the RM of Harris No. 316. Anthrax was confirmed by laboratory results on December 17, 2015 as the cause of death in one cow. It is the suspected cause of death of two other animals on the same farm. This is the third report of anthrax in Saskatchewan this year. Anthrax is caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis, which can survive in spore form for decades in soil. Changes in soil moisture, from flooding and drying, can lead to a build-up of the spores on pastures. Spores can con-
centrate in sloughs and potholes, and risk of animal exposure to anthrax increases in drier years when these areas dry up and become accessible. Spores can also surface when the ground is excavated or when there is excessive run-off. Livestock are infected when they eat forage contaminated with spores. Ruminants such as bison, cattle, sheep and goats are highly susceptible, and horses can also be infected. Swine, birds and carnivores are more resistant to infection, but farm dogs and cats should be kept away from carcasses. Affected animals are usually found dead without signs of illness. Anthrax can be prevented
by vaccination. Producers in regions that have experienced previous outbreaks are strongly encouraged to vaccinate their animals each year. If your neighbours have anthrax, you should consider vaccination to protect your animals. The carcasses of any animal suspected of having anthrax should not be moved or disturbed, and should be protected from scavengers such as coyotes or ravens, to prevent spreading spores in the environment. Anyone who suspects anthrax should contact their local veterinarian immediately for diagnosis. All tests must be confirmed by a laboratory diagnosis. All positive test results must be immediately reported to the provincial Chief Veterinary Officer. Producers are advised to use caution when handling potentially infected animals or carcasses. Animal cases pose minimal risk to humans but people can get infected through direct contact with sick animals or carcasses. In cases where people believe they have been exposed to an infected animal, they should contact their local health authority or physician for advice. For more information see Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Anthrax Response Plan.
Anthrax confirmed in cattle in RM of Harris
Hope It’s a Banner Year! We loved serving you every day this past year! We thank you for your patronage and look forward to seeing you again next year!
M & N Repair Mike, Darlene and staff
Board, Management and Staff
701-4th Ave. E, Truck Route East, Biggar • 306-948-3996
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2015 CLUES ACROSS 1. Elephant’s name 6. Support 10. Mures River city 14. Bastard wing 15. One was named Desire 17. PGA Tournament prize 19. A way to leave unchanged 20. Unchangeable computer memory 21. Harangues 22. 6th Hebrew letter 23. Well informed 24. Turfs 26. In a way, obeyed 29. Lawyers group 31. Increases motor speed 32. Political action committee 34. Light pokes 35. Struck down 37. Central Philippine Island 38. Japanese sash 39. Afresh 40. Bluish green 41. Inspire with love 43. Without (French) 45. Counterbalance container to obtain net weight 46. Express pleasure 47. Cheap wine (Br.) 49. Signing 50. ___ compilation, compiling computer language 53. Have surgery 57. Being trompel’oeil 58. Extremely mad 59. Day 60. Small coin (French) 61. Snatched CLUES DOWN 1. Cry 2. Wings 3. Baseball play 4. Flower petals 5. Drive against 6. Velikaya River city 7. A single unit in a collection 8. Stray 9. Bring back 10. Repented 11. Receipt (abbr.) 12. Expresses pleasure 13. Not wet 16. In a way, takes off 18. Macaws genus 22. “Fast Five” star’s initials 23. Sharpen a knife 24. Oral polio vaccine developer 25. Former CIA 27. Fencing swords 28. Aba ____ Honeymoon 29. Bustle 30. Minor 31. Propel a boat 33. Passage with access only at one end 35. Underwater airways 36. Small, slight 37. Box (abbr.) 39. __ Blake, actress 42. Repents
43. Merchandising 44. Exclamation of surprise 46. With fireplace residue 47. A small lake 48. Bait
49. Tip of Aleutian Islands 50. K____: watercraft (alt. sp.) 51. Norse variant of “often” 52. Adolescent
53. Visual metaphor (Computers) 54. River in Spanish 55. Cowboy Carson 56. Powerful gun lobby
Time to pause and be thankful for what we have, a agreat community surrounded by family, friends and good neighbours!
from the Landis Credit Union Team Board and Staff Your local Credit Union serving Landis since 1942 and looking forward to serving you in the years to come. We provide Financial Services to our members, but our business is people!
Landis Credit Union Limited 306-658-2152
May the peace and joy of this holiday season be with you always
Duperow CO-OP Management and staff
Solutions on page 22
Biggar’s Residential Professional
Acres of Expertise. Hammond Realty would like to thank Cari Perih for her outstanding performance and contributions to the success of our company. The core values at Hammond Realty are: t Integrity t Expertise t Positive Attitude t Appreciation
t t
Productivity & Results Family
Cari embraces each of our core values. Her integrity, expertise, and results are inspiring to everyone she works with. Cari’s expertise has directly contributed to her success in another stellar year in residential real estate sales. Her achievements are also a result of her positive attitude, an appreciation for her clients, and devotion to her family. Cari Perih
Congratulations Cari on achieving amazing results! We appreciate having you as part of our team. Thank you and Happy New Year !
Biggar Lodge News
A Toast To You At The New Year As we lift our glasses we’re filled with cheer; As we recall the good friends we’ve made this year! May your good days be many, and your troubles few, That’s our New Year’s wish for you!
Parrish & Heimbecker Limited Hanover Junction Biggar, Sask.
306-948-1990 www.parrishandheimbecker.com
by Karen Kammer, Coordinator Hello to everyone! The Christmas season has been busy and so much fun. Our week started out with decorating over 100 gingerbread cookies for the young children from Biggar Central School. The Grades 1 to 6 came in the afternoon to sing for us. There were 140 kids all together. Each grade took a turn singing different songs. Afterwards they had apple juice and cookies. Later in the day the residents played Scattergories. Tuesday we had current events and swingbowl. Wednesday morning we decorated sugar cookies for our resident
Christmas party on Friday. In the afternoon we played Horse Race. Later in the day the Cadets came by to sing some Christmas carols. Residents were signing along to the old favourite carols. Thursday morning we exercised and had bible study. In bible study we had a visitor from Moose Jaw join us. We learned how the star led the wise men to the young child, Jesus in the house. Afterward, we had coffee and cheese cake. In the afternoon the activity room was full to play bingo. Some residents won three times! Friday morning we had bible study with Pastor Mark and friends. The afternoon was full of
good cheer! The Family Centre came to join our residents for some fun. Santa came and handed out treat bags, Louise Souillet-Hawkins played some carols on the piano, and everyone enjoyed some snacks. Saturday morning we played jackpot bingo. In the afternoon we had a coffee party while listening to some music from Glen Campbell. Sunday morning we worked on some puzzles and visited. In the afternoon Biggar United Church did our service. From all of us here at the Biggar and District Care Centre, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and the happiest holiday season!
October Wholesale Trade rises to record October wholesale trade numbers were up in Saskatchewan, rising 3.6 per cent over September (seasonally adjusted), the highest percent-
“Chase The Ace” at The Legion Fridays
age increase among the provinces. On a national basis, wholesale trade figures dropped by 0.6 per cent. Wholesale trade totalled $2.4 billion in October, the highest ever for the month. “Given the current economic uncertainties around resources, it is very encouraging to note that wholesale trade is
hitting record levels in the province,” Economy Minister Bill Boyd said. “We were one of only three provinces to see month-over-month increases which speaks to the diversity and the strength of our economy.” On an annual basis, trade was up 1.9 per cent over last October.
Happy New Year!
2011 F-250 4X4, REG CAB, 6.2 GAS, 107KM .....................................................$23,900 2010 FORD FOCUS SES, 100,000KM, very good, SK TAX PD ............................$ 9,900 2010 F-150 XLT 4X4, CREW CAB, 100,000KM, VERY GOOD .......................................$21,900 2009 GMC SIERRA CREW SLT Z71, 4X4, ONLY 105,000KM, SK TAX PD....................$20,900 2008 FORD ESCAPE XLT, 99,000KM, VERY GOOD ..............................................$14,900 2008 F-150 S.C. 4X4, 4.6 AUTO, 195,000KM VERY GOOD .......................................$ 7,900 2007 F-150 XL, REG CAB, 2WD, V8 STD, ONLY 98,000KM, NEW CLUTCH, very good .......................................................$ 7,900
from Rick & Staff
~ Management & Staff
100,000KM, VERY GOOD
2004 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS ULTIMATE, 110,000KM, SK TAX PD....................$ 5,900 2002 F-150 XLT 4x4, REG CAB, LONG BOX, 5.4 AUTO, ONLY 77,000KM, EX. GOVT UNIT ..$ 9,450 2001 ACCURA MDX, LOCAL, LOADED..$ 6,900 2010 KENWORTH T660 DAYCAB, 500HP, 18 SPD, FRESH SAFETY ..........................$57,900 1998 IHC 8100, 300HP, 10 SPD, 300,000 MILES, NEW 20’ BOX, FRESH SAFETY.....$52.900 1995 IHC 9200 DAYCAB MII CUMMINS, 9 SPD, 450,000KM, NEAR NEW RUBBER ..$19,900
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New Horizons Activities our entertainers Keith Aldridge, Bob McQuire, Garry Donahue, Stan Gardiner and Dennis Cratty. Also, a warm round of applause to Raeanne Gidluck, Callie Donahue and Mrs. Nostbakken who sang Christmas carols and then encouraged others to join in with them. Thank you once again! The Christmas Bus Trip finally got on its way December 18. Everyone did a good bit of shopping at Market Mall, had supper and enjoyed the lovely displays. There were good sales on already as well. The light show at the Enchanted Forest was spectacular and the
highlight of the display was the train. The train looked like it came out of a tunnel and then went back in. Many thanks to our drive Mike Kister who safely returned us to Biggar shortly after 8 p.m. Many of the activities are taking a short break over the holidays but we look forward to seeing you all in January. Our office and the Courtesy Car will be closed the afternoon of Dec. 24, Christmas Day and New Years Day, Jan. 1. From all of us at Biggar New Horizons, Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Don’t let your subscription run out! Pick up -- $32.55; 40 Mile/Online -- $37.80; Outside 40 Mile -- $43.05
Renew Now! By Phone: 306-948-3344; By Email: tip@sasktel.net By Web: biggarindependent.ca By Mail: Biggar Independent, Box 40, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 In Person: 122 Main Street, Biggar, SK
For Sale in Biggar (MLS)
114 7th Ave W, Biggar
by Janice Foley, Coordinator The teams of Pat Turner,Marie Roesch and Jean Tweddle, and June Hoppe, Judy Richards, Blanche Borchart and Florence Hammond tied this week with a score of 12 each. To wrap up this first part of the season, carpet bowling was followed with a lovely meal of cabbage rolls, perogies, salads and veggies, turkey and dressing and more. My, what a lovely sounding meal, and it still smelled so good in the building the next morning! Wednesday was the last Jam Session for the year. Thank you to
601 8th Ave W 112 8th Ave W 606 7th Ave W 410 4th Ave W 114 7th Ave W 208 4th Ave E 314 6th Ave W 407 5th Ave W 602 Main St 413 5th Ave E 216 4th Ave W 103 4th Ave E 224 2nd Ave W
Renovated 4 bedroom, 960 sq. ft. bungalow located just 2 blocks from the schools. The main level features an open layout, walk-in closet in the master bedroom, and a Jacuzzi bathtub in the bathroom. The totally finished lower level is where you will find the rec room, 3rd & 4th bedrooms, utility room and an incredible 3 piece bathroom boasting a tile walk-in shower. This house was totally gutted and professionally renovated in 2004. It has an energy rating of 77%, putting it in the top 5% of its group. It has Hunter Douglas custom fit blackout blinds throughout the entire house. The backyard has a fenced in patio/deck area, a 7 person hot tub, a chain link dog run, and a single detached garage at the rear of the lot. Asking $209,000 MLS 557424
Find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/SoldByCari
$479,000 $305,000 $289,900 $249,000 $209,000 $175,000 $174,500 $158,000 $110,000 $105,000 $85,000 $65,000 $48,000
Out of Town Properties (MLS) 908 8th St Perdue $244,000 302 1st St Milden $105,000 507 1st St Wilkie $66,900 102 2nd Ave W Landis $59,000 110 3rd St Milden $35,000 705 Ave M Perdue $20,000
Reduced Properties 507 1st St Wilkie
Recently Sold 114 2nd Ave W
Cari Perih Residential Salesperson (306) 948-7995 Cari.Perih@HammondRealty.ca
PUBLIC NOTICE OF ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Biggar intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 01-632 known as The Zoning Bylaw. INTENT The proposed bylaw will: 1. Rezone from R2 - Medium Density Residential District to CS Community Service District described below as affected lands. AFFECTED LAND The affected land to be rezoned in 1. is described as Proposed Parcel E which is shown outline in bold on the Proposed Plan of Subdivision map forming part of this notice. REASON The reason for the amendment is to allow the development of a group care facility on this land. PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the bylaw at the Town Office in Biggar, Saskatchewan between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available at a cost of $2.00. PUBLIC HEARING Council will hold a public hearing on the 5th day of January, A.D., 2016 at 8:00 p.m in the Town of Biggar council Chambers to hear any person or group who wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the undersigned at the municipal office before the hearing. Issued at Biggar, Saskatchewan, this 17th day of December, A.D., 2015. Barb Barteski, Chief Administrative Officer
Rosetown - Elrose - Davidson - Biggar - Outlook - Central Butte
Happy New Year We would like to thank you for your business this past year, and look forward to working with you in the new year. Biggar: (306) 948-3909 306-882-4291
Cover the province with one phone call.
Place a blanket classified!
Happy New Year!
Wishing a very good year to each one of you! With our thanks for your business all through.
Luseland/Dodsland Mallards (4) @ Biggar Nationals (5) (Friday, December 18) Scoring: Mallards – (1st) 3, (2nd) 1, (3rd) 0, OT1: 0, Total: 4. Nationals – (1st) 2, (2nd) 1, (3rd) 1, OT1: 1, Total: 5. Shots: Mallards – (1st) 13, (2nd) 16, (3rd) 12, OT1: 2, Total: 43. Nationals – (1st) 12, (2nd) 9, (3rd) 9, OT1: 3, Total: 33. Power Plays: Mallards – 0 for 6. Nationals – 0 for 4. Scoring Summary Period 1: Nationals at 14:39 – Travis Skirving from Keaton Silvernagle and Ryan
Robillard; Mallards at 10:47 – Brad Buckingham from Mitch Neumeier; Mallards at 5:02 – Mitch Neumeier from Kelsey Muench and Brad Buckingham; Mallards at 4:04 – Brad Buckingham from Mitch Neumeier and Colton Wagman; Nationals at 0:15 – Trevor Bailey from Travis Granbois. Period 2: Nationals at 17:35 – Clark McNulty from Kevin Fick and Matt Bourgeois; Mallards at 2:32 – Dylan Kruesel from Steven Ternan and
Kelsey Muench. Period 3: Nationals at 2:10 – Steve Makway from Trevor Bailey and Travis Granbois. Overtime Period 1: Nationals at 3:45 – Travis Granbois from Mike Skirving. Penalty Summary Period 1: Nationals at 12:21 – Matt Bourgeois for Hooking (2); Nationals at 5:44 – Steve Makway for Elbowing (2). Period 2: Nationals at 11:19 – Clark McNulty for Roughing (2); Mallards at 6:18
– Mathew Olson for Interference (2); Nationals at 1:21 – Steve Makway for Misconduct (10), Hit To The Head (2). Period 3: Mallards at 13:33 – Travis Roszell for Elbowing (2); Mallards at 10:19 – Colton Wagman for Roughing (2); Nationals at 10:19 – Ryan Robillard for Roughing (2); Mallards at 0:09 – Kelsey Muench for Kneeing (2).
Duane Neufeldt Serving Biggar and Area
We’re displaying our gratitude here and wish you a most spectacular year! We really appreciate your business.
Phillips Electric Biggar • 306-948-5393 or 1-306-221-6888 Dave and staff
Biggar National Travis Granbois, centre, recorded a three-point night - two assists and the OT winning goal, December 18. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Biggar Bowling Centre scores (December 14-17)
Hope It’s a Banner Year! Hats off to you, our customers and friends, for your support this year. You’ve made 2015 a year worth celebrating, and we hope 2016 brings all the happiness you deserve.
Monday Mixed League: MHS – Gerry Devenny, 225; WHS – Cindy Watson, 235; MHT – Gerry Devenny, 542; WHT – Cindy Watson, 631. Tuesday New Horizons:
MHS – Glen Shockey, 242; WHS – N/A; MHT – Jack Eckart, 599; WHT – N/A. Thursday Senior’s League: N/A. Thursday’s Y.B.C.: Bowlasaurus: High
Score – Andie James, 77. Pee Wee: High Score – Sawyer Heimbecker, 92; High Double – Sawyer Heimbecker, 160. Bantam: High Score – Jayla Boobyer, 143; High Triple –
Jayla Boobyer, 352. Juniors: High Score – Madison Genaille, 160; High Triple – Julian Heimbecker, 416.
RESERVED for 2016
Thanks and best wishes from our entire team! With Our Gratitude at Year’s End As we get set for a brand new year. We’d like to thank all of those who’ve stopped here For your business and friendship, too We’re really grateful to each one of you!
With best wishes from all of us.
Greg, Naomi and staff
Ivan and Bernice Young and Paul Ogrodnick
Committed to our Community
Season’s Greetings… Sandy, Helen, Jeffery, Jenna Pat and Deb
Biggar Nationals (1) @ Macklin Mohawks (2) WHITE (Saturday, December 19) Scoring: Nationals – (1st) 0, (2nd) 1, (3rd) 0, Total: 1. Mohawks – (1st) 1, (2nd) 1, (3rd) 0, Total: 2. Shots: Nationals – (1st) 11, (2nd) 11, (3rd) 7, Total: 29. Mohawks – (1st) 23, (2nd) 13, (3rd) 11, Total: 47. Power Plays: Nationals – 0 for 7. Mohawks – 0 for 8. Scoring Summary Period 1: Mohawks at 3:49 – Brett Yeo from Cody McKinnon. Period 2: Nationals at 10:00 – Derek Argue from Travis Granbois; Mohawks at 2:01 – Cody McKinnon from Adam Bast and Jeremy Reinbold. Period 3: No Scoring. Penalty Summary Period 1: Mohawks at 15:02 – Colby Shapka for Hooking (2); Nationals at 5:20 – Zach Wourms for Slashing (2); Nationals at 2:47 – Derek Argue for Hooking (2). Period 2: Nationals at 18:57 – Matt Bourgeois for Hooking (2); Nationals at 16:54 – Travis Granbois
for Cross Checking (2); Mohawks at 7:53 – Jason Baier for Holding (2); Mohawks at 4:41 – Alexander Neufeld for Roughing (2); Nationals at 4:41 – Ryan Robillard for Roughing (2); Mohawks
at 4:29 – Brett Yeo for Misconduct (10); Nationals at 4:29 – Steve Makway for Misconduct (10); Mohawks at 4:29 – Jeremy Reinbold for Roughing (2); Nationals at 2:29 – Kevin Fick for
Holding (2). Period 3: Mohawks at 18:25 – Colby Shapka for Tripping (2); Mohawks at 12:11 – Regad Feser for Cross Checking (2); Nationals at 0:17 – Kevin Fick for Tripping (2).
Packages of 500 ONLY $4.99 each, plus taxes 8.5” x 11” 20 lb White Carton of 5000 sheets $41.99, plus taxes
Available at . . .
The Biggar Independent 122 Main Street, Biggar 306-948-3344
NO LIMIT ON QUANTITIES To all our acquaintances both old and new, goes our gratitude and our best wish, too!
Happy New Year! Angie’s Hair Salon & Barber Shop Angie, Sherry, Tammy, Shelyna, Kayde, Kendra
219 Main St., Biggar • 306-948-3696
Your generous support makes it all possible, and your friendship makes it all worthwhile.
Happy New Year & many thanks!
Grondin Funeral Services Ltd. 306-948-2669
Hoops Hooper . . . Biggar Central School Junior Blazer, Barry Hooper launches versus the visiting Perdue Steelers, December 17. The Green and Gold went on to a commanding 72-30 win. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
We really mean it when we say that we loved every minute of serving you this past year. Happy New Year and sincere thanks to each and every one of you. We look forward to seeing you again in the new year.
E-Kay Enterprises George and Joan Ekman, Leroy and Tracy Ekman 306-948-2544
It’s time for holiday fun and gathering the family together to share a warm, wonderful festivity. We hope the holidas bring everything you want! We wish you and yours the best season ever.
Management and staff
AGI-Envirotank Hwy #4, Biggar • 306-948-5262
Makin’ a break for it . . . Biggar Central School Junior, Tacy Bartusek, carries around a Perdue Steeler, December 17. Home advantage worked for
the Green and Gold as they went on to a 40-28 win. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Debunking myths and redefining beer Thank You for choosing RBC Best Wishes for a healthy & prosperous 2016. Happy New Year from…
Royal Bank Troy, Sue, Naty, Destiny and staff
by News Canada We all want to live a well-balanced lifestyle – but wading through the noise around healthy living can be exhausting. We’re programmed to believe that kale is good and beer is bad, but is that really the case? Abbey Sharp, registered dietitian and nutritionist, is an avid believer that by taking a balanced approach, you can achieve a positive relationship with beer in the context of good health. According to Sharp, enjoying some beer after a long day is A-OK.
To help set the record straight, Sharp busts some common beerdrinking myths. The Beer Belly One of the biggest misconceptions is that drinking beer will grow your waistline. The reality is that beer is low in sugar and calories. Plus, it’s fat free. Made with four natural ingredients including barley, hops, yeast and water, beer may not necessarily be the culprit for your belly – look to your food choices, instead. As an alternative to traditional nachos and wings, consider snacking on crudité and
SEASON’S GREETINGS! The wreaths and the trees and the parties Aren’t what we need to convey It’s the birth of our Saviour, Jesus The real reason for this holiday. We wish to thank our loyal customers, and wish you the best in 2015.
Biggar Electrical Services 306-948-5291 Adrian and Barbara de Haan Lyle Zbeeshko
hummus or salad rolls alongside your brew. Beer and calories The calorie count for beer, wine and spirits is surprisingly quite similar when you look at serving size – and in some cases lower for beer. With so many beer styles and options, there are several lower calorie beers on the market that are a great option when looking to incorporate beer into a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, beer contains essential vitamins and antioxidants from its raw ingredients, which can all contribute to a
balanced diet. Beer Bloat Contrary to popular belief, beer doesn’t cause bloating. It’s the carbonation in beer that leads to a feeling of fullness. The next time you grab a beer, make sure to pour it into a glass. Pour the first two-thirds of your beer into a glass at a 45-degree angle, and straighten the bottle for the remaining third. You should have a head of beer that’s about one or two fingers thick. This releases carbonation and helps eliminate the bloated feeling.
It’s a New Year! We’re exploding with gratitude for all the great people we’ve had the opportunity to get to know this past year. Here’s to you and to many wonderful times ahead.
Happy New Year!
May the peace and happiness of the Christmas season carry you and your family through the new year and beyond. Thank you for your patronage.
Spyder AutoBody 948-2044 Fred, Patsy, Curtis, Teagon, Bryor
1st Avenue Collision Center Ltd. 306-948-3356 Jeff and Cindy Jeff, Cindy, and Dan
Asquith Council news for December 2015
Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on Wednesday, December 9. Attending were Mayor Gail Erhard, Councillors Sue Sawicki, Garry Dumont, Ross Beal, Don Lysyshyn and C.A.O. Holly Cross. Motion was made to accept the November 4, 2015 council meeting
minutes as presented to council. A resolution was made to accept the treasurer’s statement of receipts and expenditures for November 2015 and the October bank reconciliations as presented. The accounts paid in the amount of $28,741.39 and the accounts
payable in the amount of $67,282.11 were accepted as presented. There was a water break located at 410 Charles Street that is being repaired. Residents are asked to report to the Town ofďŹ ce any suspicious pools of water that they may see on the streets or boulevards.
Full serve, holiday breakfast . . . Biggar Central School students, Cassidy Winslow, left, and Kalin Harrabek, centre, serve up breakfast, December 18. The students cooked, then served the important meal, all part of some festive cheer. Word has it Santa dropped in to greet the student diners, getting them ready for the Christmas break. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
The Asquith Volunteer Fire Department has responded to several motor vehicle accidents and one incidence of a truck ďŹ re. The Town of Asquith has adopted an employee code of conduct, as well as council public disclosure forms. Bylaw No. 13-2015, A Council Procedures Bylaw, was read three times and passed at this meeting. Loraas Disposal rates will be going up in January 2016 from $15 to $18. As well, town water rates will be raising from $0.50 per 1,000 gallons of water. This will cause the minimum water charge to go from $25.50 to $27 per month. The Town will be sponsoring Cami Schettler with a donation of one hundred dollars ($100) to attend the Forum for Young Canadians in Ottawa in 2016. Mayor Gail Erhart will be attending the SUMA Convention in Regina from January 31 – February 3, 2016. Foreman Kraft will be out of commission at the end of December when he goes into the hospital for knee surgery. Public Work employee John Dahlseide will be taking over the reigns of the foreman in his absence. The Asquith Town ofďŹ ce will be closed the week of Christmas, December 21-25. A reminder goes out to all rate payers that taxes are due on December 31, 2015. Any taxes not paid after this date will be subject to a 15 per cent penalty.
2016 We know we have much to celebrate this year, including the privilege of serving great people like you!
Wylie Seed & Processing Dale, Bill, staff and families
Randy Weekes, M.L.A. Biggar Constituency 948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
May your Christmas and the New Year be filled with health, happiness and prosperity.
Central Plains Co-operative Ltd.
Serving West Central Saskatchewan
AT THE NEW YEAR We really appreciate your loyal support and hope that the New Year brings an abundance of joy and good fortune your way. With best wishes to you and your family for a happy, healthy and prosperous year. We’re truly grateful for your generous support.
Board, Management and Staff
306-237-4373 306-882-2601
Report from the Legislature
hanks at
ur T
Management & staff
307 Main St., Biggar
Hope It’s Feative, Hope It’s Fun,
Hope It’s Lucky For Everyone! Our best wishes to you and yours at the New Year.
Thanks for doing business with us!
Biggar Esso Ted, Okso, Marlyn and Tina 306-948-3600
Saskatchewan continues to post strong population growth
New figures from Statistics Canada show the number of people living in Saskatchewan grew by 5,242 to an all-time high of 1,138,879 in the third quarter of 2015. Saskatchewan’s population has now grown by 146,000 people over the past decade, after declining by nearly 24,000 over the previous decade. While we are facing serious challenges in the energy sector, Saskatchewan’s diverse economy continues to create new jobs and our population continues to grow. That’s a big difference from a decade ago, when a downturn in one sector would mean fewer jobs and a declining population. $100 million in savings for new schools Eighteen new elementary schools are on track to welcome students in Saskatchewan’s fastestgrowing communities by September 2017. In a report prepared by KPMG, independent financial experts confirm the Public Private
Partnership (P3) model will save taxpayers $100 million compared to a traditional model. A total investment of $635 million (in today’s dollars) includes the cost of design, construction, finance and more than 30 years of maintenance to ensure these schools remain in like-new condition. KPMG’s report confirms the same project would have cost $735 million if it was delivered through a traditional approach. Forty Saskatchewan companies are now at work on the province’s largest schools build in history, a project recently honoured by the Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships at their national awards. Students, families, and communities can see the incredible progress being made with the launch of construction site Web cams. The high definition cameras provide continuous still photo video of school construction sites 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can view them online at saskatchewan. ca. Provincial Parks set new visitation record in 2015 Saskatchewan’s provincial parks and rec-
Saskatchewan’s Ag Real Estate Professionals
Acres of Expertise. Hammond Realty would like to thank Dave Molberg for his outstanding performance and contributions to the success of our company. The core values at Hammond Realty are: - Integrity - Expertise - Positive Attitude - Appreciation
reation sites hit a new attendance record of nearly 3.9 million visits in 2015. Strong visitation can be attributed in part to the province continuing to provide excellent visitor services and the enhanced capital infrastructure investment. Our government is committed to investing in park infrastructure to support the current demand and future growth of visitation. Since 2007-08, our government has invested nearly $92 million in upgrades and improvements to provincial park infrastructure. Projects include the development of two new campgrounds, upgrading or replacement of service centres, extensive campsite electrical expansion and upgrading, water and wastewater system upgrades, new and enhanced boat launches, and new campsite furnishings. The opportunity to spend time with family and friends in a beautiful, natural setting is very important to the people of our province, and is only growing in popularity. We are proud to offer high-quality experiences and are
- -
Productivity & Results Family
Dave demonstrates each of our core values. His integrity, expertise, and results are inspiring to everyone he works with. Dave’s success is also a result of his positive attitude, an appreciation for his clients, and devotion to his family. Congratulations Dave on achieving amazing results! We appreciate having you as part of our team. Call Dave and put his Acres of Expertise to work for you. Thank you and Happy New Year!
Dave Molberg
(306) 948-4478 Dave.Molberg@HammondRealty.ca DaveMolberg.HammondRealty.ca
always looking at ways that we can enhance our offerings. Saskatchewanderer leaves lasting impression Ashlyn George’s stint as the 2015 Saskatchewanderer - the most successful year yet - wraps up this week. George spent the year successfully showcasing Saskatchewan as a great place to live, work and play, gaining more than 20,000 followers since January through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Ashlyn took the Saskatchewanderer program to another level and made a lasting impression wherever she travelled. Operators consistently shared with Tourism Saskatchewan their appreciation of her knowledge, enthusiasm and genuine interest in the work that drives Saskatchewan’s tourism sector. Saskatchewanderer partners are currently choosing who will travel the province next year. If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.
As we count down to the New Yaer, we count friends and customers like you among the blessings we appreciate most. Thank you, and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!
by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar (16 December, 2015)
Place a blanket classified!
d n E s ’ r Yea
Cover the province with one phone call.
With O
There is always something happening at the museum! by Delta Fay Cruickshank of the Biggar Museum and Gallery Whew! November and December have just whisked by for us at the museum! Christmas Magic Silent Auction, Festival of Lights Hot Dog Sale, Cookie Sale: these events keep Biggar’s bakers, volunteers, board members and staff busy for months. As well as the regular running of this great museum, we are all looking forward to a
bit of a break over the holidays. All our events have been very successful, due to the generosity of people of Biggar! Your generosity guarantees another year of being able to open all year. Twelve months of events, 12 months of art exhibits and 12 months of guided tours through the history of Biggar. There will be another year of Biggar’s students coming to the museum to tour the art exhib-
Did you receive one of these Christmas cards from your music teacher, Miss Annie Davidson? (Photos courtesy of Biggar Museum and Gallery)
its, and the museum to discover all the cool, old stuff. This year more programs are planned or being planned for hands on experiences for our younger generations. Sharing our past with our children makes us all wiser and more understanding. Who can remember Mrs. Davidson, the music teacher in the 50’s? “Miss Annie G. Davidson was the sister of George, who owned Davidson’s Confectionery (beside the Majestic). She lived on Fourth Avenue West, the second house past the alley, behind Wright’s Garage (where Chico’s is now). Annie G. taught music and singing to the kids of the area, along with Mrs. McKenzie. Many of her students went on to win awards and recognition, and all of them went on to enjoy music the rest of their lives, in one way or another. “Miss Davidson was a full time music teacher. I wonder now what age she was in the 1950’s when I took piano lessons, as she always seemed to be old to me. I remember her as always having grey, curly hair, and sometimes a hair net on her head. She walked with a bit of a stoop, and always wore a dress, and a necklace . . . no respectable music teacher would wear anything but a dress, in those days! “She had two pianos in her living room, her prized baby grand, and a regular upright. The stu-
dents were privilegd to play on the baby grand, and when she was trying to get something through our heads . . . the notes, rhythm, et cetera . . . she would play on the upright to show us how it should be done. And when we were learning a duet, she played the second part, on the upright, along with us on the baby grand. Each year, all the students received a Christmas post card from Miss Davidson, with a picture of her baby grand on it.” For more information go to http://tinyurl.com/ za2aejs. On December 15, our last regular Toonie Draw was drawn. The lucky winner was Kelly Oesch! Lucky for her, she got to take home $72 just before Christmas! The museum has decided to withdraw the Toonie Draw from the downtown merchants. But, do not fear, we will still have the Toonie Draw going for all our special events! Family comes first, and for this reason, the museum will be giving the staff, volunteers and board member a break over the holidays. We will be closed from December 24 until January 4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
“Chase The Ace” at The Legion Fridays
Happy New Year and sincere thanks to each and everyone of you. SPECIAL THANKS to our many volunteers. We look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.
Biggar Museum & Gallery ~ Board and staff ~
Lest we forget any acquaintances old or new, We’d like to send best wishes to all of you, Along with our gratitude for your stopping here — Have a jolly good time and a Happy New Year!
1st Ave. West • Biggar 306-948-2700
Jack, Carolyn and families
Kelly Oesch was the lucky winner of the Toonie Draw on December 15. The Toonie fund raiser will be suspended for 2016. The museum will be having it available during our special events though!
With thanks and glad tidings from us this holiday season.
Gift Certificates available
from Dr. Kirk Ewen, Dr. Jason Garchinski and staff
KRF Auto Centre • Granitex Baked-on Coating • Vortex Spray-in Box liners • Auto Accessories • Detailing • Trailer Rentals 227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar • 306-948-1722
-AIN 3TREET s "IGGAR 1-855-651-3311
Hope the coming year is filled with cause for celebration for our many good friends.
Busse Law Professional Corporation Teena, Heather, Diane, Larry and Stuart 306-948-3346
Memoriams In Loving Memory of
Lacey Elizabeth Longworth
Feb. 12, 1987 - Dec. 29, 2010 “The days will always be brighter because you existed. The nights will always be darker because you are gone. No matter what anybody says about grief and about healing all wounds, the truth is, there are certain sorrows that never fade away until the heart stops beating and the last breath Love‌ Mom, Dad, Rebecca and Shelby is taken.â€?
ELLARD: In loving memory of Royden, who passed away January 1, 2015. “Deep in our hearts you are fondly remembered, Sweet, happy memories cling ‘round your name; True hearts that loved you with deepest affection Always will love you in death the same.� Loved and missed by Lena, Brian, Kevin, Duane and families 52p1
Coming SATURDAY, JANUARY 9: Biggar & District Arts Council presents . . . “THE MARC HOLT QUINTET� , 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/ Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older, $15 (advance $12); children 12 and under $5. Advance tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306-9482452. 48c6 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2: Biggar & District Arts Council presents . . . “LUKE McMASTER� , 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older, $15 (advance $12); children 12 and under $5. Advance tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306-948-2452. 48c6
Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Ladies Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m.
Looking to buy Indian arrowheads and any associated stone tools. Phone 306-7173232. 41tfn Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Landfill OR contact Quentin Sittler at 306-6582132 tfn MAIN STREET GARAGE SALE is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-948-1773 or 306-948-5393. Pickup available. tfn
Church office number, 306-948-3424
Land for Rent
BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH corner of 8th Ave.W. and Quebec St., Biggar
Sunday Worship • 10:50 a.m.
907 Quebec St. and corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar
Sunday Worship Service • 11 a.m. Coffee and fellowship to follow service.
Potluck after service on first Sunday of the month. SUNDAY SCHOOL‌ first two Sundays of each month. Church office number, 306-948-2280, Rev. Jane Gallagher.
PRESBYTERIANS, ANGLICANS AND LUTHERANS (PALS) JANUARY WORSHIP @ REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 319 - 7th Ave. East, Biggar • 10:30 a.m. For more information/pastoral services, phone Pastor Mark Kleiner @ 306-948-3731, 306-951-7122.
ST. GABRIEL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 109 - 7th Ave. W, Biggar Father Michel Bedard Parish Phone: 306-948-3330
MASS TIME 3UNDAY s A M Sunday School during service
LAND FOR RENT, pasture in R.M. of Eagle Creek. Call for details, 306-9489186. 22tfn
Houses for Sale/Rent Three-bedroom home with all new appliances, partly furnished with finished basement, air conditioner, garage with door opener, lovely yard, close to hospital and nursing home. Possession January 1, 2016. Call 306-948-2098 51p3 One bedroom house for rent includes fridge, stove, washer and dryer, walking distance from downtown. $550/month. Phone 306-948-2233 52p3 Two and three bedroom houses for rent. Close to downtown and school. Fridge and stove included. For viewing call 306-9483674 or 306-948-9517 or 306-948-7022. 50tfn
Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundr y facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwasher s, air conditioning, parking with plugins. For more information call: Karen/Kevin 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. Biggar
If YOU are‌ • NEW to our communities of Biggar/Landis/Perdue • Have a new baby
The Independent will be open for regular hours Monday, January 4, 2016 REGULAR HOURS OPEN‌ Monday Thursday to 5 p.m. --closed for noon hours.
WAGON at 306-948-3837
Sheila Itterman We have gifts and information www. welcomewagon.ca
The Independent CLOSES at 12:00 noon on Fridays.
For ALL your stamp
needs‌ call or stop in
@ The Independent, 122 Main St., Biggar
Everyone Welcome!
For Rent
your Business!
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Employment Opportunity NEW-WAY IRRIGATION is seeking a qualified applicant for the PARTS POSITION in our Outlook, SK office. The qualified applicant should have shipping and receiving experience. Excellent organizational skills, and a farm background are assets. Computer proficiency is needed. A competitive salary and benefits package is available to the successful candidate. Please submit resumes by email: hr@newwayirrigation.com
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Employment Opportunity
Land for Sale FARMLAND WANTED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 217 1/4’s South - 97 1/4’s South East - 43 1/4’s South West - 65 1/4’s North - 10 1/4’s North East - 14 1/4’s North West - 12 1/4’s East - 56 1/4’s West - 49 1/4’s FARM AND PASTURE
Think Quinoa in 2016! Grow With Us Total production contracts available for 2016. Premium returns, guaranteed markets and delivery. www.quinoa.com 306.933.9525
Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM
Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @ www.westerncommodities.ca
Cargill Limited -Prairie Malt in Biggar, Sk is currently hiring a Supply Chain Clerk (1 year term/temporary position). The successful applicant will provide administrative support to the Barley Supply Team at PML, interact with members of the operations and finance teams, as well as with our grower customers. Must be organized, detail oriented and a quick study. Will be working regularly in Microsoft Office software as well as industry specific programs. Knowledge and experience in the agriculture industry is an asset. Please submit resume attention: Tamara Weir-Shields to tamara_weir-shields@prairiemalt.com or fax (306)948-3969 by January 6th, 2016. Only those candidates chosen for an interview will be contacted.
Services Hip or Knee Replacement? Problems Walking or Getting Dressed? The Disability Tax Credit $2,000 Yearly Tax Credit $20,000 Lump Sum Refund
Claim it before tax time! 1-844-453-5372
Pkg. of 8.5x11 white bond paper,
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$31.00 + $1.55 gst = $32.55 Inside 40-mile Radius…
$36.00 + $1.80 gst = $37.80 Outside 40-mile Radius…
$41.00 + $2.05 gst = $43.05
DUANE NEUFELDT 403 Main St., Biggar
Licensed For: # # #
" !!!
Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation
701 - 4 Ave. E., Biggar
306.948.3996 Open Monday-Friday
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial
Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic
Cari Perih Residential Salesperson
FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS‌ • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational
Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning Call: Bill: Dale:
306- 948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394
Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, Âź mile west on Triumph Rd.
Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night
Cell: 306.843.7898 Bus: 306.446.8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net Web site: www.remaxbattlefords.com
Landis OfÂżce Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon., Tues., & Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wed., 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs., CLOSED
304 Main St., Biggar Phone: 306-948-2204 Toll Free: 1-855-948-2204
Website: www.biggarinsurance.ca Email: biggar@biggarinsurance.ca
100 - 2nd Ave. W., Landis Phone: 306-658-2044 Toll Free: 1-855-658-2044
Website: www.landisinsurance.ca Email: landis@landisinsurance.ca
“We’ll getcha covered� COURIER/HAULING
Auto Repair TIRES 1st Ave. West, Biggar
Photos by Jocelyn
Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.
306.948.2700 Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer
SERVICES Your authorized
Open: Mon.-Fri.
Panasonic, Samsung,
8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 3AT s A M .OON
LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Yamaha Audio Dealer; and Your authorized
SaskTel Mobility and
You’re reading one! Trucking &this Cattle
• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.
306.237.7671 TROY MAY, owner/opertor Fax:306-237-.TROY email: tmay@hotmail.ca Super B outÀts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan
Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
KRF Auto Centre 100% handwash h7HERE WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU v s $ETAILING s Vortex Spray-In Box Liners s Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring s !UTO !CCESSORIES s 4RAILER 2ENTALS
YH Truck, Ag & Auto
Cell: 306-948-7524
216 Main St., Biggar
after hours George: 948-4042
~Brian and Cathy Fick~
~ One time projects or long term service
ĂżWord Processing ĂżAccounts Payable ĂżDatabase Management ĂżBookkeeping ĂżData Entry ĂżProject Planning ĂżSpreadsheets ĂżMarketing ĂżResume Writing ĂżPresentations Cost effectiveness, quality performance and reliability with peace of mind.
For a FREE consultation, call Cheryl Irvine @
(WY %AST "IGGAR 306-948-2109
Rebel Landscaping 306-948-2879, evenings 306-948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky s $RIVEWAYS s #ONCRETE s 'ARAGE 0ADS s 0RUNING s 0LANTING
Goldburg Gravel Ltd. • Pit Run • Base Gravel • Road Gravel
• Crushed Rock • Top Soil
Phone‌ Leam Craig
Jerry Muc Phone: 306-948-2958 306-948-5699
Biggar Sand & Gravel
306-948-2801 or 306-948-7279 HONEYBEE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Bob Kobelsky
306-658-4474, Landis
• trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Office ‌
306-948-5455 Anne G. Livingston
CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 306-948-7274 greengables2@sasktel.net
Call: 306-948-2101
306-948-3312 sales@gvsigns.ca
Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
t Delivery
Ask Abou
A Sign of
• Laser Engraving • Promotional products (mugs, mousepad, etc)
Certified Scale and Ticketed Loads Serving the Rosetown & Biggar Areas
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar
• Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service
Service Truck Full Mechanical Service -ON &RI s A M P M phone: George
Judy Kahovec‌ 306-882-4313, cell 306-831-7935
“Your complete decal and signage shop�
High Speed Internet Dealer
Biggar Of¿ce Hours‌
Teams, Corporate and Personal Attire
SGI Safety Inspection
ž Auto & Home Insurance ž Farm & Commercial Insurance ž Health & Travel Insurance ž Life Insurance & Investments ž Farm Succession & Estate Planning ž Notary Publics
Custom Embroidery
RED APPLE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES “Administrative Services to Meet Your Business Needs�
Heavy Truck Repair
Cell 306-948-7995
of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated
207 Main St. Biggar
Phone: 306-948-5678
Burnt Orange Sales Repair Virus Removal
Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat
Saskatoon - Biggar OďŹƒce
Computer Sales and Repair
130 - 2 Ave. W., Biggar
OPEN: Tues., Thurs., & Fri., 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Contact THE INDEPENDENT 306-9483344 to have your business listed here, ‌ask about special rates and sizes!
Your family remembered forever! in the Heritage Albums for only $25 at the Biggar Museum, 306-948-3451
DEADLINE for ads, classisifeds and news MONDAY - 5 P.M.
INSURANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Helping you Help yourself
Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
#ELL 306-221-6888
“Setting a Higher Standard” ∆New Construction ∆Re-roofs ∆Torch-on ∆Tile ∆Metal ∆Asphalt ∆All repairs ∆Shakes ∆Inspections NOW DOING ∆ Eavestroughing ∆ Downspouts ∆ Soffit & Facia We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453
For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young
Biggar, Sask.
306-948-3389 Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Weight Loss & Wellness Centre
306-717-2818 www.madgesaskroofing.com Eavestroughing Biggar, Sask.
Goldburg Electric Ltd.
This space in this directory is available for only $161.20 plus gst…
• Residential • Commercial Contact Matt Craig
one column x 2 inches for 26-week prepaid commitment
Call 306-948-3344
• ‘Ideal Protein’ Weight Loss • ‘Slender You’ Figure Salon Weight Loss Coach Anne G. Livingston 317 Main St., Biggar
Call Making Biggar Smaller!
Co-Ed Fitness Centre Healthy Lifestyle Weight Loss 30-minute Circuit Personal Training Fitness Classes …owned and operated by Brett Barber
102 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
306.948.2208 Use all modes of advertising…
NORTH BATTLEFORD, Sask. Shop 306.446.3298
Fax 306.445.4275
…located in the Professional Building 223 Main St., Biggar
Phone or Text:
306-321-4991 More Appointments
Now available
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Website: www.perdue massageclinic.com
Moonlight Therapy Janet & Candice Moon Colour Energy Therapists …for info & appts
306-948-7682 or 306-948-7128
OFFICE HOURS - together with -
5th Avenue 106th Street
Contact us for all your insurance and financial services 306-948-3926
Registered Massage Therapists (MTAS
115 - 1st Avenue West Rosetown, Sask.
(regular price is $20.16 per week = $524.16 plus gst)
Perdue Massage & Acupuncture
306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050
Commercial and Industrial Electrical Wiring
Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Phone:306.882.2123 New Patients Welcome!
BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6 Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. th
Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
• Bookkeeping • Tax Returns • Financial Statements
Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460
rod.campbell@sasktel.net 122 Main St., Biggar, SK
201B - 2nd Ave. West P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Ph: 306-948-5133
…serving your community since 1972
Peszko &Watson is a full service law office that practices… ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
Criminal Law Commercial Law Family Law Real Estate Law Wills and Estate Law and our lawyers, Jason Peszko Lisa Watson Sophie Ferré
223 Main Street Biggar Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
306-948-2183 Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca
look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:
306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865
INVESTMENTS Kirk Ewen Doctor of Optometry
Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance 222 Main Street 306 948 5377
info@twhfinancial.ca www.twhfinancial.ca
In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar
For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
INVESTMENTS For all your investment needs, Visit…
Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI
Lyndsey Poole
Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.
Pamela Eaton Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.
New laws for farmland ownership proclaimed Amendments to The Saskatchewan Farm Security Act, clarifying who can and cannot own farmland in Saskatchewan, have been proclaimed and will come into effect on January 4, 2016. “The people of Saskatchewan provided very clear direction during the consultation process,� Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart said. “The legislation reflects the views of Saskatchewan residents, provides clarity around farmland ownership and gives the Farm Land Security Board the tools it needs to enforce the rules.�
The amendments include: s -AKING PENSION plans, administrators of pension fund assets and larger trusts ineligible to buy farmland; s $EFINING hHAVING AN interest in farmland� to include any type of interest or benefit (i.e. capital appreciation), either directly or indirectly, that is normally associated with ownership of the land; and s 7HEN FINANCING A purchase of farmland, all financing must be through a financial institution registered to do business in Canada, or a Canadian citizen.
Non-Canadian citizens can still own up to 10 acres of farmland, and exemptions can still be granted for economic development initiatives. These rules were in place previously and will not change. In addition, the Farm Land Security Board (FLSB) will receive new and expanded authority to enforce the legislation, including: s !T THE DISCRETION OF the FLSB, any person purchasing farmland must complete a statutory declaration; s 0LACING THE ONUS TO prove compliance with the legislation on the
person purchasing the land; s )NCREASING FINES FOR being in contravention of the legislation from $10,000 to $50,000 for individuals and from $100,000 to $500,000 for corporations; and s !UTHORIZING THE FLSB to impose administrative penalties to a maximum of $10,000. The amendments put into law the regulations announced in April. The Ministry of Agriculture conducted consultations on farmland ownership from May 20 through to August 10, with more than 3,200 people participating.
Seeing blue? Slow down, stay back, stay safe Saskatchewan highways will soon be a little more colourful. Beginning Monday, $ECEMBER BLUE AND amber flashing lights will be activated on all Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure snow removal equipment during regular winter maintenance activities. “The blue and amber light combination is unique to snow removal equipment, so it helps motorists identify when equipment is working
ON THE HIGHWAYS v $EPUTY 0REMIER AND -INISter responsible for SGI $ON -C-ORRIS SAID ON behalf of Highways and Infrastructure Minister .ANCY (EPPNER h7HEN you see the blue and amber lights flashing, please slow down and stay well back of the snow removal equipment.� The blue and amber lights will be installed on provincial snowplows, graders and snow blowers. The light combina-
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
tion will only be used when the equipment is plowing or blowing snow, sanding, salting or surveying the condition of the highways. Saskatchewan joins Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland and the Yukon in adopting the blue and amber light combination. “By adding the blue lights to the amber ones already in use, we’re hoping to increase visibility and awareness of our snow removal equipment,� McMorris said. “At this time
of year, we’re all in a hurry; increasing visibility of equipment will help everyone get home safe.� If you come across snowplows in operation, slow down and stay back. The operators will pull over approximately every 10 kilometres or when it is safe to do so, giving you an opportunity to pass. Remember, it’s illegal to pass snow removal equipment at more than 60 km/h when lights are flashing.
Biggar Constituency 948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar Even though snow is blanketing the landscape, we’re warmed by having such good friends and neighbors around us this season. We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and healthy year ahead.
MOON LIGHT THERAPY Janet Moon, Candice Moon, Colour Therapists
For Information and Appointments
1st Aid Course
Taking bookings for courses in January inquire about the online course (Limit of 10 per course)
phone: 306-951-7700
306-948-7682 OR 306-948-7128
Thinking of You At The New Year As the celebration begins, we recall the good times we’ve had this past year serving you, and hope that wherever life takes you in the year ahead, that you are blessed with much love, happiness and good fortune. With our sincere appreciation for your invaluable friendship and support
Shirley, Jason and staff • 306-948-3337
~ and ~
Here’s hoping health, happiness and good fortune reign supreme in the year ahead. People like you make it all worthwhile. Thanks!
306-948-2643 • Biggar
CO-ED FITNESS FACILITY Personal Training, Kickboxing, Sweat with Brett Fitness Classes, Nutrition Consulting OPEN‌ - 7 days a week -- 5 a.m. - 11 p.m. 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar • www.newuÀtness.ca
306-948-2208 or 306-948-9750 (cell)
Tips to help your family fight the flu this season
Place a blanket classiďŹ ed!
Cover the province with one phone call.
by News Canada With each day the weather gets colder, and thoughts turn to bundling up and hunkering down. But as the temperature drops, we are reminded that u season is right around the corner. “There are some really simple ways to help your family ďŹ ght the u this winter,â€? explains pharmacist Laura Weyland. “People don’t have to wait it out and hope for the best. There are three easy tips to help keep you healthy this year: eat well, wash your hands frequently, and get the u shot.â€? “While it’s important to make healthy food choices all year, it’s also a good idea to look at what you eat during u season to ensure you’re getting the nutrients your body needs,â€? says Laura McCann, a registered dietitian. “Vitamins C and E are antioxidants for the maintenance of good health while zinc supplements have been proven to help maintain immune function. Foods that contain an abundance of these are good to look for during your grocery shop.â€? Below are a few foods that will help you maintain a healthy diet: s #ITRUS &RUIT n .OT only are citrus fruits a good source of vitamin C, they’re naturally delicious. If fresh fruit is not an option, look for fresh or frozen 100 per cent fruit juice. s "EANS AND ,EGUMES n Boost your zinc intake by including a variety of beans and legumes in your diet.
s .UTS AND 3EEDS n ! variety of nuts and seeds during cold and u season help you beneďŹ t FROM VITAMIN % n A dietary antioxidant that helps in the maintenance of good health. s 'ARLIC n 2AW GARLIC has been traditionally
used in herbal medicine for hundreds of years to help relieve the symptoms associated with upper respiratory tract infections and catarrhal conditions. To help protect your family, make sure everyone gets a u shot.
Packages of 500 ONLY $4.99 each, plus taxes 8.5� x 11� 20 lb White Carton of 5000 sheets $40.99, plus taxes
The Biggar Independent -AIN 3TREET "IGGAR 306-948-3344
How to stay hydrated for winter sports
We’re sowing our best wishes with the hope that they grow into joy and prosperity for the folks that we know!
Management and staff Wilkie, SK. 306-843-3113
by News Canada Winter sports from skating to skiing or even shovelling the driveway are part of the quintessential Canadian experience. One of the most neglected, yet crucial aspect of winter activity is hydration. While we typically associate hydration with balmy days of summer, when the heat is reminding us of our thirst, not staying properly hydrated regardless of the time of year can make your heart work harder, decrease energy levels and make you feel weaker. If you want to optimize your winter workouts check out these tips for proper cold weather hydration: Set a water goal Pay attention to signs and symptoms of dehydration and inadequate liquid consumption. If you’re experiencing headaches, muscle
cramping, or fatigue, it could be a sign that your body needs more fluid. Grab a bottle of water, or any other beverage like tea or juice to stay hydrated. Match your drink to your activity The Canadian Beverage Association suggests aligning your drink selection with your activity level and caloric needs. If you’re exercising for an extended period of time, look for your options that will keep your body fuelled at peak performance. Science shows that water, carbohydrates and elec-
trolytes in sports drinks provide significant hydration and athletic performance benefits for active individuals. Look for front-of-package caloric labelling and low- and no-calorie beverages for smart hydration choices. Opt for warm beverages. Just the thought of an ice cold glass of water can send chills down our spine during the winter months. Try warming up with a thermos of hot water with lemon or green tea. Not only are these great hydrating options, but calorie-free too.
Happy Holidays
YEAR END OIL SALE Buy oil until December 31, 2015 at the lowest pprice of the year! y CENTRAL PLAINS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. Eston Service Station 306-962-3647
Bulk Petroleum 306-882-2608
Perdue C-Store 306-237-4639
Landis Agro Centre 306-658-2234
from Happy from Holidays Prairie Malt Limited Cargill Limited -Prairie Malt Employees