$1.50 HOME DELIVERY (HST included); $2.00 RETAIL (HST included)
Strikers Laura Breen and Nichole Adams on target
Gussied up for Government House garden party
Home-care worker stabbed
Intoxicated man allegedly hurt by mentally delayed client IVAN MORGAN
July 16 stabbing on Stamp’s Lane in St. John’s allegedly involved a distraught mentally delayed man stabbing his personal home-care worker, a witness tells The Independent. It’s also alleged the worker was drinking at the time. The witness — who spoke to The Independent on condition of anonymity — was approached by the mentally delayed man immediately after the incident. “(He) was shaking and frightened to death and he said . . . ‘I did something wrong. He (the personal home-care worker) is … there with blood on his back, can you come and help him?’ “He didn’t even know how to phone 911 himself,” the witness tells The Independent. A spokesman for the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary says police cannot comment on the allegations because the matter is before the courts. But in a July 17 news release, the RNC did confirm See “Frightened to death,” page 4
The food fishery got under way this week, with hundreds of Newfoundlanders taking to the water to catch a meal of cod. (L-R) Mitchell, Dicks, and Tucker (the men withheld their first names) spent July 25 fishing the waters off Portugal Cove. Nicholas Langor/The Independent
Diocese not meeting victim payment schedule: lawyer By Ivan Morgan The Independent
— Columnist Pam Pardy Ghent, See Scrunchins, page 3.
he lawyer representing sexual abuse victims of Roman Catholic priest Kevin Bennett says the western Newfoundland diocese responsible for paying compensation is not living up to their payment schedule. Lawyer Greg Stack says Bishop Douglas Crosby of St. George’s Catholic Diocese raised upwards of $7 million to meet the amount the Supreme Court of Canada awarded Bennett’s victims and ordered the diocese to pay. The money, says Stack, would normally be handed directly over to creditors, including victims. Instead, the diocese set up a corporation and used the cash to buy some of its own properties, presumably to protect them from liquidation. Stack fears that while some of the money raised was paid to the victims, the sale of the diocese’s assets to make up the balance owed may now be blocked. To date, Stack says the victims have received about half of what they are owed. He says Crosby came up with a payment schedule to creditors which Stack says “is not bankruptcy, but it’s a step removed from bankruptcy.” “Now, the problem is they haven’t been living up to it,” Stack tells The
QUOTE OF THE WEEK “And resign? Not freakin’ likely. Like wanting to stay here in rural Newfoundland, I would have to be dragged out of there kicking and screaming my baylady’s arse off.”
Fewer EI claims by fishermen Low prices for fish mean fewer file for EI: union JOHN RIETI
S Photo illustration
Independent. “They’re saying that they sold all their assets and I guess hand-in-hand they’ve ceased their fundraising. I’m not sure,” says Stack. “You know, this was a personal commitment from the bishop as to how he was going to pay for his debts — the bishop being the representative of the church itself. So the church said this is how we’ll pay our debts. “And the bishop signed off on it. Now he did raise money but it seems as though once they got their property that they want tucked away, they’re reluctant now it seems — they’re certainly slow in raising any additional funds.” Asked if this action will stand up in court, Stack says probably not. “Well, every debtor in the country would try it, wouldn’t they?” When asked if he thinks the action See “Not even,” page 2
Photographer Steve Payne Voice from Away . . . . . . . . . . Noreen Golfman . . . . . . . . . . Movie review . . . . . . . . . . . . . Food & drink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 21 23 26 28
tatistics obtained by The Independent show a steady decline in the number of fishermen filing for employment insurance in the last three years. David Decker, secretary-treasurer of the Fish, Food and Allied Workers’ union, says low prices for fish have reduced the number of fishermen who can qualify for EI. He says many crewmembers who don’t own fishing enterprises are also being lured away by Alberta’s job market. The statistics, provided by Service Canada, also show a steady decrease in the fishing benefits paid out. Service Canada was reluctant to make conclusions based on the numbers, but the FFAW was more than willing to offer an interpretation. “For a lot of small boats it (qualifying for EI) would be a struggle. Even after fishing all season it’d be a struggle to get enough to file with and get a decent income,” Decker tells The Independent. To qualify for fisherman’s EI — a different benefit than fish-plant workers or the general public would receive — fishermen must work for 31 weeks and catch a minimum of
$2,500 to $4,200 worth of fish during the season, depending on the unemployment rate in their region. To date in 2007, 4,836 fishermen have applied for EI and $62.8 million has been paid out. That number will grow during the first week of September, the second time during the year fishermen can apply. Decker says filing in September is the more popular time because it gets fishermen through the winter months. Service Canada provided The Independent with the numbers of EI claims and total dollars paid out for each of the years between 1991 and 2007. In 1991, the year prior to the northern cod moratorium, 12,270 fishing claims were filed, with a total payout of just over $98 million. The number of claims dropped substantially throughout the 1990s as thousands of fishermen were paid fish aid. The number of claims rose, peaking at 18,001 in 2004, before dropping to 16,680 in 2005 and 14,393 in 2006. Yearly payments have decreased from 2003’s decade-high $178 million to $112 million in 2006. “People have been really stretched and have had to look for alternate work. We’ve had a lot of our members fish the fishing season and then leave and go away to try and find work to See “Rationalize,” page 2
JULY 27, 2007
‘The premier should put a stop to this’ L
ast week Premier Danny Williams went to his west coast district of Humber West and handed out two rather large cheques. He gave $175,000 to the 2008 Summer Games Committee and another $100,000 to the Ironman Triathlon. Williams told the recipients he was proud as their MHA to be presenting them with the public money. As you can guess, the Liberals took some umbrage with this and accused the premier of breaking the House of Assembly’s new spending rules. Liberal leader Gerry Reid accused the premier of subverting those new rules to take political advantage of what has become an uneven playing field. Reid says government MHAs are still going to hand out cheques to potential supporters over the coming weeks and in doing so they violate the spirit, if not the letter of these new laws. The premier says Reid is merely being devious. The work of government must go on, he says. Around the same time, Education Minister Joan Burke was in her district handing out a cheque from the Municipal Affairs Department to the local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. It was only $3,500 or so. Not a big deal. A picture of her presenting
Page 2 talk the cheque appeared in the local papers. If we want we can argue the money Burke and Williams handed out was government money and not constituency allowance funds so it isn’t covered by the Green report. That’s splitting hairs. We are living in a new political age and politicians are not supposed to be handing out cheques. It doesn’t matter where the money comes from, such actions in the middle of an election cycle are deemed to be vote buying and with fixed election dates the vote buying window is open longer. Earlier in the week, Transportation Minister John Hickey was in Monkstown in the provincial district of Bellevue. He was there to meet with some citizens who are demanding that their road be upgraded. They want some ditching and pavement. They have been frustrated for years and have claimed that their pleadings keep falling on deaf ears.
Suddenly the concerned citizens got home. a meeting with the Transportation Two things are bringing all of this minister himself and he is now going about: the adoption of Judge Derek to take their issue under advisement. Green’s recommendations into the As one person who attended the meet- political spending scandal and the ing told me, they left feeling hopeful fixed election date, which sees the for the first time in a election cycle start decade. But here’s the earlier than ever and catch: the minister did last longer. Cabinet ministers not meet with the Let’s be honest, group alone. He having the minister going around the brought along a friend of any department province meeting to sit in with him — assign some backCalvin Peach, the bencher to go and with special interest hand out cheques on newly minted PC candidate for the district department’s groups and allowing the of Bellevue, also behalf during an attended. election campaign, the local party Hickey’s meeting especially in the with the residents is candidate to tag along backbencher’s disquite appropriate and trict, is disingenuous has implications laudable, but should and speaks to that the Tory candidate unbalanced playing that are unworthy of field Reid identifies. have been in the room? The message Cabinet ministers our politics. transmitted, delibergoing around the ately or otherwise, is province meeting that a vote for our candidate gets you with special interest groups and allowsome roadwork and a vote for some- ing the local party candidate to tag one else leaves you out in the cold. along has implications that are unworYou can put whatever spin on it you thy of our politics. The premier should want, but the inference is there. Mr. put a stop to it. Hickey should have left Mr. Peach at If a government department is going
Fishermen repair nets in St. John’s.
to hand out a cheque to anyone during this election cycle let’s make sure the relevant minister does it and not a local candidate or MHA. If ministers are going to carry on with their duties, as they must, local candidates should not be attending departmental meeting with them. It sends the wrong message. We can split hairs if we want and argue that there is no election underway. The writ has not been dropped so the work of government must carry on as usual. Maybe so, but we are living in a new era where citizens are demanding a different kind of behaviour from our political elite. We are living in a time when the words accountability and transparency are supposed to mean something. The ministers and their backbench colleagues can hand out all the money they like over the coming weeks. They can pretend there is no election called if they like. Will they be held accountable for that? I don’t know. At least what they’re doing is transparent. Randy Simms is host of VOCM’s Open Line radio program. rsimms@nf.sympatico.ca
Paul Daly/The Independent
Rationalize the industry From page 1 supplement their income,” says Decker. Many have found other work by moving to Alberta during the winter months, and while many return to fish each summer, Decker predicts the trend will continue. Fishermen must actively search for work while receiving EI payments, he says. “The only way to strengthen that
fishing industry is to ensure that the people that fish make decent incomes.” Decker admits there will be fewer fishermen in the future, but says the FFAW, which represents 11,000 members, continues to focus on fishermen’s standard of living. He says the biggest challenge now is to “find a way to rationalize the industry and at the same time make sure that any kind of rationalization benefits the
people in the industry. “This year overall it’s been much brighter,” says Decker, noting an increase in the landed value of crab, although increasing fuel and insurance costs have kept the province’s 4,960 fishing enterprises from seeing a big benefit. Until prices increase, says Decker, less fishermen will be able to make a living here. john.rieti@theindependent.ca
‘Not even down to a trickle’ From page 1 is in bad faith, or a dodge of some kind, Stack chooses his words carefully. “It’s a novel approach to one’s creditors,” he says, adding it’s a convoluted arrangement. “It seems strange that after the tap’s running full … you’re getting a lot of donations and so on, and suddenly it is cut off and there is zero coming in, it’s not even down to a trickle … it’s nothing,” says Stack. “He hasn’t contributed anything since way before Christmas.” Crosby is in Ireland and could not be reached for comment. A spokesman for the diocese, Fr. Jim Robertson, says the diocese has paid to the victims “through fees and so on, almost $9 million so far.” He says the schedule has been followed up until the last payment “which was last July.” Asked to comment on why the diocese has not made payments since then, he says he cannot, other than to note the next payment is not due until the end of July 2007. Cases against Bennett, which involved 36 original victims, date back to 1989. In 1990 he was convicted of numerous sexual assaults spanning decades. He was sentenced to almost 20 years in prison, but served four. The case involving compensation for the victims ended up before the Supreme Court of Canada, which ruled in 2004 that the diocese was liable for Bennett’s actions, and awarded them $13 million. Since the original judgment, eight more victims have come forward, raising the claims from $13 million to $14 million. In 2005 the diocese filed for bankruptcy protection. The current payment schedule arose from that move, allowing the diocese to attempt to meet its debts. ivan.morgan@theindependent.ca
JULY 27, 2007
SCRUNCHINS A weekly collection of Newfoundlandia et’s start this week with a Scrunchin that falls in the getoff-your-arse category. (I’ll get to the latest tattoo craze, slugfest, and celebrity spider soon enough.) The Independent’s July 20 edition included the front-page story, Mondo Condos, about how a company has approached the provincial government about building floating condos at Bull Arm. The province wouldn’t reveal the name of the company, so The Independent made some calls. We got in touch with a U.S. company by the name of Cala Corp., which is looking to build luxury floating condo ships. Turns out Cala, a multimilliondollar company listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, wasn’t the company that originally contacted the province, but they were more than interested in talking to the province’s Business Department. Cala had only recently ceased negotiations with a Malta shipyard and the government there about a shipbuilding contract. So we passed along the contact info, like you would, only to hear later in the week that the Business Department hadn’t responded to Cala’s numerous inquiries. The chairman himself, Joe Cala, contacted The Independent to ask for Minister Kathy Dunderdale’s direct email address. If you’re reading this, Kathy, could you take a moment to check your messages? We could do with the business …
webcam screen — dot the two webs.” Riveting stuff … “The larger spider has attracted enough interest for CBC Radio’s Ted Blades to solicit possible names from his listeners.” I’ve got one — how about Mike, the Government-Funded, Fully Unionized Lazy Summer Day King of Spiders …
FATHER KNOWS BEST Now for an example of the power of advertising in The Independent. (If you don’t promote yourself, who will?) Colour, a St. John’s communications company, ran a front-page banner advertisement in The Independent’s June 15 Father’s Day edition. The particular ad featured a symmetrical ambigram. Hold on — I didn’t know what that meant either until I read the ad’s small print. A symmetrical ambigram is when a word — in this case Father — is written to be legible both right-side up and upside down. Danny Huxter of Springdale liked the ad so much he ran out and got the design tattooed on the back of one of his guns … er, arms (see picture). Huxter, 34, is a father of four who always knew what he wanted to be. “I was in Grade 2 and someone asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I said, ‘A Dad.’ ” Now he’s got the official stamp to prove it. And no doubt the symmetrical ambigram will come in handy on days when Huxter hangs upside down and shirtless from the ceiling … SUMMER LOVIN’ While on the topic of naval gazing … last week Scrunchins took a swipe at local bloggers Sue Kelland-Dyer, Ed Hollett, Simon Lono and Geoff Meeker. The four have much in common: they’re opinionated, somewhat in the public eye, and each has a day job as a communications consultant, meaning they’re paid to lobby and advise. Question is, who pays them? The question is entirely relevant when the bloggers (with the exception of Meeker) are regular callers to VOCM’s Open Line, and are often quoted in the local media. As for Meeker, his weblog is paid for by The Telegram. How can communications consultants — representing God knows who — comment with any credibility about the media or anything else without revealing their list of employers? Who’s to know if there’s a conflict of interest? In response, at least two bloggers — Lono and Meeker — took The Independent to task (well, me specifically) for writing a front-page story about Astraeus, the British airline that provides the only year-round direct flight between St. John’s and London. Astraeus also does charter business for Humber Valley Resort, which is owned by Independent publisher Brian
SHIP SHAPE The Globe and Mail ran an interesting piece this week on the sale of the 90-foot Scademia, the tour boat that operated for years out of St. John’s harbour. Owner Charlie Anonsen is selling the boat — billed as the last old-school schooner to have been built in Newfoundland — for $600,000. According to the Globe piece, the ship has seen celebrities from Pierre Trudeau to Don Cherry walk its decks. Rod Stewart was even Screeched in on board. Anonsen says he’s already received interest from Ontario. What does St. John’s need with a schooner when it has ancient ferries and rustbucket foreign trawlers to dot the pretty harbour apron …
Danny Huxter of Springdale and his new tattoo. Baby Claye hitches a ride.
Dobbin. So the b’ys went after me for writing a “suck piece.” (I prefer to call it a telling-it-like-it-is piece, which is my nature. The airline won’t be around long if passenger numbers don’t pick up.) While the bloggers were big on pointing out my potential biases, they were notably silent on my original question: who do they work for? Maybe each of them should have a symmetrical ambigram of the word conflict tattooed on their guns … PAM READING There’s more to this story. In his Telegram blog this week, Meeker writers, “If I was one of those staff, I would march into Cleary’s office and give him a piece of my mind. I would ask what on earth was he thinking? And if I didn’t like his answer, chances are I would resign.” (Which raises the question: if Meeker quits, how will he pay for his tattoo?) Independent columnist Pam Pardy Ghent (page 27 this week) wrote a response to Meeker, which was worth repeating. Here’s a snippet: “Hidden agendas? I see nothing sneaky in the little paper that could. Is outside ownership evil? Perhaps not evil in the traditional sense, but I would certainly support a local business first if at all possible — and there are many more (thankfully) like me … anyone out there who depends on local dollars to scrape out a living while hanging on to a life in this province by their fingernails will, in my humble opinion, take offence to you scoffing at a use-it-orlose-it message.” Pam was indeed pissed … “I don’t think I will be going into Mr. Cleary’s office to give him a piece of my mind — I need all the pieces for myself quite frankly. And resign? Not freakin’ likely. Like wanting to stay here in rural Newfoundland, I would have to be dragged out of there kicking and screaming my baylady’s arse off.” Pam’s the best … WALLY WORLD Alex Marland, an assistant professor with MUN’s political science department, comments this week on the laying of charges against Liberal MHA Wally Andersen (see page 4). While they won’t say it on the record, officials with the NDP and Liberals have a problem with Marland in that his last job was as a communications director with the provincial government, working for such Tory cabinet ministers as Tom Rideout and Trevor Taylor. They essentially say Marland is a Tory puppet. From where I stand, Marland was
one of only a handful of competent communications directors. As for possible bias, as a professor Marland has a unique perspective, having seen the inside of the political beast … BLADES OF STEEL You know it’s a slow news day when the local CBC features a story on its
web page about a spider that has spun a web on the corporation’s webcam in St. John’s. “It looks, for a moment, like an image from a bad horror movie, with an arachnid invasion of a university campus,” read CBC’s online story. “On Tuesday, a second, smaller spider spun its web nearby. A number of flies — which look like specks of dust on the
LAST POST Brendan Michael O’Brien, the former archbishop of St. John’s, was installed this week as the new archbishop of Kingston, Ont. Interviewed by the Kingston Whig-Standard, O’Brien, 63, said he expects this to be his last posting with the church before mandatory retirement at 75 and says he hopes to raise the profile and relevance of the church in the time that he is there. “It gives me enough time to accomplish some things, but it’s not long enough for people to get sick of me.” And there you have it … ryan.cleary@theindependent.ca
Jim Gillard took this photo of towering icebergs near Exploits Island, Notre Dame Bay on the way back from his cabin recently. Send submissions for Your Town to paul.daly@theindependent.ca.
JULY 27, 2007
‘Cups of tea and games of cards perception’ Home-care workers in short supply; wages unattractive By Mandy Cook The Independent
now it’s not funny.” A client can either purchase agency care for their at-home assistance or he province’s estimated 4,500 choose self-managed care with the home-care workers are being cash provided by the province based lured away from the industry by on a need assessment. If a client jobs at Tim Hortons and McDonald’s chooses to self-manage their home that pay more and even offer benefits care, they are responsible for payroll packages, home-care agencies say. and insuring the worker, whereas if Anne Whelan of Caregivers, a they choose an agency, it will adminhome-support agency that provides ister those tasks for them. home-care workers to The wage paid to people who require home-care workers assistance ranging “It’s tough to make it a recently jumped to from basic house$8.29 per hour from keeping to complex $8.04. career when … Tim health care, says the Health Minister company can no Hortons pays benefits Ross Wiseman says longer compete with the province has and we can’t.” the service industry. “quality programs Anne Whelan “There’s a lot of and operational prohospitalizations and tools” to ensure escalation of conditions that would not clients receiving support in their occur with a higher quality home-care homes are assisted by adequately system and that’s not anybody’s fault, trained people. He acknowledges the it’s not the fault of home-care workers. demands and complexity of care “It’s tough to make it a career when expected of home-care workers has a call centre pays more and Tim been changing, but says his departHortons pays benefits and we can’t. ment has responded appropriately. Yet the need for it is growing,” “Over the last three years we’ve Whelan tells The Independent. provided increases to the fees for Although Whelan says the turnover home-support agencies and those fees rate in the industry in general is esti- have been able to accommodate a mated to be 100 per cent, Caregivers’ salary increase for the employees and rate of turnover stands at 60 per cent, that increase has given them a dollarup from about 30 per cent four or five an-hour increase. Plus, we’ve providyears ago. She says home-care work- ed some additional compensation for ers are undervalued when it comes to the administration costs associated their contribution to community with salary increases for the agenhealth. cies,” Wiseman says. “It’s still the cups of tea and games Whelan says the changing demoof cards perception and it is so not that graphic of the province’s aging popu-
Photo illusustration
lation, as well as outmigration, is creating a vacuum when it comes to assisting seniors who require help in their homes, and people who would have been in long-term care 10 years ago are now sent home to recuperate. That, coupled with the movement to discharge mental health patients into the community, has caused an increased demand for community care, she says. “I think the province came at home care from a social services standpoint. They need to look at it like a continuum of health care, and they need to start addressing the quality issues and the human resource issues the same way they do in institutional-based health care which means higher rates of pay and higher standards of care.” Wiseman says while government may be a big client for home-care support agencies, they are “not the sole client.” He points to insurance companies, the federal Department of Veterans Affairs and other sources of revenue from which home-care agencies draw their revenue. He also notes a changing and competitive market is luring home-support workers to the service industry which is no longer tied to the minimum wage. In response to Whelan’s claim of a 100 per cent turnover for home-care workers, Wiseman says any industry that has such a high turnover has many other issues contributing to the loss of staff and the compensation package is “only a piece of the issue.” mandy.cook@theindependent.ca
‘Frightened to death’ From page 1 its major crime unit was investigating a stabbing at the Stamp’s Lane home. Police also confirmed at the time that a 56-year-old male was taken to hospi-
tal with injuries and later released, and that a 41-year-old man was arrested and charged with assault with a weapon. The accused, Christopher Howse, was sent to the Waterford Hospital for a two-week psychiatric assessment and is
due back in provincial court July 31. The Independent contacted the Department of Health and Community Services, which directed inquiries to Eastern Health or the private company that hired the personal-care worker in
question. The Independent was unable to identify the home-care company the stabbing victim worked for. The witness, however, says the victim’s supervisor arrived at the scene after the police were called, and fired the home-care worker. The mentally delayed man allegedly told the witness the worker was drinking alcohol and tried to get his client to join him. “He said he became increasingly stressed by the pressure and a fight broke out, during which he stabbed the home-care worker,” the witness says. The witness then went on to describe the scene. “(The mentally delayed man) was sitting in the chair frightened to death, you could tell, right? And the other fella was lying on the couch with the blood everywhere all over the back of his shirt.” The witness claims the home-care worker, who was bleeding, smelled of alcohol and was visibly intoxicated. “And he just got up off the couch and ushered me out the door as if to say,
‘Oh there’s nothing to see, there’s nothing going on,’ insisting he was fine, although he was obviously bleeding.” According to the witness, the homecare worker then left, leaving his client unattended. The witness became concerned for the mentally delayed man, who apparently needs constant supervision. “He’s not even allowed out by the door.” The witness, who knows the mentally delayed man in question, does not think he should have been arrested by the police or charged. “He doesn’t drink at all, he only has a few cigarettes and that’s it. I mean the poor fella, I pities him right? And when they took him away, they took him in the (police) car, and they had him handcuffed and he was there crying in the car and banging his head off the window and, oh my, what he didn’t go through. “And I mean poor Chris. He’s no different than a youngster, right? It’s a friggin’ sin.” ivan.morgan@theindependent.ca
JULY 27, 2007
‘Comfort Zone’ City’s only gay bar shuts down just as St. John’s declares Gay Pride Week By Sheena Goodyear For The Independent loyd Hickey, 19, just lost the only place in St. John’s he felt comfortable being himself. Just as Hickey was coming out of the closet and gearing up to celebrate Gay Pride Week for the first time, the city’s only gay bar shut down. “I can’t believe it is actually closed. I was in denial for a couple days. I was like, ‘It’ll be open Saturday.’ But I walked by it Saturday and it was quiet and the door was closed and the open light was turned off. It was just sad,” he tells The Independent. “This is my first year even having my two sisters know that I am gay. My parents still don’t know. But (The Zone) has really ignited some pride in me.” The Zone, located on Water Street in downtown St. John’s above a wellknown coffee shop, was closed recently by the city’s fire department for failing to have an adequate fire-alarm sys-
tem. The bar’s owners offered to pay for an upgrade, but the dispute wasn’t resolved before the club shut down. It may be some time, if ever, before the bar reopens. Speaking on behalf of the owners, Fabian Fitzpatrick, the bar’s DJ since it opened, says he and the owners are looking for a new location to rebuild what they had. “People are just feeling really lost,” he says. Many of the bar’s patrons, including Hickey, are participating in a letterwriting campaign to St. John’s mayor Andy Wells, who proclaimed July 2329 Gay Pride Week. “I’m just doing everything I can to get that bar re-opened. I just love it too much to lose it,” says Hickey. For the last 17 years, The Zone has been the only gay bar in St. John’s. There are other dance bars in the city, and even other gay-positive spaces, but Zone patrons say they don’t compare. “The Zone is more than a dance bar; it’s a comfort zone, and a safe haven
where so many people, young as well as old, haven’t got to worry about the prying eyes,” says bartender Matthew Caravan. “The Zone provides people with a space to socialize with others like themselves. You know when you’re at The Zone that you’re in a safe place.” Safe — not just from prying eyes — but also from prejudice and hostility. “There’s always some leave of caution when it comes to the downtown scene. For some it’s a big fear. Many won’t visit places like George Street because they are afraid of gay bashing,” Caravan says. “For the most part, St. John’s is a fairly safe place … like anything in life, there is always a bad apple or two to ruin the bunch.” For others, like Hickey, The Zone is a part of who they are. Hickey started going there earlier this year, when he turned 19. Already, he says it has helped define the man he is today.
Fabian Fitzpatrick of The Zone.
Paul Daly/The Independent
“It just made me more comfortable with who I was … I realized I could do certain things. I could just go out and dance and have fun and meet new people and have new experiences.” After a fight with his parents prompted Hickey to move into his sister’s downtown house, The Zone was the only real home he had left. “It was like a good time is just down the street; I don’t have to worry. So the fact that this bar is now closed is absolutely devastating.”
Even if the bar could stay open long enough for Gay Pride celebrations and a final send-off, Fitzpatrick says people would feel better. “At least then they would have some closure,” he says, sitting in the bar’s back alley, as he takes a break from packing up all the equipment and décor. Hickey hopes they will reopen somewhere else and bring back the gay community’s safe haven. “The Zone spirit is the people that go to it, not the building.”
says, to find an existing facility. The company plans to build floating condominiums and anchor them in exotic locations around the world. The concept, says Francis, provides relatively affordable ocean-front property in locations where such real estate is at a premium. The company has approached the ports of San Francisco, Miami, and Cancun for ocean access. The condominiums, says Francis, are for “very rich people.” The ships would be attached to land by a tunnel or bridge, but would have a propulsion system in order to move them, if necessary, out of harm’s way, to avoid a hurricane or other hazard. Francis says the condominium concept has 300 suites, plus space for restaurants, shops, spas and other busi-
nesses. The vessels are designed to be 210 metres long, 48 metres wide, and approximately 28.5 metres in depth. The company will offer a time-share deal which provides use of condos in more than one location. “(If you were to) buy one in Florida, you have access to condos in Malawi, the Caribbean, or anywhere else they have them,” says Francis. In addition to access to ocean-front property in some of the most exclusive locales around the globe, the vessel’s unique design will allow owners and guests the opportunity to view marine life and underwater vistas provided by large viewing windows located below sea level that look directly into the ocean. ivan.morgan@theindependent.ca
Company looking at Bull Arm site By Ivan Morgan The Independent he chairman of an American resort company confirms he’s interested in building sections of its proposed floating luxury condominiums at Bull Arm. “We know the location, to be frank with you. We’ve been looking very close at that location … we would love to reopen and build our ships there,” Joe Cala, president of Cala Corp., tells The Independent. Ray Francis, president of Undersea Resorts, a subsidiary of Cala Corp., also confirms the company is interested in the province’s fabrication site in Trinity Bay. Francis, who is familiar with the province and has connections to MUN, says the company is interested in building the ship’s shell at Bull Arm, and then towing the shells elsewhere for completion. He estimates each ship will cost between US $250 million-$300
Floating condominiums
million to build. The company is looking for a skilled workforce, says Francis, and a site that can handle construction of vessels of that size. He says the company has had trouble finding a shipyard that will accommodate them. Many shipyards, says Francis, are tooled to building one type of vessel — container ships or oil tankers, for example — and are reluctant to change. Cala recently ended talks with shipyards in New Orleans and Malta. “We have got to the point where we are thinking of building our own ship-
yard because of the scarcity of being able to break into the present shipyard lines throughout the world,” says Francis. He says they have preliminary approval for a US $300-million bond to build a shipyard in Alabama, which would push production of their first boat to 2011. It would be better, he
JULY 27, 2007
Out and about his is a lesson I’ve been slow to learn: every now and then a journalist must break free from our Newfoundland chains and escape to the world beyond the seas. It’s good for our mental health to inhale the air of other lands, even if they’re lightly poisoned by grind and grit, as a way to better appreciate our relative virginity, and to put our world in context with the global picture. London, England is a grand place to start, the epicenter of the British Empire where majestic statutes are tipped with gold and hotel doormen are better dressed than most grooms at our famous cold-plate weddings. It seems that every other building in London has a history that extends back further than John Cabot’s glory days in Bonavista. London is so ancient it’s at 679 mayors and counting. (Was there mayoralty life in St. John’s before Andy Wells?) The city even has Roman ruins, although I saw no evidence of a Viking settlement. (Newfoundland has one up on London in terms of Norsemen.) We also had the Beothuks, although, to be fair, the skull of Shanawdithit, the last known Beothuk, was kept in London until it
Fighting Newfoundlander was destroyed during the Nazi blitz. The ashes of the last of our native people blow in the winds of other lands. A shame. A trip around London on a doubledecker bus will result in a strained neck and an appreciation for the wealth a global empire can generate from sucking the life from its colonies, Newfoundland included. I say that not out of resentment so much as an urge to state the facts. So much of our future was dictated in the buildings of London — from the decision to surrender Newfound-land’s democracy in 1934 in favour of a government by commission to the orchestrated theatre that was Confederation. And the buildings are so well kept. Likewise in Dublin, Ireland, where a visitor can poke a finger in the bullet holes found in the pillars of the General Post Office on O’Connell Street, site of the 1916 Easter Rising.
Have a Guinness in an Irish pub and you’d almost swear you were around the bay, minus the VLTs. Londoners and Dubliners alike know how to preserve and pay homage to their history. Here at home we have the Confederation Building, that great phallic symbol representative of our induced birth as a province. Our most historic structure, the Colonial Building in downtown St. John’s, was the one-time home of the House of Assembly, where so much of our past/future was forged by some of
our greatest men. The Colonial Building is almost vacant and closed to the public; it’s been that way since The Rooms opened up three years ago — another shame. It’s almost as if we’re ashamed of our history and what to do about it. Easier to go about our lives and pretend it never happened, that the here and now is all there is. We could dismantle the former seat of government and build a supermarket/gym, but that’s not fair. Development in our neck of the woods must be embraced more than it has been. At the same time, we can’t turn our backs on the little bit of history that hasn’t been burned or gutted. Across the street from the Colonial Building stands Government House, home of the lieutenant-governor, the Queen’s representative in the province. A few weeks ago I took a stroll to Buckingham Palace, the grounds surrounding which are open to the public. In fact, thousands of lawn chairs are laid out for the common folk/tourist to sit and take in the London air. So much of the grounds around our Government House are fenced in to keep the public out. Another shame. I ran into a man in top hat and tails walk-
Size matters
Conservative ‘wall of shame’
Dear editor, This is not a letter to the editor — it’s a personal plea. So, ships “three-football fields” long (Mondo condos, by Ivan Morgan, July 20 edition). The 100 metres of a rugby pitch? The 100130 yards of a soccer field? The 110 yards of the Canadian field? The 120 yards of an American field? Is a football field even relevant to most readers? These and other questions plague me when I see/hear any media resorting to that American cliché of measurement. How about giving the size in metres? Even us old fogies have adapted to metric in the past 30 years. That niggle aside, I enjoy Ivan Morgan’s writing, especially his column.
Dear editor, caught up in this pretend fight with the With only a few short months before feds. Sure we will always have a differthe next election it’s time to take a seri- ence with Ottawa (like every province), ous look at what the Danny Williams but Williams is projecting the federal government has accomplished to date government like the four horsemen of — not much. the apocalypse to disOutmigration conguise his shortcomtinues at an alarming I hope it’s not too late ings in terms of govrate, outports continue ernance of this for our province to to collapse with no province. Broken real plan to keep them — now wake up and see the promises alive (so much for there’s a good one. Danny’s plan for rural Stephen Harper broke smoke and mirrors Newfoundland), the a promise. Well game this regime is Danny, tell that one to giveaway and total disgrace of FPI, and all the outports, tell playing. the latest health-care that to the Métis scandal … nation, tell that to all I could go on with a wall of shame those lined up to leave our province. list of what this government has done, Let’s take our province back. Let’s stop but I would need days to do so. I hope this destruction. Let’s stop the dismanit’s not too late for our province to tling. Say no to this government in the wake up and see the smoke and mirrors next election. game this regime is playing. Ed Dowden, It seems like a lot of people are Bay Bulls
So much of our future was dictated in the buildings of London — from the decision to surrender Newfoundland’s democracy in 1934 in favour of a government by commission to the orchestrated theatre that was Confederation.
ing towards Buckingham Palace, on his way to one of the Queen’s garden parties. “I was in Canada once,” said Mr. Top Hat. “It was quite a feeling, taking off from the water.” That was the extent of his Canada-Newfoundland knowledge — a flight aboard a floatplane, which isn’t surprising, I suppose. Howth, a port north of Dublin, is much like outport Newfoundland in terms of rugged postcard beauty, although the only boats tied up are yachts and sailboats and the crayoncoloured homes are made of stone. The few fishing boats tied up to the wharf have been there for years and rust into the water, as ugly as any foreign trawler that limps into our ports. The Irish fishermen went with the fish. That will be our fate too, I suppose. Will the shames never end? When I flew into Dublin airport I was surprised to see that Ireland is as green as advertised. A sight to behold. A few days later on the return flight home I gazed out the window at the point of our decent when the plane was immediately over the cliffs of Logy Bay. There is no more beautiful sight in all the world. ryan.cleary@theindependent.ca
‘Turning a respected way of life into a criminal activity’ Dear editor, The tiny fishing Northern Peninsula community of Conche made the front page of the Western Star on Saturday, July 12. It was a bad news story (any good news story about a community this size probably wouldn’t make the back page of the Western Star). The headline read: 51 charges laid against 10 accused salmon poachers. A poacher is defined as a person who catches fish or game illegally. A few days prior to this news story 30 or so officers from the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the provincial Justice Department descended on the fishing community with search warrants, entered people’s homes, found a number of salmon, and charged 10 individuals with poaching. As most people are aware, when this happens it’s not just the 10 individuals who are on trial, but in a sense the community itself. Conche’s long, proud fishing history and the pride of thousands of individuals connected to the community also become part of the story. There is another angle to this unfortunate event. There has been a lucrative commercial salmon fishery in Conche since the 1600s when the French began fishing there. When the Irish came as guardians of the French fishing rooms in the late 1700s and early 1800s, they too harvested the very valuable resource and continued to do so for 220 years until the federal government licence buy-out that was all but complete by 1992, when the commercial cod fishery was also shut down. By 1992 outport communities all along Newfoundland’s northeast coast were no longer permitted to fish for cod or salmon — two of the most valuable fisheries. It now became illegal for communities like Conche to harvest the resources of the coast, resources that were absolutely essential for their very existence, resources that had been harvested for hundreds of years. This in itself was a monstrous act when you consider that the circumstances surrounding the closure of these fisheries had little or
nothing to do with the fishing practices of our inshore fishermen. The fallout from the loss of this fishery meant that by 1992 the exodus to mainland Canada was well underway. There is absolutely no scientific proof that closing the commercial salmon fishery in Newfoundland contributed in any way to an increase in salmon populations as the “experts” had predicted. Little Newfoundland was an easy target for powerful lobby groups spearheaded by the recreation salmon fishery of eastern North America. Long after the commercial salmon fishery was shut down in Newfoundland, the commercial salmon fishery executed inside Greenland’s territorial waters — the largest salmon fishery in the world — continued right up to present day. Management practices are been discussed as this article takes shape. The further rape of the salmon stocks by an uncontrolled, unregulated international drift net fishery in the international waters between Newfoundland and Greenland continued over the same period. Thousands of tons of salmon, many headed for Newfoundland rivers, were taken. Today, close to 100 salmon fishermen in St-Pierre are licensed to catch salmon in the territorial waters off St. Pierre. Salmon are not native to St. Pierre; many of these salmon are headed for rivers on the south coast of Newfoundland where Newfoundland fishermen are not allowed to catch them. I’m not condoning any illegal activity, but I am questioning the legitimacy of this legislation, legislation that perhaps was a contributing factor in turning a respected way of life into a criminal activity. Unless our coastal communities are legally permitted to participate in the sustainable harvest of the resources of the coastal environment they cannot survive. We are regulated to death and bullied by a federal government that has never understood the culture and history of this place and never will. Eugene Flynn, Corner Brook
Linda Russell, St. John’s
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Former premiers Joey Smallwood, Brian Peckford and Brian Tobin: delivered great speeches filled with false promises?
Where did fine speeches get us? Dear editor, Re: Ivan Morgan’s article, ‘Some day the sun will shine …’, July 13 edition, I agree with the anonymous source he mentions, that previous premiers gave quite impressive speeches, including premiers Joey Smallwood, Brian Tobin
and Brian Peckford. But where did their fine art of oration carry us? Now we have Premier Danny Williams, lawyer turned lawyer-politician. We no longer have those impressive speeches that carry us down the garden path. Just because Premier
Williams doesn’t orate a great deal doesn’t mean he isn’t doing a great job. Yes we get clichés from him, but clichés don’t deliver false promises. Marian Walsh, Conception Bay South
JULY 27, 2007
I’ve got Sinatra under my skin Warning: This column contains information that may not be suitable for younger readers. People under 30 years of age should use discretion when reading.
ere’s what’s good for some of us of certain age — Francis Albert Sinatra. And it’s not the songs. I’ve heard them all, classics from the American songbook, sung by the other greats — Dean Martin, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Tony Bennett. They’re great, but they’re not Frank. It’s The Voice. I’m not interested in the crooner, the boy Sinatra, the bobbysoxer dreamboat. He was just a Justin in the beginning, parting teenyboppers from their parent’s cash like Timberlake does now. Let’s hear Timberlake after his career has tanked once or twice. Sinatra’s did. Hard up and washed up was our Francis, and more than once too. Except back in his day there was no
Rant & Reason whining. Just getting back out there and doing it. And Frank did it. His way. I love Elvis, but he ain’t in the same league. I have met Elvis fans. Elvis fans are looking to recapture lost youth, old memories. Elvis is about remembering what was. Elvis never grew up. Sinatra grew up, big time, like so many of us. Sinatra is not about youth. Sinatra is about what’s left at middle age, and what might have been. I hated Sinatra as a young rock and roller — and he hated us right back. No diplomat Frank, he was all about making us get haircuts and putting us in the army. He might have, in retrospect, had a point with a few of us. But maybe that’s just the years talking. He never got us but that’s OK, ’cause I get him.
At the 1994 Grammys, Irish rock star Bono read a poem he’d written about Sinatra to introduce the “Chairman of the Board,” up for a lifetime achievement award. Bono was smoking a cigar, and I think drunk, as he read the poem to we millions at home. He said to sing like Sinatra you had to have lost a few fights; to know tenderness and romance the way Sinatra sang it, you’ve had to have had your heart broken. Indeed. It helps when you’re listening too. He said Sinatra’s songs were his home, and when he sang he let you in. So true. Get a few of the classics, In the Wee Small Hours, Songs for Young Lovers, or my favourite, Live at the Sands. Get comfortable. Maybe have a drink. Not beer either, not in Frank’s house. A bourbon maybe, or a Scotch or martini. Give a listen. It’s his phrasing, his spare emotion. Less — as it so often is — is more in his singing. People forget, Sinatra was
a jazz singer. As jazz great Miles Davis explained, it ain’t the notes you play, it’s the notes you don’t. At the risk of sounding ageist in this youth-obsessed culture we are mired in, it helps to be older too. It’s OK, if you are young, not to understand. No worries. Just live a little. Try him again in 10 years. Sinatra’s not maudlin, he’s not looking for your sympathy. Truth is, Sinatra was not a nice guy. He didn’t care if you liked him. He wasn’t running for office. He was singing. He was allowing you to share a moment with him. Not pulling your heart strings, but letting you know, through tone and words, that he too had been there. That life isn’t fair, or kind. Nothing more, just that. Sinatra offered no shoulder to cry on. He didn’t play tough. He was tough. When the movie The Godfather featured a thinly-veiled Sinatra character, he publicly offered to kick the shit out of author Mario Puzo — not for portraying him as connected to the mob,
but for having the character cry. Not Frank’s style. The cockiness in the voice, of knowing what it means to be written off, and to come back strong, and to know how sweet that can be, and how fragile it really is. He had a swagger, an attitude with its roots in the depths of failure, an attitude that bloomed in the success that was his later work. Sinatra, laughing with the band, joking with the adoring crowd, a serious musician who never tossed off a performance in his life. A champ, as Bono said, who’d rather show you his scars than his medals. Punk rock came along in the 1970s, but it never paid homage to its roots. Rank amateurs, most of them, who thought they’d stumbled onto something new. Too green to burn. They all owe a debt to the first punk, the proto-punk, the great, grizzled granddaddy punk of them all — Frank Sinatra. ivan.morgan@theindependent.ca
YOUR VOICE Government buck must stop with Garrison Guitars
Chris Griffiths of Garrison Guitars.
Paul Daly/The Independent
Dear editor, I write in response to a column by Sean Panting, Paid in full, in the July 20 issue of The Independent. Chris Griffiths, owner of Garrison Guitars, worked hard to bring his product to the public. However, if the product was as good as Mr. Panting has indicated and Mr. Griffiths’ venture was so profitable, why did the company fail to repay its loans and continue to require taxpayer’s dollars to survive? Why should Mr. Griffiths be awarded financial benefits from the sale and the residents of the province be on the hook for in excess of $1 million? I agree with government lending to new entrepreneurs, but eventually the buck must stop.
‘A curdled armchair critic’ Dear editor, I write in response to Ronald Tizzard’s bizarre letter to the editor, ‘Acidic, calloused, unchristian-like tone’, in The Independent’s April 20 edition in which he rants on about an allegation against Catholic priest Rev. Wayne Dohey, while also decrying any opposing or differing opinion as being ungodly. To begin with, we live in a society in which we accept that anyone is free to bring forth an allegation of wrongdoing. However, an allegation is by its very nature an unproven matter that could indeed easily and ultimately point to outright fabrication in a worse-case scenario. To straightaway prosecute Rev. Dohey without an innocent-until-provenguilty assumption would not only be truly malevolent, but simply tyrannical. Mr. Tizzard comes across as a curdled armchair critic who would rather forego trial and rush to punishment without the benefit of having the circumstances fully canvassed. He also proclaims that he did not care for my
“unchristian-like tone,” all without even knowing my faith. Again, we live in a pluralistic society that values and has enshrined freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. Furthermore, not everyone in 21st century Canada (or Newfoundland) is Christian. I am left with the impression that he wishes to hear solely from Christians, and only then if it fits his narrow-minded and shrinking scope on Christianity. Even more strangely and yet ironically, he invokes an American freedom fighter (Martin Luther King Jr.) in some wacky attempt to bolster and proselytize his appraisal of the situation. It is hoped that my points will ring with the wordy Mr. Tizzard. In any event, I leave him with a further thought: “Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked.” Jerry Lewis, St. John’s
‘I wonder if Karl Wells will critique that?’ Dear editor, No doubt someone will Here and Now’s July 20th ask me, do you eat pork story featuring a roasted pig chops? My answer to that hanging on a skewer with is, of course I do. I like a its head and feet intact was steak too, especially barrepulsive to me. It can easibequed. But I don’t have ly be compared to those to witness the after affects sickening and often-flauntof the brutal kill so vivided scenes of a bull moose or ly as the pig on the skewcaribou’s head hacked off er to enjoy dining on that. and carried out of the wild There is discretion in all on the back end of a pickup things required now and truck or laced to an ATV. then, even if it is showHere and Now’s live Karl Wells Paul Daly/The Independent manship. The poor pig on camera shot only lacked the the skewer was by no way obvious squealing of the poor pig as it was knifed a pleasant suppertime scene on Here and Now. in the neck and gut, bled and hung up on a prun- It’s more like one that would be flaunted on the ing hook soon to be seared over an open fire. I cover of Newfoundland Outdoors. I wonder if know that is a common occurrence in those gour- Karl Wells will critique that in his weekly met cookouts, but to flaunt it close up on prime- Telegram column? We shall see. time supper hour TV showed me a terrible lack of Bill Westcott sensitivity on CBC’s part. Clarke’s Beach
Taxpayers have invested enough and in all situations the company’s worth should exceed the debt to warrant continuous loans. Government must be in a position to retrieve its loans (taxpayers money). I recall that the last loan had been refused by then Finance minister Loyola Sullivan, but had been overruled by the premier — a loan of $350,000 for the marketing of its product. I assume that Mr. Sullivan could not foresee the possibility of the loan being repaid and refused the loan, as he should. Is this a new legacy of the government to provide monies for expansion and ensure the company to be marketable so the owner can sell and retain any profits from the sale as the company becomes more attrac-
tive? Did Mr. Griffiths share any hard times during the years of the company’s existence or was that left to the taxpayers of the province? Mr. Panting indicates that this is not the first instance of government handing out funds that it has been unable to recover. I would expect Mr. Griffiths to be generous with someone else’s money; any individual would be generous in this circumstance. I disagree with Mr. Panting — the company should have been in a position to repay its loans following the sale of the company. Boyd Legge, Mount Pearl
JULY 27, 2007
History was made July 25 when men’s favourites Crosbie Industrial rowed the course in 8:48 (unofficially) in their race-day boat Miss Tubular, smashing the existing record by nine seconds. Seconds later, Exit Realty Senior Men posted an unofficial 9:02. Nicholas Langor/ The Independent
Race day predictions Crosbie by far in senior men’s; 10-year record may fall 9:04 on the Placentia course July 21st, Exit is not to be taken lightly. Crosbie’s is also known to have broken the nineminute barrier in practice. “Definitely our biggest threat; they keep us on our toes for sure” says Crosbie Coach Bert Hickey of the Exit crew that trailed them by a mere nine seconds in this year’s time trial. By Amanda Hancock For The Independent
t happens every year. We can hardly wait for the June sun. Before you know it, July flies by and then, like the beginning of the end of Christmas, the first Wednesday in August arrives. It’s shaping up to be an interesting day of racing with potential for 10year-old records to fall. The following are my predictions for the major races at the upcoming 189th annual Royal St. John’s Regatta.
SENIOR WOMEN The women will start the day at 8 a.m. with the top senior women’s crews in the Female Amateur and Female Mercantile Races. As a rower in this category, I won’t say too much. There are five capable crews in the first race that will probably end up with the fastest women’s times of the day and they should all expect to line-up again for the championship at 7 p.m. SENIOR MEN Months of intense training and sacrifice have been a reality for Crosbie Industrial and Exit Realty. Both crews desperately want the 189th title, but in the absence of equipment failure or a collision, the Crosbie men will walk away victorious in both the Male Amateur Race and the Championship Race, and if the wind gods co-operate a new course record will be set. Having clocked an unofficial time of
BATTLE FOR BRONZE IKM Testing and Lamb’s Rum will duke it out for third in the Male Amateur Race, with IKM coming out on top. The FGA Crew on Stake 4 of the Male Amateur Race faces a tough decision: if Crosbie’s is on pace coming out of their turn, FGA will be expected to yield to avoid collision even if it compromises their chances of qualifying for the championship. “We’ve talked to the other crew and we trust them to obey the rules. The rules say they have to give way,” says Brent Hickey, Crosbie’s stroke oar and the coach’s son when asked about the potential tragedy. Islander RV or the Donaldco Intermediates in the 9 a.m. race are also potentials for the evening race.
apart in time trials. But after being placed in a different race on Regatta Day, Power Vac is a new kid on the Female Intermediate block. It’s anybody’s race, but Signs Now will likely come away with the title. FEMALE JUVENILE AND MIDGET In this combined race at 4:30, Eastern Edge Credit Union on Stake 2 will take the Juvenile title, while the Skipper Ring midget girls on Stake 5 will dominate the Midget division. 10-YEAR RECORD After his boys clipped the long way around Quidi Vidi Lake in just over 14 minutes on a recent windy evening, Coach Bert had this to say on his crew’s training: “The boys haven’t really stopped. We’re on a two-year program. We started in January and have trained together everyday since then — except Sundays.” When asked about setting a course record he replied, “We’re not thinking about records, we’re going to go out and be the best we can be and see what we can do. Whatever time happens, happens.”
MALE MASTERS In the 10:20 a.m. Male Masters race, Mask Security will cross first, followed by East Coast Marine, while the family-members only crew, Team Smyth, will take bronze.
MALE MIDGET The Idea Factor/Ken Casey Remax will give their opponents a good push, but the Marco Group’s Male Midgets will take their division. See you at the lake on Aug. 1st!
FEMALE MASTERS Though placed in a Senior Ladies combination race, the fastest time in the Female Masters division will go to the EMCO Crew.
Amanda Hancock has been involved with fixed seat and slide seat rowing since 1995. She has won multiple regatta championships with OZFM Ladies Crew and was a member of the 2003 course record setting team. This year she will be representing O’Dea, Earle Law Offices on their Senior Women’s Team. amanda_hancock16@yahoo.ca
FEMALE INTERMEDIATE It can’t get much closer than this: Bill’s Cycle Shop and Signs Now/Arctic Spas finished 0.7 seconds
MAY 7, 2007
Crosbie against decision to split Grenfell from Memorial; minister in favour By Brian Callahan The Independent
J Filleting a cod this week.
Nicholas Langor/The Independent
‘Part of our life’ Food fishing in Quidi Vidi Gut
By John Rieti The Independent
ours before the city streets begin bustling with cars, Quidi Vidi Gut in St. John’s hums with the sound of outboard motors. The morning sun glows orange, warming the steep cliffs that shelter the water and rising into the dark, grey clouds above. It’s a perfect morning for the food fishery, which opened July 25 and runs until Aug. 19. Anyone who can fish their own line is allowed to catch five cod a day. Federal Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn announced the food fishery in June, despite scientists’ warnings that the state of inshore cod stock is still uncertain. Jack Philpott, a recreational fisherman from St. John’s, has been out each day of this year’s fishery. He pauses from loading his boat to take in the scene. “I like the experience. Every time you go there’s something different — the water, the birds, probably a couple of whales … it’s peaceful,” Philpott tells The Independent. Philpott has fished on the weekends for most of his life, working at a regular office job during the day. He says the food fishery is a chance for him to experience true Newfoundland culture. “I like to see how the people live. (Fishing) is part of our life,” he says. “I can get in that boat
now and go out around the cape, up Petty Harbour and these places, and it’s just beautiful to look at it from a different angle. You’re looking in instead of looking out.” Further down the wharf, Wayne Tucker, originally from St. Jones Within, Trinity Bay, fillets Thursday’s early-morning catch on the back of his boat. His knife glints in the sunlight as gulls swirl overhead, hoping for scraps or to make off with a fish head. Tucker says his father moved his family to St. John’s on the heels of Joey Smallwood, figuring the premier was headed in the right direction. Tucker kept fishing. He caught cod commercially until 1992 and he now works on offshore shrimp trawlers. He still knows the tricks of cod fishing, managing to land his daily limit in less than an hour with a baited hook and a red plastic lure. “Cod love red,” he says. Both fishermen say they’re looking forward to their meals; Tucker likes his fried in a pan, while Philpott enjoys the traditional fish and brewis and also salts some cod for the winter. “I’m a regular Newfoundlander I suppose,” says Philpott, before leading his boat out of the Gut and onto the glowing blue ocean, passing the weatherbeaten fishing stages and the pair of Pink, White and Green flags that fly on opposing shores. john.rieti@theindependent.ca
ohn Crosbie is convinced the province is playing politics with its decision to give Corner Brook’s Grenfell College autonomy from Memorial University by the 2008-09 academic year. Education Minister Joan Burke says he’s wrong. “I don’t think it’s political at all,” Burke tells The Independent. “Grenfell wanted this. It’s something we committed to, and if we’re able to have more decision-making and more autonomy outside the overpass, I think we’ve got to go there.” Crosbie, MUN’s chancellor, along with university president Axel Meisen and Gil Dalton, chairman of the board of regents, have each expressed concern that more study is necessary on the financial costs and impact on students of a standalone university for Corner Brook. In an interview with The Independent, Crosbie says one word sums up government’s motivation. “Politics,” he says. “And I’m quite opposed to the whole thing. For 58 years the policy in Newfoundland has been that we should support just one university, and concentrate all of our resources on it. “That’s been a very successful policy, and the university has done well — at least in the middle range of all Canadian universities. Memorial is well respected here in Canada and internationally. “And now they have changed it without consultation with the university, the stakeholders of the university … the alumni, the faculty. The whole thing is just deplorable.” Burke says enough study has been done and it’s time to act. “There have been numerous reports over the years, one after another shelved and never really acted upon. Grenfell was never given the independence and authority it needs to grow. “Others were not prepared to make changes. We are, and to say it’s political is just … putting a spin on it. “Yes, MUN has been extremely successful for 58 years. But that does not mean we can’t change, just because we’ve had success. I look at this as an opportunity to allow Grenfell to
grow and progress, and be able to make financial and academic decisions on its own.” Burke says government plans to address the financial issue in its 2008 spring budget, with other key points such as transfer of credits and administration settled in time for the transition by September 2008. “Yes, we need some more analysis on specific issues such as financial, shared services, administrative. But there’s no need for more study as to what the governing structure needs to be,” says the minister. “We want this to happen under one board of regents. The board says it’s not workable. I disagree. I think we can work together. I think if there’s an air of co-operation to make this work, it can. To say it’s not workable is not accurate. “We are a small province. We will have two campuses that will have autonomy to make their own decisions. But in fairness, there’s no way we can have two systems working against each other, or not being able to share services or not recognize credits.” Burke says there has been growing discontent from Grenfell over the years, “a feeling that it has not been able to grow as an institution.” And while she won’t give a guarantee that all credits will be transferable from Corner Brook to St. John’s, she says it is an “extremely important feature for me, as the minister. “We like the feeder system concept as it is, where the students want to stay close to home (on the west coast) for the first couple of years, then move on to St. John’s. We like that setup and process and it’s not something we need to throw out. “But it’s time to cut the strings and let Grenfell make its own decisions and shown they have grown and have the capacity outside the overpass to make those decisions.” Crosbie remains unconvinced. “You know, you’ve got to do a lot of recruiting both here and nationally, and this new policy, which is induced by political considerations as far as I can see, doesn’t take into any account at all our population decline and the decline of eligible students to go to our own university, much less a new one over on the west coast.” brian.callahan@theindependent.ca
JULY 27, 2007
JULY 27, 2007
Inside the helmet Motocross is taking off in Newfoundland and Labrador, among both men and women. Photographer Nick Langor and reporter John Rieti checked out a recent day of races at the Brian House Motorsport Park on Bell Island.
he sputter and roar of 12 dirt bike engines punctures Bell Island’s calm air. The drone increases, anticipation building with each spiking rev of the exposed motors. Rubber tires grind into the dirt. A quick flicker of the starting board and a flood of fuel sends the bikes hurtling down the opening straightaway as the racers rub shoulders, fighting for first place. This is motocross, and it’s one of the fastest growing sports in the province. “There’s speed, there’s jumps, it’s very technical, it’s so much more than just getting on a bike and turning the throttle,” racer and organizer Mark Baldwin tells The Independent. “It’s definitely for people who are adrenaline junkies.” Baldwin’s hand is still slick with sweat and his face is smeared with dirt as he delivers a booming play-by-play of the races from the bed of his pickup truck. The crowd of several hundred who line the track spur the racers on and soak up the thrills the Bell Island course was designed to give. Each racer must navigate tight corners, gun the bike over 80 kilometres per hour on straights and then hit jumps which can separate them from the ground for close to three seconds, all the while worrying about who’s chasing them down and whose dust they’re following. More than 100 racers compete in the six-race summer season and Baldwin says he expects that number to grow next year. Most races and practice sessions are held at the Brian House Motorsport Park on Bell Island, named after the local racer who was killed in an accident while competing at the 2005 national championships in New Brunswick. It attracts a wide range of bikers, from eight-year-old boys to 50-year-old men and a growing group of female racers. “It’s my favourite thing in the entire world,” says Megan Ring, who has been racing for four years and practises three times a week. “You forget about everything else and your mind goes clear. “We want to start it up to encourage more women to get into it. It’s kind of intimidating coming over and it’s 160 guys,” says Ring, who won the first all-female race and also races against men. Her smile shines underneath her thick helmet and there’s no sign of a grimace even though she’s just raced six laps on a broken leg. “It’ll hurt tomorrow,” says Ring, but for her the adrenaline rush and anxiousness that comes with every race is worth the pain. She’s not the only one. “It’s not golf, that’s what I always tell people; it comes with risks if you want to ride hard,” says Baldwin. “It’s the kind of sport that if you’re not in shape you’re going to end up with broken bones sticking out.” Broken arms and ribs are the most common injuries. A rider’s best defence is a light and strong body — most racers cross-train and lift weights as well as bike — and $1,500 worth of protective equipment. Each rider sports steel-plated boots, thick plastic shin guards and rock guards for the chest, a kidney belt (to keep the kidneys in), goggles and a thick helmet. Energy drinks like Red Bull are also popular with racers who like their adrenaline served with an equal part of caffeine. Barbecued burgers seem to be the fuel of choice. Any hard rock or rap will serve as entrance music although it has to be cranked to be audible over the bikes. On the course, racers need complete concentration; one mental slip-up during a 15-minute race could cost them dearly. It’s this mental aspect that appeals to Dave Robbins, who races and coaches his two young sons, Liam and Daniel. “Out here, when they get nervous we talk openly,” says Robbins. Before each race Robbins talks his sons through every turn and jump, urging them to make smart decisions. He says it’s important for all riders to race within their limits and commit to their decisions. There’s no braking halfway up a ramp, only acceleration. Robbins says motocross has benefits off the track as well, like teaching kids the basics of machinery, getting them outdoors and spending time together as a family — a fast family. john.rieti@theindependent.ca
JULY 27, 2007
Top: the Royal Flying Doctor service plane from the outside (left) and inside (right). Below: St. John’s native Stephen Morgan.
Med school down under St. John’s native Stephen Morgan helps out on Australia’s Royal Flying Doctor Service By Stephen Morgan For The Independent
care). I was called early on a Sunday morning to be at the airport in 40 minutes. A patient in the tiny town of Mount Gambier just had what was thought to be a heart attack and another was bleeding internally following recent surgery. The hospital there was doing everything they could , but they needed to fly them to Adelaide for further treatment. I arrived at the hangar and met the nurse and pilot I was to fly with. Ironically, the Royal Flying Doctor is actually a nurse. The nurse monitors vital signs, keeps the patient stabilized and is ready if resuscitation should be needed. To see a doctor on one of the flights is a rarity nowadays.
Newfoundland accent to the ears of an Australian can sound like anything from American to Irish. The word “Newfoundland” adds to the confusion, as people will often ask, “So you’re from the new Finland?” After a brief geography tutorial, the final question always seems to be: “So, why did you come to Australia to study medicine?” I am a second year medical student studying at Flinders University of South Australia. I am one of 20 Canadians in a class of 110. We all get asked similar questions about how we ended up in Australia, but we all seem to have different answers. The most common reason for the Canadian invasion seems to be either the attraction of the sun and surf, or the desire to escape the viciously competitive culture that was their Canadian pre-med degree. I was a part of that culture as much the next premed student. I did an undergraduate degree in biology at Memorial University on top of copious amounts of volunteer and lab work. I realized early on the path I was heading down wasn’t remarkable enough to wow a medical school admissions committee. I needed something else, so I applied and managed to get a weekend and summer job with the Health Care Corporation of St. John’s as a medical service aide. During my four years there, I worked with a number of very knowledgeable and experienced people. They taught me a lot about health care and gave me plenty of no-nonsense words of advice
that have stuck with me to this day. The advice that led me here was to get away from the rigid path I was on and experience the world around me while I’m still young. I began to investigate my options. I first looked at Irish, U.S., Canadian and English medical schools. My sister and several cousins were in Australia, so my focus quickly gravitated to the land down under and before I knew it, I was on my way to Australia. Two years ago, I would never have imagined the experiences I have had so far. One such experience was a flight with Australia’s famous Royal Flying Doctor (this service is used to pick up acutely ill patients in the barren interior of Australia and transport them to a major centre for
INTO ACTION I was allowed to sit in the cramped co-pilot seat for the first leg of the trip. I put on a headset and listened to the chatter from air traffic control as we taxied away from the hangar. As we straightened up to lift off from Adelaide I quickly realized the tiny PC-12 we were in didn’t seem much wider than the yellow line in the middle of the runway. After an hour of flying, I saw at least one thing that may have been smaller than the plane: the Mount Gambier runway ahead. We landed and, without delay, went into action. We loaded our patients on board and lifted off again. We kept the patients stabilized with the onboard equipment, which included everything you would normally find in an ambulance but for two people rather than one. Lucky for me (and the patients, since I am still
just a second year student) we handed our patients over to an awaiting ambulance in Adelaide without incident. I am looking forward to doing much more of the same rurally-focused medicine this year. Among other placements, I will be spending a month doing a pediatrics rotation in Darwin, a town on the northern tip of Australia. Diseases that may be treated there range from rheumatic fever, tuberculosis and leprosy to a battery of parasitic diseases, snakebites and maybe even the occasional crocodile bite. I will also be part of a team responsible for the treatment of acute cases from countries throughout the South Pacific. A number of Flinders students were actually part of the team treating victims of the Bali bombings in 2002. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to do my fourth year electives in Australia or anywhere else in the world. I plan to use this time to come home and start preparing to apply for a residency and eventual practice in Newfoundland. I love the time I’ve spent in Australia and I’m sure the remainder will be equally amazing, but I miss Newfoundland too much. No matter how far away I am, or for however long I’m away, Newfoundland will always be home. Stephen Morgan is from St.John’s and he is a 2nd Year Medical Student attending Flinders University of South Australia. Do you know a Newfoundlander or Labradorian living away? Please e-mail editorial@theindependent.ca
YOUR VOICE Accord should not be political bait in provincial election Dear editor, I have had the great privilege over the past 20 years to experience the “windows” on all levels of governments. We have had many great leaders, and it is certain that they have left their marks in history in negative, but mostly positive ways. We have left the final storytelling to writers and comedians who have put the puzzles together in good and bad taste. However, our politicians have all been good people despite the many errors they have made. Sometimes we all have to make mistakes in life in order to improve on matters. We all find faults in government leaders no matter how good they may perform. ‘SCARED TO DEATH’? We always have the opposition approach to progress, and there are always others who feel that they can do much better. It is very obvious Premier Danny Williams is challenging the prime minister of Canada for the well being of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador.
The remarks made by fellow Newfoundlanders that the premier has the people scared to death may be the best thing that ever happened in Newfoundland and Labrador politics. Personally, I thought that the best thing that ever happened in Newfoundland politics was when then-prime minister Paul Martin noted to me in LaSalle, Que. that he was so happy the Atlantic Accord was finally signed. I feel the people of Newfoundland and Labrador need to be given back their rights in the Atlantic Accord that was agreed to and signed by Martin. It should not be political bait for the upcoming election in Newfoundland and Labrador as there are many more important issues to be dealt with by the present government. The window on politics should not be one filled with fear, but good governing by all levels. Premier Williams should focus on getting our Newfoundlanders to come back home to the growing economy he has visions of. Frank Blackwood, Richmond Hill, Ont.
JULY 27, 2007
‘Bad before, worse now’ NDP leader says Liberal MHA Wally Andersen should resign By Ivan Morgan The Independent
DP Leader Lorraine Michael says if an MHA in her caucus was charged with a criminal offence she would ask him to step
down. She says the criminal charges brought against Liberal Wally Andersen, MHA for Torngat Mountains, change the province’s political landscape. Michael cautions she is not judging Andersen, and is only speaking to what she would do. “I’m not going to tell (Liberal Leader) Gerry Reid what to do, but my advice to Gerry Reid is, if I were in his place I know what I would do,” Michael tells The Independent. She says there is no legislation that requires an MHA to step down because of criminal charges. “They can go to jail and still be an MHA,” says Michael. In lieu of legislation, she says it is up to the leader of each party to deal with such issues. A spokesperson for the Liberal party says Reid will not comment publicly on the charges against Andersen, but did offer an official statement. “We are governed by a judicial system that presumes innocence until guilt is proven. Our party respects this system and the rights of individuals and will allow due process to take its course.” A spokeswoman for the premier says he has no comment on the matter since it is now a matter before the courts. Michael says it is one thing to say mistakes were made or the system wasn’t running correctly, but it is another thing when the justice system gets involved. She says she expects more charges
AROUND THE WORLD Newfoundland today is like a fisherman with a boat to sell. He knows he can get $50.00 for the boat from the man across the road. But further down the road there is a man who, from all reports, is willing to pay twice as much for the boat. Does the fisherman sell the boat for $50.00 without first seeing what the man down the road is prepared to offer? He does not. He uses his bargaining power, he talks to the man who can offer him twice as much. That’s why Newfoundlanders will return Responsible Government on July 22 so that we can send a delegation to Washington to get Economic Union with the U.S., which offers the greatest advantages to Newfoundland and Newfoundlanders. — The Independent, St. John’s, July 15, 1948 AROUND THE BAY The whale factory at Maggotty Cove was reopened on Tuesday, the Hump having arrived the previous day from Dublin Cove where she had been fishing since May. Whales were scarce on that part of the coast and the Hump secured only 19 fish, mostly sulphurs. The Hump left on Wednesday morning on the search for whales and up to the hour of going to press had not returned to port. — The Enterprise, Trinity, July 10, 1909 YEARS PAST Mr. Talbot wishes to call the attention of young Gentlemen, to that delightful and very useful Art of transferring to paper the words and sentiments of a PUBLIC SPEAKER as fast as they are delivered, with all the facility and precision imaginable, this art derived from the Greeks, and known by the name of stenography, he will engage to teach is six short and easy lessons: for which his charge will be 3 Guineas (not demanded ‘til his pupil is finished).
Wally Andersen in the House of Assembly.
to be laid. “I think this really does shake you when you now hear charges, because now you are saying that the criminal system has enough evidence in their mind to at least bring criminal charges forward,” says Michael. “That is disturbing.” It is not a matter of judging people, says Michael, but of doing something to recognize the seriousness of the situation. “It was bad before, it’s worse now.” Meantime, a Memorial University political sci-
— The Sentinel and Conception-Bay Advertiser, July 28, 1840 EDITORIAL STAND There is no more precious word in the Anglo Saxon tongue than HELP, and there is no more precious form of the thing signified than womanly help. As intemperance in every phase of it is a woman’s foe; as the drinking saloon and the grogshop are woman’s natural enemies; as alcohol and ardent spirits are the direct antagonists of the empire, home and queen-regnant, woman; — so every stroke that is dealt on the side of Temperance should have woman’s active support and warmest sympathy. — The Temperance Journal, St. John’s, July 30, 1878 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir — There is a report about that the old ferry slip, commonly known as Croucher’s Slip, is about to be handed over to a private concern. As this is the one and only landing place left to the public on this whole street, it is only fair that the people should be made aware of, and have a full knowledge of this deal, which they have not at this moment. The thing is too secret to be wholesome. Yours truly, Garrison Point, Placentia — The Daily News, St. John’s, July 9, 1917 QUOTE OF THE WEEK The Mounties are investigating a number of complaints from residents about an anonymous telephone caller who annoys subscribers late at night by calling them; sometimes using insulting and obscene language. This idea of a joke is believed to be the work of a demented mind. A police spokesman has stated that a person convicted on this type of charge could face a stiff jail sentence. — The Wabana Star, Aug. 15, 1962
Paul Daly/The Independent
entist says public and political reaction to the criminal charges reflect the province’s political culture and have implications for the upcoming provincial election. Alex Marland, an assistant professorat Memorial, says the standards for provincial MHAs are low, as he says the Green report noted. “The fact that you’re going to fine people for not showing up for their basic job, which is being in the legislature, suggests to you that there are some issues about supervision that MHAs may or
may not need,” he says. He says the public culture in Newfoundland and Labrador is different from other parts of Canada, which may explain why there is no public cry for Andersen’s resignation. He says he saw people on a TV newscast coming out in the MHA’s defence. “And they’re saying he’s like a modern day Robin Hood,” says Marland. “When I think back to the 2003 election campaign there was a Liberal candidate who had been charged — I think he might have been convicted — of forging EI claims … and the Liberals still brought him on as a candidate. It tells you something about the popular culture here, which is that maybe involvement in getting what you can out of the government isn’t the worst thing in the world.” Marland says the charges have implications for the upcoming election. He says the Liberals are promoting a “new Liberalism,” yet leaving Andersen in caucus will remind the public of “old Liberalism.” He says the way to avoid this would be to remove him from caucus. “It strikes me as odd that that hasn’t happened.” Ultimately, he says he does not think the charges will overshadow the upcoming fall election. “If there is nobody bringing up the questions, it ultimately depends on the media to ask the questions and the reality is if the media is reflecting the local culture, they’re not going against the grain,” he says. “Then who’s asking the question and making it an issue?” ivan.morgan@theindependent.ca
JULY 27, 2007
An old-fashioned bookstore From finding a great read to that perfect gift, Bennington Gate has much to offer
ennington Gate is a bookstore located in Terrace on the Square in St. John’s. While it might be conveniently located amongst the hustle and bustle found in any city setting, owner and operator Sue Hood says Bennington Gate can be that “intimate, interesting” place you escape to in your busy day. Like many locally-owned and operated Newfoundland and Labrador businesses, Bennington Gate can cater to the needs of its regular shoppers while still pleasing those who just happen to drop in. “You can stand around talking about books all day if you like, or just find a quiet spot on one of our comfy chairs and do some reading,” she says, adding that finding “that great read” or “perfect gift” is made simple by the store’s knowledgeable staff. Hood stresses Bennington Gate is an “old-fashioned bricks and mortar bookstore.” It is, she says, a place where you can wander the aisles — discovering everything from the latest Harry Potter novel to more eclectic works by local authors. While Hood admits you might not find every
mystery or hardcover that has ever been published at Bennington Gate, there are books you can discover — including many self-published works — that you couldn’t find anywhere else. Shoppers will also find service that is second to none. “We know there is a choice involved — to buy locally or not — so we work hard to make sure our customers see value in returning,” Hood explains. Hood and her staff have the luxury of keeping their customers in mind when they are ordering books and items for their unique gift section. “You get to know your repeat customers and we certainly cater to their tastes and styles, but at the same time you also feel confident that once someone new walks in they will keep returning because they found something they liked,” she says. Hood says she is most proud when people who move away return and make Bennington Gate one of their stops. “They come in to visit and say — ‘Wow, you are still here.’ ” If you wish to speak with anyone about what Bennington Gate has to offer, or what events and authors they will be hosting, call 1-866-576-6600.
Sue Hood, owner and operator of Bennington Gate bookstore in Churchill Square. Nick Langor/The Independent
Campus Rings: a way to ‘wear your pride’
reating something new and unique is nothing new for Campus Rings, a company that has been in business since 1989, with many accomplishments to brag about. Designing and manufacturing campus and corporate rings and pins is certainly one area where the company has excelled. Campus Rings is the only company in Atlantic Canada that manufactures graduation rings. “We design specifically for you so you can’t get the same product we make anywhere else,” says Steve Vaughan, the owner and jeweler. Items are all handmade with quality in mind. The exceptional craftsmanship provided by Campus Rings has made them the official ring supplier for Memorial University Bookstore & Sir Wilfred Grenfell College in Corner Brook. Vaughan says Campus Rings understands that Newfoundlanders and Labradorians take pride in who they are and what they accomplish. “We get the privilege of interpreting that pride into something you can wear — a
Campus Ring is a way to wear your pride.” A couple of years back Campus Rings designed the Pink, White and Green flag ring, which has been overwhelmingly popular. To date, the requests for different flag designs, family crests and coat of arms designs on rings has been steady. Vaughan holds the copyright to the Pink, White and Green flag ring design so if you want an authentic Pink, White and Green ring you can only get it at Campus Rings. Currently in production is an order of Labrador flag rings for some craft and gift stores in Labrador City and Happy Valley-Goose Bay. As well, Vaughan has come up with a new ring design that had people talking recently at the Manufactured Right Here show in St. John’s. The design is a combination of the official provincial flag design and the Pink, White and Green flag — a real conversation piece. The ring is on display in Campus Rings retail location in the Torbay Road Mall in St. John’s next to China House and Play it Again
Sports. What sets Campus Rings apart is its manufactured-right-here commitment. “If what you want is a quality piece of jewelry that is unique to you, then you come to us,” he says, stressing that the same pride you take in wearing your jewelry, Campus Rings takes in designing and making it. “If you can show us a picture, or even explain the concept of what you want, we can create it,” Vaughan says. To complement the quality products, Vaughan says Campus Rings also has exceptional customer service. The company’s pieces come with a lifetime warranty. Campus Rings carries unique lines of quality gold and silver jewelry — Wenger, Cardinal and Citadel watches, straps and batteries. Campus Rings also does jewelry repairs and restorations, as well as custom ring designs for individuals, teams, corporations, nursing schools, high schools, colleges and more. View Campus Rings’ website at www.campusrings.com and also at www.pinkwhiteandgreen.com
Steve Vaughan, owner and jeweler at Campus Rings. Nick Langor/The Independent
Local handmade soap!
From pony rides to games of chance to rower entry fees, there’s plenty of ways to spend money at the Royal St. John’s Regatta.
Paul Daly/The Independent
Up the pond, to the bank The business of the 189th Royal St. John’s Regatta By John Rieti The Independent
ary Squires felt the August heat and pressure of rowing in the Royal St. John’s Regatta for 10 years. Now president of the regatta committee, Squires feels a different type of pressure — making the day of races successful as a major fundraising effort. “You want to do well. The more money we generate, the better services we can provide to our rowers and for the event itself,” Squires tells The Independent. “All of the money the regatta committee receives goes back into the event.” This year the committee, a notfor-profit group, already stands to make upwards of $93,000 through
rower registration and lakeside space rentals for the big day. Squires predicts more than 40,000 people will attend the event and more than $1 million will change hands — weather permitting, of course. The money raised by the committee is spent on adding and maintaining racing shells and the wooden landing area. The renovations at the boathouse in 2001 cost $1.3 million. Some money will also go toward promoting the sport in the community. “It’s one of the few big money generators that we have. We get very little in the way of donations from government agencies. Everything we do is fundraising, whether it’s through corporate sponsors or anything else like
that,” Squires says. The regatta committee rents ground space for booths to charitable groups and other organizations, secures sponsors for crews or races, and offers businesses a chance to become a sponsor of the event or to advertise in the race program. BOOKING A BOOTH By the booking deadline on July 25, 115 booths had been reserved. Booths range in price based on frontage per-foot-space and location on the lake, but cost at least $190. Bouncy castles cost $400 to set up, and every ice cream or hot dog cart costs $75 to place at the event. Officials couldn’t confirm this year’s profits for the regatta com-
mittee, but the figure should be around $30,000. The committee also makes money from the 89 teams that have registered to race. Teams pay different registration fees based on their division; $465 for young teams and $860 for senior teams from town, and $265 for out-oftown teams. The committee made $63,000 from registration this year. Although Quidi Vidi’s shores will teem with games of chance and fast food, St. John’s Mayor Andy Wells doesn’t expect the event to buoy the city’s economy. “You’ve got to try and get a handle on non-resident attendance … that’s the only way you can seriously quantify the economic benefit,” says Wells. “If it’s only residents themselves who are patroniz-
ing the event then all you’re doing is recycling dollars. I suspect the net economic benefit of the regatta would be low.” Wells says local businesspeople tell him it’s been a good summer for tourists. Whether or not the regatta rakes it in, Wells says it’s an important part of St. John’s society. “It’s the essence of being a townie I suppose, being at the regatta.” Squires says the regatta happens at a busy time of the year that also includes the folk and George Street festivals, which also have financial spin-offs for the community. “You have a lot of tourists that come in for these events … the regatta could be the highlight of that trip,” says Squires. john.rieti@theindependent.ca
We’d better keep up the fight
t’s the economy, stupid.” This crass-sounding but catchy line was apparently coined by political strategist James Carville for Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign, during which it hung on a sign in the Little Rock, Arkansas headquarters to keep the team on message. The catchphrase acted as a blunt, between-the-eyes reminder to voting Americans that the country needed to focus on finding a way out of the economic recession at the time. With strong annual GDP growth, there’s no recession for Newfoundland and Labrador’s economy. But the province is facing the insidious force of outmigration and population decline, and we need to adopt the same economy-focused philosophy and not lose sight of what will ultimately keep people
Board of Trade in Newfoundland and Labrador and entice others to locate here. It surprises few of us that the latest population projections from Statistics Canada don’t depict a rosy demographic future for this province. Our population was estimated to have dropped by 2,000 people in the first quarter of this year. According to StatsCan, Newfoundland and Labrador started out 2007 with 508,548 residents, and the tally was 506,548 by April Fool’s Day. That’s nothing to joke about. Total net outmigration during the first
four months of this year reached 1,780, migration and population loss — and while 220 more deaths than births dur- the troubles that follow — will be a huge ing the period added to the shortfall. impediment to our future growth and Indeed, over the 2001 economic competitiveto 2006 census timeness. None of this will frame, this province was The fact is demoone of only two coungraphic shifts will have mean much or try-wide to experience very significant conseeven be possible overall population dequences for labour marcline. ket makeup and producif we don’t focus On the evening of his tivity in Newfoundland in on stimulating induction into the Junior and Labrador, and the Achievement Business province’s overall ecothe economy and Hall of Fame a couple nomic performance. job growth. of months ago, Vic Worker shortages are Young remarked that already a big concern outmigration “is beand labour force concoming public enemy No. 1” in traction will continue. Newfoundland and Labrador. He’s right. Another recent Statistics Canada artiSit down and size up the numbers and cle suggests that, if population-related it’s difficult not to conclude that out- trends (i.e. birth rate, mortality, immi-
gration) persist, then the proportion of working age people participating in Newfoundland and Labrador’s workforce will gradually decline to an estimated 45.5 per cent of the province’s total population by the year 2031, compared to a 2005 participation rate of over 58 per cent. In other words, in 2031 fewer than half of all residents 15 and older will be in the labour force. There are no simple answers to this dilemma. We can’t think in silos and expect to come up with solutions. It’s fine to say we need to address our labour market issues. And, yes, we need to make our education system, both kindergarten to 12 and post secondary, more relevant and responsive to labour force and industry See “Learning,” page 16
JULY 27, 2007
Too far outside the box C.B.S. looks at traditional systems for new transit plan; railway likely out By Brian Callahan The Independent
here may well be a demand for a public transit system between Conception Bay South, Paradise, and St. John’s but, as always, it will come down to dollars and common sense. And that pretty much eliminates the possibility of anything other than road transportation. “From our town’s perspective, we’re not out to come up with something completely new,” Joan Butler, economic development co-ordinator for Conception Bay South, tells The Independent. Butler was asked if there’s even the remote possibility that the sprawling municipality might look “outside the box” at more innovative options.
For a linear town like C.B.S., the former railbed would seem, at the very least, worth a glance for the Toronto consultants hired to carry out the feasibility study. Many towns across the country, for example, have Go Train-like commuting systems that can get people from point A to B quickly, efficiently and with the environment in mind. But that, of course, raises many issues such as infrastructure costs and predictable opposition from T’railway users. For those reasons and others, Butler was slightly taken aback by the suggestion. “Wow, that would really be looking outside the box now, wouldn’t it? But it really looks as though we’ll have to work with what we already have. The infrastructure costs of anything new I’m sure would be too high.”
When it comes to transportation, subsidies from the other levels of government are limited to so-called “green” funds from Ottawa and assistance for the handicapped from the province. Unless an innovative private investor comes forward, options seem to be limited to busing and taxi services. The towns of C.B.S. and neighbouring Paradise awarded the contract for a feasibility study to IBI Group of Toronto after a public request for proposals in late 2006. IBI held public meetings, focus groups, and interviewed town and other community players in March, and submitted an interim report (Phase I) earlier in July. As anticipated, it concluded there is a demand for a service to St. John’s and provided some estimates based on a review of similar services in other Canadian towns.
C.B.S. Highway
Nicholas Langor/The Independent
The report, also based on an analysis of population trends and projections, suggests a system could be run by a private operator or under contract with Metrobus. Phase II will look at timelines, financing, service delivery, marketing and other issues that will help the towns decide if and what kind of system is right for the region. A decision will be made whether to
proceed after they meet with IBI staff in September. “We should also remember that many people moved out here knowing there was no public transit system,” Butler says. “But this is one of those situations where we’re continuing to grow and we’re hearing it (talk of a need for such a system).” brian.callahan@theindependent.ca
Innovation, Trade and Rural Development Minister Trevor Taylor prepares to address media at the St. John’s office of Quorum Information Technologies Inc., July 25. Taylor announced a five-year, $1.7-million wage rebate deal with the automotive software developer. Quorum’s regional development manager Tim Spracklin was also on hand. Paul Daly/The Independent
Learning to cope From page 15 needs. Attract expatriates back to the province? Absolutely. But none of this will mean much or even be possible if we don’t focus on stimulating the economy and job growth. In fact, the outmigration challenge will get worse, fast. In truth, the trend will be hard to arrest. However, if we don’t turn first and foremost toward building a better economy, then the chances of stemming outmigration are slim. It all comes down to providing a greater number of opportunities for people in the form of well-paying jobs. Vic Young noted in his speech, “We must treat the creation of new jobs as an urgent priority,” and he emphasized that more homegrown entrepreneurship and more knowledge-based industry growth is needed, along with oil, mining, hydroelectric development and the fisheries. With a slowdown in the growth of the labour force, it means more slack will have to be taken up by those who are working to buffer against the economic impact. Not only do we need to create more well-paying jobs, we also need to start broadening the workforce to take advantage of traditionally under-represented groups (older workers, for example) and to emphasize the importance of enhancing productivity across the economy and labour force, a message that Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge sent to the board of trade last month. Dealing with the outflow of human capital from our province will be an uphill battle. But we had better keep up the fight, and at the same time learn to cope with an increasingly restricted labour market. Cathy Bennett is president of the St. John’s Board of Trade.
JULY 27, 2007
Is the destruction of the lower Churchill worth it? Dear editor, On a recent visit to Labrador, my first visit to that part of our province, I became aware that there is active debate and consternation there concerning our government’s plans to develop the lower Churchill River hydroelectric projects. The fact that this debate has not extended itself in any vigorous way to the island portion of the province is evidence of a serious oversight on the part of the people of Newfoundland. This is a major economic and environmental issue for our province. It is our duty to give it the consideration it deserves. Many of us are aware that the upper portion of the Churchill River has already been put to use to generate power to serve the needs of industry in Canada and the United States. We know too that the contract signed with Quebec for the sale of the power is not in the best interest of Newfoundland and Labrador. The contract specified a fixed rate for the sale of power to Quebec. Thus, ever since the energy crisis of the mid-’70s sent energy prices soaring, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have dreamed of making up for the oversight that led to our misfortune by developing the lower Churchill projects and obtaining a more favourable deal with Quebec on that count. Harnessing the power of the lower Churchill would compensate for our mistake. This, I believe, is the ultimate motivation for developing the lower Churchill and I think the majority of Newfoundlanders are won over by this reasoning. Consequently, there is barely a murmur of debate on this issue here on the island. I myself was of such a mind before I visited Labrador. The Churchill River is the largest river in Labrador, and the largest river
The Churchill river, Labrador.
Paul Daly/The Independent
in the province. It remains our greatest river despite the hydroelectric project that has destroyed its upper reaches. The river has a long history of use by both the native peoples of the Labrador peninsula and those of European descent who have laid roots in Labrador. The story of this relationship between the river and those who live in its vicinity is one that is living still. Those who wish to dam the lower Churchill, however, are, by and large, people who lack this physical and historical connection to the river that many people in Labrador have developed. This, I think, is the main reason why there is no serious debate on the island of Newfoundland on the question of whether the lower parts of the
river should be dammed. For most of us islanders, the river is not a concrete thing that we have experienced for ourselves, but an abstraction, a name, one with the overriding connotation of “profit.” It is a resource that we can tap as a means of solving our financial problems here on the island. We see our small communities struggling and dying, and we believe that the revenue that could be produced by the lower Churchill projects could prevent the decay. I am not convinced that the lower Churchill projects would do very much at all in this regard. The building of the infrastructure would employ a few thousand people for a few years (with perhaps thousands more employed
indirectly). After the facilities began to generate power, a mere several hundred would find employment associated with the projects. The town of Churchill Falls, which was built for those employed to operate the generators of the upper Churchill project, currently has a population of only 650 people. Of course, government coffers would swell, but how exactly does this serve to help our struggling rural communities? For those communities to survive, localized resources are needed. A resource hundreds of kilometres away can do little to ensure that people in our small communities will be able to find ways of continuing to exist in these communities. We cannot simply
take the profits from the lower Churchill projects and pay people to live in rural Newfoundland without jobs. In addition, while some of the power generated by the lower Churchill projects could be put to use in Labrador and Newfoundland, it is most surely the case that the energy-starved areas of high population density in the United States and Canada will receive the vast majority of the total output. The demand for energy is high in these areas and the pressure is on to dam the river for profit. Ultimately, the greatest economic benefits associated with the lower Churchill projects will be seen in those areas of the mainland where most of the energy will be sent. Ultimately, we must ask ourselves if the destruction of an entire river, and even the largest river in our province, is worth it. Consider a hypothetical case in which it was proposed that we transform the island’s largest river, the Exploits River, into a massive hydroelectric project, one so large that nearly the entire length of the river became a series of long lakes, killing or poisoning most of the fish in the system and flooding the surrounding forests. The greatest river on the island destroyed and its power exported for the greater benefit of large mainland cities and industries. If this were possible, and if our government wished to make this possibility a reality, would there not be some outcry from conscientious Newfoundlanders? Would not our newspaper columns show some evidence of a debate on this issue, some attempt to weigh seriously the pros and cons of such a course of action? Aaron O’Brien, Cape Broyle
Tenders will be received up to the dates and times indicated below for the following projects:
Tenders are invited for the purchase “As is and Where is” of:
A/PROJECT # 068-07PHM – Supply of cold mix asphalt at 28 locations throughout Newfoundland & Labrador. PURCHASE PRICE: $22.80 CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 13, 2007 @ 12:00 NOON
A/PROJECT # 200393005 – Building envelope repairs, Bonne Bay Academy, Woody Point, NL. PURCHASE PRICE: $22.80 CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 07, 2007 @ 3:00 PM B/PROJECT # 200089003 – Partial roof replacement, Jakeman All Grade School, Trout River, NL. PURCHASE PRICE: $22.80 CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 13, 2007 @ 3:00 PM
GPA/D/011: Modular Furniture, i.e. modular panels, glass doors, glass toppers, oblique panels, corners, joiners, etc. located at the Office of the Chief Information Officer, 40 Higgins line. Viewing time from 1:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday, July 20, 2007. Official tender forms may be obtained by contacting Mr. Bruce Gellately, telephone (709) 729-6499. Official tender forms may also be obtained by contacting Ellen Aylward, Government Purchasing Agency, 30 Strawberry Marsh Raod, St. John’s, NL. Telephone (709) 729-1593. Closing Date: 4:00 P.M. August 2, 2007
Upon receipt of the purchase price indicated above, (NON REFUNDABLE, HST INCLUDED) plans and specifications may be obtained from Tendering and Contracts, Ground Floor, East Block, Confederation Building, P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL, A1B 4J6, Ph# 709-729-3786, Fax# 709-7296729, and viewed at the offices of the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association. Tenders addressed to the Deputy Minister of Transportation & Works must be delivered to Tendering and Contracts at the address above and be submitted on forms and in sealed envelopes provided, clearly marked as to the contents. Tenders will be opened immediately after the tender closing time. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Electronic access to browsing and downloading this tender is a non-fee service by the Government Purchasing Agency. This tender may be obtained by logging onto www.gpa.gov.nl.ca/disposal/disreport/ If there are any problem in obtaining these bid documents via the Internet, please contact the Government Purchasing Agency at (709) 729-3348.
Hon. Joan Burke Minister Dept. of Education
Expression of Interest Consultant Services for Aquatic Health & Administration Facility, St. Albans, NL The Government of Newfoundland & Labrador is inviting expressions of interest from facility design consultant teams for planning, design, and tender call services for Consultant Services for Aquatic Health & Administration Facility, St. Albans, NL. This facility is expected to be designed as a single story building with an area of approx. 770 sm. A copy of the EOI may be obtained from the address below or by e-mailing dawek@gov.nl.ca or crottyp@gov.nl.ca. Submissions are to be forwarded to the address below & will be received up to 3:00 PM, AUGUST 13, 2007. Deputy Minister Dept. of Transportation & Works c/o Tendering & Contracts Ground Floor, East Block, Confederation Building P.O. Box 8700 St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 Telephone: 709-729-3786 Facsimile: 709-729-6729
B/PROJECT # 064-07PMB – Site preparation work & salt storage facility foundation installation, Black Brook Maintenance Depot near Marystown, NL PURCHASE PRICE: $22.80 CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 14, 2007 @ 12:00 NOON C/PROJECT # 069-07PHP – Paving Loch Lomond Rd. for approximately 2.1 km; R406 at Doyles from the TCH towards Codroy for approx. 2 km; South Branch for approx. 1.4 km; R404, from Jeffrey’s to Maidstone for approx. 4.8 km; R404, from Jeffrey’s towards the TCH for approx. 2.5 km; and construct left turning lane on the TCH near Flat Bay, NL. PURCHASE PRICE: $22.80 CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 14, 2007 @ 12:00 NOON D/PROJECT # 430726001 – Roof replacement, phase III, College of the North Atlantic, St. Anthony, NL. PURCHASE PRICE: $11.40 CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 13, 2007 @ 3:00 PM E/PROJECT # 510705029 – Roof replacement, Elizabeth Goudie Building, Happy Valley Goose Bay, Labrador, NL. PURCHASE PRICE: $11.40 CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 13, 2007 @ 3:00 PM Upon receipt of the purchase price indicated above, (NON REFUNDABLE, HST INCLUDED) plans and specifications may be obtained from Tendering & Contracts, Ground Floor, East Block, Confederation Building, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6, Ph# 709-729-3786, Fax# 709-729-6729, the Regional Director, Transportation & Works, Building #86, Happy Valley Goose Bay, Labrador, A0P 1E0, Ph# 709-896-7840, Fax# 709896-5513, (PROJECT E ONLY) and viewed at the offices of the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association. Tenders addressed to the Deputy Minister of Transportation & Works must be delivered to Tendering & Contracts at the address above and be submitted on forms and in sealed envelopes provided, clearly marked as to the contents. Tenders will be opened immediately after the tender closing time. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Hon. John Hickey Minister Transportation & Works
JULY 27, 2007
Opportunities Statistical Officer - Night Supervisor
Heavy Equipment Technician 1st Year Apprentice
Autobody Repairer 1st Year Apprentice
(Bilingual Preferred)
Apprenticeship Contract
Apprenticeship Contract
One (1) Apprenticeship Contract position of Apprentice Heavy Equipment Technician in the Central Transportation Division of the Department of Transportation and Works located at the Pool’s Cove Unit.
One (1) Apprenticeship Contract position of Autobody Repairer in the Central Transportation Division of the Department of Transportation and Works located in Grand Falls-Windsor.
Newfoundland and Labrador Statistics Agency, Economics and Statistics Branch, Department of Finance, Confederation Building, St. John’s. DUTIES: The incumbent is responsible for supervising data entry staff during evening and night shifts for the Canadian Century Research Infrastructure Project with the Newfoundland & Labrador Statistics Agency. Provides leadership and guidance to staff and serves as the principal contact with the Atlantic Co-ordinator. Responsible for accurate and timely completion of all data entry and cleaning functions. Duties include coordinating and adjusting work operations during the evening and night shifts. The incumbent will be responsible for data cleaning, coding, analysis and development of digital image and microfilm. Census records for Atlantic Canada as part of this national research infrastructure initiative, including Census of Canada records for 1911 to 1951 and Census of Newfoundland records for 1911, 1921, 1935 and 1945; using a variety of software including Microsoft Excel and Access, as well as SPSS to achieve these goals; evaluating the existing work process on a regular basis and making recommendations on operational improvements based on knowledge learned; providing recommendations for changes to data entry and analysis techniques to take advantage of any additional knowledge gained and helping to solve problems on a regular basis based on an application of predefined guidelines; and contributing to the data entry work by key entering records into a database using customized ACCESS data entry software as time, resources and other duties permit; as well as other statistical and clerical duties as required. QUALIFICATIONS: Must have a minimum of three years prior experience in a supervisory, or leadership capacity. Proficiency in office management, data entry, database processing and basic administrative skills is a requirement. Position requires a person who is mature, detailed oriented, works well with a variety of individuals, and is able to motivate. Preference will be given to candidates who are bilingual. Good oral and written communication skills are required as this position interfaces with all levels of management. Strong knowledge and interest in 20th Century Canadian History including courses in history, sociology or anthropology would be an asset. Candidate will be required to have a proven ability to communicate effectively in a team environment. Minimum of 3 years experience or an equivalent combination of education and training is desired. Applicants selected will be subject to an Enhanced Security Check and must meet eligibility for access to classified information. SALARY: $ 32.905.60 - $ 36,418.20 (GS 27) COMPETITION #: FIN.NLSA.C.SONS(t).07/08.055-P CLOSING DATE: August 10th, 2007 Applications, quoting Competition No., should be submitted to: Manager of Strategic Staffing Recruitment Centre - Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block, Confederation Building P. O. Box 8700 St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 Fax: (709) 729-6737 E-mail: pscecresumes@gov.nl.ca This competition is also open to employees of the Public Service including those on lay-off status, as specified by the applicable collective agreement or the Personnel Administration Procedures, as well as, the general public. Applications should be received before the close of business on the closing date either by email, fax or mail. Late applications with explanation may be considered. For additional information on this position, please call Terry Quinlan, (709) 729-0756. July 19, 2007
Client Services Officer
(Temporary to March 31, 2008) PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment, Central Region, Bonavista, NL DUTIES: This is a professional, front-line position that provides comprehensive and quality services to clients who wish to access programs and services of the Department or its partners within the area of Income Support and Career and Employment Services. A Client Services Officer is responsible to initiate service needs assessments in determining initial and continuing eligibility for income and employment services; ongoing case management services; and participates in program development and administrative activities while ensuring efficient delivery and integrity of departmental programs; works in a team environment to ensure that programs and services are administered in accordance with established practices, guidelines and service standards, as defined by departmental policies, procedures and legislation QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of relevant departmental programs and services, demonstrated skills in assessment, case management, interviewing techniques, program compliance and information technology; must possess effective organizational, analytical, problem solving/decision making, mediation, conflict resolution, and strong oral and written communication skills. Candidate must possess a degree in a related field, supplemented with related experience. An equivalent combination of post-secondary education and considerable (3-5 years) directly related experience in the assessment and delivery of programs and services may be considered. SALARY: GS- 34 ($41,059.20 – 45,718.40) COMPETITION #: HRLE.C.CSO(p).07.08.101-P Please quote when applying CLOSING DATE: August 7, 2007 APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE FORWARDED BY MAIL OR FAX TO: E-Mail: RobertTurner@gov.nl.ca Fax: 709-292-4200 Mail: Manager, Corporate Services Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment Provincial Building, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 1W9 Tel : 292-4580
DUTIES: This position will provide assistance to the Journey Person Heavy Equipment Technician associated with repairs to light and heavy equipment carried out in a Transportation Garage. Work involves designing, re-designing, repairing, rebuilding and fabricating parts and components of light and heavy vehicles, its systems and related equipment under supervision of a Journey Person to learn the operations in a mechanical facility and apply skills to the repair of Department equipment. QUALIFICATIONS: Successful candidate must have completed advanced level apprenticeship training at a recognized institution, and have less than 1800 hours towards Journeyperson Certification. Experience in various other trades associated with the repair of vehicles and equipment; and experience in mechanical repairs, welding and machinists work would be an asset. SALARY: $25,392.64 - First Year [%MS-26 ($17.44$19.28)] COMPETITION NO.: TW.C.HET.(t).07.08.113-P CLOSING DATE: August 8, 2007. INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS: Applications SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO: Mail:
Ms. Daphne Bouzane Regional Administrator (A) Department of Transportation and Works P.O. Box 10 Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 2J3 E-Mail: BouzaneD@gov.nl.ca Fax: (709) 292-4364
Applications should be received before the close of business on the closing date - either by mail, email or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered.
DUTIES: This position will provide assistance to the Journey Person Autobody Repairer at the Central Transportation Region Garage. The incumbent under the supervision of the Journey Person would assist with assessing and re-establishing the structural strength and integrity of light and heavy vehicles, equipment components and related attachments. Work also involves assisting with inspections and assessments on damaged or deteriorated equipment, recommending appropriate courses of action, planning and performing required work in a safe and efficient manner. QUALIFICATIONS: Successful candidate must have completed pre-apprenticeship training at a recognized institution and have less than 1800 hours towards a journeyperson certification. Courses in welding, machinist or mechanical trades would be an asset. SALARY: $25,392.64 - First Year [%MS-26 ($17.44$19.28)] COMPETITION NO: TW.C.AR.(t).07.08.111-P CLOSING DATE: August 8, 2007. INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS: Applications should be forwarded to: Mail: Ms. Daphne Bouzane Regional Administrator (A) Department of Transportation and Works P.O. Box 10 Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 2J3 E-Mail: bouzaned@gov.nl.ca Fax: (709) 292-4364 Applications should be received before the close of business on the closing date - either by mail, email or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. A separate application must be submitted for each competition. For additional information on this position call 709-2924306.
A separate application must be submitted for each competition. For additional information on this position call 709-2924306.
Environmental Scientist
Heavy Equipment Technician 1st Year Apprentice
Apprenticeship Contract
Environmental Assessment Division, Department of Environment and Conservation, St. John’s
Two (2) Apprenticeship Contract positions for Apprentice Heavy Equipment Technicians in the Central Transportation Division of the Department of Transportation and Works located at Grand Falls-Windsor.
DUTIES: This position leads and/or conducts environmental assessments of proposed undertakings by administering and implementing the provisions of the provincial Environmental Assessment Process in a legislated time frame; conducts registration reviews; chairs Ministerial appointed interdepartmental assessment committees which recommend to the Minister and Executive on the adequacy of guidelines, environmental impact statements and other scientific and technical submissions. The successful candidate will also chair environmental monitoring committees; conduct field investigations and inspections; represent the department at meetings and conferences; drafts cabinet submissions and briefing notes; and other related duties as required. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of various related disciplines, principles of ecology, environmental issues, environmental assessment processes and a general appreciation of the intent and magnitude of related legislation combined with analytical, organizational, written and oral communication skills are required. Candidates must be able to demonstrate leadership skills and the ability to work independently and efficiently in a challenging environment. Strong negotiation, facilitation, and decision making skills are also required as well as competency in the use of commonly used software packages. The above requirements would normally be acquired through a university degree specializing in Biology, Environmental Studies or related discipline (preferably at the M. Sc. degree level) combined with 5 years experience working in the environmental field with considerable knowledge of policies and legislation of the Department of Environment and Conservation and other environmental regulatory agencies. Experience in carrying out environmental assessments is desirable. Combinations of education, training and experience will be considered. SALARY: $51,779.00 - $61,061.00 per annum (GS-41) COMPETITION NUMBER: EC.C.ES(t).07.0153 CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 10, 2007 INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS: Applications should be forwarded to: MAIL: Staffing Specialist – Resource Sector Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 FAX: (709) 729-6737 Email: pscresourcesresumes@gov.nl.ca Applications must be received before the close of business on the closing date – either by e-mail, mail or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. Candidates must clearly demonstrate in their applications that they meet the above qualifications; only those applicants who demonstrate such qualifications will be considered for further assessment. For additional information on this position, please call (709) 729-0673. July 20, 2007
DUTIES: This position will provide assistance to the Journey Person Heavy Equipment Technician associated with repairs to light and heavy equipment carried out in a Transportation Garage. Work involves designing, re-designing, repairing, rebuilding and fabricating parts and components of light and heavy vehicles, its systems and related equipment under supervision of a Journey Person to learn the operations in a mechanical facility and apply skills to the repair of Department equipment. QUALIFICATIONS: Successful candidate must have completed advanced level apprenticeship training at a recognized institution, and have less than 1800 hours towards Journeyperson Certification. Experience in various other trades associated with the repair of vehicles and equipment; and experience in mechanical repairs, welding and machinists work would be an asset. SALARY: $25,392.64 - First Year [%MS-26 ($17.44$19.28)] COMPETITION NO.: TW.C.HET.(t).07.08.112-P CLOSING DATE: August 8, 2007. INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS: Applications SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO: Mail:
Ms. Daphne Bouzane Regional Administrator (A) Department of Transportation and Works P.O. Box 10 Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 2J3 E-Mail: BouzaneD@gov.nl.ca Fax: (709) 292-4364
Applications should be received before the close of business on the closing date - either by mail, email or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. A separate application must be submitted for each competition. For additional information on this position call 709-292-4306.
JULY 27, 2007
Opportunities Fisheries Development Officer (Aquaculture) (Temporary to March 18, 2008 or until permanent incumbent returns) Aquaculture Branch, Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture, Grand Falls - Windsor, NF. DUTIES: Provides technical, biological and economic advice and assistance to industry at the regional level. Evaluates proposals, sites and development plans and provides recommendations to the department for commercial development. Inspects aquaculture sites throughout the region to ensure industry compliance with legislation. Identifies and participates in the design of research and development projects, co-ordinates their delivery and prepares detailed reports of their results in cooperation with the aquaculturist. Identifies and promotes opportunities for aquaculture development at the regional level. Acts as a liaison between industry and the government as well as academic agencies designed to support it. Represents the Department at seminars, trade shows and conferences to promote aquaculture opportunities. Represents the Department on intergovernmental and industry committees. Supervises staff and participates in project implementation. QUALIFICATIONS: Sound knowledge of marine/freshwater biology and aquaculture technology, cost/production analysis, research design and federal/provincial legislation, policies and regulations related to aquaculture. Candidates must possess strong interpersonal, communication, project management, analytical, and supervisory skills and must be able to work independently with a high degree of initiative. The above qualifications would normally have been acquired and demonstrated through graduation from an accredited university or technical college with a BSc in Marine Biology supplemented by a Graduate Diploma in Aquaculture and responsible experience in aquaculture research and/or the commercial aquaculture sector. SALARY: $50,577.80 – $56,583.80 (GS-40) COMPETITION NUMBER: FA.C.FDO(T).07.0137(P) (Please quote when applying) CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 10, 2007 Applications should be forwarded to: MAIL:
FAX: Email:
Manager of Strategic Staffing – Resource Sector Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 (709) 729-6737 pscresourcesresumes@gov.nl.ca
Applications must be received before the close of business on the closing date – either by e-mail, mail or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. Candidates must clearly demonstrate in their applications that they meet the above qualifications; only those applicants who demonstrate such qualifications will be considered for further assessment. For additional information on this position, please call (709) 729-5082. July 20, 2007
Heavy Equipment 2nd Year Apprentice Apprenticeship Contract One (1) Apprenticeship Contract position for Apprentice Heavy Equipment Technician in the Central Transportation Division of the Department of Transportation and Works located at Springdale. DUTIES: This position will provide assistance to the Journey Person Heavy Equipment Technician associated with repairs to light and heavy equipment carried out in a Transportation Garage; work involves designing, re-designing, repairing, rebuilding and fabricating parts and components of light and heavy vehicles, its systems and related equipment. Under supervision of a Journey Person to learn the operations in a mechanical facility and apply skills to the repair of Department equipment. QUALIFICATIONS: Successful candidate must have completed advanced level apprenticeship training at a recognized institution, and have less than 3600 hours towards Journeyperson Certification. Experience in various other trades associated with the repair of vehicles and equipment; and experience in mechanical repairs, welding and machinists work would be an asset. SALARY: $29, 016.00 Second Year [%MS-26($17.44$19.28)] COMPETITION NO.: TW.C.HET.(t).07.08.116-P CLOSING DATE: August 8, 2007. INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS:
Welder 1st Year Apprentice Apprenticeship Contract
One (1) Apprenticeship Contract position of Apprentice Welder in the Central Transportation Division of the Department of Transportation and Works located at Grand Falls-Windsor.
One (1) permanent position for Engineering Technician II, with the Central Transportation Division, Department of Transportation and Works located at Grand Falls-Windsor.
DUTIES: This position will provide assistance to the Journey Person Welder associated with repairs to light and heavy equipment carried out in a Transportation Garage; work involves cutting, welding and fabricating under the supervision of a Journey Person, to learn the operations in a mechanical facility and apply skills to the repair of Department equipment; operates power drills, grinders, lathe machines as required.
DUTIES: Performs inspection work on small to moderate construction projects to ensure adherence to prescribed specifications; provides contractors with engineering data regarding highway / bridge alignment and grade, checks construction materials for quality and quantity; assigns and supervises the work of survey crews on highway, bridge, and airstrip construction, upgrading / rehabilitation projects; provides technical assistance and reviews survey data for completeness and accuracy. Work is performed with considerable independence and must conform with departmental and engineering standards. Performs other related work as required.
QUALIFICATIONS: Successful candidate must have completed pre-apprenticeship training at a recognized institution and have less than 1800 hours towards Journeyperson Certification. Experience in various other trades associated with the repair of vehicles and equipment; graduation from high school. SALARY: $25,392.64 - First Year [%MS-26 ($17.44$19.28)] COMPETITION NO: TW.C.W. (t).07.08.115-P CLOSING DATE: August 8, 2007. INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS: Applications should be forwarded to: MAIL:
FAX: Email:
FAX: Email:
Manager of Strategic Staffing – Resource Sector Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 (709) 729-6737 pscresourcesresumes@gov.nl.ca
Applications should be received before the close of business on the closing date - either by mail, email or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. A separate application must be submitted for each competition. For additional information on this position call 709-2924306.
Manager of Strategic Staffing – Resource Sector Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 (709) 729-6737 pscresourcesresumes@gov.nl.ca
Application should be received before the close of business on the closing date – either by mail, fax or e-mail. Late applications with explanation may be considered. A separate application must be submitted for each competition. For additional information on this position call (709) 292-4306
Senior Environmental Scientist
QUALIFICATIONS: Some experience in a field of work requiring the application of practical engineering techniques including responsible experience in the inspection and control of construction projects; knowledge of civil engineering / construction technology, with sound analytical and supervisory skills, successful completion of formalized training in civil or surveying engineering technology, experience in highway or bridge construction, or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Possession of a valid Class 5 driver’s license is required. SALARY: $19.16 - $21.28 per hour (GS-30) COMPETITION NO: TW.C.ETII.(p).07.08.127-P CLOSING DATE: August 8, 2007. Information for Applicants: This competition is open to employees of the Public Service including those on lay-off status, as specified by the applicable collective agreement or the Personnel Administration Procedures, but does not apply to students. Applications should be forwarded to: Mail:
Fax: Email:
Ms. Daphne Bouzane Regional Administrator (A) Department of Transportation and Works P.O. Box 10, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL., A2A 2J3 (709) 292-4364 bouzaned@gov.nl.ca
Application should be received before the close of business on the closing date – either by mail, fax or e-mail. Late applications with explanation may be considered. A separate application must be submitted of each competition. For additional information on this position call (709) 292-4306.
(Permanent) Environmental Assessment Division, Department of Environmental and Conservation, St. John’s DUTIES: This position supervises a team of environmental scientists that lead and/or conduct environmental assessments of proposed undertakings by administering and implementing the provisions of the provincial Environmental Assessment Process in a legislated time frame; assigns workloads and ensures thorough, efficient and timely environmental assessments and adherence to Environmental Assessment legislation and departmental policies; develops policy relating to the development and implementation of legislation and day-to-day operations; provides policy direction to divisional staff; interprets legislation and provides policy advice to senior management. Also, performs the duties of an Environmental Scientist including the preparation of cabinet papers and briefing notes. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of various related disciplines, principles of ecology, environmental issues, environmental assessment processes and a general appreciation of the intent and magnitude of related legislation combined with analytical, organizational, written and oral communication skills are required. Candidates must be able to demonstrate strong supervisory and leadership skills as well as the ability to work independently and efficiently in a challenging environment. Strong negotiation, facilitation, and decision making skills are also required as well as competency in the use of commonly used software packages. The above requirements would normally be acquired through a university degree specializing in Biology, Environmental Studies or related discipline (preferably at the M. Sc. degree level) combined with 5 years experience working in the environmental field with considerable knowledge of policies and legislation of the Department of Environment and Conservation and other environmental regulatory agencies. Experience in carrying out environmental assessments is desirable. Combinations of education, training and experience will be considered.
(Permanent) One (1) permanent position of Welder in the Central Transportation Region of the Department of Transportation and Works located at Grand Falls-Windsor. DUTIES: This is a skilled journeyperson level work associated with the lay-out, fabrication, repair, installation and modification of metal assemblies and advanced work in a variety of other trades associated with the repair of vehicles and related equipment carried out in the Transportation Region garage; performs cutting, brazing and arc welding jobs while operating manual and automatic welding equipment; diagnosis problems and makes recommendations on appropriate courses of action and performs applicable tests and inspections to verify workmanship and compliance with industry regulations and standards; may operate lathes, grinders and drill presses. QUALIFICATIONS: Experience as a welder as well as some experience in various other trades associated with the repair of vehicles and equipment; graduation from high school with completion of an approved apprenticeship program for welders and courses in vehicle body repair, mechanical repairs and machinists trades; experience in mechanical repairs and machinists work would be an asset; possession of a JourneyPerson certificate as a welder issued by the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador is required. SALARY: $17.44 - $19.28 (MS-26) COMPETITION NO.: TW.C.W.(p).07.08.136-P CLOSING DATE: August 8, 2007.
SALARY: $55,127.80 - $65,010.40 per annum (GS-43) COMPETITION NO.: EC.C.SES(p).07.0152-P CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 10, 2007
Applications should be forwarded to:
Applications should be forwarded to: MAIL:
Engineering Technician II
FAX: Email:
Staffing Specialist – Resource Sector Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 (709) 729-6737 pscresourcesresumes@gov.nl.ca
Applications must be received before the close of business on the closing date – either by e-mail, mail or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. Candidates must clearly demonstrate in their applications that they meet the above qualifications; only those applicants who demonstrate such qualifications will be considered for further assessment. For additional information on this position, please call (709) 729-0673. July 19, 2007
FAX: Email:
Manager of Strategic Staffing – Resource Sector Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 (709) 729-6737 pscresourcesresumes@gov.nl.ca
Applications should be received before the close of business on the closing date - either by mail, email or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. A separate application must be submitted for each competition. For additional information on this position call 709-2924306.
JULY 27, 2007
Opportunities Fisheries Field Representative
Seasonal (9 months) Harbour Breton Regional Services Division, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture. DUTIES: Under the supervision of the Regional Director the position will be responsible for: conducting inspections onboard vessels and transports and in processing establishments to assess the quality of fish and determine compliance with provincial regulations governing the marketing of fish; performs quality assessments on predetermined samples of fish applying industry recognized grading criteria; initiates investigations including collecting evidence, taking statements, preparing and serving legal documents and participating in court proceedings; prepares reports on all inspections and investigations; and provides instruction to the industry on the implementation of approved quality control measures. Identifies and promotes fisheries and aquaculture development; assesses special assistance grant applications for funding to improve fisheries infrastructure; evaluates and reports on requests for fish processing and aquaculture licences; attends meetings with stakeholders on fisheries related issues. The successful candidate will be required to provide a vehicle as a condition of employment and possess a valid Newfoundland and Labrador Class 05 driver’s licence. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of the fishing industry, fish quality control standards, techniques and processes, fisheries development opportunities, departmental jurisdictional roles and responsibilities and inspection/enforcement procedures are required. Candidates must be able to work independently and demonstrate strong oral and written communication, analytical, organizational and interpersonal skills, These qualifications would normally have been acquired through graduation from a recognized post- secondary program with major course work in Food Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Quality Control or related field supplemented by experience in the monitoring and enforcement of quality control standards and fisheries development projects. SALARY: $41,059.20 - $45,718.40 per annum (GS-34) COMPETITION #: FA.C.FFR(s).07.0102-P CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 10, 2007
Fisheries Development Officer (Aquaculture) Aquaculture Branch, Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture, St. Alban’s, NL.
Temporary (September 4, 2007 – September 4, 2008)
DUTIES: Provides technical, biological and economic advice and assistance to industry at the regional level. Evaluates proposals, sites and development plans and provides recommendations to the department for commercial development. Inspects aquaculture sites throughout the region to ensure industry compliance with legislation. Identifies and participates in the design of research and development projects, co-ordinates their delivery and prepares detailed reports of their results in cooperation with the aquaculturist. Identifies and promotes opportunities for aquaculture development at the regional level. Acts as a liaison between industry and the government as well as academic agencies designed to support it. Represents the Department at seminars, trade shows and conferences to promote aquaculture opportunities. Represents the Department on intergovernmental and industry committees. Supervises staff and participates in project implementation.
QUALIFICATIONS: Sound knowledge of marine/freshwater biology and aquaculture technology, cost/production analysis, research design and federal/provincial legislation, policies and regulations related to aquaculture. Candidates must possess strong interpersonal, communication, project management, analytical, and supervisory skills and must be able to work independently with a high degree of initiative. The above qualifications would normally have been acquired and demonstrated through graduation from an accredited university or technical college with a BSc in Marine Biology supplemented by a Graduate Diploma in Aquaculture and responsible experience in aquaculture research and/or the commercial aquaculture sector. SALARY: $50,577.80 – $56,583.80 (GS-40) COMPETITION #: FA.C.FDO(p).07.0123-P (Please quote when applying) CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 10, 2007 INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS: Applications should be forwarded to: MAIL:
INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS: Applications should be forwarded to: MAIL:
FAX: Email:
Manager of Strategic Staffing – Resource Sector Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 (709) 729-6737 pscresourcesresumes@gov.nl.ca
Applications must be received before the close of business on the closing date – either by e-mail, mail or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. Candidates must clearly demonstrate in their applications that they meet the above qualifications; only those applicants who demonstrate such qualifications will be considered for further assessment. For additional information on this position, please call (709) 729-3736.
Adult Probation Officer I
FAX: Email:
Manager of Strategic Staffing – Resource Sector Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 (709) 729-6737 pscresourcesresumes@gov.nl.ca
Applications must be received before the close of business on the closing date – either by e-mail, mail or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. Candidates must clearly demonstrate in their applications that they meet the above qualifications; only those applicants who demonstrate such qualifications will be considered for further assessment. For additional information on this position, please call (709) 729-5082. July 20, 2007
Corrections & Community Services, Department of Justice, Happy Valley-Goose Bay DUTIES: Assessment, classification and supervision of offenders subject to probation orders, conditional sentences and/or temporary absence permits; prepares Pre-Sentence Reports, investigations of violations and preparation of Informations, Summons and Crown Briefs for breaches. Development of case plans targeting criminogenic needs of the offenders, referral to individual and/or group intervention programs with the goal of reducing recidivism. QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must demonstrate a strong theoretical knowledge of offender behaviour combined with good assessment and intervention skills. Good oral and written communication, planning, organizational and analytical skills are essential. The above knowledge, skills and abilities would normally have been acquired through progressively related experience preferably in the correctional field and must be supplemented by a degree in the social or behavioural sciences from an approved college or university. Use of a vehicle may be required for this position. Candidates must clearly demonstrate in their resume that they meet all of the above qualifications. Failure to do so may result in a candidate being screened out. Positions within the Department of Justice are considered “Positions of Trust” and as such successful candidates will be subject to a background check through police/court data banks and other sources. SALARY:$49,012 - $54,836 (GS-39) COMPETITION #: J.C.APOI(t).07.059 - P CLOSING DATE: August 7, 2007 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS: Applications should be forwarded to: Recruitment Centre Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 Fax: 709-729-6737 e-mail: Pscjusticeresumes@gov.nl.ca * In order to ensure your application/resume is processed appropriately, the job competition number MUST be indicated. * Applications should be received before the close of business on the closing date, either by e-mail, postal mail or fax. (If faxing, DO NOT send a duplicate copy). Late applications with acceptable explanation may be considered. * For additional information on this position, call (709) 7290407. 2007 07 24
July 20, 2007
Environmental Health Officer
Park Interpretation Technician (2 Positions) Seasonal (to October 26, 2007) Cape St. Mary’s Ecological Reserve, Parks and Natural Areas Division, Department of Environment and Conservation DUTIES: Implements all educational and interpretative programming including interpretative centre activity programs, guided hikes, outdoor amphitheatre and campfire programs, nature crafts and environmental games and special events; prepares various reports, collects revenue and reconciliates visitor tour fees and sales of park promotional merchandise; maintains interpretation centre, equipment and materials; assists with the research, planning and development of outdoor environmental education and interpretation programming as well as the development of workshops, training programs and presentations; assesses biological features of the park to identify areas of interpretative significance and resource management issues; encourages school visits and partnerships with special interest groups; promotes the parks and natural areas with community and provincial groups including attendance at provincial and out of province trade shows; networks with federal, provincial, municipal and non-profit groups and other associations. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of natural history, geology, flora and fauna, biology, park interpretation techniques, Parks and Natural Areas mandate and the tourism industry of the Province is required. Candidates must also possess effective organizational, supervisory, oral, written and presentation skills as well as creativity and have the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships while working independently. Computer skills specifically in the areas of word processing and graphics packages would be an asset. The required knowledge and skills would normally have been acquired through completion of postsecondary courses in Environmental Science, Natural Resources, Biology, or Physical Geography combined with related experience in park interpretation. Completion of Education Methods or Natural Heritage Interpretation courses would be an asset. A valid driver’s license is also required. SALARY: $30,685.20 - $33,852.00 per annum (GS-25) COMPETITION #: EC.C.PIT(s).07.0145-P CLOSING DATE: AUGUST 10, 2007 Applications must be submitted to: MAIL:
Fax: Email:
Staffing Specialist – Resource Sector Public Service Commission 4th Floor, West Block Confederation Building St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 (709) 729-6737 pscresourcesresumes@gov.nl.ca
Applications must be received before the close of business on the closing date – either by e-mail, mail or fax. Late applications with explanation may be considered. Candidates must clearly demonstrate in their applications that they meet the above qualifications; only those applicants who demonstrate such qualifications will be considered for further assessment. For additional information on this position, please call (709) 635-4531. July 23, 2007
Government Service Centre, Department of Government Services, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador DUTIES: Interprets, implements and enforces environmental health regulations, policies and procedures. Work involves but is not limited to inspections of schools, food establishments, swimming pools, etc., water sampling, investigation of food/water/vector borne illness, site assessment for sewage systems, provision of information to the public, conducts investigations, gathers evidence and prepares detailed documentation to support the Crown’s position for litigation in cases of non-compliance and appears as a Crown witness when requested. QUALIFICATIONS: Completion of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology, Chemistry or Environmental/Health studies and a minimum of one year experience in the Environmental Health field or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training. In-depth knowledge of Environmental and Health Regulations policies and procedures; must demonstrate well developed communication, interpersonal, investigative and organization skills, together with good judgment and the ability to operate independently. Certificate in Public Health Inspection, Canada, is essential. A commitment to providing quality service is essential. Computer experience desirable. Persons who have completed the academic requirements for certification may be considered for this position and may be eligible to be hired at a lower salary scale. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT: Applicants must be prepared to use their private vehicles as a condition of employment. SALARY: ($47,411.00 – $52,889.20) COMPETITION #: GS.C.EHO(p).07.08.115-P CLOSING DATE: Aug 7, 2007 APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE FORWARDED BY MAIL OR FAX TO: Mail:
E-Mail: Fax: Tel:
Manager of Strategic Staffing – Social Sector Public Service Commission – Recruitment Unit Confederation Building, 4th Floor, West Block P. O. Box 8700 A1B 4J6 Pscsocialresumes@gov.nl.ca 709-729-6737 (709) 729-0570
The Department of Transportation & Works is interested in contacting Mr. Arthur Anstey, former owner of a parcel of land on the Grenfell Heights in Bishop’s Falls, NL. In 1979, the department acquired parcels of land in the Grenfell Heights area from certain persons, including Arthur Anstey, for a proposed highway interchange. The interchange concept was subsequently changed by the department and the lands have been deemed surplus. The department is reviewing its options regarding the disposal of those lands and is interested in contacting the original owners. Contact has been established with all owners except Mr. Arthur Anstey. It is requested that Mr. Anstey or a member of his family contact the undersigned. Mr. Martin Balodis, P.Eng. Director of Realty Services Department of Transportation and Works P.O. Box 8700 St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 Telephone: (709) 729-3690 Fax: (709) 729-0984 E-mail: balodism@gov.nl.ca
Fossils are everywhere and accessible at Mistaken Point.
Nicholas Langor/The Independent
Off the beaten track
Nearby Cape Race may be better known, but Mistaken Point is a fossil treasure trove PORTUGAL COVE SOUTH By Brian Callahan The Independent
n many ways, Mistaken Point is like the quieter, less flamboyant sibling who has much to share but opens up only to those who show interest. In other words, those willing to go (or hike) the extra mile — or two. Playing the role of the more popular and outgoing brother or sister in this story is Cape Race. Known famously for its lighthouse and as the first land-based site to receive a distress signal from the Titanic, Cape Race receives the lion’s share of attention whilst its neighbour, Mistaken Point, practically exists in obscurity, at least according to the tourists interviewed there this week. And that’s somewhat surprising given the depth of Mistaken Point’s international significance as a major fossil find. Kitty Drake of Brigus and friend Becky Boger, a resident of Boulder, Colo., got their
tip about Mistaken Point from a friend in the province’s Natural Resources Department, while Claude Legris of Sherbrooke, Que., came to hike the East Coast Trail and accidentally stumbled onto a footnote in a brochure. “Yes, I think it’s safe to say we wouldn’t have come (to Mistaken Point) off the beaten track if not for that connection (in government),” Drake told The Independent as she and Boger made the return trek along the rugged ATV-like trail. The hike to Mistaken Point is advertised as taking 45 minutes, but allowances must be made for negotiating the rocky, muddy terrain. The Watern Cove River — one last barrier to the fossils — can also be a challenge. But if you don’t mind rolling up your pants and getting your feet wet, it’s a walk in the park. And this, it should be noted, is a beautiful, sunny summer’s day in which the whipping wind is a blessing if for no other reason than to keep the wasps (the stronger manage to weather it and pester nonetheless) and black
flies at bay. They don’t stand a chance on the rolling, exposed crests, but can be relentless in the calm of the small valleys. Unlike the big-ticket tourist meccas such as Signal Hill and Cape Spear, which are a stroll or short, paved drive from a hotel, Mistaken Point is out of the way, as is Cape Race. But the latter can be driven to. Accessibility is an issue with Mistaken Point. The ultra-scenic drive along the Irish Loop, or Southern Shore Highway, is pleasurable enough, but becomes downright barrenly beautiful as you near the interpretation centre and turn-off at Portugal Cove South. And while the scenery never ceases to impress, the monotonous 30-minute, bumpy, ditchy and gravelly drive just to the parking area for Mistaken Point simply does not. With the Cape Race lighthouse in sight and the fossils somewhat hidden, it’s easy to see why people might continue on for 15 minutes to the beacon and bypass the fossil potential
altogether. Those who park and trek, however, are not disappointed, as long as they know where and what they are looking for. “Me, I think I would rather go on an interpreted hike here. Because I don’t understand very much about fossils, I might have spent more time back at the interpretation centre to understand more,” Legris says. Unlike Cape Race, Mistaken Point does not have interpreters on site, which can be another drawback for visitors. Instead, a guide makes the trek to the cliffs once a day, but if you miss that trip, you’re pretty much on your own to discover for yourself. Make no mistake, Mistaken Point is worth discovering. The Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve covers an area of about five kilometres along the coastline and roughly 650 metres inland. It was named for the navigational hazard it poses at the often-foggy southeastern tip of See “A pleasure,” page 23
All dressed up and nowhere to show
his column was prompted by a dilemma I faced this week: how to get some art for some lovely but vacant walls. As a Memorial University employee and, by decree, a public servant, I can usually avail of the public gallery. That is to say I am lucky enough to be able to draw on the vault of stuff up at The Rooms. However, you don’t need a BA to see that the university campus has been undergoing both renovation and expansion, and so the good stuff in the vault has long been spoken for, gracing the
NOREEN GOLFMAN Standing Room Only offices of professors and administrators on both sides of the highway, as we like to say. A recent visit to the provincial art gallery confirmed that the leftover framed material still up for grabs is simply atrocious, no doubt acquired in acts of charity by some well-meaning
agent in the long forgotten past. You have to feel sorry for some of those pictures: they hang on now largely vacant screens, hoping, like runts of the litter, that some unsuspecting clerk or freshly hired professor with bad taste and a fetish for crosses, death imagery or garish colours will soon come along and give them a good home. Of course, the good stuff is also hanging securely on the walls up at Confederation building, those public servants having the same dibs on the publicly owned material. A stroll
through some of the corridors of power is often brightened by the sight of a Squires, a Pratt or a Barry, doubtlessly all a little surprised they ended up there in the first — or last — place. And so what to do about all those freshly painted walls without nails or hooks and the pictures to give them purpose? Well, the world divides between public and private art. The commercial galleries and their agents are in the business of selling, or leasing to buy, and so if you are really desperate to gaze at a Jean Claude Roy every
day as you lift your head from your computer screen, you have to go to Emma Butler’s gallery, robbing a bank along the way. And if you are really craving the daily presence of, say, one of Scott Goudie’s brooding pastels, then you’d better try to cut an affordable deal with Christina Parker. But once you are digging that far into your budget you’re more likely to bring Roy and Goudie home to the living room, not to the See “More art,” page 23
JULY 27, 2007
STEVE PAYNE Photographer
hotographer Steve Payne, born in Harbour Grace and now based out of Toronto, says he has been straddling the two provinces since he inherited a house in his home town in 2000, but hopes to make a larger “footprint” in this province in the coming years. While restoring the heritage home on Water Street in Harbour Grace — a house attached to the one in which he grew up — Payne began photographing many of the other heritage buildings in the Conception Bay town. Born after the fire of 1944 that destroyed much of downtown Harbour Grace, he says taking pictures of the remaining buildings, especially at
night, helps him envision the original lay of the land. “I wanted to photograph the buildings, particularly the ones that survived the fire, to show they are still there. I photographed them at night … you see them in a way that could place them in your mind back in time because it looks a little bit like walking through the town at night, 60 years ago,” he says. Payne says he would walk through the town and might not notice a shed here, a vinyl-siding covered house there, but at night the shapes and silhouettes the structures left on the landscape looked “different.” He says the typical modern features that date the buildings would be masked by darkness, peeling decades off the clock and providing a glimpse into Payne’s family history. “(It) kind of hints at childhood memories or memories of the past or the way you imagine it might have been years ago,” he says. “It’s family stories
of what Harbour Grace used to be. That sense of place that we get.” Preoccupied with not communicating a cloying sense of nostalgia or sentimentality in his pictures, Payne has documented several buildings and scenes of his hometown with an almost dispassionate view through the lens. He shoots what he sees. However, the simplicity of the shots, and their immaculately balanced composition, belies something deeper: the artist’s fundamental understanding of light and darkness, of showing and not telling. Skilled at maximizing available light, one photograph taken on a winter’s evening is a quiet study of an effectively lit snow-covered street. Dropped down to boot level, the camera points up toward two sturdy light poles, their bulbs flashing off the face of a house. Light spills down the street and catches upturned granules of snow, while the eye travels across the image and falls
on two chunks lying on the snowy surface. The echoed circular shapes snag the eye, traversing the scene back and forth like one of the cars parked on the side of the road will when day breaks. Another night scene shows a solid block of a house, illuminated on one side in copper green by the lights of a fire hall close by. The scene is split down the middle by the razor edge of the house and into dark and light halves. There is no end to the patterns and graphic lines imprinted on the sides by the backlit tree and fence outside the boundary of the frame. Like a projection on a screen, the silhouette of the branches fills the space between the black, sleeping windows, snaking around the corner and disappearing into the light of two burning yellow ones. Appropriately enough, Payne’s photo exhibition, The Blithe Country, will
open at Victoria Manor in Harbour Grace, a building recently awarded a Southcott Award for outstanding heritage restoration. The show will run from July 28 until Aug. 18. Payne says the location is a “big factor” to his overall satisfaction with the show and he’s looking forward to feedback from the residents of the town. And although the show will be a series of moments and landmarks and the people who live there, Harbour Grace’s historic structures will provide a prominent theme in it. “I really just think of our ancestors and the buildings that they built and the lives our parents and their parents led. It’s a really interesting history that we have and the buildings are a big part of it. They are very visual, have a strong physical presence. A lot of them are very beautiful and distinctive to our place.” mandy.cook@theindependent.ca
The Gallery is a regular feature in The Independent. For information, or to submit proposals, please call (709) 726-4639, or e-mail editorial@theindependent.ca
George Street revellers
By Mandy Cook The Independent
he most telling sign of the anticipated throngs of people descending on legendary party strip George Street for its annual rockin’ festival this weekend is not the multicoloured flags strung overhead, nor the gates at either end of the street. It’s not even the stacks of sound equipment being unloaded onto the Prince Edward plaza stage. It’s the truckload of 10-pound bags of spuds getting stacked into the chip truck. No worries — partiers will have tons of opportunity to burn off any excess carbs and gravy during six solid days of dancing tunes, compliments of Halifaxbred indie-darlings Sloan, Canadian rock legend Kim “I am a wild party” Mitchell and local favourites like The
Paul Daly/The Independent
Block party George Street Festival serves up another slice of summer fun (in the sun) Novaks and Shanneyganock. Ian Chaytor of the George Street Bar Owner’s Association says there is a lot of excitement in the air and a “good vibe” on the street leading up to opening night. He’s looking forward to smiling faces and a good time for everyone who comes down to take part in the festivities — local and visitor alike. “There’s a slew of people who plan their vacations around the George Street Festival, it’s unbelievable how
many people come here from outside the province,” he says. “We’ve been around now for over 20 years and it’s one of the highlights of the summer. Speak to anyone anywhere be it around the world and say you’re from St. John’s, Newfoundland, George Street they’ll come up with right away. And the festival is just an add-on to the good times George Street is known for.” Larry Foley of The Punters and 8Track Favourites agrees. He says the festival has “evolved into its own enti-
ty” and become an institution all its own. It’s a marking point of the summer and he always looks forward to taking to the stage — particularly for the enthusiastic visiting-Newfoundlander contingent. “It’s a charge definitely, especially to have something like that in your home town,” he says. “People coming home for the summer, people you haven’t seen all year — that’s one of the nice things about it. It’s great that people come out and support music the way
they do.” Chris Andrews of Shanneyganock says his traditional Newfoundland band is known for their George Street Festival set. There’s always a great atmosphere at the show and, like Foley, Andrews says the returning mass of Newfoundlanders living away is a major highlight. The band’s touring keeps them out of the province for much of the year, “chasing Newfoundlanders” in Ontario and Alberta, so the chance to play a hometown gig is pretty special. “It reminds me how great it is to be from Newfoundland … so when you come home to shows like that it makes you feel great about being from here and playing our type of music.” mandy.cook@theindependent.ca For a full listing of events, see www.georgestreetfestival.com.
JULY 27, 2007
Hairspray smart and goofy TIM CONWAY Film Score I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry Starring Adam Sandler, Kevin James 1/2 (out of four)
huck Levine (Sandler) and Larry Valentine (James) are veteran Brooklyn firefighters and longtime best buddies. A formidable pair, an almost inseparable unit on the job, their lives are drastically different outside the firehouse. The father of two kids, Larry’s been a widower for some time now, but has never gotten over the death of his wife. Chuck, on the other hand, lives like the only rooster in a barnyard full of hens. Larry discovers that he has missed the deadline to file for his children as beneficiaries with respect to his pension plan. Especially in light of a recent incident that sent Chuck and him to the hospital, he’s considering quitting his dangerous job to better protect his kids. A newspaper article, however, leads him to hatching a plan that would allow him to retain his pension benefits and ensure his family would be cared for. All he has to do is form a civil union, claiming Chuck as his domestic partner. They initially believe this to be a mere formality, discreetly signing a piece of paper which no one would know about. It quickly turns into a legal nightmare, however, as Chuck and Larry discover their relationship is to be scrutinized to ensure its legitimacy. In order to strengthen the assertion they are actually a couple, they go to Ontario and get legally married, but even this does not curb the suspicions of a tenacious city investigator (Steve Buscemi). Their only recourse, to avoid detection, prosecution, and jail time, is to begin acting like newlyweds. To its credit, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry does address the sillyness of homophobic attitudes, as the tit-
Queen Latifah is part of the top-notch ensemble cast of Hairspray.
ular characters discover that the people around them begin to act differently. Although not devoid of homosexual stereotypes, there are enough good intentions here to let the film off the hook with the usual “it has its moments, and it could have been worse.” There’s no good reason, however, why this picture couldn’t have been substantially better, in almost every respect. The screenplay seems to be dug out of the 1970s, a class project assigned to junior high school students whose only exposure to the subject was the first episode of Three’s Company. The human rights ideals are evident, but so much cerebral activity is overwhelmed by the hormonal response to Suzanne Somers’ cleavage. Even if there were any 21st century insights or mature thoughts written into the screenplay, it’s unlikely they’d work here anyway. The actors seem to be on their own,
as most of the film plays out like a dress rehearsal, and it would be hard to believe that there was a second take on a majority of the scenes, except to remedy flubbed lines. Kevin James in particular, and to a lesser degree Ving Rhames in a supporting role, look like they’re trying to do something with the material, but Sandler approaches his role with all the enthusiasm of forced labour. With a bit of hard work and imagination, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry could have been a fabulous movie. Perhaps the safety net of Mr. Sandler’s diehard fan base spawned an all around complacency. Regardless, what could have been an edgy and irreverent comedy is just another feeble grab for moviegoers’ money, and too mindless to seriously offend anyone. Come to think of it, the New York City Fire Department’s union reps
should take umbrage at the insinuation that they’d agree to a pension plan that wouldn’t see their members’ children taken care of in the event of a tragedy. Hairspray Starring John Travolta (out of four) Like The Producers, Hairspray began as a motion picture, inspired a Broadway musical, which was then reborn on the big screen — not as a remake of the original, but an adaptation of the play. Unlike the third incarnation of The Producers, which received a lukewarm reception, Hairspray is a clever, infectiously energetic motion picture that is sure to win over even the most skeptical of audience members. Set in May 1962, the film takes place in Baltimore, although most of the shooting was done in Ontario.
Tracy Turnblad, like so many of her peers, is obsessed with the latest trends, especially the after-school TV dance program The Corny Collins Show. When a spot opens up on the show, Tracy auditions. But despite her talent, her plus-size figure is deemed unsuitable for the look of the program. Tracy gets a second chance, however, when one of the cast sees her dancing, and invites her to an event hosted by Corny Collins. Having learned some new moves from some of the black kids at school, Tracy wins Corny’s approval and a spot on the show. Unfortunately for the television station, this isn’t enough for Tracy, who sets her sights on desegregating the program. As Tracy, Nikki Blonsky is a ball of youthful energy and charm, and her confident performance of the film’s opening number says, “Hang on, we’re going to entertain you.” Our expectations are quickly elevated, and rarely wane for the next hour and a half. Sprinkled with touches of satire, the story is smart, yet goofy, and despite a presentation that is meticulously detailed, there’s no attempt to suggest that this isn’t anything more than a fun-loving, wacky take on nostalgia. The performances are all pitch perfect, although John Travolta, playing Tracy’s mother Edna, attempts a voice characterization that’s a bit wobbly, and his mugging is a little exaggerated. But he more than makes up for this in every other respect. As a matter of fact, a song and dance number he shares with Christopher Walken, who plays Edna’s husband, is sure to win over any misgivings one would have regarding Mr. Travolta’s performance. Come to think of it, although Hairspray is first-rate entertainment from start to finish, a must-see motion picture, do you really want to pass up the chance to catch Walken and Travolta making like Astaire and Rogers on the big screen? Tim Conway operates Capitol Video in Rawlin’s Cross, St. John’s. His column retuns Aug. 10.
‘A pleasure to see’
More art than money to buy it
From page 21
From page 21
the Avalon Peninsula. The fossils themselves are sobering to view in person. These are the impressions of marine creatures that lived roughly 600 million years ago. They are the oldest of their kind in North America and the only deep-water marine fossils of that age found anywhere in the world. Before the site was protected for the continued use of scientists and educators, many fossils were cut from the rocks and taken. That became prohibited after Mistaken Point was proclaimed an ecological reserve 20 years ago this month, and fell under the protection of the Wilderness and Ecological Reserves Act. What’s unique about the site is while most animal fossils only retain and show the hard parts of the animal, many of the creatures exposed at Mistaken Point were soft-bodied. The soft parts usually disappear as they are crushed by a buildup of sand and mud. But here, the jellyfish-like creatures died when fine volcanic ash gently set-
tled over them. The result is the impressions the bodies made in the ash before they decayed. Fossils of a similar age exist in other parts of the world such as Russia and Australia, but Mistaken Point is unique because it is the only site that contains about 20 different kinds of animals that lived in deep water. The area is also being considered as a World Heritage Site, with outstanding cultural or natural significance on a world scale. Such designation could only be a good thing for the site, since funding is always an issue toward improving the experience for visitors. And if the fossils aren’t enough of a draw, there are other natural distractions, as Kitty Drake and Becky Boger discovered. “Well, the coastline itself is breathtaking. It’s spectacular, really,” Drake says. “And then there was that field of barely ripe bakeapples. “Oh, and the seal, whale and birds were a pleasure to see as well.” brian.callahan@theindependent.ca
office. The benefits of good art in the workplace are incalculable, both intensely therapeutic and critically important for good public relations. The spacious general office where I am lucky enough to work boasts exquisite photographs and paintings by a distinguished set of artists including Jamie Lewis, Anne Meredith Barry and Peter Bell, and there is even a perfectly rendered ink drawing by the much admired David Milne, who had the good sense to draw Water Street long ago for all of our viewing pleasure today. Everyone feels good being surrounded by all these wonderful reflections of this place and we love it when strangers — a student from Nigeria or Mexico, a visiting professor — comments favourably on the art. Indeed, not a day goes by I don’t gawk in awe at the large, vivid Don Wright print hanging by my desk. My appreciation deepens, as does
the symbolic force of the image, since it captures a barrel of cod fish, the merchant’s brand boldly stamped in imposing black letters. The print is strong and beautiful and humbling for what it reminds me about where I am, and I feel privileged sharing such intimate space with Don Wright’s vision. And so I am worrying about all those empty walls and about all the art that is not tied up in galleries or destined for quick sale. The province must be full of studios where art is languishing, neither here nor there, but occupying some space like that tree in the forest — if nobody sees it does it really exist? What puzzles me is why visual artists never organized some sort of collective art bank, drawing up a scheme permitting the leasing of their work at some reasonable rate. Every time a film is screened at a festival in this country the filmmaker is supposed to receive a special, albeit modest, fee. The Canada Council insists on this arrangement and will not support organizations that withhold payment, thereby set-
ting a noble standard. The transaction underscores both the integrity of the work and the artist who created it. I might be missing some part of the picture, but why can’t visual artists borrow the concept and work out a way to get more of their stuff in the public view? In a better world, the provincial art gallery would have more resources and the capacity to purchase more work, which in turn would find its way into more public spaces. But there always seems to be more art than money to buy it. It seems to me that a collective arrangement would especially encourage emerging artists, who would not otherwise get a break or have a gallery to hang in. But there is probably a fair number of established artists who would like to give their canvases a bit of an airing. As it is, the work is simply all dressed up with nowhere to show. Noreen Golfman is a professor of literature and women’s studies at Memorial University. Her column retuns Aug. 10.
JULY 27, 2007
(Clockwise) Linda Lewis, Jay Kimball and Jason Holley.
More than music
This year’s Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Festival will also celebrate craft
he date, Jan. 28, 2007, saw the launch of the biggest fine craft festival in Canadian history. Craft Year 2007 is a nationwide celebration of the talent, energy, and hard work that is Canadian fine craft. There are events somewhere in Canada every day of the year, ranging from openstudio days and special craft exhibits, to major craft symposia. At home, the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador will spearhead the celebrations. Highlights of the year include: • The Craft Council Gallery helped to launch Craft Year 2007 with Celebrate Craft, a special exhibit of contemporary craft from across the country. • The Department of Industry, Trade and Rural Development has organized a series of free craft workshops across the province this summer. • The craft council shop is holding an exchange with the craft council shop in Alberta. There will be an Alberta section in our shop all year. • The Anna Templeton Centre in St John’s will host a series of talks and workshops entitled Celebrate Craft. • The craft council’s newly formed youth committee will host Craftember, a month-long festival of young Newfoundland and Labrador craftspeople. The celebrations will culminate at the Fine Craft and Design Fair. The craft council turns 35 this year! To celebrate the anniversary and Craft Year 2007 they will hold a special gala opening for the event. Keep your eyes and ears open. Details will be announced as they are finalized. As part of Craft Year 2007, the 31st Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Festival will feature several local craftspeople selling their handmade products while demonstrating their
work. Craftspeople often work in private studios and only present finished work to the public eye. The folk festival is a unique opportunity to see both finished work and work in progress. Watching a professional practise their craft is an experience not to be missed. Among the many craftspeople you will find in the demonstration area will be: Jay Kimball, co-ordinator of the craft councils’ clay studio and an award-winning ceramicist, will work on the pottery wheel. For those who have never seen a potter at work it is a wondrous event. Jay will promote the clay studio’s programming while selling studio ceramics and his own works. Linda Lewis, operating as Baynoddy, will be on site with her spinning wheel. You can watch her spin wool from her own sheep that she has shorn and carded herself. Linda will be selling her hand-spun wool yarn as well as her line of woven and knitted garments, incorporating both commercial and hand-spun natural fibres. Jason Holley will patiently assemble thousands of tiny silver rings to make delicate works of wearable art. Chainmaille is his obsession, an ancient armour technique used to make everything from jewelry and clothing to fragile ceramics. For more information about craft year 2007, check out these websites: www.craftcouncil.nl.ca, www.craftyear2007.ca. Contact the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador at info@craftcouncil.nl.ca, or (709) 753-2749. Better yet you can come out to Bannerman Park, in downtown St John’s, Aug. 3, 4, 5 and ask a craftsperson about it yourself! — Jason Holley
A sampling of fashion and food while tiptoeing through the lieutenantgovernor’s tulips at annual garden party By Mandy Cook The Independent
(L-R) Jennifer Button, Albert R. Chatwood and Lynn Palmer in their garden party best at Government House in St. John’s. Paul Daly/The Independent
Big hats & tiny sandwiches
wo days before the vice regal salute officially kicked off the event of the season on the front lawn of Government House — and signaled Ed Roberts to appear before his assembled garden party guests — the lieutenant-governor promised revelers need not fear the local resident garden terror. “I’m told the dreaded spanworm is not going to be a problem,” he joked. Roberts says the yearly garden party is a “wonderful” opportunity for the people of the province to enjoy the finely manicured gardens at Government House in St. John’s. And although he says the grounds are lovely all year round, it is the high summer months when he says they are at their “very best.” Roberts says it is something he thinks every resident of the province should experience — the reason behind dropping the “invitation only” rule when he took on the ceremonial role. “Over the years I’ve been here many times and I was amazed when I would say to people, ‘How many of you have been to the House before?’ I was amazed at how many had not been. It seemed to us opening up the garden party was natural.” Roberts says the staff have a pool going to guess the number of people attending the party – the winner gets a bottle of wine – and estimates hover around last year’s numbers of 1,400. On the day of this year’s garden party, the crowd was treated to tea, lemonade and about 4,000 cookies served by a legion of girl guides. The Signal Hill Tattoo marched about the gardens dressed in full regalia, the Church Lads Brigade band played and whirled their batons and, of course, there were lots of big, floppy, glorious hats. Lydia Spurrell of Portugal Cove wore a large white straw hat, pinned to one side with glittering multi-coloured flowers. She says she picked it up in an attempt to make elbow room in a crowded market while travelling in Haiti. Today, it’s a perfect garden party hat. “I come nearly every year,” she says. “I’m a little bit of a traditionalist and I like wearing a fancy hat. That’s the main reason why I come.” Several more eye-catching chapeaus could be seen amongst the attendees — from the uniformed Mounties and mounted RNC to seniors sitting in the shade and children romping about — with some hats more formal than others. Albert R. Chatwood of St. John’s says he believes he’s been to 30 or more garden parties at Government House and he’s stuck to the traditional morning suit consisting of a dapper waistcoat and grey top hat “for the outdoors.” Chatwood says he loves dressing for the occasion and the gathering of the crowd. “It’s always good fun,” he says. “You see everybody you know and everybody dresses in their Sunday best. I come for the gardens and the people.” But it is the polished finish of the perfect hat that inspires many party-goers to top themselves off for the occasion. As Jennifer Button of Clarke’s Beach puts it, donning a wide-brimmed straw hat accented with a brilliant blue abalone shell pin, a hat lends an air of another time. “It makes me feel part of the past,” she says. “It makes me feel grand.” mandy.cook@theindependent.ca
JULY 27, 2007
Lovely lentils By Marion Kane Torstar wire service
his delicious dish is adapted from one shared in a class at the Bonnie Stern School of Cooking.
LENTIL SALAD 1 cup green or brown (not red) lentils 2 tsp chopped fresh thyme or 1 tsp herbes de provence 1 lb/500 g green beans, ends trimmed, halved 2 roasted red peppers, seeded, peeled (I used bottled) About 12 cherry or grape tomatoes, halved 1/2 cup halved pitted black olives 3 green onions, chopped 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 tbsp chopped capers, optional DRESSING 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp dijon mustard 1/3 cup good quality olive oil 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper GOAT CHEESE TOPPING 1/2 to 3/4 cup crumbled goat cheese Rinse lentils. Place in large saucepan with thyme and about five cups water. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer, partially covered, until just tender, about 25 to 35 minutes. (Some lentils may take longer.) Drain; cool. Steam green beans or cook in boiling salted water until just tender. Drain; refresh in sieve under cold water. Place lentils and beans in large bowl. Add peppers, tomatoes, olives, onions, parsley and capers. In small bowl, whisk together dressing ingredients. Add to salad; stir to combine. Just before serving, sprinkle with goat cheese. Serve at room temperature. Makes about eight servings.
When technologies duke it out As Blu-ray and HD DVD strive for dominance, consumers are unsure which system to choose By Rob Wright Torstar wire service
ust a decade ago, the only device most of us had plugged into our televisions, other than the TV signal itself, was a VCR. But since then, an ever-growing — and, at times, confusing — array of gadgets has been introduced to connect to the old idiot box. For now, we’ll take a look at sources of audio and video content, such as digital video disc (DVD) players and recorders, personal video recorders (PVR), hybrid technologies that combine VCR, PVR and DVD, and the latest high-definition players such as Bluray and HD DVD. Deciding which devices might be right for you, or not, depends a lot on your entertainment habits and lifestyle, not to mention your bank account. If you like to be on the cutting edge, chances are you already have a highdefinition television (HDTV) that can display signals at the highest resolution
(1080p, or 1080 progressive scan lines) via an HDMI connection, as well as a premium content source, such as highdefinition cable or satellite service. HD cable and satellite are unable to transmit video at the highest resolution, but the latest generation of high-definition video players can. That’s the good news. The bad news: There’s a VHS vs. Beta-style format battle brewing between Blu-ray and HD DVD, and it’s too early to tell which will emerge victorious. Blu-ray and HD-DVD players first hit the market last year for about $1,000, but units can already be found for just over half that. The bigger issue is which discs to buy. Both HD-DVD and Blu-ray movies start at about $25. South Korea’s LG Electronics has come up with a solution: the LG BH100 Super Multi Blue (Super Blu) Blu-ray/HD-DVD Player that can play both formats. However, its sticker price, north of $1,000, means it would be just about as cheap to buy separate players.
Personal video recorders, which record programming to computer-style hard drives, have become enormously popular since their introduction a few years back. And the latest models even record highdefinition broadcasts, though not at the highest resolution. Typically, users subscribe to a digital cable or satellite service and either rent or buy a PVR unit. Units cost between $300 and $600. Prices start at about $50 a month for digital cable or satellite services and go up quickly depending on the combination of premium and high-definition channels. For the cutting-edge enthusiast, there is a new hybrid technology – PVR plus DVD recorder in one. The Pioneer DVR550HK, for instance, features a 160GB hard disk that can record up to 340 hours of content, plus a DVD player/recorder for archiving to DVD+R or DVD-R discs. Price? About $400.
Those who like to wait until the kinks are out of new technologies, DVD players and recorders still offer much higher quality video and audio than traditional VHS and television. And the price of DVD players and recorders, as well as movies, has fallen dramatically in recent years — DVD players can be found for as little as $30. Next step might be a DVD recorder. The latest units are as easy to use as a VCR. Even better, prices have fallen to less than $100. But I’m betting more than a few of you still have a healthy collection of VHS movies as well as a DVD player
and a budding library of DVD movies. If that’s you, consider a hybrid device that combines a DVD player and VHS recorder/player. Again, prices of less than $100 have been spotted in stores in recent months. One final tip: Don’t be fooled by marketing gimmicks that claim players can “up-convert” DVD discs to highdefinition standard. This is simply not possible.
Don’t let good wines turn bad ney from plant to palate. It’s at this stage when things can go wrong. NICHOLAS Real corks were once part of living trees and sometimes can be exposed to microorganisms GARDNER which attack and eat the cork. A wine is said to be Off the Eating Path “corked” when it comes in contact with a contaminated cork. e’ve had a lot of rain and pretty horrible These little organisms can turn wine into someweather as of late. However, those thing unmistakably bad. Depending on how it is sunny days we do get produce made, it could smell like wet cardboard or even unequalled warmth. With very low humidity and the pang of old, smelly socks. Reds lose their deep our omnipresent breezes, we enjoy all the heat of colour and begin turning brown around the edges, summer without the need for in-house air condi- and whites tend to lean towards a tan colour. tioning. But wines can suffer fates far worse than being While we might love the sun, there can be casu- corked. This past weekend I had my eye on a alties. Canadian wine, a Baco Noir from an Ontario winI experienced one of them this week and it made ery. My wife picked it up some days ago and it sat, me sad. comfortably, on our kitchen table. While not sitWine is a living thing. It is ting in direct sunlight, it did made through a process of growcatch some daily rays and probaing, harvesting and then fermentbly suffered for being mistreated ing fruit to produce alcohol. and not kept in a humidity conI knew I had made I am often asked how one can trolled environment. tell when a bottle of wine is bad. However, I didn’t think anya blunder once the Until now, I only really knew the thing of it, and was completely general idea behind a “corked” cork was out. I hadn’t oblivious until I cracked it open bottle of wine. In order to fully on Saturday night ready to pair it understand this problem you with a char-grilled steak. The taken the time to have to understand the winekitchen smelled like a bakery — look after the wine, making process as a whole. It is fresh yeast, to be exact. It took an interesting one, though I didonly one sip to confirm the truth: to get it in storage n’t really give it much thought the wine had gone through a reuntil I opened a bottle of wine fermentation. and out of the heat. this week. A small amount of the yeast As I said, wine is a living from the fermentation process thing. When on the vine, the stayed in the bottle and the grapes grow like any other fruit, warmth of the sun wokes up the basking in the sun and defining the sugar content dormant cells. of the fruit with each passing day. When harvestI knew I had made a blunder once the cork was ed, the grapes, still warm from the radiant heat of out. I hadn’t taken the time to look after the wine, the sun, are picked in clusters ready for crushing. to get it in storage and out of the heat. So that you In days gone by, crushing was done by feet. don’t face the same fate, here are some other Modern techniques employ large crushing things to consider: machines, which mechanically crush and de-stem Storage of wine is crucial. Keep the bottle horithe grapes saving countless hours of work. zontal, out of direct sunlight and in a cool place. When this is over, the fermentation starts with Wines breathe naturally, and their shelf life, yeast and sugar. The 2,000-year-old alchemy of once open, even if in a refrigerator, is only a couwine making begins in earnest, converting simple ple of days. sugars into complex alcohols. This step can take After that, the aromas and distinct characterisup to 30 days. Sweeter wines are stopped early, tics of the wine will fade to blandness. leaving residual sugars to carry sweetness. Dry Following those easy steps sometimes seems wines require all the sugar be consumed during like extra effort, but it can prevent good wines fermentation. from going bad. Then comes the filtering. Sediment and residual yeasts are removed from the liquid and the final Nicholas Gardner is a freelance writer and erstproduct is ready to be bottled. while chef living in St. John’s. Then bottling and cellaring begin the final journicholas.gardner@gmail.com
JULY 27, 2007
An eel story An important parenting rule: never let on when you’re terrified PAM PARDY GHENT
Seven-day talk
’m not the fearful sort. While there are things that make me cringe — like really, really fast bugs — I’m not spooked by anything multi-legged. There’s stuff that can make me nervous, yet the most I can muster in the way of a reaction is increased potty visits. I admit I get sore guts when I have to face insane heights or disgustingly large crowds, but with the help of a few deep breaths I quickly suck it up. Afraid? Not I. Until recently. I’m no stranger to pond swimming — been jumping on in since I was a child — and while I figured there were creatures lurking in the depths beneath the rocks, I have never seen one. I took the kids to our favourite spot the other afternoon and the boys started yelling with excitement. There, among the rocks I love to lounge on and jump from, was a recently deceased eel. The thing was monstrous. My son held it up (he wanted pictures) and it was almost as long as he was. It was also disturbingly thick and had features no mother could love. When you live in rural Newfoundland, pond swimming is all you get. Since this was the first time these young lads had seen an eel, I was as fearful of ruining their summer — and summers forever after — as I was of the thing. The boys played and explored it while I pretended to casually sunbathe, then, masks in place, they jumped in to search for more pond monsters. The boys encouraged me to help them with their quest. In a bit, I told them. They appointed me official eel carcass watcher-overer. Nice. The day was hot and the bugs took no pity on a miserable me. Hunks of flesh were torn from my body by scoundrel horse flies and relief lapped temptingly near my feet, yet I couldn’t muster the courage to get in. I wanted to go home, and that made
me angry. It wasn’t like me to act this way and I knew if I didn’t face my fears I could be doomed forever. My son called me. He needed my stronger strokes to get him through the current so he could sit behind the waterfall. I thought of my father and the times I had looked to him while growing up. When fear threatened to take control, his calm settled me down. Many times I had gone out to sea with him in a little dory and often — be it high winds and waves or a boat that refused to start — I looked to him to gauge what my own reaction should be. It didn’t matter
I didn’t want to slide in near the rocks since I figured eels could be near the jagged edges of the pond. I didn’t want to jump in, fearful I might touch the bottom where eels might be doing whatever it is that eels do. if it was dangerous driving conditions, washed-out roads, killer roller coasters, new people or simply a new food, my father faced each new challenge with wonder and excitement and that had spread to me. My son looked at me, and I looked down at the eel, cursing it for ruining my life. Once when I was around four years old, I asked my father if I could swim in deep water. He said he didn’t see why not, so in I jumped. Well, I couldn’t. A stranger dove in and pulled me out. Folks surrounded me with worried faces as I coughed up water and struggled for air, but not my father. He just smiled. When I caught my breath my dad
told me to jump in again, so I did and I kept my head out of the water this time. I learned to swim that day. I snuck another look at the creepy creature, moved to the edge of the rocks, took a deep breath and jumped in. Kinda. The kids laughed at my new water-entry style. I didn’t want to slide in near the rocks since I figured eels could be near the jagged edges of the pond. I didn’t want to jump in, fearful I might touch the bottom where eels might be doing whatever it is that eels do. So I did something resembling a belly flop — legs and arms curved at odd angles — and fought my way to the surface as quickly as I could. My mind raced and my stomach churned, but I stayed in and acted as if I was normal. Having to place my toes in dark crevices and on slippery (eel like) rocks while getting out was torture, but I managed. I passed the eel as we prepared to leave. Flies were settling in and I felt something resembling pity. I picked up two twigs, and with all the courage I could muster, I awkwardly moved the thing to the alders, covered it with brush, rocks and soil and removed it from my sight forever. I felt incredible, and even stopped at Big Pond so we could have one last swim before the sun set. Brody jumped in first, then shot out of the water, flicking something off his shoulder. Was that a leech? he squealed. I didn’t get a good look at whatever it was, but it looked leech-like. “I think it was muck,” I lied. “Can leeches hurt you?” he asked, ready to climb out of the pond. “Never heard of one killing anyone,” I said as I teetered — just for a moment — on the edge of the diving rock before jumping in. “My mom’s not afraid of anything,” Brody bragged to his friends as they swam around the black water. Afraid? No sir, not me. I swam nearby, legs and arms as close to my body as I could get without drowning, eyes on constant lookout for anything icky.
Is Homer Springfield’s David Suzuki? By Raju Mudhar Torstar wire service
n its next issue, oh-so-serious British science journal Nature is calling The Simpsons the most scientifically literate show on TV, even lauding the show for being “highly sympathetic to the scientific cause.” Besides the article and a list of The Simpsons’ top 10 science moments, the magazine’s website ran a podcast featuring portions of an interview with Simpsons head writer Al Jean, who studied mathematics at Harvard and tells the magazine that it still informs his gag creation process. “I look at comedy writing mathematically,” Jean tells Nature reporter Michael Hopkin. “It’s sort of like looking for a proof in which you’re trying to find the ideal punchline for a set-up, and when you get it it’s a very elegant feeling.” The nature.com podcast includes just a few of the brainy one-liners from the show — like when daughter Lisa invents a functioning perpetualmotion machine and Homer chides her by saying, “Lisa, in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!” Lisa is discussed in the podcast, because “it often falls to her to defend scientific rationalism,” the magazine says. But there’s also Professor Frink, the stereotypically nerdy character who portrays the negative social stig-
ma surrounding scientists. That’s something that Jean also laments. “It’s sad, because in my life I’ve seen science viewed as sort of the saviour for everything and it’s almost come full circle because nothing can completely solve everybody’s problems,” Jean says. “The disappointment when that happens is extreme and now people are now casting scientists as villains or not listening to them, which I think is tragic.” Beyond those two main “scientician” Springfielders, as they’re called on The Simpsons, the show has regular science and math jokes — and guests such as A Brief History of Time author Stephen Hawking and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould. The Simpsons Movie, opening July 27, also has a plot that revolves around science and the environment in particular. Of course, The Simpsons has also played pretty fast and loose with science in the past — like when nuclear plant owner Mr. Burns brings the city to its knees by blocking out the sun. It’s also been skeptical of science, probably best voiced by pious neighbour Ned Flanders, who once said: “Science is like a blabbermouth who ruins a movie by telling you how it ends. Well, I say there are some things we don’t need to know. Important things!”
Skate • Snow • Style
JULY 27, 2007
Submit your events to Kayla Email: kayla.joy@theindependent.ca Phone: (709) 726-INDY (4639) Fax: (709) 726-8499
FRIDAY, JULY 27 • Iron Skull Folk Festival, three-day musical event, Belleoram. • Stephenville Come Home Year, www.stephenvillecomehomeyear. com., until Aug. 4. • Bonne Bay Annual Regatta, Woody Point, July 27-30, www.townofwoodypoint.ca. • Codroy Valley Folk Festival until July 29. • Labrador West Regatta, day of Olympic-style rowing along with music, food and games. • Jewel, 2 p.m., Saltwater Moon, 7 p.m., So Let’s Bring on our Favourite: The Joan Morrissey Story, 8:30 p.m., and Comedy Night at Rockey’s Place, 10:30 p.m., Rising Tide Theatre, Trinity, 1888-464-3377. • Jonathan Butler, author of Return of the Native, signing at Coles, Avalon Mall, 7-9 p.m., Saturday, Coles, Village Mall, 7-9 p.m., and Sunday, Chapters, 2-5 p.m. • Rose Show presented by The John Cabot Rose Society, MUN Botanical Garden, Mt. Scio Road, St. John’s, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., July 27-28. • Gospel Music Festival presented by The Canadian Bible Society, Bowring Park, St. John’s, 6:30-9:30 p.m. • George Street Festival, St. John’s, until July 31. • Big Hill Festival, Cox’s Cove, 632-8815, www.bighillfestival.ca., until July 29. • Thomas Amusements, Bay Roberts Mall, until July 29. • La Scie Crab Festival, local entertainment and concessions for all ages, until July 28. • Creator Dance Theatre, Majestic Theatre, St. John’s, 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday. • The Gill’s dinner theatre and a show, episode 52, 7 p.m., The Theatre, Newtown, also showing July 28, 31, Aug. 1, 3 and 4, 1-866-NLPLAYS. • Grease, Stephenville Arts and Culture Centre, 7:30 p.m., also showing Aug. 4. SATURDAY, JULY 28 • Summerdance Festival, Fluvarium front lawn, Pippy Park, St. John’s, July 28-29. • Accordian Idol, Bell Island, Saturday and Sunday, www.bellisland.net. • The New Founde Lande Trinity Pageant, 2 p.m., Dinner Theatre, 5:30 p.m., Pirates of Penzance, 8:30 p.m., and A Tidy Package, 8:30 p.m., Rising Tide Theatre, Trinity, 1-888-4643377. • Antique Clock Roadshow, Angel House Antiques, 146 Hamilton Ave., St. John’s, 12-4 p.m., 739-4223. • Positive Thinkers Club monthly breakfast with speaker Paul White on Power of Positive Thinking in Self Development, Bally Haly, 9 a.m. • Mary Barry CD launch, Red Eye Tonight, Bianca’s Bar, 10 p.m. • First View of the Sea presented by Tramore Productions, 8 p.m., Cuslett Art Centre, Cuslett, also Aug. 4, 337-2104. • Soldier’s Heart, Stephenville Arts and Culture Centre, 10:30 p.m., also Aug. 5, 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY, JULY 29 • The New Founde Lande Trinity Pageant, 2 p.m., and Garland House, 8 p.m., Rising Tide Theatre, Trinity, 1-888-464-3377. • Garden and Nature Art Exhibition opening, MUN Botanical Garden, Mt. Scio Road, St. John’s, until Aug. 26. • Harbour Grace Regatta, day of races, games, food and entertainment, Lady Lake. MONDAY, JULY 30 • So You Think You Can Dance… Like a Newfoundlander, The Theatre, Newtown, 8 p.m., 1-866-NLPLAYS. • Food Not Bombs, healthy meals free of charge, Bannerman Park, 1:30 p.m.
Tickle Cove Community Centre Garden, 2 p.m., call 739-7477 for more information. • Traditional Newfoundland Music Festival and evening of fun, The Olympia, St. Anthony. UPCOMING EVENTS EAST • Tuckamore Festival, chamber music in Newfoundland, St. John’s, Aug. 6-19, www.tuckamorefestival.ca. • Mount Pearl/Glendale Reunion, Aug. 7-10, www.mountpearl.ca. • Mount Pearl Bluegrass and Old Time Country Music Festival, Glacier Arena, Olympic Drive, Aug. 17-19, 748-1008, www.mountpearl.ca. • Brigus Blueberry Festival, Aug. 9-11, www.brigus.net. • Farm Field Day, Atlantic Cool Climate Crop Research Centre, 308 Brookfield Road, St. John’s, Aug. 11. CENTRAL • Botwood Day, parade, food, games, music, dance, and fireworks, Aug. 6. • Brimstone Head Folk Festival, Brimstone Head Park, Fogo, Aug. 10-12. WEST • Hot Summer Rock Camp, Corner Brook Arts and Culture Centre, Aug. 6-10. • Ramea Rock Island Music Festival, carnivaltype weekend with local Newfoundland music, Aug.10-12, www.RameaIsland.com. • Ramea Paddle Festival, celebrating Ramea and kayaking with interpretive tours of the island, lessons, food, and more, Aug. 11-13. LABRADOR • Makkovik Trout Festival, Aug. 7-11. • Bakeapple Folk Festival, nightly entertainment, crafts and displays, Forteau, Aug. 9-12. Remembering Ol’ Blue Eyes at The Wilds: Sinatra on the Rocks dinner theatre Tuesday nights throughout the summer, 1-877-661-3023. Above: Frank Sinatra in Dublin, 1989. Paul Daly/The Indpendent
TUESDAY, JULY 31 • Putting Up the House, night of fun entertainment to help build homes for Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build Project, The Bella Vista, Torbay Road, St. John’s, 8 p.m. • Great Circle audio guide CD launch, Bianca’s lounge, 171 Water Street, 5-6 p.m. • Annual Fish Fry with Chef Steve Watson, steel head trout, salads and dessert, Fluvarium, Pippy Park, St. John’s, 754-FISH. • NL House Party at the Sounds of Summer Concert Series, Majestic Lawn, Corner Brook, 79 p.m. • Salt Water Moon, 7:30 p.m., and A Time by Harbour, 9:30 p.m., Rising Tide Theatre, Trinity, 1-888-464-3377. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 • Royal St. John’s Regatta, Quidi Vidi Lake. • Gander Festival of Flight, www.gandercanada.com, until Aug 6. • The St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival presents Films on the Go 2007, Beaches Heritage Theatre, Eastport, Aug. 1-2, 1-866-3207060, www.womensfilmfestival.com. • Pre-Festival Bash at Folk Night, Ship Pub, 9:30 p.m. • The New Founde Lande Trinity Pageant, 2 p.m., Dinner Theatre, 5:30 p.m., and Garland House: The Second, 8:30 p.m., Rising Tide Theatre, Trinity, 1-888-464-3377. • Thomas Amusements, Cobbs Pond, Gander, until Aug. 6. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 • 2007 Flying Boat Festival International, Botwood and Norris Arm, www.flyingboatfesti-
val.ca, until Aug. 7. • Triton Caplin Cod Festival, bingo, concert of local talent, fireworks and more, until Aug. 4. • The Seabird Theatre Festival presents Summer Music Showcase featuring Ron Kelly and D’Arcy Broderick, Hotel Gander, 8 p.m., and Wrong for Each Other, The Theatre, Newtown, 8 p.m., 1-866-NLPLAYS, info@seabirdtheatrefestival.ca. • Mopaya at Arts Under the Stars, Elizabeth Swan Park, Clarenville, 7:30 p.m. • Fat Tuesday at the Sounds of Summer Concert Series, Majestic Lawn, Corner Brook, 7-9 p.m. • No Man’s Land, 8 p.m., Rising Tide Theatre, Trinity, 1-888-464-3377. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 • Busker Festival, downtown St. John’s, until Aug. 5. • Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Festival, Bannerman Park, St. John’s, www.nlfolk.com., until Aug. 5. • Eastport Peninsula Seafest, food concessions, games, food, fireworks, and more, Eastport (Southwest) Beach, until Aug. 5. • Jewel, 2 p.m., Saltwater Moon, 7 p.m., So Let’s Bring on our Favourite: The Joan Morrissey Story, 8:30 p.m., and Comedy Night at Rockey’s Place, 10:30 p.m., Rising Tide Theatre, Trinity, 1888-464-3377. SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 • Kids’ Day 10 a.m.-4 p.m., followed by a kids’ concert, 7 p.m., Terra Nova National Park. • Humber Valley Regatta, Brake’s Cove, Corner Brook. • Eastern Canadian Ball Hockey Championships, Pepsi Centre, Corner Brook until Aug. 6. • Bell Island dinner theatre, Voices from the Past – Remembering Days Gone By, St. Michael’s Hall, Town Square, 7 p.m., 351-2013. • Official book launch, Grand Bank Soldier: The War Letters of Lance Corporal Curtis Forsey, edited by Bert Riggs, George C. Harris House, 16 Water Street, Grand Bank, 11:30 a.m. • Doors Open, opportunity to see architecture and heritage buildings free of charge, Carbonear, www.doorsopendays.com. • Samarpan meditation workshop, 6 Woodford Station Road, Holyrood, 4-5:30 p.m. To register call Veeresh Gadag, 754-1133. • The New Founde Lande Trinity Pageant, 2 p.m., Dinner Theatre, 5:30 p.m., Pirates of Penzance, 8:30 p.m., and A Tidy Package, 8:30 p.m., Rising Tide Theatre, Trinity, 1-888-4643377. SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 • The St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival presents Films on the Go 2007, Grand Bank Regional Theatre, Aug 5-6, 1-866-3207060, www.womensfilmfestival.com. • Official book launch, When We Worked Hard: Tickle Cove, Newfoundland, by Darrell Duke,
ONGOING: • Little Hooping Harbour, interactive musical for children, Majestic Theatre, St. John’s, Wednesdays to Saturdays, 2 p.m. throughout summer, 579-3023. • Sinatra on the Rocks, The Wilds at Salmonier River, doors open 6:30 p.m., meal service 7 p.m., 579-3023, 1-877-661-3023, Tuesday nights. • East Coast Trail Group Hikes, weekends throughout summer, www.eastcoasttrail.com/scheduled_hikes. • All ‘Round the Circle dinner theatre, The Collonade, Pleasantville, every WednesdayFriday, 690-9929. • The Rooms, St. John’s, free admission Wednesday nights, 6-9 p.m., www.therooms.ca. • Historic walking tours Tuesday and Friday mornings, 75 minutes, Fairmont Hotel, Cavendish Square, St. John’s, call 364-6845 for reservations, www.boyletours.com • Roller skating, Mile One Centre, St. John’s, age 18 and up, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-10 p.m. • Signal Hill Tattoo Historic Military Animation Program, Signal Hill National Historic site, St. John’s, Wednesdays and Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., until Aug. 12. • The Comedy of Errors presented by Shakespeare by the Sea, Cabot 500 Theatre, Bowring Park, St. John’s, Sundays and Mondays, 6 p.m., until Aug. 13, 743-7287. • Butler’s Marsh, Robert Chafe’s Governor General’s Award-nominated production, Fridays and Saturdays, 9:30 p.m., Pippy Park Headquarters, Mt. Scio Road, until Aug. 18. • Shakespeare by the Sea’s Macbeth, punk rock take of Shakespeare’s infamous tragedy, Cabot 500 Theatre, Bowring Park, St. John’s, 6 p.m., until Aug. 18, 743-7287. • Rats in the Walls/Cask of Amontillado presented by Shakespeare by the Sea, Cabot 500 Theatre, Bowring Park, St. John’s, Sundays and Mondays, 8:30 p.m., until Aug. 20, 743-7287. • A.N.D. Company Summer Theatre Festival, Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, Royal Canadian Legion, Queen Street, Grand Falls-Windsor, 6:30 p.m., until Aug. 23. • Sounds of Summer Concert Series, Corner Brook, July 16 – Aug. 30. • Arts Under the Stars, series of free performances, Elizabeth Swan Park, Clarenville, 7:30 p.m., Thursdays until Aug. 30. • Free lunchtime outdoor concert, Murray Premises Courtyard, every Friday until Aug. 31, 12:30 p.m. • Live! On the Lawn, depicting outport life and arctic adventure, Hawthorne Cottage, Brigus, 3 p.m., Wednesdays through Saturdays until end of August. • Tramore Festival of the Arts Theatre, 8 p.m., Saturday nights, Cuslett, until Sept. 1, 337-2104. Also storied walks and special picnics, Tuesdays, Fridays, 1-3 p.m. throughout August. • Gros Morne Theatre Festival, Main Street, Cow Head, until Sept. 15, 1-877-243-2899, schedule of productions available at www.theatrenewfoundland.com/gmtf.html.
IN THE GALLERIES • Reading by Tom Dawe, The Gerald Squires Gallery, July 29, 52 Prescott Street, St. John’s, 25 p.m., RSVP squiresgallery@gmail.com. • Photographs from The Blithe Country by Steve Payne, Victoria Manor Shoppes and Gallery, 25 Victoria Street, Harbour Grace, opening July 28. • Catherine Beaudette and Pearl Van Geest, new paintings showing at The Flower Studio, 124 Military Road, Pouch Cove Gallery, 14 Grushy’s Hill, until Aug. 24. Opening at Pouch Cove, 2-5 p.m., July 29. • Conception Bay Museum, 1 Water Street, Harbour Grace, displaying an Amelia Earhart exhibit and film, fisheries exhibit, camera and radio equipment and antique furniture, 10 a.m.5:30 p.m. daily, until Aug. 30. • Wildflowers of Newfoundland and Labrador,
works by Dorothy Black, The Rooms Atrium, throughout summer. • The Battery: People of the Changing Outport tells the story of The Battery, The Rooms, St. John’s. • Two Artists Time Forgot, highlighting the achievements of Margaret Campbell MacPherson and Francis Jones Bannerman, The Rooms, until Sept. 3. • Brian Jungen’s Vienna, giant sculpture in the form of a whale skeleton suspended from the gallery’s ceiling, The Rooms, until Sept. 16. • Finest Kind: Objects of Identity, sampling display of Newfoundland’s stories of nationhood, World War I, and life on the land and sea, The Rooms, until Sept. 16. • Natural Energies by Anne Meredith Barry (1931–2003), The Rooms, until Sept. 30.
What’s new in the automotive industry
JULY 27-AUGUST 2, 2007
Introducing the all-new 2007 Mitsubishi Outlander. It outperforms your driving needs, offering rally-inspired control and fun unheard of in a family-friendly vehicle. With Outlander’s standard six-speed Sportronic® transmission, 220 hp 3.0-litre 24-valve SOHC V6 that’s equal parts power and efficiency, and one-touch manual control, you can really feel like you own the road. The ultra-modern interior boasts Micron air filtration, Bluetooth® hands-free technology, six CD/MP3 player, and available HDD navigation system which allows you to enjoy the ride as a passenger or a driver. The 2007 Mitsubishi Outlander will not only out-run your expectations, it will change them like you never imagined. And it’s backed by the best warranty in the business. This vehicle is available at Capital Mitsubishi on Kenmount Road in St. John’s. Photos by Nicholas Langor/The Independent
nce you develop a taste for litre, 400-horsepower coupe that had the exotic, aluminum sports the same specifications as the convertcars you begin to ible and all the legendary notice the limited choice of speed, style and handling I places to shop. was looking for. The really, I went to the Hickman really nice one waiting for me Automotive Group of Comwas the famed Corvette Z06 panies in St. John’s specifiwith a 7L engine boasting cally looking for a Corvette 505 horsepower. The perconvertible, but was regretformance statistics were fully informed by Tom astonishing — 0 to 60 mph in Lambert, the sales manager, 3.7 seconds in first gear and a that some like-minded inditop speed of 198 mph. MARK WOOD vidual had recently purchased I was actually a bit intimiit. dated by those numbers and WOODY’S wondered if I could even get He would not have me disappointed though, and as a WHEELS the Corvette off the parking person who specializes in lot without smoking the tires “haute carture,” made a sugand getting sideways. gestion. It was actually very well behaved; I “We have a pair of Corvettes in stock managed to roll away without incident that may suit your taste,” he offered. “A and headed straight for the highway. A really nice one, and a really, really nice vehicle registered for 320 km/h shouldone. I’d recommend you take the really, n’t sit in traffic. I merged onto the really nice one.” It was excellent advice Trans-Canada in second gear, hit third and I made an appointment for the first gear, gave it a little nudge up to 3,000 available sunny day the following rpms and pretty much got shot out of a week. It also gave me time to research cannon. In fourth gear the Z06 will the subject. basically idle at highway speeds and I The really nice Corvette was a six- realized that if I stomped on it and got
2007 Corvette Z06
into sixth gear I’d still catch the ferry in Port aux Basques. There was an interesting option on the “heads-up display” that I had to try out. In race mode, and while cornering, the Corvette will light up the numbers for lateral G-force. How cool is that? Yeah, I took the twisty back roads and whiled away some curves, checking out the increasing numbers, pushing a little harder each time. Then I found a beautiful stretch of
Levi Hansen photo
road and did exactly what you’d expect me to do — I walked on ’er in second gear. There was the familiar cannon shot to 4,000 rpms, but I held firm and something extraordinarily beautiful happened. On the way to 5,000 rpms the bimodal, four-trumpet exhaust pipes opened up and absolutely roared. At first I could hear the engine, but there was a slight shudder from the sonic
boom and the sound was left behind. Roadside trees streaked from hyperspeed; the pavement instantly narrowed to a thin ribbon as the tachometer needle whipped to 6,000 rpms. That’s as long as I could hang on because I was shot into the future. I pulled my foot off the gas and peeked over the edge of today and into tomorSee “Putting the action,” page 31
JULY 27, 2007
JULY 27, 2007
Putting the action back in traction From page 29
Sebastien Bourdais of France stops for a final pit stop on his way to winning Champ Car's Grand Prix of Edmonton, July 22.
row. I hung there for a fraction of a moment, weightless, suspended in time and kicked the brakes. Silently, and very suddenly, the four massive brake rotors turned all our kinetic energy into heat, squeezing my heart and lungs against my ribs. There was nothing left to prove — from either myself or the Corvette — and I felt a sense of total peacefulness as I slowly rowed through the gears to sixth, just to say I was there. The Corvette Z06 doesn’t really fit the description of a car in the traditional sense: it’s more of a flightless jet fighter, and at its core is a hand-built racing engine that runs purely on testosterone. It is perhaps the quickest, fastest (yet driveable), street-legal vehicle available to the public. The only feature I didn’t try was the traction-control button on the centre console. It bears the iconic tail-end of a Corvette with a pair of thick, black wavy lines emanating from the tires. I left it alone — it puts the action back in traction. Mark Wood of Portugal Cove-St.Philip’s has finally satisfied his need for speed.
What a cool car can do L
et me say right off the top that if extravagance and great stereos were for you’re not cool, a car is not going audiophiles. And now I find myself to make you so. I don’t care how singing the praises of all of these big or how small it may be, or how fast things. or how expensive, it is still just a box Recognizing that I had one week to that holds a still uncool person. pack in an entire lifetime, I arranged to I am not cool. pick up a friend the next morning. Instead of fighting the inevitable, I Some things need to be shared; a Mini just gave up and bought a is one of them. Arlene retired minivan because that’s what young, and if you want somemy life requires. Two kids, one who’s available in the two cats, a cottage, soccer daytime, retired people are nets, hockey sticks and 20 ready and they’re reliable. bags of groceries every I pulled up in the driveway, week. she hopped in and declared And then, BMW Canada she was 16 again. If you’re 16, lent me a Mini Cooper S for that statement will make you a week. cringe, but if you’re over 40 LORRAINE Well, forget whatever you’ll just nod and smile. SOMMERFELD you’ve been told about cars There was no question the top not being able to bestow any would remain down all day. special powers. Including We stowed our purses in the what I just said. For one trunk, and flew down the week, I had a starring role in highway believing the world my own life. was our oyster and the Mini was our I’ve never had a particular fondness pearl. for small cars, I’ve never liked convertThe Mini has pretty tight suspension, ibles, leather seats were a ridiculous which means if you put a coffee in the
Everyone loves the Mini Cooper.
cup holder, the coffee jumps out, while the cup remains firmly in the holder. This forces you to stop instead, and sit on a patio and gaze lovingly (“why yes, it’s mine!”) at another angle of the wee beast. With your hair thrashing around at 100 km/h, guiding it through all six of its speeds (think Speed Racer’s
mom) and singing loudly, stopping before having your coffee probably isn’t such a bad thing. My sons were eager to see the Cooper, but for very different reasons. Jackson, 12, was meeting his longtime crush. Marc, 15, wanted to prove a Mini was not only not cool, but it
would make me look like Mr. Bean. One trip requited Jackson’s love, and changed Marc’s mind. I contacted a writer friend of mine. He sends me these wonderful stories, but we’d never met. On a glorious sunny morning, I told him we were going for a drive. As this elegant, graceful man folded himself into the Mini, he exclaimed that he hadn’t been in a convertible in years. We roamed around the winding hilly woods north of town, Ron directing as the sun and wind introduced us to each other. The next day he sent me a note indicating he’d had bad news. Our afternoon may have been his first drive in a convertible in a long time; it sadly might be his last. I used the Mini well that week. For my boys, it was a funky introduction to a car being more than the sum of its parts; for Arlene, a joyful reminder; and for Ron, a bittersweet denouement. A car can’t make you cool. But if you’re lucky, it can make you think a little. www.lorraineonline.ca
JULY 27, 2007
WEEKLY DIVERSIONS ACROSS 1 Ben Heppner or Richard Margison 6 In addition 10 Bulgarian currency 13 Maritimes 17 Inside-out leather 18 Pile 19 Egg: comb. form 20 Not naughty 21 Stop in Chicoutimi 22 Beget 24 Dawn, poetically 25 Staffs 26 Perp’s pistol 27 Caviar 28 Followed 30 Tiny fish 33 Release 34 Native prairie grass: blue ___ 36 Catch 37 Deep, lustrous black 39 Squeeze snake 40 Choose not to participate (2 wds.) 42 Jerry’s ___, Nfld. 43 Sever 46 Asmara is its capital 48 Actress Cardinal 50 One and only 51 Where cows are sacred 52 Train part 54 Noah’s vessel 55 Temporary cessation of breathing 56 Belonging to him
57 ___ on parle français 58 Dry (Fr.) 59 Domesticated animal 60 Inactive 62 Pre-metric weight 63 N. Z. parrot 64 Jacket 67 Tailless amphibian 68 A moon of Jupiter 70 Told in tales 72 Last page 73 Caution 74 Arm bones 76 Lindsay of Hockey’s Hall of Fame 77 Inks 78 Upon: prefix 79 Benny Cooperman author 81 Victoria’s Empress 83 Stick to the car in front 85 Nfld. comedian 86 Possesses 87 Set on fire 88 Ontario Sound 92 Indigo plant 93 Self-absorption 96 Courageous 97 “I really don’t know ___ at all” (Joni) 98 Brief deviation from a course 99 Gas light? 100 Stares uncivilly 101 Legal attachment
102 Before, in old poetry 103 Emergency shelter 104 Ale and stout DOWN 1 Russian ruler, once 2 France’s currency 3 Socially challenged sort 4 Ukrainian port 5 Soften (flax) 6 Leading 7 Freckle 8 Respond to gravity 9 Lighter opera 10 Vein of ore 11 Serpent’s mark? 12 One with outstanding technical skill 13 Animosity 14 Garlic mayonnaise 15 Small, loose stones 16 Care for 23 Negatives 26 Wine fruit 29 A Brontë sister 31 He’s dedicated to love 32 Our most famous hole in the ground: Sudbury ___ Observatory 34 Horror film feature 35 Start of the train track 37 Dinner course
38 Shelves for volumes 39 Part of B&B 41 Disinclined to talk 43 Penitent 44 Mod or glob ending 45 Brew from a bag 47 After the second 49 River of Labrador 50 Early weapon 53 Oak tree fruit 55 Name 60 Mineral: suffix 61 René’s refusal 65 Fall (over) 66 Tot up 68 Keen sight (2 wds.) 69 Long-tailed bird 71 Trick alternative 73 Vienna, in Vienna 75 1000 times 1000 77 Taken by theft 80 Chief Dan ___ (1899-1981) 81 Vietnam’s capital 82 Healthy oil 83 Bagpiper’s beret 84 Like many roadside attractions 85 Teens’ hangout 86 “Mr. Hockey” 89 Ridge (on corduroy) 90 Even once 91 Loch ___ 94 Needlefish 95 Whose maiden name was 96 Robert, to his pals
Brian and Ron Boychuk
WEEKLY STARS ARIES (MARCH 21 TO APRIL 19) A misunderstanding tests the temperament of sometimes headstrong Aries. Instead of blowing your top, take time for a pleasant diversion while things cool down. TAURUS (APRIL 20 TO MAY 20) A workplace problem could make the divine Bovine see red. But talk it out before you consider walking out. Some surprising facts emerge that change your earlier focus. GEMINI (MAY 21 TO JUNE 20) You face a choice between ignoring your uneasy feelings about your relationship with that special person and demanding explanations. A close friend offers wise counsel. CANCER (JUNE 21 TO JULY 22)
A change you’d been hoping for carries an unexpected complication. Stay the course, and things will work themselves out. Be sure to make time for family and friends. LEO (JULY 23 TO AUGUST 22) Aspects favour spending time with loved ones. On the job, new ideas are generally welcomed. But some demands for changes could cause problems. Be ready to defend your choices. VIRGO (AUG. 23 TO SEPT. 22) Good news: That workplace problem is close to being resolved with results that should please everyone. Take time off to indulge your love of fun and games. LIBRA (SEPT. 23 TO OCT. 22) Most of the time you are the most
unflappable person around. But be ready to be thrown off-balance in the nicest way when Cupid takes aim in your direction. SCORPIO (OCT. 23 TO NOV. 21) It’s not often when someone tries to “sting” the sharp- witted Scorpion. But it can happen. Continue to be skeptical about anything that seems too good to be true. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 TO DEC. 21) Your strong sense of self-esteem helps you serve as a role model for someone who needs personal reassurances. Your efforts pay off in an unexpected way. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 TO JAN. 19) Someone close to you considers revealing a painful secret. Withhold judgment. Instead, open your generous heart and
offer dollops of your love and understanding. AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 TO FEB. 18) Your talents as a peacemaker are called upon once more as an old problem re-emerges with new complications. Move cautiously to avoid falling into the hidden traps. PISCES (FEB. 19 TO MARCH 20) Your artistic side is enhanced with the reception given to your new project. Use this success as encouragement toward fulfilling your larger goals. BORN THIS WEEK: Your natural sense of leadership is combined with a deep sense of responsibility. People trust you to give them both guidance and understanding. (c) 2007 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
Fill in the grid so that each row of nine squares, each column of nine and each section of nine (three squares by three) contains the numbers 1 through 9 in any order. There is only one solution to each puzzle. Solutions, tips and computer program available at www.sudoko.com
Bent on scoring Nichole Adams and Laura Breen are Jubilee’s most dangerous pair of strikers By John Rieti The Independent
efenders throughout the Jubilee Cup must dread the day they take the field and look up to see Laura Breen and Nichole Adams standing at the centre line, ball controlled under sharp cleats, ready to attack. The strikers have led Investors Group/Billy Boot to a 12-3-1 record this season, and lead the league in scoring; Adams with 18 and Breen with 17. “We always know where each other are all the time,” Breen tells The Independent before a recent evening game against Feildians. “We play off each other. Before she makes a run I know where she wants to go,” says Adams, easily finishing Breen’s sentence as if it were a pass across the goalmouth. The duo have been playing together since their “There’s a certain under-13 all-star team and suit up point that you need for the Memorial University Seato be selfish, and Hawks during the fall. both of us will just The chemistry always go for the extends the length of the field. goal, all the time.” Sam Hansford, Leslie Pope, Kayla Laura Breen Franey and Jessica Stanford, all midfielders, also play for MUN, and Breen says their passing makes scoring easier. Breen says this core group of Sea-Hawks players should have a leg up on other Atlantic universities in the fall as they’ve had the equivalent of four months of training instead of starting fresh in September. On July 30, Breen heads to Bangkok, Thailand to compete with the Canadian team at the University Games, an international competition featuring top varsity athletes. She’s not worried about leaving a scoring void behind because she knows Adams shares her striker’s mentality. “Both of us are just very dead set on scoring,” says Breen. “There’s a certain point that you need to be selfish, and both of us will just always go for the goal, all the time. We’re just always looking for that shot.” In their game against Feildians, it only takes Breen two minutes to get her shot — a penalty kick awarded for a hand ball inside the 18-yard (L-R) Laura Breen and Nichole Adams of the Investors Group/Billy Boot soccer team at King George V field in St. John’s.
Paul Daly/The Independent
See “It’s accuracy,” page 34
Home field advantage lost Hosting senior softball nationals at Caribou the wrong move; Lions Park should be the site
uesday night was a great night for ball. The breeze was noticeable, but not overpowering or disruptive. The skies were cloudy and threatening, but not damaging. The temperature was comfortable, but not hot. It was a far cry from Sunday, when the provincial senior men’s softball championship had to be postponed because of inclement weather. A constant rain Sunday afternoon forced the cancellation of the second semifinal and the title match. Tuesday at Lions Park, the event was completed in front of numerous fans, as tournament MVP Jason Hill led his
Power Point Iceberg Rum team to the provincial senior A title in its first year of play, a 4-2 win over defending champion Roebothan McKay and Marshall. The win allows Iceberg Rum the opportunity to represent Newfoundland and Labrador at the 2008 Canadian Senior Men’s Softball Championship in Saskatoon. Hill, meanwhile, is fine-tuning his
game to represent Newfoundland and Labrador at the 2007 event in his own backyard. This year’s Canadian men’s showcase is being hosted by St. John’s, from Aug. 26 through Sept. 2, and Hill, his Iceberg teammate Stephen Mullaley and a couple of dozen other top players will participate for a provincial representative and host squad. Sadly for the Newfoundland contingent, one of the biggest advantages that normally go with hosting such a prestigious event will be missing next month. There’ll be no home field advantage at this tournament for Newfoundland. That’s because the tournament is taking place at Caribou Complex instead of
Lions Park. Caribou Complex is the dual field facility located adjacent to the east end of Quidi Vidi Lake, in Pleasantville, that was constructed so St. John’s could play host to the 1994 world women’s championship. (And when you see where women’s softball locally is today — non-existent — you can see how hosting that tournament helped the game. But that’s another column that’s already percolating.) After the 1994 tournament, senior softball moved from Lions Park to Caribou in an ill-fated move that almost killed the game completely. Granted, the 1995 senior men’s nationals were a
success at that venue, but GreenSleeves’ participation in the gold medal match against the Toronto Gators helped immensely with that. Yet shortly after, the senior league decided to abandon its new home and return to the sanctuary of Lions Park, much to the delight of the players. Now, 12 years later, with the nationals returning, organizers have once again chosen Caribou as the host site. I understand two fields are now a requirement to host such an event, but surely one of those could be Lions Park. See “No ambiance,” page 35
JULY 27, 2007
The one-pot meal There is much to do while camping and washing dishes is no fun
just got back from my annual twoweek pilgrimage to the salmon fishPAUL SMITH ing wilds of Labrador. Rod, Chris, and I have been tenting the Big Land The Rock now for nearly a decade. Outdoors Well, we didn’t actually tent the first year. I believe I have already written on that ill-fated adventure. We arrived at Processes, as well as nuts and bolts, the Pinware with department store are subject to evolution. We have tents and full intentions of setting up become skilled in one-pot cuisine. camp on the Lundrigan field, but hori- They say necessity is the mother of zontal rain and close to freezing tem- invention. Nomadic peoples have peratures persuaded us to retreat to a always favoured stews for obvious reacozy rental unit in Forteau. That fol- sons. There is much to do and washing lowing winter we pooled our financial dishes is no fun and time-consuming. resources and had a proper canvas In north Africa (Morocco, Algeria, dwelling constructed to our specifica- and Tunisia) traditional one-pot meals tions by United Sail in St. John’s. A are prepared in a sort of clay Dutch wood-burning camp stove followed oven affair called a tajine. The pot itself and we were in business. is flat-bottomed and circular with low Our Labrador Hilton and general sides, while the tight-fitting cover is camping arrangements have been high and dome-shaped so that conevolving with experience and passing densed liquids return to the stew. The salmon seasons. Each year we add fea- base doubles as a serving platter and tures or make a few improvements. eating irons were not necessary. In the Metal-sectional tent poles fashioned traditional Muslim fashion, these from chain-link fencing stock were nomads ate with their right hand using added, along with bread to shield the rebar ground pegs. skin from scalding Folding cots have stews. replaced air mattressThese boys were es. But we are always way ahead of us I can’t remember my novice nomads. Tajcautious not to overburden ourselves and at least in their father ever filleting a ines, compromise our original design, were mobility — the essenmeant for slow cookcod. Bone-in fish tial element to salmon ing at low temperafishing success in the always tastes so much tures. This resulted in Big Land. fall-off-the-bone meat sweeter than fillet. At the top of the and succulent vegetaimprovement list for bles in exquisite next year are collapsisauce. ble cupboards and a European manufaccountertop to better turers have apparently facilitate our propane-fired kitchen. I’m learned a little from north African convinced that we need a hot water nomads and are now manufacturing reservoir, complete with spigot, cus- tajines of cast iron that can be fired on tom-fitted to our wood stove. My fish- high temperature stovetops. They ing comrades are skeptical of such lux- reportedly perform better on a hot ury. We stoke a rousing fire each night wood stove than Dutch ovens, which to cook, warm up the tent, and dry our are optimally designed for open fire waders, so why not heat a tank of water cooking with coals laid on the cover. I as a bonus? My contention is that the just might have to get my hands on one water will be just right for a morning of those tajines. shave and wash straight from the tank. For now, our new Dutch oven from Debate continues, with consensus the GSI Outdoors has received nothing but only mechanism for change. rave reviews from all hands. A Dutch
Paul Smith’s one-pot meal tastes better than it looks.
oven has proved a major asset towards minimizing cooking and clean-up times. Until now, there were only two onepot options on our Big Land camp menu. The simplest, the boiled feed, consists of salt beef, potatoes, round onions, maybe carrot, turnip or parsnip and whatever wild fare is available — salmon usually. The other is Rod Hale’s specialty: canned caribou and fried potatoes. On our first night in Labrador this year we tried out our Dutch oven on fried potatoes and caribou. Rod rendered a little salt pork (zero cholesterol variety of course) in the pot, while Chris sliced some new potatoes and chopped onions. The potatoes and onions tumbled in with an aromatic sizzle and the lid went on tight. We couldn’t believe how fast those spuds
Paul Smith photo
cooked. Before we had a beer gone, the potatoes were just about done, the onions nice and soft, both ready for the addition of our home-canned caribou. A few minutes later we were eating a hearty tasty supper with only one pot to clean after a long day fishing. We were impressed. The Dutch oven sits about two inches off the stove top on three legs making burnt spuds just a bad memory. You can pretty much just put the grub in the pot and sit back for a drink and a cigar while supper cooks. The next day we bought a fine, fat, round cod from some local fishermen. That evening I cleaned and prepared the fish the way my father taught me. I cut and tore out the fins before skinning the fish and removing the head. This is the way Newfoundlanders prepared fish for the pot before fish plants made
filleting popular. I can’t remember my father ever filleting a cod. Bone-in fish always tastes so much sweeter than fillet. I cut the cod into four equal portions and then cut out the cod’s head for good measure. When the pork was ready, I threw in potatoes, onion and parsnip. Twenty minutes later, in went the fish portions and the head. In a grand total of 35 minutes we were gorging ourselves on stewed cod and vegetables. The cod’s head went as an appetizer. Camp life is getting better and better with each passing year. I’m considering becoming a full time nomad. Paul Smith is a freelance writer and avid outdoorsman living in Spaniard’s Bay. flyfishtherock@hotmail.com
‘It’s accuracy, not power’ From page 33 box — and she makes no mistake. Not to be outdone, Adams scores seven minutes later. In the 63rd minute she scores again on a shot from 20 yards out to make it 5-0 for her team, sealing the win. In Jubilee play, the province’s top women’s soccer league, games have been a striker’s paradise this season. Investors Group/Billy Boot is averaging four goals a game, as is the St. John’s under-18 all-star team, which is in second place. The under-18 team is similarly built — a group of talented players that have been on the field together since a very young age. Although the under-18s won’t compete for the Jubilee Cup, instead travelling to the national championships, they have given Adams and Breen a stiff challenge, splitting the pair of regular season games they’ve played. “Jennie Hutchinson in the back is one person I would pick not to play against. She’s just so good, so skilled, so fast,” says Breen.
Both strikers say they prefer taking on tough opponents. “The defenders I like playing against most are the biggest, dirtiest, strongest ones. The biggest challenge I can get is the one I like best,” says Breen, adding her team’s aggressive style helps them beat down defences. “Nichole’s the type of person that if she loses the ball she’ll break an arm off someone to get the ball back. She’s spitey and I like it,” says Breen with a wicked smile. Adams is soft-spoken, but has complete confidence when bearing down on the goal. “I always put it around them. I never take a shot from far out … I come with speed and I just take precaution and make sure I’m going to put it in,” says Adams. “She needs to see the goal five times before she shoots,” jokes Breen, which Adams says is completely true. Breen’s best advice for scoring goals? “You just need to look for corners. You don’t need to make the hardest shot. It’s accuracy, not power,” she says. It’s working. The pair keep scoring the goals that has their team on track for a Jubilee Cup title. john.rieti@theindependent.ca
JULY 27, 2007
No ambiance or history From page 33 According to radio ads, 10 teams are expected to participate. In all likelihood, there’ll be 12; two divisions of six. That means the round robin will consist of 30 games, very doable on one field from Sunday through Thursday. Lions Park could host the majority, if not all, of those contests. Use Caribou as a backup field for sure, for some of the lower profile games. (The appetite for P.E.I. vs. Nova Scotia may not be as great as Newfoundland vs. Saskatchewan, for example.) Yes, it’s easier on the committee to
have everything in one venue, but it’s the wrong venue. Lions Park is where the tournament should be held. Ask any long-time softball fan about a favourite memory, and chances are it came at Lions Park (with all due apologies to the men who played in the early years at Bannerman). Ask the player, and they’ll tell you Lions Park is a preferable facility. The setting is beautiful. There’s ample parking by the curling club, and it’s successfully hosted many events before. Caribou Complex has no ambiance or history. The local players will feel like visitors when they arrive. It will
Solutions for crossword on page 32
have a snow fence for the home run fence (since it’s a slo-pitch field, fences have to be moved in dramatically). Parking will be dreadful with all the chicken workers across the road taking up many of the available spots. And I haven’t even mentioned the potential for cold wind and fog to roll in through the Gut. I know it’s not going to happen, but if local organizers are hoping to make money off this event and put it back into the game (will that happen?), they should reconsider. Lions Park is where the nationals should be held. donniep@nl.rogers.com
Solutions for sudoku on page 32
Something new and creative... Something St. John’s has never seen before!
Photos by Nicholas Langor/The Independent This gorgeous home sits on a large cul-de-sac in Clovelly Trails. Beautiful four-bedroom, four-bathroom R2000 home with attached garage and bonus room. Some of the many features of this beautiful property include granite countertops, whirlpool tub, and shower with spray. Hardwood stairs, hardwood on main and second floor, family room on main with built-in entertainment unit and propane fireplace. Basement completely finished with custombuilt home theatre with 60" Sony flat panel high definition TV plus 92" motorized remote control projection screen, video stand, DVD player. Partially fenced backyard, pavers at front entrance and planters in front of veranda with oversized deck. This property is located just seconds from two executive golf courses and offers immediate possession. Call Donna Squires of the Jim Burton Sales Team at 682-8207 for complete details. Asking $439,000.