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A Mother’s Love
Art by Emily Dogbatse
“A Mother’s Love” was part of an assignment focused on inspira on om Maggie Taylor, who combined several pieces of pictures om vintage pictures and art found online. Despite using the modern technique of collaging in Adobe Photoshop, I really wanted the piece to look vintage, reminiscent of something you would nd in the 19th century. is piece appears to be very warm upon rst looking at it, but with a closer glance there is a darker and more cynical aspect, which is exactly what my goal was for the piece. ema cally, it focuses on what it means to love, or in this case what a mother’s love is. Is it perfect love? Is it more cynical? Who knows? Only God knows. Love is a very simple but complex topic, that has many di erent aspects based on the viewer and what they have experienced. e bu er ies could either be reminiscent of something beau ful that blossomed, or could represent a love that grew into something that could never be kept down. Or maybe it represents a beau ful love that ew out of grasp. Love is simple, but has so many di erent ways of looking at it