Inlander 5/02/2013

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may 2-8, 2013 | no hill too great

bloomsday 2013

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page 48

page 53

Spokane turns to technology to maximize service — and profits

Iron Man 3 is the franchise’s best

Tyler, the Creator scares people — and maybe that’s a good thing

2 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

inside MAY 2- 8 2013 | Vol. 20, No. 29


MUSIC 53 EVENTS 58 bulletin board 62 I SAW YOU 64 WELLNESS 65 LAST WORD 66

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SPD’s new guild president hopes to change the union’s troubled image

If a tall pine falls in the Palouse and no one is there to hear it... Quietly brewed since 1993 and renamed in 2012 after another brewery gave us the silent treatment over a trademark issue with “Northern Lights.”

page 13


At only 17, Spokane’s Katelyn Schneider has already found literary fame page 41

inlander the pacific northwest

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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 3


4 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

comment StAFF DIRectoRY Phone: 509-325-0634 ted s. Mcgregor Jr. ( PUBLISHER

J. Jeremy Mcgregor (x224) GENERAL MANAGER

eDItoRIAL Jacob h. Fries (x261) EDITOR

Does the Boston Marathon bombing change how you think about races like Bloomsday? Ron Marino No. They win if we back off on things, so we just want to keep things going. It’s the American way.

Mike Bookey (x279) CULTURE EDITOR

lisa waananen (x239)

young kwak

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chris Bovey (x248)

chey scott (x225) LISTINGS EDITOR

Your Mom called and said She Really wants this!

Jaime Mallgren

Special offers must be booked by 05/31/13. Coupons may not be used for specials

No. I did Bloomsday once, but not since then. I kept the T-shirt. I still have it. It’s my painting T-shirt.


amy alkon, andy Borowitz, annemarie c. Frohnhoefer, Joseph haeger, robert herold, Jim hightower, e.J. iannelli, Maryann Johanson, scott a. leadingham, Michael Mahoney, Jo Miller, Jordan satterfield, stephen schlange, David teller CONTRIBUTORS

Jennifer DeBarros, eli Francovich, sarah Munds, kara stermer

Michael Glenn


ADVeRtISInG kristi gotzian (x215) ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER tami linane-Booey (x235), Bruce Deming (x217), kristin wagner (x212), carolyn Padgham-walker (x214) SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES

Jamie albertini (x247), Jean russell (x236), emily walden (x260)

It really hasn’t changed the way I think about Bloomsday, but it does make me remember the [bomb along] the MLK walk. It makes me feel we need to open our eyes. How so? [We need to notice] things out of the ordinary. People that don’t belong. Actions that don’t make sense.


kristina elverum (x223) DIRECTOR OF MARKETING raevyn west (x222) MARKETING COORDINATOR rebecca rison (x216) ADVERTISING ASSISTANT Pamela Bauthues, caitlin Finnerty SALES & MARKETING INTERNS

Barbara Peregoy I’m not running, I’m a cyclist, but I wouldn’t think so. ... I think cyclists and runners and athletes that do the events… they’re out there for the events because they’ve trained. They want to do it for their body. It might be a little bit in the back of your mind.

oPeRAtIonS Dee ann cook (x211) BUSINESS MANAGER gail golden (x210) CREDIT MANAGER angela rendall (x213) OPERATIONS ASSISTANT trevor rendall (x226) DISTRIBUTION MANAGER


Kimberly Quiring I don’t think so. But I will say that we went to the Seattle Supercross last week, and it really did make us think twice because it was such a huge event. It made me and my husband think… It’s kind of scary to go to a huge event like that.

wayne hunt (x232) PRODUCTION MANAGER Brett anderson (x205) WEB DEVELOPER/PRODUCTION alissia Blackwood (x238), Derrick king (x238), Jessie spaccia (x205), tom stover (x265) GRAPHIC DESIGNERS

Interviews by Sarah Munds and Daniel Walters 4/28/13, 4/30/2013, Coeur d’Alene & Downtown Spokane

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 5

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Jobs Emergency President Obama needs to act on behalf of those Americans losing hope that they’ll ever find meaningful employment





t’s nice to know that those who can afford to fly won’t have those long lines much longer. The Republicans did what they always can be counted on to do — act in an unprincipled way. And Democrats? They did what Democrats too often do when faced with a wave of venality. They caved. President Obama? It remains to be seen how he will spin this bit of “interest group liberalism.” My guess? He’ll put a best face on what amounts to a political sandbag job — the airport move, in fact, cements sequestration even more. I expect him to take his cue from the general who said, “Retreat?! No, we’re just advancing in another direction.” While the traveling folks are getting what they want — shorter lines at the airport — down in the trenches of sequestration, a different story unfolds: 4 The highly successful career woman takes a few years off to spend time with her infant children; desirous of reentering the workplace, she sends out more than 120 applications. Nothing. 4 The bright young woman, highly qualified, two years ESL teaching in Japan, a Master’s Degree, sends out more than 50 applications for teaching positions. Nothing. 4 The young man applies for nine civil service jobs, scores the highest on every test. Nothing. (Apparently too many less qualified workers bumping into lower paying slots.) 4 Recent and unemployed college graduates continue to move home at alarming rates. Upward of 30 percent of them at last count. 4 Students, already burdened by debt, hope to find unpaid internships — positions that only a few years back were actually paying jobs.


hile this story of a lost generation is being written, corporate America continues to stash away mountains of cash, no doubt while figuring out ever more creative ways to move jobs overseas. And our president, standing there on the sidelines? Oh, he has much to say about saving seniors (the most well-cared-for demographic group in America), and he also has much to say about science and technology education, but he says nothing to encourage the “unemployable” unemployed. For all these people, sequestration has further dashed their already fragile hopes. We seem to have taken Calvinism to the absurd extreme — if you’re out of work, that must say something about your character. (You know, God isn’t shedding his grace on you for a reason.) And if you came of age after the crash of 2008? Well, this is just the way it’s going to be. In reality, we deal here not with character but with a terrible recession having been made worse by sequestration. America could be losing

6 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

an entire generation of young people, while diminishing the lives of millions who have been victimized by the failed management of our economy. What needs to be done? For starters, four governmental moves fairly leap out: First, discrimination against the unemployed needs to be made illegal — no more “unemployed need not apply.” (Remember “Irish Need Not Apply”? We’re seeing a version of that same obscenity.) Second, there needs to be some direct aid for the under-30 set. I refer to paid internships, perhaps public-private partnering in ways that eventually turn those internships into jobs and career paths. And employers need some help with incentives to hire and retain. Forget the debt for a time, as Paul Krugman has argued — job creation looms far more important. In case you missed the news, the American Society of Civil Engineers gives our infrastructure a grade of D+. So the third move is that we must tackle rebuilding America, and all the jobs that will create. Today, from our airports to highways to bridges to public buildings and even to our national parks, we’re approaching Third World status. Finally, the president must take direct aim at sequestration — the doleful legacy of this most doleful Congress.


o accomplish any of this, Barack Obama must get on board. He might begin by recognizing the problems in a public way. How about calling attention to the truth about the reported unemployment numbers? The stated figure of 7 percent does not tell the whole story. Then, following a dose of honesty, how about proposing some solutions and making an issue out of the good proposals that haven’t gone anywhere, like past jobs bills? Given the speed at which the government fixed the airport delay problems, we know it can be done. The question, then, comes down to just this: Is there enough political will? Frankly, one cannot be optimistic. Not with a Congress that confuses austerity for wisdom, nor with a preoccupied and seemingly disengaged president. The “unemployable” unemployed and the younger generation are America’s forgotten — the self-inflicted hole in our political-economic donut. It’s a place where mindless ideology, a lack of imagination and pure venality form a hole from which enlightened governance can’t escape. n

comment | publisher’s note

Look Out For Zombies by ted s. mcGregor jr.


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here it is, up ahead — the freeway to the future! Yes, that’s the on-ramp we’ve been looking for. Fast lane, here we come! Whoa, are those… brake lights? Looks like a bunch of old white guys crammed into a Lincoln Town Car, arguing over the map. They’re trying to get on the freeway, going 20 miles an hour, and now they’re slowing down! Wait, those guys look familiar… Congress! Yes, as America has tried to dig out of the crash of 2008, Congress has responded by hitting the brakes. It goes by the oxymoronic name of “expansionary austerity,” and lack of action has made it our nation’s de facto economic policy. It’s a textbook case of what economist John Quiggin calls “zombie economics” — any discredited economic theory that keeps attacking humanity and just will not die. Over the past couple weeks, even more stakes have been driven through austerity’s heart. ITEM The Reinhart-Rogoff study, which claimed to prove that too much debt always results in economic decline, was shot down by grad students who figured out the pair of Harvard economists didn’t know how to build an Excel spreadsheet. Oops! That report had been Exhibit A among austerity evangelists. ITEM New numbers were released showing that the two European nations that have taken the most drastic austerity measures — Spain and Portugal — saw their deficits deepen in 2012, when the key tenet of austerity economics is that all those painful cuts and 30 percent unemployment should have brought them smaller deficits. Again, oops! Why the obsession with austerity? It’s worth mentioning that it only applies when a Democrat is in the White House; Republicans didn’t care about deficits or debt under George W. Bush. Also, there’s a false moralism to it — you’ve been wicked, America, so you must be punished. But the wickedest among us — speculators, big banks, mortgage lenders — were never punished. Instead, they were bailed out and are back to big bonuses. To kill a zombie, you have to know what’s reanimating it. It’s simple: Republicans want to trim entitlements and shrink the social safety net. Austerity has been their (now fully blown) cover. Instead of carefully growing our way out of this problem via sound economic theory, we’re sabotaging our own financial recovery. Now is the time to invest in employment, instead of hiding in our bunkers to wait this out. (Japan tried that, and it cost them more than 20 years of growth; now much of Europe is looking to dump austerity before it’s too late.) America’s ready to jump into the fast lane again, but first we have to get that car full of zombies out of the way. n




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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 7

comment | digest on our facebook

Eight years later, do you think the smoking ban in bars and restaurants has been a good thing?

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8 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

Wax Eight-ZeroEight: I’m not a smoker. And I hated the idea of the ban... But it sure is nice to be able to breathe.

jack ohman cartoon


Unnecessary Jump

I must respond to “Concealed for a Reason” (4/18/13). You can only think of two explanations for someone carrying a gun in public, Macho, Wacko or both? How about another reason? He could be a member of law enforcement such as a detective, FBI, Border Patrol or an off duty police officer. He could have saved your life from a knife-wielding idiot who wants your grocery money. Would you feel different it was a woman? Please try some different exercise other than jumping to conclusions.

unless the levy passes. The only reason we have to run a levy is because of the huge projected loss in next year’s income due to the sequestration. Samantha Addy Spokane, Wash.

Inspired By St. Francis

Thank you for bringing that hippie St. Francis and his radical ideas to the forefront for Earth Day. (“Divine Conservation,” 4/18/13.) As the new Pope has adopted Joe Wiley both his name and ethos from St. Francis, it is obvious Spokane, Wash. that he could have a great deal of influence on the estimated 1.2 billion Catholics in the world. Wow, what a difference a man with that sort of platform could make I am appalled at the fact that the government is easfor the environment and the challenges that mankind is ing the financial burden for air travel but not for our facing in caring for the earth. schools. Is our children’s education less important than Closer to home, the concerns are an extra few hours’ wait at the airport? immediate. As your last issue touched on, Due to the sequestration, impact aid Earth Day issues are everyday issues. The money will be cut from our schools. As it Send comments to is, our school’s impact aid monies have aquifer, the Spokane River and the Silver Valley are of immediate concern and not to decreased steadily for the past few years be ignored. to the point of becoming unreliable. This Fortunately, ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’ is alive situation is completely untenable and will have a huge and well here in Spokane. In addition to the 1.2 billion impact on our students in the form of larger class sizes, Catholic environmental activists, you can add at least fewer arts and sports, less frequently updated textbooks and other large costs for our school communities. some Presbyterians. The church I attend, Latah Valley Presbyterian, has recently been certified by the PresI work for a school district that, for the first time in byterian Church U.S.A. as an Earth Care Congregation, many years, has to run a supplemental levy. If our levy the first to attain that designation in Washington state. fails, a number of serious circumstances will come to What that means is that we have made a commitment bear: to care for the environment with an ongoing effort We will go from two full-time kindergartens to through action and worship. one half-time kindergarten, this at a time when we as a The spirit of St. Francis is alive and well for all who nation have come to see that early childhood education care for the world we live in. It is a critical issue, and I is most important. applaud your effort in reminding us that caring for the There will be drastic cuts to school safety; we will environment goes back further than the first Earth Day be unable to hire a School Resource Officer. in 1970. We will also be unable to update our damaged or outdated security systems. Also, our high school is usMark Lawrence ing severely outdated textbooks; some of them are 20 Spokane, Wash. years old. We as a district cannot update these books

Faster Flights, Slower Schools


Adrienne McCombs: Yes! I don’t like my food to have the smell of cigarette smoke. Nancy Taylor: Yes!!! I eat out a lot more now that I don’t have that disgusting smell ruining my meals. Kristen Speller: I am a smoker and at first disliked the ban... but now fully appreciate it. Robert Fairfax: If I had my wish all cigarettes would be banned. But I work with cancer patients so I’m a little jaded! Kathy Gay: I hate going to the casino because of the smoking. Love the ban otherwise! Phil Hamm: I’m a non-smoker — no smoking in public areas like buses and government offices makes sense; however, let the consumer dictate to the business. If the business finds out that they have fewer customers because of smoking, they’ll realize they need to go to non-smoking to stay in business and if customers don’t want to go to a bar that does allow smoking, then don’t — it’s your choice. Mary Bolter: Thank God for nonsmoking bars/restaurants. Even with a non-smoking section, the smoke finds its way over the non-smoking section. If folks want to smoke that’s fine, but I don’t want to be subjected to their nasty habit. Sami Kirk: Yes! I wish Idaho would enforce this ban! I was a smoker and even then I felt no one should smoke indoors in a public place, due to secondhand smoke and other concerns. Lilly Wallace: Hell yes! n

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 9

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10 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

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comment | satire

Time For Action A by andy borowitz

growing chorus of Republican lawmakers is demanding that President Obama take some action in Syria so that they can attack whatever action he took in Syria. Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) laid out the situation in stark terms: “The time for President Obama to do something in Syria that we can eviscerate him for is long overdue.” Arguing that there are a variety of options available to Obama, Sen. Graham said, “The President needs to choose one of those options so that we can immediately identify it as a catastrophic choice and demand that he be impeached.” Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) used an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press to express impatience with Mr. Obama’s “steadfast refusal to give us something new to rake him over the coals for. “The American people have grown weary of my nonstop criticism of the President’s handling of

Libya,” he said. “They are ready to hear me incessantly berate him for his handling of a different country.” At the end of his television appearance, Sen. McCain seemed to draw a line in the sand, making a direct challenge to Obama: “Mr. President, we are sick and tired of attacking you for your inaction. The time has come for us to attack you for your action.” Elsewhere, while former presidents and a star-studded cast of other dignitaries gathered in Dallas last week for the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, the first library opened by Mr. Bush, located in Guantánamo, Cuba, celebrated its 11th anniversary in January with considerably less pomp. n For more fake news from Andy Borowitz, visit


Popping Up Again A by jim hightower

fter 11 years of war, $664 billion expended so far, 2,210 Americans dead, more than 35,000 of our troops maimed and shattered, and our good reputation spent — what have we built in Afghanistan? According to a top international law enforcement official, you and I have built “The world’s first true narco-state.” Congratulations! “The opium trade,” he added, “is a much bigger part of the [Afghan] economy already than narcotics ever were in Bolivia or Colombia.” You might recall that under both George W’s and Obama’s war strategies, eliminating Afghanistan’s poppy production was one of America’s chief goals, for that crop generated billions in annual income for the Taliban insurgency, even as it fueled addiction around the world. So to combat the drug trade, the U.S. has: (1) destroyed thousands of acres of opium poppies; (2) tried to shift the country’s impoverished farmers to wheat and other alternative crops; and (3) paid milliondollar “Good Performers” awards to

provinces that achieved the coveted poppyfree status. So, 11 years later, mission accomplished? The numbers tell the tale: For the third year in a row, Afghanistan’s poppy cultivation has increased; acreage devoted to poppies this year is expected to set a record; only one province has reduced its poppy plantings this spring, 12 increased theirs, and three previously poppy-free provinces will likely lose that status this year. Finally, this stat: Afghanistan is expected to produce 90 percent of the world’s opium (plus 75 percent of the heroin supply). Wait, one more: An Afghan farmer can get 43¢ a kilogram for wheat, or $203 a kilogram for poppies. Which would you choose? Our war in Afghanistan makes no sense whatsoever. n For more from America’s populist, check out

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 11

Gonzaga’s School of Law graduated its first class in 1915. That year, thirteen students received bachelor of law degrees. Gonzaga expects to confer a total of 2,349 undergraduate, graduate and law degrees during its commencement May 10-12, its largest class ever.

Anniversary Activities & Events

(All events open to the public unless otherwise noted)

Thank you, Spokane, for joining our 125th celebration This has been a special year at Gonzaga University, full of tradition and transformation. In marking the 125th anniversary of the founding of the University, and the GU law school’s centennial, we have enjoyed honoring the remarkable town-and-gown relationship that has bloomed here in Spokane. Gonzaga and Spokane have grown up together, supporting and enriching one another all along the way. Thanks to the community’s support and participation, our year-long anniversary celebration has been an incredible success. Events such as Zagapalooza – our all-class reunion – and National Gonzaga Day brought Zags from around the globe together. Enthusiastic crowds welcomed campus visitors such as Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author Thomas L. Friedman, best-selling author on education and creativity Sir Ken Robinson, primatologist Jane Goodall and renowned artist Dale Chihuly. Together, we cheered the continued success of our men’s and women’s basketball teams. Pleased as we are that Kelly Olynyk’s accomplishments on the court earned first-team All-American and Scholar Athlete of the Year honors, we are even happier that all of Gonzaga’s senior student athletes are on pace to graduate. Besides the basketball headlines won by our top national ranking, Gonzaga also ranked No. 1 in the country this year in alumni serving in the Peace Corps. The best is yet to come We look forward to continuing the dynamic partnership with the city that supports us with such generosity and passion. As always, we remain faithful to our core mission of teaching and transforming students who will capably navigate the future and help build a better city and a better world for all of us.

Chihuly: Tradition and Transformation April 5 – July 31

Who knew?

Bloomsday Bulldog Water Station May 5 Look for the Gonzaga-sponsored water station around mile 4 (Spokane Falls Community College Lodge)

The new University Center will bring together many aspects of the student experience – including global engagement, University Ministry, service learning, and more – creating connections among cultures, learning, and faith.





Father Cataldo founds Gonzaga

GU hockey team wins Pacific Coast championship

The COG student union opens

Construction begins on new University Center

12 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

Exhibition of glass works and drawings from artist Dale Chihuly.

Commencement Law School - May 11 Graduate Programs - May 11 Undergraduate - May 12 Congratulations to all our graduates! (Commencement not open to the public) 509.313.6398


Officer John Gately, the new guild president, says of recent controversies: “This past five years has been something that I’ve never seen before.”

Backing Blue

The new Spokane Police Guild president works to redefine the troubled union BY JACOB JONES


he Spokane Police Guild has long stood loyal behind the city’s finest, backing beat cops and crack detectives, but in recent years the union has also found itself defending the troublemakers, lawbreakers and liars among its ranks. Amid scandal and repeated officer misconduct — amplified by the beating and in-custody death of Otto Zehm in 2006 — the Spokane Police Department has spent the past several years under nearly constant fire. Spokane Officer John Gately, a decorated 22-year veteran of the department, says bitter internal politics and budget battles also split the agency, sometimes putting street officers at odds with administrators, city officials and citizens. “This past five years has been something that I’ve never seen before,” Gately says. “It just kind of all came together and it crashed.” In many eyes, the police guild has come to symbolize the department’s problems, stirring accusations of cronyism, dysfunction and entrenchment. Some critics have even likened the union to the mafia. Sworn in as the new guild president on March 27, Gately hopes to redefine the guild’s image, clarify its

mission and reconnect with the community it serves. He wants to remind the city of the good work police officers do every day. For the first time in a while, he feels like Spokane could be ready for it. City officials have started a new conversation about public safety, new funding has gone to department equipment and a new police chief has provided much-needed leadership and cooperation. “It’s nice to have a direction to move forward,” Gately says.


nion leaders say the Spokane Police Guild first formed in the early 1970s. It now represents about 260 rank-and-file officers throughout the department. Gately says he is proud to work alongside the men and women who help protect Spokane. He describes a dedicated and hardworking local police force. “We have great people that work within the department,” he says. “We have officers that come out here and sometimes work to their own detriment. Calls just keep stacking up, and guys just keep taking them.” Gately, 47, previously served as guild vice president after being appointed to the position in 2010. He now

Young Kwak photo

takes over for Detective Ernie Wuthrich, who served as president for six years amid the height of the department’s recent issues. Wuthrich praised Gately’s longtime work with the labor union, his involvement in the department’s peer support program and his proven team management skills. “He’s got a well-rounded experience,” Wuthrich says. “I think he’ll do a good job. … Hopefully, he’ll have an easier go of it than I did.” Gately recently received the department’s Distinguished Service Award for his leadership on the Tactical Team, managing staffing and strategy for large public events. He has also served as a hostage negotiator and public information officer for several years. “People trust him,” Wuthrich says. “He’s got a good rapport with people.” Send comments to As president, Gately says he intends to push new community involvement efforts. He wants officers helping out in their neighborhoods. He says the union recently sent officers to volunteer with the Spokane Guilds School’s penny drive and donated to the Cheney Pee Wee Rodeo. They continue to look for other programs to support. But like any union, Gately says the guild’s primary mission is to improve working conditions and benefits for its officers. It must also protect members from questionable disciplinary actions. “I don’t know if there’s a true understanding of what the guild’s role is,” he explains. “It’s a misconception of what a union is there for.” ...continued on next page


MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 13

news | police


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“backing blue,” continued...


slew of misconduct allegations against Spokane officers has forced the police guild into fighting many unpopular battles in recent years. Gately acknowledges some of the public frustrations, but says the union’s bylaws mandate it must represent its members during disciplinary conflicts. “There’s certain things that we have to do,” he argues. “We have officers that make mistakes. Let’s deal with the mistakes they’ve made and whatever punishment they deserve. If it’s fair and just, then let’s move on. But … some of the stuff we were battling, we didn’t have a choice in the matter because of the way it was done.” Gately hopes people understand the guild does not take any position in criminal matters. The union only gets involved with internal disciplinary conflicts, working to ensure any employee reprimands or terminations abide by labor laws. It only disputes actions from management that it views as inappropriate or premature. Criminal allegations arose again last week after Spokane Officer Timothy Moses was charged with lying to federal investigators during the Zehm case. Moses has reportedly agreed to resign and plead guilty to a misdemeanor. Gately says the guild has not been involved with the case. In previous disputes, the guild repeatedly clashed with former Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick, who oversaw the department from 2006 until 2012, over disciplinary actions and proposed policies changes. Both parties blame the other for

a lack of cooperation and communication. Now serving as King County undersheriff, Kirkpatrick argues guild leaders too often pursued the wrong priorities and worked against long-overdue reforms at the department. “They need to align their values with the community,” she says now. Gately acknowledges union officials struggled to work with Kirkpatrick’s administration. They had different philosophies, he says. Conversations deadlocked, with both sides feeling bullied or rebuffed. “There was no communication between us and the department,” he says. “All of that stopped. … That hurt our department. That hurt the guild’s reputation and I believe it hurt the citizens of Spokane. I don’t ever want to see that again.” Kirkpatrick says Gately is “very nice” personally, but she worries his history with the guild leadership could mark a continuation of old attitudes. She hopes he proves willing to lead the union in a new direction. “Maybe they’ve had a change in position,” she says now. “A lot of things can change in a year and a half.” Public questions have also surrounded Gately’s friendship with former Spokane Officer Karl Thompson, who was sentenced to four years in federal prison in November for using excessive force in the 2006 arrest of Zehm. Outrage erupted last fall when Gately and his wife organized a potluck in support of Thomp-

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son, which was soon canceled once it became public. Gately has also promoted commemorative coins online that honor Thompson’s police service with his name and badge number. “Maybe I’m different, but I’m able to separate what my professional job is and who my friends are,” Gately responds. “People might not always like it. That’s OK. They can dislike it. They can disapprove, but ultimately that is my personal choice. It doesn’t have any effect on my professional work.”


hile guild negotiations with the city head into their 18th month, Gately says officials continue to meet and he remains confident a contract will get sorted out. He says the guild looks forward to serving as a partner in many of the policy changes now sweeping the Spokane department. Police Chief Frank Straub has established an open and respectful relationship with the guild, Gately says. City officials have voiced renewed support and passed additional funding. Everything has started moving forward again. “Some of the morale issues within the department were the fact that you knew there was no relief coming,” Gately says, adding, “A lot of [Straub’s] changes we’re excited about. We like ‘em.” Straub says the guild represents the voice of the department. He respects its views and has worked to build a healthy dialogue with the leadership, approaching the guild about policy proposals before making big changes. Gately knows the guild and management likely will disagree sometimes, but he hopes to continue the new spirit of cooperation and mutual support because he has seen what happens when it breaks down. “We want our new chief to succeed,” Gately says. “We need him to succeed. His stance is the same thing. He wants us to succeed. Because if one of us is failing, then the whole department is going to struggle.” n

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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 15

news | digest

need to know

The Big News of the Past Week

POLITICS The Bloem Is Off

On why she’s leaving the mayor’s office for new unidentified opportunities: “If I want to make a change, I think now is the time to make it. I will be 71 at the end of this year. If I was to serve another term, I would be 75, and I’m not sure these opportunities would be there for me.” What Bloem says a mayor needs: “It takes passion and commitment for something you really believe in. People will often say to me you have to be thick-skinned. I don’t like that term; it makes it seem as if you don’t care about people.” On Coeur d’Alene’s success: “We have gone through a very, very tough economic time and managed to still move forward. We have experienced greater growth than almost any city in the nation, percentagewise, and still held on to a good sense of place.”


little more than a year after surviving a recall attempt, Coeur d’Alene’s first female mayor, Sandi Bloem, recently announced that after 12 years in office she won’t be seeking another term. Over those years, she’s seen the construction of the Salvation Army Kroc Center, outcry over the McEuen Field plan, and a recent spate of ugliness on the City Council. In a wide-ranging phone conversation Monday, The Inlander talked with Bloem about what she’s leaving and what’s she learned. Who influenced her: “The work with the Salvation Army — who I didn’t know much about before working with the Kroc Center truly changed my life. Watching the people I was able to work with in the [Salvation] Army, their dedication, their commitment to what they’re doing, their sacrifices of what they’ve made giving their lives to others.”



Idaho and Washington motorcyclists who died in crashes over the weekend, as officials prepare for Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in May.

16 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

On the McEuen Field controversy: “I believe that all of us knew that McEuen would be a project that would create a lot of emotion and passion. And it did. … I am disappointed in the behavior and the demeanor and the way things sometimes are said to each other. I think it’s too bad that we have people [who] can say, anonymously, some very hurtful things to others.” Advice for any aspiring mayors out there: “If you truly want to serve your community and you’re passionate out there, then go for it. It can be an experience you will cherish forever. Some people will say that public service is not all it’s cracked up to be. [In reality] it’s more than it’s cracked up to be.” — Daniel Walters



Cost of a ticket for individuals violating statewide rules prohibiting smoking within 25 feet of building entrances, windows that open and vents. The rules passed in 2005, but Spokane city law hasn’t — until now — allowed police officers to issue tickets to individuals breaking the rules.


Spokane Police Officer Timothy Moses has been charged with making a false statement to a public servant during the investigation of the fatal confrontation between Spokane Police and Otto Zehm in 2006. Moses is expected to resign and plead guilty on Friday.


Pending council approval, the city has agreed to a $190,000 settlement with former Assistant Police Chief Scott Stephens, who will resign from the department. Stephens was placed on administrative leave in December after a coworker said he made threatening statements following his demotion. He then filed a damage claim saying the leave hurt his reputation.


After failing to come to a budget agreement during the regular session, Washington state legislators will reconvene May 13 for a special session.


Prominent anti-death-penalty lawyer Judy Clarke, who defended North Idaho serial killer Joseph Duncan and Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, will represent Boston Marathon bombings suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.


NBA center Jason Collins came out as gay in this week’s Sports Illustrated, becoming the first openly gay male athlete playing one of the four major American sports.

On What’s Creating Buzz

MUSIC: The lineup is out and tickets are on sale for our local music festival, Volume! Find everything you need at


Put to the People A campaign to put gun reform on the ballot in Washington; plus, an anti-discrimination ordinance in Coeur d’Alene New Gunfight

A Seattle-based gun control advocacy group launched an initiative campaign this week to seek voter support for universal background checks on private firearm sales in Washington state. The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility, formed in January in response to the Newtown shooting and renewed gun control debate, looks to collect close to 300,000 signatures to put an initiative on the ballot after legislative efforts to pass new gun restrictions failed earlier this year. Campaign manager Zach Silk writes in a statement that Washington requires licensed dealers to conduct background checks, but private sales through gun shows or the Internet remain unchecked. “Law enforcement agencies and public safety officials agree that this loophole promotes illegal gun trafficking and enables individuals with criminal intent to purchase firearms,” he writes. The alliance hopes to collect signatures throughout this year with plans to have an initiative for the fall 2014 election. — JACOB JONES

‘Let the Voters Decide’

After first signaling he may support attempts to block them, Spokane City Councilman Mike Fagan now says he will vote to send two citizen initiatives to the ballot. One initiative, supported by Spokane Moves to Amend the Constitution, would outlaw corporate lobbying and campaign contributions at the city level. Another from Envision Spokane would add a Community Bill of Rights to tighten rules for development and river protection. The county auditor is currently validating both efforts and if enough valid signatures are found, the council will decide whether to put them on the ballot. Fagan says some constituents weren’t clear on his position or saw a contradiction between opposition to putting these initiatives on the ballot and Fagan’s mantra of “Let the voters decide” on behalf of the anti-tax Voters Want More Choices PAC he belongs to. Fagan and Councilmembers Mike Allen and Nancy McLaughlin have been outspoken against the initiatives, which they believe are unconstitutional, and have supported a legal review of them now underway. Fagan says regardless of the results of the review, he now plans to vote to put the initiatives on the ballot.

“Obviously we’re going to be stomping our feet talking about all bad things those initiatives will bring,” Fagan says, “but at the end of the day what I’ve been about is letting the voters decide.” — HEIDI GROOVER

Discrimination Legislation

Sandpoint, Boise, Hailey and Moscow have already passed citywide legislation making it illegal to refuse to hire or rent to someone because of their sexual orientation. But so far, Coeur d’Alene hasn’t joined them. Coeur d’Alene Councilman Mike Kennedy wants to change that. “Most people wonder: Doesn’t everybody have those protections under the law right now?” he says. On May 13, Kennedy says, an ordinance adding that language will go before the general services committee before being examined by the council. “If the state Legislature would have acted, this would have been unnecessary,” Kennedy says. So far, Kennedy says, other council members have expressed support, though says Councilman Steve Adams has already sent a letter with boilerplate opposition language. Councilman Dan Gookin says he doesn’t oppose the measure, but wonders if it is necessary. In other words, are Coeur d’Alene residents actively being discriminated against because of their sexual orientation? “I would be curious … whether there has been a problem that has been demonstrated. I don’t oppose it,” Gookin says. Kennedy argues the ordinance will show Coeur d’Alene’s commitment to tolerance. “I want Coeur d’Alene to maintain its place at the forefront of human rights,” Kennedy says. — DANIEL WALTERS

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NEWS | Education

Hot Topic In Idaho, long-awaited “Common Core” educational standards have gotten tangled up in right-wing politics By Daniel Walters


n a packed wood-paneled Grange hall on a Thursday night, six candidates for the Coeur d’Alene Board of Trustees debate the cost of bus privatization, “progressive education” and the International Baccalaureate program. But for the last question of the night, a stay-at-homemom named Jennifer Locke stands up. A few weeks ago, she saw a video from a local Fox reporter in Ohio, spreading worries about a new set of academic benchmarks called the Common Core. Schools in Coeur d’Alene and Spokane will start phasing in those new standards this fall. “How will you guys listen to the people if they have concerns about the Common Core standards?” Locke asks. Only two of the candidates voice unqualified support, while the others are more cautious, even skeptical. Indeed, as the Common Core looms, it’s been dividing conservatives around the nation. Far-right commentators Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck fret that it will dumb down students, indoctrinating them with left-wing propaganda.

18 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

“We will not save our country unless we save it first from this attack,” Beck warns. At its heart, the Common Core is simply a list of what students should learn, and when. In fourth grade, for example, students are supposed to “solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.” On those pegs, local districts hang curricula, textbooks and test questions. Also, for the first time with the Common Core, 45 states, including Washington and Idaho, have agreed to share the same state standards. If a kid moves from Post Falls to Spokane, in other words, he’s still be expected to know the same stuff. In Coeur d’Alene, Associate Superintendent Matt Handelman says several parents have tried filling out a waiver or an opt-out form to excuse their children from it. But it’s not like excusing a child from a controversial movie, book or sex-ed unit. The new standards will pervade classroom discussions, quizzes and homework assignments in every math and English class at every grade level. And when Idaho changes to a new, tougher standardized test in 2015, kids will be tested on them.

Even Idaho Schools Superintendent Tom Luna supports the Common Core. Idaho’s two Republican U.S. Senators are split on the topic. But in April, the Republican National Committee unanimously passed a resolution condemning the Common Core, saying it “fits the country with a nationwide straitjacket on academic freedom and achievement.” The RNC’s decision disappointed Coeur d’Alene school board candidate Christa Hazel, who, along with Tom Hearn, support the standards. Hazel calls the Common Core the most pressing issue of the May 21 school board election. “If that’s the way the RNC is going, all I can say is I don’t know what [current and former Republican governors] Butch Otter, Mitch Daniels, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, and Jeb Bush would have to say about that,” Hazel

says, noting they all support the Common Core. While the Obama administration has awarded some states using “common standards” with points in the state-against-state Race to the Top competition, the Common Core has been driven mostly by governors and state superintendents like Idaho’s controversial Tom Luna. “My gosh, if Tom Luna supports it, it’s hardly a vast liberal program,” Hearn says. Luna’s office has responded to the outcry by issuing a lengthy “Myths and Facts about the Idaho Core Standards” document debunking misconceptions about Common Core. No, the Common Core won’t indoctrinate students with “communism” or change the way 9/11 is taught. No, it doesn’t require schools to collect “biometric data” on students, or information on religious affiliation. And contrary to fears, Michael Petrilli, executive vice-president of the right-leaning Thomas B. Fordham Institute, says Common Core standards are actually tougher. “We’ve been reviewing state standards for 15 years. Speaking technically, [the old standards] sucked. They were quite mediocre,” Petrilli says. “Especially in a state like Idaho that had standards that were quite weak.” At Luna’s request, Petrilli wrote a letter in March urging Idaho to stay the course. “[D]on’t let your frustration with President Obama lead you to lash out at the children of Idaho,” he wrote. “The Common Core is the smartest path forward.” Still, some continue to fear the standards will turn into a cage instead of a launch pad. “It is a unified system we’re applying universally,” boardmember Brent Regan says at the Grange forum. “Is that really what we want? Do we want to give up local control?” The Coeur d’Alene school board held a Common Core workshop Monday to get more details. Regan says he’s keeping an open mind. “Those who have good solid information — factual information, not Glenn Beck whispering into a tinfoil hat or whatever — the board will entertain that,” Regan says. “It’s only through good information that we can make good decisions.” n

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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 19


Time’s Up The future of parking in Spokane is nearly here BY HEIDI GROOVER


n a sunny day last May, Jan Quintrall decided to do something most people in her office don’t. The director of the city’s Business and Developer Services set aside four hours of her day to roam the sidewalks and skywalks and talk to strangers about parking in Spokane. “This is really a crazy thing for government to do,” she says, “but let’s find out what the customers like.” Overwhelmed after just an hour and 10 minutes, she’d gotten her answers. People hated the parking kiosks the city tested near River Park Square and on Post Street, and preferred meters, but only if they could pay with credit or debit cards. Now, the city is overhauling its on-street parking system with an eye toward bringing Spokane into the 21st century and maximizing revenue. About $1 million of new technology will enable the city to give more tickets and allow people to pay them online in an effort to chip away at unpaid parking tickets. There have been some $4.4 million in unpaid tickets issued in the city since 2002. A contract is underway with a nationwide company, Duncan Solutions, to provide new handheld technology for issuing tickets, and license-plate-reading cameras to install on parking enforcement vehicles which patrol unmetered areas with time limits, like the twohour spots near the courthouse. The cameras will read license plates parked at the spot, then when the parking enforcer returns two hours later, read them again to see who’s overstayed. Today, they only chalk car tires if they receive complaints, Quintrall says. Now, the city is looking at two proposals for new “smart meters,” which take credit and debit cards and collect data like the average time people park at each spot. The meters will include sensors to tell whether a car has moved out of the spot (clearing the meter) or if the car remains when the meter expires (notifying parking officials so they can ticket more efficiently than wandering downtown). The changes are the latest step in a process of trying to rebrand the city’s parking system.

20 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

The city is combining its parking funds to better track how much it’s making from fines and tickets. Enforcement officers have been renamed “parking ambassadors” to make them seem more friendly. The Downtown Spokane Partnership also wants stickers on the new meters to tell payers their money is going to sidewalks and landscaping, rather into the general city coffers. A booting ordinance to punish those with large numbers of unpaid tickets is expected to follow. Between now and September, when the new technology is expected to be installed, the city will reassess all parking spots, loading and taxi zones downtown “block by block” looking for ways to increase parking and make spots more efficient. In a 2004 study updated in 2010, a Portland-based consulting firm found that downtown Spokane parkers stayed an average of one hour and 20 minutes. At a finance committee meeting last month, Dave Steele, also from Business and Developer Services, which oversees parking, told council members and staff about how new technology will allow better data collection to capitalize on those trends. “Two hours is the sweet spot,” Steele said, citing data from the few kiosks in town. “People will pay for two hours. They still leave after about an hour and 25 minutes. … You’re gaining a nice chunk of revenue.” Steele said two hour meters not only give the city extra cash, but parkers peace of mind knowing they have more than 90 minutes. Council President Ben Stuckart took issue: “The biggest complaint I hear is we have too much charging for parking downtown, so shouldn’t our goal as a municipal corporation that exists at the benefit of the people not be to make money?” City and DSP staff strive for 85 percent occupancy of on-street parking, just enough open spots to lure in those circling the block for a spot. “The goal is to have an open parking spot on each block,” Quintrall says, “so that it causes people to [say], ‘Oh, look at that. I’ll stop here.’” n

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25 miles south of Coeur d’Alene at the junction of US-95 and Hwy-58

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 21


annual bloomsday

sunday th may 5 Race begins at 9 am

CATEGORY START TIMES 9 am: Elite, Corporate Cup and Brown 9:05-9:15 am: Yellow and Green 9:15-9:45 am: Orange and Blue 9:45-10:05 am: Lilac 10:10: Red


To pick up your race number, go to the Spokane Convention Center Exhibition Hall at one of the below dates and times. Friday, May 3:

11:30 am-8 pm

Saturday, May 4:

9 am-6:30 pm

Sunday, May 5:

6:30 am-9 am


Just decided to run? There’s still hope for you. Register for the race on either Friday or Saturday at the times listed above. Cost is $35. Look for the Late Registration booth. No entries will be taken on race day.

22 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

2013 Boston Marathon finishers Keith Brawnlee and Bryanna Gondeiro finish a 2.62-mile tribute run on April 22 to honor the victims of the bombings. Young Kwak photo

y a d s m o o l B

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The Community of Running After the Boston bombings, Spokane runners show their support and resilience By Scott A. Leadingham


ow many virgins do we have tonight?” Maybe 15 hands shoot up, somewhat reluctantly. And people clap — for the virgins. Yes, great to see them. Soon they will lose their virginity. These are runners; there is nothing sexual here, aside from a few low-cut running shirts and shorts that don’t leave much to the imagination. The virgin question is one Brendan Dowling poses every week to the 400 (or more) people crammed into a ballroom at the Red Lion River Inn in Spokane. Virgins are people attending their first run of the Flying Irish, Spokane’s largest weekly running and social club. Indeed, it’s one of the largest running clubs in the U.S., as far as anyone knows. This night, however, is noticeably less jovial than usual. It’s April 18, a little more than three days since the Boston Marathon bombings left three dead and hundreds injured. Dowling, the club’s official president but better known as its “Grand Poobah,” takes time to note how as a running community,

all the Flying Irish stand in solidarity with the three people killed and many hurt in Boston on Monday. He asks for a moment of silence and reflection. Gone is Lu Lingzi, a Boston University graduate student from China. And Krystle Campbell, 29, from Medford, Mass. And Martin Richard, 8. He came to cheer for his dad. Little did everyone know that about an hour after their moment of silence, another victim, MIT police officer Sean Collier, would be shot and killed.

Individual or Community?

Running is a curious sport. On one hand (foot?), it’s one of the oldest and most basic forms of athletic competition — one foot in front of the other. But on the other, it’s obscure relative to the major professional sports. Sure, big events like the Boston Marathon and Bloomsday bring out tens of thousands of runners and spectators. But there’s no comparison, in terms of popularity, to football, baseball and the like. ...continued on next page

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 23

BLOOMSDAY | After Boston

Steven Jones, Lilac Bloomsday Association President, talking about this year’s security measures. Jennifer DeBarros photo

“the community of running,” continued... It also has a reputation as a solitary endeavor. Yes, there are team aspects — Spokane has some of the best high school crosscountry teams in the state — but from a competitive standpoint, running is largely viewed as an individual sport. Whether a 5-kilometer fundraiser or a 26.2-mile marathon, every person training for a race will eventually hear the “running is so individual, you can’t compare yourself to others” spiel. That may be true, but every person who runs in groups or with clubs will tell you the push of another runner from behind, or the struggle to keep up with a faster runner ahead, is immensely helpful. There’s also an extremely important social and motivation factor gleaned from running in a community. Just ask Jody Shapiro. Shapiro started the Manito Running Club in 2008 with his friend Mike Wiser. (Full disclosure: I’m a member of Manito and the Flying Irish.) The pair had a simple goal: Train for a half-marathon, and do it with other people for motivation and camaraderie. More than five years later, it’s paid off. Shapiro ran the 2013 Boston Marathon, setting a personal record of 2:55:21 and achieving his goal to run it in under three hours. (He was well out of the finish-line area when the two bombs went off.) “When I think of all the friends I’ve made over the past five years, I think about how many good friends I have. I feel like this is my high school now,” says Shapiro, who’s actually 20-plus years removed from high school. “These are the people I know better than anybody else. This is my community now, all of these running groups.”

24 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

Bloomsday Security


fter the Boston Marathon, race organizers across the country scrambled to evaluate, change and strengthen their own security measures. Three weeks after Boston, Spokane will test those measures during the 37th running of Bloomsday. Almost immediately after the April 15 bombings, Bloomsday officials began reassessing how they’ll keep tens of thousands of runners, walkers and spectators safe. They held a press conference April 18 to discuss broader issues of how Bloomsday will honor and recognize the Boston victims. Bloomsday security chief Al Odenthal, a retired assistant Spokane police chief, couldn’t discuss many specific details, but noted that much was going on behind the scenes to ensure a safe event, including coordination with local and federal law enforcement. Odenthal did note that there will be stricter enforcement in the starting area corrals regarding who is let in: only people with official race bibs. There is precedent for this kind of increased scrutiny and coordination with federal law enforcement. After the January 2011 attempted bombing of Spokane’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade, Odenthal said Bloomsday worked with the FBI to increase safety around the race, and that experience has prepared them for this year. — SCOTT A. LEADINGHAM

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From two friends looking to help each other get back into running, Manito Running Club has grown fast in just a few years. Shapiro was joined by five other Manito runners in Boston this year. One of those runners, Javier Pita, knows the benefits of running as a community. He was injured along the Boston route (before the bombings) and was helped by another runner who Pita says probably sacrificed his own time to render assistance. “A lot of people have this perception that runners are selfish, but in the face of adversity, we help each other,” Pita says. “That’s why you hear stories of people after the bombing, literally ran to the hospital to donate blood.” Pita also knows that runners don’t just help each other — they help the broader community. He experienced that firsthand last November when he arrived for the New York Marathon, canceled at the last minute due to Hurricane Sandy. Runners in town for the marathon quickly turned to helping with relief efforts, particularly on badly hit Staten Island. Spokane-area runners stepped up after Boston to not only commemorate what happened and show support, but to help those in need here. After the Boston bombings, the Flying Irish and local running stores organized an impromptu shoe drive to donate running and athletic shoes to local homeless shelters. Dowling said the effort garnered more than 700 pairs of shoes in one week.


One week after the Boston bombings, hundreds of runners gathered at the “Joy of Running” statues in Riverfront Park, which have become the site of a makeshift Boston memorial, Spokane’s own sign of support. Those gathered — Runners Soul owner Curt Kinghorn helped organize the event and estimated the crowd at around 700 — would run a quick 2.62-mile route, a tenth of a marathon’s 26.2 miles. “Thank you for coming! Thank you for running!” yelled Kinghorn above the crowd noise. “What we’re going to do now — we’re going to run!” Anyone who ran Boston was invited to lead the run. A steady stream of clapping grew louder as the running veterans, wearing their trademark yellow Boston Marathon shirts, meandered to the front. And then they ran, just as they had a week before, followed by several hundred of their closest running friends, around Riverfront Park, over the Spokane River to Gonzaga, across Division Street, back to where they’d started. Each crossed the finish line on his or her own, individually. But not alone. When you run, you’re never alone. n

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How fast they grow up. Today, the Frolicking Frog... tomorrow, Bloomsday!

River Park Square (509) 456-TOYS 26 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

Young kwak photos

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he Farmgirlfit gym is based on an adaptation of the popular fitness craze Crossfit, which owner Jenni Niemann has modified to fit the demands of the modern woman. It’s a women’s gym, free of sweaty bros in tank tops and geared toward getting women comfortable with lifting aggressively. NieSend comments to mann — who received her degree in exercise science from Gonzaga University and has a Crossfit Level 1 Certification and USA Weightlifting Performance Coach Certificate — also teaches endurance training and has some tips on how to turn yourself into a runner.



So you want to start running:

Niemann starts with form. “No matter the shoes, the speed, the distance, without a focus on form you’ll hate running,” she says. To work on form, start with a mix of walking and running. Throughout the running segments of your workout, focus on keeping your foot strikes as “quiet as possible.” This emphasis prevents you from pounding the pavement and angles your posture forward, allowing you to land on the midsole and not the heel of your foot. Once you’ve gotten your form down, here’s

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the beginner’s workout. Start by marking out an 800-meter loop, approximately two city blocks. The idea is to sprint half a block and then walk. At each intersection do 10 repetitions of body weight exercise: push-ups, lunges, squats or planks. This combination of sprints, walking and exercises forces your heart rate to spike then drop repeatedly. This cycle increases both aerobic and anaerobic fitness, enabling you to see results faster. Niemann also suggests timing yourself. The goal after the first run is to always beat the previous run, “even if it is only a few seconds.” Timing allows you to see improvements and gives you a clear goal.

through May*

So you want to run Bloomsday:

If you’re just reading this now it might be too late to get fit by Sunday, but here are some tips for next year. You need to start running farther and work on muscle imbalances. This means incorporating more anaerobic exercises such as weight training. Niemann explains that if you only run long distances, you only develop running-specific muscles, neglecting the muscle groups that stabilize your body. A Bloomsday-specific workout to balance muscles and make sure you’re strong for that mid-race Doomsday Hill would be hill repeats, step-ups, stairs and anything else that resembles the motion of running uphill. You don’t need a gym to do these exercises, either. Next time you run past a park bench, stop in front of the bench and step up onto it using your right foot. Once you reach your maximum height, slowly drop back to the ground and then step up with your left foot. Repeat 20 times, 10 for each leg. Niemann also provided an example of how to keep yourself accountable if you’re training solo. She says that for every goal you set for yourself — a 3-mile run with no walking — you need to have consequences. If you break your goal, you need a punishment, maybe running an extra mile on an off day. The consequence keeps you motivated to accomplish the task at hand.

So you want to become a marathoner:

Niemann provided us with two areas on which to focus: 1) Developing muscles in the back of the legs; and 2) Establishing a stretching routine. Weightlifting is more important for longer distances. As mileage increases, so does wear on the body. A typical runner develops strong quadriceps but neglects hamstrings, leading to injuries. To get your body strong for Mile 20, you need to focus on powerful lower-body movements: squats, step-ups, dead lifts and box jumps. Weights should be done two to three times a week. In the midst of training, muscles tighten and break down. To combat aches and pains, it is important to stretch. Niemann suggests a regimen of stretching, yoga, massage and foam rolling, which involves lying on a large foam cylinder and applying pressure to specific parts of your body, massaging muscle fibers and flushing out toxins. Niemann’s last piece of advice: Use other runners for motivation. Keep your eyes focused 20 to 40 yards ahead. Pick out a person in a bright shirt and don’t take your eyes off them. Once you’ve passed them, pick a new target. n

509 789 7222 • Located inside the Historic Davenport Hotel *Excludes Brighton items.

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 27

BLOOMSDAY | spectators

re to



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2 HIGH BRIDGE PARK Let the kids or the dog run around at High Bridge Park while waiting for the runners to come down the first big hill and over Latah Creek.

FORT GEORGE WRIGHT DRIVE If you can get there by back roads, get an up-close view of the race and a stunning view of the Spokane landscape. 3







BROWNE’S ADDITION Cheer on the elite runners as they fly by on Riverside Avenue, then grab coffee or brunch on Pacific Avenue before the later waves of runners flood the street.














DOOMSDAY HILL Runners say this is where they appreciate fans the most, and for a good reason. The Nixon Rodeo will be providing entertainment by the TJ Meenach Bridge.




5 WEST CENTRAL The biggest hill is behind the runners now, but there’s still a ways to go. Cheer on runners as they turn south onto Lindeke and rock out with the costumed SpoCon volunteers.

THE START Because of tighter security in wake of the Boston Marathon bombing, spectators won’t be allowed to mingle with runners in the starting area this year.


6 BROADWAY AVENUE The homestretch in West Central is a convenient spot to to camp out if you’re meeting someone at the finish, and you can check out all the construction in Kendall Yards. Plus, you can truthfully yell, “Almost there!”

THE FINISH Runners can reunite with their families and fans at Riverfront Park. Lost and found will be at the entrance of City Hall.

LISA WAANANEN MAP Sources: Lilac Bloomsday Association, USDA image via Google Earth





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28 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

This screening is funded through a generous donation from Providence Health Care Foundation.

BLOOMSDAY | what to do

Spokane’s Flying Irish Running Club. Flying Irish Running Club • Thu, May 2 at 5:45 pm • Free • Meet at Ripples Riverside Grill • Red Lion River Inn, 700 N. Division St. • Trade Show Since you have to go pick up your race number anyway, check out the trade show for sweet deals on running and fitness gear, samples and other free swag. Bloomsday Trade Show • Fri, May 3 from 11:30 am-8 pm; Sat, May 4 from 9 am-6:30 pm • Free • Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. •

st racers in the Bloomsday’s younge

guson photo

Marmot March jeff fer

s t n e

ev Bloomsday Back in the Day See the 37-year history of Spokane’s famous race by checking out past commemorative posters, photogra-

phy and more. Bloomsday Through the Years • Through May 31 • Free • Downtown Library • 906 W. Main Ave. • • 444-5336

Flying Irish Pre-Race Run Work out those pre-race jitters and test your endurance one more time with the Thursday-evening run hosted by

Junior Bloomsday The popular kids version of Bloomsday returns this year, a one-mile run/walk for thirdand fourth-grade runners through Riverfront Park. This year serves as a test run to determine the interest for a larger Junior Bloomsday in the future. Junior Bloomsday • Sat, May 4 at 9 am • $12/child, limited to 200 participants • Riverfront Park • junior-bloomsday Marmot March Even the youngest racers (second-graders and younger) can participate in Bloomsday festivities with the one-mile Marmot March walk through Riverfront Park. Strollers are totally fine for the youngest of competitors. Marmot March • Sat, May 4 at 10 am • $10/child; limited to

300 participants • Riverfront Park • Bloomy Bike Parking You’ll have peace of mind knowing your bike is secure during the race by bringing it to the Spokane Bicycle Club’s free Bloomsday bike corral in Riverfront Park. Stow away your warm-up clothing and picnic baskets with your bike, too. Bike Corral • Sun, May 5 from 7:30 am-2 pm • Free • Central Meadow, Riverfront Park • spokanebicycleclub. org • 448-6271 Refuel Your Body Since you just burned a lot of calories during those 7.46 miles, take advantage of all the delicious food offerings downtown, like the newly opened Fountain Café in Riverfront Park. Fountain Café • 610 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • 11 am-8 pm daily • Entrées $6.95-$9.50 • 625-6656 Music in Motion After the race, spend the afternoon listening to relaxing music by the Spokane String Quartet during its season finale concert, featuring five works that explore the theme of movement and motion. Spokane String Quartet • Sun, May 5 at 3 pm • $10-$18 • Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox • 1001 W. Sprague Ave. • • 624-1200 n




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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 29



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North Central High School senior track and cross-country runner, committed to run at UW next year On the surface level, I love running because of all of the opportunities it has given me such as traveling and college. However, in a more general, philosophical perspective, I love running because of what it teaches me about myself. One learns quite a number of things on a 14-miler alone in the woods. Running teaches me the magnitude of my strength and the depth of my weaknesses. I have learned how to trust myself to persevere through adversity. The running I love is not about slogging through four miles for some diet; it is about enjoying your moment out on the trails so much that the pain is no longer a foe, but a friend. And mostly, I love that it makes me smile.







30 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

Multi-Sport & Running Events


Eastern Washington University creative writing professor and author of Personal Record: A Love Affair With Running I do not run for my health. If you saw how scabby, bruised and scarred my legs are from frequent falls on the trails, you would not think running is healthy. I do not run to lose weight, or to get exercise. I don’t need to lose weight and I detest exercise. I don’t run when it is raining, or cold, or even, sometimes, when the sky is the wrong shade of gray. I run because it shakes and rattles loose thoughts that would otherwise be stuck in my mind. I run because it stills the monkey-house of my brain. I run because sometimes I forget that I live in a physical body. I run because I love to run.


2012 Richland High School graduate, Tri-Cities resident and 2008 Paralympian Bloomsday was the first road race I participated in competitively after starting wheelchair racing. My first year racing it, I had an absolute blast. I remember having other racers push alongside me and encourage me to make it through the grueling race just to say I’m a Bloomsday Finisher. My family and friends lined the sides of Doomsday Hill and cheered for me to keep going. No matter what happened during the race, whether it was cold and windy, someone got a flat, or even crashed, I always held onto the thought that I just want to finish the race and do my best. Ever since then, Bloomsday has been the race that I look forward to most every year.


Spokane County Commissioner I haven’t run Bloomsday since high school and am not a runner. This year, mostly due to a dare and a desire to exercise, it’s time. I don’t know if I will be able to run the entire course — the “Hill” is daunting. Two back surgeries and sore joints remind me that I’m getting older. But Bloomsday is analogous to our lives in a bigger way. It represents a challenge to all to overcome. It’s a time for us to focus on something we have in common, and ignore our differences. We come together to accomplish a common goal and support each other along the way. It’s a day where we rediscover our sense of community — without involving a tragedy. Unfortunately, Bloomsday only comes once a year. n

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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 31 68831_VHMC_OrthSEMmay_9_3x5_4c.indd 1

4/12/13 5:00 PM

BLOOMSDAY | development

. young kwak photo

ntreal Olympics fourth in the 1976 Mo ed ish fin , ay sd om nder of Blo

Don Kardong, the fou

o r p going school running teams

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32 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

great high r fo n e v a h a ’s scene? e n g in n n Spoka ru te li e n a e city foster th ’t n a c y h w o s — By Daniel Walters


ver since 1964 — when Gerry Lindgren, a scrawny kid just out of Rogers High School, flew past the Russians in the 10,000 meters at the Los Angeles Coliseum — Spokane’s been pumping out national-caliber high school teams. For decades, Mead High School claimed state trophy after state trophy. And just when it seemed their grip on long-distance dominance seemed to weaken, other local schools grabbed the baton. Impressive: In 2008, Spokane’s North Central High School won Nike’s national cross-country championship. More impressive: The next year, a different high school from the same city finished second. Yet Spokane hasn’t generated great elite distance runners at the same rate. “It’s almost like we’re the best minor league in the world,” says Curt Kinghorn, owner of the running specialty store Runners Soul. Spokane trains great high school runners and then they go elsewhere. He rattles off names of local high school greats heading for the Air Force Academy, Stanford and the University of Washington. “The [college] distance programs in the immediate area have not been as strong lately as they have been in the past,” Kinghorn says. “For most of our local universities, running is not their focus.” Spokane does have a few advantages for elite runners. “You cannot find a finer area to train anywhere than what you have right here,” says local running star Rick Riley, who once broke the national high school two-mile record. He talks about all the trails, the state parks and the light-traffic roads. The high school distance coaches in this area, Riley says, are as good as any coach at any level in the nation. But the city also has problems. It snows and freezes during the winter. Bloomsday is the only local event that attracts national elite competition. If runners want more, they have to look to Seattle and Portland. North Central coach Jon Knight points to another problem. Want to be a world-class runner? “You probably need to be working out at least three times a day. You have to have

resources,” Knight says. “Masseuses, physical therapists and chiropractors.” Very few locals can afford to live on their running winnings. They have to work real jobs. Knight says one local runner from the African nation of Burundi has to balance training during the day with working nights full time at Walmart. The runner got shin splints, he says, not from running, but from standing during eight-hour shifts on the hard Walmart floor. But just as some cities have patrons of the arts, others have patrons of long-distance running, willing to pay top dollar for their success. Portland has Nike, so Portland has the Oregon Project. Thanks to Nike’s largess, the nation’s best runners were coached by longdistance legend Alberto Salazar and attended to by an army of medical experts. They trained on state-of-the-art underwater and anti-gravity treadmills. Until a few years ago, they lived in a technological marvel where oxygen filters simulated high altitude. Spokane, of course, has nothing like that. Yet it’s had moments. Don Kardong, the founder of Bloomsday, finished fourth in the 1976 Montreal Olympics. He says there was a time in the 1980s when six local elite runners could run a marathon at a blistering 5:20-permile pace. When great runners train together, they make each other better. Recently, a few good runners have started to do just that. In 2010, Chris Morlan, who once ran in the Olympic Trials, founded the Spokane Distance Project for male runners. But he says he’s been disappointed that some of the best area athletes haven’t joined. In 2008, the Spokane Swifts, a team of local female runners, was formed. “It’s more amped up than just a running club,” marathon runner Lori Buratto says. “There are performance standards to be a member. We have practices and uniforms.” Kardong says these clubs are a good start, but they could use more financial support. “I think we’re on our way,” Buratto says. “If Nike was centered here — if we could all work half-time and train and get massages — I’m sure that would help.” n




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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 33

34 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013


Lewis and Clark High School teacher Joseph Comine (above), the supervisor of the school’s Director’s Chair club. Below, scenes from 4th Avenue Film Festival entries.

Young Kwak photo

Youth on Film Kids are making more movies than ever, and now you can see them on the big screen By Mike Bookey

t’s been a half-hour since classes let out for the day at Lewis and Clark High School and the halls have fallen silent. But rounding a corner on the first floor of the historic building, the sound grows louder, until at the door of Joseph Comine’s film and photography classroom you’re hit with a boom of laughter, ukulele music, passionate conversation and the general hustle and bustle of eager teenage students. Some are hunched over computers. Two of them play the ukuleles producing the tunes that fill the room and others are gathered around a notepad, sketching out plans for the film that this club, an after-school program called The Director’s Chair, is in the process of making. It’s a halfhour production about a man who inadvertently travels into the future, and the students plan to begin shooting in the days that follow, hopefully screening the final product sometime during the next school year. In a way, the club functions as a production company, each student assigned a different role. Several of the club’s students also have been working on submissions for the first-ever 4th Avenue Film Festival, a short film contest for Spokane County students between the ages of 13 and 18. In all, 10 films from around the area are set to hit the screen on Friday night, with the top three winners earning the chance to have their work shown before a film at the Bing Crosby Theater on Tuesday night. Comine, who worked in the film industry for 10 years before coming to teach at Lewis and Clark, says that filmmaking is much more of a commonplace activity for high school students than it ...continued on next page

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 35

culture | youth “youth on film,” continued... was even a decade ago. up, shot and directed a documentary about a “With the accessibility of the programs and pair of young skateboarders’ journey through the products, they’re easier and cheaper — you the sport and life. Senior Taylor Wright filmed can even do it on your phone now,” he says, a documentary about his church youth group’s “It can be really silly videos or serious docutrip to Los Angeles. Like most young filmmakers mentaries, but whatever it is, kids have all this these days, Wright began making films on his energy and it made sense to give them their own own, tailoring his skills as classes like the one venue.” Comine teaches became available. Filmmaking contests aimed at young “When I was about 10 years old, my friends people are now commonplace and I would just use this cheap at independent film festivals camcorder and free movie editing across the country. Filmmaking software to put together awful vidVisit for complete eos. It interested me because I could was restricted to a few dedilistings of local events. cated students in the past, but make a video about anything,” says the medium is now much more Wright. widespread with — as Comine says — many kids With YouTube and other video sharing opting to make a documentary for their senior services, it might feel as if something like a film projects. festival would become increasingly unnecessary. Along a far wall in the classroom, junior WyBut Comine says this is the reason that a festival att Stone and Cody Yoder, a senior heading to like 4th Avenue is necessary. Eastern Washington University in the fall, look “Watching these films together is different over a near-final cut of their three-minute video than turning on the television,” he says. “It’s a “Evil Bread.” It’s a goofy tale of a guy who drops live group of people and they’re really paying ata piece of bread in a bucket of plutonium and is tention. The feeling you get when you see your subsequently attacked by said bread. It’s about project up on the screen is something else. They what you’d expect from a couple of teenage know they’ve accomplished something.” n boys, but the titling and edits suggest a level of skill that you wouldn’t have seen from filmmak4th Avenue Film Festival • Fri, May 3 at 6 ers this age a few decades ago. pm • Lewis and Clark High School • 521 W. Other entries to the festival take a more seri4th Ave. • Top three films screen before Ferris ous tone. Riley Richardson, inspired by a watchBueller’s Day Off at the Bing Crosby Theater on ing snowboarding and skating videos growing Tue, May 7 at 7 pm

more events



H A F S Ø,






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Mother's Day



e all know the real reason behind why we have another Tomb Raider. Modern gaming graphics are strong enough to handle Lara Croft’s beautiful female form in glorious realism. Realistic fire! Realistic water! Realistic dead bodies everywhere! Remember the grainy, geometric 1996 Lara Croft in the first Tomb Raider? 2013 Lara Croft is nothing like that. The new Tomb Raider is a testament to just how art-oriented videogames are becoming. Tomb Raider isn’t a mindless action game anymore, it’s a milestone on the road for an industry that’s taking itself seriously. Tomb Raider from 1996 was a game with boobs and action. Tomb Raider in 2013 highlights a more characterdriven plot. Yes, Lara still has a giant chest, cradled in a thin, low-cut, strappy tank top, but at least she’s wearing full-length pants this time around. Pants or not, I would like to see stronger character transformation. This game supposedly explains how an innocent, starry-eyed youth becomes a cold-blooded murder machine/thief, but the plot shows us little of that transformation. Not even 15 minutes in, Lara kills at least two people and five tigers with fast reflexes and a bow she lifted off of a dead body. She slaughters and field-dresses a deer with her bare hands and a rusty spoon. There was no gagging, no crying for all the lives she just took mercilessly for the first time in her teenage life. Nice character arc. What character arc? Regardless of character development and the coverage Lara’s shirt provides, the newest Tomb Raider stands as a solid rekindling of the franchise.

901 W E S T S P R A G U E A V E , S P O K A N E | 5 09. 227 . 7 638

With Special Guest

LaRae Wiley



Lara Croft, still sexy. The graphics kick some major butt and the plot was decent. While there is much room for improvement, game developers also did a lot right. This game is one big step forward for Tomb Raider, and that’s a thumbs-up in my book. — SARAH MUNDS

Cami Bradley

For Your Consideration

Friday May 10 | 7pm All Ages | $10

By Ted S. McGregor Jr.


“Mighty and elegant” - Washington Post

BOOK | Where do books come from? From blogs, of course! And here’s another one, this time from Mason Currey, who spent two years looking into the processes of some of his favorite artists and thinkers and then blogging about them. Now he’s collected — and expanded — on those posts in the clever little book DAILY RITUALS. You’ll be surprised how many great artists were drunk or high on amphetamines. And there are oddities, like Victor Hugo, who started each day with an icy bath and two raw eggs. But more led surprisingly pedestrian lives. The chapters are short — vignettes, really — making for a casual read, perfect for procrastinating in between your own bursts of actual work.

TV | If you missed the regular season, don’t worry — the real action is now, during the two months of the NBA PLAYOFFS. Already, the story lines are stacking up — the Lakers’ epic fail, LeBron’s quest for a repeat, the rise of Steph Curry, Golden State’s amazing sharpshooter. (Zags fans remember him.) With giant egos, huge contracts and natty suits, it’s a lot like a soap opera for dudes. Oh yeah, and there’s dunking, too. To make sense of it all, tune into the post-game show on TNT featuring Charles Barkley. Never at a loss for words, Sir Charles now has Shaquille O’Neal to spar with on set. They were some great ballers, but they might be better comedians.

CD | Used to be you had to apologize for admitting you loved John Denver — “No, really, he’s awesome if you just give him a chance!” Apparently a lot of music’s hipster class is ready to stop apologizing with the new John Denver tribute album, THE MUSIC IS YOU. I saw John Denver live in Riverfront Park; he died in a plane crash not long after that — loved that show! He made it cool to be sentimental. Old Crow Medicine Show, Train and Josh Ritter all offer up their tributes here, but My Morning Jacket’s take on “Leavin’ on a Jet Plane” is a highlight, sweet and slow. Allen Stone’s “Rocky Mountain High” will just make you miss him even more.

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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 37


Find art

Venues open 5 -

Maxim Chumov, as Levi, is choked by Ron Ford in Seeds of Change. jennifer debarros photo

Hitting the Stage

Seeds of Change is getting its debut at Interplayers By E.J. Iannelli


nterplayers Theater often stages lesser-known plays with the hope of introducing audiences to new and different theatrical voices. But what about totally unknown plays? When Seeds of Change opens there next week, theatergoers will have the chance to witness a work being publicly performed for the first time ever. What’s more, it’s the product of homegrown talent. The play was written by local actor, poet and Spokane Falls Community College instructor Craig Rickett, and its debut run is being directed by erstwhile Spokanite and perennial audience favorite Michael Weaver. Seeds of Change is a comedy about three Nazarene sisters — Joy (played by Kathie Doyle-Lipe), Faith (Maria Caprile) and Chastity (Mary Starkey) — who are forced to reevaluate their strict codes of moral behavior when circumstances find them cultivating cannabis plants. “Nazarenes are quite socially conservative in the sense that [there’s] no smoking, no dancing, no drinking, no movies, no mixed bathing. All of these lifestyle constraints were larded on to the religion,” Rickett explains. “The play is about these three women coming to terms with how their religion has defined them and ... limited their ability to interact in the world. The things that many people go through in their late teens, they’re experiencing in their late 40s, early 60s.” The play has its origins in the playwright’s own “crisis of faith,” which he experienced years ago as a student at Southern Nazarene University. “I did grow up in the Nazarene Church and went to college and graduate school at Nazarene universities,” says Rickett. “During that process, I became less and less enamored with the religious lifestyle...They just didn’t fit me anymore. I would probably be described now more as humanist than anything else, although

38 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

humanism carries with it a lot of the same baggage that a religion would.” Rickett says that one of the difficulties in breaking out of any long-held belief system, whether it’s religious, social or political, is leaving behind the comfort and safety of the cocoon it once provided. “I spent a lot of years redefining a belief system that necessarily included everything I was taught as a young kid,” he says. The complexity of his own experience — not least the difficulty he had in shaping his own identity from the inside out and how that identity came to be perceived by others — is something he wanted to address in Seeds of Change. The play itself, first introduced to Ignite! Community Theatre in 2010, until now has only been performed as informal readings. That places unique demands on Weaver, who has to direct from a blank slate. Almost. “A lot of the people in the cast have done readings of this play during its development period, so I’m one of the newer arrivals,” Weaver says. “It’s so interesting to come into rehearsals, and in a lot of ways the actors are ahead of me. But they’re very open to the concept and ideas I’m bringing to it.” “What’s really been fun is being able to turn to [Craig] and say, ‘We need another line there, another half a beat.’” As a director, Weaver is approaching the play as a “wacky, fun comedy” without downplaying the philosophical aspects that Rickett interwove from his own life experience. “All good comedy has to have a serious underpinning,” Weaver says. “You have to have something important at stake that the audience can identify with.” n Seeds of Change • May 9 to 26: Wed-Sat, 7:30 pm; Sun, 2 pm • $28 ($20 senior/ military, $12 student) • Interplayers • 174 S. Howard St. • 455-7529 •


1213 W. RAILROAD AVE. Featuring whimsical & colorful paintings by Debbie McCulley “Feathers, Frogs & Faces, OH My!”. Also featuring amazing leather work masks by Annie Libertini. Artists’ reception at 5:00 pm with Beacon Hill’s Bistro Buffet from 6-8pm. Music by “Lonesome” Lyle Morse 6:30-10pm.


115 S. ADAMS ST., SUITE A Featuring artist Ildikó Kalapács’ titled show: “Transitions”. Mixed media including paintings and ceramics. Artist’s reception.


115 S. ADAMS ST. Surface Tension; textural ceramic work by Chris Kelsey and Mark Moore.


920 W 1ST AVE. We are partnering with Gonzaga University students to present an array of Fair Trade African Arts and Crafts. Together we hope to inspire a love of African Crafts. We will be playing African music, serving samples of African dishes and products made with Zambia Gold Honey.


827 W. 1ST AVE. (directly behind Neato Burrito) Please join us at the Baby Bar. We are featuring Jason Bagge.


10 S. POST ST. Featuring the very creative artist Jeffrey Loyd. Jeffrey specializes in abstract acrylic works, with an emphasis on color, shape, & line. Music by The Bucket List starting at 8pm.


811 W. 2ND AVE. Come enjoy live music, hors d’oeuvres and the paintings of our featured artist Shani Marchant. Shani’s paintings are an eclectic assortment of her passions & love for color. Music by Suhanna Hamilton.


906 W. 2ND AVE. (across from the Steam Plant) Featuring Spokane artist Jeannine Fruci. Music by California recording artist Joanne Rand who will be releasing her 13th CD “Stories from the Inside Out: The Nashville Sessions”. 7-9pm.


901 W. 1ST AVE. Come in and join us at the Sapphire Lounge. Get an amazing, handcrafted cocktail, fresh squeezed juices & delicious flat breads. Relax & be surrounded by glass art & great music.


159 S. LINCOLN ST. “Whimsy in May” – Multiple artists working with a variety of materials show pieces that are light-hearted and whimsical. Featuring Dave Henke, Melissa Carpenter, Karie Cooper and Wendy Zupan Bailey. Plus, sample Steam Plant’s handcrafted brews.


808 W. MAIN AVE. (River Park Square, Third Level) Award-winning expressionist in both watercolor & oil, Linda Christine created Another Dimension paintings. These abstract, figurative paintings are textured & sculpted to create an idea & stimulate the imagination.


707 W. MAIN AVE. (Crescent Court Skywalk Level) We are featuring Marsha Marcuson’s titled show “Every Bloomin’ Thing”. Impressionist style oil paintings of flowers and people in natural scenes. Music & refreshments. 5-8:30pm.


108 N. POST ST. Amazing music by Tommy, Happy Hour 4-6, Half-price Eats menu and as always Spokane’s Best Martinis!

BLOEM.CHOCOLATE.FLOWERS.PAPERIE RIVER PARK SQUARE (2nd level, Macy’s corridor) 4 chocolate tastings of 65% to help your memory. Floral Creations for Proms & Mother’s Day!


211 N. WALL ST. Feature new works by Daniel Boatsman. Boatsman’s paintings uniquely combine typography, storytelling and bold colors. Music by classical guitarist Carlton Oakes.

and more this Friday, May 3rd!

- 8 pm

unless otherwise noted.


BENNETT BLOCK, MAIN & HOWARD (2nd Floor skywalk level) Featuring photographers Brent Flint & Ken Jubala for First Friday. Open until 8:30pm.


516 W. RIVERSIDE AVE. “Spring Wings & Wild Things”, the work of Shelle Lindholm captures the spirit & spunk of animals she sees outside her rural studio.


808 W. MAIN AVE. First Night Spokane Rising Stars – “New Visions”, Spokane Falls Community College photography program in collaboration with the campus Photo Arts Club is presenting a wide variety of photos with differing emphasis from documentary to fine art. 3rd Floor Food Court – 5:30-7:30pm SCC Players presents A Night of Improv! Comedy, Tragedy & a whole lot of creativity is presented in these quick & quirky performances by these talented theatre arts students.


214 N. WALL ST. Celebration of fragrance with a casino theme. Come join the fun. Tickets are $10 and redeemable for cosmetics and fragrance.


Nectar winery Terra Blanca will be on hand with new wines and amazing deals up to 60% off. Open until 10pm. Call to reserve a table 509.869.1572

“Remember the Word”. Come early for a seat & enjoy hearing some great poetry and/or read some of your own. All are welcome!


331 W. MAIN AVE. Friends of Mmofra presents: Photography from Africa & Asia by Willis Bell & Mary Luft Gladhart. Black & white & color photographs from Ghana, Sierra Leone, & Bangladesh.

211 N WALL ST. (skywalk level across from Bozzi Collection Gallery) Please join us this First Friday for our GRAND OPENING of our extensive Historical Exhibit and Information Center. Learn more about the Spokane Tribe’s privately funded STEP development that will provide 5,000 local jobs. Entertainment and refreshments.


108 N. WASHINGTON ST., SUITE 105 Please join us on First Friday. Pour Moore Wines available for tastings by winemaker Chad. Featuring Hannah See Photography’s canvas pictures of wine. Music by Nick Grow, playing covers from Sinatra to Beiber as well as some originals.


218 N. HOWARD ST. World-renowned fly tier John Newbury’s intricately crafted flies are displayed as captured by local photographer Tony Roslund.


203 N. WASHINGTON ST. (main floor of Auntie’s) Timeless Translucence – Dan McGrew’s fine furniture featuring solid woods and true joinery paired with the watercolors of Rebecca Smith featuring subjects from her travels, family and life here in Spokane.


707 W. MAIN AVE. (skywalk level) Featuring works of Manic Moon & More artists: Graphic art and cards by Linda Malcom, Fiber Art-To-Wear by Michele Mokrey, Mixed Media by Melinda Melvin, Vintage Collage by Shanda Woodward, Jewelry by Denise Steen and Joan Eaton.


404 W. MAIN AVE. Large expressionist paintings by artist Christina Deubel & live music by TR Ritchie.


811 W. MAIN AVE. Artist Eric Miller, Exhibit Director at Mobius Science Center, will be showing his latest collection entitled, NEW BEGINNINGS. Drawing and paintings inspired by Alaskan landscapes. 6-8pm

8 N. POST ST., SUITE 8 Come to Whitestone to enjoy local artist Debbie Hanks & the easy tunes of Steve Harris. Live music, wine & local art from 6-9pm!



120 N. STEVENS ST. (Main & Stevens) Enjoy a Qdoba Mexican Grill taco bar, music from Karrie O’Neill, and new photography exhibit from Jeff Schindler.



1021 W. 1ST AVE. Diane Weber’s class at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic School, together with quilter Mickey McReynolds, have built upon last year’s collaborative success to create an installation piece of birds with musical instruments. All sales go to Diane Weber’s art program at St. Aloysius.

EAST DOWNTOWN AREA 402 W. MAIN AVE. 3 Minute Mic - Open Mic Poetry 7-9pm (sign up starts at 6:30) Isaac Grambo will be hosting & John Whalen will be the guest poet for


1017 W. 1ST AVE. “Van-Gogh and Merlot”, an inter-active art event. Enjoy a glass of merlot while you paint!


1201 W. 1ST AVE. We are opening our doors for First Friday to honor Law Enforcement Officer’s Week May 12-16 in appreciation to those in law enforcement who keep our communities safe. Come & see an amazing collection of artifacts & memorabilia. Refreshments. Donations.


1019 W. 1ST AVE. Please join us for First Friday. We have fabulous jewelry from local artists, unique accessories and a variety of styles for all ages.


1 S. WASHINGTON ST. YOU BE THE ARTIST! Magical Mystery May. Bring a wine glass & paint it, or buy a tile & paint it here. Free to paint if you have your own.


621 W. MALLON Featuring the Art of Daisy Joy & The Boys. Art of Daisy Joy: Daisy Mace-Mask Maker, Joy Tagliavia-Mizzoni-Acrylic. The Boys: Rick Davis-Sculptor, Roch Fauch-Fine Art & Sculptor Jeffry Loyd-Fine Artist. Music by The Angela Marie Project.

Continued on next page

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Brought to you by Downtown Spokane Partnership and Spokane Arts Commission

FIND ART and more this Friday, May 3rd! Venues open 5 - 8 pm ECHO BOUTIQUE CHOCOLATE APOTHECARY

621 W. MALLON AVE. (in the Flour Mill) Featured artist Irene Dahl’s work employs a variety of mediums on copper panels. Music by Jonathan Nicholson. Enjoy samples of cheese, chocolate, and gelato with your servings of music and art. 5:30-8pm.


621 W. MALLON AVE. (in the Flour Mill) Featuring the beautiful paintings of owner Ho Lan. Also, try our fabulous menu! 4-7pm.


303 W. North River Drive Acoustic R&B music by Chris Rieser and Jay Rawley from 5:30-8pm. Happy Hour food & beverage specials!


“Rocky Mountain Express” & “Air Racers” are currently showing at the IMAX Theatre.


608 W. 2ND AVE. Join Barili Cellars on First Friday from 4-9pm & enjoy current wine releases & fun art. Featuring Hara Allison’s “Like Mother, Like Daughter” show. Original paintings by Hara, side by side with pieces by her late mother Sonya. It’s a Mother’s Day treat.


1106 W. 2ND AVE. Poetry/Open Mic Night! 5-7pm. Featuring Laurie Lamon & Lady Mariposa. Open mic poets welcome! We are a Christian ministry & family friendly. Poetry & dessert.

unless otherwise noted.


176 S. HOWARD ST., SUITE A Featuring Darcy Lee Sexton’s landscapes which reflect her special interest in people, color, movement and the capacity of art to yield an emotional response. Also, Allison Kallaway’s mixed metal jewelry and Union Studio Metals, abstract jewelry designs.

811 E. SPRAGUE AVE., SUITE D (Next to Artist Touch Studio) Please join us for this unique exposition. Presenting art by local architects and designers. Serving a variety of local foods and flavors. 5-7:30 p.m. Free Parking.


204 N. DIVISION, SUITE E Featuring multi-media artist Hannah Koeske. Hannah explores the ways in which images “collect” or accumulate pieces of the subjects they depict.

174 S. HOWARD ST. Please join us for the May First Friday. We are featuring photographer, Kathy Piper in the Gellhorn Gallery, 5-7:30pm.


115 W. PACIFIC AVE., Historic Warehouse District (aka SODO) Acrylic paintings by artist Klara Bowman.


319 W. 2ND AVE. Please join us for an enjoyable evening of art and wine! Unique and creative pieces of art by local artist Michelle Inman.


811 E. SPRAGUE AVE. (Across from Clay Connection) Featuring art by Bob Otto along with last month’s artists Edward Gilmore’s “Works of Art on Paper” and Susan Burns’ encaustic panels.


714 E. SPRAGUE AVE. We will be having a Raku firing & pit firing, lots of food & beverages. FREE kids workshop (limited space, be there by 5pm!).



120 E. SPRAGUE AVE. Please join us for First Friday in the University District. Featuring paintings and sculptures by Heather Swanstrom and music by RICE QUEEN starting at 9pm.


44 W. MAIN AVE. Solo guitarist James Funke-Loubigniac will perform on the Renaissance guitar and the Hurdy Gurdy, which is an amazing instrument from France, 5:30-7pm. Tasting by China Bend Winery.


232 W. SPRAGUE AVE. Acrylic paintings featuring Dia De Los Mueros themed skulls and skeletons by Erica Roscoe. Day of the Dead is a celebration of the life of those who have passed on, Erica’s paintings portray the would be life of each of her characters.


25 W. MAIN AVE. We are featuring three artists this month: Lance Sinnema, Scott Kolbo and Alley Princess. Artists’ reception.

21 W. MAIN AVE. Screened for Your Pleasure - Local design team Dumbgun (Derek Landers & Trevor Sullivan) has created concert posters for My Morning Jacket, Wilco, and Pearl Jam. Limited edition screen-printed posters, available for sale along with Dumbgun original t-shirts!


168 S. DIVISION ST. For over 40 years Jan Kruger has had a fascination for the written word. Please join us this First Friday and see how she has incorporated this into beautiful works of art.


1819 W. PACIFIC AVE. (one block east of the Elk) GRAND OPENING: Featuring Robert Savilla Naudon, Bart Templeman & other select local mixed media artists. 4-7pm


2325 W. 1ST AVE. Please join us for First Friday. We have live music by Laddie Ray Melvin, folk & blues guitar. A group of miniatures by Rick Graff on display.


2316 W. 1ST AVENUE 5 galleries full of exhibits on Plateau Tribal Cultures, extreme NW explorer – David Douglas, Spokane modern architecture & art from the MAC collections. Free admission.





with the help of The Inlander’s Award-Winning Editorial Staff


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The start of Spokane’s Summer! A benefit event for

Young Words

At only 17, Spokane’s Katelyn Schneider has already found literary fame By Kara Stermer


atelyn Schneider walks into Hastings and eyeballs the shelves of young adult fiction on her left, a section of the store that she knows well. Names like Stephenie Meyer, Ellen Hopkins and Suzanne Collins are spelled out along the bridges of these novels. Schneider hasn’t reached the level of literary stardom these other authors have achieved, but at only 17 she can call them her collegues. Young adult fiction, aimed at a largely teenage audience, is generally written by middle-aged women. Schneider, a junior at Spokane’s Shadle Park High School, stands out among these authors. While she is now approaching an age that would put her at the upper end of the young adult readership spectrum, Schneider can’t see herself leaving the genre. The books that got her hooked on writing have a strong voice that teenagers are drawn toward. She submerges herself in other books, movies, television and music that bring out feelings because, she notes, “that’s basically what writing is — emotions splayed out on a page.” “It’s something that I connect with,” Schneider says, “I cannot see me writing anything else.” While she’s gained some footing in the publishing world, getting into the business wasn’t easy. When she was still in middle school, Schneider worked on her first full-length book, Tweaked. Only 13 upon completing the novel, she fought to get her work to readers. Searching for an agent, working on query letters, developing the perfect elevator pitch, submitting her story to publishing companies and driven by her family, Schneider was willing to do whatever it took to be an author. “With her first book, she did an amazing job getting out there,” explains John Williams, the marketing director at Inkwater Press, an indie publisher based in Portland. Mightily impressed not only by her “wonderful writing style” but her amazing dedication, the company published her first story in 2010, shortly before her 14th birthday. Along with many readers, they were captivated by the suspenseful and surprisingly

romantic tale of the kidnapping and rescue of a young girl named Mickey. Last November, Schneider released Secrets, the first installment in her latest series about 17-year-old Victoria Laine’s struggle to get some excitement in her life and her relationship with the mysterious Nick Avery. The publication of Tweaked and Secrets may be the result of the relentless drive of a teenage girl, but the success of the books lies in Schneider’s abilities as a writer. An advantage Inkwater Press saw in her writing compared to that of other young adult authors was her age. “She is the demographic; therefore, she has a more unique view,” says Williams. Two books underneath her belt, Schneider isn’t slowing down her pace. Daily, she puts herself through a one-hour writing regimen. She’s working on three projects simultaneously, in addition to her pressing school schedule and a part-time job at a local grocery store. Seeds of scenes pop into her head constantly, and new characters pester her until she writes their stories. “You can have the best book in the world, but if no one knows about it, nobody is going to read it,” says Schneider as she looks over at Hastings’ YA section. “Persistence is key,” she emphasizes. It’s this dedication and drive that has put Schneider’s books on the shelves over on her left. From attending conferences to scheduling book signings, Schneider has put herself at center stage in the world of indie authors. Her work has been read across the country, receiving favorable reviews. At just 17, she’s become an accomplished writer – something that takes many people a lifetime. Her work sits on the same shelves as many successful and popular young adult books. “My books are actually right over there,” she says, pointing to a nearby shelf. n Katelyn Schneider reading with Su Williams • Sat, May 4 from noon-2 pm • Auntie’s Bookstore • 402 W. Main St. • • 838-0206

May 31- June 2 Friday, May 31 Noon-8pm Saturday June 1 10am-8pm Sunday June 2 10am-5pm Music, and Beer & Wine Tent Open until 10pm Saturday and Sunday!

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2316 W. 1st Ave | Spokane Visit for details MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 41

Reinventing The Wheel Spokane is working to craft sensible and encouraging rules for food trucks BY HEIDI GROOVER


hen someone in Browne’s Addition complained that the Jamaican Jerk Pan food trailer was parked in their neighborhood, owners Sabrina Sorger and Roian Doctor felt overrun with city inspectors. One came to tell them the area was residential and they couldn’t be parked there, but later realized it was actually commercial. Another came to enforce a provision of their food service license that mandates trucks and trailers like this move every 10 minutes, but then backtracked. The third scolded them for having an extension cord that crosses the sidewalk between their trailer and Cannon Coffee & Cone, but later allowed them to just mark the cord with bright spray paint to warn people it’s there.

“Each one told us something different,” Sorger says. “I get it, they don’t have a process for this. I get why they want to reinvent it.” Amid confusion and blurry enforcement of some aspects of food truck, trailer and cart operation, the city has no way to regulate others at all, so it’s looking at how to change the rules. But that’s worrying people like Sorger and Doctor, a Jamaican native the regulars call “Doc” who serves up spicy curry and jerk chicken with rice. They know change is necessary, but they’re worried about the red tape and price tags that could come along with a reinvention.


s part of its Mobile Food Vendor Project, a team of city staff is working to make the process of opening and operating food trucks easier. They’re seeing an increased interest in food trucks and carts from both individuals and entire business districts. “We’re woefully underserved for food options,” says Jack Strong, a business owner and president of the East Spokane Business Association, advocating for the East Central area that stretches out to the Valley. “For a business district like this to fully revitalize, it needs to be that sort of destination, like a food destination like we’ve seen in the Perry District.” Strong hopes to help the city find areas suitable for food trucks in the area and then work to attract mobile food vendors to those locations. As it stands, the city has no specific regulations or zoning explicitly for food trucks. Mobile vendors are regulated under the city’s “itinerant vendor” category, which applies to any type of mobile vendor, and are allowed anywhere other food services are, though there’s no

The Jamaican Jerk Pan at 4th Avenue and Cannon Street in Browne’s Addition has met confusing and unclear regulations during its first year in operation. young kwak photo

42 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

explanation in city code of how to deal with things like hours of operation, obstructed pathways or whether mobile vendors should be required to develop unused land the way brick-and-mortar restaurants are. One especially clumsy rule states that vendors are only allowed to stay in one spot for 10 minutes at a time if they’re in the public right of way, like an on-street parking space selling onto the sidewalk. That’s fine for the ice cream man, but nearly impossible for a taco truck. “What the City of Spokane has decided is to be proactive, to look at current regulations. What do they allow and how do they work in light of the modern mobile food vending industry?” says Andrew Worlock, a city planner heading up the project. “What we’ve found is they don’t really work that well.” At an open house about the issue last week, the soft-spoken Worlock stood in front of a room of current and hopeful food truck owners peppering him with questions and complaints about the process. While health regulations will remain largely untouched, the city is considering a new system for licensing. Under this new plan, vendors who only operate at special events would get a basic license. Those who sell from various places throughout town would purchase “add-ons” for each location where they want to park and sell. (Costs for the licenses haven’t been established yet.)

American Craft Beer Week. May 9-19.

“Each one told us something different,” Sabrina Sorger says of the city inspectors who visited her Jamaican Jerk Pan food cart. The idea brought outbursts and hushed one-liners from the food truck owners. They’re worried the extra licenses will bury them in more time-consuming inspection processes and stretch their already tight budgets. Worlock is empathetic, but says the city and the Spokane Regional Health District have to know where vendors are going to be to keep up on the rules and perform the district’s yearly unannounced inspections. With more food trucks on the street, he says, the city has to have better ways to regulate them, and that costs money. Since the meeting, Worlock says the group is considering only requiring sites to be approved once, so multiple vendors aren’t paying to approve the same spots. Ideally, vendors say, the city would just approve a swath of locations and tell them where they are and aren’t allowed to go. But Worlock reminds them someone has to shoulder that cost. “I have a feeling it’s going to be impossible for us to follow the [new] rules,” Sorger says at a green plastic table outside the Jerk Pan trailer. “You can’t regulate spontaneity.”


n the front row of the open house, one of the voices flinging questions at Worlock sounds less defensive. Aaron Crumbaugh owns a food truck in Chicago where he serves wagyu, high-end beef that originated from Japanese cattle and is now raised in the U.S., and he’s in the process of moving to Spokane. With a background in fine dining, Crumbaugh was at the meeting to learn about Spokane’s rules, but says he’s confident in his plans regardless of what changes the city makes. “Spokane is, I think, much easier to deal with,” he says. “Chicago is a nightmare. Really, any big city that’s starting to accept the food truck idea [makes it] very challenging because there’s a lot of political pull for restaurants and property owners.” Between new restaurants and the onslaught of local craft breweries, Crumbaugh says he’s been impressed with Spokane so far and he thinks his truck, which he’s dubbed the “Wagyu Wagon,” will do well here, no matter the fees or regulations. Starting a business is difficult and scary, he says. Food truck hopefuls shouldn’t let an extra layer of oversight scare them off. “People here are used to being able to do what they want to do,” Crumbaugh says of the West, “and all of a sudden the city’s saying, ‘Slow down here. These are new to us.’ “ n

In honor of American Craft Beer Week, all 26 of our draft handles will be featuring local brews. Enjoy a FREE basket of our prized Fried Pickles with a minimum $10 purchase May 9-19.*

Happy Hour 4-6 pm daily. Downtown Spokane • 1 N Post St. • 509 789 6900 • *This offer is valid from May 9-19, 2013. The offer may not be combined with other specials or promotions. Offer Limit one free Fried Pickle basket per table.

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 43

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FOOD | pub

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The Lantern snagged up the old Perry Street Cafe space. jennifer DeBarros photo

rain or shine in our parking lot entertainment for the whole family beer garden * live band * mariachi band * vendors ~ pinata breaking * jumping castle * folkloric dancers

From Tavern to Taphouse South Perry’s Lantern Tap House is no longer Spokane’s tiniest bar BY ANNEMARIE FROHNHOEFER


sunday may 5th 2013 at de leon foods

no cover charge * f iesta at 11am-9pm * food specials

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44 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

hen it opened in 2009, the Lantern Tavern — at 200 square feet — was one of the smallest bars in Spokane. There were 12 stools at the bar, an overflow of customers on warm summer nights and a regular happy hour crowd that didn’t mind squeezing into the standing-room-only establishment. When the Perry Street Cafe closed its doors last December, Lantern management pounced on the opportunity to lease the vacant space. Co-owners Melinda and Mike Dolmage and James Pearson spent months renovating the cafe, tearing out booths and creating open space while attempting to maintain the sense of intimacy that their regulars enjoyed. Now regulars and newcomers alike can enjoy a full menu alongside their craft brews. Regulars Roger and Chris Imes, owners of the Dutch windmill down the street — which houses their herb and natural food business — enjoyed the fish and chips ($10). Roger, originally from northern Wales, described the dish as “authentic, clean-tasting . . . genuine white cod, not pollock.” Other best-sellers include the buttermilk pork sandwich ($9.50) and the Smashburger ($9.50), made from 6 ounces of ground beef, browned on

a flat-top and smashed into burger form. Chef Troy Webber describes the menu’s inspiration as coming from a desire to create “everything from scratch . . . classic pub-style food but tastier, fancier than the average sports bar.” The tomato chutney atop the Smashburger is one example. Webber explains that in the offseason, tomatoes do not make the best burgertopper. Tomato chutney is his answer to that horticultural problem — he stews tomatoes with onions, green pepper and spices. The overall effect is a slightly sweet relish that when combined with slabs of peppery pork belly, housemade mayo and 6 ounces of smashed burger, all wedged inside a fresh Kaiser roll from Bouzies Bakery, makes for a tasty pub dinner. Now with 1,200 square feet, 60 chairs and a full, affordable menu, The Lantern welcomes newcomers, regulars and their kids — there’s a kids’ menu and children’s nook complete with a chalkboard suitable for spontaneous artwork. n The Lantern Tap House • 1004 South Perry St. • Open Mon, 11 am-midnight; Tue-Sat, 11 am-2 am; Sun, 11 am-midnight • • 315-9531

food | people

Joe Domini, with brother Tom in the background, ends his career in the sandwich business later this month.

Happy Trails

chris bovey photo


Domini’s co-owner says good-bye to his famous sandwich shop By David Teller


egular guests of Domini’s will soon notice a vacancy at the longtime deli sandwich shop in downtown Spokane. Co-owner Joe Domini is retiring at the end of May. While his health is good and he feels great, Domini said he wants to pursue personal interests and spend more time with his family in Arizona. “I’ve already gotten rid of my snow shovels and sold my four-wheel-drive truck,” he says. His business partner and brother Tom will assume sole ownership when Joe steps down. Of the two brothers, Joe is the bearded one, usually at the cash register. He also is the older of the two by nine years. The soft-spoken Domini is retiring just after the restaurant celebrated its 50th anniversary. Founded in 1963, when sandwiches were priced at 50 cents, Domini’s moved to its present location on Sprague Avenue in 1975 and has been the top vote-getter 19 consecutive times for Best Sandwich in Spokane by Inlander readers. Domini is leaving with no regrets. The father of three daughters says he is happy to have been

a part of the successful, family-run business and wouldn’t change a thing if he went back and did it all over again. He said large companies take a lot of risks making changes, which opens them up to failure. The only major change Domini’s has made is adding soup and offering a variety of sandwich sizes. The service is still quick, ingredients are piled high and most of the waitstaff know the regular customers by name. Just because he’s retired doesn’t mean Domini is going to sit back, put his feet up and become a couch potato. Domini attributes his good health to keeping busy. After he relocates to Arizona, where his two grandkids live, he plans to play tennis, continue riding bicycles and get back into playing golf. “I’m not a stay-home type of guy,” Domini says. n Domini’s Sandwiches • 703 W. Sprague Ave. • Mon-Fri, 7 am-5:30 pm; Sat, 8 am-3:30 pm; closed Sun • • 747-2324





SUN-THURS 4pm-MI D NI G HT | FRI - SAT 4pm-2am

No Service on Bloomsday! Regular Services resume Sunday, May 12

Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane

4340 W. Ft. Wright Drive 509-325-6383

Sunday Services

Religious Ed & Childcare

9:15 & 11am

The Rock Rollers Club of Spokane presents th

54 Annual

Gem, Jewelry & Mineral Show

MAY 3, 4 & 5

Spokane County Fair & Expo Center 604 N. Havana, Spokane

Over 40 Dealers Selling Supplies, Rough Rock & Jewelry Display cases showing creations by our invited guests & club members Activities for Young & Old • Door Prizes Hourly Grand Prize Drawing on Sunday 10am - 6pm Friday & Saturday • 10am - 4pm Sunday Admission $6.00 • Seniors (65 & over) $5.00 Scouts in Uniform & Children 12 & under FREE Admission Tickets Good For All 3 Days

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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 45



Stella’s chicken salad sandwich


917 W. Broadway Ave. 326-6475


t’s been more than a year now since Tony Brown and his mom Marti opened Stella’s Café just east of the courthouse. While a lot has changed at the sandwich shop during that time, one thing hasn’t; the delicious and versatile flavors packed into everything on the menu. Head to Stella’s during the weekday lunch rush, and you’ll see eager customers — regulars and newbies — lined up out the front door, waiting to sink their teeth into one of Stella’s gourmet-style yet moderately priced ($8) sandwiches, like the longtime favorite tofu banh mi.


NORTH SIDE 8721 N Fairview Rd 467-0685 VALLEY 19215 E Broadway 893-3521 NORTH IDAHO Ponderay Garden Center 208-255-4200

What started out as a tiny, 15-seat café a year ago has since expanded to meet customer demand and the vision of its owners, with the addition of more than twice as much seating, a savory breakfast menu and a full bar that in the next month will start serving creatively concocted cocktails to complement the café’s eclectic sandwiches, rotating soups, salads and scratch-baked goods. — CHEY SCOTT

Garden Expo 2013 May 11, 2013 9am-5pm

Spokane Community College Lair 1810 N Greene St.

An email for food lovers

0 r 25 Ove den gar ted rela ors Do or Pr vend Semi izes, nar Demo s, s PRESENTED BY

The Inland Empire Gardeners 509-535-8434 • Sign up at

46 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

FOOD | sampler

VIETNAMESE Three Sisters Vietnamese 10615 E. Sprague Ave. | 928-2580 Owner Long Dam runs this place with his three daughters (thus the name), and they make a mean pho, along with other Vietnamese dishes, each made from Dam’s own recipe. Good pho isn’t accomplished easily, though — the broth alone takes eight hours to prepare. You can easily play it safe and go for the beef or chicken pho, but there is a reason that tripe and tendon are preferred by most natives; you’ll just have to try it to find out. Pho Van 2909 N. Division St. | 326-6470 Turning an old Pizza Hut on North Division into a classy pho joint is no small feat. The result is a well decorated, modernized restaurant that has kept the Vietnamese tradition and authenticity in its menu, consisting of pho, rice and noodle dishes of all varieties. Every restaurant has a different version on the broth for their pho — Pho Van’s is a rich yet clean tasting broth, complemented by the lime and sprouts you can add to it.

Spokane’s BEST New Nightspot Vina Asian Restaurant 2303 N. Ash St. | 328-2197 You can get good Chinese and Vietnamese food at plenty of spots around town, but Vina has something most others don’t: the Hot Pot. Basically, you get a heating element, giant bowl of broth and your choice of rice noodles, meat and veggies brought to your table for a buildyour-own soup adventure. Though you can fill your soup with as much meat as you can consume, they also have a vegetarian tofu soup or a seafood option for those less inclined. It’s impossible not to get hooked.


Pho 999 2904 E. Sprague Ave. | 535-7300 The building isn’t much to look at, and the menu is simple: nearly twodozen kinds of pho, depending on what meats are in the broth. This is not evidence of a lack of imagination. It is a sign of focus. If you want the best pho in Spokane, this is the place. Add the house-made lemongrass and jalapeno sauce in sesame oil for some pleasant spice to your soup. Despite the fame of the pho, it’s difficult every time to pass up the Vietnamese-style pork chop, topped with a fried egg. Go ahead, gnaw on the bone. We know you want to. n




Sammy Eubanks


Boo Radley’s Atticus across from the carousel

Coffee & Gifts

232 N. Howard

222. N. Howard

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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 47

Third Time’s the Charm The latest installment of the Iron Man franchise is the strongest By MaryAnn Johanson


he comic-book purists are going to howl over Iron Man 3 for various reasons, the least of which is the fact that Tony Stark, the billionaire genius playboy philanthropist who now has in his garage a veritable army of Iron Man suits, spends barely any time at all in any of them here. It’s very much not ironic that screenwriters Shane Black — yes, Lethal Weapon Shane Black — and Drew Pearce, a British TV writer, are playing around a lot with trying to figure out just what it is that makes Tony Stark Iron Man... and what makes us believe that a suit of armor represents heroism. Where does Tony Stark end and Iron Man begin? Stark went out of his way in the first film to continually point out that he was not a superhero, but this time he’s living with genuine insecurities — and admitting to them — that younger Tony would have taken great pains to hide. He’s all PTSD nightmares and panic attacks since the events of The Avengers. “Nothing’s been the same since New York”: it’s such a simple line, but it’s startling coming unironically from the reflexively snarky Stark.

48 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

And also coming from director Black, who dresses it in the same unexpected combination of sweetness and verve and vulnerability that he got out of Downey Jr. in his last film, IRON MAN 3 the sublime Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. Rated PG-13 So Iron Man 3 has already Directed by Shane Black nudged Tony out of his comfort Starring Robert Downey Jr., zone — which is always where Gwyneth Paltrow, Guy Pearce the interesting things start to happen — before it really goes to work on him. He publicly challenges a terrorist known only as the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley), which ends in the destruction of his home and tinkerer’s garage HQ, and he’s now lying low trying to figure out his next move, which would appear to require solving a series of mysterious suicide bombings attributed to the Mandarin. Always, though, Tony’s biggest obstacle is himself. There’s never a moment where you’re tempted to wonder why the rest of the Avengers don’t come to Tony’s aid, not only because of the clever structuring of

Iron Man just being Iron Man. the plot — Tony is believed dead after his house is blown up, and later, events simply move too quickly for anyone to have had time to scramble — but simply because of how intimate the electromagnetically powered heart of this story is. And yet... Black and Pearce leave us with lots to ponder in a grand scale, too. Empty suits, broken-down suits, suits with someone else inside ’em: how do they change how we see Tony? How much of “Iron Man” is image... and how much is propaganda we willingly buy into? Stark’s military buddy Rhodey (Don Cheadle) is now officially dubbed — in his own suit of stars-and-striped armor — Iron Patriot, which they both snicker over. Yet this is a world, both onscreen and off, in which such nonsense is effective. How much of the power of the Mandarin to terrorize comes from his pirate broadcasts, in which he appears as an outlandish caricature of an “Eastern” boogeyman? Hell, we’re even left to reconsider how our notion of the traditional damsel in distress can be upended so easily thanks to our own preconceptions about the genre. Thankfully, Black and Pearce have chosen to let Tony’s life and business partner Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow) continue to be one of the most intriguing lady sidekicks the genre has seen — she’s never less a damsel in distress than when you think she is. There isn’t a single thing wrong with this flick. Okay, the 3D is even more pointless and superfluous than in most 3D movies. But the cloud of air I was walking on afterward meant I was hardly bothered by that. It’s rare that the threequel is the best of the bunch: savor it. n

film | shorts

opening films DISCONNECT

In a world where everyone is connected through cellphones, laptops and tablets, human relationships have been forced upon an evolutionary path to cope. A businessman always on his cellphone with clients. Cyber bullies pushing classmates around online. A teenager who makes a living performing on an adult website. The question is asked — how do we connect? What does that connection mean when humans take their interactions online, through text and over the phone? This drama, starring Jason Bateman, follows the lives of disconnected people who crash together in a struggle to relate. (SM) Rated R


In the ’80s, Chile’s military dictator was called to legitimize his rule through a democratic vote. The only problem, dictators have a nasty penchant for staying in power, even when “democratic” voting strategies are employed. The predicament: getting the people of Chile to vote “no,” and vote the dictator out of office. The solution: a brilliant marketing campaign that brought the country out of oppression. This battle royale between marketing and politics catapulted the country into a revolution, proving that advertising consultants are way more badass than we give them credit for. At Magic Lantern (SM) Rated R


So, there’s this pretty obscure movie that a lot of you haven’t heard about. It’s called Iron Man and it really never got popular. They made a sequel, which didn’t do well in box offices either and definitely didn’t amass a huge fan base or anything. A third one is coming out this week. So, I guess, if you feel like it, go and see a movie that didn’t get big and support some struggling actors like Robert Downey Jr., Guy Pierce and Gwyneth Paltrow. The movie is about a man who makes a metal robot suit. There’s an evil villain. The guy has to save the world most of the time and stuff. We’re kidding, this thing is outrageous and, of course, very popular. (SM) PG-13

ROOM 237

Directed by Rodney Ascher, Room 237 uses the differing perspectives of five film fans to deconstruct the minor nuances of The Shining. Bill Blakemore, Geoffrey Cocks, Juli Kearns, John Fell Ryan and Jay Weidner are die-hard fans of Kubrick’s work. All are writers (ranging from reporter to novelist), but none are active critics. The specifics in The Shining sparked in each of them an obsessive search for answers to distinctly different questions. We are never shown their faces; instead we see clips from different Kubrick movies. At Magic Lantern (JH) Not Rated

now playing 42

A class act all the way, this sports bio tells the story of Brooklyn Dodgers second baseman Jackie Robinson (Chadwick Boseman), who wore the number 42 and was the first black player to make it into the majors. His achievement was helped along by Dodgers GM Branch Rickey (Harrison Ford), who braved the ire of fans and players alike to get rid of that race line. The film concentrates on Robinson’s life in the mid-to-late 1940s, even though there are tales aplenty of earlier exploits that would also make a great film. The athletic Boseman adds a genial intensity to the role, and Ford gets his meatiest and crustiest part in years. There’s much use of the N word, every bit of it to capture the reality of the situation. (ES) Rated PG-13


Don and Ellie have been divorced for years. But their adopted son’s marriage heralds a basket full of strange and extenuating circumstances that require the divorced couple to fake their marriage after years of separation. Will they be able to pull off this quirky charade to save their son’s wedding? This star-studded movie boasts more famous actors than an Oscar after-party, so you’re basically looking at the talent of Robert De Niro, Susan Sarandon, Diane Keaton, Katherine Heigl, Amanda Seyfried and many more. (SM) Rated R.


Robert Redford (who also directed this film) stars as an Albany, N.Y., attorney

named Jim Grant, recently widowed and raising a young daughter on his own. But when a former, long-fugitive member of the radical 1960s Weather Underground movement, Sharon Solarz (Susan Sarandon), is caught by the FBI, local reporter Ben Shepard (Shia LaBeouf) uncovers a secret: Jim Grant was implicated in the same botched bank robbery for which Solarz was wanted. (SR) Rated R.


We kinda have a feeling that The Croods, DreamWorks’ latest animated flick, which chronicles the adventures of a prehistoric cave-people family, will draw attention from all demographics. The plot is simple: a family (did they really have families then?) is forced to leave the only home they’ve known when it’s destroyed during a big natural disaster — the end of the world, maybe? Their journey to a safer place is basically the first road trip of all time, and as you can guess there are lots of unexpected twists and some semi-forced family bonding moments along the way. (CS) Rated PG

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Like it or not, some production company threw close to $14 million at a remake of Evil Dead. We have the same cabin in the woods. We have the same rowdy bunch of 20-somethings. But this time, the director replaced Bruce Campbell with approximately 3.5 times as much gore and 2.5 times as many rusty knives. The campy, humor-filled cult classic we ...continued on next page

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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 49

film | shorts


now playing

May 3rd - May 9th

NO (118 MIN -R )

Fri-Sun: 1:45, 6:15, Tues-Thurs: 3:00, 7:15

ROOM 237 (102 -NR)

Fri: 5:00, Sat: 1:15, 9:00, Sun: 7:00, Tues-Thurs: 7:30


Fri-Sun: 4:15, Tues-Thurs: 5:15



Fri-Sun: 3:15, Tues-Thurs: 3:45

IRON MAN 3 IN REAL D 3D (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sat.(915 945 1200 1230 200 315 345) 415 515 630 700 830 945 1015 1045 1145 Sun.(915 945 1200 1230 200 315 345) 415 515 630 700 830 945 1015

Sat/Sun: 5:00, Tues-Thurs: 5:30


Sat: 7:00

IRON MAN 3 (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sat.(1015 100 130) 445 730 800 1115 Sun.(1015 100 130) 445 730 800

Fri/Sat: 8:30, Sun: 1:15



25 W Main Ave • 509-209-2383 • All Shows $7

Sat.600 PM

PAIN AND GAIN (R) ★ Fri. - Sat.(1010 110) 405 745 1100 Sun.(1010 110) 405 705 1000 THE BIG WEDDING (R) Fri. - Sun.(1100 145) 410 650 910 OBLIVION (PG-13) Fri. - Sat.(1030 120) 430 720 1030 Sun.(1030 120) 430 720 1010 SCARY MOVIE 5 (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(250) 500 710 920 42 (PG-13) Fri. - Sat.(920 1215 330) 645 1000 Sun.(920 1215 330) 645 940 GI JOE: RETALIATION (PG-13) Fri.(930 1250 355) 640 930 Sat.(930 AM 1250 PM 325 PM) Sun.(930 1250 355) 640 930 THE CROODS (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1000 1240) 620 900 OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1045 AM)

Adv. Tix on Sale THE GREAT GATSBY Adv. Tix on Sale STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS IN REAL D 3D IRON MAN 3 IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sun.(915 930 1015 1230 130 200 230 345) 445 530 700 800 900 945 1015 1115 IRON MAN 3 [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sun.(945 1115 100) 415 630 730 1045 THE BIG WEDDING [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1205 300) 640 915 PAIN AND GAIN [CC,DV] (R) ★ Fri. - Sun.(1200) 400 720 1020 OBLIVION [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1145 330) 645 950 42 [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1130 350) 710 1025 THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES [CC] (R) Fri. - Sun.(340 PM) 1005 PM OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1210 PM) 715 PM THE CROODS [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1215 300) 635 910 OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1120 220) 650 955

Intended Publication Date(s): Friday, May 03, 2013. Saturday, May 04, 2013. Sunday, May 05, 2013. Published WA, Inlander [I_Directory_Update to Publish or Proof] 1.7" X 11" Produced: 3:16 PM ET, 4/30/2013 043013031601 Regal 865-925-9554




WE ASK. rivercityred.

Adv. Tix on Sale THE GREAT GATSBY Adv. Tix on Sale STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS IN REAL D 3D Big Screen: IRON MAN 3 IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sun.(915 1230 345) 700 1015 IRON MAN 3 IN REAL D 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sun.(1015 1030 1130 130 145 245) 445 515 600 800 830 915 Big Screen: JURASSIC PARK IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sun.(900 AM) Big Screen: IRON MAN 3 [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sun.(1200 315) 630 945 IRON MAN 3 [CC,DV] (PG-13) ★ Fri. - Sun.(945 100) 415 730 PAIN AND GAIN [CC,DV] (R) ★ Fri. - Sun.(935 1240) 400 710 1020 OBLIVION [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(910 1215 330) 645 1000 42 [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(955 250) 640 950 THE BIG WEDDING [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1135) 505 735 1005 SCARY MOVIE 5 [CC] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1240 300) 705 925 GI JOE: RETALIATION [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(950 1250 340) 650 935 THE CROODS [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(930 1205 235) 500 730 OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(930 255) 635 940 THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES [CC] (R) Fri. - Sun.(920 AM) Times For 05/03 - 05/05

50 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

Fri. - Sun.(925 AM)

all knew and loved has been transmogrified into something more serious and sinister. (Definitely don’t bring the kids to this one.) But fans seem to like it still, and if you can satisfy an Evil Dead junkie, I guess you’ve done something right. (SM) Rated R


There’s something about Japanese animated films that captivates American audiences. We loved Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke and My Neighbor Totoro for the thought-provoking themes, stunning animation and gripping plots. Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli and Goro Miyazaki have created yet another tale that discusses the dichotomy of change and tradition in Japanese culture. Now, see this newest addition to the Hayao ranks at a special showing at the Magic Lantern opening on April 19. (SM) Rated PG


The last G.I. Joe movie meant different things to different people. For some, it was a revitalization of childhood heroes. For others, it was a two-hour-long Channing Tatum fest. Now, the G.I. Joes are it again. They have to fight the Cobra. They have to save their paychecks from a President who has attempted to disband them. They have to fly through the air. They have to impart subliminal messages of patriotism and a pro-military agenda. But this time, we have Dwayne Johnson, aka the Rock, and Bruce Willis, the Die Hard, to make the movie that much cooler. (SM) Rated PG-13


You know this one. The island out in the middle of the ocean that — spoiler alert — is home to a whole bunch of dinosaurs thanks to the ingenuity of an eccentric billionaire and a mosquito trapped in amber. Twenty years after its blockbusting release, Jurassic Park has received an anniversary 3D treatment, bringing those big, gnarly beasts right up into your face. It might feel like a gimmick to see Spielberg’s film rolled back into theaters after so many years, but the 3D reminds us why the film was so impactful upon its initial arrival. (MB) Rated PG-13.


Two teenagers stumble across a ruggedly handsome fugitive (Matthew McConaughey) hiding in the Deep South from bounty hunters and the law. The boys decide to take matters into their own hands, making a pact to keep the dashing criminal hidden from hungry killers and help reunite him with his long lost love. It’s nice to see McConaughey continue his habit of appearing in movies that aren’t, by and large, romantic comedies. Let’s hope he keeps it up. (SM) Rated PG-13


Jack (Tom Cruise) is a dude trying not to get captured by the alien Scavengers still scurrying around on planet Earth, still hanging out even though they lost the war with humans. (You’d think they’d take a hint and go home, but no.) The Scavs are intent on causing trouble, and it’s Jack’s job, as a sort of roving Maytag repairman, to keep in the air the fleet of drone weapons that are protecting,

from Scav attack, the ginormous fusionreactor thingies that are turning Earth’s oceans into a power source for Titan, a moon of Saturn, to which the human survivors of the war have decamped, what with Earth reduced to a radioactive wasteland and all. (MJ) Rated PG-13


Olympus Has Fallen — about an assault by North Korean terrorists on the White House — had me muttering to myself: “Why couldn’t this have been the latest Die Hard movie?” Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) is a Secret Service agent shipped from a presidential protection detail to a desk job after tragically failing to save the life of the First Lady. Eighteen months later, as tensions escalate in the DMZ, those nasty North Koreans — led by the ruthless Kang (Rick Yune) — storm 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, ultimately taking the president (Aaron Eckhart) hostage. Can Banning save the day? (SR) Rated R


Despite being a CGI-heavy affair, Sam Raimi’s Oz feels incredibly alive. Fueled by the same gleeful energy that drove Raimi’s earliest work, it not only serves as a worthy tribute to the wonderland conceived by L. Frank Baum but also a celebration of moviemaking itself. This prequel to the 1939 classic fittingly opens with a circus sideshow circa 1905 where the ramshackle wooden structures instantly recall Evil Dead’s shoddy sets. This black-and-white chapter introduces Oscar “Oz” Diggs (James Franco), a lowrung magician/first-rate Lothario, who ends up in a tornado that lands him in a familiar Technicolor landscape. (CW) Rated PG.


The true story of a trio of bodybuilders in mid-’90s Miami who grab for the American Dream via the inept kidnapping of a wealthy gym client sits at the center of this sometimes wildly funny, often darkly gruesome Michael Bay film. Yup, the guy who brought us the Transformers movies still knows how to tell a great story, as he did in Bad Boys and The Rock. Speaking of the Rock, Dwayne Johnson gives the performance of his career here, as an ex-con who sees the light, then falters. There’s great ensemble work between

him, Mark Wahlberg and Anthony Mackie, some comic nastiness from Tony Shalhoub as their victim, and an air of calm from Ed Harris as a private detective. Lots of fun, but definitely not for the squeamish. (ES) Rated R


A circus performer/motorcycle badass/ thief/new father (Ryan Gosling) turns to robbing banks to support his brand new baby son and chip-off-her-shoulder lover. A rookie, idealist cop (Bradley Cooper), complete with hopes and dreams, tries to stop the robberies in an attempt to move up the ranks in a corrupt police department. Who is right? Who is wrong? Does the love for your family, or rather, the love of the law win out in the end? Watch the 15-year-long journey of two people as their stories entangle, altering their lives in heavy ways. (SM) Rated R


Centered around four musically inclined retirees and starring everybody’s favorite Downton Abbey actress Maggie Smith, this movie melds together our love for music and old people. The drama that ensues at this retirement center threatens the success of the annual gala concert, leaving the audience with one question: will the show go on? (KS) Rated PG-13


The newest collaboration between director Steven Soderbergh and writer Scott Z. Burns (Contagion, The Informant!) is their best. It’s a twisty-turny mysterythriller about money, sex, (prescription) drugs, sleepwalking, and lots more. Great writing and direction, every actor is spoton. At Magic Lantern (ES) Rated R


David is a typical slacker who, already in his mid 40s, learns that his girlfriend is pregnant and he’s going to be a father. The only problem is that he then discovers that his serial sperm donations in his younger days resulted in the birth of 142 people, some of whom are now filing a class-action lawsuit against him. This French film has gotten major attention overseas and now’s your chance to see how a non-Apatow comedy looks. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R. n





Room 237


Jurassic Park 3-D


Pain & Gain




The Company You Keep




Oz The Great...







MAY 6, 7 & 8

The Overlook’s Maze Room 237 smashes The Shining into a million pieces, then puts it back together By Joseph Haeger


othing in a Kubrick film is arbitrary, according to one of the five narrators in Room 237. This documentary dissects Stanley Kubrick’s classic 1980 horror film The Shining, exploring symbolism stacked upon symbolism. The narrators’ different interpretations will spark a curiosity that will send you to the Internet for days. Directed by Rodney Ascher, Room 237 uses the differing perspectives of five film fans to deconstruct the minor nuances of The Shining. Bill Blakemore, Geoffrey Cocks, Juli Kearns, John Fell Ryan and Jay Weidner are die-hard fans of Kubrick’s work. All are writers (ranging from reporter to novelist), but none are active critics. The specifics in The Shining sparked in each of them an obsessive search for answers to distinctly different questions. We are never shown their faces; instead we see clips from different Kubrick movies. This is effective when the visuals are used as aids to help understand complex theories, but the technique can be distracting when used to convey the narrators’ emotions. An interesting and recurring aspect of The Shining is the maze theme. There is the hedge labyrinth, trapping Jack and Danny during the climax of the film, but there is also the Overlook Hotel itself. Kearns mapped the set and points

out some telling inconsistencies. During The Shining’s interview scene, Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) stares into the natural sunlight coming through a window, but Kearns’ map shows that there is nothing but hallway behind the office, making the window’s existence impossible. Kearns suggests this wasn’t an error on Kubrick’s part, but rather an intentional clue to the larger puzzle he laid out in the movie’s undercurrents. As each narrator ROOM 237 lets their theories run Not Rated in different directions, Directed by Rodney Ascher they share a common theme. The Shining may be viewed as a window into our sordid past — perhaps Hitler’s attempt to wipe away an entire race, the genocide of the Native Americans, or a faked moon landing. It is a history we would rather forget. Regardless of where your opinions fall by the end of the documentary, Room 237 shows its audience that Kubrick intentionally layered subconscious meaning into The Shining. Ascher doesn’t try to persuade the audience toward any one of the theories, but rather observes the narrators and their opinions. Whether or not you’re a fan of subtextual film criticism, Room 237 will show you how deep the art of cinema can go. n



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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 51

52 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

Dirty Words

Tyler, the Creator scares the hell out of people — and maybe that’s a good thing By Leah Sottile


wonder if Tipper Gore has heard Tyler, the Creator. Once upon a time, the Second Lady of the United States was the great arbiter of explicit lyrics in music, attempting to slap earmuffs over the ears of American youth with the strategic placement of Parental Advisory stickers on albums with nasty content. If you wanted to purchase such filth, you had to prove your age — no different than buying things that can kill you: cigarettes, booze, rental cars. But now record stores hardly matter. Anyone can

buy a record on iTunes, stream it on Spotify or poach it off the Internet for free. The days when 2 Live Crew and Metallica shocked us and when censors wondered if Black Sabbath were a bunch of Satanists are long gone. But if this were 1990, simply listening to one minute of Tyler, the Creator’s latest record, Wolf, would be enough to reduce a puritan like Tipper Gore into a pile of free-speech-hating ash. I’d even be so bold as to say that the 22-year-old rapper is one of the most offensive musicians to ever walk the planet. There aren’t Parental

Tyler, the Creator

mark ryden illustration

Advisory stickers big enough for Tyler. For more than an hour earlier this week, I sat at my cubicled desk and actually tested this theory. Using the glorious F-word as a litmus test — since it’s one of the only words The Inlander won’t print — I sat and tallied each time Tyler or one of his rapping cohorts said f---. It was hard to keep up with: 10 tracks in, he’d said it around 125 times. But by the end of the 18-track record, f--- and all of its variations (f---ed, f---er, motherf---er) was uttered, sung, rapped and groaned right around 194 times (there were a few instances when the word was whispered, I think, that I missed). So lets just call it a round 200. That’s about 11 times per track — and keep in mind, some of these tracks are only about 3 minutes long. As someone with notoriously filthy language, even I can’t imagine how you could cram so much f--- into one tiny space. And among all of the f---s on Wolf are a lot of words far more offensive words — words commonly used by racists, homophobes and generally hateful people. ...continued on next page

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 53

MISQUOTING discrepancies in Christian scripture





EWU and the Daniel and Margaret Carper Foundation are pleased to welcome Bart D. Ehrman to Spokane for an evening of insightful and intriguing conversation. Bart D. Ehrman is the author of more than 20 books, including four New York Times bestsellers: Misquoting Jesus, God’s Problem, Jesus Interrupted and Forged. Ehrman is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

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54 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

MUSIC | hip-hop “dirty words,” continued... But that’s not Tyler. An LA Weekly article last month says the rapper recently sent cupcakes to a domestic violence group that criticized him for his lyrics. He was banned from a New Zealand music festival because of his “extremely homophobic, misogynistic and hateful lyrics.” All the while, Tyler laughs the haters off — hell, two members of his rap crew, Odd Future, are LGBT. As the LA Weekly piece points out, that’s “two more than any rap crew ever.” But after really listening to the big-cheeked, lanky-framed, dopey-looking, often-annoying Tyler, it’s easy to tell that the young rapper isn’t a racist. He doesn’t hate gay people. He’s not ignorant — in fact, he’s the opposite. Tyler, the Creator is a kid who loves shock value as much as any other boy reared on pop culture in America. Those profanitypacked songs are often about being a stupid kid with nothing to do: flying kites and riding bikes and eating ice cream and picking boogers. Sometimes he makes pissed-off tracks about hating his dad — the guy who up and left him and his mom, whose ethnicity makes it tough for Tyler to grow a beard today as a young man. His music videos are snapshots from American suburbs: skateboarding tricks, girl fights, humping inanimate objects, puking and hanging out car windows. It’s not hard to see that Tyler, the Creator is not only a master of tongue-in-cheek humor, but an insufferable realist. He creates hip-hop that points out how ridiculous and squeamish and politically correct we’ve all become. He uses bad words — a lot of bad words. But that’s life. People say horrible things. They’re just words. And kids are going to hear them, no matter how hard you try to cover their ears. n Tyler, the Creator with Earl Sweatshirt • Wed, May 8, at 9 pm • Knitting Factory • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • $20 • All-ages • • 244-3279

MUSIC | pop

Beer Cocktails Music Food 120 E. Sprague Ave.

Hanging On

Slingshot Dakota

Slingshot Dakota can’t stop making music — no matter what the universe does to them By Jordan Satterfield


here is an unnamed force out there that seems as though it desperately wants Slingshot Dakota to stop making music. According to keyboardist and vocalist Carly Comando, that force moved the band’s members apart, tanked a car, destroyed some of their equipment, and even took a few friends from them forever. “It really made us feel like not doing anything,” says the songwriter. But somehow that wasn’t enough to stop the Bethlehem, Pa., indie-pop two-piece. Comando and drummer Tom Patterson spent a long, difficult five years between records only practicing on the weekends for two hours at a time. “Life got in the way,” she says. Slingshot Dakota became a keyboard-and-drums duo in 2006 after lineup changes saw the departure of two founding members. It forced Comando to get creative with what little she had and pushed the new stripped-down lineup into overdrive. Their newest record, Dark Hearts, came out just last year. Deeper than its predecessor, it moves in a more confident way and has a clarity that lends much to the group’s simple but effective lineup. The album crashes and hums with immediacy and stunningly captures a raw live energy — especially considering it was a much

longer, more laborious recording process. “When we first became a two-piece,” Comando admits, “we wanted to prove to everyone we could do it, so we kind of rushed the recording process a bit.” “We had all of these crazy, traumatic experiences,” she says. “[They] inspired us to write the new album.” Even terrible losses couldn’t kill Slingshot Dakota’s immeasurable energy. You can hear it on record, but even more in a live setting. Given a room to fill, Comando and Patterson can buzz and clang until it hurts — and usually with smiles on their faces. “We sit on a bus constantly, so when we get to play our instruments it’s the happiest we are the whole day,” Comando says, and it shows. Slingshot Dakota is a band devoted to having a good time with its audience. “I really hope everyone brings a Nintendo DS because Tom and I will have ours. It will be like a big party.” n

Expires: May 31, 2013

Slingshot Dakota with Duck Little Brother Duck, the Whoopass Girls, Died Laughing and Bad Hex • Mon, May 6, at 6 pm • Boots Bakery & Lounge • 24 W. Main Ave. • $5 • All-ages • 703-7223

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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 55

music | sound advice



appers get all the credit. Not that they don’t deserve it — don’t get me wrong, there’s something truly notable about master tongue-twisters. Like rock singers, words are what people relate to first and foremost in music. But this show, set for First Friday this week, clears the stage for beat-masters. Featuring the breezy, haunting work of Oakland artist B.Durazzo and local beat-witch Sales Wagon, this show will put the powerful, complicated art of the beat at the front of the stage. For once. — LEAH SOTTILE B.Durazzo with Citizen & JB Nimble, Sales Wagon, Rhaabai Root, Nobe • Fri, May 3, at 9 pm • Mootsy’s • 406 W. Sprague Ave. • $5 • 21+ • 838-1570

J = the inlander RECOMMENDs this show J = All Ages Show

Thursday, 5/2

J Bing Crosby Theater, Belt of Vapor and Dead Serious Lovers Double Album Release Show (see story at Blue Spark, Quarter Monkey J Carr’s Corner, Pat McHenry, The Perennials Cellar, Kosh Daley’s Cheap Shots, The Usual Suspects Forty-One South (208-265-2000), Truck Mills J THE Hop!, Loss Monstarz, Whurlwind Entertainment John’s Alley, Yogoman Burning Band J Knitting Factory, Texas Hippie Coalition, Vial 8, Malicious Mischief J Laguna Café, Just Plain Darin LeftBank Wine Bar (315-8623), Nick Grow J Luxe Coffeehouse, Dirk Lind Marquee, MCSQUARED Moon Time, Melefluent Zola, Cruxie

Friday, 5/3

315 RESTAURANT, Robbie French Beverly’s (208-765-4000), Robert Vaughn Bigfoot, Inner Sanctum Bolo’s (891-8995), Bruiser Boomers (368-9847), Frydazend Brick Wall Gallery (928-7721), Blue Ribbon Tea Co. Brooklyn Deli & Lounge, Starlite Motel Buckhorn Inn (244-3991), NativeSun Carr’s Corner, Act of Fate, Vultra Cellar, Brad Perry, Pat Coast Band J The Center, CyHi The Prynce, Neema, Wildcard, D. Worthy, Outrageous, Unique, King Skellee, Lou Checkerboard Bar, Thief of Hearts

56 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013



f you’re a fan of indie folk, then I don’t need to tell you about the power and splendor of Seattle’s Ivan & Alyosha. For starters, the act started as a two-piece band — but the guys’ names weren’t Ivan or Alyosha, silly (clearly, you haven’t been reading your Dostoyevsky). Over the past few years, the band has reached something of a regional indie darling status, even winning the affection of NPR. The band makes echoing, straightforward ballads — but they’re the kind of songs you could picture singing along to around a campfire, or driving to in the rain. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch the band in a tiny bar with about 49 of your closest friends. — LEAH SOTTILE Ivan & Alyosha with Jay Nash and Cursive Wires • Sun, May 5, at 8:30 pm • Carr’s Corner • 230 S. Washington St. • $8; $10 day of show • 21+ • • 474-1731

Clover (487-2937), Paul Grove CDA Casino, Ron Greene, County Line Coldwater Creek Wine Bar (208263-6971), Ninjazz Country Club (208-676-2582), Torino Drive Daley’s Cheap Shots, Jesse Weston Blues Trio Fizzie Mulligans, Sucker Punch Grande Ronde Cellars (4558161), Joanne Rand J the Hop!, Cordell Drake, Mista Snipe, Blueberry Gordy, Krown Royal, Firing Squad, The Fre$hman, Grade A.Y.E., Herk Kobane, Rod Mac & Dime City, True Justice, B Mune, Lou, Heather Gin, Reign Pro, Shadow Loc, Houligan, Krown Boy Huckleberry’s (624-1349), Kent Iron Horse, Scorpius John’s Alley, Vial 8 J Knitting Factory, Blackberry Smoke

J Laguna Café, String Theory LeftBank Wine Bar (315-8623), Nick Grow Mezzo Pazzo Wine Bar, Ron Criscione Michael’s OP (447-3355), The Cronkites J Mootsy’s, Citizen & JB Nimble, B.Durazzo (see story above), Sales Wagon, Rhaabi Root, Nobe Peacock Room (455-8888), The Bucket List Pend d’Oreille Winery (208-2658545), Jake Robin Red Lion River Inn (328-9526), Chris Rieser and The Nerve Rock Bar (443-3796), Triple Shot Soulful Soups & Spirits, Stephanie Hatzinikolis Splash (208-765-4000), Karma’s Circle Spokane Elks Lodge (928-8166), Chris Ellenberger Twelve String Brewing Co. (990-

8622), Pamela Benton Ugly Bettie’s, Real Life Rockaz CD Release Show, Organic Beats Drum Collective, Robbi-Root J University of Idaho, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Viking Bar & Grill (315-4547), Stepbrothers

Saturday, 5/4

315 RESTAURANT, Darin Schaffer Beverly’s (208-765-4000), Robert Vaughn Bigfoot, Inner Sanctum Bolo’s (891-8995), Bruiser Boomers (368-9847), Frydazend Buckhorn Inn (244-3991), NativeSun Cellar, Pat Coast Band J THE Center, Fire Relief Benefit Show feat. Framework, Thirty Three, Onefall, Cypher, Boneye, Steven Jaimz Chaps (624-4182), Just Plain Darin Checkerboard Bar, Parker and

Kollar, Seven Crowns Clover (487-2937), Dan Mills CDA Casino, Ron Greene, County Line CDA Cellars (208-664-2336), Eric Neuhausser Coldwater Creek Wine Bar (208263-6971), Truck Mills Country Club (208-676-2582), Torino Drive Daley’s Cheap Shots, Jesse Weston Blues Trio East City Park, Moscow Renaissance Fair feat. Delta G, The Thalweg and more Fizzie Mulligans, Sucker Punch J the Hop!, Versatile, BMO Infamous Click, Premium & Lethal of TLG, B.Viscious, White Boy Will, Robb Dogg, Nutthouze Prodigies, Ninja Smurf Huckleberry’s (624-1349), Unplugged Iron Horse, Scorpius John’s Alley, Polecat

Jones Radiator, Working Spliffs Kelly’s Irish Pub (208-667-1717), Jan Clizer and the Caledonia Strings LeftBank Wine Bar (315-8623), Evan Michael J Luxe Coffeehouse, Bradford Marquee, Likes Girls, MCSQUARED Michael’s OP (447-3355), The Cronkites Nuart Theater (208-882-0459), Marshall McLean, Bart Budwig, Saticoy Red Lion River Inn (328-9526), Chris Rieser and The Nerve Saddle Inn (624-1228), Bobby Bremer Band Shop, Maxie Ray Mills Sidebar and Grill (290-5100), Matt Blair Spokane Elks Lodge (928-8166), Rat Pack Night feat. Chris Ellenberger Two Seven Public House (4739766), The Longnecks Viking Bar & Grill (315-4547), Bakin’ Phat

get listed!

Get your event listed in the paper and online by emailing getlisted@inlander. com. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

Sunday, 5/5

Blue Spark, Cinco de Mayo with MJ the Inhuman Beatbox, Flying Spiders, DJ Darkside Som J Carr’s Corner, Ivan & Alyosha (see story on facing page), Jay Nash, Cursive Wires J Casa de Oro (489-3630), Milonga Cellar, Steve Ridler East City Park, Moscow Renaissance Fair feat. Carper & Peterson, Dan Maher and more J Geno’s (487-9541), Eddie Haskell Jazz Trio Zola, The Bucket List

Monday, 5/6

J Boots Bakery & Lounge, Slingshot Dakota (see story on page 55), Duck Little Brother Duck, The Woopass Girls, Died Laughing, Bad Hex

music | venues

Carr’s Corner, Deaed Language Eichardt’s, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills John’s Alley, Down North Red Room Lounge, Bakin Phat

Tuesday, 5/7

Cellar, TC Tye Checkerboard Bar, Tommy G and The Nug Jug Band J the Hop!, Abriel, Dank Submission John’s Alley, Down North Kelly’s Irish Pub (208-667-1717), Powell Brothers J Knitting Factory, Pentatonix J Luxe Coffeehouse, Trickster Fox Moscow Food Co-op (208-8828537), Brian Gill Rico’s (332-6566), The Underground Blues Band

Wednesday, 5/8

Blue Spark, Writers Cup Finals with DJ Darkside Som Cellar, Truck Mills CDA Casino, Strictly Business CDA Library (208-769-2315), Hank and Claire Eichardt’s, Charley Packard Fedora Pub, Kosh J THE Hop!, Elektro Grave John’s Alley, El Dub J Knitting Factory, Tyler, The Creator (see story on page 53), Earl Sweatshirt Mezzo Pazzo Wine Bar, Michael Robinson Red Room Lounge, Jackie Chain, IMperfect Cody, Lo-Seven, Soundcast J Revel77 (280-0518), Chelsey Heidenreich Ripples (326-5577), Dru Heller Trio Roadhouse, Steve Starkey Sundown Saloon (208-765-6585), Sam Platts and the Kootenai Three





Coming Up…

Kenworthy, Blitzen Trapper, Sera Cahoone on May 9 Knitting Factory, MGMT on May 14 Red Room Lounge, Mobb Deep on May 15 Bing Crosby Theater, Pokey LaFarge on May 18 DOWNTOWN SPOKANE, Volume: The Inlander’s Music Festival on May 31 and June 1

Now Serving Sunday brunch 9am - noon Patio Now Open

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225 E. 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 21 West Main Ave 509-473-9455

2727 South Mt. Vernon #5 , Spokane, WA• | (509) 473-9766

Check out specials and full menus at:

315 RestauRant • 315 E. Wallace Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-9660 AVENUE PIZZARIA • 2001 W. Pacific Ave. • 624-0236 baby baR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 the belltoWeR • 125 SE Spring St., Pullman • 509-334-4195 binG CRosby theateR • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 biGfoot Pub • 9115 N. Division • 467-9638 blue sPaRK • 15 S. Howard St. • 838-5787 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 CaRR’s CoRneR • 230 S. Washington • 474-1731 the CellaR • 317 E. Sherman, Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-9463 the CenteR • 6425 N. Lidgerwood St. • 742-7879 the CheCKeRboaRd baR • 1716 E. Sprague Ave • 535-4007 CoeuR d’alene Casino • 37914 South Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2467 daley’s CheaP shots • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 eiChaRdt’s • 212 Cedar St. Sandpoint • 208-263-4005 fedoRa Pub • 1726 W. Kathleen, Coeur d’Alene • 208-765-8888 fiZZie MulliGan’s • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 fox theateR • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 Gibliano bRotheRs • 718 W. Riverside Ave. • 315-8765 the hoP! • 706 N. Monroe St. • 368-4077 iRon hoRse • 407 Sherman, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-7314 John’s alley • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208883-7662 Jones RadiatoR • 120 E. Sprague Ave. • 747-6005 KnittinG faCtoRy • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 laGuna CafÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 4480887 LUXE COFFEEHOUSE • 1017 W. First Ave. • 642-5514 MaRquee • 522 W. Riverside Ave • 838-3332 MeZZo PaZZo Wine baR • 2718 E. 57th Ave. • 863-9313 Moon tiMe • 1602 Sherman, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-2331 Mootsy’s • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 noRtheRn quest Casino • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • 242-7000 nyne • 232 W. Sprague • 474-1621 o’shay’s • 313 Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-4666 THE PHAT HOUSE • 417 S. Browne St. • 443-4103 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W, Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 Roadhouse CountRy RoCK baR • 20 N. Raymond Rd., Spokane Valley • 413-1894 seRGio’s • 825 W. Riverside Ave. • 7472085 the shoP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 soulful souPs & sPiRits • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 the sWaMP • 1904 W 5th Ave • 458-2337 Zola • 22 W. Main • 624-2416

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 57

stephen schlANGE PHOTO


Despite all the wonders of social media, staying in touch with friends we’ve met during different stages of life sometimes seems even harder than before the advent of nonstop, online social interaction. After seeing the Civic’s latest production, The Dixie Swim Club, audience members might rethink how they stay in touch with old friends. The latest studio theater performance focuses on five women who became best friends while on their college swim team, and who’ve continued to meet for a weekend every year at a beach cottage on the North Carolina shore. Snapshots of these annual vacations transport the audience through these women’s lives, and the challenges each faces. By the end of the show, you might just want to give your old BFF an actual phone call — not a text. — CHEY SCOTT The Dixie Swim Club • Fri, May 3-June 2 • Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm • $21 • Spokane Civic Theatre • 1020 N. Howard St. • • 325-2507

58 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013



Coeur d’Alene Symphony 2013 Season Finale • Fri, May 3 at 7:30 pm; Sat, May 4 at 2 pm • Kroc Center • 1765 W. Golf Course Rd., Coeur d’Alene • $8-$20 • 208-765-3833 •

Cinco de Mayo • May 5 • Everywhere • Call 455-3333 for a cab ride home

The Coeur d’Alene Symphony closes its 2012-13 concert season this weekend, and for this grand event, they’ve commissioned talented local musician Brent Edstrom to write Jazz Concerto No. 2 (the first Edstrom jazz concerto was been played by the group three years ago). In addition to this world premiere, the CdA Symphony will also play a romantic classic that has mesmerized audiences for more than 200 years — Beethoven’s Third Symphony. — KARA STERMER

Cinco de Mayo. Not all Americans really know what this holiday is about, but to us it’s another excuse to stuff our faces with tacos and drink Dos Equis until someone grabs a sombrero and challenges the bar to a tequila shoot-off. What does Cinco de Mayo actually commemorate? Well, in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo honors a long-fought, victorious battle against French forces. Take special note, class — the holiday does not celebrate Mexico’s independence (which is actually in September). For a more authentic celebration, head to De Leon Foods on Francis Avenue for an all-day party. — SARAH MUNDS

get listed!

Email to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.





Spokane’s monthly celebration of all things creative and cultural takes place all year long, but something about the advent of spring and knowing that summer is coming is enough to get even the most home-bodied among us out and about for First Friday. You’ll enjoy more than just the new local art on the walls at local businesses, galleries and restaurants: the trees are bursting with fragrant pink and white blossoms, the grass is lush and green again in the parks and patios are opening up at restaurants across the city. Pick a favorite city neighborhood or district, or check the listings to find out where your favorite local artists’ work is hanging this month. We’ve even put together a handy map of First Friday at to help you plan your evening. — CHEY SCOTT



First Friday • Fri, May 3 from 5-7 pm • Locations throughout downtown Spokane and beyond • Friday or page 38 of this issue

The Makers CaMpfire Ok WiTCh MOunTain haunTed hOrses The LOnesOMe BiLLies The hOOT hOOTs GreaT faLLs sTiCkers siCk kids XOXO pOny TiMe eTernaL suMMers eMMa hiLL dJ/druMs nude pOp TerriBLe BuTTOns BruXa shahs kinG eLephanT BBBBandiTs CaThedraL pearLs The CaMarOs Jaeda + haLf ZOdiaC psyChiC riTes BLVCk CeiLinG LiLaC LinGuisTiCs

hOOVes 66BeaT spaCe MOVies MyTh ship ian L. MiLes LOsinG skin BeLT Of VapOr MarshaLL MCLean Band freeTiMe synTheTiC WOLVes in The WOOds faus a GOd Or an OTher skin fLOWers Odyssey nOrMaL BaBies fOLkinCepTiOn The finns diaMOnd speedBOaT suMMer in siBeria hey! is fOr hOrses BandiT Train p.WreCks Bias My pinky has a naMe enCinO Band

BrOThers OV MidniTe TeaM GrOWL ZinGaia duCk duCk suCkerpunCh The LiOn Oh My COnCreTe Grip BLaCkWaTer prOpheT phiL in The BLank iMperfeCT COdy BuLLeTs Or BaLLOOns GarLands JaCOB JOnes riCe Queen JOhn k. TyLer aker The sTaTiC TOnes The sTranGers LOCke JaVier ryan CaMi BradLey CaThOLiC GuiLT sTranGe Mana The hOLy BrOke Cedar & BOyer


Once a year, the horns of nerdery sound and geeks run from the hills to convene at their local comic-book shop for none other than Free Comic Book Day. It’s a day that explains exactly what happens: comic shops give away 99511 some free comics (check out the Free Comic Book Day site to see what’s up for grabs this year). But Merlyn’s, downtown Spokane’s longtime haven of 98342 02851 geekery, makes a weekend out of the event. Artists will do sketches. Darth Vader and Stormtroopers will be on hand for photos. There’s a costume contest, and a Magic: the Gathering tournament. And there will be ice cream. Geeksplosion. — LEAH SOTTILE 7






Free Comic Book Day • Sat, May 4, and Sun, May 5, from 10 am-9 pm • Merlyn’s • 19 W. Main Ave. • • 624-0957

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 59


Advice Goddess In Sickness And In Stealth

This woman and I were involved 13 years ago, before I met my wife, but she was married then. She got divorced and moved away. We reconnected recently on Facebook, and I discovered she’s now only 20 miles away. I told her I’m happily married and I’ve never cheated on my wife, but I would risk everything for her and want to meet her for an intimate encounter. (She and I had great sex, far better than I have with my wife.) She said she still has amy alkon feelings for me but is happily married and couldn’t cheat on her husband because she would feel “too guilty.” She says he is her “rock” and has done so much for her, including taking her and her three kids in during the ordeal of her divorce. I’m perplexed. She cheated on her first husband with me, and we had lots of fun. I thought the leopard couldn’t change its spots. How could it be okay for —Spurned her to cheat then and not now?

It’s so annoying when a woman lets a little thing like a lifelong commitment get in the way of providing you with an hour and a half of better-quality sex. No, a leopard does not wake up in the morning and think, “Maybe I’ll do paisley today.” Humans, on the other hand, have an irritating tendency to fail to conform to pat aphorisms. For example, this woman, who, in the past, has provided you with some seriously excellent adulterous sex, now refuses to run off to Goodwill to get back her leopard-print blouse with the scarlet A on it. Amazingly, she feels it would be wrong to reward a guy who’s “done so much” for her by doing you whenever you can both sneak out for a nooner. As for why she cheated in the past, maybe she was young and narcissistic and thought being unhappily married was enough of an excuse to be happily adulterous. She’s since picked herself up a set of ethics — maybe after seeing the ravages that conscience-free living can cause on husbands and children. And tempted as she may be, she seems to realize that the best way to avoid going around feeling all queasy with guilt is to avoid sexual multitasking: trying to gaze in one man’s eyes like you love him while trying to remember what time you were supposed to meet the other man at the motel. Economist Robert H. Frank explains in “Passions Within Reason” that moral behavior seems to be driven by the emotions. Guilt, clearly, has worked for your former cheatums, and Frank sees love as a “commitment device” that bonds people beyond what would be in their sheer self-interest (like running off to the first opportunity for better sex that moves back to town). In other words, if you focus on what you’re grateful for about your wife and engage in little loving touches and gestures, you can reinforce what you have — which seems fairer than rewarding her for making you happy by giving her believable excuses for your disappearances. Remember, they’re called marriage vows, not marriage suggestions — as in, you don’t get to live according to “Till the prospect of really great sex do us part, but only for an afternoon, and I wouldn’t even think of it if she weren’t double-jointed.”

Belittle Miss Sunshine

I met a girl online, and we exchanged some email and planned to meet for happy hour. About three hours before, she texted me, “Sorry, have 2 cancel.” That was the last I ever heard from her. I’m not bothered by being texted (since we didn’t have a relationship), but at what point do you owe somebody more than the briefest pos—Prematurely Dumped sible blow-off? Sometimes the technology at hand demands that a person send an abbreviated message — like when their chisel breaks just as they’re etching the last letter of “cancel” into the stone tablet. Sometimes, the brevity is the message. For example, in the briefest way, this woman told you everything you need to know about her: “I’m not about to type out eight words of explanation just to preserve some stranger’s dignity.” In Internet dating, because you’re meeting face to online dating profile, the coldly calculating find it easier to treat you like you’re just a bunch of digital information that has the possibility of becoming a boyfriend. Being kind and polite takes very little — just some excuse that suggests you matter enough as a human to put some effort into blowing you off. So, this woman didn’t need to give you the real reason, just some reason — “realizing i’m not over my x so sorry” — instead of simply unsubscribing to you and your offer of a date like you were unwanted email from Lyndon LaRouche or the Pantyliner Of The Month Club. n ©2013, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (

60 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

events | calendar


Fundraiser for Hope Event organized by Gonzaga students to benefit Hope for Zambezi, a campaign to help those in Zambezi, Zambia, who are HIV/AIDS positive and lack proper nutrition. May 2 from 6-7:30 pm. The Community Building, 25 W. Main Ave. (503-545-2562) Bad Science Friday “Perpetual Motion Machines”-themed activities on machines that supposedly generate more power than they use. May 3 from 10 am-6 pm. $7-$10. Mobius Science Center, 811 W. Main Ave. (443-5669) Just Between Friends Children’s and maternity consignment event offering clothing, toys, shoes, strollers and more. May 3 from 9 am-8 pm, May 4 from 9 am-4 pm, May 5 from 8 am-1 pm. $4/Fri and Sat, Free/Sun. Spokane Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. (536-2840) Project Hope “Project Hope: Stop the Bullying” awareness project featuring skits performed by students in the Ferris Theatre Arts Dept., benefiting local nonprofit S.M.I.L.E.S., started by the parents of a former Ferris student who committed suicide in response to bullying. May 3 at 7 pm. $5. Ferris High School, 3020 E. 37th Ave. (354-6076) Used Book Sale Hosted by the Friends of the Spokane Valley Library as a fundraiser for the library, featuring gently used books, CDs, DVDs and more. Preview May 3 from 3-5 pm. $10. Sale on May 4 from 9 am-3 pm, free admission. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. (893-8400) Orphaned Cars for Orphaned Animals 7th annual car show fundraiser hosted by and benefiting the Spokane Humane Society. May 4 from 10 am-2 pm. $15 entrance fee; open to all years, makes and models. Spokane Humane Society, 6607 N. Havana St. (467-5235) Free Comic Book Day Participants can choose two free comic books from a selection, and participate in other events including a photo event, costume contest and more. May 4-5. Free. Merlyn’s, 19 W. Main Ave. (324-0957) Bloomsday 37th annual, 7.46-mile road race through Spokane, with proceeds benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of Spokane and the Martin Luther King Jr. Family Outreach Center, on May 5. $17-$35. Starts in downtown Spokane. (838-1579) Social Swing Dance Take a onehour lesson on West Coast Swing before a three-hour social dance. May 5, lesson at 6 pm, dance from 7-10 pm. $5-$8. German-American Society Hall, 25 W. Third Ave. (954-2158) Spokane YFC Dessert Banquet “Curing Hopelessness” spring fundraiser banquet hosted by Spokane Youth for Christ. May 6 at 7 pm. Free. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. (327-7721)


Geology Field Trip “Anatomy of Cheney-Palouse Scabland Tract” lecture on May 3 at 7 pm. Free. EWU, JFK Library, Cheney. Field trip to the scabland tract May 4 from 7:30 am-6 pm with Gene Kiver and Bruce Bjornstad. $30-$70. Leaves from EWU Parking Lot P18. (235-4251)

Cause for the Paws Get a flash tattoo and all proceeds benefit the animals of the Spokane Humane Society. May 4 from noon-8 pm. $50-$100. Boar’s Head Tattoo, 5 S. Washington St. (838-7638) Spokane Symphony Bowling Fundraiser Bowling night fundraiser benefiting the Musicians of the Spokane Symphony. May 4 from 4-6 pm. $20. North Bowl, 125 W. Sinto Ave. (328-5253) Antiques & Collectables Sale Art, antiques, collectables and more for sale as a scholarship fundraiser for students at the Rosalia School. May 4 from 9 am-3 pm. Budding Rose Art Gallery, 510 S. Whitman St. (5234200) Share the Dharma Day “Calming the Mind, Simplifying Our Lives”themed day including guided meditation, Buddhist teachings, vegetarian potluck, and more. May 5 from 9:45 am-3 pm. Free, donations accepted. Sravasti Abbey, 692 Country Lane, Newport, Wash. (447-5549) Spokane Compass Club Evening dinner hosted by the Spokane Compass Club, featuring a presentation by Larry Krauter, CEO of Spokane Airports. May 3 at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6:15 pm. $25. Felts Fields Experimental Aviation Hangar, 5859 Rutter Rd. (455-7789) Backyard Bounty Learn useful tips for starting your garden this spring at free workshops and classes hosted by master gardeners. May 9 at 7 pm at Spokane Valley Library. May 16 at North Spokane Library. Permaculture Workshop Learn the principles and basics of permaculture in a hands-on workshop. May 9 from 3-5 pm. $5, pre-registration required. Sun People Dry Goods Co., 32 W. Second Ave. (368-9378) Fashion Show “Generations of Beauty” fashion show featuring mothers and their children on the runway. May 9 at 6 pm. $15. Chateau Rive, 621 W. Mallon Ave. (216-1535)


Renaissance Faire Auditions Audition for a role in the third annual Spokane Renaissance Faire (Oct. 5-6), hosted by the Spokane Entertainer’s Guild at Greenbluff, benefiting Second Harvest Food Bank. Auditions May 4 and 11 from 10 am-5 pm. Free. Fire Station No. 18, 120 E. Lincoln Rd. (9989596) Valleyford Train Days Event commemorating the Interurban Railway of the early 1900s, featuring presentations by the Evergreen Model Railroad Club and local scholars. May 4 at 11 am and 1 pm. Free, reservations requested. On Sacred Grounds, 12212 E. Palouse Hwy. (747-6294) Moscow Renaissance Fair 40th annual family festival featuring live music, crafts, food, vendors, kids’ activities and a Maypole dance. May 4-5. East City Park, Moscow.


Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me Screening of a live broadcast of a stage-adapted version of NPR’s popular radio quiz show. May 2 at 8 pm. Regal Cinemas Northtown, 4750 N. Division St. and

Regal Cinemas at Riverstone, 2416 N. Old Mill Loop, CdA. Admission Comedy (Rated PG-13). May 2-5, show times vary. $3-$6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St., Moscow. (208-882-4127) Teen Film Festival First annual Fourth Avenue Teen Film Festival, featuring films by Spokane-area students ages 13-18. May 3 from 6-9 pm. Free and open to the public. Lewis & Clark High School, 521 W. Fourth Ave. 4thAvenueTeenFilmFestival@gmail. com (879-4704) The Silver Circle Screening of an animated, futuristic film. May 3 at 7 pm. $10. Magic Lantern Theater, 25 W. Main Ave. (464-1651) Birth Story Film screening benefiting the Idaho Midwifery Council. May 6 at 7 pm. $5. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St., Moscow. (208-882-4127) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Screening of the coming-of-age comedy. May 6 and May 8 at 7 pm. $5. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7638) SFCC International Film Festival “Aftershock” May 7, “Yossi” May 14, “Even the Rain” May 21. All shows start at 7:15 pm. $4.50/show. The Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. (5333222) The Human Comedy Screening of the film as part of the library’s “Hollywood Goes to War” series. May 8 at 5:30 pm. Free. Downtown Library, 906 W. Main Ave. (444-5336)

weekend countdown

Get the scoop on this weekend’s events with our newsletter. Visit to sign up.


Drink One for Dane In honor of Dutch Bros. co-founder Dane Boersma, who passed away in 2009 from ALS, the company’s locations throughout the U.S. will donate all proceeds to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. May 3. Dutch Bros. locations throughout the Inland Northwest. danesdrive. org A Night with Wine & Bovine Wine tasting fundraiser featuring a live band, appetizers, silent auction, raffle and more benefiting the nonprofit Idaho Lowline Cattle Company, 2755 E. Spring Rock Lane, Hayden, Idaho. (208-215-4460) Free Cakes for Kids Fundraiser Cake decorating competition, appetizers, live music and more as a fundraiser for Free Cakes for Kids, a local nonprofit. May 3 from 5-10. Luxe Coffeehouse, 1017 W. First. Vegetable Gardening Workshop Learn when, what, and how to plant vegetables, as well as how to improve the quantity and quality of your vegetables and more with master gardener Marilyn Carothers. May 4 from 11 am-2 pm. $12, pre-registration required. Sun People Dry Goods Co., 32 W. Second Ave. (368-9378) Wine, Ride & Dine Take a ride in the gondolas over Spokane Falls and enjoy dinner afterward at Anthony’s at Spokane Falls or Clinkerdagger. Anthony’s dates, May 8, 15 and 22. Clinkerdagger dates, May 9, 16, and 23. $55 includes

SkyRide, dinner and wine tasting. (625-6200) Fresh Fruit Tarts Learn to make a fresh fruit tart just in time for spring events and celebrations. May 8 from 6-8 pm. $50. Inland NW Culinary Academy at SCC, 1810 N. Greene St. (279-6030)


Coeur d’Alene Symphony Season Finale concert featuring jazz and classical music pieces. May 3 at 7:30 pm and May 4 at 2 pm. $8-$20. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd., CdA. (208-765-3833) Masterclass Big Band The band will perform with jazz choir members from EWU and Ferris and Mead high schools. May 3. $5-$40. The Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. (327-8000) University of Idaho Finals Fest Concert presented by ASUI Vandal Entertainment featuring a performance by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. May 3 at 8 pm. Free for U of Idaho students, $15/ public. University of Idaho, Kibbie-ASUI Activity Center, Moscow. Hapa Hawaiian music concert. May 3 at 7:30 pm and May 4 at 2 pm. $20. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7638) Northwest Opera Spring concert featuring the performances “Un Bel Diva” and a musical parody “Downtownton Abbey.” May 4 at 7:30 pm. $10. Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 2712 S. Ray St. (327-3598) Whitworth Choir “Bon Voyage” choir concert featuring the 45-member choir as a kickoff performance before its tour of Norway. May 4 at 8 pm. $5-$7. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (624-1200) Coyote Speaks “A Benefit for Spokane’s First Language” concert featuring Native American musician Jim Boyd of the Colville Confederated Tribes, benefiting the Salish School of Spokane. May 4 at 7 pm. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (325-7328) Gonzaga University Choir The men’s and women’s choruses’ annual spring concert. May 4 at 7:30 pm. $5$10. Gonzaga University Chapel, 502 E. Boone Ave. (313-6737) The Senders 1950s/’60s-style rock ‘n’ roll concert. May 4 at 7 pm. $5-$12. Allages. Empire Theatre, 126 S. Crosby St., Tekoa, Wash. (284-2000) Spokane String Quartet “Music in Motion” season finale concert featuring guest soloist Patricia Bartell on accordion. May 5 at 3 pm. $10-$18. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (624-1200) Jazzed for Justice An evening of food, drinks, jazz performances featuring Julia Keefe and more benefiting the Center for Justice. May 9 at 5:30 pm. $30. Hamilton Studio, 1427 W. Dean Ave. (835-5211)


Nature & History Field Trip No. 2 Spokane-based teacher and naturalist Jack Nisbet will lead a nature tour complementing the current David Douglas exhibition at the MAC. May 4 from 9 am-3 pm. $55; lunch not included. Starts at The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. (466-2823) Zinco de Mayo Zumba Zumba fitness event hosted by instructors from ZMeDance of Spokane. May 4 from 10 am-

noon. $10. All-ages. Swaxx, 21 E. Lincoln Rd. Fly Fishing Basics Learn the basics of the outdoor sport including tying flies, knots, fish species, equipment, casting and more. May 4 from 1-4 pm at Argonne Library, 4322 N. Argonne Rd. (893-8385) May 18 from 1-4 pm at North Spokane Library, 44 E. Hawthorne Rd. (893-8260) Spokane Table Tennis Club Pingpong club meets Wednesdays from 6:30-9 pm. $2/visit. Southside Senior & Community Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. (456-3581) Move! Kids movement and conditioning class for children ages 5-10 years. Wednesdays through May 29 from 4:30-5:15 pm. $6/class or $40/8 week session. The Buddhio at South Perry Yoga, 915 S. Perry St. (499-3750)


Romeo and Juliet Performance of the Shakespeare drama. May 2-4 at 7 pm. $6-$8. Coeur d’Alene High School, 5530 N. Fourth St. (208-769-2999) The Miss Firecracker Contest Comedy. Through May 12. Thurs-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $11-$17. Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208-667-1323) Marx in Soho Play about Karl Marx returning to Earth to talk about his life and comment on modern society. May 3-4. Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third Ave. Arsenic and Old Lace Dark comedy/drama. Through May 12. Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 3 pm, except May 12 performance, at 2 pm, with an Old Englishstyle high tea during the play ($25). All regular performances $10-$12. StageWest Community Theatre, 639 Elm St., Cheney. (235-2441) The Dixie Swim Club Comedy. May 3-June 2. Thurs-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $21. Spokane Civic Theater, 1020 N. Howard St. (325-2507) In My Secret Life Performance of an original play by Paul Rawlings starring seven women from Boundary County. May 2-11, Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm and May 9 at 7 pm. $9-$10. Pearl Theater, 7160 Ash St., Bonners Ferry, Idaho. (208-610-2846) Rent Revival performance by Coeur d’Alene’s Lake City Playhouse as a fundraiser to send the cast of the award-winning production of K2 to the National AACT Festival. May 5 at 7:30 pm. $20. University High School, 12320 E. 32nd Ave. (208-667-1323)

Visual Arts

Bloomsday Through the Years See the full collection of Bloomsday posters on display. Through May 31. Downtown Library, third floor, 906 W. Main Ave. (444-5336) Through Wonderful Eyes Art exhibition featuring work by local artists living with disabilities Penny Cannon and Robin DeWolf. Through May 31. Ink to Media, 523 N. Pines Rd. inktomedia. com (863-9125) 2013 BFA Exhibition “Cable TV Heated Pool” 2013 senior BFA art candidate exhibition. Through May 9. Gallery hours Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm. Free. EWU Gallery

of Art, Cheney campus. (206-601-0352) First Friday New art exhibits are on display at area businesses, restaurants and galleries. May 3 from 5-7 pm. Free. Locations vary, see or page 38 for gallery listings. Portrait Drawing Workshop on proportions and the anatomy of the human head for portrait drawing. May 4 from 10 am-2 pm. $35. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland Ave. (325-3001) Student Art Exhibit Art by students of the Colton Public School District will be on display as part of a fundraiser to allow for continued art programs to take place at the district. Through May 31, opening reception May 5 from 1-3 pm. Free. Silent art auction through May 19, live auction on May 19. Dahmen Barn, 419 N. Park Way, Uniontown, Wash. (229-3655)


T.R. Ritchie The lyric-driven poet will play a selection of songs, read from his poetry collection and display some of his artwork. May 2 at 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) Jess Steven Hughes The local author will sign copies of his book “The Sign of the Eagle.” May 3 from 3-8 pm. Free. Spokane Valley Hastings, 11324 E. Sprague Ave. (924-0667) Three-Minute Mic Open mic poetry event hosted by Isaac Grambo with guest reader John Whalen. May 3 at 7 pm. Free. All-ages. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) Su Williams & Katelyn Schneider The local authors will sign copies of and discuss their latest books. May 4 from noon-2 pm. Katelyn Schneider, a local high school senior, will also discuss her second young adult novel at 4 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) Jim Miller The owner of Miller’s Homestead in Cheney will present about beekeeping and discuss topics in his book “The Handbook for the Bee Loving Beekeeper.” May 4 at 2 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main. (838-0206) Lisa Taylor The author will talk about her book on urban farming, “Your Farm in the City.” May 7 at 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main. (838-02060 Our Nuclear Neighbor “Our Nuclear Neighbor: Hanford” discussion hosted by Spokane Riverkeeper, Columbia Riverkeeper and the Sierra Club on the plant’s current cleanup progress and its potential impact on the region. May 8 at 6 pm. Free. Gonzaga University School of Law, 721 N. Cincinnati St. (835-5211) He Said, She Said “He Said, She Said: Improving Gender Communication in the Workplace and at Home” conference left by SCC Speak Out!. May 8 from 8:30 am-12:30 pm. Free and open to the public. SCC Lair, 1810 N. Greene St. (4998280) NPR’s Don Gonyea An evening with the NPR national political correspondent benefiting Spokane Public Radio. May 9 at 7:30 pm. $18-$25. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. (328-5729) Brandon Schrand The local author will read from his latest book “Works Cited: An Alphabetical Odyssey of Mayhem & Misbehavior.” May 9 at 7:30 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) n

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Across 1. With 65-Across, edible with a redundant name (its first word is the Italian translation of its second word) 5. Hook alternative 8. NASA outfits 14. Element that turns a male into a (fe)male? 15. Poehler of “Parks and Recreation” 16. Charges 17. Clash 18. Prefix with politics 19. Deafening 20. Bus. letter abbr. 21. Singing partner of Brooks 22. Oolong tea exporter 23. Expanse with a redundant name (its first word is the Arabic translation of its second word) 26. Cone maker 27. Academic URL ending 28. Rest of the day

31. “It’s ____ for!” 34. Ship of Greek myth 36. Fashion’s Wang 37. Range with a redundant name (its first word is the Spanish translation of its second word) 40. Kandinsky contemporary 41. Trident feature 42. Shoreline nook 43. Fertile Crescent country: Abbr. 44. Grab most of 45. “Eloise” writer Thompson 46. Creature with a redundant name (its first word is the Indonesian translation of its second word) 52. Destination in a two-part route 55. 22-Across, por ejemplo 56. Genre of Fall Out Boy 57. Meet, as expectations 58. ____ premium 59. Squad 60. Think highly of

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Down 1. Marching band instruments 2. Place to play 3. Speak (for) 4. “So ...?” 5. Rain forest cat 6. Modify 7. How a squeaker might be won 8. Bothered 9. Outback carmaker 10. Dark 11. “____ Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”






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I Saw You




Starbucks 13th & Grand, Saturday, April 6 at 1:45. I was the only one standing in line and was just ordering. You (beautiful, blond hair) walked in and stood behind me. I turned and said ‘hi’. I was late in meeting a friend so I received my order and left without saying anything else. As I drove away, I noticed you got into a grey Saab Wagon. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but want a chance to meet you!

Thank You! To the lady who gave my two cats a home together, I don’t know if you will read this but cheers to you for keeping my boys together. I love them so much but I couldn’t afford to keep them and I am so greatful to you for opening up your home and your heart. I hope they bring as much joy to your life as they brought to mine, please give them a kiss for me I miss them dearly.

for my coffee. What a great way to end the long week. It is great to know that there are kind and generous people out there that truly feel good “Paying it Forward”. I hope your weekend will be a great one!

has very little time left with his wife and family. Thank you John for your many years of service to this community. Thank you for giving your very life to save and protect this community. You have touched many lives both through your dedication to your job and through your fight against multiple myeloma. You will leave a legacy behind and an impression upon this city. Cheers to you John.

Manito Pond It was a Friday around 6:30. I saw a beautiful girl (you) sitting on a bench near the Manito ponD. She wore a periwinkle gray skirt and a smile. The setting sun reflected off the water and dandled her cheeks as she read her book. I have been there every Friday since then. Next time I will say hi.

I Miss You My life is great these days. I’m so happy! I’m enjoying my family, spending time with friends; work is, eh, ok but it pays the bills! But, oh how I miss you. Even though it’s been over nine months since you’ve walked out of my life, if feels like it was just yesterday. My heart hurts. You were, and I assume still are, the most amazing person



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64 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

You Saw Me I saw you with your angry face and beautiful heart. You called me with silly reason #16 as to why I should date you. Now we are working on reason #869,657,001 why we were meant to be. You have sweetened my life, I love you and will forever be your ding dong. I Love You So now that I have you in my arms I will never ever cause you our your girls no harm. I know that we had a rough start but I just want you to know that I love you so much that our love will never part. I know you have had a rough life but I am here to make it better. You are my one and only best friend and soul mate in the world. You are so beautiful, I love waking up next to you everyday and making sure that your day will never turn gray. I love you so much and I know I have asked you this before but I want the whole world to see. Will you marry me? Love SDY Always and Forever You Light Up My Life To the beautiful brunette with glowing green eyes and a distinctive space in your teeth. You have brought light to many of my days with your wonderful smile and your cute little laugh. I can’t wait to see you again. Co-Worker To my wonderful fellow red-haired coworker. You are quite honestly the coolest person I know. I tell you that all the time, and that I wish I was as cool as you, and I really mean it. While our tastes couldn’t be any more different (you know how much I love my boy bands), our “bromance” is one of the best things about work. You’ve got a lot going on right now, but I just want you to know that you’re strong enough to get through it, even if you don’t believe it right now. Keep your head up, girly! And don’t drink too much coffee!

To connect

Put a non-identifying email address in your message, like “” — not “” ever. I regret not making myself find the words to express to you how much you meant to me and how much I loved you. I was dealing with a lot of hard things at the time and I regret that I let myself get lost in that. If I could go back a year and half and change the way I saw the world I so would. Then maybe I wouldn’t of lost you. I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you needed or wanted. Also, I’m sorry if this is annoying you because I know you know it’s about you! To All Our Awesome Customers The bakery outlet girls will miss you deeply. As it comes near the end of a long run for our store (40 years to be exact), we learn just how important this place has become to so many. It saddens us to say goodbye to a lot of you who have become like family to us. To the route drivers who make us laugh and shock us daily you will be missed. No more stories to share, no more shocking outbursts between friends. Roger, you will always get banana bread when needed.

Volunteers Cheers to the more than 300 volunteers who removed debris, planted trees, and repaired damage to the waterways of Pullman and Moscow during April. These activities were sponsored by the two cities and the PalouseClearwater Environmental institute, but would not have been possible without widespread community support and the willingness of those volunteers to slog through the mud under imperfect weather conditions in search of soggy sneakers and worse forms of trash. Thank you! To The Love Of My Life Happy 22nd Birthday babe! It’s crazy to think that we celebrated your 15th birthday right after we started dating and here we are 7 years later still going strong! I hope you have an amazing birthday. I love you Always & Forever! And KK says Happy Birthday, Daddy! to My TomTom I just want you to know just how proud I am of you. You have worked so hard to put yourself through college. You have seen more of this world than most do in a lifetime. What you have done took a lot of courage. There isn’t enough words to tell just how impressed I am of you. I’m a very lucky person to have such a wonderful son as you!I love you and you deserve the best life has to offer you! You earned it! Mom Mom and Dad I want to thank you for always being there for me all these years. Most would of gave up on me by now, but not you guys and that is unconditional love. You have always made sure I was okay. I could never pay you back for all you have done, but I want you to know you are very much appreciated! I love you guys! Tammy

You Had Me At Tree Sloth I will never forget when you informed me that you wanted a pet tree sloth. It was at that moment that I realized I found someone as weird as me, and I just had this feeling. I had hoped for us to become great friends, but now I have that and so much more. You’re my best friend, the love of my life, and my nerdy partner in crime. You will always have my love, bun-bun. Happy Birthday! Hard to imagine you are turning 30! Happy Birthday, my love. JAO, six years ago our paths unexpectedly crossed and pleasantly changed the course for which we were on. Even though you had no say in the house we live in, or the dog that has cost us a fortune, you have willingly accepted my luggage as yours. Two years ago you endured an intense amount of pain and naturally gave us something so precious and extraordinary. Although your little EGO can’t quite say it; the way she lights up when you walk into the room says it pretty well of how much you mean to her. She will grow up to be such a loving and compassionate, and possibly stubborn person because of how wonderful you are as a mother. We Love you, Boo. Happy Birthday Day! Cheers to an amazing person. TRO,EGO, and Lucy

Jeers RE: Lack of Reading To the person who says teachers are lazy - you’re kidding, right? All this because you were asked to read with your child? Yes, teachers get paid for that summer “break,” but only because most schools prorated teachers’ annual salary to space it evenly through the year. That and to find a teacher who

Spokane Firefighter Cheers to Spokane city firefighter John. John has been a dedicated firefighter for over 15 years. He has saved many lives, homes, and other property in that time. In 2010 John To My Lovey I just want you to was diagnosed with multiple know no matter what we have been myeloma, a very aggressive through, I will always care. You Jackson C. is this week’s winner and fatal cancer. This cancer have been a huge impact in my life is a direct result of being of the “Say it Sweet” promotion! and I haven’t thanked you enough. a firefighter, a job he loves No matter where this goes, I will Send in your CHEERS so so much. John has put up an always love you! Remember that. you too can be enamazing fight against this evil Always ur lovebutt tered to win 1 dozen cancer over the last three years. His wonderful wife has been by his side “Cheers” cupcakes at A Happy Friday Shout-out to the fighting right along with him. Sadly Celebrations Sweet green Jeep in front of me today they were given devastating news Boutique. (4-26-13) at the Shadle Starbucks this week, their fight is coming drive-through. Thanks for paying to an end. Doctors believe John “I Saw You” is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.





actually takes the summer off is a rarity these days. Most teachers work 60 to 80 hours a week, even though they’re only paid for 40. Grading and lesson planning takes time, ya know? Let’s do the the math, shall we? The average person works 40 hours a week. That multiplied by 50 (two weeks of vacation) is 2000 hours a yearWOW! But 70 (the average number of hours trackers work weekly) multiplied by 36 (the number of weeks in a school year) is 2520 hours a year- what slackers! I won’t even touch the lack of pride you have displayed in your child’s work or the fact that preparing the youth of today to be contributing members of society tomorrow is a team effort. Now sit down, and enjoy a good book with your child!

Fake Parking Ticket To the person who left the fake, yellow “Parking Violation” slip on the windshield of the big blue and silver Chevy pickup in the Jefferson Park and Ride April 22nd: What’s with all the negativity? I parked in the lines, pulled the truck as close as I could without hitting the concrete wall in front of me so the end wouldn’t stick out. It seems to me the only problem is that my truck offends you because of its size. So sorry that my main car is laid up for some body work and I had to drive my backup vehicle. I don’t see how I could have been more courteous without buying a third vehicle that was small enough to please you. I’m not angry, just sad that people have so much misplaced negativity. My favorite line from the slip reads, “I sign off wishing you an early transmission failure (on the expressway at about 4:30 p.m.)” Well, I wish that you never have to experience the fear, embarrassment, and danger of a breakdown on a freeway, or anywhere else for that matter. I also wish you and your family a prosperous life, safety, and good health.

and tell me how much they enjoy seeing holiday spirit at my house. Just thrills me to see kids go by my house especially at Halloween when I have the most amazing airblowns up. My neighbors love it! So, lighten up and enjoy the spirit and fun of each holiday, and if you can’t do that, then remember what you were taught when you were young, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”. I hope you can become a happier person.

Vandalism Cheers to the person who busted my car window in the night for no reason, you are awesome. Sincerely, the poor college kid who now has to replace it The Life You Save You: young woman, brunette, hot as an oven, driving your zippy white BMW south on Division near the Starbucks on Buckeye. Me: Channing Tatum, trying to get your attention so we could pull over and make out passionately! Okay, so I’m not Channing Tatum. However, you’d never know because you simply wouldn’t take your gorgeous eyes away from your smartphone to drive in a safe manner. Put that phone down before you hurt someone! The life you save could be Channing Tatum’s. OK, Folks, Take Heed! I live on 32nd Ave. in the valley. I would appreciate if all of you would: Get off your damn phones, get your studded tires off, do the speed limit (not 50 or 70), turn down your stereos in your pathetic attempt to “be cool”. For speed racers attention: mucho deer cross here and they aren’t very bright when it comes to crossing the road. Of course, if you WANT to hit one, go ahead, just clean up your mess when you’re done. And, last but not least, to you litterers who insist on cleaning out their car while driving, get a bag and get rid of your garbage the right way. The parking lot at Hastings/Harbor Freight looked like a real pig sty. Oh, yeah, by the way, do three quarters of you on the road have working signals? How ‘bout using ‘em? It’s that little lever on the left side of your steering column. I know you’ve seen it. Use it, it’ll make you look like you really have a license not to mention taking the guesswork out of your next bonehead move!

You Give Love A Bad Name To the handsome, ass outside of Irv’s that doesn’t remember seeing me. I love you too! However, I really wish you would pull your head out of your neather bits and realize what you have before it’s too late. Your little yummieness. Learn To Drive Friday the 18th: To the ass hat in the blue Outback, westbound on Sprague from the Opportunity Post Office. Traffic already on the street has the right of way, moron. The center lane is a turn lane, not a merge lane. Brake checking me, getting out of your car in the middle of the road, and voicing your displeasure at my legal driving was probably not your best choice of actions. Did you notice my hand reaching inside my jacket? Next time, you probably shouldn’t try to make up for your small package with your big attitude. I will protect myself. Wait your turn. And stop by the DOL for a copy of the Driver’s Guide - it appears you need a refresher. RE: Spokanites I can not believe that someone is so bitter in their life that they have nothing better to do than complain about us Spokanites decorating beyond January for all the up coming holidays. How sad, and miserable you must be. I am one that decorates for ALL holidays. All my children are grown and gone, but guess what? I have had several families come up to me






Coexisting As a conscientious driver in Spokane, I have never been on the receiving end of road rage. Until I put a Coexist sticker on my car. So let me take a moment to talk to you about your reactions to my sticker. When you think it means that I support abortion, remember this as you tailgate me on the freeway within inches of my bumper, putting the life of my baby in the backseat at risk. When you think it means that I am antimilitary, remember this as you flip off my husband who is serving in our military, and has been for the past 15 years. When you think it means that I don’t care about outsourcing our jobs, remember this as you support Wal-Mart where 95% of the products sold are made in a different country. When you think it means that I support gay and lesbian rights, remember this as we once didn’t support rights for blacks or women. When you think it means that I support radical religions and terrorism, remember this as you terrorize me by trying to run me off of the road. When you think it means that I don’t support Christianity, remember this as you judge me, even though the bible states ever-so-clearly not to judge. I won’t take the sticker off of my car, because I refuse to teach my son that he should back down in the face of fear and intimidation. Please remember these things and do your part in, well, coexisting with me. Car Burglar Jeers to the individual who broke into my girlfriend’s car in the middle of the night around 1:00 am, April 25th in Spokane Valley. Windows are pretty expensive to replace, but I’m glad that there is some chance of you feeling proud of yourself (sense the sarcasm?) for busting through it with what I’m guessing was a hammer wrapped in a t-shirt. As for everything else you managed to get your scab picking fingers on, you have made it a very hectic week or so for my girlfriend and I. She works very hard for her money and pays for a lot. The Ipod and stereo you’ve stolen were gifts to her. You also managed to get your hands on my bag and our two cartons of cigarettes, leaving the cartons empty you conveniently left my things strewn across a neighbor’s yard. By the way, I hope you were wearing gloves! The authorities found a finger print on the back door lock and you left your very nice screwdriver in the driver’s seat. The police have taken the screwdriver to dust it for anymore greasy face picking prints you left on it. As I’m assuming this isn’t your first time breaking into a car, I’m also assuming you may have a criminal record. Good job for ruining good giving people’s months. ~Angry Guy


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MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 65

The Hangman Creek Bridge, on the western edge of Spokane.

Crossing the River After Spokane made bridges, bridges made Spokane By Mike Bookey


ere’s the thing about Spokane — a river flows through the middle of it. Almost the exact middle. At times, that river is a roaring beast of a waterway that must have been as intimidating to the city’s earliest settlers as it remains to us on an early spring day. But thankfully, we have bridges. And without bridges, it’s difficult to imagine Spokane growing up to be anything close to its current size. In many ways, Spokane’s early history, especially some of its most formidable periods, can be told through the stories of the bridges that cross the mighty Spokane River. That is precisely what author Jeff Creighton, a former assistant archivist for the Washington State Archives’ eastern region, does with his aptly titled book, Bridges of Spokane. Released this week by Arcadia Publishing, Creighton’s book uses photos, many taken by the Spokane City Works department, that he dug up in the late 1990s and began processing for the state archives.

66 INLANDER MAY 2, 2013

Featuring images of the unsightly wooden and steel predecessors to the concrete roadways we now unappreciatively cross on a daily basis, the book gives us a glimpse into a Spokane that used electric street cars as primary transportation. Most impactful, though, is to see the amount of building that happened in the first decade of the 1900s, a time when the city was benefiting from the mining and timber industries. “Those were the big years of boom in Spokane —1900 until about 1915 — the infrastructure that was built was phenomenal,” says Creighton. In 1911, the first Monroe Street Bridge was completed, replacing the rickety expanse of steel that previously connected the two river banks and was in use for less than 20 years. It was one of the largest bridges in the world at the time, its creators touted. Some even said it was the biggest bridge in the world, but Creighton says that claim was almost impossible to verify. Impressively,

photo courtesy of spokane public library/northwest room

less than two years later, another massive creation, the Hangman Creek Bridge, with its twin 150-foot arches and 940 feet of total length, was open for use. The pace and scale of the construction was mindblowing during this time, but it’s strikingly apparent when flipping through the pages of Bridges of Spokane that aesthetics took a backseat to practicality when it came to building bridges. Early sketches, Creighton writes, make mentions of gargoyles and statues, but little if any bells or whistles made the final designs in those days. “When these bridges came up for discussion, a lot of it was just money. They thought it was frivolous to have anything ornamental on these bridges,” says Creighton. While Bridges of Spokane will likely spark some hometown pride in lifelong Spokanites who remember the alterations of downtown bridges in the ramp up to Expo ’74 or the Monroe Street Bridge renovation of last decade, this history isn’t without its dark parts. Creighton recalls the Division Street Bridge collapse of 1915 that killed five people and injured another 20. Two years later, the under-construction Post Street Bridge collapsed, killing two and injuring 10 others. The Post Street expanse was later rebuilt and remains in use to this day. Mostly, though, this book tells us how we came to get across the river and reminds us that to know a city, you must also get to know its bridges. n Bridges of Spokane is on sale at and local bookstores and other retailers.

ok, so my subs really aren't gourmet and we're not french either. my subs just taste a little better, that's all! I wanted to call it jimmy john's tasty sandwiches, but my mom told me to stick with gourmet. She thinks whatever I do is gourmet, but i don't think either of us knows what it means. so let's stick with tasty!

Established in Charleston, IL in 1983 to add to students GPA and general dating ability.


All of my tasty sub sandwiches are a full 8 inches of homemade French bread, fresh veggies and the finest meats & cheese I can buy! And if it matters to you, we slice everything fresh everyday in this store, right here where you can see it. (No mystery meat here!)

#1 PEPE®

Real applewood smoked ham and provolone cheese garnished with lettuce, tomato, and mayo.


Medium rare choice roast beef, topped with yummy mayo, lettuce, and tomato.


Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and our tasty sauce, then topped with cucumber, lettuce, and tomato. (My tuna rocks!)

Corporate Headquarters Champaign, IL



Any Sub minus the veggies and sauce

slim slim slim slim slim slim

1 2 3 4 5 6

Ham & cheese Roast Beef Tuna salad Turkey breast Salami, capicola, cheese Double provolone


Low Carb Lettuce Wrap ®

#5 VITO®

Same ingredients and price of the sub or club without the bread.

Fresh sliced turkey breast, topped with lettuce, tomato, sliced cucumber, and mayo. (The original) The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato, & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request)


Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only . . . . . . . . . . . peace dude!)


DELIVERY ORDERS will include a delivery charge per item.

TW YM NL J // NSF ¹8 Q


Bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (The only better BLT is mama's BLT)



★ Giant chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie ★ Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle ★ Extra load of meat ★ Extra cheese or extra avocado spread ★ Hot Peppers

freebies (subs & clubs only) Onion, lettuce, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, Dijon mustard, oil & vinegar, and oregano.

My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous homemade french bread!

#7 GOURMET SMOKED HAM CLUB A full 1/4 pound of real applewood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, & real mayo!


Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Real genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, and our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (You hav'ta order hot peppers, just ask!)


A full 1/4 pound of fresh sliced medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, applewood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato, and mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)


Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, and mayo! (It's the real deal, and it ain't even California.)

#13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB® Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is world class!)


★ sides ★ ★ Soda Pop

GIANT club sandwiches

THE J.J. GARGANTUAN® This sandwich was invented by Jimmy John's brother Huey. It's huge enough to feed the hungriest of all humans! Tons of genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone, jammed into one of our homemade French buns then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato, & our homemade Italian dressing.

Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. An American classic, certainly not invented by J.J. but definitely tweaked and fine-tuned to perfection!


The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Fresh housemade tuna salad, provolone, cucumber, lettuce, & tomato.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)


Real applewood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, tomato & mayo, what could be better!


"YOUR MOM WANTS YOU TO EAT AT JIMMY JOHN'S!" ® © 1 9 8 5 , 2 0 0 2 , 2 0 0 3 , 2 0 0 4 , 2 0 0 7 , 2 0 0 8 J I M M Y J O H N ’ S F R A N C H I S E , L L C A L L R I G H T S R E S E RV E D . We R e s e r ve T h e R i g h t To M a k e A n y M e n u Ch a n g e s .

MAY 2, 2013 INLANDER 67

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