Annual Manual 9/1/2015

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supplement to the inlander


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welcome! C

hange isn’t always easy to see. Sometimes it takes


between eighth and ninth grades when you ran in

A New View

for three months only to find that the gangly boy you’d

now taller than you (finally), with a protruding Adam’s a applied hair product.

Each year as we scour the Inland Northwest to find t you’ll read about in The Annual Manual Manual, we expect to see

and close. Chefs restaurant-hop, and new trends emerge cupcakes took us by storm!)

But as I walked down First Avenue in downtown Sp new,stretch and hip-as-hell shop Luxe, it occurred to me IT’S EASY TO GET INTO A RUT — to travel the same of road coffee to work

has occurred — one that’s perhaps on par with that pube

each day, eat out at the same restaurants, go to the same events year-in and year-

tion. When we turned out The Inlander’s first Annual Manu

out. There’s some comfort in routine, but sometimesAvenue it stopswas youafrom really seeing wasteland. There was no Montvale Hotel

Annual Manual Editor Tamara McGregor

what’s happening around you.

bars like Rain and Stir or big-city boutiques like Tangeri

was shuttered and at one point slated for demolition. Ba

And a lot is happening and changing in the Inland Northwest.

and this is where local television stations setup live shots

This year marks the 12th edition of the Inlander’sand Annual Manual. A dozen prostitution.

Seven years ago, ifyoga, you heard someone talking about years ago, we weren’t writing about juice bars, hip-hop and paddleboard trict, you would have likely assumed they were talking cupcake bakeries, running clubs, charter schools, cideries, local distilleries or about Seattle, not a bustling riverfront development

Kendall Yards. A renaissance of craft brewing wasn’t soon on the horizon, and the to host a medical school that’s within walklegalization of marijuana wasn’t on our radar.

ing distance of a new public market. And if

discerning clothing stores are baromWe’ve spent the past year tasting, exploring, drinking and vintage shopping. We took eters of a city on the rise (which I personally

in the beauty of the Spokane Valley from atop the Rocks of Sharon (pictured above

think they are), take comfort in knowing a

and on the front cover with Tiffany Harms and Paul Dillon). We’ve sampled mead, new crop (Artemis, Sequel, Carousel, Fringe & have sprouted in and around the city. explored Eagle Ridge and shared small plates. We’veFray) broken from our routines Spokane has done a lot of growing up. Turn

to see the beauty of the Inland Northwest, and hope that what you find in these

these pages and see for yourself.

pages inspires you to see the region a little differently.

5 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT ANNUAL MANUAL We love local. So don’t expect to see write-ups about national chains in these pages. We’re writing about the unique people and places of the Inland Northwest.

Those people and places we write about? They don’t pay to be listed in the Annual Manual. They’re simply shops, restaurants, wineries and the like that we think you should know about.


While we like to think we’ve got good taste, we know we’ve overlooked some worthwhile restaurants, shops or hiking groups. So let us know, and we’ll do our best to check it out for next year’s edition.

The Inlander has Oprah introduced been putting out “Aha!” moments. the Annual Manual We hope the Annual for free for a dozen Manual helps you years, and while we experience “Who certainly think it knew?” moments. would be useful for Who knew there 25 running clubs 4in| the T H E I N L A N D E R ’ S A tourists, N N U A L M A Nour U A L goal 2 0 1 1 - 2is 0 1 to 2 help locals rediscover area? Who knew this great region we seven craft distilleries 1_AR/INTRO_AM_2011.indd 4 live in. have sprung up?



© 2015 RLHC. All rights reserved.

Contents 1








ANNUAL REPORT The nuts and bolts of life in the Inland Northwest 2 EDUCATION Reports, from grade school to graduate degrees FOOD Restaurants, markets, makers — food coverage from soup to nuts 4 DRINK Say “cheers” to local cideries, meaderies, distilleries, wineries and breweries 5 NIGHTLIFE Where the fun begins when the sun goes down 6 ARTS Our guide to the must-see shows of the 2015-16 season 7 SHOPPING Your shop-local bible 8 RECREATION Let us be your guide to exploring the great outdoors 1




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Spokane Tribe Economic Project The Spokane Tribe of Indians is proud to sign a letter of intent to bring the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino to Airway Heights as part of its $400 million investment in Spokane County. One of the most iconic and widely recognizable brands in the world, Hard Rock Hotel & Casinos display rare rock-n-roll memorabilia and create unique entertainment experiences that make for life-long memories. But there’s so much more to the Spokane Tribe Economic Project. STEP will create 5,000 jobs, and generate millions of dollars in local taxes and annual payments to Airway Heights and Spokane County. To make it a reality, there’s one more step. After years of analysis and input from the U.S. Air Force, local governments and businesses, the federal Interior Department approved STEP in June and sent the proposal to Gov. Inslee for his agreement. All we need is a positive decision, and we’re ready to transform 145 acres of vacant land into a shining example of the power of private investment.







Ta ma ra Mc Gregor Chris Bovey La ura Regester Young Kwa k


J a cob H. Fries


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Andrew McDirmid Partner

Shayna Wood Partner

Leonard Sweet Partner

Mike Bookey La el Henterly La ura J ohns on Da n N a ilen Mitc h R ya ls Chey Scott Da niel Wa lters Chels ea B a nna c h E .J. Ia nnelli Scott A. Lea dingha m Aza ria Podples ky How ie Sta lw ic k


ILLUSTRATORS Megha n Kirk Ma rk Bea uc ha mp Annie Kuster Rod J effers



Katy Burge E rin Robins on Matthew S a lza no Timothy Phillips



Kristi Gotzia n

Bruce Deming Ca rolyn Pa dgha m-Wa lker E mily Wa lden SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES

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Autumn Adria n Bonnie Amstutz G a il Golden J a net Pier Wa nda Ta s hoff Kristina E lverum Brynn Sc ha uer Denis e Brewer Gilbert S a ndova l




Dee Ann Cook Kristin Wa gner


B a rret Cook


J ustin Hynes



Wayne Hunt

Aliss ia Bla c kwood Mea d Derric k King J ess ie Spa cc ia Tom Stover



Ted S. Mc Gregor J r.


J. J eremy Mc Gregor


12 | T H E I N L A N D E R A N N U A L M A N U A L 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6

Welcome to a different way to think about buying and selling real estate. It’s a difference I think you’ll appreciate. Real estate is not just my career; it’s also something I invest in myself. I am a true believer in what I do, and I think that after working with me, you will be too.

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SELLING While we can all be encouraged by the positive movement in lending and real estate values, it can sometimes be uncomfortable for sellers to put a property on the market. I have confidence in our regional real estate landscape and guide my clients in overcoming any hesitancy to sell. While things are looking up and good opportunities are available in the market, I also understand that I am often managing my client’s largest asset. It’s a responsibility I take very seriously.

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The regional real estate market is rebounding. Whether for a residential home, or out-of-town acreage, now is a great time to buy, with interest rates as low as 3% to 4%. Though I have deep expertise in residential acreage and prestige properties, my listings can shift with the market. Currently about half of my real estate sales and listings are for in-town residences.

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Contributors CHRIS BOVEY

As art director, Chris has been making the Inlander look sharp with award-winning designs for eight years. Australia may be his birthplace, but Chris has an obvious love for the Lilac City. He depicts the heart of Spokane with his popular, vintage-inspired screen prints of the city’s iconic spots. Among his many awards, he recently received a first-place national award for editorial layout from the Association of Alternative Newsmedia. Chris lives in Medical Lake with his wife and two young boys.

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As staff photographer for the Inlander, Young focuses his lens on the people and places that give the Inland Northwest its quirks, substance and greatness. He has earned numerous awards as a freelancer and for his work at the Inlander; most recently he received a first-place national award from the Association of Alternative Newsmedia in the photography category. When he’s not snapping stellar photos, Young hangs out with his family, whether they’re grilling, gardening or playing video games.


A new kid on the Inlander block, Laura recently graduated from Gonzaga University, but she doesn’t intend to say goodbye to the Inland Northwest any time soon. Though she was born and raised in Phoenix, she’s fallen in love with the Spokane arts and culture scene and become an avid explorer of everything the area has to offer. In her free time, Laura enjoys hiking local trails, hunting down the best cheap food in town and playing with cats at Spokanimal.

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HOT ’HOODS The housing market is hot again, especially in these eight in-demand neighborhoods BY E.J. IANNELLI

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ee that person in the red blazer smiling from ear to ear? Chances are it’s a Spokane realtor. Starting around July 2014, all of the important yearon-year metrics have been trending in the right direction — sometimes by as little as 1 percent, sometimes by as much as 28 percent. Total sales are up. Both average and median prices are up. Distressed home sales are down. Inventory is down, too, which might not be ideal from the buyer’s standpoint but indicates strong local demand. “Our market’s healthy. We’re busier than we’ve been in about seven years,” says Jack Kestell, president of the Spokane Association of Realtors. The stats for June 2015 offer a good basis for his optimism. Sales of singlefamily homes under an acre are up 27.5 percent year on year. The average closing price ($204,483) is up by 7.8 percent. At $183,500, the average median closing price — typically considered a more reliable indicator — is up 7.3 percent. “Prices have firmed and come up from the lows we experienced


Kendall Yards TALK OF THE TOWN

Kendall Yards YOUNG KWAK PHOTO during the recession. And on top of that, loans are readily available and rates are really attractive, with under 4 percent for fixed-rate mortgage financing,” Kestell says. It’s a similar story In the Idaho panhandle. “I can tell you we’ve seen year-to-year home sale prices rise by about 12 percent in the greater Coeur d’Alene area,” says Lea Williams, a realtor and associate broker for Sotheby’s. “The number of sales has also jumped by about 15 percent. Part of that is that we have a lower inventory, which causes prices to go up, and the fact that the economy is better. I can feel a distinct difference between this year and last. Homes $250,000 and under are going within days of being put on market.” Anecdotally, she and her colleagues are seeing increased out-of-state relocations to North Idaho, something she attributes in part to Kootenai Health becoming a member of the prestigious Mayo Clinic network last August. “Just that affiliation alone has stepped up our quality of health care. A lot of people are just cashing out and moving here for a better quality of life.” Here are a few current Inland Northwest real-estate hot spots:

Offering some of the most scenic views of any Spokane neighborhood, it’s no wonder Kendall Yards commands some of the highest prices per square foot. The median sale prices for its various models of townhomes, apartments and single-family two- to three-bedroom detached homes is $281,000. “Talk about a hot market!” says Windermere realtor Marianne Guenther Bornhoft. That sizzle comes down to more than just the vista overlooking the iconic Monroe Street Bridge and the rugged Spokane River Gorge. Kendall Yards’ appeal has been carefully curated to strike all the right notes. Farm-to-table eateries like The Yards Bruncheon and Central Foods have gone in alongside spas, art galleries, central gathering places and green spaces. Greenstone’s clean, modern development was laid out with alternative transportation in mind, so there are foot- and cycle-friendly connections to downtown courtesy of the Centennial Trail, which meanders along the periphery of the built environment. On account of its close-knit convenience and natural beauty, Kendall Yards has become a draw for career professionals, along with well-to-do retirees and empty nesters looking to downsize while staying close to downtown entertainment and retail. “The kind of people moving into Kendall Yards are people who are seeking an active lifestyle close to urban amenities,” says Cat Carrel, Kendall Yards’ residential sales manager. “They enjoy the connectedness of the trail and the community to the restaurants and retail stores. The recurring thing I hear is that they appreciate the urban setting that’s close to nature, as well as the walkability. The maintenance-free aspect attracts people of all ages, too. They don’t have to do their own landscaping, mow their yard or blow out their sprinkler system.” HOME SALES: Approximately 95 percent of units are presold PREDOMINANT HOME STYLES: Mixed contemporary AVERAGE RENT: $1,800 AVERAGE HOME PRICE: $294,000 MEDIAN HOME PRICE: $281,000 LANDMARKS: Spokane River Gorge, Centennial Trail, Bulldozer by Roger Berry NEIGHBORHOOD HAUNTS: Central Foods, The Nest, Nectar Tasting Room




A NANNUNAUL ARLE R PE OPRO TRT “ H o t ‘ H o o d s ,” c o n t i n u e d EVERGREEN NEIGHBORHOOD


While some neighborhoods experience dramatic rises and falls in popularity over the years, Rockwood has been a constant favorite ever since Spokane was in its infancy. To this day it remains a desirable spot to settle for both longtime locals and newly arrived homebuyers — provided they can afford it. Median house prices in Rockwood for the past year are $254,000, down slightly from the same period for 2013-14 but $70,500 above the current median for Spokane as a whole. Laid out in large part by the Olmsted Brothers, who designed urban areas in harmony with their natural geography, Rockwood’s winding, treelined streets and stately, well-maintained homes are the closest one can get to a “Norman Rockwell existence in this hustle-bustle world,” says Patrick Vollmer, a resident and “self-proclaimed ambassador” of the neighborhood. A handful of Olmsted’s triangle parks — tiny green spaces offering a natural respite from roads and structures — are scattered throughout the “undulating topography” of the area. “I’m a big fan of Frederick Law Olmsted, and the park system in the Rockwood neighborhood was a big influence on me,” Vollmer says. “Just having so many parks and the great number of trees is something that gives this residential neighborhood its own character. I also appreciate the eclecticism of the real estate — from early 20th-century to mid-century homes. I have a mid-century home and I live among a pocket of homes that were built in the mid-’60s and ’70s, which is pretty unique in Spokane.” Bordered by the verdant spread of Manito and Lincoln parks, Rockwood also has the top-rated schools and high overall quality of life you’d expect to go along with all these soughtafter attributes. PREDOMINANT HOME STYLES: Craftsman, Neo-colonial, mid-century PERCENTAGE OF MARRIED-COUPLE FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN: 34.3 MEDIAN RENT (2011): $652 AVERAGE HOME PRICE: $272,000 MEDIAN HOME PRICE: $258,000 LANDMARKS: Olmstead triangle parks, basalt pillars, Lloyd-Bertles House and Garden NEIGHBORHOOD HAUNTS: Rockwood Bakery, Manito Shopping Center HOMES SOLD IN PAST YEAR: 96 HOMES SOLD MID-2013 TO MID-2014: 89 AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET: 54


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Of late, enough young families and aspiring professionals have moved into this formerly 50/50 renter/owner neighborhood for it to qualify as up-and-coming. As in nearby West Central, property ladder entrants are taking advantage of ridiculously affordable (median price: $102,000), three- and four-bedroom, turn-of-the-century Craftsman homes, choosing to channel their money into asset-building remodels instead of monthly mortgage payments. The neighborhood itself features two well-used parks — historic Corbin and smaller Emerson — along with a central location that allows its residents to walk or cycle to the best that bordering areas have to offer: small-business shopping in the Garland District, barbecues and concerts in Audubon Park and entertainment in downtown Spokane. “We continue to live and work in Emerson-Garfield because we’re so impressed with the pride we see being taken in neighborhood revitalization efforts — whether it’s home renovations and watching relationships being built between neighbors, or the energy we’re starting to witness along the North Monroe business corridor,” says resident Megan Kennedy. “It’s exciting to be a part of it.” For several years she and her husband have run Rogue Heart Media out of their home. But they recently purchased a commercial space on North Monroe, in anticipation of pedestrian-friendly improvements slated for 2017 that should make the heart of the neighborhood greener and more walkable. A budding seasonal farmers market in the middle of the neighborhood, a soon-to-be-completed microbrewery and a growing cluster of independent vintage and antique shops along its central thoroughfare are just some more signs that this could soon be a dynamic center of urban renewal. PREDOMINANT HOME STYLES: Craftsman MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 2011: $34,957 MEDIAN RENT (2011): $545 AVERAGE HOME PRICE: $106,000 MEDIAN HOME PRICE: $102,000 (same as previous year) LANDMARKS: Boulevard Building, Corbin Park, Currie House NEIGHBORHOOD HAUNTS: Caffe Delicio, Tossed & Found, The Hub HOMES SOLD IN PAST YEAR (MID-2014 TO MID-2015): 116 HOMES SOLD MID-2013-14: 101 AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET: 63 days


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A NANNUNAUL ARLE R PE OPRO TRT “ H o t ‘ H o o d s ,” c o n t i n u e d HIP ’HOOD

South Perry

Six or seven years ago, South Perry was a small, unpolished gem in the East Central neighborhood that offered affordable entry to the ever-popular South Hill. Since the revitalization of South Perry’s central business district, the surrounding area has experienced a similar transformation, becoming a top choice for homebuyers who want easy commuter access to bus lines, downtown arterials and the freeway, with tree-lined streets and trendy upscale businesses close by. Today, while still affordable by national and even local standards, South Perry’s predominantly Craftsman and Victorian homes have accordingly risen in price, selling for $155,000 (median) in the past year — an increase of 6.2 percent over the same period in 2013-14. “It’s returning to more of a neighborhood feel like it was in years past,” says Eric Etzel, a Spokane realtor who has sold several listings in the area. “Some degree of stigma may have gone away with the shops and restaurants that are there now, and as that improves, that improves the neighborhood overall. Houses that might have been rentals have been converted to owner-occupied homes.” In addition to its renowned farmers market on Thursdays and indie businesses like The Shop, South Perry Pizza, Perry Street Brewing and Two Wheel Transit, the area is more or less triangulated by decent-sized parks: Grant, Liberty and Lincoln. Amenities like those in such close proximity — plus the cozy, happening vibe — are attracting buyers from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds and age groups, to the point that the pool of available homes is shrinking. Average listing times dropped from 71 days (close to the current Spokane average) in 2013-14 to just 54 days in the period from mid-2014 to mid-2015. PREDOMINANT HOME STYLES: Craftsman, Victorian AVERAGE HOME PRICE: $155,000 MEDIAN HOME PRICE: $145,000 LANDMARKS: Spokane Buddhist Temple, Grant Park NEIGHBORHOOD HAUNTS: South Perry Farmers Market, Casper Fry HOMES SOLD IN PAST YEAR: 74 HOMES SOLD MID-2013-14: 78 AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET (MID-2013-14): 71 days AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET (MID-2014-15): 54 days


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Gonzaga/ Chief Garry The closest thing Spokane has to a university district is also one of its most affordable areas. But word might be starting to get out. Between mid-2013 and now, median house prices in the area around and to the east of Gonzaga University (portions of the Logan and Chief Garry neighborhoods) rose from $83,000 to $88,000. That might not sound like much, but it represents a 6 percent increase year over year. Similar to the correlations seen in other districts like South Perry, part of that price increase might be attributed to the Hamilton corridor near the university, where pedestrian crossings and approachable storefronts have helped to rejuvenate an important arterial. Cathy Gunderson, a 36-year resident of the area and co-chair of the Chief Garry Park Neighborhood Council, says that there are small but significant pockets of improvement all over this modest “mostly blue-collar” area: “There is some new housing going up. And there is some development going on in the Napa corridor, the portion between Trent and Mission.” But the biggest advantage might lie in its often overlooked location along the Spokane River, which has portions of the Centennial Trail and Tuffy’s Trail on its banks. “We’re right in the center of things if you really look at the map. We’re just a skip to the Valley, we’re not far from the West Side, and we’re within a bike ride from downtown. If you want to get around Spokane easily, this would be the place to live,” Gunderson says. Along with the greenery of two large parks, college students and ascetic professors couldn’t ask for better accessibility: The area is bookended by Spokane Community College to the east and Gonzaga to the west; EWU’s and Washington State’s Spokane branches lie just across the river. PREDOMINANT HOME STYLES: Postwar bungalow, AVERAGE HOME PRICE: $93,000 MEDIAN HOME PRICE: $88,000 LANDMARKS: Avista building, Chief Garry Park, Gonzaga University, Iron Bridge NEIGHBORHOOD HAUNTS: Cassano’s Market, Jack & Dan’s, No-Li Brewhouse HOMES SOLD IN PAST YEAR: 102 HOMES SOLD MID-2013-14: 78 AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET (MID-2013-14): 73 days


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A NANNUNAUL ARLE R PE OPRO TRT “ H o t ‘ H o o d s ,” c o n t i n u e d WATERFRONT FUN

Mill River

The site of a former lumber mill (hence its name), Mill River is an expanding and varied assortment of new apartments, condos and large singlefamily detached homes on the banks of the Spokane River in Coeur d’Alene. That mixed makeup might sound hodgepodge, but Mill River’s multiple developers have been uniformly meticulous in their approach. The emphasis here is on high-quality luxury builds, low maintenance, and waterfront recreation such as kayaking and boating. So, for example, the condo plumbing is cast iron instead of plastic to minimize noise. Some units feature an elevator option. The detached homes are constructed in a classic Craftsman design with small, easy-to-tend lots and a carriage-house option replete with kitchenette for housing visiting family and guests. Right next to the community beach with barbecue pits, volleyball courts and a covered cabana, there’s a slip at Johnson Mill River Park that allows boaters to moor for the day. This has appealed to renters as well as owners — Mill River is split about 50/50 along those lines — who share the same priorities. “It’s a wonderful neighborhood,” says Lea Williams of Sotheby’s. “You get the benefits of enjoying the lakefront without paying for a high-priced waterfront property if you’re living in a condo or secondary waterfront home. There’s a nice diversity of housing choices for whatever stage in life you’re in. Mill River is also close to all amenities in Coeur d’Alene and close to I-90 for quick access to Spokane.” The North Idaho Centennial Trail hugs parts of the freeway there, too, giving residents yet another transportation or recreation alternative. Current prices for condos range from $244,000 to $315,000. Secondary single-family waterfront homes are going for $364,000 to $563,000; a brand-new, top-of-the-line customized true waterfront home could set you back $1,250,000. PREDOMINANT HOME STYLES: Classic Craftsman, traditional condos NUMBER OF CONDOS SOLD IN 2015: 8 NUMBER OF SINGLE-FAMILY SECONDARY HOMES SOLD IN 2015: 8 MEDIAN PRICE FOR SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES: $328,000 AVERAGE LISTING TIME: 143 days AVERAGE APARTMENT RENT: $1,054


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Eagle Ridge


Suburbia often gets a bad rap, but there’s something to be said for tidily spaced homes built within recent memory, well-tended lawns and tranquil residential streets that offer a wholesale escape from urban life. That’s just what Eagle Ridge delivers. Located 5 miles from downtown Spokane, this master-planned community built in a concatenation of intentional loops prides itself on its landscaped walking trails, “tot lots” where children can play safely, and more than 160 acres of forested common space. The nearly 6-acre Whispering Pines Park at its center shows family-friendly movies on summer evenings and features a rock-climbing wall and several playgrounds, as well as a multipurpose athletic court. If the nine-hole golf course on the eastern edge of Eagle Ridge isn’t enough, you’re within skipping distance of full-sized The Creek at Qualchan Golf Course. Of course, all this luxury is reflected in the home prices. Median sales for the past year have run around $297,000 — up 7.2 percent from the same period for the previous year. “It’s more like a resort,” says Cindy Mathis, marketing manager for Newland Communities. “When you leave work, you’re coming home to an area that is surrounded by nature.” She notes that the development was initially zoned for 2,000 units, but only 1,080 were built: “Instead of doing grid housing with no green space, we took a lot of that acreage and left it untouched or groomed to make the neighborhood more appealing.” With a total of five parks, regular neighborhood-wide events such as book clubs, picnics and karaoke, plus a neighborhood intranet for an online resident grapevine, Eagle Ridge has become a popular choice for “a true mix” of home buyers. “We’re very connected here,” says Mathis. “It’s for people who are looking for the old fashioned get-together with your neighbors.” HOMES SOLD 2013-14: 130 HOMES SOLD 2014-15: 152 AVERAGE HOME PRICE 2013-14: $301,000 AVERAGE HOME PRICE 2014-15: $311,000 MEDIAN HOME PRICE 2013-14: $277,000 MEDIAN HOME PRICE 2014-15: $297,000 MEDIAN HOME PRICE INCREASE MID-2013 TO MID-2015, YEAR ON YEAR: 7.2% AVERAGE NUMBER OF DAYS ON MARKET 2014-15: 72 PREDOMINANT HOME STYLES: Contemporary Craftsman NEIGHBORHOOD HAUNTS: Whispering Pines Park, Serenity Park, Eagle Ridge Short Course

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First Impressions

The city of Spokane wants to leave a better first impression on visitors through its interstate exits Julie Happy, a city spokeswoman, has heard stories of people avoiding the I-90 Division Street exit. Marked by cement and piles of rocks, some residents of Spokane wanted to keep visitors, tourists and business travelers from having the eyesore be their first introduction to the Lilac City. But all that’s changed with that exit, and there are more changes on their way. THE CITY RECENTLY GAVE A $600,000 FACE-LIFT TO THE DIVISION STREET EXIT that includes a metal statue by local artist Virgil ”Smoker“ Marchand depicting an Indian spearing a fish, along with pedestrian lighting, ADA-approved ramps, new sidewalks, basalt and trees. The entire project is intended to reflect Spokane’s relationship with the river that runs through it. According to Happy, the city is planning on fixing up other exits as well, starting with the eastbound Monroe Street exit. The improvements to the exit, part of a broader $3.8 million package of enhancements to the Lincoln-Monroe corridor, will include stormwater facilities, a replaced curb and added vegetation, such as barberry plants. The project should be completed by October, she says, and the city is considering doing work on other exits. JAKE THOMAS











In 2014, there were 1,367 VEHICLE COLLISIONS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. Some were minor fender-benders. Some involved pedestrians. Some didn’t. And some resulted in serious bodily injury or even death. So what are the most dangerous intersections in Spokane? According to 2014 numbers from the Washington State Department of Transportation, the intersection at Assembly Street and Independence Drive saw five accidents resulting in injury, the most of any for the entire year. However, all those accidents were classified as non-disabling injuries (i.e., an abrasion or broken toe), but fell short of being classified as “severe injuries,” which are much more serious. Other intersections saw more serious accidents. There were three fatal accidents that occurred at Mission Avenue and South Riverton Avenue, North Ash Street and West Sharp Avenue, and West Wellesley Avenue and North Belt Street. ACROSS THE BORDER IN COEUR D’ALENE, THERE WERE 297 COLLISIONS IN 2013 (the Idaho Department of Transportation was still determining numbers for 2014). JAKE THOMAS

Coeur d’Alene




Most Dangerous Intersections




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INTERSECTION Hanley Ave. and US 95 Appleway Ave. and Lincoln Way Kathleen Ave. and US 95 Appleway Ave. and Govt. Way Hanley Ave. and Ramsey Rd.


ACCIDENTS INJURIES 23 12 22 19 21 10 17 8 17 4

INTERSECTION E. Third Ave. and S. Scott St. E. Boone Ave. and N. Magnolia St. E. Bridgeport Ave. and N. Helena St. E. Bridgeport Ave. and N. Ralph St.



Seeds of Change Here’s a snapshot of what’s changed (and what hasn’t) since legalization hit Washington

WHAT HASN’T CHANGED? Most of the big no-nos haven’t changed (i.e. don’t give weed to the baby, don’t bring weed to Idaho, don’t smoke weed and drive). But there’s one that’s less obvious. Of the four states that have legalized marijuana, the Evergreen State is the only where home grows remain illegal. Another thing that hasn’t changed is that your boss can drugtest and fire you for consuming pot.

and sell cannabis, researchers to apply for special licenses to grow and sell the plant, and people experiencing PTSD or traumatic brain injuries to get medical marijuana. The Legislature has passed a bill making it illegal to have an open container of marijuana in a vehicle. It’s also become illegal to make your own butane hash oil, a gooey highly potent concentrate, without a license because stoners have blown up their houses making it.

WHAT HAS CHANGED? One of the biggest changes to the state’s pot laws has been the Cannabis Patient Protection Act, which was signed by Gov. Jay Inslee this spring. The new law is intended to rein in the largely unregulated medical market by merging it with the tightly regulated recreational market. The law provides a process for medical dispensaries to prove that they’ve been good actors and stay open, but many will be phased out by July of next year. Recreational stores can apply to serve the medical market. If approved, they’ll carry medical marijuana products and be allowed to give advice to patients. Other new pot laws allow the governor to enter into compacts with Indian tribes letting them produce

HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN CITED FOR DRIVING STONED? The number of people driving impaired is on the rise, according to numbers from the Washington State Toxicology Laboratory. In 2009, the lab received 4,809 impaired driving cases for testing, of which 18 percent positive for THC, the psychoactive property in marijuana. Preliminary numbers for 2014; the lab tested 6,270 cases, of which 28 percent tested positive for THC. The number of fatal crashes where the driver tested positive for marijuana has also increased. In 2009, there were 76 fatal crashes involving a marijuana-positive driver. Preliminary numbers for 2014 show that number rising to 85. JAKE THOMAS

Since 1961 service has been our speciality 13 locations throughout Washington, Idaho, Montana




Who to Follow on Social Media Add these people and organizations to your news feed for a daily dose of Inland Northwest news, food and culture


TWITTER @SpokaneCity Follow the City of Spokane to be in the know about local construction projects, job openings, city news, and recaps of City Council meetings. THE TIN ROOF /SHOPTHETINROOF The Tin Roof has a strong Pinterest presence with interior design ideas galore. Check it out to give your home or office a fresh new look. APPLE BRIDES / RACHEL_SALLIE Apple Brides is a great resource for the newly engaged in the Inland Northwest. Follow founder and editor Rachel Sandall on Pinterest for DIY decor ideas, the latest in wedding fashions, and a healthy collection of Kate Middleton photos.

THE MAKE-UP STUDIO /THEMAKEUPSTUDIO The Make-Up Studio provides makeup services to individuals and commercial clients across the Inland Northwest. Follow them on Pinterest for makeup trends, application tips and new products.

SYLVIA FOUNTAINE (FROM FEAST CATERING) /FEASTINGATHOME If you’re looking to spice up your dinner routine, check out local chef and food blogger Sylvia Fountaine’s Pinterest profile for easy 30-minute meals, vegan and vegetarian recipes, gourmet comfort food and drink ideas.

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SPOKANE COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT /SPCOLIBRARYDIST The Spokane County Library District has plenty of pins offering info about library services and events, tips for parents and teachers, and book suggestions.

@ZagMBB, @ZagWBB The Zags don’t just hit the court during the season; Keep up with Gonzaga basketball teams and alumni yearround by following their Twitter feeds. @LisaGerber Founder of Big Leap Creative Integrated Communications in Sandpoint, Lisa Gerber regularly posts tips about marketing, branding and living a balanced life as a business owner. @MelissaKXLY4 Follow KXLY4 Executive Producer Melissa Luck for frequently quirky takes on local and national news and life in Spokane. @karliingersoll One half of the dynamic duo behind the Bartlett and member of local band Cathedral Pearls, Karli Ingersoll is a great gal to follow for a personal view of a variety of local goings-on.

SWEET FROSTINGS /SWEETFROSTINGS This downtown shop has boards for all things sweet, including wedding cake designs, cute cookie ideas and photos of the latest treats in store.

VISIT SPOKANE /VISITSPOKANE Visit Spokane’s job is to get people to love Spokane, and their Pinterest presence might be enough to do the trick on its own. Even if you don’t need any convincing to love this city, follow them for pins of historic photos, local food photos and attractions.

@Sherman_Alexie If you aren’t already familiar with this award-winning writer who grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation, you ought to be. Start by picking up one of his books, but also follow him on Twitter for insights and quips about current events and life in the Northwest. @SpokaneArena Follow the Spokane Arena for concert photos and announcements about newly booked shows and ticket sales. @NorthwestMuseum Check out the Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture’s Twitter feed to learn about upcoming exhibits, featured artists and special events.


@thefarmchicks AUNTIE’S BOOKSTORE “Like” Auntie’s Bookstore for information about upcoming readings, new items, book recommendations and fun pro-reading posts.

BEN JOYCE STUDIOS Local artist Ben Joyce paints colorful birds-eye views of landscapes to celebrate what he calls the human love of place. Google Earth recently invited him to create an annual six-month exhibit for their corporate headquarters. “Like” him on Facebook to see where else his unique art ends up.

The mastermind behind the annual Farm Chicks Antique Show, Serena Thompson shares crafts, baked goods other charming snapshots of life on her family’s Green Bluff farm.

Follow this downtown Spokane resale boutique for the latest modern and vintage clothing and home decor in stock.

@knitspokane @chefjlhansen

CHAPS DINER AND BAKERY Chaps Diner and Bakery’s Facebook page is almost as cute as the restaurant itself. “Like” it to see daily specials, recipes and uplifting posts.

HERON POND FARM If your newsfeed needs more goats, cheeses and inspirational quotes, be sure to follow Heron Ponds Farm. The sustainable family farm at the base of Tower Mountain regularly posts photos of their goats “saying” silly things that’ll have you giggling in no time.

Owner and executive chef of Santé and Common Crumb Bakery Jeremy L. Hansen posts photos of his latest culinary creations and his visits to local eateries on his Instagram account.

Follow the Knitting Factory for updates on the latest show bookings, live concert photos and tickets on sale.



THE INLANDER We hate to toot our own horn, but we must. “Like” the Inlander to see everything from breaking news to culture and opinion in the Inland Northwest. After all, we are America’s best-read urban weekly.

Spokane Arts, a nonprofit working in conjunction with the Spokane Arts Commission, shares photos of the city’s rising art scene in an effort to amplify and celebrate creativity in the area.

SPOKANIMAL C.A.R.E. Animal shelters don’t always have to be sad. “Like” SpokAnimal C.A.R.E. for events, fundraisers, cute photos of available animals and newly adopted critters with their “furever” families.

Follow this quirky account for photos of various people, places and things around Spokane that prove that it certainly doesn’t suck.


The Spokane Riverkeeper is a branch of the Center for Justice that is dedicated to protecting and restoring the Spokane River Watershed. Follow the Riverkeeper for snapshots of the group’s latest projects. ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



Four tips for home sellers 1. FIRST IMPRESSIONS MATTER, and they start with a picture. It might not be a bad idea to hire a photographer. Or if you’d rather take them yourself, make sure they’re in focus. When showing your house, clean off the countertops (that makes counter space look larger) pick up clutter around the house and maybe touch up the paint.


Four tips for home buyers 1. GET PRE-APPROVED. This will help you narrow your search and creates less risk for sellers. Most sellers won’t even accept an offer from a buyer who’s not pre-approved. In a competitive market like the one we’re in right now, says Jack Kestell, president of the Spokane Association of Realtors, the less risk a buyer’s offer carries, the better. 2. VISIT OPEN HOUSES. Get a sense of how much houses are going for. Until you get inside a home and are able to see its value, you won’t be able to recognize a good value. 3. COME UP WITH A LIST OF AMENITIES — features you definitely want in a home — but be open throughout the process. “I have seen many buyers tell us what they want, only to see that change drastically after being open and seeing what other options are out there,” says Joe Frank, Greenstone Homes president.

2. DO NOT BE IN THE HOME while a potential buyer is viewing it. The owner’s presences makes buyers apprehensive, says Jack Kestell, president of the Spokane Association of Realtors, 3. PRICE THE HOME ACCURATELY. Take into consideration what other homes in the area have sold for, and see how they compare to your own regarding size, condition and number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Homes that are priced according to the current market sell much faster. 4. WHEN SHOWING YOUR HOME, turn on all the lights and open some windows for the fresh air (if it’s warm enough). Consider taking any pets to the park while potential buyers are walking through. MITCH RYALS

Spokane Rental Map


4. HIRE A PROFESSIONAL HOME INSPECTOR if a seller accepts your offer. Otherwise you could be stuck with the bill for repairs. FRANCIS AVE.














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Although the growth in new residential housing in Spokane is slow, it’s growth nonetheless. This data uses new building permits for single family homes, duplexes and apartment buildings to track the the modest increase. Although residential building permits don’t guarantee anything will be built, they are generally considered good indicators of growth, says Joel White, executive officer for the Spokane Home Builders Association. What’s the largest new up-and-coming development? White says EAGLE RIDGE IN SOUTH SPOKANE HAS ALREADY SOLD 28 NEW HOMES THIS YEAR, more than any other development.


Slow and Steady

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Spokane Cost of Living


Innovation Economy




Spokane stacks up favorably next to its urban peers when it comes to cost of living. AN ANNUAL SALARY OF $37,707 AFFORDS THE SAME STANDARD OF LIVING THAT CAN BE HAD FOR $50,000 A YEAR IN SEATTLE, according to Sperling’s Best Places, mostly because housing is 47 percent cheaper. Spokane is far more affordable than Billings, Boise, Denver and Portland, too. Housing costs for both renters and buyers and low utility costs are the primary contributors to the lower cost of living. The median home price in Spokane is just $131,000. Spokane’s cost of living even beats the national average by 9 percent.


Jobs by Gender

In Spokane, female employees dominate the educational services, finance and insurance industries. Meanwhile, men are the primary job holders in the manufacturing, transportation and warehousing fields, according to data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2012. THE MOST MALE-DOMINATED INDUSTRY IS CONSTRUCTION, WHERE MORE THAN 87 PERCENT OF THE WORKERS ARE MEN. WOMEN HAVE A SIMILAR CRITICAL MASS IN HEALTH CARE AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE, WHERE THEY HOLD 75 PERCENT OF THE POSITIONS. The breakdown for all jobs in 2012 found women filling 51.4 percent and men 48.6 percent. LAEL HENTERLY

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Lately, innovation has come to play a prominent role in Spokane’s economy. Centered around the University District’s MCKINSTRY STATION INNOVATION CENTER (850 E. Spokane Falls Blvd.), this new employment sector is robust and growing. The McKinstry building is home to a dazzling array of startup companies founded by local entrepreneurs. There’s ETAILZ, a data-driven online retailer that began as a business plan pitched in a class at Gonzaga University. Other tenants include the technology company NUVODIA and the canine genetictesting pioneer PAW PRINT GENETICS. The connection to local universities is strong at McKinstry, and the adjacent manufacturing accelerator space TOOLBOX provides new companies with the expert advice they need to bring their product ideas online. Current tenants are experimenting with aerial drones, new building materials and modular man caves made from recycled shipping containers. “We want to capture the right idea at the right time, and then match it with the right lead and the right team to exercise an awesome startup company,” says Toolbox founder Andy Barrett. When those things happen in Spokane, the companies tend to blossom and grow here. “The innovators are the ones that push us to think differently; the innovators are the ones who bring us back and are choosing the city of choice to do their development,” says Mayor David Condon. LAEL HENTERLY

Strength S in Numbers Coworking spaces around the region offer professional workspaces outside the home office

Fish Ladder Marketing graphic designer Casey Stoddard, right, works at Fellow Coworking.

top camping out with your laptop at coffee shops. No offense meant to any of the region’s many such shops, but there are other options out there to get a day’s work in without the distraction of hissing espresso machines and the mental struggle of blocking out the conversational chatter at an adjacent table. Coworking is no longer a new trend in the technology-evolved world of business, but it’s been a bit slower to take hold across the Inland Northwest. The concept is quite simple: a shared office space offering access via a range of usage-based rates, with all the perks of a typical office — Wi-Fi, printing, coffee and meeting rooms. Professionals who benefit most from this model are those who’d otherwise be working from home (or the aforementioned coffee-shop campers): freelancers, contract workers, telecommuters; as well as frequent business travelers and fledgling startups not ready to take on the risk of leasing their own space. One of Spokane’s first coworking spaces, FELLOW (304 W. Pacific; opened its doors downtown in November 2013. “The impetus for Fellow was wanting to create community and to help foster the creative and entrepreneurial scene — getting creatives and nonprofit people and businesspeople in the same room to share ideas,” says co-founder Luke Baumgarten. “We’re creating a place where all that lives under one roof, and companies are working independently but helping each other.” Having quickly outgrown its 1,250-square-foot, modern-contemporary digs on South Howard, Fellow is relocating later this year to the historic, revitalized Washington Cracker Co. building. The new


space will be nearly four times larger than its first. To gain access to Fellow — most of the region’s coworking spaces follow a similar fee model — members can pay for access on a part- or full-time basis, ranging from $45/month to drop in once a week, up to $255/month to have 24-hour access and a designated workspace of their own. Some venues, like THE OFFICE SANDPOINT (506 Alder St.;, also rent out meeting/ conference rooms via a flat fee, and offer day rates and prepaid punch cards. Also in downtown Spokane and about to move to a new, larger space is SHARE SPACE SPOKANE (608 W. Second;, operated as part of Greater Spokane Incorporated’s entrepreneurial support services. Besides desk space, Wi-Fi and printing services, many coworking offices also offer business consulting and mentorship to new ventures. In North Idaho, INNOVATE COEUR D’ALENE’s (410 E. Sherman Ave., CdA; coworking space is both a shared office and an event center for local technology and business networking events. Co-owner Nick Smoot says the Innovate space also runs a startup accelerator service, helping startup companies become marketable in a 90-day period. While major metropolitan areas are rife with coworking spaces, smaller towns — as evident by the success of Sandpoint’s office, which serves many semi- or early retired professionals starting a second entrepreneurial career — stand to greatly benefit from the shared-space model. Moscow, Idaho, also has its own shared workspace, MOSCOWORK (120 E. 3rd St.; CHEY SCOTT ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



Teen Smoking Spike New survey results show a dramatic uptick in teen e-cigarette and marijuana use. The survey of 10,000 Spokane County teenagers revealed that 26 PERCENT OF HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORES ARE VAPING WITH E-CIGARETTES — that’s twice the state’s rate. Marijuana use is also on the rise, with 19 percent of sophomores admitting to using pot, and one in four high school seniors claiming they’ve used marijuana in the past 30 days. “I think there’s an understanding through youth that ‘Hey, marijuana is okay to use,’” says Kyle Unland, Director for the Health Promotion Division of the Spokane Regional Health District, in regard to the recent legalization of recreational marijuana, “but it’s not, of course, and can lead to a lot of problems and issues,” including long-term effects on the brain. Impaired driving is also an issue, as one in five sophomores admitted to riding with a driver who was high. Unland says more education and prevention programs are coming as Washington state allocates funds. MATTHEW SALZANO

1 4 in



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Vaccination Rates

Percentage of school-age children receiving the required vaccinations

82.7 %


84 % 94.7 % Opting Out This past year, measles, a disease that was declared eliminated in the United States in 2000, made its way to Washington state, and for the first time in 21 years, to Spokane County. THE RE-EMERGENCE OF MEASLES FORCED SPOKANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO PULL OUT 143 STUDENTS in April because they were in violation of the vaccination law. In July, it was revealed that the first person to die from measles in 12 years was a woman from Washington’s Clallam County. Ultimately, the measles scare revived the debate of whether or not parents should vaccinate their kids, especially when they are about to enter school. School reports show that kindergartners in Eastern Washington and North Idaho counties are, for the most part, far below the desired percentage for properly vaccinated children, which the Washington Department of Health says is 95 percent, in order to provide “community immunity” or what others call “herd immunity.” KATY BURGE

Sick Leave Study

A 2015 Spokane Regional Health District report shows that ACCESS TO PAID SICK LEAVE ENCOURAGES HEALTHIER WORKPLACES AND PROVIDES ECONOMIC SECURITY — but workers who need it simply don’t get it. The report shows that workers earning lower wages, with less education — especially those who work in the service industry for restaurants and hotels — are much less likely to have paid sick leave. This is not a healthy trend, the report concludes, because these workers are often reliant on their hourly wages and are more likely to go to work sick and spread disease. MATTHEW SALZANO

Partnerships can fund hope. This is our home. And our cause. That’s why we’re honored to stand with another home team in the local fight against cancer: InnerPacific Alliance for Cancer Care, the Official Medical Partner of Community Cancer Fund. Cancer Care Northwest, Kootenai Health and Providence Health Care have joined together to elevate the level of cancer care in our region. Even better, they’ve all joined together with Community Cancer Fund to provide the support local families need during their fight with cancer.


5 Apps Every Spokanite Needs If you don’t have these apps downloaded on your phone, you’re wasting your data plan BY DANIEL WALTERS

THE HOOPFEST APP Why we love it: It tracks everything, from teams to outhouses.

Why we love it: Because we love good drinks, but hate paying full price.

THE SCOOP: Hoopfest, the largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the world, takes over Downtown Spokane for a crazy weekend every summer. How crazy? More than 7,000 different teams crazy. Good luck finding your son’s team in that mix. Until, of course, the advent of the Hoopfest app. At the flick of a finger, you can track your favorite (or least favorite) teams, find cool events, and find everything from the Lost Child Tent to first-aid stations to honey buckets to available parking lots. How did we survive before this? It even lists the STA “hoop loop” — where the buses drop people off — and Uber stops so people could get to the events easier. The app was a smashing success at 2015’s Hoopfest. And Hoopfest is looking at even more upgrades for the app next year, seeking ways to more efficiently handle the traffic created by a quartermillion people.

THE SCOOP: Few things can make a person less happy than heading out for a Happy Hour, and finding you’ve arrived at an hour that has ceased to be happy. If only you could have easy access to information on all the area happy hours directly on your smartphone. If only you could instantly see a list of nearby happy hours, pegged to that day, from your phone. If only you could sort by price, genre of food and neighborhood. Good news. Your happy hour dreams have come true. Navigate to the Inlander home page on your smartphone, scroll down, and add the Drinkspotter to your home screen. Click on the bar or restaurant, get a mouth-watering description of the establishment, and instantly see happy hour specials. Those without a smartphone can get the same cool info by going to

Use it for: Navigating the Hoopfest chaos.

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Use it for: Finding that perfect bar to rant about the boss after work.




Why we love it: History is even Why we love it: We hate cooler when it happened right pocket change. where you are. Use it for: Beating the meter maid at her own game. Use it for: Making yourself your own tour guide of your city.

Why we love it: Riding the bus works best when you know exactly where you’re going.

THE SCOOP: As you wander around the streets of Spokane, tread lightly; you’re standing atop years of fascinating history. Unless you take a local historian out drinking with you, how are you supposed to know about the legacy of the Spokane Coliseum? Or the initial Monroe Street Bridge that was so shaky, Ringling Brothers’ elephants refused to cross it? Or the Colville artist who forged the Salmon Chief sculpture? Or the site where a Spokane police chief was gunned down in his own home? Or why Taft, Idaho, was called the “sewer of sin” by future president William Howard Taft? Or why Spokane University didn’t last 20 years? Or how I-90 destroyed the economic prospects of the East Central neighborhood? Or how an illegal dumping site became the famed (and infamous) People’s Park? Or where Spokane’s first legal hanging took place? Or why there are not one but two buildings in Spokane resembling giant milk bottles? All this, mapped to the location you’re standing on.

THE SCOOP: Of course, if you’re riding by bus, finding a parking spot isn’t a problem. Figuring out when — and where — your bus arrives is. At this point, the Spokane Transit Authority doesn’t have its own app. Fortunately, STA sends its transit data out, allowing a whole host of other apps to use it to plan a route. I used the TransitTimes app to — within a few seconds — find the quickest way to ride the bus from the Inlander offices to my parents’ North Spokane house. There are plenty of other similar options, from Google Maps to Bing Maps to Moovit to HERE. The days of fumbling over complicated route-sheet timetables are over, thankfully. Once STA upgrades its buses with streaming location data, via GPS, riding transit will be more convenient than ever. (And if STA ever gets its much-desired “Central City Line” built, it’ll be faster than ever as well.)

THE SCOOP: Spokane recently (finally) upgraded its downtown parking meters with the ability to pay by credit cards. The city not only caught up with the present, but went a bit into the future as well: It now allows smartphone payments. You don’t have scrounge around the seat cushions to find a few nickels to fill the meter. You can get your receipts electronically. You don’t have to get out of the car in the rain to feed the meter. You can get an automatic alert when your time is about to expire. Best of all, you don’t have to run out to the car to frantically extend your meter, then plead desperately with the meter maid for more time. Quick Pay, many of the reviews stipulate, has sometimes been dogged by bugs and slow load times. But when it works, it can save a lot of time.

Use it for: Carefully planning out your route, down to the second.




Joining T Forces

A collaboration between Inland Northwest cancer care providers aims to streamline treatment and provide patients with the latest advances in cancer therapies

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hree providers have joined forces with the goal of elevating care for cancer patients seeking treatment in the Inland Northwest. The regional InnerPacific Alliance for Cancer Care, which consists of CANCER CARE NORTHWEST, KOOTENAI HEALTH and PROVIDENCE HEALTH CARE, aims to offer integrated, comprehensive, multidisciplinary oncology services through the collaboration. The alliance isn’t an acquisition or merger, but a collaborative effort between the three cancer care providers. It strives to provide patients with the latest advances in cancer therapies and cutting-edge research, says Warren Benincosa, CEO of Cancer Care Northwest. “The access to those providers for the patients has greatly improved, so instead of going clinic to clinic, they can get it all under one roof,” Benincosa says. The alliance launched its first initiative — a radiation oncology program — in January 2015. Now, all inpatient and outpatient radiation oncology services for the alliance are provided by Cancer Care Northwest, and patients are able to receive treatment from a single provider that coordinates services at eight locations throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene areas. The program has a team of experts that includes 30 oncologists and nine advanced practice professionals, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants. For health care teams who care for cancer pa-


tients, the alliance promises to allow more coordinated patient care, elevate clinical outcomes, and expand program offerings. In addition, all three parties are committed to providing care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay. The alliance intends to use the collaborative model to offer expanded services, Benincosa says. Currently, they’re working together to expand a program for treating patients with blood cancers, including leukemia and myeloma. “We knew if we could do radiation oncology, we could do so many other things,” he says. Patients should be able to continue seeing their same doctors — although there may be times when he or she works with other specialists in the alliance — but they will work together to develop the course of treatment. Billing also has been streamlined, Benincosa says. “It’s all coordinated and orchestrated very well by doing this together,” he says. “That is the beauty of it. The integration piece is so much better.” The alliance may also mean expanded resources to conduct research collaboratively. “We’re looking at what we can do together in our research program,” he says. The hope is that collaboration will lead to even more robust research. “It does keep the providers on the cutting edge of what is the latest and greatest for cancer patients, so we can offer that to them when they need it,” says Benincosa. CHELSEA BANNACH


WORK IT A guide to seeking a second career in the Inland Northwest


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ife is too short to dread going to work every day. Perhaps you’re looking for a career offering a change of pace, more challenge, something more rewarding, or with better pay and benefits. Whatever the reason, it’s never too late to seek a second career. Taking off down a new career path can be an exciting but daunting task. Prospective students should consider their interests, how much time and money they are willing to invest in the education and training necessary to get a job, and if the wage and job availability supports the means necessary to attain it. “Do your homework — research the field you’re interested in switching to — and listen to your gut,” says Stacy Hudson, communications

Ultrasound team leader Julie Bronson demonstrates how she uses ultrasound at Inland Imaging. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Physical therapy assistant Trisha Denman works with 12-year-old patient Kaleb at St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO director at North Idaho College. “Are you just going through a rough patch, or is it time to jump out of a nest that you’ve built up around yourself?” A college’s admissions office can be a good place to start, Hudson says. Reach out to them and they can help you navigate through the process. The good news for those looking for a career change is that there is no shortage of educational opportunities in the Inland Northwest for those ready to join the ranks of people seeking a new beginning. Many of the programs prepare students for challenging, but rewarding, careers with a growing demand for workers nationwide and comfortable salaries. Our area’s community colleges offer a variety of educational programs that can be an efficient and cost-effective way to train you for a job that works for you. Here’s a guide to a small sampling of those programs:

PROGRAM OFFERED AT: Spokane Community College PROGRAM LENGTH: Two years DEGREE: Associate in Applied Science ESTIMATED MEDIAN SALARY: $66,410 per year nationwide JOB OUTLOOK: 39 percent growth (much faster than average) nationally from 2010 to 2022 Interested in human anatomy? Like to help others? Want to work in a patient care setting as an integral part of a medical team? Diagnostic medical sonography might be for you. It’s an allied health profession in which practitioners perform diagnostic and monitoring procedures using high-frequency sound waves to make dynamic images of organs, tissues or blood flow inside the body. Those images are then used by physicians to diagnose and treat medical conditions. Sonography also can be used to guide needles for tissue biopsy, or to drain an abnormal fluid collection from a body cavity. Sonographers work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, physician offices and medical and diagnostic laboratories. Diagnostic medical sonography is a rapidly advancing specialty, thanks to ongoing technological advances. Among other requirements, students must provide three letters of recommendation, undergo immunizations and drug screening, and complete 40 hours as a volunteer or employee in a patient-care setting and 10 of those hours need to be in a sonography department. Students entering this and other allied health care programs should be prepared to work very hard in school, says Dr. JL Henriksen, dean of Health and Environmental Sciences for the Community Colleges of Spokane. “They are intensive programs,” he says. “There’s a lot of material, but very rewarding occupations once they make it through the programs.”




E D U C AT I O N “ Wo r k I t ,” c o n t i n u e d

Radiology Technology PROGRAM OFFERED AT: Spokane Community College PROGRAM LENGTH: 7 quarters DEGREE: Associate in Applied Science ESTIMATED MEDIAN SALARY: $55,910 per year NATIONWIDE JOB OUTLOOK: 21 percent growth (faster than average) nationally from 2012 to 2022 Radiologic Technologists are an integral part of a team of health-care workers providing patient care. A radiologic technologist performs examinations at the request of a physician. Their primary duties include producing radiographic examinations that aid physicians in diagnosing diseases or injuries. Spokane Community College’s Radiology Technology program — formerly Holy Family Hospital School of Radiologic Technology and Sacred Heart Medical Center School of Radiologic Technology — has graduated radiologic technologists since 1965. The program is full-time and runs for seven continuous quarters, with a new class beginning in September of each year. Applicants to the program must complete 80 hours of work in direct patient care, either through their job or through a volunteer internship they set up on their own. Ten of those hours must be completed observing in a radiology department, ideally observing CAT scans, MRI procedures, and general diagnostic X-rays, such as those of the spine, chest and abdomen. The time spent volunteering helps the applicant become more comfortable with the sights, sounds, and smells of a medical environment, and to become more familiar with radiology. Upon graduating and becoming certified, radiologic technologists will work as an integral part of a health-care team. “Ultimately, that’s the direction medicine has gone all across the United States, and Spokane is figuring that out,” Henriksen says. “It’s all about teamwork, and relying on everybody else as part of a team to help patients.”

Radiology technologist Jutta Lambert-Nagel prepares a fluoroscope at Inland Imaging. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

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A repair technician uses a probe to test a PA amplifier from an MD-80 at Absolute Aviation Services. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Aerospace Manufacturing & Maintenance

PROGRAM OFFERED AT: North Idaho College and Spokane Community College PROGRAM LENGTH: 3-4 semesters (NIC) or 2-7 quarters (SCC), depending on the program DEGREE: FAA License or Associate of Applied Science, Airframe Maintenance License, General Aircraft Maintenance License, Power Plant Maintenance License ESTIMATED MEDIAN SALARY: $61,000 per year regionally/$22 per hour locally JOB OUTLOOK: 600 new jobs expected in the Inland Northwest in the next few years Get cleared for takeoff by training for a career in the aerospace industry right here in the Inland Northwest. Greater Spokane Incorporated reports there are upward of 120 aerospace employers in Spokane and North Idaho, and those employers anticipate an increase of about 600 new jobs in the area within the next few years. Washington Senator Maria Cantwell estimates that 21,000 aerospace workers will be needed in the state over the next decade. Spokane Community College began training aviation mechanics in the early 1940s prior to World War II, and has grown to become one of the leading national programs, recently overseeing a $20 million grant to train the next generation of aerospace workers in Washington state. “That propelled us into a bright national spotlight,” explains Dave Cox, the dean of technical education for SCC. NIC opened its Aerospace Center of Excellence in 2013 to help meet that growing demand with the launch of its first program, Aerospace Technology Advanced Manufacturing. NIC’s Aviation Maintenance Technology technical license takes three semesters to complete, and the Aviation Maintenance Technology Associate of Applied Science degree takes four semesters. SCC’s programs span from two quarters up to seven.

... continued on p. 45


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Should You Pursue an MBA? H

aving a master’s degree in business administration can be a great tool in the business world, but it’s not for everyone. Here are some smart and not-sosmart reasons to pursue an MBA:

5 Good Reasons to Get an MBA


You want to build a stronger professional network

Most MBA programs bring in a variety of successful businessfolk to bestow some of their workforce wisdom on students. This is a perfect chance to meet leaders and experts in your field and give your professional network some depth. MBA programs with strong alumni chapters also provide great networking opportunities. If you do it right, you’ll develop relationships with professors and classmates that could come in handy down the road. “We have people from all over the world. You never know, maybe two people bonded in class, and someday there’ll be a job opening, and that seals the deal,” says Mitch Swanger, Recruitment and Admissions Manager for Graduate Programs at WSU. “They’re interacting with each other daily and developing lifelong connections and friendships.”


You want to learn to think outside the box

The professors in MBA programs know the business world inside and out, and a

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handful of them will really challenge you. Play your cards right, and you can probably find a mentor or two to challenge you beyond the classroom as well. You’ll also be surrounded by a much more diverse group of classmates than in undergrad. In particular, American MBA programs draw a substantial number of international students. Working alongside students who have backgrounds in foreign markets will help you develop a global mindset that’ll serve you well in any job.


You want to practice your leadership skills


You want to refocus or revive career goals


You want to qualify for better and/or higher paying jobs

It takes a special set of skills to make a company full of people with varying personalities and work ethics cooperate. Hopefully by the end of your MBA studies, this won’t seem like such a daunting task. In addition to courses that specifically teach you how to manage people, you’ll also be working in teams in many of your other courses. This atmosphere should give you some solid leadership and interpersonal skills that will help you work better in a group setting and effectively manage your future employees.

An MBA can give you the skills and resources to take your career in a new direction. If you’ve always dreamed of working in a certain realm of business, or even of starting your own business, most programs allow you to choose a concentration that aligns with your professional goals, like nonprofit work, international business or entrepreneurship.

Money isn’t everything, but if you want more job opportunities — including higher paying opportunities — an MBA is a good way to increase your chances. This is especially relevant if you’re fairly young and looking to work your way up the corporate (or non-corporate) ladder faster. MBA holders certainly earn higher salaries, but the post-MBA pay increase depends on which sector they work in and which program they attended. “While an MBA doesn’t guarantee everything, it puts people in a much better place for obtaining promotions or for different jobs that may not have been attainable before,” says Swanger. ... continued on p. 46


“ W o r k I t ,” c o n t i n u e d f r o m p . 4 2

Physical Therapy Assistant

PROGRAM OFFERED AT: Spokane Falls Community College PROGRAM LENGTH: Two years DEGREE: Associate in Applied Science NATIONWIDE MEDIAN SALARY: $52,160 per year nationwide JOB OUTLOOK: 41 percent (much faster than average) nationally from 2012 to 2022 Are you caring and compassionate? Do you like to move? Consider a career as a physical therapy assistant. Physical therapy assistants work under the direction of a physical therapist to help patients carry out their therapy and recover from illness, accident or surgery, regain movement and strength, reduce pain, lessen a disability and improve their ability to function at work and play. As physical therapy assistants help others move, they’ll be moving a lot on the job as well. They also teach other health care providers, patients and families to perform the activities that help with the patient’s treatment. The seven-quarter program at Spokane Falls Community College will prepare students to sit for the Physical Therapist Assistant National Licensure Exam upon graduating, and students will gain an understanding of the basic science of physical therapy, including anatomy and physiology, kinesiology and growth and development across the lifespan. This field offers a lot of job opportunity. Demand for physical therapy services is expected to increase in response to the health-care needs of an older population and growing rates of chronic conditions, such as diabetes and obesity. Employment of physical therapist assistants and aides is projected to grow 41 percent from 2012 to 2022, much faster than the average for all occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Health-Care Informatics Technician PROGRAM OFFERED AT: North Idaho College PROGRAM LENGTH: Two years DEGREE: Associate’s Degree or Advanced Technical Certificate MEDIAN SALARY: $48,900 per year regionally JOB OUTLOOK: 22 percent (much faster than average) nationally from 2012 to 2022 This career field, which didn’t even exist 10 years ago, now is one of the most in-demand specialty fields in the health-care industry. Health-care Informatics combines the fields of computer information technology and health to develop and support the computer systems required to administer information, advance clinical workflow, and improve the security of the computerized health-care systems. The extraordinary advancement of medical knowledge and technologies that can vastly improve health-care delivery to consumers, thereby keeping the information related to these advancements organized and accessible, is crucial. Due to the widespread implementation and complexity of computerized health information, computer IT specialists with knowledge of health-care practices are in high demand: Luddites need not apply. NIC offers two-year options for an Advanced Technical Certificate or Associate’s Degree.


Part-Time MBA Programs EWU GONZAGA UW



In-state annual tuition






Out-of-state tuition






U.S. News & World Report ranking


#81 in Best Part-Time MBA #13 in Best Part-Time MBA

#21 in Best Online Graduate MBA

Not eligible

Average program duration

1.5 years

2 years

3 years

2 years

2 years

Accelerated 1-year option






Rolling admissions






AACSB Accreditation






Evening Classes






Weekend optional classes






Online classes offered






Financial Aid Yes Yes Yes Yes Marketing, finance, Management, marketing, Accounting, Finance, Health Care Areas of Study Finance

Management (2016-2017),

nonprofit, entrepreneur-

international business,

American Indian Entre-

ship, finance, economics,

hospitality business


product development,


Yes International Management

operations management, Year founded



international business 1917



Notable alumni (includes all MBA

Clinton Marvel

Thomas Hammer (Thomas

Melba Bartels (JP Morgan

Michael Dreyer

Mitsuomi Nakamura

program options at each school)

(Lukins &

Hammer Coffee Roast-

Chase, HomeStreet, Inc.),

(VISA, Inc.; Monitise


William Ayer (Alaska Air-

Americas, Inc.)

Abigail Franklin

Annis), Patricia ers), Josh Neblett (etailz), Shea (Avista)

Jaunessa Walsh (Farmgirlfit) lines, Alaska Air Group)

(Global Credit Union)

3 Bad Reasons to Get an MBA


You just want to boost your resume

Sure, an MBA will help you stand out in a pile of resumes. But if that’s the main reason you want one, don’t do it. You can’t reap the full benefits of earning the degree if your heart isn’t in it. You can add it to your resume, but if you didn’t try to develop personally and professionally from your studies, it can be useless.


You don’t know what else to do

As with any graduate schooling, getting an MBA is no easy task, especially if you’re simultaneously juggling a job/family/ social life. If you’re not certain that an MBA is the right next step for you, do some serious thinking. There’s no sense in spending time and money on a degree if you’re just pursuing it as

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a filler. MBAs are geared toward professionals who have experience and a plan for how they want to use the degree in their careers.


You’re a recent college grad who mostly wants to continue school to avoid the “real world”

Don’t be silly. You’ve been living in the “real world” your entire life. Graduating from college is just another step into it. So, unless you have a specific plan and you know exactly why you need your MBA as soon as possible, it’s probably best to wait. Most MBA programs prefer (or require) candidates with one or two years of experience after undergrad. Plus, you could gain more from your classes if you have a couple of years in the workforce under your belt. However, sometimes it might make sense

to jump into post-grad studies. Jaunessa Walsh, co-owner of the popular Farmgirlfit gyms in Spokane and Coeur d’Alene, did find success after receiving an MBA right out of undergrad. The Gonzaga grad said she thinks there are pros and cons to the path she took. “The advantage was that I didn’t have a lot of other pressing matters in my life — no family, no kids — it allowed me to get my degree at a time when I could easily fit it into my schedule,” she says. “I think the disadvantage was not having real world experience. Most of the people in my classes had work experience, and just by the way they talked in classes you could tell that their wheels were turning a little differently. You could tell they were looking for specific things for their businesses. But also, I think not having the experience left me a little more open minded to absorb everything that the program had to offer.” LAURA REGESTER


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Spokane-Area Private

Schools SCHOOL





While many of these private schools have preschools and other programs, this grid focuses on K-12. The information below was provided by the schools.




All Saints Catholic School









Assumption Parish School









Cataldo Catholic School




1:25 max





Christian Heritage School









Cornerstone Christian Academy









First Presbyterian Christian School









Gonzaga Preparatory School









Northwest Christian Schools, Inc.









The Oaks









Palisades Christian Academy


K-12* 150






Pioneer School

Gifted Ed. /Topic-Oriented K-5







Southside Christian School









Spokane Christian Academy









St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic School




1: 30





St. Charles Catholic School




1: 20-30





St. George’s School

College Prep








St. John Vianney Catholic School









St. Mary’s Catholic School









St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran School Lutheran

K-8 45






St. Michael’s Academy









St. Thomas More Catholic School









Trinity Catholic School and Educare Catholic








Valley Christian School









Westgate Christian School









Windsong School









*Grades 11-12 online

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Visit our beautiful campus and connect with us today.





North Idaho Private

Schools SCHOOL













Christian Center School


K-12 120-135



Classical Christian Academy






Coeur d’Alene Christian School






Holy Family Catholic School









Lake City Junior Academy

Seventh-Day Adventist








LAM Christian Academy




1:8, varies




North Idaho Christian School









Sandpoint Waldorf School




1:15, varies 15




Silver Valley Christian Academy











$5,735-$5,983 $2,850


Students at Sandpoint’s Waldorf School.

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For Grades 6-8, students get encouragement and support to develop themselves as scholars, athletes, and artists.

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Saint George’s Average: 1851 Gonzaga Prep Average: 1581 Mead School District Average: 1554 Washington State Average: 1519 Spokane School District Average : 1507




Beyond the Textbook

School founder Travis Franklin prepares for the first year at Spokane International Academy. TIMOTHY PHILLIPS PHOTO


daho has had charter schools, with all their strengths and flaws, for two dozen years. Washington state has only had charter schools for two. Yet some of Washington’s first charters have begun to pop up in Spokane. These aren’t the cookie-cutter schools put out by massive charter organizations, either. These are schools run by local educational leaders, that have unique missions aimed at specific students. Charter schools are still public schools — they don’t charge tuition and they’re paid for with state money — but they’re given far more flexibility and autonomy than most traditional schools. In each case, any student can apply, but it’s up to a random lottery system to determine if applicants can get in. The question is which school to apply for.

Spokane International Academy Founded in: 2015 Grade levels: K-8, eventually Enrollment info: Ideal for: Students who want to learn Spanish; students who want to learn English. The newest charter school in the

Inland Northwest, the Spokane International Academy, opens this fall with a class of 50 kindergartners, 50 first-graders, and 60 sixth-graders. Eventually it will grow to a K-8 school. Yes, it’s a school with a particular focus on foreign language education. Every student, even the kindergartners, take Spanish, with other languages possibly coming in the future. The International Academy goes further than that, utilizing the same famous Cambridge International curriculum used by schools around the world, and capping the experience with a trip abroad. Typically, this is the type of school that might attract students with highincome, high-pressure, goal-oriented parents. But that wasn’t the vision founder Travis Franklin had for the school: Instead, he located it in economically depressed Hillyard, with a plan to aim at low-income kids and refugees. “Because it’s an international curriculum … the curriculum is really accessible for English language learners,” Franklin says. Since state law requires enrollment to be conducted by random lottery, Franklin had to concentrate on recruiting in key locations, partner-

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Classic public school model not cutting it? Look into a few of these charter-school options

ing with World Relief to find incoming refugee families. It worked. Of the 160 students enrolling, fewer than threequarters of them were white, and many of the others included refugees from the Burmese and Congolese communities.

PRIDE Prep Founded in: 2014 Grade levels: 6-12, eventually Enrollment info: prideprepschool. org/enroll-today Ideal for: Students who want to complete big projects and learn using technology. PRIDE Prep was the first public charter approved in the state, but this is the first year it’s opening, with sixth and seventh graders kicking off the charter school. They’ll add another class each year, until they reach the 12th. Created by former Garry Middle School Principal Brenda McDonald, PRIDE Prep achieves what the state of Idaho unsuccessfully attempted a few years ago: A laptop or tablet for every student. They’ll spend part of the school day working on a “personalized learning platform” that specifically addresses their individual strengths and weaknesses. They’ll get

personal tutoring and small group instruction to help them at the academic level they’re at. The rest of the day is devoted to project-based learning. What does that look like? McDonald gives an example. “Kids might identify that there’s a particular problem with water in the Spokane Rver, let’s say,” she says. “So through water sampling and scientific discovery, they’ll come up with a solution they think might solve that problem. There might be a scientific solution that might be driven by educating people.”

NORTH IDAHO Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Founded in: 1999 Grade levels: 6-12 Enrollment info: Ideal for: Hard-working students who want to knock college out of the park. Look at the data of the most successful schools in Idaho, and Coeur d’Alene Charter rises to the top tier every single time. About 70 percent of the students go on to four-year colleges, and there’s a reason for that. “We are a rigorous school of choice. Everybody who comes here

signs on to a tough program with the expectation they’re going to college,” Principal Dan Nicklay says. “We have a huge advantage with that… Every single kid here has a parent who cares at least enough to make an active choice in their education. I think that’s one of the biggest arguments for school of choice.” In 2015 the Washington Post ranked Coeur d’Alene Charter the most challenging school in Idaho. It’s classical education in the classical sense — complete with uniforms, Latin language requirements, and half-hour silent study sessions. Where many charters have made technology their centerpiece, Coeur d’Alene Charter has stuck with pen and paper. Not all students make it through all six years of Coeur d’Alene Charter. But those who do are ready for anything.

North Idaho STEM Charter Academy Founded in: 2012 Grade levels: K-12, eventually Enrollment info: Ideal for: Would-be astronauts; LEGO fiends. With the slogan “In a Competitive World… Give Your Child the Edge,” the North Idaho STEM Charter Academy focuses unabashedly on STEM: science, technology, engineering and math. “We’re a true STEM project,” Principal Scott Thomson says on the school’s website. “We’re not a bolton or a buzzword-type program. We do STEM every single day.” Core subjects are taught in the mornings, and in the afternoon — every single day — students tackle big projects. They learn programming. They build “Mars Rover”-style robots out of LEGO bricks. They try to make a shoebox fly. Specialists, including Apollo astronauts, scientists and local businessmen, help guide students through those projects.

Forrest M. Bird Charter Schools Founded in: 2002 Grade levels: 6-12 Enrollment info:

Ideal for: Renaissance kids Forrest M. Bird, unlike most of us, has probably saved thousands of lives. The aviator, medical doctor and engineer invented the “Fluid Control Device; Respirator; Pediatric Ventilator Respirator/Ventilator,” or the Babybird respirator for short. At the Sandpoint-based charter schools named after him, the faculty hopes to inspire the same sort of diverse accomplishment in their students. At the school’s rebranding of Sandpoint Charter School in 2013, they added an Inventor’s Garden, full of gadgets, gizmos and other artifacts. “My hope for that teenager, as they walk through the door in 5 or 10 or 20 years, and as they pass the Inventors Garden, [is] that they might think, ‘Hey that could be me,’” administrator Alan Millar wrote in the Bonner County Daily Bee in 2013. “It is kind of corny, but maybe they could be inspired to persist a little longer on a math problem, sweat out one more edit on a paper or turn in that last assignment in chemistry.” Along with a project-based take on a wide variety of subjects — unlike most charters, there’s no specialty — the school runs on a trimester system. That means students can earn required credits faster, passing dualcredit classes long before they get to college.

Kootenai Bridge Academy Founded in: 2009 Grade levels: 11-12 Enrollment info: Ideal for: Students who’ve fallen behind but don’t want to stay there. Kootenai Bridge Academy is a virtual charter school focused on “credit retrieval.” For those about to drop out of their traditional high school, Kootenai Bridge provides a perfect solution. Here, it’s about results, not seat time. Students can come to class, where there’s a computer lab, four teachers and two teacher assistants to assist them. But they can also get much of the same work done at home. Either way, diligent students can complete an entire course in a month, or even faster if they come on in on Fridays. DANIEL WALTERS

INNOVATION Beyond offering professional certificates, undergraduate and graduate degrees, University of Idaho, Coeur d'Alene is sparked by INNOVATION: n Computer coding camps n Computer Science Education n Cyber Security Training n Robotics n Mathematics Education n Water Quality Restoration

Harbor Center 1031 Academic Way Coeur d’Alene ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



Locally Grown, Nationally Known These local producers are hitting it big outside of the Pacific Northwest



Spiceologist owners Pete Taylor (facing page) and Heather Scholten (above) cut a national deal with Williams-Sonoma.


s a chef and food blogger, respectively, Pete Taylor and Heather Scholten know there’s no better way to experiment with flavor than with spice. Hence SPICEOLOGIST (2721 N. Van Marter Rd., Spokane Valley;, the company they founded in 2013. Spiceologist offers chiles and baking spices, ground and powdered spices, dried herbs and whole spices, all of which are all-natural and free of “funky stuff.” Spiceologist products are sold in close to 1,200 stores throughout the U.S. and Canada. The company’s pièce de résistance is the Spiceologist Block, a European Beech block handcrafted in Hayden, Idaho, that holds spice-filled, cork-topped test tubes, each of which are filled and stamped by hand. “We wanted something that kept all your spices at hand,” Taylor says. “But it also looked sexy on your countertop.” You can choose 22 of your own spices for $179, or choose one of Spiceologist’s themed blocks — ChefInspired, Baking, Mediterranean, and Salt and Pepper — for $159.95 each. Buyers also have the option of adding a logo or text engraving. A Kickstarter campaign for the project brought

in $51,000 worth of orders, and kitchenware heavyweight Williams-Sonoma soon came calling. They placed an order for Spiceologist Blocks and the fourand eight-pack rub gift sets, and soon will be selling them online and in all North American locations. Locally, Spiceologist is preparing for a move into a bigger facility and hopes to open a retail location in early fall 2015. The company also is excited for its newest venture: selling spices to local restaurants like Santé and Mizuna. “We’re constantly trying to innovate and grow the company,” Taylor says. After his catering company took a hit during the recession, Victor Azar, chef and owner of VICTOR FOODS (, knew he had to do something to avoid laying off his employees. He decided to listen to what friends and customers had said for years: Package your own hummus. Azar, who also operates Café MAC at the Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, started with two flavors, jalapeño and toasted sesame. Soon enough, Azar’s hummus became a local favorite, which both excited and overwhelmed him. “After a couple of years, it got to be too much,” he says. “My kitchen in Airway Heights, even though it’s a


huge kitchen, it was not enough, so Spokane Produce came to the rescue.” Azar’s hummus is now sold in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, and Victor Foods has grown to include six other flavors of hummus, including a hummus/mousse dessert dip called Chocolate H’Mousse, all of which are vegan and free of gluten, cholesterol, soy and dairy. The health-conscious aspect of Victor Foods, which will soon include a healthy falafel, is a no-brainer for Azar, as he says an intense nutritional regimen helped cure his cancer almost a decade ago. The care Azar puts into each product has attracted a loyal following. As he says, “Once people start buying this product, they never go back.” Daphne Taylor isn’t one to back down from a challenge. After a friend asked her to create food that would fit her and her son’s dietary restrictions, Taylor, the daughter of a chef and granddaughter of a chef/ butcher, got to work on recipes that were free of gluten, corn, soy, potato, dairy, casein (the protein in milk), peanuts and tree nuts.





Steakhouses From classy to classic, the Inland Northwest has a steakhouse to suit your fancy Churchill’s Steakhouse


“ L o c a l l y G r o w n . . . ,” c o n t i n u e d As fate would have it, the first revised recipe Taylor attempted (for brownie mix) worked perfectly, and shortly thereafter, NAMASTE FOODS ( was born. Nearly two decades later, Namaste offers mixes for bread, pizza crust, waffles and pancakes, cakes and cookies, pasta dishes, soups and seasoning mixes. Namaste products, including the upcoming Raw Goods line of bulk baking ingredients, can be found in stores throughout the U.S. and Canada. Seventeen women across the country and Taylor’s husband work as Namaste representatives, reaching out to local businesses in their area. Taylor calls independent stores the foundation of her company, and cites their continued support for Namaste’s growth. Keeping customers safe is a top priority for Namaste, so all products are manufactured in the company’s own allergen-free facility in Coeur d’Alene. “We have devoted and dedicated our entire company to the allergenfree world since day one,” Taylor says. “It’s not something that we’ve jumped on the bandwagon.” Liz Ward wanted an energy bar that was two things: healthy and environmentally friendly. Not finding one in stores, she decided to make her own. That was in 1995; 20 years later, BUMBLEBAR (3808 N. Sullivan Rd., Bldg. 12P, Spokane Valley; is still going strong. The vegan, organic and gluten-free, seed- and nut-based BumbleBar comes in more than a dozen flavors, including Chai Almond, Chocolate Mint, Lushus Lemon and Paradise Pineapple. There are also three flavors of the fruit-based JunoBar and three flavors of the 100-calorie Junior Bar to choose from. “I’ve been really into feeding people for a long time, and I’ve had a social mission about it for an equally long time,” Ward says. Furthering that idea is the company’s three-pronged business philosophy: people, profit and planet. BumbleBar believes that by creating a positive working environment, including paying employees living wages, and forming strong relationships with suppliers and customers, they’ll make a profit, which will enable them to support the BumbleBar community and create an eco-friendly bar. Now based in Spokane Valley after previously calling the Westside home, and preparing for an expansion to a 36,000-square-foot space, Ward looks back on the first 20 years of BumbleBar fondly. “It’s amazing to me that I get to do what I do,” she says. “Putting out healthy food that tastes good is an honor.”

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Don Draper would fit in beautifully at Churchill’s, with its luxurious, masculine décor, top-shelf cocktails and traditional (in all the best ways) takes on sides and steaks. The star of the show here is the USDA prime Midwestern beef that’s dry-aged, then cooked at 1800 degrees. The sides are à la carte, and the Cougar Gold mac and cheese is worth every single calorie. 165 S. Post St. • 474-9888 •

Hydra Steakhouse You’d be hard-pressed to find many other eateries that have been thriving in Sandpoint since 1975. One of those is the Hydra, which continues to produce reliably priced and tastily cooked steaks, including their well-known baseball-cut top sirloin, which comes in both 8- and 16-ounce sizes. If beef isn’t your game, that’s fine. The Hydra also has a full seafood menu in addition to pasta, sandwiches and other options. 115 Lake St., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-7123 • hydrasteakhouse. com

Masselow’s Steakhouse Masselow’s is the only Eastern Washington restaurant to have ever received AAA’s Four Diamond Award, an honor earned by stringent attention to detail. Every detail. The décor is beautiful, without being stuffy or pretentious. The food is carefully (and locally) sourced. The service is unparalleled. And the complimentary fry bread is a lovely nod to the rich Native American history in our region. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, Wash. • 481-6000 •

Spencer’s for Steaks and Chops Spencer’s delivers top-notch, nononsense food in a decidedly elegant setting. They use the highest quality dry-aged USDA Prime cuts and cook them at temperatures up to 1600 degrees to sear in the juices. The filet is so tender, you almost don’t need a knife. For dessert, the strawberry shortcake gives you the most bang for your buck. Doubletree Hotel, 322 N. Spokane Falls Ct. • 744-2372 •

Wolf Creek Steakhouse Wolf Creek is the little-sister restaurant to Coeur d’Alene’s famous Wolf Lodge Inn. Yes, you can order the Sweetheart dinner for two — a 34-ounce, centercut sirloin — here too. Located just off of I-90 in Spokane, the décor and relaxed atmosphere remind one of a mountain cabin. 104 S. Freya St. • 5358972 •

Wolf Lodge Inn Steakhouse The Wolf Lodge Inn Steakhouse may be out of the way, but you’d be hardpressed to find an Inland Northwesterner who doesn’t think it’s worth the drive. Go for the simple, classic steaks; return again and again for the friendly service and quirky Wild West atmosphere. Start your meal with creative appetizers like the beer-batter-dipped fried mushrooms ($8). Don’t fill up too much, though; the steaks are so big it’s not unusual to share. The classic 32-ounce Rancher ($46), half centercut top sirloin and half rib-eye, is legendary, but if that’s not your style, there are myriad other delicious meat options to choose from, all prepared over applewood. 11741 E. Frontage Rd., Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-6665 •


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Bakeries Alpine Bakery Co. Check them out in-shop or at a local farmers market for fresh, homemade bread. Pick up a loaf of their jalapeño cheese bread for a spin on the everclassic ham and cheese sandwich. Or try one of their many gluten-free options, also available at restaurants and grocery stores throughout Spokane. 810 N. Monroe St. • 327-7040 • alpinebistroandbakery

Bakery by the Lake Take a stroll to the Parkside building, enjoy a drink of Caffè Umbria Italian coffee and indulge in a freshly made éclair or chocolate-dipped macaroon, or pick up a flatbread pizza (whole or by the slice) and some beer or wine for an impromptu picnic by the lake. 601 E. Front St., #104, Coeur d’Alene • 208-415-0681 •

Batch Bakeshop Batch Bakeshop is said to have some of the best muffins in town. Check out their new space and try their alwaysfresh lemon lavender poppyseed, vanilla

honey bran, or one of their seasonal fruit muffins. If you’ve really got a sweet tooth, try one of their other goodies like sandwich cookies and hand pies. 2023 W. Dean Ave. • 413-3759 •

Boots Bakery and Lounge High ceilings, exposed brick walls and artsy murals make this one of the prettiest spots downtown, but it’s the creative and artfully executed vegan and vegetarian bistro fare that’s creating such a buzz. Try the vegan gluten-free pumpkin waffles. And yes, the vegan carrot cake is that good. 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 •

Celebrations Sweet Boutique Bakery Whipped cream atop a cupcake? Sure! Celebrations reimagines cupcakes with flavors, frostings and toppings that feel like a party in your mouth. Try the Banana Split, a fragrant banana cupcake filled with strawberries and topped with a swirl of whipped cream, chocolate syrup and, of course, a cherry. 713 W.

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Mika Maloney presents her goodies at Batch Bakeshop. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Treat yourself with huckleberry macarons, cinnamon-chip swirl bread and chocolate-infused croissants

Garland Ave. • 327-3471 •

Common Crumb Artisan Bakery Opened in fall 2014, the owners of Santé Restaurant and Charcuterie expanded into the world of pastries and breads — all made from scratch. The goods change constantly, but items they feature include palmiers, tarts, petits gateaux (little cakes), éclairs, cream puffs and croissants. French macaroons are always on hand in a variety of flavors, including lemon, strawberry, huckleberry and caramel. And they have a chocolate room to make their own chocolate. Saranac Commons, 19 W. Main Ave. • 3154948 •

Great Harvest The inside’s not glamorous — just a seating area surrounded by what is obviously a full-fledged bakery. But therein lies Great Harvest’s charm: eating a sandwich on fresh-baked bread. Besides that, there’s an espresso bar and fresh-baked muffins, cookies, and so many breads, including the jalapeño

bacon cheddar swirl or the cinnamon chip. 2530 E. 29th Ave. • 535-1146 | 3510 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-0606 •

Madeleine’s Madeleine’s offers a “window to France in downtown Spokane.” On top of serving delicious coffee and pastries, Madeleine’s also dishes up some hearty breakfasts and lunches. Quiches, sandwiches and soups are all on the menu. Can’t decide what you want? Get our favorite pairing, the croque monsieur and Madeleine’s tomato basil soup. 415 W. Main Ave. • 624-2253

Morning Sun Bakery & Bean Inside the cozy Morning Sun Bakery & Bean, you’re greeted by a collection of baked goods — muffins, tarts, croissants, cookies, coffee cakes, Danishes and three types of cinnamon rolls: cream cheese, caramel pecan and glaze. The chocolate croissants are cake-like and get more than just the drizzle treatment; they’re chocolate-infused. And of

course there’s the bean portion: They have espresso, drip coffee and pourover, all brewed from Roast House coffee, Spokane’s organic fair trade roasting company. 5602 N. Wall St. • 241-3871

Petit Chat Village Bakery The scent of freshly baked bread and the aroma of coffee are constantly in the air at this Whitworth-area bakery. Pick up bread loaves, biscuits and rolls to take home, or stay in and nibble on sweet or savory croissants in their expansive and inviting dining room. 9910 N. Waikiki Rd. • 468-2720 • facebook. com/petitchatvillagebakery

Rocket Bakery This locally owned bakery and coffee shop has grown to become a Spokane institution, with seven locations in the area. Unlike that behemoth coffee franchise from Seattle, each Rocket location has its own unique vibe. A relaxed atmosphere and free Wi-Fi make these coffee havens ideal places to linger. The Rocket features art by local artists and serves Doma coffee. The scones are a must-try. No wonder Inlander readers have voted them a favorite in the Best Of readers’ poll for more than 16 years. New to the West First Avenue location are eight taps and a refrigerator full of craft beer. || 1325 W. First Ave. • 7471834 | 903 W. Garland Ave. • 325-8909 | Holley-Mason Bldg., 157 S. Howard St. • 838-3887 | 3315 N. Argonne Rd. • 4622345 | 1201 W. 14th Ave. • 456-3534 | 319 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-1500 | 4124 N. Burns Rd. • 927-2340 • rocketspokane. com

Rockwood Bakery This bakery feels like stepping into a huge dining room with a well-equipped kitchen in somebody’s home. This makes sense, given that it’s sandwiched between houses on a quiet street across from Manito Park. The catch is that most people’s houses aren’t this crowded all the time, since Rockwood Bakery is one of the South Hill’s most popular bakeriesl. The cuisine befits the setting, with ready-to-go sandwiches, coffee and treats to take to the park. Their selection of quiches is good; better is the different varieties of muffins they carry. 315 E. 18th Ave. • 747-8691

Sweet Dreams Bakery The bakery’s raison d’etre is wedding

cakes, but nuptials aren’t the only reason to stop by: deep, resonant chocolate frosting tops delicate chocolate cupcakes. Coconut macaroons have a toasty sweet outer edge and a light, fluffy interior. The coconut frosting shot (yes, shot glasses full of frosting are available for purchase in the cupcake lounge) contains shreds of coconut saturated in the creamy flavor of coconut milk. 3131 N. Division • 747-6900 •

Sweet Frostings Blissful Bakeshop The staff at this darling bakery is just as sweet as the cupcakes, macaroons and no-bake cookies they sell, making a visit to either of their boutique bakeries a treat on so many levels. Red velvet, salted caramel, toasted coconut, lemon smoothie, Key lime pie — trying to choose just one cupcake from the colorful display at Sweet Frostings is hard, but with a super-fine crumb and magical frosting, there are no bad options. 15 S. Washington St. • 242-3845 | 12501 N. Division St., #3 • 368-9811 •


Marinated Scallops

Mi Mi Burger

Sweet Tooth Bakery and Espresso Gary Wheeler has previously baked for Winchell’s Donuts and owned other establishments before opening Sweet Tooth in Newman Lake. One bite into a vanilla Persian (a light, flattened, frosted cinnamon roll) and it becomes obvious that Wheeler knows his way around batter, butter and sugar. Their drive-thru is a convenience for fishermen, who can call ahead on their way to the lakes and pick up sack lunches by 6 am. 24921 E. Trent Ave., Newman Lake, Wash. • 226-4444 •

Whitebox Café and Bakery While keeping its tasty gluten-free and takeout options, Whitebox Café and Bakery nearly tripled its size and added an outdoor patio. The former caféturned-restaurant now offers breakfast, sandwiches and burgers in addition to the fresh-baked bread, pies, cupcakes and dessert bar. And everything is still made on site. 1215 N. Ruby St. • 9278850 •

Wild Turkey Pot Pie

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The beginnings of baguettes at Central Food. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Back to Basics

Why two regional bakeries have moved toward slower, traditional methods of baking bread

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own in the burgeoning Kendall Yards development, “Wilma’s children” are working hard. They’re fed twice a day in the kitchen of Central Food, the eclectic restaurant owned and operated by longtime local chef David Blaine. And across town, in the new Saranac Commons shared market space, chef Jeremy Hansen keeps careful watch over Common Crumb bakery’s “Five Mile Mother,” so named for its origination at his home in the Northside neighborhood. These quirky names refer to the active-yeast bread starters, formally called levains (a French word, pronounced “le-vAHn,” for the mixture of flour and water that’s also home to a colony of active, natural yeasts and bacteria), used at each of the bakeries to make countless loaves, buns and baguettes rise into crisp-crusted, air-bubbled perfection. It’s the use of these naturally occurring yeasts — in place of the fast-acting yeasts used in most bread nowadays — that sets these three Inland Northwest bakeries apart. “It’s an art, and I love the art of all food,” proclaims Hansen, who opened Common Crumb Artisan Bakery in the late fall of 2014 with his wife, Kate, to complement Santé Restaurant & Charcuterie, their hyper-local, French-inspired eatery on West Main Avenue downtown. “It’s necessary as a chef to understand all aspects of food. But more importantly, for the health of people, fermenting bread and making it right is better than a quick-rise, with all these additives

that make it quicker and easier for production,” Hansen adds. The process to make bread using this longpracticed method is slow — hence, why most bread isn’t made like this — but the outcomes are well worth the effort. At Central Food and Common Crumb, the baking process is about 24 hours from start to finish. “We could do it in less time, but it wouldn’t be the same bread,” says Central Food’s Blaine. “It’s surprising that bread made this way connects with customers, and we really like that. That is the whole philosophy — we like that food is a part of people getting together.” In an age where technological convenience and speed are cultural norms, “artisan” has become a buzzword for the marketing of just about anything. We have artisan pizza, artisan soaps, artisan jewelry, artisan cocktails and artisan cheese. “‘Artisan’ originally just meant, this is someone who has devoted time and effort to get good at something very specific. So when we say it’s artisanal bread, it’s like they used to make bread, is what we’re really saying,” says Blaine. “I think overall in food, the biggest shift has been that the story of the food has become more important,” he adds. “People are always asking where is this [ingredient] from, the farmers markets have been expanding, and people are just interested in the story of the food.” CHEY SCOTT

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Italian Adelo’s Pizza Adelo’s opened as a strictly carry-out establishment, but moved to a nearby storefront in the fall of 2013 to start offering an eat-in option and an expanded menu that includes pasta, salads, wraps and sandwiches, as well as 18 microbrews on tap. 8801 N. Indian Trail Rd. • 464-0110 •

Kick back with a great meal and a glass of wine along with regular live entertainment. 330 N. First Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-255-4186 • arlosristorante. com


Arlo’s Ristorante

A cozy place nice enough to take a date or mom, Europa is a good option for dinner or splitting a bottle of wine and ordering one of their appetizers (from calamari to hummus and spinachartichoke dip). If it’s pizza you’re looking for, take a look at Europa’s 13 different Tuscan-style pies. The wine list is long, varied and features something for every oenophile. Come for the food but savor the rich, warm tones and inviting mood of this European-style building, with its brick walls and exposed-beam ceilings. 125 S. Wall St. • 455-4051 • facebook. com/europa.pizzaria

When it comes to eating Italian in Sandpoint, Arlo’s has got you covered. Just steps away from the river and downtown Sandpoint, the eatery has solidified a spot on the menu for its extremely popular mussels dish — an item that has sold out every time it was on special.

Fedora’s smoked-glass dividers and booths create a comfy, classy dining experience. The place features 1920s gangster shtick, with servers garbed in black and — naturally — a fedora. This

Angelo’s Ristorante The dim interior at Angelo’s is decked out in nostalgic Italiana and religious iconography. The menu features an impressive list of entrées: chicken (organic) and veal four ways, seafood, steaks and pasta dishes. Save room for tiramisu at this always popular Coeur d’Alene eatery. 846 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-765-2850 •


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Grilled chicken apricot fregula and diavolo sauce at Italia Trattoria.


From a casual dinner of pizza and a bottle of wine to a fancy night out, here’s what to expect from local Italian eateries

Italian restaurant serves authentic pasta dishes that will make your mouth water, and entrées like the prime rib that will have you craving more. Besides burgers and sandwiches, there are several “lighter side” meals, like sandwiches and salads, that are just as good as the more extravagant dishes. 1726 W. Kathleen Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-765-8888 •

Ferrante’s Marketplace Cafe This family-owned neighborhood restaurant serves up true Italian-style pies, with fresh dough and thin crusts. The toppings are simple, but chosen for their exceptional quality. The Linguini Pomodoro ($10.95) is light and flavorful, and in the winter, the Sweet Italian ($14.95) house sausage served in a chianti sauce on penne pasta is the ultimate comfort food. 4516 S. Regal St. • 443-6304 •

Ferraro’s Homemade Italian Authentic Italian family recipes from owner and chef Pat Ferraro, who originally hails from Casole Bruzio, Italy, make dinner at Ferraro’s like a quick

gastronomical trip to Europe. Mildly spicy broth chock-full of peas, celery, tomato, green beans, kidney beans and tiny pasta team up to comprise Ferraro’s delicious minestrone, and the signature dish, spicy Chicken al Diavolo with peppers and spices, will make your mouth water and your tongue tingle. 3022 N. Division St. • 325-7443 | 11204 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 9282303 •

Italia Trattoria Nestled in the heart of Browne’s Addition, Italia Trattoria is a home-cooked hit from former Luna chef Anna Vogel. With a focus on natural and sustainable ingredients, the menu features handmade pastas, pork prime rib chop and seasonal vegetables spiced and grilled to perfection. No one is doing Italian quite like this. 144 S. Cannon St. • 4596000 •

Italian Kitchen Terra-cotta floor tiles, etched glass, heavy draperies, dark wood and kitschy Italiana set the mood for traditional

Italian-American favorites. For lunch, the meatball sandwich is delightful. For dinner, check out gnocchi, lasagna and ravioli, plus steaks, chicken and seafood. And don’t forget the dark, high-ceilinged, old-wood bar next door. 113 N. Bernard St. • 363-1210 • italiankitchenspokane. com

Ivano’s Ristorante Roasted tomato caprese, ravioli toscano, pollo zangara, bistecca della casa. Or maybe just tiramisu and an espresso. You’ll feel like you’re in Italy just reading the menu. And owners Jim Lippi and daughter Jessica treat you like family. Gluten-free diners welcome. 102 S. First Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-0211 •

Lasagna’s On Ya Pick up pre-made lasagnas inside this family-run operation on Holland Avenue or just swing through the drive-thru. There are five basic kinds to choose from, ranging from the classic meat lasagna to the Tuscan chicken (there are even gluten-free options). Don’t worry, they have more. Cheese lasagnas are offered and you can also craft your own delicious Italian dish. Just in case that didn’t fill you up, pick up some tiramisu or one of the seven flavors of cheesecake (we suggest you try the huckleberry). 521 E. Holland Ave. • 467-9100 | 5919 Hwy. 291, Nine Mile Falls, Wash. • 868-0650 •

Lenny’s This classic Italian restaurant in Cheney offers the best of traditional Italy. The food and wine menu display tempting options for all food lovers. Guests can’t get enough of the veal parmesan, and the fettuccini is made with reduced fresh cream. A great spot for the whole family. 1204 First St., Cheney, Wash. • 235-6126

Luigi’s Italian Restaurant Craving Italian? Voted Best Italian for more than 10 years by Inlander readers, Luigi’s serves traditional Italian favorites. Although it’s tempting to fill up on the freshly baked French bread, pace yourself. Minestrone soup is next (why have a salad when their homemade soup is this good), followed by an entrée like gnocchi alfredo or chicken cacciatori. Need some gluten-free or carb-free options? No problem. 245 W. Main Ave. • 624-5226 •

Mission Bistro at Cassano’s The bistro space inside family-owned Cassano’s Grocery is simple, homey and authentic, as is the menu: pizza, pasta and deli sandwiches all made fresh and from scratch. Their homemade lasagna is to die for; if you’d rather try out your own Italian cooking skills, you can pick up all the desired ingredients, such as imported Italian cheeses, fresh-baked Tuscan bread and a multitude of spicy and sweet deli meats. 2002 E. Mission Ave. • 747-3888 •

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Rock City Grill An American-Italian grill that doesn’t rely on hokey décor to draw you in, Rock City’s clean, sleek atmosphere is paired with diverse food offerings. A large pizza list, burgers and calzones are some of what you’ll find. Several Thai dishes are sprinkled throughout the menu that use the grill’s famous Thai peanut sauce, inclding the Thai pizza topped with chicken, prawns, mushrooms, peanuts, mozzarella and cilantro. River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave. • 455-4400 •

Tito’s Italian Grill and Wine Shop Tito’s Italian Grill and Wine Shop upped the elegance in recent years ago, shifting to cloth tablecloths, adding candles and expanding its wine cellar to 125 labels. Since then, it’s begun offering its own wine shop, complete with a monthly wine club. Sit inside for a more elegant dinner, or spend the evening people watching with a front row seat of Coeur d’Alene’s main drag on the outdoor patio. The new everyday menu features plenty of small plates, salads, brick-oven pizzas and a smattering of entrées. 210 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-6672782 •

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Building Northwest Infrastructure Since 1958

Tomato Street Chicken parmigiana, penne pallame and rustic Italian pizza are just a few mainstays on Tomato Street’s menu that should get your mouth watering. Voted Best Italian in the Inlander’s Best Of poll, Tomato Street’s lively atmosphere, funloving staff and great food make this an ideal place to meet friends or family for a fun meal. The seemingly endless supply of garlic bread doesn’t hurt, either. 6220 N. Division St. • 484-4500 | 221 W. Appleway Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208667-5000 • | 509.536.3300 922 N. Carnahan | Spokane Valley, WA 99212





Cow tongue tacos from Tacos Tumbras. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

From a quick burrito during your lunch break to a sit-down full-course dinner, here’s what the Inland Northwest has to offer when it comes to Mexican food

Aracelia’s Restaurant II

Grandma Aracelia and her sons and grandkids have updated the interior and added more American dishes (like burgers and steaks in the lounge), but they still serve up home-style Mexican specialties. You’ll feel like family in this comfortable, casual atmosphere. 7905 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley • 924-4304

Atilano’s Mexican Food Atilano’s has gone through a couple of changes since its January 2009 opening, but they still serve damn good California-style burritos for damn cheap prices. Their recently updated menu, which includes the Washington burrito (stuffed with grilled chicken, potatoes, cheese, guacamole and sour cream) is a nice complement to their original California burrito (steak, potatoes, cheese and salsa). They’re open until 3 am on Fridays and Saturdays at the downtown location, making them close to heaven at the end of a long night of drinking. 725 W. Third Ave. • 838-7677 | 12210

N. Division St. • 466-2847 | 3624 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-7677 | 218 E. Appleway Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 667-7677 •

Azteca Mexican Restaurant Featuring family-style Mexican food in a vibrant, colorful setting, Azteca is a well-known regional franchise that can be found all over the state. They have an expansive dinner menu that includes everything from fajitas to seafood, as well as a kids menu to keep the little ones happy. Check out the cantina from 3 to 6 pm and 8:30 to close for $4.50 margaritas and pints of domestic beers for only $2.50. 9377 N. Newport Hwy. • 465-9101 | 245 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • 465-0350 | 14700 E. Indiana Ave., #1080, Spokane Valley • 228-9661 •

Borracho Tacos & Tequileria This new mexican restaurant has a menu full of the regular burritos, chimichangas, and tostadas, so you’ll never leave

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you hungry. Beware; salsa costs extra. So make sure you hit up their happy hour for a discounted margarita or their very popular Taco Tuesdays, where you can scarf down some street tacos for only a buck (regularly $2). 211 N. Division St. • 822-7789 •

El Ixtapa Formerly Baja Mexican Restaurant, it’s now El Ixtapa, but it still serves up enchiladas, burritos and tacos and other Mexican classics. 116 S. Lefevre St. • Medical Lake, Wash. • 299-2875

El Que They might be known for their extensive options in terms of alcoholic beverages (check out their list of tequilas!), but they also have some good Mexican dishes. The menu is small, but you can find appetizers, a lot of taco options and even some tamales. Hit these folks up for a drink and a taco. 141 S. Cannon St. • 624-5412 •

Fiesta Mexicana Family-owned and family-friendly, Fiesta Mexicana is frequently packed, but don’t let the full parking lot scare you off. You never wait long here. Service is fast and attentive and the food is everything you’d expect from inland Tex-Mex, but with better-than-expected offerings of fish and vegetarian options. If you want to eat dinner amidst a hive of activity with bottomless chips and salsa, this is your joint. 1227 S. Grand Blvd. • 455-7117 •

Gerardo’s Authentic Mexican Food Open late, Gerardo’s is guaranteed to satisfy your midnight hunger cravings. With an extensive list of options, it gets a little overwhelming deciding what to order. If you need some help, try one of their California burritos, which will last you anywhere from one to three meals for the modest price of $4.50. 2706 N. Monroe St. • 340-9905 • gerardosauthenticmexicanfood

Joel’s With some of the region’s best burritos, Joel’s (which started as a taco truck) serves delicious and varied San Diegostyle burritos, wrapped tight in paper, full of juice and flavor. The staff is superfriendly, they make good horchata, and they’ve got a front patio that’s perfect in the summer for watching people cruise by on their bikes. 229 Church St., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-265-8991

Neato Burrito Not to stereotype places or anything, but Spokane’s hip folk know that Neato Burrito, tucked off First Avenue across from The Davenport, is where it’s at, and by that we mean more than just seriously amazing burritos. “The food is fresh, hot, local, healthy, cheap and yummy,” says Inlander reader Kate Robbins. “So are the staff and ambiance,” Robbins adds. She also loves Neato for the variety of cool culture-y things happening there, from local art on the walls to poetry slams, pub science nights and regular live music. 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234

Palenque This mini-chain of local Mexican restaurants has managed to bookend Spokane with a location to the west in Cheney and another in Liberty Lake. The affordably priced yet classy eatery serves up a traditional take on Mexican fare while also not skimping on creativity. If you’re in Cheney, the newer location, opened in April 2012, features a menu complete with your typical tacos and burritos, as well as mole and innovative versions of enchiladas. 1102 N. Liberty Lake Rd., Liberty Lake • 928-3112 •

Rancho Chico A moment after entering this colorful spot, you’ll invariably be greeted at the door with a “Hola, amigo!” It’s worth going just for the original margarita. Their rice, authentic and flavorful, tastes even better to the sound of mariachi music. You can also buy their hot salsa to take home. 9205 N. Division St. • 467-0022 | 2023 W. Northwest Blvd. • 327-2723 •

Rancho Viejo If you’re craving Mexican food, but want something more than a burrito or taco, Rancho Viejo is for you. They offer up a variety of sopas, or soups, such as sopa

de albondigas, made from beef or pork meatballs with seasonal vegetables in a clear broth. They also offer taco salads and Mexican flan for dessert. 3209 E. 57th Ave. • 448-3834 | 14201 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 927-8428 | 170 S. Grand Ave., Pullman, Wash. • 332-4301 | 882 N. Government Way, Hayden, Idaho • 208-762-3310 •

Rincon Tapatio Rincon Tapatio is at the top of the family-owned Mexican-restaurant ladder, especially if you’re one of those people who differentiate between a taquito and flauta. We appreciate the menu’s variety (extended categories include “eggs,” “vegetarian” and “American”), the presentation of entrées (on hubcap-sized platters), and the overhead sombrero lamps. 1212 N. Hamilton St. • 473-9583 | 3207 N. Market St. • 483-2967

Slick Rock Burrito A staple in the local burrito scene since 1996, Slick Rock serves eight specialty burritos and does custom builds at its hip but modest store. For all you daredevils out there, Slick Rock serves ghost pepper chili salsa. That’s right, salsa made with the world’s third-hottest pepper. Just be sure to have a glass of milk nearby. 2926 S. Grand Blvd. • 7476041 •

Tacos El Sol Located at First and Washington, Tacos El Sol is a quick walk from most offices downtown. Don’t miss it; it’s a bright yellow truck. But don’t let that deceive you. The menu is diverse and delicious. You can walk over for some tacos, sopes, burritos or enchiladas; choose from beef, chicken or pork. 401 W. Sprague Ave.• 216-2554 • facebook. com/tacoselsol

Tacos Tumbras Most of the the recipes at this thriving downtown taco shop are from owner Carlos Zuniga, Jr.’s family. He recommends the fish taco, which is made with fresh tilapia, cilantro, onion, cabbage and special sauce. The torta, a Mexican sandwich, is packed with meat, lettuce, tomato, beans and sour cream on toasted Mexican bread — a soft, semi-sweet bread that melts in your mouth. 1235 W. Second Ave. • 456-8226




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One delicious slice is never enough

Bennidito’s Pizza The 20-plus pizzas on Bennidito’s menu feature thick, hand-tossed crust that’s soft and “bready” around the rim with a thin and crisp center, making it a “best of both worlds” type of pie. Choices go way beyond just plain cheese pizza — like the Maui Wowie, the Saxon or Boogie Fever. They also serve hot sandwiches, pastas, salads and a bevy of microbrews and wine. Get some of their famous Beer Buddies to go along with your pint as you chat up your South Hill neighbors or take in the tail end of a game. The small but mighty patio is the place to be in the summer. 1426 S. Lincoln St. • 455-7411 •

Bullman’s Wood Fired Pizza Located in the upscale Riverstone development with an urban lodge décor,

Bullman’s delivers crisp Neapolitanstyle pies with a telltale charm and enticing smokiness. The pies, named for areas throughout Montana, range from about $9 for a small 10-inch that easily feeds two people to just under $20 for the 14-inch large. Try the Bitterroot, which features pistachios, red onions, rosemary, mozzarella, olive oil and sea salt. Besides pizza, Bullman’s menu includes a half-dozen hearty salads, as well as sandwiches. 2385 N. Old Mill Loop, Coeur d’Alene • 208-930-0219 •

David’s Pizza Founded in the mid-’90s, David’s Pizza was forced to shutter its iconic Logan neighborhood spot four years ago. Finally reopened in April 2015 in a location near the Spokane Arena, the new Da-

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The recently opened David’s Pizza is located across from the Spokane Arena. vid’s reflects the same eclectic, garagey vibe that fans recall from its old spot but is two times bigger. That means all the more room to eat David’s classic handcrafted pizzas along with their sandwiches (which come with a fresh cookie), stromboli and calzones. Note: this is the same pizza you’ll also get at Famous Ed’s on the South Hill. 803 N. Post St. • 483-7460 •

Fire Artisan Pizza With a classy, welcoming ambience, Fire Artisan Pizza serves the same fresh pizza in Spokane as it does at its sister restaurant in Coeur d’Alene. Each pizza —ranging from margherita to one loaded with sausage, pepperoni, salami and bacon — is cooked quickly in a sweltering brick oven, hence the name Fire. 517 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-676-1743 | 816 W. Sprague Ave. • 413-1856 •

Five Mile Heights Pizza Parlor Gourmet pizza always sounds good, but sometimes an old-school, pizza-parlor pizza sounds amazing. Five Mile Heights is a longtime Northside favorite — a place for pizza, video games and cheap pitchers of beer. They even have a mascot on their sign: Professor Pizza. Come


on, that’s cute. 6409 N. Maple St. • 3284764 •

The Flying Goat A quintessential Spokane restaurant, the Goat offers some of the best Neapolitan-style pizza in town and a droolworthy collection of beers and wines. Everything here is made from scratch each day — from the dough, to all the sauces and dressings. Even some of the artisan meats are cured in-house. Toppings span from the classic to the gourmet. Don’t be afraid to try the Kiernan, with a medium egg resting on top of a mound of arugula, cheese and Italian sausage. Trust us. It’s delicious. 3318 W. Northwest Blvd. • 327-8277 •

Gatto’s Pizza The EWU jazz band entertains customers at Gatto’s during the school year, but the pizza is the main attraction at this Cheney favorite. A college hot spot where billiards and games can keep you entertained while waiting for beer and pizza — one of the most popular is the Nine Lives pizza, featuring salami Canadian bacon, pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, olives, green peppers and cheese — Gatto’s is kid-friendly, welcomes fam-

A thin-crust Veraci pizza.

Monterey Café

The Park Inn

Maybe it’s the brightly colored island theme, but there’s something about Monterey that beckons us to come in, sit all day, drink beer, eat pizza and sing karaoke. It’s a breezy, friendly place that’s open for lunch, dinner and latenight snacking, and you can sing karaoke there any night of the week. Choose from a massive menu of pizzas, like the savory Wingman, with creamy buffalo sauce, chicken, bacon and Gorgonzola cheese. Also watch out for Monterey’s daily “power hour” from 8 to 9 pm, featuring $1 Coors Light cans, $1 Fireball shots and $3 Long Island iced teas. 9 N. Washington St. • 868-0284 •

As Sacred Heart’s campus grows around the Park Inn, this South Hill institution remains untouched by time. They serve straightforward bar fare here, like burgers and what we would argue are the cheesiest pizzas you can find in the Inland Northwest. This old-school approach seems to be working — the P.I. is consistently packed with healthcare workers, neighborhood regulars, beer lovers and impromptu class reunions. 107 W. Ninth Ave. • 747-4425 •

McClain’s Pizzeria ilies and also serves ice cream. 1011 First St., Cheney, Wash. • 235-2800

MacKenzie River Pizza With a northern Rockies lodge feel, eating pizza sounds much more cozy in this Montana-based chain. Nearly two dozen pizzas are on the menu, with toppings like pine nuts, crumbled bleu cheese and mandarin oranges. Creative toppings rest on sourdough, natural grain, and thick or thin crust, including one that’s gluten free. 9225 N. Nevada St. • 413-1043 | 2910 E. 57th Ave. • 315-9466 | 818 W. Riverside Ave. • 315-4447 | 405 W. Canfield Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208772-5111 •

Maialina Pizzeria Napoletana This restaurant, owned by the same folks behind Moscow’s Sangria Grille, features pizzas made largely with local and seasonal ingredients, cooked in less than two minutes in a wood-burning oven at more than 800 degrees. Other rustic Italian cuisine such as daily homemade pasta, antipasto and Italian cured meats and cheeses make up the menu. There’s also a large Italian wine list that represents each of the country’s wine regions. 602 S. Main St., Moscow, Idaho • 208-882-2694 •

The pizza dough at McClain’s is made fresh daily, then topped with specially seasoned marinara sauce and Galbani mozzarella cheese from Italy. The restaurant continues to add new pizzas and wraps, but the Roslyn pizza — Canadian bacon, cashews, minced garlic and artichoke hearts — remains a favorite. Expect them to have a dozen beers on tap, a lunch special (Monday-Friday) and a quality happy hour (3-6 pm, MondayFriday). Gluten-free options are available. 10208 N. Division St., Suite 104 • 3689045 •

Pacific Avenue Pizza Sit out on the patio in Browne’s Addition in the evening sun. And then order a pizza — yeah, sandwiches make the menu, but this place is about pizza. One pie called the Dirty Sanchez, which includes chicken, black beans, salsa, onions, olives, cheddar, mozzarella and cilantro, definitely stands out. And for those pepperoni connoisseurs among us, Pac Ave’s take on the classic features extra-large pieces of pepperoni that you’ll want to peel off and put in your mouth as soon as it lands on your table. Tuesday specials include $2 slices and $2 pints. 2001 W. Pacific Ave. • 6240236

Republic Pi When its owners opened Republic Pi, a sister restaurant to the Flying Goat and Downriver Grill, they wanted to make the pizzas different, but not too different. They spent a lot of time perfecting the dough to combine the Neapolitan style with New World. The new pies include the Republic, a puttanesca pizza with fried calamari, and a vegan pie called the Naturalist, spread with green garbanzos and topped with roasted peppers, smoked onions, carrots, mushrooms and Brussels sprouts. Spokane brews help wash it all down. 611 E. 30th Ave. • 863-9196 •

Second Avenue Pizza Ever actually weighed a pizza? The Jukebox Special pizza at Sandpoint’s Second Avenue Pizza weighs in at a shocking 7 pounds. Other “piled-high specialty pizzas” are also heavy-duty, with fresh ingredients for the summer boating crowd or those who need an after-mountain meal. Speaking of which, the Schweitzer Ski Flake might grab your attention with spinach, tomatoes, garlic, mushrooms, feta and asiago cheese and black olives. 215 S. Second Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-9321 •

South Perry Pizza South Perry Pizza was instrumental in the transformation of the South Perry District into a vibrant destination a few


years ago. From the minimalist interior to a menu that covers the basics, simplicity is their mantra. And it works. Classic thin-crust pies such as the house pizza ($14) — which features pepperoni, mushrooms, sausage and caramelized onions — satisfy the traditionalists, while the mascarpone-based prosciutto pizza ($14) is more reminiscent of its European counterparts. 1011 S. Perry St. • 290-6047 • southperrypizzaspokane. com

Veraci Pizza After crafting their pizzas from a food cart for so long, Veraci finally took up residence in Kendall Yards in the summer of 2014. Now Veraci’s menu extends beyond the artisan-style pizzas it’s known for, offering a lineup of traditional Italian appetizers — caprese, a foccacia platter, antipasti — and several salads. Housemade tiramisu and cheesecake round out any meal, and the restaurant’s bar is stocked with local and regional craft beers and wine. 1333 W. Summit Pkwy. • 389-0029 • veracipizza. com/spokane

Also Try

Bricks & Barley, Sandpoint, Pete’s Pizza, two Spokane locations

Zentropa Pizzeria and Pub The smell of baking bread fills this warm neighborhood pub and restaurant in the early afternoon. Choose from about 16 thin-crust pizzas or opt for a sandwich like the BLT or the mushroom-dressed meatball, served on a bun made from this very same housemade, chewy, warm pizza dough. Salads are also available, as are some gigantic calzones. But don’t miss out on the “wedgies” — wedges of pizza dough topped with garlic butter and cheese. Rotating microbrews are available, as well as a selection of regional and Italian wines. 122 College Ave., Cheney, Wash. • 235-4338 •



Local Goods


Eat, drink, be merry … and do it all with these local substitutes for everyday staples


3 TACO CHIC SALSA All-natural and packed with fresh tomatoes, peppers and cilantro, Rathdrum-based Taco Chic Salsa is made with an authentic Mexican recipe that has been in Juanita Carmack’s family for generations. Grab a jar at De Leon Foods, Egger’s Meats, Huckleberry’s, Pilgrim’s Market, Rosauers, Super 1, Cash & Carry, Yoke’s and the Trading Company. $5.99 208-687-2464 |


6 9 8 5

7 3


1 1 PROTEIN PUCK Dave Tawney invented the Protein Puck in 2013 to give his brother Dwayne an alternative to chalky protein powder to fuel his weightlifting routine. Now the vegan, gluten-free pucks are sold all over the Inland Northwest, and they’re quickly making their way across the country. Find them at coffee shops all over the Northwest and at Main Market, Yoke’s, Huckleberry’s, Rocket Market, Cash & Carry, Albertsons and Fred Meyer. $3

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2 SPOKANE’S FAMILY FARM MILK Spokane’s Family Farm’s motto is “less is best,” and when it comes to milk, that just might be the answer. Their all-natural, silky-smooth milk is pasteurized but non-homogenized, and you can taste the difference. Head to the farm for a tour or buy it at most local farmers markets, Rosauers, Huckleberry’s, Yoke’s, Super 1 Foods, Main Market, the Trading Company, Harvest Foods, and the Moscow-Pullman Food Co-op. $2-$4

4 NEW LEAF CAFÉ GRANOLA New Leaf Bakery Café doesn’t make average granola. Sure, the hearty mix of oats, nuts, dried fruits, cinnamon and sweet cream makes for a top-notch cereal experience. But more important, the employees who make the granola are local women receiving job training as a means to transition out of homelessness or poverty. Available at Thomas Hammer, the Gathering House, Revel 77 and New Leaf Bakery Café. $2.95 496-0396 | 5 NAMASTE FOODS BROWNIE MIX Gluten-free folks rejoice: Coeur d’Alene’s Namaste Foods has created a brownie mix that’s just as ooey and gooey as its gluten-laden counterparts. Order online or pick some up at Main Market, Huckleberry’s, Yoke’s, Super 1 Foods, Fred Meyer, Pilgrim’s Market, Rosauers, Albertsons and the Trading Company. $7.49 866-258-9493 | 6 JOSEPH’S GRAINERY CRACKED WHEAT CEREAL Few things will entice a person out of bed on a frigid winter morning more than a bowl of all-natural, freshly cracked wheat cereal straight from the hills of the Palouse. Order online or find it at Pilgrim’s Market, Huckleberry’s, Yoke’s, Winter Ridge Natural Foods Market and Main Market. $6.49 509-397-3670 |

7 PRAIRIE PANTRY SWEET MAPLE PECAN BUTTER Made from just pecans and organic maple syrup, Prairie Pantry’s sweet maple pecan butter is a game changer for PB&J fans everywhere. The combination of nutty and sweet in this delectable spread will have you skipping sandwiches altogether and eating it straight from the jar. Available at Main Market, Northwest Seed & Pet, Urban Apothecaries and Daily Habit. $3.49 467-8804 | 8 THE COEUR D’ALENE DRESSING COMPANY RUSSIAN DRESSING AND GLAZE Don and Peggy Alderman have had their award-winning Russian dressing on the family dinner table since the ’70s, and now it can be on yours, too. It’s tangy and perfectly sweet with hints of garlic and black pepper. Use it a salad dressing, a marinade, or just bathe in it. Available at Cash & Carry, Yoke’s, Super 1 Food, Egger’s Meats, Huckleberry’s, Latah Creek Wine Cellars, Main Market, Petunias, Rosauers, Rocket Market, and the Trading Company. $4.69 9 FLETCHER’S SAUCE CO. GOURMET HOT SAUCE Most local diners will offer their customers Fletcher’s hot sauce before any other kind, and with good reason. The folks at Fletcher’s say that their gourmet hot sauce doesn’t mask food with heat — it enhances flavors while also adding spice. Find it at Yoke’s, Egger’s Meats, Main Market, Sonnenberg’s Market, Cash & Carry, Pool World, Super 1 Foods and Tim’s Special Cut Meats. $4.99 483-4343 | LAURA REGESTER

Small Plates Big flavor in sharing-friendly servings 315 Martinis and Tapas

Safari Room

Located in the historic Greenbriar Inn, 315 Martinis and Tapas is an elegant yet casual answer to fine dining. Open at 3:15 pm Tuesday through Saturday, small plates feature everything from sesame-encrusted yellowfin tuna to coconut curry shrimp and a bruschetta that’s hard to beat. In the summer, the outdoor seating is the place to be. The cold months mean snuggling up for bites by the fireplace — not a bad option, either. 315 Wallace Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-9660 •

The little sibling of the Davenport’s Peacock Room, the Safari Room mimics the Gilded Age splendor of the original while projecting a Hemingway-style masculinity. The drink menu is huge; the top-shelf selection is extensive. The food offerings span breakfast, lunch and dinner; as you’d expect from The Davenport, the quality is exceptional. 111 S. Post St. • 7896800 •

Bistro On Spruce Bistro on Spruce is a lovely little neighborhood bistro located in Coeur d’Alene’s happening midtown. This is where discriminating locals come to find a menu that’s incredibly diverse, with offerings like smoked salmon ravioli, shrimp and grits and stuffed poblano peppers, and an atmosphere that begs you to linger. Look for the $4 tapas menu (Monday through Saturday), or go crazy and spring for some of the $5 small plates. 1710 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-6641774 •

Also Try

Durkin’s Liquor Bar, 415 W. Main Ave.

Ruins What Ruins lacks in size it more than makes up for in big flavors and a killer vibe. The menu changes weekly here, so one day you might delve into some salmon and beets with a side of shredded brussels sprouts, and the next it might be a perfectly sized cheeseburger with house-made pickles, or scallops with king oyster mushrooms. Don’t be afraid of change; embrace it at Ruins, along with a tasty craft cocktail. 825 N. Monroe St. • 443-5606 •

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Satay Bistro One of Coeur d’Alene’s best dining experiences is located, improbably, between Taco Bell and the Long Ear music store. Satay offers a wide selection of wines, an upscale fusion menu and plenty of elegance. You can enjoy trademark satays (meaning skewered, grilled meat) like filet beef with shiitake mushroom demi-glace or Red Chili Scallops. They also serve a range of salads, pasta dishes and steaks, and the menu is always evolving, making return visits a must. 2501 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-765-2555 •

The Wandering Table Chef Adam Hegsted brings the concept behind his traveling supper club to a location in Kendall Yards, where the restaurant’s tapas-style menu of small plates lets diners experience a variety of flavors and venture a bit outside their comfort zone. The chef’s tasting menu option lets guests name the amount they want to spend per diner, and a customized menu is created on the spot. 1242 W. Summit Pkwy. • 443-4410 •

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The Baja Blackened Shrimp Salad at Picabu Bistro.

Pubs and Bistros


The places where devoted clientele gather around booze, coffee and sandwiches

The Backyard Public House The Backyard takes over the former home of the Broadway Bar and Grill, and the former dive bar has been overhauled, both physically and gastronomically. The spot exudes the feel of a neighborhood pub, serving the sort of creative (yet affordable) cuisine that might come as a surprise. With interior walls of reclaimed wood from Kettle Falls, high wooden tables and warm lighting, there’s a comforting vibe that’s easy to sink into. It’s also managed to attract three chefs formerly of Luna on the South Hill; they’ve created a menu of upscale comfort food like chicken and waffles, mac and cheese and a tasty pub appetizers. 1811 W. Broadway Ave. • 8227338 •

Barlows at Liberty Lake The mammoth portions at this American family restaurant are a bargain:

Light eaters can get two meals from one dish. Expect many comfort food options at this casual eatery, including beef stroganoff and meatloaf (which pair well with the location’s fireplace), along with more healthy options. After moving from Meadowwood Lane to a new building at the beginning of 2014, the restaurant now stays open for dinner, too. 1428 N. Liberty Lake Dr., Liberty Lake, Wash. • 924-1446 •

Birdy’s Sports Bar Sports, drinks, and food — this is the formula on which Dan Birdwell has based his business. His beloved Northside sports bar and family restaurant has attracted a loyal fan base of locals — whether for their many plasma televisions for premium game viewing, 15 choices of tap beer and full bar, or tasty 65-cent hot wings on Thursdays. 12908

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N. Hwy. 395 • 863-9572

Browne’s Tavern While “tavern” may not be the first word that comes to mind when describing the feel of the charming, brick-colored Victorian housing this Browne’s Addition eatery, the steampunk-inspired décor inside — including a wall of open books attached by the cover framing a taxidermied bear head — lends to the menu’s eclectic approach, ranging from burgers to pasta and salads. The signature cocktails are a must-sip while enjoying the eatery’s marvelous patio. 1924 W. Pacific Ave. • 315-9934

Charley’s Grill & Spirits This cozy Monroe Street restaurant and lounge provides a quiet retreat from the hustle and bustle of the courthouse next door. The menu features Angus beef hamburgers, 8-ounce sirloin steaks,

fried appetizers, a full bar and a retro cigarette vending machine. Tickets for the Spokane Arena, INB Performing Arts Center, Fox Theater, Bing Crosby Theater or Spokane Civic Theatre will get you 20 percent off food items. 801 N. Monroe St. • 328-8911

Cork House With menu items ranging from sea scallops to enchiladas and rib-eye steak to pork confit, the Cork House features gourmet comfort food. The dinner menu features a lengthy list of appetizers such as calamari, skillet cornbread and ahi tuna tartare. Among the favorite entrées is the mac and cheese, with chicken, bacon and jalapeño. On Saturdays and Sundays, days brunch is served from 9 am to 3 pm, with more than 20 items like Belgian waffles, a triple-decker BLT and beignets. 1400 N. Meadowwood Lane, Liberty Lake • 922-4210

Downriver Grill With a dedicated following of foodie regulars, this upscale bistro in the Audubon Park neighborhood serves fresh and locally sourced food paired with Washington wines and microbrews. The Signature Salad, Gorgonzola Fries and Osso Bucco braised in a sage pork jus have earned a cult following over the years. Or order off the ever-changing fresh sheet. 3315 W. Northwest Blvd. • 323-1600 •

sauce with the fish and chips, or chipotle aioli on a roasted Portobello sandwich. When warm weather finally arrives, Maggie’s offers nine patio tables to sit, sip a beverage and enjoy the sunshine. 2808 E. 29th Ave. • 536-4745 •

Picabu Neighborhood Bistro

range of price points from $8 up to $25. Their large dining room is full of activity throughout the week, whether it’s happy hour, ladies night, half-priced wine night, burgers and brews night or a local musician crooning for diners. 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • Coeur d’Alene • 208664-8008 •

This neighborhood attraction attributes its long-standing success to its menu’s flexibility. Rather than offering a separate section for vegetarians or Laguna Cafe the gluten-intolerant, it simply tweaks its dishes to cater to customers’ needs. The atmosphere is one to settle into. Try anything with fire sauce on it. Sink into the comfy leather couches and Creamy, garlicky, with a spicy kick, this strike up a meaningful conversation with housemade condiment is served on evfriends. Or if the weather is right, you erything from prawns to pasta, or tofu, can spend an afternoon on the patio by if you so desire. They have chocolate the pond and enjoy live music. Laguna’s peanut butter pie, too. 901 W. 14th Ave. entrées offer an impressive selection of • 624-2464 • salmon, beef and pork dishes. The steak salad is truly special, made with superPoole’s Public House tender filet mignon. 4304 S. Regal St. • The Wandermere-area restaurant was 448-0887 • an excuse for owner Scott Poole to get back to his roots — both childhood and Lindaman’s ancestral. Poole returned to his native It’s tough keeping up on the next big north Spokane to open the Englishfood trend, but Lindaman’s has maninspired pub/restaurant/sports bar with aged to balance new recipes with classic a healthy menu. House favorites include favorites for 30 years, to the delight of the Devils on Horseback, an English foodie regulars, some of whom, owner recipe of dates marinated in soy ginger, Merrilee Lindaman insists, “come in stuffed with almonds and wrapped in every day.” Low-key lunch favorites inbacon; traditional meals, like bangers clude the wildly popular romaine salad, and mash and Bubble and Squeak, are chicken pot pie, Nanaimo bars, and a popular too. Don’t forget the dozen gluten-free peanut butter chocolate English brews and local beers on tap. 101 chip oatmeal cookie. 1235 S. Grand Blvd. E. Hastings Rd. • 413-1834 • poolespub• 838-3000 •

The Service Station

Little Garden Cafe

Two words: beer bread. Soulful Soups is a place with — you guessed it — original soups on rotation, and it earns high marks for its exceptionally soft and tasty beer bread, made daily. The popular lunch spot turns into Spirits Lounge in the evening, featuring a fully stocked bar, live DJs and even trivia on Thursdays. 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 •

Located in a sweet little terra-cotta-colored stucco building across from Audubon Park, this little café reminds us of an English tearoom, with its cozy wicker chairs, pastries and of course, tea (along with some pretty darn good coffee). Children are welcome here — there’s even a space for them to play. Enjoy a juicy conversation with neighbors and friends or take advantage of the free Wi-Fi. 2901 W. Northwest Blvd. • 3285500 •

Maggie’s South Hill Grill Thoughtful, well-crafted food doesn’t have to be outlandishly expensive. This South Hill favorite is charming and good for families, and it takes pride in the details, whether that means a hint of goat cheese on salads, Cajun tartar

The Porch Public House Like its sisters — Moon Time, the Elk, Geno’s and the Two Seven — the Porch offers something that’s hard to find sometimes: a casual, home-like atmosphere with a menu that pushes the limits. They serve up big-time salads, sandwiches and specialties without the big-time price, along with a choice selection of cocktails, wines and microbrews. And there’s a sweet outdoor dining area that overlooks the Hayden Lake Country Club golf course. 1658 E. Miles Ave., Hayden Lake, Idaho • 208-772-7711 •

Seasons of Coeur d’Alene From pork polenta tart to a Kobe pub burger to bronzed salmon, Seasons offers seasonally inspired cuisine at a

This combination event facility and coffee shop is a Whitworth-area landmark, with shows in the huge venue in back and students (and others) curled up, sprawled out and deep in concentration across the chairs, couches and fireplace of the shop in front. Most of their food (bagels, paninis, pastries) is of the warm-it-up-and-serve variety, but the coffee and hangout factor makes it a can’t-miss joint. 9315 N. Nevada St. • 466-1696 •

The Shop At her Perry District coffee shop, owner Yvonne Archer zeroes in on serving healthy and largely allergen-free food — even most of the desserts are glutenfree and vegan. There are quiches, quinoa and rice bowls, sandwiches, veggie burgers and more. Of course there’s coffee, but there’s also beer (some glutenfree), wine (with organic and sulfitefree options), mimosas and iced tea. Don’t forget the Shop’s beloved outdoor patio, a quintessential South Hill meeting place. 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 •

Soulful Soups & Spirits

Steelhead Bar and Grille With excellent prices, better burgers and fantastic shoestring fries, the Steelhead has long been considered one of the cornerstones in downtown Spokane’s dining scene. A lot of that has to do with the venue’s go-to happy hour. From 3 to 6 pm, world-weary 9-to-5ers are known to congregate over a $3.50 pint (or $6 schooner if it’s been an especially hard

day). 218 N. Howard St. • 747-1303 •

Stella’s Café Stella’s offers vegetarians, vegans and carnivores alike a variety of yummy sandwich options, all for a relatively low price ($8). The banh mi sandwich is one of Stella’s most popular dishes, consisting of soy and ginger marinated tofu or pork topped with pickled daikon radish, pickled cucumber, pickled carrots, pickled red pepper, cilantro and Sriracha aioli. Get a load of their freshly baked cookies, too. The line during lunch is always worth the wait. 917 W. Broadway Ave. • 326-6475 •

Also Try

The Elk, 1931 W. Pacific Ave. • Bardenay Restaurant and Distillery, 1710 W. Riverstone Dr., Coeur d’Alene • MickDuff’s, 312 N. First Ave., Sandpoint

The Swinging Doors Watch your Washington (and other) sports teams on one of the Swinging Doors’ 60 televisions while playing shuffleboard and get a free steak dinner on your birthday. Does it get any better? A favorite meeting spot for more than 30 years, this restaurant offers a fun atmosphere with games galore and classic pub fare. Order one of their 20-plus beers on tap on their spacious patio. 1018 W. Francis Ave. • 326-6794 •

Waddell’s Neighborhood Pub & Grille This South Hill sports-bar stalwart does everything well, from the dozens of beers on tap to the slate of well-executed pub grub. It does everything you’d expect, and one thing you might not. Waddell’s — we’re not kidding — is the keeper of the biggest non-food-competition burger in the area. Their Cougar Gold Burger is massive, stacking ham atop two beef patties atop deep fried onions, and drizzling the whole affair in WSU’s namesake cheese. Waddell’s claim to fame was being featured on Guy Fieri’s Food Network show, Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, in 2010. 4318 S. Regal St. • 443-6500 • | 6501 N. Cedar St. • 321-7818 •




Be greeted with a smile at Dolly’s Cafe.

Breakfast Waffles with whipped cream? German potato pancakes? Danish aebelskivers? We’ve got it all

Live Life Healthy. 72 | T H E I N L A N D E R A N N U A L M A N U A L 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6

Breakfast Club This place hasn’t changed in years: vinyl booths, light wood tables, waitresses who call you “hon,” and a line out the door, especially on weekends. All the usual breakfast and lunch suspects are here. Don’t miss the huckleberry zucchini bread. 501 S. Main St., Moscow, Idaho • 208-882-6481 • theBCFanPage

Chalet Restaurant The best-kept secret in Spokane (if you haven’t lived on the South Hill for decades), the Chalet boasts old-fashioned

charm and a hearty breakfast selection. The pancakes cover the entire surface of your plate, and the waitstaff never lets your coffee get below half full. For lunch or dinner, try the chicken-fried steak. 2918 S. Grand Blvd. • 747-6474

Cottage Café With its carefully designed English-cottage charm, this Valley breakfast-andlunch spot serves fresh-squeezed OJ, tender biscuits with rich cream gravy, irresistible cottage fries, housemade freezer jam, and some of the best chicken-fried steak you’ll find. Want a burger

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can’t get enough of the eggs Benedict. Lunch also draws quite the crowd, with the gut-busting burger that has to be held together with a steak knife. 1825 N. Washington St. • 326-0386 • facebook. com/dollyscafe

Di Luna’s Café Di Luna’s takes its music and seasonal, locally sourced menus seriously. Breakfasts here feature farmers markets’ scrambles, and Saturday nights frequently mean farm-to-table dinners with locally sourced produce, meats, and decadent desserts from their inhouse bakery — all of this paired with live folk, blues, jazz or world-beat music. It’s a harmonious combination that’s made Di Luna’s one of Sandpoint’s most beloved restaurants. 207 Cedar St. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-0846 • and a beer for breakfast? You can get it here. Extra hungry? Spring for the King’s Omelet, made with half a dozen eggs, diced ham, green peppers and onions. Don’t worry; they also have a special menu for those with smaller appetites. 6902 E. Appleway Blvd., Spokane Valley • 928-8888 •

Dolly’s Cafe To call Dolly’s “cozy” would be an understatement, but for more than a half-century, generations of truckers, church folk and hungover students alike have been squeezing into its booths, eager for a heaping plate of eggs and hash browns. Above all other menu items, customers

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Little Euro Little Euro in the Valley is the Northside’s Old European mini-me. Same owners, same (although reduced) menu, same breakfast and lunch favorites, but different style, different paint job and different features — most notably the outdoor patio, which is so popular, Old European is getting one for itself. You can have a mimosa or red beer with your German potato pancakes or Danish aebelskivers. 517 N. Pines Rd., Spokane Valley • 891-7662 •

Garnet Café

Maple Street Bistro

The Garnet Café dishes up locally sourced, hearty fare. Breakfasts, like their Northwest omelet or corned beef hash, will leave you full all day. And the lunch specials, like the Garnet Cuban sandwich, made with McLane Farms’ Berkshire pulled pork and smoked ham, pickles, Swiss, slaw and stoneground mustard on fresh ciabatta bread, are truly special. 315 Walnut Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-2729

In a mostly desolate stretch of your northbound commute, this cozy eatery offers hugs in mugs and homemade comforts. Pull up for a cinnamon latte (like a graham-crackery dessert in a cup) or stay for a freshly made breakfast wrap (try the homestyle wrap with eggs, ham, bacon, tomato and pepper jack cheese in a spinach tortilla) and creamy homemade soup. 5520 N. Maple St. • 443-3129 •


Michael D’s

Some call it a throwback. Others call it old-school. Whatever it is, it’s working. With 1950s décor and attentive service,

Michael D’s Eatery is the place to go for breakfast in the Lake City — that’s according to Inlander readers who voted

this Coeur d’Alene icon their favorite breakfast spot. Go big, with an order of chicken-fried steak, or feel like you’ve skipped right to dessert with some paleo pancakes or waffles. Michael D’s is only open for breakfast and lunch, but you can still get a Bloody Mary or Irish coffee. 203 E. Coeur d’Alene Lake Dr., Coeur d’Alene • 208-676-9049 •

Old European This breakfast-and-lunch house takes pride in their made-from-scratch goods. Whether you like your morning meal French, Scandinavian or German, Old European has you covered. Think Swedish crepes, Dutch babies and German pancakes. The orange juice is always fresh squeezed. And while breakfast is served all day, Old European has a nice, big lunch menu. 7640 N. Division St. • 467-5987 | 455 S. Grand Ave., Pullman, Wash. • 334-6381 | 1710 E. Schneidmiller Ave., Post Falls, Idaho • 208-777-2017 •

Waffles Plus Inspired by his kids, owner Dale Westhaver decided to get creative, which is why waffles from Waffles Plus come with candy, fruit and ice cream and are topped with their signature syrup and mounds of whipped cream. Westhaver also features bacon and sausage waffles — the meat is just baked right into the waffles. Simple, yet genius. 2625 N. Monroe St. • 326-2317

We’re here for you

Healthy, Tasty Asian Dining 5406 N Division •

Hogan’s is where you go for a burger, a shake and a breakfast big enough to fill you up for the whole day. Can’t put away a couple of pancakes the size of dinner plates? They let grown-ups order off the kids’ menu here. 2977 E. 29th Ave. • 535-7567 4 locations to serve you

ane Wash. 141 S Cannon St • Spok (509) 624-5412 • wedont ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



Thai Bamboo was one of nearly 100 participating restaurants. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Food Lover’s Guide to Inlander Restaurant Week

The best advice on getting the most out of this annual, 10-day local dining showcase

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destination. Participating eateries offer prix fixe nlander Restaurant Week quickly gained (fixed price) menus for either $18 or $28, and for momentum in its first three years, and will be back that price you get three courses of your choice. The and bigger than ever for 2016. For the third annual courses (most places offer three items for each) vary event, in 2015, the number of participating restaurants depending on where you go — some restaurants offer more than doubled — to a total of 97 — from year an appetizer, entrée and dessert, while others may one, making diners’ options even broader, while also offer a drink in place of one of those food courses. In making the decision-making a little harder. general, you’re getting a bargain on your meal during Modeled after similar events in other cities, IRW, which means you need to tip well for the service Inlander Restaurant Week is intended to showcase you’ve received, starting around 15 percent. the region’s superb and growing culinary scene, 3. TRY NEW THINGS giving residents and visitors alike a reason to get One of the best things about Restaurant Week is the out and try a place they’ve never been before, or ability to try places that are new to you or new to otherwise may not have considered. The prethe region, and with a fairly determined, fixed-price menu means low risk. Never been to Wild everyone knows what their options are Sage? Go. Many eateries ahead of time. And of course, the week INLANDER RESTAURANT WEEK 2016 WILL TAKE PLACE FEB. highlight popular, staple before the event kicks off, the Inlander 26-MARCH 3. LOOK FOR DETAILS AT menu items during IRW, and publishes a comprehensive guide to the INLANDERRESTAURANTWEEK.COM. often at a discounted price, so 10-day event, highlighting participating you’re able to dine well on a eateries, their menus and chefs. Here’s budget at many locales. On the other end, chefs can some tried-and-tested tips to keep in mind for IRW use the event as an opportunity to showcase new or 2016: unusual items that might not be served regularly. Be 1. MAKE RESERVATIONS brave — try something new! Because of the growing popularity of Restaurant 4. MAKE IT A NIGHT Week and the great deals on dining out to be found, Because of its affordability and “special occasion” there will be waits for tables if you didn’t plan ahead. feel, Restaurant Week is a great excuse for girls night, It’ll make everything go smoother if you pick your family night or date night. Pick an event — there are spots earlier, once menus are released online — always many to choose from, including live music, usually several weeks before — and call ahead to set theater and comedy shows — and a nearby spot, and a reservation. Then you can rest easy, knowing your extend the night’s festivities into something more spot is saved and you’ll get to eat at the places you’re memorable. Buying tickets ahead of time and making most excited about. reservations are necessary measures when making 2. TIP WELL bigger plans like this. Restaurant Week is set up so you know what you’re CHEY SCOTT going to be spending before you even arrive at your

The Floating Restaurant Floating on Ellisport Bay in Hope Marina with views of Lake Pend Oreille and the Schweitzer Basin, this popular seafood restaurant now boasts a newly rebuilt venue. Boat or drive up to the restaurant, open April through October, for a meal with fresh seafood and soups, sauces, breads, and desserts made onsite from scratch. The seafood mixed plate has scallops, prawns and a tender calamari steak over angel hair pasta. Reservations are recommended. 47392 Hwy. 200, Hope, Idaho • 208-264-5311 •

Fountain Café

The Cedars Floating Restaurant in Coeur d’Alene.


For a beautiful night out with friends, family or even a first date The Bistro at Williams Lake

The Cedars Floating Restaurant

On the banks of Williams Lake, 15 miles southwest of Cheney, the Bistro (formerly Klink’s on the Lake) has quickly elevated itself to destination dining status, thanks to delicious surf-and-turf selections and well-priced breakfast, lunch and dinners. Note that Friday is all-youcan-eat rib night. Live music on Fridays and Saturdays enhance the beauty of the atmosphere during the summer. 18617 W. Williams Lake Rd., Cheney, Wash. • 235-6600 •

This isn’t lakeside dining — when you eat at Cedars’ floating restaurant, you’re dining on the water at the confluence between the Spokane River and Lake Coeur d’Alene. Seafood is the specialty here, and the smoky, cedar-planked, wild-caught salmon is consistently good. The patio is the place to be. You can even arrive by boat and tie up at one of Cedars’ docks. 1514 N. Marina Dr. • Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-2922 •

The Boathouse Bar & Grill


Who wants to cook after a day of leisure on the lake? That’s where the Boathouse comes in, with its bird’s-eye view of the Hayden Marina. The best seat in the house is on the deck. Drop in for appetizers, like the stuffed brie and roasted garlic, or linger over a plate of their popular fish tacos while you watch the sunset on the lake. 3830 E. Hayden Lake Rd., Hayden, Idaho • 208-772-5057 •

You choose Dockside at the Coeur d’Alene Resort for the exceptional view — all booths face out to the lake — and a sprawling menu that runs from steak and fettuccine, to burgers, rib-eye steaks and sesame-crusted ahi tuna. The salad bar is always popular, along with Dockside’s signature ice cream sundaes; all six scoops. 115 S. Second St., Coeur d’Alene Resort, Lobby Level, Coeur d’Alene • 208-666-5799 •

The all-outdoor-seating cafe is located in Riverfront Park just a few dozen feet from the Rotary Fountain, but its menu goes beyond the regular concessionstand fare. You can get a burger or grilled cheese sandwich for the kids, and the menu also includes appetizers like a hummus platter with grilled pita, kalamata olives and cucumber. Entrées, served with tater tots, fries or salad, include items like shrimp tacos with Cusabi dressing ($8.95) and a Greek garden wrap ($8.50). Pair your meal with a beer or a glass of wine. The café is open from spring into the fall, as weather permits. 507 N. Howard St, Spokane, WA • 6256656 •

Hill’s Resort Housed in a rustic yet upscale lodge overlooking Luby Bay on Priest Lake, Hill’s Resort’s restaurant boasts a menu of Northwest standards, including steaks and their signature baby back pork ribs. In addition to creative seafood options, you can sip on a specialty cocktail from the bar. When you wake up in the morning, you might as well come back to Hill’s — their breakfast, available on their large deck, is just as good as dinner. 4777 W. Lakeshore Rd., Priest Lake, Idaho • 208-443-2551 •

Powder Hound Pizza at Bricks and Barley It’s all about the patio, and the pizza at this beloved Sandpoint restaurant. If you’re lucky to find a seat on the small but mighty patio, take in the lake and watch the people coming and going from City Beach. This place has changed hands a couple of times the past few years, from the Loading Dock, to Bricks

and Barley, to its newest rendition, Powder Hound Pizza at Bricks and Barley. Yes, it’s that same Powder Hound Pizza you’ll find up on the mountain, that’s loaded with toppings and offers a softer, chewier crust than the wood fired pizzas previously offered here. A thin crust option will appease Neapolitan pizza fans, and some 90+ beer options should appeal to all. 202 N. 1st Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-0966 • bricksandbarley

Sweet Lou’s Restaurants Sweet Lou’s Restaurants have their gorgeous lake views, but we came for the ribs — thick, juicy ribs, several fingers wide, crispy in parts and chewy in others, slathered with your choice of house, bourbon or chocolate barbecue sauce. Of course, you can order other things, too — mushroom burgers, grilled salmon, a Cobb salad. But why order anything else when there are ribs? 46624 Hwy. 200, Hope, Idaho • 208-264-5999 • 477272 US 95, Ponderay, Idaho • 208263-1381 •

Tony’s on the Lake Tony’s sits alongside one of Lake Coeur d’Alene’s many inlets, a location that allows diners to feel far from Coeur d’Alene’s summer bustle. The Northern Italian-influenced menu includes appetizers like arancini, breaded meat risotto balls stuffed with cheese and served with marinara sauce, along with more familiar antipasto salads. The menu is full of seafood options — scallops, prawns and salmon — but turf is also well-represented. 6823 E. Coeur d’Alene Lake Dr., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-9885 •

Trinity at City Beach The patio of Trinity is practically on City Beach, offering picturesque views of Lake Pend Oreille. No room outdoors? No worries. The entire back wall is made of glass to allow a view from any seat. The menu, featuring choices like panseared scallops, filet mignon and Portobello mushroom ravioli is complemented by the extensive wine list. 58 Bridge St., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-255-7558 •



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Blackbird Kitchen + Tavern

The folks who created the beloved Manito Tap House have turned a one-time garage for Broadview Dairy’s horses and buggies into Spokane’s latest and hippest gastropub. Aimed at a more refined taste than the “pubby” tap-house food, the menu has a Southern twang to it, including a chorizo corn dog, roasted spaghetti, smoked salmon salad, and the “Mi Mi” sandwich — which includes two types of bacon. 905 N. Washington St. • 392-4000 • theblackbirdspokane. com

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Crafted Tap House + Kitchen A stylish gastropub in downtown Coeur d’Alene, Crafted takes HDG’s iconic local architecture and adds rotating special menus with fresh ingredients. Mainstays have funky names like the “#42” (ground beef burger with bacon jam and arugula) and the “Rockefella Ya’ll” (chicken and vanilla waffles with bacon and huckleberry syrup). 523 Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-292-4813 •

The Lantern Tap House The Lantern Tap House first opened

it’s doors in the Perry Neighborhood in 2009. The Lantern welcomes everyone with an inviting and relaxed environment with plenty of seating and a full menu to compliment the draft craft beers, local wines and spirits. The menu’s inspiration comes from the desire to offer all scratch-made food that elevates the quality and experience from typical pubs. 1004 S. Perry St. • 509-315-9531 •

Manito Tap House Manito Tap House burst on the scene and was instantly voted Best New Restaurant by Inlander readers; the bloom has not come off this South Hill rose. Booths, tables, a single stool tucked away at the end of the bar — they’re all still consistently packed. The Tap House went gastropub and hit their mark, providing high-end comfort food with good ingredients at reasonable prices. Get the yam chips, for God’s sake. 3011 S. Grand Blvd. • 279-2671 •

Saranac Public House Friday night. You’re downtown, on Main Avenue. The solution? Attack the ’nac! The Saranac Public House, that is. This

Voted “Best Italian” year after year!

The stylish Crafted Tap House + Kitchen

Take classic, comforting bar food and sprinkle in a touch of culinary ambition is the type of restaurant that does it all, and does it well. Need a place for a quiet lunch? Done. Cultured spot next to an art gallery and independent movie theater? That too. A place to start a raucous night of partying? Covered. Their buffalo chicken sandwich is killer, as is their beer selection. And there’s nothing wrong with staying there all night, if that’s your scene. 21 W. Main Ave. • 473-9455 •

the region’s ever-growing local brewery and distillery offerings. Local ingredients can be found in nearly every dish, from appetizers like a steak Bianca pizza and entrées such as the classic Tamarack burger, a braised leg of lamb, and seafood over gnocchi. Come for the regular live music from musicians like Carli Osika as well. 912 W. Sprague Ave. • 315-4846 •

Stacks At Steam Plant

Timber isn’t just a name. The walls are festooned with sepia-toned photographs of rugged logging operations and rough-cut wood slats, and the servers wear red suspenders and jeans. The menu, designed by executive chef Jeff Chatigny, is an extension of the level of detail throughout Timber. There’s the Steak House burger, with crispy onion, blue cheese and housemade pickles on a mix of pork belly and Angus beef. Their pizza is wood-fired to order, including the Hawaiian-inspired Da Kine, with Spam, kalua pork, and diced mango and pineapple. 1610 E. Schneidmiller Ave., Post Falls, Idaho • 208-262-9593 •

You could argue that Stacks at Steam Plant is Spokane’s most iconic restaurant: what other eatery has giant smokestacks sprouting from its top? There’s a range of steak, fish, poultry and pasta dishes on the menu and, of course, lots of beer-infused recipes, inspired by its on-site craft brewing operation, Steam Plant Brewing Co. 159 S. Lincoln St. • 777-3900 •

Tamarack Public House Owners Teresa and Leo Gonder spent the better part of a year renovating this historic downtown building to turn it into their farm-to-table-focused restaurant, with two bars inside that highlight

Timber Gastro Pub

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24 Taps Burgers & Brews

Dub’s Drive-In

24 Taps’ name rings true about its beer selection — with a dozen local brews on tap plus 12 additional options behind the bar. The menu, already bold with choices like the Poutine Burger and the Taco Burger, is getting another update, with plenty of fresh, homemade pastas, soups, and desserts. To top it all off, the walls are lined with 75-inch TVs — 16 of them. 825 W. Riverside Ave. • 868-5657 •

A slice of Americana, this rustic burger joint has all the fast-food goodies, with classic hamburgers, fried fish, fried fries, ice cream and huckleberry milkshakes made with real fruit. Worth the stop if you’re just passing through — especially for 40-cent doughnuts and ice cream cones so tall they’ll make even the most spoiled brat of a child gasp in wonder. 703 US 2 • Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-2634300

D. Lish’s Hamburgers


D. Lish’s serves up juicy burgers. Go ahead and take a pass on the many fastfood joints lining North Division and hit up this classic place for a top quality lunch or dinner. It’s fast-food cheap with a lot more taste. The review for D. Lish’s is contained in its title. 1625 N. Division St. • 323-7130 •

Below the “Legends of Fire” cigar bar and festooned with a 30-foot wide HDTV, EPIC is the Northern Quest Resort and Casino’s version of “this is what a sports bar can be.” It’s not just classic pub fare, either. Along with burgers topped with guacamole and stuffed with pulled pork, tomato, and red onion, calamari, ahi tuna, and a charcuterie sampler are on the menu. EPIC is open until 2 am on Fridays and Saturdays; the perfect spot to hit after a night of gaming or dancing at the casino. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, Wash. • 242-7000 •

Dick’s Hamburgers What would Spokane be without Dick’s Hamburgers? Our city would be lost, with only chain hamburger places remaining for fast-food junkies, off-thewagon vegetarians and the bar crowds. But thankfully Dick’s low prices, as well as their comforting food, have kept people coming back to this drive-in since 1965. The menu is varied, but the items are simple. You won’t find anything too complicated on the hamburger — no bacon or ham. Just ketchup, mustard, onions and pickles. They’ll add cheese if you ask for it. Buy these guilty pleasures by the bagful and remember Dick’s is cash-only. 10 E. Third Ave. • 747-2481

Hills’ Restaurant and Lounge While the food at Hills’ is often simple, it’s prepared with such care and fresh ingredients that we can’t stop thinking about it. Try the elk burger, of the protein burger, made with black beans, shiitake mushrooms, and brown rice. Or go for our favorite, the chicken-baconpineapple sandwich. Chicken, bacon

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The Awe Geez burger at Wisconsinburger. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Beef, chicken or garden, nothing is quite as quintessentially American as a big juicy burger and pineapples are all wonderful ingredients for a sandwich, but the tomato chutney is the real star of the piece. Order the scotch egg as your appetizer. 401 W. Main Ave. • 747-3946 •

Hudson’s Hamburgers Don’t order fries (they don’t have ‘em). Don’t ask for lettuce, or tomatoes or any frou-frou blue cheese on your burger (they don’t have any of that, either). All the rest is just a distraction. Just order one of Hudson’s no-frills burgers. They’ll shape the patty in front of you, throw it on the grill, and once you take a bite, you’ll understand why Inlander readers love Hudson’s so much, and why, after over a century in business, it’s become an Idaho must-see. And must-taste. 207 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208664-5444

The Onion The Onion is bustling with families and smiling servers, but it’s no chain restaurant. The Spokane eatery is a great place for family dining, with a menu boasting comfort food for everyone. Hearty burgers and towers of onion rings promise to send your family home fat and happy. Expect prompt service, and plenty things kids have to look at while they munch. 302 W. Riverside Ave. • 7473852 • 7522 N. Division St. • 482-6100 •

Rusty Moose Bar & Grill Amid the vast, upscale hunting-lodge feel, this place is serious about its burg-

ers: From a bacon-jam topped venison burger to Rocky Mountain Elk burger, to a Free Range Bison burger. Add to that entrées like blackened salmon, Timber Lake pot roast, brick and chicken-pot pie. And the portion sizes? Let’s put it this way: Even the lunches are served on platters. 9105 W. US 2, Airway Heights, Wash. • 747-5579 • rustymoosespokane. com

Wisconsinburger One word (in the vein of “hamburger”), Wisconsinburger gives Spokanites the opportunity to enjoy genuine, deepfried cheese curds in all their Midwestern glory. The restaurant offers up a menu of hearty premium Angus burgers and “fried goodies” that defy anyone who believes that “fresh and local” is a synonym for health food. Try the Spooner — a burger topped with Wisconsin sharp cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, a fried onion ring and a spoonful of housemade bacon jam — or the vegetarian “Madison” Bean Burger. 916 S. Hatch St. • 241-3083 •

Wolffy’s Hamburgers This staple of the Gonzaga neighborhood serves a lot of regulars and the college kids who can get up early enough for a spot in the tiny diner. They serve big, delicious omelettes, classic burgers and creamy milkshakes. Catch them for breakfast, lunch or an early dinner and enjoy the ’50s nostalgia that comes with the great food. 1229 N. Hamilton St. • 487-1587

The Lemon Siracha shot at BIJA Organic Juicery and Kombucha Bar.

Juice Bars 9th Street Juice Works Stop by 9th Street Juice Works at Huckleberry’s for a large selection of replenishing fresh-squeezed juices. The bar offers a variety of unique infusions for its juices, including spirulina, chlorophyll, ginseng and bee pollen. If you’re feeling under the weather or need a warmup in the winter months, try a hot juice like the BumbleBee (apple, pear, cardamom, lemon and honey). 926 S. Monroe St. • 624-1349 • huckleberrysnaturalmarket. com

BEET It Up Mobile Juice Bar In October 2013, John Gardner and Brandi Elder turned a 1969 Prowler trailer into a mobile raw juice and smoothie bar. They’ve since upgraded to a bona fide food truck, but their beet-based menu has continued to bring organic goodness to local farmers markets, music festivals and even a few area weddings. BEET It Up is only in service during events, but it is usually booked every weekend throughout the summer. Gardner and Elder often park at local farmers markets and use local produce for juicing. Check Facebook to track

down their latest location. 768-5646 or 208-755-0847 •

BIJA Organic Juicery and Kombucha Bar If you’re in the Perry district, look for BEET It Up’s more elegant, stationery younger sibling. BIJA (“seed” in Sanskrit) opened in April 2015 inside the Buddhio yoga studio. The bar serves organic juices made of local produce whenever possible, with multiple flavors of home-brewed kombucha on tap each day. BIJA doesn’t just source produce from local farmers; it composts all of its waste and shares it with farmers as well. Drop in for a yoga class and get your daily dose of fruits and veggies while you’re at it. 915 S. Perry St. • 818-9700 •

Guice Guice is the perfect spot for juice or a smoothie on the go. The South Hill drive-thru opened up shop in September 2014 and has been squeezing and serving completely organic and dairyfree drinks ever since. The tiny gray hut


The juicing craze that has been sweeping the country has finally hit Spokane

is bursting with fruits and veggies delivered fresh from Spokane Produce, making it a worthy stop on your way up or down the Hill. 4502 S. Regal St. • 2300946 •

Method Going on its third year in business, Method was one of the first places to introduce the juice bar concept to Spokane. All of its juices are organic, gluten free, raw and vegan, and are served in 100 percent compostable containers. Once you become a regular, you’ll want to pick up one of Method’s reusable Mason jars for a discount on every juice you buy. The bar will soon offer online ordering so downtowners can snag a fresh juice without a wait during the lunch hour. In the meantime, grab a bottle of their cold-pressed juice if you’re on the go; it’s squeezed and bottled each morning. 718 W. Riverside Ave.• 4739579 •

Pilgrim’s Market Juice Bar & Smoothie Station

at Pilgrim’s Market in Coeur d’Alene will squeeze you a cup of all-organic juice to give your shopping trip (and body) a boost. Pilgrim’s has poured its commitment to natural and organic foods right into its juice and smoothie bar, so you can rest assured that you’re drinking the good stuff. 1316 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-676-9730 •

The Wellness Bar Since opening Coeur d’Alene’s first juice bar in July 2014, owners Monica and Tait Engebretsen say they have poured their “heart and soul” into the business, creating a quaint, fresh-squeezed haven for North Idahoans, from crossfit buffs to flocks of kids after school. If you’re not into juice, the bar also offers smoothies, açai bowls and fresh coconuts that are cracked to order. They don’t only do food and drinks; the Wellness Bar focuses on all-around health. Stop by for periodic wellness chats and demonstrations. 312 Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-665-9098 •

Forget about grabbing a latte while getting groceries — the in-house juice bar ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |


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Chilean sea bass with yellow beets and celery root puree at Max at Mirabeau. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Fine Dining Central Food

Chinook Steak, Pasta and Spirits

Casual, yet innovative and refined — that’s the m.o. at Central Food. The menu often changes according to the season, but you can’t go wrong with the Korean pork sandwich, the Bibimbap with housemade kimchee or the terrine with mushroom mousse and a

This restaurant at the Coeur d’Alene Casino incorporates locally foraged mushrooms, bitterroot, camas root and shore-netted sockeye. The diverse dinner menu offers an array of surf and turf entrées, from the lobster tail dinner and sauteed catfish to filet mignon and veal marsala. In the summer, order the huckleberry ice cream, showcasing North Idaho berries, that’s made right at your table and flash-frozen using liquid nitrogen. 37914 S. Nukwalqw, Worley, Idaho • 800-523-2464 •

Also Try

Herbal Essence Cafe, 115 N. Washington St. poached egg. The restaurant welcomes those with specific diets with open arms — celiacs, vegans and carnivores can all unite and not be jealous of each other’s options. Sandwiches at Central Food are composed between their daily-baked bread. Purchase a loaf to take home. You won’t regret it. 1335 W. Summit Pkwy. • 315-8036 •

Clinkerdagger With excellent food, service and view of the river, Clinkerdagger sets the standard for reliable fine dining in Spokane. The restaurant’s famous Broadway pea salad, lobster bisque, rock salt prime rib and crème brûlée have become beloved

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favorites since the restaurant opened during Expo ‘74. Want to try something new? Order off the seasonal menu, featuring fresh and locally grown ingredients. 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 328-5965 •

Clover The quaint location in a refurbished, turn-of-the-century Craftsman bungalow is enough to draw diners inside, but the award-winning cocktails and a menu of local ingredients will keep them coming back again. Herbs are grown in an on-site greenhouse, and almost everything is made from scratch, including the bread used in all of Clover’s dishes. Bakery items are also offered for purchase to savor at home. Fresh, seasonal ingredients are highlighted on the everchanging menu depending on the time of year, but for dessert you really should

Eating fancy and local is easy with all these special occasion spots

try the melt-in-your-mouth orangesicle cake. 913 E. Sharp Ave. • 487-2937 •

Fleur de Sel Located in the same building as the Highland Day Spa, with views of the neighboring golf course, Fleur de Sel caters to diners who are looking for French cuisine at an affordable price point. The restaurant changes its menus seasonally, but the best time to visit is in summer, when you can dine on their cozy, sun-drenched patio. And don’t leave too early — you’ll want to stick around and sample from Fleur de Sel’s muchlauded dessert menu. 4365 E. Inverness Dr., Post Falls, Idaho • 208-777-7600 •

Hay J’s Bistro The blocky strip-mall exterior — and

Santé’s chef and owner Jeremy Hansen. book-cover first impressions — are immediately overturned the second you open the door. Inside, Hay J’s Bistro is pure class, with candle flames flickering atop wine bottles at the tables, and metallic vine sculptures wrapping around wine bottles on the walls. With a wine list boasting 100 choices, and a wine bar next door, the selection manages to live up to the hype set by the décor. The menu boasts steaks, tapas, burgers, pastas and risottos — but seafood remains most popular. 21706 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake • 926-2310 •

Max at Mirabeau Max at Mirabeau is the Spokane Valley’s answer to fine dining. They pride themselves on creating innovative cuisine with the freshest locally sourced ingredients they can find. For that, Max at Mirabeau has been awarded with a slew of awards at Epicurean Delight and has earned a faithful following that extends well beyond Spokane Valley. 1100 N. Sullivan Rd., Spokane Valley • 922-6252 •

Luna Up on the far southern edge of Spokane’s South Hill, Luna somewhat hides in a mostly residential neighborhood pocket off Regal Street, but don’t let its lower visibility keep you from finding this gem. The natural-light filled restaurant offers a seasonal, scratch-made

and local-ingredient focused menu, not unlike its regional counterparts. Though it offers favorites like wood-fired pizza made in an oven imported from Naples, Italy, Luna also caters to those with gluten sensitivities. In the summer, don’t miss the chance to sit on Luna’s beautifully shaded patio. 5620 S. Perry St. • 448-2383 •

Mizuna Originally a vegetarian restaurant, Mizuna has expanded its menu over the years to meet the needs of ominvores, too. But rest assured, vegans and vegetarians — your offerings are still prepared on a separate workspace and grill. Mizuna’s menu changes seasonally to showcase fresh, locally sourced ingredients. A great wine selection, dim lighting, exposed brick walls and elegant décor make this one of Spokane’s most romantic restaurants. Sit in the alley in the summer and pretend you’ve been transported to a quaint European city. 214 N. Howard St. • 747-2004 •

Palm Court Grill Several years ago, the Davenport Hotel renovated its Palm Court Grill, adding a bar in the middle of the space and televisions for the sporting crowd. Along with this change came the decision to drop the restaurant’s dress code, making for fine dining in a more casual, relaxed environment, despite the historic hotel’s elegant atmosphere. Based on

your mood or occasion, go for the exquisite, salt-crusted prime rib, or for the equally tasty charbroiled cheeseburger. Don’t fret, non-omnivores — there’s also a roasted butternut squash ravioli and vegan stuffed peppers on the Palm Court’s dinner menu. Should you want to go with a true Davenport classic, order the famous Davenport Crab Louis salad. 10 S. Post St. • 789-6848 •

Santé Restaurant & Charcuterie There are many reasons everyone raves about this local, fine-dining stalwart. The award-winning, French inspired eatery, run by Chef Jeremy Hansen, is unlike any other in town, with its unwavering adherence to sustainable food practices, including a nose-to-tail butchering philosophy and the careful selection of only the best ingredients from area farms. Almost every item (save for things like cheese) on the menu, from the meat to the sauces and bread, are made in house, and the staff at Santé can tell you exactly where each ingredient in your dish came from. 404 W. Main Ave. • 3154613 •

Scratch Scratch originated in downtown Spokane with a full bar, a larger menu and location, and the connected Rain Lounge bar, compared with its sister restaurant of the same name in Coeur d’Alene. Lo-


cated at the corner of Fifth Street and Sherman Avenue, Scratch CdA is a cozy place for a leisurely weekend breakfast, lunch al fresco on a warm summer day or an intimate dinner any time of the year. Their open floor plan and lowslung booths lining the abundant windows create a casual vibe, while the wine list and a seasonally varying menu provide for fine dining. The chic vibe of Scratch Spokane and its convenient location near several performance venues makes it an ideal stopover before or after an event. 1007 W. First • 456-5656 • | 501 Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-930-4762 •

Wild Sage American Bistro At Wild Sage, Executive Chef Charlie Connor wants everyone to be able to enjoy the restaurant’s delicious dishes, and for diners to feel good about their choices from a health perspective, too. Connor is gluten-intolerant himself, so anyone with sensitivities can trust they’ll be taken care of on that front. Aside from that, the creative, diverse and always-local menu ranges from coconut curry pasta to steaks and burgers. The one item at Wild Sage that you really must try at least once is the incredibly savory and creamy Yukon gold potato taquitos. 916 W. Second Ave. • 456-7575 •











Thai Bangkok Thai

Phonthip Style Thai

Bangkok Thai serves up authentic, gourmet Thai food in an atmosphere to match. With curry, duck, chicken, veggies and seafood all on the menu, Bangkok Thai has anything you could want from a Thai restaurant, including lunch specials that let you sample specialties like pad thai, sweet and sour chicken and three different curries for a great price. 1003 E. Trent Ave., Spokane • 325-8370 • 101 N. Argonne Rd., Suite E, Spokane Valley • 315-9943 | 1325 S. Grand Blvd. • 838-8424 •

Don’t let the diminutive size of the dining room fool you; the flavors of Phothip Style Thai’s dishes are as big as they come among the Inland Northwest’s Thai restaurants. The curries are stellar, delivered in a range of spiciness and flavors, and the pad thai is excellent. Start off with some steamed dumplings if you’re really hungry. Vegetarians will be thrilled by the fresh, sweet-and-sour veggies and rice. 1006 E. Francis Ave.• 487-3559

Linnie’s Thai Cuisine

February 26 - March 6, 2016

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The menu here is classic Thai — curries, satay, rice and noodle dishes. Linnie’s has been open for more than 25 years, and new customers will want to try their fantastic pad thai and their famous housemade peanut sauce, Linnie’s serves many dishes that can be prepared gluten-free or vegetarian. End the meal with a dish of ice cream and sticky black rice. 1301 W. Third Ave.• 838-0626

Sala Thai Sala Thai prides itself on making every dish fresh, by hand, and the vast array of flavorful dishes and sauces certainly deliver. You can find all the classic Thai dishes, but delve into the more rare fare like the Spicy Old Man, a stir-fry with fresh chilies as the star, or the Spicy Duck served on a sizzling platter to taste all Sala Thai has to offer. 12924 W. Sunset Hwy., Suite 104, Airway Heights, Wash. • 244-4800 •

Steaks, Chops, Seafood, Burgers & 100 Other Menu Items! 5-Time Epicurean Delight Award Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Brunch Late Night Dining • Patio Dining Eclectic Menu • Open Daily Happy Hour 3-6 and 9-Close Daily Half Off Bottled Wine Every Wed & Sun The Spicy Old Man dish at Sala Thai in Airway Heights. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Bright, fresh and flavorful, Thai styles abound in the Inland Northwest

Thai Bamboo

If you don’t mind enduring a lack of atmosphere for the sake of brilliant food, then start your voyage to Thai Ginger. The curry and tom yum soups are served in flaming bowls, and the peanut sauce is so delicious that its memory will haunt

Thai Kitchen boasts a number of homecooked, authentic Thai dishes, and if you don’t know what to order, Paul the owner is often nearby to help you decide. His wife is the chef and prepares everything herself. The cashew chicken is at the top of our “yum” scale, and you can choose your level of spice. 621 S. Pines Rd., Spokane Valley • 926-8161

Thai on First Egg rolls, pad thai, coconut cream, seafood soup, squid salad — the list goes on. Thai on First may not have the sharpest atmosphere around, but the food is so good you’ll be in another world completely. Watch out, though: When they say five-stars spiciness, they mean five stars. Also, make sure to visit at the right time; the restaurant closes between lunch and dinner. 411 W. First Ave. • 455-4288

Weekend Brunch Every Saturday and Sunday • Benedicts galore • Mimosas • Harvey Wallbangers




Thai Ginger

Thai Kitchen


Whether you’re the kind of person who always goes for the safe — yet still tasty — order of pad thai noodles, or consider yourself a more adventurous diner whose goal is to try everything on Thai Bamboo’s diverse and extremely varied menu, you’re bound to be satisfied and full when you leave any of the four locations. Great food, good service, prices and portions — it all adds up to Thai Bamboo repeatedly being voted Inlander readers’ favorite Thai restaurant. 5406 N. Division • 777-8424 | 2926 E. 29th Ave., Spokane • 232-8424 | 12722 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 4448424 | 2010 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-5300 •

you for days. 300 S. Grand Ave., Pullman, Wash. • 509-334-0477



1100 N. Sullivan Rd., Spokane Valley 509.922.6252 • Connect with us! ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |




Dolly’s Cafe

For more than a half-century, generations of truckers, church folk and hungover college students have been squeezing into Dolly’s booths, eager for a heaping plate of eggs and hashbrowns. We recommend the eggs Benedict, the avocado omelet, or for lunch, the gut-busting Guy Burger, a massive number that has to be held together with a steak knife. 1825 N. Washington St. • 326-0386 •

Ferguson’s Ferguson’s is not a café or restaurant — it’s a diner. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in tasty, heaping portions, and there’s nothing on the menu that you’ll struggle to pronounce. Old-fashioned and straightforward, Ferguson’s is a reminder of a more simpler time. Try the New York omelette made with Sonnenberg’s sausage, green peppers, onions and mushrooms. 804 W. Garland Ave. • 328-1950 •

Frank’s Diner Regular winner of the Inlander‘s Best Of readers poll for diners, Frank’s Diner — from the owner of The Onion — is famous for their breakfast, of course. Silver-dollar-size hotcakes. Spicy Creole benedict. Classic oatmeal. But the Diner’s dinner options are just as good. Try the meatloaf. There are our two lo-

cations, but our favorite is the train-car style location on Second, near Browne’s Addition. 10929 N. Newport Hwy.• 4652464 | 1516 W. Second Ave. • 747-8798 •

Hogan’s Diner Some call it a throwback. Others call it old-school. Whatever it is, it’s working. With 1950s décor and attentive service, Hogan’s is where you go for a burger, a shake and a breakfast big enough to fill you up for the whole day. Can’t put away a couple of pancakes the size of dinner plates? They let grown-ups order off the kids’ menu here. No shame in that. 2977 E. 29th Ave. • 535-7567 •

Jimmy’s Down the Street It’s not surprising that some of the biggest TV attention the Lake City has received has been for this well-known mom-and-pop restaurant. But even its appearance on Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives couldn’t quite capture Jimmy’s famous breakfast offerings: from fresh pecan rolls to homemade biscuits slathered with thick sausage gravy, everything is homemade and Southern-inspired. Check out the lunch menu for huge burgers and sandwiches or freshly baked pies. 1613 Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-7653868 •

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The Yards’ most popular dish: chicken and waffles. MEGHAN KIRK PHOTO

Where they call you “hon,” and always serve you extra gravy Knight’s Diner A breakfast staple since 1949, Knight’s is also a love letter to Hillyard’s rail-riding past. The diner — whose employees steam and hand-peel 100 pounds of Idaho Russet potatoes daily — is housed in an old dining car from the Northern Pacific Railway. With plenty of bacon and eggs to go along with your taters, what else do you need? 2909 N. Market St. • 484-0015 •

Mary Lou’s Milk Bottle You can’t go wrong with diner-style food and 1950s nostalgia, especially at this neighborhood icon, which — have we mentioned? — looks like a giant milk bottle. The retro-throwback restaurant at the heart of the Garland District takes customers back to a simpler time, when the burgers were served with homemade milkshakes, the fries were cut fresh, the wait staff was friendly, and buildings looked like giant milk bottles. You can relive the past by sipping on a huckleberry milkshake. Inside a giant milk bottle. 802 W. Garland Ave. • 3251772

The Satellite Diner & Lounge On your best nights, the nights where you really have fun, this is your last and final stop. This is where you stumble in, tired, maybe a little tipsy, at 2:30 am (it’s open until 4) and eat what you’ve been craving. Pancakes. Omelets. Buf-

falo chicken wraps. The Steamer burger. If you dare, dive into the extreme menu, including The Billy Breen, a bacon burger with grilled cheese sandwiches for buns. 425 W. Sprague Ave. • 624-3925 •

Wall Street Diner A favorite spot for weekend breakfasts, brunches and lunches, Wall Street Diner, nearly hidden in a residential neighborhood of north Spokane, has an oldfashioned counter and a cozy adjoining dining room. Expect to spend between $6 and $12 for a meal that will keep you filled up for the rest of the day. 4428 N. Wall St. • 325-4730 • thewallstreetdiner. com

The Yards Bruncheon In the new Kendall Yards development, across from the Inlander offices, The Yards offers both classic and innovative diner fare. The banana pancakes are delicious, of course. Want something bolder? Order the French toast burger — a burger in between two maple-syrup-soaked pieces of French toast. Our favorite is the massive breakfast poutine, complete with sausage gravy and candied bacon. It’s enough for at least two. 1248 W. Summit Pkwy. • 290-5952 •

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Come for the food, stay for everything else. For a complete directory of dining and more in Downtown Spokane, visit





Bonsai Bistro

With its elegant koi pond and impeccable service, this pan-Asian eatery offers a delightful blend of Chinese, Japanese and Thai foods. Go at Happy Hour for $3 sake and deals on asian tapas. Try the wok-fried dynamite shrimp; it comes with spicy aioli and shoestring veggies and is a steal at $6. 101 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-765-4321 •

Chan Bistro At Chan Bistro, the menu features traditional dishes with a modern spin. Consider the House Ginger Salmon ($15); the pan-fried salmon comes topped with ginger sauce and scallions, nestled among sautéed vegetables and rice. Chan Bistro also offers more common dishes like fried rice ($11) and appetizers like coconut prawns ($9) and calamari rings ($9). 1409 N. Argonne Rd. • 9260366 •

Ding How Though located in a strip mall, Ding How is a veritable tour of Asia, featuring Chinese, Korean, Thai and Japanese selections on its menu. Check out the sushi that they make right in front of you, or get some takeout that will make you reminisce about standing in your boxers

over the sink during your bachelor days. 1332 N. Liberty Lake Rd., Liberty Lake, Wash. • 921-1901

Fai’s Noodle House Go ahead and slurp. No one will judge you at this bustling little noodle shop located inside Northern Quest Resort and Casino. Fai’s menu goes beyond noodles, with specialty stir-fries, Japanese Mochi and tempura battered chicken; we urge you to order a steaming bowl of Vietnamese pho or Fai’s popular Wonton soup and slurp away. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, Wash. • 481-6602 • northern

Gordy’s Sichuan Cafe Known for its freshly prepared dishes featuring complex, clean flavors, Gordy’s has the reputation of being one of Spokane’s best-kept food secrets. But since it’s won “Best Asian Food” in the Inlander’s Best Of reader’s poll more than once, maybe it’s not so much of a secret any longer. Either way, it’s definitely a place to put on your list of local restaurants to try. 501 E. 30th Ave. • 7471170 •

The Mustard Seed You can still get your favorite dishes like

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Snapper at Gordy’s Sichuan Cuisine. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Steaming pho, authentic pad thai and contemporary twists on pan-Asian favorites Shrimp Osaka and Bong Bong Chicken, but after more than 20 years in business, The Mustard Seed isn’t resting on its laurels. Make a reservation during Spokane Restaurant Week, when we’re guessing their chefs will be trying out even more new dishes. NorthTown Mall, 4750 N. Division St. • 483-1500 •

Nudo Nudo can be credited with bringing the ramen noodle trend to Spokane. In May 2014, the ramen house opened in a stylish spot downtown. If you’re picturing something akin to the Top Ramen of your college days, delete that thought. Ramen has long been a staple in Japan, and at Nudo you can get it with barbeque pork, boiled egg and braised bamboo shoots or as bookends to a burger. 818 W. Sprague • 290-5763 •

Pho City The recipes at Pho City came directly from Vietnam with the Nguyen family, who own it. On the menu, there’s of course the pho ($8-$9): Choose from chicken or beef, both served with a plate of bean sprouts, Thai basil, cilantro and hoisin and Sriracha sauce that you can add to your pho. For a lighter choice, go

for the spring rolls ($4) or the bánh mÏ grilled pork sandwich ($4) with carrots and other vegetables.112 N. Howard St. • 747-0223 •

Pho Van Phò Van has an extensive menu of phò options that include beef, chicken and shrimp, but perhaps the most inspired phò features duck. Star anise and ginger-infused broth accents perfectly roasted chunks of duck that fall off the bone with a gentle nudge from a chopstick. Although traditional rice noodles are an option, thin egg noodles offer a welcome change from the norm. Bok choy adds body to the dish, while fried shallots sprinkled over the top add texture and smokiness. 2909 N. Division • 326-6470

Ugly Fish Asian is an all-encompassing term for a continent with 60 percent of the world’s population. Ugly Fish has a correspondingly large menu of more than 150 menu items: Japanese sushi. Korean BBQ. Chinese stir-fry. All this in a swanky, modern interior of chrome, red, white, black and neon. 1927 W. Riverstone Dr. • Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-6389 •

mmmmmm... mustard seed!

Chicken Osaka - Chicken breast

Greek salad at the White House Grill.

Mediterranean From kabobs to gyros to a big plate of hummus, the Inland Northwest offers up an array of tasty options Azar’s Restaurant Don’t be fooled by the exterior, which looks like a former hamburger joint. Azar’s serves up tasty Greek and Middle Eastern fare and offers a free belly-dancing show on Friday nights. Current owner Katy Azar continues to prepare tender kebabs and savory dips from her mother’s recipes. If you must choose, try the lentil soup, the gyro melt and, of course, hummus. 2501 N. Monroe St. • 326-7171 •

The Black Cypress This restaurant features dishes from all countries that line the Mediterranean. Choose from options including the Cypriot cheese sandwiches, the classic Italian carbonara or the traditional Turkish shish kabob. Also check out their wine list for a selection of reds and whites from both near and far. 215 E. Main St., Pullman, Wash. • 334-5800 •

Mediterrano Located inside the Saranac Commons, this tasty Mediterranean-style restaurant brings bold flavors and bright colors to your plate. Stick to classic

Greek dishes like falafel, gyros, and hummus, or try their Mediterranean spin on a lamb burger and garlic fries. 19 W. Main Ave. • 309-3116 •

Mikey’s Gyros With the word gyro in the name, it’s obvious what you should order when you head into Mikey’s. If you’re not in the mood for a delicious pita sandwich, try out their homemade hummus and soups, which are made fresh daily. Head in early, though; their soups go quickly! 527 S. Main St., Moscow, Idaho • 208-882-0780

sauteed in ginger sauce and fresh lemons. Served with a tangy mustard sauce.

Open 11 am - 8 pm

dine in . take out

Northtown Mall • 483-1500

FRESH NORTHWEST SEAFOOD IS OUR PRIORITY, Providing a Truly Northwest Dining Experience is Our Pleasure!

The White House Grill The world “garlic” appears no less than 20 times on the White House Grill’s medium-sized menu, sometimes even multiple times in the same sentence. That about sums up this Mediterranean restaurant’s M.O. — they’re open about their love for garlic. This will be the most delicious heartburn you’ve ever had. 712 N. Spokane St., Post Falls, Idaho • 208777-9672 •

Anthony’s opened our own seafood company in 1984 for the sole purpose of ensuring our guests only the highest quality Northwest seafood. Complementing our seafood, Anthony’s family-owned restaurants offer fresh seasonal produce from local farms, local microbrews and Northwest wines, enhanced with a backdrop of the spectacular Spokane Falls.

510 N. Lincoln St. • 509.328.9009 •




panels are strewn with actual flip-flops at Did’s, which makes no secret about appealing to “the perpetual surfer in all of us.” Choose from 12 froyo flavors (42 cents per ounce), shaved ice or bubble tea before lining up to order pizza, teriyaki plates, salads or calzones, which force even college dudes from Gonzaga to leave with to-go boxes. Beer and cocktails, from nearby Thai Bamboo, are also available. 5406 N. Division St. • 808-2090 •

Didier’s Yogurt & More

Ice cream from Brain Freeze CHRISTIAN WILSON PHOTO

Froyo and Ice Cream Places where you can cool down all year long

Ben’s Yogurt and Deli Esteemed for their frozen yogurt, Ben’s leaves room for pleasing experiences and a sensation for the taste buds. Multiple dessert flavors change periodically. When we called, Ben’s rattled off flavors like strawberry lemonade sorbet, mountain blackberry, strawberry shortcake, and orchard cherry chocolate. Also check it out for lunch and dessert. The wraps are huge. The California wrap comes filled with turkey, bacon, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, avocados and ranch dressing. 9119 E. Broadway Ave. • 893-8050 •

Blu Berry Frozen Yogurt Blu Berry is a cheery little place, with vibrant colors, free samples and an always-changing assortment of frozen yogurt flavors, not just blueberry. Top your favorite with every possible candy, nut and sauce — they claim to have the biggest topping selection in Spokane. Then smile big as you use one

of the shop’s digital cameras to take a selfie with your beloved yogurt, to be displayed on one of Blu Berry’s plasma televisions. 1802 W. Francis Ave. • 3155902 | 3007 E. 57th Ave., Suite 3 • 4436588 •

Brain Freeze Creamery Brain Freeze has been making ice cream in Spokane Valley for local restaurants and ice cream shops for more than a decade, but now the company has its own shops in Kendall Yards and on the South Hill. Along with an array of interesting ice cream flavors — huckleberry, caramel cashew, Mexican chocolate, Rice Krispies treat — the shop also offers espresso drinks and fresh-made sandwiches. 1238 W. Summit Pkwy. | 3103 S. Grand • 321-7569 • facebook. com/brainfreezecreamery

Did’s Hawaiian Shack & Arcade The walls are embellished with shiny surfboards, and beach towel-esque wall

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An iconic destination for nearby Whitworth University undergrads, Didier’s has been doing the froyo thing for more than 25 years. In addition to the frozen treats, you can also pick up a burger or other lunch-style items at this momand-pop operation all day. Consider it Spokane’s original frozen yogurt shop. 10410 N. Division St. • 466-8434 •

Doyle’s Ice Cream Parlour Cheaper than chain ice cream shops and scooping up servings of the frozen goodness bigger than your head (believe it or not, that’s only a slight overstatement), this little red-and-white-striped building is a favorite in the West Central neighborhood. Decorated with vintage toys, kids love looking around Doyle’s, finding a new toy each time they come in, while the masters behind the counter artfully create the best treats. The smell of the homemade waffle cones will draw you in and the taste of the ice cream will keep you coming back. 2229 W. Boone Ave. • Facebook: Doyle’s Ice Cream Parlor Froyo Earth This local yogurt chain keeps expanding across the Northwest, adding location after location, in the same manner you’ll add frozen yogurt topping after frozen yogurt topping. Froyo Earth offers customers 10 flavors of yogurt or sorbet along with more than 50 toppings. It’s self-serve — you, and only you, control your froyo destiny. They charge by the ounce, so you’ll be tempted to go for “light toppings.” Don’t fool yourself; the heavy ones taste better. 172 S. Division St., Suite B • 455-8000 | 829 E. Boone Ave.• 315-5034 | 12519 N. Division St. • 315-4910 | 325 S. Sullivan Rd., Spokane Valley • 368-9618 |2722 First St., Cheney, Wash. • 235-8000 •

Jamms Frozen Yogurt Jamms has 10 rotating “taps” of froyo, and an exotic selection of flavors like creamy birthday cake, cake batter, chocolate caramel turtle and green apple sorbet. Then there are the 50plus toppings to choose from, including cheesecake bites, mint meltaways, hot maple walnut, and even “mocha” — a Japanese rice cake. Mix, match and try out all the possible permutations. 954 W. Pullman Rd., Moscow, Idaho • 208892-8327 | 3500 Govt. Way, Suite 107, Coeur d’Alene • 208-665-0485 •

Roger’s Ice Cream While Roger’s looks like an average ice cream stand on the side of Coeur d’Alene’s Sherman Ave., it stands as a staple of the Coeur d’Alene summertime tradition. Homemade fries, a menagerie of ice cream flavors, and a good burger have fed sun-tanned and sweaty resort-goers for years. Outdoor seating in the summer and a heated tent in the winter aren’t the usual sit-down dining setting, so make sure to bring a jacket and an appreciation for downtown Coeur d’Alene. 1224 Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-930-4900 •

The Scoop The Scoop is the South Hill’s perfect hideaway for families, bike geeks, and bike-geek families. The small neighborhood parlor has a kids corner and serves sinfully delicious ice cream on homemade waffle cones. Also check out their selection of sandwiches (including a brilliant breakfast bagel) and, in summer, their excellent patio. 1001 W. 25th Ave. • 535-7171 •

Top This Top This serves as both a challenge to competing yogurt stands and an instruction manual to visitors. At this self-serve yogurt shop, you pick your flavor, then it’s up to you to top that. Add some fresh fruit, or mix in a trifecta of your favorite kind of candy, whipped cream and sprinkles. 202 W. Ironwood Dr., Coeur d’Alene • 208-676-1199 | 740 N. Cecil Rd., Post Falls, Idaho • 208-7779588 •

inland northwest shopping guide

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buy good things from good people

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But we think they will be a distant memory when you take your first bite. Spencer’s serves the highest quality, 21-to-28 day aged, locally sourced, USDA Prime and natural steaks and chops that we sear to perfection in our 1600° infrared broiler. So yes, we’d call them tender and juicy.


322 N. Spokane Falls Court, Spokane, WA | ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |




Baek Chun Sushiyama

A sushi chef can have his fish sent from Seattle or Sydney or wherever. He can have it overnighted to his doorstep. But that’s not good enough for Charlie Yamamoto. To make sure he’s offering the freshest fish, he drives to Seattle every week to personally examine every fish he buys. So you know the sushi is fabulously fresh, and the bulgoki, yakisoba, udon, bibimbop and donburi are good, too. 13032 W. 14th St., Airway Heights • 244-3545 | 1321 W. Third Ave. • 624-5553

Fu-Ki Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Serving both Teppanyaki style cooking and creative sushi featuring the fresh-

The Cougar roll at YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Whether you’re craving a California roll or something more exotic, a local sushi spot is there to please

est ingredients, this Post Falls culinary destination is an Idaho favorite. 1500 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls, Idaho • 208-4577077 •

Ginger Asian Bistro Come here if you want to feel classy. Ginger Asian Bistro, located on the South Hill, provides fresh, delicious sushi. Their most popular roll, they say, is the Las Vegas roll, containing shrimp tempura, asparagus and avocado and topped with fresh spicy tuna, sprinkled bread crumbs, mayo, eel sauce and finished with masago (fish eggs) and scallions. 1228 S. Grand Blvd. • 315-5201 •

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Kinja Japanese and Korean Restaurant Tucked into the corner of the Dollar Tree Shopping center on North Division, the family-run business serves up sushi, as well as an array of other dishes. The Jane Roll — shrimp tempura and crab topped with spicy tuna, sauce and crunch — is one among many of the items on the conveyor belt that rolls plates of sushi, fried seafood and desserts ($1.50-$4.50) around the seating area. A meat lover can order the teriyaki beef or spicy pork and chicken. A bento box comes with a choice of meat along with rice, salad and a side option such as gyoza (pot stickers). 7458 N. Division St. • 474-9276

Kyoko Sushi Kyoko emphasizes fresh fish flown in daily from Hawaii and rolled into both traditional and contemporary sushi. 334 N. First Ave., Suite 107, Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-627-9521 •

Sushi & Kitchen Featuring traditional sushi and French Asian cuisine, Sushi & Kitchen offers delicious rolls featuring fresh ingredients in a casual fine dining environment. Try the Pretty Woman roll, which comes stuffed with salmon, cucumber and asparagus topped with salmon tobiko and scallion ($12). 1902 W. Francis Ave. • 279-2721 •

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The Las Vegas roll at Ginger Asian Bistro.

Shoga Sushi Bar The decor at Shoga combines Japanese decor and a Northwest lodge-like setting — think kimonos on pine paneling with red linen napkins, white china, black tables and a river rock fireplace. Entrée options include the typical chicken or beef teriyaki and some fusion variations like the one-third-pound Kobe burger, which comes with tempura fried onions ($13). The Kake-Udon is a savory Dashi broth with sautéed vegetables and tofu over tender Udon noodles ($9), perfect for a chilly winter evening. 41 Lakeshore Dr., Sagle, Idaho • 208-265-2001 • If you absolutely love sushi — or are a bit on the fence about ingesting raw, water-dwelling creatures —’s diverse menu has something for both the pickiest and most daring eaters, from vegetarian-friendly fare to traditional Japanese dishes. Of course, its sushi (both raw and cooked) is the menu’s main attraction. 430 W. Main Ave. • 8380630 •

Sushi Maru Sushi Maru is perfect for the nervous sushi eater who doesn’t know what to order. A conveyor belt carries little multicolored plates of sushi right past your table, which is ideal if you like to see your food before you order it. Each plate is a different color, which corresponds with a set price. River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave., #105 • 455-3900 • SushiMaruSpokane

Sushi Sakai Sushi Sakai offers a delightful atmosphere and genuinely delicious sushi, ranging from the user-friendly California roll to the more adventurous Rattlesnake roll. There’s also a fine selection of sake,


Happy Hour Specials

3pm 3pm Daily Daily

which despite being made from rice will get you soused. Handle with care. 829 E. Boone Ave., Suite B • 340-9743 •

Syringa Japanese Cafe & Sushi Bar Syringa serves up sushi so delicious that those who don’t make reservations often find themselves waiting in line. Try the Spice Duck Tataki, a pan-seared, Togarashi-dusted muscovy duck breast served atop a bed of onions and garlicsoy reduction ($8). 1401 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-2718 •

Private Dining & Meeting Rooms Open 7 days a week

at Liberty Lake

Breakfast ‘til 11am Mon-Friday, Sat. & Sun. ‘til 2pm Lunch ‘til 4 | Dinner 4-close

1428 N. Liberty Lake Rd. | 509-924-1446

Wasabi Bistro and Sushi Bar Arguably Spokane’s prettiest sushi bar, Wasabi is located on the corner of Division and Hawthorne, just across the street from Whitworth University. Despite the sleek, modern decor, they provide fresh dishes at really reasonable prices. The Las Vegas roll is the most popular. The Spider roll is a favorite, as well as the spicy tuna roll for only $5. 10208 N. Division St., Suite 105 • 2905573 •

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The Wave Island Sports Grill and Sushi Bar Formerly Raw Sushi, the Wave morphed from Raw’s Hawaiian-Sushi fusion into a Hawaiian-Sushi-American sports bar. Customers at The Wave can bite into a burger, follow it with a sushi roll and partake in the sweet sounds of amateur karaoke, while watching Monday Night Football on one of 22 HD screens. Restaurant workers in Spokane tend to have a special fondness for The Wave: On Mondays, it gives anyone from the service industry 25 percent off. 525 W. First Ave. • 747-2023 •

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A heaping plate of steak, greens and rice at the Grille from Ipanema. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Global Cuisine

Sample the world without leaving the Inland Northwest

Aloha Island Grill

Das Stein Haus

Queen of Sheba

Taste of India

Spokane might be one of the last places you’d expect to feel like you’re in a tropical paradise. Thanks to the wonderful people of Aloha Island Grill, our neck of the woods gets transformed into a beach with their Hawaiian cuisine. It’s the only place in Spokane to get Moco Loco, the classic Hawaiian dish that mixes rice, Spam and a fried egg; you can also nibble on island favorites like teriyaki, macaroni salad and chicken katsu. 1220 W. Francis Ave.• 413-2029 | 1724 N. Monroe St. • 327-4270 •

Got a craving for German food? Thanks to Das Stein Haus, you only have to journey to Francis to drink German brews and eat authentic homemade German food, such as housemade schnitzels and bratwurst. The restaurant is filled with cute German trinkets, and polka music pumps out through the speakers. 1812 W. Francis Ave. • 326-2214 •

Queen of Sheba knows a thing or two about preparing vegetarian food that you’re not going to find anywhere else, but there’s plenty for meat lovers as well at this eatery specializing in authentic Ethiopian cuisine. The “yemeshir kik wat” (split red lentils cooked in berbere sauce) and the “kifto” (lean steak marinated in butter and chili spices) are both hard to beat, scooped up by hand using spongy injera bread. The Flour Mill, 621 W. Mallon Ave., Suite 426 • 328-3958 •

This place is all about options. Order individual dishes off the menu, or hit up the lunchtime buffet and nibble on the ever-changing array of dishes like chicken biryani (spiced chicken with basmati rice), aloo palak (potatoes, spices and spinach) and daal makhni (lentils, spices and butter). No matter what you decide, don’t forget the naan; the traditional Indian bread is delightful. 3110 N. Division • 327-7313 •

Cafe Carambola It’s easy to drive right past Cafe Carambola, tucked into a strip mall, but you’d be missing some of the freshest, most authentic Latin food in the Inland Northwest. The menu emphasizes local produce, with an assortment of salads, soups, tortas (Mexican sandwiches) and wraps. An Incan quinoa salad alongside a Cuban sandwich? It can happen here, but you have to love lunch — they’re only open Monday through Friday from 11 am to 3 pm. 610 W. Hubbard St., Suite 110, Coeur d’Alene • 208-676-8784 •

Grille from Ipanema Dining at one of the few area Brazilianstyle steakhouses is an experience. It involves food, of course, and a lot of it, but also a little cultural exchange. The smorgasbord of self-serve cold salads and hot dishes ranges from South American rice and beans to Italian gnocchi to a tangy tropical slaw with raisins and mango. Then there’s the meat: beef, pork and poultry grilled over open flame while you wait, brought to your table on special skewers until you say “No more!” 601 Front St., Suite 101, Coeur d’Alene • 208-676-1122 •

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Rio Grill Brazilian Steakhouse A welcome addition to Spokane’s South Hill, this place specializes in the flavors of Brazil and its Latin American neighbors. The hand-cut steaks are all USDA Prime, the produce is fresh, and this is one of the few Brazilian steakhouses you’ll find with a “small plates” menu so you can sample plenty of empanadas or ceviches, along with flavor-packed tri-tip sandwiches or veggie burritos. The entrées include steaks, leg of lamb, shrimp and linguica, a Portuguese sausage. 5620 S. Regal St. • 919-3588 •

Top of India This Spokane Valley gem offers an authentic Indian menu in a quiet, welcoming environment ideal for enjoying kormas (try the mushroom), paneers and pakoras. The recently redesigned interior boasts modern, clean lines that dominate the space, while rich colors add a touch of the exotic. The cuisine is equally well thought out and beautifully prepared; try the buffet to sample as many flavors as possible. 11114 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 9270500 •

with Dining 1. Lucy in the Sky tool 2. I Love This Bars Clock e 3. Rock Around th e of Mind 4. New Chair Stat er 5. Little Red Reclin ade For Sleepin’ 6. This Bed Was M ather 7. Whole Lotta Le iner 8. Losing My Recl Chaise 9. Those Were the r On My Bortkholde 10. Lay Your Head at llin’ In The Lovese 11. Can’t Help Fa r 12. Daybed Believe ch Girl ut H 13. Little China 14. Purple Chaise

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303 Spokane Ave, Cd’A • 208 664 2131 •


A Year in Food Festivals Full feasts and snacking sprees to satisfy any craving The National Lentil Festival in Pullman


What to Expect





Adults $14/ adv, $16/door; kids $7/adv, $9/door


Enjoy live music, a bake sale, and traditional Jewish-style brisket from New York, slow-roasted in chili sauce and cola.

Early March

Temple Beth Shalom, 1322 E. 30th Ave.


Sample food from a variety of the Inland Northwest’s growing number of food trucks, ranging from crepes to Jamaican jerk pork and chicken.


Lilac Lanes, 1112 E. Magnesium Rd.

$15/adv, $20/ door



Hosted by the Inland Northwest Vegans, this healthy living expo offers speakers and chefs from around the country, cooking demonstrations, food trucks and live music.


Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St.



Find your own secret berry patch at Schweitzer or just join in the festival, including a huckleberry pancake breakfast, huckleberry hikes, a pie eating contest, live music and a color run and ride.

Early August

Schweitzer Mountain Resort, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Road, Sandpoint, Idaho



Just one of Wallace’s many annual festivals, this event boasts a huckleberry pancake breakfast, the election of a Huckleberry Hound and Huckleberry Sheriff, and a pie eating contest. Join in on the 5k run/walk to work off all those calories.


I-90, exits 61 & 62




Head to this lesser known (but equally delicious) Green Bluff festival to enjoy juicy ripe peaches, fresh cobbler, ice cream and pie.

Mid-August through Labor Day

Green Bluff, Wash.



Help Pullman celebrate the wonder of the lentil at this two-day festival for the tiny legume. The event includes a cook-off, a parade, golf and softball tournaments and food trucks. Don’t forget to pay homage to the Lentil Family of the Year while you’re there.

Late August

Reaney Park, 690 NE Reaney Way, Pullman



With authentic Greek food, a boutique, a shish kebab grill and Greek dancing, this festival will have you saying “Opa!” in no time.

Late September

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 1703 N. Washington St.

Adults $12/ adv or $15/ door, kids $6


Green Bluff’s most popular fruit festival offers corn and straw mazes, fresh-pressed cider, live music and all kinds of apples. Be sure to grab a bag of fresh pumpkin donuts for the road!

MidSeptember through October

Green Bluff



Check out this festival for dine-in or to-go Japanese dishes, including Bento boxes, senbei and sushi.

Late fall

Spokane Buddhist Temple, 927 S. Perry St.



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The food and service at Anthony’s Beach Cafe. ASHLEY TOMLINSON PHOTO


Not being on the ocean doesn’t stop local restaurants from serving up delectable fare from the sea Anthony’s at Spokane Falls

Fisherman’s Market and Grill

Fresh seafood is the top priority for Anthony’s — the restaurant company works directly with fishermen and shellfish suppliers to make sure every last salmon, swordfish and oyster meets a high standard. But diners don’t need to know the details to appreciate the fine-dining atmosphere, daily specials, happy hour offerings and — perhaps most impressive — the postcard view of the Spokane Falls. 510 North Lincoln St. • 328-9009 • anthonys-at-spokane-falls | Beach Cafe, 2912 E Palouse Hwy • 448-0668

They’ll hook you with fresh seafood, but the market also serves seafood dishes from sushi to salads to fish and chips. A consistent bright spot is the sushi menu, with offerings like the Dragon Roll, stuffed with tempura shrimp and vegetables, or the soba salad, which mixes green vegetables with yellowfin tuna, green tea soba noodles and garlic ginger soy dressing. Owner Jennifer Palm is particularly proud of their in-house smoked fish. 215 W. Kathleen Ave. • Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-4800 •


Milford’s Fish House

Perched on the seventh floor of the Coeur d’Alene Resort, Beverly’s unparalleled, panoramic views of the lake and epic vistas, combined with cosmopolitan décor, attentive service and a wine cellar boasting more than 14,000 bottles, make for an elegant dining experience worthy of a special celebration. The half-dozen fresh shucked oysters are an amazing prelude to dinner or companion to drinks. 115 S. Second St. • Coeur d’Alene • 208-763-3950 •

This iconic restaurant and bar has led a luxurious life. The original tavern opened in 1911 and was turned into a cigar store, market and barbershop. Original cigar cases, an antique mahogany bar, pin-up girls and stampedtin ceilings exude a dim, masculine atmosphere. The fine-dining menu features modern fish and seafood dishes for a hefty price. Open for dinner only. 719 N. Monroe St. • 326-7251 • • 208-664-9463

sample from


breweries & cideries

NOVEMBER 20 & 21 at the





Liberty Ciderworks won two silver medals at the Great Lakes International Cider & Perry Competition. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

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How ‘Bout Them Apples?



he Northwest has seen this story unfold before. A bunch of casual sippers and more zealous connoisseurs grow dissatisfied with the mass-produced products sold by far-away, massive corporations. In response, they retreat to their basements and garages and start playing with recipes, learning about fermentation and putting their own spin on the old tried-and-true. Eventually, some hit on flavors in their homemade libation that are so tasty and unique, it seems a shame to hoard it all for themselves. They start putting some in bottles and growlers to share with likeminded friends and family. When they get a favorable response, a select few decide, “Hey, people like my stuff. Maybe this could be a business!” In the ’80s and ’90s, those people were the pioneers of the craft beer movement, and we’re still enjoying the benefits of the brew boom through the ever-expanding series of microbreweries throughout Eastern Washington and North Idaho. Fast-forward to 2015 and that same story is playing out again. This time, though, it’s an explosion of craft cideries, a natural evolution for a state that produces so many apples. It’s also a return to the drinking habits of Colonial America. “In America, this was the thing everybody drank until the Industrial Revolution,” says Rick Hastings, co-owner of Spokane’s Liberty Ciderworks along with Austin Dickey. Just a few years ago, the area around Spokane and Coeur d’Alene was utterly lacking in craft cider options. What people thought of as “hard cider” was whatever they could get in a six-pack at the grocery store. And while many of the new local craft cider purveyors acknowledge mass-produced cider’s role in increasing awareness of cider as another option for beer and wine drinkers, they also knew they could make something better, using apples grown right here in their own backyard. In the past three years, spots like Liberty Ciderworks and Twilight Cider Works in Green Bluff have opened, both of them focused on traditional Old World, European-style ciders, with a few unique tangents driven by their makers’ creativity. Other cideries like One Tree Hard Cider in Spokane Valley, or Summit Cider in Coeur d’Alene — both opened in 2014 — are geared less toward the wine-like intricacies of traditional cider and more toward the beer model of easy drinkability.

Liberty Ciderworks co-owners Rick Hastings, left, and Austin Dickey monitor the juice produced from milled apples. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO “There’s an awful lot of creativity going on right now, particularly in the Northwest, with cider,” Hastings says. “People are being really wildly, crazy inventive with it, and it does appeal to the craft beer market. And a more traditional approach appeals to the wine drinkers. They appreciate the nuance and the flavors of their favorite grape or wine style, and we can do the same with cider.” No matter what style you prefer, all the regional cideries suddenly popping up in the Inland Northwest are taking advantage of the bounty of apples available in the region, and a drinking population that embraced the craft beer movement as avidly as any part of the country. “There are still breweries opening up everywhere right now, and don’t think the market’s going to be saturated for quite some time, and it’s the same for cideries,” says Grant Barnes, co-owner of One Tree Hard Cider with Neal Hennessy. “Cider has a lot of room to grow. I think we owe a lot to the craft breweries locally who ran a lot of the [mass-produced beers] off the taps. Even though it cost more, they showed that people wanted the quality.”


For a sense of just how quickly the craft cider scene is growing, consider the membership of the Northwest Cider Association, founded five years ago to represent the interests of commercial cider makers from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and British Colum-

bia. The NWCA hosts a variety of events to help raise awareness of the burgeoning cider movement, including Washington Cider Week each September, and the Pacific Northwest Cider Awards each June. In 2013, the NWCA included 32 cideries across the region. Two years later, that number is 66, including 27 in Washington alone. And that doesn’t include cideries that, for one reason or another, never joined the association. For example, there is only one Idaho cidery listed as a member of the NWCA, Longdrop Cider Co. in Eagle, but two cideries have opened in the Coeur d’Alene area in just the past year — Summit Cider and North Idaho Cider. Jason Fletcher, who opened Summit Cider with his partner Davon Sjostrom, said that one of the first things he noticed about getting into cider was the “all-for-one” vibe among cider makers he met before ever getting into the business. “Within the cider community, the guys at Liberty Ciderworks or the guys at North Idaho Cider, it’s very much the way the brewery community is, where everyone is really nice and super-supportive,” Fletcher says. “We kind of feel like, if somebody is rising up, we’re all pulling up together.” There’s competition, but like the craft breweries and distilleries, almost everyone you talk to at the regional cideries mentions swapping advice as they got started, and finding inspiration from each other’s products.






While the Northwest Cider Association gives awards in 14 different categories at its annual Pacific Northwest Cider Awards, the styles of hard cider can be more easily digested in the broad categories recognized by Wine Enthusiast magazine:


One Tree Cider’s co-owner Neal Hennessy with an assortment of ciders. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

“ H o w ‘ B o u t T h e m A p p l e s ? ,” c o n t i n u e d region’s apples as the base for their ciders, as well as occasional special additions like local fruit and hops, even whiskey barrels from local distilleries, that give each of their products a distinct spin. But look a little closer at a few of the region’s cider makers, and you quickly realize how many different styles fall under the “cider” label.


The full spectrum of cider styles is available in from the region’s craft cider makers, from the traditional, dry styles that Thomas Jefferson would have been comfortable sipping at Monticello to the modern, sweeter versions, full of flavors ranging from cinnamon to cherries to ginger. For Liberty Ciderworks, which strives to create traditional Old World ciders, working with apples particularly suited for making cider is the first step. As co-owner Hastings puts it, “wine is to grapes as cider is to apples. “Just like wine grapes and table grapes, you can eat any old grape,” Hastings says. “Some just taste better as table grapes, taste better just to eat. Some don’t taste so good, but they make wonderful wine. “There have been apples that have been cultivated for centuries that exhibit the same tendencies as wine grapes: tannic, not necessarily easy to cut up and make pies. They might not taste good right off the tree, but when they’re fermented, they give you a lot of flavors and mouthfeel and body.” Liberty certainly knows what to do with cider apple varieties when they get them; at this year’s Pacific Northwest Cider Awards, the Spokane cidery won a Silver Medal in the “Old World” category. The challenge, though, is that cider-focused varietals like Kingston Black, Yarlington Mill, Brown Snout and Dabinett aren’t as plentiful as your typical Fuji or Pink Lady. As a result, tradition-minded cider makers like Hastings have to turn to apples that are more pliable than the cider apples. He notes “multi-purpose” apples that have grown in Washington for

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centuries that are good to eat and for cider: Winesap, Gravenstein, even McIntosh. “If I had my way, I would be using mostly cider fruit, cider apples, but they’re really hard to find,” Hastings says, noting that he has about three acres of cider apples planted at a Garfield, Washington, orchard, but he also has started making ciders with crabapples that are much more abundant in the area. “You blend that in with the common variety of apples and you get something pretty wonderful.” While Liberty’s ciders lean toward the traditional styles that experts treat in much the same way wine enthusiasts treat their favorite beverage, Hastings still plays with different flavors in his work. He might dry-hop one batch, age another in a whiskey barrel to absorb some of that flavor into his cider, and “there’s an amazing array of flavors you can get from the yeast, the way the yeast is treated.”


The guys at One Tree Hard Cider come at their product from a different angle than the traditionalists. Like Hastings, Grant Barnes and Neal Hennessy started making cider as a hobby, and it turned into a vocation. That’s where the similarities end. One Tree started in Barnes’ garage, with exactly one recipe: a relatively straightforward semisweet apple cider. They were able to get that cider on tap in a few bars and move into a production facility to expand, but it was when they started making flavors like cinnamon-and-caramel, ginger and cranberry that their business really took off. Now, their cider is so popular that both men were able to leave their day jobs a full year before they intended in order to dedicate themselves full-time to One Tree. As they learned to make cider, they found that the apples that were easiest for them to get, like Red Delicious or Pink Lady, made for a fine cider as long as they added the right amount of acid to


Traditional French, Spanish and English ciders have distinct characteristics, and require a stop at a specialty store to find a bottled import. The French style ranges from dry to sweet, and can have particularly interesting flavor characteristics due to yeast being distressed during production. Spanish ciders come mainly from the northern region, where cider apples grow more acidic and tart; Spanish cider is never carbonated. And English cider can range from dry to sparkling to the “farmhouse” style that is a bit funky and aromatic. TRY: To buy imported ciders, visit Total Wine and More (9980 N. Newport Highway, Spokane), Huckleberry’s (926 S. Monroe St.), Enoteca Fine Wine & Beer (112 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls) and Rocket Market (726 E. 43rd Ave., Spokane)


America’s version of this British staple blends apples from American and England as well as France, resulting in a well-balanced acidity, some fruit tones and and “hints of Earth,” according to Wine Enthusiast. TRY: LIberty Ciderworks’ English Style 2


Available both dry and sweet, this style combines tart heirloom apples with sweeter varieties to find a perfect, refreshing balance. TRY: Summit Cider’s Corduroy


Increasingly common in the Northwest, cider makers are playing with nontraditional additions to their apples to create unique tastes, whether it’s a subtle crabapple flavor, or the bold use of cinnamon, ginger or berries. TRY: One Tree Hard Cider’s Ginger Cider, Twilight Cider Works’ Cherry First Harvest


Another Northwest-centric trend is the addition of hops to hard apple cider, inspired by the craft beer brewers in the region. The result is a crisp cider with a bit of a fruity bite. TRY: North Idaho Cider’s Lake City hopped blend


Many craft cideries are adopting barrels used by nearby distilleries to add smoky and woody flavors to the apple cider. TRY: Whiskey Barrel Cider’s Whiskey Cider


Cideries & Meaderies There’s more to brew than beer

A pint of Summit’s Sundance cider sits alongside a tasting flight of the Greenhorn and Corduroy flavors. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

“ H o w ‘ B o u t T h e m A p p l e s ? ,” continued balance the sweetness. Once they realized, as Barnes puts it, that “we don’t have to be just apple,” everything changed. “Anyone can do apple well,” Barnes says. “It’s the rest of it that’s the fun part. The cider purists of the world are offended by us putting flavors in,” but that hasn’t slowed them down at all. If anything, Barnes and Hennessy are looking to add some bold new flavors to their line. “We are all about flavor,” Hennessy says. “We’re not trying to be subtle. For us, when we say ‘cranberry,’ we want your mouth to just explode with cranberries.” Their approach has certainly worked so far. The pair teamed with a distributor just months after opening in the summer of 2014, and this summer One Tree Hard Cider will be all over Western Washington, in addition to their current footprint in Eastern Washington and North Idaho. Next up is distribution to Montana, and in 2016 they’ll be in Oregon. “The Rockies west is our goal,” Barnes says.


The cider style at Coeur d’Alene’s Summit Cider falls in between the traditional styles of Liberty or Twilight and the bold, flavored styles of One Tree. The small operation remains a boutique, part-time cidery after opening in December 2014. Jason Fletcher and Davon Sjostrom are ski buddies who met through their children, and didn’t get into cider until Sjostrom was diagnosed as gluten-intolerant. He started playing with cider at home,

and they shared some with beerloving friends at a local brewery. The response was positive enough that they got serious about cider. “Our approach to cider is drinkability,” Fletcher says. “That huge gap between the super-sweet ciders that are made by the giant companies and the artisan ciders that are way more on the dry side, maybe not carbonated. There’s a huge midrange that we thought, ‘Hey, we can make a really nice product that fits right in there.’” They were also inspired by a trip to Green Bluff for a tasting at Twilight. They enjoyed the cider, Fletcher says, but they really liked the environment where they did the tasting. “I liked the place, kind of a neat atmosphere,” Fletcher says. “We’re also big brewery fans, and I like the local breweries here in Coeur d’Alene in particular. And I said, ‘Dude, you know what? This would be really fun to do cider in Coeur d’Alene as a brewery-type atmosphere.’ We started planning that night.” They found a spot near Coeur d’Alene Cellars, a wine store, and Tricksters Brewing, and figured a cidery would be a perfect addition to the neighborhood. They built a space with a lot of ski décor, and they intentionally call it a “tap room” instead of a “tasting room,” because “they do tastings at wineries, where people taste a little of this and a little of that, then buy a bottle and go home,” Fletcher says. “I wanted to create a place where people wanted to hang out and have fun.”

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Hierophant Meadery Their journey as herbalists led Jeremy and Michelle Kyncl’s founding of Hierophant Meadery, which brews session meads based on whatever’s flowering — elderberry, raspberry, peach, rose hip — in nearby Green Bluff. The dry, lightly hopped result might then be infused with such things as chamomile or vanilla. 16602 N. Day Mt. Spokane Rd., Mead, Wash. • 294-0134

Liberty Ciderworks With the distinction as the first Spokane cider taphouse, Liberty Ciderworks has gained a steady following for their American and English-style cider and new apple brandy. Their downtown tasting room is a favorite for First Friday and live music. A recent cider appreciation class poured such Liberty labels as Manchurian SV and Stonewall. 164 S. Washington St., Suite 300 • 321-1893

North Idaho Cider After several months of world travel that included Spain, Greg and Mara Thorhaug returned to Greg’s native Idaho with a love of all things cider. Their North Idaho Cider blends old world appreciation with new world know-how. Renaissance, for example, gets its complexity from more than 25 varieties of Idaho-grown cider apples, while Lake City reflects the trend towards dry, hoppier styles. 11100 North Airport Road, #5 and #6, Hayden, Idaho • 208-818-7798

One Tree Hard Cider If you love cider with bold flavors, the fast-growing One Tree Hard Cider has a few options that could do the trick, from their bombastic cranberry cider to a caramel-cinnamon version just as sweet and delicious as it sounds. Along with seasonal specials like

Huckleberry, One Tree has an evergrowing line of cider, easily found throughout the area on store shelves or on tap. Or just stop by their Spokane Valley tasting room and chat with owners Grant Barnes and Neal Hennessy. 9514 E. Montgomery Ave. #25, Spokane Valley • 315-9856

Summit Cider When they first opened in 2015, the demand for their two primary ciders nearly outpaced their output. Now available at a growing list of area restaurants — Bardenay, Melone’s Public House, Moon Time and Syringa among them — Summit Cider continues to add to their line with Sundance, Greenhorn, Corduroy, Fall Line, and Chunder. 3884 N. Schreiber Way #201, Coeur d’Alene • 208-590-7475

Twilight Cider Works In addition to New Traditions and Inland Empire, Twilight has added Winesap and a peachy seasonal cider since opening in 2013. Their First Harvest features cherries from a centuryold Royal Ann tree. Located in Green Bluff, they also produce a cornucopia of veggies and flowers for sale. 18102 N. Day Mt. Spokane Rd., Mead, Wash. • 570-8748

Whiskey Barrel Cider Company Using apples grown in the Columbia River Valley, Whiskey Barrel makes hard ciders ranging from semisweet Dam Hard Cider to the potent, whiskey-barrel-aged Whiskey Cider. Toss in a couple of seasonal brews and a tasting room that also serves personal pizzas and other light fare and you have yet another reason to love Pullman. 588 SE Bishop Blvd., Suite G, Pullman, Wash. • 339-6102


The craft distillery boom is exploding in the Inland Northwest

2 Loons Distillery

Mill Town Distillery

Vodka, unaged white corn whiskey and Blackberry Loon Lightning liquor are the first products from this Loon Lake distillery that has made a splash, and Trisha and Greg Schwartz have plans to expand the offerings in their friendly tasting room as soon as possible. It’s a perfect stop on the way to (or home from) the lakes north of Spokane. 3950 Third Ave., Loon Lake, Wash. • 998-0440 or 998-0330 •

This new distillery in Sandpoint works in small batches and carefully crafted spirits, using a homemade still and the same cold spring water as the bootleggers of yesteryear. The first two products are the No. 217 Whiskey, an 80-proof unaged corn whiskey, and Pend Oreille River Rum, a flavorful, sweet concoction perfect for mixing. A tasting room is in the works; in the meantime, you can find Mill Town’s bottles at Idaho State Liquor stores and restaurants and bars throughout North Idaho. 22979 Highway 2, Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-1739 •

21 Window Distillery Fun fact: there are 21 windows on a Volkswagen bus, which is where this Spokane Valley distillery got its name. Many Spokane bars feature its vodka, which is also available at local grocery and liquor stores, and now gin, applejack and a smoked vodka have joined the product line. 204 S. Koren Rd., Suite 100, Spokane Valley • 720-7375 •

Dry Fly Distillery



Tinbender Craft Distillery Metalworker Paul Ziegman created every decorative piece of metal you spot in this downtown Spokane distillery, and he’s just as hands-on with his whiskies and brandies. which go straight from his still to the bottle without being aged in the barrels that give booze its distinct flavors and dark colors. The results are tasty, clear beverages great for mixing or going down straight. 32 W. Second Ave. • 315-7939 •

Whiskey Gap Distillery









The small Ritzville distillery got off to a spicy start with a spirit called “Heat of the Night,” a hot cinnamon whiskey, and followed it up earlier this year with “Fully Loaded,” a gin made from potatoes grown in the Columbia Basin and a perfect match for some tonic or cranberry juice. You can find Whiskey Gap’s goods in bars and restaurants around Ritzville and select liquor outlets. 213 W. Main Ave., Ritzville, Wash. • 528-2297 • Whiskey Gap Distillery


Dominion Distillery Using their custom-built still and local ingredients, this small-town distillery delivers big flavor and unique products, like their distinct singlemalt vodka. Their Washington Apple Moonshine 151 won gold and silver medals at the American Craft Spirits Conference. Single and triple-malt whiskies and rum soon will join the line. 116 N. Main St., Colville, Wash. • 675-2179 •




Spokane is home to one of the Northwest’s finest whiskey (and gin, and vodka) makers — Dry Fly Distillery, which produces the Washington Wheat Whiskey that will make you proud to live in the nation’s far northwest corner. It’s smooth, crisp and strong. For those who enjoy a seriously stiff cocktail, look into the surprisingly smooth 101-proof bourbon. 1003 E. Trent Ave. • 489-2112 •




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Winemaker Michael Haig pours a 2005 merlot at Whitestone Winery. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO


Arbor Crest Wine Cellars

Perched atop a 450-foot cliff overlooking Spokane Valley, Arbor Crest’s home resides at the historic estate of Spokane inventor Royal Riblet. Sample from their more than 20 wines at the Cliff House tasting room or attend any number of summer events, including concerts, art festivals and a classic car show. 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd., Spokane Valley • 927-9463 •

Barili Cellars Barili — Italian for “barrels” — started as a small partnership between two families in 2008 and continues to evolve. Although production has grown to around 500 cases, they still consider themselves a boutique winery focused on quality and craftsmanship, using Washington-sourced grapes for their fruit-forward reds, blends, port and des-

sert wines. 608 W. Second Ave. • 9533795 •

Barrister Winery Created by two lawyers, Barrister describes their limited-production red wines and small quantities of whites as lush, fruit-forward in flavor, with a silky mouthfeel and soft tannins. Their railside warehouse winery and tasting room is popular during First Friday Art Walk. If you go, try the Cabernet Sauvignon, which won a gold medal in both the 2014 Sunset International Wine Competition and Great Northwest Wine Competition. 1213 W. Railroad Ave. • 465-3591 •

Bridge Press Cellars They source their grapes from both established and promising new vineyards and are mostly known for their Caber-

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net Sauvignon and Merlot, including the 600 Blend they created to honor becoming Washington state’s 600th licensed winery. Check out their tasting room at the Market Place, located inside the historic former home of the Foresters of America Hall. 39 W. Pacific Ave. • 838-7815 •

Camas Prairie Winery Camas Prairie Winery is the oldest independently owned winery in Idaho and the official producer of University of Idaho’s Vandal Crest wines. Their unusual line includes Muscat Canelli, a Gewurtztraminer and the award-winning 2013 Lemberger. Visit their downtown Moscow tasting room, where you can also try Camas’ expanding line of mead. 110 S. Main St., Moscow, Idaho • 208-8820214 •

From vine to vino Coeur d’Alene Cellars Coeur d’Alene Cellars promotes the “art of fine wine.” Co-owner Sarah Jane Gates’ artwork is featured on the labels of the current 13 wines they produce, like the 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon recently rated 19/20 by Wine Enthusiast. Coeur d’Alene Cellars’ tasting room also hosts such events as Murder Mystery Theater and live music. 3890 N. Schreiber Way, Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-2336 •

Emvy Cellars This boutique winery sources all their fruit from the esteemed Seven Hills Vineyard and Pepper Bridge in Walla Walla for their Bordeaux-style red blend, Devotion. The grapes in their Veba Rouge wine also come from vineyards in the Columbia Valley. Taste both at the downtown Spokane Marketplace

Winery they share with Bridge Press Cellars. 39 W. Pacific Ave. • 838-7815 •

Grande Ronde Cellars Sourcing their grapes from Walla Walla’s Seven Hills and Pepper Bridge vineyards, Grande Ronde ages their single-vineyard wines and blends in 100 percent oak. Seven of those wines have received 90+ scores from Wine Spectator. Their subterranean tasting room is a popular destination for live music and art events. 906 W. Second Ave. • 4558161 •

Knipprath Cellars Knipprath, a family-owned and operated boutique winery, focuses on Northwest-grown Portuguese and Spanish grape varieties. They produce limitedquantity Iberian wine varietals and New World Ports, such as the Spanish Nudge, their Syrah Port aged with coffee and cinnamon. 5634 E. Commerce Ave. • 208-699-3393 •

Latah Creek Wine Cellars Recently celebrating their 33rd anniversary, this family-owned winery has consistently produced award-winning wines, including two bronze (Monarch Red, 2011 Malbec), two silver (2014 Moscato, 2013 Riesling) and a gold (Huckleberry d’Latah) at the recent Sunset International Wine Competition. Check out their website for co-owner Ellena Conway’s recipes — featuring wine pairing notes — from her collection of self-published cookbooks. 13030 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley • 926-0164 •

Liberty Lake Wine Cellars A beautiful view of Liberty Lake and Mount Spokane, live music and occasional painting parties are all reasons to stop by this community-based winery. Their nine wines, of course, provide even more reason, including 2015 Finger Lakes Wine Competition winners: the 2011 Tempranillo and Petit Verdot and the 2009 Merlot. 1018 S. Garry Rd., Liberty Lake, Wash. • 255-9205 •

Merry Cellars Merry Cellars crafts eight wines, ranging from the 2012 Sauvignon Blanc from the Wahluke slope to a 2011 Sangiovese from Stillwater Creek Vineyard to several Bordeaux-style reds. Located in Pull-

man, the winery and tasting room overlooking the rolling fields of the Palouse also hosts a summer concert series. 1300 NE Henley Ct., Pullman, Wash. • 338-4699 •

Mountain Dome Winery When they first formed in 1984, Mountain Dome winemakers Michael and Patricia Manz and Michael’s brother John Mueller pressed their grapes in the family’s geodesic dome home. They still provide that intense focus to their six sparkling wines using the traditional champagne method of yeast-fermenting in the bottle, like the Cuvée Forté, a blend of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. 3808 N. Sullivan Rd., Building 18, Suite J, Spokane Valley • 534-9062 •

Nodland Cellars Their reds are a modern interpretation of French traditions, heavy on the Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, sourced from top-notch vineyards throughout the Columbia Valley. All processes are hand-done, and final blends are meticulously tested to ensure the necessary complexity and ageability. Look for labels like Bebop Dry Riesling that reflect owner Tim Nodland’s lifelong music career. 11616 E. Montgomery Dr., Suite 70, Spokane Valley • 927-7770 •

Overbluff Cellars Specializing in crafting small batches of big wines, Overbluff Cellars hails from downtown Spokane. Their 2012 Oh Jerry was a hit in New York when local chef Jeremy Hansen included it in his pairings at a recent James Beard Foundation dinner. 620 S. Washington St. • 991-4781 •

Patit Creek Cellars Although located in Walla Walla, Patit Creek Cellars extends to additional tasting rooms in Woodinville and in downtown Spokane, across from the Davenport Hotel. A newly installed cheese case (manned by their certified cheesemonger) offers guided food pairings like something to go with their silky Semillon Ice Wine. 822 W. Sprague Ave.• 868-4045 •

Pend d’Oreille Winery With two decades as a trailblazing winery and community partner in Sandpoint, this winery continues to innovate,

including a LEED-certified renovation to a historic turn-of-the-century building which now houses their tasting room and popular Bistro Rouge Cafe. Their lineup of 18 wines includes whites, rosé, blends, ports and reds, like the 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon, which won a Double Gold medal at the San Francisco International Wine Competition. 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-2658545 •

V du V Wines Two families and two slopes in the Columbia Valley combined to create a small but growing winery with handmade wines that emphasize subtleness, like the recently-released 2012 Merlot and 2013 Triad red blend. Their 2012 Pinot Noir earned an outstanding rating from Great Northwest Wine. 12 S. Scott St. • 747-3200 •

van Löben Sels Cellars

Robert Karl Cellars Winemaker and physician Joe Gunselman applies scientific precision to crafting small batches of wine like their 2009 Claret, which received an Excellent rating from Wine Press Northwest and a double gold at the Seattle Wine Awards. Join Robert Karl’s “health club” wine club for discounts and invitations to special events. 115 W. Pacific Ave. • 363-1353 •

Kristina van Löben Sels is also the winemaker for Arbor Crest, but she and her husband reintroduced their family label in Washington after it originally released in California. They produce a chardonnay, a Cabernet Sauvignon and the Bona Dea blend, a smooth wine with aromas of chocolate, maple sugar and black raspberry. 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 981-8199 •

Vintage Hill Cellars

Sheppard Fruit Wines Jim and Julie Sheppard joke that “no grapes were harmed” in the making of their elderberry, blackberry, cranberry, huckleberry, pear, rhubarb, or raspberry wines. Made from fruit surrounding their Harrison, Idaho, home, Sheppard wines might be fruit-forward, but they’re aged to promote a drier, more complex flavor. 102 N. Coeur d’Alene Ave., Harrison, Idaho • 208-660-1842 •

Small House Winery Started in 2013, Sandpoint’s Small House Winery earned a silver in the San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition for their 2010 Red Blend, a feat they reproduced the following year for their 2012 Red Blend. They recently added a rosé and are bottling a private label for Ivano’s Ristorante called Vino di Tavola. 1636 Baldy Park Dr., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-290-2016 •

Located in the heart of downtown Spokane, Vintage Hill maintains a strong relationship with numerous vineyards, including The Foothills, Seven Hills, Milbrandt and several along the Wahluke Slope. The most recent release is the 2008 Cabernet Franc from Burgess Vineyard, aged 80 months in French oak. 319 W. Second Ave. • 624-3792 •

Wawawai Canyon Winery Their innovative approach to winemaking includes using cover crops and bugloving turkeys to manage their vineyard, which produces a range of red and white blends like their recent Sangiovese. The winery’s events facility and tasting room open to their barn, which boasts great acoustics for concerts like the Shook Twins and John Craigie. 202 S. Montgomery, US 195, Uniontown, Wash. • 338-4916 •

Whitestone Winery

Townshend Cellar Recently relocated from their former Green Bluff location, Townshend Cellar opened their new tasting room in Spokane Valley in late summer 2015. Their reputation is for producing meticulously crafted batches of dessert and port wines as well as reds. T3, for example, is a multi-vintage, multi-varietal blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Cabernet Franc. 3808 N. Sullivan Rd., Building 18, Suite J, Spokane Valley • 238-1400 •

The Haig family founded their vineyard in 1992 on the shores of Lake Roosevelt, resurrecting a centuries-old tradition flooded during the building of Grand Coulee Dam. The Pieces of Red is a blend of their other three varietals — a bright Cabernet Franc, bold Cabernet Sauvignon and oak-aged Merlot — all with grapes from their Creston-based winery. 10 N. Post St., Suite 8 • 838-2427 •







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Coeur d’Alene Cellars’ Rosé chilling on a hot summer day. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

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A Rosé by Any Other Name Whatever you call it, it’s a perfect wine for summer sipping BY CARRIE SCOZZARO


Envision yourself with a glass of chilled Cliff House Blush on a late summer evening amid the charm that is Arbor Crest Winery. Not too sweet, not too dry, Cliff House blends Riesling and Sangiovese grapes to give you honey and floral notes, as well as strawberry, spice and crisp apple. Ah, summer! COST: $10

Tasting Room Hours: Thurs & Fri 2pm to 5pm • Sat 12pm to 4pm • Or by appointment

115 W. PACIFIC, SPOKANE, WA 99201 | 509-363-1353 888-4CLARET | WWW.ROBERTKARL.COM


Latah Creek also uses Riesling varietals to form their Spokane Blush. They add their award-winning Wahluke Slope AVA Merlot for a range of fruit, including citrus, berry and red currant, to create what Latah Creek manager Vicky Jacobsen calls their “picnic wine.” It’s available at many area grocery stores, including Bottles in Millwood, Yoke’s and Fred Meyer. COST: $10

BRIDGE PRESS CELLARS ROSÉ 2014 Of the three methods used to produce rosé — including skin contact with red grapes and blending red and white wines — Bridge Press uses a method called saignée. Extracting a portion of Cabernet Franc and Merlot, they create a dry, crisp rosé with a fruity nose available at their MarketPlace tasting room and several dozen retail and restaurant locations throughout Spokane. COST: $14


Coeur d’Alene Cellars combines seven varietals, including Mourvédre, Syrah, Grenache and Viognier, to create this recently released wine with floral and earthy notes. Find it online, in their tasting room, at Spokane’s Wandering Table or at Le Peep in Coeur d’Alene, and area Super 1 grocery stores. COST: $17


Known for their sparkling wines using the traditional French Champagne method, Mountain Dome features several sparkling wines that blend red and white varieties. Their nonvintage Brut Rosé combines Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, which they then ferment and age, finishing it with a touch of sugar to balance the acidity. COST: $22


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ists and has become the next big trend. Very similar to a cappuccino, a flat white is prepared by pouring microfoam — steamed milk with tiny air bubbles — over a shot or two of espresso. The main difference from its cousin, the cappuccino, is the consistency of the milk foam. Served in a small cup, 5 or 6 ounces, the flat white’s ratio of milk to espresso creates a soft, velvety consistency and allows the espresso flavors to shine through. The milk foam’s tiny bubbles create a much thinner layer than the stiff milk foam floating atop other drinks, and this thin, “flat” layer gives the drink its name. COST: $4/6 oz. WHY WE LOVE IT: Food guru Alton Brown tried Indaba’s version of the flat white when in town in early 2015, and gave them praise for making a “real” flat white. FIND IT AT: Indaba Coffee, 210 N. Howard St. and 1425 W. Broadway Ave.


Pour-over brewing

Beyond the Basics

Mix up your standby caffeine fix with these less-mainstream coffee creations


e’re all guilty of breaking the coffee commandments: adding artificially flavored creamer to our homemade drip, dropping more than $5 for one sugar-loaded drink from a café chain, and sometimes even resorting to instant (gasp!). So when that double-shot-iced-vanillasoy latte starts to lose its luster, try these twists on the typical java.


This single-cup, hand-brew method has become a trend in the U.S. over the past five or so years, but pour-over brewing goes back much further than its adaptation by hip, urban coffee shops filled with spectacled folks on laptops and Bon Iver playing in the background. Originating in Japan, pour-over coffee is precise (to the gram) in its ad-

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BY CHEY SCOTT herence to the perfect amount of freshly ground beans, boiling water and time. It takes about four minutes from start to finish for a pour-over cup, but this patience is rewarded. By pouring water from a long-necked kettle in a gentle swirling pattern over the grounds to make them “bloom,” the resulting flavor is light, smooth and slightly fruity. COST: $3.50/12 oz. WHY WE LOVE IT: This back-to-basics coffee is simple enough to make at home with just a few pieces of affordable equipment. FIND IT AT: Revel 77, 3223 E. 57th Ave.


Contrary to the popular misnomer, Starbucks did not invent the flat white. It’s (purportedly) thanks to our Australian friends that this drink ex-

Just when we thought the myriad ways to make and consume coffee couldn’t get any wilder, here comes the next trend (and one we hope is here to stay): Nitro coffee. The qualities of nitrogen-infused, cold-brew coffee range from slightly effervescent — but not a carbonation-like fizzy — to silky smooth. It’s also less acidic and unexpectedly sweet compared to the average drip coffee or Americano without cream or sugar. The process to make it is time-intensive (up to a week), but the payoff is well worth it. COST: $5/12 oz. WHY WE LOVE IT: It’s smooth, creamy and slightly sweet, but without any cream or sugar. FIND IT AT: Beautiful Grounds, 203 N. Washington St.


For many of us, cold brew is the best thing to happen to coffee. It’s totally low-effort if you’re going to make it at home, but also very convenient and cost-effective it you want to let the pros prep it for you. It’s made by steeping coarse-ground beans in room-temperature or chilled water for 12 hours or more; throw some it in the fridge overnight, and boom — coffee’s ready when you wake up. Just strain and go! Cold brew is also totally customizable — drink it super strong if you like, since most places, like Roast House Coffee, sell to-go growlers as a concentrate. Or, bring it down to your preferred level by adding water or milk. Because of the way it’s brewed, cold brew has a lower acidity, thus tasting naturally sweeter and fruity. Another plus — the caffeine content is higher than hot-brewed coffee. COST: $15/32 oz. growler (bottle included) or $10/ refill WHY WE LOVE IT: It’s low-maintenance and totally customizable, not to mention refreshing on those hot summer days. FIND IT AT: Roast House Coffee, 423 E. Cleveland Ave.; also at many other local coffee shops

Experience. Coffee Lab.

apple jack • gin • vodka • smoked vodka

204 S Koren rd Suite 100 509.720.7375 call for tasting room hours

TasTing Room


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Tasting Room Hours:

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Thurs & Fri 2pm to 5pm Saturday 12pm to 4pm Or by appointment 115 W. PACIFIC, SPOKANE, WA 99201 | 509-363-1353 | 888-4CLARET | WWW.ROBERTKARL.COM

109 OneTreeCider_090115AM_12thPg_W ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



John Mitchell, left, and Paul Knowles at Perry Street Brewing. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

There’s no excuse not to drink local beer

12 String Brewing Company You’ll notice the guitar theme of this Spokane Valley brewery not long after gazing upon its beer selection, with names like Arpeggio Pale Ale and Electric Slide IPA. Owner and brewer Terry Hackler, who keeps a contingent of regular beers on tap, doesn’t shy away from experimental brews, some of which you can try on Thursday nights when 12 String serves up cask-conditioned creations. On Mondays, they have free pizza. 11616 E. Montgomery Dr., Spokane Valley • 241-3697 • 12stringbrewingco. com

Spokane Rd., Mead, Wash. • 238-2739 •

Bennidito’s Brewpub

ations. The brewery has expanded as of late, and you can find their beers in Spokane-area establishments from time to time. 16004 North Applewood Ln., Mead, Wash. • 710-2961 •

Train IPA has a dense, floral nose, due partly to the 19 pounds of hops added after fermentation. Check out their website for $5 growler fill specials on Wednesdays • 2018 E. Riverside Ave., Suite 1 • 426-3340 •

Black Label Brewing Co.

English Setter Brewing Company

238 Brewing

In the summer of 2015, Chris Bennett, the longtime owner of Bennidito’s Pizza on the South Hill, finally realized his dream when he opened this eastof-downtown Spokane brewpub with his ex-wife and business partner Sigrid Bennett. Brewer Zach Shaw, a veteran of the early days of the Northern California craft beer boom, hopes to bring some of that spirit to the creations made at Bennidito’s Brewpub. 1909 E. Sprague Ave. • 290-5018 •

Named after the telephone prefix for the Green Bluff agricultural oasis north of Spokane, 238 Brewing came onto the scene in 2015 with a tasting room on Legacy Farm. Currently only open Fridays through Sundays, 238 makes beers — like a peach hefeweizen — that will remind you of the farmlands surrounding you as you imbibe. 10321 E. Day Mt.

Big Barn Brewing Co.

Steve Wells and Dan Dvorak opened Black Label in 2015, bringing their homebrewed creations to the masses. The pocket-sized brewery is located in the gorgeous Saranac Commons, home to several other restaurants, meaning you can grab their delectable red ale or honey blonde and eat food from one of several outlets. 19 W. Main Ave. (inside Saranac Commons) • 822-7436 •

The setting at Green Bluff-based Big Barn Brewing Co. is reason enough to venture off the beaten path to try these farm-to-pint-glass beers. Some of the hops used to brew the beers are actually grown on-site, as are berries that are known to make it into seasonal cre-

Budge Brothers

English Setter Brewing began with Jeff Bendio brewing out of his garage for special events. In the past year, he got a facility for his upland-bird-hunting-dogthemed brewery in Spokane Valley and opened up a taproom. You can try the On-Point Pale, Fetching Blonde, Wiggly Butt IPA and several others, along with a lunch and dinner menu and live music. 15310 E. Marietta Ave., Suite 4, Spokane Valley • 413-3663 •

The strip-mall-like location off Sprague is sparse, but inside, a friendly barkeep is happy to pour you a flight ranging from the light Orangutan Pale to the dark, caramelly Extra Stout. Their Hop

This brewery, owned by husband and wife Steve and Sue Ewan, serves its creations in the tasting room, formerly an

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Hopped Up Brewing Company

International House of Pancakes. Steve says Hopped Up has been a long time in the making; he bought the brewing equipment more than 10 years ago. It sat in storage until Steve, a longtime homebrewer, decided to jump into the burgeoning Inland Northwest brewing boom. 10421 E. Sprague Ave. • 413-2488 •

Iron Goat Brewing Co. In the past year, Iron Goat Brewing has attracted a much larger following thanks to the successful sales of their new 22-ounce bottles, which popped up on beer shelves in early 2015. The makers of the beloved Headbutt IPA and Trashy Blonde have some other changes in the works as well. By the end of 2015, they should be operating out of a new space in downtown Spokane and plan to sell their current (and hard-to-find) taproom in east Spokane. 2204 E. Mallon Ave., Suite B • 474-0722 • New location, opening late 2015: 1302 W. Second Ave. •

Laughing Dog Brewing Located just a mile north of Sandpoint in Ponderay, Laughing Dog’s new taproom is home to the brewery’s bevy of creative brews, which have become popular far beyond North Idaho. Found in cans throughout the region, their IPA is excellent, as is their Two-One Niner pilsner, named after the beloved dive bar in downtown Sandpoint. 1109 Fontaine Dr., Ponderay, Idaho • 208-263-9222 •

Mad Bomber Brewing In 2013, three former Army bomb squad soldiers (hence the operation’s name) with an interest in homebrewing decided to make their hobby a career and founded Mad Bomber. As a super-smallbatch brewery, they can switch out their beers on a frequent basis, meaning you’ll often see something new on the tap list. 9265 N. Government Way, Hayden, Idaho • 208-762-7343 •

MickDuff’s Brewing Company Brothers Mickey and Duffy Mahoney were early to the region’s craft-beer boom, opening their downtown Sandpoint operation in 2006, and have continue their expansion, last summer debuting a beer hall and production facility. Presently, they’re upping their brewing capacity. You can’t go wrong

with the tried-and-true brews like their Lake Paddler pale ale and Irish Redhead red ale. Brewpub: 312 N. First Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-255-4351 | Beer Hall: 220 Cedar St, Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-209-6700 •

Moscow Brewing Co. Moscow Brewing looks to keep things simple. Their beers are named simply by their style — like the Cedar-Smoked IPA and the Oatmeal Stout — and brewer Lucas Rate says they’re keeping their dreams local. The brewery has a tap room (open Wednesday through Saturday), but mostly you can find their brews at restaurants and bars in Moscow and Pullman. 630 N. Almon St., Moscow, Idaho • 208-874-7340 •

No-Li Brewhouse The originators of “Spokane Style” beers, this surging brewery has made inroads throughout the nation with its locally sourced beer that’s bottled in gorgeously designed glass. While you can find it just about anywhere, the brewhouse near Gonzaga is a must-go for any beer fan, as they’ll find specialty beers, a slickly designed space and, at least during the warm months, a grassy courtyard with a view of the Spokane river. 1003 E. Trent Ave. • 242-2739 •

New Boundary Brewing It was about time Cheney got a brewery, and New Boundary Brewing was happy to become the first beer maker the college town has seen in more than 100 years. Brewer and owner Shane Noblin sold his printing shop in Alaska in order to relocate to the Inland Northwest and begin the small-batch brewery, which he promises will produce adventurous and unique brews. 505 First St., Cheney, Wash. •

Orlison Brewing Co. Orlison has focused on brewing lagers since the days when it was known as Golden Hills. With a production facility in Airway Heights, Orlison is able to produce canned beer that makes its way throughout the West Coast. Soon, Orlison plans to open a tasting room in downtown Spokane, making it a little more accessible to beer tourists. 12921 W. 17th Ave., Airway Heights, Wash. • 244-2536 • New tap room, opening

soon: 1017 W. First Ave. •

Paradise Creek Brewery This brewery has churned out a diverse roster of tasty beer in an old Pullman post office since 2010. They feature eight year-round beers, but take a stab at one of their many seasonal offerings, including the summer-friendly Oh Beehave! (honey-accented wheat beer) or the Pumpkin Porter. 245 SE Paradise St., Pullman, Wash. • 338-9463 •

Perry Street Brewing In short time, Perry Street Brewing has become a popular institution on its namesake stretch of hipness on Spokane’s lower South Hill. Owner and industry-trained brewmaster Ben Lukes keeps a stable of reliably tasty beers on tap, but also experiments with different yeasts, hops and other ingredients. The brewpub offers only a limited menu, but fear not — typically, there are food trucks tend to hang around outside, or you can order food from a nearby restaurant. 1025 S. Perry St. • 279-2820 •

River City Brewing This downtown Spokane brewery made a name for itself with its flagship red ale, but has since gone on to make a bevy of other creative and tasty brews, among them the Afternoon IPA, a low-alcohol but hoppy beer. Their taproom is home to welcoming service and a local-musiconly policy that will get you acquainted with the music scene. 121 S. Cedar St. • 413-2388 •

Selkirk Abbey Fans of Belgian-style beers who can’t readily take off to Europe can find the next best thing at Selkirk Abbey in Post Falls. The brewery makes everything from a Saison to a Belgian-style IPA appropriately called Infidel. Selkirk Abbey has a wide distribution reach for their 22-ounce bottles, so you can easily snag their goodies from most grocery stores. 6180 E. Seltice Way, Suite 102, Post Falls, Idaho • 208-292-4901 • selkirkabbey. com

Slate Creek Brewing Co. In the Inland Northwest, beer and nature appreciation go hand in hand, so why not bring it all under one roof? Brothers Ryan and Jason Wing did

just this when they opened Slate Creek Brewery. It has a rustic, industrial theme and plenty of earthy colors. The beers fit the theme, with names like Mountain Hop IPA, Backcountry Brown and Norse Nectar. 1710 N. Fourth St., Suite 115, Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-7727 •

Trickster’s Brewing Company Trickster’s owner Matt Morrow may have cut his teeth in the Colorado brewing scene, but his Coeur d’Alene brewery is distinctively Northwest-influenced. You’ll find tasty IPAs, but also beer on the maltier side, as well as more adventurous creations like a huckleberry blonde or ginger and blood orangeinfused ale. Another standby is their Bear Trap Brown. 3850 N. Schreiber Way, Coeur d’Alene • 208-966-4232 •

Steam Plant Brewing Co. Another downtown beer gem is Steam Plant, which operates a 10-barrel system nestled in the back of the restaurant and dishes out a number of a solid brews, including the Highland Scottish Ale, Jalapeño Ale and the popular Double Stack Stout. Many of the hops and grains used to make the beers are sourced locally and regionally. 159 S. Lincoln St. • 7773900 •

Waddell’s Brewpub and Grille The next logical step for Waddell’s ultra-popular beer hub on the South Hill was to begin making beer of their own, which is what owner Michael Noble did in 2013 when he opened the north Spokane brewpub and restaurant. Many of the beers reflect the story of turn-ofthe-century ballplayer Rube Waddell, like the South Paw Pale Ale, Fireman’s Amber Ale and Alligator Stout. The beer is made up north, but it’s served at both locations. 6501 N. Cedar Rd. • 321-7818 •

Wallace Brewing Co. Wallace Brewing Company brews beer in the spirit of their town’s notorious past. Their beer names are mining- and bordello-inspired, like the RedLight Irish Red Ale and JackLeg Stout. The place is equipped with a tasting room that includes darts and a pool table. 610 Bank St., Wallace, Idaho • 208-660-3430 •




Getting Crafty Anyone can sling a drink, but carefully constructing a cocktail is another story; here are five great Inland Northwest originals BY AZARIA PODPLESKY


Tucked in the back of Santé Restaurant & Charcuterie, the folks at Butcher Bar know craft cocktails like the back of their hand. The bar’s focus on housemade, organic and locally sourced flavors and infusions is particularly showcased in the Wooly Wilson, a blend of apple cinnamon gin, hard cider, orange juice and Butcher Bar’s own ginger beer. It’s a nice bite at a nice price, just $8 — or $6 during Social Hour. IF YOU GO: Don’t forget to check out some of this hyper-local eatery’s made-from-scratch dishes. | 3154613

One of Clover’s signature cocktails, the Jasmine, and its carbonated brother the Jasmine Fizz.

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taste the difference JASMINE

Kicking off the “Crisp” section of Clover’s extensive drink menu, the Jasmine cocktail is a true original. The blush-pink creation of bartender Paul Harrington is the perfect blend of bitter and bright, boasting an ingredient list of gin, fresh lemon juice, Campari (Italian bitters), and Cointreau, an orange-flavored liqueur. For even more delicious pucker, the Jasmine is garnished with a lemon twist. IF YOU GO: Clover prides itself on its commitment to using fresh ingredients and its top-notch hospitality. | 487-2937


apple jack vodka smoked vodka gin

204 S KOREN RD SUITE 100 • 509.720.7375

With a focus on local ingredients and “good, honest food, company, and drink,” Pullman’s Black Cypress offers an impressive list of no-frills cocktails that don’t break the bank. Example A: the Polecat, a refreshing blend of tequila, fresh lemon, cinnamon-vanilla cordial and egg white. Don’t let that egg white dissuade you; it’s easy to be adventurous when most cocktails are $7.50. IF YOU GO: The restaurant is spacious, but the low lighting makes for a cozy atmosphere. | 334-5800





Ruins, from the folks behind Stella’s Café, serves the perfect drink for indecisive cocktail fans. With a wide range of ingredients — bourbon, orange, Cynar (an Italian liqueur made from artichokes), lavender, cocoa, bitters and blood orange soda — Castroville hits the spot for a variety of tastes. Ruins rotates the cocktails on its menu, so stopping by on a Castroville ($10) night is a real treat. IF YOU GO: Expect a high-class menu with budget-friendly prices. facebook. com/ruins.spokane | 443-5606

Taking its name from the act that established Prohibition in America, the Volstead Act prides itself in making cocktails that are as appealing visually as they are to drink. One particularly striking offering is the warm-yellow Wicked Kiss, a deviously delicious drink made with blanco tequila, Strega (a minty Italian liqueur), lemon, cinnamon and pumpkin butter (yes, really). Don’t knock it til you try it. IF YOU GO: Enjoy a modern take on the speakeasies of the past. Drinks are only $7 on Classic Cocktail Wednesday. | 808-2516

Handcrafted in tHe Pacific nortHwest by real guys and real Hands, farm to bottle TasTers WanTed, apply aT Please enjoy the outdoors and our products responsibly




A Year in Beer Celebrating the suds Leavenworth Oktoberfest

Date & Location

The Festival

What to Expect

Type of Beer


This festival is a long-standing Schweitzer event with all kinds of local drinks, food vendors, live bands and a soda tent for the kids. Bring the whole family and take advantage of the last week of summer operations.

More than 60 regional microbrews, wines and ciders


Head to the ballpark for beer, food, live music and baseballMore than 100 themed fun on the field. Admission includes six beer samples and a kinds of craft beer commemorative tasting glass.

$20 adv: $25 door; $15 military with ID


Looking for a reason to wear your lederhosen, but can’t quite afford that flight to Munich? Plan a trip to the annual Oktoberfest celebration in Washington’s own Bavarian village, complete with real German food and beer.

German and American brews

$10 Fri; $20 Sat; military & under 12 free

Oct. 2-3; 9-10; 16-17 in Leavenworth, Wash.


Here at the Inlander, we’ve decided to celebrate two great things in one weekend: winter sports and beer. The PowderKeg Brew Festival and Snowlander Expo provide a one-stop shop for sweet new snow gear and samplings of the latest local winter brews.

Winter beers & ciders from 20+ local breweries

$7 weekend admission; $15-$30 tasting packages

Nov. 20-21 at the Spokane Convention Center


Stop by the Perry District and get cozy in this heated oudoor tent Winter brews from full of specialty once-a-year brews, food specials and wintery vibes. 25 local & regional All ages are welcome in the tent and in the dining room for music. breweries

Free; get a tasting glass & five tasting tokens for $15

Jan. 14-17 at the Lantern Tap House


This magical week includes events at restaurants and breweries throughout Spokane. Enjoy deals on pints, special food and drink menus and collaboration beers from local breweries.

Regional craft beer Free

May 16-22, throughout Spokane


Draft beer snobs need not attend this celebration of the aluminum joy that is canned beer. Enjoy a koozie-clad can of canned craft beer from across town or across the country. As an added bonus, homebrewers can bring their kegs to be canned.

Canned craft beer

End of May at The Elk Public House


If you love the Centennial Trail and you love beer, this is the event for you. It has live music, beer from 10 local breweries, and all proceeds will benefit the North Idaho Centennial Trail Foundation.

Aug. 13 at McEuen Park in Coeur d’Alene

Follow the North Idaho Centennial Trail Foundation on Facebook

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Local craft beer

Cost Free



Get Info

Sept. 5-7 at Schweitzer Mountain Resort Oct. 2-3 at Avista Stadium


TO GO ndaba_Downtown_090115AM_QtrPg_BA.psd

handcrafted brews

...with a side of history

Eleven beers including rotating seasonals are brewing in the coolest place in town. Try them all during our amazing Happy Hour or take them to go in pints, growlers & kegs! [kegs from just $99]

It’s the nation’s only historically preserved steam plant, it’s listed in the National Register of Historic Places, and it’s only in Spokane. G��� T����� A�� B������ U���� ��� S���������� 159 S. Lincoln St | 509.777.3900 We’ll pay for your parking in our lot ½ block north on Lincoln St. while you dine!




Durkin’s classic Aviation YOUNG KWAK PHOTO



K, there’s really no wrong way to do happy hour. If you’re at a drinking establishment and imbibing something that helps melt away the stress of the workday, then you’re on the correct course. But now, with just about every restaurant, bar, pub and café offering some sort of deal during the day, happy hour has become a bit more complicated. Here are a few lessons on how to drink (and eat) for cheap around the region that you can tuck away for your next afternoon out.


On a budget? Want to check out some of the region’s more upscale restaurants you’ve heard and read so much about, but thought you could never afford? Here are four upscale restaurants turned accessible by happy hour. LAKE VIEW LOUNGE On the seventh floor of the Coeur d’Alene Resort tower, happy hour runs daily from 4 to 6 pm, and again from 9 to 11 pm on Friday and Saturday nights. Specialty cocktails are $3 off the regular price of $13. And where else can you try escargot for $6? 115 S. Second St., Coeur d’Alene LUNA Enjoy daily happy hour from 4 to 6 pm, featuring $4 steak sliders, $6 mini pizzas and sharable frites ($7) flavored with parsley, garlic and shallots. Add a $5 glass of wine or a $2-off cocktail like the Ginger Smash. 5620 S. Perry St. SAFARI ROOM The Davenport Hotel Tower’s high-class, animalprint-themed restaurant has happy hour daily from 4 to 6 pm. It offers half off its popular flatbreads, a menu mainstay boasting versions like spicy shrimp, Thai chicken and mushroom fontina. Drinks from the bar — beer, wine and cocktails — are also half-price. 111 S. Post St. MAX AT MIRABEAU Daily from 3 to 6 pm, then again from 9 pm to close, the restaurant offers half-off select appetizers as a regular special and offers a rotating special each day of the week. Tofu Tuesday features $5 tofu sliders and $5 sake shots. 1100 N. Sullivan Rd., Spokane Valley

Geno’s offers deals every Tuesday featuring a different brewery.


Craft breweries and area bars that serve local product are no strangers to providing great deals at happy hour, or per brewery tradition, on a special day of the week. NO-LI BREWHOUSE (1003 E. Trent Ave.) offers a daily happy hour where they take $1 off a pint or $2 off a pitcher of their beers; on Sundays, growlers get filled for $3 off all day long. At IRON GOAT BREWING CO. (2204 E. Mallon Ave.), a mere $10 on Tuesdays lets beer lovers fill a growler with any beer available on tap. TWELVE STRING BREWING CO. (11616 E. Montgomery Dr., Suite 26, Spokane Valley) offers $10 growler fills of its assorted styles every Tuesday at its Spokane Valley tasting room; buy a pint on Monday

and they’ll give you pizza to go with it. PERRY STREET BREWING (1025 S. Perry St.) takes a dollar off every pint on Tuesday nights, and has $10 growler fills all day Sunday. STEAM PLANT BREWING CO. (159 S. Lincoln St.) offers happy hour all day on Sundays, in addition to daily deals from 3 to 6 pm. GENO’S (1414 N. Hamilton St.) hosts a Keep the Pint night every Tuesday, when a different brewery offers deals, and you get to keep the glass. BON BON (926 W. Garland Ave.) has craft brews on tap and offers $1 off all beer during its nightly happy hours, and all day Sunday.





afternoon. The emergence of late-night happy hours is a welcome trend in the restaurant industry The late-night happy hour is a surging phenomenon, as bars hope to keep their stools occupied a bit longer with the promise of drink and food discounts. It’s hardly an isolated fad, as evidenced by the wide range of establishments getting happy later into the night. MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, GRILL & PUB (818 W. Riverside Ave., 2910 E. 57th Ave., 9225 N. Nevada St.) features an eye-catching post-dinner happy hour (8-9 pm) offering $2 well drinks and $3.50 pints, as well as an expansive appetizer menu full of the sort of food that goes well with a good beer. There’s also STEELHEAD BAR & GRILLE (218 N. Howard St.) where, between 9 and 11:30 pm, you can get a massive schooner of beer for just $6, as well as discounted cocktails and wine. If you’re not sure what to eat, ROCK CITY GRILL (808 W. Main Ave., Suite 106) has a big, diverse food menu. Stop into HUGOS ON THE HILL (3023 E. 28th Ave.) after 10:30 pm on Fridays and Saturdays (9:30 on other nights) for $3 pints, $3.50 wine and half-priced appetizers. Stop by TWIGS BISTRO (808 W. Main Ave., 3rd floor; 4320 S. Regal St.; 401 E. Farwell Rd.; 14728 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley) and get one of their renowned martinis for just $6, in addition to other specials. THE OVAL OFFICE (620 N. Spokane St., Post Falls, Idaho) at the White House Grill features $5.50 martinis and a robust appetizer menu.


Bon Bon offers $1 off all beer during nightly happy hours, and all day Sunday.

“ H a p p y H o u r s ,” c o n t i n u e d


There’s a tactile gratification that comes from just holding a 16-ounce can of beer in your hand after a long day. It’s cold, dripping with perspiration and just heavy enough to let you know that there’s more beer in there than your typical aluminum vessel. The beer inside, however, is not fancy. Occasionally, you’ll see the craft tall can, but by and large, the tall can delivers your beer cheaply and conveniently, though not necessarily with an eye on quality. Our local bars know there’s a desire for this specially sized beer, so don’t fret. NYNE BAR AND BISTRO (232 W. Sprague Ave.) carries the holy triumvirate of PBR, Olympia and Rainier (as well as Guinness) in 16-ouncers. You can find a PBR tall

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can stacked inconspicuously between other bottles and cans at THE BACKYARD PUBLIC HOUSE (1811 W. Broadway Ave.), where it’s just $2.50 at any hour. You can also get either PBR or Rainier at GENO’S (1414 N. Hamilton St.) near the Gonzaga campus. You won’t look fancy holding one of these in your hands, but that hasn’t stopped spots with high-end culinary reputations from keeping cans on stock. You can order Rainier to accompany fabulous food at places like RUINS (825 N. Monroe St.), CASPER FRY (928 S. Perry St.) and DURKIN’S LIQUOR BAR (415 W. Main Ave.) without having to apologize to anyone.


The term “happy hour” doesn’t only apply to the

We probably shouldn’t be telling you about these Spokane happy hour deals. They aren’t free, because free beer doesn’t actually exist, but these deals are the next best thing. MOOTSY’S (406 W. Sprague Ave.) is one of the country’s biggest sellers of PBR (owner Daniel Sanchez says they ranked No. 33 nationally in 2014); they sell it for $1 every Wednesday and Sunday from 2 pm to 2 am. In addition, there’s a $2 draft special every Friday until 9 pm. Moving on to PACIFIC AVENUE PIZZA (2001 W. Pacific Ave.): Beat the crowds and show up early on Tuesdays for a stellar deal of $2 drafts and $2 slices. That’s $10 for two people to share three slices and a couple of beers. At REVOLVER (221 N. Division St.), a bar and lounge on the eastern edge of downtown, you’ll want to keep Thursdays in mind — all domestic beer is $1. FAMOUS ED’S (2911 E. 57th Ave.) has “prime time” — Monday through Friday, the family restaurant offers insane deals from 3 to 4 pm: $1 for a domestic pint, $2 for micro pints, $2 for house wine, and $2.25 for well drinks. The downtown karaoke bar MONTEREY CAFÉ (9 N. Washington St.) hosts a daily “power hour” from 8 to 9 pm, featuring $1 Coors Light cans, $1 Fireball shots and $3 Long Island iced teas, all of which are sure to make your singing sound even better... at least to your own ears.

Owner Tim O’Doherty at O’Doherty’s Irish Grille YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Irish Pubs In the mood for Guinness? These places are for you Kelly’s Irish Pub

O’Doherty’s Irish Grille

Like any authentic Irish pub, Kelly’s is family-owned and will welcome you into the clan with Irish Death, their top-selling beer brewed by Iron Horse Brewery. Within walking distance of Coeur d’Alene’s downtown hub on Sherman, Kelly’s is an Irish wonderland. The green walls are splashed with Irish memorabilia and the Guinness is plentiful. On the menu you’ll find Irish cuisine such as fish and chips and shepherd’s pie, alongside some familiar delicacies — American burgers and sandwiches. Arvid Lundin and The Deep Roots play traditional Irish and Scottish music every Tuesday from 7-10 pm. 726 N Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-1717

Nobody’s a stranger when they walk into this Irish pub. At O’Doherty’s, you can stand on the bar and sing to put a dollar bill on the wall or you can sit back and try to avoid the spotlight — but after an Irish Car Bomb or two, you might not mind it so much. 525 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • 747-0322 | 10208 N. Division St. • 465-3511 •

Also Try

Luckys Irish Pub, Spokane; Waddell’s Neighborhood Pub & Grille, Spokane

Knockaderry Irish Pub & Eatin’ House Located across the street from the Spokane County Courthouse, this newcomer to Spokane has a sense of humor. With limericks interspersed between items on the menu, you won’t get bored choosing among the traditional Irish dishes and the twists on the classics. If you’re just as impatient for St. Paddy’s Day as they are, check out their website any time for a countdown, updated by the second. 1011 W. Broadway Ave. • 241-3738

O’Doherty’s Irish Pub & BBQ Cater Co. O’Doherty’s in Spokane Valley is where Irish cuisine mingles with Southern-style barbecue. Think Guinness beer-battered fish and chips and barbecued beef brisket smoked with Green Bluff apple wood. The Irish are nothing if not adventurous. 11723 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 9242578 •

O’Shay’s O’Shay’s menu is completely Irish; well, at least Irish-themed. But the robust taps aren’t limited to just Guinness, Harp and Irish Death. Come in for some Irish punk, traditional bagpipes or old world fiddlin’, or make your own music on open mic nights. Check for ladies nights, trivia and other events. 313 E. Coeur d’Alene Lake Dr., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-4666 •

Voted spokane’s


dance club in the inlander’s 2015 best of readers poll

232 W Sprague • 474-1621 • ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



A Year in Music Festivals

There’s an event for you, no matter your musical tastes

Festival at Sandpoint


What to Expect

Who Goes?

Cost & Date


Folk, indie rock, electronic

Weekend wristband $30; Oct. 9-10



After learning from last year’s kickoff, the now annual festival at the Bartlett and nYne is back with a cheaper price tag and even more exciting local and regional indie acts.

The hippest hipsters, though it’s all-ages


The two-week event celebrates Johann Sebastian Bach’s life’s work and the music he inspired long after he left this earth. From malls to churches, concerts take place all around Spokane and include local and national talent.

Classical music lovers


Performances range from free to $220; Feb. 22-March 6


The best up-and-coming regional acts, along with some of the most thrilling national acts, converge on the glorious Gorge Amphitheatre for a weekend of musical mayhem.

West Coast music fans of all ages & states of mind, including plenty of Canadians


Four-day pass $350, not including camping; Memorial Day Weekend


A free neighborhood block party, featuring local and regional talent, that reminds people just how cool and open Browne’s Addition is.

A bunch of bros, & everyone else

Mostly rock, indie & hiphop

Free; first weekend in June


This event illustrates the Inland Northwest’s love of top popcountry artists; each year, the wildly popular festival at the Gorge sells out in mere minutes.

Folks with boots, cowboy hats & a penchant for Bud Light


$200; camping not included, Early August


The location at War Memorial Field, surrounded by glorious mountains and water, continues to host some of the biggest acts coming through the Inland Northwest during the summer.

Those who enjoy legally BYOB-ing at a music event

Everything from classical to hot indie acts

$40 to $60 per show; family concert night is $6, takes place over two weeks in early to mid-August

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Martini Bars

Drink like James Bond

A Manhattan with homemade bitters at 315 Martinis and Tapas. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

315 Martini Bar and Tapas

Lakeview Lounge

Peacock Room Lounge

Amid an elegant setting of candlelight and fireplaces — or if it’s summer, underneath umbrellas on the garden patio — you can sip on one of 315’s many handcrafted martinis put together with some of 315’s housemade simple syrups, infusions and bitters. The bar menu has categories for every mood, from classics to tropical to seasonal sippers to “Garden in a Glass,” as well as starters, tapas and entrées from the kitchen. 315 E. Wallace Ave., CdA • 208-667-9660

When they say lakeview, they mean lakeview. Situated on the seventh floor of the Coeur d’Alene Resort, Lakeview Lounge offers incredible views and wine from Beverly’s 30,000-bottle collection, top-shelf liquor and an array of classic martinis, all of which can be paired with a dish from Lakeview’s extensive dinner menu. Take in the smooth sounds of Robert Vaughn on jazz guitar every Friday and Saturday to complete a romantic evening. Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second St., CdA • 208-765-4000

It doesn’t get any fancier than drinking award-winning double martinis and classic cocktails crafted with freshsqueezed juices, herbs and botanicals under a 5,000-piece stained-glass ceiling. For a classy night of people-watching, pair your martini with something from the Peacock Room’s tasty dinner menu, and try to spot visiting celebrities who frequent the lounge. The Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post St. • 455-8888

Bistango Lounge Try not to gape for too long when you see Bistango’s selection of more than 200 liquors, wines, and bottled beers and ales, all softly backlit behind the bar. Pair your drink (served in Austrian crystal) with a selection from the lounge’s dinner menu and a show from a local musician, and you’ve got yourself one classy night out. Bistango also houses an extensive wine collection, much of which you can buy competitively at wholesale prices to take home. 108 N. Post St. • 624-8464

Fireside Lounge Start or end your night at this decidedly swanky lounge on the hotel side of Northern Quest. The modern fireplace, intimate seating groups and attentive yet unobtrusive service create a romantic ambiance. Order a nibble — a nice selection of small plates and desserts are available — and a cocktail, and know that if you don’t want to go home, you don’t have to. Luxurious hotel suites await upstairs. Northern Quest Resort and Casino, 100 N. Hayford Road, Airway Heights • 242-7000

Liquid Who said you had to take a break from gaming to get a drink at Northern Quest? Keep the fun going at Liquid, which gives patrons the opportunity to play bar-top video slot machines while sipping one of the bar’s signature cocktails. Liquid boasts a classy atmosphere; two big glass ribbons project slowly cascading digital waterfalls and a beautiful, three-dimensional topographical map projecting upward to the ceiling. Northern Quest Resort and Casino, 100 N. Hayford Road, Airway Heights, Wash. • 242-7000

The Oval Office The counterpart to the White House Grill, the Oval Office is home to more than a dozen presidential-themed martinis. If you’re looking to satisfy a serious sweet tooth, try the U.S. Mint, an oh-sosweet blend of Godiva white chocolate, vanilla vodka and crème de menthe, just $5.50 during happy hour. You can always balance out the sweetness with one of the Oval Office’s savory dinner offerings. 620 N. Spokane St., Post Falls, Idaho • 208-777-2102

Rain Lounge With its exposed brick walls, modern artwork and dim, blue lighting, Rain Lounge has sex appeal. Its location near the Bing and the Fox also makes it the perfect place to start or end an evening, sipping high-end cocktails. Come hungry, because you can order from the dinner menu of Scratch next door, and even choose bites off of a special late-night menu. 1007 W. First Ave. • 456-5656

Safari Room The Davenport’s Safari Room displays Gilded Age splendor with a masculine edge. The menu has Southern influences, with items like gumbo on Creole rice and Creole chicken pot pie; plenty of cocktails also grace the menu. Start your night off at this upscale locale during the daily happy hour from 4-6 pm, or come back later for the late-night menu. The Davenport Tower, 111 S. Post St. • 789-6800

class; a glass bubble chandelier spills luminous orbs from the ceiling, and a mosaic of stained glass cutouts illuminates the bar. Might we suggest a French 75 from one of their skilled mixologists? Hotel Ruby, 901 W. First Ave. • 747-1041

Twigs With 36 signature martinis, there really is something for everyone at Twigs. From the classic Twigs Martini to the classy High Roller, to more imaginative drinks like the Jalapeño Cilantro Margatini, Twigs has it covered. There are six locations in Washington, and more throughout the Northwest, so there’s plenty of opportunity to try one (or more) of the 36 yourself. 4320 S. Regal St. • 443-8000 | River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave. • 232-3376 | 401 E. Farwell Road, • 465-8794 | Spokane Valley Mall, 14728 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley • 290-5636

Whispers Whispers is a sexy hideaway worth seeking out, even if you’re not staying at the Coeur d’Alene Resort. Floor-toceiling windows provide million-dollar sunset views of the lake, and patrons can sink into one of the modern club chairs that line the backlit bar or boost the romance by taking a seat outdoors. Bartenders shake up the classic martini with options including Cosmo, Lemon Drop and Chocolate. Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-765-4000

Sapphire Lounge The drinks and bites from this jewel in the Hotel Ruby may be easy on the wallet ($3 draft beers, $4 premium wells and $5 house wines and flatbreads), but the lounge doesn’t skimp on taste or ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



Beloved Pubs

Where people know your name

Area 51 Taphouse

weekdays. 1401 W. First Ave. • 747-0304

The Northside Onion’s bar had a brand-new look with the new Area 51 Taphouse, but the most impressive addition is 51 taps, paired with 50 bottles and cans, bringing its drinking options to a grand total of 101. A new, state-ofthe-art bar top is also cooled to keep beers chilled, but warm near the edge so patrons’ arms don’t get cold. 7522 N. Division St. • 482-6100 •

Crackle-painted walls and a framed taxidermied deer head surrounded by pennies make up just part of this new speakeasy/Prohibition-era-style bar. The bartenders zero in on craft cocktails with a wide selection of classics, old-fashioned drinks and their own creations. 204 N. Division St. • 290-6229 •

Andy’s Come here to have a meaningful — and audible — conversation with friends. The laid-back setting has big windows looking out to Carnegie Square and some seriously outstanding food, too. Go for the sweet potato fries. They even open at 6 am to serve up breakfast during the

The Blind Buck

Bucer’s Coffeehouse & Pub Bucer’s doesn’t just pour the coffee, beer or wine and hand it over. For them, the process is more involved than that. They roast their own coffee, carefully curate their wine list with local experts, create a beer that fuses Paradise Creek’s milk stout with their espresso blend,

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and make chocolate truffles in-house that pair perfectly with the wine. 201 S. Main St., Moscow, Idaho • 208-882-5216 •

Corner Bar Corner Bar is the perfect dive — clean and spacious, with enough intentional and unintentional kitsch to keep drinkers from boredom. Cheap-ass disco lights, Jolly Roger “CASH ONLY” sign above the register, a hoppin’ crowd of friendly rowdies young and old, and — most important, dirt-cheap PBRs — make this a terrific gem of a dive. 1628 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-9084

Charley’s Grill and Spirits Close to the courthouse, Charley’s keeps a low profile. The pub has experienced a slow and steady remodel, getting new

tables and a fresh paint job, as well as several flat-screens to enhance a sports fan’s night out. Actors from the Spokane Civic and Interplayers theatres frequent the bar and are known for singing show tunes, as well as spontaneous outbursts of jazz hands and choreographed dance routines. 801 N. Monroe St.• 328-8911 •

The Elk Public House In the little hub of activity at Pacific Avenue and Cannon Street, you’ll find that this beloved Browne’s Addition pub is popular year-round, thanks to its great menu, extensive beer, cider and wine selection and relaxed atmosphere. We suspect that most of the Elk’s customers feel so at home here, they all would call themselves regulars. 1931 W. Pacific Ave.• 363-1973 •

With your beer, consider fried pickles from the Post Street Ale House. YOUNG KWAK PHOTOS

The Lantern Tap House

The Two Seven pleases crowds on Spokane’s South Hill.

Geno’s After a fire broke out at Geno’s, the owners of The Elk and a handful of other successful public houses jumped on the chance to buy the popular Logan Neighborhood venue. Now Geno’s is thriving once again. The menu resembles the pub fare found at the other locations, and every Tuesday from 4 to 6 pm they feature a different weekly brewery. Order a pint from that brewery during those hours and you can take your pint glass home after drinking it. 1414 N. Hamilton St. • 368-9087 •

Iron Horse Bar & Grill In 30 seconds or less, a bartender whips up the famous (or is it infamous?) 48-ounce Derailer: three kinds of rum, two kinds of soda, orange and pineapple juice, sour mix and as many straws as you need to share with friends. Other than Derailers, this longtime Sherman Avenue bar serves up a few smaller “bucket” drinks like the 24-ounce Catalina. 407 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-7314 •

When it opened in 2009, the Lantern (it was then called a tavern) was one of Spokane’s smallest bars, at a whopping 200 square feet. Not so anymore. The space that once had only 12 stools at the bar expanded into the next-door space and now boasts 1,200 square feet, 60 chairs and some of the best pub food you can find in Spokane. 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 •

Moon Time The food is creative, the microbrews are plentiful and the atmosphere is comfortable at Moon Time. That’s the pleasant formula shared by Moon Time’s sister pubs like the Elk in Spokane and the Porch in Hayden, and everyone seems to love it. 1602 E. Sherman Ave., #116, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-2331 •

Park Inn The P.I., one of Spokane’s oldest bars, definitely has history on its side. It opened in 1932 and had one of the first drive-thru windows in the U.S., serving burgers and milkshakes. Today, the Inn has become a watering hole for neighborhood locals and nearby medical professionals to blow off steam, and enjoy Kokanee Gold by the pitcher, free popcorn and extremely cheesy pizza. 103 W. Ninth Ave. • 747-4425

The Porch The atmosphere is casual, but you still get the classiness of overlooking a golf

course. The food is pub food, but — like its sister restaurants Moon Time, The Elk and the Two Seven — still a few steps up from what you think of pub food. The menu is full of sandwiches, salads, soups and specialties prepared from scratch, and there are cocktails, microbrews and wines to choose from. 1658 E. Miles Ave., Hayden, Idaho • 208-772-7711 •

off a little of that hole-in-the wall vibe, but it’s an oasis off the beaten path and makes you feel at home with a backyard-style patio. 1904 W. Fifth Ave. • 458-2337

Post Street Ale House

The Two Seven Public House has turned into the South Hill’s living room of sorts. It’s a comfortable place to hang with friends, order a pint from the diverse beer list and relax in the low-key atmosphere that’s delightfully free of loud karaoke, boisterous 21st birthday celebrations and dozens of blaring TVs. Well-executed pub food makes it easy to stay for hours. 2727 S. Mt. Vernon St. • 473-9766 •

Even though it’s located in the heart of downtown, across from the Davenport Hotel, the Post Street Ale House still manages to feel like a friendly neighborhood pub. Its unassuming, casual atmosphere draws a diverse crowd of drinkers. The fried pickles are the signature dish, made with sweet horseradish pickles and served with sauce. Wash them down with a massive array of local, regional and specialty beers. 1 N. Post St. • 789-6900 •

The Riff The Riff is the definition of a hole-inthe-wall bar in more ways than one. The cheap beer, small venue and rock-androll posters seem to be dead giveaways. If you’re into PBR, Jimi Hendrix and a bar where everyone knows your name, check it out. 215 W. Main Ave. • 279-2921

The Swamp Tavern This is the place for beer lovers who like to gather around outdoor fire pits with friends and strangers. The Swamp gives

Also Try

Baby Bar, 827 W. First Ave. Tonicx, 6314 N. Ash St.

The Two Seven Public House

Waddell’s Neighborhood Pub & Grille Whether you’re here for a burger (which you should definitely order) or one of the 50 beers on tap, Waddell’s is a friendly South Hill haunt, designed in the tradition of an English pub, that’s become a sports-bar stalwart. Since opening a brewery at their new Northside location, you can now find some of Waddell’s own beers among the vast draft selection. • 4318 S. Regal St. • 4436500 • | 6501 N. Cedar Rd. • 321-7818 •



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Wine Bars

When having a selection is important

Ambrosia Bistro & Wine Bar

The Cellar

If you want to get your night off to a classy start, try Ambrosia. They have an inventive dinner menu to select from, a hefty wine list and an award of excellence from Wine Spectator to back it up. Or choose a champagne cocktail or martini to get things started. 9211 E. Montgomery Ave., Spokane Valley • 928-3222 •

This Coeur d’Alene icon has taken wine tasting to a new level with the addition of its Enomatic self-service system. Now oenophiles can samples wine at will with a prepaid card. An LED display indicates price per pour (1-, 3- and 5-ounce samples) on wines that otherwise, says restaurant manager and wine steward Naomi Boutz, would average $35 to $40 per bottle. Boutz tries to offer similar wines at different price points, heavy on the reds, and switches out a third of the wines weekly. 317 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-9463 •

Bistro Rouge at Pend d’Oreille Winery

Food and Drink Specials • Times • Locations

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This popular Sandpoint winery is housed in the historic Belwood building. At the Bistro Rouge Café, dine and sip from their list of white, rosé, red, reserve and sweet wines, paired with live music several times a week. Be sure to check out their Facebook page to see who’s playing. 301 Cedar St., #101, Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-265-8545 •

Eau de Vie Wine Shoppe This intimate wine bar is located right next door to Hay J’s Bistro, which provides fresh appetizers to enjoy with the ever-rotating lineup of boutique wines.

LeftBank Wine Bar features more than 50 wines by glass. JEFF FERGUSON PHOTO Stop in for small plates and a wine flight or attend one of their winemaker’s tastings or dinners. Co-owner Chris Cates is passionate about educating his patrons about wine, without pomp or pretense. A wine club offers unique bottles, complete with tasting notes. 21718 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake, Wash. • 926-5900 •

LeftBank Wine Bar With more than 50 wines by the glass, you can assume the people behind LeftBank love wine. It’s true. But beyond that, they love food, beer and creating a comfortable gathering place. So come in, try a wine flight, order dinner and enjoy the live music (Thu-Sat). 108 N. Washington St. • 315-8623 •

Luna Its Applewood pizza oven hails from Naples, Italy; the maple floors in the main dining room came from a Spokane high school gymnasium; and the first department store in Birmingham, Alabama, provided the chandelier hanging in the west entrance foyer. Yes, everything at Luna has been aged to perfection to match the expansive wine list. 5260 S. Perry St. • 448-2383 •

Nectar Wine & Beer

some wine or beer to take home and stick around to enjoy a glass or three. On Thursdays, the shop hosts weekly tasting events ($10, $5 for members), which include a sampling of artisan cheeses. 1331 W. Summit Pkwy. • 290-5239 •

Nectar Tasting Room Five Washington wineries share space in the downtown Nectar Tasting Room. Nectar offers wine tasting, wine by the glass, and wine by the bottle. During your visit, you can snack on a meat-andcheese plate while enjoying your wine, picked from an iPad tasting menu that changes week by week. 120 N. Stevens St. • 290-5182 •

Vintage Vines This locally owned wine and beer shop opened as a wine and beer retail shop, but has since expanded to be a wine bar and eatery. They’re proud to say, “We are practiced professionals at drinking, and talking about what we drink.” Join them on Tuesdays for half off select in-house bottles of wine, or get some exercise before indulging in happy hour prices with their running and walking club on Wednesdays. 106 N. Evergreen Rd., Spokane Valley • 227-9463 •

Owner Josh Wade says that Nectar’s new location in Kendall Yards combines wine shopping with wine drinking. Buy ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



Craft Cocktails

People who appreciate the art and science of a good drink

Bardenay Restaurant and Distillery Sailors use the word “bardenay” loosely as another word for cocktail. Since this restaurant adopted it for their name, you can guess a lot of energy goes into their drinks, especially since it was one of the first restaurant distilleries in the nation. The cocktails are handcrafted with Bardenay’s own distilled vodka, gin, rum and freshly squeezed juices. Blue cheese olive garnishes are stuffed by hand, and the whipped cream is homemade, too. 1710 W. Riverstone Dr., Coeur d’Alene • 208-765-1540 •

926 W. Garland Ave. • 413-1745 •

Casper Fry Public House

A Dark and Stormy at El Que YOUNG KWAK PHOTO ingredient list of gin, fresh lemon juice, Campari, an Italian bitter, and Cointreau, an orange-flavored liqueur, garnished with a lemon twist. 913 E. Sharp Ave. • 487-2937 •

Durkin’s Liquor Bar There are so many cocktails at Durkin’s, they couldn’t fit them all in one bar. Both the upstairs and downstairs bars offer drinks of the shaken and stirred variety; the downstairs menu also features a sparkling category for good measure. Check out Durkin’s take on the classic French 75, or try something more out there, like the South of No North, a blend of reposado or mezcal, Cynar (a liqueur made from artichokes), simple syrup, cold coffee and egg white. 415 W. Main Ave. • 863-9501 •

Bon Bon

Every detail of Casper Fry’s rugged, metal-and-wood interior was handselected or crafted by area artisans. Reclaimed wood from a Ritzville barn was used for the ceiling planks and table tops, and accordion-style lamps illuminate the image of the restaurant’s namesake on the exposed brick wall. Just as much care went into Casper Fry’s classic cocktail menu. Take in the South Western Buck (rye, lemon, strawberry-jalapeño shrub and ginger beer), or order a craft-distilled bourbon. 928 S. Perry St. • 535-0536 •

Before a movie at the Garland Theater (which shares the same building), pull up a barstool and let one of Bon Bon’s bartenders treat you to something with ingredients you’ve never heard of before. The classy yet down-to-earth bar features some of the most creative cocktails you’ll find in town, though they also have classics like the Old Fashioned and Modern Whiskey Sour down pat.



Clover splits its extensive drink menu into descriptive categories — seasonal, effervescent, crisp, exuberant, spirited and current — to give patrons an idea of what’s in store. Kicking off the “Crisp” section, the Jasmine cocktail is a true original. The blush-pink creation of bartender Paul Harrington boasts an

Fill up on fresh-squeezed juices in the morning and get your fill of cocktails or 22 beers on tap at night. If you need a hangover buster, their Bloody Mary can satisfy your thirst and hunger, with bacon, olives, asparagus, celery, citrus and more sticking out of it. There’s also a build-your-own mojito bar every Sat-

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El Que This tiny nook attached to the back of the Elk in Browne’s Addition has a small army of wonderfully creepy religious décor to accompany the comida and drinks, like the Chupacabre, a blend of Cazadores Blanco, Cointreau, muddled cilantro, jalapeño, simple syrup, soda and lime. El Que’s specialty, tequila, features many inventive infused varieties, and there’s also a menu of taco-truck type food. 141 S. Cannon St. • 624-5412 •

urday if you feel like flexing your bartending muscles. 909 S. Grand Blvd. • 747-7737

Volstead Act Taking its name from the act that established prohibition in America, the Volstead Act prides itself in making cocktails that are as appealing visually as they are to drink while offering a modern spin on the speakeasies of the past. One particularly striking offering is the warm-yellow Wicked Kiss, a deviously delicious drink made with blanco tequila, Strega (a minty Italian liqueur), lemon, cinnamon and pumpkin butter (yes, really). Don’t knock it til you try it. 12 N. Post St. • 808-2516 •

Also Try

The Black Cypress, Pullman; Butcher Bar, Spokane; Ruins, Spokane; Scratch, Spokane.

Wild Sage All of the cocktails at this upscale downtown restaurant are crafted with premium liquors, fresh-squeezed juice and syrups made in-house with pure cane sugar. The Spokane 74 is a twist on the classic French 75, with rosemary gin, fresh grapefruit and lemon, sparkling wine and a drop of crème de violette. For those who’ve sworn off alcohol, there’s a small but creative menu with drinks like Spicy Sage Lemonade, a mix of fresh-squeezed lemon, jalapeño and organic sage leaves. 916 W. Second Ave. • 456-7575 •



Everyone’s welcome at nYne. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Dance Clubs

ct SPOKANE’S Perry Distri A Quaint Tap House in Cocktails, wine, and pub food. beers, Specializing in craft make new ONES! Where friends meet &

ane 1004 S. PerRy St. Spok 509.315.9531

Get your groove on Borracho Taco & Tequileria Borracho wants to be the place you stop, whether you want to gorge on Mexican grub, dance or kick back for some late-night drinks. The sleek, open bar carries more than 70 tequilas, 12 infused with juice that’s freshpressed in-house. (If you’re feeling brave, let someone talk you into the ghost-pepper tequila.) 221 N. Division St. • 822-7789 •

Impulse There aren’t many places in the Spokane area where you can get bottle service, but Impulse nightclub is one

Also Try

The Roadhouse, 20. N. Raymond Rd. of them. This is your chance to feel like a high roller, with your own private table and attentive service. If you haven’t been that lucky at the slots, then simply head to the dance floor, where the ever-popular DJ Ramsin spins most weekends. Sleek furniture,

walls bathed in blue light and an energetic crowd make this nightclub feel as vibrant as any in Vegas. Northern Quest Resort and Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, Wash. • 2427000 •

Irv’s If it’s 3 am and you simply need to dance, head to Irv’s. You can bust it out on their jewel of a dance floor until the magical hour of 4 am (Fridays and Saturdays). This gay-friendly bar also has plenty of seating and pool tables for those who might be tuckered out. 415 W. Sprague Ave. • 624-4450 •

nYne Bar & Bistro There’s lots of room to dance at nYne, so grab a hula-hoop or a dance partner and let loose in this pretty setting, with a sleek green glass bar and exposed brick. The menu has a lot to offer, too, with items like Angus beef sliders. There are tons of drink choices. 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 •




Beer Bars

24 Taps Burgers & Brews

Brooklyn Deli & Lounge

The Hop Shop

24 Taps’ name rings true about its beer selection — with a dozen local brews on tap, plus 12 additional options behind the bar. The menu is packed with lots of appetizers under $10, like wings and jalapeño-stuffed tater tots. To top it all off, the walls are lined with 14, 75-inch TVs. 825 W. Riverside Ave., Spokane • 868-5657 •

By day the popular (extremely busy) deli serves giant pickles, fresh salads, artisan soups and sandwiches on homemade bread. By night, the lounge offers a small selection of craft beers on tap, and a full yet simple bar surrounded by cozy, brick walls. 122 S. Monroe St. • 8354177 •

Bennidito’s Pizza

The District Bar takes traditional bar food in a new direction, with influences from executive chef Gary Evans’ love for Southern cooking and appreciation for local favorites. A funky drink menu includes some interesting mixed beverages that combine unusual elements, such as chipotle and chocolate. The bar also features more than 40 beer selections. That might be daunting at first, but you can dive into the tap list by ordering a beer flight with your choice of five 3-ounce draft beers. 916 W. First Ave.• 244-3279 • the-district-bar/

The Hop Shop has changed hands from brothers Glen and Andy Gardner to twin sisters Mel Wood and Emily Redington, but the offerings are still simple: beer and wine. Local and regional brews rotate through the 11 taps. If you find hunger approaching, you won’t get any grub here. But the sisters are in the habit of bringing around local food trucks to park outside. 3803 S. Grand Blvd. • 7479700 •

Known primarily as a family-friendly pizza joint, Bennidito’s stays open late and features an impressively curated collection of beer taps. Get some of their famous Beer Buddies to go along with your pint as you chat up your South Hill neighbors or take in the tail end of a game. The small but mighty patio is the place to be in the summer. 1426 S. Lincoln St. • 455-7411 •

The Blackbird Kitchen and Tavern Patrick McPherson of Manito Tap House and Austin Dickey of Copeland Architecture & Construction came together to design this new gastropub on the first floor of the historic Broadview Dairy building. Much of its menu is Southerninspired, with around 30 percent of it changing seasonally. They serve more than 110 bottled beers and feature 40 taps — a few of which dispense wine. 905 N. Washington St., #100 • 3924000 •

District Bar

The Flying Goat The tasty Neapolitan-style, artisan pizzas at the Flying Goat are a perfect way to awaken your senses, fill your belly and kick off your night out. Their large selection of carefully chosen drafts and bottles include house specials to match their name (like the Goat Head Red from Townshend Winery). 3318 W. Northwest Blvd. • 327-8277 •

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Idaho Pour Authority Inside Idaho Pour Authority, it feels as if all craft beer converges at this point. OK, maybe not all, but there are 300 different bottled beers lining the shelves, mostly from the Inland Northwest and some from across the country and around the world. If you want more than just bottles to go, sit down and have a draft from one of the 12 rotating taps, order from food offerings — including chocolate and meat-and-cheese plates with baguettes — and enjoy the frequent live music. 203 Cedar St., Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-597-7096 •

Manito Tap House For beer nerds, hop-heads and brew connoisseurs, Manito Tap House rotates dozens of regional or hard-to-find beers on tap. For the uninitiated, the staff will walk you through a wonderland of ales, porters, pilsners and ciders — there are

Lots of handles at the Hop Shop

Places that care about suds more than 50 tap handles alone. You should also take note of the certified, inhouse cicerone (a sort of beer sommelier) who can help pair the perfect meal and beer. 3011 S. Grand Blvd. • 279-2671 •

Also Try

Steelhead Bar & Grille, 218 N. Howard St.

Pints Alehouse The Quist family opened Pints to give the Northside a place to drink microbrews. They spent six years visiting more than 100 breweries in and outside the U.S., so they’re sure to provide wellinformed suggestions. With the on-tap philosophy of “When it blows, it goes,” their 18 taps continually rotate; you can try several with their sampler trays. 10111 N. Newport Hwy. • 368-9671 •

Saranac Public House The Saranac is very deliberate in what they do. For the menu, they source local and organic when possible, cook with sustainably harvested seafood, and give preference to local, organic and sustainable breweries. So you can sink into the hip, laid-back atmosphere and enjoy your jalapeño-glazed salmon and tasty pint, knowing it all came from somewhere good. 21 W. Main Ave. • 473-9455 •


Beer and Wine Flights Growlers to go 10111 N. Newport Hwy. Northpointe at the Y Follow us on Facebook

Sing until 2 am at Monterey Cafe.

Karaoke Sing your heart out! Mama’s Thaiway Lounge The karaoke is aided by TV screens where both singers and patrons can read the lyrics. The singing owner, Mama, is the namesake of this Broadway Avenue bar. “I sing Thai songs, I sing American songs, ask them,” says Mama. They also feature DJs for your dancing pleasure. 5908 E. Broadway Ave. • 534-3040 •

Monterey Café This year, Inlander readers voted Monterey Café Spokane’s best spot for karaoke, and with something for everybody, it’s no wonder. The tiki-themed

Also Try

nYne, 232 W. Sprague Iron Horse Restaurant, 11105 E. Sprague Mik’s, 406 N. 4th, Coeur d’Alene café has been a favorite last stop for seven years. Drop in and enjoy pizza, barbecue and nachos, surrounded by

tropical décor, until 2 am or later. 9 N. Washington St. • 868-0284 •

The Star Restaurant and Lounge This is where Logan neighborhood regulars and drunk college kids commingle. Fondly known as The Star Bar, this venue serves super-cheap drinks. The music is usually bumping and things inside can get crazy — especially when the nightly karaoke starts. Get there early to get your name on the karaoke list! 1329 N. Hamilton St. • 487-1530

Studio K Bar on Regal A karaoke hotspot for more than 50 years, this bar has a new name and new location. Formerly Studio K Bar & Grill, Studio K Bar on Regal may have moved, but much else has stayed the same: the drinks are still strong and regulars have followed Studio K to its new incarnation. 4508 S. Regal St. • 474-9303 •

Open Mic Night Tue-Sat 11am-Close

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Capone’s Pub & Grill in Coeur d’Alene is buzzing during happy hour. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Sports Bars

Best bets for watching the big game

Birdy’s Sports Bar


The Corner Club

This clean, classy sports bar, located in Division’s northernmost strip mall, has a full bar and 15 tap selections, but there’s no shame in ordering a can of PBR if that’s more your speed. 12908 N. Hwy. 395 • 863-9572 •

Once again, Inlander readers decided that Capone’s is the place to watch the big game, voting it their favorite North Idaho sports bar. On the patio in spring and summer, or indoors watching the big screen, meet friends and make memories over a glass of Guinness and wings or any of more than 40 microbrews on tap — not to mention the tasty pizza. The atmosphere is upbeat and laid-back. 751 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-4843 | 315 N. Ross Point Rd., Post Falls, Idaho • 208457-8020 | 9520 N. Government Way, Hayden, Idaho • 208-762-5999

When it’s game time, the Corner Club is where you meet your buddies for some quality yelling-at-the-TV time. Be sure to order a 32-ounce beer tub for everyone to share. It’s what got the Corner Club listed on the “Top 25 Sports Bars” in Sports Illustrated. 202 N. Main St., Moscow, Idaho • 208-882-2915 •

The Brass Faucet Bar and Grill On the outside, the Brass Faucet looks just like an ordinary bar. Inside, TVs abound and sports fans sit and stare — it’s a great, quiet neighborhood place to watch the game. 12525 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 926-0293

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EPIC EPIC lives up to its name with a 30-foot TV stretching over the top of the bar. Yes, 30 feet. This mammoth sports bar recently received new everything when

Northern Quest morphed The Q into EPIC. There are drinks galore, a new, spiffed-up menu, and the Studio E club inside the restaurant with a dance floor and laser fog machine. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, Wash. • 242-7000 •

Famous Ed’s This family-friendly sports bar is covered with TVs and pictures of celebrity Eds: Eddie Murphy, Ed Sullivan, Edward Scissorhands. It gives the place a fun, quirky kind of feel that’s made it a favorite stop-in-for-a-beer locale for the

Your Phone. Smarter. The region’s best source for events, restaurants, music, movies and happy hours.


pool, video games and pull tabs. Try the Screamin’ Demon wings, but only if you dare. 118 W. Francis Ave. • 464-3641 •

upper South Hill. 2911 E. 57th Ave. • 290-5080 •

Fast Eddie’s Being just a hop away from the University District makes this bar a weekend favorite for the young, bar-hopping crowd. If you don’t want to spend all your quarters in one place, keep an eye on their drink specials. Also, catch a game here or come to spin the wheel to win a prize on your birthday. 1 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • 455-8752 • facebook. com/FastEdsBar

The Sports Page If you’re looking to watch sports, and lots of them, the Sports Page is a solid place to get it done. Grab a beer, check out their menu and hang with friends. You can also pre-order kegs for a weekend rager. 165 S. Grand Ave., Pullman, Wash. • 334-6748

The Swinging Doors Let’s be honest. If you’re going to watch some sports, you need TVs, and you need them to be large and numerous. Swinging Doors has 60 TVs. They have a 14-foot HD projector screen. They have a 70-inch 3-D plasma set. It’s one part restaurant, one part sports bar and one part tech store. No wonder Inlander readers often vote this place their favorite sports bar. 1018 W. Francis Ave. • 326-6794 •

Flamin’ Joe’s Know what you’re getting into when you come here to catch the game and grab a bite. The wing sauce at Flamin’ Joe’s starts at naked, Code 1, moves up to Code 5, “Get the milk!” and finishes at Code Red, aka “the widow maker.” To cool off your mouth — unless you actually do need milk — there’s one of the most comprehensive beer lists you’ll find. 7015 N. Division St. • 4655052 | 2620 E. Ninth Ave. • 241-3843 | 11618 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 922-5052 •

Morty’s Tap and Grille With a great beer selection, a menu full of wings, sandwiches, burgers and appetizers and sporting events lighting up the TVs, you could find yourself passing quite a few hours at Morty’s. After a fun-filled night, you could always come back in the morning for a Benedict or a big breakfast combo. 5517 S. Regal St. • 443-9123 •

Red Lion BBQ Red Lion BBQ is known for strong drinks, great wings and an incredibly casual atmosphere (not exactly a first-

Wings from Morty’s Tap and Grille. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO date venue). This legendary sports bar also is a non-official gathering place for University of Montana alums... unless there are other people who go to a bar to watch the Griz. 126 N. Division St. • 835-5466 •

The Ref With a giant video screen that mimics what you’d typically see hanging at a sports arena, The Ref is committed to meeting all your game-watching needs. During football season you can settle in for breakfast and stay all day long. 14208 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 315-9637 •

Also Try

Jack & Dan’s, 1226 N. Hamilton St.

Rocker Room This longtime downtown bar location recently went from country to rock ‘n’ roll when the Country Club closed and the Rocker Room took its place. As a self-described “rock ’n’ roll sports bar and grill,” a full food menu accompanies the bar and live music cranks from the stage every Friday and Saturday night. 216 E. Coeur d’Alene Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-676-2582 •

Screaming Yak With wings so hot they could make a yak scream, this Northside staple is a straightforward sports bar, with TVs,

The Wave Island Sports Grill and Sushi Bar The Wave is an unusual fusion of Hawaiian and American, with sushi and a sports bar, but it totally works. Come for some of the city’s best sushi, then order some sake or a pint, belt out some Karaoke on the Kouch (most Fridays and Saturdays) or shake it to occasional live music. If you prefer to watch soccer or basketball with a Mai Tai in your hand, this is the place to do it. 525 W. First Ave. • 747-2023 •


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See downtown Spokane come alive for Volume. KRISTEN BLACK PHOTO

Volume O Survival Guide Fully experience the two-day Inlander music festival relatively unscathed

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Jurassic World, they’ll only slow you down. Instead, ne weekend out of the year, thousands of come prepared with a solid shoe that can last all all-ages music fans zoom around the streets night long — through a sidewalk track meet, a poof Spokane from one venue to another, looktential mosh pit and high-flyin’ dancing. ing for that next fix of awesome live music. The excitement in the air is palpable; downtown feels cool, 3. EARLY BIRD young and vibrant. That’s what Volume is all about. Think of it this way: The earlier you pay for your With two days of 90-plus local and national wristbands, the more money you’ll have in your bands to see and high-octane fun to have on the pockets to buy band merchandise and alcohol trajectory, it’s easy to get carried away. (which you’re drinking slowly, of Here are some essential tips to get you course. See above). Get your money’s VOLUME 2016 WILL through Spokane’s largest two-day worth by arriving at the event as early TAKE PLACE JUNE music festival. as possible; each night’s schedule be3-4. LOOK FOR 1. HYDRATION DETAILS AT VOLUME. gins around 5 pm. INLANDER.COM. At the risk of sounding like your mother, 4. EARPLUGS it’s wise to drink water at regular interProtecting your ears isn’t for old vals throughout the festival. Especially people. Volume, as its name suggests, with high temperatures, as it was outside in 2015 gets loud — especially in some of the smaller ven(and also at one of the venues, which decided to ues. As you want to have hearing well into your twiturn on the heat), dehydration is bound to happen. light years, go ahead and put these spongy bits of While it makes sense that you’ll want to drink some foam into your earholes. Rock on! alcohol, do so slowly, with water breaks in between. 5. MAKE AN ITINERARY You have two days; you won’t want to miss a thing. But don’t feel the need to stick to it. If you start 2. FOOTWEAR freaking out about a missed band, your good-time Any festival goer worth their salt knows they’ll be buzz will fade fast. Have a plan, consult the Volume running between venues trying to catch the next Guide map or website for times and locations, but hot act. That’s where proper footwear comes in. always go with the flow. You never know what new Flip-flops? Leave those for the beach. High heels? band you’ll accidentally discover. Unless you’re as talented as Bryce Dallas Howard in LAURA JOHNSON


Aside from gaming, Northern Quest Resort and Casino features several bars and restaurants. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Aces Casino

This small, low-pressure casino just added High Card Flush to its selection of table games, which include blackjack, Spanish 21, and pai gow. Hang around for a drink and order some grill food — and if you text 72727 with the words blackjack, acesfood or aces bar, you can find extra deals, which change every few weeks. 6301 N. Division • 368-9785

Chewelah Casino This small but mighty casino is located near 49 Degrees North. You have your choice of slots here, along with blackjack and Spanish 21. The Hideaway lounge is the place to catch a game, and the Mistequa Café will keep you fed. Check their website for buffet specials and promotions like daily cash giveaways. • 2555 Smith Rd., Chewelah, Wash. • 800322-2788 •

Clearwater River Casino & Lodge Located on the Nez Perce Reservation, just east of Lewiston, Idaho, this lodge boasts a beautiful view of the Clearwater River and the historically preserved “Sleeping Chief” mountain. Right next door is the casino, which is open 24/7 and has more than 600 games to

choose from. 17500 Nez Perce Rd., Lewiston, Idaho • 208-746-0723 • crcasino. com

Coeur d’Alene Casino The Coeur d’Alene Casino has evolved from a small tribal casino to a rightful tourist destination, complete with an upscale resort, an award-winning golf course, the uber-sleek Spa Ssakwa’q’n, and of course, a vibrant casino floor featuring slots, bingo and off-track betting. Head to the Red Tail Bar and Grill, where you’ll find a wide betting range of live-action poker. 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley, Idaho • 800-523-2464 •

Hugos on the Hill In addition to an upscale bowling alley, Hugos is a self-professed “plush casino lounge.” Each month, they post a new casino calendar on their website, detailing the special events which include frequent Spanish 21 tournaments, drawings and discounted food and drink. 3023 E. 28th Ave. • 535-2961 •

Kootenai River Inn Casino and Spa Yes, it’s all the way up in Bonners Ferry,

Safe bets for good entertainment

but with tons of video gaming machines in three casino rooms, a bingo room, a fitness center for guests, a fancy restaurant (The Springs) and a day spa, this tribal casino is worth the trek. Relax your troubles away, then gamble away. 7169 Plaza St. • Bonners Ferry, Idaho • 208-267-8511 •

Lilac Lanes and Casino It may be known as Eastern Washington’s biggest bowling center, but the Lilac Lanes casino also offers daily poker tournaments, Spanish 21, pai gow, blackjack and Texas Shootout — a twist on Texas Hold ‘Em in which each player plays “heads up” against the dealer, not the other players. 1112 E. Magnesium Rd. • 467-5228 •

Northern Quest Resort & Casino Go to Northern Quest’s website, select whether you’re in the mood for something fun, exciting, delicious or relaxing, and rest easy knowing that this casino can offer all four. With multiple restaurants, a swanky hotel, big-name entertainment, and a luxurious spa, Northern Quest recreates the entire Vegas experience. The casino’s 46,000 square feet is packed with a couple of thousand slot machines, table games, Keno, live poker

and off-track betting. If you’re in need of some r and r, you won’t be disappointed with the quality restaurants, including Masselow’s Steakhouse — Spokane’s only four-diamond-rated restaurant — an elegant cigar lounge, a luxury spa and of course, their extensive summer concert series that brings some of the biggest names to the area. It’s like Vegas — just not 1,200 miles away. 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, Wash. • 877-871-6772 •

Two Rivers Casino Resort Located at the confluence of the Columbia and Spokane rivers near Davenport, Two Rivers is a marina, hotel, restaurant, amphitheater and casino — with plenty of Vegas-style video slots to keep you busy after the sun goes down on the rivers outside. If you need a break from the sun at the marina, camping and RV sites, the penny to $1 slots are sure to keep you entertained inside. The Sunshine Grill serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, alongside quicker snacks that won’t keep you from the gaming and outdoor activities. 6828 B Hwy. 25 South, Davenport, Wash. • 800-9542946 •




Ian Lindsey Miles at John’s Alley in Moscow. ALICIA CARLSON PHOTO

Live Music

Baby Bar

Baby Bar may be dingy and dark (it is a dive bar, after all), but none of that matters when you’re shimmying alongside youngish punks/hipsters/art types — the bar’s core demographic — to an upand-coming local act, snapping praise during weekly poetry nights or laughing ’til you cry during its open mic comedy shows. Plus, Neato Burrito is a stone’s throw away if you need to refuel between sets. 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 •

The Bartlett It’s been a year-and-a-half since the venue opened, and music fans are still smitten with the Bartlett, the creation of local musicians/married couple Caleb and Karli Ingersoll. That’s not surprising, given the venue’s all-ages-friendly calendar featuring everything from indie rock and hip-hop to folk and comedy, as well as events that put local talent in the spotlight, including open mic nights, poetry slams and the Round, an eclectic

festival (Bartfest) and solid happy hour offerings. 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 7472174 •

The Big Dipper The Big Dipper is the little venue that could. After the once-thriving local institution fell into disrepair, Dan and Dawson Hoerner took it under their wing, crowdfunding for a much-needed sprinkler system and — a rift among management aside — bringing the Big Dipper back to its former glory. Nowadays, you can catch a variety of local and touring acts, all while enjoying a drink from the full bar. Don’t worry, kids; the Big Dipper is all-ages. 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 •

night of the week. The beer selection is good, and you can entertain yourself with video games or ping-pong. 114 E. Sixth St., Moscow, Idaho • 208-883-7662 •

Jones Radiator

John’s Alley

Jones Radiator boasts 16 taps of craft beer, a menu that’s easy on the wallet… and no televisions. The venue also offers trivia (on Monday), open mics (Tuesday), Whiskey Wednesday, vinyl nights (Thursday), live music from local and touring acts (Friday and Saturday) and Nerd Night (Sunday). With so much to do, it’s no wonder that Jones Radiator has been the place where professionallooking folks down their after-office beers for years. 120 E. Sprague Ave. • 747-6005 •

The Moscow/Pullman area may not be the first place that comes to mind when it comes to catching a show, but John’s Alley, Moscow’s home for live music, has been giving music fans just over the border their fix for years with shows from local and touring acts almost every

Music fans young and old have flocked to the Knit for years due to its mix of local spotlight shows and gigs that bring big names to a big stage, but without the overwhelming arena feel. Those

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Knitting Factory

Clubs to check out up-and-coming acts shows, many of which are all-ages, couldn’t be more eclectic; everyone from Alice in Chains, ZZ Ward and Tech N9ne to ODESZA, Sleater-Kinney and Kidz Bop Live have graced the stage. 919 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 •

Also Try

Eichardt’s, Sandpoint; Ridler Piano Bar, Spokane

Lion’s Lair Located on the busy corner of Browne and Riverside, Lions Lair draws a diverse crowd with affordable drinks and eats. Want to dance and drink? Check out 50 Cent Wednesdays, with 50¢ drafts and electronic dance music all night. In the mood for hip-hop? Check out DJ Funk’s Back to the Old School on Fridays and Saturdays. For the ladies, beers are only $1 (wells are $2) on Thursdays. 205 W. Riverside Ave. • 456-5678 • facebook. com/lionslairspokane

Mirror Mirror at Mootsy’s in downtown Spokane.

Mootsy ’s Mootsy’s is Spokane’s quintessential rock club. The walls are covered in concert posters, the beer is cheap and the music is almost always loud. Shows are usually stacked with local acts, so you’re bound to hear something you like. But even if a show isn’t going on, swing on by for anything from a craft beer to a cocktail. 406 W. Sprague Ave. • 8381570

Nashville North Nashville North prides itself in being the only Nashville honky-tonk in the Inland Northwest, and though it’s only open Fridays and Saturdays from 6 pm to 1:30 am, the “Ville” packs a lot into those two nights. Dance lessons begin an hour after doors open, then at 9 pm, the music starts, usually a local favorite (like The Luke Jaxon Band) or the occasional national act. Stop by for the drink specials, too. 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls, Idaho • 208-457-9128 •

The Pin The latest venue to call this space home (following The A Club and Club 412), the Pin is T.C. Chavez’s newest live-music venture after the Hop! closed earlier this year. The Pin specializes in rock and heavy metal, from both touring and local acts, and also features electro and hip-hop events, most of which are all-

ages. Best of all, most shows won’t run you more than $10. 412 W. Sprague Ave. • 624-0746 •

Red Room Lounge There’s always something going on at the Red Room, be it a touring act (El Ten Eleven, Horse Feathers and Warren G have all stopped by), a DJ night or a weekly Unplugged open mic night, all of which maintain the venue’s fun, festive vibe and make use of one of the best in-house sound systems in town. FYI: its alcohol selection is so big, the bartender needs a ladder to reach everything. 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 • facebook. com/redroomloungespokane

Zola’s Zola’s is a nightlife triple threat, with a solid lunch and dinner menu, a sevenday-a-week Happy Hour and nearconstant live music offerings. The quirky and casual Zola’s features one-off shows from Pacific Northwest-based musicians in between residencies from local acts like the Nate Ostrander Trio and Bossame. Just remember; nothing calms workplace rage like listening to live music from a tilt-a-whirl booth. 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416 •

90 Bands | 8 Venues | 2 Nights JUNE 3 & 4 2016 • DOWNTOWN SPOKANE




In case you missed it in 2014, this wonderfully inappropriate, Tony Award-winning musical from the creators of South Park returns to Spokane. Jan. 26-31, INB Performing Arts Center,

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That’s the Ticket

We couldn’t limit ourselves to 10. Or 12. So here are the 19 shows you’ll want to see, hear and move to this year


Go back to the ’80s for a musical tour of the Los Angeles rock scene. Sept. 11-Oct. 10, The Modern Theater Coeur d’Alene,


It’s been 11 years since her most recent North American tour, but country crossover star Shania Twain is making up for it with her Rock This Country Tour. This time, she’s bringing Gavin DeGraw with her to warm up the crowd. Sept. 12, Spokane Arena,


You’ll have fun, fun, fun at this concert chock-full of favorite pop tunes by the band who brought us 50-plus years of hits. Sept. 30, Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox,


The relatively intimate indoor setting is an ideal way to bring home the unique groove of this celebrated alternative band. Oct. 1, INB Performing Arts Center,


The Spokane Symphony and singer Sheena Easton team up for this twist on some of the most popular 007 movie songs, spanning from For Your Eyes Only to The Spy Who Loved Me, Diamonds are Forever, and The World is Not Enough. Oct. 3, The Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox,

KATHY GRIFFIN Laugh it up with Grammy award-winning, My Life on the D-List star Kathy Griffin. Oct. 8, Northern Quest Resort & Casino, entertainment

THE NUTCRACKER CIRQUE MUSICA Seventy-five local dancers will join CRESCENDO State Street Ballet and the Spokane Symphony for this timeless ballet, a beloved holiday tradition. Dec. 3-6, Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox,

All the pageantry and physicality of a Cirque du Soleil performance combined with the majesty of symphonic music. April 30, Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox,

REALM OF FAMILY BEAUTY AND The Coeur d’Alene Symphony combines the unexpected: Tchaikovsky, THE BEAST RIVERDANCE

Celebrate the 20th anniversary of these extraordinary Irish dancers known for their passionate performances and contemporary spin on traditional Celtic music. Oct. 22-25, INB Performing Arts Center,


What they do with their bodies is simply mesmerizing in this electrifying, sensual dance extravaganza, which elevates storytelling through music and motion. Calling themselves “visual musicians,” Shaping Sound is the creation of four principal dancers fresh from Oxygen Network’s All the Right Moves. Oct. 30, INB Performing Arts Center,


Chill out with the children, who will love the Disney on Ice version of the animated movie featuring the adventures of Princess Elsa, Kristoff the iceman, Sven the reindeer and lovable Olaf the snowman. Nov. 4-8, Spokane Arena,

Debussy, and Mozart, as well as a witty monologue explaining orchestral music from Lake Wobegon’s Garrison Keillor. Jan. 22-23, Coeur d’Alene Symphony,

Beast meets girl, beast loses girl, beast turns into a prince. What’s not to love about this enduring classic? April 5-6, INB Performing Arts Center,



Sex and intrigue against a 1700s historical context combine in this dark drama popularized by the movie Dangerous Liaisons. Jan. 15-31, Spokane Civic Theatre,


If you liked the movie made famous by actor Leonardo DiCaprio, you’ll love this catchy musical comedy. Sept. 18-Oct. 18, Spokane Civic Theatre,


This high-energy musical brings to life the true story of the 1899 strike by courageous New York City newspaper delivery boys. Expect energetic ensemble numbers from the 2012 Tony Award winner for choreography and musical score. May 3-8, INB Performing Arts Center,


The Modern Theater’s Coeur d’Alene location ends its season on an up note with this rousing, 1930s boy-meetsgirl musical set aboard an ocean liner. June 3-26, The Modern Theater Coeur d’Alene, CARRIE SCOZZARO

Jugglers, acrobats, contortionists and uniquely colorful dramatic flair combine in a fast-paced, family-friendly event from China. Feb. 7, INB Performing Arts Center, ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



Puppy S Love Jazz collective Snarky Puppy spent 10 years shaping a popular sound before reaching the big time

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Snarky Puppy will perform in Spokane this November.

close to famous. Tell Your Friends, the title of the narky Puppy was never supposed to be this band’s 2010 album, sums up the members’ word-ofbig. The Grammy awards? The collaborative mouth approach to publicity, as well as their need music projects with international titans like for it. the Metropole Orkest? “We went almost a full decade losing money,” None of that ever seemed like it was in the says League. “If Snarky Puppy had started now in cards. New York City, and I asked 12 guys to get together “If I had any anticipation of it succeeding,” says and make a record for free, and then tour and get bassist and bandleader Michael League, “I wouldn’t paid $23 a day, no one would do it. But I started it have named it Snarky Puppy.” when we were all in college, and we were all broke League was still a student at the University anyway. The idea of going on tour was of North Texas when he founded the an end in itself. playfully named outfit in 2004. For SNARKY PUPPY • “And that’s the advantage of living a couple of years they booked small, NOV. 20, 7:30 PM • in obscurity for nine-and-a-half years. anonymous gigs at pizza joints and INB PERFORMING You can do whatever you want. There’s house parties, where their pan-culturARTS CENTER • $49no one in the press to say you’re selling al, funk-inflected jazz fusion was a hit $100 • INBPAC.COM • 800-325-7328 out or changing direction too quickly, with their peers. because no one in the press knows or Then they “kind of merged togethcares who you are… which was aweer with the Dallas soul and gospel and some.” R&B scene,” he explains, which might have marked In that time, Snarky Puppy was able to fashion Snarky Puppy’s transition into a collective — a cona self-directed sound through “unfiltered” interaccise way of saying that the band’s lineup is fluid. tion with its audience. Paradoxically, that lack of Members come and go, taking time off to pursue pressure could be why the band’s breakthrough was projects with the likes of Justin Timberlake, Erykah so explosive once it arrived. Badu or Snoop Dogg. The current count of Pups, “We have so many different kinds of music repas the tight-knit members of “The Fam” are affecresented: hip-hop, soul, R&B, jazz, gospel, Balkan, tionately called, is somewhere around 40; even its Cuban, Peruvian, Eastern European brass band,” most minimal form is a big band by most standards. says League. “We throw all this stuff together and “Seven guys is the smallest instrumentation Snarky we have a really good time playing. We’re a comPuppy can physically play with,” League says. position-based band that tries to be melodic, and Snarky Puppy wasn’t exactly unknown before that’s maybe why we reach fans that traditional or its 2014 Best R&B Performance Grammy win for more heady, complex jazz doesn’t reach.” “Something” from Family Dinner, Volume 1, but it E.J. IANNELLI would be a stretch to say the band was anything


Members of the Spokane String Quartet YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Music and Dance

Catch a performance, attend an event, or get involved with one of the area’s many music and dance ensembles

COEUR D’ALENE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA With more than 30 years of performing classical and popular pieces, the Coeur d’Alene Symphony Orchestra is one of the region’s leading arts organizations. The symphony’s 2015-16 lineup includes the Realm of Ice and Snow concert in December, the Realm of Family concert in January, and the Realm of Nature concert in May. 208-765-3833 •

CRESCENDO COMMUNITY CHORUS Crescendo Community Chorus gives children in grades 2-12 the opportunity

to develop their music skills and commitment to group process. Singers can participate in the Concert Choir, Preparatory Choir, Ensemble or Crescendo Cavaliers. Students are accepted into the choirs based on an audition and a personal interview. 1403 W. Courtland Ave. • 714-0555 •

FESTIVAL DANCE AND PERFORMING ARTS ASSOCIATION Part of the University of Idaho, Festival Dance reaches communities within north-central Idaho and Eastern Washington by both hosting performances and teaching dance. On the docket for

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their performance series are Sleeping Beauty on Oct. 11, Flamenco Vivo on Nov. 13, and Joy to the World on Dec. 5. 208-883-3267 •

HOLY NAMES MUSIC CENTER This nonprofit music center recognizes the importance of music in our individual lives, as well as the cultural and economic well-being of the community. That’s why Holy Names Music Center teaches music all ages, abilities, and income levels through private lessons, summer camps, and special programs. 3910 W. Custer Dr. • 326-9516 • hnmc. org

INLAND EMPIRE BLUES SOCIETY Dedicated to their favorite music, the Inland Empire Blues Society is a nonprofit organization that seeks to support, preserve, and promote blues music through concerts, festivals, and social events. Check out Blues Boogies every second Thursday of the month at Bolo’s Bar and Grill in Spokane Valley. 534-8185 •

INLAND NORTHWEST DANCE ASSOCIATION This nonprofit organization is made up of dance instructors, studio owners, and dance educators who come together to

SPOKANE AREA YOUTH CHOIRS Founded in 1987, this choir organization serves singers ages 7 to 18. In addition to weekly rehearsals, choir members also have the opportunity to perform in the group’s annual concert series, as well as in various performances with regional and local artists. 411 S. Washington St. • 624-7992 •

SPOKANE FOLKLORE SOCIETY This nonprofit organization is dedicated to folkloric arts, specifically music and dance. One of their main activities is contra dancing, a dance specific to the New England region. Throughout the year, the Spokane Folklore Society hosts several contra dancing events. Catch their main event, the Fall Folk Festival on Nov. 14-15, to watch dancing and hear folk music from all over the world. 7472640 •

SPOKANE JAZZ ORCHESTRA The oldest community-supported big band in America, the Spokane Jazz Orchestra brings both performances and jazz music education to the Inland Northwest. They host four annual concerts, all with guests headlining performers. 838-2671 • promote the art of dance throughout the Inland Northwest. They offer master classes taught by visiting Broadway performers and host DanceFest, a dance festival that showcases all types of dance. 927-0972 •

NORTHWEST SACRED MUSIC CHORALE The chorale performs sacred, classical, and secular pieces and exists to promote the highest standards in choral performance. The group also hosts a Young Artist Competition, where young artists have the chance to win a scholarship and perform at a concert. Coeur d’Alene • 208-446-2333 •

OPERA COEUR D’ALENE Originated in 2000, Opera Coeur d’Alene seeks to bring great artists and music to the Inland Northwest. In November 2015, they will be performing La Bohème. During the summer, catch a performance while cruising the lake during their seasonal series Opera on the Lake. Coeur d’Alene • 800-418-1485, ext. 1 •

SPOKANE STRING QUARTET Presented by the Spokane Chamber Music Association, the quartet includes two violins, a viola, and cello that come together to play a regular concert series featuring local composers and music from the Moldenhauer Archives. Performances are at the Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. • 998-2261 •

SPOKANE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The 70-piece professional orchestra is committed to great music, excellence and innovation, and education. During the 2016 season, the symphony will perform a variety of concerts including Russian Adventures, American Wonders, and two Symphonic Films at the Fox. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. • 624-1200 •



2015 20 15


Renaissance “Where Chivalry Comes Alive!”

October 3rd & 4th 2015 5906 E Woolard Rd

Lazy K Ranch Benef itting

Faire aire F First Friday at Barrister Winery.

Art Walks

Stroll through the cities of the Inland Northwest and enjoy different media from local artists First Friday On the first Friday of every month, except for the “Visual Arts Tour” in February and October, art galleries and some select businesses come together to offer the public the chance to view various forms of art. Each month, more than 25 venues participate in First Friday and feature new artists that specialize in a variety of media. Check out their website for an interactive map for locations and a description of who will be featured that month. Downtown Spokane • 456-0580 • first-friday

Moscow Artwalk Since its origin in 2004, the Moscow Artwalk has grown to be an annual tradition, typically during the second week of June. The artwalk invites more than 120 artists to feature their art at around 70 different businesses throughout the city. In addition to the art displays, look for live craft demonstrations, live music, and food. Moscow, Idaho • 208-883-7036 •

Pullman Artwalk Sponsored by the Museum of Art at Washington State University, the Pullman Artwalk is a great opportunity for community members and art

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lovers to come together to celebrate and view works by different regional artists. The event is spread among various locations throughout Pullman and art ranges from photography to paintings to mixed media. Pullman, Wash. • 334-3565 • pullmanchamber. com/events

Sandpoint Artwalk An annual summer tradition in Sandpoint, ArtWalk features local art throughout different venues in the downtown core. Local galleries and businesses team up with the Pend Oreille Arts Council to display exhibits from June through September. On display will be an array of mediums including paintings, sculptures, ceramics, photography, and many more. Downtown Sandpoint • 208-263-6139 •

Second Friday Artwalk Every second Friday of the month from April to December, downtown Coeur D’Alene features local and nationally recognized artists at its galleries, restaurants, shops, and businesses. This family-friendly event allows you to stroll through downtown streets and is free for all. Downtown Coeur D’Alene • 208-292-1629 •



Angel Gallery of Fine Arts & Antiques

The works displayed here come from nearly every medium and are hard to find anyplace else, making it a North Idaho gem and a great place to stop during Coeur d’Alene’s monthly downtown art walk. 423 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-665-7232 •

Artisans at the Dahmen Barn Out on the beautiful Palouse, a 1930s barn provides this studio space for artists to create, show and sell their work. Visitors can learn and observe the artisans’ creative processes and even take classes. Their big events include a brand-new summer concert series, art demonstrations, a summer tea, a fall festival and a holiday gala. 419 N. Park Way Uniontown, Wash. • 229-3414

Art Association Gallery at Frame of Mind Even though it’s a frame shop, Frame of Mind features a gallery for the Coeur d’Alene Art Association. The community art club has a selection of paintings on display and participates in Second Friday art walks. 119 N. Second St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-676-9132

while you’re there. 214 N. First Ave. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-2642

Bank Left Gallery Not only does Bank Left have a large selection of fine art from almost every medium, you can also pair your gallery visit with some delicious nourishment from their French-style bistro tearoom. Gourmet drinking chocolates and lavender crème brûlée, anyone? 100 S. Bridge St. Palouse, Wash. • 878-8425

Blackwell Gallery One of the newer galleries in Coeur d’Alene, the Blackwell opened their modern and contemporary art space in 2012. You’ll find vibrant abstract and figurative painting, glass sculpture, metal sculpture and wood craftsmanship. 205 Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-699-2116

Brick Wall Photographic Gallery

Art Spirit Gallery

Perched on the skywalk in the Bennett Block downtown, this all-photography gallery features a new photographer each month. Pieces from the current photographer, as well as past ones, can be found and bought on the gallery’s website. 530 W. Main Ave., Skywalk Level • 928-7721

Every month, the walls in North Idaho’s preeminent art gallery, Art Spirit, are repainted and a new show of original work goes up. The opening receptions — usually held every second Friday of the month — are a great opportunity to meet the artists and experience new art in a beautiful space with your friends. 415 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-765-6006

Professional wildlife photographer Jerry L. Ferrara has been capturing animals in their natural homes for 38 years, and has had his images published both nationally and internationally. At his gallery, you can view his fine art wildlife prints, both past work and current projects. 300 N. First Ave. Sandpoint, Idaho

Art Works Gallery The local artists shown at Art Works own and operate this cooperative gallery, which includes stained glass, ceramics, jewelry, photography and paintings. The artists’ work shifts at the gallery, so be sure to ask them about their pieces

Find art that moves you

Cedar Glen Gallery

Chase Gallery City council meetings are one reason to make your way to City Hall; the Chase Gallery is another. Adjacent to the City Council Chambers, you’ll find artworks ranging from contemporary to traditional. The gallery is open from 8 am to

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One-of-a-kind sculptures are on display at Coeur d’Alene’s Art Spirit. 5 pm on weekdays and in the evening during Monday meetings. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • 321-9614

ClearStory Gallery The ClearStory Gallery has an evident goal of connecting people to God through art. Housed in Life Center Foursquare Church, the gallery’s fine art pieces evoke spirituality and serve to invite an ongoing dialogue with the community at large. 1202 N. Government Way • 327-4422

Coeur d´Alene Galleries Coeur d’Alene Galleries has been showcasing Western, wildlife and sporting art in the lobby of the Coeur d’Alene Resort since 1986, but only recently moved to their own, bigger location in the heart of downtown. Be sure to stop by during art walks on the second Friday of every month. 213 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-667-7732

Denise Oliver Gallery This lakeside gallery sits near the shores of Lake Coeur d’Alene in Harrison, and displays an eclectic mix of pieces, from glasswork to handcrafted jewelry to acrylic paintings. Be sure to stop by in the warmer months; the gallery is only open seasonally from May to October. 200 S. Coeur d’Alene Ave. Harrison, Idaho • 208-689-9076

Dodson’s Jewelers Amid displays of elegant jewelry, Dodson’s showcases fine art on almost every wall and in a gallery space at the


back of the store. A showroom on their second floor exclusively displays art. It has a little bit of every medium: oils, acrylic, watercolor, metalwork, fiber and more. 516 W. Riverside Ave.

East Sprague Art Gallery This gallery likes to swap out art often to give visitors fresh views and let more artists show off their work; as such, they select and feature a different artist each month. Every Sunday this gallery hosts open figure-drawing studio sessions; all abilities are welcome to join. 1812 E. Sprague Ave. • 202-0850

Entree Gallery Located on national forestland west of beautiful Priest Lake, you’ll find contemporary fine art on display from May to mid-October. During their open season, the gallery has monthly feature shows and artist receptions, and you can get involved in their classes and demonstrations. 1755 Reeder Bay Rd. Nordman, Idaho • 208-443-2001

Essential Glass Works Art Gallery & Fine Gifts Essential Glass Works Art Gallery & Fine Gifts prides itself on bringing top national artists to the Palouse. As such, they bring in artwork and other items from great American artists weekly. Need a sweet treat? Visit the Chocolat Bar, where you can indulge in handcrafted chocolates. 203 S. Main St. Moscow, Idaho • 208-571-5654


Find everything you love at


Galleries, continued...

EWU Gallery of Art

EWU’s gallery gives students a firsthand experience with artwork and what goes into being a successful visual artist. Exhibitions happen quarterly, often paired with artist talks. Toward the end of the year, BFA students show their own work. Art Department, 140 Art Bldg. Cheney, Wash. • 359-2494

Gallery Northwest A co-op located a few blocks east of Lake Coeur d’Alene, Gallery Northwest displays and sells home furnishings, gallery items and other handcrafted items. Everything is made by the ownermembers who run the store, as well as more than 20 other artisans from Idaho, Washington and Montana. 217 Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-5700

Gellhorn Gallery at the Modern Theater Spokane Of course you can see wonderful plays at Interplayers Theatre, but during box office hours and showtimes you can also browse the Gellhorn Gallery. Featuring a new artist each month, the gallery has pieces varying from abstract acrylic to watercolor to pretty much anything else. 174 S. Howard St. . • 455-7529

Groove Studio This high-ceilinged space with lots of windows houses work from local artists and craftsmen, including stained glass, paintings, wood sculptures and handmade jewelry. With more than 1,600 square feet filled with art, you’re bound to find something that strikes your fancy. 7169 Main St. Bonners Ferry, Idaho •

Hallans Gallery The late Ross Hall photographed the Northwest incessantly during his 50year career. His remarkable collection of about 60,000 black-and-white photographs are on display at the Hallans Gallery alongside work from his late wife, Hazel, and his son Dann, who runs the gallery. 323 N. First St. Sandpoint, Idaho

Ink to Media Ink to Media is a graphic design and printing studio that specializes in fine art reproduction. They represent more than

The Lied Center at Whitworth University. 50 artists, several of whom show their work at the studio’s gallery. New shows occur sporadically, but you can also find their art bus — a mobile exhibit with various abstract, watercolor or photography pieces — at big events like Valleyfest. 101 N. University Rd. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 863-9125

Kolva-Sullivan Gallery This gallery shares an adjoining space with Trackside Studio in a historic warehouse space. Revolving shows feature handcrafted pottery, paintings, installations and performance art, and it’s a great spot to spend your First Friday. 115 S. Adams St. • 458-5517

Kress Gallery Named to commemorate the historic Kress Building, this 2,650-square-foot room displays revolving collections of art from local schools and colleges. The gallery is also a multi-use space that can be rented for community, nonprofit, professional and select private gatherings. River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave., Third Level • 456-3413

Lied Center for the Arts at Whitworth University

Sometimes featuring established artists, sometimes displaying student work, the Bryan Oliver Gallery is usually filled with ceramics, sculpture, drawing, mixed media, photography or printmaking throughout the year. The rest of the Lied building is sprinkled with student

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artwork and works in progress. 300 W. Hawthorne Rd. • 777-1000

Lisa V Maus Fine Art Studio Lisa studied winemaking in France at a young age and was on track to be a winemaker, but after seeing Monet’s paintings, she fell in love with art. She creates vivid outdoor scenes, including many vineyard pieces, by mixing the oil paint colors right on the canvas. 109 Main St. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-6102737

Manic Moon & More Not only does this artisan emporium have paintings, ceramics, scuptures, mosaics and metal art, it also sells artto-wear fashion and hosts workshops. Manic Moon, which was founded in 2012, showcases more than 30 local artists, all with colorful, whimsical designs. 1007 W. Augusta Ave. • 413-9101

Marmot Art Space Mamort Art Space is the white-box gallery located in Spokane’s ever-so-trendy Kendall Yards. It’s an intimate, minimalist space, designed to allow the art to dominate the gallery. Look for emerging and established artists showing here, and the occasional party that spills out into the self-named MarmotBoy Alley. 1206 W. Summit Pkwy. • 270-5804

Outskirts Gallery Situated on the northeastern shore of Lake Pend Oreille, Outskirts Gallery fea-

tures 35 artists’ work, including plenty of plein-air pieces inspired by the beauty of the area. While you’re there, sip on an espresso or enjoy soups, sandwiches and desserts from the gallery café. 620 Wellington Pl. Hope, Idaho • 208-2645696

Pacific Flyway Gallery It’s both a full-service art gallery and a custom framing shop that’s been in business for almost 30 years. You’ll find frameable pieces from regional and national artists like oil paintings, watercolors and pastels, but there are also 3-D pieces including woodcarvings, bronze and pottery. 409 S. Dishman Mica Rd. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 747-0812

Painter’s Chair Fine Art Gallery Painter’s Chair caters to serious collectors with professional art consultants who can arrange private viewings, bring works of art to your home or office and do installation. Their collection includes paintings, sculptures and glasswork from nationally esteemed contemporary artists. 223 Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-667-3606

Pend Oreille Arts Council Gallery The POAC gallery started two summers ago in the arts council’s downtown building. The gallery houses a new show every five or six weeks during the year, usually with multimedia pieces from both aspiring and experienced artists.

302 N. First Ave. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-6139

Pottery Place Plus Just as the name indicates, Pottery Place Plus — located in the historic Liberty Building with Auntie’s Bookstore — has much more than just pottery. The artists who own and operate the shop also create metal, fiber and glasswork. 203 N. Washington St. • 327-6920

Prichard Art Gallery at the University of Idaho The Prichard Art Gallery serves both the university and Moscow community by hosting about 10 exhibitions each year. The exhibits, ranging from sculpture and painting to digital art and installation pieces, are usually accompanied by lectures and panel discussions. 875 Perimeter Dr. Moscow, Idaho • 208-8856111

Saranac Art Projects This nonprofit cooperative brings together Inland Northwest artists to support and educate each other and the community. The space, filled with an assortment of pieces, provides a place for artists to network with each other and to have their work seen. 25 W. Main Ave

SFCC Fine Arts Gallery By bringing in regional, national and international artists, SFCC’s fine arts gallery educates and inspires both its students and the public. Exhibitions of various media and the accompanying lectures are always free and open to the community. 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr, Building 6 • 533-3710

Studio 107 Not only does Studio 107 have fine art — oils, watercolors and acrylics — from Northwest artists, it also has jewelry, and serves wine and beer as well as tapas from Scratch Restaurant. The studio stays open late every second Friday of the month for Artwalk so visitors can meet the featured artist. 503 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208664-1201

The Jacklin Arts and Cultural Center This arts center in Post Falls, housed within a building on the National Regis-

ter of Historic Places, regularly displays local, national and international artists in its gallery. The JACC also serves as a hub for musical and theatrical performances, as well as culinary instruction and arts education. 405 N. William St. Post Falls, Idaho • 208-457-8950

Third Street Gallery If you find yourself inside Moscow’s historic City Hall building, be sure to take a peek at the upstairs Third Street Gallery. It stays stocked with rotating displays of work from both local and regional artists. City Hall, 206 E. Third St. Moscow, Idaho • 208-883-7036


Teaching Spokane Since 1998

Tinman Gallery Tinman Art Gallery consistently features the works of some of the Northwest’s most beloved artists like Sheila Evans, Ruben Trejo and Harold Balazs, along with an emphasis on Native American works, including the celebrated George Flett. 811 W. Garland Ave. • 325-1500

Trackside Studio Both a gallery and a working ceramic studio, Trackside’s home is in the historic warehouse district of Spokane. Studio owners and artists Chris Kelsey and Mark Moore display their work, sometimes along with other local artists, focusing on sculptural and functional ceramics. 115 S. Adams St. • 863-9904

Spokane poTTerS

Ward Tollbom’s Hen’s Tooth Studio At this gallery and frame shop (open Monday through Saturday) you’ll find local photography alongside watercolors and wildlife art. And if you need hunting or fishing advice, just ask Ward. He can tell you where to go to see a moose and find a good huckleberry patch, too. 323 N. First Ave. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-3665 •

William Grant Gallery and Framing Part framing shop and part art gallery, William Grant has a wide selection of custom framing options including shadowboxes, matboards and thousands of moldings. The gallery shows a variety of posters and originals from several artists. 1188 West Summit Pkwy. • 4843535

April 11th - 17th

2016 Get Lit! Festival authors: New York Times bestseller GARTH STEIN - The Art of Racing in the Rain Pulitzer Prize winner PAUL HARDING - Tinkers Acclaimed poet and playwright CORNELIUS EADY ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



A Year in Film Festivals

From local shorts to international features, there’s a show for every crowd Get stoked for the cold with the Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcountry Film Festival on Dec. 4.


What it’s about


Date & Location

Get Info

Oct. 2 at the Salvation Army Kroc Center, Coeur d’Alene; Oct. 3 at the Panida Theatre, Sandpoint


Radical Reels is a traveling presentation of some of the best high-adrenaline short films that have been entered into the Banff Mountain Film & Book Festival each year. It’s smaller than the Banff World Tour, but packed with action.

$14 all shows


Each year, a selection of the world’s best mountain films premiere at the annual Banff Mountain Film Festival and travel to 40 countries, reaching more than 390,000 people at more than 840 screenings. Mountain Gear and Mountain Fever are each hosting screenings all around the Inland Northwest. Check out the Banff website for locations and details.

Spokane: $17 a night or $45 for a three-day pass; Coeur d’Alene & Sandpoint: $15 all shows


This festival is a great way to get stoked for ski season. It premieres in Boise and travels to more than 100 cities worldwide in the winter. The screenings help nonprofit groups in each city raise money for their efforts to protect opportunities for human-powered winter recreation and spread the word about backcountry skiing and snowshoeing.

$10 general admission, $20 donation ticket

Dec. 4 at the Panida Theater, Sandpoint


There’s no better way to get into the holiday spirit than to spend a day binge-watching some of Bing Crosby’s classic films. This will the 10th year that the Bing Crosby Theater has hosted a holiday film celebration to honor its namesake.

$8 (cash or check only), under 12 free

Dec. 12 at the Bing Crosby Theater


First Night Spokane and digital studio North by Northwest have teamed up to revamp and rename the 48 Hour Film Festival. Now it’s Reel 2 Real, a month-long short film contest open to anyone who is interested in creating short films. The winning film will be screened at the annual First Night New Year’s Eve arts celebration in Spokane.


Dec. 31, venue TBA


Presented by EWU and the Contemporary Arts Alliance of Spokane, SpIFF is a selective showing of recent films from across the globe that have not yet been released commercially. Many of them hail from renowned film festivals, including Cannes, Toronto and New York. The filmmakers and actors frequently attend SpIFF to discuss their films with the audiences.


Jan. 29-Feb. 6 at multiple locations around Spokane (check the website for a schedule)


This festival brings award-winning films from around the world to Spokane. The showings are largely funded by student clubs at SFCC, with each weekly film typically originating from a different country.

$5 each show

Tuesday evenings in April and May at the Garland Theater

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Nov. 20-22 at the Bing Crosby Theater, Spokane; Jan. 21-23 at the Panida Theatre, Sandpoint; Jan. 24-26 at the Salvation Army Kroc Center, CdA mountainfestival

E! R O M H C & MU

inb performing arTs cenTer

Included In season tIcket packages:

ocTober 22 - 25

december 3 - 6

January 26 - 31*

marcH 24 - 27

SpecialS • These engagements may be purchased in addition to season ticket packages:

fri., ocT. 30 - 7:30 pm

sunday, sepTember 13

saT., nov. 14pm- 7:30 pm 1:00

may 3 - 8 *

* Single ticket on-sale date for the book of MorMon and newsIes TBD. Please visit for details.

"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" animated television special adapted from a story by Robert L. May and the song by Johnny Marks, music and lyrics by Johnny Marks. All elements © and ™ under license to Character Arts, LLC

Tues., nov. 17 - 7:00 pm

fri., nov. 20 - 7:30 pm

Live On Stage! NETworks presents

sun., nov. 22 6:30 pm

fri., dec. 11 7:30 pm

1. ONLINE: 2. PHONE: 800.843.4667

sun., feb. 7 1:00 pm


one evening, years in THe making...

february 13 - 14

april 5 - 6

3. IN-PERSON: TickeTsWesT box office 720 W. Mallon Ave., Spokane Hours: Mon. - Fri., 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

2015-2016 SpokAnE SpEAkEr SEriES inB pErforming ArTS CEnTEr


nOWaLE !

Tues, Nov 3, 2015

The Search for Life Beyond Earth aSTrOBiOLOgiST

7:00 PM

On the Trail of Big Cats

steVe Winter

GuillerMo abraMson

7:00 PM

Tues, Feb 9, 2016

Kevin Hand

TigErS, COugarS, and SnOW LEOpardS pHOTOgrapHEr

Steve Winter

Tues, Mar 8, 2016

Tues, aPr 19, 2016

7:00 PM

7:00 PM


saMuel crossley

Vincent J. Musi

Where the Wild Things Live

700 MiLES Of pain and gLOry CLiMBEr and fiLMMaKEr


Vincent J. Musi

Cedar Wright

Vincent J. Musi • 800.325.SEAT



Best of Broadway

It’s called the Best of Broadway for a reason — this theater series brings all the greatest broadway shows to Spokane, convenient for all resident broadway aficionados. This season brings a range of shows, from the Tony awardwinning and critically beloved The Book

of Mormon, to a one-night show with TV stars Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters. Also included: two great Disney musicals (Newsies, Beauty and the Beast) and 42nd Street. INB Performing Arts Center 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. •

Boeing Boeing at the Modern Theater in Spokane DAN BAUMER PHOTO

Plenty of quality options for thespians and their audiences

Blue Door Theatre

Spokane’s home for improv comedy lies at the Blue Door. Improve (or make) improv skills in classes for youth, teen and adults, go to performances on Friday and Saturday nights or even participate in an improv lab on every first Tuesday. Make sure to check their website before

you bring along the kids — not all the shows could be considered Rated G. 815 W. Garland Ave. • 747-7045 •

Coeur d’Alene Summer Theater Coeur d’Alene Summer Theater is Idaho’s oldest performing arts organiza-

The Inlander’s Top 5 events for the weekend - delivered to your inbox every Friday

3915 E Francis, Bldg B, Ste 4 Spokane, WA • 509 202-8014 152 | T H E I N L A N D E R A N N U A L M A N U A L 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6


Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop & Acro


tion and one of the few groups to bring Broadway musicals to the panhandle. Coming up for the 2016 season, you’ll be able to catch three shows: Peter and the Starcatcher, The Little Mermaid and Music Man (shows subject to change). 208-660-2958 • cdasummertheatre. com

Gonzaga University Theater Department Between dance concerts, Broadway productions and senior projects, the Gonzaga theatre department constantly fills their Magnuson Theatre with artistic activity. 502 E. Boone Ave., College Hall #432 • 313-6553 •

Christian Youth Theater Christian Youth Theatre in Spokane and North Idaho has options for the spectators and aspiring actors: you can take classes and perform in shows during the school year as well as participate in a number of camps over the summer. Audience members can buy tickets for shows shown in Spokane and North Idaho theaters throughout the year. 827 W. First Ave. • 487-6540 • cytspokane. com | 208-762-9373 • cytnorthidaho. org/homepage

Ignite! Community Theater This community theater lives up to its name — Ignite! is all about getting the community involved with every part of putting on a show. The 2015-16 season includes Play On!, How the Other Half Loves, and Around the World in 80 Days. In addition to performances, they host the annual Playwrights Festival Showcase, giving writers in Spokane a chance to get their work onstage. 10814 E. Broadway Ave. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 795-0004 •

Liberty Lake Community Theatre

Sixth Street Theater and Melodrama

This community theater prides itself on involving the whole community — especially all-ages. It showcases musicals, readers’ theaters, improv and shows throughout the year. 22910 E. Appleway Ave., Ste. 1 Liberty Lake, Wash. • 3422055 •

This Wallace, Idaho, theater may have started as a summer theater, but now productions make the stage year-round. November’s Curtain Call: A Vaudeville Revue is a collection of skits, songs and wit from 32 years of Sixth Street’s Kelly’s Alley Revues. Shadowlands, which opens in February, tells the love story of author C.S. Lewis and poet Joy Davidman. 212 Sixth St. Wallace, Idaho • 208752-8871 •

The Modern Theater Interplayers Professional Theater (Spokane) and Lake City Playhouse (Coeur d’Alene) merged in late 2014 to become The Modern Theater, with a location in both towns. The 2015-16 season, which they identify as their 55th, includes a wide range of dramas to comedies, unknowns to award-winners: Other Desert Cities, All My Sons, Anything Goes, Maybe Baby and Man of La Mancha are just a sampling of the 14 shows in the season. 174 S. Howard St. • 455-7529 • | 208-676-7529 •

Moscow Art Theatre (Too) The Moscow Art Theatre (Too) opened in 2011 inside an old grain silo. Since then, they’ve upgraded to the Kenworthy Performing Arts Center in downtown Moscow. The four show 2015-16 season includes a one-man adaptation of The Iliad and the classic Macbeth in the summer (subject to change). The Kenworthy Performing Arts Center, 508 S. Main St. Moscow, Idaho • 208-9181882 •

Pend Oreille Playhouse The playhouse strives to offer opportunities for everyone to learn and perform. The 2015-16 season includes A Christmas Carol, Aladdin, Jr and Clue, the Musical. 236 S. Union Ave. Newport, Wash. • 447-9900 •

StageWest Community Theatre

Spokane Children’s Theatre Priding itself as one of few completely indepedently sponsored community children’s theaters, Spokane Children’s Theatre is having their 70th season including shows like The Wizard of Oz, Treasure Island, and Charlotte’s Web. 2727 N. Madelia St., Suite 5 • 328-4886 •

Spokane Civic Theatre The Civic Theatre has won many a “best of” award for its outstanding productions through the years. This season will probably follow this precedent: Catch Me If You Can, the Musical, White Christmas, Les Liasons Dangereuses, Little Women, The Fox on the Fairway and Ghost the Musical are all showing. 1020 N. Howard St. • 325-2507 •

Stage Left Theater

This year, StageWest Community Theatre is showing Anne of Green Gables, a radio theatre rendition of Miracle on 34th Street, and Getting Sara Married. The second saturday of every show is Dinner Theatre — where you can enjoy dinner and a show in one sitting! Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 639 Elm St. Cheney, Wash. • 235-2441 • stagewestct. org/

University of Idaho Department of Theater Arts Along with full productions staged each year, the theater department puts on the Festival of One-Act Plays with premieres of student-written and directed plays. Other events include the 10 Minute Play Festival, White Tie Improv and summer shows by the Idaho Repertory Theatre. 6th and Rayburn, Shoup Hall, 2nd Floor Moscow, Idaho • 208-8856465 •

Whitworth University Theatre Department The Whitworth University Theatre Department features two annual mainstage productions, a festival of short plays, a musical every other year, as well as solo, dance and touring theatre performances year-round. 300 W. Hawthorne Rd., Cowles Auditorium • 777-3707 • Department/Theatre

Retired physicist Bob Nelson wanted to bring offbeat, politically edgy plays to Spokane, so he started up Stage Left Theater in 2013. In a small space downtown that seats 80, Nelson lets small groups perform without too many rules and sneaks in some performances himself, too. 108 W. Third Ave. • 838-9727 •


Live Improvised Tickets Comedy Shows: $7

Fridays at 8pm

First Friday at 10pm

(General Audiences)

(Mature Audiences)


Improv Classes for Adults & Teens.

Available for Private and Corporate Shows and Wo rkshops

Saturdays at 9pm Last Friday at 10pm (Mature Audiences)

(Mature Audiences)

815 W. Garland Ave • Spokane


153 FeelGoodINk_090115_AnnMan_8th_BA.ti ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |

Dates SAVE THE Fall


Oct 2—4, 2015



April 22—24, 2016



Nov 20 —22, 2015



March 4—6, 2016




Feb 25—28, 2016 ALL E VENTS AT THE SPOK ANE FAIR & E XPO CENTER 509.924.0588


Learn more about the history of the region, the people and animals that live here, and the art that is made here APPALOOSA MUSEUM & HERITAGE CENTER Go on a self-led exploration through a theater, library, and exhibits all about the Appaloosa horse. Discover the relationship between the spotted creature and the Nez Perce Indians, as well as check out the modern-day Appaloosa Horse Club. 2720 W. Pullman Rd., Moscow, Idaho • 208-882-5578 • Free or by donation

JAPANESE CULTURAL CENTER Explore Japanese culture through books, newspapers, videos, and displays throughout the center at the Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute. Also the American campus for for Mukogawa Women’s University in Japan, the cultural center works to reach both international and regional audiences and promotes global friendship and peace. 4000 W. Randolph Rd. • 328-2971

JUNDT ART MUSEUM Located on Gonzaga University’s campus, this art museum features traveling exhibits as well as the university’s

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growing collection. The collection includes a permanent glass installation by Dale Chihuly, famous prints, paintings, tapestries, and more. For the 2015-16 season, the museum will feature Jesuits in the Arts Series: Visual Arts and Fifty Masterworks from the museum’s print collection. 502 E. Boone Ave. • 313-6843

MOBIUS KIDS CHILDREN’S MUSEUM Mobius Kids is celebrating 10 years of bringing hands-on science, art and culture activities to Spokane kiddos. Stop by the convenient River Park Square location and spend an afternoon making crafts, playing with critters, learning about the ecosystem and romping through the Enchanted Forest. Riverpark Square, 808 W. Main Ave. • 321-7121

MOBIUS SCIENCE CENTER The Mobius Science Center has reopened at its new (yet temporary) location in the Spokane Public Library downtown, but be sure to check out their spiffy future (permanent) location in the Post Street Annex of the


SEP 18 - OCT 18, 2015

NOV 20 - DEC 19, 2015

Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture in Spokane’s Browne’s Addition. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO Washington Water Power building downtown in late 2015. But no matter where they’re located, they’re always happy to bring the science to you with their outreach programs, like planetarium shows, dissection workshops and chemistry shows for small groups. 906 W. Main Ave. • 321-7133

NORTHWEST MUSEUM OF ARTS AND CULTURE Art and regional history come together at Spokane’s most renowned museum. You’ll find both long-term and rotating exhibits in the MAC’s five galleries. Exhibits on display through 2016 include the 100 Stories exhibit, work from the Saranac Art Project and Spokane Watercolor Society, and a LEGO sculpture series by artist Sean Kenney. 2316 W. First Ave. • 456-3931

PALOUSE DISCOVERY SCIENCE CENTER The Palouse Discovery Science Center offers 11,200 square feet of exhibits and hands-on science activities for all ages. Bring the whole family to a Family Science Saturday event and learn about things like radio waves or zoospores. Or better yet, sign the kids up for a daily lesson or a summer camp to learn about robots, animals or kitchen chemistry while you attend one of the museum’s science pubs — informal discussions about a variety science topics at Paradise Creek Brewery. 950 NE Nelson Ct., Pullman, Wash. • 332-6869

SPOKANE LAW ENFORCEMENT MUSEUM The museum, which shut its doors at its First Avenue location in April 2015, is looking for a new space to call home. In the meantime, museum-goers can find an amazing display of law enforcement memorabilia at the Spokane Law Enforcement Credit Union and in the lobby of the Public Safety Department. Also enjoy a “Hallways of History” tour throughout the police department and sheriff’s office hallways. 924 W. Sinto Ave. and 1100 W. Mallon • 625-3352

SPOKANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSEUM This museum’s mission is to collect, preserve, and exhibit the history and culture of the Spokane Valley. Starting in September 2015, check out the new exhibit A View of the Valley: 150 Years of Heritage. 12114 E. Sprague Ave. Valley • 922-4570 •

WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF ART Located in the Fine Arts Building on the university’s campus, the Museum of Art brings in extraordinary exhibits from esteemed artists. Coming up in the 201516 season, the museum will display Jim Dine: A Life in Printmaking and the Greg Kucera and Larry Yocom Collection. At the end of the season, look for exhibits and works of various mediums from the university’s MFA graduate students. Fine Art Center on Wilson Rd., Pullman, Wash. • 335-1910

JAN 15 - 31, 2016

FEB 26 - MAR 20, 2016

APR 8 - 30, 2016


OCT 16 - NOV 15, 2015

JAN 29 - FEB 21, 2016

MAR 18 - APR 10, 2016

APR 29 – MAY 22, 2016 2015-16 SEASON SPONSOR




Local Literary Journals

A sample of some of the region’s best writing

and poems that focus on the the challenges faced by students new and old, traditional and nontraditional, in adjusting to the cultural climate of college. Published every spring. Find it on Gonzaga Bulletin stands or contact Student Publications at 313-5865. Cost: free

REFLECTION Published in various forms since 1960, Reflection is Gonzaga’s journal of art and literature. It includes poetry, short fiction, photography and artwork of students, faculty, staff and alumni, with a sprinkling of art and written works from some of the first editions of the journal. Published fall and spring. Find it on Gonzaga Bulletin stands or contact Student Publications at 313-5865. Cost: free.





Gonzaga University’s nonfiction journal of scholarship and opinion focuses on a new theme each year. Previous themes have included being human in the technological age, the American dream, class, celebrity, Catholicism, and sports and society. Published every spring. Find it on Gonzaga Bulletin stands or contact Student Publications at 3135865. Cost: free

Social activist Desmond Tutu was inspired to accept Gonzaga’s invitation to speak at its 2012 senior commencement ceremony after reading a copy of One World. The journal publishes students’ explorations of local, national and global social justice issues in the form of poetry, short stories, photography and profiles and interviews with social justice leaders. It seeks to educate readers about the diverse aspects of the world’s cultures and promote unity by emphasizing the infinite value of the human person. Published every spring. Find it on Gonzaga Bulletin stands or contact Student Publications at 3135865. Cost: free

LEGENDS Spokane Community College’s studentrun journal is produced by students in the Literary Magazine Production and Advanced Literary Magazine Production course and members of the Legends club on campus. Spring 2016 will bring the publication’s 29th edition, which will include a campus competition for submissions. Published every spring. Find copies at various locations around campus or visit the Legends Office in Building 1, Room 234E. Cost: free

OUR VOICES Gonzaga students, faculty, staff and alumni share their experiences and struggles within the campus community in this literary journal. It includes thought-provoking firsthand accounts

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Founded in 2010, Riverlit publishes a wide variety of written works and visual art. Though it accepts submissions from all over the world, it focuses on Spokane’s finest talent, which has included works from accomplished local writers Sharma Shields, Thom Caraway and Shawn Vestal, among others. Published fall and spring. Buy it at Atticus, Boo Radley’s and at Cost: $10.

ROCK & SLING Whitworth’s nationally distributed, faith-based journal promotes morally and aesthetically engaged language. It emphasizes writing and reading as ways to witness, or testify, to the truth of experience as an expression of faith. Published fall and spring. Buy it at Auntie’s Bookstore, or purchase an annual subscription at rockandsling. com. Cost: $10.

SCRIPT Script is Whitworth’s student-run journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction and drama. The journal hosts an annual reading on campus of each new edition. Published every spring. Find it at various locations on campus, or inquire inside Westminster Hall. Cost: free.

STRINGTOWN Edited and published by EWU professor Polly Buckingham, StringTown is

an indie magazine of mostly poetry and short fiction that prominently features Northwest writers. It was first published in 1998, and its 2015 issue is guest-edited by award-winning local poet Christopher Howell. Published annually. Buy it Auntie’s Bookstore and at other independent bookstores in the Northwest, or purchase a subscription for $12.50 at Cost: $10.

TRESTLE CREEK REVIEW North Idaho College’s publishes the literary and visual art of NIC community members and North Idaho residents each year. Established in 1982, the black-and-white journal sponsors various literary events at NIC and in the North Idaho region throughout the year. Published every spring. Find copies on campus in the Molstead Library and the English Department, and at various locations in Coeur d’Alene during fall. Cost: free.

WILLOW SPRINGS Staffed by students in Eastern Washington University’s M.F.A. program at the Inland Northwest Center for Writers in Spokane, Willow Springs is a nationally acclaimed literary journal. It contains the written work of emerging and established writers from around the country, including U.S. Poet Laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners, with the goal of fostering an ongoing discussion of art, ideas, and what it means to be human. Published fall and spring. Buy it at Auntie’s Bookstore, or purchase a subscription at Cost: $10.

THE WIRE HARP The Wire Harp made its debut as a literary review journal at Spokane Falls Community College in 1984. More than 30 years later, it has evolved into a creative arts magazine showcasing the fine art, graphic art and written word of the campus’ students, faculty, staff and alumni. Published every spring. Find it at various locations around campus, or in Building 24 near office 312. Cost: free.

Books & Writing

Get your bookworm on and unleash your inner author

Auntie’s Bookstore Any book lover will fall in love with Auntie’s two floors of countless pages. As the largest independently owned bookstore in the region, Auntie’s serves as a hub for events like children’s activities, author readings, poetry nights, live music and book groups. 402 W. Main Ave. • 838-0206

Get Lit! Literary Festival Get Lit! douses the city in all things literature for several days each April. As the city’s largest literary event, more than 40 local and national authors participate in readings, talks, signings and panel discussions alongside other events at multiple venues, including poetry slams, writing contests and workshops.

Idaho Writers League: Coeur d’Alene chapter Being part of this group gives authors a place to share their work, receive critiques and exchange advice about getting published. The statewide league has chapters across Idaho, including a Coeur d’Alene chapter that meets twice a month, plus groups in Sandpoint and the Palouse.

Inland Northwest Center for Writers Graduates of EWU’s renowned creative writing masters program have gone on to win literary awards and publish books, with publishers like Sierra Club Books and Yale University. At the core of the program, students learn through advanced workshops and internships where they teach creative writing in the community. Eastern Washington University, 668 N. Riverpoint Blvd., Suite 259 • 828-1310

Lost Horse Press This nonprofit, independent press showcases poets and authors, especially those just emerging. They hold

a number of writing and reading focused events throughout the year. 105 Lost Horse Ln. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-255-4410

Spokane County Library District If you’re only using the library to pick up summer reads and get books for your kid’s research project, you’re missing out. There’s a slew of classes on things like health and finance, kids’ story time, homework help, a free online streaming service for movies and shows and an e-learning program. 4322 N. Argonne Rd. • 893-8200

Spokane Is Reading Spokane is Reading is Spokane’s collective common reading project — they choose a book, try to make sure everyone can read it, and then host the author. For 2015, Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven was the chosen read. She will visit the Bing Crosby Theater in October. 444-5307

Spokane Poetry Slam In case you’re wondering, spoken word poetry is alive in Spokane, and the Spokane Poetry Slam is at the heart of it. The group hosts two slams a month — one at the The Bartlett and one at Boots Bakery — as well as a writing/performance workshop called Wordwright’s Workshop.

Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers Do you have an idea you’ve been itching to turn into a book? Maybe getting together with other like-minded authors might help push you along. This all-ages group, which meets the first Thursday of each month, is a mixture of accomplished authors and those just getting started in the writing and publishing world.

ALL OF OCTOBER is Arts month in Spokane! a month-long celebration of local arts and culture across creative industries and arts disciplines.

Program partners workshops, lectures, performances, exhibitions, classes, receptions and more!

Arts Activation Temporary installations in partnership with Window Dressing, plus Spokane Throw and new downtown murals on view

Spokane Arts Awards recognizing the accomplishments of artists, organizations and individuals enriching the community through the arts

Mayor’s Urban Design Awards Celebrating the importance of creative thought, technical proficiency, and the relationship of good urban design to our city’s economic health and overall well-being.

Costume ball and awards presentation October 30, 2015 at McKinstry Station

Find out more at






A Hayden Lake rental home reimagined by the Tin Roof. ANNIE KUSTER PHOTO

From furniture to faces, here are five transformations you can pull off, and the people to help you do it BY TAMARA McGREGOR

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ou may as well accept it. The Property Brothers aren’t going to overhaul your kitchen. Nate Berkus is never going to surprise you with a living room remodel. Stacy London isn’t going to up your personal style with an ambush makeover. But that doesn’t mean you can’t transform your family room or pull off a new look in time for your high school reunion. Here are four mini makeovers that won’t break the bank — and the local experts to help you pull off the big reveal.

Reimagined Rooms


Spend a few hours watching HGTV, and it’s hard not to start fantasizing about having some Mary Poppins of home design blow in and whip your living room into shape. But that fantasy might not be as expensive or wild as you think. And it certainly doesn’t mean having to buy a whole room of furniture. “I think you can re-do an entire room with the right pillows, the right area rug and the right throw, in the right place,” says Tin Roof creative director and owner Heather Hanley. Not sure what the “right” rug or pillows are? Then it’s time to call in help. One unique service Hanley’s shop offers is called an Accessory Housecall. A designer or team will work with your existing furniture and accessories, then add new items, like throw rugs, picture frames and lamps, to transform a room. The homeowner or renter can then “shop” for the items in their own space. “Most of our clients are pretty blown away with the results,” says Hanley. In this case, a young couple invested in a vacation rental home in Hayden, Idaho, and needed help moving the style out of the 1980s and filling the home. “They wanted hip and fresh,” explains Hanley. “They wanted it to look good for photos, certainly.” You be the judge.

The homeowners weren’t quite ready to paint their oak bookcase white, so to lighten it up, Hanley put wallpaper in the back. “It’s one of my favorite tricks, because it makes whatever you put back there pop, especially if you’re looking at a big sea of oak. I also use a lot of bins and baskets because they create color, introduce pattern and give some additional storage.”




SHOPPING “ M i n i M a ke o v e r s ,” c o n t i n u e d

Furniture Rehab

Since opening her first retail store in 1985, Nancy Jones has been creating custom decorative paint finishes, custom plaster textures and faux finishes for her clients. She’s seen trends come and go, but nothing has transformed her business — or her customers’ homes — like Annie Sloan’s Chalk Paint. Developed in England in 1990, Sloan’s Chalk Paint has only been sold in America for five years, but it’s quickly spawned a cottage industry in the Inland Northwest of industrious crafters who use the paint to transform garage sale finds or builder’s’ grade oak cabinets for their own homes, or to sell for a profit. “You just clean the furniture, make sure all the dirt and grime is off and paint. There’s no sanding and priming involved,” explains Jones. “It’s dry within a half an hour, and you can immediately repaint and then seal it with wax or a water-based varnish.” The end result is a baby-smooth finish that doesn’t show brush strokes, and is far more durable than traditional paint. While the Chalk Paint trend started with the distressed, shabby-chic look, Sloan’s Chalk Paint is now used to bring vibrant pops of color to mid-century modern pieces or to replicate that popular grey wash you’ll see in the latest Restoration Hardware catalog. “Right now we offer about 50 different workshops with different techniques, so you can really be as creative as you want to be,” says Jones. “It’s virtually fail-proof, honestly it is.”

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Makeup Makeover That makeup you put on every morning? It can be a double-edged sword. It can help you look fresh and vibrant, or accentuate wrinkles or acne if applied incorrectly. So if you’ve winced while looking at your last profile picture, maybe it’s time to go back to beauty school. “It’s all about the skin,” says the Make-up Studio’s Julie Farley. “When I teach, I always tell women you want to see the effect of makeup, not the actual makeup.” Farley offers three different makeup lessons to help women achieve a very natural, polished look. The 90-minute mini-express lesson starts with an analysis of your current cosmetics kit. Farley doesn’t turn her nose up at drugstore products — or push certain makeup lines. The emphasis is on finding the right products for you, and then teaching the right techniques for applying eyeliner or mascara, or learning where to apply blush. “When women

leave here, sometimes their eyes are a little glazed over because it’s a lot of information,” says Farley, “but if you are working with a woman who has really dark circles under her eyes and you can find her the right color of concealer to minimize that, she thinks you walk on water.” A dedicated class for teenagers aims to help girls learn how to create a natural look with makeup, and some lessons in skincare. “For many of them, this is the first time they’ve ever worn makeup,” explains Farley. ““Many of them have acne and skin problems, so we’re trying to make their skin look clear without a lot of makeup. We’re teaching them how to use eyeliner so it doesn’t look heavy.” It’s an approach that Farley says moms appreciate, too. “Moms are usually hugging us when they leave, because they are pleased by how natural the makeup looks.”

Body Shaping

Yes, you can cut the carbs, spin and lift your way to a six-pack, but if that seems like too much work, there’s an easier way to at least look like you’ve lost 10 pounds. The trick? Get fitted for a bra that really fits you. According to Spokane’s self-proclaimed “bra whisperer,” Victoria Ferro, most women are simply wearing the wrong size. When you gain weight, lose weight, have kids, go on exercise binges, your band and cup size changes. Her first tip —- get fitted by a pro. A pro knows, for instance, that manufacturers base their band sizes on the middle hook. “If you buy a bra and hook it on the widest hook,” explains Ferro, “I guarantee that band doesn’t fit you.” Tip number two — get the right bra. “You have to watch the silhouette of the cup. If you have a very broad shoulder line, a bra that cuts in with the straps is going to make you look bigger and heavier, even though the cup is fitting you.” Tip number three — Ferro says you shouldn’t wear a bra for more than two days without washing it, and letting the fibers rest. Tip number four — “Bras shouldn’t have birthdays,” claims Ferro. The shelf life of a bra, she says, should be 9 to 12 months.

13-year-old Sammy before (inset) and after her teen makeup class ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |


Local Goods


Give your home some Inland Northwest flair with items from local artists and artisans 1 BEARDBRAND BEARDSMAN’S KIT As seen on ABC’s Shark Tank, Spokanebased Beardbrand is leading the charge for the growing facial hair trend with its high quality beard oil and grooming kits, aiming to help men take ownership of their style. Their oils and mustache waxes are made from the highest quality natural ingredients, and their grooming products are crafted by carefully selected vendors. Available at The Man Shop, Wollnick’s General Store, Weldon Barber shops and online. $194.95





4. 5.



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2 VINTAGE SPOKANE PRINTS GLASSWARE You may have seen artist Chris Bovey’s vintage Spokane prints around town and at art fairs like Bazaar, but now they’ve taken a new form: glassware. Atticus is now stocking Mason jars and milk bottles featuring the funky Spokane designs. Bovey’s work highlights and celebrates the many local spots that give Spokane its undeniably quirky charm, including the Garbage Goat, the Garland Theater and Manito Park. Find jars and prints at Atticus (prints also available online). $10.95$11.95 3 DANDLE’S CANDLES Former KHQ news anchor Dana Haynes turned a hobby into a successful small business, and now she works full time making thousands of hand-poured soy wax candles each year. Her 6. candles come in all shapes and sizes and more than 40 scents, including Pomegranate Martini and Clothesline Fresh. The pictured candle includes a cute vintage charm to keep after the wax has melted away. Find them at Decorum, Ferrante’s Marketplace, Lucky Detour and Pretty Things, and online. $25 4 SLUMPED WINE BOTTLE DISHES Ruth Eich of Sandpoint gives new life to empty wine and liquor bottles by converting them into hand-cut drinkware, candlestick holders, cheese trays and hummingbird feeders that will give some libation-inspired charm to any home. Pick up a slumped wine bottle (pictured) for a unique way to serve cheese and crackers, candy or nuts at your next party. Available

at Tangerine, Windward Gift Shop in Sandpoint, and on Etsy. $16 5 ORANGE THYME BATH APOTHECARY SOAPS What started in 2007 as a small online jewelry site with a few handmade lip balms on the side has now expanded into a wildly successful bath and body shop. Orange Thyme’s all-natural, nature-inspired beauty products are hand-poured, labeled and shipped by shop owner Rachel O’Brien. Her olive oil soap is made in small batches that cure for four weeks before they’re ready to sell. The line also includes scrubs, body butter, lip balms and sprays in a variety of delightful scents, including lavender lemon and rosemary mint. Find her products at farmers markets, Tangerine, Auntie’s Bookstore and Boulevard Mercantile. $6.50 6 WINTERWOODS TEA This local tea company was created by Tirza Wibel, a former publicist and mother of five who is passionate about building community through tea. She sources her leaves from sustainable fair-trade farms and companies, and hand-mixes each blend here in Spokane. Rose City Chocolate (pictured) is the company’s topselling flavor, but there are more than 10 delightful blends to choose from. Find it at farmers markets, Indaba, Atticus, Main Market, Petunias and online. $11.50 7 JNB LETTERING THANK YOU CARDS In 2014, Whitworth alumna Jacquelyn Barnes started making cards to give her family something more personal than the usual grocery store card-aisle suspects. She hand-draws the card designs and scans them into Illustrator to trace and color them, creating a look that’s charming, personal and far from cheesy. The cards are sold in bundles at Indaba downtown and the Book Parlor in West Central; check out her Etsy shop for more products. $15 LAURA REGESTER



Anthropologie and &Kloth Opening Fall 2015

Urban Outfitters Opening Fall 2016

River Park Square is the heart of downtown Spokane. And the heart of everything you love. Shop your favorite brands, including Nordstrom, The Apple Store, The North Face, Athleta, Sephora, and more—plus a full spectrum of specialty shops and retailers. Enjoy dozens of dining choices, AMC 20 Theatres with IMAX, Mobius Children’s Museum, and beautiful architecture highlighted by a stunning glass atrium. Take advantage of our convenient indoor p a r k i n g a n d e x p l o r e t h e w o n d e r s o f d o w n t o w n S p o k a n e , i n c l u d i n g R i v e r f r o n t P a r k , j u s t s t e p s a w a y.

FACEBOOK LOGO ICON for Adobe Illustrator

PINTEREST LOGO ICON for Adobe Illustrator



Silvia Darcy, one of five vendors for Fray, inside the Coeur d’Alene shop. MEGHAN KIRK PHOTO

Vintage Home Furnishings Contemporary or classic, these stores have you covered

Boulevard Mercantile


We don’t know where the folks at Boulevard Mercantile find their stuff, but we’re sure glad they’re on the hunt for those industrial-chic lockers and dry goods bins, schoolhouse chairs, vintage cameras, galvanized steel buckets, rustic wooden bins and shabby-chic Adirondack chairs we love. 1905 N. Monroe St. Spokane, Wash. • 327-7547

Want furniture with some character that’s not made from cheap particle board? Don’t want to shell out tons of cash? That’s why you shop at Fray, one of a string of charming upcycled shops in Coeur d’Alene’s midtown. Six vendors sell vintage and upcycled home furnishings here. You’ll see fewer shabby-chic stylings here, more mid-century modern or old Hollywood glamour. 811 N. 4th St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-664-5311 •

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Fresh Design Gallery and Vintage Rental This isn’t just another place to buy chic vintage furniture and home décor (although they do have a great selection) — you can also rent vintage “props” for weddings and other events, or rent out their Gathering Room for your next meeting. They’ll also be your stylist and florist. 116 N. Lefevre St. Medical Lake, Wash. • 991-7577 •

Him & Her Vintage Furniture The cheery yellow-and-red storefront of Him & Her Vintage Furniture just makes sense in the South Perry neighborhood. Stop by next time you’re in the area and you’ll find things like vintage metal floral trays, antique school desks, wonderfully painted upcycled furniture, cool old trunks and bikes galore. 1110 S. Perry St. Spokane, Wash. • 217-7294 •

Lucky Vintage and Pretty Things

Rebel Junk

Previously Lucky Detour, Lucky Vintage and Pretty Things has a darling mix of new and vintage items that are carefully selected to be inspiring and stylish. And with a variety of home décor, clothing and accessories, you can walk out with a new look for your kitchen and for yourself as well. 1930 S. Inland Empire Way Spokane, Wash. • 321-7230 • facebook. com/Luckydetour

All those projects on Pinterest you’ve been meaning to try — you know, the ones that transform old dressers with milk paint or turn old pages from books into cool, decorative garlands? You’ll find them completed here at Rebel Junk (previously just Junk). Stop in for a cool, upcycled porch swing or a reupholstered, painted wingback chair. 802 N. 4th St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 360-6895622 •

My Favorite Things

Roost Vintage Home

With more than 30 dealers filling 16,000 square feet of space, this vendor mall has something for everyone. The selection of antiques, tools, collectibles, books and furniture changes nearly every day, There’s so much to see, they even offer free coffee, tea and cookies so you can browse for hours. 503 E. Seltice Way Post Falls, Idaho • 208-773-4110

You’d never guess that the tiny Roost storefront in downtown Spokane has nearly 6,000 square feet of gems hidden behind it. Step inside and you’ll find a 12-vendor co-op stocking vintage light fixtures, suitcases, theater seats, rugs and mirrors of all kinds. 7 W. Main Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 456-2552 • facebook. com/pages/ROOST

Paint in my Hair

Tossed and Found

Paint in my Hair is like a day spa for furniture. Furniture goes in old and faded, and comes out restored and ready for a new life. This shop is great for picking up charming, upcycled vintage furniture without the hassle of painting it yourself. Or, if you’d rather try your hand at it, stop by for a workshop. 3036 N. Monroe St. Spokane, Wash. • 326-6999 •

Tossed and Found offers the perfect mix of vintage and modern treasures at great prices. Find repurposed midcentury furniture, timeless cast-iron pans, old and new clocks and other wall décor from nearly every era. 2607 N. Monroe St. Spokane, Wash. • 325-2607 •

Paris Antiques

Let the folks at Paris Antiques do the yard sale hunting for you. They gather their impressive inventory from vintage shows and local estate sales in the area. It changes nearly every day, so check back frequently, but you’re always likely to find typewriters, clocks, vintage furniture and high-end upholstery fabrics by the yard at wholesale prices. 823 N. 4th St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-659-3121 || 1815 N. 4th St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-659-3121

Rare and Retro Vintage There are treasures to be found at Rare and Retro, and thanks to careful staging and selective buying, you don’t have to hunt through shelves of junk to find them here. This thrift shop in the Emerson-Garfield neighborhood stages its shop with themed vignettes, to help you score mid-century modern starbursts for your living room or the shabby-chic dresser you need for your daughter’s room. 27 W. Indiana Ave. • 863-5762

Two Women Vintage Goods This charming mother/daughter-run shop in Carnegie Square specializes in award-winning, hand-painted scherenschnitte (scissor-cut paper), handpainted, Shaker-style boxes and jewelry made with semi-precious gemstones, vintage finds and precious metals. 112 S. Cedar St. Spokane, Wash. • 951-0523 •

United Hillyard Antique Mall Before Pinterest, before the Farm Chicks and before chalk paint took the U.S. by storm, Hillyard Antique Mall was collecting and selling high-quality antiques and collectibles that span from china and figurines, to bassinets, bar stools, clocks, toys and dressers. With two floors and some 18 vendors, you’re guaranteed to find something new every time you visit. 5016 N. Market St. Spokane, Wash. • 483-2647 •

3131 N. DIVISION ST. SPOKANE, WA 99207 P 509.324.8612 F 509.324.0357 HOURS MON-FRI 10 A M -5:30 P M SAT 10 A M - 4 P M




Lasting bouqets on display at Anemone. TIMOTHY PHILLIPS PHOTO

Gifts & Home Décor

Shopping havens for all things chic and unique

All Things Irish


Boo Radley’s

If your love of all things Irish extends beyond St. Patrick’s Day, head to this Coeur d’Alene shop for 14k gold Claddagh rings, Donegal tweed hats, Celtic crosses, art and décor. Irish brides should also know you can rent kilts here. 315 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-667-0131 •

Atticus is so much more than a great coffee shop with a newly controversial namesake. It’s chock-full of neat mugs, a carefully chosen selection of books and local art. Stop by, grab a latte and a (locally baked) scone and linger. It’s no wonder Inlander readers have voted Atticus one of their favorite gift shops. 222 N. Howard St. Spokane, Wash. • 747-0336 •


Between hilarious novelties, clever Tshirts, coffee-table books, comic books, lunchboxes... Look: Boo Radley’s wins the Inlander Best Of award every year. What more is there to say? Boo’s is one of Spokane’s most beloved establishments, and its undying dedication to bringing you twisted entertainment will keep it running as long as the world needs whoopee cushions. 232 N. Howard St. Spokane, Wash. • 456-7479 •

Don’t order flowers from some silly 1-800 number. Local florist, chocolatier and paperie Bloem is known for its European floral artistry, with more than 30 years in the business. Its chocolates are made in the Pacific Northwest, its service is exceptional, it has something for every budget... we could go on and on. River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave., Suite 241 Spokane, Wash. • 456-8466 •

Cisco’s is filled with art, antiques and cowboy gear that paints a perfect picture of the Old American West. It has some new handmade furniture, in addition to its perfectly curated collection of Native American blankets, jewelry and pottery, bronze sculptures, animal pelts and vintage snowshoes, skis and other sportswear, perfect to deck out a lodge

Anemone Handmade Paper Flowers Anemone’s website says it all: “These aren’t your grandma’s paper flowers.” This full-scale paper flower shop has drawn national attention for its delicate bouquets that look whimsical, but never tacky. They’re great as a wedding bouquet or a unique, lasting gift. 301 W. Second Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 230-1911 •

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or cabin. 220 N. 4th St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-769-7575 • ciscosgallery. com

Davenport Home Store The Davenport Hotel’s Home Store allows guests to take some of its luxury home, but non-guests are also welcome to stop by and bask in its glory. Grab a peanut brittle sample, browse through the elegant shop and pretend you just woke up in one of those wonderful, fluffy beds. Or, if you’re feeling extra fancy, order a Davenport bed (and robe) so you can feel just as pampered at home. 10 S. Post St. Spokane, Wash. • 789-7222 •

Decorum Decorum has quickly become one of our favorite go-to gift shops. Shop here for witty 40th birthday gifts, beautiful housewares and a thoughtful assortment of locally made goods, like inter-

cheerful. 30 S. First St. Rockford, Wash. • 291-4077 •

Kizuri Kizuri means “good” in Swahili, and shopping in this funky little store is all kinds of good. The clothing, accessories, bath and body items and art in stock are all Fair Trade or otherwise ethically sourced from more than 40 countries, with a sprinkling of locally made items as well. 35 W. Main St. Spokane, Wash. • 464-7677 •

Mary Janes Farm

esting wine racks made from recycled wine barrels. 126 N. Washington St. Spokane, Wash. • 340-9830 • facebook. com/Decorumon2nd

The Dinner Party We’re confident this store can make anyone want to host a dinner party. With its wide selection of imported wines, exquisite themed table settings and lovely linens, your next dinner party is just a shopping trip away. 3520 N. Government Way Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-765-5653 • thedinnerpartyshop. com

Ferrante’s Marketplace Stop by Ferrante’s for dinner, and you’ll probably leave with a scoop of homemade gelato and a shopping bag of artisan-crafted jewelry, soy candles or scarves. The marketplace at this unassuming but popular restaurant is a great spot for unique yet reasonably priced gifts. 4516 S. Regal St. Spokane, Wash. • 443-6304 •

Hurd Mercantile This 8,000 square-foot store is certainly worth the drive to Rockford if you’re in need of a great hostess gift, vintage-inspired home décor, or simply an escape from the city. The shop still has the feel of its original 1900s general store roots, but with inventory that is fresh and

Mary Jane’s Farm Store is just one part of an entire movement — complete with a popular women’s magazine and sisterhood of farmgirl bloggers — created by Mary Jane Butters herself. Her store is bursting with farm-inspired art and home décor, organic bedding and aprons that are almost too cute to wear. The Coeur d’Alene Resort Plaza Shops, 210 E. Sherman Ave., Suite 127 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-667-7467 •

Mix it Up If it’s retail therapy you need, we can think of no better place than Coeur d’Alene’s Mix it Up. This vibrant, cheery shop is splashed with color and whimsical accents, like gurgle-pot pitchers that make funny gurgling sounds when you pour them. When we say whimsical, we don’t mean tacky. You’ll want their clocks, picture frames, dishware and handblocked Indian linens in your home. 513 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-667-8603 •

Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture Store Great museums typically have great gift shops, and the MAC is no exception. Expect one-of-a-kind handcrafted prints, jewelry, scarves and housewares, along with a large selection of books focusing on Inland Northwest history and various topics related to the exhibits in the museum at the time. 2316 W. First Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 363-5356 •

Papillon Paper Emporium Papillon isn’t just a place to go for greeting cards and fancy gift wrap (although the selection is wonderful) — it’s also

full of novelty items like quirky books and witty wall hangings, so you can buy your gift and wrap it too. The Coeur d’Alene Resort Plaza Shops, 210 E. Sherman Ave., Suite 156 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-664-0736 •

shaped like tiny retro campers and colorful paper goods for many occasions. 4102 S. Bowdish Rd. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 928-6158 • trellismarketplace. com


This charming cottage is filled to the brim with brightly colored potted plants, charming home décor and children’s clothes that are so cute, they look like they jumped out of a magazine. You’ll want to set aside some time to comb through the collection of treasures that this little shop has in stock. 1803 W. Jackson Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 326-2742 • Uniquely-Chic-Boutique

The folks at Possibilities are gift professionals. Need to send a gift basket to a client? They’ve got you covered. Or maybe you just need a quick hostess gift. You’ll find a broad selection of fun gift items here, from Wine-O bingo (which looks more chichi than it sounds) to huckleberry preserves made from North Idaho berries. 211½ E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-6659166 •

Pottery Place Plus You’re likely to meet a new artist each time you shop at this co-op, and they’re all equally willing to share their knowledge about the art in the store. It houses items from about 30 resident local artists, and there’s also a new visiting artist each month. Items range from handmade metal jewelry to soaps to blown-glass art. 203 N. Washington St. Spokane, Wash. • 327-6920 •

Rusty Moose Country Gifts Rusty Moose does country just right. Its hand-selected housewares, like burlap coasters and wooden lanterns, have just the right amount of rustic elegance. The candle selection is nothing short of delicious, with tempting aromas like cinnamon roll, banana nut bread and caramel apple pie. 3028 S. Grand Blvd. Spokane, Wash. • 747-8789 • facebook. com/rustymoosecountrygifts

Simply Northwest Simply Northwest can make a themed gift basket for any occasion, from graduation day to Groundhog Day, and they’ll even handle the shipping and delivery details. 11806 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 927-8206 •

The Trellis Marketplace

Uniquely Chic Boutique

Wollnick’s General Store It’s hard to know what what category to list Wollnick’s under. This fresh take on the old-school drugstore carries a whole slew of items, from innovative gadgets for your cat to baby strollers, French cosmetics and Nespresso coffee systems. The products are unique and the inventory is always changing, so frequent stops here are always fun. 421 W. Main Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 315-5047 •

Wonders of the World The owners of Wonders of the World say it’s like a museum where everything’s for sale — and for prices ranging from 25 cents to $25,000. It’s easy to spend hours browsing the eclectic collection of real gemstone jewelry, artifacts and fossils, blown glass and minerals imported from all over the world. The Flour Mill, 621 W. Mallon Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 328-6890 •

Zero Point Crystals, Gems and More The gifts and items found at Zero Point Crystals, Gems and More are handselected to be tools for a sacred mind, body and spirit, making it a great spot for nature-inspired gifts, like jewelry, essential oils and intricate wood carvings. 226 N. First Ave. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-255-2522 ZZZ zeropointcrystals. com

If Pinterest had a storefront, this would probably be it. Trellis has whimsical décor like towels and pillows with quotes that aren’t too cheesy, bohemianinspired clothing items, birdhouses ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |


shop local

Select Varieties of Furniture, Gifts, Housewares & Treasures

New calendars from local artist Chris Bovey available exclusively at Boo Radleys and Atticus

Boo�Radley’s Damn�Fine�Gifts Howard St. | Downtown Spokane

3028 S. Grand Blvd, Spokane 747-8789 /RustyMooseCountryGifts

DID YOU KNOW? We specialize in meeting the nutritional needs of pets with digestive, cancer, diabetes and allergy issues. We sell the best dry, wet, dehydrated and RAW foods available to ensure your pet has a healthy, long life.


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168 | T H E I N L A N D E R A N N U A L M A N U A L 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6


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1 Local artisan Anthony Gallaher has been making jewelry since the 1980s, but it wasn’t until 2010 that he discovered his love of bronze work and reclaimed metal jewelry art. He repurposes metals like bronze, silver and copper from scrap yards by cutting and hammering them into eye-catching wearable art. Each necklace, earring and bracelet has a unique shape and texture, with a rustic, earthy vibe that can easily add a bit of shimmer to a casual outfit or complement formal attire. Gallaher also creates custom wedding sets, refashions heirloom pieces and can craft a precious metal adornment for just about anything. Find his jewelry at Pottery Place Plus and online. FIREDELEMENTSJEWELRY.COM Metal earrings: $24


2 2008 Coeur d’Alene High School grad Madison (Etheridge) Bodenmann created a successful jewelry business from what was simply a form of personal artistic expression just two years ago. Her one-of-a-kind statement pieces combine a variety of metals, glass, vintage discoveries and semiprecious metals for a contemporary-meets-bohemian look. Bodenmann says she hopes to bring beauty into people’s everyday lives with her jewelry, which is inspired by both nature and architecture. As if the sheer beauty of her jewelry wasn’t enough to entice customers, she also sources her supplies locally whenever possible. Bodenmann now lives on Vancouver Island, but you can find her pieces at Marmalade in Coeur d’Alene and on her website. MLKANHNY.COM Shorter gold necklace: $35, longer gold necklace: $95, copper and teal necklace: $54



Local jewelry designers are developing a national following. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Made Here, Worn Everywhere

Handmade statement pieces to complete any look BY LAURA REGESTER

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3 Hawaiian-born Summer Hightower is a local fashionista who has been dabbling in jewelry-making since she was 12 years old. She first started selling her funky-chic pieces out of a vintage suitcase at festivals, parks, bars and roller derby bouts. Now she’s set up shop at her popular South Perry cottage boutique, Veda Lux, which is celebrating its fifth year in business. It’s no wonder that her work has recently attracted local and national attention; her jewelry is handmade from vintage elements, refashioned antique pieces and a mix of earthy and brilliantly colored stones. The boutique also offers a variety of hand-picked vintage and modish clothing items and accessories at affordable prices. FACEBOOK.COM/VEDALUXBOUTIQUE “Queen of the Cicada” necklace: $74, “Moon Beams over Miami” earrings: $32, “Turquoise Fang” earrings: $39

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grand hotel district SHOPPING

A sample bar of Coeur d’Alene Olive Oil is tucked inside the Culinary Stone.

Kitchen Shops

Chop, sautè, get whisked away Culinary Stone

Kitchen Engine

Riverstone’s Culinary Stone has quickly developed into a foodie enclave; their Chop Shop serves up locally sourced meats and handcrafted sausages. Order a custom deli sandwich and eat in — or get inspired to cook at home as you browse their gourmet salt bar, sample Coeur d’Alene olive oil or shop their high-end kitchenwares by top brands like Wüsthof and and Swiss Diamond. A robust calendar of cooking classes and wine tastings are always on tap. 2129 N. Main St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-277-4116 •

The Kitchen Engine has every gadget a chef or wannabe chef could ever need. The family-owned store also offers a range of cooking classes, where beginners and experienced kitchen whizzes alike can learn how to make everything from crêpes to carne asada. The Flour Mill, 621 W. Mallon Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 328-3335 •

Gourmet Way Gourmet Way is a haven for Hayden’s foodies and entertainers. It’s stocked with quality wine, kitchen gadgets and cookware, and great gifts for food lovers, like quirky popsicle trays and condiments with a twist. While you’re at it, sign up for a cooking class or stop by for a weekly wine tasting. 8222 N. Government Way Hayden, Idaho • 208-762-1333 • facebook. com/thegourmetway

Unique Gifts & Fine Crafts Made Locally | 509.327.6920 | North of Auntie’s in the Liberty Building

See Us So You Can See Spokane Better!

Red Rolling Pin If you love good design as much as you love good food, then the Red Rolling Pin is your kind of shop. This family-owned shop started out as a design firm first, helping homeowners realize their dream kitchens. But people kept popping into the design studio, thinking it was a cute little storefront. So the owners decided, “Why not?” They now sell mixing bowls that look like French heirlooms, kitchen throw rugs, vintage-inspired food scales and stunning kitchen light fixtures. 159 S. Lincoln St. Spokane, Wash. • 888-5157535 •

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173 Aunties_090115AM_8thPg_GG_FIX.pdf ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |


Play the Markets Street fairs offer art, music and local eats

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The scene at Bazaar (facing page); Kendall Yards’ Night Market (above left); artists Susan Webber (top right) and Jesse Acosta (bottom right). YOUNG KWAK AND MEGHAN KIRK PHOTOS


e’re lucky in the Inland Northwest to have a significant number of weekly farmers markets, keeping our fridges stocked with fresh produce. But if you’re looking for some fresh new art for your home, you need a market with more than fruits and veggies. Head to one of these summertime open-air street fairs for a healthy dose of food, antiques, art and music. For starters, there’s a new weekly market in town, and it’s like a farmers market on steroids. The KENDALL YARDS NIGHT MARKET ( runs from 4 to 8 pm on Wednesdays from mid-May to mid-October, rain or shine. It aims to bring neighbors and the community together in one of Spokane’s rising hot spots. Pick up produce, baked goods, farm-fresh milk and eggs and locally crafted jewelry while enjoying live music. Bring the whole family and have dinner at one of Kendall Yards’ restaurants, or grab some street food and dine al fresco in the plaza area. The Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture ( celebrated its 30th annual ARTFEST fundraiser in summer 2015. The three-day fair, held at the end of May at Coeur d’Alene Park in Browne’s Addition, hosts a juried art show and 150 local vendors of gourmet food, ceramics, one-of-a-kind jewelry, photography, fiber arts and more. To sweeten

the deal, there’s also live music, artist demonstrations, a wine and beer garden and a kids’ fair. The historic Idaho town of Wallace is locally known as a tourist mecca, and with good reason. Walking in the historic downtown district feels like traveling back in time to the Silver Valley’s mining boom at the turn of the 20th century. The mayor has even declared the town “the Center of the Universe,” mostly because there’s no way to prove that it’s not. If you’re considering a visit, try to make it to the annual WALLACE STREET FAIR (wallaceidahochamber. com), which offers music, antiques, crafts, games and lots of food. The fair is typically held the first weekend in June. Brought to you by the hip folks behind Terrain, a wildly successful cultural gathering aptly named BAZAAR ( has taken place on the third Saturday in June for the past two years. The market hosts local artists and vendors who sell their work to the community, at mostly budgetfriendly prices, in an effort to increase the presence of and market for visual art in the Inland Northwest. Many of the items for sale include themes from Spokane and the Pacific Northwest. The second annual event in June 2015 hosted 55 vendors, drew more than 9,500 people and sold more than $60,000 worth of art, up from $36,000 at the debut event.

Keep an eye out for the third annual Bazaar in June 2016. Hosted by the South Perry Business and Neighborhood Association at the end of July each year, the SOUTH PERRY STREET FAIR AND PARADE ( brings a lively event to an already lively neighborhood. Show up for the vendor booths and parade and stay for the beer garden, kids’ craft fair and wide variety of local food. The parade includes a bike, stroller and wagon decorating contest that all are welcome to join. Live music begins in the early afternoon and continues until late evening. Proceeds from the fair benefit two charities each year. The self-proclaimed “highlight of the summer” in Coeur d’Alene, ART ON THE GREEN ( has provided North Idaho with a weekend of art, music and good eats for nearly 50 years. The art ranges from affordable pieces to expensive oil paintings, sculptures and photography. The three-day event is hosted by the Citizens Council for the Arts, a nonprofit group of more than 500 volunteers who work to encourage and promote the arts in the community. Held in late-July/early August it draws more than 50,000 people to the Fort Sherman Grounds on the North Idaho College campus each year.




Cakes and Dessert Bakery Full-service bridal salon Sized 2-32 Newly Expanded plus-size section Northwest’s largest sections of Maggie Sottero and Allure Largest selections of modest gowns in the Northwest 509.927.4191 • 306 S. Pines Rd., Spokane Valley

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176 | T H E I N L A N D E R A N N U A L M A N U A L 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6

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memorable weddings | receptions | rehearsals

Crystal Madsen Photography






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Charley’s Catering Company


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Over 500 Gowns Sizes 2-32

3131 N. Division Spokane, WA 509.838.1210 Mon-Sat 10am-5pm Sun 12pm-5pm

A Year in Fashion Shows

Spend a day on the runway

Runway Renegades


What It’s All About

Type of Fashion

Date & Location


This is a noncompetitive event that showcases the fashions of six teams of local artists, designers and stylists each year. Proceeds benefit Blessings Under the Bridge, a local nonprofit homeless outreach organization.

Items from local designers, stylists & artists

Sept. 19 at Northern Quest Resort & Casino

$20 presale; $25 at the door; VIP: $45 presale; $50 runwayrenegades at the door 2015


The Bridal Festival is more than a fashion show of beautiful dresses — it’s a one-stop shop for every aspect of wedding planning. Don’t miss the fashion shows for the latest style and color ideas for the whole wedding party.

Bridal gowns

Sept. 19 & Jan. 9-10 at the Spokane Convention Center

Fall: $7 presale, $8 at the door; Winter: $9 presale, $10 at the door


Beyond Pink is an annual event that raises funds to help local women in need receive breast exams. Models strut the runway in locally designed, funky bra fashions. This year, each featured bra will be auctioned off with a themed package.

Designer bras

Oct. 9 at the Spokane Convention Center



This two-in-one show is organized by local talent management agency The Fifth Element. Human and canine models of all ages, shapes and sizes show off garb from local designers and boutiques. Proceeds benefit a new charity each year.

Local boutique fashions & designer dog duds

March; see website for details



Title Nine is a fierce advocate for women’s sports and fitness, and its South Perry shop offers high-quality, fashionable activewear to support that mission. Check out the store’s fashion show at the annual Women’s Show.

Athletic wear & swimwear

April 22 & 24 at the Spokane Convention Center

$5 Women’s Show weekend admission



This show features mostly new and designer apparel that has been picked straight from Goodwill racks. Volunteer models show off the looks, which become available for purchase at the boutique following the show. Proceeds support Goodwill programs.

New & designer items found at local Goodwill stores

April 23 at the Spokane Convention Center

$5 Women’s Show weekend admission



This unique show consists of quirky outfits constructed by local artists from everyday items and recycled materials. Proceeds benefit the Kootenai Environmental Alliance.

Eco-friendly fashion made from everyday “junk” by local artists

Oct. 10 at the Coeur d’Alene Eagles Lodge

$25 junk2funk

The Show


Get Info




Toys & Games Tricks and trinkets to spark imaginations of any age Figpickels Toy Emporium Figpickels is a place where kids can be kids and grown-ups can feel like kids again. The shop offers fun for all ages, including hands-on displays, a German carousel and items ranging from the latest games to old-fashioned toys. Coeur d’Alene Resort Plaza Shops, 210 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208667-2800 •

French Toast

Targeted specifically to new and expectant mothers, this exquisite children’s boutique is also full of gift ideas for

aunts, uncles, cousins or siblings. Babar and Matilda books stir happy memories, and the owners offer dreamy home design services. Steam Plant Square, 159 Lincoln St. • 315-8200 •

Merlyn’s Merlyn’s is a utopia for video games, board games, card games and more. But don’t just stop in to buy something and leave — there are usually casual games and tournaments to join at the tables in the back. 15 W. Main Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 624-0957 •

Project Beauty Share®, a 501(c)3 non-profit, provides women in need with beauty and hygiene products.

We need your help. To volunteer or review a list of needed items, find collection sites, or to donate, visit:

(509) 455-3537 182 | T H E I N L A N D E R A N N U A L M A N U A L 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6

Shenanigan’s Toy Emporium & Sweet Shop In addition to their selection of vintageinspired toys for all ages, Shenanigan’s also has a coffee shop, homemade ice cream parlor, a chocolate shop and a wide selection of candy, including retro sweets. 312 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-664-0955 •

Uncle’s Games, Puzzles, and More Uncle’s has Spokane’s largest selection of puzzles, board games, dominoes, chess, playing cards and party games. And unlike big-box stores, knowledgeable staffers who love games as much as you do. Tell them who you’re shopping for, and they can guide you to the perfect game, puzzle or brain teaser. Spokane Valley Mall, 14700 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 891-7620 || The Liberty Building, 404 W. Main Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 456-4607

The White Elephant Since 1946, the family-owned White Elephant has stocked its shelves with anything and everything a Spokanite might need to have fun. They offer a variety of items for camping, hunting, and fishing, but 40 percent of their sales come from their expansive toy selection. 12614 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 924-3006 || 1730 N. Division St. Spokane, Wash. • 328-3100 •

Whiz Kids Whiz Kids’ motto is “smart toys for smart kids,” and they mean it. The games, books and toys here aren’t the cheap plastic crap you’ll find at big-box stores. They’re well-made and designed to spark creativity and enhance learning. Next time your kiddo has a birthday party to attend, stop by Whiz Kids and pick up a cool wooden puzzle, a science kit or an Erector set as a gift. River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave., #251 Spokane, Wash. • 456-8697 •

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Organized racks help you shop at Fringe & Fray.

Vintage Clothing


Peruse affordable getups and old -school style


Fringe & Fray

DYD goes by various names, such as “Drop Yer Drawers” or “Drum Yer Drum,” but one thing remains — an eclectic shop that refuses to lose its vintage charm. DYD has occupied the Garland District for more than 20 years, and you can find clothes older than that. Music accompanies you while you sift through old leather jackets or Johnny Cash records. You can find foreign art or a new stereo system. The best part? Everything is roughly $20 or less. 719 W. Garland Ave. Spokane, Wash.

Those who thrift know that the best thing about buying used is that no one else can truly duplicate your signature style. At Fringe & Fray, stylish and sustainable shoppers are grateful for the always-changing inventory and visually pleasing (not to mention organized) racks. “We need more boutiques like Fringe & Fray in Spokane!” Spokanite Jalen Bolz tells the Inlander. “The staff is always extremely friendly, and they constantly have new items, unlike so many other boutiques.” 1325 W. First Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 720-7116 •

Echo Boutique Echo Boutique is proud to provide Spokanites with an opportunity to recycle fashionable items. The consignment shop offers some fun and funky pieces alongside lots of classic staples, including timeless dresses, cashmere sweaters and Chanel flats. 176 S. Howard St. Spokane, Wash. • 747-0890 •

M and M Apparel Neat and tidy, this consignment shop makes shopping for the whole family simple and affordable. This shop sets itself apart from others by selling only higher-quality items while keeping thrift-store prices. Kids can enjoy the play area, while parents shop and look over everything from maternity wear to men’s polo shirts. Be sure to check out

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their herb-infused goat milk products and take a free sample of soap! 635 W. Garland Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 7686162 •

The Reclothery The Reclothery has been helping Spokane women keep their closets fresh for more than 35 years. The clothes are seasonal and frequently geared toward professional and/or adult women, but the accessories (think Kate Spade bags and Frye boots) will appeal to all ages. 613 S. Washington St. Spokane, Wash. • 624-9741 •

Veda Lux This tiny South Perry boutique offers a variety of hand-picked vintage and modish clothing items and accessories at affordable prices. Owner Summer Hightower makes most of the jewelry in stock, which is crafted using vintage elements, refashioned antique pieces and a mix of earthy and brilliantly colored stones. 1106 S. Perry St. Spokane, Wash. • 475-1674 •

Windfall Thrift If you get a retail high buying what looks like a brand-new purse for $2, then get the good feelings going at Windfall Thrift. They have an always-changing assortment of holiday dresses, Christmas sweaters, vintage furs and purses, along with housewares and décor. Score the best deals when they hold their clean-sweep bag sales. 1024 S. Perry St. Spokane, Wash. • 534-3888 •

ZipperZ This consignment shop boasts not only more “upscale” clothing but also impeccable organization. Clothing is sorted into casual wear on one side of the store, formal on the other, and items are arranged by color. Brand-name clothing with budget-friendly prices can be found with just a little searching. Besides clothes and prom dresses, the store has shoes, purses and even locally made jewelry. 911½ W. Garland Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 315-9033 • facebook. com/ZipperZ.Inc




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Must Have necklaces are in demand at Tiffany Blue.

Fetching finds for your signature style

Anderson & Emami Spokane executives have been buying their power suits at Anderson and Emami for 30 years, making this one of the longest-standing independent boutiques in the region. Their longevity can be attributed to impeccable fitting, exceptional quality, and selection varied enough to outfit a CEO from board meetings to a day on the links. River Park Square, 814 W. Main Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 838-1652 •

Audrey’s Audrey’s is a natural choice for motherof-the-bride dresses, because it’s located in a wedding center, next to Pounders Jewelry, Bridal Collections, Sweet Dreams bakery and some other wedding-related businesses. But thanks to new ownership, the bride herself might find something here, too. In addition to cruisewear and Miraclesuits, Audrey’s

is now also carrying up-to-the-minute fashions that younger women will appreciate as well. 3131 N. Division St. Spokane, Wash. • 324-8612 • audreysaboutique

to Nordstrom’s Brass Plum, the prices here are always reasonable and the ever-changing merchandise is always on-trend. The Flour Mill, 621 W. Mallon Ave Spokane, Wash. • 879-4265 •

Bella Jezza: A Boutique

Colca Andean Fashions

Boho chic is always in style at Bella Jezza. This is where the active, free-spirited Sandpoint woman shops for beanies to wear après-ski, or flowy maxi dresses to pull on after a day of mountain biking. A new online store now offers Bella Jezza’s funky style to Sandpoint shoppers, and beyond. 324 N. First Ave. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-1116 • facebook. com/bella.jezza

Calamity Jane’s Boutique

Forget cashmere — if you want luxuriously soft cardigans, wraps and shawls, it’s time to make the trek to Colca Fashions in Green Bluff. The majority of the ponchos, sweaters and hats here are made from alpaca yarn, which makes sense, because this boutique is located on a working alpaca farm. Look for Colca at the Kendall Yards Night Market, too, or shop their online site. 16229 N. Day Mt. Spokane Rd. Mead, Wash. • 4755110 •

Calamity Jane took its young, fresh take on fashion from the SoDo district to the first floor of the Flour Mill in January 2015. A great boutique alternative

Cues is Spokane’s premium denim bar, carrying exclusive high-end brands and

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all the fashion-forward T-shirts, sweaters and accessories necessary to pull off a polished but effortless look. Don’t skimp on accessories here. Their perfectly curated selection of necklaces, bracelets and earrings are what pulls a perfect Cues outfit together. 108 N. Washington St., Suite 104 Spokane, Wash. • 838-5837 •

Finan McDonald Finan McDonald was an adventerous bear a of a man, who set up and ran many of the first trading posts in this area back in the 1800s. The shops named in his honor carry on that sense of adventure, ready to outfit the active Inland Northwest woman or man in activewear by the likes of Chaco, Keen, Patagonia, Kuhl, North Face and more. The Coeur d’Alene Resort Plaza Shops, 210 E. Sherman Ave., #147 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-765-4349 || 301 N.

First Ave. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-2633622•

Finders Keepers II Designer Dress Boutique Flapper dresses are always in fashion at Finders Keepers, along with sequins, bling and anything sparkly. A popular choice for homecoming, prom, polo and Epicurean Delight, Finders Keepers keeps track of who’s attending what event in what dress, so you never have to share the spotlight with a twin. 18 W. Main Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 624-1251 •

Fringe Boutique We’ll admit it: We’ve gone out for groceries and come home with a new dress we spied in the nearby window at Fringe. This South Hill boutique and its Wandermere sister store have the stylish infinity scarves, fedoras, Kut denim and casual dresses you’d find at a store like Nordies, but at a more reasonable price point. 2622 E. 29th Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 315-8138 || 12208 N. Division St.•

Jake’s Dry Dock Life is always good at Jake’s Dry Dock. This cheery little shop carries the full line of Life is Good merchandise, from hats, mugs, towels and totes to T-shirts, sweatshirts, skirts and dresses. 6424 N. Government Way Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-772-3874 •

Jema Lane Jema Lane celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2015. Stylish Valley women celebrated with them, for giving them a big-box shopping alternative free of expansive parking lots, crowded rounders and impersonal customer service. Not to mention the cute styles, at exceptionally reasonable price points. 613 S. Pines Rd. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 321-2330 •

Jigsaw Why should the mannequins at Jigsaw have all the fun wearing those beautiful dresses that this Main Avenue store is known for? And while you’re at it, you should probably splurge on the statement necklace that’s artfully paired with it. 601 W. Main Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 835-3517 •

Katze Boutique

Swank Boutique

The Katze customer is artistic. Elegant. Confident. And accustomed to wearing European-influenced fashion that looks like nothing else you’ll find in Spokane. Think linen tunics with asymmetrical hemlines, gauzy ombre infinity scarves, and bold, chunky necklaces made from natural stones like amber and turquoise. 720 W. Riverside Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 838-5724 •

Sexy. Edgy. Playful. Swank. Where chic college co-eds (and some of their more fashion-forward, adventurous mothers) shop for rompers, goddess maxi dresses, distressed denim, felt hats, shredded-back concert tees, trucker hats, booties and cocktail dresses. 4727 N. Division St. Spokane, Wash. • 4681839 •

Lolo Boutique

Shopping at Tangerine is a sure thing. From cocktail dresses to layering tees, the clothing and jewelry here is on par with the design and quality you’d expect from Nordstrom. But you can rest assured you won’t spot four other women in Spokane sporting the same getup. 1019 W. First Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 6242242 •

Lolo was bought by a new owner in 2015, and is sporting a new logo, but continues to be one of Spokane’s friendliest little boutiques. Maybe it’s the natural sunlight streaming in the shop windows, the laid-back fashion sense, the warm customer service, or the $25 sale rack. Whatever it is, it’s retail therapy at its best. 319 W. Second Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 747-2867 •

Lucky Monkey Trading Co. Coeur d’Alene’s Lucky Monkey boasts an impressive inventory of smart-ass T-shirts, flasks, soaps and candles, and global fashion like upcycled saris and Thai silver. 412 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-664-9096 •

Marmalade Fresh Clothing The secret is out. Until Marmalade’s recent move to a prominent location on Coeur d’Alene’s main drag, it was the best-kept secret of stylish, in-the-know locals. Fortunately, there’s room for everyone in this significantly larger shop. Everyone from teenagers to their wellheeled moms can find something here that’s on-trend with what you’ll see in your most recent edition of InStyle magazine. 308 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-819-9455 •

Pedro’s at the Panida Theatre If the best part of winter to you is pulling on a cozy sweater, then a visit to Pedro’s is in order. This Sandpoint gem specializes in meticulously crafted sweaters, hats and gloves, all made from natural, often exotic yarn including cashmere, alpaca, mohair, yak yarn and New Zealand possum yarn. Statement necklaces, lighter sweaters and scarves have you covered in the summer months. 223 N. First Ave. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-2636200 •


Thrux Lawrence If Hemingway were alive today, he’d have a Thrux Lawrence messenger bag thrown over his shoulder, and one of their Bulwark belts around his waist. This Coeur d’Alene haberdashery and leather-goods shop produces their own line of handmade, high-quality leather and canvas bags, belts and pants, all inspired by Americana and vintage menswear. The end result is deliciously rugged and masculine. 206 N. 3rd St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-661-3009 •

Tiffany Blue Be warned: It can get expensive to follow Tiffany Blue on Facebook. While the prices are approachable, or at least on par with what you’d pay for Uggs, TOMS or Hudson jeans at a department store, the complete looks they post on a daily basis are tough to resist and may result in impulsive shopping binges. But if you follow them on Facebook, you’ll also be in the loop for flash sales, with prices discounted 40 to 75 percent. 404 Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208765-2583 || 2027 Main St., Riverstone Village • 208-292-4543• tiffanybluecda

denim wall, as well as the trendiest bohemian-inspired clothing. Locally crafted hair accessories, hot shoes and Frye boots reign. 413 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-664-6461 •

Vivo Racks of trendy clothes go from floor to ceiling, and jeans with bedazzled pockets are stacked high at Vivo. From casual getups to flirty dresses, everything is very affordable and designed to appeal to the trendy teenager or college student. Shop their clearance center on Sunset Avenue in Coeur d’Alene for truly ridiculous deals, like racks of dresses all marked under $3. Or entire outfits, accessorized with jewelry, for under $12. 311 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-758-0478 || Spokane Valley Mall, 14700 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 315-2296 || NorthTown Mall, 4750 N. Division St. Spokane, Wash. • 795-5405 || 296 W. Sunset Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-758-0458 || River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 850-3879 •

White Lavender The newest addition to a charming cluster of stores at Steamplant Square, White Lavender is a feminine little shop, full of white cotton slip dresses, lace tank tops and the denim jackets, scarves and accessories required to pull together a complete look. Candles, vintage potting benches, woven baskets and an assortment of table linens are also on hand to feather your nest. Steam Plant Square, 159 S. Lincoln St. Spokane, Wash. • 290-6191 •

Zany Zebra The Zany Zebra doesn’t take itself too seriously. The fashion is fun and casual, and the Zany Zebra woman isn’t afraid to wear a little bling on her butt. In addition to convertible skirts, tanks and dresses, they also sell the occasional yodeling pickle, flasks with smart-ass sayings and Dammit Dolls. 317 N. First Ave. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-2178 •

Velvet Hanger Velvet Hanger has big-city style, without the pretentious, judgmental customer service you often get in a swanky urban boutique. You’ll be drawn to the ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



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8 - Pastry and More 31 - Groove Berries 32 - Bullmans Pizza 34 - Azteca 36 - Cold Stone Ice Cream 37 - San Francisco Sourdough 38 - Teriyaki Grill 41 - Melones Culinary Public House 42 - Starbucks 43 - Ugly Fish Asian Bistro 44 - Bardenay Restaurant 45 - Red Robin

1 2 3 4


2 - Orvis Outfitters 5 - Boardwalk Boutique 9 - Culinary Stone 11 - Flower Bar 14 - Solar Flair Salon 15 - Little Macs 16 - Polka Dot Pottery 17 - Artworks Coeur d’Alene 19 - Tiffany Blue Boutique II 20 - Zumiez 21 - Buckle 22 - Remax Infinity Group 23 - Pretty Angel Botanical 25 - Sola Salon 26 - Well-Read Moose Bookstore 27 - Cameo 28 - Cork and Tap 29 - Escape Outdoor 30 - NanaMacs Boutique


3 - 360 Fitness 4 - Muscle Works 6 - Paint Buzz Art Studio 9 - Culinary Stone 11 - Flower Bar 13 - Studio Ten20 17 - Artworks Coeur d’Alene 24 - Exercise Institute 25 - Sola Salon 26 - Well-Read Moose Bookstore 33 - PhysZique Fitness 35 - Regal Cinemas



5 6 7




12 13 14 15 16 17


19 20


9 43

22 23 24



27 28 29 30

31 32


44 45


36 37 38


2 41 42



Duncan’s Pet Shop

Since 1983, this mom-and-pop shop has given Coeur d’Alene pet owners a convenient place to get fish, reptiles, birds and pet supplies for all kinds of animals, including premium pet foods. The staff is knowledgeable about all things petrelated, so it’s a good spot for advice about food, habitats and other products. 1302 N. Government Way Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-667-0618 •

Max’s Custom Clothing Shop owner Max Powell handcrafts dog apparel, from coats to bathing suits to Halloween costumes. Select a ready-made outfit in the shop or order a custom ensemble for no extra charge. The shop is also big on dog safety: the ingredients in the fresh-baked treats are regulated to ensure your pet’s health. You can also buy hats, life jackets and

Find treats for Fido at the Urban Canine. TIMOTHY PHILLIPS PHOTO

Pamper your pet at these local shops

doggles (dog goggles) for when your dog sticks its head out of a speeding car. 1510 E. Francis Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 487-4336 •

birdbaths and squirrel feeders that’ll bring all the critters to the yard. 919 N. Argonne Rd. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 927-0675 •

Northwest Seed and Pet

Post Falls Pampurred Pet Boutique

Even if you’re not looking for pet supplies, stop by one of Northwest Seed and Pet’s two Spokane stores to meet their crew of animals (and maybe take one home). The company has been serving Spokane since 1944. 7302 N. Division St. Spokane, Wash. • 484-7387 | 2422 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 534-0694 •

Pet Vittles and Wild Bird West This charming two-in-one shop has everything animal lovers might need for their furry or feathered friends. Check out Pet Vittles for all natural foods and treats, or head to Wild Bird West for

This Post Falls shop specializes in premium foods, including options for pets with special dietary needs, like grain-free and all-natural formulas. It also offers reasonably priced small pet boarding for a safe place to leave your pet while you’re on vacation. 920 N. Spokane St. Post Falls, Idaho • 208-7773190 •

Prairie Dog Pet Mercantile After five years at their location on Palouse Highway, Prairie Dog Pet Mercantile moved into a spacious new spot on Regal last year. It’s nearly twice the

size of their previous shop, meaning they now carry an even wider selection of natural pet products, with the same amount of pet know-how and great service as before. 5608 S. Regal St., Suite 100 Spokane, Wash. • 443-9663 •

Urban Canine The Urban Canine has been providing local pet owners with healthy treats and funky accessories since 2002. In February 2015, their North Spokane store moved into a bigger and better location to better serve Northside animal lovers. The staff is knowledgeable and can answer most critter-related questions. 6320 N. Ash St. Spokane, Wash. • 4659663 | 2915 E. 29th Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 744-9663 •

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BEAUTIFUL HOMES begin AT THE TIN ROOF Find a range of products and services, from complete interior selections to accessorizing the home with new decor, we can do it all. We also offer a wide array of brands and price points, with designs and packages that can be suited to any style and any budget.


2nd Look Books

This South Hill spot offers more than 70,000 copies of classics, history, selfhelp and children’s books. Grab a coffee or tea from Forza next door and set up camp in the store’s regal little reading room, complete with walls stocked with classics, comfy chairs and the warm glow of a chandelier. 2829 E. 29th Ave. • 535-6464 •

Auntie’s Bookstore Housed in the historic Liberty Building in downtown Spokane, this towering, two-story local bookstore is as integrally Spokane as anything could be. Were there a category, it might also be up for the award for Spokane’s best-smelling store — thousands upon thousands of books, new and old, make Auntie’s a book hunter’s oasis and give it that wonderful aroma. 402 W. Main Ave. • 838-0206 •

5 0 9 - 5 3 5 -1 1 1 1 17 27 E S P R AG U E AV E , S P O K A N E WA w w w.T i n R o of Fu r n i t u r e . co m

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The Book Parlor The Book Parlor is a great place to find new and used books, fair-trade gifts and a strong sense of community. The

nonprofit Lutheran shop offers classics, new releases, textbooks and an expansive collection of Christian literature that customers are invited to browse while sipping a cup of coffee. 1425 W. Broadway Ave. • 328-6527

Booktraders Booktraders has been trading and selling used books for more than 50 years. Stop by this eclectic Garland shop and you’ll find one of the largest collections in Spokane, and, we’d argue, some of the best prices. We’re talking about books under $1. 907 W. Garland Ave. • 326-7653 •

Browsers Uncommon Books Browsers is the place to look if you need a gift for that hard-to-shop-for bookish friend. You’ll find beautifully bound copies of classics in mint condition, out-ofprint books, and historical books about local areas. 2415 N. Government Way, Suite #2 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208667-3964 • browsersuncommonbooks. com

BEAUTIFUL HOMES begin AT THE TIN ROOF Find a range of products and services, from complete interior selections to accessorizing the home with new decor, we can do it all. We also offer a wide array of brands and price points, with designs and packages that can be suited to any style and any budget.

The Well-Read Moose in Coeur d’Alene. TIMOTHY PHILLIPS PHOTO

Pick up a page turner Comic Book Shop The Comic Book Shop has two successful locations fully stocked with comic books, graphic novels and novelty items. From anime to superheroes to zombies, they’ve got it. It’s also a haven for D&D and Magic enthusiasts, with plenty of gatherings and tournaments throughout the year. 3207 N. Division St. • 326-7018 • | NorthTown Mall, 4750 N. Division St., 2nd Floor • 487-4175

Kaufer Co. Need a First Communion gift or an heirloom Bible? Kaufer’s is Spokane’s predominant Christian bookstore, carrying a wide variety of Bibles, prayer books, videos, rosaries and crucifixes. 907 W. Boone Ave. • 326-7070 •

Merlyn’s Merlyn’s just celebrated 35 years of bringing action figures, board games, trading cards and a convenient hangout spot to Spokane’s geeks and gamers of all ages. The walls are covered in shelves of graphic novels and comic books rang-

ing from the latest releases to vintage finds. 15 W. Main Ave. • 624-0957 •

Read It Again Read It Again is where book lovers gather in Moscow, and where avid readers from far-flung locations come to shop for used but pristine books of all genres. They guarantee that if you love books, you’ll find what you’re looking for in their shop. 131 E. Second St. Moscow, Idaho • 208-874-2545 • readitagaininc. com

The Well-Read Moose Riverstone’s Well-Read Moose is a friendly little independent bookstore. An engaging children’s section, furnished with rocking chairs, begs you to browse with your children. A carefully curated book selection, a wine and coffee bar, and cozy leather seats are equally enticing for adult book lovers. 2048 N. Main St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-215-2265 •

5 0 9 - 413 -1 1 8 5 4 01 W 1 S T AV E , S P O K A N E WA w w w.T i n R o of Fu r n i t u r e . co m ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



A ram sculpture presides over the modern accents at the Tin Roof. TIMOTHY PHILLIPS PHOTO

Home Furnishings

Turning houses into homes

1900 A Francophile’s paradise, 1900 is an artful array of slipcover furniture, ornamental corbels, glass cloches and vintage-inspired dishware. Tucked away in Spokane’s warehouse district, this hidden gem isn’t easy to find, but it’s worth seeking out. 114 W. Pacific Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 363-1900 • facebook. com/1900Inc

Artworks Coeur d’Alene

selling furniture and home décor with Italian, French and Swedish influences. You’ll find upcycled furniture in neutral colors paired with classic and rusticlooking home accessories. Many items in this shop were painted using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint (which is available for purchase), giving them a distressed look. Check their website for class schedules. 2049 Main St., Riverstone Village Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-6652726 •

This store features a European theme,

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Artworks Garland

Artworks Spokane Valley

Artworks Garland has a vintage, midcentury modern theme and sells furniture painted with vivid, fun colors. If you find a color you love, take it home! You can purchase the Chalk Paint they use, with a selection of 32 colors. The shop also offers free demos on Saturday mornings and Wednesday nights to teach you how to apply the paint. 600 W. Garland Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 4433906 •

This Spokane Valley location is a design showroom, and although this space is used more for holding classes rather than selling furniture, you can still go in and see an assortment of housewares. If you’re redecorating, check out their portfolio of works. They pride themselves on updating and embellishing anything that stands still with specialty paint, plaster or decorative concrete finish, so you’re bound to find a look

to refresh your home or office. 15310 E. Marietta Ave. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 928-2726 •

Ennis Fine Furniture Ennis is technically a Boise-based company, but its Spokane location has certainly established itself as a wonderful resource for fine home furnishings from top brands and excellent interior design services. 8313 N. Division St. Spokane, Wash. • 467-6707 •

Madison Country What started as a garage-based silk floral business has sprouted into Madison Country, a family-owned, 10,000 square-foot showroom full of silk flowers and rich, yet affordable, U.S.-made furniture that’ll help turn your house into a home. 2928 N. Madelia St. Spokane, Wash. • 340-1952 •

Madison Home Fine Furnishings and Interior Accents The exterior of Madison Home’s North Division store is nondescript, but if you venture inside you’ll discover uberchic furniture and flawlessly staged

vignettes. Expect high-end brands, heirloom-quality furniture, and upscale price tags. 2826 N. Ruby St. Spokane, Wash. • 325-1815 • madisonhomenw. com

Rail Creek Furniture Co. Formerly known as Needful Things, Rail Creek has done away with vintage and consignment goods and is now focusing on new, designer-quality furniture. If you’re looking to give your home a new look, this is a solid place to look for dining sets, sectionals and custom upholstery. 1801 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 795-4536 •

Reskued It’s tempting to keep this secret to ourselves, but that would be selfish. So go ahead and shop Reskued for some of the best deals you’ll find on home furnishings. Reskued is the Tin Roof’s clearance center, and prices are typically discounted by more than 75 percent. Follow them on Facebook to see what’s new each week. 1702 E. Riverside Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 209-3954 • reskued. com

Runge Furniture Company

The Tin Roof | Forefront

Family-owned Runge Furniture Company has been the go-to furniture store in North Idaho since 1946, and it still provides locals with quality furniture and service to help personalize their homes. With an expansive inventory and plenty of well-known brands, there’s something for everyone and every budget. 303 E. Spokane Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-664-5038 • rungefurniture. com

Previously Concept Home, the Tin Roof | Forefront still offers the same quality, mid-century modern and contemporary furniture and décor. The store also offers interior design services from its accredited designers if you’re not sure which fab furniture will look best in your space. 401 W. First Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 4131185 •

The Tin Roof

Walker’s started selling solid oak furniture back in 1980, and since then has grown to 15 stores throughout the Inland Northwest. They’ve also expanded well beyond oak, and carry a wide variety of styles, from ornate cherry china hutches to overstuffed recliners to bunk beds, with a wide variety of price points. 14214 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 928-2485 | 7224 N. Government Way Dalton Gardens, Idaho • 208-7627200 | 15 E. Boone Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 326-1600 •

Since it opened more than 10 years ago, Tin Roof has become the place to shop for a new sofa, armchair or dining room table. Just ask Inlander readers, who consistently vote Tin Roof their favorite furniture store in the annual Best Of readers poll. This store has hand-selected pieces you won’t find anywhere else, and design consultants to help make anyone’s vision and dream home a reality. Plus, this locally owned, family-run business seeks out American-made furniture and supports more local charities than we can list. 1727 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 535-1111 •

Walker’s Furniture and Mattress

Great Cities Plan Ahead.

Great Cities Plan Ahead. ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |


“Something for everyone” For a complete directory of shopping and more in Downtown Spokane, visit

Walls of vintage boots are on display at Vintage Angel.



Kick off the season with fresh footwear Homestead Birkenstock Homestead Birkenstock is the home of the comfortable shoe. You’ll find those classic Arizona Birkenstocks here, along with Birkenstock boots (who knew, right?), not to mention other wearable brands, like Keen and Dansko, that can help you get through a nine-hour shift on your feet. NorthTown Mall, 4750 N. Division St. Spokane, Wash. • 482-4515 •

JJ’s Shoes & Boutique

Gifts&Gear at your University-owned store

Spokane (509)309-2050 • 618 W. Riverside Avenue Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • WSUAA Members SAVE 10% - excluding wine, cheese and sale items.

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JJ’s nondescript exterior on Coeur d’Alene’s busy Sherman Avenue doesn’t exactly draw you in, but remember what mom told you and don’t judge a book by its cover. Inside you’ll find stylish yet comfortable shoes by the likes of Birkenstock, Taos and Sebago. 309 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-765-6181 •

Snow River Uggs and More Uggs may get flak for being “Uggly,” but there’s a reason why they’ve spread like wildfire, infiltrating ski lodges, city streets and college campuses around the world. Snow River started selling Uggs year-round way before they were cool, and now it’s the local go-to spot for the toasty

sheepskin footwear. 102 Cedar St. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-4472 •

Vintage Angel This “pre-loved” boot shop may only be open a few days a week, but you’ll want to be sure you don’t miss those days. Vintage Angel is the Spokane source for boots from Seattle’s wildly popular Boot Girl store and warehouse. The quality is high, the prices are low, and the possibilities are endless. 1025 W. First Ave. Spokane, Wash. •

The Walk Shoppe We’re not a Jimmy Choo kind of town. We don’t teeter around here in the Inland Northwest. We hike and walk (even in January, when there’s 2 feet of snow on the ground). The Walk Shoppe understands that and stocks stylish, wearable shoes by the likes of Bogs, Clarks and Sanuk, and all the SmartWool socks you need to survive winter. 3707 S. Grand Blvd. Spokane, Wash. • 747-2161 • thewalkshoppe

south perry

If your cat is hyperthyroid, call us for better treatment options 509.535.MEOW(6369) | Mon-Fri 8AM-5:30PM Sat 9AM-Noon 1017 South Perry, Spokane, WA •

Fresh beer. Local flavor.

1025 South Perry • 509-279-2820 family friendly taproom • outdoor seating • private event rentals ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



WALK THIS WAY Six hikes for the four seasons in the Inland Northwest BY SCOTT A. LEADINGHAM 200 | T H E I N L A N D E R A N N U A L M A N U A L 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6


rospector Parson Smith walked hundreds of miles in his years looking for the next big strike of riches. Mineral wealth may be one thing, but wealth of rich natural landscapes never eluded him, particularly not in the Northwest. In 1886 he carved into a tree on the present-day Washington-Canada border in the North Cascades: “I have roamed in foreign parts, my boys, and many lands have seen. But Columbia is my idol yet. Of all lands, she is queen.” We couldn’t agree more. Though that sign was left farther northwest of our more inland region, the sentiment applies across the board, from the North Cascades across the Columbia River to the Selkirks, Spokane and North Idaho. Yeah, we live in a pretty darn cool place. That’s not just Spokane, either, or Sandpoint or Coeur d’Alene. Our Inland Northwest area may span two states and more than 100 miles in any


Iller Creek

Paul Dillon and Tiffany Harms on a trail from the Rocks of Sharon YOUNG KWAK PHOTO direction, but we’re cut from the same cloth: Outdoorsy, perhaps more rugged than our western neighbors, always looking for a good time among the trees and hills. When Outside magazine named Spokane one of its best outdoor towns for 2013, it did so not because of just one hike close to the city, but because the broader region (including North Idaho) is, as the Spokane tourism boosters like to say, “near nature, near perfect.” One of the activities that makes the Inland Northwest so desirable is hiking. Go in any direction, from the craggy peaks of the North Idaho Selkirks to the basalt formations and glacial-flood-formed Columbia Basin to the rolling hills of the Palouse, and you’ll find a hike that’s just right for you. Parson Smith may not have carved on any tree in Spokane or Sandpoint or anywhere immediately nearby, but we’re confident he would have loved this area all the same. Try out some of these nearby hikes and channel his spirit, imagining you’re seeing the same views that people like Smith did so many years ago.

LOCATION: Iller Creek / Rocks of Sharon / Spokane area LENGTH: 5-mile loop from Iller Creek trailhead. 2.5 mile up-and-down from Stevens Creek trailhead. Both trails merge at the top, called Rocks of Sharon, with access to Tower Mountain. DIFFICULTY: Moderate GETTING THERE: Iller Creek Trailhead: 9000 E. Holman Rd., Spokane: Coming from Sprague Ave. or Appleway Blvd., turn south on Dishman-Mica Rd. Turn right on Shafer Rd. at a stop light. Continue until a stop sign at 44th Ave. Turn right. Take first left onto Woodruff Rd. Turn right onto Holman Rd., and follow uphill until the dead end and parking area with gate and outhouse. STEVENS CREEK TRAILHEAD: 8901 S. Stevens Creek Rd. Coming from South Hill / Valleyford on Palouse Hwy, turn left or right (depending on direction) onto Stevens Creek Rd. Drive 3 miles to trailhead, on left. WHY WE LOVE IT: The Iller Creek area offers everything you can ask for in a hike, especially one so close to the city: A diversity of landscapes and vegetation, opportunities for wildlife viewing, a reward at the top worth the climb, and views galore. The newer trailhead on the south side of the mountain — Stevens Creek — is a shorter ascent, but just as rewarding at the top. For a longer hike, start at Iller Creek and ascend in a counterclockwise direction on the loop. You’ll go up a stream (riparian) area with dense woods and water-loving vegetation that you won’t find on the opposite side of the valley. Follow the loop all the way around until you summit at the Rocks of Sharon, where you may catch rock climbers or scramblers going up the vertical rock outcroppings. WHEN TO GO: While this hike is accessible year round (and very popular with mountain bikers), one of the best (and much less crowded) times is in winter. The snow may be hardpacked down below and get icy, so bring snowshoes or ice cleats (such as the popular Yaktrax). The view from the top is just as good in winter, and sometimes when an inversion layer leaves the valley floor shrouded in fog, you’ll ascend above it and feel like you’re — like that song by the Carpenters — on top of the world looking down on creation.




RER CAERNC ENR AT IO EA TN IR OENP O R T U L “ Wa l k t h i s w a y,” c o n t i n u e d

Steamboat Rock

LOCATION: Steamboat Rock State Park / Grand Coulee area LENGTH: Various depending on route and side excursions. At least 5 miles. DIFFICULTY: Moderate to difficult, depending on time of day and distance. GETTING THERE: 51052 Highway 155, Electric City, Wash.: Follow US Hwy. 2 west toward Davenport. Continue to Wilbur, running right at Hwy. 174 toward Grand Coulee. At Four Corners junction in Grand Coulee (a gas station will be on the right), turn left onto Hwy. 155, following through Electric City. Follow signs to main Steamboat Rock State Park entrance. WHY WE LOVE IT: The Grand Coulee and Bank Lake/Lake Roosevelt area make for a worthwhile weekend getaway or day trip. It’s a small tourist town (i.e., lots of water activities) with a plethora of hiking. Steamboat Rock overlooks Banks Lake, created as a reservoir to feed the agricultural economy of central Washington. It’s a steep hike from the state park campground up through an area that was carved by glacial floods. So you’re walking through natural and human history. WHEN TO GO: While popular in summer with boaters, Steamboat Rock may best be reserved for late winter and early spring, when ice formations on the surrounding basalt walls can make for cool pictures (or ice climbing, if that’s your thing). Bald eagles in and around the state park and nearby Northrup Canyon (part of the larger state park complex) are best seen in mid-February through March.


Kettle Crest

LOCATION: Kettle Crest Trail / Sherman Pass between Kettle Falls and Republic, Wash. LENGTH: Varies. About 40 miles end-to-end backpacking. Multiple short day hikes possible. DIFFICULTY: Moderate to difficult, depending on route and length. Getting there: Main trailhead at top of Sherman Pass on Hwy. 20. More route and hike descriptions from Washington Trails Association: WTAKettleCrest WHY WE LOVE IT: Quite simply, it’s the crown jewel of Eastern Washington hiking — and the crowds are nowhere near what you’d find on the Pacific Crest Trail. It’s secluded enough to not get the masses from the west side of Washington, but easily accessible enough to allow quick access from the Spokane-Coeur d’Alene region. There are multiple peaks above 7,500 feet that you can scramble up if you have enough time, or just enjoy the expansive, 360-degree views from lower on the trail. WHEN TO GO: Though sections of the trail (particularly the branch south of Hwy. 20) are accessible all year, some areas don’t melt out until mid-June or even July (obviously not in 2015). The best time to hike is late September to late October, when the weather can be just as nice (and not so hot!) as summer, and the foliage really starts to change. TIP: Fresh water sources are scarce, with a few springs. But open rangeland in the area means livestock could have access, and you should always filter any water you do collect. In the end, be sure to pack in plenty of extra water from home. The needles of Western larch (or Tamarack) trees turn yellow and fall off, a sight rarely seen in most coniferous forests. When they’re blowing in the breeze, take time to appreciate the scenery and think of it as “nature’s gold” falling on the trail. JOHN R DARRING PHOTO

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40th running

12k • 7.46 Miles • 50,000 participants

SUNDAY MAY 1st, 2016 elites • runners • wheelchairs • walkers • strollers wear Costumes • listen to live music • survive doomsday hill

R E C R E AT I O N “ Wa l k t h i s w a y,” c o n t i n u e d

Palouse Falls

LOCATION: Palouse Falls State Park / Starbuck, Wash. LENGTH: Varies. 1 to 4 miles depending on route DIFFICULTY: Moderate to difficult GETTING THERE: From Spokane, take I-90 east to Ritzville and exit 221. Follow Hwy. 261 south, going across Hwy. 26 and the town of Washtucna. Continue south on 261, eventually turning right to remain on 261 and follow signs to the park. WHY WE LOVE IT: This isn’t as much a destination for expansive and amazing hiking, but what it lacks in distance on trails it makes up for with views and cool geology. Palouse Falls seemingly comes out of nowhere in what is otherwise a very remote and, frankly, not particularly scenic farming area. You’ll see thousands of years of geologic history unfolding before your eyes, part of the Channeled Scablands that make up much of central and southeastern Washington. Hike from the parking area to the top of the falls or upstream along the Palouse River. The more adventurous can scramble to the bottom of the falls and walk downriver. But as you’ll see when you arrive, the scramble down (and up) will be a challenge. Wear good boots with solid traction.

Pulaski Tunnel LOCATION: Pulaski Tunnel Trail / Wallace, Idaho LENGTH: 4 miles round trip DIFFICULTY: Easy GETTING THERE: I-90 to Wallace, Idaho, exit 61. At stop sign, turn right. Turn left on I-90 Business Route toward Wallace, right on 2nd St. Turn right onto Bank St., which becomes King St. King turns slightly left and becomes National Forest Rd. 456/Moon Pass Rd. Continue on Forest Service Rd. 456 for about a mile until you see the well-marked parking area on your left. WHY WE LOVE IT: There isn’t a spectacular view at the top, but there is a lot of history unfolding before your eyes. The trail is marked along the way with interpretive signs telling the story of Ed Pulaski, a U.S. Forest Service ranger whose actions during the massive 1910 forest fires in the area saved the lives of 45 of his men. As the forest burned around them, Pulaski guided his crew into a mining tunnel along Placer Creek. You’re walking part of the same route, and also learning about a very pivotal time in Inland Northwest history, as the fire wiped out much of what was then a thriving mining and timber industry in the area.


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Mckinnick Trail LOCATION: Mickinnick Trail / Sandpoint, Idaho LENGTH: 7 miles round trip DIFFICULTY: Moderate to more difficult, with 2,000 feet of elevation gain in 3.5 miles. GETTING THERE: From Sandpoint, take Hwy. 95 north about 1.3 miles to Schweitzer Cutoff Rd. Turn left and drive a half-mile. Turn right, drive about a mile and turn left on Schweitzer Mountain Rd. (there will be a sign for Schweitzer resort). Turn left at Woodland Dr. Parking area is about a mile down on the right. WHY WE LOVE IT: It’s close enough to town to do before lunch or in the afternoon before dinner, but gets you high enough to really feel like you’re getting away from it all. The trail climbs quickly with many switchbacks, so be prepared to feel the burn going up and coming down. Stop on some of the open corners and look east toward Sandpoint and Lake Pend Oreille, and farther toward Montana and the Cabinet Mountains. The main attraction: huckleberries galore (if you time it right). Bring a Tupperware container to collect the berries in late July through August. But don’t be a berry hog (or bear). Save some for your fellow berry lovers.




A Year in Gear Swaps Nine events to get you geared up for every season

Hundreds of bikes await at the Spokane Bike Swap.


Why It’s Cool

Date & Time


For more than 20 years, local ski fanatics have been swapping gear at this event, which benefits the resort’s volunteer ski patrol. Stop by to find deals on winter equipment and clothing for the whole family.

Oct. 24 9 am-3 pm


Complete with an annual movie premiere and VIP night, this is the largest winter sports gear swap in the region. You’ll find new and used equipment, clothing and accessories for all winter sports, sold by individuals and sporting good stores.

Oct. 30-Nov. 1 Spokane County Fair Bring items on Oct. 29 9 am-5 pm, and Expo Center between 3-8 pm 9 am-noon

This will be the 18th year that these volunteer ski patrols have joined forces to host a swap. Proceeds from the event are primarily used for patrol training to improve rescue and first aid capabilities. Buy and sell used equipment, see new snow gear from local shops and chat with representatives from nearby ski resorts. SARS has been an active part of Schweitzer since the resort opened in 1963. This swap supports the various programs that the school offers for alpine skiers and snowboarders of all ages. This swap provides an opportunity for skiers to shed their old stuff and pick up some sweet new gear, whether it’s simply new to them or brand-new from the shop. Check out special pricing on new Nordic gear during the swap.

Nov. 7 9 am-3 pm

Kootenai County Fairgrounds

Bring items to sell on Nov. 6 between 3-8 pm

Nov. 7 9 am-2 pm

Bonner County Fairgrounds

Bring items to the $2/ venue between noon- person or 7 pm on Nov. 6 $5/family

Nov. 7-8 9 am-6 pm, 11 am-5 pm

Fitness Fanatics, 12425 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley

Bring items to sell between Sept. 15 and Nov. 6

Dec. 5-6 6-9 pm, 9 am-noon

Hollingbery Fieldhouse, WSU

Bring items to the venue on Dec. 4 between 3:30 and 5:30 pm

April 9-10 9 am-3 pm

Spokane County Fair Bring items on April 8 and Expo Center Online


This isn’t just for college kids trying to get a sweet deal on some snow gear — all are welcome to browse the new and used items. Vendors from around the Northwest also will be selling items at special discounted prices. This swap goes beyond the buying and selling of bikes. Stop by and check out bicycle classes, an auction and lots of giveaways. Proceeds go to the Friends of the Centennial Trail to help with trail maintenance and improvements.


For an ongoing selection of local ski gear, head to the Internet. Buy, sell or post wanted ads on this (primarily nordic) ski equipment trading site.



NRS is the place to look for all kinds of used paddlesports gear. Based in Moscow, Idaho, most of the items listed are located in Northwest.


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Check in gear on Oct. 23 after 6 pm or Oct. 24 at 8 am




Colville County Fairgrounds

How To Sell


$5 to enter, under 12 free $5 to enter, under 12 free

Free $3 Saturday, $1 Sunday, under 12 free

$5 entry, free under 12

Email your listing and a photo to skiswap@


Create an online account and post items


Dog Parks

Made especially for Fido

Balto Dog Park You’ll find the Balto Dog Park at the Dover City Beach, across from City Hall. This unfenced dog park opened in 2009 and features a boardwalk for diving, water-loving dogs, fire hydrants and a wash-down area with a solar-heated hose system. Dogs must be healthy and up to date on their vaccines to play offleash here, and stay under their owner’s control/care at all times. There are also 9 miles of trails available here, but you’ll need to put the leash back on to take advantage of those. 699 Lakeshore Dr. Dover, Idaho

Central Bark Dog Park New York has Central Park. North Idaho boasts Central Bark, a 1.8-acre, off-leash dog park. You’ll find secure fencing here, and an open, grassy park for dogs to run. Owners will appreciate a handful of benches inside the enclosure, and water fountains for thirsty dogs. 3889 Nez Perce Rd. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-769-2252 •

Cherry Hill Dog Park Cherry Hill Dog Park is always exceptionally clean and well-maintained. Since this dog park is covered in pea gravel, instead of grass or dirt, it’s also an excellent choice on or after a rainy day. Your dog won’t come home soaked in mud. Running water hydrates thirsty dogs in the summer, and poop bags and garbage cans are abundant inside the park. 1718 N. 15th St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-769-2252 •

Moscow Dog Park Moscow’s Dog Park is a popular meeting place for energetic dogs and their animal-loving owners. This park is always busy with dogs racing around an open acre of grass, leaping over and onto oversized tires while their owners toss Frisbees or chat with a friend underneath a covered bench inside the park. On hot summer days, it’s not unsual to find a plastic kiddie pool here to cool off hot dogs. The park is open seven days a week from dawn to dusk,

year-round, but closed on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 am for mowing. 2019 White Ave. Moscow, Idaho • dogparkfriends. org

Patricia Simonet Laughing Dog Park From dawn to dusk, no matter the weather, you’ll find happy pups and their dedicated owners walking laps at the volunteer-run and -funded Liberty Lake Dog park. Walk the paved path on the perimeter, or bust out the Chuckit! in the grass or the more natural, wooded areas of the park. This park also boasts picnic tables, along with restrooms and a drinking fountain for dogs. 26715 E. Spokane Bridge Rd. Liberty Lake, Wash. • 477-2532 •

Pooch Park at Pullman Pullman’s new dog park boasts two fenced acres for dogs to play, agility equipment and separate areas for small and large (25-plus-pounds) dogs. Freshwater is on site, but you’ll need to bring your own bowl. Owners will appreciate a new shade structure. Unlike other area dog parks, Pullman’s Pooch Park requires a fee to enter. Pay $5 for the day (purchase on-site from 1 to 5 pm), $15 for a month or $60 for a year. Buy your membership online and follow the park on Facebook for updates on events. 1340 Old Moscow Rd. Pullman, Wash. • 332-3422 • poochpark/

SpokAnimal Dog Park at High Bridge SpokAnimal’s 11-acre dog park at High Bridge Park is Spokane’s only official dog park (although many in-the-know dog owners frequent an “unofficial park” on the South Hill). Vaccinated dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds are welcome here. You’ll find separate play areas for small and large dogs, and secure fencing to keep all the pups safe inside. Since there is no poop fairy, you’ll need to clean up after your dog. 330 S. A St. Spokane, Wash. • 534-8133 •



MON-SAT 10-6 - CLOSED SUN 1403 W. 1ST

MON-SAT 10-6 - SUN 11-4 12505 E. SPRAGUE




Our Good Nature Colville is a hub of activity for agriculture, manufacturing and timber industries. Located in a broad valley surrounded by the Colville National Forest, just minutes away from Lake Roosevelt, this four-season playground abounds with outdoor recreation.

• Camping

• Wildlife Watching

• Fishing

• Mountain Biking

• Hiking

• Road Biking

• Hunting

• Scenic Drives

Visit us online for trail maps & outdoor recreation information:




ROW Adventures leads a trip down Idaho’s Middle Fork of the Salmon River.

Paddling & Rowing

Whether you want a scenic paddle or a classic whitewater experience, there are plenty of ways to float your boat

Coeur d’Alene Canoe and Kayak Club This group offers a wide variety of trips: after-work paddles, long distance excursions, overnighters, to fishing trips. Founded in 2005, they have an educational focus and “something for everyone.” Coeur d’Alene, Idaho •

Coeur d’Alene Paddle Board Company Coeur d’Alene’s Kym Murdoch opened her paddleboard company after discovering the sport on a Maui vacation from her taxing road crew job. The rest is his-

tory, and the company is now booming, just like the sport. Rent a board on your own, join a group paddle, try a SUP yoga class, or hop on Supsquatch — the new eight-person paddleboard. 512 E. Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208292-4156 •

EPIC Adventures EWU If you just want to rent a paddleboard to take to your lake of choice, EWU’s EPIC Adventures center rents them for $11 per day to students and $22 per day to community members. 150 University Recreation Center, EWU Cheney, Wash. • 359-4014 •

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FLOW Adventures

Kayak Coeur d’Alene

Adrenaline junkies will appreciate FLOW’s whitewater adventures on the Spokane and Salmon rivers. For those who seek a more serene experience on the water, sign up for one of their touring kayak classes or float the Spokane River with some friends. FLOW coordinates river floats all summer. For $20, you get the tube, a PFD and a shuttle ride back to your car. An additional $10 gets you a floating cooler for your journey. 2807 W. Euclid Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 509-242-8699 •

New to kayaking or think you want to jump on the SUP craze? Kayak Coeur d’Alene has rental gear and classes to get you started. Kayak and standup paddleboard rentals are available seven days a week, May through September. Rentals include complimentary delivery and pickup on the north shore of the lake. Venture out on your own or take one of three weekly paddleboarding classes. 307 E. Locust Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-676-1533 •

Coeur d’Alene Paddle Board instructor Kim Sherwood doing yoga. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO that move beyond the traditional whitewater rafting trips to include river wine floats, geocaching trips, wildlife watching floats and team building adventures called W.E.T. (Working Efficiently Together). 11111 Mullan Rd. E. Superior, Mont. • 877-239-2392 •

Mountain Gear If you want to try out a variety of canoes, kayaks or paddleboards before you buy, sign up for one of Mountain Gear’s many demos held every summer. Check out their schedule online, or call or stop into their retail store for a calendar of events. 2002 N. Division St. Spokane, Wash. • 325-9000 •

Northwest Whitewater Association This club wants to bring river runners together to promote whitewater rafting, safety and conservation. Connect with other enthusiasts for floats and excursions, or sign up for one of their classes or presentations. This group has a packed calendar year-round. Even snow doesn’t stop the annual Fools Float. Spokane, Wash. • 994-2609 •

Pangaea River Rafting Pangaea’s motto is to “leave boring behind.” They’ve gone about doing so by creating a series of unique adventures

REI REI’s summer paddling basics class covers what you need to know to get started canoeing, kayaking or paddleboarding. The store also sells and rents paddling gear. 1125 N. Monroe St. Spokane, Wash. • 328-9900 • stores/24

ROW Adventure Center If you’re into big, raft-smashing waves, join ROW for a wild ride down the Lochsa River or a thrill ride on the Clark Fork. For a more serene experiencie, look for their sunset or wildlife kayak tours on Lake Coeur d’Alene. This experienced, award-laden outfitter is known for its exceptional adventures, both in the Inland Northwest and around the globe. Like many others, ROW is also riding the SUP trend with rentals, classes, tours and even a race series on Lake Coeur d’Alene. If beer is your favorite recovery drink, you’ll appreciate their Paddle-nBrew adventures ($60 and up) that start and end at Spokane’s No-Li Brewhouse. 202 Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-770-2517 • rowadventurecenter.

com • 209 S. Washington St. Spokane, Wash. • 822-7332 •

Spokane Canoe and Kayak Clu This good-natured club promotes paddling of all kinds — canoes, kayaks, rafts and paddleboards. Join them for monthly meetings, or better yet, a Wednesday whitewater paddle or their Thursday flatwater paddle. Summer clinics help paddlers learn or refine their skills. Dues are $25 annually. Spokane, Wash. • sckc. ws

Spokane Parks and Recreation The city of Spokane collaborates with local guide companies to bring you on one-day trips, clinics and classes on local rivers and lakes for very reasonable prices. Rafters and kayakers will appreciate the shuttle service for paddlers on the little Spokane River each summer. For only $8, Parks and Rec will provide you and your canoe or kayak transportation from the 9 Mile takeout of the Little Spokane River to put in at St. George’s. Shuttles run Saturdays from 10 to 4 pm, July through the end of August. 809 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., Fifth Floor Spokane, Wash. • 755-2489 • parksrec

Spokane River Rowing Association

local waters, including a beautiful glassy stretch of the Spokane River near Minnehaha. Each spring the group hosts a Learn to Row program to introduce beginners to the fundamentals of rowing. Spokane, Wash. • 755-2490 •

Tri-State Outfitters Tri-State Outfitters has a robust calendar of classes to help the aspiring kayaker or paddleboarder understand what to look for in a boat or board. You can also demo or rent gear from their all of their shops in in Moscow, Moses Lake, Coeur d’Alene and Lewiston. 6275 Sunshine St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-772-0613 • • 1104 Pullman Rd. Moscow, • 208-882-4555 • 120 Thain Rd. Lewiston, • 208-746-5307 • 1224 Pioneer Way Moses Lake, Wash. • 509-765-9338

Wiley E. Waters Wiley E. Waters can take you down the Class III and IV rapids on the Clark Fork or send you floating down the Spokane River with a full wine glass and some gourmet appetizers in hand. You can even book a little team-building adventure to work on communication and leadership skills. Your choice. 1701 W. Water Ave. Nine Mile Falls, Wash. • 9981120 •

Crew isn’t just for college students. SRRA brings together rowers of all ages and skill levels for training and racing on ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



Local Goods

Buying local isn’t just about groceries; these companies will help you get into locally made gear for any outdoor adventure 1 ALPINE SKIS Sneva MFG has been handcrafting woodencored, twin-tip alpine skis for more than 20 years. Owner TJ Sneva created the original twin-tip snow ski in 1994, and these days he makes around 1,000 pairs each year. Most of the 30 available models are suitable for all types of skiing, and all models are made with custom graphics, flex, width and length. Order online. $650 and up


2 BIKES Glen Copus has an extensive bicycle-building pedigree that began with assembling spokes and hubs at a BMX shop as a 12-year-old, and spans decades of work as a racing team mechanic and professional



builder. Now, cyclists around the country are singing the praises of Elephant Bikes; the sturdy, versatile steel bicycles he crafts in his Spokane workshop. Order online. $1,200 and up 3 HIKING BOOTS White’s Boots have been worn for generations, from pre-Civil War loggers to the frontmen of Metallica. While the company specializes in handmade leather work boots, it also offers waterproof hiking boots that can withstand the toughest terrains. Look for them at White’s Boots, North 40 Outfitters, Timber Country, Larson’s and online. $319.95 4 HIKING STAFFS Sometimes, all you need for a successful day of hiking is a really nice stick. Order a hand-carved hiking staff from Walking Cane Co., and that’s exactly what you’ll have. The staffs come in a variety of styles and finishes, and all include a genuine leather strap. Choose from chestnut, ash, hickory or sas1 safras. Order online. $50-$70 walkingcaneco. com

5 4

5 FLY-FISHING RODS Steve Moran believes that beautiful fish deserve to be caught on fishing rods of equal beauty, and fly fishers as far away as Malaysia seem to agree. His made-to-order rods, crafted from exotic woods, can include artistic inlays and precious metal adornments. Each rod includes the customer’s name in ink, as well as two custom graphics hand-drawn by Moran. Order by phone. $150-$650 869-3474 | 6 COTS Camp Time’s Roll-a-Cot is so lightweight, it’s even been carried to the top of Mount Everest. With a durable aluminum alloy frame and heavy-duty mesh, it’s built to last. Available in three sizes at Mountain Gear, REI and online. $128-$198 7 CARABINERS If you’re a climber, there’s a good chance you’ve clipped your rope to quite a few Omega Pacific carabiners while hitting the routes. But the Airway Heights company doesn’t just cater to the climbing crowd — it’s also the largest supplier of carabiners to the U.S. military. Find carabiners and more at Mountain Goat Outfitters, Mountain Gear, REI and online. $6.95-$23.95 8 LONGBOARDS Dan Dengler’s longboards are so goodlooking, you might feel guilty standing on one. Dengler salvages wood from around the country and turns it into functional art pieces that he says are as enjoyable to ride as they are to look at. Pick one up at Let it Ride, or order a custom board online. $275 and up LAURA REGESTER 3 7



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I came. I saw... Ski Resorts 49 Degrees North 49 Degrees North is known for its tree skiing and healthy snowfall. Why not check out what locals call “Freshy Fridays”? With the exception of the holiday time period, 49 Degrees North is closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays. So if a storm hits the region over those days, make sure you head up on Friday morning to enjoy two days of untouched fresh snowfall. In addition to alpine skiing and snowshoeing, the resort has some of the best Nordic (cross-country) skiing in the region, complete with a toasty yurt where you can adjust your gear and relax for a bit before heading back out. 3311 Flowery Trail Rd. Chewelah, Wash. • 935-6649 •

Lookout Pass Ski & Recreation Area Getting to Lookout Pass is easy. Zoom along the four lanes of I-90 from downtown Spokane and you can arrive at Exit 0 on the Idaho/Montana border in 90 minutes; once there, you can ski two states on one mountain. Then there’s the snow: a whopping 400 inches per year — nearly 100 inches more of lighter, drier white stuff than other local resorts. Its cozy historic base lodge is the second oldest in the Northwest, reminiscent of 1940s-era lodges. The resort offers three terrain parks, and its “famous free ski

school” (yes, it’s really free) to introduce kids ages 6 to 17 to skiing or boarding. I-90 Exit 0 Mullan, Idaho • 208-744-1301 •

Mount Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park Inlander readers have voted Mt. Spokane their favorite place to snowboard for 10 years. You can chalk up Mt. Spokane’s enduring popularity with snowboarders to its rapid addition of terrain parks in recent years. These are designated areas with jumps, slopes and rails — both natural and manmade — where riders of various skill levels can attempt and perfect new tricks. But 10 years of Best Of wins don’t come solely from new parks with cool features. It has to do with how diligently Mt. Spokane has worked to create a welcoming, inclusive culture for skiers and snowboarders. Its short distance from Spokane (only 28 miles) and commitment to night skiing (16 runs, the most in the region), don’t hurt either. 29500 N. Mount Spokane Park Dr. Mead, Wash. • 238-2220 •

RED Mountain Resort Awarded “Best Up and Coming Ski Resort” in the 2013 World Snow Awards, Red Mountain Resort in Rossland, B.C., invites skiers to come check out their

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A beautiful day on Schweitzer BOB LEGASSA PHOTO

Check out all of the options before you hit the slopes

uncrowded 4,200 acres and “find out what none of the fuss is about.” The resort has wide-open, well-groomed runs, 360-degree descents off of select peaks and incredibly deep snow. 4300 Red Mountain Rd. Rossland, B.C. • 800-6630105 •

ski the North Face Glades after a fresh dump of snow. Gondola Village offers lodging, restaurants and Idaho’s largest indoor waterpark, Silver Rapids. 610 Bunker Ave. Kellogg, Idaho • 866-3442675 •

Schweitzer Mountain Resort

One of Washington’s best-kept skiing secrets, Ski Bluewood boasts the second-highest base elevation in the state. This quaint ski hill is known for its excellent tree skiing and great powder. Just 150 miles from Spokane and 54 miles from Walla Walla, the drive isn’t bad either. 2000 N. Touchet Rd. Dayton, Wash. • 382-4725 •

You can’t beat the views from the summit of Schweitzer, where skiiers can drink in shimmering Lake Pend Oreille and panoramic views of three mountain ranges that stretch into three states and Canada. It’s no wonder that Inlander readers vote Schweitzer their favorite place to ski. In addition to killer views, the resort also boasts the most highspeed lifts and the most skiable acres in the region. Abundant ski-in, ski-out lodging, a vibrant mountain village, nordic trails, terrain parks, tubing, night skiing and a packed calendar of events round out the experience. 10000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-263-9555 •

Silver Mountain Resort One hour from Spokane and an easy 30-minute freeway ride from Coeur d’Alene, Silver Mountain is one of the most easily accessible ski resorts in the area. Tourists love the scenic 3-milelong gondola and locals come here to

Ski Bluewood

Whitewater Ski Resort A three-and-a-half-hour drive from Spokane, near the funky town of Nelson, B.C., Whitewater Ski Resort is known for its dry champagne-powder skiing and wide variety of terrain. With dependable snowfall averaging 40 feet each season, it’s a guaranteed good time. The resort boasts short lift lines, reasonable prices and a truly some of the best ski resort food you’ll taste anywhere. 602 Lake St. Nelson, B.C. • 800-666-9420 •

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ROSAUERS OPEN INVITATIONAL WHO PLAYS: The champion of the annual PGA Section tourney pockets around $11,000. Past winners include such talented pros as Corey Prugh, Kyle Kelly, David Phay, Ryan Benzel and Chris Mitchell. BENEFICIARY: Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery for children at risk of abuse or neglect. More than $2.5 million has been raised since the inaugural Rosauers Open in 1988. COURSE: Indian Canyon COST (2015): Entry fees for the Umpqua Pro-Am, a 36-hole event that precedes the Open, start at $2,500 for a twosome. GOODIES: Dinner, wine tasting, live music and dancing at Arbor Crest Wine Cellars. Pro-Am players receive $300 in Titleist golf merchandise. INFO: 747-5353,


WHO PLAYS: Washington State fans have played with the likes of Cougars sports figures like Drew Bledsoe, Klay Thompson, Mark Rypien, Marcus Trufant, Jason Gesser, Mike Price and Mike Leach. BENEFICIARY: WSU sports COURSE: Coeur d’Alene Resort COST (2015): Varies; donations welcome. GOODIES: Dinner, auction with plenty of autographed sports memorabilia, hole-in-one contest, etc. INFO: 335-6709


WHO PLAYS: Spokane’s Mark Rypien, the Most Valuable Player at Super Bowl XXVI in 1992, is integrally involved. BENEFICIARY: The Rypien Foundation, which benefits youth cancer patients and their families. More than $5 million has been raised for local charities in 16 years. COURSE: Manito Golf and Country Club COST (2015): The minimum is $5,000 for a foursome. The night prior to the tournament, Rypien tosses footballs into the crowd at a dinner and auction at Northern Quest Resort & Casino. GOODIES: Depending on the size of your check, you can golf with Rypien at other local courses prior to the tournament, attend a reception with Rypien, spend a night at Northern Quest, etc. INFO: 747-2424,

THE SHOWCASE PGA golfer Alex Prugh tees off at the 2014 Showcase.

Golf For Good

Want to make your strokes count for local nonprofits? Here’s our guide to four premier charity golf events BY HOWIE STALWICK

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WHO PLAYS: Donors may find themselves teeing off with the likes of Gonzaga basketball coach Mark Few, ESPN anchor Neil Everett, former Bulldogs players or other celebrities from the sports world. PGA Tour players give a clinic and play a nine-hole exhibition with celebrities on the final day. BENEFICIARY: Community Cancer Fund. More than $550,000 was raised in 2014. COURSE: Coeur d’Alene Resort COST (2015): Sponsor fees start at $6,500 for a twosome. Tickets for the Showcase exhibition and clinic cost $50, which includes food and beverage. GOODIES: Major donors receive resort accommodations, abundant Nike gear, dinner at Resort owner Duane Hagadone’s lakefront estate. INFO: 499-4692,


NMLS 407890




Bike Clubs

Travis Nichols tears up the trail at Beacon Hill. TIMOTHY PHILLIPS PHOTO

Join one of these funky crews to get out and get your wheels turning

Baddlands Cycling Club

Evergreen East

River City Red Cycling Team


Founded in 1988, the Baddlands Cycling Club’s biggest claim to fame is the weekly Twilight Series that it hosts at various venues in the Spokane area to support local racing. Club members race and volunteer in the series. The group also has a variety of weekly rides, and most members participate in other area races. 418 E. Pacific, Suite 101 Spokane, Wash. • 456-0432 •

With the same mission as its predecessor, the Fat Tire Trail Riders, this group focuses on the development and maintenance of mountain bike trails in the area. Annual dues are $35 and support the club’s local work. Spokane, Wash. • •

The River City Red Cycling team is a group of amateur cyclists who like to get together to talk bikes, race bikes and drink beer from their namesake and sponsor. The team competes in a variety of local races, and they’re always open to new members who love cycling. Spokane, Wash. • rivercityred.blogspot. com/

Follow Wheel Sport Bicycle Shops on Facebook for updates on the locations of their weekly Tuesday mountain bike rides and Thursday road bike rides, plus occasional demos. 606 N. Sullivan Rd. Spokane Vallley, Wash • 921-7729 • • 1711 N. Division Spokane, • 326-3977 • 3020 S. Grand Blvd. Spokane, • 747-4187

Belles and Baskets This cycling group is an opportunity for local women to spend time cycling with old and new friends. The group goes on 10-mile rides twice a month, meeting at a rotation of locations in the Spokane area, followed by refreshments and chitchat. Spokane, Wash. • 951-4090 •

Bike Hub Follow The Bike Hub on Facebook to find out about bike rides — mostly at night — that the shop hosts each week. Rides take off from a variety of locations and include road rides and mountain biking. 1403 W. 1st Ave. Spokane, Wash. • 474-1260 •

North Division Bicycle Shop Ride the “Chase the Sun” loop, tackle Rock Lake or head wherever the riders from North Division Bicycle Shop decide to take you as part of their weekly scheduled rides. Stop in the shop, or follow them on Facebook to see where they’re headed this week. 10503 N. Division Spokane, Wash. • 467-2453 •

Pend Oreille Pedalers The Pedalers are a nonprofit group based in Sandpoint whose goal is to improve bicycling opportunities in North Idaho. They organize road and mountain biking rides each month, in addition to work days to improve local trails. Dues are $20 per year. Sandpoint, Idaho •

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Spokane Bicycle Club

WOW Women’s Cycling

Founded in 1985, the Spokane Bicycle Club organizes rides on most days of the week from March to November, and bikers of all levels are welcome. Each ride is posted on the club website with pace, distance and terrain information. Annual dues are $20. Spokane, Wash. • 9901474 •

WOW Cycling provides a network for women of all ages and abilities in the Spokane area to meet fellow cyclists and explore the area by bike. Most rides are on public roads and the Centennial Trail, with a few mountain biking opportunities. Spokane, Wash. Find them on Facebook.

Team Two-Wheel Transit


Join Two-Wheel Transit’s shop rides at 5:30 pm on Thursdays in the summertime. Aside from the fun rides starting at their Perry Street location, it’s a convenient place to be if you run into any bike trouble. 817 S. Perry Street, Suite C Spokane, Wash. • 747-2231 •

Zuster Cycling is a women’s road, mountain and cyclocross cycling team that is 21 members strong. The team works to promote women’s cycling through training, races and community events. Find them on Facebook.

Sarah Keevy and her daughter Anna riding the slide together at Splashdown. TIMOTHY PHILLIPS PHOTO

Waterparks Cool off at the Inland Northwest’s slides, lazy rivers and wave pools! Boulder Beach at Silverwood Theme Park

Silver Rapids Indoor Waterpark at Silver Mountain

Silverwood’s Boulder Beach has everything waterpark-goers could ever want, aside from a real beach. Hop on the 650-foot rafting slide, wade through two huge wave pools, float down the lazy river, and don’t forget the high-speed water slide; it’ll have you flying at 55 miles per hour. Open June-Sept. $23.99-$46.99. 27843 Highway 95 Athol, Idaho • 208-6833400 •

Silver Rapids is Idaho’s largest indoor waterpark, but you have to be a guest at the resort’s Morning Star Lodge to use it. Book a room and you’re free to surf in the 35-mph wave pool, float around the park in the lazy river, take the kiddos to the multilevel play structure and zoom down two inner-tube slides. 610 Bunker Ave. Kellogg, Idaho • 208-784-1930 •

Raptor Reef at Triple Play Family Fun Park This 25,000-square-foot indoor facility includes a large wave pool with up to 3-foot waves, an indoor/outdoor jacuzzi, a two-story play structure with slides and water guns, and three slides. $11.95-$21.95. 175 W. Orchard Ave. Hayden Lake, Idaho • 208-7627529 •

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Splash Down Waterpark Spend a day at Splash Down in the Valley and you can free-fall down a six-story waterslide, spin around the Cannon Bowl (Washington’s first high-velocity bowl ride), enjoy four 400-foot slides, and join in a game of Waterwars, complete with water balloon launchers. Open Mid-June through Labor Day. $12.99-$16.99. 11127 E. Mission Ave. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 924-3079 •


3220 North Division St. Spokane, WA 509.328.2030 • ANNUAL MANUAL 2015-2016 THE INLANDER |



The Zip Line Takeover A new way to take in the trees in the Inland Northwest


Laura Regester (facing page) soaring down a zip line. A tour (above) at Mica Moon.


ll clear!” yelled the guide from the platform below. “Zipping!” the guide next to me hollered as he clipped my harness to

the line. “Zip on!” we heard from below, and with slight hesitation, I leapt off of the sturdy wooden platform and into the trees. Zzzzzzzzzip! My heart pounded as I soared over a forested valley, harnessed to the 1,000-foot cable. As I spun around and took in the bird’s-eye view of the mountains around me, I was immediately hooked on zip lining. Zip tourism has taken the country by storm, with lines appearing like webs across treetops, canyons and rivers in every state. Currently, there are more than 200 courses in the U.S., compared to just 10 in 2000. Ski resorts have started adding zip tours to their off-season offerings, drawing everyone from families to adrenaline junkies to test out the latest trend in outdoor activities. There are even entire companies dedicated to zip line tours; the Inland Northwest has seen its fair share pop up in the past few years. Timberline Adventures in Coeur d’Alene and Mica Moon in Liberty Lake are the newest additions, joining Silver Streak in Wallace, Idaho — the first company in the region devoted solely

to zip lining, along with Adventure Dynamics in Nine Mile Falls and Schweitzer in Sandpoint. Zip lines have been around for more than 100 years, but not necessarily for thrill-seekers. There’s evidence that they were historically used to transport supplies in mountainous regions, like the Himalayas and the Alps, and by wildlife biologists to study densely forested canopies. It’s no wonder that recreational zipping has seen an explosion in popularity — it’s a great activity for a range of occasions, including company team-building, birthday parties, family outings or simply as a safe way to conquer a fear of heights. It seems that most people know someone who’s zip lined somewhere like Hawaii or Costa Rica, but lucky for the rest of us, there are plenty of places nearby that offer an experience that is arguably just as exhilarating. My first zip line experience began at the Mica Moon office, with a rundown of safety precautions and the various wildlife we might encounter during our excursion. Then, after a 10-minute van ride to the property and a bumpy UTV ride to the top of the mountain, we were quickly surrounded by fresh air and forest on all sides. It was hard to believe we were still just a few miles from the city. When we made it to the top, we put on our gear: helmets, gloves, harnesses and a brave face.


The course included a total of eight lines, seven treetop platforms and two short trail hikes through the woods. We took our time gleefully zipping through the first six lines, each more thrilling than the previous one. Finally, we came to the seventh line, literally called “The Point of No Return.” It was immediately apparent why it had been given that name; we were looking out over a valley that somehow had a cable strung across it. Essentially, we could ride the final two lines, which were far faster and steeper than the others, or turn back now. I wasn’t about to chicken out this late in the game. With a single step off of the platform, I was soon hit with the rush that comes with floating freely through the air at nearly 55 mph, a speck surrounded by the immensity of nature. It was instantly easy to forget about little things (like I-90 traffic) that I’d been worried about earlier that day. At the end of the tour, Rik and Heidi Stewart, the owners of the business and the 200-plus-acre property that the course covers, asked us each to share a single word to describe the experience. “Exhilarating” came to mind, but to be honest, words hardly began to cover it.



Winter n Celebration o s a e S

David Drew with his daughters at Mica Moon Zip Tours. TIMOTHY PHILLIPS PHOTO

Ski . snowboard . mega sale 2015


Retail Mega Sale




Ziplines Harness up and zip at one of these local lines Adventure Dynamics

Silver Streak Zipline Tours

If you’re looking to do some team building, take your group to Adventure Dynamics for a challenge course, which includes a three-hour zipline aerial adventure, a vertical obstacle course, a giant swing and ladder and a high balance beam, to name a few. $59.95. 12410 N. Red Fir Ln. Nine Mile Falls, Wash. • 467-0800 •

This scenic zipline tour spot has three miles of cables in two courses that cross 250 acres of privately owned mountainous terrain. Zipliners can reach speeds of up to 60 mph, especially on “Dragon’s Breath,” the fastest and steepest of the 10 available lines. Bring a friend and try the “Big Daddy,” which allows two people to zip together. $80-$155. 516 Pine St. Wallace, Idaho • 208-556-1690 •

Mica Moon Zip Tours The Inland Northwest’s newest zipline tour offers a 2.5-hour experience with an exciting UTV ride up the mountain, eight ziplines, two short hikes and seven treetop platforms. You’ll get a bird’s-eye view of the beautiful, privately owned property on Mica Peak. 23403 E. Mission Ave. Suite 100 Liberty Lake, Wash. • 587-4020 •




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Schweitzer isn’t just for skiing; head there in the summer for the 700-foot zipline that’ll take you on a scenic cruise through the air toward Lake Pend Oreille. While you’re there, check out the climbing wall, huckleberry picking, or take the chairlift to the top of the mountain. 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208263-9555 •

Timberline Adventures Coeur d’Alene’s first and only zipline tour offers a 2.5-hour adventure with seven ziplines, three sky bridges and a “pretty epic surprise” at the end. Bring a camera (with a strap) if you dare — they don’t call it Beauty Bay for no reason. $95. 210 W. Sherman Ave. #131 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-820-2080 •

Wonderland Family Fun Center Head here for an urban, budgetfriendly zipline adventure. Wonderland has three ziplines that run the length of the property. It’s a fairly quick ride, so you may want to plan on taking the kids on a round of gokarts, bumper boats or laser tag too while you’re there. $8. 10515 N. Division St. Spokane, Wash. • 468-4386 •

A Spokane Mountaineers member explores Steamboat Rock. CAROL SMUCKER PHOTO

Hiking Clubs

The Backpacking Club

This nonprofit co-op has been organizing day hikes and backpacking trips in the Inland Northwest since 1994. In addition to outdoor excursions, the group offers backpacking leadership courses and winter survival classes. Annual membership is $25. • 467-8099 •

Exploring the Inland Northwest with Sierra Club Hosted by the local chapter of the Sierra Club, members of this group call themselves “explorers with a pair of boots.” The chapter organizes a few hikes each month, and all are free and open to all ages.

Friends of the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness

This group is all about hiking with a cause: encouraging positive dialogue about environmental issues, especially in the Scotchman Peak area. Hikes are free and range from easy to strenuous, with a variety of themes, like ecological mystery or yoga hikes. Sign up in advance; they tend to fill up quickly. Sandpoint, Idaho • 208-290-1281 •

Hobnailers, Inc. Established in 1951, the Hobnailers’ goal is to promote fellowship among outdoor enthusiasts. They host a variety of social events throughout the year, in addition to hikes on Sundays and Wednesdays, March through October. Annual dues are $15. • 487-7366 • Inlandnorthwesttrails. org/events/Hobnailers.asp


Lace up your boots and start exploring local trails

Inland Northwest Hikers

North Idaho Adventurers Club

These hiking enthusiasts have organized more than 700 hikes since the group’s founding in 2010. Offering a relaxed social environment for hikers of all ages and abilities, the Inland Northwest Hikers’ frequent locations include Mount Spokane, Riverside State Park, Latah Creek, Liberty Lake and the Little Spokane River.

The sky’s the limit for this group of fun-loving Idahoans. They don’t just hike regularly; they also gather for bald eagle watching, potlucks, salsa dancing and kayaking, to name a few activities. Have an idea for an outing? Post about it in the online group and you’re sure to have company.


The Spokane Mountaineers are certainly spry for having just celebrated their 100th birthday. The group has spent the past century promoting the conservation and enjoyment of nature through backpacking trips, day hikes, bicycling, skiing and various educational schools and clinics. Activities are open to anyone over the age of 15. 838-4974 •

This lively bunch of ladies loves the outdoors. Women young and old are welcome, whether they’re experienced hikers or “outdoor activity wannabes.” They offer multiple walks, hikes and bike rides each week, and the only requirement is a sense of humor. meetup. com/Ms-Adventures-of-the-InlandNorthwest/

For more information and to register online, visit:

Spokane Mountaineers • (208) 263-2161





Anyone who’s hip to the downtown scene has heard of The Union, Spokane’s new high-intensity gym that offers spin and yoga classes with blaring, club-style music and swirling black lights. The unique workout spot has quickly drawn a loyal local following, and its website says it all: “This isn’t your momma’s yoga.” But that doesn’t mean you can’t bring your momma. Gym owners Tyler Lafferty and Nick Murto emphasize the approachability of the classes, regardless of experience level. $15 for drop-in classes, 121 W. Pacific, Suite 400, 838-7625,


Yarrow Yoga wants to offer you an “oasis from your day,” and with thermostats set from 97 to 105 degrees, you may feel like you truly are on a tropical island. The studio specializes in Bikram-style and Baptiste flow yoga, both forms of hot yoga. Bikram yoga entails 26 sequential postures and high peaks of cardio activity, followed by periods of stillness. Baptiste flow yoga is closer to dance, with consistent cardio and postures strung together. No matter your preference or skill level, show up ready to get toasty, tranquil and toned. $15 for drop-in classes, 412 W. Boone, 413-2215,


With origins in Hawaii, standup paddleboarding has become a trend over the past few years. Like most good things, it pairs well with yoga. Established in 2009, the Coeur d’Alene Paddleboard Company offers paddleboard yoga classes twice a week, challenging yogis to find their balance with the rhythm of Lake Coeur d’Alene. If you think you’ve mastered yoga on the ground (and even if you haven’t), SUP yoga offers just the right combination of thrill and tranquility, bringing a splash of something new to your workout routine. $45 per class, 512 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene, 208-292-4156,

AERIAL SILK COCOON YOGA Kim Sherwood demonstrates a warrior pose on Lake Coeur d’Alene. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Yoga with a Twist: Five Trends to Try

Whether you’re tired of run-of-the-mill yoga classes or just looking to add some zest to your workout routine, these classes will help you find your zen BY LAURA REGESTER

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If yoga on land or water doesn’t strike your fancy, try an aerial cocoon class at Spokane Aerial Performance Arts in the Valley. This class takes traditional yoga to new heights, with silk hammocks suspended from a single point on the ceiling. Using hammocks to do exercises and inversions allows for a deeper stretch and leaves less stress on the body than many traditional exercises. Don’t worry if you’re scared of heights; participants are never more than 3 feet off of the ground. $70 for 6 classes, 5503 E. Broadway Ave., Suite 2, Spokane Valley,


There’s something novel about practicing yoga outside, while still being right in the middle of the city. Head up to the Saranac rooftop on Saturday mornings during the summer for an hour of calming urban yoga with local instructor David Jones before starting your day on the bustling streets of downtown below. Free (donations accepted), 17 E. Main, 714-5602,

Run with the Flying Irish on Thursdays.

Running Clubs Bloomsday Road Runners Club The Bloomsday Road Runners club goes far beyond the annual 12k. They organize multiple races and weekly trail runs, all focused on long-distance walking and running. Check out their website for an extensive schedule of events updated each week. Annual membership is $20. •

C:/NextIT/Run Meet this “fitness fun group” at Monterey Café every Tuesday at 5:45 p.m. between March and Thanksgiving for a 4.5-mile run. Sponsored by local company Next IT, the group has a tech theme. If you don’t stay for the camaraderie, you’ll probably stick around to collect the coveted group T-shirts after your fifth, 37th, 67th, 101st and 139th runs. Spokane. Find them on Facebook.

Fleet Feet Sports The local Fleet Feet shops don’t just sell gear; they also offer a racing club and a variety of training groups for 5k, 10k, distance and trail running for a reasonable price. 511 Sherman Ave. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-765-7604 • • 1303 N. Washington St. Spokane, Wash. • 328-4786 • • 13910 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane Valley, Wash. • 309-2174

Flightless Birds The FBRC meets at Zentropa Pizzeria and Pub in Cheney every Tuesday from

April to November for a 3-to-4-mile jaunt. Runs are typically at 5:45 pm, with later meeting times to beat the heat in July and August. The group encourages everyone to “run, walk or crawl” at their own pace and stick around for post-run grub and drinks. After your eighth run, you can purchase a club T-shirt, but be prepared to share trivia about flightless birds before being “shirted!” Cheney, Wash. •

Flying Irish Running Club What started as an average running club for average Spokane runners has evolved into the largest social running club in the nation. But don’t be intimidated; it’s still all about having fun, meeting new people and living an active lifestyle. Meet the Flying Irish at 5:45 pm at Ripples Riverside Grill every Thursday, March through November. •

Lantern Tap House Run Club To keep with the restaurant-based running club trend, join the Lantern Tap House Running Club on most Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 pm and choose either a “3-ish” or “5-ish” mile run, then stay for a pint. Extra runs are posted on the restaurant’s Facebook page regularly. 1004 S. Perry St.

Liberty Lake Running Club Liberty Lake folks can meet the LLRC at


There’s a local club to match your speed

Twisp Cafe on Thursdays at 6 pm for a 3-mile run or walk. Weekly runs occur March through October, with a few extra themed runs each month, like crazy sock runs, a strolling storytime for the kiddos, and a Halloween run. Complete six runs and earn a nifty T-shirt. Liberty Lake, Wash. Find them on Facebook.

Manito Running Club Intermediate and advanced runners meet at the 18th & Grand parking lot at Manito Park on Saturdays at 8 am for a 5-to-6-mile run, followed by coffee and socializing at Rockwood Bakery. You’ll find the group running rain or shine — they only skip weeks when there are races during their meeting time.

Palouse Falls Beer Chasers If you’re in the Palouse area and you like beer, join this group every Wednesday at 5:30 pm at Birch & Barley Restaurant in Pullman. They jog, bike and/or walk for a solid 30 minutes before enjoying beer and food specials. People of all fitness and beer-drinking levels are welcome. Pullman, Wash. • beerchasers.

Palouse Road Runners Club If you’re in the Palouse area and you’re looking for a slightly more intense jaunt, meet up with this group for a mix of long distance runs, speed work and mountain trail workouts. Annual mem-

bership is $15 and includes discounts at a few local running shops and on PRR race entry fees. Moscow/Pullman, Wash. •

SoHi Running Club This casual South Hill (SoHi) running club meets every Tuesday of the year at 6 pm for a 3-to-5-mile run followed by food and drinks at Hugo’s on the Hill.

Spokane Distance Project This men’s group is for serious runners who are looking for a solid support system while they train They’re a speedy bunch, with Bloomsday times maxing out at 50 minutes. Dues are $50 twice a year and include “buckets of camaraderie” and membership in the USA Track and Field organization.

Spokane Swifts Running Team The Spokane Swifts is a group for Inland Northwest women who love running and want to increase their speed and endurance in the company of other women. Serious runners of all ages are welcome; the current team consists of women ranging in age from 20 to 60. Annual dues are $75. • spokaneswifts. com



In Sandpoint Guess what we Do?

We fest, we dance, we bike and then we fest some more...

Visit Sandpoint for the music and the festing!


WATCH FOR THESE EVENTS IN 2016 Lost in the ’50s, May CHAFE 150, June Summer Sampler, June Beerfest, July Inland Empire Antique & Classic Boat Show, July Festival at Sandpoint, Aug. Arts & Crafts Fair Aug. Opening Day, Last week of June Summer Celebration, last weekend June Mountain Music Festival, July Huckleberry Festival, Aug. Schweitzer Fall Fest, Sept.

Lost in the ’50s

Festival at Sandpoint

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WaCanId Bike Ride, Sept. Scenic Half Marathon, Sept. Idaho Draft Horse and Mule International, Sept. Oktoberfest, Oct. Harvest Fest, Oct. Scarywood at Silverwood, Oct. weekends Holly Eve, Nov. K&K Fall Fishing Derby, Nov. Holidays in Sandpoint, Nov.

For visitor information call 800-800-2106






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ADVERTISER INDEX 21 Window Distillery. . . . . . . . . 109, 113 Amp’d Entertainment. . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Anemone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Anthony’s at Spokane Falls. . . . . . . 89 Anthony’s Beach Cafe . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Appleway Florist & Greenhouse. . . 193 Artworks Spokane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Audrey’s A Boutique. . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Auntie’s Bookstore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Avista. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Baker Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Barlows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Barrister Winery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Bead Shop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Bike Hub, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Bing, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Black Wolf Gamer’s Club. . . . . . . . . 131 Blackbird Tavern + Kitchen. . . . . . . 59 Bloomsday Association. . . . . . . . . 203 Blue Door Theatre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Blue Moon Garden and Nursery. . . 193 Boo Radley’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Boulevard Mercantile . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Brain Freeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Bridal Collections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Brooklyn Deli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Brooklyn Lounge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Cancer Care Northwest . . . . . . 25, 227 Casper Fry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Cat’s Meow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Celestial Selections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Cellar, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Central Food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Charley’s Catering Company. . . . . 180 Chewelah Casino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 City of Liberty Lake. . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Coeur D’Alene Casino. . . . . . . . 211,230 Colville Chamber of Commerce. . 207 Community Cancer Fund. . . . . 35, 227 Community Colleges Of Spokane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 227 Connoisseur Concerts. . . . . . . 226, 227 Cork and Tap, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 CorkHouse Kitchen + Bar. . . . . . . . 186 Craftsman Cellars . . . . . . . . . . 106, 109 Culinary Stone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Custer Enterprises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Davenport Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Decorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Design Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Dix, Suzy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Doma Coffee Roasting Co. . . . . . . 109 Downtown Spokane Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 145, 198 Dry Fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

d’sWicked Cider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Durkin’s Liquor Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Eide Bailly, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 El Que. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Elk Public House . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 227 EWU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 EWU Get Lit!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147, 226 Eye Care Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Family Medicine Liberty Lake . . . . 187 Fasteners, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Feel Good Ink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Fery’s Catering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Festival At Sandpoint. . . . . . . . . . . 227 Flour Mill, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 French Toast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Fresh Design Gallery and Vintage Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Friends of the Centennial Trail Bike Swap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Geno’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Gonzaga Graduate School of Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Gonzaga Marketing & Communications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Gonzaga Preparatory School . . . . . 49 Gonzaga University School of Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Grand Restaurant & Lounge, The. . 63 Greenstone Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Guild School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226, 227 Halletts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Healthy Living Liberty Lake . . . . . . 187 Hill’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Horizon Credit Union . . . . . . . . . 51, 215 Indaba Coffee Roasters . . . . . . . . . . 113 Indaba Downtown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Inland Empire Toyota. . . . . . . . . . . 229 Inland Northwest Bank . . . . . . . . . . 39 Inland Northwest Blood Center . . 225 Iron Goat Brewing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Jamison Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Jingle Bell Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Judy’s Enchanted Garden . . . . . . . . 193 Kitchen Engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Kizuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Lantern Tap House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Latah Creek Winery . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Liberty Ciderworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival. . . . 226 LittleMacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Luigi’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Madeleine’s Cafe & Patisserie . . . . . 61 Main Market Co-op. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Make-up Studio, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Manito Tap House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

228 | T H E I N L A N D E R A N N U A L M A N U A L 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6

Marsells Cakes & Desserts. . . . . . . . 176 Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Max at Mirabeau Park Hotel . . . . . . 85 Mom’s Custom Tattoo Design. . . . . . 81 Monkeyboy Bicycles, LLC. . . . . . . . . . 81 Moon Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Mrs. Kalin’s Barn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Mustard Seed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 NanaMacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 No-Li Brewhouse Spokane . . . . . . 103 North Pend Oreille Lion’s Club. . . 227 Northern Quest Resort & Casino . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 143 Northwest Museum Of Arts And Culture. . . . . . . . . . . 139 Numerica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,17 nYne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Old Joe Clark’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Oldcastle Precast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 One Tree Cider. . . . . . . . . . . . . 107, 109 Orlison Brewing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 101, 109 OXARC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Paint Buzz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Palm Court Grill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Pam Fredrick - John L. Scott. . . . . 186 Park Inn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Perry Street Brewing . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Pinot’s Palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Pints Alehouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Plant Farm, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Post Street Ale House. . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Pottery Place Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Progressions Credit Union. . . . . . . . 213 Project Beauty Share . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Rare and Retro Village. . . . . . . . . . . 171 Red Lion Hotels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Red Rolling Pin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 River City Brewing. . . . . . . . . .106, 109 River Park Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Riverstone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Robert Karl Cellars . . . . . . . . . 107, 109 Rockwood Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Runge Furniture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Rusty Moose Country Gifts . . . . . . 168 Safari Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Saint George’s School . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Sandpoint Chamber Of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . 221, 224 Sapphire Lounge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Saranac Public House. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Sierra Silver Mine Tour. . . . . . . . . . 227 Spencer’s for Steaks & Chops. . . . . . 91 Spiceologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Spokane Arts Fund. . . . . . . . . 157, 225

Spokane Civic Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Spokane Convention Center. . . . . . 179 Spokane Entertainers Guild . . . . . . 142 Spokane Home Builders. . . . . . . . . . 31 Spokane International Film Festival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Spokane Marathon, The. . . . . . . . . 225 Spokane Obstetrics & Gynecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Spokane Party Trolley. . . . . . . . . . . 130 Spokane Potters Guild. . . . . . . . . . . 147 Spokane Public Schools . . . . . . . . . 45 Spokane Symphony . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Spokane Transit Authority. . . . . . . . 197 Spokane Tribe Of Indians. . . . . . . . 10,11 Sprint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Stacks at Steam Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Steam Plant Brewing . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Studio C Ballet Theatre . . . . . . . . . . 152 Susan G. Komen For the Cure Eastern Washington . . . . . . . . . 226 Thai Bamboo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Thomas Hammer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Thrifty Car Rental & Sales . . . . . . . . 213 Tin Roof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194, 195 Tomato Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Tossed & Found. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Tri-State Outfitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Trickster’s Brewing Company, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Twilight Cider Works . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Two Rivers Casino & Marina . . . . . . 217 Two Seven Public House . . . . . . . . . 57 United Hillyard Antique Mall. . . . . . 171 University Of Idaho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Urban Canine, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Valleyfest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Vapor Lounge, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Veraci Pizza. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Walk Shoppe, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Wandering Table, The. . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Washington State University . . . . . . 5 WestCoast Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150, 151, 225, 226, 227 White Lavender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Whitworth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Whiz Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Windfall Thrift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Wintersport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Wonders Of The World. . . . . . . . . . . 185 WSU Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Yards, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

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