Bring the Magic of the Davenport home.
Davenport Grand
Historic Davenport Hotel
Hotel Lusso
Davenport Tower
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Sold exclusively at the Davenport Home Store www.davenportathome.com • 509.789.7222 Exclusive provider to the Davenport collection
A New Chapter
O w n e r s Wa l t a n d K a re n Wo r t h y i n t h e G ra n d H o t e l L o b b y.
The Davenport Grand Hotel puts a brand-new spin on the Spokane skyline INSIDE:
Meeting Needs ..................................................Page 12
Art + Design = A Fresh Vision ..............................Page 4
Wine and Dine ...................................................Page 14
Building the Grand Hotel......................................Page 6
Rooms With a View ...........................................Page 16
Grand Tour ..........................................................Page 10
The Davenport Collection...................................Page 18
fter only 22 months, construction crews have transformed a parking lot across the street from the Spokane Convention Center into a sleek, 17-story hotel with luxurious rooms, trendy restaurants and bars, extensive meeting space and plenty of parking. Vision and pizazz have joined forces with high-tech, environmentally focused design and state-of-the-art meeting amenities that promise to move Spokane into competition with cities like Albuquerque, Bellevue, Tacoma, Portland, Orlando and Reno for convention business. Built by Spokane developers and hoteliers Walt and Karen Worthy, the Davenport Grand Hotel is the fourth property to join the Davenport Hotel Collection. First online was the historic 1914 Davenport Hotel, meticulously renovated to period standards and reopened in 2002. The Worthys built the 328-room Davenport Tower, then added the nearby Hotel Lusso, a boutique property with 48 rooms. The Tower’s safari theme completely deviates from the historic, European look of the other properties, and the new Grand takes a quantum leap into the 21st century in terms of décor and cutting-edge amenities. Just as the first three Davenport hotels helped revitalize Spokane’s Arts District, the Davenport Grand promises to inject energy and economic development into the convention district as thousands of visitors converge on Spokane to attend meetings and explore nearby shopping, wineries and brewpubs, while locals discover the hotel’s new wining and dining options.
Art + Design = A Fresh Vision I
t’s nearly impossible not to gasp when you walk into the lobby of the new Davenport Grand Hotel. Sparkling white marble floors and gleaming black and charcoal walls set a luxurious scene, while the giant white chandeliers floating like clouds above clusters of low-slung couches inject a playful vibe. Twin 10-foot stainless steel and aged copper water features flank the elevator hallway, and elongated chevron light sconces gleam like lightning bolts. A 12-foot, low-profile fireplace topped with a circular opening in the wall is a subtle divider between the lobby and the Grand Restaurant and Lounge. The Worthys worked closely with local architect Craig Woodard and local interior designer Eric Hedlund to create an electrifying first impression that carries on throughout the entire hotel. Hedlund describes traveling to the Hospitality Design Show in Las Vegas with the Worthys and seeing an exotically patterned, red, pink, orange, cream and black carpet designed by Stacy Garcia for Brintons Commercial Carpets, a nationally recognized leader in environmentally sustainable carpets that works with hundreds of casinos, airports, hotels and conference centers to provide products that qualify for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) status. “Walt knew the minute he saw that design that he wanted it in the Grand,” says Hedlund. They worked with Brintons to enlarge the flowers and had the sustainable wool carpet custom made in England. It set the color scheme for the entire property. “The reception area is streamlined and highly functional,” says Matt Jensen, the Davenport Collection’s Director of Sales and Marketing, adding that the pods that look like rows of broken dinosaur eggs behind the check-in desk were hand-chosen by the Worthys and are pure whimsy. With a nod to the iconic Monroe Street Bridge, Spokane artist Susan Kim created a stunning 20-foot stained glass mosaic depicting a night scene of the bridge that flanks one wall of the lobby’s Starbucks. The Spokane artist also designed and installed the stained glass ceiling in the Peacock Room Lounge at the historic Davenport Hotel. Local artists like Ben Joyce and Ed Gilmore have also contributed to the art on display. Local landmarks are again heralded in guest rooms, where prints of Riverfront Park’s Clock Tower and the Monroe Street Bridge are mounted on canvas. Originally photographs, they were colorized into black, gray and red prints and superimposed on stretched canvas.
L i g h t f i x t u re s t h ro u g h o u t t h e G ra n d a re a r t p i e c e s o n t h e i r o w n ; S u s a n K i m ’s s t a i n e d - g l a s s M o n ro e S t re e t B r i d g e i s i n t h e S t a r b u c k s E s p re s s o B a r.
T h e L o b b y f i re p l a c e a n d f u r n i t u re ( b e l o w ) s e t a c o m f y, c o n t e m p o ra r y t o n e .
A Ben Joyce original marks t h e G ra n d ’s river location.
Congratulations on the opening of the Davenport Grand Hotel, from your friends and partners at Visit Spokane. We’re excited to introduce conventions and visitors from around the country—and around the world—to a Grand experience in our dynamic city. 1.888.SPOKANE or VisitSpokane.com
The carpeting choices m a ke a s t a t e m e n t , t o o . I m p o r t e d f ro m E n g l a n d , the colors carr y t h o u g h o u t t h e G ra n d .
The Next Big Thing Building the Grand Hotel
A b i g h o l e i n t h e g ro u n d a p p e a re d i n J a n u a r y o f 2 0 1 4 . B R U C E B U C K P H OTO
Wa l t Wo r t h y a n d Ly n n e l l e C a u d i l l o n t h e w o r k s i t e .
alt and Karen Worthy readily admit that the biggest challenge in constructing the Davenport Grand was its size and scope. “It is so large and was erected so quickly, it was difficult to keep up with the construction team,” says Walt. “There were thousands of different decisions that had to be made on the fly.” One reason the 17-story Grand Hotel rose from a parking lot in an astounding 22 months is that it is constructed of precast concrete — 4,524 separate pieces weighing 16.1 million tons, to be exact. “Precast concrete slabs arrive primed and painted, with windows and air conditioning ducts already in place,” explains contractor Lou LaVé, who owns Precision Precast Erectors with his son Denny. “It’s expensive up front, but takes one-fourth the time to construct over other methods. Once you factor in the labor, the time and other issues of traditional construction, the cost evens out.” “Both union and nonunion workers were involved in the hotel’s creation, and most were local suppliers and workers,” says Worthy. While Worthy Enterprises was the general contractor for the project, more than 200 companies had a role in the Grand Hotel’s construction,
and even though the Worthys were intimately engaged in every decision, they stress the value of each company’s contribution. Walt Worthy also adds that, in his 30 years of working with the City of Spokane, it was his best experience yet in relying on the Spokane Building Department to help keep his project moving forward. ...continued on page 8
From Parking Lot to Gleaming Tower Wow, that went up quick! Seems like just yesterday you could park your car in the lot across the street from the Spokane Convention Center, but in less than two years it’s been transformed into the latest landmark on the Spokane skyline. Clint Weyrauch of Worthy Enterprises kept his camera clicking every month to document the progress, and Bruce Buck of Oldcastle Materials Group even flew over the site to capture aerial images. Here’s a quick look at the 22 months from groundbreaking to grand opening.
AUG. 15, 2013 For gathered media and contractors ready to roll, a backhoe takes a chunk out of the old parking lot as a ceremonial first step. After that photo op, work starts in earnest and crews begin to dig a big hole in the ground.
SEPT. 19, 2013 One of the first steps is to secure the walls of the excavated space, so soil and rock don’t rain down on workers and wreck the foundation work. Sometimes they even spray concrete to hold it all in place.
OCT. 27, 2013 When you start digging, you never know what you’ll find. Workers unearth a huge cache of old whiskey and wine bottles — perhaps used as slapdash insulation in the leaky basement of some old speakeasy.
Thanks Walt!
B e f o re a n d a f t e r : Pa i n t i n g t h e L o b b y ’s c e i l i n g d e t a i l i n Fe b r u a r y o f 2 0 1 5 , a n d t h e f i n i s h e d p ro d u c t .
For Choosing Oldcastle Precast
P re c a s t c o n c re t e p a n e l s w a i t i n g t o b e i n s t a l l e d ; 4 , 5 2 4 p a n e l s w e i g h i n g 1 6 m i l l i o n t o n s b u i l t t h e G ra n d H o t e l . B RU C E B U C K P H OTO
4,524 pieces (4,920 castings) of Precast/Prestressed Concrete 20,340 cubic yards (85,122,900#) Precast/Prestressed Concrete 12 months total Precast Design & Production Schedule NOV. 5, 2013 With the worksite dug out, and equipment and vehicles taking their places, a predictable early-November snow blanketed the proceedings. Weather doesn’t dictate deadlines, so work continues.
DEC. 20, 2013 The first walls of the foundation are erected on the site — a sprout of a new building for all to see. Note the holiday touch from the crew — a Christmas tree topper in the upper right.
oldcastleprecastspokane.com GRAND OPENING COMMEMORATIVE BOOKLET 7
The Next Big Thing,
alt Worthy came to Spokane from Georgia to serve in the Air Force. He met Karen, a western Washington native, who was teaching first grade. They were married 40 years ago, settled in Spokane and began building small residential and commercial projects; soon it became a thriving real estate development and construction company. Their firm built Rock Pointe, then purchased and refurbished the Wells Fargo building. They moved into hotel development in early 2000 with the renovation of the historic Davenport Hotel, followed by the Davenport Tower, which was built from the ground up in record time. In 2009, they added the Hotel Lusso to the Collection. In 1890, long before the Worthys arrived in Spokane, a young Nebraska native named Louis Davenport opened Davenport’s Famous Waffle Foundry in a tent in rough-and-tumble Spokane. The eatery was so successful, Davenport purchased a building and moved his restaurant indoors. As profits continued, he asked architect Kirtland Cutter to design a Venetian Gothic-style grand ballroom and eventually a hotel. Opening in 1914, the opulent Davenport Hotel became a national landmark. Meticulous and customer-service oriented, Louis Davenport mandated that currency be ironed and silver coins polished before giving change to guests. “Louis would be amazed at the new technology and computer systems required to operate a hotel today,” Karen says. “He would also be surprised that credit cards have replaced paper and silver currency.” The Worthys carry on Louis Davenport’s devotion to service and his hands-on approach to hotel management; in fact, together, the Worthys selected every finish in the Grand — and even put some of them together. “I came in one Saturday when there
weren’t any workers,” says Matt Jensen, Director of Sales and Marketing for the Davenport, “and I saw a guy on his knees working on something. It turned out to be Walt.”
n today’s highly competitive hospitality industry, attracting guests and meetings has more to do with the number of sleeping rooms, flexible and plentiful meeting space and connection to a convention center than it does with opulence or ironing currency. Before the Davenport Grand opened, Spokane’s DoubleTree was the only hotel with direct access to the Convention Center. Lynnelle Caudill, Managing Director of the Davenport Collection, recalls several years ago when the Worthy team was looking at options for expansion — more office space, hotels in different markets. But “everything came back to Spokane and wanting to do another hotel here,” she says. “We don’t necessarily need another leisure hotel, so we knew it needed to be convention-focused — and that means big. Walt really does enjoy the hotel business — the pace of it. And he’s not ready to retire.” Designed by Walt Worthy, who enlisted local architect Craig Woodard for collaboration, the Grand Hotel and its nearly 800 rooms now connect to the Convention Center with a new skywalk. Today, Spokane can boast a “compact package” and a total of six convention hotels, thousands of feet of meeting space, 1,100 rooms directly connected to the Convention Center and an additional 3,300 rooms within eight blocks. “The new, privately developed hotel demonstrates the strength of Spokane’s downtown, its high desirability as a convention market, and its appetite to be competitive in the meetings market,” says Cheryl Kilday, President and CEO of Visit Spokane. “We are fortunate to have a private
Fo re m a n J e ff B r i e s a c h e r ( re a r ) a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n M a n a g e r Ro n H a n s o n i n S e p t e m b e r o f 2 0 1 3 .
C o n s t r u c t i o n M a n a g e r S h a w n O ’ Ke r t c h e c k s o n a s m o ke e v a c u a t i o n t e s t i n D e c e m b e r o f 2 0 1 4 .
Grand Hotel Timeline
FEB. 25, 2014 The real foundation work begins, with forms installed to hold the concrete and rebar. After the forms are prepped, the cement trucks bring in load after load to set the floorplan permanently.
MARCH 21, 2014 Time to pour the basement, which has to be smoothed over as it’s installed within a tight window of time before the concrete dries. It’s a dirty job, as you can see, but somebody’s got to do it.
MAY 6, 2014 In an innovation of construction, the new Grand is built with 4,524 pre-cast panels. The panels come in different sizes and go together a bit like Legos; some are very large and require a bit of wrangling.
JUNE 4, 2014 Every spread of floor needs to be finished, with cool contraptions put to use to smooth it all over, from the basement of the hotel to the floors of the parking garage.
T h e c re w p u z z l e s o v e r a tricky detail, which turns i n t o o n e o f t h e L o b b y ’s t w o w a t e r f e a t u re s .
developer willing to build such a project and physically connect the hotel with our convention center,” Kilday adds. “The new demand generated by the hotel, in conjunction with the expansion of the convention center, should be realized within five years.” The saying “if you build it, they will come” is proving true with the addition of the Davenport Grand Hotel to the Spokane skyline. Convention groups are booked from the opening month through 2020. In August, the Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries International Convention will bring 3,000 people to town, followed by Worldcon, with 5,000 science fiction and fantasy fans from around the world descending on the city.
We would like to welcome the Davenport Grand Hotel to the neighborhood. Here’s to being connected!
JULY 7, 2014 The Grand Hotel starts to take shape, with the first levels of the guest rooms rising up on the left and the decks of the public parking garage getting prepped for pouring on the right.
AUG. 6, 2014 The walls start closing in, as metal studs and plumbing in the lobby spaces are roughed in to be finished later. Workers start to move indoors to complete work on the Grand Hotel.
By The Numbers
total square footage of meeting space inside the Grand Hotel, including an 18,079-square-foot ballroom
Grand Tour
square footage of the Presidential Suite; guest rooms are at least 425 square feet
number of covered parking spaces for the hotel, open to the public
number of guest rooms: 716 king and double-king rooms, including 40 suites
estimated number of total jobs created once the Grand Hotel is at full staffing
number of companies involved in construction
number of restaurants, cocktail lounges and an espresso bar
T h e s e c o n d - f l o o r t e r ra c e g i v e s S p o k a n e a ro o f t o p v e n u e f o r f o o d a n d d r i n k s o v e r l o o k i n g R i v e r f ro n t Pa r k .
T h e G ra n d b r i n g s m o re p a r k i n g for downtown events in Spokane.
Grand Hotel Timeline
OCT. 2, 2014 From up high, the Grand Hotel appears to have risen up, with the structure almost complete, secure in its place on the Spokane skyline across from Riverfront Park.
NOV. 17, 2014 Workers mark the installation of the final panel in the Grand Hotel with an impromptu ceremony; they also attach an American flag to celebrate all the ingenuity and hard work.
DEC. 7, 2014 The new skywalk is installed in one big piece, spanning Spokane Falls Boulevard and connecting to the Spokane Convention Center. It takes some doing, but they measured twice and it all fits perfectly.
JAN. 15, 2015 With the exterior enclosed, workers can finish the inside spaces, including drywall, sanding and painting. The details of the Grand Hotel design, like the tray ceilings, start to take shape.
Transformed a vision...
T h e s l e e k L o b b y f e a t u re s a r t b y E d G i l m o re ( r i g h t ) a n d a w h i m s i c a l c a c h e o f d e c o ra t i v e “d i n o s a u r e g g s .”
... into a concrete foundation
... for reality
S p a c i o u s , e l e g a n t h a l l w a y s o ff e r re s t b e t w e e n m e e t i n g s o r a f t e r f o ra y s i n t o d o w n t o w n S p o k a n e t o s h o p .
STRUCTURAL • DESIGN BUILD • TENANT IMPROVEMENTS MARCH 19, 2015 The Grand Hotel’s spectacular lobby gets its finishing touches, with stonework installed around its signature circular fireplace and massive stone tiles placed on the floor.
MAY 15, 2015 Finish work extends up to the highest levels of the Grand, like the Presidential Suite, where the amazing views over Spokane become apparent. Work continues with a frenzied push until the Grand Opening on June 17, 2015.
Divcon-Inc.com • Spokane Valley, WA
Congratulations to the Davenport! We’re proud to be part of such a Grand foundation! GRAND OPENING COMMEMORATIVE BOOKLET 11
Meeting Needs M
ost hotels economize with functional but boring hallways leading to meeting rooms. Not the Davenport Grand Hotel. Attendees are wowed by the elaborate, red-toned carpet imprinted with flowers the size of an automobile, red walls trimmed in white, oversized sunburst mirrors and six-foot urns. The elegantly decorated, extra-wide hallways serve as mingling and pre-function spaces and hint at what’s to come once attendees are inside the meeting rooms. “In designing the meeting spaces, we worked with Visit Spokane and their Customer Advisory Board, which is made up of about 20 meeting planners from all over the United States,” says Meg Harper, the Davenport Collection’s Director of Group Sales. “Top features they requested included a facility attached to the convention center, between 500 and 700 guest rooms under one roof, a variety of different-sized meeting rooms, mostly on one level, and a major brand affiliation.” The Grand Hotel meets and exceeds those requirements with 716 guest rooms, including 40 suites, a skywalk connecting the hotel to the Spokane Convention Center complex, 63,177
square feet of meeting space and stateof-the-art audio-visual equipment. The 18,079-square-foot Grand Ballroom can accommodate 2,500 guests and comes equipped with automated divider “airwalls” that can be electronically lowered silently from the ceiling in seconds; LED ceiling lighting can change colors on demand to match any theme. Thirteen more meeting rooms and pre-function spaces are on the main floor, and nine additional meeting, boardrooms and pre-function spaces are on the mezzanine floor. The Penthouse, Governor’s and Presidential H i g h - t e c h “a i r w a l l s ” i n t h e b a l l ro o m c a n b e l o w e re d i n suites have reception spaces and panminutes, and LED lights can set any mood on demand. oramic views of downtown Spokane, Riverfront Park and Mt. Spokane. tion system and national sales team.” “By joining forces with Marriott InternationConventioneers and tourists will immediately al’s Autograph Collection,” says the Davenport’s experience the Marriott affiliation when they Matt Jensen, “the Davenport Grand maintains its use the Marriott Mobile App for an expedited identity and independence but can plug into Marcheck-in and instant notification when their room riott’s marketing and rewards programs, reservais ready.
Walt and Karen on the opening of the new Davenport Grand Hotel
For using Union Labor!
B re a ko u t m e e t i n g ro o m s o ff e r v i e w s on the INB Center B re e z e w a y a n d R i v e r f ro n t Pa r k .
Gathering spaces in the lobby easily accommodate i m p ro m p t u business meetings.
Welcome to the neighborhood. A Grand addition to the downtown skyline.
For more information about downtown Spokane, visit downtownspokane.org.
Wine and
SEP 18 - OCT 18, 2015
NOV 20 - DEC 19, 2015
JAN 15 - 31, 2016
FEB 26 - MAR 20, 2016
G ra n d H o t e l C h e f I a n Wi n g a t e i n t h e G ra n d Re s t a u ra n t .
n the lobby of the new Davenport Grand Hotel, the Starbucks’ espresso bar is built for speed, efficiency and quick business chats. However, in true Worthy style, it also has elements of beauty and imagination. Bright red chandeliers that look like giant inverted peonies hang from the ceiling, and Susan Kim’s striking stained glass mural of the Monroe
Street Bridge in winter dominates the back wall. Adjacent to the lobby, the open Grand Restaurant & Lounge will serve breakfast, lunch, dinner and a sophisticated range of cocktails. The high-energy lounge promises to be the next “in” destination for locals. A curved bar sits a few steps lower than the restaurant’s tables, giving the
APR 8 - 30, 2016
MAY 20 - JUN 19, 2016
Ta b l e 1 3 i s t h e G ra n d H o t e l ’s s i g n a t u re d i n i n g s p o t . ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE INLANDER
Dine T h e G ra n d f e a t u re s t h re e c o c k t a i l l o u n g e s .
G ro u p s e a t i n g i n Ta b l e 1 3 .
entire area a see-and-be-seen vitality. Seasonal outside dining overlooking Riverfront Park will be available as well. The menu from longtime local chef Ian Wingate showcases homemade desserts and American classics. Next door, Table 13 mixes the intimacy of booths divided by floorto-ceiling walls with the conviviality of long, communal tables. Dark colors, wood accents and colorwashed metallic walls give the space a contemporary yet rustic feel. A 3,000-bottle wine cellar will complement the classic menu featuring full meals and small plates. “Our guests are going to love the variety of seating options,” says Lynnelle Caudill, Managing Director for the Davenport Collection. “We have private booths, open tables, large group
seating, seating at the bar. I love how the bar design at the Grand Lounge is very open to the hotel, while the bar at Table 13 is very private, dark and swanky — two great, but very different options.” Two private dining rooms adjacent to Table 13 are also available for corporate or family functions. The trendy, second-floor Grand Terrace Bar, with seating for 200, will be a magnet for socializing under the stars — and the perfect place to enjoy a light snack or a martini before or after a performance at the INB Center across the street. Six fire pits, sink-in-and-relax furniture, oversized flowerpots and romantic lighting give it a San Francisco ambiance and add new options for downtown al fresco drinking and dining.
IT’S A WIN-WIN. The Spokane Sports Commission sends a special shout-out to Walt and Karen Worthy and the team at The Davenport Grand. Your vision, dedication, and tireless efforts to better the Spokane region is inspiring and motivating. This new property will serve as a catalyst for the Spokane Sports Commission to continue to draw national and world-wide sports events to our region. In turn, this property, as well as others, will be buzzing with action—filled with traveling athletes and fans alike. Together, we will help our region realize the economic, social and community-building benefits of sports. In short, business wins, kids win, fans win, our region wins.
Rooms With a View T
C l e a n , w e l l - l i t b a t h ro o m s f e a t u re L’O c c i t a n e p ro d u c t s .
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he vibrant red, black, white and gray color scheme that dominates the lobby and meeting spaces continues into the elegant guest rooms. Pops of red punctuate the predominating white and gray décor, a restful combination in the spacious 425- to 459-square-foot rooms. Custom-designed furniture and double-sided desks with plenty of electrical outlets provide work and relaxation space while the double-concrete walls ensure peace and quiet — a vital element of any cozy hotel room. All rooms have one or two pillow-top king beds from Northwest Bedding, a step up from the industry standard of double or queen beds. Beds are wrapped in luxurious, 400-thread count Frette linens. Bathrooms have oversized walk-in stone showers, high-end L’Occitane bath products in eco-friendly dispensers and a custom-designed mirror that hides lighting designed to please even the most finicky makeup artist. Each room’s 55-inch “Smart” 4K LED ultrahigh-definition television allows guests to not only watch TV, but also connect to their phone or iPad for viewing messages on the screen or downloading movies from their mobile device. Remote control room-darkening shades drop
S p a c i o u s ro o m s f e a t u re N o r t h w e s t B e d d i n g m a t t re s s e s ; s o m e ro o m s e v e n f e a t u re t w o k i n g - s i z e b e d s ( b e l o w ) .
at the touch of a button. Energy-efficient LED lights illuminate the desk and bedside, creating clutter-free spaces. Junior suites expand to 554 square feet and have stylish, horizontal fireplaces and larger bathrooms with twin sinks, walk-in showers and bathtubs. The Penthouse, Governor’s and Presidential suites kick chic into yet a higher gear with eye-popping dÊcor and views of the city, Riverfront Park, Mt. Spokane and Gonzaga University. From 881 square feet to 3,000 square feet, the suites add amenities like a sitting room, bar, meeting space, oversized sleeping areas and a low-slung fireplace crowned with a circular opening into the adjoining space. Details, details: E v e r y ro o m h a s a n U l t ra - H i g h - D e f T V; c u r t a i n s a n d lighting add to t h e c o n t e m p o ra r y st yle.
Proud to be a part of the Grand Hotel Thank you Walt and Karen Worthy, for selecting Fire Protection Specialists, LLC as the fire alarm, clean agent suppression and fire extinguisher systems contractor for the Davenport Grand Hotel project!
509.324.1844 | Firepro-Wa.com 3624 E. Springfield Ave. | Spokane, WA
Northwest Provider of Fire Alarms, Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems, Kitchen and Paint Booth Fire Suppression Systems, and Fire Extinguishers SINCE 1999 GRAND OPENING COMMEMORATIVE BOOKLET 17
Stay at the Grand. Shop for your brands. We proudly offer “Shop & Stay” packages to celebrate the opening of the Davenport Grand Hotel.
H I S TO R I C D AV E N P O RT H OT E L 1 0 S . Po s t S t re e t Established in 1914 Re o p e n e d i n 2 0 0 2 2 8 4 G u e s t Ro o m s
department stores
Nordstrom Macy’s
The Apple Store AT&T Aveda Bath & Body Works Bloem Flowers.Chocolates.Paperie Made in Washington Oil & Vinegar Polka Dot Pottery Regis Salon Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Sunglass Hut The Walking Company To Market Verizon Wireless
women’s fashion Athleta Banana Republic Chico’s Escape Outdoors Francesca’s Gap J. Jill LOFT The North Face ViVo White House | Black Market
men’s fashion Anderson & Emami Banana Republic Escape Outdoors Gap Jos. A. Bank The North Face
children Baby Gap/Gap Kids Escape Outdoors Gymboree The North Face Whiz Kids
D AV E N P O RT L U S S O 8 0 8 W. S p ra g u e Av e n u e Added to the Collection in 2009 4 8 G u e s t Ro o m s
fine dining Café Nordstrom Rock City Grill Sushi Maru Twigs Bistro & Martini Bar
casual dining Auntie Anne’s Pretzels Ben & Jerry’s Cruisers Burgers & More Holeshot Pizza & Brew Miso Fresh Asian Nordstrom Espresso Bar Panda Express Subway Taco Del Mar
T H E D AV E N P O RT G R A N D H OT E L 3 3 3 W. S p o k a n e Fa l l s B o u l e v a rd Opened in 2015 7 1 6 G u e s t Ro o m s Visit us online or via mobile riverparksquare.com
Ben Bridge Jeweler
home fashion
AMC 20 Theatres with IMAX Mobius Kids Children’s Museum
Pottery Barn Williams-Sonoma
T H E D AV E N P O RT TO W E R 1 1 1 S . Po s t S t re e t Opened in 2007 3 2 8 G u e s t Ro o m s
west 809 Anthropologie (Opening Fall 2015) MÜV Fitness P.F. Chang’s
P a r k i n g : S ave $ 3 w i t h 3 valid at io ns . Parking is easy, thanks to Express Pay stations on the first and third levels. Three $1 validations at participating stores will save you $3 any time. Or park after 5pm for just $3 (even during events), and those three validations mean free parking.
OW N E R S Wa l t a n d K a re n Wo r t h y M A N A G I N G D I R E C TO R Ly n n e l l e C a u d i l l C H I E F F I N A N C I A L O F F I C E R L o u i s e E v e re t t C O R P O R AT E D I R E C TO R O F M A R K E T I N G M a t t J e n s e n C O R P O R AT E D I R E C TO R O F F O O D A N D B E V E R A G E G re g We r r y C O R P O R AT E D I R E C TO R O F RO O M S D a n Z i m m e re r A R E A D I R E C TO R O F S A L E S A N D C AT E R I N G B a r b a ra S e i l e r C O R P O R AT E D I R E C TO R O F H U M A N R E S O U RC E S Ke l l i G ro v e s ( 5 0 9 ) 4 5 5 - 8 8 8 8 / d av e n p o r t h o t e l c o l l e c t i o n .c o m
Need vs. want. Capable vs. captivating. Sensible vs. spine-tingling. Many luxury crossovers force you to choose utility over style. But when you combine a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine, spacious cargo area and an available Qi1 wireless device-charging tray with a boldly sculpted body, there is no more versus. Introducing the first-ever NX Turbo, NX Turbo F SPORT and NX Hybrid. Once you go beyond utility, there’s no going back.
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LARRY H. MILLER LEXUS SPOKANE 1030 W. 3rd Avenue, Spokane (509) 747-7000 Options shown. 1. Qi wireless charging may not be compatible with all mobile phones, MP3/WMA players and like models. ©2014 Lexus.
Washington Trust Bank would like to welcome the Davenport Grand Hotel to the neighborhood. We know how fun, beautiful and exciting downtown Spokane can be. That始s why we始ve been headquartered here for over 110 years. Congratulations to Walt & Karen Worthy, and the entire Davenport team. We look forward to the positive impact your presence will make on the region始s economy. watrust.com