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Flowers and (Weed) Chocolate
Cannabis-related gifts for the sophisticated mom in your life BY LAUREN GILMORE
When the line at Satori South reaches budtenders are knowledgeable and friendly, and the last of the stickers shaped like everyone inside is very relaxed. shoes, placed 6 feet apart from one So if you’re looking for something new to get another, budtender Emma Larson stands in the your mom (or spouse, or sister, or grandmother) doorway. She takes shop phone calls with one this year, don’t overlook cannabis. hand and holds the door open with the other, “For my mom, I get these Honu chocolate explaining the protocols to each new patron. turtles,” Larson says. “She loves them because
Like all retail businesses, recreational canna- they don’t taste too weedy. Sometimes edibles bis has felt the impact of COVID-19. “It’s been have a really strong aftertaste, but these don’t.” a struggle to adjust to all the different policies,” If your mom doesn’t have a sweet tooth, Larson says. She’s worked in the industry for there are other options sure to make her happy. four years and at this location for one. For instance, Fairwinds makes a discreet roll-on
While processes may be changing, the formula that she could slip into her purse for store is still busy. Most people go straight easy access in transit, through the line without a lot of perusing, stepping from one sticker to the next, but there is plenty to see along the way. The Available at SATORI SOUTH, 2804 E. 30th Ave: and Six Fifths makes 1:1 CBD THC bath bombs that look heavstore is lined with glass cases carrying Honu Chocolate Turtles: enly. every cannabis-related product imaginable $12/20mg, $30/100mg As with any gifting from breath mints to straight flower to dab venture, Larson notes, pens and vaporizers. Six Fifths 1:1 CBD THC you also can’t go wrong
You would be forgiven for not Bath Bombs: $10/52mg with a gift card. “Someknowing where to start, when buying times, I just let her pick for yourself or a loved one. Luckily, the Fairwinds Roll On: $30/150mg what she wants.” n 10 GREEN ZONE HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE
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