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I Saw You Green Zone Bulletin Board



This time of year is hard. If the long stretches of darkness don’t keep you at home, the frigid temperatures will. We can manage, but something deep inside calls out — Go outside! Bathe in sunlight! If only. Until Mother Nature relents and delivers those days of endless sunshine, we’ve got you covered in this year’s HOME IMPROVEMENT section. How about bringing some green into your life by getting some houseplants? Heck, build a living wall in your home. Or try shaking up your domicile’s lighting situation, with either more direct sunlight or better bulbs. Anything to replicate that thing in the sky that warms every so often.

But, of course, we’re all dreaming of a green spring, so start planning your new yard now. Do you really need that lawn? No, you don’t. Tear it out and replace it with native plants that don’t require hours of watering. After all, we have just one aquifer. Don’t abuse it. And while you’re at it — “it” being a kinder, less impactful inhabitant on the one and only planet we have — consider going solar. Because, despite your February feels, the sun still exists. It really could power your home, on top of improving your mood.


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