MARCH 3-9, 2016
Why the Evergreen St the nation’s worst pr ate is plagued by o p e r t y By Mitch Ryals and Da crime rates niel Walter s page 22
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Suzette Alfonso
his week, Editor & Publisher, the national journal covering the media industry, is naming the Inlander one of “10 Newspapers That DO IT RIGHT.” Of course, we’re not in the business to get accolades, but it’s nice to be singled out — especially at a time when we’re unfairly lumped in with other media that are shrinking. Print is alive and well at the Inlander; we continue to enjoy the highest market penetration of any urban weekly in America. Where we were once the scrappy youngster, we’re now the agenda-setting voice. But part of the reason that Editor & Publisher decided to spotlight us is this: We have not let success make us complacent; in fact, we continue to operate as a hungry, constantly evolving new-media startup. Besides developing local events like Inlander Restaurant Week, we’re also innovating on the digital front. Our mobile and desktop sites are exploding; in the coming weeks, keep an eye out for new video series as well as another first: the Inlander video game! — JACOB H. FRIES, Editor
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ALLEN BUNGE Last summer I had a bicycle ripped off at my house… Why, did you find it?
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TINA COLEMAN All of our porch lights. We moved into our brand-new home up on Five Mile in 2009 and I had gone to the gym to work out and turned on the porch lights. When I came home, they were all off. And I thought, ‘Well, that’s odd.’ Then I realized my neighbors’ lights were off, so I flipped the switch on and nothing happened. I went outside and looked up and the lights were missing, including my neighbors’.
Amy Alkon, Paul Dillon, E.J. Iannelli, MaryAnn Johanson, Azaria Podplesky, Scott Renshaw, Ben Salmon, Carrie Scozzaro CONTRIBUTORS
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JOHN COPELAND Oh yeah – a car, six years ago. They took the whole car. It was gone. I’m sorry to hear that. It’s OK, the insurance replaced it.
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CODY RABIDUE My car got stolen last month. They stole it right in front of me. I was leaving for work and started my car and then had to get my lunchbox, which was sitting right by our door, so I went and locked the door and turned around and they drove off. We got it back.
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Mischiefs of Faction Every four years, we reaffirm our national unity; this time feels different BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.
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arlier this week, Apple won its appeal of a court order to unlock its iPhone technology. This test of Americans’ privacy rights looks like it could wind deeper into the courts, perhaps ending up on the Supreme Court’s docket, where… nothing may happen. Due to political mischief, that crucial Supreme Court seat could be left empty for one, maybe two years. In the event of 4-4 decisions, that would mean there’s no law of the land. In political science, that’s textbook anarchy. The Founding Fathers would know exactly what to call such heresy: “the mischiefs of faction” is how James Madison described it in Federalist No. 10. They diagnosed this condition precisely as the cancer that might kill their American experiment. And here we are all these years later, factions running wild, left to recall Benjamin Franklin’s comment after the Constitutional Convention to a passerby who asked, “What have we got — a republic or a monarchy?” “A republic,” answered Franklin, “if you can keep it.” Well, can we?
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W W W. K O O T E N A I U R G E N T C A R E . C O M
hile this election may seem like the same old routine, albeit more juvenile than usual, something’s different. Laws of gravity aren’t working, and political parties seem to be falling back to earth. It’s a freefor-all, with insubordination everywhere: elected officials have systematically undermined our president since the day he took office; institutions and traditions are being thrown overboard; decorum is quickly becoming a quaint memory. This is a nasty strain of political nihilism — something our Founding Fathers saw coming. Any number of European bloodbaths told them a mob can be inflamed; passions, they knew, must be kept in check. But they didn’t want to enable a despot — human liberty had to come first. Finding this balance would be the toughest part of their mission. (Many of that era disagreed, however, citing human nature as too powerful to tame — they were the anti-federalists.) A consistent question in The Federalist Papers is what to do about factions — those groups who would undermine the whole for their own ends. Madison agreed with Alexander Hamilton that representative democracy was best, as elected officials would think big-picture and pledge themselves to defend the greater good. George Washington, who saw many die for the dream of America, wrote in his Farewell Address that “The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government.” (Washington also had thoughts on low-information voters: “It is essential that public opinion should be enlightened.”) In other words, elections matter. Have it out every four years — and the Founders lived in truly rough-and-tumble political times — but in
the end, find enough common ground to maintain national unity. Despite these centuries-old warnings, our modern arsonists keep fanning the flames of unrest. So we find ourselves less unified than perhaps at any time since the Civil War. The Founding Fathers worried that their experiment could fail, knowing something different would fill the vacuum — something more restrictive of liberty, something less just. You can already catch glimpses as our own anti-federalists run their states. Some sacrifice economic opportunity for their citizens at the altar of austerity; others legislate women’s health clinics out of business, or deny medical coverage to their poorest. These states have become laboratories, experimenting in what a more fractured America might look like.
he Founding Fathers were careful students of the ancients; our particular form of government was inspired by the Lycian League, a collection of 20 or so city-states in Asia Minor that seemed to thrive in the orbit of Athens and, later, Rome. But Lycia’s success was only clear in contrast to the chaos around it. “It is impossible,” Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 9, “to read the history of the petty republics of Greece and Italy without feeling sensations of horror and disgust at the distractions with which they were continually agitated, and… kept in a state of perpetual vibration between the extremes of tyranny and anarchy.” Those vibrations of tyranny and anarchy ended the Roman Empire and ushered in 800 years of darkness. Our Founding Fathers brilliantly carved out a place between, where individual rights and enlightened leadership preserve the correct balance between majorities and minorities. They built the greatest political system in human history. But like ungrateful children, we are beating the tar out of our republic. America is weak, we are told, government is evil — our leaders corrupt. Blame immigrants. Vilify Muslims. It’s ugly. Pundits seem to think the whole thing is a hoot and reward the most outrageous behavior with more screen time. It’s not funny: What’s happening is our Founding Fathers’ worst nightmare. George Washington treasured our national unity and spoke of the “sacred ties” that bind us with reverence. Read his Farewell Address — it was written for times like these. Can we keep our republic? Of course we can. We must. It starts by understanding how precious, and vulnerable, a gift we have been given. n
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With the nomination of DONALD TRUMP looking increasingly inevitable, the Donald is threatening to remake the Republican Party in his classy, golden, racially charged image. But there are some who’ve resisted. When the #NeverTrump hashtag took off last week, it wasn’t just Democrats proclaiming that, of course, they’d never vote for Trump. It was also the rallying cry of longtime conservatives, who are horrified by what they see happening to their party. Two prominent Republicans, former editor Erick Erickson and Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse, have promised that even if Trump is the nominee, they still won’t vote for him. They’d vote third party, write in “Rick Perry” or even vote for — shudder! — Hillary Clinton rather than support Trump. Yes, they know it likely will mean a liberal Supreme Court for generations. But the alternative — the party of “small government” handed over to a guy they consider to be a sexist, racist, fascist con artist? Who was once proud to be a pro-choice, universal-healthcare-supporting Democrat? Now that, they can’t stomach. Of course, if Trump does win the nomination, the question is how many of those proclaiming #NeverTrump now will soften their position to #MaybeTrumpJustThisOnce come November. (DANIEL WALTERS)
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ELIZABETH WARREN, the Massachusetts senator who many progressives hoped would run for president in the first place, has given undecided voters no help in choosing between HILLARY CLINTON and Vermont Sen. BERNIE SANDERS. An endorsement for either candidate could have given them a bump in the primary in Warren’s home state on Super Tuesday, but Warren remained neutral. Warren, according to Politico, may be waiting until Clinton wins the Democratic nomination before offering her endorsement. Those young, Bern-feeling progressives who wanted Warren to run all along might be more willing to support Clinton with Warren’s endorsement. Sanders, for his part, has hinted that it would be nice if Warren threw him a lifeline. At a Massachusetts rally, Sanders pointed out that Warren has railed against the rigged economy, just like he has. He then added, “Thank you all for sending Elizabeth to the Senate,” hoping perhaps that Warren would hear him, follow her heart and finally give him her endorsement, so that, together, they could break up those big banks. (WILSON CRISCIONE)
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Both Sides of the Badge It’s been 10 years — time to find a way forward together BY PAUL DILLON
ainful wounds reopened when former Spokane police officer Karl Thompson walked out of federal prison with a smile last week, not long before the 10-year anniversary of Otto Zehm’s homicide on March 20, 2006. Convicted of using excessive force against the developmentally disabled Zehm, local media interviewed the players and recounted the cover-ups, but one memory remained unshakeable: The 50 Spokane police officers who stood in support and saluted Thompson in the courtroom as he was sentenced. In the decade since, the healing has been a painful process, exacerbated by the past three months of serious damage to rapidly eroding public trust. The mix of ingre-
dients that brought us here: 4 Former Chief Frank Straub was forced to resign amid sexual harassment allegations. 4 Spokane Police Guild President Sgt. John Gately was charged with first-degree rendering criminal assistance and obstructing law enforcement for tipping off Sgt. Gordon Ennis that he was being investigated for sexual assault on a fellow officer after she fell asleep at a party in October. Sgt. Ennis plead not guilty to rape; Officer Doug Strosahl, the host, was accused of evidence tampering. 4 Captain Brad Arleth was suspended without pay for moving office furniture; meanwhile, Officer Chris Conrath has sex with a domestic violence victim he was investigating and receives the same punishment. 4 Jim McDevitt, whom Mayor David Condon
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Paul Dillon, a Center for Justice board member, manages public affairs for Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho.
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appointed until the new chief is hired, explained racial profiling in an editorial for the Spokesman-Review, saying African American males commit more violent crimes. “This mental shortcut becomes almost irresistible,” he wrote. “It is a somewhat rational form of profiling.” When questioned about this stance in a community police advisory meeting, he walked out in a huff. 4 After nearly 70 percent of Spokane voters passed Proposition 1, which called for a truly independent ombudsman, the Spokane Police Guild continues to battle oversight and the position remains open. Unless they publicly apologized, it’s unknown how many of the officers who saluted Thompson are on duty today. Assistant Chief Craig Meidl, a contender to lead the department, was one of them. He was deeply sympathetic, declaring Thompson’s innocence in a staff email that blamed the community and the media. And so the culture continues — the same culture that destroyed former Mayor Mary Verner’s career and is now crippling Mayor Condon. While Condon broke the mayoral re-election curse, he also violated the public’s trust by keeping the Straub scandal quiet until ballots were counted. That has caught up to Condon and his administration, as they play footsie with the truth and fend off an ethics complaint regarding their response to Straub’s sexual harassment allegations. For all of Straub’s sins, his final department memo referenced command staff and revealed the barriers in changing the culture, where he cited “conflict between the old guard and emerging creative leaders who embrace community policing.” The message seemed lost after Straub countersued the city for $4 million for violating his due process. This isn’t police bashing. I believe that the men and women who do the complex work of policing our streets in Spokane join the force to keep their city safe. Still, even more must be done to align the police with the public. We need leadership that ensures no one should be questioned or searched because of their religion, race, national origin, LGBTQ status, housing status or age. We need to address sexual misconduct, and the blue wall of silence that exists within the department. Vilifying either the person behind the badge or the person standing before the badge is not going to help us. Officers risk their lives, but let’s acknowledge together that there’s suffering on both sides. Police culture in Spokane has lost its way. To find it, police must listen when the community speaks. And until confidence is restored, the Zehm tragedy lives on. n
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REFRESHING PERSPECTIVES n the past three months I have been very gratified to see the [op-ed]
articles written by Tara Dowd. Her writing is thoughtful, well-engineered, accessible and informative. She also offers challenges and adds perspectives which are unique and powerful. For example, in December 2015’s “We Can Do Better,” she called the charges of sexual assault against one local police officer “almost incomprehensible” in terms of “how much misogynistic ideology” the accused male officer “would need to possess to treat a fellow [female] officer that way.” Ms. Dowd also talks about other marginalized communities in Spokane with histories of questionable treatment by Spokane police. However, LETTERS and very importantly, she proposes a Send comments to positive spin on the problem by ing about our city deserving a better police force. This draws the whole community into the message of the article, which expresses optimism and a pragmatic and achievable goal by hiring the right leadership for the force. Just in the titles of her other pieces I have read — “Sacred Mt. Spokane: Economic possibility is not a good enough reason to destroy the Spokane Tribe’s holy land” — we are alerted to important, sometimes conflicted concerns of how to truly honor diversity while still growing and moving ahead together as a community. And in another piece, “Lost Tribe of Europe; How racism harms white people as well,” the content raises a whole variety of thoughtful perspectives, many of us may not have even seriously considered. Ms. Dowd is good for the Inlander, and she is good for Spokane! I wish to thank her for her contributions to our community and expect to read a lot more from her in newsprint. CYNTHIA SCHROEDER Spokane, Wash.
Reactions to a blog post detailing a 2011 email from the SPD’s assistant chief Craig Meidl expressing deep sympathy toward convicted former officer Karl Thompson, recently released from prison:
BLAINE MATTHEW: This is more than a friend supporting his friend. A friend can support a friend while still admitting they screwed up. The fact that his email points the fingers at those who prosecuted Thompson, rather than at Thompson for killing an innocent man and covering it up, says a lot; friend or not. KRISTEN RILEY: I appreciate this since it shows that a supervisor in the department basically believes the people and prosecutors turned their backs on a man who assaulted and killed an innocent man. Thanks Inlander for exposing someone who cares more about a colleague than having their actual job as a priority when it’s needed. STEVE GAVIN: Just another example of what is wrong with the Spokane Police Department! TOM KEEFE: The Spokane Police Department is too corrupt to ever reform. It should be abolished in favor of a county-wide law enforcement model. A metropolitan area of one-half-million citizens doesn’t need two police bureaucracies. KENNETH BURCHELL: He’s out already? For clubbing to death a mentally impaired man armed with a soft drink? And lying to cover it up?
MARCH 3, 2016 INLANDER 11 NQ_RandomFun_030316_12V_CPW.tif
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Familiar Face Former Spokane City Councilwoman Nancy McLaughlin has taken a new job with the county, and hopes to keep it BY WILSON CRISCIONE
ancy McLaughlin may be starting an unfamiliar job, but at least the former Spokane City Councilwoman has a familiar ally: Al French. McLaughlin is the newest member of the Spokane County Commission, joining Shelly O’Quinn and French, who served with her on Spokane City Council. McLaughlin was on city council for eight years. In
2012, she ran for state senator and lost to Andy Billig. When Todd Mielke vacated his seat on the county commission in February, McLaughlin submitted her name for the opening, after initial reluctance. The Spokane County Republican Party picked her as the
first choice out of three candidates for the job, and the commissioners followed that recommendation and appointed her to the seat on Monday, Feb. 22. If McLaughlin wants to continue as a commissioner after this year, however, she must win the seat in November’s election. The Inlander sat down with her to ask about her new position and the upcoming campaign. Some responses have been edited for length. ...continued on next page
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Inlander: What are three things you would want to accomplish while on the Spokane County Board of Commissioners? The biggest accomplishment I want to make is to be retained come November, so that I can continue to work for the people and help improve our county. I am interested in finding ways, especially through good economic development, to grow the tax base, not raise taxes. It’s also important to me that Spokane County remain fiscally sound, and I want to help ensure that our tax dollars are being used efficiently and effectively. I also want to continue the work that has already begun in streamlining permit processes and licensing, and any other areas that we can improve our services to the people. I’m also interested in maybe doing some tele-town halls or something similar to be able to be more visible to the citizens, and provide opportunities to get their input around how we might continue to improve our region. You’ve said that Al French helped you during your time on city council. How has that relationship evolved, and what are some of the differences in how you two see things? When I was first elected to city council, I had limited knowledge on city issues. I’ll be the first one to admit that I had always been much
more interested in state- and federal-level issues. And so each — not just Al, but each of my fellow councilmembers — helped me grow in areas of knowledge. We don’t always see eye-to-eye. I’m in many ways more conservative than Al is, and yet we’re both — and [County Commissioner Shelly O’Quinn] is too — we’re all three on the same page: The only way we’re going to keep our expenses under control, besides looking for efficiencies and looking internally, is that we have to grow the tax base. Where do you stand on the Spokane County Jail? Do you think there needs to be a new jail, or more beds? Not yet. We may need a new jail someday due to the fact that the current one is getting old, but not necessarily because we need more jail beds. Currently we have reduced the jail population through some alternative-to-incarceration programs such as the DUI Court, Drug Court, Early Case Resolution, etc. It is important that we keep our high-risk offenders locked up, but we should continue to look for ways to save dollars and jail bed space through alternative programs for low-risk offenders. I personally believe that we need to continue to look at tried-and-true, evidence-based alternatives to incarceration programs for two reasons:
Nancy McLaughlin thinks Spokane County may need a new jail someday, but not yet. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO One is to save dollars and jail bed space, but also to get the help to our low-risk offenders to stop this revolving door. I think it’s like 85 percent of those low-risk people have some sort of drug addiction or drug problem. So, it’s like, what’s the root of those issues? Or how do we get them the help they need? What’s their family support? Where are they sleeping tonight? Why do you think you’ll be able to keep the county commissioner seat in November? As a Christian, again, I believe that if the Lord wants me to serve the citizens as a county commissioner, then I will continue to serve the voters. Many people in Spokane saw me as a reasonable, solutions-oriented councilwoman, one who attacked the issues and not the people, as I mentioned earlier. They re-elected me with approximately 68 percent of the vote, and if it weren’t for term limits, I’d probably still be sitting over in [City Hall] rather than here. How will you look to grow the tax base? I personally intend to collaborate with my fellow commissioners and Greater Spokane Incorporated, which is kind of our economic driver, to continue to highlight economic opportunities. Serving the people of Spokane, and now working to serve the people of the whole area, I — better than, I think, anybody who hasn’t done both — understand the importance of win-win situations. Anything that hurts the city hurts all of us. Anything they do that hurts the county hurts all of us, so it really behooves us to work together cooperatively and look for those solutions that are win-win, because everybody lives in the county. n
MARCH 3, 2016 INLANDER 15 NQ_JenniferNettles_030316_12V_CPW.tif\
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COP TALK On the blog, the Inlander published an email that provides a glimpse into the deep sympathies among the Spokane police force for KARL THOMPSON, a former officer who was released from prison last week after being sentenced in 2012 for beating developmentally disabled janitor Otto Zehm with his baton and then lying about it. Zehm died in police custody. Written by Craig Meidl, now assistant police chief, shortly after Thompson’s conviction in 2011, the email states that the “system failed” and that an “innocent man was found guilty.” The email, sent to approximately 80 other officers, also expresses feelings of betrayal from the public and prosecutors in the case. One of those prosecutors, Jim McDevitt, is now the police department’s interim director of law enforcement — Meidl’s boss. (JAKE THOMAS)
SORRY, MR. JACKSON The new, four-person SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL majority has plans for the city, but former City Manager Mike Jackson won’t be part of them. Jackson, who had been the Valley’s city manager since 2010, was fired at a recent council meeting, much to the dismay of the rest of the council. The council majority — Rod Higgins, Ed Pace, Arne Woodard and Sam Wood — offered no explanation for the decision to fire Jackson other than it was “in the best interest of the city.” Former mayors, city councilmembers and Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich all spoke in support of Jackson before the council made its final decision. One current councilmember, Dean Grafos, accused the majority of firing Jackson because he was an obstacle in a plan to discontinue the city’s contract with the sheriff’s department for police services. Mayor Higgins and other majority members have denied they have such a plan. (WILSON CRISCIONE)
College Transfer UW finds a new partner for its medical school; plus, an Idaho legislator wants to mandate rape-kit testing UW GOES GONZAGA
After Washington State University announced last year that it would start its own MEDICAL SCHOOL, the University of Washington School of Medicine decided to look for a new Eastern Washington partner for its fivestate medical education program. Last week, the UW announced they’d found that partner. Gonzaga University will welcome 60 first-year and 40 second-year UW medical students starting this fall. Per the agreement, Gonzaga will provide space for the UW School of Medicine program, and courses will be jointly taught by Gonzaga and UW faculty. The universities will also collaborate to share facilities and research. “Uniting Gonzaga University’s commitment to educational excellence, leadership and service with the UW’s nationally recognized medical school and research engine will continue the long tradition of educating doctors in Eastern Washington, and represents a phenomenal opportunity not only for our faculty and students, but the entire Inland Northwest,” Gonzaga President Thayne McCulloh said in a statement following the announcement. This agreement officially replaces the medical partnership UW had with WSU, which expects to open its
four-year Spokane medical school in 2017. The UW-Gonzaga agreement, by contrast, will provide medical school courses for the first 18 months of the UW program. The UW will reimburse Gonzaga for services and space provided as part of the partnership. Students will use the anatomy lab on WSU’s Riverpoint campus until additional facilities can be secured. Meanwhile, Idaho Gov. Butch Otter announced plans last week for Idaho’s first for-profit medical school in Meridian, a city just west of Boise. (WILSON CRISCIONE)
For the first time, Idaho could enact laws that address the testing, storage and tracking of SEXUAL ASSAULT evidence kits. The proposed legislation requires law enforcement agencies to send rape kits to the state forensics lab for testing in all but a few circumstances, establishes a system to track neglected kits and reasons why the kits weren’t tested, and establishes a timeline for when submission and testing must be completed. Law enforcement agencies would have 30 days to
send rape kits to the Idaho State Police Forensic Services lab, and the lab would have 90 days to complete the testing. Additionally, all rape kits would be tested unless the victim says not to, or if police believe that no crime was committed. The county prosecutor would be required to sign off on a police decision not to send the evidence to the lab for testing. “The biggest thing this bill does is create minimum standards for processing kits,” says Rep. Melissa Wintrow (D-Boise), the bill’s sponsor. “It sends a message that if you have evidence collected off your body, we’re going to take that evidence, and the processing of that evidence, seriously.” Last year, an Idaho Press-Tribune investigation found great disparities in how Idaho law enforcement submits kits for testing when decisions are left up to individual agencies. Since January 2010, the Nampa Police Department sent 10 percent of its kits for testing, compared to 54 percent from the Caldwell PD over the same period. Additionally, the Coeur d’Alene Press reported that the Post Falls Police Department has sent 38 percent of its kits since January 2010, while the Coeur d’Alene PD submitted 60 percent of its kits over the same span. The issue of untested rape evidence is not unique to Idaho. The backlog of kits in Washington state is estimated at about 6,000. Last year, Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill that required agencies to submit evidence to the Washington State Patrol crime lab within 30 days, and created a task force dedicated to the issue. This year, three more bills in Washington have addressed rape and sexual assault evidence. Wintrow’s bill passed out of the Idaho House Judiciary, Rules & Administration Committee and was up for a third reading when this paper went to press. (MITCH RYALS)
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Samples of mycelium, the vegetative part of fungi, that could one day help clean up the Spokane River. JAKE THOMAS PHOTO
Shroom for Improvement Are mushrooms the solution to one of Spokane’s most nagging pollution problems? BY JAKE THOMAS
hile doing outreach work for the Lands Council, a local environmental nonprofit, Heidi Montez spent a lot of time on the banks of the Spokane River telling fishermen, swimmers and boaters about polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), toxic chemical compounds that cities spend millions of dollars trying to purge from waterways, and how to avoid them. All this talk about PCBs got Montez wanting to know more about the chemicals that build up in fish and people and are linked to cancer and other serious illness. “I started learning what [PCBs] are and how they behave in the environment,” she recalls. “And then I started finding all these scientific articles on how fungi can break them down.” Montez started talking to her boss at the Lands Council about what she found. Those
conversations eventually led to a $30,000 contract with the city of Spokane for the nonprofit to look into an unusual solution for the persistent pollution problem: mushrooms. Now the project lead for the contract, Montez stands outside of a red-brick warehouse where work is wrapping up on a laboratory where she will conduct experiments. Her arms are full of Mason jars and petri dishes that are snow-white with mycelium, the vegetative part of fungi, from oyster and turkey tail mushrooms, as well as other species that have shown promise in destroying PCBs. “One of the most important ecological niches of a lot of mushrooms is to break things down [like trees and other organic matter] and basically compost them and turn it into soil,” says Montez. “So the way these mushrooms digest things gives them the ability to digest chemicals.”
PCBs were once used widely for industrial purposes such as transformers, coolants and hydraulics. They were banned by Congress in 1979, but still can be found in the environment. They’re also inadvertently produced in the manufacturing process for products like ink pigments used on yellow traffic lines. When it rains, PCBs from the paint wash into the river. These are small chemical compounds that don’t break down naturally in the environment, and cleaning them up is an expensive challenge for the city of Spokane. City utilities spokesperson Marlene Feist says Spokane is working toward meeting a state water quality standard for PCBs of 170 parts per quadrillion. “These chemicals are problematic in very minute quantities; that’s the challenge,” says Feist. “But the idea that they could be broken down and removed from the environment is compelling.”
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“There’s a lot of things that are just unknowns. It’s going to be a really interesting journey seeing how these fungi behave in these situations.” To clean up the Spokane River, Feist says that by 2021, the city will have spent more than $300 million on projects intended to prevent PCBs and other pollutants from entering the waterway. But she says that PCBs the city prevents from entering the river just end up moving to a landfill. Montez says that’s an imperfect solution, because PCBs can leach out of landfills or volatilize and become airborne. Scott Kellogg, educational director for the Albany, New Yorkbased Radix Ecological Sustainability Center, says that other cities handle PCBs and other pollutants with the same “dig-and-dump” approach that sometimes involves expensive dredging of waterways. He says that just moves the problem elsewhere. “It will fulfill environmental regulations,” Kellogg says. “But it’s highly disruptive to native ecology and doesn’t treat soils as the limited resources that they are.” Kellogg says that there is a growing interest in bioremediation, using plants and other natural features to address pollution. For instance, cities, including Spokane, are building bioswales, drainage courses that use vegetation to filter out pollutants. He says research shows that mushrooms have potential as a bioremediate, breaking down harmful substances such as pesticides, oil products and PCBs. But using mushrooms to eliminate PCBs will take longer than just digging up and moving polluted soil, says Kellogg, and developers and local governments might be reluctant to adopt such a novel approach. “There’s a lot of things that are just unknowns,” says Montez, who points out that fungi are sensitive to heat, humidity, bad soil and competing species. “It’s going to be a really interesting journey seeing how these fungi behave in these situations.” Montez says she hasn’t found any other city that’s tried to use fungi to clean up pollution problems, and that’s why the experiment will proceed slowly. The first phase will involve placing fungi in petri dishes spiked with PCBs, just to see how they react. After two to three weeks, they will be sent to labs to be tested to see if they’ve reduced PCBs, she says. If that goes well, Montez says the next phase will involve mixing in fungi cultures with PCB-contaminated sludge and oils provided by the city to see if that has an effect. If that works, it could potentially be applied on an industrial scale. “I have no idea if that’s going to work; it’s an experiment,” says Montez, who adds, “It would be awesome if it did.”
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Gone Too Soon
Corey Lee, 20, overdosed in his EWU dorm room the day before Thanksgiving. PHOTO COURTESY OF CATHI LEE
After an EWU student’s fatal overdose, should colleges change the way they view drug abuse? BY WILSON CRISCIONE
athi and David Lee thought their son, Corey, was on his way home for Thanksgiving. Then they got a phone call: Corey had been found unresponsive in his dorm at Eastern Washington University. Cathi called the hospital and heard from the doctors that Corey had cocaine and Xanax in his system. They said her son had been moved to the Intensive Care Unit. They said they were doing everything they could to save him. They said to get to the hospital as soon as possible. David and Cathi drove through the night, at least five hours over the mountains on Interstate 90, until they reached Deaconess Hospital, where their son lay in a coma. Until he died about two weeks later on Dec. 8, they stayed by his side. Their son was 20. Corey had struggled with drug addiction since high school. At home in Everett, his parents were always there to make sure he got help. When he left home for EWU, his parents trusted that he wanted to quit using drugs and turn his life around. But the difference between oversight from parents at home and from the university system while living in a dorm can be a vast one, and when he
started using drugs again, nobody was there to see their son was in danger.
orey started drinking alcohol his freshman year of high school. He moved on to pot, then to prescription drugs. “Anything he could get his hands on,” his father says. Oxycontin was his drug of choice. He once told his parents he had used just about every other drug out there. Throughout high school and into community college, his parents sent him to several outpatient drug treatment programs. He talked them out of sending him to an inpatient program, but David says that once Corey turned 18, “if we would have put him in an inpatient program, he would have just left. There’s nothing to stop him.” Months before he went to EWU, while he was taking courses at Everett Community College, Corey’s parents told him to get clean or they’d kick him out of the house. They followed through. He stayed on couches or slept in his car before he was allowed back home after he got clean. Corey was eager to leave Everett — leave the drugs
— and restart his life. Someday, he wanted to take over the family business, an Everett-based drive-shaft repair company. He left for EWU, joined a fraternity, and his parents heard he was doing well there. The last time they both saw Corey in person, visiting Cheney for a weekend a few weeks before Thanksgiving, they thought he was turning his life around. “He was doing so great at the fraternity,” Cathi says. “He really felt like he belonged and loved that fraternity.” Brendan Hargrave, EWU chapter president of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, says Corey kept his history with drug addiction hidden from them. Around the time Corey joined the frat last fall, another student was kicked out for using drugs. “I think he was afraid he would get in trouble,” Hargrave says. Hargrave says that Corey’s death has caused the fraternity to rethink its zero tolerance policy. He says the frat worries that it pushes away those who are struggling with drugs or other behavior, forcing them to hide their problems and keep secrets. Colleges do not allow drugs on campus, but many discipline students for using drugs on a case-by-case basis. Adam Jussel, Washington State University’s assistant dean of students, says that students are typically given an educational course if they’ve violated the student conduct code on drugs or alcohol. At EWU, according to its policy on drug and alcohol abuse prevention, “students are responsible for resolving their own alcohol or drug abuse problems,” and if a person self-reports such a problem, the university will make “reasonable efforts” to assist them. EWU spokesman Dave Meany says that campus police “try everything they can to help a student succeed and not go down the wrong path, get in trouble and
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David Lee (center) sent his son Corey (right) to multiple drug treatment programs. PHOTO COURTESY OF CATHI LEE kicked out of college.” But having said that, no drugs are allowed on campus. Colleges do have resources for students struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. EWU students can get help through the school’s health, wellness and prevention services office. WSU students can go the counseling and psychological services office and be referred to either inpatient or outpatient treatment. Gonzaga, in addition to counseling services, has a program called Our Unique Recovery House, designed as a safe place for students to get together and discuss their struggles with substance abuse. Many students, however, are either reticent to seek help or unaware help is available. EWU student Kyle Dodson says the only reason he knows about the school’s resources is because of his position as student government president. Even if they do know about them, a greater challenge for drug addicts is that, psychologically, they are worried they’ll be judged or lose their community of friends and family, says Daybreak Youth Services Executive Director Annette Klinefelter. Yet schools, without permitting drug use on campus, can still help address this problem by increasing awareness and adopting policies that encourage kids to seek treatment, she says. “If kids are afraid of getting in trouble or going to jail, and that is a barrier to them seeking treatment,” Klinefelter says, “then that policy needs to be reconsidered.”
orey’s parents usually could tell when he was using drugs. He’d get moody. He’d isolate himself. He wouldn’t keep promises. But if you had met Corey on the street, his father says you would have thought he was intelligent, bright and good-looking. “He was not the one that everyone would have thought,” Cathi says. In college, friends outside of the fraternity knew Corey used drugs recreationally, says Michael Nelson, who lived in a dorm right next to Corey in Brewster Hall. Nelson says he knew Corey would drink, or maybe smoke pot. Sometimes he heard Corey talk about cocaine, but Corey kept his use of prescription drugs and his history with addiction a secret. Recognizing that Corey had a real addiction, that it was more than living the college experience, would have been difficult for people who
had known him for just a couple of months. Even if Corey’s friends had realized what was going on, Nelson says there was nothing the college could have done to help. “Unless someone really said, basically, ‘We’re going to make sure you don’t leave this room,’ he wouldn’t reach out and do it himself,” Nelson says. The night before Corey was found unconscious, Nelson says Corey kept leaving his room and coming back. Nelson thinks he was going to his drug dealer’s house. He wasn’t sure exactly which drugs Corey was on, but he knew acid was one of them. He says he warned Corey. “He would just keep saying, ‘Dude, I’ve done this before. I’ve done this plenty of times. Like, don’t worry,’” Nelson says. The next morning, Nov. 25, Nelson was supposed to drive Corey back to Everett for Thanksgiving. He called Corey and asked if he was ready to go. Corey said he’d be ready soon. About 45 minutes later, Nelson called again. No answer. He called again, and again, then knocked on the door. Still no response. He threatened to leave without him. “I was like, ‘I don’t want to leave you, because I know how much your parents want to see you for Thanksgiving. But my parents want to see me, too,’” Nelson says. Still no answer. Nelson left. Another student found Corey unconscious around 4:30 pm. “He was literally supposed to be sitting next to me,” Nelson says. “We should have been in Ellensburg by the time that this all happened.”
avid and Cathi had to clean out their son’s dorm room when he died, after police had already gone through it. Corey’s parents found no pill bottles. There were no drugs, no pipes, nothing that indicated their son had an addiction that would ultimately claim his life. Corey’s parents took everything left — his clothes, his Boy Scout badges, his basketball shoes, a Michael Jordan poster — and brought it back home. Today, it’s all boxed up at home in Corey’s old bedroom. His parents haven’t gone through any of it. The clothes still smell like him. “People say it’s a shrine to their kid,” David Lee says. “But it’s not really a shrine. You just can’t deal with it.”
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n o t g n i h s a n W o i e t v a i g n t e a h h t t n i s p e u t s r a w e r t e l r a e c W m i s l r e i d c n n a y a D t r d s e n e p a l o o s r l h p a p y o R t o s h l c e t , i h s M g i k y h B r i e u h q The state t
he tiny pill melted onto a piece of foil in the middle of the clear afternoon. The 20-somethings inhaling its fumes had just broken into two houses in north Spokane County — the last in a string of at least 40 burglaries investigators would later link to them. In the span of a month and a half in the summer of 2014, Damian Zowal and Trever Burzic hit house after house after house in isolated neighborhoods. They made off with electronics, cash and coins. They took a high school class ring, a grandmother’s engagement ring, a late husband’s billfold, a fly fishing rod, car titles and a silver teardrop pendant with the ashes of a victim’s father inside. In particular, they looked for guns. Spokane County sheriff’s detectives arrested the duo in their red getaway car. Zowal had a pistol in his pocket. He told detectives he carried the gun with him into every house because he would rather shoot someone than be shot. They racked up 200 felony charges. Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich called a news conference at the time, saying “we have a property crimes issue because we’re not holding property crimes suspects accountable for their actions.” Burzic’s own uncle expressed relief: “At least they got him off the streets before
So when Sabrina Schoenberger came home to broken glass scattered somebody got killed.” across her bedroom floor, her dresser Judge Harold Clarke pointed to drawers tossed throughout the room their drug addiction, recommending and her pistol missing from the nightthat when the two were released, they stand, the violation felt almost routine. should receive state supervision. It was the third time her rural Spokane But after eight months in County house had been burgled. prison, they’re out. And Detectives tied Burzic and thanks to a state Department Zowell to the most recent of Corrections formula crime. The other two cases that overrode the judge, were never solved. nobody’s watching them. “It’s just part of living “I can order all the out here,” Schoenberger supervision in the world, but says. “You can alarm and if the programs and resources deadbolt all you want, but if aren’t there… ” Clarke shrugs. they want in, they’re getting in.” Trever Burzic “When judges sentence someone From 2009 to 2013, despite to supervision, they don’t know if the recession, property crime rates that will be carried out, and even the nationwide dropped by 11 percent. But offender doesn’t know until they’re in Washington, crime ticked up slightly. released.” And in Spokane, property crime soared Washington is the only state to record levels. in the nation that doesn’t Last year, Gov. Jay Inslee’s supervise property crime Justice Reinvestment Task offenders after they’re Force issued a sprawling released from prison, other report, laying out all the than the occasional specialproblems with supervision, ized sentencing alternative. sentencing and policing that Washington also has the nadrives property crime — only tion’s lowest number of law to see a proposal to fix it stall enforcement officers per person. in the legislature. Damian Zowal So it shouldn’t come as a At play is the fundamental surprise that Washington has the hightension of criminal justice reform: est property crime rate in the nation, Should Washington play good cop or according to the FBI’s latest available bad cop? Should it ratchet up penalties data. Washington can’t blame it all on for property crime offenders, increase geography or poverty, either. Idaho, jail sentences, increase supervision, despite high poverty levels, has a propbuild more prisons and put more cops erty crime rate less than half the rate of on the streets? Or should it focus on Washington’s. treatment, hoping that through Smart
Justice techniques, the most prolific criminals can be rehabilitated? Right now, Washington is doing neither.
For two decades, Stevie Sivertsen says, he was addicted to meth, heroin and property crime. In the living room of his Spokane Valley home, Sivertsen lifts his shirt to show the prison tattoo of a fist clenching a lightning bolt across his hairy torso. “Hate stuff,” he says, apologetically. Sivertsen’s record is piled skyhigh with felonies and misdemeanors, including drug possession, assault, counterfeiting and an in-transit escape from a Geiger Corrections Center van. But his speciality was property crime. He’d kick through glass doors and slice through safes with a saw. He’d steal cell phones, TVs, music players, Seahawks season tickets. He had a garage stacked with stolen bike parts. “Any bike above a couple of grand is worth $150 in dope,” Sivertsen says. He’d steal diabetes equipment: The test-kit bag was perfect for holding needles and a bag of meth. He’d steal oxygen tanks: They can be sold for scrap. He’d speed straight for school zones when chased by the cops: The police wouldn’t risk endangering children, but he would. “Just pull over, just pull over,” he remembers his buddies in the car pleading. He wouldn’t. Blame the meth. Before bursting into a room to rob drug dealers, he would take a hit. Meth makes some people paranoid. It made him fearless. “There are no sober people committing the crimes you’re talking ...continued on next page
Sabrina Schoenberger shows where thieves broke into her home in 2014.
about,” Sivertsen says. “If you can address the drug problem, you will have addressed the property [crime] problem.” In the past two National Surveys on Drug Use and Health, Washington ranked fourth in its percentage of residents who admitted to recently using illicit drugs other than marijuana. Deaths related to heroin or other opiates in Washington have risen. The days of Spokane meth lab infestations are largely over, wiped out in part by stricter regulations and mandatory minimum sentences for cooking meth, says Capt. John Nowels of the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office. But cheap meth from Mexico rushed in to fill the void. “Three years ago, an ounce of meth would have cost $1,500,” Nowels says. “Today, about $400.” Veteran Spokane County property crime detective Dean Meyer snaps on a pair of blue rubber gloves and thumbs through an envelope jammed full of other people’s mail that he just seized from a suspect’s car. Sitting on the floor below the bundle of stolen checks and credit cards is the suspect’s gym bag. He pulls out a small scale with sludgy black resin smeared onto it. Next he pulls out a syringe loaded with more of the tar-like heroin. Almost all the property crime he investigates is driven by addiction, Meyer says
— meth, heroin, pills. For the past decade, Meyer’s job has been hunting property criminals. Usually he juggles five or six cases at a time; right now he has 10 open cases. No matter how hard he works, there are some cases that Spokane detectives just can’t investigate. “A stolen card can be used once and it can take a month of an investigation. And we’ll have five or six of these a day,” he says. Spokane City Council President Ben Stuckart says that with the region’s high poverty rate, low tax revenue makes it tough to hire more officers. “It’s a tough chicken-egg thing,” Stuckart says. “How do you improve your economy if you have crime? And how do you pay for more officers if you don’t improve your economy?” Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich sees the same problem. In 2008, faced with an overcrowded jail, advocates started looking for ways to reduce the population rather than build a bigger facility. At the same time, Spokane County slashed $1.5 million from its criminal justice budget. “We don’t have staff to really do the job we need to do, and even if we did, the way the system is, they turn ’em right back out on the street,” he says. “They don’t have the money to hold them in jails or prisons, and they don’t have the money to do any kind
of Smart Justice.” Sivertsen saw firsthand how an overburdened criminal justice system and the quirks of Washington law conspired to make the state the ideal habitat for an unrepentant thief. When he moved from Alaska to Washington in 2003, he remembers being confused the first time he was booked, and then suddenly released after three days. He told his buddies, worried they would think he cut a deal with the cops to get out so quickly. “And they said, ‘No, you idiot,’” Sivertsen says. “‘That’s Washington.’” Washington releases most nonviolent arrestees within 72 hours if charges aren’t filed. Historically, overwhelmed police and prosecutors in Spokane have frequently failed to meet that deadline. A 2008 report found that on average, it took 57 days after booking for charges to be filed. Back then, Spokane Superior Court Judge Maryann Moreno says, prosecutors only met the 72-hour deadline in about 10 percent of the cases. Sometimes it would take police and prosecutors years to bring charges. That issue was exacerbated by another aspect of Washington law: After racking up enough thefts on a criminal record, additional thefts don’t automatically result in additional prison time. So whenever Sivertsen landed back on the street — waiting for prosecutors to eventually get around to filing charges against him — he knew that more crime wouldn’t mean more time. His crime sprees continued unabated: He’d take bolt cutters to garage doors, shoplift from grocery stores, snag bikes from college campuses, strip wiring out from abandoned houses. And he would feel immune from the ...continued on next page consequences.
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While statistics show that both Washington and Spokane have skyhigh property crime rankings, trying to draw precise conclusions from the FBI’s national stats brings up a big issue: They only include crimes the police know about. If citizens are unwilling to report crimes, the crime rate looks lower. The classic example: In 2005, Spokane County eliminated Crime Check, the number that citizens can call to report non-emergency crimes. Poof, crime seemed to fall. But when Crime Check returned in 2008, it seemed to rise. The other problem is how you count crimes. When Spokane Mayor David Condon celebrated an apparent 18 percent drop in property crime in his State of the City speech last month, he was relying on info from CompStat, a granular crime-tracking tool famously used by the New York Police Department. But CompStat data is preliminary and messy. For instance, CompStat only tracks the last full week of the year. The result? Spokane’s final report for 2013 tracked two more days of crime than it did in 2015. It has never tracked crime on New Year’s Eve. Each year, the disparity between Spokane’s CompStat data and the data the Spokane Police Department sends to the FBI has grown. In 2014, the data sent to the FBI shows 1,447 more property crimes than the CompStat reports do. The biggest reason? Unlike the NYPD, the Spokane Police Department wasn’t including attempted property crimes in its total for CompStat property crimes. It does include those crimes in the figures it sends to the FBI. So between 2012 and 2014, the FBI’s stats show the number of property crimes known to SPD falling by a modest 2.5 percent. But look at CompStat’s figures, and the decrease looks three and a half times larger. It could be worse: In New York, cops have been caught “juking the stats,” giving serious crimes, like burglaries, less serious classifications, like “criminal trespass,” to make it look like crime is falling. This year, Spokane has started listing attempted property crimes in its CompStat reports. Later this year, another big change is coming: Instead of only counting the most serious crime — a burglary where a surprised homeowner is assaulted would just be classified as an assault — SPD will count each crime separately. That’s right: Those high crime numbers actually underestimate the level of property crime in Spokane. (DANIEL WALTERS)
“There was no fear of a longer sentence,” Sivertsen says. The “free crimes” problem has long plagued Washington. In 1991, prosecutors successfully argued that unless the state Supreme Court allowed an exceptional sentence for the defendant, offenders with high criminal records “would be free to commit 20, 50 or 100 additional burglaries without any additional punishment.” Spokane County, at least, has tried to fix both issues, says Tony Hazel, a county deputy prosecutor. The county has dramatically cut down the time it takes to file cases, by doing things as simple as having the police send electronic copies of police reports. Today, it’s rare that a criminal is released because they’re not charged within 72 hours. When Larry Haskell took over the Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office in 2015, Hazel says, he issued a decree: For repeat extreme property offenders like Sivertsen, prosecutors would always ask for exceptional sentences. The more you steal, in other words, the longer you’d spend behind bars. But by that time, the city of Spokane had already suffered three years of its worst property crime epidemic in decades.
If you want a moment when property crime got really bad in Spokane, point to October of 2011: That’s when the Spokane Police Department officially announced it would eliminate the property crimes unit. “If it’s just your car got stolen and you don’t know who did it, you’re probably not going to get an investigation from us,” Officer Jennifer DeRuwe, then the
department spokeswoman, told the Spokesman-Review. “It totally sucks for everybody in the community.” Mayoral candidate David Condon called this decision a mistake, and rode a campaign promise — to develop a response to burglaries and car thefts within his first 100 days — to a surprise election victory. The police department later indicated that the announcement was overblown; that despite reorganization, property crimes were still being investigated. But the statement had already done its damage. “That was the worst thing ever done in this community,” Knezovich says about the statement. “It sent a message: ‘open season.’” Indeed, crime shot up in November 2011, and the following year Spokane suffered the worst property crime rate in years. In the first nine months of 2012, there were more burglaries and larceny than in all of 2009. For three years, crime remained there at its highwater mark. In 2013, the city of Spokane’s reported property crime rate was the highest it’s been since at least the mid-’80s. That year, a middle-aged Spokane plumber shot and killed a 25-year-old car thief who was driving away with his SUV. Even Stuckart’s house got hit in 2013. “My back door got slammed in,” Stuckart says. “They stole all my wife’s jewelry, all my grandmother’s jewelry, and my food scale.” That’s not to say that Condon hasn’t worked hard to treat the property crime epidemic. The data-wonk mayor hired (and later ousted) a data-wonk police chief. The police department started tracking crime stats to identify “hot spots” and guide patrol officer
coverage. The police allied with neighbors to identify concerns, targeted drug houses and blighted apartment buildings, and worked with Avista to amp up the brightness of streetlights. Twenty-five more officers have been hired by the Spokane Police Department. Even choosing the classic black-and-white for the new police vehicle paint job, Condon says, was made with the intent of deterring crime by increasing police visibility. Condon has requests for the legislature as well: Make vehicle prowling a class-C felony. That’s what Idaho does. Treat scrapyards like pawnshops, requiring ID to be shown before anything is sold. Since approximately 2012, Spokane’s criminal justice players have advocated for Smart Justice, aimed at decreasing jail population through effective data collection, improved interagency communication and diversion courts. Early indications suggest that all of these efforts have made a difference: Preliminary Spokane property crime figures finally ebbed last year, falling back down to 2011 levels. (Those figures have issues, however. See “The Trouble with Crime Stats” on page 25.) Asked if he’s accomplished what he set out to do with property crimes, Condon is unequivocal. “Oh, gosh no. No, no, no,” he says. “Are we going in the right direction? I believe we are.” The hope is that it sticks. Property crime seems to be ticking back up in the first months of this year. Condon knows there’s another danger; that eventually, people will get so sick of being victimized, they’ll stop bothering to tell police. Official crime rates will decline, but actual crime won’t.
REPORTED PROPERTY CRIMES PER 100,000 RESIDENTS “There’s an apathy level,” Condon says. “If people don’t think you’re going to do anything, then why report it?”
In 2003, the state dropped the number of criminals under state supervision from 65,000 to 30,000, cutting loose essentially all property crime offenders. In 2009, the legislature eliminated supervision for another 14,500 criminals — not just those with misdemeanors and property offenses, but those guilty of drug dealing, assault, sex crimes. Even murder. To be fair, the cuts weren’t made blindly. The Department of Corrections aimed to cancel supervision only for those unlikely to reoffend. “You could do more harm by actively supervising those low-risk offenders,” says Debbie Conner, field administrator for the Department of Corrections. For them, too much contact with the criminal justice system can actually backfire. As a result, the agency uses a risk-assessment tool, a scoring sheet that calculates whether an offender qualifies for supervision. That’s the tool that can override even a judge’s orders. Yet those property crime offenders in Washington who don’t qualify for state supervision are actually the most likely to reoffend. According to a Bureau of Justice Statistics report, 82 percent of property crime offenders released from prison in 2005 were arrested within five years for a new crime, a higher rate than any other type of offender. As a general rule, the more times a burglar gets sent to jail, the longer the prison sentence. But no matter how
No Crime Check from 2005 to 2008
2,500 1985 SPOKANE
many property crime convictions they rack up in Washington, they’ll never qualify for supervision. Recently appointed Spokane City Councilman Breean Beggs, an attorney and leader in local Smart Justice reforms, suggests that Washington’s priorities are precisely backward. “Every extra day, month, year someone spends in
prison, they are more likely to commit crimes when they get out,” Beggs says. Instead, he says, prison funds could be spent on treatment, mental health care, and, yes, supervision for offenders. Supervision was the No. 1 focus of Inslee’s Justice Reinvestment Task Force report, which called for less jail ...continued on next page
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first friday art gallery.
If so, you’re a First Friday kind of person.
You lock gazes. this could get interesting.
— Join us. —
301 West 2nd Avenue 301 West 2nd
Dodson’s Jewelers 516 W Riverside
Nectar Tasting Room 120 N Stevens
Steelhead Bar & Grille 218 N Howard
1) Browse this month’s participating locations at
Barrister Winery 1213 W Railroad
Frenz Salon & Gallery 1111 N Normandie
The Observatory 15 S Howard
Bistango 108 N Post
Lake Roosevelt Wine Company 8 N Post St
Numerica Credit Union: Downtown Branch 502 W Riverside
2) Plan your itinerary. Typically more than a dozen unique spaces and places participate each month.
Bozzi Gallery 221 N Wall, Suite 226 Cello Friday 415 W Main Craftsman Cellars 1194 W Summit Pkwy
Pottery Place Plus 203 N Washington
Liberty Ciderworks 164 S Washington
River Park Square 808 W Main
Marmot Art Space 1206 W Summit Pkwy
Steam Plant 159 S Lincoln
Tinbender Craft Distillery 32 W 2nd, Suite 400 Trackside Studio Ceramic Art Gallery 115 S Adams UW Spokane Center 201 West Main
3) Go. You’ll find free fun ranging from musical performances to hors d’oeuvres. Each month pick up a free limited edition Vintage Spokane Chris Bovey postcard. This month, get your postcard at The Steam Plant.
For complete event listings visit: Most venues open 5-8pm
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time and more quality supervision. A Pew Research Center study in New Jersey found that offenders receiving supervision were 36 percent less likely to end up back in prison in the next three years. Washington, for its part, is trying to hone its algorithm and get smarter at determining which criminals need supervision and which need simply to be held behind bars. In that light, the state asked Washington State University criminal justice professor Zach Hamilton to design a new diagnostic tool intended to more accurately calculate a person’s likelihood of reoffending and need for treatment. The new tool, which Hamilton expects to be implemented by early 2017, considers criminal history, education, employment, family and social ties, attitudes, aggression, mental health and substance abuse issues to mathematically individualize each person. The current assessment scheme only considers criminal history. Spokane police, too, are trying to compensate for DOC’s lack of supervision. The “chronic offender unit” focuses on “up and coming” criminals — people who are starting to show up more frequently in reports and have one or two convictions to their name. “It’s just a little bit more contact and follow-up than you would normally get from the police in a nontraditional criminal justice manner,” says SPD Sgt. Terry Preuninger, who is in charge of the unit.
Recently, though, due to a reorganization, the unit’s four patrol officers were reduced to two.
Last year, state Sen. Jim Hargrove — the same Democratic senator who once sponsored two bills that slashed supervision — proposed a major bill that would have shortened the prison sentence of many property crime offenders, but also tacked on a year of post-release supervision. “This bill will make citizens safer, reduce property crime in the state, and save the state money,” Hargrove said. While it passed the Senate by a sizeable margin — even winning the vote of famously tough-on-crime Spokane Valley Sen. Mike Padden — it never got to the floor of the House. This year, any attempts to revive property crime reform have been drowned out by the much more flashy fiasco in the Department of Corrections: A computer glitch, which remained unfixed for more than a dozen years, resulted in 3,200 offenders being released early statewide. As Padden blasted the Inslee administration for the error in a December 2015 press release, he criticized the notion of trading prison time for supervision. Padden says he and Hargrove are still talking about property crime reform. He thinks that supervision would help, but wants to pass legislation giving prosecutors increased ability to seek longer sentences
1001 West Sprague Ave. • 509-624-1200
The Music of
with the Spokane Symphony
Former repeat offender Stevie Sivertsen has seen firsthand how desperate drug addiction can make thieves and burglars. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO for particularly untreatable repeat property offenders. “This is somebody who’s had all sorts of chances, and still continues to offend,” Padden says. Yet, redemption and reform, even for a guy like Sivertsen, can be possible. His crime sprees stopped after 2007. For him, the key was a program while he was locked up, where a couple of fellow convicts helped him identify the childhood trauma driving his drug addiction. “I was finally able to determine why I had to use,” he says. To that, add the clean and sober housing he was placed in directly out of prison. And to that, add the post-prison education program that eventually allowed him to get a legitimate job building airplane parts. Now he’s a devout Seventh-day Adventist, the sort with a drawing of Jesus hanging in his living room and Strong’s Concordance on his bookshelf. He volunteers to help place offenders in clean and sober housing. He’s on the other side now: Like so many in Spokane, he’s been a victim. Just last month, he had an Amazon package stolen off his porch. But he doesn’t feel anger. He feels pity and understanding. “I know exactly how it happens,” Sivertsen says. “I hope they reach their bottom fast, and get help.”
While Washington has the highest property crime rate in the nation, its neighbor to the east — Idaho — is among the lowest. Maybe Idaho’s tougher criminal penalties can be credited, or the fact that Idaho’s prison population has doubled in a decade. But there’s a lot more to it than that: About half of Idaho’s felons receive probation instead of a prison sentence, an alternative practically nonexistent in Washington. Nearly 15,000 Idaho offenders are on probation or parole, and a quarter of them are property offenders. A major part of that is drug testing. “Our drug testing is going to be significantly ramping up,” says Kevin Kempf, director of the Idaho Department of Correction. “Many times when you ask, ‘What do you need me to do to help you be compliant?’ so often they tell you, ‘I need to be drug tested often. I need to get drug tested twice a week.’” Washington also has treatment programs behind bars. But prison stays for property offenders are often too short for the programs to be effective, and the lessons in prison don’t always translate to the outside. “The experts say that even with the absolute best program you can think of, in the prison setting the needle is not going to move that much,” says Kempf. “It’s not a realistic setting.” Idaho isn’t satisfied. The state is pursuing its own criminal justice reform, hoping to cut its high prison population without affecting its low crime rate. It’s launching a community mentor program, pairing parolees with a volunteer to help them transition back into society. “You can’t just isolate them and put them on house arrest and think they’re going to do well, because they won’t,” Kempf says. “We will not be able to surveil our way to public safety.” (DANIEL WALTERS)
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42nd Street is the song and dance fable of Broadway with an American Dream story and includes some of the greatest songs ever written, such as "We’re In The Money," "Lullaby of Broadway," "Shuffle Off To Buffalo," "Dames," "I Only Have Eyes For You" and of course "42nd Street." Based on a novel by Bradford Ropes and Busby Berkeley’s 1933 movie, 42nd Street tells the story of a starry-eyed young dancer named Peggy Sawyer who leaves her Allentown home and comes to New York to audition for the new Broadway musical Pretty Lady. When the star breaks her ankle, Peggy takes over and becomes a star. With a book by Michael Stewart and Mark Bramble, music by Harry Warren and lyrics by Al Dubin, this sparkling new production will be directed by co-author Mark Bramble and choreographed by Randy Skinner, the team who staged the 2001 Tony Award-winning Best Musical Revival.
Enjoy Classical, You Will For one night, the Spokane Symphony tackles tunes from every Star Wars film BY DAN NAILEN
t wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration to say that Star Wars is what led Ross Holcombe to his career as a professional musician. Like many an obsessed child, the principal trombonist for the Spokane Symphony was intensely interested in anything related to Luke, Leia, Darth and the gang after watching the original trilogy at his grandmother’s house. That interest led to a trip to see his hometown Tallahassee Symphony do a kids’ concert full of John Williams’ Star Wars compositions. At the show, all the kids in the audience were invited on stage to watch the musicians play up close. “That was just thrilling to me as an 8-year-old who hadn’t even heard of the trombone yet, getting on stage in the thick of the orchestra and getting to hear
Star Wars,” Holcombe says. ‘That’s basically the earliest thing I remember about a symphony orchestra, even before I had an inkling I would someday be in one.” Now 27, Holcombe considers himself “probably the biggest Star Wars fan of all the musicians” in the Spokane Symphony, while acknowledging they might not all agree — the Force is strong in his fellow musicians. He’s particularly excited for the special “Music of Star Wars” show on Friday, which includes one of the first-ever symphonic performances of music from the newest chapter, The Force Awakens, as well as costumed characters from the movies, memorabilia displayed in the lobby and a life-size recreation of frozen Han Solo from Return of the Jedi. For Holcombe, this show is a natural step in his
life as a Jedi-obsessed musician. After that experience getting on stage with an orchestra, he joined his middle-school band, and “the first thing I wanted to do was play Star Wars. We’d bug the band director every week.” He had to wait until he was playing in small regional orchestras in college in the Boston area before he finally got to apply his trombone skills to Williams’ epic scores. “I was just in heaven,” Holcombe says. “I had the most fun playing it for the first time.” More recently, Holcombe was able to join the Oregon Symphony in Portland for a show full of Williams’ music, conducted by the man himself: “That was kind of a big moment for me.” For Holcombe, the appeal of the movies is similar to the appeal of playing the Star Wars music — there’s ...continued on next page
...continued on next page
Running Start
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Spokane Symphony’s Morihiko Nakahara appreciates the complexities of John Williams’ Star Wars scores.
“ENJOY CLASSICAL, YOU WILL,” CONTINUED... something for everyone. That’s part of the attraction for conductor Morihiko Nakahara as well, as he’ll lead the Spokane Symphony for the show. “Part of the appeal is that John Williams’ scores have instantly recognizable and memorable melodies, rhythm and overall ‘soundworld,’” Nakahara says, noting that he’s tackled excerpts of Williams’ soundtracks before, but “this is the first time I’m conducting an entire evening of Star Wars music. It’s going to be a blast for both the audience and us on stage … but also a huge test of finesse and endurance for the musicians, as Williams’ writing is virtuosic for everyone on stage.” Nakahara is an admitted newcomer to Star Wars’ charms on the screen, even though he’s enjoyed conducting Williams’ music for years. His wife and brother-in-law grew up on the movies, but the conductor didn’t see the original trilogy until a couple of members of the symphony loaned him their DVDs a few years ago. “I finally understood why they’re loved by so many — epic, witty, poignant and timeless,” he says. Principal bassist Patrick McNally has a lifetime of memories of both the films and the music. He would recite lines from the movie with his sisters as they watched Star Wars over and over. For him, Williams’ score is evocative of some of the traditional classical music the symphony performs. “I think John Williams really gets a lot of his ideas from the older composers, and some of the music you can really relate to,” McNally says. “Every once in a while, we’ll be playing something, and I’ll think, ‘Oh, man, that really sounds like Star Wars.’”
Doing shows of the Star Wars music is a treat for the musicians, McNally says, because it’s always enjoyable to play “current” compositions as a change from the old classical canon, and it can be just as challenging. “We did an entire John Williams concert a few years ago,” McNally says. “It’s really, really difficult music to play, so it was a difficult concert, but it was really fun. He knows how to write really well for all the instruments.” All the extras the GET LISTED! Spokane Submit events online at Symphony will or have on hand email related details to at Friday’s show will obviously help the audience get in the proper frame of mind for the aural journey to a galaxy far, far away. Holcombe is confident that Williams’ music has plenty of ability to do that on its own. “One of the best things about playing music, any music, is that music can really transport you to another time and place,” Holcombe says. “It has this amazing power to conjure images and emotions and feelings. That’s true about any music, and especially Star Wars. When I play that music, I just get taken back to this time in my life when it was the coolest thing ever. It never gets old.” The Music of Star Wars • Fri, March 4, at 8 pm • $30/$15; $10 for kids under 17 with purchase of adult ticket • Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox • 1001 W. Sprague • • 624-1200
here’s something instantly familiar to be found, at least for Northwest folks of a certain age, in Joseph Edwin Haeger’s debut book Learn to Swim. It feels like you’re reading about your own childhood. The kids seem like your friends, and the big brother does the sort of awful things big brothers are wont to do. The Spokane author calls the book a work of “experimental nonfiction” in that the stories he presents are taken directly from his life, but all the names and places are stripped out. The boy with the mole on his face is just the Boy With the Mole on His Face, and a sister is just Sister. It’s an odd and almost overly simplistic approach at first, but then it becomes seductively engaging, as is the brisk pace at which you read the relatively few lines of prose per page that make up the vignettes through which we experience the friends’ suburban youth. It’s just a story about two kids trying to grow up the best they can, and you can probably relate to that. “There’s a universality to it. When you get together with old friends, you’re not talking about huge moments, but rather the smaller, more mundane events,” says Haeger, 29, a former movie
theater manager who now stays home with his 2½-year-old son, while also finding time to write. Learn to Swim focuses on the narrator’s relationship with his best friend. In fact, it was that friend’s death about seven years ago that influenced Haeger to begin the book, at first just to preserve the childhood companion’s memory but maybe, more subconsciously, as a form of therapy. “I was terrified of forgetting him,” says Haeger, who would scribble down a memory on a napkin while at work and eventually assembled the anecdotes into the narrative that was finally published by University of Hell Press late last year. “I wanted people to know about what a special person he was, but also I wanted to make the point that friendship is universal,” says Haeger. “You should cherish your friendships, as dorky as that sounds.” — MIKE BOOKEY Joseph Edwin Haeger will sign copies of Learn to Swim at Auntie’s Bookstore (402 W. Main) on Sat, March 5, from 1 to 3 pm.
GIANT GAMES A newly founded project called Spokane Sidewalk Games intends to bring locals together over the common experience of classic board games by setting up supersized versions of chess, checkers, Connect Four and others in public spaces. Founded by civicminded Spokanite Ryan Oelrich after seeing these giant games bring together people from all walks of life in Seattle, the idea has gained momentum in its first few weeks, with sponsors and local artists pitching in to help. Look for the games at major community events, in Riverfront Park and at farmers markets later this spring, and stay updated at
VIDEO Well-known YouTuber JENNA MARBLES started her Internet career with a hilarious tutorial on “How to trick people into thinking you’re good looking.” As of press time, the video has amassed more than 63 million views. She begins by bleaching “the absolute shit” out of her hair and from there proceeds to cake makeup on while sarcastically narrating each step over Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Her carefree personality in the video, and unique take on how people fool one another with meaningless distortions of their natural beauty, is a must-see tutorial that both amuses and induces giggles. PODCAST Writing about the complexities of love on paper often misses the intimacy of the spoken word. Thankfully, the popular New York Times reader-submitted column with essays on love has been given life in MODERN LOVE: THE PODCAST. In each episode, a notable figure (including Jason Alexander, Dakota Fanning and Judd Apatow) reads an essay aloud, their voice a powerful dramatizer, followed by a brief interview with the essayist. The essays’ stories range from a woman who dates a man she met on Craigslist to a man who projects his musings on death onto his pet fish. COMIC NATASHA LEGGERO mixes charm with unapologetic bluntness, unlike many others. She has made a name for herself as an actor in movies and television as well, appearing in Modern Family, the roast of Justin Bieber, He’s Just Not That Into You, and many more. Her best quality, however, is approaching taboo topics in her stand-up comedy with such outlandishness that you can’t help but laugh and learn something you hadn’t thought of before. She can also rap, producing entertaining lyrics that you don’t expect.
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hough much of its core material still feels oddly contemporary (even, sadly, some of its unabashed workplace sexism), it was close to 80 years ago that How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying began life as a satirical self-help guide. Its author, Shepherd Mead, wrote the book during his own rise from mailroom clerk to ad agency vice president. Whereas it took Mead more than a decade to climb the corporate ladder, the ambitious young lead of the 1961 musical adaptation rockets from window cleaner to chairman of the board of the World Wide Wicket Company in two farcical weeks, thanks to his eagerness to follow the voiced-over advice of Mead’s manual and a remarkable ability to land repeatedly on his feet.
Finch is his name. J. Pierrepont Finch. That’s F-I-N-C-H. Finch accounts for How to Succeed’s continued appeal only in part. We’ve all met his type: some bright spark with a knack for ingratiating him- or herself with superiors. Someone who’s quick to take credit for the ideas they like and attribute the ones they don’t to an unsuspecting rival. Who parrots affirmational platitudes about teamwork while calmly throwing colleagues under the bus. Who has a gift for dropping all the right names, divulging all the right half-truths, exploiting all the right opportunities. You can resent a sociopath like this, but the real object of your hostility — and the evergreen butt of How to Succeed — is the kind of culture that
Ilan Hernandez (left) as J. Pierrepont Finch and Julian Lee as Rosemary Pilkington. allows a Finch to thrive. A culture in which executives, wholly without irony, send out memos about sending out too many memos. Or where a character like Finch can impress with fatuous business-speak or simply by reciting the inflated departmental job titles. Ilan Hernandez plays a suitably clean-cut and unavoidably fresh-faced Finch in the current production of How to Succeed at Lewis and Clark High School, directed by Greg Pschirrer. His character has little inherent depth beyond a veneer of self-serving ambition, but Hernandez imbues him with enough lambent vivacity that “I Believe in You,” Finch’s morale-boosting ode to himself, remains one of the show’s best songs. Ethan Goins offers a fitting nemesis as gangly, grating Bud Frump. Opposite Hernandez is Julian Lee as lovestruck secretary Rosemary Pilkington. Lee is excellent, with a lucid, expressive singing voice that gives real emotion to a character who inexplicably longs for a life of suburban neglect; Bailey Heppler’s hard-boiled Smitty is a fine foil. Less convincing is Garrett Rahn as boss J.B. Biggley. Like almost any teenaged actor playing someone roughly 50 years his senior, some of the role’s jaded gruffness is just beyond reach. Pschirrer’s choreography, executed with panache by the entire cast, is genuinely on a par with Broadway-level shows (highlights include “I Believe in You” and “Coffee Break”). The set itself — visually sumptuous, gorgeously lit — isn’t all that dissimilar to the 2011 Broadway revival of How to Succeed starring Daniel Radcliffe. The student orchestra under Jeffrey Boen is generally very good; the music/vocal mix finds a more satisfying balance here than in most area theaters. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying • Through March 5; Thu-Sat, 7 pm • $10 • Lewis and Clark High School • 521 W. Fourth •
Power to the People Spokane’s Steam Plant Square celebrates its 100th anniversary BY CARRIE SCOZZARO
The century-old building once powered downtown Spokane but has been reimagined as a restaurant space. YOUNG KWAK PHOTOS
nside the Steam Plant, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this weekend, is a restaurant where four of seven boilers used to stand, a brewing company in what was called the zeolite room — zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral, mined in Metaline Falls and used as a water softener — and high-tech office space in an area that once held 1,200 tons of coal. The Steam Plant is actually two buildings. Originally called the Central Steam Heat Plant, the plant is a low, sturdy structure encased in red brick with distinctly arched glass windows, and those twin, 225-foot smokestacks climbing skyward like the city’s turn-ofthe-century industrial ambitions. A viewing area was added to one of the smokestacks, which can be specially lit, such as when they glowed pink in support of breast cancer awareness. “Through our Light Up the Stacks program, we have partnered with numerous local organizations, helping them to raise awareness about their causes — causes that affect people in our community,” says the Steam Plant’s general manager, Tim Denniston. Outside, it looks much like it did on March 5, 1916, when Harry Flood, president of
the Merchants Central Heating Company, sent steam barreling into the Stockholm Hotel and Pearsons Building at Main and Wall streets. Originally a cost-cutting measure to centralize heat to downtown establishments, the Steam Plant was eventually acquired by Avista, growing to power more than 300 locations until cost issues prompted its closure in 1986. The facility reopened in 1999 as Steam Plant Square, featuring a hip, multi-use space that embraced its industrial past. “You can really thank Avista for wanting to do everything right and respecting the architectural heritage,” says Ron Wells, whose Wells and Company partnered with Avista to incorporate an adjacent building into the 1996 Steam Plant renovation. The project won the prestigious National Preservation Honor Award in 2001. It’s now registered as a historical place in Spokane, as well as statewide and at the national level. For more than a decade now, the Steam Plant has perhaps been best known as the site of a restaurant that does new things in a very old spot. Chef Barry Matthews has been with the Steam Plant since 2002 (when the restaurant was called Steam Plant Grill and the 10-barrel brewing system was Coeur d’Alene Brewing). In 2012, the restaurant became Stacks and the brewery became Steam Plant Brewing Company. Matthews says the best part about coming to work is that he notices something different about the building or its interior all
Chef Barry Matthews has made the Steam Plant a downtown dining staple. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO the time. “I still come in and marvel: ‘I work here.’” Stacks’ food, says Matthews, is classic Northwest fine dining using local ingredients sourced through LINC Foods whenever possible. Dishes such as the in-house smoked chipotle pork chop stuffed with Gorgonzola and onion offer a twist on tradition, reflecting Matthews’ maternal grandmother’s Hispanic heritage. Big sellers, he says, are steaks — buffalo rib-eye, barrel-cut New York — and steelhead, which they brine and smoke in-house. According to general manager Denniston, future plans at the Steam Plant include expanded use of its parking lot for events like the Food Truck Blues & Brews festival to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters, which celebrated its own 50th anniversary last year. In early summer, look for more beer-centric menu items, including bread baked from the brewery’s spent grain. Discussions regarding a Steam Plant tasting room are also ongoing. In the meantime, look for three new Steam Plant releases in celebration of the centennial. In partnership with Steam Plant, Latah Creek has bottled a special Pinot Gris and a Malbec, while the brewing company, according to brewmaster Ben Quick, has created a 10 percent ABV barley wine using, appropriately, Centennial hops. “We cask-conditioned this ale for the past three months to produce a traditional character and carbonation level,” Quick says. “A depth of flavors will delight the palate; however, the balance of malt, hops and alcohol lend to a smoothness that makes this sipping beer a bit precarious. To the 100-year history of the iconic Steam Plant, we raise a chalice and ‘Cheers.’” n Centennial events • Fri, March 4, live music and artists’ reception, 5-8 pm • Sat, March 5, commemorative address, historical film, 4 pm; artists’ reception, 3-7 pm • 159 S. Lincoln • Free • • 462-0285
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INSET: A coffee chocolate mousse from Rusty Moose Bar & Grill. ABOVE: Will Green with his mom Maureen at Italia Trattoria last Friday. YOUNG KWAK PHOTOS
Chowing Down Around Town IRW continues all across Spokane and North Idaho through Sunday
he fourth annual Inlander Restaurant Week got off to a big start last weekend, as the region’s restaurants were packed with diners looking to celebrate the culinary prowess of the Inland Northwest. The event, which features 104 eateries — ranging from fine dining to pub fare and casual restaurants — continues through Sunday, March 6. With the big turnout, participating restaurants are recommending that you call ahead for reservations, regardless of the day you head out. On Friday night, we checked in on Italia Trattoria (pictured above) in Browne’s Addition, which didn’t have an empty table during dinner service. Italia’s menu features a lamb and potato sausage, pan-fried steelhead trout, and
a porcini mushroom and potato timbale of Chef at the Overbluff Cellars Event as their three Restaurant Week entrées. Center inside the Washington Cracker Their Drink Local offering is the a figgy Co. Building. Manhattan, which uses Dry Fly’s figDickinson says that his semolina infused bourbon. crusted rockfish has been the best seller, Across town in the Logan neighborfollowed closely by the braised rabhood, Clover also bit, which is was doing brisk All of the Inlander Restaurant Week menus are served with a business, with most wild mushroom online at You’ll diners opting for also find tools for locating a restaurant in par- lasagna. Inlander Restaurant Throughout ticular neighborhoods, as well as suggestions Week offerings. the week, diners for events coinciding with your night out. “It is really nice are encouraged to see a full house, to continue uswith a lot of new faces every night,” says ing the #IRWRaveReviews hashtag on Chef Travis Dickinson, who helped kick Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to post off the week by participating in a panel photos and brief reviews of their meals. discussion on Wednesday night with For each Rave Review, Inlander Restauother chefs and restaurateurs before the rant Week makes a donation to Second Inlander’s Suds and Cinema screening Harvest Food Bank. n
n the first weekend of the event, we saw several Rave Reviews; here’s just a few of the dishes that received shout-outs.
4 The Globe’s caprese pasta 4 Beverly’s warm beignets 4 Thai Bamboo’s golden cashew chicken 4 Clinkerdagger’s amaretto chocolate mousse 4 O’Doherty’s Scotch eggs 4 Lantern Tap House’s chicken bacon gnocchi mac and cheese
4 Geno’s coconut prawns 4 Luna’s lamb fettucini ragout 4 The Grand’s pomegranate, kumquat and fennel salad
0 0 0 , 0 0 1 G $E Y A D Y R VE
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If It Ain’t Broke... Poole’s Public House brings its winning recipe to the South Hill BY MIKE BOOKEY
t’s 3 in the afternoon on a Sunday, well past lunchtime and too early for the dinner rush, but Poole’s Public House’s new location on the South Hill is packed. That’s impressive, because the place, next to a fitness center off of Regal Street, is hardly tiny. Equally impressive — it’s only been open for a few weeks. Scott Poole and his wife, Lisa, opened the original Poole’s Public House in the spring of 2013 in the Wandermere area of far north Spokane. The pub, with a sizable and wide-ranging menu, quickly became a beloved north-end institution. The Pooles, with a winning formula in hand, figured they would try to replicate their success by opening a second location on the South Hill, where the couple has lived for more than 25 years. “It’s the exact same menu and the same specials that we run up north. The recipe is very much the same, even if the look is quite different,” says Poole, who also
Fish tacos from Poole’s Public House on the South Hill. TESS FARNSWORTH PHOTO brought to the South Hill the University of Montana signage and memorabilia — he’s an alum — that has made the northside location a favorite for Spokane Griz fans on game days. The menu continues to offer a bevy of sandwiches big enough to split, as well as items like fish tacos, salads, and comfort-food entrées like bangers and mash and baby back ribs. The location was previously occupied by Rio Grill Brazilian Steakhouse; before that, Somewhere sports bar. The warm colors and pub décor give Poole’s a markedly different appearance than either of those establishments. There are ample TVs, a help-yourself popcorn machine and even skee ball. Poole says his staff has been a bit overwhelmed by
the patrons who’ve packed the place before they could really work out all the quirks. Service was slower than expected, he said, and when we visited, there wasn’t an IPA available on tap or in the bottle. It’s an OK problem for a young restaurant to have, and Scott says they’re thankful that their neighborhood has given them a warm welcome. Now, he hopes they enjoy Poole’s food as much as the north side has. “I honestly think that we offer a good product. The one thing that I’ll never skimp on is food,” says Poole. n Poole’s Public House • 5620 S. Regal, Suite 1 • Open Mon-Fri, 11 am to close; Sat-Sun, 8 am to close • 3689760 •
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BAKERY CELEBRATIONS BAKERY 713 W. Garland | 327-3471 Whipped cream atop a cupcake? Sure! Celebrations reimagines cupcakes with flavors, frostings and toppings that feel like a party in your mouth. Try the Banana Split, a fragrant banana cupcake filled with strawberries and topped with a swirl of whipped cream, chocolate syrup and, of course, a cherry. PETIT CHAT VILLAGE BAKERY 9910 N. Waikiki | 468-2720 This beloved bakery made a reputation for itself by selling its bread and other goodies around town before expanding its Whitworth-neighborhood spot to accommodate booths, long tables and benches, bistro tables and comfortable chairs perfect for readers. The menu has been expanded, too. Petit Chat’s chocolate croissants have a semisweet chocolate interior and a light and flaky exterior. Their savory croissants are stuffed with thick-sliced ham and generous amounts of Swiss cheese.
LOVE @ FIRST BITE DESSERTS 11305 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley | 891-2501 This spot has something on its menu called the Chocolate Explosion, which was actually born from a batch of cupcakes gone wrong. Comprised of chocolate cake, toasted chocolate cake bits and a whole lotta ganache, this creation has gained a devoted following and can be enjoyed every Thursday. All cupcakes are $2.75 and they’re enormous (some would even say the biggest in town). Wash them down with a tall cup of black coffee, free depending on which day you visit, and you’re good to go. PIE HUT 502 Church St. | Sandpoint 208-265-2208 This shop is tiny but mighty, with 35 to 40 pie flavors to choose from on any given day. Sour cream lemon is the best seller, and the Red Delicious is made not with apples but red berries — and it’s delicious. Soups and sandwiches add justification, but it’s all about the pies.
SWEET DREAMS BAKERY 3131 N. Division | 747-6900 The bakery’s raison d’être is wedding cakes, but nuptials aren’t the only reason to stop by: deep, resonant chocolate frosting tops delicate chocolate cupcakes. Macarons have a toasty sweet outer edge and a light, fluffy interior. The coconut frosting shot (yes, shot glasses full of frosting are available) contains shreds of coconut saturated in the creamy flavor of coconut milk. WHITE BOX CAFÉ AND BAKERY 28 E. Sharp | 927-8850 This eatery smells of fresh-baked bread and pie crust. If that doesn’t tempt you to order a slice, we don’t know what will. Most everything at White Box is made on-site in a convenient location, on your way through Spokane past Gonzaga. A great assortment of gluten-free options are available.
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Susan G. Komen Eastern Washington has awarded over $3 million in local community health grants over the last thirteen years! Presented by:
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Beasts of One Notion Zootopia depends entirely on its well-intentioned allegory about prejudice BY SCOTT RENSHAW
poiler alert: Zootopia is about prejudice, and how It’s even more confusing when it starts to feel that Zooprejudice is bad. I suppose there’s more than a touch topia is working against its own message to get easy laughs. of sarcasm in the inclusion of that spoiler alert, because One extended sequence is set at the animal equivalent of the that’s always, even from the first few minutes, what Zootopia DMV, which is staffed entirely by slow-moving sloths. It’s a is about. decent enough idea, until you realize that it’s based entirely Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with that. on a stereotype: This particular kind of animal has one parPlenty of contemporary animated features have lacked theticular kind of character trait, and every one of them is the matic ambition, offering up some variation on the “Rudolph same. The same notion pops up when Judy takes advantage the Red-Nosed Reindeer Rule,” which essentially assures kids of the fact that all wolves start howling when they hear one that being different is OK, and you need howl. For a movie built entirely to be true to yourself, and so on and so around “don’t judge an animal by ZOOTOPIA forth. Zootopia digs deeper. That’s worth Rated PG its species,” there’s also plenty of “a something. leopard can’t change its spots.” Directed by Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush Unfortunately, that’s also the major- Voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba That’s not to say that there ity of what Zootopia has going for it. The isn’t also a welcome complexity premise sets up a world of talking mamto the way Zootopia approaches mals who have civilized themselves and formed a society prejudice: as fuel for demagoguery; as something that’s where they all interact in a relatively human way. Among not easy to avoid even if you’ve been a target of prejudice them is Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin), a young rabbit who yourself; as a cycle that encourages despair in those who dreams of becoming a police officer, despite there never havget tired of fighting against assumptions. It’s a great ing been a rabbit police officer in Zootopia’s history. Yet she starting point for introducing this idea works hard enough to make it onto the force — only to find to kids. But its ideas also never that she isn’t taken seriously by the water buffalo police chief sneak up on you emotionally (Idris Elba), and is immediately assigned meter maid duty. the way, for example, that Inside Goodwin’s voice performance does a lovely job of Out managed, with its exploraestablishing the mix of determination and self-doubt that foltion of childhood’s end; it’s more lows Judy into her work, while the screenplay by Jared Bush like that vintage Star Trek episode (Big Hero 6) and Phil Johnston (Wreck-It Ralph) effectively about the aliens with half-white/ introduces background elements that impact her personality, half-black faces, allegory writ like the anxiety of her own parents and a traumatic childlarge and highlighted so there’s no hood encounter. As Judy gets her big break working on a confusion. The result is sporadically missing persons — um, missing otter — case, she brings along fun but clunky, well-intentioned but rarely street hustler fox Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman) as a reluctant powerful. Prejudice is bad. It’s an important partner, allowing Zootopia to ride on the familiar rhythms of a idea to convey, with plenty of better ways to “mismatched buddy cop” movie. convey it. n To Zootopia’s credit, those are much more welcome rhythms than those of the “our world, but with different kinds of characters” setup that characterizes so much feature animation. Zootopia mostly bypasses cheap, obvious animalpun gags based on familiar product names — although you do get the occasional Lemming Brothers bank, or a Targoat department store — and builds the relationship between Judy and Nick with enough depth that their conflicts feel genuine and earned. What’s missing, however, is depth to its world-building. The concept establishes a central, integrated, melting-pot “hub” of the animal-occupied city, surrounded by individual, artificially maintained habitat-based regions like tundra, savanna, rain forest and the like. Yet beyond that idea of providing multiple visual environments for the filmmakers to create — and a couple of high-energy chase sequences — there’s no real sense for why those habitat “ghettos” are at all relevant to the story, as though that were a concept that felt a bit too risky to explore in mass-market animation.
Begonia Bulbs
After the British prime minister dies suddenly and mysteriously, world leaders summoned to London for the funeral, allegedly “the most protected event on Earth,” come under terrorist attack. The only survivor among them is U.S. President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart), thanks to impossibly badass Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler). They then survive on pure idiocy in this banal action flick. Rated R (MJ)
After a tragic accident kills her son, young mother Maria (Sarah Wayne Callies), whose family lives abroad in India, struggles to cope with the loss. Then Maria learns of an ancient ritual that can allow her to reconnect with her son and tell him goodbye. Even though she’s warned not to open the door in the ancient temple she travels to for this closure, she does it anyway. Of course a bunch of zombie people are unleashed to creep and crawl in the shadows for the rest of the film. Rated R (CS)
up to $500 off Stressless® FREE Leather Upgrade Event.
Based on the memoir The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan by journalist Kim Barker, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (WTF, get it?) places Tina Fey in the leading role of a war correspondent sent to cover the events of Operation Enduring Freedom. On this assignment, she forms relationships with her international reporter colleagues, played by Margot Robbie and Morgan Freeman, while dodging bullets and comedically struggling to succeed in this far-away war zone. Rated R (CS)
legend Apollo Creed from the Rocky THE BIG SHORT THE INNOVATORS OF COMFORT™ ® 00 off Stressless series. She has learned that Donny is Adapting Michael Lewis’ nonfiction ® Charles Randolph, comedic the illegitimate son of her late husband bookEvent. with off Stressless THE INNOVATORS OF COMFORT™ her Upgrade and has decided to take responsibility director Adam McKay lays out the - and March INNOVATORS OF COMFORT™ Upgradestories Event.of the investment banking February for him 5—THE that21 unique backstory of a 5tough kid brought into a life of insiders — including fund managersFebruary - March 21 privilege gives Michael B. Jordan the Michael Burry (Christian Bale) and opportunity for a terrific performance. Mark Baum (Steve Carell) — who saw Donny then heads into the ring for the mortgage collapse coming as a boxing career with help from his early as 2005, and began to realize trainer, none other than Rocky himself how much the game was rigged. (SR) (Sylvester Stallone, of course). (SR) Rated R Rated PG-13
Saoirse Ronan’s lovely central performance as a fresh-off-theboat Irish immigrant lifts Brooklyn’s perfectly pitched narrative of love and homesickness as the young woman learns to navigate her new life.
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February 5 - March 21
Beautiful Bright Colors For Shaded Areas
Judy Hopps, the first female rabbit on the big city police force, must work with a con artist fox to solve a disappearance case that no one else will take. The film is Disney’s 55th full-length feature, and it delicately explores the issues of race and discrimination in a way that’s entertaining (for kids and adults alike) and never preachy. Actors lending their voice talents include Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Jenny Slate, Kristen Bell, Shakira and even Tommy Chong. Rated PG (LJ)
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In the latest installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we find the red-clad assassin Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) seeking out a man named Francis (Ed Skrein) for his role he played in ruining his life. But we also see his former life as Wade Wilson, a CAROL Crafting furniture is wound deeply in our Nordic roots and tells the story of who we are. It is an art wisecracking mercenary. (SR) Rated R Already passed at the top of numerous down from generation to generation. The designs, the craftsmanship and the attention critics’ lists of 2015’s best films, Carol to detail have evolved and grown to become the most comfortable seating in the world. EDDIE THE EAGLE is a sweeping story of forbidden love Michael “Eddie” Edwards was cut from between two women — Carol Aird every sports team he ever joined. Little (Kate Blanchett) and Therese Belivet did the British ski jumper know, he (Rooney Mara) — in 1950s New York would make a historic and improbable City. Eleven years in the works, the performance during the 1988 Winter historical drama carefully examines Olympics in Calgary. Based on the true how repressive society was in response story of the British athlete, Edwards to homosexual relationships as Carol Crafting furniture isstruggle wound deeply in our Nordic roots andteams tells the story who weold-time are. It is an artjumper up ofwith and Therese to express their passed downwhile from generation The designs, the craftsmanship and the attention Bronson Peary (Hugh Jackman) to feelings trying totogeneration. hide their tosecret. detail have in the world. train for seating unexpected success. (MM) (CS)evolved Ratedand R grown to become the most comfortable Rated PG-13 Crafting furniture is wound deeply in our Nordic roots and tells the story of who we are. It is an art
Store Logo CREED
passed down from generation to generation. The designs, the craftsmanship and the attention
Go from fine to finer. February 5 - March 21
Donny is anand angry to detail have evolved grown orphaned to become theteen, most comfortable seating in the world. rescued from the foster-care system by the widow (Phylicia Rashad) of boxing
In Disney’s most recent take on a historical event, a hurricane-force ...continued on next page
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NOW PLAYING storm batters the U.S. Coast Guard’s SS Pendleton tanker ship into two pieces with more than 30 sailors taking refuge in the sinking stern. Bernie Webber (Chris Pine) and three other men embark on a rescue mission with all odds against them. (MS) Rated PG-13
Inspired by Egyptian mythology, this action-adventure film follows mortal hero Bek (Brenton Thwaites) in his quest to save the world and free his love interest. Along the way, he recruits the help of god Horus (Nikolaj CosterWaldau) to take down Set (Gerard Butler), the god of darkness, who has seized power in Egypt and ruined peace. Intense battles between the them and Set lead to entering the afterlife and unusual places, culminating in an epic battle to end all battles. (CS) Rated PG13 After graduating from college, Alice (Dakota Johnson) leaves her boyfriend Josh and moves to New York City for a new job and fresh start. Robin (Rebel Wilson), a lively co-worker who enjoys one-night-stands and partying, shows Alice how to navigate the city and enjoy nightlife. Alice quickly picks up a lot — how to meet men, get free drinks and celebrate the joys of single life. (CS) Rated R
Jack Black returns to voice the titular martial arts master, Po, and this time around he’s tasked with teaching sweet fighting skills to his crew, the Furious Five. And not a moment too soon, what with an evil, horned spirit named Kai (J.K. Simmons) threatening to steal the chi of every kung fu master in China. (KJ) Rated PG
Think Jane Austen with a mix of newage zombie apocalypse twist. Based on a parody novel by Seth GrahameSmith (and listed as co-authored by Jane Austen), the 19th century tangled love story of two lovers from different classes must do all they can to survive a zombie apocalypse caused by the Black Plague. Will love of the heart trump love of brains? Rated PG13. (MM)
Based on the true story of Olympian Jesse Owens, Race follows the events that lead him to international fame by winning gold in the 100 meter, 200 meter, long jump and 4x100 meter relay in Berlin, 1936. As a black American athlete in the presence of Germany’s leader Adolf Hitler, Owens’ achievements served as a blow to Hitler’s racist claims and actions. (MM) Rated PG-13
Director Alejandro González Iñárritu,
(OUT OF 100)
Son of Saul
The Witch
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Big Short
The Revenant
Eddie the Eagle
fresh off the success of Birdman, returns with this period drama featuring Leonardo Di Caprio as Hugh Glass, a guide in the Western wilds of the early 1800s who is attacked by a bear and has to cling to life and crawl back to safety. The problem with Iñárritu’s visual pyrotechnics are that although he seems to be making sure that audiences appreciate the gritty realism of it all, he also wants to make sure they know they’re watching a movie. (SR) Rated R
Looking for Jesus? So is Roman military dude Clavicus (Joseph Fiennes) and his trusted aid Lucius (Harry Potter’s Tom Felton). Risen, the newest theatrical rendition of Jesus’ resurrection, is a Biblical tale with a whodunit twist. The race to find the answer to the Messiah’s whereabouts will challenge the concrete beliefs and values that were previously held by Clavicus and his side-kick, as they embark on one of the most wellknown manhunts in history. (MM) Rated PG-13
Jack lives with his mom (Brie Larson) in Room (no “the”), the only place on earth the 5-year-old has ever known. Room is a dingy toolshed supplied with nothing more than life’s essentials (a single bed where they both sleep, a toilet, dilapidated fridge, ancient TV and unreachable skylight) where Jack and Ma go through their daily regimen of washing, exercising, reading, eating, etc. On Jack’s fifth birthday, his mom decides to tell her son about the outside world… and hope for a life outside of Room. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R
Saul is a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp and is tasked with working in the gas chambers. When he tries, but fails, to help a young boy survive the ordeal, he becomes convinced the boy was his son. The psychologically impacting film has been nominated for an Oscar. At Magic Lantern on 2/26 (MB)
In 2001, the Boston Globe editor-inchief Marty Baron (Liev Schreiber) asked the paper’s “Spotlight” investigative news team — Walter “Robby” Robinson (Michael Keaton), Mike Rezendes (Mark Ruffalo), Sacha Pfeiffer (Rachel McAdams) and Matt Carroll (Brian
d’Arcy James) — to turn their attention to the case of a Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing several children. And as they begin digging — at first reluctantly — into the case, they discover that the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston might be engaging on a massive scale in hushing up cases of abusive priests. (SR) Rated R
If you are reading this, we assume you are just now learning of this film’s existence here on the 33rd page of our venerable publication and not from the marketing you may have seen on a cereal box, bottle of brake fluid or tube of hemorrhoid cream in your household. The seventh installment of the franchise is the biggest yet, full of all the big scifi visuals we’d expect from new director J.J. Abrahams. (MB) Rated PG-13
It’s bank heists and bullets galore as cop duo Marcus Belmont (Anthony Mackie) and Chris Allen (Casey Affleck) team up to keep notorious gangster Irina Vlaslov at bay after a broad-daylight robbery in downtown Atlanta. Belmont and his crooked ways put Allen down as a pawn to pull off another one of Vlaslov’s heists. (MM) Rated R
In Michael Moore’s latest documentary, the provocative director “invades” other nations — stalking into Norway and Italy, and also France and Germany and Finland and Iceland, even Tunisia — in search of great ideas America can steal, from improved health care to better childhood education. At Magic Lantern Rated R (MJ)
In the mid 1600s, a family has been banished from a New England settlement and have set up a farm alone on the edge of an ominous forest. William (Ralph Ineson), his wife Katherine (Kate Dickie) and their five children try to scratch out subsistence. Then their infant son, Samuel, disappears while in the care of oldest daughter, Thomasin (Anya Taylor-Joy), and the family gradually comes to suspect that some dark force is threatening both their lives and their souls. (SR) Rated R
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Gerald Butler fires away, but misses, in London Has Fallen.
Team America
R Daily (4:45) 7:00 9:15 9:40 Sat-Sun (12:15) (2:30)
R Daily (4:10) 6:40 9:20 Sat-Sun (11:00) (1:30)
PG Daily (4:30) 9:10 Sat-Sun (11:50) In 2D Daily (4:00) 6:50 Sat-Sun (11:20) (1:40) (2:10)
PG-13 Daily 9:10 In 2D Daily (3:50) 6:30 Sat-Sun (10:50) (1:15)
R Daily 7:20 9:50
PG-13 Daily (4:20) 6:40 9:00 Sat-Sun (2:00)
R Daily (4:30) 7:00 9:30 Sat-Sun (11:30) (2:00)
PG Daily (3:10) (5:15) 7:15 Sat-Sun (1:10)
R Daily (3:25) 6:20 9:15 Sat-Sun (12:30)
London Has Fallen takes its action-movie idiocy across the pond
PG-13 Daily (3:30) 6:30 9:20 Sat-Sun (12:30)
12622 N Division • 509-232-7727
f only all those other stupid countries could multiple attacks across a geographically sprawlbe as awesome as America. After the British ing world city. prime minister dies suddenly and mysteriThough even the terrorists cannot deny the ously, world leaders summoned to London for superiority of American technology: look at all the funeral, allegedly “the most protected event the Macintosh PowerBooks prominently arrayed on Earth,” come under terrorist attack. among their info-arsenal! Of course, the Brits are The only survivor among them is U.S. not American; all the pitying glances and asides President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart), thrown around by the likes of Secret Service dithanks to impossibly badass Secret Service agent rector Lynne Jacobs (Angela Bassett) for her UK Mike Banning (Gerard Butler), counterparts are akin to that even though Banning concedes LONDON HAS FALLEN of a patient parent generously that he is made of nothing tolerating the best efforts of a Rated R more than “bourbon and poor Directed by Babak Najafi slow but beloved child. Isn’t it choices.” (One wonders what cute how the Brits are trying? Starring Gerald Butler, Aaron Eckhart all those failed non-American So sweet of them. security people could possibly London Has Fallen isn’t a be made of: cotton candy?) movie: it’s a Nuremberg rally for 21st century Now Asher and Banning are on the run in America. The astonishing aptitude of the terrora locked-down London because the bad guys ists is meant to leave a fear-mongered audience want to capture the president and execute him peeing its pants and hungry for blood, certain live on the Internet. Because that could happen. that only America has the balls and the brains It is laughably beyond preposterous — all the and the firepower to smash them all. Even more security lapses in every single British service, from vile than its outrageously propagandistic progeniMI6 right down to the NHS ambulance corps — tor Olympus Has Fallen, this is pure terror porn: that are required for the army of swarthy brown racist, jingoistic, thoroughly obnoxious. Trump terrorists to pull off stupendously coordinated voters will love it. n
10117 W State Rt 2 • 509-232-0444
R Daily (12:15) (2:30) (4:45) 7:00 9:15 9:40
R Daily (1:30) (4:10) 6:40 9:20 Fri-Sun (11:00)
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PG-13 Daily 9:10 Fri-Sun (10:50) In 2D Daily (1:15) (3:50) 6:30
PG-13 Daily (12:30) (2:45) (5:00) 7:15 9:30
R Daily (2:20) (4:50) 7:20 9:50
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After the Shooting The Palomino continues on, following a tragedy that struck outside the music venue in January BY LAURA JOHNSON
alomino general manager Wendy Jordan thought the night was over. It was 2 am and the hip-hop show, produced by an outside promoter, had gone smoothly. The mostly college-aged crowd of 500 was filing out into the parking lot, but soon Jordan heard screams and gunshots ringing from outside, and the security staff hustled concertgoers back into the venue. “I’ve never had to call the cops in my life,” Jordan says. “I never want to have to again.” That freezing January morning, 21-year-old Eduardo “Eddy” Villagomez was hit in the head by a stray bullet; he later died at the hospital. The Eastern Washington University junior was attempting to get to his vehicle when he passed by a heated argument, which escalated to a shootout outside the venue, near the next-door DMV parking lot located just off of Francis on Lidgerwood. Prosecutors have now charged three men with firstdegree murder in association with the fatal shooting. One man, now in custody, told police the altercation started after someone pushed a woman. “All of the staff remembers talking to Eddy that night,” Jordan says. “He was the sweetest kid there.” This is not the first time that a shooting has occurred outside a Spokane music venue after a hip-hop show. Spokane police briefly shut down the Knitting Factory after two gang-related
shootings occurred outside of the venue in February 2013. Later that year in September, a young man was shot and killed outside of the Hop! after a show. That venue has closed and relocated downtown as the Pin! Fear lingers after any act of violence, and some locals took to social media to spurn the venue, but the Palomino is continuing on with hip-hop shows and the same dedication to security, and owner Marc Fechter says attendance has essentially stayed level, depending on the show. Even though Jordan and Fechter (who wasn’t present on the night of the shooting) would prefer to wipe this all away, they say it’s important to talk about. “We’re not going to pretend this never happened,” Jordan says. “You can’t throw Eddy under the rug. His life matters.”
ast week, Fechter walks around the Palomino’s cushy upper level, showing off a new art installation. The locally painted canvases covering the walls — all for sale — represent a fresh outlet for the venue. “We want to move forward and support the arts in all different genres,” he says. The Palomino has moved away from hosting shows throughout the week, and is now open only for large events, such as ...continued on next page
The Palomino, just off of Lidgerwood in North Spokane, continues to host events after a shooting occured outside the building earlier this year. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
MUSIC | LOCAL SCENE “AFTER THE SHOOTING,” CONTINUED... concerts, fashion shows, singing competitions, a recent marijuana trade show and drag shows. Fechter says that one genre of music is not “safer” than another, and that he intends to bring in all types of national talent. Currently, Fechter has touring rockers Royal Bliss and Blistered Earth on deck, as well as local hip-hop orchestra Flying Spiders. He says no artist or musician has canceled because of the shooting. Spokane isn’t the easiest place to run a music venue, and the Palomino isn’t an easy music-venue location. The event center has seen its fair share of clubs come and go — the Palomino Club (which had a different owner than the Palomino), the Center and Spokane EpiCenter. The Palomino, which just opened last Halloween, was gaining some traction before the shooting took place, but Fechter says show attendance was hit-or-miss. Now it’s the same story, depending on the artist. Country crooner Keith Anderson pulled in about 400 people in late January, but other concerts with mostly local acts have been sparsely attended. Also, that fact that the Palomino is about a 15-minute drive from downtown makes the venue a destination location, Fechter says, and that can be challenging. “This is it up here. You can’t hop from bar to bar,” he says. Still, the practically windowless space was renovated in 2014 with high-end light and sound gear, three bars and new bathrooms. The venue’s level of security is quite high, with patrons being checked and wanded for weapons at the door. There are cameras everywhere, including outside, and on the night of the shooting, 12 security guards were on duty. Spokane Police Department Capt. Tom Hendren, who was called to the scene the night of the shooting, says
he has responded to fights on the property over the years, but not for anything serious. “This was an isolated incident, with bad actors ruining the fun,” Hendren says. “I would not discourage people from going out to shows. But do use common sense when it comes to safety.” Hendren says that domestic disputes top the list of emergency calls, and that most homicides do not occur outside of music venues. What happened in January is the worst-case scenario, with an innocent person losing his life, he says. “Looking at the violent crimes, in the majority of our incidents, the offender knows the victim. It is not random,” Hendren says. “When you see things like this on the news, it usually has to do with the company you keep, and if you’re involved with drugs or gangs.” Thomas “TC” Chavez, who owns the Pin!, has worked to move beyond the shooting outside of the Hop!, his old venue. His new place has been open for an entire year without violent incident. He says that he feels for the Palomino owners. He knows how hard it is to continue. Chavez points out that incidents like this happen in larger cities all the time without much media attention, but in a smaller market it’s a big deal. “When a shooting does happen, anything that sells papers is going to get the attention,” Chavez says. “It’s unfortunate you don’t get the attention for putting on a good show.”
ast Saturday night, local rapper Jennifer Kemple is closing out the Palomino’s hip-hop show with a solo set. Fans crowd the stage and couples are dancing and getting frisky. While the flow of people has
been steady throughout the night, the multi-billed show has only brought in around 80 patrons. The dozens who are here now want Kemple to continue laying down her fierce rhymes well into the morning, but she thanks everyone around 11 pm and shuts down the all-ages party. Promoter Angi Terry says she thinks turnout was low tonight in part because of the club’s association with a shooting. But that hasn’t stopped the GoHeart Promotions owner from booking more concerts at the event center, including her own band’s CD release show. “Don’t fault the Palomino,” Terry says. “I think people are looking for reasons to hate some venues. This is such an amazing space.” Tonight is a reminder of the uphill battle the Palomino is fighting. Continuing on with the business, after the shooting, was one of the hardest things that Fechter, Jordan and their crew have done. That week, Jordan says she received more than 300 text messages from caring friends and patrons. But she still didn’t want to go out in public or look at Facebook. “I felt like people were recognizing me, even at the grocery store, because I’d been on the news,” Jordan says. “People were pointing and saying, ‘Oh, Palomino.’” Emotions were still high when staff met that week to debrief, yet all but one person opted to stay on. Jordan and Fechter say that security is at the same high level it always was, only now they have the firsthand knowledge of what could happen. “We are changed, we’re bonded by this incident,” Jordan says. “Our first night after reopening, our staff clung to each other. We played the role, but our minds were elsewhere. Eddy is forever in our thoughts.” n
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About a third to half of Umphrey’s McGee shows are improvised .
Space Exploration Umphrey’s McGee brings flexibility to the Hive in Sandpoint BY BEN SALMON
he six members of Umphrey’s McGee are stoked to play the Hive in Sandpoint next Thursday, for a couple of reasons. First, the venue is owned by Jeff Grady, a friend of the band who’s been trying to get Umphrey’s to his spot for a while now, says keyboardist Joel Cummins. “I’ve got to say, we’re really happy we took him up on it, because the show is almost sold out,” Cummins says. “It’s a nice thing whenever you play a market for the first time and you can go into a sold-out show.” Secondly, Umphrey’s first venture into Sandpoint gives the band a chance to stretch its setlist-building skills a bit. With around 190 original tunes in the live rotation, according to Cummins, and a third to half of each set dedicated to improvisation, Umphrey’s McGee has unparalleled flexibility when it comes to song selection. Take that flexibility, put it in front of new ears in a new town, almost a year removed from an album release (and as-
sociated promotional considerations), and pretty much anything is fair game. “It’s a really wide, diverse palette that we can choose from, (and) we tend to use the songs more for launching points for improvisation,” Cummins says. “We still play a lot of the composed material, but we’re always trying to surprise the fans and (incorporate) improvisation… in different places that might catch somebody off guard.” Such is the luxury of being in a prolific band with a solid lineup that has put in countless hours together — both in studios and on stages — for nearly two decades. Formed at the University of Notre Dame in 1997, Umphrey’s McGee started out delivering Midwest colleges and house parties a free-wheeling blend of classic pop-rock and prog that owed more to King Crimson and the Beatles than the Grateful Dead. Since, the band has embraced concert taping and the vast power of the Internet on its way to becoming one of the heavier staples of the national jam-band scene.
But that’s live. In studio, Umphrey’s McGee is coming off a couple of relatively concise efforts: 2014’s lean, rock-focused Similar Skin and 2015’s The London Session, for which the band recorded 10 tracks in one day at London’s legendary Abbey Road Studios. For the former, Umphrey’s challenged itself to trim the fat of its live persona. For the latter, it had no choice but to be laser-focused, given the time constraints. “We’re always trying to really get at the essence of a song and trying to deliver the definitive version of whatever that is. That’s the goal in the studio,” Cummins says. “Live, it’s kind of the opposite. We’ve found over the years that the more successful shows are the wilder ones where we just… let things happen naturally and explore space.” Umphrey’s McGee • Thu, March 10, at 9 pm • $30/$35 day of • 21+ • The Hive • 207 N. First Ave., Sandpoint •
MARCH 3, 2016 INLANDER 49 SFCC_SlyFox_030316_2V_AA.tif
his L.A.-based four-piece, known for their wild live shows, plays original songs in the same vein as all the 1980s glam-metal bands, magnifying the craziness of the sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll lifestyle. Naturally, stretch pants, bandanas and sprayed-to-the-hilt hairstyles are on full display here. With songs called “Gloryhole,” “Fat Girl (Thar She Blows)” and “The Burden of Being Wonderful,” the band isn’t afraid to be downright crass in order to make fans laugh. Their recently released CD/DVD Live From Lexxi’s Mom’s Garage features an over-the-top acoustic set, and all joking aside, they do play their instruments well. — LAURA JOHNSON Steel Panther with the Fail Safe Project and Free the Jester • Fri, March 4, at 9 pm • $22 • 18+ • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 244-3279
Thursday, 03/03
ArBor CrEST WInE CEllArS, Fireside Music Series feat. Ron Greene J ThE BArTlETT, Anderson East, Dylan Leblanc BooMErS ClASSIC roCK BAr & GrIll, Randy Campbell acoustic show J BooTS BAKEry & lounGE, The Song Project J BuCEr’S CoFFEEhouSE PuB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen BuCKhorn Inn, The Spokane River Band J ChAPS, Spare Parts CoEur D’AlEnE CASIno, PJ Destiny FIzzIE MullIGAnS, Kicho ThE FlAME, DJ WesOne ThE JACKSon ST., Steve Livingston acoustic jam John’S AllEy, Jay Cob Anderson (of Fruition) and Brad Parsons J lAGunA CAFé, Just Plain Darin lEFTBAnK WInE BAr, Nick Grow J MonArCh MounTAIn CoFFEE (208-265-9382), Open Mic hosted by Scott Reid o’ShAyS IrISh PuB & EATEry, Open mic with Adrian and Leo J ThE PIn!, Koyote, DJ Beau Flexx rED rooM lounGE, Latin Tursdays feat. DJ Wax808 ThE VIKInG BAr & GrIll, Mark Shirtz zolA, Boomshack
Friday, 03/04
ArBor CrEST WInE C0EllArS, Fireside Music Series feat. Just Plain Darin J ThE BArTlETT, Purple, Outercourse BEVErly’S, Robert Vaughn J ThE BIG DIPPEr, Leftover Soul, the Working Spliffs Bolo’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE
final show is always bittersweet, as local prog-punk act the Camorra will find out Saturday night in their last performance together as a band. After one of the members decided to depart, the rest of the crew felt it was time to move on. The band says there will be more music from them in the near future, just in a different capacity. Their sense of humor (they’re known to play shows in spandex bodysuits) and overall ridiculousness (they have a song called “Kill Your Mom”) will be missed. Check out their raucous, party-inducing tunes on their sophomore EP, released last October. — LAURA JOHNSON The Camorra: Final Show Ever feat. Itchy Kitty, Cutback Davis and Wayward West • Sat, March 5, at 7 pm • $5/$7 day of • All-ages • The Big Dipper • 171 S. Washington • bigdipperevents. com • 863-8098
CoEur D’AlEnE CASIno, Wyatt Wood, Uppercut CrAFTSMAn CEllArS (413-2434), Robinsong CurlEy’S, Chris Rieser and the Nerve EAGlES loDGE, Bobby Bremer Band FEDorA PuB & GrIllE, Kicho FIzzIE MullIGAnS, Slow Burn ThE FlAME, DJ WesOne hIllS’ rESTAurAnT & lounGE (7473946), Front Porch Trio Iron horSE BAr & GrIll, Los Chingadores ThE JACKSon ST., Hung Phat John’S AllEy, The Grant Farm J KnITTInG FACTory, Steel Panther (See story above), the Fail Safe Project, Free the Jester lEFTBAnK WInE BAr, Carey Brazil MArTKET PlACE WInE BAr (8387815), Maxie Ray Mills MAx AT MIrABEAu, Tuck Foster & The Mossrites
MooSE lounGE (208-664-7901), Gladhammer MullIGAn’S BAr & GrIllE (208765-3200), Truck Mills nAShVIllE norTh, Sho-Down nECTAr TASTInG rooM, Kosh J norThErn QuEST CASIno, CMT Next Women of Country Tour feat. Jennifer Nettles, Brandy Clark, Lindsay Ell, Tara Thompson norThErn QuEST CASIno, DJ Ramsin J ThE oBSErVATory, Pine League, the Mondegreens, Friends of Mine PEnD orEIllE PlAyhouSE (4479900), Open Mic ThE rIDlEr PIAno BAr, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler J rIVEr PArK SQuArE, In Transit SIlVEr MounTAIn SKI rESorT, Flying Mammals SPoKAnE VAllEy EAGlES, Sammy
Eubanks SWAxx, Ghastly, SoSleepy, Brainfunk, Macfie, Shaneanigans J ThE PIn!, Kill Ritual, Resurgence, Morbid Inc., Reign of Ashes, Knight of Tears ThE roADhouSE, Armed & Dangerous ThE VIKInG BAr & GrIll, Stepbrothers J WESTMInSTEr ConGrEGATIonAl unITED ChurCh oF ChrIST (6241366), Old-Time Bluegrass Concert zolA, Tell the Boys
Saturday, 03/05
315 MArTInIS & TAPAS, Truck Mills BArloWS AT lIBErTy lAKE (9241446), Jan Harrison, Doug Folkins, Danny McCollim J ThE BArTlETT, Dead Serious Lovers, Transistor Send, The Dancing Plague of 1518
BEVErly’S, Robert Vaughn J ThE BIG DIPPEr, The Camorra (the final performance) (See story above), Itchy Kitty, Wayward West, Cutback Davis Bolo’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE CoEur D’AlEnE CASIno, Wyatt Wood, Uppercut CoEur D’AlEnE CEllArS, Ron Greene CurlEy’S, Chris Rieser and the Nerve J DoWnToWn MoSCoW, Moscow Mardi Gras feat. Mojo Green, Flying Mammals, The Fabulous Kingpins, Bare Wires, the Intentions EAGlE’S loDGE, Bobby Bremer Band FEDorA PuB & GrIllE, Donnie Emerson & Nancy Sophia Duo FIzzIE MullIGAnS, Slow Burn ThE FlAME, DJ Big Mike GArlAnD PuB & GrIll (326-7777), Spokane River Band & Alisha K J ThE GAThErInG houSE (747-
2818), Be Open Mic Night IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, Los Chingadores THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JONES RADIATOR, Back2Basics J KNITTING FACTORY, Rebelution Protoje LA ROSA CLUB, Open Jam THE LARIAT INN, Widow’s Creek LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Roger Dines MAX AT MIRABEAU, Tuck Foster & The Mossrites MOOSE LOUNGE, Gladhammer MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE, Carli
Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
Osika NASHVILLE NORTH, Sho-Down NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, DJ Ramsin OFF REGAL LOUNGE (473-9401), Jason Lucas Band THE PIN!, Clockwork Carnival feat. Dionvox, DJ Wyrmwood, the Redd Queen, DJ Bones THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler J THE SHOP, Zachary Lombardo SPOKANE VALLEY EAGLES, Sammy Eubanks
J STACKS AT STEAM PLANT (7773900), Steam Plant Centennial Celebration feat. Roger Dines, Darin Hildebrand, Devin Manskey THE ROADHOUSE, Devon Wade THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Boat Race Weekend, Bullets or Balloons, Wake Up Flora VINTAGE VINES (227-9463), The Holy Broke ZOLA, Tell the Boys
Sunday, 03/06
J THE BARTLETT, Joseph [sold out] COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church LINGER LONGER LOUNGE (208-6232211), Open jam NEWMAN LAKE GRANGE, Country Jammers J THE PIN!, Vampires Everywhere. Sycamour, Brightwell, Symptoms of Insanity, 37 Street Signs ZOLA, Caprice
Monday, 03/07
J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Monday Night Spotlight feat. Carey Brazil RED ROOM LOUNGE, Open Mic with MJ The In-Human Beatbox J THE PIN!, CDC, These Streets, Keep In Check, New Strength ZOLA, Fusbol
Tuesday, 03/08
315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub J THE BARTLETT, Open mic FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills J THE INTERSECTION (924-3705), Childfund International Benefit feat. Herrick THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of Open-ness KELLY’S IRISH PUB, Arvid Lundin & Deep Roots LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Turntable Tuesday MICKDUFF’S BEER HALL (208-2096700), Second Tuesday Open Mic MIK’S, DJ Brentano RED ROOM LOUNGE, Tuneful Tuesdays w/ The Nates SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List
Wednesday, 03/09 THE BIG DIPPER, HeadyWorks presents CLOZEE, Zero Gravity, Crave EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES, Open Mic with T & T THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JONES RADIATOR, Jacob Cummings J KNITTING FACTORY, Reverend Horton Heat, Unknown Hinson, Legendary Shack Shakers, Lincoln Durham THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE, DJ Lydell
LITZ’S BAR & GRILL, Nick Grow LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 THE RESERVE, CloZee THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Jam with Steve Ridler SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic J THE PIN!, The Get Lit, Get Lucky St. Patrick’s Glow Stick Party, DJ Freaky Fred THE ROADHOUSE, Open mic with Vern Vogel and the Volcanoes ZOLA, The Bossame
Coming Up ...
J THE HIVE, Umphrey’s McGee (See story on page 49), March 10 THE PIN!, Blood On The Dance Floor, Bryn Woods, Serpentspire, I Hate this City, Progenitus, Heart of an Awl, March 10 THE OBSERVATORY, Dry and Dusty, Ripe Mangos, March 10 THE BARTLETT, The Sweeplings, N. Sherman, March 11 THE PIN!, Cary Hays iHeartRADIO Launch Party, March 11 THE BIG DIPPER, Soul Proprietor Uptown Funkfest, March 11 KNITTING FACTORY, Young Dubliners, Cursive Wires, Broken Whistle, March 11 THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Pitch-ATent St. Paddy’s Day celebration feat. The Nixon Rodeo, Elephant Gun Riot, Death By Pirates, Breakdown Boulevard, Free The Jester and more, March 12 THE BARTLETT, Waxahatchee, March 12
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MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BIG BARN BREWING • 16004 N. Applewood Ln, Mead • 238-2489 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS • 3890 N. Schreiber Way, CdA • 208-664-2336 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • (208) 773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent, Spokane Valley • 309-3715 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 THE JACKSON ST. • 2436 N. Astor • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 2013 E. 29th • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MIK’S • 406 N 4th, CdA • 208-666-0450 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE OBSERVATORY• 15 S Howard • 598-8933 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO • 6425 N Lidgerwood St • 242-8907 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 THE PIN! • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RESERVE • 120 N. Wall • 598-8783 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 TAMARACK • 912 W Sprague • 315-4846 TIMBER GASTRO PUB •1610 E Schneidmiller, Post Falls • 208-262-9593 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416
Bach Festival Director Zuill Bailey. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
The 38th annual Northwest Bach Festival wraps up this weekend with a whole host of Bach-inspired events. So what’s left? Free events run Thursday, with Bach’s Lunch at River Park Square, and on Friday with a “Flash Bach” presentation, during which artistic director Zuill Bailey performs at a surprise, to-be-announced location. (Watch their Facebook page.) Friday and Saturday’s events include Bach and Beethoven string trio concerts. The festival culminates Sunday at St. John’s Cathedral with the Bach Festival Orchestra performing, along with Kurt Nikkanen on violin, Scott Rawls on viola and Bailey on cello. The finale begins at 3 pm; tickets are $23-$45. New this year is an end-of-festival party, hosted by Marcia Bond, formerly of Luna, and featuring Fery’s Catering. Listen Up! Eat Up! Drink Up! Celebrate! is your chance to mingle with the musicians and hear the Handel-Halvorsen Passacaglia. It starts at 5:30 Sunday at Overbluff Cellars, 304 W. Pacific; tickets $35. — LAURA JOHNSON Northwest Bach Festival • Through Sun, March 6; times vary • Free-$100 • Various Spokane locations • Full schedule at
Spring clearly has come early to the Inland Northwest this year, and now we’re all itching for the golden glow and warm breeze of those perfect summer evenings. For now, grab a light jacket and take a stroll around town for March’s visual arts showcase. Then, since the final days of Inlander Restaurant Week are this weekend, grab a bite to eat somewhere nearby. In Kendall Yards, Marmot Art Space celebrates its first anniversary with a Ric Gendron artist showcase. Meanwhile, the Steam Plant celebrates its 100th anniversary (more on page 36) with an art show and live music. More than two dozen other First Friday events are happening across town. — CHEY SCOTT First Friday • Fri, March 4, from 5-8 pm • Free • Events throughout downtown Spokane and beyond • Complete details at
Grammy-winning singer-songwriter and Sugarland frontwoman Jennifer Nettles is taking the stage at Northern Quest this Friday with an impressive lineup of new artists: Brandy Clark, a two-time Grammy nominee; Lindsay Ell, a Rolling Stone “10 Artists You Need To Know” listee; and powerful Nashville voice Tara Thompson. Nettles is frontlining this year’s Country Music Television’s Next Women of Country Tour, which began in 2013 as a campaign to give up-and-coming female artists a chance to share their performances alongside some of country’s most recognized women, as well as an opportunity to gain airtime and exposure to fans across the nation. — MEG MACLEAN CMT’s Next Women of Country Tour • Fri, March 4, at 7:30 pm • $65-$95 • Northern Quest Resort & Casino • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • • 481-2800
custom modular designs
Usually we’re touting the prowess of the local slam poetry scene, but this time Spokane’s respected group of poets in all forms are in for a treat when award-winning poet Andrea Gibson heads through. The Colorado-based poet, who also goes by Andrew, is gender-fluid and uses the pronoun “they” to refer to themself in the singular form. Using their talents at the mic to make statements on a range of issues — gender norms, social reform, politics, bullying, world issues and the common struggles of the LGBTQ community — Gibson’s powerful readings are lauded for their raw fearlessness and honesty. Gibson is also the winner of the first ever Women’s World Poetry Slam, and one of their works was notably read by a Utah representative in lieu of morning prayer at the state legislature. — CHEY SCOTT
Slam Poet Andrea Gibson • Fri, March 4, at 6 pm • $12/$14 • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174
CARDS FOR KIDS A Texas Hold'em Tournament & Raffle
Watch for the GREEN QUEEN
Hemingway Festival • Wed, March 2 through Sat, March 5; times vary • Free • University of Idaho, Moscow •
FRIENDS OF TURNBULL DINNER & AUCTION The 10th annual benefit supports the mission of the Friends of Turnbull, a major source of funding for the environmental education program led by the refuge staff, interns and volunteers. March 5, 5-9 pm. $35-$44. Wren Pierson Community Center, 615 Fourth, Cheney. (629-1826) HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC SCHOOL GALA & AUCTION The “Love Does” auction benefits Holy Family Catholic School. En-
joy dinner, live and silent auctions, raffles and dancing. March 5, 5-9 pm. $60/person. Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second. WINE, STEIN & DINE The annual event benefits the Post Falls Education Foundation, funding grants for classroom materials and equipment. Sample fine wine, microbrew, hard ciders, hot and cold appetizers and desserts from 85+ area wineries, microbreweries and restaurants. Also includes silent/live auctions, raffle and live music by Bill Bozly. March 5, 7-10 pm. $45/person. Greyhound Park & Event Center, 5100 Riverbend Ave.
Help make a difference in the lives of kids with Congenital Heart Disease. TICKETS $60 EACH -OR- $100 FOR 2 March 13th • 3-7pm
Thanks to our Sponsors!
The University of Idaho’s Creative Writing Program is hosting its 7th annual Hemingway Festival, offering a plethora of free bookish activities, both observational and participatory. Over the course of four days, this includes readings by accomplished authors, MFA faculty and students, as well as a workshop and seminar. For $85, attendees can relish a six-course Cuban meal during “A Moveable Feast — Havana Nights,” inspired by Hemingway’s Idaho-Cuba connection and his beloved book The Old Man and the Sea. The sun of the festival around which all these events revolve, however, is the annual Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award recipient, Arna Bontemps Hemenway, who reads from his collection of short stories Elegy on Kinderklavier on the final day. — CLAIRE STANDAERT
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I SAW YOU GOLDILOCKS I saw you two years ago when I first moved in, but you're with her and I'm with him. I know it's silly, but I wish I could talk with you by the dumpster again.
CHEERS TO THE GENEROUS GAS STATION ATTENDANT It was about 6 years ago or so when I was trying to get to work but realized on my way that I didn't have enough gas to get me there. Literally. I stopped by Divine's Auto Center on Mission in Liberty Lake since it was on my way. I was in a hurry already and was shuffling through my purse for the few dollar bills and coins I KNEW I had in there. But I didn't have them in there. I ran out to my car to try to round up some change in order to get a few miles worth of gas for my '86 Plymouth, which surprisingly, still had a fairly reasonable MPG for being older than I was! I couldn't find anything. I went back inside to thank the attendant for being so patient with me while I embarrassingly searched for payment. She then grabbed a few dollar bills from her own wallet and asked if I could return it to her once I got paid. I assured her that I would. I returned about a week later and she was not there. I explained to the person working at the time what had happened and made them promise to return this to her and thank her again for me. But I've never known if that money and the message
made it back to you. I'd hate for you to trust less because you thought I hadn't returned. I'd like to thank you again and make sure you did receive the money, as I'm sure you needed those few dollar bills as much as I did. I remember that story periodically throughout the years but have never thought to reach out to you. I would like to personally thank you with a drink, lunch, or maybe even a gas tank fill! ;) Please reach out to me if you are reading this. yougetwhatyousettlefor@ 1,000 THANK YOU'S To the guy on the 9th and Madison around 3-4 pm on 2/27. I'm so grateful to you for what you did on the phone and being present for a truly difficult and awful situation. You know and I appreciate it more than words can say. Because of the public display made, it woke me up and I've made the steps to creating a better life for myself and words cannot express how important your actions were. Lets me know that people still care in the world. I hope someday, someway I can repay you. Sincerely, the girl in the black beret. HERE'S TO THIS FRIENDSHIP It's lovely how strangers who never talk can matter so much in a moment of hardship. I want to thank you for putting yourself in the middle of that collision this past sunday. You stood there, directing traffic, and waited long enough for me to regain myself. Your compassion and friendship really meant the world to me. I am so thankful for you. THANK YOU! Thank you very much to the Spokane Police Officer who pulled me over on Driscoll for speeding and gave me a warning instead of the welldeserved ticket. It was very nice of you. Appreciate all you do. Thank you for your act of kindness this day. SPOTLIGHT Cheers to the film, Spotlight, and those brave enough to act upon its truth. Know you are supported in that courageous stance. To those of you living in the shadows of shame and fear, having been preyed upon, to no fault of your own, you are not alone. You deserve, and are assured, peace, protection, safety, and security in your journies out of darkness, even if you've created private, calm, non-exposed lives for yourselves. The chaos you may have known in battling the challenges inher-
ent in the wakes of crimes against you, can be eliminated. Reach out if you want, or need, any form of assistance. We are here. Until every pedophile priest, living, or dead, is exposed and convicted of their crimes against you, we will not rest. Until every living pedophile priest, or former priest (retired, re-assigned, hidden) is "rotting" in a prison with the
SEE THAT BIG RED SIGN? Jeers to SPD and their driving skills. One of your officers nearby blew through a stop sign, causing me to slam on my brakes to avoid a collision. I was pulled over and scolded for going too fast in a neighborhood I drive through every day. You knew you were in the wrong, because you didn't even take the time to find my
Thank you very much to the Spokane Police Officer who pulled me over on Driscoll for speeding and gave me a warning instead of the well-deserved ticket.
likes of Sandusky, Morgenstern, and the multitude of other child abusers, we will not rest. Until the statute of limitations for abuse crimes against minors is abolished, in every state, we will not rest. When children are mature enough, aware enough, brave enough, and able enough to come forward, we can not fail them by claiming it's too late to speak. Until we've eliminated the blight that is this pernicious, perverse, criminal reality, we will not rest. To Catholics who have turned their knowing eyes in disregard, search your souls. It is a quite dirtier cross-shaped smudge on your collective record than the Lenten ashes you wear so humbly. Offensive? The most. Do right by those you know who've been victimized. Only your God decides your eternal fate. To those who've worked tirelessly, saving and aiding one victim at a time, whatever your role, you are the beacons in the storm. We look to you as leaders who've shone the "spotlight" on these crimes and led by example in doing right by each other. Bless you, and each, brave enough to speak the truth. We stand with you, by you, and for you in this battle.
JEERS BAD SECURITY GUARD A BIG F.U. to the parking security guard at the Social
SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”
Security office for making fun of me and my car. First of all, it is NOT my fault that your parking lot is weird. Secondly, It is NOT my fault (or maybe it is) that I can't judge distance very well even though I wear corrective lenses. Your lot is oddly shaped and there is a giant dumpster place right in the middle of it. I tried to back out to the other lot you were
referring to and cars kept coming in and out so I couldn't go anywhere. You said "people do this all day everyday," Well I'm NOT everyone!! Then you said to park in the right-hand corner and "Get outta the way," OK so I did. Then you said "Are people gonna be able to get outta there?" How the hell am I supposed to know? You're the flippin' security guard who told me to park there!! The best part was when you told me to park in a parking space that had mostly metal pylons in it and you said "People park there all the time." I told you my car was too wide. Then a blue Chevy came up that was new and trim and even HE told you he couldn't get in there. I finally escaped your parking hellhole and went to the next lot over. The moral of the story is to be nicer to everyone and earn that uniform you wear. HICKEY-HATER No, they're not the awesome thing to walk around with, but when another person is tastefully covering up their very faint leftover love mark and you purposefully go out of your way to belittle them, try to get them in trouble with their employer and make their day an all-around poopfest, that only reflects on *your* character. Don't take whatever is going on in your miserable existence out on an innocent person that's just trying to do her best at a job that she's wonderful at.
name on my license. If you want respect, treat people with respect and learn to apologize even if it's embarrassing for you. "This world of ours must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect." WISH ALL DOGS COULD GO FREE, HOWEVER.... Friday, up Steven's Creek to do a little climbing. You and your female posse coming down with your black dog off leash. I stated politely that my dogs aren't on leash friendly. You couldn't call your dog back so we had a little flare-up between your dog and mine. You sneered at me and than continued to prove you have no good recall for your dog. Off leash, my dogs are fine... but rules are rules.
NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
EVENTS | CALENDAR GO RED FOR WOMEN The American Heart Association’s annual awareness campaign brings attention to heart disease, the leading cause of death in women. Event includes an auction, health screenings, an expo, auction, fashion show and keynote presentation. March 9, 10 am. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. TLC SOCK HOP Donate new socks, bras or undergarments of all sizes for women and children; enjoy music, food, and prizes; and hear updates from staff and participants. March 10, 12-1 pm. Transitional Living Center, 3128 N. Hemlock St. (328-6702) AUCTION & DINNER FUNDRAISER FOR YOUTH CAMPING Auction item preview, 4:30-5 pm, followed by dinner (parmesan chicken, rice, green salad, broccoli, rolls), from 5-6 pm. $10 adults, $5 children (10 & under). Silent auction throughout evening; live auction begins at 6 pm. Free child care provided. March 12, 4:30-8:30 pm. $10. Spokane Valley United Methodist Church, 115 N. Raymond Rd. (924-7262)
FIRST THURSDAY COMEDY Live standup comedy the first Thursday of every month in Impulse Nightclub at 8 pm (doors open at 6 pm). Each edition of the show features funny local folks from around the region. Ages 21+ only. $10. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd. (509-242-7000) GUFFAW YOURSELF Open mic comedy night; every other Thursday at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. (509-847-1234) STAND-UP OPEN MIC Local comedians; see weekly schedule online. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. CRIME SHOW A crime show-themed improv show performed by the Blue Door Players. Fridays in March at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third. (838-6688) SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) STAND-UP OPEN MIC Mondays; sign-up at 9:30 pm, show at 10 pm. Ages 21+. No cover. The Foxhole, 829 E. Boone. TRIVIA + OPEN MIC COMEDY Trivia starts at 8 pm; stick around for open mic comedy afterward. Tuesdays, from 8-10 pm. Free. Checkerboard Bar, 1716 E. Sprague Ave. TIM HAWKINS LIVE Live comedy show by the Christian comedian and parody singer. March 13, 7-10 pm. $25-$35. Real Life Ministries, 1866 N. Cecil Rd.
JUST PLAY Come to the library for a community playdate, with favorite toys and activities from the Play & Learn Storytimes to enjoy. For children ages 0-5; all children must bring an adult. March 3, from 10 am-noon. Free. Deer Park Library, 208 Forest St. (893-8300)
KINDERGARTEN KICK-OFF Drop in at any of the library’s kindergarten kick-offs to explore hands-on activities to do with your child, and get important registration information for your school district. Kindergarten registration for all schools within Spokane County begins March 1. March 3, 5-8 pm. Free. North Spokane Library, 44 E. Hawthorne Rd. (893-8350) TREASURE! A touring exhibit exploring the history of treasure and treasure hunting, the technology used to look for it, and the people obsessed with finding it. Show runs through May 29. Museum open Tue-Sun, from 10 am-5 pm. (Halfprice admission on Tuesdays.) $5-$10/ museum admission. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. YOUNG MAN IN A HURRY: THE LIFE OF ISAAC STEVENS A new Spokane Valley Heritage Museum exhibit showcasing the Governor’s controversial treaty negotiations, his Civil War heroics and his connection to Spokane Valley history. It’s the first in a series examining the Valley’s early history. Through May 28, museum open Wed-Sat, 11 am-4 pm. $4$6 admission. Spokane Valley Heritage Museum, 12114 E. Sprague Ave. (922-4570) 12TH ANNUAL MOVIN’ & GROOVIN’ FAIR Free massages and screenings, drawings, and info booths for on travel tours, computer help, legal services, home care and more. Hosted by Spokane Parks and Recreation, WSU, The Academy and Heritage Funeral Home. March 5, 8 am-2 pm. Free. Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland Ave. (838-1932) EVERGREEN RR MODELERS OPEN HOUSE The open house features trains that represent hundreds of years of history, with general Northwest topography of mountains, lots of bridges, two main lines and one branch line, one town, one large city, plenty of industries and smooth operations. March 5, 5-9 pm. Free. Evergreen Model Railroad Club, 18213 E. Appleway Ave. (939-5845) RIVER CITY WESTERN OPEN HOUSE Stop by to see the progress made on the HO Scale River City Western Model Railroad layout. The 45 x 45 ft. double deck layout features 19+ scale miles of mainline track and a Northwest landscape theme. March 5, 4-8 pm and March 6, noon-4 pm. Free. River City Modelers, 1130 E. Sprague. STEAM PLANT CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Featuring live music by Roger Dines, Darin Hildebrand, and Devin Manskey in the Breezeway. Also includes a commemorative address by Steam Plant representatives and former employees, a short film of the Steam Plant’s history; Steam Plant Brewing Co. beers and appetizers will be available. Local artists Chris Bovey and photographer John D. Moore also show their commemorative Steam Plant prints. March 5, 3-7 pm. Free. Steam Plant Square, 159 S. Lincoln St. (624-8050) SPOKANE MODEL TRAIN SHOW More than 100 vendors offering 200+ tables of railroad related items for sale. Modeling clinics are also held throughout the day, with several operating train layouts in N, HO, S, and G Scales. March 6, 9:30 am3:30 pm. $6; ages 12 & under free. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. JUST PLAY Come to the library for a community playdate, with favorite toys and activities from the Play & Learn Storytimes to enjoy. For children ages 0-5; all children must bring an adult. Offered Jan. 14, 25; Feb. 13, 25 and March 7, 26.
Times vary. Free. North Spokane Library, 44 E. Hawthorne Rd. (509-893-8350) LEGO MINDSTORM ROBOT WORKSHOP An after school workshop designed to explore art, engineering, math, and computer science, for ages 9-12. Students program a Lego EV3 Mindstorm robot to draw a possible work of art using motors, minds, and creativity. March 7, 4:30-6 pm. $20. Argonne Library, 4322 N. Argonne Rd. GIRLS WHO CODE Learn to code, about circuits and conquer new technologies in this session that meets weekly, Tuesdays from 3:30-5:30 pm, Feb. 2-March 8. Free. Gizmo-cda, 806 N. Fourth St. gizmo-cda. org (208-651-6200) WSU COLLEGE OF NURSING HEALTH FAIR Free health screenings for vision, hearing, blood pressure, balance and strength, along with nutrition information, blood sugar tests, medication reviews and health insurance evaluations. March 8, 9 am-2 pm. Free. East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone St. REFUGEE FOSTER MEETING A meeting about how to become a foster parent for teens coming to Spokane this summer via refugee camps. Held the second Tuesday of the month. Lutheran Community Services, 210 W. Sprague. (343-5018) WEEMAC EXPLORATION SESSIONS The MAC’s pre-K museum educational exploration sessions, with activities to foster exploration and social development in prep for Kindergarten. Kids and a parent will engage in art activities and viewing, discover walks, songs, story time and more. Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 am, through May. For kids ages 4-5. $5/ two people. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First. (456-3931) KINDERGARTEN KICK-OFF Drop in at any of the library’s kindergarten kick-offs to explore hands-on activities to do with your child, and get important registration information for your school district. Kindergarten registration for all schools within Spokane County begins March 1. March 9, 5-7 pm. Free. Medical Lake Library, 3212 Herb St. (893-8330) CHASE YOUTH AWARDS Each year, the Chase Youth Commission honors our community’s outstanding youth, teens and adults who are making a difference in our community or making positive choices through the Chase Youth Awards. March 10, 6:40 pm. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200) KINDERGARTEN KICK-OFF Drop in at any of the library’s kindergarten kick-offs to explore hands-on activities to do with your child, and get important registration information for your school district. Kindergarten registration for all schools within Spokane County begins March 1. March 10, 5-8 pm. Free. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. (-893-8400) GOOD MORNING GREATER SPOKANE: STATE OF THE COUNTY Presented by Greater Spokane Incorporated, Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce and West Plains Chamber of Commerce. March 11, 7-9 am. $25/$55. Mirabeau Park Hotel, 1100 N. Sullivan. 7TH ANNUAL CABIN FEVER GARDENING SYMPOSIUM WSU Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane County sponsors a full-day gardening symposium for homeowners and garden enthusiasts. Registration includes a choice of four classes, a keynote address by Gloria Flora, notable conservationist, plus a catered breakfast and buffet lunch. March 12, 7:30 am-4 pm. $65-$75. CenterPlace
Regional Event Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place Dr. (477-2195)
MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED A film about how a school in San Diego transforms the learning process. The film inspires its audiences with a sense of purpose and possibility, and is bringing school communities together in re-imagining what our students and teachers are capable of doing. March 3, 7 pm. Free. Panida Theater, 300 N. First, Sandpoint. (208-255-7801) FIRST FRIDAY CINEMA: SLUMDOG MILLIONARE After you tour the First Friday exhibits, head to Spark Center for a free community movie night on the big screen, sponsored by CenturyLink. This month’s movie is “Slumdog Millionaire.” March 4, 7 pm. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. WHEN MARNIE WAS THERE The latest animated film from Studio Gibli is about a tomboy (Sara Takatsuki) who explores a long-abandoned villa and meets a mysterious blonde girl only she can see. Rated PG-13. March 4-5, times vary. $4-$7. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. panida. org (208-255-7801) DOWNTON ABBEY FINALE KSPS hosts a screening of the series’ final show of its final season on the Bing’s big screen. Also take a picture with the station’s “flat” character cutouts of Carson and Lady Violet. March 6, 7 pm. $10. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (509-227-7404) MOUNTAINFILM ON TOUR: Mountainfilm travels year-round and worldwide with a selection of current and bestloved films from the annual festival in Telluride. Each year, the best short films from the annual festival are selected to be featured in the tour. March 7, 6-9:30 pm. $10-$12. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) FILMMAKING WORKSHOP: PRODUCTION, CAMERA, LIGHT & SOUND In collaboration with the Fired Up Film Festival, INK provides a series of filmmaking workshops with local experts. Free for FUFF participants; $5 for the general public. Register online. March 8, 6-8 pm. $5. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. (279-0299) UI WOMEN’S CENTER PRESENTS: LUNAFEST The national film festival showcases original short films by, for and about women. Pre-show reception at 6:30 pm, featuring complimentary hors d’oeuvres and no-host bar. Films start at 7:30 pm, with a raffle during intermission. LUNAFEST benefits the Breast Cancer Fund and the Women’s Center. March 8, 7:30-9:30 pm. $3-$12. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main. CHINESE MOVIE NIGHT: CROSSING HENNESSY Cajoled into a blind date by relatives, shopkeepers Loy and Oi Lin fail to find attraction in one another but do discover a common interest in detective stories. While their families misinterpret the new found friendship as romance and initiate plans for a wedding, the young singles have somebody else on their minds. March 9, 7-9 pm. Free and open to the public. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) 45 YEARS There is just one week until Kate Mercer’s 45th wedding anniversary and the planning for the party is going well. But then a letter arrives for her husband. The body of his first love has been discovered, frozen and preserved in the icy glaciers of the Swiss Alps. By the time the party is upon them, five days
later, there may not be a marriage left to celebrate. Rated R. Showing March 10-13, times vary. $5-$7. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. (208-255-7801) FILM ALLIANCE NORTHWEST For all film and theater enthusiasts, Film Alliance NW is a group of professionals/nonprofessionals in and interested in the film industry. This month’s speaker is Juan Mas, best known for his involvement in Spokane’s 50 Hour Slam and TV’s “Z Nation.” March 10, 11:30 am-1:30 pm. Free to first time visitors/members. Seasons of Coeur d’Alene, 209 E. Lakeside Ave. (208-664-8008)
GOT GAME? A collaborative, gamethemed dinner featuring a six-course menu, with wine pairings, created and prepared by Chefs Adam Hegsted (The Yards, Wandering Table, Gilded Unicorn, Cellar) and Chad White (Native Post & Provisions). Reservations required. March 3, 7 pm. $95/person. The Yards Bruncheon, 1248 W. Summit Pkwy. (443-4410) TASTYTHURSDAYS Wine tastings are hosted every Thursday evening, from 5-7, sampling something new each week. $5/ person; fee waived if you find a bottle you love and buy. Live music and light appetizers offered. Uva Trattoria, 309 E. Lakeside. (208-930-0573) 2016 RIVERKEEPER IPA LAUNCH The Spokane Riverkeeper, River City Brewing, Numerica Credit Union, and King Beverage celebrate First Friday by debuting the new, 2016 Riverkeeper IPA. Proceeds from the beer help support programs to protect the Spokane River. March 4, 5:308 pm. Free. Numerica Credit Union, 502 W. Riverside. IVORY TABLE SUPPER CLUB Chef/owner Kristen Ward prepares a rustic, Frenchstyle meal that features flavors of the season. Wine pairings with each course for an additional $25/person. Reservations required. March 4. $60/person. The Ivory Table, 1822 E. Sprague. (202-2901) SLATE CREEK BREWING 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY An evening celebration featuring live music by the CdA jazz quartet The Post, brisket from Homestead Barbecue and $3 pints all night. March 4, 5 pm. Free. Slate Creek Brewing Co., 1710 N. 4th St., Ste. 115, CdA. SANTE + VIETTI WINEMAKER’S DINNER Sante Restaurant’s Chef Jeremy Hansen cohosts a five-course dinner with the winemaker of Vietty Winery in northern Italy. It’s also the first dinner in the Hansen’s newest restaurant location. $120/person, plus tax; gratuity included. Call for reservations. March 4, 6 pm. Washington Cracker Co. Building, 304 W. Pacific. (315-4613) CONTAINER VEGETABLE GARDENING Get ready for spring with a gardening class featuring local Master Gardener Marilyn Lloyd. March 5, 10:30-11:30 am. Free. Otis Orchards Library, 22324 E. Wellesley Ave. (893-8390) BALANCE & BREWS One hour of yoga led by local instructor Mary Naccaratto, with one pint of beer to enjoy at the end of the session. Sundays in March, at 11 am. $15/session. Downdraft Brewing, 418 W. Seltice Way, Ste. A., Post Falls. (208-262-4233) CONTAINER VEGETABLE GARDENING Get ready for spring with a gardening class featuring local Master Gardener Marilyn Lloyd. March 6, 2-3 pm. Free. Deer Park Library, 208 Forest. (893-8300)
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11TH ANNUAL IRISH DRINKING TEAM PUB CRAWL Due to increased participation, the event begins at nYne Bar & Bistro, from 7-10 am, with a photographer, activities, DJ Brusky, a pickup location, breakfast, dancing, and more. Event schedule/locations TBA. March 12, 7 am. Downtown Spokane. NATURALLY-LEAVENED BREAD CLASS The Ivory Table hosts local breadmaker Shaun Thompson-Duffy of Culture Breads for a hands-on class covering a diverse range of breads and baking topics. Lunch is also included. March 12, 9 am-4 pm. $145/person. The Ivory Table, 1822 E. Sprague. (474-1300) 75TH ANNUAL KOSHER DINNER The annual dinner is a Spokane favorite (last year serving 2,000) and has become a tradition for many. All our welcome. This year’s menu features beef brisket, potato knishes, apricot kuchen and more. Also enjoy live Jewish entertainment, the Jewish gift shop and homemade baked goods. Take-out is available at the side entrance. March 13, 11 am-6 pm. Adults, $14/$17; kids, $7/$10. Temple Beth Shalom, 1322 E. 30th Ave. KosherDinner (747-3304) BALLAST POINT BEER DINNER A sixcourse dinner prepared by Clover executive chef Travis Dickinson, paired with beers from Ballast Point Brewing Co. of San Diego. Reservations required. March 15, 6:30 pm. $69/person. Clover, 913 E. Sharp Ave. (487-2937)
LORIE LINE SOLO PIANO TOUR Lorie Line and her concert grand piano take center stage for her first solo piano tour in her 26-year career. March 3, 7:30 pm. $54. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. NORTHWEST BACH FEST: BACH’S LUNCH II Artistic Director Zuill Bailey and festival artists perform a free noontime concert. Bring lunch or buy at River Park Square Food Court. March 3, 12-1 pm. Free. Kress Gallery, 808 W. Main Ave. (326-4942) THE DUHKS A dynamic blend of oldtimey, French Canadian, and Celtic music punched up with shades of blues, soul, and driving Afro Cuban rhythms. $8-$16. March 4, 7:30-9:30 pm. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU Pullman. NORTHWEST BACH FEST: GOLDBERG VARIATIONS FOR STRING TRIO: Kurt Nikkanen, violin; Scott Rawls, viola, and Zuill Bailey, cello perform the Bach Goldberg Variations for String Trio, a landmark arrangement that transforms the listening experience of this masterpiece for keyboard. No-host bar service; a signature drink, the Sebastian, will be available. March 4, 7:30-9:30 pm. $48. Hamilton Studio, 1427 W. Dean Ave. (326-4942) OLD-TIME BLUEGRASS CONCERT Featuring Craver, Hicks, Watson and Newberry, members of the original Red Clay Ramblers, and recent guests on “A Prairie Home Companion.” March 4, 7-10 pm. $15/$17. Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ, 411 S. Washington St. (598-9111) SPOKANE SYMPHONY: THE MUSIC OF STAR WARS Resident Conductor Morihiko Nakahara presents a program of music from the epic multi-film saga, along with a selection of complementary music. March 4, 8 pm. $10-$30. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W.
Sprague. THE WORKING POOR Performance by the alternative/Americana band to benefit the mission of the Humane Society of the Palouse. Food and drinks available for purchase. March 4, 8 pm. $15-$20. Schierman’s Clubhouse and Event Center, 3225 Robinson Park Rd., Moscow. KPBX KIDS’ CONCERT March’s concert features the lively Celtic music band Broken Whistle, with dancing by the Kelly Irish Dancers. March 5, 1 pm. Free. Riverside Place, 1108 W. Riverside. NORTHWEST BACH FEST: SMALL MASTERPIECES Kurt Nikkanen, violin; Scott Rawls, viola; Zuill Bailey, cello, perform Beethoven’s string trios, early explorations of string composition and precursors to his more famous string quartets. March 5, 7:30-9:30 pm. $40. Barrister Winery, 1213 W. Railroad Ave. WASHINGTON IDAHO SYMPHONY: HAYDN & BRAHMS A program of the music of Franz Joseph Haydn and Johannes Brahms. Featuring guest pianist Andrew Staupe. March 5, 7:30 pm. $10$25. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU Pullman. (335-8522) JAM FOR BREAD A benefit concert for Crosswalk, the Volunteers of America teen shelter program. Featuring performances by Ashe Remixed, Spokane Area Youth Choirs and Benton & Gallagher. Vern Windham will emcee. Also includes a raffle of themed gift baskets ($1/ticket). March 6, 3-5 pm. $8-$10. Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ, 411 S. Washington St. (624-1366) NORTHWEST BACH FESTIVAL FINALE Featuring the Bach Festival Orchestra, led by guest conductor Maestro Piotr Gajewski, with soloists Kurt Nikkanen, violin; Scott Rawls, viola; Zuill Bailey, cello, performing a finale program featuring music by Bach, Vivaldi, Piatigorsky and Mozart. March 6, 3-5 pm. $45; $23/ students. Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 127 E. 12th Ave. NORTHWEST BACH FEST: LISTEN UP! EAT UP! DRINK UP! CELEBRATE! Includes a buffet dinner by Fery’s Catering, no-host bars and surprises planned throughout the evening including a short performance by Zuill Bailey, cello, with festival guest artist Kurt Nikkanen, violin. March 6, 5:30-9 pm. $35. Overbluff Cellars, 304 W. Pacific. EWU VOCAL JAZZ SOLO NIGHT The EWU Vocal Jazz Program performs a Cabaretstyle concert, March 7, April 25 and May 23, from 7:30-9 pm. Free. Lindaman’s, 1235 S. Grand Blvd. CHILDFUND INTERNATIONAL BENEFIT FEAT. HERRICK The alt-country/Americana band from Nashville performs a concert benefiting Childfund International. March 8, 7:30-10 pm. $10. The Intersection, 905 N. McDonald Rd. ticketleap. com/intersection (924-3705) IT’S CONTEXTUAL Bring your cell phone and leave it on! It’s the only way you can text your thoughts to create an audience think tank as we explore poetry through choral music. Join EWU’s Concert, Symphonic, Collegians, and Vocal Jazz Choirs as the groups sing their Winter Choral Concert. March 10, 7:30-9 pm. $3-$5,. United Church of Christ, 423 N. Sixth St. (359-2241) MARCH OPEN MIC NIGHT + KARAOKE Participants can share a song, a poem, writing, a stand-up routine, or other skill. The evening also includes karaoke. The library provides microphones, an 1/8 inch
audio hookup and snacks. Sign-ups at 6:30; starts at 7 pm. March 10, 7-8:30 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. (208-769-2315 ext. 455) SHARED STORIES INTERNATIONAL CONCERT The Spokane Area Youth Choirs’ International Concert features all choirs singing music from around the world. Also includes a fundraiser for the chorus, with live and silent auction items and raffles. March 10, 7-8:30 pm. $5$8. Westminster Church of Christ, 411 S. Washington St. (624-7992) SPOKANE SYMPHONY SUPERPOPS: FOR ELLA FITZGERALD Grammy Awardwinner Patti Austin sings the beautiful renditions of Ella Fitzgerald favorites that earned Austin a nomination for Best Jazz Vocal Album, with big band arrangements by the legendary Patrick Williams. Accompanied live by the Spokane Symphony. March 12, 8-10 pm. $28-$62. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague.
FIND YOUR PARK: YELLOWSTONE If you’re new to town or looking to further explore this national treasure in our own backyard, REI experts help unlock the vastness of Yellowstone and how to plan a memorable trip. March 3, 7-8:30 pm. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. (509-328-9900) WIAA IB & 2B BASKETBALL STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS State championships for girls and boys teams from 1B and 2B schools in Washington state. March 3-5; game times vary. $10-$23. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanearena. com (279-7000) PROVING GROUNDS MMA EVENT An amateur bout featuring mixed martial arts athletes from Warrior Camp in Spokane Valley. March 4, 7 pm. $20-$30. HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave. SPOKANE ANARCHY WRESTLING: BATTLE OF WASHINGTON 2 A night of local professional wrestling. SAW heavyweight champ Harley Heartson defends his title against Mr. Hollywood Donovan Etzel. Also scheduled to appear: Insanity Demon, Frankie Sky (NWP), Jay Trash Manson, JD Mason (NWP), Natural Disaster (NWP), Rook Kelly, Jay Spade, Chuck Payne (NWP). March 5, 5:30-9 pm. Free. Swaxx, 25 E. Lincoln. SPOKANE NORDIC CHALLENGE LOPPET Offering options for 20, 30 or 50 kilometer distances. “Loppet” is the traditional term for a long-distance cross country ski event that can be either recreational or competitive. March 6, 9 am. $30-$50. Mt. Spokane State Park, 26107 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. spokanenordic. org/challenge (509-238-2220) BACKYARD CONSERVATION STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM The popular program, now in its 4th year, provides access to local experts on a variety of gardening and conservation topics. Classes on Mondays in March, from 5-7:30 pm. Each night covers two subjects taught by local experts. $25. Spokane Conservation District, 210 N. Havana. (5357274 ext. 217) HANDS-ON BIKE MAINTENANCE BASICS An REI expert mechanic teaches how to lube a chain, fix a flat in record time and make other minor adjustments to your bike. Bring your own bike. Seats
are limited. March 8, 6:30-8:30 pm. $30/$50. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. spokane (328-9900) LIGHTWEIGHT BACKPACKING BASICS Do you want to try backpacking but worry about carrying a heavy pack? An REI backpacking expert provides experienced tips on lightweight backpacking techniques. Session offered at 4:30 and 7 pm. March 9. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe. (328-9900) SPOKANE CHIEFS VS. KAMLOOPS BLAZERS Regular season hockey match. March 9, 7:05 pm. $10-$22. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanearena. com (279-7000)
A HEDDA GABLER The title character of “Hedda Gabler,” written by Henrik Ibsen, sprang to life in 1890, but Hedda is no shrinking violet. In this original adaptation, Hedda’s fierceness remains strong. Through March 6; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $5-$15. University of Idaho Hartung Theater, 6th & Stadium Way. HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING The Lewis & Clark Tiger Drama Dept. presents the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning musical. Feb. 25-27 and March 3-5 at 7 pm. $10. Lewis & Clark High School, 521 W. Fourth. LAST OF THE BOYS Conjuring the 1960s and the war in Vietnam, this is a fierce, funny, and haunted drama about a friendship that ends, and battle that doesn’t. Through March 6; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $20-$24. The Modern Theater Spokane, 174 S. Howard. (455-7529) LITTLE WOMEN: THE MUSICAL The timeless story by Louisa May Alcott is brought to life in a musical filled with personal discovery, heartache, hope, and everlasting love. Through March 20, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. A special March 16, at 7 pm, showing benefits Partnering for Progress ($35/person). $22-$30. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. ON HAVING GOOD FORTUNE & OTHER WORTHWHILE THINGS Edgar and Ethel make their living as two con artists at a local circus posing as fortune tellers. Their world is turned upside down when a seemingly legitimate fortune teller comes into their tent and shares a dire prophecy. March 3-5 and 10-12 at 7 pm; also March 5 at 2 pm. $12. Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22910 E. Appleway. THE SLY FOX An adaptation of the comedy “Volpone” by Ben Jonson, “The Sly Fox” is a hilarious tale of a master swindler set in San Francisco in 1895. March 3-13; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Spartan Theater at SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. drama (533-3592) WITTENBERG A cocktail of brainy allusions, absurdist plot twists, sly wordplay and disarming anachronisms, fortified with serious ideas. Directed by Patrick Treadway. Through March 6, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third. CYT PRESENTS: MARY POPPINS Students with CYT Spokane perform a stage adaptation of the story based on the Disney film and P.L. Travers book. Through March 6; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 3 pm. $10-$12. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. (227-7404)
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BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at
CALL 325-0634 xt. 215 EMAIL
The Evergreen Strains A handful of marijuana strains pay homage to Washington state BY AZARIA PODPLESKY
fter it became one of the first states to legalize marijuana in 2012, producers and processors couldn’t help but take inspiration from Washington state and the people and features that make the Evergreen State what it is. So next time you’re at a local marijuana shop, consider showing your PNW pride by purchasing one (or more) of these strains. Beast Mode OG and Beast Mode 2.0: You can’t bring up the Seattle Seahawks without someone mentioning recently retired running back Marshawn Lynch, aka “Beast Mode,” which should make these strains familiar to consumers in and around Washington. The pair, distributed by Seattle’s Green Umbrella, are as aggressive as their namesake, in a good way. OG, a well-balanced hybrid, is said to be perfect for lifting your mood and relieving body pain, while indica-dominant 2.0 is great for medical patients, as it fights pain, sleeplessness and a lack of appetite. Kobain Kush: OK, so the PNW-based RedEyed Genetics took some creative liberties with the name, but it’s definitely a nod to Nirvana frontman and Aberdeen’s favorite son, Kurt Cobain. This indica-dominant strain, a hybrid of Pre-98 Bubba Kush and White Lotus, is known for its sweet and earthy aroma, with
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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
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This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of marijuana. There are health risks associated with the use of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children.
Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
hints of coffee and pine. It’s perfect for consumers looking for full-body relaxation. Mt. Rainier: With buds almost as frosty as the peaks of its namesake, this hybrid strain, another from RedEyed Genetics, is great for the consumer looking for a daytime smoke that won’t completely limit their ability to function. Mt. Rainier boasts sweet citrus and fresh pine scents as well. Seattle Blue and Seattle Cough: The Emerald City lends its name to not one but two strains. First up is Seattle Blue, an indica with a sweet and fruity taste that gives users a feeling of euphoria and a strong body high. Seattle Cough is a sativa-dominant hybrid from Washington’s Dutch Brothers. The strain’s uplifting smell matches its euphoric effects, which include lowering stress and depression while curbing fatigue and nausea. Space Needle: Last but not least, a strain named for Washington’s most recognizable landmark. Space Needle, descended from sativadominant hybrid Blue Dream and powerful sativa Vortex, is perfect for those looking for a creative boost, as it gives off an imaginative buzz. This fruity strain is also great for patients looking to relieve stress, depression and anxiety. n
Marijuana use increases the risk of
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SPOKANE’S FIRST MARIJUANA STORE WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
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Every Sunday This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be heath risk associated with consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
I’m in a new relationship with the sweetest, most generous girl, but I’m hesitant to let her do nice stuff for me. In my previous relationship, every single nice thing my ex did was held against me later. I can hear her now: “Remember that time I brought you food at work? All the way across town?” Eventually, I’d wince anytime she did anything for me. However, my new girlfriend seems so happy to make me food or run an errand for me. Still, AMY ALKON I feel uneasy. I keep waiting for her to turn into my ex and present me with a list of what I owe her. — Bad History Aww, a relationship with an accounts receivable department. Your ex’s human abacus approach — running a relationship on the “Hey, what’s in it for me?” model — doesn’t bode well for happily ever after, and not just because it makes it hard to tell your girlfriend apart from one of those aggressive strangers who call at dinnertime, threatening to repo your car. Social psychologist Margaret S. Clark explains that partners are more loving and generous toward each other when a relationship runs on the “communal” model (which describes love or friendship) rather than the “exchange” model (the merchant-customer relationship). The main difference between these relationship types is in the motivations for giving and the expectations in the wake of it. You give to somebody you love — like by giving your honey a massage — to make her feel good; you don’t wipe the lotion off your hands and then hand her a bill for $80. Love relationships are often not entirely 50/50, and the payback from a romantic partner often comes in different ways and at a later date, and that’s okay. In an exchange relationship, however, people give to get. There’s careful accounting and speedy invoicing. When the mechanic fixes your bum tire, immediately after doing the work, he expects equivalent compensation — in cold, hard cash (or plastic). You can’t just kiss him on the cheek, chirp, “Thanks, cookieface!” and be on your way. Looking back at your relationship with your ex, ask yourself something: Why did she view popping over with a cooler at lunchtime — probably containing sandwiches and a Snapple — like she’d brought you her left kidney? Maybe she’s bean countery in all of her relationships. Or…maybe this reflects Clark’s finding that people in relationships switch to an “exchange norm” when they notice that their partner is all take and take. In your current relationship, remind yourself to credit your girlfriend for who she is — which you do by observing her actions and attitude — instead of fearing who she might be. You should also make sure you’re holding up your part of the giving. But give for the right reason: to make her happy — and not because you can’t bear to hear another woman yelling, “Owe, owe, owe!” during sex.
HoW I LeArned to StoP WorryInG And Love tHe CALm
I used to have a terrible temper. My girlfriend never experienced it, because I did major therapy before meeting her. Now, when I get upset, I step back, consider whether my beef is legit, and then think about how I can present it calmly. My girlfriend, who gets frustrated that I can’t always discuss things immediately, says I “bottle up” my feelings. — Formerly Volcanic Rarely do you hear someone say, “So, I ran the issue by my therapist, made a list of pros and cons, meditated on it…and then went out and put a bat through the guy’s windshield.” Admirably, instead of continuing to lose your temper, you got it a little red leather collar, and now you just walk it out of the room on a matching red leash. This doesn’t mean you “bottle up” your feelings. You’re simply giving reason first crack at your problems — which doesn’t exactly come naturally. Psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky explain that we have two thinking systems: a fast-responding emotional system and a slower rational system. Your rational system does come around eventually — typically, just in time to grab a broom and dustpan to sweep up the pieces of the job or relationship that your trigger-happy emotional system just exploded. Because relationships are happier when those in them feel understood and appreciated, it seems you need to give your girlfriend the details on where you were and how far you’ve come. (Whaddya know, you didn’t spend those court-mandated anger management sessions with headphones on listening to Metallica.) Explaining this to her should help her understand that when you’re mulling things over, she isn’t waiting; she’s benefiting. Maybe you’ll get speedier at the reasoning process in time, but rushing you out of your cool-out corner is a bit like saying, “Hey, let’s make conflict resolution more like drunk dialing!” ©2016, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (
EVENTS | CALENDAR HOW THE OTHER HALF LOVES When an affair between a man and the boss’s wife risks being discovered, the adulterous pair claim to have been helping console the third couple in this comedy play. Through March 6; Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10-$15. Ignite! Community Theatre, 10814 E. Broadway Ave. (795-0004) THE JUNGLE BOOK CYT North Idaho’s performance of the musical based on one of the great English classics. Throough March 6; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 3 pm. $5-$14. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. (208-277-5727) LOVE LABOUR’S LOST: THE MUSICAL Romance, revelry and enchanting music ignite in this contemporary yet lovingly faithful musical adaptation of Shakespeare’s comedy. March 4-5 and 11-12 at 7:30 pm, March 6 at 2 pm and March 10 at 5 pm. Free for EWU students; $10 cash/check at the door (no cards). EWU, 526 Fifth, Cheney. ewu. edu/theatre (359-2459) MAYBE BABY The Modern’s 2015 resident playwright Matt Harget brings his romantic comedy about a couple’s difficulties trying to conceive a child to the stage. March 4-20, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $20-$24. The Modern Theater Coeur d’Alene, 1320 E. Garden Ave. (208-667-1323) SEUSSICAL A musical production based on the fanciful works of Dr. Seuss; The Cat in the Hat tells the story of Horton, an elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing Whos. March 4-20, Fri at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 2 pm. $12/ adult, $8/ages 12 and under. Spokane Children’s Theatre, 2727 N. Madelia. SHADOWLANDS A play about author C.S. Lewis and his relationship with his wife and her young son, and how they challenged his long-held beliefs about God. Feb. 26-March 13; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $13-$15. Sixth Street Theater, 212 Sixth St, Wallace, Idaho. (877-749-8478) WHITWORTH THEATRE: ENCHANTED APRIL The story of two unhappy London housewives who, feeling lost in the shadows of marriage and post-WWI society, rent a villa in Italy for a holiday away. March 4-12; Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $8-$10/public. Whitworth Cowles Auditorium, 300 W. Hawthorne Ave. (777-3707) MET LIVE IN HD: MANON LESCAUT Soprano Kristine Opolais and tenor Jonas Kaufmann join forces in Puccini’s obsessive love story. 3 hr 35 min run time. March 5, 9:45 am-1:45 pm. $15$20. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) HAM ON REGAL 2016 This year’s comedic show, “Hankering for the Hamlight, but bacon bits will do,” and is a hilarious look at the Hanker Family’s history. The show, now in its 53rd year, is performed by parents of students at Ferris High School, benefiting student programs. March 6, 2 pm and March 9-12 at 7:30 pm; also March 12 at 1:30 pm. $7-$9. Ferris High School, 3020 E. 37th Ave. (354-6000)
HENRY STINSON PAINTING EXHIBIT A collection of oil paintings by Colfax resident Henry Stinson are displayed, which capture his unique view of the world through bright and vivid imagery. March 2-April 30; on display daily.
Colfax Library, 102 S. Main. (397-4366) JULIE GAUTIER-DOWNES: AT A LOSS A solo exhibition of photographs that seek to see and understand the world in a different way, giving intensity to the seemingly banal and ordinary. Through March 23; gallery open Mon-Fri, 8 am-5 pm. Free and open to the public. Spokane Falls Community College, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. MELISSA RACKHAM: GHOST SIGNS An exhibition of photographs of ghost signs, the remnants from another time peeking out from alleyways and hidden in the shadows among monolithic modern city structures. March 3-26; Thu-Sun, 10 am-6 pm. Artist reception March 5, 1-3 pm. Dahmen Barn, 419 N. Park Way., Uniontown. (509-229-3414) FIRST FRIDAY Art galleries and businesses across downtown Spokane and beyond host monthly receptions to showcase new displays of art. Receptions are held on the first Friday of the month, from 5-8 pm. Free. For complete details, visit TEEN NATION CREATIONS An exhibit featuring artwork by Cheney Middle School students, on display March 4-29. Various mediums such as sculptures, paintings, and prints will be on display. An artists’ reception will be held on March 11. Gallery hours Tue, 2-5 pm; Wed, 11 am-4 pm; Thu, 1-5 pm; Fri, 9 am-5 pm. Free. EWU Downtown Student Gallery, 404 Second St. facebook. com/ewudowntownstudentgallery SOCIAL SKETCH CDA A casual, social drawing and sketching session during Emerge’s open music night. Open to all ages and skill levels. Bring you art supplies. March 6, 6-8 pm. Free. Emerge, 208 N. Fourth St. TAPROOT SPEAKER SERIES: MELISSA COLE & RIC GENDRON In Spark’s Taproot Speaker Series, Spokane cultural and community leaders entertain audiences with the story of how they came to do what they do today. March’s speakers are celebrated local artists Melissa Cole and Ric Gendron. Audience Q&A to follow. March 10, 7 pm. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy.
HEMINGWAY FESTIVAL The seventh annual festival, hosted by the U of Idaho English Dept. this year celebrates Ernest Hemingway’s love of Cuba, the recently reinvigorated U.S.-Cuba political relationship and the 65th anniversary of Hemingway’s writing of “The Old Man and the Sea.” Events scheduled from March 2-5; see complete schedule online. University of Idaho, Moscow. READING: JAN BOAL The local author reads from her new book, “Safari for the Soul.” Join as she tells the story of her own spiritual journey towards selffulfillment. March 3, 7-8 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main. 3 MINUTE MIC FEAT. GUEST HOST MICHAEL SCHOMBURG Also featuring guest reader Dennis Held. Anyone can sign up to share their creative work with 3 minutes to read during the free and uncensored event. March 4, 8-9:30 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) SLAM POET ANDREA GIBSON The first winner of the Women’s World Poetry Slam, Gibson has headlined prestigious performance venues coast to coast with
powerful readings on war, class, gender, bullying, white privilege, sexuality, love and spirituality. March 4, 6 pm. $12/$14. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague Ave. MISS REPRESENTATION: WOMEN IN THE MEDIA Based on the award winning documentary “Miss Representation: Women in the Media,” this interactive seminar is designed for educators, other professionals, college students, and community members interested in examining the impact of media messaging on today’s youth. Pre-registration required. March 5, 9:30 am-2 pm. $12. EWU Riverpoint Campus, 668 N. Riverpoint Blvd. (359-2331) READING: GUY PACE The author’s young adult Christian novel “Sudden Mission,” is a fast-paced adventure packed with zombies, aliens and courageous teens. March 5, 7-8 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) SIGNING: JOSEPH HAEGER The local author signs copies of his book “Learn to Swim,” a collection of stories that capture the friendship of two people as they navigate the joys and sorrows of life. March 5, 1-3 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. AUTHOR JERI JACKSON MCGUIRE McGuire collects historical pictures and has over 16,000; more than 200 images that capture the history of Clarkston are in the book “Images of Clarkston, Washington. March 6, 12-3 pm. Free. Dahmen Barn, 419 N. Park Way. (509-229-3414) COFFEE WITH A BOOKSELLER: MELISSA OPEL Are you an ardent booklover always on the lookout for new suggestions? Melissa hosts an informal discussion of upcoming books and some favorite new releases. March 8, 10-11 am. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. JACK NISBET The Spokane author and naturalist presents photos and talks about his newest book, “Ancient Places: People and Landscape in the Emerging Northwest.” March 9, 6-8 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. (208-769-2315) READING: JIM BERTOLINO The poet reads from his most recent collection, “Ravenous Bliss: New and Selected Love Poems.” March 9, 8-9 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206)
CUSTER’S SPRING ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW The 39th annual event hosts more than 300 vendors of artisans, crafters, food makers, professional artists and more. March 4-6; Fri, 10 am-8 pm, Sat, 10 am-6 pm and Sun, 10 am-4 pm. $7 weekend admission. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. (477-1766) NAT GEO LIVE!: WHERE THE WILD THINGS LIVE National Geographic photographer Vincent J. Musi has worked for 30 years covering diverse assignments, but his favorites are the unpredictable moments of animal portraiture. March 8, 7 pm. $30-$42. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (279-7000) DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER Enjoy an inspirational talk and get your photo taken with Dog the Bounty Hunter. March 10, 7-10 pm. $15-$40. CdA, 37914 S Hwy 95. n
355 09) 444-7 la PHONE: (5BulletinBoard@In mit Parkway : IL u A S M t Ee s m 01 2 N: 1227 W IN PERSO Spokane, WA 99
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ACROSS 1. It released its 2600 system in 1977 6. Identify 9. “What to Expect When ____ Expecting” (“The Simpsons” episode) 14. Kind of column 15. MTV show that last aired in 2008 16. Only U.S. state whose state seal was designed by a woman 17. “We Were the Mulvaneys” author 20. “Game of Thrones” network 21. Natural resource 22. Inductee in both the National Women’s Hall of Fame and National Abolition Hall of Fame 31. “Bust a Move” rapper 32. In a row 33. Mayhem on the far left and far right? 34. Radio host Glass
36. “With this ring ____ wed” 37. Area, in inches, of a standard index card (or an apt description of 17-, 22-, 54- or 58-Across) 42. Home planet of Jar Jar Binks 44. “If it were up to ____ would ...” 45. Sturgeon yield 48. Bring home the gold 51. Panties with wide legs 54. Host of PBS’ “Finding Your Roots” 56. Follower of directions? 57. 1982 Donald Fagen hit 58. Actor who, in character in a 2006 trailer, says “My country send me to United States to make movie-film. Please, come and see my film. If it not success, I will be execute.”
67. Perfect 68. The Reds, on scoreboards 69. Extreme 70. Gooey campfire treat 71. Psyche component 72. So last year DOWN 1. Tall, dark or handsome: Abbr. 2. Overly 3. Suffix with planet 4. Teeming with 5. Swelling treatment 6. Sch. group 7. Goof 8. Pop star Estefan 9. Life sketch 10. 1969 Nabokov novel 11. Tattle (on) 12. Not just “a” 13. Rihanna’s first #1 Billboard single
18. Cold war foe, slangily 19. Sharon of “Boston Public” 22. Grease dissolver 23. ____ Kippur 24. Trash can, to a Londoner
“Go Set a Watchman” THIS W 30. 34th pres. A NSWE EEK’S 35. 1972 treaty subj. I SAW RS ON 38. 1/24 of a day YOUS 39. “____ and Michele’s High School Reunion” (1997 comedy) 40. Sammy Davis Jr.’s “____ Can” 41. Belongs 42. ____ degree 43. “You ____ My Sunshine” 46. Wedded 47. Suffix with lion 49. Commoner 50. Poet who gave us “carpe diem” 52. Breakfast container 53. Kickback of a kind 55. Remove gear from, as a ship 58. Family nickname “3X5” 59. Navy VIP 60. Co. bigwig 25. Farm fraction 61. Laugh syllable 26. High fever in Ancient Rome? 62. Audrey Hopburn or Honey Boo Brew 27. “Property Virgins” cable channel 63. 1969 “bed-in” participant 28. Come into some money, maybe 64. Elevs. 29. Author of the 2015 bestselling novel 65. Silence fillers
BUYING THE ALIEN When stars like David Bowie die, a lot of money follows BY DAN NAILEN
ritical acclaim, commercial success, the respect of his peers — it’s safe to say that David Bowie lived a creative and professional life anyone would
his store. “But Bowie — yes,” Gallagher says. “We’ve been selling lots of Bowie. Bowie has so much stuff that even the hard-core fans had a hard time keeping up with him.” Gallagher says the death of the singer led to some serious discussions and listening sessions at the store — “we played Bowie for days” — that gave him a new appreciation of the Thin White Duke’s work. And the way Bowie plotted his final days leaves him in some awe. “I’ve never seen anyone do [death] like Bowie,” Gallagher says.
envy. Watching the events surrounding his death, it’s also clear that the man knew how to plot his ultimate demise far better than the average rock star. The news that Bowie died was as surprising as hearing about the passing of Kurt Cobain or John Lennon, but only because Bowie kept his cancer a secret. That allowed him to plan his departure from the world as the ultimate art project and promotional campaign for his new album, Blackstar. In November, he revealed a trippy 10-minute video for the album’s title track, with Bowie floating in the sky and singing from a hymnal marked with his album’s cover image. On Jan. 7, Bowie released a clip for “Lazarus,” featuring the lyric “Look up, I’m in heaven,” before Bowie levitates out of a hospital bed. All of the crazy imagery and ethereal sounds filling Blackstar just seemed like Bowie being Bowie before word of his death arrived Jan. 10. He’s a guy who managed to turn avant-garde taste into mainstream success constantly during his career. Blackstar suddenly became final proof of his genius.
he public outpouring is inevitable when a celebrity dies. Think Michael Jackson. Or Elvis. Or Cobain. This year’s Grammys featured an endless series of medleys dedicated to the recently deceased. Death turned into a sales boom for Bowie. Blackstar JESSIE SPACCIA ILLUSTRATION became his first No. 1 album in America, according to Billboard magazine, which also noted that for the week of his death, Bowie’s sales jumped more than 5,000 percent from the week before, and five of his albums followed Blackstar onto the charts. Alexander Edmonds works at Garageland and used
to work at Portland’s Everyday Music. “The little Bowie we had, we sold,” he says of Garageland, noting that at his old job, “Whenever a big celebrity died, we would stock up. It was kind of our business model. When Whitney Houston died, we sold out of everything.” Bob Gallagher owns 4,000 Holes in Spokane. He says in his experience, “death doesn’t increase sales.” The recent deaths of Scott Weiland, Motörhead’s Lemmy Kilmister and Natalie Cole didn’t lead to heavy traffic at
’m part of the reason Bowie’s sales skyrocketed after his death. I already owned a few albums, and the onslaught of documentaries, videos on social media and obituaries led to me buy Let’s Dance from my MTV childhood, Low from Bowie’s so-called “Berlin Trilogy” and The Next Day, the brilliant collection released three years ago to little fanfare, even though it was his first new release in a decade. I have a tendency to buy things from artists who just died, and judging by Bowie’s sales, I’m not alone. I added to my small collection of Motörhead when I heard that Lemmy died at the end of December, and picked up an Earth, Wind & Fire track when founder Maurice White died in early February. It’s not limited to music, either; when Philip Seymour Hoffman died, my DVD collection grew to include Capote, Doubt and The Savages. I asked Shann Ferch — a trained psychologist and social scientist best known locally as author Shann Ray — why people tend to wallow in a recently deceased artist’s work. Turns out he’s been going through the same thing with one of his favorite poets, C.D. Wright, who died just two days after Bowie. “These people have given something to us in our lives,” Ferch says. “Even though we didn’t know them, we get a sense of knowing someone, or of someone knowing you” through their work. “They were kind of giving us a love letter in their music,” and by buying their work, we’re “further embedding and enjoying their love in our lives.” Clearly Bowie generated a lot of love in the world, but he’s not alone. Six weeks after his death, Billboard’s album chart still features three Bowie albums, as well as 17 albums by other dead artists. People love Bowie, but they also still love Michael. And Amy. And 2Pac. And Marley. And Freddie. And Eazy…
ok, so my subs really aren't gourmet and we're not french either. my subs just taste a little better, that's all! I wanted to call it jimmy john's tasty sandwiches, but my mom told me to stick with gourmet. Regardless of what she thinks, freaky fast is where it's at. I hope you love 'em as much as i do! peace!
Established in Charleston, IL in 1983 to add to students GPA and general dating ability.
GIANT club sandwiches
All of my sandwiches are 8 inches of homemade French bread, fresh veggies and the finest meats & cheese I can buy! We slice everything fresh daily in this store! It tastes better that way!
SLIMS™ Any Sub minus the veggies and sauce
Real wood smoked ham and provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (The original)
slim slim slim slim slim slim
Low Carb Lettuce Wrap ®
#5 VITO®
Same ingredients and price of the sub or club without the bread.
Medium rare choice roast beef, mayo, lettuce & tomato. Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and our tasty sauce, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (My tuna rocks! Sprouts* optional) Fresh sliced turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. The original (Sprouts* optional)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ham & cheese Roast beef Tuna salad Turkey breast Salami, capicola, cheese Double provolone
The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato, & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request)
Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only, Sprouts* optional) Bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo! (My B.L.T. rocks)
or th ig e JJ ina ’S l
★ sides ★
★ Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie ★ Extra load of meat ★ Extra cheese or extra avocado spread
freebies (subs & clubs only) Onion, lettuce, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, hot peppers, Dijon mustard, yellow mustard, oil & vinegar, oregano, sprouts*.
#7 SMOKED HAM CLUB 1/4 pound of real wood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo!
Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato & mayo.
Genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo & our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (Order it with hot peppers)
A full 1/4 pound of medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato & mayo.
Sliced turkey breast, real wood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato & mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)
★ Soda Pop ★ Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle
My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous homemade French bread! Tell us when you order!
Sprouts* optional Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato and mayo!
#13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB® Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is really yummy! Sprouts* optional)
Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. An American classic!
THE J.J. GARGANTUAN® The original gutbuhstuh! Genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone, jammed into one of our homemade French buns, then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato & our homemade Italian vinaigrette.
The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Housemade tuna salad, provolone, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (Sprouts* optional)
Sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)
#17 ULTIMATE PORKER™ Real wood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, tomato & mayo! (This one rocks!)
THE BOUNTY HUNTER Thursday, March 10th • 7 pm
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