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his week’s issue is a celebration of the Inland Northwest, and it wouldn’t be possible without thousands of Inlander readers voting in what is the region’s original BEST OF poll. We don’t choose the winners — you do — and so we can’t take credit, for instance, for the BEST SLOGAN TO LAUNCH MAYOR DAVID CONDON’S MAKEOVER. That’s all on you kind folks (page 46). Nor did we select the BEST BUDTENDER (page 64). Or the place with the BEST WHISKEY SELECTION (page 75). Or even the BEST VINTAGE BOUTIQUE (page 54). Democracy, despite what our national politicians may have us believing, can be a uniting force — something that brings us together with common pride. (Naive? It’s a nice thought, anyway.) Also this week: Read about the future of Riverfront Park (page 13), the Spokane Valley City Council (page 18), Chef’s Week (page 99) and the Zags’ big dance (page 24). — JACOB H. FRIES, editor
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COMMENT STAFF DIRECTORY PHONE: 509-325-0634 Ted S. McGregor Jr. (
J. Jeremy McGregor (x224) GENERAL MANAGER
EDITORIAL Jacob H. Fries (x261) EDITOR
Mike Bookey (x279) CULTURE EDITOR
PAULINE PEREZ Hiking. The great outdoors. Here in Spokane, I like the Bowl and Pitcher, Dishman [Hills Natural Area] and the Rocks of Sharon. I [also] love the Gorge, and over by [the] west side; Seattle.
Michael Mahoney COPY EDITOR
Wilson Criscione (x282), Dan Nailen (x239), Mitch Ryals (x237), Jake Thomas (x249), Daniel Walters (x262), STAFF WRITERS
ALESYA SHULIPA We have a very unique culture... It has its own personality, and it’s different from anywhere else than I’ve been. What’s the worst thing? Considering I lived in Seattle the past three years, I would say the rain. It rains more here than I thought it would.
Caleb Walsh
Meg Maclean, Claire Standaert INTERNS
JOE REKRUT Since I lived in the desert growing up, it’s really nice to have woods that I can go hiking in and stuff. What’s the worst thing? I don’t like the weather that much, it’s kinda rainy and gray.
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trio of hardy Democratic state legislators came north last week, bringing tales from the bubbling legislative cauldrons of Boise to gatherings of Democrats eager to hear the news and maybe a little inside dirt. At the Coeur d’Alene meeting, most of the talk revolved around issues of public education and public schools, which are the most important recipients of state tax dollars. As the confab was winding down, a question was asked about funding for the Arts Commission. Local arts patrons and Democrats around the state had been mystified, mortified and even angry upon hearing that Democrats had voted against funding the arts. How could arts supporters be betrayed so seriously by their own kind? The story was explained by our three legislators, who were fresh from the painful scene that found Democrats voting “No” on the appropriation bill for the state Arts Commission, an institution dear to each of their hearts. With eight Democrats voting against a $1.95 million appropriation, along with 28 Tea Party Republicans, the budget for the arts, as recommended by the all-powerful Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee, was dead. The explanation was short and simple: Democrats in the House were making a statement. While Democrats are definitely in the minority, their votes are needed to keep the Idaho ship of state from foundering on Tea Party rocks. Or maybe I should say, the ship of state has a real anchor of elected Tea Party conservatives in the House of Representatives, who make up close to half of the Republican caucus. Several of these conservatives habitually push the “No” button when spending bills come up, even though funding state government is the prime responsibility of the legislature. Rep. Kathy Sims (R-Coeur d’Alene) rarely votes yes. By their “nay” votes on this routine budget bill, Democratic legislators were telegraphing their frustration at being taken for granted by the majority party leaders who run the legislative show. Democratic legislators wonder why they should help keep Idaho’s state business perking along when Republican committee chairmen are unwilling to allot committee time for hearing Democratic legislators’ bills. They chafe under the double standard that sends Democratic legislation to the back of the bus, and the free ride Tea Partiers are getting despite their naysaying ways.
est assured — the annual budget for the Idaho Commission on the Arts should suffer no harm from the temporary delay. The defeated bill has been sent back to JFAC, which will prepare a revised document. A little mischief may be attempted, but we can hope for smooth sailing for the arts budget by sine die. Working together, the House and Senate Democrats have prepared an outline of their shared legislative goals, which has been printed
under the title “Creating Opportunity — A Balanced Plan for Idaho’s Future.” To implement the plan, Democratic legislators submitted a roster of personal bills, including a proposed tuition account to stabilize student debts; creation of a universal service broadband fund; a bill to raise the minimum wage; a bill to create a sales tax review commission; a measure to establish permanent absentee voting; another to permit online voter registration; and a proposal to fill the Medicaid gap for the 78,000 Idahoans who make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford health insurance. Many of these items are designed to help Idahoans thrive. Nonetheless, all but two of the Democratic measures are still parked in the House Ways and Means Committee, where bills are sent to die. Healthy Idaho Senate Bills 1204 and 1205 lie neglected in the Senate Health and Welfare chairman’s desk drawer. I applaud the feisty Democrats’ attempts to pull these bills from committee. In addition to having their bills shut out of committee hearings, Democrats are expected to sit through committee hours that are wasted on wild and crazy bills that have little merit and hopefully no future. An exceptionally crawchoking bill was presented by Rep. Eric Redman (R-Athol) aimed at protecting Idaho’s citizens from the passage of a foreign law, especially Islamic Sharia law. Just how significant a threat to Idaho is that? Meanwhile, in the remaining days of this year’s session in Boise, two bills have been submitted by 23 Republican representatives who make up the ultraconservative caucus, relating to the transfer of federal lands in Idaho to the state.
o, citizens, take note: We will not have a chance to raise the minimum wage in Idaho this session. In fact, local governments are being told that they no longer have the authority to pass local ordinances about such matters at all. House Bill 463, taking away city or county ordinances pertaining to minimum wages, passed handily on a strictly party-line vote. So much for that old conservative preference for local control. And no consideration will be made of the problems Idaho college students are having with their student loans. Ways to make voting easier and more efficient will not be considered. Review of unfair and outdated sales tax exemptions will continue to be overlooked. But pie-in-the-sky legislation about turning federal lands over to the state? Of course that’s being given time, as well as those pressing concerns over Sharia law. There must be a better way to run a railroad — or steer a state. n
When HILLARY CLINTON’S husband, William Jefferson Clinton, came to speak to Spokanites on Monday, he arrived with the reputation of being one the most eloquent, savvy orators to have ever served as president. But his remarks in Spokane did not make the sort of news he was anticipating. Instead, stories in Politico, CNN and Fox News seized upon a remark he made saying that voters should support Hillary if they believed the “country has come to the point where it can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us.” Yes, Bill followed that up with “and the seven years before that when we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash.” But right-wing pundits gleefully pointed to his remarks, suggesting that Bill agreed with Republicans that the Obama years were a disaster. On Twitter, BERNIE SANDERS took the opportunity to seize upon the gaffe: “Don’t know that I’d call President Obama’s 72 straight months of job growth an ‘awful legacy.’” An aide later claimed that Bill Clinton was referring to Republican obstructionism, not Obama’s legacy. But expect the remarks to later turn up in negative campaign ads anyway. (DANIEL WALTERS)
In the wake of Tuesday’s ISIS bombings in Brussels that killed dozens of people and injured hundreds more, aren’t you itching to hear if DONALD TRUMP would use nuclear weapons to combat terrorism? A day before the attacks, the publisher of the Washington Post asked Trump if he would use battlefield nuclear weapons to take out ISIS. The answer didn’t instill much confidence in the Republican frontrunner’s nuclear strategy. Trump said he didn’t want to “start the process of nuclear.” He then pivoted to how he’s a “counterpuncher” and bragged about an insult he once threw at Jeb Bush. The publisher stopped him and reiterated that the question was about ISIS. Trump responded, “I’ll tell you one thing: This is a very good looking group of people here. Could I just go around so I know who the hell I’m talking to?” Trump does have some thoughts about how to stop terrorism, though, and said as much on NBC’s Today show the morning of the Brussels attacks. In short, he advocated for waterboarding suspects believed to be involved and, if it were up to him, “do a lot more than waterboarding.” (WILSON CRISCIONE)
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COMMENT | WOMEN where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. For example, the challenges of being a black woman in a racist, patriarchal society are often greater than just the challenges experienced by being a woman or being black added together. It is no coincidence that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have preceded the potential for a black woman leader on the national stage. Only by centering the experiences of the most marginalized can we achieve the goal of truly respecting everyone’s human rights.
It is no coincidence that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have preceded the potential for a black woman leader on the national stage.
Learning from Loretta How embracing reproductive justice can lead us past ignorance in a time of fear BY MARIAH MCKAY
hile the Inland Northwest can sometimes feel like our own peculiar vortex in the space-time continuum, we’re still heavily influenced by currents flowing through our country and the world at large. This is especially true in a presidential election year, when aspects of our culture are fomented into a frenzy and anxieties are running high. Fortunately, here in Spokane we not only have the tools we need to survive this mounting conflict, but if we use them, we can actually come out stronger than ever, as a people, on the other side.
Last weekend I attended the largest International Women’s Day celebration in Spokane’s recent memory. Renowned human rights leader Loretta Ross shared powerful insights into how we can better affect justice. First is viewing the countless causes out there as part of a larger human rights framework. By enumerating the many types of human rights struggles under this larger tent, advocates are primed to see the intersections of their work and are more able to act in solidarity with each other to achieve collective victory. On an individual level, intersectionality is recognizing that when multiple forms of oppression are experienced by people, they often result in compounding effects
This is the spirit of reproductive justice, an organizing framework developed by black women that focuses on what the most oppressed people need to be able to parent any children they may choose to have in a safe and healthy environment. This is not the “oppression Olympics” as some assume; rather, it is taking an honest look at what people who are starting from different places need to enjoy the rights that we all have. To become more aware of the unearned advantages that blind us to the needs of others, we must create new ways of approaching the issue that don’t instantly trigger the lived injustices of variously privileged people. One way to accomplish this is to practice “calling in” instead of “calling out.” This means approaching people with compassion and in private settings about their blind spots, rather than incidentally attacking their character and producing a defensive response. Our Spokane NAACP chapter is dynamic and growing, students are organizing around Black Lives Matter and numerous other issues, women’s groups such as the National Organization for Women are reorganizing under new leadership that embraces intersectionality and this reproductive justice lens, and civic groups such as the Spokane Interfaith Council and our Human Rights Commission are stronger than ever. We may be in for a rough ride through the election rapids ahead, but we are up to the challenge of these authoritarian waters. Grab ahold of your paddle and let’s ride! n Mariah McKay is a fourth-generation daughter of Spokane and a community organizer campaigning for racial, social and economic justice. She currently serves as a public health advocate.
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10 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
CONSERVATIVE INSULT r. Reuter is politely insulting conservatives in his recent assertion
(“Progressive Conservatism,” 3/17/16) that, in doing what’s best for society, they “think the costs would be too expensive” and “are abandoning the most challenging, immediate problems of our time.” He rather well demonstrates the ease of tipping one’s hat to a straw man with his respectful tone, but his argument betrays the fact that he has never bothered to substantively digest any of the many significant quotes by the great conservatives, such as Milton Friedman or Margaret Thatcher. With any effort to truly understand the opposing view, he would see that conservatives do not believe that it is merely too hard for the government to solve society’s ills, but that when government seeks to do so by expanding its own power, even from purest intentions, it inevitably brings about more evil than good. As soon as the government gets involved, it is picking winners and losers. Lady Justice deliberately lifts the corner of her blindfold and tilts the proverbial scales. Multitudes of the able-bodied lay down their shovels at the offer of free bread, while the one who truly needs compassion slips through the cracks, and gets only a cold shoulder and an apology note from the computerized bureaucracy. Is it really so crazy to believe that charity and welfare should be the domain of living, breathing, affectionate, morallyconvicted individuals, rather than the impersonal, perfunctory, often-corrupt government? That is what conservatism is. If my taxes were not going to fund frivolous art projects around town, my tithe would be all the greater to go forth in support of my less fortunate neighbors, who I have been taught to love directly, and not through government “welfare.” J. CROW Cheney, Wash.
Reactions to last week’s cover story, a feature on former WSU basketball star Craig Ehlo’s struggle with drug addiction:
TRICIA GIBSON HOPKINS: Life is a battle. It just may look different for each of us. Keep up the fight Craig! CARRIE GIBBONS: Great story!! Craig is an great guy!! God bless him and his family! DELENA MEYER: He was coaching at Rogers when I was there, and I always found him to be a compassionate and consistent staff [member]. As a student, there were few athletic teachers or coaches whom I remember with fondness, but he is one. Thanks, Inlander, for making a story about recovery that tells about humanity first. VALERIE HOMAD YOUNG: I began following him when my aunt and uncle took me to watch him play at WSU. I caught him every game I could, college and pro after that. When he retired I haven’t watched pro ball since. I hope that he will stay strong and keep moving forward!!! MICHAEL NOTAR: The article title leads me to believe that he’s battling addiction again recently. I had the pleasure of interviewing him twice last year for various sports video projects. For each shoot he went out and bought us treats from the local coffee shop. That Southern hospitality was like we were friends for a lifetime upon first meeting.
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 11 NQ_NQPresentsMOI_032416_12V_CPW.tif
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12 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016 87509_ROCK_ClockwiseMD_7_4x11c.indd 1
10/5/15 5:45 PM
Waiting For Riverfront Construction on Riverfront Park is scheduled to begin this summer — just as community concern has been building about its slow progress BY DANIEL WALTERS
pring has finally arrived at Riverfront Park. It’s still a bit chilly as newly hired Riverfront Park Director Jon Moog walks through the city’s downtown park on a March morning, but the sun is shining down on the clock tower, the garbage-eating goat sculpture, and the lilac-colored gondolas that cross over the sparkling Spokane River. This is the year, Moog knows, that everything changes. In 2014, Spokane voters passed a $64.3 million bond to transform the park. It will mean a new ice rink, playground and central plaza. A few of Spokane’s most iconic landmarks — including the pavilion and the Looff Carrousel — will get a serious upgrade. In his first few weeks on the job, Moog has had to start planning how to keep the park humming as parts of construction start this summer. In the meantime, the city’s parks department and the Park Board face a different sort of challenge: assure an impatient public that the project is on track. Former Board President Randy Cameron, the chief operating officer of Baker Construction & Development, says he’s heard growing concern from his peers in the construction and architectural industries. They’re worried about higher-than-anticipated costs. They’re worried about the number of consultants who have been hired — 20 so far. They’re worried about apparent construction delays. There’s excitement, yes, but also uncertainty over all the unanswered questions. “There’s a void there,” Cameron says. “Hopefully, [the parks department] can close that gap, and that void, quickly.”
Newly hired Riverfront Park Director Jon Moog wants you to know that, when construction finally begins at the park, the park will remain open. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
Last month, Leroy Eadie, director of the city’s parks department, stood up at an open forum and assured the public that everything was proceeding as planned in the Riverfront Park project. “How are we doing on budget and timeline? I imagine that might be a question you’d ask,” Eadie said. “We’re on budget. And we’re on time.” The accuracy of that statement, however, depends on which timetable is being talked about: In June of 2014, when the Park Board approved putting the project up for a vote, the master plan outlined that construction would “ideally” conclude in the spring of 2018. By that October, the plan had been changed to list “Spring 2019” as the end date. Now, Park Board President Chris Wright says that “we want to be done by 2020.” One recent letter to the SpokesmanReview reacted to a story on the Riverfront Park bond budget by accusing the parks department of “doublespeak,” “malpractice,” “fraud” and “false representation.” Park Board members and department staff say this sort of rhetoric is wildly overblown. They assure anyone who is worried that, no, they won’t have to scrimp on elements of the Riverfront Park update, and no, extra taxes won’t have to be raised to pay for it. ...continued on next page
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 13
“WAITING FOR RIVERFRONT,” CONTINUED... HOURS: Mon - Thurs 11am-10pm • Fri 11am-11pm Sat 8am-11pm • Sun 8am-10pm
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14 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
“There’s a lot of hyperventilating going on,” board member Andy Dunau said at a meeting in March, addressing concerns they’d heard in the community. “But you know, it’s really easy for people to take shots at this. … I’m just going to ask people to be patient, and trust that people have worked really hard to make it happen.” Yes, construction on the park’s Howard Street pedestrian bridge to the south was originally slated to start last November, and be completed before Hoopfest this year. But Dunau dismisses the fact that it’s been delayed a year “as the biggest ‘big whoop’ you could imagine.” It wasn’t just the bridge construction that’s been pushed back, however. An application that the parks department submitted to the state last May included a schedule for Riverfront Park construction: By now, the timetable indicated, demolition of the IMAX Theatre and the Gondola Meadow should have been underway. It hasn’t started. The formal design phase for the Pavilion should have begun. That hasn’t happened either. The schedule showed that the parks department had aimed to have the ice rink completed by this coming October. It won’t be completed until next year. Delays have real costs for the project, Cameron says. As the economy slowly recovers, he’s seen that construction costs — labor, concrete, steel — have been skyrocketing.
Eadie, however, doesn’t consider the changes in the plan for Riverfront Park “delays” so much as an “evolution.” As design, engineering and environmental firms have been hired, he says, a more realistic understanding of the timeline has come into focus. “It’s like you own a piece of property and you want to build a house on it,” Eadie says. “And you tell your family on Thanksgiving, my house is going to be done in six months, but you haven’t even hired your designer yet.” Once you hire your architect, he says, your plans may change. A groundbreaking, Eadie says, is tentatively set for July. While the budget over the next two years includes plenty of detail, he says, the Park Board has not voted on a formal schedule for the entire project. Cameron suggests that’s a mistake — that the public is craving clear updates and specific plans. “There needs to be a new schedule, and that needs to be firm and announced, so all the citizens can follow,” Cameron says.
More than a year after the bond passed, important questions remain unanswered: What will the regional playground look like? Where will the central plaza go? Will the new pavilion look anything like the concept art the public saw before
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The decision to change the ice rink design from a “rink” to a “ribbon” resulted in this cool design here — but added $900,000 to the project. STANTEC DESIGN
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EDITOR’S NOTE: Publisher Ted S. McGregor Jr. sits on the Spokane Park Board and by Inlander policy he doesn’t edit columns or news stories involving any park business.
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voting? Will there even be a skatepark? Wright says it makes sense to take the time necessary to answer crucial questions. “I don’t feel taking the time for a thoughtful design process is a bad idea,” he says. “I’d rather get it right than start it too fast.” But Cameron is concerned that big problems could lurk in the unknown. “We’ve got unknowns,” Cameron says. What happens, he wonders, if contaminated soil is discovered late in the process, driving up the costs? Would it mean that exciting plans would have to be scaled back? “That would be crushing,” he says. Already, the project has suffered a few nasty surprises. Nearly three years ago, city engineering staff worried that no one had taken a close look at the condition of the park’s bridges for 40 years. “Engineering highly suggested we hire consultants, and have a thorough inspection done in the next year or so, ideally before the Master Plan,” minutes from a May 2013 board meeting say. It took another year for the consultant to be hired. Five months after the 2014 bond passed, the consultant’s estimate for the cost of bridge repair and replacement finally arrived. Cue the sticker shock: The repairs would cost $13.5 million, more than six times the estimate that had been put before the voters. Part of that cost will be paid for out of the utilities budget, not the park bond. But other price tags, for services like landscaping and consulting costs, also have increased. The parks department spent more than $21,000 on a consultant to prepare an application asking the state to approve an alternative project-management structure. But that application was rejected. The board’s decision to go with a fancier “ribbon” design made the ice-rink project 40 percent more expensive, adding $900,000 onto the bill. Eadie says that, so far, the increased costs haven’t cut into the budgets of other projects or the bond’s contingency fund — they’ve been paid for through the bond’s interest and a reduced administrative budget. But he recognizes that, as a result, the room for error on the project has grown more narrow. It’s a complicated project, and last year, the state rejected the proposal to hire a single contractor to manage the whole project. The parks department now has to take on those administrative risks itself. The department has hired a new communication manager and tasked a local advertising firm to help with marketing. But ultimately, Wright suggests that the best way to assure observers fretting about the lack of visible progress might be, well, visible progress. “By August, the comments are going to be not that we’re moving too slowly, but ‘Oh, my God,’” in reaction to developments at the park, Wright says. n
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South of Foothills Dr. / East of Hamilton
Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders drew nearly 10,000 people to the Spokane Convention Center on Sunday. Over the past week, Sanders held multiple campaign rallies in Washington and Idaho in hopes of winning both states’ Democratic caucuses and making up ground on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, his rival for the nomination.
AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR Laura Pieper, former director of special education for SPOKANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, resigned from the district in 2015 after prompting a federal investigation into the district’s special education practices. While she previously said she left because of a philosophical divide with the district, documents obtained by the Inlander reveal she was written up for “aggressive, unprofessional behavior,” then transferred to a new position. She also was accused of grabbing a school principal and making him feel uncomfortable. Pieper, however, continues to allege that the district violates students’ civil rights with a policy that she says prevents special-education students from joining general education classes when they need to. (WILSON CRISCIONE)
16 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
MAKE ’EM TALK With at least one assistant city attorney declining to participate in the investigation into how the city handled the circumstances surrounding the ouster of police chief Frank Straub, City Council President BEN STUCKART sent a letter asking the mayor to invoke the “Garrity Rule” and compel city employees to participate anyway. Based on a 1967 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Garrity v. New Jersey, the “Garrity Rule” holds that, if a city forces employees to testify on a matter, their testimony cannot be used in any future criminal prosecution. Stuckart argues that using the “Garrity Rule” would not only assist the investigation, it would protect city employees. In his reply, Mayor David Condon informed Stuckart that former mayor Dennis Hession, serving as an acting city attorney, would be responding. (DANIEL WALTERS)
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The effort to fill Spokane’s police ombudsman job hits another snag
MARCH 25, 26 & 27
aheel Humayun, the British Columbia resident who was picked to be Spokane’s next police ombudsman, may not begin working until October, if at all, because his application for an expedited visa was denied last week. The five-member ombudsman commission voted earlier this week to extend the time frame for Humayun’s arrival. In two separate votes, commissioners elected to allow him an opportunity to apply for a visa at the border and allow him to apply for the specialized work visa lottery. The application for the lottery work visa is due April 1, and Humayun will know if it’s approved by May 1. If it is approved, Humayun would not start working until October. Commissioner Scott Richter voted against both measures and expressed his ongoing frustration with how long it’s taken to bring a permanent ombudsman to Spokane. Instead of potentially waiting for two more visa application results, Richter says he prefers to offer the permanent position to current interim ombudsman Bart Logue. “We can’t let that chair be empty again,”
Richter says. Doing so, however, would violate the city’s ordinance. “We don’t have the power to do that,” chairwoman Deb Conklin says of offering Logue the permanent position. “In order for us to select a permanent Raheel Humayun ombudsperson, we have to go through the search committee, and at this point the only person who’s been through that process for the permanent position is Mr. Humayun.” Logue, for his part, began working in February under a four-month contract. After the commission’s decision to extend Humayun’s time frame, Logue suggested that he would take a permanent job elsewhere if offered, adding that he would try to fulfill his entire four-month commitment.
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 17
Paradigm Shift
The old guard on Spokane Valley’s City Council is being led by a rightwing majority with an agenda BY WILSON CRISCIONE
ean Grafos feels threatened. He lives in Spokane Valley, but he doesn’t want people to know where. He owns a business, but he would rather not publicize its location. Tensions on Spokane Valley City Council are higher than ever, and Grafos, a councilman, has spent recent meetings accusing members of the city’s new council majority of wrongdoing. He’s worried about retaliation from a small group of extreme right-wing citizens who oppose his efforts and seem, every day, to loom a bit larger. “I really feel threatened by these guys. They’re dangerous,” Grafos says. “I don’t want them coming around [my office]. ... I don’t want them to know where I live.” The new council majority — Mayor Rod Higgins, Deputy Mayor Arne Woodard, Councilman Ed Pace and Councilman Sam Wood — has taken over, fired the city manager and faced accusations of violating the state’s open-meetings laws. If some of this sounds familiar, it should. The “Positive Change” Committee, formed in 2009 in response to a proposed Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan, took over the majority on the council, immediately ousted the city manager and was accused of violating open-meetings laws. Grafos was a part of that group, but he says this time is different. This time, he says, the council majority is catering to an extreme right-wing group seeking more power over the city, more specifically, its police. Now Grafos and his one remaining Positive Change ally on the council, Chuck Hafner, are on the other side, saying they speak for the “silent majority” of Valley citizens who oppose the actions of the four councilmembers, including the firing of the city manager. “All I’m asking for is for them to bring the light of day on the issue of how the city manager was terminated. Period,” Grafos says. “And they shouldn’t have a problem with it, unless they have something to hide.” The council majority, meanwhile, continues to make progress in its vision for the future of Spokane Valley. With each meeting, the rift between the two sides keeps growing. “We’ve been characterized as Tea Party libertarian constitutionalists. In my case, that’s certainly true,” Pace says. “We have a new paradigm.”
Before the city council finished its executive session the night of Feb. 23, most people who were packed into the council chambers seemed to
18 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Dean Grafos says he’s fighting for the silent majority in Spokane Valley. JEFF FERGUSON PHOTO know what was coming: Mike Jackson, the city manager, was about to be fired. Included in that group was Jackson himself. Instead of sitting in his city manager chair, he sat with the audience when the council began its meeting. Despite support for Jackson from former Spokane Valley mayors, councilmembers and Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich, the council majority overruled them all and asked for Jackson’s resignation. They offered no explanation, other than stating the move was in the best interest of the city. The move was stunning not just for the people in attendance, but for the other three councilmembers — Grafos, Hafner and Bill Gothmann. As recently as last year, all indications were that the council approved of Jackson. His performance review for a period ending in August 2015 — signed by all seven councilmembers, then including Pace, Woodard and Higgins — was almost entirely positive. The one thing that could be taken as negative feedback was a comment that Jackson should be more aggressive in getting things done, and “rock the boat a little more,” according to the review obtained by the Inlander through a public records request. All councilmembers have agreed there was no malfeasance on the part of Jackson. Milton Rowland, Jackson’s attorney, says his client is not ready to speak publicly about what led to his forced resignation. While the specifics remain unclear, it’s obvious that Jackson did not fit into the council’s vision for the future of the city. The main philosophy of this “new paradigm,” according to Pace, is that councilmembers should have more power over city staff, who are not elected officials. He argues that more power for the council means more power for the people. The city manager is the one city employee who council has the authority to fire. Grafos and many other Valley residents, however, have accused the majority of violating the open public meetings law in deciding to fire Jackson. On Tuesday, March 22, the city council was scheduled to discuss a request for an investigation into the firing.
Pace insists that the majority violated no laws. He says no decision was made on the matter before the council held an executive session. He admits, however, that the Friday before Jackson was fired, Higgins and Woodard told Jackson something to the effect of “we really think you ought to resign.” Yet Pace says that was just a “casual thing,” only the opinion of two men, and does not violate open meetings laws. Higgins did not respond to multiple requests for comment on this story. And, says Woodard, “Until certain issues get resolved, I’m not going to say anything to anybody.” Mark Calhoun, formerly the deputy city manager, is stepping into Jackson’s place. “Typically [Calhoun] has demonstrated that he does not get in the way of the city council,” Pace says. “He’s very honest, balanced and objective. He does what a good staff person should do: not manipulate the city council, and not get in the way at all.”
When Councilman Wood began his campaign to unseat Ben Wick in the 2015 election, Pace says the eventual majority members came up with a “platform and agenda to carry out.” It’s what they felt citizens wanted. The agenda, Pace says, included elements like eventually requiring a supermajority for raising taxes and developing railroad quiet zones. Wood won the election over Wick by 99 votes, Woodard kept his seat by beating former Spokane Valley Mayor Tom Towey, and the council had its new four-person majority. Also on that agenda, Pace says, was the formation of the Valley’s own public safety oversight committee. Pace proposed such a committee during a meeting on March 1. It would be comprised of an attorney from the Center for Justice, a Spokane Valley police officer, a police officer from another agency, two city councilmembers and two citizens. It would report to the council on all public safety functions inside Spokane Valley city limits. Before Pace presented that proposal, Knezovich made his own presentation, which seemed to push against the idea of the Valley’s public safety oversight committee. Knezovich touted the Sheriff’s Citizen Advisory Board, of which 12 of the 17 board members were Spokane Valley residents. He even offered the two remaining slots on the board to Valley residents. Pace argues that the Valley’s oversight committee would not overlap with the sheriff’s advisory board. He says it’s not about forming the Valley’s own police department, as Grafos has accused the majority of wanting, and it’s not based on any criticism of the sheriff’s department. (The Valley contracts with the sheriff’s department for police services). “The Valley needs it because the Valley says it needs it,” Pace says. “It doesn’t have anything to do with what the sheriff wants and what the sheriff thinks. It’s all about bringing power to the people again.” Yet Grafos and Hafner worry about which people would have the power. Grafos says the council majority is being driven by an extreme right-wing group that he once called “militia-leaning elements of our community,” and who oppose the sheriff’s department. It’s those same people, Grafos says, who intimidate them during council meetings, allude to potential violence during public comment periods, and show up to his rental properties. Hafner says one of these people threw pamphlets at him during a meeting. “From the standpoint of our citizens, they are probably the most dangerous people in the city as to the welfare and future of this city, because they are a very narrow-minded, extremist group that has taken control of this city,” Grafos says. That’s why, Grafos says, he and Hafner have been speaking against this council majority — so the silent majority in the Valley has a voice. “With these guys,” Grafos says, “there’s a surprise at every meeting.” Pace blames Grafos and Hafner for the hostility on the council. “We’ve got a new majority. Majority rules. And they don’t like it because they’re not in the majority anymore,” Pace says. “This is normal. We’re being a normal legislative body. If you look at Congress, they shout and scream at each other, so it should be no surprise. It’s nothing new. No big deal.” n
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 19
20 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Blue Door actors Josh Scheel, Jess Lee, Adam Tucker and Jessica Carson. YOUNG KWAK PHOTOS
The Blue Door Theatre is celebrating 20 years of making stuff up on the spot BY E.J. IANNELLI
he Kardashians have been murdered. With a hairbrush. In the middle of Times Square. A corrupt cop and geeky lab technician have been assigned to the case. Their investigation uncovers few leads, except for an apartment with several revolving bookshelves and a slacker who’s casually taken up residence under the floorboards. Fortunately, a police dog in sunglasses is proving to be unusually skilled in forensics and interrogation. Bizarre as it might sound, this is par for the course at the Blue Door Theatre. This particular amalgam of unlikely locations and characters was part of a Friday-evening feature called Crime Show, a parody of CSIstyle TV programs that opens by taking audience suggestions for victim, weapon and setting and then lets an ensemble of players run with it. But that loose framework is where any uniformity ends. Each performance is a snowflake, unique and evanescent. Not even back-to-back shows are the same. For 20 years, the Blue Door has been Spokane’s primary outlet for live improv theater. It’s not stand-up comedy, as the players often find themselves explaining to the uninitiated. Nor is it necessarily ad-lib skits. ...continued on next page
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 21
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22 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
CULTURE | COMEDY “OFF THE CUFF,” CONTINUED... It’s better described as the spontaneous product of the players’ theatrical chemistry and their individual whim. Sometimes it’s an hour-long performance based on a broad premise, as in Crime Show. Sometimes it’s more like Poets Up!, a recurring evening of tag-team sketches that inspires — and is simultaneously inspired by — poems penned on the spot by guest writers. The theater’s origins can be traced back to 1996, when Mark Robbins — more widely known today as the relatable husband in the Northern Quest Resort & Casino commercials — returned to Spokane and established an offshoot of Unexpected Productions, a Seattle-based improv troupe. The splinter group dubbed itself Cream of Wit and venue-hopped before settling in a downtown location along Railroad Alley in the summer of 2000. “It was this 60-seat house,” says Robbins. “We had some money saved up and bought some sound equipment and a really basic lighting system. We built a stage and did a little painting.” The venue’s blue door engendered a lasting name change. Led by Jason and Harmony Frederick, some of the more enterprising players took that opportunity to incorporate as a nonprofit group. Cream of Wit member Lawra Gosselin-Harris was there at the Blue Door’s inception. “What was really funny is that there was a railroad right behind the theater,” she recalls. “So sometimes a train would go by when we were performing.” It was impossible not to incorporate it into the
scenes: “We’d be like, ‘It sounds like Old Smokey’s here.’” “But we weren’t just improvising at that time,” Robbins says. “We started off doing these themed shows that were half sketch and half improvisation. We were doing really well, and were even turning people away. And then we lost our space. They turned it into condos.” That setback prompted the theater’s move to its current spot in the Garland District. The new venue opened for performances in January 2003 after three months of renovations. Although the building would prove to be a solid home, the move also came at a time when the early members were beginning to drift away. Robbins, already a father by then, soon left to focus on other priorities. Gosselin-Harris remained but stepped down in 2007, also to devote her energy to parenting. In the decade following the move, the Blue Door coalesced as an institution. It began offering regular in-house classes and offsite workshops, along with a standard lineup of shows that varied on a monthly or seasonal basis. Players came and went, as did its executive staff. The theater weathered these changes with the aplomb you’d expect of folks skilled at on-the-fly adaptation. The last shakeup was the departure of artistic director Frank Tano, an exceptionally gifted improv performer, three years ago. Then, just last month, in the midst of an optimistic rush of 20th-anniversary planning, the theater was broadsided by the untimely death of
its board president, Jonathan Black. “He was kind and compassionate, a warm and caring man,” says the theater’s business manager, Erin O’Halloran-Foerg. Fondly remembered for his hugs and encouraging reminders that the stage is “where the magic happens,” Black was devoted to the Blue Door and the wider local scene beyond it. “When we were having our memorial, everybody started telling their Jonathan stories. It was interesting to see how he’d reached out to so many people,” she says. Though shaken by Black’s passing, the Blue Door is pressMORE EVENTS ing ahead in this spirit — and Visit for out of the same love of improv complete listings of that gave rise to the theater two local events. decades ago. With its largestever troupe of 32 active players, the entire operation remains all-volunteer; not a single performer or staff position receives a dime in remuneration. Except for small workshop meal or fuel stipends, all proceeds are channeled back into the theater’s operating budget. Ticket prices are still pegged at an affordable $7. “I’m sure that if it were up to me, it would’ve fizzled a long time ago,” chuckles Robbins. “I didn’t want to run the business, I just wanted to perform. So I’m glad it got into the hands of people who were better at it. It’s interesting to me that it started in a different part of town and it’s becoming an iconic part of the Garland District.” “The Blue Door legacy we want to continue is in innovative entertainment, and being an affordable way for the community to experience live theater,” says O’Halloran-Foerg. “Looking to the next 20 years, we want to continue our positive growth and see what we can change to make it even better. It means taking it to the next step – the ‘Yes, and.’ That’s what we’re all about.” n
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DAY SESSION: 11am - 3pm WINE WEDNESDAY $ 10 wine sample from the Pacific Northwest Region Q&A with Local Wineries & Sommeliers Sous Vide Cooking Demo KNOW WHERE YOUR FOOD COMES FROM (part 1) Q&A with the rancher, American Wagyu Association & chefs Demo: Wagyu Steer Breakdown Food Trucks serving lunch NIGHT SESSION: 5pm - 11pm $ 70 Dinner + hors d’oeuvres (optional $30 Wine Pairing) 5pm Cocktail Hour (Cash Bar) with passed hors d’oeuvres 6:30pm 6 course Tasting Menu by Chefs Adam Hegsted, Molly Patrick, Travis Dickinson, Dave Adlard
DAY SESSION: 11am - 3pm DISTILLERY DAY $ 10 sample of the area’s finest distillers and all they have to offer Q&A with Local Distillers Learn all about distilling spirits Sous Vide Cooking Demo KNOW WHERE YOUR FOOD COMES FROM (part 2) Demo: Ahi Tuna Breakdown Food Trucks serving lunch NIGHT SESSION: 5pm - 11pm $ 70 Dinner + hors d’oeuvres (optional $30 Wine Pairing) 5pm Cocktail Hour (Cash Bar) with passed hors d’oeuvres 6:30pm 6 course Tasting Menu by Chefs Taiki Hanamoto, Chad White, Tyler Shales, Mark Miskiewicz
DAY SESSION: 11am - 3pm CRAFT BEER DAY $ 10 samples of the Pacific Northwest finest breweries Q&A with Local Brewmasters Craft Beer Home Brewers competition Sous Vide Cooking Demo KNOW WHERE YOUR FOOD COME FROM (part 3) Demo: Pig Breakdown Food Trucks serving lunch NIGHT SESSION: 5pm - 11pm $ 70 Dinner + hors d’oeuvres (optional $30 Wine Pairing) 5pm Cocktail Hour (Cash Bar) with passed hors d’oeuvres 6:30pm 6 course Tasting Menu by Chefs Andy Blanton, Tony Brown, Jeff Vance, Lynette Pflueger
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 23
Fri, March 25, at 6:40 pm Televised on CBS
Still Dancing After a season of ups and downs, Gonzaga is in the Sweet 16 BY MIKE BOOKEY
ou can’t call Gonzaga a Cinderella. After all, the Zags are just a year removed from being a No. 2 seed, they have their own HBO special and are coming off the systematic dismantling of two very good basketball teams. Still, as an 11 seed in the Sweet 16 and the only nonmajor-conference team remaining, Gonzaga, despite all their notoriety, are as close as there is to the little team that could. And considering the chaotically uneven regular season the team is coming off of — well documented in said HBO special — maybe it’s OK to be surprised by how this year’s Zags turned out. When head coach Mark Few took the podium in
24 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Denver after the Zags crushed Utah 82-59, he didn’t seem as shocked by the two wins as some might have expected. Back in February after Gonzaga’s at-large bid chances faded with a loss at home to St. Mary’s, it was hard for anyone to believe that all would be well in Zag Nation come the middle of March. But Few knows that timing is everything. “End of the day, we’re playing our best basketball of the year at the right time. The guys are confident. They’re making plays. They’re having fun. It’s working,” Few said. Senior guard Eric McClellan continued his excellent March in Thursday night’s 68-52 victory over Big
1999 vs. Florida: W, 73-72 2000 vs. Purdue: L, 75-66 2001 vs. Michigan State: L, 77-62 2006 vs. UCLA: L, 73-71 2009 vs. North Carolina: L, 98-77 2015 vs. UCLA: W, 74-62
yracuse is perhaps as unlikely a Sweet 16 participant as Gonzaga. A year ago, the NCAA sanctioned the program for a decade’s worth of violations, including academic issues, improper booster relations, failure to follow drug-testing protocol and other problems. The Orange decided to decline participation in last season’s ACC and NCAA tournaments. The NCAA took away 12 basketball scholarships over a four-year period, vacated 108 wins and suspended head coach Jim Boeheim for the first nine games of the ACC schedule. The Orange — led by forward Michael Gbinije — made a promising run in conference play, but lost five of their last six games, even with Boeheim back on the bench. Nevertheless, the Orange received a 10 seed and one of the more contentious NCAA invites in this year’s field. After knocking out Dayton in their first game, they benefited from Middle Tennessee State’s upset of Michigan State and dismantled MTSU 75-50 to set up Friday’s matchup with the Zags. (MB)
Domantas Sabonis (upper left) and Kyle Wiltjer had big games last weekend. RYAN SULLIVAN PHOTOS
East tournament champion Seton Hall. On the defensive end, McClellan had Pirates leading scorer Isaiah Whitehead sitting on the bench and sucking from an oxygen mask while taking a break from a 4-for-24 shooting night that saw him miss all 10 of his 3-point attempts. McClellan provided a huge offensive boost on Saturday, scoring 22 points on 9-of-12 shooting. “By the way we were playing, the way we’ve been playing, you couldn’t tell if there’s been any pressure on us,” McClellan said. “We’ve been playing free, we’ve been playing confident, we’ve been playing loose. Most importantly, we’ve been playing together.” What wasn’t a surprise last weekend in Denver was the play of Domantas Sabonis. The sophomore elevated his NBA draft stock on a national stage with 21 points and 16 boards against Seton Hall, then 19 points and 10 rebounds against Utah. In that game, his much-hyped matchup against Utes big man Jakob Poeltl may have disappointed some — Sabonis held Poeltl to just five points. Despite his dominance, Sabonis kept it humble, per usual. “We just stuck to the plan as a team. We listened to the coaches and we kept on doing what we had to do on the court,” said Sabonis. Gonzaga now heads to Chicago for their second straight Sweet 16 and a matchup against Syracuse, another team that underperformed this year, yet nevertheless finds themselves alive in the second weekend of the tournament. “From where we were in early December, or even mid-February where we had a couple stumbles, to now, these guys deserve all the credit for staying positive and believing in themselves and making plays,” said Few. n
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 25
he executive director of any symphony must cater to the needs of a long list of people: the donors, board of trustees, musicians, community at large and musical director (aka conductor). This means working fluidly between art and commerce during a time when many orchestras are struggling financially. After a six-month search, the Spokane Symphony has named Jeff vom Saal as its new executive director, a position held for a decade by Brenda Nienhouse, who left last summer to take a job in Newport, Rhode Island. The symphony chose to take their time looking for the right candidate, conducting a nationwide hunt and even bringing in an executive search agency. Coming from the Marin Symphony, a regional orchestra in the Bay Area, vom Saal has also held executive director positions with symphonies in Iowa and North Dakota. In May, vom Saal and his wife will move to Spokane. With a degree in trumpet performance from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, vom Saal is experienced in the performing and administrative sides of a symphony organization. He says that keeping the balance between what makes money and what the artists want to play isn’t always easy. “Even if the musicians are not fond of performing a certain type of concert, they understand that a certain concert is important if it sells out,” vom Saal says over the phone last week. “We have to make decisions in the interest of the community, and that’s not always the same as what the musicians or donors want.” The most important thing is to keep an open line of communication between all voices, he says. Growing up in upstate New York, vom Saal never saw himself as an orchestra executive director, but after falling into the position for a Massachusetts-based youth symphony, he realized it was a natural fit, combining business, people and classical music. During the last few months without an executive director, the symphony has brought in popular lineups and concerts to the Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox — including the recently sold-out “Music of Star Wars” show — and vom Saal says that next year’s (unannounced) lineup is just as exciting. He says his challenge is to maximize the endowment that the Spokane Symphony already has. “I want to bring in as many interesting other types of acts and make the most of that theater. I look forward to that,” he says. “Of course, continuing to honor the tradition that’s already in place is of the utmost importance.” — LAURA JOHNSON
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TV Fans of Community have been waiting to see what Gillian Jacobs, who gave us the cult comedy’s ridiculous Britta Perry, will do next with her career. Well, if the new Netflix series LOVE is any indication, Jacobs may be providing laugh-out-loud roles for some time to come. The series features Jacobs as Mickey, a radio producer in an awful relationship while all her Facebook friends in their 30s are living out the American Dream. Then there’s Gus (Paul Rust), a teacher who recently broke up with a live-in girlfriend and is wondering what’s next in his life. When Gus and Mickey finally meet, they get to navigate L.A.’s hipper-than-thou enclaves together. MUSIC The first time I heard “Logic of a Dream” from Explosions in the Sky’s forthcoming record THE WILDERNESS, I wondered if there was something wrong with my heart. It’s a 6-plus-minute sonic journey that builds and builds before erupting into a melodious indie-pop sequence by the time it’s over. The Texas instrumental rock act best known for their Friday Night Lights soundtrack work hasn’t released a studio record since 2011’s Take Care, Take Care, Take Care, so perhaps the stark changes they’ve displayed on this record aren’t to be unexpected. The album drops on April 1, but the band has already released several of the tracks on YouTube. COMIC JOE MANDE has been making you laugh, whether you knew it or not, thanks to his writing on shows like Parks and Recreation, Kroll Show and Master of None. His standup show is comprised of sharp and witty quips, and the dude’s Twitter persona (@JoeMande) is pretty on-point, too. He recently said, “Republican events should be called monster trump rallies” and his trolling of NRA social media accounts is probably the funniest political activism out there. Oh, and he also runs @ JoelDongsteen, which takes quotes from mega-preacher Joel Osteen and… well, just take a look. n
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COMEBACK THE RETURN OF PEE-WEE HERMAN! In the early ’90s, scandals destroyed Hollywood stars a lot more readily than they do now. When comedian Paul Reubens, aka “Pee-wee Herman,” was busted for indecent exposure in 1991, it stalled Pee-wee’s hot streak of feature films (Pee-wee’s Big Adventure) and killed his hit TV show (Pee-wee’s Playhouse). Nowadays, sex scandals propel celebrity rather than snuff it out (calling Kim Kardashian), so celebrate the new Peewee movie, Pee-wee’s Big Holiday, his first since 1988, that just hit Netflix. Pee-wee heads to New York City on a gloriously absurd road trip that is a sweet reminder of the man-child we used to know and love.
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26 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
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28 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
THANK YOU! for voting us!
You voted, we counted and here you have it — the results of the 23rd annual Best of the Inland Northwest readers poll. We asked 125 questions this year, and you offered up thousands of nominees — each and every one the very best in at least one voter’s eyes. But this is a poll, and we’re naming names here — first, second, third and best of North Idaho — all for your reading pleasure. Like always, you’ll find out all about the best places to grab a slice, a beer or a movie. But we’ve added plenty of new questions, too, like Best Local IPA, Best Disc Golf Course and Best Budtender. (Yes, that’s Budtender, not Bartender — times, they are a changin’.) You can read all about five new additions to the Best of Hall of Fame, and don’t miss the coverage of the Palouse and Sandpoint, where you’ll meet Sandpoint’s Best Ski Bum. (His name, no joke, is Jonny “Snow Jedi” Knight.) We’ve also got a Spokane Style section to illuminate our most pressing civic questions — like the Best Spokane Stereotype. Enjoy the issue and remember to embrace our region’s excellence by shopping, drinking and living local!
contents contributors FOOD .............................30
SANDPOINT ....................76
SPOKANE STYLE ..............46
RECREATION ...................78
SHOPPING ......................48
THE PALOUSE ..................86
PEOPLE ..........................60
ARTS .............................88
NIGHTLIFE ......................68
FIND THE WINNERS .........94
EDITOR: Jacob H. Fries ART DIRECTOR: Chris Bovey LAYOUT ASSISTANT: Alissia Blackwood PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kristen Black, Taryn Phaneuf, Carrie Scozzaro, Young Kwak WRITERS: Chelsea Bannach, Mike Bookey, E.J. Iannelli, Laura Johnson, Scott A. Leadingham, Meg MacLean, Jo Miller, Dan Nailen, Taryn Phaneuf, Azaria Podplesky, Mitch Ryals, Jordan Satterfield, Chey Scott, Carrie Scozzaro, Claire Standaert, Jake Thomas, Daniel Walters, Franny Wright JEFF DREW COVER ILUSTRATION
3011 S. GRAND BLVD. | (509) 279-2671 11AM - 11PM SUN-THURS | 11AM - MIDNIGHT FRI & SAT
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 29
& D O
There was a big change at Gordy’s Sichuan Cafe on Spokane’s South Hill in the past year, but our voters didn’t seem to mind it, voting Gordy’s Best Asian Food. Gordy Craft, the ultra-popular Chinese spot’s namesake, and his wife Jaymie sold the restaurant in August. Thankfully for Gordy’s loyal fans, the restaurant is now in the hands of two longtime Gordy’s chefs, Dan Burns and Casey Riendeau, who have maintained the Sichuan-style menu while adding a few updates to the cozy space. (MIKE BOOKEY) 2nd PLACE: The Mustard Seed; 3rd PLACE: Ming Wah; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Bonsai Bistro
30 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
No-Li Brewhouse has been at the forefront of Spokane’s craft beer boom, producing more beer than any other brewery. Their Logan neighborhood pub and its accompanying riverside patio is a must-see for beer tourists and locals alike, but you can also enjoy No-Li’s beers in bottles and, as of just recently, 12-ounce cans. As No-Li’s presence grows throughout the country, they’ve stayed dedicated to their roots, hosting regular tasting festivals on their lawn throughout the year. (MB) 2nd PLACE: Iron Goat Brewing; 3rd PLACE: River City Brewing; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Slate Creek Brewing
Operating out of Spokane Valley, One Tree has made itself known throughout the region and beyond with eight different ciders, ranging from cranberry and dark cherry to caramel cinnamon and lemon basil. Early this year, One Tree expanded its bottling operation as well as its overall production. One Tree still plans on opening a cider house. Their unexpected popularity has put that on hold, but they promise it’s in the works. (MB) 2nd PLACE: Liberty Ciderworks; 3rd PLACE: Twilight Cider Works; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Summit Cider
Fans of craft spirits from all over the nation will immediately mention Dry Fly when you tell them you’re from Spokane. Dry Fly has earned a loyal following thanks to the success of their vodka, gin and whiskeys (including the addition of an Irish-style whiskey last year). “We’re very grateful for the fans that we have,” says Dry Fly cofounder Kent Fleischmann. Those fans are grateful too, it seems, giving this award to Dry Fly once again. (MB) 2nd PLACE: Tinbender Craft Distillery; 3rd PLACE: Bardenay Distillery
For fans of Dutch Brothers, the Oregon-based, drivethrough coffee chain with more than 200 locations throughout the West Coast (and 10 locally owned spots in the Inland Northwest alone) is about more than coffee. You’ll often find the company’s windmill logo stickered on the rear of cars — and inside those cars, you’ll probably find a cup of Dutch Brothers. (MB) 2nd PLACE: Wake Up Call; 3rd PLACE: Jacob’s Java
If you’re curious as to why Barrister Winery has become so popular in Spokane, consider that the 15-year-old outfit has more than 1,100 members in its wine club. In addition to the spacious winery on Railroad Alley in downtown Spokane, Barrister recently opened a tasting room across from the Davenport Grand Hotel on Washington Street, where it continues to emphasize customer service. “It’s important for us to have a connection with everyone who walks in. We want someone to walk away knowing that the wines are really wonderful, and also the experience is really wonderful,” says Michael White, who started Barrister with Greg Lipsker in 2001. (MB) 2nd PLACE: Arbor Crest Winery; 3rd PLACE: Latah Creek; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Coeur d’Alene Cellars
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 31 DaveSmithMotors_ThankYou_032416_6H_AA.tif
food & drink
Thank You
for voting for us and supporting our local, family owned restaurant.
Sichuan Cafe
E. 501 30th Ave. • 747-1170
Trying to make one of life’s big decisions: What flavor? KRISTEN BLACK PHOTO
BRAIN FREEZE CREAMERY Best Environmentalist
The Center for Justice, Numerica Credit Union and River City Brewing congratulate Jerry White, Spokane Riverkeeper, for his 1st Place Best Environmentalist award! Thanks for working so hard to protect the Spokane River, the cultural and economic heart of our community.
Come 2nd Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival meet Jerry April 28th at the Garland Theater Tickets available at at the
32 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
ou would think that bars and ice cream shops would have absolutely nothing in common. But if you ask Brain Freeze Creamery owner and ex-bartender Tom Purdum, he’d tell you otherwise. Making cocktails is like making ice cream. “Sometimes [the flavors] work and sometimes they don’t, [it] just gives us all a chance to be creative,” Purdum says, chuckling, as he reflected on his history in both trades. “I’m an entrepreneur; it’s kind of a sickness.” But Purdum’s “sickness,” a knack for experimenting and the art of food, has brought him one of the most successful ice cream shops in the Spokane area. As Purdum explained the long history of the franchise, his time as Brain Freeze Creamery owner initially started in a tiny shop in the basement of an un-air-conditioned engineering firm and has transformed into three locations, selling wholesale to multiple restaurants in the area and food trucks for the summer months. “It’s really crazy to see where we were five years ago and where we are now,” he says. From the beginning, Brain Freeze has been dedicated to a wholesome, high-quality product. They make all their own baked goods, from the cookie and brownie dough to the fruit topping on their notoriously good “Bubble Wrap” dessert. “We’ve spent the last five years tweaking our recipe and at every corner we’re like, ‘OK, how
can we make it better?’” Purdum says. “I’ve used the term ‘silk sheets for your tongue,’ and that’s really what it is.” The flavor scientists at Brain Freeze know that finding excellence for a highly developed ice cream palette comes from everywhere. Food at restaurants, suggestions... all of the above. “Someone will jokingly say, ‘You should make a chicken wing ice cream’ and we say, ‘We’ll do it!’” Purdum says. “We have no problem with that.” If you ask Purdum about their success, he’ll humbly tell you that it’s not all about the flavors or the creativity; it’s about making handmade, artisan, no-high-fructose-crap ice cream. “You can go to a restaurant and get your scoop of food-service-grade vanilla, or you can come here and get an affogato; it’s just this wonderful experience,” Purdum says. Whether you’re a classic strawberry-andvanilla person, or a more adventurous ice cream expert searching for the perfect combination of pistachios and raspberries — if that’s the case, try Rastachio — Brain Freeze has it all. — MEG MACLEAN 2nd PLACE: The Scoop; 3rd PLACE: Mary Lou’s Milk Bottle; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Roger’s Ice Cream
The South Perry market returns on May 5.
he way we shop for food and the way we eat is changing. If anyone’s noticed that more, it’s South Perry Thursday Market manager Karyna Hamilton, who says the farmers market has easily tripled in size over the last couple of seasons. Locals come weekly from all over town to the South Perry District, their arms laden with reusable shopping bags ready to be filled with fresh, locally grown vegetables, honey, meat, eggs and more. At the peak of market season in mid-June, the parking lot of the Shop cafe, and stretching over to the lot at Grant Elementary, is filled with as many as 50 local vendors. “I think there has been a lot more awareness of the importance of eating healthy food, and an increase in people trying to source that nutrition locally,” Hamilton notes. “Perry is kind of special because it’s really fun. It’s really community oriented, and there a lot of local businesses around.” On May 5, the Thursday Market kicks off its 11th season (it’s open from 3 to 7 pm each week). It’s the longest farmers market in Spokane, stretching through the end of October. While one of the most established markets, it’s not quite the oldest — that honor goes to the Spokane Farmers Market at Fifth and Browne (founded in 1998). Yet, Hamilton says the success of the Perry market has definitely influenced the rise of more weekly markets in other Spokane neighborhoods.
“Perry has this really special thing that happens. It’s on the brink of a very low-income area, and there is affluence just up the hill, as well as it’s a destination. But it always comes back to community. There is a really diverse group who come together for this really pure purpose and have a really fantastic time,” Hamilton explains. “I think other markets are trying to recreate that sense of neighborhood and identity.” Besides offering quality, nutritious food, the Thursday Market has notably been the birthing ground of many local businesses that have grown into successful, regionally known ventures. Winterwoods Tea Company, which has gained widespread recognition, along with Fannie’s Ice Pops, Flora Yogurt Company (Hamilton’s business, which she started after getting involved with the market) and Veraci Pizza all got their start at the Perry market. “A lot of things start and grow at the Thursday Market that contribute to the uniqueness and culture of Spokane as a whole,” Hamilton says. “It’s a beautiful, perfect relationship.” — CHEY SCOTT
2nd PLACE: Kendall Yards Night Market; 3rd PLACE: Liberty Lake Farmers Market; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Downtown Coeur d’Alene Farmers Market
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 33
food & drink BEST MEXICAN FOOD
While the east side of downtown Spokane has changed drastically in recent years, Azteca has weathered the construction and yet again is rewarded for its consistency with another Best Mexican Food award. The Northwest chain (well, it has some spots in Florida, too) also has locations in north Spokane, Spokane Valley and Coeur d’Alene, all of which offer a reliable menu of Mexican favorites and, of course, an ample slate of margarita options. (MB) 2nd PLACE: Rancho Chico; 3rd PLACE: Atilano’s
When a couple of talented chefs work together, some amazing things can happen. Allen Skelton and Joilé Forral each contribute unique cooking styles to what’s more of a restaurant on wheels than a food truck. A rotating seasonal menu helps to keep the options diverse, showcasing premium meats in upscale comfort food creations. (FRANNY WRIGHT) 2nd PLACE: 3 Ninjas; 3rd PLACE: Tacos El Sol; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: RawDeadFish (p. 44)
34 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Twinkly lights, teal accents and a whole lot of yummy snacks are what make up this fan-favorite vegan and gluten-free downtown spot. Pick from the selection of rotating dishes and baked goods before settling into a comfy booth with a cocktail or something a little more caffeinated. (FW) 2nd PLACE: Wild Sage Bistro; 3rd PLACE: White Box Cafe & Bakery; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Pilgrim’s Market
After 22 wins and counting for Best Sandwiches, the only aspect of Domini that’s changed since its opening in 1963 is a relocation and keeping the prices current. Ordering is easy; choose a meat, cheese, bread and condiment and enjoy the reliably solid sandwiches this Spokane staple still makes. Indeed, many customers get two meals out of one of their ample offerings. (FW) 2nd PLACE: Stella’s; 3rd PLACE: Caruso’s
The only place you could eat fresher seafood with a better view of the Spokane Falls than Anthony’s would be actually in the river. Wanting to ensure the highest quality fish for guests, Anthony’s opened its own seafood company in 1984 and has been serving “best of season” options for the ultimate Northwest experience ever since. Besides, when the warm weather returns, there are few better places to enjoy a happy hour cocktail! (FW) 2nd PLACE: Milford’s; 3rd PLACE: Red Lobster
If a literary reference for a name isn’t enough to draw you into Atticus, the hip vibe it’s known for — along with its hundreds of unique trinkets — surely will. A simple coffee menu, along with a few baked goods and sandwiches, allow you to stay focused on your book or the person sitting across from you. Aficionados swear by their perfectly pulled espresso. (FW) 2nd PLACE: Coeur Coffeehouse; 3rd PLACE: Revel 77; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Vault
Churchill’s is the perfect place to take family, a date or just enjoy an incredible steak. This Chicago-inspired dining experience combines in-house carves of USDA Prime beef with professional service, making it easy to keep Churchill’s at the top of your list for any celebratory dinner. We also love sneaking away to their downstairs bar for a drink in one of the tucked-away booths. (FW) 2nd PLACE: Wolf Lodge Inn, Coeur d’Alene; 3rd PLACE: Spencer’s for Steaks & Chops
Though first-timers at may argue over whether or not the dot is pronounced in its name, the real debate begins when trying to narrow down which rolls to order. It’s hard to go wrong, so try an Awesome Roll with spicy tuna, lobster salad and cucumber or a Spokane Roll with grilled super white tuna. (FW) 2nd PLACE: The Wave Sushi Bar; 3rd PLACE: Ginger Asian Bistro; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Syringa
Coffee and fresh baked goods practically run through Spokane’s veins, but at Rocket Bakery, you can find scratch, homemade goods from any of their nine shops around the area. Their menu features everything from fresh sandwiches to carefully crafted cakes, so if you’re looking for a high-quality cake or just a quick muffin, Rocket is your place. (MEG MACLEAN) 2nd PLACE: Boots Bakery; 3rd PLACE: Rockwood Bakery; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Bakery by the Lake
If you’ve ever wondered whether or not anyone could come close to the bread your grandma makes (you can almost smell it just thinking about it, can’t you?), Great Harvest probably could. Using traditional baking methods and family-owned grains and ingredients, Great Harvest handles their breads with care, making some of the Inland Northwest’s greatest loaves. (MM) 2nd PLACE: Central Food; 3rd PLACE: Common Crumb
THANK YOU VOTERS! End of season sale with the best prices is happening now. 208-263-5157 0 0 2 LOCATIONS 0 0 213 Church St. | Sandpoint and Schweitzer Village
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 35
Thank you for your votes!
food & drink BEST BREAKFAST
Frank’s Diner
Starting as just an old train car stranded in Seattle during the height of the Depression, Frank Knight sparked a dining-car experience that would travel all the way to Spokane. Frank’s Diner in Spokane has served some of the best breakfast food around for the past 15 years, and continues to create a perfect mix of breakfast comfort food and old-fashioned dining excellence. (MM) 2nd PLACE: Old European; 3rd PLACE: The Yards Bruncheon; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Garnet Cafe
#1 Best Italian
Whether you’re into beef burgers, turkey burgers, veggie burgers, any-kind-of-burgers, you’ll find what you need at Wisconsinburger. Their burger engineers take the freshly ground patty experience to the bun with all their burgers, using freshly ground beef, made on-site every morning. Of course, their butter and cheese are made in Wisconsin. So if you’re looking for a good burger of any kind, Wisconsinburger brings the ol’ mom-and-pop feel from the farms of Wisconsin right to Spokane. (MM) 2nd PLACE: Red Robin; 3rd PLACE: Waddell’s; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Hudson’s Hamburgers
Making decisions can be so hard. Especially when you’re faced with a choice between Chocolate Decadence, Red Velvet, Salted Caramel and Lemon Raspberry — just some of the sinfully tasty flavors in Sweet Frostings’ cupcake repertoire. With two locations in Spokane, downtown and at Wandermere, the cupcake shop and full-service confection bakery’s perennial success has proven that the trendy rise of cupcakes years back is here to stay. Featuring more than 50 flavors (and a weekly baking schedule on its website for your sweet tooth’s convenience), including gluten-free options, Sweet Frostings has something sweet for all the equally sweet occasions in life. (CHEY SCOTT) 2nd PLACE: Celebrations Bakery; 3rd PLACE: Nothing Bundt Cakes; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Stacie’s Cakes
Opening early last summer in the historic Broadview Dairy building on the north bank of the Spokane River, the Blackbird is best explained as the more refined version of its pub-food counterpart, Manito Tap House, both owned by local restaurateur Patrick McPherson. A menu of upscale, comfort food — with appetizers like “malted waffle hush puppies” and a brisket sandwich on a sticky bun — was influenced by head chef Molly Patrick’s upbringing in Atlanta. Though the food offerings of McPherson’s two eateries differ in style, an adherence to sustainable business practices and a massive selection of bottled craft beers will make fans of Manito Tap House feel right at home at its new downtown sister, The Blackbird. (CS) 2nd PLACE: Republic Pi; 3rd PLACE: Gaslamp; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Coeur d’Alene Taphouse Unchained
SPOKANE POKANE • (509) 484-4500 | CDA • (208) 667-5000
with a little help from our friends…
Thanks for voting us 36 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
1 ! 4 years in a row!
food & drink
thank you • Best Winery • Best Winery Tasting Room
1213 W. Railroad Ave, Spokane || (509) 465-3591 || Tasting Room 205 N. Washington || (509) 413-1090 The Gooey ice cream sundaes are best shared.
North Idaho’s BEST BAKERY Bakery by the Lake at Parkside
Open everyday at 6am 38 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
essert trends come and go. One day everyone loves cupcakes, the next it’s cronuts. But some sweet treats are timeless, and the Dockside Restaurant at Coeur d’Alene Resort specializes in killer cheesecakes, pies, German chocolate cakes and huckleberry cobbler made fresh in its in-house bakery. When it comes to the Dockside’s dominance in the Best Dessert category, though, let’s not kid ourselves. It’s all about getting good and gooey. Or rather, Gooey’s with a capital “G,” the restaurant’s long-running signature line of insanely ornate ice cream sundaes built for group indulgence. The story goes that resort founder Duane Hagadone used to frequent a restaurant that made “over-the-top desserts,” says Dockside General Manager Reid Fawcett, “and he decided he wanted something ooey-gooey that people would come in and just die for, and that’s how it originated.” Roughly a quarter of the Dockside’s business is people coming in just for dessert, Fawcett says, and “Gooey’s are hands down the most popular. Everybody has their personal favorite, but for the most part, the Anniversary Gooey and the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Gooey are the ones a lot of people go for.” With good reason. The Coeur d’Alene Anni-
versary Gooey has cake batter ice cream, chunks of brownies and blondies, three flavors of sauces, huckleberry white chocolate bark and chopped nuts, topped with a jumbo chocolate-dipped strawberry. The Reese’s features vanilla ice cream, whole and chopped peanut butter cups, peanut butter sauce, hot fudge, whipped cream, peanuts, housemade peanut brittle and a peanut butter lollipop. Did I mention these are insanely ornate desserts? Aimee Brayman, an Inlander reader in Spokane Valley, voted for the Dockside because all of its desserts “speak to anyone with a sweet tooth” and have an “amazing selection.” Her favorite, though, is the Butterfinger Hot Fudge Gooey, “with extra fudge.” She recalls family trips to the resort years ago, just to hit the Dockside. “My grandparents used to take us to the Dockside at least once a month for dessert!” Brayman says. “My brother and I would try to conquer a sundae together — most of the time unsuccessfully.” — DAN NAILEN 2nd PLACE: Clinkerdagger; 3rd PLACE: Sweet Frostings
21 YEARS OF BEING VOTED #1 MEXICAN FOOD We couldn’t do it without you!
Downtown Spokane NorthPointe Plaza Spokane Valley Mall W. 245 Spokane Falls Blvd., Spokane, WA 9738 N. Newport Hwy, Spokane, WA 14700 E. Indiana St., Spokane Valley, WA 509.456.0350 509.465.9101 509.228.9661 Azteca SW Grill Tecate Grill 2462 N Old Mill Loop, Coeur d’ Alene, ID 208.676.0200 2503 W Wellesley #C Spokane, WA 509.327.7817
visit our website for full menu:
food & drink BEST PIZZA
The artisanal pizza movement arrived in the Inland Northwest some time ago, but the folks at the Flying Goat arguably were some of the first faces on the scene when it opened back in 2010. This neighborhood hotspot in northwest Spokane is always bustling, no matter the night or season. Yet we have to say, those warm summer nights on the patio as the sun sinks low in the sky, enjoying a crisp, slightly charred-crust pie topped with fresh and flavorful ingredients — like house-cured meats — are the blissful moments that keep the Goat’s devotees coming back for more. Let’s not forget that 50+ bottle craft beer list, either. (CS) 2nd PLACE: Veraci Pizza; 3rd PLACE: South Perry Pizza; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Fire Artisan Pizza
1710 N. 4TH St., Ste. 115 • Coeur d’Alene, Idaho • 208-664-7727 • Open Tuesday-Saturday
One of the only spots in the region with certified cicerones — the term for a carefully trained beer expert, like a sommelier but for beer — and beer servers, Manito Tap House takes its beer knowledge, and its massive, curated beer cellar, really seriously. But this South Hill neighborhood hangout excels in much more than beer. Boasting seasonal menus of made-fresh, from-scratch food that complements whatever you’re sipping, Manito Tap House cares about the environment, and its footprint on it as well. As the first Four-Star Certified Green Restaurant in Spokane, the restaurant’s physical design and its waste-handling practices are all consciously done with our planet in mind. We can all say ‘Cheers!’ to that. (CS) 2nd PLACE: Waddell’s; 3rd PLACE: The Elk; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Capone’s
Having spent more than the past decade building its Inland Northwest Thai food empire from the ground up, it’s not surprising that this Best Of Hall of Fame winner is back on the list again this year. With a huge menu offering all sorts of authentically-prepared dishes from co-owner Matavee Burgess’ homeland of southern Thailand, locals have over the years developed a healthy appetite for the restaurant’s Pad Thai noodles (the No. 1 dish), along with Mongolian beef, spring rolls and the otherworldly fried bananas for dessert. Matavee and husband Tom opened the first Thai Bamboo in Spokane 15 years ago. Now, loyal fans of the couple’s successful local chain can find its spicy, savory (and often healthier) food at any of its four Inland Northwest locations in Spokane and Coeur d’Alene. (CS) BEST TAKEOUT 2nd PLACE: Red Dragon; 3rd PLACE: Gordy’s Sichuan Cafe BEST THAI 2nd PLACE: Bangkok Thai; 3rd PLACE: Linnie’s Thai
40 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Spokane without Dick’s is akin to America without McDonald’s. After more than 50 years, the drive-in has cemented itself as a Spokane institution, with a simple and enticingly cheap menu. Burger types vary, though condiments are limited. But simplicity is best when seeking comfort — add fries and a shake to your order, and you’re set at an unbeatable price. Do keep in mind, however, that only cash is accepted, as per Dick’s long-standing tradition. (CLAIRE STANDAERT) 2nd PLACE: Atilano’s; 3rd PLACE: Zip’s
Using the words “steak” and “seafood” and the phrase “riverfront seating” in one sentence conjures feelings of splendor and excellence. So heads up: located in the Old Flour Mill and overlooking Spokane’s famous river, Clinkerdagger offers a variety of delicious seafood and quality, fine-cut steaks. For special occasions including work, romance, and birthdays — or simply a treat-yourself sort of evening — the classy menu and breathtaking location are reasons to indulge. (CSt) 2nd PLACE: Churchill’s Steakhouse; 3rd PLACE: Wild Sage Bistro; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Beverly’s
Italian food lovers find a welcoming home in Tomato Street, with a comprehensive menu including pizza, pasta, calzones, and salads. Pizzas are baked “Old World Style” in a wood-fired brick oven and toppings offered include basic ingredients, though for adventurous eaters, there are “New World Tradition” toppings like smoked Gouda and balsamic-infused tomatoes. As per Italian family tradition, no one is left out: Gluten-free pastas and other dishes are available. (CSt) 2nd PLACE: Luigi’s; 3rd PLACE: Italia Trattoria
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 41
food & drink
Thank you for your votes!
Come visit us today at one of our two locations: Family Friendly Brewpub
312 N First Ave.
and our Beer Hall & Brewery
220 Cedar St.
Best Local Play / Musical
Co-owner Patty Tully shows off a signature burrito. KRISTEN BLACK PHOTO
2nd Place
Best Local Play / Musical
TAKE A BOW, SPOKANE! We couldn’t have acheived this amazing milestone without the generous support of YOU, our Spokane community. You are our patrons, sponsors, donors, board members, volunteers, actors, and musicians. You are our champions and our cheerleaders. We are humbled to have been part of this community for the past seven decades, and are excited to provide theatre for the community, by the community for another 70 years... and beyond.
42 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
ven if the food at Neato Burrito was merely OK, it would still be something of a modern marvel. Not just a cheap place to get heavy food whilst drinking the night away, Neato also offers hefty doses of atmosphere and culture to boot. Luckily for its patrons, the food at Neato Burrito isn’t just serviceable — it’s outstanding. For the price, you’re not likely to get a better burrito in town, and certainly not in the late hours that Neato leaves its doors open. “I think it’s more than just the food, though,” says Patty Tully, Neato Burrito’s co-owner, and she’s not wrong. Tully and co-owner Tim Lannigan have taken what was once a Slick Rock and converted it into a true weirdo paradise, one where all manner of styles clash magnificently into a wholly singular atmosphere. While most of the kitchen equipment was maintained in the conversion, the recipes and attitude are completely from scratch, so to speak. Before taking an ownership role, Lannigan used to work at the Slick Rock that Neato once was. It’s seen quite a few changes since being a franchise. “Tim basically took Neato Burrito and made it what he had always wanted to do while working at Slick Rock,” Tully says. That approach certainly manifests itself in Neato’s menu, which is a very delicious kind
of lawless. Traditional Mexican burritos share marquee space with various Asian and American burrito variations, including newly christened specials such as “El Gas Station-O,” a more elegant adaptation of a convenience store favorite. Since becoming Neato Burrito, the space has served as the perfect size and shape for hosting a massive and eclectic array of concerts, open mics and presentations. The building hosts an all-ages poetry open mic every Wednesday, and dozens of bands, both local and touring, manage to take the stage at Neato every month. It’s easy to lump Neato Burrito in with the wildly popular and appropriately named Baby Bar — a diminutive dive bar attached to Neato’s back side. But while Baby Bar may be the more lucrative side of the business (as bars often are), it’s important to recognize Neato Burrito’s honest merits on their own terms. “When there’s a show at Neato, that’s where the action is,” says Tully. If you’ve ever been to Neato Burrito on a crowded Saturday night, trying not to spill your beer as you stand your ground at a punk show, you know exactly what she’s talking about. — JORDAN SATTERFIELD 2nd PLACE: Atilano’s; 3rd PLACE: Slick Rock
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Mon - Thurs 11am-10pm • Fri 11am-11pm Sat 8am-11pm • Sun 8am-10pm
food & drink
Appleway Florist & Greenhouse
Thank You Spokane! 11006 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley 509-924-5050 • Mon - Fri: 8 AM - 5:30 PM • Sat: 8 AM - 3 PM
Owner Travis Whiteside: “I’m so stoked every day to come to work, because I absolutely love it.”
Spokane’s Best Wine Tasting Room
f you notice a glow from inside the RawDeadFish food truck, fear not; that’s just owner Travis Whiteside. Part of it is the 38-year-old’s new routine of running and riding his bike from his nearby Coeur d’Alene home. But most of it is just being in business for himself. “I used to look at business owners, and they have a certain glow,” he says. After years of working for others — Bonsai Bistro, Fisherman’s Market — Whiteside finally has his own place, which in April celebrates one year in business. “I’m so stoked every day to come to work, because I absolutely love it. The way this works,” he says, gesturing around the cozy, customized space, “is more than I expected.” With the help of friends and family, he outfitted the truck with everything necessary — a rice cooker, freezer, and all-important deep fryer — to make signature rolls like the crispy Bruce Lee or Caterpillar with smoked eel. The only thing he’d do differently inside the truck, says Whiteside, is make it bigger, especially since he’s hired another chef, Danna Piper — the “Sushi Slinger” to Whiteside’s “Sushi Ninja.”
“We kind of kept a core menu and did it really well,” says Whiteside, who has nearly 20 years of industry experience and customer feedback guiding his menu. “You want that love that you wish you had if you made it yourself.” Whiteside uses Facebook and word of mouth to promote the food truck. Consistency, he says, is important, not only in the food but in the hours he’s open. “They kind of depend on you to be there when they need you,” he says of his customers, many of whom he knows by name. Whiteside also gets business from the truck itself, which is parked along busy Best Avenue, between even busier Fourth Avenue and Seventh Avenue. The hood vent looks like an octopus, whose purple tentacles wrap around the exterior of the food truck. Look closer at the Jacques Cousteau-like underwater scene for a flotilla of miniature Nemo magnets, a nod to Whiteside’s quirky sense of humor, which includes the truck’s unique name. “The truck works!” he says. — CARRIE SCOZZARO
44 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Thanks for awarding us The Best
Red Robin is a friendly and homey restaurant chain that offers a plethora of gourmet burgers with different types of meats, buns and toppings. The kids’ menu is no different in its unique variety, including honey-battered corndog bites and cod crunchers. Fries are bottomless and refilled per request free of charge. In the evenings especially, the restaurant buzzes with smiles, families, and wafting gourmet-burger smells. (CSt) 2nd PLACE: Tomato Street; 3rd PLACE: Chuck E. Cheese; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Dockside at CdA Resort
BEST Cheap Eats!
16 Time Inlander Best Of Winner!
You’ve got the city skyline, a view overlooking the river’s natural beauty, and if you time it just right, a primo spot to watch the sun just before it ducks behind a sea of evergreens — the patio at Central Food leaves little to be desired. Tucked into the north bank of the river, this Kendall Yards spot is perfect for a Sunday brunch, a bite after a long, sweaty ride on the Centennial Trail or a relaxing dinner. (MITCH RYALS) 2nd PLACE: Clinkerdagger; 3rd PLACE: Anthony’s; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Bardenay
Morning at the Inlander is often Hammer time. Thomas Hammer coffee is often the coffee that fills our mugs and our veins. When the coffeepot runs dry, wailing and gnashing of teeth follows, all for want of more coffee. The good news for those needing an emergency coffee fix? Thomas Hammer literally has a coffee shop in the Sacred Heart Emergency Room. (DANIEL WALTERS) 2nd PLACE: Roast House; 3rd PLACE: DOMA Coffee
On the corner of Main & Washington, across from the Grand Hotel • 838-0206 MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 45
e n the on r O . y c a ocr othe can dem ored. On the . i r e m A now es of s hon eakness their whims, i reciated. Until w d n a app gths ious he stren tter how capric ke votes go un t s e r a h ma -in jo sue s st Of is the voters, no ilarious, write e B r u f O e will o r most h hand, thmeans that you hand, it
Frankly, this is unfair. The reported property crime rate in Compton, California, is less than a third the rate of Spokane, and it’s not right to tar Compton with Spokane’s problems. To give the readers credit, maybe the portmanteau is more about giving credit to Spokane’s racial diversity and iconic place in hip-hop history. Other voters gave nods to marmots, mullets, “40-Year-Old BMX Bike Riders,” and “Guys Who Don’t Wear Shirts When It’s 65-Degrees Out.” And despite the fact that the city has in recent years veered away from its tradition of “buying local” when it comes to purchasing methamphetamine, Spokane’s loyal love for the classic narcotic still brought in plenty of votes for best local stereotype. A few tapped into the region’s political conservatives, with one reader channeling 2016 Trump Endorsement Poetry Slam Champion Sarah Palin to suggest “Right Wingin’, Bitter Clingin’, Proud Clingers of Our Guns Our God and Our Religion” as their favorite local stereotype. At least one voter cited “Rachel Dolezal” as their favorite stereotype, which we think might be racist, but we’re not really sure.
Presumably, voters were drawing on Spokane’s Police Leadership Advisory Council’s recommendations that “folksy charm” and “skill at whistlin’ a tune” were the most important qualifications for the next police chief. The choice is reminiscent of my favorite Andy Griffith Show episode, when Otis the drunk gets fired from Mayberry’s Sheriff’s Department for getting a DUI, then sues the county for violating the American Disabilities Act. “Al Swearengen from Deadwood: He understands corruption, but also how to keep a town running” is
46 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
a fine alternate suggestion. Alas, Mr. Swearengen is also fond of a certain unprintable word that former Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub has also been alleged to use. While one voter suggested hiring “Bartleby the Scrivener,” we asked him if he’d be willing to do the job, and he said he preferred not to. Another voter wrote in Better Call Saul. Not the sleazy lawyer Saul Goodman, mind you, but the title of the TV show he’s in. Make Die Hard and Miami Vice his lieutenants, and you’ve got yourself a deal.
It’s counterintuitive, but a clever bit of reverse psychology. Once Condon is gone, the ungrateful masses will come to crave his data-driven approach to long-term, fiscally sound budgetary management and crossdepartmental vertical restructuralization. And then all the reporters and Facebook commenters will look up and shout “Leverage existing efficiencies to shift our municipal paradigm!”... and Condon will look down and whisper, “No.” Others aimed to counter the notion that Condon’s administration has been weak in addressing sexual harassment claims. “From now on all sexual misconduct allegations will be handled with the gravity they deserve, we promise,” one wrote. But we prefer the catchier suggestion: “More Kicking Butt, Less Grabbing It.” A few voters channeled their inner attorneys and thought it would be best to take a more evasive approach to sloganeering. “I have no comment at this time,” one wrote. Another, echoing a famous quote from one of Condon’s former appointees, went with “I don’t understand the question.” But the best way to trick the ravenous media? Distract it. One voter, clearly a master of crisis management, pitched the slogan, “Near Nurture; Near Purrrfect,” captioning a picture of the mayor holding kittens. Put
that poster all over the town, and watch his approval rating skyrocket.
Time is fleeting. Man is mortal. Life is but a flash of insignificance, unseen in the infinite, uncaring void. Instead of raging against the elements, embrace the meaningless. Close your eyes, release your ambitions and let entropy carry you from birth toward inevitable death. And now, in sunny March, the lazy grasshopper has been proved wiser than the hard-working ant. A trio of voters gave excuses for every stage of adulthood: “Having sex,” “have little kids” and “having a heart attack.” Claiming that shoveling would be “harmful to endangered driveway lemur habitat” is a persuasive excuse, though perhaps your Subaru barreling over the lemur habitat every morning is the bigger problem. “Your roommate’s cat peed in the snow and you want people to think it’s your pee,” meanwhile, is a less persuasive excuse. And for the record, “double amputee” is technically two excuses, by our count.
We bet that’s how Spokane City Council President Ben Stuckart voted. It is, after all, literally his plan for the property. Dozens of other voters, meanwhile, wanted the city to turn the centrally located spot into a homeless shelter, an idea we expect to be fervently endorsed by the downtown business community. Plenty of voters wanted a Cheesecake Factory,
One of the campaign slogans that readers suggested for Mayor Condon: “I quit.” bringing back the cheesecake manufacturing jobs that Spokane lost after Kaiser Pastries closed. Others pushed for the city to rely on cryptic diagrams to assemble an IKEA in the space. One armchair urban planner suggested getting rid of Macy’s in order to bring in a “damn better Macy’s.” While one voter dreamed of turning the space into “a large Zips,” implying an entire floor dedicated simply to fry sauce, another pitched the idea of a “Suction Goat Rehabilitation Clinic.” It’s unclear whether the clinic would rehabilitate suction goats, use vacuum-powered goat therapy to help athletes recover from injuries, or address the city’s growing epidemic of garbage-eating-goat addiction.
It’s a bold statement for, if not civic pride, civic adequacy. The underlying message of this sticker: “Everyone knows that Spokane sucks. What this bumper sticker presupposes is... maybe it doesn’t.” One voter had the gall to submit “Mudflap Girl, fully clothed, reading a book.” First of all, her name isn’t “Mudflap Girl.” It’s Katelyn, and she’s only appearing on mudflaps to pay for law school, so she doesn’t need your judgment right now. The car with the “Bigfoot Doesn’t Believe In You Either” sticker, meanwhile, is presumably owned by local author Sharma Shields. Another sticker reads: “My other car is a marmotdrawn carriage.” Until, presumably, the clock tower strikes midnight, the carriage turns back into a huckleberry, the gown turns back into a ratty Bloomsday T-shirt, and the charming bro you danced with at the Globe bar begins searching for the owner of the single Birkenstock you left behind. Several voters also cited the window decal of a T-Rex saying “your stick family was delicious.” Don’t you see?! You bumper-sticker artists were so preoccupied with whether or not you could give a life to a dinosaur window decal, you didn’t stop to think if you should.
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 47
It didn’t take the success of Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird and its mysterious namesake character to make Boo Radley’s a Spokane institution. But it certainly didn’t hurt, either. With its premium location downtown across from Riverfront Park, the quirky shop — with stock mostly for the 18+ crowd — is more than a gift store. It’s a must-see for any out-of-town visitor. Pick up a “Spokanistan” or sasquatch-themed T-shirt for your family from Illinois so they really get the Inland Northwest experience. (SCOTT A. LEADINGHAM) 2nd PLACE: Atticus; 3rd PLACE: Simply Northwest; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Lucky Monkey
With a conveniently accessible location off I-90, and located a few running steps or pedal turns from the Centennial Trail, the Valley Mall is attractive for residents from the Spokane’s South Hill and east to Idaho. The location of other popular retail and dining options around its perimeter helps, too. Who wants to spend a busy weekend fighting for a parking spot? (SAL) 2nd PLACE: River Park Square; 3rd PLACE: NorthTown; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Silver Lake Mall
It’s hard to pinpoint what makes Huckleberry’s quaint. It’s not particularly small. Its selection is comparable to bigger supermarkets. Its café/ bistro is stellar and stuffed with choices. And the beer! Lots of global and hard-to-find beer. But even so, it’s a go-to for the organic- and naturalfoods-inclined, not to mention anyone with a hankering for made-to-order omelets. (SAL) 2nd PLACE: Trader Joe’s; 3rd PLACE: Main Market; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Pilgrim’s Market
With seven locations in Spokane, Pawn 1 may be the most visible place around to get some money for your old TV or that now worthless (to you) wedding ring. For more than 35 years, it’s been selling and reselling our items, and cutting good deals on music equipment with its wellstocked Music Corner. (SAL) 2nd PLACE: Double Eagle Pawn; 3rd PLACE: Axel’s Pawnshop
Thank you Spokane for voting us
Boo Radley’s owner Andy Dinnison. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
Neapolitan Style Artisan Pizza Northwest & Italian Wines Hand-crafted Cocktails 21 beers on tap
What Macklemore and Ryan Lewis made hip in their explosive hit “Thrift Shop” was already plainly known in the Spokane area: Thrift shops are definitely a thing. Goodwill stores are almost as ubiquitous as Macklemore on lists of successful modern rappers. Beyond secondhand items, though, the social-focused mission of Goodwill ensures its business success: Through retail, support employment and quality of life programs for thousands of people across the Northwest. (SAL) 2nd PLACE: Value Village; 3rd PLACE: Union Gospel Mission Thrift Store
509.863.9196 611 East 30th Ave
Thank you Spokane for voting us BEST PIZZA!
Shape MedSpa offers facials and waxing, facial peels, microdermabrasion, laser hair removal, laser vein therapy and more, and clients rave about the staff’s knowledge and professionalism. One reviewer writes, “I am very pleased with my experience at Shape... and will be back for more!” (CHELSEA BANNACH) 2nd PLACE: Glo Medical Spa; 3rd PLACE: Advanced Aesthetics
The Larry H. Miller motto is “Driven By You” and the Spokane group of dealerships — Lexus, Honda, Toyota and Hyundai — have lived up to the company’s continuing mission to “exceed the expectations of customers, employees, and the community as a whole.” (CB) 2nd PLACE: Wendle Motors; 3rd PLACE: Gus Johnson; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Dave Smith Motors
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 49
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Karen and Walt Worthy inside their new Davenport Grand Hotel. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
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50 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
t didn’t take long for the people of the Inland Northwest to notice the Davenport Grand Hotel. Upon its completion in June of last year, the imposing and modern white structure made a dramatic change to the Spokane skyline. Located directly south of the Spokane Convention Center, the hotel, the latest development endeavor by Spokane magnates Walt and Karen Worthy, was built to give that venue a true home-base hotel, says Matt Jansen, the longtime corporate director of sales and marketing for Davenport Hotels. The Grand, which features 716 guest rooms and was built for a reported $135 million, hopes to capitalize on the increasing number of large-scale events coming to the convention center. While hotels typically aren’t the sort of businesses that locals become all that familiar with, the Grand was able to attract a Spokane following of people who tend to be taken aback by the hotel’s interior design. Others got a longer-than-expected look at the Grand when last November’s devastating wind storm packed the hotel with Spokanites whose homes were without power. “The reaction is so consistent when people enter the lobby. They tell us that they don’t feel like they’re in Spokane, but rather a much bigger city. It definitely has that feel,” Jensen told the Inlander in the months following the hotel’s opening.
Our Inlander readers tend to agree with Jensen’s assessment. “Spokane loves new things. The Grand Hotel deserves that love. It has a big-city feel. The skywalk and view of the park make it a step above the rest,” says Kevin James of Spokane. Located within the Grand, you’ll also find two restaurants. There’s the Grand Restaurant and Lounge, an openly designed space in the lobby that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. The most popular dining attraction at the hotel has been Table 13, a small-plates eatery with an interior that’s decidedly different from the rest of the hotel and is the brainchild of longtime Spokane chef Ian Wingate. During the warmer months, the Grand Terrace Bar offers open-air dining and cocktail service that pairs well with a view of the Spokane skyline. “The Grand Hotel is unlike anything Spokane has to offer. It is exquisitely modern, and I feel it has a perfect balance of glitz and classic elegance. The staff is friendly and go above and beyond to make the experience amazing,” says Adrienne Fischer of Spokane. — MIKE BOOKEY 2nd PLACE: The Historic Davenport Hotel; 3rd PLACE: Northern Quest Resort & Casino; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Coeur d’Alene Resort
Classy. Professional. Friendly. Pleasant. Comfortable. Clean. Experienced. Those are some of the words that clients of Anchored Art Tattoo & Gallery have used to describe the shop and the artists who work there. Other than creating the best possible tattoos, the No. 1 priority at Anchored Art is ensuring that the procedure is done in the most sterile way. (CB) 2nd PLACE: Mom’s Custom Tattoos; 3rd PLACE: The Missing Piece Tattoo; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Inkworld Tattoo
Led by owner and operator Jennifer Johnson, the home of “Save your Green” is made up of a diverse group of men and women who comprise many years of automotive experience and strive to go the extra mile to ensure that their customers drive away happy — and return in the future for their automotive needs. (CB) 2nd PLACE: CarMax; 3rd PLACE: Consumer Auto Liquidators
Fringe Boutique prides itself as an inventory of trendy, carefully curated, and classy clothing and accessories, carrying exclusive lines that aren’t found elsewhere in the Inland Northwest. It started as a small, upscale hair salon that sought to fill a need in Spokane for affordable but up-to-the minute fashion, and has since become one of Spokane’s most celebrated boutiques. (CB) 2nd PLACE: Swank Boutique; 3rd PLACE: Lolo Boutique; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: T-Blue Boutique
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 51
Co-Owners Jim and Kellee Alice (center; holding the flowers) and their award-winning team.
F AM E 2016 INdUcTEE
hough the threat of a nighttime frost yet lingers for many more weeks, tiny life forms spring forth from the soil in the safety of the greenhouses’ tropical warmth. While most of us won’t start clearing out the wintertime debris in our yards for some time still, staff at Liberty Park Florist & Greenhouse in the South Perry District are in full warm-season prep mode. For Liberty Park owners Jim and Kellee Alice, springtime truly begins in January. “Christmas comes and people have a couple, two, three months of doldrums, but in here it’s spring all the time. We’re growing geraniums, getting stuff in, starting planters,” says Jim, whose grandfather, an Italian immigrant, started the business back in 1928. “By mid-April, we’re here seven days a week, through about mid-June,” adds Jim’s wife, Kellee. Evidence of the Alice family’s greenthumb heritage spreads throughout the main greenhouse, completely remodeled four years ago, which will open as the business’s retail garden center in several weeks. Pallets of those geraniums sprouted months
ago now sport deep emerald leaves. A few pink and red blossoms already peek out from some plants, reaching up toward the springtime sun. Back inside, a trio of women in darkgreen aprons are snipping stems and carefully placing fresh-cut lilies, roses, carnations and greenery into vases. The sweet aroma of nectar hangs heavy in the air. After decades in the business, the Alices ironically don’t even notice the heavenly scent anymore. As with anything, trends in gardening and floral arrangements come and go. With careful attention to detail over the past 88 years, the Alice family has learned to adapt and evolve the business with those trends, and learned how to leave a lasting impression on their customers. “We have people come in who say, ‘My grandmother used to bring me in when I was a little kid,’ and now they’re the homeowners who want to buy stuff and grow stuff,” says Kellee. “Or, we did their parents’ wedding flowers and they want us to do theirs.” In the garden center, anything customers can take home and nurture in their own gar-
dens was grown by Liberty Park’s staff since it arrived as a tiny seedling. Newer services — offering to pick up empty flower planters in the fall, returning them to customers in the spring filled with luscious, fresh blooms — cater to busy people who might not otherwise think to make the trip to Liberty Park to pick out plants in the spring. For the floral side, Jim often makes multiple trips a day to handpick blooms from one of the region’s three wholesale flower warehouses. It’s his way of adding another layer of quality assurance to anything that goes out Liberty Park’s doors. “Nothing goes out with our name on it that I wouldn’t want to give to my best friend or my mother,” Kellee says. “We’re a part of the business. It’s a business you can’t run from a distance; you have to be here, because the plants don’t know if it’s a Sunday or a holiday. If they need water, guess what: You have to come in and do that.” — CHEY SCOTT 2nd PLACE: Appleway Florist; 3rd PLACE: Beau K Florist; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Duncan’s Florist
Can’t we just get along?!
River Park Square (509) 456-TOYS 52 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Thanks for voting us #1! 509-290-9408 • • find our location schedule on
Owner Summer Hightower: “We bring fun and life to shopping.”
ummer Hightower cried when she heard that Veda Lux had been voted Best Vintage Boutique by Inlander readers. For someone who started her South Perry district business six years ago with barely $12 in her pocket, this year’s honor was huge. “We’re here to branch everything out of the norm in this town,” Hightower says. “We bring fun and life to shopping. Here, people get an option.” Two years ago, the business expanded by 63 percent, and this year Hightower hired her first employee to help run the shop. She also recently launched an online store and plans to begin consigning in the spring. She says that none of it has come easily. Even on the days her shop is closed (Sunday and Monday), she’s designing jewelry in her workshop. “I don’t ever go out,” she admits. Hightower’s jewelry is all handmade, consisting of vintage beads and materials. She says she doesn’t look at magazines or trends, she just creates what she wants to wear. Many of her earrings aren’t level, or exactly matching. “Symmetry is not necessary,” Hightower says. “I figure, if a woman’s boobs aren’t symmetrical,
54 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
why should her jewelry be?” When asked to describe Spokane’s fashion sense, she responds pointedly: “What fashion?” Standing in her eclectic 15-by-15 foot shop (which she refers to as a dollhouse) last week, Hightower wears a blue vintage dress with a pink lace overcoat, paired with 25-year-old Dr. Martens lace-ups. The 37-year-old has always done her own thing, and she says she’s so grateful to have customers who seem to understand her vision. Just back from a Vegas shopping spree for the store — she shops all over the country — Hightower says she’ll go anywhere to find her goods. Prices at the shop range from $10 to $200. Surprisingly, she says that her customers are fairly diverse. “I hate to say this, but we really do have something for everybody,” Hightower says. “No, you don’t come here for basics, but what you will find is completely original, one-of-a kind pieces.” — LAURA JOHNSON 2nd PLACE: Fringe & Fray; 3rd PLACE: Finders Keepers
Its local roots, customer focus and big-league financial expertise have made this major Bloomsday sponsor a regular favorite in previous polls, and this year is no exception. As a privately owned bank with more than a century of history to its name, Washington Trust says it distinguishes itself by being able to prioritize long-term institutional goals over chasing share prices. (E.J. IANNELLI) 2nd PLACE: Banner Bank; 3rd PLACE: US Bank
Who knew getting a haircut could be so much fun? The Man Shop has a full lineup of pool, darts, putting greens and arcade games to keep you entertained before one of its sassy trained stylists works her magic on your coif. (EJI) 2nd PLACE: Porter’s Barber Shop; 3rd PLACE (tie): Dan Dickau’s The Barbers; Weldon Barber; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Bulwark Barber
“Loyal customer support has sustained our independent, locally owned store since 1978,” says Holly Doering, who edits the bookstore’s popular newsletter, AuntieNotes. The store’s regular events, which help readers discover new authors and connect with longtime favorites, are just one important reason why it holds a special place in local book lovers’ hearts. (EJI) 2nd PLACE: Barnes & Noble; 3rd PLACE: Hastings; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Well-Read Moose
Locally Owned & Operated Since 1954
Thanks for voting us into the cool spot! 12505 E SPRAGUE AVE SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 509.924.2330
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 55
Few businesses can claim to be more community-oriented than STCU, which has built an enviable reputation on its support of individuals, businesses and nonprofits throughout the Inland Northwest. So it’s not hard to see why this credit union has grown from a shoebox into an 18-branch, $2.2-billion operation — and why the community reciprocates its support with a Best Of win. (EJI) 2nd PLACE: Numerica; 3rd PLACE: Global Credit Union
Ask anyone about Walker’s — even those who haven’t yet shopped there — and you’re likely to hear something about the store’s firstrate customer service. That’s no fluke. Since its founding in 1980, Walker’s has worked hard to employ “exceptional people” whose goal is to exceed expectations through honest sales of high-quality, affordable furniture. (EJI) 2nd PLACE: The Tin Roof; 3rd PLACE: Dania; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Runge
In Spokane, DeLeon’s has pretty much become synonymous with authentic Mexican food. That’s no easy feat considering how many connoisseurs — self-styled or otherwise — this cuisine tends to attract. Even hard-to-please customers swear by their in-house tamales and menudo. Plus the grocery section offers all the necessary classic ingredients for your own Mexican recipes. (EJI) 2nd PLACE: Best Asian Market; 3rd PLACE: Asian Food World Market
56 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
For nearly 14 years, Oasis Hair Salon has provided haircuts, perms, highlights, coloring and plenty of VIP treatment to customers at its four area locations. The staff also receives ongoing training in the latest techniques and hairstyles, so you can be sure your ’do is keeping pace with fashion. (EJI) 2nd PLACE: Dimensions; 3rd PLACE: The House of POp; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Bombshell
Thank You Voters for the honor of
BEST RESTAURANT in the palouse! Locally owned South Fork Public House proudly serves all of our neighbors on the Palouse. Our menu is diverse, innovative and made from scratch using fresh and local ingredients. We boast 24 taps that emphasize craft beers, uniquely crafted cocktails and a wonderful wine list that consists exclusively of Wine By Cougs selections. We are also proud to offer our Fork on the Road food truck and catering services to our community. Come in for food, drinks and smiles any day of the week! We look forward to serving you.
Mon-Sun 11:00-Close 1680 S. Grand Ave., Pullman, WA 509.332.FORK (3675) |
“Why do you have to take advantage of people when they’re already at their worst?” asks Shannon Sullivan, owner of Ray McElfish Tree Specialists. While some tree care companies reportedly jacked up prices after the November windstorm that tore through Spokane, her company, founded by her grandfather in 1948, resisted that temptation. All hands were on deck when the storm hit, and customers, many of whom were devastated by property damage to their home, were pleased with the tree service’s integrity and hard work. (WILSON CRISCIONE) 2nd PLACE: Senske; 3rd PLACE: (tie) Grace Tree Service; Specialty Tree Services
Its two locations belie the stereotype some might hold of a recreational marijuana shop. Sparsely and tastefully decorated, and more focused on showcasing various edibles, buds and oils than Bob Marley posters or houseplants, the Cinder stops in Spokane and the Valley actually feel like the legit businesses they are, rather than a super-sized dorm room. That helped make Cinder the readers’ choice once again. (DAN NAILEN) 2nd PLACE: Satori; 3rd PLACE: Sativa Sisters
If your dog could choose where he’d want to go on a shopping spree, he might say the meat counter at the grocery store, but let’s get real. The healthy, handpicked pet food and accessories at this upper South Hill shop are far more reasonable an option
for both you and Fido. Owners Amy Barker and Dan Pringle are passionate about making sure all of our beloved pets not only don’t go hungry, but have access to quality, nutritional food. Specializing in naturally made products and always considering the veterinary science behind anything on their shelves, local pet owners can trust that Prairie Dog has their well-being, and that of their pets, in mind. (CHEY SCOTT) 2nd PLACE: Urban Canine; 3rd PLACE: The Yuppy Puppy
Spa Paradiso is an oasis located right in the heart of Kendall Yards, offering therapeutic massage and body treatments, complete spa and clinical skin care, eyelash extensions, Botox, full-service hair care and more. Whatever the choice, Spa Paradiso says its customers will leave with a renewed sense of peace and well-being. (CB) 2nd PLACE: La Rive at Northern Quest Resort & Casino; 3rd PLACE: BrickHouse Massage; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Spa Ssakwa’q’n at Coeur d’Alene Casino
Thank You Inlander Readers
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E L P O E P Kyle Wiltjer, the Zags’ long-range big man.
A transfer from the University of Kentucky, Kyle Wiltjer has made the most of his time as a Zag. Last year, the 6-10 redshirt senior started 37 of 38 games and averaged 16.8 points per game. This season, Wiltjer helped lead the Zags to a West Coast Conference tournament championship and the school’s 18th consecutive trip to the NCAAs, and he was named to the All-WCC first team. His Zags are still playing, in fact, against Syracuse on Friday night. (AZARIA PODPLESKY) 2nd PLACE: Domantas Sabonis (Gonzaga); 3rd PLACE: Cooper Kupp (EWU)
With a job that requires cocktail knowledge, charisma and the ability to empathize with customers, Cameron Vesser isn’t just a bartender; he’s also a therapist. He loves playing both roles. “It’s such a good time to stand behind the bar and see all these people that you love so much, instead of sitting in a cubicle,” he says. “I’m literally being paid to have fun.” (AP) 2nd PLACE: Tracey Touch (Borracho Tequileria); 3rd PLACE: Nehemiah Zilar (The Observatory); NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Ryan Roberge (315 Martinis & Tapas)
Thank you Spokane! BEST PATIO DINING
W. 621 Mallon St | 509.328.5965 |
Readers voted Mariah McKay the Best Tireless Community Volunteer.
If you’ve been to an event at Gonzaga, athletics-related or otherwise, you can’t help but have seen Spike. GU’s beloved bulldog mascot can take charge of any crowd, no matter the size, and entertain fans young and old with impressive athleticism and sweet dance moves to boot. Give him a scratch behind the ears next time you see him; the pooch has earned it. (AP) 2nd PLACE: Butch (Washington State University); 3rd PLACE: Otto (Spokane Indians)
For a dose of inspiration, look to Mariah McKay. Currently on the Inlander commentator’s ever-full plate: work with the Spokane Regional Health District, Fuse Washington, Spokane Area NOW and the Spokane University District. “If I can share the joy of making a difference in the world with others, that will inspire people to overcome their own reservations about being involved and a ripple effect can be achieved,” she says. (AP) 2nd PLACE: Mark Peterson (KXLY); 3rd PLACE: Billy Sexton; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Randy Oaks (Post Falls)
Luckily for Sam Adams, sports fans were once again able to overlook the fact that he cheers for the Arizona State Sun Devils, naming him best TV sportscaster for the second year in a row. Since joining the KHQ and SWX team in 2009, Adams’ voice has become synonymous with sports in the Inland Northwest, especially high school and college football and hockey. “This really is a dream job,” Adams says in his KHQ biography. (AP) 2nd PLACE: Keith Osso (KXLY); 3rd PLACE: Darnay Tripp (KREM)
Experience Our Area’s Craft Beer Scene!
The Inland Northwest Ale Trail is a touring challenge of forty-one Craft breweries.
Spokane is lucky enough to experience all four seasons, so Spokanites need a weathercaster they can trust, which they’ve found for more than 20 years in KREM’s Tom Sherry. For Sherry, the affection is mutual. Every year he’s seen the community’s generosity during Tom’s Turkey Drive, which last year gave 11,000 families Thanksgiving dinner. “I appreciate the viewers’ time and never take it for granted,” he says. (AP) 2nd PLACE: Kris Crocker (KXLY); 3rd PLACE: Leslie Lowe (KHQ)
Collect your stamps and receive a 32 oz Ale Trail mini growler after visiting 12 breweries. (while supplies last, one prize per map, one prize per person)
But don’t stop there... make it your personal mission to visit them all!
JERRY WHITE, NADINE WOODWARD, SPOKANE RIVERKEEPER KXLY As a program of the Center for Justice, the Spokane In her more than 20 years in Spokane, Nadine Woodward has reported on it all. But Woodward, who began her local broadcasting career at KREM, still gets excited about her job. The Vancouver native’s current favorite thing is posting behind-the-scenes footage on Facebook to better engage with viewers. “It’s a really fun way to explain to our viewers in a format that they’ve not seen before how we do our job,” she says. (AP) 2nd PLACE: Stephanie Vigil (KHQ); 3rd PLACE: Robyn Nance (KXLY)
The Best Craft Beer Tour!
Riverkeeper is part of the larger, global Waterkeeper Alliance that protects and improves water quality in lakes and rivers. Jerry White took over the job in July 2014, and has maintained and built upon the programs of his predecessors. As a fish conservationist, he previously worked with Save Our Wild Salmon and volunteers with the Spokane chapter of Trout Unlimited. (SCOTT A. LEADINGHAM) 2nd Place: Amanda Parrish, Lands Council; 3rd Place: Mike Petersen, Lands Council; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Adrienne Cronebaugh, Kootenai Environmental Alliance (p. 62)
New Map Released March 5th INLAND NW CRAFT
Find them at participating breweries, local restaurants/pubs where local craft beers are sold and at area hotels.
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 61
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62 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
e’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto. Though when Adrienne Cronebaugh first laid eyes on the Inland Northwest and Lake Coeur d’Alene, it wasn’t her dog at her side, but her husband. And Kansas? Make that Ohio. Cronebaugh, a lifelong “flatlander” in her own words, fell in love with the mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and wide-open spaces of the Northwest when she moved to Coeur d’Alene with her husband in 2010. “It was nice putting my feet in water that wasn’t brown,” she says, remembering the urban rivers of the East and Midwest strewn with industrial and agricultural runoff. As executive director of the Kootenai Environmental Alliance, Cronebaugh is keenly aware that just because the water is clear, it’s not necessarily clean. Far from it. Her priority since taking the reins of KEA’s leadership has been water quality and conservation, in a region filled with rivers, lakes, streams and aquifers at risk of contamination. That risk is not as visible as, say, contaminated drinking water resulting from
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It’s an honor to be voted #1! Adrienne Cronebaugh is the executive director of the Kootenai Environmental Alliance. KRISTEN BLACK PHOTO
corrosive river water reacting with lead-lined pipes in Flint, Michigan, but just as important and as much of a cause for concern. “We are the catch basin for the largest Superfund site in the nation,” Cronebaugh says, referring to the watershed feeding Lake Coeur d’Alene coming out of the Silver Valley, notoriously polluted from decades of mining. Even with that advocacy-focused mission, she steps back from the label “environmentalist,” noting that it tends to evoke strong emotions and connotations. She prefers that the work she and KEA do reflect what people — all people — in this region want: connection to a place of natural beauty. “I prefer to fight [people who oppose our work] with their own words, which is economics,” she says. “Water quality is about economics. Property values go down if your water is polluted. I fight them with the same arguments they fight me with.” In so doing, Cronebaugh hopes that people don’t take for granted this region and all its public access to land and water, which means convincing them to care about and protect their natural resources. The idealistic hope: One day, organizations like KEA won’t be necessary. “Every day I work to put myself out of a job,” she says. — SCOTT A. LEADINGHAM
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uniqu ly downtoew spokanen 64 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Zach Krogh began working at Cinder’s Division location in July and quickly became a go-to resource for shopping advice.
ack Krogh has worked in the marijuana industry for less than a year, but he’s a natural, and his career has evolved as much as the industry itself. While working as a bartender, Krogh applied for positions at local marijuana shops. After making a few connections, he exchanged the “bar” for “bud” and began working as a budtender at Cinder’s Division location in July of last year. In January, Krogh, 23, was promoted to supervisor. His interest in the industry began long before his career did. “I was one of the people on the forefront signing those silly little petitions,” he says. “I was always pro-legalization.” Krogh started pursuing a career in the marijuana industry, coincidentally, after he received a possession charge. He was caught smoking weed in his Eastern Washington University dorm room in the
not-so-sweet spot between when voters approved legalizing marijuana and when the legislation was signed into law. Despite the rough beginnings, Krogh is happy with his job. His favorite part of working at Cinder is helping “little old lad[ies]” who come into the shop looking to get high for the first time, something he says happens more and more every day. “The cultural stigma is dropping and people are more willing to come dip a toe in,” he says. No matter the consumer’s age, Krogh tries his best to help each customer achieve the high they’re looking for. “If it’s giggly, you get them with the sativa,” he says. “If it’s more ‘I want to go melt into the couch and watch TV,’ then I’d give them an indica.” His knowledge of strains is impressive, yet he’s able to break things down so even
the greenest smoker can understand what they’re getting into, which his customers appreciate. Case in point: During our interview, a budtender came into the office and told Krogh that a customer was requesting him specifically. Being chosen as Spokane’s best budtender means a lot to Krogh, and he’s using the title as motivation to accomplish even more, for himself and for Cinder. “I went from budtender to supervisor pretty quick, and I just hope to keep pushing,” he says. “I hope to see Cinder as the future Starbucks of recreational cannabis. It has to happen eventually, so we’re trying to set the standard for the experience.” — AZARIA PODPLESKY 2nd PLACE: Jordan Corey (Satori); 3rd PLACE: Chelsea Hammerstrom (Sativa Sisters)
Thank you Spokane for voting us
Great Service at a Great Price! MONDAY 15% OFF SENIOR’S PERM
NORTH 829 E Indiana
SOUTH 2909 S Southeast
VALLEY 13127 E Sprague
ARGONNE 9227 E Montgomery MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 65
Some members of Club 21, which provides $100,000 to $200,000 to the local community each year.
ervice above self. For Spokane Rotary Club 21 members, it isn’t just a phrase. It’s the unifying ideal behind all that they do — and they do a lot. The club’s history is inextricably tied to Spokane’s, and its momentum moving forward means it will likely continue to be a powerhouse of service in our community and beyond. Bailee Neyland, an energetic young professional, says a passion for service is
part of the reason Club 21 is so impactful. “Everyone has bought in, knowing we can make a difference with our time, treasure and talent,” says Neyland, Hoopfest’s marketing director. “That’s huge.” The club champions health, education and peace through fellowship and service, using its resources to make the community and world a better place, according to its mission statement. “It’s putting power in the hands of
the individual to do good,” says Steven Schneider, a Spokane-based attorney, who authored Through the Eyes of Rotary, a look at 100 years of Rotary history. Started in 1911, Club 21 — the 21st Rotary founded and one of the largest — provides $100,000 to $200,000 to the local community each year, Schneider says. The Rotary Fountain in Riverfront Park? That was them. Youth Symphony concerts at the Bing? That’s them, too. They’ve funded instruments for the Pilgrim Slavic Baptist Church youth orchestra program, new equipment for local nonprofits, improvements to Second
Harvest Food Bank and motorized wheelchairs and cochlear implants for individuals in need. Internationally, Rotary has provided clean water wells in Kenya; midwife training in Bangladesh to improve infant and maternal health; cataract surgery in Ethiopia; cleft lip surgery in the Philippines; and more. “We have a very powerful group,” Neyland says. Club 21 shows no sign of slowing down. “We’re always looking to the next thing,” Neyland says. “How do we expand our reach? How do we increase membership? How do we broaden our demographic?” The first club launched in Chicago in 1905 to kindle fellowship among members of the business community, and though Rotary’s aim has grown to encompass service, the relationships Rotarians build foster dedication to the club — and its mission. “The service piece is what draws people in, but it’s the camaraderie and friendships that keep us coming back,” Neyland says. — CHELSEA BANNACH 2nd PLACE: Kiwanis, Spokane Valley; 3rd PLACE: Post Falls Lions Club
Thanks for voting us the best! Enjoy the Corbin Park course
Experience PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 67
E F I L T H G NI Iron Goat co-owners Greg Brandt, left, and Paul Edminster.
A Bloody Mary has a few basic components. A tall glass. Ice. Some vodka. From there, the success of the morning favorite relies on several variables, and at Press, the options are plentiful and range from the traditional (olives, celery) to the daring (bacon, pickles, pepperoni!?!). The people love choices, and the people love Press’ build-ityourself Bloody bar every Sunday. (DAN NAILEN) 2nd PLACE: Twigs; 3rd PLACE: Satellite Diner; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Curley’s at Hauser Junction
Part of being the best is never resting on one’s laurels, and Hugo’s Bowl takes that to heart. This winter they’ve added a trivia night to go with their regular array of tasty cocktails (served right to your lane), yummy grub and specialty nights dedicated to everything from a Dry Fly food-anddrink pairing to participation in “The National Day of the Dude” celebrating The Big Lebowski. (DN) 2nd PLACE: Lilac Lanes; 3rd PLACE: North Bowl; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Sunset Bowling Center
With Iron Goat moving its tasting room downtown (to 1302 W. Second) in early April, this win is a last hurrah for the funky little spot where the brewery got its start, closing at month’s end. Nights tasting the wares or playing trivia in the remote digs make for great memories, but it just wasn’t big enough to handle Iron Goat’s growth. No doubt people will miss the old tasting room years from now when they’re reminiscing from the new one’s barstools. (DN) 2nd PLACE: Perry Street Brewing; 3nd PLACE: River City Brewing; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Slate Creek Brewing
Thank You for Voting us #1 New Car Dealership BEST CASINO
When it comes to gaming options, Northern Quest has everything you need, but it just might keep winning this category among readers thanks to all the non-gaming options. From concerts year-round to excellent and diverse food options to cushy rooms, it’s an entertainment oasis in Airway Heights for high rollers and neighborhood regulars alike. (DN) 2nd PLACE: Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort; 3rd PLACE: Kootenai River Inn Casino & Spa
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If you’re unaware of the time when you’re hanging at nYne having drinks or watching a game on a weekend night, the eruption of a serious dance party can be jarring. With DJs blending oldschool hip-hop, camp classics and current club bangers, the dance floor fills almost instantly at 9 pm on Friday and Saturdays when the first beats drop, and the moving and grooving doesn’t stop for hours. (DN) 2nd PLACE: Impulse at Northern Quest Resort & Casino; 3rd PLACE: Irv’s; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Nashville North
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 69
The Twigs’ team plans to open its 10th location in the summer of 2017. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
loating above the atrium of River Park Square, tables full of people converse over their meals while looking out at the intersection of Main Avenue and Post Street downtown. Twigs Bistro & Martini bar began as a small bar in the corner of the food court back in 2001, but has since transformed into what co-owner Trevor Blackwell views as a full dining experience unlike any other in Spokane. Not to mention there are now eight other Twigs locations. Though originally Twigs was heavily cocktail-focused, it’s evolved into a restaurant consistently delivering not only fresh and unique cocktails, but dishes as well. “We serve comfortable American cuisine in an open and inviting atmosphere,” says Blackwell. “No matter which location you
walk into.” The success Twigs has seen at its four Spokane spots has encouraged its expansion to Kennewick, Utah, Idaho and Oregon, along with earning Twigs a place in the Best Of Hall of Fame this year. Blackwell hopes that guests feel at home: “It isn’t just a place to take the family for a fancy birthday dinner, but rather for afternoon appetizers and a drink or dinner.” Beyond classic and private dining options, each location offers martini classes, where groups of 12 or more can learn how to concoct, shake and pour their own martinis. Tips for appetizer pairings — along with taste tests — also are included. Continuing to expand outside the Spokane market, Twigs recently announced plans to open its 10th location, in Vancou-
ver, Washington, in the summer of 2017. Blackwell hopes to have two or three other new locations open in the next few years, including a couple further south. Though Blackwell admits that opening restaurants outside the Inland Northwest demands organization and efficiency, he feels fortunate to have found employees — both on-site and as a part of corporate — who continue to provide the same original Twigs experience that began in the food court to every new location since. — FRANNY WRIGHT 2nd PLACE: Durkin’s Liquor Bar; 3rd PLACE: Volstead Act; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Whispers at Coeur d’Alene Resort
Thank you Spokane for voting us
BEST SANDWICH in the Inland NW
22 time winner! Tom Domini & Bobby Bruce W. 703 Sprague 747-2324
70 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Manager Justin Schorzman (top) and the bike-themed dining room.
t’s not often that a new restaurant opens right before its busiest weekend of the year without significant time to work out the kinks in service. But that’s what Taphouse Unchained did in June 2015, ahead of the famed Ironman triathlon weekend. The staff survived, and lived to tell about it. Being owned and operated by the Coeur d’Alene Resort, it’s not as if the crew were a bunch of newbies testing the waters of the food and bar service scene in the Lake City. That scene — with its prime location on Sherman Avenue in the heart of the resort community action — is certainly the place to be on a busy summer weekend. “Oh yes, it was packed,” says Jason Hoehne, a supervisor, remembering the hectic opening time the day before Ironman that led right into the July 4th holiday. Unlike that busy time — or most weekend nights — Hoehne had a chance to chat just after opening in the early afternoon on a Monday in mid-March, definitely out of the peak season. He proudly reels off the 23 craft beers on tap — mostly North Idaho, Spokane and Montana, but some Seattle and Colorado.
“And we have Bud Light,” he says somewhat under his breath, almost embarrassed to say it too loudly. “We call it our bar water.” The appeal — and name — of Unchained comes from the bicycle motif that makes the dining experience not just good pub fare, but part of the cycling culture ingrained in the Inland Northwest. For mountain and road bikers alike, there’s an attraction to putting in 10 or 100 miles on the bike, then rewarding yourself in a setting decorated to match your lifestyle. It’s not just the bike-themed decorations that offer the reward. Hoehne recommends the fish and chips or elk burger for some local inspiration, and a soft pretzel complete with jalapeño cheese dip. “I’m a fat kid,” he says, referring to his menu preferences, not his actual physique. “I like my food.”
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 71
@ The Bing Crosby April 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17 By Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey Direction by Jadd Davis and George Green Music Direction by Zack Baker
For tickets visit or call 509-455-7529 Presented as a co-production by The Modern Theater and Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre
From left: Barrister Winery Owners Michael White, Greg Lipsker and Tyler Walters.
T ou Thank y aders r re Inlande us g for votin hop again! S #1 Pawn 8 locations in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Locally owned for over 35 years. 72 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
ucked away on Railroad Alley downtown, the massive double doors to Barrister Winery open up to a beautifully lit room filled with paintings hanging from brick walls, a corner for musicians to set up, and shelves of wine. A lot of wine. Coworkers and drinking buddies Greg Lipsker and Michael White walked into a wine supply store in 1997 looking for bottles of wine; the kit they left with ended up turning two attorneys who enjoyed drinking wine into winemakers. “It’s all about experiences,” says Lipsker. On track to hold more than 130 events this year, Barrister’s tasting room draws people in to experience the wine in the facility where it’s made. “But those experiences also include education,” adds Tyler Walters, now a co-owner who has proven himself invaluable to Barrister since he was originally hired to help during the 2009 harvest. Beyond celebratory events such as weddings, First Fridays and new release parties, educational events are also held for Barrister’s wine club members. Maximilian Riedel — an Austrian glassmaker — will soon host a wine-glass-oriented tasting event. A crucial and growing component of business, Barrister’s wine club currently has more than 1,200 members who not only gather for events, but have become a part of the Barrister family through volunteering.
“In 2000 we were crushing a ton and a half of grapes in my garage ... and we were making more wine than our friends could drink,” says Lipsker. Sixteen years later, they — along with the help of other employees and volunteers — are crushing 90 tons a year, equaling around 5,000 cases of wine. After opening last fall, Barrister’s new downtown tasting room has helped increase its visibility to those who hadn’t sought out the original location, though Lipsker, White and Walters want to focus on improving their wines and creating more diverse wines rather than increasing production. White is excited to see Spokane reaching critical mass for wine tourism, as a result of new wineries and tasting rooms. Unlike rural wineries, tourists can visit wineries close together in Spokane all day, and spend the night becoming more acquainted with the city. “We’re in the winemaking industry, but we’re also in the hospitality business,” says Lipsker. “Which is something I don’t think we realized when we started, but it has become one of our favorite parts.” — FRANNY WRIGHT 2nd PLACE: Arbor Crest Winery; 3rd PLACE: Overbluff Cellars; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Coeur d’Alene Cellars
Not all Happy Hours are created equal, and our readers say Zola delivers on a higher level than its peers. Any place can offer cheap drinks — and you can find great deals on beer, wine and cocktails here — but few offer scratch-made mac-andcheese, Kobe beef burgers, pork sliders and other delicacies sure to satisfy the post-workday munchies. (DN) 2nd PLACE: Twigs; 3rd PLACE: Safari Room at the Davenport; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Beverly’s
When it comes to karaoke, the Monterey Café doesn’t play around. In fact, they make it easy, offering the public the microphone every night of the week after 9 pm. They have a massive catalog of tunes, and you can sing along to the words buzzing across no less than nine different screens dotting the place. Throw in regular drink specials and stellar pizza, and there’s no reason for Spokane’s shower singers to go anywhere else. (DN) 2nd PLACE: The Star Restaurant and Lounge; 3rd PLACE: nYne; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Iron Horse
Possibly Spokane’s signature beer, the award-winning No-Li Born & Raised IPA is not just a brew for IPA lovers, it’s also the beer they introduce to their more IPA-wary friends. It’s hoppy, but not too bitter. It’s malty, but just enough. Its blend of flavors seems to always hit the spot, whether it’s on tap at your favorite local bar or in a 22-ounce bottle. (WILSON CRISCIONE) 2nd PLACE: Iron Goat Head Butt IPA; 3rd PLACE: River City Riverkeeper IPA; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Slate Creek 6 Weight IPA
Implied astronomy is not the only reason to stop by one of Spokane’s newest haunts (there’s actually a telescope behind the bar). There’s the garage-band stage, the (relatively) cheap munchies and some serious cocktail know-how. “Their Cuban sandwich may be my favorite in town,” says Inlander reader Megan Charles. “And as for drinks, the fresh squeezed juice makes all the difference.” (MITCH RYALS) 2nd PLACE: The Globe Bar & Kitchen; 3rd PLACE: Gaslamp
1018 W. FRANCIS AVE • 509.326.6794 MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 73
Owner Bob Materne (second from left), manager Lisa Ruggles (third from left) and the Swinging Doors’ team. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
F AM E 2016 INDucTEE
he Swinging Doors wasn’t always a sports bar, first opening as what manager Lisa Ruggles calls a “beer, wine and pull tabs” tavern back in 1981, but the evolution into our readers’ favorite sports bar was a natural one. Ruggles, the daughter of owners Bob and Barb Materne, has been working at the Swinging Doors for 24 years, and while her siblings were natural athletes, her interest in sports began and pretty much stayed on the couch with her dad. “My dad, from the time I was a kid, we had a color console TV, but he would put a black-and-white on top so he could watch two games at the same time,” Ruggles says. “He’s always been a sports fanatic.” The Swinging Doors has become a sports fanatic’s paradise, and now it’s in the Inlander Hall of Fame after winning our Best Sports Bar category for 10 years. Materne was in Las Vegas rooting for his alma mater
when we passed on the news, but Ruggles says, “it’s definitely an honor. My dad gets super-excited about it. This is his baby.” The baby has grown considerably since its start as a neighborhood tavern. The first big-screen TV went up in ’89 or ’90, Ruggles says, and in 1995, the Swinging Doors added hard liquor to its offerings. The restaurant came along with the booze. Now the spot on Francis boasts 50 screens hosting every sports package they can buy and a full-service restaurant that attracts families, Little League teams and folks simply more interested in the house specialty broasted chicken or a hearty breakfast than any ballgame. Instead of nine or 10 beers on tap, there are now 27, and about 20 taps rotate and always include a mix of local and regional favorites. “We’ve kind of had to walk a fine line,” Ruggles says. “Are we a family restaurant? Are we a sports bar?”
The answer? A little bit of both. And whether or not you’re there to meet your fellow Seahawks or Packers fans for a game, or meet some friends for coffee and a game of cards (as Ruggles’ grandmother does every Thursday morning), there’s no mistaking the family vibe that comes through at the Swinging Doors as loud and clear as the signals on the myriad TVs. “We really consider ourselves family,” Ruggles says, noting that some employees have been working there for 30 years. “Siblings. I’m the mom, I guess. I’ve heard it from customers, too. It really feels like a family atmosphere here, and we try to make our customers feel like part of that family.” — DAN NAILEN 2nd PLACE: EPIC at Northern Quest Resort & Casino; 3rd PLACE: The Ref; NORTH IDAHO: Capone’s
, The St. Vinny s Comedy Show
5th Annual
West outlet,
ket the casino, any Tic Tickets available at Center or the SVDP Help
All proceeds will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho Warming Centers.
74 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
No surprise here. For the fifth year in a row, it’s Manito for the win! Killer specials, great food, and a constant rotation of hard-to-find beers. They have 50 handles behind the bar, and professional beer guides to help you choose. Plus, all employees must pass a 45-question beer test. “It is super laid-back, the servers are all excellent and the food is AMAZING,” says Inlander reader Lindsey Cantelme. (MR) 2nd PLACE: O’Doherty’s; 3rd PLACE (tie): The Elk and Waddell’s; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Coeur d’Alene Taphouse Unchained
Rye whiskeys, corn whiskeys, single-malts and blends, the selection at Durkin’s Liquor Bar knows no ends. They have whiskeys from near and faraway places, and crafty mixers to get it all into your faces. Some whiskeys young, some aged to perfection; about 100 varieties — an agonizing selection. Prices range from a lot to a little; the burgers are tasty if you’re in the mood for a nibble. (MR) 2nd PLACE: Volstead Act; 3rd PLACE: Table 13
Since opening its doors two years ago, the locally owned, 150-capacity space has continually pushed to bring in top musical and artistic talent. This year, the Bartlett took best All-ages Venue as well as best Live Music Venue overall, showing just how beloved Karli and Caleb Ingersoll’s acoustically sound establishment is in this community. Local music lover Ian Cunningham pointed out: “The Bartlett is doing a great job providing a consistent venue for local, regional and emerging acts. This is what I believe will keep live music going in Spokane.” (LAURA JOHNSON) LIVE MUSIC VENUE 2nd PLACE: Knitting Factory; 3rd PLACE: Zola ALL-AGES VENUE 2nd PLACE: Knitting Factory; 3rd PLACE: The Pin!
round, a general knowledge round and a prize for the best team name. (Big Lebowski puns encouraged.) Trivia night specials include $2 or $3 pints and $3 shots. (MR) 2nd PLACE: Flamin’ Joe’s; 3rd PLACE: Iron Goat Brewing; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Moose Lounge
In 2015, AMC had shelled out millions of dollars to upgrade the theater’s screens, sound systems, concession offerings and, yes, fully reclining seats. So when the Inlander news team went to see The Big Short in January, and ended up in the seats way up front, the reclining seats turned what could have been a neck-bending experience into more of an amusement park thrill ride. Think Star Wars, except with collateralized-debt obligations instead of the Millennium Falcon. (DANIEL WALTERS) 2nd PLACE: The Garland; 3rd PLACE: Magic Lantern; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Regal Riverstone 14
The booming yet jovial voice emanating from the bearded emcee Monday nights at Press is that of Colin Burk. Several times a week, Burk dips into the vast depths of his random pop-culture knowledge for the multiple trivia nights he hosts around town. Expect a music round, a visual
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 75
T N I O P D N A S Kasey Anderson and the Honkies playing the Festival at Sandpoint (left). Pine Street Bakery (top right) and “ski bum” Jonny Knight.
he Festival at Sandpoint offers the perfect reason to spend time in this charming North Idaho town on Lake Pend Oreille. Voted Best Community Event, the FESTIVAL AT SANDPOINT is in its 34th year, having morphed from mostly classical music to eight days of classical, funk, folk, rock and everything in between. “What people are voting for,” says Executive Director Diana “Dyno” Wahl, “is not just who the acts are, but it’s where and how the festival is done.” As a nonprofit venture, says Wahl, they intentionally keep prices affordable. Early-bird passes are $219, and individual tickets range from $30 to $60.
76 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
They pull in plenty of big-name acts — the Doobie Brothers, Ray LaMontagne, Indigo Girls, Counting Crows, Barenaked Ladies, Ziggy Marley — in an intimate, outdoor setting. “I think you’re going to get a better performance if the artist can connect with the audience,” says Wahl. Here’s a plan: Arrive early the day of the concert and get your lottery number, corresponding to the time you’ll enter the festival with your chair or blanket and cooler full of goodies. Now you’re free to spend the day exploring Sandpoint, with suggestions on where to go courtesy of Inlander readers’ choices for other “Best Of”
destinations. Walk or ride your bike into town for a little sightseeing. Check out Sand Creek, City Beach, public art on walls, street corners and in the alleyways, the historic Panida Theater, and locally owned shops selling everything from books to handmade clothing to crystals. The ALPINE SHOP, one such locally owned venue, is winner of Best Outdoor Rec Supplies for all seasons. Check out boating and water wear in the summer, winter gear for a great day on the slopes, and benefit from 50 years of knowledge packed into two locations: Church Street in town and in Schweitzer Mountain Village. Depending on the time of year, the mountain
Best Sandpoint Community Event
thanks for voting for us!
1st PLACE: Festival at Sandpoint 2nd PLACE: Lost in the ’50s 3rd PLACE: Sandpoint Winter Carnival
Best Sandpoint Outdoor Rec Supplies 1st PLACE: Alpine Shop 2nd PLACE: 7B Board Shop 3rd PLACE: Outdoor Experience
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Best Sandpoint Ski Bum 1st PLACE: Jonny “Snow Jedi” Knight 2nd PLACE: Tommy Tunes 3rd PLACE: Jen Forsyth
Sandpoint Bakery
1st PLACE: Pine Street Bakery 2nd PLACE: The Pie Hut 3rd PLACE: Miller’s Country Store
Best Sandpoint Pub
1st PLACE: MickDuff’s Brewing Company 2nd PLACE: Eichardt’s Pub 3rd PLACE: Laughing Dog Taproom
is one of two locations you might find JONNY “SNOW JEDI” KNIGHT, voted Sandpoint’s Best Ski Bum. Knight, a former KPND DJ who works at Laughing Dog Brewing, does Schweitzer’s morning snow reporting Thursday through Sunday, his honey-gravelly voice like a familiar friend. “When I walk through the Village,” he says, “I just try to exude happiness.” Walking through town will help you work up an appetite. Head up to PINE STREET BAKERY, winner of Best Bakery, for a continental breakfast of coffee and a scratch-made croissant, or Americanize your eats with a breakfast sandwich or their recently expanded lunch menu of homemade pizza and sandwiches. Tuck into one of several seating nooks inside, or soak up some early-morning sun on their porch. Since the festival allows patrons to bring their own food, you might want to stock up on a few shortbread cookies for later, or even a bottle of champagne. MICKDUFF’S BREWING COMPANY is an ideal place to spend time before or after the concert. Grab a growler to go or stay and sample any of their seasonal or regular beers, like their Light Blonde Ale, a 2012 NABA Gold Medal winner. Like the Alpine Shop, MickDuff’s has two locations, a short distance apart. Have one of the best burgers in town at the restaurant on First Avenue, or jump ahead to dessert with a chocolaty brownie made with their own Knot Tree Porter. A kids’ menu and casual environs make this a family-friendly spot and a local favorite. Just up the street, MickDuff’s Beer Hall offers live music on Friday and Saturday and plenty of room to kick back, including outside on their grassy, semi-enclosed patio. Since the Festival at Sandpoint is the kind of place you’re likely to make new friends, now you’ll know where to invite them for some post-festival fun. n
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 77 ParadiseCreekBrewery_ThankYou_032416_9U_CPR.tif
N O I T A E R C E R Camp Reed allows a “kid to be a kid.”
Nestled along the banks of Fan Lake in rural Pend Oreille County, about 30 miles north of Spokane, Camp Reed has been the site of fond summer camp memories for more than a century. The 555-acre site offers a diverse range of summer experiences, but it all comes down to its tag line of allowing a “kid to be a kid,” as campers of all ages explore the natural world and form lasting connections with each other and the environment. At the YMCA-run camp there’s something for everyone each summer, from family and mini sessions to the special Camp Goodtimes experience for kids being treated for cancer. (CHEY SCOTT) 2nd PLACE: Camp Spalding; 3rd PLACE: Camp Lutherhaven
It’s hard to top a day spent outdoors in the Pacific Northwest. But if you must be indoors, then spending a few hours at REI, thinking about being outside, is the next best thing. REI has all the gear for any adventure,
plus some pretty sweet clothes for normal life, if you’re into that sort of thing. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly, so you’re sure to leave with whatever it is that you need. (WILSON CRISCIONE) 2nd PLACE: Mountain Gear; 3rd PLACE: White Elephant; NORTH IDAHO’s BEST: Cabela’s
It’s not just a couple of nice restaurants and a brewery that make the South Perry District such a great place to hang out. There’s also a farmers market, a florist and some inviting places to shop — not to mention the wide sidewalks and low speed limit, occasionally obeyed by drivers. These things have turned the South Perry District into the perfect neighborhood for both a walk on a nice day or a casual night out. (WC) 2nd PLACE: Manito Park; 3rd PLACE: Browne’s Addition; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Downtown Coeur d’Alene
All these years working out at the YMCA, and the amazing thing is I still haven’t fully taken advantage of everything the YMCA offers. Sure I’ve gotten my money’s worth by hitting up the weights, the exercise machines, the elliptical and the stationary bikes. But I haven’t so much as dipped my toes into the pool. Or taken advantage of the free childcare. Or taken a single Zumba class. (OK, that last one is because Zumba absolutely terrifies me.) (DANIEL WALTERS) 2nd PLACE: MÜV Fitness; 3rd PLACE: The Spokane Club, NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Salvation Army Kroc Center
After years of what’s been described as neglect at Indian Canyon, the city’s parks department, which owns the course, took notice. Last year, it pumped $137,000 into upgrades to the course, clubhouse and equipment. Now Jason Conley, executive officer for the parks department, says that “people are remembering why they like the course.” There’s plenty to like, including its large driving range and scenic views. (JAKE THOMAS) 2nd PLACE: Circling Raven; 3rd PLACE: Coeur d’Alene Resort Golf Course
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Thank You!
Thank you to our amazing partners and guests who made the 34th annual Epicurean Delight possible! We are honored to have your support. You truly help the Inland Northwest Blood Center and Blood Center Foundation of the Inland Northwest save lives. Mark your calendar for Epicurean Delight 2016
Friday, November 11, 2016!
To contribute to INBC’s Build Your Bloodmobile Campaign, please visit
Thank You for Voting us
Best Charity Event of 2015!
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 79 BloodCenterFoundation(ThankYou)_111215_8H_WT.pdf
Whether you’re a casual skier/snowboarder or are on the cusp of going pro, Wintersport’s friendly staff will guide you through their selection of boards and skis, as well as bindings, boots and apparel. If you need to have the latest gear but want to pay rental prices, Wintersport offers a season lease program that allows customers to use cutting-edge skis and snowboards each year. The offer is particularly useful for families with quickly growing children. (JT) 2nd PLACE: Sports Creel; 3rd PLACE: REI; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Ski Shack
Bike Hub has it all, from a comfy set of wheels you can ride to work on, to a bike that will take you on your next backcountry adventure. Commuters, cruisers, road, mountain, even BMX bikes can be found at Bike Hub’s two locations in downtown Spokane and Spokane Valley. The knowledgeable staff will even custom-fit your
bike for you. If your bike needs repairs or maintenance, staff will waste no time in getting your wheels working again. The Bike Hub also hosts clinics and other events, so you can learn how to keep your bike in working order. (JT) 2nd PLACE: Wheel Sport; 3rd PLACE: MonkeyBoy Bicycles; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Vertical Earth (p. 84)
Although it’s earned favorable write-ups in fancy national publications in recent years, locals have known all along what a great place Schweitzer is. With 2,900 acres of skiable terrain and 92 designated runs, you might get a little chilly at Schweitzer, but you won’t get bored. The ski area offers plenty of opportunities, from newbies to those who were basically born on skis. Among the unique features at the mountain is the the Stomping Grounds Terrain Park, including rails, boxes and jumps. (JT) 2nd PLACE: Mt. Spokane; 3rd PLACE: 49° North
1 st P l a c e B e s t B a r t e n d e r
CAmeron Vesser
2nd Place best bartender
Tracey Touch 211 n division 509 822 7789 80 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Bloomsday is celebrating its 40th year this spring.
If you’re going to strap a piece of wood and plastic to your feet and glide down a mountain, you might as well do it from the highest point in Spokane County, right? Mt. Spokane Ski and Snowboard Park makes the unforgiving Inland Northwest winters more bearable. Less than an hour from Spokane, it’s run by a nonprofit that offers affordable rates to hit the slopes. The mountain boasts 1,425 acres of skiable terrain and 45 runs, including a side that’s nothing but black diamonds. If that’s not enough, you can hit the terrain park or the lodge at the mountain’s summit. (JT) 2nd PLACE: Schweitzer; 3rd PLACE: 49° North
You can be a world-class runner from the other side of the planet, you can be a casual runner going for a personal best, you can push a stroller, you can plod along in a silly costume. You don’t even have to run. That’s part of what’s made Bloomsday an annual event that’s attracted crowds from all over the world (46,914 last year) to run in the Lilac City since 1977. (JT) 2nd PLACE: Ironman Coeur d’Alene; 3rd PLACE: The Dirty Dash
BEST SANDWICHES Thank you to our loyal and supportive customers! 917 W BROADWAY AVE • SPOKANE, WA 509.326.6475 • Monday-Friday 10AM-4PM Saturday & Sunday 11AM-4PM
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 81
alk into the Union’s Downtown studio and you’ll be greeted with a sweet-smelling aroma, the work of a single grapefruit candle. “People are pretty stinky, so this helps,” the front desk attendant says. One of two gym locations, the other in north Spokane, the downtown studio opened in 2014 and paved the way for the second location to open nearly two months ago. Both offer a perfect union of workouts: spin, yoga and TRX; cardio, flexibility and strength. Tennis shoes line the floor outside the workout rooms, and Iggy Azalea’s “Black Widow” booms as an instructor can be heard narrating a spin workout. Not even closed doors can contain the energy. “Music is a big vibe for us,” says Chretienne Yalung, manager of both locations. “We think it is a huge motivation when you’re working out. In a typical class, it has a more outdoorsy feel — you have hill climbs for 30 seconds, and then you hit the pavement. But ours is ‘Let’s get on the bike, let’s play loud music, let’s kind of dance and have fun.’ It’s a different feel. You’re working out, but you’re
having fun.” There is also yoga, which follows a Vinyasa flow style in a heated room. There’s no need to be intimidated by the astonishing flexibility of the sport’s experts; anyone can partake. “We’ve had GU basketball players, girls who have never done the workout, and breast cancer survivors come in,” Yalung says. Though it has the smallest number of participants, TRX — suspension training that uses bodyweight exercises — is blossoming in Spokane. So is the Union itself. Every class offers something new. There are more than 30 instructors on a growing staff, and each formats their own classes and makes their own playlists. “Everyone finds a teacher that they connect with, and that’s what we want,” Yalung says. On a similar note, special country, rock, and “Selena vs. Bieber”-themed spin classes suggest that fun is to be had, while also resulting in enough sweat to require a potent grapefruit candle at the studio’s entrance. What began as unity in workout options is augmented with community
Fun meets yoga at the Union. and great people. And of course, a killer workout. “Health and fitness is trending right now, but we hope to make it a lifestyle choice, so that people come in and love it and make the decision to translate it into
their life,” Yalung says. — CLAIRE STANDAERT 2nd PLACE: Yarrow Yoga; 3rd PLACE: Harmony Yoga; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Garden Street Yoga
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 83
o matter the season, you can find Mike Gaertner, the owner of Vertical Earth, on a bike. In the warmer months, he’s on mountain trails. In the winter, Gaertner rolls out his fat bike, which includes cartoonishly gargantuan treaded tires, and plods through the snow. “There’s nothing better than getting on trails,” says Gaertner. “The fun part about bike shops is relaying it to other people.” It’s Gaertner’s unwavering enthusiasm for bikes that makes Vertical Earth, which he’s run since 2002, North Idaho’s best. “We’ve been doing this for a long time,” says Gaertner. “And what we focus on is freedom, fitness and camaraderie.” The store moved to its current location on Sherman Avenue about two and a half years ago. What sets Vertical Earth apart from other shops, says Gaertner, is the wide range of items sold in the 5,200-square-foot space. The store boasts a wide selection of cyclocross, mountain, road and fat
bikes from brands including Giant, Scott and Kona. Vertical Earth also sells bags, jackets, helmets, car racks and trailers, as well as non-bike-related gear, such as wetsuits for triathlons. In the summer, the store is stocked with cruisers and road bikes. In the winter, Vertical Earth shifts its focus to fat bikes and also sells snowshoes and winter wear. “The whole shop is designed for the season,” says Gaertner. “Any time of year, we can set you up.” If you already have a bike that needs fixing, or just a tune-up, Vertical Earth has you covered. “We take care of any kind of bike,” says Gaertner. Gaertner worked at bike shops in Pocatello, Idaho and Missoula, Montana, while riding competitively before deciding to go into business for himself. In one regard, he says, biking and business are similar. “Eventually you get good at it if you do it enough,” he says. — JAKE THOMAS
N O RTH I DA H O Owner Mike Gaertner moved his shop to Sherman Avenue about two and a half years ago. JAKE THOMAS PHOTO
These lesson packages include a season pass!
Add a 2016 Summer Season Pass for only $39!
84 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
ou can barely see the faded paint on some of the trees. It’s a faint reminder of what the Downriver Disc Golf Course used to be — a handful of baskets made from 5-gallon soy sauce buckets left over from Gordy Crafts’ restaurant. Crafts, the now-retired owner of Gordy’s Sichuan Cafe, moved to Spokane from California in the early ’90s. There were no disc golf courses to speak of, so he tossed a disc at objects that were already there: park benches, fence posts, trees marked with paint — what Crafts calls a “guerilla course.” Then he started building holes, and the people started coming. “We never thought it was going to be this big,” he says now. He and a few other disc golfers started slowly building out the course: baskets with chains hanging from them like the ones on professional courses throughout the country, tee boxes, signs and benches. By 2001, donations and small course fees built up enough to assemble an entire
18-hole course, which eventually was turned over to the city. Today Downriver is one of three public courses in Spokane, showcasing 18 holes scattered alongside the roaring Spokane River. On a chilly weekday afternoon in mid-March, the course is crawling with players looking to get a few holes in before sundown. There’s a foursome of dudes in neon hoodies, a couple and their kindergartner, a pair of buttoned-up fellas in polos and a chatty group throwing back a few PBRs between tosses. Some bring their dogs. One dad brought his daughter, who rides on his shoulders between holes. Spokane’s first (and now voted best) course is rated one of the toughest in Washington state by the Professional Disc Golf Association, due to the frequent changes in elevation and trees scattered throughout. Crafts, who designed his own private courses as well, says a beginner could test the waters for $20 — the cost of
Downriver is one of three public disc golf courses in Spokane. two discs. “It’s truly a premier lifetime sport,” he says. “It’s free to play 365 days a year, just like it always was. Park is open from dawn to dusk.” — MITCH RYALS
2nd PLACE: High Bridge Park, Spokane Parks; 3rd PLACE: Camp Sekani, Spokane Parks; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Corbin Park, Post Falls
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 85 MomsCustomTattoo_BestOf_032416_4S_AA_REV.pdf
E S U O L A P E H T CLOCKWISE: The Moscow Food Co-op, Paradise Creek Brewing and South Fork Public House. TARYN PHANEUF PHOTOS
HE COUG’s place as Best Palouse Late-Night Hangout is secure for another year. Not that it needs to be reminded of its influence; after more than eight decades, the Coug is more like an institution than a bar. “It’s kind of strange, because I own the business, but I’m more like the current caretaker … because the Coug’s been important to a lot of people for a very long time,” owner Bob Cady says. “To say it’s all mine is not necessarily true. Any changes or improvements — anything that happens — I have to take a look at: What does this do to the long-term legacy of the Coug?” Since he bought the bar 11 years ago, Cady has
86 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
installed a few new traditions. Early morning champagne breakfasts celebrate graduates each spring, and Christmas at the Coug brings some holiday cheer when Washington State University classes are still in session. Alumni may not experience the new traditions, but their blessing is still important. When he added hard liquor to the beer offerings four years ago, some people threatened to boycott, Cady says. Nothing came of it, but it shows “new” isn’t taken lightly here. “It’s not as easy as saying, ‘We’re going to do this now, so let’s do it,’” he says. “We have to look at the past and how it’s going to carry forward to the future.” A brewery in a small town can struggle to draw
a crowd, but PARADISE CREEK BREWING in Pullman, named Best Palouse Brewery, hasn’t let its distance from the beaten path stop it from making great beer. With the recent addition of Joan Swensen, former executive chef at Swilly’s, Paradise Creek is gearing up for some menu changes that will try “to bring the best of both worlds together,” owner Tom Handy says. As for the beer, the range of standbys and seasonals on tap means there’s something for everyone. One of Paradise Creek’s sours, the Huckleberry Pucker, is a favorite, noted for its strong flavor. The brewery just released a new spring beer, the Hoe’s Daddy Dunkel. The dark wheat German-style ale is available through May. But
Best Palouse Brewery
1st PLACE: Paradise Creek Brewing 2nd PLACE: Zythum Brewing, Fairfield 3rd PLACE: Moscow Brewing Company
Best Palouse Grocery Store
1st PLACE: Moscow Food Co-op 2nd PLACE: Dissmore’s IGA 3rd PLACE: McLeod’s Palouse Market, Palouse
Best Palouse Late-Night Hangout
Beautiful homes begin at The Tin Roof.
1st PLACE: The Coug; 2nd PLACE: Valhalla; 3rd PLACE: Etsi Bravo
Best Palouse Pizza
1st PLACE: Porch Light Pizza 2nd PLACE: Sella’s Calzone & Pizza 3rd PLACE: Maialina Pizzeria Napoletana, Moscow
Best Palouse Restaurant 1st PLACE: South Fork Public House 2nd PLACE: The Black Cypress 3rd PLACE: Green Frog Cafe, Palouse
really, it’s better to avoid deciding — order a flight. PORCH LIGHT PIZZA, voted Best Palouse Pizza, combines speed and novelty, serving fire-baked personal pizzas with some unexpected toppings and combinations, including pulled pork. “Not a lot of people see pulled pork on a pizza,” manager George Swanger says. “The owner thought of that.” After two years in Pullman, Swanger says he can guarantee that newcomers will be back, and not just because no one gets sick of pizza. To him, speed is the magic ingredient. Picking up your pizza five minutes after you ordered it? It’s hard to beat that. The MOSCOW FOOD CO-OP, voted Best Palouse Grocery Store, represents the area’s dedication to local food. A planned expansion into Pullman was made possible through the community’s continued and growing support, with shoppers on both sides of the border coming from all over to shop. After its 7,600 owners indicated last year that they wanted to explore expanding the natural food store, staff started looking into purchase data to find out where their customers live, manager Melinda Schab says. It’s not surprising that a significant chunk of their shoppers come from Washington zip codes, making Pullman the clear choice for a second store. As the co-op takes the next steps toward realizing many Pullman foodies’ dreams, they’ll keep making the drive to Moscow to fill their jars with flour from the bulk section or eat lunch in the deli. Take it from them: It’s worth it. At SOUTH FORK PUBLIC HOUSE, voted Best Palouse Restaurant, people come back because they’re part of the family, says Shanna Taylor, a manager. Her staff takes special care to look after every detail, from tailoring recommendations for newcomers to recognizing regulars coming in for an afternoon drink with friends. Tweaks to otherwise expected bar-and-grill fare makes South Fork unique. The spicy and sweet Bangkok Burger tops the patty with curry mayo, cilantro and tomato chutney. The mac and cheese — quintessential comfort food — uses the WSU creamery’s Cougar Gold cheese, connecting the little community at the restaurant to the slightly bigger one outside it.
Winning this category for the fourth year in a row, you’d think a band would start to take the Best Of honor for granted. But Pat Simmons, the Cronkites’ drummer and co-vocalist, says that’s not the case at all. “We’re happy that people remembered when they were out for a night that we were a band they were having fun with,” Simmons says. Known for their mix of classic rock, blues, Top-40 hits and improvisational riffs, the four-piece band plans on playing another 20 years — hopefully. “We like to go to the party, but we’re not good dancers,” Simmons says. “That’s why we have to be in this band.” (LAURA JOHNSON) 2nd PLACE: Ryan Larsen Band; 3rd PLACE: Go Man Gos
88 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
With the Marshall McLean Band, Spokane has been privy to “Inland Northwest Americana” — a mix of traditional instrumentation with a strong alt-country and folk influence that seemingly matches perfectly with the peaks and valleys of our region. For the second year in a row the people have spoken, naming the three-piece (sometimes four-piece) act the best original band around. McLean says they’re still working on that second album, but finally after three years, he thinks the band is hitting its stride. “It’s just us doing the work this year,” he says. “We’ve weathered the high point and now as a group we’re tighter. We have more stories together and that translates on stage.” (LJ) 2nd PLACE: Folkinception; 3rd PLACE: Nixon Rodeo
A formal black-tie event can sometimes feel overwhelming — there’s so much pressure to enjoy yourself. Since 1980, the Inland Northwest’s Blood Center’s annual Epicurean Delight fundraiser strives to put people at ease. Last year, more than 1,000 community members dressed up to experience a night of sampling dishes from 30 local restaurants, as well as dancing, drinking and learning more about the blood center — there’s no auction at this one. Inlander reader Kelli Hawkins says, “Epicurean Delight is a charity event that stimulates all your senses.” (LJ) 2nd PLACE: Beyond Pink, funding breast cancer awareness; 3rd PLACE: The Pumpkin Ball, Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Festival of Trees, Kootenai Health Foundation
The Eagles played for more than three hours to a sold-out crowd.
n 2014, the Spokane Arena announced “The Bucket List,” a promotion asking Spokane music fans to think big and create a list of who they’d like to see perform at the Arena. More than 10,000 responses later, the Bucket List was complete, with pop singer Pink, country star Luke Bryan, and the Boss himself, Bruce Springsteen, topping the list. Just outside of the top 10, sandwiched between Bruno Mars and Green Day at a solid 13 (“Lucky 13,” marketing manager Becca Watters says) was legendary rock band the Eagles. “Spokane is such a classic rock town, and the Eagles are such a big legacy group, and they’re so great live,” Watters says. “I wasn’t super surprised that they were that high on the list.” Who would be? With more than 150 million records sold, the Eagles are one of the world’s best-selling bands of all time. Their decades-long career has spawned more than two dozen singles, seven studio albums and 10 compilation albums of enough hits, deep cuts and rare live performances to last a lifetime. The folks at the Arena heard Eagles fans loud and clear and booked the band as part of the Arena’s 20th anniversary season. The sold-out May 29 show found Glenn Frey
(who passed away in January), Don Henley, Joe Walsh, Timothy B. Schmit and Bernie Leadon splitting their illustrious career into two sets. The first paid homage to the band’s countrytinged beginnings with songs like “Peaceful Easy Feeling,” “Witchy Woman” and “Take It to the Limit.” After a short break, the band opened the second set with ballads “Pretty Maids All in a Row” and “I Can’t Tell You Why” before showing the crowd that they still knew how to rock, playing songs like “Heartache Tonight,” “Life’s Been Good” and a cover of the James Gang’s “Funk #49.” After nearly three-and-a-half hours, the Eagles went out strong with an encore of fan favorites “Hotel California” and “Take It Easy.” For Watters, this success of this show, the Eagles’ first in Spokane since 2002, was just proof of Spokane’s dedication to classic rock. “People in this town respond so well to what we bring to town,” she says. — AZARIA PODPLESKY 2nd PLACE: Eric Church (Spokane Arena); 3rd PLACE: Shania Twain (Spokane Arena); NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Wilco (Festival at Sandpoint)
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The team behind the curtain. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
WHITE CHRISTMAS (Spokane Civic Theatre)
“W H
90 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
ho doesn’t love White Christmas?” asks Keith Dixon, executive director of the Spokane Civic Theatre. It’s a rhetorical question, clearly, but a rough answer lies in the votes that propelled the Civic’s most recent holiday show to a comfortable victory over some fierce competition — including the theater’s own well-received production of Evil Dead: The Musical, which took second place. Dixon says that the film-based musical’s hometown ties, feel-good atmosphere and memorable tunes by Irving Berlin explain why it proved so popular with audiences, even after being staged during three of the past six Civic seasons. “White Christmas is a Spokane show. It’s Bing Crosby. It’s beloved. You could run that show every year and people would come see it. It’s such a great family show at
the holidays.” This production, however, was something special by all accounts. Dixon says that Jean Hardie’s “great” direction was palpable. “The cast had such a wonderful time, and all of that camaraderie and energy carried over into the performances.” Evil Dead: The Musical was a different show entirely: A campy, gory tribute to Sam Raimi’s cult film trilogy. “White Christmas was upstairs on our main stage. Evil Dead was in the studio downstairs, and that’s a space where we get to play and stretch the boundaries,” Dixon says. “With these two shows being so opposite, it speaks to the variety of what people want. And we’re finding ways to give all audiences something that they will like. I think this recognition demonstrates that.” The Civic isn’t just claiming the top two spots in this hotly contested category.
White Christmas gives the theater 10 years of first-place wins, earning it a place in the Hall of Fame. “Ten years — I’ve seen theater companies come and go multiple times in 10 years. It speaks to the consistency of the quality of the work that we do. It also speaks to the passion that our volunteers have for the work and theater itself, the hard work of our staff, and the love that the community has for what we do and how much they support it,” Dixon says. “It truly is theater by the community, for the community.” — E.J. IANNELLI 2nd PLACE: Evil Dead: The Musical (Spokane Civic Theatre); 3rd PLACE: The Wild Party (The Modern TheaterSpokane); NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Rock of Ages (The Modern Theater-Coeur d’Alene)
Best local brewery BEST BIKE SHOP spokane valley | 12505 e sprague ave. | 509.443.4005 downtown spokane | 1403 w 1st ave. | 509.443.1260
best locally produced ipa
1003 e trent ave. | suite 170 509.242.2739 |
Art on the Green Volunteer Coordinator Jolie Bazler and sons Will (left) and Schon. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
F AM E 2016 INducTEE
92 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
ince its first win in 2001, writers have wondered what makes Art on the Green so popular with not just Inlander voters, but also the thousands who attend this annual, three-day Coeur d’Alene arts festival. Is it the idyllic setting, meandering across North Idaho College’s gentle, grassy terrain that even on the hottest August days benefit from shade trees and Lake Coeur d’Alene’s cooling breezes? Maybe it’s the variety of artwork, an average of 170 booths overflowing with pottery, painting, photography, handmade clothing, sculpture, glassware, jewelry and crafts. Could it be the proximity to two simultaneously occurring festivals, Taste of Coeur d’Alene at City Park and the eclectic Sherman Avenue street fair? Carol Stacey, Art on the Green presi-
dent, has her own opinions. With more than 40 years’ experience with the nonprofit event, she would definitely know. “I think that it’s a volunteer thing,” says Stacey, who thinks volunteers make it feel like a friendly, community get-together. A big, friendly, community get-together. With only two part-time employees, Art on the Green marshals approximately 700 volunteers to help with setup and cleanup, food booths, promotion and numerous musical, theatrical and other performances held during the festival. Volunteers also help the juried art show and annual poster contest, which Stacey says equates to good quality artwork. Stacey has seen the event evolve — Art on the Green originated in 1969 as the “Arts and Crafts Outdoor Festival” — and they’re still making adjustments. “Way back in the early days,” says Stacey, “the kids would
sleep down there and guard the paintings.” Now that task is hired out. Last year, one of two musical and event stages finally got a real sound system, says Stacey, although the audience — especially little kids — are welcome to come right up to the stage and dance to their heart’s content. This year, the grounds are being reworked to improve traffic flow. Good thing. One of Art on the Green’s founding members, Sue Flammia (who sadly passed away last year), had estimated the crowds at around 35,000, says Stacey. We think Coeur d’Alene’s beloved art festival and Hall of Fame winner is being modest; we’re going with a previous Inlander writer’s estimate of 50,000. Maybe more. — CARRIE SCOZZARO 2nd PLACE: ArtFest; 3rd PLACE: Terrain
Elkfest comes at a crazy time of year for music festivals — just after Sasquatch! and the Inlander’s own Volume in June — but it’s the only free block party of the bunch. Located in the heart of Browne’s Addition, the event rocks with its usual blend of local and national talent. Local music enthusiast Dawn Fields says she finds the event appealing because it’s accessible and open to all (there’s always fascinating people-watching here). “The event comes at a great time of year, when everyone is aching to get outside and connect in a safe, celebratory fashion,” she says. (LJ) 2nd PLACE: Festival at Sandpoint; 3rd PLACE: Pig Out in the Park
When she placed sixth on America’s Got Talent back in 2013, Cami Bradley had already won over the people of Spokane with her honest piano tunes and angelic vocals. These days she’s on to a new project called the Sweeplings, a cinematic-folk duo with Alabama-based Whitney Dean that’s already receiving national and local accolades. So far this year the band has been profiled by and played a sold-out show at the Bartlett. The pair is currently working on a brandnew album, which includes writing credits from John Paul White of the Civil Wars, a band the Sweeplings often are compared to. (LJ) 2nd PLACE: Jeremy McComb; 3rd PLACE: Christy Lee Comrie
After last year’s life-changing biking accident, radio DJ Ken Hopkins is now back on the job, and Inlander readers wouldn’t want it any other way. Spokanite Dean Astleford says that 92.9 is not his usual radio station. At 55, its modern hit tunes are not exactly to his liking, but most mornings he listens anyway to the voices of local favorites Dave, Ken and Molly. “They are all right around my age, so I get a kick about their musings with life issues they experience,” Astleford explains. “I also like their community service issues.” (LJ) 2nd PLACE: Jay & Kevin, Coyote Country, KXLY; 3rd PLACE: Jamie & Tanya, the Mountain, Radio Spokane
The Book of Mormon, after winning the Tony for Best Musical in 2011, is still insanely popular. That’s why the controversial show — from the guys who brought you South Park and Avenue Q — about two Mormon missionaries sent to Uganda came back to the INB Performing Arts Center for another run. Love it or hate it, people were there laughing and singing along. As Inlander reader Megan Shover put it: “The Book of Mormon, well, it’s vulgar, offensive, shocking and… hilarious! Life is more fun if we don’t take ourselves too seriously.” (LJ) 2nd PLACE: A Christmas Story, WestCoast; 3rd PLACE: Mamma Mia, WestCoast
Would like to THANK the Inland Northwest for their support!! 509-624-2172 • Shannon Sullivan - Owner Support your local women in business.. MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 93
BEST BURRITOS Neato Burrito, 827 W. First BEST ASIAN FOOD Neato Burrito • 847-1234 Gordy’s Sichuan Cafe BEST CHEAP EATS 501 E. 30th • 747-1170 Dick’s Hamburgers, 10 E. Third BEST BAKERY Rocket Bakery, • 747-2481 1325 W. First • 747-1834 BEST CIDERY 903 W. Garland • 325-8909 One Tree Hard Cider, 9514 E. 157 S. Howard • 838-3887 Montgomery 1301 W. 14th • 456-3534 • 315-9865 3315 N. Argonne Rd., Spokane BEST COFFEE ROASTER Valley • 462-2345 Thomas Hammer, 210 W. Pacific BEST BREAD • 535-4806 Great Harvest Bread Co., BEST CUPCAKES 2530 E. 29th • 535-1146 Sweet Frostings Blissful Bakeshop 3510 N Gov’t Way, CdA • 15 S. Washington. • 242-3845 208-667-0606 12501 N. Division • 368-9811 BEST BREAKFAST Frank’s Diner, BEST DESSERT 1516 W. Second • 747-8798 10thDockside ANNUAL Restaurant 10929 N. Newport Hwy. • at the CdA Resort 465-2464 115 S. Second • 208-765-4000 BEST LOCAL BREWERY BEST DISTILLERY BEST LOCAL IPA Dry Fly, 1003 W. Trent No-Li Brewhouse; • 489-2112 10th ANNUAL Born & Raised IPA BEST LOCAL DRIVE-THRU 1003 E. Trent • ESPRESSO BEST BURGERS Dutch Bros. Coffee, Wisconsinburger, 916 S. Hatch 402 W. Second, and other • 241-3083 tions 10th 10th ANNUAL ANNUAL
BEST SINGLE-LOCATION COFFEE SHOP Atticus Coffee & Gifts, 222 N. Howard • 747-0336 BEST FARMERS MARKET South Perry Thursday Market BEST FINE DINING Clinkerdagger, 621 W. Mallon • 328-5965 BEST FOOD TRUCK Couple of Chefs • 290-9408 BEST GLUTEN-FREE OPTIONS Boots Bakery & Lounge, 24 W. Main • 703-7223 BEST ICE CREAM Brain Freeze, 1238 W. Summit Pkwy. • 321-7569 1230 S. Grand Blvd. • 309-3830 BEST ITALIAN Tomato Street, 6220 N. Division • 484-4500 221 W. Appleway, CdA • 208-6675000
BEST KID-FRIENDLY RESTAURANT Red Robin, 725 W. Main and other locations BEST MEXICAN FOOD Azteca, 245 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • 456-0350 9738 N. Newport Hwy. • 465-9101 14700 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley • 228-9661 BEST NEW RESTAURANT (Opened in 2015-16) The Blackbird Tavern + Kitchen, 905 N. Washington • 392-4000 BEST PATIO DINING Central Food, 1335 W. Summit Pkwy. • 315-8036 BEST PIZZA The Flying Goat, 3318 W. Northwest Blvd. • 327-8277 BEST PUB FOOD BEST PUB Manito Tap House, 3011 S. Grand • 279-2671
...continued on page 96
F AM E AMC River Park Square Anthony’s Arbor Crest Winery Art on the Green Auntie’s Bookstore Azteca Boo Radley’s Clinkerdagger Dave, Ken and Molly Davenport Hotel & Tower David’s Pizza Dennis Patchin Dick’s Hamburgers Domini Sandwiches The Elk Finders Keepers Frank’s Diner Hastings Huckleberry’s Jaazz Salon Liberty Park Florist Luigi’s Manito Park Mizuna
APRIL 30th, 2016 • 5:30PM • kootenai county fairgrounds Are you looking for something fun and charitable to do on April 30th? Join us for the Sorensen Auction & Soirée at Kootenai County Fairgrounds at 5:30pm. 5th Grade
5th Grade
• 5:30PM • kootenai county fairgrounds APRILAPRIL 30th,30th, 2016 2016 5:30PM kootenai county fairgrounds
• • NIGHT INCLUDES: Are you looking for something fun and charitable to do on April 30th? Join us for the • Silent live auction with tons of Areand you looking for fun and charitable to do at Sorensons Auction & Soirée at Kootenai County Fairgrounds at Are you looking forsomething something fun and charitable do5:30pm. Tickets aretoavailable
great stuff at30th? all different price the Sorensen Auction & Soirée on April Join on April 30th? Joinususfor for the Sorensen Auction & Soirée NIGHTpoints! INCLUDES: at Kootenai at Kootenai County at 5:30pm. County Fairgrounds at 5:30pm. • Beer raffle: $25/ticket, win of 250 Fairgrounds • Silent and live auction with tons 5th Grade at Tickets are available bottles ofall beer, growlers more! great stuff at different priceand points! at $65/ticket or $520 for • Best of raffle: win $100/ticket, • Beer raffl e: live $25/ticket, 250 bottles of NIGHT INCLUDES: winner getsand to pick any live NIGHT INCLUDES: aTickets tableareofavailable eight. Kids or no beer, growlers more! • Silent and live auction withitem tons •of • 5:30PM at 30th, 2016 county fairgrounds stuff at all different priceofkootenai togreat livee: auction! •APRIL Best of live raffl $100/ticket, winner • prior Silent and live auction with tons kids, this isare truly an event! Tickets available at points! gets to pick any live item prior to live • Dancing to music from THE RUB! great stuff at all different price atfun $65/ticket or $520 for a table Beer win 250 Please join us!doof eight. Are• dinner youraffle: looking for something and charitable to auction! • Great and$25/ticket, drinks. points! Kids or no kids, this is truly an event! bottles of beer, growlers and more! • Dancing music from THE RUB! •• And much more. at $65/ticket $520 for Beer raffle: $25/ticket, win 250the Sorensen on so April Join us for Auction &us! Soirée •to Best of30th? live raffle: $100/ticket, Pleaseorjoin • Great dinner and drinks. winner gets to pick any live item bottles of beer, growlers and more! a tableatof5:30pm. eight. Kids or no at Kootenai County Fairgrounds • And so much more. at this $65/ticket or $520 for toraffle: live auction! • Best ofprior live $100/ticket, kids, is truly an event! • Dancing to music from THE RUB! winner gets dinner to pick live item a table eight. Pleaseofjoin us! Kids or no • Great andany drinks. prior• to live auction! And so much more. kids, this is truly an event! NIGHT INCLUDES: • Dancing to music from THE RUB! Please join us! •• Silent live and auction with tons of Greatand dinner drinks. Tickets are available at stuff at more. all different price • great And so much points! • Beer raffle: $25/ticket, win 250 bottles ofMARCH beer, growlers 94 INLANDER 24, 2016and more! at $65/ticket or $520 for • Best of live raffle: $100/ticket, winner gets to pick any live item a table of eight. Kids or no prior to live auction! kids, this is truly an event! • Dancing to music from THE RUB! Please join us! • Great dinner and drinks.
Mt. Spokane Mustard Seed Nordstrom Northern Quest Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture Red Robin REI Rocket Bakery Schweitzer Tom Sherry Spa Paradiso Spokane Arena Spokane Civic Theatre Starbucks STCU Swinging Doors Thai Bamboo Twigs Stephanie Vigil Value Village The Viking Wendle Motors Wheel Sport
5th Grade
These winners have taken top honors in 10 different years out of the past 23.
For Shakin’ Things Up for 10 years with us! Wandermere - South Hill River Park Square - Spokane Valley
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 95
BEST SANDWICHES Domini Sandwiches, 703 W. Sprague • 747-2324 BEST SEAFOOD Anthony’s at Spokane Falls, 510 N. Lincoln • 328-9009 BEST STEAKS Churchill’s Steakhouse, 165 S. Post • 474-9888 BEST SUSHI, 430 W. Main • 838-0630 BEST TAKEOUT BEST THAI FOOD Thai Bamboo, 5406 N. Division • 777-8424 2926 E. 29th • 232-8424 12722 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley • 444-8424 2010 N. Fourth St., CdA • 208-667-5300 BEST WINERY BEST WINERY TASTING ROOM Barrister Winery, 1213 W. Railroad • 203 N. Washington •
BEST BIKE SHOP The Bike Hub, 12505 E. Sprague • 443-4005 1403 W. First • 474-1260 BEST DISC GOLF COURSE Downriver Golf Course Riverside State Park, off Downriver Drive BEST GOLF COURSE Indian Canyon, 1000 S. Assembly • 747-5353 BEST HEALTH CLUB YMCA, 930 N. Monroe 10727 N. Newport Hwy. 2421 N. Discovery Pl., Spokane Valley BEST OUTDOOR REC SUPPLIES REI, 1125 N. Monroe • 328-9900 BEST PLACE TO SKI Schweitzer Mountain Resort, Sandpoint, Idaho • 877-487-4643
BEST PLACE TO SNOWBOARD Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr., Mead • 238-2220 BEST SKI/SNOWBOARD SHOP Wintersport, 3220 N. Division • 328-2030 BEST SUMMER CAMP YMCA Camp Reed BEST YOGA STUDIO The Union, 121 W. Pacific, 838-7625 7704 N. Division, 474-9483
BEST LOCAL BANK Washington Trust Bank, 717 W. Sprague, and other locations BEST BARBER SHOP The Man Shop, 2 W. Third, and other locations BEST BOOKSTORE Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main. • 838-0206 BEST CREDIT UNION STCU, 707 W. Main, and other locations BEST ETHNIC GROCERY STORE DeLeon Foods, 102 E. Francis • 483-3033 BEST FLORIST Liberty Park Florist & Greenhouse 1401 E. Newark • 534-9381 BEST FURNITURE Walker’s Furniture, 15 E. Boone •326-1600 • 7224 N. Gov’t Way, CdA • 208-762-7200 BEST GIFTS Boo Radley’s, 232 N. Howard • 456-7479 BEST HAIR SALON Oasis Hair, 829 E. Indiana and other locations BEST HOTEL Davenport Grand Hotel 333 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. BEST MALL Spokane Valley Mall, 14700 E. Indiana • 926-3700 BEST MED SPA Shape MedSpa, 524 W. Sixth • 458-7546 BEST NEW CAR DEALERSHIP Larry H. Miller Spokane (Toyota, Honda, Lexus, Hyundai, Scion) BEST ORGANIC/NATURAL
FOODS Huckleberry’s, 926 S. Monroe • 624-1349 BEST PAWN SHOP Pawn 1, 3220 N. Monroe, and other locations BEST PET BOUTIQUE Prairie Dog Mercantile, 5608 S. Regal • 443-9663 BEST RETAIL MARIJUANA SHOP BEST BUDTENDER Cinder, and Zack Krogh 7011 N. Division • 241-3091 1421 N. Mullan • 241-3726 BEST TATTOO PARLOR Anchored Art Tattoo, 421 W. Riverside • 747-5020 BEST THRIFT SHOP Goodwill, 130 E. Third, and other locations BEST TREE SERVICE Ray McElfish Tree Specialists • 624-2172 BEST USED CAR LOT Jennifer’s Auto Sales, 15020 E. Sprague • 926-5393 BEST VINTAGE BOUTIQUE Veda Lux, 1106 S. Perry • 475-1674 BEST WOMEN’S BOUTIQUE Fringe Boutique, 12208 N. Division, 315-8138 2622 E. 29th
BEST ALL-AGES MUSIC VENUE BEST LIVE MUSIC VENUE The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague • 747-2174 BEST BLOODY MARY BEST TRIVIA NIGHT Press, 909 S. Grand Blvd. BEST BOWLING CENTER Hugo’s Bowl, 3023 E. 28th • 535-2961 BEST BREWERY TASTING ROOM Iron Goat Brewing, 1302 W. Second (early April) • 474-0722 BEST CASINO Northern Quest Resort & Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • 242-7000 BEST COCKTAILS Twigs, 808 W. Main • 232-3376 401 E. Farwell • 465-8794
4320 S. Regal • 443-8000 14728 E. Indiana • 290-5636 BEST DANCE CLUB nYne Bar & Bistro, 232 W. Sprague • 474-1621 BEST HAPPY HOUR Zola, 22 W. Main • 624-2416 BEST KARAOKE Monterey Café, 9 N. Washington • 868-0284 BEST MOVIE THEATER AMC 20 River Park Square 808 W. Main • 458-7578 BEST NEW NIGHTSPOT The Observatory, 15 S. Howard • 598-8933 BEST SPORTS BAR The Swinging Doors, 1018 W. Francis • 326-6794 BEST WHISKEY SELECTION Durkin’s Liquor Bar, 415 W. Main • 863-9501
BEST BAKERY Pine Street Bakery, 710 Pine St. • 208-263-9012 BEST COMMUNITY EVENT The Festival at Sandpoint, BEST OUTDOOR REC SUPPLIES Alpine Shop, 213 Church St. • 208-263-5157 BEST PUB MickDuff’s Brewing Co., 312 N. First Ave. • 208-255-4351
BEST BREWERY Paradise Creek Brewing Co. 245 SE. Paradise, Pullman, 509-338-9463 GROCERY STORE Moscow Food Co-op, 121 E. Fifth St. • 208-882-8537 BEST LATE-NIGHT HANGOUT The Coug, 900 NE Colorado St. • 332-1265 BEST PIZZA Porch Light Pizza, 200 NE Kamiaken St. • 334-7437 BEST RESTAURANT South Fork Public House, 1680 S. Grand Ave. • 332-3675
ny’s a ning Spring 2 t Coeu 016 r d’Ale ne
Thank you for voting Anthony’s “Best Seafood”! Anthony’s opened our own seafood company in 1984 for the sole purpose of ensuring our guests only the highest quality Northwest seafood. Complementing our seafood, Anthony’s family-owned restaurants offer fresh seasonal produce from local farms, local mircrobrews and Northwest wines, enhanced in Spokane with a backdrop of the spectacular Spokane Falls. For reservations call: (509) 328-9009 • 510 N. Lincoln St. •
Join us for our 4-Course Dinners Seven days a week starting at 4:00 p.m.
Just $21.95 Spokane’s South Hill, Regal Plaza 2912 East Palouse Hwy, Suite A • Spokane, WA 99223 (509) 448-0668 • MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 97
98 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
The Chef’s Week PNW chefs: FRONT, LEFT TO RIGHT: Sante Restaurant and Charcuterie and Common Crumb Pastry Chef Lynette Pflueger, Sante owner and Chef’s Week PNW co-founder Jeremy Hansen, The Blackbird executive chef Molly Patrick, Inland Northwest Culinary Academy chef instructor Joshua Martin. BACK, LEFT TO RIGHT: Spokane Club executive chef Mark Miskiewicz, Sante chef de cuisine Tyler Shales, Clover executive chef Travis Dickinson, Sante chef Joseph Choi and Chef’s Week PNW co-founder Aaron Crumbaugh. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
Culinary Culture The inaugural Chef’s Week PNW is fostering collaboration among local cooks while teaching diners more about the food on their plates BY CHEY SCOTT
eated at a table, a server comes by to take your order. You wait. The dish comes out, maybe after drinks or an appetizer. Eat. Pay the bill and then leave, feeling sated until the evolutionary pangs of hunger signal again. Stripped down to the basic steps, it’s easy to see how we can completely overlook where the food we consume comes from — the effort and people involved it takes to get, say, a burger from the field to the butcher to the restaurant to your plate and into your belly. Through a new event kicking off next week, awardwinning Spokane chef Jeremy Hansen hopes to change those perceptions and encourage the average Spokanite to consider all angles of the food industry. Chef’s Week PNW is a four-day educational showcase for culinarians of all levels, from frequent restaurant diners to casual cooks at home and anyone else simply curious about
food. “So many people don’t know where food comes from,” Hansen emphasizes. At Chef’s Week, he adds, “People can ask questions and see what we do on a daily basis, where we’re getting stuff and how we’re going about our business.” During each day of Chef’s Week, which runs from March 30 through April 2, events during the day — butchering and cooking demonstrations, Q&A sessions with local chefs and other industry experts — are all free and open to the public. Food trucks will set up for lunch each day in the parking lot of the event space, the newly renovated Washington Cracker Co. Building downtown. Guests can purchase $10 wristbands for wine, beer and spirits tastings featured daily during these daytime events, from 11 am to 3 pm. In the evening, ticketed multicourse dinners are col-
laboratively prepared by teams of four to five local and regional chefs recruited to participate by Hansen and the event’s co-organizer, chef Aaron Crumbaugh. Together they’ve founded Tumbled Spruce Events, through which they’re coordinating Chef’s Week. Names on the featured chef list — nearly 20 in all, some from as far away as Montana and western Canada — include recognizable local industry leaders and innovators: Adam Hegsted, Pete Tobin, Tony Brown and Laurent Zirotti, to name a few. Others are young, up-andcoming faces in the local scene. This uniting of chefs with diverse culinary experiences is the second major focus of Chef’s Week’s twin goals of collaboration and education. “It’s about coming together and building a food culture, and just building a camaraderie amongst local chefs,” Hansen says. “The industry and the community thrives when we teach and learn from each other. Why not cook with other cooks and collaborate? That’s what this world should be about, not just standing behind a stove and cooking the same thing every day.” For each of the day’s four dinners, groups of chefs are teaming up to create menus focused around the animal being broken down during the daytime demos: a Wagyu steer on Wednesday, Ahi tuna on Thursday and pigs on Friday. Separately, Saturday morning of Chef’s Week offers an all-you-can eat brunch ($40), complete with omelet and crepe stations. The four-day event concludes with an eight- to 10-course dinner that highlights provisions made in the Inland Northwest: spices, salts, oils, vinegars, equipment and other goods. All 19 chefs will team up for the final meal. ...continued on next page
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 99
Hansen has been mulling the idea of an event like Chef’s Week for years now, he notes, but it was only after attending Portland’s annual culinary festival, Feast Portland, last fall that he decided to organize something similar in Spokane. “I was missing the food cultures that I’m used to in other cities and places that I’ve lived, and being engulfed in food and the culture of it. I missed working with fellow chefs and collaborating on dinners and doing these different things,” he says. “Driving back from that event in Portland made me miss it even more.” Here, Hansen owns Santé Restaurant & Charcuterie and Common Crumb Artisan Bakery. He’s currently in the process of launching two new ventures later this year; Hogwash Whiskey Den and Inland Pacific Kitchen, both to be located in the Washington Cracker Co. building. Hansen and many of the Chef’s Week participants have occasionally teamed up to host wine dinners and other special, one-off events, and he wants to keep that momentum going. But to succeed, diners also need to be excited and appreciative of the culinary experiences available in the Inland Northwest. “There is a food culture here, but it’s young,” Hansen says. “I want Spokane to see that; that there’s cool stuff happening. I want people to see that it’s not just a steak-and-potatoes town.” n Chef’s Week PNW • Wed, March 30 through Sat, April 2 • Daytime events from 11 am-3 pm, evening events from 5-11 pm • Washington Cracker Co. Building • 304 W. Pacific •
Day events from 11 am-3 pm; evening events start at 5 pm Wed, March 30 Day: Food truck lunch, regional wine sampling ($10), winery and sommelier Q&A, Wagyu steer carcass breakdown, sousvide cooking demo, “Know where your food comes from” rancher and chef Q&A Night: Cocktail hour (cash bar), followed by a six-course dinner highlighting Wagyu beef ($70-$100/person) Chefs: David Adlard, Adam Hegsted, Molly Patrick, Travis Dickinson
Happy Hour specials daily. Double Martinis. 3-Course dinners $19.95. Sunday - Thursday 3 - 6 PM. 6 lunches for $7 each. Monday - Friday 11 AM - 2 PM.
At The Davenport Tower • 509.789.6800
100 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
Thu, March 31 Day: Food truck lunch, regional distillery sampling ($10), local distiller Q&A, Ahi tuna breakdown, sous-vide cooking demo, “Know where your food comes from” part two Night: Cocktail hour (cash bar), followed by a six-course dinner highlighting ahi tuna ($70-$100/person) Chefs: Chad White, Taiki Hanamoto, Mark Miskiewicz, Tyler Shales Fri, April 1 Day: Food truck lunch, craft beer sampling ($10), local brewmaster Q&A, pig breakdown, sous-vide cooking demo, “Know where your food comes from” part three Night: Cocktail hour (cash bar), followed by a six-course dinner highlighting pork ($70-$100/person) Chefs: Tony Brown, Lynette Pflueger, Andy Blanton, Jeff Vance Sat, April 2 Day: All-you-can-eat brunch ($40/person), coffee roasting demo, regional cooking provisions vendors (salts, oils, vinegar, spices, equipment, etc.) are on site for questions, product samplings and demos Night: Cocktail hour, followed by an 8-to-10 course dinner prepared by all chefs ($150/person; inclusive of wine), chef meet-and-greet, closing ceremony and awards presentation Chefs (brunch): Pete Tobin, Josh Martin, Joseph Choi, J. Jackson, Laurent Zirotti
When chef Aaron Crumbaugh first moved to Spokane three years ago, he asked a woman walking in the park where the best place to have dinner was. “Olive Garden,” she replied. “I asked my wife, ‘Where did you take me?’” Crumbaugh says. The chef had just left his Wagyu Wagon food truck and catering business behind in Chicago and moved to be closer to his wife’s family in Chewelah. But Crumbaugh says that Spokane’s food scene has greatly improved in the time he’s been here, and meeting chef Jeremy Hansen has changed things for him. Together, Crumbaugh and Hansen are co-creators of Chef’s Week PNW and its parent company, Tumbled Spruce Events. The two are also venturing together on the new restaurants at the Washington Cracker Co. Building. Crumbaugh recently quit his job with a Montana Wagyu farm, which kept him traveling constantly, away from Spokane, so he could spend more time with his family. He says that the Inland Northwest is where he wants to stay. The 37-year-old, who grew up in Michigan, has lived all around the country and at one time was a model and actor. He and his wife Hayden even did a stint on The Amazing Race. The chef thing took shape after Crumbaugh realized he was happier making food for friends and family than anything else, prompting him to enroll at the California School of Culinary Arts. “I’m looking forward to working with everyone,” he says. “I want Chef’s Week to bring unity among the restaurants and chefs in the industry.” — LAURA JOHNSON
Chef’s Week PNW is bolstered by chef Molly Patrick’s Southern fusion culinary style. As executive chef of The Blackbird and Manito Tap House, Patrick sticks to her Georgia background and creates locally sourced, in-season dishes. For dinner at Chef’s Week, Patrick will serve beef tongue pastrami, beef tataki and sweet corn cheesecake with a mincemeat and molasses crust, accompanied with Bailey’s ice cream. Having arrived in the Inland Northwest in Chad White 2004, she has seen Spokane’s culinary scene evolve,
especially in terms of collaboration: “When I moved here, I was surprised that as a bigger city, we weren’t very culinary-educated. There were lots of chain restaurants, but not as many family restaurants. But over the past five years, I’ve seen a lot of improvement.” So when she heard about Chef’s Week, she wanted in. “Our community is really small, so I heard about it, and I thought it would be really cool to be a part of it. So when I was offered to do it, I was stoked.” — CLAIRE STANDAERT
Considering he doesn’t even have a restaurant in the area yet, it might be some surprise that Chad White is already one of the most recognizable faces on the Inland Northwest culinary scene, mere months after moving back to his hometown of Spokane from San Diego. Much credit for that goes to his recent appearance on Top Chef, Bravo’s popular cooking competition show. But it’s also due to White’s effort to meet and cook with seemingly every other chef in the area. He’s collaborated at Santé, Ruins, Casper Fry, the Yards Bruncheon and Chaps, among others, in an effort to educate himself, impart some of his knowledge to the local food community, and foster communication among the area’s culinary movers and shakers. Chef’s Week PNW is a natural extension of White’s desire for more collaboration among chefs by cooking together, and educating the public together about quality, healthful dining. “Educating diners and guests on where food comes from, being sustainable and sourcing locally, is really important,” White says. White is trained in classic French and Mediterranean cuisine, and became known in San Diego for unceasing creativity and, after falling in love with Mexican flavors, for his Baja-influenced cuisine, particularly seafood. He still owns two restaurants, San Diego’s Craft Pizza Company and La Justina in Tijuana, and has plans to open at least one in Spokane — the first, rumor has it, a ceviche spot — in the coming months. — DAN NAILEN
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 101
, r e p a P ur o Y t h g i R t I g n Doi
Va Piano tasting room in the Historic Davenport Hotel.
Touch of Glass
Va Piano brings a taste of Walla Walla to the Davenport BY FRANNY WRIGHT
T this month in d e iz n g o c re s a The Inlander w tional journal a n e th r, e sh li b Editor and Pu , as one of “10 ry st u d in s w e alive covering the n ight.” Print is R It o D t a h T d to Newspapers we are honore r; e d n la In e th and well at ding! Thanks for rea . d e iz n g o c re be
he small, brightly lit room next to the Isabella Ballroom inside the Davenport may appear as though it’s always been occupied by Va Piano Vineyards and its white marble countertops, but it’s actually Spokane’s newest winery tasting room. Gonzaga graduate and Va Piano owner Justin Wylie describes the opening of the new tasting room as something that was just meant to be. While Wylie and his wife Liz were focused on their tasting room in Bend, Oregon, opening this spring, Davenport owner Walt Worthy alerted the couple about a newly available space inside the historic Spokane hotel. “I went to Gonzaga and my wife went to Eastern, so Spokane has always been a special place for us,” says Wylie. “We’ve spent a lot of time there and we just couldn’t resist making this happen.” Wylie’s interest in wine began during his time studying at Gonzaga’s campus in Florence, Italy, during his senior year, followed by four years of making wine in his garage. He purchased land in Walla Walla in 1999 and opened
Va Piano in 2005. “A lot of people think of Walla Walla as wine country, but many of our wine club members live in Spokane,” says Wylie. “Both Spokane’s food and wine scene are growing, so hopefully this new location will be a great service to our existing wine club members, along with helping more wine enthusiasts learn what we’re all about.” Va Piano translates to “go slowly,” indicative of the Wylies’ commitment to enjoying life while taking care of their family and vineyard, and slowly building their wine program over time. The tasting room currently showcases four different Va Piano wines, charging a $10 tasting fee that can be waived with the purchase of any bottle of wine. “I was born and raised in Walla Walla, so bringing a piece of Walla Walla to Spokane — another place that is important to me — is just really special,” says Wylie. n Va Piano Tasting Room • 10 S. Post • Open daily, noon-6 pm • • 529-0900
Bacon is the
The Easter Bunny eats our corn pasta, so should you. 1931 W. Pacific Ave. 363-1973
102 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
gateway meat
8801 N Indian Trail Road • 467-4267
New Start Scratch in CdA becomes Collective Kitchen, keeping its focus on in-house cooking BY CARRIE SCOZZARO
lthough it’s no longer called Scratch, one thing that hasn’t changed at Collective Kitchen Public House is the emphasis on cooking from scratch. The faint smell of fresh paint still lingers but gone are the red walls, replaced by cerulean blue and the Collective Kitchen’s new logo. Chef-owner Jason Rex also has transformed the menu to something more akin to his style of dining. Patterned after Carson Kitchen in Las Vegas, Collective Kitchen features upscale casual, seasonal fare that has been labeled Social Plates, Farm n’ Garden (salads, pastas and rice), Meat n’ Fish (entrées), and Between Bread (sandwiches). “I just wanted to go in a different direction,” says Rex of the split with Spokane’s Scratch. Collective Kitchen social plates include bacon-wrapped figs with huckleberry glaze ($9), poutine ($7), lamb “pops” with Chevré and arugula ($12) and crispy coconut prawns ($9). Pair a cheese board ($15) or charcuterie ($17) with a glass of wine at Collective Kitchen or enjoy your meal next door at Studio 107 wine bar, which has collaborated with Rex for several years. A few former Scratch menu items remain, including orangeglazed duck breast ($16) and the seafood-based Hot Pot ($18), while new additions include street tacos — fish, beef tongue, pork, duck confit ($12-$13) — and a “grown-up” grilled cheese with apple, pear, arugula, bacon, brie, and both curd and goat cheese on sourdough ($12). Either would be ideal with one of two dozen craft beers also available next door at The Filling Station, a bar and growler-filling business Rex started with his half-brother last spring. Also new is the all-day breakfast menu: crème brûlée French toast ($9), salmon lox ($12), and even corned beef hash ($12). Even better, Collective Kitchen will be open at 8 am for breakfast beginning March 26, and recently set up its outdoor dining space, which is one of the best ways to experience downtown Coeur d’Alene.
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The Long and the Short of It Hello, My Name Is Doris adds humanity to a one-joke short film BY SCOTT RENSHAW
aura Terruso’s 9-minute Funny or Die short ite EDM band, and arranges to be with him at a film Doris & the Intern is — to put it charitably Brooklyn club where the band will be playing. The — a one-joke concept. Doris, a frumpy older neon-clad but hopelessly unhip Doris suddenly winds woman, becomes infatuated with the young new up backstage with the band and their photographer intern in her office. She fantasizes about him with his (Kyle Mooney, essentially playing the exact same shirt off; she follows him when she spots him with his character he played in Zoolander 2). Doris becomes a girlfriend, and is caught by him coming out of a store darling of the band’s fans and John’s trendy friends; where she has just purchased a sex toy. The music of one self-identifies as a “teacher at a gay preschool Notorious B.I.G. plays as an improbable underscore. in Park Slope,” while Thanksgiving dinner involves Doris is a horny weirdo, and that’s about all. a smudging ritual and the reading of banal confesSo what Terruso and co-writer/director Michael sional poetry. For a few delightful moments, it feels as Showalter (The Baxter) do in Hello, My Name Is Doris though Doris is going to turn into the Williamsburg becomes a fascinating object lesson in adapting a hipster version of Being There. short to feature length. You get a sense for how much Showalter and Terruso also try to add emotional richer a story can be when you start with compassion heft to Doris’ story by turning her into a hoarder for your characters. And you get a sense for how — and it’s here that the narrative starts to get more awkward it can be trying to flesh out 9 minutes into than slightly bumpy. As Doris starts to clash with 90. her brother (Stephen Root) and sisterThe feature’s heroine, HELLO, MY NAME in-law (Wendi McLendon-Covey) over Doris Miller (Sally Field), is a her refusal to clean up and sell the family IS DORIS never-married 60-something home, she begins meeting with a therapist Rated R woman whose life for years has (Elizabeth Reaser). Yet Doris really doesn’t Directed by Michael Showalter consisted of nothing more than seem to know how to deal with Doris’ Starring Sally Field, Max Greenfield, taking care of her elderly mother Stephen Root hoarding — as a quirky character trait in their Staten Island home and (“You’ve got duck sauce in your fridge doing data entry in the same Manhattan office. Then from the 1970s!” “It keeps!”) or as a genuine mental Doris’ mother dies, leaving her alone and adrift. At illness. The film’s generally whimsical tone in telling around the same time, her company hires new art the story of a lonely woman gets much less whimsidirector John Fremont (New Girl’s Max Greenfield), cal as that woman starts to seem more than merely inspiring an infatuation that completely takes over lonely. Doris’ thoughts, fueled by the inspiration of a motivaWhat carries Doris through its uneventional guru (Peter Gallagher). ness is Field’s lovely performance, It is not, however, the same kind of lascivious capturing a kind of eager, giddy attraction that made up virtually the entirety of the watchfulness in her attempts to short film (leaving aside a funny scene where John attract John’s attention. Hers is assisting Doris with an underinflated office “posture the behavior of a senior citizen ball” turns into a parade of double entendres). Showwho still acts toward the guy alter and Terruso transform Doris into a woman she likes as though she were who has spent decades not daring to imagine a real a swooning middle-school relationship for herself. When they do drop a few of girl, sharing secrets with Doris’ fantasies into the story, they’re a chaste brand the teenage granddaughter of romanticism. It’s the story of someone who wonof her best friend (Tyne ders if being in love could still be possible. Daly). It’s crucial to have There is, however, a lot of time to fill in Doris her as the appealing anbetween the first stirrings of her crush and whatever chor in the attempt to epiphanies she might reach, and Showalter ends up take a 9-minute cougar with wildly different ideas bumping up against one cartoon and make it another. As Doris begins Facebook-stalking John the story of an actual to learn more about him, she discovers his favorwoman.
104 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
with Dining 1. Lucy in the Sky ool rst Ba 2. I Love This Clock the nd ou Ar ck 3. Ro for Leather lds Fie 4. Strawberry ner 5. Little Red Recli de For Sleepin’ 6. This Bed Was Ma ather 7. Whole Lotta Le ner cli Re 8. Losing My Chaise the re We e os Th 9. rio 10. Cu Cu Cu mine 11. Sweet Chair O’ r ve lie Be 12. Daybed n’t Coat Rack Do k Ya y kit Ya . 13 14. Purple Chaise
BEST FURNITURE NORTH IDAHO 303 Spokane Ave, Cd’A 208 664 2131 • Batman v Superman (and Wonder Woman)
After Superman’s last brawl with his nemesis General Zod, the city of Metropolis is in for another heart-stopping fight between characters — but this time, it’s between two heroes. As Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) begins to conclude that Superman is a threat to humanity, he plots an attack to end the Man of Steel’s time on Earth. Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) also joins in the fight to get his own piece of Superman’s downfall. (MM) Rated PG-13
Doris Miller (Sally Field) is a nevermarried 60-something woman whose life for years has consisted of nothing more than taking care of her elderly mother in their Staten Island home and doing data entry in the same Man-
hattan office. Then Doris’ mother dies, leaving her alone and adrift. At around the same time, her company hires new art director (New Girl’s Max Greenfield), inspiring an infatuation that completely takes over Doris’ thoughts. (SR) Rated R
Fourteen years after the romantic comedy My Big Fat Greek Wedding became a household name, its sequel has now arrived. In this new installment, married couple Toula (Nia Vardalos) and Ian Portokalos (John Corbett) struggle to inspire their marriage with passion and deal with a teenage daughter who is at odds with Greek traditions. And when a family secret is revealed, the Portokalos clan band together in preparation for the biggest wedding yet. (CS) Rated PG-13
A young woman (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) wakes up after a serious accident to find herself being taken care of by a doomsday survivalist type (John Goodman) who tells her the world outside his bunker is an uninhabitable wasteland. This isn’t exactly a sequel
to 2008 hit Cloverfield, but expect some of the same mix of humor and horror. (DN) Rated PG-13
Hope Ann Gregory (Melissa Rauch from the Big Bang Theory) is a one-
Are you interested in preserving your piece of Spokane County or know of someone who might be? Spokane County Parks, Recreation & Golf Department is accepting new property nominations February 1st through April 30th, 2016 to be considered by the Conservation Futures Program for potential future purchase at fair market value. For more detailed information about the Conservation Futures Program, how we buy land, and how you can nominate your property for consideration, visit: You can also stop by our office at 404 N. Havana Street, Spokane, WA 99202 or call (509) 477-2188.
...continued on next page
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 105
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NOW PLAYING time gymnastics superstar who earned Olympic glory and fame years ago, but is left to grasp for past glory in her small town while living in her dad’s basement, still wearing the old USA sweatpants and ponytail of her youth. A chance at redemption arrives in the opportunity to coach a new young star in this effort to do for gymnastics what Caddyshack did for golf — make it funny. (DN) Rated R
Sacha Baron Cohen, better known as the man behind his go-to characters Ali G, Borat and Brüno, stars as Nobby, a lowlife, dead-beat Brit who suddenly finds himself teamed up with his secret agent brother. Don’t expect the typical Baron Cohen brilliance here, though. It’s a soul-crushing experience for fans of this allegedly brilliant comic. (MJ) Rated R
Donny is an angry orphaned teen, rescued from the foster-care system by the widow (Phylicia Rashad) of boxing legend Apollo Creed from the Rocky series. She has learned that Donny is the illegitimate son of her late husband and has decided to take responsibility for him — and that unique backstory of a tough kid brought into a life of privilege gives Michael B. Jordan the opportunity for a terrific performance. Donny then heads into the ring for a boxing career with help from his trainer, none other than Rocky himself (Sylvester Stallone, of course). (SR) Rated PG-13
In the latest installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we find the redclad assassin Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) seeking out a man named Francis (Ed Skrein) for his role he played in ruining his life. But we also see his former life as Wade Wilson, a wisecracking mercenary. (SR) Rated R
Our hero, Tris (Shailene Woodley) returns to find herself up against the Factionless leader Evelyn (Naomi Watts), who’s effectively in control of the city and inciting mob hatred against the defeated Erudite Faction, which has pushed Chicago to the brink of total civil war. Now, Tris and company wonder if reaching out to the outsiders they learned of in the previously installment of the series could help them. (MJ) Rated PG-13
Michael “Eddie” Edwards was cut from every sports team he ever joined. Little did the British ski jumper know, he would make a historic and improbable performance during the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary. Based on the true story of the British athlete, Edwards teams up with old-time jumper Bronson
106 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
The Revenant
The Lady in the Van
Where to Invade Next
Hello, My Name is Doris
Eddie the Eagle
54 47
The Brothers Grimsby DON’T MISS IT
Peary (Hugh Jackman) to train for unexpected success. (MM) Rated PG-13
Maggie Smith stars as an eccentric and mysterious woman who parks her van in the driveway of a playwright — and then stays there for 15 years. It’s a spirited and nuanced role for Smith, and she shines throughout. At Magic Lantern. (MB) Rated PG-13
After the British prime minister dies suddenly and mysteriously, world leaders summoned to London for the funeral, allegedly “the most protected event on Earth,” come under terrorist attack. The only survivor among them is U.S. President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart), thanks to impossibly badass Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler). They then survive on pure idiocy in this banal action flick. (MJ) Rated R
After young Anna Beam finds out that she has a fatal digestive disorder, her mother Christy (Jennifer Garner) will stop at nothing to find a cure to save her beloved daughter. But after Anna falls headfirst into a tree in the Beam’s backyard, everything changes when she reveals that she made a visit to heaven after her tumble. Even more miraculously, she begins to recover from her fatal condition in the weeks following her fall. (MM) Rated PG
Director Alejandro González Iñárritu, fresh off the success of Birdman, returns with this period drama featuring Leonardo Di Caprio as Hugh Glass, a guide in the Western wilds of the early 1800s who is attacked by a bear and has to cling to life and crawl back to safety. The problem with Iñárritu’s visual pyrotechnics are that although he seems to be making sure that audiences appreciate the gritty realism of it all, he also wants to make sure they know they’re watching a movie. (SR) Rated R
In 2001, the Boston Globe editor-inchief Marty Baron (Liev Schreiber) asked the paper’s “Spotlight” investigative news team — Walter “Robby” Robinson (Michael Keaton), Mike Rezendes (Mark Ruffalo), Sacha Pfeiffer (Rachel
McAdams) and Matt Carroll (Brian d’Arcy James) — to turn their attention to the case of a Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing several children. And as they begin digging — at first reluctantly — into the case, they discover that the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston might be engaging on a massive scale in hushing up cases of abusive priests. (SR) Rated R
In Michael Moore’s latest documentary, the provocative director “invades” other nations — stalking into Norway and Italy, and also France and Germany and Finland and Iceland, even Tunisia — in search of great ideas America can steal, from improved health care to better childhood education. At Magic Lantern (MJ) Rated R
Based on the memoir The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan by journalist Kim Barker, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (WTF, get it?) places Tina Fey in the leading role of a war correspondent sent to cover the events of Operation Enduring Freedom. On this assignment, she forms relationships with her international reporter colleagues, played by Margot Robbie and Martin Freeman, while dodging bullets and comedically struggling to succeed in this far-away war zone. (CS) Rated R
There have been no shortage of films about the life of Jesus Christ, but this one treads on fresh ground by telling of JC’s days as a kid, which, you know, you never really hear about. This film, based on the book by Anne Rice, tells of a 7-year-old Christ as his family travels from Egypt to Nazareth. (MB) Rated PG-13.
Judy Hopps, the first female rabbit on the big city police force, must work with a con artist fox to solve a disappearance case that no one else will take. The film is Disney’s 55th full-length feature, and it delicately explores the issues of race and discrimination in a way that’s entertaining (for kids and adults alike) and never preachy. Actors lending their voice talents include Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Jenny Slate, Kristen Bell, Shakira and even Tommy Chong. (LJ) Rated PG
This year thousands of youth had to flee their homes and go to refugee camps due to war, poverty, or hostile takeover.
Nia Vardalos and John Corbett reprise their 2002 roles.
Retreading Water My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 doesn’t break new ground for its characters or story BY MARYANN JOHANSON
he blandly slapdash title My Big Fat Greek These are issues that many women in their Wedding 2 is, alas, rather apropos: this 40s will recognize, and a story about these chalis a halfhearted retread of the imperfect lenges would likely appeal to the same audibut sweet 2002 original that mostly rewinds the ences who saw themselves in the first film. But characters in an apparent attempt to recapture where’s the wedding in that? So Wedding 2 shifts the magic of the first film by having them rewalk again to focus on a rift between Toula’s parents, a similar path. Gus (Michael Constantine) and Maria (Lainie Toula (Nia Vardalos), the clear heroine of Kazan): Gus discovers a clerical oversight on the first movie, but only the putative one here, is their marriage certificate and figures they have back working at her father’s to get married again. Weddingdiner after having achieved prep shenanigans were only a MY BIG FAT GREEK her escape back in 2002, and small part of the first movie, but she’s feeling stuck again. She’s WEDDING 2 they overwhelm the sequel, and Rated PG-13 still happily married to Ian this feels too much like count(John Corbett), though, and at Directed by Kirk Jones less other wedding rom-coms, all Starring Nia Vardalos, John Corbett first it seems that perhaps her poofy dresses and fancy-invitation journey this time will come etiquette fails embellished with in reconnecting with her 16-year-old daughter, garish “Greek” froufrou. Paris (Elena Kampouris), the usual sort of sullen, There is genuine warmth in Vardalos’ script moody, monosyllabic teen we might expect. (if of the exasperated kind) for the perils and And who can blame her? Paris is already being pleasures of a too-close family, but it is far less subjected to her grandfather’s denigrations that satisfyingly bound up into a cohesive story she’s looking old, just as her mother once was, this time. Director Kirk Jones previously made and had better find a Greek boyfriend to marry (among other films) the lovely but little-seen famposthaste. But even this retreading quickly shifts ily drama Everybody’s Fine in 2009. I wish he could away to how Toula is stuck in an unpleasant have brought some of that film’s keen observamiddle: between a child who is testing boundartion of unconditional but hard-pressed love to ies as she approaches adulthood, and her aging this movie. That might have saved this shambolic parents who require more attention and care. mess from itself.
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 107
108 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
h e t W n i eird l o o C How Joanna Newsom convinced us that her harp music and one-of-a-kind vocals were worthy of indie darling status BY LAURA JOHNSON
first heard Joanna Newsom’s voice one night at Tacoma Youth Symphony summer camp, hanging out with fellow string players. When the discussion turned to a copy of Newsom’s debut record The Milk-Eyed Mender, someone quickly dug out a CD player. This was 2004, after all. The dorm common room soon was filled with a voice unlike any other — at once alien and precocious, confidently switching to a stunning lyrical vibrato. Pair that with fantasy-story lyrics and instrumentation featuring the harp, piano and harpsichord, and the music jarred all of us. Some stifled laughter, while others found it glorious. With Newsom’s sound, people normally fall into two groups: Those who get it — her superfans are known as “the delvers” — and the folks who’d like the music to stop now, thank you very much. It wouldn’t be until college that I’d grow comfortable with her peculiar compositions.
Last year, Newsom surprised fans by releasing her first album in five years. Divers is compositionally similar to her three previous efforts, yet naturally more mature. Here, the 34-year-old delves into her marriage with actor/comedian/Lonely Island rapper Andy Samberg, if only in understated lyrics. The album was her most successful to date, hitting No. 30 on the Billboard charts, and this year she’s headed out on tour, with a stop at the Bing Crosby Theater next Thursday night. Over the past decade, Newsom has convinced even the most hardened of music critics that she was more than some freak folk experiment. She contributed vocals to the 2011 The Muppets movie and made an appearance on Portlandia. Last year, director Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights, There Will Be Blood) helmed her “Sapokanikan” music video. Newsom has more than made it as an indie culture darling, and she did it by staying true to herself. Here’s
a look at what makes her music tick.
As Newsom’s story goes, the Northern California native wanted to learn the instrument at 5, but the local harp teacher didn’t take young students, so she plunked away on piano instead. She got her first fullsize pedal harp in seventh grade and hasn’t looked back since. Even within the orchestral world, harp players are a rare, mostly female, breed. For example, the Spokane Symphony’s own principal harpist, Earecka Tregenza, is spread thin teaching at all the local universities, as well as serving as a substitute for the Seattle Symphony. The harp is a fickle instrument that’s incredibly sensitive to temperature, and can take an hour to tune if not cared for daily. Hauling one around to concerts and gigs is never an easy feat, as harps are dispro...continued on next page
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 109
MUSIC | CHAMBER FOLK “COOL IN THE WEIRD,” CONTINUED... portionately weighted and awkwardly shaped. But once set up correctly in a master’s arms, the instrument can transport listeners to a heavenly soundscape. “It’s worth all of the work to get that sound,” Tregenza says. With Newsom, the classical technique is apparent, and Tregenza says that fellow harpists are quite approving of her work. “Her music is innovative and soulful, and when she plays, her classical background shines through,” Tregenza says.
When Newsom performs, it’s important to watch her face. She’ll often move her lips to one side of her face or arch her tongue inside her wide-open mouth. She sits up straight, as proper piano and harp technique dictate, and rocks forward and back to propel the sound out of her throat. She once described her MORE EVENTS voice as “untrainable,” and Visit for indeed, it does have an avantcomplete listings of garde quality that a vocal local events. teacher wouldn’t approve of. In the beginning, critics used terms like “childlike” and “elfin” to describe Newsom’s chattering vocals, and the comparisons upset her. Similar artists, like Devendra Banhart, were considered psychedelic, but she was described as a girlish waif stuck in a dreamland. In 2009, she developed vocal cord nodules. After not speaking for two months, they healed, but her voice mellowed somewhat. When she released the staggering, 18-track album Have One On Me in 2010, her music was praised for seeming more grown-up. Fewer critics referred to her as a woodland creature.
Lyrically and musically, Divers was a whole new animal for Newsom. Not only did it take her four years to properly flesh out the prose-filled tracks, but she also brought in eclectic instruments, including Wurlitzer and Baldwin Discoverer organs, a clavichord and a Rhodes piano. During the writing process, she tried to avoid listening to other music (a near-impossible task) as to not be overly influenced. Clearly, the record sounded like nothing else last year — no one else managed to rhyme “Sapokanikan” with “Ozymandian,” after all. Her lyrics tell stories of soldiers and war and regained love. The words are a far cry from Newsom’s simplistic “Peach, Plum, Pear” off of her first album. The end result is a sweeping masterpiece, which made many Best Albums of 2015 lists. Newsom’s music will always be too weird for some. But those willing to give in to the strange side of life are well rewarded. n
$2.00 OFF
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Joanna Newsom with Robin Pecknold • Thu, March 31, at 8 pm • $26.50-$39.50 • All-ages • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague • • 227-7638
Spokane Home & Garden Show
110 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
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Going With the Flow After more than a decade together, the Sword stays flexible, moving from metal to hard rock BY AZARIA PODPLESKY
ot much fazes the members of Austin, Texas-based heavy metal quartet the Sword, not even hypothetically leaving behind an essential like a phone or wallet when heading out on tour. “You can always have things mailed to you,” bassist Bryan Richie nonchalantly says as he begins to pack for the next leg of the Sword’s tour behind its fifth album, High Country. That roll-with-the-punches flexibility is key to the Sword’s longevity, and is the reason why Richie, guitarist Kyle Shutt and drummer Santiago Vela III weren’t too shaken when singer/guitarist John Cronise brought demos for High Country to the table. The album, released last August, trades the heavy metal sound fans have come to associate with the Sword for hard rock.
“We were all ready to take the band in a different direction,” Richie says. “Not even a different direction, but try something different, try to stretch a little bit, see where you could go.” For the quartet, that meant moving vocals and synthesizers into the spotlight, while also bringing vibrancy to still-heavy guitar riffs. To do this, they changed the guitar tuning from the band’s usual C to a brighter E-flat. That has affected the way the group has played older songs live, but true to form, the Sword wasn’t too concerned; they simply reworked those songs to match the tuning of High Country. The quartet also effortlessly shifted to allow Richie to take on more of a composing role on new songs like “Mist and Shadow” and “Silver Petals.” The band’s flexibility also extends beyond the studio, as they often don’t
The Sword is trying “something different” with their new album and tour. work in the same room prior to recording, instead choosing to embrace technology and share ideas via Dropbox from Austin (Richie, Shutt and Vela) and Asheville, North Carolina (Cronise). “We get together less, but when we do, we’re arguably way more productive,” Richie says. “Instead of just getting together for the sake of getting together, now it’s ‘This is the time to get together, so it better be worth it.’” After more than a decade together, Richie says it’s this trust, knowing that everything is going to come together like
it always does, that made forging ahead in a new direction an easy choice. “We’d all be like, ‘Let’s do some different shit. Let’s shake some things up. Let’s do a record and not be afraid of what anyone else is going to think about it. Let’s just do the record that comes naturally to us,’” Richie says. The Sword with Royal Thunder • Mon, March 28, at 9 pm • $20 • Allages • The Pin! • 412 W. Sprague • • 368-4077
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MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 111
very scrap of Nirvana’s musical output has been mined again and again for old ideas to revive, for better or worse. So if you’re a band from Seattle... and you’re signed to Sub Pop Records... and you’re gonna do it, you’d better do it well. Bonus points if you source from a section of Saint Kurt’s canon that so many others have passed over. Which is exactly why So Pitted — from Seattle, on Sub Pop — sounds so fresh on their new album neo. With 11 tracks clocking in under a half-hour, neo is a disheveled slab of noiserock, psychedelic punk and grunge that sounds like what would happen if the weird second side of Nirvana’s Incesticide collided with In Utero’s caustic disillusionment and the two lived happily ever after in the Northwest’s muckiest gutter. A perfect sound to close out Easter Sunday this weekend at the Bartlett. — BEN SALMON So Pitted with Diarrhea Planet and Music Band • Sun, March 27, at 8 pm • $8/$10 day of • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174
Thursday, 03/24
ArBor CreST Wine CellArS, Fireside Music Series feat. Bill Bozly J THe Big DiPPer, Scott Pemberton, Dawn of Life, Fat Lady BooMerS ClASSiC roCk BAr & grill, Randy Campbell acoustic show J BooTS BAkery & lounge, The Song Project J BuCer’S CoffeeHouSe PuB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen BuCkHorn inn, The Spokane River Band J CHAPS, Spare Parts Coeur D’Alene CASino, PJ Destiny fizzie MulligAnS, Kicho THe flAMe, DJ WesOne THe JACkSon ST., Robert Boatsman of Rampage acoustic jam JoHn’S Alley, Electric NoNo J lAgunA CAfé, Just Plain Darin lefTBAnk Wine BAr, Evan Denlinger Moon TiMe (208-667-2331), Monarch Mountain Band noDlAnD CellArS TASTing rooM (927-7770), Mary Chavez and Friends o’SHAyS iriSH PuB & eATery, Open mic with Adrian and Leo J reD rooM lounge, Yak Attack, Boomshack J THe Pin!, Orthodox, Left Behind, Lowered AD, Incited zolA, Flying Mammals
Friday, 03/25
1210 TAvern (208-765-1210), Slow Burn ArBor CreST Wine CellArS, Fireside Music Series feat. Spare Parts Duo J BABy BAr, Mommy Long Legs, Boy friends; [late show] Honey Bucket, the Smokes, Jan Francisco J THe BArTleTT, The Round No. 17
112 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
n his expansive career, guitar master and singer Warren Haynes has touched on virtually every genre you can imagine, sometimes even in the course of one song when he’s delivering an epic jam with the Allman Brothers Band, the Dead or his own Gov’t Mule. His latest bluegrass-tinged album, Ashes & Dust, is considerably less loud and more intimate, and its personal nature helps explain why it’s just the third time he’s put out an album in his own name instead of through Gov’t Mule or his Warren Haynes Band. He recruited “newgrass” crew Railroad Earth to help bring it to fruition, and the results on Ashes & Dust are concise performances short on experimental musical explorations, but long on passion and excellent performances. — DAN NAILEN Warren Haynes • Wed, March 30, at 7:30 pm • $34.50-$54.50 • All-ages • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague • • 227-7638
feat. Pérenne, Feral Anthem and poet Chris Leja Beverly’S, Robert Vaughn BigfooT PuB, Slightly Committed J Bing CroSBy THeATer, Altan Bolo’S, Aftermath J BuCer’S CoffeeHouSe PuB, Gary & Kathleen Gemberling Quintet THe CellAr, Soulful Brothers CHeCkerBoArD BAr, Quarter Monkey, Deschamps, Dammit Jim, Suburban Vermin Coeur D’Alene CASino, Cris Lucas CrAve, Stoney Hawk Curley’S, Whiskey Rebellion feDorA PuB & grille, Kicho fizzie MulligAnS, Karma’s Circle THe flAMe, DJ WesOne iron HorSe BAr, Metropolis THe JACkSon ST., Homewrecker, Progenitus and Seven Year Lie JoHn’S Alley, Soul Serene J kniTTing fACTory, Between the
Buried and Me & August Burns Red lefTBAnk Wine BAr, Jay Condiotti, Mike Tschirgi MiCkDuff’S Beer HAll, Monarch Mountain Band MooSe lounge, The Usual Suspects J MooTSy’S, Mootsy’s 21st birthday weekend feat. Von the Baptist, Pine League, Cursive Wires MulligAn’S BAr & grille, Carli Osika nASHville norTH, Luke Jaxon feat. DJ Tom neCTAr TASTing rooM, Gil Rivas noDlAnD CellArS TASTing rooM, The Brent Edstrom Trio norTHern QueST CASino, DJ Ramsin nyne, DJ JG THe PAloMino, Royal Bliss, Lotus Crush, Kristen Palmer and more PenD D’oreille Winery, Truck Mills reD lion HoTel river inn, Glad-
hammer rePuBliC BreWing Co., Kory Quinn THe riDler PiAno BAr, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler SATAy BiSTro (208-765-2555), Daniel Mills SeASonS of Coeur D’Alene, Ron Greene Silver MounTAin Ski reSorT (208783-1111), Flying Mammals THe roADHouSe, The Cronkites THe viking BAr & grill, Cary Fly zolA, Bakin’ Phat
Saturday, 03/26
1210 TAvern, Slow Burn 315 MArTiniS & TAPAS, Truck Mills AunTie’S BookSTore (838-0206), Spokane Unplugged: Acoustic Open Mic J BABy BAr, The Rich Hands, Jan Francisco, Trancine
BArloWS AT liBerTy lAke (9241446), Jan Harrison, Doug Folkins, Danny McCollim J THe BArTleTT, Bear Mountain, Lavoy Beverly’S, Robert Vaughn J THe Big DiPPer, My Brothers and I, the BGP BigfooT PuB, Slightly Committed Bolo’S, Aftermath J BuCer’S CoffeeHouSe PuB, Samadelic Bluegrass THe CellAr, Soulful Brothers CHeCkerBoArD BAr, Law Dogg and Ali (meet and greet), Deschamp single release, Quarter Monkey, Dammit Jim Coeur D’Alene CASino, Cris Lucas Coeur D’Alene CellArS, Ron Criscione CrAve, Stoney Hawk Curley’S, Whiskey Rebellion J Di lunA’S CAfe, Hilary Scott
Concert FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, AlgoRhythms FIZZIE MULLIGANS, Karma’s Circle THE FLAME, DJ Big Mike GARLAND PUB & GRILL (326-2405), Tracer HUCKLEBERRY’S NATURAL MARKET (624-1349), Daniel Mills IRON HORSE BAR, Metropolis THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JOHN’S ALLEY, Scott Pemberton JONES RADIATOR, Electric NoNo with Star Anna KNITTING FACTORY, Datsik, Ookay, DREZO LA ROSA CLUB, Open Jam LAGUNA CAFÉ, Pamela Benton THE LARIAT INN, Saddle Sore LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Nick Schauer with Friends MICKDUFF’S BEER HALL, Justin Lantrip MOOSE LOUNGE, The Usual Suspects MOOTSY’S, Mootsy’s 21st birthday weekend feat. Six State Bender, Fun Ladies, Dark White Light, Foxy Sluts. MT. SPOKANE SKI & SNOWBOARD PARK, Flying Mammals MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE, Bill Bozly NASHVILLE NORTH, Luke Jaxon feat. DJ Tom NODLAND CELLARS TASTING ROOM, Brent Edstrom Trio NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, DJ Ramsin NYNE, DJ Ricki Leigh OFF REGAL LOUNGE (743-9401), Donnie Emerson & Nancy Sophia Duo PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Electric Cole Show RED LION HOTEL RIVER INN, Gladhammer THE RESERVE, March Madness: Jays Edition feat. DJ K-Phi THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler THE SHOP, T Mike Miller SWAXX, YESTERDAYSCAKE THE PIN!, Rock Club Showcase[Late show] DATSIK after party with DJ Beau Flexx THE ROADHOUSE, Bobby Bremer Band THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Jamie Nova Sky ZOLA, Bakin’ Phat
Sunday, 03/27
THE BARTLETT, Diarrhea Planet, So Pitted, Music Band (See story on facing page) COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church THE JACKSON ST., Zaq Flannery acoustic jam KNITTING FACTORY, Greensky Bluegrass LAGUNA CAFÉ, Pamela Benton LITZ’S BAR & GRILL, Nick Grow ZOLA, Caprice
Monday, 03/28
BABY BAR, The Blind Pets, Guilt Gift THE BARTLETT, Mild High Club CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Monday Night Spotlight feat. Carey Brazil RED ROOM LOUNGE, Open Mic with MJ The In-Human Beatbox THE PIN!, The Sword (See story on page 111) with Royal Thunder THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Bobby Meader Music, Waste ZOLA, Fusbol
Tuesday, 03/29
315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub BABY BAR, Fun Ladies, Meth Dad, Terror Pigeon, The Smokes THE BARTLETT, Northwest of Nashville feat. An Dochas, Broken Whistle, Floating Crowbar, Howling Gael Trio THE BIG DIPPER, Holiday Friends, the Backups, Tuft THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JOHN’S ALLEY, Bart Budwig and friends KNITTING FACTORY, Next Big Thing Show feat. Love and Theft, Drake White, Olivia Lane, David Ray LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Turntable Tuesday MIK’S, DJ Brentano NYNE, Yelp’s VIP Karaoke at Nyne RED ROOM LOUNGE, Tuneful Tuesdays w/ The Nates ZOLA, The Bucket List
Wednesday, 03/30 THE BARTLETT, San Fermin, Esme Patterson THE BIG DIPPER, Bart Budwig (with band), the Weather Machine, Lucas Brookbank Brown BING CROSBY THEATER, Warren Haynes (See story on facing page) EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES, Open Mic with T & T THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JOHN’S ALLEY, Gipsy Moon JONES RADIATOR, Crunk Witch, Itchy Kitty THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE, DJ Lydell LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 RED ROOM LOUNGE, Hip Hop Is A
Culture THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Jam with Steve Ridler SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic THE PIN!, Enterprise Earth, Cold Blooded, Progenitus, Wolfstorm AND Elektro Grave THE ROADHOUSE, Open mic with Vern Vogel and the Volcanoes ZOLA, The Bossame
Coming Up ...
BING CROSBY THEATER, Joanna Newsom, Robin Pecknold (See story on page 109), March 31 THE PALOMINO, Soul Proprietor April Fools’ Funkfest, April 1 THE OBSERVATORY, Wind Hotel, Loomer, Empty Eyes, April 1
Thurs 3/24, Inlander
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MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BIG BARN BREWING • 16004 N. Applewood Ln, Mead • 238-2489 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS • 3890 N. Schreiber Way, CdA • 208-664-2336 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • (208) 773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent, Spokane Valley • 309-3715 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 THE JACKSON ST. • 2436 N. Astor • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 2013 E. 29th • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MIK’S • 406 N 4th, CdA • 208-666-0450 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MULLIGAN’S • 506 Appleway Ave., CdA • (208) 765-3200 x310 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE OBSERVATORY• 15 S Howard • 598-8933 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO • 6425 N Lidgerwood St • 242-8907 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 THE PIN! • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RESERVE • 120 N. Wall • 598-8783 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 TAMARACK • 912 W Sprague • 315-4846 TIMBER GASTRO PUB •1610 E Schneidmiller, Post Falls • 208-262-9593 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 113
Alex de Grassi
They’re two of the biggest names in the classical guitar world, and on Thursday night, steel-string player Alex de Grassi and nylon-string player Andrew York join forces on the Bing Crosby Theater stage, continuing this year’s classical guitar series curated by local instrumentalist and radio host Leon Atkinson. York, formerly of the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet, and de Grassi, a Grammy-winning fingerstyle player and composer, come together to play everything from traditional and roots music to blues and jazz. — LAURA JOHNSON Alex de Grassi and Andrew York • Thu, March 24, at 7:30 pm • $30 • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague • • 227-7638
Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
114 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
This isn’t your average card-trick and rabbit-in-a-top-hat magic show. Eight of the country’s most talented and award-winning magicians are teaming up to present visual illusions, levitating women, vanishings and appearances, escapes, magical comedy and beautiful dancers galore. Many of the featured magicians, including Titou and Michael Turco, have traveled across the country performing at large venues like Disney parks and the Vegas strip, ultimately making their way to the Inland Northwest. Watch as those two, plus Farrell Dillon, Tom Burgoon, Drexus, Rick Thomas, Greg Gleason and Jonathan Pendragon show off their best tricks of the trade. — MEG MACLEAN Masters of Illusion • Fri, March 25, at 7:30 pm • $35/$45/$65 • Northern Quest Resort & Casino • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • • 481-2800
Hard to believe, given its seemingly eternal presence in the Spokane downtown scene, but Mootsy’s has only been rocking and serving up beverages for a couple of decades. This weekend, the venerable dive bar finally hits adulthood with a 21st birthday bash, featuring two nights of killer tunes from some of the best bands in the Northwest. Friday night, it’s Von the Baptist, Pine League and Cursive Wires providing the soundtrack; on Saturday, it’s Six State Bender, Fun Ladies, Dark White Light and Foxy Sluts. Hopefully at least one band can bash through “Happy Birthday.” — DAN NAILEN Mootsy’s 21st Birthday Weekend • Fri, March 25 and Sat, March 26, at 9 pm • $5 • Mootsy’s • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570
Robyn Schiff, who will read from her newest book of poems, A Woman of Property, as part of Gonzaga’s Visiting Writers Series this Tuesday, got a favorable nod. In its review of her book, The New Yorker said, “Schiff’s poems, with their Hitchcock-like distrust of appearances, their alertness to hidden binds and snares, offer something few poets ever discover: a vision of the whole world.” Whoa. Schiff is a professor at the University of Iowa and has already written two successful books — though this one is the talk of the town among literary circles. At 1:15 pm, she will also take part in a Q&A session at the Hemmingson Center. — CLAIRE STANDAERT Gonzaga Visiting Writers Series: Robyn Schiff • Tue, March 29, at 7:30 pm • Free • Gonzaga University, Jepson Center • 502 E. Boone • marshall@ • 313-6681
Washington’s geographically diverse state parks system marked its 103rd anniversary last weekend, celebrating the landmark founding that led to the existence of more than 100 parks across the Evergreen State today. With the first day of spring’s recent arrival, the natural world is waking up from its wintertime slumber. So head outdoors this weekend to enjoy the sights, sounds and fresh, woodsy scent of the Inland Northwest’s three Washington state parks for the third of 12 “free days” the state park system is offering this year. Free days were written into the legislation that created the Discover Pass funding program ($30/annual pass; $10/day pass), giving state parks access to all for no fee. — CHEY SCOTT Free State Parks Day • Sat, March 26; daytime access only • Free; no Discover Pass required • Locally at Riverside, Palouse and Mt. Spokane State Parks •
DINE OUT TO FEED SPOKANE Eat at participating restaurants (see link) in March and part of the proceeds go to Feed Spokane, which rescues prepared food in the community from being tossed out and transports it to local charitable meal sites to feed the foodchallenged in our city. Daily through March 31. COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON An annual fundraising event that celebrates the impact of Girl Scouting on girls and young women. Suggested minimum of $100 donation to support GSEWNI. March 30, 12-1:15 pm. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. INTERNATIONAL FLY FISHING FILM FEST Money raised from the raffles/
silent auctions go to helping fund a tracking survey to determine if Redbands from the Spokane River are using Hangman Creek to spawn. April 1, 7 pm. $15-$18. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. YWCA SPRING FLING The annual champagne brunch fundraiser supports the programs and services of the YWCA of Spokane. April 2. $55/person. Anthony’s at Spokane Falls, 510 N. Lincoln St.
RODGER LIZAOLA Lizaola has opened up for such acts as comedy legend David Brenner, Eddie Brill, Louis CK, Tom Cotter, Mike Epps and others. March 24, 8 pm. $10-$15. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. (318-9998)
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 115 SpokaneHomeBuildersAssociation_RenovationExpo_032416_12V_CPR.tif
I SAW YOU BARTENDER AT BARLOWS You: Beautiful brunette bartender with the coolest haircut. We talked about everything from classic literature to English soccer. I enjoyed our conversation so much that I came back after to work to visit you again. Your wit and ease of charm were impressive, you are way more than a gorgeous face. Coffee sometime? MO REDHEAD MO PROBLEMS Driving down I90 on this fine spring day, sun shining window down, that was when I saw you. Your glistening red hair whipping in the wind, you too enjoying this lovely weather in your dirty Impala. No judgement as my car, equally covered in dirt, and my red hair and beard potentially equally glistening, sped down the freeway. As I passed I caught a glimpse of you, our eyes met, you cracked a smile (or smirk perhaps) I quietly said aloud "damn" as I continued to admire you. I began to slow as you illegally passed the same car I was, but in the right lane, ignoring traffic laws like rules don't matter with your carefree sassiness. I was intrigued. I was able to see you yet again as we both merged onto the Argonne exit, as if by fate. As you rolled to the light I took a chance and rolled my window down to express my feelings, but to no avail. My voice overpowered by the sweet serenade of "Mo' Money Mo' Problems" by the Notorious BIG blasting through your open window. Now speechless I watched as you turned
in the opposite direction and sped away, my heart sank. Perhaps it is meant to be sweet redhead with no name, mo money and mo problems, if by chance we meet again...I'll let you by the first and second round and would be honored to be your problem. MY POCKETS WILL ALWAYS REMAIN BIG I saw you in the treasure house... so many great memories, even though it wasn't always just you and me. Cheers to the grandfather clock appearances and your beautiful green heart that remains an open door. HANDSOME XFINITY TECH I saw you bright and early Sunday morning, 3/20, in my apartment. You and an older gentleman came to fix my internet. It wasn't broken. I saw you checking me out in my Jammies. I didn't say anything because you were working but I wanted to get your number. You had the cutest smile and most kind eyes. If you want to talk come by and give me your number. Apartment 22.
CHEERS LEX PISTOL My charming slice of imperfect perfection: Not quite a year has passed since we realized that we are soulmates on some level, but I swear you and I were destined to always be the kindred spirits we so clearly are. You are the most divinely well rounded, intelligent, masterpiece of a woman I have ever met. You are electric. The type of girl that is the muse behind thousands of paintings and photographs. The beautiful enigma that sparks endless songs of love and longing. The heroine of every film and novel. A goddess to be truly worshiped. Your talent knows no bounds. Thank you for being so utterly unapologetically you. It's exactly what I, and this entire crazy world, needs. Best friend, I love you. And that's most absolute. — Em G ACE Well sexy man, here we are, approaching our 6th year together. It's been a wild ride! Laughter, romance, tears, fears, anger, lessons, joy and love; unconditional love. This winter has been especially rough on both of us and with spring just a week away, I think we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Now we are on a new adventure together, hustling and grinding away to prepare for our first baby. There will be
more challenges and obstacles to come, but that only means we keep "leveling up" in life. Because you and I, we ride through everything together, and we still enjoy each other's happiness and company along the way. I love you more than words could ever express! Love Always, Your Chestnut Beauty (Your "Diamond in the Rough")
116 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
BLOND HAIR, BLACK AUDI To the blond in the black Audi @ Starbucks on Hawthorne Friday morning. Nice car! There is one flaw however. The Blinker does not seem to work. We followed the same path for several turns and not once did your blinkers come on. I would go back to the dealership and have them check the blinkers. After all, It is a huge
Thank you for leaving after the first encore; perhaps next time you don’t drink so much.
HELLO BATMAN Camping gear all ready. You can park your Batmobile in the batcave. Thinking of you. Love, Batgirl. As for the person who is tired of my persiflage, don't read them. THANKS TO THE GENEROUS AIRLINE PASSENGER You and I had both volunteered to be bumped from the late evening flight from Salt Lake City to Spokane last Wednesday. You told me that you had gotten a ticket voucher for your flight out and were hoping to get one on your flight back to Spokane as well. But when the airline decided they needed only one volunteer, you let me have the opportunity. So, Mr. Saunders, although the the hotel shuttle took forever and the bed was uncomfortable, I still had a good night, thanks to you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANDSOME! There are so many things I could say here about you, but there would never be enough characters to state it all. But I will say that I never knew what it really meant to love someone until I met I truly understand. All we've shared....and so much more to come! Thank you for this precious gift of 'us'...I adore you. It took a lifetime, but He made sure it was worth the wait. Te amo, Honey. Oh and by the way.....Happy Birthday!!
JEERS CLASSLESS LOCAL CELEBRITY Jeers to the classless local newscaster and extended family at the Boz Skaggs con-
SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”
cert on March 13. After receiving two expensive tickets, I was lucky to attend. Unfortunately, this newscaster and extended family sat right behind me and were obviously drunk and would not stop talking very loudly during each song. The older woman, whom I assume was a Grandma, thought she was hilarious and never stopped talking to her companion,
not in his ear, but loud enough to be heard over the music. Several attempts to politely 'shush' them only increased the volume and then the small child with them joined in by sitting on the lap of the man right behind me and proceeded to kick my seat as if she was at soccer practice. Way to show some class! Thank you for leaving after the first encore; perhaps next time you don't drink so much, or better yet, get a CD and enjoy yourselves at home. You should be ashamed not only of your family, but of yourself being a local celebrity with immediate recognition; it increased the conclusion that you really are classless, surrounded by the same. WHERE DO I FIT IN YOUR HEART NOW? Remember when you used to text me for years (the first 4 or 5) sweet nothings and calling me "gorgeous" "angel" "beautiful"? These days I'm the only one initiating the sweet nothings, the cute name calling. Why? Is it because you used those lines on someone else 3 years ago behind my back? That only lasted a few months before you turned your attention back to me. Why did you stop again? Are you now using that effort on another interest like last time? Or is this just something you don't care to do anymore? Or am I just ugly to you now? Please help me understand. Don't get defensive or scold me for asking such a thing. Just give me an honest answer please. I don't know where I fit in your heart or head anymore.
safety issue if your blinkers do not work. Sincerely, The guy in the Blue Chrysler. DEAREST BATMAN Dearest Batman, Just a note about the recent path you've taken. Me and the gang at the Justice League are beginning to think that Batgirl may have you pussy whipped. HELLFIRE BM, even your old flame Wonder Woman referred to you as a "eunuch" the other day as we were knee deep in battle with Brainiac and his army of clones. (THAT was quite a party buddy, sorry you missed it.) In fact, the powers that be at DC are saying they're about ready to hand over your slot to that snot nose Robin. So, PLEASE, for the sake of the super heroes credo AND the American way drop that little horn dog you're so blinded by and let's get back to beating the crap out of some well placed bad guys. Okay then, Text me. LOL Green Lantern
NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
EVENTS | CALENDAR STAND-UP OPEN MIC Local comedians; see weekly schedule online. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. (483-7300) AFTER DARK A adult-rated version of the Blue Door’s monthly, Friday show; last Friday of the month, at 10 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) CRIME SHOW A crime show-themed improv show performed by the Blue Door Players. Fridays in March at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) KERMIT APIO Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, Kermet Apio enjoyed a childhood in paradise. He spent his time watching television, playing, and procrastinating everything else. March 25, 8 pm, March 26, 8 and 10:30 pm. $15-$20. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third. SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. DRINK N DEBATE The local comedy competition asks four teams of comedians to debate using topics chosen by the audience. When a team wins a round, they win a pitcher of beer and advance to the next challenger. Hosted by Nick Cavasier. March 28, 8 pm. $7$10. The Big Dipper, 171 S. Washington St. STAND-UP OPEN MIC Mondays; signup at 9:30 pm, show at 10 pm. Ages 21+. No cover. The Foxhole, 829 E. Boone. (315-5327) TRIVIA + OPEN MIC COMEDY Trivia starts at 8 pm; stick around for open mic comedy afterward. Tuesdays, from 8-10 pm. Free. Checkerboard Bar, 1716 E. Sprague Ave. CHRIS D’ELIA Recently named one of Variety’s “Top 10 Comics to Watch,” D’Elia can next be seen starring as Danny on NBC’s new comedy Undateable. He previously starred on NBC’s multi-camera comedy Whitney. March 31-April 3 at 7:30 pm, also April 1-2, 10:30 pm. $27-$41. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. (509-318-9998) GUFFAW YOURSELF Open mic comedy night; every other Thursday at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. (509-847-1234) COMEDY NIGHT AT THE INN Shows opens with special host Alvin Williams, also featuring Nick Cobb (April 1) and John Novosad (April 2) with Nigel Larson and Debbi Praver. Doors open at 7, show starts at 8 pm. $15. Best Western Coeur d’Alene, 506 W. Appleway Ave.
TREASURE! A touring exhibit exploring the history of treasure and treasure hunting, the technology used to look for it, and the people obsessed with finding it. Through May 29. Museum open Tue-Sun, from 10 am-5 pm. (Half-price admission on Tuesdays.) $5-$10/museum admission. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave.
YOUNG MAN IN A HURRY: THE LIFE OF ISAAC STEVENS A new exhibit showcasing the Governor’s controversial treaty negotiations, his Civil War heroics and his connection to Spokane Valley history. Through May 28, museum open Wed-Sat, 11 am-4 pm. $4$6 admission. Spokane Valley Heritage Museum, 12114 E. Sprague. COFFEE & COLORING An evening of coffee (or tea) and coloring in the shop’s new Yogi Lounge. Featured March artist, Candy Thomen also has some of her original coloring pages available. March 25, 6-8 pm. Free, donations accepted. Mellow Monkey Yoga, 9017 E. Euclid Ave. (270-0001) FOURTH FRIDAY PUB PEDDLERS Group cycling ride, making a few stops along the way to a final destination. Meets at 7 pm, departs at 8 pm. Free. Swamp Tavern, 1904 W. Fifth Ave. (251-2107) MEDIA LITERACY SALON: RACISM & THE MEDIA A workshop hosted by the Northwest Alliance for Responsible Media. March 25, 5:30 pm. Free. Community Building, 35 W. Main Ave. on.fb. me/1S0Ed5B (232-1950) MOMS CLUB OF NORTH SPOKANE EASTER PARTY/OPEN HOUSE All athome moms amd their kids are invited to attend. Light refreshments and crafts for the kids are provided. Bring a basket for the egg hunt. Please RSVP. March 25, 10 am-noon. Free. Knox Presbyterian Church, 806 W. Knox Ave. (703-380-8446) BECK’S HARVEST HOUSE EASTER EGG HUNT Egg hunts in the orchard throughout the weekend, along with Easter Bunny pictures and more. March 26-27, 9 am-3 pm. Harvest House, 9919 E. Greenbluff Rd. COMMUNITY EASTER EGG HUNT Includes a daylight hunt (noon-3 pm) for kids in up to 5th grade. Also offering carnival games, food vendors and more, with a flashlight egg hunt at 8 pm. March 26. Free. Valley Real Life Church, 1831 S. Barker. (232-0840) DANCING INTO SPRINGTIME The dance begins at 7 pm with an hourlong country two-step lesson. At 8 pm general dancing starts, with refreshments, door prizes, mixers and fun. Singles, couples, and all levels of dancers are welcome. March 26, 7-10 pm. $5-$9. Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 S. First Ave. EGGSTRAVAGANZA The Easter Bunny is coming to the Eastside Marketplace to hide thousands of eggs for an egg hunt for children under age 5. Also includes games, crafts, prizes and First Step Internet’s Cake Walk. March 26, 11 am. Free. Eastside Marketplace, 1420 S. Blaine St. FREE STATE PARKS DAY As part of the Discover Pass legislation, residents are offered access to any state park without needing a Discover Pass. Includes access locally to Riverside and Mount Spokane State Parks. Upcoming free days: March 19, March 26, April 22, May 8, June 4, June 11, Aug. 25, Sept. 24, Nov. 11. Free. SPOKANE SUPERHERO RUN Choose a 5 or 10K route (timed) for the third annual event, proceeds from which support CASA Partners, which supports local foster kids. Costumes are optional, but highly encouraged. March 26, 10 am. $7.50-$40. Gonzaga University School of Law, 721 N. Cincinnati St. (747-3304)
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Consider This Cannabis-infused snack spreads, a disposable vape pen and a website that highlights marijuana-related podcasts BY AZARIA PODPLESKY
1 5 5 ,0
FOOD Don’t freak out, smokers, but the folks at Incredible Edibles have been reading your diaries. The Canadian company has found a way to combine marijuana with everyone’s favorite snack spreads — Nutella, peanut butter and jelly. Next time you’re in the mood for a little something sweet, reach for Chrontella, Pif and Smokers, which take inspiration from Nutella, Jif peanut butter and Smuckers strawberry jam, respectively. Jars of Chrontella and Pif contain 300 mg of cannabis extract, enough for three servings, and go for $23 a pop. It’s likely that Smokers’ cost and cannabis
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Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
118 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
levels are similar to its fellow spreads. As of now, these products are only available in Canada. VAPE PEN After two years of research and development, reggae-rock band 311 recently joined the likes of Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa and other musicians/cannabis connoisseurs with the release of the Grassroots Uplifter, a disposable vape pen. The stainless steel pen, available for $65 from, takes its name from the band’s second and ninth albums. The pen is pre-filled with 500 mg of DJ Short Blueberry cannabis oil and requires no recharging or refilling. Unlike other vape pens, which shut down after a drag of four to five
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BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at
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seconds, the Grassroots Uplifter is designed for drags of up to eight seconds, which allows users to take a deeper pull. It seems like the only thing Grassroots Uplifter consumers have to think about is who to include on their smoking playlist. WEBSITE No matter if you’re a smoker, marijuana shop owner, lawmaker or simply someone curious about the goings-on of the marijuana industry, the Cannabis Radio Network (CannabisRadio. com) is a bookmark-worthy resource. The site is an aggregation of dozens of podcasts covering every aspect of the industry. Along with podcasts discussing marijuana-related laws in 20 states, including Washington and Oregon, the network also features podcasts from the likes of OG cannabis enthusiast Tommy Chong (“The Tommy Chong Podcast”), reformer Russ Belville (“The Russ Belville Show”), cannabis consultant Kyle Kushman (“The Grow Show with Kyle Kushman”) and more. n
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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
EASTER AT CAT TALES Come see the big cats and other animals celebrate the Easter holiday during a special event that is free to all ages. Activities include games, trivia, a golden egg hunt and more. March 27, 10 am-4 pm. Free. Cat Tales Zoological Park, 17020 N. Newport Hwy. (2384126) SCHOOL’S OUT DAY CAMPS Throughout the week of spring break, kids can catch daily movies, drop-in swimming, sports, video games and more. March 28-April 1. $32-$40/day. For kids ages 6-13. See website for schedule/details and to sign up. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. (208-667-1865) FRIENDS OF THE BLUFF ANNUAL MEETING Agenda includes a discussion of changes impacting the Bluff and plans for trails and access. Rich Landers presents an award and talks about the recent history, and featured speaker Jack Nisbet talks about the earliest history of the native people and settlers in the region. March 29, 6:30-8:30 pm. Free; donations appreciated. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 5720 S. Perry St. (389-2219) SPOKANE FOLKLORE CONTRA DANCE Weekly dance, with Crooked Kilt playing and caller Emily Faulkner. Community dance, no experience needed. Beginner workshop at 7:15 pm. March 30, 7:30-9:30 pm. $5-$7. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. (598-9111) FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY SPRING BOOK SALE Current members of the Friends organization can attend a preview sale, March 30, 4:30-8 pm. Most items are less than $1; customers can fill a bag with books from their choosing for $3. Proceeds benefit the Spokane Public Library. March 31-April 1, 10 am-5 pm, April 2, 10 am-2 pm. Downtown Spokane Library, 906 W. Main Ave. (444-5336) MEET THE NEIGHBORS: ST. JOHN’S CATHEDRAL Spokane Interfaith Council hosts a 6-month tour of Spokane’s religious landscape. Each month, visit a House of Worship in the community for a tour, to hear from civic and religious leaders, and partake in inter-religious and intercultural workshops to help build a more inclusive, pluralistic community. March 31, 6-8 pm. Free, donations accepted. St. John’s Cathedral, 127 E. 12th.
NATIVE AMERICAN FILM FEST The University of Idaho American Indian Studies Program’s Native American Film Festival, Sapaatqa’yn Cinema, features a mix of documentaries and features with programming designed for students and adults during its 14th festival. March 25-26, at 6:30 pm. Free and open to the public. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main. (208-882-0109) 50 HOUR SLAM FILMMAKER WORKSHOP Whether you’re an experienced Slammer or new to the competition, this session offers tips, tricks, techniques, and advice for anyone looking to have a suc-
cessful Slam experience. March 26, 10:30 am-12:30 pm. Free. Downtown Spokane Library, 906 W. Main Ave. WOMEN’S FILM SERIES: INDIA’S DAUGHTER The story of the short life and brutal gang rape and murder in December 2012 of an exceptional and inspiring young woman. March 28, 7:30-9:30 pm. Free. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main. kenworthy. org THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Inspired by Naomi Klein’s international non-fiction bestseller, the film presents seven powerful portraits of communities on the front lines, from Montana’s Powder River Basin to the Alberta Tar Sands, from the coast of South India to Beijing and beyond. March 29, 7 pm. Free. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main. THE REVENANT While exploring the uncharted wilderness in 1823, legendary frontiersman Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) sustains injuries from a brutal bear attack. When his hunting team leaves him for dead, Glass must utilize his survival skills to find a way back home to his beloved family. Rated R. Showing March 31-April 3, times vary. $6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127)
ROAST HOUSE POUR OVER COMPETITION A friendly competition for all skill levels, which also celebrates the release of its San Isidro coffee from Guatemala. Includes music, food and beer. Open to spectators; competitors should call to reserve a spot. March 24, 6 pm. $10/competitors. Roast House Coffee, 423 E. Cleveland. VINO WINE TASTING Friday, March 25 highlights wine from Gamache Vintners, from 3-6:30 pm and Saturday, March 26 is a featured tasting of Davenlore Winery, from 2-4:30 pm. Tastings include cheese and crackers. Vino! A Wine Shop, 222 S. Washington St. (8381229) EASTER EGG HUNT FOOD TRUCK RALLY Bring the kiddos out and join Shameless Sausages, Roamin’ Pizza Chariot, Toby’s BBQ, The Bistro Box, Tacos Tijuana, and Kona Shave Ice at Valley Real Life for a huge Easter egg hunt, with bouncy castles, games, face painting, and other attractions for your Easter celebrations. March 26, 12-3 pm. Free. Valley Real Life Church, 1831 S. Barker. BALANCE & BREWS One hour of yoga led by local instructor Mary Naccaratto, with one pint of beer to enjoy at the end of the session. Sundays in March, at 11 am. $15/session. Downdraft Brewing, 418 W. Seltice Way. (208-262-4233) COOKING CLASS: TAGINE Taste North Africa with Chef Jean-Pierre and learn the secrets to cooking traditional tagine, a blend of savory ingredients and colorful spices named after the earthenware pot in which it is cooked. March 29, 6-8 pm. $40. Gourmet Way, 8222 N. Government Way. (208-762-1333)
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 119
Advice Goddess PAPA’s Got A BrAnd neW HAG
My boyfriend travels a lot, and when he’s away, he wants to video call over FaceTime. Well, I look absolutely hideous on FaceTime, and I don’t want to do it. And really, who doesn’t look scary on FaceTime? Megan Fox? Scarlett Johansson? I get that he loves me and knows what I really look like, but I always feel depressed and self-conscious after I get off our video calls —FaceTime Hater
Of course it’s what’s on the inside that really counts, which is why men’s magazines so often run glossy spreads of stout, good-hearted older women crocheting afghans for nursing home patients. FaceTime should be renamed UglyfaceTime for what it does to a person’s features, and especially to a woman’s (in lumps, jowls, and eye baggery not apparent in photos). While the camera is said to add 10 pounds, FaceTime adds 10 miles of bad road. The good news: You look just like a movie star! The bad news: It’s the zombie Orson Welles. Friends will remind you that your boyfriend loves you and tell you you’re being silly (read: shallow). Some will offer helpful suggestions, like “It’s all about the lighting!” They aren’t wrong. I suggest avoiding light entirely, like by FaceTiming from a dark closet. Another popular chant: “Wear concealer!” My recommendation: Le Burlap Bag Over Le Head. Right now, countless readers are getting ready to email me to tell me I’m an idiot. (Hold your fire!) First, male sexuality is highly visual — in a way female sexuality is not. And then there’s what psychologists call “the contrast effect” -- how the attractiveness of someone or something changes, depending on the “neighborhood”: how attractive or unattractive the nearby alternatives are. So, you could be an easy 8.5 in Smalltownville and come to Hollywood — aka Mecca for every high school’s golden-blondiest cheerleader — and find yourself struggling to hang on to a 5.8. The contrast effect even holds true for somebody we love. In research by evolutionary psychologists Douglas Kenrick and Steven Neuberg, when men in relationships were exposed to pictures of very attractive women, they perceived their partner as less attractive — and (eek) felt less satisfied with and less committed to her. Obviously, looks aren’t all that matter. But sexual attraction naturally wanes over time. Best not to help it along with a “just keep your chins up!” attitude about FaceTiming. This isn’t to say you should leave your boyfriend visually starved. You can keep him well-supplied with images of you that you can control: selfies. These selfies could even be used for a “foreign correspondent” approach to FaceTime — keeping the camera on a still photo of yourself (like when a CNN reporter is on an audio-only connection from a tent outside of Jalalabad). This will allow you to focus on your boyfriend instead of on another man — one with the medical training to make your cavernous nasolabial folds look less like the place they’ll find Jimmy Hoffa, your dad’s coin collection, and three hikers who disappeared in 1976.
WHen tHe GooinG Gets touGH
When my boyfriend and I are on the phone, he won’t sign off with “I love you” if his guy friends are around. Meanwhile, these guys have met me, and most are in relationships. So what’s with his cool act? I know he loves me. Why be embarrassed to say it publicly? —Emotionally Honest There are a lot of ways a man can show that he loves you. Does it really have to be “Hold on, guys, while I give my balls to my girlfriend!”? Women often think it’s a bad sign if a man won’t go all “wuvvywoo poopielou” in front of his bros. This worry is understandable — because it’s no biggie (and actually kind of a status thing) for a woman to do that in front of the girls. But sex differences researchers Anne Campbell and Joyce Benenson point out that women — the caregivers of the species — evolved to bond through sharing vulnerabilities. This is how they show other women that they aren’t a threat. Men, however, evolved to be in a constant battle for dominance. They succeed socially by displaying toughness, not giggling behind their hands like Japanese schoolgirls (but with facial hair and Hello Kitty wallet chains). In other words, when you love a man, you show it by not demanding that his phone calls with you end in a social hanging. He’ll feel better, and you’ll ultimately respect him more. Sure, like other women, you may believe you want the ever mushy-ready “sensitive man” — until you start despising him for his compliance and dump him for someone a little more action hero. Those guys are men of few words — words like “I’ll be back” and not “Yes, dear, I’ll be back with a box of super-plus extra-absorbency unscented.” n ©2016, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (
120 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
EVENTS | CALENDAR COMMUNITY COOKING NIGHTS Follow along as scratch cooking skills are applied to healthy and cost-effective meals. Recipes are based on what is readily available through Spokane County food banks. Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30 pm. Free. Second Harvest, 1234 E. Front. MEAL IN A JAR: PRACTICAL FOOD STORAGE Learn how to make a healthy complete meal, dry vacuum sealed in a mason jar for practical storage. March 30, 6-8 pm. $12. CenterPlace Regional Event Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place.
ALEX DEGRASSI & ANDREW YORK Two leading innovators of the guitar, Grammy-winning classical guitarist, Andrew York, and Grammy-nominee and Windham Hill superstar, Alex de Grassi join forces to fuse the sounds and traditions of steel and nylon into a unique duo program. March 24, 7:30 pm. $30. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. CATHEDRAL KANTOREI & COLLEGIUM Soloists include Max Mendez, baritone, as Jesus, and Justin Raffa, tenor, as Pilate. Instrumental accompaniment includes violin, oboe, cello, bassoon and organ, conducted by Timothy Westerhaus. March 25, 8-9:30 pm. Free. Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 127 E. 12th. THE BRENT EDSTROM TRIO The local jazz trio (Brent Edstrom, piano; Eugene Jablowsky, bass; and Rick Westrick drums) perform a rare two night stand. March 25, 6-8:30 pm. $5. Nodland Cellars Tasting Room, 926 W. Sprague. (927-7770) STEINWAY ARTIST JOVANNI-REY V. DE PEDRO Filipino-American pianist Jovanni-Rey V. de Pedro’s artistic career has brought him to concert venues and musical institutions in Asia, across North America, South America, Australia, and Europe. March 26, 7 pm. Free and open to the public. Steinway Piano Gallery, 13418 E. Nora Ave. (327-4266) WATOTO CHILDREN’S CHOIR The choirs tour the world annually to support the Watoto child care ministry, a program that provides shelter, medical care, and education to vulnerable women and children in Uganda. Performances at 11 am and 7 pm. March 29. Free, donations accepted. Prince of Peace, 8441 N. Indian Trail. (465-0779) WARREN HAYNES’ ASHES & DUST BAND This one-year tour features famed guitarist, singer and songwriter Warren Haynes (of Gov’t Mule, Allman Brothers, Warren Haynes Band, Grateful Dead shows) with Nashville trio, Chess Boxer March 30, 7:30 pm. $34.50-$54.50. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague.
PACIFIC NORTHWEST QUALIFIER Taking place at three venues, including the HUB Sports Center, and Reese Court at EWU for two consecutive weekends, the massive volleyball tourney is now in its 19th year. March 25-27. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. BLOOMSDAY TRAINING CLINICS Get in shape for the 40th Bloomsday Run with hosted community training clinics, offering graduated conditioning and supported training courses. Satur-
days at 8:30 am, through April 23. Free. SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. (474-3081) SPRING IN FULL BOOM: DERBY DOUBLE HEADER A doubleheader featuring the Eastern Washington Wasteland Warriors vs. the Bridgetown Brawlers (5:30 pm) and a Wash. state Conference bout, Lilac City Roller Girls vs. Overbeaters Anonymous (7 pm). March 26, 5-9 pm. $8-$10. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. (509-477-1766) BACKYARD CONSERVATION STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM The popular program, now in its 4th year, provides access to local experts on a variety of gardening and conservation topics. Mondays in March, 5-7:30 pm. Each night covers two subjects taught by local experts. $25. Spokane Conservation District, 210 N. Havana. LEWIS & CLARK TRAIL BY WATER Rick Newman and Kris Townsend share how they experienced and photographed the Lewis and Clark Trail the way the Corps of Discovery saw it, from a wooden boat. March 28, 7-8:30 pm. Free. Mountain Gear Corporate Offices, 6021 E. Mansfield Ave.
42ND STREET The quintessential backstage musical comedy classic includes some of the greatest songs ever written. March 24-27, show times vary. March 24-27. $32.50-$72.50. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. HAPGOOD Dual natures of light, and people, are the theme of Tom Stoppard’s espionage thriller. Through April 10, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $22. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. JOSEPH & THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber’s timely and timeless classic features professional guest artist and CVHS alumni Andrea Olsen. March 2326 at 7:30 pm. $8-$14. Central Valley High School, 821 S. Sullivan. (228-5218) ALADDIN JR. A stage adaptation based on the Disney movie of the same name. March 25-26 at 7 pm; also March 26 at 2 pm. $6-$8. Rogers High School, 1622 E. Wellesley Ave. (354-6551) THE DROWSY CHAPERONE The Saint George’s School drama department presents a lighthearted piece of musical theater. March 23, 24-26, at 7 pm. $4-$6. Saint George’s School, 2929 W. Waikiki Rd. (464-8818) JACK AND THE BEANSTALK A reader’s theatre production of the classic fairy tale. March 25, 7 pm and March 26, 2 pm. $7. Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22910 E. Appleway. (342-2055)
67-INCH Explore our relationship between the natural and technilogical with Laboratory Artists-in-Residence from Poland, Aleksandra Ewa Dutkowska and Aleksandra Łukasiak. Their interactive installation is ready to be explored and amaze all visitors. Open daily through March 25, 5:30 pm-1 am. Free. Richmond Gallery, 228 W. Sprague. (230-5718) ARTIST TRUST SPOKANE: OFFICE HOURS A free, drop-in grantwriting support program for artists of all disciplines
looking for advice on how to apply for funding from Artist Trust. March 25, 4-7 pm. Free. Washington Cracker Co. Building, 304 W. Pacific. ARTIST TRUST: PHOTOGRAPHING PORTFOLIO A 3-hour course covering how to best photograph your work, from lighting to color balance and final presentation. March 26, 10 am-1 pm. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. SPOKANE SOCIAL SKETCH Spend an afternoon drawing, sketching, collaborating, and socializing with other creatives. Social Sketch happens every last Sunday of the month, from 2-5 pm, and is open to all (and any skill level). Bring your art supplies! Free. Boots Bakery & Lounge, 24 W. Main Ave. facebook. com/socialsketching (991-2184) TERRARIUMS WITH ART SALVAGE Learn the anatomy of putting together a terrarium in any repurposed container. Then using an upcycled jam jar, plants, and other repurposed objects, make a small terrarium you can take home. March 31, 6-8 pm. $10; includes materials. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy.
WHITWORTH DEBATE WITH IRISH CHAMPIONS The award-winning Whitworth forensics team hosts the national debate champions of Ireland in an exhibition. March 28, 7-8:30 pm. Free. Whitworth, 300 W. Hawthorne Rd. (777-4739) GONZAGA VISITING WRITER SERIES: ROBYN SCHIFF The widely-published poet and professor at the University of Iowa has been featured in many prestigious journals and magazines, including The New Yorker, Poetry and A Public Space. March 29, 7:30 pm. Free. Gonzaga, 502 E. Boone. (328-4220) READING: TIMOTHY EGAN The wellknown historical nonfiction author reads from his new book, “The Immortal Irishman.” March 31, 7-8 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main.
ARTIST TRUST ON TOUR: SPOKANE The first stop of a five-city tour of multidisciplinary events showcasing artists supported by Artist Trust. Featuring author Sharma Shields; performance artist Chad Goller-Sojourner (Seattle); filmmaker & writer Shaun Scott (Seattle); and live art by Austin Stiegemeier. March 24, 7-9 pm. Free. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague. GEM, MINERAL & JEWELRY SHOW The 57th annual showcase hosted by the Spokane Rock Rollers Club, with dozens of dealers, display cases with fossils, crystals, minerals, demos, giveaways and more. March 25-27, Fri-Sat, 10 am-6 pm, Sun 10 am-4 pm. $5-$6. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. REBEL JUNK VINTAGE MARKET A shopping event featuring hand-picked vendors selling salvaged, repurposed, handmade, antique, vintage goods. March 25, 6-9 pm, March 26, 10 am-4 pm. $7-$15. Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way. (208-765-4969) n
Visit for complete listings of events.
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PUBLIC NOTICE AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to modify wireless telecommunications antennas on a building located at 11 South Washington St, Spokane, Spokane County, WA. Modifications include replacing existing antennas with new antennas mounted on the roof at varying heights not to exceed 122 ft. AGL. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the potential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by sending such comments to: Project 6116001197-JC c/o EBI Consulting, 11445 East Via Linda, Suite 2, #472, Scottsdale, AZ 85259, or 619.548.3798 City view. Lrg 1 BD renovated hw flrs DW secure non smoking bldg lndry pets (no dogs) 1324 W. 5th $575 747-7630
ACROSS 1. “Dracula” star Lugosi 5. She plays Mia in “Pulp Fiction” 8. Yellowish-brown colors 14. Deuce follower 15. Use a laser on 16. January birthstone 17. 2008 Mary J. Blige hit 19. Aptly named monthly of the National Puzzlers’ League, with “The” 20. When Macbeth kills Duncan 21. Los ____ 22. 1989 Indigo Girls hit 26. Floor 29. Director Capra 30. ‘60s antiwar grp. 31. 1964 Beatles hit 34. “Poppycock!” 36. Puts on, as a show 37. Don’t aspire to much 40. Vladimir Putin’s former org. 41. 1963 Chiffons hit
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44. Collision sound 46. Jonas Salk, his wife and their children were among the first to receive the vaccine for this in 1952 47. Casual shirt 48. 1936 Fred Astaire hit recorded by Billie Holiday in the same year 53. Arranged in a row 54. Tennis ____ 58. Hospital item 59. Tweak ... or any of five answers in this puzzle 62. Fatty acid salt 63. “We ____ the 99%” 64. “The Lord of the Rings” creatures 65. Confuses 66. Turner of U.S. history 67. Opposite of “da”
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PUBLIC NOTICE AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to modify wireless telecommunications antennas on an existing water tank located at South 3726 Little Lane, Spokane, Spokane County, WA, 99201. The modification will consist of removing three antennas and installing new antennas at centerline heights of 81 feet and 61 feet above ground level. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the potential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by sending such comments to: Project 6116001200-JC c/o EBI Consulting, 11445 East Via Linda, Suite 2, #472, Scottsdale, AZ 85259, or 619.548.3798.
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26. “America’s Dairyland”: Abbr. 27. O’er and o’er 28. Like someone with an IQ of room temperature 32. Easter ____
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33. Syr. neighbor 34. Kind of lab 35. Big inits. in bowling 37. John Irving’s “____ of the Circus” 38. Vending machine insert
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39. Pint-size 41. Earring style 42. Tree in many street names 43. Singer of the 2014 hit “Chandelier” 44. Spanish discoverer of the Pacific, 1513 45. Off course 46. Fruit featured in Sunsweet ads with the slogan “Today the Pits, Tomorrow the Wrinkles” 49. Country whose flag’s triangles represent the Hilmalayas 50. Computer hookup? 51. Letter in a copyright symbol 52. John with an Oscar and a Tony THIS 55. Put six feet under W A NSWE EEK’S 56. Grimm start? I SAW RS ON 57. Kim Kardashian ____ YOUS 59. Enthusiast 60. Glass of “This American Life” 61. Catchy thing?
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 121
Embracing the Madness Spokane was right in the middle of the greatest weekend in NCAA Tournament history BY MIKE BOOKEY
onolulu, Hawaii, is almost 2,900 miles from Spokane, and the cities don’t share much in common. One is landlocked, while the other looks out at the open Pacific Ocean. On this mid-March Friday, there’s about a 30-degree difference in high temperatures between these two locales, but today the cities are bound together by the hope that the University of Hawaii’s Rainbow Warriors can beat the Cal Bears. This is why you go to an NCAA Tournament game if the event comes to your town. It doesn’t matter who’s playing, because as was the case at the Spokane Arena last weekend, you can always just pull for the underdog. And on that Friday, Hawaii, a 13 seed that hadn’t been to the tournament in 14 years, beat fourth-seeded California, and did so handily, 77-66. In the concourse after the win, David Kawakami celebrates with fellow Hawaii fans, several hundred of whom made the trans-Pacific trek. He’s also getting plenty of high-fives from random passersby. “We knew we were going to win,” he says, having finally landed in Spokane that morning with just a few hours to spare before the first of four games tipped off at the arena.
122 INLANDER MARCH 24, 2016
“We’d been in Anaheim [for the Big West tournament] and then got back to Hawaii, and then now we’re here. It’s amazing,” he says. Still in the stands and gazing out at the court, Kristen Brummel’s voice is hoarse from screaming. She was there with the Rainbow Warriors in 2002 for their previous NCAA appearance. “I have been a fan for years. This was our day,” she says with a rasp. It was a win that should have shocked the basketball world. And for maybe about half an hour, it did. But while Hawaii fans were still celebrating, Michigan State, a 2 seed widely thought to be a contender to win the national championship, fell to Middle Tennessee State. Suddenly, even inside the Arena, that Hawaii win was shadowed by something even crazier. Throughout the day, there would be other upsets around the country. In Spokane, it seemed for a moment like South Dakota State could knock off mighty Maryland. But a turnover on a late possession killed that dream, no matter how hard the just-hopped-on-the-bandwagon fans in the Arena tried to will it. For the rest of the weekend, you didn’t need to even
The Spokane Arena, decked out for March Madness. MIKE BOOKEY PHOTO be at the Spokane Arena, or any other arena where perhaps the craziest tournament ever was taking place, to feel its impact. This improbable string of games made for several days when it was possible to go about your life without hearing of any non-basketball insanity in the media — namely, that one guy running for president and the people who want him to be president and think they can punch you in the face if you try to keep him from office. By the time Oregon, the first No. 1 seed to play an NCAA game in Spokane, arrived on the floor, the building was marked by the familiar Day-Glo green and yellow of the Ducks, who’d materialized in Spokane from far and wide, or in the case of local UO alumni, just across town. Oregon easily topped woefully overmatched Holy Cross 91-52. “This felt like a home game,” said Chris Martin, a Spokane native and Oregon alum. That night, there wasn’t upset magic in the building when Cincinnati and St. Joseph’s faced off in the nightcap, but just an old-fashioned, knock-down, drag-out game of basketball. In the end, Cincy’s Octavius Ellis dunked a ball about a tenth of a second too late, in one of many of the day’s insane finishes. St. Joe’s prevailed. On Sunday, there was no more magic to be found, even if Hawaii’s rooting section had doubled and most of Oregon’s fans were pulling for the Rainbow Warriors as they tried to eliminate Maryland. Despite leading midway through the second half, Hawaii fell. St. Joe’s had Oregon on the ropes in the game’s final minutes, but the Ducks, too, escaped Spokane. Outside the Spokane Arena, the warmest day of the young year had turned to a downpour, as if to remind us all that reality had returned — at least until games started up elsewhere in four long days. n
MARCH 24, 2016 INLANDER 123