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DOWNTOWN STADIUM = SPOKANE’S FUTURE The future is downtown, NOT Joe Albi. If you want to be part of the discussion let your voice be heard at spokaneschools.org/stadiumTE The current discussion is bombarded by old farts who can’t parallel park downtown and actually attended that Joe Albi rock concert in the ‘80s. Let’s get a pro soccer team and boost our economy! Timbers & Sounders we’re coming for you!

PEKING NORTH I saw you, Tuesday March 24, at the Peking North. You, striking hazel eyes, dark chocolate skin and ginormous traps. Me, waiting for you to spend the rest of your life with me. Hey, gators don’t sweat.


BROWNE’S ADDITION ROSAUERS Red flannel, black beanie. You got into a work van. Pretty sure you saw me too..flannel pants, boots, black jacket. COVID-safe coffee sometime?

DEB AND GARY (WITH A TOP HAT) You’re often the ones sacrificing space, time and privacy to see others are cared for and warm. You and the gestures of kindness you give are exactly what provides those you help the healing they need in order to reclaim the joy and love in their lives. I am not sure you understand how much you mean to this community and how much you mean to me. Your family is one that lifts my spirit, your ability to handle the hearts and condition of others with such delicacy and to bring so much joy into every moment is something precious to me. Thank you for helping my cause with good intentions and for being a pillar in the community I love and pray for. Only the best for the best. Xoxo


BROWNE’S ADDITION BEAUTIFIER “Cheers, to the lovely lady I see at least a couple times a week, walking her sweet little dog, and also picking up refuse all along your walk. You make the neighborhood a much nicer-looking place. Thank you! “

KENDALL YARDS HO-HUM COLORS Didn’t know whether to use “cheers” or “jeers” because I like seeing everything about Kendall Yards across the river except for the boring building colors. However I and many of my neighbors think that the paint colors that were chosen for the buildings and one of the apartment buildings don’t do Kendall Yards justice. The side of one building facing south looks like a brown barn and the other colors on two of the buildings are painted gray with the uglyist dull “taupe.” So knowing that we don’t have anything to say about the colors that are chosen, we are asking the developer to PLEASE choose brighter colors on the new buildings so that Kendall Yards will be more appealing.

PINK BUG Thank you to the driver of pink classic Volkswagen Bug — you have a ski rack that frequently had skis on it and used to park on Riverside in Browne’s. Just want you to know that your car put many smiles on my face during my pandemic walks.

I KNOW YOU READ THESE I know you read these because you send me photos of the ones you think are funny. I joke that some are from me, but this one really is. I love you — all ways, always. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS AT THE ARENA I want to try to thank everyone that was involved with COVID-19 vaccination shots at the Spokane Arena. From the time we left the house, parked

the car and walked in to get our shots, it was a flawless appointment. They had folks stationed in the parking lot, on the way in, various locations inside and while you waited the 20 minutes after the shot. We got our 2nd shots on the 25th of this month, and both shots would not have been possible without the outstanding volunteer support Spokane got from those who volunteered to help. Our hats are off to you, and we offer our humble thank-you for a job well done.

“Your car put many smiles on my face during my pandemic walks. ”


REPLY TO “WHO’S WRONG?” Who’s wrong? No jeers, just tears... for a downtown bartender who struggled to hide a year’s worth of despair, financial hardship, and disappointment behind a stoic COVID mask of frustration. No jeers, just tears... for someone who walked into a downtown bar/restaurant just to grab an Inlander... too busy, too harried, perhaps running too late or too broke for anything more. It’s free after all... because of all the business advertising that supports it. You ask who was right? I ask who was blind.

HEARTLESS IN SPOKAN Gonzaga University trained lawyers are selfserving jurist ****** inept automatons. On the East Coast, the common man has more street smarts. As “intellectual elites” they strip, flay and contort the law to suit their end. At your 1st meeting if u see Gonzaga hardware affixed, run! CA is good, as is U of I. If lawyer selection is school-based you will most certainly greet excellent fortune. Note: I represent myself and whilst stunning

the crowd is fun time after time, they have constructed a towering kangaroo court. Thank God is right: (Adv’d = J.D. Me = B.S. Dear T. Wallace, As you step into court we serve under heraldic moonlight.) This tournament, and horror of Gonzaga will not soon rest.

REQUEST DENIED Jeers to mental health outreach. A woman was shot and killed in the lobby of the county jail. Earlier in the day, officers were called to her motel room due to a disturbance call. Officers requested a Crisis Response Specialist but, according to the Spokesman-Review, “the request was denied.” Shame on you. Why is it impossible to get a mental health response team to respond to a mental health crises? My friend experienced this 2 years ago. Where’s the accountability?

RE: JUNKY STORE ON SPRAGUE SHOPPER Was there ever a time in which people who submitted items to the Cheers/Jeers section were intelligent? Reading the previous post “Junky Store on Sprague Shopper,” it sure seems like a lot of assumptions were made regarding voting preferences, economic status, and living arrangements. Many good schools exist in the area. Perhaps the person who wrote that could take a few courses. It sure seems like a sensitive nerve was hit. We wonder if perhaps the person is too close to said “store”? Hmmmmm. Nevertheless, the idiotic submission made a few of us laugh. We’re also sure that the person who wrote the criticism of the “shopper” has a GREAT job! Neverthless, we’re inclined to go with the more intelligent original thinking. Dear SRHD:

Please investigate and then Close them down! Close them down! Close them Down! Close them Down! I think I know the junky store. It’s close to downtown in the middle of old Hookerville. What a moron!

JEERS Jeers to the lowlife that stole my blue sun. And therapies and painted beer bottle from my trees in my yard from loved ones gone and cannot replace get a Life. And Your own stuff. Also jeers to city trying to shove downtown stadium down our throats that was voted against — never vote for school bonds again. Need new city council who doesn’t want to fluoridate our water and ruin our city. n







SOUND OFF 1. Visit Inlander.com/isawyou by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “petals327@yahoo.com,” not “j.smith@comcast.net.” NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.

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