Inlander 04/13/2017

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This summer, choose your own advenuture PULLOUT PAGE 35


Meet Chris Porter, the pickup artist of Spokane PAGE 90






‘Getting unhinged’


The ‘two selves’ of


’s s year i h t e Insid

! T I L GET festival literary 6 PAGE 2

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5 13 26 33


35 62 67 71


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his is one of those weeks — when I simply marvel at how much we can jam into a single paper. We have a 24-page guide to local summer camps, compiled by Chey Scott (page 35). We have a profile of up-and-coming writer Emily Ruskovich and other coverage of the Get Lit! literary festival (page 26). There’s the Super Trooper guy (page 33), the Uncharted collaboration of the symphony and other artists (page 59), Easter brunch (page 62), the unfortunate return of Fast and Furious (page 67), previews of two Inlander-produced events (a free 4/20 concert and a screening of a beloved movie; page 76), the local band Supervillain (page 71), and Daniel Walters’ in-depth report on Spokane Democrats’ campaign finance issues (page 20). Until next week… — JACOB H. FRIES, Editor

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Clock tower photograph courtesy of John D. Moore


Thank you for an unprecedented season. We couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you to these underwriters for making our pregame events at the Final Four® possible. 4 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017



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J. Jeremy McGregor (x224) GENERAL MANAGER

EDITORIAL Jacob H. Fries (x261) EDITOR

Michael Mahoney (x279) COPY CHIEF


Front or back of neck, happy trail or side burns

Probably Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. It’s about becoming all you can be, and not letting the fears of this world affect your life. What’s the last book you read? [Richard Stearns’] The Hole in Our Gospel.

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Dan Nailen (x239) DIGITAL & PROJECTS EDITOR Chey Scott (x225) FOOD & LISTINGS EDITOR Nathan Weinbender (x250) FILM & MUSIC EDITOR

Derek Harrison (x248) ART DIRECTOR

Wilson Criscione (x282), Mitch Ryals (x237), Daniel Walters (x262), Samantha Wohlfeil (x234) STAFF WRITERS

Young Kwak



Ask Ab Our Othout Serviceser


LINDA BOND [David Mitchell’s] Cloud Atlas. What’s the last book you read? It’s coming out as a movie now, it’s called The Circle [by Dave Eggers]. It’s a take-off [on] social media.




Amy Alkon, Connor Dinnison, Tara Dowd, E.J. Iannelli, MaryAnn Johanson, George Nethercutt, Ben Salmon, Cara Strickland CONTRIBUTORS

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BEN COVINO The Postman by David Brin. What’s the last book you read? I read Neil Gaiman’s adaptations of Norse mythology. It takes those classic myths we all know and makes them into modern translations.

Carolyn Padgham-Walker (x214), Emily Walden (x260) SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES

Autumn Adrian (x251), Mary Bookey (x216), Gail Golden (x236), Jeanne Inman (x235), Claire Price (x217), Wanda Tashoff (x222) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES

Kristina Smith (x223) MARKETING DIRECTOR


SUZIE FLORENCE Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. What are you currently reading? [Emily Nagoski’s] Come As You Are; it’s about taking ownership over female pleasure and sexuality.



Wayne Hunt (x232) PRODUCTION MANAGER Alissia Blackwood Mead (x228), Derrick King (x238), Jessie Hynes (x205), Tom Stover (x265) GRAPHIC DESIGNERS


Camryn Barker (x242) ADVERTISING SUPPORT


SANDRA FOLEY [Gillian Flynn’s] Gone Girl, if I can think of a recent one. What are you currently reading? The Husband’s Secret [by Liane Moriarty]. I haven’t gotten to what it’s about, but apparently the husband has a secret. I can’t wait to get to it! S M A L L B ATC H HAN DCRAFTE D B E E R




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Pushing Past Partisanship President Trump and Speaker Ryan need to reach across the aisle BY GEORGE NETHERCUTT


any pundits are signaling the end of the Trump presidency and the Ryan speakership because the repeal and replacement of Obamacare legislation was pulled without a vote. They’re wrong. The Trump agenda will recover, and the Ryan speakership will remain. Those politically injured in the health care replacement efforts were the unyielding members of the Freedom Caucus, and the defeat was not good for America. President Trump and Speaker Ryan can affect future policy outcomes if they’ll be inclusive. The Washington Post crowed that with the defeat of the bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, perhaps a new right and left have emerged that can defy the speaker, suggesting that legislators are unafraid of the president. If true, then citizens should be anxious about the future, in spite of Trump’s declaration that he intends to “drain the swamp.” Draining the swamp should be the least of Trump’s worries. Enacting American policies that restore confidence in political governance should be priority one. Trump and Ryan should declare that the “Hastert Rule” has died. No longer should bills be approved only with a Republican majority. This may anger citizens on the self-righteous right, or members of the House Freedom Caucus, but it only perpetuates national division. Requiring fealty to Republican policies is demeaning to elected representatives. It perpetuates division and polarization.


can only imagine the political pressure that House Democrats felt when it came time to vote on Obamacare in March 2010. I’m sure they heard, “If you don’t vote ‘Yes’ on Obamacare, you’ll destroy the president.” Obamacare passed with no Republican votes. If passed, its replacement would have only had Republican votes. Many Republicans and Democrats left Congress when congressional leaders became overbearing, not letting the process and judgment of elected officials unfold naturally, as intended by the Founders. They didn’t intend that party leaders or the president’s plans would usurp the collective judgment of elected officials in the legislative process. The Constitution is silent about such matters. Americans have gotten used to the domination of party politics in the legislative arena, thus perpetuating polarization. Instead of doing what’s right for America, Congress adopts policies that are good for the party in control, or the president who shares their party label. Congress, the president and the press then


dissect the dysfunction, instead of working on behalf of all Americans to make the United States better. It’s increasingly disturbing that members spend too many hours each week raising money for reelection efforts instead of toiling to make America better. Instead of fighting among themselves, members of Congress should spend more time explaining their actions to the public they represent. Trump, who came to the presidency in an unconventional way, should embrace the unconventional by reaching out to Democrats, seeking to persuade them that his intentions are honorable. Former President Eisenhower, extremely popular in his day, invited members of Congress to breakfast at the White House each week, just to get to know them. President Trump and Speaker Ryan should do the same, in their respective offices — no matter how distasteful — with the hope that some of the natural partisanship that exists today would dissipate. Many Americans want the two political parties to work together. Here’s an opportunity for bipartisanship.


resident Trump may soon realize that complaining about the past is a fool’s errand — he should focus on how to make America better in the future. Certainly, undoing prior executive orders enacted unilaterally by President Obama is justified. So is reining in federal spending, as more than a billion dollars now goes to pay interest on the national debt each day. Trump’s focus on the excitement of space exploration has been underreported. Bringing America’s tax and foreign policy conditions under control will be a major accomplishment. So will resolving America’s immigration policies. Some of this will involve looking backward, but it should be approached with the future in mind — how to improve American lives. With his approval rating hovering around 40 percent, Trump can restore American voter confidence by acting inclusively. His address to Congress was a good start — minimizing conflict and asserting an attitude of working together can bring national results — and possibly improved his approval among voters. Trump appears to be serious about helping America. That’s why exhibiting actions that don’t further the seesaw of one-party rule can assuage the fears of all Americans. n


Catch Paul Bannick at the Dishman Hills Conservancy’s annual dinner.

Dishman Hills Celebration

The Dishman Hills Conservancy celebrates 51 years at its annual dinner and auction, which also features a keynote presentation by wildlife photographer Paul Bannick. $65/person. Sat, April 15 from 5-9 pm. Barrister Winery, 1213 W. Railroad Ave.


This Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane event connects the dots between the Trump administration’s proposed $54 billion increase in military spending and the ongoing cuts to many vital social and environmental programs. Join in to share your concern and learn about the impact of this proposal. Free. Sat, April 15 from noon-2 pm. Community Building, 35 W. Main. (232-1950)


Members of the 5th Congressional District are encouraged to attend a town hall to engage in a respectful dialogue focused on sharing and informing their congresswoman, so she can better understand and represent their concerns. (She’s been invited, but it’s unknown if she’ll attend.) Free. Thu, April 20 from 6-8 pm. Moran Prairie Library, 6004 S. Regal.


Join KSPS and Paula Kerger for an evening of conversation, wine, beer and small plates. Bring your friends and your questions for a lively, interactive Q&A session. Topics include “The Future of Public Media” and women in leadership. $50/person; $400/table of eight. Fri, April 21 from 5:30-8:30 pm. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln. (443-7700)  Tell us about your event or other opportunities to get involved. Submit events at or email JEN SORENSON CARTOON

Woolly Mammoth, Royal BC Museum and Archives, Victoria, Canada


This exhibition was created by The Field Museum, Chicago. Major support from Spokane County and the Joel E. Ferris Foundation


COMMENT | POLICE fails to recommend pathways for improvement. From reading the audit and seeing the press conference, I gathered that SPD believes, in general, that it is hardworking, honest and trustworthy. I’m glad you feel so good about yourselves, guys. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t what the Department of Justice had in mind when they recommended a cultural audit; rather, they were hoping for brave reflection and an honest inventory of SPD culture. The audit also states that there needs to be more minorities in SPD leadership positions — which everyone already knew. But then at a press conference, the audit’s lead investigator, Dr. JoAnn Danelo Barbour, said the reason that the few minorities in the department were not promoted is because maybe they don’t know how to get promoted.

Shouldn’t we expect a study to provide answers or conclusions?


Checking the Box The much-anticipated SPD cultural audit was a waste of time and money BY TARA DOWD


o this is me giving the sideeye to that much-anticipated Spokane Police Department cultural audit that came out three weeks ago. The audit fulfills a recommendation from the Department of Justice report in 2014. And by fulfills, I mean that they checked the box — because all it deserves is, again, my side-eye. This was an underfunded effort to appease the Department of Justice and the community by using a flawed methodology and the Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies at Gonzaga University. In the introduction of the

audit, the authors admitted its limitations: There wasn’t enough time or money to reach out to a larger group of interviewees for a more reliable sample. I can’t claim to be a data guru, but with such a limited sample pool from both the department and the community, how can anything helpful be produced? And shouldn’t we expect a study to provide answers or conclusions? This audit fails to do that on every level. It fails to identify ways in which minorities like women and people of color experience the “culture” at SPD within the department, and outside of it. It fails to provide an authentic voice regarding how SPD takes up space in Spokane — both the good and the bad. And it


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Tara Dowd, an enrolled Inupiaq Eskimo, was born into poverty and now owns a diversity consulting business. She is an advocate for systemic equity and sees justice as a force that makes communities better.

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I don’t know what I’m more upset about: That the big takeaway wasn’t that the SPD needs to hire and retain more women and people of color, analyze more data, engage in authentic discourse with different cultural groups, and have a brave conversation about use of force. Or that the lead investigator stated in public that the few employees of SPD who are women and/or people of color don’t have barriers to promotion; rather, they don’t know how to get promoted. The assumptions wrapped up in that comment are painful and patently untrue. The narrative that people of color and women are to blame for the way the system treats them perpetuates the system of oppression across our community, and it needs to stop. Now, I get it: At least they did something. But doing something by half-measures is a waste of our tax dollars and time. Just stop patronizing us, because Spokane deserves better — and quite frankly, the police department also deserves better. What we want as a community is for our police department — and our Police Guild — to make the necessary changes so there are no more sexual assault charges, no more abuses of power, no more cover-ups, no more racial bias, and no more citizens dying at the hands of our law enforcement. Is that really too much to ask? (Don’t make me sideeye you again.) n

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Spokane’s North Monroe Street.


‘NO’s aON ROAD DIET long time north side resident I oppose the North Monroe Street


makeover as planned. I can’t believe that the city thinks it is a good idea to drastically restrict lanes on one of the few north-south commuter corridors. Unfortunately I have had a hard time making my voice heard. I expressed concerns at a community meeting (no one wrote anything down), and e-mailed my city council representative (no response from one and a “received your e-mail” from the other). I also took the online survey conducted by the city which was NOT a yes or no to the project. It asked what style of street lamps I preferred and LETTERS where to place benches, etc. I believe Send comments to area residents and businesses have valid concerns and I hope someone is listening. North Monroe can be safer with additional lighting and the installation of pedestrian crossing lights. So far no one has addressed the impact lane restrictions on Monroe would have on the already overwhelmed Maple-Ash corridor. If you want to observe lack of pedestrian safety just watch the traffic on Maple Street any day from my front yard as cars move at 45+ miles per hour and high school students attempt to cross. BARBARA CURTIS Spokane, Wash.

BOMBING BABIES h, the hypocrisy of it all. Our President Trump and his great unflinch-


ing supporter, our congressional Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, promote repeal and replace Obamacare with a bill that would throw millions of American families, including babies, off their health care and give tax breaks to the rich. In addition, they want to prevent Syrian refugees, which include babies, from entering the country without extreme vetting on top of already stringent vetting. However, Trump points his finger at Assad for using chemical weapons on “beautiful babies,” which is used to justify Trump’s attack on Syria. By his actions, Trump, along with Cathy McMorris Rodgers, cares neither about American babies or Syrian babies. It appears their big interest is to flex the military muscle that is available to them. What next from the present administration? NANCY STREET Cheney, Wash.

Readers react to “Breaking New Ground” (4/6/17), our story about developing East Sprague and the University District

ERIK BLEDSOE: A bridge with one way in and one out, in an area known for crime and homelessness, seems like a perfect place to commit crimes. KAREN KUHANECK RILEY: I can see the area beginning to get out of its rut already. New businesses are moving in, growth is happening and the downtown campus is expanding. This will only benefit the city and surrounding neighborhoods. Forward thinking, people! 

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 11

12 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

Sisters Theresa Wheeler and Deanne Doi are trying to help people find housing with the “Hope Street Project.”



Hope Street A group of neighbors in rural northeast Washington has an ambitious plan: house the homeless BY SAMANTHA WOHLFEIL


eanne Doi lives with her sister, Theresa Wheeler, in a modest home near the end of their road in Chewelah, about an hour north of Spokane. Doi stands on a small deck on a recent morning, sipping coffee from a mug that she makes sure to point out says, “Sisters are like fat thighs … they stick together.” “My sense of humor gets me in a lot of doors,” she says, laughing. Doi has been homeless before, and if it weren’t for her sister, she’d be homeless now. Doi is almost three decades sober after she says that God saved her from cocaine and alcohol addiction during a medical detox. She spends time talking with people who are homeless, pointing them in the direction of services and letting them know someone loves them. “That’s why we do what we do, we understand,” Doi

says. “I’ve always told our family we may not have a lot of money, but we have a lot of love, and we learn how to share it with those that don’t have.” Doi and Wheeler are part of a group of passionate volunteers who for more than a year have been meeting to figure out how to house people who may fall between gaps in local services. They call themselves the “Hope Street Project,” and have been able to take donations under the umbrella of the charity Tri-County Community Health Fund. Most of the people in the group know well that homelessness isn’t always as visible as someone sleeping in an alcove or on a park bench: While the group works to start a centralized homeless center, several of its members have put their money where their mouth is and let people sleep on their own couches or property.

Even with eight people already living in their home, the sisters made room for a man struggling with mental illness this winter. He was sent their way by another woman working with Hope Street because she had no more space. “Nobody wants those folks, and those folks are us, they’re our children, they’re our nieces and nephews,” Doi says. While their plan is ambitious, Hope Street’s largest hurdle will likely be finding money to pay for their plan to end homelessness. They’ve understandably faced skepticism from some Stevens County leaders, who want to be sure there’s really a need above what the county already helps provide, and who have a duty to spend taxpayer money responsibly.


As others in the region huddled around their TVs to watch the Zags tip off in the NCAA championship game, more than a dozen Hope Street volunteers met in the waiting room of a Colville health clinic after business hours to talk about homelessness. Among their ranks: church leaders, a doctor, trained mental health volunteers, and untrained volunteers who have helped house the needy or been there themselves. Barry Bacon, a key leader in the group, opens the ...continued on next page

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 13





Keith and Daisy Wilder, of Wilder Construction, in front of the first tiny home built for Hope Street.



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14 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017


meeting with updates on what’s happened since they met in early March. Their first priority is to open a center in Colville where people can bathe, do laundry, have a locker, get peer counseling for addiction and mental health, see a doctor, train for jobs and get other services, in addition to having a place to sleep. A key part of the Hope Street plan is to make the center sustainable, maybe through renting out retail space on the ground floor of whichever building they wind up in, and they’re keeping an eye on the Legislature, hoping to keep homeless housing and assistance money available. “I don’t want to create another drain on our community,” Bacon says in an interview. “We’re already strained up here in northeast Washington.” With less than 5,000 residents counted in the most recent U.S. Census, Colville is the largest city in Stevens County, and as county seat, is home to most of the available services. The city has a warming center that can house people temporarily, but only when it gets too cold; a men’s shelter has space for maybe seven people; and women have few options if they are trying to stay sober, escape domestic violence or need a place to stay. Each volunteer in the room knows from personal experience that while there are services, there are gaps. Leta Phillips, executive director of the nonprofit Community Partnerships for Mental Health, says she’s seen her mother, sister and daughter struggle with schizophrenia, and knows that certified peer counselors can help connect with people who distrust service providers, reduce stigmas around mental health and educate the public. “Every one of us has a disorder or a family member with a disorder,” Phillips says of the peer counselors, who hope to assist in the new center. Hope Street plans to add to what’s already there and provide more access for people who might not meet the criteria of other area shelters. They might try to buy and refurbish a building or go into one that hasn’t yet been built, and Catholic Charities has expressed an interest in relocating their local office to the new site, Bacon says.

The group received verbal support from the Colville City Council mid-month to ask Stevens County commissioners for money to open the center. But the city also asked to see letters of support from the area’s main service providers, Rural Resources and NorthEast Washington Alliance Counseling Services, because no one wants to rob Peter to pay Paul. Rural Resources plans to meet with Hope Street in coming days to talk about where they might partner up and leverage resources together, says Greg Knight, executive director. “We could be a good partner with them,” Knight says. “If what they’re proposing is what I think it is, it’d be awesome.”


Stevens County Commissioner Wes McCart says he wants to know that any proposal from Hope Street wouldn’t be duplicating services. He’s also concerned about “putting all of our eggs in one basket” by adding more service in Colville as opposed to elsewhere in the county. For starters, McCart says he wants to get a good idea of how many people aren’t already served by programs. “We have our point-in-time count, which I will admit is probably not a very good indicator of what the homelessness situation is, but it is extremely low,” McCart says. In 2016, the count was 32 people countywide. But Bacon, a leader of Hope Street, points to another indicator — the number of students registered as homeless with their schools. In Colville alone, there were 68 during the 2015-16 school year, and closer to 375 countywide for that year, according to data provided to the state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. “That’s the tip of the iceberg,” Bacon says. “Often you don’t want to be known if you’re homeless, especially with kids. Most are couchsurfers, not living in a car or on the streets.” For their part, Bacon and his wife, Shelley, are housing three families in need on their property — a family with a teenage son is staying in a hostel they sometimes rent out, a woman and her adult disabled son are living in a camper, and a man and his young son are living in the home. “The nature of working on homelessness, it’s

a messy job, messy business. That’s the nature of human beings,” Bacon says. “We know that just tucking them away in places on our property is not enough.”


So Hope Street Project is also working to build tiny homes for people who may want to buy a place of their own, but can’t afford it without someone working alongside them. The first home was finished in March by Wilder Construction for the family of three living with the Bacons. At just under 14 feet tall, the wooden home on wheels can travel down the road behind a pickup truck, and only needs standard RV hookups to water and electricity to get up and running. The family will pay off about $25,000 of the cost in small installments. “Let’s face it, everybody knows someone that’s not doing well,” Wilder Construction owner Keith Wilder says. “Realistically I’m only two bad jobs away from being that guy. It could happen to any of us.” Hope Street wants to build two other tiny homes by the end of the year, but they’re running into setbacks. They hoped the first home would come in around $25,000, but even with much of the labor and materials donated, it’s closer to $35,000, and if it were to be sold at retail, would hit more than $50,000, Wilder says. They also need to find somewhere to keep it so the family can live in it. As they deal with those issues and state certification (they found out they need to put in a second exit, which will add to the cost), the group’s best selling point for the homes and central homeless shelter they hope to build in Colville are that all those


The tiny home sleeps three.


services can save money. Through a “housing-first” model, the group expects to save the community thousands on medical, jail and legal costs for every person who gets shelter. The general idea of “housing first” is that when someone doesn’t have to worry about where to sleep or eat, they can start to work on the other underlying issues that got them where they are, and they’re less likely to need to go to the ER or wind up in jail, racking up bills other people wind up paying. Asked about the housing-first model, McCart was skeptical. “You’re asking me as a government entity to provide housing first with no conditions. I have a real hard time spending other people’s money for that cost,” he says. “Housing first” encompasses a variety of shelter and housing options, and is accepted and promoted as successful by local and federal agencies that address homelessness. Nearby, it has been embraced in Spokane. McCart says that as far as he knows, the county has “not had a proposal for a homelessness project that we have turned down.” “And that’s not to say we won’t, but you know we do have a hands-up, not hand-out, philosophy,” McCart says. Depending on how the county responds, Bacon says he’d like to get some part of the central homeless shelter up and running this summer, at the very latest before the weather gets cold again. “When people understand the mission of what we want to accomplish, the money will follow,” he says. n

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APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 15



open to open the to open to the public. the public. public.

Housing for the homeless? HOMELESSNESS Could a bendable, foldable shelter that can transform to meet different needs through the day help people who are homeless in Spokane? Students from WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY’s school of design and construction hope so. For their third-year architecture studio, more than a dozen students have designed portable, bendable shelters, all meant to be functional as well as easy on the eyes, as part of the Spokane chapter of the American Institute of Architects’ Homeless Shelter Design Competition. They’ve each made small-scale models of their designs, and as a class put together one full-sized prototype, all of which will be displayed at River Park Square from April 30 through May 14. (SAMANTHA WOHLFEIL)

SHELTER Local drop-in center and homeless shelter HOUSE OF CHARITY cannot afford to stay open around the clock for much longer. By the end of April, hundreds of men and women who rely on HOC for a place to sleep will be out on the streets. A surge of funds from the city of Spokane and other businesses allowed for expanded hours starting this past January, but that money has run out, Catholic Charities says in a statement. It’s not yet clear how many hours per day the shelter will be open starting May 1, the statement says. (MITCH RYALS)

16 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

IDAHO Conservative LIBERTARIAN groups in Idaho, like the Idaho Freedom Foundation, have been frustrated with Idaho Gov. Butch Otter (pictured) for a long time. His vetoes last week of a bill relaxing cosmetology licensing regulations and a bill adding new restrictions on civil forfeiture just further infuriated them. Wayne Hoffman of the Idaho Freedom Foundation says that Otter’s “record as a libertarian or a conservative is just dismal.” A Reason magazine headline reads “Idaho Governor Flips Off Libertarians With Both Hands,” while a fiery Facebook post from North Idaho Rep. Vito Barbieri says that Otter “hasn’t a Republican bone in his body, acting more like a public school teacher bent on growing the Administrative State over public interests, than a Statesman with character, guts, and vision.” (DANIEL WALTERS)


Taxing Times Spokane County voters have decisions to make; plus, AG Ferguson clarifies immigration-status policies IN THE MAIL

Ballots arrived in mailboxes last week, with voters being asked to vote on multiple TAX MEASURES by April 25. All Spokane County voters will be asked if they want to renew a 0.1 percent sales tax (10 cents per $100 purchase) that has helped pay for emergency communication systems and facilities since 2008. Some of the proceeds are used to pay for Crime Check, a 24/7 service where people can report non-emergency calls by calling 509-456-2233. If people call 911, those non-emergency calls can also be routed to Crime Check. The money has also paid for ALERT Spokane, an emergency notification system that people can sign up for to get emergency messages by phone when their home or business might be at risk, as well as other communications upgrades. The current tax is set to expire in 2018 if voters don’t approve the measure. Spokane voters will be asked if they want to increase the regular property tax levy by 7 cents per $1,000 of assessed value starting in 2018 to pay for library operations. This would increase the annual levy by $12.25 a year for a home assessed at $175,000. The increase would stay in place, above the amount allowed by state law, for seven years, and the total levy rate would not exceed $3.52 per $1,000 of assessed value. Ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday, April 25, or placed in a drop box by 8 pm that day. (SAMANTHA WOHLFEIL)





Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s 100-page document outlining how local governments can safely navigate federal IMMIGRATION policy starts by quoting the 2012 Supreme Court decision in Arizona v. United States: “It is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the United States.” In response to President Donald Trump’s executive orders on immigration and resulting confusion among Washington governmental organizations, Ferguson is providing some direction and “best practices” for schools, hospitals jails and employers. Generally, the state AG’s Office says, state and local governments are not required to record the immigration status of their citizens, nor provide it to the federal government; however, outright bans on sharing certain information with the feds are mostly not allowed under federal law. Some of the guidance:  POLICE: Local police, Ferguson advises, should not arrest people solely for violation of federal immigration laws. A Spokane law passed in 2014 bars city police (and city employees) from asking about immigration status unless officers also suspect that person committed a felony or had been previously deported. SPD had a similar internal policy on the books for a decade prior.  SCHOOLS: K-12 schools are not required to ask students and parents about immigration status, and where possible, Ferguson says, should not do so. Colleges and universities that participate in student exchange programs, however, may be required to report student visa violations. However, institutions of higher education are not required to know whether a student is undocumented, and “students/parents should never be required to disclose that information.”  BUSINESSES: Employers should ask federal immigration agents to see a warrant before letting an agent into a private business. Earlier this year, Trump signed an order announcing that cities refusing to comply with federal law — referred to as “sanctuary cities” — will lose federal grant funds. City leaders have contended that Spokane does not fit that definition. (MITCH RYALS)








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18 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

When he was caught on tape saying his stardom allowed him to grab women’s vaginas with impunity, Donald Trump brushed off his comments as “locker room” talk. GAGE SKIDMORE PHOTO

All the President’s Words A local judge cites an unlikely source — Donald Trump — when ruling on the assault of a teenage girl BY MITCH RYALS


wo weeks before President Donald Trump designated April as National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, a Spokane judge invoked Trump’s lewd statements about grabbing women’s genitals without their consent in deciding the seriousness of an assault on a 15-year-old girl. Local sexual assault victim advocates and a member of the Spokane chapter of the National Organization for Women echo the judge’s comments about the influence of pop culture on adolescent boys and girls. They call for more education in public school curricula on sexual boundaries and possibly a change in state law. The case, which was first reported last week on, stems from an incident caught on a security camera at North Central High School. Footage shows a 16-year-old boy touch the girl’s butt and grab her genitals three times. The teenage boy was convicted of misdemeanor assault. However, citing a lack of evidence — as well as pop-culture references such as hip-hop artists grabbing their crotches during a Saturday Night Live performance and Trump’s secretly recorded Access Hollywood comments — Superior Court Judge James Triplet absolved the teenage boy of any sexual motivation attached to the crime. “Our president openly brags that he can grab women by the ‘pussy’ — his words — whenever

he wants to, because that’s what people who are powerful and rich get to do,” Triplet said from the bench after finding the boy guilty of assault. For advocates, the case raises questions about protection for sexual assault victims under the law, the extent to which popular culture is responsible for blurring the lines of appropriate behavior, and whether or not grabbing a girl’s genitals is an inherently sexual act. “The bottom line is that there are so many things in our society and culture that are done that cross the line regarding appropriate behavior,” Triplet said in court. “Yet our society allows that risqué and sexually explicit behavior to be modeled to our children, who are developing physically, emotionally, and with respect to their maturity. They often watch these public figures to determine what’s hip, what’s OK or what’s acceptable.”


he case dates back to June 2016, when the teenage boy and the victim are hanging out one Friday after school. She is sitting on a bench, and he is “dancing and spinning” in front of her, “trying to make [her] laugh,” the boy testifies during trial. The two are not dating, though they know each other. The boy playfully taps the side of the girl’s head, and she does the same back to him. The boy pokes her stomach and hips, then grabs her

butt and her crotch several times. The victim “gives no reaction,” Triplet says, summarizing from video footage. The following Monday, the school’s dean of students, Mary Gustafson, confronts the victim, who she describes as “shy, standoffish and embarrassed.” The victim acknowledges that she was laughing and joking with the boy, but that she felt violated when he touched her. “[The victim] said that while she never said it was offensive until Ms. Gustafson talked to her, she still felt violated because the touching was unwanted,” Triplet says in court. “She again said she didn’t tell anybody because she didn’t know what to say, and she didn’t know how to approach people with that information.” When Gustafson confronts the boy, he admits to touching the victim’s genitals and butt more than once. He tells Gustafson that he “thought [the victim] was into that; based on previous conversations they had, he also felt she was into him.” The boy is suspended for the LETTERS rest of the year. Send comments to In ruling out sexual motivation last month, Triplet says there is no doubt that the touching was offensive and “just because [the victim] did not tell [the boy] no, did not react adversely, did not cry out for help, or did not go running away from the scene does not mitigate the offensiveness of this act.” However, he continues, it’s possible that the victim did not recognize the touching as abusive until adults confronted her. “The fact that she didn’t speak out, tell him no, ask someone for help, or report it to anyone suggests that she didn’t think it was that big of a deal until she was confronted by the school,” Triplet says. According to Washington state law, an assault involving a person’s genitals does not automatically mean that the assault was sexually motivated. Prosecutors must prove that the accused was sexually gratified in some way. The judge says he was struck by how “nonchalant” the teens look on a security video that captured the interaction. Because the teenage groper did not touch himself, did not have an erection and testified that he was “being goofy and dancing and making jokes to get her to laugh,” there was no evidence of a sexual motivation, Triplet says. The boy was convicted of misdemeanor assault and given six months of community custody and 25 hours of community service, and was ordered into counseling. (Had the judge found evidence of sexual motivation, the boy would not have been required to register as a sex offender, and his sentence length would not necessarily have increased, defense attorneys say.)


t’s encouraging that the school administrator reached out to the female victim and the male groper, rather than dismissing the incident as horseplay, says Erin Williams Hueter, director of victim advocacy and education at Lutheran Community Services Northwest. She adds that it’s important for victims of sexual assault not to hinge their recovery on rulings in the criminal justice system. “We don’t see a lot of convictions of sexual assault cases,” she says. “It’s really in the hands of jurors. I encourage people who feel victimized, regardless of a police report or if a charge is filed, to know that there are counselors they can talk to and help work through their feelings.” Sherry Jones, a member of the Spokane chapter of the National Organization for Women, adds that public schools should teach students about consent, how to enforce one’s own physical boundaries and how to respect those of others. “Our movies, books, magazines, ads, they often portray sex as a conquest, and rarely as an agreement between two people,” she says. “The best way to deal with this is to be teaching our children. If we can teach about abstinence, why can’t we teach about boundaries?”  Lutheran Community Services runs a 24-hour crisis hotline for victims of sexual assault, family and friends looking for advice on how to support victims, and those looking for general information on sexual abuse. The conversations are confidential, and you don’t have to be in immediate crisis to call: 509-624-7273

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After serving as executive director for the Spokane County Democrats for more than a year, Jim CastroLang has resigned amid a major campaign finance controversy.

Dems in Disarray

The bad choices and screw-ups that led to the Attorney General’s investigation of the Spokane County Democrats — and the resignation of their executive director BY DANIEL WALTERS


im CastroLang had his dream job. He’d spent more than a year at the helm, eager to prove how being the paid executive director could transform the Spokane County Democrats for the better. And with the election of Donald Trump invigorating local Democrats, CastroLang was to be the behind-thescenes figure turning new enthusiasm into fundraising dollars and organizational growth. Then it all came crashing down. Andrew Biviano, chair of the Spokane County Democrats, stands at the podium on April 1 and reads a letter to a crowd of party officers. “There is a significant complaint filed against us with the Public Disclosure Commission,” Biviano says, reading the letter by CastroLang. “The complainant is a west side, right-wing Freedom Foundation attack dog who received covert support from some local would-be friends.” But while CastroLang insisted that none of the mistakes were intentional, this letter was not about mounting a defense. It was CastroLang announcing his resignation. In 2016, Spokane County Democrats had gone a half-year without the treasurer filing a single Public Disclosure Commission report — and the other half without a treasurer at all. When the filings did begin to stream in, they had severe problems. CastroLang’s salary wasn’t reported. Neither were several major donations. The treasurer’s signature had appeared on reports he’d never seen. And now, the Washington state Attorney General’s office is investigating whether the party broke state campaign finance law — a determination that could cost the party thousands of dollars. As party officials have scrambled to respond, the controversy has inflamed existing divisions among local Democrats and thrown their

20 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

operating structure into question. “Politics can be a mean business. Surely, I feel that personally now,” CastroLang writes in his letter. “Our biggest risk is dividing ourselves and dooming the achievement of our differences of personality, policy and strategy. Please work it out with the deepest respect for every person. Too much is at stake.”


Most of the dozens of PDC complaints filed by Glen Morgan, a Republican activist from Thurston County, against Democrats are, admittedly, part performance art. While formerly with the conservative Freedom Foundation, he’s been subject of more than one PDC complaint himself, and he wants to make a larger point: All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the state’s Byzantine campaign finance rules. “Every single person who has run for office or is running for office has violated the statute,” Morgan says. He estimates he’s fired off more than 50 PDC complaints, but the one against the Spokane County Democrats was different. First of all, Morgan got access to internal party documents — several Democrats suspect that someone within the party had leaked them. And second, Morgan says, the problems were so catastrophically severe as to make his other complaints pale in comparison. That includes the complaint against state Speaker of the House Frank Chopp that resulted in a nearly $6,500 penalty. “It was the worst case I ever came across. It was so bad and the violations were so numerous,” Morgan says. “Under no scenario would the behaviors of the Spokane County Democrats ever be acceptable.” He couldn’t believe that the local GOP hadn’t noticed.


“Where the hell were the Spokane County Republicans?” Morgan says. “If they had a single person over there that didn’t have their head in the sand, they would be on top of this.” His complaint stretches 55 pages and includes meeting minutes, spreadsheets, and hundreds of examples of violations. In Morgan’s telling, CastroLang’s actions were “willfully malicious,” a sordid series of cover-ups intended to hide donations from groups like the Washington Education Association, the Spokane Tribe, and the local firefighters’ union and use it to “pay the secret salary of Jim CastroLang.” In all, he wrote, “a perfect example of what widespread campaign finance law abuse looks like.” But the Democrats offer a less sinister story, one about just how quickly mistakes pile up when an organization gets overwhelmed.


CastroLang’s salary was never a secret. In fact, for Spokane County Democrats, it was the subject of serious division between the old guard and the new. Sally Jackson, an 85-year-old former chair who says she’s been with the party “longer than dirt,” was against paying an executive director from the start. To her, you didn’t do politics to get paid. “You did it for love of country,” Jackson says. But to CastroLang and other local Democrats — including City Council President Ben Stuckart — a paid position was a necessity for the amount of work required. For years, the party had churned through leaders. Two consecutive party chairs only lasted for three months before quitting in exhaustion. By becoming the first paid executive director of a local political party in the state, CastroLang planned to not only provide stability, but raise more funds and grow the party larger than ever. The trial run for the position started in September of 2015. Soon after, CastroLang made a fateful decision: He decided to switch over the party’s financial software to NGP VAN — the same company that ran the Democratic National Committee’s database system. It could not only track party finances and voters, and allow secure offsite access, it had a feature that allowed the party to easily ...continued on page 22

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 21

NEWS | POLITICS “DEMS IN DISARRAY,” CONTINUED... send reports directly to the Washington state PDC. At least, it was supposed to.


Justin Galloway, former volunteer treasurer for the Spokane County Democrats, is not inexperienced when it comes to campaign finance. A certified public accountant, he’d been the Democrats’ treasurer since January of 2014. He was the treasurer for Stuckart’s city council campaigns in 2011 and 2015. And Galloway wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with NGP software. “The first filing he did in 2015 was using NGP’s portal,” Stuckart says. “Justin talked about how difficult it was.” But whether because of time, obstinance or technical snafus, as soon as the Democrats switched over to NGP, Galloway stopped filing PDC reports with the state. Galloway, reticent to speak on the record, only says that new software prevented the upload of the reports, and that, while he reached out to the party for help with the PDC problems, he didn’t feel like he’d received it. Though CastroLang said he raised concerns with the party’s board, nobody seemed to be freaked out. Everyone was busy. The Democrats’ office manager quit. CastroLang came down with six weeks of bronchitis. His son, Nick, got married. His dad died. Galloway joined Stuckart’s mayoral election campaign in April. (Stuckart says he had no idea that Galloway wasn’t filing PDC reports for the Democrats.) And during this whole time, there was a presidential election to run. “That’s what saddens me the most about the whole

22 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

entire thing,” Biviano says. “The reason [the mistakes] happened is people were focusing on the election. Because they wanted to care about the things that affect people.” According to the party’s internal investigation, CastroLang didn’t put his foot down, demanding in an email that all PDC reports be submitted, until July. In retrospect, CastroLang wonders if he should have been tougher. “I treat volunteers differently than I treat employees,” CastroLang says. Officially, Galloway resigned at the end of July. But for the rest of the year, nobody filled the treasurer position. CastroLang says he tried to find a new treasurer, but with so many competent treasurers already tied to election campaigns, nobody wanted to take on such a big responsibility. “In hindsight, it would have been prudent to stop all the presses, and tell the executive board, we can’t do anything else [until a treasurer was hired],” CastroLang says. Instead, with occasional help from the former treasurer, CastroLang tried to complete months of unsent PDC reports himself. “All PDC reports are now timely after aggressive catch-up starting in July,” CastroLang said, according to October meeting minutes. “No complaints with PDC have been received.” In January 2017, a screening committee narrowly recommended hiring a different candidate for the executive director job, but the party decided to stick with CastroLang, for at least the next six months. Only later did the Democrats realize the extent of the damage. In fact, CastroLang had made numerous mistakes, a subsequent review showed. Because accounts

Spokane County Democrats Chair Andrew Biviano says that CastroLang’s skill with fundraising compounded the problem — a flood of donations meant a bigger challenge to report them accurately. DANIEL WALTERS PHOTO weren’t set up and information wasn’t correctly entered into the software, important donations were never reported to the state. CastroLang says he didn’t realize that Galloway’s signature, auto-filled by the software, continued to appear on PDC reports after the treasurer’s resignation. Small mistakes compounded into huge ones. Take the $6,900 check written to the Spokane County Democrats from the Spokane Firefighters Union PAC in January of last year. State law caps unrestricted donations from a committee to a political party to $5,500 a year.

Anything over that can’t be used to promote individual candidates, and must be written on a separate check and placed in its own account. The errors started small: CastroLang incorrectly told the Firefighters that they didn’t have to write separate checks as long as they declared how much would go into each account. To that, add the fiasco with the treasurer, resulting in the donation being reported more than 200 days late. Top that with the failure to code the restricted account into the new software, resulting in almost half of the donation going unreported to the PDC. And top that with a bookkeeping error that sent an earlier firefighter union donation into the wrong account. For longtime party activists like Dan Lambert, this is an all-too-familiar problem. In 2009, the party, having recently dealt with another package of bookkeeping problems, vowed to be “beyond reproach” going forward. The consequences, Lambert says, aren’t just financial or legal — they’re political. “My concern is that come midterm elections, we’re going to look like a bunch of crooks,” Lambert says. “All the Republicans have to do is say, ‘Look at the Democrats with their PDC violations and all this stuff.’ It’s going to be a disaster.”


Cath oli cC

It’s a fate that Biviano has been trying to avoid for the party. He found a treasurer

and formed an audit committee and a financial oversight committee. To prepare their response to the attorney general, volunteers in the party spent hundreds of hours conducting their own forensic accounting, combing through databases, emails and NGP records to figure out what happened. “Our investigation has revealed no evidence of malice,” Biviano says. “It wasn’t an intent to deceive.” Yet, at their meeting this past Monday, the Spokane County Democrats’ Executive Board decided to sever ties with CastroLang even faster than planned. CastroLang wanted his last day to be April 30. The board moved it up to April 15. “There comes a time when we have to draw a line in the sand,” says Rick Lloyd, legislative chair of the 4th District Democrats. Right now the party is nearly $1,200 in the red, and has authorized up to $5,000 to pay for an attorney to review their PDC response and another $1,000 for an attorney to review CastroLang’s response. Behind the scenes, meanwhile, Biviano has been firing off emails, attempting to clamp down on leaks and dissuade members from speaking to the media about the party’s internal arguments. “Internal discussions are intended to be internal,” he writes, noting that the Democrats’ bylaws authorize only the chair to speak for the party. “I don’t believe it serves any benefit to gossip about other members

of the party in the press.” He also tried to quell online debates on the party’s internal Google group. “I ask that before you post anything to this list, you ask yourself: ‘Am I comfortable with Glen Morgan seeing this, and quoting me on his blog?’” Biviano writes. Morgan, of course, isn’t done haunting local Democrats. Monday night, he sent the Inlander a list of purported problems with the Democrats’ most recent PDC filing. “This is exceptionally sloppy,” Morgan writes. Last Thursday, he filed another complaint. In 2014, the PAC “Spokane Citizens for Political Education” paid a polling firm $12,400 to examine how Stuckart would fare against Mayor David Condon, but never reported it. The PAC had been run by Nick CastroLang, Jim’s son. “I’ll look into what happened,” Nick CastroLang said when the Inlander asked about the discrepancy. As for Biviano, he’s eager to focus on, well, politics. He holds up his cellphone to show an Inlander reporter a YouTube video, filled with animated charts illustrating the outrageous level of income inequality in America. “This is what got me involved in the first place,” Biviano says. “I want to get back to doing what we are here to do, which is to be the voice for people who need one.” 

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APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 23

Lawn & Garden L

ast month you should have planted your asparagus, potatoes and strawberries. If you have not, don’t worry, you still can. And now that we have entered April, there are so many more things you can get started in your garden. At your favorite garden center you should begin to find “cold crops.” What are “cold crops” you may ask; these are plants that should be planted in early spring when the nights are still cool. “Cold crops” specifically refers to broccoli, brussels, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce and onions. While this list might very from store to store on availability, these can all be planted now. Now is also a good time to

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start planting seeds outside for beets, carrots, collard, kale, leeks, parsnips, peas, radishes and spinach. If you are ready to start on your flower beds, now is a good time to divide large established perennials. It`s also a good time to pick up some more perennials to plant in your flower beds. You can also plant pansies, peonies and other early bloomers. Just be cautious when our nighttime temperatures dip below 32, these plants will still need a little bit of protection with frost cloth or a blanket.

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The joys of the Get Lit! Festival offer a welcome literary respite in a noisy world

he Inland Northwest loves to read. That’s obvious, given our awesome bookstores, the popular Visiting Writers series put together by our region’s colleges and universities and the outsized talent displayed by our local writers. And every year, the Get Lit! Festival brings readers and writers together to celebrate all the wonderful things words can do: entertain, inform, engage, even enrage. This year’s festival, as you’ll see in the following pages, brings an impressive group of writers to town to take part in some of Get Lit!’s tried-and-true attractions (hello, Pie & Whiskey) as well as new events like the fest-opening “Inspired Happy Hour.” The festival’s interim director,

Kate Peterson, says that Get Lit! intentionally paired fiction and nonfiction authors and poets and prose writers for readings and discussions, so getting out of your comfort zone and discovering new works should be easier than ever. So sit back and enjoy some interviews with this year’s featured authors, as well as a few suggestions for must-see events over the course of the week, and prepare to dive deep into the wonderful world of words. — DAN NAILEN, projects editor For a complete schedule and more information, visit


IDAHO A story of one family’s tragedy, Emily Ruskovich’s debut novel Idaho channels the punishing landscapes and rustic beauty of her home state BY NATHAN WEINBENDER


t was several years ago, on a tranquil afternoon in rural North Idaho, when Emily Ruskovich was struck by a kind of premonition, unexplainable and fleeting, that would eventually inspire her first novel. Ruskovich’s father had always chopped his own firewood, but this year, she remembers now, he was recovering from back surgery. They were driving along a seemingly endless dirt road, winding their way up into the hills, to purchase some pre-split cords. “It was so far removed from the world, so far away from everything,” Ruskovich recalls. “I had this sense that this particular place held a memory, and it was not a good memory. Even though it was so beautiful — it was golden and there were grasshoppers and crows everywhere — but it was a very unsettling feeling.” What she imagined had happened on that mountain, just a few miles away from where she grew up, soon became a 70-page novella about a family torn apart by a senseless death. But there was more to their story, more than could be contained within the margins of a short story collection. “One of my professors had told me, ‘You’ve got to turn this into a novel. Don’t publish this with your stories because then it’ll be over. You can’t return to it,’” Ruskovich says. “I was quite intimidated about writing a novel. I didn’t know if I could do it.” That novel, simply titled Idaho, unspooled over the next few years, developing into a tapestry of crisscrossing lives that spans half a century. And it all came from the ominous aura of a warm summer day on a desolate mountain road. “It wasn’t so much a premise or a concept; it was just a feeling I needed to pursue,” Ruskovich says. “It’s not like I ever decided that I was going to write a novel about a mother who killed her child.” ...continued on next page

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 27



uskovich grew up on Hoodoo Mountain in Bonner County, and much of her fiction is set in the same ruggedly gorgeous terrain she associates with her childhood. Her father, now retired, was an English teacher at Lake City High School, which required an hour-long commute every day. Her mother stayed at home with the children when they weren’t attending school in Coeur d’Alene. At one point, Ruskovich recalls her parents supporting a family of six on an annual salary of just $25,000. “For a while we didn’t have a house; we lived in a barn,” Ruskovich says. “And before we had a barn, we lived in tents.” Through all of this, Ruskovich was always writing, a hobby her parents encouraged, dictating the poetry she would recite to them. “I don’t feel like I ever got into writing. I feel like I was writing before I could actually write,” Ruskovich says. “It’s always what I was going to do. I never really considered doing anything else. It’s the way I understood life, the way I connected with people. Everything was through stories.” Ruskovich later attended the University of Montana, the University of New Brunswick and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and she’s been teaching creative writing at the University of Colorado Denver since 2012. She wrote much of Idaho while visiting her home state, and she’ll soon be moving back there, joining the faculty at Boise State University in the next school year. “I feel like I can’t separate myself from those hills and that grass and the smells,” Ruskovich says. “It’s beautiful and untouched in a really profound way, but it’s also pretty hostile.”


daho is essentially a ghost story, though not in the literal sense of the term. It’s about haunted people dwarfed by a haunted landscape, a drama that examines grief through the prism of fading memory. Ruskovich’s prose is economical and almost soothing, but the novel itself is restless in its structure: It begins in 2004 and ends in 2025, and in between it fades in and out of episodes set in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s. The book’s dramatic anchor is Ann, a former music

teacher who was born in Idaho but raised in England, who’s now living in a farmhouse near her birthplace. Her husband Wade, as weathered as the countryside that engulfs him, is slowly succumbing to the early-onset dementia that also affected his father and grandfather, and he’s now prone to increasingly intense outbursts of violence. Ruskovich slowly introduces a plot that’s reminiscent of Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca, in which a woman finds herself always in the shadow of her husband’s late first wife. But Wade’s ex-wife, Jenny, isn’t dead: She’s in prison for life, having killed their youngest daughter nearly a decade earlier. Wade and Jenny’s older daughter vanished on the same day the other girl was murdered, running off into the woods after witnessing the crime and never returning. We follow Ann as she inadvertently excavates artifacts from Wade’s previous life — a Polaroid under the fridge, a dusty sketchbook in the barn, a rusted pickup truck that hasn’t been driven in years — and as she tries to come to terms with a moment of violence that her own husband is beginning to forget ever happened. “Ann’s life, for ten years now, ever since she married Wade, has followed this secret trail of lost images, real and imagined,” Ruskovich writes. “She has taken Wade’s past and she’s laid it out in front of her, her future a backward trail, even as it disappears.” The murder remains something of a mystery to us, as well: Ruskovich reveals little details as Idaho unfolds, like a photograph gradually developing before our eyes, though the image remains as blurry and unfocused as Wade’s own mental state. “It’s a very complicated story, and nobody has the full picture,” Ruskovich says. “There are things missing in the novel, and that’s because I could only access what the characters themselves can access.”


ut Ann’s situation is only one section of Idaho’s multigenerational saga. As Ruskovich weaves through time, she also shifts narrative perspectives — to Wade and Jenny’s daughters in the days before the murder, to Wade’s own father in 1973, to the woman sharing a prison cell and an unexpected kinship with Jenny, even to one of the bloodhounds hunting for the

scent of a missing girl in the forest. That approach is emblematic of Ann’s own emotional journey, as she tries to fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle that is Jenny’s crime. “Ann is coming to it from this perspective of an outsider who feels inexplicably that she has something to do with it,” Ruskovich says. “She doesn’t know what happened, she wasn’t there. And Wade can’t quite access it, because he’s losing his memory. And Jenny, we get her perspective, but we never face the incident straight on,

“I can’t separate myself from those hills and that grass and the smells... It’s beautiful and untouched in a really profound way, but it’s also pretty hostile.” because it’s so inconceivable what she’s done. “It’s like her memory is incapable of returning to the event itself.” And like the landscape in which it’s set, Idaho is shot through with an ever-creeping dread, even in seemingly tranquil moments. Consider a scene in which Wade accepts a ride from a friendly old man who takes off his gloves to reveal a small, blotchy swastika tattoo on his hand, or another in which Ann comes upon a safe haven that radiates a strange sense of menace. Ruskovich’s Idaho is a place of fascinating contradictions: It’s beautiful and delicate, harsh and unforgiving. But this story is also one of hope and forgiveness, and we look on as an unspoken understanding develops between two unlikely people in the novel’s final chapters. “It’s not a whodunit, it’s not a mystery. It’s not meant to titillate,” Ruskovich says. “It’s about the ways people endure in the face of unspeakable tragedy, through friendships and love and sisterhood. Ann feels a kind of love for Jenny and takes on Jenny’s guilt as her own, and I think there’s a lot of beauty in that.”  Emily Ruskovich and Jamaal May will read at the Bing on Fri, April 21 at 7 pm. Tickets are $12 through TicketsWest, free for students with ID.


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28 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017





ainer Maria Rilke, in Letters to a Young Poet, lamented that “the experiences that are called ‘visions,’ the whole so-called ‘spirit-world,’ death, all those things that are so closely akin to us, have by daily parrying been so crowded out of life that the senses with which we could have grasped them are atrophied.� That was written more than a century ago. Who has time (or want) for the unseen today when there remains so much paper unpushed, so much breaking news left unbroken? “I feel like that’s one of the poet’s jobs, to talk back to that, to question that,� says local poet Nance Van Winckel, who at this year’s Get Lit! Festival will share the stage with authors Christopher Howell and Albert Goldbarth. “Poetry allows people to validate their imaginative lives, because they enter someone else’s. It makes you realize, ‘Oh, there are other consciousnesses all around me.’� Her own path as a wordsmith was born out of a failed pursuit of six-string stardom in high school. “I was playing the guitar and I was trying to write song lyrics. They were very sad and depressing,� she says, laughing. “I could not sing at all.� But Van Winckel then discovered her muse in the poetry of Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, John Berryman and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. She abandoned the notion of attending medical school and dove headlong into her craft, arriving in Spokane in 1990 to edit Eastern Washington University’s literary journal Willow Springs. Van Winckel sees her work as “a marriage between the narrative impulse, the impulse to tell a story, and the impulse to leap out of that sequential construction that stories put you in.� It’s about “going inward� and “getting unhinged from linear time,� she says. “I’m interested in, as much as possible, seeing if I can have it both ways.� Her latest book, Our Foreigner, released in January on the heels of October’s Book of No Ledge (a collection of visual poems in the form of an “altered encyclopedia�), is a transfixing inquiry into the boundless world of the

psyche, what she calls “the land of the subconscious.� It draws from dreams and vestiges of past lives in search, she says, of that aforementioned timelessness. Even the title is the reincarnation of a poem from her previous book, Pacific Walkers, called “Who Died and Made You Our Foreigner?� that Van Winckel considers a thread between the two books; it’s this “idea of ongoingness� that she admits is at the heart of these stories. “I find that very interesting, that we keep going around and going around until we get it right, what we contribute here.� And yet somewhere, somehow, we got it all wrong. “We’re foreign to ourselves. The Self is being made unfamiliar again,� she says. Her concise but kaleidoscopic poems take a candle to that darkness obscuring the soul, and with poignant precision they seem to reveal, at its center, Rilke’s unassailable truth: that we’ve willfully buried our true mystical being under a mountain of

Spokane poet Nance Van Winckel dives within to channel the voices of the subconscious BY CONNOR DINNISON

meaninglessness. “I told him I was pleading / ignorance,â€? she writes in the poem “Stateside, 1972.â€? “There wasn’t anything / I knew anymore about the past.â€? Our Foreigner follows its characters westward out of history and onto this blank page of Manifest Destiny as they seek contact with “the vast maybeâ€? from the opening poem that lurks on the edges of the imagination. “How, really, was the ‘west won’?â€? asks Van Winckel. “The stories we tell are such bull crap, but they’re ours.â€? Our myths, our illusions. “We’re all just so entitled, or so we believe, to the journey, to the messages,â€? she argues. Perhaps because, in the end, that’s all we’re left with. “There is only me, and I am no one,â€? writes Van Winckel cryptically. “I am just the messenger.â€? ď Ž A Night of Poetry featuring Christopher Howell, Nance Van Winckel and Albert Goldbarth • Thu, April 20 at 7 pm • $10/free with student ID • Lincoln Center • 1316 N. Lincoln • • 325-7328

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APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 29


SELF PRESERVATION Laila Lalami talks about her dual selves and the “silences” that fiction can fill BY E.J. IANNELLI


ot 24 hours before being interviewed for this article, Laila Lalami published a short essay in the Los Angeles Times. She opened with a bold confession: “Reader, I have two selves.” The piece went on to sketch her ambivalence toward the life of a writer, particularly that of a female writer, in this early part of the 21st century — an era in which audience engagement through social media and relentless selfpromotion are de rigueur for public figures, and detailed personal information is easily accessible online. Citing her own experiences with fans sending her mysterious packages or even tweeting photos of their genitals, as well as the controversial unmasking of Italian author Elena Ferrante in the name of “gaining insight into her novels,” Lalami lamented that readers’ interest can go several steps too far: “Sometimes that curiosity feels insatiable or invasive.” This conversation is a timely one, given that Lalami is scheduled to speak about her newest book, 2014’s The Moor’s Account, on April 19 as part of Get Lit! “It is a performance, of a kind,” she wrote of festival appearances in that “dual selves” essay, and she closed by saying, not without betraying a hint of relief, that her performance

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30 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

ends when “I can go home, reclaim my private self, and return to the work I love: writing.” “Book people are my people. I love meeting with readers. I really can’t imagine a better time,” she says over the phone the following morning. “Where it gets a little bit trickier is where it’s so fun that people start to go from asking you about the book, or the process of writing the book, to asking you details about your life. The reason I wrote that piece [in the L.A. Times] is because it really did come to me as a surprise that people were so curious about the author. I just very naïvely thought, well, they have the whole book, they can read it. “And, you know, I am on social media. It’s not as if I’m some kind of hermit. I’m absolutely on social media, and I talk about myself, but I remain ambivalent ... about how much of our lives nowadays is just sort of offered up.”


o be sure, Lalami hasn’t abstained from drawing on her personal life in her writing. In a 2015 essay for the New York Times Magazine titled “My Life as a Muslim in the West’s ‘Gray Zone’,” recently re-shared on social media when it saw newfound relevance in light of

national events, the Moroccan-born author spoke about her husband and especially her daughter — her age, her hobbies, her personality. Lalami acknowledges that those disclosures might blur the distinction between her public and private selves, but she says that they’re justified in two ways. The first is that the personal information, which was only introduced in later drafts after back-and-forths with her editor, led to a stronger, more compelling essay. The second is that some details should be revealed only on the writer’s terms. “If I were to ask you, ‘Who are you?’, you would have the freedom to say, ‘Well, I am such and such a person.’ You could give me your name. You could say, ‘I’m a journalist. I’m a reader. I’m a resident of the Pacific Northwest.’ Or you could tell me, ‘It’s none of your business who I am.’ And that is what I’m talking about: the freedom to decide what it is that you reveal, and what it is that you conceal or keep to yourself.”


his matter of fame versus anonymity is further vexed by the deep-seated human tendency to look to prominent figures — writers included — for reassurance in times of wider uncertainty, as if omniscience were an incidental perk of elevated social standing. For an author who says she’s “not a stranger to how politics affects our lives” and whose debut novel was fittingly called Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, Lalami sees this as a natural but potentially misguided reaction. “I think there’s such a sense of despair about politics. People feel powerless. People feel that they have voted for certain representatives, and they feel that the policies that are enacted don’t really reflect what they voted for. And I think what happens in a situation like this is when people read a piece of nonfiction and they find that it touches on the same despair that they feel, they turn to you and ask for direction. “And the thing is that the writer is not a prophet. The writer is not someone who can provide salvation or tell you, you know, if you do this thing, we will be saved. Obviously, I have ideas about the state of our politics,” she says, laughing, “and I obviously love to engage with them. But I write mostly to question and to understand

and to figure things out.” In her third, most recent novel, this act of questioning and comprehension addressed “gaps and silences that were present in the historical record.” As a way of filling those voids, she wrote The Moor’s Account from the point of view of a seemingly incidental character — Estevanico, a black Arab slave who was one of four survivors of the 1527 Narváez expedition through what is now Florida and along the Gulf of Mexico. “The historical record erased a number of details and a number of things that happened. But because this is fiction, and because my character was sort of an interloper,” Lalami says that she was able to find a kind of “freedom” in the omissions and interstices. She was able to describe the “forms of torture” that explorers used to coerce the indig-

“The writer is not a prophet. The writer is not someone who can provide salvation or tell you, you know, if you do this thing, we will be saved.” enous people to work as guides, to find “individual characters” among the native population we only know now collectively as tribes, and to the reinstate the “presence of women” in these tales of conquest and adventure, where their absence is a matter of neglect rather than fact. “These are all silences that the canvas of fiction enables me to fill, enables me to write about, to confront,” she says. Her private self has already done that in the novel. Her public self will discuss it in Spokane on Wednesday. n Laila Lalami at Get Lit! • Wed, April 19 at 7 pm • Spokane Community College, Lair Auditorium • 1810 N. Greene • • 800-325-SEAT

TOAST THE WRITTEN WORD Local restaurants pay homage to this year’s authors through special cocktails and appetizers BY CHEY SCOTT


ince the beginning of time, getting “lit” has Bruncheon) and publisher/author Jason Rekulak served as both a salve and a muse for creatives (Gilded Unicorn). of all stripes. And of all the libations inspired or Lindaman’s bistro on the lower South Hill or favored by literature’s greatest names, perhaps the (1235 S. Grand), it was almost an automatic most familiar is the Hemingway daiquiri, a concoction choice to create cocktails inspired by two local of rum, citrus juice, Maraschino liqueur and a couple writers who’ve frequented the longtime eatery to pen of pinches of sugar. The robust novelist was known to their respective literary pursuits. favor many other concoctions, and didn’t discriminate Throughout the festival — and maybe longer, if regarding the types of alcohol he imbibed. the drinks turn out to be popular — It’s fitting, then, that this year’s Lindaman’s is offering cocktails that Get Lit! is offering a new literaturepay homage to author Rachel Toor plus-booze showcase in the form of and poet Christopher Howell. original cocktails and small plates “Rachel’s was the easiest because inspired by some of this year’s parFind more Get Lit!-inspired she invented it,” says bistro owner ticipating authors and their respecspecials at the following local Merrilee Lindaman. “It’s called the tive works. establishments, offered April 17-23: SP&B — sweet, pink and boozy — Kicking off the seven-day “Inand it is sweet, pink and boozy. We spired” special is a happy hour event BUTCHER BAR, actually made some changes with her at the Wandering Table on April 17 404 W. Main OK because it was disgusting, which showcasing appetizers and drinks ZONA BLANCA, she admittedly said.” inspired by the writings of several 154 S. Madison Lindaman’s bartending staff alfestival authors. GARAGELAND, tered Toor’s original list into a more Wandering Table owner and 30 W. Riverside conducive mix of Maker’s Mark, 7 Chef Adam Hegsted says there was BELLWETHER BREWING CO., Up and cherry syrup, garnished with no hesitation that his collection of 2019 N. Monroe marinated Queen Anne cherries. downtown Spokane restaurants, HOGWASH WHISKEY DEN, The poet Howell proved to be a including the Gilded Unicorn and 304 W. Pacific bit more challenging. Yards Bruncheon, would participate “He is so esoteric and I love his in the partnership, which supports poetry, so I gave his book to bartender [Molly Hart] Get Lit! through a $1 donation from every Inspired and she decided that because it had animal imagery special sold. and was about love, that the drink would be called “It’s something that we always try and take part in, ‘The Birds and the Bees,’” Lindaman says. because we believe in all the arts and the movement The resulting two-ingredient drink simply features that’s happening now,” Hegsted says. “It’s so fantastic, Prosecco and St-Germain liqueur. in the past five to 10 years the progress we’ve made in “We’re very attached to the two of them and their literature, visual arts, culinary arts and everything.” work,” Lindaman summarizes. “This is an easy way For the event kick-off, Hegsted has crafted apfor me to honor them, because they’re such amazing petizers and drinks drawn from the writings of Emily writers.” n Ruskovich’s debut Idaho, and Spokane author Leyna Krow’s short story collection I’m Fine, But You Appear Inspired Happy Hour • Mon, April 17 from 4-6 pm to be Sinking. Then, through April 23, his downtown • Free admission • The Wandering Table • 1242 W. restaurants pay tribute to nonfiction writer Meghan Summit Pkwy. • • 443-4410 Daum (Wandering Table), poet Jamaal May (Yards



APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 31



Kate Lebo and Sam Ligon bring Pie & Whiskey to the Washington Cracker Co. Building this year.


Hosted by EWU’s Writers in the Community (WITC), the high school and college poetry slam at Get Lit! highlights the younger poets throughout the Spokane community. With free registration a half-hour prior, the competition will be split between 15-to-18-year-olds and college students of any age. Slammers will be judged on content, originality and performance. Participants are asked to bring canned food for the WITC food drive. The three-minute rounds are a great opportunity for young creatives to see the power of poetry both written and performed. (TC) Writers in the Community Poetry Slams • Tue, April 18 from 7-9:30 pm • Kress Gallery in River Park Square • 808 W. Main • 456-3413


We all remember that teacher who spent the extra time to motivate us to dig deeper and try harder; perhaps a singular instance of lecture or a parting comment that readjusted our perspective on ourselves and our possibilities. Bruce and Holly Holbert will be joined by Michael Copperman in a discussion on teaching and education’s vital transformative nature for many students. The Holberts will read from their anthology Thank You, Teacher, which highlights the personal experiences of how teachers have shaped students’ lives. Copperman will join and discuss his memoir Teacher, which examines the realities that impede the idealism many teachers begin with. (TC) Thank You, Teacher • Wed, April 19 at 6 pm • Auntie’s Bookstore • 402 W. Main • 838-0206

32 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017


Join the Love & Outrage collective in a night of celebrating resistance. The collective, launching their spring 2017 issue, will host a night of poetry, prose and music. The zine is an attempt to build a bridge between Spokane’s art community and the call for citywide activism. Topics range from politics to criminal justice, from the environment to the patriarchy. The event is free, with the latest zine available for $7 and back issues for $5. The collective exists “to promote a counterculture of courage in an age of uncertainty and fear.” (TC) Love & Outrage: Resistance! Zine Release Reading • Thu, April 20 at 6:30 pm • Spark Central • 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. • • 279-0299


A spot of firewater and a slice of sweet pie might not seem a natural combo, but it totally is when you add some always riveting, often ribald prose and poetry to the proceedings. That’s Pie & Whiskey, one of Get Lit’s annual must-go sessions, this year moving to the Washington Cracker Co. Building, which should more easily accommodate the madding crowds who descended on the Women’s Club in years past. Sam Ligon and Kate Lebo are your ringmasters (and bakers) for the evening that will feature a dozen writers delivering original works you can take home via one of the limited-edition chapbooks, available for when you’re indulging in pie and imbibing whiskey at home. (DN) Pie & Whiskey • Thu, April 20 at 9:30 pm • $5 • 21+ • Washington Cracker Co. Building • 304 W. Pacific


Eight Get Lit! events that caught our eye BY TUCK CLARRY AND DAN NAILEN


Taking inspiration from 18th century Parisian salons, when people would gather for discussions about literature, art and philosophy, the Get Lit! Poetry Salon offers a way to interact with some of this year’s headlining poets in a more casual environment than a lecture hall or concert stage. Spokane’s own poet laureate Laura Read will moderate the festivities at Brooklyn Deli, where Get Lit! visitors Shin Yu Pai, Robert Lashley, Meghan McClure, Michael Schmeltzer, John Rybicki and Jamaal May will read some of their work, answer questions from the audience (and each other) and talk about their craft as you sip on a beverage and lounge, salon-style. (DN) Poetry Salon • Fri, April 21 at 9 pm • Free, $5 suggested donation • Brooklyn Deli • 1001 W. First

THAT CAPE WOULD LOOK BETTER ON MY BEDROOM FLOOR Last year, Get Lit! introduced a night of erotic fan fiction to its festivities, with visiting and local authors regaling a bar of buzzed literature fans with saucy tales of sexy Sasquatches and other creatures who know where the wild things really are. This adults-only session tickles the creativity of the participating authors, who this year will take characters from classic cartoons and stir up some hot lines perfect for an oral presentation. I’m really hoping that Underdog gets in on the action when Shawn Vestal, Sheri Boggs, Kris Dinnison, Travis Naught and Rachel Mindell hit the stage at nYne. Aileen Keown Vaux will emcee. (DN) Erotic Fan Fiction: Classic Cartoons • Sat, April 22 at 8 pm • Free, $5 suggested donation • nYne Bar and Bistro • 232 W. Sprague


In between readings and parties, you’ll want to swing by the Ridpath Hotel. No, really! That’s where this year’s Window Dressing/Get Lit! installations are found. Artist Mallory Ware is creating one exhibit inspired by author Alexandra Teague’s The Principles Behind Flotation, while artist Zach Grassi is doing likewise for a space inspired by author Jason Rekulak’s The Impossible Fortress. Both installations will be on display at the Ridpath throughout the month of April, but you might want to check them out after both authors read at Auntie’s Bookstore on Saturday, April 22 at 3 pm. (DN) Window Dressing Get Lit! Installations • Through April • Ridpath Hotel • 515 W. First


Meghan Daum and Justin Torres will hold a discussion focused on the two acclaimed writers’ use of personal and confessional writing styles that search for realism. Daum is known for her nonfiction essays, written with a precision of cutting truths on what it means to live in today’s society and cultural environment. Torres is known for writing novels, creating characters that feel tangible, in accordance to the life he had growing up. Both Daum and Torres are prize-winning writers, with Daum earning a Guggenheim fellowship in 2015 and a National Endowment of the Arts fellowship in 2016 and Torres receiving the Rolón United States Artist Fellowship and currently holding a Wallace Stegner fellowship at Stanford. (TC) Meghan Daum and Justin Torres • Sun, April 23 at 11 am • $12, free with student ID • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague • 456-3413 •

Don’t mess with this ’stache — on Jay Chandrasekhar as Thorny in Super Troopers.


A Lizard Stands Up Super Troopers’ writer/director pens a memoir and hits the stand-up stage BY DAN NAILEN


ou show me a “cult classic” movie, and I’ll show you a flick that was probably commercially ignored and critically lambasted when it arrived in theaters. Super Troopers, released commercially in 2002, didn’t reach $20 million in box office gross, and critics generally derided it as “lowbrow,” “juvenile” and just “occasionally amusing.” Fifteen years later, though, the comedy about a bunch of ne’er-do-well Vermont state troopers enjoys a hallowed spot among a certain set of comedy fans — check out that

90 percent audience score on And it helped launch the careers of the Broken Lizard comedy troupe’s members, who wrote, acted in, and in the case of Jay Chandrasekhar, directed the movie. For the Broken Lizard guys, just getting Super Troopers into theaters was a victory for a crew who met as hardpartying college kids at Colgate University in upstate New York. “We made a movie but we didn’t think anyone would see it,” says Chandrasekhar from a Los Angeles set

where he’s shooting an ABC pilot. “We were just trying to bash our way into show business. We did not expect anything at all. Then we were at Sundance [Film Festival] and Patrick Swayze came up to one of the guys and said, ‘You’re in that movie with the cops!’ And we are huge Swayze fans. We couldn’t even process that. And it just gets bigger and bigger every year. That movie just keeps growing.” For Broken Lizard, Super Troopers’ success on DVD allowed them to go on to make more features, including Broken Lizard’s Club Dread, Beerfest and (soon) Super Troopers 2, while Chandrasekhar went on to become a busy director outside his group of college buddies; he’s helmed multiple episodes of shows like Arrested Development, Happy Endings, New Girl and Community, among many others, through the years.


handrasekhar tells the story behind Broken Lizard and his life as a suburban Chicago kidturned-comedy icon in a new book, Mustache Shenanigans: Making Super Troopers and Other Adventures in Comedy. He’ll read and sign the book at Auntie’s on Saturday, and headline at the Spokane Comedy Club Thursday through Saturday this week. ...continued on next page

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 33


How to use

“Really, Super Troopers was a long and twisting road that should have ended with us not making the movie. But it happened.”

Jay Chandrasekhar appears at Auntie’s and Spokane Comedy Club this weekend.

“A LIZARD STANDS UP,” CONTINUED... While Super Troopers fans will obviously revel in the behind-the-scenes antics of the Broken Lizard crew’s creative process and getting the story of Thorny, Rod and Rabbit to the screen, there’s a lot to enjoy for people interested in the sausage-making aspect of the film biz — the ins and outs of dealing with financing and production houses when all Chandrasekhar and his buddies wanted to do was make funny movies, not learn a whole new business. Particularly engaging is a section about Puddle Cruiser, the movie the troupe made pre-Super Troopers that was oh-so-close to getting a distribution deal, only to fall short. “We were knocking right on the door, and on the other side of the door were [directors] Kevin Smith and Ed Burns and Quentin Tarantino,” Chandrasekhar says of the 1996 movie that was finally released on DVD in 2005. “They were all right there




on the other side of the door, and we were right there, and we couldn’t get in until the second try [with Super Troopers]. “And really, Super Troopers was a long and twisting road that should have ended with us not making the movie. But it happened.”


riting the book, he says, was a way to tell the truth behind some of the widespread anecdotes and twisted tales about Broken Lizard, and “to set the record straight that I’m not from Canada.” More seriously, he says he wanted to get into the “real nitty-gritty” of making movies, and tell the story about being an Indian, the son of two immigrant doctors, and growing up in the suburbs of Chicago. Chandrasekhar says that Mustache Shenanigans is also “the story of a hard-partying

lifestyle.” That will come as no surprise to fans of Broken Lizard’s comedy, but it did come as a bit of a surprise to his parents when they read the book. “My mother and father learned of my excessive drug use and sexual history,” Chandrasekhar says, “and interestingly, my father was like, ‘I guess I’m grateful that you’re alive. And part of me is jealous. You really lived a different life than I ended up living.’” It’s a life that has informed many of the stories he tells in his films, his live shows (although he promises that his stand-up tales are a lot more “dirty and wild”) and his book. Writing a book required a somewhat different thought process and focus than other forms of expression, he says, but ultimately, everything he likes to do is somewhat similar: “You set up a premise, tell some jokes, then bring it together. “I feel like there’s a certain kind of human addicted to stories,” Chandrasekhar says. “I’m one of them. I feel like all of us are, to some degree.” n

Jay Chandrasekhar reading/signing • Sat, April 15 at 2 pm • Free • Auntie’s Bookstore • 402 W. Main • auntiesbooks. com • 838-0206

34 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

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36 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017




LEARN • EXPLORE • PLAY T en long weeks of warm sunshine, no school and creative freedom stretch out ahead of you. Will you spend part of that time snuggled up in your sleeping bag on a top bunk in your sleep-away camp cabin? Will you build robot prototypes that can navigate the terrain of an unexplored planet, and solve real-world problems? Or will you channel your inner Picasso and Monet as you create fabulous art masterpieces every day? The choices are vast, and the decision is yours. So get ready: Summer camp season is coming!

— CHEY SCOTT, Summer Camp Guide Editor

RESIDENT CAMP FOUR ECHOES: JOURNEY IN A WEEKEND A chance for troops to earn a Girl Scout Journey and enjoy a weekend of camp at the same time. Sessions offered April 28-20 (Cadette Journey), May 19-21 (Junior Journey) and June 2-4 (Brownie Journey). $50/girl, $30/adult. 800-827-9478 CAMP FOUR ECHOES: FAMILY CAMP Bring a camp stove and enough food for your family (meals not included) to kick off the summer and participate in hiking, campfire activities and more. Offered May 26-29 and Sept. 1-4. $60/ cabin of six. 800-827-9478 CAMP SPALDING LEADERSHIP CAMP A faith-based leadership program for campers interested in becoming camp counselors or helping out at later summer sessions. Grades 10-12. June 17-21. Application process required; due May 22. $315. 731-4244 CAMP FOUR ECHOES (GRADES 1-3) Themed camp sessions include “Camp

Rocks!,” “Best of Both Worlds,” “Fun in the Sun” and “Splish Splash,” each offering traditional camp activities including hiking, swimming, arts and crafts, campfire songs and more. Girls entering grades 1-3 (open to non-Girl Scouts; join for $20). Sessions June 18-23, June 2520, July 2-7, July 23-25 or 26-28, and July 30-Aug. 4. $225-$375. CAMP FOUR ECHOES (GRADES 4-5) Themed camp sessions include “Art on the Lake,” “Camp Outside the Box,” Midsummer Madness,” “Camper Sampler” and more. Camps offer traditional activities including swimming, arts and crafts, hiking and games. Girls entering grades 4-5 (open to non-Girl Scouts; become a member for $20). Sessions offered weekly from June 18-Aug. 10. $285-$375. 800-827-9478 CAMP FOUR ECHOES (GRADES 6-8) Themed sessions include “Just Chill,” “Flambe & Fricassee,” “Nocturnals,” “Intro to Sails” and more. Camps include traditional activities such as swimming, boating, hiking, arts and crafts and more. Girls entering grades 6-8 (open to non-Girl Scouts; join for $20). Sessions

offered weekly from June 18-Aug. 10. $285-$375. 800-827-9478 CAMP FOUR ECHOES (GRADES 7-9) Two themed, two-week sessions, “Sails in the Wind” (June 18-30) and “Idaho Adventure” (July 2-13) offer immersive and traditional camp activities including hiking, swimming, games, team building and more. Girls entering grades 7-9 (open to non-Girl Scouts; join for $20). $500-$540. 747-8091 CAMP FOUR ECHOES LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS (CIT) Teen girls learn skills in leadership, the outdoors and working with children that are necessary to become future camp counselors. Girls entering grades 9-12 (open to non-Girl Scouts; join for $20). June 18-30 (CIT I), July 2-13 (Adventures in Leadership) and July 21-Aug. 10 (CIT II). $500-$590. 800-827-9478 CAMP LADY OF THE LAKE An arts camp on Lake CdA offering dance, music, storytelling and singing workshops alongside traditional camp activities. At Camp N-Sid-Sen facilities. June 18-24, for teens (12-17) and adults (18+). Family camp week is Aug. 13-19 ($150-$660/

person). $545-$635. CAMP LUTHERHAVEN A faith-based resident camp on Lake Coeur d’Alene, offering traditional camp activities including ropes courses, campouts, water sports, Bible study, archery and more. 3- and 6-day sessions for grades 1-12, from June 18-Aug. 13. $98-$519 (payment plans available). CAMP MIVODEN Campers experience activities from waterskiing to arts and crafts in a faith-based setting. June 18-25 (ages 8-9); June 25-July 2 (ages 10-12); July 2-9 (ages 12-13); July 9-16 (ages 14-17). $325. CAMP REED Experience traditional camp activities including swimming, hiking, mountain biking, canoeing, ropes courses, archery, campfires and more. Boys and girls entering grades 3-9. Weeklong sessions from June 18Aug. 12. (Horse program/units available July 16-Aug. 5; ages 10+; additional $25$150.) $485-$495/session. campreed. org 777-9622


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APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 37

The YMCA of Spokane’s Camp Reed hosts resident camp sessions for all ages throughout the summer (see page 37).

RESIDENT CAMP REED CIT PROGRAM The counselor-in-training program teaches group dynamics, leadership, stewardship and more to train future camp counselors. Each session includes two weeks of camp, one work week and a 200-mile bike trip week. Grades 10+. Sessions offered June 18-Aug. 12. $600-$610. CAMP REED MINI CAMP Young campers experience traditional camp activities like swimming, boating, arts and crafts, hiking and more. Boys and girls entering grades 1-2. Three-day sessions from June 18-Aug. 8. $235-$245. IDAHO MISSION PROJECT A camp experience designed for area youth groups working on a servant mission project. Project assignments with local organizations are based off of goals and information provided by each group. Sessions offered June 18-Aug. 18. $280/camper. (208-352-2671) MIVODEN CHALLENGE CAMP A faithbased camp featuring a high and low challenge course, with field trips and more. Ages 13-16. June 18-25. $370. (242-0506)

38 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

ROSS POINT BAPTIST CAMP A faithbased camp on the Spokane River offering traditional activities, worship, bible studies, games, singing, prayer and more. Grades K-12. Sessions offered June 18-23 (grades 6-9) June 25-28 (grades 2-4), June 25-30 (grades 4-6), July 9-14 (grades 9-12), and a family camp, July 2329. $190-$277 ($260-$348/family camp) $190-$277. (208-773-1655) CAMP SPALDING Campers ride horses, swim, boat, zip-line, play team sports and more at a faith-based camp. Discovery Camp (grades 2-4) is June 21-24 and Aug. 13-16; Junior Camp (grades 5-6) is June 25-July 1 and July 24-26; Jr. High Camp (grades 7-8) is July 9-15, Aug. 6-12; Senior Camp (grades 9-12) is July 2-8, July 30Aug. 5. $225-$465. CAMP FOUR ECHOES: OUTDOOR DISCOVERY Area Girl Scout Troops are invited to come to camp together for swim time, arts and crafts, hiking and more. Meals and T-shirt included. Sessions offered June 23-25, July 7-9 and July 21-23. $110/person. CAMP CROSS A faith-based camp on Lake CdA offering team-building exercises, arts and crafts, swimming, hiking, campfires, worship and more. June 2530 (grades 4-6), July 2-7 (grades 7-9), July 16-22 (grades 8-10) and Aug. 6-13 (grades 10-12). Mini-camp July 24-26 (grades 2-3) and arts camp July 31-Aug. 4. $130-$420. CAMP N-SID-SEN A faith-based (United Church of Christ) resident camp on Lake CdA offering traditional activities such as crafts, songs, water activities and more. June 25-July 1 (grades 10-12), July 9-12 (grades 2-4), July 30-Aug. 5 (grades 5-9). Family sessions offered July 23-29 and Aug. 6-12. $210-$500.

CAMP SANDERS A non-denominational Christian camp exploring outdoors the nature, with swimming, hiking, sports, crafts, music and more. Grades 3-7. June 25-28. Family camp session is June 28July 2 (all-ages). $170. MIVODEN COWBOY CAMP A faithbased camp focusing on horsemanship, trail riding, barn care and more. June 1825 (ages 14-17), June 25-July 2 (ages 1214), July 2-9 (ages 10-12); July 9-16 (ages 10-12). Cowboy Pack Trip July 16-23 (ages 14-17). $355. 242-0506 MIVODEN EXTREME TEEN CAMPS A camp for teens who want to push themselves, offering tough climbs, whitewater rafting and survival techniques. Ages 13-17. Week-long sessions offered June 25-July 16. $370. 242-0506 MIVODEN WAKEBOARD CAMPS Catch some air and learn how to wakeboard at a faith-based camp using the camp’s special wakeboarding boat. June 25-July 2 (ages 12-14) and July 2-9 and July 9-16 (ages 13-17). Also offered is a whitewater rafting trip, July 16-23 (ages 14-17). $370$390. 242-0506 SHOSHONE CREEK RANCH Faith-based horseback trail riding programs teach horsemanship, leadership skills and more. Six-day sessions (grades 5-12) offered weekly from June 25-July 28 (girls only) and July 30-Aug. 11 (co-ed). Junior staff ($100/week) needed for all sessions. At Shoshone Mountain Retreat. $384-$484. SOLE TEEN TREK EXPERIENCES Explore the backcountry of Northwestern Montana and Northern Idaho while learning about outdoor leadership, living and environmental awareness. Ages 13-18. Boys’ sessions June 25-July 1 and Aug. 6-12;

girls’ sessions July 10-16 and Aug. 6-12. $650-$800. SPALDING PIONEER CAMP A faithbased camp focusing on outdoor adventures and activities, including camping in teepees, outdoor cooking and more. June 25-July 1 (grades 7-8), July 5-8 (grades 2-4), July 9-15 (grades 5-6) and July 16-22 (grades 9-12). $225-$440. (731-4244) TWINLOW ELEMENTARY CAMP Young campers get a week of traditional camp activities, including Bible study, team activities, games and more. Grades 3-6. Lake Camp (June 25-30), General Camp (July 9-14), Explorers (July 30-Aug. 4) and Fish ‘n’ Sail (Aug. 6-11). $325-$350/ session. TWINLOW HIGH SCHOOL CAMPS Sessions include high school crossfire (July 9-14) and watersports (July 30-Aug. 4), each offering traditional camp activities in a faith-based setting. Grades 9-12. Counselors in Training (grades 10+) is June 25-July 5. $325-$425/session. (208-352-2671) TWINLOW MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMPS Faith-based camp offering traditional camp activities including archery, crafts, canoeing and more. Grades 6-9. General sessions June 25-30, July 3-Aug. 4; watersports session July 9-14 and Aug. 6-11. $325-$375. CAMP GIFFORD Experience traditional camp activities including canoeing, swimming, hiking, crafts and more in a faith-based setting at the Salvation Army-operated camp serving low income children. Ages 7-12. Weekly sessions for teen and youth offered June 26-Aug. 4. Cost varies based on income/eligibility. (233-2511)

TWINLOW FAMILY CAMP Families of all sizes are invited to camp for a semistructured, faith-based program of activities around the camp with lots of time on the lake. July 2-5. $75/person. (208-352-2671) TWINLOW PRIMARY CAMP A shorter camp stay for younger kids, offering crafts, games, swimming and faith-based learning opportunities. Grades 1-3. Sessions offered July 2-5 and Aug. 6-9. $150. (208-352-2671) RIVERVIEW SPORTS CAMP Athletes of all types converge for a week of sports camps in volleyball, football, wrestling and karate. The camp also offers traditional activities like zip lining, archery, paintball, water activities and more. July 3-7. Prices TBA. CUB COUNTRY FAMILY CAMP Join the fun at Cowles Scout Reservation for the 2017 Knights of the Roundtable adventure. Activities for the whole family include swimming, boating, fishing, archery, BB gun shooting, arts and crafts, and more. For Cub Scouts ages 6-11 and their families. Sessions offered July 6-8, 10-12 and 14-16. At Diamond Lake, Newport. $145/scout; $125/adult, sibling. (325-4562) CAMP SWEYOLAKAN Camp Fire’s traditional rustic sleep-away camp on Lake CdA is accessible only by boat. Campers experience swimming, archery, outdoor activities, ropes courses, arts and crafts and more. Choose from six, week-long sessions (Sun-Fri) from July 9-Aug. 18. Mini-Camp Experiences, (3 days, 2 nights) on July 5-7. Sessions for grades 1-12. $240-$475/session. CAMP SWEYOLAKAN LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS High school juniors and se-

niors who wish to become future camp counselors learn leadership skills and more at this session. Open to boys and girls entering grades 11-12. Senior CIT session from July 9-28; Junior CIT session from July 31-Aug 18. Camper Buddies are also needed to assist special needs campers, and can attend camp for free. Application process/prerequisites required. $850. LUTHERHAVEN FAMILY CAMP Families can experience a traditional sleepaway camp together in a faith-based setting. Cabin, yurt, tent and RV camping options. July 14-16. Prices vary based on camping options. (866-729-8372) CLEARWATER ARTS CAMP Campers focus on a chosen art form or experiment in multiple areas such as music, visual arts, drama and dance, in a faithbased setting. Grades 7-12. July 16-22. $475. (731-4244) COCOLALLA LAKE BIBLE CAMP A faith-based camp program within the context of the great outdoors, offering traditional camp activities, Bible study and more. July 9-14 (ages 13-18), July 16-20 (ages 11-12); July 23-27 (ages 9-10); July 30-Aug. 3 (ages 7-8) $135$185. (208-263-3912) CUB COUNTRY WEBELOS CAMP Activities focused on Webelos adventures include swimming, boating, fishing, archery, BB gun shooting, arts and crafts, campfire programs and more. For Cub Scouts ages 10-11 and their families. July 20-23. At Diamond Lake, Newport. $175/scout; $130/adult, sibling. MIVODEN FAMILY CAMP The whole family can attend this faith-based camp together, participating in classes, evening campfire sessions and more. Sessions offered July 23-30 and Aug. 6-13. $295-$345/person. TWIN EAGLES NATURE OVERNIGHT CAMP Campers learn wilderness skills such as making fire by friction, finding edible/medicinal plants, tracking animals, building natural shelters and more. July 23-28 (ages 10-13) and July 31-Aug 6 (ages 13-18), near Priest River, Idaho. $645-$745 (scholarships available). (208-265-3685) CAMP SWEYOLAKAN FAMILY CAMP The “You and Me, Kid!” session lets children experience a weekend of camp activities (swimming, archery, ropes courses and more) with a parent, guardian, or older sibling. All ages. July 28-30. $45/ages 4-18, $80/adult, free/ages 3 and under. COWLES HIGH ADVENTURE CAMP NW Scouts offers this new co-ed program, open to ages 14 and up, in Troops, Teams, and Venturing Crews. Activities include high and low ropes challenge courses, team building, shooting sports and more. July 31-Aug. 5. At Diamond Lake, Newport. $340/ scout; $165/adults. CowlesHighAdventure (325-4562) LUTHERHAVEN KINDERCAMP Children are invited to experience sleepaway camp with a family member or adult. Kids ages 4-5 with an adult 18+. Aug. 4-6. $125/adult-child pair; $25 each add’l. child. PEAK7 BACKPACKING TRIP Hike and camp by mountain lakes, trek through the woods, sleep under the stars, summit a mountain peak, and participate in Bible conversations during a fiveday backpacking trip in the North Cascades. Separate girls and boys trips for ages 13-17. Aug. 7-11. $305, scholarships available.

COCOLALLA BACKPACKING CAMP A four-day, three-night backpacking trip in the Selkirk Crest of North Idaho, offering Bible studies, swimming, fishing, survival skills and fellowship. Ages 13-18. Aug. 9-12 and Aug. 24-27 (intermediate hiking). $160. CAMP CROSS FAMILY SESSIONS A faith-based family camping retreat on Lake CdA, offering traditional camp activities, kid-free time for parents and more. Offered Aug. 15-17 and Sept. 1-4. $50-$150/person, based on age. (624-3191) SPALDING FAMILY CAMP The whole family can go to summer camp together and enjoy boating, barbecuing, swimming and other traditional camp activities in a faith-based setting. Aug. 16-20. Mom, Dad & Me sessions (for kids entering grades K-2; $138-$199) also offered June 16-17. $60-$360/ person. (731-4244) CAMP FOUR ECHOES: JUST THE 2 OF US A weekend at camp that allows campers to bring their favorite adult guy or gal. Activities include swim time, arts and crafts, and hiking. Meals included. Aug. 18-20. $75/person. (800-827-9478) COCOLALLA FAMILY CAMP Families can enjoy a faith-based summer camp together, with swimming, canoeing, programmed activities and more. Aug. 18-20. $85/couple, $10/child to a max of $125, or $65/person. CAMP FOUR ECHOES: SOLAR ECLIPSE CELEBRATION Spend “Eclipse Eve” at camp, and participate in activities to learn about the solar system. At 9:13 am, use safe eclipse glasses to see this natural wonder. (Open to troops and individual Girl Scouts accompanied by an adult with current membership and background check) Aug. 20-21. $25/person. CAMP REED FAMILY CAMP Experience the activities and scenery of camp as a family, in your own cabin and on your own schedule. Offering waterfront activities, archery, arts and crafts, campfires and more. Aug. 24-27. $82-$165/person.

DAY COUNSELOR-IN-TRAINING Teens learn skills for responsibly working with children in a day-camp setting. Ages 13-17. April 19-May 24, from 6-7:15 pm. Must attend all sessions; counselor shadowing also required. Spokane Valley Parks & Rec summer day camps run June 19-Aug. 25. At CenterPlace Event Center. $95. NEVERLAND ADVENTURE CAMP Take an imaginary journey to Neverland with activities like a treasure hunt. Ages 3-5. June 12-16, from 12:30-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. (625-6677) SGS LOWER SCHOOL ADVENTURE CAMP An outdoor adventure-themed day camp offering rock-climbing, hiking, geocaching, fort building and kayaking. Grades 3-5. June 12-16, 9 am-12:30 pm. $150. WILDERNESS SURVIVAL DAY CAMP Campers experience nature and learn skills such as wildlife tracking, obtaining clean water and more. Ages 6-13. June 12-16 and July 10-14 (Sandpoint); June 26-30 and July 3-7 (Spokane); June 19-23 (CdA); sessions meet daily, from 9 am-3 pm. $275 (scholarships available).


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APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 39

DAY AIRWAY HEIGHTS SUMMER ADVENTURE PROGRAM The annual program offers field trips, games, swimming, hiking, movies, crafts and more. Ages 8-13. Weekly sessions June 19-Aug. 25, meets MonFri from 7:30 am-5:30 pm. At the Airway Heights Community Center. $95/week; $25/day. BOYS & GIRLS CLUB SUMMER POWER DAY CAMP Boys & Girls Clubs provide a 10-week summer program with a variety of life-enriching programs including field trips, tech labs, music programs, gardening, cooking, health and fitness and more. Lunch and snacks provided daily. Grades 1-12. June 19-Aug. 25, Mon-Fri from 9 am-6 pm. Starting at $25/week. (489-0741) CAMP BEN BURR An all-encompassing day camp focusing on community service, instruction in numerous sports, swimming, field trips, STEM Education, gardening, science, literacy, and more. Ages 5-12. Weekly sessions June 19-Aug. 18; meets Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-5:30 pm. At East Central Community Center. $65$125/week; based on income; scholarships available.. CAMP DART-LO The wooded day camp on the Little Spokane river offers archery, leadership, outdoor activities, swimming in outdoor pools and more. Grades preschool-9. Week-long sessions offered June 19-Aug. 19 (meets Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:15 pm). Camp a la Carte days are July 3 and 5-7. $45/day; $225/week. (747-6191) GIRL SCOUTS SUMMER DAY CAMPS The 11-week program offers themed weeks with activities in the teaching kitchen, crafts, science projects, outdoor activities, art, field trips to the pool and more. Lunch and snacks included. Ages 5-17. (Open to non-Girl Scouts; become a member for $20.) Weekly sessions offered June 19-Sept. 1; meets Mon-Fri from 9 am-4 pm. Leadership sessions for grades 6-12 are June 26-July 30 (Program Aid-in-Training) and July 3-Sept. 1 (Program Aide). At the Girl Scout Program Center, 1404 N. Ash. $25/day or $125/week. (747-8091 x 240) KROC DISCOVERY CAMP Campers

swim, rock climb, play games, watch movies and go on field trips during each themed, weekly session. Ages 6-10. Sessions June 19-Aug. 25, meets Mon-Fri from 8:30 am-3:30 pm. Single-day ($32$40) and extended care until 5:30 pm ($8-$10/day; $32-$40/week). $132-$165/ week; scholarships available. SOLE NATURE DETECTIVES An outdoor science camp letting young kids explore various mini-ecosystems in a fun atmosphere. Ages 4-6. Sessions offered June 19-21, July 10-12 and July 31-Aug. 2, from 9 am-3 pm. In Sandpoint. $45-$85. SOLE NATURE EXPLORERS Campers collect natural clues as they explore the world outdoors and learn about the environment around them. Ages 7-10. Sessions offered June 19-23, July 10-14 and July 31-Aug. 4, from 9 am-3 pm. In Sandpoint. $45-$125. SPOKANE VALLEY SUMMER DAY CAMP Weekly, themed camps offer outdoor activities, field trips, games, crafts and more. Breakfast and lunch served each day (except during field trips). Ages 6-11. June 19-Aug. 25, meets Mon-Fri from 8 am-5 pm. Extended hours from 7:15 am5:45 pm. At CenterPlace Regional Event Center. $118-$127/week. spokanevalley. org/recreation (688-0300) SPOKANE VALLEY SUMMER PARK PROGRAM Parks & Rec staff are onsite at local parks to lead games, arts and crafts and other activities, with free meals provided to children 18 and under. Offered June 19-Aug. 3, meets Mon-Thu, times vary. At Edgecliff, Terrace View and Valley Mission parks. (Note: this program is not a structured drop-off camp program.) Free; no registration needed. (688-0300) TEEN OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CAMPS Weekly team-building activities include challenge courses, bike riding skills, stand-up paddle boarding, canoeing, swimming, day hikes and environmental education. Ages 12-15. Week-long sessions June 29-Aug. 25, meets Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. At Riverside State Park, Bowl & Pitcher $219/week. (625-6200) WEST CENTRAL SUMMER RECREATION This program offers structured, supervised activities including weekly field trips, arts and crafts, swimming, sports and more. Meals and snacks provided. Ages 5-12. June 19-Aug. 30, meets Mon-Fri from 7 am-6 pm. Preregistration required on a first-come, first-served basis. At West Central Community Center. Based on income. YMCA SUMMER DAY CAMPS Each week, campers embark on new activities, including weekly field trips, age-appro-

Spend a week immersed in the magical world of Harry Potter at St. George’s School (see facing page). priate activities, including arts and crafts, science and games. Grades K-7. June 19Aug. 30, Mon-Fri from 6:30 am-6 pm. All four YMCA locations. $179-$189/week; $37-$40/day. YMCA TRIANGLE CLUB Teen campers take day trips to local lakes, make arts and crafts and more. Includes two overnight campouts. Grades 7-8. June 19-Aug. 30, Mon-Fri from 6:30 am-6 pm. All four Spokane YMCA locations. $190$200/week; $40-$43/day. (777-9622) YOUTH ADVENTURE CAMP A five-day camp exploring the great outdoors of North Idaho including rock climbing, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, sailing, hiking, whitewater rafting and more. Includes rental fees and transportation. Ages 12-16. Sessions June 19-23, June 26-30, meets from 8 am-4 pm. At North Idaho College. $275/session. (208-769-3214) YOUTH OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CAMPS Weekly adventures include stand-up paddleboarding, archery, bike rides, survival skills, team building activities, rock climbing and more. Ages 8-11. Weekly sessions offered June 19-Aug. 25, Mon-Fri from 8:30 am-4:30 pm. At Riverside State, Park Bowl & Pitcher. $219/ week. (625-6200) CAMP ALOTTAFUN Northeast Youth Center’s preschool summer day camp

offers exploratory activities to promote learning and recreation, with field trips and park excursions. Includes a breakfast and lunch. Ages 3-5. June 20-Aug. 30, Mon-Fri from 8:30-5 pm. Extended hours from 6 am-6 pm (+$10). $134/week. (482-0708) CAMP FUN IN THE SUN A day camp offering recreation, crafts and weekly trips to local parks and pools. Breakfast and lunch included. Ages 5-12. June 20-Aug. 20, 8:30 am-5 pm. Extended hours 6 am-6 pm (+$10/week). At Northeast Youth Center. $128/week. KROC MINI CAMPS Weekly, two-houra-day mini camps let kids explore their interests and build new skills in areas such as theater, art, music, robotics, dance and more. Weekly sessions offered June 26-Aug. 25, with options for ages 6-9 and ages 10-13. Camp meeting times vary per session. $40-$50. KROC PEE WEE CAMP A half-day camp with weekly themes, offering swimming (including lessons), cooking, arts and crafts and more. Ages 4-5. Weekly sessions offered June 26-Aug. 25, Mon-Fri, from 8:30 am-12:30 pm. $96-$120/week. (208-763-0618) MIXED BAG OF FUN A week filled with arts and crafts, swimming, water park visits, LEGO play and more. Campers help choose and set up the activities for the week. Grades K-6. June 26-30, from 9

am-3 pm. $165. NATURE ADVENTURERS DAY CAMP A day camp teaching outdoor awareness and stewardship through games, crafts, storytelling, songs and exploration. Ages 6-13. June 26-30 (Sandpoint) and July 10-14 (Spokane), from 9 am-3 pm. $275 (scholarships available). SCHWEITZER ADVENTURE CAMP Each week, campers can climb the rock wall, take chairlift rides, hike, play games, swim and more. Includes transportation from the bottom of the mountain. Ages 6-11. Sessions offered June 26-30 and July 10-Aug. 18, meets Mon-Fri from 8 am-4 pm. $175/week. SKYHAWKS DAY CAMP Weekly sessions are offered all summer; with options to attend one or all weeks, each themed around various sports, and include field trips to local sites, such as parks, movie theaters and pools, along with other creative activities. Ages 5-12. June 26-Aug. 25; meets Mon-Fri, 9 am-3 pm (extended hours to 5 pm). Offered at Browne Elementary, Spokane, Liberty Lake Elementary and Woodland Middle School, CdA. $155-$1195/session. TREASURE HUNT Children participate in a different treasure hunt each day in the park, at the school and other locations, making treasure maps and hand-painted chests. Ages 3-8. June 26-30, from 9 am-1 pm. $140.



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NATURE NINJAS DAY CAMP A day camp teaching outdoor skills including natural camouflage, stealth, wild animal tracking, and more through games and activities. Ages 6-13. July 3-7 (Sandpoint) and June 19-23 and Aug. 14-18 (Spokane), all sessions meet daily, from 9 am-3 pm. $255-$275 (scholarships available). FASHIONISTA Campers create wearable works of art with dyes, ribbons and lace, as well as jewelry and hair accessories. Ages 6-11. July 5-7, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $79. (625-6200) PRINCESSES, PIRATES, POKEMON & POOLS Bring your Pokémon cards for trading and playing, have fun with outside water activities and more. Grades K-6. July 5-7, 9 am-3 pm. $165. (326-6595) YMCA NORTH ADVENTURE CLUB Each week, campers embark on new activities, including field trips, and ageappropriate activities, including arts & crafts, science and games. Grades 3-7. July 5-Aug. 18, Mon-Fri from 6:30 am-6 pm. North YMCA only. $190-$200/ week; $40-$43/day. FUN FRIDAYS IN JULY Each Friday in July, Spokane Valley Parks & Rec staff head to two city parks to offer recreational activities and fun. See website for locations and dates. All-ages. Offered July 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 11 am12:15 pm and 1-2:15 pm. Free. (688-0300) ANIMAL EXPLORERS A week-long exploration into the life and learning of animals, including field trips, hands-on experiences, and other activities. Ages 6-12. July 10-14, 8:30 am-5 pm. Extended hours 6 am-6 pm. At Northeast Youth Center. $139. CAMP DART-LO LEADERSHIP CAMP Program Aides in Learning (PALs) are older campers who build leadership skills through outdoor play, service learning and team building. Grades 6-9. Two, 2-week sessions offered July 1021, and July 24-Aug 4. Camper Buddies are also needed to assist special needs campers, and can attend camp for free. Application process/prerequisites needed. $225. 747-6191 DRAGON TALES Spend a week building forts, chasing dragons, constructing moats in the sand box, and making magic wands as you explore one of childhood’s favorite themes. Ages 3-8. July 10-14, from 9 am-1 pm. $140. (747-1040) JEDI CAMP Build a toy lightsaber, practice using it and go on Jedi-themed missions as you learn the ways of the Force.

Grades K-4. Offered July 10-14 and July 31-Aug. 4, 12:30-4 pm. At St. George’s School. $200. KROC ADVENTURE CAMP Weekly sessions offer outdoor rock climbing, field trips and overnight camping at area parks and more. Ages 11-13. Sessions offered July 10-Aug. 18, meets Mon-Fri, from 8:30 am-3:30 pm. $136-$185/session. 208-763-0618 LITTLE PIRATES ADVENTURE CAMP Track down lost treasure hidden in the Little Spokane River Valley and learn what it takes to be a true pirate. Lessons include: boat building, map making, proper treasure storage, tattooing, and waylaying passing ships. Grades K-2. Offered July 10-14 and July 31-Aug. 4, 9 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $175. (464-8815) THINGS THAT GO! Kids who love things that move will make and test paper tube cars, cork boats, gyrocopters and more. Ages 3-5. July 10-14, from 9-11:30 am. At Corbin Art Center. $62. YOUTH SAILING CAMP Learn the basics of sailing on the water, including proper use of equipment, safety, terminology and more. Ages 12-16. July 1014, from 9 am-1 pm. At North Idaho College. $225. BIKE CAMP Campers learn bike safety and general bike maintenance. Then they’ll bike to locations to enjoy the day with treasure hunts and geocaching at local parks and places around town. Grades 1-6. July 17-21, from 9 am-3 pm. $165. (326-6595) CAMP DART-LO: YOU BET I CAN! The wooded camp on the Little Spokane River offers outdoor activities, swimming in outdoor pools and more. Camper Buddies assist campers with disabilities. Bus transportation from four Spokane locations included. Ages 6-21. Sessions from July 17-21 and July 31-Aug. 4, from 8:30 am-4:15 pm. $225. (747-6191) CAMP SWEYOLAKAN: OUTBACKER DAY CAMP A traditional, rustic camp on Lake CdA accessible only by boat, and offering swimming, archery, outdoor activities, ropes courses, arts and crafts, and more. Grades 1-6. Three sessions offered from July 17-21, July 31-Aug 4, Aug 7-11. Transportation from three CdA locations included. $225. (747-6191) HARRY POTTER CAMP A week of activities and games inspired by the popular book series, including house sorting, scavenger hunts and playing Quidditch. Grades 2-5. July 17-21, 9 amnoon. At St. George’s School. $200. sgs. org/summer (464-8815)

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LADYBUGS & SLUGS Students learn all about insects through stories, nature walks, art projects and seed planting for a bug-friendly garden. Ages 3-5. July 17-21, from 9-11:30 a. At Corbin Art Center. $62. LEADERSHIP CAMP A high-intensity week to challenge and inspire youth as they meet community leaders, tour businesses and organizations and partake in outdoor activities and leadership courses. Ages 9-15. July 17-21, 8:30 am-5 pm; extended care from 6 am-6 pm. At Northeast Youth Center. $149. (482-0708) MIDDLE SCHOOL ADVENTURE CAMP Experience the outdoors every day with a new activity: Hike a 3-mile loop, rock climb, build forts and trails, learn to fly-fish, learn to use a GPS, and canoe down to Painted Rocks on the Little Spokane River. Grades 6-8. July 31-Aug. 4, from 9 am-1 pm. At St. George’s School. $150. FAIRIES AND ELVES Explore the natural world by making fairy houses and elven crowns. Through stories, songs, games and adventure kids learn about the mysterious and sometimes mischievous fae. Ages 3-8. July 24-28, from 9 am-1 pm. $140. MINION MAYHEM & MORE Make costumes, puppets and maybe even learn how to talk like a Minion. Ages 3-5. July 24-28, from 12:30-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. PASSPORT TO FUN Explore far away lands and stamp your passport as you learn about a new country each day and make art projects for each. Ages 3-5. July 24-28, 9:30-11 am. At Corbin Art Center. $62. ULTIMATE ADVENTURE A day camp offering outdoor adventures, field trips, crafts, games and activities like rock climbing, a challenge course and river adventure. Lunch included. Ages 8-15. July 24-28, 8:30 am-5 pm. Extended hours 6 am-6 pm. At Northeast Youth Center. $169. BEACH IN THE BACKYARD Campers pool their imaginations and ideas to create a beach atmosphere in the backyard. Grades K-6. July 31- Aug. 4, from 9 am-3 pm. $165. LITTLE SUPERHEROES Make capes, masks, puppets and become a superhero for the week. Ages 3-5. July 31Aug. 4, from 9-11:30 am. At Corbin Art Center. $62. TASTE OF INDIA Explore the rich culture of India through music, movement, folktales, food, and art. Ages 3-8. July 31-Aug. 4, from 9 am-1 pm. $140. (747-1040)


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DAY (747-1040) A BUG’S WORLD Learn about the lives of bugs through literature, art projects and by becoming a garden detective. Ages 3-5. Aug. 7-11, from 9:30-11 am. At Corbin Art Center. $62. SCIENCE EXPLORERS A week of science experiments, nature outings, field trips to Mobius, the National Weather Service Office, the SFCC Planetarium, and more. Ages 7-12. Aug. 7-11, 8:30 am-5 pm. Extended hours 6 am-6 pm. At Northeast Youth Center. $149. VAMOS A MEXICO! A themed week of camp all about Mexican songs, stories, food and crafts. Ages 3-8. Aug. 7-11, from 9 am-1 pm. $140. BEST OF SUMMER, PRESCHOOL STYLE An art-filled week offering some of the most popular art projects and activities from Spokane Parks’ 2017 summer day camps for preschool-aged children. Ages 3-5. Aug. 14-18, from 9-11:30 am. At Corbin Art Center. $62. DINOS, REPTILES, BIRDS, OH MY! Campers learn about prehistoric dinosaurs, reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds and plant life through art projects. Ages 3-5. Aug. 14-18, from 12:30-3 pm. At

Corbin Art Center. $62. POKÉMON PLAY Learn and share the intricacies of the popular game. Kids can bring cards to play and trade under the guidance of knowledgeable staff who share a love of Pokémon. This camp is for all level players. Also includes scavenger hunts and geocaching activities. Grades K-6. Aug. 14-18, from 9 am-3 pm. $165. (326-6595) READY, SET, GO! Spend a week focusing on writing and reading strategies, drama, and science through children’s literature as you prep for another year of learning. Recommended for new SGS students. Grades K-2. Aug. 14-18, 9 am-3 pm. $350. (464-8815) CAMP FOUR ECHOES: OUTDOOR CLINICS Spend a day at the lake during day sessions each focused on honing campers’ skills in various areas. Bring a sack lunch, sunscreen and a sense of adventure. Sessions Aug. 15 (paddling, grades 4+), Aug. 16 (sailing, grades 6+), Aug. 17 (archery, grades 4+), Aug. 18 (outdoor skills, grades 2+). All sessions from 10 am-3 pm. $25/person. END OF SUMMER FUN Enjoy the last week of summer with a picnic lunch prepared together, then spend an afternoon at area parks and splash pads. Grades K-6. Aug. 21-25, from 9 am-3 pm. $180. (326-6595)

SPECIAL NEEDS CHAMP CAMP Youth with special needs can experience traditional sleep-away camp activities including swimming, hikes, arts and crafts and more in a faithbased setting. Ages 8+. June 18-23 and

July 19-14. $284-$384. FUNSHINE DAY CAMP A day camp designed for children and adults living with developmental and/or physical disabilities, offering recreational activities such as swimming, sports, games, field trips and more. Ages 6-21. Weekly sessions offered June 19-Aug. 4, meets Mon-Fri, 10 am-3:30 pm. Adult session (ages 18+) offered July 17-21. At Shadle Park. $159/ week. CAMP STIX Children and teens with diabetes enjoy a week of traditional camp activities including rock climbing, archery, zip-lining, swimming, campfires and more. Ages 9-18. July 9-15, at Riverview Bible Camp facilities. $900 (scholarships available). CAMP SWEYOLAKAN: YOU BET I CAN! A traditional, rustic resident camp on Lake CdA, accessible only by boat. Camper Buddies assist campers with disabilities in swimming, outdoor activities, ropes courses, arts and crafts, and more. Ages 6-21. Two week-long (Sun-Fri) sessions offered July 9-14 and July 23-28. $475. 747-6191 CAMP GOODTIMES A traditional camp experience for children with cancer or who have survived a diagnosis. Activities include archery, sports, swimming, boating, crafts and more. Ages 7-17. July 10-14; day and resident options. At YMCA Camp Reed. Free. (720-5630) CAMP NO LIMITS A traditional summer camp designed especially for children who have experienced limb loss, hosted at the Camp Cross facilities on Lake CdA. July 13-16. Ages vary. $500 (assistance available). CAMP CHMEPA A traditional sleep-away camp for children who are grieving the death of someone close to them, offer-

ing a safe place for openness, friendship and understanding. Hosted by Hospice of Spokane, at Camp Lutherhaven facilities. Ages 7-15. July 21-23. Free, space is limited; families must apply to attend. (456-0438) CAMP JOURNEY A sleep-away camp experience catering to children diagnosed with cancer (other criteria also applies; see website), and offering traditional camp activities such as swimming, arts and crafts, archery, boating and more in a medically-supervised environment. Ages 7-17. July 30-Aug. 5. Resident and day (July 31-Aug. 3; 9:15 am-4 pm; ages 5-7) options available. No cost. CAMP TWIGS This new day camp is specially designed for kids with diabetes, during which they’ll learn about their type 1 diabetes, participate in activities, and meet other kids their age, as well as adults who have diabetes. Ages 6-8. Aug. 4-6. Meets in Spokane. TBA (scholarships available). BEATS & RHYTHMS CARDIAC CAMP A medically-supervised resident camp where children with heart disease or other heart defects can enjoy traditional camp activities, including outdoor activities, crafts, team building exercises and more. Ages 9-15. Aug. 10-13. No cost. (474-6725)

EDUCATION LET’S SCIENCE IT: SUPER HERO POWERS Using problem solving and engineering, look at the super powers of our heroes and then create your own superhero identity. Ages 7+; girls only. June 12-16, 12:30-3 pm. $85-$90. CITIES & CIRCUITS Design a neighbor-

hood of the future, then use the laser cutter and other tools to create your city and then set up circuits to light it up. Ages 8+. June 12-16, 9:30-11:45 am. $85-$90. (208-651-6200) MAKE YOUR FIRST VIDEO GAME Kids learn basic skills to design a 2D platformer game, including coding, graphics, sounds and many other technical elements. Ages 8-11. June 12-15, from 1-4 pm. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199. MINECRAFT DESIGNERS Learn to create 3D models, skins and more, and then import them into your game. Ages 8-12. Sessions offered June 12-15 and July 24-27. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199. ARTISTIC MATH Get creative with laptops and specialized software to construct LEGO designs. Grades 1-3. June 1921, 12:30-3:30 pm. $90. BLAST OFF INTO SPACE Learn about the planets, stars, moons and more while creating galactic art. Ages 3-5. June 1923, from 9-11:30 am. At Corbin Art Center. $62. CAMP INVENTION A camp offering hands-on activities in the STEM fields, combining learning and fun. Grades K-6. June 26-30, at East Farms STEAM Magnet School and Windsor Elementary; June 19-23 at Moran Prairie Elementary. $225$230. (800-968-4332) CULINARY CAMP Kids practice essential kitchen skills and the fundamentals of cooking. Ages 8 to 12. Sessions offered June 19-23, July 17-21, Aug. 14-18; meets Mon-Fri, 9 am-noon. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $299. GONZAGA CHINESE LANGUAGE CAMP

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Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199. SCIENCE SAFARI The 28th annual camp is this year themed around an exploration of the Australian continent, with study of its ecology and wildlife through experiments, games, art and more. Grades 2-8. Sessions offered June 19-23 and June 26-30. $110. SGS ROBOTICS CAMP Work with the SGS Robotics team to build skillsets for future projects. Grades 7-10. June 19-23, 9 am-3 pm. At St. George’s School. Registration deadline of May 26. $300. sgs. org/summer (464-8815)

T I C K E T S , TA S T I N G I N F O & R O O M PA C K A G E S A T C D AW I N E F E S T. C O M

culture, with skits, songs, crafts, games and more. Grades 2-12. June 19-July 7, weekdays from 9 am-2 pm. At Gonzaga University. Free. MAKE YOUR FIRST 3D VIDEO GAME This class allows kids to develop a game concept in an immersive 3D world. Ages 8-12. June 19-23, 9 am-noon. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199. MINECRAFT MODDERS Learn the foundations of programming and basic coding as you create a custom modification of Minecraft. Ages 8-12. Sessions offered June 19-23 and July 17-20. At NIC

pets through activities, crafts, games and more. Grades K-6. One-day sessions offered June 23, July 28 and 29. At SpokAnimal. $15/session. 3-D SCULPTURE Make 3-dimensional art using clay, papier mache, cardboard, and more. Grades 3-6. June 26-30, 9 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $150. (464-8815) ANIMALS & THEIR HABITATS Meet the animals of the West Valley Outdoor Learning Center. Grades K-4. June 2630, times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. APP ATTACK! Using a specialized app and game development tool, students explore the world of web-based (HTML5) mobile apps. Ages 8-12. June 26-29, from 9 am-noon. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199. BODIES & BRAINS IN MOTION Students study STEM subjects through coding, engineering and LEGO robotics projects. Grades 3-6. June 26-29, 9 am-3 pm. $200/session; $500/three sessions. DIGITAL STORYTELLERS Start with a concept, design the storyboard, add dialogue, and watch as the characters come to life in your first graphic novel. Ages 8-12. June 26-29, from 1-4 pm. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199. DISCOVERY ROBOTS SUMMER LEGO CAMP Sessions led by local FIRST LEGO League coaches, with groups for grades 1-3 (builders) and 4-6 (engineers). “Mayan Adventure” week is June 26-30, and “LEGO Challenge//FLL Challenge” is from July 10-14. Meets Mon-Fri, 9 am-2:30 pm. $130. (448-2291)


LEGOs offer a myriad of educational opportunities during camps at St. George’s School.

UNDERWATER VEHICLES Design robotic arms to gather samples and learn about buoyancy, propulsion, sensors, photography and underwater experiments. Ages 11+. June 19-23, from 9:30 am-3 pm. $170-$180. GIRLS IN SCIENCE: BIO CHEM This session gets microscopic in the world of biology and explosive chemical reactions. Ages 12-14. June 20, 10:30 am-3:30 pm. At Mobius Science Center. $50-$60. (321-7133) KEA NATURE EDUCATION CAMP Learn about all that Mother Nature has to offer with experienced biologist Beth Paragamian. June 20-23 (ages 8-11); June 26-28 (ages 6-9), July 11-12 (ages 4-6), July 25-28 (ages 8-11) and Aug. 3-4 (ages 4-6). Family camps July 11 (ages 7-11) and Aug. 8 (ages 3-6); $17/person. $59-$129. GIRLS IN SCIENCE: FUNDAMENTAL FOUNDATIONS Girls use hands-on engineering and physics principles to design their own wacky machines. Ages 12-14. June 21, from 10:30 am-3:30 pm. At Mobius Science Center. $50-$60. 321-7133 SPOKANE VIRTUAL LEARNING SUMMER SCHOOL Spokane Virtual Learning (SVL), is a Washington state-approved program that provides instructor-led online courses to middle and high school students. Courses offered June 21-Aug 2. $185. LEGO ROBOTICS: WEDO 2.0 Build and program your first robot using LEGO WeDo 2.0. This two-day camp offers a play-based intro to robotics and computer programming. Grades 2-4. June 22-23, 9-11 am. Free. SPOKANIMAL K-9 CAMP Shelter staff share how to successfully interact with

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 43

EDUCATION am-2:30 pm. $130. (448-2291) GIZMOTION VEHICLE BUILDING Come to Gizmo to start working on your human-powered vehicle for the 2016 Kinetic Fest (GizMotion), working with the tools at the shop. Ages 10+. June 26-30, 9:30 am-3 pm. $170-$180. IT’S A MYSTERY Join the ranks of detectives by looking deeper into art at the museum and conducting experiments to find hidden meanings. Sessions for grades 2-3 and 4-5. June 26-30, 9 am-4 pm. $180-$200. JR. COUNSELOR IN TRAINING (MAC) Teens can assist with weekly summer camps at the museum and develop skills such as team building, mentorship, communication, and leadership. See schedule for details. Grades 6-7. Sessions June 26-Aug. 10; weekdays from 9 am-4 pm. $180-$200. STOP-MOTION ANIMATION CAMP Learn how stop-motion animations are made, and how to create cool special effects to make your own stop-motion movie. Grades 3-6. June 26-30, 1-4 pm. At St. George’s School. $150. summer (464-8815)

44 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

COOKING CHALLENGE Show off your culinary skills in a cooking challenge: Teams have 45 minutes using secret ingredients to show us their food knowhow. Grades 4+. Sessions offered June 27-29, July 6, 11, 24-27. Times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. HANDS-ON BUILDING Build your imagination with KEVA planks, straws and connectors, architecture blocks, and other construction materials. Grades K-4. July 3-7, times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. TRANSFORM YOUR TRANSPORTATION Bring your bike to Gizmo and spend a morning or afternoon letting your creativity flow, with staff assistance available. All ages. Half-day sessions from July 3-7. $8-$10. 3D DESIGN AND PRINTING Take your ideas from imagination to electronic art and finally, into a physical 3D object. Week-long sessions July 10-Aug. 3, MonThu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. spokaneschools. org/summerSTEMcamps (354-4648) ADVANCED ROBOTICS: SOLVING 21ST CENTURY PROBLEMS Kids who have experience with block programming and/or LEGO Robotics create, build, and program robots. Grades 4-8. Sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry & Sacajawea middle schools, Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. ARDUINO: MICROCONTROLLERS Campers build interactive objects that control motors, lights, and produce outputs. Grades 5-8. Sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $170/two-week

Explore the world of art and wonders of the natural world at the Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture’s summer camps.

session. (354-4648) ART AROUND THE WORLD Students take a virtual trip around the world to learn about new art processes and techniques as they sculpt, paint, draw, make jewelry and more. Grades K-3. July 1013, 9 am-3 pm. $200/session; $500/ three sessions. AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) Using the latest AR software, campers make 3D models come to life on screen. Grades 5-8. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. BLENDER 3D MODELING SOFTWARE Whether you are into 3D modeling, game creation, animation, or simulation, Blender is the tool for you. Get started with this open-source tool this summer. Ages 12+. July 10-14, 9:30 am-3 pm. $170-$180. CAMP CRIME SCENE Immerse yourself in challenging puzzles with crime scene investigation. Sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. Only at Sacajawea Middle School. $170/ two-week session. summerSTEMcamps CAMP METAMORPHOSIS A program for highly capable children who choose three areas of focus for the week, with options in science, drama, art and more. Entering grades 4-6. July 10-14, 9 am4:30 pm. Options for junior counselors (grades 7 and up) also available. $250. CODE BREAKERS Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS through a series of web

projects and design challenges. Ages 8-12. July 10-13, from 9 am-noon. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199. CODING A Campers learn and practice Java and Python programming languages to create advanced apps or games. Grades 3-8. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry & Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85. CYBER CAMP: CYBER SECURITY Learn cyber principles and how to defend against cyber attacks. Grades 5-8. Two-week sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $170/two-week session. (354-4648) DIY VIRTUAL REALITY Using the latest VR apps, campers explore making VR videos and construct their own viewer. Grades 5-8. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. EXPLORING CHEMISTRY WITH MOBIUS Potions fizz and beakers bubble as you explore the world of molecular interactions. Grades K-4. July 10-14, times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. FLASHY, SASSY SCIENCE Campers use Arduino microcontrollers to transform LED lights into flashy light-up accessories. Grades 4-8. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. spokaneschools.

org/summerSTEMcamps (354-4648) GADGET GALAXY: STEM & ARTS MAKERSPACE Gadget Galaxy lets students create and test new ideas like inventors. Grades 6-8. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. spokaneschools. org/summerSTEMcamps (354-4648) GERMAN LANGUAGE CAMP Open to all ages, a camp teaching an introduction to the language. July 10-13 (preschool/elem.) and July 24-27 (high school). $140-$170. GIRLS LOVE LEGOS A camp specially designed with girls in mind, that ensures they love to build, engineer and code with LEGOs. Grades K-6. Weeklong sessions offered July 10-3, MonThu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. spokaneschools. org/summerSTEMcamps (354-4648) KIDS LOVE PHYSICS Students use Hot Wheels cars and roller coasters to explore physics concepts. Grades K-6. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. summerSTEMcamps (354-4648) LEGO ROBOTICS 1: FORCE & MOTION A camp for kids who have little or no experience with building and/or programming LEGO Robotics. Grades K-3. Week-long sessions July 10-Aug. 3, MonThu, 8 am-noon. At Garry and Sacajawea Middle Schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. spokaneschools. org/summerSTEMcamps LEGO ROBOTICS 2: MOTORS, SENSORS, & PROGRAMMING Kids who

have experience with Simple Machines and WeDo kits use motors and sensors to design and program a robot. Grades K-3. Week-long sessions offered July 10Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry & Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. LEGO ROBOTICS 3: MINDSTORMS A camp for kids who have experience building/programming simple robots and want to learn more about LEGO EV3 Mindstorms. Grades 3-8. Week-long sessions July 10-Aug. 3. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. summerSTEMcamps MAKE MY GAME Kids use Scratch and MIT App Inventor to learn basic block programming. Grades K-8. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, MonThu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry & Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. spokaneschools. org/summerSTEMcamps (354-4648) MAKE YOUR FIRST 3D VIDEO GAME Students learn the physics behind 3D games, explore event scripting, level design, and more. Ages 8-13. Offered July 10-13 and Aug. 7-10 $189. CCSyouthcamps MINECRAFT DESIGNERS Learn the basics of creating 3D models to design your very own objects and create skins for characters. Ages 8-13. Sessions offered July 10-13 (1-5 pm) and July 17-20 (8 amnoon). $189. RASPBERRY PI: CAPABLE LITTLE COMPUTERS Campers learn about the software and hardware capabilities of these machines. Two-week sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry & Sacajawea middle


SUMMER CAMPS Tues-Fri • 10 - 12:30pm



July 11, 18 & 25 Aug 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29


$150 for 8 classes 3:30-5pm • Ages 7-12 $160 for 8 classes 6-8pm • Adults/Teens

Anyone can learn to draw! 509.230.1880

YMCA CAMPS FOR THE THE BEST SUMMER EVER! 2 KINDS OF CAMP...ALL KINDS OF FUN YMCA DAY CAMPS & CLUBS • Weekly Field Trips • Enrichment Activities • Camp-outs • Teen Programs • Grades K-8

YMCA CAMP REED • Traditional Camp • Horse Camp • CIT High School Camp • Mini Camp • Family Camp • Camp Goodtimes

REGISTER TODAY • Space is Limited | 509 777 YMCA (9622) APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 45

Budding engineers can design robots to take on creative challenges during Spark Central’s LEGO Robotics session in July (see facing page).

EDUCATION SCIENCE IS FUN Campers explore engineering, “mad science,” natural resources, and physics through experiments that are combined with other summer activities. Grades K-6. July 10-14, from 9 am-3 pm. $180. (326-6595) SPOKANE SCHOOLS PRESCHOOL STEM CAMPS Camps offer hands-on problem solving, critical thinking, communications and teamwork. Themed sessions are each offered twice, and include programs on dinosaurs, cooking, chemistry, insects and more. Ages 4-5. Sessions g in id o! y R to kl ns ee so W Les

Camp with

offered July 10-14, July 17-20, July 24-27 and July 31-Aug. 3; meets Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu from 8 am-1 pm. At Sacajawea Middle School and Spokane Public Montessori. $40/session; $80/week. SQUISHY CIRCUITS Campers learn to control and modify LED lights by creating squishy circuit animals, magic wands, paper masks, and arm bands. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. summerSTEMcamps (354-4648) STEM LEADERSHIP CAMP Students gain skills to help them excel in high school and beyond by probing deeper into their STEM interest area. Grades 8-10. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. Only at Sacajawea Middle School. $85/week. STOP-MOTION ANIMATION: BEGINNER & ADVANCED Kids learn animation techniques using storyboards, props,

backdrops, and cameras. Grades K-8. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. VIDEO CONSTRUCTION: BEGINNER & ADVANCED Kids plan and produce their own short movie as they learn to use graphics, music, voice-over, and more. Grades 5-8. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. VIDEO GAME ANIMATION Start with a name, develop a character’s personality, signature moves, powers, and a storyline. Ages 8-12. July 10-13, from 1-4 pm. A NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199. WEARABLE TECH Campers use Arduino microcontrollers to transform LED lights into useful accessories that light-up. Grades 4-8. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At

Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. FROGS! Learn what frogs eat and hop like a frog while making a frog craft. Ages 2-4. July 12, from 10:30-11:15 am. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $10-$12. 321-7121 SLIME, PUTTY & GOO! Campers make slime, putty, oobleck and other creative concoctions. Ages 4-8. July 13, from 10 am-noon. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $20-$25. 321-7121 TAKE THE CAKE Kids learn to bake cakes and the art of buttercream icing, borders, and fondant flowers. Ages 8-13. July 14, 9 am-noon. $59. ANIMALS AT NIGHT Learn about the different animal species that only come out at night. Ages 3-5. July 17-21, from 12:303 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. 625-6677 CAMP OPPORTUNITY A week-long, project-based camp to engage gifted youths’ creativity through science, tech-

nology, engineering, art and math. For students entering grades 6-9. July 17-21, 9 am-4:30 pm. At Whitworth University. $250. KIDS LOVE CHEMISTRY Learn the basics about the elements that make up our world while exploring how chemicals react with one another. Grades K-6. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry and Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. LEGO MARS MISSION Campers explore the Martian landscape by building an EV3 robot and programming it to perform missions. Grades 3-6. July 17-20, 9 am-3 pm. $200/session; $500/three sessions. MINECRAFT ANIMATORS Bring your favorite Minecraft characters to life by creating an animated short film. Ages 8-12. July 17-20, from 1-4 pm. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199.



Try out for the Spokane Scotties Soccer Club! Open to boys and girls ages 8-18. Join the fun and try out for the Scotties!


Dwight Merkel Complex (DMC) for more information please visit

46 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

MINECRAFT MODDERS Use this favorite game to learn the basics of modding and foundations of programming. Ages 8-13. Offered July 17-20 and July 31-Aug. 3, from 1-5 pm. $189. SPANISH CRAFTS, COMIDA & CONVERSATION “Travel” to five Spanishspeaking countries and experience some of the phrases, foods, and crafts that make them unique. Grades 3-7. July 17-21, 12:30-4 pm. At St. George’s School. $150. SPANISH LANGUAGE CAMP A camp teaching an introduction to the Spanish language. Open to students in preschool through middle school. July 17-20. $140$170. CAMP CSI: OFF WITH THEIR HEAD! Help solve a crime using forensic science methods in chemistry, broken glass analysis, and more Ages 10-12. July 18, from 10:30 am-3:30 pm. At Mobius Science Center. $50-$60. JURASSIC JOURNALISM An imaginative broadcasting camp for kids, hosted by local reporters. Grades 3-6. July 19-20, from 9-11 am. Free. CAMP CSI: CASE OF THE STOLEN LAB COAT Help find a missing lab coat using fingerprinting, chromatography, microscopes, and more. Ages 7-9. July 20, from 10:30 am-3:30 pm. At Mobius Science Center. $50-$60. TACO SHOWDOWN! Staff at the Inland Northwest Culinary Academy teach students how to make their own street-style tacos. Ages 8-13. July 21, 9 am-noon. $69. (533-8483) SATORI CAMP A “pre-college” camp for gifted and intellectual middle and high school students, offering two dozen courses in subjects such as math, brain science, journalism, sculpture, archeology and more. Ages 12-18. July 23-29, commuter & residential options. At EWU Cheney. $800 (scholarships available). APP ADVENTURES Students choose from a selection of different web-based (HTML5) mobile apps and explore more in-depth programming concepts. Ages 8-12. July 24-27, from 9 am-noon. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $199. ART, MUSIC & ARDUINOS Create interactive art, add music, and code to create a public art piece. Ages 13+, girls only. July 24-Aug. 4, weekdays from 9:30 am-3 pm. Free. CULTURE & CUISINE AROUND THE WORLD Students explore world cultures through cooking projects from regions around the globe. Grades 2-6. July 24-27, 9 am-3 pm. $200/session; $500/three sessions.

CURSIVE WRITING CAMP Kids hone their longhand writing skills, learning proper technique to write in cursive. Ages 7+. July 24-27. $80. DRONE CAMP A camp to learn basics of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), aviation, and robotics. For middle and high school students. July 24-27, from 9 am-noon. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $275. GAME LABS Students develop games using a game engine and learning advanced level editing, 3D modeling, event scripting and the impact of game play on user experience. Ages 8-13. July 24-27, 1-5 pm. $189. HARRY’S LABORATORY Immerse yourself in potions and magic with your professor as you study dragons, magical creatures and wizardry. Ages 6-11. July 24-28, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $129. JOURNALISM & MEDIA Learn the fundamental principles of journalism and create your own news through different formats. Grades 9-12. July 24-28, 9 amnoon. At St. George’s School. $150. sgs. org/summer (464-8815) KIDS LOVE BIOLOGY Get familiar with microscopes and explore the shapes, sizes, and roles of many different microorganisms. Grades K-6. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry & Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. LEGO VIDEO GAMES Students create their own LEGO characters and adventures in an interactive 2D video game. Ages 8-13. Offered July 24-27 (8 amnoon) and July 31-Aug. 3 (1-5 pm). $189. MINECRAFT ANIMATORS Bring your favorite Minecraft characters to life in an animated short film. Ages 8-13. Offered July 24-27 and and Aug. 7-10, from 1-5 pm. $189. RE-BUILD-IT TOWN A monster has stormed through town, leaving a mess of recycled materials behind. The citizens must now band together and rebuild it. Kelly, of KCPuppetree, joins with her unique hand-made puppets as they sing, dance, and share their adventures. Grades K-4. July 24-28, times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. EXTREME BUILDERS Can you design a bridge out of toothpicks and gumdrops? A catapult out of craft sticks? An aquifer out of a cookies and pudding? Try your hand during this session. Ages 4-8. July 26, from 10 am-noon. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $20-$25. (321-7121) LEGO ROBOTICS: MINDSTORM EV3 Team up with friends to build and pro-

Kids can work with horses during special programs at the YMCA’s Camp Reed (see page 37). gram a LEGO robot. Grades 4-6. July 2628, from 9-11 am. At Spark Central. Free. SGS OVERNIGHT CAMPOUT Campers learn how to belay and climb, set up tents, cook dinner, make s’mores on a campfire and more. Grades 6-8. July 2728, 10 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $25. (464-8815) ARTISAN PIZZAS Participants learn to make and shape the dough, and then select their own toppings fresh from local farmer’s markets. Ages 8-13. July 28, 9 am-noon. $69. TECH TREK The third annual, week-long camp for girls offers hands-on science and technology classes, field trips and more. Must be entering grade 8 in the fall. (girls must be nominated by a teacher). July 30-Aug. 5. At EWU Cheney. Volunteers are also needed for camp staff positions. FEATURE CREATURE Dive into the world of animals through creative exploration and meet feathered friends and their handlers from the Idaho Dept. of Fish & Wildlife. Sessions for grades 2-3 and 4-5. July 31-Aug. 4, 9 am-4 pm. $198-$220. 456-3931 GAMING JAM Learn a variety of rapid prototyping tools, pitch original game ideas, playtest and iterate a polished product. All-ages. July 31-Aug. 4, from 9:30 am-3 pm. $171-$180. KIDS LOVE BIOMED Learn what makes our complex human bodies work, and dive into topics like diabetes and why a healthy diet and lifestyle are important. Grades K-6. Week-long sessions offered July 10-Aug. 3, Mon-Thu, 8 am-1 pm. At Garry/Sacajawea middle schools, and Spokane Public Montessori. $85/week. MAKER LAB: MAKE YOUR FIRST 3D CREATION Create your first action figure, design custom jewelry, or make a new toy as you learn how to prepare a model for 3D printing. Ages 8-13. Offered July 31-Aug. 3 and Aug. 7-10, from 8 amnoon. $189. ASTRONOMY FOR FUN While exploring the solar system, kids learn about the stars, planets, and the stories behind their discoveries. Ages 8-13. Offered on Aug. 4 and Aug. 11, from 9 am-noon. $45. APP ADVENTURES: THE NEXT LEVEL! Students choose from a selection of different web-based (HTML5) mobile apps and explore more in-depth programming concepts. Ages 8-13. Aug. 7-10, 8 amnoon. $189. BUILD A DRONE Learn about computer aided design, lasers, radio control, electric motors, and aerodynamics. Ages 11+. Aug. 7-11, from 9:30 am-3 pm. $171-$180. (208-651-6200) DRAGON CHESS CAMP Participants improve all aspects of their chess game. Grades 2-9. Aug. 7-11, 9 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $150. LEGOS AND PROGRAMMING Get creative with laptops and specialized software to construct LEGO designs. Grades 1-3. Aug. 7-11, 12:30-3:30 pm. At St. George’s School. $150. MILKY WAY EXPEDITION Discover the wonders of space and earth with experiments and artwork. Campers also take a field trip to SFCC Planetarium. Grades 2-5. Aug. 7-11, 9 am-4 pm. $220-$240. 456-3931 SCIENCE & NATURE CAMP Discover the

world around you by building a volcano and with other nature/science activities. Ages 3-5. Aug. 7-11, from 12:30-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. SCRATCH & SCRATCH JR. Kids make games, animate stories, and make interactive art while learning to understand coding principles. Sessions for ages 5-7, and ages 7+. Aug. 7-11, from 9:30-11:45 am. $85-$90. TRILOBITES, DINOS & MAMMALS, OH MY! Explore the deep oceans of the Paleozoic, witness the rise of the dinosaurs in the Mesozoic, and finish in the Pleistocene where mammoths trudged through the frozen tundra. Ages 7-9. Aug. 8-10, from 10:30 am-3:30 pm. At Mobius Science Center. $100-$115. BUILD YOUR OWN PINBALL MACHINE Design and build a small working pinball machine, incorporating electronics, magnetics, sensing, Arduinos, and wiring. Ages 12+. Aug. 14-18, from 9:30 am-3 pm. $171-$180. MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDY SKILLS A session focusing on test prep, assignment planning and how to maximize learning for the upcoming school year. Grades 6-8. Aug. 14-18, 9 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $150. MINECRAFT Build incredible things out of virtual blocks. Also spend time learning about the laser cutter to make Minecraft accessories. Ages 8+. Aug. 14-18, 9:30 am-3 pm. $171-$180. DISSECTION CAMP Campers dissect an owl pellet and learn about the parts of a squid. Ages 4-8. Aug. 16, 2-4 pm. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $20-$25. WHY IS IT SO HOT? Learn all about why the sun is so hot while making sunshinethemed crafts. Ages 2-4. Aug. 17, 10:3011:15 am. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $10-$12. ROBOTIC: ARDUINO ROBOTS Explore the world of robotics, motors, controllers, and mechanics while building a robot to compete on an obstacle course. Ages 10+. Aug. 21-25, from 9:30 am-3 pm. $171-$180. LET’S SCIENCE IT: SPACE & WATER Learn about the hostile environments of space and deep underwater. Ages 6-8. Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 9:30-11:45 am. $85-$90. NEAR SPACE BALLOON LAUNCH Help design and build small spacecraft to ride under a weather balloon and bring back data and pictures from 100,000 feet up. Ages 12+. Aug. 28-Sept 1, from 9:30 am-3 pm. $171-$180. (208-6516200)

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 47

CREATIVE ARTS PAINTING FOR KIDS Kids learn simple and basic techniques using acrylic paints, colored pencils, or pastels. Ages 7-15. June 3-24, Saturdays from 1-3:30 pm. NIC Workforce Training Center. $99. SUMMER ART ADVENTURES Learn how to draw still life, people, and even wild animals by using pencils and chalk pastels. Ages 7-15. June 3-24, meets Saturdays from 10 am-12:30 pm. At NIC Workforce Training Center, Post Falls. $99. BUBBLES! Learn fun bubble facts while making bubble artwork and experimenting with dry ice bubbles. Ages 2-4. June 7, from 10:30-11:15 am. At Mobius Kids. $10-$12. (321-7121) JUNGLE JAMMIN’ Listen to jungle stories, craft animal art projects, make drums and more in this themed class. Ages 3-5. June 12-16, 9-11:30 am. At Corbin Art Center. $62. FATHER’S DAY FUN: DAD’S ROCK Use paint, rocks and glue to create a “rockin’’ piece of art to give your dad. Ages 2-4. June 15, from 10:30-11:15 am. At Mobius Kids. $10-$12. ARTIST’S STUDIO A fine arts camp offering painting, drawing, printmaking and sculpture inspired by the great masters. Ages 6-11. June 19-23, 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. BARNYARD PALOOZA A week of art themed around barnyard animals each day. Ages 3-5. June 19-23, from 12:30-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. FILM PRODUCTION CAMP Aspiring actors, directors and screenwriters have the opportunity to make a movie, with some down time in between at local beaches. Ages 11-13. June 19-30 (no class June 2425), meets Mon-Fri from 8:30 am-3:30 pm. $300-$375. LOTS OF LEGOS A week filled with building and creating LEGO structures from motors, gears, levers, pulleys, beams, and bricks. Older campers are challenged to program robots using LEGO NXT and EV3 Robots. Grades K-6. June 19-23, 9 am-3 pm. $165. SECRETS OF WIZARDS MAGIC SHOW Celebrate the magical things that happen when you open a book and read, with magician Jeff Evans. Grades K-4. June 19-23, times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. SEWING BOOT CAMP A session designed for students with little or no prior sewing machine experience. Ages 6-11. Offered June 19-23, July 10-14 and Aug. 7-11 (morning and afternoon sessions). At Let’s Get Sewing!, 2801 N. Monroe. 100. (625-6200) SPACE IS THE PLACE Learn about the planets, stars, moons and more while creating some galactic art. Ages 6-11. June 19-23, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. DIY STAMP MAKING Design and create your own stamps with guidance from expert Breanna White of Typebee Printshop. Grades 4+. Sessions on June 20, 22

48 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

and July 6, 12, 18-20 and 25. Times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. MAGICAL MANICURES This hands-on class focuses on simple steps to manicure, paint, and embellish their own nails. All required materials supplied. Ages 8-14. June 21, from 1-3:30 pm. $49. CASTLES, PRINCESSES, KNIGHTS & DRAGONS Campers make armor, shields, crowns, wands and more in an creativity-focused camp. Ages 3-5. Offered June 26-30, 9-11:30 am and July 31Aug. 4, 12:30-4 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. (625-6677) LET’S GO, VAN GOGH Create art in a variety of media during this class inspired by the famous artist’s bold paintings and drawings. Ages 6-11. June 26-30, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. (625-6200) SHARK ATTACK Future oceanographers and marine biologists learn about sharks, jellyfish and whales, and the importance of ocean conservation. Ages 6-11. June 26-30, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. SURF & SEA SAFARI A week of arts and crafts inspired by fish, pirates, mermaids and more. Ages 3-5. June 26-30, from 12:30-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. ORIGIN STORIES: SUPERHERO CREATION CAMP Write and illustrate your own comic with characters and stories built around the idea of superpowers. Grades 3-7. June 28-30, 9-11 am. At Spark Central. Free. MAKE A MINI LEGO MOVIE Use your imagination to make a 3-5 minute stopmotion film with the LEGO Movie Maker app. Grades 4+. Sessions offered June 29, July 5, 11, 18, 31, Aug. 1-3 and 8. Times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. CRAZY CLAY & DIY DOUGH Learn how to mix up your own modeling clays, doit-yourself salt dough, and to cook up a batch of perfect play dough. Ages 6-11. July 7-5, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $79. PRESCHOOL PICASSOS Young artists explore the world of art through color, textures and more. Ages 3-5. July 5-7, from 12:30-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $45. WEARABLE, EDIBLE ART Kids make masks, headbands, costumes, jewelry and more from cereal and other edible materials. Ages 3-5. July 5-7, from 9-11:30 am. At Corbin Art Center. $62. MAGICAL UNICORNS Make a cute unicorn that you can ride, and learn some fun unicorn “facts.” Ages 2-4. July 6, from 10:30-11:15 am. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $10-$12. ANIMAL ART ANTICS Explore the creative artwork of David Klein, Joan Miro, Laurel Burch, Leo Lionni and more while using a variety of art supplies to create your own masterpieces. Ages 6-11. July 10-14, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. ENVIRONMENTAL SUPERHEROES Learn about the environment, how humans impact it, and what we can do to protect it. Also make some recycled art projects. Ages 6-11. July 10-14, from am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. (625-6200) THE ART EXPERIENCE Explore how several artists use the natural world in their art, from images of animals and plants, to actually using things from nature like rock, plants, and shells. Ages 10+. July 10-14, from 9:30 am-3 pm. $170-$180.

Get tips on starting your own band at Spark Central’s Girls Rock Lab in August (see facing page). FILM BOOT CAMP Participants learn the basics of scripting, planning, shooting, editing, and uploading their own video. Registration required. July 13-15 (grades 9-12) and Aug. 10-12 (grades 4+). At the Spokane Valley Library. Free. ART OF NATURE Local artists and biologists join campers throughout the week as they paint, draw, create masks, eat, play in the water, plant, hike, explore, engage in community service, and make friends. Grades 2-6. July 17-21, from 9 am-3:30 pm. $200. AS I SEE IT This week, explore a variety of art media, including painting, monoprints and shaping clay. 3-8. July 17-21, 9 am-1 pm. $140. COLOR CRAZY! Learn to paint and draw with new techniques, and how to mix colors properly to get a desired effect. Ages 6-11. July 17-21, 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. COOL TUNES Eric Herman and friends return, bursting with comedy, creativity, audience participation, and outrageously amusing songs. Bring the whole family. Grades K-4. July 17-21, times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. GET MESSY A museum teaching artist visits this summer to help campers get messy with a new clay activity. Grades 2-5. July 17-21, 9 am-4 pm. $180-$200. KIDS WHO WELD Learn to weld, cut, bend and shape metal. In-depth demos are given on safe and effective operation of welding equipment. Ages 13+. July 17-21, from 9:30 am-3 pm. $171-$180. (208-651-6200) LEGO COMICS Pick your favorite LEGO genre or create an alternate universe to create a digital illustrated story or graphic novel. Ages 8-13. Offered July 17-20 and July 31-Aug. 3, 8 am-noon. $189. bit. ly/CCSyouthcamps (533-8483) SCIENCE “ART”SPLOSIONS Spend a week at this hands-on science lab camp

and make homemade goos, chemistry experiments and volcanoes. Ages 6-11. July 17-21, 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. SHADOW BOXES, LANTERNS & ZOETROPES Learn to use the laser and Cricut cutters as you make shadow boxes, cutout lanterns, and then through an illusion of motion with your own Zoetrope. Ages 7+. July 17-21, 9:30 am-3 pm. $170-$180. (208-651-6200) STAR WARS STOP ANIMATION Bring in your favorite action figures from Star Wars and create a short film with your friends. Ages 8-13. Offered July 17-20 (1-5 pm) and July 24-27 (8 am-noon). $189. (533-8483) MYSTERY PUZZLE ROOM ESCAPE A time-traveling thief is wreaking havoc on our historical timeline by stealing valuable artifacts. Can you find the clues to stop him and escape, or will you be forever trapped in time? (Space limited to 15 participants per session. Tickets available 30 min. prior to each.) Grades 4+. July 18 and 20. Times and SCLD branch locations vary. Free. ART EXPLORATION Young artists express their creativity through various media including water colors, paint, clay, chalk more. Ages 4-8. July 19, sessions from 10 am-noon and 2-4 pm. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $20-$25. (321-7121) AMERICAN GIRL SEWING Bring your doll and use pre-cut outfits to sew and embellish with a myriad of fashion fabric scraps to create your own designs. Ages 6-11. July 24-28 (morning & afternoon sessions). At St. Gregorios Church, 1725 E. Bridgeport. $100. ELECTRIC GUITARS Rock out with the CNC router as you create a personalized electric guitar during. Ages 12+. July 24-28, from 9:30 am-3 pm. $171-$180. I <3 ART Learn about watercolor painting, acrylic painting, mixed media art and

cartooning. Grades K-6. July 24-28, from 9 am-3 pm. $175. TIME TRAVEL Campers travel through different time periods each day as they explore the past with a guest artist. Grades 2-5. July 24-28, 9 am-4 pm. $198$220. (456-3931) ART HEROES! Draw your arch nemesis, paint and craft a disguise and create a story using your new identity. Ages 6-11. July 31-Aug. 4, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. MESSY SUMMER ART Young artists have fun while squishing and splattering to create works of art. Ages 2-4. Aug. 3, from 10:30-11:15 am. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $10-$12. ACRYLIC PAINTING FOR COMIC BOOK LANDSCAPES Kids learn basic techniques of acrylic painting and gain an understanding of how to mix colors, control their brush, and more. Ages 8-13. Aug. 4, 9 am-noon. $89. ADVANCED SEWING This open “lab” style class for experienced seamstresses allows students to bring their own projects, or choose from instructor suggested projects to grow your sewing skills. Supply list provided at registration. Ages 6-11. Aug. 7-11, from 1-5 pm. At St. Gregorios Church, 1725 E. Bridgeport. $125. (625-6200) FUN IN THE MUD Students make cups, saucers and spoons to decorate a table for the Mad Hatter’s tea party. Ages 6+. Aug. 11-17, 12:30-3 pm. $85-$90. (208-651-6200) MONET’S GARDEN Use the great outdoors as inspiration for art and learn about famous impressionist masters like Degas, Monet, Morisot and Renoir. Ages 6-11. Aug. 7-11, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. PREHISTORIC CAMP Kids learn about paleontology and prehistoric animals through hands-on activities and crafts. Ages 6-11. Aug. 7-11, 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125.

RECYCLED ART WEEK Create your own fashion design using junk mail, cereal boxes, tin foil and more. Grades K-6. Aug. 7-11, 9 am-3 pm. $165. THE LIGHT SIDE & THE DARK SIDE Students examine the contrast between black and white by drawing a still life object using white charcoal pencils on a black background. Ages 8-13. Aug. 11, 9 am-noon. $49. CCSyouthcamps (533-8483) BEST OF SUMMER CAMP Spend a week enjoying the most popular activities and projects offered during this summer’s creative arts camp sessions at the Corbin Art Center. Ages 6-11. Aug. 14-18, from 9 am-3 pm. $129. (625-6200) GLOBE TROTTING ARTISTS Campers learn about cultures and locations of the world through art projects with paint, clay, papier-mâché and other materials. Ages 6-11. Aug. 14-18, from 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. (625-6200) TWIRLY SKIRTS Sew a circle skirt with a pattern make just for you, and personalize it with embellishments. Ages 6-11. Aug. 21-25 (morning and afternoon sessions). At St. Gregorios Church, 1725 E. Bridgeport. $100. (625-6200) COSMIC CREATIONS Travel beyond galaxies to discover sights and sounds that are out of this world, including your own extraterrestrial creature and spaceships. Ages 4-8. Aug. 24, from 2-4 pm. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $20-$25. MIGHTY DRAGONS Learn all about dragons and make a dragon costume to wear home. Ages 2-4. Sept. 7, from 10:30-11:15 am. At Mobius Children’s Museum. $10-$12.

MUSIC ACCORDION FOR KIDS Kids learn to play their first song in this class led by a certified teacher. Ages 6-12. Sessions offered June 2-July 31; meets once a week. At Able to Play Music Studio. $58/session. PIANO FOR CHILDREN Kids learn how to play using the Australian teaching method. Ages 7-12. Sessions run June 2-Aug. 3; meeting once weekly. At Able to Play Music Studio. $58/session. WSU HORN CAMP Student musicians work with WSU faculty, focusing on group techniques, ensemble, private lessons, chamber music and more. Grades 7-12. June 25-30. $395-$600. WSU KEYBOARD EXPLORATIONS Middle and high school students work with WSU faculty to study classical piano, jazz piano, improvisation and organ. Grades 7-12. June 25-30; commuter and resident options. $395$550. WSU OBOE CAMP Student musicians in oboe and English horn study with WSU faculty, focusing on group techniques, reed making, performance and more. Grades 7-12. June 25-30; commuter and resident options. $395$600. PIANO CAMP Participants create music, deepen their musical understanding, learn collaborative skills, and more. Grades 3-12 who have completed at least one year of instruction. June 26-30, 8:30 am-3 pm. At Holy Names

Music Center. $200. COUGAR STRING CAMP A chamber music/orchestra camp for intermediate to advanced string players, offering instruction in chamber music, jazz improvisation, music theory and history, conducting and more. Grades 8-12. July 2-7. $315-$485. libarts.wsu. edu/music/camp/csc (509-335-3961) SOUNDS OF SUMMER Spokane Taiko director Aaron and friends return to the museum to share the many ways music enhances and guides our lives. Grades 2-5. July 10-14, 9 am-4 pm. $198-$220. UKULELE LESSONS Learn how to play this easily portable instrument in a beginner session. July 12-Aug. 8, meets Wed, noon-1 pm. (intermediate lessons July 14-Aug. 4, meets Fri, noon-1 pm.) At Everyone Makes Music Comstock Studio. $60. UKELELE ENSEMBLE Learn new chords, styles, and techniques with this local ensemble group. Participants only need to know first position major, minor, and seventh chords and be able to strum a steady beat to join the ensemble. Ages 16+. July 13-Aug. 3, meets Thu, noon-1 pm. At Everyone Makes Music Comstock Studio. $60. SINGERS’ PERFORMANCE WEEK A week offering basic training in vocal technique, stage movement, performance etiquette, audition techniques, basic acting and more. For teens to adults. July 17-21, from, 1-7 pm. At Holy Names Music Center. $225-$250. (326-9516) ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE WORKSHOP Learn this simple method to improve ease and freedom of movement while performing. Open to teens and adults. July 27-30, times vary. Call Holy Names Music Center for details. $550. (326-9516) EWU JAZZ DIALOGUE CAMP A camp for middle and high school instrumentalists: bass, drum set, piano, guitar, trumpet, trombone and saxophone players. July 30-Aug. 5. At EWU Cheney. $450-$600. GIRLS ROCK LAB Form a band, write a song and play at a concert. This session teaches kids everything they need to know to be a rock star, from guitar and drums to singing and songwriting. Bands then perform the songs they create a concert at The Bartlett. Grades 3-8. Sessions offered Aug. 1-4 and Aug. 8-11, meets from 3-5 pm. Free. SUMMER WIND CHAMBER CAMP Intermediate to advanced woodwind players rehearse and perform chamber music written for the five woodwind quintet instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn. All-ages. Dates TBA. At Holy Names Music Center. $250. (326-9516)

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THEATER ADVENTURES IN STORYTELLING Through singing, dancing and acting, students learn different techniques of storytelling. June 20-24, 10 am-noon (ages 4-5) and 1-3 pm (ages 6-8). At Expressions School of Performing Arts. $100. MUNCHKIN CAMP: BROADWAY SUMMER ADVENTURE A camp focusing on all aspects of stage performance, ending with a performance for family/friends. Ages 5-7. June 19-23, 9 am-noon. $120.

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RTOP SUMMER CAMPS Kids’ performance camps culminate with a live performance. Ages 8+. Weekly, themed sessions cover performance basics and more, from June 19-July 21, meets MonFri, 9 am-noon or 1-4 pm. At Regional Theatre of the Palouse, Pullman. $105/ session. (335-0750) SHAKES-ALIVE! SHAKESPEARE DRAMA CAMP Teen actors spend two weeks on scenes from Shakespeare, Moliere and other classical playwrights as they learning paraphrasing, scansion, imagery, scene work and more. Camp concludes with a performance. Grades 7-12. June 19-30; Mon-Fri, 9 amnoon. $205. SPOKANE CHILDREN’S THEATRE CAMPS Kids of all ages can gain confidence while learning stage-acting skills during a camp that culminates with a performance. June 19-23 (ages 5-7, “Robin Hood”); June 26-30 (ages 8-12, “Snow White”); July 10-14 (ages 8-12, “Treasure Island”); July 24-28 (ages 10-13, “St. George & the Dragon”); July 31-Aug. 4 (ages 10-13, “Super Heroes”). Meets Mon-Fri, 9 am-3 pm. $175. (328-4886) THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. June 19-23, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered, also set making ($60), from 11 am-12:30 pm. $120. HARRY POTTER IN DIAGON ALLEY Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week, set in the magical world of Harry Potter. Grades 4-7. June 26-30, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered, with set making ($60) from 11 am-12:30 pm. $120. (325-2507) MAIN STAGE PERFORMANCE CAMP Young actors (ages 13-18) can audition for the main stage camp (June 12-14, 6:30 pm) and pre-season musical “Wanda’s World.” Selected actors can then enroll to practice and perform in a rehearsal camp, July 2-30, Mon-Fri, from 9 am-5 pm. Public performances July 21-30 (Thu-Sat, 7:30 pm; Sun, 2 pm). $400. INTERNATIONAL ARTS CAMP: MUSICAL THEATER INTENSIVE A camp providing instruction in the theatre arts including: dance, music, acting and more. July 9-14, meets daily from 9 am-4 pm (ages 8-13) and 5:30-8 pm (ages 13-18). At Whitworth University. $150-$240. ALICE IN WONDERLAND Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 2-4. July 10-14, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered, with set ($60) making session from 11 am-12:30 pm. $120. (325-2507) CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG Students

explore themes of adventure, friendship and family in this classic madcap musical comedy. Ages 9-18. July 1014, from 10 am-3 pm. At Expressions School of Performing Arts, Post Falls. $180. CYT JUNIOR CAMPS Activities through the week include games, competitions and rehearsal for a Friday musical showcase. Camps offered for ages 5-12, with sessions offered July 10-14 (“Camp Aloha”) and July 31-Aug. 4 (“Wicked”). At Northern Dance Studios, Hayden. $110-$175. (208-762-9373) FAIRYTALE THEATRE CAMP Children are introduced to the world of drama through fairytale stories, learning basic performance and how to create fun costumes. Ages 3-5. July 10-14, from 12:30-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. (625-6677) TEEN CAMP: BROADWAY TAKEOVER A week-long camp focusing on all aspects of stage performance including dance, drama, and voice, ending with a performance for family and friends. Ages 13-18. July 10-14, from 9 am-5 pm. $200. (487-6540) DISNEY THEATER CAMP Using the vast library of Disney songs, students learn musical theatre techniques influenced by some of the most popular shows ever written. Ages 9-18. July 17-21, from 10 am-2 pm. At Expressions School of Performing Arts, Post Falls. $165. JUNIOR CAMP: BROADWAY HERE & NOW A week-long camp focusing on all aspects of stage performance, including dance, drama, and voice, ending with a performance for family and friends. Ages 7-12. July 17-21 (Holy Cross Lutheran) and July 24-28, meets from 9 am-4 pm (CYT Theater). $200. (487-6540) NEWSIES TWEEN CAMP Travel back to the streets of New York circa 1900 as you act, sing and dance to songs from the 1992 Tony-Award winning Broadway musical. Ages 10-14. July 17-21, 9 am-3 pm; Friday showcase at 3 pm. At Northern Dance Studios, Hayden. $155$175. (208-762-9373)

SHAKESPEARE IN PERFORMANCE Students learn basic drama and propmaking skills and how to understand and deliver Shakespeare. Camp concludes with a public performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” on July 29-30 at 7:30 pm. Ages 11-18. July 1729, meets Mon-Fri, 9 am-12:30 pm. At the Lion’s Share Theatre, 1627 N. Atlantic. $195/student, discounts available. (879-0302) TREASURE ISLAND Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. July 17-21, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered, with set making from 11 am-12:30 pm ($60). $120. PLAY TIME! PERFORMING ARTS CAMP Learn lines, songs, and choreography, and make props, scenery, and plan costumes for a play performed for family and friends. Grades 2-5. July 2428, 9 am-3 pm. At St. George’s School.’ $350. (464-8815) SING IT ON Get tips, tricks, and advice from professional local vocal coaches during the week of camp and then get ready for the Sing-Off in front of a panel of judges on the last day. Ages 1318. July 24-28, 10 am-4 pm; showcase Friday at 5 pm. At Northern Dance Studios, Hayden. $175. THE DRAGON ROCK Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 2-4. July 24-28, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered with set making ($60) from 11 am-12:30 pm. $120. (325-2507) BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. July 31-Aug. 4, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered and set making ($60) session from 11 am-12:30 pm. $120. (325-2507) SUMMER STAGE DRAMA CAMP Students team up for acting and improv games and a final day performance

Get into Shakespeare at the Lion’s Share. for family and friends. Ages 6-11. July 31-Aug. 4, 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $125. MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET For the first time, CST hosts a camp for musicians; students put together a live performance of a musical theatre instrumental selection. Ages 13-18. Aug. 7-11, from 10 am-2 pm. At Expressions School of Performing Arts, Post Falls. $180. SPOKANE CHILDREN’S THEATRE TEEN CAMP A theater camp for teens, in which they’ll rehearse and perform the show “Tarzan.” Aug. 7-18; meets Mon-Fri, 9 am-3 pm. $265. (328-4886) SUMMER INTENSIVE: NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD Students can audition (July 28-29) to rehearse and perform in a two-week intensive theater camp to perform “Night of the Living Dead” for a live audience. Ages 10-17. Rehearsals from Aug. 7-17; camp concludes with performances from Aug. 18-20. $150. TAKE THE STAGE: ACTORS IN ACTION Students collaboratively write and perform a one-act play, drawing creative material from their own life experiences. Ages 11-18. Meets Aug. 14-18 and 21-25, from 10 am-2 pm. At Expressions School of Performing Arts, Post Falls. $250.

DANCE/CHEER BALLET CONTINUATION/INTENSIVE Two-week sessions are offered for ballet students of all ages and levels. July and August sessions are led by guest teacher Lauren Bray. Ages 6+. Sessions offered June 5-15, June 19-29, July 17-27 and Aug. 14-24; see website for list of appropriate age/level for each session. $52$120. PRINCESS/PRINCE DANCE CAMP Young dancers get an introduction to the world of ballet in this imaginative class. Ages 3-5. Sessions offered June 5-7, June 12-14, July 10-12 and Aug. 8-10. $38/session. sandraolgardsstu- (838-7464) CHILDREN’S BALLET WORKSHOPS Beginning workshops for young children include instruction in ballet, modern, jazz, pointe and more, based on age. June 20-30, Mon-Thu. At Ballet Arts Academy. $65/day, $200/week, $350/both. DANCE CENTER OF SPOKANE Oneweek, themed sessions are offered for beginning and advanced levels, with the option of daytime or evening classes. Styles include: classical ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, hip hop and musical theater. Includes instruction from guest teachers Dave Massey and Kaisa MikaleHance. Sessions offered June 19-Aug. 17; meets Mon-Thu, 1-9 pm. $110-$300. (448-2464) SKYHAWKS CHEERLEADING Kids learn essential skills to lead crowds, including proper hand and body movements, jumping and choreographed performance skills. Ages 5-11. Held at parks and schools in the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene area. June-August. $69-$155. SPOKANE BALLET STUDIO SUMMER PROGRAMS Sessions are offered for beginning to advanced dancers: Level 1-4, June 19-29 (ages 8-14); Intermediate/advanced, July 6-21 (min. 1 year of pointe); Beginning Ballet: “Through the Looking Glass”, July 24-28 and July 31-Aug. 4 (coed, ages 5-9). $125-$175/ week. ACADEMY OF DANCE: WORKSHOP 3 Students learn classical ballet technique, pointe, variations, contemporary technique, improvisation and more, including a studio performance at the end of the workshop. Min. 4 years of ballet training/1 year of pointe required; or current level D & E. Ages 13+. July 5-28, meets Mon-Fri, 10:45 am-4 pm. $13/ class; $170-$575/session. (922-3023) BALLET ARTS SUMMER INTENSIVE Open classes for intermediate/advanced dancers are offered in June and August ($15/class; or $85/all six in advance). The 2017 summer intensive workshop is July 6-28, meets Mon-Sat. Also offered is a special ballet classes for level 3, 3B, 3A, from Aug. 21-25 ($75). At Ballet Arts Academy. Prices vary. (838-5705) ACADEMY OF DANCE: WORKSHOP 1 Students learn classical ballet techniques, Pilates-based conditioning, jazz, lectures on dance-related topics and rehearsal for an end-of-week performance. Min. of 1 year of ballet training required. Ages 8-11. July 10-14, 11 am3:15 pm $13/class; $175-$239/session. CHEER CAMP Campers learn tumbling, stunts, dances and cheers. Coaches group students by age; each group performs a routine on the last day of camp. Ages 3-14, open to all skill levels. Offered July 10-14 and Aug. 7-15, from 8:15 am-12:15 pm or 12:30-4:30 pm. $139. (533-9646) IRISH DANCE CAMP Sessions in traditional Irish dancing are open to beginning and advanced dancers, and children and adults. Sessions offered July 17-20 and Aug. 14-17 (beginners, 9-10 am; advanced/adults, 10 am-noon). At 1007 W. Carlisle, Spokane. (475-2918) TEEN DANCE CAMP Dancers learn sixplus routines during the week which also includes trampoline jumping, swimming field trips and games. Ages 13+. July 10-14, from 2:30-9 pm. $150. (892-7977)

FANTASY DANCE CAMP An imaginative dance camp; each day is based on storybook themes and characters. Campers play games, make crafts, learn proper stretching and more. Ages 3-10. July 13, 19, 25, and 31 from 10 am-noon. At Isabelle’s Dance Time. $35-$40/day or $120/all. UCA CHEER CAMP A three-day, elite high school cheerleading camp with options for resident or day enrollment. July 16-19, at Washington State University, Pullman. Aug. 15-18, at Spokane Convention Center. $221-$521. (253-241-3822) ACADEMY OF DANCE: WORKSHOP 2 Covers classical ballet techniques, prepointe/pointe, conditioning, modern dance and more, including a studio performance at the end of the camp. Min. 1 year of ballet training required; or current level B & C. Ages 10-13. July 17-28, meets Mon-Fri from 11 am-3:15 pm $13/ class; $175-$345/session. (922-3023) YOUTH DANCE CAMP Dancers learn five-plus routines, jump on the trampolines, go on swimming field trips and play games. Ages 7-12. July 17-21, from 8:30 am-3 pm. $150. )892-7977) JUNIOR DANCE CAMP Dancers learn three routines, jump on the trampoline and perform for their family and friends at the conclusion. Ages 4.5-6. July 18, from 5:30-7:30 pm. $30. (892-7977) GONZAGA UNIVERSITY DANCE INTENSIVE A week of dance instruction for intermediate and advanced levels, including techniques for hip-hop, modern, contemporary, ballet, jazz and musical theatre. Taught by GU Dance program faculty. Ages 13-22. July 24-29, 9 am-4 pm. $290-$350. summerdance (313-6508)

BASKETBALL GONZAGA WOMEN’S SUMMER SHOOTOUT An opportunity for teams to play against competition from the WA, ID, OR, and MT area. Teams are guaranteed to play six games. All-ages. June 9-11. $400-$1200/team. GONZAGA WOMEN’S TEAM CAMPS Registration includes a 9-game guarantee. Teams also participate in clinics and skill sessions, getting a chance to work with Gonzaga student-athletes and coaching staff. All-ages. Sessions from June 12-15, June 16-19 and June 29-July 2. Overnight and commuter options. $299/ player (overnight) or $750-$1250/commuter team. SGS COED BASKETBALL Develop fundamental skills of basketball including shooting, passing, ball handling, defense, and proper footwork. Boys and girls entering grades K-5. June 12-16, 1-3 pm. At St. George’s School. $80. sgs. org/summer (464-8815) ST. GEORGE’S BOYS BASKETBALL Learn basketball fundamentals from St. George’s coaches, including team offense/defence and individual skills. Grades 6-12. June 12-16, 9 am-noon. $100. (464-8815) ST. GEORGE’S GIRLS BASKETBALL Focus on the development of the complete player including shooting, defending, rebounding, passing, ball handling and game play in a positive, competitive environment. Grades 6-12. June 12-16, 9 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $100. (466-1636)


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BASKETBALL Focus on the development of the complete player including shooting, defending, rebounding, passing, ball handling and game play in a positive, competitive environment. Grades 6-12. June 12-16, 9 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $100. (466-1636) GONZAGA WOMEN’S POSITION CAMP Athletes work to re-emphasize the importance of fundamentals, and build on these skills with position-specific drills. Ages 1117. June 16-18; resident/commuter options. $180-$230. WHITWORTH MEN’S TEAM CAMP High school teams have the opportunity to compete (min. of five games) and be coached by Whitworth’s staff and guests. June 1618; commuter and overnight options. $165$400/player. WSU WOMEN’S ELITE CAMP A camp for high-level players, focusing on advanced skill instruction, position breakdown and daily games, led by WSU women’s team coaches and players. Coed, grades 9-12. June 16-18. $130-$160. camps (335-8241) BOOST BASKETBALL CAMP Certified trainer Richie Fischer, and other current and former college players, lead an intense, competitive training clinic. Ages

12+. Sessions offered June 19-21, 10 amnoon and July 15-16, 1-3 pm. $55, scholarships available. NBC BASKETBALL CAMPS (HUB) The Complete Skills Jr. camp offers instruction for boys and girls. Sessions offered June 19-23 (shooting), June 26-28, July 17-19, July 24-26 (ball handling) and Aug. 14-18 (shooting). At the HUB Sports Center. $170-$275. NBC BASKETBALL CAMPS (WHITWORTH) Day camp options are available for many of NBC Camps’ overnight camp programs, including Pure Shooting & Offensive Skills, Position Specific, AllStar and more. Boys and girls ages 8-19. Sessions offered from June 19-Aug. 17. $250-$590. SKYHAWKS BASKETBALL Basketball camps are taught at local schools throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area, offering a skill-intensive program for beginning to intermediate athletes, teaching passing, dribbling, shooting and rebounding. Coed, ages 6-12. Camps offered June through August. $69-$149/session. VANDAL WOMEN’S INDIVIDUAL CAMP Athletes learn, practice and develop the fundamentals used by the Idaho Women’s Basketball Team. Grades 2-12. June 19-21. $100. GONZAGA BOYS TEAM CAMPS The Gonzaga men’s coaching staff and current/former players provide instruction to high school boys teams (min. of 8 players) looking to refine their skill and team play. Offered June 20-23, June 2528 and July 13-16. $340/player. (313-5531) WSU MEN’S BASKETBALL DAY CAMP Daily games and skill development with

instruction by WSU coaching staff and players, led by head coach Ernie Kent. Coed, grades 2-8. June 20-23, from 9 am-4 pm. At WSU Bohler Athletic Complex. $160. EWU MEN’S TEAM CAMP EWU coaches and staff provide instruction through competition, contests, practice and more. Teams (8 players min.) are guaranteed to play seven games. One coach free per team with registration. Sessions offered June 21-23, June 30-July 2 and July 7-9. $500/team. EWU WOMEN’S TEAM CAMP Varsity and junior varsity teams are divided into divisions; each team is guaranteed at least six games. Open to all high school teams. June 26-28. $200/player (overnight) or $500/team (commuter). WSU MEN’S ELITE CAMP A resident camp during which players are coached by WSU players and coaching staff, and receive personal feedback on their skill development. Coed, grades 9-12. June 2728. $120. GONZAGA WOMEN’S INDIVIDUAL CAMP Campers hone fundamental skills in a competitive and fun environment. Coaching staff work to challenge each player, while building confidence in their skills through drills, competition, and 5-on-5 games. Ages 7-13. June 29-July 2. Includes half-, full-day and overnight options. $125-$345. NBC BASKETBALL CAMPS (WAREHOUSE) The Rookie BB Day camp is offered for boys and girls (ages 6-9), July 10-12, July 17-19, and Aug. 7-9. Complete Skills Jr. Camp (ages 8-12) is offered for boys and girls from July 31-Aug. 4. $100$285. (800-406-3926) SKILLS CLINIC: OFFENSIVE ARSENAL

Players work on shooting techniques and building their offensive skills. Grades 5-12. July 10, 9 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $30. (464-8815) YOUTH BEGINNER BASKETBALL A camp emphasizing fun and productive skill-building with certified, USAB youth coaches. Includes instruction in ball handling, shooting form, and defense, with games and prizes. Camp includes daily snack. Boys and girls ages 7+. July 10-14, 1-4 pm. $60. (808-2123) SKILLS CLINIC: POSITION WORK/ COMPLETE PLAYER This clinic focuses on specific positions: point guards, posts, and wings to create the complete player. Grades 5-12. July 12, 9 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $30. EWU MEN’S DEVELOPMENT CAMP Players hone skill development and play in competitions and contests under coaching of EWU staff and players. Ages 7-12. July 17-20; full- or half-day sessions available. At EWU Reese Court. $80$140. NBC BASKETBALL CAMP (NIC) The Complete Player camp is offered for boys and girls, ages 9-18, from July 17-21. Resident camp hosted at North Idaho College. $580. EWU MEN’S ADVANCED SKILLS CAMP Players are coached by EWU staff and players through skill development, competitions and contests. Ages 13-16. July 19-21, from 9 am-3 pm. At EWU Reese Court. $100. GONZAGA ADVANCED SKILLS CAMP Players receive instruction in footwork, shooting, ball handling, passing, rebounding and offensive/defensive team concepts from Gonzaga Men’s Coaching Staff. Open to boys in grades 3-12. July 20-23, overnight and commuter options

available. $325/$440. (313-5531) GONZAGA FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS CAMP Younger players learn basic skills and game fundamentals from the GU Men’s team coaching staff. Boys and girls entering grades 1-7. July 24-26; morning (9 am-noon) or full-day (9 am-5 pm) sessions offered. $130/$250. (313-5531) LITTLE EAGLETS CAMP An introduction to basketball skills and drills, including shooting, ball handling, passing, defense, as well as game competition. Camp is led by EWU women’s basketball players and coaching staff. July 24-28; 8 am-noon. Coed camp for grades K-5. $80. (359-7382)

COLLEGE FOR KIDS! Summer Youth Camps Start July 10, 2017

Call 509-533-8483 today for more information. Registration opens May 1st!

Classes are held at Spokane Community College and Spokane Falls Community College for kids ages 8-13. Classes vary in length, running from July 10-August 11, 2017 from 8:00am-5:00pm. Cost ranges from $45-189 per class. For more information and for class schedule, visit

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a snack each day. Boys and girls ages 1214. July 14-18, from 1-4 pm. $60. (808-2123)


NBC Camps offer a variety of local basketball sessions this summer for kids of all ages. BREAKTHROUGH BASKETBALL: ATTACK & COUNTER An elite skills development camp coached by NBA Development Coach Don Kelbick, focusing on footwork, mentality, finishing, ball handling, shooting and more. Coed; open to high school players (and mature students in grades 7-8). July 25-27, 9 am-3 pm. At the HUB Sports Center. $245. BREAKTHROUGH BASKETBALL: POST CAMP This camp focuses on mentality, offensive moves, and defensive play in the post position. Players learn the same critical skills that Don Kelbick teaches to NBA players. Coed, grades 7-12. July 2930, 9 am-3 pm. At the HUB Sports Center. $195.

ADVANTAGE BASKETBALL CAMP Kids learn work ethic and life lessons through basketball skills. Ages 5-18. Sessions from July 31-Aug. 4 and Aug. 7-8; meets daily from 9 am-5 pm. At HUB Sports Center. $135-$295. NBC COLLEGE BASKETBALL PREP CAMP An overnight basketball camp for boys; campers must apply to be accepted as this session is for serious players only. Held at Whitworth University. Aug. 1-6. $1,100. (800-406-3926) YOUTH INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL CAMP A camp emphasizing productive skill building, including work on 1v1 offense and defense, shooting form and habits, training and work ethic, and overall basketball knowledge. Camp includes

SKYHAWKS BASEBALL Camps offer progressional instruction and teaching in fielding, catching, throwing, hitting and baserunning. Coed, ages 4-12. Held at local parks throughout the Spokane/CdA area. Camps offered June-August. $69$155/session. THE HITTING ZONE SUMMER CAMPS A session covering daily drills, mental aspects of the game, approach, mechanics and more. Ages 9-15. June 19-21, 9-10:30 am. $140. BASEBALLTOTS This camp uses a variety of games to engage kids while teaching the sport of baseball and developing fundamental skills. Sessions for ages 2-6. June 19-Aug. 19, meets once a week; times and locations at area parks vary. $84-$116. PREMIER MITTS Sessions include specialized coaching instruction in infield and hitting, making difficult plays, positions and more. Ages 8-18. June 26-29, July 10-13, July 17-20, July 24-27 and July 31-Aug. 3; times and session focus vary. At Whitworth University’s Merkel Field. $135-$175. WSU BASEBALL YOUTH CAMP A day camp for young players, at Bailey-Brayton field on the WSU campus. For boys and girls ages 7-11. June 26-29, 9 amnoon. $175. ZAGS BASEBALL “LIL ZAGS” CAMP An intermediate level, fundamental skills class on hitting, fielding, throwing, pitching and more. Boys and girls ages 7-10.

June 26-28, from 9 am-3 pm. $225. ZAGS BASEBALL “PUPS” CAMP A camp for beginning players to teach basic fundamentals in hitting, fielding, throwing and more. Boys and girls ages 4-6. June 6-27, from 9-11 am. $50. SPOKANE INDIANS YOUTH CLINIC Attendees receive instruction from Spokane Indians players on the fundamentals of hitting, throwing, fielding and base-running. Mascot Otto and Spokane Indians players also meet with campers for photos and autographs. (Clinic is free with purchase of tickets to that night’s game.) Ages 6-12. Offered on July 6 and 26, 3:30-5:30 pm. $6/session. (343-6886) ZAGS BASEBALL “BIG DOGS” CAMP Advanced fundamental skills camp on hitting, fielding, throwing, pitching and more. Boys and girls ages 11-14. July 1012, from 9 am-3 pm. $225. HITTING ZONE INFIELD ONLY This special session covers feeds and pivots up the middle, backhands, footwork, glove work and much more. Ages 9-15. July 1214, from 9-11 am. $150. (868-2013) WSU BASEBALL TEAM CAMP Regional teams interested in this session from July 14-16 should contact Assistant Baseball Coach Alex DeAngelis for information and registration: alexander.deangelis@ or 541-231-9178 WSU BASEBALL SUMMER CAMP Athletes of all levels learn and hone game fundamentals, develop a positive mental attitude and more. Boys in grades 4-12. July 16-20, overnight and day options. $275-$500.

HITTING ZONE BASEBALL CAMP A session covering every aspect of the game. Highlights include a camp Olympics, whiffle ball World Series and high-level drills. Ages 9-15. July 17-20, 9-11:30 am. July 14-16. Open to players of all levels, $179. GONZAGA BASEBALL HIGH SCHOOL PROSPECTS A camp for high school players (graduates from 2018-22) interested in playing at a college level to receive Division I-level coaching. Limited to the first 90 participants. Aug. 1-3. July 14-16. $295. WSU BASEBALL PROSPECT CAMP Campers have an opportunity to showcase skills in front of WSU coaching staff during workouts and live games. Open to boys ages 13-17. Aug. 25-27. July 14-16. $250. PIRATES BASEBALL PROSPECT CAMP A two-day session for high school players, offering instruction in offensive skills, drills, campus tours, workouts and and a collegiate-style scrimmage. Sept. 9-10. $100.

FOOTBALL NFL FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE Teams of 8-12 members can register to participate in this summer league, with practice on Tuesdays and games on Thursdays. June 1-Aug. 8. Coed, ages 5-12. Register by May 19 to participate, more info online. At Dwight Merkel and Southeast sports complexes. $99. VANDAL SKILLS CAMP Daily skill camps offer coaching in various aspects and positions. Grades 9-12. June 12-14, from 1-4 pm. At the U of Idaho Kibbie Dome. $50.

From bubbling beakers to magical wizards Build a better world with free programs for all ages this summer. For details, visit


Where art and science meet adventure! Week-long camps for 2nd - 3rd graders and 4th - 5th graders June 26 − August 11, 2017 Detective camps Music camps


Messy camps

Animal camps

Time travel camps Exploration camps JR CIT (Counselor-in-training) program for kids entering 6th – 7th grade.


APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 53


BROADWAY SUMMER ADVENTURE June 19th - 23rd Munchkin Camp (Ages 5-7) - $120


A week’s worth of theater arts training & performance opportunities for kids ages 5-18

July 10th - 14th Teen Camp (Ages 13-18) - $225


Young pitchers, hitters and fielders can hang out with the Spokane Indians before a game in July (see page 53).

July 17th - 21st Junior Camp (Ages 7-12) - $200


July 24th - 28th Junior Camp (Ages 7-12) - $200

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FOOTBALL YMCA SUMMER PASSING LEAGUE Give kids a chance to improve their teamwork before the fall season. A team parent or coach is required; teams are formed by grade and school. Options for grades 5-8 and 9-12. Practice starts June 12; league play from June 27-July 26 (games on Tue/Wed, 4-8 pm). $30-$60. VANDAL YOUTH CAMP A kids football camp led by University of Idaho coaching staff and players. Grades 2-6. June 16, 8:30 am-noon. $30-$40. VANDAL TEAM CAMP High school players work on game skills and techniques following the Vandals’ team philosophy in a fast-paced practice environment. Grades 9-12. June 19-21, commuter and resident options. $200$275. WEST VALLEY SKILLS CAMP A fullcontact skills camp teaching blocking, tackling, running and other skills to prepare for the upcoming Grid Kids football season and freshmen football. Coed, grades 3-8.June 19-22. At West Valley High School. $100-$130. (777-9622 x 214) WHITWORTH 8-MAN FOOTBALL CAMP A contact football camp coached by Whitworth staff, offering scrimmages against other 8-man teams. Grades 9-12. June 19-21. $220. EWU INDIVIDUAL/TEAM CAMP Improve techniques and game strategies as an individual or on a team, with instruction from EWU coaching staff. Grades 9-12. Offered June 21-24 and June 2730. Overnight/commuter options. $75$320.

54 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017 pokaneAlpineHaus_AnythingSummer_041317_4S_CPR.pdf

VANDAL KICKING CAMP A one-day session led by former Vandal player and NFL kicker Mike Hollis, along with kicker Dan Zeidman. Grades 9-12. June 23, 9:30 am-5 pm. $100. VANDAL SHOWCASE A one-day, fullcontact camp to offer potential high school prospects in the Northwest an opportunity to be evaluated by the University of Idaho football staff. Grades 9-12. June 25, noon-5 pm. $200. SKYHAWKS FLAG FOOTBALL Players learn skills on both sides of the football, including passing, catching and defense, in camps ending with the Skyhawks Super Bowl. Camps held at local parks and schools throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Boys and girls ages 6-14. Camps offered June-August. $69-$149/session. SPOKANE EMPIRE MINI CAMP Team up for skills, drills and practice with the Spokane Empire players and coaches. Players work with Empire QBs, kickers and receivers on fundamental plays, routes and conditioning. Grades 3-8. Jun 27-29, from 5-7:30 pm. $100. (777-9622 x 114) ALL NORTHWEST FOOTBALL PASSING ACADEMY An intense camp offering two full days of on-field skill development, video analysis, classroom sessions, and competition. Grades 7-12. July 14-15. At Hart Field, Spokane. $195. PIRATES YOUTH FOOTBALL CAMP Players learn and grow their football knowledge and skills as they hear from coaching staff and current team members. Also includes position instruction with corresponding drills, small group breakout sessions, and daily competitions. Grades 2-6. July 24-28, 9 amnoon. $100/child; sibling discount offered. COUGAR FOOTBALL MINI CAMP Youth receive non-contact coaching from WSU staff and players, and take tours of the WSU Football facilities. Grades 10-12. July 29, from 11 am-4 pm. $50.

COUGAR SPECIALIST SHOWCASE Youth receive non-contact instruction from WSU staff and players, and take tours of the WSU Football facilities. This session is specially for kickers, punters and long snappers. Grades 10-12. July 29, from 9-11:30 am. $50. athletics.wsu. edu/camps EWU QUARTERBACK CAMP Join Eastern quarterback coach Bodie Reeder for a non-contact camp specially focused on quarterback skills. July 29, 9 am-noon (grades 9-10) and noon-5 pm (grades 11-12). At EWU Roos Field. $100-$125. EWU WR/DB CAMP A non-contact skills camp for wide receivers and defensive backs, led by Eastern coaching staff and players. July 29, 9 am-noon (grades 9-10) and noon-5 pm (grades 11-12). At EWU Roos Field. $60-$70.

GYMNASTICS GET THE SUMMER STARTED A full week of gymnastics and summer activities; no experience required. Ages 3-14. June 19-23; half- and full-day options available. $99-$199. (533-9646) GYMNASTICS FUN CAMP A week of gymnastics events, games, contests and more. No experience necessary; progressive skills are taught on all events. Ages 3-14. Sessions offered June 26-30, July 31-Aug. 4 and Aug. 1418; half- and full-day options available. $139-$239. MOUNTAIN VIEW GYMNASTICS A coed camp offering games, learning skills, flips and moves on all events. Bring a water bottle and a lunch; each day includes a surprise theme with a unique craft activity during down time. Ages 6-17. Sessions offered June 26-30, July 10-14, July 24-28, Aug. 7-11 and Aug. 1418. Half-day (9 am-noon) or full day (9 am-4 pm) options available. At Mountain View Gymnastics. $99/half day; 199/full day. EXTREME PARKOUR & BREAKDANCING Learn tumbling skills, breakdanc-

ing, parkour moves and other stunts. Ages 6-14. Sessions offered July 10-14 and Aug. 7-11. Half-day, with morning or afternoon options. $139. (533-9646) ADVENTURE CAMP This popular camp is now in its 14th year, offering themed days of challenges and adventures through gymnastics, like scavenger hunts and obstacle courses. Ages 3-14. Offered July 17-21 and Aug. 21-25, from 12:30-4:30 pm (afternoon sessions only). $139. spokanegymnastics. com (533-9646) NINJA ZONE Campers learn to release their energy through kicks, jumps, rolls and flips just like characters from their favorite games and films. Offered July 17-21 (12:30-4:30 pm) and Aug. 21-25 (8:15 am-12:15 pm). $139. (533-9646) TRAMPOLINE & TUMBLING CAMP Learn skills and safety on the Tumbl Trak, double-mini trampoline, Eurotramp Trampoline and spring floor. Ages 6-14. Aug. 14-18; half- or full-day options available. $139-$239. (533-9646)

SOCCER EAGLES SUMMER ID CAMP A oneday ID camp with the EWU Women’s Soccer Team players and coaching staff, focusing on technical, tactical and physical demands of the sport. Girls grades 8-12. Offered May 14, July 12 and Sept. 23. $125. (828-2030) IDAHO ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY A camp for players who hope to play at the collegiate level, during which players can showcase their skills in technical sessions, positional play, competitive games and more. Girls grades 8-12. May 20-21. $150-$175. (208-596-2565) GONZAGA MEN’S ID CAMP Players receive instruction from Gonzaga players and coaching staff, training in a competitive environment as they’re observed by college coaches. Grades 9+. Sessions offered June 3-4 and July 12-13. $150. SKYHAWKS SOCCER A progressional coaching curriculum teaching technical skills and knowledge for all levels of playing experience. Camps held at local parks and schools throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Boys and girls ages 3-12. Offered June-August. $69-$155/session. SPOKANE SOCCER ACADEMY Learn soccer fundamentals through a variety of summer-long sessions offered in foot skills, technical game training, striking and finishing and goalkeeping. Sessions for all ages (grades 1-12) and levels are offered June 19-July 27; meets twice weekly. At Dwight Merkel Sports Complex and Plantes Ferry Park. $275-$295/ session; sibling discounts offered. SYSA SOCCER CAMPS Sessions are offered for all levels. Ages 6-14. Offered June-August. Details and registration online. $75-$125. soccer/summer WSU SOCCER CAMP Players are coached by WSU players and coaches, learning and honing game fundamentals. Ages 5-14. June 19-23 and July 1014; half day sessions for ages 5-7; fullday sessions for ages 8-14. $150-$475. SUPERTOTS SOCCER Kids learn early sports skills through the use of props,

games and more to develop balance, listening skills, movement and basic sport skills. Some classes require parent participation. Ages 1.5-6. Sessions offered June 20-Aug. 15, meets once weekly. Times and locations vary (at area parks and schools). $80-$116. BRITISH SOCCER CAMPS Young players improve their core soccer techniques and play competitively, with programs appropriate for each age. Ages 4-18. June 26-30, July 24-28 (Beck Field, Post Falls) and Aug. 21-25, full- and half-day sessions available. At Rocky Hill Park, Liberty Lake. $89$200. (755-6726) NBC SOCCER CAMPS (WHITWORTH) A soccer day camp for boys and girls ages 7-18. June 26-28 (Palisades Christian Academy) and Aug. 7-11 (Whitworth University). $150$250. (800-406-3926) WSU JR. ELITE CAMP A camp designed to develop tactical ideas and technical skills that are essential to making youth successful at the next level. Coed, grades 4-8 (open to grades 4-5 as commuters). June 28-30. $195$265. GONZAGA WOMEN’S SOCCER CAMP Camp features an ongoing tournament in each age group with day and evening matches. Sessions focus on team building through the use of technical and functional training. Girls ages 8-18. July 6-9, overnight and commuter options. $185-$195. VALLEY YOUTH SOCCER Kids learn recreational soccer skills, with an emphasis on learning new skills in a comfortable and challenging environment. Ages 5-12. July 10-Aug. 17, meets MonThu, 9:30 am-noon. At Trent Elementary. $45/week. WHITWORTH SOCCER SUMMER CAMPS Athletes receive life skills and leadership training along with fundamental and advanced skill training. Coed, ages 6-13. Sessions from July 10-14 and July 31-Aug. 4; meets 9 am-noon. $150$300. DRAGON SOCCER CAMP Become a well-rounded player as you focus on skill development and other game elements. Grades 6-12. July 17-21, 9 amnoon. At St. George’s School. $150$250. (464-8815) WSU SOCCER ELITE CAMP A residential camp for experience players to develop tactical and technical skills, with coaching by WSU players and staff. Girls, grades 9-12. July 22-25. 395-$425. DRAGON SOCCER CAMP This fundamental skills camp is spiced up with activities, like tie-dying T-shirts and making ice cream. Grades 2-6. Aug. 7-11, 9 am-noon. At St. George’s School. $150. WHITWORTH WOMEN’S SOCCER ID CAMP High school athletes get an inside look at what it’s like to play on the Pirates soccer team as they receive instruction from the Women’s staff and athletes. Girls entering grades 10-12. Sept. 8-9. $150. PIRATE ELITE ID CAMP Players practice with and are coached by Whitworth men’s soccer players and staff, learning a possession-oriented style of play. Boys in grades 11-12. Sept. 15-17. $175.

A Three-day Camping Experience

July 21-23, 2017 For kids ages 7-15 grieving the death of someone close Traditional camp fun and friendship Small group activities designed to help kids cope with grief Camp Chmepa is provided at no cost by Hospice of Spokane. For more information or to register, visit or call 509.456.0438.

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 55

tice with and are coached by Whitworth men’s soccer players and staff, learning a possession-oriented style of play. Boys in grades 11-12. Sept. 15-17. $175.


Whitworth University

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Or, have your child progress at their own pace:

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Classes are 30 mins for lower levels and 50 mins for upper levels for 4 sessions. Register online!

ADAPTIVE SWIM LESSONS: May - August Private lessons | Monday - Thursday

SUMMER SESSION: June 19 - August 4

Our swim instructors teach children with disabilities swimming skills through behavior analytic strategies in the following domains: through one-on-one instruction, sensory integration, motor planning, social interaction, and use of reinforcement. $85 per 4 sessions.

Group and Private Lessons available

Classes arranged from: 8:30 AM - 12 PM | Monday - Friday

Classes are 25 mins for lower levels and 50 mins for Other programs offered: upper levels. Levels include: Parent Tot, Beginner: MASTERS SWIM TEAM, PADDLE Parent Independence, Basic Water Introduction, BOARDING, & WATER AEROBICS Gaining Independence, Stroke Development, Stroke Refinement, Stroke Endurance. Group* - $55 (25min); $65 (50min). Private - $95 per 5 sessions.

Now hiring lifeguards & swim instructors for summer!



56 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

MINI EAGS CAMP A coed camp for beginning players, taught by EWU coaches and players. Ages 6-13. (Camp max is 25 players.) May 13-14, from 9-11:30 am. At EWU Reese Court. $50. (503-756-7929) SKYHAWKS VOLLEYBALL Skill-based camps teach fundamentals of passing, setting, hitting, serving and more for beginning to intermediate players. Camps at local parks and schools throughout the Spokane and CdA area. Boys and girls ages 7-14. Offered June-August. $69-$155/session. SUMMER GRASS VOLLEYBALL CLINICS Young kids can begin honing their game fundamentals at four clinic sessions. Coed, grades 1-4. Meets June 27, July 11, 18 and 25, from 1-3 pm. Location TBA. $10-$20. SUMMER GRASS VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Kids get a chance to improve teamwork before the fall season on teams formed by grade and school. Open to grades 5-12. Practice starts June 12; league play from June 27-July 26; games on Tue, 4-8 pm. $30-$60. (777-9622 x 114) EAGLES ALL SKILLS CAMP Coached by Eastern players and staff, campers hone techniques and skills in a low athlete-to-coach ratio setting. Ages 12-18. July 5-7, 9 am-4:30 pm. At EWU Reese Court. $185. ZAGS TEAM CAMP A camp for JV and Varsity teams focusing on team play, technique and strategy, with tournament play on the final day. July 5-8, resident and commuter team options available. Coach attends free. $355/ player. EAGLES COLLEGE PREP CAMP EWU coaching staff and players offer instruction to advanced level players in a low athlete-to-coach ratio. Girls ages 14-18. July 6-8. Resident and commuter options. At EWU Reese Court. $255-$355. VANDAL VOLLEYBALL TEAM CAMP Teams and their coaches work with the Vandal volleyball coaching staff on drills, strategies and more. Teams are guaranteed a min. of three practices and 12 matches. July 6-9, commuter and resident options available. $240$330. VANDAL VOLLEYBALL SKILLS CAMP A fast-paced camp offering instruction based on the Vandal volleyball team’s training methods. Coed, grades 6-12. July 9-12, commuter/resident options. $270-$370. WSU INDIVIDUAL SKILLS CAMP Camp offers the highest level of specific position training to experienced

players and all-around fundamental skill training for beginning players. Coed, grades 7-12. July 9-12; commuter/ residential options. $250-$375. ZAGS POSITIONAL CAMP Camp consists of four days of positional skill instruction, competitive drills, and tournament play. Positions covered: outside hitter, middle hitter, defensive specialist and setter. Girls in grades 8-12. July 9-12, commuter and overnight options. $335-$385. EAGLES TEAM CAMP Teams practice, run drills, bond and work on technique and game strategy, culminating with a team tournament. Open to female teams (9 player min.), all-ages. July 10-13. Resident and commuter options. $180-$330/ player. NIC VOLLEYBALL CAMPS Young players are coached by NIC athletes and staff, with youth skills camps focusing on all-around skill development. Twoday sessions offered July 10-11 and July 12-13 (grades 5-8), from 9:30 am-3:30 pm. High school skills camp (grades 9-12) is July 27-28, from 4-8 pm. $70$95. (208-769-3218) SASQUATCH VOLLEYBALL CAMP A fast-paced camp run by Jenni Hull and the CCS volleyball staff and players. Grades K-12. Sessions from July 10-12, based on age and/or position (setters, middles, outside, defense specialists). Open gym hours daily from 7-8 am and 3-4 pm. At West Valley High School. $75$200. VANDAL VOLLEYBALL YOUTH CAMP A camp teaching basic skills through techniques to simulate movements and skills necessary to play the game. Coed, grades 3-5. July 10-12, 9-11:30 am. $85. WSU VOLLEYBALL TEAM CAMP A camp for high school teams looking to practice in a collegiate atmosphere, concluding with the High School Team Tournament (July 14-15). Open to girls entering grades 7-12 (9 player min.). July 12-15; commuter and overnight options. $225$300/player. NBC VOLLEYBALL CAMP Three sessions for girls at varying skill levels are offered. Athletes are coached by Whitworth coach Kati Bodecker. Ages 8-18. July 13-16 (Complete Player) and July 21-23 (Intro Volleyball, Intensive, Jr. Evening Camp). At Whitworth University. $135-$475. YOUTH VOLLEYBALL CAMP Kids learn valuable skill training and build confidence while playing on the court or grass. Beginners learn basic skills such as passing, setting, hitting, serving and defense. Ages 8-14. July 15-16, from 9 am-noon. $75. ZAGS COMPLETE PLAYER CAMP An emphasis is made on all-around skill and player development during three days of instruction, team competition, and fun. Girls in grades 5-9. July 17-19, commuter/overnight options. $285$315. PAT POWERS VOLLEYBALL CAMP A two-day advanced volleyball skills camp with Olympic Gold Medalist Pat Powers, with a focus on passing, hitting, setting, serving, defense and more. Ages 11-18. Aug. 12 and 13, from 9 am-4 pm. $130. WHITWORTH VOLLEYBALL The Whitworth team offers sessions for all positions and skill levels. Spring clinics are May 3-4, May 8 and May 10-11 (coed, grades 4-12; $20/session or $75/all five), from 6-8 pm. Summer session (grades 7-12) is Aug. 15-17. $125. whit-

OTHER SPORTS AQUANAUTIC SAFETY INSTRUCTOR Learn to teach water safety, survival and swimming skills to all ages through Spokane Parks’ swimming programs. Students must pass basic tests in the first session. Ages 16+. Offered May 5-14 and June 2-11. At Witter Aquatics Center. $135/session. LIFEGUARD TRAINING COURSE Teens can enroll in this course to become summer lifeguards for Spokane Parks, learning water safety, CPR, first aid and lifeguarding skills. Ages 15+. Sessions offered in May, June and July; see website for details. At Witter Aquatic Center. $175/session. KUNG FU LITTLE DRAGONS A class to introduce children to Kung Fu, mixing basic moves to walking, punching, kicking and more. Ages 4-6. Summer sessions offered June 5-29, meets Mon/ Wed or Tue/Thu, from 5:45-6:15 pm. $40/session. KUNG FU FOR YOUTH Basic skills are taught in a positive atmosphere to students of any fitness level. Ages 7-17. Summer sessions offered June 6-28; meets Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu from 6:157 pm. At East West Martial Arts & Body Works. $67/session. SKYHAWKS MINI-HAWKS CAMP Sessions teach skills and sportsmanship in a variety of sports, depending on the session, including soccer, basketball, baseball, flag football, and capture the flag. Ages 4-12. Sessions offered JuneJuly. At Comstock Park, Spokane. $89$155/session. SPEED, QUICKNESS, STRENGTH, AGILITY CAMP The third annual conditioning camp focuses on developing and building strength, sport-specific exercises to prepare for upcoming seasons, and establishing personal goals. Grades 5-12. June 16-Aug. 18; Mon-Fri from 9-10:30 am. $85/week; $800/all summer. AQUATIC EXPLORATION CAMP Participants learn ins and outs of pool operations as they prepare to take a lifeguard class. Ages 10-15. Weekly sessions offered June 19-Aug. 24, meets MonThu, 9-11:15 am. At Comstock and Shadle Pools. $60/session. BLOC YARD SUMMER CAMPS Kids learn climbing movement techniques and skills through group activities, movies, challenge courses and team building. Sessions for all age groups and experience levels are offered: BlocTikes (ages 5-7), BigBlocCrushers (ages 8-10) and Bouldering 101 (ages 11-16). Weekly camps from June 19-Aug. 24, meets Mon-Thu, from 9 am-3 pm. $200-$250/session. RECTENNIS SUMMER CAMP Kids learn basic tennis skills in a non-competitive, high energy atmosphere. Program runs weekly, with 1.5-, 4- and 8-hour sessions; all equipment provided. Ages 6-14. Sessions offered June 19-Aug. 25. At Comstock Park, Shadle Park High School and Sky Prairie Park. $35/1.5 hours; $95/4 hours; $149/8 hours. (991-0696) SKYHAWKS LACROSSE Kids get an introduction to one of the oldest sports in North America that’s now also the fastest growing. Athletes learn fundamentals and basic techniques to play. Coed, ages 6-12. At parks and schools in the Spokane/CdAarea. June-August.

JULY 8th & 9th PLANTES FERRY SPORTS COMPLEX SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 7V7 ADULT SOCCER TOURNAMENT with beer garden, food trucks, lawn games, and DJ.

Young climbers can hone their skills this summer at Spokane’s new Bloc Yard Bouldering Gym (see facing page). SPOKANE AREA SWIMMING Swimmers learn stroke technique and enjoy camaraderie while developing a love for the sport. Concludes with a sanctioned swim meet. Applicants should be able to swim 25-50 yards w/o stopping. Ages 6-12. June 19-Aug. 29, Mon, Wed, Thu, from 5:30-6:30 pm. At Witter Aquatic Center. $150. (850-6102) SUPERTOTS MULTI-SPORT Young athletes learn basic skills and rules in soccer, basketball, baseball, football, and flag football through games and drills. Ages 3-6. Sessions offered June 19-Aug. 19, meets once weekly. Times and locations vary at area parks and schools. $40-$122. TENNIS WORKS Instruction is offered for all ages and skill levels. Ages 5+. Sessions offered June 19-29, July 1020 and Aug. 14-24, meets Mon-Thu. At Stratton Park, Spokane and North Park Racquet Club. Price TBA. (828-3555) ULTIMATE SPORTS DAY CAMP Kids play all types of traditional sports, as well learn skills in skateboarding, BMX biking and more. Ages 6-12. Weekly sessions offered June 19-Aug. 25, meets Mon-Fri from 8 am-4 pm. At Dwight Merkel Sports Complex. $139/ session. (625-6200) WHITWORTH TENNIS Weekly sessions for players of all levels are held every Tuesday and/or Thursday evening, from 6:30-7:30 pm (beginner-intermediate) and from 7:30-9 pm (advanced juniors). Ages 6-18. Drop-in style program, billed at the end of each month. $10-$15/session. WSU WOMEN’S ROWING Campers learn all aspects of the sport, including on-the-water instruction on the Snake River. Coed, grades 8-12. Sessions offered June 21-24 and June 28-July 1; overnight/commuter options. $725$890. NIC WRESTLING CAMP Camp offers instruction in collegiate-style wrestling with an emphasis on takedowns. Coaches include former Olympians and collegiate coaches. June 24-28 and June 28-July 2 (high school only), July

5-8 (K-8 and girls) and July 5-8 (intensive camp). At North Idaho College, CdA. $320-$395. NIKE GOLF CAMPS Collegiate coaches lead players on the 18-hole courses of both universities, offering individual instruction and daily course play. Coed, ages 10-18. June 25-29, overnight and commuter options. At the U. of Idaho and WSU. $595-$995. WSU TENNIS CAMPS Camp sessions are offered for all levels and ages of players, with overnight, full- and halfday camps. Ages 3-18. June 25-29. $75$495. INDOOR SUMMER CLIMBING Young climbers experience all elements of climbing, including how to be safe and smart. Ages 9-14. Sessions offered June 19-30, July 24-28, July 31-Aug. 4 and Aug. 7-11; Mon-Fri 9 am-2 pm. At Wild Walls. $250-$300. KAIZEN INTENSIVE WRESTLING Athletes strength train and condition, receive instruction in technique, and participate in live tournaments each night. Sessions for high school men and women; June 26-July 2. At Riverside High School, Chattaroy. $355-$405. (714-3522) RELATIONAL RIDING ACADEMY A horsemanship program offering halfday riding camps. Ages 8-13, open to all skill levels. Sessions June 26-30, July 10-14, July 24-28 and Aug. 14-18; meets Mon-Fri, 8:45 am-noon. Only 16 spots open per session. In Cheney. $250/session. SHUTTLEFREAKS BADMINTON CAMP The 14th annual camp introduces new players to the sport and sharpens skills of intermediate players. Players work on mobility, match play drills and more. Ages 7-15. June 26-29, from 9 am-3 pm. At Sacajawea Middle School. $96. SKYHAWKS GOLF Kids learn fundamentals including swinging, putting and body positioning. Held at local parks and schools in the Spokane and CdA area. Ages 5-11. Camps offered June-August. $69-$155/session. SKYHAWKS TRACK & FIELD Train for the upcoming cross-country season


in the fall, or introduce young athletes to the variety of events in track and field. Coed, ages 5-12. At parks in the Spokane/CdA area. June-August. $65$149. SKYHAWKS PICKLEBALL CAMP Young athletes learn fundamentals of the popular sport while learning life skills and more. Ages 6-12. Sessions July 5-7, July 31-Aug. 4 (Northshire Park, CdA) and Aug. 14-18 (HUB Sports Center); meets 9 am-noon. $129. SKYHAWKS TENNIS ACADEMY Camps teach proper grip, footwork, strokes, volleys, serves, game rules and etiquette. At parks and schools in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Boys and girls ages 6-12. Offered July-August. $79-$125/session. IRON WOOD THROWERS CAMP The 28th annual camp for track and field throwing athletes offers instruction from notable and former Olympians and world record holders. July 10-15; resident/commuter options. At NIC, CdA. $450-$695. SYSA SPEED & AGILITY CAMP Athletic trainers from U-District PT provide a camp for all athletes to work on speed, power, agility, core strength, flexibility and injury prevention. July 10-Aug. 2 (ages 7-11; Mon/Wed) and July 11-Aug. 3 (ages 12-16; Tue/Thu). $85. HOCKEY MINISTRIES CAMP Campers receive instruction on the ice, along with character-building exercises and more, in a faith-based setting. Boys ages 9-17. July 6-21. At EWU Cheney campus. $615. SYSA INDOOR FLAG FOOTBALL Learn fundamentals through drills teaching technique and form. Grades 1-6. July 1720, 10:30 am-noon. $60. SYSA ROOKIE RUGBY CAMP Learn all about this sport similar to flag football. Grades 1-8. July 17-20, 10:30 am-noon. $60. At Andrew Rypien Field. KAYAK & PADDLEBOARD TOUR Learn the basics of kayaking and paddleboarding on the Spokane River. Includes a pre-trip river and trail cleanup. Ages 8-11. July 20 and Aug. 15, 10 am3:30 pm. $30. 

DIVISIONS: Men’s Masters (over 40), Men’s Open, Men’s Under 20, Coed Masters (Over 40), Coed Open, Coed Under 20 EARLY REGISTRATION $250/ team until April 30, 2017 and $350 until registration closes on June 25, 2017





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58 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

CULTURE | COLLABORATION thought, no, forget about everything else — this is the interpretation of hunting, or being hunted, that I’m going to bring to the project.” Because of Uncharted’s fluid and collaborative development process, Ball says she was also able to shift in response to contributions like Vestal’s, which took “a more political approach” than a straightforward rendering of the musical and poetic motifs in Vivaldi’s work. It was similar for the bluegrass/Americana fiddler Jenny Anne Mannan, who says that The Four Seasons offers a great deal of “backstory and texture” on which to draw, but each artist has channeled that in different ways. She was assigned the first movement of the “Autumn” concerto, which Vivaldi meant to evoke a “harvest party celebration.” “I have four kids, and we end up going to a lot of weddings in the summer, and there’s this very common thing that happens in the car on the way home, where the kids are elated from the party and they’re still thinking about some of the songs they might have danced to. And then as the car ride progresses, they get sleepy, but the music is still dancing in their heads,” she says. The song she composed reflects the “jubilant” and “sleepy” quality of that particular mood and, by extension, the season. “It almost feels a little bit like a hymn to me,” she says.


The scene at last year’s Uncharted show, mixing artists from various disciplines. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Getting with the Program In tackling Vivaldi’s “programmatic” The Four Seasons, Uncharted is increasing its accessibility while escalating its ambition BY E.J. IANNELLI


s it enters its third year, the multidisciplinary arts event Uncharted is moving in two different directions. One of those trajectories is toward greater accessibility. After launching in 2015 with Handel’s Water Music as its musical framework, Uncharted adopted Prokofiev’s self-described “symphonic fairy tale” Peter and the Wolf for its second outing last year. Neither of those works would qualify as obscure, but few are as widely recognized as this year’s framework, The Four Seasons (ca. 1721) by Antonio Vivaldi. Thanks to an ubiquity that extends from call-hold Muzak to TV commercials, Vivaldi’s four-part cycle of violin concerti has almost become the archetypal sound of classical music. And it has commercial cachet to boot. Even conservative estimates put the number of recordings of this work in the hundreds — and that’s just since its first modern recording in 1942. Among that unusually large archive, violinist Nigel Kennedy’s 1989 recording of The Four Seasons entered the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling classical recording in history. Uncharted is also now expanding from one night to two, opening the possibility for more audience members to experience the event. At the same time as it broadens its appeal, however, this joint initiative of the Spokane Symphony and the nonprofit arts group Terrain is becoming more ambitious.

Through the continued involvement of musicians, dramaturges, writers, conceptual artists, designers, dancers and — for the first time — an aerialist, Uncharted is introducing additional layers into a “programmatic” work that has been augmented by textual and extramusical elements for centuries.


lissa Ball is one of three participating writers this year. While author and columnist Shawn Vestal will read throughout the performance from an original story that, as Ball explains, functions as an “overarching narrative” to The Four Seasons (“We were joking that he’s the Burl Ives narrator in the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer special,” she says), Ball and Mark Anderson have composed poems that are specific to different movements. In Ball’s case, it’s the third movement from the “Autumn” concerto. The movement is a bright, rather dainty minuet, and its original accompanying poem begins: “The hunters emerge at the new dawn / And with horns and dogs and guns depart upon their hunting.” “I’ve been vegan since I was 15. I’m not a hunter,” Ball laughs. “So I went a different route. Originally, I was going to write about the tension when you desire someone and they don’t desire you. And then in February, I read this headline that a gay couple had been attacked in Missoula outside a bar, and it really struck me. So I

acked by the 15-piece orchestra, Mannan will play guitar and sing after performing a kind of instrumental duet with Spokane Symphony concertmaster and violinist Mateusz Wolski. Karli Ingersoll of Windoe, whose own piece will be performed as part of the Autumn concerto’s second movement, will provide backing vocals, along with gospel-folk musician Caroline Fowler. Closing out The Four Seasons’ year is John Hernandez, an accomplished aerialist who recently moved back to Spokane after performing with Night Flight Aerial and Circus Arts in Portland for more than a decade. “At first, I was assigned to a piece in ‘Summer’ — the ‘gnats and flies,’” he says, referring to the brief second movement of the second concerto. “One, the music was too short for an aerial piece, and two, it was so extreme, with being really quiet at some points, then just really frantic at other points. It didn’t really lend itself to moving around in the air.” Hernandez much preferred the “snowfall” imagery elicited by the final movement of “Winter.” Costumed in white, he’ll use his performance to convey “the idea of being an individual snowflake out of many, just having this experience of being blown around in the wind and seeing where it takes him.” Although some of the participating artists have chosen to deviate from a more traditional approach to Vivaldi’s music, Hernandez says his aerial routine was instead adapted to suit it. “Really, the only thing the symphony and I had to talk about was adding maybe 10 or 15 extra seconds. I didn’t want to change anything if I didn’t have to.” Paradoxically, it’s self-imposed constraints like those that have allowed Uncharted’s artists to grow and experiment more freely over the past three years. “For me,” says Mannan, “I operate best within a certain set of limitations. I think that the infinite nature of the blank canvas can be the enemy of creativity in some ways, because there’s pressure to come up with something completely new and unique. I find that there’s something interesting that happens when I have specific parameters and a definite source of inspiration.” n Uncharted: The Four Seasons • Fri, April 14 and Sat, April 15 at 8 pm • $25-$75 • Terrain (Washington Cracker Co. Building) • 304 W. Pacific • 624-1200

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 59

Writing workshops, panels, readings, and more! 60 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

Featured Authors

Writing Workshops

Full line up at

Saturday, April 22 $30 | $20 students with ID

Register at:

Location: Spokane Convention Center Morning session: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Laila Lalami

Wednesday April, 19 7 p.m. SCC, Lair Auditorium, Building 6 Free

Poetry and Prose: A Reading with Jamaal May and Emily Ruskovich

Friday, April 21 7 p.m. The Bing Crosby Theater $10 – tickets available at

•All the Feels, Faster! A Writing Workshop with Asa Maria Bradley – Room 202A •The Third Law: An Exploration of Collaborative Writing with Meghan McClure and Michael Schmeltzer – Room 202B •From Obsession to World with Alexandra Teague and Jason Rekulak – Room 203 •Meditative Writing Practices with Paula Coomer – Room 202C Afternoon session: 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. •Artist Trust workshop with Ellen Welcker – Room 202A

An Evening of Poetry Sponsored by Lost Horse Press

Featuring Christopher Howell, Nance Van Winckel and Albert Goldbarth

Thursday, April 20 7 p.m. The Lincoln Center $10 - tickets available at

Get Lit! Presents Meghan Daum and Justin Torres

Sunday, April 23 11 a.m. The Bing Crosby Theater $10 - tickets available at

•Lyric Writing Workshop with Keleren Millham and Liz Rognes – Room 202B •Low Frequency Oscillator: Writing Workshop with Jamaal May – Room 202C •Close to the Bone: Creating Fiction from Personal Experience with Justin Torres – Room 203 APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 61

Italia Trattoria co-owner Bethe Bowman advises making some Easter brunch dishes in advance, like fritattas.

Easter Eats


Local restaurant owners share their expert tips for throwing a fabulous spring holiday brunch BY CARA STRICKLAND


runch and Easter go together like bacon and eggs. While there are lots of wonderful local options for going out to brunch (see page 63), maybe this is your year to throw your own. Bethe Bowman, co-owner of Italia Trattoria, and Kristen Ward, owner of the Ivory Table catering company and event space, offer their insider tips for a gathering that will go off without a hitch. “For Easter, or any party, I think that the number one key is being prepared ahead of time,” says Ward. “Try to think of dishes that you can [make ahead], so that when

62 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

your guests arrive you are in a relaxed state.” Beyond the food, Ward and Bowman agree that the most successful parties involve as little work as possible on the day of the event. Bowman recommends thinking about what temperature you want your room to be, and what the lighting will be like at brunch time. Ward suggests creating a playlist or picking a Pandora station ahead of time to set the mood, and setting out as much of the dishes and silverware as you can. In the rush of a party, it’s easy to forget about small details.

“Make sure there’s toilet paper in the bathroom,” says Ward. When you’re thinking about a menu, consider something that can be made or prepared in advance. “Frittatas and quiches are two really good ways to get eggs in,” says Bowman. “You can dress them up; right now, goat cheese, fresh herbs and ham are nice, and cherry tomatoes are starting to come in.” An 8-inch frittata should serve about 12 people if you’re serving it with a variety of options.

“Quiche Lorraine with bacon, scallions and Gruyère cheese would be a beautiful option,” says Ward. “Also, I’ve been really into this idea of creating a gourmet crostini bar.” She suggests pairing tiny toast slices with vintage-style ham salad, fresh egg salad with tarragon and scallions — even an avocado-and-olive-oil salad — and let guests choose their own toppings. If you’re looking for more menu inspiration, Bowman also recommends flatbreads topped with smoked salmon (wild, not farm-raised), thinly sliced red onions and capers with a little butter or Dijon mustard. She’s also partial to leg of lamb for Easter (plan for about 4 to 6 ounces of meat per person, and expect to have leftovers). Ward is all about asparagus, whether blanched or roasted, and fresh strawberries. Or take a page Don’t want to cook up a big Easter from Bowman’s book and feast at home? Consider making pair your fruit with Greek reservations at one of the following: yogurt. She drizzles hers with her backyard honey. Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post If you’re concerned, about how much food to 789-6848 provide, err on the lavish Served April 16, 10 am-1 pm side. “I don’t think there’s ever a problem with Italia Trattoria, 144 S. Cannon sending gift boxes home, with people,” says Ward, 459-6000 who often provides to-go Served April 16, from 9 am-2 pm containers at her parties, available at restaurant supClover, 913 E. Sharp ply stores., 487-2937 “I always say, ‘Just Served April 16, 9 am-2 pm cram a table full of food.’” Bowman and Ward Beverly’s, 115 S. Second St., CdA agree that a buffet or, 208-765-4000 ily-style brunch is much Served April 16, 8 am-4 pm less stressful than a plated meal, and your guests certainly won’t mind. “Some people get overwhelmed by parties because they think they have to do courses, and it has to be all fancy,” says Bowman. “I’ve noticed, being in the restaurant business, that people are dining in a more relaxed way now. I think people might feel overwhelmed when they’re setting the table, but I think it’s fine to keep it as simple as possible.”



very brunch needs libations. Both Bowman and Ward recommended rosé, with sparkling rosé getting a special mention. It’s beautiful, and requires only one step to serve. If you want to mix things up a bit, consider a mimosa bar (Bowman recommends using Prosecco for an economical choice) and include a few fresh juices (guests in search of a nonalcoholic option can partake of these, too). No matter what else you serve, don’t skip the coffee. Bowman recommends Spokane’s Roast House Coffee, which she serves at Italia Trattoria. In your planning, don’t forget the little touches that make an event memorable. Ward looks for glassware and serving dish treasures in junk and thrift stores, and never skips fresh flowers. Sometimes Bowman will use fresh herbs as decoration, echoing the flavors of the meal. Although entertaining might seem intimidating (especially on a holiday), there’s no need to overthink it. “Keep it simple and fresh and tasty,” says Bowman. “What good is a host who’s stressed out?” “If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of cooking for this many people, ask a friend to do something for you,” says Ward. “Bring in the help that you need; don’t try to do everything yourself.” “Don’t feel like you need to make everything yourself,” agrees Bowman. “Make what you’re comfortable with and buy the rest.” Whether you host it or go out, it’s hard to go wrong with brunch. 

wine is like a day without sunshine A day without

Coming Up...

222 S. Washington St Spokane • 509.838.1229

– Louis Pasteur






Frans deWaal TUESDAY, APR. 25 | 7 P.M. MARTIN WOLDSON THEATER AT THE FOX FREE PUBLIC ADMISSION Frans B.M. de Waal, PhD, is a Dutch/American biologist and one of the world’s best-known primatologists. de Waal began working with chimpanzees at the Yerkes Research Center and their close relatives, bonobos, at the San Diego Zoo in the 1980s. In 1991, he accepted a joint position at Yerkes and in the psychology department of Emory University.

His interests include cultural learning, behavioral economics, empathy, communication, social reciprocity and conflict-resolution in primates, as well as the origins of morality and justice in human society.

Persons with special needs may make arrangements for accommodation by calling the Box Office at 509.624.1200.

For more information, contact Laura Thayer at 509.359.6901, or

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 63


Heavenly Treats Lydia Cowles built her business and her bakery offerings from scratch BY DAN NAILEN


hen Lydia Cowles finished her four-year stint in the Navy, she didn’t know exactly what she wanted to do, but one thing was clear. “When I was getting out,” she says, “I was like, ‘I don’t want to work for anyone anymore.’ That’s when I started playing around with scratch baking, and I really got into it.” The exacting process of creating the perfect cupcake or loaf of bread appealed to her, and when she finished the baking program at Spokane Community College, she started imagining what would become Twenty-Seventh Heaven, her all-scratch bake shop on the South Hill that just wrapped up its 10th week of business. “I knew I wanted to do coffeecake,” Cowles says. “I

Lydia Cowles’ new South Hill bakery offers the typical lineup of baked goods, but her specialty is fresh-baked coffeecake. knew I wanted to do bread and cupcakes, because people love cupcakes, and you can’t really get cupcakes and fresh bread at the same spot.” She first spied the space on Grand Boulevard a year ago, and was thrilled that it was still available when she signed the lease in November. While it had counters ready to hold her goods, it was basically a blank




slate — one she filled with hanging windowpanes and an old chalkboard after painting the walls a soothing gray. While it’s small, there’s enough seating for customers to pop in and sip some coffee and enjoy a grilled cheese ($5) or a sweet treat. Cupcakes are available in two sizes, regular and mini ($1.75/$3.50), and come in traditional flavors like chocolate and vanilla, as well as raspberry-












dine in . take out Northtown Mall • 483-1500 • 64 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

lemon, peanut butter and green tea — all topped with a delicious buttercream frosting. More of Cowles’ creativity comes through in her breads ($7 loaf/$3 for a miniature loaf). She calls the oatmeal honey her version of a “standard bread,” and she does a cinnamon swirl on weekends, but you’ll want to check out her garlic pesto loaf: The flavor is subtle, and the pesto is housemade, with sunflower seeds replacing pine nuts. She also has what she calls a “baked potato” bread full of chives, onion, sour cream, butter and shredded potato. “Everything I do is from scratch,” Cowles says. “Even my hot cocoa mix, I made it. Nothing comes from a box, nothing is premixed.” While you can surely visit other local scratch bakeries, you won’t find one as dedicated to the craft of making a quality coffeecake. It’s a baked good that Cowles loves, and one she hasn’t been able to find consistently. At $3.50 a slice, or $24.50 for a whole, the coffeecake, she admits, “is my hook.” “You can’t get coffeecake anywhere!” she says. “You can get it at Starbucks, but it’s been frozen, and it’s not really that great. I can’t even think of any other place you can get coffeecake … People love coffeecake. I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like it.” While opening during Spokane’s harshest winter in years was rough, and getting up at 2:30 am to start workdays that don’t end until late afternoon (at best) is hard, too, Cowles is happy to have Twenty-Seventh Heaven open in time for spring. “A lot of the people who’ve come in so far live within a few blocks of the shop,” Cowles says. “They all say how excited they are to be able to walk in [instead of drive].” 



Twenty-Seventh Heaven • 1220 S. Grand Blvd., Suite A • Open Tue-Sat, 7 am-3 pm; Sun, 7 am-1 pm • twentyseventhheaven • 279-9872


CRAFT Cocktails

Shuffleboard & DARTS





*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Loan rates available on approved credit.Loan rates are subject to change without notice. Rates displayed are the lowest available to qualified borrowers.Your rate may be higher, and will be determined by the loan type, applicable fees, model year, the terms you request, the amount you finance, and your credit history.

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 65

Presented by

there’s something about

mary RATED R



tickets available 5 ADMISSION Advance at the box office 21 & OVER ONLY. ID REQUIRED




66 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017


Running on Fumes The eighth time is really not the charm for the long-running Fast and Furious franchise, which is dumb enough to drive a critic mad BY MARYANN JOHANSON

Rallying in the lowest gear possible.


here’s no point, there’s no point, there’s no point. about street racers and petty criminals who are now, like, What’s the point? No one cares what we think the greatest secret agents in the world and only they can stop anymore! If they ever did. Critics, film nerds, World War III, and if that’s not the best example yet of cineastes, reviewers, whatever we are. We’re all biased, the death of expertise and the disdain for experience and right? We hate the things that “real” movie fans love, authority, I don’t know what is. right? Critic-proof, they said! Proof that critics are out of It’s barely coherent. It’s just stuff edited together from touch, they said! Opening weekend tracking says a huna dozen different movies, all from different genres, and dred mil, or something crazy. I don’t know. I no one cares. Is it meant to be funny? I don’t THE FATE know, but it’s so serious. Like, how can that just don’t know. Why bother? It’s like a tease — a big tease — in F8 (“fate” OF THE FURIOUS even be? “I’ll grab the team and meet you Rated PG-13 — get it?), how it opens with some street racin Berlin” so we can find that stolen EMP Directed by F. Gary Gray ing in Havana. Havana, of all places. Cuban device? Who says that, except, like, Jason Starring Vin Diesel, car culture, cool old cars so great that, out of Bourne? God, an EMP doesn’t even work like necessity, impoverished car lovers have had to Dwayne Johnson, Jason that! This one is supposed to be able to take Statham, Charlize Theron keep them going with spit and paper clips. It out a whole city and then it can’t even futz up feels like the first Fast and Furious movie, backa single helicopter? to-basics street racing, with real cars, until Vin Diesel is All the genres! So many! Why? Cyber-thriller and driving a car that is on fire, and he still wins the race. Of prison break and, of course, street racing and spy shit course he does! And then he’s beneficent in his triumph; and odd-couple buddy comedy between Jason Statham he’s like the Jesus of street racing. Please kill me now. and the Rock, and soap opera. I mean, really, there’s, So that’s kinda the legacy of the original movie, just like, secret offspring, and someone is someone’s surprise chewed up and thrown away, and you know it’s going mother, and people who are meant to be dead aren’t reto be so ridiculous from then on. I mean, this is a movie ally dead. Oh, and comic-book people fly in wearing Iron

Man suits. Fossil-fuel porn. These movies made fossil-fuel porn a thing. OK, sure, it’s cool that the villain is a woman — Charlize Theron with dreadlocks — and she’s so cyber-badass that “even Anonymous won’t mess with her.” But she has to be able to read minds in order to know how to sneak her way into the plot, and how is that even possible? It’s like all the cyber stuff is the new magic. Michelle Rodriguez also seems to be able to read minds, but she’s still dumb enough to wear nothing but a little tank top and a thin leather jacket for the finale in the Russian Arctic, where they have to stop a nuclear submarine. Something about nuclear codes that Charlize stole, but it’s been days, and wouldn’t they just change them once they know the codes have been stolen? They have to stop a submarine with nothing but high-performance sports cars, which are probably not the best choices for icy places with no roads, but what do I know? Fast and Furious on ice. Oh dear God, don’t give them any ideas! The camera is all up in women’s asses, but the villain is a woman, and there are lots of brown people here, so it’s all progressive and diverse. It’s junk, but it’s progressive junk. I guess that’s something. 

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 67




FRI, APRIL 14TH- THU, APR 20TH TICKETS: $9 KEDI (78 MIN) FRI/SAT: 6:30 SUN: 2:45 WED/THU: 5:30


Just when the Fast and Furious crew thought they were out, they get pulled back in. The team’s eighth go-round finds them re-immersed in the criminal underworld when Dom (Vin Diesel) is seduced by a devious hacker (Charlize Theron), and it’s up to his gang — excuse us, his family — to bring him back from the dark side. F8 (“fate” — get it?) is perhaps the nadir of a seemingly endless franchise, an overstuffed, incoherent jumble of half-baked plot points and jarring tonal shifts. It’s predictably nonsensical, but it also isn’t any fun. (MJ) Rated PG-13


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A Retirement Conference for All Former and Current School Employees and Spouses and All other Retirees


Saturday April 29, 2017 Conference 8:15 am–2:30 pm


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PG Daily (4:00) 6:45 9:30 Sat-Sun (10:45) (1:15)


PG-13 Daily (4:00) 6:30 9:00 Sat-Sun (11:00) (1:30)


R Daily (3:20) 6:30 9:30 Sat-Sun (12:20)


R Daily 9:20

West Valley High School 8301 E. Buckeye Ave., Spokane Valley, WA

Registration 7:30 am

$5 Donation




PG-13 Daily (11:45) (12:15) (1:20) (2:45) (3:15) (4:10) (5:45) 6:15 7:00 8:40 9:15 9:45 Fri-Sun (10:30)


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PG Daily (1:30) (4:10) 6:40 9:10 Fri-Sun (11:00)


PG Daily (12:50) (3:00) (5:10) 7:15 9:25 Fri-Sun (10:40) PG-13


Daily (11:50) (2:20) (4:40) 7:00 9:20


PG-13 Daily (1:20) (4:00) 6:40 9:20 Fri-Sun (10:50)


R Daily 9:20


PG Daily (12:45) (1:15) (4:00) 6:45 8:50 Fri-Sun (10:45)



PG-13 Daily (1:30) (4:00) 6:30 9:00 Fri-Sun (11:00)


R Daily (12:15) (3:15) 6:15 9:10


PG-13 Daily (12:45) (3:30) 6:20 9:00

Showtimes in ( ) are at bargain price. Special Attraction — No Passes Showtimes Effective 4/14/17-4/20/17

68 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

Octavia Spencer, McKenna Grace and Chris Evans in Gifted. tioned but somewhat unreliable boat mechanic (Chris Evans) becomes the guardian of her incorrigible 7-year-old daughter. He soon discovers that she, too, is a math prodigy, which is also



The true story of Seretse Khama (David Oyelowo), a Botswanan prince (and later, president) who aided in securing his country’s independence while married to a woman (Rosamund Pike) who was both European and white. During the late 1940s, their marriage was initially met with resistance from both the British and South African people, though they came to be generally beloved political figures. At the Magic Lantern. (NW) Rated PG-13


Continuing the trend of remaking its animated classics as live-action features, Disney’s update of its great version of Beauty and the Beast is reverential to a fault. The plot goes more or less unchanged — the bookish Belle (Emma Watson) is taken captive by the horrifying Beast (Dan Stevens), who turns out to be cuddlier than expected — though this script provides more backstory for its central characters. Still, it’s not enough to make you forget the 1991 original, which probably shouldn’t have been monkeyed with in the first place. (SR) Rated PG


The latest from DreamWorks Animation casts Alec Baldwin as an infant who wears a business suit, talks like Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock and offers up such pearls of wisdom as “cookies are for closers only” (because kids sure do love their Glengarry Glen Ross references). But here’s the twist: Baby Baldwin’s antics are all in the mind of his imaginative 7-year-old brother, who’s afraid the arrival of a new sibling will attract all of his parents’ attention. (NW) Rated PG


Investigative journalist Lee Strobel was once an avowed atheist, setting out to irrefutably prove that there is no God. But as soon as he started digging into

the “evidence” of Jesus’ existence — and once his wife converted to Christianity — he began to see the light. Here’s a family-friendly, dramatized retelling of Strobel’s path to finding religion, costarring Faye Dunaway, Robert Forster and Frankie Faison. (NW) Rated PG


Another raunchy, R-rated big-screen adaptation of a goofy, retro TV show, this time updating the adventures of ’70s California highway patrolmen Poncherello and Baker to contemporary L.A. Michael Peña and Dax Shepard (who also wrote and directed) step into those famous khaki uniforms to, in a plot ripped from a Dirty Harry movie, hunt down a renegade ex-cop on a murderous rampage. Hey, the approach worked for 21 Jump Street. What’s next — T.J. Hooker? (NW) Rated R


Written and directed by Jordan Peele, this psychological thriller tackles the same issues of race and masculinity that were regularly explored on his Comedy Central series Key and Peele. Daniel Kaluuya (Sicario) and Allison Williams (Girls) play an interracial couple who visit her family’s country estate, which he discovers has a curi ous history with its African American staff. A clever, consistently funny racial satire and horror film that mocks white liberal cluelessness and finds humor in (without dismissing) black people’s fears. (ES) Rated R


This live-action reimagining of a highly regarded 1995 anime feature neuters a crafty, cerebral premise in favor of plodding, mostly bloodless gunfights and slo-mo hand-to-hand combat. Scarlett Johansson plays Major, a half-human, half-cyborg mercenary who attempts to stop a cabal of terrorists from hacking into people’s minds and controlling them for their own nefarious aims, but all is not as it seems. The occasional

when the little girl’s estranged grandmother (Lindsay Duncan) turns up to demand custody. Octavia Spencer and Jenny Slate round out the supporting cast. (NW) Rated PG-13

striking image can’t save this dull attempt at intriguing sci-fi. (NW) Rated PG-13


Oscar winners Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Alan Arkin take on roles originated by George Burns, Art Carney and Lee Strasberg in this remake of a 1979 comedy about old dudes who decide they’ve got nothing left to lose and rob a bank. Directed by (of all people) Zach Braff and written by Theodore Melfi, who helmed last year’s Oscar-nominated Hidden Figures. (NW) Rated PG-13


For anyone who wishes that all the cat videos on YouTube were feature length, here’s an 80-minute documentary about the feral felines who roam the streets of Istanbul and have completely taken over certain parts of the city. You can view it as a fly-on-the-wall study of an urban ecosystem, as a sumptuous international travelogue or simply as a visual love letter to Istanbul’s furry inhabitants. At the Magic Lantern. (SD) Not rated


Set in 1973, the latest attempt to revive King Kong has a group of scientists, mercenaries and soldiers dropping into a jungle turf war between the legendary giant ape of the title and the horrifying monsters (known as “skullcrawlers”) that decimated his species. Skull Island is a lot of things at once — a war movie, a breathlessly paced chase film, a creepy-crawly creature feature, a man vs. nature parable — but it all works in its own crazy way. (MJ) Rated PG-13


A Mars probe discovers and obtains a sample of an extraterrestrial organism, and it’s handed over to a small team of astronauts aboard the International Space Station. The life form seems docile at first, but it turns out to be intel-






Get Out






Beauty and the Beast


Kong: Skull Island




Ghost in the Shell




ligent and malevolent, escaping captivity, multiplying in size and wreaking havoc on the ship. The film copies a lot of its moves from Alien, but relentless, heart-pounding suspense isn’t one of them. (NW) Rated R


This multiple Oscar nominee is based on a memoir by Saroo Brierley, who was separated from his mother in Calcutta as a child, adopted by an Australian couple and later used Google Earth to locate the tiny Indian village he left behind. Although the film’s middle section drags considerably, this is an undeniably powerful true story, and Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman and 8-year-old Sunny Pawar deliver standout performances. (NW) Rated PG-13


The third film in the stand-alone Wolverine trilogy is probably the best XMen movie yet. Set in 2029, 25 years after the last known mutant was born, a haggard Logan (Hugh Jackman) has retreated into the desert to care for the ailing Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart). The existence of a little girl with uncanny powers soon becomes known, and Logan agrees to transport her to a faraway mutant refuge known as Eden. Bloody, bold and badass, this is one of the finest comic book movies ever made. (MJ) Rated R


Power Rangers, a cheap, Americanized repackaging of the long-running Japanese series Super Sentai, started as a fad in the early ’90s, and it’s somehow still inspiring new merchandise and spin-off TV shows. It was inevitable, then, that Hollywood would eventually mine the franchise for a reboot, producing a new group of kids who are morphed into heroes, differentiated solely by their brightly colored super suits. (NW) Rated PG-13


As they’re preparing to appear in a production of Death of a Salesman, a husband and wife living in Tehran are shaken following a violent assault. An observant character study that unfolds with the propulsive nature of a thriller, this recent Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film further cements writer-director Asghar Farhadi’s reputation as one of the best filmmakers currently working in any country. At



the Magic Lantern. (NW) Rated PG-13


While on a camping trip, a little girl is abducted and murdered, leaving her family emotionally shattered. But don’t let that gruesome premise fool you: This is an inspirational film for Christian audiences, and pretty soon the girl’s father (Sam Worthington) is receiving cryptic messages that seem to be coming from on high. Co-starring Octavia Spencer, Radha Mitchell and Tim McGraw. (NW) Rated PG-13


The third (!) feature in the recent reboot of Peyo’s Belgian cartoon creation jettisons the live-action elements from the last two Smurfs movies and goes all-in on its eye-searing CGI. This time, Smurfette takes off on a mission to discover her purpose in her otherwise all-male village, stumbling upon the secrets of Smurf existence in the process. Regressive gender stereotypes ensue. Featuring the voices of Demi Lovato, Mandy Patinkin, Julia Roberts and, uh, TV chef Gordon Ramsay. (MJ) Rated PG


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S P O K A N E H O O P F E S T. N E T


A shy teenage girl, wishing she were someone else, wakes up one morning and finds herself in the body of a more popular teenage boy. But there’s a catch: He’s now occupying her body, and they find themselves improving one another’s social lives as their minds and bodies swap back and forth over the course of a year. Based on a popular novel by writer-director Makoto Shinkai, this anime feature is perhaps too densely plotted for its own good, but it’s an ultimately moving, beautifully drawn story that should appeal to young adults. In dubbed and subtitled versions. (NW) Rated PG


Jessica Chastain stars as Antonina Żabiński, who, along with her husband Jan, turned her once-thriving Warsaw Zoo into a safe haven for Polish Jews during WWII. It’s a remarkable true story, most famously documented in Diane Ackerman’s bestselling book, but this adaptation looks to be another handsome Hollywood biopic that was made to win Oscars it won’t ever receive. (NW) Rated PG-13 

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 69

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70 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

Local rockers Supervillain celebrate the release of their debut LP with back-to-back weekend shows.


Spokane rock trio Supervillain defy expectations with their new album’s vintage riffage BY TUCK CLARRY


upervillain is a band in a constant standoff with other people’s assumptions about what they might sound like. If they get you at one of their shows, though, they’ll have you hooked with danceable riffs that defy any of your preconceived notions. The band’s practice studio and headquarters are in the basement of a family home in Spokane Valley. Noisecanceling curtains and foam deafen the room that houses drummer Jeff Schell’s clear Ludwig kit. On the other side of one of the walls is an ever-growing recording console, with enough racks, lights and panels to make your eyes

wander. They hope to eventually turn the lair into a fullon recording studio. It’s a bit of a “bring your work home with you” situation for bassist and lead gearhead Bobby Kluss, who manages the Spokane area’s Pawn 1 Music Corners. “I get to try stuff,” Kluss says with a sheepish grin. His extensive knowledge means that Kluss is always experimenting with all kinds of equipment: He once bought an amp for his bandmate Scott Thompson’s guitar rig that had previously belonged to Queens of the ...continued on next page

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 71


You have two chances to catch Supervillain this weekend. Beato, a platinum-selling record producer and owner of the Black Dog Sound recording studio in Atlanta. “It wasn’t really that we were dead set on finding somebody,” Thompson says. “We had a bunch of songs, and we knew we wanted to get them as best as possible and not have to worry about anything but just playing.” There wasn’t a consensus among band members when it came to flying all the way to Georgia — recording on tape across the country isn’t exactly cheap — but the

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opportunity eventually proved too great to pass up. “I work a lot and I have a family. I can make music in my basement and still have fun,” Kluss says. “If we were going to do this, I wanted something to be able to look back at. It wasn’t necessarily that he could do something better than what we could do in Spokane. We just wanted to record how our favorite bands did.” Beato ended up being a dream match for the group, picking and tuning kits exactly how they would have themselves, and Schell says their goal on the Atlanta trip became to function as sponges. “When we got to Atlanta, we started picking up quick that we have all of this stuff already,” he says. “It’s the knowledge that we couldn’t really replicate.” After releasing their CD (which boasts a cover design by artists from DC and Marvel Comics) and playing their two album party shows, the guys in Supervillain hope to play more often and to help record other local acts. Moving forward, they’re going to make as few assumptions as they do when they’re writing songs. “When we went to Atlanta, we wrote the title track, ‘It’s Easy When It’s Easy,’ on the spot,” Kluss said. “Whatever happens, happens. If it’s cool, it’s cool.”  Supervillain CD Release Weekend: With Quarter Monkey, Homewrecker and Dogtown 420 • Fri, April 14 at 8 pm • 18+/$5, 21+/free • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 244-3279 With Dead Serious Lovers and Pine League • Sat, April 15 at 9 pm • $5 • 21+ • The Observatory • 15 S. Howard • • 598-8933

APRIL 30 Sun | 4 -8 PM




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72 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017


Stone Age frontman Josh Homme. “Before I started hanging out with Bobby, the gear I had I thought was cool,” says Thompson, laughing. “But this shit got out of hand quick.” It’s obvious that Kluss, Thompson and Schell put as much consideration into their gear as they do their songwriting, and they’re aware that those obsessions might inspire scoffs from other musicians. But the gloss of vintage equipment and straightforward rock riffs disguises the band’s goofy satirical streak: Their song “It’ll Be Soon” dabbles in conversation about global warming, and their bobbing “The Best Ass in LA” shouldn’t necessarily be taken literally. “A lot of indie bands will hear us for the first time when they play with us, and they’ll say, ‘We had no idea you guys were actually good!’” Thompson says. “We like to be underdogs, in a sense. Deep down, we have a chip on our shoulders and want to be a good rock band and write good songs.” The trio often books shows that deliberately challenge those assumptions, playing with acts ranging from country to indie rock to an all-female Iron Maiden cover band. “There’s this indie type, then there’s this other side that’s more Rock 94.5-type bands, and we don’t particularly try to fit into either,” Thompson says. “We like that we show up and everybody can enjoy it.” For their debut LP It’s Easy When It’s Easy, the group, recording both live and on tape, wanted to make a classic-sounding album, but allowed themselves the opportunity to decide how they’d meet that goal. They began casting their hooks for a producer with some self-recorded demos, eventually landing the trophy catch of Rick

Abeja Basel Cellars Bergevin Lane Vineyards Buty Winery Cadaretta Caprio Cellars Castillo de Feliciana Vineyard and Winery College Cellars Dunham Cellars Dusted Valley Dowsett Family Winery Eternal Wines l Drink Washington State El Corazon Winery Five Star Cellars Gifford Hirlinger Gramercy Cellars L'Ecole No 41 Helix Isenhower Cellars Northstar Overbluff Cellars Reininger Winery Sinclair Estate Vineyards Sleight of Hand Cellars Spring Valley Vineyard Tamarack Cellars Tempus Cellars TERO Estates VA Piano Vineyards The Walls Vineyards Walla Walla Vintners Waters Winery Woodward Canyon


Rare Air Get down to the globally flavored electro-jams of Beats Antique BY BEN SALMON


or a hard-touring band — especially one with a habit of releasing its albums in the fall — a winter at home with few professional obligations is a rarity. But that’s exactly what the three members of Beats Antique have enjoyed over the past few months, drummer Tommy “Sidecar” Cappel says in a telephone interview from his residence in Oakland, California. “It’s been really nice. I’ve been growing my hair out. My beard was all messed up,” he says with a laugh. “But I’m starting to feel that mojo coming on.” Of course, time away from Beats Antique doesn’t necessarily mean time away from making music for Cappel, who co-founded the globally inspired electro-roots band with multi-instrumentalist David Satori and belly dancer Zoe Jakes in 2007. Cappel lives four blocks from his studio and says he goes there every day, either for work or for play. “My favorite coffee shop is in the same building, so of course I’m going to go there. And if I go there, I’m going to walk in and I’m going to do something,” he says. “Every time I walk into the studio, I MORE EVENTS create a folder of stuff, Visit for and that stuff just sits complete listings of around until I find it local events. again. I have thousands of [recordings] of me just messing around for a couple of hours … and when I’m stumped, I go into those folders and start getting un-stumped.” Last October, Beats Antique released Shadowbox, its 10th studio album in 10 years. Like the nine before it, the record is a fat-bottomed fusion of big beats and booming bass, cinematic grandeur, gritty hip-hop, organic funk, Burning Man vibes and cool sounds from around the world, particularly Africa and the Middle East. Live, the group augments its music with Jakes’ beautiful belly dancing and other visual treats. Beats Antique is nothing if not singular, but its special blend of styles has found a large audience, first on the West Coast and then, slowly but surely, beyond. The band headlines festivals and fills theaters across the

A fusion of styles: Beats Antique blends African, Middle Eastern and distinctly American sounds. SEQUOIA EMMANUELLE PHOTO world, and that demand heavily influenced the making of Shadowbox, Cappel says. “When you’re invited somewhere, you end up being there in a much more enlightened way. You have locals showing you things, introducing you to people, bringing you to parties you wouldn’t have known about at all,” he says. “So when these opportunities came up, we just took ’em. We’ve done that our whole career, it’s just that it happened that this album had a lot of different places represented.” For Shadowbox, Beats Antique recorded in an industrial part of Moscow and one of the finest studios in Tel Aviv, as well as London, the Bay Area and New Orleans. Guest performers include Oregon MC Lafa Taylor, NYC progressive brass band Too Many Zooz, Indian classical musician Alam Khan, Russian folk singer Tatyana Kalmykova and New Orleans’ legendary Preservation Hall Jazz Band. Cappel, Jakes and Satori initially came together to create accompaniment for one of Jakes’ dance produc-

tions, but it didn’t take long for the trio to realize they’d stumbled onto something more. Of course, they had no idea just how much more Beats Antique would become. “There are times as a musician that you sense something, and you go toward it because you sense something, but also because you don’t really have much else going on,” Cappel says. “So it was kind of this moment where it was like, ‘Well, of course I want to pay my rent by making music.’” These days, the band is well past paying the rent. Just don’t ask Cappel to treat the opportunity any differently than he always has. “In a lot of ways, I feel the same as I did then, which is, ‘Cool. I get to make music? This is awesome,’” he says. “I get to make music with my friends that’s just totally beautiful and weird and strange and nobody tells me I can’t do something. That’s really rare.” n Beats Antique with Mr. Bill • Tue, April 18 at 8 pm • $22 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 244-3279

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 73




t the end of last year’s edition of NPR’s Tiny Desk Contest, violinist Gaelynn Lea was named the winner among 6,100 entrants. And it’s no wonder: The Duluth, Minnesota, native’s ethereal voice is a perfect match for her delicate melodies and lilting string arrangements; check out her Tiny Desk audition video, which features her haunting original composition “Someday We’ll Linger in the Sun,” to get an idea of her powers. Lea, born with a genetic condition that stunted her bone growth, is a vocal advocate for people with disabilities (she recently hosted a TED Talk about the narrow parameters of our culture’s beauty standards), and she’s also a member of the Murder of Crows, a duo she formed with Alan Sparhawk of the alt-rock band Low. — NATHAN WEINBENDER Gaelynn Lea with Dry and Dusty • Sat, April 15 at 8 pm • All-ages • $8/$10 day of • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174


Thursday, 04/13

J J BABY BAR, The Dancing Plague of 1518, Outercourse, Heavy 17 J J THE BARTLETT, Wrekmeister Harmonies BEEROCRACY, Open Mic J J THE BIG DIPPER, Emby Alexander, Boat Race Weekend BOLO’S, Inland Empire Blues Society Monthly Blues Boogie BOOMERS CLASSIC ROCK BAR & GRILL, Randy Campbell BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE, The Song Project J BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen BULLHEAD SALOON, Ryan Chrys & The Rough Cuts with Jesse Quandt J CHAPS, Spare Parts COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, PJ Destiny CRAVE, DJ Freaky Fred CRUISERS, Open Mic Jam Slam FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Kicho THE JACKSON ST., Wyatt Wood JOHN’S ALLEY, Jive Coulis J KNITTING FACTORY, Kristian Bush, Runaway June, Midland LAGUNA CAFÉ, Just Plain Darin THE OBSERVATORY, Blood Handsome, Calm Cave J THE PIN!, Stoner Jordan POST FALLS BREWING COMPANY, Devon Wade THE RESERVE, Liquid with DJ Dave THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos TIMBER GASTRO PUB, Bill Bozly ZOLA, Blake Braley

Friday, 04/14

12 TRIBES RESORT CASINO, The Company Band 219 LOUNGE, Miah Kohal

74 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017



ess than a year ago, Loverboy sold out Northern Quest’s Pend Oreille Pavilion, delivering a nonstop run through many of the songs that filled the airwaves during the early days of MTV and helped make the ’80s so memorable for music fans of a certain age (ahem). “Working for the Weekend,” “Lucky Ones” and “Turn Me Loose” are still in regular rotation on classic-rock radio, and while I went to last year’s Loverboy show expecting to chuckle more than cheer, the Canadian crew showcased musical chops I didn’t anticipate. Guitarist Paul Dean and multi-instrumentalist Doug Johnson in particular killed it, and singer Mike Reno remains an affable, good-humored frontman. This time around, Loverboy is joined by Survivor and the “Eye of the Tiger” band’s new 22-year-old singer Cameron Barton. — DAN NAILEN Loverboy and Survivor • Sat, April 15 at 7:30 pm • $65/$75/$85 • Northern Quest Resort & Casino • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • • 481-2100

ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Dan Conrad J J THE BARTLETT, Sera Cahoone, Naomi Wachira BEVERLY’S, Robert Vaughn J THE BIG DIPPER, Trevor White, Fake News, B Radicals BLACK DIAMOND, DJ Sterling BOLO’S, Haze BOOMERS CLASSIC ROCK BAR & GRILL, Kosta la Vista CEDAR STREET BRIDGE, Mostly Harmless CHINOOK STEAK, PASTA AND SPIRITS (CDA CASINO), Desja CURLEY’S, Yesterdayscake FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Donnie Emerson

IDAHO POUR AUTHORITY, John Firshi IRON HORSE BAR, Ryan Larsen Band JOHN’S ALLEY, Sol Seed J J KNITTING FACTORY, Supervillain (see page 71), Quarter Monkey, Homewreckr, Dogtown 420 MICKDUFF’S BEER HALL, Ron Greene MOOSE LOUNGE, Riverboat Dave and the Fur Traders MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE, Eric Henderson NASHVILLE NORTH, Ladies Night with Luke Jaxon and DJ Tom NORTHERN QUEST RESORT & CASINO, DJ Patrick NYNE, Funky Unkle THE PALOMINO, Coldblooded, Concrete Grip, Massacre at the Opera

PATIT CREEK CELLARS, Ken Davis, In Transit PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Tom Catmull J THE PIN!, Oceano, Slaughter to Prevail, Aversions Crown, Spite THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos RIVELLE’S RIVER GRILL, Devon Wade THE ROADHOUSE, Carter Winter, Jones and Fischer, Christy Lee SILVER FOX, Usual Suspects THE THIRSTY DOG, Still Kickin’ TIMBER GASTRO PUB, Son of Brad ZOLA, The Cronkites

Saturday, 04/15 219 LOUNGE, Brian Jacobs

ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Spare Parts Duo BARLOWS AT LIBERTY LAKE, Ron Greene J J THE BARTLETT, Gaelynn Lea (see above), Dry & Dusty BEEROCRACY, Sunshine Machine, Summer in Siberia, Wind Hotel BEVERLY’S, Robert Vaughn J THE BIG DIPPER, Folkinception, The Holy Broke BLACK DIAMOND, DJ Stud BOLO’S, Haze BOOMERS CLASSIC ROCK BAR & GRILL, Kosta la Vista CHINOOK STEAK, PASTA AND SPIRITS (CDA CASINO), Desja CURLEY’S, Yesterdayscake

THE EMPEROR ROOM, Pegboard Nerds FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Keanu & Joey FLAME & CORK, Eric Neuhauser HUCKLEBERRY’S NATURAL MARKET, Todd Milne IDAHO POUR AUTHORITY, Justin Lantrip IRON HORSE BAR, Ryan Larsen Band THE JACKSON ST., Karaoke w/James JOHN’S ALLEY, Sol Seed J KNITTING FACTORY, Too Broke to Rock feat. American Grim, Lost Elysium, Arisen from Nothing LA ROSA CLUB, Open Jam MOOSE LOUNGE, Riverboat Dave and the Fur Traders MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE, Truck Mills NASHVILLE NORTH, Ladies Night with Luke Jaxon and DJ Tom NORTHERN QUEST RESORT & CASINO, Loverboy (see facing page), Survivor J THE OBSERVATORY, Supervillain (see page 71), Dead Serious Lovers, Pine League THE PALOMINO, Dysfunktynal Kaos, Strawberry Rocket, E.T.M., Silent Theory, Foxtrot Epidemic


Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Mike Wagoner POST FALLS BREWING COMPANY, Echo Elysium THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler THE ROADHOUSE, Gilbert Rivas SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE, Son of Brad THE THIRSTY DOG, DJ Dave ZOLA, The Cronkites

Sunday, 04/16

DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, Phil and the Prescriptions LINGER LONGER LOUNGE, Open Jam O’DOHERTY’S IRISH GRILLE, Live Irish Music THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Sunday Karaoke Night ZOLA, Whsk&Keys

Monday, 04/17

J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills RED ROOM LOUNGE, Open Mic with Lucas Brookbank Brown ZOLA, Perfect Mess

Tuesday, 04/18

J THE BARTLETT, Tyson Motsenbocker, Fialta THE BOILER ROOM, Nick Grow THE EMPEROR ROOM, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx

THE JACKSON ST., Tim and Dale J J KNITTING FACTORY, Beats Antique (see page 73), Mr. Bill LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Turntable Tuesday MIK’S, DJ Brentano J THE OBSERVATORY, The Cryptics, Foxtrot Epidemic, Itchy Kitty THE PALOMINO, Sykosis, Beneath a Dying Sun THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Open Mic/Jam Night ZOLA, Dueling Cronkites

LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Carey Brazil LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 THE OBSERVATORY, Soul Man Black, Dan Black J THE PIN!, Ricky Dreamz THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Live Piano RIVELLE’S RIVER GRILL, Jam Night: Truck Mills and guests THE ROADHOUSE, Open mic with Johnny Qlueless THE THIRSTY DOG, DJ Dave ZOLA, Haley Young and Champagne Jam

Wednesday, 04/19

Coming Up ...

GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES, Open Mic with Travis Goulding IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, Evan Denlinger

J KNITTING FACTORY, Inlander 420 Party feat. Milonga, Fat Lady, April 20 J THE BARTLETT, NE-HI, Empty Eyes,

Local Pavlov, April 21 J KNITTING FACTORY, Alive In Barcelona, The Broken Thumbs, Silent Theory, Elephant Gun Riot, April 21 THE OBSERVATORY, Summer in Siberia, Mini Murders, Sea Giant, April 21 J TERRAIN, Isaacjacuzzi, Jango, Young East w/ Alvin, Alley Griff, Bendi, April 23 J KNITTING FACTORY, Jimmy Eat World, Beach Slang, April 25 NASHVILLE NORTH, Nashville Unplugged, feat. Aaron Benward and Paul Jenkins, April 26 BABY BAR, Seed Bomb, Itchy Kitty, Lucky Chase, April 26 J THE BARTLETT, Hillstomp, Fun Ladies, April 27

MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 BARLOWS • 1428 N. Liberty Lake Rd. • 924-1446 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BEEROCRACY • 911 W. Garland Ave. THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S • 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUZZ COFFEEHOUSE • 501 S. Thor • 340-3099 CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY • 116 E. Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208-665-0591 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague Ave. • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley, Idaho • 800-523-2464 COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS • 3890 N. Schreiber Way, CdA • 208-664-2336 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 DIAMS DEN • 412 W. Sprague • 934-3640 EICHARDT’S PUB • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-263-4005 THE EMPEROR ROOM • 25 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 THE FEDORA • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208-7658888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings • 466-5354 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 HOTEL RL BY RED LION AT THE PARK • 303 W. North River Dr. • 326-8000 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208667-7314 JACKSON ST. BAR & GRILL • 2436 N. Astor St. • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. Sixth St., Moscow • 208883-7662 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 2013 E. 29th Ave. • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N. Market St. • 466-9918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan • 924-9000 MICKDUFF’S • 312 N. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208)255-4351 MONARCH MOUNTAIN COFFEE • 208 N 4th Ave, Sandpoint • 208-265-9382 MOOSE LOUNGE • 401 E. Sherman • 208-664-7901 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MULLIGAN’S • 506 Appleway Ave., CdA • 208- 7653200 ext. 310 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR CATERING & EVENTS • 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST RESORT • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE OBSERVATORY • 15 S. Howard • 598-8933 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO • 6425 N. Lidgerwood St. • 242-8907 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 THE PIN! • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RESERVE • 120 N. Wall • 598-8783 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside • 822-7938 RIVELLE’S • 2360 N Old Mill Loop, CdA • 208-9300381 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 THE THIRSTY DOG • 3027 E. Liberty Ave. • 487-3000 TIMBER GASTRO PUB •1610 E Schneidmiller, Post Falls • 208-262-9593 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 75

Fat Lady is playing the Inlander’s free 4/20 event.



Excuse us while we get a little self-promotion out of the way. The Inlander’s next event, 420 in the 509, is a celebration of every marijuana enthusiast’s favorite date, and features the fresh Latin beats of Milonga and the blues-rock jams of Fat Lady. Local screenprinter the Traveling T will be on site selling 420-themed shirts, and there’ll also be a photo booth so you’ll have evidence of the event if memories fade. The show is free, but a ticket is required for admission; they’re currently available at both Finders Insurance locations: 910 W. Boone and 12801 E. Sprague in the Valley. You can also get a ticket at the door (depending on space limitations, of course). Finally, do take note that consumption of any recreational cannabis products on site is prohibited. — NATHAN WEINBENDER 420 in the 509 feat. Milonga and Fat Lady • Thu, April 20 at 7 pm • Ages 21+ • Free • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 244-3279


Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

76 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017


The Farrelly Brothers have never been funnier than when they delivered 1998’s There’s Something About Mary. It’s the story of a beautiful woman (Cameron Diaz), her high school almost-sweetheart Ted (Ben Stiller) and a constellation of male morons all vying for her affection. The flick has hilarious slapstick, killer one-liners (“The last time I had a Pap smear, the guy needed leather gloves and an oyster shucker”), Jonathan Richman as a memorable troubadour and Matt Dillon at his smarmy best. In other words, it’s the perfect choice for a Suds & Cinema flick, especially accompanied by an Iron Goat beer and some Brain Freeze ice cream. After the show, stick around for an after party in the lobby with a live DJ and drink specials from Bon Bon. — DAN NAILEN Suds & Cinema: There’s Something About Mary • Fri, April 14 at 6:30 pm • $5 • 21+ • Garland Theater • 924 W. Garland • • 327-1050


Poetry slammers converge in downtown Spokane each month throughout the year to sling their best verses behind the mic, but this month things are getting serious. The annual Spokane Poetry Slam Finals features eight local poem slammers competing to represent the Lilac City at the National Poetry Slam competition in Denver this August. Audience members of all ages can hear spinetingling performances of original works by the top slam poets in the city: Fitz, Jack Siebel, Misty Lynn, Neko, Devin Devine, Sydney Stuckey, Zack Graham and Luke Grayson. Four of these poets will be named to Spokane’s 2017 national team, and the slam grand champion will represent our city at the Individual World Poetry Slam in October, this year being hosted right here in Spokane. As organizers have stated, if you go to just one slam a year, this is the night not to miss. — CHEY SCOTT Spokane Poetry Slam Finals • Mon, April 17 at 8 pm; doors at 7 pm • $8/$10 day of • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague •


Tied for first place in the Indoor Football League’s Intense Conference, the Spokane Empire (4-2) look to rebound after last week’s tough loss to the conference co-leader Nebraska Danger. This Friday, the Empire host the Colorado Crush (1-5), who they routed 70-37 on the road last month. The Empire are led by quarterback Charles Dowdell, who averages more than 150 yards in the air and 43 yards on the ground per game. Dowdell is second in the league in passing yards and touchdowns. The Empire’s defense is held down by defensive backs Tyree Robinson and John Hardy-Tuliau, who have each won Defensive Player of the Week honors this season. The Empire are looking to win the IFL this year after reaching the championship in just their first year in 2016. — TUCK CLARRY Spokane Empire vs. Colorado Crush • Fri, April 14 at 7 pm • $13-$95 • Spokane Arena • 720 W. Mallon • • 242-7462


April Fools’ Day may have passed without much notice this year, as it fell on a Saturday, but if you’re still itching to prank your friends or co-workers, the 12th Annual Send a Friend a Goat fundraiser is here. By making a donation of at least $50 (or recurring at $10 per month) to benefit the nonprofit Wishing Star Foundation, which grants wishes for children facing life-threatening medical conditions, volunteers will crash your chosen and unsuspecting recipient’s workplace with an adorable, two-to-six-week-old baby goat in tow. When the goating team stops by, they’ll playfully “threaten” your recipient by saying that they can’t send the baby goat away unless that person makes their own donation to Wishing Star. As you can imagine, this popular event is a major fundraising event for the regional nonprofit, and does an excellent job of bringing smiles and joy to all who get “goated.” Pranksters can sign up online to have a goat delivered to their recipient of choice. — CHEY SCOTT 12th Annual Send a Friend a Goat Spokane • April 17-21 • $50 minimum donation • • 744-3411

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 77





I SAW YOU WE SAW YOU ASSISTING A SENIOR ON SENIOR DAY AT NORTHERN QUEST. You were so friendly and respectable with such a pleasant demeanor. As seniors ourselves, we take notice when the younger generation treats the older generation with utmost dignity and respect. It’s a rarity these days so we appreciate you taking time to assist those who need it. You’ve assisted us in the past, and it’s always been with friendliness and pleasantness. So thank you for making us see and believe that there is still goodness in those much younger than us. I WAS REMEMBERING... I remember thinking of the time we went to Shari’s, after the party at Ann’s, and how beautiful you looked in the fluorescent light, while we nervously waited for the pie that never came. Then I looked across the table, while we discussed the day over breakfast, and you looked even more beautiful, like you do every day, more so than 22 years ago. Hoping for a meet-up soon? LOVE YOUR RIFF FAMILY Since we have all met you, you’ve been the same genuine human since day one. You need to know how much we all appearciate you. How much you give, and care for all of your friends and family, we all are going through hardships together, but it’s our friendship that gets us through the weather. This is what builds us and we wouldn’t have it any other way. From

the greatest bar keep and the best travel companion mahalo. I see you there shaking that thang. Thanks for creating a spot that makes me feel like myself 9 years running, that will not be rivaled by any bar in Spokane. Love peace and chicken grease. There are no words to describe what you do for us, “ya mother you got rhythm” bow wow. Thank you for believing in us as a humans. As people as family, arrow ER row. A space we can call home and a friend we can call family. With love, yours truly The Riff family. NW BLVD SAFEWAY 4/6-17 You bought my groceries, I didn’t even get your name. Thank you so much for your hospitality. Can I take you out for a beer to thank you? HEY, GOOD LOOKING I may not ever talk to you, but I have to say you are the finest looking man I have ever seen, in CDA on the sidewalk, in the middle of the road, at the gym, I can’t help but smile everytime I see you. TALL, PROFESSIONAL AND HANDSOME You were the professional and kind, a driver for Spokane STA. I got on the 90 with my cousin... headed to a tattoo event and saw you: tall, dark hair and beard, fun haircut, sleeves rolled up, black glasses. I appreciate how kind and professional you were with every single rider. We made eye contact briefly and I couldn’t help but hope you don’t read this! I was the shorter blonde with blue glasses and and a gray sweatshirt. Send me an email at if you’d like to meet for a drink! GIRL AT SAFEWAY ON 29TH ABOUT 9:00 PM 4/9 I was at the check stand when you walked by and told me that you liked my sweatshirt. We talked about bikes a little and you said yours had been stolen and all you have now is a beach cruiser. I got a really friendly vibe from you with that smile and those beautiful eyes. Plus you seemed really cool too. Coffee and maybe a ride sometime? P.S. I’ve never done this before. :) OVER THE YEARS TAKE TWO We only see each other a few times a year anymore. It’s probably good because I’ve had to mentally distance myself from you by being less friendly. And that’s because after all these years, the physical tension is there every time I see you. The proverbi-

al lust crush. I seriously don’t understand why we’ve never gotten together. I’ve had wistful thoughts, that maybe your early retirement might change things, maybe missing your kids and a loss of purpose

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78 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

DAMN....I’M LUCKY Micaela, It’s easy for me to look at you and tell you thankful I

knowing I would need to feel them, & funny memes knowing I would need a laugh. Cheers to synchronicity, crazy love, our dudes, & the hopes of every lasting love in this cycle of life >><<

So thank you for making us see and believe that there is still goodness in those much younger than us.

might cause you to reach out, and we’d talk like we used to. At this point I’d settle for a conversation over a glass wine so I could ask you why. Oh I know the reasons you’d give. And I’d respond that this was about us, not anyone else. Maybe I’ve misread you. Maybe I was making a fool out of myself being so obvious about wanting you. Maybe you’ve never felt the same tension, had the same thoughts, or looked at me the same as I look at you. I’m not sure I really want to know, it might be better to be left in my dreams than to know it was never possible. So why am I writing this? On the crazy thought that you might see it and know it was about us? And somehow we’d end up having that glass of wine? Only in my wildest dreams. No, I think this is my way of trying to release it and move on. And maybe one last chance at the lotto :).

am for you every day for being here for me through mine and our new journey together. It means something more when I take the time to show you in different ways how thankful and lucky I am to have you as my partner and by my side. You are so beautiful inside and out and I just want to say thank you again and I want you to know exactly how much I love and appreciate you. You’re the cheese to my macaroni and I love you. Love Always And Forever, Chad

FOLKINCEPTION @ RED ROOM Dear Elevator Eyes, I nervously showed up to my second-ever Folkinception show (they’re ok I guess) and looked for you amongst the hippies and baby boomers. I remember catching eyes with you at The Bartlett and was hoping for a sequel. Maybe our paths didn’t cross? Maybe you didn’t make it? Whatever the case, I’m willing to try again. Folkinception is at the Big Dipper this Saturday (4/15). I’ll be there waiting for you to say “you again??” ... again.

KUDOS TO YOU, KID! For being so respectable, honorable, polite, dignified, compassionate, considerate, gentle, kindhearted, amiable, personable. There are too many great qualities about you to list here. With your confident, positive, enthusiastic, optimistic, magnetic, jovial attitude and personality, you have the potential for great things and will have ample opportunity to advance your career if you so choose and desire. May success, peace, happiness and prosperity be yours always.


SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”

Spring Has Sprung


MY CLEMENTINE S&J you make me so proud!! you two have changed your lives around and are heros in my eyes! and the love you two share and the experiences you’ve had together is something so special. and now the greatest news ever “plus 2” you guys will make the best parents! love you all so much love mom

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE To the human who has loved me unconditionally, never given up on me, even when I gave up on myself, who sent me charged crystals


I HOPE YOU LEARN SOME MANNERS... Went to breakfast this morning at a pancake place. The booth behind us contained a man, his girlfriend, and three unruly brats. Together they proceeded to ‘entertain’ the entire restaurant with their loud and obnoxious voices, while chewing. They made stupid complaints to the waiter and were actually wrestling each other at one point. Heather... yes, we all heard your name shouted a dozen times... please reconsider eating in public. Your foul manners and those of those kids ruined breakfast for us all. 















NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.

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BEANS ‘N’ JEANS A benefit for Palouse Habitat for Humanity, featuring live bluegrass music, a catered barbecue dinner, live/silent auctions and more. April 15, 5:30-9:30 pm. SEL Event Center, Pullman. (509-334-3565) OUTSPOKANE MURDER MYSTERY DINNER & AUCTION Attend a “tantalizing” night in Tinseltown filled with twists and terror. Red Rock Catering serves a plated dinner; evening also includes a silent auction to benefit OutSpokane, producer of Spokane’s Annual Pride Parade and Rainbow Festival. April 21, 6-9 pm. $55$65. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. SCRAPS REIGNING CATS & DOGS AUCTION The annual benefit includes a catered dinner, beverages, silent/live auctions and more. Proceeds benefit the SCRAPS Hope Foundation, which helps animals in the organization’s care rehabilitate from homelessness, abuse or abandonment. April 21, 5:30 pm. $50/ person. Hotel RL by Red Lion at the Park, 201 W. North River Dr. (477-2532) SPOKANE GUILDS’ SCHOOL PENNY DRIVE Students from area high schools join with community volunteers to collect pennies, quarters, dollars and other donations for the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center Foundation at 13 regional locations. (See site for list.) April 22, 9 am-2 pm.


2.0PEN MIC Local comedy night hosted by Ken McComb. Thursdays, from 8-10 pm. Free. The District Bar, 916 W. First Ave. GUFFAW YOURSELF! Open mic night with Casey Strain; Thursdays at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First. (847-1234) JAY CHANDRASEKHAR The actor, director, writer and comedian is known for his work with the Broken Lizard comedy troupe, and for roles in “Super Troopers” and “Beerfest.” April 13-15 at 7:30 pm, April 14-15 at 10:30 pm. $16-$28. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. (318-9998) MUSIC IN YOUR FACE The BDT Players put their comedic twist on this all-improvised musical comedy, with song, storytelling, laughs and merriment. Fridays, through May 6, at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045) STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third. (509-838-6688) SAFARI The Blue Door’s fast-paced, short-form improv show. The gamebased format relies on audience suggestions to fuel each scene. Rated for mature audiences. Saturdays at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) OPEN MIC XL Live comedy, Tuesdays at 9 pm. The Observatory, 15 S. Howard. (598-8933) OPEN MIC A free open mic night every Wednesday, starting at 8 pm. Doors open at 7 pm. Free. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. SARAH COLONNA Sarah is well known as a popular roundtable regular on the hit late night talk show “Chelsea Lately.” She also served as a full time writer for the show, and as producer, writer and star of

the show’s spin-off scripted series “After Lately.” April 20-22, at 8 pm; April 21-22 at 10:30 pm. $15-$27. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. (318-9998)


MAMMOTHS & MASTODONS: TITANS OF THE ICE AGE The highly-interactive touring exhibit from the Field Museum in Chicago features hands-on activities, hundreds of fossil specimens from around the world and full-size models of Ice Age megafauna. Through May 7; open Tue-Sat, 10 am-5 pm (to 8 pm on Wed; half-price admission on Tue). $10$15. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. PJALS POSTCARD HAPPY HOUR An opportunity for the public to communicate a short message to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell. Post cards will then be delivered to these elected officials. On the second Thursday of the month, from 4:30-6:30 pm. Saranac Commons, 19 W. Main. (838-7870) WWI: THE WAR TO END ALL WARS A new exhibit commemorating the 100th anniversary of the United States entry into World War I. Through Nov. 30; open Wed-Sat, 11 am-4 pm. $4-$6 admission. Spokane Valley Heritage Museum, 12114 E. Sprague Ave. LET FREEDOM RING GSI honors local active duty, Guard, and Reserve members of the Armed Forces. Event features a keynote by Brig. Gen. Roger Watkins, who served at FAFB from 2006-08. April 14, 7:30 am. $30-$40. Northern Quest Resort & Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd. (242-7000) EASTER WEEKEND CELEBRATION Take part in the local tradition with Easter Bunny sightings, egg hunts in the orchard, “Country” Limo Rides, tasty treats from the Country Kitchen and more. $9/ kids; $6/adults. Harvest House, 9919 E. Greenbluff Rd. BLOOMSDAY TRAINING CLINICS Get ready for the 41st Bloomsday at free clinics from Providence Health Care and Group Health. Walk, jog or run at your own pace. Routes increase one mile each week. Through April 29, meets Saturdays at 8:30 am. Free. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene. FREE SHRED DAY Shredding provided by DeVries; limit of five boxes per vehicle. April 15, 10 am-1 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. (208-769-2315) GREEN BLUFF CHURCH EGG HUNT Free and open to all. April 15, noon. Free. Green Bluff United Methodist Church, 9908 E. Greenbluff Rd. (238-9100) HIGH COUNTRY ORCHARD EASTER EGG HUNT Enjoy an Easter egg hunt and take a wagon ride down to the peach orchard to take a picture with the Easter Bunny. April 15, 9 am-3 pm. $8/kids, free for adults. High Country Orchard, 8518 E. Green Bluff Rd. WVOLC OPEN HOUSE Join center staff for a day of critters, crafts and outdoor games. April 15, from 10 am-2 pm. $5 suggested donation. West Valley Outdoor Learning Center, 8706 E. Upriver Drive. (340-1028) REJECT TRUMP’S BUDGET MARCH & TEACH-IN This PJALS event connects the dots between the proposed $54 billion increase in military spending and the cuts to many vital social and environmental programs. Join us to share your concern

and learn about the impact of this proposal. April 15, 12-2 pm. Free. Community Building, 35 W. Main. SATURDAY NIGHT BOARD GAME TOURNAMENT Compete in a number of Eurogames, including Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Splendor and Carcassone, and chow down on pizza. No experience required. Register online. April 15, 5-8 pm. $5. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. (279-0299) SCC FREE CAR CARE FAIR SCC automotive specialists provide a free vehicle inspection. On the south side of SCC Bldg 18, in the Automotive Building parking lot. April 15, 9 am-3 pm. Free. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. (434-5162) SPRING TIME EASTER EVENT Activities include an egg hunt, carnival games, a mobile petting zoo, pony rides, inflatables, and pictures with the Easter Bunny. April 15, 10 am-noon. Free. First Church of Nazarene, 9004 N. Country Homes Blvd. (467-8986) SEED LIBRARY OPEN HOUSE Residents can borrow seeds from the library, plant their gardens, harvest their crops and then return some of the harvested seeds to the Library for use the following growing season. April 18, 10 am-5 pm. Free. Colfax Library, 102 S. Main. (397-4366) GSI’S BUSINESS AFTER SCHOOL Come learn about the careers available in a medical inpatient/outpatient rehabilitative setting. An interactive tour and facilitated panel discussion will highlight the workshop. April 19, 9-11 am. Free. St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute, 711 S. Cowley St. CODE SWITCHING & STEREOTYPE THREATS Join MOSAIC at SFCC as they discuss the concepts of “code switching” and stereotype threats. April 19, 11:30 am12:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Spokane Falls Community College, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. (533-3500) FRIENDS OF THE SPOKANE LIBRARY BOOK SALE On April 20-21, hours are 10 am-5 pm and on April 22 from 10 am-2 pm. Most items are less than a dollar, and on Saturday customers can fill a bag of books for $3. Downtown Spokane Library, 906 W. Main. MOM’S NIGHT OUT An opportunity for local mothers to get out and meet other moms who have a child touched by autism. April 20, 5-8 pm. Free. Black Label Brewing Co., 19 W. Main. RED HOT MAMAS SPOKANE AUDITION Audition to perform with the group in the 91st Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. No preparation required to audition. April 21, 6:30-8 pm. $10. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. (208-930-4444) THE ARC OF SPOKANE JOB FAIR Learn about diverse programs the Arc offers to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabities to live enriched and fullfilled lives. Interviews offered on site. April 22, 12-3 pm. Free. Arc of Spokane, 320 E. Second. ASPCA HELP A HORSE DAY This event features local equine experts, kid-friendly activities, a scavenger hunt and opportunities to interact with the horses. River’s Wish is also competing for $25,000 in ASPCA grant funding to help support ongoing work with at-risk equines in the region. April 22, 12-4 pm. Free. River’s Wish Animal Sanctuary, 11511 W. Garfield Rd. (951-3650) EARTH DAY: DROP IN & SCIENCE Kids of all ages (adults, too!) are invited to plant seed starts and participate in Earth

science-inspired art and writing projects. April 22, 12-5 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. MARCH FOR SCIENCE SPOKANE Scientists, science enthusiasts and concerned citizens are invited to this local event coinciding with the national March for Science to promote the sciences and peaceably protest the anti-science policies and people being put forth by Congress and President Trump. April 22, 1-5 pm. Free. Riverfront Park, at the Clocktower. bit. ly/2p2mkgV (509-625-6601)


FRANTZ This French film by François Ozon follows a grieving German widow in the wake of WWI whose interest is piqued by a Frenchman with apparent ties to her late husband. April 13 and 15, times vary. $5-$7. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. (208-255-7801) PHANTOM OF THE OPERA WITH LIVE ORCHESTRA The 1925 classic silent film is accompanied by a live, 8-piece chamber orchestra performing a new score by Dylan Champagne. April 13, 7-8:45 pm. $15-$20. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland. I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO At the time of James Baldwin’s death in 1987, he left behind only 30 completed pages of his manuscript. Now, in this new documentary, master filmmaker Raoul Peck envisions the book Baldwin never finished. April 14, 7-9 pm. $3-$6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main. SUDS & CINEMA: THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY Features beer specials from Iron Goat Brewing and themed ice cream from Brain Freeze Creamery. Stay for the after-party in the lobby with a live DJ and drink specials at Bon Bon. Ages 21+. April 14, 6:30 pm. $5. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland. THE KING & I A screening and discussion of Anna Leonowens, and the history of religions in Southeast Asia, colonialism, women’s rights, slavery and international trade. April 17, 6:30-8:30 pm. Free. Moran Prairie Library, 6004 S. Regal. (448-0659) INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES: KEDI A profile of an ancient city and its unique people, seen through the eyes of the most mysterious and beloved animal humans have ever known: the cat. April 18, 7-9 pm. $5. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) FOOD FOR THOUGHT: BEFORE THE FLOOD A riveting account of the dramatic changes now occurring around the world due to climate change, as well as the actions we, as individuals and as a society, can take to prevent the disruption of life on our planet. April 19, 7-9 pm. Free. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED A screening of the 2015 documentary presented by the Mead School District CTE Department. April 19, 6 pm. Free. Mt. Spokane High School, 6015 E. Mt Spokane Park Dr. (465-7655) LINCOLN (2012) In this Stephen Spielberg film, the Civil War rages and America’s 16th president struggles with carnage on the battlefield as he disagrees with his own cabinet members about the decision to emancipate the slaves. With an introduction by Ronald White, Jr., and Leonard Oakland. April 20, 7-9 pm. Free. Whitworth University, 300 W. Hawthorne Rd.


PALOUSE BEER CHOIR The local group celebrates the pleasures of pub singing and craft beer. Come sing or listen, and have a beer. Download the 10-song hymnal online. April 13, 8 pm. Free and open to the public. Hunga Dunga Brewing Co., 333 N. Jackson. VINO WINE TASTING Sample Vino’s top picks for Easter alongside cheese and crackers. April 14, 3-6:30 pm. Vino! A Wine Shop, 222 S. Washington St. (509-838-1229) EASTER BRUNCH Menu features chefcarved baron of beef, roasted Alaska salmon, lobster gumbo, rosemary leg of lamb, omelet station, a Belgian-style waffle bar, salad bar, ice cream, fresh pastries and more. April 16, 7 am-2 pm. $23.99/adult. Coeur d’Alene Casino, 37914 S Hwy 95. CREATING A PERSONALIZED COOKBOOK Learn about the many ways to organize your recipes or create a personalized cookbook using a computer. April 18, 2 pm. Free. Indian Trail Library, 4909 W. Barnes. (444-5331) FINNRIVER CIDER DINNER A sevencourse dinner paired with selections from Finnriver. Co-founder Crystie Kisler is on hand to talk about the ciders and the farm. See link for menu and event details. Reservations required. April 18. $75. The Blackbird Tavern + Kitchen, 905 N. Washington. (509-392-4000) FAVORITE COOKIES Learn to make four of Batch’s favorite cookie recipes in this hands-on class: signature salted chocolate chip, ginger molasses, almond florentines and classic shortbread. April 19, 6-8 pm. $40. Batch Bakeshop, 2023 W. Dean. PREVENTING FRUIT TREE PESTS WSU Master Gardener Tim Kohlhauff teaches proper cultural, mechanical, biologic and chemical techniques that can be used to protect your harvest later in the summer. Presented by Spokane Edible Tree Project. April 19, 5-8 pm. $12. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St.


MUSIC FOR HOLY WEEK The Cathedral offers an interweaving of music for Holy Week, including “The Seven Last Words in African American Spirituals.” April 13. Free. Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 127 E. 12th Ave. ALLEN JAMES TEAGUE The pianist’s music has been featured in numerous plays, ballets, modern dance performances, films, TV programs, and documentaries. April 14, 7:30-9:30 pm. $12. Panida Theater, 300 N. First. (208-255-7801) SPOKANE SYMPHONY + TERRAIN: UNCHARTED The Spokane Symphony and Terrain unite for a collaborative venture featuring poets, actors, artists and musicians who combine talents for a new take on Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. April 14 and 15, at 8 pm; doors at 6:30 pm. $25$75. Washington Cracker Co. Building, 304 W. Pacific. INLAND NW BLUEGRASS SHOWCASE Features a farewell performance by fiddler Aaron Castilla. Three bands also play bluegrass acoustic tunes and songs. April 15, 7-9 pm. $5/members, $7/non-members. Trent Elementary School, 3303 N. Pines Rd. (235-5343)

... continued on page 88

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 79

Tools of the Discreet How to enjoy your high on the sly BY DAN NAILEN


he legalization of recreational cannabis meant a lot of secretive stoners could suddenly open their home’s curtains, cancel their “air freshener of the month” subscriptions and actually open their doors when someone knocked, without fear of arrest. That’s a good thing. But just because you can flaunt your weedfriendly lifestyle doesn’t necessarily mean you want to. Maybe you have co-workers, in-laws or curious children who don’t need to know that Mom and Dad like to partake every now and then. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to keep your marijuana usage to yourself, from discreet smoking utensils to secretive storage containers. Here are a few favorites to consider.





These handy little units range in price from about $15 up to $130, depending on your smoking and voltage preferences. If you’re exploring wax, shatter or cannabis concentrates, Vuber has a rechargeable vaporizer that will fit in your pocket or a nondescript carrying case ($7 on the company website). You can find these at most local recreational weed shops.





The good people at (yes, that’s real) consider the diminutive Dank Tank the most “smell-proof” container for holding buds, thanks to its double lids and black color that keeps harmful UV rays from messing with your weed. You can get one that holds almost three quarters of an ounce for less than $20.


5 4


Unless you make a trip to the pot shop every time you want to get high, you need to keep your stash somewhere. If you’re a kid with a tie-dye tapestry on the wall and Marley on the stereo, it probably doesn’t matter where. If you’re trying to be a little more subtle, check out this “New English Dictionary” — actually a small safe that can only be opened with the key.


It doesn’t get much simpler when it comes to enjoying your cannabis than this preloaded, precharged, disposable vaporizer. JuJu Joints come in sativa, indica or hybrid variations, and you don’t need a lighter or even a button to push — just take a drag and you’re on your way. The nice thing, besides the fact that you’re not lighting something on fire and passing a smoking torch around, is that they’re relatively scent-free. JuJu Joints run about $45 at area stores, and each one should last you about 150 hits.



A local budtender recommended this Chinese retail site as a good source for all sorts of secret-stash tools, and he was right. If you don’t mind waiting a while for delivery, you can order cheap, hollow “batteries,” “car lighters,” “lipsticks” and more that will keep your pot hidden in plain sight. n

80 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017


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NOTE TO READERS Be aware of the differences in the law between Idaho and Washington. It is illegal to possess, sell or transport cannabis in the State of Idaho. Possessing up to an ounce is a misdemeanor and can get you a year in jail and up to a $1,000 fine; more than three ounces is a felony that can carry a fiveyear sentence and fine of up to $10,000. Transporting marijuana across state lines, like from Washington into Idaho, is a felony under federal law.

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 81


Don’t let

COTTONMOUTH leave you high and dry



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HOURS: MON-SAT 8-9 SUN 9-9 WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.


THEN Marijuana use increases the risk of

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509-919-3467 • 9107 N COUNTRY HOMES BLVD, #13 HOURS: MON-SAT: 9:00AM - 10:00PM SUN: 9:00AM - 9:00PM FOLLOW US ON YOUR FAVORITE SOCIAL MEDIA SITE FOR DAILY UPDATES AND STORE NEWS! WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

82 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017



213 E Sprague Ave • Spokane, WA • 509.315.9262 OFFERS AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

Open until 11 Every night, Midnight on Friday and Saturday Nights. This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with the consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of the reach of children.

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420 IN THE



TSA’s ‘Oops’ Moment



Tales of an unforced Twitter error, and an oddball in the world of cannabis BY CONNOR DINNISON




PLANES “We’re sorry for any confusion. A mistake was made in the database of our new ‘What can I bring?’ tool.” So said the Transportation Security Administration’s official Twitter account last week in response to a handful of attentive sleuths who noticed a significant policy shift on the federal agency’s website. Ice picks, meat cleavers, nunchucks and paint thinner are still off limits, at least in carry-on baggage, but for a brief moment on April 5, marijuana was (inadvertently) OK’d for air travel with a bold, green “Yes” for carry-on and checked baggage. Oops. A flurry of news reports about the error alerted the TSA, which has since revised the site to match their official policy (the red “No” means “not permitted”). The seed of confusion, however, was sown. “So can we take [pot] on board or naw? Lol that’s all I’m asking for!” asked a bewildered poster in the comments section of a related piece on The TSA acknowledges that it has “no regulations on transporting marijuana” and that its security officers “do not search for marijuana or other drugs,” but if they find a joint in your fanny pack, you will be reported to law enforcement. But marijuana is legal here in Washington, you say. Too bad, says the TSA. Uncle Sam pulls its strings, and one runs straight to the wagging finger of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, an anti-cannabis crusader.

MUSIC In 1968, at the crest of the counterculture movement, New York City street performer and cannabis advocate David Peel released an album called Have a Marijuana, “recorded live on the streets of New York” with his band, the Lower East Side. Part shtick, part spectacle, Peel’s ramshackle, reductionist approach, on full display in his hippie hits “I Like Marijuana” (the chorus goes: “I like marijuana, you like marijuana, we like marijuana, too”) and “Up Against the Wall” (the chorus isn’t fit to print), foretold the coming wave of political punk activism. He fell in with John Lennon, who admired Peel’s “philosophy of the street,” even recording The Pope Smokes Dope for the Beatles’ Apple Records. “People say, ‘Oh, he can’t sing,’ or ‘He can’t really play.’ But he writes beautiful songs. Picasso spent 40 years trying to get as simple as that,” Lennon once remarked. Despite his amateurishness, or perhaps because of it, Peel hit a nerve. Cops and pot returned to the tips of tongues at the Occupy Wall Street protests, along with Peel, who reprised his “street rock” songs in Zuccotti Park after decades away from the limelight. As he told the New York Times in 2012, “A lot of people come up to me and say, ‘Peel, I thought you were dead.’” No longer. Peel died last week at 74 in Manhattan after a massive heart attack. n

4/20 EVENT


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BUDDY BOY • GLW • OM SHIV HIGH ROAD • HERITAGE FARMS M/R WHOLESALE • RAINIER ACRES Pre Rolls starting @ $2.50 | Infused Pre Rolls for $6 Grams @ $4.20 | Eighths starting @ $15 OZ starting @ $75 | Concentrates Starting @ $15

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SPREAD YOUR HAPPY 509.559.5904 • 1845 1ST ST CHENEY WA 99004 WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

84 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

2829 N. Market | 315.8223 Corner of Market & Cleveland

HOURS: 9:00 am -10:00 pm Daily WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

Welcome to the Top!


APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 85



BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 Initiative 502 and Senate Bill 5052). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington state, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects; there may be health risks associated with its consumption, and it may be habit-forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. Keep out of reach of children. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at

top shelf




Full Menu/Pricing

1305 S Hayford Rd, Airway Heights, WA 99224 | 509.474..1050


This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children.


4/20 sale

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86 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017



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GREENLIGHTSPOKANE.COM | 509.309.3193 WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.


SUN 10A-9P • MON-THU 9A-11P • FRI-SAT 9A-12P

TOKERFRIENDLYSPOKANE.COM 1515 S. LYONS RD • AIRWAY HEIGHTS (509) 244-8728 Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 87




I love my boyfriend; however, I feel bad that he never buys me presents. He did when we were dating, and he buys himself extravagant stuff. But he got me nothing for my birthday and only some trinkets for Christmas because I made a stink. When I’ve brought up the gifts issue, he’s implied that I’m materialistic. However, what matters to me is not the cost but that he’s thinking of me. Is my desire for gifts somehow shallow? —Coal Digger

Once again, it’s Christmas. Ooh, ooh, what’s that under the tree?! Once again… it’s the floor. Many men sneer at the importance their ladies place on getting gifts from them, deeming it a sign of female emotional frailty. What these men aren’t taking into account is that the differences that evolved in male and female psychology correspond to differences in male and female physiology. To put this another way, women — disproportionately — are into getting gifts from romantic partners for the same reason men (disproportionately) are into watching strippers. (“All the better to pass one’s genes on with, my dear!”) Because, for a woman, sex can lead to pregnancy (and a hungry kid to drag around), female emotions evolved to act as a sort of alarm system, making a woman feel crappy when there are signs a man’s commitment may be waning. (Wanting to feel better makes her take corrective action — pressing him to put up or get out.) However, a man’s being willing to give gifts suggests a willingness to “invest” (beyond 2.6 minutes of foreplay and a teaspoon of sperm). Accordingly, evolutionary behavioral scientist Gad Saad believes that gift-giving evolved as a “distinctly male courtship strategy.” Though women do give gifts to romantic partners, they tend to wait till they’re in a relationship and then do it to “celebrate” being together. Saad’s research finds that men, on the other hand, “are much more likely to be tactical in their reasons for offering a gift to a romantic partner” — like, in the courtship phase, to get a woman into bed. (Of course, if a woman wants to get a man into bed, she doesn’t need to give him a present to unwrap; she just starts unbuttoning her top.) Explain the science to your boyfriend. You don’t have a character deficiency; you just want him to show his love in the way that works for you. That’s what people who love each other do — even if they, say, believe the gift of their side salad at dinner should be gift enough. Besides, you aren’t demanding, “‘Tiara of the Week!’ or I’m gone!” You’d just like occasional little “thinking of you” prezzies and somewhat bigger ones on Official Girlfriend Holidays (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). Ultimately, these are not just gifts but messages that making you happy is worth an investment of money and effort — beyond what he’s been putting in to run out and get his wallet wired shut just in time for your birthday.


My fiancee and I were driving my drunk friend home from a party. He was saying rude things to her, but I knew he was just wasted and didn’t mean them, so I didn’t say anything. I thought my fiancee would also shrug it off, but she was mad and hurt that I didn’t stand up for her. Is it that big a deal? Couldn’t she have stood up for herself? —Middleman Yes, there’s actually more to being an ideal partner to a woman than being able to unhook a bra with your teeth. A woman today may be perfectly capable of defending herself — with her big mouth or her big pink handgun. However, she has an emotional operating system pushing her to go for men who show an ability and a willingness to protect her. This comes out of how, over millions of years of evolution, certain ladies’ children were more likely to survive and pass on their mother’s genes (and the psychology that rides along). Which children? Those whose mothers chose men who’d do more in an attack than, well, effectively crawl under the car seat and wish all the awfulness would stop. Your fiancee probably still feels resentful and maybe even thinks less of you for how you basically showed all the testosterone-driven fortitude of a geranium. Consider what grandpas everywhere call “having character”: doing the right thing — even when that kinda blows for you. If, in looking back, you would’ve done things differently, tell your fiancee. Then pledge that going forward, you’ll be that kind of guy — and protecting the person who means most to you won’t involve pushing your girlfriend toward the grizzly bear so you’ll have more time to make a run for it. n ©2017, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (

88 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017



RENDEZVOUS IN THE PARK BANDS SHOWCASE The annual event features the six local/regional bands to be featured at this summer’s festival: Landrace, Genius in Remission, Free Range Chicken, Joseph Hein Band, Mr. Handshake, Natalie Greenfield. April 15, 7-10 pm. $10/person; $5/student. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main. (208-882-4127) SPRING HOPES ETERNAL Hear performances by the North Idaho College Cardinal Chorale and chamber singers. April 18, 7:30-9:30 pm. Free. First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Cedar St. nic. edu/events (208-769-7764)


INLAND NORTHWEST BACKPACKING BASICS REI staff help take the mystery out of backpacking with an overview of planning, preparation and gear. April 13, 6-7:30 pm. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. SPOKANE EMPIRE Arena football game vs. the Colorado Crush. April 14, 7 pm. $13-$95. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon. (279-7000) FREE STATE PARK DAYS As part of the Discover Pass legislation, all Washington State Parks are open for access without an annual ($30) or one-day ($10) pass. Upcoming free days: April 15 and 22, June 3 and 10. Includes access locally to Riverside, Mt. Spokane and Palouse Falls state parks. Details at LANDSCAPING FOR FIRE PREVENTION A 3-hour workshop to offer rural homeowners an opportunity to learn about fire-wise landscaping techniques and more. April 17, 1-4 pm. $10, preregistration required. St. Maries, Idaho. MAP & COMPASS NAVIGATION BASICS CLASS Learn the parts of a compass, how to read a topographic map and how to use them in tandem. April 18, 5:30-7:30 pm. $30/$50. REI, 1125 N. Monroe. (328-9900) THE FUTURE OF RECREATION IN SPOKANE COUNTY Since 1994, the Spokane County Conservation Futures program has acquired more than 7,700 acres of land in order to preserve open space, streams, rivers and natural resources for future generations. April 20, 6-7 pm. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. rei. com/spokane (509-328-9900)


DEAD MAN’S CELL PHONE A play exploring the complex, frustrating, and often funny ways that people attempt to forge connections in life. April 13-15 and 20-22 at 7:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Schuler Performing Arts Center at North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. (208-769-3220) JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR Robby French and Jadd Davis are Jesus and Judas in this production of Jesus Christ SuperStar, directed by Troy Nickerson and also starring Abbey Crawford as Mary Magdalene. April 13-16 and 20-23 at 7:30 pm.; $24-$30. Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave. NOISES OFF! The classic farce presents a manic menagerie as a cast of traveling actors rehearsing a flop called Noth-

ing’s On. Through April 23, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $18-$27. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. (325-2507) THE WIZARD OF OZ A reader’s theater production of L. Frank Baum’s classic. April 13-15 at 7 pm; also April 15 at 2 pm. $7. Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22910 E. Appleway Ave. (342-2055) WENDY & PETER: INTO NEVERLAND Based on the classic novel by J.M. Barrie, this adaptation focuses on Wendy telling her side of the adventurous tale. April 20-29; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, also Sat at 2 pm; April 30 at 5 pm. $5-$15. University of Idaho Hartung Theater, 6th & Stadium Way. theatre (208-885-6465) KAHA:WI DANCE THEATRE The leading contemporary dance company from Canada explores the intersection of indigenous and new dance performance. $16-$22. April 21, 7:30-9:30 pm. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU Pullman. (335-8522) MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING A reader’s theatre production of the Shakespeare classic. April 21-22, 7:30 pm and April 22, 2 pm. $5. Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22910 E. Appleway Ave., Ste. 1. (342-2055) MET LIVE IN HD: EUGENE ONEGIN Tchaikovsky’s setting of Pushkin’s timeless verse novel is presented on the Met stage in Deborah Warner’s moving production. April 22, 10 am. $15-$20. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy. org/hdlive (208-882-4127)


BOOKERS DOZEN The biannually touring exhibit exploring books as pieces of art returns to the library. On display daily during regular library hours, through the month of April. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. cdalibrary. org (208-769-2315) MFA THESIS EXHIBITION This spring show features a wide range of styles and stimulating experiences for faculty, students and local museum constituents. Featured artists: Hayley Black, Stephen Cohen, Annie Cunningham, Andre Fortes, Yuanwen Lin and Laura Pregeant. Through May 6, open TueSat, 10 am-4 pm. Free and open to the public. Museum of Art/WSU, Wilson Road. VELAZQUEZ’S LAS MENINAS A lecture delving into the problems of interpreting Velazquez’s most famous painting. Refreshments served. April 13, 7-9:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Rockwood Retirement Community, 221 E. Rockwood Blvd. (891-8545) THIRTEEN GALLERY ARTISTS The Art Spirit kicks off the season’s first ArtWalk with new works by 13 regional artists, including pit-fired vessels, carved wooden masks, intricate etchings and lithographs, woodcut prints and more. April 14-May 6; gallery open Tue-Sat, 11 am-6 pm. Opening reception April 14, 5-8 pm. Free. Art Spirit Gallery, 415 Sherman Ave. DROP IN & DRAW Adults and teens are invited to drop in and draw with others in a session led by artist Niah Ferlito. Wednesdays, from 4-5:30 pm. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. STEAM MAGNET SCHOOLS ART PROJECT Spokane’s historic Steam Plant is the recipient of a photomosaic public

art project created by students participating in East Valley School District’s East Farms STEAM Magnet School. The installation also supports breast cancer awareness. April 21, 5-8 pm. Free. Steam Plant Square, 159 S. Lincoln St. (994-6525)


TAPROOT SPEAKER SERIES: KAY O’ROURKE The local artist and selfdescribed “narrative realist,” shares the story of how she came to do the work she does today. April 13, 7-9 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. (279-0299) THE MAGIC OF MEMOIR: WORKSHOP & READING Sarah Conover reads from her essay in the newly released “Magic of Memoir” and facilitates a miniworkshop on memoir for writers at all stages. April 13, 6-8 pm. $10. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main. (838-0206) THE PRESIDENCY & THE CONSTITUTION David Adler, from the Idaho Humanities Council Speakers Bureau, examines the controversies surrounding the development and exercise of the constitutional powers and responsibilities of the commander in chief, the power to make war, and the authority to conduct foreign policy. April 13, 7 pm. Free and open to the public. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. nic. edu (208-769-3393) READING/SIGNING: JAY CHANDRASEKHAR In “Mustache Shenanigans,” the director, writer and actor tells the hilarious history of his comedy group and the making of the cult film Super Troopers. See webiste for more info and special instructions for this event. April 15, 2-3 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main. GET LIT! FESTIVAL The annual literary festival hosted by EWU features local and regional authors who host workshops, readings, panel discussions, poetry slams, book signings and more. Prices vary; most events are free. April 17-23; times vary. See website for complete schedule. SPOKANE POETRY SLAM FINALS The top eight poets from the 2016-17 season compete to see who will represent Spokane at the National Poetry Slam in August. April 17, 7-11 pm. $8/$10. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague Ave. (747-2174) ULYSSES S. GRANT: A FRESH LOOK AT AMERICAN LEADERSHIP The Simpson-Duvall Lecture by bestselling author Ronald C. White, Jr., argues that in the 21st century we need to reexamine our ideas regarding Grant and his presidency. April 18, 7-8:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Whitworth University, 300 W. Hawthorne Rd. (777-4433) ADVENTURES WITH A BABY MAMMOTH Dr. Daniel C. Fisher, guest curator for the museum’s current exhibit, “Titans of the Ice Age: Mammoths & Mastodons,” gives a talk about the 40,000-year-old baby wooly mammoth, “Lyuba,” featured in the exhibit. It was found in Siberia in 2007 by a family of reindeer herders, and Dr. Fisher had the opportunity to study her. He’ll share what he learned about her life and the prehistoric time when she lived. April 20, 6:30-8 pm. $9 suggested donation. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. (456-3931) n


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DOWN 1. Chop 2. Like some baseball teams and batteries 3. Trio before U 4. Whiskey orders 5. Elaborate stories 6. Anne Rice vampire 7. Gym shirt 8. “____-haw!” 9. Synchronize anew 10. ____-friendly 11. Drop, as pounds 12. Refuse to admit 13. Gymnast Raisman and others 21. “The ____-bitsy spider ...” 23. No greater than




70. Barrett of Pink Floyd and others 71. See 40-Across




word cried 15 times by 71-Across in front of 1-Across (find the word, including this answer, in 15 places in this grid) 41. Towers on farms 43. Arborist’s ID 45. Capital city on a river of the same name 46. Provided that 48. Seamen’s agreements 49. Protective camera piece 51. ‘60s protest org. 52. Insinuates 56. Sailing ropes 58. ____-Day vitamins 59. Novelist Rand and others 62. They smell 66. Cleaning solutions 67. Wife of Uranus 68. “The best ____ to come!” 69. Notability




ACROSS 1. See 40-Across 6. Astronomical distance: Abbr. 10. Enforcer of the Fed. Meat Inspection Act 14. GPA booster 15. Extra-wide shoe spec 16. Silverstein who wrote “The Giving Tree” 17. Firefighting aid 18. Bleed (through) 19. “____, meeny, miney, mo ...” 20. Sulky mood 22. Actor Oliver and author Thomas 24. Sounds made around puppies 27. Ogle 30. Farewells 32. Isn’t forgiving 35. Shade provider 37. Tots 39. Lady Liberty garb 40. In a classic 1989 movie scene,

Hurry in to Recorded Memories Fresh baked Rare Vinyl Tape CD Don’t wait 4 Record Store Day 4/22

emoticon 31. Cobbler’s inventory 33. Soul singer Baker 34. Travelers’ headaches 36. Saffron-flavored dish


THIS W ANSWE EEK’S I SAW RS ON YOUS 38. Scattered, as seeds 40. “Life of Pi” author Martel 42. Talk back to 44. Morgue IDs 45. “The Star-Spangled Banner” opening 47. Represents 50. The ____ mightier than the sword 52. It’s full of holes and traps 53. One-named Irish Grammy winner 54. Overflow (with) 55. Business reply encl. 57. 1998 NL MVP Sammy 60. “Whoopee!” 61. Homer Simpson’s neighbor 63. One of four in Mississippi: Abbr. 64. Sashimi selection 65. Filthy place

APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 89

We walk by the big Red Wagon in Riverfront Park, and the two start reminiscing about being kids riding the carrousel. Porter links arms with his date. We’ll call her Rachel, because she asked that we not use her real name. And the three of us stroll awkwardly down the Centennial Trail. Rachel starts by talking about her day at work so far, and describes one of the team-building exercises she calls “potato poop.” It’s a relay race where you put a potato between your thighs and waddle over to a bucket. If you drop the potato before you get to the bucket, you have to start over. Porter brags that he makes a mean grilledwatermelon-and-arugula salad, to which we both ask how the hell you grill a watermelon. Apparently, you just throw it on the grill. “It makes the sugars really pop,” he says. Despite the forced awkwardness of this date, there is never any gawky silence. We discuss Rachel’s plan for a new tattoo, chide Porter for his untied shoelaces and wonder where people get the hair for beard implants. The hourlong date ends on the corner outside MOD Pizza downtown. But before they leave, I ask Rachel a couple of questions. She says that Porter is different than some of the other guys she’s met recently. His online profile paints an accurate picture, she says. (They met on “Tall, dark and handsome doesn’t hurt either,” she adds, bumping him with her hip.

A To get over his social anxiety, Chris Porter once stood in the middle of a Walmart and shouted, “I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU PEOPLE THINK OF ME!” YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Got Game? I followed a pickup artist on a recent date BY MITCH RYALS


hris Porter stands on the edge of Riverfront Park with his hands in his pockets. He keeps looking over his shoulder, and over mine, as we talk. She’s running a little late, he tells me. He asks if there’s a convenience store around here. He has coffee breath. Porter shifts his weight from one big, black combat boot to the other. He says he’s more excited than nervous about his Friday afternoon date. But having a reporter tag along is throwing in an extra wrinkle. The 40-year-old stands about 6-foot-3, with a long beard, wearing a purple-and-red plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled back once. We’re talking because he recently posted to Craigslist looking to organize a group of guys “to work on their game and wing each other.” At first, it looks to me as if Porter is trying to start a local cult of bros who prey on drunk women at bars. Groups of these misogynistic assholes, whose only goal is to manipulate as many women as possible into having sex with them, have risen to national infamy in recent years. They congregate in the slimy corners of the internet known as the “manosphere” and swap tricks and hookup stories. Some guys have even started consulting companies. Porter says that’s not what he’s about, though he’s

90 INLANDER APRIL 13, 2017

aware of the negative stigma attached to “pickup artists” or “PUA” as they’re called on internet forums. That reputation is earned in part from the types of “PUAs” slapped with prison time for gang-raping an unconscious woman in California. (Two of the San Diego men sentenced recently to eight years in prison for the gang rape were “teachers” for Efficient Pickup, a company that specializes in training pickup artists. The third man sentenced was their student.) Instead, Porter hopes to pass along some of what he’s learned in the past six months about self-confidence. He sees himself as more of a cheerleader for the bashful dope than a coach teaching a guy how to manipulate women into bed. “I want to be able to sleep at night,” Porter says. “I want to have a clear conscience. I’ve had plenty of sex in my life. That’s not what I’m looking for. I’m interested in a physical connection, but also a spiritual connection. Somebody who is my best friend, and we can go out together, go fishing together, or do whatever.”


ust before his date shows, Porter plucks a strand of wheat from a nearby planter. He hands it to her when she arrives.

fterward, Porter tells me about his journey from introverted wallflower to a confident “alpha” male. “I’ve been in quite a few relationships,” he says. “But I’ve never had success past the two- or three-year mark. And I wanted to figure out why.” He started small — researching online, watching TED Talks on flirting and social cues, and reading books. Specifically, Porter talks about The Game by journalist and author Neil Strauss, who exposed in his 2005 book the sleazy underground world of pickup artists, then slipped into that world himself. In recent interviews, however, Strauss has denounced the very pickup tactics he wrote about as “objectifying and horrifying.” Indeed, Porter has taken some tips from Strauss’ book. He mentions IOIs (indicators of interest) and the “shit test,” which, according to pickup artistry, is a woman’s tactic to gauge a man’s worthiness. But Porter rejects other, more manipulative seduction tricks. Specifically, he says, neg theory, or “negging” — a backhanded compliment designed to diminish a woman’s self-confidence so that she’ll seek the man’s approval — is gross. “I think that you want the woman to make the conscious decision that she’s interested in you,” Porter says, “rather than trying to trick her into thinking that she is, and then later regretting her decision.” He’s also imposed a few rules on himself. Now, when he goes out, he generally doesn’t drink. And he doesn’t take out his phone unless he’s getting a woman’s number or checking the time. He also has a sex rule. “I basically took sex completely out of the equation,” Porter says. “Usually I have, like, a six-date minimum.” As we walk together after the date, Porter seems genuinely excited. She’s a really cool chick, he tells me. Really lighthearted. He likes her. Who knows? he says. In six months I might have a follow-up for an entirely different story. So far, Porter has gotten only one response to his Craigslist post (besides the Inlander’s interest). But it didn’t work out, so he’s still looking. “I’m still learning,” he says. “I don’t have all the answers. I just hope I’m on the right track.” n


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APRIL 13, 2017 INLANDER 91

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