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effect on the environment plus!
How local people are helping the planet
page 20
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t was his last day on the job, and he didn’t hold back. Instead, Michael Cox — a Seattle-based staffer at the Environmental Protection Agency for more than 25 years — penned a letter to President Trump’s new EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt. Cox called out Pruitt for demonizing the EPA, proposing “indefensible budget cuts,” giving “false hope” to coal miners that their jobs will be coming back and denying the basic science of climate change. Cox’s farewell note beamed across the internet earlier this month, a clarion call for people concerned about the health of the planet. “Talk to the farmers in Eastern Washington who are struggling to have enough water to grow their crops and water their cattle,” Cox writes. “The changes I am referencing are not impacts projected for the future, but are happening now.” Read more about the Trump administration’s approach (so far) toward the environment (page 20), as well as stories of passionate local people trying to live and work more sustainably, in ways Michael Cox would appreciate. — JACOB H. FRIES, Editor
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Recycle and compost. What is something you wish you were better at? It’s going to sound contradictory, but I wish I was better at sorting my recycling properly.
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I recycle a lot. What is a good first step to being more green? Be careful what you’re buying so you’re not producing as much waste.
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I recycle like a mofo. I have way more recycling than garbage every week. What is a good first step to being more green? Trying to be cognizant when you buy things; not buying stuff that’s overly packaged.
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As educators, we have a green team at school and have kids help run it with an adviser. And we try to make our school greener during lunchtime. What is something you can do to be more green? Taking advantage of what our cities already have in place.
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I try not to drive. I walk as much as possible, or take public transportation. What is something environmental you wish you were better at? Using less plastic. 7
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American institutions like political parties or the Supreme Court may be too damaged to save us BY ROBERT HEROLD Craig Mason
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By the early nineties… Men from all walks of life, already shaken by an incomprehensible world, responded to any new upheaval as an immediate threat. They had no alternative, they felt, but to select an enemy and fight. Many of them had no natural line of battle, and much of the nation’s story between the mid-eighties and the mid-nineties concerned the nature of their forced decisions: Whom they would oppose and how they would fight.
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he American middle class flourished after World War II, when the United States dominated the world economy. By the 1970s, wages were stagnating and inflation seemed out of control. Then the serious nosedive began under the regime of trickle-down Reaganomics. By the ’90s, inequality in America had reached the highest levels in the industrialized world. Frustrated and frightened, many decided to fight against the system, to cast their votes as an expression of hope against hope. Democrats opted for Bill Clinton’s neoliberalism; Republicans chose much darker stuff. But then those “break-the-glass-ceiling” Democrats marginalized Bernie Sanders, which may have made the difference in the 2016 election. The “Lock her up!” Republicans voted for Donald Trump in much the way a goldfish begs for crumbs, swimming around hoping to catch a morsel. Now for the punch line: The quote above doesn’t refer to the 1980s, or even the 1990s. It doesn’t refer to our era at all; it’s written about the post-Civil War period of 1877-1920. It’s déjà vu all over again.
istorian Robert Wiebe, in his 1967 book The Search for Order, argues that following the end of Reconstruction, America “was a society without a core.” The New Deal and World War II gave us a middle class, which bought us time, but what we’ve seen over the past three decades is a replay — the re-emergence of a society without a core. To meet these challenges and realities, America needs its institutions more than ever. All, alas, are in bad shape. Let’s start with our two major political parties. The Republican Party just gave America Donald Trump, at a terrible time to have a president who disdains institutions. As for the Democratic Party? It seemingly can no longer decide what it stands for. Hillary Clinton’s campaign slogan — “Stronger Together” — was as vacuous as Trump’s outrageous lies and slanderous claims. Then there’s the Supreme Court, a core institution by the Founding Fathers’ design. It’s become ideologically divided. The net effect has been that the moral suasion the Court needs to guide us sits at an all-time low. It didn’t used to
be this way. Consider the issues of school desegregation, freedom of the press, reproductive rights and gun rights. Question: Who wrote the majority opinion in the first three landmark cases and the minority opinion in the fourth? Answer: All were written by justices nominated by Republican presidents — Earl Warren (nominated by Eisenhower) wrote Brown v. Board of Education in 1954; William Brennan (Eisenhower), wrote The New York Times v. Sullivan in 1964; Harry Blackmun (Nixon) wrote Roe v. Wade in 1973; and John Paul Stevens (Ford) wrote a scathing rebuttal to Antonin Scalia’s flawed Heller decision in 2008. The point is, it wasn’t that long ago that justices’ allegiance was more to the Constitution than to a set of partisan orthodoxies.
he Democratic Party has wallowed in manifest political incompetence. Some of my Democratic friends try to put a good face on things by pointing out that Hillary Clinton would have won the presidency had she received just over 100,000 more votes in three states — and by the way, she beat Trump by 3 million votes in the popular tally. Come on! Clinton was running against the weakest candidate either party had ever put up — ever! — so, for crying out loud, why was the outcome even close? Still, today’s Republican Party is worse; they make the post-Civil War radicals seem rational and caring by comparison. The scary thing is that unless the Democrats get their act together, Republicans could soon control enough state governments to force constitutional changes through the convention option, a process that could produce truly draconian proposals such as a balanced budget mandate, the specification that zygotes are entitled to all the rights guaranteed by the 14th Amendment, or the right to open-carry AK-47s in public parks. “Yum! Please pass the Kool-Aid,” you can almost hear them say. Glug, glug. Neither Republicans, who seem almost allergic to social and scientific reality, nor Democrats, who set aside the lessons of FDR and JFK to whine about losing, seem up to the challenge. Then there’s our foreign policy establishment, and don’t get me started on the media. Oh yes, did I mention Donald Trump? That he really is President of the United States? And that central institution — the executive branch and the president — shows absolutely zero signs of carving out a new core for our fractured society to build upon. n
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Volunteers needed!
Earth Day Tree Planting Volunteers are needed to help plant trees with the Lands Council, City of Spokane, Inland Northwest Boy Scouts and other groups along the Spokane River Gorge and in the Hangman Watershed. Sat, April 22 from 9 am-1 pm. Sign up online at nwscouts.org/earthday
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Spokane’s annual Earth Day festival hosts its most elaborate celebration yet, under the Pavilion in Riverfront Park. The two-day event features a vast array of local nonprofits, entrepreneurs, farmers, artists and vendors, with more than 50 performances on three stages. Free; all-ages. Sat, April 22 from 10 am-10 pm; Sun, April 23 from 10 am-4 pm. earthdayspokane.info
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The annual Spokane community observance of the Holocaust includes an art and essay writing contest offered to area middle and high schoolers. Free and open to the public. Sun, April 23 from 5-8 pm. Temple Beth Shalom, 1322 E. 30th. bit.ly/2o3HwiN (747-3304)
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This exhibition was created by The Field Museum, Chicago. Major support from Spokane County and the Joel E. Ferris Foundation
COMMENT | EARTH DAY it is still a shockingly radical idea that we might be able to build our lives in a way that leaves the planet better off, rather than just less bad. WALLS The American zeitgeist, on the right and left, is increasingly moving towards isolation. Trade deals are near universally despised. Whether in the name of peace or saving money, much of the public urges us to close our bases across the globe and bring our troops home. It’s not just here, but an entire world that is moving towards embracing and enhancing the man-made fiction of borders. Britain is exiting the European Union, an isolationist right is gaining steam in France, and terrorists are violently trying to create their own world walled off from modern sensibilities, like human rights. Is globalism dead? In an age of nuclear weapons and climate change, it can’t be. We act as though oceans divide us, when actually they concretely connect our lives. Our oceans, and what we do to them, have a greater impact than almost anything else on our lives on land. Their health shapes our weather and our climate. Even something that appears to separate us actually links our futures.
Words to Live By Ruminations on this planet, the people who call it home and myself BY JOHN T. REUTER
nnie Dillard, one of my favorite authors, has written the near-poetic prose that, by far, has most influenced my own exploration of nature. I have particularly been touched by her 1999 book For the Time Being, comprised of a series of all-so-perfectly-brief essays with one-word headlines. As we celebrate Earth Day this week, I was inspired to write a column in that spirit. What follows is a tribute that inevitably will fall short in meeting what it attempts to imitate.
PROTEST The first Earth Day in 1970 was as much a celebration as a protest — a joyful call to arms to protect our planet. Twenty million Americans participated, many of them college students, and the modern environmental movement was born. In the United States, Denis Hayes was the national organizer of the first Earth Day. Through conversations and speeches, he helped build a movement. Now in his 70s, he lives in Seattle. He’s still building things. Recently that included the Bullitt Center, which created a revolutionary model for constructing buildings so green that they actually have a positive impact on their surroundings. It’s sad that nearly 50 years after that first Earth Day,
NOW “Is it not late? A late time to be living? Are not our generations the crucial ones? For we have changed the world.” So begins the end of the first chapter of For the Time Being. I think about this as I walk along the Puget Sound in Seattle. I’ve started taking frequent long walks — usually about 10 miles — looking out over the water. I watch people and ships, and sometimes nature. Just last week I encountered a bald eagle. It flew close. It reminded me of a trip to Alaska, where I had seen dozens of them fighting over fish in a harbor; their numbers somehow diminishing rather than enhancing the awe. But this singular bird was magnificent. It was a masterpiece that struck me like a powerful piece of classical music, or the rare painting that moves me. When it comes to encountering my favorite art, I’m often not sure exactly what I think or feel. All I know is, it feels intensely relevant. It matters to me. I feel the same way about nature, and for that matter, my family. The relationship with those you were born surrounded by (or have chosen to live with forever) is just too complex, too messy, too personal to be boiled down to a single emotion. I suppose it’s love, but it’s a lot of other things, too. It’s just so much — the Picassos, the symphonies, our families and ourselves. It all matters. And it’s all on this little planet, for the time being. It’s definitely worth celebrating. n John T. Reuter, a former Sandpoint City Councilman, has been active in protecting the environment and Idaho’s Republican Party politics.
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10 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
‘NO ON MONROE’ PLANow ironic MAKES NO SENSE that the businesses most closely associated with Monroe’s
blight are also the ones most fervently opposed to its renewal (“Drawing Lines In The Asphalt,” 4/6/17). Show me a Skippers in the United States, and I’ll show you a blighted neighborhood. JEFF SCHMERKER Missoula, Montana
CLEAN IT UP or those that are fed up living in a city that refuses to address what has
become an epidemic, contact the city at 625-6083 and insist they fund and staff the neighborhood trash and debris collection program. Presently, this roadside trash collection team is made up of only three individuals to cover the entire city, not including the federal highway corridors. With LETTERS the constant and inordinate amounts Send comments to of trash that continue to accumulate editor@inlander.com. along roadways and vacant fields throughout Spokane, it’s obvious these workers are grossly understaffed and overwhelmed. However, for those who are proud and happy to live in a city that is continually littered with trash, then…do nothing and simply go about your business. E. ROSS Colbert, Wash.
After serving as executive director for the Spokane County Democrats for more than a year, Jim CastroLang has resigned amid a major campaign finance controversy. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
Readers react to “Dems in Disarray” (4/13/17), our story about turmoil and a state investigation into the Spokane County Democrats:
ISAAC JACK, JR.: Corruption is no stranger to Spokane, Washington. Can’t trust people much anymore no matter which party. SCOTT RANDOLPH: About time, Spokane Democrats haven’t obviously said what Spokane voters want to hear to swing them in their direction since Tom Foley. GLEN MORGAN: I don’t understand why they are still screwing up with their filings, even while under investigation by the AG…
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 11
Way to go Inland Northwest!
44,708 MEALS DONATED That’s Three Full Trucks Here’s How We Did It:
Inlander Restaurant Week 2017 was a delicious time for the Inland Northwest, and this year, with the generous support and efforts of sponsors (and you) we filled three Sysco trucks bound for 2nd Harvest. There was a kick-off event this year, hosted by Dairy Farmers of Washington that netted an amazing donation of food… … and you doing your part, dining at participating restaurants, and posting your review with #IRWRaveReviews delivered for 2nd Harvest.
This one’s big – through your dining efforts, Sysco donated over 29,000 meals on behalf of the following restaurants: Over 5000 Meals Donated Dockside Over 2000 Meals Donated Masselow's Over 1500 Meals Donated Epic Beverly's Mulligan’s (Cd’A Inn) The White House Grill Sweet Lou's
Over 1000 Meals Donated South Hill Bar & Grill Satay Bistro Bonsai Bistro Cedars Floating Restaurant Lantern Tap House Over 500 Meals Donated Tito’s Oval Office The Boiler Room
Max At Mirabeau Backyard Public House Remedy Also Donating Meals: Twigs Laguna Cafe Mamma Mia's Safari Room Manito Tap House Post St Ale House
Fleur De Sel Blackbird Clover Fedora Gilded Unicorn No-Li Palm Court Grill Table 13 The Grand Restaurant Wandering Table
It’s impressive what we can do together. Let’s do even more next year.
‘Ministers of Justice’ It took more than three years to reverse the wrongful convictions of three Spokane Valley men — and their fight still isn’t over BY MITCH RYALS “I didn’t know what he looked like until he came in and sat down on the stand,” Tyler Gassman (right) says of the jailhouse informant who testified against him.
hree men lost nearly five years of their lives when they were wrongly convicted in 2009 of robberies they didn’t commit. The legal battles leading up to their wrongful convictions and exonerations were plagued by “extremely poor” police work and “careless” prosecution, officials would later say. Now, taxpayers are on the hook for those missteps. Since Paul Statler, Tyler Gassman and Robert Larson were released in 2012, the men have fought to get paid for the years they spent locked up. Spokane County Superior Court Judge John Cooney ruled earlier this month, in the first case ever tried under Washington’s wrongful conviction compensation statute, that the men are “actually” innocent, reversing his previous decision. According to the law, wrongly convicted individuals are entitled to $50,000 per year of incarceration. The total bill in this case comes to about $750,000, the men’s attorney says. But Statler, Gassman and Larson are not done.
They’ve also filed a federal lawsuit against two Spokane County Sheriff’s detectives — Doug Marske and Bill Francis — and Spokane County for violation of the their civil rights. The suit alleges that the detectives’ “reckless” investigation and witness tampering violated their constitutional rights. As attorneys prepare the case for trial, pieces of sworn testimony and emails provided to the Inlander show stark disagreement within the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office as to the thoroughness of the investigation. Attorneys suggest a conspiracy by police and prosecutors to pin armed robberies on the three men, despite no physical evidence linking them to the crimes. In fact, the only evidence against them was the testimony of a jailhouse snitch. Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich still insists that the three men are guilty, despite their exonerations, and claims that prosecutors mishandled the case. He also defends the work of his detectives. Sheriff’s Office Sgt.
Tim Hines, who investigated the detectives for internal policy violations stemming from their investigation, disagrees. Hines calls the investigation “extremely poor police work.” Ultimately, Marske was handed a letter of reprimand and has since retired. He is currently an officer for the state Liquor and Cannabis Board. Francis retired before the internal investigation began, and declined to participate in it. For Micah LeBank, the attorney in Tacoma handling the civil rights lawsuit, this case raises fundamental questions about the role of law enforcement as “ministers of justice.” Are police and prosecutors supposed to get convictions, or seek the truth? “That’s not what occurred in this case,” LeBank says. “Clearly, the truth became trampled by all of this. And the idea that truth comes out at trial? Well, that didn’t happen, because they didn’t do an appropriate investigation.” ...continued on next page
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 13
Anthony Kongchunji is still behind bars. He is expected to be released in January 2018, a DOC spokesman says. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
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olice arrested four men on April 23, 2008, after the last in a series of similar drug-rip robberies. Anthony Kongchunji, Nicholas Smith, Larry Dunham and his younger brother Matt Dunham were caught red-handed. All of them eventually confessed to the crimes. One of them cut a deal with police. Matt Dunham, then 17, told police he was the getaway driver in at least three other unsolved robberies. He pointed the finger away from his brother and his other buddies, and toward Statler, Gassman and Larson. Statler, Gassman and Larson were convicted of an April 15 robbery based only on Matt Dunham’s testimony. The three men were sentenced to decades in prison, while Matt Dunham received 18 months in juvenile detention. But the case had more problems from the start, and Spokane County Superior Court Judge Tara Eitzen sanctioned Spokane County Deputy Prosecutor Eugene Cruz for a “careless” job. On the morning the trial was supposed to begin, Cruz changed the date that the crime allegedly happened from April 15 to April 17, obliterating the men’s alibi defense. Emails between Cruz and the detectives show that Cruz knew about the date change for months before trial, but didn’t bother telling the court or defense attorneys. Dave Partovi, a defense attorney who worked on the original case, was astonished by the verdict. But now that a court has ruled that the three men are actually innocent, this is an I-told-you-so moment. “Is it malicious? I don’t know, but it’s the same thing that happens in a lot of cases,” he tells the Inlander. “The government gets a perspective, and are simply incapable of seeing any other perspective once they decide what the truth is.”
robbery identify Statler and Gassman from a photo montage. But the day the case was set for trial, prosecutors learn that another deputy had already shown a photo montage to the victim, who could not identify the perpetrators. Prosecutors dismiss that case due to the conflicting evidence. Then, when Matt Dunham and his crew are arrested after the April 23 robbery, the suspects
“I wouldn’t have had to ask somebody ‘should I try to corroborate this?’ I would’ve known that. That’s common sense.”
| (509)
14 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
arske had been on to Statler and Gassman since at least February 2008 — two months before he would wrongly accuse them. Victims in a Feb. 28
tell Marske that the shotgun they used is stashed at Statler’s house. A deputy retrieves the shotgun, and days later Marske writes to the deputy in an email dated May 7, 2008: “I’m going to try to make the felon in possession and another Robbery case on Statler. [Deputy Prosecutor Mark] Cipolla will sign it up but isn’t too optimistic. … I know Statler wasn’t your focus that night but he really is a problem, violent offender.” LeBank’s reaction? “So you’re telling me that the prosecutor is willing to give it a shot, but isn’t too optimistic about the charges? Is that justice? It shows that Marske is focused on Statler before Dunham ever implicates him in these other crimes.” (Marske doesn’t talk to Dunham for the first time until May 23, 16 days after the email was sent.) In a deposition, Marske says he’s referring to Cipolla’s concern that the gun wasn’t collected using the proper legal procedure. By itself, that email doesn’t definitively show that Marske targeted Statler in the face of contradictory evidence. But Hines, the Sheriff’s Office internal investigator, points to a rash of other examples of poor police work — steps that should have been taken and would have absolved Statler,
Gassman and Larson. Marske never asked a judge for a search warrant for Paul Statler’s house (or any of the other suspects’ houses, for that matter). Instead, he asked a Department of Corrections officer to do the search because Statler was on community supervision. Marske told Hines, the internal investigator, that he didn’t seek a warrant because he didn’t want to reveal Matt Dunham as his snitch. The problem, attorneys point out, is that the search happens May LETTERS 5; Marske reportedly doesn’t Send comments to even speak with Dunham until editor@inlander.com. May 23. “Looking back now, I wouldn’t say I think he lied to me, but it’s clearly an issue,” Hines says now. “There is a problem.” Marske did not verify that the sawed-off shotgun linking Statler to the robberies was similar to the gun recovered from Statler’s home. In fact, Hines later found that the shotgun taken from Statler’s home was not sawed-off. Detectives made no efforts to independently verify any of Matt Dunham’s statements, a violation of Sheriff’s Office policy. “As far as efforts to corroborate it, it doesn’t appear they made any,” Hines says in his deposition. He adds: “I wouldn’t have had to ask somebody ‘should I try to corroborate this?’ I would’ve known that. That’s common sense.” Initially, Matt Dunham identifies Statler, Gassman and a man named “Andrew” as his accomplices. Later, in June 2008, Marske learns that Statler has a cousin named Robert Larson. Within an hour, Marske and Francis visit Matt Dunham in jail again, and the boy adds another accomplice: “Bobby.” In his deposition, Marske says it’s common for people to change their story. LeBank calls that “fishy.” Detectives made no efforts to gather complete phone and work records for the victims or the suspects. Doing so would have destroyed the case against Statler, Gassman and Larson, and discredited Matt Dunham’s testimony. Kongchunji says that Marske threatened him with perjury charges when the detective found out he intended to testify that Statler, Gassman and Larson were innocent. Marske defends his statements, saying he was simply advising Kongchunji what would happen if he lied under oath. After the three men were convicted, Kongchunji testified in court that he framed Statler, Gassman and Larson for crimes committed by the Dunham brothers, Nicholas Smith and himself. There is no evidence showing that the police followed up on Kongchunji’s testimony. Kongchunji is still in prison. Matt and Larry Dunham are free men, and Nicholas Smith is serving time for other crimes.
or Statler, Gassman and Larson, the fight continues. They stand to get paid upward of $750,000 (minus attorney’s fees) from the state, according to Judge Cooney’s ruling. And their federal civil rights lawsuit is still pending. Individuals in similar wrongful conviction cases have been awarded $1 million or more per year of incarceration, although per Washington state law, wrongly convicted people are not entitled to state compensation if they pursue a civil rights lawsuit. If the men’s civil rights claim fails, it’s unclear whether they can still get paid by the state. The men and their families have also worked to change state law. Duane Statler, Paul’s father, talks about a bill that passed out of the Senate and is currently moving forward in the House. The bill would require prosecutors to hand over all information that could discredit informant witnesses. Duane Statler says he’s been working on similar legislation each year for the past five. He’s not giving up now. Meanwhile, Paul Statler is still working to get his life back together. “My whole life is significantly changed,” he says in a deposition earlier this year. “I was 21 years old, man. I mean, I lost the best years of my life. I can’t get that back. It ain’t going to happen.” n mitchr@inlander.com
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 15
Shelly O’Quinn is leaving her job as a Spokane County commissioner, effective in June.
SPOKANE COUNTY Just five months after SHELLY O’QUINN beat Democratic challenger Andrew Biviano to keep her seat on the Spokane County Board of Commissioners, O’Quinn announced that she is leaving to take a job as CEO of the Inland Northwest Community Foundation, effective in June. O’Quinn tells the Inlander that leaving was a difficult decision, and she says the timing is unfortunate. Spokane County Republican precinct committee officers will vote on three nominees to replace O’Quinn, and the two remaining commissioners will choose one of those nominees to fill the seat until the seat is up for election. That election will have to wait until 2018 — the filing deadline to fill the seat is in May, before O’Quinn officially departs. (WILSON CRISCIONE)
412 W Haycraft Ave., Coeur d'Al ene 208. 277.0 0 0 0 | cos miccowb oy. c o m
River Park Square (509) 456-TOYS 16 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
POLITICS Back in the final days of 2014, City Council President Ben Stuckart (pictured) opted not to RUN FOR MAYOR against David Condon, citing the illness (and subsequent death) of his father. But now, a previously unreported poll has surfaced. Spokane Citizens for Political Education, a political action committee that’s the subject of a recent Public Disclosure Commission complaint, spent more than $12,000 to test the strength of Stuckart versus Condon. The poll suggested that Stuckart may have struggled initially. Condon started with 49 percent of respondents wanting to vote to re-elect him, a number that rose slightly, to 50 percent, when he was pitted head-to-head against Stuckart. However, the pollsters believed that Stuckart could hammer at Condon’s vulnerabilities through negative campaign ads in order to push him over the top. (The polling, of course, did not anticipate the police chief scandal that Condon would become embroiled in during the final weeks of the 2015 election.) (DANIEL WALTERS)
COURTS A career prosecutor was appointed to replace the late Spokane County Superior Court Judge Sam Cozza on the 12-person bench. TONY HAZEL, who has spent the past 13 years of his career as a prosecutor in Spokane, expects to take the bench within the next few weeks. Hazel, who has prosecuted cases ranging from identity thefts to homicides, most recently worked on the civil side of the law, specifically on cases involving mental health. He has also been heavily involved in efforts to reform Spokane’s criminal justice system. “I’m committed to public safety and fairness, and ensuring that I run the people’s courtroom in a manner that gives justice a chance to prevail,” Hazel says. (MITCH RYALS)
Tim-berrrrrr! Thirty trees pay the ultimate price in ’dozer debacle on South Hill Bluff; plus, summons supplant arrest warrants for county residents with unpaid court fines BULLDOZER BOONDOGGLE BOTCHES BLUFF
It was a SCREW-UP that stretched nearly a mile. On April 10 and 11, a bulldozer carved an unauthorized swath of road through park conservation land and private property — toppling 30 trees near the Bluff on the South Hill — before Spokane Parks Director Leroy Eadie could stop it. The road had been intended to serve as a way for Avista Utilities to replace power poles, while doubling as an access point for a three-hole golf course proposed by the First Tee of the Inland Northwest. “This unauthorized act may exceed, in terms of humancaused destruction, anything to befall City park land in modern times,” wrote Jim Wilson, president of the Friends of the Bluff, in a letter to the city. Attorney Bob Dunn, representing contractor Adam Swedberg, provided the Spokesman-Review with a series of notes outlining Swedberg’s discussions with the city arborist and Avista, indicating that Swedberg believed he had approval for the project to proceed. The city did approve a permit for tree removal, but that was only for a future six-acre youth golf course nearby, not for the road. Parks Department spokeswoman Fianna Dickson says the city still isn’t sure exactly what led to the debacle. But for now, Dickson says, there isn’t time to worry about who’s liable for the damage. The city is partnering with Avista and First Tee to immediately begin environmental remediation of the property. (DANIEL WALTERS)
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In Spokane County, there are about 300 ARREST WARRANTS for unpaid court fines. Each one of them is a violation of state law, because you can’t jail people just for being poor. An attorney raised the issue with prosecutors and Spokane County Clerk Tim Fitzgerald, and they quickly started working to solve it. Claire Carden, an attorney with the local public interest law firm Center for Justice, uncovered the hundreds of illegal warrants when her clients tried to start payment plans for their legal financial obligations, or LFOs. They were denied by the Spokane County Clerk’s Office due to the outstanding warrants, Carden says. So she sent a letter to Deputy Prosecutor Rob Binger. Binger and Fitzgerald are now working to quash the bad warrants, and issue summons to those individuals instead. Fitzgerald says the majority of those warrants were issued before he implemented a new policy in January 2015. Those who might have unpaid fines should contact the clerk’s office (or the Center for Justice) to update their address and ensure they receive the summons. If a person doesn’t receive (or ignores) a summons, the courts can then issue a warrant for failure to appear. But with court fines, state law and the Washington State Court of Appeals say people can only be jailed for “willful” nonpayment. Therefore, a warrant seeking the arrest of someone for unpaid fines will result in their incarceration before a court can determine if they purposely missed payments. “I can tell you that LFOs are a problem everywhere,” says Carden. “It’s an issue being addressed at all levels of the court, affecting hundreds, if not thousands, of people every day.” (MITCH RYALS)
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APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 17
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Local activists confront a challenge: How best to respond to controversial statements by City Councilman Mike Fagan
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18 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
The Persuasion of Fagan BY DANIEL WALTERS
n that moment, John Lemus, the head of Spokane’s Human Rights Commission, decides that enough is enough. Study after study indicates that immigrants, legal or illegal, are actually less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans. But the violent imagery that Councilman Mike Fagan uses in attacking illegal immigration at the city council meeting last month paints the opposite picture. First, Fagan suggests that illegal immigration is to blame for the heroin epidemic. Then he starts describing, in graphic detail, crimes committed by “illegal aliens” in the area. He points to a brutal murder in Grant County, the torture of a drug dealer from Spokane, and describes how an “illegal alien… bludgeoned his girlfriend to death before stabbing her in the chest with a screwdriver, before he got arrested on the highway walking with his baby.” Council rules say that Lemus is not allowed to boo or yell in response. Instead, he stands up and turns his back on Fagan as he continues to speak. Seconds later, he’s joined by his two fellow commissioners, Nicole Bishop and Ashley Torres. They leap to their feet and turn their backs on Fagan as well. For Bishop, the protest wasn’t a message aimed at Fagan, so much as his targets. “It was a way to show solidarity to those who his words might have hurt,” Bishop says. It wasn’t Torres’ first act of protest that evening. As a Boy Scout troop led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance to kick off the meeting, she sat in silence. She doesn’t believe that America offers “liberty and justice for all.” She doesn’t believe that her patriotism is tied to the Pledge of Allegiance. Boycotting the flag was what really incensed Fagan, a disabled Army veteran. “I really appreciate the fact that we’ve got people who have ended up turning their back on me,” Fagan says, his voice building in volume. “At least one of these individuals didn’t have even have the decency and the respect while the American flag was being posted, and we were saying our Pledge of Allegiance.” The fallout from Fagan’s controversial comments — and the HRC protests — hasn’t just sparked debate over the content of his words, it’s caused activists to examine another question: What’s the most effective way to respond when a person in power says something offensive?
For Fagan, it wasn’t even the first time he’d been the subject of protest and outrage in March. After the Inlander published its story about a Spirit of America rally in Spokane Valley on March 4, critics quickly seized upon two jokes that Fagan made as part of a mock radio-show performance. To anyone not convinced that the state
should reverse a rule allowing transgender individuals to use bathrooms of their choice, Fagan told the crowd, “I’ll be more than happy to follow you into the bathroom and see how you feel about that.” He also projected a picture of city council candidate Kate Burke standing beside Bill Clinton, then said, “You know, I first looked at that picture, and the first thing that came to mind is, ‘Hey, where’s Bill’s hand?’”
“If I have to tolerate what these guys do at their little festivals and functions, why don’t they tolerate what I do?” Councilman Mike Fagan says about his left-leaning critics. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO Today, Fagan takes out a sheet of paper from his desk to show the Inlander a printout of the Facebook conversation where Burke first posted the picture. “The lead-off comment is, ‘Where’s his other hand?’’’ Fagan says. “If there’s any heartburn here, it’s that I stole somebody else’s joke.” The online outrage has been swift and immediate, with dozens of commenters hammering Fagan on Facebook. Three weeks later, Fagan found himself in the middle of another Facebook flame war. “Mike Fagan, when your own city Human Rights Commission turns its back on you during your horrible testimony on a human rights ordinance you know that there’s a problem,” Lemus wrote on Facebook, tagging the councilman. “Your testimony was not representative of the compassionate city we are building.” Fagan’s response took aim at the Human Rights Commission itself. He chastised the HRC for not responding to anti-Israel billboards and rhetoric at conventions that he considers anti-Semitic. (The HRC did, however, condemn anti-Semitic flyers posted last month at the Community Building.) He brought up the time that former HRC chair Blaine Stum had raised concerns about the police department’s response to an alleged assault of a transgender woman in 2015. Ultimately, an internal affairs investigation cleared the police of wrongdoing. “I asked for a public apology in light of what SPD was going through then, and all I got was ‘CRICKETS,’” Fagan wrote.
On Lemus’ Facebook page, Stum leapt into the fray, repeating the arguments he’d made three years ago. “You asked for an apology regarding something [the Human Rights Commission] didn’t say or do, namely denigrate SPD,” Stum responded. Spokane County GOP chair Stephanie Cates suggested to Lemus that when the HRC members turned their backs, it gave the impression that they weren’t listening. Lemus says they were listening, but understands where Cates is coming from. “But the Human Rights Commission also has a mission to protect human rights in the city,” Lemus says. “What do you expect me to do, clap for him?” Ultimately, after days of social media salvos, Lemus began to reconsider his methodology. Perhaps his protest had been a distraction? “Instead of everyone seeing and remembering our amazing [Human Rights Commission] workplan for the year that we presented that evening, the focus is now on something that’s not positive,” Lemus wrote on Facebook. “I promise that I will use better judgment to protect the commissioners and our work in the future.”
In some ways, Fagan’s background could make him more sympathetic to the concerns of immigrants, minorities and transgender people. He describes his family as a “rainbow” with Native American, black and Hispanic members. He says he has a family member who was born as intersex — with male and female genitalia — which has caused him to spend a lot of time thinking about transgender issues. His mother, he says, was a Japanese immigrant, making him half-Japanese. “I’m the only minority on the council,” Fagan says. “I grew up a ‘half-breed.’ I was teased. Nowadays they call it bullying… My last name was Fagan. Can you imagine what kind of fun I went through in school?” So why, with those experiences, does Fagan take the positions that he does? Some of it, he says, is backlash, based on how he’s felt treated by the other side. “How’s that adage go? Once bitten, twice shy,” Fagan says. “I’ve been bitten more than once.” The online firestorms against him, he suggests, have made him less receptive to his critics. Others have taken a different approach. Spokane NAACP President Phil Tyler also saw the controversies erupt around Fagan and other leaders. But instead of condemning him with a statement, he invited Fagan to speak before the NAACP on Tuesday regarding his incendiary comments at the Spirit of America rally. He also invited Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich — who blamed Barack Obama’s rhetoric for the spike in ambush-style killings of police — and Spokane County Prosecutor Larry Haskell, an ardent Trump supporter, to speak at the meeting. “I’m about calling people in, not calling them out,” Tyler says. Tyler says that in the world of activism, there are “resisters” and “engagers,” and each has value. “The resisters do a good job of bringing attention to the issues and concerns that otherwise wouldn’t come to see the light of day,” Tyler says. But once the public spotlight begins to fade, Tyler says, there needs to be engagers: People who bring the community together and seek solutions. In recent weeks, Lemus has moved in that direction. He met personally with Cates last Friday, outlining his objections to Fagan’s comments, explaining why he decided to stand up, and suggesting that there were pieces of the HRC agenda — like human trafficking — that Republicans could get behind. He plans to meet with Fagan as well. Fagan says he’s more than happy to have those sorts of conversations. “I want to get past the bombs being thrown back and forth about ‘racist’ this and ‘misogynist’ that,” Fagan says. “Me, I’m interested in sitting down and actually talking about coming up with solutions.” danielw@inlander.com
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1 800 523-2464 | Worley, Idaho | CDACASINO.COM | APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 19
t he
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“It’ll get cooler, it’ll get warmer. It’s called weather,” Trump said when asked by Bill O’Reilly if he believed in climate change.
HOSTILE CLIMATE How President Donald Trump’s policies could adversely impact the environment BY MITCH RYALS his should surprise no one. Businessman and celebrity Donald Trump has tweeted steadily about the climate change “hoax” since at least 2011. Presidential candidate Donald Trump, running on a populist and nationalist platform, pledged to scrap the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and with it the office responsible for enforcing environmental regulations. “We’ll be fine with the environment,” Trump said in a 2015 interview with Fox News. “We can leave a little bit, but you can’t destroy businesses.” The EPA is still here, though questions swirl over what type of environmental regulations Trump will impose and how they will be enforced. For climate change activists, it appears that Trump is doing his best to kneecap efforts to lessen the insidious impact humans have on the environment. Here’s how:
ENEMY OF THE EPA? In February, Trump’s choice to lead the EPA, Scott Pruitt, was confirmed. As attorney general of Oklahoma, Pruitt sued the agency he will now lead and has received significant campaign contributions from coal, oil and gas companies. During his confirmation hearing, Pruitt described a shrunken EPA, in line with Trump’s vision. “Science tells us that the climate is changing and human activity in some manner impacts that change,” Pruitt said during his confirmation hearing. “The human ability to measure with precision the extent of that impact is subject to continuing debate and dialogue, as well it should be.” However, a 2013 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found it “extremely likely” that the majority of global warming is caused by carbon dioxide emission by humans, and other greenhouse gases — a conclusion that ostensibly contradicts Pruitt’s statement. Within a month of Pruitt’s confirmation, a 25-year employee of the EPA left the agency and wrote an open letter to Pruitt on his way out the door. In the letter, Michael Cox slammed the agency head and the Trump administration, saying he has never seen morale of EPA employees so low. “This is the first time I remember staff
openly dismissing and mocking the environmental policies of an Administration and by extension you, the individual selected to implement the policies,” Cox writes. The five-page letter spends significant time criticizing Pruitt for “denying fundamental climate science.” Cox calls Pruitt’s statements that carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to climate change “shocking,” and compares those statements to a congressional hearing in which CEOs of major tobacco companies denied that smoking causes cancer. Cox suggests that Pruitt visit areas in the West — such as Alaska and the Pacific Northwest — where climate change is already having adverse impacts. “Talk to the farmers in Eastern Washington who are struggling to have enough water to grow their crops and water their cattle,” Cox writes. “The changes I am referencing are not impacts projected for the future, but are happening now.”
SLASHING BUDGETS Trump has proposed cutting $2.4 billion from the EPA’s budget — nearly 30 percent — and axing a quarter of its employees. Although Congress still gets final approval, gutting the agency by that much will have significant impacts. At risk is the EPA’s ability to enforce its own regulations, funding for research that would allow us to more precisely understand how and why the climate is changing, and federal dollars dedicated to regional cleanup programs. Specifically, Trump’s budget suggests slashing funding for the Brownfields Program, which provides states and tribes with money to clean up and redevelop former industrial sites. The list of Brownfields success stories on the EPA website includes a new regional health center in Tacoma, the cleanup and restoration of Sequim Bay on the Olympic Peninsula in Clallam County and the $3.4 million contribution for the redevelopment of an old railyard in the heart of Spokane — now known as Kendall Yards. Trump’s proposed budget does, however, set aside money for the multibillion-dollar cleanup of the Hanford nuclear site just north of the Tri-Cities. Washington’s U.S. Senators Patty Murray ...continued on next page
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 21
t he GREEN issue
Trump’s choice to lead the EPA: Scott Pruitt.
“HOSTILE CLIMATE,” CONTINUED... and Maria Cantwell, both Democrats, called Trump’s proposal “dangerous.” “If enacted, this funding cut would effectively eliminate the EPA’s ability to execute its core mission to protect public health and ensure citizens have clean air, clean water, and are protected from hazardous waste and contaminants,” the senators said in a joint statement.
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22 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
As coal and oil executives peered over his shoulder in March, Trump signed an executive order taking the first steps in unwinding President Barack Obama’s climate change agenda. The order directs the EPA to re-evaluate, and presumably rewrite, Obama’s Clean Power Plan, a major part of his legacy to combat global warming. Obama’s plan sought to curb carbon emissions by closing hundreds of coal-fired power plants and preventing the construction of new ones. Those regulations never actually went into effect, and are tangled up in a legal battle. The order also lifts the moratorium on federal coal leasing, rescinds guidelines telling agencies how to consider climate change in National Environmental Policy Act reviews, reconsiders carbon emission standards for new power plants and reconsiders Obama’s “social cost of carbon,” which is used to justify regulations on emissions, among other things. It’s the action surrounding the social cost of carbon, namely the dismantling of the working group that came up with those standards, that has Thomas Singer most worried. Singer, senior policy advisor for the Western Environmental Law Center, a nonprofit public interest firm dedicated to environmental protection issues, says that Trump’s order leaves unanswered the extent to which regulation of harmful greenhouse gas emissions will factor into policy decisions. “In reducing climate change, particularly given the Paris Agreement and international consensus, every year matters,” Singer says. “It’s very, very damaging. It’s a crime against humanity.” Trump’s order does not specifically mention the 2015 Paris Agreement, and the United States’ pledge to reduce emissions by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. However, just last week, Pruitt, the EPA administrator, expressed his desire to “exit” from the historic agreement. Immediately following Trump’s order, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, joined by Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, vowed to push back against that agenda. According to an analysis of Trump’s executive order by the global consulting company Rhodium Group, the order would cause emissions reduction to stall at about 14 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, well below the predicted reduction under Obama’s plan. “President Trump’s decision to ax the Clean Power Plan cedes U.S. global leadership and increases the risk that climate change will continue to damage our state,” Inslee said in a statement. “We can’t afford to slow our efforts, and we won’t.” n
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APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 23
t he GREEN issue FISH
THE LONG SWIM HOME Someday, salmon may ascend the Grand Coulee Dam and swim in the Spokane River once again BY DANIEL WALTERS nce upon a time, salmon swam in the Spokane River. The chinook at the base of Spokane Falls could grow to 80 pounds. The river was so thick with salmon, author Sherman Alexie’s grandma told him, that you could walk across their backs. Then, in a blitz of industry and engineering, the salmon were destroyed. First came the lumber mills that spat wood chips and industrial waste into the river, slowly choking it and sending salmon belly-up. In 1915, the river was dammed, creating Long Lake and blocking salmon migration to the upper portions of the Spokane’s watershed. And by 1942, the final wall had dropped: the Grand Coulee Dam took 12 million cubic yards of concrete and jutted 550 feet into the air, without a single fish ladder. But Spokane Riverkeeper Jerry White still hasn’t let go of this remnant of the Spokane’s past. “I doggedly hang on to the idea we’re still a salmon river,” White says. “Underneath, if you scratched the paint of Spokane ... that salmon consciousness, so to speak, is still here.” And it’s possible that some day, he says, the salmon themselves could be here again. “Looking and taking the long view toward salmon recovery in Spokane?” White says. “That’s no longer a laughable idea.” The idea, however far off, might not just be feasible — it may be the key to saving wild salmon in the Northwest entirely.
GRILLED SALMON Here’s the bad news: 2015 was a nightmare year for salmon and other fish in the Northwest. There was the heat. Crank up the water temperature hot enough, and salmon die. The ones that don’t tend to spend more energy trying to migrate, laying smaller and weaker eggs. Because the water in the fish ladders was a few degrees warmer, the fish refused to swim up them, and the ones that did had to face even warmer temperatures in the reservoirs behind dams, which tend to be hotter and more dangerous to fish. The problem wasn’t just in the rivers. The “blob” of
24 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
Even if new technology is able to send salmon shooting over Grand Coulee, the habitat beyond may not be hospitable. warm water in the Pacific Ocean reduced the food supply, meaning that fewer salmon survived, and the ones that did were scrawnier. “We lost 99 percent of the Idaho sockeye runs because of the temperature,” says Sam Mace, Inland Northwest director of Save Our Wild Salmon. Then there were the fires. Massive wildfires turned forests into ash, wiping out vegetation that shaded the water and prevented soil from sloughing off into the stream. With climate change ratcheting global temperatures upward, these sorts of summers will increasingly become normal. Eventually, the only solution may be colder waters. “Getting the salmon above Grand Coulee and up into the headwaters in Canada may be the only way we keep the fish,” says Tara Galuska, manager of the salmon section for the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office.
FLYING FISH With the Grand Coulee’s sheer height, a solution for salmon isn’t simple. While groups like Mace’s continue to push to knock down dams along the lower Snake River, making way for salmon runs in Idaho, northern Oregon, and southern Washington, knocking down the Grand Coulee and Chief Joseph dams isn’t likely to ever happen. Meanwhile, a fish ladder would have to run three-quarters of a mile and travel through two small towns to get up Grand Coulee. Other options, such as hauling the fish by elevator or truck, pose their own high costs and challenges. Enter the salmon cannon. Think of the pneumatic tubes that you use to send your check whooshing over to the bank teller. Now replace the check with a fish, and the bank teller with the body of water on the other side of a dam. Developed by Whooshh Innovations, a Seattle technology company, the salmon cannon uses water
pressure to send fish of all different sizes through a tube rising hundreds of feet into the air. Ideally, it would be cheaper, faster and safer for the fish than a conventional fish ladder. “It’s the ultimate Slip ’N Slide, is what a lot of people say,” says Tom Shearer, Whooshh’s president of sales and marketing. Cody Desautel, natural resource director of the Colville Tribe, says the innovation is worth considering, though plenty of questions remain. “How far can they stay in the tube?” Desautel asks. “How steep could you go with that? How fast could you climb? Desautel says Whooshh has tested an 1,100-foot tube at a maximum angle of 40 degrees, more than enough for the climb up Grand Coulee. “We are working with independent laboratories to show that it doesn’t harm or stress the fish,” he says. But Desautel says the problem isn’t just a matter of getting the fish over the Grand Coulee and Chief Joseph dams. Lake Roosevelt is a far cry from the free-flowing river it once was. This year, the question of whether salmon could survive in that habitat is being studied. Beyond dams and climate change, those rooting for salmon recovery have to contend with population growth. Over the years, White notes, riverside development has chipped away at the habitat for fish, cutting down the cottonwood trees, willows and other plants that shade the river, keeping it cool and preventing erosion. Floodplains, crucial for slowing down the river, providing food and creating hiding spaces for salmon and other fish, like bull trout, have been altered to make way for neighborhoods. “We know [the] Little Spokane was a huge salmonbearing stream,” White says. “And Latah Creek was a salmon-bearing stream.” The question is whether, someday, they’ll be ready to bear salmon again. n danielw@inlander.com
t he GREEN issue
Beacon Builders’ Mike Bradley says of cross-laminated timber: “I’m always interested in anything that’s innovative or sustainable or both, and this is both.”
CROSS-LAM FOR CROSSFIT Local builders, designers and engineers hope an innovative wood product will put Eastern Washington forests to work BY SAMANTHA WOHLFEIL pokane is getting what city planners believe is its first building made from cross-laminated timber or CLT, a wood building material that has people excited about its sustainability and the potential to put local forests to work. Mike Bradley, project manager with Beacon Builders, is excited about using CLT to build a new gym for CrossFit Duratus at 711 N. Helena St., about a half-mile from Gonzaga. “I’m always interested in anything that’s innovative or sustainable or both, and this is both,” Bradley says. CLT is lighter than concrete, saves on labor costs because it’s easier to put together on site, and can save on time because rainy weather won’t interrupt concrete castings — the CLT panels are custom-made at presses for
each job. To make CLT, narrow boards are lined up next to each other and covered in glue, then more boards are stacked on top of that going in the other direction, with layers continuing to alternate 90 degrees. All of that is pressed to create an incredibly strong piece of wood that can replace concrete slab and steel construction in buildings. CLT can also be made from smaller trees than are used for typical lumber, and thinning out smaller trees can be good for forest health and decrease the spread of wildfires. Even trees that have been killed by beetles can be used, which prevents them from rotting and releasing carbon that is sequestered in the wood, meaning that build-
ings will have much smaller carbon footprints than with traditional materials, a selling point the timber industry is trying to drive home.
BUILD IT SMARTER Used for many years in Europe, CLT is getting attention in places like Portland and Seattle for its potential to support multiple-story buildings that are taller than those allowed with simple timber frame construction and cheaper than those using traditional materials. That could make a big difference when developers are choosing how tall to build, because concrete doesn’t make financial sense below a certain height, and with limits on traditional timber construction, some structures ...continued on next page
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 25
t he GREEN issue
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Because the CLT boards are layered in different directions, they help each other resist shrinking seen in other wood.
“CROSS-LAM FOR CROSSFIT,” CONTINUED... in Seattle are 30 feet shorter than they could be, which means zones aren’t being filled as densely as they are allowed to, according to a CLT feasibility study done by Mahlum Architects in 2014. In addition to making financial sense, CLT performs well in a variety of safety tests. The U.S. Forest Service is promoting CLT as a strong product that has been able to stand up well in seismic shake tests in Japan, blasting tests by the Department of Defense, and even in fires. “It seems really counterintuitive, but wood performs better than steel in a fire,” Bradley says. “Steel doesn’t burn, but it loses its strength really quickly as the temperature rises, but a big wood beam can burn for a long time before it loses its strength.” He and others explain it like this: Think about starting a fire in your fireplace — if you hold a match to a large log, nothing will happen. It is very hard to catch a large piece of wood on fire without kindling. Plus, Bradley adds, new multi-story buildings will include sprinkler systems. Another thing that makes CLT unique is that unlike traditional wood, it resists shrinking, explains Logun Rasmussen, the engineer for the CrossFit Duratus building. With wood, if you have a brick veneer with wood studs, or wood walls with steel beams, you normally have to adjust the way you build to account for the wood shrinking, Rasmussen says. But because the CLT boards are layered in different directions, they help each other resist that shrinking. For the entire team working on the building in Spokane, using CLT was a learning process, since it’s such a new material for builders in America. “Most materials you build with have been around a long time; everybody knows how to detail it and how it goes together best,” Rasmussen says. “With CLT and something new, comes the hurdle of what works and what doesn’t work.”
DESIGN AND WORKING FORESTS Architects Matthew Kerr and Eric Owens credit their client, Kevin Longmeier, for asking them to design his building with CLT. “He was interested in CLT and was a huge proponent of using the product,” Kerr says.
Normally, if someone came and asked for a big, open building for a workout facility, and they wanted it cheap and quick, you’d put up a metal building, Owens says. But CLT was a good choice for the type of workouts involved in CrossFit, which incorporate the building, from ropes hanging from the ceiling to using pull-up rigs and squat racks that are attached to the walls. This is the first building that Longmeier has worked on, and he wanted to be sure it was built responsibly and with an aesthetic appeal. “It’s an eco-friendly product, and as a local business owner I have a responsibility to at least be mindful about the way things are built,” he says. Aesthetically, the building will be much warmer from the inside, Owens says. “There’s so much character and uniqueness in pieces of wood; no two are the same. You could have 1,000 pieces of steel all look the same,” Owens says. “Something about these panels, and the character and experience they bring to a space, has a lot of merit.” Longmeier hopes that will appeal to a future tenant, as part of the building was designed to be rented out. There aren’t a lot of presses making the product close to Spokane. The panels used for the gym were made in British Columbia. But that could soon change, as companies in Eastern Washington are looking to get into the CLT business. “The timber industry has taken some big hits in the past few decades,” Owens says. “It’s a big part of the Pacific Northwest, and our economy and everything that makes this nation thrive.” Getting back to using those resources and boosting the local economy, while capitalizing on a construction process that can save their clients money, is a good thing, he says. “We all are passionate about the product, the idea and the potential for this building to be a catalyst for other buildings not only in Spokane, but all around our country,” says Owens. “This is a very elegant, performance-based product that happens to also be made out of a renewable resource we could do right here. Spokane could become the center of the CLT industry for the nation.” n samanthaw@inlander.com
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APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 27
t he GREEN issue
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This “slash” can eventually help power an airplane.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER How local universities are making our world a little greener BY WILSON CRISCIONE university often becomes more than a place to educate students, says Washington State University professor Michael Wolcott. The research and exchange of ideas is just as valuable, he says, and can change how we see our world. “The role of the university is not just the creation of knowledge, but it’s really in changing these systems with society,” Wolcott says. At WSU alone, researchers have recently studied the Arctic ice and how much it’s shrinking, discovered the world underneath ice in lakes, and found ways to cut down on energy costs. This kind of research is the advantage that a land grant university like WSU has over other universities. But even in undergraduate classrooms locally, we can learn more about our environment through student research. Eastern Washington University received a grant last year to start a sustainability major, and an Environmental Studies degree became available at Gonzaga University six years ago. Undergraduates may not do the hard research that major universities like WSU can do, but their work can still have an impact locally, says Greg Gordon, an associate professor of environmental studies at Gonzaga. So how have local universities made our community greener? In the last year, they’ve turned wood into biofuel for an airplane, launched a major effort to study our food, water and energy resources, and looked into the effects of the Spokane River on local business.
BURNED WOOD When loggers cut down trees, not all of the timber is put to good use. They leave behind what’s
28 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
known as “slash,” which is wood and plant material that covers the ground of the forest; too much of it can be a fire hazard. But research led by WSU has put slash to use, in a way that reduces carbon emissions. The university has led an initiative called the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA), aiming to convert forest-harvest residuals into jet fuel. That means the slash left behind by loggers could someday help power your commercial flight. Researchers know it’s possible, thanks to NARA. In November 2016, Alaska Airlines flew a commercial flight from Seattle to Washington, D.C., using jet fuel made up partly of tree limbs and branches from the forest. It was the first ever flight of its kind. Beyond the positive impact of using biofuel to help power planes, it could also help the rural economy, says Wolcott, a co-project director for NARA. “The rural jobs would be significant,” Wolcott says. “Aside from the environmental benefits, you would have local job benefits.” The flight used 1,080 gallons of biofuel that made up 20 percent of the flight’s fuel supply. If Alaska Airlines used biofuel for 20 percent of its entire fuel supply, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 142,000 metric tons of CO2 — about the same as taking 30,000 cars off the road for a year, according to WSU. The issue with making biofuel for planes a viable option, however, is the cost to produce it. For the Alaska Airlines flight, Gevo, Inc., a NARA partner, converted cellulosic sugars from wood into jet fuel. But the cost of producing
biofuel, right now, is not competitive. If it can become cheaper, Wolcott says the positive impact would be real. “Obviously the development of uses of those types of materials,” he says, “would have strong societal benefits.”
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A SMARTER SYSTEM When farmers grow food, how much water do they use? What kind of energy resources? And could we be more efficient? These are the questions a team of dozens of researchers at WSU and the University of Idaho are trying to answer. Food, energy and water are three things that are more connected than most people think, says Stephanie Hampton, director for WSU’s Center for Environmental Research, Education and Outreach. “If we want to manage these systems more effectively, and more sustainably, we need to think of the connections of all these different aspects,” she says. Centuries ago, Hampton says, a farmer would know exactly how much water they needed for their fields, where it came from, and how much food to partition for livestock. But we’ve industrialized those processes, so farmers get some of these resources from many miles away. The food, energy and water nexus, she says, is not as tight as it once was. “The effects of overusing resources may not be as apparent to us,” Hampton says. “So if you built a dam for energy security or water security in the developing world, it may cause water insecurity downstream.” The team of researchers is doing computer simulations of the Columbia River Basin to better understand local food, energy and water connections. The project, funded by a National Science Foundation grant, is only a few months in. But Hampton says the results could help change the way people think about agricultural water use, the way our hydropower is managed, and what the water needs are for endangered fish. Julie Padowski, a WSU researcher involved with the project, says studying these connections can prepare us for climate change, in a state where irrigated agriculture is so prevalent. It could change policies, and the way people access water. “We can create a more resilient system,” Padowski says. “So when climate change comes in, or the population increases any other sort of future changes, it won’t disrupt the system.”
MONEY FLOWING IN THE RIVER There’s plenty of research out there on how urban development impacts the environment. But sometimes, as a few Gonzaga students are finding, the environment may actually help urban development. As part of a senior capstone class for Gonzaga’s environmental studies program, students take what they’ve learned in the classroom and apply it to an environmental problem or issue. This year, a group of students asked: What’s the correlation between river restoration and economic gains to cities? “Urban river interfaces are never the cleanest, but the more care and effort into a healthy river system, the better for the city’s development, the more people are compelled to be there,” says Gonzaga senior Makenna Sellers, who with two other students is involved with the project. The students are looking at rivers in other cities, like Denver and Missoula, and trying to determine how cleaning up and restoring rivers can spur development. The results, Sellers says, will hopefully lead to more investment in both the river and the development of the University District. Gordon, who teaches the capstone class at Gonzaga, says this was one of a number of projects that arose when the environmental studies program went to local nonprofits and asked what kind of basic research on environmental issues they would need. Other projects from his students include assessing nutrient levels of Lake Arthur on the Gonzaga campus, and coming up with a food forest plan for a local neighborhood. “Our goal is to have projects here where students can take what they’ve learned in the classrooms and apply it to a realworld environmental problem or issue,” Gordon says. n wilsonc@inlander.com
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TEST SCREEN Amazon wants to know which of its five pilots should be made into full series; we break down each episode’s potential Oasis is based on Michel Faber’s bestselling The Book of Strange New Things.
emocracy in entertainment is alive, sort of, with Amazon Studios’ spring 2017 pilot season that arrived last month, offering five potential shows’ first episodes and streaming free to Amazon Prime subscribers. This ninth of Amazon’s pilot seasons features a novel-inspired sci-fi drama, an animated series for adults, and three comedies of varying genres. The best part is that viewers can tell the online behemoth via a survey what shows they love most, and want to see made into full series. Past pilots that went on to be successful episodic installments include Transparent, The Man in the High Castle and Sneaky Pete. So, which of the current five are worth your time, or even a 10-episode run? The Inlander’s in-house TV and film brain trust breaks it down:
I’ve already decided that I don’t want to read the book this futuristic sci-fi space drama is based on for two reasons: 1) spoilers; and 2) some of the reviews I saw
seemed split between love it or hate it. Even so, I already have a feeling that Oasis, based on Michel Faber’s bestselling The Book of Strange New Things, is going to veer from its novel script quite a lot; several major details of the book’s synopsis are already very different on screen. Oasis takes on a familiar concept: In the near future (the year 2032), humans have pretty much wrecked Earth, but there is hope in a new off-world colonization project outside of our solar system. Viewers go there with priest Peter Leigh (Richard Madden from Game of Thrones); he’s been invited by the colony’s leader, who appears to think a priest can console some of the colonists (mostly scientists and engineers) who’ve been “seeing” some weird things that have also caused some suspicious accidents. When Leigh arrives, he learns that his host has mysteriously disappeared. Despite the fact that this pilot leaves us with more questions than it answers, it shows some major promise — don’t forget that its source material has been called “a masterwork.” (CHEY SCOTT)
This stoner comedy set in the Reagan era has some impressive credentials: It’s based on a novel by T.C. Boyle, and its pilot was directed by the great Terry Zwigoff (Crumb, Ghost World), who hadn’t stepped behind a camera since 2006. Despite those big names, however, the first half hour of Budding Prospects isn’t anything remarkable — it’s loose, amiable, only occasionally funny. It opens in San Francisco in 1983, as a sad-sack bartender named Felix (Adam Rose) is offered half a million bucks to oversee a secret marijuana farm in rural California, taking two of his pothead buddies (Joel David Moore and Will Sasso) along for the ride. If Zwigoff sticks around to guide this show through future episodes (though it hasn’t been made official, Deadline is reporting that the pilot was picked up for a series order), this show has the potential to be the sort of quirky character study he’s known for. (NATHAN WEINBENDER) ...continued on next page
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 31
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CLOCKWISE, from top left: Budding Prospects, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The New V.I.P.’s and The Legend of Master Legend.
From Gilmore Girls creator Amy Sherman-Palladino, this domestic satire set in the late 1950s stars Rachel Brosnahan (House of Cards) as storybook housewife Miriam Maisel, who makes a killer brisket and keeps her Upper West Side apartment in tip-top shape. Her husband, Joel (Michael Zegen), is a successful ad exec and an aspiring stand-up comedian, though he steals all his routines from Bob Newhart records (which, just to nitpick, were released two years after the time when the pilot is apparently set). But when Joel packs his bags and unexpectedly walks out of her life one night, Miriam drunkenly wanders down to the Gaslight Cafe in Greenwich Village (where we see a beat poet perform an experimental piece about, of all places, Spokane) and delivers a comic monologue that turns her into an unlikely star. Filled with the breathless, rat-a-tat dialogue that defined Sherman-Palladino’s earlier work, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has already been picked up for two seasons, and if it continues to document the birth of modern stand-up — Lenny Bruce is a supporting character — this could develop into a really entertaining period comedy. (NATHAN WEINBENDER)
Master Legend is a superhero. At least, he plays one on the streets of Las Vegas. Long-haired and grungy, the “real life” selfproclaimed superhero (à la Seattle’s Phoenix Jones) is willing to go toe-to-toe with any evildoers on the Vegas strip. As the titular hero, John Hawkes channels George McFly in Biff-punching mode; a naive, sweet-hearted dork constantly putting himself in danger for his wrong-headed sense of valor. Yet there’s an uncomfortable
When the tyrannical CEO of a corporation suddenly dies, a group of low-level employees decide that the best way to respond to the situation would be to dispose of his body and send the security guard to a plastic surgeon to be reconstructed in the CEO’s exact likeness. The New V.I.P.’s skips and pirouettes through the puddles of blood that follow. Though the animated characters are crudely drawn (in both senses of the word), the black comedy here often works: The pilot’s funniest moment relies on a character ranting at a yoga class for gentrifying New York as he’s trying to dump the CEO’s corpse. What doesn’t work is the gross comedy: The New V.I.P.’s stuffs the show with so many lazy pee-pee, poop and penis jokes that the viewer’s appetite, so to speak, is spoiled for the funnier murder, corpse-dumping and plastic surgery jokes that follow. If The Simpsons and 30 Rock show how much a show gains by stuffing every second with a joke, The New V.I.P.’s shows how much a show loses when those jokes are at the level of junior-high bathroom scrawlings. (DANIEL WALTERS)
Slice and Grind FEATURING:
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www.kootenaicountyonecall.com 32 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
Napoleon Dynamite dynamic to his character, where the viewer isn’t quite sure if he’s supposed to be laughing at Master Legend or feeling sorry for him. In its pilot episode, the show is more effective at the latter: The sadness underpinning the story is the most meaningful, authentic thing about it. Master Legend’s superheroism is more about having a sense of meaning in his broken life than fighting evil or protecting innocents. That same sadness drains away most of the potential comedy. What The Legend of Master Legend needs, then, is a triumph. If Master Legend is Super Napoleon Dynamite, he needs his climactic dance moment. (DANIEL WALTERS)
Liz Rognes moderates a discussion on the literary merit of lyrics on Friday.
he 19th annual literary celebration hosted by Eastern Washington University began on Monday, but events ramp up for the weeklong (April 17-23) festival’s final three days this weekend. If you missed the Inlander’s festival preview in last week’s issue, find the complete schedule of events at getlitfestival.org, and our interviews with festival authors and more at Inlander.com/culture. — TUCK CLARRY
With Bob Dylan winning, and now finally accepting, his Nobel Prize, along with L.A. rap group clipping.’s album Splendor & Misery winning a Hugo Award — one of the highest honors in the fantasy and sci-fi genre — now seems as good a time as any to discuss the literary merit of lyrics. Teacher, musician and singer-songwriter Liz Rognes moderates. Singer/Songwriter Panel • Fri, April 21 at 11:45 am • Free • JFK Library Lobby, EWU Cheney Campus • 526 Fifth St., Cheney
Enjoy a salon-style event hosting many of Get Lit!’s headlining poets as they read some of their work, converse with each other and the audience, and discuss their craft. The salon, moderated by Spokane poet laureate Laura Read, also features Shin You Pai, Robert Lashley, Meghan McClure, Michael Schmeltzer, John Rybicki and Jamaal May. Poetry Salon • Fri, April 21 at 9 pm • Free; $5 suggested donation • Brooklyn Deli • 1001 W. First
PODCAST S-TOWN is the story of an eccentric 49-year-old antique clock restorer, John B. McLemore. Short for “Shittown,” the podcast set in a tiny central Alabama town explores the politics and personal relationships of the town’s residents. This American Life reporter Brian Reed, first contacted by McLemore to investigate a possible murder that was allegedly covered up by police, quickly discovers that there’s much more to the story. Reed lays it out for listeners in a gripping, seven-chapter narrative that profiles the at times profane, tattoo-chested horologist and a hunt for hidden treasure. S-Town is perhaps the most popular podcast since the first season of Serial was released in 2014. Its novelistic approach grabs listeners from beginning to end, eventually coming to a conclusion that leaves some questions unanswered.
Where is the line drawn between the fictions we engage in and the lived experiences that inspired them? Award-winning author Justin Torres leads a workshop on the difficulties and implications of crafting fiction that reads and is held as autobiographical, as opposed to using truth to inspire stories that are written. Torres is best known for his novel We The Animals, which examines the challenges faced by a boy and his brothers growing up in a mixed-race household — inspired by, yet not directly pulled from, his own childhood and family. Close to the Bone: Creating Fiction from Personal Experience • Sat, April 22 at 3:30 pm • $20/$30 • Spokane Convention Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • bit.ly/2p1vlHG
Things may get steamy at Get Lit’s second Erotic Fan Fiction reading, which invites featured writers to try to craft their best re-imaginings of kids’ cartoon characters in more sultry settings. Shawn Vestal, Sheri Boggs, Kris Dinnison, Travis Naught and Rachel Mindell, along with emcee Aileen Keown Vaux, will try their damnedest to tell titillating tales about characters like Rainbow Brite and Darkwing Duck to an adults-only audience. Erotic Fan Fiction: Classic Cartoons • Sat, April 22 at 8 pm • Free, $5 suggested donation • Ages 21+ • nYne Bar & Bistro • 232 W. Sprague
COFFEE This is the world’s strongest coffee. Or at least that’s what the people at BLACK INSOMNIA COFFEE claim of the beans recently made available in the United States. The South African coffee company boasts a ridiculous 702 mg per 12-ounce cup. A typical Starbucks dark roast comes in at 195 mg per 12 ounces, according to caffeineinformer.com. Black Insomnia has a “sweet nutty flavor” (though that seems beyond the point), and is available to order through the company’s website, blackinsomnia.coffee. But coffee drinkers be warned: this stuff is no joke. The Mayo Clinic recommends up to 400 mg of caffeine per day, which means a full 12 ounces of Black Insomnia has almost twice the maximum recommended amount of caffeine that a healthy adult should guzzle. SHOPPING No longer must you become an obsessive, pennypinching coupon clipper to find the best deals shopping online. This Google Chrome browser extension (essentially an app for your internet browser) will do it for you. The browser extension HONEY scans the internet for coupon codes, discounts, promotions and deals and automatically applies them to your online cart. The extension works on a variety of sites, including Amazon, Groupon, Kohl’s, Expedia, Nike and Crate & Barrel. And you can get cash bonuses for purchases on certain sites, such as Target and Walmart.
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www.SCCD.org or call 509.535.7274 APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 33
CULTURE | TECHNOLOGY sedentary — and we can see why a kids’ movie is begging us to unplug now and again.
Americans, on average, spend more than 10 hours a day in front of a screen. JONATHAN HILL ILLUSTRATION
Should You Unplug? The cost and benefit of logging off BY RAVEN HAYNES
ixar’s WALL·E is almost nine years old, but its depiction of people who are overexposed to digital media endures: adult-sized babies in Hoverchairs drinking their meals out of cups, eyes glued to holographic screens. WALL·E implies that a dystopian future awaits us unless we “unplug,” or set some healthy limits on how often we’re tethered to a device, browsing the internet and tending to our social media. Some experts argue that we’re already living that dark reality: Americans reportedly spend more than 10 hours a day, on average, in front of a screen and check their phones nearly 50 times a day. (Apple says that iPhone users unlocked their phones an average of 80 times a day last year.) Yujung Nam, a Washington State University
34 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
professor who studies social media from a health communications standpoint, says that actual numbers may be even higher. “People underreport how much they check their devices,” Nam says, “Almost like an addict hiding their bottles. They’ll say, ‘Maybe 30 times, 40 times,’ but when we ask them to download an app [that measures that number] for studies, it’s usually about three times more.” According to a 2016 CNN analysis, in each week’s 168 hours, people generally spend at least 40 hours working, 49 hours sleeping and 21 hours on personal care, leaving about 58 hours for everything else — quality time with loved ones, to-do’s, hobbies, etc. Recall that Americans spend more than 50 of those remaining hours on TV, phones and the internet — likely
he year 2016 was not well-loved. See: The 13 million views on comedian and television personality John Oliver’s “F--- 2016” episode; terrorist attacks worldwide and the Syrian civil war; Brexit and the caustic U.S. presidential election; the outbreaks of the Ebola and Zika viruses; and the deaths of Muhammad Ali, Prince, David Bowie, Carrie Fisher, and so many more. Even clown panic made an appearance. But for many Americans, the election (and the presidency, for half of American voters) was more than a bad blip on the radar — it was a revelation. As we scrambled to stay informed and keep up with the endless stream of scandals, “fake news,” actual fake news and the tweets, we finally felt the weight of those 50 hours a week and the absence of whatever we did before. This year’s “Stress in America” survey agrees: The majority of Americans are worried about the future of this country. The overall stress level rose from 4.8 to 5.1 on a 10-point scale, the first significant increase in the decade since the American Psychological Association began surveying; 57 percent of Americans call the current political climate a very or somewhat significant source of stress. One of the culprits? A news cycle nearly impossible to ignore and stories difficult not to discuss or rant about on social media, says Dennis Anderson, a senior lecturer in Psychology at Eastern Washington University. “Bad things make news,” Anderson says. “Nowadays, you can have 24/7 exposure to [negative content], whereas years ago you might have been exposed to it in the morning paper, or on the radio, and that was it. If you leave yourself exposed to it, you can easily get overwhelmed by it.” A therapist for more than 20 years, Anderson says this stress is actually good — it means we’re listening to our bodies, and they’re saying our media habits aren’t making us happy anymore. He regularly recommends that couples have daily hours dedicated to non-screen time together to combat distracted dinners. “When I talk to people about worries, one of the first things I ask is, ‘Is it a non-productive worry or a productive worry?’” he says. “Anxiety is a great thing because it means you’re anticipating a future threat, and it’s a helpful emotion if it’s productive — if there’s something you can do about it.”
my Gregg is definitely doing something about it. She abstained from Facebook and limited her news intake for Lent to focus on her spiritual and physical self. Gregg realized recently that she spends most of her free time on Facebook or “listening to the news on
NPR and getting worked up” and knew it was time to unplug. “That got me thinking, gosh, I’m not doing very much to feed myself, to feed my soul…” Gregg says. “I thought, ‘What would it be like for me to be putting positive things in?’ I’ve been feeling… just bombarded with news and negative thoughts; what would it be like to give myself more space?” She didn’t use Facebook much before 2013, when she developed a chronic illness that keeps her mostly at home; soon she was on Facebook at least three hours daily, reading friends’ responses to articles, then reading the article, then articles on similar topics… and down the rabbit hole. “I think it almost became kind of an addiction,” Gregg says. “The little numbers [on Facebook], the notifications — five people said something, so I better see what they said!” Nam, the WSU health communications professor, explains that we “respond in a very biological way” to those likes, retweets and comments; our brains release dopamine every time we get that validation, she says, so we get addicted to the positive — and crushed by the negative. “When people don’t pay attention, you don’t have 20 likes within 40 minutes, research shows that people have inflated perceptions of how bad [that is],” she says. “The frequency is linked directly to negative self-esteem… feeling distressed, feeling anxiety, to a medical impact on your health.” Since Gregg unplugged, she’s had “actual face-to-face time” with friends, tried Christian meditation and started reading again. She only logs onto Facebook to chat, and her record so far is 20 unopened notifications. “I’ve kind of been enjoying watching the numbers build up,” she says, laughing.
nplugging” does not mean “never plugging back in again,” as Casey Cep argues in her 2014 New Yorker article, “The Pointlessness of Unplugging.” One-day digital detoxes like the National Day of Unplugging aren’t a substitute for healthy limits, but they can keep your eyes off a screen long enough to notice the difference. Nam emphasizes that digital media isn’t unhealthy on its own, but overexposure is — even CNN anchor Anderson Cooper mutes President Trump on Twitter, saying, “I just don’t want to have that drama in my life.” And there are real benefits to being “plugged in.” Nam has a live Twitter feed for students to ask questions in class, and students who formerly never raised their hands for fear of public speaking are engaging and talking in class. In her research, she’s seen people with chronic illnesses find and support one another over social media, and even seen how virtual reality headsets allow stroke victims to practice physical therapy at home. It’s no longer the “online world” versus the “real world,” Nam says. These devices were always supposed to help us learn, connect and create. We just need to remember that technology is a tool, and we can always unplug. n A version of this article first appeared in the Inlander’s InHealth magazine.
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S P O K A N E H O O P F E S T. N E T APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 35
And the Kitchen Sink Stage Left is more than up to the numerous challenges posed by Tom Stoppard’s dichotomous Arcadia BY E.J. IANNELLI
om Stoppard’s Arcadia has a little bit of everything: “Sex, death, literature and science,” says Kathleen Jeffs. “It has a lot for different kinds of people to grapple with and enjoy. It covers the gamut of human experience, from the emotional to the intellectual.” Along with Jamie Flanery, a stalwart of local theater and now an artistic partner at 1889 Salvage Co. on North Monroe, Jeffs is directing a new Stage Left production of the 1993 play, which, in typical Stoppardian fashion, examines weighty scientific and philosophical ideas from an unconventional and often playful perspective. Jeffs is chair of the Theatre & Dance Department at Gonzaga and worked alongside Flanery when he directed Stoppard’s Hapgood at Spokane Civic Theatre this time last year. Both Hapgood and Arcadia deal in dichotomies. Light and shadow, loyalty and duplicity in the former; order and chaos, reason and emotion in the latter. But whereas Hapgood examined quantum mechanics and motherhood through the lens of a spy thriller, Arcadia flips between past and present as a way of approaching social and mathematical constants — like, say, sex and the second law of thermodynamics — from two different starting points. “Arcadia is absolutely my favorite play of all time,” Jeffs says. “It’s set in two different time periods. One is 1809, and the other is a modern, contemporary moment. You get that feel of a classic play, a period piece for half of the show, and then the other half — every other scene, basically — is the modern day. Because it’s set in the same room, you also get the sense of that place. It’s inhabited by both the past and the present at the same time.” Instead of dividing the play act by act, with each director assuming responsibility for a different time period, Jeffs and Flanery approached the entire play jointly. “People always ask, ‘How does co-directing work? The buck usually has to stop with one person or the other. What’s been neat about this is that it helps to have two brains. You MORE EVENTS can have one person Visit Inlander.com for looking at the stage complete listings of picture and being local events. mechanical about the composition and how everything looks, and you can have another person living it and breathing it and watching for whether it’s real, and doesn’t just look like a composed, pretty picture.” It was also important to them that the the actors didn’t “feel like they were being split up into two ensembles,” which is a tempting way of dealing not only with the complexity of Arcadia but the smaller size of Stage Left. The cast of 12 is one of the largest the venue has ever had to accommodate. As a result, Jeffs says that
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Brooklyn Robinson as Thomasina and Chris Jensen as the tutor Septimus. she and Flanery have had to handle stage direction “very elaborately” to avoid crowding on- and offstage and to maintain the play’s fluidity. “That’s Jamie’s great gift. He’s a master of [blocking]. It’s like a football game where you’ve got the X’s and O’s, and people coming in from one spot and looping around to the other spot. I would say it’s like a dance. Jamie’s choreographed these 12 people to effectively dance around this table in the middle of the room. And it works really well,” she says. “The other piece of the success of that is Bryan Durbin’s set. Bryan has put the set together in such a way that you can have these multiple exits and a big, beautiful window at the back. His talent is making that possible.” Getting a handle on the complex material and blocking is helped by a little familiarity. Flanery and Jeffs recently worked with actors Timothy Linton and Dave Rideout in Hapgood. In Arcadia they play gardener Richard Noakes and university don Bernard Nightingale, respectively. As for the rest of the cast, Chris Jensen, who
plays the tutor Septimus in the “1809” portion, Tami Rotchford (as author Hannah Jarvis), Ron Ford (poet Ezra Chater) and Marek Nelson (Jellaby the butler) are among those who’ve previously performed at Stage Left and are well acquainted with the space. Brooklyn Robinson and Jordan Guinn Schneider, respectively, are playing Thomasina and Chloe Coverly, the two young women who are pivotal to Arcadia’s plot and concepts. “It’s what they say about good management or good directing, which is to hire the best people and let them do their work,” says Jeffs. “When you get actors who can really live and breathe the characters, then the intellectual stuff and the mathematical stuff, so long as they really understand what they’re saying, comes really naturally. One of the most important things of making this particular play succeed is to do both of those things really well.” n Arcadia • April 21-May 7 • Fri-Sat, 7:30 pm; Sun, 2 pm • $10 • Stage Left Theater • 108 W. Third • spokanestageleft.org • 838-9727
Patrick Sawyer, left, and Jake Wilson are changing Chewelah’s “Kokanee mindset,” one craft beer at a time.
Quartzite Brewing Co.’s
Patrick Sawyer & Jake Wilson This duo is making a big splash in the small Stevens County town of Chewelah BY ADAM BOYD
t’s a fairly active Saturday afternoon at Quartzite Brewing Company in the small town of Chewelah, Washington. Quartzite’s co-owners and -brewers Patrick Sawyer and Jake Wilson are behind the bar, greeting a gaggle of regular patrons as they shuffle into the expansive and modern taproom. Half a dozen other drinkers — and a couple of friendly dogs — are spread out around the room, chatting and happily sipping on freshly poured pints. Upon first glance, one might think Quartzite Brewing was a microbrewery nestled in downtown Spokane, or even a bustling neighborhood of Seattle or Portland. But if you’re looking to visit this particular craft brewery, you’ll have to head an hour’s drive north of Spokane to a rural town with a population around 2,600, where two young entrepreneurs have found fertile soil for their brewing roots. “The people here are amazing,” says Wilson. “This town has a lot going for it.” Sawyer agrees: “We really liked the energy here. It seemed like a lot of people were trying to make Chewelah a cooler town.”
Wilson, originally from just north in the slightly larger town of Colville, and Sawyer, a Denver transplant, connected through their mutual love for the outdoors and homebrewing. With the 49 Degrees North Ski Resort nearby and a surrounding abundance of biking and hiking trails, Chewelah seemed like the perfect place for the two young brewers to call home. The only thing missing was a constant supply of good craft beer. “I think it’s pretty safe to say Chewelah is a Kokanee town,” Sawyer remarks. Yet a shared love for their new hometown, paired with a thirst for good beer, soon gave the two an idea. In January of 2016, after more than a year of planning, Wilson and Sawyer officially opened the doors to Quartzite Brewing Company. The new business owners found a home for the brewery and taproom in a former auto shop building just outside Chewelah’s downtown core. After naming their beer lineup after local geography (Quartzite is a nod to the looming mountain just east of town), like the Goddards Peak IPA or the Iron Mountain Stout, the two found out very quickly that their “Kokanee town” was ready for locally crafted beer.
“We are flying through beer just about as fast as we brew it,” says Sawyer, noting that the demand for Quartzite’s beer has been high since day one. Brewing twice a week on their two-barrel system, Wilson and Sawyer have not yet been able to produce enough product to make it out the doors. Currently, all of their beer is consumed within the taproom, with much of that inventory downed by local patrons every weekend. Yet the two Quartzite brewers see these production challenges as a clear sign that the Chewelah community is behind them. Sawyer brings up the size of the crowd during the taproom’s recent one-year anniversary celebration. “There was a line out the door of people wanting to drink our beer,” he says. That’s not to say that it’s all easy drinking for the small brewery. Quartzite’s patrons might be eager to try the brewery’s new offerings, but it might take some finesse to sell them on what’s in their glass. Wilson cites the newly released seasonal Gold Hill Gose as an example. “Some people take a sip and say, ‘What the heck ...continued on next page
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 37
“Witness to
Climate Change” Will Steger has seen the effects of climate change in some of the most remote parts of the world.
His non-profit, Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy, engages students, teachers and the public in climate literacy and action. Having led dogsled expeditions to the North Pole and across Greenland & Antarctica, he will talk about what he has seen and what we can do next. Continuing education credit available for teachers.
2929 W. Waikiki Rd, Spokane, WA 99208 Admission is free for all ages. To reserve your seat, please RSVP at www.sgs.org/rsvp
38 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
is going on there?’ But we talk to them about the history of the Gose, and we always encourage people to take three sips before they judge the beer,” he explains. The Gose, a traditional German sour wheat ale brewed with salt, is a style that’s been gaining newfound popularity in regional craft beer hubs like Portland and Seattle. In Chewelah, beer trends move a little more slowly, and Sawyer says that’s part of the fun. “A lot of what we do is education,” he SHORT POURS says. “But our customA quick Q&A with Quartzite Brewing’s ers are starting to learn Jake Wilson and Patrick Sawyer: the terms and what styles work for them.” What’s your favorite Wilson and Sawyer brewing ingredient? hope that in the near Wilson: “Malt in general, it’s just such future, they’ll be able to a versatile ingredient.” produce enough beer to Sawyer: “Chinook hops! I love their have Quartzite brews smell, I want to use them all the on tap in places outside time.” of Chewelah. But for now, they’re content to Where’s your favorite place serve it in the comto have a beer? munity that’s in turn Wilson: “The Oasis Tavern in embraced their dream Chewelah. It’s a great place to relax of bringing local beer after a day of brewing.” to the town. Sawyer: “Going back to my Denver “We always joke roots, Dry Dock Brewing. I loved that everything in the people there. It used to be my Chewelah exceeds your backyard brewery.” expectations,” Sawyer remarks. When you aren’t brewing/drinking And as Chewelah beer, what are you up to? continues to support Wilson: “I’d definitely be out snowtwentysomething goboarding or mountain biking.” getters like Wilson and Sawyer: “I’d be out hiking or biking. Sawyer, those expectaDoing anything outdoors.” tions are constantly being raised. Quartzite Brewing currently offers the following beers at the taproom: Iron Mountain Stout (5.1 percent alcohol by volume, 28 International Bittering Units); Goddards Peak IPA (6 percent ABV, 62 IBU), Angel Peak Amber (5.3 percent ABV, 34 IBU), Fools Prairie Kolsch (5.1 percent ABV, 21 IBU), Gold Hill Gose (4.5 percent ABV, 5 IBU), and Mill Butte Grisette (5.5 percent ABV, 17 IBU). Sawyer and Wilson would be happy to pour you a pint from their taps — as long as the locals haven’t enjoyed it all first. Adam Boyd is an award-winning homebrewer, Assistant Brewer at Iron Goat Brewing, and host of “Good Brews” on KYRS Community Radio.
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Eat, Drink, Connect A lifetime of favorite meals, memories, stories and photos BY CARA STRICKLAND
The Brazilian eatery offers much more than grilled meats.
G R I L L E F R O M I PA N E M A 2380 N. Old Mill Loop, Coeur d’Alene | 208-676-1122
driano de Souza has big plans for Grille from Ipanema, which recently relocated from downtown Coeur d’Alene to the Riverstone complex just off Northwest Boulevard. He has nearly double the space — around 6,200 square feet — in the new location, with a larger bar area and much more visibility to the abundance of Riverstone foot traffic. Summers now will mean outdoor seating, live music and the irresistible smell of grilling meat wafting through open windows and doorways. Grilled beef, pork and poultry — Brazilians call this style churrasco and serve it on a skewer — is just one part of the menu; Grille from Ipanema also offers a large buffet of salads and side dishes, desserts and cocktails featuring tropical fruits like mango and passion fruit. The plan, says de Souza, is to offer some alternatives to the all-you-can-eat style of typical Brazilian steakhouses, which he says are more common in larger, more urban areas. “We know this is not what people are used to,” he says. — CARRIE SCOZZARO
or some of us, memory is formed through food. Whether it’s your first taste of freshly caught seafood within sight of the water, an unfamiliar dish in a faraway place, or something special cooked by a loved one, food often features in some of our favorite stories. This was certainly the case for Anita Verna Crofts, author and professor of communications at the University of Washington. Her book Meet Me at the Bamboo Table: Everyday Meals Everywhere is a collection of 21 personal essays spanning meals she’s eaten in 15 countries over 40 years of her life. Food is the connecting point in these stories, but they are really about life. Through them, Crofts explores growing up, life after college (including an enviable trip around the world), relationships, jobs, and the great gift of communicating across cultures. As I read, I felt like I was right there with her (if only the book came with samples of everything she describes). Beyond Crofts’ writing, this book is also visually stunning. Each essay is illustrated by photos from the trip she is describing. For the book’s design, she worked closely with Dan Shafer, graphic designer for Chin Music Press, a small independent publisher in Seattle. Shafer had a vision for the project right away. The first time they met, Crofts recalls, “He said, ‘I want this to be the kind of book you can pick up for five minutes or five hours, and either way you’ll learn something.’” She continues: “That was my clarion call the entire time I was writing.”
Together, Crofts and Shafer went through hundreds of pictures, many of them from long before the days of digital photography. Crofts selected just a few particularly meaningful pictures from each of the 15 countries, and Shafer selected a few that moved him as well. Since the book’s release last October, Crofts has become even more passionate about engaging cross-culturally. “We are more alike than we are different,” she says. “There is so much to be gained and to be learned from having an open heart and an empty stomach … To me, the book is really meant to reflect the spirit of generosity that I have witnessed, and that I hope to then perpetuate in the way that I cook for others.” Crofts sees food as far more than a way to attend to hunger. Under the right circumstances, it can be a point of connection. “Meals are more than just sustenance; meals are ways to bridge cultures, to bridge stereotypes, to bridge any negative influences that can too often get us to believe that we don’t have common ground,” she says. And for the author, one of the greatest measures of success is when readers find their own stories in hers. “At a very personal level, what I’ve loved is when people paw through a page and say, ‘It was this passage, this really reminded me of something that happened to me.’ … Even if it’s not about them, it’s for them.” n
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APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 39
Casualties of War Frantz is a beautifully mounted, black-and-white period piece that’s occasionally hobbled by its own tricky structure
Paula Beer in Frantz
rançois Ozon’s Frantz is named for a dead man, a German soldier killed in France during World War I, whose tombstone sits atop an empty grave in a modest cemetery in his hometown of Quedlinburg. That’s where Anna (Paula Beer), the woman to whom the late Frantz Hoffmeister was engaged, sees a strange fellow weeping and dropping roses on her fiancé’s grave. He’s a Frenchman named Adrien Rivoire (Pierre Niney), and when Anna approaches him, she discovers that he and Frantz were apparently close friends. They were soldiers for warring factions, Adrien explains, but they bonded over their mutual love of Manet and Chopin, and often went out drinking and dancing together. Adrien even taught Frantz how to play some rudimentary violin. Anna now lives with Frantz’s parents, and his father, the town doctor, initially refuses to speak to Adrien. “Every Frenchman is my son’s murderer,” he intones. But Dr. Hoffmeister (Ernst Stötzner) quickly warms to the soft-spoken interloper, who’s soon a regular visitor in the home of his dead friend’s parents. Frantz’s mother (Marie Gruber) even suggests that Adrien and her son are so similar in temperament that they may as well be the same man. It’s obvious, too, that Anna is taken with the cultured, handsome Adrien, who’s sensitive and thoughtful and often recites poetry from memory.
40 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
If you’re at all familiar with any of Ozon’s earlier so that the motivations of the Frenchman, which were alfilms, this setup should automatically put you on edge. ways clear in the original film, remain fuzzy until halfway In tense psychological thrillers like Under the Sand and through the movie. Swimming Pool, Ozon played around with tricky, often This is a novel idea, turning a simple chamber piece erotic Hitchcockian plots, which tied themselves into about the ruin of war into something of a narrative so many logical knots that they practically folded in on puzzle. But that very structure is what ultimately prevents themselves. Frantz from achieving the greatness it’s grasping for: BeAnd this story is a mystery, in a way, though it’s cause Ozon expends so much energy hiding things from not exactly in a hurry to answer the questions it raises. us — and then conceiving of ways for the characters to Under what circumstances did Adrien and Frantz meet? hide things from one another — the complexity of Anna What drew them to one another, despite the antipathy and Adrien’s strange relationship isn’t fully explored. that existed between their respective counThis is a film about the danger of secrets, tries? And if they were such great pals, certainly, but it keeps so much hidden from FRANTZ why did Frantz never mention Adrien in the audience that the inherent emotional his letters to Anna? Is Adrien to be trusted Rated PG-13 complexity of this story remains surfaceDirected by François Ozon at all? level. Starring Paula Beer, Pierre Niney But Frantz isn’t one of Ozon’s twisty Frantz is still a beautifully made and At the Magic Lantern Theater Hitchcock riffs, even if Philippe Rombi’s often engrossing film, shot in lustrous black musical score sometimes seems to be chanand white (with a handful of color interneling the work of composer Bernard Herrmann. The ludes) by Ozon’s regular cinematographer Pascal Marti. film is actually a remake of Broken Lullaby, a relatively Perhaps, though, Ozon would have been wise to stick to obscure 1932 drama by the great German director Ernst Lubitsch’s dramatic blueprint: Here we have two fascinatLubitsch, which starred Lionel Barrymore in the role of ing, complicated characters linked together by a series of the dead soldier’s father. Ozon has lifted all of the basic bizarre circumstances, and yet we can’t help feeling that elements from the Lubitsch version (itself adapted from a they’re simply being yanked around by the machinations play by Maurice Rostand), but he’s inverted the structure of a crafty screenplay. n
Another family-friendly nature documentary from Disney, this time manufacturing David Attenborough-style narratives around families of pandas, snub-nosed monkeys and snow leopards in various climes of China. Stunning footage and almost impossible levels of cuteness are in store. Narrated by John Krasinski. (NW) Rated G
A German woman grieving her fiancé’s death in WWI meets a mysterious Frenchman who claims to have been a friend of his. But not all is as it seems in this tricky character study from director François Ozon, based on the 1932 Ernst Lubitsch film Broken Lullaby. Shot mostly in lustrous black and white; in German and French with English subtitles. At the Magic Lantern. (NW) Rated PG-13
In an empty warehouse in 1970s Boston, a group of leisure-suited criminals get into a standoff and go about filling each other with lead. And that’s all in the way of a plot; it’s primarily about the shoot-’em-up action. Acclaimed director Ben Wheatley looks to be channeling not only Quentin Tarantino but all the ’70s genre films that inspired him. (NW) Rated R
Just in time for the 4/20 weekend, this stoner comedy comes from DJ Pooh, record producer and co-creator of the Friday franchise. Two bumbling buddies decide to get into the medical marijuana business, securing a Beverly Hills mansion as the hub of their operation and enlisting Snoop Dogg (playing himself) as an investor. What could go wrong? (NW) Rated R
In the early 20th century, British explorer Percy Fawcett became con-
vinced that a long-dead civilization had once existed in the rainforests of Brazil, and his expeditions to find the place, nicknamed “Z,” eventually consumed him. Based on the bestselling nonfiction book by David Grann, this well-received historical drama looks to have the same eye for period authenticity that director James Gray brought to his little-seen 2013 drama The Immigrant. (NW) Rated PG-13
Frans deWaal
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the theater, here’s another fake found-footage thriller, this one about some amateur paranormal detectives investigating mysterious lights hovering over the Arizona desert. Although Ridley Scott is credited as a producer, this looks like nothing more than a shameless Blair Witch rip-off. (NW) Rated PG-13
TUESDAY, APR. 25 | 7 P.M.
Oscar Isaac stars as a wide-eyed medical student in Constantinople who falls in love with a beautiful local artist (Charlotte Le Bon). She, meanwhile, becomes smitten with an American photojournalist (Christian Bale) covering the ongoing Armenian genocide. From director Terry George (Hotel Rwanda), this is another in a long line of wannabe epics using a historical tragedy as a backdrop for a syrupy love triangle. (NW) Rated PG-13
MARTIN WOLDSON THEATER AT THE FOX FREE PUBLIC ADMISSION Frans B.M. de Waal, PhD, is a Dutch/American biologist and one of the world’s best-known primatologists. de Waal began working with chimpanzees at the Yerkes Research Center and their close relatives, bonobos, at the San Diego Zoo in the 1980s. In 1991, he accepted a joint position at Yerkes and in the psychology department of Emory University.
Remember those violent, erotic thrillers of the ’90s — Single White Female and The Hand That Rocks the Cradle and Poison Ivy? Well, here’s a movie that would have been right at home on Cinemax 20 years ago, with a campy revenge plot that has a psychotic Katherine Heigl tormenting her exhusband’s new wife (Rosario Dawson), whose greatest sin, apparently, is being too pretty and nice. (NW) Rated R
His interests include cultural learning, behavioral economics, empathy, communication, social reciprocity and conflict-resolution in primates, as well as the origins of morality and justice in human society.
Persons with special needs may make arrangements for accommodation by calling the Box Office at 509.624.1200.
NOW PLAYING Continuing the trend of remaking its animated classics as live-action features, Disney’s update of its great version of Beauty and the Beast is reverential to a fault. The plot goes more or less unchanged — the bookish Belle (Emma Watson) is taken captive by the horrifying Beast (Dan Stevens), who turns out to be cuddlier than expected — though this script provides more backstory for its central characters. Still, it’s not enough to make you forget the 1991 original, which probably shouldn’t have been monkeyed with in the first place. (SR) Rated PG
The latest from DreamWorks Animation casts Alec Baldwin as an infant
who wears a business suit, talks like Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock and offers up such pearls of wisdom as “cookies are for closers only” (because kids sure do love their Glengarry Glen Ross references). But here’s the twist: Baby Baldwin’s antics are all in the mind of his imaginative 7-year-old brother, who’s afraid the arrival of a new sibling will attract all of his parents’ attention. (NW) Rated PG
Investigative journalist Lee Strobel was once an avowed atheist, setting out to irrefutably prove that there is no God. But as soon as he started digging into the “evidence” of Jesus’ existence — and once his wife converted to Christianity — he began to see the light. ...continued on next page
For more information, contact Laura Thayer at 509.359.6901, lthayer3@ewu.edu or ewu.edu/carper
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 41
Sukiyaki Dinner APRIL 29 12PM - 6PM TH
Bake Sale • Homemade Crafts • Senbei Inarizushi • Japanese Displays
Here’s a family-friendly, dramatized retelling of Strobel’s path to finding religion, co-starring Faye Dunaway, Robert Forster and Frankie Faison. (NW) Rated PG
Just when the Fast and Furious crew thought they were out, they get pulled back in. The team’s eighth go-round finds them re-immersed in the criminal underworld when Dom (Vin Diesel) is seduced by a devious hacker (Charlize Theron), and it’s up to his gang — excuse us, his family — to bring him back from the dark side. F8 (“fate” — get it?) is perhaps the nadir of a seemingly endless franchise, an overstuffed, incoherent jumble of half-baked plot points and jarring tonal shifts. It’s predictably nonsensical, but it also isn’t any fun. (MJ) Rated PG-13
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42 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
Written and directed by Jordan Peele, this psychological thriller tackles the same issues of race and masculinity that were regularly explored on his Comedy Central series Key and Peele. Daniel Kaluuya (Sicario) and Allison Williams (Girls) play an interracial couple who visit her family’s country estate, which he discovers has a curi ous history with its African American staff. A clever, consistently funny racial satire and horror film that mocks white liberal cluelessness and finds humor in (without dismissing) black people’s fears. (ES) Rated R
This live-action reimagining of a highly regarded 1995 anime feature neuters a crafty, cerebral premise in favor of plodding, mostly bloodless gunfights and slo-mo hand-to-hand combat. Scarlett Johansson plays Major, a half-human, half-cyborg mercenary who attempts to stop a cabal of terrorists from hacking into people’s minds and controlling them for their own nefarious aims, but all is not as it seems. The occasional striking image can’t save this dull attempt at intriguing sci-fi. (NW) Rated PG-13
After his sister, a brilliant mathematician, commits suicide, a well-intentioned but somewhat unreliable boat mechanic (Chris Evans) becomes the guardian of her incorrigible 7-year-old daughter. He soon discovers that she, too, is a math prodigy, which is also when the little girl’s estranged grandmother (Lindsay Duncan) turns up to demand custody. Octavia Spencer and Jenny Slate round out the supporting cast. (SR) Rated PG-13
Oscar winners Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Alan Arkin take on roles originated by George Burns, Art Carney and Lee Strasberg in this remake of a 1979 comedy about old dudes who decide they’ve got nothing left to lose and rob a bank. Directed by (of all people) Zach Braff and written by Theodore Melfi, who helmed last year’s Oscar-nominated Hidden Figures. (NW) Rated PG-13
(OUT OF 100)
Beauty and the Beast
The Fate of the Furious
Ghost in the Shell
For anyone who wishes that all the cat videos on YouTube were feature length, here’s an 80-minute documentary about the feral felines who roam the streets of Istanbul and have completely taken over certain parts of the city. You can view it as a fly-on-the-wall study of an urban ecosystem, as a sumptuous international travelogue or simply as a visual love letter to Istanbul’s furry inhabitants. At the Magic Lantern. (SD) Not rated
Set in 1973, the latest attempt to revive King Kong has a group of scientists, mercenaries and soldiers dropping into a jungle turf war between the legendary giant ape of the title and the horrifying monsters (known as “skullcrawlers”) that decimated his species. Skull Island is a lot of things at once — a war movie, a breathlessly paced chase film, a creepy-crawly creature feature, a man vs. nature parable — but it all works in its own crazy way. (MJ) Rated PG-13
A Mars probe discovers and obtains a sample of an extraterrestrial organism, and it’s handed over to a small team of astronauts aboard the International Space Station. The life form seems docile at first, but it turns out to be intelligent and malevolent, escaping captivity, multiplying in size and wreaking havoc on the ship. The film copies a lot of its moves from Alien, but relentless, heart-pounding suspense isn’t one of them. (NW) Rated R
The third film in the stand-alone Wolverine trilogy is probably the best XMen movie yet. Set in 2029, 25 years after the last known mutant was born, a haggard Logan (Hugh Jackman) has retreated into the desert to care for the ailing Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart). The existence of a little girl with uncanny powers soon becomes known, and Logan agrees to transport her to a faraway mutant refuge known as Eden. Bloody, bold and badass, this is one of the finest comic book movies ever made. (MJ) Rated R
Power Rangers, a cheap, Americanized repackaging of the long-running Japanese series Super Sentai, started as a fad in the early ’90s, and it’s somehow
still inspiring new merchandise and spin-off TV shows. It was inevitable, then, that Hollywood would eventually mine the franchise for a reboot, producing a new group of kids who are morphed into heroes, differentiated solely by their brightly colored super suits. (NW) Rated PG-13
As they’re preparing to appear in a production of Death of a Salesman, a husband and wife living in Tehran are shaken following a violent assault. An observant character study that unfolds with the propulsive nature of a thriller, this recent Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film further cements writer-director Asghar Farhadi’s reputation as one of the best filmmakers currently working in any country. At the Magic Lantern. (NW) Rated PG-13
While on a camping trip, a little girl is abducted and murdered, leaving her family emotionally shattered. But don’t let that gruesome premise fool you: This is an inspirational film for Christian audiences, and pretty soon the girl’s father (Sam Worthington) is receiving cryptic messages that seem to be coming from on high. Co-starring Octavia Spencer, Radha Mitchell and Tim McGraw. (NW) Rated PG-13
The third (!) feature in the recent reboot of Peyo’s Belgian cartoon creation jettisons the live-action elements from the last two Smurfs movies and goes all-in on its eye-searing CGI. This time, Smurfette takes off on a mission to discover her purpose in her otherwise all-male village, stumbling upon the secrets of Smurf existence in the process. Regressive gender stereotypes ensue. Featuring the voices of Demi Lovato, Mandy Patinkin, Julia Roberts and, uh, TV chef Gordon Ramsay. (MJ) Rated PG
Jessica Chastain stars as Antonina Żabiński, who, along with her husband Jan, turned her once-thriving Warsaw Zoo into a safe haven for Polish Jews during WWII. It’s a remarkable true story, most famously documented in Diane Ackerman’s bestselling book, but this adaptation looks to be another handsome Hollywood biopic that was made to win Oscars it won’t ever receive. (NW) Rated PG-13
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A star is born: Mckenna Grace is a child actor to watch out for.
A Beautiful Mind
10117 W State Rt 2 • 509-232-0444 THE PROMISE
A lovely child performance anchors the satisfying family drama Gifted
ilm history is packed with precociously living conditions. There’s some potentially adorable children who made a splash, intriguing psychology tangled up in the characfrom Shirley Temple and Jackie Cooper ter, but Flynn’s script seems mostly interested in to Drew Barrymore and Macaulay Culkin, and creating an exaggerated, melodramatic villain. they’ve proven a reliable way to give viewers — as It’s fortunate, then, that Evans is around to the kids say these days — all the feels. But the provide a more earthbound balance. The erstmoppet-based movie is also fraught with peril. while Captain America deserves more credit for What if cute crosses the line into irritating? What the soulfulness of his acting, and Gifted gives him if the story builds so much around dramatic and comedic opportunities the youngster that it’s hard to find to wrestle with Frank’s uncertainGIFTED anything for grown-ups? By making ties. There’s also an easy chemistry Rated PG-13 a young character preternaturally in Frank’s relationship with Mary’s Directed by Marc Webb adult-like, are you avoiding the teacher (Jenny Slate), so it’s a shame Starring Chris Evans, Mckenna work of figuring out how a kid actuwhen Slate all but disappears from Grace, Lindsay Duncan, Jenny ally behaves? the film halfway through. Evans, Slate, Octavia Spencer Gifted, directed by Marc Webb however, continues to provide the (500 Days of Summer, The Amazing steadying influence that keeps Gifted Spider-Man) from a script by Tom Flynn, manages grounded, even as the narrative develops into a to dodge most of the pitfalls, largely by finding predictable courtroom custody battle. the right kid for the job. Mckenna Grace plays The real star here, however, is Grace, who Mary Adler, a 7-year-old math prodigy who has does everything right with a role that’s not an never attended school and has been raised by easy sell. Mary could come off as obnoxiously her uncle Frank (Chris Evans) since her mother un-kid-like, particularly in early scenes where she — also a brilliant mathematician — committed struggles to fit into her new classroom. But Grace suicide when Mary was an infant. brings a radiant no-front-teeth smile and surprisFrank wants to find a way for Mary to be a ingly sharp comedic timing to the performance. normal kid, but she (unsurprisingly) struggles to There’s just as much conviction in her giddy fit in with children her own age when he enrolls reaction to visiting a hospital maternity ward as her in first grade. Then Frank’s mother Evelyn there is in her wrenching despair at the prospect (Lindsay Duncan) appears, meeting her grandof being taken away from Frank. daughter for the first time and insisting that she Flynn’s script isn’t really prepared to dig into get the advanced tutoring to nurture her gifts, the potential life consequences of being singled and it appears that Frank might have to fight out for “specialness,” and Webb’s frequent use of even harder to keep Mary in that “normal” life. jittery, hand-held camerawork aims for a streetIf there’s a major sticking point in Gifted, it’s level grittiness that’s just not there in the mateEvelyn and her role as the film’s primary antagorial. As family drama, on the other hand, Gifted nist. A haughty academic Brit who disdains the delivers a satisfying emotional payoff. That’s all life chosen by Frank — he repairs boat engines thanks to a convincing interplay between Evans in South Florida — she feels like a daytime soap and Grace, who gives the kind of performance opera version of the manipulative doyenne, with that makes you want nothing but the best for her, her acidic asides about Frank’s working-class too.
a n d C o f f e e To
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PG-13 Daily (3:15) (5:15) 7:15 9:15 Sat-Sun (11:15) (1:15)
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R Daily (3:15) 6:15 9:10 Sat-Sun (12:15)
PG-13 Daily 6:20 9:00
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G Daily (12:50) (2:50) (4:50) 6:50 8:50 Fri-Sun (10:50)
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PG-13 Daily (1:10) (3:45) 6:30 9:00 Fri-Sun (10:40)
R Daily (12:15) (2:30) (4:50) 7:10 9:30
Saturday April 22nd
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APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 43
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44 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
E C S I P O I NS H C The 10 Record Store Day releases we’ll be looking out for BY DAN NAILEN AND NATHAN WEINBENDER
The greatest power-pop band of them all, Big Star had broken up by the time its third album, the aptly-titled Third, was released to zero fanfare in 1978. Complete Third, now spanning three separate vinyl sets, is an exhaustive document of the brilliant but troubled album’s creation, using alternate takes and B-sides to explore the dissolution of a band that didn’t get its proper due during its lifespan. It’s for Big Star completists only, but consider me one. (NW)
Even if you only have a passing interest in his music, seeing the Boss in concert should be at the top of any rock fan’s bucket list. Live recordings of the E Street Band are a dime a dozen, but this particular show, making its vinyl debut, is legendary: It was Springsteen’s first performance outside the U.S., and the set list included six tracks from his recently released masterpiece Born to Run. (NW)
One of my fondest childhood memories is seeing the Cars on their Heartbeat City tour with my oldest sister, one of my first concerts. While the band wasn’t particularly flashy on stage, I’ve always loved their power-pop tunes. This live set was recorded in Cleveland just as the band was blowing up, and the double LP features versions of “My Best Friend’s Girl,” “Moving in Stereo” and “Just What I Needed” that I’m dying to hear. (DN) Rock fans come in two forms — those who recognize the greatness of Cheap Trick, and those who are wrong. The vinyl debut of this set of tunes recorded between 1975 and ’79 offers ample proof, blending outtakes, hits and soundtrack rarities that showcase their blend of rock and power-pop. You get track-by-track liner notes from drummer Bun E. Carlos, too. (DN)
Nilsson is one of the unheralded pop geniuses of the ’60s and ’70s, an ace songwriter whose career was derailed by personal demons, and this 1971 album is perhaps the clearest distillation of his musical persona — quirky, unpredictable, melodic, undeniably catchy. I’ve already got Nilsson Schmilsson on vinyl, but I might swap it out for this special RSD edition, which is pressed on yellow-andwhite wax. (NW) One great aspect of Record Store Day when it comes to active artists is that you might get a nice unexpected release between proper albums. So it is with Americana ace Jason Isbell, who’s releasing a new set this summer called The Nashville Sound. For RSD, Isbell is offering this EP of covers, featuring his takes on John Prine, Bruce Springsteen and a couple of Rolling Stones songs. I’ve heard him crush “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking,” and I’d love to have it at my fingertips. (DN) ...continued on next page
This limited edition box set, previously issued on CD, boasts four LPs of diverse material, covering five decades of the beloved label’s releases. Though best known for its roster of bands that were at the center of the new wave and punk movements, Sire’s catalog features a staggering array of artists and genres. Talking Heads, Madonna, My Bloody Valentine, Wilco, Ice-T — they’re all here. (NW)
The incomparable Prince died less than a week after last year’s Record Store Day, so it’s no surprise that this year’s batch includes some tantalizing collectible releases. There are a handful of Prince vinyl singles to choose from (be on the lookout for that “Batdance” 12-inch), but if I happen upon this one, featuring two of Prince’s greatest songs and emblazoned with a badass picture of the Purple One, I’m snatching it up. (NW)
I can’t pretend this double LP is the best of Biggie: Born Again was a posthumous release that cobbled together scraps of his vocals with new recordings by Busta Rhymes, Method Man, Ice Cube and Missy Elliott, among others. But the set, originally released in December 1999, has been out of print for about 15 years, and it serves as a nice commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the death of one of the greatest rappers ever. (DN)
I have this 2003 rarities and singles set on CD, but there’s good reason to pick it up for its firstever vinyl release, not the least of which is the inclusion of three additional songs from long outof-print compilations. Superchunk makes some great albums, but singles and one-off recordings have always brought out perfect three-minute blasts of rawk from the North Carolina quartet. Remastered for this triple LP, they should sound better than ever. (DN) n
FoxTheaterSpokane.com (509) 624-1200 • SpokaneSymphony.org MartinWoldson Woldson Theater Theater at Martin atThe TheFox Fox
46 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
f you’re looking to celebrate Record Store Day on Saturday and have your heart set on any of the special, limited-edition releases that have been announced, you may want to avoid sleeping in. Quantities are limited — that’s what makes them special — and it’s not always guaranteed that local stores will get the records they’ve requested, which adds to the treasure-hunt appeal of the event. We thumbed through the sales being advertised by area record stores participating in Record Store Day, and here’s what you can expect if you venture out this weekend. 4000 HOLES, 1610 N. Monroe: One of the elder statesmen of Spokane record stores, 4000 Holes will have a huge slate of limited Record Store Day releases available on Saturday morning. They’ll also be offering, as they do every year, some live in-store music at 2 pm, with performances from local alt-rock trio Idol Hands and Broach. The store opens at 9 am. GARAGELAND, 230 W. Riverside: Over the last couple of weeks, Garageland’s Facebook page has been teasing its Record Store Day haul, and the names they’ve dropped (Johnny Cash, Pearl Jam, Andre 3000, Fleetwood Mac and many more) are enough to make you line up before doors open at 9 am. The best thing about browsing at Garageland? You can enjoy a Bloody Mary while you do it. GROOVE MERCHANTS, 905 W. Garland: This Garland District establishment really seems to value quality over quantity: Even though they don’t have much square footage to work with, I’ve found they have one of the best vinyl collections in town. Starting at 10 am on Saturday, 10 percent will be knocked off the prices of everything in stock, and there will be tables in front of the store with even more heavily discounted merchandise. THE LONG EAR, 1620 N. Government Way, CdA: Even if you’re not an Idaho resident, visiting Coeur d’Alene’s crown jewel of record stores, in operation in various locations since 1973, is definitely worth the drive east. The Long Ear tends to get an impressive haul of Record Store Day releases, and they’ll be posting a complete list of said albums on their Facebook page on Friday. Keep an eye out.
Recorded Memories owner Richard Terzieff
RECORDED MEMORIES, 1902 N. Hamilton: Wax junkies are bound to go gaga for this long-established Spokane record shop, which is close to bursting with floor-to-ceiling CDs, tapes and vinyl, as well as wall-towall photos of owner Richard Terzieff with every music superstar imaginable. For RSD, Recorded Memories will be open extra early with a sidewalk sale and a selection of limited-edition issues from such artists as U2, Emmylou Harris and the Doors. RESURRECTION RECORDS, 1921 W. Northwest Blvd.: One of the newer kids on the vinyl block, Resurrection Records has already cultivated a devoted fan base with its diverse selection, in-store shows and a prominent social media presence. They’re opening at 9 am on Record Store Day, and they’ll have plenty of those limited-edition releases to get your mitts on. You can also take advantage of their buy one, get one free sale on all items running $5 or less. — NATHAN WEINBENDER
Freshen Up Jimmy Eat World keeps evolving after nine albums and nearly 25 years BY DAN NAILEN
hen a band’s been around a while, it can be a challenge to keep things fresh. For poprockers Jimmy Eat World, the years after their 2013 album Damage proved full of efforts to recharge the band’s batteries, nearly 25 years into a career that’s seen them move from emo-scene figureheads to MTV darlings to elder statesmen of the alt-rock scene. They did the side projects and solo tours. They worked with a new producer in Los Angeles instead of their Arizona home base. Just this month, they did their first-ever run of shows through South America in support of their ninth album, Integrity Blues. “We as a band came to a place where we felt like we had been doing things under the same mindset for a while,” singer Jim Adkins says of the band’s concerted effort to shake things up. “It was important to break out of that and try different things. We tried to break up our normal process and … that just reinforced the idea that when you reach outside of your zone of comfort and put yourself in a little bit of fear, you benefit from that in ways that you don’t even realize.” The resulting 11 songs that make up Integrity Blues
Hardly in the middle anymore: Jimmy Eat World hits the Knit on Tuesday. aren’t as far out of the box as one might imagine: Fans of the guitar-driven rock that filled the band’s monster albums Bleed American (2001) and Futures (2004) will find plenty to love in songs like “Sure and Certain” and “Get Right.” But there’s definitely some sonic experimentation on the electronic-meets-metal “Pass the Baby” and the sparse, string-laden title track. While the band was pushing itself to find new sounds and write in new ways, something utterly outside their control suddenly thrust their breakthrough 2001 single “The Middle” back into the spotlight months before last fall’s release of Integrity Blues. That something was Taylor Swift, who lip-synced along to “The Middle” in an Apple ad last spring, launching the insistent earworm back onto Billboard’s Hot Rock Songs chart 15 years after the same track launched Bleed American to platinum sales and the
video full of underwear-clad partiers into heavy rotation. It’s hard to say whether listeners jumped on board Integrity Blues because of Swift, but Adkins says he has noticed a lot of new fans at shows. He says he appreciates that he sees “pockets of people in the audience responding to different songs from different albums. It’s cool. “We’ve just operated as, if we’re just honest with ourselves and what we want to do, how we as music fans would want to be presented with something. That’s the best we can do,” Adkins says. “It’s not for everybody, but the right people have found it. And that’s just pretty much the best you can hope for.” n Jimmy Eat World with Beach Slang • Tue, April 25 at 8 pm • All-ages • $26 • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • sp.knittingfactory.com • 244-3279
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PM 4/10/17 3:23
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 47
ne of the songs on NE-HI’s eponymous 2014 debut album is called “Haunted Summer,” and that title could just as easily function as a genre descriptor of the Chicago quartet’s jangly, occasionally blistering brand of rock. NE-HI’s sophomore LP, the recently released Offers, is a half-hour of hooky, insistent, slightly shaggy pop songs, with frontmen Jason Balla and Mikey Wells trading back-and-forth lead vocals and surf-y guitar lines that slice right through their sunny but occasionally melancholy melodies. NE-HI just played a well-received set at SXSW, so catch them at the Bartlett on Friday night before they blow up. — NATHAN WEINBENDER NE-HI with Empty Eyes and Local Pavlov • Fri, April 21 at 8 pm • All-ages • $5/$7 day of • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • thebartlettspokane.com • 747-2174
Thursday, 04/20
J THE BARTLETT, Branches (CA), Bristol BEEROCRACY, Open Mic BOOMERS CLASSIC ROCK BAR & GRILL, Randy Campbell BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE, The Song Project J BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen J CHAPS, Spare Parts COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, PJ Destiny CRAVE, DJ Freaky Fred CRUISERS, Open Mic Jam Slam Hosted by Perfect Destruction and J.W. Scattergun FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Kicho JOHN’S ALLEY, Marmalade J KNITTING FACTORY, 420 in the 509, feat. Milonga and Fat Lady LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Chuck Dunlop J MONARCH MOUNTAIN COFFEE, Open Mic Hosted by Scott Reid THE OBSERVATORY, All Things Blue, Runaway Octopus THE PALOMINO, Children of Atom, Die Like Gentlemen, Wayward West, Tsuga POST FALLS BREWING COMPANY, Bill Bozley THE RESERVE, Liquid with DJ Dave THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler THE ROCK BAR & LOUNGE, The Spokane River Band TIMBER GASTRO PUB, Echo Elysium ZOLA, Blake Braley
Friday, 04/21
219 LOUNGE, Still Tipsy and the Hangovers ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Karrie O’Neill BABY BAR, Buffalo Jones, Smackout
48 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
he music of Seattle’s Wild Lips is loud and rowdy, and you might be surprised to discover it’s the product of just two guys — vocalist and guitarist Billy Barros and drummer Preston Darvill. True to their bare-bones musical setup, the Lips have also boiled down their songs to the most essential parts: big, bold riffs; driving percussion; catchy, anthemic choruses. But songwriter Barros isn’t afraid to throw an acoustic ballad in amongst fastand-furious, mosh-ready tunes like “Sammy’s Song” and “Kerosene,” which are the kind of no-bullshit rock ’n’ roll best enjoyed while you’re being jostled around by a Saturday night bar crowd. — NATHAN WEINBENDER The Wild Lips with Lucky Chase and the Uninspired • Sat, April 22 at 9 pm • 21+ • $5 • The Observatory • 15 S. Howard • observatoryspokane.com • 598-8933
Pack J J THE BARTLETT, NE-HI (see above), Empty Eyes, Local Pavlov BEVERLY’S, Robert Vaughn J THE BIG DIPPER, Jus Wright, One Tribe Movement, Brotha Nature, Kana Ariy, Star Baby BIGFOOT PUB, Yesterdayscake BLACK DIAMOND, DJ Sterling BOLO’S, Nightshift J BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE, Thunder Bros. Presents Sadie Sicilia and Desiree, with Dan Hutson and Carter Hudson, Andrew Dempsen CHINOOK STEAK, PASTA AND SPIRITS (CDA CASINO), Harmony Clayton CURLEY’S, Loose Gazoonz FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Bob Sletner
FORZA COFFEE CO., Wyatt Wood HOGFISH, Pale People IDAHO POUR AUTHORITY, Marty Perron and Doug Bond IRON HORSE BAR, Phoenix THE JACKSON ST., Vern and the Volcanoes J KNITTING FACTORY, Alive In Barcelona, The Broken Thumbs, Silent Theory, Elephant Gun Riot LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Nick Grow MICKDUFF’S BEER HALL, Devon Wade MOOSE LOUNGE, Dangerous Type J MOOTSY’S, Prince Night with DJ Case MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE, Ron Greene NASHVILLE NORTH, Ladies Night with Luke Jaxon and DJ Tom
NORTHERN QUEST RESORT & CASINO, DJ Patrick NYNE, Step Brothers J THE OBSERVATORY, Summer in Siberia, Mini Murders, Sea Giant THE PALOMINO, Incidia, Ragbone, The Finns, Burning Clean, Aardvark J THE PIN!, Vice Vybes THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler RIVELLE’S RIVER GRILL, Pat Coast THE ROADHOUSE, Usual Suspects SPOKANE EAGLES LODGE, Stagecoach West SPOKANE VALLEY EAGLES, Honky Tonk A’ Go-Go THE STATION HOUSE BAR & GRILL, The Ravinz, All Ca$hed Up
TIMBER GASTRO PUB, Son of Brad ZOLA, Ryan Larsen Band
Saturday, 04/22
219 LOUNGE, Beat Diggers J 4000 HOLES, Record Store Day w/ Idol Hands, Broach BARLOWS AT LIBERTY LAKE, Jan Harrison, Doug Folkins, Danny McCollim J THE BARTLETT, The Round Spokane, feat. Alex Ashley, Ruthie Henrickson, Bradford Loomis BEVERLY’S, Robert Vaughn J THE BIG DIPPER, GS3 BIGFOOT PUB, Yesterdayscake BLACK DIAMOND, DJ Stud BOLO’S, Nightshift CHINOOK STEAK, PASTA AND SPIRITS
(CDA CASINO), Harmony Clayton CRAFTSMAN CELLARS, Jackie McIntyre-Fox, Brett & Janet Dodd, Brad Keeler CURLEY’S, Loose Gazoonz DI LUNA’S CAFE, Neighbor John and the Atomic Blues Band FLAME & CORK, Son of Brad J GARAGELAND, Record Store Day Live Music GARLAND PUB & GRILL, Usual Suspects IDAHO POUR AUTHORITY, Truck Mills IRON HORSE BAR, Phoenix THE JACKSON ST., Karaoke with James JOHN’S ALLEY, Ayo Dot and the Uppercuts J KNITTING FACTORY, The Isaac Tribute Festival, feat. Sammy Eubanks, Karrie O’Neill, Elijah and the Tufnels LA ROSA CLUB, Open Jam LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Kari Marguerite
Submit events online at Inlander.com/getlisted or email relevant details to getlisted@inlander.com. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
MICKDUFF’S BEER HALL, The Brandon and Cole Show MOOSE LOUNGE, Dangerous Type MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE, Echo Elysium NASHVILLE NORTH, Ladies Night with Luke Jaxon and DJ Tom NO-LI BREWHOUSE, Wyatt Wood NORTHERN QUEST RESORT & CASINO, DJ Patrick J THE OBSERVATORY, The Wild Lips (see facing page), Lucky Chase, the Uninspired THE PEARL THEATER, Carl Rey and the Blues Gators PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Bridges Home J THE PIN!, Flannel Fox Artist Showcase, feat. David Simmons, Aaron Ramsey, Rylie Franks, Serenity and Psychosis THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler THE ROADHOUSE, Christy Lee SPOKANE EAGLES LODGE, Sharky and the Fins THE THIRSTY DOG, DJ Dave ZOLA, Ryan Larsen Band
Eubanks, J J TERRAIN, Isaacjacuzzi, Jango, Young East w/ Alvin, Alley Griff, Bendi ZOLA, Whsk&Keys
Monday, 04/24
J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills J KNITTING FACTORY, The Expendables, with RDGLDGRN and Tribal Theory J THE PIN!, Devil to Pay, Pavel P., Twelvegaugesaints RED ROOM LOUNGE, Open Mic with Lucas Brookbank Brown ZOLA, FUS BOL
Tuesday, 04/25
J J THE BARTLETT, Northwest of Nashville feat. Jenny Anne Mannan, the Powers, Bob Riggs, Drew Miller, Justin Sherfey, Ben Cartwright THE EMPEROR ROOM, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx J J KNITTING FACTORY, Jimmy Eat World (see page 47), Beach Slang LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Turntable Tuesday MIK’S, DJ Brentano THE PALOMINO, Open Fate, Chaotic Shadows, Rusted Hand, Ceol Roc RED ROOM LOUNGE, Sadistik, Nacho Picasso, Rafael Vigilantics THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Open Mic/Jam Night
ZOLA, Dueling Cronkites
Wednesday, 04/26 J BABY BAR, Seed Bomb, Itchy Kitty, Lucky Chase J THE BIG DIPPER, Trapdoor Social, Heart Avail, the South Hill GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES, Open Mic with Host Travis Goulding IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, Scott Randall, Kevin Gardner and Joel Johnston LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 NASHVILLE NORTH, Nashville Unplugged, feat. Aaron Benward and Paul Jenkins J THE PIN!, Altaira, A Cryptic Ending, Plague Shaman, Cesspül, Reign of Ashes, Better Daze THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Live Piano RIVELLE’S RIVER GRILL, Jam Night: Truck Mills and Guests THE ROADHOUSE, Open mic with Johnny Qlueless SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open Mic THE THIRSTY DOG, DJ Dave ZOLA, Haley Young and Champagne Jam
Coming Up ...
J THE BARTLETT, Hillstomp, Fun Ladies, April 27 J THE BIG DIPPER, One of a Kind CD Release Show, feat. David Larsen, Danny McCollim, Scott Steed, Brendan McMurphy, April 27 THE EMPEROR ROOM, Bear Grillz, Jordan Comolli, April 27
FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Kicho, April 27 BABY BAR, Curse (Baltimore), BitWvlf, Drunk on False Enlightenment, April 28 J THE BARTLETT, An Evening with Tim Kasher, feat. Allison Weiss and Mama Doll, April 28 MOOTSY’S, Itchy Kitty, Peru Resh, Empty Eyes, Mala Vida, April 28 THE OBSERVATORY, Boat Race Weekend, Weep Wave, Griffey, April 28 THE PALOMINO, Devin the Dude, Jinx Universe, Brotha Nature, Lou Era, Lee Haze, April 28 THE ROADHOUSE, Hair NationUnleashed, April 28 J THE BARTLETT, Super Sparkle EP Release Show, with Nat Park and the Tunnels of Love, April 29 J THE PIN!, King Lil G, April 29 THE ROADHOUSE, Steve Starky, April 29 THE OBSERVATORY, Headwaves, Far Out West, April 29 J UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, Finals Fest feat. Post Malone, April 29 BABY BAR, Natural Causes, Whisky Dick Mountain, April 30 RED ROOM LOUNGE, The Alkaholics, True Justice, Vocab Slick and Guests, May 2 J THE BARTLETT, Kawehi, May 3 J THE BARTLETT, Moon Hooch, Jackson Whalan, May 4 J KNITTING FACTORY, Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors, Stephen Kellogg, May 4
Sunday, 04/23
DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, AlgoRhythms LINGER LONGER LOUNGE, Open jam O’DOHERTY’S IRISH GRILLE, Live Irish Music RED ROOM LOUNGE, Dead Prez, Lou Era and Soundcast, DJ F3LON THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Sunday Karaoke Night THE ROADHOUSE, Benefit for Michael Schettler feat. Jerad Finck, Sammy
MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 BARLOWS • 1428 N. Liberty Lake Rd. • 924-1446 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BEEROCRACY • 911 W. Garland Ave. THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S • 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUZZ COFFEEHOUSE • 501 S. Thor • 340-3099 CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY • 116 E. Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208-665-0591 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague Ave. • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley, Idaho • 800-523-2464 COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS • 3890 N. Schreiber Way, CdA • 208-664-2336 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 DIAMS DEN • 412 W. Sprague • 934-3640 EICHARDT’S PUB • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-263-4005 THE EMPEROR ROOM • 25 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 THE FEDORA • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208-7658888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings • 466-5354 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 HOTEL RL BY RED LION AT THE PARK • 303 W. North River Dr. • 326-8000 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208667-7314 JACKSON ST. BAR & GRILL • 2436 N. Astor St. • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. Sixth St., Moscow • 208883-7662 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 2013 E. 29th Ave. • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N. Market St. • 466-9918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan • 924-9000 MICKDUFF’S • 312 N. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208)255-4351 MONARCH MOUNTAIN COFFEE • 208 N 4th Ave, Sandpoint • 208-265-9382 MOOSE LOUNGE • 401 E. Sherman • 208-664-7901 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MULLIGAN’S • 506 Appleway Ave., CdA • 208- 7653200 ext. 310 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR CATERING & EVENTS • 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST RESORT • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE OBSERVATORY • 15 S. Howard • 598-8933 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO • 6425 N. Lidgerwood St. • 242-8907 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 THE PIN! • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RESERVE • 120 N. Wall • 598-8783 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside • 822-7938 RIVELLE’S • 2360 N Old Mill Loop, CdA • 208-9300381 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 THE THIRSTY DOG • 3027 E. Liberty Ave. • 487-3000 TIMBER GASTRO PUB •1610 E Schneidmiller, Post Falls • 208-262-9593 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 49
Get a glimpse of the 2017 Cougar football lineup at the annual Crimson vs. Gray spring scrimmage.
Last season, Washington State’s Luke Falk had the second highest completion percentage in the country, while throwing more passes than anyone in all of FBS football. The fifth-year senior quarterback could finally receive the attention his numbers suggest he deserves, if he can find replacements for now-departed wide receivers Gabe Marks and River Cracraft. The first step in the process takes place at Joe Albi Stadium as the Cougs conduct their annual Crimson vs. Gray scrimmage. In 2017, WSU hopes to build on their 8-5 season (7-2 in Pac-12 play), which saw a revitalized defense, now headlined by two returning starters, junior lineman Hercules Mata’afa and senior linebacker Peyton Pelluer. The best part about the game for local Coug fans? It doesn’t matter which side you root for. — TUCK CLARRY WSU Spring Game: Team Crimson vs. Team Gray • Sat, April 22 at 2 pm • Free • Joe Albi Stadium • 4918 W. Everett • bit.ly/2o9VkIW
Submit events online at Inlander.com/getlisted or email relevant details to getlisted@inlander.com. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
50 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
When it comes to regionally made beer and wine, the Inland Northwest is certainly the land of plenty; this weekend’s 6th annual Coeur d’Alene Wine Extravaganza is clear evidence. Regional wineries from near and far offer tastings during a Friday evening lake cruise (6 pm; $50) with food pairings, and Saturday’s walk-around tasting at Resort Plaza Shops (3-7 pm, $15) showcases almost 20 wineries, with 65 varieties to choose from. Beverly’s also hosts a special wine-pairing dinner, featuring selections from Napa Valley’s Duckhorn Winery (April 21 and 22, 6 pm; reservations required), and Sunday brunch at the Resort (9 am-2 pm) includes sparkling wines from Treveri Cellars. If you plan to make a weekend of it, the Resort offers special event accommodation packages. — CHEY SCOTT Wine Extravaganza • Fri-Sun, April 21-23; times vary • $15-$50 • Downtown Coeur d’Alene and the Coeur d’Alene Resort • 115 S. Second • cdaresort.com • 844-449-6558
Charlie Hamilton James originally set out to Peru’s Manu National Park to take photos of one of the world’s most biologically diverse environments. His passion turned into activism when he bought part of the rainforest in an effort to preserve it. After buying the plot, he discovered he had purchased an illegal cocaine factory as well. The trials of the newfound rainforest landowner are told in the BBC documentary series I Bought a Rainforest. James now recounts his efforts and journey to the Peruvian rainforest in the latest iteration of Nat Geo Live!, the final event in the series’ current season. — TUCK CLARRY Nat Geo Live!: I Bought a Rainforest • Wed, April 26 at 7 pm • $19.50-$39.50 • INB Performing Arts Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd • inbpac.com • 279-7000
Residents of the Inland Northwest can join the national fight to defend and promote the sciences, and protest anti-science policies being set in place by the current Congress and White House, during a community rally on Earth Day. Building on the momentum of January’s nationwide Women’s March events, the March for Science takes place in hundreds of cities across the nation on April 22. Whether you’re marching to stand up for space exploration, wildlife/wildlands conservation, health science research or numerous other disciplines, the march allows citizens to show their support for fact-based science that impacts all life on our planet. Register online to say you’ll be there to help organizers determine a national head count. Also, make sure to check out Spokane’s annual Earth Day celebration happening the same day in the park from 10 am-5 pm, along with Earth Night events, from 5-11 pm (more info at bit.ly/2pg18nH). — CHEY SCOTT March for Science Spokane • Sat, April 22 from 1-5 pm • Free • All ages • Riverfront Park, Clocktower Meadow • bit.ly/2p2mkgV and marchforscience.com
When the Eastern Washington chapter of the Susan G. Komen Foundation folded last year, it was initially unclear if Spokane’s annual breast cancer awareness run/walk would continue. But thanks to the new nonprofit Every Woman Can, the Pink Ribbon Run makes its debut this spring, offering a day for the community to celebrate breast cancer survivors, remember those lost, and raise funds to help support women’s health organizations across 20 Eastern Washington counties. All race entry fees and donations from Sunday’s run will help Every Woman Can fulfill more than $500,000 in grant requests. Runners and walkers of all ages can choose from a 1-mile or 5K (3.2 miles) route that winds through Riverfront Park and along the Centennial Trail. Register online through April 20, in person during race packet pickup, or on race day, starting at 7 am. — CHEY SCOTT Pink Ribbon Run • Sun, April 23 at 9 am • Starts/ends in Riverfront Park, Lilac Bowl • $5/stroller; $15/youth (17 and under); $35/adults • EveryWomanCan.run • 202-0830
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 51
I SAW YOU A HIP KID’S GAZE This is a broad “I saw you.” It’s meant to be informative. No one thinks that your loud, expensive, new car is cool. A new car means you bought something you can’t afford (using a loan) or used money that you didn’t deserve in the first place (money you made screwing over other people or the environment) and if you did come by this new car by some other means you are still supporting two industries (oil and auto manufacturing) who have been shitting all over people and the planet for a long time. This season’s trendy status symbols are reusable shopping bags, used clothing and bicycles. In addition to useful advice, let this paragraph serve as invitation to any inarticulate buffoon who reads this and thinks “No, buying a new car is awesome!” I’ll need something to laugh at next week. YOU LEFT ME COLD When we first met, you were afraid I would have issues with your disability. But I didn’t. Or our racial differences, or our differing backgrounds, or opposite personalities. I, wholly, fell in love with you, everything about you. Six months later, you left for a week, came back from “saving your daughter” across the country, and flat out left my life. Six months later stil, I would have thought I would be OVER you. Instead... in the words of REO Speedwagon: Im so out of season // You left me cold and I’m standin’ here freezin // Im so out of season // You let me go and you gave me no reason. // Im SO out of season NOW // I am sorry we met. Deny,
seriously you ever loved me or can feel love, but if you did, also sorry for that. Signed, No innocence left HELPING ONE OF MY FAMILY MEMBERS I want to say ‘Thank You.’ This family member had been going through a very, very difficult time when you assisted her. I had left to get some coffee and returned just as you were finishing up your transaction with her. And after so many days of sorrow and heaviness, I finally saw a light shine upon my family member’s face as you humorously struggled to figure out how to pronounce her first name, all the while saying, “Uhhh and Ummm”, which she got a kick out of. You were the first person who actually succeeded in getting her to authentically laugh and genuinely smile. So just thank you for that. I see you here and there and would love to personally thank you but doubt you’ll remember the incident as you probably see thousands of faces every single day. So I just send out a note of thanks and also of gratitude here as well as a hug. That family member is still authentically laughing and genuinely smiling. CUTIE AT BRAIN FREEZE CREAMERY You were the fresh-faced blonde girl working behind the counter. I was the dude with glasses, red flannel and grey beanie who came in with my sis the Saturday before Easter. I made some lame jokes about the ice cream melting but really it was my heart ;) I sampled the chocolate cheesecake and s’mores but got a single scoop of the vegan chocolate. I live in Seattle, but my sister lives here in Spo. I’ll visit her more often if you email me! b4ent93@comcast.net MY FAVORITE DRIVER We lost touch the beginning of summer after you drove me and a friend from the Subway downtown. I regret losing touch but there’s no more drama here. So if you ever get a chance maybe we can catch up over coffee since I no longer drink.
CHEERS TO ALL THOSE YOUTH... To all the LGBTQ+ youth along with all the heterosexual youth who have entered and exited my life throughout the years; who opened up to me; who sometimes stayed with me when you had nowhere else to go or just needed a ‘parent’ in your life: all of you were such
great, wonderful blessings to me. I learned the joy and heartache of parenting. There was always more joy, though. I watched many of you grow and make a wonderful life for yourselves. I’m so proud of you all! I love each and every one of you. And to Chris, who would now be 21, who suffered a heroin addiction and disappeared one night never to be seen again. I think about you all
ment that brought that to you, and the rest of America. Before you open your mouth and insert foot, please do some homework. Thank you from a “lowly clerk” who works hard and keeps a smile on the face of working America. SHAMEFUL Jeers to the local food joints and other places who don’t have automatic
Be THANKFUL for your weekends. It was the Labor movement that brought that to you, and the rest of America.
the time. Your addiction never stopped me from loving you. I pray to God for you and pray this message finds you. If the state we lived in would have allowed adoptions of those over 18, you know I would have taken you in a heartbeat! You were gone without a goodbye. However, I have never held that against you. I just pray that you finally found your way and maybe someday, you’ll find your way home, God willing. Still carry you in my heart. So thank you to all of you for being some of the greatest blessings in my life! Shine on!
JEERS RE: RE OZZIE To say that because President Obama is in any way responsible for attacks on police officers or security guards because of the support he offered to a very important ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement is simply ignorant. Simply looking for someone to blame. There may have been attacks on police officers, and still are, not advocating that in any way, as I’m sure President Obama wasn’t either; however, how many times were people of different race treated brutally or unfairly by law enforcement nationwide before a movement had to be started to remind the public that their lives
SOUND OFF 1. Visit Inlander.com/isawyou by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “petals327@yahoo.com,” not “j.smith@comcast.net.”
52 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
matter as well. My opinion, with no disrespect intended, is that Obama is not the one to blame. There was a deep-rooted issue of racism and misconduct by many facets of the law that reached a breaking point for the majority of the nation. Obama was trying to bring people from different sides together in understanding. When an entire race has to start a movement to remind
everyone else that their lives also matter, there is a clear lack of understanding. So in other words, I think Ozzie is grasping at straws and trying to point fingers. As for Trump, if you think he has law enforcement and the military on his mind, just remember that’s what coal miners thought. You may be right though, police and military do have to clean up a lot of his mess, so they probably are on his mind. His only real interests are self interests though, and that’s why every time we hear from the White House you hear twenty different lies about his latest impeachable offense. If after all that has been done in the last 80-some days you still think he has our best interests at heart, then watch something besides “Fox News”. So much for keeping it short. DO YOU LIKE YOUR WEEKEND? A quick message to the gentleman, and I use the term lightly, because, you sir, are no gentleman. You commented that unions were good at keeping useless people in jobs. I wish I could have told you the security I have in my union job. The regular raises I received, the living wages that paid for my son to go on to a great college, the roof that went over our heads, the car that took him to his college. This comment is directed solely at you though. Be THANKFUL for your weekends. It was the Labor move-
doors or at least buttons that open the doors so persons in wheelchairs or using a walker can easily enter or leave. YOU (AND I) ARE PAYING MASSIVE TAXES... ... to allow your “elected” president to travel via extremely comfortable air coach to spend visitations and “share” time with his amazingly out-of-touch wife, AND to play the best golf courses on our domestic soil. He decries the corruption in isolationist states, yet has no qualms about pulling away YOUR money from education, infrastructure and social programs to ensure he has a way to evade his own tax report and job stress whilst sneakingly planning strikes against sovereign nations that have posed no threat to us Americans.
NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
A CASUAL CONVERSATION WITH PAULA KERGER Join KSPS and PBS’s president & CEO for an evening of conversation, wine, beer & small plates. Topics include: “The Future of Public Media,” women in leadership and more. April 21, 5:30-8:30 pm. $50/person; $400/table of 8. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. ksps.org (443-7700) OUTSPOKANE MURDER MYSTERY DINNER & AUCTION Attend a night in Tinseltown filled with twists and terror. Red Rock Catering serves a plated dinner; evening also includes a silent auction to benefit OutSpokane, producer of Spokane’s Annual Pride Parade and Rainbow Festival. April 21, 6-9 pm. $55-$65. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. outspokane.org/murder-mystery/ SCRAPS REIGNING CATS & DOGS AUCTION The annual benefit includes a catered dinner, beverages, silent/live auctions and more. Proceeds benefit the SCRAPS Hope Foundation, which helps animals in the organization’s care rehabilitate from homelessness, abuse or abandonment. April 21, 5:30 pm. $50/ person. Hotel RL by Red Lion at the Park, 201 W. North River Dr. (326-8000) 53RD ANNUAL FISHERMEN’S BREAKFAST A fundraiser for the Medical Firefighters Volunteer Association. On the menu is eggs, sausage, pancakes and hash browns. Includes raffles and a silent auction. April 22, noon. $9/adults, $6/ kids. Medical Lake Fire Dept., 124 S. Lefevre St. (565-5022) CHOCOLATE & CHAMPAGNE GALA An
evening of chocolate, champagne, dinner and an auction to benefit the programs of Lutheran Community Services Northwest, including the Sexual Assault and Family Trama Center (SAFeT). April 22, 6 pm. $95/person. Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post St. (800-899-1482) CUTTER THEATRE HIGH TEA This year’s theme is “The Princess and the Tea Party,” and features a three-course light luncheon. $15/adults; $6/ages 10 and under. April 22, 11 am. Cutter Theatre, 302 Park St, Metaline Falls. cuttertheatre.com SPOKANE GUILDS’ SCHOOL PENNY DRIVE Students from area high schools join with community volunteers to collect pennies, quarters, dollars and other donations for the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center Foundation at 13 regional locations. (See website for list.) April 22, 9 am-2 pm. guildschool.org SPRING FOR SANDPOINT More than 20 Sandpoint merchants team up with local nonprofits to offer sales and specials all day, as well as a variety of activities for kids, product demos, and food and beverage samplings. A portion of proceeds from benefit partnering nonprofits. April 22, 10 am-5:30 pm. Free. Downtown Sandpoint. facebook.com/SandpointShopping/ (208-265-5060) HABITAT FOR HUMANITY SPOKANE’S HOPE BUILDERS LUNCHEON The 2017 luncheon raises funds to support Habitat’s work, and honors life-long volunteer Clive Rainey, who is also the benefit’s keynote speaker. April 27, 11:30 am-1 pm. Free; donations requested. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. habitat-spokane.org (534-2552)
IMPROV SHOWDOWN: MEAD VS FERRIS Mead’s “Revel Alliance” has challenged Ferris’ “Thesperados” to an Improv showdown. Canned food donations welcomed in lieu of entry fee. April 20, 7-8:30 pm. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. bluedoortheatre.com SARAH COLONNA Sarah is well known as a popular roundtable regular on the hit late night talk show “Chelsea Lately.” She also served as a full time writer for the show, and as producer, writer and star of the spin-off series “After Lately.” April 20-22, at 8 pm; April 21-22 at 10:30 pm. $15-$27. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. (318-9998) MUSIC IN YOUR FACE The BDT Players put their comedic twist on this all-improvised musical comedy, with song, storytelling, laughs and merriment. Fridays, through May 6, at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045) BDT OPEN AUDITIONS Attend a group audition (ages 18+) and come prepared and dressed for physical activity. Registration from 2:45-3 pm. April 22, 3-6 pm. Free. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. bluedoortheatre.com SAFARI The Blue Door’s fast-paced, short-form improv show relies on audience suggestions to fuel each scene. Rated for mature audiences. Saturdays at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. bluedoortheatre.com (747-7045) WHOSE HOMAGE IS IT ANYWAYS The Improv Co-op is back with a show where everything is derivative and the points really don’t matter. Come see them pay
Looking for a New Home? 7TH ANNUAL
homage to the hilariously popular comedy show. April 22, 7 pm. Free. Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22910 E. Appleway Ave., Ste. 1. (342-2055) RODGER LIZAOLA This comedian has opened up for acts including comedy legend David Brenner, Eddie Brill, Louis CK, Tom Cotter and more. April 23, 8 pm. $16-$22. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com LAUGH & ORDER Four local comedians compete in this four-round, courtthemed comedy competition. April 25, 9 pm. The Observatory, 15 S. Howard-
FRIENDS OF THE SPOKANE LIBRARY BOOK SALE On April 20-21, hours are 10 am-5 pm and on April 22 from 10 am-2 pm. Most items are less than a dollar, and on Saturday only customers can fill a bag of books for $3. Downtown Spokane Library, 906 W. Main. spokanelibrary.org RED HOT MAMAS AUDITION Audition to perform with the group in the 91st Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. No preparation required to audition. April 21, 6:30-8 pm. $10. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. (208-930-4444) ASPCA HELP A HORSE DAY This community event features guest speakers, local equine experts, kid-friendly activities, a scavenger hunt and opportunities to interact with the horses. April 22, 12-4 pm. Free. River’s Wish Animal Sanctuary, 11511 W. Garfield Rd. (951-3650) ATTRACTING BIRDS & BUTTERFLIES TO YOUR GARDEN Local expert Susan Mulvihill shares how to draw birds and butterflies to your garden by meeting their
basic needs. April 22, 10 am. Free and open to the public. Manito Park, 1800 S. Grand Blvd. (456-8038) CHEWELAH ART FOR EARTH NIGHT The Chewelah Arts Guild hosts an open mic and forum for artists of all disciplines. Sign-up in advance for 3-5 minutes by emailing ElizaBethCoira@gmail.com. April 22, 6:30-8:30 pm. Free. Quartzite Brewing Co., 105 W. Main. bit.ly/2ocUE4F COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE Hosted by the Inland Northwest Blood Center. Register online for “fast track;” have your photo ID and donor card if you’re a prior donor. April 22, 12-3 pm. Free. Christ Our Hope Bible Church, 1620 N. Monroe. (879-4377) EARTH DAY: DROP IN & SCIENCE Kids and adults are invited to plant seed starts and participate in Earth science-inspired art and writing projects. April 22, 12-5 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org EARTH DAY TREE PLANTING Volunteers are needed to help plant trees with the Lands Council, City of Spokane, NW Boy Scouts and other groups along the Spokane River Gorge, and in the Hangman Watershed. April 22, 9 am-1 pm. Sign up at nwscouts.org/earthday EARTH DAY SPOKANE 2017 Spokane’s annual festival hosts its most elaborate celebration yet, under the Pavilion in Riverfront Park. Featuring local nonprofits, entrepreneurs, farmers, and artists and vendors; and 50+ performances on three stages over a span of two days. April 22, 10 am-10 pm and April 23, 10 am-4 pm. Free. earthdayspokane.info ...continues on page 59
REGISTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A $1,000 VISA GIFT CARD one entry per person, per open house (21+); prize is one $1,000 VISA gift card; winner will be drawn and announced on May 4th.
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APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 53
The Taxman Cometh The IRS puts an undue burden on those in the cannabis industry BY CONNOR DINNISON
To pay, or not to pay your taxes — that’s the million-dollar question.
till in shock from how much the Internal Revenue Service siphoned from your savings account this year? For most Americans, the taxman is a tolerable nuisance, but, as dozens of “Tea Party” and “patriot” political groups learned during the 2012 presidential election, a little extra — possibly illegal — scrutiny from the IRS can have real-world consequences on the balance sheets. Just ask the “ganjapreneurs” of the marijuana industry who, thanks to an obscure regulation, must do battle with the feds every April. “It’s almost like they want us to fail,” a Colorado cannabis store owner told USA Today in 2014. Because of a federal tax code amendment called Section 280E, which declares, “No deduction or credit shall be allowed for … any trade or business … consist[ing] of trafficking in controlled substances,” business owners involved in the sale of marijuana can’t write off any of the expenses associated with the “costs of selling,” like rent, marketing or employee salaries. So instead of paying a corporate tax rate of 15 to 35 percent (of taxable income), like any other business, they’re often faced with the unthinkable: rates between 80 and 90 percent, according to Denver accountant Jordan Cornelius. “If (the federal government) can’t put them out of business legally when voters are mandating these businesses to move forward, it’s very easy to put them out
of business financially,” says Cornelius in an interview with USA Today. Whether or not that is actually the government’s intent, the crippling tax burden means razor-thin profit margins, or bankruptcy, for some cannabis companies. Understandably, it’s a hot-button issue on the streets, and in the courts. President Donald Trump’s pick to fill the vacant Supreme Court seat, Judge Neil Gorsuch, even wrote the opinion in a recent court case concerning 280E (Feinberg v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue). “You’re kind of stuck,” Derek Davis, an accountant from California, tells VICE, “because if you don’t pay, you’re evading taxes, which is a criminal offense. But if you do pay your taxes and you are compliant, then it gets a little gray in regards to the fact that you’re in essence committing a federal crime.” (Marijuana remains illegal federally.) But now, as part of a “Path to Marijuana Reform,” members of the U.S. House and Senate have reprised a failed attempt in 2013 to overturn the tax code amendment with the introduction on March 30 of the Small Business Tax Equity Act of 2017. Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a Democrat, is again leading the charge alongside a bipartisan brigade of cannabis advocates, despite having never taken a puff, as he acknowledges on his website.
starting at
13 & $20
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Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
54 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
213 E Sprague Ave • Spokane, WA • 509.315.9262 509-919-3467 • 9107 N COUNTRY HOMES BLVD, #13 HOURS: MON-SAT: 9:00AM - 10:00PM SUN: 9:00AM - 9:00PM FOLLOW US ON YOUR FAVORITE SOCIAL MEDIA SITE FOR DAILY UPDATES AND STORE NEWS! WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
Open until 11 Every night, Midnight on Friday and Saturday Nights.
thevaultcannabis.com This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with the consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
4/20 sale
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APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 55
Tacos Tumbras
Don’t let
Marijuana use increases the risk of lower grades and dropping out of school.
leave you high and dry
10309 E Trent Ave.
WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
Talk with your kids.
Be aware of the differences in the law between Idaho and Washington. It is illegal to possess, sell or transport cannabis in the State of Idaho. Possessing up to an ounce is a misdemeanor and can get you a year in jail and up to a $1,000 fine; more than three ounces is a felony that can carry a fiveyear sentence and fine of up to $10,000. Transporting marijuana across state lines, like from Washington into Idaho, is a felony under federal law.
SPOKANE 910 W. Boone Ave.
SPOKANE VALLEY 12801 E. Sprague Ave.
Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 6:00PM
Happy 420
MaryJanes_GreenZone_042017_4S_MB.tif Come chat with some awesome vendors. Multiple strains to choose from.
2 GRAMS AT $10 & $ $12
SUN 10A-9P • MON-THU 9A-11P • FRI-SAT 9A-12P
1515 S. LYONS RD • AIRWAY HEIGHTS • (509) 244-8728 Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 57
80 oz 605 E. Francis 9403 E. Trent
HOURS: MON-SAT 8-9 SUN 9-9 WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
58 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 Initiative 502 and Senate Bill 5052). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington state, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects; there may be health risks associated with its consumption, and it may be habit-forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. Keep out of reach of children. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at www.liq.wa.gov.
17 N R ALPH ST 5 0 9 .5 3 6 . 4 0 0 0 | s m o k a n e 5 0 2 . co m
TH E LE G IT MA RIJ UA NA S HO P Spoka ne WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
HOUR OF CODE FOR ADULTS Explore the world of coding using game-based lessons on Code.org and Scratch. No experience required. Register online. April 22, 10 am-noon. $10. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. sparkwestcentral.org MARCH FOR SCIENCE SPOKANE Scientists, science enthusiasts and concerned citizens are invited to this local event coinciding with the national March for Science to promote the sciences and peaceably protest the anti-science policies and people being put forth by Congress and President Trump. April 22, 1-5 pm. Free. Riverfront Park. bit.ly/2p2mkgV MOSCOW HEMP FEST A full day of advocacy and information for cannabis reform in Idaho, including a new petition to sign. Includes arts and craft and food vendors, and performances from local and regional musical acts: Ayo Dot and the Upper Cuts from Seattle, Mother Yeti from Moscow, and Charcoal Squids from Missoula. April 22, 10 am-7 pm. Free. East City Park, 900 E. 3rd St. moscowhempfest.com MOVIN’ & GROOVIN’ FAIR The 13th annual event offers free health screenings, info, drawings, local vendors and more. April 22, 8 am-2 pm. Free and open to the public. Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland Ave. (327-1584) PARKINSON’S AWARENESS WALK A walk in conjunction with Parkinson’s Awareness Month. Choose from a 1/10 of a mile or a 1/2 mile walk through the community. Also includes chair massages, photos, lunch, a silent auction and prizes. Donations support the American Parkinson Disease Association. April 22, 10:30 am-noon. Touchmark South Hill, 2929 S. Waterford Dr. Register at touchmarkspokane.com/walk. QUEER PROM: WRITTEN IN THE STARS Odyssey’s 5th annual event includes a DJ, dancing, snacks and fun. Alcohol free. This year’s theme colors are navy blue, purple and silver. For ages 13-18. April 22, 7-11 pm. $10. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. bit.ly/2o0MP1X (509-838-5667) U-HI FLEA MARKET Local households and businesses can sell their unwanted items for this monthly event hosted by the Instrumental Music Parents Association. $20 for vendors, free to shoppers. April 22, May 6 and June 3, from 9 am-4 pm. University High School, 12320 E. 32nd Ave. (926-6981) VIETNAMESE HERITAGE DAY The celebration is conducted in English and Vietnamese, and includes cultural performances, a presentation, food, live music, and traditional ancestor worship. April 22, 2-4:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Service Station, 9315 N. Nevada St. (466-1696) WALK & ROLL DISABILITY ACCEPTANCE EVENT Walk, rollerblade or wheel-chair your way to an afternoon of fun while raising money for people with disabilities on the Palouse. The event is held along a 0.7 mile paved trail around the City of Moscow Playfields, at 1900 Joseph St. April 22, 3-4 pm. $12. (208-874-7891) WETLAND TRAIL WALK/RUN Leaving from the Cheney/Spangle Centennial Trailhead, enjoy the beautiful scenery as you run or walk 2 or 4.24 miles along the Cheney Wetland Trail. April 22, 9 am. $10-$20. kowens@cityofcheney.org PINK RIBBON RUN The inaugural run celebrates breast cancer survivors,
pays tribute to loved ones no longer with us and raise funds for community efforts to prevent, diagnose and treat breast cancer. April 23, 9 am-3 pm. $25-$35/adults; $15/youth. Riverfront Park. everywomancan.run (202-0830) SPOKANE YOM HASHOAH (HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL) The annual Spokane community observance of the Holocaust, featuring an art and essay writing contest offered to middle and high schoolers. April 23, 5-8 pm. Free. Temple Beth Shalom, 1322 E. 30th Ave. bit.ly/2o3HwiN (509-747-3304) SCREENING & PANEL DISCUSSION: AUDRIE & DAISY In two towns on different sides of America, two teenage girls pass out while intoxicated at high school parties and both are sexually assaulted by boys they call friends. This screening/panel is a collaboration between LCSNW and EWU’s Women’s Studies Center as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. April 25, 6-8 pm. Free. EWU Riverpoint Campus, 668 N. Riverpoint Blvd. (747-8224) NAT GEO LIVE: I BOUGHT A RAINFOREST Charlie Hamilton James discovered an illegal cocaine plantation after he’d signed the deed, and the only way to save the ecosystem was with empathy for the illegal loggers. Hear his fascinating stories, and get a sneak peek of his latest work. April 26, 7 pm. $29.50-$39.50. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. wcebroadway.com RIVERFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT OPEN HOUSE Meet the design teams, see progress, ask questions, and provide feedback. April 26, 6-8 pm. Free. Downtown Spokane Library, 906 W. Main. riverfrontparknow.com
TEAM AUTISM 24/7: LIFE ANIMATED A coming-of-age story about a boy and his family who overcame great challenges by turning Disney animated movies into a language to express love, loss, kinship and brotherhood. April 21, 6:30-10 pm. $7 suggested donation. Panida Theater, 300 N. First. (208-2557801) 42: THE JACKIE ROBINSON STORY Since 2004, April 15 has been observed as Jackie Robinson Day. Bring your peanuts and Cracker Jacks for a showing of this film about his life and career. April 22, 2 pm. Free. East Side Library, 524 S. Stone St. (444-5331) SFCC INTERNATIONAL FILM FEST: THE LIFE OF A GUIDE DOG This 2004 Japanese documentary is about the process of training service dogs as it follows Quill, a yellow Labrador puppy. April 25, 7:15 pm. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. garlandtheater.com
CDA WINE EXTRAVAGANZA The 6th annual weekend wine celebration features tastings throughout downtown CdA, a Sunday brunch, wine dinner, lake cruise and more. April 21-23; times vary. Downtown Coeur d’Alene, Sherman Ave. cdawinefest.com RELISH! WALKING FOOD TOUR ROW Adventures’ food tour offers samplings of unique Spokane foods while attendees learn about the history and untold stories of downtown. April 22, 2-4:30 pm. $37. Riverfront Park, 705 N. Howard. spokaneparks.org (755-2489)
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 59
Advice Goddess LOVE... ACTUALLY?
I’m a man in my mid-30s, and I’m dating a woman I really love. We match each other on so many levels, and I thought we had a really great thing. But, recently, she seems to want more than I can give. Specifically, she’s prodding me to say “I love you” repeatedly throughout the day, and she blows up at me for not doing it enough. Though I do love her, the required affirmations feel hollow. But I am trying. Yesterday she called, and I told her, “I’ve AMY ALKON been thinking about you all day.” She got super angry and said, “Then you should have called to tell me that!” WTH?! Where’s the line between being present for someone and being phony just to quell their unfounded insecurity? —Besieged Understandably, if your relationship is patterned on a movie, you’d like it to be “Love Actually,” not “Judgment at Nuremberg.” Sure, things are looking bleak at the moment. In fact, the best thing about your relationship right now probably seems like the right to a speedy trial. However, you may be able to change that — get back to the “really great thing” you two had -- by understanding the possible evolutionary roots to your girlfriend’s morphing into LOVEMEEEE!zilla. It turns out that perceiving things accurately isn’t always in our best interest. In fact, evolutionary psychologist Martie Haselton explains that we seem to have evolved to make protective errors in judgment — either underperceiving or overperceiving depending on which error would be the “least costly” to our mating and survival interests. For example, Haselton explains that men are prone to err on the side of overestimating women’s interest in them. Evolutionarily, it’s costlier for a man to miss an opportunity to pass on his genes than, say, to get jeered by his buddies after he hits on some model. Man: “Yerrr pritty!” Model: “Um, you’re missing most of your teeth.” Women, however, err on the side of underestimating a man’s willingness to stick around. This helps keep them from getting duped by cads posing as wannabe dads. And, as Haselton points out, a woman’s expressions of “commitment skepticism” may come with a fringe benefit — “more frequent displays of commitment” (like flowers, prezzies, mooshywooshy talk) from a man “who truly (is) committed.” Unfortunately, your girlfriend’s expressing her “commitment skepticism” in exactly the wrong way — by trying to berate you into being more loving. Practically speaking, this is like running alongside somebody and asking them to explain the tax code while they’re being chased by a mob with flaming pitchforks. Because our brain’s “fight or flight” circuitry is also calibrated to protectively overreact, a verbal attack kicks off the same physiological responses as a physical one. Adrenaline surges. Your heart beats faster. And blood flow gets shunted away from systems not needed to fight back or bolt — like digestion and higher reasoning. This makes sense, because you don’t need algebra to keep a tiger from getting close enough for you to notice his need for Crest Whitestrips. Only — oops — higher reasoning is exactly what you need when it’s only your girlfriend chasing after you for a little more loveydoveyspeak. Of course, you understand that your girlfriend is a lady looking for your love, not a tiger looking to turn you into a late lunch. However, once that fight-or-flight train leaves the station, it keeps building momentum. (You can’t just treat your surging adrenaline like a bratty third-grader and tell it to go sit down.) So, though the problem between you might seem to start with your girlfriend, consider what psychologist Brooke C. Feeney calls “the dependency paradox.” Feeney’s research suggests that continually responding to your romantic partner’s bids for comforting (like expressions of neediness) with actual comforting seems to alleviate their need for so much of it. This isn’t to say you should make like a meth-jacked parrot and start squawking “Awwk! I love you!” until — thunk! — you beak-plant on the newspapers lining your cage. Instead, start by asking your girlfriend why she feels a need for this daily stream of “affirmations.” (Some women get wiggy when, weekend brunch after weekend brunch, there’s never a diamond ring under their waffles.) Next, explain the science, including Feeney’s finding. Then, pledge to be more expressive in general (holding her, telling her you love her), but explain that you feel insincere punctuating every text and conversation with robo I-love-yous. As for her part, point out that if, instead of going off on you, she’d express her fears, it would put you in a position to reassure her. Ultimately, if you’re yelling “I love you!…I love you!” it should be because she’s running to catch a plane, not because you just can’t take another weekend chained to the radiator. n ©2017, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com)
60 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
EVENTS | CALENDAR CAMP COOKING BASICS Learn how to set up your kitchen and create easy and fun meals everyone will enjoy. Sessions at 12:30 and 3:30 pm on April 23. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. rei.com/spokane CLASSIC THAI CUISINE Chef David presents a few of his favorite Thai dishes, including “som tum” green papaya salad, a traditional satay and Thai peanut sauce. April 24, 5:30-7:15 pm. $39. Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com (328-3335) VA PIANO PROFESSIONAL TASTING Sample eight wines and hear the stories behind the creation of each. April 24, at 5:30 pm. (Also includes a small plates tasting with owner/winemaker Justin Wylie at Europa Restaurant on April 25, at 6 pm; $50). Reservations required. $15. Vino! A Wine Shop, 222 S. Washington. vinowine.com (838-1229) HAPPY HOUR BITES Instructor Kristi Fountain shares her tips to make an herbed goat cheese roll, savory shortbread coins and homemade hummus, which can all be made ahead for a spontaneous happy hour. April 25, 5:30-7 pm. $39. Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com WANDER BREWING BEER DINNER A five-course, gourmet dinner with Wander Brewing Company; see the full menu at registration link. April 25, 6-8 pm. $50. Nectar Catering and Events, 120 N. Stevens. nectartastingroom.com
SPOKANE SYMPHONY CLASSICS 9: IN THE SHADOW OF BEETHOVEN Beethoven cast a huge shadow over those who came after him, including the composers featured in this concert: Brahms, Chopin and John Corigliano. April 22 at 8 pm, April 23 at 3 pm. $15$54. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200) SPOKANE YOUTH SYMPHONY SPRING TEA The benefit event for SYS also celebrates honored guest, Dr. John Marshall, SYS Strings conductor and Principal cellist with the Spokane Symphony, and Professor of Cello at EWU. Limited seating; reservations required. April 22, 1:30-3:30 pm. $25/person; $45/2 people. Silver Spoon Tea House, 1427 W. Sixth. (448-4446) WASHINGTON IDAHO SYMPHONY The evening’s program features music by Beethoven, including the Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Minor, featuring pianist Rajung Yang. April 22. $10-$25. University of Idaho Admin. Building, 851 Campus Dr. washingtonidahosymphony.org GONZAGA JAZZ ENSEMBLES David Fague and the Gonzaga Jazz Ensembles host a spring concert featuring music by Thad Jones, Jeff Hamilton and Snarky Puppy. April 23, 6-7 pm. $5; free to students, military and seniors with ID. Gonzaga Hemmingson Center, 702 E. Desmet Ave. (313-6942) SPRING SERENADE: GONZAGA WIND ENSEMBLE Conducted by Robert Spittal, the Ensemble presents a concert of masterworks for winds including works by Grainger and Dvorak and more. April 24, 7:30-9 pm. $10/-$15. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200) MUSIC IN HISTORIC HOMES An intimate classical concert in the historic Bradley House ( 1203 W. 20th Ave). April 26-27, with concerts at 3, 5 and 7 pm. $25. spokanehistoricconcerts.org
THE FUTURE OF RECREATION IN SPOKANE COUNTY Since 1994, the Spokane County Conservation Futures program has acquired more than 7,700 acres of land in order to preserve open space, streams, rivers and natural resources for future generations. April 20, 6-7 pm. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. rei. com/spokane (509-328-9900) SPRING SWING SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT The spring tourney offers $2,000 in cash prizes to be split between division winners. Teams that play are instantly qualified for the Western National Softball Tournament in Mt. Vernon, OR. Registration deadline April 14. Event on April 21-22. $275/team. Dwight Merkel Sports Complex, 5701 N. Assembly St. spokaneparks.org/sports SPOKANE RIVER RUN The 14th annual trail run through Riverside State Park offers 5, 10, 25 and 50K individual routes and a 50K team relay. Proceeds benefit Spokane’s Garfield Elementary School APPLE program. April 23, 7:45 am-4 pm. $19-$67. Riverside State Park, Spokane. spokaneriverrun.com
THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER See a live play about the mischievous boy growing up in the heartland of America. April 20-22, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $13-$15. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. bit.ly/2oucN13 DEAD MAN’S CELL PHONE In this original dramatic comedy by Sarah Ruhl, an incessantly ringing cell phone changes a woman’s life. April 20-22 at 7:30 pm. Free. Schuler Performing Arts Center at North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. nic.edu (208-769-3220) JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR Robby French and Jadd Davis are Jesus and Judas in this production directed by Troy Nickerson. April 20-23 at 7:30 pm. $24-$30. Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave. lakecityplayhouse.org NOISES OFF! The classic farce presents a manic menagerie as a cast of traveling actors rehearsing a flop called Nothing’s On. Through April 23, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $20-$29. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. spokanecivictheatre.com (325-2507) WENDY & PETER: INTO NEVERLAND Based on the classic novel by J.M. Barrie, this adaptation focusing on Wendy’s side of the adventurous tale. April 20-29; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, also Sat at 2 pm; April 30 at 5 pm. $5-$15. University of Idaho Hartung Theater, 6th & Stadium Way. uidaho.edu/class/ theatre (208-885-6465) ARCADIA This Tom Stoppard play moves back and forth between an 1809 scandal and the present at the Coverly family’s elegant estate. April 21-May 7; Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third Ave. spokanestageleft.org BYE BYE BIRDIE A performance of the musical satire by local adult and kid actors. Through April 30, Fri at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 2 pm. Spokane Children’s Theatre, 2727 N. Madelia. spokanechildrenstheatre.org ((509) 328-4886) KAHA:WI DANCE THEATRE The leading contemporary dance company from Canada explores the intersection of in-
digenous and new dance performance. $16-$22. April 21, 7:30-9:30 pm. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU Pullman. performingarts.wsu.edu (335-8522) STAGE TO SCREEN: NO MAN’S LAND Following their hit run on Broadway, close friends Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart share the stage once more in Harold Pinter’s “No Man’s Land,” broadcast live from London. April 23, 2 pm. $7-$15. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. bingcrosbytheater.com
A SMALL ANALOG HOLODECK Linus Riepler uses simple mechanics that allow viewers to interact with his works. In this project, he translates the freedom and imagination of Star Trek’s holodeck into his own visual language. April 21, 5-8 pm. Free. Richmond Gallery, 228 W. Sprague. laboratoryspokane.com (230-5718) STEAM MAGNET SCHOOLS ART PROJECT Spokane’s historic Steam Plant is the recipient of a photomosaic public art project created by students participating in East Valley School District’s East Farms STEAM Magnet School. April 21, 5-8 pm. Free. Steam Plant Square, 159 S. Lincoln St. (994-6525) RANGE VISITING ARTIST SERIES: SHANA MOULTON The visiting artist artist gives two talks, at SFCC (April 26, 11:30 am) and at EWU (April 27, noon), and hosts a screening and video performance on April 26, at 6:30 pm, at the Jundt Art Museum. Free and open to the public. facebook.com/range.spokane/ ADVENTURES WITH A BABY MAMMOTH Dr. Daniel C. Fisher, guest curator for the museum’s current exhibit, “Titans of the Ice Age: Mammoths & Mastodons,” gives a talk about the 40,000-year-old baby wooly mammoth, “Lyuba,” featured in the exhibit. April 20, 6:30-8 pm. $9 suggested donation. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org (456-3931) GET LIT! FESTIVAL The annual literary festival hosted by EWU features local and regional authors who host workshops, readings, panel discussions, poetry slams, book signings and more. Prices vary; most events are free. April 17-23; times vary. See website for complete schedule: getlitfestival.org READING: SHIN YU PAI The poet discusses the history of artist-poet collaborations and creative innovation in American literature. April 21, noon. Free and open to the public. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. nic.edu READING: T.J. TRANCHELL AND MYRNA OAKLEY Tranchell reads from his debut novel “Cry Down Dark” and hosts a Q&A on self-publishing. Oakley shares examples of her travel writing on the Pacific NW and hosts a Q&A on travel writing. April 22, 2 pm. Free and open to the public. BookPeople of Moscow, 521 S. Main St. (208-882-2669) ARE WE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW HOW SMART ANIMALS ARE? Biologist Frans de Waal is one of the world’s best-known primatologists. He shares his innovative research from his groundbreaking book on animal intelligence as part of the The President’s Forum for Critical Thought at EWU. April 25, 7-8:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. sites.ewu. edu/foundation/presidents-forum/ (624-1200) n
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APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 61
Electric motors have instant acceleration, like a roller coaster on wheels.
Re-Energizing Earth Day The eco-dream of the ’90s is alive in the electric car BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.
haven’t bought gas in a year. Yes, you read that right. Go ahead and let that sink in a bit. Last April, when I was looking for a new ride, my wife told me I should try an electric car. Why not? Skeptically, I tested a used BMW i3, and it was like going out to take a look at a puppy. Of course we brought it home. You should know that my first car was a Chevy Celebrity — probably the least sexy car to come off an American production line in the past 50 years. So I was overdue, but who knew the solution to my midlife crisis would look more like a golf cart than a Mustang? A year in, I can tell you it’s the coolest car I’ve owned — the technology makes you feel like you’re driving around inside an iPhone. It’s also an instant conversation starter. “What is that thing?” asks the dude in the parking lot or the woman working the drive-through window. “It’s an electric car,” I say. “Did I mention that I haven’t bought gas for it in a year?”
hat I didn’t realize at first was that the simple act of driving an electric car is kinda subversive. Lots of powerful people don’t want us to go electric. Sticking with gasoline to power our lives is part economics, but part unfair play, as oil-industry fat cats have long pulled the levers of power to kill the dream of emission-free travel. There were electric cars going all the way back to the dawn of the automobile, but the concept was put on the shelf as Henry Ford’s factories dictated the future of the industry. Then in the 1990s, with the dawning realization that our cars were like cigarettes, choking our planet’s health, electricity got another look. Starting in 1996, GM built more than 1,000 prototype EV1 vehicles, and celebrities and other energy rebels started leasing them. (As a test
62 INLANDER APRIL 20, 2017
vehicle, they couldn’t buy them.) The test was going well — too well, and those big-oil folks, some claim (as documented in the 2006 film Who Killed the Electric Car?) got nervous. The project was not only ended, but the cars were repossessed by GM and nearly all of them were crushed into oblivion. Instead GM doubled down on the all-American, gasguzzling SUV. Meanwhile, America changed. We bought a lot of SUVs, sure, but we also learned about some nasty things that some of the money we were spending on foreign oil was being used to fund. The growing desire to clean up our carbon footprint led Toyota to launch the Prius hybrid; in 2008 Elon Musk sold his first Tesla. In 2009, outgoing GM CEO Rick Wagoner said his biggest mistake was killing the EV1. And in a sign of how far the tables have turned, last week Tesla surpassed Ford in total market value — and is only $3 billion behind General Motors. Here in 2017, driving an electric car isn’t so subversive any more.
You’d be surprised how fast these little buggers are — electric motors have instant acceleration, like a roller coaster on wheels. Teslas aren’t in high demand just for being eco-friendly. Bumps in the road — like the limited driving range and the price tag — are getting smoothed over, as the Chevy Bolt (yes, GM finally has a nice electric car) can go 240 miles on a single charge, and you can get a Nissan Leaf for around $25k after federal and state rebates. Ain’t technology cool? Here it is, Earth Day 2017, and while we all know there’s lots more work to be done, the dream of cleaning up our air isn’t only closer than ever, getting there is actually a super-fun ride. n
’m surprised by how much of a guilt-free zone my little car is; it feels great to do my part. To satisfy my desire to shop local, I buy my electricity from Avista, which generates it relatively cleanly from dams. (Fully recharging my batteries in my own garage sets me back less than $2.) And the main component of the i3 is its carbon-fiber chassis, sourced right here at Moses Lake’s SGL/BMW plant — the largest carbon-fiber plant in the world.
The electric BMW i3’s passenger compartment is made from strong, lightweight carbon fiber manufactured in Moses Lake. BMW PHOTO
People Co-ing Above & Beyond for Spokane // Rescue4All
Rescue4All How Jamie Came to the Rescue Jamie McAtee once attempted to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a mouse. She was 8 years old. It was sign of things to come. “I brought home all sorts of animals,” she said. “My mom found me once with a gopher in my dollhouse.” Entering college, Jamie planned to be a veterinarian. But as sometimes happens, life lead her in a different direction. Instead, she went into the mortgage business until the housing market imploded and left Jamie unemployed for the first time in her life. The implosion was a blessing in disguise. “I was living for my ego, my job, my title,” she said. “It’s like the universe said, ‘This girl needs a reminder about what’s important.’ I lost everything.”
Losing everything changed everything. She caught the spirit of cooperation and returned to her first love — advocating for animals. First stop: The Spokane Humane Society. “I started volunteering at the Humane Society. They taught me the whole industry: puppy vaccines, protocols for kittens, how to keep facilities clean and disease-free. It was sort of my gateway to animal rescue.” While volunteering, Jamie observed a problem. A lot of homeless and hurting animals were slipping through the system’s cracks. Jamie formed a plan to rescue these animals. She started a non-profit and created a rescue unit for animals that the system didn’t serve. She converted her downstairs into a quarantine facility, began to administer oral medications, and provided weekly sulfur dips for cats with skin infections. Today, Rescue4All has expanded to aid kittens with ringworm, sweet dogs with unfair reputations, even
horses with expensive diets. Rescue4All provides foster homes for unwanted and unadoptable animals that the system can’t rescue. Sometimes salvation arrives mere hours before pets are put down.
Every Friday night from May through August, Jamie takes rescued dogs (including “Daddy” pictured above) to the Harley dealership. The Lone Wolf dealership sells beer and donates proceeds to Rescue4All.
Everything Jamie does is cooperative. Without cooperating fosters (“pet parents”), animals would stay on the streets or be euthanized. “We can’t do anything without our fosters,” says Jamie. “I’m just 1% of this amazing thing. You have to have a face for people to resonate with. That’s me. But it’s not about me.”
Jamie doesn’t just rescue pets; she educates owners. “We don’t just save great animals, we try to cultivate good humans,” says Jamie. “A little bit of education goes a long way. If owners spay or neuter their dogs, socialize them, train them and get them the exercise they need, Rescue4All wouldn't need to exist. And that would be a good thing.”
Rescue4All also found business partners like Lone Wolf Harley-Davidson in Spokane.
Until then Rescue4All will do all that it can to rescue the unwanted and help keep the living alive.
To learn more about how Rescue4All reflects the co-operative spirit in Spokane, visit: rescue4all.org
APRIL 20, 2017 INLANDER 63