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How the Inland Northwest could take the lead in addressing global warming PAGE 8
Elected officials in Idaho won’t mellow the state’s pot laws. Can an initiative change that?
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It’s very important, especially for the environment. And it looks good on them. My work’s very big, and so we’re promoting more green and more recycling now, and trying to promote using your phone and using Internet access. It’s had a big impact on all of us as employees. Going green is definitely of huge importance.
Lael Henterley (x282), Dan Nailen (x239), Mitch Ryals (x237), Jake Thomas (x249), Daniel Walters (x263) STAFF WRITERS
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Laura Johnson (x250) Chey Scott (x225) LISTINGS EDITOR
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I think it’s a great thing for them to do. Do you use green products in your life at all, or try to go green personally? It’s tough to go green, just because it’s expensive. At least it seems to be more expensive. I would love to, but it’s too much money for me.
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I think that it’s one of the most important things right now. I think that every company should go green, and they should be penalized if they don’t. What kind of punishment would you want to see? I’m not sure, but maybe like less tax breaks for big corporations that don’t go green.
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Kristina Elverum (x223)
Denise Brewer (x216) MEDIA COORDINATOR Brynn Schauer (x247) EVENTS COORDINATOR
I think it’s the right thing to do, and I think it’s responsible. I think it’s important because we can’t just exploit our environment and not take responsibility for that. I think we have to take responsibility for our actions, and going green is one way we can do that.
PRODUCTION Wayne Hunt (x232) PRODUCTION MANAGER Alissia Blackwood Mead (x228), Derrick King (x238), Jessie Spaccia (x205), Tom Stover (x265) GRAPHIC DESIGNERS
Where we are right now in our time, I think it’s really important. A lot of people look for sustainability within companies. It proves that the company consists of global citizens and that they care for the environment, rather than just trying to gain money and power over other people. When you care for the environment, you get a lot more respect from the community.
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The Idaho Legislature made some wise decisions in Boise, but they still get a “C” for “crazy” BY MARY LOU REED Craig Mason
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ired and testy, Idaho legislators worked into the morning hours of Friday, April 10, to finish up the 2015 legislative session sine die. The phrase sine die is Latin for “we’re finally getting out of this place as fast as we can and heading home!” It’s not my custom to say kind things about the heavily Republican Idaho legislature. But this year I must applaud our senators and representatives for passing a hefty $1.8 billion dollar appropriation for Idaho’s struggling public schools. Democrats and Republicans worked together to craft the seven bills increasing the flow of state dollars to Idaho’s 115 school districts. Just about every school sector will get a financial boost in the coming year. The career ladder for teachers has been revived and funded. The whole school ball of wax will receive an infusion of dollars and energy. It’s huge. I am also grateful to the Idaho Senate for granting a quick and painless death to the shortsighted House Bill 311, which would have knocked Idaho’s graduated income tax flatter than the proverbial pancake. On the one hand, the bill offered an increase in the gasoline tax for greatly needed road repair. It also proposed erasing the always-unsavory sales tax on food. On the other hand, flattening the income tax would grant unfair and unnecessary tax relief to Idahoans in the upper income bracket. The bill was just too big a bite to swallow in one gulp. It deserved its fate. Another step forward taken during the Boise session was passage of a strong anti-bullying bill, requiring school districts to educate students and parents on anti-bullying policies and to train their school staff on how to intervene when they observe a bully in action.
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FAC, the powerful finance and appropriations committee of the legislature, appropriated $1.72 million for a “Behavioral Health Community Crisis Center to be located in North Idaho.” This is a much-needed program that will allow emotionally disturbed individuals to receive treatment close to home — and to receive the appropriate care that local jails and hospitals cannot offer. At this writing, no announcement has been made about where exactly the crisis center will be located in Idaho’s 10 northern counties. I would vote for housing the crisis center in Coeur d’Alene where the need is greatest. You may remember that last year North Idaho was not chosen to receive the first crisis center because our local legislators didn’t show any interest or support. Thankfully, the legislature has given our region another chance. Would you believe that despite the fuss and finger-pointing over their blowing off a crisis center for their constituents last session, four of our
North Idaho representatives once again voted against the appropriation of a new crisis center? The anti-mental health four: Representatives Vito Barbieri, R-Dalton Gardens; Shannon McMillan, R-Silverton; Kathy Sims, R-Coeur d’Alene; and Ron Mendive, R- Coeur d’Alene. Early in the session, Sims also voted against an effort to recognize the giant salamander as a special Idaho creature, because she was spooked by possible federal overreach under the Endangered Species Act. Fortunately the spunk of the sponsor, eighth-grade student Ilah Hickman, won out over fear of the federal bogeyman. Despite Sims’ vote, Idaho now has a state amphibian, the giant salamander, dicamptodon aterrimus. Like some politicians, it comes out from under rocks. Barbieri made national news over his clumsy confusion about the female anatomy, suggesting a glimpse of an unborn fetus could be caught by a swallowed camera. Equally embarrassing, but not so funny, was the protest by Sen. Sheryl Nuxoll of Cottonwood over the invitation to Hindu cleric Rajan Zed to offer the opening prayer of a Senate session. Zed, president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, gave a prayer for peace and selflessness, because “selfish action imprisons the world.” According to an article in the Times of India, Sen. Nuxoll said, “Hindu is a false faith with false gods.” Sen. Steve Vick of Dalton Gardens, who boycotted the prayer, is also quoted saying, “Hindus worship cows.”
ut the zaniest and most destructive action of all was the defeat in the House of Representatives Judiciary and Rules Committee of the legislation necessary to bring Idaho’s child support enforcement into conformity with federal requirements. Nine Republican members have virtually brought the Idaho system to a halt. Gov. Butch Otter states that 400,000 people depend on Idaho’s system — that’s hundreds of thousands of children and their single-parent families, and tens of millions of dollars in Idaho pockets for food, clothing and simply staying alive. Republican Rep. Don Cheatham of Post Falls told the Spokesman-Review, “We have $42 million coming to the state — it wasn’t worth risking our sovereignty to me.” Gov. Otter definitely has to call a special session to correct such scary talk and such a very grave and stupid error. n
The Great Urban Divide
merica’s cities are becoming laboratories for progressive policies.” So states the recent Spokane County Republican Party video, “The Tyranny of Good Intentions,” and as you might have guessed, that’s not viewed as a good thing. “We,” the folksy narrator continues, “need to turn our attention to the city of Spokane.” That’s right, City of Spokane: Despite requiring officeholders to be nonpartisan, the GOP is coming. The video has a pleasant vibe — it stays away from sticky social issues and endorses a business-first, freedom-loving platform. Heck, the national party would do well to take a look. And I’m not bothered by them wanting to take on incumbents; our leaders should have to defend their ideas. But I thought I’d point out a few things about cities “becoming laboratories for progressive policies.” For starters, it’s nothing new. Cities are places where the talking points that power the D.C. GOP don’t cut it. City-dwellers want their problems solved, and, voters seem to be saying, progressive ideas are working better. Consider Salt Lake City, the biggest city in the nation’s most conservative state. Mayor Ralph Becker, a Democrat, won by 50 points even though he champions both non-discrimination laws and gay marriage. Boise Mayor David Bieter? A progressive and early supporter of Barack Obama. How about the 2012 presidential election? Texas is pretty conservative, but Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio all voted for Obama. The only four major cities to vote for Mitt Romney were Phoenix (barely), Oklahoma City, Fort Worth and Salt Lake City. Here’s a little secret: The split in America is not so much between red states and blue states. The real split is between urban and rural America. In rural places, those feel-good, anti-government talking points rally the troops, but in a city, leaders have to deliver actual quality-of-life results. Urban Americans are often willing to spend a little public money or change policy if it looks like it will bring progress. Which leads to the STA’s request for additional funding to meet our region’s needs. (For the record, I’m voting for it.) In its recent recommendation against, the same Spokane GOP said, essentially, that it’s all for public transportation, but not, you know, if it costs anything more. Maybe a Bus Fairy could fly in and pay for our public transit? So, Spokane County Republican Party, it’s great that you want to get more involved in city politics. But don’t buy the vision of Spokane as a laboratory filled with dark experiments in big government. As in most urban places, it’s just a bunch of citizens doing their best to make their city a happy home. n
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COMMENT | ENVIRONMENT prospect of a longer growing season and milder winters, we must remember that we won’t be sheltered from the economic costs of goods and services skyrocketing due to climate complications elsewhere. Could our affordable cost of living and lack of traffic congestion be overrun by waves of climate refugees from all over the country? I’ll never forget the time when a stately older woman stopped me along Main Avenue, asking for directions in a rich southern accent. She had just relocated to Spokane with her entire family to put the horrors of Hurricane Katrina behind her. Perhaps a climate-driven influx of new people could be a good thing, provided we are ready with improved urban planning, a welcoming mentality and are willing to make the public investments necessary to accommodate such growth.
We have an incentive to champion the green energy sector as a way to diversify our local knowledge economy. CALEB WALSH ILLUSTRATION
Guilty Climate Pleasure How the Inland Northwest could take the lead in addressing global warming BY MARIAH McKAY
pring has sprung early this year, along with a giddy yet uneasy feeling among the supermajority of Spokane County residents who understand that climate change is occurring around us. While I was surprised to be hounded by a swarm of hungry mosquitoes in my garden in early March, we know better than to base our beliefs about the climate on the increasingly unusual weather we are experiencing. According to a recent Yale study, among our neighbors who have an opinion about our role in the unfolding crisis, more locals now recognize the
link between human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and climate change than those who do not. If climate denial is intensified by the enormity of the challenges facing us, then perhaps the Inland Northwest is in a good position to acknowledge what we are in for and act accordingly. While we may be vulnerable to serious threats involving water shortages and forest fires in our semi-arid, conifer-forest home, at least swaths of downtown Spokane aren’t going to be submerged by the ocean anytime soon! Some predict that the Inland Northwest may emerge as a relative haven from the havoc that climate changes are expected to inflict on other parts of the country. But before we get too self-satisfied with the
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Globally, it is known that meaningful action on climate change will be difficult until the U.S. gets serious and is willing to lead by example. Perhaps there is a role for our state in catalyzing such national action. Since Eastern Washington largely missed the boat on cultivating competitive biotech and information technology industries, we have an incentive to champion the green energy sector as a way to diversify our local knowledge economy. While it may take public leaders a few more years to build the broad consensus needed to act at the state level, consumers are already demanding and winning higher standards from the private sector. At Spokane’s largest Earth Day celebration to date, supporters of the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign urged Avista Utilities to retire the coal-derived power that makes up about 20 percent of their electricity mix. With such ample sources of wind, solar and hydropower around us, it is past time for our region to roll up our sleeves and lead the nation into this brave new world. n Mariah McKay is a fourth-generation daughter of Spokane and a community organizer campaigning for racial, social and economic justice. She has worked in biotech and government and currently serves as a public health advocate.
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Reaction to “Sign of the Times” (4/16/15), a story on the effectiveness of Spokane’s efforts to stop prostitution along East Sprague.
JOSH STERN: They aren’t going to stop anything, it will simply move. Just legalize it and focus on making it safe for everyone involved like a responsible people would. It’s called the oldest profession for a reason. Stop trying to force your morality onto people who clearly are not going to adopt it. SCOTT KUSEL: If the city seriously thinks that a few signs on Sprague Avenue are curbing the sex trade in this area, then they are unbelievably naïve! I am not a person who looks for it, yet I could still point to 20 places they could buy sex right now!! All those signs are doing is curtailing the visible sex trade. MIA JEWEL: The johns and pimps need extremely harsh penalties, it’s ridiculous that it’s illegal, but since it is we need to go after the criminals. But really, it just needs to be legalized and have strict regulations.
Reaction to “Ryan’s Last Ride” (4/16/15), a piece examining the lasting impacts of 15-year-old Ryan Holyk’s death after a bike accident last year that also involved a Spokane Valley law enforcement officer.
KATELYN SCHNEIDER: If it were a civilian who had hit him, people would be calling this a tragic accident. But because it was a law enforcement vehicle, everyone wants to place the blame on the cop. I’m not saying Ryan deserved to lose his life, but he should have had reflectors and a helmet on. This was a terrible accident that could have been prevented, and it was not the officer’s fault. TRACY KIEHL IRELAND: I’m sure if it were a civilian who had hit him going 70 mph in a 35 mph zone, it would have been more than a tragic accident; it would have been vehicular manslaughter. JERRY N ALLISON BROWN: There is no evidence that he hit Ryan. Sad as this whole situation is, there isn’t any. Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable. Hence, Ryan has died from 1.) Lack of a helmet. 2.) Carelessness. Cold — I do not intend to be. But a sudden fall of a bike is not like in the movies. DYANA ROSE: All parties made bad choices, leave it at that. What a waste to drag this mess on or to debate about what did and did not happen. Typical, I suppose… his family needs to focus on his memory and move forward. AMANDA COTE: My question is why didn’t he have his sirens and lights on if he was going to a call? I do believe that officer should get into trouble in a way.
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 11
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Whitman Privilege Why Walla Walla’s Whitman College has come under fire for having so few low-income students BY DANIEL WALTERS
hen alumni came to visit Whitman College last fall, sophomore Gus Coats stood proud and elegant in a pink dress and lace. A billowing gray wig sat upon his head, his eyelashes were long and thick, his cheeks were rosy, and a black mole jutted out from his upper lip. He’d assumed the role of Marie Antoinette, walking from alumni luncheon to alumni luncheon, passing out slices of cake to bigwigs and donors. Think not of that New York Times story, he shouted through an anachronistic megaphone. Pay no attention to the peasants. Let nothing distract Whitman from “preparing our students for their aristocratic destiny.” That September, the Whitman student body came together to protest the composition of the Whitman student body. Hundreds of freshmen walked out of their
core “Encounters” classes early. Senior Tyler Schuh went the guerilla art route, mocking Whitman’s “Through adversities I rise” motto by placing rows of white milk jugs — labeled “Crème de la Crème de la Crème” — on the steps of the administration building. That month, the New York Times ranked 100 of the most elite colleges by economic diversity. The “College Access Index” looked at the share of low-income freshmen attending the school, and the net cost to low- and middle-income families. By that ranking, Whitman was the very worst. Other dishonors followed. A story on the New Yorkbased website The Awl hammered Whitman for being “strangled” by insular and ineffective administrators and accused it of abandoning “any reasonable commitment to diversity.”
This month, the Hechinger Report, a news site covering inequality in education, listed Whitman as one of six contenders to replace Washington University in St. Louis as the school with the lowest rate of students receiving federal Pell Grants. At only 10 percent, Whitman’s share of students receiving Pell Grants was about half the rate of Whitworth or Gonzaga. The line between elite college and elitist college can be a hazy one. It’s not that Whitman students, as a whole, are especially rich. It’s that almost none of them are poor.
ith fewer than 1,600 students, Whitman is the size of a typical Spokane high school, but far more luxurious. Carefully tended ivy stretches up the walls of Maxey Hall. Cherry blossoms ...continued on next page
Walla Walla’s Whitman College is prestigious and selective, but it got that way, partly, by changing its financial aid and admissions policies to reward wealthier students.
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 13
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“WHITMAN PRIVILEGE,” CONTINUED... bloom alongside the rivers and ponds that run through the campus center. Even the athletic facility at the tiny Division III school boasts a sauna, a biomechanical analysis system, four racquetball courts, two squash courts and an entire full-scale indoor climbing center. The price of flashy facilities, of course, is nothing compared to the cost of paying Ph.D.s, instead of adjuncts, to teach small classes. Competing for the best students quickly gets expensive, and Whitman’s tuition reflects that. Typically, only families making $60,000 or less are eligible for Pell Grants. In other words, without aid, Whitman’s combined $59,000 price tag — tuition, room and board and fees — would nearly consume those families’ incomes. Whitman junior Shireen Nori ran last year’s “Power and Privilege” symposium. Both her parents were Indian immigrants, and Nori considers herself middle class. Unlike East Coast colleges, Nori says, students at Whitman don’t get flashy about their wealth. But the class divide can still stick out. “I was maybe hyper-aware of the clothes that I had. The fact that I didn’t have a car here,” she says. “My parents not coming to visit over Parents Weekend, because they couldn’t get off work.” Before arriving at Whitman, incoming freshmen are encouraged to attend an an outdoor adventure called a “scramble.” But scrambles cost hundreds of additional dollars, and Nori didn’t know about scholarships that could help defray the costs. So she never went. It’s why the school has a First Generation/
Working-Class Students club, to fight the “silence and stigma” of coming from a different socioeconomic background. Not being rich can be isolating. Many students see the ideological contradiction. This is a school where Che Guevara posters decorate professors’ doors, where students reflexively qualify their opinions as coming from a place of privilege, where just last spring, Robert Reich gave a lecture on the “time bomb” of widening economic inequality, and tasked students with seizing a “leadership role in reversing these trends.” Which is exactly why students are bothered about the student body exemplifying that inequality. “They go to class and learn about progressive politics, and all of these liberal policies and all of these wonderful ideals,” says Coats, the sophomore. “What does that tell you about what you’re learning, that the college doesn’t even believe the things they’re telling you?”
hitman, like most private colleges, has an ongoing debate: Does it spend its limited financial aid on awarding “merit” — luring the smartest students and increasing the college’s prestige — or on awarding “need,” making high-priced colleges affordable to low-income students? In the early ’90s, Whitman was focused on the latter. Every student who needed financial aid got it, and far more students were receiving Pell Grants. The school suffered because of it. “With the quality of the student body declining, the discount rate rising, budgets cut and
salaries frozen, a shift was necessary for economic and enrollment reasons,” a 2004 report concluded. So in 1992, Whitman radically changed its strategy, “buying” prestige by handing merit scholarships to smart students, even those who didn’t need aid. Today, a third of Whitman’s financial aid recipients are merit scholarship winners who never even applied for financial aid. The issue is not just that poor students can’t afford Whitman. It’s that some students apply to Whitman and are rejected because they’re poor. Most colleges in Washington have “need-blind” admissions policies — coming from a low-income family won’t officially hurt your chances of being admitted. But in 2010, with its still-sizable endowment rocked by the recession, and more students than ever needing aid, Whitman changed course. Most Whitman applicants are still either clearly rejected or accepted on their merits. For those on the bubble, Whitman closely examines the student’s family’s income and assets, weighing them against what the college can afford to provide. Every year, around 50 to 100 Whitman applicants don’t make the cut, in part because their families don’t make much money. After all, if many students Whitman admits can’t pay the price to attend, the college can’t easily predict its enrollment numbers. A lower-than-expected enrollment can devastate a small college’s budget. “The ethical dilemma is, do we admit these [low-income] kids and not give them a great financial aid package?” says Tony Cabasco, Whitman’s dean of admission and financial aid. “Or do we admit a smaller number, but give them all great financial aid packages?” Among elite colleges, this policy isn’t unusual — the University of Puget Sound does it too — but it remains controversial. When Wesleyan University put a similar policy in place in 2012, students angrily stormed a closed board of trustees meeting. Cabasco says the New York Times list has flaws: With so few lower-income students at Whitman, a few outliers can skew the whole data set. The list doesn’t consider international students, who make up 5 percent of Whitman’s student body and are ineligible for Pell Grants. Unlike many schools, Whitman gives them financial aid. Whitman not only enrolls “undocumented” students, it gives two of them scholarships. “One of them is here visiting today,” Cabasco says. The school has an emergency fund to help individual students with unexpected costs — like medical bills or tickets to attend funerals. Half of Whitman’s students walk away without any debt, and of the students who have debt, it’s low. “Of the 1,500 kids we admit, we do a pretty good job with those families,” Cabasco says. “Our students said, ‘Do a good job of taking care of the students you have, first.’”
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WHITESNAKE Thursday, May 28 7:30pm
Sunday, May 17 7:30pm
ollege protest movements burn bright, hot and brief. By October, the outcry over socioeconomic diversity had quieted. But the national attention and student complaints have had an impact. “We have a responsibility to increase access wherever we can,” outgoing Whitman President George Bridges told the Hechinger Report. Even before the New York Times rankings came out, Whitman was exploring whether it needed to increase its aid to low-income students. The college’s latest fundraising campaign intends to raise $50 million in scholarships, many for first-generation students. In the fall, Whitman’s first-year students will get more financial assistance than before, and low-income upperclassmen will receive larger stipends for research and internship opportunities. After all, Cabasco says, some of Whitman’s low-income local students have turned into its most famous alumni. Like the Yakima kid who earned pennies as a child sweeping stores and washing windows so his family could afford to eat, who was able to attend Whitman thanks to a partial scholarship. That kid, William Douglas, went on to become the longest-serving Supreme Court justice in U.S. history. “Whitman has had a tradition over the years of discovering diamonds in the rough, who may come from modest backgrounds,” Cabasco says, “and providing them with this great education.” n danielw@inlander.com
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 15
pokane prides itself on its compassion and philanthropy all year, but especially during Spokane Gives Week. During the inaugural Spokane Gives Week in 2014, more than 7,000 volunteers logged a total of 28,400 hours at 106 events. They cleaned community centers, bagged food for families in need, painted classrooms, planted trees and even repaired a fire escape. Organizers are expecting to double those hours this year. Ultimately, Spokane hopes to gain recognition as the national leader in compassion. A similar week in Louisville in 2013 drew 100,000 volunteers and earned the city national recognition. Mayor David Condon visited Louisville shortly after he took office. “Mayor Condon challenged their mayor that Spokane is the most compassionate city in the country,” says city spokesman Brian Coddington. Spokane Gives Week will span nine days, kicking off Saturday, April 25, and running through Sunday, May 3. The first event is Cleaning From the Core, where 400 volunteers turn out for a day of city beautification to clean things up for festival season. Spokanites will pick up trash along the river and cover up graffiti. If that’s not your speed, other events later in the week surely are. “There is something for everybody,” says Coddington. “An opportunity to connect a passion to a need.” Trees will be planted. There will be events to support people with cancer and autism. Volunteers will be able to run and walk for various causes. Handiwork will be performed. Condon’s office and United Way are hoping
Condon with his daughter during last year’s Spokane Gives Week. these experiences will inspire volunteers to keep at it year-round. “We want to grow compassion to make us the most compassionate city in the U.S.,” says City of Spokane Community and Neighborhood Services Director Jonathan Mallahan. “It’s really about increasing volunteerism, about showing people how easy it is to get involved in volunteering in our community.” Want to get involved? Go to the spokanegives.org website and pick a project! – LAEL HENTERLY
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River Park Square (509) 456-TOYS 16 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
WHO AUDITS THE AUDITOR? Last Wednesday, Washington state auditor Troy Kelley was FEDERALLY INDICTED on 10 counts, including filing false income tax returns, attempting to obstruct a civil lawsuit, making false statements and possessing and concealing stolen property. A lot of this hinges on Kelley’s mortgage title industry businesses. Authorities accuse Kelley of illegally keeping more than $1 million he should have refunded to customers, and then evading the taxes to conceal his actions. On Thursday, Kelley pleaded not guilty and maintained that he would be able to prove his innocence. (DANIEL WALTERS)
HOW NOT TO PICK UP A PROSTITUTE Cody Paine was driving along East Sprague Avenue on his way home to Cheney when he saw her. Dark hair, tan skin. Fit. Beautiful smile. Paine pulled over and told her he wanted a “wiggy” for $40. Marie Rosenthal told him to meet her around the corner where he was placed in handcuffs. Paine was busted for PATRONIZING A PROSTITUTE as part of the Spokane Police Department’s March 18 prostitution reduction special emphasis operation. Paine later pleaded guilty to patronizing a prostitute. The other two men arrested during the emphasis have not been charged. (LAEL HENTERLY)
money, is unfazed by the mayor’s war chest. “Oh, I’ll let him run that big money campaign,” she says. “And I will run a grassroots campaign because that’s what I know how to do.” (JAKE THOMAS)
All in the Family
Spokane looks for an interim police ombudsman; plus, a nepotism scandal HELP WANTED
Spokane might soon have another police ombudsman — if only briefly. Three months after the city’s first ombudsman, Tim Burns, resigned in January, the city announced its search for an INTERIM POLICE OMBUDSMAN, leaving some critics asking the question why it took so long. According to the announcement, which was posted April 8, applications will be accepted through the end of the month, at which time the selection committee will pick three of the most qualified candidates for the Office of Police Ombudsman Commission to choose from. So far, the selection committee has received 21 applications for the permanent job and two to serve as interim. “The goal is to get an interim as soon as possible,” commission chair Rachel Dolezal says. “Having an ombudsman is completely necessary for all the gears to be moving with the largest degree of effectiveness in police oversight.” Responsibilities and qualifications for the interim position are identical to those for the permanent ombudsman, but the interim is not required to relocate to Spokane, as the initial appointment is for a four-month term, according to the city’s municipal code. Ombudsman commissioners can opt to extend the interim’s term another four months if the permanent position still has not been filled. (MITCH RYALS)
Mayor David Condon has drawn his first challenger seeking to unseat him this fall: SHAR LICHTY, an organizer with the Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane. Lichty, who is 48 and has lived in Spokane for nearly a decade, decided to throw her hat in the ring after state Rep. Marcus Riccelli, D-Spokane, decided against it. She faults Condon for being too cozy with business interests and for not bargaining more aggressively with the Spokane Police Guild over police reform. “Spokane deserves a mayor who listens to everyday people,” she says. “I don’t think we’ve had that mayor in the last three mayors.” If elected, she says she’ll bring greater accountability to the police, increase funding for the Fire Department and push for reforms of the criminal justice system. In the past, Lichty has campaigned on behalf of statewide referendums to grant same-sex couples domestic partnerships and later full marriages. Lichty has never held elected office, and she says that Spokane City Council’s progressive wing reflects her values. So far, Lichty’s most prominent endorsement comes from Breean Beggs, a civil rights attorney who ran unsuccessfully for county prosecutor in 2014. As of press time, Condon has raised nearly $244,000 for his re-election campaign. Lichty, who has raised no
The Washington State Executive Ethics Board has found “reasonable cause” to believe three administrators at the Community Colleges of Spokane may have violated state NEPOTISM laws in the process of hiring their children. The sons of Human Resources administrator Greg Stevens, his executive assistant Frances MacDonald-Davis and information systems director Melody Matthews were hired for temporary, part-time $10.30-an-hour jobs to assist in digitizing personnel files. The openings were not advertised. The community colleges’ nepotism policy, the ethics board outlines, forbids parents from serving in a direct supervisory role with their children, a stipulation HR administrators attempted to get around by promoting an office assistant to serve as a legal buffer. But the ethics board suggested the roles the three administrators played in hiring their children still violated policies. In his written response to the ethics board, Stevens explained that by hiring their children, they could better protect the sensitive, private information contained in the personnel files. “Essentially, HR managers would have a means to ‘enforce’ confidentiality even after these workers’ seasonal employment ended,” he wrote. Chancellor Christine Johnson says that she knew about the hiring decision and urged them to make sure they were following the colleges’ nepotism policy. “These are very ethical employees whose lives are spent protecting confidential information,” Johnson says. “They know more things about every employee than I do.” Each violation could result in a $5,000 fine. The employees have filed an appeal. (DANIEL WALTERS)
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G R E E N S T O N E H O M E S . C O M
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 17
Count me in! Join your neighbors for Spokane Gives Week, April 25-May 3. It’s a time to celebrate and encourage volunteerism and other acts of service.
Make a difference! Find out how at
For more information, please contact spokanegives@spokanecity.org
Sean downs his daily dose of methadone at the Spokane Regional Health District. SARAH WURTZ PHOTO
Supply And Demand Spokane’s methadone clinic expands as heroin addiction rises BY LAEL HENTERLY
acy Worline had been experimenting with drugs since she was 12 when an operation on her gall bladder led to a prescription for Dilaudid, a high-strength opioid pain medication. The small white pills looked harmless, but she quickly started dissolving them in water and shooting up. When the Dilaudid ran out and the sickness set in, she transitioned to heroin. Soon she was selling herself on East Sprague Avenue to finance the habit. She quit using heroin seven years ago when a spot opened up at the Spokane Regional Health District’s Opioid Treatment Program. “I would be dead in a ditch with a needle in my arm if it wasn’t for this place,” says Worline, a 31-year-old, stay-at-home mom. Opioids, including Vicodin, opium, Oxycodone and methadone, all bind to the same receptors in the brain. Over time, those receptors grow to the point where the brain and the body need the drugs to feel normal. “We all say we’re trying to fill a hole,” says Worline. She is one of 600 patients currently being treated for opioid addiction at the Spokane clinic. There are 220 more on the waitlist, and the clinic is now making room for 100 more patients to meet some of the demand. “You’re talking a 90 percent relapse rate
18 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
within six months,” says Matthew Layton, OTP’s medical director. “For a lot of people, it’s lifelong treatment.” That means the clinic isn’t constantly cycling through all its patients: some slots are occupied permanently. Those that aren’t are full long-term. “It’s a chronic disease, and with that comes chronic treatment,” says the health district’s Treatment Services Administrator Julie Albright. “We have individuals who have been on the program for 24 years.”
he high rate of relapse makes methadone a safer treatment option for heroin addiction than quitting cold turkey, where a relapse often results in death. The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics reported in March that nationwide, heroin-related deaths shot up 39.3 percent between 2012 and 2013. From 2008 through 2010, there were 142 fatal overdoses in Spokane County, the second highest rate in the state. “More people are seeking treatment for opioid use and heroin than ever before, and the legal evidence that police are finding is more heroin, heroin, heroin and less Oxys, Oxys, Oxys,” says Layton. He just returned from the American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence conference, where White House
drug czar Michael Botticelli and the CDC declared a national heroin epidemic. “We have an epidemic of opioid use, abuse and overdoses across the state, based on the increased rates and the level we are at overall,” says Caleb Banta-Green, a research scientist at the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute of the University of Washington, by email. A national study completed last year, led by researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine, found that opiate addiction has switched from a poor urban problem to a white suburban one, with 75 percent of users reporting that their addiction
“More people are seeking treatment for opioid use and heroin than ever before.” started with prescription opiates. As states and doctors became aware of the potential for abuse and started prescribing fewer opiate pain medications, users switched to alternatives like heroin. To deal with the epidemic, more space is needed in methadone clinics. Here in Spokane, that space will arrive by September. The clinic is self-sustaining and the money to operate it comes from the patients. Total operating costs are a little over $3 million per year, according to Albright. Six mornings a week, the clinic’s patients fill the atrium of the Public Health building. There are families, young people and men in professional attire. Everyone sits patiently, waiting for their turn to enter the dispensary. Inside, a nurse watches as they drink their carefully measured dose of the cherry-flavored pink syrup. At first, patients come to the clinic six days a week. Later it’s three days a week, and eventually it decreases to once every two weeks. The increased number of addicts seeking treatment after signing up for insurance under the Affordable Care Act is helping to enable the expansion.
ryan Larsen’s addiction began when he crashed his blackand-gold custom Kawasaki 750 Spectre in the early 1990s. A doctor prescribed him pills to deal with the pain. Eventually, the broken bones healed and the pain pills ran out. “I just had this not-right feeling,” Larsen says. He transitioned to heroin and eventually sought treatment in 1996. He has been battling opiate addiction ever since. At his lowest point, he pawned his mother’s rings. Then one day he walked into nurse practitioner Susan Small’s Rosalia office and left with monthly prescriptions for 300 tablets of Methadone, 278 30-milligram tablets of Oxycontin, and 178 .25-milligram tablets of Klonopin. He wasn’t alone. In 2012, 54 percent of Small’s 153 patients were prescribed at least one Schedule II drug, compared to a 10 percent average for all prescribers in the state. After three patients overdosed and died, Small’s dubious prescription practices came to light and her license was revoked in February 2014. Larsen’s addiction remained. “It’s crucial that we focus on education and stigmatization,” says Layton. “Doctors are playing a major role here; a huge portion of patients started on legitimate pain medications and were not told about the downside.” Jason, a baby-faced 35-year-old who spoke on the condition his last name be withheld, entered the program eight years ago. Since then he has finished school, become a certified public accountant, married, had a child and found a job as an internal auditor. His parents were skeptical about methadone at first, but grudgingly came to accept that the treatment seemed to be working. He’s been tapering his dose and hopes to get off methadone in the next few months. “I think that this just provides the platform for people to work at their life,” says Jason, “and get some distance from their environment where they’re using and the friends they’re using with.” laelh@inlander.com
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Worley, Idaho | 1 855 232-2772 | CDACASINO.COM APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 19
Elected officials in Idaho won’t mellow the state’s pot laws. Can an initiative change that? SPRING BAZAAR
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20 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
t was a cold, blustery day in Coeur d’Alene when Orenda Peterson headed out to a food truck rally, carrying a small stack of papers that she and others hope will bring a new approach to marijuana in Idaho. The gloves Peterson was wearing made it tricky to handle the signature sheets, and after standing in the chilly wind for about a half-hour, she had 10 signatures for an initiative petition to loosen the state’s stringent pot laws. It was a small step toward her personal goal of getting a thousand signatures, and the 10,000 signatures she and volunteers are aiming for in Kootenai County. Statewide, supporters of the initiative face similarly high bars. Earlier this month, the Idaho Secretary of State’s Office approved an initiative petition sponsored by New Approach Idaho, a network of pro-pot activists. If supporters collect enough signatures to get it on the ballot and convince voters it’s a good idea, it would decriminalize possession of pot in Idaho and sanction its use for medical purposes. The clearest path to changing the Gem State’s pot laws goes through the initiative process, with state elected officials making it clear that change wouldn’t come from them. Last week, Gov. Butch Otter vetoed a carefully crafted bill that would have allowed parents of children experiencing severe seizures to use cannabidiol oil (CBD), a marijuana byproduct that contains virtually no THC, the plant’s psychoactive substance, and has shown some promise in treating epilepsy. There are signs of public support for medical pot in Idaho, and other conservative states have shown a willingness to loosen their laws surrounding the drug. But while the initiative process may be the clearest path for changing the Gem State’s pot laws, it’s still a path full of institutional, financial and cultural barriers.
daho and Wyoming are the only two Western states (Utah allows for medical use of CBD oil) that don’t allow any medical use of the plant. In Idaho, those caught with up to three ounces of marijuana can face up to a year in jail, a $1,000 fine and a misdemeanor record. For more than three ounces, it’s a felony conviction that can carry a five-year jail sentence and a $10,000 fine. Bill Esbensen, spokesman for New Approach Idaho, is seeking to change that. The group’s initiative would legalize medical marijuana and bump possession down to an infraction, meaning those caught would likely just get a ticket. In the past, activists have tried to legalize marijuana and saw their efforts go up in smoke. In 2014, Compassionate Idaho, a group seeking to legalize medical pot in the state, had so few signatures that they didn’t even turn in their sheets for verification. Esbensen says New Approach Idaho (which borrows its name from the campaigns that legalized pot in Oregon and Washington) is different. “This isn’t a bunch of hippies you are dealing with,” says Esbensen.
New Approach Idaho, he says, is more organized, is raising money and has 280 volunteers who will seek 47,623 valid signatures, including a minimum of 6 percent of voters in at least 18 of the state’s legislative districts, by April 2016. If they’re successful, the measure will appear on the November 2016 ballot. Although a poll released earlier this year by Idaho Politics Weekly found that a majority of Idahoans oppose legalizing pot outright, polls from 2010 and 2011 show majorities supporting medical pot. But despite apparent public support, New Approach Idaho is facing an uphill battle. According to Gary Moncrief, a professor of political science at Boise State University, the threshold to qualify initiatives is higher than in states such as Oregon. Since 2000, a total of five initiatives have appeared on the Idaho ballot. In 2013, according to Moncrief, the legislature raised the bar even higher by requiring valid signatures from 6 percent of the voting population in 18 of the state’s 35 legislative districts, meaning that New Approach Idaho will have to convince voters in more conservative rural areas to sign on. Campaigns to legalize marijuana in states like Oregon and Alaska were heavily funded by out-of-state groups, such as the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project. Morgan Fox, the project’s communications manager, wouldn’t comment on the viability of the Idaho initiative, but did say it wouldn’t be included in the states his organization will be focusing on in 2016. “We just have limited resources and can only focus in so many places,” says Fox. Esbensen isn’t worried about money. He estimates it’ll cost half a million dollars to qualify the initiative for the ballot and another half-million to pass it, which he says will make it the cheapest marijuana initiative to ever be passed. He also says he’s had meetings with out-of-state groups interested in paying for something that’s been key to getting pot-related initiatives passed elsewhere: paid signature gatherers.
eeply held opposition to pot among segments of Idaho’s population, particularly law enforcement, has hampered past legalization efforts. Esbensen says that during the previous medical marijuana legalization campaign, supporters had Child Protective Services called on them and experienced harassment from police. Undeterred, New Approach Idaho held its kickoff in Moscow on April 18, two days before 4/20. On that one day, says Esbensen, the campaign collected about 1,000 signatures from people in 16 different countries and raised $1,500. With a year left to collect signatures, Esbensen is optimistic they’ll pull it off. “Idaho is a key location,” he says. “Because the states around us have medical marijuana, you can go from being a patient to being a felon if you cross state lines.” n jaket@inlander.com
Elwha Dam Glines Canyon Dam Condit Dam Ice Harbor Dam Lower Monumental Dam Little Goose Dam Lower Granite Dam Don’t Hold Back: Ask Senators Cantwell and Murray to help remove four deadbeat dams on the lower Snake River. Let’s envision a future that works for farmers, fishermen, tribes, salmon, orcas, you and the natural world. One that creates thousands of local jobs, restores recreational opportunities, saves taxpayers money, and invests in cleaner energy alternatives.
Salmon River, enabling salmon and steelhead to reach historic habitat for the first time in 100 years and resulting in celebrations that echoed around the world. Now it’s time to do the same on the lower Snake River, bringing our nation’s greatest salmon river back to life.
Four deadbeat dams on the lower Snake River stand squarely in the way of that future, their costs far outweighing the small amount of electricity they generate and transportation they provide. Lower-impact alternatives do exist and in the long run, they’re a helluva lot cheaper.
More than 70,000 people from all over the world recently signed a petition asking President Obama to remove the dams. But the feds want to see support from the leadership of Washington state. A phone call from you to Senators Cantwell and Murray is the most powerful way to get that support.
Tell your senators, “Don’t hold back on jobs, salmon, recreation, savings and clean energy. Let’s take down the dams on the lower Snake River.” Senator Maria Cantwell 206-220-6400 Senator Patty Murray 206-553-5545 Learn more at damnationfilm.com
We completed the three largest dam removals in history on Washington’s Elwha River and White
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APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 21
Gavin Tenold, the owner and general contractor of Pura Vida High Performance Builders, stands outside of a passive house he completed in Elk, north of Spokane. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
22 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
PACIFYING THE FUTURE A local homebuilder has embraced a design strategy that could be the future of buildings BY JAKE THOMAS
hen you walk into this house, you are definitely going to notice the walls,” says Gavin Tenold, walking up the driveway to a house located north of Spokane that’s being built by his company, Pura Vida High Performance Builders. He opens the door, revealing an interior that’s not too different from any other house under construction, with exposed timber, workers scurrying about, the smell of paint in the air and a radio blaring in the background. Then he points to a few seemingly small aspects of the house that are indeed noticeable, such as the 18-inch-thick walls packed with insulation and the triple-paned windows, nearly all of which are situated on the building’s south side to soak up sun. When it’s finished, it’ll be so energy efficient that it will require no furnace, and its owners will be able to heat it during the winter with a household appliance as small as a hair dryer. “That is not hyperbole,” Tenold says emphatically. “That is not.” Tenold is so certain of the energy efficiency of “passive building” technology (not to be confused with passive solar) because German architects have been using it for decades. Already mainstream in Europe, it’s based on the simple idea that superinsulated, airtight buildings that are designed to take advantage of surrounding sunlight and shade will have far smaller heating and cooling costs than conventional homes. In the U.S., passive building is gradually taking hold, its proponents hailing the technique as a way to not only slash heating and cooling costs by 60 to 80 percent compared to conventional buildings, but also address a significant source of carbon emissions. The movement has gained a foothold in the Inland Northwest.
orn and raised in Spokane, Tenold, 37, left to earn an English degree from Linfield College in Oregon. He returned after graduating and found work as a carpenter. After working on too many projects that he says were wasteful, Tenold started Pura Vida High Performance Builders in 2008 and focused on building the most energy-efficient homes possible. He still found himself unsatisfied. “I wanted my company to be producing products that were as conservative as possible with their overall energy use, and I was disappointed with some of the techniques and technology I was using,” says Tenold. When he read about passive technology in Fine Homebuilding in 2011, he concluded that it surpassed all other green building methods. The next year he underwent training from the Passive House Institute US (PHIUS), receiving certification to work on passive buildings. He completed his first passive home for a couple in Elk last year that costs $20 a month to heat during the coldest months. He is building a second nearby and plans to start work on two more later this year. Passive design strategies are meant to capture energy already present, such as sunlight, instead of
using active strategies, such as a furnace. A building can incorporate some passive elements, but Tenold’s houses are built to meet specific standards set by PHIUS that are centered around airtightness, superinsulation, efficient mechanical systems, proper position of windows to maximize solar gains and efficient hot water systems. In order for its inhabitants to continuing breathing in an airtight environment, the building includes a ventilation system that produces hospital-quality air, says Tenold. In the summer shades can be extended over windows, cooling the house. All of it is built with fiberglass insulation, plywood and other conventional materials, says Tenold. If a house meets all of PHIUS’ requirements, a house-shaped icon indicating it’s a certified passive house will hang from its wall. Tenold wouldn’t reveal how much the houses cost, but he says that they’re not that much more expensive, especially for larger projects. “In a passive house, I’m installing a ventilation system,” he says. “But I’m not installing a furnace, and you can take that cost savings and nearly achieve cost parity.”
ther green building certifications, such as LEED, only offer to reduce building energy costs by around 15 percent, which is why for architects such as Sam Rodell, who designed Tenold’s homes, it’s an absolute no-brainer to use passive design. Rodell says the need for this type of thinking makes even more sense, given numbers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency showing that residential and commercial buildings account for 34 percent of greenhouse gas emissions associated with electrical use. Joel White, executive officer for the Spokane Homebuilders Association, says he’s taking a waitand-see approach to passive construction. He says that Washington state already has one of the most stringent energy codes in the country, and problems with passive design (potentially air quality) could emerge. Todd Beyreuther, a research professor at Washington State University’s Institute for Sustainable Design, says passive building is the future, but he’s not convinced it’ll be ushered in under PHIUS’ banner. Instead, he says, builders will incorporate passive design elements without necessarily having their buildings certified by PHIUS. Mike Knezovich, PHIUS’ director of communications, says 135 buildings in the U.S. have been certified by the institute, ranging from single-family homes to large multi-family apartment complexes. Last month, PHIUS revised a standard that’ll make it more appealing to builders in the U.S. The original standard was developed in Germany for German climates. The new PHIUS standard takes into account the diversity of climates in the U.S., making it adoptable in a place like Florida. “They’re not novelties anymore,” he says. jaket@inlander.com
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 23
Demand Energy CEO Gregg Patterson shows off their “Joule.System,” which helps manage energy storage systems, making solar and wind power more viable. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
SURGE PROTECTORS Solar and wind power need batteries to be reliable; Demand Energy’s software makes those batteries more efficient BY DANIEL WALTERS
he sun has never been more powerful. The glut of overbuilt Chinese solar panel factories, state and federal subsidies and innovative financing schemes mean the solar panel industry has absolutely exploded. Solar power is cheaper and sleeker than ever, opening whole new environmental possibilities. “Microgrids” of solar power on islands could replace costly, carbon-belching diesel generators. But solar power still has some weaknesses, like, say, clouds. “A cloud goes over, all of a sudden the solar goes away,” says Erick Petersen, spokesman for Demand Energy, a growing startup in Liberty Lake. “You have this intermittent resource that’s very hard to predict.” That’s where battery power comes in. When the sun’s beaming down, a solar panel sends excess electricity to an energy storage battery. So when the sun sets, or ducks behind a cloud, the battery takes over, smoothing out the dips and spikes that make solar power unreliable. Same with wind farms. In many areas of the country, the wind blows the hardest between 10 pm and 4 am — not exactly the time when people are using the most power. Energy storage systems make them far more practical. Engineers and chemists have been scrambling to design better and better batteries, solar panels and wind farms. Demand Energy isn’t focusing on the hardware. It’s all about the software.
24 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
“We’re putting a virtual power plant into the basement of a building,” Petersen says. This technology, installed in commercial and industrial companies, can track those spikes and dips. It can calculate the seasons and times of the day when power is in lowest demand, charge up the battery and save it for the high-demand times.
oug Staker, former international business chairman with smart-meter creator Itron, helped launch the company six years ago. “We’re pioneers in helping to create the energy grid of the future,” he says. Being a pioneer comes with a lot of risks. In October of 2013, the company ran out of money, went into receivership and had to reboot entirely. It recently paid off its debts, found new investors and is now heading into a more favorable market. Last year, Morgan Stanley came out with a report predicting what’s become known as the “utility death spiral.” Companies and factories will begin adding their own tiny power stations, using solar power and other forms of renewable energy, and be able to survive largely off the grid. Ultimately, power will be far cheaper and more efficient — with no big loss from electricity traveling across hundreds of miles of power lines — while big, traditional utility plants would become increasingly obsolete.
Companies like Demand Energy are already reaping the results from the shifting industry. “The market in a year has changed and grown more than it has in the previous six,” Petersen says.
he demand for innovation is especially stark in dense, power-hungry markets like New York, where Demand Energy has focused much of its efforts. After all, other than just a fee charged on their power consumption, businesses face heavy additional charges based on how fast the company burns through power. A company that crams all of its power usage into one hour is charged considerably more than one that’s able to spread its power usage throughout the day. The spikes are bad for the environment, too: To meet demand during peak hours, power plant facilities have to flip on an extra power plant. “Basically a jet engine connected to a generator,” Staker says. “It’s almost double the amount of energy you’ve got to use to create the same unit of electricity.” Solve the peaks-and-valleys problem, like Demand Energy is trying to do, and solve that problem as well. Its software can adapt, tracking the rise and fall of power usage over time, using historical data to increase the system’s efficiency even further. It also keeps tabs on battery temperature — crucial to avoid damaging it. “You’ve heard the words ‘big data’ and ‘analytics’?” Petersen says. “That’s the heart of what we’re doing.” Ideally, the environmental impact goes beyond just wind or solar. A company in New York may have a garage where a fleet of electric vehicles get plugged in, all recharging at roughly the same time. Demand Energy’s software, Staker says, can help them save money, making the electric vehicle fleet more practical. “We’re looking at new adopters, not just early adopters,” Staker says. “We have really been evangelists for the market.” n
GOING GREEN | MANUFACTURING of a manufacturing guy,” says Simpson, whose success has been in the intangible product sphere. “We thought: What if we combine these things we’ve been doing independently and put together an incubator for companies that are producing a tangible product?” Barrett and Simpson vet companies for development, then provide the tools, space and support to bring their favorite ideas into the real world. Both men are intense and exude a contagious energy. Their space provides an opportunity
Toolbox co-founders Andy Barrett and Tom Simpson inside a super-compact Omega Hot House System. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
INNOVATION STATION Toolbox is a space for innovative products to grow BY LAEL HENTERLY
ver wished you could just leave your Christmas lights up yearround? Or grow vegetables on your apartment balcony in the winter? Thanks to a group of Spokane innovators at the Toolbox, you soon will be able to. The Holiday Lights project is the brainchild of a group of Gonzaga University and Whitworth University students. The lights use less electricity than traditional holiday lights, are so low profile they can remain up all year and — best of all — can be programmed to twinkle in any color combination. It’s the sort of idea you have and share with your friends. Usually, that’s where it ends. Most of us lack the tools, knowledge and resources to bring innovative products out
of our minds and into reality. The Toolbox bridges that gap, offering the expertise and infrastructure to help crazy ideas become tangible products. It’s a manufacturing accelerator and an incubator for ideas for sustainable future living. When you walk into the 7,500-square-foot industrial building nestled along East Spokane Falls Boulevard in the University District, it’s hard to tell what’s going on. It’s hard to even know where to look. The high-ceilinged, loft-like space is a veritable wonderland of curious objects. Tomatoes and cucumbers wind up ropes to the ceiling. Fancy louvered shades reflect sunlight into the space. Huge tables made from cross-laminated timber panels that could
soon revolutionize the high-rise building market in our state jut across the room. From a back corner, a maze of blinking lights and circuit boards and wires beckons. Upstairs, people lean over mysterious projects, completely engrossed. The Toolbox is strategically positioned amid the makers and learners and doers who occupy Spokane’s McKinstry Innovation Center. Founded by Berg Manufacturing Company Chairman Andy Barrett and venture capitalist Tom Simpson, the space opened in February and currently hosts a variety of sustainable products that will soon hit the market. “Andy and I have been friends for a number of years. He’s always been kind
for innovators working on different projects to find out how their products work together. Right now they’re experimenting with a smart daylighting system that combines Vestis’ Architectural Sunshade Systems with Spokane lighting manufacturer Ecolite’s smart LED lighting panels. The louvered sunshades bounce sunlight indoors; the Ecolite panels dim or brighten, based on the amount of sunlight entering the room. Outside of this environment, manufacturers would be testing these separate products on their individual merits, but at Toolbox they can see how they’ll work in a house or an office. The Omega Hot House System Greenhouse already is a success. The McKinstry Innovation Center has one overflowing with basil and peppers on its back porch. One of the small A-frame structures sits outside Central Food in Kendall Yards. A vertical, year-round gardening system involving ropes and pulleys is further out but showing promise. “We hope to take the ideas Andy or others that we know have and develop prototypes for them, test them out, find financing and turn them into businesses,” says Simpson. Those businesses will create jobs and promote economic development in Spokane County while paving the way to a sustainable future. n laelh@inlander.com
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 25
Some sidewalks and parking lots in downtown Sandpoint will be covered by solar panels by the end of 2015. In the future, the goal is to cover roads themselves as envisioned above. SAM CORNETT ILLUSTRATION
A Sandpoint couple wants to change the world, one solar panel at a time BY MITCH RYALS
cross the street from a quaint little bakery and espresso café, nestled in the foothills of the Selkirk Mountains, stands an inconspicuous building where a Sandpoint couple is trying to free the world of its dependence on fossil fuels. You might have heard the story of Scott and Julie Brusaw. They’re the founders of Solar Roadways, the company developing solar panels that they hope might one day replace asphalt on every driving, walking, riding and parking surface on planet Earth. The couple is currently preparing to assemble the third prototype for the hexagonal solar panels, using the more than $2 million in contributions from their original Indiegogo campaign that ended last year. The idea was so
26 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
successful, Indiegogo relaunched a subsequent InDemand campaign, and the donations keep rolling in. So far, there have been almost 50,000 funders in 165 countries. By the end of 2015, Scott says the panels will replace the parking lot of a Conoco station down the street from their office, in addition to building the surface of an Amtrak station plaza and paving a few sidewalks in downtown Sandpoint. The Sandpoint Airport wants to replace 25 acres of its tarmac with the panels as well, he says, but he thinks they’ll start small. “We’re hoping to get installations done this year,” he says. “Then we’ll watch those for one full year and see how they hold up.” If all goes according to plan, he expects the panels
to be ready for market by 2016. Even then, he says, the panels will only appear in “non-critical applications” like sidewalks, bike paths and parking lots — as opposed to roads and highways — in case something goes wrong, they won’t stop traffic. “We still don’t have enough information about how durable the product is over time or in cold weather,” says Doug Hecox, a spokesman for the Federal Highway Administration, the agency that gave the Brusaws more than $900,000 in grant money to fund the first two phases of their research and designing. “We’re going to be paying attention to the Sandpoint project, and there are still a variety of issues to work out.
SPRUCE-UP Solar Roadways co-founders Julie and Scott Brusaw.
Regarding issues such as cost — Is it cheaper than asphalt? How does the tempered glass hold up over time and in wet conditions? — Hecox couldn’t speculate on a timeline for when we might see solar panels replacing asphalt on roads and highways, but he did say it’s not in the “foreseeable future.” The green-and-purple solar panels from phase two of the Brusaws’ research are hermetically sealed in tempered glass that, according to Scott Brusaw, have been tested to withstand 250,000 pounds of pressure, and are able to stop a truck traveling at 80 mph in the amount of time required by the Federal Highway Administration. However, Hecox says, the FHWA is still in the process of reviewing the results of those strength and traction tests. Each phase-two panel has 128 LED lights; phase-three panels will have 52. The lights would be used instead of paint to mark lines on the road, and could even be used to display messages such as SLOW DOWN if sensors detect an person or animal on the roadway ahead. The panels also have a heating mechanism, which would keep snow off the roads, and, of course solar panels that generate electricity. It’s the phase two panels that make up the parking lot outside Scott’s electronics lab, next to his secluded Idaho home. The solar cells produce DC energy, which is then converted to 240 volts of AC energy and stored on a virtual grid. “Northern Lights [electric company] came out and put in a net meter, so during the day the meter spins backwards, and I’m selling power back to the power plant,” he says. “Then of course at night when the sun’s not shining, I draw it back off.” People from all over the world have parked in the Brusaws’ driveway to see the parking lot and chat about solar power — so many, in fact, that they had to install a gate. The story of Solar Roadways has been told from coast to coast and worldwide from New Zealand and Africa to China, India and Australia. Yet in almost every picture, Scott is wearing a T-shirt and khaki cargo pants (on a recent weekday in mid-April, he’s donning an Oregon Zoo T-shirt and a pair of Sketchers). “It’s not going to change us,” he says. “I could use some more T-shirts, but it’s not going to change us.” mitchr@inlander.com
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APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 27
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The Art of Science How a Moscow couple plans to save the world BY MIKE BOOKEY
ion Klos is a hydrologist wrapping up a Ph.D. at the University of Idaho. Lucy Holtsnider is a visual artist with a thick portfolio of multimedia creations. Somehow these two are going to work together to help save the world. It’s ambitious, sure, but first, they’re going to get married to each other. The couple, who’ve lived in Moscow for the past three years, are heading out on the ocean for a project they’re calling Climate Odyssey. The plan is to travel from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Coast and then down to the Caribbean, researching and documenting the effects of climate change and investigating how different communities are dealing with our changing planet. They’ll also visit schools and provide other educational seminars along the way. “It’s a surprising collaboration. We definitely realize that,” says Holtsnider, 26, who made a splash in Moscow with her commissioned illuminated sculpture series called Moscow Light Houses. Klos, whose doctoral work has focused on hydrology and climate change as well as aspects of social sciences, has spent much of his time at the University of Idaho holding workshops in areas throughout the Inland Northwest and northern Rockies, educating residents about climate change. There’s no shortage of research on the subject, but to get the point across, they need someone like Holtsnider, who can turn that empirical evidence into photographs, illustrations and ultimately a map-like book that will document their experiences on the trip. “Through art, there’s a better emotional response and engagement, and we’re actually going to share the science more effectively. What I’ve done before is just throw out the graphs and figures and see how people respond,” says Klos, 27. “And that doesn’t work for everyone.”
hen Klos was in middle school, his parents sold their dairy farm in Wisconsin and did something the rest of the extended family thought was a little crazy — they sailed the world. OK, maybe not the world, but Klos, his parents and his sister boarded the family’s simple wooden vessel and headed down the Mississippi and into the Gulf of Mexico and then on to the Caribbean. They didn’t head back north until a year and a half later, the sailboat serving as their classroom all the while. ...continued on next page
The art of Lucy Holtsnider, which is to accompany the scientific reasearch of her soon-to-be husband, Zion Kols.
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 31
How to use THIS
Pull down then out
NOT a telescope.
NOT a phone.
NOT a tent. A mockup of the proposed Climate Odyssey book (above and bottom left) by Zion Kols and Lucy Holtsnider (bottom right).
“THE ART OF SCIENCE,” CONTINUED... “We learned algebra by learning to navigate with a map and a compass and we studied languages by going to Spanish-speaking countries,” Klos says of the adventure that also introduced him to natural science and started him on a 15-year journey of education. His parents soon started new careers, and Klos headed off to Colorado College (where he met Holtsnider), then around the world with his research. The boat has been sitting next to his parents’ barn all this time, but this summer Klos and Holtsnider will put the it back in the water and, like his parents before him, do something a little crazy. Funded by grants and an ongoing Indiegogo campaign (search “Climate Odyssey”), the couple plans to rehab the vessel and get it in sailing shape by early summer, at which point they’ll head off for a year. Klos, who will teach his new wife the literal ropes of sailing along the way, says they won’t venture more than a day from shore, which is where most of their work will be done, anyway. Some coastal communities have already adapted to changes in their climate, but others, even in the U.S., aren’t as prepared, Klos says, due to a lack of resources (which is the case in impoverished Caribbean areas) and also a lack of awareness or even apathy concerning the issue. “We’ll be going into schools and holding forums with nonprofits to share this climate info on a local scale,” says Klos.
los spends most of his time talking to people in our region about climate change. For example, he was recently in Lewiston, Idaho, addressing a group of logging contractors. When he uttered the words “climate change” he saw the already tough expressions of his audience further roughen. But as he talked
32 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
about the everyday evidence these guys had seen in the forest over the past couple of decades, they warmed up. “They came up and said that they don’t like climate change and don’t like the politics, but they see the changes happening,” says Klos, who has also studied the psychology surrounding our understanding of climate sciences. The politicization of climate change has made it a tough subject to communicate, especially in a time when our elected officials are bringing snowballs to the floor of the U.S. Senate as alleged proof that the world is not warming, and at least two states, Florida and Wisconsin, have made it illegal for their agencies to even use the term “climate change.” That’s where Holtsnider can help. “We’re hoping to have somebody who doesn’t like science see this piece of art or photographs and connect to that, and then go to out and learn more for themselves,” she says. The couple knows they aren’t going to stop climate change with merely a year at sea. But they hope that Climate Odyssey continues on long after that, with visits back to the Caribbean, where they ultimately plan to donate the boat to a local nonprofit which can put it to good use. Their efforts might be a drop in the bucket — or ocean — when it comes to preserving the planet, but they’ll at least know they tried. “What we decide in the next decade decides where we go by the end of the century,” says Klos. “There’s fear and optimism; when I’m old and things are falling apart, at least I’ll know I did my best. If the world ends up being better, at least we were part of the grand scheme to fix the issue. I’d be upset with myself if I didn’t advance my science and help the public understand the issue.” n mikeb@inlander.com
YES! A handy guide for all the Summer Camps in the area!
Now you know how!
Youth Summer Day Camps A R T
Camps Start June 22nd Register now at spokaneparks.org or call 625.6200 34 INLANDER SUMMER CAMPS 2015
Endless Possibilities
very child deserves the chance to experience the excitement of summer camp. Fortunately, there are options in our region for every interest, budget and age. This guide contains as many camps as the Inlander could gather — more than 500 opportunities for the region’s kids. For parents who worry that the cost of sending their children to their dream camp is prohibitive, don’t stress. As I curated the following listings, I discovered the opportunities to attend summer camp are more accessible than many may have thought. Many programs offer scholarships (but don’t wait to apply), like the Coeur d’Alene Arts Commission’s Summer Arts for Youth program, and Selkirk Outdoor Leadership and Education’s (SOLE) numerous nature-themed camp sessions. The Salvation Army’s Camp Gifford is specially focused on serving local, low-income children. There are even free camps. The Spokane County Library District offers a huge list of free day camps all summer at its many branches, and Gonzaga University again hosts a free Chinese language camp for the most ambitious learners. Children with special needs are not excluded from summer camps’ special rite of passage. In addition, numerous camps under $200 are in reach of even more families. Finances can be the biggest limitation for families with children when summer arrives. What this guide proves is that they don’t have to be, and the possibilities are endless when it comes to making summer camp memories that last.
Youth & Family Camps, Adult Retreats Camp Cross on Lake Coeur d’Alene
Register now @ www.campcross.org 509-624-3191
RESIDENT CAMP FOUR ECHOES: 24 HOUR EXPERIENCE A quick camp session for Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors. May 29-31. $25-$50/person. gsewni.org 800-827-9478 MOM/DAD & ME Young campers (grades K-2) and a parent can experience sleep-away camp activities like boating, crafts, hiking, swimming and more in a faith-based setting. June 19-20. $135$195. campspalding.org 731-4244 CAMP SPALDING LEADERSHIP CAMP A faith-based leadership program for campers interested in becoming camp counselors or helping out at later summer sessions. Grades 10-12. June 2024. $300, application process required.
campspalding.org 731-4244 CAMP FOUR ECHOES: FAMILY CAMP Bring a camp stove and enough food for your family to kick off the summer and participate in hiking, campfire activities and more. May 22-25. $60/ cabin of six. gsewni.org 800-827-9478 TWINLOW MADD CAMP Music, arts, dance and drama camp in a faithbased setting. Grades 9-12. June 22-27. $350-$400. twinlowcamp.org CAMP LADY OF THE LAKE An arts camp on Lake Coeur d’Alene offering dancing, music, storytelling and singing workshops alongside traditional sleepaway camp activities. Ages 12-17. June 21-27. Family camp week: Aug. 16-22 ($150-$620/person). $525-$600. ladyofthelake.org 406-581-8178 NATURAL RESOURCES CAMP
WHIT WORTH UNIVERSIT Y NORTH IDAHO COLLEGE HUB SPORTS CENTER THE WAREHOUSE Serving the Spokane area since 1971 Camps for boys & girls 6-19 years old
Young campers learn about the natural resources of Idaho, including fish, wildlife, forests and water. Ages 12-14. June 22-27. At the Central Idaho 4-H camp in Ketchum, Idaho. $235-$255, scholarships available. extension.uidaho.edu/nrc 208-736-3629 MIVODEN ADVENTURE CAMP Young campers experience activities from water skiing to arts and crafts in a faith-based setting. Ages 8-10. June 2128. $310. mivoden.com 242-0506 MIVODEN CHALLENGE CAMP A faith-based camp featuring a high and low challenge course, with field trips and more. Ages 12-15. June 21-28. $330. mivoden.com 242-0506 TWINLOW FAMILY CAMPS Families of all sizes are invited to camp for a semi-structured program of activities and options for day trips. July 1-3 and July 3-5. $50/person. twinlowcamp.org
“As a former camper and coach at NBC Camps, I can’t think of a situation that is more beneficial for a basketball player than NBC Camps.” Ryan Carr, NBA Scout WWW.NBCCAMPS.COM
800.406.3926 SUMMER CAMPS 2015 INLANDER 35
RESIDENT ROSS POINT BAPTIST CAMP A faith-based camp on the Spokane River offering traditional camp activities, worship, bible studies, games, singing, prayer and more. Grades K-12. Sessions offered June 19-20 (children under grade 2) June 21-26 (grades 6-9), June 29-July 4 (grades 9-12), July 5-8 (grades 2-4), July 5-10 (grades 4-6), and a family camp, July 26-Aug. 1. $180-$261, scholarships available. rosspoint.org 208-7731655 MIVODEN TEEN CAMPFaith-based camp for teens, offering traditional camp activities and more. Ages 13-17. June 28July 5. $310. mivoden.com N-SID-SEN KIDS CAMP A faithbased camp on the shores of Lake Coeur d’Alene, offering exploration, activities and worship. Grades 2-4. July 5-8. $188$238. n-sid-sen.org 208-689-3489 MIVODEN JUNIOR CAMP A “tween” camp offering activities such as horsemanship, watersports, outdoor exploration and more, in a faith-based setting. July 5-12 (ages 11-13) and July 12-19 (ages 10-12). $310. mivoden.com RIVERVIEW SPORTS CAMP Athletes of all types converge at Riverview for a week of sports camps in volleyball, soccer, football, wrestling, break dancing, parkour
and martial arts. The camp also offers traditional camp activities like zip lining, archery, paintball, water activities and more. July 6-10. Rates vary. riverviewsportscamp.com N-SID-SEN INTERMEDIATE CAMP A faith-based resident camp on Lake Coeur d’Alene offering traditional camp activities such as crafts, songs, water activities and more. Grades 5-6. July 5-11. $340-$440. n-sid-sen.org PEAK 7 FATHER-SON RAFTING TRIP A multi-day, father-son trip on the Grande Ronde River, with all equipment and food provided. Boys ages 13+. July 8-12. $275/person. peak7.org 467-5550 SPALDING PIONEER CAMP Faithbased camp focusing more on outdoor adventures and activities, including camping in teepees, outdoor cooking and more. June 28-July 1 (grades 2-4), July 5-11 (grades 7-8), July 12-18 (grades 9-12) and July 19-25 (grades 5-6). $225$445. campspalding.org 731-4244 MIVODEN COWBOY CAMP Faithbased camp focusing on horsemanship, trail riding, barn care and more. Ages 10-17. Week-long sessions offered June 21-July 19. $340. mivoden.com 242-0506 MIVODEN EXTREME TEEN CAMPS A camp for teens who want to push themselves, offering tough climbs, whitewater rafting and survival techniques. Ages 13-17. Week-long sessions offered June 28-July 19. $355. mivoden. com 242-0506 MIVODEN WAKEBOARD CAMPS Catch some air and learn how to wakeboard at a faith-based camp using the camp’s special wakeboarding boat. Ages 13-17. Week-long sessions offered June 28-July 19. $355. mivoden.com 242-0506 LUTHERHAVEN FAMILY CAMP
Families can experience a traditional sleep-away camp together in a faithbased setting. Cabin, yurt, tent and RV camping options. July 17-19. $49-$120/ person. lutherhaven.com 866-729-8372 CLEARWATER ARTS CAMPCampers focus on a chosen art form or experiment in multiple areas such as music, visual arts, drama and dance, in a faithbased setting. Grades 7-12. July 19-25. $455. campspalding.org 731-4244 CAMP FOUR ECHOES: TROOP CAMPING Girl Scout troops can camp together and participate in camp activities. May 29-31, June 5-7 ($25/person), June 26-28, July 10-12, July 24-26. $25$75/person. gsewni.org 800-827-9478 COCOLALLA LAKE BIBLE CAMP Faith-based camp program within the context of the great outdoors, offering traditional camp activities, Bible study and more. July 5-10 (ages 13-18); July 12-16 (ages 11-12); July 19-23 (ages 9-10); July 26-30 (ages 7-8). $125-$175. clbcamp.org 208-263-3912 CAMP FOUR ECHOES (GRADES 7-12) Older girls have the opportunity to bike the Hiawatha Trail, paddle the St. Joe River and learn to maneuver a sailboat in these 12-day camp sessions. Girls entering grades 7-12. Three different sessions offered: June 23-July 2, July 5-16 and July 19-31. $500-$530. gsewni.org TWINLOW HIGH SCHOOL CAMPS Includes a water sportsthemed camp (July 26-31), the off-site adventures (July 5-10) and the Crossfire camp (July 19-24), each offering traditional camp activities in a faith-based setting. Grades 9-12. Counselors in Training (grades 10-12) is June 28-July 10. $325$500. twinlowcamp.org CAMP SWEYOLAKAN FAMILY
CAMP “You and Me, Kid!” lets children experience a weekend of camp activities at Camp Sweyolakan with a parent, guardian or older sibling. July 3-5 and July 31-Aug. 2. $45/ages 4+, $80/adult. campfireinc.org TWIN EAGLES OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CAMP An overnight camping experience offering nighttime scouting games, archery, survival campouts and more. July 19-24 (ages 10-13) and July 27-Aug. 2 (ages 13-18). $645$745. twineagles.org 208-265-3685 TWINLOW PRIMARY CAMP A shorter stay for younger campers, offering crafts, games, swimming and faith-based learning. Grades 1-3. Offered June 28-July 1 and Aug. 2-5. $180-$230. twinlowcamp.org CAMP FOUR ECHOES (GRADES 2-3) Themed sessions include “Glitter & Glam,” and “Splish Splash,” and offer activities including hiking, swimming, crafts, campfire songs and more. Girls entering grades 2-3. Offered June 23-26, June 28July 2 and Aug. 2-6. $215-$295. gsewni.org CAMP FOUR ECHOES (GRADES 4-5) Themed camp sessions include “Outdoor Chef,” “Nightowls,” “Jump in the Lake,” “Spotlight’s On” and more. Camp activities include swimming, arts and crafts, hiking and games. Girls entering grades 4-5. Offered June 23-Aug. 6. $265-$345. gsewni.org CAMP FOUR ECHOES (GRADES 6-8) Themed sessions include “Feast O’Fun,” “Canoe the CdA,” “Nocturnals,” “Intro to Sails” and more. Camps include traditional activities such as swimming, boating, hiking, arts and crafts and more. Girls entering grades 6-8. Sessions offered June 23-Aug. 6. $215-$345. gsewni.org CAMP FOUR ECHOES LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Older girls learn
skills in leadership, the outdoors and working with children; all necessary to become future camp counselors. Girls entering grades 9-12. June 23-July 2 (Adventures in Leadership), July 5-16 (CIT I) and July 19Aug. 6 (CIT II). $500-$550. gsewni.org CAMP LUTHERHAVEN Faith-based resident camp on Lake Coeur d’Alene, offering traditional camp activities including ropes courses, camp-outs, water sports, Bible study, archery and more. 3-day and 6-day sessions for grades 1-12 offered June 21-Aug. 7. $93-$479. lutherhaven.com TWINLOW JUNIOR CAMPS Campers spend a week developing water skills on the lake, fishing, sailing and swimming at this faith-based camp. Grades 4-6. Sessions offered June 21-26, July 5-10, July 19-24 (explorers), July 26-Aug. 1 (fine arts) and Aug. 2-7 (Fish ‘n’ Sail). $325-$405. twinlowcamp.org TWINLOW JUNIOR HIGH CAMP Faith-based camp offering traditional camp activities including archery, crafts, canoeing and more. Grades 6-9. June 21-26, July 5-10 (lake) July 26-31 (explorers) July 19-24 and Aug. 2-7 (watersports). $325-$425. twinlowcamp.org 208-352-2671 N-SID-SEN AQUA CAMPS A waterthemed, faith-based camp focusing on activities such as swimming, sailing, boating, canoeing and skiing. July 12-18 (grades 10-college) and Aug. 2-8 (grades 7-9). $380-$480. n-sid-sen.org CAMP CROSS Faith-based sleep-away camp on Lake CdA offering team-building exercises, arts and crafts, swimming, hiking, campfires, worship and more. June 28-30 (grades 2-3), July 5-10 (grades 4-6), July 12-17 (grades 7-9), Aug. 3-9 (grades 10-12). $130-$420. campcross.org 624-3191 LUTHERHAVEN KINDERCAMP Children are invited to experience sleep-
Experience traditional camp activities including canoeing, swimming, fishing, crafts and more in a faith-based setting at the Salvation Armyoperated camp focusing on serving low-income children. Ages 7-17. Weekly sessions for teens and youth offered June 29-Aug. 7. $212/ session (scholarships available). campgifford.org 233-2511
CAMP INVENTION Week-long camps offer hands-on activities such as building original prototypes, a motorized vehicle and constructing a pinball machine. June 15-19, 8:30 am-3:30 pm, Salnave Elementary (Cheney); June 22-26, 9 am-3:30 pm, Moran Prairie Elementary and East Farms STEAM Magnet School. Grades 1-6. $220-$225. campinvention.org 800-968-4332
away camp with a family member or adult and enjoy the outdoor activities and scenery at Camp Lutherhaven. Kids ages 4-5 with an adult 18+. Aug. 7-9. $120/adult-child pair; $21 each add’l. child. lutherhaven.com CAMP REED MINI CAMP Young campers can experience traditional camp activities like swimming, boating, arts and crafts, hiking and more. Boys and girls entering grades 1-2. Three-day sessions from June 21-Aug. 11. $235-$245. campreed.org CAMP REED Experience traditional camp activities including swimming, hiking, mountain biking, canoeing, ropes courses, archery, campfires and more. Boys and girls entering grades 3-9. Weeklong sessions from June 22-Aug. 22. (Horse program/ units available; ages 11+; additional $25$150.) $440-$495/session. campreed.org IDAHO MISSION PROJECTA camp experience designed for area youth groups working on a servant mission project. Sessions offered June 21-Aug. 14. $275/person. twinlowcamp.org SHOSHONE CREEK RANCH Faith-based trail riding programs teaching horsemanship, leadership skills and more. Six-day programs (grades 5-12) offered June 28-Aug. 14. Shoshone Mountain Retreat (grades 3-12) Aug. 9-14. Cost TBA. lutherhaven.com 1-866-729-8372 PEAK 7 ASCENTCampers take a fiveday backcountry trip through the Okanogan National. Forest, learning navigation skills, “leave no trace” ethics and more in a faithbased camp. Boys and girls trips offered for ages 13-18. Aug. 10-14. $250 (scholarships available). peak7.org 252-0075 CAMP REED CIT PROGRAM Counselor-in-training program, teaching group dynamics, leadership, stewardship and more to future camp counselors. Each
session includes two weeks of camp, one work week and a 200-mile bike trip week. Grades 10 +. Sessions offered June 21-Aug. 9. $610-$600. campreed.org 720-5630 CAMP SWEYOLAKAN LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS High school juniors and seniors who wish to become future camp counselors learn leadership skills and more. Open to boys and girls entering grades 11-12. Senior sessions, July 20Aug. 16; Junior sessions, June 29-July 18. Application process/prerequisites needed. $750-$990. campfireinc.org CAMP SWEYOLAKAN Traditional sleep-away camp on Lake CdA offering swimming, outdoor activities, arts and crafts and more. Grades 1-12. Nine sessions offered from July 6-Aug. 16. Outbackers day-only session, July 27-31. Double sessions, July 6-18 and Aug. 3-16. Special needs (YBIC) July 20-25 and Aug. 3-8. $225-$1050/session. campfireinc.org MIVODEN FAMILY CAMP The whole family can attend this faith-based camp together, staying in cabins or in RVs, participating in classes, evening campfire sessions and more. Sessions offered Aug. 2-9 and Aug. 9-16. $250$320/person. mivoden.com 242-0506 COCOLALLA FAMILY CAMPFamilies can enjoy a faith-based summer camp together, with swimming, canoeing, programmed activities and more. Aug. 14-16. $75/couple; $10/child. clbcamp.org CAMP SPALDING Campers ride horses, swim, boat, zip-line, play team sports and more at a faith-based camp. Discover Camp (grades 2-4), June 24-27 and Aug. 16-19; Junior Camp (grades 5-6), June 28July 4 and July 26-Aug. 1; Jr. High Camp (grades 7-8), July 12-18, Aug. 9-15; Senior Camp (grades 9-12), July 5-11, Aug. 2-8. $215-$445. campspalding.org
SPALDING FAMILY CAMP The whole family can go to summer camp together and enjoy boating, barbecuing, swimming and other traditional camp activities in a faith-based setting. Aug. 19-23. $60-$340/person. campspalding.org CAMP FOUR ECHOES: JUST THE 2 OF US Formerly called “Me and My Gal,” this camp is open to campers and an adult guardian/friend, offering swimming, crafts, hiking and more. Aug. 21-23. $60/person. gsewni.org 800-827-9478 TEEN BACKPACK ADVENTURE A 5-day backpacking trip into the Selkirk Mountains of North Idaho, teaching leadership, mountaineering, ecology and more. Ages 14-17. Sessions offered June 21-26 and Aug. 23-28. $550-$625. eureka-institute.org 208-263-2217 COCOLALLA BACKPACKING CAMP A four-day backpacking trip around Harrison Lake near Sandpoint, offering Bible studies, swimming, fishing, survival skills and fellowship. Ages 13-18, Aug. 19-22 and Aug. 25-28 (intermediate level hiking). $150. clbcamp.org SOLE TEEN TREK EXPERIENCES Explore the backcountry of northwestern Montana while learning about outdoor leadership, living and environmental awareness. Ages 14-18. Offered Aug. 1015 and Aug. 24-30. In Western Montana. $629-$895 (scholarships available). soleexperiences.org 928-351-7653 CAMP REED FAMILY CAMPExperience the activities and scenery of camp as a family, in your own cabin and on your own schedule. Offering waterfront activities, archery, arts and crafts, campfires and more. Aug. 27-30. $165/person. campreed.org 777-9622 CAMP CROSS FAMILY SESSIONS A faith-based family camping retreat on Lake CdA, offering traditional camp activi-
ties, kid-free time for parents and more. Offered July 3-5 and Sept. 4-7. $50-$150/ person, based on age. campcross.org CAMP FOUR ECHOES: TEEN S’MORES Girls who are Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors learn leadership skills for working with younger girls and leading games, songs and more. Grades 6-12. June 26-28 and Sept. 25-27. $50$75. gsewni.org 800-827-9478
DAY C OU NSE L OR-IN-T R A IN ING PROGRAM Teens learn skills for working with children in a day-camp setting, as well as first aid and CPR certification. Ages 13-17. May 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 9, and 10; times vary. Must attend all sessions; counselor shadowing also required. $85. spokanevalley.org 720-5408 SGS LOWER SCHOOL ADVENTURE CAMP An outdoor adventurethemed day camp offering rock-climbing, hiking, geocaching, fort building and kayaking. Grades 3-5. June 15-19, 9 am-noon. $150. sgs.org 466-1636 WINNIE THE POOH ADVENTURE Explore the imaginary world of the Hundred Acre Wood through stories, songs and art projects. Ages 3-5. June 1519, 12-3 pm. $62. spokaneparks.org CARDBOARD DRIVE-IN MOVIE Roll into the library with a cardboard car to watch “The Incredibles.” The library also offers supplies to make a car two hours before the movie. All ages. June 17, 6 pm (Evergreen Elem.) and June 19, 5:30 pm (Broadway Elem.). Free. scld.org NATURE ADVENTURES DAY CAMP Day camp teaching outdoor awareness and stewardship through
games, crafts, songs and exploration. Ages 6-13. June 15-19 (Sandpoint) and June 22-26 (Spokane) from 9 am-3 pm. $275. twineagles.org 208-265-3685 TWIN EAGLES PRESCHOOL DAY CAMP Camp for young children to teach appreciation and understanding for nature, through activities and games. Ages 3-6. June 15-19 (Sandpoint) and June 22-26 (Spokane), 9 am-1 pm. $185. twineagles.org 208-265-3685 ANIMAL EXPLORERS A week all about animals, offering field trips, handson activities and summer recreational activities. Ages 6-12. June 22-26, 8:30 am5:30 pm. $139. spokaneneyc.com 482-0708 JUNGLE JAMMIN’ Campers listen to jungle stories, make crafts and create jungle rhythms and songs. Ages 3-5. June 22-26, 12:30-3 pm. $62. spokaneparks.org KNIGHTS OF VERITAS Travel back to the Middle Ages for swordfighting demos and handle authentic swords, try on armour and more. Ages 5+. June 22-26; times/branch locations vary. Free. scld.org ULTIMATE GAMER Play Wii games, board games, outside games and gym games. Grades K-6. June 22-26. $150. riverdayschool.org 326-6595 YOUTH ADVENTURE CAMP A five-day camp exploring the great outdoors of North Idaho including rock climbing, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, rafting and more. Ages 12-16. June 22-26, 8 am-4 pm. At North Idaho College, $250. nic.edu/wft 208-769-3333 RIVERFRONT PARK CAMP Campers spend each day exploring the amenities and features of the park; cost includes a summer pass to the park. Grades 1-6. Offered June 22-26 and June 29-July 3. $175. riverdayschool.org
DAY ISSUN BOSHI: LITTLE ONE-INCH SAMURAI A hand-puppet show based on a popular Japanese folktale about a oneinch samurai. Ages 5+. June 29-July 3, times/branch locations vary. Free. scld.org KINDERGARTEN PLAYLittle campers learn socialization skills with activities to prep for the upcoming school year. Grades K-1. June 29-July 3. $150. riverdayschool.org NATURE NINJAS DAY CAMP Day camp teaching outdoor skills including natural camouflage, stealth, sensory awareness and more. Ages 6-13. June 2229 (Spokane) and July 6-10 (Sandpoint), from 9 am-3 pm. $275. twineagles.org WILDERNESS SURVIVAL DAY CAMP Campers experience nature and learn skills including wilderness survival, wildlife tracking, wild edible plants, obtaining clean water and more. Ages 6-13. June 29-July 3 (Sandpoint) and July 6-10 (Spokane), from 9 am-3 pm. $275. twineagles.org 208-265-3685 DR. SEUSS ADVENTURE CAMP Explore art, the alphabet and the universe through crafts and activities inspired by Dr. Seuss stories. Ages 3-5. July 6-10, 12:30-3 pm. $62. spokaneparks.org JAMMING JENKS A dynamic music and juggling act combining rock songs, juggling and dance contests. Ages 5+. July
6-10, times/locations vary. Free. scld.org LITTLE PIRATE ADVENTURE CAMP Pirate-themed activities include looking for lost treasure, map making, boat building and more. Grades K-2. Sessions offered June 22-26 and July 13-17, 9 am-noon. $175. sgs.org 466-1636 A BUG’S WORLD Learn about bugs through literature, art projects and by becoming a garden detective. Ages 3-5. July 13-17, 12:30-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. spokaneparks.org 625-6677 HARRY POTTER CAMP A week of activities and games inspired by the popular book series. Grades 3-5. July 13-17, 9 am-noon. $175. sgs.org 466-1636 HEROIC BIRDS OF PREY West Valley Outdoor Learning introduces attendees to the birds of prey under its care. Ages 5+. July 13-17, times/locations vary. Free. scld.org LEADERSHIP CAMPThis future leaders camp seeks to empower youth through courses with local business leaders, field trips and more. Ages 9-15. July 13-17, 8:30 am-5:30 pm. $139. spokaneneyc.com LEGO PLAY CAMP A week of nonstop Lego building with new themes and challenges each day. Grades K-2. Offered July 13-17 and Aug. 3-7. $150. riverdayschool.org 326-6595 NEVERLAND ADVENTURE CAMP Take an imaginary journey to Neverland with activities including a treasure hunt. Ages 3-5. July 13-17, 9-11:30 am. $62. spokaneparks.org 625-6677 TWIN LAKES DAY CAMP A day camp offering traditional camp activities including crafts, stories, games, swimming, and more, in a faith-based setting. Grades 1-3. July 13-17. $125. twinlakesfriendscamp.com
Experience traditional camp activities including swimming, hiking, mountain biking, canoeing, ropes courses, archery, campfires and more. Boys and girls entering grades 3-9. Week-long sessions from June 22-Aug. 22. (Horse program/units available; ages 11+; additional $25-$150.) $440-$495/ session. campreed.org 777-9622
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YOUTH SAILING CAMP Learn the basics of sailing on the water, including proper use of equipment, safety, terminology and more. Ages 12-16. July 13-17, 9 am-1 pm. At North Idaho College. $200. nic.edu/wft 208-769-7809 SOLE NATURE DETECTIVES Young campers go on themed, two-hour nature adventures with a licensed naturalist. Ages 4-6. Sessions offered June 29-July 1 (sold out) and July 15-17, 9 amnoon. At U of Idaho Sandpoint. $30-$60. soleexperiences.org 928-351-7653 FAIRIES AND ELVES Explore the natural world by creating fairy houses and playing other imaginative games. Ages 3-8. July 20-24. plumtreeschool.com SUPERHERO SCIENCE Explore the science of super-human feats with experts from Mobius Science Center. Ages 5+. July 20-24, times/branch locations vary. Free. scld.org COUGAR KIDS CAMP A day camp promoting physical activity, learning, healthy living and life skills development. Each week of camp is themed, and offers morning, afternoon or full-day sessions. Weekly from June 15-July 31. $69-$79/half day; $131-$141/full day. cougarkids.wsu.edu CAMP DART-LO PALS In the Program Aides in Learning, older campers build leadership skills through outdoor play, service learning and team building. Grades 6-9. July 6-17 and July 20-31. $225. campfireinc.org 747-6191 ERIC HERMAN & THE INVISIBLE BAND A fun family show combining comedy, creativity, audience participation and fun songs. Ages 5+. July 27-31, times/ branch locations vary. Free. scld.org SONG & DANCE OF MANY LANDS A music-themed camp explor-
ing world cultures through songs. Ages 3-8. July 27-31. plumtreeschool.com ULTIMATE ADVENTURE Day camp offering field trips, crafts, games and activities like rock climbing, a bike ride on the Hiawatha Trail and more. Ages 8-15. July 27-31, 8:30 am-5:30 pm. $189. spokaneneyc.com 482-0708 PEAK 7 RAFTING AND CLIMBING Open enrollment rafting trip on the Spokane River. June 6, 3:30-7:30 pm. Open rock climbing trip at Minnehaha, Aug. 1, 10 am-3 pm. $35/person. peak7.org 252-0075 SOLE LEADER OF THE DAYA leadership camp teaching skills in environmental awareness and stewardship, and personal/social development. Ages 11-13. June 22-26 (sold out) and Aug. 3-7. $160$200 (scholarships available). soleexperiences.org 928-351-7653 TEEN OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CAMPS Weekly team-building activities include challenge courses, stand-up paddle boarding, canoeing, day hikes and environmental education. Ages 1216. Week-long camps offered June 22Aug. 7, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. At Riverside State Park. $219/week. spokaneparks.org YOUTH OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CAMPS Weekly adventures include stand-up paddleboarding, archery, survival skills, team building activities, rock climbing and more. Ages 8-12. June 22Aug. 7, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. At Riverside State, Park Bowl & Pitcher. $219/week. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 ADVENTURE CAMP A week of outdoor rock climbing, high ropes course, field trips and more. Ages 11-13. Sessions offered June 29-July 3 and Aug. 3-7, from 9 am-3:30 pm. $136-$170. kroccda.org BIKE CAMPA week all about bike main-
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tenance and safety, with biking trips to a new location each day. Grades 3-6. Aug. 3-7. $150. riverdayschool.org 326-6595 CITY PARKS TREASURE HUNT Each day kids travel to a new park or city pool for scavenger hunts and activities. Grades 1-6. Aug. 3-7. $175. riverdayschool.org 326-6595 DINOS, REPTILES, BIRDS, OH MY! Campers learn about prehistoric dinosaurs, reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds and plant life projects. Ages 3-5. Aug. 3-7, 9-11:30 am. $62. spokaneparks.org FASHIONISTA CAMP Campers create wearable works of art with dyes, ribbons and lace, as well as jewelry and hair accessories. Ages 6-11. Aug. 3-7, 9 am-3 pm. $126. spokaneparks.org LADYBUGS AND SLUGS Students learn all about insects through stories, nature walks, art projects and seed planting for a bug-friendly garden. Ages 3-5. Aug. 3-7, 12:30-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $62. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 PREHISTORIC CAMPCampers learn about paleontology and animals that walked the earth millions of years ago through hands-on activities and crafts. Ages 6-11. Aug. 3-7, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 TASTE OF INDIA Explore the culture of India through music, movement, folktales, food and more. Ages 3-8. Aug. 3-7. plumtreeschool.com 747-1040 THE NOISY ADVENTURES OF MIGHTY MOUTH Also known as Charlie Williams, this sound impressionist and kid’s comedian also goes by the moniker “Noiseguy.” Ages 5+. Aug. 3-7, times/branch locations vary. Free. scld.org
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DAY STAR WARS CELEBRATION A day of games, food, trivia, a costume contest and more to celebrate the world of Star Wars. All ages. Aug. 10, 6-8 pm. At North Spokane branch. An ages 16+ costume contest and trivia session also runs from 8-9 pm. Free. scld.org SUMMER PARK PROGRAM Spokane Valley Parks & Rec staff are onsite at local parks to lead games, arts and crafts and other activities, with free meals provided to children 18 years and under. Offered June 15-Aug. 13, Mon-Thu, times vary. At Greenacres, Terrace View and Valley Mission parks. (Note: not a structured drop-off camp program.) Free; no registration needed. spokanevalley.org SUMMER GAMES Non-competitive, physical team games and activities for all levels and ages, like wizard ball, kickball, flag football and more. Ages 7-18. July 7-Aug. 13; Tue/Thu, session times vary based on age. At the Manito Park splash pad (25th and Tekoa). $60/session or $10/drop-in. nicolekuhn.com 475-2598 KIDS EAT FREE Kids ages 18 and under can get free meals at the library (and other locations) through the summer. June 22-Aug. 14, 11:30 am-noon. North Spokane and Spokane Valley branches. parenthelp123.org 888-436-6392 PEE WEE CAMP A half-day camp with weekly themes, offering swimming (including lessons), cooking, arts and crafts and more. Ages 4-5. Weekly sessions offered June 22-Aug. 14, MonFri, from 9 am-1 pm. $80-$100/week. kroccda.org CAMP DART-LO Day camp on the Little Spokane river offering archery, leadership, outdoor activities and more. Preschool-Grade 9. July 6-Aug. 14, MonFri. Transportation available. Special needs (YBIC) sessions offered July 20-24 and July 27-31. $225/week or $300/two weeks. campfireinc.org 747-6191 CAMP DART-LO CAMPER BUDDY Graduates of the PALs program (grade 8+) can register to be Counselor’s Assistants or Camp Buddies, getting hands-on experience working with young campers or with a special needs camper. July 6-Aug. 14. Application pro-
cess required. $10/week. campfireinc.org SCHWEITZER ADVENTURE CAMP Outdoor adventure camp offering hiking, rock wall climbing, chairlift rides, games, swimming and more. Ages 6-11. Weekly sessions offered July 6-Aug. 14, Mon-Fri from 8 am-4 pm. $165/week. schweitzer.com 208-255-3081 LATE NIGHT @ THE LIBRARY Evening activities include creative activities, food, songs and more. Grades 3-5. July 17 (Spokane Valley), Aug. 7 (North Spokane) and Aug. 14 (Moran Prairie), from 7-10 pm. Free. scld.org CREATURE FEATURE Through sculpting, painting and other art techniques, campers make creatures of their imagination. Ages 6-11. Aug. 10-14, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org HODGE PODGE CAMP A week of “anything goes,” including arts and crafts, science experiments, Lego play and more. Grades K-6. Aug. 10-14. $150. riverdayschool.org 326-6595 PASSPORT TO FUN Explore far away lands and stamp your passport as you learn about a new country each day and make art projects for each. Ages 3-5. Aug. 10-14, 9-11:30 am. At Corbin Art Center. $62. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 SCIENCE EXPLORERS A week packed with science experiments and activities, including field trips to Mobius, the National Weather Service and SFCC planetarium. Ages 7-12. Aug. 10-14, 8:30 am-5:30 pm. $159. spokaneneyc.com VAMOS A MEXICO! A themed week of camp all about Mexican songs, stories, food and crafts. Ages 3-8. Aug. 10-14. plumtreeschool.com 747-1040 QUEST SUMMER DAY CAMP The 18th annual day camp offers active learning and recreational experiences during 10, themed weeks. June 8-Aug. 15, Mon-Fri from 9 am-3 pm (extended care available; 7-9 am and 3-6 pm.) Ages 6-14. At CdA Church of the Nazarene. $15/day. cdanaz.org 208-667-3543 POKÉMON TOURNAMENTA tournament for fun, not keeps, open to all ages. Aug. 13 (Spokane Valley) and Aug. 17 (North Spokane) from 7-8:30 pm. Free. scld.org CHILL SUMMER CAMP Day camp hosted by Liberty Lake Parks & Rec, offering outdoor activities, crafts, sports, swimming, games, field trips and more. Ages 5-11. June 15-Aug. 21, Mon-Fri from 7:45 am5:15 pm. $130/week, $1,250/all summer. parksnrec.libertylake.wa.gov 755-6726 DISCOVERY CAMP Campers swim, rock climb, play games, watch movies and go on field trips. Ages 6-10. Weekly sessions June 15-Aug. 21, Mon-Fri from 9 am-
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About the Cover
rin Lind is a graphic design student at North Idaho College with dreams of becoming a successful animator and a comic book artist and writer. She has been drawing for most of her life, inspired by comics, cartoons and the animals she grew up with. Much of her time now is spent at school, or work. When she is neither here nor there, she’s at home sketching and writing. Erin is always seeking ways to fine-tune her skills as a designer and writer. The opportunity to design the Inlander’s Summer Camp Guide cover was offered to her and her fellow classmates earlier this year as a real-life design assignment. Students at NIC were intrigued and excited to share their creative solutions with the Inlander. Lind attended summer camps many times when she was younger, which made her ready to create a digital design to reflect her personal impression of camp as an adventure waiting to happen. “I am so excited to have my digital illustration published in one of the biggest print runs of the year. I hope to inspire readers to have an adventure of their very own!” Lind says. — CHRIS BOVEY, art director
3:30 pm. Single-day ($40) and extended care until 5:30 pm (+$10/day; +$40/week). $128-$160/week. kroccda.org SPOKANE VALLEY SUMMER DAY CAMP Weekly, themed day camps offer outdoor activities and field trips, games, crafts and more. Breakfast and lunch served each day (except during field trips). Ages 6-11. June 15-Aug. 21, Mon-Fri from 8 am-5 pm. Extended hours from 7:15 am-5:45 pm. $33/day, $63/two days, $93/three days or $107-$117/week. spokanevalley.org 688-0300 ST. ALOYSIUS DAY CAMP Campers go on educational field trips, make arts and crafts, visit parks, play games and more. Ages 2½-12. June 17-Aug. 21, Mon-Fri, 6:30 am-6 pm. stalsschool.org 489-7825w CAMP BEN BURR Campers learn about Spokane, self-worth, giving back,
science, and arts through interactive exercises on a daily basis. Ages 5-12. Weekly sessions (M-F) offered June 22-Aug. 21, from 8:30 am-5:30 pm. $125/week; assistance available. mattw@ecspokane.org ADVENTURE CAMP PLUS Activities include hiking, rock climbing, ropes courses and an overnight camping trip during each session. Ages 11-13. July 6-10, July 13-17, Aug. 10-14 and Aug. 17-21, from 9 am-3:30 pm. $144-$180. kroccda.org TREASURE HUNT Children participate in a different treasure hunt each day in the park, at the school and other locations, making treasure maps and handpainted chests. Ages 3-8. Offered July 6-10 and Aug. 17-21. plumtreeschool.com YMCA SPECIALTY CAMPS Weekly themed day camps all about exploring the outdoors, learning about animals, and the
basics of outdoor recreation. Also includes two overnight campouts. Grades 3-6. Weekly from July 7-Aug. 21, Mon-Fri from 6:30 am-6 pm. At North YMCA. $180$190/week. ymcaspokane.org BEST OF SUMMER CAMP Spend a week enjoying the most popular activities and projects offered during Spokane Parks 2015 summer camp sessions. Ages 6-11. Aug. 17-21, 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $129. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 BEST OF SUMMER, PRESCHOOL STYLE An art-filled week offering some of the most popular projects and activities from Spokane Parks’ 2015 summer day camps for preschool-aged children. Ages 3-5. Aug. 17-21, 9-11:30 am or 12:303 pm. $62. spokaneparks.org END OF SUMMER FUN Enjoy the last week of summer with picnics, pool time and other outdoor activities. Grades K-6. Aug. 17-21. $175. riverdayschool.org MIDDLE SCHOOL ADVENTURE CAMP Explore the outdoors with new activities each day, including a hike, rock climbing, fort building, canoeing and more. Grades 6-8. Aug. 17-21, 12:30-4 pm. $150. sgs.org 466-1636 READY, SET, GO! Spend a week prepping reading and writing skills before the new school year in a camp focusing on children’s literature and drama. Grades K-12. Aug. 17-21, 9 am-3 pm. $300. sgs.org SUMMER LEGO CLUB Offering open building sessions weekly, open to all ages (kids under 6 should be accompanied by an adult). June 22-Aug. 27; Mon, 6-8 pm (Spokane Valley); Tue, 6-8 pm (North Spokane); Thu, 1-3 pm (Fairfield). Free. scld.org AIRWAY HEIGHTS SUMMER ADVENTURE PROGRAM Day camps offer swimming, hiking, movies, games, arts and crafts, tours and more. Ages 8-13. Weekly sessions offered June 15-Aug. 28, Mon-Fri from 7:30 am-5:30 pm. At the Airway Heights Community Center. $90/ week; $25/day. cawh.org 244-4845 GIRL SCOUTS SUMMER DAY CAMPS The 11-week day camp program offers themed weeks with activities in the teaching kitchen, crafts, science projects, outdoor activities, art, and more. Lunch and snacks included. Ages 5-17. Weekly sessions offered from June 15-Aug. 28; Mon-Fri from 9 am-4 pm. Extended days available (+$3/day). $25-$50/day or $125-$250/week. gsewni.org SURVIVOR: AROUND THE WORLD DAY CAMP Campers explore a new theme or destination each week through recreational activities, field trips, games and more. June 15-Aug. 21, at Lisa Stiles-Gyllenhammer Club; June 22-Aug. 28, at Northtown Club; July 6-Aug. 21 at Be Great Club. Grades 1-12.
Register for Camp Invention using promo code SPRING by May 12 to save $15. Sign up now at campinvention.org or call 800.968.4332. Camp Invention builds confidence in children entering grades 1-6! Local educators will be leading the week of hands-on fun
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$15-$30/week. bgcspokanecounty.org WEST CENTRAL SUMMER RECREATION A day camp program offering structured, supervised activities including weekly field trips, arts and crafts, swimming, sports and more. Meals and snacks provided. Ages 5-12. Offered for an average of 10 weeks, Mon-Fri, during Spokane School’s summer break. Preregistration required, first-come, first-served. Based on income. wccc.myspokane.net YMCA EXPLORERS CAMPSummer day camp for young children, offering swimming, weekly field trips and focusing on social skills, reading, writing and more. Grades K-1. June 15-Aug. 28, MonFri from 6:30 am-6 pm. All three YMCA locations. $169-$179/week; $35-$38/day. ymcaspokane.org 777-9622 YMCA FUN CLUBS Day campers participate in age-appropriate activities including weekly field trips, creative projects, learning activities and more. Grades 1-4. June 15-Aug. 28, Mon-Fri from 6:30 am-6 pm. $169-$179/week; $35-$38/day. ymcaspokane.org YMCA SUMMER FEVER CLUB A camp for pre-teens, offering day trips, hiking, team building and other outdoor activities. Grades 5-6. June 15-Aug. 28, Mon-Fri from 6:30 am-6 pm. All three YMCA locations. $169-$179/week; $35$38/day. ymcaspokane.org 777-9622 YMCA TRIANGLE CLUB Teen campers take day trips to local lakes, make arts and crafts and more, including two overnight campouts. Grades 7-8. June 15-Aug. 28, Mon-Fri from 6:30 am-6 pm. All three YMCA locations. $169-$179/ week; $35-$38/day. ymcaspokane.org CAMP ALOTTAFUN Northeast Youth Center’s summer day camp offers recreational activities, crafts, swimming at local pools and a USDA-approved breakfast and lunch. Ages 5-12. June 22Aug. 28, M-F 8:30-5 pm. Extended hours from 6:30 am-6 pm (+$15). $129/week. spokaneneyc.com 482-0708
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMP NO LIMITS Traditional summer camp for children who have suffered limb loss, hosted at the Camp Cross facilities on Lake CdA. July 19-22. Ages vary. $500 (assistance available). nolimitsfoundation.org 207-240-5762 CAMP CHMEPA A traditional sleepaway camp for children who are grieving the death of someone close to them. Hosted by Hospice of Spokane, at Camp Lutherhaven facilities. Ages 7-15. June 24-26. Free; families must apply to attend. hospiceofspokane.org 456-0438
SUCCESSFUL STUTTERING MANAGEMENT CAMP A 3-week course offering both individual and group therapy to meet the needs of each participant. June 22-July 10. At EWU Cheney. Cost TBA. ssmpmanual.com 701-2140 CAMP GOODTIMES A traditional camp experience for children with cancer or who have survived a diagnosis. Activities include Zags Day, archery, sports, swimming, boating, crafts, campfires and more. Ages 7-17. July 6-10; day and resident options. At YMCA Camp Reed. Free. campreed.org 720-5630 CAMP STIX Children with diabetes enjoy a week of traditional camp activities including rock climbing, archery, ziplining, swimming, campfires and more. Ages 8-18. July 12-18, at Riverview Bible Camp. $450. campstix.org 484-1366 CHAMP CAMP Youth with special needs can experience traditional sleepaway camp activities including swimming, hikes, arts and crafts and more in a faithbased setting. Ages 8+. June 21-26 and July 26-31. $279-$379 lutherhaven.com FUNSHINE DAY CAMP A day camp designed for children and adults living with developmental and/or physical disabilities, offering recreational activities such as swimming, sports, games, field trips and more. Weekly sessions offered June 22-Aug. 7, Mon-Fri, 10 am-3:30 pm. Adult session (ages 18 and up) offered July 20-24. $149/week. spokaneparks.org CAMP JOURNEYA sleep-away camp experience at Ross Point camp facility catering to children diagnosed with cancer, and offering traditional camp activities such as swimming, arts and crafts, archery, boating and more. Resident camp Aug. 2-8 (ages 7-17) and day camp Aug. 3-6 (ages 5-7). No cost. 509-863-7379 BEATS AND RHYTHMS A resident camp at Ross Point camp facility for children with congenital heart disease or other heart defects. Campers swim, hike and do traditional camp activities under medical supervision. Ages 10-16. Aug. 1316. beatsandrhythms.org 474-5144 IMAGINE BEHAVIORAL CAMP A summer program for children with developmental disabilities, accepting Medicaid or private pay. June 15-Aug. 21. In CdA, at 7905 Meadowlark Way. 208-762-1250
EDUCATION MAKE YOUR FIRST VIDEO GAME Learn basic skills to design a 2-D game, learning coding, graphics, sounds and many other technical skills. June 15-18, 9 am-noon (ages 8-11) and 1-4 pm (ages 12-14). $179. nic.edu/wft
GIGANTIC ROLLER COASTERS & MONSTER WATER SLIDES OLD NO. 7 BIRTHDAY MAY 2-3 – Silverwood celebrates the 100th birthday of our 1915 Porter Steam Locomotive with discounted admission of only $19.15. You save $ 17.84 on general admission. MOTHERS ARE FREE WEEKEND MAY 9-10 – When one of Mom’s children purchases a ticket online or at the front gate, Mom gets in FREE. Plus, everyone receives a special pricing of only $36.99 for general admission and $20.99 for youth and senior admission (save even more online). HALF-PRICE WEEKEND MAY 16-17 – This weekend only, enjoy all that Silverwood has to offer during general admission half price weekend for only $23.49 per person, all ages; a savings of $23.50 per person. HERO’S WEEKEND MAY 23, 24 & 25 – All military personnel, police officers and firefighters receive free admission and their spouse and children are half price when purchasing tickets at the front gate ($23.49 plus tax, ages 8–64, $11.99 plus tax ages 3-7). DADS ARE FREE WEEKEND JUNE 20-21 – Celebrate Father’s Day at Silverwood! When a family brings Dad to the park and purchases their tickets online or at the front gate, Dad gets in FREE! FIREWORKS EXTRAVAGANZA SATURDAY, JULY 4TH
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EDUCATION HOOT CAMPS Campers get dirty while cleaning raptor mews and learn to trim beaks and talons. At the end of the session, each camper will give a presentation on a raptor they’ve learned about. Ages 9-12. $80. June 15-17, 9 am-noon or 1-4 pm. olcinfo@wvsd.org 340-1028 A BUILD A DAYSpend the week building in the shop, making plays, rolling cars and a floating boat. Grades 4-7. June 15-19, 9:30 am-12:30 pm. $80. gizmo-cda.org SCIENCE EXPLORATIONS Students explore chemistry, biotechnology and environmental science in the lab and the field. Grades 7-9. June 15-19, 9 am-3 pm. $340. sgs.org 464-8815 APP ATTACK! An introduction to the world of mobile app design and development. June 22-25, 9 am-noon (ages 8-11) and 1-4 pm (ages 12-14). $179. nic.edu/ wft 208-769-3333 CAMP INVENTION Weeklong camps offering hands-on activities such as building original prototypes, a motorized vehicle and constructing a pinball machine. June 15-19, 8:30 am-3:30 pm, Salnave Elem. (Cheney); June 22-26, 9 am-3:30 pm, Moran Prairie Elem. and East Farms STEAM Magnet School. Grades 1-6. $220$225. campinvention.org
SCIENCE SAFARI A hands-on exploration of the life, ecology, and geology of the African Savannah. Grades 2-9. Sessions offered June 15-19, 8:30-11:30 am and June 22-26, from 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 pm. $110. gprep.com BUGS! Explore the world of insects in the MAC’s backyard through activities like treasure hunts, geocaching and science/ art projects. Grades 1-2. June 22-26, 9 am-4 pm. $198-$220 northwestmuseum.org NATURE CAMPS Explore nature through games and activities, keep a nature journal and learn about the local watershed and forest ecosystem. Ages 9-12. June 22, 24, and 26, 9 am-noon or 1-4 pm. $80. olcinfo@wvsd.org 340-1028 DRAGON CHESS CAMP Participants learn game principles, strategy, tactics and more, with puzzles and competitions. Grades K-6. June 22-26, 12:303:30 pm. $150. sgs.org 466-1636 EARTH, WIND, RAIN & FIRE Learn about fossils, minerals, volcanoes, rivers and the rock formations around the Corbin Art Center. Ages 6-11. June 22-26, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org MATH ENRICHMENT IN THE GREAT OUTDOORS A week all about applying math concepts outside of the classroom in the forested environment around St. George’s School. Grades 3-5. June 22-26, 9 am-noon. $150. sgs.org VIDEO GAME PROGRAMMING Participants learn about basic programming concepts including variables, objects, coordinates, input and output using Microsoft Project Spark. Grades 4-8. June 22-26, 12:30-3:30 pm. $200. sgs.org CHEMISTRY + COOKING = FUN Students learn about the science of food through baking, beating, stirring and
folding-based projects. Ages 6-11. June 29-July 1, 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center $79. spokaneparks.org 625-6677 MAKE YOUR FIRST 3D VIDEO GAME Learn the physics behind 3D games, explore beginning event scripting, level design and gameplay flow. June 29-July 2, 9 am-noon (ages 8-11) and 1-4 pm (ages 12-14). $179. nic.edu/wft ALL AROUND THE WORLD CAMP Learn about interesting places around the world through activities and crafts to make kites, message sticks and more. Grades 1-3. June 29-July 3, 12:303:30 pm. $165. sgs.org 466-1636 CREATIVE CREATURES Explore plants and animals of the urban jungle through games and nature hikes around the MAC campus. Grades 3-4. June 29July 3, 9 am-4 pm. $198-$220. northwestmuseum.org 456-3931 LEGOS AND PROGRAMMING Learn how to build and program Lego structures. Grades 1-3. Sessions offered June 29-July 3 and Aug. 3-7, 9 am-noon. $150. sgs.org 466-1636 NEAR SPACE BALLOON CAMP Campers spend the week designing, building, launching and recovering a near-space balloon that will fly 20 miles up into the atmosphere. Grades 7-12. June 29-July 3, 9 am-4 pm. $325. sgs.org WELDING FOR HUMAN-POWERED VEHICLES Work on your vehicle for the upcoming Kinetics Fest. Grades 5+. June 29-July 3, 9:30 am-12:30 pm. $80. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 CODE BREAKERS Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges. July 6-9, 9 amnoon (ages 8-11) and 1-4 pm (ages 12-14).
$179. nic.edu/wft CITY PLANNERS Build your own city and partner with neighboring towns to trade goods, create routes and make a better world. Grades 1-4. July 5-10, 9:30 am-12:30 pm. $80. gizmo-cda.org THINGS THAT ROLL Build things with wheels — skateboards, scooters and more — using materials and tools in the woodshop. Grades 4+. July 5-10, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org BEGINNER LEGO ROBOTICS Younger learners use motors, gears, levers, pulleys and more to design a machine or vehicle. Grades 1-3. July 6-10. $150. riverdayschool.org 326-6595 CAMP METAMORPHOSIS A program for highly capable children, who choose three areas of focus for the week, such as science, drama, art and more. Entering grades 4-6. July 6-10, 9 am-4:30 pm. At Whitworth University. $250. whitworth.edu/campmetamorphosis HANDS-ON ALGEBRA An intro course to algebra using toys to introduce concepts to students. Grades 3-5. Sessions offered July 6-10 and July 27-31, 9 am-noon. $150. sgs.org 466-1636 LEGO ROBOTICS Kids learn the basics of robot programming using Lego NXT and EV3 Robots. Grades 3-6. July 6-10. $150. riverdayschool.org 326-6595 PLANETS, STARS & MOONS, OH MY! Create a space creature and a vehicle to learn about space exploration, astronomy and more. Ages 6-11. July 6-10, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org BOOM CAMP Make noise with cannons, rockets, jets, hovercrafts and more in a four-day science camp. Grades 3-6. July 7-10, 10 am-3 pm. $300-$325. mobiusspokane.org 321-7133
JUNIOR ARCHITECTS Design and name your own cardboard city. Ages 2+. July 15, from 2-4:30 pm. $15-$20. mobiusspokane.org 321-7121 MINECRAFT DESIGNERS Design your own characters and buildings to import into your own Minecraft game. July 1316, 9 am-noon (ages 8-11) and 1-4 pm (ages 12-14). $179. nic.edu/wft 208-769-3333 SPANISH LANGUAGE CAMPOpen to all ages, a camp teaching an introduction to the Spanish language. July 13-16 (all ages). $120-$160. spolang.com CREATIVE KIDS SCIENCE CAMP Hands-on learning through experimentation, games, science projects, crafts, nature hikes and more. Ages 6-11. July 13-17, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org CULINARY MYSTERIES Immerse yourself into the world of a food scientist in a culinary laboratory to determine what junk food makes the best kindling and how to make ice cream with liquid nitrogen. Grades 3-6. July 13-17, 10 am-3 pm. $300-$325. mobiusspokane.org 321-7133 CREATURE FEATURE Learn about the fish, birds, bugs, mammals and fossils that make the Northwest unique and hear stories about them from local Tribal members. Grades 1-2. July 13-17, 9 am-4 pm. $198-$220. northwestmuseum.org FANTASTIC FOSSILS Hands-on activities teach about the ancient environments, landscapes and animals of the region. Grades 3-4. July 13-17, from 9 am-4 pm. $167-$185. northwestmuseum.org LEGO ROBOT ZOO Create a Lego robot zoo of animals that walk, waddle, climb or roll. Sessions for grades 1-3 (builders) and grades 4-6 (engineers). July 13-17, from 9 am-2:30 pm. At Westminster UCC. $130. discovery-school.org
We’re here to inspire kids to work together and play together, creating friendships that can last a lifetime.
Age-appropriate activities, swimming and weekly field trips
ACCOMPLISHMENT We are here to surround your kids with fantastic chances to try new experiences. Show them all they can do when they believe in themselves.
BELONGING We’re here to make kids feel welcome, feel comfortable being themselves and know they’re a part of something great.
FUN CLUBS • Grades 1-4 Activities designed to develop imagination, creativity, learning,and physical activity.
SPECIALTY CAMPS • Entering Grades 3-6 Activities like exploring the wilderness, rock climbing and bouldering or learning the basics of rafting and canoeing. North Only
SUMMER FEVER CLUB • Grades 5-6 Activities focus on social responsibility and physical activity, including day trips, hiking, team building.
TEEN DAY CAMPS • Grades 7-8 Day trips to local lakes, hiking and team building activities and 2 overnights
REGISTER NOW: ymcaspokane.org 509 777 YMCA (9622)
LEGOS & TOPOGRAPHY A camp focused around geometry concepts, and using Legos to build different types of land topography in team-based activities. Grades 3-5. July 13-17, 12:30-3:30 pm. $150. sgs.org 466-1636 ROLLER COASTER PHYSICS Explore physics by building your own roller coaster. Grades 5+. July 13-17, 9:30 am-3 pm. $180. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 WINDMILL MANIA A week of hands-on exploration into wind energy and engineering concepts to create wind-powered machines. Grades K-2. July 13-17, 12:30-3:30 pm. $150. sgs.org GERMAN LANGUAGE CAMP Open to all ages, a camp teaching an introduction to the German language. July 6-9 (preschool/elem.) and July 20-23 (all ages). $120-$160. spolang.com 981-1155 CHINESE LANGUAGE CAMP Chinese language and culture immersion camp, with skits, songs, tai chi and more. June 22-July 10 (grades 2-5) and June 29-July 23 (grades 6-12). At Gonzaga. Free. gonzaga.edu/startalk 313-6783 ADVENTURES IN PEACEMAKING “Passport to Peace” is an interactive day camp focusing on compassionate communication skills through cooperative games, crafts, role-playing and other activities. Ages 6-12. July 20-23, from 9 am-3 pm. At Unity Center of North Spokane. $10/child; $15/family. theunitycenter.org 863-8676 APP ADVENTURES Students choose a mobile app type to explore in-depth programming concepts. No experience necessary. July 20-23, 9 am-noon (ages 8-11) and 1-4 pm (ages 12-14). $179. nic. edu/wft 208-769-3333
CURSIVE WRITING CAMP Learn the lost art of cursive writing. Ages 7+. July 20-23. $80. spolang.com 981-1155 A VIEW FROM A RIVER Explore the Spokane River through games, stories, science and crafts, and a guided canoe trip down the river. Grades 3-4. July 2024, 9 am-4 pm. $220-$245. northwestmuseum.org 456-3931 ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY CAMP Using design and special effects, create an entertainment extravaganza like the pros at Disneyland and Cirque du Soleil. Ages 13+. July 20-24, 10 am-3 pm. $485-$540. mobiusspokane.org HARRY’S LABORATORY Explore science Harry Potter-style with potions and magic to solve a mystery. Ages 6-11. July 20-24, 9 am-3 pm. (Note: Class fills fast.) $126. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 LEGOS & NANOSCIENCE Campers use Legos to explore science concepts in nanotechnology. Grades 3-5. July 20-24, 9 am-noon. $150. sgs.org 466-1636 SUPER SCIENCE SPECTACULAR A week studying engineering, mad science, CSI mysteries and how the human body works. Grades K-6. July 20-24. $175. riverdayschool.org 326-6595 UNDERWATER VEHICLES Explore the lake with underwater vehicles and smartphone microscopes. Grades 5+. July 20-24, 9:30 am-3 pm. $180. gizmo-cda.org SATORI CAMP A “pre-college” camp for gifted and intellectual students, offering two-dozen courses including journalism, sculpture, brain science, history, literary criticism and more. July 19-25, commuter and residential options. At EWU Cheney. $625-$725. (scholarships available). satoricamp.org 800-999-8363
Themed camp sessions include “Outdoor Chef,” “Nightowls,” “Jump in the Lake,” “Spotlight’s On,” and more. Camps offer traditional activities including swimming, arts and crafts, hiking and games. Girls entering grades 4-5. Sessions offered June 23-Aug. 6. $265-$345/session. gsewni.org 800-827-9478
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ROSS POINT BAPTIST CAMP A faith-based camp on the Spokane River offering traditional camp activities, worship, Bible studies and more. Grades K-12. Sessions offered June 19-20 (below grade 2) June 21-26 (grades 6-9), June 29-July 4 (grades 9-12), July 5-8 (grades 2-4), July 5-10 (grades 4-6), July 26-Aug. 1 (family camp). $180-$261, scholarships available. rosspoint.org 208-773-1655
SPANISH IMMERSION CAMP Weekly, themed day camps teaching basic Spanish speaking, reading and writing through games, music and activities. Ages 3-10. Weekly sessions offered June 15-July 27; morning (8:30-11:30 am) and afternoon (1-4 pm) or full-day options. $100/ session. growwithspanish.com 465-4656 SPS STEM SUMMER CAMP A day camp focusing on robotics, programming, video making, engineering and biomedical sciences. Grades K-8. Sessions offered July 6-30 (M-Th). At Garry and Sacajawea Middle Schools. $80/session. spokaneschools.org/summerstemcamps MINECRAFT MODDERS Learn the basics of modding and the foundations of programming, including scripting and logic statements to create your first Minecraft mod. July 27-30, 9 am-noon (ages 8-11) and 1-4 pm (ages 12-14). $179. nic.edu/wft 208-769-3333 COUGAR QUEST A residential academic summer camp for highly capable, college-bound students. Students attend workshops of their choosing taught by WSU professors. July 19-24 (grades 7-9) and July 26-31 (grades 9-12). At WSU Pullman. $675. cougarquest.wsu.edu CAMP OPPORTUNITY A projectbased adventure camp to engage students creativity through science, technology, engineering, art and math. Entering grades 7-9. July 27-31, 9 am-4:30 pm. $250. whitworth.edu/campopportunity FIRST LEGO LEAGUE PREP CAMP Members of FIRST Lego League teams explore intermediate to advanced EV3 programming; research the theme of recycling, go on field trips and more. July 27-31, from 9 am-2:30 pm. At Westminster UCC. $130. discovery-school.org GOT ROCKS! Explore, observe, experiment and collect rocks and minerals while you learn about the geological formations of Eastern Washington. Grades 3-4. July 27-31, 9 am-4 pm. $169-$180. northwestmuseum.org 456-3931 WHERE ON EARTH IS MARS?Recreate the Lake Missoula Ice Dam of 10,000 years ago and discover how NASA tested Mars rovers in the area during this weeklong Mars and Earth geology camp. Grades 3-6. July 27-31, 10 am-3 pm. $300-$325. mobiusspokane.org 321-7133 HI TECH/LOW TECH GAMES Build games the old way using wood and metal in the shop and then make them light up and make sounds. Grades 4+. July 27-31, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org LEGO CONTRAPTIONS Students are challenged to build contraptions that spin, stretch, and spring into action using Legos. Grades 1-3. July 27-31. $150. riverdayschool.org 326-6595 OFF THE WALL Get a rare, behind-thescenes look at the MAC’s collections and learn how to clean, document and interpret objects. Grades 5-6. July 27-31, 9 am-4 pm. $198-$220. northwestmuseum.org RASPBERRY PI FROM SCRATCH PT. 1 Build your own computer using a Raspberry Pi board and move on to Arduinos to make things light up and move. Grades 6+. July 27-31, 9:30 am-3 pm.
$180. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 SCIENCE & NATURE CAMP Discover the world around you by building a volcano and through other nature and science activities. Ages 3-5. July 27-31, 9-11:30 am. $62. spokaneparks.org TECH TREK A week-long camp for girls offering hands-on science and technology classes, field trips and more. Grades 7+ (girls must be nominated by a teacher). July 26-Aug. 1. At EWU Cheney. $50. techtrek-wa.aauw.net/ ROBOT RACING Learn how robots work and build your own to race and then take home. Ages 2+. Aug. 5, 2:30-4:30 pm. $15-$20. mobiusspokane.org MAP & COMPASS ORIENTEERING Learn the time-honored outdoor skill during a wilderness adventure and survival skills camp. Grades 3-4. Aug. 3-7, 9 am-4 pm. $198-$220. northwestmuseum.org RASPBERRY PI PART II A girls-only tech class working with public artist Teresa McHugh to make a kinetic public art piece using a Raspberry Pi to program lights and movement. Grades 6+. Aug. 3-7, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org STUDY SKILLS CAMP A study skills seminar designed to help with goal setting, time management, test taking and more. Grades 6-8, Aug. 3-6 and Aug. 1013. High school session, Aug. 10-13. $80/ session. gprep.com MINDS-I ROBOTICS Learn this robotics system powered by Arduinos. Grades 5+. Aug. 10-14, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 MATH CAMP Two sessions offering grade specific instruction. Aug. 10-14, 9 am-noon (grades 6-8) and 12:30-3:30 pm (grades 7-10) $160/session. sgs.org WATERSHED DISCOVERY CAMP Youth participate in water stewardship activities with the Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper, including kayaking, arts and crafts, field trips and more. Grades 5-6. Aug. 10-14, from 9 am-4 pm. $175. eureka-institute.org 208-597-7188 EXTREME BUILDING Build and stress test your structure to see how much weight it can hold. Ages 2+. Aug. 19, 2-4:30 pm. $15-$20. mobiusspokane.org RIGAMAIJIGS Young engineers use a giant erector set to build all sorts of contraptions. Grades 1-4. Offered June 22-26 and Aug. 17-21, 9:30 am-12:30 pm. $80/session. gizmo-cda.org SUMMER EXPRESS PROGRAMS Express provides age-appropriate activities, including STEM activities, robotics, sports, arts and crafts, games, cooking, and field trips. Activities are planned around weekly themes. June 22-Aug. 21, Mon-Fri. $35/day. spokaneschools.org 3D MODELING Learn to use the laser cutter, CNC router and 3D printer. Grades 7+. Aug. 17-21, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 FORENSICS LAB Solve the mystery of who, what, where and why using chemistry processes. Grades 6+. Aug. 17-21, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDY SKILLS Prep for the upcoming school year to feel more confident studying, prepping for and taking tests. Grades 6-8. Aug. 17-21, 9 am-noon. $160. sgs.org 466-1636 PURPOSEFUL 3D PRINTING Learn the tools of 3D printing and make prosthetic hands for children. Grades 5+. Aug. 17-21, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda. org 208-651-6200 MINECRAFT: DO IT YOUR WAY Learn how to write your own Minecraft mods. Grades 5+. Aug. 24-28, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org
CREATIVE ARTS CLAY & ENAMELING Campers get muddy in the morning with clay and melt glass in the afternoon. Grades 5+. June 1519, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org CREATIVE ADVENTURE CAMP Campers creatively express themselves through various media such as paint, clay, pastel chalk and more. Ages 3-5. June 1519, 9-11:30 am. $62. spokaneparks.org YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHERS CAMPCreate your own pinhole camera, work in the darkroom and learn basic photography skills. Grades 2-6. June 1519, 9 am-3 pm. $300. sgs.org 466-1636 CERAMICS CAMP Ceramics class for students entering grades 3-8. June 2225, from noon-2 pm. $75. gprep.com GPREP ART CAMP Summer arts camp for students entering grades 3-8. June 22-15, from 9-11 am. $75. gprep.com ADVENTURES IN ART Artist Liz Bishop teaches how to use a pottery wheel and how to scratch, carve and press your own prints. Grades 5-6. June 22-26, 9 am-4 pm. $180-$220. northwestmuseum.org ARTIST’S STUDIO A fine arts camp offering painting, drawing, printmaking and sculpture. Ages 6-11. June 22-26, 9 am-3 pm. $120. spokaneparks.org MYTHS & MONSTERS Young builder create simple robots using their imaginations to drive their creations. Grades 1-4. June 22-26, 1-4 pm. $80. gizmo-cda. org 208-651-6200 RIVERDAY ART CAMP A week to explore different art mediums and styles, with activities offered indoors and outside. Grades K-2. Sessions offered June 22-26 and July 13-17. $150. riverdayschool.org SUMMER ART ADVENTURES Learn how to draw still life scenes, people, animals and create art outdoors. Ages 7-12. June 6-27, meets Sat, 10 amnoon. $79. nic.edu/wft 208-769-3333 ART EXPLOSION Use paint and glue to splatter and drip to create works of art. Ages 6-11. June 29-July 1, 9 am-3 pm. $75. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 SQUISH, SQUASH, SPLAT A messy art camp working with paint, glue, dough and more. Ages 3-5. June 29-July 1, 12:30-3 pm. $38. spokaneparks.org WEARABLE, EDIBLE ART Make art to wear, and some that’s even good enough to eat. Ages 3-5. June 29-July 1, 9-11:30 am. $39. spokaneparks.org ABOVE THE SEA CREATURES IN CLAY Use clay to construct your favorite land-inhabiting creatures. Grades 1-6. June 29-July 3, 1-4 pm. $80. gizmo-cda.org BUILD IT! Learn about Plateau Tribe homes and get in touch with your inner architect or engineer, and explore the types of urban living spaces in Spokane. Grades 3-4. June 29-July 3, 9 am-4 pm. $198-$220. northwestmuseum.org UNDERSEA CREATURES IN PAPER MACHE Bring creatures of the sea to life using the art of paper mache. Grades 1-6. June 29-July 3, 9:30 am-12:30 pm. $80. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 WOODWORKING & FORT BUILDING Kids learn age-appropriate woodworking skills using tools and use teamwork to build a fort together. Grades 2-6. June 29-July 3. $175. riverdayschool.org SUMMER ARTS FOR YOUTH Local artists and instructors lead students through the creative process, teaching multiple art skills during themed classes. Ages 5-16. Offered June 16-18, June
23-25, June 30-July 2 and July 7-9. At Harding Family Center, CdA. $30/3-day session, scholarships available. cdaid.org THE ART OF ROBOTICS Learn programming skills and how to use an Arduino to combine craft materials and robotic components to animate an art creation. Grades 4-9. July 5-10, 1-4 pm. $80. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 ART OF NATURE/NATURE OF ART Campers explore animals, plants and tree life through nature walks, outdoor drawing and painting and other art projects. Ages 6-11. July 6-10, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 MORPHING MATERIALS Local ceramic artist Liz Bishop shares how to transform various materials into pieces of art, using inspiration from exhibits. Grades 3-4. July 6-10, from 9 am-4 pm. $180-$200. northwestmuseum.org WONDER WORKS A summer program focusing on art and nature, with activities centered around using natural objects to make art through weaving, dyeing and relief printing. Ages 9-12. July 6-10, 9 am-noon. Free. At Phillips Farm Park (near Moscow; carpooling available). humanistsofthepalouse.org ART OF NATURE The third annual camp uses art to connect children with nature, exploring the landscape around Coeur d’Alene. Grades 2-6. July 13-17, from 9 am-3:30 pm. $175. kealliance.org AS I SEE IT Art-themed day camp exploring different media, painting selfportraits, building sculptures and more. Ages 3-8. July 13-17. plumtreeschool.com CRAFT A DAYDye, bleach, print, stitch and manipulate fabric to create personal creations. Grades 5+. July 13-17, 9:30 am-3 pm. $180. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 LET’S GO VAN GOGH Create art in a class inspired by this famous artist’s bold paintings and drawings. Ages 6-11. July 13-17, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org SEWING BOOT CAMP Learn basic sewing skills through three projects in this camp designed for students with little to no sewing experience. Ages 8-16. Offered June 22-26, 1-4 pm and July 20-24, 9 amnoon. At Let’s Get Sewing, 2801 N. Monroe. $100/session. spokaneparks.org BEGINNING SEWING Kids learn hand-stitching skills and beginning skills on a sewing machine, creating a project during their week at camp. Grades 3-6. July 20-24. $150. riverdayschool.org BIG FAT MESSY CRAFT CAMP A week all about the messier crafts like color spray tees, melted-bead suncatchers and stamps. Grades 1-5. July 20-24, 12:30-3:30 pm. $165. sgs.org 466-1636 COME WITH ME, UNDER THE SEA Campers explore an underwater world through stories, arts and crafts and more. Ages 3-5. July 20-24,12:30-3 pm. $62. spokaneparks.org 625-6677 ENGINEERING A POP-UP BOOK Become a paper engineer and learn basic mechanisms to make pop-up books. Grades 4+. July 20-24, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 EXPRESSIONS IN CLAY An intensive week of handbuilding and wheel throwing. Grades 5+. July 20-24, 9:30 am-3 pm. $180. gizmo-cda.org GET MESSY AT THE MAC Explore new ways to make art with paint, clay and printing and explore the current “100 Stories” exhibit with activities on the museum campus. Grades 1-2. July 20-24, 9 am-4 pm. $180-$200. northwestmuseum.org PICASSO, DALI, KLEE AND ME Study fine art techniques by famous artists who illustrated, sculpted and painted
their dreams. Ages 6-11. July 20-24, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org PRESCHOOL PICASSOS Young artists explore art through color, textures, paint, crayons and more. Ages 3-5. July 20-24, 9-11:30 am. $62. spokaneparks.org FILM PRODUCTION CAMP Aspiring actors, directors and screenwriters have the opportunity to make a movie. Ages 11-13. Sessions offered June 15-26 and July 20-31; Mon-Fri from 9 am-3:30 pm. $300-$375. kroccda.org CASTLES, PRINCESSES, KNIGHTS & DRAGONS Campers make armour, shields, crowns and more in an creativity-focused day camp. Ages 3-5. Offered July 6-10, 9-11:30 am and July 27-31, 12:30-3 pm. $62. spokaneparks.org MONET’S GARDEN Use the great outdoors as inspiration for art and learn about famous impressionist masters like Degas, Monet, Morisot and Renoir. Ages 6-11. July 27-31, 9 am-3 pm. At Corbin Art Center. $124. spokaneparks.org NATIVE AMERICAN ARTS Kids learn arts and craft techniques drawing inspiration from Native American heritage. Grades 3-6. July 27-31. $175. riverdayschool.org JEWELRY IMMERSION Become your own jewelry designer. Grades 5+. Aug. 3-7, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org UP-CYCLE WITH ART Learn how to recycle and reuse ordinary household materials and found natural objects during nature hikes to make works of art. Grades 5-6. Aug. 3-7, 9 am-4 pm. $198$220. northwestmuseum.org 456-3931 ART EXPLORATION Make balloon animals and create masterpieces with clay, paint, beads and more. Ages 2+. Jul 23, 2-4 pm and Aug. 12, 10:30 am-12:30 pm. $15-$20. mobiusspokane.org AMERICAN GIRL FASHION FUN Learn patten reading skills, machine sewing and more as you make doll clothes sized for your American Girl doll. Ages 7-14. Aug. 1014, 9 am-noon. At Let’s Get Sewing, 2801 N. Monroe. $100. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 GLOBE TROTTING ARTISTS Campers learn about cultures and locations of the world through art projects from paint, clay, papier-mâché and other materials. Ages 6-11. Aug. 10-14, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 TOPSY-TURVY FAIRYTALE FUN Popular fairytales get turned upside down through activities, stories and craft projects. Ages 3-5. Aug. 10-14, 12:30-3 pm. $62. spokaneparks.org 625-6677 YMCA FILM CAMPWork with others to plan, develop and film a movie. Ages 12-18. Offered June 22-26, July 7-10, July 20-24, Aug. 3-7, Aug. 10-14 and Aug. 17-21. $100-$120/session. ymcaspokane.org LEONARDO’S WORKSHOP Study fine art techniques that made Leonardo Da Vinci famous, and create your own invention models. Ages 6-11. Aug. 17-21, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org DESIGN/BUILD A SET & MAKE A MOVIE Build a set, create characters and make a movie to share in a student film festival shown to the public. Grades 4+. Aug. 24-28, 9:30 am-3 pm. $160. gizmo-cda.org 208-651-6200 INLAND NW DRAWING SCHOOL Summer drawing classes are offered Tue-Fri, 10-12:30 pm, July-August. Also offering ongoing classes for children and adults (ages 7+) Mondays in July and Aug. $110-$160. indrawschool.com
MUSIC COUGAR STRING CAMPA chamber music/orchestra camp for intermediate to advanced string players, also offering instruction in improvisation, voice, history, composition and more. Grades 7-12. June 21-26. $310-$465. libarts.wsu.edu/ music/camp 509-335-3961 WSU OBOE CAMP Student musicians in oboe and English horn study with WSU faculty, focusing on music theory, composition, performance and more. Grades 7-12. June 21-26, commuter and resident options. $350-$500. libarts.wsu.edu/music/camp 335-7966 HOLY NAMES SUMMER STRINGS CAMPOffering daily, directed practice for small and large ensembles and instruction in technique, music theory, rhythm and more. Ages 7-18. June 22-26, 3-9 pm. $200. hnmc.org 326-9516 WSU KEYBOARD EXPLORATIONS Middle and high school students work with WSU faculty to study classical piano, jazz piano, improvisation and organ. Grades 7-12. June 28-July 3, commuter and resident options. $375-$525. libarts.wsu.edu/music/camp SUMMER PIANO CAMP Mary Simpson leads a week of instruction in pi-
ano. June 29-July 3, 8 am-5 pm. At Holy Names Music Center. hnmc.org 326-9516 SINGERS PERFORMANCE WEEK Offers basic training in vocal technique, acting for singers, stage movement, professional media and more. July 20-24, 3-9 pm. $250. hnmc.org 326-9516 EWU JAZZ DIALOGUE CAMP A week-long camp for instrumental and vocal musicians. For middle and high school students. $450-$600. 359-7421 BLAST OFF WITH PIANO Students are introduced to playing piano in a group setting, and perform in a recital. Ages 6-10. Offered July 6-10 and Aug. 3-7. $90. familyschoolofmusic.com MUSIC WORKSHOP A one-hour workshop giving students the chance to try out several different musical instruments. All ages. Offered July 25 and Aug. 22, 11 am-noon. Free. familyschoolofmusic.com
THEATER MEAD THEATRE CAMP Open to grades 4-6. June 15-19, 10 am-noon (grades 4-6) and 12:30-2 pm (grades 7-8). $40-$50. 465-7002 THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. June 15-19, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered. $115. spokanecivictheatre.com 325-2507 FAIRYTALE THEATRE CAMP Children are introduced to the world of drama through fairytale stories, creating stories and costumes. Ages 3-5. June 2226, 9-11:30 am. $62. spokaneparks.org HERMIONE GRANGER & THE WEASLEY GNOMES Young ac-
tors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. June 22-26, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered. $115. spokanecivictheatre.com WOODY’S ROUND UP Young actors learn the basics of Broadway-style stage performance including voice, drama and dance, with a performance for friends and family at the end of camp. June 22-26, from 9 am-noon. Ages 5-7. At CYT North Spokane. $120. cytspokane.com TEEN DRAMA CAMP Young actors develop their skills in characterization, script analysis, voice, acting styles and improvisation. Grades 7-12. June 22-July 3, morning (9 am-noon) or afternoon (1-4 pm) sessions available. Camp concludes with a performance. $200. spokanecivictheatre.com 325-2507 FAIRYTALE THEATRE Through storytelling, reenacting and song and dance, children explore the fairy tales of old. Ages 3-8. June 29-July 3. plumtreeschool.com A STORY TO TELL Learn different ways to tell stories from seasoned storytellers in a theatrical-themed camp, and stage a production in the MAC’s outdoor amphitheatre. Grades 5-6. July 6-10, 9 am-4 pm. $198$220. northwestmuseum.org ALADDIN A theater camp based on the songs and story from the Disney classic, with games, workshops, dancing and more. Sessions offered for ages 5-6 and ages 7-12. July 6-10. At Lake City Community Church. $100-$75. cytnorthidaho.org ALL ABOARD Students practice stage skills in musical theater performance, including voice, dance and drama to perform a show at the end of the week for friends and family. July 6-10, from 9 am-4 pm. Ages 7-12. At CYT North Spokane location. $200. cytspokane.com KID ICARUS Young actors learn basic
HERMIONE GRANGER & THE WEASLEY GNOMES Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week at the Spokane Civic Theatre. Grades 4-7. June 22-26, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered. $115. spokanecivictheatre.com 325-2507
performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. July 6-10, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm) sessions offered. $115. spokanecivictheatre.com 325-2507 RTOP SUMMER CAMP Children’s performance camps culminate with a live performance with an audience. Ages 8-16. Weekly sessions offered June 15July 17, 9 am-noon or 1-4 pm. At Regional Theatre of the Palouse. $105/week. rtoptheatre.org 509-335-0750 FRACTURED FABLES Young actors learn stage performance techniques while performing “fractured” blends of classic fairy tales. Ages 10-14. July 13-17. At Lake City Community Church. $100$175. cytnorthidaho.org 208-765-8600 PETER PAN & THE PICADILLIES Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. July 13-17, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm). $115. spokanecivictheatre.com 325-2507 THE LIGHT PRINCESS Students learn basic drama skills, prop making and rehearse and put on a show based on the George MacDonald story. Ages 8-13. July 13-17, 9 am-12:30 pm, with a Friday performance. At the Lion’s Share Theatre. $100. drjimbecker@gmail.com 327-1113 UNDER THE SEA A musical theater camp in which students rehearse and produce a play in a week. July 13-17, 9 am-noon. Ages 5-7. At CYT Spokane Valley. $120. cytspokane.com 487-6540 THE SLEEPING PRINCESS Students rehearse and perform an original musical adaptation of Sleeping Beauty” by camp instructors Steven Dahlke and Christopher Moll. Ages 8-18. July 11-18, 9:30 am-3:30 pm. At Modern Theater Spokane. $175-$195. themoderntheater.org MAGICAL MUSIC CAMP A week-
long theater camp focusing on all aspects of stage performance including voice, dance and drama. July 20-24, 9 am-4 pm. Ages 7-12. $200. cytspokane.com SNOW WHITE Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. July 20-24, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm). $115. spokanecivictheatre.com THE LORD OF THE RINGS Teen actors learn basic performance skills, prop making, and prepare a performance based on the first book in the Tolkien trilogy. Ages 11-17. July 20-24. At the Lion’s Share Theatre. $100. drjimbecker@gmail.com 327-1113 BROADWAY SHOWSTOPPERS Campers rehearse and perform a musical revue of solos and group numbers selected by campers and directors. Ages 11-18. July 20-25, from 9:30 am-3:30 pm. At Modern Theater Spokane. $175-$195. themoderntheater.org 455-7529 OVERNIGHT TEEN CAMP A theater camp exploring the themes of biblical-based musicals, including “Jesus Christ Superstar,” “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” and more. Ages 13-18. July 26-31. At Twin Lakes Friends Camp. $295. cytnorthidaho.org MISS NELSON IS MISSING Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. July 27-31, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm). $115. spokanecivictheatre.com SUMMER STAGE DRAMA CAMP Students team up for storytelling, acting and improv games and a final day performance. Ages 6-11. July 27-31, 9 am-3 pm. $124. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 DISNEY ON STAGE Theater camp drawing inspiration from the vast library of Disney songs and stories, focusing on actor teamwork. July 13-17 and Aug. 3-7, from 1-3
pm. Ages 7-10. At Expressions School of Dance. $100. cdasummertheatre.com FAIRYTALE FANTASY Students learn the basics of team-building and trusting skills that are crucial to theater performance, using fantasy stories as structure. July 13-17 and Aug. 3-7, from 10 am-noon. Ages 4-6. At Expressions School of Dance. $100. cdasummertheatre.com ALICE IN WONDERLAND Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. Aug. 3-7, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm). $115. spokanecivictheatre.com JUNGLE BOOGIE Theater performance camp offering workshops in voice, dance, drama and more. Activities through the week include games, competitions and rehearsal for a Friday showcase. Sessions offered for ages 5-6 and ages 7-12. Aug. 3-8. At Lake City Community Church. $100$175. cytnorthidaho.org 208-765-8600 MAIN STAGE PERFORMANCE CAMP Young actors (ages 13-20) can audition for the main stage camp and preseason play “Seussical: The Musical” May 26-29, at 6:30 pm. Selected actors can enroll to practice and perform in a rehearsal camp, July 6-Aug. 2, Mon-Fri, from 9 am-5 pm. Performances July 24-26 and July 29Aug. 2. $400. spokanecivictheatre.com MAIN STAGE SUMMER INTENSIVE Students can audition (July 17-18) to rehearse and perform in a two-week intensive theater camp. Ages 10-17 (audition only). July 27-Aug 9. Camp concludes with a series of performances Aug. 7-9. $150. spokanecivictheatre.com THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. Aug. 10-14, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm). $115. spokanecivictheatre.com
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The Complete Skills Jr. camp offers instruction for boys and girls ages 8-12. Sessions offered June 22-24, June 29-July 1, July 6-8, July 20-22 and Aug. 17-19. $160. nbccamps.com 800-406-3926
THEATER ELEMENTARY SET MAKING Campers from the morning and afternoon “Play in a Week” sessions unite to design and construct the set for their production. June 22-Aug. 21; Mon-Thu, from 11 am-12:30 pm. $50. spokanecivictheatre. com MUSICAL THEATRE CAMPS Workshops focusing on acting, directing, stage movement, singing and more, with culminating performances. July 20-23 (grades 1-3), July 27-30 (grades 4-6) and Aug. 10-21 (grades 7-12). At the new Pend Oreille Playhouse (236 S. Union, Newport). $30-$85. pendorielleplayers.org 4479900 JAMES & THE GIANT PEACH Young actors learn basic performance skills by rehearsing and performing a play in a week. Grades 4-7. Aug. 17-21, morning (9-11 am) or afternoon (1-3 pm). $115. spokanecivictheatre.com 325-2507 SHREK THE MUSICAL Young actors explore themes of friendship, teamwork and personal acceptance through rehearsing and performing the movebased musical. July 6-10 and Aug. 17-21 (ages 15-18); Aug. 10-14 (ages 11-14);
Aug. 24-28 (ages 8-12). At Expressions School of Dance. $190. cdasummertheatre.com CYT SPOKANE TEEN CAMP A musical theater camp for older actors, in which students rehearse to perform a play at the end of the week for friends and family. July 27-31, from 9 am-5 pm. Ages 13-18. $210. cytspokane.com
DANCE/CHEER ACADEMY OF DANCE: WORKSHOP 3 Students learn classical ballet technique, pointe, variations, contemporary technique, improvisation and more. Min. 4 years of ballet/1 year of pointe required. Ages 13+. July 6-31, from 10:45 am-3:45 pm. $170-$599. spokaneacademyofdance.com BEGINNING POINTE WORKSHOP An intro to pointe ballet. June 22-26, from 2-4 pm. $110. spokaneballetstudio.com 714-3650 JULIE’S COMPETITIVE EDGE SUMMER ACADEMY Weekly, themed summer classes offer instruction in hip hop, jazz, acro, ballet, tap, lyrical, musical theatre and more. Ages 3+. Sessions offered June 16-18, June 23-25 and July 6-8 (Boys Sports/dance class). $75/ session. jceda.com 483-4145 ACADEMY OF DANCE: WORKSHOP 1 Classical ballet techniques, conditioning, jazz, lectures on dance topics and rehearsal for and end-of-week performance. Min. 1 year of ballet training required. Ages 8-11. July 6-10. $175-$239. spokaneacademyofdance.com 922-3023 CHILDREN’S BALLET WORKSHOP Teaching ballet with character, jazz,
conditioning, ballet history and mini-performance. June 29-July 2 (ages 7-8); July 6-9 (ages 8-9) and July 13-16 (ages 9-11). $90/ session. spokaneballetstudio.com BEGINNING BALLET A Peter Panthemed workshop for beginning dancers. Ages 4-6. July 6, 9, 13 and 16, from 3:304:15 pm. $50. spokaneballetstudio.com UCA CHEER CAMP Three-day, elite high school cheerleading camp with options for resident or day enrollment. July 13-16. $210-$340. uca.varsity.com/EasternWashingtonUniversity 253-241-3822 ACADEMY OF DANCE: WORKSHOP 2 Classical ballet techniques, pre-pointe/pointe, conditioning, modern dance and more, including a studio performance at the end of the camp. Min. 2 years of ballet training required. Ages 1012. July 13-24. $175-$495. spokaneacademyofdance.com 922-3023 SPOKANE DANCE CENTER TEEN CAMP Sessions in jazz, ballet, tap, tumbling and contemporary dance. Ages 11+. Weekly sessions offered June 15-July 30. $90/week or $225/3 weeks. dancecenterofspokane.com 448-2464 FANTASY DANCE CAMP Imaginative dance camp with each day based on storybook themes and characters. Ages 3-10. July 9, 15, 21 and Aug. 3, from 10 am-noon. $35/day or $120/all sessions. isabellesdancetime.com 927-0972 JAZZ INTENSIVE CAMPS Intensive jazz camps taught by Dave Massey and Amy Martinez, focusing on technique, lyrical, musical theater and more. Sessions offered for all ages. Aug. 3-6. 100$250/week or $75/day. dancecenterofspokane.com 448-2464 SUMMER DANCE WORKSHOP Students sample various styles of dance including ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop and cheer. Ages 2+. Aug. July 7-16; Tue/ Thu, 1-hour classes divided by age. Second session Aug. 4, 6 and 7. $40-$50. maressasdance.com 599-4048 MOUNTAIN VIEW CHEER CAMP A five-day camp focusing on cheers, stunts, tumbling and dance, with a family showcase on Friday. Aug. 3-7; ages 3-6 from 9 am-noon, ages 7+ from 9 am-5 pm. $115-$210. mountainviewgymnastics.com CHEER CAMP Campers learn tumbling, stunts, dances and cheers. Ages 3-14, open to all skill levels. Offered July 13-17 and Aug. 4-8, from 8:15 am-12:15 pm or 12:30-4:30 pm. $129-$139. spokanegymnastics.com 533-9646 JUST FOR KIX DANCE CAMP Dance camp offering instruction in pom, kick, jazz, hip hop, lyrical and sessions on conditioning, injury prevention, nutrition and more. Grades 6-12. Aug. 6-8. At EWU Cheney. $300. justforkix.com SKYHAWKS CHEERLEADING Girls learn essential skills to lead crowds, including proper hand and body movements, jumping and choreographed performance skills. Ages 5-12. Held at parks and schools in the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene area. June-August. $69-$119. skyhawks.com 800-804-3509 SPOKANE DANCE CENTER KIDS CAMP Themed dance classes in multiple dance styles are offered. Ages 3-12. Weekly sessions offered June 15-Aug. 20. $90/week or $225/3 weeks. dancecenterofspokane.com 448-2464 SUMMER DANCE CLASSES Instruction in jazz, contemporary, ballet, musical theater, tap, hip-hop and street. Ages 8+; open to all skill levels. July 13-23 and Aug. 10-20, Mon-Thu. $15/class or $150/unlimited. isabellesdancetime.com SUMMER DANCE INTENSIVE Instruction in classical ballet, hip-hop, jazz,
tap, musical theater, contemporary, stretch, tone and lyrical. Ages 11+. Sessions offered Aug. 10-13 and Aug. 17-20. $175/week; $50/ day. dancecenterofspokane.com 448-2464 DROP-IN DANCE CLASSES Drop-in hip-hop classes, open to all levels and ages. Offered Aug. 11, 13, 18 and 20, from 8-9 pm. $15/class. dancecenterofspokane.com SPOKANE BALLET SUMMER DROP-IN Drop-in sessions offered for intermediate to advanced dancers. June 22-25, June 29-July 2, July 6-16, Aug. 3-6. $15/class. spokaneballetstudio.com INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED BALLETFocusing on ballet with pointe, variations, modern, pilates, conditioning and contemporary. Aug. 10-21, Mon-Fri. Intermediate 2-4 pm; advanced 4-6 pm. $150-$270. spokaneballetstudio.com BALLET INTRO Children work on strength, body awareness, grace and poise along with basic ballet techniques. Ages 7+. Sessions offered June 3-24, July 8-29 and Aug. 5-26. At all three YMCA locations and CenterPlace Event Center. $33-$45/session. ymcaspokane.org PRE-BALLETAweeklyclasstointroduce young children to basic ballet techniques through games and songs. Ages 3-6. Sessions offered June 8-29, July 13-Aug. 3 and Aug. 10-31. At all three YMCA locations and CenterPlace Event Center. $33-$45/session. ymcaspokane.org
BASKETBALL NIC GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMPS Players are coached by NIC women’s basketball players and coaches in sessions focused on fundamentals, guard/post positions and shooting. Grades 3-12. June 8-11. $75-$125. nicathletics.com ST. GEORGE’S LOWER SCHOOL BASKETBALL Camp teaching game fundamentals in shooting, passing, ball handling, defense and more. Boys and girls entering grades K-5. June 15-18, 9-11 am. $80. sgs.org 466-1636 WSU MEN’S BASKETBALL CAMP Daily games and skill development with instruction by WSU coaching staff and players, led by head coach Ernie Kent. Coed, grades 2-8. June 15-18, 9 am-4 pm. Elite overnight camp also offered June 2223. $130-$150. athletics.wsu.edu/camps ST. GEORGE’S BOYS BASKETBALL Learn basketball fundamentals from St. George’s coaches. Grades 6-12. June 15-19, 11:30 am-2:30 pm. $100. sgs.org ST. GEORGE’S GIRLS BASKETBALL Camp focusing on developing foundation basketball skills and team play. Grades 6-12. June 15-19, 11:30 am2:30 pm. $100. sgs.org 466-1636 EWU WOMEN’S BASKETBALL CAMP An intro to basketball skills and drills are taught to players by EWU women’s basketball players and coaching staff. June 17-19; 1-5 pm (grades 6-8) and 5:309:30 pm (grades 9-12). Coed. $75. ewuwomensbasketballcamps.com WHITWORTH MEN’S TEAM CAMP High school teams have the opportunity to compete and be coached by Whitworth’s coaching staff. June 19-21, commuter and overnight options. $165$400/player. whitworthpirates.com EAST CENTRAL HOOPFEST PREP CAMP A camp to focus on 3-on-3 skills to get players ready for the big Hoopfest weekend, focusing on competitive team strategy. Grades 6-12. June 20-21, from 12-3 pm. At East Central Community Center. $80/team. mattw@ ecspokane.org 808-2122
EWU WOMEN’S TEAM CAMP EWU coaches and staff help develop team play and individual skills, with at least five guaranteed games. June 22-24. Commuter and overnight options. $200$500. ewuwomensbasketballcamps.com JUNIOR VANDAL CAMP Young players participate in drills teaching fundamentals in dribbling, passing, shooting and defense. Girls grades 2-6. June 2224, 9 am-noon. $100. vandalwomensbasketballcamp.com VANDAL BASKETBALL CAMP Middle and high school players practice and develop offense and defense using the fundamentals of the Idaho Women’s team. Grades 7-12. June 22-24, 1-4 pm. $100. vandalwomensbasketballcamp.com MEAD BOYS BASKETBALL CAMP Open to grades 3-12. Sessions offered June 8-11 (grades 9-12), June 1525, Mon-Thu (grades 3-8). At Mead High School gym. $50-$75. 465-7002 MEAD GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP Open to grades 3-12. Sessions offered June 15-18 (grades 7-12) and June 15-25, Mon-Thu (grades 3-6). $50-$75. 465-7002 WSU WOMEN’S ELITE CAMP Camp for high-level players, focusing on advanced skill instruction, position breakdown and daily games, led by WSU coaches and players. Grades 9-12. June 23-25. $130-$160. athletics.wsu.edu/camps GONZAGA WOMEN’S TEAM CAMP Team training camps for high school girls teams. Offered June 15-18, June 19-22 and July 5-8, commuter and resident options. $295-$700. guwb.mycustomevent.com GONZAGA WOMEN’S INDIVIDUAL CAMP Players are instructed by Zags coaches and players, with individual, team, and position-specific options. Ages 5-18. June 19-21 (position specific) and July 5-8. Half-, full-day and overnight options. $125-$345. guwb.mycustomevent.com 313-4219 OFFENSIVE ARSENAL CLINIC A camp focusing on shooting and building offensive game skills. Coed, grades 5-12. July 7 and 9, 10 am-noon. $20. sgs.org BALL HANDLING CLINIC A camp focusing on ball handling, dribbling and passing. Coed, grades 5-12. July 14 and 16, 10 am-noon. $20. sgs.org 466-1636 GONZAGA BOYS TEAM CAMP The Gonzaga men’s coaching staff and players provide instruction to high school boys teams looking to refine their skill and team play. Min. 8 players. June 2326, June 28-July 1 and July 16-19. $310/ player. gonzagabasketballcamps.com NBC BASKETBALL CAMPS (HUB) The Complete Skills Jr. camp offers instruction for boys and girls ages 8-12. Sessions offered June 22-24, June 29-July 1, July 6-8, July 20-22 and Aug. 17-19. At the HUB Sports Center. $160. nbccamps.com 800-406-3926 EWU INDIVIDUAL CAMP Players hone skill development, play in competitions and contests under coaching of EWU staff and players. Ages 7-12. July 20-23; full- or half-day sessions available. $75$125. ewubasketballcamps.com POSITION WORK CLINIC A twoday clinic focusing on position specific drills for point guards, posts and swings. Coed, grades 5-12. July 21 and 23, 10 amnoon. $20. sgs.org 466-1636 BASKETBALL SKILLS CAMP Athletes will hone individual skills through team play and drills on dribbling, shooting, defense, rebounding and passing. Ages 8-12. July 6-10 and July 20-24, from 9 amnoon. $100/week. mattw@ecspokane.org
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BASKETBALL NBC BASKETBALL CAMP (NIC) The Complete Player camp is offered for boys and girls, ages 9-18. July 20-24. At North Idaho College. $550. nbccamps.com EWU ADVANCED SKILLS CAMP Players are coached by EWU staff and players, with competitions and contests. Ages 13-16. July 24-26, from 9 am-3 pm. $100. ewubasketballcamps.com GONZAGA ADVANCED SKILLS CAMP Players receive instruction in footwork, shooting, ball handling, passing, rebounding and offensive/defensive team concepts. Boys entering grades 3-13. July 23-26, commuter and overnight options. $305-$400 gonzagabasketballcamps.com GONZAGA FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS CAMP Younger players learn basic skills and game fundamentals. Boys and girls entering grades 1-7. July 27-29; morning or full-day sessions offered. $125$250. gonzagabasketballcamps.com BREAKTHROUGH BASKETBALL ELITE CAMP An elite skills development camp coached by Drew Molitoris, focusing on ball-handling, shooting, finishing, defense and more. Middle school boys and girls grades. July 28-30, 9 am-3 pm. At the HUB Sports Center. $235. breakthroughbasketball.com COMPLETE PLAYER CLINIC St. George’s final basketball session puts together all the skills taught in previous camps, but players don’t need to attend those to enroll in this clinic. Coed, grades 5-12. July 28 and 30, 10 am-noon. $20. sgs.org 466-1636 BREAKTHROUGH BASKETBALL SKILLS CAMP A skills development camp coached by NBA coach Don Kelbick, focusing on footwork, mentality, ball-handling, shooting and more. Open to coed high school players and mature 7-8 graders. July 31-Aug. 2. At the HUB Sports Center. $239. breakthroughbasketball.com EWU MEN’S SHOOTING ACADEMY Instruction focusing on shooting technique with competitions and video analysis. Grades 4-12. Aug. 2, from 9 am-3 pm. $50. ewubasketballcamps.com BALL HANDLING AND SHOOTING CAMP Learn sportsmanship, fundamental skills, teamwork and more in a shooting and ball handling-focused camp. Aug. 3-7, from 9 am-5 pm. At HUB Sports Center. $265. advantagebasketball.com NBC COLLEGE BASKETBALL PREP CAMP NBC Camps’ most elite camp offers collegiate level training for boys and girls, ages 14-20. Application/ interview required. At Whitworth University. $1265. nbccamps.com WHITWORTH MEN’S ELITE CAMPDay one is a “competition camp” and offers play against and with elite players. Day two is a “shooting camp” and includes individual instruction in shooting techniques. Grades 9-12. Aug. 8, 1-6 pm and Aug. 9, 11 am-4 pm. $60$175. whitworthpirates.com 777-4415 NBC BASKETBALL CAMPS (WAREHOUSE) The Rookie BB Day camp (ages 6-9) and Complete Skills Jr. Camp (8-12) are offered for boys and girls. July 13-15, July 20-23, Aug. 3-7 and
Aug. 10-12. $90-$255. nbccamps.com LITTLE EAGLETS & SOARING EAGLES CAMPS Introduction to basketball with a focus on fundamental skills and drills. Little Eaglets (coed), grades K-5: July 27-31 (Cheney) and Aug. 1012 (Oakesdale). Soaring Eagles, grades 6-8: July 27-31 (Cheney) and Aug. 10-12 (Oakesdale) $60-$90. ewuwomensbasketballcamps.com 359-7382 BALL HANDLING AND SHOOTING CAMP 2 Learn sportsmanship, fundamental skills, teamwork and more in a shooting and ball handling-focused camp. Aug. 10-12, from 9 am-5 pm. At The Warehouse. $195. advantagebasketball.com NBC BASKETBALL CAMPS (WHITWORTH) Day camp options are available for many of NBC Camps’ overnight camp programs, including Pure Shooting & Offensive Skills, Position Specific, Junior, and more. Boys and girls ages 8-19. Sessions offered from June 22-August 20. $225-$560. nbccamps.com SKYHAWKS BASKETBALL Basketball camps are taught at local schools throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area, offering a skill-intensive program for beginning to intermediate athletes, teaching passing, dribbling, shooting and rebounding. Coed, ages 6-12. Offered June-August. $69-$145/ session. skyhawks.com HOOPSTERTOTS Basketball basics for young children are taught through games and fun challenges. Ages 1 1/2-5 1/2. Ten-week sessions offered June 22Aug. 26, meeting once a week. At Thornton Murphy and Audubon parks. $130/ session. supertotssports.com
SOFTBALL/ BASEBALL ZAGS BASEBALL “BIG DOGS” CAMP Advanced fundamental skills camp on hitting, fielding, throwing, pitching and more. Boys and girls ages 1114. July 13-15, from 9 am-3 pm. $225. collegebaseballcamps.com/zags 313-4078 INFIELD-ONLY CAMP A camp focusing on the skills and techniques of infield positions. June 7, from 9 am-noon. At University HS. $65. hittingzoneusa.com ELITE HITTING CAMPPlayers work through a six-step hitting progression used by the pros, receive video analysis and more. June 29-July 1. At University High School. $100. hittingzoneusa.com ZAGS BASEBALL “PUPS” CAMP A camp for beginning players to teach basic fundamentals in hitting, fielding, throwing and more. Boys and girls ages 4-6. July 6-7, from 9-11 am. $50. collegebaseballcamps.com/zags 313-4078 ZAGS BASEBALL “LIL ZAGS” CAMP Intermediate level fundamental skills class on hitting, fielding, throwing, pitching and more. Boys and girls ages 7-10. July 6-8, from 9 am-3 pm. $225. collegebaseballcamps.com/zags 313-4078 EAST CENTRAL SOFTBALL CAMP A camp to help players develop individual, core skills through focused drills and team play. Ages 7-12. July 13-17. At Liberty Park. $100. mattw@ecspokane.org 808-2122 Y WINNERS T-BALL T-ball gears up younger players to move on to baseball. Ages 4-5. June 24-July 22. Locations vary. $67-$92. ymcaspokane.org PITCHING MACHINE BASEBALL Players work on dexterity, agility and teamwork, with game play included. Grades 3-12. Practice starts June 15, games on Tue/Thu, June 23-July 23. $67-
$92 .ymcaspokane.org 777-9622 THE HITTING ZONE A baseball camp teaching all aspects of the game through progressive drills in infield/ outfield play, hitting, pitching, catching and base running. Sessions offered July 6-9 and July 20-23. At University High School. $135/session. hittingzoneusa.com PREMIER MITTS Specialized infield and hitting camp. Ages 15 and under. July 6-9, July 13-16 and July 27-30. At Shadle Park HS. $109-$159. premiermittsinc.com GONZAGA BASEBALL HIGH SCHOOL PROSPECTS A camp for high school players (class of 2014-18) interested in playing at a college level receive Division I-level coaching. Limited to the first 90 participants. Aug. 4-6. $295. collegebaseballcamps.com/zags 313-4078 NIKE BASEBALL An intensive camp offering professional instruction from collegiate coaches and players. July 2024 (ages 10-14) and Aug. 3-7 (ages 1518), commuter, extended and overnight options. $345-$565. ussportscamps.com SPOKANE INDIANS YOUTH CLINIC Attendees receive instruction from Spokane Indians players on the fundamentals of baseball. Tickets to the evening’s games also included (parents can purchase tickets to sit with child). Offered June 22, July 8 and Aug. 11, from 3:30-5:30 pm. Ages 5-12. $5/session. spokaneindians.com 343-6886 SKYHAWKS BASEBALL Baseball camps are offered at local parks throughout Spokane and CdA, offering progressional instruction and teaching in fielding, catching, throwing, hitting and baserunning. Coed, ages 4-12. Camps offered JuneAugust. $69-$145. skyhawks.com BASEBALLTOTS A program for young children to introduce baseball concepts and techniques in a non-competitive setting. Ages 2-6. June 23-Aug. 27, meets once a week, times and locations vary. $130/session. supertotssports.com
FOOTBALL COUGAR FOOTBALL CAMP Minicamp offering non-contact instruction from WSU coaching staff and tours of the WSU Football facilities. Coed, grades 1112. June 13. Kicking showcase camp also offered, same day, 9 am-1 pm. $50/session. athletics.wsu.edu/camps WHITWORTH 8-MAN FOOTBALL CAMP A contact football camp coached by Whitworth football coaching staff. Grades 9-12. June 15-17. $220. whitworthpirates.com 777-4329 VANDAL TEAM CAMP High school players work on game skills and techniques following the Vandals’ team philosophy. Grades 9-12. June 15-18, commuter and resident options. $250-$325. vandalfootballcamp.com VANDAL YOUTH CAMP A kids football camp led by University of Idaho coaching staff and players. Grades 2-6. June 19, 8:30 am-noon. $25-$35. vandalfootballcamp.com VANDAL SKILLS CAMP Daily skill camps offer coaching in various aspects and positions. Grades 9-12. June 22-24, from 1-4 pm. Also offering a special kicking camp June 24 from 4:30-8:30 pm ($85) with NFL kicker Mike Hollis. $30/ day. vandalfootballcamp.com GRID KIDS CAMP Full-contact football skills camp teaching blocking, tackling, running and other skills. June 2225.. Coed grades 3-6. At West Valley HS. $190-$210. ymcaspokane.org 777-9622
Saint George’s award-winning teachers have created an incredible variety of one-week day camps to make learning fun all summer long!
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www.sgs.org/summer PREMIER MITTS Specialized infield and hitting camp. Ages 15 and under. July 6-9, July 13-16 and July 27-30. At Shadle Park HS. $109-$159. premiermittsinc.com 863-4605
for information on all SGS Summer Camps and online Registration. Call 509-464-8815 for details. 2929 W. Waikiki Rd., Spokane 99208 SPOKANE’S NON-RELIGIOUS COLLEGE-PREPARATORY DAY SCHOOL FOR GRADES K–12
SUMMER ARTS FOR YOUTH Local artists and instructors lead students through the creative process, teaching multiple art skills during themed classes. Ages 5-16. Classes offered June 16-18, June 23-25, June 30-July 2 and July 7-9. At Harding Family Center, CdA. $30/3-day session, scholarships available. cdaid.org 208-676-9132
FOOTBALL WHITWORTH TEAM CAMP Contact football camp to teach game fundamentals and techniques, for high school football teams to practice together. Grades 9-12. June 22-25. $220/player. whitworthpirates.com 777-4329 EWU INDIVIDUAL/TEAM CAMP Improve techniques and game strategies as an individual or with a team, with instruction from EWU coaching staff. Grades 9-12. Offered June 17-20 and June 24-27. $75-$310. ewufootballcamps.com INLAND NW FOOTBALL CAMP A full-contact, tackle football camp with college level coaches and specific position training. Grades K-8. June 29-July 2, 8 am-noon. At Mt. Spokane HS. $110. inwsportscamps.com 808-3329 SPOKANE SHOCK SKILLS CLINIC Kids work closely with Spokane Shock players and coaches to improve their game skills. Grades 1-8. July 6-9. At West Valley High School. $85-$110 ymcaspokane.org 777-9622 KICKERS & PUNTERS CLINIC Kids work with Spokane Shock kickers to learn fundamental skills to make a perfect delivery. Grades 3-12. July 14-15, 5-7 pm. At West Valley HS. $40-$50 ymcaspokane.org
SPOKANE SHOCK PASSING ACADEMY Quarterbacks and receivers work on footwork, catching and other fundamental skills. Grades 3-12. Sessions offered June 30-July 1 and July 22-23, 5-7 pm. At West Valley High School. $45$60 ymcaspokane.org 777-9622 EWU DB/WR CAMP Skills camp for wide receivers and defensive backs, led by Eastern coaching staff and players. July 30 (grades 9-10) and July 31 (grades 11-12) from 10 am-3:30 pm. $60-$70 ewufootballcamps.com EWU QUARTERBACK CAMP Join Eastern quarterback coach Zak Hill for a camp specially focused on quarterback skills. July 30 (grades 9-10) and July 31 (grades 11-12), from 9 am-3:30 pm. $100$125 ewufootballcamps.com EWU YOUTH FOOTBALL CAMP Players are divided by age and skill level, and learn techniques and skills for playing all football positions. Aug. 1, from 9 amnoon. Grades 3-7. $30-$50. ewufootballcamps.com SKYHAWKS FLAG FOOTBALL Players learn skills on both sides of the football, including passing, catching and defense, in camps ending with the Skyhawks Super Bowl. Camps held at local parks and schools throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Boys and girls ages 4-12. Camps offered June-August. $55-$145/session. skyhawks.com 1ST DOWNTOTS A program using games to teach kids the basics of football and to develop fundamental skills. Ages 3-6. Sessions offered June 22-Aug. 27; meets once weekly, times and locations vary. $130/session. supertotssports.com
SOCCER MEAD BOYS SOCCER CAMPOpen to grades 8-12. June 8-11, from 3:30-5 pm. At the Mead HS soccer fields. $50. 4657002 NBC SOCCER CAMPS A day soccer camp for boys and girls ages 9-14. June 22-26. At Palisades Christian Academy. nbccamps.com 800-406-3926 SEATTLE SOUNDERS FC CAMP A soccer camp for beginning to intermediate players, focusing on technical and tactical elements of the game, taught by elite and professional players/coaches. June 29-July 3 (ages 4-15), Mon-Fri, half or full-day options. Also offering an advanced camp for elite players, June 29-July 2 (ages 11-18). At Dwight Merkel Sports Complex. $170-$250. soundersfc.com/youth GONZAGA MEN’S ID CAMPPlayers receive instruction from Gonzaga players and coaching staff, training in a competitive environment. Grades 9+. June 6-7 and July 8-9. $140. gonzagasoccerschool.com WSU SOCCER CAMP Players are coached by WSU soccer players and coaches, learning and honing game fundamentals. Ages 5-14. Half- and full-day sessions offered June 15-19 and July 6-10. $150-$250. athletics.wsu.edu/camps WORLD CUP SOCCER ACTIVITY CAMP Learn soccer skills, watch the World Cup and play soccer activities and a tournament. June 24-26 (ages 1-10), July 1-3 (ages 11-15) and July 8-10 (ages 16-18). Half-day option (ages 3-6) offered June 17-19 and July 8-10. At Glover Middle School. $79-$149. elitesportsskills.com RIVERVIEW SOCCER & KEEPER
CAMP An overnight camp that combines traditional camp activities with the sport of soccer and includes instruction from area collegiate coaches. Coed ages 12-17. July 6-10. At Riverview Bible Camp. $450. xifasoccer.com 879-8399 EAGLES SUMMER ID CAMP A one-day camp for high school girls to evaluate their potential as future EWU players, focusing on the technical and physical demands of collegiate soccer. Ages 14-18. May 16 and July 15, from 10 am-4 pm. $125. ewusoccercamps.com DRAGON SOCCER CAMPS Dragon Varsity players lead a week of training with an emphasis on fundamental game skills appropriate for all age groups. Coed, grades 2-12. July 20-24, 9 amnoon. $135. sgs.org 466-1636 MEAD GIRLS SOCCER CAMPOpen to grades 9-12, with the option to participate in a showcase tournament. July 20-23 and July 24-25 (tourney). At Mead HS soccer fields. $50-$75. 465-7002 SPOKANE SOCCER ACADEMY Learn soccer fundamentals through a variety of summer-long sessions offered in foot skills, technical game training, striking and finishing and goalkeeping. Sessions run June 22-July 30, meets twice weekly. At Dwight Merkel Sports Complex and Plantes Ferry Park. $225-$275/session. spokanesocceracademy.com 897-7999 HIGH SCHOOL ELITE CAMP Gonzaga coaches offer instruction in an elite, competitive camp setting to encourage confidence in all players. Girls entering grades 8-12. July 28-30, commuter and resident options. $380-$410. gonzagasocceracademy.com SKYHAWKS SOCCER A progressional coaching curriculum teaching technical skills and knowledge for all
levels of playing experience. Camps held at local parks and schools throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Boys and girls ages 3-12. Offered June-August. $59-$145/session. skyhawks.com WHITWORTH MEN’S SOCCER ACADEMY Players are coached by Whitworth men’s soccer players and staff, learning a possession-oriented style of play. Coed, ages 6-12. Sessions offered June 1518, July 13-16 and Aug. 10-13. $165-$420. whitworthpirates.com 250-9323 FUTSAL FUN CAMPLearn the basics of futsal, a soccer variant, in a comprehensive camp. Ages 5-13. Aug. 11-13, 9 am-3 pm. $75-$135. elitesportsskills.com WORLD CUP SOCCER DEVELOPMENTA more focused soccer skills camp than the activity camp. July 22-24 (ages 1-10), July 29-31 (ages 11-15) and Aug. 1214 (ages 16-18). Half day option (ages 3-6) offered July 15-17 and Aug. 12-14. At Chase Middle School. $79-$149. elitesportsskills. com 828-2764 WHITWORTH WOMEN’S SOCCER CAMP Players are coached by Whitworth women soccer players and coaching staff. Girls entering grades 11-12. Sept. 18-19. $150. whitworthpirates.com BRITISH SOCCER CAMPS Young players improve soccer techniques and play competitively. Ages 3-18. July 13-17 and Aug. 17-21, full- or half-day sessions. $85-$134. libertylake.wa.gov SOCCERTOTS (SPOKANE VALLEY) Young athletes play games and activities to promote fitness, self confidence and develop basic soccer skills. Ages 1½-5 years. 8-to-10-week sessions offered June 23-Aug. 26; meets once weekly, times/locations vary. $104$130. supertotssports.com 534-5437
SOCCERTOTS Kids learn the basics of soccer in an age-appropriate, engaging environment focusing on building motor skills and friendship. Ages 1½-5. Sessions offered June 22-Aug. 28, meeting once a week. Locations vary. $78-$130/session. supertotssports.com 866-849-1099 XIFA SUMMER SOCCER ACADEMYA flexible summer training program is offered for all ages of players. All-ages. July-Aug.; sessions from Tue-Thu, primary and middle school sessions in the morning; high school in the evening. $160/10 sessions, $202/20 sessions. xifasoccer.com
VOLLEYBALL ZAG POSITIONAL CAMP Positional skills instructions, competitive drills and tournament play hosted by Zag coaching staff and players. Grades 8-12. July 12-15, commuter and overnight options. $320$370. zagvolleyballcamps.com WSU VOLLEYBALL YOUTH CAMP Players learn basic skills and game fundamentals. June 18-19, 9-11:30 am. Coed, grades 1-6. $60. athletics.wsu. edu/camps MEAD VOLLEYBALL Open to grades 3-12. June 22-24 (grades 9-12) and June 25-26 (grades 3-8). At the Mead HS gym/fieldhouse. $40-$100. 465-7002 THE COMPLETE PLAYER VOLLEYBALL CAMP A four-day skills camp offering technical instruction and fundamental skills review. June 29-July 2, 9 am-noon (grades 6-8) and 1-4 pm (grades 9-12). $100. sgs.org 466-1636 EAGLES ALL SKILLS CAMP Coached by Eagles players and staff, players will hone techniques and skills. Ages 12-18. July 6-8. $265/day, $365/ resident. ewuvolleyballcamps.com MINI EAGS CAMP A coed camp for beginning players, taught by EWU coaches and players. Ages 6-11. July 6-8, from 9 am-noon. $85. ewuvolleyballcamps.com 359-7383 VANDAL VOLLEYBALL TEAM CAMPTeams of eight or more and their coaches work with the Vandal volleyball coaching staff on drills, strategies and more. July 6-9, commuter and resident options. $240-$330. vandalvolleyballcamp.com ZAG TEAM CAMP A camp for JV and Varsity teams focusing on team play, technique and strategy, with tournament play on the final day. July 8-11. $355/ player. zagvolleyballcamps.com 313-4041 VANDALL VOLLEYBALL SKILLS CAMP A fast-paced camp offering instruction based on the Vandal volleyball team’s training methods. Coed, grades 7-12. July 9-12, commuter and resident options. $265-$355. vandalvolleyballcamp.com VANDAL VOLLEYBALL YOUTH CAMP Basic volleyball skills and techniques are taught by the Vandal coaching staff and players. Coed, grades 3-6. July 10-12, 9-11:30 am. $85. vandalvolleyballcamp.com WSU INDIVIDUAL ALL-SKILLS CAMP A high-level, position-specific training camp for experienced players as well as all-around training for beginning players. Coed, grades 7-12. July 12-15, commuter and overnight options. $300$375. athletics.wsu.edu/camps EAGLES TEAM CAMP Teams practice, run drills, bond and work on technique and game strategy, culminating with a team tournament. Girls in grades 9-12. July 13-16. $255/day, $305/overnight. ewuvolleyballcamps.com SASQUATCH SPORTS VOLLEY-
BALL Volleyball camp offering 8 hours of on-court instruction for all ages and skill levels. July 13-16; kids camp (grades 2-5) and skills camp (grades 6-12) offered. At West Valley High School. $75$200. sasquatchsports.com WSU HIGH SCHOOL TEAM CAMP Camp designed for high school teams looking to practice in a collegiate atmosphere, concluding with the High School Team Tournament. Girls entering grades 7-12. July 15-18, commuter and overnight options. $220-$300/player. athletics.wsu.edu/camps ZAG COMPLETE PLAYER CAMP A camp offering all-around emphasis on player skill and technique development, taught by Zag coaching staff. Grades 5-9. July 20-22, commuter and overnight options. $270-$300. zagvolleyballcamps.com SKYHAWKS VOLLEYBALL Skillbased volleyball camps teaching fundamentals of passing, setting, hitting, serving and more for beginning to intermediate players. Camps held at local parks and schools throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Boys and girls ages 7-14. Offered June-Aug. $69$119/session. skyhawks.com NBC VOLLEYBALL CAMPS Overnight and day volleyball camps (Complete Player, Intensive and Jr. Complete Skills) are offered for girls ages 8-18. July 6-10 and July 24-26. At Whitworth University. $120-$550. nbccamps.com NIC VOLLEYBALL CAMPS Young players are coached by NIC athletes and staff, with youth skills camps focusing on all-around skill development. Sessions offered June 12-13 and June 14-15 (grades 5-8), from 9:30 am-4 pm. High school conditioning/skills camp Aug. 2-4, from 4-7 pm. $80-$95. nicathletics.com VOLLEYKATS (SPOKANE VALLEY) A camp to break down the fundamentals of volleyball into easy-to-learn classes for young children. Ages 6-8. June 24-Aug. 12; Wed from 6:30-7:20 pm. At Edgecliff Park. $104. supertotssports.com VOLLEYKATS Fun games are used to teach volleyball techniques including passing, setting, hitting, serving and more. Ages 6-9. Sessions offered June 22-Aug. 13, meets weekly at Franklin or Sky Prairie parks. $104/session. supertotssports.com 866-849-1099
GYMNASTICS MEAD GYMNASTICS CAMP Open to grades 1-12, and all skill levels. June 1519. $30-$45. 465-7002 GET THE SUMMER STARTED A week of gymnastics and summer activities; no experience required. Ages 3-14. June 22-26; half- and full-day options. $99-$199. spokanegymnastics.com MINI GYMNASTICS CAMPA 3-day camp focusing on skills for all gymnastic events. All-ages. June 29-July 1; half- and full-day options available. $60-$130. mountainviewgymnastics.com 244-7061 COACHES’ CHOICE Campers are surprised with a new theme each day, with clues given throughout the day to the next theme. Ages 6-14. July 27-31, half- and full-day options. $129-$239. spokanegymnastics.com 533-9646 GYMNASTICS FUN CAMP A week of gymnastics events, games, contests and more. No experience necessary. Ages 3-14. Sessions offered July 6-10 and Aug. 3-7; half- and full-day options. $129-$239 spokanegymnastics.com 533-9646 TRAMPOLINE AND TUMBLING CAMP Learn skills and safety on the
Tumbl Trak, double mini trampoline, Euro Trampoline and spring floor. Ages 6-14. Offered July 6-10 and Aug. 3-7; half- or fullday. $129-$239. spokanegymnastics.com EXTREME GYMNASTICS, PARKOUR & BREAKDANCING Learn tumbling skills, breakdancing, parkour moves and other stunts. Ages 6-14. Sessions offered July 13-17 and Aug. 10-14, from 8:15 am-12:15 pm or 12:30-4:30 pm. $129-$139.spokanegymnastics.com MT. VIEW GYMNASTICS DAY CAMPDaily activities include open gym, obstacle courses, games, crafts and more. All-ages. July 6-10, July 20-24 and Aug. 17-21. Half- and full-day options. $90$210. mountainviewgymnastics.com ADVENTURE CAMP This popular camp is now in its 12th year and offers themed days of challenges and adventures through gymnastics. Ages 6-14. Offered July 20-24 and Aug. 17-21, from 8:15 am-12:15 pm. $129-$139. spokanegymnastics.com 533-9646 TUMBLING Tumbling classes offered for toddlers to young children, teaching balance, coordination, flexibility and strength. Sessions offered June 2-30, July 7-28 and Aug. 5-25, days and times vary. Ages 1½-7. At all three YMCA locations. $30-$40/session. ymcaspokane.org CHARACTER CAMP Each day is based on a theme from a popular kids’ movie, and includes structured gymnastics and games. Ages 3-14. Aug. 24-28, half- and full-day options. $129-$139. spokanegymnastics.com 533-9646
TENNIS TENNIS WORKS JUNIOR CAMP Ages 5+. June 22-26 (Stratton Park), July 6-16 and Aug. 3-13 (North Park Racquet Club), times vary based on age and skill level. $50-$125. tennisworksspokane.com WSU TENNIS CAMPS Camp sessions offered for all levels and ages of players, with overnight, full- and half-day camps. Ages 3-18. June 28-July 2. $75$495. athletics.wsu.edu/camps USTA TENNIS CAMP Players learn fundamentals of the game appropriate to their skill levels, along with other sports activities, daily swimming and reading time. Ages 6-12. Sessions offered June 15-Aug. 7, 8 am-4 pm. At Comstock and Shadle parks. $89-$149/session. pnw. usta.com/spokane 625-6208 EAST CENTRAL TENNIS CAMPS Camp sessions are offered for all levels, from beginners to intermediates looking to take their game to the next level. Young beginners (ages 4-6) youth beginners (ages 7-13), advanced beginners (7-16) and intermediates (all-ages). Two-week sessions offered Mon-Thu, June 22-July 2, July 6-16, July 20-30 and Aug. 3-13. At Liberty Park. $80-$200/two-week session. mattw@ecspokane.org 808-2122 SPOKANE RACQUET CLUB CAMPS Certified instructors offer ageappropriate instruction for beginner to advanced players; camps also include supervised water activities and snacks. Ages 7-18. Weekly camps offered June 15-Aug. 14; camp times vary based on age group. $105-$160/session. spokaneracquetclub.com 535-1239 SKYHAWKS TENNIS Camp teaching proper grip, footwork, strokes, volleys, serves and game rules and etiquette. Camps held at parks and schools in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Boys and girls ages 7-12. Offered July-August. $109-$119/session. skyhawks.com
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MEAD WRESTLING CAMPOpen to grades 1-12. May 31-June 4. At the Mead HS field house/wrestling room. $50-$75. 465-7002 NIKE BOYS LACROSSE Idaho’s head men’s lacrosse coach leads a camp offering complete skills training for all ability levels. Ages 6-18. June 21-24, commuter and overnight options. At University of Idaho. $250-$435. ussportscamps.com JOHN MEANS JUNIOR GOLF CAMPCamp for beginning to advanced players and their coaches, with commuter and residential options. Ages 8-18. June 21-25. At the University of Idaho. $495-$695. johnmeansgolf.com NIKE GOLF CAMPS Collegiate coaches lead a camp on the courses of both universities, offering individual instruction
and daily course play. Coed, ages 10-18. June 21-25, overnight and commuter options. At University of Idaho and WSU. $585-$950. ussportscamps.com INLAND NW TRACK CAMP Camp offers training for speed and agility, throwing farther and jumping at each athlete’s potential. Grades K-8. June 2225, 3-5:30 pm. At Mt. Spokane HS. $75 .inwsportscamps.com 808-3329 SHUTTLEFREAKS BADMINTON CAMP A five-day camp introducing new players to the fundamentals of badminton and honing intermediate players’ skills. June 22-26, 9 am-3 pm. At Sacajawea Middle School. $120. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 KIDS XTREME FUN RUN Run, jump and slide to the finish line in this 500yard obstacle course fun run. Ages 5-14. July, date TBA. At North YMCA. $15-$20. ymcaspokane.org 777-9622 Y WINNERS SPORTS CAMP Multisport camp offering introductions to flag football, soccer, T-ball, basketball and more. Ages 4-6. June 22-July 2. At Mullan Road, Brentwood and Greenacres Elementary. $67-$92. ymcaspokane.org NIC WRESTLING CAMPThe largest summer wrestling camp in the Northwest, offering instruction in collegiatestyle wrestling with emphasis on takedowns. Coaches on site include former Olympians and collegiate coaches. June 20-24 and 25-29 (high school only), June 30-July 3 (K-8 and girls) and June 29-July 3 (intensive camp). $295-$475. nicwrestling.com 208-769-3353 IRON WOOD THROWERS CAMP The 26th annual camp for track and field throwing athletes offers instruction from notable and former Olympians and world
record holders. July 7-12; resident and day options. At EWU Cheney. $450-$325. ironwoodcamp.com SPEED AND AGILITY CAMP Sports camp for athletes of any sport, teaching proper warm up, training and cool-down techniques and more, taught by Gonzaga head strength coach Mike Nilson. July 13-15 (ages 13-17) and July 20-22 (ages 8-12) from 10 am-noon. $75. udistrictpt.com 458-7686 WILDCAT SPORTS CAMPS The Mead School District/Mt. Spokane High School hosts sports camps including sports conditioning, football, volleyball, soccer, basketball, cheer/dance, gymnastics, baseball, wrestling and tennis. Grades K-12. June 15-July 24; dates/times vary based on sport. $50-$200. bit.ly/ MeadSportsCamps KIDS TRIATHLON TRAINING Train for the YMCA’s August kids tri. Ages 5-14. June 22-July 30, Tue/Thu from 9:1510:15 am. $50-$100. ymcaspokane.org NIKE TENNIS CAMPS Coed camp with teaching and instruction from university coaches. Coed, ages 9-18. July 19-24 and July 26-31, commuter and overnight options. At Gonzaga University. $495/day; $825/overnight. ussportscamps.com 800-645-3226 KIDS TRIATHLON Kids can participate in a kid-friendly swim/bike/run, with leg distances based on age. Ages 5-14. Aug. 2. At Mission Park. $15-$20. ymcaspokane.org 777-9622 SKYHAWKS LACROSSE Kids get an introduction to one of the old sports in North America that’s now also the fastest growing. Athletes learn fundamentals and basic techniques to play. Coed, ages 4-7. Held at parks and schools in the
Spokane/Coeur d’Alene area. $109-$119. skyhawks.com 800-804-3509 RELATIONAL RIDING ACADEMY Horsemanship program offering half-day riding camps. Ages 8-14. Sessions offered June 29-July 3, July 13-17 and Aug. 3-7. $250/session. relationalridingacademy.com INTERNATIONAL SPORTS CAMP Participants sample 8-10 sports from around the world, including cricket, rugby, handball, boccia, boxing and field hockey. Ages 7-15. At Valley Indoor Center. $169. elitesportsskills.com 828-2764 SUPERTOTS MULTI-SPORTS CAMP A sports development program using games to expose young children to different sports and sports concepts. Ages 3-6. June 23-Aug. 11, meets once a week, times and locations vary. $104. supertotssports.com 534-5437 AQUADUCKS Novice swimmers learn all four Olympic strokes, starts, turns and more. Swimmers should be able to swim the crawl stroke 50 yards. Ages 6-18. June 22-Aug. 13, meets Mon/Thu (times vary) at Comstock, Witter or Shadle Park pools. $150. spokaneparks.org 625-6200 SPOKANE AREA SWIMMING Kids can prep for competitive swimming, or work on basic skills and swimming strokes. Ages 6-18. June 22-Aug. 13, MonThu, 10-11:30 am. At Witter Pool. $150. spokaneareaswimming.org 981-3527 SKYHAWKS CROSS COUNTRY Train for the upcoming cross-country season in the fall. Coed, ages 5-12. June 30-Aug. 4 and July 9-Aug. 13. At Comstock and Franklin parks. $65-$79. skyhawks.com 800-804-3509 SCC AQUATICS LEVEL 1-2 Swim-
A Three-day Camping Experience
July 24-26, 2015 For kids ages 7-15 grieving the death of someone close Traditional camp fun and friendship Small group activities designed to help kids cope with grief Camp Chmepa is provided at no cost by Hospice of Spokane. For more information or to register, visit www.hospiceofspokane.org or call 509.456.0438.
MAY 8–10, 2015
Spectator entry starts at $15 for adults, $10 for children & seniors. Visit event online for details. Entry paid at the door.
mers learn elementary aquatic skills as a foundation for more advanced swimming. July 6-16, July 20-30 and Aug. 3-13; Mon-Thu from 8:40-9:25 am. Ages 6+. $25. michele.heuer@scc.spokane.edu SCC AQUATICS LEVEL 3-4 Swimmers who’ve completed previous levels learn deep water swimming, stroke techniques and diving. July 6-16, July 20-30 and Aug. 3-13; Mon-Thu from 10:10-10:55 am. Ages 6+. $25. 533-7211 SCC AQUATICS LEVEL 5-6 Swimmers who have completed previous levels reinforce and refine their swimming skills. July 6-16, July 20-30 and Aug. 3-13; Mon-Thu from 11-11:45 am. Ages 6+. $25. michele.heuer@scc.spokane.edu SCC AQUATICS TEENY TINYBasic swimming skills are taught alongside a healthy respect for the water. July 6-16, July 20-30 and Aug. 3-13; Mon-Thu from 9:30-10:05 am. Ages 3-5. $25. michele. heuer@scc.spokane.edu 533-7211 SPEED, QUICKNESS, STRENGTH CAMP A sports conditioning camp focusing on the athlete’s choice of overall fitness or sports-specific training. Grades 6-12. June 15-Aug. 21; M-F with four sessions daily. $85/week; $800/all summer. sgs.org 466-1636 SKYHAWKS GOLF Camps teach the fundamentals of golf including swinging, putting and body positioning, with all equipment provided. Camps held at local parks and schools throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Boys and girls ages 5-14. Camps offered JuneAugust. $40-$119/session. skyhawks.com FIRST TEE OF THE INLAND NORTHWEST Junior instructional golf lessons for all abilities, and an intro to core values that can be taken from the golf course to home and school. Ages 7+.
June 22-Aug. 22; meets one day a week depending on location. At Qualchan, Esmeralda, Deer Park and Highland golf courses. $80/student with 50% sibling discount. thefirstteeinlandnw.org KIDSPORTS MULTI-SPORT CAMPA camp for young children to be introduced to numerous sports, including baseball, football and soccer. Ages 3-6. Sessions offered June 22-Aug. 27, meets once a week. At Comstock, Franklin or Sky Prairie parks. $104-$130/session. supertotssports.com 866-849-1099 ULTIMATE SPORTS DAY CAMP A week of playing all types of traditional sports, as well as skateboarding, BMX biking and more. Ages 6-12. Offered June 22-Aug. 28. At Dwight Merkel Sports Complex. $129/session. spokaneparks. org 625-6200
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The New
valor soccer club
2015-16 season tryouts Held At Mt Spokane High School
U8 & U9
U13 & U14
Check-In starts one hour prior to tryouts.
(note: boys u14 are born in 2001)
Identified and selected players will be invited back to a Valor Premier Combine and Premier selection.
May 13, 6:30-7:45pm
May 4, 6:30-7:45pm
May 7-May 8, 6:30-7:45pm
U11 & U12
May 11-May 12 6:30-7:45
May 5-May 6, 6:30-7:45pm
(note: boys born in 2000-1997)
For more information on Tryouts, Coaching, and the Club visit:
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he old and new combine twice a month with the podcast Welcome to Night Vale, which plays out like a community news radio show reporting on the happenings of the tiny and crazily weird town of Night Vale. Created by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, the podcast is now going on the road to perform a new episode for a live audience. Listeners, of which there are many, given that Welcome to Night Vale was at one time the most-downloaded podcast on iTunes, will hear the familiar stories of paranormal happenings, conspiracies and general small-town lunacy they’ve come to love
from the series, which is now becoming a novel. You’ll even get a look at Cecil Baldwin, the man who voices the podcast’s radio host (and essentially its main character) Cecil Gershwin Palmer. There’s also live music and other treats for the diehards out there. This tour has been wildly popular, with shows selling out across the country, so count Spokane blessed to get a taste of Night Vale this spring. — MIKE BOOKEY Welcome to Night Vale • Mon, April 27 at 8 pm • $30 • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • ticketswest.com
WORDS GET LIT CONTINUES Last week, we flooded these pages with news about Get Lit!, Eastern Washington University’s festival of all things literary. The event continues through this weekend with a number of high-profile authors, including Q&As with Sherman Alexie and Walter Kirn, a dual reading by monster masters Sharma Shields and Benjamin Percy on Thursday, followed by Pie and Whiskey. On Friday, there’s readings by locals Bruce Holbert and S.M. Hulse and Saturday brings a number of workshops and a reading of local lit journal Railtown Almanac. Check getlitfestival.org for details.
GAME | NEKO ATSUME is an iOS and Android game from Japan. “Neko Atsume” loosely translates to “Gather the Cat” and that’s what you do in the game — you collect cats. Big cats, small cats, costume-wearing “rare cats.” The game is entirely in Japanese, so it can be difficult to understand exactly what is going on, but, basically, you want to attract cats — using fish and toys and whatever else is available — to your garden where they relax and eat and sleep and play and are fun to watch. LOGO | Hillary Clinton’s announcement last week came as a surprise to no one. What did surprise everyone? The look of her logo. The Internet was shocked; mostly bad shocked. Then graphic designer Rick Wolff created a typeface based on the logo. “Hillary Bold. Because, America. Now you, too, can announce! #font #typeface,” tweeted Wolff. The font, renamed HILLVETICA, quickly went viral. The Washington Post then got on board and created an awesome text generator using the typeface. BOOK | Looking for something heavy and colorful and delicious to plunk down on your coffee table? Check out author Paul Maréchal ’s new book ANDY WARHOL: THE COMPLETE COMMISSIONED RECORD COVERS. The 264-page compendium contains every album cover Warhol designed between 1949 and 1987. If those 57 amazing images aren’t tantalizing enough, there also are liner notes, sketches and commentary from Maréchal about the friendships Warhol forged with various music artists and how that contributed to his creative process. The covers span genres, eras and Warhol styles, and definitely will entertain visitors looking for some eye candy to flip through.
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 57
APRIL 25 | 10AM-5PM
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Master Classes through Broadway Connections in musical theater style with the cast of ‘Guys and Dolls’
Workshops in many styles Sponsored by: Inland Northwest Dance Association
Information: 509-927-0972 | isabelle@isabelledancetime.com Map and performance schedule: indaspokane.com National Sponsor: National Dance Week | nationaldanceweek.org 58 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
Step Up to the Mic First name, first timers: All are welcome at open mic night BY SCOTT A. LEADINGHAM
evin takes the stage, no guitar in hand, cure — or temporarily numb — inhibitions than a departure from most other performers a little booze? Glass of wine. Yeah, helps with here for the Bartlett’s open mic night. the butterflies. Tallboy can of Olympia. Hell His song may be a little off key, but it’s honestly yeah. It’s something about the water in there that sincere and intriguing, with thoughtful, complex makes you sing well. lyrics. A songwriter perhaps more than on-stage There’s a list of drinks in the front, and a performer, a Bob Dylan more than a John Lenlist of names in the back. A set list. But only first non. But he is confident. He knows his space, names. At open mic night, everybody knows and his audience, and he’s known to the crowd. your name, but nobody needs to know your full A regular. name. Or your real name. “I’ve seen shooting stars but only felt the It’s comforting, actually. A separation bedust they’re made of,” Kevin tween your doubts and the harsh sings. D I S T I L L E D reality of critical ears. So just write It’s a song — his origiyour first name on the list — or, A SHOT OF LIFE nal song — about Nashville hell, maybe your best friend’s — dreams, and opportunity lost. then go on stage. Driven by the lyrics, not any deep musicality or As Kevin continues his song, a guy walks in instrumentation. carrying two Olympia tallboys and cracks them “And I’ll remember Nashville with the mic as open in the brief, silent space between words as if cold as stone, where you could sing your heart they’re part of Kevin’s set. out as if you were alone.” It reminds Kevin that he’s not alone. There’s No one is forced to be here tonight, but a room full of people listening to him. Intently many seem to be forcing themselves here, pushing listening. And now they’re clapping. Loudly. past their inhibitions and self-doubt. They’ve They recognize him from before. taken a first step. Or a second step. Or for some, Those who come back will recognize him a very regular weekly step. Some are repeat again. customers; old faces, if you will, at the bar on And they’ll be back. In a place where everyTuesdays. body knows your name — real or not — you’re And there’s a bar, all right. What better to bound to come back.
Knickers in a Twist Ignite! is staging The Underpants, a farce that skewers fame, conformity and convention BY E.J. IANNELLI
hen Ignite! first asked Kat Heath to direct The Underpants, comedian Steve Martin’s adaptation of a 1910 German farce titled Die Hose, she was several months pregnant. She warned the community theater that she’d likely have a newborn in tow when it came time for rehearsals. “I thought, there’s no way they’re going to want someone with a brand-new baby coming to the theater every night,” says Heath. “And they said, ‘Oh, yeah, it’s fine.’ So I take my daughter to rehearsals about once a week when I can’t get a babysitter. It’s been awesome. Challenging, but awesome.” It helps, of course, that Heath is no newcomer to the director’s chair or the demands of parenting while sitting in it. At Lake City Playhouse, she led Dearly Departed in 2011 and The Miss Firecracker Contest two years later. Between those two shows she directed Crimes of the Heart at Ignite! During that hat trick of productions her eldest child, now 3, was born. On The Underpants, she’s assisted by Brandon Montang, who is less known for overseeing farces than being seen in them, most recently in The Nerd, and before that
Nicole Walker and Jason Young star in The Underpants, written by Steve Martin. in Lend Me a Tenor and Epic Proportions. “We make a good team,” Heath says, because she tends to play things straight, whereas Montang goes for the broad laughs. This play — contemporized by the same person who wrote the screenplays for Roxanne (itself an update of Cyrano de Bergerac, the 1897 play by Edmond Rostand) and The Jerk — has elements that call for both approaches. “It’s about a woman whose underpants fall down at a parade, her husband’s reaction to that, the scandal that it causes, and her growing independence. She gets caught up in her own fame, and she’s courted by lovers,” Heath says. “There’s also a lot of physical comedy. The slapstick, the physicality — that is always what makes me laugh.” She points out that Martin’s adaptation “is not a time capsule,” even if it does retain some of the themes of Carl Sternheim’s original play, such as thumbing its nose at convention and conformity. It also has unexpected sociopolitical undercurrents. “It’s a bit of a feminist piece,” Heath says, “just because her husband is an incredible jerk. You want to
like him, but it’s hard to because of the way he treats his wife,” who’s deciding throughout whether she wants to take a lover or “be the little bird in a birdcage that she was at the beginning of the play.” In this production, Nicole Walker and Jason Young play the central couple, Louise and Theo Maske. Maxim Chumov plays Versati, an Italian poet and one of Louise’s suitors. Susan Creed plays Gertrude, the humorless neighbor. Heath is working with some of these cast members for the first time. Walker in particular “brings a sense of calm to the insanity going on around her,” she says, and the entire troupe and crew have a “passion” for the piece that carries through to the equally irreverent “topsyturvy, angular” set. “You can tell everyone there loves it. I’m giving my actors a chance to laugh and love what they’re doing, and I hope the audience can see that,” says Heath. The Underpants • May 1-17; Fri and Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm • $14 • Ignite! Community Theatre • 10814 E. Broadway • igniteonbroadway.org • 795-0004
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APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 59
Begin Again Both a church and a café, the Gathering House helps people coming out of poverty Tonia and Rob Bryceson, owners of the Gathering House. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
60 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
astor Rob Bryceson got used to hearing the Fword in his church. “And I don’t mean ‘forgiveness,’” he says, laughing. Rob sits on a couch drinking coffee with his wife, Tonia, at the new location of their church, the Gathering House. Inside their space on Garland across from Mary Lou’s Milk Bottle, they transformed the building that previously housed the SK Market into their church on Sundays and a coffee shop during the week that provides job training for people transitioning out of poverty. The couple first started working with the homeless about six years ago when their church, then named First Covenant Church, was located in a downtown brick building kittycorner from Dick’s Hamburgers. “We didn’t choose it. God chose it for us,” says Tonia. “I [had] never said ‘Hi’ to a homeless person, given a homeless person anything. I was always afraid of them.” After two years pastoring the church, Rob felt the group wasn’t effectively reaching the people in the surrounding neighborhood. “[We thought], let’s just get to know our neighbors,” he says. “Well, our neighbors were homeless people, drug addicts, prostitutes and mentally ill. So we invited them in on a Monday night once in 2009 to watch Monday Night Football with us and get a free meal. We made chili and cornbread and sat around, and during commercials I gave away hats and coats and gloves for Trivial Pursuit questions. We had a blast.” That first night, 35 people came. Within a month, 150 people were coming to the weekly meal. “They trusted us, so after a while of eating meals they started coming to church,” says Rob. “We literally had board meetings where we had discussions, ‘How drunk can someone be and still attend a church service?’” For four and a half years, the church continued to serve the meal and Rob joined the Spokane Homeless Coalition (he’s currently its chairman) to learn about the homeless population. But by 2013, the church was going broke. Because their congregation consisted mostly of the homeless, the money going into the offering plate wasn’t making ends meet. At the last moment before it closed down, Mars Hill
Church offered to buy the building. Although that megachurch disbanded shortly after amid scandal, Redemption Church Spokane stepped in to make the purchase. With that money and with help from Catholic Charities and other local faith organizations, the Brycesons found a new home for their church in the Garland District and began renovating it in July in time for their first service on Easter Sunday. They exposed the original shiplap and iron beams, repurposed their old pews into café tables and parts of the stage, set the espresso machine on what used to be the church pulpit and decorated the space in 1940s fashion, when the hot colors were teal and salmon. Rob and Tonia decided to create the job-training coffee shop after considering some numbers. At their old location, they fed 150 homeless people every week. About 40 came to church. And
The Gathering House cafe offers training and employment to help transition people out of homelessness. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO eight to 10 got serious about getting their life back, says Rob. “What if we built a different model?” he says. “What if instead of feeding the 150, we positioned ourselves to really help the eight to 10? What if we just basically moved our little church and its efforts to the other end of the funnel?” Monday through Saturday, the Gathering House is a coffee shop, neighborhood hangout and occasional concert venue. Seven employees coming out of transitional programs serve coffee roasted by Tom Sawyer Country Coffee, along with scones, muffins and cookies from New Leaf Bakery, a job-training program for women. Rob says in the future they plan to add lunch, a farmers market in the back parking lot and life skills classes for the workers. “What [our employees] needed was a chance to get back into life, to get back into the rhythm of working and mixing with middle-class people,” he says. Steven McGloflin is just two weeks away from graduating from his program at Dream Center. A struggle with drug addiction brought him to the center’s discipleship program, and he says it’s given him a new start at life. “[The Gathering House is] the whole reason I’m doing better,” says McGloflin. “I’ve tried everything else, like Narcotics Anonymous, and the only thing that worked was God.” Working at the Gathering House he says has helped him build confidence and experience to pursue his plans that include getting his driver’s license and going back to school. “I’m on the right track again and I’m glad, because Rob and Tonia are helping me with that,” he says. “I’m just glad I have this to transfer out into life and society again.” n The Gathering House • 733 W. Garland • Open Mon-Sat, 7 am-7 pm • 747-2818 • Facebook: The Gathering House
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 61 Davenport_SafariRoom_022615_12V_BD.tif
Daybreak owner Thomas Le (bottom right) prides himself on making tradtional-style banh mi sandwiches. MEGHAN KIRK PHOTOS
Like Mom Makes
The Le brothers’ Daybreak Café specializes in homey Vietnamese flavors BY DAN NAILEN
or Thomas Le and his brother Johnny, finding a worthy banh mi in Spokane was a frustrating enough exercise, they figured the only way to enjoy the Vietnamese sandwich was to make it themselves. Lucky for them, their Vietnamese mother showed them the way to create the tasty subs full of fresh pickled veggies, jalapeños and a variety of meats, and they used that knowledge to open the Daybreak Café on Ash Street nearly a year ago.
“I learned it from my mom,” Thomas says of banh mi, the focus of a Daybreak Café menu that also includes coffee and espresso, smoothies and a variety of breakfast baguettes. “She’s the heart and soul of the whole thing.” Originally from Chicago, the Le brothers moved to Spokane as kids and graduated from high school locally before heading to Seattle to open a couple of pho restaurants. When they decided to move back to Spokane to be closer their family, Thomas says, “we noticed around
town that when we eat a banh mi, it’s not really authentic.” For Le, “authentic” starts with liver paté and a mayo spread, and the most important aspect of any banh mi, he says, is “the bread. It’s got to be nice and crispy, fluffy.” At Daybreak, the sandwiches cost less than $5, and the most popular is the “traditional,” which comes with pork. Also available are turkey and chicken versions, as well as ginger or lemongrass tofu for the vegetarians. The vibe inside Daybreak, situated in a small strip mall, is that of a casual deli or coffee shop. On a recent weekday, some students huddled over computers at a couple of the dozen or so tables while Law & Order played at low volume on a couple of TVs. There’s a couch for lounging, and sweet treats like cookies, Italian sodas or green tea ice cream if a hearty sandwich is too much. n Daybreak Café • 2323 N. Ash, Suite B • Open MonFri, 10 am-4 pm; Sat-Sun, 10 am-5 pm • facebook. com/daybreakcafespokane • 328-0909
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62 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
By the Numbers
< >
There’s science behind the successful launch of North Idaho Cider BY CARRIE SCOZZARO
ow many apples does it take to produce a 12-ounce glass of cider? Four, according to Greg Thorhaug, who did his homework before launching North Idaho Cider with wife Mara late last year. A former engineer who worked in geographic information systems for the National Park Service and the Bureau of North Idaho Cider comes by Land Management, Thorhaug has spent the glass or the growler. the past four years studying every nuance of cidery. He can tell you, for example, how hard cider sales have increased in the U.S., especially in the Northwest, Northeast and around the Great Lakes states. And that sales have more than quadrupled since 2004 to nearly 17 million gallons in 2012. He — with Mara alongside him — also sampled ciders from around the world firsthand on a 2011 backpacking trip through such places as Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Australia. “I think I’ve found my calling in life,” wrote Greg on the blog he created to document his travels. “The culture, the pour, the flavor of slow fermented, bone dry and tangy hard cider.” Their Lake City Dry, for example, drinks like a good Riesling wine. Their Renaissance is made from 25 traditional cider apples including Kingston Black, Dabinett and Yarlington Mill, all grown in Idaho. And their Lake City Hopped signals a newish trend with crossover appeal to beer drinkers. Besides tasters ($4), you can order a 32-ounce grunt ($14), 64-ounce growler ($20) or even a portion of a barrel — a 40-pint sixth of a barrel ($99) or a half-barrel ($225) — from their tasting room near the Coeur d’Alene Airport. Around Coeur d’Alene, you can try North Idaho Cider at the Filling Station, Capone’s (midtown and Hayden), Scratch, Crafted Tap House, Bardenay, Fort Ground Grill and Wolf Lodge Steakhouse. And even though cider drinkers are technically consuming something made from an apple, this probably doesn’t qualify as a recommended daily serving of fruits and vegetables. North Idaho Cider • 11100 N. Airport Rd, Hayden • Open Sat, noon-4 pm or by appointment • northidahocider.com • 208-818-7798
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APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 63
Studio K’s Regal Street Blood Mary
4508 S. Regal | 534-9317
n Valentine’s Day, Studio K Bar & Grill moved from one South Hill strip mall to another and was renamed Studio K Bar on Regal. Serving stiff drinks and drafts to patrons for half a century, the bar mostly has been known as a karaoke hot spot. None of that has changed at the new location, with a karaoke station set up in the back of the narrow, high-ceilinged bar. After learning that the lease wasn’t going to be renewed at her East 29th Avenue property, owner Susie VanderGaag went looking to rebuild her business elsewhere. Settling on the current space, she says it’s been renovated to feel like a big city bar, complete with
an antique Brunswick-style bar. Add vintage signs and artifacts from the old Studio K and downtown’s Midway Tavern, which her parents owned for 27 years, and the place feels fresh yet lived-in. Regulars from the original Studio K have followed, while new patrons have discovered the gem as well, VanderGaag says. That’s likely because of the relaxed atmosphere, access to the Round Table Pizza menu next door, pool tables and of course, karaoke. “This is a big thing. Most bars aren’t around for 52 years,” she says. “And this one will be around for a while.” — LAURA JOHNSON
It’s not too late
REGISTER TODAY! komeneasternwashington.org 64 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
ITALIAN ANGELO’S RISTORANTE 846 N. Fourth St. | Coeur d’Alene 208-765-2850 The dim interior at Angelo’s is decked out in nostalgic Italian and religious iconography. The menu features an impressive list of entrées: chicken (organic) and veal four ways, seafood, steaks and pasta dishes. Save room for tiramisu at this always-popular Coeur d’Alene eatery. ITALIA TRATTORIA 144 S. Cannon | 459-6000 Nestled into the heart of Browne’s Addition, Italia Trattoria is a homecooked hit from former Luna chef Anna Vogel. With a focus on natural and sustainable ingredients, the menu features handmade pastas, braised pork shoulder and seasonal vegetables spiced and grilled to perfection. No one is doing Italian quite like this. ITALIAN KITCHEN 113 N. Bernard | 363-1210 Terra-cotta floor tiles, etched glass, heavy draperies, dark wood and kitschy Italiana set the mood for traditional Italian-American favorites.
For lunch, the meatball sandwich is delightful. For dinner, check out gnocchi, lasagna and ravioli, plus steaks, chicken and seafood. And don’t forget the dark, high-ceilinged, old-wood bar next door. LUIGI’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT 245 W. Main | 624-5226 Craving Italian? Voted Best Italian for more than 10 years by Inlander readers, Luigi’s serves traditional Italian favorites. Although it’s tempting to fill up on the hot sourdough bread and garlic butter, pace yourself. Minestrone soup is next (why have a salad when their homemade soup is this good), followed by an entrée like veal piccata or chicken cacciatore. Need gluten-free or carb-free options? No problem. MAMA MIA’S 420 W. Francis | 467-7786 It’s all homestyle Southern Italian at this Northside dining room, with sauces, pastas and breads made from old-time family recipes. The menu has plenty of munchable appetizers to keep families happy, alongside traditional pastas (that you can now take home), pizzas and meat entrées (we love the garlic
chicken). Mix and match any of their pastas and sauces for a new combination each time. They offer simple, hearty lunch options, too: Italian sub sandwiches, pizzas and calzones.
Breakfaset! in a Con (Seriously
What will you build?
- in a cone)
TITO’S ITALIAN GRILL & WINE SHOP 210 E. Sherman | 667-2782 Tito’s Italian Grill and Wine Shop upped the elegance a few years ago, shifting to cloth tablecloths, adding candles and expanding its wine cellar to 125 labels. The new everyday menu features plenty of small plates, salads, brick-oven pizzas and a smattering of entrées. TOMATO STREET 6220 N. Division | 484-4500 221 W. Appleway | Coeur d’Alene | 208-667-5000 Pasta, pizza, parmigiana and Penne Pallame are just a few mainstays on Tomato Street’s menu that should get your mouth watering. A past Best Italian winner in the Inlander’s Best Of poll, Tomato Street’s lively atmosphere, fun-loving staff and great food make this an ideal place to meet friends or family for an enjoyable meal. The seemingly endless supply of garlic bread doesn’t hurt, either.
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ski49n.com or call (509) 935.6649 APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 65
Oscar Winner One killer performance overrides the high-concept sci-fi of Ex Machina BY SCOTT RENSHAW
scar Isaac doesn’t exactly make an effectively ominous, claustrophobic an “entrance” in Ex Machina, environment full of reflective surfaces, at least not in the conventional with characters often appearing duplisense that we think of a character’s first cated in mirrors. Yet like those surfaces, appearance. Ex Machina seems mostly to be reflecting We see him as computer programmer back whatever a viewer might already be Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson) enters bringing to the experience, from general the massive, isolated Alaskan compound awareness of certain genre conventions to of his boss, search engine entrepreneur/ the specific uneasiness of dealing with an billionaire Nathan Bateman (Isaac), who’s unpredictable creature — effectively played pounding away at a punching bag. When by Vikander with the requisite enigmatic they sit down together and Caleb begins appeal — that may or may not react or feel fumbling through awestruck compliments the way a human does. Garland’s premise for his legendary employer, Nathan stops raises that “what is human?” question, but him with a sigh: “Dude, can we just get Ex Machina seems far more interested in past that?” You might have a notion of letting it float out there to create tension what a mad scientist would look like and than answering it in a new or intriguing act like, but this guy — with the shaved way. head, Bluto-from-Popeye beard and barrel And that would be a huge problem, if torso and party-bro demeanIsaac weren’t making Naor — is almost certainly not it. than the most interesting EX MACHINA It’s rare for a sciencething about Ex Machina Rated R fiction film’s high-concept to Written and directed by Alex Garland every moment he’s on get stolen out from under it screen. There’s nothing Starring Domhnall Gleeson, Alicia by a performance — but then Vikander, Oscar Isaac simple about the way again, Isaac appears to be a Isaac opts to play this rare kind of actor. Because narcissistic genius, whose whatever writer/director Alex Garland interactions with Caleb suggest a combinawants to say about the nature of what tion of needing an audience and needing it means to be alive, or the very human a drinking buddy. It could easily come off qualities of deception and self-deception as a goofy distraction when Nathan fires (and I’m not sure he’s really saying all up the disco music and starts dancing with that much) is not remotely as delightful as his silent maid/assistant (Sonoya Mizuno), watching one of the most talented actors but Isaac sells it with the confidence of in the world doing his thing. a guy who knows he’s basically The The premise is built around the reason Most Interesting Man in the World. It’s Caleb has won an opportunity to spend a a start-to-finish brilliant piece of acting, week with Nathan, who needs assistance leading up to a key moment — saying any with a very special experiment. He has more would constitute the spoiler of all developed an artificial-intelligence robot spoilers — in which Nathan’s reaction is so in female form called Ava (Alicia Vikanhilariously singular, it feels like the only der), but the question of whether Ava is possible reaction perfectly in keeping with truly sentient requires a “Turing test.” It’s the character Isaac has crafted. Caleb’s job to spend time with Ava — her Ultimately, there may be a bit more translucent limbs, skull and torso exposing going on beneath the polished surface of the sparkling machinery beneath the surEx Machina, including some intriguing feface, so as to provide a constant reminder male empowerment ideas and even a spin of her synthetic nature — and ask the right on the notion of technological shifts built questions to figure out what’s going on in around pornography. But even if multiple her man-made brain. viewings suggest a deeper, headier resoThose interactions naturally become nance to the story, it only takes one viewcomplicated as Caleb begins to wonder ing to realize what it looks like when an whether Ava is manipulating him, or actor is in complete command. The most Nathan is, or both of them are. Garland powerful question to come out of this — a frequent screenwriting collaborator movie might ultimately be, “What else with Danny Boyle (28 Days Later, Sunshine) is it going to take for the world to realize making his directing debut — creates that Oscar Isaac should be a star?”
66 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
Blake Lively finally takes a turn in a leading role as a young woman hurt in an accident and, upon recovering, realizes she is no longer subject to the aging process. She remains in perfect shape throughout the decades until she meets a super-hot dude for whom she might risk her immortality. Also starring Harrison Ford and Ellen Burnstyn. (MB) Rated PG-13
There aren’t many places left in America where dancing is prohibited, but for the entire country of Iran that’s the reality. Desert Dancer tells the true story (of course) of Iranian Afshin Ghaffarian and his friends, who risk their lives by starting an underground dance troupe. The story culminates with a stunning dance performance in the desert. (LJ) PG-13
James Randi is better known as the Amazing Randi, a renowned magician with television and big stage credits to his name. But he’s also the guy who decided to debunk any psychic, healing preacher or other snake oil salesman he could come across. This documentary digs into his life and shows that Randi might be as dishonest as those he sought to expose. At Magic Lantern (MB) Not Rated
Eight-year-old Jakob thinks his dad is a super hero, but when that dad is sent to fight in World War II, he finds his world shattered and will do anything to bring his father home. After a magic show, he soon learns that if he believes in something, he can make it happen. With his new magic powers, he tries to stop the war. (MB) Rated PG
Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson) enters the massive, isolated Alaskan compound of his boss, search engine entrepreneur/billionaire Nathan Bateman (an amazing Oscar Isaac), to find that Nathan is in the process of developing a very life-like robot. Over the course of his stay, Caleb is to test out the prototype to see how her mind works, but he soon realizes he might be the one being tested. (SR) Rated R This documentary follows a dozen men who have decided to spend a perfectly good weekend out in the woods pretending to be fighting in the Vietnam War. The filmmakers spend time getting to know why these folks do what they do, while also interspersing footage from the actual war and unpacking what the conflict means to Americans today. At Village Centre Cinemas (MB) Not Rated
Who are you listening to when it comes to the public debate on things like environmental toxins, pharmaceuticals and global warming? That’s what this documentary, directed by Robert Kenner (Food, Inc.), asks by shining a light on the handful of pundits-for-hire that are falsely paraded around as scientific experts. The film does get preachy, but its subject matter means that it’s never boring. (LJ) PG-13 There’s a heartbreaking story at the center of this Hungarian film. An 11-year-old girl watches as her father sets her only friend, a dog named Hagen, loose to rid their house of the mutt. The girl goe s in search of her dog, who soon becomes a leader of a pack of wild hounds. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R
Jack O’Connell (Unbroken) is the raw, young and ultimately naive British Pvt. Gary Hook, who is sent with his squad to Belfast during the Troubles under the command of the very much in-over-hishead Lt. Armitage (Sam Reid). Almost immediately, things go horrifically awry, as a seemingly simple guarding action performed in conjunction with the local police ends up with one young soldier’s brains blown out by an IRA assassin. At Magic Lantern (MS) Rated R
In this Iranian film, a group of friends go on a trip to the coast and then while playing near the ocean, one of the women goes missing. For the rest of this mystery from director Asghar Farhadi (who won a Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award for his 2012 film A Separation), the group wonders if the woman drowned, or went off to Tehran to be with her mother. At Magic Lantern (MB) Not Rated
During the Stalin days of Russia, people didn’t want to acknowledge that something like murder could even happen. But it did, and in awful, awful ways. This film is adapted from best-selling book based on the real-life crimes of Andrei Chikatilo, the Butcher of Rostov, who killed more than 50 women and children. Here, Tom Hardy plays an agent who goes on the hunt for the killer, who is racking up a devastating kill total. (MB) Rated R
Director Kenneth Branagh’s version of the Disney animated classic goes heavy on the back story, introducing the beloved mother (Hayley Atwell) of young Ella (Lily James) before mom’s untimely passing and Ella’s merchant father (Ben Chaplin) remarrying, ultimately leaving poor Ella with a stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and two stepsisters (Holliday Grainger and Sophie McShera) who treat her poorly as Cinderella step-family characters are wont to do. (SR) Rated PG ...continued on next page
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 67
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As the titular character in Danny Collins, Al Pacino delivers his best work in a long time, but it’s contained within an utterly predictable redemption movie that only comes alive when Pacino plays one-onone scenes with the other members of the cast. Pacino plays an over-the-hill rock star who we meet as his new greatest hits album is about to drop and then he finds out that he once missed a chance to meet John Lennon. The news sends him on an introspective journey. (MB) Rated R
The tagline of the latest installment of this vroom-vroom series is: “Vengeance hits home.” Damn, that’s some serious stuff. Jason Statham’s Deckard Shaw is out for blood to avenge the death of his brother and he’s bringing the whole gang with him, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Ludacris, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez and, of course, the late Paul Walker, who died in a real-life car accident before the film was finished. (MB) Rated PG-13
Will Ferrell plays James, a wealthy, spoiled, selfish fellow who lives in a huge home with a beautiful fiancée but soon finds himself arrested for fraud and facing jail time. To toughen up, he hires the only black guy he knows, a square played by Kevin Hart, to show him how to “get hard” for prison. It’s not Ferrell’s (or Hart’s, for that matter) best work. (ES) Rated R
Oh is an alien who finds himself very out of place on Earth when he’s banished by his race of aliens, bent on making the planet their own by capturing all humans. Soon, he meets Tip (voiced by Rihanna) and the pair try to elude the aliens. (MB) Rated PG
In the second film of the Divergent series, Shailene Woodley returns as Tris Prior, a young woman living in a dystopian future in which people are segregated into a social caste system by personality. As part of the Divergent class, Tris finds her group heading for annihilation at the hands of the nefarious leader of the Erudite class played by Kate Winslet. (MB) Rated PG-13
Reasonable accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and special needs who contact Anna Kestell at the WSU Extension office, 222 North Havana Street, Spokane, WA 99202, phone number 509-477-2195, or email akestell@spokanecounty.org at least two weeks prior to the event. Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension office.
68 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
The latest adaptation of a Nicholas Sparks novel, The Longest Ride features Scott Eastwood (son of Clint) as a cowboy who falls in love with a city girl (the awesome Britt Robertson) but then gets kicked off a bull and severely injured. Everyone wants him to quit, but he just can’t, because he just can’t. You know how these Nicholas Sparks charters are, right? (MB) Rated PG-13
When he discovers his students’ amazing ability to run, Jim White (Kevin Costner)
(OUT OF 100)
Ex Machina
While We’re Young
Furious 7
Danny Collins
Get Hard
is determined to form a cross-country team that would one day be state champions. Inspired by the legacy of the McFarland High School runners of 1987, McFarland USA follows White and his team from a small farming town in California on their journey against the odds. (CB) Rated PG
Disneynature’s newest documentary surrounds the life of a newborn monkey and his mother in their journey to survive in the South Asian jungles. As is its way, Disney produces an experience that is both visually enthralling and pleasantly educational. Watch as the monkey duo faces the competition of social hierarchy and everyday dangers of the Sri Lankan jungle. (CB) Rated G
Paul Blart (Kevin James) has been a mall security master for six years now and it is finally time for a vacation. When he takes his daughter on a trip before sending her off to college, Blart discovers that safety never sleeps and he must protect the hotel from imminent danger. (CB) Rated PG
Ben and Saoirse are left motherless, and as such, big brother Ben is tasked with babysitting his mute, 6-year-old sister while their father, Conor, shrouds his grief in his work manning the family’s lighthouse. Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, Song of the Sea follows the children as they try to get back to their father. At Magic Lantern (CS) Rated PG
Director and co-screenwriter Abderrahmane Sissako does a remarkable job bringing the viewer into an utterly foreign world of sparse, sandy landscapes dotted with mud huts and tents and making us empathize with the local fisherman, cattle herders and children who suddenly have a cast of gun-toting foreigners imposing sharia law on the small village. At Magic Lantern (DN) Rated PG-13
Michael Finkel (Jonah Hill), a New York Times writer recently fired by the paper for having fudged facts in a prominent cover story, and Christian Longo (James Franco), a prisoner in Oregon awaiting trial for the murder of his wife and three children, are an unlikely pair. But prior to his capture in Mexico and for reasons
unknown, Longo had used the alias of Michael Finkel while he was a fugitive. Now, Finkel wants to get the real story in a series of prison interviews. (MB) Rated R
In the same vein of I Know What You Did Last Summer, with Unfriended a group of hot teens are haunted for crimes of their past — in this case uploading a video of a drunken friend who later shoots herself because of the post. But what this film adds to the horror genre is in its telling. Through Internet videos and Skype chat sessions, we watch as the young friends are terrorized by an online presence they believe is their dead friend. (LJ) Rated R
Jemaine Clement, best known as half of Flight of the Conchords, co-wrote and co-directed this hilarious mockumentary about a group of vampires living in a mansion together. It’s like The Real World for the undead. At Magic Lantern (MB) Not Rated
Ben Stiller plays Josh, a serious New York documentarian who, along with his wife Cornelia (Naomi Watts), are the proverbial last couple to not have kids. When a 20-something aspiring documentarian named Jamie (Adam Driver) and his wife Darby (Amanda Seyfried) come into their lives, both couples learn a whole lot about the lives ahead of them. (SS) Rated R
History gives Woman in Gold all the drama required of a top-notch thriller in this true story of a woman trying to reclaim the humanity torn from her family by the Nazis. Helen Mirren plays Maria Altmann, an Austrian Jew forced to flee during World War II, who is navigating the international legal system in an effort to find her family’s possessions that were stolen by Hitler’s regime. (DN) Rated PG-13
In the 1960s, when rock music was coming into the mainstream, a group of hardworking musicians laid down the tracks that made a whole lot of people — other than themselves — very famous. They became known as the Wrecking Crew and could be heard on records by everyone from the Beach Boys and Sonny and Cher, as well as traditional musicians like Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated PG
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War Games
The fake Army unit followed throughout In Country.
In Country unpacks Vietnam by recreating it
PG-13 (4:20) 7:00 9:30 Sat-Sun (11:15) (1:50)
R Daily (3:15) (5:10) 7:10 9:10 Sat-Sun (11:15) (1:15)
PG Daily (3:20) (5:20) 7:20 9:20 Sat-Sun (11:20) (12:10) (1:20) (2:20)
G Daily (3:00) (4:50) 6:45 8:45 Sat-Sun (11:00) (1:00)
PG-13 Fri-Sun (4:15) 7:00 9:45 Sat-Sun (10:50) (1:30) Mon-Thu (3:30) 6:15 9:00
PG-13 Daily (3:10) 6:10 9:10 Sat-Sun (12:10)
PG Daily (3:00) (4:50) 6:50 8:50 Sat-Sun (10:45) (12:50)
e’re forgetting about Vietnam and the why, you’ll leave the film still wondering, and perhaps we’re doing that on purpose. that’s its shortcoming. Today’s American history textbooks That said, we do get some clues as we follow all but skip over the conflict, which lasted a the characters away from the fake battlefield. decade and claimed the lives of nearly 60,000 There’s a real-life grunt who went to Iraq right Americans. But in the woods outside of Salem, out of high school and is preparing to leave his Oregon, there are at least a few folks fighting to wife and four kids for a tour of Afghanistan; he keep the war alive. serves as just one of the filmmakers’ very on-theIn Country follows a dozen or so men who nose reminders that war is real and it’s not fun. dress up in Vietnam-era military uniforms and We also see an Army medic who’s suffering from hump through the countryside pretending that PTSD as a result of tours in Iraq; he can’t quite it’s the late 1960s and they’re fighting an enemy tell us why he’d want more war when all it got neither they nor their leaders really understand. him was a head full of nightmares. The best justiThey use lingo of the day and fication for the recreation comes keep an eye on authenticity, from a man who fought for the IN COUNTRY even bringing along an actual Not Rated South Vietnamese army before Vietnam combat veteran to Directed by Mike Attie and Meghan O’Hara coming to the U.S. He says putkeep them on point. The ting on the uniform and sleeping Showing at Village Center Cinemas only ammunition is fake, but the under his poncho makes him devotion this odd assortment of gentlemen put feel like himself. forth in this documentary is very real. What saves Attie and O’Hara’s film is the Directors Mike Attie and Meghan O’Hara juxtaposition of these present-day war games have a treasure trove of interesting subject matter with footage from Vietnam: a soldier describing a to explore, and for the most part they present it raid that killed most of his unit, soldiers ransackall with fascinating zeal. But it seems that even ing a village, and dead bodies dragged through they don’t exactly know why these guys — some the mud. It’s awful, horrible stuff, and we really of them veterans of Iraq or Afghanistan — want shouldn’t forget that it happened. And if it takes to spend their weekend playing dress-up and a dozen obsessives playing make-believe to acting out fake deaths. If you’re waiting to learn remind us, then maybe that works.
10117 W State Rt 2 • 509-232-0444
R Daily (4:30) 7:00 9:30
PG-13 Daily (4:10) 6:40 9:15 Sat-Sun (11:10) (1:40)
PG Daily (4:00) 6:30 8:50 Sat-Sun (10:50) (1:30)
12622 N Division • 509-232-7727
PG-13 (1:50) (4:20) 7:00 9:30 Fri-Sun (11:15)
PG Daily (1:10) (3:15) (5:10) 7:15 9:35 Fri-Sun (10:50)
PG Daily (11:50) (2:15) (4:35) 6:50 9:10
R Daily (1:00) (3:10) (5:20) 7:30 9:40 Fri-Sun (10:45)
PG Daily (12:10) (1:20) (2:20) (3:20) (5:20) 7:20 9:20 Fri-Sun (11:20)
PG-13 Daily (11:40) (2:00) (4:20) 6:40 9:00
R Daily (1:15) (3:15) (5:10) 7:10 9:15 Fri-Sun (11:15)
G Daily (1:00) (3:00) (4:50) 6:50 8:50 Fri-Sun (11:00)
Searchable by Movie, by Theater, or Time
PG-13 Daily (1:30) (4:15) 7:00 9:35 Fri-Sun (10:50)
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PG-13 Daily (1:40) (4:10) 6:40 9:10 Fri-Sun (11:10)
PG Daily (1:10) (3:40) 6:20 8:45 Fri-Sun (10:50)
R Daily (4:30) 7:00 9:30 Showtimes in ( ) are at bargain price. Special Attraction — No Passes Showtimes Effective 4/24/15-4/30/15
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 69
SPOKANE REVIVAL Why Tech N9ne continues to roll through the Lilac City on the regular BY LAURA JOHNSON
o one ever expected much out of Tech N9ne. From his hardscrabble upbringing in Kansas City, where everyone he knew is now dead or in jail, Tech N9ne (aka Aaron Dontez Yates) has clawed his way to hip-hop stardom — show by show, record by record. With no radio hit to speak of, he has traversed the independent rap scene since 1990, working his brand of industrial hip-hop around the world, averaging about 250 shows a year and drawing fans from the Juggalo scene and beyond.
These days he says he’s walking on sunshine. Finally, at 43, he’s getting recognition from some of the biggest names in the music business. In May, the horrorcore rapper releases his 15th studio album, Special Effects, which include collaborations with Eminem, Lil Wayne, B.o.B., Corey Taylor (of Slipknot) and Hopsin. “I felt like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for so long,” says Tech N9ne, who ranked No. 16 on last year’s Forbes’ Hip-Hop Cash Kings list with a worth of $8 million, although a large portion of his profits come through his Strange Music label. “And for the most part these artists
No, he doesn’t have a Garbage Goat medallion, but he comes to Spokane so often, he probably should.
70 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
didn’t ask for anything, they just wanted to do music with me, and that’s what means the most,” he says of his label. Last Sunday, Tech N9ne is in Santa Cruz, California, getting ready for yet another show. He says he’s trying not to sound so tired, but he’s hungry and mentally drained. He just finished a meet-and-greet with fans, and his 20-year-old daughter drove up from L.A. to introduce him to her new boyfriend — “I’ll be getting to know him better after the show when we sit down for dinner,” Tech N9ne says diplomatically. He’s just stepped outside of the music venue, as the loud noises of the sound check aren’t conducive to a great interview. Multiple fans catcall him, which prompts him to yell for security. He’d like just a few moments of peace, but on tour that’s hardly an option. In Spokane, where Tech N9ne is scheduled to play Sunday, the scene is similar. He consistently sells out the Knitting Factory, performing there once if not twice a year (like last year). Here in Spokane, he is known — he’s even recorded here. And while he loves performing in the Lilac City, it nearly killed him. He often tells the story about a near-death experience on the stretch of I-90 from Billings to Spokane back in 2005. “Our tour bus rolled five times,” Tech N9ne recalls. “It was the scariest moment of my life, but no one was injured. We took some glass out of our face, chartered a plane to Spokane and people there have loved us ever since.” He’s thankful for the ability to persevere, he says. This year, he’s playing Rockfest in Kansas City, the Gathering of the Juggalos in Ohio and other festivals. He attributes his endurance to always sticking to his guns. “I’ve always wanted to have a mixture of gangster and rock in my music,” Tech N9ne says. “I chose the right world, I chose to be myself. I never conformed to what others wanted me to sound like. I love rap and rock and metal and jazz, and because of that I’m invited to all kinds of events.” In the spotlight he’s mesmerizing to watch, dancing around in white face paint, his lips seemingly moving at the speed of light. His syncopated words regarding bottled-up rage and death inspire and transform people. “I feel like a superhero on stage, like there’s no kryptonite that could stop me,” says Tech N9ne, who got his start as a dancer. “Well, maybe women can make me weak, but other than that there’s no stopping me. That is my habitat. It’s where I belong.” For this upcoming Spokane show in particular, he promises a full band, a set full of fresh songs and “to tear shit down.” And regarding that rumor that he has a house here: “Everybody says that. I used to have a woman up there and I’d stay at her house, but I never had a place in Spokane,” Tech N9ne clarifies. But much too quickly, after a short conversation peppered with the terms “love” and “baby,” he has to go. The show is about to begin and there’s much to accomplish. He may even try to find some food. “Every day I can’t believe this is me,” Tech N9ne says. “I used to not be on the main stage and now I am. I’m closing the shows. It’s crazy.” lauraj@inlander.com Tech N9ne feat. Krizz Kaliko, Chris Webby, Murs, King 810, Zuse and Tyler Denbeigh • Sun, April 26, at 7:30 pm • $28 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • sp.knittingfactory.com • 244-3279
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 71
2 Chainz knows how to live life to the fullest.
Bad Role Model
2 Chainz advocates for legal weed and for people to use their brains BY LAURA JOHNSON
Secret Garden Greenhouse Celebrate Spring!
Annuals and Perennials Beautiful Pansies •99¢ Baskets & Containers Tomatoes & Vegetables 20% off all Ceramic Pots 7717 E. 18th • 892-0407 • DAILY 9am-5pm 72 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
fter citing various cases of stoned parents neglecting or abusing their children, cable talk-show dimwit Nancy Grace asked rapper 2 Chainz why he believed that weed should be legalized in this country. “Everybody is not doing this. Some people actually love their child,” said 2 Chainz, formerly known as Tity Boi, real name Tauheed Epps. “Some people know that it’s obviously wrong, so this is nothing to really argue about; these people are obviously imbeciles. You can’t use these cases to define an entire community.” That was perhaps what Grace had not expected from the rapper when she asked the fellow Georgia native to come on her program in January. It was a serious debate from an artist who not only sold DRINKSPOTTER pot at his Visit Inlander.com/drinkspotter to suburban find the happy hour nearest you. Atlanta high school, but graduated with a 4.0 GPA. That’s where the rapper’s lyrics surprise as well. On the surface, there’s the normal misogynistic hip-hop stuff (example: “All I need for my birthday is a big booty hoe”) but that’s balanced by lyrics that go deeper into the human psyche, like “We Own It” with Wiz Khalifa: “I ride or die for mine / I’m ride or die material / Only one life to live, so here we go / (This moment, we own it).” This weekend, 2 Chainz performs at Washington State University’s Springfest, the annual outdoor music and arts festival, where he’s sure
to bring all aspects of his personality and catchy party tunes. Besides touring and appearing on cable “news” programs, 2 Chainz has a lot going on.
2 Chainz gives Snoop Dogg (formerly known as Snoop Lion, who performed at Springfest last year) and Willie Nelson a run for their weedsmoking money not only in the number of times he’s been arrested for possession, but for how often he rhymes about pot.
Ever wondered what the most expensive cheeseburger in the world ($295) tastes like or what it’s like to ride in a $2 million car? In 2014, 2 Chainz began hosting an online video series called Most Expensivest Shit for GQ magazine to answer these very questions. Just two seasons in, each bite-size episode is as hilarious as it is informative.
Earlier this year, 2 Chainz announced he was considering a mayoral run in his hometown of College Park, Georgia, in an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. We can only hope that comes true. n Washington State University Springfest feat. 2 Chainz • Sat, April 25, at 8 pm • $25 WSU students/$30 college students/$35 public • Allages • Beasley Coliseum • 925 N. Fairway Rd., Pullman • ticketswest.com
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APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 73
oogling “Orgy Spokane” looking for information about this show wasn’t nearly as fun as one would hope — and expectations were pretty low. You might say the same for what we’d expect of an Orgy show in 2015. For anyone who actually remembers Orgy from their oh-so-brief moment in the sun, it’s because of their 1998 cover of New Order’s “Blue Monday.” It’s s a great song — that’s why the 1983 original was a hit — and set an impossibly high standard for Orgy’s original tunes once they hit the airwaves. Eventually, Orgy disbanded in 2004. Now original singer Jay Gordon is back with some hired hands and some new tunes rooted in hard rock with electronic flourishes. — DAN NAILEN ORGY with Thirion X, Helldorado, 9ELECTRIC and Death Valley High • Sat, April 25, at 8 pm • 21+ • Palomino Club • 6425 N. Lidgerwood • $16/$20 day of • palominoclubspokane.com • 443-5213
Thursday, 04/23
J THe BArTLeTT, Mirror Mirror, Shana Falana, Wild Pacific J THE BIG DIPPER, Sessionz Smooth Jazz Be Smooth Show feat. Heather Simmons J BiNg CroSBy THeATer, Night of the Living Divas feat. Julia Keefe, Heather Villa BooMerS CLASSiC roCk BAr & GRILL, Randy Campbell acoustic show J BuCer’S CoffeeHouSe PuB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen BuCkHorN iNN, Spokane River Band CHeCkerBoArD BAr, Forest Beutel Coeur D’ALeNe CASiNo, PJ Destiny fizzie MuLLigANS, Kicho J geNo’S TrADiTioNAL fooD & ALeS (368-9087), Elkfest 2015 Launch Party feat. Folkinception J THE HOP!, Silent Plant, Dayseeker, Deaf To, Ghost Heart JoHN’S ALLey, Matt Borden JoNeS rADiATor, Little Man Child, Sea Giant J LAguNA CAfé, Just Plain Darin LefTBANk WiNe BAr, Jay Condiotti J PiNNACLe NorTHWeST, Agent Orange, In the Whale, Scatterbox, OC45, Random Noise riCo’S (332-65660, Alberto Ferro THe roADHouSe, Steve Starkey THe VikiNg BAr & griLL, Pause for the Cause, Daethstar zoLA, Sonny Brookbank Band
Friday, 04/24
BeVerLy’S, Robert Vaughn J THE BIG DIPPER, KYRS Presents: Cursive Wires and the Bettys BoLo’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE BooMerS CLASSiC roCk BAr & GRILL, Limosine THe CeLLAr, Maxie Ray Mills, Fur Traders
74 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
openhagen rockers Volbeat are headlining, and groove-rock youngsters Crobot are a solid opening act, but only one band playing Spokane Arena on Monday holds a hallowed place in metal history as one of the so-called “Big Four” — the collective name given ’80s thrash pioneers Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax. The New York quintet has undergone its share of lineup changes and label strife, but still manages to knock out pummeling tunes sure to get fans caught in a mosh. In 2011, original singer Joey Belladonna rejoined for Worship Music, an incredible return to form for the band led by longtime members Scott Ian, Frank Bello and Charlie Benante. A new album is coming later this year; the spring tour is dedicated to fan faves like “Antisocial,” “I Am the Law” and “Madhouse.” — DAN NAILEN Anthrax with Volbeat and Crobot • Mon, April 27, at 7 pm • All-ages • $39.50 • Spokane Arena • 720 W. Mallon • spokanearena.com • 279-7000
J CHATeAu riVe, Spokane Vintage Swing Festival feat. Flat Foot Floogies CHeCkerBoArD BAr, Keywest Dueling Pianos Coeur D’ALeNe CASiNo, Dan Conrad, Shiner CurLey’S, Dragonfly DALey’S CHeAP SHoTS, Working Spliffs Di LuNA’S CAfe (208-263-0846), Claude Bourbon feDorA PuB & griLLe, Carli Osika fizzie MuLLigANS, Slow Burn J THE HOP!, Shot on Site, Nuclear Nation, Switchin to Whiskey, Sorority, Pause for the Cause iroN HorSe BAr, Phoenix JoHN’S ALLey, Pigs on the Wing - A tribute to Pink Floyd J kNiTTiNg fACTory, Nightwish, Sabaton, Delain J LAguNA CAfé, Pamela Benton
LefTBANk WiNe BAr, Evan Denlinger MAx AT MirABeAu, Ticking Time Bomb THe MeMBerS LouNge (703-7115), DJ Selone and DJ Eaze NASHViLLe NorTH, Luke Jaxon band NorTHerN QueST CASiNo, DJ Ramsin J THe PALoMiNo CLuB, Greenfest feat. Free the Jester, Project Kings, Unconfined PeND D’oreiLLe WiNery, The Powell Brothers J PiNNACLe NorTHWeST, Moral Crux, You Don’t Know Me, the Federales rePuBLiC BreWiNg Co., Tony Furtado Band riCo’S, Brad Ard Quartet THe riDLer PiANo BAr, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler SWAxx, Bad Girls Party feat. Natalie
Nunn, DJ Freaky Fred, DJ Reckless THe roADHouSe, American Bonfire uNDergrouND 15, Fresh Friday feat. DJ One THe VikiNg BAr & griLL, The Bucket List zoLA, Ryan Larson Band
Saturday, 04/25
BArLoWS AT LiBerTy LAke (9241446), Jan Harrison J THe BArTLeTT, The Round No. 7 feat. Cami Bradley, Doc Luben, Miles Martin, Sally Jablonsky, Nick Lewis BeVerLy’S, Robert Vaughn J THE BIG DIPPER, Fly Moon Royalty, Flying Spiders BLACk DiAMoND, DJ Perfechter BoLo’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE BooMerS CLASSiC roCk BAr & GRILL, Limosine THe CeLLAr, Fur Traders
J CHAPS, Just Plain Darin with Tyler Coulston CHeCkerBoArD BAr, Keywest Dueling Pianos Coeur D’ALeNe CASiNo, Dan Conrad, Shiner Coeur D’ALeNe CeLLArS (6642336), Eric Neuhausser Cork & BArreL PuBLiC HouSe (447-3844), Scotia Road CurLey’S, Dragonfly Di LuNA’S CAfe, Doug Bond fizzie MuLLigANS, Slow Burn J THE HOP!, MDC, Diazepam, the Camorra iroN HorSe BAr, Phoenix JoHN’S ALLey, Fruition J JoNeS rADiATor, Buzz Vineyard CD Release party J kNiTTiNg fACTory, Pigs on the Wing - A tribute to Pink Floyd THe LANTerN TAP HouSe, Milonga THe LAriAT iNN, Dude Ranch
LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Karrie O’Neill MAX AT MIRABEAU, Ticking Time Bomb J MOOTSY’S, The Lucky Boys, Redvolt, Siamese Suicide J MORAN PRAIRIE GRANGE (2453444), Spokane Vintage Swing Festival feat. Johnny Boyd NASHVILLE NORTH, Luke Jaxon band NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, DJ Ramsin ONE 14 BAR & GRILL (299-6114), The Bobby Bremer Band J THE PALOMINO CLUB, ORGY (See story on facing page) with Thirion X, Helldorado, 9ELECTRIC, Death Valley High PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Rylei Franks J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Quarter Monkey, Framework, Pause for the Cause, Targets Down Range, Blame Shifter REPUBLIC BREWING CO., The Saturday Giant RICO’S, Brad Ard Quartet THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler
Email getlisted@inlander. com to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
J THE SHOP, Matt Mitchell THE ROADHOUSE, Last Chance Band THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, The Tone Collaborative ZOLA, Ryan Larson Band
J THE BARTLETT, Wayne Hancock, Cursive Wires J BEASLEY COLISEUM, 2 Chainz (See story on page 72) FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills J MARTIN WOLDSON THEATER AT THE FOX, The Manhattan Transfer J THE HOP!, Daikaiju JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of Open-ness J KELLY’S IRISH PUB, Arvid Lundin & Deep Roots THE LARIAT INN, Robert Moss J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Author & Punisher RED ROOM LOUNGE, Unplugged with Jimmy Nudge
THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Kathleen Cavender Jazz SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List
Coming Up ...
THE BIG DIPPER, The Wicks, The Tone Collaborative, Nick Foster, April 30 WOMAN’S CLUB OF SPOKANE, Uncle Bonsai, May 1 THE BIG DIPPER, Over Sea Under Stone CD release, May 1 KNITTING FACTORY, The Alliance, Helldorado, Thiron X, Free the Jester, May 1 BING CROSBY THEATER, Hot Club of Spokane CD release, Howard
Crosby and Julia Rinker, May 2 KNITTING FACTORY, Concert for Isaac feat. Sammy Eubanks, Elijah and the Tufnel’s, Karrie O’Neill, Friends for Isaac Band, May 2 UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, Finals Fest feat. Chance the Rapper, May 5 THE BARTLETT, R. Ring feat. The Breeders’ Kelley Deal & Ampline’s Mike Montgomery, May 6 TRENT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Della Mae album release show, May 7 THE BIG DIPPER, Geographer, Dead Serious Lovers, Flannel Math Animal, May 7 THE BIG DIPPER, B Radicals CD release show feat. Real Life Rockaz, Smiles Davis, Andy Rumsey, May 9
@ 8:40am 12:40pm 3:40pm Weekdays
Sunday, 04/26
CHECKERBOARD BAR, The Saturday Giant COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Echo Elysium, Kosh DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, Michael Dixon J KNITTING FACTORY, Tech N9ne (See story on page 70), Krizz Kaliko, King 810, Zuse & 3rd Leg J RED ROOM LOUNGE, House of Shem, Valley Green
Monday, 04/27
J BABY BAR, The Gooch Palms, Death Valley Girls, 66beat, Phelgm Fatlae, Street Tang J THE BIG DIPPER, Spokane Mizzle School Jazz Band BING CROSBY THEATER, Welcome to Night Vale, Mary Epworth J CALYPSOS, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills J THE HOP!, Hollow Earth J SPOKANE ARENA, Volbeat, Anthrax (See story on facing page), Crobot UNDERGROUND 15, Open Mic ZOLA, Nate Ostrander Trio
Tuesday, 04/28 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub
MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BEVERLY’S • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 THE BLIND BUCK • 204 N. Division • 290-6229 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BOWL’Z BITEZ & SPIRITZ• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS • 6412 E. Trent • 5359309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent Ave.• 924-3720 THE HOP! • 706 N. Monroe St. • 368-4077 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 IRV’S BAR • 415 W. Sprague Ave. • 624-4450 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LATAH BISTRO • 4241 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 838-8338 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MOSCOW FOOD CO-OP • 121 E. Fifth St. • 208882-8537 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO CLUB • 6425 N. Lidgerwood St • 443-5213 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 PINNACLE NORTHWEST • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 THE ROCK BAR • 13921 E. Trent Ave. • 43-3796 ROCKER ROOM • 216 E. Coeur d’Alene Ave. • 208-676-2582 ROCKET MARKET • 726 E. 43rd Ave. • 343-2253 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SPLASH • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 UNDERGROUND 15 • 15 S. Howard St. • 290-2122 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 WEBSTER’S • 1914 N. Monroe St. • 474-9040 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 75
Every guy grab a doll to catch the musical rom-com Guys and Dolls, the final show in the current season of the Best of Broadway Spokane series. Watch as gambling lord Sky Masterson woos a headstrong missionary for a bet, but finds himself falling for her instead. All the while, Nathan Detroit’s 14-year engagement to Adelaide, whose deep psychological yearning manifests as a chronic cold, hangs in the balance because of his devotion to a floating crap game. Will the infamous protagonists choose love or is their love for the game too strong? Set in a romanticized version of NYC, Guys and Dolls is filled with lively musical numbers and tons of laughs. — COURTNEY BREWER Guys and Dolls • Thu, April 23-Sun, April 26; showtimes vary • $32.50-$72.50 • INB Performing Arts Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • bestofbroadwayspokane.com
Revel in the beauty of our natural world at this year’s local screening of the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, while also supporting efforts to protect the Inland Northwest’s outdoor paradise via the Spokane Riverkeeper. The touring film fest’s lineup of mini-documentaries are themed around the dire need to protect our green-and-blue planet. This year’s slate of films numbers in the several dozens and includes pieces examining outdoor recreation, water conservation, species preservation and the industrial exploitation of natural resources for the sake of corporate profit and human convenience. — CHEY SCOTT Wild & Scenic Film Festival • Thu, April 30, at 7 pm • $12 • Garland Theater • 924 W. Garland • cforjustice.org/riverkeeper
76 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
It’s like a family reunion when area fiddlers gather for the Northwest Regional Fiddle Contest. Participants come from all over the Pacific Northwest, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska and parts of Canada to try their hand at qualifying for the National Oldtime Fiddlers Contest & Festival in Weiser, Idaho, and to see their fellow fiddle friends. You don’t have to be a violin player or contestant to sit and enjoy the talented atmosphere. — LAURA JOHNSON Northwest Regional Fiddle Contest • Sat, April 25, at 8 am; Sun, April 26, at 9 am • $5-$20/day pass; $7-$35/weekend pass • Trent Elementary • 3303 N. Pines • northwestregionals.com
Since 1992, Spokane has held Japan Week with a series of events aimed at celebrating our Japanese community while showcasing the country’s vivid cultural offerings. Part of the week includes the beloved Sukiyaki Dinner, now in its 66th year of bringing authentic Japanese food to its hungry attendees. If you didn’t know, sukiyaki is a traditional stew made with meat, a variety of vegetables and other ingredients. Here, it’s only $14 for a dish. — MIKE BOOKEY 66th Annual Sukiyaki Dinner • Sat, April 25, from noon to 6 pm • Highland Park United Methodist Church • 611 S. Garfield • Make reservations at hpspokane.org
Minutes from CDA
Full Price
NEW! Now 7 Days a Week!
Food Network star Robert Irvine, known for Restaurant: Impossible — a series that takes him to run-down restaurants in need of remodeling and entirely new business plans — is presenting a live, theatrical culinary show. Irvine’s performance, intended to mirror the hectic vibe of his TV shows, involves him attempting to cook while unique and difficult challenges (such as time limits or ingredients he must utilize) are thrown his way. Each show is unique to that day and audience, and the cutthroat surprises always are unexpected. The inevitable stress levels and drama are reminiscent of many of the popular cooking shows, amped up even further with the live aspect thrown into the mix. — KAITLYN ANSON Chef Robert Irvine • Sun, April 26, at 4 pm • $45-$65 • Northern Quest Casino, Pend Oreille Pavilion • 100 N. Hayford Rd. • northernquest.com • 481-6700
CASK & KEG AUCTION A fundraiser benefiting the Spokane Valley Firefighters Benevolent Association, offering a night of fine wine from Arbor Crest, food and auction. April 24, 5:30-10 pm. $50. Arbor Crest Wine Cellars, 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. svffba.org (789-3019) REIGNING CATS & DOGS The annual auction raises funds to support SCRAPS Hope Foundation, which oversees the animal medical fund services/ programming to support community pets and pet owners. Ages 21+. April 24, 5:30 pm. $30-$35. Spokane Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana. scrapshopefoundation.org (509-477-1766) TRIPLE PLAY RMC FUNDRAISER Get three hours of unlimited use of all Triple Play attractions, with 50 percent
of proceeds supporting the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Spokane. April 24, 6-9 pm. $15. Triple Play Family Fun Park, 175 W. Orchard Ave. rmhcspokane.org (208-762-7529) WOMEN’S SELF-DEFENSE SEMINAR/ BENEFIT A seminar on self defense tactics to empower women on how to fight back if ever needed. All proceeds benefit the YWCA Spokane. April 24, 12-2 pm. $30. Krav Maga Spokane, 1403 N. Division. kravmagaspokane. com (326-2166) 17TH ANNUAL BASSET BLAST Washington Basset Rescue hosts its annual fundraiser event, offering adoptable pets, contests, vendors, prizes/raffle/ silent auction and more. $10/pet for contest entry. April 25, 11 am-4 pm. Spokane Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. wabr.net (590-9667)
NEW! Young Adult $ 229
639 359
Ages 18-23
Family Pass $ 899 1499
2 Adults and up to 3 youth - additional youth are $99 Added Benefits Add a 2015 4 day passes to Silver Rapids Waterpark 1 day pass to Silver Mountain Bike Park Bike Park Pass 2 for 1 golf and much more! For Just $130!
Kellogg, ID
Free Skin Cancer Screening May 11 - 15, 2015 Skin cancer can occur at any age, especially if you have risk factors such as: • Multiple or atypical moles • Fair complexion • History of severe sunburns This screening is provided to the community through a donation from Providence Health Care Foundation and donated time from physicians in Spokane.
View screening options and register online at
CourseRegistration.inhs.org Open to people of all ages. Appointment required.
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 77
I SAW YOU VALLEY COSTCO CASHIER Sexy Costco Cashier with the side shaved hairstyle. I saw you, I was looking for the shortest checkout to go through until i spotted you in a lane. At that moment I didn't care how long the line was, i jumped in. Once it was my turn to check out we asked how each others day's were, then you commented, "That's a pretty sweet mustache." I was stuck for words but replied, "Thanks." You had me at 'Sweet Mustache". I should had asked for your number, but you had me all flustered. Can we meet again for lunch or a drink? LOCAL HIP-HOP ARTIST I miss your old Joe Dirtay look. Saw a picture of you looking like Macklemore: what happened, dude? Don't know if you're on one right now or what? LOST OPPORTUNITY Lost, one great opportunity at Cafe Capri last Thursday at 1 to ask a beautiful woman to dinner. We obviously both enjoyed how the other looked. You: tall, slender, blonde talking with two (I'm guessing) clients by the window. Me: talking with two neighborhood folks over by the wall. Hopefully I'll see you this coming Thursday at 1 and correct my mistake. MONTEREY SATURDAY 4/19 You were about 5-7, longer blond hair, white top and BEAUTIFUL blue eyes. Sitting at the bar with 2 friends. You brightened an already wonderful evening! Told you to keep and eye on this section of the
Inlander... presstoplay@live.com" BEAUTIFUL MAN I met you in late March at Yoke's on North Market. You text me around April 4. Your text did not transfer to my text page so I was unable to message you back. I would love to hear from you again. "Beautiful girl" LOCKED EYES Wednesday April 1st around 5pm @ Spaghetti Factory downtown Spokane. You with 2 cute little girls celebrating a 5-year-old's birthday, me with my teenage daughter. I told the server we would share bread. Our eyes met a bunch. Single? Interested? Care to go out?
CHEERS WALLY WORLD NORTH Shout out to the guy Sunday at Walmart that called me beautiful and told me to never let anyone tell me anything different. Thank you, that day was the perfect day to hear that. Hope your pink-and-purple bike turned out cool! SINGLE PARENTS I know some days we just want a little peace and quiet or someone else to pick the kids up when they're sent home from school or daycare early, or just to go grocery shopping without having to deal with a meltdown...and I know that parenting has its many heartwarming moments where you feel like your heart is in your eyes because the feeling of love overcomes you so much, but I know it's hard too. I see you, you're doing great. Keep your head up. <3 Our engagement has just begun, but I'm excited for it to end! I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you. — Blueberry Muffin THE MAN TRULY I have to tell you about a "man" I know. Yes, it is a gushing testimonial, but you will see why he is so deserving of the accolades as the picture is written.He is one of the most "manliest" men you will ever meet, you could even say, "hyper-macho", big and strong in body and soul. A father to two amazing young men. "The apple did not fall far from the tree." He is the superfun grandpa to six precious, precocious grandbabies. This "man" is the soccer coach that gave his time for years, to
each sons teams. Those kids loved him! He is the silent hero that will step up when someone needs help. I have been a witness to this many times. This "man" has a work ethic that is hard to believe.
"macho-man" would go to gpas twice a week and give him a shower. At times taking care of grandpa's manicure and pedicure needs. Not the most pleasant job but he is the "man" that steps up and
I know that parenting has its many heartwarming moments ... but I know it’s hard too. I see you, you’re doing great.
He is notorious in Spokane by many that know him. He is the "man" that can fix it and will make sure its perfectly clean and straight too. Inside joke. LOL I think he can fix anything and I have often been in awe of my "fix-it man". This "man" is also a great son. If mom calls or even when she doesn't he is there anyway. Taking care of her car, the plumbing, the pellet stove and etc., we could be here days. i believe you are getting the nice picture I am describing of this "man", but there is more. Five years ago this "man " and his brother moved their 88-year-old grandpa here from Vegas. Grandma was gone and both of their children had passed too young. There are four remaining grandsons, all the related family grandpa had left. Grandpa was not here long when he fell and broke his hip. That is when the "man" that I adored for 30+yrs. showed me even more of the kind of "man" he is. Grandpa had a caretaker a few hours, a few days a week. He was still somewhat independent but the "man" took on alot of the slack. Weekly he filled grandpa's pills in his daily/weekly box. AM, lunch, dinner and PM. So many pills and the "man" became an expert at dispensing those meds. The "man" would call grandpa up to 3 times a day to make sure he took his pills. Grandpa had dementia so he needed to be reminded. Often the man would go there and "gpa" (as we called him) had told the "man" a fib and hadn't taken the pills. The "man" would give him a little heck and continue to make the daily reminder calls. This
SOUND OFF 1. Visit Inlander.com/isawyou by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “petals327@yahoo.com,” not “j.smith@comcast.net.”
does the job that needs done. I will try to condense my testimony some here while still trying to convey the picture. Grandpa fell again a couple years ago. He rebroke the same hip and this time had to go to a nursing home and was wheelchair bound. The "man's" devotion only intensified. He was there so much that all of the medical staff and residents got to know him. He made sure gpa was receiving the best care possible. He was the "man" serving coffee to the residents at many a dinner hour. He became part of their family. "
JEERS ON THE JOB CREEP Quit staring at me. AM RADIO What has happened to our AM radio around Spokane? All the good shows are leaving. Sports talk shows are turning to elevator music. I don't get it. I get told to listen to different stations on my phone or computer. Come on, doesn't anyone else know what shows I'm talking about? LIES AND GAMES I gave you another chance and you did exactly what you said you wouldn't do. I had a feeling I should have never went there. You used, played, abused, and took advantage of the chance I had given you. It only left me hurt, confused, and wondering how I could have been so stupid. I didn't want to be alone and I thought I could be happy. You got bored, and did what you
do best. Once a cheater, always a cheater. You will never realize what you lost. Hope the next person you meet sees through your "act." THOSE WHO SPEAK AGAINST STUDS It's amazing to me how many people rely on the anonymity of this venue to spout off "facts" regarding issues they're obviously zealous about, however don't take the time to research their "facts"! They figure that whatever they write in their diatribes will be swallowed as the "truth" even though reality says something totally different. It's just not the reality they live in, so they make up "facts" to support their views. Studded tires are not an ideal solution for driving on winter roads around here. The conditions change rapidly and sometimes you're caught between a rock and a hard place. There are enough hills and curves around here to make traction tires such as studded tires a necessity for some of us. Snow tires just don't cut it, and I don't see chains as being an option because of their on again, off again applications. I realize that studded tires take their toll on our roads, however the biggest culprits are the heavyweight vehicles that we depend on to distribute our goods. Another part of this conundrum is that our roads are not constructed of the best materials, but the cheapest! Couple that with the patchwork maintenance, and there are gonna be ruts no matter what! I live in an area that requires either chains or studded tires to access my home. Snow tires just don't get it. I have an all wheel drive vehicle and I don't wish to move from my family's homestead. I shouldn't have to! Perhaps "Studless" might try to come up with a solution to the winter traction dilemma, instead of trying to tout useless and baseless "facts" to support his/her opinions.
NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
Find out where at www.watrust.com/events
EVENTS | CALENDAR DANCING WITH CELEBRITIES CYT Spokane’s 8th fundraiser event pairing local “celebrities” with professional dance instructors. April 25, 7 pm. $15. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7404) MICROS FOR MAMAS A local beer/cider tasting, dinner and silent auction benefiting Spokane YoungLives, which mentors and supports teenage mothers in the community. At the Western Aviation Airplane Hanger. April 25, 6-10 pm. $45/person; $80/couple. Felts Field, 6105 E. Rutter Rd. microsformamas.blogspot.com (570-3921) SPOKANE GUILDS’ SCHOOL PENNY DRIVE Volunteers gather at 12 locations throughout the region to support the 19th annual Spokane Guilds’ School Community Day Penny Drive, to raise funds and awareness for children and families who attend the Guilds’ School. April 25. guildschool.org (326-1651) SPOKANE SISTER CITIES ASSOCIATION GARDEN PARTY An afternoon of mini-golf and garden carnival games to benefit the Spokane Sister Cities Connections Sculptural Garden and the Southside Senior Center. April 26, 2-4:30 pm. $25. Southside Community Center, 3151 E. 27th. spokanesistercities.org (270-2603)
COMEDY AFTER DARK A adult-rated version of the Blue Door’s monthly, Friday show; last Friday of the month, at 10 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. bluedoortheatre.com (747-7045) LIVE, LOCAL COMEDIANS Performing every Friday and Saturday, at 8 pm. April 24-25, Don Parkins & Friends. $12. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. (483-7300) POETS UP! Poetry-themed improv comedy show using audience suggestions. Fridays in April at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third Ave. (838-6688) SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045) STAND UP / SHOW DOWN Live comedy, Mondays at 8 pm. Free. Sapphire Lounge, 901 W. First Ave. (747-1041) GUFFAW YOURSELF Open mic comedy night; every other Thursday at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First. (847-1234)
COMMUNITY FOURTH FRIDAY PUB PEDDLERS Group cycling ride, making a few stops along the way to a final destination. Meets at 7 pm, departs at 8 pm. Free. Swamp Tavern, 1904 W. Fifth Ave. (251-2107) JAPAN WEEK PARTY KuroNekoCon and Japan Week Spokane host a Cosplay fashion show and “Neon Nyan” dance party, offering prizes, live DJs and entertainment. April 24, 6:30-10 pm. $5. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. kuronekocon.com (251-9143) BLOOMSDAY TRAINING CLINICS Sessions begin with a presentation on race training, followed by warm-up and a supported run. April 25, 8:30 am. Free. SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. phc.org GARDEN FAIR & PLANT SALE The annual plant sale hosted by the Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane County offers annuals, perennials, berry plants, herbs, veggies and more. April 25, 9 am-2 pm. WSU Spokane County Extension, 222 N. Havana St. mgfsc.org (477-2173) MARCH FOR BABIES The annual, teambased 3-mile walk/run supports March of Dimes’ programs for babies born premature or with a compromising health condition. April 25, 10 am. Entry by donation. Jundt Art Museum, 200 E. Desmet Ave. marchforbabies.org (328-1920) PALISADES PARK NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN UP DAY Meet at the parking lot at Greenwood-Rimrock Rds; bring gloves and safety/reflective vest. Followed by a free tailgate lunch for all volunteers. April 25. Palisades Park, Greenwood Blvd. & Rimrock Dr. palisadesnw.com (315-408-5181) STEPS FOR AUTISM 5K WALK/RUN Walk the Centennial Trail to raise awareness and money to support the Northwest Autism Center. April 25, 8 am-noon. $25. Mirabeau Park Meadows, 13500 Mirabeau Pkwy. nwautism.org (328-1582) WAMEND ACTION LAUNCH EVENT A meet, march & rally event across the Monroe Street Bridge followed by signature gathering for WAMEND’s initiative proposal. April 25, 1-4 pm. Donations accepted. Downtown Library, 906 W. Main. (893-9771) RACE FOR THE CURE Spokane hosts the 10th annual fundraiser and awareness walk, with a 1-mile survivors walk and a 3-mile walk/run through downtown Spokane. Proceeds benefit the mission of Susan G. Komen’s Eastern Washington affiliate. April 26, 9 am. $15-$35. Downtown Spokane. komeneasternwashington.org (315-5940) THINK & DRINK: “WRITING IN THE MARGINS: RACE IN LITERATURE” Hu-
Proven Winners Classes Learn all about what plants will do best at your location.
Hanging Baskets: 4/25/15 • 11:00am Dramatic Flower Beds: 4/25/15 • 2:00pm
manities Washington’s Think & Drink events bring hosted conversations on provocative topics and new ideas to pubs and tasting rooms. April 28, 7:30-9:30 pm. Free. Lindaman’s, 1235 S. Grand Blvd. humanities.org (206-682-1770 x 102) SPOKANE FOLKLORE CONTRA DANCE Weekly Wednesday night contra dance, with Arvid Lundin and Out of Nowhere playing, and Nancy Staub calling. Beginner workshop at 7:15 pm. April 29, 7:30-9:30 pm. $5-$7. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. (747-2640) NONPROFIT FUNDRAISING WORKSHOP The Secretary of State’s Corporations and Charities Division hosts a workshop on the responsibilities and ethics of fundraising for nonprofit/charitable organizations. April 29, 11 am-4 pm. $10/person. Downtown Library, 906 W. Main. sos. wa.gov/charities/training (360-725-0373)
FILM SPOKANE FILM SOCIETY The local group screens a film to get audiences thinking, with each month focusing on a new theme. Thursdays at 9 pm. $5. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. (327-1050) FILM PREMIERE: IN COUNTRY This documentary examines modern war culture, following current war vets, a former Vietnam soldier, and combat enthusiasts as they gather yearly to bring one of America’s most nightmarish wars back to life. April 24. Village Center Cinemas, 12622 N Division St. (232-7727) NIC FILM CLUB: STEP BROTHERS Screening of the 2008 comedy starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. April 24, 6 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. (208-769-2315) SPOKANE FRIENDS OF WOLVES FILM SCREENING In celebration of Earth Day, the local advocacy group hosts a showing of “Peter and the Wolf,” “Living with Wolves” and the short film “How Wolves Change Rivers.” April 25, 12-2 pm. Free. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. spokanewolves.org (768-4271) TOUGH LOVE “Do You Care Spokane?” presents a showing of a documentary about the child welfare system and children in foster care. April 28, 8 pm. Free. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7404) THE WILD & SCENIC FILM FESTIVAL A night of environmental films, River City beer, and raffle prizes from Mountain Gear and other sponsors. Proceeds benefit the Spokane Riverkeeper. April 30, 7-9 pm. $12/$15 door. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland. bit.ly/1DTkEqC (464-7614)
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APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 79
Advice Goddess ShAke It tIll You MAke It
I’m new to online dating. I’m a nice, good-looking guy with a good job, but I have a muscular condition that causes me to shake a lot. I’m not looking to fool anyone, but I don’t want to advertise my condition on my profile because it’s so personal. My last date was several months ago, and it ended with her saying I was “creepy” because of my disability — a condition I was born with. —Bummed
Apparently, this last woman you dated is so used to wearing her heart on her sleeve that she failed to notice that most of it broke off (and is maybe still lying there with her driver’s-side mirror at the Burger King drive-thru). The thing is, even women who might be open to dating a guy with a bit of a wiggle are likely to be miffed at having it withheld from them until the first date. They’d probably feel similarly if they were surprised by your actual height, weight, or species. In other words, the underlying issue is the lack of disclosure, not the lack of sit-still-ness — which doesn’t justify for a second what this woman said to you. (Clearly, her disability — being a compassionless bitch — is just less visible than yours.) However, I’m not going to kumbaya you. Advertising yourself as “tall, dark, and shaky” wouldn’t be ideal. Even revealing it on the phone could lead to some painful date cancellations. But, as for your notion that your condition is “so personal,” a spastic colon is personal; a woman won’t know about yours unless it’s in such an advanced state that it cuts into conversation to correct her grammar. Your tremors, however, become public the moment you walk into a place to meet a woman — which is actually the perfect time to make a crack like, “Is it freezing in here, or do I have a muscular disorder?” Maybe while wearing a T-shirt with “That’s my groove thing I’m shaking.” How dare I joke about a disability?! Truth be told, I can’t really take credit for this approach. I call it “The Callahan,” after my late quadriplegic cartoonist friend, John Callahan, who buzzed around Portland in a motorized wheelchair, cracking jokes like, “See my new shoes? I hear they’re very comfortable.” Callahan understood that a person’s disability often becomes a big wall between them and the rest of us because we’re afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing. But through his refusal to, uh, pussychair around the subject, Callahan told people how the disabled want to be treated, which is “just like everyone else.” And because the rest of us get poked fun of, Callahan did cartoons featuring disabled people. One of these has a posse on horseback in the desert looking down at an empty wheelchair. The posse leader reassures the others, “Don’t worry, he won’t get far on foot” — which became the title of Callahan’s autobiography. Adopting a more Callahan-esque attitude — using humor — would allow you to set the tone for your condition to be just a fact about you instead of a fact people pity you for. And by offering to answer questions they might have, you can shrink any big scary mysteries down to a more manageable size. For example: How permanent is your condition? Will it get worse? If we make babies together, what are the chances they’ll be vibrating in their crib? And, no, I’m not going to tell you what 35 readers will write to tell me after this column comes out — that you should go on a dating site for people with disabilities. What I will tell you is that online dating isn’t an ideal venue for everyone. Plenty of non-disabled people find it brutal. But there’s good news for you from some research by evolutionary psychologists Kevin Kniffin and David Sloan Wilson. On day one of a six-week archeological dig, they had students give their first impressions of the smarts, likability, and physical attractiveness of their new classmates. On the last day, the students re-rated one another. Well, it seems that physical attractiveness can be heavily influenced by personality and character. For example, a woman whose looks initially rated a measly 3.25 (out of 9) became a hardworking, popular member of the group. By the end of the course, her hotitude in other students’ eyes shot up to a 7. In other words, if, beyond that shaky exterior, you’re a pretty great guy, you’re probably better off looking for dates in Meetup.com groups and other arenas where you’ll have continuing contact with women. Remember, you only need to charm that one girl — one who is so excited to find a sweet guy who reminds her of a movie star that she doesn’t mind that it happens to be Katharine Hepburn at 70. n ©2015, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com)
80 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
EVENTS | CALENDAR DISABILITY FILM FESTIVAL A showing of the film, “Music Within,” presented by the Self-Advocate Leadership Network. May 1, 7-9 pm. Free; also collecting food donations. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (772-538-4404)
COLFAX CHAMBER WINE & MICRO BREW TASTING The 15th annual tasting event includes appetizers, a silent auction, and more. Proceeds support the Colfax Chamber of Commerce. At the Hill-Ray Plaza in Colfax. April 24, 6-9 pm. $20-$25. colfaxchamber.org SMALL VINEYARDS OF SPAIN Sample 8 wines from small, family-owned wineries in Spain. April 24, 7 pm. $20. Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd. (343-2253) A TAPAS PARTY TO REMEMBER Learn how to make a variety of Spanish tapas, ideal for springtime entertaining. April 24, 6-8 pm. $49. Inland Northwest Culinary Academy (INCA), 1810 N. Greene St. (533-8141) VINO WINE TASTING Spring Valley Vineyard of Walla Walla is the featured winery on April 24, from 3-6:30. April 25 is a Japan Week sake tasting, from 2-4:30 pm. Vino!, 222 S. Washington. (838-1229) 66TH ANNUAL SUKIYAKI DINNER The authentic Japanese sukiyaki meal offers dine-in or take-out options, along with Inarizushi, homemade Japanese Senbei (rice crackers), a bake sale and arts & crafts. April 25, 12-6 pm. $14. Highland Park United Methodist Church, 611 S. Garfield St. hp-spokane.org (535-2687) CDA WINE EXTRAVAGANZA Tasting tables are located throughout the Resort Plaza Shops and downtown Coeur d’Alene. Wine pairings, tastings and classes also scheduled throughout the weekend, April 24-26. throughout downtown CdA. April 25, 3-7 pm. $15. cdawinefest.com (844-449-6558) COFFEE & CHOCOLATE PAIRINGS Every chocolate and coffee is unique due to regional growth, soil composition, altitude and processing methods. Taste these differences with a guide from the Chocolate Apothecary. April 25, 2-3 pm. Free. Cheney Library, 610 First. (235-7333) CORK, KEG & SPIRITS FESTIVAL The Washington Restaurant Association Spokane chapter offers tastings of local wines, craft beer and spirits from the Northwest and beyond. April 25, 7-10 pm. Mirabeau Park Hotel, 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. spokanecorkkeg.com (924-9000) CHEF ROBERT IRVINE Celebrity Chef Robert Irvine, known for his television series, “Dinner: Impossible” and “Restaurant: Impossible,” performs his fullyinteractive multimedia cooking experience live. April 26, 4 pm. $45-$65. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd. northernquest.com (242-7000) RIVER CITY BEER DINNER Local brewmasters from River City Brewing pair four pints of their beers with a special, four-course dinner designed by Rock City Grill Executive Chef Tim Simpson. Reservations required. April 28, 6-8 pm. $55/person (all inclusive). Rock City Grill, 808 W. Main Ave. on.fb. me/1blHCMt (455-4400)
NIGHT OF THE LIVING DIVAS FEAT. JULIA KEEFE, HEATHER VILLA Holy Names Music Center’s annual Jazz Appreciation Month concert includes a wine/dessert reception before the con-
cert, at 6 pm. April 23, 7 pm. $25. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. bingcrosbytheater.com (326-9516) SPRING DANCE CONCERT The 14th annual concert includes jazz, urban, ballet and musical theater dance performances, and is choreographed by students. April 23-25 at 7:30 pm, also April 25 at 2 pm. $5. Gonzaga Magnuson Theatre, 502 E. Boone. gonzaga.edu/theatrearts SPOKANE VINTAGE SWING FESTIVAL An event commemorating Jazz Appreciation Month, with live music by Johnny J & the Flat Foot Floogies. Doors open at 7 pm; dance lesson at 8 pm, concert at 9 pm. April 24, 7 pmmidnight. $15 -$20. Chateau Rive, 621 W. Mallon. vintageswingspokane.com TGIF MUSIC & STORYTELLING Friday Musical, 99-year-old champion of fine music in Spokane, presents a free concert from Dr. James Schoepflin, clarinet; Nancy Schoepflin, piano; Louise Butler, cello; Helen Byrne, piano; accompanied by storyteller Vaughn Overlie. April 24, 1-2:30 pm. Free. St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 316 E. 24th Ave. (747-6677) 47TH NORTHWEST REGIONAL FIDDLE CONTEST The annual event includes competitions for all ages and player skill levels. April 25-26, Sat at 8 am; Sun at 9 am. $5-$35. Trent Elementary, 3303 N. Pines. northwestregionals.com PAGES OF HARMONY “This is the Army Mr. Jones” is the title of the local a-capella group’s spring concert. April 25, 3 pm. $5-$15. SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. (443-1503) SPOKANE SYMPHONY SUPERPOPS Series No. 6 features Pink Martini, performing vintage jazz, classical, Latin and old-fashioned pop in a concert accompanying the Symphony. April 25, 8 pm. Prices vary. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. spokanesymphony.org (624-1200) SPOKANE VINTAGE SWING FESTIVAL Celebrate Jazz Appreciation Month with live music by Johnny Boyd. Doors open at 7 pm; dance lesson at 8 pm; music at 9 pm. Event theme is “vintage prom.” April 25, 7 pm-midnight. $20-$25. Moran Prairie Grange, 6006 S. Palouse Hwy. vintageswingspokane.com COWBOY MUSIC & POETRY BENEFIT The 20th annual oldtime western music and poetry concert includes a home cooked pulled-pork dinner at 6 pm. Performers include Palouse poet, Dick Warwick; Western Reunion, Glen Bair and Educated Fellers. April 25, 6-9:30 pm. $10$14. TumTum Community Center, 6424 Highway 291. (276-5916 or 991-0172) WASHINGTON IDAHO SYMPHONY The Domey/Gillespie Young Artists Concerts features Kyle Thiessen, 15year old violist from Spokane, and composer Zachery Meier’s work entitled “The Journey” receiving its Wash. premiere. $10-$25. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU Pullman. (335-8522) THE BEST OF THE CHORALE The Spokane Symphony Chorale presents a concert to benefit the Spokane Symphony. April 26, 4-5:30 pm. $10/adult; $25/family of five. St. John’s Cathedral, 127 E. 12th. spokanesymphonyassoc.org NORTHWEST SACRED MUSIC CHORALE 15th season concert presenting “Elijah,”Felix Mendelssohn’s classic Oratorio based on events in the life of the prophet Elijah. April 26, 3-5 pm. $10-$15. Central Lutheran Church, 512 S. Bernard St. nwsmc.org (208-446-2333) SPOKANE STRING QUARTET: QUARTET KISMET A concert program featur-
ing compositions by Hadyn, Bartok and Borodin. April 26, 3 pm. $12-$20. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. spokanestringquartet.org (227-7404) SPOKANE YOUTH SYMPHONY: PROMISE OF SPRING The four orchestras of the Youth Symphony explore music’s power to tell a story through pieces by Stravinsky, DeFalla, Saint-Saens and Grieg. April 26, 4 pm. $12-$16. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. foxtheaterspokane.com GONZAGA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The symphony’s season finale, conducted by Kevin Hekmatpanah and featuring world-renowned bassist Gary Karr. April 27, 7:30 pm. $10-$13. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (313-6733)
LEADMAN TRIATHLON The 11th annual race includes a 1-mile downhill ski, 7-11 mile downhill mountain bike ride and a 4-mile run. Open to individuals and teams, and includes a post-race celebration in the Village with live music and a barbecue. April 25. Silver Mountain Ski Resort, 610 Bunker Ave. leadmantriathlon.com (208-783-1531) SPOKANE SHOCK VS. ORLANDO PREDATORS Arena football game. April 25, 7 pm. $15-$60. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon. spokaneshock.com WSU CRIMSON & GRAY GAME WSU hosts its annual Spring Scrimmage; also includes a kids’ combine, inflatables, prizes, food/drink, and submission turn-in for the WSU Spokane Week Youth Essay contest. April 25, 2 pm. Free. Joe Albi Stadium, Wellesley Ave. and Assembly St. wsucougars.com LILAC CENTURY FAMILY FUN RIDE The annual bike ride offers a variety of scenic, and challenging supported tours for every level of rider. Proceeds benefit local charities supported by the Spokane Aurora Northwest Rotary Club. April 26, 7 am-4:30 pm. $40-$50. SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. bit.ly/1NOSJZS (466-6756) STAND UP PADDLEBOARDING SUP enthusiast Brett Saguid introduces the equipment, techniques and physical benefits of this new and growing paddling sport. Hosted by the Spokane Canoe & Kayak Club. April 27, 7-8 pm. Free. Mountain Gear Corporate Offices, 6021 E. Mansfield Ave. (487-7085)
THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK Ferris drama students present a production of Wendy Kesselman’s adaptation of the tragic story. April 16-18 and April 22-24 at 7 pm. $8-$10. Ferris HS, 3020 E. 37th Ave.(354-6000) DONALD MARGULIES’ COLLECTED STORIES Collected Stories chronicles the relationship between Ruth, a celebrated author with a dry wit and a distinguished career, and her talented, bright-eyed young protégé Lisa. April 10-26; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. Modern Theater Spokane, 174 S. Howard. (455-7529) GUYS & DOLLS Performance of the romantic-comedy Broadway musical. April 23-26, times vary. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. inbpac.com (800-325-7328) MARY POPPINS Musical performance
of the classic story about a magical nanny. April 16-19 and 22-26; Wed-Fri at 7:30 pm and Sat-Sun at 1:30 pm. $12-$20. Regional Theatre of the Palouse, 122 N Grand. rtoptheatre.org (334-0750) THE MISANTHROPE The North Idaho College Theatre department presents Molière’s comedy, adapted by Timothy Mooney. April 16-18 and 23-25. Free and open to the public. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. (208-769-3220) SHERLOCK HOLMES: CURSE OF THE SIGN OF FOUR A classic thriller adapted from a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, directed by Christopher Wooley. Through April 26; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $18-$25. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. (325-2507) EQUUS Performance of the 1974 Tony Award-winning play written by Peter Schaffer. Play contains nudity, adult situations and language. Through April 26; FriSat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third. spokanestageleft.org KELLY THE DESTROYER VS. THE SPRINGFIELD COBRAS Tiger drama students perform the world premiere of the musical play by Rob Hartmann and Katie Krigg. April 24-25 at 7 pm. Lewis & Clark HS, 521 W. Fourth Ave. (354-7000) WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE A live performance of the twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale. April 27, 8 pm. $30. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. (227-7404)
VISUAL ARTS DISPOSE (); An interactive, computercontrolled installation by Ben Watanabe
and Cable Griffith. April 14-May 20; lecture/discussion May 20, at 11:30 am. Gallery open Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-3:30 pm. SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. spokanefalls.edu (509-533-3500) THE GREAT SPOKANE ART PARTY Annual fundraiser for Blueprints for Learning, which funds the Community Building Children’s Center and the Child Care Training Institute. Participating artists TBA. April 25, 7-10 pm. $55/person. Community Building, 35 W. Main Ave. facebook.com/SpokaneArtParty (209-2590) ARTABILITY EXHIBIT An open house and showcase of work by participants of artAbility, a student-led project supported by the Center on Disabilities and Human Development. April 30, 5-7 pm. Free. 1912 Center, 412 E. Third, Moscow. (208-669-2249)
rican American Youth Activism in the Ivy League, 1960-1970,” presented by Gonzaga alumnus Stefan Bradley, director of the African American Studies Program at Saint Louis University. April 23, 7-9 pm. Free and open to the public. Gonzaga, 502 E. Boone Ave. .edu (313-3691) SUB POP RECORDS FOUNDER BRUCE PAVITT Pavitt and influential musician and book contributor, Calvin Johnson sign copies of their book “Sub Pop USA: The Subterranean Pop Music Anthology, 1980–1988” and discuss music, culture and grunge history. April 25, 2 pm. Free. BookPeople of Moscow, 521 S. Main St. (208-882-2669)
ETC. STARTUP WEEKEND SPOKANE Create a startup business in 54 intense hours of connecting with mentors, founders and learning to validate your idea. All meals provided. April 24-26. $99. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. bit.ly/1PddLot (533-7000) SPOKANE’S ULTIMATE MODEL Local fashion models showcase the latest trends and styles while connecting boutiques, stylists, and makeup artists within Spokane’s community. April 24, 7 pm. $22-$52. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7404) CIRQUE DU SOLEIL: VAREKAI Varekai means “wherever” in the Romany, and pays tribute to the nomadic soul, to the spirit and art of the circus tradition, and to the infinite passion of those whose quest takes them on the path to “wherever.” April 29-May 3; show times vary. $35-$95. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanearena.com (279-7000) n
WORDS JARED DIAMOND: THE WORLD UNTIL YESTERDAY Diamond presents firsthand picture of the human past as it had been for millions of years, a past that has mostly vanished, and considers what the differences between that past and our present mean for our lives today. April 23, 7-8:30 pm. $15 (students free). Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200) GET LIT! FESTIVAL The 17th annual literary festival features readings and workshops by local and regional authors, including Sherman Alexie, Jess Walter, Sharma Shields, Benjamin Percy, Rick Barot, Shawn Vestal and many others. Through April 26; locations/times vary. Most events free; others $10-$15. getlitfestival.org REBELLING FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS “Af-
Grab life by the taco Cinco De Mayo party Sat, May 2nd • 11AM-9PM Live Mariachi, Mexican Band, Beer Garden & lots of food
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Spring Compost Fair & Arbor Day Celebration
Saturday, April 25, 2015 11am - 2 pm John A. Finch Arboretum Learn how to compost at home from Master Composter/Recyclers Spokane County residents from jurisdictions participating in the County Regional Solid Waste System may take home a free compost bin. Limit one per household. Bins provided by a grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology. Please arrive no later than 1:30pm abd bring proof of residency.
Piñata Breaking & Kids Jumpy Castle
For more information call 625-6580 or go to 483 -30
s nci 102 E. Fra
www.spokanecountysolidwaste.org Partial funding provided by WA State Dept of Ecology APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 81
CALL 325-0634 xt. 215 EMAIL sales@Inlander.com
Cookie Craze
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten 1/3 cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons cannabis butter 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
Girl Scout cookie scandals, plus cannabis recipes with the iconic sweets BY JORDY BYRD
anielle Lei, a Girl Scout from San Francisco, made headlines last year when she sold 117 boxes of cookies in two hours outside a medical pot dispensary. The 13-year-old genius entrepreneur was at it again this year and beat her record, selling 208 boxes in two hours. Girl Scout troops and irate parents across the nation expressed outrage over the selling tactic, but Lei’s mother and troop officials say the location doesn’t violate the organization’s guidelines. Locally, Girl Scouts stopped selling their cookies earlier this month, but fear not: Here are two recipes developed by the Girl Scouts that can be remade for adults by replacing butter with cannabis butter.
Prep time: 20 minutes plus chilling 2¼ cups crushed Do-si-dos®/Peanut Butter Sandwich Girl Scout Cookies (about 11 cookies) ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup cannabis butter, melted 2 packages (3 ounces each) cream cheese, softened 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 1 carton (8 ounces) frozen whipped topping, thawed, divided 2½ cups cold 2 percent milk
82 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor Control Board at www.liq.wa.gov.
2 packages (3.9 ounces each) instant chocolate pudding mix Additional peanut butter cookies, broken into pieces In a large bowl, combine crushed cookies, sugar and butter; press into an ungreased 13x9” baking dish. Bake at 350° for 6 to 8 minutes or until golden brown; cool on a wire rack. In a large bowl, beat cream cheese and confectioners’ sugar until smooth; fold in 1 cup whipped topping. Spread over cooled crust. In another large bowl, beat milk and pudding mix on low speed for 2 minutes or until thickened. Spread over cream cheese layer. Top with remaining whipped topping; sprinkle with cookie pieces. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.
Prep time: 30 minutes plus chilling 1½ cups crushed Lemonades™ Girl Scout Cookies 2 tablespoons sugar ¼ cup cannabis butter, melted
LEMON FILLING: 2/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar 5 tablespoons corn starch 1 cup water
CHEESECAKE LAYER: 1 envelope unflavored gelatin ½ cup lemon juice 3 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened ¾ cup sugar 1 cup heavy whipping cream, whipped 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel Combine the cookie crumbs and sugar; stir in butter. Press onto the bottom of a lightly greased 9” springform pan. Place on a baking sheet. Bake at 350° for 8 to 10 minutes or until crust begins to brown. Cool pan on a wire rack. In a large saucepan, combine sugar and corn starch. Stir in water until smooth. Cook and stir over medium-high heat until thickened and bubbly. Reduce heat; cook and stir 2 minutes longer. Remove from the heat. Stir a small amount of hot filling into egg yolks; return all to pan, stirring constantly. Bring to a gentle boil; cook and stir 2 minutes longer. Remove from the heat. Gently stir in the lemon juice, butter, and peel. Cool to room temperature without stirring. In a small saucepan, sprinkle gelatin over lemon juice; let stand for 1 minute. Heat over low heat, stirring until gelatin is dissolved. Remove from the heat. In a large bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar. Gradually beat in gelatin mixture until combined. Fold in the whipped cream and lemon peel. Spoon three-fourths of cheesecake mixture into crust; build up edges slightly. Chill for 5 minutes. Spoon lemon filling over cheesecake layer to within ½” of edges. Top with remaining cheesecake mixture. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Carefully run a knife around edge of pan; remove sides of pan. n
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This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with the consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
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Warning: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
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answer’s final letter, a remark on this puzzle’s completed grid) 56. Wintry temps 57. Throng 58. Slightly 59. “____ are ...” 60. Really impresses 61. Barclays Center hoopsters DOWN 1. Bristles 2. Devoted follower 3. Keeps charging shots, say 4. Cleaning cloth 5. “Quantum Healing” author Chopra 6. Firm group: Abbr. 7. Actresses Saldana and Kazan 8. Finish 9. Allay 10. Haul (around)
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11. 1991 Geena Davis title role 12. Add zest to 15. Cattle drive participant 17. “Semper Fidelis” org. 21. Fix, as a computer program
parts: Abbr. 33. Naive 34. Big tournaments for university teams, informally 35. Sicken 38. Chews on, as a bone 39. They get you in 40. Not against trying 41. Like many Madonnas 42. Gave a keynote, say 43. Gets on “WHERE WAS I” THIS 44. Overdo it in the sun 47. Caterpillar rival ANSW WEEK’S 24. Tony Gwynn, throughout his career 50. Hamiltons I SAW ERS ON 27. Rich tapestry 51. “What a relief!” YOUS 28. Cum ____ 54. “Huh?” 29. Corp. shake-up 55. Looking sickly 31. Exams with analytical reasoning
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 85
Machines That Kill
Cars get us where we need to go — and they do a whole lot worse BY JAKE THOMAS
t’s been three weeks since it happened, and I still have blood marks on one of my notebooks and a spot in my chest that’s sore from where I hit the pavement. I’ve been riding my bike in urban environments since 2003, swapping four wheels for two after getting fed up with paying for insurance, fed up with sitting in traffic and fed up with constantly having to stay sober so I could give rides to obnoxious drunk people. I purchased a car again in 2011, but I still ride my bike as much as I can. I like the exercise. I like gliding through rush hour traffic, passing cars that miserably inch along. I like the view of the city you’d never get from the blur of a car window. But maybe most of all, I like how bikes aren’t a mode of transportation with so much potential for violence, at least not in the same ways cars are. I was reminded of that reality earlier this month when a woman from Spokane Valley driving a Toyota Camry blew a red light and hit me on my bike.
86 INLANDER APRIL 23, 2015
’ve had close calls before, and I’ve been in a couple of accidents. (None of them were my fault.) In these situations there’s always a split second where the gravity of what’s happening crowds out all other thoughts, with the terrible realization that you are going to get hit. In your next thought (if there’s time for that) you might wonder how bad it’ll be. After having this second thought, I was on the hard pavement, waiting for my body to cry out in pain. Shaking as I got up, I saw a light-blue car with its front end ripped open from the impact of the other car and fluids pouring from its newly exposed innards. Two women sat with their doors open, bawling. This awful scene — and even worse ones — potentially lurks in every intersection. After riding my bike in a cities for more than a decade, I can count the number of accidents I’ve been in on one hand, because I’ve learned to spot distracted or careless drivers and anticipate their boneheaded moves. But someone running a red light is hard to anticipate.
’m OK. I was just knocked down. I squeezed my brakes in time to avoid becoming a hood ornament, but many aren’t as fortunate. According to numbers from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 165,340 people died in motor vehicle accidents between 2009 and 2013. That’s just for five years, and just in this country. Millions of people have been killed (more than many wars) by others driving cars. If you’re on the fence about taking up biking, I would encourage you, despite my accident and all the boneheads on the road, to get off the fence and into the saddle of a bike. I’ve made countless trips on my bike in one piece, and the odds are you will too. According to numbers from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, there were nine serious injuries to bicyclists in Spokane County for the year 2012, making the odds of a bad scenario very small. In recent years, there’s been a trend toward making cities more pedestrian- and bike-friendly, and Spokane is no exception. More bikes on the road is supposed to mean that drivers will take notice, making things safer. I don’t know what to do about drivers who run red lights, and I don’t think anyone does. We don’t need to wade into the debate over the future design of cities here. My point is this: Cars are machines that kill. Remember this next time you drive one. And don’t run red lights. n jaket@inlander.com
APRIL 23, 2015 INLANDER 87
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