Inlander 04/28/2016

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E L O S & T R A HE




Picture Your You

for you yourr favorit ffavorite avorite avorit e selfi selfie e spot spots s an and d the the winner winners s are:

1. Bloomsday Starting Line 2. Top of Doomsday Hill 3. Bloomsday Finish Line

Member FDIC

4. Joy of Running Together Sculpture 5. Mystery Spot, to be revealed evealed ev ealed the day of the race. Snap a pic at one of our selfie spot locations and post it to your favorite social channel with #WTBselfiespot. We will be drawing winners and giving out prizes throughout the day. Stay y tuned to our social channels for updates.

Member FDIC

Mile 4 Mile 5


Mile 3 Mile 6 Mile 7

Member FDIC

Member FDIC



Mile 1 Mile 2

*Mile markers are approximate. Complete contest rules can be found at




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ack in 1977, BLOOMSDAY started the way so many things do: with a small group of dedicated people who — let’s be honest — didn’t totally know what they were doing. First, an offhand comment to a newspaper reporter got things rolling. Then came the politicians. Then an endless series of late-night meetings. Somewhere in there was James Joyce and his Ulysses. And then, a horde of people turned out to run through the streets. Culture Editor Mike Bookey has put together the story of the very first Bloomsday in the voices of the actual people who got it running. Recalls race founder Don Kardong: “I thought big community races were a good concept because it was a sport where as an average athlete, you could compete with the best people in the world. That was unusual. You can’t do that in any other sport.” Also this week: staff writer Laura Johnson profiles an exciting new artist (page 29) and news reporter Daniel Walters digs into the growing influence of legislative aides inside Spokane politics (page 13). — JACOB H. FRIES, editor





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THE INLANDER is a locally owned, independent newspaper founded on Oct. 20, 1993. Printed on newsprint that is at least 50 percent recycled; please recycle THE INLANDER after you’re done with it. One copy free per person per week; extra copies are $1 each (call x226). For ADVERTISING information, email To have a SUBSCRIPTION mailed to you, call x213 ($50 per year). To find one of our more than 1,000 NEWSRACKS where you can pick up a paper free every Thursday, call x226 or email THE INLANDER is a member of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia. All contents of this newspaper are protected by United States copyright law. © 2016, Inland Publications, Inc.






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J. Jeremy McGregor (x224) GENERAL MANAGER

EDITORIAL Jacob H. Fries (x261) EDITOR

Mike Bookey (x279) CULTURE EDITOR Dave Kelley (x248)

KANDY CONRAD It’s an active event that keeps people in shape, and it’s a goal to go for. I’ve done all but two. I did it when I was pregnant with the kids, and when they were in strollers, back in the day when you could run with the stroller. So we love Bloomsday. It’s a goal to go towards, and right now we are training for it. It’s like start of spring.


Michael Mahoney COPY EDITOR

Wilson Criscione (x282), Dan Nailen (x239), Mitch Ryals (x237), Jake Thomas (x249), Daniel Walters (x262),

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Amy Alkon, E.J. Iannelli, Mariah McKay, Azaria Podplesky, Mary Lou Reed, Scott Renshaw, Ben Salmon, Carrie Scozzaro CONTRIBUTORS

Meg Maclean, Claire Standaert INTERNS

MARY DANIEL I think this is actually my 14th Bloomsday, so I’ve been doing it for a long time. It’s been kind of a family affair. What time are you aiming for this year? I’m hoping for under an hour.

ADVERTISING SALES Kristi Gotzian (x215) ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Carolyn Padgham-Walker (x214), Emily Walden (x260) SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Autumn Adrian (x251), Mary Bookey (x216), Gail Golden (x236), Janet Pier (x235), Claire Price (x217), Wanda Tashoff (x222) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES

Kristina Elverum (x223) MARKETING DIRECTOR


SIMON SORENSEN Well, this is my first time doing it. I like how the whole community gets really pumped up for it. Have you been training for it? Yeah, I’ve done three runs this month. What time are you aiming for? Forty-four minutes.

Wayne Hunt (x232) PRODUCTION MANAGER Alissia Blackwood Mead (x228), Derrick King (x238), Jessie Spaccia (x205), Tom Stover (x265) GRAPHIC DESIGNERS


Kati Bronson (x247) EVENTS AND PROMOTIONS Camryn Barker (x242), Mary Bookey (x216) ADVERTISING SUPPORT


JOHN DEMKE I think it’s the camaraderie of an entire town coming together, and then bringing together people from all over the world to come run in this race. Are you participating in it this year? Yes. I have fun when I do it, but I want to get a good time this year. What time are you aiming for? I like to go under 50 minutes.



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Turn Down the Volume Washington and Idaho Democrats should rethink their allegiance to the presidential caucus



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he presidential caucus is a relic from the past whose shelf life has definitely expired. As a means of finding a new president, the caucus is an anachronism that has simply outlived its usefulness. When our country was young and the population was scattered, it made good sense and dandy politics for neighborhoods to get together and talk up the candidates. But the number of eligible voters in the country has greatly multiplied since 1783, and the nation is more mature (although so far, this year’s wild ride to the presidency makes us wonder). In the fifth century BC, the Greek philosopher Plato said, “Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder; and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike.” Now, 25 centuries later, we are laboring painfully through the process of selecting candidates to run for president. Where in the process is Plato’s promised charm? What can we do to enhance the variety and bring order to disorder?





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daho and Washington Democrats can make one small step by eliminating the presidential caucus and substituting a presidential primary. The presidential caucus as a tool for choosing presidential candidates is remarkably inefficient, costly, discriminating, time-gobbling and messy. As an alternative, presidential primaries may be less colorful, but they are private, convenient, efficient and small “d” democratic. For 2016, Idaho Republican leaders, wanting to be a player in choosing their candidate, moved their presidential primary up to Tuesday, March 8 — months ahead of Idaho’s regular May primary date. (Washington’s Republican Primary is May 24.) The costs for the Republican presidential primary were paid by taxpayer dollars. Idaho Democrats chose to retain their traditional, open-to-everyone presidential party caucuses. All costs of the caucuses — renting space, printing materials, etc. — were paid by private donations. No tax dollars were involved. Let’s hope Idaho Democrats don’t make that mistake again. Better to join forces and avoid the expense and immense load of work the caucuses entail. The caucus procedure, which requires people to be present for a stupefying length of time, discriminates against potential attendees whose time and/or transportation is limited — families with young children, workers on inconvenient shifts, as well as the homebound elderly. The caucus traditionally has been a wideopen gathering during which candidates and their supporters can debate positions and recruit supporters. No secret ballots, no backroom bar-

gains. Over time, I have learned to appreciate a secret ballot. It defies the intrusion of bullying, which has popped up in both the Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders campaigns. In today’s world, a caucus is not needed to deliver the latest scoop or argument about the candidates. You have to turn off the TV to escape hearing the latest snippet on Trump, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton or Sanders. Our cell phones are beeping with the late-breaking news on where the candidates are, and who’s talking with whom. There’s no mercy.


s for time-stealing, Kootenai County Democratic Party Chairman Paula Neils recruited more than 160 trusty volunteers, who arrived early on March 22 and left many brutal hours later. Several eager participants came during their work breaks and didn’t have time to stay for the vote. No absentee voting was available, even for people who have trouble physically getting around. One self-labeled “old fogey” complained that the caucus was too much like a football game — with everybody yelling for one team and against the other. The wild and raucous enthusiasm that new, young voters bring to the political scene is a happy byproduct of a caucus. Their gusto enlivens the space, even if their noise hurts the ears. It is both wonderful and awful. That passion and energy can be a powerful booster shot for the electoral process — so long as it is pointed in the right direction. But campaign rallies for presidential candidates are one thing, and voting to choose a president is quite another. Today, politics is already too much of a shouting match. The quiet of the voting booth would do us all good. I attended my first caucus in 1972 as one of many young, idealistic, gullible, undoubtedly loud supporters of Sen. George McGovern. McGovern lost the presidency but gained millions of Democratic Party workers, many of whom still contribute time and money to the party today. But party loyalty is clearly a lukewarm factor in this year’s decision-making. Anxiety, anger and emotions are running high. This volatile presidential campaign has six more months, a few November days and a load of surprises for us to endure before we know who will be the new leader in the White House. Our job is to just hang on for the ride. n


Strange Bedfellows ANYONE BUT DONALD

As if sealed with a weak, clammy handshake, TED CRUZ and JOHN KASICH put aside their clear contempt for each other and formed an alliance in a last-ditch attempt to stop Donald Trump from getting the delegates he needs to clinch the nomination before the convention. Kasich agreed to not campaign in Cruz-friendly, winner-take-all Indiana, while Cruz agreed to stay out of Oregon and New Mexico, where Kasich stands a better chance. DONALD TRUMP did not welcome the prospect of one-on-one races. Instead, the real-estate dealmaker decried such a deal as “collusion!” and returned to his complaints about the system being “rigged.” Trump probably doesn’t have to worry. Within hours, the supposed alliance had been sabotaged, with Kasich continuing to recommend that his supporters in Indiana “ought to vote for me.” And it’s not like Kasich’s campaigning that intelligently in Oregon either: Willamette Week reported that Kasich isn’t even included in Oregon’s official state voter’s guide, because his campaign didn’t bother to submit his biography. (DANIEL WALTERS)

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After winning the New York Democratic primary on April 19, HILLARY CLINTON and her supporters emerged more assured that she’s on a sure path to beat Vermont Sen. BERNIE SANDERS and clinch the nomination. How assured? Assured enough to begin the time-tested tradition of seriously speculating about who Clinton will pick to be her running mate. This election cycle, Clinton’s pick could make her run even more historic. Days after winning in New York, Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta told the Boston Globe that “there is no question” that other women will be considered as potential VPs, opening the possibility of a Democratic ticket headed by two females — a first for a major party. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has been floated as an olive branch to Sanders’ supporters. However, Warren hasn’t endorsed Clinton, and the state’s Republican governor likely would pick a replacement who would skew the balance of the U.S. Senate. Others female politicians being considered include senators Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, as well as a handful of lesser-known women governors. Male politicians thought to be under consideration include Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, both senators who represent the important swing state of Virginia, as well as HUD Secretary Julián Castro, who could appeal to Latino voters. Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, who could help carry a swing state and appeal to Sanders supporters, also is under consideration. (JAKE THOMAS) JEN SORENSON CARTOON




Making Room for Culture Why Eastern Washington University should respond to students’ needs for a multicultural center BY MARIAH McKAY



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students of color and the general lack of awareness of the experiences of minorities on campus have highlighted the need for more multicultural education. Conversations about how to dismantle the grip of racism have grown amidst ongoing local, state and national events, and Eastern students have joined forces in a powerful new coalition to demand improvements in campus life that the administration would do well to follow. Eastern prides itself on being “one of the most diverse college campuses in the Pacific Northwest,” with



efore the Black Lives Matter movement took hold, marginalized students at Eastern Washington University had to contend with efforts to bring back the university’s retired “Savages” mascot and a student denying the existence of racism in the school newspaper in response to the protests in Ferguson, Missouri. Anonymous threats on Yik Yak forums aimed at


one in three students coming from a minority background and 44 percent being first-generation college students.While this record of enrollment is impressive, underserved students are raising questions about the university’s ability to serve their needs once classes are in session. The recent elimination of programs such as TRiO Student Support Services (which assisted hundreds of low-income first-generation students every year in overcoming academic and economic barriers to graduation) is especially concerning, when no replacement services have been developed. With the legislature’s revenue crisis increasing out-of-pocket expenses for state schools, the worst situation a student could be in is to have tens of thousands of dollars of debt without a degree, due to extenuating personal or family circumstances. Eastern should listen to its customers. Seven student organizations — the Black Student Union, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, the Native American Student Association, the Saudi Club, Muxeres Nopaleras, the Filipino-American Student Association and Planned Parenthood Open Action — came together to endorse demands that include adequate multicultural student facilities and staffing in the upcoming remodel of the Pence Union Building. Greater collaboration and activities among student organizations will result in more capacity for all students to learn about and celebrate the unique experiences and cultures of others. A Multicultural Coalition of Eastern Washington University Facebook page and Twitter account detailing the vision for this center have been launched, and the signatures of 789 students and faculty have been collected so far in support. These students should be applauded as forward-looking, as most will graduate before the center would be completed. While campus officials claim to be open to the students’ proposals, their commitment to students’ wellbeing ultimately will be represented by their actions. We need Eastern to provide a supportive environment to welcome students from underserved backgrounds to our region by joining the many other universities that already provide staffed multicultural centers. Young people’s university experiences shape their perception of the broader community in which they live, and we can’t afford to lose out on the next generation of talent because of a failure to create a world-class, culturally vibrant campus community. No door at Eastern should be closed to anyone, and that of a multicultural center would be open to benefit all. n Mariah McKay is a fourth-generation daughter of Spokane and a community organizer campaigning for racial, social and economic justice. She currently serves as a public health advocate.



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10 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016



Reactions to a blog post announcing that Spokane County is getting $2.3 million in grants to improve the local criminal justice system:

CRYSTAL WINDISHAR: I don’t even know how to feel about this. I bought during the big bubble and then lost all the value in my house after a year. I’d like to recoup losses since I managed to keep my house during the “crisis.” At the same time, it would be nice if Spokane stayed affordable. MELISSA BASTA: Just because you get approved for a massive loan doesn’t mean you should go in beyond your means. I was very clear to my loan officer how much I wanted to pay per month and he kept it right there. AIMEE FLINN NECHANICKY: We are in the process of selling and buying. We went to look at one house that had come on the market, and cars were literally lined up around the block with people waiting to look at the same house. And there were already two agents and two families inside the house looking. We left. I’m not going to get into a bidding war on a house that isn’t worth what it’s priced at already. Let alone offering OVER asking price. I am seeing a lot of houses come on the market that are way overpriced. But if you’re priced right, the house is sold before you even get in to look at it. That’s been our personal experience. But it’s only at a certain price point — under $200,000. Now if we could get a line of cars around the block for our house…  DAVID TREMBLAY: So that definitely proves that our criminal justice system sucks. But throwing money at it, like many other things, isn’t going to help, however. MARK DAVIS: Sounds like the system might actually be helped by this. We don’t need more cages and badges, just better ones. COSMO ROBINSON: So what can I do to pocket some of this money because that is what is going to happen to it. RUSSELL BROWN: How does a jail improve the criminal justice system? Shouldn’t our lawmakers be doing that? ANTONIA SARAH TOMBARI: By offering mental health/addiction/ social services you give certain offenders an opportunity to rehabilitate and the life skills they need to have a chance to engage in a non-criminally involved life and decrease recidivism rates. 

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Reader comments on a news story (“Harbingers of Boom,” 4/21/16) about the thriving local real estate market, which has some longtime observers concerned that buyers will get burned (again):

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12 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016


The Council Whisperers

FROM LEFT: Blaine Stum, assistant to Councilman Breean Beggs; Anna Everano, assistant to Councilman Mike Fagan; Kaitlin Larson, assistant to Councilwoman Amber Waldref; and Adam McDaniel, assistant to Council President Ben Stuckart. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

As the influence and activism of some city council assistants has grown, they’ve become a new target for conservative critics BY DANIEL WALTERS


dam McDaniel, in a suit, tie and dusty Mariners cap, jokes in his Alabama drawl that he’s “not the House of Cards guy,” referencing the Netflix political drama rife with behind-the-scenes scheming. But there’s no question that, as the legislative assistant for Spokane City Council President Ben Stuckart, McDaniel has major behind-the-scenes influence. After all, the council’s legislative assistants are the ones who control the appointment book. They’re the ones who attend the meetings that council members can’t. Increasingly, they’re the ones influencing policy. For those most critical of the current liberal-leaning city council, they’re obvious targets. “[McDaniel’s] so brazen about the stuff that he does and he’s so condescending in his opposition, he’s a target,” says Michael Cannon, a local business owner who lost the 2013 council race to Candace Mumm. “He’s mouthy and condescending and belittling.”

Attacks on council assistants represent a long-running philosophical battle about the role of the councilmembers and their assistants. Last week, Cannon filed an ethics complaint against McDaniel, accusing him of a conflict of interest for how he was running McDaniel ProjLETTERS ects, a political consulting Send comments to firm. “I feel like we’ve become more of a target by proxy, for our councilmembers,” McDaniel says. “I think it’s partly a nature of the political process in 2016.”


Back in 2007, the Spokane City Council felt the move to the strong mayor system of government had left the council handicapped, compared to the city administration.

As a result, the council voted to hire a part-time staff member for each member to help them research legislation, answer constituent questions and schedule meetings. Over the years, the council gradually ratcheted up their hours and pay. By 2014, the council’s legislative assistants had become full-time, and were actually being paid more than the councilmembers they assisted. The fight over that expansion got brutal at times: In the midst of the recession, some conservatives took issue with the expanding cost of the council. Former Councilman Steve Salvatori refused to take on an assistant — and then faced an ethics committee inquiry over how he’d spent the budget earmarked for his legislative assistant instead. And when former Councilman Mike Allen refused to support the move to make assistants full-time, Stuckart threatened to kick him off the Park Board as a consequence. ...continued on next page





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Stuckart says as the council has changed from a “rubber-stamped, part-time council to a council that is trying to work as hard as we can to pass as many policies as we can,” the legislative assistant role also has changed. “It was more secretarial and now it’s become more policy based,” Stuckart says. McDaniel played a crucial role in developing the city’s controversial Earned Safe and Sick Leave Policy. Six months before the sick leave ordinance passed, McDaniel wrote a 42-page, extensively researched paper on the issue. In particular, McDaniel argued that small businesses shouldn’t be exempted entirely from the policy. In the end, he was successful. Next year, most small businesses will have to offer at least three sick days. Stuckart and McDaniel don’t always agree — Stuckart fervently opposed the Spokane Worker Bill of Rights, while McDaniel endorsed it. But Stuckart credits McDaniel for constantly pushing him on causes like the environment. “I would say Adam keeps me honest,” Stuckart says. As a result, the passions of the assistants can become the passions of the council. Blaine Stum, the assistant for Councilman Breean Beggs, had personally experienced wage theft in a previous job. So he wrote a research paper that helped spark an ordinance making wage theft a criminal offense in the city. Most of the council can name specific issues their assistant has helped to catalyze or influence. Legislative assistant-turned-councilwoman Lori Kinnear says her assistant Grifynn Clay has helped to drive forward proposals on topics like human trafficking and property crime. That’s exactly why she hired him: to challenge her. “I hired a partner, not someone who was going to be a secretary,” Kinnear says.


It’s activities outside their official duties that have exposed council assistants to the most criticism. Cannon’s ethics complaint accuses Stuckart’s assistant of improperly using his city job to benefit McDaniel Projects, the consulting firm McDaniel started last year to dive into voter data for political candidates. So far, McDaniel’s single official project with the firm has been to assist Kinnear with her 2015 city council race. “I find it fascinating that nobody has any dirt on me, so they’re going to go attack Adam,”




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14 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016


Stuckart says. “Come after me, don’t come after my aide.” Stuckart points out that the ethics code specifically allows for participation in politics while not on the clock at City Hall. But Cannon says his objection isn’t with McDaniel working for other campaigns. His issue is that the McDaniel Projects website lists McDaniel’s specific city council accomplishments, including the sick leave policy, as if they were accomplished by the consulting firm, as opposed to simply by McDaniel as a city employee. If the accomplishments had been listed on McDaniel’s personal résumé, rather than his firm’s résumé, Cannon says he wouldn’t have a problem with it. McDaniel shrugs this off. “I’m not guilty of an ethics violation,” he says. “Is he making a recommendation for me to edit my website? OK, maybe.” Cannon’s scrutiny goes beyond the ethics complaint. On April 7, he made records requests between Stum and McDaniel on various policy topics — they’ve turned up 1,300 emails. He’s already received 664 pages of Stum and McDaniel’s internet history since 2015. “My thought is they’re openly politicking on city time from the council office,” Cannon says. So far, he says, he hasn’t gone through it all to find if there were any violations. To understand why Stum and McDaniel have been in the crosshairs of conservatives, you have to turn to Facebook and Twitter. “You know you’re doing something right when businesses outside of Spokane are begging the Council to not adopt a paid sick leave law,” McDaniel wrote on Twitter in January. When Sweet Frostings bakery was quoted in a TV story, concerned about the impact of the sick-leave policy on their business, McDaniel fired off a joke with the premise that the business was rife with illness. “I really enjoy the peanut butter and flu as well as their strep throat strawberry cupcakes,” he tweeted. “They’re delicious.” Today, McDaniel acknowledges that the tweet was probably inappropriate. On the “Spokane’s 8th Man” Facebook page, where the council’s most vehement conservative critics gather, the screenshot of the tweet resurfaces frequently. Stum, too, has waded into the Facebook commenter fray. “I’m one of those people, when I say something, I say it with a microphone or bullhorn,” he

says. Stum simultaneously chairs the city’s Human Rights Commission, which, among other things, has argued that Spokane’s current sit-and-lie and transient shelter ordinances amount to criminalizing homelessness. He’s sparred publicly with the county sheriff over police militarization. “He called me a bomb thrower,” Stum says. So far, however, it’s only been a council critic who’s paid the price for incendiary online comments. Local businessman Evan Verduin frequently argued with McDaniel online while running against Karen Stratton for city council last year. This January, Verduin was kicked off the city’s Plan Commission after he promoted his Facebook post calling Stratton a liar and a “contamination.”

Council President Ben Stuckart is glad that his legislative assistant has helped like-minded councilmembers get elected. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO


It’s not surprising that many of the council assistants are willing to wage political battles publicly. Most of them have come from politics. McDaniel, Clay, Stum and Kaitlin Larson — Amber Waldref’s legislative assistant — had all worked on political campaigns before being hired by councilmembers. The political tinge to the council assistants hasn’t been confined to one side of the aisle. In 2010, conservative councilwoman Nancy McLaughlin brought on as her assistant Edie Streicher, who’d been serving as the government affairs director of the Spokane Home Builders Association, arguably the region’s most influential conservative lobbying group. But today, Councilman Mike Fagan, the council’s sole remaining conservative, has taken a different tack. Anna Everano wasn’t a campaign manager or a lawyer or a former city councilmember. “I was never one who paid much attention to politics at all,” Everano says. Her last job was as a waitress at Dolly’s Cafe. “[The other councilmembers] like assistants who are, for lack of a better term, political operatives, or politically experienced,” Fagan says. “I don’t.” Fagan says that was intentional. He says that he doesn’t have a shot of getting many of his policies passed with the rest of the council lined up against him. Instead, he’s made getting to know his constituents his primary mission — and he wanted someone who could help him do that. “I found somebody who I thought excelled in that customer service orientation,” Fagan says. Stuckart, however, sees the sort of political moonlighting work that McDaniel does to help liberal candidates win council races as an inexorable part of their success. “My job, absolutely, is to pass policy,” Stuckart says. “That means I get like-minded candidates.” n

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U.S. skating duo Madison Chock and Evan Bates, decked out in tropical attire, perform during the exhibition round of the inaugural KOSÉ Team Challenge Cup last Sunday. The top-ranked Chock and Bates suffered a narrow defeat during the free dance competition the day before, losing to the Canadian duo of Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje by less than a point. Chock and Bates participated in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and took first place in the 2015 U.S. Figure Skating Championships.


SOLAR FREAKIN’ ROADWAYS! Downtown Sandpoint will soon see 150 square feet of SOLAR PANELS installed near the Jeff Jones Town Square, thanks to grant money from the Idaho Department of Commerce and the Sandpoint Urban Renewal Agency. Local couple Scott and Julie Brusaw have been developing the solar panels, made of tempered glass, as an alternative to concrete used to build sidewalks and roads. Other than the most recent grant money, they’ve previously secured two rounds of U.S. government funding and more than $2 million through an Indiegogo campaign. Scott Brusaw assembled a parking lot made of the hexagonal panels near his secluded Idaho home a few years ago. This installation, scheduled to happen this June, is the project’s first public test run. (MITCH RYALS)

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16 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

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Liberty Lake’s Best Kept Secret

Left Out Two Spokane Valley city councilmen have resigned because of their differences with the four-person council majority BY WILSON CRISCIONE


s Spokane Valley city councilmen, Dean Grafos and Chuck Hafner repeatedly voiced their opposition to the direction of the Valley under its new city council majority. Now, they’ll have to express their concerns just like any other citizen. On April 20, Grafos announced that he would resign from the city council. Less than a week later, Hafner announced he would follow suit. Grafos says the decision to resign had been building ever since the council majority — Mayor Rod Higgins, Deputy Mayor Arne Woodard and councilmen Ed Pace and Sam Wood — voted to force the resignation of City Manager Mike Jackson in February. Grafos and Hafner accused the majority of breaking the law by deciding to fire Jackson before discussing it with the rest of the council. They have called for an independent

Dean Grafos, left, and Chuck Hafner investigation, but have so far been unsuccessful. The majority members insist they broke no open-meetings laws. Grafos and Hafner have since refused to attend executive sessions where Jackson’s firing would be discussed so that they could keep speaking publicly about the decision. Both have said the majority consistently leaves them out of decisions, and Grafos told the Inlander after his resignation that he resigned after realizing he couldn’t make a difference as a councilman. “You can’t reason with these people. It begins to look like it’s all about me. And it’s not. It’s about the citizens of Spokane Valley,” he says. “They are so driven by their ideology that it’s like talking to a brick wall.” Grafos says he will continue to be involved in council meetings as a citizen. He joined the council in 2009 and was mayor in 2014 and 2015. His current term runs through 2017. Hafner was appointed to the council in 2011, and his current term runs through 2017. The city is currently taking applications to fill the two vacancies, and a decision is anticipated by the end of June. n

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APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 17



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John Marshall was an officer and surgeon in the military, pictured here in Afghanistan and Kauai, Hawaii (top right).







18 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

What Happened to John Marshall? The wife of a man found dead in the Spokane River is searching for answers three months after his death BY MITCH RYALS


ight-black water lapped at the banks of the Spokane River just west of the Monroe Street Bridge while helicopter blades beat against the sky overhead. They were looking for a person. Or maybe a body. But they found nothing. That was about 18 hours after Suzan Marshall got a call. Her husband, John, chief of surgery at the veterans hospital in Spokane, hadn’t shown up for work. “Bad, bad, bad,” she says of her initial reaction. The kids were already at school. She drove to the YMCA on North Monroe where her husband exercised most mornings. His car was still in the parking lot, coffee mug in the cup holder, his gym bag still in the gym cubbyhole. For about six hours, with the help of friends and family, Suzan Marshall had searched the area; they thought he might be alive. By nightfall, she had to pick her kids up from piano lessons. Before bed that night, she told them, “We just need to find Daddy. We can deal with whatever happens when we get there. We just need to find him.” His body was found early the next morning on Jan. 26, floating in shallow water on the north bank of the Spokane River, just west of the Monroe Street Bridge — one spot where his wife says she looked the day before. She stood with her children and watched as first responders pulled John’s body from the water. Media crews

flocked to the Centennial Trail. Passersby pointed cellphones at the water. Suzan Marshall’s mind turned with questions. It’s been three months since his body was found. The medical examiner ruled the cause of death was drowning, an accident. Police have suspended the investigation, meaning they could reopen the case if new information emerges, but they’re no longer actively chasing down leads. No one has offered any further explanation, Suzan Marshall says. She’s since hired a private investigator, who says his efforts are being “stonewalled” by the Spokane Police Department’s refusal to share its investigation immediately. “There’s pain and treachery,” Suzan Marshall says. “Did someone do this to him? And how did he get into the water? Finding closure and acceptance is that much more difficult.”


Spokane police started looking for him around 4 pm on Jan. 25, by his wife’s recollection. To Suzan Marshall’s surprise, police typically don’t actively search for reportedly missing adults unless the person is in danger because of a mental or physical disability, says Spokane Police Officer Teresa Fuller. Approaching midnight, a helicopter scanning the river found nothing. By 8 am Tuesday, joggers spotted a body floating in the shallow water

near the bridge. The police confirmed the body was the “missing VA surgeon.” Ted Pulver, Suzan Marshall’s private investigator, is pursuing at least one theory that John Marshall entered the river from the plaza just below City Hall. Since he was found fully clothed, and with his shoes and socks on and his iPod in his pocket, Pulver believes it is highly unlikely that John Marshall fell through the falls. He is also puzzled how the river’s currents could have left the body in such shallow water. “The water level should not have allowed the body to be there,” he says. “I’ve talked with the hydrologist and the staff at Avista, and they could not come up with a scenario that the body would have been there.” Injuries reported in the autopsy point to the likelihood of an assault, according to Suzan Marshall, who also is a surgeon. She says she’s already shelled out $5,000 for the private investigation (and has set up a fundraising page on, but Pulver says his efforts have stalled because Spokane police are not willing to share unredacted copies of their investigation. “Time is your enemy on investigations of this type,” Pulver says. “Every hour that goes by makes it that much more difficult. It’s been over 30 days since [the police suspended the investigation] and for whatever reason we haven’t received one page of information.” Spokane police say they are in the process of redacting information and will release the investigation when that process is complete. The Inlander made an identical request and was told it would take at least 100 business days to complete.


The night before John Marshall went missing, his wife recalls that he fell asleep holding her hand. She was babbling about “our incredible romance 20 years earlier, like we so often did.” All their photos are in albums because he put them there, his wife says. He signed up to run in the Bloomsday race with his son months ago, a commitment the 13-year-old intends to keep. And when he missed the father-daughter Valentine’s Day dance in February, his brother stepped in to take his 10-year-old daughter. Sometimes, after the kids were in bed, Suzan Marshall says they would stroll into the pasture on their 25-acre property with a glass of wine and look up at the stars. “We made it,” John Marshall would say. “John and I were so incredibly cosmically connected. I do feel like a part of me died,” Suzan Marshall says now. Occasionally the former Marine Corps and Army officer would surprise his family with vacations, not telling them where they were going until they got there. They would do the same for him. His wife planned to take him to Hawaii for his upcoming 50th birthday. Instead, that was the day she cremated him. Her hand trembled as she pushed the button to start the incinerator.


John Marshall’s clothes are still hanging in his closet, his toothbrush still in the bathroom he shared with his wife. Hanging above the couple’s tub is Howard Pyle’s painting The Mermaid. As the story goes, one of Pyle’s students found the painting sitting on an easel in his studio. Pyle died before he could finish it, but the painting depicts a mermaid lifting a man out of a briny, blue-green sea. “It’s this idea of two worlds that can never be together again,” Suzan Marshall says. “But that doesn’t mean they can’t affect and inspire each other.” The print held poignant significance for her the night she returned from searching the river. A military veteran herself, Suzan Marshall doesn’t typically cry over her husband in front of people — at least not anymore. But she did that night. Suzan Marshall says as long as the word “accident” remains the official determination without further explanation, she can’t have closure. She owes it to her husband. Indeed, when she recently fractured her left hand, she simply moved her diamond engagement and anniversary rings to her right. “I’m still married in my heart,” she says. “It doesn’t change.” n

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 19


There’s No Defense What’s at stake for a Supreme Court void of a criminal defense perspective? BY MITCH RYALS


ingering behind the almost daily headlines about President Barack Obama’s most recent (and likely last) nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court — and the Senate Republicans who refuse to vote to consider his choice — is a broader question about diversity on the nation’s highest court. Not since Thurgood Marshall’s retirement 25 years ago has there been a justice with real criminal defense experience on the Supreme Court. Defense lawyers and legal scholars say that’s a problem. They point to the trend of justices with an elitist pedigree, beginning in an Ivy League law school, maybe followed by a clerkship with a federal judge, a stint as a federal prosecutor, a post in the Justice Department or an appointment to the federal circuit court bench. All eight of the Court’s current justices graduated from Harvard or Yale, with the exception of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who graduated from Columbia University after first attending Harvard. Only two justices — Samuel Alito and Sonia Sotomayor — have criminal law experience. Both were prosecutors. In the days and weeks following former Justice Antonin Scalia’s death in February, shortlists of LETTERS Obama’s potential nomiSend comments to nees began to surface. Among the candidates were Jane Kelly, an Eighth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals judge, who would be the first public defender ever appointed, and Merrick Garland, chief justice of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Garland ultimately got the nod, but Republicans are still refusing to vote on his approval. The absence from the high court of someone with experience defending the accused could have serious consequences — some argue that it already has — as the court decides cases that shape the criminal justice system. “The Supreme Court is designed, in some important instances, to be an anti-democratic check on the majority through the Constitution,” says Brooks Holland, an associate professor at the Gonzaga University School of Law and a federal appellate lawyer in the Ninth Circuit. “Someone who’s been trained to maintain fidelity to


20 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

President Obama nominated Merrick Garland over Jane Kelly, a former public defender. constitutional principles, even in the face of popular resistance, might be especially well suited for the job of a Supreme Court justice. Defense lawyers are trained to represent unpopular people zealously.”


A large portion of the Bill of Rights is dedicated to protecting those accused of crimes. Many of those constitutional rights exist as we know them today because of Supreme Court decisions, and in some cases because of heinous criminals. Ernesto Miranda’s 20-to-30-year sentence for rape and kidnapping was based largely on his confession during a police interrogation. But the Supreme Court threw out the conviction, ruling that his confession could not be used as evidence because the police did not inform Miranda of his Fifth and Sixth amendment rights against incrimination and to have an attorney present during questioning. As a result, police are now required to read suspects their “Miranda rights.” Defendants’ due-process right to know about all the evidence against them — including evidence that could


prove their innocence — is bolstered by the case of a man convicted of murder and sentenced to die. And the decision that some say changed policing in America forever came from a woman convicted on obscenity charges. In that case, the Court ruled that state courts could no longer use evidence seized without a search warrant, a rule that, until then, only applied in federal court. These decisions all happened under former Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. Since his retirement in 1969, the high court has chipped away at some of the rights of defendants bolstered by the Warren court rulings, according to Holland, who also used to be a public defender in the Bronx and Manhattan. But it’s the Gideon v. Wainwright decision, and its erosion in the years since, that Holland points to as especially pertinent to a discussion about a Supreme Court bench void of the criminal defense — specifically public defense — perspective. The 1963 case of Clarence Gideon, a small-time Florida criminal, established a defendant’s right to an attorney. But in the decades since, Holland and other legal scholars have lamented rulings undermining that right. In 1984, the Court refined that ruling to its detriment, Holland argues. By an 8-1 vote in Strickland v. Washington, the Court said defendants must show that their lawyer was deficient and that deficiency denied them a fair trial — a tough legal standard, Holland says. “Strickland really lowers the floor of the quality of representation that can pass constitutional muster,” Holland says. Marshall, the last criminal defense attorney to sit on the Supreme Court, was the lone dissenting vote in that decision, which has contributed to what Holland calls a nationwide “Gideon crisis.” Holland points to the public defender system in New Orleans. Attorneys who work in the Orleans Public Defenders Office, which is in the midst of a budget crisis, have actually begun turning away clients. The ACLU sued the Orleans Parish defenders and the board that oversees them for violating the Constitution. The chief public defender Derwyn Bunton has said his office can’t afford to defend itself in the lawsuit. The ACLU of Idaho also sued state officials, arguing that indigent defendants statewide are denied their right to a fair trial. And in 2013, a federal district court judge found that the cities of Mount Vernon and Burlington in Washington’s Skagit County were not providing adequate counsel to indigent defendants, because staffing limits on public defenders fostered path-of-least-resistance lawyering. The judge ordered them to establish new policies and contracts, including how much time attorneys should spend with their clients, and to remain under supervision for three years.

Notably, the judge in that case cites Gideon, not Strickland, as the standard for his decision, Holland points out. The decision hasn’t been appealed, which means the Supreme Court hasn’t had a chance to weigh in. “No one on the Supreme Court right now can say they’ve seen ‘meet ’em and plead ’em’ lawyering, and know what that does to real people in the real world,” Holland says. “That doesn’t mean the current court would be insensitive to the ‘Gideon crisis,’ but I think they would benefit from a public defender’s perspective.”


In theory, justices’ opinions on how much restriction to place on constitutional rights should be a matter of applying facts to the law, absent of any personal ideology. But a 2005 study by legal scholar Ward Farnsworth, now the dean of the University of Texas School of Law, found a different pattern. In non-unanimous criminal law cases from 1953 to 2005, justices who tended to side with the government on non-constitutional issues — like the interpretation of a procedural rule, for example — also tended to side with the government on constitutional issues. “Knowing how often a justice votes for the government in the constitutional cases gives us a very strong sense of how often he votes that way in the cases not involving the Constitution,” Farnsworth writes. Although his data may show evidence that individuals consistently vote along personal leanings, the idea that all prosecutors (or criminal defenders) are created equal doesn’t necessarily follow. “To assume that a prosecutor or a defense lawyer is going to come into a job with a particular bias is oversimplifying,” says Jim McDevitt, commenting from his perspective as former U.S. Attorney for Eastern Washington. “My experience is that as long as lawyers are ethical and they understand the law and the Constitution, it’s unfair to label them as defense-oriented or prosecutor-oriented.” Indeed, one need look no further than the two former criminal prosecutors currently serv-

ing: Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Samuel Alito. Sotomayor, a former assistant district attorney in the New York County office, wrote the following in a 2010 dissenting opinion on a decision involving a defendant’s Miranda rights: “The Miranda warnings give no hint that a suspect should use those magic words [that he wanted to remain silent], and there is little reason to believe police — who have ample incentives to avoid invocation — will provide such guidance.” Alito, a former assistant U.S. attorney, wrote the 2013 opinion requiring defendants to explicitly state their right to remain silent in order for it to count.


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So far, no Senate Republicans have said they support Merrick Garland’s appointment to the Supreme Court at this time. They have also abdicated their responsibility to hold hearings and schedule a vote to weigh their decision. In the meantime, the Supreme Court is left with eight members. When the Court is split 4-4, either the appeals ruling is upheld, or justices can decide to set the case aside until the next term in

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“To assume that a prosecutor or a defense lawyer is going to come into a job with a particular bias is oversimplifying.” October, hoping it can be decided by a full court. As of press time, the court appeared deadlocked on a yet-to-be-decided immigration case over President Obama’s plan to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation and allow them to work legally in this country. In March, the court split on a case involving public unions. Still remaining in this term, justices are expected to make decisions involving contraception, abortion, affirmative action and jury selection. “We’ve asked the Supreme Court more and more to break political logjams in very important, divisive, legal issues,” Holland says. “What kind of diversity is essential for those decisions to be accurate and legitimate constitutional decisions in the public eye?” 


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The head of the pack at the first Lilac Bloomsday Run in 1977, with founder Don Kardong leading the way.

An Ode to An oral history of the first Bloomsday on the occasion of its 40th running

22 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016


n May 1, 1977, about 1,200 people gathered on a street in Spokane to do something that wasn’t all that common in those days — run a race through a city’s downtown. In fact, it was unique to be running at all in 1977, but the inaugural Lilac Bloomsday Run helped change that. Within a matter of years, the race became a national event, attracting the world’s top distance runners. By 1996, it featured more than 61,000 participants. As athletes lace up for the 40th running of the race on Sunday, we look back at how Don Kardong, a Seattlebred, Stanford-educated Olympic marathoner, took a simple idea and, with the help of an eager community, turned it into a cultural touchstone for the Inland Northwest. Kardong had come to the region during college and the years immediately after to work at Camp Reed, at the suggestion of his college teammate, Spokane native Steve Jones (now Bloomsday president). He fell in love with the region, trained for the 1976 Olympics here while teaching sixth grade, and returned to Spokane after his fourth-place marathon finish in Montreal. In early 1977, he found himself not running a race, but creating one from the ground up. Here’s how we got Bloomsday.


with reporting by Dan Nailen & Laura Johnson

TRACY WALTERS, a longtime, nationally recognized Spokane high school track coach and former director of Camp Reed who trained Kardong for the 1976 Olympics. Walters went onto serve as the finish line announcer for more than 30 years: “[Don] was living with us at the time and he went down to the Peachtree run in Atlanta. He came back and he said, ‘You know, Coach, road running is becoming a big deal. We ought to do something in Spokane.’” KARDONG: “I told a newspaper reporter that I thought we should have a downtown run here in Spokane. That was a time when it was really rare. But I’d seen a few here and there. There was a little run down to Bowl and Pitcher, and after that she asked me what I thought about all this interest in running in Spokane. I said it was good, but that we needed a downtown run. I didn’t intend to actually organize one. But then it was the accidental meeting of getting on the elevator in City Hall with the mayor, and he said, ‘Well, I read what you said in the newspaper.’” WALTERS: “So in a few weeks, Don made a presentation to folks at the city. He knocked the ball right over the centerfield wall. Then [former Spokane Police Chief] Bob Panther says, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa. We can’t do that. Why would you shut down the roads on a Sunday?’” KARDONG: “It was very tough for city officials, and I don’t blame them. The police and traffic engineer were not thrilled with this idea because when there were road races in those days, they were away from downtown. They were out in the country. Closing down streets for a run was a new idea.” WALTERS: “I remember that Mayor Rodgers said, ‘Bob, do you remember where I grew up?’” MAYOR DAVE RODGERS: “You know, I remember growing up in Boston and going down to the corner with Mom and Dad every year on Patriots’ Day to watch the Boston Marathon go by.”[1] KARDONG: “Everyone said that if the mayor is behind it, then OK. We’ll do it.’... Ron Richardson was also on the elevator with me [when he encountered Mayor Rodgers]. He was an acquaintance of mine and was with the Spokane Jaycees. He thought the Jaycees could maybe help out.” ...continued on next page [1] AS RECALLED BY DON KARDONG IN HIS 1989 BOOK BLOOMSDAY: A CITY IN MOTION

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 23




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Y 28-29, 2 016





Bloomsday at 40

Don Kardong’s rough sketch of the first Bloomsday route, which would evolve over the years.


May 28 & 29

Riverside State Park ▪ Spokane



m feet. And mediu et. fe e g And lar And...

River Park Square (509) 456-TOYS 24 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

KEN HILL, then-president of the Spothere, it was going to go off. We made a lot of kane Jaycees, formerly the Junior Chamber dumb little mistakes, not really knowing and of Commerce: “The Spokane chapter of the understanding what we were getting into.” Jaycees was pretty strong. We had about 135 KARDONG: “I was still teaching school members at that time — a during the day. I’d get a call at bunch of young, enthusiasthe school from the guys and tic guys. Don said, ‘I envihave to walk down to the office sion about 300 runners, and answer a question about In 1977, there wasn’t a bigger name in U.S. perhaps.’ So we budgeted a how to do something.” distance running than FRANK SHORTER. thousand bucks.” And when Don Kardong, who had run with JERRY McGINN, During the winter of early 1977, the Shorter on the U.S. Olympic team the year a Spokane UPI bureau logistics of Bloomsday fell into place. prior, recruited the marathoner to run in chief who was recruited The race was publicized all over the inaugural Bloomsday, the race’s slogan for the first Bloomsday town and beyond, and the number — “Run With the Stars” — was not an board: “We held meetings of entries began to grow. A T-shirt overstatement. Shorter had won the gold all over town in the early was designed. Dr. Ed Rockwell medal in the marathon at the 1972 Munich days. Many of them were joined up to help with aid stations. Olympics and the silver at the 1976 Games at my house. The meetA timing system was developed. But in Montreal, finishing two spots ahead of ing sometimes went on so they still needed a course. What no Kardong. long, and were so uninterone knew yet was that Kardong had For the inaugural Bloomsday, he gave esting to me, that I went to plans to make the run a tribute to a clinic to the area’s runners the night bed, and those still there one of his favorite novels — James before the race, which he won with a time would turn out the lights Joyce’s Ulysses, a book that of 38:26. before they left.” reimagines Homer’s Odyssey as a “Frank had all that charisma to get out HILL: “The remarksingle day in 1904 Dublin. Literary in front of people and do presentations. able thing was, we’re talkscholars call the day depicted in the He was also a good-looking, handsome, ing January, early February book Bloomsday, after its protagonist gifted athlete,” says Tracy Walters, the [when the Jaycees first met Leopold Bloom. longtime U.S. Track and Field coach who Kardong] and the race date also enjoyed a long, successful high school was May 1. KARDONG: “I was coaching career in Spokane. DOUG KELLEY, a looking for a course that was Shorter went on to co-found the member of the Jaycees between 6 and 9 miles, because Bolder Boulder 10K race in his hometown who became the Bloomsit was a distance that was chalof Boulder, Colorado, in 1979. (MB) day co-chair with Karlenging, but no so long that dong: “If you go back and most people would say, ‘Well, look at the entry form for the first Bloomsday, it I can’t go that far.’ I looked for routes all over, says limited to the first 500 runners, because we but there’s not that much that looked like a really thought it was smart marketing and that people good course.” would rush to sign up.” DAN LEAHY, Kardong’s high school WALTERS: “We knew kind of what we cross-country teammate, who became the wanted to do, but we weren’t sure if anyone was Bloomsday founder’s running partner as he going to show up.” tried to develop a course for the race: “We KELLEY: “Once the entry form was out started going out on runs to scout a course. I can


THE 40TH LILAC BLOOMSDAY RUN Sunday, May 1, 2016 APPROXIMATE START TIMES 9 am: Elite, Corporate Cup & Brown 9:05-9:15: Yellow & Green 9:15-9:45: Orange & Blue 9:45-10:05: Lilac 10:10 (approximately): Red

TRADE SHOW and LATE REGISTRATION: If you haven’t registered yet at, you can still sign up for the race at the Bloomsday Trade Show at the Spokane Convention Center (334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.) on Friday (11:30 am to 8 pm) and Saturday (9 am to 6:30 pm). Late registration is $35 per person, including tax. The same days and hours apply for runner check-in and the trade show itself, which features running gear for sale as well as other fitness-related vendors. MARMOT MARCH: This year’s kids’ Marmot March, held at 9 am on Saturday at Riverfront Park, already is sold out. No entries will be taken the day of the event. Those already registered can pick up their T-shirt and number at the Bloomsday Trade Show.

Bloomsday founder and Olympian Don Kardong remember four or five of them. And from the I guess I had the right to name it. At a meeting beginning, [Kardong] was very particular that the they asked what we were going to call it and places in the course matched the places in Ulysses.” I said, ‘I want to name it the Lilac Bloomsday KARDONG: “I thought it was such a clever Run.’ It was dead silence in the room. book. In college, a teamHILL: “Don explained mate of mine was an English the name Bloomsday, and it major and had a strong sounded kind of weird.” connection to that. We’d talk KARDONG: “Ken As you’ll read in this history, some of the about what we could see asked, ‘Whatever happened runners who took to the first Bloomsday while we were running that to Nat and Back?’ I still starting line weren’t properly equipped. fit into that book.” don’t think that would have With recreational running still in a nascent LEAHY: “Before a run, worked.” stage, it wasn’t common to have a set of he’d say, ‘So I think I’ve got running shoes in your closet. At this time, a course picked out.’ And I’d Bloomsday was coming into though, running shoes were coming onto think, ‘Oh, this ought to be existence at a time when running the market, and not just for elite runners. good.’ [The potential courses] The industry standard for several years was for exercise was still in its infancy. were tough physically, but Olympic distance runners like considered to be the Adidas SL 72, after they were fun in terms of the Steve Prefontaine and Frank which many other shoes were modeled. way he was thinking about Shorter — the former Kardong’s In 1975, Nike’s Waffle Trainers became a how someone who would college rival, the latter his teampopular, lightweight shoe, designed — and be running up the Monroe mate — had captivated the nation heavily mythologized — by Oregon track Street hill, and how that in the early 1970s. Doctors were coach Bill Bowerman, who poured rubber related to the book. I rememrealizing that cardiovascular onto a waffle iron to create the distinctive ber him pointing to a gas health was important, and runtread pattern. By the third Bloomsday in station that had a one-eyed ning could help build it. Still, you 1979, “air” technology had arrived with owl and saying, ‘There’s the didn’t see a lot of runners out and the Nike Tailwind, one of the most popular Cyclops,’ and going past the about. This was part of the reason running shoes of all time. (MB) police station and Don saythat organizers expected only ing, ‘There’s the sirens.’” between 300 and 500 runners. KARDONG: “Well, once you have the course, you can tie in anything to the book.” WALTERS: “Folks figured if you were out LEAHY: “I came to learn that going on long running on the streets, you must be a criminal runs sucks, but going on long runs with Don is running away from something. But gradually it enjoyable.” became more acceptable.” KARDONG: “It was a different time. When They eventually settled on a course that began on RivI was training [for the Olympics] in Spokane, I erside Street in downtown Spokane, crossed the Maple remember people yelling at me from their cars Street Bridge and continued to West Central before coming as they went by… They just wanted to harass back to Riverfront Park. someone doing something different, I guess.” HILL: “About a month before the race was KARDONG: “Ken [Hill] liked the name held, I said, ‘Well, hey, I think I’m going to run.’ “Nat and Back” because we were going to So I went out and ran the first mile and I didn’t Natatorium Park and then back downtown. But ...continued on next page


APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 25

Bloomsday at 40




“AN ODE TO ROAD,” CONTINUED... die. Next time I ran a couple of miles and thought, ‘Well, that wasn’t too bad.’ Basically, I started training for the race, which changed my life for the better, as it did for thousands and thousands of others in Spokane.” KARDONG: “I thought big community races were a good concept because it was a sport where as an average athlete, you could compete with the best people in the world. That was unusual. You can’t do that in any other sport.” JON STEELER, a then second-year Gonzaga law student who ran: “I was running 2 or 3 miles, maybe, at the time. This 8-mile thing was going to be at the top of my limit.” LORINDA TRAVIS, a retired postmaster who ran the first Bloomsday as a 21-year-old Eastern Washington student and has run every race since:

“I don’t remember a lot of people running back in the 1970s, or getting ready for Bloomsday. But after the first Bloomsday, you could always find someone who would train with you. It just caught on.” STEELER: “I don’t think I had like, real, live running shoes. I had basketball shoes for intramural basketball — like, Converse or something. I’m 23 or 24 years old. What did I know? But my feet hurt so bad after [Bloomsday] I went and bought my first pair of Nikes.” CAROLYN BRYAN, a Spokane mother who ran the race on a dare from her daughter and continued to run for decades thereafter: “I had no clue what I was doing. I went to the shoe store and bought what I thought were running shoes. I mean, they were like boats; I think they weighed, like, 2 pounds each. I didn’t even own a pair of shorts, so I borrowed a pair of my

husband’s old gym shorts. I’m sure I was a sight, but fortunately no one took my picture.”[2] WALTERS: “We realized early on that if people want to do Bloomsday, we ought to provide a program for people to do clinics, for people to increase their mileage.” After months of scrambling, the Bloomsday committee arrived at Race Day. The 1,200 runners who materialized on that Sunday afternoon exceeded anyone’s expectations. The streets were closed, the course marked, and Olympic gold medalist Frank Shorter was ready to run, as was Joan Ullyot, a top female runner who was already blazing trails as an authority on running’s effects on the body. And in a region where the first of May could easily bring spring snow or driving rain, it was sunny and warm… a shocking 81 degrees. At 1:30 pm, the racers, some more experienced than [2] FROM A 2001 INLANDER ARTICLE

think summer

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26 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016




1994 others, took off. At the front of the pack was none other than Don Kardong. KELLEY: “We were all amazed by how many people had come out for this.” KARDONG: “The weirdest thing we did that first year is that someone convinced us that we should all meet ahead of time on the steps in front of the floating stage for a photo. We had 1,200 people sitting there. And Frank [Shorter] goes by and he says, ‘Doesn’t anybody warm up?’ We had a procession from there to the starting line. We never did that again.” WALTERS: “I was at the starting line and started them off, then had to head to

the park to the finish line to help there. It was a bit of a mad dash.” “SUNSHINE” SHELLY MONAHAN, a Spokane radio and television legend who got her start at 18 years old, driving a Volkswagen Rabbit around town as part of a promotion for radio station KJRB: “With everyone in the community knowing about Sunshine Shelly, and to look for that KJRB car… Don Kardong asked me to be the lead car in the first three Bloomsday races. As you can imagine, I was beyond thrilled and honored.” HILL: “I just remember this euphoria. It was 1,200 people running, and it was the first time I’d ever been running in a crowd

2001 like that. It was just exhilarating. There would be people I knew who’d come zipping by me, and I’d say hello and think, ‘I didn’t even know they were a runner.’” KARDONG: “I was really excited when the first race started. To be charging down Riverside at the head of that big group. It’s like a big idea that finally gets put into reality. It was tremendously exciting to get it all together. When I ran across the Maple Street Bridge it was still a toll bridge. I remember the big smiles the toll takers had. They were ready for it, but I think they were just really amused to see the bridge being used that way. I led all the way across the bridge and then Frank ...continued on next page

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Bloomsday at 40 WOMEN BLAZE A TRAIL

As noted by Don Kardong in this history, only about a quarter of the 1977 Bloomsday participants were women, but that figure was actually more than was typical for a road race at that time. Going into the race, the Bloomsday committee wanted to attract female runners, which is part of the reason why they brought in Joan Ullyot, a medical doctor who was also a top national runner. But as years went on, more and more women arrived at the starting line on the first Sunday in May. “For a long time, we were way ahead of the rest of the country in terms of female participation,” says Kardong. In recent years, more than 60 percent of the Bloomsday field has been women. (MB)

From the beginning, Bloomsday worked to incluce women. By the 2000s, about 60 percent of the field were women. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

“AN ODE TO ROAD,” CONTINUED... [Shorter] passed me. And then after that, Herm Atkins out of Seattle passed me.” After finishing third in the inaugural Bloomsday, distracted along the course by things he noticed were out of place or not running quite as efficiently as he’d hoped, Kardong and others noticed that the effects of the unseasonably warm weather were taking a toll. TRAVIS: “I remember being very grateful that people had hoses that they sprayed into the road and got people wet.” KARDONG: “At 1:30 in the afternoon it was 82 degrees. And nobody was heat-trained because it was early May. And even if you get a moderately warm day that early, people won’t be ready for it.” DR. BILL PETERS, a Spokane physician and avid runner: “Coming in [to the finish line], there were still people laying around the course [having collapsed from heatstroke], and I and my best friend got together and helped out, getting IVs going. But I never got my T-shirt because I was busy helping out.”[3] KARDONG: “I’d never seen heatstroke before. I remember finishing and

standing around and all these people were collapsing. They were OK, but it was frightening.” HILL: “Some of us, when we finished at the old Forestry Pavilion in the park, this tiny little place, a few of us had run and then started helping at the finish line, passing out T-shirts and sandwiches. That was kind of weird.” KELLEY: “We’re doing a run on hot day and then serving hot sandwiches to the runners once they were done. I remember thinking, ‘This makes no sense.’” KARDONG: “One thing I was pleased with, looking back, was that there were as many women as there were. I think about a quarter of that first Bloomsday were women, which was a new thing. A lot of the women who ran in that first Bloomsday were really pioneers for women’s running in our area.” In the years that followed, Bloomsday grew at a pace that few expected. The second running drew about 5,000 participants. By the mid-1980s, there were more than 50,000 runners, quickly attracting the attention of the running world and bringing in more and more of the world’s best distance runners.

Bloomsday also became ingrained in the culture of Spokane. KELLEY: “I know how it changed my life, and I can imagine how many other peoples’ quality of life has improved because of Bloomsday.” WALTERS: “Over the years, one of the things I’ve seen that I love the most is the families who come back every year and use Bloomsday like a reunion. You see them out running the course together.” MONAHAN: “To again be the celebrity starter for the 40th Bloomsday is something I hold near and dear to my heart. Spokane is the most precious place to be born and raised, with amazing people who truly look after each other. Bloomsday is Spokane. Don has given his heart and soul, and it will always be considered ‘his’ race.” LEAHY: “Don has a way of painting a picture or telling a story of what might be possible. He has a way of continuing to spin the yarn. In one way, I’m not surprised that it’s turned out this way, that it became one of the biggest races on the planet, because he continues to unfold that story.” 


24 • PAGE




15 Commemorating





Pull out and down


28 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

NORTH SIDE 8721 N Fairview Rd 467-0685 VALLEY 19215 E Broadway 893-3521

James Frye displays his work at 4000 Holes Record Store. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO


James Frye is a gifted local graphic artist, who also happens to have autism BY LAURA JOHNSON


hh, I’m concentrating,” the artist says. I’ve asked James Frye why he uses these colors in his work, why he chooses the neon lime and red and hot pink and puts them side by side. It’s hard for him to explain his ability to hear colors, how exactly the sounds compute in his brain. His mother, Wendy Frye, says the neurological phenomenon is called synesthesia; it also means he has perfect pitch. Last week, sitting in front of a giant Mac screen in his parents’ Spokane Valley basement, the graphic artist demonstrates his drawing technique employing a stylus and electronic Bamboo sketch tablet. His own secret soundtrack blares in his headphones as he turns thick black lines into an oval eye shape and fills it in with kaleidoscope hues. He shows me his other fascinating works, too — many of them available online and now also at 4000 Holes record store, one of his favorite places in town, in poster and print form. “Do you like this one?” he asks of every piece. “Yes,” I say, because I do. His drawings are full of cats and humans and eyeballs. The images are deeply psychedelic and include checkered landscapes. Later, his mother says he’s never shown anyone his

process before. James makes art late at night when everyone else is asleep. He’ll wake his parents at 9 am, wanting to share what he’s created. He makes art about once a month; the rest of the time he’s ruminating. James was diagnosed with autism at 3 and didn’t talk until he was 8 years old. Now at 22, and the size of a football lineman (6-foot-5 and 280 pounds), James opens up about the future. “I want to make money to get out of this place,” he says, in a stilted voice. “I want to have my own animation company.” He also explains his idea for a 3-D hand-drawing program he hasn’t yet invented. This is a lot of insight from a man who so often doesn’t discuss his feelings. One time, when James was saying rude things, and his mom was tired, she told him he was being a jerk. “Enough,” he said. It’s a word he often uses when he’s done with a conversation. It’s a family-coined “James-ism.”


his is what it’s like having a son on the autism spectrum. Two weeks ago, a bee got into the house. It

buzzed around James’ head, and as he’s allergic to bees, he panicked. His parents were at work, his 20-year-old brother Jon was in class at Eastern Washington University. James called his mother, who raced over. She found him hidden in his upstairs room, doors shut, closet hangers everywhere (his chosen insect-killing weapon), dogs barking. These are the types of situations that medical cannabis (pills and topical creams, mostly) helps with. It softens James’ anxiety. “Dan and I are still married. 27 years,” Wendy says of her husband, today at her dining room table. “Many couples don’t stay that way. This isn’t easy, but I refuse to say, ‘Poor me.’” When the doctors diagnosed James, Dan and Wendy had never heard the term. Now, according to the National Autism Association, one in 68 children in the U.S. are affected by the disability, and boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed. James went to public school, and progressed slowly. But at Central Valley High School, which he’d later graduate from, he started art classes. Eventually, this would lead to gallery shows around Spokane, and a preference ...continued on next page

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 29

CULTURE | VISUAL ARTS “EVER ENOUGH?,” CONTINUED... for graphic art — it’s less messy. “To be honest, when someone says their autistic child makes art, I think of finger paintings,” Wendy says. “I applaud those other artists, too, and the parents who support them, but James is so unique.” Her house is full of James’ art. From his early pottery to his squiggly-lined Jackson Pollock-phase paintings. Now his art has evolved into something all his own; it’s not a copy. Although still in the early stages, multiple studies have shown the positive effects art can have on people with autism. A 2004 study in Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association found that “art therapy for autistic children may serve as a path toward increased awareness of the self.” And certainly, Wendy sees those effects in her son. Through his drawings, he has blossomed. Wendy, who works the business end of James’ art, admits that she wants to share her son’s talent. “He’s an artist, who also happens to have autism,” she says. “He is that good. I want his work in every nook and cranny possible.”


ames’ father Dan has an entire room devoted to the Beatles. Lunchboxes, posters, music in all formats, including crates of vinyl. Since James was a baby, he’s gone to record stores with Dan. That tradition continues now. Last month, the pair even went to Seattle to dig for music. Today, James shows off his own record collection, including the Monkees box set he just bought. James listens to music constantly in this basement den, especially anything from the 1960s, like the Beatles and Rolling

James Frye’s work often features psychedelic elements and is influenced by his deep love of music. Stones and the Who. Moog synthesizer moves him. Sometimes while listening to psychedelic rock, he’ll shout and he’ll jump, behavior called stimming. The constant motion has hurt his left leg, which bears the brunt of his weight. As loud as he blasts his records, he can’t go to a live concert without getting physically ill from the commotion of people and noise. Yet these sounds show themselves in his work. 4000 Holes owner Bob Gallagher is especially impressed with James’ drawings. “What I see in his art is attractive, bright colors and interesting objects,” he says. “I’m not an artist and I can’t really judge it, but there’s a connection there to music that’s so easily seen.” Last year, We Are Lions, an organization that highlights artists with disabilities, selected James to create a poster for rock act My Morning Jacket. It was his first commissioned piece, and his family wasn’t sure

he’d agree to doing it. But after listening to their music incessantly, he created his own version of the band’s The Waterfall album cover. The group printed 200 copies, signed them and sold them through We Are Lions, with proceeds going to James. “They promoted him as an emerging artist,” Wendy says. “We couldn’t be more happy.” Today, James sits silently in front of the record player as Hot Butter’s “Popcorn” spins slowly. “What are are you thinking about?” I ask. “Concentrating,” he says. His mother soon moves to the door. “Are you ready for us to leave?” she asks. “Enough,” he says. n Find James Frye’s art at 4000 Holes Record Store and

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30 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

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SPORTS People called the Golden State Warriors lucky after they won the NBA championship last year, in part because injuries didn’t impact them as much as other teams. This year, the Warriors will have to overcome some bad luck to take the trophy again. The best player in the league, Stephen Curry, has missed the majority of the first round of the playoffs against the Houston Rockets, and he is likely to miss a couple more weeks with a bum knee. That means a larger offensive role for the Warriors’ other “Splash Brother,” former Washington State University star KLAY THOMPSON. Coug fans can join the Bay Area in hoping he can step up to the challenge with the stakes so high.

FROM LEFT: Aubrey Shimek Davis, Tom Heppler and Diana Trotter in the Civic’s production of Fiction. JEFF FERGUSON PHOTO

he title of Steven Dietz’s Fiction is misleadingly definitive. Given that the crux of this play is our most private selves and how much is truly knowable about anyone, it might be more fitting to call it Fiction? — with special emphasis on the question mark. A new production of Dietz’s award-winning drama opens Friday, April 29, in the lower-level studio of the Spokane Civic Theatre. Directed by Susan Hardie (York), it features a minimal set and just three actors — Tom Heppler (Wittenberg, Equus), Aubrey Shimek Davis (All My Sons) and Diana Trotter (Wit, Other Desert Cities) — in an unconventional love triangle. Unconventional, that is, because there can be doubt in the minds of the characters, as well as the audience, about whether or not the triangle even exists. Trotter and Heppler play Linda and Michael Waterman, two married writers who’ve each found fame in different ways. Linda has one acclaimed novel to her name, whereas Michael’s work lends itself to big-screen blockbusters. When Linda is confronted with her own mortality, the couple ends up exchanging diaries in what might be seen as the ultimate act of intimacy. In the pages of her husband’s diary, Linda comes across paramour Abby Drake (Davis), an intern at a writer’s retreat that Michael once attended. “His wife believes that what he’s written is true because she knows his writing,” Heppler says. Yet there’s a possibility that Michael’s relationship with Abby is the stuff of fantasy, a vicarious

literary substitute for an actual affair. Or could that just be a clever defense from a professional storyteller? Along those same uncertain lines, both Trotter and Heppler are cautious about describing the thrust of Fiction in declarative statements. “What makes a life real? What do you believe and not believe?” Heppler asks rhetorically; Trotter echoes him: “What are the stories that we tell ourselves, and what’s really true? Is it the facts? It is our perception of the facts? Or is it the way they feel? How do all those things play together? And what do we have a right to in each other’s lives?” To illustrate that last point, Heppler quotes one of his character’s lines: “A marriage, however good, is not a tell-all enterprise. It is a pact between necessary strangers.” “This is a really human play, and it’s fascinating,” says Trotter. In an effort to accentuate that humanity and counter the play’s reputation for cerebral dialogue, she says that the cast is focusing on bringing a greater sense of “naturalism” to the work. Along with Fiction’s sudden shifts in time and tone, that could prove challenging, but Trotter says the cast has a strong handle of “this slippery thing that Dietz has created.” — E.J. IANNELLI Fiction • April 29 to May 22: Thu-Sat, 7:30 pm; Sun, 2 pm • $22 • Firth J. Chew Studio at Spokane Civic Theatre • 1020 N. Howard • 325-2507 •

TV Louis C.K.’s HORACE AND PETE is like nothing else on TV. Maybe because it isn’t really on TV, at least in the way most people think of television. In the web series, which actually feels more like a play, C.K. plays Horace, a 50-year-old who is divorced and inherited his father’s bar that he runs with his brother, Pete (Steve Buscemi). It’s best to go into the show without much background or any expectations, just as C.K. intended when he launched the one-season series on his website (LouisCK. net) without any prior promotion. As he writes on his website, even he doesn’t quite know how to classify Horace and Pete: “I dunno what it is. It can be funny, and also not. Both.” PODCAST CASHING IN WITH T.J. MILLER pairs Miller — who you might know from the movie Deadpool or the HBO show Silicon Valley — with his friend and fellow comedian Cash Levy. Together, the two ask the important questions, like what can be turned into a ladle? (Answer: everything.) Or, more simply, “bees?” If you listen, start with the first episode in 2012, because the entire podcast is a series of running gags and callbacks that reward the regular listeners, or as Miller and Levy call them, the “12 and a half.” The show sometimes dives into deeper philosophical issues, but rarely current events, so even the oldest episodes never feel outdated. 

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APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 31


Newsies, arriving in Spokane this week, is a romping musical with a meaningful heart.

Making Headlines

Disney’s Newsies is an underdog’s triumphant tale, told through catchy song and dance BY CHEY SCOTT


classic underdog tale based on gritty historical fact — and presented, true-to-form, in Disney’s glossy fashion — the Broadway musical Newsies is uplifting, peppy and filled with heart-pounding music and dance numbers. The two-time Tony Award-winning show (best choreography, original score) played on Broadway for two years and more than 1,000 shows, then hit the road in October 2014. The touring production arrives in Spokane next week for an eight-show engagement, capping off the 2015-16 Best of Broadway season at the INB Performing Arts Center. Based on a 1992 Disney film of the same name (starring a young Christian Bale in the leading role), the on-screen musical was an initial flop, yet somehow gained a cult following after being released on VHS. It appears that Newsies was much better suited for live theater. Showcasing famed composer Alan Menken’s catchy lyrics through highly acrobatic dance numbers, the cast taps, spins, flips, jumps, leaps and kicks through each song in a whirlwind of energy. This spectacular movement is largely why the show has achieved such widespread acclaim since its debut five short years ago. “We have a very big following on social media and the internet, especially from young girls; I think one part of that is because we have a lot of dancing and attractive men, but another part is that the story reaches out to all generations,” says Dallas-raised and New York City-based actor Stephen Michael Langton, who plays newsboy Davey Jacobs on the current tour. “Adults might be turned away by the Disney tag, but it’s a story anyone can relate to; a classic underdog story about real people, and real events,” he says via phone from the tour’s recent stop in Sacramento.

32 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

Langton’s Davey is a fresh recruit to the newspaper hawking biz, stepping into the role with his little brother when their blue-collar father is injured on the job and unable to provide for the family. The brothers soon meet the newsboys’ — called “newsies” — leader Jack Kelly, who offers to help them learn the ropes. At the same time, New York World publisher Joseph Pulitzer (yes, the same namesake of the eponymous award) raises the cost of newspaper bundles, which the newsies must buy to then sell for their own profit. Jack, Davey and the other newsies protest the rate rise, refusing to deliver the papers in a citywide strike. Alongside these struggles to make a meager income, Newsies weaves in a love story, secrets of Jack’s troubled past and the harsh realities of being an orphan in turn-of-the-century New York City, as most of the newsies were. “These kids had nothing, and they stood up against these behemoths of industry,” Langton explains. “People can see themselves in these downtrodden kids who the older generation was just taking advantage of, instead of nurturing.” Playing Newsies’ Davey is Langton’s second stint with Disney, having worked for seven months as a performer aboard one of the company’s massive cruise ships. Yet he’d been prepping long before that for a role in Newsies, CHECK OUT the Inlander’s since even before arts and culture blog at graduating from to see all the Pace University’s shows coming to Spokane theater program for the 2016-17 Best of in 2013. Broadway season, including “I’d been three productions currently auditioning for playing on Broadway in NYC. it before it even opened [on Broadway],” he recalls. “You can be perfect for a show, but not perfect for every track and character, and I was learning a lot about how to audition and who I am on stage… Finally, after years, I got an audition to just play Davey on tour. It took a lot of time and patience, but I knew it was a role I wanted to land.” The 24-year-old actor was at the corner of 145th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue in Harlem when his phone rang one day last August. “I almost fainted and I called my mother, which is how I react to most things: I almost faint and then I call my mom.” n Disney’s Newsies • Tue, May 3 through Sun, May 8; showtimes vary • $32-$155 • INB Performing Arts Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • • 279-7000

Iron Goat Brewing Co.’s new brewery and restaurant on the west side of downtown has been an instant hit since opening in mid-April. SARAH PHILP PHOTO

Room to Grow Iron Goat is settling nicely into its success and new digs BY MIKE BOOKEY


n a recent Wednesday afternoon, Greg Brandt is brewing in the rear of Iron Goat’s spacious new digs on the west side of downtown Spokane in the precious hours before the taproom opens for business. It’s been very busy — much more than expected — since the brewery’s casual mid-April opening, and while the Iron Goat team is getting used to the space, preparing a restaurant menu and putting the finishing touches on the historic building, they have another worry. They need to make beer. And lots of it. Pubs and restaurants have been waiting on orders slowed by the brewery’s move to downtown. They’ve got bottles to fill. And this weekend, their place will be packed with thirsty

fans celebrating Iron Goat’s grand opening. “We are positioned with room to grow. We’ll be bringing in new fermenters soon, which is a big reason why we moved — to get more fermentation space. It’s also nice to not be on top of each other,” says Brandt, walking through the spacious brewing area located through a mostly glass wall behind the taproom. It’s only been four years since Greg and Heather Brandt teamed up with another couple, Paul Edminster and Sheila Evans, to found Iron Goat Brewing Co. The company’s growth, however, often sees it mistaken for a much older piece of the region’s beer landscape. Between 2014 and 2015, Iron Goat just about

doubled its production, helped in part by the release of 22-ounce bottles, as well as a loyal following who would pack the original brewery in a downtrodden (to put it nicely) residential and industrial area in east Spokane. The just-opened space on Second Avenue is new to the company, but very old to the city. The 1921 structure was built as an automotive school, before becoming a trucking company, a Chrysler dealership, a car wash, a brake shop and then home to Jones Automotive. Iron Goat placed the building on national and local historical registries and worked to restore the heritage of the location. “We wanted to maintain the historical presence of the building. And it’s always been industrial to a certain degree, and we’ve tried to maintain that,” says Brandt. This meant leaving a lot of exposed brick, ceiling boards and trusses, and rehabilitating the original floor on the taproom side. A lot of the work was done by the four partners and their staff. Heather and Sheila made many of the pub’s tables, including two massive common tables, and Paul and Greg helped gut the building in the early days. The team also moved the brewery equipment — towering steel fermenters parading through downtown on trailers like some sort of brewing arms race. ...continued on next page

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 33



Iron Goat plans to expand its beer list at its new spot. SARAH PHILP PHOTO


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34 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

The result of the pub side of the brewery is an open and spacious spot that kept a lot of the charm of their much cozier original location. “A big part of having the common tables and no TVs is that we want people to meet and talk and make friends. It’s meant to be a social place and not so much just, ‘I want to watch a game and be on my own.’” Perhaps the most noticeable change is the addition of a full food menu. Chef Thomas Johnson says that the menu will feature a number of Neapolitan-style pizzas, meats and cheese plates, a beer cheese soup and other pub fare. All of it will go well with beer, he assures. “If you come up to [the staff] and want to know what to drink with something, they can help you find a good pairing,” says Johnson. Iron Goat is happy with the neighborhood, too, says Brandt. The auto district borders them to the east and south, and the Kolva-Sullivan Gallery is just across the street. And in the nearby blocks, there are more stops for beer tourists. “One thing about plopping down here is that River City is down the street, Orlison is around the corner and the incubator project guys [Steel Barrel Tap Room] are right down the street. Then you’ve got Barrister [Winery] down the alley. It’s like a little fermentation area,” says Brandt. As they settle into the new spot — which also allows for increased storage, office space and a lab — there are more things to come. They own a sizable alley on the west side of the building which is set to become a patio. Also, a few seasonable and barrelaged beers are in the works, some of which will arrive in stores in 750 ml (wine-size) bottles. There’s a lot on the horizon, but Brandt is quick to say they’re not rushing to grow any faster than beer drinkers want them to. “We don’t want to be huge. We never want to move out of this building,” he says. n Iron Goat Brewing Co. Grand Opening Party • Fri, April 29, at 4 pm; Sat, April 30, at 11 am • Featuring live music both days, outdoor seating, food trucks and more • Iron Goat Brewing Co. • 1302 W. Second • 474-0722 •


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Idaho Brews Recently opened Post Falls Brewing adds yet another option for thirsty craft beer drinkers

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n a competition between North Idaho cities for the most breweries, Post Falls has edged closer to the leader of the pack — Coeur d’Alene boasts four breweries to Post Falls’ three. Located just across the street from the Post Falls water tower featured in their clever logo, Post Falls Brewing officially opened last weekend, adding to an already impressive list of Panhandle breweries. “I think this area is just jonesing for this,” says Alex Sylvain of the brewery. Sylvain and fellow brewer Dan Stokes, along with support from business partner Steve Cervi-Skinner, designed and built the brewery from scratch. Although it features what seems to be the standard in industrial design — corrugated metal walls, epoxied wooden tabletops, earth-tone accents, bare-bulb lighting — the place gets a big boost of ambiance via several roll-up garage doors and some outdoor seating with a view of Spokane River. Their lineup is an ambitious eight taps, each with its own narrative and quirky name. The OPC Hefeweizen is named for the beer’s orange peel and coriander notes, while the hoppy Stoney MacGuyver IPA is a nod to one of the local contractors they worked with, says Sylvain. The SnR IIPA (aka Sssssick n’ Rowdy) is a hefty 9 percent ABV, while the Cheap Prick Session Ale, weighing in at just 5 percent ABV, is an easy-drinking lighter beer. Served in wooden trays, flights of five 5-ounce tastes are a good place to start ($9). Two standouts were the creamy Totes McOats Milk Stout and the Coffee Infused Catalyst Pale Ale, an unusual and highly drinkable alternative in a field dominated by coffee-infused porters. Have a pint on-site ($4-$6) or grab a growler to go ($12-$18), knowing that as soon as you think you’ve found your favorite beer, Post Falls Brewing is likely to up the ante with one of many planned small-batch offerings, including an amber ale and sweethot mango habanero. n Post Falls Brewing • 112 N. Spokane St., Post Falls • Open Thu, 2-10 pm; Fri, 2-10 pm; Sat, noon-10 pm; Sun, noon-6 pm • • 208-773-7301

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Hardcore Values

Ruin. He demonstrates some ruthless narrative efficiency in moments like capturing the passage of time by cutting from the opening five seconds of a song on a vinyl record to that same record with the needle in the runout groove. He’s even bold enough to have Amber start talking about why she’s a white supremacist, yet let those words serve merely as background noise while others search for a way out of the room, understanding that her backstory doesn’t really matter. That last example is just a part of Green Room’s general approach to character development, which is unconventional to say the least. In some ways, the fact Ain’t Rights make the mistake of walking back into the that the “villains” are white supremacists is irrelevant to club’s green room, just in time to see that a member of the progression of the plot, except that Saulnier wants to another band has been murdered. The club’s owner, Darmake the antagonists scarily methodical rather than an igcy (Patrick Stewart), isn’t about to have the club turned norant, purely physical threat. At times, Stewart feels like into a crime scene for a police investigation, since he’s an odd choice for the main heavy, proving less interesting running a heroin-dealing operation than the club manager, Gabe (Blue Ruin’s out of the basement. The witnesses Macon Blair), who proves an enigmatic GREEN ROOM — including Amber (Imogen Poots), a mix of true believer and pragmatist. Rated R member of another band — just can’t Green Room probably works best, howDirected by Jeremy Saulnier be allowed to complicate things. ever, because of the characters Saulnier Starring Anton Yelchin, Patrick Stewart, Much of what follows takes place places in that room. From the opening Imogen Poots in that room, as the terrified musiscene, in which we see their van having cians come to realize that nothing plowed through a cornfield because the good lies just outside their lockable door. Saulnier builds driver fell asleep at the wheel, to their guerrilla missions his claustrophobic horror in a manner reminiscent of to siphon gas so they can keep their road trip rolling, it’s movies from Assault on Precinct 13 and The Purge to this clear that The Ain’t Rights are living their idea of a punk year’s 10 Cloverfield Lane, depending on false starts and life. They’ll tell an interviewer that their “desert-island bold risks to avoid a sense of stasis. He also knows how bands” are Misfits and The Damned, but that’s not the to use his wince-inducing bits of graphic violence for same story they tell one another when they’re facing a maximum impact, finding watch-through-your-fingers terrifying new reality. Green Room excels as a horror movie uses for machetes, box cutters and attack dogs. that can jolt an audience out of their seats, but it’s also Saulnier also knows how to work the moments when about the horror of realizing that no matter how hard he’s not shocking the audience, displaying filmmaking you might try to convince the world you are, there are gifts that have grown since his 2013 indie breakout Blue things — and people — out there that are much harder. n

Green Room packs a tense thriller with characters facing a truly edgy reality BY SCOTT RENSHAW


hile Jeremy Saulnier’s Green Room is a movie so unsettling and brutal that it almost feels cruel to recommend it, one of the most nervewracking moments comes before all bloody hell breaks loose. Our protagonists are a Washington, D.C.-based punk quartet called The Ain’t Rights — Pat (Anton Yelchin), Sam (Alia Shawkat), Tiger (Callum Turner) and Reece (Joe Cole) — and they’re playing an impromptu show at a rural skinhead bar in the Pacific Northwest after their original gig has fallen through. But, not content to take their money and get out of Dodge, they decide to poke their hosts — by playing a cover version of Dead Kennedys’ “Nazi Punks F--- Off.” Green Room has gotten plenty of attention for Saulnier’s chops at manufacturing pure, lowdown genre intensity, and that attention is certainly deserved. Yet while he takes an approach to his characters that is in many ways minimalist, this isn’t exactly a movie where the warm bodies exist simply to be dispatched in creatively unpleasant ways. Buried in this crackling siege thriller is a story about kids posing at living on the edge, until they find themselves in a situation where they can see what the edge really looks like. And it looks pretty awful once the members of The

36 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

Patrick Stewart and his gang of skinheads add ample fear to Green Room.




Rell (Jordan Peele) adopts a stray kitten named Keanu to help get over a breakup, and when a thief steals the little furball, Rell recruits his nerdy cousin Clarence (Keegan-Michael Key) to help take down the gangster (Method Man) holding Keanu hostage. Stunts, gunplay and laughs ensue in this throwback to action-based buddy-flick comedies like 48 Hrs. as Key and Peele try to recapture the comic magic of their TV shows. (DN) Rated R


This documentary takes us inside the Met’s annual fashion event, which takes place each May and is considered by many to be one of the world’s premiere fashion shows. It’s directed by Andrew Rossi, known for his work on Page One: Inside the New York Times and Thought Crimes: The Case of the Cannibal Cop. At Magic Lantern (MB)


A Washington, D.C.-based punk quartet called The Ain’t Rights play an impromptu show at a rural skinhead bar in the Pacific Northwest after their original gig has fallen through. But, not content to take their money and get out of Dodge, they decide to make fun of Nazis from the stage. After they see a dead guy backstage, the band is locked up and spends the rest of the film trying to escape a murderous Patrick Stewart. (MB) Rated R


Much like Garry Marshall’s previous holiday movie, Valentine’s Day, he’s at it again, intertwining the stories of multiple characters just in time for the annual day dedicated to the women who raise us. Television show host Miranda (Julia Roberts), love-seeking divorcee Sandy (Jennifer Aniston) and Jesse (Kate Hudson), a woman rekindling her long-lost relationship with her mother, come together for three generations of emotion and celebration in the days leading up to Mother’s Day. (MM) Rated PG-13


Ratchet is an impulsive lombax — a rare, though fictionalized species — who grew up alone. And Clank is a small, intelligent robot. Both come across a powerful weapon that can blow whole planets to smithereens. And an evil alien called Chairman Drek wants to use this weapon to wield power. To combat this, along with the benevolent Galactic Rangers, Ratchet and Clank attempt to stop Chairman Drek. (CS) Rated PG

Tom Hanks ends up in the desert in his latest movie as Alan Clay, a divorced, downtrodden businessman with a poor relationship with his daughter. He travels to Saudi Arabia hoping to regain himself by selling a holographic tele-

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A serious, but still kinda funny Vince Vaughn stars as a criminal mastermind who gets set up by some dirty cops to get on the wrong side of an international drug cartel. They’ve sent hit men after him, but he just wants to stay alive long enough for his life insurance to kick in so his teenage daughter will be set for life. (MB) Rated R



communication system to King Abdullah. Meanwhile, he meets a lovely Saudi doctor (Sarita Choudhury) and humorous taxi driver (Alexander Black) who help him and who, soon enough, give his trip a new meaning. (CS) Rated R ...continued on next page

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R Daily (1:00) (3:10) (5:20) 7:30 9:40 Fri-Sun (10:50)


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In an effort to combat the rough economy, Calvin (Ice Cube) and Angie (Regina Hall) combine their respective barbershop and beauty salon businesses into one. Meanwhile, crime and gangs are on the rise in Chicago and Calvin worries this might affect his son’s future. The unified barbershop family decides to take matters into its own hands and regain the family and friend-oriented neighborhood that once existed. (CS) Rated PG-13


After Superman’s last brawl with his nemesis General Zod, the city of Metropolis is in for another heart-stopping fight between characters — but this time, it’s between two heroes. As Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) begins to conclude that Superman is a threat to humanity, he plots an attack to end the Man of Steel’s time on Earth. Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) also joins in the fight to get his own piece of Superman’s downfall. (MM) Rated PG-13


Rich and queen-like Michelle Darnell (Melissa McCarthy) is used to asserting her power until she goes to federal prison for insider trading. After she serves her time, things are different: She is broke, homeless and alone. Her old assistant Claire (Kristen Bell) is the only person willing to re-engage and offers her a place to stay. Soon the ex-mogul creates a business model for a Brownie empire that will return her to former glory, though along the way, former adversaries stand as obstacles. (CS) Rated R


As government officials become more desperate to find the whereabouts of a hacker who can fire missiles at will, they rely on a neurosurgeon to meld the minds of dead CIA agent Bill Pope (Ryan Reynolds) and vicious death-row inmate Jerico Stewart (Kevin Costner). By gaining Pope’s memories and skills, Stewart will race against the clock to finish a job Pope started, and halt an international conspiracy. (MM) Rated R


In the latest installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we find the redclad assassin Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) seeking out a man named Francis (Ed Skrein) for his role he played in ruining his life. But we also see his former life as Wade Wilson, a wisecracking mercenary. (SR) Rated R

ELVIS AND NIXON Showtimes in ( ) are at bargain price. Special Attraction — No Passes Showtimes Effective 4/29/16 - 5/5/16

38 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

The iconic meeting of President Nixon and Elvis Presley is now manifested in a comedic fashion on the silver screen. During the winter of 1970, the White

CRITICS’ SCORECARD Everybody Wants Some!!





(OUT OF 100)


Green Room






Hello, My Name is Doris


My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

37 35

The Huntsman DON’T MISS IT


House received a handwritten request from Elvis (Michael Shannon) to meet with President Nixon (Kevin Spacey), resulting in a photo of the two which is now one of the most requested prints in the National Archives. (MM) Rated R


This Colombian drama that travels into the heart of the Amazon is a highly original take on the oft-told story of how indigenous cultures are wiped out (often inadvertently) by Western explorers. (MB) Not Rated


Set over the course of four days in August 1980, it begins with the arrival of freshman Jake (Blake Jenner) on the campus of fictional Southeast Texas State University just before the start of the school year. A pitcher on the baseball team, Jake moves into one of the houses occupied solely by the players, and meets his new teammates with whom he spends the rest of the movie chatting, partying and playing baseball. (SR) Rated R


As British Intelligence forces gain eyes on a group of terrorists in Nairobi, Kenya, Lieutenant General Frank Benson (Alan Rickman) and Colonel Katherine Powell (Helen Mirren) face complications as they command a United States operated drone to launch a missile to assassinate the terrorist group. The allied forces are faced with a decision to strike the group, which would include killing a civilian girl, or face the consequences of continued international terror. (MM) Rated R


Doris Miller (Sally Field) is a nevermarried 60-something woman whose life for years has consisted of nothing more than taking care of her elderly mother in their Staten Island home and doing data entry in the same Manhattan office. Then Doris’ mother dies, leaving her alone and adrift. At around the same time, her company hires new art director (New Girl’s Max Greenfield), inspiring an infatuation that completely takes over Doris’ thoughts. (SR) Rated R




This is mostly the tale of the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) and mostly it takes place after the events of Snow White... and even ultimately negates much of what we learned in that film, which will surely piss off whatever true fans the first movie has. (MJ) Rated PG-13


Jon Favreau takes a break from making the Iron Man franchise to craft this live-action adaptation of the Disney classic. There’s some genuine action to be found as Mogwai tries to escape danger, as well as a few laughs with the Bill Murray-voiced Baloo the bear, but overall it’s Disney forcing a kid-friendly feel on a genuinely engaging film. (MB) Rated PG


Based on the true story of eccentric Miss Shepherd (played by beloved British actress Maggie Smith) in Alan Bennett’s story, a temporary visit turns into 15 years when she first parks her van in Bennett’s London driveway. At first he hesitantly allows this as a favor, but soon a relationship is cultivated that permeates and changes both of their lives. At Magic Lantern (CS) Rated PG-13


A young boy Alton has been secretly whisked away by his father. Soon, we find that the boy — who wears swimming goggles at all times — is possessed with other-worldly powers and is being sought by both federal agents believing him to be a dangerous weapon and a cult, which thinks he’s a prophet. Director Jeff Nichols (Mud, Take Shelter) experiments with the sci-fi realm while continuing to explore family dynamics. (MB) Rated PG-13


Judy Hopps, the first female rabbit on the big city police force, must work with a con artist fox to solve a disappearance case that no one else will take. The film is Disney’s 55th full-length feature, and it delicately explores the issues of race and discrimination in a way that’s entertaining (for kids and adults alike) and never preachy. Actors lending their voice talents include Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Jenny Slate, Kristen Bell, Shakira and even Tommy Chong. (LJ) Rated PG 





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New York rapper Andy Mineo isn’t afraid to discuss his faith in his music.

Faith in Rap Despite its detractors, Christian hip-hop continues to grow in the mainstream, and Andy Mineo is leading the charge BY LAURA JOHNSON


ndy Mineo wants you to text him. The inclusive rapper’s phone number is posted in the bio for his Twitter account — which has 224,000 followers — and he’ll respond if you message him. Touring is all about interacting with his fans, he says. “I’ll go to a city, and I’ll text everyone from there in my phonebook to meet up at a movie or somewhere,” says the New York-based musician and one-time pastor while traveling through Arizona last week. “I’ll text people on their birthdays, too. I want to open up a conversation.” His current tour, which stops at the Knitting Factory on Friday, continues that theme. Stick around after the show, and you may find yourself playing dodgeball with the rapper. None of this is completely novel for an underground

hip-hop artist with a viral following. What is different is that Mineo’s a Christian rapper, though he bristles at the classification. He says he’s just a musician who also has a faith. “Regardless of whether you agree with my faith, there’s a general sense of positivity and joy from my music that seems to relate to people,” Mineo says. “That’s why I don’t like labels with the music I make, that’s so limiting, it says my music is only for these certain people.” Mineo has never heard one of his solo songs on the radio, Christian or secular. Yet his 2015 album, Uncomfortable, debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot Christian Albums and has received millions of listens on Spotify. And he’s not alone. In the past couple of years, Christian rappers have gained even more recognition in the mainstream, and the

stats are impressive. Mineo’s Reach Records labelmate Lecrae (who’s coming to Riverfront Park in June with Switchfoot) went No. 1 on the Billboard charts back in 2014, a feat only achieved by four other Christian records. Meanwhile, Christian rapper NF’s Therapy Session currently sits on the iTunes Top 10 albums rankings. That’s incredible, considering most slots are taken up by Beyoncé and, of course, Prince. Hip-hop essentially always has had an accompanying Christian rap scene, but it often wasn’t taken seriously. In the early aughts, TobyMac was the first rapper to break out into Christian radio, making it suddenly OK for Christian kids everywhere to listen to hip-hop (a taboo genre in many conservative circles). Today, outspoken rappers like Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar talk about God in their music. Last weekend, Snoop Dogg dropped a video of himself singing the Gospel song “I’d Rather Have Jesus.” But these artists’ music also includes loads of misogynistic language and cursing, and some religious internet commenters haven’t been kind. Mineo says there’s a better approach. “We need to be more compassionate and open,” Mineo says. “They’re showing glimmers of growing in their faith, people are all on journeys. A lot of people who aren’t Christians, or aren’t for the church, are that way because they see this judgmental side, and that’s not everyone.” ...continued on next page

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 41

MUSIC | HIP-HOP “FAITH IN RAP,” CONTINUED... Mineo has his own group of internet trolls to contend with — people who think he’s too Christian, or not enough. When asked how he handles the haters, he says, “I don’t deal with them.” He explains that when someone has a genuine question, he’ll respond, but otherwise, he doesn’t have time to think about those who don’t like him. Ryley Alderman, program director at Kingdom Culture ministry in Hillyard, also sees hip-hop as a tool for kids to express themselves. His program, reLEAST, works with teens, mostly in the Hillyard and North Central neighborhoods. They meet every Friday night to create art, including hip-hop music, and MORE EVENTS his group recently released a Visit for mixtape. complete listings of A couple of months ago, local events. Alderman’s team did a show at the Pin! called Convergence. “We went in there with secular artists, and we brought our Gospel hip-hop,” Alderman, 20, says. “There was no judging, it was people being honest. A lot of people just really love that. We’ve seen a lot of people respond well to this kind of music.” Alderman says that honesty is why rappers like Mineo and Lecrae are connecting so well with this generation — that, and their music is quality. Mineo admits that his catchy music may be overly honest for some listeners, that his lyrics covering forgiveness, grace, race, love and Jesus may make some uncomfortable. “I’m not comfortable with the state of music and the country,” Mineo says. “And with my music, I want to inspire people.”  Uncomfortable Tour with Andy Mineo • Fri, April 29, at 7 pm • $25-$55 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 244-3279

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From the Old School Holy Grail’s sound draws from traditional heavy metal, and fans don’t always understand it BY BEN SALMON


pokane holds a special place in the hearts of James Paul Luna and Eli Santana, vocalist and guitarist, respectively, for Pasadena, California, heavy metal band Holy Grail. “Spokane was our first show of our first tour (in 2009),” says Luna. “After the show, there were a bunch of girls there, and they wanted to hang out, and they wanted to take us back to their house. We’re like, ‘Whoa, OK! This is what touring’s like!’ And then we never got that again.” On Sunday, Holy Grail returns to town on tour with DevilDriver, a groovy (but still growly) death metal band. This follows Holy Grail’s recent run with Black Tusk, makers of a particularly murky brand of sludge-punk. Before that, they toured with strangled thrash veterans Death Angel. There’s a pattern here: Because they draw substantially from the traditional sound of classic heavy metal, and because there aren’t that many bands doing a similar thing these days, Holy Grail finds itself frequently sharing bills with bands that aren’t exactly a perfect match stylistically.

This band is the Holy Grail of old school metal. Which means Holy Grail often has to win over a crowd that might be more into black metal or doom than, say, soaring falsetto vocals and guitar solos. “A lot of these heavier bands, their fans will be like, ‘What? This guy’s singing? This is the worst!’” says San-

tana. “It’s silly, but as a longtime metal fan, I understand it. I went through that period where it was like, if the guy didn’t sound like (Cannibal Corpse’s) Chris Barnes, it was the lamest thing ever. I mean, I grew out of it when I was 17, but I get it.” When faced with such a battle, Holy Grail has skills and songs on its side, as evidenced by the band’s excellent new album Times of Pride and Peril. Across its 10 tracks, Santana and his fellow guitarist, Alex Lee, crank out an endless supply of killer riffs and solos, while bassist Blake Mount and drummer Tyler Meahl ably drive the band’s relentless chug. And then there’s Luna, one of the finest singers currently working in metal. His delivery is powerful, his range tops out somewhere above the clouds, and live, the guy is a consummate showman shipped in straight from metal’s old school. On Times of Pride and Peril, his performance — and melody in general — has room to breathe, a direct result of the band’s desire to declutter its arrangements, Santana says. The result is Holy Grail’s best album yet, and the reviews reflect that. But for Santana, the album’s success was sealed long ago. “I think we’ve spent enough time in the industry to not get too attached to a certain fixed future, like ‘When this comes out, then we’ll buy our Ferraris,’” he says. “We’re just happy we got it done and we have a physical copy that we can sell. There’s the victory. After that, whatever it does is icing on the cake.”  Holy Grail, with DevilDriver, Incite, Hemlock and Invasive • Sun, May 1, at 7 pm • $20 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 244-3279

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 43 LMG_CastingCrowns_042816_6H_CPR.pdf




ou can hear the intensity in Dan Smith’s scratchy voice as he rhymes and sing-speaks about the pain, challenges and hope of life. Smith, along with Kris Rochelle and Jon Terrey, form Listener, which sounds like something you might find at an extra-emotional poetry slam; more formally, it’s called “talk music.” The trio of best friends began as Smith’s solo act in 2002, but now the Kansas Citybased band has matured into a full-fledged touring rock outfit. If you’re looking to get lost in a fusion of talk-rock music or even hang out with the band — they love getting to know their fans — hit up this intimate Big Dipper show next week. — MEG MACLEAN Listener with Everett, the Bight, Blacktracks, Boat Race Weekend • Wed, May 4, at 7:30 pm • $10 • All ages • The Big Dipper • 171 S. Washington • • 863-8098


Thursday, 04/28

J BABy BAR, Pony Time, Holy Cows, Peru Resh BARLOWS AT LiBeRTy LAke (9241446), Sunny Nights Duo J THe BAyOu, Punk Rock house show feat. Ten Pole Drunk, Crisis Neglect J THe BARTLeTT, Daniel Martin Moore, Spurs THe Big DiPPeR, Thready Thursday Glitch & Swagga BOOMeRS CLASSiC ROCk BAR & gRiLL, Randy Campbell acoustic show J BOOTS BAkeRy & LOunge, The Song Project J BuCeR’S COFFeeHOuSe PuB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen BuCkHORn inn, The Spokane River Band J CHAPS, Spare Parts COeuR D’ALene CASinO, PJ Destiny CRAve, DJ Freaky Fred Fizzie MuLLigAnS, Kicho JOHn’S ALLey, Folkinception LeFTBAnk Wine BAR, Gil Rivas nODLAnD CeLLARS TASTing ROOM (927-7770), Nick Herman with Dan Schmedjte O’SHAyS iRiSH PuB & eATeRy, Open mic with Adrian and Leo ReD ROOM LOunge, Latin Tursdays feat. DJ Wax808 J THe Pin!, Elektro Grave feat. Wyrmwood, Lunagoth, Killmore zOLA, Anthony Hall and Boomshack

Friday, 04/29

315 MARTiniS & TAPAS, Cris Lucas J THe BARTLeTT, The Round No. 18 feat. Friends of Mine, Scott Ryan and Cathedral Pearls BeveRLy’S, Robert Vaughn J THe Big DiPPeR, Soul Proprietor BigFOOT PuB, Nightshift

44 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016


ou never know what you’ll get with the Horde and the Harem. Within the Seattle-based collective’s indie-rock and folk-pop dimensions are multitudes of musical ideas. Take, for instance, 2014’s Fairweather Friends EP, the follow-up to their first full-length album A Long Midwinter. The six-song assortment includes the upbeat “Robbery,” the almost psychedelic “Magician’s Hat,” and to keep things unpredictable, the ukulele-beachy “Salutations.” Each song has its own feel, with different highlights: trippy electric guitar, catchy percussion and even a sweet duet. Formed in 2009, the band has many high-level performances to their credit; Friday night they’ll hit up Spokane. — CLAIRE STANDAERT The Horde and the Harem with Pine League, Buckingham and Company • Fri, April 29, at 9 pm • 21+ • The Observatory • 15 S. Howard • observatoryspokane • 598-8933

BOLO’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE J CHATeAu Rive, Peter Rivera COeuR D’ALene CASinO, Echo Elysim, Metropolis COeuR D’ALene PuBLiC LiBRARy, The Life and Music of Patsy Cline feat. Laura Sable and Bill Wiemuth CRAFTSMAn CeLLARS (413-2434), Lyle Morse CuRLey’S, Dragonfly FeDORA PuB & gRiLLe, Carli Osika Fizzie MuLLigAnS, Uppercut J iROn gOAT BReWing CO. (4740722), Iron Goat Grand Opening feat. Milonga, Mama Doll iROn HORSe BAR, Phoenix THe JACkSOn ST., Hung Phat JOHn’S ALLey, Stubborn Son J kniTTing FACTORy, Andy Mineo (See story on page 41) LeFTBAnk Wine BAR, Dirk Schwartz MAx AT MiRABeAu, Kosta la Vista MOOSe LOunge, FM

MuLLigAn’S BAR & gRiLLe, Truck Mills nASHviLLe nORTH, The Ryan Larsen Band nODLAnD CeLLARS TASTing ROOM, Chris Rieser and Jay Rawley nORTHeRn QueST CASinO, DJ Ramsin nyne, DJ Night J THe OBSeRvATORy, The Horde and the Harem (See story above), Pine League, Buckingham and Company PenD D’OReiLLe WineRy, Jake Robin ReD ROOM LOunge, Jus Wright and the River City Roots, Real Life Sound, Mr. Gardner, Juan Boy 1 THe RiDLeR PiAnO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler THe ROADHOuSe, Ray Vasquez TRiCkSTeR’S BReWing CO., Hanna Rebecca

THe viking BAR & gRiLL, Aardvark, the Pink Socks, Thunder and Lightning zOLA, Tell the Boys

Saturday, 04/30

315 MARTiniS & TAPAS, Craig Catlett Trio BARLOWS AT LiBeRTy LAke, Jan Harrison, Doug Folkins, Danny McCollim BeveRLy’S, Robert Vaughn THe Big DiPPeR, Highwaymen Tribute feat. Rusty Jackson, John Gray, Duane Becker, Brad Jeanes BOLO’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE COeuR D’ALene CASinO, Echo Elysim, Metropolis COeuR D’ALene CeLLARS, Ron Criscione CuRLey’S, Dragonfly Fizzie MuLLigAnS, Uppercut J gAiWAn TeA HOuSe (208-755-

5385), Ren E. and the Rhythm Section gARLAnD PuB & gRiLL (326-7777), Usual Suspects J THe gATHeRing HOuSe (7472818), BE Open Mic Night J HuCkLeBeRRy’S nATuRAL MARkeT (624-1349), Daniel Hall J iROn gOAT BReWing CO., Iron Goat Grand Opening feat. ead Serious Lovers, Nick Grow, Summer in Siberia, Fun Ladies iROn HORSe BAR, Phoenix THe JACkSOn ST., DJ Dave JOHn’S ALLey, The Lil’ Smokies LA ROSA CLuB, Open Jam LeFTBAnk Wine BAR, Kari Marguerite MAx AT MiRABeAu, Spokane Dan and the Blues Blazers MOOSe LOunge, FM MuLLigAn’S BAR & gRiLLe, Son of Brad

NASHVILLE NORTH, The Ryan Larsen Band NODLAND CELLARS TASTING ROOM, Just Plain Darin NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Communities in Schools fundraiser feat. Ticking Time Bomb with Rick Rydell Also: DJ Ramsin NYNE, DJ Night THE OBSERVATORY, Bloomsday Bash feat. Stubborn Son, Ampersand, Super Villain  THE PALOMINO, The Convalescence, So This is Suffering, Beside the Silence, Benign, Progenitus, Heart of an Awl THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler  THE SHOP, Will Boule and Jacob Johnson  THE PIN!, K.C.’s Birthday Bash feat. The Bloccstars, Demon Assassin, King Skelle & All But Lost withTreveezy & Azar, ILL Mafia, Willie B the MC, Johnathan James, Deezy Ash, Young East, Eazz Music, Dat Boy Rob & Alvin Artzis THE ROADHOUSE, The Hankers  THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Getch-


Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

fest features short acoustic sets by members of The Nixon Rodeo, Invasive, Free The Jester, Banish The Echo, Children Of The Sun, Tyler Lang, Sovereign Citizen and more ZOLA, Tell the Boys

Sunday, 05/01

THE BACKYARD PUBLIC HOUSE (8227338), Make-A-Wish fundraiser event feat. Donnie Emerson & Nancy Sophia  THE BAYOU, Love-Lace, Big-O COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church  DOWNTOWN SPOKANE, Bloomsday course feat. Quarter Monkey, Rock CLub, Rylei Franks, Angela Marie Project, the Nixon Rodeo, Fusbol, Random Generation, Last Chance for Gas and more EAGLES LODGE (489-3030), Chelsea’s All Star Jam 20 Year Reunion  KNITTING FACTORY, DevilDriver, Holy Grail (See story on page 43), Incite, Hemlock LINGER LONGER LOUNGE (208-6232211), Open jam NEWMAN LAKE GRANGE, Country Jammers  THE PIN!, Wrvth ZOLA, Anthony Hall and Nate Stratte

Monday, 05/02

 CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with

Truck Mills LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Monday Night Spotlight feat. Carey Brazil RED ROOM LOUNGE, Open Mic with MJ The In-Human Beatbox ZOLA, Fus Bol

Tuesday, 05/03 THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of Open-ness LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Turntable Tuesday MIK’S, DJ Brentano SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx  THE PIN!, D-Spillz ZOLA, The Bucket List

Wednesday, 05/04 BABY BAR, Moonchyld, Marijuana Killed Marc, Itchy Kitty  THE BIG DIPPER, Listener (See the story on facing page), Everett, the Bight, Blacktracks, Boat Race Weekend EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES, Open Mic with T & T THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE, DJ Lydell LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 RED ROOM LOUNGE, Hip Hop Is A Culture THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Jam with Steve Ridler SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic SPOKANE COMEDY CLUB, Open Mic  THE PIN!, Ritual, Voices of Ruin,

$1,000 PAYDAY

Rutah, DJ Freaky Fred THE ROADHOUSE, Open mic with Vern Vogel and the Volcanoes ZOLA, The Bossame

Coming Up ...

THE BIG DIPPER, Must Be The Holy Ghost, FAUS, Local Pavlov, Justus Proffit, May 5 THE PIN!, Wednesday 13, Morbid Inc, Minds Decay, Boneye, Beyond Identity, Dammit Jim, May 5 KNITTING FACTORY, Cinco de Mayo Celebration feat. Sammy Eubanks, Alex Ashley, Chet O’ Keefe, May 5 SARANAC COMMONS, KYRS Presents: East Sherman, Phjior, Deformer, May 6 THE PALOMINO, Sin Circus, Bleed the Stone, Children of the Sun, Thunder Knife, Catalyst, May 6 KNITTING FACTORY, Tech N9ne, Krizz Kaliko, Rittz, Stevie Stone, Ces Cru, Mayday!, Illest Uminati, May 6 NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Loverboy, May 7 THE BARTLETT, The Helio Sequence, Nick Jaina, May 7 BABY BAR, Summer In Siberia, The Dancing Plague of 1518, Bombshell Nightlight, May 7 THE PIN!, Eternal of Killa Beez Wu Tang Clan, Demon Assassin, 7upper, Michete, WurdOne, David Shawty, Shawn Thoma$, May 7 THE BARTLETT, Damien Jurado, Ben Abraham, May 13 KNITTING FACTORY, Turkuaz, Tone Collaborative, May 13

Perfec ion and auto repair


Listen to Jamie & Tanya at 7:40am for the unfair advantage!

MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BIG BARN BREWING • 16004 N. Applewood Ln, Mead • 238-2489 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS • 3890 N. Schreiber Way, CdA • 208-664-2336 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • (208) 773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent, Spokane Valley • 309-3715 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 THE JACKSON ST. • 2436 N. Astor • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 2013 E. 29th • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MIK’S • 406 N 4th, CdA • 208-666-0450 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MULLIGAN’S • 506 Appleway Ave., CdA • (208) 765-3200 x310 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE OBSERVATORY• 15 S Howard • 598-8933 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO • 6425 N Lidgerwood St • 242-8907 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 THE PIN! • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RESERVE • 120 N. Wall • 598-8783 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 TAMARACK • 912 W Sprague • 315-4846 TIMBER GASTRO PUB •1610 E Schneidmiller, Post Falls • 208-262-9593 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 45



Soaring over the roaring Spokane Falls, cozied up in a gondola with your sweetie, you toast each other with wine as the hanging, purple car pauses over the rushing waters. The city of Spokane is once again organizing the popular Wine, Ride & Dine event, which offers a glass of wine to enjoy while riding the park’s SkyRide over the Falls. Cost includes dinner at either Anthony’s or Clinkerdagger, a short walk from the park. Plan a date night, girls’ night or Mother’s Day treat. Wine, Ride & Dine is offered twice a week through May 19, and reservations can be made online. — CHEY SCOTT Wine, Ride & Dine • Wed/Thu through May 19; reservations from 4:30-6 pm • $50-$55/person • Ages 21+ • Riverfront Park • 507 N. Howard • • 625-6200

46 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016



2016 Arbor Day Celebration • Sat, April 30, from 11 am-2 pm • Free • John A. Finch Arboretum • 3404 W. Woodland Blvd. • • 363-5466

EWU Visiting Writers: William Finnegan • Fri, April 29, at 7:30 pm • Free • Auntie’s Bookstore • 402 W. Main • • 838-0206

Spokane is now in its 13th year of recognition as a member of the National Arbor Day Foundation’s “Tree City, USA” program, recognizing the city’s commitment to trees in the community. The John A. Finch Arboretum, host of this year’s local Arbor Day celebration, is home to 65 acres of land and 2,000 trees representing 600 species from around the globe. Saturday’s events welcome kids and adults of all ages to celebrate the trees of Spokane. Featuring activities on tree-care education, guided tours of the arboretum and tips on helping your garden come to life, spend an afternoon at Spokane’s interactive “outdoor classroom” in west Spokane. — MEG MACLEAN

Fresh off his Pulitzer Prize win earlier this month, author and journalist William Finnegan heads to Spokane for a reading as part of Eastern Washington University’s Visiting Writers Series. Finnegan, who received his MFA from the University of Montana, has spent his career reporting hard-hitting stories, nabbing accolades along the way. The latest honor, a Pulitzer in the biography/autobiography category for his adventure memoir Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life, is the figurative icing on the cake for Finnegan’s career thus far. A staff writer for the New Yorker since 1987, he’ll read from his work and answer audience questions at this Friday’s reading. — CHEY SCOTT


Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.




Hollywood’s classiest awards show gets the burlesque treatment on Friday night. While this year’s Oscars stars (Leonardo DiCaprio, Chris Rock, etc.) won’t be in attendance, Spokane’s newly formed La Petite Marquise Burlesque company plans to perform original dance numbers, including musical covers and arrangements, interpreting the stories from 2016’s Oscar-nominated films — everything from the recent Star Wars to The Revenant (yes, the bear attack will be involved in some way). The “For Your Consideration” show features local jazz singer Julia Keefe, recently back from Los Angeles, along with a live band. Our only question: Can print journalists (we’re talking Spotlight here) be sexy? — LAURA JOHNSON

JUNE 3&4, 2016


“For Your Consideration” feat. La Petite Marquise Burlesque • Fri, April 29, at 8 pm • $10/$15 day of • Ages 18+ • The Palomino • 6425 N. Lidgerwood • • 242-8907


This Saturday, audiences can travel to their own sensory world while conductor Morihiko Nakahara directs the Spokane Symphony through musical numbers, during which international cirque performers glide, balance and swing. The music includes great contemporary and veteran pieces, notably “Duel of the Fates” from Star Wars and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67. Both listening and watching experiences unite throughout, and if you haven’t seen a violinist play in midair before, you can expect to here. — CLAIRE STANDAERT




Spokane Symphony SuperPops: Cirque Musica Crescendo • Sat, April 30, at 8 pm • $28-$62 • Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox • 1001 W. Sprague •

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 47





I SAW YOU I-90 SMILES ON 4/18 We exchanged a few smiles on I-90; You: Toyota Corolla; Me: Silver Honda Accord, both headed toward CdA. That smile made my day! Lets get out of our cars and bring on more smiles in person. mfsgr8biz@ YOU LIKED MY SHIRT, AND JEEP I parked my Jeep in front on the Beacon in downtown Coeur d' Alene Monday, to go to Pita Pit. As I was crossing Sherman to go back to my Jeep, you stated that you liked my Hollywood Undead shirt. Feeling shocked that a woman as attractive as yourself was complimenting me out of the blue, I just simply replied "Thanks." I continued walking, when you then promptly also said "I like your Jeep." Again, I just said "Thanks." I felt like a total idiot for not biting, and continuing conversation with you. I thought about all of the clever, witty things I could have said in lieu of "Thanks," but it was too little too late. To the shirt compliment, I should have said, "Thanks, maybe you can wear it sometime," or to the Jeep thing, I should have asked to take you on a ride on the spot. Grr. Lemme call a Mulligan and try again, please! IN MY DREAMS with your thick curly black hair, piercing blue-grey eyes and timid smile. We walked by the Spokane River as you held your daughter in your arms. (She's so beautiful!). You told me, in your soft-spoken voice, about all the glorious things of Heaven as we strolled

along. All I ever wanted was one last conversation with you, and you gave it to me. I wanted to just stay with you and your daughter, but you told me it wasn't time but someday, we would be together once more. You wiped the tears from my eyes. Then you told me that just as you needed someone in your life who cared, there were others just like you who needed me and my care and for me to open my heart to those. Thank you for this last conversation. I will see you on the other side, my dear child. HANDSOME AT THOMAS HAMMER Never thought I'd write one of these...but here it goes. It was the early afternoon on Monday morning. My mother, sister and myself were ordering our coffees at Thomas Hammer when you walked in. You were wearing a purple shirt that complemented your very blue eyes, tall build, and blond hair. You were also with an older gentleman when you walked in. I have to say that both my sister and I found you extremely handsome! Hopefully you see this and know we were thinking about you ;) I was wearing a baseball T, hat, and purple shoes. A RAINY DAY LIMERICK There once was a man on Perry // Who, in his travels, grew weary. // And lest we be bored // He drew out his sword // And watered the sidewalk, all merry.

YOU SAW ME COFFEE I would enjoy coffee but I would ask that you give me a couple of weeks, I am very busy trying to handle a situation. I hope you can understand.

CHEERS FEAR thank you for seeing the truth that my fear was about me. Please forgive me for being so cruel and angry and embarrassing everyone. SAD BUT HAPPY As of June 30 2016, There will be no more wonderful, devoted and dedicated Foster Grandparents working with Spokane's children. Yes we are sad but we are also pleased that we had 14 years giving our utmost attention to the adorable, insightful children that we all had on a daily schedule. Thank you Catholic Charities for administering this program, you are appreciated.

CITY LIGHTS thank you for the show you are the most beautiful when you flash and dance TO THE ONE WITH SO MUCH SELFCONFIDENCE You are an amazing, inspiring individual! You know who you are and wear your colors with pride. You are unashamed of being you and have no regrets. When you told me that even

make excuses when they snap or snarl at other dogs. When we politely ask you to hold your dog, it's not only because we question the demeanor of your pet, it's because we don't want your 1 year old "friendly" puppy to be jumping all over my 14-year-old dog. Would you let your 7-year-old leap up and tug on a 91-yearold? I didn't think so. Please respect the

if you could change one part of your life, you simply wouldn't, I then knew how much true confidence you had in being you. I see nothing but happiness within you and am so happy you finally found it. I know it's now time to spread your wings and fly. I wish you nothing but the best and much success in all your future endeavors. You are so strong with such a beautiful heart. You just keep moving forward; keep walking with that aura of self-confidence; keep being an inspiration to others in the same way you've been an inspiration to me. HERE'S TO KNOWING WHO YOU ARE, wrapping rainbows with a sigh and taking breath away. You've even left me breathless and powerless beneath your spell.

JEERS TRASHY Jeers to the green Lincoln Navigator with a burnt-out driver's side taillight traveling Nevada that thinks the world is their trash can. Hopefully the next time you dispose of your trash out the window, it will be a cop instead of myself. Act like a responsible adult and use a trash can. PLEASE: LEASH YOUR DOG To the dog owners that "walk" their dogs without a collar and/or leash: I know you say your dog is "friendly," and then you

other dog on the leash. NORTH-SOUTH FREEWAY When the Davenport Hotel was sitting rotting away downtown FOR YEARS and came close several times to being torn down, Walt Worthy stepped in to save the day. During the process it was reveled that in the depths of the lower levels PCB's in mass quantities had been released into the ground. This was equipment I believe installed by then Washington Water Power over the years which had come back to haunt the building in a horrifying way. Quietly this issue went away. Now leap forward to 2016 when the Shocking news has been reveled that of all surprises the train yards in Hillyard (named after the bamboozler James J. Hill) have leaked vast quantities of oil and toxic fluids into the direct path of the N & S Freeway. Possibly holding the completion up for 20 years with clean up. You ask what's the difference between the two projects? I propose the difference is in WHO is going to foot and has the "Bill". Powerful people and companies or the perennial fall guy John Q Public? JQP the lay down and kick me guy will probably once again just lay down and be screwed for millions. I mean after all hasn't that been his usual stance when ask to grab his (this means you general public in Spokane) ankles? Hard to imagine you like it so much but silence equals consent. Just think the N & S Freeway won't be built in anyone's lifetime who is




Voted Best Sports Bar

1018 W. Francis * 326.6794 *A 6oz. Certified Angus Beef Top Sirloin Steak with Baked Potato and Garlic Toast. Offer good 5pm-Midnight. ID required. No rain checks. Offer not extended for phone in or to-go orders. Please, no substitutions.

SACRED HEART physicians should be ashamed of themselves Sacred Heart physicians should be ashamed of themselves for reserving all of the best hospital parking spaces for “Physicians Only.” Even cold-hearted bankers leave the best parking for their customers. Grocers, pawn brokers, car dealers, you name it – everybody but physicians possess the humility to give the best spaces to their customers. Could you imagine seeing “bankers only” signs plastered all over a bank branch parking lot? It’s even worse because you have to figure many of their patients are seeing them for painful conditions and could use a break with a closer in parking space. The “physicians only” signs come across like a big middle finger! What a disgrace!!! Show a modicum of empathy for your patients and LEAVE THEM THE CLOSE-IN PARKING!!!!! Sincerely, Grumpy Gout Sufferer. 

NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.


CIGARETTE BUTTS I am sick to death of all of you who think my flower bed in front of our house on Rockwood Blvd is an ashtray. Every day I am out front picking up your nasty trash. Cigarette butts do NOT disintegrate, so stop using my beautiful flower bed to dispose of your trash.

Cigarette butts do NOT disintegrate, so stop using my beautiful flower bed to dispose of your trash.

SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”


over say 20? Sad! AND costly!

11:30 AM to t h 1:30 PM







48 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016



2.0PEN MIC Locals try their best, new material at this weekly open mic, Thursdays from 8-10 pm. Free. The District Bar, 916 W. First. (244-3279) JOSH BLUE Perhaps best known as the comedian who puts the cerebral in Cerebral Palsy, Josh Blue centers much of his self-deprecating act around his disability. April 28, 7:30 pm. $20-$25. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. (318-9998) AFTER DARK A adult-rated version of the Blue Door’s monthly, Friday show. April 29, 10 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. JAY HOLLINGSWORTH The stand-up comedian started in Boston, MA where he was named “Best Comedy Export.” April 29-30 at 8 pm, also Sat. at 10:30 pm. $15-$20. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague.


JUST BETWEEN FRIENDS The spring event offers gently-used infant through juniors clothing, maternity, shoes, books, games, movies, bedroom decor, strollers, toys and more. Sunday is half price day. April 28, 9 am-8 pm, April 30, 9 am-4 pm and May 1, 8 am-1 pm. $5 (Fri/Sat only). Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana. COMMUNITY WORK DAY Hundreds of native saplings need to be planted and fencing erected to protect the trees from deer, elk and moose browsing. Includes a potluck at noon. April 30, 9 am-noon. Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, 26010 S. Smith Rd. PRESIDENT’S LEADERSHIP FORUM Whitworth presents Steve Case, cofounder of AOL and chairman and CEO of Revolution LLC, as the featured speaker for this spring’s President’s Leadership Forum. May 3, 7-9:30 am. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.


WILD & SCENIC FILM FEST The second annual screening event shows 10 short films. April 28, 6-9 pm. $12/$15. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland. APRIL & THE EXTRAORDINARY WORLD Accompanied by her talking cat, a teen embarks on a quest to find her missing parents in 1941 Steampunk Paris. In french with English subtitles on 4/29, in English on 4/30 & 5/1. $4-$7. Panida Theater, 300 N. First, Sandpoint. NATURE CONNECTION FILM EXPERIENCE A two-day film event to transform how you see humans relationship with our world. Full schedule and trailers online. April 29, 7 pm and April 30, noon8 pm. $20/$33. Unity Spiritual Center, 2900 S. Bernard. THE LADY IN THE VAN The true story of the relationship between Alan Bennett and Miss Shepherd, a woman of uncertain origins who ‘temporarily’ parked her van in Bennett’s London driveway and lived there for 15 years. April 29-May 1, show times vary. $3-$6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. CCS INTERNATIONAL FILM FEST: PRIDE Based on a true story, gay activists help miners during their lengthy strike against the National Union of Mineworkers in 1984. May 3, 7:15 pm. $5/public; free/CCS students with ID. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland.


THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA A screening of the silent film accompanied by a new score written by Moscow resident, Dylan Champagne. In place of the original score, a live, 8-piece ensemble performs Champagne’s composition. April 28, 7-9 pm. $10-$20. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. SPOKANE SYMPHONY: LINK UP A concert conducted by Music Director Eckart Preu, featuring a Master of Ceremonies, guest singers and approximately 900 area students in grades 3 through 5. April 28, 7 pm. $5. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. THE LIFE & MUSIC OF PATSY CLINE A concert to benefit the CdA Public Library Foundation, featuring the talents of singer Laura Sable accompanied on the piano by her husband, Bill Wiemuth. April 29, 7 pm. $25. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. REVUE!: A FUNDRAISER FOR STAGE LEFT Hear some of the region’s finest musical theater voices as they share show tunes. Hosted by Troy Nickerson and Abbey Crawford. April 30, 7:30 pm and May 1, 2 pm. $15-$20. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third. (838-9727) SPOKANE SYMPHONY SUPERPOPS: CIRQUE MUSICA CRESCENDO A musical spectacle featuring international Cirque artists performing a symphonic theatrical production in union with the full Spokane Symphony Orchestra. April 30, 8 pm. $28-$62. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200) THE FILHARMONIC LIVE IN CONCERT North Idaho College’s ASNIC Student Events hosts the LA-based A Capella group, which broke through with their performance in the hit movie “Pitch Perfect 2.” In the Lake CDA room of the Student Union Building. May 2, 7-8:30 pm. Free. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. NOW YOU HAS JAZZ Featuring the Hot Club of Spokane, performing live renditions of favorites from the repertoires of Bing Crosby, Mildred Bailey, and Al Rinker. Short documentary clips are also shown with interviews and story telling by family members, musicians, journalists and historians. May 3, 6:30 pm. $15/$50. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln


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A BRIGHT NEW BOISE Samuel D. Hunter’s dark comedy. Through May 8; ThuSat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $20-$24. Modern Theater CdA, 1320 E. Garden. THE FOX ON THE FAIRWAY A fast-paced comedy that recalls the Marx Brothers’ classics, filled with mistaken identities, slamming doors and romantic shenanigans. Through April 30, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $18-$25. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard. RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN’S CINDERELLA See the classic live on stage performed by CdA HS drama students. April 28-30 at 7 pm. $5-$9. CdA High School, 5530 N. 4th St. THE INTERGALACTIC NEMESIS An adventure story set in the 1930s, mashing up comic book and radio play formats into a one-of-a-kind theatrical experience: the live-action graphic novel. $8-$16. April 28, 7:30-9:30 pm. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU Pullman Campus.

uniquely downtow spokanen APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 49




1 5 5 ,0


Females to the Front Companies are creating products for a growing group of consumers: women BY AZARIA PODPLESKY



CALL 325-0634 xt. 215 EMAIL


s the social stigma behind cannabis lessens as more states legalize — or begin the process of legalizing — marijuana, more and more female consumers are making themselves known on both sides of the sales counter.


BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at reports that they’ve seen a 35 percent increase in female visitors in the past two years, and groups like Women Grow, which has nearly 40 chapters across North America, including one in Seattle, have formed to educate and empower women in the

cannabis industry. With this in mind, many companies are catering to this somewhat niche group of cannabis consumers with female-friendly products: some practical, others just for fun. Actress/comedian and medical marijuana advocate Whoopi Goldberg has joined forces with Om Edibles creator Maya Elisabeth to create Whoopi & Maya, a company that offers edibles, tinctures, topicals and a THC-infused bath soak, all designed to relieve the aches and pains of menstruation. Whoopi & Maya ( products are currently available only in California. Another option for those dealing with Aunt Flo is Foria Relief, a vaginal suppository that provides 60 milligrams of THC and 10 mg of CBD per serving for powerful, but not haze-inducing, healing. A four-pack of Foria Relief costs $44 at The California-based company also touts Foria Pleasure, an all-natural “sensual enhancement oil” made of liquid coconut oil and medical cannabis oil.





retail shops, processors, growers and coverage of the region’s LEGAL CANNABIS MARKET. Connect your business with Inlander readers in this annual guide!



50 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

A 10-milliliter spray bottle (contains 150 mg of THC; approximately 15 servings) costs $38, and a 30 ml spray bottle (contains 450 mg THC; approximately 45 servings) will run you $76. Foria is available only in stores in California and Colorado, but products can be ordered online after users become member of the company’s Aphrodite Group. A physician’s cannabis recommendation and a picture ID is required to sign up. On the sillier side of femalegeared marijuana products is Milk Makeup’s Roll + Blot sheets, which are made from unbleached hemp fibers. These sheets ($10 for 100 sheets at milkmakeup. com) pull double duty as both rolling paper and oil blotting sheets. Roll + Blot sheets are available in two designs: solid gray, or gray adorned with the Milk logo and marijuana leaves. Looking for other ways to make your life even more green? Check Etsy. A quick search reveals everything from cannabis bath bombs, hemp body lotion and decorative grinders to cannabis-related nail art stickers, marijuana-leaf-printed bathing suits and marijuana-leaf-shaped cookie cutters. 

10309 E Trent Ave.



WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.



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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

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Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 51


Advice Goddess WhAt You Seethe IS WhAt You Get

My boyfriend of a year used to fly into rages. He and his ex had huge, ugly screaming fights. He now uses “mental tricks” to stay calmer. Obviously, rage is a bad thing, but it’s also a passionate thing. Is it crazy to worry that he doesn’t care enough about me to get really angry? —Fretting


When the cops come to the door, it usually isn’t to say, “Your neighbors called and said they heard you loving each

other really loudly.” Rage isn’t a sign of love; it’s a sign of bad emotion management. Research by doctor and behavioral neuroscientist Emil Coccaro finds that people who are prone to angry outbursts —responding to every slight like somebody just nuked Rhode Island — have exaggerated activity in part of the brain called the amygdala. This is a set of lima bean-sized structures that basically work as a security guard, identifying threats (or potential threats). As neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux explains it, the amygdala makes a “quick and dirty” assessment that danger is afoot — before rational thought can get involved — and releases chemical messengers to get us to leap into action, as in, “DO SOMETHING BEFORE YOU DIE!” But because the amygdala is an evolutionarily ancient structure — one we share with sheep and hamsters — it’s not all that discerning. In fact, it makes a lot of mistakes. That’s because our chances of survival are better if we jump out of our skin at a rustling in the leaves that turns out to be nothing — rather than being all, “Yeah, that could be a deadly poisonous snake, but I’m not letting it get in the way of a good bong hit.” Still, socially, a hypersensitive amygdala can pose problems — like our going all “Kill Bill” on somebody’s ass when they, oh, graze our arm reaching for a coffee lid. Chances are that what your boyfriend has learned to do through these “mental tricks” is redirect his attention from the amygdala to the newer, thinkier “frontal” parts of the brain. Yes, your brain is about as easily fooled as Aida, my 6-pound Chinese crested. The vet holds out a treat in one hand so Aida won’t get hopped up about the other — which is en route to her butt with the same size thermometer they use on the Great Dane. Your boyfriend’s newfound cool is a sign — showing that he gets that rage is to problem-solving as a chain saw is to hangnail eradication. Of course, many people realize that they’re doing something totally counterproductive — and remain all pedal to the metal down Stupid Avenue instead of investing the effort your boyfriend did (and does) to respond differently. As for the notion that his not blowing his top means he doesn’t care about you…right. Nothing says you’ve got the lukewarmies for somebody like treating them with love, patience, and respect instead of giving in to your initial impulse to stab them in the neck with a fork.

Free (ScAred) WIllY

I’m a woman with a high sex drive. My boyfriend and I live a long plane ride apart. Months can go by between visits. On our first day together, he typically has erectile dysfunction. The next day, everything’s good. However, it’s hard to not take the first day personally. After we’re apart for a while, shouldn’t he be raring to go? —Concerned A classic car that’s been garaged for the winter can also be hard to start, but that probably isn’t a sign that you need to lose a few pounds and sex up the undies. Luckily for the car, it just needs a battery jump, not reassurance from the tow truck driver: “You’ve still got it, Impala!” For a man, however, first-day-back jitters can easily turn Mr. Happy into Mr. I Dunno What Happened. This occurs because emotions aren’t just feeling-flavored thoughts; they have physiological underpinnings. Anxiety is a cousin of fear. The same area in the brain — the amygdala — sounds the alarm, chemically messaging your body to prepare it to fight or flee. Your body, in turn, shuts down processes not required for that, like digestion, and diverts blood flow where it’s needed most: to your heart and the large muscles (in your arms and legs) that you’d use to hit back or run. (Sadly, the “third leg” does not count as an actual leg.) The thing is, if your boyfriend doesn’t feel pressured to put on a big show, the show might just happen. On your first day together, tell him that you just want to cuddle and reconnect -- and act like you mean it. Your overriding goal should be making him feel comfortable -- though not the way an ER nurse would, by cutting off his jeans while he’s asleep with a big pair of surgical scissors. n ©2016, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (

52 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

EVENTS | CALENDAR WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE’S AS YOU LIKE IT As adapted and directed by MFA candidate, Vinecia Coleman, this classic script gets a realistic production, sometimes light, sometimes dark. Through May 1, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $5-$15. U. Idaho Hartung Theater, 6th & Stadium Way. FICTION A successful married couple thrive on their candid relationship, but their trust begins to break down when they decide to share their diaries with each other. Through May 22, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $22. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard. (325-2507) GETTING SARA MARRIED StageWest Theatre presents a comedy about an unmarried lawyer, her meddling aunt, a prospective suitor, a special delivery man and an angry girlfriend. Through May 8; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 3 pm. A special Mother’s Day high tea ($30) May 8, 3 pm. $5-$12. Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 639 Elm, Cheney. (234-2441) STAGE TO SCREEN: SKYLIGHT Winner of the 2015 Tony Award for Best Revival of a Play, Bill Nighy and Carey Mulligan feature in David Hare’s Skylight, captured live during the production’s original 2014 London run by National Theatre Live. May 1, 5 pm. $17. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. (227-7404) DISNEY’S NEWSIES Based on true events, the show tells the captivating story of a band of underdogs who become unlikely heroes when they stand up to the most powerful men in NYC. May 3-8; show times vary. $32-$155. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. ONE-ACT PLAY FESTIVAL Four nights of student directed short plays, presented by University of Idaho Theatre Arts. May 3-6, 7:30 pm. Free/UI students; $10/

public. The Forge Theater, 404 Sweet Ave., Moscow. (208-885-6465) EVITA U-Drama performs one of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s best, most tightly composed scores. April 28-May 7, ThuSat at 7:30 pm. $12-$14. University High School, 12320 E. 32nd Ave. (228-5240)


FRESHEN YOUR WORLD Pacific Flyway’s spring show features the fused glass art work of Teresa Peluso-Antosyn, and whimsical, colorful art of Gina Corkery. Through May 31, with an artist meetand-greet May 5, from 5-7 pm. Gallery open daily, 10 am-5 pm. Free. Pacific Flyway Gallery, 409 S. Dishman Mica. ART IN BLOOM The garden-themed art show celebrates the forgotten holiday May Day and features a variety of 2and 3-D mediums, including items for use outdoors and indoors. Through May 29; opening reception May 1, 1-3 pm. Gallery open Thu-Sun, 10 am-6 pm. Free. Dahmen Barn, 419 N. Park Way., Uniontown. SOCIAL SKETCH CDA Spend a casual evening being creative through sketch, drawing, collaborating and socializing, while listening to open music night in the Emerge gallery. Held every first Sunday, from 6-8 pm. $5 suggested donation. Emerge, 208 N. Fourth St. (208-818-3342)


EWU VISITING WRITERS: WILLIAM FINNEGAN The recent Pulitzer Price winner has been a contributor to the New Yorker since 1984 and a staff writer since 1987. April 29, 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main. getlitfestival.

org/visiting-writers (838-0206) SPACEX CO-FOUNDER TOM MUELLER The UI alumnus serves as the 23rd Annual Engineering Design EXPO honorary chair and keynote speaker. In the Bruce M. Pittman Center. April 29, 2:30 pm. Free and open to the public. University of Idaho, 709 S Deakin St. (208-885-6111) SPOKANE POETRY SLAM SPECIAL EVENT Auntie’s hosts an all-day celebration for Independent Bookstore Day, and in conjunction Spokane Poetry Slam is also running a fully-sanctioned poetry slam. April 30, 6:30-9:30 pm. $5 to compete. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main. BOOTSLAM FEATURING WIL GIBSON Nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Gibson has a long history of winning slams. May 1, 7-10 pm. $5 to compete/watch. Boots Bakery & Lounge, 24 W. Main Ave. AUTHOR CARMEN AGRA DEEDY The author of 10 children’s books and host of the four-time Emmy-winning children’s program, “Love That Book!” on NPR, Deedy speaks on creating global learners and world citizens. May 2, 6:30 pm. $10/adults; free/kids 5-18. St. George’s School, 2929 W. Waikiki. TAPROOT SPEAKER SERIES: TOD MARSHALL Spokane cultural and community leaders entertain audiences with the story of how they came to do what they do today. May’s speaker is Washington Poet Laureate Tod Marshall. May 3, 7-9 pm. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. (279-0299) KYRS PRESENTS: AMY GOODMAN A live event with the award-winning journalist, author, and the host of Democracy Now! May 4, 7-9 pm. $10-$15. Lewis & Clark High School, 521 W. Fourth Ave. n

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Guthire Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Clinic has been serving Spokane since 2001. We’re looking for entry level and experienced 38. “____-ching!” “hallelujah” massage therapists to join our team. This opportunity includes us 39. “Wait, what? You don’t like puns OR 65. Santa ____ Valley (winegrowing credentialing you with insurance companies, world geography ... ____!” valley) fully equipped and stocked46.massage existing and new patients, and a receptionist President, at rooms, times 47. Deface to fill your schedule. Join the team. DOWN

1. Show support 5. Red as ____ 10. Budgetary concern 14. Car, slangily 15. Mythological maiden 16. Nike competitor 17. ____ vez (again, in Spanish) 18. Slightest amount 19. Flat fee? 20. “A puzzle that uses the names of African countries in punny ways ... ____?” 23. Plant with a bitter root 24. It’s the end of the lion 25. Two-time All-Pro linebacker Umenyiora 26. Some sweaters 30. “Puns! And world geography! Why, this puzzle ... ____!” 36. Adjective in many rap star names 37. Scene

48. “That’s ____ haven’t heard” 50. One-named singerresume who is said Fax your today1. Three, to it’s509-327-8182 alphabetically first in “The 2. Art shop offering Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits” 3. “What ____!” (“Bummer!”) 54. “Well, I happen to have a soft spot 4. Mossy wetland for both geography and puns ... 5. Willa Cather title heroine ____?” 6. Talking Heads singer David 57. It’s out on a limb 7. Some online reading 58. Zellweger of “Chicago” 8. Center of Florida? 59. Gulf State leader 9. Stand-up routine in a stadium? 60. Poet Angelou 10. Spreader of holiday cheer 61. Forearm bone-related 11. Pizzeria fixture 62. Word that follows asteroid, black 12. Perform on “The Voice,” say or conveyor 13. Pic on a pec, perhaps 63. Spend the night 21. “____ or charge?” 64. Word sung twice before 22. Bath residue

27. ____ beans (chickpeas) 28. Madeline of “Blazing Saddles” 29. Kind of party 30. “____ It” (2006 Young Jeezy single) 31. Buster Brown’s dog

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____ Demon” 41. Keep from 42. It’s not wall-to-wall 43. Mental pictures 44. He called some of his pieces “hand-painted dream photographs” 45. Not get out of the car, say 49. 1964 Beatles tune “If ____” THIS W 50. Toward the back A NSWE EEK’S 51. Arabian Peninsula country I SAW RS ON 52. Miss by ____ YOUS 53. Enterprise rival “AFRICA” 54. Pitcher Jim who was a 16-time Gold Glove 32. Thin strip winner 33. Catch, as a criminal 55. Four-time Best New Age Album Grammy 34. Suffix with orange or lemon winner 35. ____ choy 40. 2001 National Book Award winner “The 56. ____ occasion (never) 57. Maritime letters

APRIL 28, 2016 INLANDER 53

Scenes from East Sprague: Landscaping and yardwork were just part of the “Cleaning from the Corridor” efforts.

So Fresh, So Clean Hundreds of volunteers give East Sprague a spring makeover BY DAN NAILEN


p and down East Sprague Avenue on a drizzly, overcast Saturday morning, clusters of volunteers gathered every half-block or so for the community spring “Cleaning from the Corridor,” their matching, bright-colored T-shirts a marker of the company or nonprofit they were representing: bright red for the “Cougs in the Community,” bright yellow for the “Rebuilding Together” crew and so forth. Not all groups were so marked. The Spokane Preservation Advocates used a folding sandwich board propped just off the sidewalk, announcing their annual effort at preserving a cool building. On this day, they’re swinging hammers through and prying at the corners of a cheesy, ’80s-era building façade to reveal the original brick underneath at a building at 1720 E. Sprague, between the Checkerboard Bar and Vien Dong restaurant. Around the corner, a group of local Mormon kids and missionaries work at reclaiming a jungle of a yard on the corner of Napa Street and East First Avenue, their distinct, church-issued nametags taking the place of a signature T to indicate that they’re working together. The past few years, this day of scrubbing and refurbishing was known as “Cleaning from the Core” and

54 INLANDER APRIL 28, 2016

focused on downtown Spokane between Riverfront Park and I-90, according to Alicia Powell, community program coordinator for the city’s Office of Neighborhood Services. She helped pull together and coordinate everyone from the firemen clearing out trash in some off-Sprague alleys to artists and volunteers painting murals on storage containers. That was Mayor David Condon’s first project of the day with his kids, he said, as he strolled up Sprague solo in a sweatshirt around 10 am. After dropping them at home, he returned to work on the community garden a bit. Down the sidewalk, sign artist Michael Ruby led some volunteers filling in the outline he put on the side of the Boyd-Walker Sewing Machine building, an artistic representation of the history of sewing. “I made patterns like a big coloring book,” Ruby says, using pencil and paper to work out the scene before putting the outline on the bricks in advance of the brushwielding volunteers’ arrival. Ruby will return later to add shading and detail to the new piece, after the volunteer day and rainstorms have passed. There’s a lot of energy in the neighborhood this


morning, and a palpable sense of community. Different squadrons of volunteers do work that could make a difference for years to come on this stretch of road that some cynics derisively call “Hookerville,” despite concerted efforts to change the face of the neighborhood. Ruby has worked off and on in the neighborhood since the ’80s and opened his own shop, the Sign Art Studio, a year ago on the corner of Riverside and Madelia Street. “It’s changed so much in just the last year,” he notes, and mostly for the better. Nearby, Kathy Derting, a regional property manager for real-estate management company Greystar, is one of the volunteers tackling an Extreme Makeover-level overhaul of a house on East First Avenue, a project involving 12 different sponsors who sent teams and materials to fix the plumbing and electrical systems, do landscaping and fix a precariously loose porch roof over the front door. This house is a microcosm of the larger Cleaning from the Corridor project, with volunteers from Greystar, the national nonprofit Rebuilding Together and the Washington Multi-Family Housing Association partnering with a number of other groups to make one family’s home a whole lot better off, an effort that will reflect well on the surrounding homes and streets as well. “These homeowners love their homes and want to stay in their homes,” says Rebuilding Together’s Victoria O’Banion. “Some of the repairs they need are just out of their reach.” Thanks to efforts like the collective one Saturday on East Sprague, the vision many have of a thriving, beautiful historic neighborhood is a couple of steps closer to being within grasp. n




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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.