Inlander 05/14/2015

Page 1


How Spokane schools are responding to five suicides PAGE 20


Why one woman insists on opening doors for men PAGE 62



, Chuck Lawrence s final free ride will take more than a pound of flesh

by mitch ryals


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2 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

INSIDE MAY 14-20, 2015 | VOL. 22, NO. 30


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52 54 56 58 60 61 62


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Jack Nisbet’s latest book tells surprising stories of the Inland Northwest PAGE 29

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Mad Max: Fury Road will restore your faith in action movies PAGE 42


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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 3


Gonzaga’s Elle Tinkle at March’s NCAA women’s tournament.


Pat Devereaux If Pat Devereaux and his crew have done their job right, you’ll never have a reason to think of them. They’re the stagehands: the men and women who transform the Arena into the unique space you see at each production. For large shows, as many as 100 of them, all part-timers, will arrive at the Arena on the morning of the event to set up. Depending on the production, they have to deal with huge variations in scale and design. But the precision, safety and efficiency required by their job brings a certain amount of consistency. “Rigging at the Arena is pretty much rigging,” Devereaux says, “whether you’re doing a Marvel show, a rodeo or a circus.” Devereaux has been in the business for the better part of five decades; he was the stage manager at the Coliseum for 15 years before the Arena was built. He’s seen a lot of changes in that time: “The shows are so much bigger, and the crew sizes are so much larger. You’ll have an opening act with a full 53-foot semi, and you’ve got to get that on and offstage in a timely manner. Most people now are looking for the spectacle of the show — how high the fire goes.” Yet all that spectacle is meticulously arranged by Devereaux and his colleagues. “If the talent starts talking about us,” he laughs, “we’ve done something wrong.”


NCAA Hoops in Spokane By 1997, just two years after its grand opening, the Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena had already shown it was more than capable of hosting large-scale collegiate events. The NCAA Division I Women’s Volleyball Championship in December of that year set all-time attendance records. John David Wicker, associate athletic director at Washington State University at the time, says that this early success impressed NCAA officials and gave organizers in Spokane the confidence to bid for more tournaments. “Everybody thought, ‘OK, if we can do this, we can host the men’s or women’s basketball tournament.’” That ambition was realized just four years later, when the Arena (with WSU as host) was chosen as a regional site for the 2001 NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Championship. The NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship followed in 2003. “We had a sold-out building,” says Wicker. “WSU staff, the Arena staff and our partner hotels all did a phenomenal job running the tournament. The NCAA was extremely happy with what we did.” The Arena and partners next bid for the NCAA men’s tournament in 2007. That tournament, and the women’s regional tournament the following year, went so smoothly that the Arena was almost unaware of its own success. “The point where we knew we’d arrived was when the NCAA put out an RFP [request for proposals] to bid for another two years of hosting,” recalls Wicker, who is now with San Diego State. “We didn’t put a bid in because we thought it was too soon. They actually called us and asked us to put a bid in.” That bid scored the Arena the 2010 men’s tournament and also led to firstand second-round women’s basketball there in 2011. The women’s regionals returned to the Arena again in 2013 and 2015. “A very big reason that this venue was built was to entice the NCAA to bring their world-class events to Spokane,” says Matt Gibson, the Arena’s general manager. “We work tirelessly with our partners to make those events successful, and that’s why the NCAA keeps returning here.” NEXT TIME: Measuring the economic impact of the Spokane Arena.


Christmas Day 1995 brought a unique holiday treat to the Arena: Beauty and the Beast. It was the first Disney on Ice show to come to Spokane. While the characters keep changing — November’s upcoming eight-performance run will feature Frozen — Feld Entertainment, the company that produces Disney on Ice as well as Marvel Universe Live!, has brought the show to Spokane every year since.


The new Arena just kept drawing hot acts and sellout crowds. Reba McEntire and Brooks & Dunn took the stage on Nov. 20, 1997 for a marathon evening of country music; they returned on Dec. 4 the following year for a nearly four-hour show. Neil Diamond gave them a run for their money with his 27-song set on Aug. 17, 1999, closing with a three-song encore.

Watch this space every second Thursday of 2015 to learn the story of your Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena. THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY THE INLANDER


THIS MONTH: Spokane Shock vs. San Jose, May 16; Marvel Universe Live!, June 4-7

COMMENT STAFF DIRECTORY PHONE: 509-325-0634 Ted S. McGregor Jr. (



J. Jeremy McGregor (x224) GENERAL MANAGER

EDITORIAL Jacob H. Fries (x261) EDITOR

Mike Bookey (x279) CULTURE EDITOR

ERIX BAUTISTA No, but my brother has. He used to take the train to school up in Rock Island, Illinois. I’d rather take a bus because I’ve ridden buses before, so I’m comfortable doing that. Or I’d rather fly, because it’s cool to be up in the air.

Chris Bovey (x248) ART DIRECTOR


Lael Henterley (x282), Dan Nailen (x239), Mitch Ryals (x237), Jake Thomas (x249), Daniel Walters (x263) STAFF WRITERS

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Laura Johnson (x250) Chey Scott (x225) LISTINGS EDITOR

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CLAUDIA CROSS I rode a train once when I was just a tyke from New York to Almira. My mother and I were coming to join my father. I remember they had a dining car and a sleeping compartment, and I think I really enjoyed it, but that was the only time I’ve been on a train.


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Amy Alkon, Marjorie Baumgartne, Jordy Byrd, Rachel Dolezal, E.J. Iannelli, MaryAnn Johanson, Jo Miller, George Nethercutt, Ben Salmon, Carrie Scozzaro CONTRIBUTORS

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SARA BURNS Last time I was on a train I was going to Seattle, and a tree fell down on the tracks. The whole train had no power and it was freezing cold for hours until they came and cut the tree off the tracks. But I prefer the Greyhound because I smoke, and it stops a bunch on the way.

OPERATIONS Dee Ann Cook (x211)


I went to Europe about 10 years ago and rode the bullet trains over there. Those things are amazing, really comfortable. It’s weird to sit down, have Internet connection for your laptop, and you’re on this train going 120 mph. You just get there in no time, and you go ‘Wow! Why don’t we have these in the U.S?’ I was very impressed.


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PHILLIP SMITH One spring break while I was going to Spokane Community College, I took the train to Portland to visit my sister. I don’t like to ride on planes because I lost two friends to plane rides, so I don’t trust them. That was the first and only time I rode a train, but I liked it.



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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 5


Presidential Litmus Test


With the presidential election upon us, here are some age-old virtues for voters to think about as they consider the candidates

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6 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015



tarting now and running through 2016, Americans will be searching for qualities in candidates that would make for a good president. Serious consequences will follow if voters choose incorrectly. There are many legitimate presidential candidates now available for voter consideration. With an underperforming American economy, international developments in disarray, consumer confidence faltering and citizens disgusted with political dishonesty, candidates have high standards to reach if they are to receive broad support. Here are some time-tested traits, assuming that each candidate possesses the requisite intelligence, recognized leadership and a strong work ethic that may help voters sift through the field and arrive at a reasoned choice for 21st century leadership. HUMILITY A lifestyle of service without selfexaltation is rare in candidates, but the combination is a necessary trait for which to strive in this next election. Candidates must know themselves well and show confidence in their public policy beliefs. Yet presidential candidates who genuinely convey heartfelt commitments to human struggles will generate followers and demonstrate a humble nature, in spite of their natural self-assurance. Americans are hungry for a leader who can effectively wed compassion with humility. AUTHENTICITY Getting what we see in major candidates is a modern political necessity. Political campaigns are scripted so that we rarely get to “know” the candidate who seeks our vote. Public debates are usually a series of sound bites or broad platitudes. We often only see the images (through TV ads) the candidates or their teams want us to see. When we don’t get the leader we expected, approval ratings drop and the political system is diminished. Authenticity and political transparency generate trust and can reverse the trend. COMPASSION Deeply caring for people and their circumstances means a candidate has keen insights into their problems and would work for effective policy solutions. Even though President Franklin Roosevelt was a wealthy, accomplished New York blue blood, his common touch helped him lead America through the Great Depression and on to victory in World War II. He sensed what was good for both the common man and our whole nation. Deep caring is instinctive, but can also result from broad experience. HONOR One who lives an honorable life, free of deception, possesses a trait that marks a good leader for greatness, for only when leaders are trustworthy can they fully expect broad support. Citizens should only elect candidates whom they trust, because an untrustworthy candidate often

becomes an untrustworthy leader. HOPE Leaders must inspire hope in those they lead and encourage others to greatness. If citizens conclude that their leaders do not share their hopes for a better world, they’ll have little to strive for. Hope is inspirational and aspirational. If acted upon by leaders, it can truly motivate. A hopeless people soon become a hopeless nation, with leaders lacking enthusiasm that leads to leadership stagnation, with neither patience nor kindness. Citizens can tell when leaders aren’t committed to the greater good or the issues at hand. PATIENCE True leadership in a political setting demands patience. Few leaders accomplish their policy objectives immediately. Work and patience eventually persuade other leaders to follow a preferred public policy course. The American government’s constitutional system expects and requires patience. President Abraham Lincoln withstood a long Civil War, showing extraordinary patience accompanied by kindness and perseverance. Had he been impatient, a broken, irreparable nation may have resulted. Since the American system is generally not built for speed, a presidential leader’s patience is essential — not only to keep pursuing sound policy objectives, but to patiently tolerate and work to resolve policy objections. FAITH Belief in community, in unity, in people — and their goodness — is essential. Any leader who doesn’t love the nation led is unworthy of leadership. Citizens need to know that their leaders love America and want to make it better. Believing in a nation’s people, their goodness and self-interest in the communities they form and the possibilities they represent, means a leader is equipped to be a nation’s unapologetic standardbearer: reliable in times of stress; proud, without being arrogant, in times of triumph; and always recognizing the hard work of others. WISDOM It usually comes with age and experience. It leads to statesmanship and reassures all who deal with America, engendering confidence and success.


or the sake of America’s future, each voter must examine the 2016 presidential candidates with caution and discernment. In our examination, are we finding humility, genuineness, compassion, honor, hope, patience, faith and wisdom? America deserves no less in its next president. n


A Healthier Way to Cleaner Carpets

The Pines of Home BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.

S�ap Free


ad a great chat with local author Jack Nisbet the other day about his new book (see page 29). For a photo, I told Chris Bovey, our art director, that one idea could be to get Jack’s picture in front of his favorite ponderosa pine. His favorite? Yeah, Jack’s the kind of guy who, I was sure, would have a favorite ponderosa. “Yeah, I’ve got a couple,” Jack laughed when I asked him about it. I know, talking ponderosa pines — pretty nerdy stuff. But I have a favorite, too, right on the upper, natural part of Lincoln Park, just as you walk around the south leg of the loop. It’s tall, perfectly symmetrical and bursting with sharp, green needles in every direction. To me, it’s a symbol of the Inland Northwest — a little prickly, sure, but built to survive ice, heat, even wildfire. Jack brought up a 350-year-old specimen he likes on the High Drive bluff, and that got me remembering the bluff, and being a kid and how cool it was to have that escape just a few blocks from my lower South Hill home — hiking down the hillside, checking out the giant anthills, wandering along Hangman Creek for hours. Lincoln Park, near where my wife and I lived for our first decade back in Spokane, is special, too. We loved walking Jake, our lab, up on top. He could never resist a jump in the pond. That beautiful parcel, with amazing views, was donated to Spokane by the Huttons, who lived just down on 17th. Now it’s a park we all enjoy. I put my name in for consideration to join the Spokane Park Board recently, and that got the memories flowing — playing on the swings with my grandma Alice at Coeur d’Alene Park in Browne’s Addition, climbing up the basalt faces of Cliff Park, ice skating at Cannon Hill, trying (unsuccessfully) to catch turtles on the edge of the pond at Manito Park. Then, for the past couple of years, working along with a group of fellow citizens to envision the next chapter in Riverfront Park. I was confirmed as a volunteer member of the Park Board this week. I will keep this work separate from my day job here at the Inlander, and I thank my staff, and my partner and brother Jer, for allowing me to devote this time to our city. To me, the mission is profound. I’m excited to join with fellow citizens already serving on the board, especially to help follow through on the vision for Riverfront Park that our community has embraced. n

This photograph is for illustrative purposes only. It is not recommended that babies be allowed to chew on any product container.

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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 7

COMMENT | COMMUNITY professional interactions. Like a runaway child, we think we know what’s best and are cut off in our scenic isolation from the ideas and issues affecting our neighbors, nation and world. We get parented at times by outside experts who come to speak, including Lateefah Simon, Bryan Stevenson and Glenn Harris. We feel chastised, convicted and sorry, but can’t quite find a way to fit their wisdom into our shortsighted systems or popularity agendas. Their words fade and we return to the habit patterns of infighting and out-grouping. What we need more than ever in Spokane is to cultivate a culture of support for each other. We crave greater degrees of compassion in our workplaces and social net-

“Mother’s Day has reminded us that life is precious, and in our best or worst moments we are capable of showing care.”


A Culture of Support The season is ripe for compassionate change BY RACHEL DOLEZAL


estled between the Rocky Mountains and the Palouse wheatfields, Spokane is charming, scenic and idyllic. With the dawning of warmer weather, our minds shift to hiking trails, fishing expeditions, rock-climbing adventures and biking routes. But the Inland Northwest’s outdoorsy charm comes at a cost, with trade-offs of cultural isolation, prolific poverty and carnivorous politics. We seem to struggle with supporting each other across group lines, even in the social justice and nonprofit

circles. A small difference of opinion or misstep can result in years of alienation, withdrawn funding and unresolved tension. Recovery from major blunders is impossible. The way we treat each other sometimes reminds me of circular arguments with my teenage sons, at the age when the smallest things seem so monstrously huge and hormones impede the sense of reason. Love is hopefully under the self-absorbed surface somewhere, but is expressed sparingly. Sibling rivalries, harsh words spoken carelessly and a heavy focus on appearance and social image are all typical of juvenile behavior. As a population, Spokane is too often juvenile in its politics and less-than-

working circles, compassion that extends not only to our favorite people but to the job applicant who might not “fit in,” the opposing political candidate, the new neighbor — or an old neighbor we never liked. We are all humans, and are one cell mutation away from cancer, one careless turn away from a life-changing or life-ending accident. Mother’s Day has reminded us that life is precious, and in our best or worst moments we are capable of showing care. Our leaders deserve compassion, as do all the citizens they serve. Cultivating a meaningful culture of support isn’t a passive process. It requires standing with victims against injustice, speaking out about our experiences to break the isolation of other voices, recognizing needs and caring enough to do the small, human things like bringing someone soup, flowers or coffee. Our compassion must also extend further, to fixing the broken institutional factors creating poverty, sickness and stress, because the success of others is ultimately our own measure of achievement. Spokane is too special for self-destructive behaviors and half-reached goals. May we, like Maya Angelou, make it our mission to not only survive, “but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.” n Rachel Dolezal, formerly of the Human Rights Education Institute in Coeur d’Alene, is president of NAACP Spokane and teaches courses in Africana history and culture at area universities.

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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 9


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10 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015


DIRTY CARGO THREATS hanks for printing Paul Dillon’s comment “On a Roll” (5/7/15) showing


that the recently announced federal safety reforms do little to protect Spokane against the danger of oil trains. I also live close to the BNSF rail lines, so I can watch the oil and coal trains pass by on their way to the coast each day. And I am likely in the blast zone if an oil train would burst into flame near me, so I fear for my safety as well as that of the rest of Spokane, and the forests and water and other people all the way from the Dakotas to the coast. LETTERS Just thickening the walls of the Send comments to tank cars or talking to the ers along the route is not enough to solve the problem. The volatility threshold for the oil loaded onto the tank cars has to be addressed and lowered so that these trains are no longer moving bomb cars. But another issue of concern is that we have even more coal trains going through Spokane than oil trains. Coal trains are shown to destabilize rail lines. These uncovered trains can lose up to 500 pounds of coal, per car, in their travel from mine to coast. And there are 100 or more cars for each train. This coal dust acts like a lubricant on rails and the rail bed, and leads to more derailments. Our regulators need to consider the whole picture, which includes proposals to increase our rail traffic to over double what it is now just for dirty and dangerous coal and oil. If both coal export terminals proposed in Washington state are built, nearly 100 million tons of coal would be exported to Asia annually. Individually, these projects would be the largest coal export terminals in North America. People are in danger from the mine to the port, as we see from ongoing reports of train derailments and fires. We need to let our state and federal leaders know that we are unwilling to live with this continual threat of being engulfed in flames. We need to lessen and ultimately end our need for fossil fuel energy. We need to actively support conservation and all efforts at building renewable energy sources. PAULINE DRUFFEL Spokane, Wash.

Reactions to “Priced Out,” (5/7/15) on the struggles of some Spokane residents who are paying more than half their income on rent.

MELISSA BASTA: $450 is pretty much as cheap as it gets in Spokane. In fact, I’m surprised she found something that cheap downtown. She could possibly qualify for housing assistance through SNAP; that would definitely be something to look at. STEVE BAKER: I failed to plan properly for my retirement also, so my wife and I are moving to her home country where the cost of living is much lower, so we can make ends meet on Social Security. NICHOLE HURTADO: Living in San Diego now from Spokane… I sure do miss rent prices in Spokane, and the amount of house/apartment and yard you can get with renting up there. APRIL DAWNN: Hopefully she [story subject Maggie Lankford] can get help with her medical bill so her wages won’t be garnished. As a single parent myself, it’s scary knowing that missing work with a sick kid, then getting sick as well, can be extremely stressful when it comes to paying bills. 

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 11

12 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015


Hierarchy of Needs Spokane experiments with Housing First programs BY LAEL HENTERLY

The apartment at Father Bach Haven Home has given Larry Hankins time to put his life back together. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

enee Shelton knows what it’s like to be cold, lonely and out of options. She rocks back and forth ever so slightly as she sits at the kitchen table in her one-bedroom apartment at Father Bach Haven Home, her face bathed in the soft glow of an antique lamp. Here amid her ceramic cats, family photos, large-eyed dolls and carouselhorse tchotchkes, she can finally relax. “Three years ago I was in such hardship,” says Shelton, 53, who moved to Spokane from Cheney to live with her daughter and help with the grandkids and the bills. Then her daughter got into Section 8 housing and there was no room for Shelton. She went to stay at a motel, where she was spending $698 of her $733 Social Security disability check each month to rent a dank, tiny, bedbuginfested room. “I moved in with just a suitcase on my back. Now all this is mine,” says Shelton, gesturing around the tidy one-bedroom apartment. Traditionally, homeless people were required to deal with their addictions and other issues before social services would help them transition into long-term housing. Housing First programs take the opposite approach, placing people in stable housing, then giving them the tools to tackle their other issues, should they so choose. The model is catching on from Seattle to Salt Lake City, and it appears to work. Utah adopted the Housing First approach in 2005, and by 2014 the homeless population had shrunk by nearly 75 percent. “Just by stabilizing a person’s housing situation, we’re finding that the impacts you can have on a person’s life are significant,” says city spokesman Brian Coddington. There are 51 apartments at Father Bach Haven. Residents pay 30 percent of their income in rent; if they have no income they pay zero. The project was financed through tax credits and a grant from the Washington State Housing Finance Commission. Volunteers of America, Catholic Charities and the City of Spokane aim to expand on the program’s early success. Last fall, Catholic Charities and the VOA opened the 21-unit Collins Apartments, and they’ll break ground on another 100-unit Housing First project later this month. It should open by December 2016. The city is contributing $1.2 million to the new building following the success of a pilot program that studied six units of housing in 2014, says Coddington. For the city, Housing First is as much about smart financial planning as it is about charity. Over time, the model is saving ...continued on next page

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 13

NEWS | HOUSING “HIERARCHY OF NEEDS,” CONTINUED... money. Homelessness is expensive. Shelters, emergency room visits, trips to jail and 911 calls add up. “These units housed individuals who had a history of chronic homelessness and high reliance on emergency services,” says Coddington. “The results were impressive, showing an average savings in medical and emergency services of over $5,200 per month for each individual housed. By supporting additional low-barrier housing units in our community, we are not just saving money, we are supporting a higher quality of life for Spokane’s most vulnerable citizens.”


ith the help of the VOA and Catholic Charities, the city and county hope to move every chronically homeless person into long-term housing by 2019. “The goal is to literally house all the homeless people in Spokane County. They’ll build one a year until there’s enough permanent housing to house everyone,” says Catholic Charities Social Services Coordinator Connie Birdtail. This isn’t Spokane’s first stab at an ambitious plan to end homelessness. In 2005, county and city officials announced the Road Home, a 10-year plan to end homelessness. In 2009 the plan was revised, rolling forward the end date to 2019. With 1,030 homeless people counted in Spokane County as of Jan. 29, Spokane missed the revised 2015 goal — reducing the homeless number below 800 — by a long shot, but figures are trending in the right direction. Still, the transition into long-term, supportive housing can be difficult for the chronically homeless. One Father Bach Haven resident had been on the streets for 16 years. “When they’ve been homeless less than a year, they

14 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

Renee Shelton has reconnected with her family since moving into her own apartment. still have hope,” says Birdtail. “After five, six, seven years, though, it’s a whole different ball of wax.” Nonetheless, most residents have embraced the opportunity; 45 percent of Father Bach Haven tenants have


regained their footing and moved on. Only three tenants have returned to homelessness, all due to drug addiction and an aversion to the highly supervised community environment.

“Illegal drugs are never allowed anywhere in Spokane,” says Catholic Charities Associate Director for Seniors & Housing Monique Kolonko. “But we don’t ask. The bottom line of Housing First is that people don’t have to be clean or sober to get in.”


arry Hankins’ Father Bach Haven apartment is decorated to the nines. Red, green and white taper candles extend from brass candlesticks. Potted coleus, spider plant and ivy crowd the window ledge and the kitchen countertop. “I can’t stand walls that have nothin’ on them,” says Hankins, gesturing to the framed photos of his many nieces hanging on the walls, punctuated by the occasional plaque reading “passion” or “home.” Home means a lot to Hankins, mostly because he knows what it is not to have one. Hankins was homeless for a year and a half. After refinancing his home so he could remodel his kitchen, his house payment went from $500 to $1,200 per month, and before he knew it he was underwater. He lost the house and ended up on the streets. “It was just kind of like a domino effect,” says Hankins. “God only knows where I would be if it weren’t for this place.” Hankins remembers being elated when he received the keys to his new apartment. “I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that would ever happen,” Hankins says. Still, he hopes he won’t be here in five years. Apartment living isn’t really his style, and he misses having a yard and gardens. Renee Shelton also hopes to move on one day. For now, though, she is relieved to have the luxury of not spending each day worrying where she will sleep at night. “Oh, and I was in heaven,” says Shelton, laughing at the memory of the day she moved in. “I got my own bed, that’s not infested.” n

Summer Guide Issue







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AUG 13



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NAACP Spokane Treasurer Dorothy Webster (right) and NAACP Spokane President and Inlander commentator Rachel Dolezal are helping to bring the national justice movement known as Moral Mondays to Spokane. For the next five Mondays, NAACP Spokane will host forum discussions at the Community Building to address five “game-changer issues” facing people of color: economic sustainability, voting rights and political representation, education, health equality and criminal justice. The discussions will appear on NAACP Spokane’s YouTube channel.


FLIGHTY NEWS | During the “sweeps” period for local TV stations, where ratings are watched most closely, KHQ broadcast a story speculating about “CHEMTRAILS.” Scientists, the EPA, NASA and the Air Force will tell you they’re “contrails,” the result of condensed water vapor freezing around aircraft exhaust. But KHQ talked to some other guys, who will tell you they’re “chemtrails” — poison dumped from the sky for nefarious purposes. KHQ gave the bulk of the story over to these chemtrail conspiracy theorists and only interviewed one actual expert (a local meteorologist) toward the end of the story. (DANIEL WALTERS)

16 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

RIGHT TURN | Former Republican state Rep. JOHN AHERN will challenge Spokane Council President BEN STUCKART in his re-election bid, and Councilman MIKE FAGAN (pictured) will seek another term. Ahern, an 80-year-old who served 10 years in Olympia, has filed papers to challenge Stuckart as head of the city’s legislative body. If elected, he says he’ll place a moratorium on the sale and production of marijuana and reverse an ordinance that prohibits city employees from inquiring about people’s immigration status. Fagan, currently the council’s most conservative member, will face RANDY RAMOS, a recruiter with the Spokane Tribal College. (JAKE THOMAS)


“We don’t typically see fires in May and we don’t typically see them burning so hot,” says Forest Service spokesman Franklin Pemberton. But with minimal snow in the mountains this year — most of what did fall has already melted — and an ongoing drought, the hillside was ripe for an inferno ahead of schedule. Normally, snow and rain flatten the grass against the ground, minimizing oxygen flow and making it act less like kindling when exposed to flame. Barring a very rainy June, officials say, the Colville National Forest and other forests around Idaho, Oregon and Washington are in for a wild fire season. (LAEL HENTERLY)

Good Old Boys? Allegations swirl around Todd Mielke’s county CEO aspirations; plus, fire season kicks off ‘ABUSED HIS POSITION’

On Monday, former Spokane County Commissioner Bonnie Mager sent a letter to the county prosecutor asking the selection process for Spokane County’s CEO be investigated for ETHICAL VIOLATIONS and violations of Washington’s open meetings act. Her sights are set on her one-time colleague Commissioner Todd Mielke, who is one of two finalists for the CEO position. In her letter, Mager suggests that to become the county’s CEO, Mielke has demonstrated a “pattern of actions that are unethical” and “violated state law and abused his position” to benefit himself, outgoing CEO Marshall Farnell and Commissioner Al French. Mager mounted an unsuccessful primary challenge last year against French, one of the two commissioners who will make the final decision on who to hire as CEO. She repeats longtime speculation that Mielke wanted to replace Farnell, but needed to delay Farnell’s retirement until Mielke could get his MBA degree completed. The thinking goes that former City Councilwoman Nancy McLaughlin, Mager says, would replace Mielke on the commission. Mager points out that Farnell got a $33,000 raise in 2012, despite his interest in retiring. Mielke has confirmed he pushed for Farnell to stick

around longer, but both he and Farnell have denied there was any sort of coordinated plan in place. Mielke says there’s no process officially required for filling the CEO position, but he advocated for one. “I’m kind of amazed that I don’t seem to be getting any credit for suggesting the other two commissioners create a process,” he says in a text message. This is not the first controversy the hiring process has run into. Before being replaced, two of the hiring committee members drew fire for having given campaign contributions to Mielke. And Center for Justice’s Rick Eichstaedt has filed a public records request, investigating whether the initial hiring process that pared 84 applicants down to two violated open meeting laws. (DANIEL WALTERS)


The U.S. Forest Service is gearing up for a busy summer EXTINGUISHING FIRES as the first fire of the season — the Hungry Hill fire, ignited when a logging helicopter crashed in the Colville National Forest May 7 — rages on. Fifty people from the agency were in Stevens County battling the 85-acre blaze.


The city of Spokane has released its most recent quarterly PERFORMANCE MEASURES that track how well it’s meeting its goals for 22 different government functions that range from accounting to wastewater management. The performance measures can be found at and they include an interactive features that shows users if the city is meeting or falling short of its goals. Spokane Mayor David Condon, speaking at a press briefing earlier this week, said the city routinely uses data to determine how resources are best used. He pointed to response time from the Fire Department as a particular success, with 90 percent of structure fires being responded to with a fire engine within 8 1/2 minutes. He also noted that the city was coming close to meeting other goals. For instance, he pointed out that Neighborhood Services and Code Enforcement was getting close to meeting its goal of how quickly complaints are addressed. “When people call the city, they want a response that’s timely, so we’ve really tried to get it under two days,” Condon says. (JAKE THOMAS)

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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 17



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The Davenport Grand Hotel is set to open next month. The hotel’s owner wants the city to pay for certain cleanup as promised.

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Promises and Payments A deal struck by the mayor and an influential hotelier may come undone after city council raises legal questions BY JAKE THOMAS

Danica Wixom

innovative ART exhibits

18 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

children’s activities, music & more

Mayor’s Award for the Arts Friday, 7:00pm Regional Theater of the Palouse


pokane hotel magnate Walt Worthy thinks it’s a good deal, and he’d offer it to just about anybody else. He’s spent millions to build the 716-room Davenport Grand Hotel in downtown Spokane, which he says will generate tens of millions of dollars in economic activity and taxes after opening next month. In return, he wants $318,000 that he says the city promised him to cover the cost to clean up the contaminated site where the hotel has been built. Mayor David Condon thinks it’s a good deal too. But it still needs to be approved by Spokane City Council, a prospect that has become increasingly uncertain. Council President Ben Stuckart, who has had an antagonistic relationship with Condon, says the mayor made the deal without adequately consulting the city’s legislative body. Now Stuckart is questioning whether the agreement would violate a portion of the Washington State Constitution that bars local governments from giving public money to private companies and individuals. The deal with Worthy, the owner of four upscale hotels in Spokane, is imperiled; city council,

which recently secured its own independent legal counsel, has cast doubt on whether he’ll be paid the promised money.


n July of 2013, the city began discussions with Worthy concerning a project intended to bolster Spokane’s economy. The Public Facilities District was planning an expansion of its Convention Center that would attract bigger conventions, whose attendees would bring out-oftown money to the economy. But for the plan to work, it needed a bigger hotel to accommodate the influx of visitors. Initially reluctant to build the hotel, Worthy asked the Condon administration for incentives. The administration responded with a 2013 memo that outlined a list of potential sweeteners, including $362,000 in fee waivers, $1 million in streetscape improvements and $2 million for environmental remediation for the polluted land the hotel would be built upon. “I just wanted some assurance that I wasn’t buying a pig in a poke,” says Worthy of the incentives for taking responsibility for the polluted land. In 2013, Worthy purchased the property

for the hotel from the Public Facilities District for $6.6 million. The sale agreement relieved the district of any responsibility to clean up pollution at the property. Now the Convention Center expansion is complete, the hotel is preparing to open its doors to its first guests next month and Worthy is still waiting for city council to approve his payment for cleaning up the property. He says the cleanup was accomplished Walt Worthy YOUNG KWAK for $318,000, a fraction of the initially expected $2 million. City council, says Worthy, should approve the payment because “it’s just the right thing to do.” Some city council members doesn’t see it that way. “If you want people on the plane when you land, you should have them on the plane when you take off,” says Stuckart. The council president and other councilmembers say Condon didn’t get the council’s buy-in on the deal, and Stuckart hasn’t seen any documentation for the environmental remediation for which he’s expected to approve payment. “I just have a lot of legal concerns about the proposal,” says Councilwoman Amber Waldref. “I’m calling it a ‘proposal’ because it was never approved by the people who pay the bills.” In March, the council unexpectedly was presented with a bill from Worthy for the cleanup of the property. Initially, a reluctant Stuckart agreed to ask council to pay for it. But last week, Stuckart reversed course, asking both the City Attorney’s Office and Brian McClatchey, the council’s recently hired independent counsel, to examine whether making the $318,000 payment to Worthy would violate a provision of the Washington State Constitution that prohibits local governments from directly giving individuals or private companies public money (unless it’s to support the “poor and infirm”). Condon says that city council was apprised of the possible incentives early on, and points to statements made by Stuckart and other councilmembers indicating enthusiasm for the project and a desire to swiftly strike a deal with Worthy. “This is normal due course for any of these agreements the city has had with a multitude of organizations,” says Condon, who adds that paying for the cleanup of the polluted property is in the public interest because it’s near the river and the aquifer. Gavin Cooley, the city’s chief financial officer, says the City Attorney’s Office cleared the legality of the payment for environmental cleanup before it was offered to Worthy. According to Cooley, the land was previously owned by the city before it was sold to the Public Facilities District in 2004. Both the city and the PFD, says Cooley, could be held liable for pollution at the property. Because the city is paying to relieve itself of this liability, says Cooley, it doesn’t violate the state constitution’s ban on giving money to private individuals. The payment for the remediation will easily be recovered with new tax revenues, says Cooley, who points to a financial analysis that found that the hotel will generate at least $483,000 in sales tax for the city every six months.


tuckart and other members of city council say the administration still hasn’t provided them with a legal justification for directing $318,000 to Worthy. If the council’s lawyer determines that the payment violates the constitution, Stuckart says it will require even more scrutiny before it comes up for a vote for council — if it does at all. “This is the citizens’ money, and I do understand the benefits of this project,” says Stuckart. “But when you are using public money, you have to be very careful.”’ Despite the uncertainty surrounding the prospect of not getting paid for the environmental remediation, Worthy remains unworried. “Let’s just say that I fully expect them to honor their commitment,” says Worthy. “There’s no question in my mind.” 



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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 19


Rogers High School Principal Lori Wyborney was shaken by last week’s suicide, but is proud of the way her students have responded. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Deaths in the Family

Students, teachers and administrators are grieving after five suicides in Spokane Public Schools — and uniting to find a solution BY DANIEL WALTERS


endy Bleecker was four minutes from work last week when she got a call on her Bluetooth. “At that moment, you get a phone call, everything on your schedule drops,” says Bleecker, director of Student Support Services for Spokane Public Schools. “You know that you’re going to be late to something, and it doesn’t matter anymore.” A student at Rogers High School had committed suicide on May 2. It was the fifth suicide in the district during this school year. The day before, Superintendent Shelley Redinger had posted an open Facebook message on the district page: “These recent losses should make us all aware of the threads that bind us together in our interactions with our students every minute of every day.” On a Friday at the end of April, a district crisis team was grappling with the suicide of a girl at Lewis and Clark High School in the morning, and the suicide of a boy at Ferris High School in the afternoon. In the past six months, two Shadle Park High School students also killed themselves.

20 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

by this. And we have dozens of extra counselors here, to assist us as students process this.” Seeing the empty chair where their classmate once sat can be especially difficult. A counselor follows the class schedule of the suicide victim, ready to assist struggling students. Rogers students who needed to leave class to go talk to a counselor were escorted by student leaders. “We don’t let kids walk down by themselves,” Wyborney says. “That’s how they end up crying in a corner.”

SUICIDE IN A DIGITAL AGE The sudden barrage of suicides — all of which appear to be unconnected — has left parents, students and staff reeling. It’s also caused the community, searching for answers and grasping for solutions, to draw closer together.


When a student dies, whether from an accident, a suicide or an illness, the district’s crisis teams — consisting of counselors, therapists, psychologists, nurses and administrators — respond. In the most recent case, district psychologist Dave Crump contacted Frontier Behavioral Health to bring a mental health professional directly to Rogers. By 9 am, the entire team was in place. “We knew that there had been a number of other kids who’ve experienced suicide in their families,” Bleecker says. “And we also know there were kids expressing suicidal thoughts previous to this.” An email went out to teachers. “I prepared a statement for them to read to students,” Rogers Principal Lori Wyborney says. “Basically, we lost a student over the weekend, and we’re really saddened

In the aftermath of a student suicide, the school district faces a number of dilemmas: How do they balance sharing accurate information with student privacy? How do they honor the student’s life without glorifying their death? At Shadle, students gathered around sheets of butcher paper in the auditorium, writing messages and memories to be delivered to the parent of the deceased. Some students have wanted to create more extensive memorials. “At one of the schools the kids were upset that we wouldn’t let them decorate lockers,” Crump says. “And the kids didn’t understand that.” The district worries about “contagion” — that the attention and grief surrounding one student suicide can trigger another. It’s why the local news media has been comparatively silent about the suicides. But these students don’t get their news from TV or the daily newspaper. They get it from each other, through Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. The walls that separate one school from another no longer exist. North Central is the one traditional high


Pushing Prevention Talking about suicide is key after a string of deaths at local high schools The school district’s crisis teams act quickly to provide counseling after student deaths. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO school in the district that has not had a suicide this year: But even North Central students have felt the sting. NC junior Zanna Mika says she was Facebook friends with every single one of the district’s students who committed suicide. Mika would be in class and the news of another suicide would pop up on her phone. She’d be “heartbroken,” unable to concentrate for the rest of the day. False rumors abounded. But in many ways, the district is handcuffed, unable to freely counter the rumors. They want to follow privacy laws and be sensitive to grieving parents. And the district is careful to wait for the medical examiner before calling a death a suicide. “Some of us are wrestling culturally, as a district and a larger community, with what is an appropriate level of response,” Community Relations Director Kevin Morrison says. Technology can complicate things. In March, a gossip app called Burnbook wreaked social havoc on Spokane’s high schools, as students lobbed cruel, anonymous barbs. When a post appeared on Burnbook with an anonymous suicide threat, North Central — the Shadle suicides fresh in the school’s mind — banned students from leaving campus during lunch for two days. Social media can serve another role: The moment the district hears of a student death, Morrison begins digging through social media. He looks for clues to help explain the tragedy. In these cases, such explanations have remained elusive. On Facebook, parents have wondered if bullying played a role, but the district has no evidence to suggest that any of the students were bullied. Morrison combs through photo captions and comment threads, making a list of the close friends of the deceased, to forward to counselors. “Who’s around this person?” Morrison investigates. “We know statistically those students are going to be very vulnerable.”


The crisis team members, too, are vulnerable. Even Crump, who’s been a clinical psychologist for decades, feels the weight of a year like this. “I go home and I hug my kids more. And I’m more grateful,” Crump says. “And to be honest with you, I’ve shed my tears.” Many of them are parents, and they imagine what it would be like to lose one of their kids. When Wyborney, the Rogers principal, went home at the end of that terrible day, she

made a point to talk to her 18-year old son. “Seriously, son, we need to know where you’re at,” she told him. “If you’re so upset, and no one is hearing you, we need to hear that.” In 2008, two suicides devastated the Rogers student body. There was “an anxiety level in the school that was like fingernails on a chalkboard,” Wyborney says. The worst fights she’d ever seen broke out. All that preexisting trauma, the feelings of fear, anxiety and depression, were brought to light. This year is different. “Our students are responding in a more caring manner,” Wyborney says. “We had a lot of students come down and say, ‘I think this student’s in trouble, I think you need to talk to them.’ We’ve been able to intervene with students we might not have seen.”


Join district officials, local experts and other community members to discuss suicide prevention: • Wed, May 13: The Community School gym, 7 pm • Wed, May 20: On Track Academy, 5 pm; Lewis and Clark auditorium, 7 pm • Wed, May 27: Rogers auditorium, 7 pm • Tue, June 2, Ferris auditorium, 7 pm On an evening at the end of April, 200 students, staff and community members gathered in the North Central auditorium. Parents who’d lost a child to suicide stood up and shared their stories. Crump and outside mental health experts talked about how to spot warning signs, ask the right questions and find community resources. Similar forums will be held later this month at other high schools. This year, there’s a desire for reform. “I hope the district will pay for more counselors,” Wyborney says. “I need mental health [workers]. I need social workers. I need community advocates.” The district is considering teaching more about suicide prevention. Already, North Central is recruiting 30 students to take part in a “Youth Mental Health First Aid Training” pilot. Those students will learn the basics of mental health, communication tools and the best way to intervene in a crisis. After all, when it comes to stopping suicide, it’s the students who know the students best. As North Central Principal Steve Fisk says: “I think it’s really fair to say that students are right now on the front line.” n



mericans have trouble talking about death. Suicide, even more so. But preventing suicide begins with talking about it; knowing what to look for and initiating those tough conversations with loved ones when they’re acting strange or seem unusually sad. When is it time to ask if someone is contemplating killing themselves? If someone seems depressed. If they frequently complain of physical pain. If they stop participating in things they enjoy. If they are giving away prized possessions. “Look for significant changes in personality or attitude,” says Sabrina Votava, Spokane Area Field Coordinator for the Youth Suicide Prevention Program. “You know the people you care about, and when they’re acting weird, investigate what’s going on.” Often, we’re scared to ask, scared to touch on the taboo topic of suicide, like the mere mention might conjure it into existence. We shouldn’t be, though. “Asking ‘Are you having thoughts of suicide?’ is not going to put the idea in someone’s head,” says Votava. It matters how you ask, however. “Don’t shut down the conversation by using judgmental language,” says Frontier Behavioral Health Director of Crisis Response Staci Cornwell. Asking, “You’re not thinking about suicide, are you?” adds judgment and tends to elicit a “no” response. “Ask openly. You don’t have to feel comfortable,” says Votava. And if the answer is yes? Then there are professionals available who have experience dealing with this sort of thing. Frontier Behavioral Health’s services are free and available 24 hours a day. As Spokane schools increase counseling resources and host community forums, Canadian mental health researcher Ian Colman says it is important that these efforts continue in coming months and years. “We followed the kids every two

years, and we found that if they had had a suicide in their school, they are more likely to be thinking about suicide two years later,” says Colman. Locking up guns and prescription medications can help, too. Last year, 54 of the 91 suicides in Spokane County involved a firearm, according to the medical examiner’s office. For her part, Votava went to work in suicide prevention after two of her brothers took their own lives over the span of six months. “Twelve years ago we did not know about ‘contagion,’” says Votava. “We just weren’t aware. Now we know everyone has a part they can play. By being aware and getting past concerns about not wanting to make it worse, or uncomfortable, or awkward.” Suicide is contagious, especially among teens. Stories spread through high school hallways and shrines, and


First Call for Help: 509-838-4428 National Suicide Prevention Line: 1-800-273-8255 memorials and social media posts romanticize death, often making the deceased seem larger in death than they were in life. In his research, Colman examined more than 22,000 teens and found that those who had lost a peer to suicide were more likely to experience suicidal thoughts and ideations. It’s not just the students closest to the person who committed suicide who are at risk, either, Colman says. School- and community-wide programs are essential. In Spokane, schools and mental health workers are echoing this model, striving to reach out to the entire community. It appears to be working — teens are talking. In April, 200 teens called the Frontier Behavioral Health crisis line. That’s twice as many as in a typical month. Just one week into May, the line already had received 100 calls. n

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 21

After years of train hopping, Chuck Lawrence wants to go home. , It won t be that simple by mitch ryals 22 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

Chuck Lawrence is breaking , Rule No. 1: Don t get too drunk. You can’t really blame him. He’s been sleeping under a bridge in Missoula, a second coat wrapped around him like a blanket. Under his head is a backpack with all his worldly possessions: ramen noodles, a pocket knife, an old watch, a weed pipe, a can opener, bottled water and copies of his birth certificate and Social Security card. He’s come to Montana looking for work, hoping to earn a quick buck to buy a proper bus ticket home to Minnesota. At 39, he’s tired of this life, hitchhiking and hopping trains, town to town, circling the country counterclockwise for the past 20 years. “The hell with this,” he tells himself. “I’m goin’ home.” He buys a bottle of Skol vodka at a corner store. Vodka’s not usually his drink — he prefers beer — but it’s going to be a long haul home, and vodka lasts longer. He takes a pull from the bottle and waits in the shadows of the Missoula train yard. He scans the tracks for rail cops, known by train hoppers simply as “bulls.” Gusts of wind whip at his scruffy face as the sun dips below the horizon. When his train finally pulls in hours later, it’s already too late: He’s half shitfaced. Chuck staggers toward the hulking steel box, as he’s done countless times before, and hoists himself onto a grain car near the front of the train — his second mistake. He settles in for the ride with the twang of country music beating through his earbuds. The train kicks to life with a jerk, and he’s on his way. Or so he thinks. Unbeknownst to Chuck, this particular train is headed west to Spokane. He finishes the last of the vodka and shoves the empty bottle into his pack.

Propped against an inside wall, he snuggles into his Carhartt jacket and pulls his stocking cap low. He drifts off to the train’s hypnotic rumble. Things will be better in the morning. Suddenly, he’s jolted awake. Braking hard just east of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe yard in Spokane Valley, the train flings Chuck, face first, toward the tracks below. His backpack explodes against the ground as he lands with a thud. His left leg doesn’t clear the track. Like a dull table saw, the train rips off his leg just above the knee. It’s quick, but it isn’t clean. Blood spurts from his mangled stump as Chuck writhes on the ground, screaming. Rolling on rock and in his own blood, Chuck’s mind flutters in and out of darkness as he peers down at his nub, the wrong train continuing west without him.

Exploring the West As long as there have been trains, people like Chuck Lawrence have been hopping them. In the early 1880s, 44,016 miles of track ran throughout the United States, but only 1,124 miles of that reached the Pacific Northwest. By the end of the decade, that number jumped to more than 6,000. Huge railroads — the Union Pacific, Northern Pacific and Great Northern — raced to pound their rails deeper into the West, profiting from the burgeoning transcontinental trade. During that time, Spokane exploded into a major thoroughfare on the way to the coast. In 1880, Spokane’s population was a mere 350. After the Northern Pacific railroad passed through the city in 1883, linking it to Minneapolis and Seattle, its population boomed — past 19,000 by 1890. “The network of tracks… created the new ‘Inland Empire’ of agriculture, mining and logging all linked to the rapidly growing city of Spokane,” writes Carlos Schwantes, a University of Missouri-St. Louis professor, in his book Railroad Signatures Across the Pacific Northwest. When the Great Depression hit, those rails carried more than freight and paying customers. The promise of work lured desperate men — and boys — to the West, and more than a quarter of a million came by hopping freight trains. During that time, rail cops mostly turned a blind eye and took pity on the illegal riders in search of jobs. ...continued on next page

COV E R STO RY | T RA I N H O P P I N G “DERAILED,” CONTINUED... Although train hopping was, and still is, very dangerous — there have been nine deaths on BNSF railways in Washington state so far this year — the early “hobo” lifestyle was romanticized as a free and easy, live-in-the-moment existence in books, movies and songs such as Woody Guthrie’s “Hobo’s Lullaby,” Hank Williams’ “Ramblin’ Man” and Harry McClintock’s “Big Rock Candy Mountain.” The glamorized portrayal of “hobos” persisted through the 1940s, ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, but the attitude toward train riders shifted, as did the riders themselves. Burlington Northern Sante Fe spokesman Gus Melonas, who began his career in 1976 as a track inspector, remembers hobos of the 1970s regularly roaming through train yards, though they weren’t the down-and-out types from decades ago. He still recalls talking to one man who was a Syracuse University professor “just out for a summer ride.” “They weren’t the hippie, stoner types,” Melonas says. “They were either the older, established hobos, or the thrill seekers.” Ted Conover, known for his narrative nonfiction books, is one example of those “academic hobos.” His first book, Rolling Nowhere: Riding the Rails with America’s Hoboes, took him through a circuit around the western United States. In the preface to a 2001 reprinting of the book, Conover writes of the changes to freight cars and the sentiment toward transients since his journey in 1980. He notes an increase in intermodal transportation, where container boxes from ships and truck trailers are loaded directly onto newer freight cars that offer less protection and hiding. “But probably the worst thing for modern hobo life has been America’s prosperity,” Conover writes. “If train crews are a little less helpful to the guys they find in their yards, it may be because when they look at them they don’t see themselves, dispossessed, but rather recreational riders or a newer wave of … punks, radical environmentalists and other disaffected youth.” Lisa Schaffer, a former bull in Seattle’s rail yard during the early ’90s, still remembers two young girls she pulled off a train. She guesses they were 14 or 15. They wore layers of dirty clothing and were accompanied by a much older man armed with weapons. “They were runaways. They just decided it was a good idea that day

24 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

to hop a train and get out of town,” she says. “It’s something I’ve always remembered, and it’s bothered me that there was nothing [more] I could do.” Railroads still house runaways and those who refuse to conform to the societal norms of suburbia and the 9-to-5 grind. Freeload, a 2014 documentary, follows a gang of teens and 20-somethings as they jump trains, dive through dumpsters and get drunk under bridges across America. and, modern-day train hoppers can stay connected with each other, ask for and offer rides and tell others about their experiences. Some post pictures to Instagram, and a cursory scan of Reddit reveals a wealth of insider tips and warnings. After all, one slip, and you’re hamburger. Chuck Lawrence was always independent, remembers Patrick

Once, when a kid in school starts picking on a classmate who can’t defend himself, Chuck steps in and pummels the bully in the parking lot, Patrick says. He has a penchant for helping those who can’t help themselves, though he refuses to accept the same courtesy from anyone else. “He would fight anybody, anywhere, anytime,” Patrick says of his 5-foot-8 friend. “He’s the toughest guy I know.” Neither of them finish high school. Patrick needs a job to sup-

SKRAPPe (pronounced Scrappy), a modern-day hobo with greasy black hair and a bull ring in his nose, tells the filmmakers he’ll never give up his life on the road. “Who the f--- is gonna hire me?” he asks. “There ain’t no job I can get. The road is my job. Holding a sign is my job. Riding trains is my job.” Technology hasn’t escaped the 21st century hobo either. Thanks to sites like,

Kordiak, Chuck’s best childhood friend. The two meet in sixth grade in the mellow suburban town of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, and stay friends until high school. Chuck has an I’ll-do-it-myself attitude and is the kind of guy who’d give you the shirt off his back, Patrick says. Every morning before school, Chuck walks to Patrick’s house a few blocks away to wake him up. While Patrick gets ready, Chuck sits and visits with his mom over coffee.

port a newborn baby, and a 16-yearold Chuck puts all his energy into starting a moving company with a relative. Chuck also starts hanging out with a different crowd — druggie types, Patrick guesses. Their friendship begins to fade. Chuck’s family moving company expands over the next three years. They start with one 24-foot-long truck and add employees and at least one more truck each year. Chuck is making $700 a week before tips.

Home and away

But when he’s 19 or 20, it falls apart. He’s fighting with his parents, fed up with threats of being kicked out, so he quits his good-paying job and leaves Minnesota for the first time in his life. He buys a bus ticket to Nashville because he loves country music. Naturally, he wants to be a country singer. He has a few tryouts, but it goes nowhere. He gets some work at a fast-food restaurant and spends his money on beer watching others play music. Tootsies and Legends Corner,

over crystal-clear water, breathtaking sunsets and more stars than you could ever see in Nashville. They also teach Chuck the right way to ride trains. There are things you need to do, and stuff you need to bring: • Don’t forget the beer. You might want to get buzzed for the long rides, but you’ll still need your wits about you. • Ride on the back of the train. If you fall off, you won’t get run over. Plus, there’s less wind, and

addiction,” he’d say — and not just on the adrenaline surge that comes with eluding the bulls and sucking the fresh air that heaves past the train. The things he sees chugging across bridges hundreds of feet high and through mountains untouched by roads will give him goosebumps. Alligators in secluded Mississippi swamps, bright golden Kansas wheat fields swaying in the wind like ocean waves, water like perfect mirrors reflecting the scenery above. Chuck begins traveling in a

If he doesn’t like a city along the way, he leaves. If he finds good work or a party, he stays until it runs out, or until the itch for the road grows too strong. He works as a landscaper and a mover, but most of his experience is in restaurants. He does everything from fry cook at Del Taco and Burger King to prep work at white-linen restaurants where you’d better have a reservation. The last time Patrick sees Chuck is 10 years ago when he returns to Minnesota. Patrick offers to help get Chuck a job, but he refuses, saying he can do it on his own. Chuck doesn’t figure to stay long anyway. “He said he loved being on the road,” Patrick recalls, “and that he couldn’t see himself doing anything else.”

Travel companions

Deadly Decisions Modern-day hobos stay connected via the Internet, sharing tips, stories and photos like these captured by train-hopping photographer Molly Steele, who shares her work on Instagram. Find a Vine video of her travels at

two famous honky-tonks, are his favorites. He finds himself camping under a bridge with a group of older men. One in particular, Julio, a well-known homeless man with a long ponytail, shows him the ropes. Soon, Julio and the boys are bragging about the places they’ve been, the people they’ve met, while hopping trains. All night, over beers, the men rave about the beauty of the Western countryside — mountains, bridges

From 1980 through 2012, trespassing deaths on railroads throughout the country have fluctuated between about 390 and 550 per year, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. BNSF spokesman Gus Melonas says there have been nine deaths on Washington state’s BNSF railways so far this year, including a 17-year-old girl killed last

you’ll be able to jump off before the train stops in the yard. • Hold on tight. Trains make sudden stops and jerk constantly. It’s easy to get thrown off. • Be quiet. Bulls are cracking down on train jumpers. Even stepping foot in a train yard is considered criminal trespassing. • Always carry ramen noodles. Always. Chuck is immediately hooked — “I guess you could call it an

weekend in Western Washington. According to Operation Lifesaver, a railway safety organization, trespassing deaths and injuries on railroads nationwide have increased by 10 percent from 2013 to 2014, jumping from 863 to 945. Of those 945 cases in 2014, 526 resulted in death, an increase of about 22 percent from 2013.

circle, counterclockwise around the country. West through the Dakotas, stopping for supplies (water, food, beer, smokes), onward to Spokane, to Portland, down into California, hitching along the Pacific Coast Highway, where ocean bashes into cliffs. He’d hang a left into Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana. By the time he gets to Florida it’s usually summer, and he heads north to Minnesota and checks in with his mother.

Chuck usually travels alone, but then he meets Laura. She has fair skin, red hair and a rockin’ body. She’s a farm girl who’d never been out of Minnesota, and she wears nerdy farm-girl outfits — ugly glasses, plaid and overalls. Chuck will later say, “She didn’t know she was pretty. Like the country song.” They meet about 12 years ago in Minnesota, while he’s taking a break from his nomadic life to save up some cash and spend time with his mom. He works at Arby’s, and Laura lives in the apartment complex across the street. One day, Laura is walking outside, and she bends over to pick something up. Chuck gives her the “whoo-hoo!” from the drivethrough window. Insulted, Laura storms into the Arby’s to berate whoever just whistled at her. Chuck confesses and says he meant no harm. Those pants just looked good on her. He tells her his birthday is coming up and asks her to join him for dinner when he gets off work. Laura agrees, and as Chuck tells her of his adventures on the road, she finds herself growing more interested in the mysterious rover who works the Arby’s drive-through. After dinner she invites him back to her place for a nightcap. The two end up dating, and just as Julio had done for Chuck, he plants the seed for Laura. His tales of riding the rails enthrall her, and the road seems like a good escape from the issues she’s having with her family. The first train they hop together is an oil tanker heading toward Iowa. Unlike grainers or gondola cars, there’s nowhere to hide on an oil ...continued on next page

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 25


Chuck Lawrence passes the time in his hospital reliving the past 20 years of hitchhiking and hopping trains. A skin graft taken from his right thigh was used to treat his severed limb. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO INSET: A yearbook picture, dated 1993, showing him as a high school sophomore.

“DERAILED,” CONTINUED... tanker, and the couple gets kicked off somewhere in a cornfield. They hoof it to the nearest road, where a farmer gives them a lift to the highway. The next train takes them through South Dakota, Montana and Idaho, and eventually they end up in Washington. They hitchhike through Oregon and into California, following the same route down Highway 101 to State Route 1 that Chuck has carved several times before. As the couple hitchhikes down the coastline, Laura is in awe. It’s her first time seeing the ocean. The months wear on, her pale skin turns bronze and the sun highlights her hair. Chuck’s Minnesota girl-nextdoor transforms into a West Coast

26 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

hottie. When they stop along the coast, Chuck drinks beer while Laura reads. They survive by flying a sign that reads “Hungry Hitchhikers” and eating ramen noodles and tuna. On the trains at night, the vagabonds snuggle beneath a king-sized comforter and make love under the stars. It takes about a year for Chuck and Laura to reach Florida, and they talk of settling down. He wants a job and a life and a cute little kid running around. So they hitchhike up through Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa and back home to Minnesota, where they stay with Chuck’s mom. But as the euphoria of the road

fades, Chuck gets restless. He starts drinking more. He and Laura fight too much. Soon after they split up, she gets pregnant by a guy who skips town. She comes looking for Chuck, wanting to get back together. He refuses and returns to the road. Chuck’s story of Laura will end there: “So that was the end of her.”

Recovery room Now Chuck Lawrence spends his days wheeling around an in-patient rehab center in Spokane, an upgrade from his hospital bed at Sacred Heart Medical Center, where the only things he had to look forward to were the next doses of his pain meds

and more bland hospital food. He has trouble sleeping at night. The nerves in his severed thigh fire constantly, and between bites of pizza shared with a reporter, he reaches down and touches the sheets where his left leg should be. “I can feel my toes,” he says. “I’m wiggling them right now.” He’s learning to use a walker during daily physical therapy sessions — Medicaid is picking up the tab — but after rehab, he’s on his own. He’s not sure what comes next. He had wanted to return home, reconcile with family, maybe start his own. For now, he’s stuck in Spokane. “I have no idea why I’m not hamburger. ... But things happen for

a reason.” Over the course of eight conversations for this story, Chuck recounts everything. Leaving Minnesota, pissed at his family. Learning his mom had died while he was out on the road. Laura. Patrick Kordiak. The first time he saw the ocean cliffs along State Route 1. The road and tracks and adventure. “I’m getting goosebumps right now just thinking about the things I’ve seen on a train,” he says. “The first 10 years were fun. I worked with a lot of great chefs, and I’ve seen and done a lot of things. The next five or so, it got old. I needed to slow down, and you’re catchin’ me at the end of getting sick and tired of doing this shit. This is the result of me not slowing down soon enough.” Chuck doesn’t remember the trip to the hospital, just that last moment of being ejected from the train, hearing a loud snap! and staring at the mutilated remains of his leg. It takes almost two hours for help to arrive. Conductors on two different trains radio the bulls to report a man lying on the side of the tracks. One of the conductors reports seeing body parts strewn across the tracks just beyond where the man lay, according to the police report. BNSF Special Agent Pete Seymour searches for almost an hour after the first call at 8:30 am on April 5, but can’t find anyone. The second call comes in at 9:51, and Seymour calls for backup. He finally finds Chuck near the dirt access road, just south of the tracks. The train had dragged his bloody boot and parts of his leg farther down the rails. Seymour finds them, along with a “sizable fragment of flesh,” according to the report. The sweet smell of alcohol drifts from the pools of thick blood. “I need help” are the only words Chuck can muster when Seymour finds him writhing on the dirt and rock. n

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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 27

28 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

Kicking Rocks

Jack Nisbet’s latest book, Ancient Places, tells surprising stories of the Inland Northwest, from its smallest insects to its biggest personalities BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.


pokane writer Jack Nisbet sees the little things — the things all around us that most of us don’t take the time to consider. Ants, for example — there’s an entire chapter in his new book, Ancient Places, about the mysterious genius of ants. “There’s so much to explore right here,” Nisbet says of his policy of keeping his subject matter all within a day’s drive of his South Hill home. Or magpies — just the mention of the misunderstood bird launches a spirited discussion about why they’re so hated, almost like wolves. But no, that’s not in this book — he’s not quite done with that subject yet. Maybe it’ll make his next book. How about that icon of all things Inland Northwesty, the ubiquitous ponderosa pine? Well, did you know, as he writes in Ancient Places, that “the thick outer bark that glows like a ruddy sunburn… supposedly marks the passing of the trees’ first century”? I love the fact that somebody knows this stuff. When I bring it up, he adds that he and a friend boretested a particularly ruddy specimen along the High Drive bluff. Age: 350 years. As Aristotle, the original student of nature, put it, “In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.” Through Nisbet’s eyes, there’s wonder all around us. The name of Nisbet’s book, Ancient Places, is taken from the obtuse, religious Francis Thompson poem, The Kingdom of God: “Angels keep their ancient places / Turn but a stone, and start a wing!” Wow, that’s deep — maybe too deep for me to follow. So I ask Nisbet what the line means to him. “When I kick rocks,” he says with a chuckle, “stuff comes out.” ...continued on next page

Jack Nisbet: “I guess I’ve always been looking for different ways to reveal the landscape.” YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 29


1001 West Sprague Ave. • 509-624-1200

In his chapter about Wes Wehr, the eccentric founder of the Stonerose Interpretive Center in Republic, Nisbet writes that Wehr “followed the European Enlightenment tradition… that any understanding of the larger world required not only close examination of its smallest motes, but also a steady awareness of their place in time.” In that line, it’s as if Nisbet has written the job description for the career he has carved out for himself: Kicking rocks and studying whatever motes float up into view.


etting here was no straight path. Nisbet was born along the line that splits North and South Carolina, around the Catawba River. Two of his aunts were writers; he was given an old fruit box filled with the work of one after she died — kind of Dorothea Langeesque, Depression-era vignettes of life in the rural South. His mom was a chemist and loved bugs. But she died while he was in high school, and he was looking to move away even in his teens. “I grew up in a racist world,” Nisbet says matter-of-factly. “It was ugly. I wanted to get away from it.” Acceptance to Stanford University was his ticket, and learning from the great Wallace Stegner added the inspiration — Nisbet especially identified with Stegner’s memoir, Wolf Willow. He graduated with an English degree in 1971 and wound up in northeastern Washington, where a classmate’s dad had some murky mining claims. Soon Nisbet was working construction, driving tractors and starting to take notice of the mountains, the streams and the people. He became a columnist for the newspaper in

Chewelah — a 10-year run that created the raw material for his book Purple Flat Top. “In fact,” Nisbet says, “I view Purple Flat Top, Visible Bones and Ancient Places as a kind of trilogy.” His big break came in 1994, when he finally sold — after 10 rejections — Sources of the River, one of the best books about the Great Northwest. Telling the tale of fur trapper David Thompson, whose fingerprints are all over our region, Nisbet worked on the book for nearly a decade. Since ’94, he and his wife Claire have lived in Spokane, where they raised two kids. Today, Nisbet works on his stories, teaches kids all over the Inland Northwest about local history and publishes new books at a steady clip.


’ve had the pleasure of working with Jack for many years now; we’ve published his work here in the Inlander from time to time, and it’s always been fun kicking rocks with him. I feel like Ancient Places is a great introduction to the way his mind works — it jumps around a little bit but stays true to those big themes of his. Nature is central in each of the 10 chapters, for sure, but it’s the people he profiles who add depth and color to the big picture. There’s Byron Riblet, who helped solve the problem of getting remote stashes of dolomite to the World War I effort by creating a massive gondola to carry the ore to a railhead. His Riblet Mansion is now the Arbor Crest Winery; his company also installed the first ski lifts in the region. The tension between the original owners of these lands and the settlers who came after is another of Nisbet’s big themes, and here we meet hero/scoundrel William Manning, who, in








30 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

Jack Nisbet at People’s Park; his subjects are generally within a day’s drive of Spokane: “There’s so much to explore right here.” YOUNG KWAK PHOTO


controversial fashion, collected many artifacts owned by local tribes — a haul that today makes up the bulk of the MAC collection. After the two cultures clashed during what Nisbet calls that “period of flux,” the fallout has been, well, complicated. “’Tis ye, ’tis your estranged faces,” the Thompson poem continues, “that miss the manysplendored thing.” Nisbet wants us to look so we don’t miss those manysplendored things — to see, as he shows in Chapter One, a wonder like the Northern Lights. Aristotle nailed it: All those tiny motes do add up to something truly marvelous. n Jack Nisbet reads from Ancient Places • Tue, May 19, at 7 pm • Auntie’s • 402 W. Main • • 838-0206

TE R RA- C OT TA MAN BY JACK NISBET Outsider artist Leno Prestini emigrated to the United States with his family from Besano, Italy, in the early part of the 20th century. His father worked as a terra-cotta finisher for the Washington Brick, Lime and Sewer Pipe Company in Clayton, just north of Spokane. After the elder Prestini passed away, young Leno dropped out of school and joined his brother Batista at the brickyard.


t was during the 1930s that Leno Prestini emerged as a unique figure in local lore, proving himself time and again to be a gifted design artist crossed with a clever engineer, a broad conversationalist and a mad adventurer. He seemed to breathe in the essence of northeastern Washington — including the Clayton brick plant and its machine shop; the region’s sawmill and mining culture; its mountains, coniferous forests and glacier-carved lakes; tribal culture and extended trail-horse rides; the taverns, churches and country music — and spit them back out in ways that were entirely personal. When Leno decided he wanted to go boating on nearby Loon Lake, he fashioned a craft with cement-sack sails and an iron rudder oriented like the tail of an airplane. The keel was a coffin cover held in place with a length of company strap iron, and the thin steel would begin to hum as the boat picked up speed. After seeing a round diving helmet made by a Spokane machinist, Leno and his friend Burton Stewart used an acetylene torch to shape their own helmet out of a hot water heater, decorated it with a sculpted octopus and installed double glass to prevent the faceplate from fogging. Adapting a garden hose for an air supply line, they put their odd headdress to work, diving after lost property for the summer lake crowd. Soon the dive team started descending beyond available sunlight, so they cobbled up an underwater flashlight from a six-cell battery enclosed in an aluminum cylinder, with a fuse head to hold the glass and a Model T radiator cap to seal the end. As their dives in Loon Lake approached 90 feet, they ordered balloon cloth from the Goodyear company to sew into a suit that could handle the cold temperatures. Stewart and Prestini’s eccentric operations were just getting warmed up. They salvaged a stainless-steel cream can and fabricated an improved helmet. A beer-barrel pressure pump regulated the air supply flowing through their garden hose. One dockside photograph shows Burton and another pal, in dark shirts, bending over the compressor in the background while Leno, fully tricked out in the white Goodyear diving suit, weighted yoke and leaden shoes, stares at the camera like Captain Nemo himself. They thought enough of their efforts to exhibit the suit at the Spokane Interstate Fair that fall and to answer a call from the Colville Police Department to help locate the body of a drowned man in a lake north of town. Leno and Burton Stewart climbed mountain peaks all around the region. When the terra-cotta plant shut down for a brief period, they customized a 10-foot ladder and used it to scale the kiln’s 110-foot brick smokestack, taking panoramic photographs from the top to prove it. And at every opportunity, Leno added his own strange creations to the terra-cotta kiln. He molded a diver dodging dangerous sharks, and an elf lamp that carried an unsettlingly dark aura. A two-headed mountain climber seemed to teeter toward an abyss, and when his brother Batista asked him about the double heads, Leno replied, “Every time I get to the top of the mountain, my problems are still with me.” n Reprinted by permission from Ancient Places: People and Landscape in the Emerging Northwest by Jack Nisbet. Published by Sasquatch Books.

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 31





ell, ya got trouble, my friend, right here, I say, trouble right here in River City!” In The Music Man, that rapidly delivered line signals the start of con artist Harold Hill’s gambit to create a marching band in a tiny Iowa town. Hill, of course, isn’t the professor he claims to be, and he has no intention of following through on his pitch. Once he’s pocketed the money from selling uniforms and instruments to the well-meaning but naive townsfolk, he’ll be on the outbound train headed toward his next mark. But then he’s smitten by librarian and part-time piano teacher Marian Paroo, which might be enough to put him on the straight and narrow. That iconic line was the one that kicked off a flash mob promoting a new production of the musical, opening Friday night at the Spokane Civic Theatre. Led by Mark Pleasant, who stars as Hill, the cast of The Music Man gathered at Bloomsday registration in the Convention Center on May 2 to reenact the scene where the townspeople are smooth-talked into a state of indignation over a new pool table. “It was fun,” says director Tia Wooley. “I brought in a keyboard, and we hooked Mark up with a microphone. I think some people were pretty surprised.” Wooley knows The Music Man is a staple of community theater repertoire, so she’s making her mark by concentrating on authenticity despite some of the show’s incidental anachronisms (Rafael Méndez, a popular trumpeter comically name-dropped by Hill, would only have been 6 at the time The Music Man is set). Her marching band includes 20 children who she’s “helping to develop their own characters” through that emphasis on historical accuracy. “The way I chose to pursue this production was to do my research on a time frame, which was 1912, and to be real to

FASHION | It’s nearly the time of the year when we resolve to stop eating poorly and work out daily — yes, swimsuit season. But as pizza, tacos and beer inevitably win out, you may as well purchase a cute bikini and worry less about the bod. TRIANGL structured mesh-and-neoprene swimwear has already taken the beaches of California and Florida by storm, and the Inland Northwest is next. The brand’s signature black lines and neon colors look something like a cross between Angry Birds and pop art. Currently, the suits are only available online at

The cast of The Music Man includes (left to right) Josh Watkins, Kaiden Fletcher, Mark Pleasant and Charles Fletcher. SARAH WURTZ PHOTO that time frame as much as possible — trying to tell the kids, ‘You were at home doing the chores and helping to provide for the family,’” says Wooley. For her first main-stage production, Wooley has had welcome assistance from the veteran cast members, some of whom were part of the production directed by Jean Hardie (who’s returned to play Marian Paroo’s mother) at the Civic 20 years ago. Pleasant played teenager Tommy Djilas in that show, but Wooley says he was born for the title role. “I can’t even imagine somebody else being The Music Man now. He’s put his heart and soul into this. Alyssa Day as Marian? She can nail ‘My White Knight’ like no other,” says Wooley. — E.J. IANNELLI The Music Man • May 15-June 14; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm • $22-$30 • Spokane Civic Theatre • 1020 N. Howard • • 325-2507


1 million


Earlier this week, the NFL announced that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady would be suspended four games for his role in deflating game balls for the AFC Championship Game in January, and that the team would be fined $1 million and lose two draft picks. Some misguided soul who claims to live in Spokane took to the crowdfunding site GoFundMe in the hours following the announcement to help raise money for the Patriots to pay their fine. Other Spokane-area causes listed on the site? Campaigns for kids with cancer, a fallen police officer’s family, do-gooders looking to head abroad to help the less fortunate. Somehow, helping a team of cheaters owned by a billionaire on the other side of the country just doesn’t seem like a priority.

ALBUM | Thank the Lord Almighty for Chris Stapleton. He went and melted my cold, country-averse heart, something I never thought possible. This man is the real country deal. Born and bred in Kentucky, where his father dug coal, he was part of Grammy-winning bluegrass act the SteelDrivers before moving to a solo career. Already an established Nashville songwriter for years, writing for the likes of Luke Bryan, Tim McGraw and Brad Paisley, he’s better than all of them. His debut album TRAVELLER is filled with beautiful odes to whiskey, women and the devil. It’s all pretty standard stuff, but he has this voice that’s scratchy and smooth, with only the slight hint of an accent. This is the kind of music Nashville should be churning out. BOOK | Four years ago, Elizabeth Bard wrote about her love affair with a Frenchman, but most importantly her love affair with French food, in Lunch in Paris. Now married with a kid and living in the quaint, picturesque region of Provence, Bard is back with her second memoir, PICNIC IN PROVENCE. Much like its predecessor, it’s simply written and purely executed, furthering the story of an American bravely living in France (perfecting the language and understanding the culture) and opening an ice cream shop with her husband. At the end of each delightful chapter she includes recipes from her own kitchen, all of which must be tried. 

Spokane Firefighters Memorial Project & Never Forget 343 Stairclimb Memoriam invite you to:


MONDAY, MAY 25TH at 4:00pm Join SFD Lieutenant Gregory Borg

MONDAY, MAY 25TH at 5:30pm

Captain George T Chapman

FDNY Firefighters

for a final plaque dedication honoring

His great-granddaughter and family will be in attendance. Please join us to honor their family and his memory!

Corner of Main & Division, Spokane WA

Join SFD Captain Roger Libby as he makes his 343rd climb in honor of the who gave the ultimate sacrifice on 9/11. Please join us to support his efforts!

BANK OF AMERICA TOWER 601 W Riverside Ave, Spokane WA

Following the Dedication and the Climb... Join us to celebrate at O’Doherty’s Irish Grille (525 W Spokane Falls Blvd) 34 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015


SPRING F•R•E•S•H S•H•E•E•T halibut cakes

$10 Santa fe steak wrap

$12 Crab & Shrimp Louie Salad LEFT: “Moments of the Oasis” by Hamdan Al Shamsi. RIGHT: “Highness II” by Mattar Bin Lahej.

Across the Gulf



The MAC’s “Past Forward” exhibit has the potential to move cultural mountains


Globe's Sweet Treat


BY CARRIE SCOZZARO he popular saying about Muhammad going to the mountain (because it wouldn’t come to him) seemed an ideal story lead for the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture’s upcoming exhibition of United Arab Emirate artwork entitled “Past Forward.” Since few Americans can travel to experience Arab culture firsthand, representative artworks are coming here on their way to visit six states over a two-year period. Yet using that phrase without verifying its authenticity and intent — it may or may not reference the Muhammad, founder of Islam — illustrates the potential chasm in our understanding of Arab culture, including Emiratis, as UAE citizens are called. Reliant on secondhand sources sometimes rife with misinformation, what do we really know of a culture? Bridging that gulf is part of the intent behind the exhibition, according to the exhibition’s Emirati co-curator, Noor Al Suwaidi. “I feel strongly that cultural programs such as ‘Past Forward’ bring our two nations closer together. Not only are we sharing stories, but we find more and more common ground. On the flip side, Emirati Artists visiting the U.S. as part of this exhibition take away with them further knowledge about America and are inspired by each city’s rich history and art scene,” she says. The MAC plans numerous events, including a family-oriented opening with calligraphy, oud music, falconry and a panel discussion entitled “Celebrating the Past in the Present: Telling Cultural Stories through Art.” Beyond diplomacy and strengthening ties with one of America’s few Persian Gulf allies, the exhibition is a rare opportunity to view contemporary Emerati artwork. It features 50 paintings, photographs, sculptures and video installations by 25 artists, spanning several generations and from all seven emirates. At 25, Afra Bin Dhaher is one of the youngest artists included in the show. In “Prayer Rugs,” from her Self-Portrait series, Bin Dhaher photographs herself as if walking, holding a rolled-up prayer rug against the backdrop of a larger rug. While her clothing melds into the elaborate rug pattern, her stance is forward-moving, suggesting she is both connected to and yet distinct from her sur-


roundings. At 64, Abdul Qader Al Rais is one of the most seasoned artists, old enough to have been making art decades prior to the establishment of the UAE in 1971. His abstracted oil painting, Al Jalbout, depicts the partial structure of a vessel used in pearl diving, an occupation integral to the Gulf region’s history. Thekrayat is a confidently detailed scene of rural, rocky Fujairah, home to the oldest mosque in the UAE. One of two UAE artists who will attend the opening exhibition, Al Rais hails from Dubai, some 7,400 miles from Spokane. There is more than just time and distance to traverse here; the cultural divide is equally challenging, but Al Rais is optimistic. As current events indicate, just the word “Islam” sends some squawking, like Spokane County Prosecutor Larry Haskell’s wife Lesley, with her exuberant online denunciation of “Muzlims” earlier this year. Not to be outdone, a handful of Idaho Republican legislators recently axed a child support measure — jeopardizing millions in federal funding — out of unfounded fear about the measure leading to Islamic Sharia law. Al Rais is optimistic, noting that a trip to the U.S. early in his career helped re-inspire his painting: “Art joins people on opposite sides of the world who may not share the same language, but can connect through a painting.” That makes “Past Forward” especially relevant, as it affords our region an ideal opportunity to discover firsthand the ancient culture of Emeratis, whose country is roughly the size of Maine, with a population exceeding 9 million. And if art is a mirror to society, the exhibition also demonstrates shared concerns expressed by Emerati artists — how modernization impacts the environment, elements of social change, the search for meaning in an increasingly complex world. They are concerns not so different from our own.  Past Forward: Contemporary Art from the Emirates • May 16June 28 • The Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture • 2316 W. First • • 456-3931

Happy Hour Everyday 2pm-6pm 204 n division st.


MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 35


Chicken Challenge A Seattle fried chicken empire opens up in Spokane; we measure it against our hometown favorite BY DAN NAILEN

Chkn-N-Mo owner Bob Hemphill has been serving fried chicken in Spokane for 23 years. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

36 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

he Inland Northwest isn’t a hotbed of soulful Southern grub. There’s not exactly a place serving up hushpuppies, collard greens and spicy red beans and rice on every corner, let alone a slew of restaurants that hang their chef hats on fried chicken as their menu’s focus. We have Chkn-N-Mo in downtown Spokane, of course, a place that’s been serving up savory, Southern-inspired fare for 23 years, 11 in the current downtown location. And as of a couple of weeks ago, we can also claim the first Eastern Washington outlet of longtime Seattle favorite Ezell’s Famous Chicken. As a Spokane newcomer, I was able to experience both for the first time within a few days of each other. It’s important journalism, sure, especially as an unabashed Southern-food fiend — especially fried chicken. And ribs. Pulled pork. Oh, and catfish. Did I mention hushpuppies already? If I actually lived in the South, I’d be 900 pounds, nicknamed Wide Load and washing myself with a rag on a stick just to reach my unmentionables. But I digress. The two joints might not seem to have much in common. Chkn-N-Mo is the sole store owned by Bob Hemphill and his wife Teresa, while the new Ezell’s on the South Hill is the 11th outlet of a chain started by Lewis Rudd 31 years ago, the beginning of a serious expansion of 20 to 25 more Ezell’s — both corporate and franchised shops. Both Hemphill and Rudd, though, are Texas transplants — Hemphill to Spokane by choice, Rudd to Seattle by the Coast Guard — and both found themselves filling a delicious niche in their adopted cities. Rudd traveled to Spokane for the April 15 opening of Ezell’s and was shocked to find that the reputation of his brand stretched to Spokane. “I was very, very surprised, pleasantly surprised, that there were so many people coming in who had the chicken before, or knew someone who had,” Rudd says. If he’d checked Facebook leading up to the opening, Rudd might’ve realized Ezell’s long-distance popularity. The page for Ezell’s Famous Chicken of Spokane was buzzing with former Seattleites geeking out over the arrival of a beloved old fried friend. Rudd first learned to cook working at Brown’s Fried

Chicken in Marshall, Texas, and he credits that spot as the inspiration for opening the first Ezell’s in Seattle’s Central District. “We still have pretty much the same core menu at most of the stores,” he says, but that’s changing. A test kitchen at the Lynnwood store is creating new items, and sandwiches and salads will join the menu. Ezell’s franchises can add their own twists to the tried-and-true; the South Hill store has buffalo wings and macaroni-and-cheese not available elsewhere. Hemphill didn’t draw on any childhood inspiration for ChknN-Mo. “All I had was the idea,” he says. “I never cooked a day before in my life.” It turned out to be an inspired one for a man who previously had sold appliances at Montgomery Ward, started a cab company and owned a used-car lot. At 73, Hemphill still mans the fryers between garbage runs, catering trips and chatting with the seemingly endless stream of regulars coming in his shop.

Chkn-N-Mo’s fried chicken with red beans and collard greens. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO Here’s what I found on my two visits: AMBIANCE This is a tough matchup for Ezell’s. Chkn-N-Mo is full of character (and characters), including posters of historic black figures, license plates and autographed posters of local luminaries on the walls, and big bottles of hot sauce and rolls of paper towels on the tables. Ezell’s is what it is: a brightly lit takeout joint in a strip mall. Which would you rather spend an hour in? SERVICE I hit them during lunch rush, and had great service at both. A short wait was required, but the food came to me steaming hot with friendly smiles, even in a potentially stressful situation. SIDE DISHES This one leans to Chkn-N-Mo. Their baked beans had more spice, which I like, and their mac-n-cheese had better flavor, too. Both places also serve potato salad, cole slaw and mashed potatoes. As for items unique to each, the collard greens, gumbo and red beans and rice at Hemphill’s place outdo the corn and fried okra at Ezell’s. FRIED CHICKEN Both places’ chicken was delicious, arriving hot and juicy and not too oily, like a certain Colonel’s birds. Both offer combos in a variety of sizes, so you can have a snack or easily feed the whole family. The spices at Chkn-N-Mo were excellent, while the original chicken at Ezell’s didn’t have the same zip. Ezell’s, though, has a “spicy” version that was just that — I broke out into a little sweat. If I had to choose, go with the original at Chkn-N-Mo, but hit up Ezell’s for a spicy treat. n Chkn-N-Mo • 414½ W. Sprague • Open Mon-Fri, 11 am-8 pm; Sat, noon-8 pm • • 838-5071 Ezell’s Famous Chicken • 4919 S. Regal • Open Sun-Thu, 10 am-9 pm; Fri-Sat, 10 am-10 pm • • 448-4881

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 37 Davenport_PalmCourt_021915_12V_BD.tif


BY THE SEASON Featuring the best Inland Northwest producers and products prepared by award-winning chefs from Wandering Table, Yards Bruncheon, Cellar Restaurant, and Eat Good. Call for a personalized quote today.

509-210-0880 MOD Pizza general manager Michael Sherman (top center) with his employees at the new South Hill shop. MEGHAN KIRK PHOTO

Love the Liberty MOD lets you choose how your pizza is built BY JO MILLER


Burgers t e m r u o G Serious t Fries & Hand Cu

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38 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

arely does one feel such power when ordering a pizza. Dozens of toppings — sauces, cheeses, veggies, herbs, meats — are laid out behind the glass, so you can point at will and say, “Cover that baby in mushrooms. And how about a little sun-dried tomato, some grilled chicken and a sprinkling of bacon?” The attendant asks several times, “Is there anything else you want?” The best part about it is you’re charged the same no matter how much you pile on. Toppings don’t cost extra. “[Customers] love the idea that they’re not going to get nickel and dimed for every topping. They have that freedom,” says Michael Sherman, general manager of the new MOD Pizza on the South Hill that opened the last week of April. A Seattle couple created MOD in 2008 and the fast-casual chain now has locations nationwide, largely concentrated on the West Coast. The South Hill MOD, which opened next to Target, is the first in Eastern Washington. By the end of the year MOD aims to have 100 restaurants, including opening one on Northwest Boulevard in Coeur d’Alene this summer. In unison, the whole crew shouts an enthusi-

astic “Hello!” to each customer walking in, and a big, lit-up arrow shows you where to start ordering, like you would at Chipotle. There are three sizes of pizza (which can also be ordered as salads). The 11-inch mod ($7.47) is considered the individual size, although some split it or get a 6-inch mini ($4.47). For families, there’s the mega ($10.47), a double 11-inch crust. The 735-degree oven cooks your pie in about three minutes and it comes out with a crackerlike, thin crust. Some might be overwhelmed by their absolute topping autonomy. For them, the menu offers suggestions, like the Tristan, spread with mozzarella, mushrooms, roasted red peppers, Asiago and finished post-oven with pesto drizzle. Your beverage choices go well beyond the expected fountain drinks. Opt for a local beer on tap, a glass of local wine, a bottled soda or beer, a hand-spun milkshake or a housemade caramelized pear iced tea or marion blackberry lemonade. n MOD Pizza • 3104 E. Palouse Hwy. • Open Sun-Thu, 10:30 am-9 pm; Fri-Sat, 10:30 am-10 pm • • 570-7060


Full Support The Filling Station is a venture rooted in family and good beer BY CARRIE SCOZZARO


ason Rex and Keith Carpenter have a different kind of bromance. Rex, owner of Scratch Bistro, wasn’t using the extra space inside the building of his Coeur d’Alene restaurant. His brother-in-law was looking to develop a growler-filling business. Carpenter has the construction skills to build the walk-in cooler and bar, and Rex likes to maximize his kitchen capacity. Not only has he developed other businesses — ice cream, pizza — in the small space now occupied by the Filling Station, he also provides a custom Scratch menu of small plates to another neighbor, Studio 107. So over a few beers, says Carpenter, they made it official. “He thought it was a great idea to add craft beer to his bistro menu and have a small taphouse in the back,” says Carpenter, who favors limited release barrels. With 22 taps at any given time, Carpenter rotates through numerous local — Wallace Brewing, North Idaho Cider, Downdraft, No-Li, River City — and regional beers, including Payette, 10 Barrel and Firestone Walker. Tap prices range from $4 to $6, R E S TA U R A N T while growlers are $10 to $24. Of FINDER course they sell empty growlers and Looking for a new place swag featuring their logos: a manly to eat? Visit man with a beard full of hops or a places to search the region’s busty blonde hoisting an overflowmost comprehensive bar and ing growler of green beer (they’re restaurant guide. clearly having fun with this new venture). Hungry customers can also order from the full Scratch menu or a recently added custom menu that features plenty of heat and sweet to go with the chewy beers Carpenter favors. Try chicken wings in spicy Gorgonzola, BBQ or Asian-style ($9), bacon-wrapped figs ($9 or a third-pound sirloin burger ($12). Lighter fare includes coconut prawns ($8), a tender salmon BLT ($14) and fish tacos ($12). A happy hour menu from 2 to 5:30 pm knocks a couple of bucks off; Facebook allows the Filling Station to post impromptu beer and food specials. 

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Crave fries with blue cheese and buffalo sauce.


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f you find yourself with a hankering for a plateful of French fries doused with all kinds of flavors and toppings, Crave has it. A list of French fry dishes isn’t something you would have found before on the Bowl’z Bitez and Spiritz menu, but last month, owner Jake Miller closed the downtown restaurant for a few weeks in order to revamp everything — interior, food, name and all. “I wanted to brighten the place up, change the colors up a bit and also make it more efficient and have better


Dining D

quality service with a new layout,” Miller says. Crave sports a new dance floor, TVs, lights and a whole list of new cocktails made with fresh-squeezed juices. Their full menu offers pizzas, burgers, tacos, wraps and salads, but opt for one of the specialty fry dishes, like the Fry-Attack, for a steaming pile of taters smothered in pepper jack and cheddar cheese, ranch, green onions and bacon. — JO MILLER


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40 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015


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FINE DINING BLACK CYPRESS 215 E. Main St. | Pullman 334-5800 The Black Cypress is dream-like, filled with mirrors and Edison lights, funky recycled metal fixtures against 100-year-old exposed brick. The menu tightropes between old world and new, reflecting the agricultural bounty of the Palouse while maintaining decidedly Mediterranean roots. With Greek-style meat sauce and mizithra cheese, the Kima is divinely aromatic. The pasta pomodoro is light with fresh tomatoes and basil, olive oil and Parmesan. Traditional carbonara gets an upgrade with house-smoked bacon. CHURCHILL’S STEAKHOUSE 165 S. Post | 474-9888 Don Draper would fit in beautifully at Churchill’s, with its luxurious, masculine décor, top-shelf cocktails and traditional (in all the best ways) takes on sides and steaks. The star of the show here is the USDA prime Midwestern beef that’s dry-aged, then cooked at 1,800 degrees, making for a steak you’ll be thinking

of for months after your visit to Churchill’s. The sides are à la carte, and the Cougar Gold mac and cheese is worth every single calorie. FLEUR DE SEL 4365 E. Inverness Dr. | Post Falls 208-777-7600 Located in the same building as the Highland Day Spa, with views of the neighboring golf course, Fleur de Sel caters to diners who are looking for French cuisine at an affordable price point. The restaurant changes its menus seasonally, but the best time to visit is in summer, when you can dine on their cozy, sun-drenched patio. Don’t leave too early — you’ll want to stick around and sample from Fleur de Sel’s much-lauded dessert menu. HAY J’S BISTRO 21706 E. Mission Ave. | Liberty Lake 926-2310 Squatting directly off the highway in Liberty Lake, Hay J’s Bistro’s blocky strip-mall exterior — and book-cover first impressions — are immediately overturned the second

you open the door. Inside, the bistro is pure class, with candle flames flickering atop wine bottles at the tables, and metallic vine sculptures wrapping around wine bottles on the walls. With a wine list boasting 100 choices, and a wine bar next door, the selection manages to live up to the hype set by the décor. The relatively pricey menu boasts steaks, tapas, burgers, pastas and risottos — but seafood remains the most popular genre. WILD SAGE AMERICAN BISTRO 916 W. Second | 456-7575 Wild Sage elegantly presents their seasonal menu and focuses strongly on local ingredients and whole foods. The menu is subject to change without notice, and many patrons visit just to be surprised. Drinks are crafted here, made with fresh pressed juice instead of processed mixes, and top-shelf liquor. Try their trademark Wild Sage — made with fresh, muddled sage leaves, gin, Cointreau, lime and sugar n

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Mad Max: Fury Road will restore your faith in action movies BY MARYANN JOHANSON


he action genre requires a refreshening every dozen years or so (the last one was 1999’s The Matrix), so we’re overdue. Mad Max: Fury Road might not be that refreshening, but if it isn’t, it’s most definitely a reminder that it’s desperately needed, and a hint of what that might feel like. (It feels good!) Fury Road is astonishing in a way that makes you feel like you haven’t seen a true action movie in a while, underscoring how sterile and cold what has passed for the genre has been. If it doesn’t represent a refreshening, that’s only because it achieves its grotesque, magnificent brutality in an old-fashioned way: with a simple, straightforward good-versus-evil story set in a carefully conceived imaginary world, brought to visceral plausibility through the sheer physicality of shooting real people doing real things in the real world. Even the most lovingly produced CGI could not have replicated the dusty authenticity of putting real actors and stunt performers in real vehicles and racing — and crashing — them in a real desert (the film was shot in Australia and Namibia). That’s what Australian cinematic maestro George Miller has done for his return to the postapocalyptic, water- and gas-thirsty future he created in 1979’s Mad Max. There are no green screens here, and CGI is used so sparingly that it’s barely noticeable as an effect even when your head tells you it must be so, as when it lets an able-bodied actor play a character

42 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

who has lost his left arm below the elbow. mortan Joe, among his many other crimes against The bulk of the film consists of vehicular humanity, has reduced women to beasts, to farm warfare carried out across sand-blasted landscapes. animals... but that doesn’t mean they like or accept It’s an assault on the senses in a good way, in the it. There are no damsels in distress here: there are way that action movies used to be before they angry women fighting back and rescuing themwere disconnected from the physics of how the real selves. (Joe’s “wives” are played by Zoë Kravitz, world operates, and the sweat and the fear of how Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Riley Keough, Abbey the human body responds to danger. Lee and Courtney Eaton.) Miller depicts warlordUnlike in many of its genre brethren, the story ism as something truly shocking, and whatever here is not beside the point. signifiers of “cool” he may deploy Warlord Immortan Joe (Hugh in his massive conflagrations MAD MAX: FURY ROAD of cars and men will later get a Keays-Byrne) thinks he’s Rated R sending his trusted Imperator smackdown, a reminder that Joe Directed by George Miller Furiosa (Charlize Theron) on is the villain here, and that he is Starring Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, a mission to bring back fuel not cool. Nicholas Hoult from Gas Town to the Citadel Miller’s critique of warlordhe rules with an iron fist, but ism could be said to extend to the she’s got a secret mission of her own: to free the sorts of filmmakers who try to control every aspect enslaved “breeders” of Joe’s children and bring of their films down the tiniest detail — the sort of them to the Green Place far away that she rememcontrol that CGI allows — instead of letting unbers from her own childhood. The battles pit Joe’s predictable reality rule. The religious worship Joe army against Furiosa, who is more than a match in inspires by calculated plan in his young soldiers, her “War Rig.” She hadn’t planned on loner Max such as fervently devoted Nux (Nicholas Hoult), (Tom Hardy) being part of her crew, but that hapis destined only for disillusionment and disappens accidentally when… well, I’ll leave that you to pointment when its promises go unfulfilled. The find out. promises of warlord directors, tweaking every drop When I say that Fury Road is grotesque, I mean of rain on-screen, every splatter of blood, every that Miller’s vision of this cruel future is monstrous screech of tires, can tend toward much the same in some almost unthinkable ways, one of which disillusionment. Freedom and surprise are better — is how Max comes to be caught up in events. Imand more fun. 




This French-Canadian film is a collision of cultures as young Hasidic Jewish mother strikes up an unlikely friendship with a baker who lives in her Montreal neighborhood. Meira is used to the strictly conservative nature of her household (which doesn’t allow her to even look men in the eyes), but finds a newfound freedom in Felix, who is struggling to come to terms with the recent death of his father. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R


Fury Road is astonishing in a way that makes you feel like you haven’t seen a true action movie in a while, underscoring how sterile the genre has been. Warlord Immortan Joe (Hugh KeaysByrne) thinks he’s sending his trusted Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) on a mission to bring back fuel from Gas Town to the Citadel he rules with an iron fist, but she’s got a secret mission of her own: to free the enslaved “breeders” of Joe’s children and bring them to the Green Place far away that she remembers from her own childhood. (MJ) Rated R



Welcome to Me is not sure if it wants to be an uncomfortable comedy or a wry drama. The film stars Kristen Wiig as Alice, a woman diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and currently off her meds, who wins $86 million in the state lottery and sinks her windfall into the production of a TV show called Welcome to Me. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R


Happy and sappy, Where Hope Grows follows an alcoholic former baseball star and single dad as he struggles to get his life back on track after being booted off the team. Things all begin to click thanks to an unexpected relationship he forms with a cheerful and positive-thinking produce stocker at his local grocery store. The twist is that this new friend, who calls himself “Produce,” is a man with Down’s Syndrome. Expect sappy messages on why we shouldn’t and can’t judge others’ worth based on a disability of any kind. (CS) Rated PG-13

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Three years ago, Pitch Perfect took Glee’s a cappella craze to college. Naturally, a second film had to be made. All the favorite characters are back: Anna Kendrick as Beca the unlikely choirgirl, Rebel Wilson as Fat Amy and Elizabeth Banks as one of the worst

commentators ever. This time around, the Barden Bellas are at the top of the collegiate a cappella world. But when a concert — in front of the president, no less — goes awry, they must clear their good name by entering in an international voice competition that no American team has ever won. (LJ) Rated PG-13

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Pick up an Ale Trail map while you’re out.


Blake Lively finally takes a turn in a leading role as a young woman hurt in an accident and, upon recovering, realizes she is no longer subject to the aging process. She remains in perfect shape throughout the decades until she meets a super-hot dude for whom she might risk her immortality. Also starring Harrison Ford and Ellen Burnstyn. (MB) Rated PG-13


Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) has made an AI creation that he calls Ultron with some nifty powers from the defeated Loki (from the last movie). Ultron (the voice of James Spader) has some of Tony’s attitudes, but a glitch in its “birth” makes it go a bit cyberinsane, and it extrapolates Tony’s notion of world peace to mean “a planet without humans.” Oh, and the Hulk has gone bonkers, so the Avengers also have that mess to clean up. (MJ) Rated PG-13 ...continued on next page

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Director Kenneth Branagh’s version of the Disney animated classic goes heavy on the back story, introducing the beloved mother (Hayley Atwell) of young Ella (Lily James) before mom’s untimely passing and Ella’s merchant father (Ben Chaplin) remarrying, ultimately leaving poor Ella with a stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and two stepsisters (Holliday Grainger and Sophie McShera) who treat her poorly as Cinderella step-family characters are wont to do. (SR) Rated PG


Jack Black plays the head of his 20th high school reunion planning committee who’s having trouble getting his former classmates to RSVP for the party. When he spots one of those classmates in a TV commercial, he heads to L.A. to try to convince the cool guy (James Marsden) to come to the reunion, hoping others will follow his lead. Unfortunately, the cool guy turns out to be hilariously unpredictable. (MB) Rated R


This documentary chronicles the 2012 arrival of new artistic director Raf Simons at the Parisian House of Dior and the mere eight weeks he had to produce his first collection for an audience of fashionistas and their perfectly manicured talons. At Magic Lantern. (KJ) Not Rated



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Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson) enters the massive, isolated Alaskan compound of his boss, search engine entrepreneur/billionaire Nathan Bateman (an amazing Oscar Isaac), to find that Nathan is in the process of developing a very life-like robot. Over the course of his stay, Caleb is to test out the prototype to see how her mind works, but he soon realizes he might be the one being tested. (SR) Rated R

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44 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015



The tagline of the latest installment of this series is: “Vengeance hits home.” Damn, that’s some serious stuff. Jason Statham’s Deckard Shaw is out for blood to avenge the death of his brother and he’s bringing the whole gang with him, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Ludacris, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez and, of course, the late Paul Walker, who died in a real-life car accident before the film was finished. (MB) Rated PG-13


Oh is an alien who finds himself very out of place on Earth when he’s banished by his race of aliens, bent on making the planet their own by capturing all humans. Soon, he meets Tip (voiced by Rihanna) and the pair try to elude the aliens. (MB) Rated PG






Ex Machina


Avengers: Age of Ultron


Dior and I


Furious 7




Hot Pursuit









Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara are the odd couple on the run from both the law and from murderous thugs in this sporadically funny comedy about a geeky but ambitious cop (Witherspoon) who’s trying to protect the brassy wife (Vergara) of a drug cartel member who’s testifying against his gang. The script keeps jumping back and forth between silly and serious, just as the two lead characters keep switching from liking to hating each other. The actresses try their best, but a bad script does them, and the film, in. (ES) Rated PG-13


In the second film of the Divergent series, Shailene Woodley returns as Tris Prior, a young woman living in a dystopian future in which people are segregated into a social caste system by personality. As part of the Divergent class, Tris finds her group heading for annihilation at the hands of the nefarious leader of the Erudite class played by Kate Winslet. (MB) Rated PG-13


Eight-year-old Jakob thinks his dad is a super hero, but when that dad is sent to fight in World War II, he finds his world shattered and will do anything to bring his father home. After a magic show, he soon learns that if he believes in something, he can make it happen. With his new magic powers, he tries to stop the war. (MB) Rated PG


Disneynature’s newest documentary surrounds the life of a newborn monkey and his mother in their journey to survive in the South Asian jungles. As is its way, Disney produces an experience that is both visually enthralling and pleasantly educational. Watch as the monkey duo faces the competition of social hierarchy and everyday dangers of the Sri Lankan jungle. (CB) Rated G


This biopic dives into the life of eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner, a man known for his eccentricities as much as his genius with a brush. Directed by Mike Leigh (Happy-Go-Lucky, Vera Drake, Secrets & Lies), brings the 19th century visionary to the forefront, reminding of the influence the painter had on modern art. (MB) Rated R




Paul Blart (Kevin James) has been a mall security master for six years now and it is finally time for a vacation. When he takes his daughter on a trip before sending her off to college, Blart discovers that safety never sleeps and he must protect the hotel from imminent danger. (CB) Rated PG


Seymour Bernstein had been a brilliant and highly praised concert pianist, but had given up performing at the age of 50 due to stage fright and his dislike of artistic commercialism, and took up teaching full-time — the better to spread his ideas about music and life. When beloved actor/novelist/screenwriter Ethan Hawke struck up a friendship with Bernstein, this documentary (directed by Hawke) was born. (MB) Rated PG


Russell Crowe directs and stars in this epic-sized historical drama about an Australian farmer with a gift for finding water in arid lands who travels to Gallipoli, a Turkish peninsula, to search for his three sons killed there during World War I. Along the way, he discovers a bond with his country’s former enemies, a potential new love interest in a Turkish innkeeper — and clues that not all of his children are dead after all. (DN) Rated R


Ben Stiller plays Josh, a serious New York documentarian who, along with his wife Cornelia (Naomi Watts), are the proverbial last couple to not have kids. When a 20-something aspiring documentarian named Jamie (Adam Driver) and his wife Darby (Amanda Seyfried) come into their lives, both couples learn a whole lot about the lives ahead of them. (SS) Rated R


History gives Woman in Gold all the drama required of a top-notch thriller in this true story of a woman trying to reclaim the humanity torn from her family by the Nazis. Helen Mirren plays Maria Altmann, an Austrian Jew forced to flee during World War II, who is navigating the international legal system in an effort to find her family’s possessions that were stolen by Hitler’s regime. (DN) Rated PG-13 








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Kingsman: The Secret Service

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Thurs 10:00pm

Kristen Wiig plays a mentally ill lottery winner who starts her own talk show.

Kristen Wiig’s performance in Welcome to Me is funny, but squeamishly so BY MARJORIE BAUMGARTEN


elcome to Me is not sure if it wants to be like the color of her money; the director (Joan an uncomfortable comedy or a wry Cusack) watches in horror but recognizes the drama. The film stars Kristen Wiig, show as must-see television; her best friend Gina who switched over to making films after conclud(Linda Cardellini) abandons Alice after one too ing a popular stint as a longtime regular on many slights; and her long-suffering therapist Saturday Night Live, where she created a stable of (Tim Robbins) gave up on her a while back. peculiar characters whose lack of social affect was Inevitably, Alice crashes, leaving enough time to matched by their inappropriate enthusiasm. With tie up the plot in a nice bow. Alice Klieg (the “me” in Welcome to Me), Wiig has Welcome to Me isn’t laughing with Alice, but at etched another unforgettable character, despite her, in what seems like a harsh reaction to mental the feeling that sometimes watching Alice is akin illness. The film milks untold jokes from the setto the involuntary compulsion to watch a train ups of Alice’s show segments, but after we get the wreck in motion. idea, the humor wears thin. By the time she sufThe film has a stellar premise: Alice, a fers a complete breakdown in the middle of the woman diagnosed with borderline personality Indian casino where she now resides, it’s imposdisorder and currently off her meds, sible to recognize her anguish wins $86 million in the state lottery amid the absurdity that has WELCOME TO ME become her life. Although the and sinks her windfall into the production of a TV show called Welcome Rated R film’s depiction of borderline Directed by Shira Piven to Me. An Oprah fanatic who hasn’t personality disorder seems turned off her TV in 11 years, Alice Starring Kristen Wiig, Linda Cardellini, on-target for the most part, James Marsden lines her apartment walls with vidI question whether someone eocassettes of Oprah’s show, whose with the condition would episodes she can recite by heart. Yet Alice’s show have the brazen confidence to star in her own is filled with things like cooking episodes featurTV show. I know that humor in recent years has ing meatloaf cake (with sweet potato icing) and had a predilection for creating discomfort within libelous reenactments of childhood traumas. the audience, but Welcome to Me takes it too far. No one is willing to save Alice from herself: The jokes take on a certain redundancy, and a the infomercial owners of the operation, a sibling queasiness about laughing at the consequences of team played by James Marsden and Wes Bentley, mental illness sets in. n



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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 45

Dave Wakeling’s celebratory ska still stings BY DAN NAILEN



46 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

ave Wakeling lives at the intersection of music and politics. Few songwriters blend relentlessly joyful sounds with poignant commentary as well as the longtime leader of the English Beat. The band led a British ska revival in the late 1970s and early ‘80s, blending the antiauthoritarian stance of punk,

the unifying messages of reggae and serious pop hooks. Back then, the targets of Wakeling’s tunes were those oppressing the working class and ethnic minorities. Now the longtime U.S. resident is preparing the first new Beat album since 1982, and Wakeling says he still sees many of the divisive issues that inspired him to pick up a guitar decades ago.

“Maybe we’re just mammals and meant to go at each other’s throats,” Wakeling says. “I thought we were more than that when I was younger and wanting to join a group.” The Baltimore riots, in the aftermath of yet another black man being killed by police, and the reporting from the scene, have filled Wakeling’s TV screen on his current tour. He says he’s fascinated by the stories, but frustrated that America still seems to respond to violent acts with even more violence. “How do you find ways to respond to things that doesn’t make you as bad as the things you’re responding to?” he asks. “We haven’t quite got that, yet, but it’s an interesting thing to watch us struggle with. … We end up with these enormously contradictory messages about violence and control.” Wakeling is ever the optimist, though. He’s seen positive changes in cities he’s toured through for decades. “I’m lucky,” he says. “I travel America a lot. I stop at truck stops, and stop in cities, and I’ve watched cities change, and I get to go back every year or couple of years.” Americans are very tolerant people, he finds, “considering we’re such an odd bunch from many places.” He notes how his children’s interactions with people of different races are different from his parents’ — a generational evolution for the good. His children surely took an example from their dad, whose band was a best-selling example of racial diversity across three albums released between 1980 and 1982, full of

“Maybe we’re just mammals and meant to go at each other’s throats. I thought we were more than that when I was younger ...” hits that still sound fresh in 2015: “Best Friend,” “Ranking Full Stop,” and “Mirror in the Bathroom,” among others. Those songs, and a few from Wakeling’s post-Beat band General Public, have allowed him to tour for years with a new version of the English Beat, filling clubs with ska fanatics and ’80s kids. New songs made their way into the set, and when people started asking for them at the T-shirt stand after the shows, Wakeling decided to record a set called Here We Go Love, slated for release this fall. “I didn’t want to make a vanity record,” Wakeling says. “It’s easy for legacy artists to come out with a record, and there’s no audience waiting for it. If that was the case, I was happy to keep the songs in my head, really.” The songs are broadly political, if not quite as partyoriented as his old anti-Tory tunes. One called “If Killing Worked” takes on the violence he sees on TV — and Wakeling’s cheeky humor, familiar to fans, comes through as he describes his idea for a marketing plan for the song. “We’re going to try something called ‘Try Not To Kill Someone Else’s Kid Week,’” he says. “The idea is that everybody will try to not kill someone else’s child. But we have to be compassionate, so if someone is used to killing a lot of people’s children in a week, then just try to cut back. A few less. Finish at five instead of working into the night. Take your foot off the gas.” Wakeling knows that some fans get squeamish at that intersection of music and politics, and the Beat’s live shows are overwhelmingly celebratory. After all, he notes, “you’re on a stage, not a soapbox.” n The English Beat • Mon, May 18, at 8 pm • $35 • Allages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 47

MUSIC | HIP-HOP Salt-N-Pepa’s upcoming sportswear collection most likely won’t look like these outfits.

HOME FIRES Nursery & Landscape Materials

Still Pushin’ Plants

Nearly 30 years after their most recognized hit was released, Salt-N-Pepa press on BY LAURA JOHNSON


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The Inlander is currently seeking an outgoing and professional individual to fulfill the entry level Administrative Assistant position. Our front desk position supports all departments while overseeing the day-to-day activities to ensure a smoothly running office. The ability to multi-task with a can-assist demeanor is essential. This is a full-time position that requires an individual to work independently partnered with the necessary ability to communicate and contribute as part of our team. Experience with Excel and Word is required. If you are interested in joining the Inlander team, submit your cover letter and resume to Share with us in your cover letter why you feel you would be a good fit for the Inlander. No phone calls or walk-ins please.

48 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015


he song was supposed to be a joke. Rappers Cheryl “Salt” James and Sandra “Pepa” Denton were so unimpressed when former producer Hurby “Luv Bug” Azor banged out the now-famous melody on the keys during rehearsal, they followed the line with “Oooh baby baby” as a cheesy response. Nearly 30 years later, “Push It” (one of the first rap records nominated for a Grammy) is making a comeback. Salt-N-Pepa, including DJ Deidra “Spinderella” Roper (just a teenager when she replaced Latoya Hanson in 1986), were featured rapping it on a Geico Super Bowl commercial and on American Idol, one of the more exciting performances on the reality show’s recent season. This week, the rappers just announced they’re releasing a sporting apparel line named, of course, Push It. Next Thursday, Salt-N-Pepa comes to Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort to perform their most well-known hit and many others, including “Shoop,” “Let’s Talk About Sex” and “Whatta Man.” All those great 1980s dance moves will be there too — like the cabbage patch, the lawn mower and the sprinkler — as the ladies are joined by male backup danc-

ers on stage. That’s why you’d want to see them, to drink up that nostalgia. They came out of Queens like firecrackers. Leaving their jobs at Sears, the all-female act stood up in an male-dominated landscape and proved they could make hiphop just as well. They streaked to the top of the charts, and seemed unstoppable from 1986 to 1994. Female rappers like Queen Latifah and later Missy Elliott were there too, but it was Salt-NPepa who helped prove hip-hop was a lasting medium that could transcend the pop charts. James, 49, and Denton, 45, are back together now, stronger than ever. But after their 1997 album Brand New didn’t do nearly as well as others, they officially broke up in 2002, James leaving the group. There was a memoir written, an appearance on The Surreal Life, various solo side projects and eventually a VH1 reality show chronicling their lives getting back together. These days, on stages across the country, they’re still pushing. n Salt-N-Pepa • Thu, May 21, at 7 pm • $45-$55 • Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort • 37914 S. Nukwalqw, Worley, Idaho • • 800-523-2464


In anticipation of Salt-NPepa gracing the Inland Northwest next week (and the launch of their forthcoming Push It clothing line), we present the following list of items to consider pushing. • Shopping cart • Buttons • Boulders • Stalled car • Wheelbarrow • Pencils • Pins • Doors • Windows • Boundaries • Sanity • Freedom • Ideas • The issue • Your luck • Lawnmowers • People on swings • The envelope • A person down the stairs • A baby (in a stroller, not down the stairs) • Daisies • It… real good — CHRIS BOVEY





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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 49




he three men in Jon Spencer Blues Explosion have never met a genre they didn’t gleefully tear into and destroy (in a good way!) during their two decades-plus together. Call them “rock ’n’ roll,” and that would be totally accurate, as their sound incorporates all the things that have fed that sprawling label throughout history: blues, punk, soul, rockabilly, even hip-hop. Singer and guitarist Spencer brings the serious frontman attitude to JSBX’s live shows, and together with drummer Russell Simins and guitarist Judah Bauer, he turns every show into a sweat-drenched dance party that everyone from metalheads to indie-rock snobs can love. The band’s latest, Freedom Tower — No Wave Dance Party 2015, pays homage to their New York City hometown, but expect tunes spanning their career at this must-see gig. — DAN NAILEN Jon Spencer Blues Explosion with We Are Hex • Fri, May 15, at 8 pm • $18/$20 day of • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174


Thursday, 05/14

J THE BIg DIppER, D.O.A. BooMERS ClASSIC RoCK BAR & gRIll, Randy Campbell acoustic show J BuCER’S CoFFEEHouSE puB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen CHECKERBoARD BAR, Morning Bear and Grayson Erhard CHInESE gARDEnS (534-8491), Big Hair Revolution CoEuR D’AlEnE CASIno, PJ Destiny JoHn’S AllEy, Harold’s IGA J KnITTIng FACToRy, Less Than Jake, Reel Big Fish, the Interrupters lEFTBAnK WInE BAR, Roger Dines MElonE’S puBlIC HouSE (208-9664184), Eric Henderson J pInnAClE noRTHWEST, Fallow, Magpies, Wandering I, the Feutch, Happen the Whale J SWAxx (703-7474), E-40, Stevie Stone, Cool Nutz, Nessasary, Demon Assassin, Rez Loyal uvA TRATToRIA (208-930-0573), Bill Bozly THE vIKIng BAR & gRIll, Robbie Walden

Friday, 05/15

J THE BARTlETT, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (See story above), We Are Hex BEvERly’S, Robert Vaughn J THE BIg DIppER, Play with Fire, Tap Weilding Hethens, Heart Avail, Quarter Monkey, Jar in the Yard BlACK DIAMonD, DJ Perfechter Bolo’S, Snap the Nerve J BuCER’S CoFFEEHouSE puB, Weather Machine, Skinny the Kid BuCKHoRn Inn, Bobby Bremer Band J CAlypSoS CoFFEE & CREAMERy, Joyful Noise Music Studio THE CEllAR, Donny Emerson & Nancy Sofia Trio

50 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015



o not look up the term “itchy kitty” on Urban Dictionary. Do, however, check out Spokane’s self-described “pussy punk” band Itchy Kitty. The female duo (Bassslut Nom/ Naomi Eisenbrey and Frontbitch Ami/Ami Elston) — featuring a backing drummer — play guitar and bass on stage while hissing, moaning and meowing into their microphones. They swear like sailors at the audience and talk about cats as much as possible. Their music is animalistic to the core, powerful and totally badass. It’s easy to see how this band could be misconstrued as corny, but they take their music quite seriously. It’s light-hearted punk that’s a hell of a good time to see live. — LAURA JOHNSON Itchy Kitty with Why Did Johnny Kill • Fri, May 15, at 9 pm • Free • 21+ • Jones Radiator • 120 E. Sprague • • 747-6005

CHECKERBoARD BAR, Flying Mammals CoEuR D’AlEnE CASIno, Bill Bozly, JamShack CRAvE, Likes Girls CuRlEy’S, Uppercut FEDoRA puB & gRIllE, Ron Greene FIzzIE MullIgAnS, Phoenix HAnDlEBARS, Hotwired IRon HoRSE BAR, Shiner JoHn’S AllEy, Polly O’Keary and the Rhythm Method J JonES RADIAToR, Why Did Johnny Kill, Itchy Kitty (See story above) J lAgunA CAFé, Just Plain Darin lEFTBAnK WInE BAR, Carey Brazil MAx AT MIRABEAu, Ticking Time Bomb THE MEMBERS loungE (703-7115), DJ Selone and DJ Eaze nASHvIllE noRTH, The Kelly Hughes Band

noRTHERn QuEST CASIno, DJ Ramsin nynE, DJ C-Mad pEnD D’oREIllE WInERy, Jacob Cummings pERRy STREET BREWIng (2792820), The Lil’ Smokies, Folkinception J pInnAClE noRTHWEST, Today is the Day, Lazer Wulf, Diazepam, Rasputin REpuBlIC BREWIng Co., Kory Quinn THE RIDlER pIAno BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler J SpoKAnE AREnA, Luke Bryan THE RoADHouSE, Last Chance Band THE vIKIng BAR & gRIll, Charlie Butts zolA, Fiasco

Saturday, 05/16

J THE BARTlETT, The Lowest Pair,

Dry and Dusty BEvERly’S, Robert Vaughn J THE BIg DIppER, Soul Proprietor BlACK DIAMonD, DJ Perfechter Bolo’S, Snap the Nerve BoRRACHo TACoS & TEQuIlERIA (822-7789), Chrome Cobra J BuCER’S CoFFEEHouSE puB, Train of Thought BuCKHoRn Inn, Bobby Bremer Band J CAlypSoS CoFFEE & CREAMERy, The Nicholas Peter THE CEllAR, Donny Emerson & Nancy Sofia Trio J CHApS, Just Plain Darin with Tyler Coulston CHECKERBoARD BAR, Dammit Jim CoEuR D’AlEnE CASIno, Bill Bozly, JamShack CRAvE, Likes Girls CRuISERS (208-773-4706), Echo Elysium CuRlEy’S, Uppercut

FIzzIE MullIgAnS, Phoenix gARlAnD puB & gRIll (326-7777), Tracer HAnDlEBARS, Hotwired InDABA (443-3566), Tyler Scruggs IRon goAT BREWIng Co. (4740722), GoMan Go’s IRon HoRSE BAR, Shiner JACKSon STREET BAR & gRIll (315-8497), Parking Lot Party feat. Sammy Eubanks JoHn’S AllEy, Simba and the Exceptional Africans JonES RADIAToR, Abraham and friends feat. Casey Rogers KnITTIng FACToRy, Rough Start Horse Rescue Benefit feat. Barry Lee White THE lARIAT Inn, Spokane River Band lEFTBAnK WInE BAR, Karrie O’Neill lInnIE’S THAI CuISInE (535-2112), Karaoke and Dancing with DJ Dave MAx AT MIRABEAu, Ticking Time

Bomb NASHVILLE NORTH, The Kelly Hughes Band NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, DJ Ramsin NYNE, DJ the Divine Jewels PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Chris O’Murchu J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, House of Bass THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler SPORTSMAN’S CAFE & LOUNGE (4676388), Six-Strings n’ Pearls THE ROADHOUSE, Last Chance Band J TWISP CAFE (474-9146), The Oracle’s Kitchen UNDERGROUND 15, Von Grimorog THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Christy Lee ZOLA, Fiasco

Sunday, 05/17

J THE BIG DIPPER, Losing Skin, the Helm, East Sherman CHECKERBOARD BAR, Miss Massive Snowflake COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh, Bill Bozly CRUISERS, Echo Elysium DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church

GET LISTED! Email getlisted@inlander. com to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date. THE FLAME, Open mic with SixStrings n’ Pearls NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, DJ Ramsin and also Blood, Sweat & Tears feat. Bo Bice ZOLA, Soulful Max Trio

Monday, 05/18

J THE BARTLETT, The English Beat (See story on page 46) J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills J THE HOP!, Chrysalis, Heart Avail, Thunder Knife, Hard to Forget J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Slick Rick the Ruler, Raw B, Jaeda, Lilac Linquistics, Tyrell & Moe Davis THE SHOP, Jay Condiotti UNDERGROUND 15, Open Mic ZOLA, Nate Ostrander Trio

Tuesday, 05/19

315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub J THE BARTLETT, Open Mic THE BOILER ROOM (863-9213), Nick Grow FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of Open-ness KELLY’S IRISH PUB, Arvid Lundin & Deep Roots THE LARIAT INN, Sam and the Band RED ROOM LOUNGE, Unplugged with Jimmy Nudge


THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Steve Ridler and Chuck Swanson SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List

Wednesday, 05/20 J THE BARTLETT, Singer-songwriter Showcase feat. Vaughn Wood, Karli Ingersoll, Sarah Severson and Nate Stratte THE BOAT LAUNCH RESTAURANT & LOUNGE (447-2035), Scotia Road J CHAPS, Land of Voices with Dirk Swartz CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN (208-292-4813), Dan Conrad EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard GARLAND AVENUE DRINKERY, Open Mic with DJ Scratch n Smith GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES (368-9087), Open Mic with T & T IRON HORSE BAR, Kosh J JOHN’S ALLEY, Ryan Chrys & the Rough Cuts JONES RADIATOR, Whiskey Wednesday feat. Starlite Motel J KNITTING FACTORY, Reverend Horton Heat, Nekromantix LA ROSA CLUB, Robert Beadling and Friends THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE, Open Turntables Night with DJ Lydell LEFTBANK WINE BAR, The Lamb Band LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 MELONE’S PUBLIC HOUSE, Robby French J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Dalima, Colorado Noe, Rez 4 Life, King Skellee, Rod Mac, Atom Emcee SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic THE ROADHOUSE, Blues Wednesday ZOLA, The Bossame


MTN BIKE RACE A team relay mountain bike race, beginning at noon on Saturday, May 23rd and ending at noon on Sunday, May 24th. Teams and solos compete for medals, prizes and bragging rights.

May 23 & 24

Riverside State Park ▪ Spokane


Coming Up ...

THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Andy Rumsey, Tommy G, May 21. J COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, SaltN-Pepa (See story on page 48), May 21 JONES RADIATOR, Star Anna, Emma Pie, May 21, 7 pm. THE BIG DIPPER, The Young Evils, the Camarros, May 21, 7:30 pm. GORGE AMPHITHEATER, Sasquatch music festival feat. Kendrick Lamar, Robert Plant, Lana Del Rey, Modest Mouse, Sleater-Kinney and more, May 22-25 THE BARTLETT, The Round No. 8 feat. Natalie Closner of Joseph, Conor Knowles, Jesse MacDonald, Seth Marlin, Tiffany Patterson, May 22, 8 pm. CHATEAU RIVE, Bakin’ Phat, The Doghouse Boyz, May 22, 8 pm. INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, Lindsey Stirling [Moved locations], May 22 UNDERGROUND 15, The 3H Band, Flannel Math Animal, Andy Rumsey, May 23 THE BIG DIPPER, Ava Luna, Cathedral pearls, May 25 KNITTING FACTORY, Spoon, May 25 NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Whitesnake, May 28

iron horse

brewery ellensburg, wa


315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BEVERLY’S • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 THE BLIND BUCK • 204 N. Division • 290-6229 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS • 6412 E. Trent • 5359309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent Ave.• 924-3720 THE HOP! • 706 N. Monroe St. • 368-4077 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 IRV’S BAR • 415 W. Sprague Ave. • 624-4450 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LATAH BISTRO • 4241 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 838-8338 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MOSCOW FOOD CO-OP • 121 E. Fifth St. • 208882-8537 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO CLUB • 6425 N. Lidgerwood St • 443-5213 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 PINNACLE NORTHWEST • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 THE ROCK BAR • 13921 E. Trent Ave. • 43-3796 ROCKER ROOM • 216 E. Coeur d’Alene Ave. • 208-676-2582 ROCKET MARKET • 726 E. 43rd Ave. • 343-2253 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SPLASH • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 UNDERGROUND 15 • 15 S. Howard St. • 290-2122 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 WEBSTER’S • 1914 N. Monroe St. • 474-9040 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 51



One of the few problems with food trucks for the casual diner is chasing them down to sample the wares, then deciding what to order. Maytoberfest, a food and beer festival organized by the Greater Spokane Food Truck Association, takes care of that for you. For one afternoon and one cover charge, you can sample grub from 12 local trucks including 3 Ninjas, Couple of Chefs and The Bistro Box, as well as beers from Alaskan Brewing Co. — DAN NAILEN Maytoberfest • Sun, May 17, from 2-6 pm • $15; $20/VIP, includes early 1 pm admission • Lilac Lanes • 1112 E. Magnesium •

GET LISTED! Email to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

52 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015



Stage to Screen: Caesar and Cleopatra • Sun, May 17, at 2 pm • $15 • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague •

MÜV Fitness Dodgeball Tournament • Sat, May 16, from 10 am-6 pm; finals Sun, May 17, from 10 am-4 pm • $25/team member • MÜV Fitness Northside and East locations • • 467-1500

The latest in the Bing Crosby Theater’s Stage to Screen series brings some excellent acting to Spokane by way of Canada’s Stratford Festival. The performance isn’t live, but the Bing’s stateof-the-art theatrical system will give you the next best thing as you watch Caesar and Cleopatra, George Bernard Shaw’s turn-of-thecentury play about ancient Egypt. The cast includes Oscar winner Christopher Plummer as Caesar and up-and-coming Broadway star Nikki James as Cleopatra. — MIKE BOOKEY

For those who loved getting down and dirty during a round of gym class dodgeball, it’s time to relive those glory days and sign up for the MÜV Fitness dodgeball tournament. Use those five D’s (as brought to you by the educational flick Dodgeball) to duck, dodge, dip, dive and dodge your way to victory over two days of play this weekend. The winning team can opt for airfare for seven to the Dodgeball World Championships in Las Vegas or a flat $1,000. — LAURA JOHNSON

Ryan Holyk

for e c i t Jus vering the truth about a police cove Unco


Join us:


If you haven’t already, it’s time to descend into your garage and unbury your bicycle from its winter slumber. Clean that chain, tighten the brakes, inflate the tires and get ready for Bike to Work Week. Enjoy five days of forgoing your car for the fresh air of a biking commute, along with other participants looking to promote a bicycle-friendly community. The week includes a bevy of events, like a kickoff breakfast in Riverfront Park, a Ride of Silence to honor cyclists hurt or killed on the road and a wrap-up party. — MIKE BOOKEY Bike to Work Spokane • Mon, May 18 through Fri, May 22 • See for a full list of events

SATURDAY MAY 23rd at 11am to support the truth!

City of Spokane Valley Police Department 12710 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, WA Rattlesnakes-Motorcycle-Club to read the entire story.


This week, three international artists — Sabrina Barrios of Brazil, and Yang Wang and Zhenzhen Qi from China — return to Spokane to install pieces inspired by their time spent as residents at Laboratory Spokane. Barrios’ Zero, a life-size labyrinth of string and black lights, a continuation of her string series, is going in at 228A W. Sprague. Around the corner, Wang and Qi’s Introspection Game takes visitors into a virtual world projected onto the side of a building at 301 W. Main. Together, they make for a trip unlike any art you’ve seen lately, and one you can take part in firsthand. — DAN NAILEN


Laboratory Spokane Zero and Introspection Game opening • Thu, May 21, at 8 pm • 228A W. Sprague and 301 W. Main •


BENEFIT MOPS ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE Offering gently used clothes, shoes, toys, appliances, furniture, books, jewelry, dishes, household goods and more. Proceeds benefit the nonprofit MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). May 15, 9:30 am-3 pm. First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Cedar St. (777-1555) RUMMAGE SALE FUNDRAISER The annual neighborhood sale benefits community outreach programs and offers estate-quality items. May 15-16; 8 am-4 pm. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 5720 S. Perry St. (448-2255) RUMMAGE SALE FOR SIGHT Delta Gamma’s Spokane alumnae host a rummage sale with all proceeds benefiting Lilac Services for the Blind. May 16, 8 am-2 pm. In the 1700 block

of East 38th Ave., Spokane’s South Hill. (998-7366) SK BALL An annual barn dance fundraiser featuring a Longhorn BBQ dinner, live music, dancing, beer/wine/ cocktails, mechanical bull riding and more. Proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Spokane. May 16, 6 pm-midnight. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. (4771766) TRUTH MINISTRIES SPAGHETTI FEED FUNDRAISER The public is invited to learn more about Truth Ministries 12 years of work to support the local homeless population. May 16, 2-6 pm. By donation. Truth Ministries, 1910 E. Sprague. (238-6342) ...continued on page 56

Food and Drink Specials • Times • Locations






I SAW YOU Bad Timing You: Jamie, the beautiful brunette with 4 kids, 8, 6, 5 and 5. Me: the motorcycle rider doodling on his paper. We sat at the same table in a parenting seminar. We made eye contact a few times. I would've asked for your number but it was a little awkward with my ex sitting between us. Hit me up if you're interested. Costco checkout line contest At the valley Costco, May 4 at about 2 pm. Our little contest to see who was in the faster checkout lane brightened my day, and I hope it brightened yours as well. As you remember, you won! You have a lovely smile and probably a great personality to match. Just wanted you to know that. I hope you have fun working in your garden with all the gardening stuff you were buying. Cheers! Bennidito's South Hill You: handsome silver-haired man alone at the bar, wearing cool black Chelsea boots, which I complimented you on. You were asking the pizza chef about his t-shirt (I think) and where to get it. Me: getting take out. We talked about the item on the counter in front of me. What was it? Interested in meeting for a beer (if you're single and, uh, straight)? I can tell you all about the best teenager stores in the mall. Vroom, vroom Had just picked up a bite from Chipolte and was thinking about finding a good study spot around

8-ish on a Friday night — boring, right?! Rushing down division in my 'salsa red' Corolla I suddenly caught a glimpse of you in your little gold-ish Grand Vitara. I eased off the gas in hopes you would look my way. After giving you an obnoxious stare, you did. Have you ever had a girl ogle at you in the next car over? I don't recall ever attempting it. You must have thought I was slightly nuts. My heart kinda skipped when you locked eyes and gave a subtle grin — like 'is this chick flirting?' Was I flirting with a guy who's already taken? My hopes are that you're not and somehow you notice this too. At the very least, I hope that put a spark in your day. Email me: Handsome guy You were at the

change and get a Faygo!!! This is Exactly why Juggalos are not a Gang!!! They are Family!!! Cheers 2 U and Much Love, Raise your Hatchets High and Holler Whoop!! Whoop!!! Kickin' Service I am totally impressed with the good ol' fashion customer service I received at the Men's Shoe section in Fred Meyer on Thor. I normally do the Amazon thing, but after they shipped me the wrong style shoe, I was pressed to get into some new kicks before Bloomsday. Tim (Tom?) took one look at my burnt-out Nikes and read them like an oracle. After a quick lecture about not using my running shoes like slippers, and some tips on how to properly lace and tie 'em up, he pointed me toward some quality Under

it was to read your sarcastic opinion about those of us who had decided to have children. After finishing your message, I could not help but think how sad it was for the rest of us all that your parents did not share your derisive attitude toward breeding. They would have been doing the world a favor. Downtown Panhandler There is a fat, butch woman with a buzz cut that wears a T-shirt and shorts and always has an ipod/ ear phones in. DO NOT give her money for the "bus." She comes down daily and begs for so-called bus money. Little Angels and Little Devils are not racist Due to recent letters by angry customers, Rockwood Bakery had to change the names of their "Little

“There is no hidden racist connotation behind these cupcakes, merely a reference to the food used to create these baked goods.”

Washington Trust bank on Sat. May 9th during the business fair, you held the door open for me and my mom as we walked out. Then I saw you again at Fred Meyer i passed you and the guy you were with in the isle and you spun around after i walked passed you. I was wearing my hair down with white seethrough blouse and black pants. I would definitely like to get a drink sometime :). Cute country boy I was parked in McDonald's parking lot on Saturday and you pulled up in your truck with a trailer attached to it, i whistled at ya, you're pretty cute we should grab a drink.. ;)

CHEERS Whoop!!! Whoop!!! Juggalos Cheers to the Juggalo Family Members that were at Hastings May 5th!!! Especially the ones who gave my broke Little Juggalo and Juggalette $30 to buy a CD and get to meet their idols Violent J and Shaggy. The CD only cost $10.99 and when my Little Juggalos tried to give you the change back, you told them keep the

Armours. When my exact size wasn't in stock, he had them ordered and to me within a couple of days. I forgot what it was like to have helpful, knowledgable, face-to-face customer service before the days of internet shopping. Cheers! Thnx for tha Taco Bell Just want tha person who paid for my families late night tacos on 4/22/2015 @ tha Taco Bell in tha valley @ about 11pm to know it was very much appreciated!! I will for sure pay it forward!! My 1 And Only CLF I love you so much!! I don't know where I would be without you in my life. Until tha end of time, It's You and I against tha world. I wake up every morning knowing in my heart that with you by my side I can accomplish anything... Love always, Snookie Wookems... Re: someday... call me if you know me. J-

JEERS RE: Hooyah for Breeders How nice

SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”

Angel" and "Little Devil" cupcakes to something less "racist." Apparently, if you have a baked good that is white and name it after an angel and one that is black and go for a devilish name, that is considered racism. Except that these cupcakes are not named after their color or frosting — they're named after the type of cake used to create them. "Little Angels" are made from Angel Food Cake, and "Little Devils" are Devils Food Cake. There is no hidden racist connotation behind these cupcakes, merely a reference to the food used to create these baked goods. It is sad that some people immediately jump to racism, and never bother to understand the history behind our sugary treats.

on the phone with me told me several things, including that the event was a false alarm. This didn't stop them from reporting on the false alarms back in April for a different elementary school and 3 different high schools. She hung up on me after informing me that, "It probably was just one of those things that fell through the cracks." NOTstitute There seems to be some confusion as to my agenda whilst standing on Sprague. I do in fact work there... for a legitimate business, where I earn a taxed paycheck every two weeks. JUST BECAUSE I AM A FEMALE, DOES NOT MEAN THAT MY CROTCH IS FOR SALE. Some of you disgusting sacks of sh*t even go as far as to get angry when I don't come hop in your car! Take a moment to soak in what you see. I have all of my teeth, and an adequate amount of clothing as well. I go outside for my smoke breaks, which are constantly being interrupted by greasy, rapey scumbags circling the block five times over, staring me down like a slab of meat. And once my shift ends, you know that blue sign I stand by? ITS A BUS STOP. Yep, could you possibly imagine that there are women who can't afford a vehicle? And just as nauseating as the pigs trying to pick me up... THE ACTUAL PROSTITUTES. You nasty tweaker whores demand I provide you with cigarettes, and shout a slurred mess of obscenities when I politely refuse you. Sometimes even assume that I am there to steal your business. Gross. And the police are no better. I have been given a pop quiz on the prices and amenities of my workplace to prove that I am innocent. Thank you for profiling me, now could you all grab hands and leap off the Monroe Street bridge together? Just an idea. 


Shame on KHQ Jeers to the KHQ news room. On May 4th the news room at KHQ felt it more worth their time to post pictures of a baby dressed in Star Wars garb and pushing the "May the 4th be with you" stuff then report on the lockdown that happened at Holmes Elementary school. On May 5th I called the news room to ask them why they didn't report on it. The rude woman

NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.

Find out where at


EVENTS | CALENDAR WILLOW SPRINGS BENEFIT A raffle fundraiser with author readings of submissions in the latest edition of EWU’s literary press. May 16, 3:30-5:30 pm. Forza Coffee Co., 2829 E. 29th Ave. (535-7179) WOMEN HELPING WOMEN FUND The 23rd annual luncheon features a keynote presentation by kidnapping survivor, humanitarian and author Amanda Lindhout. Proceeds benefit a number of local charitable organizations serving women and children. May 18, noon. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. ADOPT-A-ROOM FUNDRAISER For two days, all profits from Ferrante’s supports RMHC Spokane’s Adopt-A-Room program. This includes dine-in orders, take out orders, and all items from the gift shop. May 20-21, from 11 am-9 pm. Ferrante’s Marketplace Cafe, 4516 S. Regal. (443-6304)


GUFFAW YOURSELF Open mic comedy night; every other Thursday at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. (847-1234) STAND-UP COMEDY OPEN MIC Local comedians; see weekly schedule online. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. (483-7300) STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third Ave. (838-6688) SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) STAND UP / SHOW DOWN Live comedy, Mondays at 8 pm. Free. Sapphire Lounge, 901 W. First Ave. (747-1041) OPEN MIC COMEDY Wednesdays at 8 pm. Ages 21+. Free. Brooklyn Deli & Lounge, 122 S. Monroe St. (835-4177)


BIKE TO WORK SPOKANE The annual cycling awareness/promotion campaign features events through May 22; see schedule of related activities at EARTH FROM SPACE A Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit of images captured by high-tech satellites constantly circling the globe. Also includes an interactive fly-along with NASA satellites in 3D, video from the Mars Rover Curiosity and images from the Hubble Telescope. May 8-October; open Wed-Sat 11 am-4 pm. Call to schedule group tours. $4-$6. Spokane Valley Heritage Museum, 12114 E. Sprague. (922-4570) MONTHLY SWING DANCE A monthly dance for all swing dance styles, including Lindy Hop, Charleston, East Coast, West Coast, Balboa, or Country Swing. Includes a lesson from 7-8 pm, and dancing until 11 pm. Third Fri. of every month, 7-11 pm through July 17. $5. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. strictlyswingspokane. com (944-5071) SFCC SPRING POW WOW The 18th annual spring pow wow features dancers and drummers from Washington, Montana, Oregon, Idaho and Canada. May 15-16, Friday 7 pm-midnight and Sat 12 pm-midnight. Free and open to the public. Spokane Falls Community

College, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. (533-4331) KIDICAL MASS BIKE RIDE Kids and their families are invited to join a fun, safe bike ride of about 3 miles, cycling on anything that rolls: bikes, trailers, Xtracycles, bakfiets, tandems, folding bikes and trikes all are welcome. May 16, 1 pm. Free. Chief Garry Park, 2701 E. Sinto Ave. SPOKANE COUNTY WATER RESOURCE CENTER OPEN HOUSE Learn about the river, aquifer and the stateof-the-art Spokane County Regional Water Reclamation Facility. Optional walking tours offered hourly, with short presentations every half hour. See full event schedule and details online. May 16, 10 am-4 pm. Free. Spokane County Water Resource Center, 1004 N. Freya. (477-7577) ENDING FAMILY VIOLENCE PANEL A panel discussion to inform the community about domestic violence response and prevention to take steps towards ending family violence. May 17, 2-3:30 pm. Free. Messiah Lutheran Church, 4202 N Belt St. (509343-5057) SPOKANE HERBAL FAIR A vendor fair/festival offering dried and fresh herbs, salves, syrups, lotions, cosmetics, books, herbal workshops, music, art, performances and more. May 17, 10 am-6 pm & 7-9 pm. $3/adults; free/kids. Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland. MERLYN’S 35TH ANNIVERSARY The local comic book and gaming shop celebrates 35 years of business with a community celebration offering food/ drink, store specials and more. May 18, 4-9 pm. Free. Merlyn’s, 19 W. Main Ave. (624-0957) STORYCORPS StoryCorps is a national nonprofit dedicated to recording, preserving and sharing the stories of people from all backgrounds and beliefs. SFCC hosts both StoryCorps’ Military Voices Initiative and Outloud. Recording dates for the “Military Voices Initiative” is May 19-20, “Outloud” is May 21-22. Free. SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. (533-3500) CELEBRATION OF MENTAL HEALTH To commemorate National Mental Health Awareness Month, NAMI Spokane hosts a presentation by Dave Dahl, founder of Dave’s Killer Bread and the Second Chance employment program at his Portland bakery. In the Mother Joseph room on floor L3. May 20, 6:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Sacred Heart Medical Center, 101 W. Eighth Ave. TENANTS UNION OF WASHINGTON STATE Join tenants to address housing stability and tenants’ rights in Spokane. May 20, 5:30-7:30 pm. Community Building, 35 W. Main Ave. (464-7620) SPOKANE FOLKLORE CONTRA DANCE Weekly Wednesday night dance, with the Jam Band playing and Karen Wilson-Bell calling. Beginner workshop at 7:15 pm. May 20, 7:30-9:30 pm. $5-$7. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth.

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REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE Screening of the James Dean classic. May 14, 7:30 pm; May 16, 1 pm. $7 Adult, $6 Senior, $5 Student, $4 Child. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. (208-255-7801)

Conveniently located in Spokane Valley, we are accessible in 15 minutes for most people from Spokane, Deer Park, Liberty Lake, Post Falls, Coeur d’Alene and Hayden Idaho. We are just off the freeway, next to the Krispy Kreme and Best Buy stores located east of the Spokane Valley Mall. | 509-252-0633

Birkenstock exclusive, not to be combined with other offers. Expires 5/31/15.

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 55


Advice Goddess SmellS like BeAn SPirit


My girlfriend of a year is 51 and lovely in most areas — except one: She often passes gas and recently started belching audibly. She is a psychotherapist, dresses nicely, and has great figure. However, she grew up in a male-dominated, military home. She thinks I’m “weird” and “overly sensitive” to be disturbed by these behaviors, but I, like most men, like the whole “feminine” thing. I now feel less attracted to her, and our sex life has diminished somewhat. I wonder whether I’m being tested in some way. —Bummed

“Audible” is an audiobook producer; it shouldn’t describe your girlfriend’s butt. Okay, so she grew up in a military family — the lone sister trying to fit in with the “band of brothers.” (Semper fffffffffft!) But that was then, and this is now. These days, if she spots some lady with 11 items in the “10 items or less” lane, I’m guessing she doesn’t whip out the sat phone to order a drone strike on the woman’s minivan. Likewise, you aren’t unreasonable in asking her to respect the difference between free expression and too-free expression. (Your role in the relationship shouldn’t be “Courage Under Fire.”) Some couples do view being gross in front of each other as an endurance test for love — a sort of “Survivor: El Bano” — as if they’ve got something so special that it transcends their seeing their beloved straining on the throne. And, sure, if you love someone and they get sick, you don’t stop loving them because you’re holding their hair back while they’re puking their guts out. But the reality is, it’s hard enough to keep the sexy alive over time when you really make an effort. As for your girlfriend’s insistence on crop-dusting her way across the bedroom, way to clear a room, lady — of all sexual attraction. Explain to your girlfriend that of course there’ll be the occasional accidental toot in yoga class. (To air is human!) But love involves treating someone as if they matter. Even when you think their concerns are “weird.” (Crazy that you don’t find it the height of femininity when your girlfriend interrupts sexytime with “Come on, pull my finger!”) Tell her that you’re hurt that your feelings don’t seem to mean enough for her to curtail her behavior in the most minor way — the way that she surely does at cocktail parties and around her patients. (Please tell me that as some tearful guy tells her about his traumatic childhood, she isn’t lifting a leg and letting one rip: “Wow, those nightshade vegetables really don’t agree with me!”) If she keeps on keeping on, give some thought to whether she’s loving enough for you to continue seeing. When you have a girlfriend who blows you away, it should probably be with her kindness, intelligence, and beauty — and not the chimichangas she had for lunch.

meet Joe BlAnk

I’d really like the guy I’m dating to compliment me more. I know he’s superattracted to me, but he’s not very complimentary, and it makes me feel that he doesn’t think I’m pretty. How do I get him to compliment me without the awkward “Don’t you think I look hot?” —Insecure Unfortunately, men tend to do poorly at hint-taking. So, no, you can’t just stand next to the kitchen table in your cute new skirt after laying out Doritos in the shape of a question mark. But because male sexuality is visual, it’s comforting to know that your boyfriend’s looking across a party at you and thinking “I want you” and not “I want you to move over so I can see that hot woman behind you.” And it turns out that complimenting you is actually good for him, too. Research on gratitude by psychologist Sara Algoe suggests that the stock-taking that goes into a person’s expressing appreciation for their partner works as a sort of emotional Post-it note, reminding them of how good they have it. And the appreciation itself tends to leave both partners feeling more bonded and satisfied with the relationship. Instead of fishing for a compliment in the moment — yicky and humiliating — take advantage of how men like to know they’re making their woman happy and tell him (and remind him, if necessary) that you love hearing it when he thinks you look good. But you might also recognize that he’s been complimenting you, just not in a chatty way. (As you noted, “I know he’s super-attracted to me.”) And sure, there are men out there who’d be far more naturally verbal about their feelings — men who haven’t exactly walked a mile in your stilettos but have a pair that looks a lot like them in size 14 extra-extra-wide. n ©2015, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (

56 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

EVENTS | CALENDAR SPOKANE FILM SOCIETY The local group screens a film to get audiences thinking, with each month focusing on a new theme. Beer/wine/food for purchase during the show. Thursdays at 9 pm. $5. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. (327-1050) THE WOMAN IN GOLD The remarkable true story of one woman’s journey to reclaim her heritage and seek justice for what happened to her family. PG13. May 14-17, show times vary. $6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy. org (208-882-4127) REFLECTIONS UNHEARD: BLACK WOMEN IN CIVIL RIGHTS The Spokane Feminist Forum along with EWU’s Women’s Studies Department hosts a film screening and post discussion led by Spokane NAACP President Rachel Dolezal. May 17, 7-8:30 pm. Free. EWU Riverpoint Campus, 668 N. Riverpoint Blvd. (359-2847) BACK TO THE FUTURE Tuesdays in May are ‘80s nights at the Kenworthy, as it hosts some of the decades most memorable classic films. May 19, 7 pm. Kenworthy, 508 S. Main. (208-882-4127) SFCC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL The 10th annual SFCC International Film Festival brings films from France, Spain, Hong Kong, Cuba and Italy to Spokane. Screenings on Tuesdays at 7:15 pm, through May 26. $5/public; free/SFCC students. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland. KUMIKO THE TREASURE HUNTER A darkly comedic odyssey, featuring Academy Award nominee Rinko Kikuchi (Babel, Pacific Rim) starring as Kumiko, a frustrated Office Lady whose imagination transcends the confines of her mundane life. May 22-24, show times vary. $6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127)


SPOKANE CRAFT BEER WEEK More than 30 events throughout the inaugural, week-long celebration of the region’s growing craft beer industry include brewery collabs, beer dinners, tap takeovers, and more.May 11-17; see full schedule online. BACKYARD BARBECUE WINES Sample a line-up of bold, food-friendly wines including a cabernet, merlot, malbec, grenache, sirah and more. May 15, 7 pm. $20, registration requested. Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd. (343-2253) COFFEE & CHOCOLATE PAIRINGS Every chocolate and coffee is unique due to regional growth, soil composition, altitude and processing methods. Taste these differences with a guide from the Chocolate Apothecary. May 16, 2-3 pm. Free. Otis Orchards Library, 22324 E. Wellesley. (893-8390) INVEG POTLUCK: BACKYARD MEDICINE & EDIBLES Vegan potluck at 5 pm followed by a presentation by Brandy Lucas on medicinal herbs and edibles. Childcare provided ($5). Please bring a plant-based dish to share, eating utensils and a list of your ingredients. May 17, 5-7 pm. Free. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. (607-0409) MAYTOBERFEST Ten of Spokane’s food trucks host a kickoff to the food truck season, offering food samples (free with admission) and a beer garden, with the option to purchase VIP tickets. May 17, 1-6 pm. $15-$25. Lilac

Lanes, 1112 E. Magnesium Rd. SAVOR WALLA WALLA Twenty-eight Walla Walla wineries host a special tasting, with wines sampled that evening available to order through Vino!. Includes small bites by Greenbriar Catering and cider from Twilight Cider Works. May 17, 5:30 pm. $35-$50. Chateau Rive, 621 W. Mallon Ave. vinowine. com (838-1229) ORGANIC VEGETABLE GARDENING Get all the basics on organic vegetable garden in a fast-paced class covering zones, starts, soil prep and composting. May 19, 6:30-7:30 pm. Free. Medical Lake Library, 3212 Herb St. (299-4891) YOGA/PILATES + WINE Pilates/yoga instructor Larkin Barnett leads an evening of exercise and fine wine. Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. $15/class. Barrister Winery, 1213 W. Railroad. (465-3591)


MUSICFEST NORTHWEST Organized in 1945 to instill in young people an enjoyment and appreciation of all the arts, the annual festival encourages the study of music and dance, and promotes high standards of performance. May 11-15. Free and open to the public. Gonzaga University, 502 E. Boone Ave. (327-3455) COMMUNITY DANCES FEAT. VARIETY PAK Dance music from all eras performed by the local group during the community center’s twice-monthly dances; first Thursdays and third Fridays, from 7-10 pm, through June. $6$10. Southside Senior & Community Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. MUSICFEST NORTHWEST CONCERTS Young musicians and dancers on the verge of promising careers will perform movements of popular concerti, operatic arias or a ballet variation. May 13 and May 15, at 7:30 pm. Free. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. SPOKANE AREA YOUTH CHOIRS All choirs present the culminating concert of the season, “Never Enough Singing.” May 15, 7-8:30 pm. $5-$8. Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ, 411 S. Washington St. (624-7992) VOCAL HIGH SPIRITS & BACH Friday Musical, 99-year-old champion of fine music in Spokane, presents a concert by the local barbershop quartet, Pepper, the Ferris HS choral groups the Saxon Knights and the Canterbury Belles, as well as Kevin Hekmatpanah performing Bach’s Unaccompanied Suite No. 3 in C Major. May 15, 1-2:30 pm. Free. Central Lutheran Church, 512 S. Bernard. (6249233) KPBX KIDS’ CONCERT Featuring select youth performers featured in this year’s Musicfest Northwest series. May 16, 1 pm. Free. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7404) ROUGH START BENEFIT FEAT. BARRY LEE WHITE Rough Start Horse Rescue Presents Barry Lee White in concert with all proceeds benefiting the nonprofit’s work. All-ages welcome 5-7 pm; 18+, 10 pm-midnight. May 16, 5-7 pm. $10. Knitting Factory, 919 W. Sprague Ave. (236-2380) SPOKANE BRITISH BRASS BAND “Masters of Brass XVI” concert with solos by Alan & Gary Gemberling on trumpet and trombone. Also featuring North Central senior Caleb Landron in “Blue Bells of Scotland.” Proceeds sup-

port music program at North Central. May 17, 3-4:30 pm. $10 (students free). North Central HS, 1600 N. Howard. (999-8717) SPOKANE YOUTH SYMPHONY: PROMISE OF SUMMER The centerpiece of the season finale concert is SYS’s virtuoso soloists as selected through the concerto competition, and also showcases the combined talent of all four orchestras. May 17, 6:30 pm. $12-$16. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. foxtheaterspokane. com (624-1200) WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT BENEFIT CONCERT The Central Valley HS Wind Ensemble presents its annual concert supporting the Wounded Warrior Project’s mission to foster a successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members. May 20, 7-9 pm. $5. Central Valley High School, 821 S. Sullivan Rd. (228-5118)


HIKE THE PLEASS EASEMENT Meet at 9:30 am (directions sent upon registration); around the easement begins at 10 am, offering panoramic views of Lake Pend Oreille. Space limited to 20 participants. May 16, 9:30 am-noon. Free. Inland Northwest Land Trust, 35 W. Main. (3282939) DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT The 5th annual event expects 300+ participants and includes prizes and giveaways for players and teams. $25/person. MÜV Fitness, 14927 E. Sprague. (926-1241) SPOKANE SHOCK VS. SAN JOSE SABERCATS Arena football game. May 16, 4 pm. $15-$60. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. (242-7462) TOUR DE CURE A cycling event to raise funds to support diabetes research and prevention. Includes a post-ride massage, vendors and live entertainment. 4, 10, 25, 50 and 100-mile routes. $200 min. fundraising goal/team. May 16, 7 am-6 pm. Northern Quest, 100 N. Hayford Rd. MAP & COMPASS NAVIGATION BASICS Learn basic navigation skills using map and compass to find your way. May 21, 6:30-8:30 pm. $30-$50. REI, 1125 N. Monroe. (328-9900)


FERRIS THEATRE ARTS BULLYING AWARENESS PERFORMANCE Ferris Theatre Arts students perform three shows to raise awareness of bullying, with all funds benefiting “Hey U.G.L.Y.,” a nonprofit dedicated to preventing bullying in schools across the country. May 14-15, at 7 pm. $5. Ferris High School, 3020 E. 37th Ave. (354-6076) FUDDY MEERS A poignant new comedy by David-Lindsey Abaire traces one woman’s attempt to regain her memory while surrounded by a curio-cabinet of alarmingly bizarre characters. May 15-16 at 7 pm; May 14 at 5 pm and May 17 at 2 pm. $10. EWU Cheney. on.fb. me/1Jvsqqy MARY POPPINS The U-Drama program performs a new musical is based on the popular stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney film. Through May 17; ThuSat at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 1 pm. $12. University HS, 12320 E. 32nd. (228-5240)

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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 57






BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor Control Board at

CALL 325-0634 xt. 215 EMAIL


Weed on Wheels The Spot Medical LLC dabbles with delivery and deals with drunks BY JORDY BYRD


eed delivery isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, says Joe Doherty. He owns the Spot Medical LLC — one of five medicinal marijuana delivery companies in the Spokane area. The businessman is conflicted between altruistic motives — to hand-deliver medicine to homebound patients — and pure business strategy. “Most of my delivery calls are from recreational customers, not medicinal card holders,” he says. “I get too many calls after midnight from drunks in hotel rooms.” The business has only delivered to 10 legitimate medicinal patients since opening last March. For deliveries, the proof is in the card. Doherty requires patients to text a picture of their identification card. Once received, he verifies the information and schedules a drop-off. Upon delivery, the card is verified again. “Everyone has been really appreciative so far,” he says. “I know it’s a valuable service to patients who really need it, but if I keep getting phone calls at 2 am, it’s going to end.” For now, deliveries will continue on a trial

58 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

basis throughout Spokane and Cheney, with profits driven by the East Trent storefront. Doherty purchased the business and transferred about 14 existing patients last March. While off to a rocky start, the Spot Medical LLC has since transformed, with a new interior and custom-built, brushed-steel display cases. “We completely remodeled with new floors, walls and a ceiling,” he says. “People don’t even recognize the new space.” The dispensary carries flowers, edibles, concentrates, accessories and glass pieces from local glassblower Jack Tregalis. New patients are given a free gram, which has helped grow the business to 175 patients. “We have nothing but top-shelf product from local farmers,” Doherty says. The Spot Medical LLC will continue to operate — deliveries included — under the existing year lease and has plans to apply for recreational status. n The Spot Medical LLC • 7413 E. Trent, Spokane Valley • Open Sun, 11 am-8 pm; Mon-Sat, 11 am-11 pm • 315-8279; 216-1115 deliveries






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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

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Warning: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.



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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.


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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

THE MUSIC MAN A heartwarming musical comedy, directed by Tia Wooley. May 15-June 1; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. *Partnering for Progress benefit May 14, 7:15 pm ($30-$35); Spokane HOPE School benefit show June 3 ($30). $22-$30. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. THE MUSICAL COMEDY MURDERS OF 1940 A comedy poking fun at the ridiculous aspects of “show biz” and the corny thrillers of Hollywood. Through May 17; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. Modern Theater CdA, 1320 E. Garden Ave. (208667-1323) SYLVIA Romantic comedy, directed by Melody Deatherage. Through May 23; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. In the Firth J. Chew Studio Theatre. $22. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. (325-2507) BOEING BOEING A romantic comedy. May 15-31; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. Modern Theater Spokane, 174 S. Howard. GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS The 1984 Pulitzer-winning play shows parts of two days in the lives of four desperate Chicago real estate agents who are prepared to engage in any number of illegal acts to sell undesirable real estate to unwitting prospective buyers. Through May 24; Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm; Sun at 2 pm. $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third Ave. (838-9727) CYT PRESENTS: CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG A stage musical, based on the beloved 1968 film version of Ian Fleming’s children’s book. May 16-17 and 22-24; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, SatSun at 3 pm. $11-$15. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. (208-667-1865) STAGE TO SCREEN: CAESAR & CLEOPATRA A screening of a recorded performance at the Stratford Festival, starring Christopher Plummer and Nikki James, as the titular characters in the George Bernard Shaw comedy. May 17, 2 pm. $15. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (509-227-7404)


BOOKERS DOZEN The CdA Library hosts the biannual traveling exhibit of books designed as art, sponsored by the Idaho Center for the Book. On display through May 29 during library hours. Free. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. (208-769-2315) JUST SO WONDERFUL A BFA senior exhibition, featuring the work of Krystn Parmley, Ashley Vaughn, Jessica Earle and Victoria Deleon. Runs through May 14; gallery open Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm. At the EWU Gallery of Art. Free. EWU Cheney campus. (359-2898) THE WILD WILD WEST The affiliated Manic Moon Guild Artists explore the works and lives of “we western folk.” Reception May 15, 4-9 pm. Show runs through June 18; gallery open Tue-Sat, 11 am-5 pm. Free. Manic Moon & More, 1007 W. Augusta. PASSPORT TO THE ARTS: CULTURAL EXCHANGE WITH PLATEAU TRIBES & THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES To celebrate the opening of the MAC’s new exhibit, “Past Forward: Contemporary

Art from the Emirates (UAE),” attend a day of hands-on, family activities centered around the traditions of the Plateau Tribes and the people of the United Arab Emirates. May 16, 11 am-3 pm. $5-$10, MAC members free. The MAC, 2316 W. First. northwestmuseum. org (456-3931) LEGACY: FORMER FINE ARTS FACULTY EXHIBITION, FUNDRAISER & ART SALE An exhibition featuring diverse work by 25+ Emeritus and longstanding former WSU Arts faculty members, coinciding with the finale of the Campaign for a New Museum of Art. May 19-July 3; Tue-Fri, 10 am-4 pm. Closing celebration July 9, 4-6 pm. Free. WSU Museum of Art, Pullman. (509-335-1910) MIDWEEK MONET PAINT PARTIES Local artists provides a step-by-step introduction to acrylic painting, with themes ranging from landscapes to still life to abstracts. Glass of wine included in admission; all supplies provided. Upcoming classes: May 20, June 3, June 17; from 5:30-8:30 pm. $40/ class. Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center, 405 N. William St. (208-457-8950)


BRUCE HOLBERT & JACKSON HOLBERT The elder Holbert reads from and discusses his second novel, “The Hour of Lead.” He’s joined by son Jackson, a student at Brandeis University and fellow writer whose work has been published in “Railtown Almanac” and “Stringtown Press.” May 14, 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) DR. ARI KELMAN LECTURE EWU and SFCC host one of the country’s leading historians for a series of lectures on his recent book, “A Misplaced Massacre: Struggling Over the Memory of Sand Creek,” which won the 2014 Bancroft Prize for best new book on American history. May 14, 6-8 pm, at SFCC and at EWU on May 15, from 12-2 pm. Free. (533-3500) SPR PRESENTS: NPR’S COKIE ROBERTS In honor of Spokane Public Radio’s 35th Anniversary, NPR Senior Analyst and best-selling author Cokie Roberts comes to Spokane to talk about current affairs and her new book, “Capital Dames.” May 14, 7:30 pm. $40. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7404) EWU VISITING WRITERS SERIES: MARY SZYBIST For the final installment of the 2014-15 series, poet and 2013 National Book Award recipient Mary Szybist reads and answers audience questions. May 15, 7:30 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main. (838-0206) CELEBRATING THE PAST IN THE PRESENT: TELLING CULTURAL STORIES THROUGH ART To celebrate the opening of the MAC’s new exhibit, the first of artists from the United Arab Emirates to ever tour the U.S., attend a panel discussion moderated by EWU professor Dr. Rob Saunders. May 16, 3:30-5 pm. Free. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. (4563931) JACK NISBET BOOK LAUNCH Celebration for the release of the Spokane writer’s new book, “Ancient Places: People and Landscape in the Emerging Northwest.” May 19, 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) n

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 59

Health in the

The Arc of Spokane Thrift Store has the following positions open!

Your local resource for beauty, fitness, and total well being. TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SPECIAL HEALTH SECTION: (509) 444-7355 or

EXPERIENCED PRICING ASSOCIATE: 30+ hrs eligible for benefits once criteria is met | $9.62 hr As a successful Pricing Associate, you will possess exceptional knowledge of determining the value of an item and have a talent for setting fair, yet competitive prices on our donated goods. If you have experience with pricing and tagging merchandise and understand the value of ensuring that quality, well-priced apparel and hard goods make it to the sales floor in a timely manner then we want to meet you! Diligence and the ability to assist in meeting hourly production goals and sales quotas will make you a perfect candidate for this position.

PRODUCTION ASSOCIATE: Up to 28 hrs | $9.47 hr | 8am-1pm shift, Tues- Sat You might sort, tag, hang, or price donations. Your understanding of apparel and household items means that quality donations make it to our sales floor in a well-priced and timely manner. You are on your feet and moving constantly throughout your shift.

GENERAL LABOR: Up to 24 hrs | $9.47 hr | 2pm-8pm shift, Must be avail. Mon-Sun


You’ll assist donors with their donations as they drive up and drop off bags and boxes. You’re quick to smile and help and say thank you! And then you’re on the move, starting those donations on their journey. You are lifting and moving all day, so being able to consistently lift heavy boxes and bags is a must. There’s always a lot to do at our store and it all starts with the General Labor Team: sorting donations, recycling garbage, breaking down boxes, hauling donation carts, loading and unloading trucks and helping our team and customers with whatever they need.

DONATION DRIVER: Temporary up to 28 hrs | $10.00 hr | Must be available weekends We are looking for someone to drive our 7 ton step-van to designated locations to collect donations from our community. REQUIREMENTS: Must be at least 21, have a valid WA driver’s licenses, (CDL not required), clean driving record for the past three years, good verbal skills, ability to lift 50 lbs and work in various weather conditions. Physical requirements for these positions will include but are not limited to: The ability to stand, twist, bend and lift up to 50 lbs regularly. Work shifts include weekends and holidays. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Should be at least 18 years old, have a High School diploma or GED and must successfully pass our required background check.

Please fill out our required application at The Arc of Spokane’s main office located at: 320 E. Second Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm, Monday - Friday



More kids using electronic cigarettes



A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control found that use of electronic cigarettes among middle- and high-school aged kids TIP OF THE WEEK has tripled in only a year. Mayo Clinic addiction specialist Dr. Jon Ebbert says that more and more research has found that e-cigarettes present profound health risks, partially due to the delivery of formaldehyde and flavoring additives that may cause cancer. Ebbert adds that doctors need to be more upfront with everyone, especially kids, about the dangers of the devices. (Mayo Clinic)

Applications can be downloaded at WWW.ARC-SPOKANE.ORG & mailed or brought in to the office. *****APPLICATIONS AND INQUIRIES ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT THE THRIFT STORE.****


MAKE MONEY BY MAKING A DIFFERENCE Donate at Octapharma Plasma today! 510 E. Francis Ave. in Spokane. 509-484-7001 *Must be 18-64 years old w/valid ID, proof of social security # & current residence postmarked within 30 days. More info at BRING IN AD FOR A $5 BONUS ON YOUR 1ST DONATION

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The Non-Profit Organization, ASSISTANTS, will be holding a




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ACROSS 1. Jul. 4 events 5. Scarlett O’Hara and others 11. Cable channel since 1981 14. Promises to pay 15. London insurance giant 16. Palindromic girl’s name 17. Hit a famous microbiologist in the head with a baseball pitch? 19. LIII + LIII 20. “It’s ch-ch-chilly!” 21. Have ____ to pick 22. Burrito alternative 23. Wallop someone who likes to put on airs? 28. Some reef dwellers 29. Diabolical 30. Banks on a runway 32. Actor Robert of “The 39 Steps” 34. Stephen Colbert’s network, as of 2015 37. Traveling nighttime vigil?





12005 E Trent Ave, Spokane Valley


41. Adams of “American Hustle” 42. Shaggy locks 43. “Roll in ze hay” enthusiast in “Young Frankenstein” 44. “Aaay!” sayer of TV, with “the” 45. Forever and ever 47. What someone averse to lip-puckering might cry when handed a pickle? 52. TomKat’s kid 53. Mineralogist with a scale 54. Was up 56. Piece in the Middle East? 57. “Correctamundo!” (or a hint to solving 17-, 23-, 37- and 47-Across) 61. “Yo mama’s so poor, she can’t even pay attention,” e.g. 62. Pertaining to a son or daughter 63. Floor 64. Witness

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65. “The Andy Griffith Show” costar 66. In the mail DOWN 1. Lettuce variety 2. One side of an 1899-1902 war 3. Like some reports 4. ID thief’s target 5. Valuable (and valueless) Scrabble tiles 6. ____ the Cow (Borden symbol) 7. Bunch of, casually 8. Grease dissolver 9. Follower of brown. or rice. 10. Belarus, until 1991: Abbr. 11. Asian gambling mecca 12. ‘80s-’90s entertainment combo 13. Sony laptop line 18. Beach toy 22. ____ Aviv

24. Word on American Library Association posters 25. Remains undecided 26. Elliptical 27. Online destination

34. Government building 35. Creepy-crawly 36. Relative of Mme. 38. Mine, to Monet 39. Doesn’t have what it takes 40. Two-time All-Star Martinez 44. Memo-heading initials 45. Antiknock fluids 46. ____ buco 47. “____ Q” (1968 hit) 48. Issue (from) 49. “Somebody shot me!” 50. Absent from 51. Any “Breaking Bad” showing, now “MAKE LOVE” 52. Brewskis 55. Impression 30. “____ Carter III” (bestselling album 57. Subj. of the 2006 film “Bobby” of 2008) 58. “There’s no ____ ‘team’” 31. ____ Kippur 59. Mop & ____ (floor cleaner) 32. Tony of “Taxi” 60. Navy ship letters 33. Unified

MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 61


The Gender Games Why I open doors for dudes BY JO (THAT’S A WOMAN’S NAME) MILLER


here’s this game I play. Or perhaps it’s more of a test I give to unsuspecting males approaching doorways: I open the door for them. I don’t merely walk through first and hold the door behind me for a few seconds, so they have the chance to grab it. No, I open the door, step aside, smile, nod or wave them through and then enter behind them. Sounds like a boring game, right? Well, it would have never turned into a game if it weren’t for the strange reactions I began to get, responses I started collecting like seashells, as little moments of comic relief during a dull day. The most common is the scrunched-up face of embarrassment, looking like I caught him picking his nose or skipping class. There was the man at the Saranac Building exiting the double doors as I entered. Stepping back, I held the door open for him. At the same time he quickened his steps and loudly exclaimed, “Damn it!” when he didn’t reach the door before me, as if he had

62 INLANDER MAY 14, 2015

failed his vital duty of the day. On my way into karate class, I held the door for my sensei as he walked up behind me. But he stopped. All he said was “No,” as he took the door from me and motioned me forward, a reaction I didn’t expect from a man steeped in Japanese culture where elders are shown courtesy above the young. Then there’s my dad — an outdoorsman, pastor and wildly conservative man. He knows my game. He tries to win his own game. Every time I get to the door first, he laughs and steals it from me. “That’s not the way it’s supposed to be,” he says. “I’m supposed to open the door for you.” He tells me a story of a pastor he read about who taught his daughter to wait at every door she came to until a man opened it for her. He says it beaming, like that’s somehow the solution to making men treat women properly, like that’s somehow progress. Then there are the few men who do nothing. Maybe they utter a “thank you,” but they walk through the door

without hesitation or awkward fumbling. They’re the ones who pass my test. They win the game. Not intending to snub the courtesy of the men (they’re usually the older men) who take the door from me, I realize that even after all the ground gained for women since the suffragists began marching, there’s still progress to be made toward gender equality, even among the well-intentioned. Women still struggle in public spaces. We may have the shame-a-catcaller videos and Emma Watson speeches to give us encouragement, but I still feel the need to mentally practice my self-defense techniques on innocent bystanders while walking at night between my Browne’s Addition apartment and downtown. I still feel compelled to conjure my stone-cold-bitch face to deflect the occasional “Hey baby girl” from sidewalk crawlers and wanton marriage proposals hurled by creeps out of car windows. Of course, the decency gap between those men and the men stealing my doors is vast, but what they might not realize is, they’re both working against us, asserting their antiquated notion of gender-given duty over women. Because the whole point of manners is simple: People should open doors for people. So, men: When I open the door for you, what I’m trying to say is, “Welcome to this cool world where things aren’t so complicated, where we’re simply equal.” You can smile, nod or say thank you, but most important, please just walk through. And I’ll do the same. 


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MAY 14, 2015 INLANDER 63

Upcoming Events

AT THE COEUR D’ALENE CASINO RESORT See website for live music schedule, golf and gaming events, spa, hotel and food specials.

JUNE 4th Mixed Martial Arts 7 pm | GR $60 • R $40 • G $25

5th Jack and Jill Couples Golf Tournament 2 pm | $150 per team

JULY 3rd Golf Scramble 2 pm | $100 per person

4th Fourth of July Celebration Fireworks, food specials and live music

11th Cigar Party 3-11 pm | Chinook Meadows

16th Creedence Clearwater Revisited 7 pm | R $55 • G $45

16th Tails and Twilight Kootenai Humane Society Event | Chinook Meadows

18th Cultural Experience Chinook Meadows

18th Music, Micros and BBQ Red Tail Bar and Grill

AUGUST 20th Mixed Martial Arts 7 pm | GR $60 • R $40 • G $25

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