Inlander 05/21/2015

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2 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015


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Are robots taking over local sports coverage? PAGE 13

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MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 3

4 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

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EDITORIAL Jacob H. Fries (x261) EDITOR

Mike Bookey (x279) CULTURE EDITOR Chris Bovey (x248) ART DIRECTOR


Rarely. What was the last show you saw? I’ve gone to the Symphony here, for the Beethoven New Year’s Eve, the Symphony No. 9. Any concerts you’re looking forward to? No, I just have a problem with how expensive concert tickets are.

Laura Johnson (x250)

Michael Mahoney COPY EDITOR

Lael Henterley (x282), Dan Nailen (x239), Mitch Ryals (x237), Jake Thomas (x249), Daniel Walters (x263) STAFF WRITERS

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I think this year I’ve been to about six shows. What was the last show you went to? It was a Christian concert, but it was in the Tri-Cities — Chris Tomlin, Rend Collective and Tenth Avenue North.

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Young Kwak


Caleb Walsh


Amy Alkon, Jordy Byrd, Gawain Fadeley, Robert Herold, E.J. Iannelli, Azaria Podplesky, John T. Reuter, Ben Salmon, Carrie Scozzaro, Kara Stermer, Ed Symkus CONTRIBUTORS

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Denise Brewer (x216) MEDIA COORDINATOR Brynn Schauer (x247) EVENTS COORDINATOR


Not very often. What was the last concert you went to? Loomer. It was at the Bartlett. Are there any shows you’re looking forward to this summer? The next Loomer show. Do you have a local favorite spot to see local music? I like the Baby Bar, and I like the Bartlett a lot.


Not really often. What was the last band you saw live? The last show I saw was Pale Young Gentlemen, and that was in 2008. At the old Empyrean on Madison Street.



OPERATIONS Dee Ann Cook (x211) BUSINESS MANAGER Kristin Wagner (x210)





At least once a week or more. What was the last show you went to? The Hoot Hoots, at the Bartlett. Are you looking forward to any shows coming up? Well, Volume — I am stoked for that because a couple of my coworkers in bands are playing Volume.

Alissia Blackwood Mead (x228), Derrick King (x238), Jessie Spaccia (x205), Tom Stover (x265) GRAPHIC DESIGNERS



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MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 5


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What’s wrong with this picture? Todd Mielke wants the top job in Spokane County and his colleagues get to decide BY ROBERT HEROLD Craig Mason


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itting Spokane County Commissioner Todd Mielke likely expects to become our next Spokane County Chief Executive. I would vote no. First, the hiring process has been tainted; second, Mielke’s curriculum vitae lacks comparable public-sector executive experience; and third, the politics that would follow such a selection are quite troubling. About the hiring process: Late last summer at Hangman Valley Golf Course, I ran into current County Executive Marshall Farnell. After the pleasantries, he told me that he was retiring. “When?” I asked. “This month,” he answered. I have known Farnell since his EWU days in the early ’70s. A short time after graduating, he took a job in the county budget office, where he worked his way up, eventually to the position he now holds. I congratulated him on his long career. We reminisced for a few more minutes and that was that. But Farnell didn’t retire in 2014. His “official” retirement was announced in January, and he may not leave until his successor is hired. He certainly was definitive about it last summer, which leads to the conclusion that the commissioners must have asked him for a favor. They obviously didn’t want to post the job last year. But why?





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6 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015


ast fall I began asking around: What’s going on? Todd Mielke’s name kept coming up. The word was that Mielke wanted Farnell’s job, but he knew he didn’t have the required qualifications — neither the academic credentials nor the requisite public-sector executive experience. (Yes, he has been an elected official, but the executive position is a very different job.) To address the credential problem, Mielke had enrolled in the University of Washington’s Executive MBA program. As a lifelong educator, permit me a brief word about these quickie “executive” graduate programs — they are not rigorous, certainly not when compared to the traditional graduate MPA (Master’s in Public Administration) and MBA (Master’s in Business Administration) programs. Not even close. My sister-in-law completed a Harvard Kennedy School “Executive” MPA and found it useful. She gained some insights, made contacts, studied under some nationally known professors and wrestled with theory — but my sister-in-law had been a public sector executive (assistant city manager of Cambridge, Massachusetts) for more than 15 years. She brought a wealth of public sector executive experience into the program. All Mielke sought was a credential — a way to check that box on the application — and he needed the best part of a year to get it. That’s the scenario, which likely answers the questions about what’s been going on since last summer. At first I rejected these rumors, not because I believed that the commissioners were above

such shenanigans (recall Mielke’s racetrack boondoggle in Airway Heights and the urban growth boundary sell-out), but I just couldn’t believe they would be so transparent. If hired, the dynamic between CEO Mielke and Commissioner Al French will be problematic. To begin with, in Farnell we have had a neutral public servant and leader. Mielke has been a politician his whole adult life, including time in Olympia as both legislator and lobbyist. With this hire, we would be politicizing what has been an apolitical office. Additionally, as an at-will employee, Mielke would owe his job to French and the votes he has lined up behind him. In that calculus, if French wants something, he’s going to get it. It’s also worth mentioning that French and Mielke have not always gotten along so well — not exactly a fresh start for Spokane County. Now, about Mielke’s likely successor: Multiple sources tell me that French wants former Spokane City Councilwoman Nancy McLaughlin on the board of commissioners as soon as Mielke is hired. If it’s true that French wants McLaughlin, it’s for one reason: to play the same role at the county that she played on the city council, which was doing pretty much whatever French wanted her to do. This deal would give French more control than ever over Spokane County.


he rumor picture now complete, concerned citizens waited to see what was actually was going down. Maybe the reports were wrong? Maybe Mielke wouldn’t apply after all? Turns out that what I had regarded to be so transparent as to not be practical was the plan from the beginning. His UW program nearly completed, on cue Mielke applied for Farnell’s job and, to no one’s surprise, was named the top finalist despite the fact that the other finalist beats him badly when it comes to both experience and education. What to do? The commissioners should either hire the well-qualified candidate from Utah or declare a failed search and start over. Oh, and French might want to answer the whispers and either disavow or confirm reports regarding his plans for McLaughlin. This problematic episode didn’t just happen; shenanigans like this are built into our antiquated system of county government, a system that encourages and tolerates what was best described by one old Tammany Hall politician when he remarked, “What’s the Constitution among friends?” n

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o walk, or not to walk? That’s the question Spokane public schoolteachers have been wrestling with since their union, the Washington Education Association, asked them to make a big, bold statement about education funding. If a walkout is the plan (the decision is being revealed after my deadline), I don’t think it will help. The very foundation of the walkout is shaky. The mantra we hear is that the legislature is abdicating its responsibility to education. Sorry, but that’s just not true. In fact, the budget currently being hammered out in Olympia will add somewhere between $1.3 and $1.4 billion to K-12 education; a cost-of-living pay increase (perhaps even more than that) is being added, too. Some are calling it the richest education budget in state history. Are they protesting that as not enough? Granted, it’s not passed yet, which raises another tactical question: Republicans are supporting massive spending increases and your plan is to antagonize them? It also throws some of education’s best friends in Olympia (aka Democrats) under a big, yellow school bus. Yes, the legislature has struggled with funding — there has been no state-funded pay increase for seven years. But remember, there was this thing called the Great Recession. The state is required to have a balanced budget, and there simply was no money; we’ve been playing catch-up on many fronts since those hard times. Walkout proponents point to Initiative 1351, calling for hiring massive numbers of new teachers, as proof of Olympia’s failures. But let’s clarify: Voters supported the idea without any idea of cost, so it’s more civic wish than serious policy. Citing 1351 as some kind of clear mandate is playing some pretty disingenuous politics. Teachers do have valid concerns, but will the walkout broadcast them? Occupy Wall Street was at its best when it protested income inequality; when it became a laundry list of all that ails America, it lost support. Teachers will need to articulate what it is they are walking for. So would it be to protest the lack of action on 1351? (I’m not hearing much of that.) Will it be to bemoan too much testing? (Now there’s an issue worth discussing.) Or is it really just self-interest — you know, to get a raise? (Almost a done deal, walkout or not.) I fear we’ll get the same old lame, factfree talking points — more of a farce than a real force for change. Consider that all this is prompting criticism from people like me, a proponent of supporting education however we can. Our schools and teachers are set to gain from this session. I just hope they don’t lose even more. 

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MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 7


Too Early to Tell


What’s your opinion of Emily Farris? Hint: You probably shouldn’t have one yet BY JOHN T. REUTER


ecent polling shows that Emily Farris has little chance of becoming the next Republican nominee for president of the United States. Seventyseven percent of Republican primary voters told Public Policy Polling they’ve never heard of her. Of those who said they did know her, 20 percent had an unfavorable opinion of her while only 3 percent had a favorable opinion. In addition to these dismal polling results, the other

reason Farris is unlikely to become the next Republican nominee is that she isn’t actually running. In fact, she couldn’t run even if she wanted. At 31 years old, she’s too young to run under the U.S. Constitution’s age requirement for the office. So Farris isn’t going to be our next president and you shouldn’t feel terribly bad about having no clue about who she is — because the reality is that probably almost none, if any, of the 23 percent of primary voters who claimed to have an opinion of her actually had ever heard of her either. And that’s why it’s worth all of us learning

about Farris and what the opinions offered about her reveal about our politics. Farris is a political science professor at Texas Christian University, where she teaches a course on survey research. Before Public Policy Polling recently put her in their poll — after she jokingly suggested it to them in a tweet as a way to test what people would say about someone they’d never heard of — she had no national reputation. It’s actually not surprising that 23 percent of primary voters offered an opinion about Farris. There’s a psychological phenomenon known as “social pressure”: when people are asked for an opinion about something or someone, they feel like they ought to have one and consequently will frequently come up with one. What is surprising, at least to me, is the strongly negative opinions expressed. Perhaps they got her confused with U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a liberal icon, or EMILY’s list, which works to elect pro-choice, Democratic women — either option probably not terribly popular with Republican primary voters. Others have suggested that the 20 percent of primary voters who are Harris haters represent a more general distaste for a woman president within the Republican Party. There’s unfortunately at least some truth to that, but I think there’s another disturbing part of our politics that is in play. We hate what we don’t know. And when we pretend to know more than we do, we end up deciding that we hate it. It’s why some are deeply skeptical of well-proven, but complex problems, like climate change. It’s also why, as we increasingly live in areas dominated by people who share our particular political beliefs (whether conservative or liberal), our politics are becoming more partisan and hate-filled, as we no longer interact with or really know those of differing beliefs. As for what I believe about Emily Farris running for president, I admit that she had a clever idea when she requested to be included in the poll, and respect her consequential responses to the media — she’s taken it has an opportunity to educate not only her students, but also our nation. That said, I don’t think that’s enough information to form any kind of intelligent opinion about her potential for political office. If I get called by a pollster and asked about her or anyone else I’ve only read an article or two about, I’ll proudly let them know that I don’t know enough yet. n John T. Reuter, a former Sandpoint City Councilman, is the executive director of Conservation Voters for Idaho. He has been active in protecting Idaho’s environment, expanding LGBT rights and the Idaho Republican Party.

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MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 9

10 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015


Reaction to “Deaths in the Family” (5/14/15), a story about five recent suicides of students at Spokane Public Schools

STEPHANIE JOY MARKO: Absolutely heartbreaking. I pray for some peace for these children and families. I don’t know if bullying was the cause, but it has terrorized our daughter. I am glad extra counseling is available for students.


PATRICIA BALANSAY MACKEY: Very tragic. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims’ friends and families. I sincerely hope we get to the root of this problem ASAP. I’m holding my baby extra tight tonight.

May 28 / 7:30pm

TARA WILLIAMSON: The fact that our children are taking themselves out en masse speaks volumes about how they are treated in this community. I’ve been an educator for years, and study the neuroscience of development regularly. I’m not surprised our kids are doing this, I’ve seen so many taken for granted and forgotten or scapegoated for far too long. ASHLEY EVANS: It’s really good to see that they are trying to take steps in handling this. In 2010 there were four suicides in a month and they did not even let us talk about them, let alone bring any sort of grief counselors or any sort of support system to the school. I really hope their efforts now see through. 

Reactions to “The Gender Games” (5/14/15), an essay about one woman’s social experiment holding doors for men



JENNA ITTNER: I open the door for other people. Especially if they are older, have children, or if they are carrying something, etc. It’s just polite. I don’t really look at it in terms of what sex the person is. ERIKA DEASY: Aww, great. The Inlander has succumbed to the nonsense neofeminist agenda. Enjoy playing your little games, girlie. Us grown women prefer to just have our manners without all of the baiting and misandry. CHRIS CAMPBELL: This is what it’s come to. If we don’t hold the door for a woman, we’re misogynist; if we do hold the door, we’re sexist. ERIC STOCKTON: Common courtesy should be free of gender expectations. The truth, though, is that many men see it as wholly the purview of men to open doors for others, and I like that she’s playing with their expectations. If we’re ever to achieve a fully equal society, then more people need to upset the apple cart like this. 



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MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 11

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Robo-Reporter Can robots take over local sports coverage? BY MITCH RYALS


efore players in this year’s NCAA College World Series clear out of the dugout, the Associated Press will have a game story ready to go on its newswire. The same will go for women’s Division I basketball and D-II and D-III basketball and football — all areas the AP hasn’t covered in the past. So, how does the AP manage to send reporters to thousands of games when newsrooms across the country have been slashing staff? Short answer: Robots. This past March, the AP announced it will partner with the NCAA to expand its coverage using statistics and a platform called Wordsmith that turns raw data into narrative stories. But this partnership is not exactly new. In 2012, the AP started using Wordsmith to crank out 3,000 business-earnings reports a quarter — 10 times the output its human reporters used to do. Yahoo! has also been using Wordsmith to give its fantasy football players snarky matchup recaps.

Indeed, the company that built Wordsmith, Automated Insights, produced more than 1 billion articles in 2014 for clients including Yahoo!,, Samsung and Comcast. Other companies and news outlets have dabbled in automated content as well. Chicago-based Narrative Science produces an article about every 30 seconds on anything from sports and business earnings to the presidential horse race. In 2014, the Los Angeles Times claims it was the first outlet to publish a story about an earthquake. Three minutes after receiving the alert from the U.S. Geological Survey, a robo-writer published the article. On the one hand, this expanded coverage could be a good thing. The AP, which previously only covered some college baseball playoff games and the College World Series, now will have a recap for every game. The same goes for the other areas of expanded coverage. However, college sports are just the beginning. Lou Ferrara, vice ...continued on next page

Robots could write a summary of a Spokane Indians game, and few readers would tell the difference, research shows.

MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 13

NEWS | MEDIA “ROBO-REPORTER,” CONTINUED... president of sports, business and entertainment news for the AP, says the news wire will eventually automate game stories for professional sports as well, and that has some journalists concerned. Joe Palmquist, sports editor for the Spokesman-Review, says the new technology could put a lot of sports reporters out of work, though he’s quick to add that he has no interest in using automated coverage of local sports in the Spokesman. “To me it’s not a positive thing for our LETTERS business to have us Send comments to regurgitate stuff you already have in a box score,” he says. “It just doesn’t seem very exciting to read the same story every time.” Ferrara denies the accusations from journalists around the country that Wordsmith will replace reporters. Rather, he says, it will allow them more time to report enterprise stories and do in-depth reporting on the more interesting topics audiences demand.


Wordsmith uses a “language generation engine” built with algorithms to turn raw data into a narrative using a variety of tones and perfect AP style. It can produce game stories in real time and even use historical data to provide context or write quiz questions. According to AI’s website, Wordsmith can produce 2,000 stories a second — yes, a second — and a study in Journalism Practice

found that readers can hardly tell the difference between the automated content and a story written by a human. Of the more than one billion articles that Wordsmith produced last year, 99 percent were personalized content — articles like individualized fantasy matchups, neighborhood-level real estate sales and stories on web analytics, Automated Insights CEO and founder, Robbie Allen, tells Poynter. During a Q&A at the South by Southwest Interactive Festival this year, Allen says the technology is only able to produce quantitative stories, which means reports that require analysis or unique thinking cannot be automated. Yet. Narrative Science cofounder Kristian Hammond believes the technology is only a couple years away from producing automated Pulitzer-Prize-winning content. By 2030, he estimates that more than 90 percent of news will be written by computers, according to a report in Wired.

start encroaching on teams that are already covered and a human reporter isn’t there to pick up the slack. “Stats can only tell you so much,” Derrick says. “They’re a vital part of the game, but the true baseball fan knows there’s so much more to it.” One example of how Derrick picks up that slack is through his relationships with the Indians’ manager and players. Aside from the obvious fact that Derrick can ask

“That’s a huge concern: How is this going to change the landscape of a local sports department?”


Spokesman sportswriter Chris Derrick has covered the Spokane Indians off and on for 15 years. As long as automated stories are filling holes in journalism’s athletic coverage, he thinks the AP’s efforts are positive. However, he adds, the reader loses something when the robots

questions about a team manager’s decisions and a robot can’t, he can also decipher whether the good-humored manager is being sarcastic or not. Mike Boyle, the voice of the Indians and the Spokane Chiefs, covers sports part-time for KREM 2. He also believes Wordsmith is a good thing for smaller schools and games that don’t receive any attention, but the new technology could make it easier for editors grappling with a tight budget. “It’s probably going to make it easier for editors to make cutbacks if they’re getting more information from outside sources,” he says. “That’s a huge concern: How is

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14 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

this going to change the landscape of a local sports department?” Darnay Tripp, the sports director at KREM 2, says the station would welcome the expanded coverage. As television news stations around the country decide how to divide resources between the on-air product and a news website, a game summary would be a great way to augment online content, Tripp says.


Ferrara says they’re still working out some of the kinks with the NCAA coverage. AP won’t start publishing the automated college baseball stories until playoff time, but once it starts, articles will go directly onto the website without an editor’s eye or a byline. They’ll appear on the schools’ websites as well. As that time approaches, Ferrara say they’re not getting a lot of pushback from reporters. “I have really smart people who see the future and are adaptive enough to know that there are some things that are going to change,” Ferrara says. That change comes in the form of demand for analysis and insight instead of box scores and game recap stories. Audiences would rather read about the Seahawks’ decision not to give Marshawn Lynch the ball on the 1-yard line than how many total yards he ran. In the future, Ferrara says he could see automated content expand into election coverage and anything else that involves structured data. “The goal is to get to a point where we’re driving jobs, not shedding them,” Ferrara says. “We’re going to end up with more people doing technical journalism jobs related to automation. I’m a big believer we should do things as effectively as possible, but we need more journalists doing more journalism, and I don’t think that’s a bad goal.” n

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A British bulldog named Lelah licks the face of a member of the thrash metal band Cold Blooded at the Spokane Humane Society. Cold Blooded and 97 other bands will take part in Volume, a two-day music festival (May 29-30) next weekend put on by the Inlander. A portion of the money raised by the festival will go to the Humane Society.






16 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

CALMER HEADS | Idaho legislators returned to Boise for a single day Monday to pass an amended version of a CHILD SUPPORT BILL. The state risked losing federal funding and tools to track child support payments if it didn’t pass it. With legislators angry about federal “coercion” and worried about data security and the influence of foreign courts, the initial bill narrowly failed to get out of committee. After hours of debate, the amended bill cleared both the Idaho House and Senate. (DANIEL WALTERS)

BURNING BRIDGES | Council President Ben Stuckart (pictured) clarified at city council’s Monday meeting that citizens can use the phrase “BRIDGE TO HOOKERVILLE,” although he has requested that it not be used during the council’s public comment period. Earlier this month, civic gadfly George McGrath had a terse exchange with Stuckart over his use of the phrase, when discussing a planned pedestrian bridge between the University District and East Sprague, which has been associated with prostitutes. (JAKE THOMAS)


population. Mayor David Condon, speaking at the event, noted that the property crime has come down by 15 percent from where it was a year ago. (JAKE THOMAS)

Isserlis says. Information on whether or not the committee made its selections was not available as of press time. After the committee picks candidates, however, it still has to conduct interviews before sending names to the OPO Commission. Rick Eichstaedt, executive director of the Center for Justice, is frustrated with the committee’s feet dragging. The five-and-a-half month gap in independent police oversight is unacceptable, he says. One of his clients submitted a request for an independent review of police conduct stemming from an incident at Boots Bakery, but without an ombudsman, nothing can happen. “There’s no place to go,” Eichstaedt says. “Our city constitution calls for an independent ombudsman and, without one, the system is broken.” (MITCH RYALS)



Dude, Where’s My Bike? A new tool to protect your bicycle; plus, finding a new police ombudsman REUNITED

The city of Spokane has developed a new tool to help reunite citizens with their lost or STOLEN BIKE. was announced on Monday as a part of Bike to Work Week. The creation of the new tool was spearheaded by Councilman Mike Allen, who says he has had a bicycle “liberated.” Bicycle owners can register their bikes at There they will be asked to enter their contact information, serial number, description of the bicycle and a picture. Those without computers or Internet access can register their bike at their local Spokane C.O.P.S. shop. Police recover hundreds of bicycles every year. But most are never returned because police have no way of finding their rightful owner. “We are turning in 40 bikes a month over to auctions with them going unclaimed,” said Allen, speaking at a Bike to Work Week event. Using the new tool, police will check recovered bikes against the database and contact the owner if there’s a match. Earlier this year, a report from the governor found that Spokane accounts for 11 percent of the state’s property crime, despite being only 7 percent of the state’s

The deadline to submit applications for the vacant SPOKANE POLICE OMBUDSMAN position ended last Friday, but it doesn’t appear the position will be filled any time soon. Last week, an anxious Spokane City Council passed a resolution telling the Ombudsman Selection Committee, chaired by City Attorney Nancy Isserlis, to send the Office of Police Ombudsman ComLETTERS mission a list of three Send comments to candidates with haste. The council’s thinking behind the resolution was to build a pool of three candidates who could immediately step in should the next permanent ombudsman unexpectedly resign. The selection committee met this week and hoped to identify potential candidates from the pool of more than 40 applications for the permanent and interim positions,

Two members of a small band of self-proclaimed anarchists who have been camped out on the traffic island between the Spokane Club and the Federal Courthouse since May 10 protesting the city’s SIT/LIE ORDINANCE have been arrested. “We’re out here for the First Amendment,” says 21-year-old Daniel Powell. Powell and 19-year-old Andrew Jensen were arrested shortly after 9 am Tuesday. Both men were booked into jail for sitting or lying on the sidewalk in a retail zone. “If we contact someone for sit and lie, having to give a citation is really not what we want to do,” says Spokane police Capt. Brad Arleth. “We prefer to let them know what the law says and get their cooperation. The only time we really have to give someone a court date is when we don’t get cooperation.” Arleth says there have been about 42 sit/lie arrests in the past year, mostly in 2014. Before these latest arrests, there had only been five arrests so far this year, the last on March 22. (LAEL HENTERLY)

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g r e e n s t o n e h o m e s . c o m

MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 17


FROM LEFT: Mayor David Condon and his two challengers, Shar Lichty and Michael Noder

The Contenders

Candidates have filed to run for office in Spokane. Here’s what’s at stake BY JAKE THOMAS


quiet parade of people filed into a county building last week to take the first step in determining the balance of power at City

Hall. More than a dozen candidates — some wellfunded and well-known, others with little name recognition or funds — turned out for last week’s filing deadline for seats on the Spokane City Council and in the mayor’s race. Mayor David Condon, having amassed a sizable war chest, faces obscure challengers and could be in a position to accomplish something no mayor of Spokane has accomplished in more than four decades: get re-elected. Council President Ben Stuckart, who has been at odds with Condon, also has a fundraising advantage over his sole challenger. The balance of the city council, which tipped further left after last year’s elections, is also up for grabs.


he last mayor re-elected by Spokane was David Rodgers in 1973. In 2011, Condon, then deputy chief of staff to Republican U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, toppled Mayor Mary Verner by hammering her on the city’s response to Otto Zehm, a developmentally disabled man who died in 2006 at the hands of police, while also promising economic growth for the city. Condon is hoping to break the one-term curse by trumpeting a list of accomplishments including police reform, investments in infrastructure and economic growth. “I really feel our administration has been inclusive in working on these tough issues,” he says. Condon has other factors working for him. He’s managed to raise nearly a quarter of a million dollars so far for his campaign, and some of the bigger name candidates, such as Stuckart and Democratic state Rep. Marcus Riccelli, won’t be challenging him. “I don’t think he’s a great mayor, but people are intimidated by the amount of money he’s

18 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

got,” says Joe Shogan, who served as a city councilman and council president between 2004 and 2011. Shogan doesn’t know much about the “other lady” who is running. That “other lady” is Shar Lichty, an organizer with the Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane, who is hoping to keep the one-term curse in place for a little longer. Lichty, who says Condon is too close to business interests, has political experience working on the statewide campaign for Referendum 74, the ballot initiative that legalized same-sex marriage in 2012, as well as an unsuccessful effort to raise state income taxes in 2010. During the campaigns, she wondered if she might be more effective working “from the inside.” Lichty says she’s undergone training with Progressive Majority, a political action committee that recruits and trains candidates, and has campaign staff who are currently working on an unpaid basis until she raises more funds. Currently, she’s raised about $2,800. “Talking to voters face-to-face, hearing their concerns, will be my number one strategy,” says Lichty. Michael Noder, a businessman who says he is involved with a company that produces mineral compounds used to treat cancer and other medical conditions, has launched his third run for mayor. He hopes to use his campaign to highlight what he says are problems with the size and unaccountability of city government. “My objective is not to win,” says Noder, who plans to raise no money. “My objective is to make my community a better place.”


tuckart, 43, loves to talk about all the council has accomplished in the areas of urban farming, improvements in infrastructure, making city code friendlier to the “sharing economy,” hiring new police officers and putting apprenticeship requirements on public works projects. All this productivity has also created adver-

FROM LEFT: Council President Ben Stuckart and challenger John Ahern saries for Stuckart, who regularly take to the Internet or show up at council meetings to berate these accomplishments. Despite the vocal opposition, he’s only drawn one re-election challenger, John Ahern, an 80-year-old who served 10 years as a Republican state representative. Ahern’s two big issues are placing a moratorium on the sale and production of marijuana and undoing an ordinance that prohibits city employees from inquiring about people’s immigration status, saying that it invites terrorists and foreign criminal elements into the city. “The city council needs adult supervision and parental guidance,” says Ahern. Ahern lost his 2013 bid for city council, receiving just 35 percent of the vote. He’s only raised about $1,000 compared to Stuckart’s $60,000. Stuckart isn’t taking anything for granted. “I think every time you run for re-election, you need to run like the world is on fire,” he says. An online effort was made to recruit state Rep. Kevin ParkLETTERS er, R-Spokane, to run against Send comments to Stuckart. Parker declined, saying he wants to stay focused on the legislature. When asked why Stuckart didn’t draw more challengers, he speculates that the “acrimonious” tone at city council might have something to do with it.

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ast year, Karen Stratton was appointed to city council to complete Steve Salvatori’s term, giving the the liberals on the city’s legislative body a 5-2 majority that can overcome mayoral vetoes. Three of the council’s six seats are now up for grabs, and the liberal majority could be expanded further. Stratton faces Evan Verduin, an architect who has served on the Spokane Plan Commission, along with Dave White, an opponent of the council’s liberal orientation, and Kelly Cruz, a West Central neighborhood activist who finished with 6 percent of the vote in the primary when he ran for council in 2013. So far, Stratton has raised nearly $16,000 to keep her seat. None of her opponents have reported raising any money. Councilman Mike Allen, part of the council’s conservative wing, declined to run for re-election and has endorsed LaVerne Biel, a Perry District business owner who has raised about $4,000. She’ll face off against more liberal opponents, including John Waite, a downtown business owner and perennial candidate who has raised $7,600, and Lori Kinnear, legislative assistant to Councilwoman Amber Waldref, who has raised $12,500. Mike Fagan, the council’s most conservative member, is being challenged by Randy Ramos, a recruiter with the Spokane Tribal College, and Ben Krauss, an analyst with the city who said he’s running because of Fagan’s views on pay differences between men and women working in city government. 

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MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 19

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20 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015


A Heart for Art

Coeur d’Alene continues to grow as an arts destination under Arts and Culture Alliance Director Kerri Wilfong BY CARRIE SCOZZARO


ridays are busy for Kerri Wilfong, the new director of Coeur d’Alene’s Arts and Culture Alliance. The job, which Wilfong started in the fall, is supposed to be parttime, she says, “but it’s so fun, it feels half like a hobby.” If it’s the first Friday of the month, Wilfong presides over Arts Buzz, a networking meeting open to anyone interested in visual and performing arts. When we visited, representatives shared updates: Coeur d’Alene Art Association’s show at the fairgrounds, the annual artist studio tour, performances by the Northwest Sacred Music Chorale and the Coeur d’Alene Symphony, along with North Idaho Reads, a cooperative program by area libraries. The University of Idaho’s program planning director reminded the group that the university’s Harbor Center has group facilities available, while the Kootenai Humane Society looked for suggestions on a

fundraiser. Arts Buzz is just one of several programs coordinated by the Arts and Culture Alliance, formed in 2003 to promote Coeur d’Alene as a visual arts destination. Originally driven by galleries — the Art Spirit Gallery’s Steve Gibbs (who was formerly married to Wilfong’s aunt) was a key founder — the Alliance has since expanded to include performing arts. The Music Walk happens January through March, while the Artwalk occurs April through December. In the summer, there’s the outdoor concert series at Riverstone, while fall means the annual Artist Studio Tour, the Kids Draw Architecture program and Music for the Wise, which offers a stipend for local musicians to perform in local retirement centers. When she’s not meetingand-greeting, Wilfong might be found in her office inside ...continued on next page

As a lifelong resident with a new mission, Kerri Wilfong fits comfortably into “The Coeur.” YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 21


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22 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

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the Chamber of Commerce building overlooking Lake Coeur d’Alene’s Independence Point. Even after six months, it looks barely occupied: some personal items, a clothesline with clips for posting events, unpacked boxes. “This year is doing what we do as well as we can,” says Wilfong, whose goals include maintaining existing programs and growing the organization slowly. A new logo was in the works prior to her hiring, so Wilfong has incorporated it into a redesigned website, with plans to expand the database of resources available to Alliance members and the community. “It’s all about connection,” she says. Wilfong is quick to point out that she doesn’t have an arts background. What she does have is three decades of diverse experience in training, fundraising and market development. After a long stint doing training for Wells Fargo, she tried her hand at running her own business, then was the third person hired by the newly formed Kroc Center in 2008 as a development coordinator. From 2010-14, she worked for the Kootenai Alliance for Children and Families, learning firsthand about the need for social services. All her prior work experience, says Wilfong, prepared her for her current job. As she sees it, her role at the Alliance is “making the organization relevant to everyone, including established and emerging artists, addressing varied methods of communication: print, newsletter, meetings, the Chamber, events, but also Facebook and Instagram.” There’s so much going on in the local arts scene, says Wilfong, a lifelong resident who really noticed a cultural shift in her hometown after spending time away. “When I came back is when I could see what I didn’t really realize growing up here,” she says. Public art, for example, is one of the most visible outgrowths of the city’s arts-oriented attitude. The Arts Commission formed in 1982, and established a 1.3 percent for arts fund, making Coeur d’Alene the first city in Idaho to do so. Along Northwest Boulevard and other heavily traveled corridors, throughout city parks, in roundabouts, and in target programs like artist-designed bike racks and arts-wrapped utility boxes, Coeur d’Alene has established itself as a strong supporter of the arts. According to a September 2014 Arts Commission presentation, the city’s public art collection features 63 pieces by 41 local and regional artists and is worth more than $1.3 million. “More is more,” she says of the expanding reach of the arts. But Wilfong wants to see even more done in the visual and performing arts, with the Arts and Culture Alliance helping to build both awareness and interest in those areas. “You can light a fire,” she says, “in someone you didn’t even know” was interested in the arts. n



mong the newly built cookie-cutter shops now popping up across the South Hill is an artistic oasis in a colorful, rickety old house. The driveway, lined with metal sculptures, welcomes you into 29th Avenue Artworks (3128 E. 29th Ave.) — an art gallery and custom frame shop. Deb Sheldon transformed this nearly broken-down home in 1987, young and naive at 25 after working in similar businesses on the hill. “It was a trial by fire,” Sheldon explains. “I never bought a house before — heck, I never bought anything on credit before!” Originally, the house was gray with bright teal and purple accents. “It was a different time then,” she adds in between laughs. Since the eccentric ’80s, 29th Avenue Artworks has constantly evolved, always with the purpose of “being fun and artistic.” Nearing 20 years in business, Sheldon always aspires to be different: “I’m just not a strip-mall person.” Her list of plans for new adornments for her shop continues to grow. Her husband Jason specializes in metalwork, and the duo plans to add a sculpture garden near their parking lot. Unconventional and ever-changing, the shop has gathered together a family of artists who host showings in the studio space. Sheldon is always happy to be the helping hand for any aspiring artist: “There is this great cooperativeness, this great sharing here, that I have never really seen in Spokane.”

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See hundreds of area open houses now at BROUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR SPOKANE REALTOR™

Deb Sheldon has been running 29th Avenue Artworks for nearly 20 years. KARA STERMER PHOTO 29th Avenue Artworks may only be labeled a gallery and frame shop, but its most important and unique role in Spokane is arguably its status as a safe haven for artists. Proudly showing the work of lesser-known names locally, Sheldon works hard to support artists who might one day become the next big thing: “Personally, I feel like we need to encourage each other more. Period. Whether it’s in art or it’s in life. Everyone needs that one person to cheer them on.” — KARA STERMER

For Your Consideration BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.


MTN BIKE RACE A team relay mountain bike race, beginning at noon on Saturday, May 23rd and ending at noon on Sunday, May 24th. Teams and solos compete for medals, prizes and bragging rights. CD | This time of year, we’re all looking for a soundtrack for our summer cruising. One of my faves, Dwight Yoakam, is out with a new record that fits the description: SECOND HAND HEART. The skinny singer with the pulled-down cowboy hat has been pumping out honkytonk country from Los Angeles since 1986, and he has just kept on getting better. Dwight Sings Buck (Buck Owens covers, that is) is a great record, and 3 Pears had him teaming up with the likes of Kid Rock and Beck. This new one is classic Dwight, with “Dreams of Clay” set to take spot among his best ever; his take on “Man of Constant Sorrow” gives that O Brother classic a little Chuck Berry/“Route 66” flavor. Yeah, he’s still got it.

BOOK | After a couple of trips to L.A. over the past few years, I’m kind of stuck in a fascination with old Hollywood. So here’s a fun take: OF ALL THE GIN JOINTS by Mark Bailey. I love how it’s the kind of book you can pick up, open to any page and get kind of lost. It’s organized by pre-1970s-era celebrity (Bing Crosby, Natalie Wood, John Wayne), and it delivers a little biography along with an anecdote about the subject’s usually shocking drinking habits. Here and there, Bailey sprinkles in a cocktail recipe (like the legendary Musso & Frank Martini) or a sketch about a particularly notorious watering hole (like Don the Beachcomber). It paints a picture of Hollywood as one big party — it’s amazing that any films ever got made in Tinseltown.

GADGET | What is it with me and flashlights? My junk drawer is full of ’em. A flashlight on a tripod? Hey, you never know when you’ll need one of those. Many a Black Friday have I come home with a deeply discounted set of 10 miniflashlights. I am literally like a moth to the flame. But I found a new, even cooler model! With camping season coming (not that I actually camp or anything), I offer you the ORBIT MINI-LANTERN. On the bottom it has a bright LED, but if you pull up the topper, you get a cool lantern you could hang in a tent. (Or, in my case, just play with over and over until you really need it and find that — of course — the batteries have run out.)

May 23 & 24

Riverside State Park ▪ Spokane


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How to use THIS


Pull down then out

NOT a microphone

FROM LEFT: Aubrey Shimek Davis; Henry McNulty; Sarah Miller; Callie McKinney Cabe; Kyle Kahklen; and Nicole Meyer. DAN BAUMER PHOTO

Jet Fretter

NOT a phone.

NOT drumsticks

The Modern’s airplane-themed comedy isn’t timely, but it’s certainly well-timed BY E.J. IANNELLI


he one-room set of Boeing Boeing, currently at the Modern Spokane in a production directed by Abbey Crawford, is meticulous in its evocation of a particular era — a slightly pedestrian form of mid-century modern dominated by queasy oranges and turquoises, the wallpaper pattern a sleek, repeating silhouette of the jetliners that trace the arcs on the map painted across the stage floor. All that’s missing is a shag rug (orange, of course) with ankle-deep pile. Unlike an episode of Mad Men, though, there are no knowing nods to a more liberated, enlightened audience some 50 years hence. First staged in France in 1960, Marc Camoletti’s play is a charming anachronism, a play so steeped and hermetically sealed in its own time that its passé modernity becomes part of its appeal. With as many doors as there are characters, the set proclaims its genre as loudly as its decade. The ludicrous premise of Boeing Boeing is that Bernard (Kyle Kahklen), a Parisian-based American architect, is juggling three fiancées — all of them quaintly employed as “air hostesses” — in strict accordance with the airline timetables. There’s Gloria (Aubrey Shimek Davis), the American; Gabriella (Nicole Meyer), the Italian; and Gretchen (Sarah Miller), the German. None knows of the others. Bernard is assisted in his three-timing by Berthe (Callie McKinney Cabe), his malcontent French housekeeper. Then Robert (Henry McNulty), a lonely old college buddy, shows up unannounced, determined to leave Paris with a fiancée of his own. In an astounding coincidence, this is on the same day as a freak storm over the Atlantic and the implementation of a new,

24 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

speedier Boeing passenger jet. Suddenly the timetables on which Bernard complacently relies would be put to better use as paper airplanes. Among a cast of inordinately large characters played by young but skilled actors, Kahklen is a bit too fresh-faced and wispy to be taken seriously (that is, as seriously as over-the-top comedy allows) as a debonair playboy. As Bernard’s foil, McNulty has the endearingly ill-at-ease mannerisms of, say, Jack Lemmon offset by a polite baritone. That means he can choke on the word “polygamy” without sounding irredeemably pitiful. Davis plays Gloria as a fasttalking noir dame (think Jennifer Jason Leigh in The Hudsucker Proxy) instead of the bubbly, bouffanted American the part seems to call for, but her supreme self-assuredness and New York backstory are enough to make it work. The three “foreign” roles — namely, Meyer’s fiery, fickle Gabriella, Miller’s borderline Gretchen and Cabe’s grumbling Berthe — bring the entire play to life. As Gretchen, for example, Miller can’t navigate the apartment without caressing the furniture in a gesture as sensual as it is psychotic. Crawford and her cast bring a remarkably precise method to all this madness, so the smoochy screwball humor is never overwrought and the few lulls stem from Camoletti’s habit of having his characters attempt to explain the inexplicable. n Boeing Boeing • Through May 31; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm • $19-$25 • The Modern Spokane • 174 S. Howard • • 455-PLAY

YES! A handy Volume Guide to share with your friends!

Now you know how!



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t doesn’t matter if you’re collecting Social Security or if you just got your braces off — Volume is the Inlander’s music festival for all. And it just keeps getting bigger: nine stages, more than 90 bands, rock movies, wristbands that get you special discounts and more. As festival veterans know, there certainly aren’t enough hours in the day when it comes to Volume, so let this 32page guide help you get the most out of the weekend. Read about all the touring acts, plus 2015’s local Bands to Watch. Also, check out the specially curated lineups. Say you miss the ’90s, or maybe you want to dance? We have just the itinerary for you. Then: Turn it up to 11!



White Mystery ....................... 4 Regional acts ........................ 5 All Your Friend’s Friends ...... 6 Bands to Watch .................... 8 Map and schedule ............... 16 Guide to Volume bands ..... 20 Choosing the local Bands to Watch Determining the Inlander Bands to Watch is no easy task. Thankfully, no one has to choose alone. Every year, a committee made up of local music supporters holes up in a room and discusses/gets super-passionate about a lot of bands/solo musicians. This year’s committee members pulled from past Bands to Watch, local radio personnel and scene enthusiasts and included Gawain Fadeley, Christopher Sceaga, Matt Loi, Aaron Bocook and myself. We’re proud of this year’s batch of Bands to Watch, determined only after a four-hour-long final meeting last month. Read about our selections in the guide and make sure to catch them at the festival. — LAURA JOHNSON Inlander music editor

official charity This year, the Inlander selected the Spokane Humane Society as its designated charity and will donate a portion of proceeds from Volume to the organization. The Spokane Humane Society is a 501c3 nonprofit local public charity dedicated to the welfare of companion animals.

Since 1897, the Society has acted as a refuge for animals in peril by providing care shelter and placement for tens of thousands of lost, neglected and unwanted animals in the greater Spokane area. For more info, visit



Out of Chicago, siblings Francis and Alex White play a mix of garage-punk, with pop melodies and old-school soul.



White Mystery hits the stage and screen at Volume By Ben Salmon ogether, Miss Alex White and Francis Scott Key White are more than just a rip-roarin’, red-headed, retro-stylin’ garage-punk band called White Mystery. The Chicago-based siblings are also a bottomless fount of fun and creative ideas. It’s a quality they were born with. The road brings it out of ’em. “On these long tours it’s like, ‘What are we gonna talk about for the next seven hours?’” Alex White, 30, says in a telephone interview from the Chicago apartment she shares with her brother. “And you get creative. Coming up with creative projects keeps us awake and keeps us engaged. It can become a theme throughout a tour, discussing a concept.” That’s how a band ends up releasing new music on the same day (April 20) every year for a half-dozen years in a row. It’s how a Chicago band holds album-release shows in Amsterdam and


San Francisco and New York City. And it’s how White Mystery ended up playing a Beatles song on a moving vehicle last month as famed businessman Richard Branson danced behind them to celebrate the opening of his new hotel. “We’ve always had a wild imagination,” says Francis White, 27. “We very much play off each other and brainstorm together, and can take our ideas one step further.” Now, the Whites are pushing themselves into a new realm with the release of That Was Awesome, their 50-minute feature film. The format was inspired by a desire to stay ahead of the curve (“We’ve been releasing vinyl for years,” Alex says. “If that’s commonplace now, let’s do something else!”), and the title is White Mystery’s mantra. “That Was Awesome is this feeling that we have after we’ve completed something extraordinary,” Alex says. “It comes in a lot of different forms, like relief or excitement or whatever. We turned that concept into an indie flick.” White Mystery made the movie with five different filmmakers around the country. Alex calls it a “psychedelic dark comedy” inspired by cinema’s greatest

duos: Wayne and Garth, Bill and Ted, Cheech and Chong. The band also composed the entire soundtrack in its own likeable style, where gritty garage-punk collides with modern pop melodies and old-school soul. The film is just the latest bold step for the Whites, who started playing music together well before Alex was 10 and went on to found White Mystery in 2008. They’ve been doing exactly what they want — and looking out for each other — ever since. “We’re definitely marching to the beat of our own drummer,” Alex says. “We don’t necessarily do what’s super hip and en vogue. We do what we feel inspired by and what feels right.”  White Mystery plays Volume on Sat, May 30, just after midnight (12:10 am) • Red Room Lounge • 521 W. Sprague • 21+ • That Was Awesome, the film, shows Fri, May 29 and Sat, May 30 at 5 pm • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • All-ages



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There is No Mountain

On the Road This year, touring acts are coming to Volume from all over America, but it’s still about the Pacific Northwest


PORTLAND The Rose City makes more of a showing at the festival than last year, providing acts that all fall under some sort of rock label — none of which play Friday. SATURDAY: There is No Mountain is the epitome of “experimental,” using various instruments (including a foot tambourine) to sound acoustic one second and synthed-out a moment later. Hear the duo at the Irv’s Outdoor Stage at 6:35 pm. Genders is two guys and two gals making their casual rock sound; you can hear at nYne at 8:45 pm. Nasalrod is heavy, no question about that, but that weight is offered up with a pound of fun. Their music runs from almost operatic to growling; you can listen to them at the Pinnacle Northwest at 9:20 pm. With the Shivas, you get a cool, buzzy vibe steeped in earthy rock. Around for nearly a decade, they’re another one of those bands affiliated with K Records, and are at the Big Dipper at 9:45 pm. Sons of Huns play that kind of stoner punk rock that makes you want to get into the mosh pit. Catch their set at Red Room Lounge at 11 pm.

SEATTLE A new batch of Seattle bands wheel over the Cascades to share their music with you.

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of Twisted Sister



By Laura Johnson olume is, of course, a celebration of the local music scene. While a lot of the lineup pulls from the area, we also invited acts from around the country to experience the weekend. Seattle bands like Down North and Kithkin played the festival last year, as did Portland’s Puff Puff Beer and Boy Meets Drum Machine (who has since relocated to Santa Cruz, California), but we also wanted to introduce the regional/national acts who haven’t graced a Volume stage yet. Don’t be afraid to make them feel welcome.


FRIDAY: With some bands, like the Dip, more is just better. Watch them on stage at nYne at 9:45 pm, as they seemingly cram as many musicians onstage as possible to create their signature funky, soulful sound. Shaprece wants you to dance slowly and sensually to her R&B-tinged songs. This cool cat comes to us straight after playing Sasquatch! and we’re happy to have her at Red Room Lounge at 11:15 pm. SATURDAY: Three-piece Chung Antique plays interwoven math rock that takes a bit to build in texture and layers, but once their songs reach their peak, you’ll be glad you stuck with it. See them at the Big Dipper at 7:05 pm. VATS recently released tapes of their wild live shows on — get this — VHS, proving that the electronic rock three-piece goes against the grain in almost every detail. The punk band plays Mootsy’s at 8 pm. The Kings are a real-live ska band (with horns and everything) that busts out some of the genre’s classics while mixing in plenty of their own upbeat material. Check out their set at nYne at 9:45 pm. Fox and the Law makes honest-to-goodness, balls-out rock ’n’ roll that you won’t be able to get enough of. Hear this four-piece play Red Room Lounge, also at 9:45 pm. Dude York’s rock sounds happy, like you need to get outside in the sunshine immediately. The band (who played Sasquatch! last year) brings their summer-drenched tunes to Mootsy’s at 11 pm.

THE OUTLIERS Folks from other, smaller Northwest cities. FRIDAY: Holiday Friends sound like you’re on holiday with a chorus of male crooners. Out of Astoria, Oregon, these dudes make dreamy pop that makes you want to find a beach immediately. They play nYne at 7:45 pm. On the other hand, sometimes it just feels so good to get assaulted by music. From Lewiston, Idaho, Diazepam plays the sort of sludgy metal that rolls over you like a

boulder. You’ll want them to do it over and over at their 10 pm show at Mootsy’s. SATURDAY: Vancouver, B.C.-based fuzzrockers Weed sound a whole lot like a band that calls themselves Weed. Catch their hazy stoner rock set at the Pinnacle Northwest at 10:40 pm. With Everett, Washington’s, Fauna Shade, you’ll get your head rocked in, but their sound is more colorfully upbeat in all the right ways. They play the Red Room Lounge at 6:35 pm.




FAR AWAY This year, we have acts coming from Brooklyn, San Francisco, Denver and Maine. FRIDAY: Out of that magical music land called Brooklyn comes Howardian, the side project from Japanther’s Ian Vanek. Here he creates garage rock that’s lo-fi and high in energy at the same time; you can hear it at the Big Dipper at 8:30 pm. Also out of Brooklyn is Degreaser, a psychopathic rock ’n’ roll act that fans of hometown act Blackwater Prophet will certainly enjoy. They’re at the Big Dipper at 8:15 pm. San Francisco’s Future Twin describes their music as punkadelic, moongaze and old-time soul, but that doesn’t fully describe their beautiful rock-filled melodies. Catch them at the Big Dipper at 9:30 pm. SATURDAY: Coming the farthest away is Kristen Marlo, a siren-voiced indie-pop singersongwriter from Kittery, Maine. She plays nYne at 6:45 pm. San Francisco’s Couches have been slackin’ since the ’80s; that’s what they admit in the title of their 2014 EP, anyway. The indie rock trio hits the Pinnacle Northwest at 8 pm. Out of Denver comes Rubedo (Latin for “redness”), a group that claims their band is the alchemy of rock ’n’ roll. Their anthemic pop-rock tunes can be heard at the Bartlett at 9:15 pm. 




formerly of Three Dog Night











All Your Friend’s Friends 5628 N. Division St. (Franklin Park Mall) Spokane (509) 484-1555

Hip-hop and indie rock collide on this Pacific Northwest-grown album, documentary and showcase By Azaria Podplesky


n Seattle, Sub Pop Records is often synonymous with the local music scene. But down the I-5 corridor in Olympia, it’s all about K Records. Since Calvin Johnson founded K in 1982, the label has worked with everyone from Beck and Kimya Dawson to the Pine Hill Haints and Bikini Kill, focusing on indie and punk rock. Recognizing the impact K has had on music and wanting to celebrate the region’s strong hip-hop scene, Brooklyn-based MC ePRHYME and Smoke M2D6, a member of the Northwest’s biggest hip-hop crew Oldominion, pitched the idea for All Your Friend’s Friends to Johnson. A lifelong local music junkie, Johnson was immediately on board. The duo dug through K’s catalogue and culled samples from artists like Jeremy Jay, Ashley Eriksson, Mirah and Beat Happening. Those samples made their way into beats, which were sent to musicians with one instruction: Do what the beat tells you. Those artists, including the Chicharones, Heddie Leonne, Barfly, Free Whiskey and Grayskul’s Onry Ozzborn and JFK, did just that. All Your Friend’s Friends is an eclectic sonic scrapbook that shows where the Northwest music scene has come from, and just how far it can go. An eponymous documentary about the album, screening at the Bartlett this weekend, will show Spokane what Olympia is all about. Friday night, a K Records-affiliated showcase hits the Red Room Lounge stage. Here’s a taste of the acts.

CANDIDT: If you’re not already familiar, Seattle MC and Oldominion member Candidt’s latest, Sweatsuit & Churchshoes, is the perfect intro to the rapper, who’s been at it since the 1996 release of Dookiebraid Soul. On Sweatsuit, Candidt balances streetwise flows and soulful beats. He’s currently working on his next release, a project called Homie Handshake. IAME: Portland-based lyricist IAME, also a member of the Sandpeople and Oldominion crews, likes to keep busy. Since releasing Lame$tream in 2012, he started a record label (Heaven Noise Recordings), teamed up with Goldini Bagwell to release an album as McJameson and recently released Homie Garden under the name of his “one-man band” Wool See. XPERIENCE: Another Oldominion member, XPERIENCE is as excited about performing as he is about helping others perform. The rapper, who combined hip-hop and gospel on his latest, The Revelations EP, has organized two Spit showcases, which feature local and national wordsmiths, so far this year. GOLDINI BAGWELL: Portland native and Sandpeople cohort Goldini Bagwell released his latest full-length, Secondhand Smoke (The Extended Cut), last year as a follow-up to 2013’s Secondhand Smoke (X-Ray EP). This year, he’s releasing a new song for free on the 14th of each month as part of the Smoker’s Jacket Series. SMOKE M2D6: One of the masterminds behind Friend’s, Smoke M2D6 is a producer and artist in his own right. He’s added his genre-crossing touch to tracks for artists like Talib Kweli, Gregory Isaacs, Devin the Dude, Osborn, Bagwell and many more.  K Records and THEE XNTRX present All Your Friend’s Friends with Candidt, IAME, XPERIENCE, Goldini Bagwell and Smoke M2D6 • Fri, May 29, at 9:45 pm • Red Room Lounge • 521 W. Sprague • 21+ • All Your Friend’s Friends, the film, shows Fri, May 29 and Sat, May 30 at 5 pm • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • All-ages



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kristen black & chad ramsey photo

201 s 4 Band To Watch 8


LOOMER How two children of the nineties embraced the decade By Mike Bookey ordan Satterfield, the front man of Spokane’s indie rock act Loomer, is a surprising — and, for some of us, depressing — reminder of just how many years exist between the present and the glorious 1990s. “Built to Spill, Dinosaur Jr. — those were my lullabies,” says the 24-year-old Satterfield, whose stepfather introduced him to those bands. “I was poisoned to love this stuff from the get-go.” So it’s almost second nature that the songs he’s crafted for Loomer are gritty and distorted at the core, but nevertheless are carried by pop melodies. The songs are ’90s short and ’90s angsty, too, and both Satterfield and the band’s bassist, Josh Morrisey, are well aware of it, even if they didn’t experience much of that decade. A pleasant remind“I hear a lot of people say er that the dreams that we’re revivalists, and I’m fine of the ’90s are alive if that’s how we come off,” says in Spokane. Satterfield. Next to Satterfield in a booth at D. Lish, his favorite Spokane burger joint, Morrisey takes a break from his quadruple cheeseburger, a monstrosity that the rail-thin dude manages to nearly demolish over the next half-hour. “There’s a lot of other bands doing revivalist things like folk or ’80s synth stuff, but there’s not a huge amount of people going back to the ’90s. It’s too new to be classic and too new to be contemporary. It’s in a weird limbo,” says Morrisey. “I like how you put that,” says Satterfield. “Well, thanks,” Morrisey replies.


Sounds Like:

Jordan Satterfield (upside down) and Josh Morrisey

The pair have been playing with drummer Tony Kuchar for the past year, but he recently moved to Tucson, Arizona, to take a job in the video game industry. Kuchar is flying up for the Volume festival show, but they’ll likely have to find a more permanent replacement in the near future. Satterfield and Morrisey aren’t worried about that, mostly because since the two began playing in bands around Spokane, they’ve operated as a pair. They first crossed paths when they were in a class together at Eastern Washington University, but didn’t really become friends until after they graduated in 2012. “I sat in the front [of the class] because that’s the kind of guy I am, and Jordan sat in the back with his earbuds in, listening to black metal. And I was like, ‘That f---ing guy,” jokes Morrisey. When they started playing music, it was a Frank Black cover project called Catholic Guilt, and then they were both in a one-off Black Flag tribute act. As their other collaborators went by the wayside, they stuck together to form Loomer, named after a song by My Bloody Valentine, a band Satterfield loves, but whose influence doesn’t seep into his songwriting. They wrote and recorded an EP and began playing shows, which was daunting at first for Satterfield, who has struggled with performance anxiety and was still figuring out how to be a lead singer. Now they already have another EP of fastpaced, melodic and pleasantly unpolished cuts that bring to mind another of Satterfield’s beloved bands, Guided By Voices. That record, expected to drop soon, marks a band that has decided to take itself a little more seriously while still having a good time. And there have been more good times than bad for the band, especially at their live show, where Satterfield feels he’s come into his own. “There’s something very therapeutic and medicinal about going up in front of a crowd of drunk people and just screaming all your insecurities at them,” he says, acknowledging that this is perhaps the most ’90s-rock thing he could say about his music. “You’re just screaming out all that bottledup self-deprecation.”  Loomer plays Volume Fri, May 29, at 10:30 pm at the Big Dipper • 171 W. Washington • All-ages

kristen black & chad ramsey photo

201 s 4 Band To Watch 10


Marshall n a e l C M Band If you build it, they will come: The Marshall McLean Band plants Inland Northwest Americana roots


Sounds Like:

From left, Marshall McLean, Justin Landis, Jesse McDonald and Jamie Frost

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in other bands,” Frost explains. “Chords meld into one another in ways that I’m sometimes unfamiliar with and it can be a challenge to keep up with these guys. That’s why I’m here though — I love these songs.” Bass player Justin Landis, who calls Sandpoint home, recalls their first meeting with a chuckle. “I remember asking him to jam, and if you know Marshall, you know that he’s not a very ‘jammy’ guy. But his stuff was like nothing I was listening to, and I immediately connected with the songs,” says Landis. That love of the material is a strong thread running through the band. Everyone seems to agree that the music is there to serve the songwriting. According to drummer Jesse McDonald, a Whitworth grad who joined the group in 2013, “It’s fun to let the songs be the center. Marshall, his writing, his playing — that’s the anchor with different augmentation around it.” Landis agrees but notes they like to change things up a bit. “Sometimes when Jamie’s not with us, we’ll play as a three-piece, sometimes Marshall with play solo and other times we’ll have a keyboard player,” Landis says. “That being said, from a songwriting standpoint, it’s totally Americana, but musically we try to have something else going on.” This combination of traditional instrumentation and Americana approach with more progressive sounds has found the band referred to as “Northwest Americana” in a few publications, something that McClean doesn’t necessarily disagree with. But after a short pause, he qualifies that by saying “‘Inland Northwest Americana’ might be more appropriate.” “We haven’t discovered a new sound or anything, but I think there’s something to just being indigenous to where the music is born,” says McLean. “We’ve made a kind of stronghold out of the Inland Northwest. It is an identity for us.”  Marshall McLean Band plays Volume Sat, May 30, at 9 pm at Irv’s Outdoor Stage • 415 W. Sprague • 21+

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By Gawain Fadeley hances are, if you have even a passing familiarity with the Spokane music scene, you’ve heard of the Marshall McClean Band. This is an act on the cusp of something more — bigger stages, another album, a growing fan base; they were voted best original band in the Inlander’s most recent Best Of issue, after all. For years, McClean has been a Spokane fixture, both as a solo act and a member of the folk-rock act Horse Thieves (2011 Band to Watch). While proud of his earlier work, McLean says he’s truly come into his own in the last couple of years. “I loved [Horse Thieves], and am very proud of what we accomplished, but I feel it was kind of ‘early-20s’ music,” McLean says. “I’m just more comfortable in my skin now, and writing from a more Classic heart-on-theinward-out space.” sleeve songwriting with He’s also evolved musian atmospheric, expancally, due in no small part to sive reverberation as the players he’s surrounded wide as the Palouse. by. “Hooking up with Jamie really shaped the sound and pushed us in that Americana direction,” McClean says. He’s referring, of course, to Jamie Frost, the Spokane pedal steel wizard, who also shares the stage with Silver Treason and Cursive Wires. “I mean, it was always going to be me and my guitar, but that could mean a thousand different things. Jamie really opened the door.” For Frost, playing in a less-than-traditional Americana setting — as opposed to more straightup country work — affords him opportunities to explore his instrument in unexpected ways. “I run into different situations that I don’t see

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kristen black & chad ramsey photo

201 s 4 Band To Watch 12




Simple Montana beginnings lead to a complex combo in Spokane


By Dan Nailen n the surface, the musical connection between Flannel Math Animal’s two members seems obvious. Both guitarist Nick Palmieri and drummer Bradley Spracklin are trained audio engineers. Both listen to complex jazz and math-rock artists who partly inspire their band’s sound. And both hail from small Montana towns with populations of about 5,000 — Palmieri from Polson, Spracklin from Sidney — that fueled their dedication to their instruments because, well, there wasn’t much else to do besides practice. “We’re both mellow, passive-aggressive Montanans,” Palmieri says with a laugh over beers at Iron Goat Brewing, acknowledging that he and Spracklin probably would be friends even if they didn’t have Frank Zappa’s the band. Mothers of InvenThe duo’s path from the tion holding a jazz Treasure State to becoming one combo hostage and of the Inlander’s Bands to Watch making them join isn’t quite so simple, though. the band. Palmieri was basically selftaught via YouTube clips, and never took a proper music lesson until he moved to Missoula after high school. Spracklin studied concert performance in North Dakota, getting into jazz a bit before his own move to Missoula. In the college town, they never met while playing in separate metal and indie-rock bands. That had to wait until they moved to Spokane for audio engineering school at Spokane Falls Community College and met through a mutual friend. Flannel Math Animal was born shortly thereafter, through some informal jamming that quickly led to three songs of the intricate instrumental rock that has become their calling card. That speedy composing isn’t necessarily a rule, though; Palmieri will often hand off riffs to Spracklin, and he’ll take days working on different sections, trying different drum parts. Their debut album, Steve the Dog, arrived earlier this year, and includes seven songs of ever-shifting time signatures sprawled across 40 minutes. Most of the songs were recorded live, in


Sounds Like:

Nick Palmieri (left) and Bradley Spracklin

one or two takes with no overdubs. “We like recording that way because it keeps the magic,” Spracklin says. Now, they figure they have about two hours of original material and plan on recording a new album this summer and possibly touring in the fall. Listening to Steve the Dog, the casual observer hears everything from Moog-fueled prog-rock to groovy funk to traditional jazz licks erupting from the speakers. “Math-rock” is as a good a catch-all as any label in trying to define Flannel Math Animal’s music, and one the band embraces, although Palmieri notes that U.S. audiences aren’t quite as up to speed on that multifaceted genre as others. Pulling their music off live is something both Palmieri and Spracklin take pride in, and both note the incredible focus required to play on stage what they deliver in the studio and at rehearsal. Beers have to wait until after the show so they can tackle the complex, exhausting performances. Their effort has been rewarded with audiences stunned that two guys can pull off the sound they hear coming from the stage. “I find it pretty exciting because the reactions we get are pretty rewarding,” Palmieri says. “Usually, people are shocked.” There are some drawbacks, though. Both know it would be fun to have some bombastic rock moves to bust out, but there’s no way they’d be able to keep their songs intact if they were worried about extraneous movements on stage. “We can’t dance and play at the same time,” Palmieri says. “It’s very conflicted between [being] the performer and musician. Sometimes, even tapping a pedal is too much and can make me lose focus.” Spracklin adds that they do build some free-form sections into the songs, a time for what he calls “collaborative improv,” and when he uses a violin bow on a cymbal, Palmieri says it’s “for show and fun.” The duo has thought of adding more members to Flannel Math Animal, but believe that finding someone who could keep up with their arrangements and well-developed alchemy as a duo could be too challenging to ever happen. “There’s a lot of telepathic communication with this,” Palmieri says.  Flannel Math Animal plays Volume on Sat, May 30, at 6:15 pm at The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • All-ages

7:45PM HOliday Friends 8:45PM Cathedral Pearls 9:45PM The Dip 10:55PM Puff Puff Beer 12:00AM Down North 12:40AM DJ C-MAd

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kristen black & chad ramsey photo

201 s 4 Band To Watch 14


The band’s fuzzed-out, taco-fueled music has the local punk scene hungering for more By Laura Johnson he microphone wasn’t cooperating at Phlegm Fatale’s first-ever show last year and that meant either pack it in or continue to rock sans mic. So there, in the dim garage of the Spokane home she shared with multiple roommates, Kendra McKay pushed the microphone aside, wailed on her bass and let out a piercing yell from somewhere deep within her petite frame. “My ex-boyfriend, who was in the audience, just stared at me,” McKay recalls. “He didn’t know I had a voice like that. F---, I didn’t either.” Today, sitting at Tacos Tumbras in downtown Spokane — a place McKay and bandmate Haili Kiehn now frequent once a week — the ladies discuss important topics like loving tacos, bowl haircuts, people who poop the bed and makThe scream you’d hear ing music together. McKay, if you wound up inside sipping a lime margarita a washing machine. (she’s 21) and Kiehn nursing a Coke (she’s 20), say that for them, the coolest part of being in a band is getting on stage at a show that’s bringing people together. No one expected much from Phlegm Fatale, they say, given that they were just two, young women on stage, but slowly they’ve built a fanbase made up mostly of Spokane punk fans (read: males) through riotous house shows and all-ages gigs at Baby Bar and the Big Dipper. After that first gig, McKay wasn’t certain she needed a microphone — she could wail the hell out of any room, after all. But soon she found the amplification offered clarity to their music. Over time they’ve landed on a loud, scratched-out sound that’s simple yet refined, with McKay offering the livewire scream to Kiehn’s even-tempered crashes. The pair have been friends since their days at Lewis and Clark High School, but the band was sort of a fluke. Previously, Kiehn had been in a group called Pregnancy Pact. “The name was the


Sounds Like:

Haili Kiehn (left) and Kendra McKay

coolest part of that band, we couldn’t play our instruments at all,” she says between bites of her taco. But the other act helped her grow confident behind the skins, working to execute precise rhythms while hitting as hard as she could. McKay, on the other hand, has played the upright bass since fifth grade and wanted to give the electric version a try. Last January, the ladies started jamming and writing snotty sounding songs together, and it wasn’t until they got that first gig where they decided, “we must be a band, then.” Even after a year together, they’re consistently asked if they’re going to add another member — maybe a guitarist or a keyboardist. “Why would we do that?” McKay asks. “This is exactly how the band should be.” McKay, the owner of Sandy’s Barber Shop on the South Hill since she was 20, says her lyrics are usually about two things: “Boys and boys.” “It’s a good thing you can’t understand a lot of what I’m saying when I’m singing,” McKay admits. “It’s usually just a bunch of stuff about ex-boyfriends.” McKay and Kiehn now live together on the South Hill. That means watching MTV’s Catfish every Wednesday and taking an interest in professional wrestling. Occasionally, they rehearse too. They say that the performances are what motivate them to write, learn the one cover song they’ll play per show (at Baby Bar a couple week’s ago they unleashed what was probably the slowest version of Wheatus’ “Teenage Dirtbag” ever performed) and admit to being huge procrastinators. But they’re currently working on their first demo tape, which they say should be out in time for the duo’s Volume performance. “Girlfriends of ours say to us, ‘Oh, I wish I could do what you’re doing,’” Kiehn explains. “And the only difference between them and us is we’re doing it. It’s not like we’re special. More people should be making music in this town.” “We’re really not trying to make a statement with our music,” McKay continues. “We’re just us: smackin’ on drums and screaming.” 



^Volu’sme &

Local music!



Phlegm Fatale plays Volume on Sat, May 30, at 9 pm at Mootsy’s • 406 W. Sprague • 21+






(5:30-10, FRI-SAT)






























In advance, two-day wristbands are $20. If you wait until Friday, May 29, the price for the pass is $30 — if they don’t sell out before then.


IN-PERSON: Visit Inlander HQ (1227 W.



Summit Parkway), M-F, 8:30 am-5:30 pm. ONLINE: Visit for details; you will pick up your wristband at will call.


If you bought online at Volume.inlander. com, you had a choice: Get the wristband

mailed to you or pick it up at will call. — EARLY PICK-UP: On Thursday and Friday, May 28-29, pick up your wristband at Inlander HQ (1227 W. Summit Parkway), 8:30 am-5 pm. — PICK-UP AT THE FESTIVAL: At 5 pm-9 pm on Friday, May 29, pick up your ticket at the booth at Washington and Sprague. On Saturday, ticket pick-up is open 5-8

pm. Don’t miss those pick-up times!


Well, it gets you into nine venues where you can see nearly 100 bands. Plus, check out deals offered at area businesses on the facing page. Plus, hop a free ride on the circulating party trolley!



SHOW YOUR VOLUME WRISTBAND AND GET THESE SPECAL DISCOUNTS ORLISON BREWING At festival venues The Official Volume Beer by Orlison is $3.50. At 6.4% ABV, this hoppy lager will turn your night up to 11. BISTANGO 108 N. Post St. $2 Fireball shot with every cocktail or beer purchase LIBERTY CIDERWORKS 164 S. Washington St. #300 $2 off a serving or taster flight of draft ciders CRAVE 401 W. Riverside Ave. $5 Jake Break drink SARANAC PUBLIC HOUSE 21 W. Main Ave. Happy Hour prices all weekend THE GLOBE 204 N. Division St. Happy Hour prices all weekend 4000 HOLES 1610 N. Monroe St. 10% off of purchase NYNE 232 W. Sprague Ave. $5 Huckleberry Kamikaze RIVER CITY BREWING 121 S. Cedar St. $1 off a pint of beer RUINS 825 N. Monroe St. 20% off of tab STELLAS 917 W. Broadway Ave. 20% off of tab ZOLA 22 W. Main Ave. $2 Fireball, $6 Zola Sliders


171 S. Washington; all shows are all-ages 6:15 pm • Stucco 7:15 pm • Outercourse 8:15 pm • Degreaser 8:30 pm • Howardian 9:30 pm • Future Twin 10:30 pm • Loomer 


415 W. Sprague; all shows are 21+ 6:00 pm • Windoe 7:00 pm • The Holy Broke 8:00 pm • Silver Treason 9:00 pm • Folkinception


406 W. Sprague; all shows are 21+ 8:00 pm • Odyssey 9:00 pm • Age of Nefilim 10:00 pm • Diazepam 11:00 pm • Progenitus 12:00 am • Flee the Century


827 W. First; all-ages until 9 pm 6:15 pm • Tear Free 7:15 pm • Paisley Devil 8:15 pm • Space Movies 9:00 pm • Locke

NECTAR TASTING ROOM 120 N. Stevens St. $2 off glasses of wine


NECTAR WINE AND BEER 1331 W. Summit Pkwy. (in Kendall Yards) $3 pints

6:45 pm • Mama Doll 7:45 pm • Holiday Friends 8:45 pm • Cathedral Pearls 9:45 pm • The Dip 10:55 pm • Puff Puff Beer 12:00 am • Down North

DURKIN’S LIQUOR BAR 415 W. Main Ave. a PBR, a shot and a pickle back for $5 UBER car service app A free ride up to $20 for new customers with the code “INVolume”

232 W. Sprague; all shows are 21+




521 W. Sprague; all shows are 21+ 6:30 pm • DJ Case 7:00 pm • The Tone Collaborative 8:00 pm • iTZ Jaaken 8:45 pm • The Muzes 9:45 pm • K Records and THEE XNTRX Present: All Your Friend’s Friends 11:15 pm • Shaprece 12:30 am • The Flying Spiders


228 W. Sprague; all shows are all-ages 5:00 pm • FILMS: That Was Awesome (by White Mystery); then All Your Friend’s Friends 7:00 pm • Friends of Mine 7:35 pm • Selector Dub Narcotic featuring Calvin Johnson of K Records 8:00 pm • Sea Giant 9:00 pm • Crystalline 10:00 pm • Water Monster 

PINNACLE NORTHWEST (MAIN STAGE) 412 W. Sprague; all shows are all-ages

7:40 pm • 66Beat 9:00 pm • Nostalgist 10:20 pm • The Static Tones 11:20 pm • Blackwater Prophet 12:10 am • Blvck Ceiling featuring roam


171 S. Washington; all shows are all-ages 6:15 pm • BBBBandits 7:05 pm • Chung Antique 7:55 pm • Heavy Seventeen 8:45 pm • So Pitted 9:45 pm • The Shivas


521 W. Sprague; all shows are 21+ 6:00 pm • Daethstar 6:35 pm • Fauna Shade 7:30 pm • Kithkin 8:45 pm • Pine League 9:45 pm • Fox and the Law 11:00 pm • Sons of Huns 12:10 am • White Mystery



228 W. Sprague; all shows are all-ages

24 W. Main Ave.; all-ages 10:00 am • Som & Cheddar Chad Soul Brunch, with Breezy Brown and Supervillain


415 W. Sprague; all shows are 21+ 5:45 pm • The Rustics 6:35 pm • There is No Mountain 7:20 pm • Scott Ryan 8:10 pm • Cursive Wires 9:00 pm • Marshall McLean Band 


5:00 pm • FILMS: All Your Friend’s Friends; then That Was Awesome (by White Mystery) 6:15 pm • Flannel Animal Math  7:15 pm • Wild Pacific 8:15 pm • Sorority 9:15 pm • Rubedo 10:15 pm • Von the Baptist


406 W. Sprague; all shows are 21+

412 W. Sprague; all shows are all-ages

7:00 pm • Siamese Suicide 8:00 pm • VATS 9:00 pm • Phlegm Fatale  10:00 pm • Mirror Mirror 11:00 pm • Dude York

6:40 pm • The Colourflies 8:00 pm • Couches 9:20 pm • NasalRod 10:40 pm • Weed 11:25 pm • The Camaros



827 W. First; all-ages until 9 pm

all shows are all-ages

6:15 pm • Jan Francisco 7:15 pm • Ian Miles 8:15 pm • Bandit Train 9:00 pm • Bitwvlf


6:00 pm • The Bight 7:20 pm • Fun Ladies 8:40 pm • Boat Race Weekend 10:00 pm • Whiskey Dick Mountain

all shows are all-ages

232 W. Sprague; all shows are 21+

6:20 pm • Dem Empire 8:20 pm • East Sherman 9:45 pm • Cold Blooded

6:45pm • Kristen Marlo 7:45pm • Hey! is for Horses 8:45pm • Genders 9:45pm • The Kings 10:50pm • Boy Eats Drum Machine 11:50pm • Lavoy

Inlander  2015 Band to Watch






kristen black & chad ramsey photo

201 s 4 Band To Watch 18


R E WMAOT NSTER Collaboration is lifting this one-time solo electronic project to new heights

Celebrate at Barlows! Check out our new seasonal menu!

By Azaria Podplesky hen we talked with Max Harnishfeger a little over a year ago, he had just begun to stretch his musical muscles as Water Monster. Having contributed vocals and bass to indierock quartet Cathedral Pearls, he was attempting to nail down a direction for his first solo project while finalizing the songs on his debut album. That EP, Survive the Night, was released last August and led to headlining shows and gigs opening for the likes of Barcelona (in Spokane and Seattle), along with spots at Volume 2014, Bartfest, Uncharted Territory (the Spokane Symphony and Terrain collaboration) and most recently, Everett’s Fisherman’s Village Music Festival. A little more comfortThe multi-textured able in his Water Monster electronic soundtrack to skin, Harnishfeger is still the a recurring dream… or creative force behind the nightmare. electronic project. But singer/ guitarist Scott Ingersoll — who performs his own material as Scott Ryan, played guitar on Survive and helps Harnishfeger fill out his live show — has recently taken on a bigger role, shifting the Water Monster dynamic from a solo project to a band. “I haven’t been part of a project where I wasn’t the one holding the primary creative reins, so it’s nice to be a collaborator for a change,” Ingersoll says. The opposite is true for Harnishfeger. “I’ve always been the support and never done a project that I was the head of,” he says. The pair met through Ingersoll’s brother and sister-in-law, Caleb and Karli Ingersoll — who play in Cathedral Pearls along with Harnishfeger and his wife Carrie — after Ingersoll moved to Spokane


Sounds Like:

Max Harnishfeger (left) and Scott Ingersoll

New York Strip Loin

from California. Working together on the Bartlett before it opened, Harnishfeger asked Ingersoll if he wanted to contribute guitar or vocals to his solo project, and the foundation was established. In the past, Harnishfeger would build the structure of a song and send Ingersoll a demo, to which the latter would add his own ideas. “He complements melodies and adds to the groove and brings textures to it,” Harnishfeger says about Ingersoll’s contributions. The pair would then practice each song until they figured out what to keep and what to change. As they work on the follow up to Survive the Night, Harnishfeger and Ingersoll want to make the songwriting process more collaborative, which is what I find them doing during a recent rehearsal in the back room of Harnishfeger’s basement. “You have a lot of fragments of things that you’ve been storing up and working on, and now you shake them out and see how they fit together,” Ingersoll says. The joint writing sessions seem to be working out as Harnishfeger plays clips from two new songs. The first is darker than the tunes on the EP, and the second is, as the duo describes it, more ambitious, with multiple textures and shifting tempos. “There’s more ambition to what we’re trying to do musically, a little less straightforward,” Ingersoll says. “But I think the emphasis will always be on strong songwriting and hooks, and things like that that people can grab on to.” “I don’t think it will ever go away from the textural exploration,” Harnishfeger adds. “Sonic exploration is a big piece of what we’re doing.” It’s an element concertgoers have responded to well during live performances. “I’m trying not to have expectations for what is going to happen,” Ingersoll says of the band’s future. “I would love to be able to get out and play more and reach a wider audience, but I’m just looking forward to being in the process of trying to uncover what the next phase sounds like, and create more music that, hopefully, people will connect to.”  Water Monster plays Volume on Fri, May 29, at 10 pm at The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • All-ages

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Future Twin


228 W. Sprague: all shows are all-ages FILMS: DOUBLE FEATURE 5 pm Before catching the All Your Friend’s Friends showcase and White Mystery in the flesh, learn all about what makes the acts tick in two recently filmed movies: That Was Awesome and then All Your Friend’s Friends. FRIENDS OF MINE Spokane | 7 pm “I can’t party tonight,” laments Miles Martin, singer and guitarist of Friends of Mine, while sugary pop hooks flutter behind his vocals. Friends of Mine are rumored to have formed at open mic nights at the Bartlett, when some friends of Martin’s, Eliza Johnson and Chris Malsam, got together to flesh out his songs. Together they play 1960s-style pop filtered through a fun Elvis Costello swagger. SELECTOR DUB NARCOTIC Olympia, Washington | 7:35 pm Not only are we getting a K Records



artist showcase at this year’s Volume, the label’s founder and owner Calvin Johnson is also performing under the moniker Selector Dub Narcotic. After lending his talents to a slew of bands over the decades like Cool Rays, Beat Happening and the Halo Benders, the riveting punk artist shows off his electronic/acoustic chops, touting the same warbly, deep voice he always had. The performance also features the K Records hip-hop fiend Smoke M2D6. SEA GIANT Spokane | 8 pm Thumping drum machine rhythms and sparkling keyboards are a constant throughout Spokane indie rock duo Sea Giant’s music. Taking cues from ’80s synth pop, Sea Giant add a more modern twist with guitar and key interplay. While they’ve released two EPs of sparse electronic lo-fi recordings, this twosome shines best on stage, where their sound can fully envelop you.

Crystalline last year, they wanted to create a synth-pop band that actually (unlike many electronic bands out there) played live music on stage. What’s ensued is music that’s mysterious and heavy, peppered with the occasional memorable hook. Rest assured, their sound never wavers into stagnant and boring territory. WATER MONSTER Spokane | 10 pm Water Monster, a 2015 Inlander Band to Watch, creates electronic soundscapes for the night. With soulful, lulling voices that take you to dance floors elsewhere, the spaced-out, melodic grooves are sublime in execution, with careful attention to minute details that weave throughout each piece. Expect definitive electro pulses and moody guitar strums that join hands with acoustic and electronic genres.


171 S. Washington: all shows are all-ages CRYSTALLINE Spokane | 9 pm When Spokane musicians Matthew Bogue and Tobias Hendrickson started

STUCCO Spokane | 6:15 pm Guitars run from melodic to jagged,

usually in the same song. Reminiscent of ’90s East Coast indie rock à la Swirlies or Polvo, Stucco constantly bends and moves, turning dissonance into harmony with hooky and emotive pop songs buried underneath — especially impressive from a band that’s so young. OUTERCOURSE Spokane | 7:15 pm Outercourse (featuring members of Normal Babies), a relatively new threepiece in Spokane, already is one of the year’s most promising local bands. Deceptively loud for only three members, the somehow tight-but-tumbling trio blend overdriven bite, jazzy drums and stealthy hooks into a much-needed breath of fresh noise-pop air. DEGREASER Brooklyn | 8:15 pm The haunting art-punk of Brooklyn band Degreaser is a blasting combination of the darkest annals of blues and psychedelia with the grit and pomp of straight-up noise rock. Jostling rhythms, shredding guitar freakouts and walls of harsh distortion all make their presence known in a sound sometimes danceable,

sometimes terrifying. HOWARDIAN Brooklyn | 8:30 pm Ian Vanek, half of DIY royalty Japanther, recently released his first album under the moniker Howardian, titled Land of The Low Tides. Thankfully, Vanek doesn’t stray too far from his roots of writing chugging yet fuzzy, catchy songs. With warbling synths bubbling in and out over lo-fi drum beats, Howardian is post-punk pop getting burned alive in a hazy fever dream. FUTURE TWIN San Francisco | 9:30 pm San Francisco band Future Twin has adopted the heavy-handed genre tag “soul-gaze,” and it’s one that is completely earned. As heard on their most recent release, a cassingle called Chillality, their huge, reverb-washed rock stomps with nervous energy, layering cavernous hook after hook before imploding into apocalyptic choruses that teem with intensity. LOOMER Spokane | 10:30 pm Loomer is no-frills 1990s worship — like

Silver Treason


Rivers Cuomo fronting Superchunk or finding a long-lost Teen Beat. Anxietyfilled pop songs peppered with bending guitar solos are backed by a pummeling, tightly locked-in rhythm section. Barely a year old, Loomer, a 2015 Inlander Band to Watch, is already recording their second EP of nostalgic indie rock.

every folk band had to include strings in their group. But for Spokane sixpiece Folkinception, having a cello and violin in their act never distracts or seems like a gimmick; it merely heightens their indie Americana sound. The band’s glorious harmonies, rocking volumes and rootsy ideals have attracted a sizable following since their inception.

IRV’S OUTDOOR STAGE 415 W. Sprague: all shows are 21+


406 W. Sprague: all shows are 21+ WINDOE Spokane | 6 pm Karli Ingersoll (Fairbanks), co-owner of the Bartlett and member of Cathedral Pearls, is back with a new project she’s dubbed Windoe. The solo music is surprisingly different from just a singer-songwriter with an acoustic guitar strapped on, and instead is much more of an electronic-heavy, altfolk blend. She recently released her self-titled four-song EP. THE HOLY BROKE Spokane | 7 pm Kent Ueland is the Holy Broke. What the Whitworth graduate/ex-Terrible Buttons frontman plays on his highsitting acoustic guitar is profoundly beautiful and emotional, even sometimes upsetting. Every time he takes the stage is an exercise in spilling out his innermost thoughts, and those aren’t always flattering. He recently released his debut album on vinyl and completed a short Midwest tour. SILVER TREASON Spokane | 8 pm Inlander Bands to Watch alumni Silver Treason are still kicking just as much country ass as ever. The twangy quartet plays danceable country-western, but with an unmistakable edge that gives them a certain punk-rock flavor, one that might be a little too sharp for your typical Texas roadhouse. FOLKINCEPTION Spokane | 9 pm There was a time when seemingly

ODYSSEY Spokane | 8 pm It’s like all Odyssey does is sit around and crank out new music. We’re certainly not complaining; the world needs more experimental instrumental metal music that pulls from jazz and psychedelic realms. Since their inception in 2007, the Spokane-based trio has put an EP or LP nearly every year; they should have a brand new full-length disc out soon. AGE OF NEFILIM Spokane | 9 pm Progressive death metal quintet Age of Nefilim is a metal band fascinated by all of the genre’s ambitious bells and whistles. The crippling, percussive speed, the fantasy elements, the shifting time signatures — they all feature heavily in the band’s sound, neatly rounded out by punishingly distorted guitars and big, suite-like song movements. DIAZEPAM Lewiston, Idaho | 10 pm Diazepam is a brilliantly named, noholds-barred sludge quartet that sounds the like the boiling wash of an oncoming volcanic smolder. The real kicker, then, is the vocal style — one that plays freely with black-metal shrieks and grindcore growls. These are the sounds of a witch melting as she burns at the stake. ...continued on next page

“Make some noise! ” Because we rock every night. For a complete directory of entertainment and more in Downtown Spokane, visit

So you have your dancing shoes on? FRIDAY

6:30 pm, Red Room Lounge: DJ Ca$e 7 pm, Red Room Lounge: The Tone Collaborative 9:45 pm, nYne: The Dip Midnight, nYne: Down North SATURDAY

7:20 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Side Stage: Fun Ladies 9 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: Marshall McLean Band 9:45 pm, nYne: The Kings 11 pm, Mootsy’s: Dude York 11:25 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: the Camaros

So you’re not quite 21? FRIDAY

6:15 pm, Big Dipper: Stucco 6:20 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Side Stage: Dem Empire 7 pm, The Bartlett: Friends of Mine 7:15 pm, Neato Burrito: Paisley Devil 8:20 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Side Stage: East Sherman SATURDAY

7:15 pm, Neato Burrito: Ian L. Miles 8:15 pm, The Bartlett: Sorority 8:40 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Side Stage: Boat Race Weekend 9:45 pm, Big Dipper: The Shivas 10:15 pm, The Bartlett: Von the Baptist

So you have kids, a mortgage and want to let loose? FRIDAY

6:15 pm, Neato Burrito: Tear Free 7:30 pm, Red Room Lounge: Kithkin 9 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Nostalgist 9:30 pm, Big Dipper: Future Twin 10:55 pm, nYne: Puff Puff Beer SATURDAY

6:15 pm, Big Dipper: BBBBandits 7 pm, Mootsy’s: Siamese Suicide 7:45 pm, nYne: Hey! is For Horses 8:10 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: Cursive Wires 9:45 pm: Fox and the Law

So you’re into indiefolk/Americana music? FRIDAY

6:45 pm, nYne: Mama Doll 7 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: The Holy Broke 8 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: Silver Treason 8:45 pm, nYne: Cathedral Pearls 9 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: Folkinception SATURDAY

5:45 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: The Rustics 8:10 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: Cursive Wires 9 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: Marshall McLean Band

Space Movies


Puff Puff Beer

FRIDAY, MAY 29 [MOOTSY'S, continued] PROGENITUS Spokane | 11 pm The metal band Progenitus has two lead vocalists, but don’t call it a gimmick — instead think of it as another element of their hugely ambitious sound. Their pummeling death metal alternates between shrieks and bellows, always in steady supply of machine-gun percussion and classic British heavy metal guitar solos. FLEE THE CENTURY Spokane | midnight There were quite a few wild and fanatical sets at last year’s Volume, but Flee the Century’s performance at Mootsy’s nearly took the roof off. While the veteran Spokane band is officially not together anymore, they reunite their insane electronic rock sound every year or so, just for the betterment of humanity.


827 W. First: all-ages until 9 pm

sea, this spacey Spokane psychedelic progrock drum-and-bass duo is like time that keeps on slippin’ into the future. Local legend Alex Moe pilots the shining ship of weirdness, while drummer Aaron Hansen bangs it up in the background all the way to the heart of the sunrise. No drugs necessary. You will leave this show dazed and confused. LOCKE Spokane | 9 pm Spokane rapper Locke — citing influences that range from Pigeon John and Lyrics Born to Led Zeppelin and NOFX — is the kind of artist capable of getting any crowd going. If you find yourself in the audience waving your hands in the air like you just don’t care, be careful; Locke’s antics include almost falling off stage and kicking beer glasses into groups of helpless hip-hoppers whether he is DJing, on the mic, or both.


CATHEDRAL PEARLS Spokane | 8:45 pm Sweet and gentle Indie pop featuring boy/ girl vocals, Cathedral Pearls evoke reflections of blue notes and dreamy, lazy afternoons in the sun with birds all around you. There are classic expressions of modern pop, dustings of lush synths and bits of moody, classic jazz with whimsical, glorious harmonies. On bended knee, the Pearls craft songs intertwined with catchy hooks, and stories of love and transcendence. With great care, Cathedral Pearls will calmly draw you in and hold you tight. THE DIP Seattle | 9:45 pm Clearly fans of the Doobie Brothers, Chicago and maybe even the Little River Band, the Dip formed at the University of Washington alongside Beat Connection, fellow former Huskies with extracurricular ass-shaking activities. The two groups share members, and both are experts at making people dance. Expect a lot of bebopping and scatting.

232 W. Sprague: all shows are 21+ TEAR FREE Spokane | 6:15 pm Beat master Andy Lawson is giving Johnson & Johnson a run for its money with his project Tear Free. Swelling walls of astral synth and soothing samples ride high over relaxing rhythms. The ambiance Lawson creates provides the perfect mood for a no-tears kind of night. PAISLEY DEVIL Seattle | 7:15 pm Recent Whitworth University graduate Ramsey Troxel has been in too many local bands to count, but with his most recent pop project Paisley Devil, he’s perhaps found his best fit yet — it’s a solo act, after all. A recent Seattle transplant, the musician comes back to town touting his fiercely freeing electronic pop. Don’t be afraid to let it entrance you. SPACE MOVIES Spokane | 8:15 pm With wild noise that flies like an eagle to the


Mama Doll

MAMA DOLL Spokane | 6:45 pm Mama Doll breathes a dark folk sound all their own. The consistently melodic drama is delivered in a simple, minimal fashion without sounding empty. The sparse quality only elevates the space within the songs, letting each part have meaning. Spilling with gentle grit, brooding guitars, almost symphonic drumming and indelible harmonies, Mama Doll elicits a moody and soulful twang with a swaggering longing for old lovers and heartbreak. HOLIDAY FRIENDS Astoria, Oregon | 7:45 pm The glittering indie pop of quintet Holiday Friends is not to be underestimated. Under the big sing-along vocal riffs and driving rhythm section are constantly shifting synths, so dense that they would be hard to keep track of were it not for the band’s innate sense of structure.

PUFF PUFF BEER Portland | 10:55 pm Even without the substances this band’s name alludes to, crowds have no problem getting into the groove. One part soul, one part punk, with a touch of blues and even some hip-hop in the mix, Puff Puff Beer is a true crowd pleaser. The band’s live video of their funk-punk cover of the Dead Kennedys’ “Too Drunk to F---” speaks for itself. These guys bring the party to you. DOWN NORTH Seattle | midnight Seattle isn’t the first place one generally thinks of when the subject of soul music comes up. But Down North bucks the dominant paradigm and brings it for real. Singer Anthony Briscoe has a charismatic presence to go along with his thrilla-minute vocals, and the band has got chops. Put on your dancing shoes.



412 W. Sprague: all shows are all-ages 66BEAT Spokane | 7:40 pm There aren’t many bands around who can get away with stripping away all the frills and wizardry that often accompany rock music. People have grown accustomed to the various girdles and corsets and Spanx that bands don to hide flabby midsections. Not 66Beat. 66Beat’s music just walks around naked with a woody. NOSTALGIST Seattle | 9 pm The great thing about genre mixing is that you can copy the best things about several bands, stir them together in a pot and hope to cook up something original. Nostalgist manages to create a sonically dense atmosphere. If Ian Curtis rose from the dead to front My Bloody Valentine and they’d been listening to a lot of black metal, Nostalgist could open for them. THE STATIC TONES Coeur d’Alene | 10:20 pm Fresh on the heels of their debut LP Brotherhood of Strangers, three-piece the Static Tones make sweltering blues rock with a work ethic that’s impossible to ignore. Their sound, a howling, dark blast that is a perfect combination of the swamp and the garage, is fine-tuned to professional grade. BLACKWATER PROPHET Spokane | 11:20 pm If you haven’t caught a Blackwater Prophet show, well, get thee to the

Blvck Ceiling

temple and hear them now! Just two years ago, the psych-rocking threepiece started to take their music seriously, playing up their grungy, skuzzy sound and playing as many gigs as they could get. Now after the release of their first album, they’re ready to take things further than ever. BLVCK CEILING FEAT. ROAM Spokane 12:10 am Have you ever wanted a soundtrack to your nightmares? Do you listen to “scary sounds” cassettes in your dark basement and think to yourself, “If only I could slow this down by half and play along with a haunted piano.” If so, Blvck Ceiling (aka beatmaker Dan Ocean) is right up your alley. Beautiful in its own unsettling way, this is what a cemetery sounds like when it sings. Rapper K. Clifton (aka Kay Clifton/ Quiz) paired up with Blvck Ceiling as roam and will be included in the set.


412 W. Sprague: all shows are all-ages DEM EMPIRE Spokane | 6:20 pm It’s possible to survive this life in the information age, but it’s not always easy. That’s what Dem Empire’s songs are here to help us unpack. The exciting local four-piece pulls in influences from new wave and punk, psychedelic grooves and bass-driven funk. Even if you can’t understand all of the insightful words lead singer Will Zobrist is sing-yelling from the stage, just give in to the beat. That’s what living is all about anyway.

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...continued on next page




EST 1910

LIVE SUMMER MUSIC LINE-UP May 22nd, 23rd, 24th - Memorial Day Weekend - Tell the Boys (Previously Nova) May 29th, 30th - Jam Shack Band May 31st - PJ Destiny June 5th, 6th - Dave Green Band (Rhythm & Blues) June 7th - Devon Wade (Country) June 12th, 13th - Hot Wired - Rocky Poole (Previously Bite the Bullet)

June 14th - The Paradons (Good Ole’ Dancing Music) June 19th, 20th - The Dan Conrad Band June 21st - PJ Destiny June 26th, 27th - Uppercut (Previously Sucker Punch) June 28th - Gil Rivas (Folk American Rock) July 3rd, 4th - Still Kickin’ (Fireworks on Fri the 3rd) July 5th - The Jam Shack Band July 10th, 11th - Hot Wired July 12th - Jeff Rowe (Country Rock) July 17th, 18th - Stagecoast West Band July 19th - Cary Fly Band (Rhythm and Blues) July 24th, 25th - The Cronkites (Bring your dancing shoes!) Music thru Labor Day. See full lineup at CABIN RENTALS RV HOOKUPS PUBLIC DOCKS BOAT MOORING


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Cold Blooded

The Tone Collaborative


FRIDAY, MAY 29 [PINNACLE NORTHWEST, SIDE STAGE, continued] EAST SHERMAN Spokane/Coeur d’Alene | 8:20 pm Hardcore three-piece East Sherman, a new band featuring members from both sides of the state line, is a part of the thoughtful metal breed with vegan ethics and a DIY attitude — a variety of metal steadily gaining popularity. Fortunately for us, some of the darkest music imaginable comes from this particular genre. COLD BLOODED Spokane | 9:45 pm Thrash-metal band Cold Blooded remember a purer time in hardcore crossover, and they serve to do it justice. Though not without a searing modern edge, the boys in Cold Blooded wear their blast-beating roots proud, writing smart and surprising guitar interplay under all of the face-melting high gain.


521 W. Sprague: all shows are 21+ DJ CA$E Spokane | 6:30 pm Trading in his law books and stack of Bibles for two turntables and a

microphone, local lawyer Xavier Corrick is on the case as DJ Ca$e. Bass for your face, a cheap beer, and a side of BBQ pork accompany the masterful mixes served up in style by Spokane’s funkiest, freshest way out of a legal bind. Pay attention and he may treat you to a windy walk on the beach and a piña colada. THE TONE COLLABORATIVE Spokane | 7 pm Formed at a jam night at the now defunct Phat House, Tone Collaborative is now two years into their existence and have morphed their free-spirited improv into fully realized songs. With Latin beats and funk-inspired bass and sax mixed in with the upstrokes of reggae guitar and soulful female vocals, the collective is sure to play on all of your emotions. ITZ JAAKEN Spokane | 8 pm Relatively new to the local scene, iTZ Jaaken (pronounced “it’s Jake-en”) takes a fluid approach to his hip-hop lyricism. You’ll find a lot of the familiar in iTZ Jaaken’s songs — Hennessysipping, attention-craving and materialistic lyrical content bounces between the rapper’s beats — but when it comes to rap music, it’s more

than OK to linger on those things. THE MUZES Spokane/Riverside, Calif. | 8:45 pm The Muzes just can’t be stopped right now: Their flows, their beats, and the way the duo’s positive and empowering message seeps into everything they do. With the group, Spokane’s own darling MC Jaeda Glasgow has teamed up with Kelley Mak out of California for some of the most invigorating hiphop around. Their latest EP Boom Bap Gypsies is fluid and classic, and the title track is perfect for rollin’ with your girls on a night out. K RECORDS AND THEE XNTRX PRESENT: ALL YOUR FRIEND’S FRIENDS Olympia | 9:45 pm The set’s title may seem a bit confusing at first, but it all makes sense. This performance is a collaboration between Pacific Northwest rappers XPERIENCE, Smoke M2D6, Candidt, Goldini Bagwell and IAME — all of whom are affiliated with Olympia-based K Records. With these powerhouse talents brought together, expect a lot of laid-back hiphop, possibly created and produced around the consumption of marijuana. Check out a documentary about the groups at the Bartlett.

Floods, Flowers & Feathers... 4th Annual Turnbull Spring Nature Festival Saturday May 30th


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Delivered to your Inbox every Friday


The Flying Spiders

SHAPRECE Seattle | 11:15 pm Seattle R&B singer Shaprece may be performing at the Sasquatch! dance tent one weekend prior to Volume, but don’t expect the artist’s music to be upbeat. Rather, this is music you move slowly and deliberately to; it may even cause a little bump-and-grind action. The artist melds soul and classical with ambient electronic music to create her tempered sound. It’s no wonder that even the Seattle Symphony wants to perform with her later this year. THE FLYING SPIDERS Spokane | 12:30 am Flying Spiders are Spokane’s premiere hip-hop orchestra — that they’re the only hip-hop orchestra is beside the point. Last year, the band chose to continue on after losing their beloved leader Isamu Jordan in 2013. Since then, the group of 10-plus musicians has performed around Spokane, spreading the same message of love and social change they always have. Every show they put on is an experience in groovy movement and a celebration of life.

Flannel Math Animal


228 W. Sprague: all shows are all-ages FILMS: DOUBLE FEATURE 5 pm Before catching the All Your Friend’s Friends showcase and White Mystery in the flesh, learn all about what makes the acts tick in two recently filmed movies: All Your Friend’s Friends and then That Was Awesome. FLANNEL MATH ANIMAL Spokane | 6:15 pm Blending jazz, funk and rock riffs, Flannel Math Animal creates a mighty instrumental sound that will have you searching for additional band members. Don’t bother — the duo of guitarist Nick Palmieri and drummer Bradley Spracklin need no help creating the complex songs filling their live songs and recently released album. They play with military precision, but are willing to let their imaginations take over during solos, making for band appealing for both Miles Davis and Frank Zappa fans. Flannel Math Animal is a 2015 Inlander Band to Watch. ...continued on next page



So you like bands melting your face off? FRIDAY

8:15 pm, Neato Burrito: Space Movies 9 pm, Mootsy’s: Age of Nefilim 9:45 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Side Stage: Cold Blooded 10 pm, Mootsy’s: Diazepam 11 pm, Mootsy’s: Progenitus Midnight, Mootsy’s: Flee the Century SATURDAY

7 pm, Mootsy’s: Siamese Suicide 8 pm, Mootsy’s: VATS 9 pm, Mootsy’s: Phlegm Fatale 9:20 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Nasalrod 10 pm, Mootsy’s: Mirror Mirror

So you want some hiphop/DJs in your life? FRIDAY

8 pm, Red Room Lounge: iTZ Jaaken 8:45 pm, Red Room Lounge: The Muzes 9:45 pm, Red Room Lounge: All Your Friend’s Friends 11:15 pm, Red Room Lounge: Shaprece 12:10 am, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Blvck Ceiling feat. Roam 12:30 am, Red Room Lounge: The Flying Spiders SATURDAY

6 pm, Red Room Lounge: Daethstar 9 pm, Neato Burrito: Bitwvlf 10:50 pm, nYne: Boy Eats Drum Machine

So you want to hear past and present Bands to Watch? FRIDAY

6:45 pm, nYne: Mama Doll 7:40 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: 66Beat 8 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: Silver Treason 10 pm, The Bartlett: Water Monster 10:30 pm, Big Dipper: Loomer 11:20 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Blackwater Prophet Midnight, Mootsy’s: Flee the Century SATURDAY

6:15 pm, Big Dipper: BBBBandits 6:15 pm, The Bartlett: Flannel Math Animal 7:15 pm, Neato Burrito: Ian L. Miles 9 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: Marshall McLean Band 9 pm, Mootsy’s: Phlegm Fatale 10 pm, Mootsy’s: Mirror Mirror 10 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Side Stage: Whiskey Dick Mountain



Von the Baptist


DJ Cheddar Chad

SATURDAY, MAY 30 [THE BARTLETT, continued] WILD PACIFIC Spokane | 7:15 pm With a name like Wild Pacific, you know what you’re in for, and the Spokane trio delivers just that: sunny, shimmering guitar rock that’s equal parts beach and garage. It’s hard to tell just where their beach vibes came from — certainly not the Inland Northwest — but the boys of Wild Pacific seem one with the coast. SORORITY Coeur d’Alene | 8:15 pm While many bands claim to possess an indefinable sound, Sorority is actually a difficult band to categorize. They describe themselves as post-emo goth grunge pop, and while their emotional lyrics about dying young with the one you love fit the post-emo mold, none of their description totally captures the band’s clean guitar and keyboard sounds. RUBEDO Denver | 9:15 pm Experimental trio Rubedo eclectically combine Top-40-accessible hooks with whizzing synthesizers and psychedelic guitar freak-outs, almost seamlessly. Often compared to the Mars Volta — whose late keyboardist Isaiah “Ikey” Owens collaborated with and produced both of Rubedo’s albums — the band is paving its own path, zigzagging from style to style while still moving in the same direction. VON THE BAPTIST Spokane | 10:15 pm Their music is emotional, but don’t go calling Von the Baptist some hormone-raging emo band. Yes, their lyrics often discuss deep introspective topics like death, inner demons and suicidal tendencies, yet the sound they produce is bluesy, indie rock. A project from two of the members of local indie act Dead Serious Lovers, expect to actually use your brain a bit while listening to Von the Baptist, not just your feelings. It’s all part of the show.


171 S. Washington: all shows are all-ages BBBBANDITS Spokane | 6:15 pm Instrumental surf rock band BBBBandits seem just as influenced by the obvious (the Ventures, Dick Dale) as they are by the strange and completely obscure. Somewhere between wholesomely bright, day-at-the-beach fare and the stock music sleaze of ’80s sex-comedies, BBBBandits are completely unmistakable and dripping wet with spring reverb. CHUNG ANTIQUE Seattle | 7:05 pm Chung Antique, Olympia transplants currently making a go of it in Seattle, is the type of band critics love to write about — subtle, articulate songwriters with big arrangements that go right for the gut. Intense but never overbearing, their intricately calculated post-rock is an exercise in the beauty of a foggy haze. HEAVY SEVENTEEN Spokane | 7:55 pm What strange crucible is this? This bizarre vessel holds materials gathered from the Minutemen, Modern Lovers and Kings of Leon? Somehow, the band made up of members of Myth Ship and the Camaros makes it all work. Frenetic drumming, angular guitars and drunk singing are all here. Just go listen. SO PITTED Seattle | 8:45 pm A Seattle three-piece with snarl to spare, So Pitted is a dizzying force of nasty, modern noise-punk. The band spits through track after track, as the musical anxiety twists and intensifies, with heavily fanged vocals that can only be described as sounding like incoming messages from very aggressive alien invaders. THE SHIVAS Portland | 9:45 pm Founded in 2006, the Shivas could easily have a bonus track on the Pulp Fiction soundtrack.

With multiple LPs to boast, and a new fulllength record set for release this October on Olympia’s K Records, the Shivas’ surfy sound is sure make the audience shake and shimmy. They’re the perfect band to help Vincent Vega win any dance competition worth winning.

BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE 24 W. Main: all-ages

VOLUME 2015 SOM & CHEDDAR CHAD SOUL BRUNCH 10 am We pay tribute to the influential Spokane music-maker Isamu Jordan by continuing his awesome Soul Brunch. This year we’ll also remember Chad Rattray, aka DJ Cheddar Chad, who passed away earlier this year. Come down to Boots on Volume’s second day, dust off your hangover with a cocktail and enjoy the soulful tunes of two of Spokane’s finest: DJs Breezy Brown and Supervillain.

IRV’S OUTDOOR STAGE 415 W. Sprague: all shows are 21+

THE RUSTICS Spokane | 5:45 pm They’re inspired by their travels. From the sounds of faraway tropical paradises to the majestic beauty of the Inland Northwest, the Rustics produce breezy tunes for the free spirit in all of us. At the heart of this indie folk/reggae band are Spokane musicians Ryan Miller and Mackie Hockett, who write simple lyrics and melodies about love and acceptance with the sincere desire to help make the world a better place. THERE IS NO MOUNTAIN Portland | 6:35 pm Listening to their music is like having two different records on at once. In one room you’re listening to the Dodos or Menomena, but your roommate is on a Wyndham Hill kick, and he’s blasting a Michael Hedges record in the next

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Scott Ryan

Dude York

room. It’s very weird, but also awesome. There are only two people in this band, and they make a hell of a racket.

is here to let you know it’s OK — you’re allowed to let loose and scream.

SCOTT RYAN Spokane | 7:20 pm Scott Ryan (aka Scottie Ingersoll, production manager at the Bartlett) has a strong, thematic voice that doesn’t sound like anyone else in Spokane, and that’s saying something for a solo artist. His huge vocals pair well with his ever-changing instrumentation that infuses psychedelic rock with indie folk. Just watching Ryan on stage, you never know where his music is going next.

VATS Seattle | 8 pm VATS is the band that is with you, and against you. A fine example of the new Seattle sound, VATS’ music evokes an alternate dimension that exists where the light meets darkness of a damp 1980s basement where you can still smoke cigarettes, and maybe put one out on your arm to really feel something. Chorus-laden bass riffs and pounding drums will drive you to the dance floor, while monotone dueling girl/guy vocals and warm, single-notation guitar leads drown you in the happiest sorrow you’ve ever known.

CURSIVE WIRES Spokane | 8:10 pm We wouldn’t exactly call Cursive Wires country, at least not the kind of country heard on the radio these days. There’s a twang thanks to the pedal steel guitar, and a distinct honkytonk sound from the bass section, but the vocals never delve into accent territory and there are steady rock 'n' roll guitar lines in their tunes. The Spokane band’s music is a tribute to memories we want to hold onto and a future we can’t wait to experience. MARSHALL MCLEAN BAND Spokane | 9 pm Crafting a sound they like to call Northwest Americana rock, the Marshall McLean Band is like a breath of folky, fresh air. At times their music is contemplative and simmering, but then is quickly eclipsed by an upbeat, extremely danceable song extolling the reasons for living. Surrounded by stellar local musicians playing tight licks, McLean’s nuanced and scratchy vocals soar. A 2015 Inlander Band to Watch.


406 W. Sprague: all shows are 21+ SIAMESE SUICIDE Spokane | 7 pm Siamese Suicide is the newest project of stalwarts of the Spokane punk scene since the 1980s. Although they have yet to release any recordings, past projects like Rice Queen, Yokohama Hooks, Ze Krau, Seawolf and many others should serve as an apt example of the viscerally hard-hitting, weirdo punk that this crew usually produces. In a scene filled with acoustic instruments and pretty harmonies, Siamese Suicide

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PHLEGM FATALE Spokane | 9 pm Aside from having one of the best band names in the universe, Phlegm Fatale can actually play. There is overdriven bass guitar, there are heavily pounded drums and there is lots of yelling. If you don’t want to find yourself in the middle of a writhing mosh pit, don’t stand near the front. Phlegm Fatale will fill you with piss and vinegar and then make you sweat it all out. A 2015 Inlander Band to Watch. MIRROR MIRROR Spokane | 10 pm Mirror Mirror has grown and mutated so much over the years, yet the local act has always maintained a beautifully gothic krautrock backbone and the striking presence of frontman Jason Campbell. The band’s current iteration is arguably the best so far, with chiming open chords shining through hypnotic locked grooves. DUDE YORK Seattle | 11 pm Dude York play an exuberant and honest take on power pop, but with a punk edge. While only a trio, singer and guitarist Peter Richards makes up for only having one guitar in the band by playing blistering lead lines and guitar solos that sound like they could be outtakes from Weezer’s Pinkerton. ...continued on next page







Jan Francisco

Kristen Marlo

Boy Eats Drum Machine


827 W. First: all-ages until 9 pm Record Store

JAN FRANCISCO Spokane | 6:15 pm One-man-band Jan Francisco is actually 16-year-old Spokanite Norman Robbins, whose age comes as a surprise to many who have seen this teen pound out punky but sophisticated garage rock songs on guitar and kick drum. Distorted, puberty-cracked vocals creep through keenly observant and adult-themed songs with a sound that is more Memphis than Spokane.

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IAN L. MILES Spokane | 7:15 pm Long time Spokane dark-folk staple Ian Miles returns home for Volume after moving to Whidbey Island last year. Fans stomp their feet and sing along to his sincere, melodic, storytelling vocal style and guitar work that ranges from multi-chord jangle to intricate finger picking, and it doesn’t stop here. On his many releases, Miles experiments with full band compositions, complete with synthy textures and rocking drums. Whatever hat he puts on for Volume, he’ll be warmly welcomed by a hometown audience.

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BANDIT TRAIN Spokane | 8:15 pm Audiences have learned to expect the unexpected from Bandit Train. Live performances range from just brothers Chris and Mike Malsam performing electronic variations of Ms. Pac-Man “Act I: They Meet” on synth and live drums, to full band performances complete with dreamy female vocals over guitar and bass. With or without their rotating cast of characters, the brothers Malsam deliver a large dose of wow to the crowd with their video game-, movie- and Internet-inspired electro-tunes.

BITWVLF Spokane | 9 pm Spokane’s Eric Kerzman, who performs and produces under the name Bitwvlf, takes things apart and puts them back together again. Incorporating his own music with samples and little bits of turntablism, he assembles dark and dreamy soundscapes — and the occasional toe-tapper — from broken windows of sound.


232 W. Sprague: all shows are 21+ KRISTEN MARLO Maine | 6:45 pm Delivering smooth-as-silk vocals over brushy acoustic guitar work, Maine folk-pop artist Kristen Marlo is sure to mellow your mood. Her passion for new experience drives her to new places and it shows; Marlo has toured extensively in the past few years in support of her two independently released EPs, and she shows no sign of stopping. HEY! IS FOR HORSES Spokane | 7:45 pm There is something familiar about this band. Listening to Hey! is for Horses is like having your radio tuned to the alternative-rock radio station in 1994. You’re going to hear some Spin Doctors, some Sugar Ray, some Pearl Jam and maybe some Blues Traveler. Ostensibly rooted in blues music, Hey! is for Horses’ sound is like an old friend, the one your parents didn’t mind inviting over for dinner. GENDERS Portland | 8:45 pm They consider their music to be casual rock. It’s casual in the way that you won’t feel the need to mosh to it, but Genders’ throwback-rock sound is by

no means ordinary. One minute you want to tap your toes, the next you’ll want to sway back in forth with your honey. The songs are joyful with a hint of sadness. The band was an opening act for Built to Spill back in 2013. THE KINGS Seattle | 9:45 pm There are a few bands on this planet also named the Kings, but this particular one is a funky ska band out of Seattle. These Kings make music that is rambunctious and outrageous, fueled by a significant brass section, a Hammond organ sound and crazy rhythms. With at least seven musicians on stage at a time, the band’s infectious stage rapport will have you jumping, dancing and laughing in no time. BOY EATS DRUM MACHINE Santa Cruz, Calif. | 10:50 pm Boy Eats Drum Machine is a one-man wizard reaching into a 10-year-deep bag of tricks. Pairing his deep-tobreathy falsetto-vocal range with live saxophone and percussion, the “boy,” Portlander Jon Ragel, voyages beyond the typical turntablist. Visual elements often accompany his stage show, and when not performing, he takes time to craft videos that pair well with his atypical soundscapes. LAVOY Spokane | 11:50 pm Two years ago, five dudes and their significant others packed up all of their belongings and moved all the way from Alaska to Spokane… to make music full-time. Since then, they’ve played their refined electronic-pop songs and soaring anthems everywhere in the local scene and surrounding area. They’re one of the hardest working acts around, with the fan base to prove it.

& 28 JUNE 27



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PINNACLE NORTHWEST, MAIN STAGE 412 W. Sprague: all shows are all-ages

THE COLOURFLIES Post Falls | 6:40 pm Taking hints from the fuzzy pop leanings of early indie Gods like Dinosaur Jr. and Superchunk, Post Falls trio The Colourflies call themselves “bubble grunge.” They’ve been hard at work recording a new EP, so expect to hear some scratchy but hooky new material. COUCHES San Francisco | 8 pm Couches evokes a bit of the ’90s, in a very good way. Bands like Drive Like Jehu, Polvo and Pavement were in their primes and creating a sonically diverse landscape upon which the seeds of indie rock later germinated and grew into a field of wildly disparate flowers. These guys sound like they were there the whole time, watering the lawn, and it’s fantastic to hear. NASALROD Portland | 9:20 pm Nasalrod is punk in the purist way, in that there seem to be absolutely no rules or boundaries. The Portlandbased band, backed by legendary FEAR drummer Spit Stix, sonically run the gamut from classic hardcore punk all the way to Frank Zappaesque deconstructed meltdowns. Expect the unexpected as Nasalrod twist and turn at every corner and defy what a punk band is supposed to be. ...continued on next page



So you want to experience straight-up rock ’n’ roll? FRIDAY

6:35 pm, Red Room Lounge: Fauna Shade 7:15 pm, Big Dipper: Outercourse 8:15 pm, Big Dipper: Degreaser 10:20 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: The Static Tones 11:20 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Blackwater Prophet SATURDAY

7:05 pm, Big Dipper: Chung Antique 7:55 pm, Big Dipper: Heavy Seventeen 8 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Couches 8:45 pm, Red Room Lounge: Pine League 9:45 pm, Red Room Lounge: Fox and the Law 11 pm, Red Room Lounge: Sons of Huns 12:10 am, Red Room Lounge: White Mystery

So you just ate a special brownie and want to go relax? FRIDAY

6 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: Windoe 8 pm, The Bartlett: Sea Giant 9 pm, The Bartlett: Crystalline 9:45 pm, Red Room Lounge: All Your Friend’s Friends 10 pm, The Bartlett: Water Monster SATURDAY

5:45 pm, Irv’s Outdoor Stage: The Rustics 6:15 pm, Neato Burrito: Jan Francisco 10:40 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Weed

You have a Burger Records shirt, and/or burger on your shirt: FRIDAY

7:15 pm, Big Dipper: Outercourse 7:40 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: 66Beat 8:30 pm, Big Dipper: Howardian 9:45 pm, Red Room: All Your Friend’s Friends 10:30 pm, Big Dipper: Loomer SATURDAY

6:15 pm, Neato Burrito: Jan Francisco 8:45 pm, Big Dipper: So Pitted 9 pm, Mootsy’s: Phlegm Fatale 9:45 pm, Big Dipper: The Shivas 10:40 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Weed

So you miss the ’90s? FRIDAY

6:15 pm, Big Dipper: Stucco 8 pm, Red Room: iTZ Jaaken 8:15 pm, Neato Burrito: Space Movies 9 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Nostalgist 9 pm, Neato Burrito: Locke 12 am, nYne: Down North SATURDAY

6:40 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: The Colourflies 8 pm, Pinnacle Northwest, Main Stage: Couches 9:15 pm, The Bartlett: Rubedo 10 pm, Mootsy’s: Mirror Mirror 11:15 pm, nYne: Lavoy 12:10 am, Red Room: White Mystery



Fun Ladies


Sons of Huns

SATURDAY, MAY 30 [PINNACLE NORTHWEST, MAIN STAGE, continued] WEED Vancouver, B.C. | 10:40 pm Vancouver fuzz-rockers Weed may have turned their name into a bit of a mission statement, but the band is anything but one-track-minded. Having attracted a steady amount of buzz over the past few years, Weed’s potent combination of concentrated beach psychedelia and unruly indie rock make them a perfect summer kickoff. THE CAMAROS Spokane | 11:25 pm The Camaros aren’t afraid to rock hard, even on school nights (despite the fact that two of the band members are teachers). While their cool, amusing tunes often start off at a dull roar, they soon explode into something entirely necessary to move your feet to. Everywhere they perform around town, the Spokane-based quartet creates a ravaged wake of happy fans.


412 W. Sprague: all shows are all-ages THE BIGHT Spokane | 6 pm Matthew Winters (a 2010 Inlander Band to Watch) has been singing his whiskey-voiced folk songs around town for years as a solo artist, or with his acoustic band Team Growl. With the Bight, Winters has decided to plug in and turn up. Rounded out by Matt Woodworth and Bradley Perry on guitar, the Bight deliver a new dynamic and dimensions to Winters’ heartfelt songs. A shiny new face-lift for a local favorite. FUN LADIES Spokane | 7:20 pm The truth is, the musicians in this Spokane garage band like to have a hell of a good time on stage and otherwise. Comprised of members from local acts Duck Duck Suckerpunch, Whiskey Dick Mountain and Silver Treason, Fun Ladies lets their brand of danceable rock rip no matter what venue they play. Theirs is a sound that’s quite simply fun. BOAT RACE WEEKEND Spokane | 8:40 pm Pop-punk’s not dead with Boat Race Weekend,

a three-piece out of Spokane. The three childhood friends and Gonzaga alums — who just finished recording a full-length album — seamlessly blend the charmingly silly attitude of ’90s pop-punk with the more earnest and emotive intentions of its modern counterpart.

year’s debut LP Rituals, Trances & Ecstasies for Humans in Face of the Collapse, the group has moved away from so many drums on stage and has added samples throughout their new tunes. Whatever their recent approach to rhythm is, expect it to inspire.

WHISKEY DICK MOUNTAIN Spokane | 10 pm Whiskey Dick Mountain, an actual peak in Washington, also is the name of a gospel-bluespunk band that disbanded a coupleof years ago. Just two months ago, the local act reunited at Mootsy’s, playing a crazed, alcohol-fueled tentrevival show for the faithful. Now playing in the Volume lineup, let’s hope this trend continues. Hallelujah!

PINE LEAGUE Spokane | 8:45 pm Last year’s Volume was one of Pine League’s first shows as a band. Now the Spokane quartet is back with a more refined indie rock sound, but are still every bit as fun and ready to help you party as ever. Comprised of veteran local musicians, their songs are tight, and a hell of a good time to listen to. Watch out: frontman Tyler Aker is a sparkplug on stage, quick to jump into the audience at a moment’s notice.


521 W. Sprague: all shows are 21+ DAETHSTAR Spokane | 6 pm Electro-rocker DaethStar, aka Kelton Allen, mixes it up like never before for Volume 2015. Breaking away from his group the Broken Thumbs for a solo performance, DaethStar will lay down the loud for whatever dark room he finds himself in. Dragging, chopping and screwing are his business, and business is good. FAUNA SHADE Everett, Washington | 6:35 pm Fauna Shade is the kind of band that digs in hard to its hometown, pillaging it for inspiration in the light and dark places. The sound that emerges from the three-piece rock band is infused with grungy fuzz and gray, insightful lyrics. Despite their young age — the act was a finalist at EMP’s 21-and-under battle of the bands last year — they sound wizened in all the right ways. KITHKIN Seattle | 7:30 pm Attending a Kithkin show is like forging into the woods and losing yourself in some sort of animalistic ritual. On stage, the Seattle-based “treepunk” four-piece pounds on drums, claps, screams and squawks, creating an entrancing and primal sound over their punk instrumentations. But since releasing last

FOX AND THE LAW Seattle | 9:45 pm This March, Fox and the Law announced they’re finishing their fourth LP and plan to support it with a European tour, but not before they make a stop in Spokane for Volume. This Seattle stoner-glam quartet, with back-in-the-day band member names like Sweet Pete and Pat Thunder, will rock you from 2015 back to 1975 with their energetic riffs of electric calamity and screechy, in-your-hair vocals. SONS OF HUNS Portland | 11 pm The Huns terrorized the Roman Empire during the 5th century, mostly by firing arrows from horseback. The Sons of Huns, on the other hand, will terrorize your eardrums with heavy guitar riffs and pounding drums. These are the cultural descendants of stoner/psych/doom rock pioneers like Sleep, Electric Wizard and the Melvins, and they’re awesome at what they do. WHITE MYSTERY Chicago | 12:10 am Stripped-down, fuzzed-out, lo-fi rock 'n' roll, White Mystery has applied a razor-clean finish to their music. Taking the White Stripes approach with just one guitar and drums, the two bands share more than just an absence of color. In this case, however, the female half controls the riffs and the hombre beats the skins. Lots of denim and even more fiery red hair. 

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A cup of Roast House Ride the Edge nitro coffee at Beautiful Grounds. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Caffeinated Chemistry Nitro coffee is the newest trend to hit the coffee industry, and Spokane has a few early adopters BY CHEY SCOTT


arely visible, the caramelcolored bubbles slide in cascading waves down the sides of a translucent plastic cup. A hint of creamy foam rises to the surface of the rich, chocolatey brown liquid like the fizzy head of a stout or porterstyle beer. But there’s no alcohol present, and in place of the carbon dioxide added to beer, this concoction is infused with another naturally occurring gas: nitrogen. Nitro coffee, as it’s been dubbed, is the latest experiment in the fast-growing cold-brew coffee movement. Adding nitrogen gas results in a surprising smoothness, and less acidity than a standard cold brew. In appearance, nitro coffee closely resembles Guinness beer, famously served on a nitrogen tap. While the warm-weather beverage (it’s currently served as a variant of cold-brew coffee) has taken hold in larger, metro areas like Seattle, Portland, Washington, D.C., and Austin, Texas, a few Spokane coffee brewers are jumping in as the region’s early nitro coffee chemists. At Beautiful Grounds, a combo beauty bar and espresso on the mezzanine of the Liberty Building, above Auntie’s Bookstore, nitro coffee hit the taps at the beginning of the month. “It’s not just nitro coffee,” says Joe Johnson, co-owner and barista at Beautiful Grounds. “It’s microbrew coffee. It’s the offshoot of craft beer.” Johnson exclusively brews with beans from local roasting company Roast House Coffee, and his nitro-infused cold brews rotate between Roast House’s F-Bomb (his most popular), Ride the Edge, Batz and a custom Beautiful Grounds blend. The chemistry of nitrogeninfused coffee, and how the gas creates a smoother and less acidic flavor profile, is a result of nitrogen being denser and mostly insoluble in liquid. Thus the gas bubbles, smaller than CO2 bubbles, floating next to the coffee’s water molecules, create the sensation of a smoother texture in one’s mouth. A lower acidity means a less bitter taste and allows flavor notes to surface that otherwise wouldn’t. This trait is also why some fans of the drink say it tastes sweeter and creamier than black coffee. Because of these variations in flavor, texture and acidity, Johnson spent about six months experimenting to find the perfect ...continued on next page

MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 25


Beautiful Grounds co-owner Joe Johnson says he experimented for months to find the best way to brew nitro coffee. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO


brewing method. “Everyone is making stouts and coffee beers, and I did some research online and came across nitro coffee,” he explains. “I liked the concept, but not the method, so I talked to various brewers and roasters and developed my own way.” He won’t disclose the details of his brewing method, but says he has 12 years of barista experience behind him and avid home beer brewers in the family. Timing is critical, and Johnson’s brewing process takes about a week for each batch. Now that he’s pouring from two 5-gallon kegs on tap at Beautiful Grounds, including filling growlers for regular customers, Johnson is brewing up to 100 gallons a week. In the meantime, he’s also working on a collaboration with Chairs Public House to provide nitro coffee for specialty cocktails, like a nitro coffee whiskey and the “limonoffi,” a limoncello with the nitro. Beautiful Grounds’ nitro cold brew is sold to-go ($4/12 oz. and $5/16 oz.) and by the growler ($20) and grunt ($12). Johnson also has come across combinations of nitro coffee in hard ciders, and espresso-inspired desserts. And although some coffee purists would shudder at the idea, don’t be afraid to add flavored syrups, cream, milk or sugar to nitro coffee if you’re not a fan of the natural taste, Johnson advises. Just remember that the natural flavors aren’t as bitter as traditional drip or cold brew, so a little goes a long way. With Portland-based Stumptown Coffee Roasters recently releasing its nitro coffee in a can (we’re told it’ll be more widely distributed in October; for now you can only get it at select Stumptown cafés in the Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles areas) and Starbucks starting to serve its cold brewed coffee (no nitro yet) in some of its retail stores, the nitrogen-infused coffee trend seems to be on the edge of critical mass. While Johnson is maybe the first business owner in Spokane to begin pouring nitro-infused coffee, downtown’s Boots Bakery & Lounge has also arrived early to the trend, offering its version of nitro starting a few weeks ago. “[Nitro coffee] has been going on for a while, and we weren’t sure if it was a fad that was going to come and leave, but we had the opportunity to get some equipment and we’re still experimenting with it,” says Boots employee Arden Pete, who’s helping oversee its nitro cold brew production. “A few people have immediately taken to it. I never was a cold brew fan, but now I drink this every day.” n


26 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

Beautiful Grounds • 203 N. Washington, mezzanine level • Open Mon-Fri, 7 am-3 pm; Sat, 9 am-4 pm; Sun, 11 am-4 pm • • 939-9617

Happily Ever After? Tomorrowland’s fantastical vision of the future may leave you wanting more — or less BY ED SYMKUS


ormer animation wizard Brad Bird engineer dad will soon be out of work (The Iron Giant, The Incredibles) delivbecause with new budgets, “there’s nothers his second live-action film, after ing to launch.” She, too, is soon slipped Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, with mixed one of those pins; she, too, sets out on an results. Tomorrowland certainly has lots goadventure. ing for it, including a wholly original plot Both of these kids go somewhere and line, terrific visuals and surprisingly good see something that boggles their minds: a performances from its young actors. It’s a sleek, shiny city of the future. At least they fast-moving film that jumps right into its go and see it when they’re touching that tale of some differences between youngpin, and when they let go, they’re home sters and adults, and of how optimism again. That back-and-forth provides some can turn to pessimism, then takes off on of the film’s funnier moments. But Tomora voyage that crosses time, space and rowland also ventures to some wild and dimensions. But in putting together this dark places and moods. There are others, escapade in science fiction and fantasy, and they’re not exactly human, who want Bird lets things get too those pins, and they convoluted, and toward evaporate anyone who TOMORROWLAND the end the script seems Rated PG gets in their way, signalto be rushing to answer Written by Damon Lindelof and Brad Bird; ing that this is going to too many questions with directed by Brad Bird be a film with a steady too many explanations. supply of bloodless Starring George Clooney, Britt Robertson, Let me explain: violence. Raffey Cassidy, Hugh Laurie The film opens with Casey, determined Frank Walker (George to find out what’s going Clooney) announcing, right into the on, tracks down and eventually meets camera, “This is a story about the future,” the now-adult Frank, once wide-eyed and and being interrupted by the off-screen cheerful, now reduced to a bitter man voice of a young girl. “When I was a kid,” whose dreams have been dashed. All of he continues... but we don’t hear about that changes when Athena, still a little it, we see it, as the film flashes back to the girl (or something), suddenly appears at 1964 New York World’s Fair, where young Casey’s side, and reappears, all these years Frank (Thomas Robinson) is entering his later, at Frank’s side. self-designed jet pack. He and his invention Bird’s film carries themes of being don’t interest Nix (Hugh Laurie), the man hopeful about the future and never giving in charge, but do catch the eye of young up, even when our protagonists manage to Athena (Raffey Cassidy), who initially apreturn to that other (future?) world, and pears to be Nix’s daughter, but is someone find that things have gone terribly wrong. — something — quite different. When she But it’s wrapped up with an exciting, slips Frank a lapel pin with a big “T” on it, action-packed, somewhat confusing climax he unwittingly embarks upon an adventure — the part where all of that explanation that will change him forever. comes roaring through — in which young Back in the present, we meet smart, and old, optimist and pessimist, come stubborn, feisty Casey Newton (Britt together and figure out a way to save, well, Robertson), who’s upset that her NASA everything. 

MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 27






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Carey Mulligan stars as the beautiful, independent Bathsheba Everdene, a single woman juggling three distinctly different suitors in the latest adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s classic novel. Each of them — a sheep farmer, military man and older, wealthy bachelor — have something appealing to Everdene (yes, a certain Hunger Games character gets her name from Hardy’s heroine), and she has to decide between her heart and her head in choosing one. (DN) Rated PG-13


The morality of drone warfare gets the movie treatment as Ethan Hawke stars as Tom Egan, an Air Force pilot yearning to get back in the cockpit of a real plane rather than fight the Taliban in Afghanistan from a computer terminal in Nevada. When the CIA starts giving Egan and his team orders, the psychological strain of the long-distance damage done by drones starts to take its toll. At Magic Lantern (DN) Rated R


Legendary documentarian Albert Maysles explores the lifelong pursuit of creativity by training his lens on Iris Apfel,


Iris a 93-year-old fashion icon whose appetite for flamboyant attire has only grown as she’s aged. At one level, Iris offers a unique perspective on New York City’s fashion industry, but more deeply, it’s a film about humanity’s nonstop need for experimentation and art as a part of life. At Magic Lantern (DN) Rated PG-13


Dying time’s here! The 1982 original found scares in the simplest of setups, as does this remake: A suburban family suddenly finds their house possessed by ghosts obsessed with their youngest daughter. The tension ratchets up with every new visitor to the home or clown doll discovered in a toy box, and you can bet Sam Rockwell (in the role originated

Julianne Moore earned a Best Actress Academy Award for her performance as Alice Howland, an accomplished college professor who realizes that she’s suffering from early-onset Alzheimer’s. A post-Twilight Kristen Stewart also shines as Alice’s daughter, who’s also struggling to accept her mother’s diagnosis. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated PG-13.


Director Brad Bird’s first live-action Disney film gives us optimistic young folk and a pessimistic adult, then wraps them up in a far-off world of the future where everything is shiny, but all may be headed downhill. George Clooney stars, along with relative newcomers Britt Robertson and Raffey Cassidy, in a story filled with cool visual effects, solid acting and high hopes that things like climate change will be dealt with. The only negative is that the story needs reining in, that too many questions are asked, and too much time is spent giving convoluted answers. Lots of fun, but a bit boggling. (ES)


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Blake Lively finally takes a turn in a leading role as a young woman hurt in an accident and, upon recovering, realizes she is no longer subject to the aging process. She remains in perfect shape throughout the decades until she meets a super-hot dude for whom she might risk her immortality. Also starring Harrison Ford and Ellen Burnstyn. (MB) Rated PG-13


Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) has made an AI creation that he calls Ultron with some nifty powers from the defeated Loki (from the last movie). Ultron (the voice of James Spader) has some of Tony’s attitudes, but a glitch in its “birth” makes it go a bit cyberinsane, and it extrapolates Tony’s notion of world peace to mean “a planet without humans.” Oh, and the Hulk has gone bonkers, so the Avengers also have that mess to clean up. (MJ) Rated PG-13


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28 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

by Spokane’s own Craig T. Nelson) will be awesome, as usual. (DN) Rated PG13

Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson) enters the massive, isolated Alaskan compound of his boss, search engine entrepreneur/billionaire Nathan Bateman (an amazing Oscar Isaac), to find that Nathan is in the process of developing a very life-like robot. Over the course of his stay, Caleb is to test out the prototype to see how her mind works, but he soon realizes he might be the one being tested. (SR) Rated R


This French-Canadian film is a collision of cultures as young Hasidic Jewish mother strikes up an unlikely friendship with a baker who lives in her Montreal neighborhood. Meira is used to the strictly conservative nature of her household (which doesn’t allow her to even look men in the eyes), but finds a newfound freedom in Felix, who is struggling to come to terms with the recent death of his father. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R


The tagline of the latest installment of this series is: “Vengeance hits home.” Damn, that’s some serious stuff. Jason Statham’s Deckard Shaw is out for blood to avenge the death of his brother and he’s bringing the whole gang with him, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Ludacris, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez and, of course, the late Paul Walker, who died in a real-life car accident before the film was finished. (MB) Rated PG-13


Oh is an alien who finds himself very out of place on Earth when he’s banished by his race of aliens, bent on making the planet their own by capturing all humans. Soon, he meets Tip (voiced by Rihanna) and the pair try to elude the aliens. (MB) Rated PG


Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara are the odd couple on the run from both the law and from murderous

thugs in this sporadically funny comedy about a geeky but ambitious cop (Witherspoon) who’s trying to protect the brassy wife (Vergara) of a drug cartel member who’s testifying against his gang. The script keeps jumping back and forth between silly and serious, just as the two lead characters keep switching from liking to hating each other. The actresses try their best, but a bad script does them, and the film, in. (ES) Rated PG-13


Fury Road is astonishing in a way that makes you feel like you haven’t seen a true action movie in a while, underscoring how sterile the genre has been. Warlord Immortan Joe (Hugh KeaysByrne) thinks he’s sending his trusted Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) on a mission to bring back fuel from Gas Town to the Citadel he rules with an iron fist, but she’s got a secret mission of her own: to free the enslaved “breeders” of Joe’s children and bring them to the Green Place far away that she remembers from her own childhood. (MJ) Rated R


Disneynature’s newest documentary surrounds the life of a newborn monkey and his mother in their journey to survive in the South Asian jungles. As is its way, Disney produces an experience that is both visually enthralling and pleasantly educational. Watch as the monkey duo faces the competition of social hierarchy and everyday dangers


The Longest Ride Fri-Mon 5:00 Wed-Thurs 5:00






Fri 7:45, Sat-Mon 2:35 7:45 Tues 5:00, Wed-Thurs 7:45


Kingsman: The Secret Service


Fri 10:10pm Sat-Mon 12:00, 10:10pm Tues 10:00pm, Wed 10:10pm


The Longest Ride Fri-Mon 5:00 Wed-Thurs 5:00

SFCC International Film Festival Life is beautiful Tues 7:15 CCS Students get in FREE


FromSpokane Legendary FilmFilmmaker Society

Fri 7:45, Sat-Mon 2:35, 7:45 Tues 5:00, Wed-Thurs 7:45

Sam ThursRaimi 10:00pm

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Fri 10:10pm Sat-Mon 12:00, 10:10pm Tues 10:00pm, Wed 10:10pm

Pitch Perfect 2 of the Sri Lankan jungle. (CB) Rated G


This biopic dives into the life of eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner, a man known for his eccentricities as much as his genius with a brush. Directed by Mike Leigh (Happy-Go-Lucky, Vera Drake, Secrets & Lies), brings the 19th century visionary to the forefront, reminding of the influence the painter had on modern art. (MB) Rated R

cappella world. But when a concert — in front of the president, no less — goes awry, they must clear their good name by entering in an international voice competition that no American team has ever won. (LJ) Rated PG-13


Seymour Bernstein had been a brilliant and highly praised concert pianist, but had given up performing at the age





Mad Max




Ex Machina


Avengers: Age of Ultron

71 67

Furious 7 Welcome to Me


Hot Pursuit





Paul Blart (Kevin James) has been a mall security master for six years now and it is finally time for a vacation. When he takes his daughter on a trip before sending her off to college, Blart discovers that safety never sleeps and he must protect the hotel from imminent danger. (CB) Rated PG


Three years ago, Pitch Perfect took Glee’s a cappella craze to college. Naturally, a second film had to be made. All the favorite characters are back: Anna Kendrick as Beca the unlikely choirgirl, Rebel Wilson as Fat Amy and Elizabeth Banks as one of the worst commentators ever. This time around, the Barden Bellas are at the top of the collegiate a



of 50 due to stage fright and his dislike of artistic commercialism, and took up teaching full-time — the better to spread his ideas about music and life. When beloved actor/novelist/screenwriter Ethan Hawke struck up a friendship with Bernstein, this documentary (directed by Hawke) was born. (MB) Rated PG


Russell Crowe directs and stars in this epic-sized historical drama about an Australian farmer with a gift for finding water in arid lands who travels to Gallipoli, a Turkish peninsula, to search for his three sons killed there during World War I. Along the way, he discovers a bond with his country’s former enemies, a potential new love interest in a Turkish innkeeper — and clues that

Life is beautiful

not all of his children are dead after all. (DN) Rated R

SFCC Internat’l Film Festival Tues 7:15 CCS STUDENTS FREE


Welcome to Me is not sure if it wants to be an uncomfortable comedy or a wry drama. The film stars Kristen Wiig as Alice, a woman diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and currently off her meds, who wins $86 million in the state lottery and sinks her windfall into the production of a TV show called Welcome to Me. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R


Happy and sappy, Where Hope Grows follows an alcoholic former baseball star and single dad as he struggles to get his life back on track after being booted off the team. Things all begin to click thanks to an unexpected relationship he forms with a cheerful and positive-thinking produce stocker at his local grocery store. The twist is that this new friend, who calls himself “Produce,” is a man with Down’s Syndrome. Expect sappy messages on why we shouldn’t and can’t judge others’ worth based on a disability of any kind. (CS) Rated PG-13


Ben Stiller plays Josh, a serious New York documentarian who, along with his wife Cornelia (Naomi Watts), are the proverbial last couple to not have kids. When a 20-something aspiring documentarian named Jamie (Adam Driver) and his wife Darby (Amanda Seyfried) come into their lives, both couples learn a whole lot about the lives ahead of them. (SS) Rated R


History gives Woman in Gold all the drama required of a top-notch thriller in this true story of a woman trying to reclaim the humanity torn from her family by the Nazis. Helen Mirren plays Maria Altmann, an Austrian Jew forced to flee during World War II, who is navigating the international legal system in an effort to find her family’s possessions that were stolen by Hitler’s regime. (DN) Rated PG-13 

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VillageCentre_051915_4V_EW.pdfMAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 29

Call of the Wild The acts you can’t miss at Sasquatch! BY LAURA JOHNSON AND CHEY SCOTT


fter last year’s disastrous experiment with two weekends, Sasquatch! Music Festival is back with one scheduled four-day weekend packed to the gills with national and regional talent — rain or shine. Big headliners include Robert Plant, Lana Del Rey, Modest Mouse, Ryan Adams and Sleater-Kinney, but they’re hardly the only acts you’ll need to check out. We’ve broken down the important categories: Dance music, best acts and bands you may not have heard of yet. Amazingly, the festival isn’t quite sold out, so get your (overpriced) tickets now and get packing for a long Memorial Day weekend you may or may not remember much of. (LAURA JOHNSON)


Catch our Sasquatch! coverage all weekend long at

 The bands making you dance, dance, dance


7:30 pm Friday, Sasquatch stage Gogol Bordello makes uninhibited, free-flowing music that will cause you to consider selling all of your possessions and follow them around the world. This Manhattan-based gypsy/cabaret punk outfit is sure to put on one of the craziest, dance-filled sets of the entire

weekend. Full of rockin’ accordions, fiddles and singing/yelling lyrics, they’ll make you feel uninhibited. (LJ)


7:15 pm Saturday, Sasquatch stage It’s perfect timing that this upbeat electro/dance/pop duo is playing just as the sun starts to sink behind the basalt cliffs of the Gorge. By the end of Chromeo’s set, glistening bodies will be awash in the soft neon light of glow sticks — a festival requirement, btw. (CHEY SCOTT)


4:30 pm Monday, Sasquatch stage No matter how hard you dance, no one — and we mean no one — can match the sweaty, frenetic dance


moves of Future Islands frontman Samuel T. Herring. By the end of this synth-heavy set by the Baltimore-bred trio, Herring will be so drenched you’d think he dove into the river between songs. (CS)  The bands nearly worth the $350 price tag


10 pm Saturday, Bigfoot stage After all that dancing, you’ll need to cool it down. One listen to singer-songwriter Father John Misty’s (aka Joshua Tillman, formerly of Fleet Foxes) depressive yet sweeping melodies will help you with that. Now based in New Orleans, he offers some of the most thought-provoking, soul-searching lyrics out there. His new album I Love You, Honeybear is already one of the most innovative of the year; expect the same from his show. (LJ)


7:15 pm Sunday, Sasquatch stage This Grammy-winning songstress exploded onto the scene less than 10 years ago. Her whirlwind career since, touring internationally and collaborating with big-name musicians of all genres, is reason enough not to miss her resounding, complex set. (CS)


7:15 pm Monday, Sasquatch stage The world-renowned Australian psych rockers’ set will feel like a trip back to the original psychedelic rock era in every way; from the crowd’s funky festival attire, use of choice recreational substances and the slow, swaying interpretive dance moves circa 1968. (CS)


11 pm Monday, Sasquatch stage They’ve scheduled him for Monday night, naturally. As festivalgoers’ energy has waned by Day Four, the promoters put arguably their biggest headliner on the final night, hoping people will stick around. We won’t hold Lamar’s new collaboration with Taylor Swift (“Bad Blood”) against him; you should stay and watch this incredible performer/lyricist. (LJ)  Your new favorites by the end of the weekend


7 pm Friday, Bigfoot stage All the friendly Canadians who flock to Sasquatch each year likely have long known about this B.C.-based indie/alt-rock group, which has been a big deal there for nearly a decade. Their latest album, Very Good Bad Thing, is a departure from Mother Mother’s earlier folksy sound; you’ll immediately be smitten with the group’s sassy melodies and driving rock beats. (CS)


1 pm Monday, Sasquatch stage The kids into the Seattle hip-hop scene are already familiar with rapper/producer Sam Lachow, where he’s already sold out multiple venues. His constantly quick-changing music — just try and keep up — is worth the effort to get out of your campsite and down to the concert area by 1 pm on Monday (we know it’ll be hard). (LJ)


3:30 pm Monday, Bigfoot stage Led by Monica Martin’s delicate vocals, this Baraboo, Wisconsin, six-piece incorporates awesome instruments like the clarinet, glockenspiel and banjo into their psych-rock/bluesy indie sound. They’re another one of those early Monday acts. Seriously, power through and get down there to see their set. (LJ)  Sasquatch! Music Festival • Fri-Mon, May 22-25, all day • $350 GA • All-ages • Gorge Amphitheatre • 754 Silica Rd. NW, Quincy, Wash. •

...continued on next page

MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 31


Open Wide

Spoon plays Sasquatch! Saturday then head to the Knitting Factory two days later.

Texas rockers Spoon swing by for two shows in the Inland Northwest BY DAN NAILEN


poon has played enough festivals that the guys in the band can read an audience pretty well. Often, the people crammed into the front row are clearly there to hear the Texas-based crew’s jagged, slightly psychedelic indie rock. After all, Spoon has more than 20 years of great music to draw from, including classic indie rock albums like Girls Can Tell and Kill The Moonlight. But occasionally the fans closest to the band are simply waiting for an act coming on later. “Sometimes, you’re sort of in between bands you

don’t have a lot in common with, and everyone in the front row is there to see some DJ playing after you — I’ll say ‘performing’ after you — and they’re just sort of looking at you like they don’t know what a guitar is,” says Spoon multi-instrumentalist Eric Harvey, who’s played in the band led by Britt Daniel since 2004. They should have no such problems at Spoon’s two shows coming up in the area. At Sasquatch! on Saturday, they play the final time slot. On Monday, they headline their own show at Spokane’s Knitting Factory.

Thanks Spokane, You Rock!

As much as big festivals like Sasquatch! appeal to fans, they can be “tricky” for bands, Harvey says, although he notes that he’ll take Sasquatch! over Coachella “any day.” “Festivals can be kind of miserable if you’re just sitting there in some FEMA trailer all day waiting to play a show,” Harvey says. “Sasquatch! is really nice, but some of them are kind of a drag. You’re like trapped in some parking lot or some sports arena.” Spoon’s summer, like their stops in Washington, is a mix of festivals and headlining theater shows, all in support of the band’s 2014 release They Want My Soul. Coming 20 years after the band’s debut, it’s arguably the band’s best, full of the woozy synthesizers, chiming guitars and groove-filled tunes that make the band’s sound distinct — all perfectly complimented by Daniel’s yelp. They Want My Soul came after the first long break in Spoon’s career, a four-year pause following a string of increasingly successful albums, sales-wise, like Gimme Fiction, Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga and Transference. All that recording and touring finally wore Daniel down. “I remember being in Europe on one of our last tours for Transference, and Britt just mentioned to me, ‘I think this band should go away for a while,’” Harvey says. “Which I think was his way of saying absence makes the heart grow fonder, that maybe people had seen too much Spoon for the past decade.” Spoon’s fans would certainly argue otherwise. And even though the band members used their time apart on a variety of outside projects — musical and otherwise — Harvey never doubted that Spoon would be back. “It was always sort of known that the band would do something else again,” Harvey says.  Spoon with Sweet Spirit • Mon, May 25, at 8 pm • $23 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 866-468-7623

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32 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

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for liNe-up, infO, & tickeTs viSit: MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 33




is rise to fame began with co-founding Three 6 Mafia, the Memphis hip-hop act that won an Oscar back in 2006. And while Juicy J (aka Jordan Michael Houston) has crafted solo work throughout most of his career, the rapper has now put his original crew on hold to attend to that solo work; he mostly talks about his time with strippers and drugs over extremely catchy beats. His recent collaborations with the likes of Katy Perry (“Dark Horse”) and Nicki Minaj (“Low”) however, have helped to continue his mainstream success. Juicy J’s older brother and fellow rapper Project Pat is also part of the upcoming Knitting Factory show. — LAURA JOHNSON The Hustle Continues Tour feat. Juicy J and Project Pat • Thu, May 28, at 8 pm • $28 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 244-3279


Thursday, 05/21

J THe BARTleTT, Cold Mountain Yeti album release show BellToWeR (334-4195), Tyler Stenson J THe Big DiPPeR, The Young Evils, the Camaros BooMeRS ClASSiC RoCK BAR & gRill, Randy Campbell acoustic show J BuCeR’S CoFFeeHouSe PuB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen J BuCKHoRN iNN, Texas Twister CHeCKeRBoARD BAR, Wes Speight J CoeuR D’AleNe CASiNo, Salt-NPepa CoeuR D’AleNe CASiNo, JamShack Fizzie MulligANS, Kicho THe HoP!, Elektro Grave JACKSoN STReeT BAR & gRill (3158497), Steve Livingston J JoNeS RADiAToR, Star Anna, Emma Pie J lAguNA CAFé, Just Plain Darin leFTBANK WiNe BAR, Nick Grow J MoNARCH MouNTAiN CoFFee, Open Mic hosted by Scott Reid PeND D’oReille WiNeRy, Bright Moments feat. Maya Goldblum uvA TRATToRiA (208-930-0573), Bill Bozly THe viKiNg BAR & gRill, Andy Rumsey, Tommy G, Marco Polo Collective

Friday, 05/22

219 louNge (208-263-9934), Flying Mammals J THe BARTleTT, The Round No. 8 feat. Natalie Closner of Joseph, Conor Knowles, Jesse MacDonald, Seth Marlin, Tiffany Patterson BeveRly’S, Robert Vaughn BlACK DiAMoND, DJ Major One Bolo’S, Chris Rieser & Snap the Nerve BuCKHoRN iNN, YESTERDAYSCAKE

34 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015



o you miss the larger-than-life, sprayed-to-a-crisp hairstyles of the 1980s? Probably not, but listening to the big hair bands that came out of the decade is still a good time. Next weekend, you can hear power ballads like “Here I Go Again” and “Is This Love” from one of the largesthaired bands there ever was, Whitesnake. Yes, the English band is still around, led by David Coverdale (formerly of Deep Purple) after multiple breakups and reunions. The band releases a brand-new cover album this week, featuring Coverdale songs from his Deep Purple days. — LAURA JOHNSON Whitesnake • Thu, May 28, at 7:30 pm • $65-$95 • 21+ • Northern Quest Resort and Casino • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • • 242-7000

CARliN BAy ReSoRT (208-6893295), Karma’s Circle THe CellAR, The Loose Gazoonz J CHATeAu Rive, Bakin’ Phat, Spokane Dan & the Blue Blazers CoeuR D’AleNe CASiNo, Bob and Pat Cronkites Duo CoNKliNg MARiNA & ReSoRT (208686-1151), Tell the Boys CRAFTeD TAP HouSe + KiTCHeN (208-292-4813), Memorial Day Weekend Music Fest feat. Kosh, Carli Osika, Bill Bozly CRAve, Likes Girls CuRley’S, Slow Burn FeDoRA PuB & gRille, Carli Osika Fizzie MulligANS, Fire & Ice gATeWAy MARiNA AND ReSoRT (208-582-3883), Shiner geM STATe CluB (208-245-9916), JamShack J goRge AMPHiTHeATeR, Sasquatch Music Festival (See story on

page 30) feat. Sleater-Kinney, Of Monsters and Men, Gogol Bordello, Mother Mother and more J THe HoP!, Brandon Prample Cancer Benefit show feat. Quarter Monkey, Matrim Anderson, Steven Jaimz, Children of Atom, Progenitus J iNB PeRFoRMiNg ARTS CeNTeR, [Sold-out] Lindsey Stirling iRoN goAT BReWiNg Co. (4740722), Don & Thom Thomsen iRoN HoRSe BAR, Smash Hit J JoHN’S Alley, Dirk Quinn Band JoNeS RADiAToR, Jay Condiotti J lAguNA CAFé, Diane Copeland leFTBANK WiNe BAR, Dirk Swartz MAx AT MiRABeAu, Chris Rieser & Snap the Nerve MiCKDuFF’S BeeR HAll (208-2096700,) Scotia Road NASHville NoRTH, The Luke Jaxon Band

NyNe, Benefit Concert for Nepal feat. The Angela Marie Project & Shambhava, DJ the Divine Jewels PeND D’oReille WiNeRy, Devon Wade J PiNNACle NoRTHWeST, C-BO, Killa Tay, Budda, JB, Dalima, JL, Young West, Loss Monstarz, White Boy Will, Demon Assassin ReD RooM louNge, Milonga THe RiDleR PiANo BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler THe viKiNg BAR & gRill, Why Did Johnny Kill, Driven In Waves zolA, Sammy Eubanks

Saturday, 05/23

BARloWS AT liBeRTy lAKe (92414460, Jan Harrison BeveRly’S, Robert Vaughn BlACK DiAMoND, DJ Major One Bolo’S, Chris Rieser & Snap the Nerve

BuCKHoRN iNN, YESTERDAYSCAKE CARliN BAy ReSoRT, Karma’s Circle THe CellAR, The Loose Gazoonz J CHAPS, Just Plain Darin with Tyler Coulston CoeuR D’AleNe CASiNo, Bob and Pat Cronkites Duo, Hotel California: “A Salute to the Eagles” CoNKliNg MARiNA & ReSoRT, Tell the Boys CRAFTeD TAP HouSe + KiTCHeN, Memorial Day Weekend Music Fest feat. Wyatt Wood, Ron Greene, Robby French CRAve, Likes Girls CRuiSeRS, Kosh CuRley’S, Slow Burn Fizzie MulligANS, Fire & Ice gATeWAy MARiNA AND ReSoRT, Shiner geM STATe CluB, JamShack J goRge AMPHiTHeATeR, Sasquatch music festival feat. Modest

Mouse, Spoon, the Decemberists, Father John Misty, Chromeo, and more J HERITAGE FUNERAL HOME (8388900), Heritage Tribute Band J THE HOP!, Venture Crew IRON HORSE BAR, Smash Hit JONES RADIATOR, Lions Beside Us THE LARIAT INN, Dude Ranch LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Kari Marguirite LOON LAKE SALOON (233-2738), Six-Strings n’ Pearls MAX AT MIRABEAU, Chris Rieser & Snap the Nerve NASHVILLE NORTH, The Luke Jaxon Band


Email getlisted@inlander. com to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

NYNE, DJ the Divine Jewels PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Gill & the Spills THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler ROCKET MARKET, Starlight Motel TRINITY AT CITY BEACH (208-2557558), Bright Moments Jazz Band J UNDERGROUND 15, The 3H Band, Andy Rumsey, Flannel Math Animal THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, The Back Ups, Banish The Echo ZOLA, Dirty Rice

Sunday, 05/24

CARLIN BAY RESORT, Karma’s Circle CHECKERBOARD BAR, Will Peterson COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh, Echo Elysim CONKLING MARINA & RESORT, Tell the Boys CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN, Memorial Day Weekend Music Fest feat. Kosh, Echo Elysium, Mike Morris CRUISERS (208-773-4706), Kicho DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church THE FLAME, Open mic with SixStrings n’ Pearls J GORGE AMPHITHEATER, Sasquatch music festival feat. Robert Plant, Lana Del Rey, St. Vincent, Jenny Lewis and more J HERITAGE FUNERAL HOME, Heritage Tribute Band IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, AlgoRhythms KLINK’S ON THE LAKE (235-2391), Sammy Eubanks ZOLA, Soulful Max Trio

Monday, 05/25

J THE BIG DIPPER, Ava Luna, Cathedral pearls J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic CHECKERBOARD BAR, Robbers Roost EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills J GORGE AMPHITHEATER, Sasquatch music festival feat.

Kendrick Lamar, Ryan Adams, Run the Jewels, Tame Impala, Future Islands, Courtney Barnett, PHOX and more J HERITAGE FUNERAL HOME, Heritage Tribute Band J KNITTING FACTORY, Spoon (See story on page 32) J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Killer Bee, Fueling the Heathen UNDERGROUND 15, Open Mic ZOLA, Nate Ostrander Trio

The State’s Largest Lake is Lake Roosevelt

7 Campgrounds, 13 Boat Launches, and an 1800’s Army Fort - all just a couple hours away.

Tuesday, 05/26

315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub J THE BARTLETT, Open Mic BROOKLYN DELI & LOUNGE (8354177), Open Mic FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of Open-ness KELLY’S IRISH PUB, Arvid Lundin & Deep Roots J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Four Skin RED ROOM LOUNGE, Unplugged with Jimmy Nudge THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Steve Ridler and Chuck Swanson SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List

Make Lake Roosevelt your adventure this summer.


Wednesday, 05/27 THE BOAT LAUNCH RESTAURANT & LOUNGE (447-2035), Scotia Road J CHAPS, Land of Voices with Dirk Swartz CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN, Carli Osika EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard GARLAND AVENUE DRINKERY( 3155327), Open Mic with DJ Scratch n Smith GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES (368-9087), Open Mic with T & T JONES RADIATOR, Whiskey Wednesday feat. John Fershee LA ROSA CLUB, Robert Beadling and Friends THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE, Open Turntables Night with DJ Lydell LEFTBANK WINE BAR, The Lamb Band LITZ’S BAR & GRILL (327-7092), Nick Grow LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 NYNE, Open Mic POOLE’S PUBLIC HOUSE (413-1834), Sammy Eubanks (acoustic) SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE, Kosh SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic ZOLA, The Bossame



Coming Up ...

J NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Whitesnake (See story on facing page), May 28 MARTIN WOLDSON THEATER AT THE FOX, The Manhattan Transfer, May 28 J KNITTING FACTORY, The Hustle Continues Tour feat. Juicy J (See story on facing page), Project Pat, May 28 J DOWNTOWN SPOKANE, Volume: Inlander’s Music Festival feat. White Mystery, Shaprece, the Shivas and more, May 29-30


SEPT 13th 6:15PM

SPOKANE ARENA Tickets at, 800-325-SEAT, and Spokane Arena Box Office.



MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BEVERLY’S • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 THE BLIND BUCK • 204 N. Division • 290-6229 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS • 6412 E. Trent • 5359309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent Ave.• 924-3720 THE HOP! • 706 N. Monroe St. • 368-4077 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 IRV’S BAR • 415 W. Sprague Ave. • 624-4450 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LATAH BISTRO • 4241 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 838-8338 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MOSCOW FOOD CO-OP • 121 E. Fifth St. • 208882-8537 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO CLUB • 6425 N. Lidgerwood St • 443-5213 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 PINNACLE NORTHWEST • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 THE ROCK BAR • 13921 E. Trent Ave. • 43-3796 ROCKER ROOM • 216 E. Coeur d’Alene Ave. • 208-676-2582 ROCKET MARKET • 726 E. 43rd Ave. • 343-2253 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SPLASH • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 UNDERGROUND 15 • 15 S. Howard St. • 290-2122 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 WEBSTER’S • 1914 N. Monroe St. • 474-9040 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416

MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 35


Though the boom of cannon fire never shook the ground of the Inland Northwest’s ponderosa forests, true-to-life scenes of America’s Civil War are once again taking over a swath of land west of Spokane for the 16th annual Memorial Day weekend reenactment. Nearly 500 Civil War enthusiasts from Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Montana converge for the “Battle of Deep Creek,” staging historically accurate battles and army camps. The history nerd in us all can explore what life was like during this treacherous era of our nation’s past. Formal battles between the Union and the Confederate armies are set for 11 am and 3 pm on both Saturday and Sunday, and at 1 pm on Monday. — CHEY SCOTT The Battle of Deep Creek • Sat-Sun, May 23 and 24, 9 am-5 pm; Mon, May 25, 9 am-2 pm • $5-$10, good all weekend • Deep Creek Farms • 811 N. Deep Creek Rd., Medical Lake •

36 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015



Clarkston reading • Thu, May 28, at 7 pm • $20 • Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre • 508 S. Main St., Moscow • kenworthy. org • 208-882-4127

State of the Spokane River • Thu, May 28, at 7 pm • Free; registration requested • REI Spokane • 1125 N. Monroe • • 328-9900

Moscow native and 2014 MacArthur Foundation Fellow Samuel D. Hunter is getting ready to premiere his new play, Clarkston, in Dallas at the end of the year, but folks in the Inland Northwest can get a preview (of sorts) when the Moscow Art Theatre (Too) and the Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre in Moscow host a staged reading. Local actors will give voice to Hunter’s characters full of relatable quirks and fears, and proceeds from the event will go toward the Kenworthy, the nonprofit theater bringing quality film, theater and live events to the Palouse. — DAN NAILEN

Summer is fast approaching and the cool, flowing waters of our sparkling gem, the Spokane River, beckon us to its banks each day the sun shines bright and warm. Before anyone gets too antsy to splash and paddle its waters, get the latest update on the river’s current state from Spokane Riverkeeper Jerry White, who took over as local water protector just shy of a year ago. Hosted by REI, White talks about how all of us can help protect the Spokane River from local sources of pollution — including garbage and plastics that litter its banks due to human carelessness. — CHEY SCOTT


The Manhattan Transfer has been defying genre labels for most of the four decades since the group originally got together in New York City. Blending their soprano, alto, tenor and bass pipes on everything from pop to soul to jazz standards made them live favorites and critically revered, and a go-to backing group for artists ranging from Bette Midler to James Taylor to B.B. King. In 1985, their Vocalese album was nominated for 12 Grammys, second only to Michael Jackson among that year’s nominees, and they’ve hardly slowed down since, touring and recording 28 albums through the years. — DAN NAILEN


The Manhattan Transfer • Thu, May 28, at 8 pm • $39/$44/$55 • Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox • 1001 W. Sprague • • 624-1200




The intimate Round sessions at the Bartlett just keep coming around. This weekend’s Round No. 8 features musicians Natalie Closner, from the Portland-based sister indie-folk band Joseph, Conor Knowles of Spokane’s electronic act Sea Giant and Seattle singer-songwriter Jesse MacDonald collaborating. Seth Marlin, the 2015 Spokane Poetry Grand Slam Champion, and local visual artist Tiffany Patterson will light up the stage with spoken words and striking drawings. — LAURA JOHNSON The Round No. 8 • Fri, May 22, at 8 pm • $8/$10 day of • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174



ABSOLUTE ZERO FASHION SHOW A fashion show benefiting the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery, featuring local high school models styled by local boutiques. May 21, 7-9 pm. $12-$15. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (475-7470) KOOTENAI COUNTY ADULT SPELLING BEE Sponsored by American Association of University Women, the event funds local scholarships. Call to enter a team or attend the bee. May 28, 11:30 am-1:30 pm. $25-$35. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. coeurdalene-id. (208-818-4331) CUP OF COOL WATER VOLKSMARCH The second annual 7k walk crosses 17 Spokane bridges, going from the

Monroe St. Bridge to the Don Kardong foot bridge. All proceeds support Cup of Cool Water Christian ministry serving local homeless youth. May 30, 9 am. $10-$20. cupofcoolwater. (747-6686) FIRE ON THE RUNWAY The fifth annual charity fashion event features local firefighters and models heating up the runway in outfits from area boutiques. Benefits the Red Cross of the Inland Northwest. May 30, 7-11:30 pm. $50-$75. Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln. HUCKLEBERRY’S GOODWILL DRIVE Donate gently used items at Huckleberry’s Monroe location to benefit Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest. May 30, 10 am-4 pm. Huckleberry’s Natural Market, 926 S. Monroe St. (624-1349)


4 MOVIE || $4 BEER




MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 37





I SAW YOU CENEX ZIP TRIP ON DIVISION BUYING SMOKES This is to the clever Aquarius male who had me smitten after buying me two zodiac lighters at the Zip Trip. I found it really sweet that after I discovered there had been no Gemini lighters, you had bought me two. One for each of my twins, you said. After I had been ringed up for gas you and your friends had left. I wish I had the chance to get your number! LOVELY LASER QUEST QUEEN May 8th, I was suiting up in my standard laser tag gear and saw you struggling with your gear. I tried to help by connecting the straps and you smacked me, you were also quite skeptical of my honest intentions. What followed was an excitingly aggressive relationship of seek and destroy, along with your very "humble" acknowledgment of how bad you ruined me. You are the hell-bent, dominating vixen who made a night of shame very enjoyable May 23 at 9 pm, hope to see you again. LILAC PARADE: YOU WERE LOOKING FOR YOUR NIECE AND SISTER You were the lovely woman in a pink hoodie at the corner of Spokane Falls Boulevard and Washington during the Lilac Parade. I was in an orange T-shirt, and we stood next to each other for a few minutes. You asked if the Shadle Park High School Marching Band had gone by, because you were there to see your niece. You said you were supposed to meet your

sister at the corner of Washington and First, and I said you needed to go a few blocks south on Washington to get there. You gave me the most radiant smile, and I almost offered to walk with you... but let the moment pass. Well, that passed moment has stuck with me since. I have no idea if you're single, if you remember, or if you're interested... but I'm going to put this out into the universe trusting that moment might not be the last we share. Maybe you or someone you know will see this. If so, email me at; I'd love to see that beautiful smile again. BOWLER I saw you at Lilac Lanes on May 16th. You: handsome guy with a great beard. Your nickname was "swag master". Me : purple shirt and tan pants.

every year. A special thank you to our 250 vendors who participated and made our show so successful. The weather was the best we ever had and we are looking forward to doing it again next year on May 14, 2016. TO MY GREASEMONKEY, MY WARRIOR I'm not sure how to start out, but I do believe that this letter will come straight from my heart and my soul and nothing less. Because that's what you deserve and are going to get from now on from me. I am done with the fighting and going around in circles. My understanding of this whole situation is that the only way that I am going to gain some ground with you my love is to accept the here and now and to have hope and faith for the future. Any other way is going

You are the hell-bent, dominating vixen who made a night of shame very enjoyable.

If you think this is you, email me with the color of your shirt @ lilacbowler5@ LATE NIGHT AT RIVERFRONT PARK Hello, I saw you sitting by the bridge at riverfront Monday night, I said don't jump! I knew you were not that crazy ,i just wanted to approach you because you looked really good in that red dress ! Wow you are gorgeous ! Your friends kind of rushed you out of there before I got a chance to introduce myself . If you see this message email me maybe we can grab a drink and I can introduce myself

CHEERS BEST GARDEN EXPO EVER! On May 9, The Inland Empire Gardeners presented their 16th Annual Garden Expo at SCC and had a record numbers of happy gardeners attending our show this year. A big shout-out to our over 60 garden club volunteers who make this event happen

to smash any chance of us reconciling our differences and starting a new life together. Now as you know from what ive told you, or yelled at you, I miss you more than I ever thought possible and cant imagine life without you in it. This I feel from the depths of my soul. You are the puzzle piece that fits just right and makes our family whole. Because of me, our family is broken now, and their is no going back in time to repair it. The only thing to do here, is for me to right my wrongs piece by piece until we are put back together. And to do this, I have to first begin with myself and my issues before I can even begin to mend the last five years of broken promises, lies, deceit, mistrust, selfishness, bad choices, and just plain being a piece of crap. OK... here goes nothing. You are the path that God chose for me 5 years ago as we both walked towards each other down that alley meeting at hopeless place. I cannot take back my actions over the last 5 years, but I can right my wrongs starting now and continuing into the future. Im

SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”


38 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

not going to apologize anymore because I feel like enough of that has been done already. I just pray that you watch me and let your mind open up to the possibility that their just may be a miracle on the horizon for me... So, in conclusion, I just want to let you know that I am going to do something that I've never done for anyone or ever imagined myself doing for anyone in my life. This will be the last time you have to listen or read anything from me again. All you will get to see is action and moving forward for myself and our son. If you like what you see, and you decide to tag along, you will not regret it. Its time to grow up and get my own life. As I told you though, I am not going to be with anyone or date anyone, even if the opportunity comes to me.

Not just because I want to be with you, but because I have to feel empowered and find true happiness in myself first. And I do believe with all my heart, that the key lies in me... Well my love, there it is...I hope you enjoyed this letter and wish you all the luck and happiness in the world. I am not giving up on myself just yet. And I am not going to give up on us becoming a family again, so I am ready to achieve my goals and take action towards the happiness that we deserve. xoxoxoxoxoJellybean


avoided using this library branch for the past six weeks because the last time I was there you tried to engage me in conversation and grab my arm. In addition, other patrons have observed you watching me over the past year here and at the Shadle branch. You may find me attractive because I have long blonde hair and a slender physique. However, I am engaged and pregnant. I don’t deserve to be harassed while using the library to conduct research. Please focus your attention elsewhere or you will be accountable to my fiancé, who has martial arts training, and the Spokane PD. RE: SOMEDAY L, Quite possibly you had written this (which appeared May 7th) and if you hadn't, I apologize for wasting the author's time. There was never any doubt as to how much I was Loved and Adored - Never! My advice for you next time is to slow down and not come off as desperate. All I asked for was a date, and your actions set this whole thing in motion - while I blindly followed, and that was how we both got into trouble. Sorry you would later consider our relationship (and me) a 'mistake'. SOMEDAY you'll think before you act. You should be elated I'm gone girl, but I kindcof think you aren't really. And please quit trying to make everyone feel sorry for you as we are both at fault here. Cutoff communication? I did that for you and for us, plus you can always use a phone to call anytime for anything. So now I'm out of your life, and once you get moved into your new apartment, I'm hoping things will improve for you. I truly want you to be happy, but I'm not certain if you ever will be. LP L&I - TOTAL FAILURE Must be nice to be able to hire your own doctor to get the diagnosis you want. Workers, if you get hurt at work, your first call should be to a lawyer! 


TO MY CREEPY LIBRARY STALKER I had another encounter with you again on Thursday afternoon as I was trying to study at the downtown branch. You intentionally walked by my desk. Then, when I went to use the ladies restroom, you waited for me. You followed me down the stairs of the library and then outside as I was leaving. I have

NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.


COMEDY STAND-UP COMEDY OPEN MIC Local comedians; see weekly schedule online. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. (483-7300) MUSIC IN YOUR FACE An improvised musical comedy show. Fridays in May at 8 pm. Rated for general audiences. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-andcoming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third Ave. (838-6688) MUSICAL IMPROV COMEDY SHOW “The Midnight Goats ft. Tiny Bladder” presents a family-friendly musical improv comedy show, taking suggestions from the audience to turn into songs on the spot with improvised scene work. May 23, 7-8:30 pm. $8. The Gathering House, 733 W. Garland Ave. (747-2818) SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) DRINK N’ DEBATE A live, improv comedy show, during which comedian teams debate topics chosen at random. The crowd decides who are the “Masters of Debate.” Mondays from 8-10 pm. Free. Underground 15, 15 S. Howard St. (868-0358) STAND UP / SHOW DOWN Live comedy, Mondays at 8 pm. Free.

Sapphire Lounge, 901 W. First. OPEN MIC COMEDY Wednesdays at 8 pm. Ages 21+. Free. Brooklyn Deli & Lounge, 122 S. Monroe St. (835-4177) GUFFAW YOURSELF: Open mic comedy night; every other Thursday at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. (847-1234)

COMMUNITY BIKE TO WORK SPOKANE The annual cycling awareness/promotion campaign features events run through May 22; see schedule of related activities at STORYCORPS StoryCorps is a national nonprofit dedicated to recording, preserving and sharing the stories of people from all backgrounds and beliefs. Recording dates for the “Military Voices Initiative” is May 19-20, “Outloud” is May 21-22. Free. Spokane Falls Community College, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. FOURTH FRIDAY PUB PEDDLERS Group cycling ride, making a few stops along the way to a final destination. Meets at 7 pm, departs at 8 pm. Free. Swamp Tavern, 1904 W. Fifth. (251-2107) LET EVERYONE PLAY DAY For people of all abilities. Meet for a potluck with grilled hot dogs provided by Vandal Meats and bring a side dish to share. Lunch is followed by baseball. May 23, 12-2 pm. Free; RSVP requested. Moscow Junior High School, 1410 E. D St. (208-8747891)

Music Under the Stars On the Lake in

Sandpoint, Idaho

Announcing our 2015 Season Lineup! Thursday, August 6 ARLO GUTHRIE with Jonatha Brooke - $44.95 (Brew Fest $10) Thursday, August 13 LAKE STREET DIVE with The Ballroom Thieves - $36.95 Friday, August 7 ZIGGY MARLEY: “The Fly Rasta Tour” with Maw Band - $59.95 Friday, August 14 THE DEVIL MAKES THREE & TRAMPLED BY TURTLES - $44.95 Saturday, August 8 VINCE GILL with The Barefoot Movement and Troy Bullock - $54.95 Saturday, August 15 WILCO with Vetiver and Owen & McCoy - $59.95 Sunday, August 9 Family Concert: with The Sandpoint Community Orchestra - $6 Sunday, August 16 GRAND FINALE with Spokane Symphony Orchestra “Viva Italia” - Adult $39.95, Youth $10.95 For more information and tickets visit us online at: or call: (208) 265-4554 MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 39


Advice Goddess The Shoo MuST Go on

I’ve been dating this guy long distance for six months. He’ll often fail to return texts for an entire day or even a few days. I keep breaking up with him, but he keeps apologizing, acknowledging that he can be “distracted” and then offering convincing excuses or making me feel I’m overreacting. This is getting old. —Annoyed Is there some crater somewhere where all his promises go to die? There is sometimes a good reason your boyfriend can’t return your text for days, like that it’s 790 B.C. and there’s a snowstorm and he’s sending his eunuch with the bum knee over the Alps with a set of stone tablets. When there is no good reason, his acknowledging an error, like by admitting to being “distracted,” is a first step in mending his ways. That is, except when he shows you — repeatedly — that it’s his only step (perhaps because it’s tricky to text you back when his other, more local girlfriend is sitting right next to him). Getting somebody to respect your boundaries starts with appearing to have them. Sure, there are sometimes allowances to be made, like for an all-nighter at work or illness. As a friend of mine once wrote: “Sorry I didn’t respond to your email; I was in a coma.” But a man who cares about you generally acts in ways reflecting that — like by dashing off a text to tell you “sleepy - w/write u in am” or “kidnapped. w/be in touch w/ransom demand.” Instead, this guy gives you yet another apology — which basically translates to “Sorry that it’ll be a few days before I can do this to you again.” To have a caring, attentive man, you’ll need to make room for him in your life. You do this the same way you make room for a new TV: by putting the old broken one out on the curb. It’s tempting to keep believing the excuses, which allows you to believe that you’re loved. Unfortunately, believing you’re loved never plays out like actually being loved. The problem is, in the moment, our emotions are our first responder, and reason — that slacker — burrows under the covers, hoping it won’t get called in to work. Overriding wishful thinking-driven gullibility takes planning — having a prepacked set of standards for how you want to be treated and then pulling them out at excuse o’clock and holding them up to how you’re actually being treated. This is how you end up with a boyfriend who keeps his word. Keeps it and puts it on his phone and texts it to you — as opposed to keeping it in a drawer with slightly used chopsticks, old answering machine tapes, and a Ziploc baggie of his sister’s hamster’s ashes.


SockS And The ciTy

I’m a 31-year-old straight guy. I dress pretty boringly — except for my socks. I go for crazy colors and patterns. My buddy says these make me look “weird” and “less manly.” Come on. Do women really want you to be a carbon copy of every black-sockwearing dude out there? —Mr. Fun In the sock department, as in other areas, it’s the nuances that count. So, go ahead and make a statement — but maybe one that stops short of “I’m really a Japanese schoolgirl!” Novelty sock wearing for men has actually been a thing in North America for a few years. The really wacky ones may work as what anthropologists and animal behaviorists call a “costly signal.” This is an extravagant or risky trait or behavior that comes with a substantial price — handicapping a person’s or critter’s survival or chances of mating — thus suggesting that it’s a reliable sign of their quality. An example is a peacock with a particularly lush (and heavy) tail. His managing to escape predators while dragging around big feathered hindquarters like a train on a royal wedding dress tells peahens (girl peacocks) that he must be a real Chuck Norris among big feathery birds. Still, there are costly signals — “I’m man enough” — and too-costly signals: “It’s raining men! Hallelujah!” To figure out where the line lies for you, average all the variables: degree of manliness, girliness of sock choice, occupation (like if you’re a British graphic designer or a guy who goes to work in oversize red shoes), and the eccentricity level of the women you like. But keep in mind that certain socks are risky for any man, such as — and yes, these actually exist — Superman insignia socks, complete with tiny red capes attached. Sure, let your socks tell a woman that you want to take her home with you — but maybe not so you can tear off all your clothes and make her watch as you play with your action figures in your Superman Underoos. n ©2015, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (

40 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

EVENTS | CALENDAR MEMORIAL DAY VETERANS REMEMBRANCE The community is invited to honor local veterans as 3,500 American flags stand guard at all seven cemeteries in Spokane. Activities are planned through the weekend with special services on Monday. See website for details. May 23-25. Fairmount Memorial Park, 5200 W. Wellesley Ave. (838-1405) SPOKANE SHADE GARDENING A free seminar presented by the Friends of Manito, covering suitable plants that do well in the shade in our climate zone. May 23, 10 am. Free and open to the public. Manito Park, 1800 S. Grand Blvd. (456-838) SWING INTO SUMMER DANCE Begins with a swing dance lesson, followed by general dancing, refreshments, prizes and more. May 23, 7-10 pm. $5-$9. Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 S. First. (208-699-0421) FALLEN HERO DEDICATION CEREMONY The city of Liberty Lake and Fallen Heroes Circuit Course dedicate a new circuit to Spokane Valley native, Army Corporal Kelly B. Grothe, killed in 2007 by an improvised explosive device in Iraq. May 25, 4-5 pm. Trailhead Golf Course, 1102 N. Liberty Lake Rd. llfhcc. org (509-928-3484) CONTRA DANCE Spokane Folklore Society’s weekly Wednesday night dance, with Out of the Wood playing and Morna Leonard calling. Beginner workshop at 7:15 pm. May 27, 7:30-9:30 pm. $5-$7. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. RELAY FOR LIFE SPOKANE The local event supports the American Cancer Society’s efforts to fund cancer research, treatment and education. May 29 at 7 pm to May 30 at 7 am. Shadle Park High School, 4327 N. Ash. (242-8291) DEEP CREEK PRESERVE TOURS Join Inland Northwest Land Trust’s Conservation Director at the newly purchased, 151-acre parcel adjacent to the WDFW Reardan Audubon Lake Preserve, 22 miles west of Spokane. Meet at 9 am at the WDFW Audubon Lake Preserve south parking lot to caravan to the adjacent Deep Creek Preserve for a one-hour walking tour. Be prepared for rough terrain and dress for weather. Free. Reardan. inlandnwlandtrust. org (328-2939)


PRIEST LAKE SPRING FESTIVAL The 53rd annual “Priest Lake Memories” festival features an arts and crafts fair, parade, fun runs, quilt display, food booths, bake sales, kids’ carnival, walking tour of Coolin and more. May 23-24, from 9 am-3 pm. Free. Coolin, Idaho. 9TH ANNUAL LILAC CITY COMICON The Lilac City Comicon (formerly known as Spokane Comicon) is Spokane’s friendly neighborhood comicon, hosting special guest Steve Cardenas (Rocky the Red Power Ranger!) alongside professional guest artists, 120+ vendors and local artists, costume contests, gaming, panels and more. May 30, 10 am-5 pm. $12. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (262-8923)


SPOKANE FILM SOCIETY The local group screens a film to get audiences thinking, with each month focusing on a new theme. Beer/wine and food for

purchase during the show. Thursdays at 9 pm. $5. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. (327-1050) KUMIKO THE TREASURE HUNTER A darkly comedic odyssey, featuring Academy Award nominee Rinko Kikuchi (Babel, Pacific Rim) starring as Kumiko, a frustrated Office Lady whose imagination transcends the confines of her mundane life. May 22-24, show times vary. $6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) IDA Winner of the 2015 Oscar for best foreign film. Anna is about to take vows as a nun when she learns from her only relative that she is Jewish. Both women embark on a journey to discover their family story and where they belong. May 23-24, show times vary. $4-$7. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. (208-255-7801) SPLASH! Screening of the rom/com about a man who falls in love with a mermaid, starring Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah. Rated PG. May 23, 2 pm. Free. Downtown Library, 906 W. Main Ave. (444-5300) THE GOONIES Tuesdays in May are 80s nights at the Kenworthy, as it hosts some of the decades most memorable classic films. May 26, 7 pm. $3. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main. (208-882-4127) SFCC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL The 10th annual SFCC International Film Festival brings films from France, Spain, Hong Kong, Cuba and Italy to Spokane. Screenings on Tuesdays at 7:15 pm, through May 26. $5/public; free/SFCC students. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland. (533-3472)


EUROPEAN WINE ADVENTURE Discover nine wines from across the pond that are new imports to the Spokane area. May 22, 7 pm. $20, registration requested. Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd Ave. (509-343-2253) THE ART OF COOKING Upcoming classes include: Pesto Class (May 23), Taco Sunday (May 24) Sauces that Save Dinner (May 27), Four-Course Cooking (May 29) and Seasonal Salsas (May 30.) $50-$60/person. Kitchen Spokane, 1014 N. Pines. (953-3563) CRAFTED FIRKIN FESTIVAL Dozens of local and regional breweries pour special cask-conditioned beers for this inaugural craft beer event. Participating breweries include River City, Iron Goat, No-Li, Paradise Creek and more. May 23, 11 am-11 pm. $25. Crafted Tap House + Kitchen, 523 Sherman Ave. (208-292-4813) IPA ANNIVERSARY PARTY The local bottle shop and tap room celebrates its second anniversary, with food, live music, and beer specials, with a portion of proceeds benefiting the Bonner Community Food Bank May 23, 12-8 pm. Free. Idaho Pour Authority, 203 Cedar, Sandpoint. idahopourauthority. com (208-290-2280) TEA TIME Sherri Davey, owner of Heavenly Special Teas, shares health benefits of tea and the differences between types of tea, along with a demo on properly brewing loose-leaf tea. May 26, 6:30-7:30 pm. Free. Moran Prairie Library, 6004 S. Regal St. (893-8340) YOGA/PILATES + WINE Pilates/ yoga instructor Larkin Barnett leads an evening of exercise and fine wine. Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. $15/class.

Barrister Winery, 1213 W. Railroad Ave. (465-3591) COOKING LOCALLY Joshua Martin, local chef and culinary instructor, talks about his experience with regional foods and farms and gives a cooking demonstration. May 27, 7-8 pm. Free. North Spokane Library, 44 E. Hawthorne Rd. (893-8350) LATAH CREEK WINE CELLARS DINNER A dinner menu of five courses from Chef Steve paired with five wines from Latah Creek. Winemakers/owners Mark and Elenea Conway also cohost the evening. May 28, 6:30-9:30 pm. $45/person. Uva Trattoria, 2605 N. Fourth. (208-930-0573) BEST WASHINGTON RED BLENDS UNDER $20 A spotlight of the best red blends (the fastest-growing category in the state) made in Washington and offered for under $20. May 29, 7 pm. $20, registration requested. Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd Ave. rocketmarket. com (509-343-2253) SPO-CAN 2015 The Elk hosts its second annual canned beer festival, offering 50+ varieties of craft beer in cans. Also includes music by Benny Blanco and Breezy Brown. May 30-31. The Elk Public House, 1931 W. Pacific Ave. (363-1973)


STEPPENWOLF Memorial Day weekend concert to benefit homeless and at-risk youth served through Youth Emergency Services. Opening for Steppenwolf are local bands The Skivee’s and FireCreek. May 23, 1-8 pm. $40/advance; $50/door. Newport High School, Newport, Wash. (509-447-1125) BRASS BAND CONCERT A free, oldfashioned band concert. Bring lawn chairs. May 24, 6-7 pm. Free. Greenwood Cemetery, 211 N. Government Way. (838-1405) THE MANHATTAN TRANSFER A concert by the legendary vocal band whose successful career spans more than four decades with worldwide sales in the millions, Grammy Awards by the dozen, and veterans of sold-out world tours. May 28, 8-10 pm. $39/$44/$55. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. foxtheaterspokane. com (624-1200) CRESCENDO COMMUNITY CHORUS “The Circle of Song” spring concert performed by the chorus’ singers in grades 2-12 from around Spokane. May 29, 7 pm. $5. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 5720 S. Perry St. crescendocommunitychorus. org (714-0555) VOLUME: INLANDER’S MUSIC FESTIVAL The Inlander’s annual twoday music festival features more than 90 local and regional bands performing at venues around downtown Spokane. This year’s beneficiary is the Spokane Humane Society. May 29-30. $20. VIOLINIST JEANNE BOURGEOIS A solo violin concert by Spokane Symphony Orchestra Assistant Concertmaster, accompanied by her mother, Marilyn Bourgeois, a symphony pianist from Illinois. May 30, 7 pm. Free and open to the public. Steinway Piano Gallery, 13418 E. Nora Ave. steinwayspokane. com (327-4266) KRISTEN FORD One-woman-band performance that includes guitars, percussion and a variety of looping effects pedals. June 1, 9-11:45 pm. Free.

Checkerboard Bar, 1716 E. Sprague Ave. (535-4007)

SPORTS & OUTDOORS VOLUNTEER AT MT. SPOKANE WITH WTA Register online to spend a day contributing to trail improvements to benefit hikers, trail runners, mountain bikers, and equestrian visiting the state’s largest state park. Work days May 21 and 28, from 8:30 am-3:30 pm. Free. Mt. Spokane State Park. wta. org/volunteer/east (921-8928) 24 HOURS ROUND THE CLOCK The annual, 24-hour team mountainbiking relay through Riverside State Park. Starts at noon, Sat, May 23 and ends at noon on Sun, May 24. Varies. Riverside State Park, Spokane. (953-9831) LAKE CITY CLASSIC FIGURE SKATING COMPETITION The Spokane Figure Skating Club hosts the 25th annual competition, hosting 70 skaters of all ages from around the Northwest. May 23, 11 am-8 pm. Free to spectators. Frontier Ice Arena, 3525 W. Seltice Way. spokanefigureskating. org (208-765-4423) SPOKANE BADMINTON CLUB Meets Sun, from 4:30-7 pm and Wed, from 7-10 pm. Also meets for beginner-friendly nights at the HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo, Liberty Lake, on Tue, from 7-9 pm. ($5) $8/ visit. West Central Community Center, 1603 N. Belt St. (869-9229) VOLUNTEER TRAIL WORK WITH WTA Register to give back to one of our area’s most popular hiking trails in Liberty Lake Park. Work parties on May 27, from 8:30 am-3:30 pm. Liberty Lake Regional Park, 3707 S. Zephyr Rd. STATE OF THE SPOKANE RIVER Spokane Riverkeeper Jerry White shares information on efforts to protect our local water resource from pollutants and garbage and future plans to clean up the river area. May 28, 7-8:30 pm. Free; registration requested. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. (328-9900) SPOKANE SHOCK VS. ARIZONA RATTLERS Arena football game. May 30, 7 pm. $15-$60. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon. TOURNAMENT OF THE INLAND EMPIRE The Epona Equestrian Team hosts the first annual Tournament of the Inland Empire, featuring an archery competition, longsword fighting, equestrian skill-at-arms course and a full contact jousting tournament. May 30-31, 8 am-8 pm. At 6493 Hwy. 291, Nine Mile Falls. $5.

THEATER BOEING BOEING A romantic comedy. May 15-31; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. The Modern Theater Spokane, 174 S. Howard. THE MUSIC MAN A heartwarming musical comedy. May 15-June 1; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. Spokane HOPE School benefit show June 3 ($30). $22-$30. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard.

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2015 SK Ball! SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR EVENT SPONSORS

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The Pallet Place PAML Umpqua Bank Washington Trust Bank Zipline Interactive

See y’all next year - Saturday May 21st 2016! RMHC_052115_12H_KE.pdf The

Summer Guide Issue

Everything you need to plan the BEST. Contact to reserve your space today!


On Stands June IIth MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 41




BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor Control Board at

CALL 325-0634 xt. 215 EMAIL GREEN ZONE | BOOKS

Summer Reading Memoirs, hemp history and a smoker’s activity book BY JORDY BYRD


he cannabis literary canon is growing by leaps and bounds, and there’s no time like the present to catch up on your summer reading. This list of cannabis-themed books will teach you how to host a cannabis dinner party, how to grow flowers and will reveal the repercussions of a lifetime of smoking. (Spoiler: There were none.) A New Leaf: The End of Cannabis Prohibition Investigative journalists Alyson Martin and Nushin Rashidian explore cannabis legislation. The in-depth analysis sheds light on the war on drugs domestically and internationally, featuring interviews with growers, doctors, entrepreneurs, politicians, activists and more. High Times Pot Smoker’s Activity Book High Times magazine’s adult activity book provides stoner games and pastimes, answering the question “I’m stoned, now what?” The book includes toker poker,

42 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

Fit For A King

weedoku puzzles, tips for hosting a ganja dinner party, stoner crossword puzzles and more. The Hasheesh Eater: Being Passages from the Life of a Pythagorean American novelist and journalist Fitz Hugh Ludlow describes his cannabis-induced visions, experiences, adventures, and insights in his cult classic 1857 autobiography. The Emperor Wears No Clothes: Hemp and the Marijuana Conspiracy Jack Herer reveals the history and conspiracy of hemp, touching on subjects including war, renewable energy, food, medicine and textiles. The Marijuana Chronicles Editor Jonathan Santlofer compiled short stories, poems, and illustrations from authors and creatives Joyce Carol Oates, Lee Child, Linda Yablonsky, Thad Ziolkowski and Raymond Mungo, among others, in this fiction-meetsnonfiction anthology. Just Say Yes: A Marijuana Memoir Catherine Hiller provides a humorous first-person narrative on 50 years of cannabis use. The intimate book reveals the drug’s effect on topics like sex, marriage, motherhood, friendship and work. Weed the People: The Future of Legal Marijuana in America Released last month, Bruce Barcott’s book outlines marijuana legislation — from California’s first medical marijuana law in 1996, to Washington and Colorado’s recreational legislation in 2012 — and provides predictions into the future. n

7115 N. Division St., Suite A Spokane, WA 99208 • (509) 808-2098 WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.



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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.


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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

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Warning: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

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NT LIVE: FRANKENSTEIN National Theatre Live’s broadcast of Frankenstein returns to cinemas for a limited time, due to unprecedented audience demand. May 21, 7-11 pm. $12. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) SYLVIA Romantic comedy, directed by Melody Deatherage. Through May 23; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. In the Firth J. Chew Studio Theatre. $22. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard. (325-2507) BEDSIDE MANNERS StageWest Community Theatre, Inc. presents the Derek Benfield-written comedy, directed by Chris Booth. May 22-31; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 3 pm. Dinner theatre May 30 at 6 pm ($30). $5-$12. Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 639 Elm St. (235-2441) CYT PRESENTS: CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG A stage musical, based on the beloved 1968 film version of Ian Fleming’s children’s book. May 22-24; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 3 pm. $11$15. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS Performance of the 1984 Pulitzer-winning play. Through May 24; Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm; Sun at 2 pm. $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third Ave. INTO THE WOODS JR. Members of Christian Youth Theater Spokane perform the whimsical Brothers Grimm fairytale story adapted from the popular Sondheim work. May 2231; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sat at 3 pm; also Sun, May 31 at 3 pm. $13-$14. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7404) “CLARKSTON” BENEFIT READING Moscow Art Theatre (Too) and the Kenworthy host an evening of cocktails, small bites, and a staged reading of “Clarkston,” a new play by Samuel D. Hunter. May 28, 7-9 pm. $20. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127)

VISUAL ARTS LEGACY An exhibition featuring diverse work by 25+ Emeritus and long-standing former WSU Arts faculty members, coinciding with the finale of the Campaign for a New Museum of Art. Exhibiting artists have provided artworks for sale in the spirit of building the new Museum of Art. Through July 3. Summer hours, TueFri, 10 am-4 pm. Closing celebration July 9, 4-6 pm. Free. WSU Museum of Art, Pullman. (509-335-1910) PAST FORWARD: CONTEMPORARY ART FROM THE EMIRATES The exhibition tells the story of the UAE’s rich history, culture, and rapid development through the works of 25 notable Emirati artists. Runs through June 25; gallery open Wed-Sun, 10 am-5 pm. $5-$10/museum admission. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First. TOM WAKELEY The Entree Gallery opens for its 38th season with a show of contemporary paintings. Opening reception May 24, from 1-3 pm. Spring hours: Sun-Thur; 10 am-4 pm; Fri-Sat, 10 am-5 pm. Entree Gallery, 1755 Reeder Bay Rd, Priest Lake. (208-443-2001) THE WILD WILD WEST The affiliated Manic Moon Guild Artists explore the works and lives of “we western folk.” Reception May 15, 4-9 pm. Show

runs through June 18; gallery open Tue-Sat, 11 am-5 pm. Free. Manic Moon & More, 1007 W. Augusta Ave. (413-9101) “ZERO” & “INTROSPECTION GAME” NY-based artists Sabrina Barrios (Brazil) and Yang Wang and Zhenzhen Qi (China) host an evening of exploratory, immersive art created during their residencies at Laboratory Spokane. May 21, 8 pm. Free. Laboratory, 301 W. Main Ave. BFA VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN EXHIBITION Featuring the work of three graduating seniors, Celeste Crosby, Monica Hoblin and Reanne Lee, in an exhibition themed “She Believed She Could, So She Did.” Opening reception May 22, 6-8 pm, in the EWU Art Gallery. Open through June 5. May 22, 6-8 pm. Free. EWU Cheney campus. RIVER RIDGE ASSOCIATION OF FINE ARTS MEETING May’s speaker is Dean Cameron, creator of Flootie. com, which supports artists’ marketing need. May 27, 10 am-noon. Free. Spokane Art Supply, 1303 N. Monroe St. (509-327-6622)

WORDS STEPHEN ARNO & CARL FIELDER The authors present from their recent book, “Ponderosa,” which discusses historical changes of our region’s forests. May 21, 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) AUTHOR JANNIS HIBBERTS The new local celebrates the publication of her first children’s book “Tricky Ricky.” Refreshments provided. May 22, 4-6 pm. Free. Deer Park Library, 208 Forest St. (893-8300) AUTHOR RICH SCHAUS The Spokanebased author signs copies of his book “Hero Quest.” May 22, 4-6 pm. Free. Hastings, 1704 W. Wellesley. (327-6008) VET LIT READING Readings from a new publication by Spokane Veterans for Peace, featuring contributors Larry Shook, Rusty Nelson, Mikel Stevenson, Hollis Higgins, Nelson Lowhim, Thomas Charles and others. May 24, 2 pm. Free. Community Building, 35 W. Main Ave. (232-1950) AUTHOR/HISTORIAN DOUG SCOTT The wilderness historian and noted author on U.S. wilderness and conservation gives a short talk and signs copies of his books. May 27, 6:307:30 pm. Free. The Well-Read Moose, 2048 N. Main. (208-215-2265)

ETC. MAY DAYS MARKET The barn is stuffed with tons of antiques, farm fresh finds, primitives, hand-painted furniture and much more. May 22-23, 10 am-4 pm. Past Blessings Farm, 8521 N. Orchard Prairie. THE BATTLE OF DEEP CREEK The annual Civil War battle re-enactment takes place at Deep Creek Farms, in Medical Lake. May 23-24, 9 am-5 pm, May 25, 9 am-2 pm. $5-$10/good all three days. LEGO ROBOTS WITH SPOKANE SCHOOLS An afternoon of engineering and programming with LEGO robots, open to all children. May 23, 1:30 pm. Free. Hillyard Library, 4005 N. Cook St. (444-5380) n

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44 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

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ACROSS 1. Keebler cracker brand 6. “If ____ believe ...” 10. Call it a day 14. “Just because we have the best hammer does not mean that every problem is ____”: Barack Obama 15. Trendy NYC neighborhood 16. Sledding spot 17. Common musical symbol 18. 1040, e.g. 19. Finales 20. CD-____ 21. “Goodbye, Gerard!” 23. Veep before Al 24. Historical periods 26. Some voters: Abbr. 27. “Fear of Flying” author Jong 30. Oscar winner for “Life Is Beautiful” 32. Some printers

34. Smidgen 35. Keats and Yeats, for two 37. They’re often uttered by bored people 39. 70-Across that often goes away on its own after four to ten days 41. “The Lion King” character voiced by Whoopi Goldberg 43. Where dos are done 44. “Norma ____” 45. Picnic pest 47. Play after some snaps, in brief 51. Collar attachment 53. Fats Domino’s “It’s ____ Love” 55. Where George W. Bush went after getting 1206 on his SAT 56. “Isn’t ____ bit like you and me?” (Beatles lyric) 57. It may be fine 59. Blue hue 60. Trim, as text

62. Jackie of “Shanghai Noon” 63. Sub for 65. It’s south of Ky. 66. Green stroke 67. Rich kid in “Nancy” comics 68. It’s a long story 69. Voyaging 70. Grammy winner with the debut album “Rappa Ternt Sanga” ... or an apt description of 39-Across, 8-, 11-, 39- or 46-Down DOWN 1. European capital 2. “More! More!” 3. Author Rushdie 4. Knot 5. ____ Romeo 6. Carmaker with Q40 and Q50 models


7. Was heard from the herd 8. 70-Across that is an infection of the mouth 9. “____-Pah-Pah” (“Oliver!” tune) 10. Cut 11. 70-Across often caused by exposure

to loud sounds 12. Aged 13. Texter’s “I beg of you!” 22. Eats at home 23. Old Chrysler makes 25. Nurse

IS 28. Web video gear ANSW WEEK’S 29. Some are personal I SAW ERS ON 31. Spokane university YOUS 33. TV personality who wrote the 2000 book “Who Wants to Be Me?” 36. Some Mercedes-Benzes 38. Cross of a male horse and a female donkey 39. 70-Across that usually begins around six months of age 40. Holiday Inn alternative 41. ____ Lanka 42. Possessed 46. 70-Across that was treated with garlic during World War I 48. Locale in a 1987 Cheech Marin title 49. Lye, for one 50. Singles out as important 52. Insurance giant 54. Speechify 58. Pucker-producing 60. UFO crew 61. Org. in “Breaking Bad” 62. E-file preparer 64. Admit (to)

MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 45

Ray Garland at the Purple Heart Memorial outside the Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO INSET: The half-sunk, burning USS Oklahoma on Dec. 7, 1941, just as Garland would have seen it.

Marine For Life On the eve of another Memorial Day, one local Pearl Harbor survivor retells a story that will never be forgotten BY LAEL HENTERLY


ay Garland remembers sweating in the humid Hawaii air that Sunday morning. It was just before 8 am when he and a couple of fellow Marines were raising the flag over the battleship USS Tennessee, just as they did every morning. But it wasn’t just any morning at Pearl Harbor; it was December 7, 1941, and all hell was about to break loose. “I heard some explosions and some airplanes, so I turned around and looked back towards where I thought they were coming from,” recalls Garland. Japanese planes were dive-bombing the air station on Ford Island, raining bullets on the eight battleships moored nearby. Garland was in the Marine security detachment, and he was put to work tending to the dead and wounded on the forward part of the Tennessee. “I could look over and see the Oklahoma, and just as I looked over there, the Oklahoma turned upside down,” says Garland. There were 429 killed on the USS Oklahoma during the attack, among 2,403 total deaths on the day that marked the start of World War II for Ray Garland and the United States.


arland is one of the few remaining members of the Lilac City Pearl Harbor Survivors Association. As a 19-year-old from Butte, Montana, Garland had just joined the Marine Corps a few months

46 INLANDER MAY 21, 2015

before that fateful morning. “I knew that the war was about to start,” he says. “I looked at a LIFE magazine, and I seen pictures of these Marines, and I thought, ‘Well, I’ll try joining the Marine Corps.’” With no recruitment office in Butte yet, it wasn’t easy. Garland spotted a tiny ad in the newspaper for a temporary sign-up office in the Hotel Finlen. He showed up and was the first to enlist in the old mining town. He shipped out to Hawaii soon after. Every soldier has a story; the Lilac City Pearl Harbor Survivors Association once had 125 members, with 125 different firsthand accounts of that day’s events. According to U.S. Veterans Administration figures, there are now fewer than 900,000 surviving World War II veterans, with old age claiming nearly 500 per day. Just last month, the Lilac City group lost another member, 100-year-old George Washington “Bud” Garvin, cutting its roster to just four local survivors: Ray Garland, John “Sid” Kennedy, Charlie Boyer and Clyde Buteau. “The real story of what happens when America goes to war will never be found in the memoirs of the officers or the politicians who planned and organized the battles,” says Carol Edgemon Hipperson, the Spokane author of Radioman: An Eyewitness Account of Pearl Harbor & World War II in the Pacific. “It’s in the memories — and the nightmares — of the young men and women who fought them.”


s Garland cleared the bodies of his comrades from the deck and as the Oklahoma listed sideways, oil from the USS Arizona spread across the surface of the water and caught fire, igniting the Tennessee. Garland grabbed a fire hose and began fighting the flames. As he was dousing the fire, the second wave of Japanese bombers attacked. “We opened up the hatch to go to the officers’ quarters in the back, and when we was down there we had the fire hose, and when we looked over at the bulkhead I could see flames going,” says Garland. “The insulation had burned all of the electric system, and when we turned the fire hose on again… that’s the last I remember about Pearl Harbor, because it knocked me down and blinded me for a couple days. I ended up in sick bay.” Garland was awarded a Purple Heart for his service at Pearl Harbor. He was patched up and stayed in the Marine Corps, serving in bomb disposal. When he got out, he joined the reserves because the pay was enough to cover his house payment; he remembers feeling sure there wouldn’t be another war. Garland was busy building a business and a home when the Korean War broke out and he was called back to service. There, at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, he suffered a gunshot wound, earning a second Purple Heart. “Ray and the other survivors are a tremendous force of history,” says Hipperson. “The past is prologue; when you study military history, you understand why the world looks like it does today.” Surviving two wounds that could have ended his life gave Ray Garland many more years. He left the military in 1952 and moved to Spokane, where he started a family and opened a carpet and drapery business on Division Street. He retired to Coeur d’Alene, where he lives with his second wife, Beverly. Even after all these years, Garland remembers it very clearly, wearing his Pearl Harbor cap as he tells his tale with the stern and deliberate demeanor of a Marine for life. “Being in there,” Garland adds, “well, you don’t forget something like that.” n

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MAY 21, 2015 INLANDER 47

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