Inlander 06/02/2016

Page 1


Farm Chicks and the upcycling trend PAGE 35


Volume Music Festival and other must-do events PAGE 52


While politicians fight over bathroom stalls, America’s views on transgender identity are changing BY JAKE THOMAS • PAGE 20

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5 13 20 35


39 42 47 52


54 58 61 62



magine never quite feeling comfortable in your own skin. Imagine spending an entire lifetime like that. Now, staring at death, what would you do? Jamie Breedlove decided to embrace who she really was. “My peace is I’m going to die as Jamie, not Jim,” she tells staff writer Jake Thomas. This week’s cover story, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Pee,” features Breedlove’s journey as well as the stories of other TRANSGENDER people who now find themselves in the middle of America’s latest culture war (page 20). It’s crucial moment: Last month, the Obama administration issued a directive instructing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their identity. Meanwhile, many states are pushing in the other direction, proposing “bathroom bills” of their own. Also this week: The Inlander’s music festival, Volume, is taking over downtown Spokane (page 52) and in Browne’s Addition there’s ArtFest (page 38). — JACOB H. FRIES, editor






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It would probably be the people against the government, really. Like, our corrupt government and just the craziness that’s happening because it kind of seems like no one’s happy and everyone’s complaining, yet obviously the problem isn’t being addressed — like, the main, huge, looming overall problem that’s been happening in our society.

Chey Scott (x225) LISTINGS EDITOR Michael Mahoney



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MARILYN SULLIVAN I haven’t even heard anything, like on the news, about what like the next big push is. I guess I would say Muslims or refugees. There has to be some place to put them. But nobody wants them.


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PAULA MALICKI I don’t think any of them have been resolved. I think people are openly discriminated against still.


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onald Trump is easy to understand. He needs to hear himself talk, see himself on TV or feel the rush of a Twitter feud. He’s also clever and not to be underestimated. I’ve seen plenty to convince me that he’s not qualified, in terms of temperament or experience, to lead our nation. What’s confounding has been trying to understand how so many support him. HELLO, ANGRY MOB The Founders warned us about this; in Federalist No. 1, Alexander Hamilton understood that we’d have disagreements like these, unleashing “a torrent of angry and malignant passions.” When we let such passions cloud our judgment, our democracy is in danger. Americans need to engage in this election. WORST. FIELD. EVER. Trump’s rise was enabled by his (lack of) competition; it was as if the Bad News Bears grew up and went into politics. After the minefield of GOP-approved policy positions weeded out viable candidates, and Ted Cruz became Republicans’ last hope, it was clear that the party badly botched things. Ironically, the winner refused to play their game. Trump ignores party leadership on everything from Syria to free trade; he flip-flops with ease, often having Etch-ASketch moments in the same interview. The GOP choked on its own orthodoxy and failed to offer America a plausible presidential candidate. STOCKHOLM SYNDROME You’re flying along when the hijackers take control. Next thing you know, half the plane has joined them: “Yeah, sorry, but we’re with the hijackers now.” Via hostile takeover, Trump seized the GOP, insulting many prominent Republicans along the way. Somehow they’re OK with that and have endorsed him. BULLIES ARE COOL AGAIN Remember how you taught your kid not to bully, or to stand up to bullies? Forget that sissy, do-unto-others crap. Trump’s campaign is right out of seventh grade, where relentless name-calling can rule the school. Understanding those joining the hijackers is like making sense of a 12-year-old: They’re too scared to cross the biggest bully on the playground. THIS WAS THEIR PLAN? The GOP has obstructed President Obama for almost eight years now. Many of our toughest issues are on hold. Just wait about a decade, the GOP seemed to promise, and come 2016 it’ll be the glorious dawn of… Donald Trump? Let’s agree: There is no plan. There never was a plan. America has elected too many people who are just winging it. If you can’t govern, articulate a coherent vision or offer up realistic leaders, you have ceased being a viable political party. The Democrats have their own problems, with an unlikable frontrunner and a split personality. But the GOP, at the national level, is nearly defunct. NONE OF THE ABOVE Some Republicans say they’re just not gonna vote. This is like your kid making Jell-O while you’re gone, getting it everywhere — even in the curtains — and when confronted, he’s like, “Oh, I’m not cleaning that up.” Then he pouts. The GOP has made a complete

mess of this election, and their answer is to sit it out? Sorry, voting is your sacred American duty and taking a pass is a dereliction. Imagine the yard sign: “GOP 2016: We’re Sitting This One Out, America.” Navigating this election will be a characterdefining moment for individual Republicans. The ones who stay true to their principles, take on the bully and resist the hijackers will be the ones left to rebuild the GOP.


espite national polls that have some believing this is a close race, smart Republicans know that nominating Donald Trump is the political equivalent of a Hail Mary. In the fall, remember, you have to win the ELECTORAL COLLEGE. Toss-up states are not looking good for Trump. And instead of mending fences, he continues his insult-comic politics, alienating the swing voters he needs to win those swing states. The general election is also a war of MONEY, and Trump needs lots of it, which is awkward since he just spent months crowing about how he’s self-funding his run. Many deep-pocket donors are taking a hard pass. We already know that many Republicans are saying they’ll sit this one out. Meanwhile, Democrats and many independents should be fired up, having either been personally insulted (women, immigrants, the disabled) or just concerned about Supreme Court nominations. TURNOUT is also a function of on-the-ground organization, something you can’t conjure out of your smartphone from Trump Tower. MODERATE REPUBLICANS make up about 30 percent of the party, are well-educated (they believe in science) and not hung up on becoming the bathroom police. The question isn’t just how tepidly they’ll support Trump, but whether the GOP could lose them forever. A lot of normal Americans are content to do great work, raise great families, enjoy the fruits of this great nation and generally pursue happiness as they are able. They don’t want America getting screwed up. After witnessing the debasement of our political process over the past year, these less inflamed Americans would like nothing better than four more years of Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton looks like she’d stick closest to his playbook. Americans of all political persuasions also know that we need two safe and sane political parties to function; currently, one is on the rocks, threatening to take us all down with it. So like the hat says, by delivering the White House to Hillary Clinton and forcing a day of reckoning on the right, Donald Trump may yet Make America Great Again. n


‘I Like Comebacks’ BEATING THE ODDS

It would be an incredible comeback story if BERNIE SANDERS somehow were to win the Democratic presidential nomination, which at this point is nearly mathematically impossible. It would be more incredible than, say, the Golden State Warriors coming back from a 3-1 series deficit and advancing to the NBA Finals. Sanders saw the Warriors’ Game 7 win over the Oklahoma City Thunder live, perhaps seeking some inspiration, but more likely intending to earn some points from California voters ahead of the state’s primary on Tuesday, June 7. “Last week, Golden State was down three games to one. Tonight, they finished off a great comeback in California,” Sanders tweeted after the game. “I like comebacks.” Sanders appears to be far behind HILLARY CLINTON in California; she has a 97 percent chance of winning the state, according to a FiveThirtyEight analysis of recent polls. As of Tuesday, she also has the endorsement of California Gov. Jerry Brown, who urged Democrats to quit fighting. Even if Sanders wins California, going on to beat Clinton for the presidential nomination is a long shot, one that even the Warriors’ Stephen Curry might not be able to make. (WILSON CRISCIONE)


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Over Memorial Day weekend, two former Republican governors stood on a stage in Orlando and accepted the nomination to lead their party’s long-shot bid for the White House. The Libertarian Party — an individual-liberty-minded party that’s spent decades calling for the government to slash taxes and spending while relaxing laws concerning drugs and guns — is hoping to have its bright, shining moment this election cycle, with former New Mexico Gov. GARY JOHNSON and former Massachusetts Gov. WILLIAM WELD as the ticket’s respective nominees for president and vice-president. Johnson and Weld are both two-term governors, potentially giving their party’s ticket more executive experience than either major party. A super PAC, initially set up to support libertarian-minded Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s failed presidential bid, has signaled that it will support Johnson, according to the Washington Post. Johnson drew 10 percent in a recent survey of voters. After clinching the nomination last week, presumptive Republican nominee DONALD TRUMP dismissed Johnson as a “fringe candidate,” noting that he received only 1 percent of the vote in 2012 as the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee. (JAKE THOMAS)

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Raising All Boats


The compelling case for raising Washington’s minimum wage BY PAUL DILLON


n his 1973 book Small Is Beautiful, economist E.F. Schumacher noted that we should study economics “as if people mattered.” His point shouldn’t have been considered revolutionary, but it still is: We miss what we really should value. Now, there’s a path towards equality with Raise Up Washington, a campaign that filed a state initiative to modestly increase the current $9.47 wage incrementally: $11 an hour in 2017, $11.50 an hour in 2018, $12 in 2019 and $13.50 an hour in 2020. The proposal would also allow workers to accrue up to seven days of paid sick and safe leave per year, earned at a rate of one hour for every

40 hours worked. Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane have already passed sick leave laws, yet 1 million workers in Washington don’t have a single day of leave. “Our labor force is now 50 percent women for the first time in history, and moms are now three quarters of the primary or co-breadwinners in our nation, yet many of our public policies lag behind our modern labor force: It’s time to catch up to modern times,” says Kristin RoweFinkbeiner, executive director of the group MomsRising. org. In Washington, an estimated 30 percent of working women, and 40 percent of African-American and Latino employees, are currently paid less than the proposal outlines. The initiative is racing to collect 250,000 valid signa-

tures by July, if it’s to be included on the ballot this November. However, the Washington Secretary of State’s office recommends collecting at least 325,000 signatures, to account for invalid ones. Opponents have attempted to scare voters into thinking the sky will fall, but brace yourself: Everything will be OK. The same critics who stated that paid sick days would force layoffs — when in reality, job growth actually went up — are now saying that employers would unnecessarily raise prices in retaliation for the initiative’s minimum wage proposal. Meanwhile, the University of Washington’s Daniel J. Evans School Of Public Policy just reported that prices didn’t jump where the minimum wage increased, contrary to businesses’ predictions. Furthermore, the Washington Policy Center — the research equivalent of Fox News — and a since-removed Facebook post from outgoing 6th District Representative and Dutch Bros. franchise owner Kevin Parker capitalized on the recent announcement of self-order kiosks by Wendy’s as a flimsy distraction to argue that shifting labor policies hurt workers more than they help them. After the rapid growth of baggage check-in kiosks at airports, ATMs and self-checkout lines at the supermarket, the move shouldn’t come as shock. Their arguments stigmatize low-wage workers, while owners are never stigmatized for profiting over people. They are long on emotion and short on data: According to the Harvard Business Review, customers at McDonald’s using kiosks spent more money than those ordering from a person, and shorter order times could result in an increase in the company’s market share of many millions of dollars. As automation becomes cheaper, faster and more efficient, the transition is inevitable. These arguments are political, not economic. They overshadow how the minimum wage’s value has slowly eroded to the point that it’s now essentially worthless. More insulting, Idaho’s legislature passed a bill to prevent the state’s cities and localities from enacting a higher minimum wage; the federal wage remains a dismal $7.25 an hour while Congress refuses to consider any increase, reflective of how we’ve become a less compassionate and less fair society, where operating a successful business and being socially responsible are too often mutually exclusive. The mere fact that we must still firmly advocate for a minimum wage, sick leave, gender and race pay equity — simple rights taken for granted that actually support job growth — indicates how cruel and indifferent our society has become. That’s why raising up Washington is the best option available today, and the proposed initiative deserves to pass. n Paul Dillon, a Center for Justice board member, manages public affairs for Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho.



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10 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016


We’re Already Covered


The federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 makes a state law unnecessary BY SEN. MIKE PADDEN, R-SPOKANE VALLEY


he admirable cause of civil rights is being misused by partisans in the progressive camp as a tool to bash Republicans. We saw it happen last month in the Inlander, in an opinion column headlined “Blockin’ the Vote: How Republicans in Olympia continue to fail our democracy” — as if one party opposes discrimination and the other is in favor. It is a simplistic argument founded on thin air, parroting one of the nobler phrases of the civil rights era — and it is one of the most cynical wedge issues ever devised. Washington really does have a Voting Rights Act. You’ve probably heard of it — it is called the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This law was passed by Congress, not the state Legislature, but it applies in all 50 states. Over the last half-century it has done an outstanding job of eliminating blatant forms of discrimination, like poll taxes and literacy tests. It also covers a more subjective form of perceived discrimination, the use of at-large voting or redistricting that could make it harder to elect minority political candidates. We saw the law used recently in Yakima. The American Civil Liberties Union claimed at-large voting for the city council disenfranchised Latino voters. The city drew new district boundaries and elected Latino candidates for the first time in its history. The ACLU sued under federal law. The ACLU got what it wanted. So why do we need a state law? That is the real question in the debate. It stumps many of us in the Legislature. We have yet to hear how a state law will make anything better, but there are many reasons to think it will make things worse. This proposal, modeled LETTERS after a similar law in CaliforSend comments to nia, makes it easier to sue and win, regardless of whether real discrimination is taking place. It eliminates a crucial test under federal law — plaintiffs don’t have to prove redistricting will improve anything. It creates a whole new basis for lawsuits — alleged discrimination against people who speak a particular language. And it leaves many terms vague, allowing litigation to determine what the law really means. Now get this: The proposal allows plaintiffs to recover legal costs from taxpayers when they win, and shields them from having to pay when they lose. In California, this law has meant open season on local governments, right down to school boards and hospital districts. An analysis last year of 25 such lawsuits showed at least $13.8 million in public money has been paid to plaintiffs’ attorneys. These are reasonable concerns, and it’s probably why advocates for this legislation never talk about them. Makes it easier to take political potshots. We can be dismayed but not surprised when arguments like these are made — it is an election year. n

AUG 27


JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 11

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12 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

As an attorney, Breean Beggs had a reputation for using lawsuits to change policy. Now on the city council, he has a chance to influence policy directly. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO


Beggs for a Solution In the three months Breean Beggs has been a city councilmember, he’s pitched out-of-the-box solutions to some of the city’s stickiest problems BY DANIEL WALTERS


ith only three months on the job, Breean Beggs is the greenest member of the Spokane City Council. But in another sense, he’s had his hands in Spokane’s messiest debates for longer and deeper than any other councilmember. As the former director of the Center for Justice, he’s been at the forefront of the “Smart Justice” movement to fix problems with courts and cops. He was the lawyer who fought for the family of Otto Zehm — the mentally disabled janitor who died after being beaten by police a decade ago — whose civic outcry led to the creation of Spokane’s independent police ombudsman. “When I was at Center for Justice, I called myself the ‘chief catalyst,’” Beggs says.

“That is my thing. That’s my purpose in life.” Yet on the council, Beggs hasn’t shown himself to be a ideological firebrand. Instead, he’s been the one drawing outside the traditional lines of debate, proposing solutions that, at first glance, can seem so counterintuitive as to be absurd. For example, consider:  The independent police ombudsman hasn’t yet conducted independent police investigations. In response, Beggs’ plan would attempt to give the ombudsman more flexibility by removing one of the office’s powers.  Property crime rates are out of control in Spokane. Beggs’ plan to fix that hinges on sending fewer thieves to state prison and keeping more in Spokane.  A swarm of lawyers has prevented the release of

crucial documents to an investigator hired to examine the ousting of former police Chief Frank Straub. Beggs’ plan to resolve this relies on hiring yet another lawyer. These ideas don’t aim to untangle Spokane’s knottiest problems so much as attempt to slip through the tangles, finding the loopholes in the bureaucratic structures and partisan dogmas. “I think too often in the political theater, it becomes good people vs. bad people,” Beggs says. “And it’s not. It’s all good people, trying to do good things.” Beggs credits this in part to his upbringing, split between a hippie dad and an evangelical Christian mom. “I can talk to both of them in their languages and in their values. I’ve found I can do that in the wider world,” Beggs says. “Being able to do that — that’s what I think leads often to these third-way solutions.”


THE PROBLEM: In February 2013, voters overwhelmingly passed an initiative allowing the police ombudsman to conduct his own independent investigations. But despite all the controversies that have descended upon the police department — including multiple police shootings — the ombudsman has never used this voter-established power. ...continued on next page

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 13








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NEWS | POLITICS “BEGGS FOR A SOLUTION,’” CONTINUED... Part of the unwillingness to use this power, Beggs surmises, is the right that police unions in Washington state possess to bargain over anything affecting their working conditions. “Ironically, it means that police oversight is a lot easier in cities in right-to-work states, like Boise,” Beggs says. The current union-bargained ombudsman ordinance allows the ombudsman to ask questions during internal affairs investigations. But they’re only allowed to certify whether the IA investigation was “timely, thorough, and objective,” and can’t impact discipline. Critics see the current role of the ombudsman as seriously watered down. BEGGS’ PLAN: Take away the ombudsman’s right to ask questions in internal affairs investigations. This, Beggs says, would remove the union’s argument that the ombudsman is impacting working conditions. The ombudsman’s role could then be strengthened, he argues, without worrying about triggering an unfair labor practices complaint. To Beggs, the purpose of the ombudsman should be less about certifying whether officers followed departmental policies, and more about identifying what happened after, say, an officerinvolved shooting, and what the department can learn from it. “The question is, how can we prevent this in the future?” Beggs says. “Is there anything we could have done that would have likely prevented the death of that citizen without unreasonably endangering that officer?” THE HURDLES: Beggs says the city council has the power to change the ombudsman ordinance itself, but he wants the support of all the important stakeholders. So far, they’re not all convinced. Bart Logue, the interim police ombudsman, has serious concerns that one of the ombudsman’s best tools for accountability would be lost if Beggs’ plan goes through. “The only way we can get part of the story thoroughly is through the internal affairs process,” Logue says. “If we take ourselves out of that, what oversight are we doing?” Lt. Dave McCabe, president of the Spokane Police Lieutenants and Captains Association, echoes that concern.




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14 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016


THE PROBLEM: For two years in a row, Washington state has had the worst property crime in the nation. It’s the only state that releases most of its property crime offenders from prison completely unsupervised. In Spokane, the problem is particularly bad. “The state is spending $40,000 a year for each person they have in their prisons,” Beggs says. “But we know for a fact — through data — they’re not any better when they come out. In fact, they’re worse.” While spending that money on treatment, employment skills, housing and mental health care is much more effective, “we don’t have local money to pay for that,” Beggs says. BEGGS’ PLAN: Beggs wants to ask the state to give Spokane County half the money they’re spending on certain inmates. Instead, that $20,000 would put those property crime offenders on electronic home monitoring instead of in jail, and fund housing, supervision and evidencebased rehabilitation programs. “The state [would be] saving 50 percent because they’re not housing them in prison,” Beggs says. “The data says that it works.” THE HURDLES: It would require the state legislature to pass a bill, in a current environment in Olympia where even popular proposals can easily slip through the cracks. While Beggs says he already has support from local Democrats like Sen. Andy Billig, much of the fate of a proposal would rest in the hands of Spokane Valley Sen. Mike Padden, chair of the Senate Law and Justice Committee. Padden has had a more traditionally punitive outlook to criminal justice than Beggs — he’s been pushing a bill allowing prosecutors to more easily seek longer jail sentences. But Padden says he’s open to Beggs’ proposal, depending on which criminals it applies to.

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“I just don’t see how you can maintain the same level of accountability and transparency if you take the ombudsman out of the process he’s been involved in for the last four or five years,” McCabe says. Beggs recognizes that many of the cops like the current system, but argues that they, too, want to restore the community’s faith in the police department. “The relationship between the police department and the community appears to continue to be broken,” Beggs says.

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“I guess the devil is in the details,” he says. “I’d also, frankly, want to hear what law enforcement and [County Prosecutor] Larry Haskell would have to say.”


THE PROBLEM: After nearly six months of former federal prosecutor Kris Cappel’s investigation into the city’s decisions surrounding Straub’s ouster, the city — in the midst of defending itself from Straub’s lawsuit— still refuses to hand over certain key documents. Not only that, but city attorneys have refused to answer Cappel’s questions. Beggs parachuted into the mess at the end of February, when he joined the joint investigative committee overseeing the LETTERS investigation. Talking with Send comments to city legal staff, he realized the sticking point was the question of “attorney-client privilege.” Beggs respects that. “You don’t get to know what the client told the attorney,” Beggs says. “We say it’s better to protect that basic human right than to get to the truth. That’s in our culture, our legal DNA.” But he still believes that the public deserves to know the truth. BEGGS’ PLAN: Have the city bring on another lawyer — Michael Harrington — to hire Cappel. Since they’d all be serving the same client, they’d all be protected under the same legal umbrella. That would allow Cappel to see confidential documents without worrying about breaching the city’s attorney-client privilege. At the city council meeting last week, Beggs laid out a multistage plan. Stage 1: Cappel would finish her initial investigatory report, without having access to the confidential documents. Stage 2: Harrington would hire Cappel, allowing her to read the documents that had been denied to her. Cappel would produce a second supplemental report, having seen the previously secret documents. Stage 3: Mayor David Condon and the city council would read the report and decide if they’re willing to waive the city’s privilege, in order to show it to the public. The city council approved Beggs’ proposal, with Council President Ben Stuckart adding an extra threat: If the mayor didn’t agree to Beggs’ plan, Stuckart would refuse to sign additional checks for the attorney defending the city against Straub’s lawsuit. THE HURDLES: Condon hasn’t exactly leapt at Beggs’ idea. Originally, Beggs says, the joint committee’s plan was to have Harrington hired by May 1. Due to skepticism from the Condon administration, that didn’t happen. “He’s still considering the option,” city spokesman Brian Coddington said last week. Beggs won’t have to wait long to find out if his idea has been accepted. Coddington promises that Condon will give his answer before next Monday’s city council meeting. n

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JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 15




“Uncharted,” a collaboration between the Spokane Symphony and local arts group Terrain, unites artists from various disciplines. Here, Von the Baptist band members Zac Fairbanks, right, and Vaughn Wood, center, play the role of the Wolf during a performance of Sergei Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf” at the Fox. The symphony was led by Music Director Eckart Preu.


EDUCATION Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich says that his office will RENEW THE INVESTIGATION of former Bowdish Middle School teacher Anthony Cucinotti, who has been accused of raping a former sixth-grade student multiple times in the 2008-09 school year. The news comes one week after an Inlander cover story that focused on the case and how teachers can often suffer minimal consequences for alleged misconduct. Cucinotti was never interviewed by police about the rape allegations, which were first reported by the victim in 2012, as he had already moved to California and police there failed to contact him. The case was declared inactive in 2013. Knezovich now says: “If we get further information, we will pursue this case.” (WILSON CRISCIONE)

16 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

CRIME Unless you’re a bike, Spokane is (probably) NOT ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS CITIES in the U.S — despite what the folks over at SafeWise would have you believe. The home-security system advertiser/ seller recently released a list of the 30 most dangerous cities, with rankings based on the property crime rate plus violent crime rate. Spokane came in at No. 22, and little Tukwila, Washington, a Seattle suburb with a population of less than 20,000 as of 2014, topped the list. There a few problems here: First, by adding property and violent crime rates, SafeWise is saying that the two types of crime are equally menacing. Second, beleaguered cities such as Chicago, Detroit and St. Louis, which frequently top the nation’s “most violent” lists, are missing. (MITCH RYALS)


Hanging Tough Striking Triumph machinists decry Mexican outsourcing; plus, is Spokane up for another round of daiquiris? THE WILL OF TRIUMPH

Weeks after the 400 union workers at Triumph Composites Systems’ factory overwhelmingly rejected a final contract offer from management on May 9, the STRIKE continues at the Airway Heights aerospace-parts manufacturer. The strike has focused not only on rolling back pension concessions and eliminating a two-tier salary structure, but also on complaints that the manufacturer has been outsourcing jobs to Mexico, despite receiving tax breaks for the aerospace industry in Washington. “We don’t think it’s fair for Triumph to expect the Spokane community to support their corporation with tax dollars, only to have it take some residents’ jobs away while cutting overall pay and benefits for those who are still working,” Machinists Union District Lodge 751 President Jon Holden said in a press release in May. Strikers marched Saturday night carrying signs with slogans like “Tax subsidies for Triumph = Jobs for Mexico” and “Mexico is thanking Triumph for the Jobs.” While Triumph constructs a number of parts for Boeing airplanes, including floor panels for the 737, 767 and 777, the Seattle Times reports that the airplane manufactur-

ing giant would not be adversely affected by the strike, despite the tight timetables that Boeing suppliers often must meet. In a statement issued after the strike began, Triumph spokeswoman Lynne Warne promised that outside contractors would be brought in to replace striking employees, so that “operations will continue for the duration of any work stoppage without any expected disruption.” She stipulated that “we are disappointed by this decision, which is not in the best interest of the employees, the company or the community.” (DANIEL WALTERS)


Owners of the embattled SPOKANE DOWNTOWN DAIQUIRI FACTORY say plans to open the bar are still moving forward despite opposition from police, surrounding business owners and community members. The corporation that hopes to run the bar, Pendleton Enterprises LLC, has applied for a liquor license with the state Liquor and Cannabis Board and applied to operate a sidewalk cafe with the city, which would allow the bar to serve alcohol on the patio.

Spokane police have asked the Liquor and Cannabis Board to reject the application based on the number of calls for service during the brief period that the bar was open in 2014, a move that former owner Jamie Pendleton says is unfairly targeting him for his “legal history.” Additionally, local comedian Nick Cavasier has started an online petition to bar the Daiquiri Factory from reopening. The petition currently has 251 signatures. After opening in January 2014, the Spokane Downtown Daiquiri Factory drew scorn for its cocktail named “Date Grape Kool-Aid.” Pendleton also lost a legal battle against Gonzaga University, which sued LETTERS to keep the bar from Send comments to using its trademarked bulldog mascot in promotions. With Pendleton at the helm, the bar was evicted in June 2014 from its location at 121 N. Wall St. Pendleton, who challenged the eviction, says he anticipates that the bar will reopen within a week. Most recently, Pendleton pleaded guilty to charging nearly $1,000 to an Idaho man’s stolen debit card, a felony. Rather than facing jail time, Pendleton will serve 300 hours of community service and two years of probation. His name does not appear as an owner of Pendleton Enterprises LLC, nor on the liquor license application. Instead, three other people, including his mother, Jacqueline Pendleton, are listed as governing members of the corporation. (MITCH RYALS)

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JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 17


Ryan Holyk's family still aren't convinced by the official account of his death.


Lights and Siren Two years and four investigations later, the death of 15-year-old Ryan Holyk is still being sorted out BY MITCH RYALS


ome facts surrounding the death of 15-yearold Ryan Holyk are virtually undisputed. Ryan was riding a bike without brakes, was not wearing a helmet and crossed into the crosswalk at Sprague Avenue and Vista Road against a light. Deputy Joe Bodman was driving more than 70 mph without emergency lights or a siren. He swerved, trying to avoid the boy, and his passenger side tire blew out when he hit the curb to the right. Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich continually points to “four independent investigations” into the events of May 23, 2014, all of which concluded that the deputy’s SUV missed hitting Holyk, who died from severe head trauma after several days in the hospital. He suggests Ryan’s DNA extracted from his skin cells found on the deputy’s bumper is a result of contamination and asks why there isn’t any blood. “Ultimately, this incident would not have occurred if Ryan Holyk had stopped at the intersection and avoided crossing against the red light and Don’t Walk signal,” according to Jarrod Carter, principal member of Origin Forensics LLC, who reviewed the case at the sheriff’s request. The sheriff’s Citizens Advisory and Review Board recently came to similar conclusions. Holyk’s family remains unconvinced. Here’s why:

18 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

 The “significant” amount of Ryan’s DNA found on the deputy’s front driver side bumper is more than one would expect to see from a secondary transfer or contamination, according to sworn testimony from Anna Wilson, the Washington State Patrol forensic investigator who ran the tests.  Ryan’s hat was found about 20 feet into the middle of the intersection, suggesting he was hit by the vehicle and then fell back over his bicycle, according to Mike Maurer, the attorney representing Holyk’s family in their civil lawsuit against the Sheriff’s Office.  Investigators disregarded the DNA evidence based in part on a video analysis by Grant Fredericks, whose conclusions were at first rejected by investigators and later accepted, according to then-Spokane Police Detective Michael Carr’s deposition testimony. Fredericks’ work was previously called into question during the case of Otto Zehm, a mentally ill janitor who died after being beaten by an SPD officer. “Even if you believe what the sheriff is saying, Deputy Bodman is still responsible for this accident,” Maurer says. “If he was running lights and sirens, this doesn’t happen.”


fter Bodman radioed to dispatch that he “hit a pedestrian,” he told Deputy Clay Hilton, who wrote one of the first reports

of this incident, that he “heard his vehicle collide with Ryan Holyk.” But later, in a sworn deposition last November, Bodman concluded he hadn’t hit Holyk, stating, “I assumed Ryan Holyk collided with my vehicle. After I hit the curb, my vehicle came to a stop, my first thought was I didn’t hit him. I looked in my rearview mirror, saw him on the ground, and I assumed I hit him like any other normal citizen would have.” In the original story about this incident, the Inlander relied on a report from WSP Detective Sgt. Jerry Cooper, which incorrectly stated “No DNA or fabric was found” on the SUV. In fact, a “large amount” of Ryan’s DNA was discovered on the driver’s side front bumper in September 2014, according to results of a WSP crime lab analyst. “Ryan and [Bodman’s] vehicle were in close proximity,” Knezovich told the Inlander last July. “There were firefighters, AMR, law enforcement, civilians all around. All it takes is one individual who had contact with Ryan to brush up and touch that vehicle to leave DNA on it.” The report released earlier this month from Origin Forensics suggests the transfer also could have occurred later when the bike and the SUV were being evaluated for damage. Wilson, the WSP forensic investigator who extracted the DNA, says in a deposition that Bodman’s bumper contained a “significant” amount of Ryan’s DNA — an amount she would not expect to see from secondary transfer, as Knezovich suggested. Wilson released these results to Carr, the lead investigator, on Sept. 3, 2014, and the WSP forensic investigator says Carr asked her if there was “any way there could have been a sample switch” — something Wilson says she’s never been asked by a law enforcement official. Carr, for his part, says in a deposition that he spoke with other officers to decide how to handle the newly discovered DNA evidence. Carr says they considered interviewing the first responders and witnesses to discover if any one of them could have contaminated the bumper with Ryan’s DNA. However, ultimately Carr concluded that if he couldn’t determine how the DNA got onto the bumper, that evidence wouldn’t impact his investigation. “You can’t just chose to ignore DNA evidence,” says Maurer, the family’s lawyer. “Perhaps you can chose to diminish the other evidence, but when experts are telling you the only way it got there is by direct contact, you can’t just not believe it because you don’t like it.” Carr declined to comment due to the pending lawsuit.


riginally, Spokane police rejected Grant Fredericks’ video analysis. In an email from Fredericks to one of the SPD investigators after he’d completed his review, he writes: “Normally we wouldn’t worry about it at this point, but given your agency’s position that it has rejected my findings and wanted the work redone, I’m concerned about the payment.” Carr says in a deposition he was instructed to vet other video analysts after the city hired Fredericks. Former assistant Chief Selby Smith, who retired late last year, was concerned about Fredericks’ allegedly impeached testimony in Canada and his controversial involvement in the Zehm case. Carr says he disagreed with Smith’s assessment, and eventually Fredricks’ analysis was allowed to stand. It was that analysis, almost discarded, that Carr cites as another reason to dismiss the DNA evidence. During his deposition, Carr recounts a scenario in which Ryan sets his bike down, and, still on his feet, turned around and was hit just as Bodman flew through the intersection. “That was the only other scenario that … would fall in line with the other evidence that was there,” Carr testified. “However, with the assistance of Grant Fredericks’ analysis … that… didn’t seem realistic.” That scenario, dismissed by Carr, is almost exactly what Maurer believes happened. “I don’t believe Detective Carr went into it saying I’m going to cover this up,” he says. “But I believe he went into it with a mindset in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.” The civil trial to settle these issues for good is set to begin in August of this year. 

Saturday, June 18th 2 - 7 pm Featuring Juan Lopez Cigar rolling demonstrations Sampling and Pairings

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20 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

J Transition Phase

How the latest culture war and civil rights frontier is playing out in the Inland Northwest BY JAKE THOMAS

Jamie Breedlove reclines in her Spokane home. It wasn’t until she was in her 60s that she decided to embrace her true self. “I didn’t want to keep living as someone I wasn’t,” she says. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

amie Breedlove didn’t want to die as the wrong person. Breedlove, 65, had spent most of her life doing what was expected of “macho men.” She learned martial arts, took up whitewater rafting and rock climbing, married four times and served in the Navy. All that time she struggled to deny a powerful and lifealtering feeling: “I must be female.” As she aged, she remembers reading and hearing about people who were assigned one gender at birth but openly identified as being another. Breedlove saw how people like this were becoming more accepted and protected. “As I got older, I said, ‘Aw heck, I’m too old to transition,’” recalls Breedlove. She wrestled with the idea, asking herself, “Is this the right thing to do? Is this what I really want?” But given her age, she concluded, “I don’t want to die in the wrong body.” Now death is very real for Breedlove, who lives in Spokane. This year she was diagnosed with an aggressive type of throat cancer. The medication her doctor gave her didn’t work. The cancer threatens her life. But she’s at peace. In fact, she’s happier than she’s ever been. In 2013, Breedlove transitioned from a male to female. She started making trips to thrift stores to donate her old jeans and button-down shirts and to buy dresses, blouses and cardigans. She grew her hair long and dyed it auburn. She wears a stud in her newly pierced nose. She wears makeup and sports brightpink fingernails. She takes estrogen and testosterone blockers. “My peace is I’m going to die as Jamie, not Jim,” says Breedlove. Transgender people like Breedlove — those who don’t identify with the gender they were assigned at birth — have long been the butts of jokes, easy targets for harassment or violence and relegated to the fringes of society where they’ve battled high rates of poverty and suicide. In recent years, they’ve rapidly moved to center stage, appearing on the covers of magazines, in television and film and even serving openly in the Obama administration. “We have gone through iterations of this,” says Danni Askini, executive director of the Seattle-based Gender Justice League. “It’s trans people now; it was gays and lesbians in the 1990s and 2000s.” Over the past two decades, gays and lesbians have steadily gained more rights, and the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately legalized same-sex marriage last year. But, Askini adds, “There is a low level of understanding with the public of transgender people and who they are.” The number of Americans who identify as trans...continued on next page

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 21

COVER STORY IDENTITY “TRANSITION PHASE,” CONTINUED... gender is nearly 700,000, according to a study by the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, making them less than 1 percent of the general population. According to a 2015 Harris Poll, just 16 percent of Americans know someone who is transgender. This relatively small group faces an outsized amount of discrimination. Research shows that this population is four times more likely to have a household income of under $10,000 than the general population. Forty-one percent attempt suicide. Governmental organizations ranging from the city of Spokane to the U.S. Department of Justice have enacted protections for transgender rights, while the science has largely been settled, with major medical and psychiatric associations adopting more accepting standards of care for these individuals. But new protections, meant to safeguard the rights of transgender people from the bathroom to the workplace, have opened up a new front in the culture war that extends into Idaho and Washington. Over the past decade, the two states have taken divergent paths regarding protections for this population. Washington has embraced civil rights laws for transgender people, while Idaho has largely resisted them. Now the trajectory of both states could change. Washington is preparing for a potentially divisive ballot initiative that would roll back a protection for transgender people, while in Idaho this population is becoming more visible as advocates renew their efforts for increased recognition of their civil rights. Askini says there’s an opportunity for more understanding of transgender people as they become more visible. But she says that as society figures out which bathrooms they’re allowed to use, what medical care

they’re entitled to and what other rights and protections to assign this group of people, there’s a potential for a backlash. “There is a lot of fear in our community,” says Askini. “It is a scary time for us.”


They’ve been here all along. Although the term “transgender” didn’t exist, there are accounts throughout the 1800s of men and women whose gender identity didn’t match that of their assigned sex. Women assumed male identities to fight in the Civil War and kept their personas after the conflict ended. As the U.S. industrialized, urban centers formed, which some historians have argued allowed people who didn’t conform to society’s expectations of their assigned gender to congregate, form communities and become more visible. In the 1950s, Americans were introduced to Christine Jorgensen, a former Army private who traveled to Denmark for hormone treatment and gender-reassignment surgery and became a media spectacle upon her return. “Ex-GI Becomes Blonde Beauty” read a 1952 headline in the New York Daily News. In 1989 the death of Billy Tipton, a well-regarded jazz musician who settled in Spokane, revealed that the Oklahoma-born pianist and saxophonist was born a woman but presented himself as a man in order to be accepted in the male-dominated music industry. The revelation came as shock to his three adopted children and the five women he married over the course of his life. Tipton’s life inspired operas, novels, plays and songs. But over the course of Tipton’s lifetime, much of the public lacked a frame of reference to understand people like him. “We know when we’re very young that there’s something different,” says Breedlove of transgender people.


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22 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

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Jazz musician Billy Tipton, who settled in Spokane, lived as a man. It was later discovered after his death that he had been born a woman. “We don’t have a word for it or a description for it when you’re that young.” Growing up in conservative Richland, Washington, in the 1950s and ’60s, Breedlove had a vague awareness of transgender people she gleaned from books. To her, it was something done by “people in a far away place.” The idea was uncomfortable, not something that “regular people” did. But she kept gravitating towards feminine things. Sometimes she would secretly try on her sisters’ shoes or clothes. “I wish they were my clothes,” Breedlove recalls thinking. “They get to wear these all the time.” As Breedlove grew older, she kept this part of herself hidden away. In keeping with her macho persona, she joined the Navy in 1968. While on shore leave in places like Japan, Australia and Thailand, Breedlove would slip

away and try to be a “regular girl.” She would wear long, flowing dresses, women’s underwear and long, dark wigs that hid her clipped hair. Sometimes she would find a gay bar. Other times she would just find a park and read. When she returned to ship, she would hide the wig and clothes in her locker and live in a state of fear that they would be discovered during an inspection. After being discharged from the Navy in 1975, Breedlove attended graduate school, taught at colleges and universities and tried to live a normal life. Meanwhile, the rights of gays and lesbians became mainstream. States and local governments started passing anti-discrimination laws aimed at protecting the rights of gays and lesbians. Spokane passed its own ordinance in 1999 protecting gays and lesbians. But legal protections for transgender people have lagged behind. Beginning in 1993, Minnesota lawmakers passed legal protections for transgender people. Since then, more than 200 American cities and counties, as well as 17 states, have enacted similar protections. Major medical associations also have called for health care providers to change how they treat transgender people. “They are recognizing that [transgender] people are not just making this up and saying it to get privileges,” says Jamison Green, president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. “Transgender people are not crazy; they are not villains.” In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association added gender identity disorder to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the bible of mental conditions for mental health providers. The classification helped transgender people get some treatment, but it still labeled them as having a “disorder,” which carried a stigma that made it easier to describe the community as mentally ill

or delusional. In 2012, the APA, after a review of literature, issued a landmark revision to the manual changing “gender identity disorder” to “gender dysphoria,” a condition marked by emotional distress from “a marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender.” The update was accompanied by a statement noting the discrimination and violence that transgender people commonly experience. The reclassification meant that transgender people are no longer medically labeled as having a mental “disorder” that can be used against them and can more easily access treatments that affirm their identity. Similarly, in 2008 the American Medical

“Where does that come from?” asks Green. “That’s got to be coming from somewhere.” After decades of internal struggle, Breedlove feels closer to normal than ever. Her transition has given her new perspective. She doesn’t know how she got by without a purse before. She now regrets complaining in the past to wives and girlfriends about taking so long to get ready and not noticing all the times they got their hair styled. She legally changed her middle name to “Eleanor,” after her 92-year-old mother who she says doesn’t understand her transition. Although gender reassignment surgery is covered by Medicare, Breedlove says she’s having a hard time find-

“They are recognizing that [transgender] people are not just making this up and saying it to get privileges.” Association passed a resolution labeling gender dysphoria a “serious medical condition” and called for insurance companies to cover mental health care, hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery. “Basically [those updates] mean that trans people are being recognized as human beings deserving appropriate health care and it’s no longer appropriate to say you don’t matter because you’re trans, which is what people have experienced historically,” says Green. He says the science is still emerging on what causes gender dysphoria, but the origins are likely biological. He says that once transgender people start hormone therapy, they report feeling relaxed and “normal.”


ing a doctor in Spokane who will take its low reimbursement rates. She says she may have to start working again to pay for it. “This is my goal,” she says. “I want to get there as soon as I can.” Last year, Breedlove began celebrating July 11 as her “second birthday.” It’s the day she got her driver’s license designating her as female. She recalls wanting to run down the streets yelling, announcing herself to the world. She ecstatically called her friends, and that night, they all went to the Park Inn bar on Spokane’s South Hill to celebrate. ...continued on next page

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 23



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24 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016



A church may seem like an unlikely place for a meeting like this. On the first Tuesday of every month, dozens of adolescents gather in the parish hall of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Coeur d’Alene. Some drove with their parents from Sandpoint or Moscow. Some didn’t even tell their parents they’re here. This is the monthly meeting of the local chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), and Jenny Seibert, a transgender woman who introduced Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at his Spokane appearance in March, is telling the youths to be cautious about being out in an environment like North Idaho. “It is absurd; it really is,” Seibert tells the crowd. But she, adds, “this is Idaho.” While Seibert speaks, Juli Stratton stands in the back of the room and listens. Stratton founded this group after moving to Coeur d’Alene from Chicago seven years so her partner, now her legal wife, could take a job and be closer to family. In the beginning, she expected no more than a handful of gay, lesbian or gender-nonconforming adolescents to show up to meetings. But this group has only grown, and she hopes it’ll change attitudes. “[Coming here] was the Twilight Zone for me,” says Stratton. “I felt like a big gay fish out of water.” In Chicago, Stratton had lived in Boystown and Andersonville, two of the city’s gay-friendly neighborhoods. But in North Idaho, she saw no rainbow stickers anywhere and no mentions of gays or lesbians in the newspaper. She fell into a depression until she decided to start attending meetings of the Spokane chapter of PFLAG, a national organization that provides advocacy and education on behalf of LGBT people. The first meeting she attended was in a church that had a rainbow flag and a “no hate banner” displayed inside. Stratton says she immediately burst into tears. While attending meetings, she met people who also traveled from Coeur d’Alene to attend, and they figured they could start

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AUG SUN 7 Juli Stratton (left), the founding president of the Coeur d’Alene chapter of Parents, Friends & Family of Lesbians And Gays, serves as education and outreach coordinator. Maureen Finigan (right) serves as the group’s current president. SARAH PHILP PHOTO meeting at home. In April of 2013, PFLAG Coeur d’Alene held its first meeting in a cramped room in the downtown library, drawing an unexpected number of 25 people who heard about the meeting through word of mouth and on Facebook. Each month, PFLAG brings in guest speakers to talk about their experiences or watch educational videos. It holds social events and support groups, including one for gender-nonconforming youths. Now, sometimes up to 60 people attend meetings, says Stratton, in a “sacred, safe space.” “When you look at the climate in Idaho, it’s one of fear of coming out,” says Maureen Finigan, who took over as president of PFLAG Coeur d’Alene earlier this year and notes that many members worry about being attacked or even killed. In the 1990s, Bev Moss formed a chapter of PFLAG in Coeur d’Alene after her 16-year-old daughter came out as gay. At the time gay marriage was nearly unthinkable, and the Aryan Nation was very present in North Idaho. The group met in a church basement, but it fizzled as their kids grew up. “We were pretty closeted as a group,” recalls Moss. But Stratton says the new incarnation of PFLAG wants to be part of the community. And, she says, it has a simple message: “We’re really not different with what we want to do with our lives. We want fair wages for a job, we want the opportunity for jobs, we want the opportunity of marriage.” Last year, PFLAG had an entry in the Coeur d’Alene’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. It was the group’s first public foray and Stratton was nervous. Thirty people, including business owners and members of the group, marched down Sherman Avenue with a banner reading “Pride In Community — Honoring Diversity.” No one heckled or threw things, says Stratton. They later marched with the Kootenai County Democrats in the Fourth of July parade and will have their own entry this year. They also placed an ad in ...continued on next page

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JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 25

COVER STORY IDENTITY ship and will be highlighting where legislative candidates stand on the issue. Meanwhile, Stratton, who identifies as gender-nonconforming, says that while she’s experienced no outright hostility in Coeur d’Alene, she gets strange looks and has had comments directed at her like “queer,” or “is that a guy or a girl?” She says that most people just need to meet people like her. “They need to know that we’re not the scary things they have in their minds,” she says.

“TRANSITION PHASE,” CONTINUED... the paper for their annual rummage sale, a small measure of publicity they would have shunned in the past. Finigan says they’ve had no backlash. No protestors outside of meetings, no angry confrontations. “No drama,” she says. “That is an amazing thing.” Earlier this spring, Stratton nervously dropped off an application to join the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce. “They said, ‘We’re so glad you’re here,’” says Stratton, adding that while the history of the area is associated with bigotry, “people are so tired of that reputation.” Steve Wilson, president and CEO of the chamber, says that white supremacist groups left a “big black mark” on the city that people want to scrub away. He points to an ordinance passed in 2013 that made it illegal for businesses, with a few exceptions, to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation or gender expression. “Generally speaking, what is socially correct is good economics,” says Wilson of why his organization supported the ordinance. Outside of the 12 Idaho cities that have ordinances banning discrimination based on people’s sexual orientation or gender identity, it’s legal to deny LGBT people housing or jobs. It happens. In 2013, a transgender woman was charged with trespassing in Lewiston after she tried to use the women’s restroom at a Rosauers. According to a report from the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, 78 percent of transgender respondents to a survey conducted in Idaho reported harassment or discrimination at work, and nearly half had been discriminated against in hiring, promotion or job retention because of their gender identity.


Last year, Caitlyn Jenner became possibly the most famous transgender person in the world. The former Olympic athlete’s transition was very public and the subject of a Vanity Fair cover story. Since 2007, activists have been trying to convince lawmakers to add four words — “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” — to the Idaho Human Rights Act, a law that prohibits discrimination in educational, housing and workplace settings. But Idaho lawmakers have balked. Chelsea Gaona Lincoln, chair of the Add the Words campaign, says that her group has new regional leader-

In 2006, Washington lawmakers updated the state’s Law Against Discrimination, effectively outlawing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity for employment, insurance, housing and other areas. Currently, an effort is underway to qualify a statewide ballot initiative that, if passed, would change how that law applies to which bathrooms and locker rooms transgender people can use. Late last year, the Washington State Human Rights Commission, an agency that interprets and enforces the state’s anti-discrimination laws, issued a rule that requires any facility open to the public to allow people to use restrooms and locker rooms (including in schools) that align with their gender identity. After the rule became public, calls to repeal it were swift, and Washington entered the culture war over transgender people and bathrooms. “Parents have a right to expect that when their children go to school, the boys will use the boys’ locker room and the girls will use the girls’ locker room,” reads a statement issued in January by state Sen. Doug Ericksen, R-Ferndale. “For political reasons the commission overturned a sensible and deeply ingrained cultural tradition without informing the public, telling the Legislature or

INNOVATIVE INLANDERS are more than just readers. They’re everything from baristas to beer snobs, and from soccer moms to CEOs — all with ever-changing appetites for media. So we have to be more than just a paper. We’re event planners for things like our own Volume Music Festival and Inlander Restaurant Week. We’re digital geeks offering daily news coverage online, along with ways to find your favorite local events right on your smartphone.

We’re even philanthropists, supporting local charities and nonprofits every year. All the while, we remain committed to the award-winning, independent journalism you expect and deserve. It’s a big job for a hometown paper to keep innovating and changing with its readers. But we’re in this for the long haul — informing, supporting and maintaining the vibrant community we call home. And that will never change.

I N L A N D E R . C O M / I N N OVAT I V E

26 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016


even issuing a press release.” Earlier this year, states began considering so-called “bathroom bills,” all of which concerned which restrooms transgender people could enter. During the most recent legislative session, Washington legislators considered a bathroom bill that would have undone the HRC’s rule and would have barred the commission from issuing any regulations on gender-segregated facilities. The bill passed the state Senate but died in the House. Now a group of activists have begun gathering signatures and funds for I-1515, a ballot initiative that would undo the HRC rule and bar local governments from adopting laws that guarantee transgender people can use bathrooms of their choice. The most notable bathroom bill is the one signed into law in March by North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory that would require people to use public bathrooms consistent with the gender on their birth certificates, while banning municipalities from enacting anti-discrimination ordinances. In response, the U.S. Justice Department has threatened legal action and companies have indicated they’ll avoid the state, with PayPal notably announcing that they’d cancel an expansion in the state that would have created 400 jobs. In May, the Obama administration issued a directive instructing public schools across the country to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their identity. Idaho joined 10 other states that responded with a lawsuit against the Obama administration over the directive, and Gov. Butch Otter has called it an “offensive attempt at social engineering [that] only harms our children.” “The rhetoric they are spewing is so hateful and so dangerous to transgender folks,” says Jan Shannon, a assistant pastor at Spokane’s Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ who is leading statewide efforts to oppose I-1515. “This is just unfounded fear, so we need to stand up to that, even if doesn’t make it to the ballot.” ...continued on next page

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JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 27





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But Kaeley Triller Haver, communications director for Just Want Privacy, the campaign for I-1515, says, “There are genuinely kind people who have legitimate concerns about this that don’t have a voice in this.” Triller Haver says I-1515 has been unfairly conflated with North Carolina’s law and points out that repealing the HRC rule wouldn’t necessarily force transgender people to use bathrooms that match their birth certificate. Instead, she says, it would allow businesses to make their own decisions. Inside public schools, however, transgender students would have to use bathrooms of the gender they were assigned at birth. Under the initiative, students could sue a school for $2,500 if they encountered “a person of the opposite sex” in a bathroom or locker room. Faith communities as well as victims of sexual violence — who may find it traumatic to encounter someone who is anatomically male in a women’s locker room — have been left out of the conversation, she says. Triller Haver points to an incident in Seattle where a man entered a woman’s locker room at a pool, citing his right to be there under the new HRC rule. She expects that rule will lead to similarly confusing and volatile situations. “The rules don’t say a man can go into a women’s restroom, they say that a transgender woman can go in the women’s restroom,” responds Sharon Ortiz, executive director of the Human Rights Commission, who says there already are laws barring men from going into the women’s bathroom. Ortiz says that the rule just codifies how the commission has been enforcing the law since 2006. The commission began a public rulemaking process in 2012, but she says the HRC had budget cuts and major IT issues, making outreach harder. Triller Haver says, “If they wanted people to know this, they could have told them; it’s not hard.” She points to incidents where men have posed as women to enter women’s restrooms to commit devious acts. But opponents of repealing the rule point to research showing that transgender people are already at a higher risk of being attacked or harassed than the general public, and that laws like this haven’t led to an increase in assaults or voyeurism in restrooms. Ortiz says that someone who has transitioned from female to male may look completely like a biological man. But if the rule were to be repealed, says Ortiz, that person could be placed in the potentially awkward or dangerous position of having to use the women’s restroom. “It’s a very easy, scary trope that can be used to demonize people,” says Green, of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, of concerns that allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice will aid predators. “It’s been done with every civil rights movement in this country. Every group that has been singled out has been told they can’t use the bathroom.”


For Rosie-Mae Green, a 24-year-old transgender homeless woman, using the bathroom is often a reminder that she doesn’t look like a woman.

28 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

Jamie (then “James”) Breedlove grew up in Richland, Washington, always knowing that something about her was different. Sometimes she can’t shave and a thick beard sprouts up. Hormone treatment and surgery remain out of reach, she says. Although she knows that she can legally use the women’s restroom, she often doesn’t. “I get told to use the men’s room, or there are too many women in the women’s room and they start yelling at me and causing fights with me,” says Green, who lives in Spokane. “So I just use the men’s room to avoid all that.” Sometimes she buys over-the-counter estrogen supplements, but she says people won’t recognize her transition until she’s on hormones. Last year, Washington state began requiring Medicaid to cover hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery for transgender people. Green is on Medicaid, but before getting these treatments, a patient has to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a qualified mental health professional. Green says that in Spokane she’s had a hard time finding a counselor to work with her. “Sadly, there aren’t that many practitioners in Spokane,” says Marybeth Markham, a counselor who specializes in helping transgender people, many of whom have been abandoned by family and friends. She says that the handful of doctors and mental health workers in Spokane who have experience working with this population isn’t enough to meet demand. She also says she wants to accept Medicaid, but has yet to get through its red tape. Green, of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, says that getting this treatment can be a challenge for people on Medicaid or Medicare because the reimbursements typically don’t cover the physician’s costs. Rosie-Mae Green has been homeless since last October after her landlord told her to leave, which she suspects was because neighbors complained about her wearing women’s clothing and “low-cut Gene Simmons boots.” She sleeps on people’s couches, in backyards and “anywhere I can lay my head down.” But she avoids shelters operated by Union Gospel Mission or Catholic Charities, two religious social service nonprofits. She says she’s been harassed while trying to sleep at Catholic Charities’ House of Charity by other clients who screamed at her to get out. UGM ...continued on next page

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Jamie Breedlove worries that her transition could be cut short by her cancer diagnosis. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO


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30 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

won’t let her in to eat lunch, she says, and told her “to come here as a guy or not come here at all.” When asked about its policies regarding transgender individuals, Catholic Charities responded with a statement from Rob McCann, its executive director, stating, “We follow all local, state and federal laws and guidelines related to issues of equal service delivery to all persons. We serve everyone at Catholic Charities regardless of religious beliefs, age, gender, race, disability, ethnicity, cultural background, or socio-economic status.” A statement provided by UGM notes that its“shelters are not equipped to serve all segments of the homeless population.” “Homeless families, individuals with serious mental illnesses, transgender, people with significant medical concerns or inLETTERS dividuals who Send comments to are unable to function independently are referred to other agencies better equipped to accommodate their needs,” reads the statement. Green says she’s been jumped while dressed in women’s clothes and she was confronted by a group of men who took her money. One of them drew a gun and told her they would kill her on the spot if they see her again. She’s applied for jobs in retail and fast food, but problems inevitably arise when she checks “female” on the application. When asked why she doesn’t just check “male” on the application, she says she doesn’t have the money for the fees to get her ID changed. Besides, she says, that’s not who she is. “I don’t feel male,” she says. “I’m female. I’ve always felt female. … It’s not a choice. You don’t choose to be straight. I don’t choose to feel like I’m female; I just am.” There have been 18 complaints made to the

Washington State Human Rights Commission over the past three years alleging discrimination based on gender identity, two of which were from Spokane. However, Ortiz says that there’s likely more discrimination that the HRC does not hear about because people are afraid or think nothing will be done. The most recent National Transgender Discrimination Survey found that 72 percent of transgender respondents in Washington reported harassment or mistreatment on the job. Forty-two percent were not hired at all as a result of being transgender. Ten percent of respondents reported being evicted and 19 percent had become homeless because of their gender identity. Green says that there are more people like her than most people realize. And, she says, “they all bleed red.”


The process of transitioning is never really complete, says Jamie Breedlove. “No doubt I’m envious of the younger people,” says Breedlove, who wonders what life might have been like had she transitioned earlier. “Almost as ridiculous as it sounds sometimes, [I wish] I would have grown up and met a nice boy and gotten married,” says Breedlove. She pauses before punctuating the thought with a “wow.” But that thought, she continues, is now just “a fantasy.” Overall, she says people have been supportive. Old classmates from high school take her to doctor’s appointments. She says she had a negative experience with a doctor while being treated for a burn. The only other time she’s experienced anything negative was when her cancer treatment coordinator referred to her as “he.” The coordinator was embarrassed after Breedlove corrected her. “It’s actually OK,” Breedlove responded. “It’s taken me 65 years to get it right.” 

Saturday June 11, 2016 Pride Parade & Rainbow Festival

P ride 25:

From Silence to Celebration

Spokane Pride is the Eastern Washington’s largest annual celebration of LGBTQAI* people. Beginning in 1992 as a simple sidewalk march—some participants with bags on their heads to protect their identities—it has evolved into a colorful motorized parade and afternoon festival that brightens downtown Spokane the second Saturday of June. Like similar events across the country and around the globe, Spokane Pride commemorates the hard work and heroes of the modern gay rights movement, known as the Stonewall Riots. Gays and drag queens who frequented the Stonewall Inn in New York City, finally, fought back against unjustified and constant police harassment and raids at the small bar. From that auspicious start in 1969 to Washington State’s legislative passage and voter upholding of marriage equality in 2012, Spokane’s LGBTQAI* community honors its rich history and strong heritage. This June marks the 25th year we’ve celebrated Pride in Spokane. Join us for the day to celebrate who and where we are now, to honor our past, and to take a look toward our collective futures. Please come out and enjoy a day of festivities, entertainment, and Pride. Everyone is welcome! The Pride Parade starts downtown at Noon, so be sure to get downtown early. The Rainbow Festival also begins at Noon, with stage entertainment kicking off immediately following the parade. Gondola Meadows (by the Bloomsday runners), in Riverfront Park will be host to the Rainbow Festival and festival highlights include: Live entertainment from headliner Beverly McClellan from NBC’s The Voice, and several familiar local performers as well as, a resource/ business fair, kid zone (with a climbing wall from Wild Walls and petting zoo provided by Second Chance Ranch). Additionally, Odyssey Teen Zone presented by INBA Outreach (for 13 to 18 year-olds), and an expanded nYne Pride Bar featuring Beer, Wine, & Spirits (for the older kids). Bring your entire family for a day of fun. Pride’s Palette, a new feature to the festival, developed by local artist JJ Rocco, brings together about 40 other local artists who have created Pride-themed exhibits. We are excited about this announcement, because of all the different possibilities to come from present artists to future works! 30% of each sale is being donated by the artists to help fund Pride 2017. Pride’s Palette will be in the North West section of the festival, under the Gondola rides, directly North of the nYne Pride Bar. To mark Spokane’s 25th Pride, a History Wall has been assembled to highlight milestones and chart the growth of Pride in Spokane. From our very first marchers, some with bag covered heads disguising their identities, to being only the third city in the United States to parade with a military Color Guard, be sure to remember our past while looking towards our future. After the festival’s regular hours, we will be going into the night with an all-ages dance party from 6:00pm - 10:00pm hosted by Spokane’s very own, DJ Jewels! The nYne Pride Bar will stay open late and for the first time in our history, at approximately 10:00pm, there will be a fireworks display as our final commemoration of Spokane’s 25 years of Pride! There is something for everyone at Pride, be a part of it. We want to see YOU there!

* Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Asexual & Intersex

SPOKANE PRIDE: FACTS AT A GLANCE Pride Parade Pride History Wall Rainbow Clock Tower Odyssey Teen Zone (presented by INBA OutReach) Kid Zone Surprise Guests! Live Entertainment nYne Pride Bar Beverly McClellan Rainbow Llamas After-Hours All-Ages Dance Party Fireworks! @ Much, Much More!

Show Your Pride!

On the following pages, we have proudly provided a rainbow flag for you to “fly” and show your support of Spokane’s LGBTQI communityI Please place in your store, car or home window from June 1 - June 30.




1992 - 2016 • SPOKANE

Celebrating 25 Years of P ride!


Interfaith Pride Service 7:00pm. Free to all. Spark Center, Kendall Yards, 1214 W. Summit Parkway, Spokane.

2016 Pride Foundation Scholarship Celebration 6:00pm. Free. Saranac Building Rooftop, 25 W. Main Avenue, Spokane. Peacekeeper Training for Pride 5:30pm, Light refreshments and snacks; 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Peacekeeping workshop. Free. Peace & Justice Action League of Spokane (PJALS), 35 W. Main, Suite 120M.

THURSDAY JUNE 9 QueerSounds – Guest: Jasmin Singer 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Thin Air Community Radio. The Sex Ed Do-Over: Trivia Night 6:00pm, Register your team of up to six people . 6:30pm - 8:00pm, 6:30 sharp, trivia begins. Free. nYne Bar & Bistro, 232 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane. PFLAG Spokane’s 6th Annual Comedy Night 8:30pm, Door; 9:00pm, Show. $10.00; $15.00 at the door; 21+. nYne Bar & Bistro, 232 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane.

FRIDAY JUNE 3 - JUNE 19 Laramie Project: Ten Years Later 7:30pm, Performances June 3 - 19, 2016. $10.00, Reserved Seating. Stage Left Theater, 108 West 3rd Avenue, Spokane.

FRIDAY JUNE 3 - JUNE 30 Andy’s Bar & Grill Proudly Presents: Colt Magazine, Golden Years 11:30am - 2:00am. No Cover. Andy’s Bar & Grill, 1401 West 1st Avenue, Spokane.

FRIDAY JUNE 3 37th ISCS Gay Spokane Pageant: In/Out of Town Show 8:00pm, Door; 9:00pm, Show. $5.00, Without Pride Pass. Stray Night Club, 415 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane. PFLAG CDA: Pride in the Park 10:00am - 1:00pm. Free. City Park Picnic Shelter, Mullan Rd. & Northwest Blvd., CDA, Idaho. 37th ISCS Gay Spokane Pageant: Hospitality 11:00am - 1:00pm. 12:30pm, Boarding Stray Nightclub Party Bus. Stray Night Club, 415 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane. 20th Annual Lake CDA Pride Cruise 1:00pm, Boarding. 2:00pm - 4:00pm, Cruise. $20.00; $25.00 day of. Coeur D’Alene Resort, 115 South 2nd Street, Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Mik’s Pride Cruise After Party 4:00pm – Close. No Cover, 21+ ID required. Mik’s, 406 N 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. 37th ISCS Gay Spokane Pageant: Red Carpet Prom Night 4:30pm, Stray Nightclub presents The Pop Tarts. 5:00pm, Door; 6:00pm, Show; $20.00, Without Pride Pass. Stray Night Club, 415 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane. Rocky Horror Picture Show 11:30pm, Door; 12:00am, Show. $7.00. The Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland, Spokane OUTSpoken – Guest: Rag Tag Theatre, national touring LGBT company 12:00pm - 2:00pm. Thin Air Community Radio. X-Rated Bingo 8:00pm. No cover; $5.00 per bingo card; One bingo card included with Pride Pass. Stray Night Club, 415 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane.

MONDAY JUNE 6 Presentation of City of Spokane LGBTQ Pride Proclamation 6:00pm. Free. Lower level of City Hall, 808 W. Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane.

FRIDAY JUNE 10 Jasmin Singer – Book Reading & Signing 7:00pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Avenue, Spokane. FOAM Party 9:30pm, Beyonce DeLuxe St. James & Illusion Femme Fatale; 10:00pm - 2:00am, FOAM Party. $5.00, Without Pride Pass. Stray Night Club, 415 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane.




Official Pride Brunch 9:00am - Noon. $9.00, adults; $5.00, children 8 and under. nYne Bar & Bistro, 232 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane. Stray Pride Early Bird Parade Party 10:00am. Stray Night Club, 415 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane. Trans People March at 25th Spokane Pride Parade 10:30am, Staging begins. 12:00pm, Parade steps off. Free.

SPOKANE PRIDE – Pride 25: From Silence to Celebration SPOKANE PRIDE2016 2016 – CELEBRATING 25 YEARS OF PRIDE! 25th Annual LGBTQA Pride Parade 10:30am, Staging begins. 12:00pm, Parade steps off. Free for all ages. Begins: Intersection of North Stevens and West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane. 25th Annual LGBTQA Rainbow Festival12:00pm. FREE for all ages; everyone is welcome. Gondola Meadows, Riverfront Park. Official Pride Dance Party 6:00pm. Free for all, Dance party; nYne Pride Bar - 21+. Gondola Meadows, Riverfront Park. Pride Fireworks 10:00pm. Free for all. Gondola Meadows, Riverfront Park. Official Pride After Party 3:00pm, DJ. 8:00pm, Beverly McClellan and DJ Ricki Leigh. $5.00, Cover. nYne Bar & Bistro, 232 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane. Stray End of Pride Week Festivities 8:30pm, Door, 9:30pm, Show; Nova Kaine and Le Gurlz show, Pride Edition. $5.00. Stray Night Club, 415 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane.

TUESDAY JUNE 7 509 Ultra Lounge Official Grand Opening 6:00pm - 7:00pm, VIP Party; 7:00pm, Public grand opening. 509 Ultra Lounge, 419 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane.


Events are subject to change • Go to for event details and the most up-to-date information







Spokane Pride 199

INBA June Networking Lunch: LGBT & Native American Parallels 11:30am - 1:00pm. $30 Member/First time guest; $40 Returning guest. Northern Quest Casino and Resort, 100 N. Hayford Road, Airway Heights. Mr., Miss, & Ms., Gay Pride 2016-17 7:00pm, Door; 8:00pm, Show. $5.00 entry fee. Stray Night Club, 415 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane.


Fun in the Find How the Farm Chicks Show became one of the biggest antique and vintage shows around, and helped transform Spokane into a vintage shopping hotspot BY CHEY SCOTT


ours before doors open, the line grows. Snaking hundreds of feet through the Spokane County fairgrounds parking lot, the mostly female crowd is ready; collapsible shopping carts, tote bags and wagons in tow. The early morning air buzzes with excited chatter as they sip from drive-through coffee cups while they wait. Making the pilgrimage from Canada, Oregon, Utah and beyond (some even via international flights), they’re on a treasure hunt of epic proportions. The challenge before them: to scour hundreds of stalls filled to the brim with every sort of vintage and antique item one could imagine. There’s repurposed furniture, retro kitchenware, vintage art and clothing, rustic farm equipment, industrial salvage pieces and, in general, old things galore. Many wait all year for Farm Chicks Show weekend — it’s like Christmas in June. What began 14 years ago as a modest vintage and antique market in a barn has now grown to the second largest event of the year at the Fair & Expo Center, just behind the fair itself. The Farm Chicks Antique Show was started in 2002 by Serena Thompson, a creative homemaker and contributor to Country Living magazine who runs the business from her idyllic Green Bluff farmhouse. Fans agree that the show lives up to its tagline “the happiest antiques show on Earth.” And early on, it caught national attention. “I fell in love with the show right away for several reasons,” says Nancy Soriano, who served as Country Living

editor-in-chief for 10 years and now is the New Yorkbased editorial director for the lifestyle brand West Elm. “One is that it had a great spirit,” Soriano continues. “Also, there was this great camaraderie of women, a lot of women who might have been collectors or stay-at-home moms and were just starting to launch a business, and this was an opportunity for them to be a part of a show. It was a great selection of vendors and product — a wonderful community, and Serena really added to that.” Soriano wrote about the show for Country Living, and invited Thompson and her then-business partner, Teri Edwards, to become contributing editors to the lifestyle magazine. That major nod to the show, and toward the audience it directly catered to, undoubtedly helped propel Farm Chicks — and Spokane’s still growing vintage and antique shopping scene — to where it is today. Attendance increases every year. Last year, more than 20,000 shoppers visited the show during its two-day run. Demand to become a vendor in the juried event is so high that spaces for next year will be full by July, or sooner. “Farm Chicks has a lot of people, that this is what they do for fun. It’s not their main business, and it’s something I really love about it,” Thompson explains from her loft office above the barn-to-garage conversion that overlooks the green fields and orchards spreading across Green Bluff. “The show is huge, but it’s really important to me that it’s a lot of small businesses,” she says. “I think that’s something unique about it. For a lot of people, this is

Scenes at the Farm Chicks Show, and founder Serena Thompson, top right. PHOTOS COURTESEY OF SERENA THOMPSON

something they collect all year for.” For this year’s 14th annual Farm Chicks Show, Thompson expanded to the fourth and final bay of the fairgrounds main exhibit hall, filling all available indoor space at the venue. This weekend, more than 170 vendors will set up shop, many taking up multiple vendor stalls, across the 90,000-square-foot exhibit halls. ...continued on next page

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 35


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36 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016


n the weeks leading up to Farm Chicks, vendors at Boulevard Mercantile are feeling the hustle. On a Thursday afternoon, one of the shop’s 10 vendor-space renters is “blowing up her space,” and piles of old stuff are everywhere. Boulevard co-owner Joellen Jeffers laughs as she explains the phrase is shop-speak for when vendors need to add and refresh items in their ever-changing inventory of things for sale at the shop. When one piece sells, a new piece must rotate in. Boulevard Mercantile opened in February 2015, joining the ranks of vintage, antique and thrift stores lining the blocks of North Monroe between downtown and Garland Avenue. Most of the sellers inside the historic, triangular building got their start at Farm Chicks, including Jeffers and her husband, David, who own the store with business partner Dan Webb. Two weeks before the show, they’re out on a “picking” mission at a local, retired collector’s home who’s invited them to check out some pieces he may be willing to part with. Private collectors, estate and garage sales, and simply having local connections who know that Jeffers and Webb resell antique and vintage goods all help to keep their inventory fresh and full. Yet searching for items to resell as part of their curated inventory requires careful balance. The local collector offers Jeffers and Webb a box of paper hand fans from a now-defunct Spokane funeral home, inscribed with hymns on one side and a soft watercolor of Jesus and his faithful on the other. They’re kitschy and nostalgic, but what would a buyer use them for? “That’s what I have to think about,” Jeffers says. “I’m like, ‘I like that,’ but who’s my clientele? And I think about that wish list back at the store and go through that in my mind, because I don’t want something sitting in the store forever.” Webb, meanwhile, has recently returned from a three-week, cross-country trip to load up a truck and trailer with finds from the massive Brimfield Antique Show, founded in 1959 and now held three times annually in its Massachusetts town namesake. Many of the pieces he purchased there will be in his own Farm Chicks stall, under the name Storehouse Goods. Farm Chicks weekend means double duty for Boulevard Mercantile’s owners and sellers, as they’ll fill spaces on the show floor (doing about two month’s worth of sales in just two days) while making sure the shop is filled with treasures of equal quality. With so many out-oftown shoppers here for the show weekend, brickand-mortar vintage and antique retailers must prepare for an influx unlike any other time of the year. Boulevard will add extra hours on Saturday evening and Sunday, a day it’s usually closed. In downtown Spokane, it’s the same for the 18 sellers at Chosen Vintage (formerly Roost). “Farm Chicks throws a lot of business to us,” says Jean Corder, who sells there under the shop name MagPye. “People load up at Farm Chicks, and then load up here. It’s really impacted the thrifting and flea market scene drastically. [Spokane is] a destination for it now.” Corder doesn’t sell her vintage finds at Farm Chicks, yet says she always shows up as a shopper each year. “Farm Chicks definitely exposed Spokane —

Show vendors set up intricate displays of old treasures. and me — to the idea of just how big this can get,” she adds.


he market for vintage and antique goods has always existed, yet not quite on the same scale it’s reached now. Whether influenced by do-it-yourself TV shows on HGTV, bloggers and lifestyle magazines, or events like Farm Chicks, decorating one’s home with a combination of old and new has developed a mass appeal. “You might not have a lot of vintage, or maybe you dabble with it, but you can just put one great piece out and it adds so much warmth,” show founder Thompson explains. “Everyone wants to feel a little special or have their own unique style, and I think that’s what’s fun about vintage. You can find special little things that no one else has,” she continues. “There is real satisfaction in finding this great thing, this one thing you hunted down. You also have this memory of this special day where you went out and found these great things.” Luckily for Spokane and those who travel here to shop at Farm Chicks and the local shops, our market for vintage and antique goods is still somewhat untapped. Prices aren’t overinflated, which Thompson has seen in other parts of the country, like California, and often you’re finding goods that have only passed through one or two owners. “Here, someone found it at a farm sale, and got it from the original owners,” she notes. That plays well into the desire from shoppers to know the story behind these old objects they’re bringing into their homes, pieces often built to last for generations. “People like things that are functional, and they want things that are affordable and that are authentic and have a story behind them,” says Boulevard Mercantile’s Webb. “Spokane just happens to have a lot of stuff, a lot of old stuff, and it’s all coming to the surface.”  The Farm Chicks Antique Show • Sat, June 4, from 9 am-6 pm; Sun, June 5, from 9 am-4 pm • $8/day or $15/weekend pass (entry is cash only) • Spokane County Fair & Expo Center • 404 N. Havana •





TV I can’t tell you too much about BLOODLINE because it’s quite likely that you have yet to binge-watch this often overlooked Netflix series, which just dropped its entire second season last week. I can tell you, however, that it’s probably the most nuanced family drama you’ll ever see. You’ll find yourself in deep with the Rayburn family, a Florida Keys clan who present a polished veneer to the vacation community where they’ve long run a bed and breakfast, but harbor some awful secrets and animosity at their core. Last season was all about the family’s black sheep brother, Danny, and his reckless desire to take down the Rayburn name. This season, we meet the son nobody knew existed.

he June edition of First Friday features a long list of intriguing art exhibits around the city (see listings below) including a collaborative show featuring the Kolva-Sullivan Gallery and its neighbor, Trackside Studio Ceramic Art Gallery. The two spaces, along with Gonzaga’s Art Department, are hosting the Washington Clay Arts Association Summer Social, which features three different events. On Friday from 5 to 8 pm, Kolva-Sullivan features 25 pieces chosen by renowned ceramic artist Ryan LaBar for a juried show. Also on Friday at the same time, Trackside hosts another show juried by Montana artist Donna Flanery. On Saturday at Gonzaga’s Jundt Art Museum, Flanery and LaBar host the free Washington Clay Arts Association workshop from 9 am to 4 pm.

“Humming With Danger” by Ryan LaBar at Kolva-Sullivan Gallery.

FIRST FRIDAY: JUNE 3 ARTIST RECEPTIONS ON FRIDAY FROM 5-8 PM Mixed media by Tara Steinmetz KOLVA-SULLIVAN GALLERY, 115 S. Adams; “Changing Plains,” a juried exhibit by the Washington Clay Arts Association KRESS GALLERY / RIVER PARK SQUARE, 808 W. Main; Art by Melinda Melvin and Shanda Brown Woodward LEFTBANK WINE BAR, 108 N. Washington; Mixed media by Ron LeMay LIBERTY BUILDING, 203 N. Washington; Art throughout the building by various local artists LUCKY LEAF CO., 1111 W. First; Group show featuring various local artists MARKETPLACE WINERY, 32 W. Pacific; Wax encaustics by Christy Branson MARMOT ART SPACE, 1206 W. Summit Pkwy.; Sculpture by Wayne Chabre MARY SUE’S BOUGHT BEFORE BOUTIQUE, 2102 E. Sprague; Group show featuring various local artists MCCARTHY ART CO., 120 N. Wall; Paintings by Michael McCarthy and Amber Sanderson MISSING PIECE TATTOO, 410 W. Sprague; Art by Terran Echegoyen McCabe NECTAR TASTING ROOM, 120 N. Stevens; Drawings by Kim Long NORDSTROM CAFE, 828 W. Main, third floor; Live music by local artists THE OBSERVATORY, 15 S. Howard; Art by Susan Webber POTTERY PLACE PLUS, 203 N. Washington; Drawings by Larry Bergman and leatherwork by Staci Schubert THE RESERVE, 120 N. Wall; Paintings by Grace Barnes


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RICHMOND ART COLLECTIVE, 228 W. Sprague; Interactive installation by Karen Briem RIVERFRONT PARK, 507 N. Howard; Car show by the Society of Vintage Racing Enthusiasts RIVER PARK SQUARE, 808 W. Main, first floor; Live blues by “Lonesome” Lyle Morse and paintings by Tracy Dupuis ROBERT KARL CELLARS, 115 W. Pacific; Acrylic paintings by Hara Allison SARANAC ART PROJECTS, 25 W. Main; “Uncharted Territory” by Mariah Boyle and “Silver Linings” by Jo K. Quetsch SATELLITE DINER, 425 W. Sprague; Art by Ron Holliday ST. JOHN’S CATHEDRAL, 127 E. 12th; “The Bridge” featuring artists from 15 countries STEAM PLANT, 159 S. Lincoln; A car and art show in the north parking lot STEELHEAD BAR & GRILLE, 218 N. Howard; Mixed media by Judy Minter TAMARACK PUBLIC HOUSE, 912 W. Sprague; Art by James Wynd THE TIN ROOF, 401 W. First; Mixed media by Ben Joyce TRACKSIDE STUDIO CERAMIC GALLERY, 115 S. Adams; “Taste of Summer,” a juried exhibit by the Washington Clay Arts Association UNITY IN THE COMMUNITY, 111 N. Wall; Abstracts by Dani Fletcher and a silent auction fundraiser WILLIAM GRANT GALLERY, 1188 W. Summit Pkwy.; Watercolors by Vicki West n

BLOG I fear that even typing these words will curse the good fortune this spring has brought to the Northwest, but here goes: The Seattle Mariners are legitimately good this year. There are a lot of solid reporters relaying to you the M’s winning ways as of late, but if you want to see things from a different perspective, check out SB Nation’s LOOKOUT LANDING ( The site, edited by the often hilarious Nathan Bishop, provides a more lively and relaxed look at the team than what you’re going to find in the daily paper. Its writers have all the WAR and WPA rundowns that advanced statistics hounds (I am not one of them) crave, coupled with thoughtful essays, goofy fan posts and a sometimes off-the-rails podcast. n





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AUNTIE’S BOOKSTORE, 402 W. Main; “Three Minute Mic” feat. Chrisy Riddle Schultz AVENUE WEST GALLERY, 907 W. Boone; Paintings by Bari Cordia Federspiel BISTANGO, 108 N. Post; Live music by Ron Green BARILI CELLARS, 608 W. Second; “Best of Barili” group painting show BARRISTER WINERY, 1213 W. Railroad; Watercolor paintings by Bart DeGraaf THE BARTLETT, 228 W. Sprague; Photography by Chona Kasinger BELLWETHER BREWING CO., 2019 N. Monroe; Photography by Rebecca Tifft CORE PILATES AND WELLNESS, 1230 W. Summit Pkwy.; Art by Patti Simpson Ward CRAFTSMAN CELLARS, 1194 W. Summit Pkwy.; Art by Chuck and Alice Harmon CHRONICLE BUILDING & COURTYARD, 926 W. Sprague; See historic photos, artifacts and film of the building EAST SPRAGUE GALLERY, 1812 E. Sprague; Art by students at Ferris High School EXPRESS EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONALS, 331 W. Main; Photography by John R. Rogers High School students GIANT NERD BOOKS, 709 N. Monroe; Mixed media by David Wellens GONZAGA UNIVERSITY, Ceramics Dept., 200 E. Desmet; A free, one-day workshop by sculpture artist Ryan LaBar HILLS’ RESTAURANT & LOUNGE, 401 W. Main; World fusion music by Todd Milne & Friends IRON GOAT BREWING CO., 1302 W. Second;

ALBUM OK, I’ll admit it. I like the Grateful Dead. Not necessarily the Dead that did those sloppy farewell stadium shows, only to return months later with a slightly different lineup and name, but rather the lofty notion of the Grateful Dead as some of the best American folk music. And that’s why I’m so enthralled with DAY OF THE DEAD, an all-star three-disc tribute to the band featuring a who’s-who of critically acclaimed musicians and curated by indie gods the National. Jenny Lewis and Phosphorescent team up on a swinging “Sugaree,” Courtney Barnett provides a bouncy “New Speedway Boogie,” while the National give their haunting touch to “Peggy-O” and “Morning Dew.” That’s just a sampling of the 59-cut project that should immediately be entered into the Library of Congress, lest we not forget the Dead.

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JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 37

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Art Storm

These masks will be auctioned off at this weekend’s ArtFest.

Big names and compelling creativity are on display at the 31st ArtFest BY MIKE BOOKEY


his weekend, ArtFest descends upon historic Coeur d’Alene Park in Spokane’s Browne’s Addition neighborhood, just as it has since 1986. The festival, produced by the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture (MAC), features approximately 140 booths from local, regional and national artists, covering a wide range of artistic mediums. It’s a lot of creativity to take in — and there’s also live music, food and a beer garden. A few notes about this year’s ArtFest.


ArtFest doesn’t struggle when it comes to receiving applications from artists to present at the festival. MAC development officer Jerry Smith, who oversees much of ArtFest, says they’ve actually limited the number of artist booths so as to not make the festival too cumbersome for patrons, while keeping artists from being lost in the shuffle. Smith adds that this year, the festival approached prominent local artists to show their works in the park. One of those names is Ric Gendron, the veteran Spokane artist whose work has been prominently shown throughout Spokane and beyond. Smith says that although Gendron keeps a busy schedule touring with his art, ArtFest was able to lure him back into the fold this year, and that he’ll be showing some new works. Artfest also worked to bring in some new talents who have never participated, including Ben Joyce, the local painter who has completed installations and big-dollar commissions in the past year. “We actually went out and recruited Ben Joyce. He’s a first time ArtFest participant, believe it or not,” says Smith. “He’s obviously an artist of acclaim and does really well in markets far from Spokane, so we’re very pleased to have him at ArtFest.”

38 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016


Speaking of notable people, some of the region’s best-known artists have lent their talents to the MAC by painting masks for a silent auction fundraiser. The artists were given a blank, white cardboard mask and told to take it from there. The resulting products are indicative of the range of talents of their creators, the museum says of the work by Gendron, Harold Balazs, Mel McCuddin, Melissa Cole, Ildiko Kalapacs and former Inlander art director Chris Bovey. Some opted for an elegant painting approach, while other artists added tactile elements to their masks, making it hard to believe that it started as blank mask. The auction ends on Sunday afternoon and bids can be placed throughout the festival.


This year’s ArtFest marks the last festival that Smith will help orchestrate. The MAC employee is retiring this year after a dozen years helping to produce what’s become an artistic institution for the region. While Smith has certainly been integral to ArtFest’s success, he’s quick to lend credit to the rest of the ArtFest team, which includes a number of volunteers. “I’ve never considered myself the producer or anything like that,” says Smith. “You end up being a coach, trying to keep everybody focused on what it is they need to be doing to make something that’s been around for 31 years, and is very important to a lot of people.”  ArtFest • Fri, June 3, from noon to 10 pm; Sat, June 4, from 10 am to 10 pm; Sun, June 5, from 10 am to 5 pm • Free • Coeur d’Alene Park in Browne’s Addition • For a complete live music schedule and more event info, visit

Beerocracy owner Tyler Riggs brings a wealth of beer knowledge to the new pub in the Garland neighborhood. TESS FARNSWORTH PHOTO

We, the Beer-Loving People Beerocracy brings a democratic mix of craft beers to Garland BY DAN NAILEN


he butcher paper covering the windows was the first indication to casual observers that something dramatic was going on along Garland’s growing hip strip of coffee shops, record stores and art galleries. That something was the epic reimagining of the short-lived neighborhood bar Filt into the brand-new Beerocracy, a craft beer-centric spot opened by 27-yearold Tyler Riggs after he bought out the Filt owners’ lease and went to work creating the bar he saw in his imagination. “I’ve been looking for a space to do something like this for a couple of years,” Riggs says, He wanted something in a walkable neighborhood on the rise like the Perry Street neighborhood he lived in years ago. Gone are the white concrete walls, replaced with dark wood and a long-in-progress mural of the neighborhood. The fluorescent lighting is history, too,

replaced by cool fixtures throwing off a subtle glow. And the ad hoc collection of art familiar to Filt customers is now down to a couple of friendly animal heads on the wall behind the bar. “I wanted to make more of a warm, inviting space,” Riggs says, and he’s succeeded in that so far. There will be more art on the walls eventually, and possibly a small stage for live music, too. The beer, though, is going to be Beerocracy’s obvious calling card (although there’s also wine for non-beer fans, and one handle dedicated to a rotation of ciders). Riggs says he fell in love with craft beer when he was barely 21 and discovered the Lantern Tap House when it was “just four handles and, like, 200 square feet.” Despite living nearly an hour away at the time, he became a regular as he started educating himself on the wide array of great beer available in the region. Beerocracy has 12 rotating taps, and since open-

ing May 1, the IPAs have gone fastest. Expect some hard-to-find beers from out-of-town brewers, as well as local beers. In the first month, in addition to beers from Spokane’s Iron Goat and Little Spokane, Pullman’s Paradise Creek and Cheney’s New Boundary, Riggs has also tapped Oakshire Overcast Espresso Stout, Dogfish Head’s Kvasir and Fort George’s Magnanimous IPA. While Riggs hopes his constant influx of interesting brews will draw folks from throughout the area, he sees the Garland district as a great spot to set up shop, full of “young couples, a lot of people buying starter homes and fixing them up.” “I’m definitely going to be pulling from other neighborhoods,” Riggs says. “But I want to be the neighborhood spot, too.”  Beerocracy • 911 W. Garland • Daily, 4 pm-midnight •

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 39



Beautiful Breads Demand for its rustic, artisan-style bread prompts an expansion at Clover BY CHEY SCOTT


hen owners of Bellacrosta Bakery and Fine Foods opened the doors of their new Spokane Valley baking facility for a recent open house, they expected no more than 150 people to show up. Instead, about 500 folks came hungry to sample the bakery’s artisanal loaves. “Virtually every day since we had the grand opening we have had people showing up wanting to buy bread,” says co-owner Scott McCandless, who owns Bellacrosta with his wife, Liz, and business partners Paul and Marta Harrington. The couples also operate Clover restaurant in the Logan neighborhood, where Bellacrosta — the name translates from Italian as “beautiful crust” — got its start baking bread for the restaurant. The bakery started out in a 300-square-foot outbuilding behind the restaurant. Yet the popularity of its slow-process, hearth-style breads has been growing fast over the past few years, prompting the need to upgrade to the new, 3,000-square-foot space in an industrial area of the Valley, off Dishman-Mica Road. There, a state-of-the-art Bongard deck oven from France allows Bellacrosta’s baking team to efficiently produce enough loaves to fulfill the restaurant’s needs and retail demand, along with a few restaurant accounts. Bellacrosta’s bread is made with natural yeast leavens and no preservatives added. Bakers use pure butter and local flour from Shepherd’s Grain. While the bakery’s repertoire of rustic round loaves ($6-$8) includes combos like potato rosemary, golden fennel and raisin and garlic parmesan, Bellacrosta also produces muffins ($12/6), cupcakes ($15/6), table rolls ($4-$9/6), specialty pastries, bagels, cookies and sandwich bread loaves. McCandless and Harrington emphasize that while the baking facility has welcomed visitors stopping by, that location isn’t set up for retail sales. For now, customers can purchase bread at Clover and find it at Rocket Market. Bellacrosta is also selling weekly at the South Perry, Millwood and Liberty Lake farmers markets. This summer, Bellacrosta is set to expand even more with its first retail location and cafe in Liberty Lake. There, customers can buy bread, pastries and other goods made in the commercial kitchen at the bakery, including salad dressings, peppercorn mixes and bone broths. That location is expected to open in late summer. n

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40 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

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Can Do Spo-Can returns this weekend


Laughing Dog’s wood-fired pretzel. CARRIE SCOZZARO PHOTO

1109 Fontaine Dr. | Ponderay, Idaho 208-263-9222


ack when they first opened in 2005 just north of Sandpoint, Laughing Dog Brewery served cute little dog bowls full of “kibble,” actually an addictive snack mix of jumbo Cheetos, pretzels, and other salty, crunchy bits that paired beautifully with beer. Two expansions and more than a decade later, Laughing Dog has ditched the puppy chow for big dog food like the Big Dog Wood Fired Pretzel, served on a pizza platter with choice of mustard, cheese sauce or housemade marinara ($8.95). Minus a built-in kitchen, the brewery has been improvising with a shed-like structure, which houses a

wood-fire oven from a former Sandpoint pizza place. That means wood-fired sandwiches like the Black Lab — a bacon-y BLT with brewer’s BBQ sauce ($11.95) — and wood-fired flatbreads like the Good Dog, slathered with veggies, tomato basil pesto and a tangy curry cream sauce ($6.95/$10.95). Also look for salads and an ale house beer cheddar soup made from their Oatmeal Stout ($3.95). The only downside to Laughing Dog’s new menu? Dogs, which were formerly welcome inside and added a certain canine charm, are now only allowed on the patio. — CARRIE SCOZZARO

Know and Go

bbie Speer, an evangelist for the beer can, says it’s simple why we’re seeing more aluminum in the beer aisle and on the menu at our restaurants. “More and more breweries are switching to cans because cans are a superior vessel for beer,” says Speer, who along with Amanda Mead runs Spokane-based Spokes Mobile Canning. Spokes will be on hand at this year’s fifth annual Spo-Can beer fest at the Elk Public House, an event that features more than 50 different regional and national beers and ciders, none of which come in a bottle. Locally, breweries including No-Li, Orlison and Laughing Dog have put at least some of their product in cans. In addition to sipping straight from the can, visitors to Spo-Can can also have Spokes put their homebrewed creations into a six-pack. Speer says canning homebrew can help keep the beer fresh longer than if it was in bottles. “Most people who take the time and effort to handcraft a beer want it to be packaged in a way that preserves it for as long as possible,” she says. At the festival, homebrewers can have a 5-gallon batch canned for $15, or a 10-gallon batch for $30, with a limit of two batches per person. Even those who aren’t looking to package their beer can get a look at the canning process, which protects the beer more effectively than bottling by blocking out all exposure to light, and makes for a tighter seal than a bottle cap. “In fact, bottle caps start to loosen within three weeks of packaging. Cans are like mini individual kegs,” says Speer. — MIKE BOOKEY Spo-Can • Sat, June 4, at noon • Elk Public House • 1931 W. Pacific

Improving Spokane streets can be disruptive to drivers and businesses. The City of Spokane is committed to keeping you informed so you can know before you go. We encourage you to continue patronizing your favorite local businesses. Thank you for being patient, and please pardon our mess during construction. For more detailed information on these and all of the city’s construction projects, visit: Indiana from Dakota to Perry Phase 2

Street Reconstruction

37th Avenue from Regal to Custer

Reconstruct roadway to include pavement replacement, curbs, sidewalk, bike lanes, stormwater piping and a 36” water main.


Linc o ln

Design and construct a shared-use paved trail connections for bicyclists and pedestrians. Security lighting installed periodically.

25th Avenue from Southeast Boulevard to Lacey Court

H igh

Ben Burr Trail from Underhill Park to Centennial Trail

This project will construct a new road on new alignment and will include two traffic lanes, two bike lanes, curb and sidewalk and storm drainage. The project is being funded with Federal funds.

Monr oe

Full depth replacement of 7,500 feet of roadway including new curb ramps, swale/storm garden area, new curb, replacement of water line, replacement/ installation of signal loops and removal of approximately 70 parking spaces.

Riverside Drive (MLK) from Sherman to Perry


Havana Street Improvements

Improvements include full width pavement replacement, complete sidewalk gaps and porous asphalt bicycle lanes. This project will also include installation of a 36- inch water transmission main between 37th Avenue and the Brown Park reservoirs at 57th Avenue.

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 41

Pointless Green

Head Ninja Turtle Leonardo takes in the city view and ponders the box office take.

The latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is one long action-movie cliché BY MARYANN JOHANSON


pparently the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turto even rise to that level. Simply embracing hoary clichés tles, when they debuted way back in the 1980s, — the brothers are not only divvied up into the leader, were intended as a parody of superhero comics. I the muscle, the brains, and the goofball, they also argue picked up this tidbit from the TMNT Wikipedia page. I about how one-dimensional they are — does not constidid not absorb it through some sort of cinematic osmosis tute comedic commentary. while watching the new TMNT movie, Out of the Shadows. Most tedious of all, though, are the samey sci-fi That would have been impossible. action-blockbuster shenanigans that howl for nearly Whatever the truth of the long-ago comic-book two seemingly endless hours. Shadows steal bits of story, Turtles, there is absolutely nothing that marks them as visuals, and sometimes even entire sequences from the satirical here. If a kid bitten by a radioactive spider who likes of Ghostbusters and Independence Day, Avengers and The develops superpowers is meant to be taken seriously, Dark Knight. But not in any amusing or knowing way. Not then why not brother turtles mutated into anthropomorin any way that’s the least bit surprising or unexpected. phic form and trained in the martial arts? (Director Dave Green’s only previous TEENAGE MUTANT How is the former perfectly reasonable feature is 2014’s tired E.T.-plus-Goonies but the latter ludicrous? If a rich vigilante NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE mashup Earth to Echo. His second flick with a secret underground lair who takes SHADOWS is just as exhausted.) Rated PG-13 inspiration from bats is offered sincerely, It’s tough to even know whom Directed by Dave Green then what’s so outrageous about turtle this movie aimed at. It’s too long and Starring Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Tyler Perry confusing for children, and it sexes heroes who dwell in urban tunnels and take advice from a rat sensei? up poor Megan Fox, as the turtles’ Even a tiny inkling of the absurdity of all such stories human sidekick, in a way that is inappropriate for young could carry a movie like this on a merry path, but there eyes. Yet its plot — about an alien who wants to take over is not a lick of wit to be found here (unless you think Earth for the usual reasons (i.e., no plausible ones) — spitballs and farts are amusing). Shadows is downright plays like the script was written by an 8-year-old. Indeed, leaden, though it obviously believes there is humor in its the creepy anthropomorphized titular turtles -- they’ve loud, chaotic juvenility. It would be an unfair insult to got the minds of doofy adolescents, the bodies of adult cartoons to call this cartoonish; better to say that it fails human bodybuilders (except for the green skin), and the

42 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

faces of sluggish reptiles, all courtesy of CGI — come across as a child’s idea of what being a grown-up must be like: all pizza parties and hanging out in your own cool hidden clubhouse. When you’re not fighting aliens with your ninja powers, of course. Some junk just makes no sense, as in the opening scene, in which the turtles scale the Chrysler Building only so that they can then jump off of it (like, for fun?). Or the bit in which the movie derails itself, detouring into a tangent for a joke that isn’t even funny during a sequence in which time is meant to be of the essence. Then there’s the bizarre soundtrack, on which classicrock tunes pop up and fade in and out for no reason, with no connection to what’s happening on the screen. (Was there a half-off sale in music licensing, perhaps? Did Green get a bargain on some tunes and simply didn’t care if they actually worked in context? It’s the only even halfway sensible explanation.) And then there is — sob! — the bewildering presence of Laura Linney as a dour law-enforcement officer and stick-in-the-mud foil to the fun-loving turtles. The role is not only thankless but apparently completely unnecessary: the wretched spectacle of Linney’s debasement aside, I cannot figure out what purpose her character serves. She literally did not have to be in this movie. I will be lighting a candle for Linney, and praying that her paycheck was a very large one. n


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Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping


This biopic primarily focuses on the relationship between the prodigy Srinivasa Ramanujan (Dev Patel) and his Cambridge University mentor G.H. Hardy (Jeremy Irons). Although the young man received some formal schooling, his mathematical abilities were self-taught, or as he later explains to Hardy, they are expressions of God. Hardy puts the young mathematician’s work to test in this numbers game of a film. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated PG-13


Based on a bestselling book of the same name by British romance writer Jojo Moyes, you’re gonna wanna pack in the tissues to this heartwrencher. Louisa Clark (Emilia Clarke) gets a job as caretaker for Will Traynor (Sam Clafin), a man who’s all but given up on life after becoming paralyzed in an ac-

t e S a f So

Leather reclining sofa with fold-down cupholder center console, with recliner

cident. As they get to know each other, Will begins to shine in Louisa’s optimistic presence. Deep down, though, he still loathes the idea of living the rest of his life wheelchair bound. (CS) Rated PG-13


The Lonely Island gang of Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone take their digital-short-honed knack for pop-culture hilarity to the big screen for Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, the latest in a storied line of music-biz mockumentaries. Think Spinal Tap satire aimed at Bieber Nation, with Samberg starring as Connor4Real, a rapper/singer whose sophomore album bombs, leaving his fans adrift and Connor trying everything from disastrous publicity stunts to poorly conceived stylistic reinventions to regain cultural relevance. (DN) Rated R

...continued on next page

Power Sofa only

ly Power Recliner on




6227 N. Division St. • (509) 922-9000 14102 E. Sprague Ave. • (509) 489-1241 JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 43


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44 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016



The second installment in this rebooted franchise is about an alien who wants to take over Earth for the usual reasons (i.e., no plausible ones) and it all plays like the script was written by an 8-year-old. The creepy anthropomorphized titular come across as a child’s idea of what being a grown-up must be like: all pizza parties and hanging out in your own cool hidden clubhouse. When you’re not fighting aliens with your ninja powers, of course. (MJ) Rated PG-13


After Alice, now the captain of a British merchant ship, becomes a hero for leading her crew away from a pirate attack, she escapes London for the Underworld. There, she again finds Tweedledee and Tweedledum (Matt Lucas), the Cheshire Cat (the voice of Stephen Fry), who inform her that Hatter (Johnny Depp) is out of sorts and needs her help to find his family. (MJ) Rated PG


On a magical island exists a bunch of birds who can’t fly but are totally happy with this and everything else in their life — including their belief that there is no world outside of the island. Any birds who aren’t happy, i.e., “angry,” are outcasts. But when green pigs invade the island, the angry guys come in handy. (MB) Rated PG


Meanwhile in the Marvel Universe… a disagreement between superheroes — Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Captain America (Chris Evans) take opposing sides when the United Nations demands authority over superhero actions. Aside from a lackluster score and unnecessary visual distractions, Civil War makes for a magnificent fireworks display to kick off the first week of summer blockbuster season at the multiplex. (PC) Rated PG-13


Taking your family to the Grand Canyon is a beloved and perfectly wholesome American pastime, right? Well, not if one of your kids becomes possessed by some sort of ancient ghost and mysterious black handprints begin appearing all over your walls once you return home. That’s the premise here in this Kevin Bacon-anchored horror flick. (MB) Rated PG-13


The iconic meeting of President Nixon and Elvis Presley is now manifested in







The Jungle Book


Captain America: Civil War


The Nice Guys


The Man Who Knew Infinity X-Men: Apocalypse

56 52 43

Angry Birds DON’T MISS IT


a comedic fashion on the silver screen. During the winter of 1970, the White House received a handwritten request from Elvis (Michael Shannon) to meet with President Nixon (Kevin Spacey), resulting in a photo of the two which is now one of the most requested prints in the National Archives. (MM) Rated R


As British Intelligence forces gain eyes on a group of terrorists in Nairobi, Kenya, Lieutenant General Frank Benson (Alan Rickman) and Colonel Katherine Powell (Helen Mirren) face complications as they command a United States operated drone to launch a missile to assassinate the terrorist group. The allied forces are faced with a decision to strike the group, which would include killing a civilian girl, or face the consequences of continued international terror. At Magic Lantern (MM) Rated R


Doris Miller (Sally Field) is a nevermarried 60-something woman whose life for years has consisted of nothing more than taking care of her elderly mother in their Staten Island home and doing data entry in the same Manhattan office. Then Doris’ mother dies, leaving her alone and adrift. At around the same time, her company hires new art director (New Girl’s Max Greenfield), inspiring an infatuation that completely takes over Doris’ thoughts. (SR) Rated R


Jon Favreau takes a break from making the Iron Man franchise to craft this live-action adaptation of the Disney classic. There’s some genuine action to be found as Mogwai tries to escape danger, as well as a few laughs with the Bill Murray-voiced Baloo the bear, but overall it’s Disney forcing a kid-friendly feel on a genuinely engaging film. (MB) Rated PG


Darcy and Elizabeth will forever have our hearts, but there can only be so many Pride and Prejudice adaptations. Instead, Love & Friendship delves into Jane Austen’s unfinished satirical novella “Lady Susan.” Starring Kate Beck-



insale in the title role, the zany costume drama follows the new widow as she tries to find a husband for herself and her mousy daughter. When she befriends a married man, oh, how people do talk. (LJ) Rated PG


Last time around, Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne were new parents who moved into a new house, expecting marital bliss and all that. But then a fraternity moved in next door and were loud as hell and, led by Zac Efron and his abs, tried to kill Rogen with stolen airbags. This time a sorority has moved into the same house! And it’s a really crazy sorority, so Zac Efron has to come back and show them his abs. (MB) Rated R


Set in late-’70s Los Angeles, The Nice Guys pairs a gruff hired goon named Jackson Healy (Russell Crowe) with an alcoholic, single-dad private eye named Holland March (Ryan Gosling). It’s a comedy with occasional shocking bursts of sickening violence, and it’s also a serious noir throwback with elements of farce. (PC) Rated R


X-Men: Apocalypse’s version of biggerfaster-more means that our mutant protagonists will need to save humanity from a villain who wants to destroy everything. You know, just everything — but especially bridges and recognizable world landmarks. That villain is En Sabah Nur (Oscar Isaac), an ancient Egyptian quasi-god who awakens from a centuries-long slumber ready to eradicate pitiful, primitive humanity from the planet. (SR) Rated PG-13


Judy Hopps, the first female rabbit on the big city police force, must work with a con artist fox to solve a disappearance case. The film is Disney’s 55th full-length feature, and it delicately explores the issues of race and discrimination in a way that’s entertaining (for kids and adults alike) and never preachy. Actors lending their voice talents include Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Jenny Slate, Kristen Bell, Shakira and even Tommy Chong. (LJ) Rated PG 



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Fri/Sat: 5:30, Sun: 3:00, Mon-Thurs: 4:15


Fri/Sat: 2:45, 7:00, Sun: 2:15, 4:30, Mon-Thurs: 2:30, 6:15

THE EYE IN THE SKY (102 MIN) *last week!

Fri/Sat: 5:00, Sun: 12:15, Mon-Thurs: 4:30

Jeremy Irons (left) and Dev Patel star in this historical drama.

Math Problem

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June 16-July 3

The Man Who Knew Infinity is inspiring, but also a slog BY MARJORIE BAUMGARTEN


alling prey to the great-man biopic syntween pure mathematical assertion and Western drome, The Man Who Knew Infinity takes a academia’s need for meticulous substantiation reverent stance toward its subject, matheprovides the crux of the movie, along with issues matician Srinivasa Ramanujan, played by Slumdog of class difference that prevented these exemplars Millionaire’s Dev Patel. The dutiful portrait, along of the British Empire from viewing the darkwith the obscurity of the film’s mathematical skinned Tamil as a potential equal. formulas and postulations for the general viewing World War I somewhat disrupts the serenity audience, is likely to make this outing seem more of the Cambridge campus, requisitioning young slog than jog. men for the war effort and setting up hospitals on Yet even though the details of Ramanujan’s the college quads. A love story that continually genius were lost on me, the film introduced me cuts back to Ramanujan’s wife pining at home to this towering figure in his field, in India is prolonged and una man about whom I previously productive. In the final third of THE MAN WHO knew nothing. A helpful epilogue the movie, Ramanujan begins KNEW INFINITY explains that Ramanujan’s 100-yearcoughing portentously, all while Rated PG-13 old theories have now proved crititrying to hide his tubercular Written and directed by Matt Brown cal in the study of black holes — the condition from Hardy. (He’s Starring Dev Patel, Jeremy Irons, most practical takeaway I gained not as successful in this pursuit Toby Jones from the film. with the audience.) None of this Adapted for the screen by impedes the men’s research, but writer/director Matt Brown from Robert Kaniafter a sanatorium stay, Ramanujan returns to his gel’s book The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the wife in India. Sadly, he died a year later in 1920, Genius Ramanujan, the film primarily focuses on at the age of 32. the relationship between the prodigy Ramanujan Recent years have demonstrated that movies and his Cambridge University mentor G.H. about mathematicians need not receive the auHardy (Jeremy Irons). Although the young Tamil tomatic kiss of death. The success of A Beautiful man received some formal schooling, his mathMind, The Theory of Everything, and The Imitation ematical abilities were self-taught, or as he later Game are proof of that. But The Man Who Knew explains to Hardy, they are expressions of God. Infinity is not in the same league as these awardHardy, an avowed atheist, was quick to perceive winners. Matt Brown’s movie is a perfunctory Ramanujan’s genius and arrange for him to come highlight reel, featuring tepid performances and from India to study in England, but was mightily dull cinematic technique. Although the movie’s frustrated by the young mathematician’s lack of 108 minutes are hardly infinity, its duration gives proofs for his theories. This push and pull bethe concept a run for its money. 

July 14-31

Aug. 11-28

June 22


10117 W State Rt 2 • 509-232-0444 TMNT: OUT OF THE SHADOWS

PG-13 Daily 6:40 Fri-Sun (1:40) Sat-Sun (11:10) In 2D Daily (2:10) (4:40) 7:10 9:40 Sat-Sun (11:45)


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POPSTAR: NEVER STOP NEVR STOPPING R Daily (3:45) (5:45) 7:45 9:45 Fri-Sun (1:45) Sat-Sun (11:45)


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ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS PG Daily (4:10) 9:20 In 2D Daily (2:40) (5:00) 7:20 9:40 Sat-Sun (10:00) (12:20)



PG Daily (2:45) (4:45) 6:45 8:45 Sat-Sun (10:45) (12:45)


R Daily 7:00 9:35 Fri-Sun (2:00) Sat-Sun (11:30)


PG-13 Daily (2:30) 6:10 9:15 Sat-Sun (11:15)


PG Daily (2:00) (4:30) 7:00 Sat-Sun (11:30)


12622 N Division • 509-232-7727 TMNT: OUT OF THE SHADOWS

PG-13 Daily (4:10) 9:20 Fri-Sun (11:10) In 2D Daily (1:40) (2:10) (4:40) 6:40 7:10 9:40 Fri-Sun (10:50) (11:45)


PG-13 Daily (1:30) (3:50) 6:30 9:10 Fri-Sun (11:15)


R Daily (1:45) (3:45) (5:45) 7:45 9:45 Fri-Sun (11:45)


PG-13 Daily 9:15 Fri-Sun (12:15) In 2D Daily (1:00) (3:15) (4:00) 6:15 7:00 9:50 Fri-Sun (10:00)


PG Daily (4:30) 9:10 Fri-Sun (11:50) In 2D Daily (12:30) (2:10) (2:40) (5:00) 6:50 7:20 9:40 Fri-Sun (10:00)


R Daily (1:30) (3:30) (5:30) 7:30 9:30 Fri-Sun (11:30)


Daily (12:45) (2:45) (4:45) 6:45 8:45 Fri-Sun (10:45)


R Daily (2:00) (4:30) 7:00 9:40 Fri-Sun (11:30)


R Daily (4:40) 6:50


PG-13 Daily (12:30) (1:40) (3:30) 6:30 9:00 9:30


PG Daily (1:40) (3:50) 6:20 8:40 Fri-Sun (11:15)

July 20

Showtimes in ( ) are at bargain price. Special Attraction — No Passes Showtimes Effective 6/3/16 - 6/9/16

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 45

46 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

Father John Misty at last year’s Sasquatch!


Chona Kasinger is a rock photographer always looking to give you a glimpse into the music BY LAURA JOHNSON


uring last year’s Sasquatch!, Father John Misty arrived in a haze of whispery fog and candied light. The neon heart sign behind him ironically read “no photography.” Fellow photographers in the stage pit bitched about the terrible lighting, but Chona Kasinger still had a deadline. With only the first three songs of the set to work her magic (the customary professional photography limit for most shows), Kasinger snapped away, trying to use the smoke and shadow to her advantage. Back at the media tent, she saw the shot: Father John Misty (aka J. Tillman, formerly of Fleet Foxes) standing with his mic over his shoulders, swallowed up in a cloud of machine-made fog. “I’m so proud of that photo,” she admits over the phone last week from her Seattle home. “It just shows, regardless of the light, there’s always a possibility.” That black-and-white Father John Misty portrait, along with select Kasinger touring-band shots, will be featured at the Bartlett’s First Friday artist display, coinciding with this year’s Volume festival. Although Kasinger is missing the 5 pm reception, as she’s covering the Governors Ball festival in New York, her work is up through June. That the Seattle/NYC-based artist is showing in Spokane for the second time — her work has also been displayed at the Elk — isn’t so strange. Her boyfriend

Erik Walters, formerly of the Globes (a Spokane act that moved to Seattle) and now of Silver Torches and Soft Sleep, grew up here. “Back in 2011, when we were first dating, I’d get out of class at UW Tacoma, get in my car and zoom to Spokane for the weekend,” she recalls. “I’ve met a bunch of people there and made friends.” Now as a full-time freelance music photographer, the 27-year-old occasionally covers touring bands in the Lilac City (such as last year’s Sleater-Kinney’s comeback show, their first in a decade, for Rolling Stone). When Walters plays here, she’ll come along too. She says it’s a sweet getaway from the hustle of Seattle and New York, and she likes to hang out at Boots and Baby Bar. Kasinger didn’t grow up interested in cameras, other than the disposable variety. But after her high school rock band fell apart in 2007, she saw photography as a way to still participate in the music scene. Mostly self-taught, she says her first band photos were terrible. She soon realized she’d have to pay her dues. Interning at Rolling Stone during college and eventually nabbing gigs with Seattle music websites and alternative weeklies, she’s moved her way up the ranks. “There’s no way to train for this job,” says Kasinger, who moved to a Seattle suburb from the Philippines at

age 10. “To be a successful photographer, it’s not your ability to take a good picture, but you have to be savvy and make the connections and be good at pitching.” Her life is a blur, she says. She has a place in Seattle but stays in New York City for jobs just as often. She’ll crash with friends, sublet or look after an apartment for a few weeks. It’s always up in the air. “It’s the life of a freelance photographer,” she says. “You never know what’s next, where that next paycheck will come from.” Right now she’s booked up with music festivals. She says she’s moving from regional markets to more national coverage, recently shooting Justin Bieber’s NYC show for the Village Voice and Tacocat for Urban Outfitters. Her photo philosophy is all about simplicity. There are plenty of photographers going crazy with filters and editing tools, she says, but other than cleaning up some lighting, she doesn’t mess with her shots. “Often I have a really quick turnaround, and anyway, there just isn’t time,” she says. In the world of constant selfies and documenting every minute, Kasinger and her colleagues are always looking for a better way to take pictures, to prove that their presence is necessary. ...continued on next page

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 47


Chona Kasinger also photographed Sleater-Kinney when they played Spokane last year.

“FLASHDANCE,” CONTINUED... “You want to get the shot that’s emotive, that shows the bodily fluids, the blood and sweat,” she says. “The in-between moments, a lot of people put their camera down at that point, but a lot happens between the songs. And that’s what I want to get.” As for the Bartlett showing, she says she wants her photographs to sing. “My goal is to make people feel like they were there,” she says. “I want them to smell the cigarette smoke, and hear the roaring crowd.”  First Friday feat. Chona Kasinger • Through June, reception Fri, June 3, at 5 pm • Free until 6 pm, when you need a Volume wristband • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174

wine cellars

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48 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016


Carrying On Folk singer Laura Gibson’s latest record is a testament to her strength BY AZARIA PODPLESKY


his is not an escape.” So begins the title track on folk singer Laura Gibson’s fourth album, Empire Builder, with “this” alluding to her move from Portland to New York by train (the source of the album title) to complete an MFA in creative writing at Hunter College. Gibson talked to the Inlander one week after she turned in her thesis, a “hodgepodge” of stories, and nearly two months after Empire Builder was released, milestones that a year ago seemed nearly unachievable. On the way to her first class at Hunter, Gibson broke her foot. A slight setback, as she used crutches to get around (“By the end my arms were fantastic,” she jokes), but she finished the semester and spent her winter break back in Portland working on Empire Builder. Less than two months after she returned to New York, in March of 2015, Gibson lost everything, but was thankfully unharmed, when her East Village apartment building exploded because of an illegally tapped gas line. (Two people were killed in the fire. In February, five people were charged for their involvement.) As she watched her building burn, Gibson considered moving back to Portland, feeling defeated by all that New York had thrown at her. But a lack of any identification prevented her from getting home, which ultimately was a gift. “Because I was forced to stay, I felt very cared for by my friends here and my classmates, and also reconnected to the community,” she says. “I’m really glad I was forced to stay and let

Singer-songwriter Laura Gibson doesn’t give up easily. the city take care of me.” A few days after the fire, Gibson wrote down what lyrics she could remember and continued the writing process from there. Once able, a still traumatized Gibson returned to Portland for a spring break recording session, coaxed back into the studio by producer John Askew. “I’d like to think that they’re better songs for having had to rethink them,” Gibson says. Though there are no direct references to the explosion on Empire Builder, Gibson says, listening to the songs now, she can hear how mentally and emotionally tired she was when she recorded, almost like the album is a scrapbook of the tragedy. To anyone else, though, her voice is as pristine as ever. With everything behind her, Gibson has come to love the city that put her through so much. She still lives in the East Village and plans to stay in New York for the time being. But an eventual move back to Portland, perhaps via another Empire Builder, is in her future. “I like nature too much to be a lifer,” she says with a laugh. n Laura Gibson with David Bazan • Wed, June 8, at 8 pm • $15 • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 7472174

Pilsner. Poured Perfectly. On Our Patio. Now.

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 49




f you like your country music devoid of gloss and packed with grit and grime, Wayne “The Train” Hancock could be your next favorite artist. He’s not new; Hancock’s debut Thunderstorms and Neon Signs arrived in 1995, and his newest album, Ride, is his eighth. It also might be his best, distilling Hancock’s soulful blend of roadhouse blues, rockabilly and Western swing into near-perfection on songs like “Deal Gone Down” and “Lone Road Home.” Hancock’s guitar playing is masterful, so much so that you won’t even notice the lack of a drummer on stage, and the man’s voice is capable of soothing you one moment and sending a shiver down your spine the next. — DAN NAILEN Wayne “The Train” Hancock • Thu, June 9, at 7:30 pm • $15 • All-ages • Chateau Rive • 621 W. Mallon • bozzimedia/chateau-rive


Thursday, 06/02

ARBoR CReST Wine CellARS, Kosh J BABy BAR, Vasas, Magic Gardens BARloWS AT liBeRTy lAke, Sunny Nights Duo J THe BARTleTT, Blitzen Trapper BooMeRS ClASSiC RoCk BAR & GRill, Randy Campbell acoustic show J BooTS BAkeRy & lounGe, The Song Project J BuCeR’S CoffeeHouSe PuB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen BuCkHoRn inn, The Spokane River Band J CHAPS, Spare Parts CoeuR d’Alene CASino, PJ Destiny CRAfTed TAP HouSe + kiTCHen, Robby French CRAve, DJ Freaky Fred CRuiSeRS, Slightly Committed fizzie MulliGAnS, Kicho JoHn’S Alley, Oly Mountain Boys J kniTTinG fACToRy, The Next Big Thing: Craig Campbell with Jordan Rager, Matt Gary & more J lAGunA CAfé, Just Plain Darin lefTBAnk Wine BAR, Nick Grow J MonARCH MounTAin Coffee, Open Mic hosted by Scott Reid o’SHAyS iRiSH PuB & eATeRy, Open mic with Adrian and Leo THe oBSeRvAToRy, Vinyl Meltdown Red RooM lounGe, Latin Tursdays feat. DJ Wax808 THe RidleR PiAno BAR, The Bobby Patterson Band J SARAnAC PuBliC HouSe, KYRS Saranac rooftop summer concert series with NailPolish, VATS, Peru Resh J SPokAne CoMMuniTy ColleGe (533-7000), Too Slim and the Taildraggers zolA, Caprise

50 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016



ive a listen to “Mothers of the Sun,” the opening tune on Vancouver, B.C., band Black Mountain’s new album IV, and you quickly realize the folly of trying to categorize them with easy labels. The sprawling piece stretches over eight minutes, and along the way touches on orchestral pop, dives into some seriously metal riffing, highlights some ethereal harmonies from singer Amber Webber and guitarist Stephen McBean, and wallows in psychedelic flourishes that are seriously mindboggling. Elsewhere on the new album, there are delicate ballads like “Line Them All Up” and funkfortified rave-ups like “Space to Bakersfield,” all of which serve to show that Black Mountain is one of the most ambitious and skilled bands around. — DAN NAILEN Black Mountain • Thu, June 9, at 8 pm • $18/$20 day of • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174

Friday, 06/03

BeveRly’S, Robert Vaughn BiSTAnGo MARTini lounGe (6248464), Ron Greene Bolo’S, Nightshift BooMeRS ClASSiC RoCk BAR & GRill, Dangerous Type CloveR, Jessica Haffner J CoeuR d’Alene PARk, ArtFest feat. Chris Rieser and the Nerve, Stepbrothers, Nicole Lewis, Arvid Lundin & the Deep Roots, Plaid Cats, Sidhe CuRley’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE fedoRA PuB & GRille, Donnie Emerson and Nancy Sophia Duo fizzie MulliGAnS, Chris Rieser and the Nerve J THe GATHeRinG HouSe (7472818), First Friday Swing Dancing iRon HoRSe BAR, The Ryan Larsen Band JoHn’S Alley, Charcoal Squids with

Special Guests J kniTTinG fACToRy, Beyond Today, December In Red, Banish The Echo, North Fork lefTBAnk Wine BAR, Carey Brazil liBeRTy BuildinG, Usual Suspects liBeRTy lAke Wine CellARS (2559205), Spare Parts MooSe lounGe, The Furtraders MulliGAn’S BAR & GRille, Dan Conrad nodlAnd CellARS TASTinG RooM (927-7770), Jazz with Mary Chavez noRTHeRn QueST CASino, DJ Ramsin Pend d’oReille WineRy, Ira Wold Pend oReille PlAyHouSe (4479900), Open Mic RePuBliC BReWinG Co., Blake Noble THe RidleR PiAno BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler

SeASonS of CoeuR d’Alene, Daniel Mills J THe SHoP, DJ Teej THe vikinG BAR & GRill, Nu Jack City J voluMe MuSiC feSTivAl doWnToWn SPokAne, feat. Flying Spiders, Marshall McLean Band, Duke Evers, Blackwater Prophet, DoNormaal, Von the Baptist, Folkinception, Marshall Poole, A Shadaw of Jaguar, VATS and more zolA, Tell the Boys

Saturday, 06/04

BeveRly’S, Robert Vaughn Bolo’S, Nightshift BooMeRS ClASSiC RoCk BAR & GRill, Dangerous Type J CoeuR d’Alene PARk, ArtFest feat. Too Slim and the Taildraggers, Robbins Rebels, Free Whiskey,

Angela Marie Project, Jim Bury Band, Spare Parts, Masterclass Big Band CuRley’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE THe elk PuBliC HouSe (363-1973), Spo-Can feat. Benny Blanco and Breezy Brown fizzie MulliGAnS, Chris Rieser and the Nerve HARRinGTon oPeRA HouSe (2534594), Bridges Home iRon HoRSe BAR, The Ryan Larsen Band THe JACkSon ST., DJ Dave JoHn’S Alley, Smoking Bills J kniTTinG fACToRy, Kings of Love Tour: Bobby V, J Holiday, and Pleasure P lA RoSA CluB, Open Jam THe lARiAT inn, Honky Tonk a Go-Go lefTBAnk Wine BAR, Karrie O’Neill loST BoyS’ GARAGe (443-5023), Lyle Morse

MOOSE LOUNGE, The Furtraders MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE, Truck Mills NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, DJ Ramsin PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Ron Criscoine REARDAN WASH., Stagecoach West THE RESERVE, Bring the House feat. The DeanE, Ant Eye THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler THE SHOP, Scott and Pete STRAY (624-4450), Pop Drops J THE PIN!, Twisted Insane (late show) THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Broken Identity, Glasir, Odyssey J VOLUME MUSIC FESTIVAL DOWNTOWN SPOKANE, Volume Music Festival feat. Shabazz Palaces, Brothers From Another, Never Young, Ayron Jones & the Way, the Smokes, Loomer, Nail Polish, Age of Nefilim, Crystalline, Couches, FAUS and more ZOLA, Tell the Boys


Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

Sunday, 06/05

ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Root Seller J BABY BAR, Trans FX, S1ugs, Local Pavlov COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh, Ron Greene J COEUR D’ALENE PARK, ArtFest feat. Soul Proprietor, Acuff, Sherfey and the Saddle Tramps, EWU jazz band, Philp Boulding CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN, Echo Elysim CRUISERS, Tommy G CURLEY’S, Gladhammer DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church LINGER LONGER LOUNGE (208-6232211), Open jam J THE PIN!, Silent on Fifth Street, Sons of Donovan ZOLA, Anthony Hall

Monday, 06/06

J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Monday Night Spotlight feat. Carey Brazil RED ROOM LOUNGE, Open Mic with MJ The In-Human Beatbox ZOLA, Fus Bol

Tuesday, 06/07

J THE BIG DIPPER, Gondwana, Nattali Rize, River City Roots J BING CROSBY THEATER, Red Kettle Concert Summer Kick Off feat. Love and Theft, Mo Pitney,

Clare Dunn, Drew Baldridge, and Christy Lee CORBIN SENIOR CENTER (327-1584), Quarter Monkey acoustic THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JOHN’S ALLEY, Mega Ran with Roq’y Tyraid LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Turntable Tuesday MIK’S, DJ Brentano RED LION HOTEL RIVER INN, Daniel Mills with Kiarah Perrault THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Open mic Jam Session J ROCKET MARKET (343-2253), John Floridis SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List

the man, the legend, the local video game.

Wednesday, 06/08 J BABY BAR, Ramonda Hammer, the Smokes J THE BARTLETT, David Bazan, Laura Gibson (See story on page 49) J THE BIG DIPPER, Prince Birthday Dance Party J DOWNTOWN COEUR D’ALENE, Live After Five feat. Breadbox EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES, Open Mic with T & T THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE, DJ Lydell LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 RED ROOM LOUNGE, Hip Hop Is A Culture THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, R&B with Slow Cookin’ SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic J THE PIN!, Here Comes the Kraken, Feed Her to the Sharks, So This is Suffering, Lack of Remorse Serpentspire, DJ Freaky Fred THE ROADHOUSE, Open mic with Vern Vogel and the Volcanoes ZOLA, The Bossame

Coming Up ...

COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Peter Cetera, June 9 J CHATEAU RIVE, Wayne “The Train” Hancock (See story on facing page), June 9 J THE BARTLETT, Black Mountain (See story on facing page), June 9 THE PIN!, Bryan McPherson, Ricky Deschamp, Kevin and the Spokes, June 9 THE BIG DIPPER, Free the Jester CD fundraiser, Vealfire, 37 Street Signs, Nathan Chartrey, June 10 THE PALOMINO, Concrete Grip Cd Release Show, Soblivious, Seven Cycles, Gentlemans War, June 10 THE BARTLETT, Jaill, Outercourse, Wind Hotel, June 10, 8 pm. THE BARTLETT, Charlie and the Rays, Caprice, Ragtag Romantics, June 11 THE BIG DIPPER, Cascadia Festival Spokane feat. Michael Manahan, Rob Noble, Jellyfist, June 11 THE PIN!, A God or an Other, Age of Nefilim, Odyssey, Deformer, East Sherman, June 11 INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, Tears For Fears, June 15 THE OBSERVATORY, Helms Alee, June 16

On your phone or computer Bookmark it, save it, share it. PLAY IT NOW!


MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS • 3890 N. Schreiber Way, CdA • 208-664-2336 CONKLING MARINA & RESORT • 20 W. Jerry Ln., Worley• 208-686-1151 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • (208) 773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 THE JACKSON ST. • 2436 N. Astor • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 2013 E. 29th • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LOON LAKE SALOON • 3996 Hwy. 292 • 233-2738 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MONARCH MOUNTAIN COFFEE • 208 N 4th Ave, Sandpoint • (208) 265-9382 MOOSE LOUNGE • 401 E. Sherman • 208-6647901 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MULLIGAN’S • 506 Appleway Ave., CdA • (208) 765-3200 x310 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE OBSERVATORY• 15 S Howard • 598-8933 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO • 6425 N Lidgerwood St • 242-8907 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 THE PIN! • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RESERVE • 120 N. Wall • 598-8783 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 TIMBER GASTRO PUB •1610 E Schneidmiller, Post Falls • 208-262-9593 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 51

Marshall McLean Band plays Volume at 11:15 pm on Friday at Red Room Lounge.


It’s music festival season, and sandwiched in between Sasquatch! and Elkfest is the Inlander’s own Volume, going down this Friday and Saturday. This year’s rockin’ event is the biggest we’ve ever seen, with more than 100 bands taking over 10 stages around downtown Spokane. Not only is our headliner Seattle hip-hop duo Shabazz Palaces, but we’ve booked some of the best regional and local talent around. Wristbands are $20 if you purchase them online now; otherwise they’re $30 at the festival. So get ready to run your buns off trying to see as many acts as possible, and rock on! — LAURA JOHNSON Inlander’s Volume music festival • Fri-Sat, June 3-4, at various times • $20/$30 day of • All-ages (some venues) • Downtown Spokane •

52 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016



The Culling Glacier by Jonathan Marquis • Part 1: Fri, June 3, from 5-8 pm • Free • Saranac Rooftop • 25 W. Main

Prince Dance Party • Wed, June 8, at 7 pm • $5 • All-ages • The Big Dipper • 171 S. Washington •

For the past few years, Missoula’s Jonathan Marquis has been spending his summers venturing through mountain ranges to investigate glaciers. He’s been making drawings, videos, photography projects and paintings of 25 rapidly melting glaciers, and the result is his ongoing Glacier Drawing Project. Spokane’s Richmond Gallery is teaming up with the Lands Council to bring Marquis’ work to town for two events. On First Friday, there’s a program on the Saranac Rooftop. On Thursday, June 9 (from 5:30-8:30 pm), the Richmond Gallery also invites the public to a reception. — MIKE BOOKEY

First was the news in January that David Bowie had died, followed by many others including the Eagles’ Glenn Frey; Beatles producer George Martin; A Tribe Called Quest’s Malik Taylor; and country legend Merle Haggard. Then, at the end of April, Prince was found dead in his Minnesota home. Together, the world grieved. But next Wednesday, the Big Dipper, along with radio station KYRS, plans to celebrate the life of his Royal Purpleness, Prince Rogers Nelson, by throwing a giant dance party. Hear the multitalented musician’s tunes all night long, with the help of DJs DX Pryme and Big Moe. — LAURA JOHNSON


Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.


After a successful inaugural effort in 2015, members of the Epona Equestrian Team are once again pulling on their helmets and raising their lances to duel on horseback during the second annual Tournament of the Inland Empire. A local festival celebrating the skill and excitement of medieval sports, spectators can not only witness actual jousting (which takes safety of riders and horses very seriously), but also longsword fighting, equestrian skill-at-arms (riders compete in coordinated and technical feats) and archery. Unlike a typical Renaissance festival, the tourney focuses more on athleticism and skill than emphasizing theatrical performance. — CHEY SCOTT Tournament of the Inland Empire • Sat, June 4 and Sun, June 5, from 8 am-8 pm • $5 • Northwest Renaissance Festival grounds • 6493 Highway 291, Nine Mile Falls •


A festival for the young and the young at heart, the second annual Spokane Children’s Short Film Festival this weekend presents screenings of 19 awardwinning short films. Both animated and live-action, the slate of films includes creations from 11 countries around the world. Delight in stories about a tidy mouse who finds pure joy from things being in their place, a cloud and its animal-friend orchestra, and some heroic forest creatures who team up to save a tree. Organized by the Seattle-based Northwest Film Forum, the festival tours cities across the U.S., charming audiences of all ages. — CHEY SCOTT Spokane Children’s Short Film Festival • Fri, June 3, at 7 pm; Sat, June 4, at 2 pm • $10 • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague • • 227-7638

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JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 53





I SAW YOU THE OBVIOUS HAS FINALLY HIT ME I first saw you on Dec 3, 2014. When I met you, I knew my life would change forever, I just wasn't sure how much I would allow it to change, a little, or a lot. I have always been a free spirit, loved to travel, could never sit still and was/am a constant thrill seeker. It was unclear where you could possibly fit into my life, though I knew I would never keep you out of it. Seventeen months later, you have taught me that I could love unconditionally, something I never knew possible. I was comfortable seeing you a week a month, that was my mistake. When you put out your arms when you see me, it is the greatest feeling in the world. The distance between us benefits no one, especially me. "Just hold on, you're coming home." I love you Hendrix, I could not imagine a world without you. I can't wait to show you your new home. Love, your father. I MAY HAVE MISSED MY CHANCE, BUT HERE'S ME MAKING A MOVE It was May 14, a quiet Saturday at Iron Goat Brewery. I was alone at the bar, wearing a black T-shirt and listening to other people's conversations. You were sitting by the windows near the front door with other people. We made eye contact when you ordered another beer at the bar and I wished you would say hello. We kept making eye contact and you have your ears gauged with black plugs. Your friend was wearing a hat. I kicked myself afterward for not bribing the bartender to give me your name. I hope you see this

and I hope my memory wasn't skewed by the high abv's of the beers I was drinking. Shoot me an email at: blackandbeers@ if this may be you. ROCKWOOD CONSTRUCTION HOTTIE! I saw you walking out of the new Summit building site, hard hat in hand, construction orange T-shirt, and orange backpack. You stood tall and handsome, strong arms and a look my way left me beaming for the rest of my day.

CHEERS RE: BAD INLANDER I write this hoping that I'm addressing a mere internet troll. You'd be an unscrupulous one yet, far less inhibiting to the progress of this fair city than the ignorant typist that you portrayed. In the unfortunate event that these comments were made by an individual who was stating an earnest opinion (I'm typing with a wry smile) I feel compelled to say a few things. The Inlander does not arrive in stands all over Eastern Washington and North Idaho without cause. There exists an audience. Figuratively, a tide of people. Young and old and gay and straight and Native American and Mexican and all. You are alone. You will die alone in a world that no longer has need of your opinion. You have failed to stay relevant. The young, and the elderly who have managed to keep their minds sharp, will progress without you. TRADER JOE'S ROCK STAR Cheers to Female Employee with Short Blonde Hair (I think?!) at Trader Joe's on the South Hill, who absolutely went above and beyond on May 19. I came in on crutches due to a recent achilles surgery. Meanwhile, in the car was my wife and our newborn daughter, and we were on our way home for the first time from the hospital. You not only helped me gather up the things I needed in the store and helped me get through the check out line, but you went way above and beyond and, on a whim, put together a free bouquet of flowers as a gift for my wife, and helped me walk out to the car, and deliver them to her. Thank you so very much! What a special moment, on a very special day for us. Cheers to you! A REAL CONVERSION? Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am shocked that 3 issues have gone by without the

usual vicious, mean-spirited, name-calling attacks in commentary from Robert Herald against conservatives. Could it be that the Inlander finally realizes (like Mark Zuckerberg) that half of it's readership is made up of it's conservative neighbors and customers? Did Robert finally look in a mirror and realize that everything he accused his enemies of

54 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

RE: BAD INLANDER I would like to give a warm message to the person that clearly has the time to rant about how the Inlander has ruined Spokane. I just want

important. The idea of a North-South Freeway in Spokane has been in the works since the end of World War 2. For real? Why does it take THAT long to build a 10-miles-long freeway? BODY POLICE NEED A NEW HOBBY To the person who felt it was their public duty to judge fellow citizens for daring

Thanks, Ghost of David Foster Wallace, for buying me a drink at the Violent Femmes concert. Also, thanks for not being creepy about it.

doing, he was, in fact, doing himself? Whatever the reason, how nice it is to read an issue without feeling hated. Peace out. THANKS, DUDE. Thanks, Ghost of David Foster Wallace, for buying me a drink at the Violent Femmes concert. Also, thanks for not being creepy about it; I really appreciate that. (I was the girl in the black dress/plaid shirt standing alone at the bar.)

JEERS OLD COUPLE PLAYING CRIBBAGE ON 5/24 The Cottage Cafe is a great little place to go have beakfast or lunch. Everyone knows that if they go there, they're going to have to wait to get a table, and everyone is glad to do it. You probably had to wait for a table yourselves, but that doesn't mean you can sit and play cribbage at your table when you're don't eating. You were at the only table in the place that seats just two people. All the while, five couples sat waiting for a table that is meant to eat at, not play cards. Play cards at home or go to a trashy place you belong. Have some consideration for others. I hope you read this. To all of you who go to the Cottage Cafe, eat your meal, then promptly leave. Thank you! If you've never eaten at the Cottage Cafe, go there. Its the best place

SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”


in town. Well worth the short wait. Staff is incredible and the food is even better. Sincerely yours, Fruit instead of hashbrowns no blueberries.

to say, alongside with the rest of the members of the Inlander and Spokane, that you are utterly foolish and that the rest of us don't even want to bother wasting their time with you. I WILL WEAR WHATEVER I WANT Society hasn't forgotten what shame is, evidently, since you seek to shame someone or put them in what you perceive as their place. For what reason, though, honestly? Enough fat shaming. Since most men who wear skinny jeans are over 130 pounds and don't have 28 inch waists this seems aimed at women who wear them who don't fit your mentality. Get over it. People are going to wear what they're going to wear. Good for them. I praise every single person rebelling against this stuff as a hero. Skinny jeans, jeggings just means body hugging. And I have one fabulous body to hug, damn straight. When I wear jeggings, I look GREAT! Thank you very much! Just try and fill my jeans... good luck!!!

to wear skinny jeans if they happen to be over 130 pounds or a size 28, I would first like to compliment them on their extensive medical knowledge and mastery of telepathy. Surely such things allow them to know another person's waist size and weight simply by observing them as they pass on the street. Second, I would like to encourage such a person to take leave of watching people in skinny jeans and pursue a new hobby or career. With that level of intellect and skill, perhaps in a few years, they could find a cure for cancer, or learn to predict the stock market. The world is wide open. 


NORTH SPOKANE CORRIDOR I am only 19 but I have been waiting on this Freeway forever. I don't understand why the City of Spokane and WSDOT can't agree on when it will be finished. Seriously? It's a freeway. The NSC itself should be physically 70 or more years old by now if it's actually that f---in'

NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.






COLFAX LIBRARY VIDEO SALE As part of Colfax Chamber’s First Thursday Program, the library hosts an indoor/outdoor sale of hundreds of videos and other items. June 2, 3-7 pm. Colfax Library, 102 S. Main St. whitco. (509-397-4366) BECOMING A FOSTER PARENT The Service Alternatives team hosts an informational meeting on how to become a foster parent. Email to call to reserve a spot. At Service Alternatives, 1303 N Division St. (Suite B). Held monthly on the first Friday, from 3-5 pm. Free. (509-325-4390) CHANGING AMERICA: THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION A traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian examines the relationship between two great people’s movements that resulted in the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, and the March on Washington in 1963. June 3-30; opening reception June 3, at 6 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. (208-769-2315) COFFEE WITH A COP: Ballard Golf Cars and Power Sports in Hayden, Idaho hosts Deputy Jeff Burns from the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office. June 3, 10 am-1 pm. At 11494 N. Warren St., Hayden. (208-691-9102) FIRST FRIDAY SWING DANCING A monthly community dance, beginning with a crash-course lesson in vintage swing followed by live swing music at 8:30 pm. Fridays, 8-11:30 pm through June. $10. Gathering House, 733 W. Garland. WEST CENTRAL NEIGHBOR DAYS The WCC celebrates 35 years with a community celebration hosting local vendors and organizations, free food and beverages, live muisc, a kids carnival and more. June 3, 5-7 pm. Free. West Central Community Center, 1603 N. Belt St. (3237497)

Create Something Greater

CRAIG ROBINSON Beginning in 2005, he portrayed Darryl Philbin on the American version of The Office, and was promoted to a starring role in the fourth season. June 2-3 at 7:30 pm, also Fri-Sat at 10:30 pm. $37.50$52.50. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. FIRST THURSDAY COMEDY Live standup comedy the first Thursday of

ben joyce studios


Facebook Giveaway: ‘Like’ Ben Joyce Studios, then Post on my page YOUR favorite place with #loveyourplace to enter to WIN a LIMITED STUDIO EDITION (valued at $700)! View my art this June at Tin Roof Forefront for First Friday & at ArtFest Booth B24!

UPSCALE SALE The 8th annual event hosted by Spokane Symphony Associates features gently used jewelry, decor, furniture, antiques, artwork and more. June 3-5 (preview on June 2, 5-7 pm, $5). At 611 E. Sprague. (990-6418) DAHMEN BARN ANNUAL TEA This year’s theme is “A Grand Tour of Europe” with refreshments from many European countries. Live and silent auctions raise funds for the nonprofit creativity center. June 4, 1-3:30 pm. $20. Dahmen Barn, 419 N. Park Way., Uniontown. NIC BENEFIT AT ANTHONY’S All ticket sales for the four-course diner showcase Northwest seafood at the new Anthony’s restaurant in CdA directly benefit the North Idaho College Foundation. June 4. $100/person. Anthony’s at Coeur d’Alene, 1926 W. Riverstone Dr. (208-769-5978) PROJECT UNCONDITIONAL LOVE The local project which feeds the pets of the area homeless population hosts its first fundraising event. Come for free hot dogs, to meet super heroes and mascots, to hear live music by Sammy Eubanks and Maxie Ray Mills, a car show, and more. June 4, 10 am-5 pm. Free. The Country Store, 10505 N. Newport Hwy. TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL COW PLOP An inexpensive, family-friendly event to raise money for the school. Organizers bring in two cows and sell tickets for squares where the cows could plop. In addition there’s a street carnival with food, inflatables, games, arts & crafts, a clown and more. June 4, 11 am-4 pm. Trinity Catholic School, 1306 W. Montgomery Ave. (327-9369) ARTS & ANTIQUES AUCTION Live and silent auction items including a working glass top gas pump and original works of art, with music by Skookum Creek Music Company, refreshments by Cork and Barrel Public House, beer by local Top Frog Brewery. Proceeds benefit the Create Art Center and Pend Oreille Museum & Historical Society. June 5, 2-5 pm. Free. Pend Oreille Playhouse, 236 S. Union Ave. (509-447-9277) AN EVENING OF MAGIC A fundraiser benefiting the Neill Public Library in Pullman, with hearty hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, silent auction, raffle items, and a magic show by acclaimed Seattle magician G. G. Green. June 8, 7-9 pm. $35. BellTower, 125 SE Spring. SCRAPS OFF LEASH ONLINE AUCTION Bid on dozens of items including restaurant certificates, hotel package, and fun things to do, with all proceeds benefiting SCRAPS’ programs to rehome and rehabilitate homeless pets. June 10 and 20, online only. SCRAPS Regional Animal Shelter, 6815 E. Trent Ave.

every month in Impulse Nightclub at 8 pm (doors open at 6 pm). Each edition of the show features funny local folks from around the region. Ages 21+. $10. Northern Quest, 100 N. Hayford Rd. GINGERS ON ICE A two-man comedy experience by Jacob Godbey and Alex Tait, featuring a strategic blend of sketch, improv, stand-up and original videos. June 3, 7-9 pm. $10. Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center, 405 N. William St. (208-457-8950) STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third Ave. SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. TRIVIA + OPEN MIC COMEDY Trivia starts at 8 pm; stick around for open mic comedy afterward. Tuesdays, from 8-10 pm. Free. Checkerboard Bar, 1716 E. Sprague Ave. KRISTIN KEY The comedian is best known for being a season favorite on NBC’s “Last Comic Standing” season 4. June 9-11 at 8 pm, also Sat. at 10:30 pm. $10-$22. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague.

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 55



You’ll probably think I’m messing with you, but I swear I’m not. I am a man who has no desire to have sex. I was married, but after my wife got pregnant with our second (planned) child, we never had sex again. I just had — and have — no desire to do anything sexually with another person. I have now been divorced for 11 years and celibate for almost 21. Since my divorce, I have never hooked up or even gone on a date. I don’t want AMY ALKON to. Sometimes, I have an urge to masturbate, but I have no desire to involve anybody else. I simply don’t get why there is all this kerfuffle about sex. I see no reason to ever have sex again. —Curious As To Your Reaction Like many men, you’re looking to emulate something you saw in porn — only it’s the coffee table in the background. Though you refer to yourself as celibate, celibacy is a behavior a person chooses — a decision to fight off the urges most people have to hop on another person and do the humpus rumpus. What you have is a feeling — a longing for sex on a par with the enthusiasm of a guest at a trendy cocktail party being offered a slightly squirming sushi appetizer: “Uh, thanks, but don’t mind if I don’t.” Assuming you’ve been checked out by a doctor for any possible medical issues, chances are you’re “ace” — as people who are asexual like to call themselves. Asexuality is a sexual orientation — that of a person who, as social psychologist Anthony Bogaert puts it, has “a lack of sexual attraction or desire for others.” Asexuality is pretty uncommon. According to a survey that Bogaert did in the U.K., maybe 1 percent of the population has an asexual orientation. (This estimate may be on the low side, as it was done in 2004, long before the varieties of sexuality and gender began rivaling the choices in the salad bar at Souplantation.) Asexuality plays out in varied ways. Some asexuals lack any interest in sex, finding it about as appealing as having another person stick a finger up their nose repeatedly (while panting, moaning, and shrieking in ecstasy). Others sometimes have urges for sexual release; they just have no desire to expand their dating pool beyond their hand. So, while sexual attraction involves noticing another person and wanting to do all sorts of sex things with them, asexuals might find a person aesthetically pleasing but are generally as sexually interested in them as most of us would be in an adding machine or a potato. There are those who contend that asexuality is a physical or psychological disorder. And sure, some people probably use asexuality as a cover for unresolved issues or for shock value — like my (decidedly straight) sister did in coming home from college freshman year and announcing to my conservative Republican mother, “I think I’m a lesbian.” My mother handled this perfectly: “That’s nice; please put out the plates for dinner.” Clinical psychologist Lori Brotto explains that asexuality doesn’t meet the psychiatric bible’s criteria for an arousal disorder — physiological impairment or distress at the lack of attraction to others. Research by Brotto and others also finds that asexuals, in general, don’t seem any crazier than the rest of us and have normal hormone levels and normal arousability, reflected in erectile function and vaginal lubrication. As one asexual put it: “I did, you know, test the equipment…and everything works fine, pleasurable and all; it’s just not actually attracted to anything.’’ Some asexuals get into relationships with other people because they want a partner and/or a family. (They’re asexual, not aloving.) The problem comes if they don’t disclose that their sexual orientation is “Do you mind if I read while you do that?” As for your situation, if you don’t feel there’s anything missing from your life, well, yay for you. But consider the “self-expansion” model for romantic relationships, by psychologist Arthur Aron and his colleagues. It confirms what many of us intuitively understand: In addition to the ways a relationship challenges people emotionally, it expands who they are as individuals through exposure to their partner’s ideas, identity, possessions, and social circle. You might be able to have that sort of partnership — with a girlfriend who likes the same hot stuff you probably do in bed (microwaved Chinese food). You can connect with like-minded individuals on the big forum for asexuals — AVEN, the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network ( You might make some friends, and who knows…you might even meet the woman of your dreams — one who can’t wait to go home with you for a long night of meaningless Scrabble. n

EVENTS | CALENDAR AUNTIE’S SUMMER READING PROGRAM KICKOFF Middle-grade author Rosanne Parry reads from her newest book “Turn of the Tide.” Auntie’s also hosts a GPS treasure hunt throughout downtown, with prizes, treats, crafts and more. The summer reading program runs June 1-August 31. June 4, 10:30 am. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main. (838-0206) EASTERN WASHINGTON GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY June’s guest speaker is photographer Jesse Tinsley of the Spokesman-Review, who shares how he researches. June 4, 12:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Downtown Spokane Library, 906 W. Main Ave. (509-444-5336) THE FARM CHICKS SHOW The annual antique, vintage and handmade vendor show fills more than 90,000 square feet with curated, juried vendors. June 4, 9 am-6 pm and June 5, 9 am-4 pm. $8/day; $15/weekend pass. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. FIRE 9 DEMO DAY & WELLNESS FAIR See demos of live firefighting, cliff rescues, get free “Hands-on CPR” lessons, take station tours and more. Local community organizations and businesses also offer demos, info and samples. June 4, 10 am-2 pm. Free. Fire Station No. 92, 3801 E. Farwell Rd. FREE STATE PARKS DAY As part of the Discover Pass legislation, residents are offered access to any state park without needing a Discover Pass. Includes access locally to Riverside, Palouse Falls and Mt. Spokane state parks. Upcoming free days: June 4, June 11, Aug. 25, Sept.

24, Nov. 11. Free. PRIDE IN THE PARK A family-friendly, community picnic celebrating LGBT diversity and building a safer and stronger community for all. Includes food, entertainment, a children’s area and community resource tables. June 4, 10 am-1 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene City Park, 415 W. Mullan Rd. STRIDER BIKE GIVEAWAY PARTY SpokeFest, Mountain Gear and Strider are giving away 10 bikes will be given away on June 4. Party is free, open to the public and includes an Adventure Zone. June 4, 10 am-noon. Free. Mountain Gear, 2002 N. Division. (325-9000) JAUNT IN JUNE The second annual walk unites Spokane County behavior health providers and their clients and the public to celebrate “Mental Health Week.” Starts at Frontier Behavioral Health, 107 S. Division. June 7, 12-3 pm. Free. Downtown Spokane, n/a. (818-8848)


MONO (ARTIST MOVING IMAGE INITIATIVE) After you tour the First Friday exhibits, head to Spark for a free community film on the big screen. June’s film is about an international art and film project. June 3, 7-9 pm. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. (279-0299) SPOKANE CHILDREN’S FILM FEST eaturing 19 award-winning short films perfect for kids and the child in all of us. June 3, 7 pm and June 4, 2 pm. $10. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. (534-5805) THE MAN WHO KNEW INFINITY Growing up poor in Madras, India, Srinivasa Ramanujan Iyengar earns admittance to Cambridge University during WWI, where he becomes a pioneer in mathematical theories with the guidance of his professor. PG-13. June 4-5, show times vary. $4-$7. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. (208-255-7801) SFCC PLANETARIUM SHOWS See “Black Holes” from June 9-12 (times vary). Tickets may be purchased by phone or at the SFCC Cashier’s Office (M-F, 8 am-4 pm). $3-$6. SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr.


INL FOOD TRUCK RALLY An event benefiting Inland Northwest Lighthouse (INL), featuring local food, beer and fun while celebrating jobs, independence, and empowerment for people who are blind here in Spokane. June 2, 4-8 pm. Free to attend. Inland Northwest Lighthouse, 6405 N. Addison. (487-0405) IVORY TABLE SUPPER CLUB This month’s dinner is also a celebration of the cafe’s second year. The menu features a multi-course, rustic-style dinner prepared by chef/owner Kristen Ward, with wine pairings. June 3, 6 pm. $65/person. The Ivory Table, 1822 E. Sprague. (474-1300) VINO WINE TASTING Friday, June 3 showcases selections from Vino’s Wine of the Month Club. Also see the artwork of Caroline Stevens, from 3-7:30 pm. Sat, June 4 highlights Liberty Lake

©2016, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (

56 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016


Wine Cellars, from 2-4:30 pm. Vino!, 222 S. Washington St. SPO-CAN The fifth annual canned craft beer fest offers more than 50 canned beer and cider, along with the Spokes Mobile canning on site again to can your home brew. June 4, noon. Free admission. The Elk Public House, 1931 W. Pacific Ave.


BIGFOOT JAM Artists include: Real Life Rockaz, The Nixon Rodeo, DJ Freaky Fred, YourYoungBody and The Smokes. Also on site are food trucks, performers, carnival games, face painting, balloon twisters and more. June 3, 5-11 pm. Free. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. scc. (509-533-8329) CRESCENDO COMMUNITY CHORUS The spring concert, “Earth, Sea, & Sky,” offers an evening of choral music. June 3, 7-8 pm. $5/person; $20/family. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 5720 S. Perry. SPOKANE SYMPHONY GALA FEAT. TONY BENNETT The American icon performs with a quartet to mark the Symphony’s 70th anniversary. Tickets include dinner, the concert and postconcert dancing. Ages 21+ only. $225$275/person. June 4, 5 pm. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.


FIESTA 5K! FUN RUN & WALK Race fee gets you entry into the race and taco bar/non-alcoholic margaritas after the race, along with live entertainment. Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society! June 3, 6:15 pm. $35. Shadle Park High School, 4327 N. Ash St. MOUNTAIN HAVOC Spectators can watch the off-road truck championship, meet drivers and crew, hear live music, camp and enjoy family friendly activities. June 3-5. At 518995 N. Hwy. 95 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. $10-$30/ person. JUNE BUG FUN RUN The annual 3- or 5-mile run/walk benefits programs of Lutheran Community Services Northwest. June 4, 9 am. $20-$25. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. (533-7000) SPOKANE EMPIRE Arena football game vs. the Billings Wolves. June 4, 7 pm. $15-$110. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. TOURNAMENT OF THE INLAND EMPIRE The Epona Equestrian Team hosts the second annual Tournament of the Inland Empire, featuring jousting, archery, longsword fighting, equestrian skill-at-arms and a mounted melee. June 4-5, 8 am-8 pm. $5. At 6493 Hwy. 291, Nine Mile Falls. THE ROOTS PURSUIT In the most non-serious bike event of the season, two or three person teams start from the Shared Harvest Community Garden in CdA and pedal to one of three “hubs” where they have to complete challenges and get to the next hub. June 5, 8:30 am. $15/person. Shared Harvest Community Garden, 1004 E. Foster Ave. (208-667-9093)

SPOKANE YOUTH SPORTS AWARDS Besides their athletic achievements, finalists were selected for their character, dedication, sportsmanship and community service. New categories have been added this year to highlight our region’s smaller schools with outstanding athletics. June 7, 5 pm. $15. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague.


GUYS & DOLLS Set in Damon Runyon’s mythical New York City, “Guys and Dolls” is a high-energy romantic comedy. Through June 19, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $22-$30. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. THE CRUCIBLE See the riveting drama about the Salem Witch trials in 1962, written as a commentary about the 1950’s McCarthy hearings. Through June 5, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10/public; Free/students with ID. SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. (533-3500) ANYTHING GOES This Broadway musical is full of madcap antics involving a stowaway in love with an attached heiress, a nightclub singer, Public Enemy #13, and the rest of the ship’s crew and passengers. June 3-26; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $24-$27. The Modern Theater Coeur d’Alene, 1320 E. Garden Ave. MARY POPPINS A musical production based on the book by Julian Fellowes. Through June 12, Fri at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 2 pm. $8-$12. Spokane Children’s Theatre, 2727 N. Madelia. (328-4886)


ARTFEST The MAC celebrates the 31st annual arts festival, hosting live music, food, fine arts booths, kids activities and more. Free to attend. Coeur d’Alene Park, 300 S. Chestnut St. FIRST FRIDAY Art galleries and businesses across downtown Spokane and beyond host monthly receptions to showcase new displays of art. Free.


KERRY SCHAFER & ASA MARIA BRADLEY Join two local authors as they read from each other’s books and talk about writing challenges and triumphs. June 4, 4-5:30 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main. AUTHORS TIM & BECKY HATTENBURG The local authors talk about their historical book “Death Ride, A Little Boy’s Night of Terror.” June 6, 6:30 pm. Shadle Library, 2111 W. Wellesley St. (444-5390) BROKEN MIC Spokane Poetry Slam’s longest-running, weekly open mic reading series, open to all readers and all-ages. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. READING: RACHEL TOOR Written for teens and tweens, EWU Professor Rachel Toor’s book “Misunderstood” is a great introduction to the furry, funny, clever and sweet rat. June 8, 7-8 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) n

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JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 57



Willie’s Weed Country singer Willie Nelson gets help from a local processor BY AZARIA PODPLESKY



1 5 5 ,0



BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at

CALL 325-0634 xt. 215 EMAIL


ne Washington processor is getting a country kick after partnering with country music legend and legalization advocate Willie Nelson on his new company, Willie’s Reserve. The company is working with growers and processors in Colorado and Washington, including Spokane’s Growing Like a Weed, an I-502 producer/processor located in the Mountain Dome Winery building, to grow product it can then package under the Willie’s Reserve name. “Willie and his family, and a few close friends, developed the brand with emphasis on environmental and social issues, to lend support to the gradual end to marijuana prohibition across America,” a 2015 press release announcing the brand states. GLW master gardener and salesman Fred

Renteria says a representative from Willie’s Reserve reached out a couple of months ago, shortly after the processor switched from the medical to the recreational market. The representative was impressed with GLW’s organic approach to the growing process. “We take the approach that it doesn’t have to be in a bottle or be a pesticide to get you through,” Renteria says. “A lot of people get so far away from gardening that they forget what ...continued on page 60

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Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

58 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.


retail shops, processors, growers and coverage of the region’s LEGAL CANNABIS MARKET. Connect your business with Inlander readers in this annual guide!





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HOURS: MON-SAT 8-8 SUN 10-8 WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

Marijuana use increases the risk of lower grades and dropping out of school. Talk with your kids.


JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 59


ZONE “WILLIE’S WEED,” CONTINUED... they’re doing. That’s what we’re doing, gardening, so it should be healthy dirt, healthy plants. It shows the best product.” GLW is currently growing Silvertip for Willie’s Reserve, which the company is buying in bulk and will divide into flower, pre-rolls, edibles and oil. Willie’s Reserve products will be available in Washington and Colorado in the near future. Renteria says the brand plans to make its first purchase later this month, followed by a soft opening later in the summer. He’s seen a lot of celebrity-endorsed marijuana products sell because of the name on the product, not the LETTERS quality, but Renteria says that Willie’s Send comments to Reserve is focusing on the right things. “Rather than hiding behind Willie, the product can actually stand up side by side,” he says. “If more people took the approach that they’re taking — taking their time to get in the industry and doing the right steps — those are the businesses that are going to succeed.” The brand hopes to expand into other states as legalization becomes more widespread, and Renteria hopes that GLW, which also grows for nearly a dozen Washington dispensaries, including locals Canna House, Sativa Sisters, Satori and Green Light, is along for the ride. “Right now, we’re in enough stores to keep us happy,” he says. “But to have that power to be in any store possible is great.” 

60 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be heath risk associated with consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of the reach of children.

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ACROSS 1. “How low can you go?” dance 6. Crispy sandwiches 10. 1936 Oscar winner who played the title role in “The Story of Louis Pasteur” 14. University where Jimmy Carter became a distinguished professor in 1982 15. Suffix with concession 16. Hip to 17. When to celebrate National Poetry Month 18. Something to play at a casino 20. Spanish waterways 21. Singer whose video for “Chandelier” has over one billion views on YouTube 22. Shout at a rodeo 23. Self-exam requiring a handheld mirror and a glass of water that endocrinologists recommend for early detection of thyroid problems

26. Cara of “Fame” 27. One way to get meds, for short 28. Suffered from 29. Suffix with super 31. Jewish rights org. founded in 1913 32. Author Dostoyevsky 34. Bobby who was Sports Illustrated’s 1970 “Sportsman of the Year” 35. Fan mail recipient 36. Surprise punt in the NFL 39. Dot-____ (online businesses) 42. Rapper with the #1 album “Hip Hop Is Dead” 43. Bad stroke on the golf course 47. Band with the ‘99 hit “Summer Girls” 48. Dept. of Justice heads 49. Chard or cab alternative 50. 1979 Yves Montand film “____ in Icarus” 51. 1997-2006 United Nations chief 53. Howard Stern, notably 56. Acting bullish?

58. Chemistry suffix 59. Voting no 60. Classic 1953 short in which Daffy is tormented by an animator who is revealed to be Bugs in the end 62. Colloquialism 63. Man or Manhattan 64. The first U.S. tennis player to win $100,000 in a year 65. Painter’s supply 66. Ball-____ hammer 67. Pigeon-____ 68. Playing costs DOWN 1. Find out about 2. Charge brought against Socrates and Aristotle 3. Country that’s home to Mohammed V International Airport 4. Like a cool fall morning 5. Olive of comics

6. Spoon-fed, say 7. Pastel color 8. ____-la-la 9. Cabinet position: Abbr. 10. Grown-up chica 11. In the near future

BAKERY OUTLET The Wrath of LOCATIONS: Khan” 30. It’s an 110 N. Fancher Rd. opening 5901 N. Market 33. Places to 13324 E. Sprague Blvd. #4 get Blizzard 3024 N. Monroe Treats, for 1220 Government Way (CdA) short 34. Permits 35. When doubled, a hit song of 1965 and 1989 37. Musical Mama 38. Bop 39. Seafood-based party food 40. Worthless 41. Accessory for Colonel Klink on “Hogan’s Heroes” 44. Theodor Herzl, for one 45. Source of some intolerance 46. First wearers of parkas 48. “Breaking Bad” Emmy winner Gunn THIS “DUCK AMUCK” 49. Totally wiped out ANSW WEEK’S 52. Poet Conrad 12. “Sorry, ain’t gonna happen!” 54. “Wag the Dog” actress 13. Old-time desk accessory I SAW ERS ON 55. Son of Will and brother of Willow YOUS 19. Dullea of “2001: A Space Odyssey” 57. MBA hopeful’s hurdle 21. It’s caring, in a saying 61. Troop-entertaining grp. 24. China’s ____ En-lai 25. He yells “KHAAANNN!” in “Star Trek II: 62. Chicago-based supermarket chain

JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 61

ABOVE: An African American worker at Hanford during World War II. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PHOTO

RIGHT: Handford’s B Reactor

Who Built Hanford? We all know about the Manhattan Project and central Washington’s role in it, but the African American history there has been nearly forgotten BY KNUTE BERGER


he B Reactor at Hanford was the nation’s first industrial-scale nuclear reactor. It brought us the atomic bomb — in fact, it produced the plutonium for the first atomic test blast, Trinity, and the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki. It left us with a legacy of scientific and technical advances as well as moral debates that will be with us for centuries, to say nothing of the colossal environmental consequences we’ll be dealing with for millennia. Late last year, Hanford’s B Reactor became part of the Manhattan Project National Historic Park, which consists of three sites: Hanford in Washington, Oak Ridge in Tennessee and Los Alamos in New Mexico. You can tour Hanford today, and it’s tempting to see its story as mostly an epic engineering tale. But there’s more, so let’s hope the diverse human history of Hanford doesn’t get overwhelmed. It’s a tale that involves the Native Americans whose land it was built on — viewed by New Deal planners during the Depression as the “land of abandoned hopes,” according to historian Michele Stenehjem Gerber in her excellent Hanford history, On The Home Front. Native Americans also were impacted by atomic tests and uranium mining in the Southwest. And of course there are the Japanese who were the first bomb’s victims.


here are also the stories of the residents of rural communities who were displaced by the secretive project — who didn’t know why the government had removed them from their land until the day the bomb was dropped in 1945. There are the scientists and engineers, the farmers, and the “downwinders” who suf-

62 INLANDER JUNE 2, 2016

fered subsequently from the site’s toxic elements released into the atmosphere. There are the families who grew up nearby. One of those was the family of poet Kathleen Flenniken, who was raised in Richland and whose book, Plume, is a meditation on life in a nuclear site. She says families like hers (her dad was a Hanford civil engineer) lived as if they were members of a “secret society” where hazards were undisclosed, work could not be divulged even to loved ones, and where people were encouraged to have faith that something good and necessary was being done. “You were loyal to something you did not understand,” she says. Think of a Mad Men-era nuclear cult in the desert. An interesting exhibit called “The Atomic Frontier: Black Life at Hanford” recently brought a little-known slice of Hanford’s human story to life at Seattle’s Northwest African American Museum. Vast numbers of workers were shipped into the then-remote desert to build and run the B Reactor. That included thousands of African Americans eager to escape the Jim Crow South and get decent jobs during the wartime labor shortage. About 5,000 — roughly 10 percent of the Hanford workforce — were black, according to Some 15,000 African Americans moved to the area for the duration. Blacks did construction and service jobs. They were janitors, waitresses and drivers. For the most part, they were banned from local restaurants and targeted by the local Pasco police. Still, they were, at least for a time, partially free of the limits they faced down South. Mess halls were integrated, even if the barracks and many social events were not. Hanford maintained a

weekly calendar of events — plays, dances, concerts, etc. — for Manhattan Project workers trapped in the middle of a dusty nowhere. A large wartime calendar on display in the exhibit was divided into “White” and “Colored” categories — startling to see for those who think such things did not happen in the Pacific Northwest. According to Atomicheritage, “Lula Mae Little, a waitress who worked at the mess hall, referred to Hanford as the ‘Mississippi of the North.’”


t’s startling to see a World War II propaganda poster in the exhibit that features a white and black worker side by side — an indication of how necessary blacks were seen as being to the war effort, and clearly an attempt to make whites understand that working with them was their patriotic duty. That attitude did not survive the war’s end. Governor Art Langlie stated his preference that workers brought into the state for the war be sent back to where they came from, and Hanford hired no blacks as permanent workers in the wake of the war. Some stayed in the Tri-Cities. Others dispersed, but not necessarily back “home.” After the war, many black workers moved to find jobs elsewhere, especially in coastal cities like Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. That postwar boom changed the race dynamics of Seattle. “World War II brought a lot of folks to this part of the country,” says exhibit curator Jackie Peterson, a museum consultant from New York. She has seen the power of telling more inclusive histories at major sites, like the Presidio in San Francisco, which touches on Native American, Hispanic and African American history, ranging from the original residents on San Francisco Bay to the Buffalo Soldiers, those black cavalrymen who passed through en route to protect parks like Yosemite and Sequoia. There are big advantages to working hard to be inclusive, she says, to “go out of your way to where everyone sees themselves” in the story. That’s a message the Park Service should seize upon in telling the big history of Hanford’s B Reactor. n A version of this article first appeared on

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JUNE 2, 2016 INLANDER 63

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