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2 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
INSIDE JUNE 11-17, 2015 | VOL. 22, NO. 34
5 13 21 25 109 112 116
122 124 125 128 129 130 132
Rapid Re-Housing programs still mean months of homelessness for many families PAGE 13
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The Spokane Indians’ homegrown groundskeeper has big-league dreams PAGE 21
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JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 3
Thanks to the multiplier effect, every Arena seat sold contributes to the Spokane County economy.
Keeping It Local
The Arena is known for bringing big names to Spokane. Yet it also celebrates its local setting by hosting graduations, as well as K-12 events, like the annual rivalry high school basketball games, including the Stinky Sneaker (Central Valley vs. University) and the Rubber Chicken (Ferris vs. Lewis and Clark). One of those events is the Band and Strings Spectacular. This annual concert convenes the fifth- and sixthgraders from the 35 Spokane public elementary schools. Roughly 2,400 students take part. “In the last five or six years, we’ve averaged about 6,000 people in the audience,” says Dave Weatherred, Visual and Performing Arts Coordinator for Spokane Public Schools. “We’ve done a pretty good job of filling up the place.” That level of participation is exponentially higher than when the event got its start back in 1964. Weatherred, who has organized the concert for the past 19 years, says that going from the Coliseum to the Arena allowed them to take the event to the next level — though not without new challenges. “One of the issues is to get kids back to their parents. So with the help of the Arena, we came up with the Parade of Musicians. At the end of the concert, we have all the students get up and parade around the outside.” They then gather in orderly lines on the concourse, where their parents can pick them up. “Everybody goes home happy.”
Driving Prosperity A huge impetus for constructing the Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena — and doing so downtown, as opposed to on the outskirts of the city — was its potential economic impact beyond ticket sales. As events like the record-setting NCAA basketball championships have shown, sports tournaments, conventions and top-tier concerts draw locals, as well as those from out of town. Local attendees often grab a bite to eat afterward, while ticket-holders who drive 150 miles are more likely to make an overnight stay out of it. That means meals, shopping, hotel rooms, a drink or two and perhaps even another show at another venue. According to data gathered by Dean Runyan Associates, the average attendance at a large Arena concert or event is about 11,000. Of those attendees, between 20 percent and 30 percent will most likely stay overnight (2.7 nights, to be exact) and spend about $299 per person per trip. Throughout the year, there are usually about 12 events that meet this threshold. The combined visitor spending from those events is estimated to be nearly $8 million. Cheryl Kilday, President and CEO of the tourism advocacy group Visit Spokane, says that more than 2.3 million people visited Spokane County in 2014, spending a total of $893 million. “The number has been steadily growing — modestly, but it continues to grow,” Kilday says. “Shopping, dining and entertainment are the reasons people come here for leisure. And so the Arena — the big concerts, the big events — is obviously going to bring more out-of-town guests. There’s a relationship between that $893 million and the Spokane Arena.” Last year, the combined estimated spending and economic impact directly related to visitors who attended events and meetings at the Arena was more than $33 million. “The Arena is an important part of our tourism industry,” says Kilday. “It helps us build what we refer to as a community résumé. And the Arena really is an important component — whether we’re talking leisure or conventions.” NEXT TIME: How Spokane landed perhaps the biggest local events since Expo ’74 — the U.S. Figure Skating Championships.
At a special “Passing of the Keys” ceremony on September 2, 2003, the city of Spokane officially transferred full management of the Arena, the INB Performing Arts Center and the Spokane Convention Center to the Public Facilities District. The PFD continues to operate those facilities, along with new space recently added to the Spokane Convention Center complex.
ELECTRICITY IN THE BUILDING Repeated calls for an Arena Football team were finally answered on August 26, 2005, when af2 Commissioner Jerry Kurz formally accepted owner Brady Nelson’s proposal to form the Spokane Shock. On March 30, 2006, after selling an impressive 3,000 season tickets, the Shock went up against the Stockton Lightning, defeating them 41–40 in their inaugural home game.
Watch this space every second Thursday of 2015 to learn the story of your Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena. THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY THE INLANDER
COMING UP: Theresa Caputo Live, June 13; Spokane Shock vs. Outlaws, June 26
J. Jeremy McGregor (x224) GENERAL MANAGER
EDITORIAL Jacob H. Fries (x261) EDITOR
Mike Bookey (x279) CULTURE EDITOR
Chris Bovey (x248) ART DIRECTOR
WHAT ARE YOUR SUMMER PLANS? MONICA HARWOOD My summer plans are to go to Camp Spalding with my daughter, probably hang out at Newman Lake, and hang out at Riverfront Park. What is your favorite summer memory? Probably doing those same things, going to camp and hanging out by the river. I grew up here so those are all of my favorite things!
Laura Johnson (x250)
Michael Mahoney COPY EDITOR
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Chey Scott (x225) LISTINGS EDITOR
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MARCELL DAVIS This summer, I might go to Cabo with some friends because I’m saving up for that. So we’ll see how that goes! What is your favorite thing about summer in the Inland Northwest? The weather. It’s pretty hot!
Special offers must be booked by 06/30/15. Coupons may not be used for specials Visit us on Facebook for more information!
Amy Alkon, Jordy Byrd, Steve Davis, Rachel Dolezal, George Nethercutt, Carrie Scozzaro, Ed Symkus
Katy Burge, Erin Robinson, Matthew Salzano INTERNS
I’m actually getting married this summer! What is your favorite summer memory? Probably being at the lake with my family.
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ERIN KAMMERER Hanging out with my friends, hopefully going over to Seattle and maybe out to Lake Coeur d’Alene. What is your favorite thing about summer in the Inland Northwest? Probably all of the activities you can do; camping, hiking, boating, all that good stuff!
Kristin Wagner (x210) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE
SUZIE COOPER I plan to garden, camp, drink and enjoy the sun! What is your favorite thing about summer in Spokane? I love going up near Colville to Lake Ellen with my family to camp.
Wayne Hunt (x232) PRODUCTION MANAGER Alissia Blackwood Mead (x228), Derrick King (x238), Jessie Spaccia (x205), Tom Stover (x265) GRAPHIC DESIGNERS
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JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 5
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he word “crisis” is often overused, but the current lack of civic learning is a bona fide crisis to which America — leaders and citizens at all levels — should pay attention. The Pew Center recently published its findings about Americans’ lack of knowledge of current political affairs. The U.S. Department of Education’s periodic Report Card assessing our nation’s schools showed no progress for American students in the areas of civic learning, social studies and understanding government. Public figures as diverse as former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, actor Richard Dreyfuss and author/historian David McCullough, among others, have called for greater emphasis on student understanding of the American story, including studying the Constitution and other founding documents that chronicle our country’s development. McCullough bravely proclaimed months ago that if today’s generation doesn’t understand how America was developed and works today, our nation won’t recover. Lack of student knowledge was apparent in a recent YouTube video. Ten American University students in Washington, D.C., were asked to name one U.S. Senator. Only one could, but all 10 could name the theme song from the movie Frozen.
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6 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
ome states, at the urging and efforts of the nonprofit Joe Foss Institute, are reacting to student deficiencies by passing laws and regulations requiring high school seniors to pass the immigrant citizenship test as a condition of graduation. More states will follow as the failures of schools to teach civics and citizenship are revealed. In 2012, two Harvard University professors wrote in the Harvard Crimson magazine that colleges and universities shortchange students and parents by not relating college course subjects to their social and political consequences or benefits. Some universities understand their obligation to graduate students who understand American society, possess technical and subject-matter knowledge, and are prepared to act as responsible citizens, both in their nation, their communities and throughout the world. Civic learning that includes U.S. history, economics, government and foreign policy will prepare students for citizenship that enhances any jobs they’ll secure. Understanding how government works, how taxes are collected and disbursed, how government structures impact citizens’ lives and how laws are made will be valuable to youngsters who later serve in public positions, or merely make their way in American society. Think about it: If an enemy of the United States were to attack Americans, rendering them
ignorant of American history, oblivious to economic consequences, brainwashing them so they don’t appreciate how global nations connect, or preventing them from standing up for freedom as a basic concept and national value, most citizens would be outraged. They’d demand that Congress and the President preserve our great heritage and protect accepted American values. Elected officials would be vilified if they didn’t. Yet that’s where the U.S. finds itself a mere 239 years after our founding. A recent national Washington Post poll affirms that most Americans today believe their children won’t achieve the American Dream; that they’ll be worse off economically than their parents. While the American Dream focuses largely on economic achievement, it encompasses a sense of American well-being, a national pride borne of national self-confidence and a self-identity that defends a system of government based on the principles of justice, representative government, human rights, rule of law and equality. These concepts of freedom are familiar to other nations, but only practiced with historical understanding by Americans. They’re therefore worthy of protection and preservation. Today, most Americans believe such concepts should be protected. Yet broad understanding of their depth and breadth is waning. That’s why many Americans are calling for a return to a greater focus on civic learning and active citizenship. Studying American history, economics, foreign policy and government is a bipartisan, politically neutral effort, embraced by most political groups, including the Better Business Bureau, Boy Scouts, teachers unions, and numerous business concerns, among others. Readers of this column are hereby challenged to identify any entity that doesn’t think civic learning is important.
merica is at a tipping point: It will either return to a period of crisis-avoiding civic learning, or it will deem civics merely as important as the Hula-Hoop — a forgotten fad. If it’s the latter, the America we’ve known and treasured will fade from view and become an unsustainable form of government, largely because of American society’s apathy. It will follow the lead of other historical democracies that have failed to sustain themselves. And that’s a crisis worth avoiding. n
A Healthier Way to Clean Carpets
Let the World Slip BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.
S�ap Free
ow, you people really like summer. And as our biggest Inlander ever proves, what’s not to like? Grab a notebook, a pencil, something cold to drink and find a comfortable spot to kick back and start taking notes. Since I get a head start every week, I’ve already sketched out a plan. On June 18, around Manito Park, it’s SUMMER PARKWAYS — a lazy bike ride where, under the trees along some of the South Hill’s most charming streets, you mingle with neighbors. It’s exciting to see the changes to HOOPFEST — with ESPN coming, and the weekend spilling into Friday. I love the Nike sportswear tent, and we have plenty of family members’ games to check out. Nice work to Matt and the Hoopfest team. Next thing to jot down: NOTHING. Can’t forget to work in a day of, in the immortal words of Napoleon Dynamite, “Whatever I feel like! Gosh!” Oh yeah, another thing not to forget — EAT. All of us are a little blown away by how quickly the Inland Northwest has become a foodie kind of place. I’m excited to see what the team from Manito Tap House has in store at Blackbird, their soon-to-open place in the old Caterina Winery. And we’ve had a pizza renaissance lately, am I right? David’s is back, Veraci is cooking along, Fire’s Thai pizza won’t quit pestering my subconscious and then there’s Republic Pi on my must-try list. It’s looking like a summer of slices. I’ve circled two concerts to tape up on the fridge — VINCE GILL at the Festival at Sandpoint on Aug. 8 and JACKSON BROWNE at Northern Quest on July 30. Legends both. No summer is complete without a night at Avista Stadium to watch our SPOKANE INDIANS. The recent ballpark improvements have only enhanced the pure baseball experience, just the way Honus Wagner intended. Avista will even host the league All-Star Game on Aug. 4. Finally, some culture. CLASSICAL MUSIC outdoors can be sublime, and Mozart in the Park at Manito (July 14 and 15) is a safe bet; the Spokane Symphony Soirée on the Edge at Arbor Crest (Aug. 12 and 19) is another. The Bard himself is pitching in, as Montana Shakespeare in the Parks brings THE TAMING OF THE SHREW to Riverfront Park on Aug. 23 (and Sandpoint on Aug. 21). Of course, that calls to mind a pithy quote you can ponder while taking in this summer of 2015: “Sit by my side, and let the world slip,” the lord-fora-night Christopher Sly says as his entertainment begins in Taming. “We shall ne’er be younger.” n
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JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 7
Forever Free
How 150 years of freedom from slavery affects all Americans BY RACHEL DOLEZAL
uneteenth. It’s a holiday with a funny name and a serious meaning. Pairing “June” and “nineteenth,” it represents freedom from centuries of oppression in a single word. It was June 19, 1865, when Union Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and announced that the Civil War had ended and all enslaved people of African descent were free. Many who had endured countless atrocities under the brutal regime of chattel slavery walked off the plantations the instant they heard Granger declare: “The people of Texas are informed that,
in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves.” It was a landmark announcement, one that echoed around the world in cries for ending other human rights abuses. This idea of emancipation from slavery was at the core of ending the Holocaust and apartheid in South Africa. But the power of freedom from enslavement didn’t stop at race-based discrimination. It lit the fire for the labor movement that demanded a limit of eight-hour work days, inspired gender liberation and brought equal rights to women.
Freedom is one of the most contagious ideas that has taken root in the human mind. So powerful is the possibility of freedom for those experiencing confinement, limitation or wholescale human rights violations that many have risked horrific forms of torture and death. Castration, whipping, hanging, being quartered alive, eaten by birds, boiled in oil, brutally raped, having limbs amputated, children killed and other unspeakable incidents were the consequences of enslaved African people seeking freedom in America before Granger’s announcement in 1865. Elsewhere, the price of seeking, protecting or exercising freedom has been paid at the guillotine, at the stake, on the plank or in the loss of life in war. Granger’s words “all slaves are free” and “absolute equality of rights” were confirmed in the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and challenged the subsequent failure of Reconstruction and the injustices of Jim Crow segregation. Various leaders exposed the ongoing inequality of rights that defined liberty as fantasy for some in the 20th century, and the benchmark of Juneteenth is still used for justice movements today. One hundred and fifty years since the bell of liberty resounded in Galveston, we can wholeheartedly celebrate the degrees of freedom achieved, while working to finish the work of self-determination and empowerment. Under the 13th Amendment, slave labor in privately owned prisons is legal, where inmates work today for as little as 5 cents per hour to make corporations rich. One man who knows the pain of lost freedom is Gerald Hankerson, the first person to be exonerated from death row in Washington state. He was sentenced to death at age 19 and served 23 years before being vindicated and freed. Hankerson now oversees civil rights in the Northwest as the president of the Seattle/King County NAACP, as well as presiding over the NAACP’s Alaska Oregon Washington State Area Conference. I will be traveling to Connell, Washington, this Saturday with Hankerson to speak to inmates at Coyote Ridge Corrections Center on the topic of Juneteenth, and also will speak with the inmates at Airway Heights Corrections Center the following week on the morning of Juneteenth. Hankerson will be coming to Spokane this September to lead the NAACP State Area Conference Convention. All are welcome to attend this year’s Spokane Juneteenth celebration at Liberty Park, on June 20 from 1 to 5 pm. There will be a banquet honoring freedom fighters in our community on June 19, and a Juneteenth Breakfast on June 20 for fathers and their children at Rogers High School. Visit for more information. n Rachel Dolezal, formerly of the Human Rights Education Institute in Coeur d’Alene, is president of NAACP Spokane and teaches courses in Africana history and culture at area universities.
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JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 9
Reaction to an interview on our blog (6/5/15) with Idaho Rep. Vito Barbieri (R-Dalton Gardens) asking him to explain why he views Islam as threatening, after he posted an anti-Islamic video on his Facebook page;
BRIAN BABCOCK: I see all extreme religions as a threat to humanity. JOHN PHILLIP: If I didn’t know better, it seems some of you want a return to the Crusades. It’s as bad as those who want Jihad. Frankly, all religious fanatics, be they Muslim or Christian, deserve each other. Just leave the rest of us in peace! DEENA MATTHEWS: Fear mongering. There are more [white supremacists] in Idaho than Islamic terrorists. Geez. DAVID EIDY: This guy has jumped on a bandwagon that has been going on for a long time: Islamophobia. Sure there’s shit going on, but not at the level he’s pushing. I could give lots of comparisons, but oh well. TRICIA ADAMS: He doesn’t even realize his views are what is destroying the American Way of Life. MARK MOMB: The current administration is doing nothing to stave off illegal immigration. And Islam does not appear to be a peaceful religion as the Sunni and Shiite conflict shows. ALEX SHAFFER: I don’t know what the Inlander would do if they didn’t have Idaho as a constant, overflowing source of political amusement, but at least it puts Dalton Gardens on the map. Dalton Gardens is a pretty nice place, and I don’t think any Islamic terrorists know where it is or are that concerned about who lives there. Unfortunately, Vito de Dalton uses his way-off-the-beatenpath fanatical fantasy to justify a legislation of bigotry, even if he isn’t honest enough to admit it to himself. If it were true about a terrorist threat to Idaho, I certainly wouldn’t want to draw attention to myself and where bingo night is held. Instead, perhaps this political genius ought to concern himself with serving his community within the realm of reality. Much more realistic concerns such as water rights and protection, added police patrols at night, speed traps on Fourth Street, gridlock traffic in front of the high school, enforcement of fire codes around Canfield Mountain and a leadership of tolerance towards the Islamic faith that brings people together.
LETTERS Send comments to
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 11
12 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
Angela Friedrich shows her 5-year-old son, Bert, a mural representing the donors who contributed to Family Promise of Spokane, which has helped the Friedrich family. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
Waiting For Their Place
through the Salvation Army at the end of August,” Friedrich says, “and it took me months to get through all the red tape.” Rapid Re-Housing programs sprung up around the country in 2009 with the cash infusion from the federal economic stimulus package, aimed at stanching the flow of families from the suburbs to the streets in the wake of the mortgage meltdown. The National Alliance to End Homelessness found that 87 percent of families helped through these programs never return to homelessness. “In Spokane we’ve seen less than 1 percent of families return to the system within six months,” says Sheila Morley, community homeless program manager for the For families, the downward spiral into homelessness is city of Spokane. Last year, the city invested $900,000 rarely rapid; for Friedrich, it was more of a slow slide. in Rapid Re-Housing and served 400 households. This “I lost my job and was trying to get out of a negayear, Morley says they hope $1.1 million will serve 500 tive situation with my son’s father,” says households. R E L AT E D Friedrich. “We were evicted and struggled Boise was an early champion of to find housing. It was just one roadblock One segment of Spokane’s Rapid Re-Housing, with its Charitable after another. It was really difficult to find homeless population is on Assistance to Community’s Homeless a job when we weren’t stable anywhere.” the rise. Details on page 18. program that began in 2006 and transiA house of their own always seemed tioned 65 families into apartments last just around the corner — just an application, an approval year. or a caseworker assignment away. But everything is more “Most of our school jurisdictions, each school shows difficult without a steady place to stay. between 350 and 700 kids experiencing homelessness,” “I started filling out the application for assistance ...continued on next page
Rapid Re-Housing programs still mean months of homelessness for many local families BY LAEL HENTERLY
ngela Friedrich has lost count of all the places she and her children have spent the night in the past year. There have been couches, shelters and the motor home where it was so cold she could see her own breath. In just the past 60 days, Friedrich and her three children — Theresa, 17, Marianne, 15, and Bert, 5 — have called a dozen churches home for a few nights at a time. The Friedriches are hardly alone. In Washington, 61,000 children were homeless in 2012 and 2013, according to the National Center on Family Homelessness. Spokane County’s point-in-time count on Jan. 29 found 1,033 homeless people, including 121 families with children, a 17 percent decrease from the previous year.
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 13
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14 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
“WAITING FOR THEIR PLACE,” CONTINUED... says CATCH Executive Director Wyatt Schroeder. “Statewide, that number is around 6,000. These are individual children that we’re trying to help.” Rapid is a relative term, though. Schroeder says the waitlist for CATCH is about six months. In Spokane, Rapid Re-Housing is structured more as a quick boost than a long-term transitional program. While CATCH pays up to six months rent, Spokane’s program helps only with move-in costs, making the low rate of families returning to the streets all the more impressive. “Ideally, families are housed within 30 days of becoming homeless under Rapid Re-Housing,” says John McGah, senior associate at the National Center on Family Homelessness. That’s rarely the case in practice, though. McGah says it often proves difficult for the programs to expand, due to the availability of suitable housing and willing landlords. Catholic Charities Associate Director Gene DiRe says 102 families were helped from January through March. DiRe says wait times vary because funding fluctuates through the year based on grant cycles. In Spokane, Rapid Re-Housing funds cover application fees, security deposit and a portion of the first month’s rent and are available for up to 30 days. The intake assessment is simple to fill out. Click through a couple of screens, check some boxes indicating where you’ve been sleeping at night, and it spits out an option — if there is one. “Living in the home of friends or relatives, or in a self-owned unit that is in the midst of foreclosure, does not meet the eligibility criteria for application to access these re-housing dollars,” says the final screen of Spokane County’s centralized intake assessment if you select “Temporarily living with a friend or relative (aka couch-surfing, not on the lease, not an owner of the property)”
as your current housing situation. “Sleeping in my car” produced the same response. To be eligible for programs like Rapid Re-Housing, you have to get really homeless first. Many Rapid Re-Housing clients have a black mark marring their rental history. If they can’t find a place to rent within the 30-day window, they lose the funds. Others are approved but end up waiting for months due to a lapse in funding. “There haven’t been any fluctuations or cuts to funding. We just have more people eligible for Rapid Re-Housing than there are funds,” says Jonathan Mallahan, the city of Spokane’s community and neighborhood services director. Mallahan says the city hopes to budget more money in the future, because the program seems to be working so well. They’ll also need to find more landlords willing to take a chance on tenants who don’t look perfect on paper. “The landlords wouldn’t even meet with them because of the eviction she got when she left her domestic violence situation,” says Steve Allen, executive director of Family Promise of Spokane, who has been helping the Friedriches search for housing. Some Spokane landlords have had bad experiences with older rental assistance programs that have left them wary. “I’ve done Section 8 and that’s been a disaster,” says West Central landlord Rick Gagliardi. “There’s no checks and balances.”
eetering on the brink of homelessness as summer turned to fall and fall to winter, Friedrich began to panic as the family’s stopgap housing options dwindled. By December, she and her children were living in a 1970s Winnebago motor home in a friend’s yard. “We had no running water, no heat, and this was in the dead of winter,” says Friedrich.
Family Promise of Spokane Executive Director Steve Allen ended up connecting the Friedrich family with a friend of his who had a home available. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO From there they went to the 18-room Union Gospel Mission, which Friedrich says was consumed with video education courses on how to be a responsible renter and a good parent. After the UGM, where the maximum stay is 90 days, Friedrich was accepted into the Family Promise program. “We’ve been waiting for the county Rapid Re-Housing. As soon as we applied and got approved, they froze everything and did a restructuring,” says Friedrich, who was approved for funds three months ago. “I’ve just kind of been sitting in limbo.” Friedrich’s housing purgatory hasn’t been all bad: She found a job with a photography company and has connected with a support system through the church communities that participate in the Family Promise program. The year of uncertainty and waiting has taken a toll, though. Marianne never managed to catch up in biology or trigonometry after switching schools; Theresa soon will be a mother. Bert doesn’t know the family is homeless, Friedrich says, and the older girls have been careful never to use the word around him. “I just want to be able to send my kids to their rooms,” says Friedrich. “I really, really miss it!” Friedrich finally got the green light to use her Rapid Re-Housing funds last week, and within days she had appointments lined up all over town. Even with the funds in hand, though, housing remained elusive. “Two or three places she looked at, no one would give her a second glance,” says Allen. “Their situation was really not her fault, but it’s been hard for her to overcome that.” Then she went to view the little blue house owned by Gagliardi, who is a friend of Allen’s. “She let me know she had an eviction, and as a landlord, that’s very, very bad,” says Gagliardi. “If a judge has to throw you out of a house, that’s a big red flag.” But Gagliardi says he is willing to give the Friedrich family a second chance because Allen vouched for them. “Several years ago the Salvation Army approached me about another woman, they recommended her and it worked out great,” says Gagliardi. “I would encourage other landlords to work through an organization with these tenants.” The journey may not have been rapid, but the Friedrich family is finally headed home. n
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 15
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Last weekend, Browne’s Addition held its iconic three-day Elkfest music festival, drawing scores of music fans to shows like the Flying Spiders, the Grizzled Mighty and FolkInception. That includes music fans like this little guy, who danced his heart out at Elkfest on Saturday.
Rogers’ Power Principa
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JUNE - JULY , 2015
5/21/15 9:32 AM
Get your copy at fitness centers, medical offices, and Inlander stands all over the Inland Northwest. *Media Audit 2013
16 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
SEEING THREATS | Last week, Idaho Rep. VITO BARBIERI (R-Dalton Gardens) posted an anti-Islam video on his Facebook page, with a warning: “Islam is at the door. But it isn’t knocking. Islam in its own words. If we believe the press, it is a violation of America’s religious freedom to resist this invasion. The times, they are a twisted!” The Inlander called him up and asked him what he meant by this, what should be done about Islam in Idaho, and what he’d say to a Muslim constituent who might take offense to his remarks. (DANIEL WALTERS)
FIRED UP | With his re-election opponent calling for a moratorium on the sale and production of MARIJUANA in the city of Spokane, the Inlander interviewed Spokane City Council President Ben Stuckart exploring his views on the recently legalized drug. In the interview, he pushed back against the idea of a moratorium, calling it a “job-killer” that would deprive the area of economic activity and tax revenue. In the interview, Stuckart also explained how he came to support legalization, its impact on youth, the prospects of big marijuana and his own marijuana-consumption habits. (JAKE THOMAS)
Bumps in the Road
Department’s initial review of applicants found that all interim resumes met the minimum qualifications. The council’s proposed amendment comes a month after it passed a resolution urging the selection committee to identify interim candidates. If passed, the amendment would take about two and a half weeks to take effect. Adrian Dominguez, who sits on both the OPO Commission and the selection committee, estimated that, in the best-case scenario, someone would be hired for the permanent job in October. (MITCH RYALS)
INCENTIVES OVERHAUL Condon and Stuckart get together on On Monday, Mayor DAVID CONDON and Spobusiness incentives; plus, questions swirl kane City Council President BEN STUCKART stood together to announce that they were working on a new around Mielke’s bid for county CEO framework intended to better determine how incentives HELP NEEDED?
The Spokane City Council filed an amendment to the municipal code Wednesday that would allow council members to bypass the POLICE OMBUDSMAN selection committee in the hiring process for an interim ombudsman. Currently, the code says the selection committee must send three qualified candidates for both the interim and permanent positions to the Office of Police Ombudsman Commission, the body responsible for hiring, when a vacancy occurs. So far, the selection committee has refused to give the OPO Commission names to fill the interim position, despite several requests to do so. Selection Committee Chair Nancy Isserlis, the city attorney, says none of the people who applied for the interim position are qualified, which is why they’re focusing on filling the permanent position. Although the decision of whether or not an applicant is qualified ultimately rests with the selection committee, the city Human Resources
to developers should be offered. The announcement comes a week after the Spokane City Council declined to approve a $318,000 payment to Spokane hotelier Walt Worthy — something which Worthy says was promised to him by the city to cover the environmental remediation costs at the Davenport Grand Hotel. On Monday, Worthy appeared before the council to reiterate that he didn’t make a “back room” deal with the mayor, while saying that the city council had expressed early support for the agreement. The dust-up over Worthy prompted Condon and Stuckart, who’ve clashed in the past, to craft a framework meant to prevent similar situations in the future. The framework will evaluate the value of proposed economic development projects and allow the mayor and the council to determine which incentives will be offered. Condon said that the policy would cover large multi-million developments but also smaller projects in neighborhood business districts. (JAKE THOMAS)
State law bans city council members from even applying for a city manager position, until a year after their council term expires. But the county equivalent — Spokane County Commissioner Todd Mielke’s applying for the county’s CEO job while still sitting on the board — has no such restriction. Now that Mielke is one of two finalists for the job — with the final decision in the hands of his fellow commissioners — some are calling for the process to be restarted. “There are way too many coincidences in this whole thing,” says former County Commissioner Bonnie Mager. Among other accusations, she argues that Mielke helped current County CEO Marshall Farnell get a considerable raise, both delaying Farnell’s planned retirement long enough for Mielke to get a resume-boosting MBA, and setting himself up for a higher future salary. Indeed, according to Spokane County HR Director Cathy Malzahn, Farnell received in 2012 a nearly 27 PERCENT SALARY BUMP, worth about $33,800 a year. Over the long term, that value is even more dramatic: He’ll be eligible for up to $20,280 more in annual pension benefits than if he had retired before the raise. Yes, Mielke says, he tried to get Farnell to “stay as long as possible,” and Farnell’s raise was given partly as an incentive to stay longer. But Mielke was absent for the 2012 vote, and he says he wanted Farnell to stay to give the county more time to come up with a transition plan — rather than as a tactic to buy time to complete an MBA. Farnell’s raise had been long in the works, ever since a 2009 study found Farnell was vastly underpaid compared to his peers, Mielke adds. Farnell, and Commissioners Al French and Shelly O’Quinn were out of the office, and did not respond by press time. (DANIEL WALTERS)
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JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 17
After having lived on the streets for three years, a man calling himself Texas Hound is considered chronically homeless. SHANNON ROSS PHOTO
The Unsheltered Life How do you give homes to those few who don’t want them?
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18 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
Pick up an Ale Trail map while you’re out.
arlier this month, Mayor David Condon stood before reporters to deliver some good news. The final numbers from a count in January of people without permanent housing had been finalized, showing that the number of homeless was 1,033, a 10 percent decrease from last year. Condon attributed the drop to better coordination between social service providers, new policies that prioritize housing for the chronically homeless and $8 million in funds from the federal government, which has prioritized ending homelessness. But the results from the count also reveal that the number of chronically homeless individuals in Spokane had risen from 151 to 219. Sheila Morley, community homeless program manager with the city of Spokane, says that the increase is due, at least in part, to the city doing a better job connecting with and counting chronically homeless individuals. According to Morley, there are 233 housing units in Spokane set aside for the chronically homeless; all are currently occupied. Although the city is planning on building 100 more units for this population, says Morley, that still won’t meet the demand. In the meantime, one approach the city has ruled out is allowing tent
cities or encampments, which have been allowed by officials in Seattle and Portland. “Camping is not a solution to homelessness,” says Jonathan Mallahan, the city’s director of community and neighborhood services. Homeless encampments tend to become more visible in the warmer months, says Mallahan, as they move closer to the river. In Spokane, police will give people found sitting or lying on the street 24 hours notice before arresting or citing them under the city’s sit-lie ordinance (unless shelters are full). Mark Richard, president of the Downtown Spokane Partnership, says that downtown used to have a bigger problem with people sitting on the sidewalk blocking doorways, gathering in large, menacing mobs and openly using drugs, particularly during the summer months. City policies, he says, have given police a tool that helps push homeless people towards needed services.
man calling himself Texas Hound has seen the other side of these policies. Last month, he was camping out to protest the sit-lie ordinance, which he says violates the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and the U.S. Constitution, and also because he says he just doesn’t want to go to a shelter. Originally from a town outside of Dallas, Texas Hound says that he’s been homeless for about three years and had an abusive childhood. He has a red beard and wears weathered, militarystyle pants and boots. He dreams of becoming a lawyer. He receives Social Security benefits for a litany of mental health problems and avoids living in indoor environments, which he says causes him to “fall apart.” Where he sleeps, he says, is often “random.” Even in the winter, he says he wrapped himself in leather jackets, a trench coat and an aging military sleeping bag in the 10-degree weather, with snow falling. “It’s weird for me,” he says. “I’ve been locked in a room as a child; I’ve been locked in mental institutions. When I sleep next to dirt or grass, I feel more in tune with my surroundings.” Michael Stoops, director of community organizing for the National Coalition for the Homeless, says that nationally, more cities are making efforts to connect the homeless with services, but many still approach the issue with sweeps of encampments, issuing tickets and making arrests. He says there can be a problem with the latter approach. “This is America, and homeless people do have the constitutional right to travel,” he says. “And what we’ve found is that requiring people or trying to force people into accepting services doesn’t fly, especially with people who’ve been on the streets for a while.” Older individuals who have long lived on the street may be the most reluctant to go to a shelter, Stoops says, because it means adhering to rules. He says that many people on the street refuse services because of mental health or substance issues. These individuals, he says, require more persistence from outreach workers. According to Spokane’s LETTERS most recent count, there were Send comments to 132 unsheltered homeless individuals in the city. Spokane Police Captain Brad Arleth routinely encounters individuals camping illegally, most of whom, he says, are aware of the anti-camping ordinance and the services available. Many know where to get clothing, food or charge a cellphone, he says. Many are aware of shelters, but “a lot of them aren’t too keen on it.” Rob McCann, executive director of Catholic Charities, was attending a meeting nearby when he saw Texas Hound and others being approached by the police last month. He told the campers all about the meals, housing, laundry, storage and medical services his organization offers. He says they had lunch, but left afterward. “It’s a bad thing that people are camping outside,” he says. “We should give the homeless more dignity.” McCann says that getting someone off the streets isn’t always an easy process, recalling a client who slept in the backyard of a duplex secured for him for months before sleeping inside. People like Texas Hound, he says, represent a small minority of homeless people. The large majority, he says, desperately want services. He points to people like Samuel Pernell, who had a lunch of a fish sandwich, corn and salad at House of Charity, operated by Catholic Charities. Pernell, 59, says he’s spent two years on the streets, and the hardest part of every day is when the sun goes down. He’s applied for housing and has an interview scheduled for an apartment. “I’d take anything with four walls and a roof,” he says.
ity officials are now looking at how to continue their success in reducing homelessness. The Mayor’s Task Force on Urban Environment is completing a report that will include recommendations on consolidating services, helping people with disability benefits and providing more options for youth. But camping still won’t remain an option. “I think people have a right to live their life in a way they find meaningful,” Mallahan says. “The challenge is, they have to do the same thing the rest of us do and conform to the rules of our community.” n
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 19
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20 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
t o s o E r f s f s o a r rt G The Spokane Indians’ homegrown groundskeeper has big-league dreams BY DAN NAILEN
Spokane Indians’ head groundskeeper David Yearout keeps a close eye on the grass at Avista Stadium. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
spiring baseball players try myriad ways to reach the major leagues. Learn how to be a switch-hitter. Develop new pitches that dart and hop in strange directions. Spend hours fielding grounders, swinging in batting cages and working out to make themselves bigger, faster, stronger. David Yearout was playing middle infield at Lewis and Clark High School when he realized that his skills might not take him to The Show. “I’ve never hit a home run in my life,” he says. “But I’m a great Wiffle-ball player.” Instead of simply setting aside his dream of making the bigs, though, Yearout put down his glove and picked up a rake. At just 23, he’s the head groundskeeper at Avista Stadium, a job he took on in 2014 after a few years as an assistant and intern on the crew. He earned the gig after graduating last spring from Washington State University with a degree ...continued on next page
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 21
Yearout (center) with assistant groundskeepers Jacob Fender (left) and Daniel Ramirez. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
“GRASSROOTS EFFORT,” CONTINUED... in integrated plant sciences. In his first season, he received the Sports Turf Manager of the Year Award for the Spokane Indians’ level of Short Season-A/Rookie ball. “When I was a sophomore in high school and didn’t really know what to do, I Googled ‘umpire school’ because I figured there had to be one somewhere,” Yearout says. “I always wanted to make it to the majors, and I couldn’t make it as a player, so I found a different way to try and get there.” His grass roots go back to mowing the fields at Lewis and Clark. His dad was a coach, and if the baseball, football or soccer coaches needed their turf spruced up, Yearout got to work. An older buddy told him about the turf-management program at WSU, and Yearout saw in it a path that he hopes will lead him to one of the country’s massive baseball cathedrals like Seattle’s Safeco Field. There’s no direct route to the majors for a Rookie League groundskeeper. Some follow a trajectory similar to players, methodically moving up to Double-A and Triple-A ball before making the leap. Others find themselves in the right spot at the right time and can land a spot on a majorleague crew by meeting the right person. Yearout goes to conferences of his peers and pays attention to “kind of a cool turf-management community on Twitter” to keep up with the industry movers and shakers. In the meantime, he’s hard at work getting the Avista Stadium field ready for the Indians’ opening day June 18. While Yearout’s award marked the third time an Indians groundskeeper
has won Sports Turf Manager of the Year, the field itself has won Northwest League Field of the Year for 10 straight years, and 16 of the past 18. Maintaining the best grounds in the league is something in which Yearout and his crew — Trevor Heilman, Jacob Fender, Daniel Ramirez and Larry Blumer — take great pride. It’s what brings them to the east Spokane stadium at sunrise and keeps them there until dark. “Us main groundskeepers, we’re like best friends,” Yearout says. “We’ll have an eight-game homestand when we’ll all be here for 15-hour days, working. And then the team will go on the road for three days and we’ll go fishing. It’s awesome, and they make it really easy for me to be a young boss.” There are challenges beyond the long hours. There are no maps of everything that’s been done over the field’s 57 years of action, so “we don’t necessarily know what the guy five years ago was doing, so you kind of find things buried, or things that aren’t the way they should be.” The months leading up to the season are filled with big projects like installing a new warning track, or the brand-new Wiffle-ball field the crew set up for kids outside the concourse. On game days, the groundskeepers arrive at 7 am and leave an hour after the game ends. In between, they keep the field in prime playing shape, and have a little fun in the process, busting out some dance moves as they drag the infield. “It’s definitely a time-consuming and challenging job, but it could be a lot worse,” Yearout says. “It’s a great place to be.” At least until he gets The Call. n
The Spokane Indians open their season Thursday, June 18, at 6:30 pm against the Hillsboro Hops. The team’s roster should be solidified a few days before then, after this year’s amateur draft. There will be a postgame fireworks show, and the Kelly Hughes
Band will play a postgame show under the First Pitch Pavilion. Avista Stadium, 602 N. Havana. Tickets are $5-$20 and available at or
ext year, Spokane’s Pride Parade will celebrate its 25th anniversary. The region’s LGBTQA community has big plans for that, but first they need to rejoice in the 24th annual parade and festival this weekend. The run-up to Spokane Pride’s quarter-century event finds OutSpokane, the organization behind the parade, festival and the Pride Week events leading up to it, continuing to ride the momentum it’s been gaining for years now. There’s probably no more visible sign of that progress than what you’ll see at the head of the 2015 Pride Parade on Saturday in downtown Spokane: a color guard from Fairchild Air Force Base. “Spokane was only the third city to get an official color guard, and that’s pretty exciting,” says Michael Jepson, Pride Parade co-chair. “When Pride started, many of the marchers wore bags on their heads out of fear of employers or friends or family seeing them. Now we’ve reached several thousand people marching in the street.” The theme of this year’s festival, taking place in Riverfront Park near the Bloomsday statues, is “Hearts Not Parts,” a nod to OutSpokane and other LGBTQA groups’ efforts to ally more closely with transgendered people. The family-friendly event features a bevy of kids’ activities (including a bouncy house, petting zoo, climbing wall and more) and for the first time, a teen zone. There will be live music, a beer and wine garden and another new addition: an “In Memoriam” wall to celebrate the lives of LGBTQA locals who passed away this past year. The community can bring photos of friends or family to add to the board.
Spokane celebrates its 24th Pride Parade this year. JOE KONEK PHOTO Overall, Jepson says, OutSpokane wants to continue its path toward accessibility for its celebration. “We’re really excited to reach people who 10 years ago wouldn’t have even thought about coming. These are people who tell us that their cousin came out last year, or a friend or their grandfather,” says Jepson. “But we’re fine with getting other people walking by the park and seeing live entertainment, and just wanting to join in.” — MIKE BOOKEY 24th Annual LGBTQA Pride Parade • Sat, June 13, at 11 am • Beginning at Stevens Street and continuing through downtown Spokane • Followed by the Rainbow Festival in Riverfront Park from noon-5:30 pm • Both events are free
Saturday, August 8th Riverfront Park Free activities for kids of all ages including inflatables and games!
For Your Consideration BY MITCH RYALS BOOKS | The man responsible for some of the funniest TV shows and movies in recent memory is coming out with a new book. Judd Apatow’s (The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Freaks and Geeks, Bridesmaids) SICK IN THE HEAD: CONVERSATIONS ABOUT LIFE AND COMEDY features his recorded interviews with comedians spanning three decades and gives readers an intimate look at the world of comedy. Apatow began interviewing comedy greats for a radio show as a teenager, and has continued recording conversations through the years with the likes of Harold Ramis, Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Jim Carrey, Sarah Silverman, Seth Rogen, Steve Martin, Lena Dunham and others.
DATA | At a time when police use-of-force tactics are under heavy scrutiny, reliable data on police encounters is a premium. To that end, British national newspaper The Guardian has created an interactive database known as THE COUNTED that tracks deaths caused by law enforcement in the United States. Launched at the beginning of June, the site keeps a tally of total deaths at the hands of officers, as well as a breakdown of the numbers by state, per capita, race, gender, age and whether or not the person was armed. The database uses a combination of Guardian reporting and crowdsourced information.
WEBSITES | In celebration of World Oceans Day on June 8, Google released an underwater version of its Street View program. The STREET VIEW OCEANS page features stunning photographs from 40 locations around the world, including Belize, Indonesia, American Samoa, the Great Barrier Reef, Komodo Islands, and Tubbataha Reefs National Park in the Philippines. Photos feature sea turtles, humpback whales, vibrant coral reefs, shipwrecks and great white sharks.
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Cody Bray and Aubrey Shimek Davis, the ill-fated couple in First Date. CHRISTOPHER WOOLEY PHOTO
Date Night Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre opens its season with a musical comedy about modern dating
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443-4014 24 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
hat could be more nerve-racking understand patterns of past relationships. Here, than being on a first date? How supporting cast members (Michael Feldman, about watching it unfold in front Melody Stolpp, Dustyn Moir, Emily Cawley, of you, privy to all the “uh-oh” moments and Lanz Edwin Babbitt) do the presto change-o awkward pauses when two mismatched folks from bar patron or server to friends and family fumble their way through that all-important of the would-be couple and back again. first encounter. Although the music is often showtune-snapIf you’re thinking an adult beverage would py under musical director Brandon Peck, don’t wear down the rough spots just a bit, you’re expect a lot of sugarcoated love songs. The spot-on. In fact, since First Date is set in a bar, lyrics (by Alan Zachary & Michael Weiner) are Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre has made one peppered with profanity and slang, like when charming adaptation to the recently retired Aaron comes to term with a past relationship. Broadway musical by switching the venue from “You’re a cock-friggin-tease, girl you never stop a traditional stage (CST shows typically take your talking / And in fact you got a doubleplace at the Kroc Center) to Coeur d’Alene’s chin,” he sings, much to Casey’s delight. Eagles Lodge. Little and CST Artistic Director Jadd Davis “We love that fact that we are doing this kept fairly true to the original Broadway verat a bar so the patrons get a different sion, which starred Zachary experience,” says Laura Little, CST’s Levi from the television series ALSO THIS executive director. Chuck and Krysta Rodriguez of SEASON... That means that while Casey NBC’s Smash. (Aubrey Shimek Davis) downs yet Little and Davis actually another (pretend) drink to the chagrin previewed the play’s debut of her blind date, Aaron (Cody Bray), July 9-26 at Seattle’s ACT Theatre in the audience can buy real drinks prior 2012, after which Little was so to the start of the show, feeling like enamored that she signed on to they’re part of the scene. co-produce its 174-show run at Aug. 6-23 Alcohol is hardly necessary, Broadway’s Longacre Thehowever, as the play’s premise is atre. She even tapped several plenty ripe with comedic potential. Casey has regional investors, including Patty and Jerry a brash, artsy, city-girl personality but a poor Dicker, who helped revitalize the Bing Crosby dating track record. She’s described as a serial Theater, before looking for a way to bring First dater with a thing for bad boys; the perfect foil Date to the Inland Northwest. to Aaron with his conservative manner, postWhen producing a play, “your hope,” divorce shyness and apparent dating naiveté. says Little, “is that it has a respectable run on The plot moves along briskly in this Broadway, and then is licensed out so regional 90-minute production. Conversations cut from professional theatres, community theatres, colthe contemporary — they Google each other leges and high schools would have access to it. prior to and during the date, for example Luckily, that is exactly what happened.” n — give us insight into Casey’s and Aaron’s character, history and motivation for the date. First Date • Thu-Sat, June 18-20, 7:30 pm What they don’t say outright to each other (sold out); Sun, June 21, 2 pm and 7:30 pm, is revealed through cleverly staged dream Mon, June 22, 7:30 pm • $25 • Coeur d’Alene sequences. These allow Casey and Aaron to Summer Theatre • Eagles Lodge • 209 E. manifest their inner doubts, such as the presSherman Ave., CdA • cdasummertheatre. sure to date within one’s faith or the inability to com • (208) 660-2958
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Cherish these sweet, long days for they do not last. There will come a morning, my dear, when frost blankets the grass and your breath lingers before you for a fleeting second like a cruel reminder that another summer has retreated to the other side of this cruel world. Oh sweet flower, do not let the season leave you with the dull ache of regret. Take those heavenly eyes of yours and let them glide from one page to the next, each gilded with ideas that shall allow even the most caterpillar of a summer transform into a glorious butterfly. Thine mind will be blessed with concert suggestions, places to pedal thine bike and feed thine angellike face and lakes in which to swim thine statuesque body. Fall in love with our Summer Guide and then have a friggin’ awesome summer!
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CONTENTS Kids .................. 28 Bikes................. 34 Outdoors .........40 Sports ..............44 Theater ............ 48 Drinks ............... 54 Arts ................... 58 Water ............... 62 Day Trips ......... 68 Film .................. 74 Food .................80 Music ................ 86 Calendar ........... 91 Contacts ........ 106
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Carrie Scozzaro, Jake Thomas, Franny Wright 618 W. Riverside Avenue, Spokane, WA (509)309-2050 Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
s d i K
Don’t let the kids languish indoors. Get them out and get them moving with two events made to do just that. Spokane Summer Parkways, an event for the young and young at heart, was inspired by an event in Bogota, Colombia called Ciclovia — “bike path” in Spanish — and similar events in other parts of the world. About four miles of road in the Manito and Comstock neighborhoods will be shut down to vehicle traffic and opened up to bikes, walkers, runners, skaters and all other modes of human-powered transportation. Participants of all ages and abilities can enter and exit the course at any point and enjoy an eclectic mix of free activities like yoga, Zumba, Hula-Hoops, gymnastics, tai chi, fencing, dancing, Pilates, Bollywood dancing, slacklining, self-defense, jump rope, Hacky Sack and martial arts along the way. There’ll even be a human-powered smoothie bike that blends as you pedal. “It is about getting people moving and active and having a good time,” says spokeswoman Katherine Widing. Attendees also are encouraged to show off their own hobbies: music, chalk art, hopscotch, bubbles, juggling, jump rope or whatever else tickles you. Kids are encouraged to trick out their bicycles ahead of time for a bike-decorating contest. The event takes place June 18 from 6 to 9 pm. Another event centered on human-powered transportation is Kidical Mass, a bike ride for kids and their families that highlights safe riding and learning to ride and signal on the road. The first ride took place in 2008 in Eugene, Oregon, and has spread to communities throughout North America and beyond. “It was to encourage kids to feel comfortable on the road and to understand safety and to have fun at the same time,” Widing said. All types of bikes, trailers, tandems, trikes and whatever else rolls are welcome. The Aug. 8 event starts at 1 pm at Two Wheel Transit in the Perry District and ends at the Liberty Park pool. The ride is about 3 miles. Visit for more info on both events.
Chelsea ach Bann
AUG 30
AUG 13
s d i K Check out Summer Lego Clubs at area libraries.
See Event Contacts on page 106
The Inland Northwest has no shortage of gorgeous hikes, so lace up those hiking shoes and hit the trails with one of two area branches of Hike It Baby. It’s a group geared toward getting families outdoors with their newborns, toddlers and children, offering a variety of hikes for all abilities. “You end up meeting a lot of like-minded parents who just want to be outside with their families, too, and you can end up making some great friends that way,” says Hike It Baby Coeur d’Alene branch leader Brooke Swanson. There are trail hikes, urban strolls, toddler-led walks, nature hunts, coffee walks and more, so there’s a little something for everyone. Some are stroller-friendly, some are carrier-only. The first branch started in Portland in 2008, but has since spread to more than 100 cities across the country, with branches in Spokane and, more recently, Coeur d’Alene. The ranks of the Spokane branch quickly grew after starting last November. Swanson started hiking with the Spokane branch when her son, Gunnar, was just 6 weeks old, but she lives in Idaho and wanted some hikes closer to home — thus, Hike It Baby Coeur d’Alene was born. She says she loves seeing Gunnar, now 8 months old, enjoying the outdoors. “When he is old enough, and can walk around and play with the kids, and play in the dirt and touch trees and really just experience it all, that’s huge for me,” she says. Some advice for parents hesitant to hike with children: “Just go,” Swanson says. “Get out the door and go.” The group operates under the philosophy of no mama or papa left behind. That means if you need to stop to deal with a tantrum, feed a hungry baby, change a messy blowout or simply rest, everyone waits with you because everyone has been there. Hike It Baby is free to join, but some areas require a pass or parking fees. Find the groups on Facebook or visit to find hikes in our area.
Kids love Legos. They’re a childhood staple offering endless fun, so check out the Summer Lego Club at the Spokane Valley Library, held Mondays, June 22 to Aug. 24, from 6 to 8 pm. All ages are welcome, but children 6 and younger should be accompanied by an adult. The North Spokane Library has its own club each Tuesday at the same time, and the Fairfield Library has one Thursdays from 1 to 3 pm. The events are free.
SPLISH AND SPLASH Pack a picnic, head to a park and listen to your kids squeal with delight as they run through fountains of water at one of Spokane’s many splash pads. They’re a great way for children to burn off some energy and stay safe while enjoying the water. Spokane has 17 splash pads providing summer fun for kids throughout the community, and they’re open through Sept. 13. The best part? They’re free. Visit to find a full listing of splash pad locations.
GO TO CAMP Hello, muddah, hello, faddah. It’s not too late to send the kids to summer camp, and with more than 500 activities ranging from ballet to working with raptors to video game programming, you’re sure to find something that suits their interests. Visit summercamps to check out the complete 2015 summer camp guide.
COME TOGETHER Bring a blanket, relax on the lawn and be entertained after wandering from booth to booth at Unity in the Community, an all-ages multicultural celebration that seeks to promote unity through showcasing Spokane’s diversity. Now in its 21st year, it’s the biggest multicultural event in the Inland Northwest, featuring more than 150 vendors and entertainers. It will include a youth fair, career and education fair, health fair and an early learning fair. The celebration takes place from 10 am to 4 pm at Riverfront Park on Aug. 15. Visit
Take some time on summer break to teach kids about volunteering. Help them identify a cause they care about, and find organizations where they can pitch in. If they’re too young to volunteer, find another way to help, like taking a stroll and picking up trash along the way. Children love to serve, says Donna Orme, director of It makes them feel good, and people who serve as children are more likely to as adults. For teens, community service can be a helpful addition to a college or job application.
Visit Moscow’s East City Park for Rendezvous for Kids, a two-day arts festival for children taking place in July. Established in 1992, Rendezvous for Kids is held annually in conjunction with Rendezvous in the Park’s three-day concert series, and offers children an opportunity to explore a variety of artistic disciplines, including drama, dance, painting, sculpture and more. The cost is $10 to $35, and some partial scholarships are available. To register, visit
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Every Wednesday morning for the past five years, a group of five ladies from Rathdrum Bible Church has met up to take on the various bike trails throughout the region. They’ve also traveled to Victoria, the San Juan Islands and Portland for cycling trips. On a bright, gusty day in early June, the women meet where the Centennial Trail runs through Mirabeau Park, clad in black bike shorts and the same pink T-shirts with a Bible verse on the back. Their plan is to ride about 40 miles into Spokane and up to Nine Mile Falls and back. Their goal for 2015 is to ride 2,015 miles — farther than they’ve ever ridden in one year. They’ve already logged between 800 and 1,000. As we start to roll out of the parking lot, one of them turns to me: “Try to keep up,” she says with a wink. Before the end of the first mile, Marilynn Stults and Rena Brunko are ready to drop us. Stults, 75, is on a regular exercise regimen of spinning classes, aerobics and pilates. Brunko, 63, ran her sixth marathon when she turned 60 and doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. Jackie Malinauskas follows close behind them. Joan Struck and Avis Smith fall back to keep me company as I huff along. Eventually Stults and Brunko pull off and wait for us. We make our way into Spokane via the Centennial Trail and stop in Kendall Yards for a quick bite and some lattes. The ladies tell about their favorite trails — Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes is the consensus — and the sites they’ve seen over the years: a few black bears, a moose, the occasional snake and a goose who always lays her eggs in a fallen tree between miles seven and eight. They also know of an apple tree and a blackberry bush along the way, and they have some tips for other riders: • Keep your tires pumped, and always carry an extra tube and tools. • Make sure your bike fits. The wrong size bike will make riding very uncomfortable. • Take plenty of water, especially when it’s hot. • Eat well: carbs and salt. Sometimes they’ll split a big basket of French fries halfway through their rides. • Tell someone where you’re going. After lunch, the ladies saddle back up and continue on into Nine Mile Falls, determined to add onto their yearly mile count. And you can bet they’ll be back at it next week.
By Mitch ls Rya
Bike Butler organizes rides on Wednesday evenings.
WHEN TO RIDE: HUMP DAYS This Bike Life hosts a no-drop group ride every Wednesday, usually about 20 to 30 miles. Bike Butler usually has food and beer after their Hump Day evening rides. Nomadz Racing has put together a mountain bike racing series in Riverside State Park Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. There are two days left: June 17 and 24 ($20/race). If you prefer to kick off the weekend with a spin and some drinks, try the Fourth Friday Pub Peddlers. This group meets on the fourth Friday evening of each month at the Swamp Tavern. Rides usually start at 7, but check their Facebook page for specifics.
NIGHT RIDERS A Spokane tradition since 2013, the Swamp Ride meets every full moon for an evening of cycling fellowship and adult beverages. Keep an eye on their Facebook page for the next ride. The destination and activities along the way are usually kept secret until about a week before. Show up to the Swamp Tavern with your bike, and be ready to get weird. The Spokane Midnight Century is not for the faint of heart. The unapologetic 100-mile ride leaves Aug. 1 at 11:59 pm from the Elk. The course transverses rural dirt roads in the pitch dark, so make sure you bring a headlamp and taillight. After his first time, Hank Greer says some parts of the ride are so craterous it feels like you’re trying to hold a paint-shaking machine still. “After about 25 miles, you get out into the rural areas and it’s very dark,” Greer says. “One year a guy ran over a porcupine because he couldn’t see it. He was wearing Crocs, and a bunch of quills got stuck in them.” BIKES CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE u
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Have an event? GET
This leg-buster of a ride starts in the fairly flat Chief Timothy State Park in Clarkston and continues up the Old Spiral Highway for a grueling climb of more than 2,000 feet. It covers a total of 18 miles, and riders are rewarded with a gorgeous view at the top of the Lewiston Hill. Plus you get a T-shirt. Ride starts June 13 at 8 am. Costs $25 to $40/person.
Submit your event details for listings in the print & online editions of the Inlander. • Community • Film • Food & Drink • Music
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Deadline is one week prior to publication
check out the 13-week calendar, page 91
The Jedermann Gran Fondo Bike Ride is for everyone. It says so in the name. Recreational rides in Germany are frequently named “Jedermann Rennen,” translating to “everyone’s race.” Similar rides in Italy are called Gran Fondos or “Great Rides.” Ergo: “Everyone’s great ride.” The ride starts in Cheney on July 25, at 7 am, and offers 30-, 66- and 100-mile routes. Eat some pancakes beforehand and enjoy live music, beer and barbecue after. $25 to $100/person. The third annual Spokane Valley Cycle Celebration is another great ride for the entire family. Starting at Mirabeau Meadows Park on July 26, at 8 am, you can choose from 10-, 25-, or 50-mile routes. Mechanical support is provided by the pros at Bike Hub and firstaid teams will be on hand throughout. Three comfort stations along the way offer porta-potties, food and water. $20/person or $8/child. The 17th annual 8 Lakes Leg Aches Bike Ride on Aug. 1 starts at the Group Health Corporate Office in Spokane and features 15-, 30-, 45-, and 75-mile routes. To see all eight lakes (and get the full ache) you have to rid the full 75 past Willow, Granite, Silver, Medical, Clear, Chapman, Keppie and Fish lakes. $45 for the ride, $60 if you want a shirt.
This 13-mile ride celebrates the longest day of the year as it winds along and above the Coeur d’Alene River. The ride starts and ends at the Mission Inn in Cataldo, Idaho, June 21, at 6 pm. There’s free barbecue afterward. $35/person.
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Get comfortable riding on streets with the Spokane Bicycle Club.
Vist for more info • • (509) 382-4825 • (800) 882-6299
FEAR NO MORE Spokane’s streets can be a scary place for the inexperienced cyclist. The Spokane Bicycle Club wants to fix that mentality. The Sunday afternoon Street Ride is great for beginners who want to learn proper street riding skills but don’t want to risk getting run off the road by a car in the process. Come and benefit from the street-cycling know-how of certified instructors from the League of American Bicyclists and members of the Spokane Bicycle Club on Aug. 2 at 1:30 pm. The ride starts at Two Wheel Transit and travels throughout the Perry neighborhood. Garry Kehr, president of the Spokane Bicycle Club, says the best mentality a road cyclist can have is confidence. If you act like a vehicle that belongs on the road, cars will treat you like one. BIKES CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE
s e k i B Got questions? Talk to the folks at Wheel Sport.
EXPERT ADVICE We asked a few cycle-heads in the area to suggest some of their favorite road and mountain bike trails. Here’s what they came up with: ROAD RIDES: Tim Hines from Wheel Sport suggests the Valley Chapel/Mount Hope loop. “I start at the fire station near 57th and the Palouse Highway in south Spokane. This is one of my favorites because it includes amazing views of the farmland around the Palouse, has quiet country roads with very little traffic and a nice combination of twisty roads, rolling hills and forested areas along Spangle Creek,” Hines says.
Patti Nepean at Monkeyboy Bicycles likes the Fish Lake Trail. It’s fashioned from an old Union Pacific rail line and runs from Government Way and Sunset Boulevard in Spokane down to Fish Lake near Cheney. The Rathdrum Bible Church cycling ladies recommend the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes. The paved trail follows the old Union Pacific Railroad tracks for 71 miles from Mullan, Idaho, to Plummer and passes through the Silver Valley and along the shores of Lake Coeur d’Alene. On hot days, the ladies jump into the lake to cool off halfway through the ride. MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAILS: Chad Ohman from Wheel Sport suggests Gold Hill in Sandpoint, Idaho: “From Highway 95 south of Sandpoint, go east on Bottle Bay Road 4.8 miles. The trailhead is on the right,” Ohman says. “Hidden away on a densely forested, northwestfacing slope near Bottle Bay on Lake Pend Oreille is a stretch of single track that is simply amazing. There are several viewpoints along the way, and the serpentine path seems to have hundreds of switchbacks to negotiate. This 11.5-mile round trip is a challenge for any rider.” Ian Hume from Bicycle Butler says Beacon Hill — a 25-mile network of mostly single-track trails on the eastern edge of Spokane — is where he does most of his mountain bike riding. The Bike Hub’s David Goode suggests Mount Spokane. “For true mountain biking, like on a mountain, it’s the place to go,” Goode says. “Mount Spokane offers a lot of solitude, and the amount of vertical feet? You can’t find that anywhere else. It’s all up, all grunt and a lot of work, but then there’s a nice reward with great views at the top. Then you get a sweet roller coaster descent down to your car.”
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s r o o d t u O
By A. Scottham Leading
Comedian Lewis Black has a blunt take on travel to Ireland: “If you drink and you’ve not been there, get off your ass.” Apply the same sentiment for northeastern Washington’s Kettle Crest Trail if you’re a hiker, backpacker, mountain biker or trail runner. Stretching about 44 miles end-to-end in the rugged and sparsely populated Kettle Range, the Kettle Crest offers what one backpacker said in a recent encounter was “the perfect spot to be up high and see nobody.” While books and films like Wild boost the already boiling-over popularity of the Pacific Crest Trail, the Kettle Crest remains a relatively undiscovered and hidden gem in an out-of-the way area of the Inland Northwest. “On the west side [of Washington], hiking trails, especially the Pacific Crest, are full of people all the time,” one hiker lamented, noting that the person he was talking to (i.e., me) was the first he’d seen in two days. That’s one reason the Pacific Crest Trail, along its 2,650 miles from the Mexican to Canadian border through California, Oregon and Washington, sometimes gets called the “Pacific Crest Freeway” by hiking purists. SECTIONS: While you can hike the Kettle Crest end-to-end with a backpack, the more likely scenario is that you’ll do multiple trips over the summer or many years, with numerous side hikes and scrambles up peaks (the route features six of Eastern Washington’s highest mountains). For mapping purposes, it’s broken into two main sections — north and south — split by state Highway 20 at the top of Sherman Pass, midway between Kettle Falls and Republic. CAMPING: Established campsites can be hard to find, especially on the south section, with a few notable exceptions near a rentable backcountry hut, the Snow Peak Cabin, maintained by the U.S. Forest Service. A free car campground is at the main trailhead at Sherman Pass, with areas for horses. WATER: Fresh water sources are scarce, with few springs. But open range land in the area means livestock could have access, and you should always filter any water you do collect. To be on the safe side, be sure to pack in plenty of extra water from home. SEASONS: Much of the trail is above 6,000 feet, with higher scrambles up side peaks, meaning snow can persist late into June or July (even in low snow years like this). Call the Colville National Forest headquarters (509-684-7000) to check conditions before going. Even though summer activities are the focus here, it’s ideal for backcountry skiers and snowshoers in the winter — if, like a Boy Scout, you’re experienced and prepared. PRO TIP: Though summer is great for vacation planning, late September through October can offer the prettiest views (and lower temperatures). The needles of Western larch (or tamarack) trees turn yellow and fall off, a site rarely seen in most coniferous forests. When they’re blowing in the breeze, take time to appreciate the scenery and think of it as “nature’s gold” falling on the trail.
Experience the Rockies, Fernie Style. EXPLORE: Historic Downtown | RAFT: Elk River | HIKE: Castle & Island Lake
On June 13, get into Washington’s state parks for free.
SPOKANE IN BLOOM GARDEN TOUR Sure, Manito Park is a must-see area gem, but it’s not the only floral game in town. Put your worn and deliciously dirty gloves on for the Inland Empire Gardeners’ Spokane in Bloom Garden Tour on June 20. A well-spent $10 gets you a tour of seven area gardens, not to mention a day of sweet-smelling memories with the family. Purchase tickets in person at select area stores or online at
FREE (AS IN NO MONEY) STATE PARK DAYS Nothing kills a hiking buzz like showing up at the trailhead and realizing you have to pay to park. GAH! Such is the life for residents and non-residents alike in Washington at all state parks. Bye-bye, budgetary allotments from the legislature. Hello, Discover Pass. (Idaho — Washington’s obviously much more liberal, public-funding-for-all neighbor to the east — doesn’t charge $10 per day or $30 per year for state park entry.) Have no fear; you don’t need money all year. Free state park entry days are offered June 13, Aug. 25 and Sept. 26 in Washington. Now the only excuse keeping you from hiking Riverside, Mt. Spokane or Palouse Falls is that it’s hot and you don’t want to leave your air-conditioned house. But it’s a dry heat. Get over it.
PAINT THEM ROCKS While you’re doing that free state park day (see above), be sure to add in a hike (or run or bike or casual stroll) through Indian Painted Rocks, part of the Little Spokane River Natural Area. The parking area at 5800 W. Rutter Parkway in Spokane usually requires a state park Discover Pass. The loop hike (about 7 miles) offers natural and cultural history, with Native American rock paintings near the parking lot. Keep going (up, that is) as you ascend to the Knothead Trail above the valley floor to a high view toward the west of Riverside State Park.
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s r o o d t u O
SPOKANE TO SANDPOINT You may call it Spokane to Sandpoint, but all the cool kids call it S2S, because, you know, they’re cool. The Aug. 14-15 event is a 200-mile team running relay, but it isn’t that strenuous when you think about it: Spread out over 24 (and many more) hours, six-to12-person teams, beer drinking in between your race segments. What’s not to love? Teams also have a shorter walking option. If you aren’t into either the running or walking thing, cheer on the runners (many in costumes) as they pass through Spokane on the Centennial Trail to Coeur d’Alene and north to Sandpoint. Any event that size is always in need of volunteers. (Did we mention there’s beer at the end?) Visit
IDAHO FREE FISHING DAY It may be early in the summer, but Idaho’s Free Fishing Day on June 13 is worth the time spent on the lake fruitlessly casting line after line into the endless morass of your soul, er, getting your daily catch. It’s a prime opportunity to teach your kid or grandkid how to sit on shore or in a boat and eat food that is decidedly not fish. If you’re all novices, the state Fish and Game Department will have free lessons and gear at select locations. No word on whether they’ll give you a souvenir fish if you come back empty-handed. Visit
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Idaho’s free fishing day is set for June 13.
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PULL OUT THE PULASKI Wallace, Idaho, may be known for its, um, rather colorful past in the “adult entertainment business” or where Pierce Brosnan bested a volcano in Dante’s Peak, but it has another claim to fame: Pulaski. That’s not just a go-to fire-fighting device (half axe, half hoe), it’s the name of the tool’s inventor, Ed Pulaski, who famously saved 45 fellow firefighters during the massive 1910 fire that burned much of the area. The two-mile (one way) Pulaski Tunnel Trail in Wallace traces part of the route Pulaski used to bring his crew to safety as the fire burned around them, eventually finding refuge in a mine tunnel. After all that hiking (and learning with numerous interpretive signs), stop at the Wallace Brewing Company to wet your… Pulaski?
SPOKATOPIA You can’t complain about there being “nothing to do” around here if you never try something new. That’s even truer this year with the inaugural Spokatopia outdoor festival on July 11. The one-day outdoor fest features rock climbing, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, mountain biking and more. Plus, there’s an optional morning trail run up Beacon Hill. You don’t have to do everything, of course, but you should try something. Cost: $5. Visit spokatopia. com.
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s t r o p S HOOPFEST It’s the one weekend of the year when the downtown streets are free of cars and little can be heard beyond cheering and the bouncing of basketballs on pavement. No, it’s not shocking that Hoopfest is happening again this year on June 27 and 28, but you may be surprised to hear how much of it will be new. Hoopfest, of course, is the largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the world, with more than 7,000 teams, 3,000 volunteers and 250,000 spectators taking over 42 city blocks of Spokane with nothing but basketball, along with some shopping and food vendors. This year, though, more than just team check-in will take place before any of the official games tip off. Executive Director Matt Santangelo hopes that Hoopfest enthusiasts will enjoy what they have planned for June 26. Practice-round courts will be set up from 11 am to 7 pm for players to get together for pickup games, shoot around or just get those pregame nerves out of their systems. The first inaugural Hopfest at Hoopfest Beer Garden is set to take place on Post Street just north of Spokane Falls Boulevard, with eight local craft breweries participating, a DJ during the day and a live band at night. “Beyond the thousands of people coming to Hoopfest again this year, a little group called ESPN has also elected to make the journey to Spokane,” says Santangelo. ESPN will film in Spokane all weekend, broadcasting SportsCenter live from an intersection in the heart of Hoopfest from 7 to 10 am on June 28. It’s too late to register for a team if you’re not already a part of one, but that shouldn’t stop you from volunteering or enjoying all of the action from the sidelines. “I just love seeing all of those games, with everyone giving it their all in the middle of the street,” Santangelo says. “It’s pretty magical.”
Franny t Wrigh
Get the kids running around in a noncontact rugby league, put on by SYSA.
SPOKANE TABLE TENNIS If you thought table tennis wasn’t a real sport, think again. Spokane Table Tennis Club meets Wednesdays from 6:30 to 9 pm at the Southside Senior & Community Center with a suggested $2 donation. Spokane Table Tennis meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 to 9 pm for club play at the Hub Sports Center. Stay updated on local competitions at
BEGINNER TRIATHLONS The word “triathlon” may sound intimidating, but there are quite a few beginner options to try before you tackle an Olympic distance course. Hayden Sprint Triathlon on July 11 consists of a half-mile swim, 12-mile bike ride and 3.1-mile run. The Valley Girl Sprint Triathlon on July 12 offers a .3-mile swim, 12-mile bike ride and 3-mile run only for women. The 21st Annual Kiwanis Mini Triathlon on Aug. 1 has a 1,200-foot swim, 10-mile bike ride and 3.4-mile run. The West Plains Wunderwoman Triathlon challenges women with both sprint and Olympic distance courses while raising awareness for women’s osteoporosis. Visit the Inlander’s online calendar for more information.
MARTIAL ARTS AT THE LIBRARY Catch a glimpse of martial artists under Warhorse Karate Jiu Jitsu, a school that has been training students in Spokane and North Idaho since the early 1990s. They will be demonstrating their moves at Shadle Library on June 23 from 2 to 3 pm and 3:30 to 4:30 pm.
SPOKANE HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION Look no further for a place to finally showcase your horseshoe skills beyond barbecues and graduation parties. Spokane Horseshoe Pitchers Association invites horseshoe players interested in learning more about the game to join them on Wednesdays from 6:15 to 8:15 pm at Franklin Park through Sept. 2. It costs $15 to join a team, but it’s free to watch.
SYSA ROOKIE RUGBY Rugby is probably a little too rugged for kids to play, which is exactly why the SYSA created a noncontact, flag Rookie Rugby summer league for boys and girls in grades 1-6, taking place July 6-23. Registration costs $65 and ends June 11. Visit to learn more.
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EVENT FEATURES Mercedes-Benz — Chef Demo Stage Stella Artois — Best of Belgium Bad Boys — Gourmet Coffee Bar Retail Store — Buy your favorite wine to take home A portion of the proceeds benefits Spokane Youth Sports Association
General Admission $40
VIP $55
VIP ticket includes one extra hour of tasting *Ticket prices increase by $5 after July 6th #VintageSpokane
Buy online at
s t r o p S
check out the 13-week calendar, page 91
Nothing can take you back to the times of the Wild West quite like watching people roping calves from atop horses or jumping out of barrels dressed like clowns. Head to one of the many rodeos this summer, beginning with the Colville Panorama Rodeo at the Northeast Washington Fairgrounds, June 19-20. Cheney Rodeo takes place at the Cheney Bi-Mart Arena July 10-12, costing $7-$20 and Clayton Pro West Rodeo will be at the Clayton Fairgrounds July 2425 from 7 to 10 pm; cost is $10 for adults and $5 for kids.
SPIKE & DIG VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT Hoopfest isn’t the only tournament that brings thousands of athletes to compete in Spokane. Join 300 teams and 2,500 players competing in one of the world’s largest co-ed, outdoor 6-on-6 volleyball tournaments, Spike & Dig, taking place at the Dwight Merkel Sports Complex (Joe Albi Stadium) Aug. 1-2. The entry fee for adult teams of seven players is $220. Junior high and senior high teams of seven players can enter for $190, and there is a fee of $35 for each additional player. Open team registration ends July 22. All ages and skill levels are encouraged to participate, and cheering them on is a free alternative to playing. Register online at
SPOKANE SHOCK AND SPOKANE INDIANS For those who are more spectators than participants, Spokane has plenty of professional sporting events to attend this summer. If you’re looking to escape the summer heat, the Spokane Shock still have four indoor football home games this season, against the Las Vegas Outlaws, San Jose Sabercats, Arizona Rattlers and Portland Thunder. If baseball’s more your sport, the Spokane Indians play at least one home game almost every week of the summer. Visit and to see their schedules and purchase tickets.
The Spokane Indians play at home nearly every week in the summer.
BACKYARD YOGA This is going to sound a little crazy, but you can use your smartphone to unwind for the evening. Grab a friend or two, a beverage of your choosing, a yoga mat if you have one, and head to the backyard. If you haven’t tried yoga before, or if you want a little bit of guided structure to your practice, there are a variety of different free apps you can download to your smartphone, such as Daily Yoga, that help walk you through different yoga poses with audio and written instructions. 
r e t a e h T i l l e n n a I By E.J.
BLUE DOOR THEATRE Summer break? Blue Door Theatre doesn’t know the meaning of the term. Over the next three months, the lights will stay on at this all-volunteer improv venue for Cage Match (June 13, 20, 27), A Tree Grows on Garland (June 12, 19, 26), Improv Lab (July 3, Aug. 7), Expedition (July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28) and Safari (July 11, 18, 25 and Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29). Each show has a different format — as the names might suggest. Improv Lab, for instance, is where the Blue Door players enact untested methods and madness. “That’s the show where we try out new things,” says Erin O’HalloranFoerg, who handles the publicity for the theater. “For the second half of the show, people put their name in a bucket and we call them up.” For Cage Match, several teams square off each week. Those weekly winners — based on audience votes — then compete against one another at the final showdown for the crown of local improv comedy. Expedition and Safari, by contrast, are longstanding, family-friendly shows with a classic interactive improv format.
Anyone who gets swept up in the ad-lib action can join other intrepid souls and an improv instructor on Tuesday evenings in July and August for the Improv Jam Session. “Think of it like an improv open mike,” says O’Halloran-Foerg. “It won’t be a structured class. People can just drop in for $5 — no experience necessary.” The last Thursday of June, July and August brings Sideways Cinema, a new experiment that combines Mystery Science Theater 3000 with the Blue Door’s own penchant for pulling narrative out of thin air. “We take an old, classic, really bad sci-fi movie, turn off the sound, and then the Blue Door players re-dub the movie with a story on the spot.” It’s for mature audiences, though, so parents will want to line up a sitter. The same goes for all the After Dark-themed shows with 10 pm curtain times on the last Friday of each month. During the Garland Street Fair (Aug. 8), you can pop by the Blue Door for one of five free shows on the hour. Details on all that and more are at
Experience the best new patio in Downtown Spokane i a m w. 415
Let’s say you’re two weeks into summer and already the kids are bored. You could sign them up for a tour on an Alaskan fishing boat, which might give them a solid pair of sea legs. Or, better yet, you could give them a constructive creative outlet in the form of a theatrical summer camp. At the Spokane Civic Theatre (spokanecivictheatre. com), there are regular four-day camps for kids entering grades 1-3, grades 2-4 and grades 4-7 starting now and running throughout the entire summer. To make it even more convenient, there’s a morning session ($115), a late-morning set-making session ($50), and an afternoon session ($115). You can choose one or all of them, and space permitting, you can usually sign up as late as the week beforehand. “It’s a little bit more flexible in that way,” says Miranda Larson, marketing and communications manager at the Civic. She also encourages parents in need to make use of the scholarships. “Don’t let the cost deter you. We do have a really generous community that donates to our scholarship fund, and so we’re able to offer more opportunities to students who maybe can’t afford it but would still benefit.” The youth productions being staged this year (twice each Friday in June, July and into mid-August) include Kid Icarus, Snow White and The Chronicles of Narnia. Admission to all of those is free and they’re open to parents as well as the public. The Blue Door Theatre will offer 10 weeks of evening Teen Summer Improv Classes ($150) between June 29 and Aug. 31. Youth aged 11 to 18 will learn the basics of improv in anticipation of a final performance for friends and family. Despite the pride they take in spontaneity, the Blue Door is asking participants to pre-register well in advance because of limited space. Down in Moscow, the Idaho Repertory Theatre for Youth is hosting a camp for 6- to 16-year olds. That runs full afternoons from July 20 to Aug. 7 at a cost of $140. Participants will work with artists and University of Idaho students to create a half-hour staging of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Aug. 8.
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You’ll come for a taste of Bavarian culture. You’ll leave with so much more. From the outdoor adventures to the indoor festivities, it’s the perfect place for an escape from the everyday.
JUNE 6 Bavarian Bike & Brews Wine Walk
JUNE 18-21 Leavenworth Intl. Accordion Celebration
JULY 4 Kinderfest & Fourth of July Celebration
ALL SUMMER Art in the Park Leavenworth Summer Theater Leavenworth Farmers Market | 509.548.5807 50 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015
r e t a e h T STEEL KISS Stage Left has been on a roll this season, staging solid productions of the kinds of niche and non-mainstream shows that stay with you long after the curtain falls. They’re closing out that strong season with Steel Kiss (June 12-28). Directed by Daniel McKeever, this vignette-style play sees four teenage boys savagely beat a gay man to death in a park, following an unsettling transition from innocence to malice. Tickets, as always, are just $10 and available from
See The Clink at the Bing on Aug. 29.
THE CLINK Anyone who missed the staged readings or the work-in-progress productions of this locally written original show by Kristin Cooper Herby and Tom Cooper will get one more opportunity to catch it — this time at the Bing on Aug. 29. The Clink is a dramedy-style musical that centers on naive and sheltered Fifi, who winds up sharing a cell with three rough-and-tumble criminals when she gets jailed for a DUI. Based on a true story. Seriously. More info and tickets are at
SHREK THE MUSICAL Just before the kids head back to school, treat them to a Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre production of Shrek the Musical (Aug. 6-23) at the Kroc Center. This all-ages (well, 4+) songand-dance show stars all the popular characters from the animated franchise, like Donkey, Lord Farquaad and Princess Fiona. And better yet, it’s in 3-D — no glasses required. Visit for more details on Shrek or the other CdA Summer Theatre productions, First Date (June 18-21) and Singin’ in the Rain (July 9-26). THEATER CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE u
r e t a e Th
REASONS TO BE HAPPY / ASSASSINS The final productions of the Modern’s current season are Reasons to Be Happy (June 12-28 at the Spokane location) and Assassins (July 24 to Aug. 9 at the Coeur d’Alene location). The former is the anticipated follow-up to former Spokanite Neil LaBute’s Reasons to be Pretty, staged at the Modern earlier this year. The latter is a wry Sondheim musical about the men and women who’ve tried to off the president throughout history. Both have mature themes and language, so it’s best to leave the kids at home. Details at
EMPIRE THEATRE COMPANY Empire Theatre Company is a lean, underthe-radar local troupe that, up until last year, did dinner theater at the Lincoln Center. This summer they’re branching out into repertory for the first time. Catch them at Stage Left for Noël Coward’s evergreen Private Lives (July 8 to Aug. 2), in which a divorced couple falls for one another all over again while honeymooning with their new spouses. Between July 22 and Aug. 2, ETC will stage Cupids, an original romantic comedy penned by their very own Hazel Bean. Tickets and info at etcspokane. com.
SWAN BOY / NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE Families in the Palouse area should check out the Idaho Repertory Theatre for Youth’s staging of Swan Boy (June 20, 27 and July 11) at the Forge Theater in Moscow, Idaho. Based on a Hans Christian Andersen tale, Swan Boy is about a girl charged with lifting the curse on her brother with the aid of a forest gnome. Best of all, in keeping with IRTY’s mission to imbue children with a love of theater, the performances are free. Details at class/irt. For adults, the Kenworthy Performing Arts Center ( down the road has special National Theatre Live showings of David Hare’s Skylight (Aug. 20) and Ralph Fiennes in Man and Superman (July 16).
TH U R S DAY 6/18
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Game Time: 6:30pm
Congratulations Graduates!
Montana Shakespeare is coming to Washington and Idaho this August.
SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARKS Montana Shakespeare in the Parks is crossing the state lines this summer to bring Idaho and Washington residents two classic plays en plein air: The Swan of Avon’s witty The Taming of the Shrew and Edmond Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac. Shrew is at the Bonner County Fairgrounds in Sandpoint on Aug. 21 and at Riverfront Park in Spokane on Aug. 23. Bergerac is at Liberty Lake’s Pavilion Park on Aug. 22. All three performances are free and open to the public. Visit shakespeareintheparks. org for details. Oh, and make yourselves comfy with blankets, folding chairs and picnic items.
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Hilary bik Kora
You’ve heard of edible landscaping, but after a couple of hours tending to your garden, you’ll be grateful that yours is drinkable, too. Do yourself a favor and add an herb section so you’re sure to have some mint (spearmint, not peppermint), basil and lavender at your fingertips. Infuse them, boil them down into simple syrup or use them as a garnish — nothing tastes like summer quite like a cocktail fresh from the garden. To make simple syrup, gather a cup of your herb of choice and combine with a cup of sugar and a cup of water. Bring to a boil. Take the pot off the burner, add a lid, and let cool before straining into a clean container — like a squeeze bottle. This can be refrigerated for a couple of weeks. Be as imaginative as you’d like, or stick with the classics. Start experimenting with lemon verbena, sage, basil, cilantro, rosemary or lavender. Lavender in the form of simple syrup can sweeten up anything from limoncello to Champagne. Play up its elegance by using a stem to garnish your Champagne flute. If you want the sweetest,
most robust flavor for your lavender drink, plant lavendula angustifolia, or English lavender. Plants grow strongest if you start them indoors 10 to 12 weeks before the last frost or sow in your garden in late summer/early fall — and make sure to add winter protection! Since this herb won’t be growing in your own backyard until next summer, head to your local farmers market (when in bloom) to pick some up, or visit Crystal Bertholic, bartender at Ruins, and ask for the Lavender’s Blue: London dry gin, lemon, lavender, coffee, orange, bitters and soda. If you don’t have the patience to watch herbs grow and a trip to the farmers market isn’t in the cards, visit one of Spokane’s craft bartenders. For starters, try the Blueberry Basil Drop (organic basil muddled with blueberries, fresh-squeezed lemon juice and vodka, $9) or the Spokane 74 (house-infused rosemary gin, fresh grapefruit and lemon with sparkling wine and a drop of crème de violette, $9) at Wild Sage. Then head over to the Peacock Room to test out their herbal concoctions.
EST 1910
LIVE SUMMER MUSIC LINE-UP June 12th, 13th - Hot Wired - Rocky Poole (Previously Bite the Bullet)
Burn some calories before you toss back beer this summer.
If the summer weather isn’t enough to make you feel good about imbibing, make your way over to the Lantern Tap House for an evening run. After a loop with their running club, replenish your carbohydrates with the special they offer after every run — a pint, half an entrée and a side ($8). Though not everyone agrees that beer is a viable recovery drink after a workout (it lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol, but also is associated with slower muscle recovery), it sure tastes good after a muggy run. Need another reason to throw on your running shoes? Every time you sign in for a run, they donate a dollar to charity. How’s that for a feel-good workout? The club meets Tuesdays at 6 pm.
A EUROPEAN STAYCATION This June, your taste buds can take a European tour for only $20 a night, courtesy of Rocket Market’s Frugal Traveler Series. Spread out across three evenings, the series features wines ($8-$13 a bottle) from France, Italy and Spain. The tasting includes eight wines, artisan cheese and bread from Bouzies Bakery. Those who attend all three frugal traveler events will receive a free pass for a future Rocket Market wine event. June 12 (France), 19 (Italy) and 26 (Spain) at 7 pm. RSVP to 343-2253.
SCHWEITZER IN THE SUMMER The lack of snow may have kept skiers from Schweitzer this past winter, but an abundant precipitation of booze will make up for it over the summer. First, gear up for North Idaho’s unofficial start to summer: the annual Schweitzer Summer Celebration on June 28. Sample local beer, wine and food and enjoy free live music and chairlift rides from 11 am to 5 pm. Summer amenities will be up and running, so be prepared for mountain biking, geocaching and wall climbing. On July 18, Schweitzer hosts the Mountain Music & Wine Festival. While you’re strolling through “Wine Alley” and sampling wines from 20 regional wineries (tasting packages $5-$27) you’ll be serenaded by three yet-to-be-announced bands, bask in the scent of barbecue wafting in the mountain air and circulate through stalls of arts and craft vendors. Wine tasting 11 am-8 pm; music noon-8 pm. Want to get in a morning run before the tasting begins? Schweitzer is hosting its fourth annual Mountain Trail Run at 10 am. Go to to register. Wrap up the summer with Fall Fest (hey, most of September is still technically summer!), formerly Oktoberfest. The three-day event runs Sept. 5-7, and typical of Schweitzer festivals, features live music, chairlift rides and in the spirit of Oktoberfest, plenty of beer on tap. For more information on Schweitzer events, check out events-activities/. DRINKS CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE u
June 14th - The Paradons (Good Ole’ Dancing Music) June 19th, 20th - The Dan Conrad Band June 21st - PJ Destiny June 26th, 27th - Uppercut (Previously Sucker Punch) June 28th - Gil Rivas (Folk American Rock) July 3rd, 4th - Still Kickin’ (Fireworks on Fri the 3rd) July 5th - The Jam Shack Band July 10th, 11th - Hot Wired July 12th - Jeff Rowe (Country Rock) July 17th, 18th - Stagecoast West Band July 19th - Cary Fly Band (Rhythm and Blues) July 24th, 25th - The Cronkites (Bring your dancing shoes!) July 26th - Bob & Pat Duo (The Cronkites) July 31st, Aug 1st - The Cronkites Aug 2nd - Jukebox Machine (Great Voices) Aug 7th, 8th - The Jam Shack Band Aug 9th - PJ Destiny Aug 14th, 15th - The Ryan Larsen band Music thru Labor Day. See full lineup at CABIN RENTALS RV HOOKUPS PUBLIC DOCKS BOAT MOORING
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s k n i r D
THE PERFECT PAIRING Wine and cheese may be the go-to, but distinguished Pilates instructor Larkin Barnett is adding flavor to her class by pairing wine with yoga and Pilates. The class ($15) is held on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm at Barrister Winery. RSVP to office@barristerwinery. com.
GIRLS PINT OUT Summer might not seem like the opportune time to try out a new organization, what with sporadic travel schedules and such. Conveniently, Girls Pint Out, a national craft beer organization for women, has chapters all over the country. Hop on over and join the Inland Northwest chapter at the Backyard in Spokane the second Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8:30 pm, or at the Cork and Tap in Coeur d’Alene the third Thursday of the month at the same time. If you’re needing a break from a family vacation, visit to see if there’s an outing planned in your destination. Craft beer and friendship — the only thing that could (and does) make this organization better? No membership fees or dues!
ALCOHOL ALTERNATIVES Pregnant, breastfeeding, underage or plain old not drinking, there are plenty of refreshing non-alcoholic beverages to test out this summer. Oh, and since you’re “limited” in your options, you get first dibs on all the non-alcoholic beverages. Get creative with hydration: with all the fruits and veggies in season, there’s no reason to be drinking unadorned water. Sweeten things up by infusing your H2O with strawberries, cucumbers, lemon, mint — any fruit, veggie or edible herb you can think of. Lemonade has been a summer classic since the invention of sugar, lemon and water, but try stirring things up by doing a twist. Watermelon lemonade, raspberry lemonade, marionberry lemonade. The possibilities end only with the final days of berry season. If you’re looking to get out of the house, head over to Clover to try their ginger lime mint soda, cucumber lemonade or seasonal cream soda (all $4), or go to your favorite happy hour spot and ask for a drink sans spirits. Visit for the local happy hour deals.
JUNE 12TH - SEPT 15TH Daily Lake Cruises. 208-255-5253 JUNE 19TH 38th Annual ArtWalk. Sponsored by Pend Oreille Arts Council. Exhibits remain on display through Sept. 11. Vist or 208-263-6139
Spice up non-alcoholic beverages with fruit and herbs.
BARK ‘N’ BREW This dog-friendly event boasts barbecue and a beer garden, and proceeds benefit H.E.L.P — Help Every Little Paw, a Coeur d’Alene nonprofit that rescues abandoned, stray or neglected pets. If the beer doesn’t suck you in, maybe the adorable acronym will. June 21 from 1-6 pm at Silver Mountain Ski Resort. Call (208) 6596408.
JUNE 20TH CHAFE 150. Sandpoint Rotary annual 150-mile benefit ride through Idaho and Montana, options include 80 mile 1/2 CHAFE or 30-mile fun ride. JUNE 20TH 20th Anniversary Party and Winery Music. Pend d’Oreille Winery, 301 Cedar Street. or 208-265-8545 JUNE 20TH Battle of the Bulls. Annual bull riding and barrel racing contest at the Bonner County Fairgrounds. Call for more info 208-263-8414 JUNE 25TH Summer Sampler. Tasting event with the area’s finest restaurants, breweries and wineries. Visit or 208-263-2161 JUNE 28TH Schweitzer Summer Celebration. More info: 208-255-3081
NOW - OCT Sandpoint Farmers Market. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Locally grown fresh produce, baked goods, and handcrafted arts and crafts at Farmin Park in downtown Sandpoint. Visit NOW - SEPT 5TH Summer Sounds at Park Place. FREE outdoor concert series. Every Saturday, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the corner of First and Cedar downtown.
JULY 4TH Fourth of July Celebration. Lions Club parade downtown, afternoon stage performances, and fireworks over the lake. 208-263-4118 JULY 11 Inland Empire Chapter ACBS Antique & Classis Boat Show. Wooden and classic boats along Sand Creek at the Marina. Visit TH
JULY 11TH 2nd Annual Sandpoint Beerfest. Featuring local and regional brews on tap, and live music at City Beach, 21 and over. 208-263-2161
AUG 1ST 21st Annual Long Bridge Swim. The Northwest’s premier open-water event. Visit AUG 8TH – 9TH 43rd Annual Arts & Crafts Fair, sponsored by Pend Oreille Arts Council. Artist booths, food vendors, live entertainment. Visit AUG 6TH – 16TH Festival at Sandpoint. 33rd Annual Summer concert series under the stars. 208-265-4554
JULY 18TH Schweitzer Mountain Trail Run. Learn more at
SEPT 5TH - 6TH Funky Junk Antique and Craft Show. Bonner County Fairgrounds. Visit
JULY 25TH Crazy Days. Downtown annual sidewalk sale. 208-255-1876
SEPT 20TH 7th Annual Scenic Half Marathon, 10k & 5k. 208-263-2161
TAKE THE BORED OUT OF BOARDROOM Be inspired in new space.
s t r A
Carrie ro Scozza
SEVEN2 DRAW OFF Art is hardly a spectator sport, but crazy-good stuff happens when creatives get together. Celebrating five years, the Seven2 Draw Off is equal parts art exhibit, improv comedy and house party, with proceeds benefiting local charities. Borracho Tacos & Tequileria hosts June 20 when two artist teams — Chelsea Hendrickson and Karli Ann Ingersoll vs. Scott Nicks and Zach Snuggs Grassi — battle for top props to the sounds of local band Water Monster. Check Facebook for future events.
COMMUNITY CHALK MURAL In 1858, the Army slaughtered several hundred horses belonging to the Coeur d’Alene, Spokane and Palouse tribes along the Washington-Idaho border. To honor those horses, Colville Federated Tribe member and artist Ryan Feddersen is enlisting help of all ages to create the Community Chalk Mural at the Spokane 900 Horses Tribal Gathering Place, June 20-28. See news for details.
ART ON THE BLACKTOP When they didn’t see an art festival they liked, Spokane artists Jason and Deb Sheldon created their own, inviting 15 newer and established artists to set up in the parking lot adjacent to their 29th Avenue Artworks. Late Mother’s Day present? Something special for Dad? Browse glass from Ken Frybarger, Jason Sheldon’s metal art, jewelry by Desi Mowry, ceramics by Cinda Reed and more, June 20-21.
The Seven2 Draw Off returns June 20.
KINETIC FEST July 12 at Coeur d’Alene’s Riverstone Park will be a moving experience for all ages. There’s a kids’ bike rodeo, a skateboard trick show and dirt trikes — co-organizer Barb Mueller of Gizmo-CDA describes them as Hot Wheels for adults — and a kinetic sculpture contest with local artist teams, including Allen Dodge and Michael Horswill, whose public sculptures adorn plenty of places throughout the Panhandle. Construct a “mutant” toy from donated castoffs (picture a friendlier Sid’s room from the movie Toy Story), while the finale to this first-ever event will be a parade of outrageous human-powered vehicles.
It’s a picture-perfect day for all: kids’ art activities, live music, food trucks and more than 100 amazing artists making and selling their wares at City Beach, Aug. 8-9. Insider tip: Go early Saturday for the farmers market, spend the day sampling Sandpoint’s best — breweries, winery, eclectic shops and the historic Panida Theater — then stay overnight and wake up fresh to stroll the fair.
summer ink They’re pen-and-ink drawings to last a lifetime. And while you can pick something from the flash file, consider customizing your new skin art from reputable artists like On the Level Tattoo’s Caleb Frey, who’s so in demand, he’s booked until 2016. Frey charges about $125 per hour and advises customers that good tattooing takes time: “Be as committed as your artist is going to be.”
HEART OF THE WEST ART SHOW Used to be you had to travel to Great Falls, Montana, to see the best of the West in artwork. But this year, the exhibition has actually moved west from its original location and will debut in Idaho at the Coeur d’Alene Resort, Aug. 20-22. The hotel is vacating several rooms to accommodate 60 juried artists, including several
notable and celebrated western art locals like Kyle Paliotto and Terry Lee. A “quick draw” artist demonstration and live auction conclude the event.
SUMMER SCHOOL Ever notice that once you don’t have to go to school, taking classes can be both rewarding and fun? Kick-start a new career, schedule some “me” time or just indulge your inner artist. In North Idaho, get in and out quick with one-day evening classes at the Kroc Center: jewelry making (June 23), digital photography (July 29) and printmaking (Aug. 25). Coeur d’Alene Art Association, sometimes in conjunction with Spokane Art Supply, offers classes by highly accomplished artists at low rates. Wes Hanson, a longtime high school art teacher, will have you feeling good about watercolor in no time, while wildlife artist Joe Kronenberg shares his mastery of pastels. Learn from our region’s working artists at Spokane Art School in afternoon and early evening classes like charcoal drawing with Jery Haworth. While you’re there, check out the latest exhibit, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” through Aug. 29, featuring several Art School instructors like Lindsey Merrell and Tom Quinn. Through Spokane Parks & Rec, the Corbin Art Center offers single- and multi-day classes like Cosplay Costuming (June 29-July 3). If you do your best work in the dark, check out Summer Nights Photography (June 24). While they won’t promise you anything like famous wheel-throwing scene from the movie Ghost, great instruction can be had in wheelwork and handbuilding. Go eight weeks at Spokane Potters’ Guild, become a member at Urban Art Co-op, or drop into the Clay Connection by the hour, week, month or scheduled class. Don’t overlook unexpected locations, either. In Spokane, Anemone offers two-hour classes that will have you making paper flowers like a pro. Bring your own snacks and beverages and make it a party! ARTS CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE u
Cycle the Silver Valley 2015
BIKE MS: CYCLE THE SILVER VALLEY SEPTEMBER 19-20 » 20-150 MILES • “Rails to Trails” ride mostly off roadways • Multiple daily route options w/ full support • Meals and fully-stocked rest stops provided • Saturday evening beer garden and rally • Festive start/finish at Silver Mountain Resort Bike to create a world free of multiple sclerosis.
with code: INLANDER Ad sponsored by
s t r A Support art and animals at a July 18 benefit.
ART FOR THE ANIMALS It’s been said that art feeds the soul, but at River’s Wish Animal Sanctuary northwest of Spokane, art feeds all parts of the body. Through their annual July 18 benefit, “A Starry Night Celebration,” founders Pete and Kit Jagoda feed a veritable ark of animals: three cows, 12 goats,
five sheep, four donkeys, 20 horses, 60 rabbits and nine pigs. They also care for nine cats, seven dogs and several dozen assorted turkeys, chickens, ducks and geese on their 65-acre refuge, which they founded in 1997. The $20 entry, says Kit, who teaches public
JULY & AUG SUMMER CAMPS Tues-Fri • 10 - 12:30pm
July 6, 13, 20, 27 Aug 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
$140 for 8 classes 3:30-5pm • Ages 7-12 $160 for 8 classes 6-8pm • Adults/Teens
Anyone can learn to draw! 509.230.1880 60 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015
A Three-day Camping Experience school art full-time, helps offset such costs as veterinary care, feed and an estimated 90 tons of hay per year. “We also have equine senior and grass pellets for the horses; minerals, produce and pellets for the rabbits; feed for the birds and cats, along with veterinary expenses, farrier costs, litter, building and maintenance, along with miscellaneous expenses that occur when running an animal sanctuary,” says Kit. Nosh at Allie’s Vegan Pizzeria & Café, and have a drink from Iron Goat Brewing. Music for the event will be provided by Greg Loewen, as well as multitalented artist/musician Tom Dukich and his Carpal Tunnel Trance Blues Band. Expect a strong showing from members of the local art scene — Pete Jagoda is a longtime metalsmith who teaches jewelry at Spokane Falls Community College — many of whom have donated artwork for the live and silent auctions. Although the event is art-centered, says Kit, the real stars are the animals, many of whom you can visit during the benefit. (She suggests wearing comfortable clothes, since much of the event takes place around the barn.) Their stories — abused, neglected or simply no longer able to be cared for by their owners — are part of the legacy of River’s Wish, named for the Jagodas’ beloved golden retriever. “Each of these animals [has] been given a second chance, and they have so much to teach us about compassion and what really matters in life,” Kit says. See for details, including an artist retreat at River’s Wish scheduled for June 29-July 2 through Spokane Art School.
July 24-26, 2015 For kids ages 7-15 grieving the death of someone close Traditional camp fun and friendship Small group activities designed to help kids cope with grief Camp Chmepa is provided at no cost by Hospice of Spokane. For more information or to register, visit or call 509.456.0438.
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By e Jak as Thom LONG BRIDGE SWIM For years on his morning commute, Eric Ridgway would drive across the Long Bridge that spans the Pend Oreille River near Sandpoint with one nagging thought: “I have to swim this.” In 1994, with friends in kayaks accompanying him, he did just that. “I had so much fun doing it,” he recalls. “And people approached me saying, ‘I’ve been thinking about doing that for years. If you do that again, I want to do it with you.’” The next year, Ridgway expected a handful of people to show up for the 1.76mile swim. Instead, 70 turned out to swim the river. Since then, the Long Bridge Swim in Sandpoint has gotten bigger every year. In the last several years, it’s attracted 700 people, some arranging their entire summer around the event and coming from as far away as New York and California. Ridgway says that while the event might attract competitive swimmers, it’s welcome to all levels. The event stresses safety, and there’s a flotilla of boats that accompany the swimmers, so if someone gets too tired to finish, they’ll be ferried to the other shore. Ridgway says there’s no shame if you can’t finish because it’s all in good fun, and it might be a motivator to train for next year. Even just coming out to watch the event and participate in the festive atmosphere is worth making the trip, says Ridgway. “It’s the Bloomsday of open water swims,” he says. Ridgway has since stepped down from organizing the event, passing the torch to Jim Zuberbuhler, who says that donations and sponsorships for the event will be used to provide free swimming lessons to local elementary schools, with the goal of not allowing any child in the county to reach third grade without learning how to swim. The event is set for Aug. 1. For more information, visit WATER CONTINUES ON PAGE 64 u
July 31st - August 2nd Family Festival at Colville’s Beautiful City Park
COME JOIN IN THE FUN! ith Music Festival w Two Stages Food & Craft Booths
Beer Garden
Baseball Tournamen
t City Pool Open Children’s P Area & Gamlay es
Sunday Pioneer Encampment Car Show Colville Airport Fly-In & Pancake Breakfast on Saturday Sunday Worship Service
r e t a W
WEST PLAINS OPEN THURS-MON 50 min West of Spokane Join us at the lake! Limited spots available for Priest Lake Skydives! Schedule Online TODAY! Like us on Facebook for special offers and discounts!
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“Medical Lake is one of the wonders of the world,” reads a 1905 article from New England Magazine, extolling the healing properties of the lake outside of Spokane. “To bathe in the waters of this lake is like rolling velvet. Soap is not necessary to cleanliness by the use of Medical Lake water.” This article is one of many published near the turn of the century hailing the restorative waters of the lake southwest of Spokane. For centuries, Indians brought their sick and wounded to the lake’s shores to heal their ailments, and to extract salts from it. French-Canadian settler Andrew Lefevre believed the lake cured his rheumatism. Shepherds bathed their sheep in it to cure scabies. Word of the wondrous lake spread, attracting people from all over the country. Sanatoriums, boarding houses and an electric trolley sprung up to accommodate visitors. But after a few decades, the attention on the lake took its toll. Doug Ross, Medical Lake city administrator, says the city has applied an aggressive environmental remediation plan to the lake since then, and it’s now a great place to cool off on a hot summer day, even though the legendary healing powers of the lake were exaggerated. “We do not allow motors on Medical Lake, which makes it a unique lake in the area,” says Ross. With no motorized boats, the lake is a serene place to fish for trout, paddle in a canoe or kayak or take a swim. It even has a sandy beach to recline on. And who knows? Maybe a dip in the lake might just cure what ails you.
Pend Oreille County Fair August 20-23, 2015 419512 Highway 20 Cusick, WA Thurs., Aug. 20, 2015 12 noon to 9 p.m.
Fri., Aug. 21 & Sat. Aug. 22, 2015 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sun., Aug. 23, 2015 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
FAIR BUTTONS Ages 13 - Adult: $7.00 Ages 6 - 12: $2.00 Children 5 & Under:
Gate Admission Fair Buttons pay for all attractions except Saturday Night and Sunday afternoon Cusick Rodeo, carnival rides and midway games. Fair buttons are good for all four days of the fair.
Slip on a 1,000-foot plastic slide across Spokane on Aug. 8.
Saturday, August 21 at 7:30 pm Sunday, August 22 at 1:30 pm
EXPLORE LAKE COEUR D’ALENE AND BEYOND Every Thursday evening, the Coeur d’Alene Canoe and
Kayak Club encourages anyone with a kayak or canoe to come out with the group and explore Lake Coeur d’Alene. The group also holds clinics on boating skills and safety, as well as training for emergency situations. Additionally, it holds meetings that include advice on buying boats and other topics. Beyond that, the club offers its members scenic trips, long-distance excursions, overnight trips, paddle-in camping, fishing trips and even ocean kayak trips that are designed for a range of experience levels, from beginners to more skilled kayakers. Membership runs from $25 for an individual to $40 for a household. For more information, visit
SLIDE THE CITY Remember those hot summer days from your childhood when your parents would immediately pull out the Slip ’N Slide, causing any heat or boredom to instantly evaporate? You can relive those days with a touring event called “Slide the City” that invites the public to take a ride on a 1,000foot plastic slide in Spokane on Aug. 8. Fees run from $28 to $45. A portion of the proceeds benefit Peak 7 Adventures, a nonprofit connecting underprivileged children to the great outdoors. For more info, visit WATER CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE
Ages 13 - Adult: $7.00 with Fair Button
Ages 4 - 12: $2.00 with Fair Button
Children 3 & Under: FREE
It’s just simple math. 8 zip lines + 2 hikes + 7 tree top platforms + 2 amazing guides + 1 UTV ride =
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r e t a W Kym Murdoch leads a class of paddle boarders on Lake Coeur d’Alene. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
LEARN TO PADDLE Maybe you’re an intermediate-to-experienced kayaker who wants to brush up on basics or find some new spots. Maybe you’re just getting your feet wet. Either way, there will be several classes held over the summer catering to your level of skill. On June 24, John Roskelley hosts a free presentation of his new guide, Paddling the Columbia: A Guide to all 1,200 Miles of our Scenic & Historical River, that details casual floats to longer excursions on the expansive waterway. Registration is required through the REI Outdoor School. For those dreaming of boating rougher water, the Spokane Canoe and Kayak Club holds a two-day class on whitewater kayaking on June 27 and 28. The class costs $55. To register, call 625-6200.
They may not make boats like they used to. But this summer, boats from days past will be on full display in Sandpoint at the Inland Empire Chapter of the Antique & Classic Boat Society’s 13th Annual Classic Boat Show, July 11 and 12. This year’s show will run the entire length of the boardwalk, with restored classic boats on display. Even if your boat project is still a work in progress, it’s a great opportunity to come out and talk with other boat enthusiasts. In the evening, there will be a boat parade across the river and awards. For more information, visit
Ever since Kym Murdoch quit her job to open Coeur d’Alene Paddleboard, she’s sought to share the joy she finds in stand-up paddleboarding with others. Her shop offers a membership deal that allows paddlers to pay a $5-dollar-a-day fee that covers gear and guiding into the area’s waterways. The 60 members of the club bring their dogs on outings and enjoy moonlight paddles. The club also offers paddleboard rentals, including a party board that can hold up to eight adults. Also offered are fitness classes, including paddleboard yoga. For more information, visit
Slide the City
y a D
By ia Azar Podplesky
s p i r T
Unless you attend Central Washington University, Ellensburg is often just a pit stop between Spokane and Seattle: a place to get gas, stretch your legs and stock up on snacks. If this mindset sounds familiar, take it from Carolyn Honeycutt, director of the Ellensburg Downtown Association: You have no idea what you’re missing. “Not everybody has that adventuresome spirit to go a little bit beyond,” she says. “But if people have five more minutes and are willing to drive just one more mile, they will experience a 16-block, amazing, historic preserved downtown.” Ellensburg, two and a half hours west of Spokane, has a blossoming arts scene that’s celebrated every month during First Friday, a two-hour event that hits nearly 20 venues, including galleries, museums, coffee shops and wine bars. Art nerds should also stop by the Clymer Museum & Gallery, which celebrates John Ford Clymer, an Ellensburg-born artist known for painting Saturday Evening Post covers, and Dick & Jane’s Spot, the eponymous couple’s home, which is covered in bottle caps and reflectors and features kooky pieces like a teddy bear totem pole and “The Tourist,” a sculpture that lovingly mocks picture-snapping visitors. Dog lovers of all breeds will get a kick out of Ellensburg’s Dachshunds on Parade, a yearly jaunt through downtown featuring dachshund races, “stupid pet tricks” and prizes for the most cleverly dressed pooch. Head to Ellensburg during the last weekend in July for the Jazz in the Valley festival, now in its 17th year. Single day and night passes run from $10 to $15, and $40 will get you a three-day festival pass. Children 10 and under are free. Performances are spread across two stages and 10 venues, so you’ll get a nice tour of the city while moving from set to set. After a day of sightseeing, make like a local and visit the Tav for burgers and fries, and Campus UTote-Em for the best milkshakes in town. And don’t be surprised if, by the end of the day, you’re already planning your next trip to Ellensburg. “We have this beautiful, little walkable downtown,” Honeycutt says. “It’s so worth a stop.”
WEEKEND! Live Improvised Comedy Shows: Fridays at 8:00pm (General Audiences)
Saturdays at 9:00pm
Youth & Family Camps, Adult Retreats Camp Cross on Lake Coeur d’Alene
(Mature Audiences)
First Friday at 10:00pm (Mature Audiences)
Pullman’s annual Lentil Festival runs Aug. 21-22.
Last Friday at 10:00pm (Mature Audiences)
PULLMAN Though it’s only an hour and a half from Spokane, Pullman is a bit like the distant relative you only see once or twice a year during holidays. And if your only thoughts of Pullman are of the crimson-and-gray variety, you may not be aware of all the area has to offer. For foodies, trips to Pullman’s annual Lentil Festival (Aug. 21 and 22), Ferdinand’s for ice cream and WSU Creamery for Cougar Gold Cheese are a must. Those looking for more adult fare should feel right at home at Merry Cellars Winery, Paradise Creek Brewery and the Cider House. If you’re looking for area-specific trivia to impress people back home, head to the Palouse Discovery Science Center. There’s also the Appaloosa Museum and History Center (just over the border in Moscow), the Roy M. Chatters Newspaper and Printing Museum in nearby Palouse and countless cemetery tours (yes, really). Those with young travelers, or the young at heart, should stop by the Cougar Laser Arena, which will offer black-light mini golf in August, or Zeppoz, a 24-lane bowling alley, to get rid of any lingering energy before the drive home. Most notably, Pullman is in the thick of the Palouse, home to the quintessential Eastern Washington scenery (golden wheat fields, historic barns, breathtaking waterfalls, etc.) that makes the area so photogenic, no filter needed. To truly take advantage of the view, grab your bike and hit one of the area’s numerous trails. Look closely and you just might catch sight of the elusive giant Palouse earthworm. For those with more ground to cover, take a drive down the Palouse Scenic Byway, which meanders from Rockford to Hooper and down to Uniontown, with three legs of the byway converging in Pullman. Don’t be embarrassed to have your camera with you at all times. Chances are you won’t be the only one. “More than one-third of the tourists who come to Pullman and to the Palouse region are here for the fabulous photography opportunities,” Tourism Director Carol Cooper says. “It’s not unusual to find several hundred photographers at a time up on Steptoe Butte.” Cooper suggests potential visitors check out the “Picture Perfect Palouse” Facebook page. If the photos alone take your breath away, just wait until you’re in the middle of those rolling hills yourself. DAY TRIPS CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE
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y a D s p i r T FRUIT PICKING IN GREEN BLUFF No matter the season, you can always count on Green Bluff to have the freshest fruits available, as in you-pick-it, you-eat-it fresh. The Strawberry Celebration (June 27-28 and July 4-5) kicks off a handful of summer events, followed by the Cherry Festival (July 11-12, 18-19, 26-27) and the Cherry Pickers Trot (July 16), which features a hamburger and hotdog dinner, a tot trot, a 6.4K race for the grown-ups and, of course, a cherry pit spit. Last, but certainly not least, is the Peach Festival (Aug. 15 through Labor Day). Head to to find out more.
Visit our booth at the Pride Rainbow Festival • 12505 E Sprague VALLEY 509 443-4005 MON - SAT: 10am - 6pm SUN: 11am - 4pm 70 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015
1403 W 1st DOWNTOWN 509 747-1260
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Riverfront Park Gondola Meadows June 13th, 12-5pm
located on the beautiful Highlands Bench in Post Falls, ID
No summer is complete without a trip to Green Bluff.
Just three days before celebrating America’s independence, visit our neighbors to the north, specifically those in Fernie, British Columbia, for Canada Day, which this year happens to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Canadian flag. After a cardboard boat race on Fernie’s Maiden Lake, the celebration appropriately kicks off with a singing of “O Canada,” followed by a cake cutting. Then it’s all-day activities, including bouncy castles, bike races, live music and a market featuring crafts, art, clothing and more, before the day ends with a fireworks display. Visit for more information.
Though the name may be difficult to pronounce, it’s not hard to see why Chewelah’s Chataqua brings anywhere from 40,000 to 60,000 people to the tiny town an hour north of Spokane every year. Now in its 42nd year, Chataqua is a three-day festival (this year’s fest runs from July 10-12) that boasts a variety of food, arts and craft vendors, carnival rides, live music, a beer garden, fun run, parade, golf tournament and more. Times and days for each event vary, so check out for more info.
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y a D s p i r T
Feed buffalo at Springdale’s Win-Tur Bison Farm.
Spokane may be the Lilac City, but in Newport, it’s all about lavender. Since 2004, the festival, which takes place July 11-12 in Newport’s City Park, has made the summer breeze that much sweeter. This year, try your hand at making lavender wands or learn how to grow and process the plant. There will also be model airplanes, fly-tying, and spinning and basket-weaving demonstrations, as well as food and art vendors, live music, children’s activities and wine tasting. Tickets range from $5 to $10, and kids 12 and under get in free. Visit for more information.
Fans of all things fast are in for a real treat July 24-26 with the HAPO Gold Cup and Over the River Air Show, which this year is being hosted in the Tri-Cities. This year marks the 50th anniversary of unlimited hydroplane racing on the Columbia River, and the California-based Patriots Jet Demonstration Team is set to bring its six-jet team of aerial acrobats to the sky. This year’s schedule is still in the works, so keep checking for updates.
FEED THE BUFFALO Want to have the most unexpected answer to “What did you do this weekend?” Head to Springdale’s Win-Tur Bison Farm, where every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, hourly from noon-4 pm from May 1-Sept. 30, you can meet and feed buffalo. Tours also feature a slide show presentation, a history of the farm, bison facts and a Q&A session. Tickets are $6 for adults, $5 for seniors and kids, and free for children two and younger; cash or check only. Tours for groups of 10 or more are also available. Call (509) 2586717 or visit for more information. (But remember: Never feed a bison in the wild.)
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2 Locations to serve you
SIERRA SILVER MINE TOUR If you’re aching to get off the beaten path this summer, why not venture below the beaten path? Head to Wallace, Idaho, for a tour of the Sierra Silver Mine, which began operations around 1900 and was sporadically worked until the 1960s. Tours leave every half-hour from 2-4 pm seven days a week and last an hour and a half. Tickets are $15 for adults, $13 for seniors and free for children 4 and younger. Bring a camera, and don’t forget a light jacket. Head to to learn more.
2422 E. Sprague Ave. 534-0694
7302 N. Division St. 484-7387
I wish he would stop wearing that damn horse head. Especially at our wedding.
Boo�Radley’s Damn�Fine�Gifts
Downtown Spokane on Howard St.
m l i F
y l r e t n e H l e a L y
POP-UP DRIVEIN THEATERS The last bona fide, old-school drivein up in Colville may have closed two years ago, but outdoor summer movies are having something of a renaissance moment in Spokane right now. “There’s nothing like it — you’re outdoors under the stars with the elements, with the nostalgia of the drive-in experience,” says Tony Dreher, owner of FunFlicks, which will test out two pop-up drive-in theaters this summer, one in North Spokane and the other in the Spokane Valley. Every Tuesday from June 9 to Aug. 20, an inflatable 55-foot screen will rise above a field on Mt. Spokane Park Drive behind Yoke’s in North Spokane. Another will grace the Spokane County Raceway each Wednesday. As many as 250 cars will arrive and food trucks (North Spokane) and concessions (Airway Heights) will be on-site selling treats. Admission is $5 per person, or you can pack as many people as will fit into your vehicle and pay $20. Tuesday movies will include Brat Pack classics like Footloose and Dirty Dancing and action films like Top Gun and Man of Steel. “We went with good classics that everyone loves,” says Dreher. American Graffiti, Grease and Fast & Furious are among the Wednesday night offerings. The full schedule can be found on the Spokane Outdoor & Drive-In Movies Community Facebook page. The screen will light up at 7 pm, and it’s best to arrive early because, Dreher says, “the further back the people get, the smaller the screen gets.” Wind and inflatable drive-ins aren’t an ideal combination, so if the forecast is ominous, movie night could be canceled.
Riverfront Park is hosting movies on Wednesday evenings throughout the summer, including Space Jam.
HOBNOB WITH FILM BUFFS The Garland Theater has been a fixture of the Spokane film scene since it opened in 1945. Each Thursday at 9 pm, the theater hosts the Spokane Film Society, an unadvertised gathering featuring a different theme each month and popular but lesser-known films accompanied by an evening-long happy hour. Alos, on Monday evenings from 7 to 9 pm, you can show off your cultclassic acumen and meet other film lovers during trivia night at the Bon Bon, the swanky, old-school bar in front of the theater.
TWO BIRDS, ONE STONE Can’t get your little ones to decide between going to the swimming pool or the movies? Show up at 6 pm on June 27 at either the Northside or Southside Family Aquatics Facility and pay $2.50 to $5 to swim your heart out for two hours before kicking back and watching Maleficent. The whole family should be completely exhausted after all that! Visit for more info on the series.
HEAD TO RIVERFRONT PARK Head down to Riverfront Park at 7 pm each Wednesday beginning this week to catch a movie in the park. The films — this summer’s lineup includes Big Hero 6, Space Jam and 10 Things I Hate About You — begin at dusk. Chilling in the park earlier in the day? Documentary films at Riverfront Park’s IMAX theater are only $5. Go underwater with Journey to the South Pacific, on a safari with Born To Be Wild or to outer space with Hubble. FILM CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE u
People! s Beer or Foodie ride e, in W • ls aw Cr Pub cnics and more! Sight Seeing • Pi
edal friends as youf spto ps! A fun time with yo ur choice o to n w to d n u o ar S,... LOCAL BUSINESSE ! Become a tour stop
ll e y. c o m S p o k a n e P a rt yTro 5 0 9 .8 7 9 .6 3 0 9
D.I.Y. FILM FESTIVAL Classics like The Princess Bride, Grease and The Sandlot are great, of course. They’re also as ubiquitous at summer drive-in theatres as teenagers making out and spilled popcorn. Want to watch something a bit more modern or edgy? FunFlicks rents equipment to people interested in putting together their own outdoor movie night; the smallest screen runs $299 and is two stories tall. If you own a projector and can find a white wall with a friendly owner, that may be a simpler option. With your own projector, you could spend the entire summer experiencing movies outdoors. Think about it: Normally, a movie is competing with a dark room, an empty abyss with maybe a blinking red light emanating from a random appliance or two. Take your favorite film outdoors and make it compete with the stars, animal
Brought to You by Passages Family Support 1002 N. Superior St. Spokane, WA
accept THE challenge
The Seattle Children’s Film Festival comes to the Bing on July 8 and 11. outdoors and make it compete with the stars, animal noises and swarms of insects. Then decide how you really feel about it. Add an extra twist by planning theme parties related to whatever movie you’re showing on a given night. Make it as highbrow (champagne and costumes inspired by The Great Gatsby) or lowbrow (slasher flicks and Jello shots) as you wish.
ASPIRING FILM CRITICS Is Big Hero 6 too bourgeois for your avant-garde, film-loving kids? No problem! The Seattle Children’s Film Festival
will be at Spokane’s Bing Crosby Theater on July 8 at 7 pm and July 11 at 11 am. Admission is only $5, and 17 films will be shown; one features a singing octopus.
GET FIT Feel lazy when you sit down to watch a film? Try running first. Grab your running shoes and head down to Liberty Lake’s Half Moon Park Aug. 14 to participate in Shoes and Cinema. The event kicks off at dusk with a group run. Afterwards, relax and bask in the endorphins while watching the inspirational cross-country drama McFarland USA. FILM CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE
THE Spokane Marathon Full • Half • 10K • Relay
October 11
Film BORED AND BROKE Mostly broke? Pack a picnic basket full of food and head out to a free outdoor movie. Paddington will be shown at 8:50 pm on July 24 at Mirabeau Point Park, and Aug. 21 presents yet another opportunity to see Big Hero 6. Show up at the Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre in Moscow, Idaho, from 9 am to noon each Saturday to get your classic cartoon fix for free. Favorites include Looney Tunes, The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show and The Flintstones.
GET LIT Get ready to read Harper Lee’s new book Go Set a Watchman by viewing the 2014 film Hey Boo: Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird at the South Hill Library July 7 at 6:30 pm. After the film there will be tasty Southern refreshments and an opportunity to discuss the controversy surrounding the release of the new novel. Can’t
st Regi
Before heading inside the Garland Theater, wet your whistle at Bon Bon. remember what happened in To Kill a Mockingbird? The downtown Spokane Library has you covered with a showing of the movie at 2 pm July 11.
Think movies are better with drinks? Drinks are available at the Garland Theater’s Summer Camp showings. Featured titles include Dazed and Confused (June 21, 23, 25), Jurassic Park (June 28, 30, July 2) and The Princess Bride (July 12, 14, 16). Sipping beer and wine is an option when the opulent Bing Crosby Theater shows movies, too. At 6 pm on June 17, Spokane Public Radio will take over the Bing to host a science-fiction film discussion followed by a showing of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Cherry Picker's Trot & Pit Spit Thurs, July 16th
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d o o F
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Lucky for us locals, downtown Spokane’s food scene is seriously bursting with so many options these days. Whether you’re a longtime resident looking to check off all those places you’ve been meaning to try, or are simply looking for a new way to experience local cuisine, a downtown food (or wine) tour should fulfill both of these wishes. Relish! Spokane Food and Walking Tours can be scheduled on just about any day you feel like spicing up a summer afternoon with some small bites and fresh air. Organized as one of the many expeditions offered through ROW Adventures (which acquired the company that formerly hosted the food tours), the downtown walking tours include stops at five to six eateries, offering a sampling of everything from classic Reubens to donuts. As should be implied, these are all locally owned food purveyors. Adding to the hyper-local focus, Relish! tour guides share historical tidbits along the way about our charming Lilac City, from its early railroad boomtown days to the birth of Riverfront Park for Expo ’74. Each tour’s highlights vary depending on the tour group size, the availability of seating at each restaurant stop and any requests from the group taking the tour, says tour guide Ryan Moore. On a Friday in early June, Moore plans to guide his group from the tour’s starting rendezvous point at the Radio Flyer Wagon at Riverfront Park to stop No. 1, Bartlett’s Baker’s Dozen donut stand in the park. The aroma wafting from this little yellow-and-white-striped hut is the first indication of its offerings — delectable, crispy mini-donuts. Dessert may be first, but rest assured no one here is judging. Next up is Soulful Soups & Spirits, known for its must-have beer bread that perfectly pairs with any of its rotating soups, like the unmatched beer cheese soup. A quick jaunt across Main Avenue brings eaters to their next course, at Steelhead Bar & Grille. Prefaced by a quick overview about the Inland Northwest’s fishing heritage, diners sample Steelhead’s smoked steelhead. Down the block and around the corner, tourgoers hit up Spokane’s Irish-American cuisine mainstay, O’Doherty’s Irish Grille, known near and far for its Hooligan & Hannigan corned beef and cabbage sandwich, which is sampled. As you nosh, learn about the building’s past as the lavish Coeur d’Alene Hotel, built after Spokane rose from the ashes of the Great Fire of 1889. Don’t let yourself get too full yet, because the halfmile walk up and over to Fire Artisan Pizza is up next. This newer establishment offers thin-crust, artisan pizzas cooked to crispy perfection in the 800-plus-degree belly of its stone oven. To finish off the day’s local foodie adventure, tour guide Moore saves the sweetest for last — one of Spokane’s most beloved sweet treats, Bruttles Gourmet Candy Shoppe. The family-owned business still uses the same 60-year-old recipe and process perfected by its founder, Aunt Sophia Gerkensmeyer. While the sampling of eateries mentioned here are often featured during a Relish! Spokane food tour, Moore says other restaurants also serve as host sites, and the food served at each can vary from tour to tour. Relish! Spokane Food & Walking Tours are offered June 16Aug. 31, Mon-Sat, at 2 pm. $49/person; $39/ages 11 and under. Details online at FOOD CONTINUES ON PAGE 82 u
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13318 East Sprague Ave Spokane Valley (509) 928-2406 2201 N Government Way #D Coeur d’Alene (208) 665-9951
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AN EMERSONGARFIELD EDUCATION As recent years have passed, the Inland Northwest’s collective appreciation and support of local farmers markets has grown immensely. In turn, many regional summer markets are responding by increasing their weekly offerings, from vendors to workshops to entertainment. One of those is the Emerson-Garfield Farmers Market, held on Fridays from 3-7 pm in the parking lot of Knox Presbyterian Church (806 W. Knox), from now through mid-October. Through its 2015 season, the market will host special outreach events each week to engage and educate market attendees on topics including what to cook with produce purchased at the market and sustainable gardening practices. “The market is a community market and those of us who volunteer, we’re trying to do things to build community,” says market event organizer Al Steuart. Upcoming sessions planned this year will cover water conservation, environmentally friendly garden pest control, beekeeping, hydroponic gardening and pickling demonstrations. During market hours, demos are set to run each hour, with experts on hand to answer questions from the community. Find out more at market.
InVeg Co-Founders Tessa Trow, right, and Josh Meckel are bringing back Spokane Vegfest. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO
THE VEGAN LIFE Going vegan isn’t just another diet trend; it’s here to stay. As the inaugural Spokane Vegfest last year proved, the Inland Northwest is quite receptive to the idea of ditching animal-based products entirely for an all-plant-based diet and lifestyle. When more than 1,100 attendees from all over the region showed up to last year’s event, organizers knew they’d need to expand their offerings this year to meet a growing demand. This year, the free event is doubling in size, with 100-plus vendors compared to less
than 50 last year. Billing itself as a healthy living expo, these vendors and exhibitors include eco- and animal-friendly product makers, chefs, speakers, nonprofits and more. Attendees, from the most devoted vegan to those merely curious about making the switch, can also sample just how tasty vegan food can be from food trucks and vendors on site. Spokane Vegfest is set for Saturday, Aug. 8, from 10 am-6 pm, at Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene. FOOD CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE u
SERVING SPOKANE Join us for the grand opening of the new UW Spokane Center, a Husky hub serving Eastern Washington. The center is your community resource to discover the UW’s limitless opportunities for current and future Huskies, alumni and friends. Drop in for an afternoon of fun for all ages with the UW Husky Marching Band, the UW Cheer Team, Harry the Husky and more purple-and-gold surprises.
Wednesday, June 24 / 2–5 p.m. 201 W. Main St. Spokane, WA 99201 JUNE 11, 2015 SUMMER GUIDE 83
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818 W. Sprague Ave | (509) 290-5763
Let your coffee mug do the sweating this summer when you switch to the best hot-weather version of your morning pickme-up: cold brew coffee. It’s easy and cost-effective to brew at home, as tempting as those cold brew cans and bottles popping up everywhere may be. Instead, take a cold brew DIY class from the pros at Roast House Coffee, in the roastery’s brand new tasting room, and save your weekly coffee budget for something awesome (vacation, perhaps?). Classes cover several brewing methods, and the $20 fee includes a pound of coffee to take home. This summer, Roast House offers cold brew classes on the last Saturday of the month (June 27, July 25 and Aug. 29), from 10 am to noon. Find out more at, or call 995-6500.
HOURS: Sun-Thur: 11-10PM/Fri-Sat: 11-11PM VALID FROM 6/11/15 THROUGH 6/17/15
Nudo_061115_4S_CP.pdf North Pend Orielle Valley Lions Club Scenic Excursion
Train Rides
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Saturday & Sunday: 11am & 1pm & 3pm Train leaves from Ione Station
September 5 & 6
October 17 & 18
Saturday & Sunday: 11am & 1pm Train leaves from Metaline Falls Park
Saturday & Sunday: 11am & 1pm & 3pm Train leaves from Ione Station
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October 24 & 25
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Train leaves from Ione Station GREAT PUMPKIN RIDES
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No, not that kind of summer school. This is a series of classes for both the amateur and experienced chefs out there who are looking to up their summer cooking game, from grilling to patiofriendly small bites. The Inland Northwest Culinary Academy’s Summer Sizzle Series is a once-a-month, Wednesday-night class from June through August. Chef Erin Streicher leads participants through steps to perfect their steak-and-veggie-grilling game in a June 24 class, followed by a July 15 session on savory summer appetizers for your next outdoor gathering. To wrap up the series, offered as three-class package ($150) or à la carte pricing $59/class), Chef Streicher shares new ways to prepare the Northwest’s favorite fish — salmon. Find out more at incaafterdark.scc.
Saturday & Sunday: 11am & 1pm & 3pm Train leaves from Ione Station
See Event Contacts on page 106
BUFFET ON THE LAKE On any of the many pleasant, 78-degree summer evenings we’re so lucky to have, tourists and locals alike should feel the same temptation to hop on a Lake Coeur d’Alene cruise boat for the resort’s nightly Sunset Dinner Cruise. Offering an enticing food buffet prepared by the culinary team at the Coeur d’Alene Resort, the evening cruise menu offers baked king salmon, steamship rounds of beef, au gratin potatoes, salad and a sumptuous cheesecake dessert. Just as enticing as the food on board are the sunset views of the lake as the cool breeze ruffles through your hair. The two-hour cruises depart daily at 7:30 pm from the Independence
Cold brew coffee isn’t as hard as you think. Point dock through Aug. 31, and at 6:30 pm starting Sept. 1. Prices are $51.75 for adults, $47.75 for seniors and $27.75 for children ages 6 to 12. Find out more at
PURPLE STAINS Midsummer is a time to celebrate the Northwest’s favorite woodland gem, the perfectly purple and juicy huckleberry. Maybe you already plan to celebrate this region-wide event by hiking to your own secret grove of huckleberry bushes, but there are also many options to gather with community and send praise to the huckleberry gods for another year’s bountiful harvest. The Priest Lake Huckleberry Festival is a natural fit, because who doesn’t need an excuse to make the two-hour drive up to this stunning Northwest locale? The annual fest, on Saturday, July 18, includes an arts and food vendor fair and live music at Priest Lake Golf Course, and helps raise funds for Priest Lake Search & Rescue. Find out more at
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c i s u M 86 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015
By Laura on Johns FESTIVAL AND AFTIVAL AT SANDPOINT For Diana “Dyno” Wahl, running the Festival at Sandpoint means pulling 18-hour days during the event to ensure the outdoor music event unfolds as smoothly as possible. The executive director, who’s been with the nonprofit for nearly 18 years, says it’s the rush of excitement that pulls her out of exhaustion. This year is shaping up to include more excitement than ever. Now in its 33rd season, the festival, happening Aug. 6-9 and Aug.13-16 at $37 to $60 a show, except the $6 family show, features big talent in the way of Chicago-based alt-rock band Wilco (a favorite of Wahl’s), Minnesota hill-stompers Trampled By Turtles and up-and-coming Brooklyn-based act Lake Street Dive. For those looking for more traditional musical acts, there’s Arlo Guthrie, Vince Gill and two classical concerts, one of which includes the Spokane Symphony. “I usually go on a weeklong vacation after the festival, and then I’m back at it again,” Wahl says. “It’s always the worst waking up that week after, when I think, ‘How am I going to top this year?’” Hitting that perfect balance between hip and classic is the biggest challenge for the booking committee, says Wahl — that and wooing artists up to the tourist town, although that’s gotten easier. “Sandpoint used to be a really hard sell,” Wahl admits. “But now we’ve gained a reputation for excellent technical capabilities with sound and lighting. Acts come knowing that even though it’s remote, their experience is going to be quality.” Those who’ve attended the family-friendly event know what makes the festival stand out: the freedom to bring in whole picnic baskets of food, complete with alcohol. Last year, Wahl says the committee worked to ease the tension between standing concertgoers and those who like to sit, also implementing a dancer-friendly concert (this year, that’s Ziggy Marley on Aug. 7). “We try to let the bands dictate whether people will want to sit or stand during a particular show,” Wahl says. “We told our attendants to be a lot more flexible with that, and we got great feedback.” Meanwhile, the Hive keeps the party going with its Aftival concert series ($40 per show/$120 for all four), which runs the Friday and Saturday of both Festival at Sandpoint weekends. This year, the downtown Sandpoint venue hosts Funky Meters, Yonder Mountain String Band and then Melvin Seals and JGB, who plan to re-enact two Jerry Garcia Band concerts in full (celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Grateful Dead). Rob Smith, the music venue’s general manager, says the whole purpose of their event is to complement the Festival at Sandpoint. They will offer shuttles from War Memorial Stadium over to the Hive once Festival at Sandpoint shows have concluded. Look for more information on Aftival at and Festival at Sandpoint at
July 9-26 Reading
August 6-23 Special Events Reading
July 22
August 19
August 25
GALA October 9th, 2015 Tickets: (208) 660.2958
Don’t miss Melissa Etheridge at Northern Quest Resort & Casino on July 20.
CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH The Bartlett, open for more than a year, continues to attract exciting indie talent to its stage each month. This summer is no different for the all-ages music venue, with Clap Your Hands Say Yeah playing July 19. When the indie-rock band’s seminal selftitled debut album came out a decade ago (let that blow your mind a bit), it was their off-kilter guitar sound, paired with Alec Ounsworth’s warbly voice, that took people aback. They’ve made plenty of music since, but for this summer tour, the band is playing that first album in its entirety. The show begins at 8 pm and is $15. Find more information at
MELISSA ETHERIDGE, BLONDIE AND JOAN JETT Rock ’n’ roll isn’t dead — especially not when rock singer-songwriters Melissa Etheridge, Debbie Harry of Blondie and Joan Jett are still around to play it. Certainly
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the coolest grouping of the Northern Quest Resort & Casino’s summer music lineup, the three women in question will show why they’re still relevant decades after they rose to fame come July 20. Make sure to show up in as much leather as possible. The show begins at 7 pm and runs $45 to $85. Go to for more information.
SAM SMITH The Gorge Amphitheatre’s summer lineup isn’t as thrilling as in years past (although we’re excited for Foo Fighters later in September), but Sam Smith, playing Aug. 8 at 8 pm, is a huge get. Thanks to his 2014 debut LP In the Lonely Hour tearing up the charts, plus cleaning up at the Grammys and Billboard Music Awards, he’s essentially become the biggest pop star in the world. Now that Smith has regained the use of his voice after undergoing vocal cord surgery last month, you can expect the 23-year-old from London to sound as angelic as ever. Tickets start at $47, but you can pay as much as $4,675 if you wish. MUSIC CONTINUES ON PAGE 88 u
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c i s u M Hear the Spokane Symphony at Soirée on the Edge on Aug. 12 and 19.
SOIRÉEE ON THE EDGE Arbor Crest Wine Cellars hosts live music events steadily throughout the summer, but none as glamorous as the Spokane Symphony’s Soirée on the Edge events. Taking place on two consecutive Wednesdays (Aug. 12 and 19, at 7 pm), conductor Eckart Preu leads his orchestra through emotive classics and modern favorites while the sun sets beyond the horizon. Cost is $20 for grass seating (blankets and short lawn chairs are fine), and $40 for reserved table seating. Make sure to pack snacks as well. Go to for tickets.
SUPPORT LOCAL RECORD STORES Records are so hot right now. In a world where LPs accounted for 14 percent of the physical market last year, according to the Recording Industry Association of America, the old-school album continues to rise in popularity and sales (nearly 50 percent compared to 2013). As with every trend, the bubble may burst soon, but it’s fun to collect in the meantime. For those who are new to vinyl, you’ve got Groove Merchants along with Recorded Memories and 4,000 Holes in Spokane and the Long Ear in Coeur d’Alene. Get out there and support local music businesses! MUSIC CONTINUES ON PAGE 90
c i s u M Blue Waters Bluegrass Festival runs Aug. 7-9 in Medical Lake.
BLUE WATERS BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL You can expect a lot of creativity from a festival whose tag line is: “The water is blue. The grass is too.” While it’s a mostly wholesome and family-friendly event, the Blue Waters Bluegrass Festival is by no means boring. Happening on the banks of Medical Lake at Waterfront Park, the event has pulled some of the hottest acts in bluegrass to the area, including the Steep Canyon Rangers and Della Mae. This year, singer-songwriters Laurie Lewis and Kathy Kallick (of Good Ol’ Persons) headline the three-day event (Aug. 7-9), which includes camping, open mic sessions, a youth camp and a little mayhem. Cost runs $20 per day or $50 for a weekend pass. Find out more at
COEUR D’ALENE CASINO RESORT MUSIC Out in Worley, Idaho, 25 miles south of Coeur d’Alene, the Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort offers a whole host of musical offerings all summer long crafted specially for those inclined to reminisce, starting with Great Balls of Fire Live!, a 1950s rock tribute show, on July 3. Creedence Clearwater Revisited (which features CCR’s original rhythm section of Doug Clifford and Stu Cook) hits July 16. On Aug. 22, see Catch a Wave for a Beach Boys and Beatles tribute show. Local cover acts also play the next few months in the Music, Micros & Barbecue series, which features everything the title suggests. Get tickets at
o d o t u O issue rs yOur guide to the your road less traveled.
On stands July 2nd
to be a part of this special issue, contact
b y Ch ey Sc o tt r a d n le Ca e id Gu Su m m er
r u o y Love
r e m m Su The Webb’s Slough Sprint Boat Races in St. John run on June 20 and Aug. 29.
outdoor concerts, mountainside rides, rodeos and lots more... MONTANA’S FAVORITE ROCKFEST
The Legendary Singer of Twisted Sister
4 Full Bars, Shaded Beer Garden, Concessions, On-Site Store And Showers AND DON’T FORGET THE
CHUCK NEGRON formerly of Three Dog Night
e Jun11-17 COMEDY
6/11 Guffaw Yourself, Neato Burrito (weekly) 6/11 Stand-Up Open Mic, Uncle D’s (weekly) 6/11 Spokane PFLAG Comedy Night, nYne 6/12 Open Mic, Red Dragon Chinese (weekly) 6/12 A Tree Grows in Garland, Blue Door Theatre 6/13 Cage Match, Blue Door Theatre 6/15 Drink N’ Debate, Underground 15
6/12 The Best of EWU Film, AMC River Park Square 6/13 Saturday Market Cartoons, The Kenworthy 6/17 Paddington, The Kenworthy 6/17 Cardboard Car Drive-In Movie: The Incredibles, St. Thomas More School 6/17 SPR Goes to the Movies: 2001 A Space Odyssey, Bing Crosby Theater 6/17 Outdoor Movies @ Riverfront: Jurassic Park
6/11 Moscow Entertainment in the Park Series,
6/11-17 Sunset Dinner Cruise, Coeur d’Alene Resort 6/11 Grilling: Think Beyond Meat, Pilgrim’s Market 6/12 Wine Tasting, Vino! A Wine Shop 6/12 Frugal Traveler Series: France, Rocket Market 6/13 Pig in the Park, Harrison, Idaho 6/13 Coffee & Chocolate Pairings, Deer Park Library 6/13 Coeur’s Three Year Party, Coeur Coffeehouse 6/16 Yoga/Pilates + Wine, Barrister Winery 6/17 Gourmet Camp Cooking, REI
6/11-16 Huckleberry’s Summer Kids Food Drive 6/12-13 Fur Trade Encampment & Symposium,
COMMUNITY East City Park
Riverside State Park
6/12 Amos Bradley Historical Marker Dedication,
Greenwood Memorial Terrace 6/12 Lands Council Open House, Community Bldg. 6/12 Relay for Life CdA, Kootenai Fairgrounds 6/13 Band Together for the Animals, SCRAPS 6/13 Women’s Resource Fair, River Park Square 6/13 Free Pools Day, Spokane Valley pools 6/13 Fairfield Flag Day Celebration 6/13 Spokane Pride 2015, Downtown Spokane
6/11-13 5 to 7, Panida Theater 6/11 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 6/12 Moonlight Movies: Beethoven, Sunset Park
6/11 SPR Presents: Too Slim & the Taildraggers Unplugged, Bing Crosby Theater
6/12 Herman’s Hermits, Northern Quest Casino 6/12 Xurs, Phlegm Fatale, Outercourse, Baby Bar 6/12 Kevin Cole, Kroc Center 6/12 Stevie Lynne, Bing Crosby Theater 6/13 Stage 2 Stage Music Fest, Arbor Crest Winery 6/13 Swamp Stomp ft. BBBBandits, Swamp Tavern 6/13 Main Street Souvenirs with Scott Kirby, Bing Crosby Theater 6/13 Sun Blood Stories, Stucco, Space Movies, Baby Bar 6/13 Surfer Blood, Alex Calder, The Bartlett 6/14 Choro das 3, Rick Singer Photography Studio 6/17 The Sweeplings, Pacific Pine, Red Lion at the Park
6/11 SCKC Thursday Night Paddles, location TBA 6/11 Paddling Basics, REI 6/12 Spokane Shock vs. Las Vegas Outlaws, Spokane Arena.
6/13 Free Washington State Parks Day 6/13 Sand Creek Paddlers Challenge, Sandpoint 6/13 Idaho Free Fishing Day 6/13-14 Prosser Sports Fest, Prosser, Wash. 6/13-14 Solo/Tandem Canoeing Clinic, Spokane 6/13 Spokane REI Garage Sale 6/13 Color Me Rad, Spokane County Raceway 6/13 Palouse Duathlon, Palouse, Wash. 6/13 Spokane Shadow vs. South Sound, SFCC 6/14 REI Trail Days, Riverside State Park
6/11-14 The Music Man, Spokane Civic Theatre 6/11-14 The Sound of Music, Modern Theater CdA 6/11 NT Live Presents: The Hard Problem, Kenworthy
6/12-14 Reasons to be Happy, Modern Theater Spok. 6/12-14 Steel Kiss, Stage Left Theater 6/12-13 Live From the Starlight, Circle Moon Theater
6/14 Stage to Screen: Behind the Beautiful
Color Me Rad brings the rainbow on June 13.
Emirates, The MAC (through June 25)
6/12 New Kids on the Block, Hamilton Studio 6/12 Emerge Art Show, Coeur d’Alene 6/14-16 Moscow ArtWalk 2015 6/17 Midweek Monet, Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center 6/17 Exploration of Sculpture, The MAC
Bledsoe, Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center
Forevers, Bing Crosby Theater
6/11-17 Past Forward: Contemporary Art from the 6/11-17 Summer Nights Gallery Opening: Sheila 6/11-12 BOYCOTT! The Art of Economic Activism, Riverpoint Campus 6/12 Second Friday Artwalk, Downtown CdA 6/12-13 40th Annual Idaho State Button Society Show, Best Western Coeur d’Alene
6/11 Author Lee Pitts, Deer Park Library. 6/11 Poet Bill Yates, Auntie’s Bookstore 6/12 Urban Poets Society, Auntie’s Bookstore 6/13 Author Stephanie Oakes, Auntie’s Bookstore 6/15 Spokane Poetry Slam, The Bartlett
Ye Merrie Greenwood Players presents the 29th Annual
Ye Merrie Greenwood Renaissance Faire June 27 & 28 2015 10am - 5pm
Howard Amon Park Richland, WA Magic & Puppets Music & Dancing Shakespearean Plays Jousting & Sword Fighting Food Arts & Crafts
Ticket Prices ONE DAY Adults (13 & over) $10 Seniors & Children $8 Children under 5 FREE
TWO DAYS Adults (13 & over) $13 Seniors & Children $11 Children under 5 FREE
TWO DAY FAMILY PASS Two Adults, Two Children (5-12) $45.00 Children under 5 FREE
For info call (509) 783-7727 or email 92 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015
Inlander cool picks in blue! COMEDY
6/22 Stand Up/Show Down, Sapphire Lounge
6/18 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 6/19-21 Klink’s Resort Summer Shorts filming 6/19 Cardboard Car Drive-In, Broadway Elem. 6/20 The Neverending Story, Downtown Library 6/21 Dazed & Confused, Garland Theater 6/23 Spokane Drive-In Movies (North): Footloose 6/24 Spokane Drive-In Movies (West): Days of
6/24 Outdoor Movies @ Riverfront: Space Jam
6/18 Stand-Up Open Mic, Uncle D’s (weekly) 6/19 A Tree Grows in Garland, Blue Door Theatre 6/20 Cage Match, Blue Door Theatre 6/20 This, That or the Other, Liberty Lake Community Theatre
6/18 Moscow Entertainment in the Park Series, East City Park
6/18 Partners in Justice Awards, Barrister Winery 6/18 5th Annual Summer Parkways, Manito Park 6/19 Summer Solstice Fun Run, Riverfront Park 6/19 Relay for Life Sandpoint 6/20 Spokane Rose Show, Northland Rosarium 6/20 Father’s Day Breakfast, Rogers High School 6/20 Corbin Park Yard Sale 6/20 Spokane in Bloom Garden Tour 6/20 World Refuge Day, Manito Park 6/20 Juneteenth Celebration, Liberty Park 6/20 Parade of Paws, Spokane Humane Society
6/18-20 Wallace Gyro Days & Lead Creek Derby 6/19-20 Car D’Alene, Downtown Coeur d’Alene 6/19-21 Slippery Gulch Days Celebration, Tekoa 6/19-21 All Wheels Weekend, Dayton 6/20 Medical Lake Founder’s Day 6/20-21 Walla Walla Sweet Onion Festival 6/20 Prosser Scottish Fest & Highland Games 6/20 Elk Pioneer Days 6/21 The Big Back In, Spirit Lake
6/18 Paddington, The Kenworthy
6/18 Girls Pint Out CdA Meetup, Cork & Tap 6/18 Bonner County Farm Tour 6/18 Keeping the Scene Green, Inland Northwest
Culinary Academy (INCA) 6/18 Winemaker Vintage Retrospect Dinner, Pend d’Oreille Winery 6/19-20 Pend d’Oreille Winery 20th Anniversary 6/19 Frugal Traveler Series: Italy, Rocket Market 6/20 Lands Council Brews Cruise 6/20 The Pour, Arbor Crest Wine Cellars 6/20 Music, Micros & Barbecue, CdA Casino 6/21 Bark ‘N’ Brew, Silver Mountain Ski Resory 6/24 Gourmet Grilling: Steaks & Veggies, Inland Northwest Culinary Academy (INCA)
6/18 Doobie Brothers, Northern Quest Casino 6/19 Mercy Brown, Cold Blooded, Rasputin,
Serpentspire, Knitting Factory 6/20 Marshall McLean Band, The Bartlett 6/20-21 Stateline Music Fest, Cruisers 6/20 Nickleback with Lifehouse, The Gorge 6/20 Cult of Zir, Space Movies, Prichard Art Gallery
6/18 SCKC Thursday Night Paddles, location TBA
Spokane Virtual Learning (SVL), a Washington state approved program, provides instructor-led online courses to middle and high school students.
Don’t miss the second annual local artisan festival Bazaar on June 20.
6/18-22 Spokane Indians vs. Hillsboro, Avista Stadium
6/18 Family Camping Basics, REI 6/19-20 Colville Panorama Rodeo 6/20 Webb’s Slough Sprint Boat Races 6/20 Justin C. Haeger Memorial Race, SFCC 6/20 Spokane Shadow vs. Bellingham, SFCC 6/21 Dad’s Day Dash 2015, Manito Park 6/24 Spokane Indians vs. Everett, Avista Stadium 6/24 John Roskelley & Paddling the Columbia,
6/19-24 Sandpoint ArtWalk 2015 6/19-21 Palouse Artists’ Showcase, Palouse Grange 6/20 Free Family Saturday, The MAC 6/20-21 Art on the Blacktop, 29th Ave. Artworks 6/20-24 Community Chalk Mural: 900 Horses, The Gathering Place
6/20 Bazaar, Downtown Spokane 6/20 Seven2 Draw Off, Borracho
Riverside State Park
6/18-21 The Sound of Music, Modern Theater CdA 6/18-21 Reasons to be Happy, Modern Theater Spokane
6/18-21 First Date, Eagles Lodge 6/19-21 Steel Kiss, Stage Left Theater 6/19-21 Oklahoma!, Pend Oreille Playhouse 6/19-21 Bob: A Life in Five Acts, Masquers Theatre 6/19-20 Without Decor: Lucky Me, The Kenworthy 6/20 Swan Boy, The Forge Theater
e n a in k o p S Bloom You’ve got a Friend Garden Tour
Spokane Virtual Learning Where personalized learning is the norm
High school courses offered in all core subjects - Art - Fitness & Health - Photography . . . and much more! Summer classes begin June 24. Register now for Summer or Fall! Summer Math and World Language Bridge Courses (non-credit)
pm Tickets: $10 • Saturday, June 20, 2015 • 10am-5 Sheltering Trees Garden 523 W 18th Ave Seasons in the Sun Garden 1028 E 33rd Ave Soulmates Forever Garden 1216 E 54th Ave *Garden of Earthly Delights 2717 E 40th Ave Kindred Spirits Garden 3620 E 35th Ave Rhapsody in Green Garden 1110 S Denny Ct
BONUS STOP WIN A $100 GIFT CARD at Tower Perennials 4010 E Jamieson Rd
Garden-related Vendors
*Barbeque Lunch Buffet from O’Doherty’s BBQ
at an additional cost
TICKETS available at any of the gardens the day of the tour, on-line, or at Blue Moon Garden, Gibson’s, Greenthumb, Judy’s Enchanted Garden, NW Seed, Ritters, Tower Perennials or 509-354-7545
Presented by The
Inland Empire Gardeners • 509.535.8434 •
June 25 - July 1
6/25 Sideways Cinema, Blue Door Theatre 6/25 Terry Canfield Memorial Show, Uncle D’s 6/26 A Tree Grows in Garland, Blue Door Theatre 6/26-27 The Matt Baker Comedy + Stunt Show, Bing Crosby Theater 6/27 Cage Match, Blue Door Theatre 6/29 Stand Up/Show Down, Sapphire Lounge 6/29 A Summer of Improv, Blue Door Theatre 6/29 Besties vs. Testes, Underground 15
6/25 Moscow Entertainment in the Park Series,
East City Park 6/25 Fairfield Library Summer Lego Club 6/26 Fourth Friday Pub Peddlers, Swamp Tavern 6/27 19th Annual Anniversary Playday, North Spokane Farm Museum 6/29 Spokane Valley Library Summer Lego Club 6/30 Supersized Games, Otis Orchards Library 6/30 North Spokane Library Summer Lego Club
6/26-27 Prosser Cherry Festival 6/27-28 Green Bluff Strawberry Celebration 6/27 Cool Desert Nights, Richland 6/27 Moran Prairie Strawberry Festival 6/28 Schweitzer Summer Celebration
6/25 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 6/26 Moonlight Movies: The Box Trolls, Sunset Park 6/27 Swim and a Movie: Maleficent, Spokane County Aquatic Centers 6/27 Saturday Market Cartoons, The Kenworthy 6/28-30 Summer Camp 2015: Jurassic Park, Garland Theater 7/1 The Boxtrolls, South Hill Library 7/1 Outdoor Movies @ Riverfront Park: Back to the Future
6/26 Frugal Traveler Series: Spain, Rocket Market 6/27 Cold Brew Coffee Classes, Roast House Coffee 6/26 Sorority, Black Beacon, Sea Giant; Hogfish 6/26 Cracker Factory, Heavy Seventeen, The
Camaros; The Big Dipper 6/26 Son Dulce, Chateau Rive 6/26-27 Paradiso Festival, Gorge Amphitheater 6/26-27 Valley Bluegrass Festival, Lewiston 6/27 Problem, Certified Outfit, Swisher Sleep, Skandoe, King Sonny, Moe Cheeks, Kae One, Jaeda; Knitting Factory 6/27 Hey! is For Horses, Red Lion Hotel at the Park 6/27 Summer Concert Series: Greg & Caridwen Spatz, Dahmen Barn 6/27 John Cragie, Panida Theater 6/27 Sea Giant with Aradia, Jones Radiator 6/29 Gregg Allman, Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox
6/25 SCKC Thursday Night Paddles, Spokane. 6/25 Spokane Indians vs. Everett, Avista Stadium 6/25 Ironman Pro Meet and Greet, Kroc Center 6/25 Hands-On Bike Maintenance: Fix A Flat, REI 6/26 Spokane Shock vs. San Jose Sabercats, Spokane Arena
6/25-7/1 Sunset Dinner Cruise, CdA Resort 6/25 Yappy Hour, Pine Street Bakery, Sandpoint 6/25 Sandpoint Summer Sampler, Farmin Park 6/25 The Origins of Coffee: Seed to Cup, Pilgrim’s
6/27-28 Hoopfest 2015, Downtown Spokane 6/28 Ironman Coeur d’Alene
Natural Market
6/30 Blitzen Trapper, Hand of the Hills; Bartlett 6/30 Tyler, the Creator, Knitting Factory 6/30 The ABBA Show, Bing Crosby Theater
6/25-28 The Sound of Music, Modern Theater CdA 6/26-28 Steel Kiss, Stage Left Theater 6/26-28 Oklahoma!, Pend Oreille Playhouse 6/26-28 Bob: A Life in Five Acts, Masquers Theatre 6/26-27 I’m A Celebrity, Liberty Lake Theatre 6/26 CdA Murder Mystery Theatre, CdA Cellars 6/27 Swan Boy, The Forge Theater 7/1 The Trouble With The Theatre or Why Are You Acting Like That?, Sixth Street Theater
6/25-28 Past Forward: Contemporary Art from the
Ironman hits Coeur d’Alene on June 28. Republic, Wash.
Emirates, The MAC (closing weekend)
6/27 Author Laura Pritchett, Auntie’s 7/1 Broken Mic, Neato Burrito (weekly)
Gathering Place (final weekend)
6/25-7/1 Sandpoint ArtWalk 2015 (all summer) 6/25-28 Community Chalk Mural: 900 Horses, The 6/27-7/1 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Invitational, Spokane Art School (thru Aug.)
6/25 Costuming & Cosplay on a Budget, North Spokane Library
6/26-27 North Idaho Quilters Show, Kootenai County Fairgrounds
6/25 Poetry Open Mic, Monarch Mountain Coffee 6/25 WordTasting with the Minimalists, Auntie’s 6/26 The Bug Chef: David George Gordon,
6/26-7/1 St. John’s Cathedral Tours, (weekly) 6/27-28 Old Galvi Warehouse Antique Sale, Sandpoint
6/27 Northwest Bellydance, The Bartlett
Dakota Columbia Houseboats
Celebrate with the locals at these area events! June 20 ..................Plowboy Nation at Fairgrounds (Davenport) July 17-19 ......................Pioneer Days (Davenport) Aug 20-22..........................Lincoln County Fair and Pro West Rodeo (Davenport) Sept 12 ..................... Sprague Hay Days (Sprague) Sept 18-20 ............Odessa Deutschesfest (Odessa) Sept 25-26 .................Almira Country Fair (Almira) Sept 26.................Harrington Fall Fest (Harrington)
Porcupine Bay
Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area
Whitestone Vineyard & Winery 94 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015
Like /lincolncountyedc for updates
Inlander cool picks in blue! COMEDY
7/2 Stand-Up Comedy Open Mic, Uncle D’s Comedy Underground (weekly)
7/3 Improv Lab, Blue Door Theatre 7/3 Stand-Up Comedy, Red Dragon Chinese.
(weekly) 7/3 Expedition, Blue Door Theatre 7/6 Stand Up / Show Down, Sapphire Lounge (weekly) 7/6 A Summer of Improv, Blue Door Theatre 7/6 Drink N’ Debate, Underground 15 (weekly) 7/7 Improv Jam Session, Blue Door Theatre 7/8 Open Mic Comedy, Brooklyn Deli & Lounge (weekly)
7/4-5 Green Bluff Strawberry Celebration 7/4 Kinderfest, Leavenworth
7/2 Summer Camp 2015: Jurassic Park, Garland Theater
7/2 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 7/3 Movies in the Park: Rio 2, Pavillion Park 7/4 Saturday Market Cartoons, The Kenworthy 7/5-7 Summer Camp 2015: National Lampoon’s Vacation, Garland Theater
7/7 Spokane Drive-In Movies (North): Man of Steel 7/8 Spokane Drive-In Movies (West): Fast & Furious
About You, Riverfront Park
7/2 Moscow Entertainment in the Park Series, East City Park 7/2 Fairfield Library Summer Lego Club 7/4 Coeur d’Alene Fourth of July Celebration 7/4 Fourth of July Fireworks Show, Pavillion Park 7/4 Festival of America, Grand Coulee Dam 7/4 Silverwood Fourth of July Fireworks 7/4 Sandpoint Fourth of July Celebration 7/4 Harrison Fourth of July Celebration 7/4 Kellogg Fourth of July Celebration 7/4 Riverfront Park Fourth of July Celebration 7/4 Pennant Run, Avista Stadium 7/4 Pullman Fourth of July Celebration, Sunnyside Park 7/6 Spokane Valley Library Summer Lego Club 7/7 North Spokane Library Summer Lego Club
7/3 Statehood Day Parade, Downtown Wallace 7/3-4 Prosser Blueberry Festival, Prosser
Buddy Guy performs at the Fox Theater on July 7.
7/8 Outdoor Movies @ Riverfront: 10 Things I Hate 7/8 Seattle Children’s Film Festival, Bing Crosby Theater
7/2-8 Sunset Dinner Cruise, CdA Resort 7/3 No-Li Brewhouse Tours, No-Li Brewhouse (ongoing)
7/8 Girls Pint Out Spokane Meetup, The Backyard Public House
7/2 Global Summer Concert Series feat. the CdA
Symphony with Opera CdA, Riverstone Park 7/3 Fountain Cafe Music Series, Fountain Cafe 7/2 Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas, The Bartlett 7/2 Browne’s Addition Concert Series, CdA Park 7/2 Voice of Addiction, Free the Jester, Collarteral Damage, Pinnacle Northwest 7/3 Head Creeps, Out of Time, Keep in Check, Pinnacle Northwest 7/3 Great Balls of Fire Live!, Coeur d’Alene Casino
7/4 Sandpoint Summer Sounds feat. Selkirk
Society Band 7/5 CdA City Park Concert Series 7/7 Buddy Guy with Quinn Sullivan, Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox 7/8 Live After 5 feat. Milonga, Downtown CdA
7/2 SCKC Thursday Night Paddles, location TBA 7/3-5 Northwest Mounted Shooting Show,
7/2-3 Legacy: Former Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition, Fundraiser & Art Sale, Washington State University (closing weekend) 7/2-5 Chuck Close and Kiki Smith, Walla Walla. 7/2-4 Victoria Brace & Robert Grimes, Art Spirit Gallery (closing weekend) 7/2-7 Moscow ArtWalk 2015 (all summer) 7/2-8 Sandpoint ArtWalk 2015 (all summer)
Kootenai County Fairgrounds
7/4-8 Spokane Indians vs. Boise Hawks, Avista Stadium
7/8 Hands-On Bike Maintenance Basics, REI
7/2-8 The Trouble With The Theatre or Why Are
You Acting Like That?, Sixth Street Theater
7/3-5 Bob: A Life in Five Acts, Masquers Theatre 7/4 Pend Oreille Playhouse House Warming 7/8 Dancing With the Stars: Live!, INB Center
Summer Festivals on the bluff
Strawberry Celebration June 27 & 28, July 4 & 5 Cherry Festival July 11-12 & 18-19 Peach Festival Aug 15 thru Labor Day Apple Festival Weekends Sept 19 thru Oct 25
Summer at Walters’ Open Every Day 9 am to 5 pm starting June 13. Enjoy the fresh Green Bluff air. Have lunch or Breakfast in our Orchard cafe. Lots of seasonal fruits and veggies in the store and out in the Orchard to pick.
CHERRY FESTIVAL weekends July 11- 27 PEACH FESTIVAL weekends August 15 - Sept 7
Cherry Pickers Trot and Pit Spit Thursday July 16th starting at 5pm | Just north of Spokane Look for the Greenbluff Growers Signs
• Ride the Fruit Loop Express • Live Music • Wine Tasting
• Wiggle Worm Rides • Sweet Pea Play Box • Sweet Treats
Bring this ad in for 10% off u-pick fruit JUNE 11, 2015 SUMMER GUIDE 95
7/10-12 Sandpoint Classic Boat Show 7/10-12 Early Ford V8 Swap Meet, Spokane County
7/9 Pink Tango Trio, Arbor Crest Winery 7/10 Hank Williams Jr. with Chance McKinney,
7/10-12 Concrete River Festival, Colfax. 7/10-12 Post Falls Festival 7/11-12 Green Bluff Cherry Festival 7/11-12 Northwest Renaissance Festival, Nine Mile
7/10-11 Wallace Blues Festival, Downtown Wallace 7/10-11 Laura Sable & Bill Wiemuth, Circle Moon
7/11-12 Pend Oreille Valley Lavender Festival,
7/11 Rot Monger, FAUS; Hogfish 7/11 Zac Brown Band, Gorge Amphitheater 7/14-15 Mozart on a Summer’s Eve, Manito Park 7/15 An Evening with Graham Nash, Bing Crosby
Fair & Expo Center
7/9 Guffaw Yourself, Neato Burrito (weekly) 7/9 Open Mic, Uncle D’s (weekly) 7/10 Open Mic, Red Dragon Chinese (weekly) 7/10 Expedition, Blue Door Theatre 7/11 Safari, Blue Door Theatre (weekly) 7/13 A Summer of Improv, Blue Door Theatre 7/13 Drink N’ Debate, Underground 15 (weekly) 7/14 Improv Jam Session, Blue Door Theatre 7/15 Open Mic, Brooklyn Deli & Lounge (weekly)
Newport City Park
7/12 CdA Kinetic Fest, Riverstone Park
Vacation, Garland Theater
7/9 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 7/10 Moonlight Movies: Annie, Sunset Park 7/11 South Perry Summer Theater: Maleficent, The Shop
7/9 Appleway Trail: “Unveil the Trail,” Spokane
7/11 Swim and a Movie: Paddington, Spokane
7/9 Fairfield Library Summer Lego Club 7/10 Fun Fridays @ The Parks, Spokane Valley 7/11-12 Inland Empire Kennel Association Dog
7/11 To Kill a Mockingbird, Downtown Library 7/12-14 Summer Camp 2015: The Princess Bride,
Show, Kootenai County Fairgrounds
7/11-12 Medical Lake Community Yard Sale 7/11 Let’s Move Airway!, Airway Heights 7/11 Spokane Humane Society’s 118th B-Day Party 7/12 Jacey’s Race, Sandpoint High School 7/12 Coeur d’Alene Garden Tour 7/13 Spokane Valley Library Summer Lego Club 7/14 North Spokane Library Summer Lego Club 7/14 Go Set a Watchman: A Harper Lee Celebration, Indian Trail Library
County Aquatic Centers
Garland Theater 7/15 Outdoor Movies @ Riverfront: The Princess Bride
7/9 Viva Italia!, Inland Northwest Culinary
Academy (INCA) 7/12 Palouse Ice Cream Social, Palouse, Wash. 7/15 Small Bites, Summer Nights, Inland Northwest Culinary Academy (INCA)
7/9 Rocky Votolato & Dave Hause, Chris Farren;
7/9-12 Chataqua, Chewelah City Park
The Bartlett
Fun Ladies and more, Saranac Public House
7/10-11 Arenacross Racing, Kootenai County Fairgrounds
7/10-12 Cheney Rodeo, Cheney Bi-Mart Arena 7/11 Let’s Climb a Mountain, Riverfront Park 7/11 Hayden Triathlon 7/11 Liberty Lake Loop, Pavillion Park 7/11 Spokatopia Outdoor Adventure Festival, Camp Sekani
7/11 Spokane Shadow vs. Wenatchee, SFCC 7/12 Valley Girl Triathlon, Liberty Lake 7/14 U-District Foundation Summer Fun Run Series 7/14 Elevated Camping: Hammocking Basics, REI 7/15 Spokane Indians vs. Tri-City Dust Devils,
Coeur d’Alene Summer Theater performs Singin’ in the Rain from July 9-26.
7/11 Swan Boy, The Forge Theater 7/11 Resident Playwright Workshop, The Modern
Avista Stadium
7/11 KYRS Rooftop Concert feat. Phlegm Fatale,
7/9 Summer Camp 2015: National Lampoon’s
7/11 Seattle Children’s Film Festival, Bing Crosby
Northern Quest Casino
7/9-15 The Trouble With The Theatre or Why Are
You Acting Like That?, Sixth Street Theater 7/9-12 Singin’ in the Rain, Kroc Center 7/10-11 One Act Play Festival, Pend Oreille Playhouse 7/10-12 Bob: A Life in Five Acts, Masquers Theatre 7/10 CdA Murder Mystery Theatre, CdA Cellars 7/10-12 Phantom Tollbooth, Pullman Civic Theatre
Theater Spokane
7/12 Opera Coeur d’Alene: The Mikado, CdA Resort
7/10-12 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Coeur d’Alene Eagles
7/10-15 St. John’s Cathedral Tours (weekly)
Come Celebrate the 21st Annual ities for Free Activ eens T Toddlers to
Cultural Villa
Interactive C hildren’s Center Free K-8 Scho ol Supplies (While supp
Career & , n io t a c u Ed irs Health Fa e Main Stag ces Performan All Day
lies last)
United We Live Saturday | August 15, 2015 Riverfront Park
The Region’s Largest Multicultural Celebration Family-oriented and FREE
Art Displays
EVENT SPONSOR United Healthcare AREA SPONSORS Planned Parenthood of Greater WA & North ID, CHAS, & Community Health Plan of Washington
Inlander cool picks in blue! COMEDY
7/17 Open Mic, Red Dragon Chinese (weekly) 7/17 Expedition, Blue Door Theatre 7/18 Safari, Blue Door Theatre (weekly) 7/18 This, That or the Other, Liberty Lake
Community Theatre 7/20 A Summer of Improv, Blue Door Theatre 7/20 Drink N’ Debate, Underground 15 (weekly) 7/21 Improv Jam Session, Blue Door Theatre
7/16 Cherry Pickers Trot, Green Bluff 7/16-22 Earth From Space, Spokane Valley
Heritage Museum (all summer) 7/16 Fairfield Library Summer Lego Club 7/17 Fun Fridays @ The Parks, Spokane Valley 7/17 Monthly Swing Dance, Woman’s Club of Spokane 7/18 Camp Dart-Lo’s 70th Birthday Celebration! 7/18 SpoKenya Run/Walk, Life Center Church 7/20 Spokane Valley Library Summer Lego Club 7/21 Tween Club, North Spokane Library 7/21 North Spokane Library Summer Lego Club
7/17-19 Prosser Airport Days & Fly In 7/17-19 Rathdrum Days 7/17-19 Rendezvous in the Park, Moscow 7/17-19 Davenport Pioneer Days, Davenport 7/18-19 Green Bluff Cherry Festival 7/18 Mountain Music & Wine Festival, Schweitzer 7/18-19 Northwest Renaissance Festival, Nine Mile Falls
7/16 The Princess Bride, Garland Theater 7/16 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 7/18 Movies in the Park: How to Train Your Dragon 2, Pavillion Park
7/18 South Perry Summer Theater: Guardians of the Galaxy, The Shop
7/19 Summer Camp 2015: Wet, Hot, American Summer, Garland Theater
7/21 Spokane Drive-In Movies (North): Top Gun 7/22 Spokane Drive-In Movies (West): Monsters University
7/16 Girls Pint Out CdA Meetup, Cork & Tap 7/16 Mad Hatter Tea Party, St. Joseph’s Family
Center 7/18 St. Vincent Steak Fry, Kootenai County Fairgrounds 7/18 Music, Micros & Barbecue, CdA Casino 7/19 Vintage Spokane, Spokane Convention Center
7/16 Creedence Clearwater Revisited, CdA Casino 7/17 Atomatic Jive, Red Lion Hotel at the Park 7/17 Eleni Mandell, Coutrney Marie Andrews, The Bartlett 7/17 T. Scot Wilburn & the Shut Up-N-Playboys, Chateau Rive 7/17-18 Basin Summer Sounds Festival, Ephrata, Wash. 7/18 Nasalrod, Bullets or Balloons; Hogfish 7/18 Shannon & the Clams, BBBBandits (last show), Fun Ladies; Mootsy’s 7/18 Sara Brown Band, Two Rivers Casino 7/19 Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, The Bartlett
Harry Connick, Jr. plays the INB on July 20.
7/20 Melissa Etheridge, Blondie, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts; Northern Quest Casino
7/20 Harry Connick, Jr., INB Center 7/20 Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers, Bing
Crosby Theater 7/21 Taj Mahal, Bing Crosby Theater 7/22 Alice in Chains [Sold-Out], Knitting Factory 7/22 Jim Adkins of Jimmy Eat World, The Bartlett
7/16 SCKC Thursday Night Paddles, location TBA 7/16-17 Spokane Indians vs. Tri-Cities, Avista Stadium
7/17 Spokane Shock vs. Arizona, Spokane Arena 7/18 Tiger Tri, Colville, Wash 7/18 The Dirty Dash, Riverside State Park 7/18 Schweitzer Mountain Trail Run 7/18 Muddy Miles, Kootenai County Fairgrounds 7/18 3rd Annual Mt. Spokane Old Growth Hike 7/19 Race the River, Riverstone Park 7/20-22 Wallace ATV Jamboree 7/21 U-District Foundation Summer Fun Run Series
7/16-22 The Trouble With The Theatre or Why Are You Acting Like That?, Sixth Street Theater
7/16 NT Live: Man + Superman, The Kenworthy 7/16-19 CdA Summer Theatre: Singin’ in the Rain, Kroc Center
7/16-19 The Phantom Tollbooth, Pullman Civic Theatre
7/17 CdA Murder Mystery Theatre, CdA Cellars 7/22 CdA Summer Theatre: Around the World in 80 Days, Kroc Center
7/23 Guffaw Yourself, Neato Burrito (weekly) 7/24 Expedition, Blue Door Theatre 7/25 Safari, Blue Door Theatre (ongoing) 7/27 Stand Up/Show Down, Sapphire Lounge
(weekly) 7/27 A Summer of Improv, Blue Door Theatre 7/27 Drink N’ Debate, Underground 15 (weekly) 7/28 Improv Jam Session, Blue Door Theatre 7/29 Open Mic, Brooklyn Deli & Lounge (weekly)
7/23-29 Earth From Space, Spokane Valley
Heritage Museum (all summer) 7/23 Fairfield Library Summer Lego Club 7/24 Fun Fridays @ The Parks, Spokane Valley 7/24 ADA Celebration Picnic, McEuen Park 7/24 Fourth Friday Pub Peddlers, Swamp Tavern 7/25 Glass on the Grass, Riverfront Park 7/27 Spokane Valley Library Summer Lego Club 7/27 Tour of the Gardens, Coeur d’Alene 7/28 North Spokane Library Summer Lego
7/23-26 Canyon County Fair, Caldwell, Idaho 7/24-26 Harrison Old Time Picnic 7/24-25 Grasshopper Festival, Republic, Wash. 7/24-26 Northwest Yoga Feast, Eureka Institute 7/24-26 Down River Days, Ione, Wash.
7/24-26 Barefoot in the Park, Pavillion Park 7/25-26 Green Bluff Cherry Festival 7/25 South Perry Street Fair, Grant Park
7/23 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 7/24 Cinema Paradiso, Rocky Hill Park 7/24 An American Tale, Sunset Park 7/24 Summer Outdoor Movies: Paddington, Mirabeau Park Meadows
7/25 Movies in the Park: Big Hero 6, Pavillion Park. 7/25 South Perry Summer Theater: The Princess Bride, The Shop 7/25 Swim and a Movie: Big Hero 6, Spokane County Aquatic Centers 7/25 Saturday Market Cartoons, The Kenworthy 7/25 Iron Man, Downtown Library 7/26-28 Dirty Dancing, Garland Theater 7/28 Full Draw Film Tour, Bing Crosby Theater
7/23-29 Sunset Dinner Cruise, CdA (daily) 7/24 Hot Summer Nights: The Last Speakeasy, Arbor Crest Winery
7/25 Cold Brew Coffee Classes, Roast House Coffee 7/25 Wine, Women & Shoes, Coeur d’Alene Resort 7/29 Margarita-ville Grille, Inland Northwest Culinary Academy (INCA)
7/23 Browne’s Addition Concert Series, Coeur
d’Alene Park 7/23 Larry Myer, Arbor Crest Winery 7/23 Global Summer Concert Series feat. CdA Summer Theatre, Riverstone Park 7/24 Paul Grove, Park Bench Cafe 7/24-25 The Cronkites, Conkling Marina & Resort 7/25 Harrison Summer Concerts feat. Down South
o r e H y r Eve ry o t S a s Ha
Summer programs are here! Every hero has a story; find yours at the library this summer. Whether its superhero science, knights in shining armor, comic book characters, or birds of prey, there are activities for all ages, all summer. For program details please visit
7/25 Rockin’ on the River feat. Collective Soul; Clarkston, Wash.
7/25 Sandpoint Summer Sounds Special Crazy
Days edition feat. Backstreet Dixie, Carl Rey and the Blues Gators, Northern Exposure, Hoodoo Two 7/25 Train with The Fray, Matt Nathanson, Gorge Amphitheater 7/26 Theory of a Deadman, Knitting Factory 7/29 Korby Lenker & Jesse Terry, Chateau Rive 7/29 Ana Popovic, Bing Crosby Theater
7/23 SCKC Thursday Night Paddles, location TBA 7/23-25 Wallace ATV Jamboree 7/24-25 Clayton Pro West Rodeo 7/25-26 Kellogg SilverHoops 7/25 Jedermann Gran Fondo Bike Ride, Cheney 7/25 Spokane Shock vs. Portland Thunder, Spokane Arena
7/25 Spokane Shadow vs. Olympic Force, SFCC 7/26 Spokane Valley Cycle Celebration, Mirabeau Park Meadows
7/26 Bare Buns Fun Run, Kaniksu Ranch 7/28 U-District Foundation Summer Run Series 7/29 Spokane Indians vs. Eugene, Avista Stadium
Liberty Lake’s new Barefoot in the Park festival is July 24-26.
7/29 The Vampire Who Loved in Vein or One
7/23-26 The Trouble With The Theatre or Why Are
You Acting Like That?, Sixth Street Theater 7/23-26 The Little Prince, University of Idaho Hartung Theater 7/23-26 Singin’ in the Rain, Kroc Center 7/23-26 Romeo & Juliet, The Kenworthy 7/24-26 Tikki Tikki Tembo, Liberty Lake Theatre 7/24-26 Assassins, Modern Theater Coeur d’Alene 7/24-29 Seussical the Musical, Spokane Civic Theatre 7/24 CdA Murder Mystery Theatre, CdA Cellars
Monster of a Melodrama!, Sixth Street Theater
7/23-29 Catherine Earle & Cary Weigand, Art Spirit Gallery (thru Aug. 8)
7/24-26 Garden of Artistry, Ponderay Garden Center
7/23 Poetry Open Mic, Monarch Mountain Coffee 7/27 The Art of Storytelling, South Hill Library 7/29 Broken Mic, Neato Burrito
Inlander cool picks in blue! COMEDY
7/30 Sideways Cinema, Blue Door Theatre 7/30 Open Mic, Uncle D’s (weekly) 7/31 After Dark, Blue Door Theatre (weekly) 7/31 Open Mic, Red Dragon Chinese (weekly) 7/31 Expedition, Blue Door Theatre 8/1 Safari, Blue Door Theatre (weekly) 8/3 Stand Up/Show Down, Sapphire Lounge 8/3 A Summer of Improv, Blue Door Theatre 8/3 Drink N’ Debate, Underground 15 (weekly) 8/4 Improv Jam Session, Blue Door Theatre 8/5 Open Mic, Brooklyn Deli & Lounge (weekly)
7/30 Fairfield Library Summer Lego Club 7/30 Supersized Games, Moran Prairie Library 7/31 Fun Fridays @ The Parks, Spokane Valley 8/1 Swap Meet & Bluegrass Fest, Spirit Lake 8/1 Community Yard Sale, Palouse, Wash. 8/1-2 KuroNekoCon, Spokane Convention Center 8/2 Perry Neighborhood Street Ride, Two Wheel
Transit 8/2 Pitch for the Cure Breast Cancer Walk, Avista Stadium 8/3 Spokane Valley Library Summer Lego Club 8/4 North Spokane Library Summer Lego Club 8/4 Every Drop Counts: Water Conservation Tips, Indian Trail Library
7/31-8/2 Colville Rendezvous Days 7/31-8/2 Coeur d’Alene Street Fair 7/31-8/2 Art on the Green, North Idaho College 7/31-8/2 Kaslo Jazz Fest, Kaslo Bay Park, B.C.
8/1 59th Annual Spokane Highland Games, Spokane County Fair & Expo Center
7/30 Dirty Dancing, Garland Theater 7/30 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 8/1 Night at the Museum 2, Pavillion Park 8/1 S. Perry Summer Theater: Big Hero 6, The Shop 8/2-4 Caddyshack, Garland Theater 8/4 Spokane Drive-In Movies (North): The Sandlot 8/5 Spokane Drive-In Movies (West): Grease
7/30-8/5 Sunset Dinner Cruise, CdA Resort (daily) 7/30 Yappy Hour, Pine Street Bakery, Sandpoint 7/31-8/2 Taste of the Coeur d’Alenes 8/2 Schweitzer Huckleberry Festival & Color Run 8/3 Food Preservation: Pickling, South Hill Library 8/5 Sensational Salmon, Inland Northwest Culinary Academy (INCA)
The Spokane Highland Games bring the Scottish pride on Aug. 1.
8/2 David Raitt & The Baja Boogie Band, Arbor
Crest Winery
8/2 Concert in the Park feat. Broken Whistle,
Emerson Park 8/3 Michael Franti & Spearhead, Knitting Factory 8/5 Heaters, Bigfoot Wallace & His Wicked Sons; Baby Bar
7/30 Meatbodies, The Bartlett 7/30 Jackson Browne, Northern Quest Casino 7/30 Keb’ Mo’, Bing Crosby Theater 7/30 Shramana, Saxeus, Progenitus, East Sherman;
7/30 KYRS Presents: Turnpike Troubadors with
8/1 Eight Lakes Leg Aches, West Spokane 8/1-2 Spike & Dig, Dwight Merkel Sports Complex 8/1-2 Paddle the Hanford Reach, Mattawa, Wash. 8/1-2 INT Wakeboarding, Wake Surf & Slalom
Pinnacle Northwest
Silver Treason, Knitting Factory
7/31 Fallen Kings, Mandamus, All the Way Let; The Big Dipper
7/31-8/2 Watershed Festival, Gorge Amphitheater 8/1 Pine Leage, Red Lion Hotel at the Park 8/1 Fallen Kings, Odyssey, Blackwater Prophet; Pinnacle Northwest
7/30-8/2 Spokane Indians vs. Eugene Emeralds, Avista Stadium
7/31-8/1 Endurocross, Kootenai County Fairgrounds
Competition, Trinity at Willow Bay 8/1 Kiwanis Mini Triathlon, Waterfront Park 8/1 Long Bridge Swim, Sandpoint 8/1 Midnight Century, The Elk Public House
7/30 Assassins, Modern Theater CdA 7/30-8/2 Seussical the Musical, Spokane Civic Theatre
7/30-8/2 Romeo & Juliet, The Kenworthy 7/30-8/5 The Vampire Who Loved in Vein or
One Monster of a Melodrama!, Sixth Street Theater 7/31-8/2 The Little Prince, U. of I Hartung Theater 7/31-8/2 Tikki Tikki Tembo, Liberty Lake Community Theatre 7/31 CdA Murder Mystery Theatre, CdA Cellars
30 - Aug 5
The water is blue. The grass is too.
Paddleboard Rentals Group Paddles Paddlefit Classes Paddleboard Yoga Lighted Night Paddles Supsquatch Rental (8-10 Person Paddleboard)
August 7 – 9, 2015 Waterfront Park, Medical Lake, WA Kathy Kallick & Laurie Lewis Phillips, Grier & Flinner Growling Old Men Finnders & Youngberg A Tribute to Hazel Dickens (with Laurie Lewis, Eli West, Todd Phillips & Tom Rozum)
Eli West & Friends Kevin Pace & The Early Edition Top String Bluegrass Heartbreak Pass Acuff & Sherfey Check out our second annual BlueWaters Youth Camp! Sponsored by
Tickets and camping passes available online now!
PADDLEFIT 512 E. Sherman Ave. | 208.292.4156 |
8/7-8 Nine Mile Dam Days, Sontag Park 8/7-9 Hillyard Festival, Harmon-Shipley Park 8/8 Celebrate Life Fun Run/Walk, Sandpoint 8/8 Kidical Mass South Perry, Two Wheel Transit 8/8 Garland Street Fair 8/11-12 Bonner County Fair, Sandpoint
8/6 Caddyshack, Garland Theater 8/7 Moonlight Movies: Big Hero Six, Sunset Park 8/8 Rise of the Guardians, Pavillion Park 8/8 South Perry Summer Theater: The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, The Shop
8/8 Swim and a Movie: Planes: Fire & Rescue, Spokane County Aquatic Centers
8/9-11 Point Break, Garland Theater
8/6-9 Rockin’ the Rivers, Montana 8/7-9 Blue Waters Bluegrass Fest, Waterfront Park 8/7 Festival at Sandpoint feat. Ziggy Marley 8/7 Lynyrd Skynyrd, Northern Quest Casino 8/7 Aftival feat. Funky Meters, The Hive 8/8 Festival at Sandpoint feat. Vince Gill 8/8 Wartime Blues with Pine League, Big Dipper 8/8 Sam Smith, Gorge Amphitheater 8/8 Yonder Mountain String Band, The Hive 8/12 Brandi Carlile, Knitting Factory
8/8 Slide the City Spokane 8/8 Coeur d’Alene Triathlon 8/9-11 Spokane Indians vs. Tri-Cities, Avista Stadium 8/12 Spokane Indians vs. Salem-Kaizer Volcanoes, Avista Stadium
8/6-12 The Vampire Who Loved in Vein or One
Monster of a Melodrama!, Sixth Street Theater 8/6-9 Twelfth Night, Modern Theater Spokane 8/6-9 Shrek: the Musical, Kroc Center 8/7-8 The Little Prince, U. of Idaho 8/7-8 The Addams Family, Bing Crosby Theater 8/7 CdA Murder Mystery Theatre, CdA Cellar
8/7 No-Li Brewhouse Tours 8/8-9 Prosser Wine & Food Festival 8/8 Vegfest, Spokane Community College 8/12 Girls Pint Out Spokane Meetup, The Backyard
Gallery (closing weekend) 8/6-12 Northwest Impressions in Focus, Entree Gallery (thru Aug. 31) 8/7 First Friday, Spokane 8/8-9 POAC Arts & Crafts Fair, Sandpoint 8/11 Whimsical Lettering, Shadle Library
8/7-9 Wallace Accordion Festival 8/9 Festival at Sandpoint Family Concert 8/10 Brit Floyd: Space & Time World Tour, The Fox 8/6 Festival at Sandpoint feat. Arlo Guthrie
100 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015
8/6-12 Spokane Arts All Media Juried Exhibition, Chase Gallery (thru Sept.)
8/6-8 Catherine Earle & Cary Weigand, Art Spirit
Farmers Markets BONNERS FERRY FARMERS MARKET | Saturdays through Oct. 3, from 8 am-1 pm. Corner of Hwy. 95 and Kootenai Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. (208-267-2780)
DAVENPORT FARMERS MARKET | Saturdays through Sept. 27, from 9 am-2 pm. Pioneer Plaza, 605 Morgan St., Davenport, Wash. (280-9896)
CHEWELAH FARMERS MARKET | Fridays through Oct. 23, from 11:30 am-5:30 pm. City Park, 600 N. Park St., Chewelah, Wash. chewelahfarmersmarket. com (936-4353)
EMERSON-GARFIELD FARMERS MARKET | Fridays through Oct. 16, from 3-7 pm. Knox Presbyterian Church parking lot, 806 W. Knox. (398-0964)
CLAYTON FARMERS MARKET | Sundays through Sept. 28, from noon-4 pm. Clayton Fairgrounds, 4616 Wallbridge Rd., Clayton, Wash. (276-2444)
FAIRWOOD FARMERS MARKET | July 7 and Tuesdays, from Aug. 4 through Oct. 6, from 3-7 pm. Fairwood Shopping Center, 319 W. Hastings Rd. FairwoodFleaFarmersMarket
COEUR D’ALENE FARMERS MARKET | Wednesdays through Sept. 24, from 4-7 pm. Sherman Avenue and Fifth Street, downtown Coeur d’Alene. (208-772-2290) COLFAX FARMERS MARKET | Fridays through Sept. 4, from 3-7 pm. Spring and Main. (397-3861)
HAYDEN FARMERS MARKET | Saturdays through October, from 9 am-1:30 pm. Corner of Hwy. 95 and Prairie Ave., Hayden. (208-772-2290) KENDALL YARDS NIGHT MARKET | Wednesdays through mid-October, from 4-8 pm. On Summit Parkway between Cedar Street
FESTIVAL and Adams Alley. LIBERTY LAKE FARMERS MARKET | Saturdays through Oct. 11, from 9 am-1 pm. 1421 N. Meadowwood Ln., Liberty Lake. (290-3839) MILLWOOD FARMERS MARKET | Wednesdays through Sept. 30, from 2-7 pm. Millwood Community Presbyterian parking lot, 3223 N. Marguerite. (9242350) MOSCOW FARMERS MARKET | Saturdays through October, from 8 am-1 pm. Friendship Square and Main Street, downtown Moscow. (208-883-7132) NORTHEAST WASHINGTON FARMERS MARKET | Wednesdays and Saturdays through October, from 9 am-1 pm. Corner of Main and Astor, Colville, Wash. newfarmersmarket. org (935-0555) PULLMAN FARMERS MARKET | Wednesdays through Oct. 28, from 3:30-6 pm. Spot Shop parking lot, 240 NE Kamiaken St. (334-3565)
SANDPOINT FARMERS MARKET | Wednesdays from 3-5:30 pm and Saturdays from 9 am-1 pm through Oct. 10. Farmin Park, Third Avenue and Oak Street, Sandpoint. (208-597-3355) SOUTH PERRY THURSDAY MARKET | Thursdays through October, from 3-7 pm. The Shop, 924 S. Perry. SPOKANE FARMERS MARKET | Saturdays and Wednesdays (starts June 10), from 8 am-1 pm, through Oct. 29. 20 W. Fifth. (995-0182) TUESDAY GROWERS MARKET | Tuesdays through Sept. 29, from 4-6:3 pm. 1912 Center, 412 E. Third St., Moscow. (208-882-8537) WEST CENTRAL MARKETPLACE | Tuesdays, June 16 through mid-October, from 3-6 pm. A.M. Cannon Park, 1920 W. Maxwell Ave. facebook. com/WestCentralMarketplace (780-6229)
8/13-15 Bonner County Fair, Sandpoint 8/13-16 Omak Stampede, Omak, Wash. 8/14-16 Goodguys Rod & Custom Show, Spokane
County Fair & Expo Center 8/15-16 Green Bluff Peach Festival 8/15-16 Pickin’ on the Prairie, Past Blessings Farm 8/15 Unity in the Community, Riverfront Park 8/19 Sasquan: World Science Fiction Convention, Spokane Convention Center
8/14-15 The Dodgy Mountain Men, Folkinception,
8/13 Point Break, Garland Theater 8/13 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 8/15 South Perry Summer Theater: Ghostbusters, The Shop
8/16-18 Grease, Garland Theater 8/18 Spokane Drive-In (North): Dirty Dancing 8/19 Spokane Drive-In (West): American Graffiti 8/19 Guardians of the Galaxy, South Hill Library
8/14-15 Wallace Huckleberry Festival 8/14 No-Li Brewhouse Tours, No-Li Brewhouse 8/15 Music, Micros & Barbecue, CdA Casino 8/19 Mediterranean Small Plates, Inland Northwest Culinary Academy (INCA)
Red Lion Hotel at the Park
8/15 Festival at Sandpoint feat. Wilco with Vetiver, Owen & McCoy
8/19 Avoid the Void, For the Likes of You, Ghost Heart, Deaf To, Pinnacle Northwest.
8/13-16 Spokane Indians vs. Salem-Kaizer Volcanoes, Avista Stadium
8/14 Shoes & Cinema, Half Moon Park 8/14-15 Arenacross Racing, Kootenai County Fairgrounds
8/14-15 Spokane to Sandpoint Relay 8/15 Stride for Strong Bones, Waterfront Park 8/16 West Plains Wunderwoman Triathlon, Waterfront Park
Spokane Symphony 8/19 Spokane Symphony: Soiree on the Edge, Arbor Crest Winery 8/13 Nicole Lewis & Friends, Arbor Crest Winery 8/13 Festival at Sandpoint feat. Lake Street Drive 8/13 Rascal Flatts, Northern Quest Casino 8/14 Festival at Sandpoint feat. The Devil Makes Three, Trampled by Turtles
8/13-16 Twelfth Night, Modern Theater Spokane 8/13-16 Shrek: the Musical, Kroc Center 8/14 Second Friday Artwalk, Downtown CdA 8/14-16 The Addams Family, Bing Crosby Theater 8/14-16 Sandpoint Artist’ Studio Tour, Sandpoint 8/14-19 Del Gish, Art Spirit Gallery 8/19 On Golden Pond, Kroc Center
8/16 Festival at Sandpoint Finale feat. The
8/13-19 The Vampire Who Loved in Vein or One
Monster of a Melodrama!, 6th Street Theater
Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute
e are looking for host families to open their hearts and homes to a pair of students for just one weekend. • Learn and experience Japanese culture • Share American values and traditions • Have fun!
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JUNE 11, 2015 SUMMER GUIDE 101 TanzerOctapaloza_061115_Qtr_CP.tif
8/20 Girls Pint Out CdA Meetup, Cork & Tap 8/21 No-Li Brewhouse Tours, No-Li Brewhouse 8/22 The ‘Kan JamBEERee, No-Li Brewhouse
8/20-23 Sasquan: World Science Fiction
Convention, Spokane Convention Center
8/20-22 Think Big Festival, North Idaho College 8/20-22 Lincoln County Fair, Davenport 8/20-23 Pend Oreille County Fair, Cusick 8/20-23 Northeast Washington Fair, Colville 8/21-23 Green Bluff Peach Festival 8/21-22 Airway Heights Festival, Sunset Park 8/21-23 Clayton Community Fair 8/21-22 National Lentil Festival, Pullman 8/22 Seventh Annual Millwood Daze 8/23-24 Paws in the Pool, Valley Mission Park 8/26 North Idaho Fair, Kootenai Fairgrounds
8/26 Karrie O’Neill, Barrister Winery 8/20 Bridges Home, Arbor Crest Winery 8/21 Three Days Grace, Otherwise; Knitting Factory 8/22 Octapalooza, Spokane Polo Club Fields 8/22 Catch a Wave: Beach Boys and Beatles tribute, Coeur d’Alene Casino
8/23 A Morbid Curiosity, Etched in Stone, The Pin 8/24 King Conquer, Here Comes the Kraken, Enterprise Earth; Pinnacle Northwest
8/25 Disney Concert by the Lake, CdA Resort
8/20 King of the Cage, Coeur d’Alene Casino 8/20-22 Spokane Indians vs. Vancouver Canadians, Avista Stadium
8/22-23 INT Inland Northwest Championships, Riverside State Park
8/25 Free Washington State Parks Day
8/20 Summer Camp 2015: Grease, Garland Theater 8/20 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 8/21 Batteries Not Included, Sunset Park 8/21 Big Hero 6, Mirabeau Park Meadows 8/22 S. Perry Summer Theater: Interstellar, The Shop 8/22 Klink’s Resort Summer Short Screening 8/22 Captain America, Downtown Library 8/23-25 Vision Quest, Garland Theater
8/20-26 Sunset Dinner Cruise, CdA Resort (daily)
8/20-23 The Vampire Who Loved in Vein or One
Monster of a Melodrama!, 6th Street Theater
8/20 NT Live Presents: Skylight, The Kenworthy 8/20-23 Shrek: the Musical, Kroc Center 8/21-22 No Service, Heartwood Center 8/21 Shakespeare in the Park: The Taming of the Shrew, Bonner County Fairgrounds
8/22 Shakespeare in the Park: Cyrano de Bergerac, Pavillion Park
8/22 Modern Theater Spokane Season Preview 8/23 Shakespeare in the Park: The Taming of the Shrew, Riverfront Park
The ‘KAN JamBEERee nd August 22 Saturday
- CRAFT BEER - FOOD TRUCKS - LIVE MUSIC & MORE! Follow us for more details
102 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015
BOUNDARY COUNTY MUSEUM | 7229 Main St., Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Open Tue-Sat, 10 am-4 pm. BIRD AVIATION MUSEUM & INVENTION CENTER | 325 Bird Ranch Rd., Sagle, Idaho. Open Mon-Sat, 8 am-4 pm. birdaviationmuseum. com (208-255-4321) CHENEY HISTORICAL MUSEUM | 420 First St., Cheney. Open Thu-Sat, 11 am-3 pm. JUNDT ART MUSEUM | At Gonzaga University, 502 E. Boone. Open Mon-Sat, 10 am-4 pm. gonzaga. edu/jundt (313-6843) MOBIUS CHILDREN’S MUSEUM | 808 W. Main. Open Tue-Sat, from 10 am-5 pm; Sun, 11 am-5 pm. (321-7121) MOBIUS SCIENCE CENTER | In the Downtown Spokane library, 906 W. Main, third floor. Open Tue-Sat, 10 am-5 pm. MUSEUM OF ART WSU | Washington State University, Pullman. Open Tue-Fri, noon-4 pm, through July 20. MUSEUM OF NORTH IDAHO | 115 Northwest Blvd., CdA. Open TueSat, 11 am-5 pm. (208-664-3448) NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD DEPOT MUSEUM | 219 Sixth St. Wallace, Idaho. Open daily, 9 am-
5 pm. NORTHWEST MUSEUM OF ARTS AND CULTURE | 2316 W. First. Open Wed-Sun, 10 am-5 pm. (456-3931) NORTH SPOKANE FARM MUSEUM | 6223 W. Ridgeway Rd., Deer Park. Open daily, 9 am-4 pm, or by appointment. (466-2744) OASIS BORDELLO MUSEUM | 605 Cedar St., Wallace, Idaho. Open Mon-Sat, 10 am-5 pm; Sun, 11 am-3 pm. (208753-0801) PEND OREILLE COUNTY MUSEUM | 402 S. Washington Ave., Newport. Open Mon-Sat, 10 am-4 pm; Sun, 1-4 pm. PRICHARD ART GALLERY | 414 S. Main St., Moscow. Open Tue-Thu, 1-6 pm; Fri, 1-7 pm; Sat 9 am-3 pm. prichardartgallery SPOKANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSEUM | 12114 E. Sprague. Open Wed-Fri, 11 am-4 pm; Sat, 11 am-5 pm. WALLACE DISTRICT MINING MUSEUM | 509 Bank St., Wallace. Open daily, 10 am-5 pm (June and Sept. ) and daily, from 9 am-5 pm (July-Aug.) (208-556-1592)
Summer Long Events COEUR D’ALENE ART WALK | monthly on the second Friday, from 5-8 pm (
SIERRA SILVER MINE TOUR | Wallace, Idaho; daily from 10 am-4 pm (
FOUNTAIN CAFE | Riverfront Park; open daily from 11 am-8 pm (
SILVERWOOD THEME PARK | ATHOL, Idaho; open daily at 11 am (
HORSE AND CARRIAGE RIDES | Downtown Spokane; July 3-Aug. 28, Fridays from 5-9 pm (
ST. JOE RIVER CRUISE | Coeur d’Alene Resort; Sundays at 11:30 am (
IMAX THEATRE | Riverfront Park, open daily; see website for movies and show times ( LAKE COEUR D’ALENE CRUISES | scenic cruises (90 min.) offered daily, at 2:30 pm ( LAKE PEND OREILLE CRUISES | Sandpoint; daily at 1:30 and 3 pm ( MANITO PARK GAISER CONSERVATORY | open daily through Labor Day Weekend, from 8 am-7 pm ( MANITO PARK BENCH CAFE | open daily from 8 am-7 pm (
SPOKANE FALLS SKYRIDE | Riverfront Park; open daily at 11 am ( SPOKANE FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK | monthly on the first Friday, from 5-8 pm ( SUNSET DINNER CRUISES | Lake Coeur d’Alene; offered daily at 7:30 pm ( ROUTE OF THE HIAWATHA BIKE TRAIL | Wallace, Idaho; open daily from 8:30 am-5 pm ( PICK UP THE PAPER EVERY WEEK AND VISIT INLANDER.COM FOR THE LATEST NEWS AND EVENT INFORMATION.
8/27 Sideways Cinema, Blue Door Theatre 8/27 Comedy Open Mic, Uncle D’s (weekly) 8/28 After Dark, Blue Door Theatre 8/28 Expedition, Blue Door Theatre 8/29 Safari, Blue Door Theatre (ongoing) 8/31 A Summer of Improv, Blue Door Theatre
8/27 Fairfield Library Summer Lego Club 8/28 Fourth Friday Pub Peddlers, Swamp Tavern 8/27-30 North Idaho Fair, Kootenai County Fairgrounds
Aug 27 - Sept
8/28-30 Green Bluff Peach Festival 8/28-30 Gathering at the Falls Pow Wow,
8/28-29 British Export, Red Lion Hotel at the Park 8/28 Summer Concerts: Nu Blue, Dahmen Barn 8/29 Sandpoint Summer Sounds feat. Kathy Colton
8/30 Ryan Larsen Band, Arbor Crest Winery 8/30 Huey Lewis & the News, Eddie Money;
Riverfront Park
8/27 Vision Quest, Garland Theater 8/27 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 8/28 Pages to Pictures: Big Fish, Pavillion Park 8/29 Pages to Pictures: Charlotte’s Web, Pavillion Park
8/27 Yappy Hour, Pine Street Bakery, Sandpoint 8/28 No-Li Brewhouse Tours, No-Li Brewhouse 8/29 Cold Brew Classes, Roast House Coffee 9/1 Saving Seeds, Hillyard Library 9/2 Pig Out in the Park, Riverfront Park
8/27 Browne’s Addition Concert Series, CdA Park 8/30 CdA City Park Concert Series 8/27 Bill Bozly, Arbor Crest Winery 8/27 Ruth Pratt & the BoKatz, Riverstone Park 8/27 Asleep at the Wheel, Bing Crosby Theater
and the Reluctants
Northern Quest Casino
9/2 The Moss Brothers, Downtown Coeur d’Alene 9/2 Zuill Bailey & David Leisner, Barrister Winery
8/27 SCKC Thursday Night Paddles (weekly) 8/28-30 Spokane Indians vs. Vancouver Canadians, Avista Stadium
8/29 Webb’s Slough Sprint Boat Races 9/1 Spokane Indians vs. Everett, Avista Stadium 9/2 Spokane Horseshoe Pitchers Assosiation, Franklin Park
8/27 Poetry Open Mic, Monarch Mountain Coffee 8/28-29 No Service, Heartwood Center 8/29 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Invitational, Spokane Art School (closing weekend)
8/29 The Clink, Bing Crosby Theater
The Tumbleweed Music Festival Changing Times
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JUNE 11, 2015 SUMMER GUIDE 103
Sept3-9 COMEDY
9/3 Guffaw Yourself, Neato Burrito (weekly) 9/3 Open Mic, Uncle D’s (weekly) 9/4 Improv Lab, Blue Door Theatre 9/4 Open Mic, Red Dragon Chinese (weekly) 9/5 Safari, Blue Door Theatre (weekly) 9/5 School of Improvised Comedy, Blue Door 9/7 Stand Up/Show Down, Sapphire Lounge 9/7 Drink N’ Debate, Underground 15 (weekly) 9/9 Open Mic, Brooklyn Deli & Lounge (weekly)
9/4 Green Bluff Peach Festival 9/5 Funky Junk Antique Show, Bonner County Fairgrounds
9/5 Coaster Classic Car Show, Silverwood 9/5 Schweitzer Fall Fest 9/5 Under the Freeway Flea Market, Wallace 9/5 Lion’s Club Scenic Train Rides, Ione 9/5-7 Paul Bunyan Days, St. Maries 9/6 Labor Day on the Grass, Spirit Lake
9/4 No-Li Brewhouse Tours, No-Li Brewhouse 9/9 Girls Pint Out Spokane Meetup, The Backyard
9/3 The Melvins, The Bartlett 9/3 Harvey Stanley, Arbor Crest Winery 9/3 Tim McGraw with Billy Currington and Chase
Bryant, Spokane Arena 9/4-5 Heidi Kuban & Friends, Circle Moon Theater 9/4-6 Dave Matthews Band, Gorge Amphitheater 9/4-6 Tumbleweed Music Festival, Richland 9/5 Spokane Symphony Labor Day in the Parks, Pavillion Park 9/5 Harrison Summer Concerts feat. Ray Roberson 9/7 Spokane Symphony Labor Day in the Parks, Comstock Park 9/9 Sammy Eubanks, Barrister Winery
9/3 SCKC Thursday Night Paddles, location TBA 9/6 Mt. Spokane to Spirit Lake Ride 9/6-9 Spokane Table Tennis Club, Southside Senior & Community Center (weekly)
9/6-9 Spokane Badminton Club, West Central Community Center (weekly)
9/7-9 Spokane Table Tennis, HUB Sports Center (weekly)
9/3-5 Del Gish, Art Spirit Gallery (closing weekend) 9/3-9 Spokane Arts All Media Juried Exhibition, Chase Gallery (thru Sept. 29)
9/3 Spokane Film Society, Garland Theater 9/4 Return of the Jedi, Pavillion Park
9/3-9 Sandpoint ArtWalk 2015 (thru Sept. 11) 9/3-9 CLOSE-IN: Marilyn Lysohir & Shani Marchant,
9/4 First Friday, Spokane 9/5-6 Art at the Lake, Entree Gallery, Priest Lake 9/9 Broken Mic, Neato Burrito (weekly)
9/3-9 Sunset Dinner Cruise, CdA Resort (daily thru Sept. 13)
104 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015
Jundt Art Museum (thru Sept. 12)
Aquatic Centers SPOKANE A.M. CANNON AQUATIC CENTER | Open Mon-Thu, from 1-4 pm and 5:30-7 pm; Fri-Sun from 1-4 pm. $2-$4/day. 1900 W. Mission (625-6960) COMSTOCK AQUATIC CENTER | Open Mon-Thu, from 1-4 pm and 6:30-8 pm; Fri-Sun from 1-4 pm. $2-$4/ day. 600 W. 29th (625-6960) HILLYARD AQUATIC CENTER | Open Mon-Thu, from 1-4 pm and 5:30-7 pm; Fri-Sun from 1-4 pm. $2-$4/ day. 2600 E. Columbia (625-6960) LIBERTY AQUATIC CENTER | Open Mon-Thu, from 1-4 pm and 5:30-7 pm; Fri-Sun, from 1-4 pm. $2-$4/ day. 1300 E. Fifth (625-6960) NORTHSIDE FAMILY AQUATIC FACILITY | Open daily from 10:30 am5:30 pm, and Fri from 6 pm-dusk. $2.50-$5/day. 18120 N. Hatch. (468-5107) PARK ROAD POOL | Open daily from 1-5 pm and 5:30-8 pm (except Aug. 17-27.). $1/swim or $20/25 visits. 906 N. Park, Spokane Valley (926-1840) SHADLE AQUATIC CENTER | Open Mon-Thu, from 1-4 pm and 6:30-8 pm, Fri-Sun from 1-4 pm. $2-$4/
day. 2005 W. Wellesley (6256960) SOUTHSIDE FAMILY AQUATIC FACILITY | Open daily from 10:30 am-5:30 pm, and Fri from 6 pmdusk. $2.50-$5/day. 3724 E. 61st (448-5090) TERRACE VIEW POOL | Open daily from 1-5 pm and 5:30-8 pm (except Aug. 3-27). $1/swim or $20/25 visits. 13525 E. 24th, Spokane Valley (924-4707) VALLEY MISSION POOL | Open daily from 1-5 pm and 5:30-8 pm (except June 22-July 30). $1/swim or $20/25 visits. 11123 E. Mission, Spokane Valley (922-7091) WITTER AQUATIC CENTER | Open Mon-Sun, from 1-4 pm. $2-$4/day. 1300 E. Mission. (625-6960) PULLMAN / MOSCOW REANEY PARK POOL | Closed in 2015 for renovations. HAMILTON-LOWE AQUATICS CENTER | Open Mon-Fri, from noon-7:30 pm, Thu, from 8-10 pm; Sat-Sun, from 9-11 am (adult swim only) and 11 am-7:30 pm. $4.25-$5.50/ day. 830 N. Mountain View Rd., Moscow (208-882-7665)
AUGUST 6 - 16, 2015
2015 Season Lineup! Thursday, August 6
with Jonatha Brooke $44.95 (Brew Fest $10)
Friday, August 7
ZIGGY MARLEY: “The Fly Rasta Tour” with Maw Band - $59.95
Saturday, August 8
with The Barefoot Movement and Troy Bullock - $54.95
Sunday, August 9
Family Concert:
with The Festival Community Orchestra - $6
Thursday, August 13
with The Ballroom Thieves - $36.95
Friday, August 14
with Vetiver and Owen & McCoy- $59.95
Sunday, August 16
with Spokane Symphony Orchestra & Vadim Neselovskyi (piano)
“Viva Italia” - Adult $39.95, Youth $10.95
For more information and tickets visit us online at: or call: (208) 265-4554 TicketsWest 1-800-325-SEAT
JUNE 11, 2015 SUMMER GUIDE 105
s t c t a n t e n Ev Co
8 Lakes Leg Aches, Arbor Crest Winery,, 927-9463
Green Bluff Growers,
Opera Coeur d’Alene, Palouse City Park, Panida Theater,,
Harrison Chamber of Commerce,
Pend Oreille County Fairgrounds,
Barrister Winery,,
Hoopfest, Idaho Repertory Theatre,,
Pend Oreille Playhouse,
Bing Crosby Theater,
Ignite Community Theatre,
Blue Door Theatre,
INB Performing Arts Center,,
Bonner County Fairgrounds,
Inland Northwest Culinary Academy,
Art on the Green,,
Auntie’s Bookstore,, 465-3591, 227-7638, 747-7045 Car d’Lane,, 208-667-5986 CdA Arts Commission,
CdA Murder Mystery Theater,
Chateau Rive,, 795-2030
Gorge Amphitheatre,,
Pullman Chamber of Commerce,
Jacklin Arts & Culture Center,, 208-457-8950 Jundt Art Museum,, 313-6611
Kenworthy Performing Arts Center,, 208-882-4127
Coeur d’Alene Casino,,, 208-765-4969 Kroc Center,, 208-667-1865 Lands Council,, 838-4912 Lavender Festival, povlavenderfestival. com, 509-671-0295
800-523-2464, 208-664-3194
Coeur d’Alene Ironman,
Coeur d’Alene Resort,, 208-765-4000
Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre,
Coeur d’Alene Triathlon & Duathlon,
Color Me Rad/Dirty Dash, colormerad. com
Colville Chamber of Commerce,
Community Building,, 232-1950
Concrete River Festival, Dahmen Barn,, 229-3414 Entree Gallery,, 208-443-2001
Festival at Sandpoint,, 888-265-4554 Fox Theater,, 624-1200, 244-3279
Kootenai County Fairground,
Liberty Lake Community Theatre,
Lions Club Train Rides, lionstrainrides.
com, 877-525-5226 Long Bridge Swim, Masquers Theater,, 246-2611
Medical Lake Chamber of Commerce,, 565-5000 Midnight Century,
Montana Shakespeare in the Park,
Moran Prairie Grange,, 443-2263
Moscow Chamber of Commerce,, 208-882-1800
Mozart on a Summer’s Eve,
National Lentil Festival, Newport Chamber of Commerce,, 509-447-5812
Friends of Manito,
Northeast Washington Fairgrounds,
Friends of Pavillion Park,
Northern Quest Casino, Garland Theater,, 327-1050
106 SUMMER GUIDE JUNE 11, 2015, 671-3389
Pig Out in the Park,,
Knitting Factory,
Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce,
Circle Moon Theatre, 208-448-1294 City of Airway Heights (Sunset Park),
684-2585, 242-7000
Northwest Renaissance Festival,
921-5579, 509-334-3565
Pullman Civic Theatre,, 509-332-8406 Red Lion Hotel at the Park, 326-8000 REI Spokane,, 328-9900 Rendezvous Days, Colville, Rendezvous in the Park, Moscow,
Riverfront Park,
Riverside State Park,, 465-5064
Roast House Coffee, 995-6500 Rocket Market, 343-2253 Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce,, 208-263-2161
Sandpoint Classic Boat Festival,
Schweitzer Mountain,, 208-263-9555
Silverwood Theme Park,, 208-683-3400
Sixth Street Melodrama,, 208-752-8871 Spokane Arena,, 279-7000 Spokane Arts, Spokane Canoe & Kayak Club,
Spokane Civic Theatre,, 325-2507
Spokane Convention Center,, 279-7000
Spokane County Fair & Expo Center,, 477-1766 Spokane County Libraries,
Spokane County Parks & Rec,
Ziggy Marley performs at the Festival at Sandpoint on Aug. 7.
Spokane Indians,, 535-2922
Spokane Outdoor & Drive-In Movies,
The Art Spirit Gallery, theartspiritgallery. com, 208-765-6006
Spokane Parks & Rec,
The Bartlett, The Lantern Tap House,
Spokane Poetry Slam,
The MAC,,
Spokane Rose Society,
The Modern Theatre CdA/Spokane,
Spokane Shadow,
The Shop, 534-1647 Tiger Tri, Two Rivers Casino,, 624-1200
Uncle D’s Comedy Underground,
Unity in the Community, Wallace Chamber of Commerce,, 625-6200
Spokane Shock, Spokane Symphony, Spokane to Sandpoint Relay,, 477-4730
Spokane Valley Parks & Rec,
Stage Left Theater,
Spokane Humane Society,
Summer Parkways, parksandrecreation, 315, 9531
456-3931, 722-4000, 483-1324, 208-753-7151
JUNE 5th Jack and Jill Couples Golf Tournament 2 pm | $150 per team
Upcoming Events
AT THE COEUR D’ALENE CASINO RESORT See website for live music schedule, golf and gaming events, spa, hotel and food specials.
JULY 3rd Golf Scramble 2 pm | $100 per person
4th Fourth of July Celebration Fireworks, food specials and live music
11th Cigar Party 3-11 pm | Chinook Meadows
16th Creedence Clearwater Revisited 7 pm | R $55 • G $45
16th Tails and Twilight Kootenai Humane Society Event | Chinook Meadows
18th Cultural Experience Chinook Meadows
18th Music, Micros and BBQ Red Tail Bar and Grill
AUGUST 20th Mixed Martial Arts 7 pm | GR $60 • R $40 • G $25
Worley, Idaho | 25 miles south of Coeur d’Alene | 1 800 523-2464 | CDACASINO.COM
Sights and Sips
Nectar Wine and Beer owner Josh Wade inside the new Kendall Yards location. SARAH WURTZ PHOTO
A killer patio and ample beer and wine offerings make Nectar the place to sip in Kendall Yards BY MIKE BOOKEY
here’s no music on the patio at Nectar Wine and Beer. Nectar’s management, and that of the adjoining Veraci Pizza, don’t plan on adding a sound system any time soon. They’d rather have you drink your wine or craft beer while also drinking in the view of the Spokane River and the downtown vistas without the distraction of a soundtrack. There’s some beauty in that simplicity, says Nectar owner Josh Wade, who also owns the downtown Nectar Tasting Room. It’s a philosophy that’s worked out for the new Kendall Yards bar in its first month. The bar’s interior, crisply designed by popular Inland Northwest restaurant building firm HDG, features a false A-frame roof, giving the space a cozy and less boxy feel than its exterior might suggest. There are comfortable
lounge-style seats and tables and a long bar, but this time of year, Wade says most folks are opting for those patio spots. There are some 300 bottles of wine available at Nectar, and another 100 cans and bottles of beer in a cooler for either to-go or to drink on site. As far as to-go beer coolers go, this one is as deftly curated as you’re likely to find in Spokane, full of hard-to-find offerings from local and regional breweries, with plenty of heavy-hitting craft megastars mixed in. “We need to make those 100 spots something people aren’t going to find at a typical grocery store,” says Wade of the beer selection overseen by Nectar manager and beer steward Ben Simons. Behind the bar, there are 16 beer taps, six of which are occupied by No-Li Brewhouse for all of June. Each
month, Nectar plans to feature a half-dozen beers from a particular brewery, with Orlison filling up the taps last month. The idea, Wade says, is to give customers the chance to taste a wide spectrum of a brewery’s output. “We wanted to make sure we gave people the brewery as a whole,” says Wade, adding that the only criteria for taking over the taps is to have packaged beer that people can buy to take home if they enjoy what they sampled from the bar. Nectar also has opened enrollment in its wine and beer clubs. For wine, members have the option of between one and three bottles per month, with prices ranging from $15 to $90 per bottle. On the beer side, a spot in the club gives members the option of up to three growlers monthly at $12.99 per. With the burgeoning Kendall Yards neighborhood serving as home to five spots dishing up full meals, Nectar is fine with offering a very limited food menu of items like cheese plates. Wade says it’s OK to be just a wine and beer spot. “Not having a full offering of food might be thought of as a deterrent, but I have no intention of getting into the restaurant business,” says Wade, who adds that they happily allow outside food inside Nectar. n Nectar Wine and Beer • 1331 W. Summit Pkwy. • Open Tue-Thu, 2-10 pm; Fri, 2-11 pm; Sat, noon-11 pm; Sun, noon-10 pm • • 290-5239
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 109
Games and Grub A new, board-game-themed café offers all-ages fun, snacks and a place to recruit extra players for any game BY CHEY SCOTT
uring the day, the street-level windows fill the space with cheerful, natural light. Later, after dusk has passed, the joviality of casual fun is illuminated from the inside out to passersby on the street, offering a firsthand sampling of the fun to be had at Around the Board. Opening at the beginning of May, the board-game-themed café set up digs in a prime downtown Spokane spot on the corner of Riverside and Lincoln, in the former Sergio’s bar space. With two walls of floor-to-ceiling windows facing the street, the temptation of fun beckons, from a massive Where’s Waldo? mural on the wall to a Tetris-inspired shelving unit packed with board games of every type, both classics and recent releases. Owner Jennifer DeHart discovered the game café business model last fall, and after researching similar, successful setups in Canada, Asia and major U.S. cities, she launched a Kickstarter for Around the Board in January. The crowdfunding campaign didn’t reach its goal, but DeHart says it still helped her market the idea and gauge community interest. The first month of business has slowly gained momentum. On a recent night, the table-filled space, which seats 50, hosted a local gaming group, along with families, couples and a kids’ birthday party. In all, the café stocks about 75 games for customers to play, most of which are board-game classics like Life, Monopoly, Apples to Apples, Sorry!, Chutes and Ladders, etc. There’s no hourly rate to play games at the shop, but DeHart does ask that customers purchase at least one item during their visit. The café menu offers sandwiches ($7.50-$8), soup ($3), espresso drinks, smoothies ($4.50) and snacks. Sweet treats from Love @ First Bite Desserts also are being added to the menu. In an effort to keep the business family-friendly, Around the Board doesn’t serve alcohol. The café hosts evening events through the week, including trivia night on Thursdays at 7 pm, and occasional live music. DeHart plans to get the café on the First Friday circuit, too, and soon will open a couple of upstairs rooms to be rented out for private parties and events. In the coming months, DeHart — who most recently was a manager at an area Hastings store — hopes to partner with Uncle’s Games to host game demos and tournaments for games Around the Board doesn’t stock; namely strategy-based (like Settlers of Catan), role-playing (Dungeons & Dragons) and card games (Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon). “I want to network with other businesses because I don’t sell retail here, and I have the space to host events,” she says. n
110 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
Around the Board, A Board Game Cafe • 829 W. Riverside • Open Mon, 11 am-6 pm; Tue-Wed, 11 am-9 pm; Thu, 11 am10 pm; Fri-Sat, 11 am-midnight; Sun, 11 am-8 pm • facebook. com/aroundtheboard509 • 279-2577
15% OFF YOUR ENTIRE TAB Already nationally known for its dinner, Santé gets into the morning game.
404 W. Main | 315-4613 Served Mon-Fri, 9 am-3 pm; Sat-Sun, 7 am-3 pm
t should be no surprise, with the approaching opening of the nearby Davenport Grand Hotel, that Santé decided to start doing breakfast. The restaurant’s expertise in meats and cheeses certainly translates to “The Most Important Meal of the Day,” and there are bound to be many new visitors downtown wandering aimlessly looking for a bite. A recent sunny Saturday inspired the staff to open the windows to a bustling Main Avenue, a nice accompaniment to
a Santé Benedict — eggs perfectly poached, muffin a bit dense — and an amazing Bloody Mary, prepared with creamy avocado in the mix and delivered in a pint glass with a little extra bottle for a refill. Smoked bacon and maple sausage dot the menu, and the Charcuterie Frittata was hard to resist. For those leaning toward the lunch end of brunch, a variety of small plates, to go along with grilled cheese, burgers and some entrées, fit the bill. — DAN NAILEN
818 W. Sprague Ave | (509) 290-5763 | SUN-THUR: 11-10PM/FRI-SAT: 11-11PM VALID FROM 6/11/15 THROUGH 6/17/15
PATIOS ANTHONY’S AT SPOKANE FALLS 510 N. Lincoln | 328-9009 Fresh seafood is the top priority for Anthony’s — the restaurant company works directly with fishermen and shellfish suppliers to make sure every last salmon, swordfish and oyster meets a high standard. But diners don’t need to know the details to appreciate the fine dining atmosphere, daily specials, happy hour offerings and — perhaps most impressive — the postcard view of the Spokane Falls. BROWNE’S TAVERN 1924 W. Pacific | 315-9934 While “tavern” may not be the first word that comes to mind when describing the feel of the charming, brick-colored Victorian housing this eatery, a steampunk-inspired décor inside — including a wall of open books attached by the cover framing a taxidermied bear head — lends
to the menu’s eclectic approach ranging from German to Thai, Italian to Hawaiian. CENTRAL FOOD 135 W. Summit Pkwy. | 315-8036 Take in the scenic Spokane River and get in some people-watching on the patio at Central Food, where the cuisine is as good as the view. There’s a hamburger at all mealtimes, chicken and dumplings, slow-cooked pork roast, and flat iron steak at dinner time. The restaurant welcomes those with specific diets with open arms — vegans, carnivores and those suffering from celiac disease can all unite and not be jealous of each other’s options. Sandwiches at Central Food are assembled between slices of their daily-baked bread, which is also featured on their breakfast menu with a mushroom terrine or baked with chocolate. Purchase a loaf to take home. n
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 111
Good Vibrations Paul Dano and John Cusack tag-team the role of Brian Wilson in Love & Mercy BY ED SYMKUS
112 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
es, “Based on the Life of Brian Wilson” is emblazoned on the screen near the beginning, but Love & Mercy isn’t your standard rock ’n’ roll biopic. It’s an insightful look at two periods of the surfer boy’s life. In the mid-to-late-’60s segments, when Wilson was at his songwriting and producing peak as the creative genius behind the Beach Boys, he’s played by Paul Dano, who is electric as a young man turned loose at Capitol Records recording sessions, throwing ideas at the best studio musicians around (the Wrecking Crew), and getting the amazing sounds in his head onto tape. In the parts set in the 1980s, Wilson, played by John Cusack, is now a drug-addled, empty shell of a man, under the “care” of psychologist Eugene Landy (Paul Giamatti), a short-tempered, delusional sociopath who seems to thrive only when he has total control over other people. These time periods are interwoven throughout the film, and the mood shifts range from celebratory to disturbing. Wilson had problems early on, including panic attacks that probably were due to the stress of touring with the LOVE & MERCY band, the voices that Rated PG-13 often accompanied the Directed by Bill Pohlad music in his head, and Starring Paul Dano, John Cusack, the briefly mentioned Elizabeth Banks, Paul Giamatti awful relationship between Wilson and his one-time manager/dad Murry (Bill Camp). The film also examines the strife between Wilson and lead vocalist Mike Love (Jake Abel) who, frustrated at being thought of as just a singer, derisively refers to the group as the Brian Wilson Band. Yet there’s also a lot of joy shown in those early days. The toughest parts to watch are those with the frightening Landy practically making Wilson his prisoner, watching his every move — or having them watched —especially when Wilson meets Melinda Ledbetter (Elizabeth Banks), the sweet, friendly woman selling Cadillacs in a showroom on the day Wilson shows up to buy one. She has no idea who he is, but enjoys talking with him. Cusack is terrific here, kind of playing two Wilsons himself: the whimpering, curled-up patient of Landy’s and the shy but relaxed, almost twinklyeyed fellow he becomes when Melinda is around. Dano captures all of the vibrancy of a guy who’s so bursting with creative ideas, he has trouble keeping up with them. The film could stand to be a bit longer, if only to add another layer of fascinating details.
This reimagining of the beloved trilogy features a familiar plot line but an entirely new cast, and even a new direction. Though Steven Spielberg is executive producer, Colin Trevorrow has stepped up to the role of director for this fourth journey into the Jurassic extravaganza. Set 22 years post-Jurassic Park, the dreamed-about, fully functioning dinosaur amusement park is finally a reality. But when the imagination of the park’s creators begins to run wild, there’s a request for the creation of a hybrid dinosaur for the purpose of behavioral research. When the experiment goes just about as poorly as it seems any prehistoric genetic modification would, it’s up to staff member Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and the rest of the park workers to try to stop the mutant dino before she stomps out the entire park and all of its visitors. (KA) Rated PG-13
Chris Stamp and Kit Lambert were friends and aspiring filmmakers in early ’60s England who, in their effort to make a documentary about a young rock band, found themselves in the unlikely position of managing one of the groups they scouted for their film — the Who. This doc tracks their friendship and role in the band’s rise to stardom through the duo’s never-seen film clips, vibrant music performances and interviews with the men and the band. (DN) Rated R
This rock biopic about the life of Brian Wilson is an insightful look at two periods of the surfer boy’s life. In the mid-tolate-’60s segments, when Wilson was at his songwriting and producing peak as the creative genius behind the Beach Boys, he’s played by Paul Dano. In the parts set in the 1980s, Wilson, played by John Cusack, is now a drug-addled, empty shell of a man, under the “care” of psychologist Eugene Landy (Paul Giamatti), a short-tempered, delusional sociopath who seems to thrive only when he has total control over other people. Somehow, it all works. (ES) Rated PG-13
Rhubarb • Raspberries • Cherries Peaches • Blackberries • Apricots • Plums • Apples Pumpkins • Pears • Winter Squash Free Range Organically Fed: Duck, Chicken & Turkey Eggs Local Un-Pasteurized Honey 16802 N Applewood Ln, Mead 509-238-2830
A New Experience on Green Bluff!
Willowpond Pottery & Herbs • HERB GARDENS
If that lengthy title didn’t tell you enough, this Swedish film is about a man who celebrates his 100th birthday by escaping from a nursing home. He’s been cooped up in there, but is used to the colorful life he once had, so goes on the run and gets in all sorts of hijinks. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R
Cameron Crowe, the writer-director behind Almost Famous and Jerry Maguire, delivers his first
feature in more than four years with a story about a military contractor (Bradley Cooper) who arrives in his old Hawaii stomping grounds to assist with a satellite launch. There, he’s followed by a sparkplug Air Force pilot (Emma Stone) while looking for closure with his former love (Rachel McAdams), all the while trying to make sense of his tumultuous yet successful life. If those names don’t do it for you, take a taste of the rest of the cast: John Krasinski, Alec Baldwin, Danny McBride and … Bill Murray. Yes, Bill Murray. Rated PG13 (MB)
...continued on next page
Cherries • Peaches • Pears • Raspberries Pumpkins • Animal Farm, & more!
• FARM FRESH EGGS 16230 N. DAY MT. SPOKANE RD. MEAD, WA • 509.808.3888 •
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A trip to the bluff isn’t complete wıthout a stop at
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Grower #25 JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 113
CHECK FOR SHOWTIMES 25 W Main Ave • 509-209-2383 • All Shows $8
e n o r Pei ze Pri
Who do you think is making a difference in the Inland Northwest?
We’re accepting nominations for our fifth annual Peirone Prize, a cash award recognizing passionate local people under the age of 40 who have dedicated their lives to service. Send your nominations to: by July 24th, telling us why they deserve recognition. Winners will be featured in our Give Guide issue on Aug 27th.
AUG. 28-SEPT. 3, 2014
Jeni Riplinger-Hegsted
Hungry? It’s time to Pig Out in the Park
A sweet return to the ’80s with Ghostbuster
Jeni Riplinger-Hegsted 2014 Peirone Prize WInner
114 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
In 1986, in the sleepy town of Cokeville, Wyoming, a couple named David and Doris Young walked into an elementary school armed with guns and a homemade explosive. After they gathered all of the teachers and students into one classroom, the bomb detonated killing only the Youngs. (In real life, David killed Doris and then himself). Eyewitness survivor accounts say they were saved thanks to heavenly intervention. T.C. Christensen’s independent film The Cokeville Miracle vividly depicts the encounter and the aftermath of a small town trying its best to grapple with tragedy, skepticism and faith. At AMC (LJ) Rated PG-13
A battle over Spoka private ambulances ne’s
This low-budget historical drama about the Revolutionary War is brought to you by director Chad Burns, who previously brought you (or, apparently someone) a movie called Pendragon: Sword of his Father. That film was produced by his family with a cast made up mostly of that family. Now, the Burns clan is back with another Christian-themed flick, this time about a British defector who helps save Benjamin Franklin with prayer and guns. Written by hit Christian screenwriters Paul McCusker and Stephen Kendrick. At AMC (MB) Rated PG
ging the People chan st for the hwe Inland Nortand how you better — of them can be one27
The bros from the HBO series are back and as bro-y as ever, bro. The film begins with Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) partying with a bunch of hot people in Ibiza and then he finds out he might do a remake of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde and he’s all like “Yo, Ari? Am I gonna do the movie?” and the Turtle is like, “Yo, is Vince gonna do the movie?” Add in some gay jokes and glamorization of Hollywood’s worst parts and apparently you have something that looks like a movie. (SR) Rated R
2014 Peirone Prize Winner
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) has made an AI creation that he calls Ultron with some nifty powers from the defeated Loki (from the last movie). Ultron (the voice of James Spader) has some of Tony’s attitudes, but a glitch in its “birth” makes it go a bit cyberinsane, and it extrapolates Tony’s notion of world peace to mean “a planet without humans.” Oh, and the Hulk has gone bonkers, so the Avengers also have that mess to clean up. (MJ) Rated PG-13
Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson) enters the massive, isolated Alaskan compound of his boss, search engine entrepreneur/billionaire Nathan Bateman (an amazing Oscar Isaac), to find that Nathan is in the process of developing
(OUT OF 100)
Mad Max
Avengers: Age of Ultron
San Andreas
41 40
a very life-like robot. Over the course of his stay, Caleb is to test out the prototype to see how her mind works, but he soon realizes he might be the one being tested. (SR) Rated R
Oh is an alien who finds himself very out of place on Earth when he’s banished by his race of aliens, bent on making the planet their own by capturing all humans. Soon, he meets Tip (voiced by Rihanna) and the pair try to elude the aliens. (MB) Rated PG
Screenwriter Leigh Whannell, who also spawned the Saw franchise, takes the directorial reins from James Wan (presumably he was too busy with the mega-budget Furious Seven) for the third installment of the Insidious horror film series. Chapter 3 is something of a misnomer — this is actually a freshly cast prequel to the supernatural creepfest introduced in the previous films, which centers on a family that finds itself connected to a nasty spirit world called The Further. (EJI) Rated PG-13.
urally, a second film had to be made. All the favorite characters are back: Anna Kendrick as Beca the unlikely choirgirl, Rebel Wilson as Fat Amy and Elizabeth Banks as one of the worst commentators ever. This time around, the Barden Bellas are at the top of the collegiate a cappella world. But when a concert — in front of the president, no less — goes awry, they must clear their good name by entering in an international voice competition that no American team has ever won. (LJ) Rated PG-13
The big one finally hits the West Coast, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson zips around in his rescue chopper trying to save his family as buildings tumble and oceans rise. But he’s not really the star of this big-budget disaster movie. Top billing should go to the visual effects wizards who make it all so excitingly, frighteningly real. Audiences will squirm and scream and even forgive the filmmakers for the regular doses of cheesy, clichéd drama. Oddly, when it’s over, and millions of people have been killed, you will have had scads of fun. (ES) Rated PG-13
Fury Road is astonishing in a way that makes you feel like you haven’t seen a true action movie in a while, underscoring how sterile the genre has been. Warlord Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne) thinks he’s sending his trusted Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) on a mission to bring back fuel from Gas Town to the Citadel he rules with an iron fist, but she’s got a secret mission of her own: to free the enslaved “breeders” of Joe’s children and bring them to the Green Place far away that she remembers from her own childhood. (MJ) Rated R
In the wake of the American Civil War, a collection of natives, outlaws and settlers often meet violent ends in pursuit of land, money and love in the debut feature film from writer/director/ former Beta Band member John Maclean. At the center of the film is Jay, a young, wealthy man who travels across the country in search of a woman he’s fallen in love with. Guiding (or misguiding him) is Silas (Michael Fassbender), a rough cowboy more interested in the bounty on Jay’s lover’s head. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R
Director Paul Feig goes back to the well with Melissa McCarthy for their third movie together (Bridesmaids, The Heat). McCarthy plays a meek CIA agent thrust into an epic globetrotting adventure alongside professional asskicker Jason Statham and über-suave Jude Law as they try to hunt down sexy foe Rose Byrne, another Bridesmaids veteran. Expect the slapstick physical comedy and poetic obscenities that worked so well for the leading lady in her past collaborations with Feig. (DN) Rated R
This biopic dives into the life of eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner, a man known for his eccentricities as much as his genius with a brush. Directed by Mike Leigh (Happy-GoLucky, Vera Drake, Secrets & Lies), brings the 19th century visionary to the forefront, reminding of the influence the painter had on modern art. (MB) Rated R
Three years ago, Pitch Perfect took Glee’s a cappella craze to college. Nat-
Melissa McCarthy Emma Stone and Bradley Cooper are just one of the love stories in Aloha.
Island Issues
Is Cameron Crowe losing his mojo? His Aloha suggests as much BY STEVE DAVIS
n the Hawaiian language, the word “aloha” path. To paraphrase the ever-vocal wide receiver has multiple meanings: affection, peace, Rod Tidwell in Crowe’s most successful film, compassion and mercy, to name a few. Early “Show us the story, Cameron!” on, the films of Cameron Crowe navigated those The basic narrative problem here is that concepts with earnest, well-told stories about there’s more backstory than story. Cooper’s people on redemptive journeys of self-discovery, supposedly deeply flawed wheeler-dealer comes such as the sweet slacker hopelessly in love with off more like a bland frat boy with a Coppertone the class valedictorian in Say Anything…, the cynitan, with more credence given to his imposcal sports agent humanized by loyalty and love sibly handsome appearance than the shady past in Jerry Maguire, and the innothat drives Crowe’s screenplay. cent teenage reporter exposed Other actors are required to say ALOHA to the rock & roll lifestyle in things like “One more thing, Mr. Rated PG-13 Almost Famous. Three-Day-Beard-Boy” and “Take Written and directed by Cameron Crowe But lately, the quality of those blue eyes and go to her” in Starring Bradley Cooper, Rachel McAdams, Crowe’s work has diminconversations with him so glibly Emma Stone ished. In Elizabethtown and We framed, it’s a wonder they can deBought a Zoo, he sentimenliver their lines with any sincerity. talized surprisingly hollow story lines with no And in those conversations in which words discernible purpose but to get you misty-eyed are not spoken but intuited (highlighted by an and gooey-hearted. With the utterly unexcepill-conceived subtitled exchange between two tional Aloha, this humanist filmmaker so misses romantic rivals that would be an embarrassthe mark you might conclude he’s simply lost his ment for any filmmaker), the locked gazes and mojo. Focused on an ethically challenged private lingering glances say more about the actor’s eye defense contractor (Bradley Cooper) who returns color than anything. The entire movie has a to the Big Island to smooth the way for a suspicreepy aura of self-consciousness. In addition to cious satellite launch and to tangle and untangle the aforementioned definitions of aloha, the word two romantic interests (Emma Stone and Rachel also doubles as a coming-and-going greeting in McAdams) along the way, the movie is little more the Hawaiian vernacular. Here, it regrettably than a series of pseudo-lyrical moments strung signifies the possible goodbye to a once-promising together at the expense of a coherently plotted career of a filmmaker who had us at hello. n
Searchable by Movie, by Theater, or Time
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PG-13 Daily (11:15) (1:45) (4:15) 6:45 9:10
AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON PG-13 Daily (12:15) (3:15) 6:15 9:15
WANDERMERE 12622 N Division • 509-232-7727
the age of adeline Fri-Thurs 5:00
Daily (12:30) (2:30) (3:00) (5:50) 7:30 8:30 Fri-Sun (10:00) In 2D Daily (12:00) (1:15) (2:00) (3:45) (4:30) (5:00) 6:20 7:00 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 Fri-Sun (10:45) (11:10) (11:30)
R Daily (1:30) (2:00) (4:00) (4:30) 6:30 7:00 9:15 9:45 Fri-Sun (11:00) (11:35)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Fri-Wed 9:40pm
PG-13 Daily (1:35) (3:30) (5:30) 7:30 9:30 Fri-Sun (11:40)
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Daily 9:45 Fri-Sun (11:35) In 2D Daily (2:10) (4:40) 7:10
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Fri 7:20 Sat-Sun 12:20, 2:40, 7:20 Mon-Wed 7:20 Thurs 12:20, 2:40, 7:20
PG Daily (1:40) (4:20) 6:50 9:25 Fri-Sun (11:10)
R Daily (2:00) (4:30) 7:10 9:40 Fri-Sun (11:30)
Spokane film society
PG-13 Daily (11:15) (1:45) (4:15) 6:45 9:15
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Showtimes in ( ) are at bargain price. Special Attraction — No Passes Showtimes Effective 6/12/15-6/18/15
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 115
NAKED AMBITION Stevie Lynne won’t let anyone keep her down — not even herself BY LAURA JOHNSON
116 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
he melodies come without warning. Sometimes they arrive when she’s wrapped in nothing but a towel at her Browne’s Addition apartment, other times when she’s out with friends. Once Stephenie “Stevie Lynne” Saunders hears the music, it’s a scramble to find a piano and get it out. “Liars,” the title track off of her album released in March, hit her particularly hard one morning last year. She played two chords on her keyboard and the chorus flowed without thought: “Liars / They can’t keep you down.” It was so automatic, she had a full, entirely catchy song within the hour. The tune came after a particularly painful breakup with a boyfriend who cheated. This after a divorce from an abusive husband the year prior. But the point wasn’t to bash them; she isn’t like Taylor Swift in that regard, Saunders says. She explains that she doesn’t want to write about problems, but rather brokenness. “There comes a point where you believe the lies they told you,” Saunders says. “I believed that I wasn’t worthy of love.” Last week, the Sacred Heart Medical Center nurse sits at Bistango Martini Lounge, telling her life story between sips of a purple huckleberry martini, her long blonde hair often falling into her face. Saunders, 24, says people perceive her as bubbly and carefree. But one listen to the indie-soul album, and it’s clear there’s a darker side. “I watched my kingdom crumble around me and the only things I had were my keys and voice,” says the self-taught pianist. Her singing voice sounds a lot like her actual speaking voice. As she describes it, her vocals are the combination of what comes from the heart and the brain; there’s no trying to emulate songwriters she admires. Growing up in Montana’s Bitterroot Valley in a self-described country home complete with horses, Saunders gave her first public performance at 2 (singing the Barney & Friends theme song dressed as the plush dinosaur) and wrote her first song at 11. She wanted to be like her songwriter mother. Getting married at 18 and later moving to Florida, writing came in short bursts only when there was time. Saunders recalls her mother’s first reaction to Liars. “She called me on the phone and asked, ‘How could you do this to me?’” Saunders says. “I got nervous that she thought my songs were too personal, but then she said, ‘You made me cry.’” There were a lot of her own tears shed in the writing and recording of these songs at Amplified Wax Recording Studios (which is set to move its Garland District headquarters downtown next month). Tears come even now when she thinks about how far she’s come — with the help of friends and family — as a musician and adult since moving to Spokane two years ago. The original plan, starting last February, was to lay down a couple of tracks, never a full record. Working with producer/engineer Jimmy Hill, she soon saw potential for more. She’d work a 15hour day at the hospital, then with two days off, cram in a 10-hour recording session. Then repeat. “It made it so I didn’t have to think,” Saunders explained. “Singing has always been easier than thinking about things.” Hill recalls the progression Saunders has made, and that while she was talented from the beginning, he was pleasantly surprised with the passionate end product. He says Saunders is one of a handful of local artists he’s worked with who he’d gladly promote to outside markets. “There’s no filler on this album,” he says. “Everything here is incredibly heartfelt.” Saunders is the first to admit her piano accompaniment isn’t full of complexity. But she says the thing she does extremely well, the thing you can’t take away, is her honesty. “That’s what people relate with,” Saunders says. “I’ve had people come up to me after shows and talk about drug addictions and alcoholism because they feel comfortable with me.” Now, after only playing a handful of gigs in the past year, Saunders plans to perform more. She even has a full band — cellist, drummer and backup singer — that she says just fell into place. Her group takes on the Bing Crosby Theater on Friday, armed with a newly written song she intends to play last. “I hope when people hear it, they won’t want to move in their seats at first, that they’ll want to let it sit,” Saunders says. “I don’t want people to leave and say ‘That was nice.’ I want them to feel like a different person.” Stevie Lynne • Fri, June 12, at 8 pm • $20 • All-ages • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague • • 227-7638
...continued on next page
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 117
MUSIC | LOCAL SCENE 2829 E 29th Ave • 509.535.6464
Over 60,000 Used Books Select New Titles Fiction, Nonfiction Local Authors Collectibles
Come Explore!
Fresh Press Recent albums from Inland Northwest-bred acts that are sure to make the rest of the country take notice BY LAURA JOHNSON
Wednesday, June 17 at 6p at the Bing Tickets at
Presented by SPR & Friends of the Bing Event Donors Riverday School, The Cleaning Authority
Made in Spokane 1978-1981, Volume 2 When we wrote about Sweet Madness two years ago, they had just released the first half of Made in Spokane 1978-1981. Keyboardist John Robison, who still lives in Spokane, says they saw a need to release 15 more tracks after Volume 1 sold so well — proving there is a market for music from one of Eastern Washington’s first underground new-wave/punk bands. This new compilation is as much for those who want to dance as it is for those wanting to buck the system. And this album will have to be enough for fans, as Robison says there’s no talk of a reunion show in the near future. You can find the vinyl album, distributed by Light in the Attic Records, exclusively at Groove Merchants in Spokane.
Allen Stone no longer lives in his hometown of Chewelah, Washington, having moved to Seattle, but we’ll always consider him ours. After the release of his Capitol Records debut late last month (15 percent of which was recorded in Chewelah), the 28-year-old sounds like the same soul-inspired, socially conscious singer-songwriter he always was. For every happy song, he wonders how American privilege and technology affects us. Granted, the music sounds a bit more polished (listen to his vocals on “Freedom”), but that’s to be expected now that he’s on a major label. As always, his retro-vibe instrumentation and warbling vocals feel fresh. The album is the perfect road-trip accompaniment. This summer, Stone headlines the inaugural Chinook Fest Summit, July 10-12 at the Summit at Snoqualmie ski area.
Inlander Readers LOVE a GOOD DEAL
Reserve your space now!
118 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
w i n e c e l l a r s proudly presents
the third annual
Arbor Crest MusiC Fest
The music is non-stop and admission is FREE!
Noon to 8 pm • Saturday, June 13 Noon–1:30: Benton & Gallagher Electric Violin & Guitar
1:30–3:00: Darin Hilderbrand Acoustic with edge! Allen Stone’s Capitol Records debut finally came out last month.
3:00–4:30: Nicole Lewis Trio Rhythm & Blues
Expect the Ongoing Concept’s newest effort to keep you guessing. The first track sounds like something out of Stomp (think snaps, banging on trash cans) paired with irate vocals and guitar. The songs settle down into a steady hard-rock, screamo sound, only to pull a fast one on you with an addition of a straight-up folkpop song, “Melody.” Out of Rathdrum, Idaho, this young, literal band of brothers (three siblings, plus a childhood friend) continues making its way in the music world on their own terms. For this second record on Solid State Records, a subsidiary imprint of Christian label Tooth & Nail Records, the four-piece not only recorded the whole thing in their home and crafted their own music videos, they built their own musical instruments too. Clearly, these guys are never bored. Handmade comes out June 16.
4:30–6:00: Pink Tango Trio Mary Chavez sings Jazz 6:00–7:30: Spare Parts Trio Classic Favorites SPARE PARTS TRIO AGES 21+ ONLY
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222 s. washington st. Spokane • 509.838.1229
River Park Square (509) 456-TOYS JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 119
s a young songwriter growing up in Tacoma, two major forces influenced Clemm Rishad’s music. His father was a pastor, and his religious devotion sunk into Rishad — but so did his brother’s rough-and-tumble reputation on the streets of his hometown. That dichotomy finds its way into Rishad’s rhymes (you can hear a free mixtape at ClemmRishad. com), and his flow certainly owes a debt to both Kanye West and Jay-Z as well. While Rishad’s solo music is just starting to get recognition, chances are good you’ve heard some of his music already; Rishad was a co-writer of Nicki Minaj’s “Fly,” earning a Grammy nomination for the effort. His own music, though, will be the focus at the Swaxx anniversary party on Saturday. — DAN NAILEN Swaxx 3rd Anniversary Party feat. Clemm Rishad and DJ K-Phi • Sat, June 13, at 10 pm • $10 • 18+ • Swaxx • 23 E. Lincoln • • 703-7474
Thursday, 06/11
ArBOr CrEST WinE CELLArS, Butterscotch Blonde J ThE BArTLETT, Emily Kinney, Dylan Gardner, Adam Tressler J ThE Big DiPPEr, Farewell show for Tanner Azzinnaro feat. Zack Taylor, the Kilgore Office, Billy Ward J Bing CrOSBy ThEATEr, SPR Presents: Too Slim & the Taildraggers Unplugged BOOmErS CLASSiC rOCK BAr & griLL, Randy Campbell acoustic show COEur D’ALEnE CASinO, PJ Destiny DALEy’S ChEAP ShOTS, Thunder Thursday feat. Derek Nue, Kosta Panidis and Pat Bakken. ThE FLAmE, DJ WesOne Nights JACKSOn STrEET BAr & griLL (315-8497), Howard from Usual Suspects JOhn’S ALLEy, Device Grips LEFTBAnK WinE BAr, Wyatt Wood nOrThErn QuEST CASinO, DJ Ramsin nOrThErn rAiL PuB (487-42690, Open Mic with Johnny & the Moondogs PEnD D’OrEiLLE WinEry, Gleewood J PinnACLE nOrThWEST, Hed (PE), the Family Ruine, Scare Don’t Fear, Project Kings [Moved locations] J SArAnAC COmmOnS, Flamenco Mateo Guitars TEmPLin’S rED LiOn (208-773-1611), Sammy Eubanks ThE ViKing BAr & griLL, Griffey ZOLA, Boomshack
Friday, 06/12
J BABy BAr, Xurs, Phlegm Fatale, Outercourse BEVErLy’S, Robert Vaughn J ThE Big DiPPEr, Sin Circus, Head Swell, Burning Clean, Odyssey,
120 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
hese days, the Swamp Tavern no longer hosts live music. But on Saturday, the noise returns to the 1800/1900 blocks of West Fifth Avenue for the 6th annual free Swamp Stomp, which, along with a bike swap meet at 9 am and pre-1964 car show at 10 am, features outdoor sets from rock ’n’ roll acts like Johnny J & the Flat Foot Floogies, BBBBandits (one of their final shows ever), Gorilla Rabbit Chicken, Dept. of Martyrs and Klaw (coming from Seattle and playing Underground 15 later that night). Bands begin at noon. The Swamp Tavern is open all day for those who are 21 and over. — LAURA JOHNSON Swamp Stomp block party • Sat, June 13, from 9 am-5 pm • Free • All-ages • Outside the Swamp Tavern • 1904 W. Fifth • 326-6949 (event coordinator Joshua Scott at Time Bomb Collectibles)
Velafire J Bing CrOSBy ThEATEr, Stevie Lynne (See story on page 116) BLACK DiAmOnD, DJ Major One BOLO’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE BOOmErS CLASSiC rOCK BAr & griLL, Tracer J BOOTS BAKEry & LOungE, The Nicholas Peter BuCKhOrn inn, Bobby Bremer Band ThE CELLAr, Dog House Boyz ChECKErBOArD BAr, Tap Weilding Heathens, North Fork ChECKErBOArD BAr, Joseph Hein COEur D’ALEnE CASinO, Dan Conrad, Shiner COnKLing mArinA & rESOrT, Hotwired CurLEy’S, Chris Rieser & Snap the Nerve J Di LunA’S CAFE (208-263-0846), Hilary Scott FiZZiE muLLigAnS, FM
ThE FLAmE, DJ WesOne Nights irOn gOAT BrEWing CO. (4740722), Don Thomsen irOn hOrSE BAr, JamShack JACKSOn STrEET BAr & griLL, Raised in a Barn Band JOhn’S ALLEy, Gleewood J JOnES rADiATOr, Itchy Kitty, Dem Empire, Marjuana Killed Marc J LAgunA CAFé, Diane Copeland LEFTBAnK WinE BAr, Roger Dines mAx AT mirABEAu, Mojo Box nOrThErn QuEST CASinO, Herman’s Hermits and DJ Ramsin nynE, DJ the Divine Jewels PAniDA ThEATEr (208-263-9191), Sandpoint Film Festival Benefit feat. Troy Bullock J PArK BEnCh CAFE (456-4349), Endangered Species PEnD D’OrEiLLE WinEry, Kent Ueland J PinnACLE nOrThWEST, Black
Music Month Celebration feat. DJ Felon rED LiOn hOTEL AT ThE PArK (3268000), Boys of Summer (Eagles Tribute) rED rOOm LOungE, Joe Marson ThE riDLEr PiAnO BAr, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler ShOT gLASS BAr & griLL (2920503), Sammy Eubanks J SPOKAnE TrAnSiT PLAZA, Street Party on Wall feat. Anthony Hall, Joe Marson, Subterranean SuLLiVAn SCOrEBOArD (891-0880), Johnny & the Moondogs ThE ViKing BAr & griLL, Charlie Butts and the Filter Tips ZOLA, Uppercut
Saturday, 06/13
J ArBOr CrEST WinE CELLArS, Stage 2 Stage Music Fest feat. Ben-
ton & Gallagher, Darin Hilderbrand, Nicole Lewis Trio, Pink Tango Trio, Spare Parts Trio J BABy BAr, Sun Blood Stories, Stucco, Space Movies J ThE BArTLETT, Surfer Blood, Alex Calder BEVErLy’S, Robert Vaughn J ThE Big DiPPEr, Bullets Or Balloons, THE CRY!, the Static Tones, Switchin To Whiskey BLACK DiAmOnD, DJ Major One BOLO’S, YESTERDAYSCAKE BOOmErS CLASSiC rOCK BAr & griLL, Tracer BuCKhOrn inn, Bobby Bremer Band ThE CELLAr, Dog House Boyz J ChAPS, Just Plain Darin with Tyler Coulston ChECKErBOArD BAr, Mirror Ferarri, Haster, Damn Them All, Roots Like Mountains COEur D’ALEnE CASinO, Dan Conrad
COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Shiner, Ron Criscione CONKLING MARINA & RESORT, Hotwired CURLEY’S, Chris Rieser & Snap the Nerve J DOWNTOWN HARRISON, Harrison Summer Concerts feat. Rampage J DOWNTOWN SANDPOINT, Sandpoint Summer Sounds feat. Trumpetman FIZZIE MULLIGANS, FM THE FLAME, DJ Big Mike, DJ WesOne GARLAND PUB & GRILL (326-7777), Usual Suspects IRON GOAT BREWING CO., Nic Vigil
GET LISTED! Email getlisted@inlander. com to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date. IRON HORSE BAR, JamShack JOHN’S ALLEY, Sista Otis J KNITTING FACTORY, Halestorm, Rival Sons, Royal Thunder THE LARIAT INN, Robert Moss LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Dirk Swartz LITZ’S BAR & GRILL (327-7092), Down South MAX AT MIRABEAU, Mojo Box MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE (7653200), Son of Brad J NYNE, Fly Moon Royalty, DJ the Divine Jewels, DJ Vinyl Ritchie THE PEARL THEATER (208-6102846), Monarch Mountain Band PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, Mike & Shanna J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Venture Crew EDM RED LION HOTEL AT THE PARK, Boys of Summer (Eagles Tribute) THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler J THE SHOP, Oracle’s Kitchen SULLIVAN SCOREBOARD, Johnny & the Moondogs J SWAMP TAVERN, Swamp Stomp block party (See story on facing page) feat. BBBBandits, Johnny J & the Flat Floogies, Gorilla Rabbit Chicken, Dept. of Martyrs, Klaw J SWAXX, Swaxx Anniversary Party feat. Clemm Rishad (See story on facing page), DJ K-Phi UNDERGROUND 15, Cold Blooded, Greenriver Thrillers, KLAW, Stereo Creeps THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Boomshack ZOLA, Uppercut
Sunday, 06/14
219 LOUNGE (208-263-9934), Truck Mills ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Jesse Weston Band CHECKERBOARD BAR, 3rd Park Avenue, Thunder Knife COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Ron Greene, Kosh CONKLING MARINA & RESORT, The Paradons CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN, Darrin Schaffer
CRUISERS, Riverboat Dave CURLEY’S, HooDoo Udu DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church EMPIRE THEATRE (284-5173), Thorn Creek Boys THE FLAME, Open mic with SixStrings n’ Pearls IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL (9268411), Back Road Toad JACKSON STREET BAR & GRILL, Steve Starkey JOHN’S ALLEY, Joseph Hein J RICK SINGER PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO (838-3333), Choro das 3 THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Haster, Roots Like Mountains ZOLA, Anthony Hall feat. Lucas Brown Trio
Open-ness KELLY’S IRISH PUB, Arvid Lundin & Deep Roots RED LION HOTEL RIVER INN, Son of Brad THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Steve Ridler and Chuck Swanson SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List
Wednesday, 06/17 BARRISTER WINERY (465-3591), Pamela Benton J THE BARTLETT, DTCV, BBBBandits CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN, Robby French EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard
THE FLAME, RockStarzz Karaoke GARLAND AVE DRINKERY, Open Mic JOHN’S ALLEY, Anna Tivel and Kent Ueland LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Marco Polo Collective MARIJANE’S TAPHOUSE & GRILL, DJ WesOne & DJ Barry Love J RED LION HOTEL AT THE PARK, The Sweeplings, Pacific Pine, THE ROADHOUSE, Spokane Dan and the Blues Blazers ZOLA, The Bossame
Coming Up ...
CRUISERS, Stateline Music Fest feat. Children of Atom, Banish the Echo, Slightly Committed, June 20-21
Monday, 06/15
J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic CHECKERBOARD BAR, Matt Campbell EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills JOHN’S ALLEY, Tony Holiday LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Monday Night Spotlight feat. Carey Brazil UNDERGROUND 15, Open Mic ZOLA, Nate Ostrander Trio
Tuesday, 06/16
315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub J THE BARTLETT, Open Mic FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills JOHN’S ALLEY, Tony Holiday JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of
Ana Popovic Award-Winning Blues Guitarist
JULY 29 7:30 PM Tickets $22–$32
The Northwest’s FIRST Nashville Honkytonk
with Sara Brown Band
Eric Bibb
with Michael Jerome Brown
SEPT 9 7:30 PM Tickets $22–$32
208-457-9128 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls, ID
MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BEVERLY’S • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 CONKLING MARINA & RESORT • 20 W Jerry Ln, Worley • 208-686-1151 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • (208) 773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS • 6412 E. Trent • 5359309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent Ave.• 924-3720 THE HOP! • 706 N. Monroe St. • 368-4077 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 problems with this file or LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 448-0887 THEquestions? LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531Wright Carol THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 650-630-9114 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 MOSCOW FOOD CO-OP • 121 E. Fifth St. • 208882-8537 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO CLUB • 6425 N. Lidgerwood St • 443-5213 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 PINNACLE NORTHWEST • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 THE ROCK BAR • 13921 E. Trent Ave. • 43-3796 ROCKER ROOM • 216 E. Coeur d’Alene Ave. • 208-676-2582 ROCKET MARKET • 726 E. 43rd Ave. • 343-2253 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 UNDERGROUND 15 • 15 S. Howard St. • 290-2122 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 121
Some samples of student work to be seen at the SFCC graphic design show.
This year’s Spokane Falls Community College graphic design student portfolio show is titled “New Kids on the Block.” Don’t be confused — these are the new faces of Spokane design, not some excellently choreographed, falsetto-crooning boys. Free drinks, food and music are offered to anyone who takes the metaphorical walk across the lawn to meet these 22 new faces. The show features graphic design, illustration, web design and even student-composed music. Before the evening, head to to preview student work and watch the “Joey Mc’Kern’tyre” web series — featuring a delusional graphic designer (played by local goofball Aaron Fink) who critiques Spokane design work, including an Inlander cover. — MATTHEW SALZANO New Kids on the Block: SFCC Graphic Design Student Portfolio Show • Fri, June 12, from 5-8 pm • Hamilton Studios • 1427 W. Dean •
122 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
Summer Parkways • Thu, June 18, from 6-9 pm; bike decorating contest at 7 • Free • Manito/Comstock neighborhoods • 1800 S. Grand •
Fur Trade Symposium and Encampment • Sat, June 13 and Sun, June 14, from 10 am-4 pm • Free • Spokane House Interpretive Center • 13501 N. Nine Mile Rd. •
Grab your helmet and hop onto your bike for an event that combines outdoor activity with getting to know your neighbors. Summer Parkways’ sixth-annual community street festival closes 4 miles of city roads across Spokane’s South Hill to make room for cyclists, skaters and any other forms of human-powered transportation. Thousands of residents are expected to attend next week’s event to enjoy numerous physical activities and free classes for all ages and abilities, including yoga, Zumba, fencing, and even tai chi. — KATY BURGE
This weekend, get a glimpse of what one of the Inland Northwest’s earliest settlement periods — from around 1810 to 1826 — was like during the Friends of the Spokane House’s annual living history encampment. Saturday’s Fur Trade Symposium features talks about the Spokane Tribe’s history, what life was like for the women of the fur trade and the history of the Spokane House. Local history reenactors also set up historically accurate camps like those used by natives, trappers, traders and other European settlers. — CHEY SCOTT
Former Spokanite and playwright Neil LaBute’s Reasons to Be Happy hits the stage as the Modern Theater Spokane’s last show of its current season. Reasons to Be Happy is the humorous and lighthearted sequel to Reasons to Be Pretty, which debuted at the theater in January. The romantic comedy follows main characters Greg and Steph as they take a second shot at love among a whirlwind of emotions and clashing agendas. Witness these characters on their search for happiness, but be wary that the show contains adult themes and language, so it may not be suitable for all audiences. — ERIN ROBINSON Reasons to Be Happy • June 12-28; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm; Sun at 2 pm • $1925 • The Modern Theater Spokane • 174 S. Howard •
Join us for Summer Parkways!
Each year for more than a decade, the now-defunct Tinman Gallery had invited a group of the region’s most celebrated artists to participate in its themed, invitational art shows. Even though the Tinman’s gallery days are behind it, this invitational tradition carries on through the Spokane Art School. This year’s show — boasting a “who’s who” in the local art scene participant roster — borrows inspiration from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne’s classic sci-fi novel published almost 150 years ago. Though the show officially opened on June 5 with an artist reception, these artist tributes to Captain Nemo and the Nautilus are on display through the summer, so make sure to stop in during gallery hours as you stroll the quaint Garland District. — CHEY SCOTT
Just for walkers, runners, bikers, skaters... an event dedicated to human-powered transportation!� |
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Invitational • Show runs through Aug. 29; gallery open Tue-Fri, from 10 am-5 pm • Spokane Art School • 811 W. Garland •
BENEFIT RUN FOR A REASON The fifth annual 5K or 10K race benefits Parker’s Place and Camp Goodtimes, which both support families affected by childhood cancer/terminal illness. June 13, 9 am. $15-$30. Mirabeau Point Park, 2426 N. Discovery Place. race2place. org (688-0300) AN EVENING IN TUSCANY The annual dinner and auction benefits the YWCA Safe Shelters program. Also includes a wine bar and live music. June 20, 6 pm. $50/person. YWCA of Spokane, 930 N. Monroe St. (863-2882) PARADE OF PAWS Spokane Humane Society’s annual 2- or 4-mile pledge walk to benefit the animals it serves. Day-of registration at 8 am; early reg.
June 19, from 12-7 pm. Collect pledges from family, friends, co-workers and anyone else. June 20, 10 am-2 pm. Pledged-based event. Spokane Humane Society, 6607 N. Havana St.
COMEDY GUFFAW YOURSELF Open mic comedy night; every other Thursday at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. (847-1234) SPOKANE PFLAG COMEDY NIGHT Michael Jepson hosts, with comedians Doug Dawson, Ying Vigilan, Rob Twohy, Adrian Balderson, Nick Theisen and members of the Blue Door Theater. June 11, 9 pm. $10-$15. nYne, 232 W. Sprague.
NORTH SIDE 8721 N Fairview Rd 467-0685 VALLEY 19215 E Broadway 893-3521 NORTH IDAHO Ponderay Garden Center 208-255-4200
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 123
Advice Goddess OWe, BABy, BABy
My girlfriend always cries that she’s “broke.” I just ended up buying her groceries and paying to have her car fixed, and then I discovered by accident that she’d recently paid hundreds of dollars for hair extensions, beauty products, and a facial. She isn’t the first girlfriend I’ve had who prioritizes beauty stuff over necessities. I really don’t get some women’s relationship with money. —ATM On Legs
AMY ALKON Some personal financial crises are caused by unexpected events, and others simply by how one answers certain basic questions, such as “Hmm, get waxed or continue living with electricity?” or “I can’t decide: New brakes or traffic-stopping hair?” Old-school economists, who view humans as hyper-rational data-crunching machines (like big, sweaty chess-playing computers), would tell you that it makes no sense for your girlfriend to keep ending up, as the saying goes, with so much month at the end of the money. (And sure, car trouble can pop up out of nowhere, but it isn’t like the need to eat comes as a surprise.) Evolutionary economists take a more nuanced view of human rationality. They find that our glaringly irrational choices in one domain (like the survival domain, including financial survival) aren’t so irrational in another (like the mating domain). For example, because men evolved to have a very visually driven sexuality, women looking to land a man or retain one’s interest will (often subconsciously) prioritize beauty measures -- sometimes buying eye creams so pricey they should come with power steering and a sunroof. And though we aren’t in a recession right now, a July/August 2014 Public Religion Research Institute poll found that 72 percent of people believe we are. This is relevant because research by evolutionary psychologist Sarah Hill finds that though economic downturns lead both men and women to cut their spending across the board, they also seem to prime women to increase their spending in one area: beauty enhancement. Hill explains that a scarcity of resources appears to cue an evolutionary adaptation in women to “increase the effort they invest in attracting a mate who has them.” (And this seems to be the case even when a woman has resources of her own.) Still, it isn’t fair for your beauty-binging girlfriend to treat you as her boyfriendslash-overdraft system, taking advantage of how you’d rather pay for her car and groceries than see her hoof it and crash wedding buffet lines with a big purse. Tell her that you feel bad being put in this position and though you love her, her abusive relationship with her debit card is eating away at your relationship. (A mate-retention warning light should go off in her head.) Next, show empathy. Mention that many people find themselves in her position, mainly because nobody ever taught them how to budget, and we aren’t all natural fiscal wizards. In fact, we’re more like chimps with credit cards. To help her conscious mind better understand her subconscious one, explain the evolutionary view of human rationality and offer to help her plot out her finances. You might get her the book “Smart Women Finish Rich,” by David Bach. And because our decision-making ability evolved in an ancestral environment where we typically had just a handful of visible choices in front of us (like five bison and one with a limp) -- as opposed to big mathematical abstractions to chew on -- you can help her get a better grip on her spending by making it visual. As for how helpful visuals can be in decision-making, evolutionary cognitive psychologist Gary Brase finds that people are far better at understanding medical risks when they are communicated with pictures (for example, 100 little people on a page shaded to show that this many of 100 will be cured and this many will end up going home in an urn). In keeping with Brase’s findings, you could draw little rectangles all over a page to represent $100 bills (in the amount of her monthly salary). Color in blocks of dollars to indicate all her monthly expenses, including any potential expenses, and offer to help her budget until she gets the hang of it. If you’re open to paying for the occasional item that’s not in her financial plan, let her know, but explain that you’d like to be asked first, not just informed that all of her dollar bills have run off and taken up residence in the cash register at Sephora. And finally, while you’re helping her tally things up, you might take a moment to count your blessings. Your girlfriend might be a little money-dumb, but she seems to understand the importance of keeping up her curb appeal -- mindful that there’s a reason men get accused of talking to a woman’s breasts and not her calculator. n ©2015, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (
124 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
EVENTS | CALENDAR A TREE GROWS IN GARLAND A themed show giving a comedic twist to local stories. Fridays in June, at 8 pm. Rated for general audiences. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045) CAGE MATCH Each week, teams of comedians go head to head and the audience votes for their favorite. Saturdays in June, at 9 pm. Rated for mature audiences. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) DRINK N’ DEBATE A live, improv comedy show, during which comedian teams debate topics chosen at random. Mondays from 8-10 pm. Free. Underground 15, 15 S. Howard St. (868-0358)
COMMUNITY HUCKLEBERRY’S SUMMER KIDS FOOD DRIVE Help collect food and donations to provide 50,000 meals to feed hungry kids in Spokane through Second Harvest. Every $1 donated provides 5 meals. Donations accepted June 10-16, with a big push for donations on Sat, June 13. Huckleberry’s, 926 S. Monroe St. (624-1349) MILLENNIAL MEETUP: SUPERHERO MOVIE NIGHT The program for patrons in their 20s and 30s, hosts a “Cheesy Superhero Movie Night” with a screening of 1978’s “Superman: The Movie.” June 11, 6:30 pm. Free. CdA Public Library, 702 E. Front. AMOS BRADLEY HISTORICAL MARKER DEDICATION Bradley’s bravery in the Civil War earned him a Medal of Honor. Join the community in recognizing him during a dedication ceremony. June 12, 2-3 pm. Free. Greenwood Memorial Terrace, 211 N. Government Way. (838-1405) FUR TRADE ENCAMPMENT & SYMPOSIUM The annual historical encampment at the Spokane house includes reenactments of fur traders/trappers and native peoples. June 12-13, Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 10 am-4 pm. Spokane House Interpretive Center, 13501 N. Nine Mile Rd. LANDS COUNCIL OPEN HOUSE Meet the staff and board members of the Lands Council and learn more about its programs and work to protect the Inland Northwest’s forests, waters and wildlife. Light snacks and drinks provided. June 12, 5-7 pm. Free. Community Building, 35 W. Main. RELAY FOR LIFE CDA The family event features live entertainment, a silent auction, food, games, kids’ area and information about local ACS programs. June 12, 6 pm. Free. Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way. SANDPOINT CONTRA DANCE Featuring live music by the Nine Pint Coggies, with Emily Faulkner calling. June 12, 7-10 pm. $5 suggested donation. Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 S. First Ave. (208-263-6751) BAND TOGETHER FOR THE ANIMALS SCRAPS invites the community to a one-year anniversary celebration of its regional animal facility. Event includes tours, staff Q&A sessions, prizes, seminars, cake and more. June 13. Free. SCRAPS, 6815 E. Trent. spokanecounty. org/SCRAPS (477-2984) FREE POOLS DAY Spokane Valley Parks offer a day of free swimming to the community. Includes access to Park Road Pool, Valley Mission Pool and Terrace View Pool. June 13, 1 pm. (688-0300) INLAND EMPIRE BLUES SOCIETY
YARD SALE Proceeds benefit the local group, and the event includes live music by the Doghouse Boyz, Pat Coast and Bobby Patterson. June 13, 12-4:30 pm. Spokane Valley Eagles, 16801 E. Sprague Ave. (922-3433) STILETTO SPRINT River Park Square and the Women’s Healing Empowerment Network host a one-block, high heel sprint (9 am) to bring attention to domestic violence and raise money for the WHE Network’s programs. Events also include a Women’s Resource Fair, from 3-9 pm. June 13. $5-$15. River Park Square, 808 W. Main. (624-3945) FAMILY DINNER An informal, monthly event for those involved in Spokane’s arts, culture and creative industries to meet up and share, learn and connect. June 14, 6 pm. Richmond Art Collective, 228 W. Sprague, 2nd floor. UGM GRADUATION CELEBRATION Celebrate and hear the stories of graduates from all three UGM LIFE Recovery programs. Reception to follow. June 16, 6:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Valley Assembly of God, 15618 E. Broadway. JUSTICE LUNCHBOX: SPD OFFICERCIVILIAN CONTACTS & RACE Ed Byrnes, PhD from EWU’s School of Social Work, and Brad Arleth, M.S., Captain of the SPD’s downtown precinct, present the findings of a five-month study on the SPD’s contact with racial minorities. Free and open to the public; reservation requested. June 17, 12-1 pm. Community Building, 35 W. Main. on.fb. me/1FMnZUU (232-1950) PARTNERS IN JUSTICE AWARDS An annual event to highlight work by individuals, businesses, or agencies in the community which display a strong commitment to justice for all, going above and beyond to help victims of crime. June 18, 6 pm. Donations accepted. Barrister Winery, 1213 W. Railroad Ave. (509-465-3591) SUMMER PARKWAYS Streets are closed to motorized vehicles and opened up to bikes, pedestrians, skaters, and other human-powered transportation. Activities and booths can be found in Manito and Comstock Parks and along the designated 4-mile carfree route through the neighborhood. June 18, 6-9 pm. Free. (456-8038)
FESTIVAL FAIRFIELD FLAG DAY CELEBRATION The annual community celebration includes a parade, fun run, family games and activities, a beer/wine garden, live music and more. June 13. Fairfield, Wash. SPOKANE PRIDE 2015 The annual celebration includes a parade through downtown, with a festival in Riverfront Park offering entertainment, resource fair, vendors, family activities and a beer garden. June 13, 12-5:30 pm. Free. Downtown Spokane.
FILM THE BEST OF EWU FILM A screening of outstanding student films, to be followed by a reception in the Kress Gallery. June 12, 7:30 pm. $5 suggested donation. AMC River Park Square 20, 808 W. Main. (359-6390) MOONLIGHT MOVIES: BEETHOVEN Outdoor movie screening hosted by Airway Heights Parks and Recreation; movie starts at dusk. June 12. Free. Sun-
set Park, S. King St. CARDBOARD CAR DRIVE-IN MOVIE: THE INCREDIBLES Roll on in with your cardboard car and enjoy a free showing of The Incredibles (rated PG). Come two hour early to make a “car.” June 17, 4-8 pm. Free. St. Thomas More School, 515 W. St. Thomas More Way. (893-8400) OUTDOOR MOVIES @ RIVERFRONT: JURASSIC PARK A showing on the big screen with pre-show live entertainment, movie trivia and food trucks. Series runs June 10-July 15, on Wednesday nights. $5/pre-movie seating and entertainment (ages 5 and under free). Dog friendly and tobacco free. June 17, 7-10:30 pm. Riverfront Park epiceap. com/spokane-outdoor-movies/
FOOD & DRINK FRUGAL TRAVELER SERIES: FRANCE ON A DIME Sample French wines in the $8-$12 range, including a bubbly, a couple of whites and six reds from France’s top producing regions. June 12, 7 pm. $20, registration requested. Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd Ave. (343-2253) COEUR COFFEE THREE YEAR PARTY The local coffee shop invites the community to celebrate its three-year anniversary, with an evening of music, art and coffee. June 13, 8 pm. Free to attend. Coeur Coffeehouse, 701 N. Monroe St. (703-7794) HARRISON PIG IN THE PARK A community barbecue offering pork, turkey and all the trimmings. Also includes live music, a vendor fair and more. June 13. Harrison, Idaho. SICILY & CORSICA: WINES OF THE ITALIAN ISLANDS A tasting featuring eight wines and the stories behind each. June 15, 5:30 pm. $15; reservations required. Vino! A Wine Shop, 222 S. Washington St. (838-1229) SMALL PLATES WINE TASTING Wine samplings are matched with small plates that highlight the characteristics of each wine. June 16, 6-8:30 pm. $45, reservations required. Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (838-1229) GOURMET CAMP COOKING Get insight into making better-tasting meals while camping, and tips on how to plan and prepare food for your next outing. Sessions offered June 17 and July 9, from 7-8:30 pm. Free; register to save spot. REI, 1125 N. Monroe St. BONNER COUNTY FARM TOUR The U of Idaho Extension hosts a tour of local farms, including stops at a blueberry farm and a quarter horse ranch, along with presentations and demos. June 18, 8 am-5 pm. $30-$35. Bonner County Extension Office, 4205 N. Boyer St. (208-263-8511)
MUSIC SPR PRESENTS: TOO SLIM & THE TAILDRAGGERS UNPLUGGED An acoustic concert by the Inland Northwest-based blues group. June 11, 7 pm. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague (227-7404) KEVIN COLE A concert featuring songs by great American songwriters. Proceeds benefit the CdA Summer Theatre. June 12, 7-9:30 pm. $15-$20. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. (208-660-2958) STEVIE LYNNE Guests include cellist Sean Lamont, drummer Jim Brickey and singer Alyssa Nicole Prime. June 12, 8-10 pm. $20. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7638) ...continued on page 127
Will Work For Weed The Marijuana Business Association hosts a cannabis job fair BY JORDY BYRD
BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor Control Board at
CALL 325-0634 xt. 215 EMAIL
tart practicing your elevator pitch — the 60-second speech to land you a dream job in the cannabis industry. The Marijuana Business Association is hosting a job fair and networking event featuring up to 50 cannabis employers and keynote speakers from across the state. Spokane is host to the third MJBA job fair to date. MJBA co-founder David Rheins says upward of 100 jobs were filled at last year’s job fair in Bellevue. “You can’t find a cannabis job on Craiglist or,” he says. “This is an unprecedented opportunity to meet this many employers who are hiring in one room.” So bring your résumé. Employers including BioTrackTHC, Triple T Farms, Blue Roots Cannabis and the Walla Walla Cannabis Company will be on hand, alongside speakers like Eden Labs CEO AC Braddock, who will address cannabis business models and the gender pay gap. Both skilled
and unskilled workers in industries as varied as web design and agriculture are encouraged to attend. “This green rush is unlike other economic booms,” Rheins says. “There are more opportunities in this new market, and employers are looking for workers across the spectrum — from insurance salesmen, to growers, to bankers, to security guards.” MJBA is a Seattle-based trade organization founded in 2012. The organization is 420 businesses strong, with chapters across Washington, Colorado and Oregon. MJBA provides networking and business platforms for the recreational marijuana industry, with sponsored banking seminars, meetups and job fairs. “We have a very mature cannabist culture, but an ...continued on next page
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 125
Easy access off i-90 serving the south hill! Discreet Parking
Summer HOURS: mon-sat 9am-8pm • sun 10am-6pm 509.536.4000 • 17 N. Ralph St • Spokane • WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
“WILL WORK FOR WEED,” CONTINUED... underserviced industry that doesn’t have the tools to function,” Rheins says. “When voters approved the commercialization of cannabis, it didn’t provide a framework for real estate, or insurance, or the very basic business principals that this emerging industry needs to flourish under such scrutiny.” The association essentially teaches “Business 101” to the hundreds of mom-and-pop stores that have opened since I-502 passed. The job fairs aim to not only highlight, but normal-
ize professional trades in the marijuana industry, and bring together the once-underground community. “Our disadvantage — our lack of infrastructure — is also our biggest advantage,” Rheins says. “We can build a more intentional market.” n Spokane Cannabis Job Fair • Sat, June 20, from 10 am-4:20 pm • Free • 21+ • Spokane Convention Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • • (425) 892-9221
80 /oz
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6620 N. Market St. 1 BLK NORTH OF FRANCIS & MARKET HOURS: MON - SAT 10-8 | SUN 12-6
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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with the consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
126 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
Save The Date - July 10, 2015
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This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be healt risks associated with comsumption of this product. For use by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children.
WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
You’ll always hit the Jackpot with 3.5 grams starting at $26 /thegreennugget
June 20th, 2015 | 10 am-4:20 pm Spokane Convention Center FREE ADMISSION | 18+
Spokane County will likely bring in the largest marijuana harvest ever grown this coming fall, this is your chance to be involved in this new and exciting industry. Exhibitor Space is still available! FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
509-309-2130 1919 E Francis Ave
Warning: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. or Presented by:
MAIN STREET SOUVENIRS WITH SCOTT KIRBY “In Search of the American Heartland” is a multimedia stage performance with live piano music, spoken narrative and video. June 13, 8 pm. $20. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. UNITY HOME COMPANION Unity’s 10th annual variety show, featuring music, comedy, satire, drama and more. Proceeds benefit the center’s programs. June 13, 7-9 pm. $10. Unity Spiritual Center, 2900 S. Bernard St. (838-6518)
SPORTS SPOKANE SHOCK VS. LAS VEGAS OUTLAWS Arena football game. June 12, 7 pm. $15-$60. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. (242-7462) COLOR ME RAD The “color run” returns, offering a 5K race during which participants are splattered with ecofriendly, cornstarch based powdered dyes. June 13, 9 am. $15-$55 (plus service fees). Spokane County Raceway, 750 N. Hayford Rd. FREE STATE PARKS DAY In celebration of Washington State Parks’ 102nd birthday, residents are offered access to any state park without needing a Discover Pass. 2015 free days: June 13, Aug. 25, Sept. 26. IDAHO FREE FISHING DAY The annual event allows anyone to fish in Idaho’s water w/o a license. See website for list of local events in the Idaho Panhandle. June 13. Free. PALOUSE DUATHLON The annual race includes a 2-mile run, a 10-mile bike ride and another 2-mile run. Open to individuals and teams of 2-3 people. Proceeds benefit Young Live programs. June 13, 9 am. $35-$90. Palouse, Wash. SAND CREEK PADDLERS CHALLENGE Sandpoint Parks & Rec hosts its 7th annual canoe and kayak race up and back on Sand Creek, offering four entry divisions. June 13. (208-236-3613) SPOKANE SHADOW VS. SOUTH SOUND Men’s team game for the Evergreen Premier League season. June 13, 7 pm. SFCC, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. REI TRAIL DAYS Help rehabilitate RSP Trail 100. Work will help make the trail a multi-use trail for bikers, riders and hikers. Team leaders are needed; register to get involved. June 14, 1-4:30 pm. Riverside State Park. s2FTGfggj0
THEATER THE MUSIC MAN A heartwarming musical comedy, directed by Tia Wooley. Through June 14; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $22-$30. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard. (325-2507) THE SOUND OF MUSIC Performance of the classic musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein. Through June 28; ThurSat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. Modern Theater CdA, 1320 E. Garden. (208-667-1323) REASONS TO BE HAPPY The sequel to Neil Labute’s “Reasons to Be Pretty.” June 12-28; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $19-$25. Modern Theater Spokane, 174 S. Howard. (455-7529) STEEL KISS An examination of the proximity of prejudice to hatred and violence. June 12-28; Fri-Sat at 7 pm,
Sun at 2 pm. $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third. STAGE TO SCREEN: BEHIND THE BEAUTIFUL FOREVERS The National Theatre’s adaptation of Katherine Boo’s uncompromising book. June 14, 2 pm. $5/students; $15/general. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave.
VISUAL ARTS TOTEMS A showing of Native American-inspired raku totems and wall art by artist Jill Smith. June 1-27; gallery open daily from 10 am-5 pm. Meet the artist June 27, from 1-3 pm. Entree Gallery, 1755 Reeder Bay Rd., Priest Lake. (208-443-2001) EMERGE COLLECTIVE SHOW A popup art show featuring 25 local, emerging artists and live music. June 12, 5-11 pm. Free. 117 N. Fourth, downtown CdA. (208-818-3342) NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK The 2015 SFCC Graphic Design Portfolio Show and block party offers free food/drinks and a showcase of students’ work. June 12, 5-8 pm. Free. Hamilton Studio, 1427 W. Dean. PIVOT Local artists Chelsea Hendrickson, Jeff Huston and Scott Nicks set out to tell the story of pivotal moments through their art. Reception includes live music by the Rustics, along with refreshments. June 12, 5-9 pm. Free. Clearstory Gallery, 1202 N. Government Way. SECOND FRIDAY ARTWALK Coeur d’Alene’s monthly celebration of local art, with galleries around downtown hosting artist receptions, live music and original art. June 12, 5-8 pm. Free. (208-415-0116)
WORDS POET BILL YATES: The local poet releases his new collection, “Dreams Rewritten.” June 11, 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main. (838-0206) RETHINKING EASTER ISLAND’S MYSTERIOUS PAST The Inland Northwest Ducks, regional chapter of the University of Oregon Alumni Association, host Dr. Terry Hunt, Dean of the UO Honors College and Professor of Anthropology, for a lecture/presentation based on his research. June 11, 7-8:30 pm. Free, registration requested.The MAC, 2316 W. First. (800-245-2586) URBAN POETS SOCIETY Started in the Tri-Cities, the UPS is a new group hosting its inaugural night of spokenword performance. June 12, 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main. (838-0206) AUTHOR STEPHANIE OAKES The author launches her new young adult novel, “The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly.” June 13. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) THE WORDSMITH’S WORKSHOP Spokane Poetry Slam’s monthly poetry, performance, writing and spoken word workshop. June 13, 4:30 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) SPOKANE POETRY SLAM Competitive performance poetry, in which poets are judged by 5 audience judges, chosen at random; winner gets a $50 prize. Third Monday of the month (June 15) at 8 pm; doors open at 7 pm. $5. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague Ave. (747-2174) n
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 127
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ACROSS 1. Character in “I, Claudius” & “I, Robot” 6. Chess finale 10. Shock 13. “Like ____” (Chevy truck slogan) 14. Fragrant wood 15. Suffix with lemon or orange 16. Wine brand one might recommend to a confessional user? 18. Suffix with Dickens 19. Explosive stuff 20. Manner of doing 21. Falsetto-voiced Muppet 22. “Can ____ now?” 23. Wine brand one might recommend to a forest female looking for some excitement? 27. Shout at a concert 29. Yellow container
33. “You never had ____ good” 34. Advance 35. Org. that usually meets in the evening 36. Wine brand one might recommend to someone who lived during the 1930s? 41. Dragon roll ingredient 42. 100-yr. units 43. Proactiv target 44. Like Jackie Robinson’s #42, in Major League Baseball 46. Prime minister before and after Churchill 49. Wine brand one might recommend to a person who feels events are beyond their control? 51. Setting at 0 degrees long. 53. “I’m game” 56. Johnson of “Laugh-In”
57. “Don’t mind ____ do!” 58. Commotion 59. Wine brand one might recommend to a reciter of the Lord’s Prayer? 63. ATM entry 64. Pete’s wife on “Mad Men” 65. 1957 hit for the Bobbettes 66. Messy spot 67. Turner on stage 68. Elves, to Santa: Abbr. DOWN 1. Arizona sights 2. Part of a Florida orchard 3. “When it rains, it pours” sloganeer 4. Year Chaucer died 5. Like Superman’s arms, often 6. Free-for-all 7. Tool shed tool
8. Mai ____ 9. Suffix with east or west 10. One corner of a Monopoly board 11. Levine of “The Voice” 12. Home of the University of Nevada
14. Inner circle 17. Jordan’s Queen ____ 21. “Yikes!” 24. Batik artist 25. Puzzle solver’s happy shout
26. Automaker Ransom Eli 28. One with a beat 30. Group whose 2007 greatest hits album was first released only in Victoria’s Secret stores 31. In a person’s immediate vicinity 32. Mr. Peanut prop 33. Eisner’s successor at Disney 34. CD predecessors 37. Relative of beige 38. ____-Lite (band with the 1990 hit “Groove Is in the Heart”) 39. Finales 40. Pizzeria owner in “Do the Right Thing” 45. Figs. well above 100 in Mensa 46. Variety 47. “Mon Oncle” star 48. 1991 role for Geena 50. When tripled, “and so on” 52. Ocean’s motions 53. Pool activity 54. Work on copy 55. Skateboarder Hawk 59. 1951 Cooperstown inductee Mel 60. Sch. with a campus in Providence 61. Make tracks 62. Mos. and mos.
JUNE 11, 2015 INLANDER 129
I SAW YOU THAT VOICE AT QUEST I see you frequently in the early morning hours on the floor doin' that thing you do (work) lol. My kid told you my little secret, yes its still on! Maybe we can talk sometime other than while you're workin. Email me at UNDER MY SKIN "I met you at the Volume music festival, you in a green dress, me black pants and a white tank top.Your eyes made me stutter, your smile is ridiculous, and your blushing drives me wild. Us hanging out was a little unorthodox but you definitely crawled under my skin. I didn't like having ""feelings"" but these damn butterflies wreck my stomach every time I see your name in my text messages. You are just what I'm looking for and I'll see you soon. NICE TO STCU You were driving the car in front of me on the afternoon of June 3rd at the STCU main branch drive up ATM. You had forgotten your receipt, so I made sure to pull up next to you and return it. Your wonderful smile caught me of guard, and introducing myself was tough since we both seem like the type of people who don't like to keep the cars behind us waiting. So please don't keep me waiting and respond in the "you saw me" with the color and type of car you were driving so I can hopefully STCU around! GIRL WITH A QUAIL TATTOO Our time together was serendipitous as we walked
on Cedar. I asked about the quail etched on your forearm and discovered our common affinity for the portly birds. I should've introduced myself or at least asked your name. I'd like to see you again.
CHEERS TO MY FUTURE HUSBAND Since the very beginning you and I both know we were made for each other. You of course were more stubborn when it came to committing yourself to me, only because you like doing you! The fight was intriguing to me and I couldn't resist. I fought for your love and craved your love knowing we would once be where we are now. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with someone who shares the same feelings. Forever Bobuh, I will be Mrs. Willams. REBEL SCOUT MASTER! Tim, you are the coolest Scout Master ever! Thank you so much for making sure our girlies have an adventure-filled, and rebellious, Wednesday. Whether it's launching rockets or playing poker, our young ladies are having a blast being members of Rebel Scouts. You are one kick-ass fella! Jasmine T.S.R. I hope that you are happy. I hope she gives you everything you need. I hope that you can make the life you always wanted. You deserve happiness, even if it is never with me. I will think of you every day and I will always love you. Always. Me. TO THAT SOMEDAY AGAIN LOVE Well I don't know about any of you, but I know that I am hoping to find my someday again love. I have been divorced for a short time now and have met a few guys that I wouldn't mind seeing more of. There is one in particular right now that I'm hoping ends up being more than just a good friendship. We've been talking for a while and seem to have some similar interests and Friday will be our first actual date, if you don't count the coffee meeting. I can't wait to see where things go with you and it helps that you already have a son of your own so you know the pleasure and pain of caring for a child. I hope that if you're reading this you know who you are and this should be the start of at least a good friendship. G.M. from C.T.
HELLO BATMAN Thinking about you today and every day. No matter what I love you now and forever. You need to put your cape on, jump into your batmobile and see your batgirl. I have a chainsaw if you need one. Loving you. Batgirl
really have some freaking manners! I am from the younger generation and still understand the concept of common courtesy. Can you look outside your little world and realize others live in it too! Your rude action makes me want to
think so either. Three attorneys have turned down my case. I've been told "Oh, I'm not doing personal injury cases anymore", (even though their ads claim they're Clarence Darrow and will fight for you). Many others have shared similar
Today you took my friend without remorse. That is something I cannot forgive.
PLAYWRIGHTS' FESTIVAL AUDIENCE MEMBER To the beautiful, curly-haired young woman who attended the Civic Theatre's Playwrights' Festival on June 4th with her shorter haired, blonde friend: You started off the post-show discussion on my play (the last play of the evening) with a beautiful, sincere compliment & I am so sorry I let slip away the chance to thank you before you left. So I will just have to say it here: Thank you so much, your kind praise really meant a lot to this playwright! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS Happy Birthday Miss sexy girl. I hope all is good for you. I know we can't be together but I think of you often and hope that you are happy and well.
JEERS MY FRIEND My dog was one of my best friends, she was the first face i saw getting home from school, she would lay on the couch waiting for a belly rub, she would always lay by me when i was sick, and she would always be by my side, rain or shine, when I was happy mad or sad. Well, not today. Today you struck her with your vehicle. Today you drove off to let her be found by bystanders. Today you took my friend without remorse. That is something I cannot forgive. AWAKEN TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS! Jeers to the couple at Lindamans on the South Hill Thursday June 4th at around 5:40 pm. I was in line with my son waiting to be helped. You stepped ahead looking into the food case insisting you were not cutting. Then when the next available employee asks who the next person is, you go ahead and order and ask what items are in the case. I mean
SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”
scream and awaken your mind to the world of respect!
experiences. Their calling? Make the easiest money possible. Shame on you!!
FLOWER PICKER Ok, I can understand the "hey, your flowers are beautiful. Would you mind if I pck a couple?" I live on N. Ellen Rd in the valley and TWICE now either flowers and plants I planted in my front yard go missing! It started a couple of weeks ago when my peonies started to bloom. It's a small plant and last year there was only one flower on it. This year there was 2. They just bloomed a couple of days before I noticed that some jackass decides to go onto my property and CUTS... not picks my peonies. And just 2 days ago someone went into my yard and dug out the sunflowers I had planted around my mailbox! They finally grew about a foot or do tall and there are now holes where they were! If you want plants so much, either ask me for some seeds I have left over or go buy your own! I am sick and tired of whoever thinks its funny to steal my stuff! Its my property! Stay off! If I catch you doing this again, without asking, there will be hell to pay! Stop takng my plants!
JEERS TO CYCLIST INGORANT OF LAW Jeers to the cyclist on Aubrey White Parkway who told me to "get to the other side" of the road when I was legally running on the left. I appreciate your zeal for safety, but you are ignorant of the actual rules. Where no sidewalks are provided, pedestrians must "walk or move only on the left side of the roadway." Google "RCW 46.61.250" to see the relevant Washington state law.
SAILOR YOU AREN'T MY BROTHER While shopping at Costco, you saw my Army, Armor cap, you were a squid & L.A. cop. You tried to teach me 'Swahili and Mexican'. I was appalled by your racism and more so that my wife is Latina. You are nothing but a bald swine.
DON'T FORGET CANCER This jeers is directed to the Inlander and the local media. Recently an event was held here in Spokane that is trying to make cancer a thing of the past. We have made the ask many times to the various media outlets — with very little response. There is no company large or small that can state that they have not in some way been affected by cancer. We relay for life!! We relay for everyone — so even though no one could be bothered to spread the word about this worthwhile event, our efforts will be available to you, your family, you co-workers when cancer makes it ugly appearance.
SPOKANE ATTORNEYS I have joined the growing legion of people screwed by local attorneys. I had an accident where I was rear ended at a stop sign. It tore apart a shoulder repair I had weeks earlier. Their insurance offers me a $1500 settlement. I was forced to quit my job because of the pain. Tough case? I don't
NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
It’s good to be seen.
#wtbevents 130 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
The Spokane Story exhibit included a pioneer-themed stage and a recreation of Spokane at the time of the Great Fire. TOP RIGHT: David Randolph, Riverfront Park’s facilities foreman. BOTTOM RIGHT: Today the space is occupied by preservationists like Wendy Hayes, who keep the Looff Carrousel spinning. YOUNG KWAK PHOTOS
The Lost Chapter As Riverfront Park readies for a major facelift, Spokane’s multimillion-dollar, Disney-like boondoggle re-emerges BY JAKE THOMAS
e’re going to need some flashlights,” says David Randolph, facilities foreman at Riverfront Park, as he prepares to give a tour of a long-forgotten part of the city’s most prominent park. Randolph’s radio crackles and the keys clipped to his pants jangle as he flicks on a flashlight to make the descent into the basement. The floor is littered with zip ties, plastic bags and fake spiders from the haunted house held last fall. The walls are exposed in areas, revealing gears and foam and spotted in places with fake blood from the haunted house. In the 12 rooms in this mothballed basement, in the east end of the U.S. Pavilion, are replicas of a mine, wooded areas of the Inland Northwest, a passenger train and other relics of Spokane’s history. It was all part of the Spokane Story, a multimillion-dollar exhibit built shortly after Expo ’74 that was intended to give visitors an immersive telling of the region’s history. “Every room had a story,” Randolph explains. At the time, the Spokane Story was so elaborate, with its animatronics and
132 INLANDER JUNE 11, 2015
set design, it could have rivaled many Disneyland rides. Logistically overambitious, it was shuttered and forgotten shortly after opening. For more than three decades, the Spokane Story has remained in pitch-black darkness, used to store spare parts for the park’s carrousel and serving as a haunted house in the fall. Now, with Riverfront Park about to undergo a $60 million renovation, this mothballed part of the city is set to resurface.
ichael Crystal remembers the heady days following Expo ’74. Spokane had just earned the distinction of being the smallest city ever to host a World’s Fair, and the city wanted to maintain that momentum as it converted the grounds to Riverfront Park. Crystal had worked as a financial officer for the fair, and he decided to stick around Spokane to create an exhibit that would tell the story of Spokane. He had a $3 million budget to build an experience that would include animatronic characters of pioneers and miners, elaborate historical reconstructions and fluctuating temperatures as visitors moved into a
recreated forest, he says. The first stop on the Spokane Story, in the basement of the pavilion, was a replica of the Oval Office, with an animatronic Thomas Jefferson sending out the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore the uncharted West. Visitors were then led through a dark tunnel with nature-like sound effects into a replica of a wooded area, where they were surprised by a growling, taxidermied bear. The rest of the exhibit included sections on Spokane’s early pioneer days, a miniaturized recreation of the Great Spokane Fire of 1889, a 19th-century passenger train and a mining shaft elevator that gave visitors the illusion of descending hundreds of feet. “It was before its time,” says Crystal. But problems with the Spokane Story emerged early on. One of the Los Angeles-based actors who provided the voice work for the animatronic robots mispronounced “Sacajawea,” an Indian woman who served as a guide and interpreter for Lewis and Clark, recalls Crystal, and a TV reporter repeatedly faulted the Spokane Story for not including the region’s displaced native populations. Although the park had the budget to build elaborate animatronics and projectors, it didn’t have the budget for their required maintenance, says Crystal. The entire experience, he says, became marred by distracting glitches. Hal McGlathery, Riverfront Park manager from 1982-96, says the Spokane Story was financially doomed. It could accommodate just 20 people at a time for the 90-minute experience, but visitors only paid about $2, making it impossible to cover the pay of the live actors portraying miners, pioneers and a saloon
bartender who had been incorporated into the exhibit. “They designed it artistically, but they didn’t design it logistically,” says McGlathery. In 1981, the Spokane Story closed, says McGlathery. The bar in the replica saloon was sold off. The antique tractor was returned to the family that owned it, and the taxidermied animals are gone. A parks employee knocked the head off of the Thomas Jefferson figure while horsing around. Both McGlathery and Crystal say no one ever asked them what happened to the Spokane Story. “What a shame,” says Crystal of the Spokane Story closing. “After we put in all that effort and spent all that money.”
uch of the exhibit, despite being forgotten for decades, remains intact. The artificial mine shaft remains in place, as does the the pioneerthemed stage where actors retold the city’s early days and the replica of the city burning during the Great Fire. But much of it is now covered in dust. Nobody’s quite sure what will happen to remnants of the forgotten exhibit, although the possibility of the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture taking ownership of the exhibits has been mentioned. Councilman Mike Allen, who acts as liaison to the Spokane Park Board, says that the city finished paying off the bonds for the Spokane Story in 2013. He adds that there are some lessons to be learned from that chapter as the city now moves ahead with park renovations: Do marketing research before making large investments, and be flexible with the design of the park. Because, Allen says, “Nothing lasts forever.” n
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