Inlander 07/30/2015

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Behind the making of Spokane’s med school

Rogue Nation hits the sweet spot

The pleasure (and privilege) of drinking in public

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2 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015



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The Inlander’s mentalhealth coverage last year won awards — and changed policy PAGES 18

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4 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015




t o H g n i l Sizz ! s l a i c e p August S

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Chris Bovey (x248) ART DIRECTOR Laura Johnson (x250) MUSIC EDITOR

DERRICK OLIVER I cannot tell a lie — I don’t think I knew that that was declared. Now that you know, do you think you’ll do something? Yeah, but I also feel like I do a pretty decent job as far as my like water consumption is concerned. I turn the water off when I brush my teeth, and my showers aren’t long. ... Now that I know, I’ll be more conscious of it.

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JENNIFER CALHOUN You know, actually we haven’t been watering as much. The lawn — it’s kinda brown and green, so… it works. But, yeah, we’re trying not to use as much water because I don’t want to pay as much, either, for my water bill.

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Caleb Walsh


Amy Alkon, Lisa J. Brown, Jordy Byrd, Chris Carlson, Paul Constant, E.J. Iannelli, Hilary Korabik, Scott Renshaw, Carrie Scozzaro CONTRIBUTORS

Katy Burge, Erin Robinson, Matthew Salzano INTERNS


SHANE WIBEL You know, we’ve been inside a lot. Probably haven’t been out using as much water as normal, probably because we’ve been staying cool inside using probably too much electricity, more than water.

Bruce Deming (x217), Carolyn Padgham-Walker (x214), Emily Walden (x260)


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ETHAN HVAL I haven’t changed my habits. But I do think about it. I’m not really aware of what I can do all the way over here. I try to avoid bottled water. I know Nestlé has been pretty adamant about still taking water from California during the drought, so I try to avoid their products. So that’s about all I know how to do, for now.

OPERATIONS Dee Ann Cook (x211) BUSINESS MANAGER Kristin Wagner (x210) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Justin Hynes (x226)





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We think “Yeah, we have this aquifer, and it’s infinite.” Well, it’s not infinite. It’s really important for people to not just think of it as water that they can take out and they can keep taking out. Because of that connection between the water and the fish, we need to keep it at a certain level.


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JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 5


Picking Idaho’s Brain

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Jeb Bush has already made an Idaho trip; so how’s the Gem State leaning? BY CHRIS CARLSON


Craig Mason





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6 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

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t says something about the declining interest in politics, as well as the media’s declining interest in substance, that the presumptive Republican nominee, Jeb Bush, could fly into Boise in late April, meet with 35 prominent Republican activists and contributors, depart again, and not one media outlet reported on the visit. The long-time alpha wolf of the Idaho press corps, the Idaho Statesman’s John Corlett, must have rolled over in his grave. Idahoans are also seeing why many lamented Corlett’s successor, Dan Popkey, deciding early this year to go to work as the press secretary to First District Congressman Raul Labrador. The April 20 visit was confirmed by Emily Baker, a Nampa native and product of the Bush 43 White House who returned home and today is the Boise managing partner of Gallatin Public Affairs. (Full disclosure: I am the founder of Gallatin but no longer have any ties to the firm.) Baker helped put the event together on a volunteer basis, but she is squarely in the camp of largely mainstream, moderate Republicans who support the Bush candidacy. She described the event as primarily a meetgreet-and-learn session, with the former Florida governor answering any and all questions. His command of the issues is impressive, and his candor is that of a veteran politician who can deliver information without engaging in the bombast that has made businessman Donald Trump attractive to some. Baker said the event did not seek media attention but it would, as she is now doing, have responded to questions about it. She said it was not a fundraiser, nor was it a pressure event, telling people to get on early or they’d miss the train leaving the station. The fact that Bush has already raised $103 million through his Right to Rise Political Action Committee and another $11.5 million by the campaign itself speaks volumes about the broad-based support the former governor enjoys.


t this early stage in the marathon, Idaho Republicans, according to a Dan Jones poll done in June for Zions Bank, are mirroring the nation. The poll was conducted before Trump made his gaffes questioning whether Arizona Senator John McCain was really a hero, his insulting reference to Holy Communion and his admission that he’d never asked God for forgiveness. Paradoxically, those gaffes sparked a temporary spike in his popularity. In June, according to Jones, 17 percent of likely Idaho Republican voters favored Bush, 11 percent liked Trump and 11 percent favored Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who had been in Idaho Falls just prior to Bush’s visit. Despite the low-key nature of the Bush visit, it generated some controversy behind the scenes, in part because some longtime Bush loyalists were not

invited. In addition, there was a charge made that some of Mitt Romney’s supporters “shanghaied” the event. However, a prominent Romney supporter, Melaleuca billionaire Frank VanderSloot, did not attend the Bush event, nor did his political and governmental vice president, Damond Watkins. The explanation for associates of Bush 41 being left off the invite list was that those folks already had close ties to the Bush family; their loyalty was proven, and no one should read anything else into it. In talking on background with two longtime veteran Republican consultants, both described the political ground as fluid in Idaho, as well as the nation. Both thought Trump was more than likely to self-destruct. Both also acknowledged that the media’s entertainment fixation was feeding Trump’s rise while serious candidates were gasping for airtime, due to Trump’s ability to suck all the oxygen out of a room. One cited what he termed today’s “low information voter” as the source of the decline in interest in substance. He believes those voters are no more than 20 percent of the Idaho Republican base.


hile neither consultant was surprised by Congressman Labrador’s early endorsement of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, they were surprised, given his father’s popularity here, that Paul was only drawing 6 percent support in Idaho. Neither were they surprised that Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter was keeping his powder dry, as are the other members of the delegation. Both expect Otter ultimately to endorse a current or former governor for the nomination. One said folks should keep an eye on Ohio Governor John Kasich. “No Republican wins the presidency without taking Ohio,” he pointed out. The other described Kasich as a “Republican version of former Idaho Governor Cecil Andrus.” Both believe that immigration will be a divisive issue for Idaho Republicans: “There is no one Idaho solution,” said one, which the next day was confirmed by a report in the Idaho Statesman regarding the differing views across the Idaho business community about immigration reform. So while it’s early, lines are forming and choices are being made. If the field is still muddled at convention time, neither Republican operative discounted the possibility that Mitt Romney might emerge again as the nominee. There are more than a few in Idaho who would be happy to see that. Still, the logic of a Jeb Bush/ John Kasich ticket also sounds compelling. n


The Future is Smaller

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he story of the millennials is still being written,” we concluded in our December cover story, “The Selfie Generation.” We documented how those born between the 1980s and the early 2000s were carving out a particular space in America — mostly by necessity. After the crash of 2008, millennials have had to recalculate — delaying their pursuit of the traditional American dream or rejecting it altogether. And of course this economic catastrophe also plunged hundreds of thousands into poverty. Sociologists generalize and tell us that millennials have been quick to adapt, as they tend to be less motivated by money (although they are strongly mortgage-averse), instead preferring meaningful life experiences. The signs are everywhere that the millennials’ impact is only growing. Just this week, Bloomberg News reported that even though home prices are up, home ownership in America is at its lowest level since 1967. Meanwhile, 2 million new rental units have been added over the past year, and vacancies are at their lowest since the ’80s. HGTV is getting into the act, too; instead of peddling the McMansions of yesteryear, they have shows like Tiny House Builders. We’re talking really, really tiny — like Ant-Man tiny. For the price of a new car, you can own your own 200-square-foot home; park it on a friend’s acreage and you’re living the simple life. And it’s catching, as members of other generations are opening their minds to not-so-big living. Here in Kendall Yards, millennials in one-bedroom studios are living side-by-side with Baby Boomers who have traded their suburban yards for compact townhouses. Yes, the story of the millennials is still being written. Spokane is on the verge of some major investments. There’s a new medical school, a growing health sciences campus and all the attendant development those will bring. A new central line from the Spokane Transit Authority will connect our close-in neighborhoods and beyond. Riverfront Park changes, along with new retailers and restaurants in downtown, will certainly draw more infill housing. How can these investments embrace this emerging ethic? Millennials are social, online and in person, so common space in parks large and small will be at a premium — as will events that bring people together. Mass transit projects will be crucial, as will infrastructure that embraces bike culture, like Centennial Trail extensions and the Gateway Bridge connecting the University District to the area around Sprague and Sherman. All these projects need to be filtered through the lens of how people, young and old, are going to be living in the coming decades. Society is changing. We need to keep up. 

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JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 7



Sacrifice and Success The realization of Spokane’s own medical school BY LISA J. BROWN


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hile the Ironman was on the minds of many local sports enthusiasts this summer, Washington State University and Spokane were winning a triathlon of a different kind. The first two legs were permission and funds from the state legislature for WSU to pursue accreditation for a second publicly funded medical school, as is common in most states. The third leg was funding for the University District Gateway Bridge connecting the campus to East Sprague and the lower South Hill.

With regard to the medical school, our focus now is on hiring the inaugural dean. A search committee of medical, community and business leaders has been formed and we plan to announce a selection this fall. We are also signing affiliation agreements with health care providers who will teach third- and fourth-year medical students here in Spokane and in Vancouver, Everett and the Tri-Cities, where WSU’s other urban campuses are located. These partnerships will not only allow our medical students the long-term clinical rotations unique to the kind of community-based medical education that WSU Spokane will be providing, they will also serve

as a strong reminder that our goal is to recruit medical students from underserved communities so that they will return there to practice. The partnerships are also important to the success of our application to the national Liaison Committee on Medical Education. We will submit the application this winter with the goal of gaining preliminary accreditation and welcoming our charter class of WSU medical students to Spokane in August of 2017. With so much work to do, it’s easy to take for granted the sacrifices that have gone into getting a medical school in Spokane. People like the late President Elson S. Floyd and the late community leader Tom Fritz spent many hours explaining the need for a medical school and the value that having one here would bring to Spokane. Their passion was so strong that their families have chosen the new medical school as the recipient of their memorial funds. As we honor these leaders and celebrate the accomplishments of the past year, we are also thanking and acknowledging the many people who have worked so hard and for so long to realize the vision of Spokane finally pursuing its own medical school. And we are doing it at a time when we will continue to host the University of Washington WWAMI medical education program on our campus. As both the WSU and UW medical education programs advance, Washington state has the potential to no longer be at the bottom of the country in terms of medical students per capita. In fact, once the fall term begins, more than 3,500 WSU, Eastern Washington University and UW students will spend their days and/or evenings on our campus. It is these students who have much to gain from the bike/pedestrian bridge funding referenced earlier. Though not yet final, it was included in the state transportation package. Designed by WSU students more than a decade ago, the bridge will be positioned diagonally across Martin Luther King Jr. Way and the BNSF railroad. It will improve access to campus and to the medical district, where many of our students do clinical work and our faculty leads students in that work; make walking and biking to/from housing there easier; and, importantly, revitalize the underdeveloped East Sprague area. While these legislative accomplishments are very much worth savoring, and we are very grateful to the legislators who worked so hard to support them, we know that much work lies ahead, and the race continues. n Lisa J. Brown, who served more than 20 years in the Washington State Legislature, is the chancellor of WSU Spokane.

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10 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015


LONG LIVE THE WEST am taking time from my always hectic schedule to voice my apprecia-


tion for the “Paradox of the West” (7/16/15) column by John T. Reuter. As mayor of the small town of Rosalia, 35 miles south of Spokane, boasting 600+ citizens, I understand more than most just how vitally important it is for our very individual citizens to come together as a community in order to accomplish goals that benefit the town as a whole. Of the 281 cities in the state of Washington, more than a third have populations under 1,500. These cities and towns are faced with all the same mandates, regulations, judicial concerns and revenue requirements that every other city deals with, the difference being that the larger two-thirds have much larger budgets, revenue streams and more employees. Small towns have mayors and councils who are for the most part, if not entirely, volunteers, and few employees. In Rosalia, we have a full-time city administrator (clerk/treasurer) and a full-time public works director and part-time maintenance worker. That’s two-and-a-half employees. We work with a very tight budget and make the most of grants and loans made available for major infrastructure projects. Like so many small towns, Rosalia was bypassed years ago in order to create more efficient highway systems. Coming together as a community is the only way our small towns will survive. I believe these small towns — that were once thriving centers for rural business and commerce — are the backbone of this great country. It would be a shame if those of us still living in them were to simply sit back and continue to allow time and change, supposedly for the better, to whittle away at this wonderful history. I believe we have it in our power as gatheredtogether, rugged individuals to recreate those vital communities into slightly different economic centers. As a community, we are meeting, setting our goals, and volunteering to do the jobs that will accomplish them, understanding that many hands are needed to do the work. Paradox of the West — indeed! Thank you for understanding and sharing what it’s all about! NANETTE KONISHI Mayor, Town of Rosalia, Wash.

Reactions to a blog (7/23/15) on Idaho’s lax motorcyclist helmet laws. Meanwhile, Washington is one of only 19 states to require by law that riders wear helmets.

BLAIN GOODING: The thing about helmets is, it’s saving your life when someone else is being stupid. Sure, protecting yourself is a choice, but when someone hits you being stupid and you fly off and die, that would be your choice, too, yeah? STEVE DUNN: I don’t care if people don’t wear helmets as long as they’re insured and I don’t have to pay their medical bills through higher taxes. GABE HINKLE: Helmets have saved my life twice. You are a fool flirting with death if you don’t wear them. DENISE JANSSEN: I know it’s a personal decision, but people, please think about it. Hair blowing in the wind or possibly a coffin and emotionally distraught family? MIKE RONNING: Riding without a helmet is a selfish, stupid act. If you get killed, you don’t care or know, right? What about those you left behind, or worse yet — if you are maimed for life and your life is dependent on others’ physical, mental, and not to mention financial support and burden you caused. Indeed, a selfish, irresponsible act. 

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 11

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12 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

Rachel Meyers in a family photo. She died during an overdose in March.


Hopeless for Heroin As heroin deaths continue to rise in Washington state, what can a parent do to save a child from the depths of addiction? BY MITCH RYALS


cott Meyers didn’t know what else to do. He tried to get his daughter, Rachel, into drug counseling. She bolted after two weeks. He tried to have her involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward, but she left the hospital against medical advice. He tried to have her arrested — anything to get her away from the drugs — but that didn’t work either. As a teenager, Rachel had overdosed on heroin and opioid pain pills nearly a dozen times in his north Spokane home. According to medical records, she agreed to be transported to a hospital in only three of those

instances, despite her father’s pleas for the paramedics to take her. “I told them, ‘She’s trying to kill herself. Look, here’s the heroin, here are the needles filled with heroin,’” he says. “But they wouldn’t take her unless she agreed.” Rachel Meyers overdosed for the last time in March. She was just 18. Heroin has been the No. 1 drug threat in Washington state for years, followed closely by meth, according to Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Jodie Underwood. In 2010, when oxycodone, a prescription

painkiller and chemical cousin to heroin, was reformulated to make it harder to snort, DEA heroin seizures shot up to 107 pounds from 32.4 pounds in 2009. Heroin-related fatal overdoses have risen in the state as well — from 164 in 1995 to 227 in 2013, according to the Washington State Department of Health. (By comparison, in Idaho, there were only 11 heroin-related deaths statewide from 2009-13, according to officials.) In Rachel’s case, her father says he scrambled to get her help, only to be turned away everywhere he looked. He’s left wondering what he did wrong. What could he have done different? How can a parent save a child from the grip of drug addiction?


n Washington, there is no involuntary commitment law for people with drug addictions, and in order to have been treated against her will, a mental health specialist would have needed to show a judge that Rachel was a danger to herself or others. Scott Meyers thought the multiple calls to his home for overdoses, loaded syringes and track marks were enough. They weren’t. Earlier this year, the state legislature considered a bill that would have allowed addicts to be involuntarily ...continued on next page

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 13




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Scott Meyers reads the letter his daughter wrote him after her first night in rehab.



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14 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015


committed for treatment, similar to a civil commitment for those with mental illness. It ultimately failed in the Senate because of budgetary constraints. “A big issue in Washington state is we don’t have a secure detox facility for people who are a threat to themselves or others because of chemical dependency,” says state Rep. Laurie Jinkins, a sponsor of the bill. “This bill would have started us on the path of building those facilities.” When the paramedics wouldn’t take Rachel Meyers, her father tried to have her arrested, he says. Again he showed sheriff’s deputies loaded syringes, but they wouldn’t take her either. Washington state law prohibits law enforcement from charging people with drug possession if officers are called to an overdose. Finally, two months before she turned 18, Rachel agreed to treatment at an abstinence-based facility near Yakima. She was supposed to stay for a month, but only lasted two weeks before leaving, which she was allowed to do. “Even in the worst-case scenarios, they can’t force kids to do anything,” says Krista Elliott, a juvenile defense attorney with Counsel for Defense. “The only way to have lockdown treatment is through the Department of Corrections juvenile prison, but even then, judges can only send kids there in extreme circumstances. They don’t want to lock kids up just for treatment.” Even if Rachel had been sent to a state juvenile prison for treatment, she could have just stayed in her cell and waited. No one could have forced her to attend meetings, Elliott says. When she got home from Yakima, Rachel returned to drugs, her father says. “I couldn’t sleep at night,” says Scott Meyers. “I was getting up every 10 minutes to make sure she had an airway.” Finally in November 2014, he decided he was going to lie. One night at dinner, Rachel was so high, she fell face-first into her plate of food. She was barely conscious when paramedics took her to the hospital. “I decided I was going to tell them I think she tried to commit suicide,” he says. “I thought she needed to be in the psychiatric unit where she’s locked down and couldn’t take drugs, so I lied.” When he called the hospital the next day, nurses told him that Rachel had left, against medical advice and without a psychiatric evalu-

ation. Frustrated, Scott Meyers thought he was out of options, so again he turned to the police to try to have her arrested for stealing from the family or possession of heroin. “I realize having a felony on her record was going to ruin her life,” he says. “But I thought if I didn’t get her help, she might not live.” He constantly called to check up on the crime-check reports, but didn’t receive a callback until April 1, a day after Rachel fatally overdosed. The reason, says Spokane County Sheriff’s Capt. John Nowels, is that law enforcement doesn’t have enough people to investigate most property crimes. As for the felony possession of a drug, Nowels says that with her criminal record, Rachel would have been released within days, maybe hours, after she was booked. “Even if we would have gotten to it, it wouldn’t have saved her,” he says. “Arresting her was not the solution to her addiction.”


hen Thomas Jones started dating Rachel, the preppy blonde girl with bright green eyes from Mt. Spokane High School, she picked him up in a car that she stole from her grandma. On the way to a friend’s house, she rapped the entirety of Ice Cube’s “Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It.” “I thought it was cute,” Jones says. Rachel started smoking pot in eighth grade with friends, her family says. At first it was just for fun. After school, Rachel and her older sister would smoke on the back porch and giggle at episodes of Family Guy. Their mom worked nights and their dad often was away for work. A year later she progressed to swiping her grandparents’ Oxycontin, and by the time Rachel and Jones got together in August 2014, she’d already moved on to to needles and heroin, Jones says. The relationship struck a perfect balance: Jones says he sold drugs, and Rachel liked to do them. They helped her mask the pain of dealing with her parents’ divorce, but they were also fun. “Every time I confronted her about it, her answer was always ‘I have more time. Let me make my own mistakes,’” says Rachel’s sister, Selene. “She honestly thought she could turn herself around.” A look into Rachel’s room reveals the tug-ofwar in her mind between recovery and addiction.

A binder tucked into her closet contains a stack of résumés listing her accomplishments and extracurriculars: choir, band, soccer, track, volleyball, softball and basketball. She also volunteered at the Spokane Humane Society. Behind the résumés are organized court documents revealing past transgressions and future Rachel Meyers did well in school before court dates, an attempt to get falling into drugs. her life back together. Next to the closet, in a two-drawer night table, is a zippered bag that still contains syringes, a metal spoon and cotton balls. “Love” is written on one side; “Stay Hi” is written in turquoise duct tape on the other. A half-full Coors Light can sits next to an iPhone box and a digital camera on a closet shelf — both were stolen, her dad says. “Rachel stole a lot of things,” Scott Meyers says. “She shoplifted, she stole family heirlooms and hawked them. Checks, pills, her sister’s iPhone, clothes, Xboxes, anything to buy drugs.”


n March of this year, things were looking up. Scott Meyers came home on Friday, March 27, and planned to ask Rachel about her counseling session. She had been admitted to outpatient treatment, and the Friday session was her second. She had another appointment the following Monday. Instead, they got into an argument. Jones, Rachel’s boyfriend, had recently gotten out of jail and was over at the house. Scott Meyers told him to leave, and Rachel said she was going with him. If she did, her dad told her, she was no longer allowed back home. “I didn’t know if kicking her out would push her over the edge or help her,” he says. “But I didn’t know what else to do. I just couldn’t do it anymore.” At 4:30 the next morning, he got a call from a paramedic. Rachel was found dead of an overdose on the bathroom floor of her grandmother’s apartment. When Scott Meyers arrived, paramedics had covered her with a sheet, but he remembers her eyes. “I knelt down to give her a kiss, and peeled back the sheet,” he says. “You see life in people’s eyes, but to see them dim, nothing there, that destroyed me.” Scott Meyers doesn’t sleep anymore. Dark bags droop down from his eyes after he rubs tears from them. From the couch in his living room, he looks at the carpet and runs his hands through his salt-and-pepper hair because he can’t look straight ahead. Staring back at him from the hearth of a stone fireplace is the dimpled grin of his middle daughter, Rachel. Surrounding the large school picture in a collage are several smaller photos of her as a baby, in a soccer uniform, swimming at the lake and laughing at a butterfly that had landed on her cheek. “She had a good heart,” he says, choking back tears. “She just got on the wrong path, and there was nobody that I could find to help her. I tried the courts, I tried the police, I tried treatment, I tried everything that I possibly knew what to do, but I blame myself. “I’m her father. I should have protected her.” n

SUBSTANCE ABUSE RESOURCES EXCELSIOR YOUTH CENTER offers inpatient and outpatient mental health

and substance abuse services for youths ages 10 to 21. Call: (509) 328-7041 DAYBREAK YOUTH SERVICES offers inpatient and outpatient chemical dependency treatment programs for youths ages 12 to 17. Call: (509) 444-7033 NEW VISION PROVIDENCE HEALTH AND SERVICES offers a three-day detox. Call: (509) 252-6488 SPOKANE ADDICTION RECOVERY CENTERS offers adult inpatient and outpatient substance abuse services. Call (509) 624-3251 for inpatient, (509) 624-5228 for outpatient.

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 15




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16 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

Carefully choreographed fireworks explode over Riverfront Park as the 60-member Royal Band performs from the park’s floating stage during the 36th annual Royal Fireworks Concert on Sunday night. Last year the concert had to be canceled due to lack of funds, but the Spokane Historic Concerts Association managed to raise money to resurrect the outdoor concert via a GoFundMe campaign.


LIVING DANGEROUSLY | Cross the border into Idaho and it won’t be long before you see a motorcycle rider without a helmet. These fearless individuals aren’t lawbreakers: Idaho is one of many states that doesn’t require adult riders to wear helmets. In 1976, 47 U.S. states REQUIRED HELMETS. Now only 19 do. Washington is in the helmet-mandated minority, and study after study shows that Washingtonians are safer for it. “We don’t recommend riding without [a helmet], but we think as an adult you’re allowed to make a lot of choices and that adults should be allowed to choose,” says Nicholas Haris of the American Motorcyclist Association. (LAEL HENTERLY)

DRIVING MR. JACKSON | When SAMUEL L. JACKSON travels to a new town to film his movies, he asks someone to drive him around. He likes to get to know all the hot spots and the best place for some “serious soul food.” While he was in Spokane filming Home of the Brave, that person was Spokane Police Officer Gordon Grant. For a month, Grant chauffeured Jackson about, introducing him to Spokane’s soul food joint (Chkn-N-Mo) and a few area golf courses. He did such a good job, Cuba Gooding Jr. asked Grant for the same courtesy. (MITCH RYALS)


says. When voters voted for Inslee, Billig says, they knew what they were getting. “Protecting his state and the planet for generations to come was very clearly one of his priorities,” Billig says. (DANIEL WALTERS)

Call Mr. Yuk


Gov. Inslee avoids the “poison pill”; plus, pushing back against empty Kickstarter promises POISONED POLITICS

After their record-long, triple-overtime legislative session, Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee managed to unite Republicans and Democrats once again last week — over their opposition to an idea floated from Inslee himself. During the legislative session, as Republicans and Democrats were in negotiations over gas prices and transportation funding, discussions were complicated by the idea that Inslee, by executive action, might implement low-carbon fuel standards. Republicans were opposed to such standards, warning they could send gas prices in Washington skyrocketing. So Senate Republicans put a “POISON PILL”” — Sen. Michael Baumgartner prefers the phrase “sensible handcuffs” — in the transportation package: If the governor unilaterally implements a tougher carbon fuel standard, $2 billion in funding for bike, transit and pedestrian projects in the transportation package would revert to funding for roads. Spokane, for example, would still get its freeway

funding, but would lose its state funding for the Central City Line and the U District pedestrian bridge. The Republican maneuvering was seen as a defeat for Inslee’s environmental agenda. “Inslee the ‘greenest’ governor? Not so much,” read a recent Seattle Times headline. But last week, Inslee was weighing swallowing the poison pill anyway. Objections came from Republicans like Baumgartner, and from Democrats like Andy Billig and organizations like Washington Bikes. “No one supports it,” Baumgartner says. “It would be idiotic for him to do it politically.” On Tuesday, however, Inslee announced he’d found a third way: Over the course of a year, develop a regulatory cap on carbon emissions. Since it isn’t a low-carbon fuel standard, the poison pill wouldn’t apply, Inslee said. Democrats celebrated. “I’m pleased that the bike and pedestrian and transit infrastructure will move forward so we can build a responsible transportation system,” Billig

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced on Monday his office’s first successful enforcement action against a CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN that didn’t deliver. The $55,000 King County Superior Court judgment against Tennessee resident Edward Polchlopek III — who in 2012 started the Asylum Playing Cards Kickstarter campaign with the goal of producing a deck of cards featuring horror-themed illustrations by a Serbian artist — is in excess of the $25,146 the campaign actually raised from its 810 backers. In April 2014, Ferguson filed suit against Polchlopek and his company Altius Management on behalf of the 31 Washingtonians who invested in the campaign. The campaign reached its initial goal of $15,000 in October 2012. Polchlopek then solicited additional contributions from backers by promising more Asylum-themed “rewards”: poker chips, a ceramic “dealer button” and a costume straitjacket. The Attorney General’s Office says that none of the backers received the promised items. Polchlopek could not be reached for comment, but the comments on the Asylum Playing Cards Kickstarter campaign indicate he has begun to ship some backers their spoils: numerous commenters report receiving their decks within the last week. “What a long, strange trip it’s been,” wrote backer Allan Rousselle after receiving his decks last week. In June, the Federal Trade Commission completed the first enforcement action against a crowdfunding campaign. (LAEL HENTERLY)





JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 17








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Impact and Applause The Inlander’s mental-health coverage last year won awards — and changed policy


ast year, in our State of Mind series, the Inlander dove deep into our region’s struggles with treating mental illness. We wrote about prisoners being denied access to their prescription drugs. We revealed how rural Idaho families had to drive hours, and wait months, to find psychiatric care for their children. We reported on the role that mental illness — and serious systemic flaws — played in one woman’s suicide and another woman’s murder. All that reporting had an impact. One story sparked a class-action lawsuit and a contempt finding. Another helped free a patient found to be neither dangerous nor mentally ill. The story of murder victim Sheena Henderson inspired the Washington State Legislature to pass “Sheena’s

18 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

Law,” requiring officials to notify family members if a firearm is going to be returned to a potentially dangerous person. In the legislature’s final budget agreement this summer, about $100 million was restored to mental health programs, particularly aiding underfunded regional support networks. Less important, but still gratifying, have been the awards the Inlander won. Our State of Mind coverage made us a finalist for the Scripps Howard Foundation’s award for community journalism. (The paper that took home the $10,000 award also ended up winning a Pulitzer Prize.) Competing against other non-daily publications across the nation, our mental health coverage won a first-place Sigma Delta Chi Award for

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The Inlander’s “State of Mind” series, Art Director Chris Bovey’s “So You’re Thinking About Getting High?” layout design and Young Kwak’s photographs all won first place awards from the Association of Alternative Newsmedia earlier this month. Public Service Journalism from the Society of Professional Journalists. Jacob Jones’ reporting on the messy intersection of mental illness and the criminal justice system, meanwhile, also won him the 2014 Washington Mental Health Reporting Award. And earlier this month, facing off against the nation’s largest weekly newspapers, the Inlander’s State of Mind series took home the Association of Alternative Newsmedia’s first place award for Public Service journalism. Other AAN awards included:  THIRD PLACE, Music Writing, Laura Johnson. Johnson’s music stories examined local hip-hop band Flying Spiders in the aftermath of frontman Isamu Jordan’s suicide; a legendary 73-year-old jazz musician; and a middle-aged Sir Mix-A-Lot.  SECOND PLACE, Illustration, Jeff Drew. Given stories about research from local universities, Drew turned out vivid images of a principal saving a drowning student; three generations of women weaving DNA strands together; and a giant cow pooping out plastic bricks.  FIRST PLACE, Layout, Chris Bovey. Bovey’s “So You’re thinking About Getting High?” layout design introduced Washington residents to the new world of legal marijuana by splitting up the section into easy-to-browse charts, small stories and FAQs, complete with crisp logos.  FIRST PLACE, Photos, Young Kwak. A sword swinging at a Renaissance fair. Dirt bikes soaring off a jump. A cowboy falling off a bull. Kwak’s photos froze the action, often in midair, while propelling the stories’ momentum. 

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Cover Story


No, it’s not as bad as in California, but drought is taking a hefty toll on the Inland Northwest BY JAKE THOMAS


he Inland Northwest is high and dry. A warm winter that reduced snowpack to historically low levels has resulted in virtually all of Washington and half of Idaho being classified as experiencing severe drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. On top of that, a triple-digit heat wave early in the summer has made things worse for aquatic life and agriculture while also fueling numerous wildfires. Fish are going belly up and washing ashore. Farmers are being told to stop irrigating. Fruit is being ruined by the sun. Livestock is stressed. Eighty-four percent of rivers in Washington are running below normal. The state is bracing for a potential $1.2 billion crop loss. All of North Idaho is in severe drought, and some counties are seeking relief for their strained agricultural communities while trying to keep more wildfires from igniting in the tinderbox-like conditions. Things could get worse. This month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted a greater than 90 percent chance that an El Niño weather pattern will continue into next year, which could mean warmer weather in the Northwest, another low snowpack and another year of drought. If these conditions persist, the region could face a drought not unlike the one ravaging California.


The Spokane River flows from Lake Coeur d’Alene into the valley, where some of it seeps into the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Aquifer. Farther downstream, water seeps back out through springs on the banks of the river. Now, less of that water is flowing back into the river, in part because more than half a million people rely on it for water. Spokane delivers 180 million gallons of aquifer water to customers every day. Coeur d’Alene, in the peak of summer, will pull up to 35 million gallons daily. “We are a water-scarce community, but we pretend we’re not,” says John Osborn, conservation chair of the Sierra Club’s Upper Columbia River Group. Osborn says that levels in the Spokane River have dropped consistently ever since the U.S. Geological Survey began keeping records more than a century ago. He says the city of Spokane pays lip service to conservation, but relies too much on revenue from water sales to take the aggressive steps that, he says, are needed to preserve the aquifer and keep its waters flowing into the river. For its part, the city of Spokane did issue voluntary guidelines to reduce usage, including suggesting people refrain from watering their lawns between noon and 6 pm; watering every other day rather than daily; and turning off sprinklers during windy days.


Water levels in the Spokane River are at historic lows, and it’s threatening fish. On July 24, 676 cubic feet of water flowed through the river per second, according to the last reading of the day from the U.S. Geological Survey, far less than the 2,490 cubic feet of water that typically has flowed through it on that date for the past 124 years (as long as records have been kept). It’s been like this all summer. Water has become more scarce, and what is available is being evaporated by the scorching sun, resulting in lethal

temperatures for fish, which generate $4.5 billion annually in economic recreational activity in Washington. In mid-July, workers with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife observed more than 80 sturgeon — many longer than 5 feet, including some breeding females — dead or dying on the banks of the Columbia River. Temperatures in the waters above the Bonneville Dam had risen to 73 degrees, far higher than the 64 degrees the fish were accustomed to. In response, the department placed a moratorium on fishing sturgeon in the Columbia and Snake rivers, among other waterways. The department also imposed “hoot owl” restrictions, meaning that fishing is banned between midnight and 2 pm on eight waterways, including the Spokane River. “We’ve never had conditions like this before, and we are still early in the summer,” says Randy Osborne, a Fish and Wildlife fisheries biologist. Osborne says that since about mid-June, when the region experienced a heat wave, the department started receiving reports of dead fish, primarily suckers and yellow perch, in the Spokane River’s Long Lake. He says the amount of dead fish is in the hundreds, although he stresses that it’s a relatively small percentage. Spokane Riverkeeper Jerry White says that he found several dead brown trout when the river was 80 degrees, and he’s worried that the unusually warm and low river will result in more dead fish. White is more concerned about the redband trout and other species in the Spokane River. If hot temperatures result in mass die-offs, he says, it could wipe out generations of fish. Idaho Fish and Game has taken a different approach. The department expects fish to be distressed by increased water temperatures and has seen some die off, including sturgeon, but not in large numbers. The department figures that fish will cope by diving to cooler waters, and hasn’t enacted any fishing restrictions despite the warmer waters. ...continued on next page

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 21

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Cover Story ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: “SEVEN WAYS DROUGHT IS IMPACTING THE INLAND NORTHWEST,” CONTINUED... RAFTING

S.C.O.P.E. and C.O.P.S. Who We Are We are often asked to explain the difference between S.C.O.P.E. (Sheriff Community Oriented Policing Effort) and C.O.P.S. (Community Oriented Policing Services). We hope this article will help clarify some of the confusion. S.C.O.P.E. and C.O.P.S. provide many of the same programs and services in support of public safety. The main difference is who they serve and which law enforcement agency they are affiliated with. C.O.P.S. serves the citizens in the City of Spokane and works with the Spokane Police Department. They have 11 C.O.P.S. shops throughout the City of Spokane. S.C.O.P.E. serves all other areas of Spokane County and primarily contracts with the Spokane County Sheriff ’s Office and the Spokane Valley Police Department; however, they collaborate with all other law enforcement agencies in the county: Liberty Lake Police Department, Cheney Police Department, Airway Heights Police Department, Fairchild Air Force Base Security Forces and others. S.C.O.P.E. has 19 stations throughout the County. In addition, the Spokane County Sheriff ’s Office and the Spokane Valley Police Department have collaborated with S.C.O.P.E. to create a Crime Prevention Resource Office at the Spokane Valley Mall. It is located inside the mall’s west entrance, upstairs next to Sears. It is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. For information, call 509-893-3934.

For a list of the S.C.O.P.E. sub-stations, visit: or call the S.C.O.P.E. main office at 509- 477-3376. For a list of the C.O.P.S. shops, visit: or call the C.O.P.S. main office at 509-625-3300.

County S.C.O.P.E. Neighborhood Watch: 477-3055 City of Spokane C.O.P.S. Block Watch: 625-3301 This public service announcement brought to you by S.C.O.P.E., C.O.P.S., and The Inlander

22 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

Josh Flanagan, owner of Spokane-based rafting company Wiley E. Waters, had to cut his whitewater rafting season short by a month because of the low water in the Spokane River. He takes people on a 7-mile whitewater rafting trip on the river; last year, he took clients on about 75 trips through July. This year, he was only able to take about 30 through June because the river’s water was too low. “It’s definitely something we were not excited about,” Flanagan says. “But we get what we get and we go from there.” Next year, he’ll again be closely monitoring river flows during the spring. If it looks like a repeat, he’ll start his season a month early, in April.


Fire has scorched 74,000 acres of Washington since June, and it’s reaching into unexpected parts of the state, such as the Olympic National Forest, says Mary Verner, a deputy supervisor in the state Department of Natural Resources. In July, a fire in Grant County grew to 900 acres and caused I-90 to close. Just a week later, another fire 10 miles east of Walla Walla grew to 750 acres, threatening homes and crops. “We will have an expensive fire season this year,” says Verner. All of North Idaho is experiencing a severe drought, and restrictions have been placed on building or maintaining fires, smoking and operating motorized vehicles off of designated roads and trails. The Cape Horn fire, which broke out in early July, ravaged lands near the town of Bayview, destroying six homes, threatening hundreds of others and causing more than 300 people to be evacuated. Gov. Butch Otter declared it a disaster area.


Because 80 percent of Washington state’s wheat crop gets its water from rainfall, the lack of snowpack hasn’t been the primary issue, according to Scott Yates, communications director for the Washington Grain Commission. Indeed, some growers have seen rain and could have a decent year, he says. But all have been affected by the record-breaking heat wave that swept Eastern Washington in June. Eric Maier, who has farmed wheat for 30 years near Ritzville, has one word for this year’s crop: terrible. The frost in the spring, coupled with the triple-digit heat in June and the lack of rain, has yielded a shriveled crop with reduced kernels in the wheat heads. Maier just sold a crop of soft white winter wheat that will be turned into cookies, and he worries that his buyer will have to modify it to make it usable. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it quite so bad since I’ve been farming,” he says. In Idaho, Karel Wemhoff, U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Services Agency executive director for Lewis and Clearwater counties, says that wheat farmers in her area also are struggling. Normally, a bushel weighs upwards of 60 pounds, she says, but this year, bushels have weighed 50 pounds or less. Clearwater County, along with Kootenai, Latah, Benewah and Bonner counties, have been declared natural disasters. Wemhoff says that Lewis County could be added to the list.


The drought also is making air quality worse. Last summer, an intense dust storm — known as a haboob — blew into Eastern Washington and North Idaho, closing roads and downing power lines. The drought makes these storms more likely, says Camille St. Onge, Washington Department of Ecology spokeswoman. So far, she says, there’s only been a small storm in Kennewick that didn’t exceed air-quality standards. But larger storms can exceed air-quality standards and lodge particulate matter into the lungs of people nearby, says St. Onge. Smoke from fires, says St. Onge, has blown into urban areas, including Spokane, which has adversely affected air quality. “It becomes a carrier for [toxic materials] and cancercausing agents, and people get affected significantly by wood smoke,” she says.

Food and Drink Specials • Times • Locations Find these and 204 more happy hours BONSAI BISTRO Every Day | 4 - 6 pm $4 Martini of the Day $3 Kirin Pints $3 Wine of the Day $3 Sake

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After 35 years of growing apples along with wine grapes and other crops, Dick Boushey, owner of Boushey Vineyards, decided to tear them out. The decision, he says, makes him look really smart. Apples require more water than other crops, and if the trees had been in place, Boushey says, he likely would have let them wither in the heat as he watered his more lucrative wine grapes. Vicky Scharlau, executive director of the Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers, says that wine grapes use less water than other crops, which puts the industry in a better long-term position. However, she stresses that she doesn’t expect growers to suddenly abandon their other crops in favor of wine grapes. She also says that the industry is still challenged by the drought, and some growers could still see their water cut off. Because of the drought, Boushey only has about 44 percent of the water he normally does for his Yakima Valley vineyard, causing him to be more economical with its use. He says that winemakers will be ecstatic about the quality of the grapes, which likely will contain more sugar because of the heat and yield more alcohol, but will be disappointed with the output. While he says that Washington has done a better job than California in preparing for the drought and expects wine grape growers in the state to hold steady, he’s still concerned about the future. “The drought doesn’t help anybody,” he says. “And if it continues, it will be a disaster. But we won’t know until next winter.” n

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24 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015


Home Away From Home Spokolonia gives Spokane’s Polish community a chance to unite BY HILARY KORABIK

Robert Sloma transplanted a little bit of Poland in Spokane. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

hen Robert Sloma moved into his new home, he hung two flags outside his house — American and Polish — as one of his first orders of business. Through this simple act, he unwittingly laid the foundation from which the community he’d been searching for would emerge. Sloma had always been used to hearing Polish spoken in public places, even in areas without a significant Polish population. But after he and his family relocated to Spokane in 2004, Sloma met only one other person who spoke Polish in his first two years here. Sloma grew up in a Syracuse, New York, neighborhood that was vibrant with Polish culture. The Polish Roman Catholic Church, which also operated a parochial school, and the Polish community home were the central neighborhood hubs. Sloma grew up reciting “The Polish Child’s Creed,” a nationalistic poem that his parents had taught him. “Who are you? A little Pole. What’s your sign? The white eagle. Where do you live? Among my own people,” the poem began. Ingrained in him as it was, the connection to his Polish heritage is a cornerstone in his life, and he wanted to make sure that his son was also raised with immersion in the Polish community. However, it wasn’t until the day he hung the Polish flag outside his house that Sloma began to find such a community in Spokane. “Later that day, someone came by in a broken accent and asked what kind of flag that was, and obviously he knew what it was because he was Polish,” says Sloma. The man, Andy Kolodrub, had come to Spokane after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Through him, Sloma met other Spokanites with Polish ancestry and created an Excel document with the contact information of the Poles he met. In 2006, Sloma’s wife, Kathy Callum, created a Facebook page called Spokolonia, a portmanteau of Spokane and Polonia, the word used for the Polish diaspora — Poles living outside the country’s borders. Statistics from a 2000 survey conducted by Steven Neufield, Ph.D, through the department of sociology at Eastern Washington University ...continued on next page

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 25


Spokolonia has also introduced to the community traditional Polish foods like dill pickles, plum butter and other items.



26 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

indicate that at that time, a mere 1.7 percent of the Spokane County population identified as having Polish ancestry. The archives of the Spokane Daily Chronicle cite Poles relocating to Spokane as early as the beginning of the 1900s; a number of Polish refugees arrived in Spokane in the mid’80s; and according to Sloma, Kolodrub was part of another wave of Poles who settled in Spokane after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Still, a strong Polish community was never established. Sloma and the community he’s built through Spokolonia are attempting to change this. Kasia Haroldsen, who grew up in Sopot, Poland, now lives in Spokane Valley and is one of the administrators of the Spokolonia Facebook page. She met Sloma when she was performing Polish songs at the Spokane Folk Festival several years ago. “There is a point in your life when you wish you would know stories of your grandma or grandpa… We are all so different, everybody, right? You know, they’re not from my mom and my dad,” she says. “We all grow and things fade away, and they’re not kept alive. If you don’t keep [them] alive, it’s dead, it’s gone.” Through the six or seven families at the core

of Spokolonia, the pulse of Spokane’s Polish community is continuing to beat. From hosting the Polish folk ensemble, Jedliniok, to organizing potlucks, to researching local Polish history in their spare time and sharing Polish history and traditions on their Facebook page, Spokolonia is enthusiastic about celebrating their heritage and eager to welcome anyone with an interest in Polish culture. In February, Sloma partnered with New Leaf Bakery Café to make paczki, a Polish pastry, traditionally eaten before Lent. The bakery made the pastry and Sloma contributed the jam fillings. In cities like New York and Chicago, paczki can be found even in major grocery stores. In Spokane, Poles ordered the pastry from Sloma and picked them up from his house. This was the first year he collaborated with the nonprofit job training program, and his goal is to eventually “have the best paczki that you can find west of Chicago and east of Seattle.” “It’s a unique thing for groups and individuals to be able to maintain a small nucleus of a community that reminds them of home, of where they came from,” says Sloma. n





BEVERAGE | One taste of the silky, fruity zestiness of the yerba mate tea, found in bright-yellow aluminum cans from GUAYAKI ORGANIC YERBA MATE, was enough to make me an instant devotee. Many out there have sipped yerba mate tea, likely in loose leaf form, but the tall cans (16 oz.) offer a refreshing, slightly sweet, flavored pick-me-up, with names like “Revel Berry,” “Orange Exuberance,” Lemon Elation” and “Enlighten Mint.” Yerba mate, made from naturally caffeinated leaves of the South American holly tree, has been celebrated for centuries for its invigorating, rejuvenating benefits. So far, we know you can find the cans at Huckleberry’s on Monroe, and at the Rocket Market on the South Hill.

You can expect a packed house at Avista Stadium for the All-Star Game on Aug. 4.

n Major League Baseball, all the league has to do to attract people to its All-Star Game is make sure fans know which TV network is going to air it. At the lower depths of the minor leagues, it’s more of a challenge to throw a memorable midsummer classic, considering the players involved are largely unknown, just starting to make names for themselves, and often jump teams over the course of a season. With that in mind, the folks at the Spokane Indians’ Avista Stadium are doing a lot to make sure that those attending the first-ever All-Star showdown between players in the Northwest League and their peers in the Pioneer League will have plenty of fun at the Aug. 4 game well before the first pitch. It kicks off with a Fan Fair a full three hours before game time, when people walking through the gates will find a slew of activities atypical of most Indians games. The goal, according to Indians PR director Dustin Toms, is to offer attendees an All-Star experience to match that of the the players, while showcasing Spokane and the surrounding area to the fans, teams and league officials traveling here for the festivities. It’s safe to say that it will be impossible for anyone to be

bored once they arrive at Avista Stadium. Mascots Otto, Doris and Recycle Man will help greet attendees, and live music will fill the concourse. Inside the stadium, fans can watch both squads — representing players from 14 major-league organizations, six states and a Canadian province — take batting practice, and line up for autographs from those same players; the teams are likely to include several of the top baseball draft picks from June, so those autographs will be worth saving. Six players, three from each league, will face off in a Home Run Derby at the Fan Fair, with local kids shagging balls and running the bases. A temporary rock wall will be open for climbing near the Kids Zone in right field; an inflatable obstacle course will test kids as well. Between the Home Run Derby and the game, the field will feature Frisbee-snatching dogs and karate-chopping kids from the community showcasing their skills. — DAN NAILEN 2015 Northwest League vs. Pioneer League All-Star Game • Tue, Aug. 4, at 4 (Fan Fest) and 7:05 pm (first pitch) • $12 • Avista Stadium • 602 N. Havana • 343-6886

GAME | As a self-proclaimed nerd who’s avidly into Magic: The Gathering, the recent discovery of the new-ish (it came out last year) deckbuilding game STAR REALMS had instant appeal. Designed by former professional MTG players, the game has a lot of perks that Magic doesn’t. First, it’s affordable — you can get the starter, two-player deck for $15 at most local card/game shops. It’s also not a collectible trading card game, and like others in the same vein (Netrunner comes to mind) players can easily purchase all the game’s cards as expansions are released. Each turn, continue to build up a fleet of ships of varying factions to gradually knock your opponent’s life from 50 to zero. JOURNALISM | Reminiscent of the New York Times’ mesmerizing “Snow Fall,” — the Pulitzer Prize-winning, interactive retelling of the Stevens Pass avalanche — the recent longform piece “A LIFE IN MOTION, STOPPED COLD” is also riveting in pacing and detail. This NYT piece tells the story of another wintertime tragedy as writer Sarah Lyall recreates the moments leading up to a tragic skiing accident that paralyzed two-time Brazilian Olympic gymnast and aspiring Olympic aerial skier Laís Souza. As readers get to know Souza and her unshakable determination, their hearts will ache to see her life as she knew it ripped from her grasp in mere seconds. The silver lining in this despair: despite sustaining a life-altering injury, Souza’s fierce determination has remained intact, and her resolve to recover is inspiring to behold. n

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JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 27



Premedia Artist: Katy Clove

INTO YOUR BEST DRIVE CarMax believes in making every step of buying a used car the best it can be – even the test drive. That’s why this summer, CarMax is sending 10 lucky drivers on a best drive. Choose your dream destination from mountains to spas, then choose your dream car from coupes to SUVs, and enter to win at


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28 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015





Enter for a chance to win

this best drive from


COEUR D’ALENE In the mid-1800s when French-speaking fur trappers made their way to what is now North Idaho, they encountered the Schee-Chu-Umsh Indians who were skilled, quick-witted traders. So savvy were the local Indians that the French named them the Coeur d’Alenes because they had the “heart of an awl.” You can retrace their footsteps — just enter to win this best drive from CarMax — and take in some of the great experiences all those freeway-huggers are missing.

SPOKANE to COEUR D’ALENE 1 HOUR 1 MIN | 28.8 MILES SPOKANE, WA Head E on Sprague Ave Continue onto E Appleway Ave 1.6 mi Turn left to merge onto I-90 E toward Coeur d’ Alene 1.0 mi Take exit 296 toward Liberty Lake/Otis Orchards 0.5 mi Continue onto E Appleway Ave 3.2 mi Turn right onto Spokane Bridge Rd 0.3 mi Keep left to continue on W Riverview Dr Entering Idaho 5.1 mi Continue straight onto S Spokane St 1.2 mi Turn right onto E Seltice Way 3.2 mi Continue straight to stay on E Seltice Way 3.7 mi Merge onto Northwest Blvd 2.0 mi Continue onto Sherman Ave 358 ft Continue on S 2nd St. Drive to E Front Ave 374 ft Turn right onto S 2nd St 187 ft S 2nd St turns slightly left and becomes E Front Ave Destination will be on the right 187 ft COEUR D’ALENE


Wild and Wonderful Dining

Post Falls is an eclectic mish-mash with three wayout-of-the-ordinary eateries. You can smell Famous Willies BBQ from blocks away, so follow your nose to the old house on a side street. Down the street and just as pungent, the White House Grill is famous for garlicky Mediterranean fare. Also nearby, GW Hunters specializes in wild game (elk, anyone?) and portions big enough for a lumberjack.

History in Stone

In 1871, Chief Seltice of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe signed a peace treaty with Frederick Post. The city bears Post’s name and a main street is named after Chief Seltice. The four-acre Treaty Rock Park, just minutes from Post Falls’ busy Spokane Street, has a slab of rock inscribed with words and pictographs where the signing took place.



Did you know that this world-famous outdoor gear retailer has a pretty impressive display of taxidermy critters? Elk, deer, cougar, bear and much more populate a museum-quality display in the center of the store. Open daily 8 am to 9 pm (till 6 on Sunday).



Little Town, Big Park

Liberty Lake is a tidy little suburb that’s home to fewer than 10,000 people, a dozen high-tech businesses, a colorful farmers market, pristine lake and one of the region’s best hikes. Head to Liberty Lake Regional Park for a seven-mile hike that takes you along the lakeshore where beavers leave their marks, past wetlands (watch for moose!), into the cool, sun-dappled beauty of a cedar grove and a gushing waterfall.


They used to make moonshine in them-thar hills, now they make legally sanctioned adventure. Mica Moon Zip Tours runs eight lines over 220-acres of forested woodlands in the hills above Liberty Lake; you glide 400 feet above the canyon on the last line. May through October.

Lake City Fun

For a jaw-dropping view of the lake, book a water view room at the Coeur d’Alene Resort. Get the lay of the land from your balcony, then head to the shoreline and book a boat cruise. Walk the boardwalk and ogle the finely crafted wooden boats. Take in all of 20-acre McEwen Park and hike the two-mile trail that circles Tubbs Hill. Coeur d’Alene has dozens of fantastic restaurants, but if you want a taste of history, have a burger at Hudson’s, a local icon since 1907.

Your daddy probably had a Buck knife. Heck, your granddaddy probably did, too. The family business is renowned for quality, craftsmanship and innovation and has been around since 1902. The factory in Post Falls is open for tours Monday through Thursday.


Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Share a Selfie

Did you share a picture of that stuffed bear at Cabela’s? That bird’s eye view from the zipline? Don’t forget to enter to win at CarMax — then post all about your best drive and the wheels that got you there. To enter for a chance to win this best drive and take the test drive to a whole new level, go to

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 29


Festival of


Summer in Sandpoint means several options for seasonal dining BY CARRIE SCOZZARO

Ice cream from Panhandle Cone & Coffee. CARRIE SCOZZARO PHOTO

30 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

ith the Festival at Sandpoint approaching quickly (see page 39 in Music), there’s even more reason to venture up to Sandpoint; that is, if the food alone hadn’t already brought you there. The seasonal vibe of the vacation town is probably best captured at the Oak Street Court (317 Oak St.) with folks like Amie Wolf, the owner of Baconopolis, just one of the food carts found at this location. Wolf spent 13 years as a vegetarian until she was seduced by the pork side of life. “Bacon was my gateway meat,” she jokes. Baconopolis’ bacon-centric menu features local Woods Meats in a variety of configurations. A classic BLT ($6.50) gets heat with chipotle mayo and goes gluten-free in a lettuce wrap ($6). Grilled French bread and bacon is the base for all sandwiches ($7.50), like a traditional tuna melt and the Social with Brie cheese and green apple slices. The Fig n’ Pig features homemade fig jam and goat cheese (and bacon, of course). For breakfast, try a sandwich with an egg fried in coconut oil, gooey bacon jam, avocado and bacon ($7). Starting Baconopolis, says Wolf, whose background is in marketing and publishing, enabled her to stay in Sandpoint when her Coldwater Creek job disappeared. “This was my Plan B,” she says. Although many food trucks vacate by early fall, other businesses salute the seasons with adaptive menus. Recently opened Panhandle Cone & Coffee, for example, plans to expand in the fall with soups and homemade bread. In the meantime, they have their hands full cranking out baked goods like scones and cinnamon rolls ($3) — a light breakfast alongside their Sandpoint-based Evans Brothers coffee. The real draw, at least in summer, is homemade ice cream combining unusual flavors like sweet basil and pine nut or wildflower honey and lavender. Beat the heat with a scoop ($3) or waffle cone ($4) of peppermint fudge, orange with dark chocolate or their best-selling salted caramel with brown butter cookie. The inspiration for their flavors, according to Jason Dillon, who co-owns Panhandle

Cone & Coffee with wife Stephanie, comes from trial and error, experimentation and other artisan shops like Portland’s Salt and Straw, Ohio-based Jeni’s Splendid, and San Francisco’s Bi-Rite Creamery. Can’t decide between ice cream or coffee? Have both in an affogato: two shots of espresso poured over ice cream ($4.50). Try their huckleberry with a little tang of buttermilk. Rather make your own huckleberry ice cream (or frozen huckleberry margaritas, waffles, jam, etc.)? Schweitzer Mountain’s Ninth Annual Huckleberry Festival on Aug. 2 has guided tours and a shuttle to and from picking sites; just bring your empty bucket. Fuel up first at the pancake feed ($8.95/adults, $5/kids). In between picking berries, hang out in the village and listen to live music, peruse the crafts fair, or sign up for any number of activities such as the color fun run, chairlift ride, climbing wall or zip line (see website for schedules, fees). In addition to seasonal nature watching, daily history forays and the Sunset Dessert & Eagle Watching Cruise, Lake Pend Oreille Cruises heads out onto the lake during the full moon for a one-of-a-kind summer evening. When cruising by car — as opposed to boat — a favorite way to see the splendor of Sandpoint and the surrounding area is to take the scenic lakeshore drive east and south along Highway 200. For seasonal dining with a waterfront view, check out Hope

Amie Wolf in her Baconapolis food cart in Sandpoint.


for the Hope Marketplace inside Outskirts Gallery, The Floating Restaurant, Sweet Lou’s or Ivano’s Ristorante. If you make it as far as Clark Fork, time your visit for dinner theater put on by the National Dinner Theater Institute and hosted by the Squeeze Inn. Every Sunday and Monday through August 24, NDTI puts on a 30-to-45 minute production like Party Wheel, a game show melodrama (Aug. 2-3). The Squeeze Inn is open daily with an eclectic menu — tikka masala, homemade pasta and pizza, duck breast, weekend Basque specials — so if you don’t make it out for a play, definitely put this on your to-do list before the snow flies. 

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 31 Davenport_PeacockLounge_021215_12V_BD.tif



August 6-23




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LOVE @ FIRST BITE DESSERTS 11305 E. Sprague | 891-2501 We tried the Cookies & Cream — served every Wednesday at this Valley bakery — which contains crispy cookie bits baked into the cake, and we’ve got to say it’s our favorite. Another popular treat, a gnarly chocolate mountain called the Chocolate Explosion, was actually born from a batch of cupcakes gone wrong. Composed of chocolate cake, toasted chocolate cake bits and a whole lotta ganache, this creation has gained a devoted following and can be enjoyed every Thursday. All cupcakes are $2.75 and they’re enormous (some would even say the biggest in town). Wash them down with a tall cup of black coffee, which is free depending on which day you visit, and you’re good to go. PETIT CHAT VILLAGE BAKERY 9910 N. Waikiki | 468-2720 After three years of success baking bread in their Whitworth-area location and selling it in grocery stores, owners Brenda and Kevin Gerhart expanded their store in 2012. The spacious 2,000-square-foot dining

area has booths, long tables and benches, bistro tables and comfortable chairs perfect for readers. The menu has been expanded, too. Petit Chat’s chocolate croissants ($3.50) have a semisweet chocolate interior and a light and flaky exterior. Their savory croissants ($4.75) are stuffed generously with Swiss cheese and thick-sliced ham. ROCKWOOD BAKERY 315 E. 18th | 747-8691 The Rockwood is less of a coffee shop and more of a community hub. Nestled in the neighborhood just east of Manito Park, the warm, open-air spot — stuffed with heavy wood tables and cozy chairs — is always a day-brightener. It’s just one of those places that makes a beautiful day nicer and a rainy day cozier. And nothing we’ve eaten there is anything short of delicious. n SWEET FROSTINGS BLISSFUL BAKESHOP 15 S. Washington | 242-3845 Everything about Sweet Frostings Blissful Bakeshop could be described with some sort of sugary adjective. When you walk in, it feels like you’ve

just entered The Food Network. Brightly colored walls, cute décor and bubbly workers put customers in a good mood, while the amazingly delicious scent of the freshly made goodies makes mouths water. The bakery, in the heart of downtown Spokane, offers morning pastries, whoopie pies, cheesecakes and French macarons, along with a few signature items — like cake truffles (also called cake pops) and homemade pop tarts. SWEET DREAMS BAKERY 3131 N. Division | 747-6900 The bakery’s raison d’etre is wedding cakes, but nuptials aren’t the only reason to stop by: Deep, resonant chocolate frosting tops delicate chocolate cupcakes. Macaroons have a toasty, sweet outer edge and a light, fluffy interior. The coconut frosting shot (yes, shot glasses full of frosting are available for purchase in the cupcake lounge) contains shreds of coconut saturated in the creamy flavor of coconut milk. Sweet Dreams owner and baker Susie Bowen is a self-confessed “ingredient snob” who uses only real vanilla, real sugar and whatever other non-artificial ingredients the recipes call for. 

Homemade Soups & Daily Specials


1428 N. Liberty Lake Rd. | 509-924-1446

32 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015


Pop Art + Beer

Peach Festival

Filt bar is like an art gallery where you can drink with friends BY LAURA JOHNSON


n black block lettering, the sign simply says “BEER.” “We figured that would get the point across,” says Filt co-owner Byron Christiansen. Inside the bar, which holds 30 people, they serve a rotating list of eclectic craft beer and cider on tap; no wine, liquor or food. They’ll leave that to other establishments on the historic Garland District block. The lit-up beer sign hanging perpendicular to the brick storefront’s wall is obvious; above the front window, wooden lettering spells out the bar’s name, along with two devious-looking cartoon heads. These cutouts give potential patrons a taste of co-owner’s Barry Anderson’s artwork, highlighted throughout most of the narrow space — including WWII model airplanes hanging from the ceiling, complete with a burning-up Nazi plane. Much of the splashy pop art pays homage to war cartoons, Felix the Cat, Megan Fox and the Seahawks. “I’ve sold four paintings so far, and been commissioned for another,” says Anderson, whose mixed-media work ranges from $20 to $250. “That’s a lot, better than when I had art

shows in Seattle. In my experience, people generally like to look and then not buy anything.” Open for two weeks, the duo is just settling into the completely remodeled digs. They both work day jobs while hoping this business venture works out. Christiansen, 39, and Anderson, 40 — buddies since their days at Ferris High School — never saw themselves as barmen. Christiansen had never even poured a beer before. But in October, when Christiansen moved back to Spokane after living in Seattle for 15 years, the two hatched the idea to open a place where folks could fill their growlers (hand-stenciled glass ones can be purchased at the business) and also experience Anderson’s artwork. Sitting at the bar, made from an old garage door and thick, burnt white pine, customers can drink a pint from one of the 12 taps while watching classic cartoons and films on one of the two flat-screen TVs. n

Big, Juicy, s! e h c a e P d e n e ip R e e r T plus peach ice cream, cobbler, cakes or pies. No matter how you slice them, our peaches are delicious! See what’s ripe and which farms are open at: Filt • 911 W. Garland • Open Wed-Sun, 3 pmclose • Facebook: Filt • 474-9200

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JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 33

Subtraction by Ad Dishin’ Vacation loses its comedic momentum through marketing overkill BY SCOTT RENSHAW


arly in Vacation, as patriarch Rusty Griswold (Ed Helms) tries to fire up his family — wife Debbie (Christina Applegate) and sons James (Skyler Gisondo) and Kevin (Steele Stebbins) — about taking a car trip to the Walley World amusement park just like the one he took with his parents and sister 30 years earlier, James interjects, “I’ve never even heard of the original vacation.” “Doesn’t matter,” Rusty responds. “The new vacation will stand on its own.” It’s a solid gag in the age of the perpetual remake/ reboot cycle, but writer/directors John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein (screenwriters of Horrible Bosses) probably didn’t take into account the age of the perpetual marketing cycle. Because anyone who has seen a Warner Bros. movie in the past two months has already heard that joke — and plenty of others in the Vacation trailer — over and over and over again. The studio’s attempt to flood the world with ads and trailers — including at promotional screenings attended by media — doesn’t do any favors to a movie built around startled laughter inspired by its outrageous jokes. Is it fair to assess a movie relative to the way it’s being sold? Probably not. But that doesn’t help me laugh any more at the movie itself. The premise, just as it was

34 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

in the Chevy Chase original, allows for plenty of jokes built around the tension and claustrophobia of long family road trips. As the Griswolds head from Chicago to California in their rented Albanian car, Rusty and Debbie confront the possibility that their marriage is growing stale, and James deals with his unwelcome role as a victim of bullying from younger Kevin. And Vacation in general tries to do that thing so many 21st-century VACATION raunch-comedies do, where Rated R filmmakers try to balance Directed by John Francis Daley the gross-outs with the idea and Jonathan M. Goldstein that it’s really all about people Starring Ed Helms, Christina and their emotions and their Applegate, Chris Hemsworth sensitivities and whatnot. It’s not actually about any of that, which is just fine much of the time. The running bit involving the Griswolds’ mutant car and its incomprehensible features — a GPS system that suddenly starts shouting in Korean; a rotating driver’s seat — somehow keeps finding great material, and there’s a terrific moment early on about a friend passive-aggressively complaining about Debbie not “liking” her Instagram pictures. In general, Vacation is at its best when it’s simply surreal — like Rusty’s frustrations trying to kick tumbleweeds — or making the most of the comic performances by Applegate and Chris Hemsworth (as Rusty’s justifiably narcissistic brother-in-law) rather than going

for the gross-out gag. But go for those gags Vacation does, in ways that are sometimes predictable even beyond the bits that have been plastered all over the trailers. An extended sequence and multiple punch lines are built around Rusty’s lack of familiarity with a certain terminology for a sexual practice, which might have been funny if anything else in the movie suggested that he was quite so naive; he was certainly acquainted with the concept of a “glory hole.” And while Applegate is a performer game enough to wring the most out of a sequence involving repeated bouts of projectile vomiting, Vacation too often falls back on that notion that simply being naughty — “Can you believe how many time we let the younger boy drop f-bombs!” — is the same as being funny. Still, it’s hard not to wonder how much funnier Vacation might have seemed if Warner Bros. had been willing to allow just a little more discovery of its wildest high concepts. In yet another often-marketed scene, Vacation plays on a callback to a signature bit from the original movie, involving a sexy woman flirting with Rusty while they’re both driving. It’s a terrific concept for a visual joke, but a movie comedy’s momentum is ruined when you’re spending several minutes sitting through the setup for a joke whose payoff has been hammered into your retinas for weeks. In a way, I feel bad for Daley and Goldstein, who may fumble a few opportunities, but mostly collide with a marketing department whose job isn’t to trust that the new Vacation will stand on its own. n



A tragic accident decades ago split a Canadian mother (Jennifer Connelly) and son (Cillian Murphy); she goes on to become a famed faith-healer and artist, he an oddball falconer still struggling with the past. A journalist (Melanie Laurent) researching the mother’s career brings them together to deal with their shared tragedy in this meditative look at life, art and family relationships, directed by Claudia Llosa. (DN) Rated R


Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise in full Tom Cruise mode) is disavowed by the U.S. government yet again, even as he chases down a criminal organization that just needs one more MacGuffin to take over the world. Hunt and his familiar crew (Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner and Ving Rhames) have to travel to Havana or Morocco or Minsk for reasons you won’t remember within 30 minutes of leaving the theater but will enjoy nevertheless. (PC) Rated PG-13


Samantha Futerman is an adopted Korean-American actress staying active on YouTube. In February 2013, Anaïs Bordier, also an adopted Korean, but living in London after being raised in France, watched some of Futerman’s videos and felt as if she could have been looking into a mirror. After some Internet stalking, she found they were born the same day in the same place and reached out to her potential twin on Facebook. The documentary allows viewers to witness their first meeting, their return to where they were separated and the remarkable experience of meeting your missing twin sister. (MS) Rated PG-13


Ed Helms and Christina Applegate star as Rusty and Debbie Griswold, the parents of two boys. Rusty worries about bonding with his sons and keeping his marriage alive, so he decided to break out of the monotony of normal suburban life and do what his father (Chevy Chase) did: take the whole family on a cross country road trip. The final destination? America’s favorite theme park: Walley World. (MS) Rated R




Amy Winehouse only made two albums, and her chaotic personal life drew far more attention than her Grammy wins, monster hits and stunning voice. The documentary Amy puts the focus back on the singer’s artistry, at least for 90 minutes, as it tells the story of how a girl focused on the joy of music rose to fame — only to have that fame push her toward a dramatic and tragic demise at just 27. At Magic Lantern (DN) Rated R


Scott (Paul Rudd) was just released from prison and a return to a life of crime seems like the only option — until Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) shows up with a high-tech suit and a unique offer. He wants Scott to combine the suit’s abilities — communicating with and controlling ants, in addition to becoming the same size and strength as one — with his own breaking-andentering talents to shut down a sinister operation. Rated PG-13 (SR)


The bros from the HBO series are back and as bro-y as ever, bro. The film begins with Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) partying with a bunch of hot people in Ibiza and then he finds out he might do a remake of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde and he’s all like “Yo, Ari? Am I gonna do the movie?” and the Turtle is like, “Yo, is Vince gonna do the movie?” Add in some gay jokes and glamorization of Hollywood’s worst parts and apparently you have something that looks like a movie. (SR) Rated R



Bathsheba Everdeen (Carey Mulligan) — an ambitious heiress who enjoys her independence — has drawn three admirers, and must navigate between her desires for love and her autonomy. “It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings,” she says, “in a language chiefly made by men to express theirs.” The story illuminates the nature of relationships, love and the value of strength through hardships. At Magic Lantern (MS) Rated PG-13




In a dramedy made for those of a certain age, widowed Carol (Blythe Danner) has begun to feel lonely and depressed. Her friends (June Squibb, Rhea Perlman and Mary Kay Place) attempt to help her find some love and joy. After many awkward encounters, she meets the charismatic, affluent Bill (Sam Elliott) and goes on a date with him. At Magic Lantern (MS) Rated PG-13


Mark Ruffalo plays manic-depressive Cam Stuart, a father of two girls and a husband to Maggie (Zoe Saldana), who he is desperately trying to keep. He does so by attempting to take care of his two stubborn, expressive and lively daughters to prove himself while his wife attends Columbia for an MBA. This upbeat comedy is the feature debut for writer-director Maya Forbes, whose 12-year-old daughter plays one of the Stuart sisters. (MS) Rated R ...continued on next page







The Tap Mobile


For Details visit

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 35

William Shakespeare’s

Twelfth Night

Aug 6th-16th

Supported by the College of the Arts, Letters, and Education



This reimagining of the beloved trilogy features a familiar plot line but an entirely new cast, and even a new direction. Though Steven Spielberg is executive producer, Colin Trevorrow has stepped up to the role of director for this fourth journey into the Jurassic extravaganza. Set 22 years postJurassic Park, the dreamed-about, fully functioning dinosaur amusement park is finally a reality. (KA) Rated PG-13


Free activities for kids of all ages including inflatables and games!

This rock biopic about the life of Brian Wilson is an insightful look at two periods of the surfer boy’s life. In the midto-late-’60s segments, when Wilson was at his songwriting and producing peak as the creative genius behind the Beach Boys, he’s played by Paul Dano. In the parts set in the 1980s, Wilson, played by John Cusack, is now a drugaddled, empty shell of a man, under the “care” of psychologist Eugene Landy (Paul Giamatti), a short-tempered, delusional sociopath who seems to thrive only when he has total control. At Magic Lantern (ES) Rated PG-13


Fury Road is astonishing in a way that makes you feel like you haven’t seen a true action movie in a while, underscoring how sterile the genre has been. Warlord Immortan Joe (Hugh KeaysByrne) thinks he’s sending his trusted Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) on a mission to bring back fuel from Gas Town to the Citadel he rules with an iron fist, but she’s got a secret mission of her own: to free the enslaved “breeders” of Joe’s children and bring them to the Green Place far away that she remembers from her own childhood. (MJ) Rated R


唀倀㤀㤀㌀匀倀伀䬀䄀一䔀⸀挀漀洀 36 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015


Pixar’s newest film (following 2013’s Monsters University) is a major “emotion” picture — it’s about how choices between conflicting emotions drive the life of a Minnesota family. Young Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) and her parents (Diane Lane and Kyle MacLachlan) struggle with joy, sadness, fear, anger and disgust — that’s Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Bill Hader, Lewis Black and Mindy Kaling, respectively — and the personified emotions create their own problems inside Riley’s head. (MS) Rated PG


Saturday, August 8th Riverfront Park 11:00am - 5:00pm


“It’s not bro time, it’s showtime,” a club owner says to the male strippers of Magic Mike XXL. That memorable quote is not quite indicative of the film, however. The story starts three years after legendary stripper Mike Lane (Channing Tatum) retired at his peak. When he finds out the bros of his old crew, the Kings of Tampa, are going on a road trip for a “blow-out” finale, he can’t resist the memories — he comes along and takes it all off. (MS) Rated R




(OUT OF 100)

Inside Out


Mad Max


The Wolfpack







56 39

Terminator DON’T MISS IT



Alfonso Gomez-Rejon’s adaptation of Jesse Andrews’ young-adult novel, this film pulled off the rare sweep of the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival in January. The story about a teenage boy guilted into befriending a classmate suffering from cancer is touching and provides a timely look at our culture’s narcissistic ways. At Magic Lantern (SR) Rated PG-13


Minions opens with a grand history of the race, starting with their evolution from tiny one-yellow-celled creatures from the Despicable Me movies floating in the primordial seas through the form we see them in now. The film is overly thick with backstory about the cute little buggers and distracts from the charm they brought to the original films. (MJ) Rated PG


Based on the John Green (known best for The Fault in Our Stars) novel of the same name, Paper Towns is the story of Quentin “Q” Jacobsen (Nat Wolff) and his neighbor-friend-turned-crush Margo Roth Spiegelman (Cara Delevingne). After being dragged on a night of revenge by Margo, Q goes to school the next day to find her missing. After some detective work, he discovers she has left clues for Q — as he tries to find her, he learns about himself, his neighbor and love. (MS) Rated PG-13


Billy Hope (Jake Gyllenhaal), a kid raised in the foster care system, is already the undisputed, undefeated light heavyweight champion of the world when the film begins. He’s got a wife (Rachel McAdams) and a kid and things are well, at least until he finds himself responsible for an awful tragedy. He decides to get back in the ring and fight himself out of a hole. (SR)


When Ted (a talking stuffed bear voiced by director, writer and producer Seth McFarlane) tries to have a baby with his new wife, he asks his best friend, John (Mark Wahlberg), to provide the sperm. But his help doesn’t stop there. When Ted and his wife are denied custody unless Ted can prove he is human, the two



best bros team up with lawyer Samantha L. Jackson (Amanda Seyfried) and take to the courts to defend Ted’s civil rights. (MS) Rated R


Neither a remake nor a prequel nor a sequel, it’s kind of a reinvention of the first two films, but with all sorts of new futures and pasts. Yet for the first halfhour or so, it appears that we’re reliving the first film from a different point of view. There’s John Connor (Jason Clarke) in 2029, pumping up his rebel followers with a rousing pep talk about how “this is the night we take back our world” from the machines..(ES) Rated PG-13


After fighting the restrictions on educating women in the early 1900s, Vera Brittain has begun to matriculate at Oxford University. Suddenly, World War I breaks out and she watches as both her brother and her fiance are sent to the front lines of the war. Although it means leaving the school she worked hard to attend, she leaves Oxford to serve as a war nurse for the dying and wounded. (MS) Rated PG-13


In addition to starring, Amy Schumer wrote the script for Trainwreck, casting herself as a monogamy-averse magazine writer who doesn’t know quite how to handle herself when she gets involved in a real relationship with an interview subject, a nice-guy sports orthopedic surgeon (Bill Hader). Directed by Judd Apatow, the story is predicated on the complicated relationship between Amy and her alcoholic father (Colin Quinn), and it’s clear that Schumer wants to say something about the familial baggage that can damage our chance for happiness. Rated R (SR)


The Wolfpack introduces the world to the six long-haired sons raised (or held prisoner, depending on your opinion) by Oscar and Susanne Angulo in a public-housing apartment on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, their only ideas of the outside world gleaned from flicks like Pulp Fiction, The Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween — all movies the boys gleefully reenact and film to entertain themselves in their home/prison. At Magic Lantern (DN) Rated R 



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Scoops & Bowls

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Tom Cruise is late for an auditing session.

The Impossible Mission Rogue Nation hits the sweet spot for Tom Cruise’s weird appeal BY PAUL CONSTANT


n Ethan Hunt, the perfect super-spy at the the killer legs) of a classic film ingénue as a center of the Impossible Missions Force, double (or triple, or quadruple) agent named Ilsa. Tom Cruise has found his sweet spot. His Rogue Nation’s plot is similar to most other inhuman intensity works in M:I films (and not, M:I films — Ethan Hunt is disavowed by the U.S. say, Jack Reacher or Knight and Day) because the government yet again, even as he chases down movies are even more intense than he is, from a criminal organization that just needs one more the overblown score to the crazy set pieces to the MacGuffin to take over the world. Within 30 genius conceit of handing each entry to a differminutes of leaving the theater, you won’t remement high-profile director, from Brian De Palma to ber why Hunt and his familiar crew (Simon Pegg, J.J. Abrams to Brad Bird. Only the second M:I Jeremy Renner and Ving Rhames) had to travel movie, directed by John Woo at his John Woozito Havana or Morocco or Minsk in order to est, is a clear strikeout. advance the plot. Compared to that impresBut you can’t simply write sive lineup of directing talent, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Rogue Nation off as fun, dumb Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation blockbuster fluff. It’s strucROGUE NATION director Christopher McQuar- Rated PG-13 tured around a series of tightly rie might seem like a step wound action pieces that play Directed by Christopher McQuarrie down for the M:I films; the out with surgical precision, and Starring Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Sean only movie he’s delivered Cruise and company are all Harris, Rebecca Ferguson in the past decade was the devoted to selling the hell out aforementioned Jack Reacher. of it. Still, Rogue Nation stands up to the rest of the M:I Sure, the movie runs out of breath about series, in terms of pure entertainment value and three-quarters of the way through and never filmmaking skill. completely recovers. And maybe McQuarrie’s Rogue Nation nails its commitment to detail. script flirts with a twist too many. But nobody New cast members Alec Baldwin and Sean Harcan claim that Rogue Nation didn’t give them their ris, for instance, are wonderful in their own way. money’s worth — there’s enough intrigue and Rebecca Ferguson, too, has the bearing and the action to overstuff three of the lackluster summer profile (and, if I can get lascivious for a moment, flicks we’ve been getting lately. n

R Daily (12:30) (2:45) (5:00) 7:15 9:35


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JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 37



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38 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

Hear This

Clockwise from left: Wilco, George Relles, Ziggy Marley, Arlo Guthrie and Vince Gill all will attend this year’s Festival at Sandpoint.

How George Relles has helped shape the Festival at Sandpoint’s sound since day one BY LAURA JOHNSON


e’s always listening. Discerning malfunctions like garbled speakers or screaming feedback is easy, yet it takes a trained ear to tame the acoustics of a venue — making an act sound like a recording, only better. And George Relles has listened for tuned perfection in mixing sound for 40 years, including for the Festival at Sandpoint since its inception in 1983, where he treats each concert with the utmost seriousness. “With ticket prices the way they are these days, people deserve to walk away going, ‘Wow, that was an amazing experience that couldn’t be duplicated,’” explains Relles, whose company George

Relles Sound, Inc. is based in Eugene, Oregon. Not only does Festival Executive Director Diana “Dyno” Wahl call him “the best,” she says Relles’ reputation is one of the reasons that the planning committee has enticed such high-end acts to travel to a small town in North Idaho. This year’s lineup is one of the two-week festival’s finest, with groups like Wilco coming through Sandpoint beginning next Thursday. In recent years, the Head and the Heart and the Avett Brothers have made appearances. Relles is at the Britt Music & Arts Festival in Medford, Oregon, (one of

a handful of West Coast festivals he’s worked for decades) last week when he answers his phone between sound checks with Sugar Ray and Better Than Ezra. After all this time, he says that heading up to North Idaho every August has become a beautiful homecoming of sorts. But that doesn’t mean it’s one big party. “I’m pretty much all business, and bands figure that out quick,” the 65-yearold says. “I may not be working physically hard, but it’s mentally fatiguing. I try to get to bed at midnight.” From the time he arrives at the festival grounds to install his sound boards and speakers to the time for teardown two

weeks later, that bed is in a trailer on the War Memorial Field concert grounds. That way, he’s always part of the action. Anytime the threatening gray of rain and thunder set in (as happened for last year’s Ray LaMontagne show), he’s positioned to toss a tarp over his audio equipment. And when a touring act rolls in with multiple trucks for early morning setup, he’s on site to oversee all sound activities throughout the day. Around since the festival was still tiny and highlighting classical music, a part of Relles pines for the old days. But he says he realizes that classical music isn’t as vi...continued on next page

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 39

KPND 2015 Summer Pint Nights CAPONE’S PUB & GRILL 9520 N. Government Way Hayden, ID (208) 762-5999


PEND D’ OREILLE WINERY 301 Cedar St. Sandpoint, ID (208) 255-4351

PARAGON BREWING 5785 N. Government Way Coeur D Alene, ID (208) 772-9292



MID CITY PUB 816 N 4th St Coeur d’Alene, ID (208) 665-3777


WILLOW BAY 520 Willow Bay RD Priest River, ID

AZTECA AT RIVERSTONE 2462 N Old Mill Loop Coeur d’Alene, ID


219 LOUNGE 219 N. 1st Ave. Sandpoint, ID (208) 263-5673

CAPONE’S PUB & GRILL 315 N. Ross Point Rd. Post Falls, ID (208) 457-8020



CORK AND BARREL PUBLIC HOUSE 208 South Washington Newport, Washington (509) 447-3844


LAUGHING DOG TAPROOM 1109 Fontaine Dr Ponderay, ID

SWINGING DOORS Corner of Francis and Monroe Spokane, WA (509) 326-6794



AZTECA AT RIVERSTONE 2462 N Old Mill Loop Coeur d’Alene, ID



CAPONE’S PUB & GRILL 751 N 4th Street Coeur d’Alene, ID


219 LOUNGE 219 N. 1st Ave. Sandpoint, ID (208) 263-5673

SHOOTERS AT BLACK ROCK MARINA 10218 Rockford Bay Rd Coeur d’Alene, ID (208) 691-9320


MICK DUFF’S BREWING CO. Beer Hall 220 Cedar St. Sandpoint, ID (208) 555-5555


MUSIC | FESTIVAL “HEAR THIS,” CONTINUED... able any longer, although the festival still offers two such concerts. “Mixing [an] orchestra to sound like there’s no amplification at all, that is my specialty. There’s not many people who have that skill set,” says Relles, who also mixes the Spokane Symphony’s outdoor events. Relles admits that he’s into rock music far more now than when he was a kid plucking away on a banjo, enjoying classical music and playing in a bluegrass band, which would turn out to be his first sound gig. And while technique and a finely tuned ear are a huge part of sound engineering, so is using high-quality equipment featuring the newest digital technologies — the kind that cost well over a million dollars (one speaker runs $20,000). He says that over the years, as the Festival at Sandpoint has grown, the covered stage has slowly inched away from the grandstand bleacher seating, making more room for picnic/grass seating, and a need for more sound equipment to enhance the quality experience. “The stage was literally 20 feet away from the grandstand audience in the beginning,” he recalls. Near or far, Relles has worked with most of the acts coming through this year’s Festival at Sandpoint. They’ll know what they’re getting. “It will be fun to see Arlo Guthrie again. I’ll enjoy that one,” he says. “The Devil Makes Three and Ziggy [Marley] are great to work with, and Vince [Gill] puts on a great show. I’m looking forward to all of the days.” n Festival at Sandpoint • Thu-Sun, Aug. 6-9; Aug. 13-16, various times • $37-$60/family concert $6 • All-ages • War Memorial Field • 855 Ontario St., Sandpoint • • 208-265-4554

FESTIVAL AT SANDPOINT LINEUP AUG. 6: Arlo Guthrie with Jonatha Brooke With a father who has major ties to the Inland Northwest (check out Woody Guthrie’s “Roll On Columbia”), this folk singer-songwriter is full of stories anytime he comes through the area. AUG. 7: Ziggy Marley with Maw Band Another musician with a famous dad, this reggae artist puts on the dance performance of the festival, meaning the grass seating nearest the stage is designated for those wanting to stand and move to the beat. AUG. 8: Vince Gill with the Barefoot Movement and Troy Bullock Those who reckon old-school country is where it’s at should get a hoot out of this Country Music Hall of Famer’s performance. AUG. 9: Family Concert feat. the Festival Community Orchestra This traditional classical concert, featuring the Festival Community Orchestra and Studio One Dancers, isn’t going anywhere, and for just $6 it’s a family favorite. AUG. 13: Lake Street Dive with the Ballroom Thieves Rachael Price of Lake Street Dive (not to be confused with Drive) belts it out like the retro-sounding diva that she is, while the rest of the up-and-coming indie-pop four-piece makes it all sound soulful.

The Death of Otto Zehm By Andrew Gabriel Britt

A meticulously researched, compelling account of the complex civic and legal matters that resulted from Otto Zehm’s death in custody and changed Spokane’s policing forever. Available now at Auntie’s Bookstore in Spokane, Well Read Moose in CDA and on Amazon*. (*Available electronically for your Kindle)

40 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

AUG. 14: The Devil Makes Three and Trampled by Turtles Two bands sporting banjos, fiddles, mandolins and men with beards — what more could you want from an indie bluegrass show? AUG. 15: Wilco with Vetiver and Owen & McCoy The popular indie “dad band” is one of the biggest acts to come through the festival. It should be one of the most attended shows of the bunch, so get tickets early. AUG. 16: Grand Finale feat. the Spokane Symphony The show, called “Viva Italia,” celebrates Italian works and features Gary Sheldon conducting the Spokane Symphony, along with pianist Vadim Neselovskyi, premiering a jazz piece.


Human Touch

Michael Franti hasn’t worn shoes in years.

Michael Franti makes the personal political in his new music BY DAN NAILEN


ichael Franti has always found inspiration for his music in the world around him. Whether writing for his first group the Beatnigs, pioneering political rap crew the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy or, most famously, for his longrunning reggae-rock crew Spearhead, Franti has taken issues like racial injustice in the Middle East or post-9/11 fear and turned them into thoughtful, incisive songs. That you

can dance, and dance hard, to such serious lyrical themes is a bonus. For his newest single, “Once a Day,” Franti didn’t have to travel the globe or click on CNN for an idea. He merely had to look at his 16-year-old son Ade, who was diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease that took away 50 percent of his kidneys’ function within six months of being discovered. “It caught us completely off guard, there were no vis-

ible signs,” Franti said in an interview from the road. “I was afraid it would really rip our family apart, but instead there were more hugs, more kisses, more ‘I love yous.’ It made us more appreciative of each other, and I wanted to write a song that put that into words.” Finding a joyful sound amid a sad situation is a forte of the lanky, dreadlocked and typically barefoot frontman, who found early inspiration for his socially minded music in the


sounds of the Clash, John Lennon and Stevie Wonder, and later among peers like Public Enemy and Rage Against the Machine. Underneath the mellow vibes of tunes like “The Sound of Sunshine,” the avid yoga practitioner remains the man behind blatantly rebellious, progressive-minded songs like “Yell Fire!” and “Food for tha Masses.” “The history of rock ’n’ roll has been in rebellion,” Franti said. “During the late ’90s and early 2000s, I think a lot of that rebellion was lost. It became the boy bands and American Idol — that was where people were going to find their music.” Depressing as that era was, Franti sees a re-emergence of socially conscious music happening through artists like Trevor Hall, and by fans utilizing the Internet to pass word of exciting sounds to places that never would have heard them two decades ago. And Franti was also “heartened,” again, by watching his son’s relationship to music evolve as Ade grew up. “He listens to underground hip-hop, and punk, and dance music that does carry that spirit,” Franti said. It’s a spirit that’s infectious at Franti’s shows, as he leads his ace band through songs that veer from hip-hop to reggae, rock to soul. A sound and performance that make it easy to join the rebellion, at least for a couple of hours. n Michael Franti & Spearhead with Facedown • Mon, Aug. 3, at 8 pm • $39.50 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • sp.knittingfactory. com • 244-3279










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JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 41




Thursday, 07/30

J THe BArTleTT, Meatbodies, Loomer J THe Big Dipper, Quiet Company, Boat Race Weekend, the Backups J BiNg CroSBy THeATer, Keb’ Mo’ BooMerS ClASSiC roCk BAr & grill, Randy Campbell acoustic show J BuCer’S CoFFeeHouSe puB, Open Jazz Jam Coeur D’AleNe CASiNo, PJ Destiny J Coeur D’AleNe pArk, Browne’s Addition Summer Concert Series feat. Just Plain Darin CruiSerS, The Usual Suspects THe CuliNAry SToNe (208-2774116), Son of Brad J Di luNA’S CAFe (208-263-0846), Korby Lenker & Jesse Terry Fizzie MulligANS, Kicho THe FlAMe, DJ WesOne J HAyDeN CiTy pArk, Shiner THe JACkSoN ST., Acoustic Jam J kNiTTiNg FACTory, KYRS Presents: Turnpike Troubadors with Silver Treason and the Levi Daniel Band THe lANTerN TAp HouSe, DJ Lydell J NorTHerN QueST CASiNo, Jackson Browne NorTHerN rAil puB (487-4269), Open Mic with Johnny & the Moondogs J piNNACle NorTHWeST, Shramana, East Sherman, Progenitus, Symptoms of Insanity J riverSToNe pArk, Global Summer Concert Series feat. Maw Band THe vikiNg BAr & grill, Karrie O’Neill zolA, Island Soul

Friday, 07/31

219 louNge (208-263-5673), The Flying Mammals

42 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015


Beverly’S, Robert Vaughn J THe Big Dipper, Fallen Kings, Mandamus, Disciples Of Dissent, Blame Shifter, Boneye BlACk DiAMoND, The Diamond DJ Bolo’S, Los Chingadors BrooklyN Deli & louNge (8354177), Kari Marguerite J BuCer’S CoFFeeHouSe puB, An American Forrest CArliN BAy reSorT, 4 On the Floor THe CellAr, Special K’s Coeur D’AleNe CASiNo, Donnie Emerson and Nancy Sophia, Tell the Boys CoNkliNg MAriNA & reSorT, The Cronkites CrAve, Stoney Hawk Curley’S, The Usual Suspects Fizzie MulligANS, Karma’s Circle THe FlAMe, DJ WesOne Ladies Night THe FoxHole, DJ 3D gATeWAy MAriNA AND reSorT

(208-582-3883), YESTERDAYSCAKE gorge AMpHiTHeATer, Watershed Festival iroN HorSe BAr, Slow Burn THe JACkSoN ST., Jukebox Time Machine J kNiTTiNg FACTory, Sammy Eubanks and friends MulligAN’S BAr & grille (208765-3200), Michael Ross NASHville NorTH, Stateline Music Fest feat. Reckless Kelly, Jeremy McComb NorTH iDAHo College, Art on the Green feat. Tuxedo Junction, GRE3NE/Ron Greene NorTHerN QueST CASiNo, DJ Ramsin NyNe, DJ C-Mad pAolA’S rAiNBoW reSorT (208262-9001), Riverboat Band J pArk BeNCH CAFe, Kevin Schibel


he much beloved indie-retro-pop-rock group Mon Chéri sold out the Bartlett at last year’s reunion show after a three-year hiatus. Saturday, the ultra-cool (but more settled-down) four-piece is back once more at a show sure to cause longtime Spokane fans to sway their hips, “ooo” and “ahh” along and reminisce. The band (which was named an Inlander Band to Watch in 2009 and even scored a mention on an MTV blog) used to play Zola weekly — drawing from their extensive catalog of more than 50 originals and choice covers — along with weddings, old folks’ homes and more. After nearly four years together before their breakup, including multiple releases and West Coast tours and plenty of singer Caroline Schibel’s onstage party dresses, the band truly has a place in Spokane’s music history. — LAURA JOHNSON Mon Chéri and Friends of Mine • Sat, Aug. 1, at 8 pm • $12/$15 day of • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174


elivering songs slathered in reverb and fuzz and vocals processed to the point of incoherence, Heaters are exactly what one looks for in a psychedelicinspired garage band. Just two years old, the band got together when high school buddies Andrew Tamlyn and Nolan Krebs moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. After meeting a musically inclined next-door neighbor in Joshua Korf, the trio quickly started writing tunes steeped in surfy guitar and energetic hooks. The prolific crew released three EPs in 2014 (although Solstice came in at an albumlength eight songs) and drew the attention of Brooklyn’s psych-heavy Beyond Beyond is Beyond Records, which will release the band’s first proper full-length, Holy Water Pool, in September. In the meantime, they’re crisscrossing the country to deliver shimmering guitar workouts from coast to coast, including a free gig here in Spokane. — DAN NAILEN Heaters with Bigfoot Wallace & His Wicked Sons • Wed, Aug. 5, at 9 pm • free • All-ages • Neato Burrito • 827 W. First • 847-1234 peND D’oreille WiNery, Owen & McCoy J piNNACle NorTHWeST, The Slants AND Lush Fridays Club Dance Night with DJ F3lon J rATHDruM CiTy pArk, Shiner J reD lioN HoTel AT THe pArk, Nicole Lewis repuBliC BreWiNg Co., Centaur Midwife THe riDler piANo BAr, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler J THe SHop, Chopin Block SWAxx, Too Short feat. Young West, Franchise, C.a. Rod, L.O.U., Demon Assassin TAMArACk puBliC HouSe, Marco Polo Collective THe vikiNg BAr & grill, Fusbol J WATerFroNT pArk, Bobby Bremer Band zolA, Snap the Nerve

Saturday, 08/01

J 4000 HoleS (325-1914), Jace Fogleman CD Release J THe BArTleTT, Mon Chéri (See story above), Friends of Mine Beverly’S, Robert Vaughn J THe Big Dipper, The Hoot Hoots, Bollets or Balloons, Fun Ladies, Dem Empire BlACk DiAMoND, The Diamond DJ Bolo’S, Los Chingadors J BuCer’S CoFFeeHouSe puB, Bart Budwig CArliN BAy reSorT (208-6893295), 4 On the Floor THe CellAr, Special K’s J CHApS, Just Plain Darin Coeur D’AleNe CASiNo, Tell the Boys, Donnie Emerson and Nancy Sophia J Coeur D’AleNe CiTy pArk, JamShack CoNkliNg MAriNA & reSorT, The

Cronkites CRAVE, Stoney Hawk CURLEY’S, The Usual Suspects DOWNTOWN SANDPOINT, Sandpoint Summer Sounds feat. Ruff Shodd FIZZIE MULLIGANS, Karma’s Circle THE FLAME, DJ Big Mike, DJ WesOne THE FOXHOLE, DJ 3D GATEWAY MARINA AND RESORT, YESTERDAYSCAKE GORGE AMPHITHEATER, Watershed Festival IRON HORSE BAR, Slow Burn THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave THE LARIAT INN, Bobby Bremer Band MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE, GRE3NE/Ron Greene NASHVILLE NORTH, Stateline Music Fest feat. JT Hodges, Luke Jaxon, Jeremy McComb NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, DJ Ramsin NYNE, DJ Maynard PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, The Wagoner Band J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, The Ongoing Concept, The Persevering Promise, Odyssey, Into The Flood, Confines J RED LION HOTEL AT THE PARK, Devon Wade Band THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler SATAY BISTRO (208-765-2555), Son of Brad J WATERFRONT PARK, Quarter Monkey ZOLA, Snap the Nerve

Sunday, 08/02

ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, David Raitt & The Baja Boogie Band BIG BARN BREWING CO. (7102961), Dirk Swartz COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh, Echo Elysim J COEUR D’ALENE CITY PARK, CdA City Park Concert Series CONKLING MARINA & RESORT, Jukebox Machine CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN, Kicho CRUISERS, Kyle Swaffard DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church J EMERSON PARK, Emerson Park Concert feat. Broken Whistle GORGE AMPHITHEATER, Watershed Festival IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, Dan Conrad THE JACKSON ST., Acoustic Jam NASHVILLE NORTH, Stateline Music Fest feat. Cody Canada & The Departed PAOLA’S RAINBOW RESORT, Paloa’s Jam feat. Justin Ryan ZOLA, Soulful Max Trio

Monday, 08/03

J THE BIG DIPPER, Texas Hippie Coalition, Red Sky Mary, Marry the Mistress J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAM-

ERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills J KNITTING FACTORY, Michael Franti & Spearhead (See story on page 41) LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Monday Night Spotlight feat. Carey Brazil J NEATO BURRITO, Sarah Bethe Nelson, Hannah Reader, Loomer J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Visitors, VIS, Rot Monger, Flannel Math Animal, the Colourflies, Noble Gypsies ZOLA, Nate Ostrander Trio

The PErfect Pair pair

Tuesday, 08/04

315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills J JONES RADIATOR, White Mystery, Siamese Suicide, 66beat KELLY’S IRISH PUB, Arvid Lundin & Deep Roots SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List

Wednesday, 08/05 J THE BARTLETT, Tei Shi J CHAPS, Land of Voices with Dirk Swartz CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN, Kyle Swaffard CURLEY’S, Steve Livingston, Triple Shot DOWNTOWN COEUR D’ALENE, Live After 5 feat. Montana Skies EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES (368-9087), Open Mic with T & T IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, Jody Piper JONES RADIATOR, Whiskey Wednesday with Joe Aquina with Roger Dines LA ROSA CLUB, Robert Beadling and Friends LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 J NEATO BURRITO, Heaters (See story on facing page), Bigfoot Wallace & His Wicked Son (feat. members of Kithkin) J THE NEST AT KENDALL YARDS, Rock the Nest feat. Scott Ryan PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, The Deltaz J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Maya Over Eyes, Farooq, Infinite Sleep, vxDEDxv, Sail The Seven, Mothersound THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Jam with Steve Ridler SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic with Son of Brad WADDELL’S BREWPUB & GRILL (321-7818), Son of Brad ZOLA, The Bossame

Coming Up ...

J WAR MEMORIAL FIELD, Festival at Sandpoint (See story on page 39) feat. Arlo Guthrie, Jonatha Brooke, Aug. 6 WATERFRONT PARK, Blue Waters Bluegrass Festival feat. Laurie Lewis and Kathy Kallick, & Friends and more, Aug. 7-9

Serious Gourmet Burgers & Hand Cut Fries Mon-Sun 3:30-10:30 • 825 W Riverside Spokane

Look for the sticker at The Inlander’s more than 1,000+ locations throughout the Inland Northwest and pick up your weekly edition.

MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BEVERLY’S • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 CONKLING MARINA & RESORT • 20 W Jerry Ln, Worley • 208-686-1151 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • (208) 773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 THE FOXHOLE• 829 E. Boone • 315-5327 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent Ave.• 924-3720 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 THE HOP! • 706 N. Monroe St. • 368-4077 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 THE JACKSON ST. • 2436 N. Astor • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 PARK BENCH CAFE •1976 S Tekoa St • 456-4349 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 PINNACLE NORTHWEST • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 ROCKET MARKET • 726 E. 43rd Ave. • 343-2253 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SULLIVAN SCOREBOARD • 205 N Sullivan Rd • 891-0880 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 TAMARACK • 912 W Sprague • 315-4846 UNDERGROUND 15 • 15 S. Howard St. • 290-2122 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 43



Going strong now for 47 years, Coeur d’Alene’s Art on the Green festival continues to bring together local artists, musicians and community members for a weekend of art appreciation on North Idaho College’s scenic, ponderosa-pine-dotted campus. Stroll the marketplace to find fine handcrafts made by any of 190 featured artists, or enjoy live music and dance at one of the two stages. Should you find yourself getting hungry, head to one of the food booths to enjoy fresh chicken, fish, German sausages and corn on the cob straight from the grill. With all of this and free shuttle rides between the festival and downtown — where the Coeur d’Alene Street Fair runs simultaneously — the Lake City offers a weekend of culture, fun and excitement. — ERIN ROBINSON Art on the Green • Fri, July 31, noon-7:30 pm; Sat, Aug. 1, 10 am-7:30 pm; Sun, Aug. 2, 10 am-5 pm • North Idaho College • 1000 Garden Ave. • • 208-667-9346


Rehashing the assassination of Abraham Lincoln onstage seems a little warped. But the theater also isn’t kind to John F. Kennedy, James Garfield or William McKinley in Assassins, now playing at The Modern Theater in Coeur d’Alene. The musical, which won five Tonys in 2004, is a mashup of assassins, presidents, a carnival, and of course musical numbers. In a revue style, men and women who attempted (and sometimes succeeded) to assassinate U.S. presidents are portrayed in their planning, motives and attempts. — MATTHEW SALZANO Assassins • July 24-Aug. 9, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm • $17-$25 • The Modern Theater CdA • 1320 E. Garden Ave. • • 208-676-7529

44 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015


Most probably aren’t aware that anime is a thriving pop subculture here in Spokane. For evidence, look no further than the seventh annual KuroNekoCon, which celebrates all things anime and Japanese pop culture, and brought in more than 1,400 attendees last year. At this year’s con, guests can partake in cosplay contests, watch anime, meet artists and attend community dances that celebrate the musical side of anime. Special guests this year include artists and voice actors who’ve worked on some of the most popular anime series out there. — CHEY SCOTT KuroNekoCon • Sat, Aug. 1, from 9 am-midnight; Sun, Aug. 2, from 9 am-10 pm • $10-$30 • Spokane Convention Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. •




Take a trip up to Schweitzer Mountain for the resort’s ninth annual Huckleberry Festival and you’ll leave with both a bucket and a belly full of huckleberries. The festival kicks off with a huckleberry pancake breakfast that lasts until 1 pm. Another way to start the day is to participate in the Huckleberry Color Fun Run & Ride, beginning at 10 am. As you run, walk or bike through your choice of a 5K or 2.5K course, “forest urchins” will toss colorful, powdered dye onto participants. Afterward, board the Huckle Shuttle to go on hosted hikes through picking sites and enjoy live music, crafts and a huckleberry pie-eating contest. Schweitzer’s summer activities, like zip lining and scenic chairlift rides, also are open. — KATY BURGE Schweitzer Huckleberry Festival • Sun, Aug. 2, from 7 am-5 pm • Free; Color Fun Run/Ride, $20-$30 • Schweitzer Mountain Resort • 10000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. •


What’s better than a one-of-a-kind bowl handmade by a local artist? The obvious answer: a bowl handmade by a local artist that’s filled with ice cream. This weekend, the fledgling Urban Art Co-op, located on North Monroe Street, is hosting a community fundraiser in the cool, grassy shade of Manito Park, offering bowls made by its artists that are immediately and appropriately filled with summer’s best treat. The art co-op offers memberships starting at $50 per year, plus rental fees, which allow artists access to handbuilding and wheel-throwing pottery spaces for their creative use. Art classes are also taught there, and artists of all levels are welcome to come use the shared space. — CHEY SCOTT Scoops and Bowls • Sat, Aug. 1, from 11 am-5 pm • $10-$12/bowl • Manito Park, North Shelter • 1702 S. Grand Blvd. • • 720-7624



HEART BEATS: A SUMMER CONCERT Join Every Child’s Place for its first summer concert fundraiser and bocce ball tournament. All tickets include dinner plate and drink from the Tacos Camargo taco truck. Enjoy beer from River City Brewing and wine from Left Bank Wine Bar. Aug. 1, 4-9 pm. $25$60. Rosehurst Garden, 7527 N. Market St. (315-4845) SCOOPS AND BOWLS A fundraiser event for Urban Art Co-op, with handmade ceramic bowls for sale, filled with ice cream. Bowls priced at $10$12, with family pricing offered. At the North shelter, near the Grand Blvd. entrance. Aug. 1, 11 am-5 pm. Manito Park, 1800 S. Grand Blvd. (720-7624) TEEING UP FOR KIDS The 10th annual

fundraiser supports programs and services for early childhood learning in Kootenai County. Aug. 1, 7:30 am. $85/ person; $340/team. CdA Golf Club, 2321 W. Fairway Dr. (208-667-8112) WALK FOR APRAXIA The third annual 2015 Spokane and Northern Idaho Walk for Apraxia benefits children with childhood apraxia of speech. Registration at 9 am, walk begins at 10 am. Aug. 1, 9 am. $20/adults, $10/kids. Mirabeau Park Meadows, 13500 Mirabeau Parkway.


SIDEWAYS CINEMA Members of the Blue Door re-dub a classically bad scifi movie. July 30, 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045)


AUGUST 3, 2015

Watch Alex Prugh, Jason Gore, Andres Gonzales and other celebrities and PGA pros take on the Coeur d’Alene Resort Golf Course—and take on cancer—in an exclusive event to benefit Community Cancer Fund. Get your $50 gallery tickets and find out more about the Showcase at




JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 45





I SAW YOU TO THE SPOKANE POLICEMAN AND PARAMEDIC THAT HELPED ME I had drank too much, and was having a terrible night. I tripped and fell and bloodied up my face pretty bad. I just wanted to thank you both for being so caring and not judgmental. You guys got me home, safe and sound. I hate to think what could have happened to me if you guys weren't there. So I just wanted to say thanks. — Brett HELLO BATGIRL... This is Cat Woman and I have a little tip for you. Batman is all yours if you really want him. You see, he and I are not together as he seems to have led you to believe. We may share the same house but that is all. He sleeps downstairs and I sleep up. I can only imagine his story is the same one he's been using on all of the women he sleeps with. Something like "She's so mean to me, all she does is pick fights and spend my money." Or maybe it's the one about how I have boyfriends, etc. Whatever, doesn't matter. It's the same sad story he used to feed me before I got pregnant and had to marry the pig. So if you want to take Batman and go camping, please feel free. Please! Cat Woman would love it you could find a way to keep him.... meow. TWIGS VALLEY - 7/22 Thank you again for the compliment on my eyes, you have pretty eyes too. You: very beautiful lady in pretty dress and great smile! Me: in

cargo shorts and martini... We noticed each other when you walked out onto the patio with your friend. Would love to hear from you.

seductive tease. I'd like to wash the sin rite out of your mouth. And tell me what was the inspiration for that swimsuit. Signed trouble

RED LIGHT July 20th You beautiful young lady with gorgeous smile driving a white Audi downtown 3rd & brown you were next to me and I told you to turn up your music so I could hear it you said it was already loud..... Single? Meet up for some coffee? Hope to hear from you let me know what I was driving.

FIERY EYES You were wearing a bright green top and black skirt walking down Pacific Ave Monday afternoon. I was the goof in the purple shirt. You glanced back. I was stunned and before I could gather my wits, you disappeared like an

WELLESLEY DRIVE So this is probably a long shot but you in the white SUV caught my eye on 7/23 when we kept passing each other from around SCC all the way to Northtown Mall. I sadly drove straight while you took a left. I would like to meet you for longer than a passing glance. If you do happen to come across this tell me what I was driving at passing.

ethereal sea-nymph. Come back to the surface now that i've got my sea legs.

FEMME FAT-AL I must admit I'm a fool for your wild charms and seductive ways. Tell me was that swimsuit painted on you. My jaw on the floor, heart in my mouth. Thanks for posing such the

YOUR RETINAS WILL THANK ME Cheers to self-tanning lotion! For giving me the freedom to bare my legs and be cool this summer without risking blinding my fellow Spokanites with my appallingly

CHEERS CONCERT Thanks so much to the Melissa Etheridge fans who left early and gave us in the back their front-row seats to rock out to Blondie and Joan Jett! What an awesome experience! Thanks!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN Thank you to the woman who drove past me at the bus stop on 17th and Lincoln heading downtown on Monday, the 20th and then turned around and came back to make sure I was okay and not hurt. It's wonderful to see that people still care about each other and that they will go out of their way for others. RESPECTFUL BOATERS Last weekend at Priest Lake in the vicinity of the Luby Bay Campground and Hill's Resort, most boaters w/wakeboarders and skiers turned down their high-powered 4 speaker sound systems so that those of us on the shoreline were free to enjoy the peace and quiet of the great outdoors. Jeers to the others.

SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”

46 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

JEERS RE: RE: LEARN TO READ (AND DRIVE) You may be able to read but your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired!! Yes, drivers already on the highway do have the right of way. This is

Hey I have an idea....why not make all service dogs wear the coats to indicate they are service dogs and make the owners pay for them. I bet we would see a lot less dogs in the grocery store. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR? NO THANKS I'm tired of hitting red lights and seeing every excuse on cardboard. Tired of seeing those who disgrace our service members. If you can be on a corner for

Thanks so much to the Melissa Etheridge fans who left early and gave us in the back their front-row seats.

PLEASE DON'T HIT ME Drivers: You come up to an arterial and want to turn left. You indicate your intention to turn with your turn signal. You have a stop sign, and are waiting for a break in traffic. But before you get to go, I come up across from you, and I am going straight across, indicated by lack of a turn signal. When a traffic break comes, I get to go, even though you got there first. BUT, you think “hey it’s my turn, I got here first!” You have a baffled, angry, or scared look on your face when you almost hit me. This near-collision traffic situation occurs about once a week to me. Look, the rule is, at this type of intersection, the vehicle turning left onto the free-flowing traffic yields to all others — it’s not like a 4-way stop. And this is true even if I am traveling by bicycle. I’m bound to be the one who gets injured, being on a bicycle, but you are going to be at fault, with all that goes along with that. I know sometimes it doesn’t seem fair. But the traffic rules should help us all know what to expect from each other, so we can avoid the pain and expense of running into each other. (RCW 46.61.185, Drivers Handbook p. 3-22)


white, cheese-stix-colored appendages. You are much appreciated!

not, however, a free pass to be an oblivious jackass and not let merging traffic in. Per the Department of Licensing's Washington State Driver Guide, Section 4-28. "When other traffic is trying to merge into your lane, move to another lane to give them space when it is safe." Oh gee! This would explain that sign warning of upcoming merging traffic. No, this common flipping courtesy is not legally required. It's more of a common sense thing! People are merging, there's a lot of traffic and no room. Hey! Let me get over. It's really very simple — and it's exactly what I do when I see others trying to merge. COMMON SENSE Jeers to the woman at Winco that found it necessary to bring her dog into the grocery store. To be fair, it is not only this woman but all people that believe it is necessary to bring their "service" animals into grocery stores. I have two dogs and do not feel it is necessary to bring them everywhere I go. I also do not let them in my kitchen because I believe their hair and dander does not belong in my food. If I were to walk in the grocery store with no shoes or shirt on I would be asked to leave because it is unsanitary. Do you seriously believe your dog should be there? For years I have accepted the fact that certain people need service dogs however, I find it hard to believe all these dogs are service dogs.

4-5 hours, you can put more effort into life and get your pouting face off the corner. "anything helps" Yeah so does a job. There is plenty of work out there even for disabled people. And you would most likely make more than $20-$30 dollars a day. SPOKANE ATTORNEYS Regarding Spokane attorneys: yes what a joke, when I injured myself on city property and tried to get help from these so-called personal injury attorneys, I was totally shot down. They kept telling me you can't sue the city, they say some RCW laws prevents them from suing. But lo and behold, here is a man who fell on a sprinkler and hurt his ankle, not only did he sue and won but got free golf for himself and his golfing buddies. Maybe I didn't have a good retainer for these socalled personal injury lawyers. 


NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.

EVENTS | CALENDAR STAND-UP COMEDY OPEN MIC Local comedians; see weekly schedule online. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. (483-7300) AFTER DARK A adult-rated version of the Blue Door’s monthly, Friday show; last Friday of the month, at 10 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) EXPEDITION Live improv comedy show. Fridays in July and August, at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045) STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third Ave. (838-6688) SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045) STAND-UP OPEN MIC Mondays; sign-up at 9:30 pm, show at 10 pm. Ages 21+. No cover. The Foxhole, 829 E. Boone. (315-5327) IMPROV JAM SESSION An open-mic style improv comedy night, open to all regardless of experience. Tuesdays in July and August. $5. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. GUFFAW YOURSELF Open mic comedy night; every other Thursday at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First. (847-1234) IMPROV LAB The Blue Door players try out new material on stage, monthly on the first Friday, at 10 pm. Not rated. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045)


CELEBRATING MEDICARE’S 50TH BIRTHDAY Various speakers including WA State Representative Marcus Riccelli and a statewide health insurance benefits advisor explaining why Medicare needs protection. Celebrate with cake and entertainment by the band 8 Tracks. July 30, 4:30-7:30 pm. Free. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. scc. (487-2158) SUPERSIZED GAMES The library takes favorite games, like Banana Grams and Yahtzee, and makes them “super-sized.” For grades 4+. July 30, 2-3 pm. free. Moran Prairie Library, 6004 S. Regal St. (893-8340) TWILIGHT PET MEMORIAL Remember your past pets while helping ensure the future of the animals at SCRAPS. The event starts with a brief reflection followed by our luminary lighting. Attendees may purchase a luminary in honor of their pets, past and present. July 30, 8 pm. SCRAPS Regional Animal Shelter, 6815 E. Trent Ave. WHERE’S WALDO? The famous children’s book character visits 20 local businesses in July, and those who spot him can win prizes and more. The annual event supports shopping local, and runs through the month. Free. Downtown Spokane. DEER PARK LIBRARY BOOK SALE Featuring many new titles, especially cookbooks, survival, Westerns, etc. July 31 and Aug. 1, 9 am-4 pm; Aug. 2, 11 am-3 pm. Sales by donation. Deer Park Auto Freight, 2405 E. Crawford, Deer Park. (276-8777)

A FAMILY FESTIVAL CARNIVAL Each year the Spokane County Parent Coalition and Parent to Parent cohost a summer barbecue, with games, food and prizes. Families supporting a child with a developmental disability, people with developmental disabilities, professionals, educators, care givers and anyone else are invited to come socialize and have a good time. July 31, 5:30-8 pm. Arc of Spokane, 320 E. Second Ave. (328-6326) FUN FRIDAYS @ THE PARKS Each Friday in July, Spokane Valley Parks program leaders head to two different city parks with fun activities planned to engage park users. See schedule and locations online. Free. Spokane Valley, Spokane Valley. KURONEKOCON Spokane’s 7th annual anime and Japanese culture convention celebrates all things anime, manga, gaming and Japanese culture-related in a family-friendly, all-ages setting. Aug. 1-2, from 9 am-10 pm. $20-$30. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (251-9143) MULTI-TOWN GARAGE SALE The inaugural event features sales in Latah, Rockford and Tekoa, Washington, with a map of garage sales in each town available. Aug. 1, 8 am-4 pm. PALOUSE COMMUNITY YARD SALE Maps of participating residences are available at downtown businesses. Aug. 1. Palouse, Wash. SWAP MEET & BLUEGRASS FEST A community yard sale/swap meet down Maine St. with free bluegrass concerts in the Park from Sandpoint’s Monarch Mountain Band. Aug. 1. Free. Spirit Lake,

Idaho. PERRY NEIGHBORHOOD STREET RIDE Members of the Spokane Bicycle Club and the Spokane Regional Health District hosts a relaxed ride around the neighborhood for riders to practice their skills and socialize with other cyclists. Aug. 2, 1:30 pm. Free. Two Wheel Transit, 817 S. Perry St. (747-2231) PITCH FOR THE CURE BREAST CANCER WALK The 10th annual, one-mile walk around Avista Stadium also includes recognition of breast cancer survivors on the field before the Spokane Indians’ 3:30 pm game. Proceeds benefit the E. Wash. affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Aug. 2, 3 pm. $15-$25. Avista Stadium, 602 N. Havana St. (343-6811) EVERY DROP COUNTS: WATER CONSERVATION TIPS Learn about small steps you can take inside and outside your home to reduce overall water consumption, including low-cost or no-cost methods. Hosted by SNAP. Aug. 4, 6-7 pm. Free. Indian Trail Library, 4909 W. Barnes Rd. (444-5331) NATIONAL NIGHT OUT The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office, Spokane Valley Police Dept. and SCOPE invite the community to enjoy an evening outside with neighbors and local public safety officials, as part of an effort to heighten awareness of crime prevention, strengthen neighborhood spirit and build trust with police. Register your event so public officials can stop by. Aug. 4. Spokane, n/a. (477-3055) KSPS FITKIDS DAY A morning of active play for kids. Meet Peg + Cat, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Stitch the Trauma Bear, Aqua Duck and the FitKids. Includes ac-

tivities for every age: parachute games, gigantic beach balls, banana races, hula hoops and more. Aug. 7, 10 am-noon. Free. Ferris High School, 3020 E. 37th Ave. (443-7700) LATE NIGHT @ THE LIBRARY Wear play clothes and be ready for games, snacks, crafts and more. For kids entering grades 3-5. Pre-registration and signed permission form required. Aug. 7, 7-10 pm. Free. North Spokane Library, 44 E. Hawthorne Rd. (509-893-8350) LIBRARY AFTER DARK Meet at the library after dark for pizza, a game or two of life-size Clue, crafts from your favorite fandoms, and a showing of “Guardians of the Galaxy” (rated PG-13). For Grades 9-12. Pre-registration and signed permission form required. Aug. 7, 6:30-11:30 pm. Free. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. (893-8400) SWIM PARTY FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES Families Together invites families with children with disabilities to attend a swim party. Everyone is encouraged to bring a snack to share. Aug. 7, 8-10 pm. Free. HamiltonLowe Aquatics Center, 830 N. Mountain View Rd., Moscow. (208-874-7891) CELEBRATE LIFE FUN RUN/WALK The annual fundraiser walk/run across Sandpoint’s Long Bridge founded to celebrate and in memory of Jenny Myer benefits the Bonner General Hospital’s programs that support cancer patients. Aug. 8, 9 am. $20-$30. Sandpoint, Idaho.

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JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 47


Advice Goddess SleePleSS in FAllujAh

I just broke up with my girlfriend of seven months. We fought constantly, but the sex was amazing. Reviewing my relationships, it seems I have the best sex in the volatile ones — those where we argue all the time and really don’t get along. I’m wondering whether there’s a connection between anger and sex. —Just Curious


ART ON THE GREEN The 47th annual celebration of art, creativity, music, dance, food and friendship. July 31Aug. 2; Fri, 12-7:30 pm, Sat, 10 am-7:30 pm and Sun, 10 am-5 pm. Free. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. (208-818-5957) COEUR D’ALENE STREET FAIR The annual street fair hosts 250+ vendors, live entertainment, food, arts, crafts and more. Dog-friendly; shuttle buses offered between the Street Fair, Art on the Green and A Taste of the CdAs. Free. Downtown Coeur d’Alene. (208-415-0116) COLVILLE RENDEZVOUS DAYS The annual community celebration offers local artisans/vendors, live entertainment, a car show, battle of the bands, historical encampment, music workshops and more. July 31-Aug. 2. At Yep Kanum Park. 59TH SPOKANE HIGHLAND GAMES This annual Scottish festival celebrates the traditions of Highland dance, bagpipe band exhibitions and Heavy Athletic competitions. Also includes sword demos, Gaelic classes, Robert Burns poetry slam and more. Aug. 1, 9 am-5:30 pm. $10/adults; $8/ seniors (60+), $8/ages 11-17; $5/ages 6-10. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. (768-6615)


COMMUNITY MOVIE NIGHT All are invited to a free outdoor movie and

JUICING FOR HEALTH & HEALING Learn about the benefits of fresh juices with juicing expert Cheri Calbom, author of 27 books. July 30, 6:30-8 pm. $10/person. Pilgrim’s Market, 1316 N. Fourth St. KOOTENAI HEALTH FOUNDATION SIGNATURE COCKTAIL EVENT This new event invites guests to sample custom cocktails created by local mixologists. Vote with dollars for a favorite mixologist, and the winning drink will be served at the Festival of Trees Gala in November at the CdA Resort Convention Center. July 30, 6-9 pm. $35. The JACC, 405 N. William St., Post Falls. (208-625-4433)

AUG. 28-SEPT. 3, 2014






48 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015



Introducing your boyfriend to your plastic shower hat? Easy: “Hi, meet the end of your erections.” Consider that there are lots of hot sex scenes in movies that take place in showers. Note that no woman in any of them is wearing a shower cap. This is not an accident or omission on the part of countless movie directors. Male sexuality evolved to be visually driven — and no, not by the sort of visuals that scare a man into thinking he’s walked in on Aunt Bea. (And — nice try, shower cap manufacturers! — calling it “Bath Diva” or making it in an animal print doesn’t change that.) Yeah, I know, it’s what’s on the inside that counts — but not if a guy doesn’t want to have sex with what’s on the outside. And by the way, it’s hard enough to find a romantic partner attractive over time. Do you really want to give your boyfriend a visual obstacle course? Instead, be open about your deepest hopes, fears, and dreams — right before you lock yourself in the bathroom with the elasticized stepsister of the plastic grocery sack. n ©2015, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (

screened Tuesdays, with drive-in or picnic-style seating. Gates open at 7 pm, with movies starting at dusk (around 9 pm.) $4-$5/person without a car; $20$25/carload of 4+, or $5/person for cars of 1-3 people. Cash only. Concessions provided by local food trucks/businesses. Aug. 4. Spokane Drive-In Movies (North), 4307 E. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. SPOKANE DRIVE-IN MOVIES: GREASE Outdoor movies are screened Wednesdays, with drive-in or picnicstyle seating. Gates open at 7 pm, with movies starting at dusk (around 9 pm.) $4-$5/person without a car; $20-$25/ carload of 4+, or $5/person for cars of 1-3 people. Cash only. Concessions provided by local food trucks/businesses. Aug. 5. Spokane Drive-In Movies (West), 750 N. Hayford Rd. facebook. com/OutdoorMoviesSpokane

The Inlander’s Annual

g the People changin est for the Inland Northw how you better — and of them one can be PAGE 27

hAt Crime

My boyfriend of six months lives an hour away. We’ve had weekend overnights, but now he wants to come visit for an entire week. I’m super-excited but — don’t laugh — worried about his seeing me in my shower cap. (My hair takes 45 minutes to blow-dry, so I wash it only once a week.) My ex-husband used to make fun of me for wearing it, telling me how unsexy and stupid-looking it was. How do I introduce my boyfriend to this thing? —Embarrassed

popcorn night; bring blankets or lawn chairs to enjoy the Lego Movie (July 30), Ratatouille (August 6), Frozen (August 13), and Nemo (August 30). Films start at 8:30 pm. Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church, 312 W. Hawthorne Rd. (466-1627) SPOKANE FILM SOCIETY The local group screens a film to get audiences thinking, with each month focusing on a new theme. Beer/wine and food for purchase during the show. Thursdays at 9 pm. $5. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. (327-1050) THE SEARCH FOR FREEDOM A documentary featuring the stories of athletes in surfing, snowboarding, mountain biking and more. July 31, 8 pm. $10. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. MOVIES IN THE PARK: NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2 Screening of the familyfriendly film begins at dusk. Aug. 1. Free. Pavillion Park, 727 N. Molter Rd. (755-6726) SOUTH PERRY SUMMER THEATER: BIG HERO 6 The annual summer movie series returns, screening at the parking lot of The Shop. Movies start at dusk, preceded by a fundraiser for a local charity. Aug. 1. Free. The Shop, 924 S. Perry St. (534-1647) SUMMER CAMP 2015: CADDYSHACK The Garland’s summer movie series returns, and includes beer specials from River City Brewing. Tuesday’s showings also include contests and prizes. Aug. 2, 4 and 6. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. (327-1050) SPOKANE DRIVE-IN MOVIES: THE SANDLOT Outdoor movies are


Sex can be a form of peacekeeping, since your girlfriend can’t be screaming that you loaded the dishwasher wrong if she’s screaming, “OHGOD!OHGOD!OHGOD!” But is there a thin line between longing and longing to throttle someone? Justin Garcia, an evolutionary biologist at The Kinsey Institute, told me that “in general, relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction seem to correlate.” In other words, when your love life is in the toilet, your sex life is quick to join it for a swim. That said, Garcia says there’s some evidence for a “subgroup of people who can have very volatile relationships but very passionate sexual lives together.” This seems to have something to do with the body’s response to stress. (Researchers call this stress response “arousal” — which is cute, because it’s erotic on the level of having a condominium placed on your chest.) Sex researcher Cindy Meston and evolutionary psychologist David Buss explain in “Why Women Have Sex” that a stressful situation activates a “fight or flight” reaction in the sympathetic nervous system, making your heart race and your blood pressure zoom and leading your brain to release norepinephrine, a brain chemical that, molecularly, is the first cousin of speed. This helps explain why prolonged activation of the sympathetic nervous system — as in, prolonged stress or anxiety with no physical outlet — can be physically unbearable. Many who regularly experience this sort of stress-athon take anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax to calm down. But in Meston’s research on female arousal, some women found sex to be a substitute chill pill (and, depending on the partner, far less tedious than climbing six tall buildings on the StairMaster). Some women even reported that stress makes them feel turned on. Which makes stress sound like it has its sexy points — that is, unless you’re a man, because sympathetic nervous system overarousal is the body’s little erection-killer. Seeing as this doesn’t seem to be a problem for you, when you’re in one of those boringly healthy relationships, sure, you could pick fights and hope this leads to more exciting sex and not less sex, no sex, or no more girlfriend. Or…you could opt for a more positively energizing activity, like paintball, Super Soaker tag, or an intense pillow fight. Aerobic exercise and competition both boost testosterone — a libido picker-upper in both men and women. They also increase energy and arousal — and probably more so if you add a little playful goading and teasing to the mix. But, as Meston and Buss point out, what you should definitely avoid is the advice of many self-help books to “romance” a woman with soothing music, a bubble bath, or a massage. Remember, you’re trying to get a woman in the mood, not put her in a coma: “Oh, baby, you make me so — wait…are you snoring?”




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Attention Non-Profit Organizations! This is your chance to tell readers about your organization and how to get involved. Advertising listings will be featured in the annual Give Guide issue and all year on

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MAGIC, COMEDY & WINE DINNER Acclaimed comedy magician Bill Wiemuth performs a post-dinner show of laughter, amazement and an array of different magical effects. Audience members become part of the magic, too. July 30, 6-8 pm. $55. CdA Cellars, 3890 N. Schreiber Way. (208-664-2336) SUNSET DINNER CRUISE Cruises depart from Independence Point Dock daily, through Sept. 13, at 7:30 pm. Buffet menu offers round of beef, baked king salmon, au gratin potatoes, summer salad, fruit, rolls and cheesecake. $28-$52. The CdA Resort, 115 S. Second. (208-765-4000) FRUGAL TRAVELER SERIES: AUSTRALIA ON A DIME Sample a selection of 8 wines from “Down Under,” including dry whites, bold reds and a dessert wine. July 31, 7 pm. $20, registration requested. Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd Ave. OLD WORLD ROOTS, NEW WORLD EXPRESSIONS Meet NW Wine Company’s international brand ambassador, Bryce Gillespie, as he hosts an informative tasting of Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, and Chardonnay from two notable Oregon wine brands: Kudos and Domaine Loubejac. July 31, 3-6 pm. Free. Total Wine & More, 9980 N. Newport Hwy. (466-1644) TASTE OF THE COEUR D’ALENES The annual food and craft vendor fair is hosted by the Idaho Panhandle Kiwanis. July 31-Aug. 2. Downtown Coeur d’Alene. (208-415-0116) VINO WINE TASTING Friday, July 31 features Dunham Cellars of Walla Walla. Saturday, Aug. 1 features Orin

Swift Wines. Tastings include cheese and crackers. Vino! A Wine Shop, 222 S. Washington St. (838-1229) SCHWEITZER HUCKLEBERRY FESTIVAL & COLOR RUN The 9th annual event celebrates North Idaho’s favorite treasure with huckleberry pancakes, live music, a fun color run ($20-$30), crafts, a pie-eating contest and activities across the mountain. Aug. 2. Schweitzer Mountain Resort, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. FOOD PRESERVATION: PICKLING Food preservation expert Anna Kestell shares tips on two types of pickling, brined and quick. Aug. 3, 6-7 pm. Free. South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry St. (444-5331) BASIC FOOD PRESERVATION Food safety specialist Anna Kestell leads an informative conversation about food preservation. Discover which of the three main methods best fits your needs. Aug. 5, 7-8 pm. Free. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. (893-8400) CLASS & A GLASS Yoga instructors Larkin Barnett and Lauren Merrithew lead a one-hour class with live curated music, followed by wine and fellowship at the Cliff House Estate. Aug. 5, 5:30-9 pm. $35. Arbor Crest Wine Cellars, 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. (927-8571)


SCENIC SIX FIDDLE SHOW Annual music event featuring regional fiddlers and other related music. Aug. 1, 6 pm. $5 donation at the door; ages 18 and under free. Potlatch, Idaho. (208-875-0947) PIANIST JOHN NILSEN A concert by

the award-winning pianist and recording artist. Aug. 2, 4-5:30 pm. Free. Spokane Valley United Methodist Church, 115 N. Raymond Rd. (924-7262) OPERA ON A SUMMER’S EVE Featured performers are sopranos Christina Kowalski and Dawn Wolski, tenor Christopher Plund and baritone Aaron St. Clair Nicholson, with Mateusz Wolski on violin and David Demand on piano. Aug. 4, 7:30-9 pm. $35-$40. Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center, 405 N. William St. (208-457-8950)


SPOKANE INDIANS VS. EUGENE EMERALDS Five-game series, July 29-Aug. 2, starting at 6:30 pm WedSat and at 2:30 pm on Sunday. July 31 is Yoke’s $1 Family Feast night. Aug. 1 includes a post-game fireworks show. $5-$20. Avista Stadium, 602 N. Havana St. CDA ENDUROCROSS Motocross rides ride around and over obstacles on a course. July 31 and Aug. 1. $10-$15. Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way. 8 LAKES LEG ACHE The 17th annual bike ride heads through West Spokane, Cheney and Medical Lake, offering 15-, 30-, 45-, or 75-mile routes, with the longest route passing eight area lakes. Proceeds benefit the Sexual Assault Family Trauma Response Center of Lutheran Community Services. Starts at Group Health, 5615 Sunset Hwy. Aug. 1. $45-$60. (343-5020)

THURS, AUGUST 6TH, 2015 5:30PM - 7:30PM

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! JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 49






BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor Control Board at

CALL 325-0634 xt. 215 EMAIL


System Overhaul Statewide changes are now in effect for medical marijuana BY JORDY BYRD


t’s the end of an era. Friday marked the end of Washington’s longstanding medicinal marijuana program as we know it. Senate Bill 5052, which was signed into law in April, took effect July 24 and aligned the state’s recreational and medicinal marijuana systems. The bill was introduced in an effort to regulate medical marijuana, which has been legal since 1998. Under the bill, medicinal dispensaries will have to apply for licensing, and licensed recreational stores wishing to sell to medicinal patients must carry certain products. SB 5052 ushers in dozens of changes — some considered progressive, others controversial among medicinal advocates. Progressive changes include renaming the state’s Liquor Control Board the Liquor and Cannabis Board. Also, people with traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder will now qualify to receive a medical marijuana card. Controversial changes primarily surround the medical marijuana database, which the federal government historically has accessed to prosecute people. Although voluntary, patients who don’t register within the database will not benefit from the same tax breaks (no sales tax) and will not be able to possess or grow the same amount of marijuana. Registered medical patients are allowed to possess three times as much marijuana as is allowed under the recreational law.

50 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

Major medical changes now in effect include: u Butane extraction of marijuana oil is illegal unless the person doing it has been authorized by the state. u Households can grow only 15 plants, no matter the number of patients residing in the home. u Health care professionals who issue more than 30 marijuana authorizations per month must report to the state Department of Health. u Patient examinations and authorization cards must be issued at the health care practitioner’s permanent clinic (which eliminates the longstanding practice of issuing cards at hemp festivals and on traveling buses). n

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Warning: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

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OPEN EVERYDAY 509.919.3467 9107 N. Country Homes Blvd. WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

Find us off sprague, DIscreet parking and smiley faces! Monday - Saturday 9am - 8pm • Sunday 10am - 6pm WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of marijuana. There are health risks associated with the use of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children.

EVENTS | CALENDAR 21ST KIWANIS MINI TRIATHLON A great beginner event, consisting of a 1,200-feet swim, 10-mile bike ride and a 3.4-mile run. Open to individuals and relay teams. Aug. 1, 8:45 am. $50-$110. Waterfront Park, 1386 S. Lefevre St. (869-0252) LONG BRIDGE SWIM Swim 1.76 miles across Lake Pend Oreille in Sandpoint in the 21st annual open-water event which helps fund swimming lessons for local children and adults. Aug. 1, 9 am. $25-$30. MIDNIGHT CENTURY An annual, informal and unsupported 100-mile nighttime bicycle ride on dirt roads through rural areas around Spokane. Aug. 1, 11:59 pm. Free. The Elk Public House, 1931 W. Pacific. PADDLE THE HANFORD REACH Join Mike Petersen, Lands Council executive director, and John Roskelley, noted mountain climber and author, to support the Save Mt. Spokane Coalition on a guided kayak-trip of the Hanford Reach. Aug. 1 or 2. $150/person. (209-2406) SPIKE & DIG The annual six-on-six coed volleyball tournament hosts hundreds of teams each year. Aug. 1-2. $160-$220/team. Dwight Merkel Sports Complex, 5701 N. Assembly St. (863-1063) INT WAKEBOARDING, WAKE SURF & SLALOM COMPETITION The local watersports group has a new site for this annual event on the Pend Oreille River, between Sandpoint and Priest River. Camping available on site. Aug. 1-2; event details TBA. Aug. 1, 8 am-5 pm and Aug. 2, 8 am-noon. $35. Trinity at Willow Bay, 520 Willow Bay Rd. (993-1076) YOUTH FOOTGOLF TOURNAMENT Radio Spokane and Gift of Golf present the first annual Youth FootGolf Tournament. Includes five age brackets: 6-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, and 15-18. Included in the registration is 10 holes of FootGolf, lunch, and a chance to win prizes. Aug. 1, 8 am-6 pm. $15. Eagle Ridge Short Course, 5840 S. Meadow Lane Rd. (444-6771)


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ASSASSINS A controversial musical juxtaposing the American Dream with dark motives. Through Aug. 9; ThurSat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. The Modern Theater CdA, 1320 E. Garden Ave. (208-667-1323) EMPIRE THEATER COMPANY: CUPIDS Performance of the original romantic comedy by Hazel Bean. Through Aug. 2, Wed-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third Ave. MOSCOW ART THEATRE (TOO): ROMEO & JULIET A performance of Shakespeare’s greatest romantic tragedy, with the company’s trademark focus on storytelling, simplicity and truth. July 30-Aug. 1 at 2 pm and 7:30 pm. $8-$12. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL Students in the Civic’s summer Academy Main Stage Performance camp perform this Dr. Seuss-inspired musical. Through Aug. 2, Wed-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10$19. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard. THE VAMPIRE WHO LOVED IN VEIN OR ONE MONSTER OF A MELODRAMA! Will Count Guano infiltrate the Frankenbein’s castle, stealing the fam-

ily secret (and the girl) while he’s at it? An original play written and directed by Eli and Brady Bourgard. July 29-Aug. 23; Wed-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Sixth Street Theater, 212 Sixth St., Wallace, Idaho. CDA MURDER MYSTERY THEATRE A dinner theater production of “My Alma Martyr,” about a 10-year reunion marred by the tragedy of an alumni’s recent passing. 1940s or ‘50s-themed attire suggested. July 31, 6-8:30 pm. $35. CdA Cellars, 3890 N. Schreiber Way. THE DEVIL & BILLY MARKHAM A onenight performance of Shel Silverstein’s epic, one-man play, starring Coeur d’Alene native Jonah Weston. July 31, 7:30 pm. $15-$20. Chateau Rive, 621 W. Mallon. (795-2030) THE LITTLE PRINCE The Idaho Repertory Theatre performs a stage adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s beloved classic. July 31-Aug. 1, Aug. 7-8 at 7:30 pm; also Aug. 2 at 2 pm. $5-$10. University of Idaho Hartung Theater, 6th & Stadium Way, Moscow. (208-885-6465) TIKKI TIKKI TEMBO A stage adaptation of the story from the 1968 picture book telling the story of a Chinese boy with a long name who falls into a well. Through Aug. 2; Fri-Sun. Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22910 E. Appleway Ave. (342-2055) TRICKERY: AN EVENING OF MAGIC Isaiah Daniels presents “Trickery: An Evening of Magic,” featuring sleight of hand, illusions and audience participation. July 31, 7-8:30 pm. $10. Gonzaga Prep, 1224 E. Euclid Ave. (270-6865)


NORTHWEST IMPRESSIONS IN FOCUS Featuring original paintings by North Idaho artist Maia Leisz during an exhibition running Aug. 1-31. Artist reception on Aug. 2, from 1-3 pm. Entree Gallery, 1755 Reeder Bay Rd. (208-443-2001) MEDLEY IN WOOD Eleven woodworkers in the region present a “Medley in Wood,” Aug. 2-30. An opening reception is held Aug. 2, from 11 am-1 pm. Many of the artists will be present and are pleased to discuss their techniques. Gallery open Thu-Sun, 10 am-6 pm. Dahmen Barn, 419 N. Park Way. (509-229-3655)


CALEB MANNAN BOOK RELEASE The author and a musical crew bring their American folktale tour to Spokane for the release of the book of the summer, “Bust it Like a Mule.” Aug. 6, 7-8 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. on.fb. me/1h31iHk (206-664-1021) KRIS RUNBERG SMITH The author of the new book, “Wild Place: A History of Priest Lake, Idaho,” presents a program on the book including photos of the historic community. Aug. 6, 7 pm. Free. CdA Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. (208-769-2315) 3 MINUTE MIC Auntie’s First Friday poetry open mic continues, with “Remember the Word” featured reader Sharma Shields, author of “The Sasquatch Hunter’s Almanac.” Open mic poets can share up to 3 minutes’ worth of poetry. Aug. 7, 7-8:15 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) n

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 51

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A good pair of spandex can be miraculous – but can it also be malicious? If sized incorrectly and worn too frequently, yes. TIP OF THE WEEK Obviously, it can be uncomfortable. But that discomfort might end up as real issues, like acid reflux, gas, thigh pain, varicose veins and infections or rashes. Make sure to try on shapewear before purchasing to make sure it fits comfortably, and only wear for a limited amount of time to reduce risk. (Mayo Clinic)


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ACROSS 1. Suffix with lemon 4. Some bling 10. One of the men on “Two and a Half Men” 14. Post- and pre-Heat LeBron, for short 15. Baby attire with crotch snaps 16. “A madness most discreet,” per Romeo 17. Beats by ____ (audio equipment brand) 18. One hanging around a party? 19. Modern cash register device 20. Phrase of resignation 23. Minute Maid brand 24. General Assembly participant, for short 28. Geo. Washington was the U.S.’s first 31. “It’s nobody ____ business” 35. U.K. record label 36. Thin batteries

Equal Housing Opportunity All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Law which makes it illegal to advertise any preference to, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for our real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain on discrimination call HUD free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

37. Forceful advance 39. Firm (up) 40. Chopped ____ 41. It may be a plot 42. Ex-girlfriend of Derek Jeter who was FHM’s Model of the Year in 2004 44. “Never Let ____” (2005 Kazuo Ishiguro novel) 45. Suffix with cartoon 46. Snarlin’ ____ (nickname of former U.S. senator Specter) 47. German industrial city 48. Out of kilter 50. Brewed beverage 51. Aggressive declaration that literally applies to the ends of 20-Across (French), 37-Across (German) and 42-Across (Spanish) 59. God with a day of the week named after him

62. Gives a quick greeting 63. Wrath 64. “I’m from ____, we don’t know what cool is”: Ashton Kutcher 65. Tune in 66. ____ nutshell 67. Beef ____ 68. Nueva York, por ejemplo 69. Community coll. prerequisite, maybe DOWN 1. “High Voltage” rockers 2. Challenge 3. Holiday lead-ins 4. “Mercedes Benz” singer, 1970 5. “Giant Brain” that debuted in 1946 6. Former New York Times crossword editor Will ____

7. Biblical twin 8. Lo-cal 9. Blacken 10. Otherworldly 11. Cut (off) 12. Frank Sinatra’s wife before Mia

Media Relations Manager University Communications Office Hiring Range: $16.77 to $17.76 Per Hour Reporting to the Director of Communications, the Media Relations Manager works with campus constituents to publicize all aspects of the university through media outlets, the Whitworth website and social media sources. Bachelor's degree in journalism, public relations, English or related field required and minimum of 3 years related professional experience. Thorough understanding/ knowledge of news-media processes. Background check required. For more information please go to jobs. With our commitment to building a diverse community, the university encourages applications from populations underrepresented at Whitworth including members of racial/ ethnic communities, women, and persons with disabilities

Haunted House Volunteers Wanted more info at faceboo k.c thekingfamilyhaunte om/ dhouse

“sometimes a nuisance in cities” 28. Baryshnikov’s birthplace 29. Eastern philosophy 30. Time’s 1930 Man of the Year 31. Eero Saarinen’s architect father 32. Librairie book 33. Back of a boat 34. Cornell of Cornell University 37. Vague memory THIS W 38. One of 11 pharaohs A NSWE EEK’S 43. Nasty cut I SAW RS ON 47. Weather Channel newsmaker YOUS 49. Frozen margarita insert 50. Oohed and ____ 52. Manhattan, for one 53. Je ne ____ quoi 54. Best-selling PC game of the 1990s 55. Juanita’s “this” “WAR” 13. Neighbor of Homer 56. Kristen of “Bridesmaids” 21. Title location in a Hemingway novel 57. Duncan of Obama’s cabinet 22. Kennedy’s secretary of state 58. Peruse Proust, say 25. Treats again, as a sprain 59. Word that begins with an apostrophe 26. Come to light 60. ____ mess 27. Bird described by Audobon as 61. Have debts

JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 53


The Walkabout A stroll in the neighborhood feels better with a beer in your hand, which is illegal BY MIKE BOOKEY



like to take a beer with me on a walk. Other than driving seven or so miles per hour over the speed limit, it’s the only illegal thing I do with any regular-

Yet somehow I have to remind myself that I’m engaging in illicit behavior, because it doesn’t feel very wrong. In fact, few things feel more right than the reassuring weight of a mostly full bottle of IPA swinging in stride at my side on a warm evening. I’m not sure if the walk makes the beer taste better or if the beer makes the walk more enjoyable. And I don’t care to know. I just know that if you give me a stellar sunset and 12 cold ounces with which to saunter, I will be happy. It’s hard to feel like you’re doing anything wrong when you’re pushing your children’s stroller down a sidewalk with a beer in the cup holder. I mean, there is a cup holder, after all, and it fits a beer bottle or tall can with the sort of snugness the stroller’s engineer, or maybe God, clearly intended. But Washington state, like most states, does not allow you to walk with a beer. “No per-

54 INLANDER JULY 30, 2015

son shall open the package containing liquor or consume liquor in a public place,” the law reads. Never once have I felt guilty for walking with a beer because it’s illegal. I don’t feel that the sight of me cruising the sidewalk with a bottle or can in my hand will send my community into moral chaos, or cause the neighbor kids to take up drinking any earlier than they inevitably will. No, but I do feel a little guilty knowing that what I’m doing is arrogant, and that if I looked a little different or lived in a different city or even in a different neighborhood, I might have my life torn apart for this simple act. Let’s say I lived in downtown Spokane. I don’t think I’d take a beverage along for a stroll because, well, there are more police there. If I were not a white guy with children and the dress and body of a boring middle-class dad, maybe I’d leave the beer at home. Maybe I’d realize that walking with a beer could lead to a citation, which could lead to a court appearance that I’d be unable to make or a fine I couldn’t afford, which would lead to

me being a fugitive, all because walking with a beer feels good. In Matt Taibbi’s book The Divide, the Rolling Stone political and financial writer details the stop-and-frisk laws of New York City that — in one year alone — led to 140,000 open container violation citations in the city, many of which led to the recipients of those citations finding themselves tangled in the legal system. He juxtaposes this with the lax enforcement of the crimes perpetrated by Wall Street executives, virtually all of whom got off without even a slap on the wrist following the 2008 financial meltdown. That comparison makes you think a little bit about the real intention of an open container law. Maybe some of those 140,000 D I S T I L L E D people were guys who just “felt better” A SHOT OF LIFE with a beer in their hand while strolling the neighborhood. Maybe their strollers even had cup holders and they, like me, just followed the logic and placed a beer in there. Yes, I am aware that there are places that allow a beer on the sidewalk, but unfortunately those are places like Las Vegas, where such a privilege is wasted on the wasted. And maybe a walk with a beer wouldn’t feel as good if everyone else was doing it. Perhaps there’s joy in the risk, be that risk real or perceived. All I have are the facts: Beer makes walks better and walks make beer better. And if that truth runs afoul of law, well then, I’m happy to be a criminal. 





7/30 6:30 PM

7/3 1 6:30 PM

8/1 6:30 PM

8/2 3:30 PM





First 1,000 fans & all Diamond Club Members will receive 2015 Indians baseball cards. Plus post-game Supercuts Circle the Bases.

All Cloverdale Hotdogs, Pepsi and Ice Cream Sandwiches are only $1. Plus play Coeur dÕAlene Casino Baseball Bingo during the game.

Join us for another great Fireworks show immediately following the game.

Pre-Game Pitch for the Cure Walk at 3pm and Pink Jerseys auctioned off during the game. Plus post-game Cloverdale Catch on the Field.

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vs. Eugene Emeralds


343-OTTO (6886)


PITCH FOR THE CURE WALK One mile flat walk around Avista Stadium raising money for breast cancer research. Participants receive a ticket to the game, special edition pink t-shirt and take part in a pre-game ceremony on the field. Sponsored by:

Aug 4 - NWL All-Star Game

AUGUS T 2015


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6 › Arlo Guthrie with Jonatha Brooke 7›Ziggy Marley “The Fly Rasta Tour” with Maw Band 8 › Vince Gill with The Barefoot Movement & Troy Bullock 9 › Family Concert with The Festival Community Orchestra “Seasons’ Greetings” 13 › Lake Street Dive with The Ballroom Thieves 14 › The Devil Makes Three & Trampled By Turtles 15 › Wilco with Vetiver & Owen & McCoy 16 › Grand Finale The Spokane Symphony Orchestra “Viva Italia” Conducted by Gary Sheldon with featured soloist Vadim Neselovskyi, piano

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JULY 30, 2015 INLANDER 55


By “Top Chef” Judge

Chef Hugh Acheson August 16th • Chinook Meadows Farmers Market • 10 am - 2 pm Cooking Demonstration • 3 pm |$10

Worley, Idaho | 1 800 523-2464 | CDACASINO.COM

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