9 minute read
from Inlander 8/06/2020
by The Inlander
HANDSOME GUY AT NORTHERN QUEST I saw you, in non-smoking on July 27th, You had on a green mask with little black lines all over it. I was wearing a purple hoodie. You moved one machine over, to play the Quick hit with the Hawaiian lady & tigers directly next to me and got a bonus right away; you said something about how I must be good luck. I said well Maybe you were the good luck! We laughed and chatted for a little. I had to leave and you said “Good luck, beautiful.” I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, and while my memory is awful, I would know the mask you were wearing if I saw it again. I’ll be at Northern for the drawing on Thursday the 30th. I really hope I see you there! But on the off chance I don’t see you, I surely hope you see this. If you’d like to grab a coffee or something sometime, shoot me an email and we can connect! Kalinda509@gmail.com send a pic of the mask in the email so I know for sure it is you! Good luck handsome! Until we meet again.
IDAHO BIRTHDAY CLOWN GIRL Stumbled across your profile on one of the dating apps. Immediately - and I do mean IMMEDIATELY - messaged you and thought, “Oh, I hope she writes back!” Alas. But I do want to thank you. You’ve given me a great idea for a romantic comedy screenplay. (I still hope you write back, though, although I’ve abandoned that particular app.)
LOVELY WOMAN To the woman with the stunning aquamarine eyes the central YMCA. Yes, I see you. How could I look into those beautiful eyes and then look away? I was sad and lonely until you swam into my life. Life surprises you when you least expect it.
RK + SM I just want to let you know that even though we are at a crossroads in our relationship, I will never forget you and you will always be in my heart. As we sit in different rooms, you at your computer and me on the floor mat, I can’t deny that there is tension and uncomfortable energy between us. I am truly sorry for everything I’ve ever said out of anger and I want to thank you for all the time that we have shared! I love you, baby!!!
DORY THE NURSE You were the nurse for my grandmother on 7/29 at sacred heart. I came to visit her and was completely swept away by your beauty and fun attitude. I had asked you if I could have breakfast with my grandmother, but you recommended that I didn’t because of everything going on. I was wearing the mandatory yellow gown and white hat. I would love to have a socially distant cup of coffee with you sometime. If your up for it, please email me at bonwelltw@gmail.com
RE: GUN NUT WHILE SHOPPING Hmmmm, so you’re mad because someone was holding in a public place?? If you lived in Texas you would notice that EVERYONE has a gun. It’s a constitutional right for anyone with a weapons license to carry. So unless they were waving it around and threatening you, they weren’t breaking the law. So please unbunch your panties lady!
GUN NUT KAREN It’s called conceal carry. You seriously would have an aneurysm if you knew how many people carry in public. I’m sorry that the big, bad, scary gun made you feel unsafe and angry. Especially when you didn’t get your foot stomping snowflaky way in regards to management. Long story short, honey, you need to chill TF out.
WHITE PRIVILEGE I doubt my words will make any difference to those who feel slighted and possibly threatened by the Black Lives Matter mantra. But try to open your
minds to what can’t be denied. Since we racism. Also, jeers to Nadine Woodward for prior to potential school opening? What white Europeans landed on this country we becoming a politician with the intention about temperature checks prior to entry have dominated over those who were here of furthering her TV-personality “brand” by anyone, students and all staff on a daily before us. Natives slaughtered. Their way of and her real-estate holdings. You are not basis? When someone tests positive, which life completely controlled. The introduction of qualified to lead in any capacity. Cheers will occur, whether it is a teacher, essential Africans to America was nothing more than to the patient, kindhearted service workstaff, or student, who gets quarantine, the a purchase. Human cattle or horses or oxen. ers who are as polite as possible while whole class? The entire office staff? The Humans. Black human-beings with feelings, morons pretend to be brave and patriotic building? Then it affects their entire family. thoughts, pain and hope, considered to be less than other humans. And didn’t we White Lords of the Land get used to it. If you think by disregarding the well-being of their own neighbors. Cheers to the hospital staff who will bear the burden of these “patriots’” I’ve listened to all three webinars, these same questions have been asked and never fully answered! Covid-19 continues to rise “ Cheers to the patient, kindhearted service workers who are as polite as possible while morons pretend to be brave and patriotic by disregarding the well-being of their own neighbors. ” about it, it hasn’t been that long since slavery “bravery.” Cheers to anyone who underin Spokane County and to even consider was abolished. But generational mindsets stands that, however divided we are at placing thousands of community members are passed down. The Civil Rights Law of the this time, we are still in this together, and in SPS, not to mention their loved ones at sixties didn’t just flip a switch and “poof” there is no reason to be deliberately awful home, is beyond a reasonable judgement ending centuries of domination. Hell, the to members of your community to “make with regard to the health of our community confederate flag is still a symbol for some. a stand against tyranny,” or “exercise your members, especially our innocent children, The basic message. Black Lives Matter. Not right as a free American.” You were ASKED asymptomatic or otherwise, which can the constant rhetoric, not the politicizing, not to wear a mask, and it wasn’t enforced. It transmit covid-19. All staff members and the talking heads needing to fill time, but a was mandated, and you still refused and it’s children are at risk for a debilitating virus statement. Black Lives Matter. They haven’t. still not being enforced. Meanwhile feds are or even death if extreme safety guidelines We White Americans have always mattered taking people away in unmarked vehicles are not strictly followed and enforced. That you pompous ass. Don’t you understand like Communist China, and I don’t hear a doesn’t seem to play out well state nor that Black Americans have always been conword of resistance about that. Put a mask nationwide. The question therefore must be sidered second or third- class. They didn’t on, you misguided scofflaws. asked, can SPS provide a safe environment matter. Now they do. Get over it. to ALL who enters a public school? Covid-19 LEFT HAND DRIVERS For those of you who will prevail, SPS will shut down and as in POOR MANAGER As a manager, you foster forgot or missed this on your driver’s test war we’ll pray for the casualties. May God a culture of fear and retaliation. We are the left-hand Lane on the interstate is a Forgive Us For Our Sins. n tired of this. Perhaps you could make it your “Passing Lane.” To camp out in that lane “mission” to make our work life just a little at 60 miles an hour all the way from Maple more tolerable. Street to liberty Lake is just dangerous, BE BETTER Jeers to the anti-maskers and worsening the rush hour traffic. It’s also a ticket-able offense. These people also seem THIS WEEK'S ANSWERS their graying goatees and overly dyed bobcuts, to the COVID-hoaxers, the QAnon to have non working turn signals. Get a clue! G A B I S O F I X S A W A W A L O C T W R E M E R E D S S O D O N A S E N A G E conspiracy theorists, the pseudo-Christians SPOKANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS VS COVID-19 A L E S P O P I N voting against abortion but silent to the The odds favor Covid-19. I’ve heard SPS S P A G H E T T I O S W A L T suffering of the living, the Blue Lives/All is going to follow CDC guidelines, howM A M A S S P H E R E S Lives Matter crowd, and the 2nd amendever no answer is provided with regard O R E L N A R N I A ment gang that forgot what fascism looks to what are the guidelines or what occurs G E N E R I A D T E I A O T N E W A N L O T R Z I like and were manipulated and bolstered by when someone tests positive. Shouldn’t S T L U C I A H A S I N propaganda and their own latent/disguised all teachers, staff & students be tested T H E H E A T I S W A L T O N A E R O S S U E Z L U N K D I S N E Y P L U S A S E A D R U I D O O Z E G A R Y T E E N S S U I T
SOUND OFF 1. Visit Inlander.com/isawyou by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “petals327@yahoo.com,” not “j.smith@comcast.net.” NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
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