Inlander 09/24/2015

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eing a weekly paper, we have certain advantages. We don’t have to chase every fleeting trend, but rather we can dig into stories that are important, that excite us, that touch people in our local community. It’s a recipe that has made us the best-read urban weekly in America. But in many ways, we haven’t been a “weekly” for a very long time. At INLANDER.COM, we’re publishing stories, photos and videos every day. Here’s just a sample of what we covered online in the past week: the GOP presidential debate, an escaped prisoner at the county fair, local fashion, a James Franco film being made in Yakima, the Idaho schools superintendent, Tambourine Man, etiquette at concerts, a new pizza place in downtown Spokane, higher education, vaccines, the “war on police” and, yes, Donald Trump. We are still an ambitious, growing weekly, but we’re also delivering on a daily basis at Check it out! — JACOB H. FRIES, editor

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I would have to say Noah Gundersen at the Bartlett; that was a really good concert. Have you been to other shows in Spokane? Yeah, I’ve been to a few at the Bartlett, and I just went to Shania Twain at the Spokane Arena.

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Laura Johnson (x250)

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SAM JARRETT Best concert in Spokane… I went to Macklemore at the Spokane Arena, and Life in Color at the Spokane Arena, it’s probably a tossup between the two. They were both really fun. What’s your favorite venue that you’ve been to in Spokane? Definitely the Spokane Arena, although the Knitting Factory is probably a close second. Laser Hair Removal for All Skin types, Spider Vein Removal, Brown Pigment removal,Spider Vein Removal, Collagen Rejuvenation/ Skin Tightening, Spa Facials, Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasions, Botox, Juvederm, Voluma, Professional Teeth Whitening.



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Rusted Root, a couple of years ago. Awesome vibe, it was my first concert, and it was at the Knitting Factory. The cool thing about that concert is that I actually got the autographs of everybody in the band. I went with a music producer, so I got to really talk to the guys, which was awesome.

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KATE CARPENTER The Newsboys, which was my first concert, so that was really cool to be there. It was at the Convention Center. Are there any concerts that you are looking forward to in the future? I haven’t been to one with my husband yet, so it would be fun to go as a married couple. I vote country, but we’ll see…

ANDREA GUDERSKI I saw the Dip at nYne Bar in downtown Spokane. They were very entertaining and fun, they had a trumpet and saxophone player, so it just had a really cool sound. What’s your favorite kind of music? Probably, like, Indie/Christian music, the band Needtobreathe would be a good example of that.




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atching a name with a mission is not always easy. Or cheap. And it may require a stretch of the imagination. Consider the problem that Coeur d’Alene’s urban renewal agency has faced. The Lake City Development Corporation (LCDC) is and has been since 1997 “an independent, public redevelopment agency serving the city of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.” Over the years, the LCDC board has invested in Coeur d’Alene’s new city library, the Kroc community fitness center and concert hall, the 22.5-acre McEuen Park, the development of Riverstone, the higher education campus shared by North Idaho College, the University of Idaho and Lewis-Clark State College, and Midtown and Downtown revitalization along with many more projects. In the 18 years of its existence, the board of LCDC, now called “ignite cda,” has invested $43 million in key projects. The total value created is now estimated at $573 million. The agency claims a total of 1,400 new jobs have been added to the economy through their projects. o the dismay of the LCDC Board, a recent survey revealed that a majority of the folks in Coeur d’ Alene do not recognize the old name, Lake City Development Corporation, or connect that name with the results of their labor. The same survey showed that while the folks on the street love these public improvements, they don’t make the connection between the agency and its good works. When questioned further, they suggest they have grave doubts about the organization, LCDC, that is responsible for funding these welcome additions to their daily lives. Now these LCDC board members are not your everyday volunteers. Each has been chosen because of his or her extraordinary involvement in community projects or due to some particular knowledge of business or real estate or politics or the law. In fact, they are a hearty band of civic leaders. So they were forced to ponder: What to do? What to do? When in doubt, change the subject. Better yet, change the name! With the help of outside advisers, the LCDC board decided to rebrand. The new brand, ignite cda, is printed in lower case. That means it doesn’t stand out and grab your eye; instead, it tends to recede into the background — unless it’s printed in a larger font. But the complete new logo, which pictures a bright red heart in the center of a flame, casts a fresh touch. For one thing, the heart in a flame is quite appropriate for Coeur d’Alene, which calls itself the city with a heart. That easily recognizable logo will soon appear at the site of each of the projects that ignite cda, formerly LCDC, has supported.

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I have been persuaded that the new name and new logo are wise moves, meant to bring the 40,000-plus members of the Coeur d’Alene community into the learning circle. That intentionally appealing logo will make it much easier for the public to connect the finished project with the funding organization. Community building should be a major byproduct of revitalizing a city. After all, LCDC, the shorthand for the old, soon-to-be-forgotten name is simply Elsee-Deecy, a meaningless acronym, which can be tossed in the wastebasket with few regrets. The new flame-with-a-heart logo was launched in June of this year. This was perhaps unfortunate timing during our hotter-than-Hades summer, when wildfires were in the news and in everyone’s fears. Some folks have simply asked “Why ignite?” My guess is “ignite” is in tune with a current trend to plug action verbs into new logos. I’ve observed the words “incite,” “embellish” and “enthrall” used in very similar ways. Added to a heart in a flame, that verb should add life to the page. Or a chuckle. tate Sen. Mary Souza, who held a public forum to hear recommendations for improving Idaho’s urban renewal laws on Sept. 17, has criticized the expenditure of $50,000 to the consultant who helped develop the new branding strategy. I mentioned earlier that it’s not cheap to clear a group’s vision. The process involves hours and hours of professional time. But consider the value of the volunteer time this top-of-the-town board brings to the table, which probably adds up to thousands of dollars an hour. And how does the logo fit with the mission? “Igniting a community” to support healthier neighborhoods; new, higher-paying jobs; attractive, open public spaces; affordable housing. Sounds like positive enlightenment to me. Why are folks leery of urban renewal? Perhaps any government-related activity is in a shadow in this present political climate. Memories may still linger of the use of eminent-domain power, even though it is virtually nonexistent in modern-day practice. Perhaps people don’t like what they cannot understand. And tax-increment financing, used by all urban renewal groups, is simply hard to understand. On that note, I’ll leave this lighter aspect of the urban renewal issue. With good weather and if the creek don’t rise, next month I’ll have more to say about the myths, untruths and needed changes to the urban renewal picture in Idaho. n



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We Need a Prophet BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.


loved learning about the prophets during Bible class in high school. A bona fide prophet, we were taught by the Jesuits at Gonzaga Prep, would “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” That’s a pretty simple job description, and I’ve cited it as a mission statement behind our social justice reporting. Prophets have been inspiring people for centuries. In his visit to America this week, Pope Francis is revealing himself to be more prophet than pope. Too often, the popes have been caught up in the pomp of the comfortable camp. This pope, however, chose to sleep in a Vatican guesthouse instead of the opulent pope’s quarters. He drives a secondhand 1984 Renault. For an outing, he often washes the feet of the poor or imprisoned. Now Pope Francis arrives in a land of great contradictions. On the surface, we’re a nation of comfort. But look closer, and you’ll find plenty of affliction. While Wall Street traders who break the law and wreck the economy face zero legal repercussions, men and women who have not been found guilty of a crime wallow in our Spokane County Jail because they can’t muster $250 for bail. Ours is a land badly in need of a prophet. Now Francis has drawn criticism for questioning the morality of capitalism and the greed it can create, along with challenging the affront to God’s creation that is climate change. Republicans in Congress — you can’t get more comfortable than that bunch — were the ones who invited Francis to speak to our nation’s leaders. Now they’re falling all over themselves to destroy his message. Guess they didn’t learn about the prophets in school. Comfortable people throughout history have shown they don’t like being afflicted, and as a result, the prophets were usually martyred. But that only guaranteed that their message would live on. Two millennia later, we still study, cherish and (try to) follow the words of Jesus. Meanwhile, those moneychangers in the Temple remain the eternal villains. “Why are the wicked so prosperous?” the prophet Jeremiah asks the Lord in the Old Testament book bearing his name. “ …You [God] have planted them, and they have taken root and prospered. Your name is on their lips, but you are far from their hearts.” Jeremiah is describing the vain, complacent, too-comfortable class of his era, around 600 BC, but he could be describing America in 2015. Our own moneychangers have the majority of Americans feeling afflicted. That’s why, despite the blatherings of most GOP leaders, Pope Francis will find America to be a fertile field to plant his own seeds. And they are seeds of hope.  JEN SORENSON CARTOON

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COMMENT | OLYMPIA ranked 35th in the country in combined state and local tax rates, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. With our unusual lack of income and capital-gains taxes, we also have the shameful distinction of being the most upside-down tax state in the entire country, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. This means that everyday people pay up to seven times more of their income than those at the top of the economic brackets. So while it’s true that average-income folks are overtaxed in our state, the wealthiest are getting away with paying less than half the national average in local and state taxes. The same can be said for business taxes. According to the Department of Revenue, large industries like aerospace, high tech, and agriculture combined paid just $100 million in business and occupation taxes in 2013, thanks to generous tax loopholes granted to their powerful corporate lobbies. Meanwhile, the rest of businesses were made to pay $3.1 billion.



5. Schools and tunnels prove the fat. Many don’t know that there are actually three state budgets that have their own separate revenue streams. In reality, tunnels paid for by the Transportation Budget and high school remodels paid for by the Capital Budget are generally not available to help pay for Operating Budget expenses, such as education and health care.

Shedding the lies we’ve heard about the state budget will help make a tough problem more solvable BY MARIAH McKAY


hen faced with a challenge, it can be tempting to deny it rather than acknowledge that a difficult solution is needed. People will accept all kinds of untruths in order to cling to the status quo. Here are some of the most common falsehoods that stand in the way of building momentum for sorely needed state budget reform. 1. We can cut our way out. The truth is, Washington has already drastically cut investments since the onset

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4. Services should pay for themselves. When you are dealing with the needs of vulnerable citizens, there aren’t many opportunities for “fee-for-service” funding. Public sector taxes serve to resocialize the externalized costs of the private sector. As conservatives love to say, there is no free lunch! Either we invest in caring for people who are struggling, or they will continue to incur ever-greater costs that our broken budget can ill afford.

of the Great Recession, and most programs are nowhere near being restored to their pre-financial-collapse levels. The innocent “belt-tightening” touted by some is more like a noose slowly tightening around the necks of middle and working-class families. 2. We’re subsidizing Seattle. The last time a study was conducted by the Secretary of State’s Office of Financial Management, Spokane County residents received $1.35 in investments for every $1.00 paid in state taxes, while King County residents actually lost $0.38 on the dollar. 3. Everyone is overtaxed. Washington is currently

6. Nonprofits and churches can make up the difference. This is an attractive idea, but when you crunch the numbers, state cuts mean that real people are sentenced to suffer. Non-governmental organizations were hit by the same economic forces as our countercyclical state budget, which means that funds inconveniently dried up right when we needed them the most — and it still hurts. By getting more familiar with these state budget truths, hopefully we can get closer to the solutions we need to reach Washington’s full prosperity potential. n Mariah McKay is a fourth-generation daughter of Spokane and a community organizer campaigning for racial, social and economic justice. She has worked in biotech and government and currently serves as a public health advocate.

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NOt is frustrating SECOND CHANCES WARRANTED to read stories about so-called “criminal justice” today as


shown by the article concerning Vy Thang (“Another Chance,” 9/17/15). At 17, he kicked an 85-year-old woman to death while committing a burglary because “he didn’t know what to do.” He could have run away. You could have printed some facts about the victim, her family, her friends and the impact the murder had on the community, but of course, you didn’t. Go figure. He needs to be resentenced because of a U.S. Supreme Court case mandating that juveniles’ sentences for LETTERS someone under 18 be reconsidered Send comments to with the judge taking into eration any mitigating factors. As a result of the case, Washington state passed a statute setting out what should be done. Of course, as par for the course in our now criminal defendant’s system, the statute makes no mention of any consideration for aggravating factors. All this is based on scientific evidence that the brain doesn’t mature until long after the age of 18, in some cases scientists argue until the age of 25. I guess this means we will no longer be able to allow our 18-25 year-olds to enlist in the military because they obviously cannot maturely make a decision for themselves of the risks that they may not return home after being in battle. We will also have to change the laws and not allow young people to drive at 16, vote at 18, drink or use marijuana legally until 21. We better start on these changes right away because otherwise we are risk for endangering those tender lives we presently put at risk and the mistakes they may make until they “grow up.” DON BROCKETT, former Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney (1969-1994) Spokane, Wash.

Reactions to a blog post (9/18/15) examining data on police officer deaths that doesn’t support the notion there’s a “war on police.”

JOHN O’BRIEN JR.: Well, when the sheriff says “we have been providing our own oversight,” you have to wonder. I support the police doing their job (protecting the public) but if they are truly interested in maintaining the trust of citizens, they should embrace independent oversight. I doubt jailers would think prisoners should provide their own oversight. GABRIEL HANSON: So after reading this it’s not really pointing that there isn’t a war on police, but rather that police are able to handle these escalated situations better. There is still just as high as an assault rate, but the injury rate and death rate is decreased and better dealt with. Could be from training, advancements in equipment or both. MARK DAVIS: These facts coupled with the fact that cops kill more citizens than ever is reason for serious change in policing policies. LOUIS MORNINGSTAR: Maybe the guys in blue should stop boohooing and do the job they signed up for! The late night 7-Eleven clerk faces just as much potential danger in their job without weapons, body armor and special training, yet I don’t see them complain about how they feel like targets in a war! 

SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 INLANDER 11 NQ_Conquest_092415_12V_CPW.tif

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Captive Audience

Anyone can say almost anything they want at Spokane City Council meetings; now the council is wondering if this is the best way to get input from the public BY JAKE THOMAS


t’s the most democratic three minutes in Spokane. After Council President Ben Stuckart gavels the city council’s evening legislative session to order, after the Pledge of Allegiance and a couple of proclamations are read, it’s time for open forum, when anyone gets three minutes to share their thoughts on almost any subject with the city’s lawmakers. And they do just that almost every Monday evening. Alan McDowell uses his three minutes to warn the council of the perils of legal marijuana and how the pharmaceutical industry is falsifying research. He also mentions his quest to find his missing weightlifting records from high school. Rick “Harpman Hatter” Bocook uses his three

minutes to complain about harassment of street musicians and his sidewalk chalk art being washed away by business owners. Gabriel Elliott uses his three minutes to tell the council about weekly meditation classes, “satanic sex” and eating human flesh before ending with a “namaste.” Then there’s the parade of activists who show up to speak on a range of issues. Some rehash arguments on a proposed ordinance to mandate sick-leave time for workers. Others talk about the city’s sit-lie ordinance. Others still complain about Planned Parenthood or about illegal immigration. And then there’s George McGrath, a civic gadfly who shows up nearly every week to berate the council

and has been removed from meetings several times over the years. Lately, he’s been using his three minutes to talk about abortion in graphic detail. The public can email, call and send letters to the council, but councilmembers say it’s not the same as hearing from constituents in person. Shortly after the 2011 elections, the council added an open forum at the beginning of council meetings in addition to the existing one held at the end. Stuckart had hoped that the additional open forum would foster better dialogue with the public. But it isn’t working as he had hoped. Stuckart and others are now concerned that this effort at openness has, at times, created a negative tone for meetings and is keep...continued on next page

George McGrath, a regular speaker during public testimony, gives Spokane City Council a piece of his mind. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO


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NEWS | CITY COUNCIL “CAPTIVE AUDIENCE,” CONTINUED... ing some people from bringing their concerns about city business to the council. Stuckart says that he will ask the council to consider changing the rules for open forum after the November election, when Councilman Mike Allen retires and two other councilmembers could be unseated by challengers. Currently, there’s an open forum at the beginning of meetings that’s limited to 30 minutes and another at the end (unless it’s after 10 pm). Stuckart isn’t sure what the change will look like, but it might include a monthly open forum. “Public comment is supposed to be for the public and if you hear from the same people week after week, you’re not getting a wide variety of opinion,” says Stuckart. “So I want to see if council will switch it up to make sure there are more diverse opinions.”

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uring his six years on the city council, Jon Snyder says he’s seen the value of setting aside council time to hear directly from citizens. He’s heard about unfair rate structures for waste-treatment septic contractors, and more recently about concerns from cab drivers who say Uber and Lyft aren’t playing fair. “Public comment is this awesome fail-safe device to bring our attention to important issues that we are missing in some way,” he says. Councilman Mike Fagan, the council’s most conservative member, has in the past used his AM radio show to encourage people who disagree with his more liberal colleagues to give the council a piece of their mind. Fagan opposes

changing the council’s rules on open forum. “The public are the ones that put us there in office,” says Fagan, who questions how seriously his colleagues treat open forum. “We should be respecting their First Amendment rights to let them express displeasure, pleasure, concerns, whatever they’ve got on their minds.” Holding only one open forum at the end of the meeting, says Fagan, would be unfair to the public because they wouldn’t know how long they’d have to wait while council finishes business before being allowed to speak. Snyder says that it’s a tricky balance, and he probably supports the current arrangement. Debra Robole, the council’s senior research and policy analyst, has been researching how other cities handle public comment and found that Spokane stands out. Other cities require advance sign-up to speak or allow their council’s chair to limit public comment. She also found that neither Boise nor Tacoma have open forum periods like Spokane’s. Instead, they only allow the public to comment on specific agenda items. “I’m also noticing, that as my term goes on, [open forums] are getting more and more negative, and it sets a tone for the whole meeting,” says Stuckart. In May, Stuckart asked McGrath to stop using the phrase “bridge to hookerville” to refer to a planned pedestrian bridge during open forum, saying that people complained that the phrase is offensive. In weeks following the dustup, supporters of McGrath turned out for open forum, peppering their speech with the phrase. One man

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Jon Snyder says he’s seen the value of setting aside council time to hear directly from citizens.

said it 30 times in a row. Councilwoman Karen Stratton, who is also concerned about the tone set during open forum, says the current arrangement creates another problem; citizens who want to comment on a specific council resolution or ordinance are reluctant to come down because they don’t know how long open forum will go. “I have had people with children at home worry about who will watch kids while they run down [to speak on an agenda item],” says Stratton, who is open to a rules change.


oe Shogan, who preceded Stuckart as council president, was a fierce defender of the council’s rules of decorum, even once kicking out a mother with her restive child. Shogan says he warned Stuckart about introducing another open forum at the beginning of the meetings. Now, says Shogan, council meetings are “totally unhinged.” “I don’t worry if [citizens] had to stay late or not,” says Shogan of having one open forum later. “The point of council was to do the council’s business, not have open forum.” n


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Charles Faust, son of Spokane River Clean-Up event coordinator Steve Faust, leads a group of volunteers through High Bridge Park to their designated clean-up area on Saturday. The half-day event has drawn hundreds of volunteers to the Spokane River gorge to pick up garbage, with last year’s haul bringing in four tons of debris.

16 INLANDER SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 SpokaneIsReading_StationEleven_090315_4S_WT.tif


GRAMMARGATE Last week, many online commenters laid into an opinion piece written by Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction SHERRI YBARRA. Their objections were over style more than substance. The article was ridden with grammatical errors, clunky sentences and errant commas, adding fuel to Ybarra’s critics’ narrative of the state superintendent as unqualified for her position. On, we took a crack at copy editing Ybarra’s piece and suggested that Idaho high school students do the same. (DANIEL WALTERS)

COLLEGES SCORED Last week, the Obama administration unveiled its College Scorecard, an online tool that gives would-be students a way to compare the cost, graduation rates, expected earnings and other factors of 7,000 institutions of higher education. So how do COLLEGES IN THE INLAND NORTHWEST compare with one another? If you’re looking to land a decent salary after graduation, Gonzaga University is your best bet, with graduates, on average, making a $52,800 annual salary, according to College Scorecard. Carrying a $28,155 annual price tag, Gonzaga was the priciest, but also had the highest graduation rate at 82 percent. At the bottom of the list were the area’s three community colleges. (JAKE THOMAS)


From Peter to Paul Spokane Public Schools looks to cut after handing out raises; plus, heat-packing protesters rally against CAIR MIND THE GAP

There’s no such thing as a free lunch — or, in the case of Spokane Public Schools, no such thing as free raises for lunch ladies. The district managed to avert a strike with the union and deliver raises to its employees, but it came at a cost. Now, the district has to figure out how to cut $5.6 MILLION from its budget. District spokesman Kevin Morrison says the school board’s directive is to “keep [cuts] as far away from the classrooms as you possibly can.” Those cuts could include reducing funding for classroom supplies, discretionary budgets for buildings or funding for high-schoolers to go on college tours. “There could be some delays in the implementation of certain programs, like the dual language programs,” Morrison says. Certain curricula, such as an eighth-grade American Studies curriculum, could be delayed. Replacing outdated computers could also be delayed. “Technology is going to take a major hit on this one,” Morrison says. As a last resort, the district could also increase the costs of school lunches, after-school “Express” program fees, or the fees for outside groups to rent school facilities. Morrison says the district had budgeted a cushion


before going into bargaining, but the deal the district ultimately agreed to far exceed it. These cuts, Morrison says, confirm what the district was saying all along: There wasn’t some secret chest with tons more money to use for raises. (DANIEL WALTERS)


An inmate at Geiger Corrections Center who drove away from the Spokane County Fair last week still has NOT BEEN FOUND. Daniel F. Murinko, 26, was picking up trash at the fairgrounds last Thursday when he hopped on a golf cart-like vehicle and never returned, according to Geiger Lt. JoAnne Lake. “When you’re dealing with people, you do everything you can with respect to putting them in the least restrictive environment and trying to promote community service, but you do take a certain amount of risk,” Lake told the Inlander last week. Murinko had been held since Sept. 9 on two DUI charges and two counts of driving with a suspended license. He is not considered a danger to the community, Lake says.

Murinko is the third person to walk away from Geiger’s work crew program this year. Most recently, Devin Johnson escaped in a stolen Spokane County fairgrounds truck in July. Johnson was found two days later. Geiger’s work crew program gives low-risk offenders the opportunity to work in the community while they wait for trial or serve their sentence. Walking away from the work crew is classified as a misdemeanor because inmates do not technically escape from a detention facility. (MITCH RYALS)


Spokane City Council drew the ire of local activists earlier this week when it passed a salutation praising the work of an ISLAMIC CIVIL RIGHTS GROUP. On Monday, ACT for America, a national organization that’s been criticized by the Southern Poverty Law Center for making inflammatory remarks about Muslims, drew about 70 people to a rally outside the Northeast Community Center, where the city council held a special meeting. The rally was intended to protest the Council on American Islamic Relations being recognized by the city for its work seeking to bridge the divide between Muslims and non-Muslims. The rally, which included individuals carrying guns, was addressed by state Rep. Matt Shea, R- Spokane Valley, who said it was impossible to pledge allegiance to Allah and the U.S. Constitution. Nevertheless, in a packed room inside the Northeast Community Center, the council passed the salutation without disruption. Council President Ben Stuckart later remarked that he had received bizarre and racist emails leading up to the meeting. Councilman Jon Snyder wrote on his blog the next day that, “I have received some of the most vitriolic and bigoted emails in my years on Council in relation to the CAIR salutation yesterday.” (JAKE THOMAS)


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The Syrian

With loved ones still in Syria, Hussein, a Spokane refugee, doesn’t want his identity revealed while Assad remains in power. JEFF FERGUSON PHOTOS

One family from Syria has found welcoming arms in Spokane, and many others may follow BY DANIEL WALTERS


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ussein doesn’t want his full name printed. The 40-year-old Arabic man with a trimmed black beard doesn’t want his face in the paper, either, at least not while Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is still in power. After all, he still has family back in Syria. And he’s seen, with his own eyes, the brutality that Assad brought to his hometown of Daraa. “I saw this in front of my eyes, when the bombs were dropped on kids and women,” Hussein says. He’s had a half-dozen friends, at least, who’ve been killed amid the violence. One died when a bomb was dropped on a hospital. Two, he said, were arrested and tortured. His brother died two years ago after his breathing problems were exacerbated by smoke and gas. For a year, he says, he waited amid the violence, hoping things would get better. But life grew worse and the bombs grew bigger, until one night, Hussein, with his nine-months-pregnant wife and his children, walked across the Jordanian border. Hussein can understand most of my questions, but he’s not yet confident enough in his language skills to answer them in English. Instead, as we sit in the Spokane office of the refugee settlement agency World Relief, Hussein speaks in Arabic. A Jordanian woman named Mais Alazrai provides a rough translation. Through the translator, Hussein says his wife and his four kids lived in the Bashabsheh refugee camp in Jordan for two years before flying to Spokane. His family is the first Syrian family to arrive in Spokane as refugees. Many more may follow. With the Syrian human rights crisis growing grimmer — chemical weapons, Russian troops, and ISIS forces exacerbating the civil war — refugees have flooded into Europe. In response, the Obama administration has

announced that the U.S. would increase the cap on worldwide refugees from 70,000 to 100,000 a year. In Spokane, World Relief director Mark Kadel says the cap would rise as well. “We resettled about 490 this last year,” Kadel says. “We could see up to 600 refugees in the coming year.”


ntil recently, Hussein had lived all his life in Syria. For 15 years in Syria he was a barber, cutting men’s hair and beards. When neck pain made that too difficult, he moved into farming, growing olives and lemons. He made a good living, he played on a soccer team and had plenty of friends. “I had a really good life in Syria,” Hussein says. But in 2011, some local children near Daraa were arrested for spray-painting anti-Assad graffiti and, Hussein says, were brutally tortured. His town quickly became the center for anti-government protests, and the target for the subsequent violent crackdown. Arrests seemed random and arbitrary. Barrel bombs — full of oil and shrapnel — were dropped from Assad’s helicopters. They specifically targeted children as they bought bread, Hussein says. “I do want to help you guys and tell my story,” Hussein says. But this is painful to talk about. He tries to forget this stuff, but talking about it makes it harder. How can you forget, he asks, the sight of a child’s body, blown apart, with his leg one place and his head somewhere else? Even once they’d escaped to Jordan, his children would jump out of bed whenever they heard fireworks. His family is far happier in America, he says. His older kids are attending Linwood Elementary and Garry Middle School, and love it. They’ve

made friends with their classmates. They’ve come to truly appreciate America’s chocolate chip cookies. But that doesn’t mean things have been easy. He was depressed when he first moved here. He misses the family members he left behind. He still struggles with English. Finding work remains a challenge. For six months, he was working at Global Neighborhood Thrift. “There’s always this portion of the refugee community that is essentially ‘unemployable,’ for lack of a better term,” says Brent Hendricks, founder of Global Neighborhood. They may not speak English. Employers may balk at calling references located in Syria or Iraq or Bhutan. The thrift store specifically employs refugees for a few months to give them work experience in the United States. “People say that, oh, this might be really hard to employ refugees, you know, with all the language and cultural barriers,” Hendricks says. “And in that sense, it is, but we have the hardestworking staff of anybody in the city. They want so badly to work hard and create this new life for themselves and their families.” Yet jobs at Global Neighborhood are only temporary. Hussein holds job paperwork, rolled up in his hands. “I can clean windows, I can do carpets,” Hussein says. “If there [are farming jobs available], I love farming.”

• G I V E A W A Y •


esides Hendricks, other Spokane residents have helped Hussein and his family. Through World Relief’s “Good Neighbor Teams” program, First Presbyterian college group director Ross Carper and other team members took Hussein grocery shopping, drove him to appointments, gave him driving practice and helped him figure out a cellphone plan. Leslie Cohen, a 25-year-old studying the Syrian dialect of Arabic, tutors Hussein’s wife in English. Cohen says Hussein’s wife has plenty of questions. “How do I have a conversation? How do I talk to my kid’s teachers? How do I manage at the grocery store?” Cohen says. “She’s full of energy. She’s gone through so much crazy shit, and she’s eager to learn.” But not everyone is comfortable with an influx of Syrian refugees. The recent wave of anti-immigrant sentiment, fears over Islam and concerns about terrorism have colored the debate over accepting great numbers of Syrian refugees into the United States. In Idaho, the Kootenai County GOP pushed for suspending all refugee resettlement until economic and security considerations could be calculated. In Twin Falls, the College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center became a political flashpoint, with critics filing two versions of a ballot initiative to ban future resettlement centers in the county. “We are drowning in refugees who are destroying our Constitutional freedoms, overburdening our welfare system and posing a genuine national security threat,” the proposed initiative reads. But World Relief’s Kadel says that’s ridiculous — that the State Department scrutinizes refugees far more thoroughly than any other type of person crossing the border. “Refugees have to go through seven international and national U.S. approvals before they’re ever on the list for possible resettlement in the United States,” Kadel says. I ask Hussein what he would tell Americans who have fears about terrorism. “The Syrian people are the most peaceful people you’ll ever see,” he says. But what about the civil war, or the fights between Sunnis and Shiites, or ISIS? Hussein says Assad and Iran, not the Syrian people, are to blame. “ISIS exists because of Assad, Iran and Russia,” he says. “I am very sure of this information.” It was America’s reputation for tolerance that made Hussein want to come here. When the UN called him, letting him know his family had an opportunity to leave the Jordanian refugee camp, he said he was only willing to resettle in the U.S. or Canada. In comparison with Europe, where the clash between Islamic immigrants and nativists has grown ugly, he doesn’t see racism in America. “The human rights I found in America are priceless,” Hussein says. “They respect you as a human.” 

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Inside or Out? A longtime businesswoman faces off against a seasoned City Hall staffer BY MITCH RYALS


he race for Spokane City Council’s soon-to-be vacant District 2 seat has the potential to push the already liberal council majority even further left. The two candidates running to replace outgoing councilmember Mike Allen, considered part of the council’s conservative minority, bring different backgrounds to the table. One is a small-business owner; the other is a City Hall insider and current legislative aide to Councilwoman Amber Waldref. District 2 includes downtown Spokane, the South Hill and reaches out onto the West Plains. As the CEO and co-owner of Access Unified Networks, a business that installs voice and data services, LaVerne Biel says her perspective as a small-business owner is missing from the council. Biel, 63, who serves on the board for the East Central Community Organization, ran for a council seat in 2013 but didn’t make it out of the primary. She and her husband, Kent, opened their business 21 years ago. “The main reason I’m running is to make sure I represent businesses and represent the community,” Biel says. “I’m making sure that we have people who are engaged in the community instead of people who are part of City Hall.” For her part, Lori Kinnear has been the legislative aide to Waldref for the past four years (and to former Councilman Richard Rush for the two years prior to that). She touts her experience researching and drafting dozens of ordinances and establishing Spokane’s Community Garden Program in 2010 as reasons why voters should pick her over Biel. “I’ve been here for almost seven years, and I’ve done everything but vote [as a councilmember],” Kinnear says. “I bring a broad spectrum of civic, nonprofit and government work, and I think that’s the mix you need.”


At a forum hosted by the League of Women Voters last week, the two candidates spoke about their experiences talking with people in the East Central neighborhood. One issue both are hearing about over and over again is public safety. Kinnear, 62, says she would like the city to continue collaboration with the county on Smart Justice reforms, such as reducing the jail population and implementing changes to how those who come into contact with the criminal justice system are treated. “It has to start with Smart Justice reform,” she says. “I think our jails are not doing what they were intended to do.” Biel, whose son is a Spokane County Sheriff’s deputy, points to the 26 recommendations from the Use of Force Commission in 2012, saying there is one left uncompleted — the cultural audit of the police department. She says that could add another layer of credibility. Both candidates agree on what they perceive as flaws in the city’s police ombudsman office. Each indicated a need for more transparency in the selection and hiring process and said a pool of interim candidates is necessary in case of another unexpected vacancy. “There was nothing in place that would require the city to put an interim ombudsman in while a search was conducted,” Kinnear says. “That’s a huge mistake.”



One issue that divides the two candidates is the city’s proposed sick-leave ordinance. Last month, the council decided to delay a vote on the proposed ordinance until after the November election. Biel says although she provides paid sick leave for her nine employees, a law requiring certain businesses to do so could create a barrier for new businesses. Her position on the ordinance largely matches that of Allen. “I believe it was rushed into without a lot of local data from businesses,” she says, adding that she thinks paid sick leave is not something local government should consider. Kinnear says she supports the general idea of paid sick leave, but adds that she would like to conduct her own research before voicing her support for the current proposal. “A number of years ago, the discussion was about child labor laws and the 40-hour workweek, and we all take that for granted now,” Kinnear says. “In 100 years we’re all going to look back and say, ‘Why was this even an issue?’ People expect to be safe and that they’ll be treated well by an LaVerne Biel employer, so let’s honor that.”


Though the District 2 race is nonpartisan, a look at each candidate’s endorsements is revealing: Kinnear has support from Council President Ben Stuckart and Senator Andy Billig (D-Spokane), whose recent campaign she managed. “I’ve worked with her for the past three and a half years, and in the last year and a half worked on revitalization of East Sprague and the neighborhood notification ordinance,” Stuckart says. “I think she repLori Kinnear resents the view of that district very well.” Among Biel’s supporters are Allen, Mayor David Condon, and Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich. “She’s been a vital force in the [East Sprague] area to grow it back and to grow jobs,” Condon says. “I think [she’s] critical to have on the City Council.” If Kinnear wins, the seven-member council could see its vetoproof supermajority strengthened, with six of the seven members leaning left (Mike Fagan and Allen are the two most conservative members). Although it would take a sweep by more conservative candidates, it’s possible that majority could shrink. That would require Biel to defeat Kinnear, Fagan to retain his seat over challenger Randy Ramos in District 1 and Evan Verduin to unseat incumbent Karen Stratton. 

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ILLUMINATION Riverfront Park takes on an Eastern f lair, transporting its visitors to an authentic Chinese cultural experience during the month-long Lantern Festival story By Chey Scott photos by young kwak and kristen black


iant orange koi fish and lotus blossoms in rich gem hues are resting in the afternoon sunshine inside Riverfront Park. A cluster of pandas — actually an “embarrassment,” the term for a grouping of China’s beloved bear species — with oversized heads and expressions of surprise and elation are stiffly basking on their backs and sides, their outstretched front legs frozen in open embrace. Four children gather outside a chain-link fence surrounding the colorful, curious display, pointing and staring in awe, as workers assemble the first-ever Washington State Chinese Lantern Festival, which opens Saturday and runs through Nov. 1. “I’m going to go over and tell them about the event,” says Sam Song, acting director of Riverfront Park. Song strides over to the gawking group. The vibrant sculptures of fabric and wire strewn across the lawn behind him will be spread throughout the park in a spectacular display of color and light, and they shouldn’t miss it, he earnestly explains to the children’s parents. To call the Chinese Lantern Festival’s elaborate, themed displays “lanterns” almost disparages the complexity and sheer scale of the artistic pieces. The illuminated sculptures — in the shapes of tulips, flamingos, butterflies, dinosaurs, elephants, tigers and dozens of others — are entirely handmade, from the welded wire forms to the translucent fabrics cut and glued, piece by piece, onto the frames and then painted. Chinese artisans wearing matching royal-blue uniforms are scattered throughout the treed park, perching on overturned crates or atop high ladders, silently focused on these tasks until Song greets each one in their native tongue. “It’s going to shock you a little bit how majestic this is,” he remarks after attempting to explain one of the festival’s centerpiece displays, a 196-footlong dragon undulating across an expanse of grass overlooking the Spokane River. Visible

Organizers of the first-ever Washington State Chinese Lantern Festival, running Sept. 26-Nov. 1, hope it becomes an annual celebration of Chinese culture in Spokane. The festival features 31 lantern displays, including a 196-foot-long dragon (pictured top left, facing page.)

from the Centennial Trail and the Division Street bridge, the dragon’s golden scales were each handpainted onto its snakelike body by one of the 20 Chinese artisans who’ve been on site since August to construct the more than 3,000 pieces making up the Lantern Festival’s 31 displays. A year and a half in the making, the Chinese Lantern Festival is the first event of its kind for Spokane, and, in a way, for all of the U.S., Song explains. The company hired to construct the festival, Sichuan Tianyu, has never displayed its work in the U.S. before, though it’s constructed shows around Europe, Australia and Asia. It was through a mutual connection that Song was able to get in contact with the Chinese-based company and invite them to showcase their work in Spokane. Sichuan Tianyu has since booked additional festivals in New Orleans and Raleigh, North Carolina, next year. A Chinese native who moved to the U.S. more than 14 years ago with his Americanborn wife, Song is well-versed in the lantern festival’s traditions and origin; it’s typically held in February or March as part of the Chinese New Year celebrations. People in China would light red-colored lanterns to drive away evil spirits, he explains, but another long-held belief of the 2,000-year-old tradition is that the glowing lanterns would trick a god who wanted to punish mortals’ transgressions with a storm of fire. “Then one of the smart people said, ‘Rather than have them burn us, let’s light up lanterns so it looks like we’re already on fire,’” Song says. “So [the gods] think, ‘They’re already on fire, so just let them go.’” Lantern festivals in China are massive displays, with building-sized structures and highly detailed scenes filling parks and other public spaces. The Chinese company creating the displays in Spokane is based in Zigong, a city in southwest China’s Sichuan Province known as the “Lantern Town of the South Kingdom” for its exquisite artistry and skill in creating the complex lantern forms. “It was so impressive, I thought it wouldn’t ever hap...continued on page 25

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Cultural Illumination

A three-story-high pagoda lantern sits in the shadow of the park’s Pavilion (top left). Nearby the pagoda is the festival’s “fruit gallery” (pictured above).


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pen,” Song recalls. “First of all, it’s a public park, and to close seemingly endless to-do list. it off is almost impossible.” “This is probably the bigThe idea had been set in gest challenge I’ve taken on motion, though, and when in my life,” Hansen remarks. Song eventually took the pro“I was talking to another local posal last year to representachef who heard about it, and tives of Visit Spokane and the he said, ‘Whoever is going to Downtown Spokane Partnertake on that project is an idiot,’ ship, “they were both like, and I said, ‘By the way, that ‘Let’s do this, it’s so cool.’” idiot is me.’” The $1 million price tag Hansen is the visionary to host the five-week event in and culinary force behind Spokane is being funded in the Lantern Festival’s biggest part by tourism grants, sponfeature aside from its main sorships and event ticket sales focus, a pop-up restaurant in (see “Festival Facts” on page a park shelter serving a menu 27). Song and other stakeholdof authentic Chinese cuisine ers involved are anxious about three nights a week. During how the Lantern Festival will each of the event’s five weeks, be received, but remain hopethe restaurant — called Deng ful it could become an annual Chu, which translates from Spokane tradition that draws Chinese to “lantern kitchen” visitors from around the re— highlights one of China’s digion. Song believes it verse culinary regions, could become the from the mild and biggest event the light food of downtown park the Shanghai has hosted region to the since Expo vibrant street ’74. food culture Tim of modern Robinson, Beijing. Chef Jeremy Hansen director of com“I’m nermunications with vous because I can Visit Spokane and a make good food and member of the festival’s I have a little bit of experisteering committee, adds that ence in [Chinese cooking] while Riverfront Park certainly but in reality, that’s not what hosts numerous sizable events I do,” Hansen explains. “I each year — Bloomsday, Pig really want to make it good Out in the Park, Hoopfest and show the highest level of — the Lantern Festival is respect possible to this culture different: and these people. I want them “You get those events all to be like, ‘Wow, this is really the time, but this is really biggood Chinese food,’ not ‘Oh, ger than those. It’s not as large this is just some white guy as Expo, no. It’s probably the cooking Chinese food who next biggest thing to come doesn’t know what he’s doalong to the park since Expo, ing.’” but it’s a different animal. It’s Hansen is not entirely something you could only without experience cooking or really see in a movie or on TV, eating Chinese food, however. or if you went to a really big Early in his career, the chef city and you got lucky enough cooked at a local, Asian[that] they had a lantern festifocused restaurant, and he and val going on there.” Kate traveled to Shanghai a few years ago. “We ate some eremy Hansen is crazy things, as much as I posstressed. He and his sibly could,” he recalls. Hansen wife, Kate, owners of is also eating every dish on the the downtown fine Chinese-written menu at one dining mainstay Santé Resof the city’s more authentic taurant and Charcuterie, and Chinese food spots, Peking Common Crumb Bakery, are North. So far, the Sichuan pig working tirelessly to organize ears are his favorite. a full-scale restaurant set to Weekly dinner menus open in less than three weeks. served during the Lantern There’s still food to order, Festival, as well as reservations equipment and permits to for the limited experience, can secure and other items on a all be found on the festival’s website ( Dinner service is ...continued on page 29


Cultural Illumination


DATES: Open daily from Sept. 26 to Nov. 1

FESTIVAL ENTRANCE: Riverfront Park, at ticket booths near the Rotary Fountain/Looff Carrousel and the INB Performing Arts Center, across the wooden bridge HOURS: Sun-Thu, 5-10 pm; Fri-Sat, 5-11 pm; SatSun daytime hours, 11 am-4 pm TICKETS: $12/ages 12 and under and $17/adults during evening hours; $7/ages 12 and under and $9/adults on weekends before 4 pm; $60/festival pass; $12/senior night Mon-Tue; kids under age 2 are free all days DENG CHU, CHINESE RESTAURANT: Thu-Sat, 5-10 pm RESTAURANT PRICES: $25/person fixed-price menu, plus $14 (discounted) festival admission, or $100 chef’s table seating (limited to 20 people per night) with free festival admission LIVE PERFORMANCES: daily at 6 and 8 pm, in the Riverfront Park Lilac Bowl Reservations and details at

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Jian Ping Zhong (pictured above) and 19 other workers from the Lantern Festival’s Zigong, China-based operations have been in Spokane building and setting up the lantern displays since August.

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Cultural Illumination

Many of the Lantern Festival displays are so massive a crane was needed to set them up, like the huge dragon (pictured from the inside, left), and the large fan (top right) which is part of a display celebrating the autumn harvest.


“CULTURAL ILLUMINATION,” CONTINUED open by reservation or to drop-in diners based on capacity. The picnic shelter seats up to 120 people, with a special chef’s table in the kitchen where diners can see each course being composed in front of them. Some less-expected highlights on Hansen’s Deng Chu menu include sea cucumber and shrimp, peking duck and sweet and sour fried carp. “I just love the culture behind everything, and the flavors and the techniques are amazing,” he summarizes. “I feel like when I’m all done, I might go over to China and work over there for a couple months, and come back and open a Chinese restaurant. That’s how much I love it.”


week after their sunbathing adventures, the little troop of cartoon-faced pandas have relocated to a shadier spot in the park — a smart move since the day is overcast and hints at rain. Still gleeful in manner, they’ve taken to mischievously climbing rainbowhued stalks of bamboo. A pair perch on the edges of a seesaw, and another holds a tiny pink parasol above its bulbous head. “That’s one of my favorites, too. I really like the panda on the bamboo — she looks so cute,” remarks Jessie Li, a representative for the Sichuan Tianyu company. In Spokane since April helping plan the festival, Li is excited to share her country and city’s culture with the residents of Spokane. “Zigong is very famous for this; even though you see other Chinese lantern festivals in the U.S., almost all of the lantern festivals in China, they’re from Zigong artisans,” Li explains. Beyond the cute pandas and other zoo animals delightful to any age, many of the festival displays portray significant aspects of Chinese culture, like a traditional wedding scene and a pagoda three stories tall; the latter is positioned with the backdrop of the Pavilion. The festival’s nightly stage performances feature traditional Chinese dancing, acrobatics and music. Li says Spokane’s version of the lantern festival won’t differ much than those she’s seen in China since she was a child. “These are amazing. In China it’s just like this, and it’s a tradition in our hometown, so it’s bigger, but the lanterns are almost all the same,” Li says. “We’re trying to make it perfect and successful so we can have the chance to come back next year and, if possible, make it an annual event. That’s why we chose here. We hope to bring something different here.” 

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Boyish Wonder John Mulaney could have crumbled after his sitcom bombed; instead, he returned to the stage BY SETH SOMMERFELD


lending boyish silliness with just the slightest edginess, John Mulaney’s comedic style can crack up comedy snobs and fans of CBS sitcoms alike. On his Netflix comedy special New in Town, his topics bounce across the map with blissful abandon: his physical appearance (being bullied as a kid for mistakenly being seen as Asian American), knowing outdated commentary on Home Alone 2: Lost in New York and the titular city’s grid system, not wanting the girl he’s dating to meet his parents (“Oh honey, tonight is going great. But you know what would make it perfect? Charles and Ellen Mulaney.”), Ice-T’s brilliance on Law and Order: SVU, a failed attempt to get a Xanax prescription and meta jokes about the setups ...continued on next page

...continued on next page


CULTURE | COMEDY “BOYISH WONDER,” CONTINUED... to his stories (“I was once on the telephone with Blockbuster Video, which is a very old-fashioned sentence.”). He can zig and zag without ever feeling disjointed. At his comedic core he’s a storyteller. The jokes he writes aren’t reliant on huge closing punch lines, but rather a continuous flow of laughs each step along the way. He can take an anecdote about playing Tom Jones’ “What’s New Pussycat?” too many times on the jukebox as an 11-year-old and turn it into a gut-busting, six-minute comedic epic. Outside of stand-up, these writing skills were showcased as a writer on Saturday Night Live for six seasons. His pièce de résistance at that gig came when he and Bill Hader co-created Weekend Update’s favorite New York City nightlife expert, Stefon. Mulaney famously would insert new, outlandish lines in the script right before Hader’s performances of the character in order to get him to break down laughing mid-bit. But Mulaney then left SNL and tried, like so many other comics before him, to create his own sitcom dynasty. Like most of those others, his show crashed and burned. Perhaps it was his comedic universality and likeability made this year’s failure of the aptly-titled Mulaney that much more unbearably painful for longtime fans. Taking most of its cues from Seinfeld, the show was all but doomed from the get-go. For some reason, Mulaney was a multi-cam show taped in front of a live studio audience, an outdated format abjectly despised by the audiences that follow Mulaney. The format alone dug a hole that was probably too deep for the show to escape from, and scripts that basically cast the lead as a nicer, blander Seinfeld were universally panned. Fans of Mulaney’s stand-up loathed Mulaney (I endured every episode, and my many Mulaney fan friends rightfully treat me like I’m


John Mulaney’s next Netflix comedy special is set for a Nov. 13 release, but you can get a sample live in Spokane on Oct. 1. insane because of it.) The fact that Fox kept it around for 13 episodes from October 2014 to February of this year, instead of putting it out of its misery early, seemed like a cruel joke. But Mulaney isn’t taking the time to wallow; plenty has gone right for him in 2015. In March, he ended a successful run of Kroll Show, where he played one of the sketch program’s most popular characters, old Upper West Side divorcé George “Too Much Tuna” St. Geegland. In May, he taped his latest stand-up special in




John Mulaney • Thu, Oct. 1, at 8 pm • $34-$49 • Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox • 1001 W. Sprague • • 624-1200




Chicago, John Mulaney: The Comeback Kid (which will be released via Netflix on Nov. 13). In July, he got married. Yeah, he had his show canceled too, but he had a show named after him on network television. That’s crazy. Besides, it all led him back to the spotlight where his comedic talents shine: the stand-up stage. n

CANCELED For refunds go to be





he first eight days that best-selling author Cheryl Strayed hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, she didn’t see another human being. She felt entirely alone. Behind her, back in the real world, Strayed’s ex-husband still loved her and her mother was dead. As ill-prepared mentally and physically as she was, she continued down the trail, walking away from it all. She would eventually meet people, wanderers like herself, some who would change her outlook on life. Throughout the experience, she walked 1,100 miles from California to Washington. Nearly two decades later, she wrote a book, Wild, about the trek she took back in 1995. Last year, Reese Witherspoon played Strayed in a film version of the book. Laura Dern played her mother. Strayed has inspired a whole new generation to hike the PCT, in what is being dubbed the “Wild effect.” It’s now nearly impossible to go days without running into another person. Prior to the memoir’s release in 2012, about 300 hikers would take out permits annually; now it’s closer to 3,000. Strayed has inspired others in more than just communing with nature. Her book Tiny Beautiful Things, a collection of advice columns from her days as “Dear Sugar” for The Rumpus website, has redefined the genre. Each answer is told in a story format, where Strayed pulls from an incident in her own life that applies to the question. In an understanding and dynamic way, she challenges readers to stand up for themselves. Next Thursday, Strayed comes to inspire Spokane as the guest speaker for the YWCA Women of Achievement luncheon. The event honors six local women working to better this community: Artist Louise Kodis, K&N Electric CEO Janet Schmidlkofer,

MUSIC I’m always leery when a member of one of my favorite bands launches a solo career while said band is still functioning, but Craig Finn makes a good case for being able to do both on his new album FAITH IN THE FUTURE. While his band The Hold Steady seems the outlet for bigger, louder narratives, Faith and its predecessor Clear Heart Full Eyes are tamer affairs, offering the chance for some sonic and stylistic experimentation beyond The Hold Steady’s straightforward barroom blowouts. Even so, Finn’s cutting way with words comes through on songs like “Newmyer’s Roof”: “No, I’ve never been crucified, I’ve never suffered and died. I’ve never been shot. But I’ve been lied to a lot.”

Cheryl Strayed’s memoir, Wild, details her time hking the Pacifc Coast Trail. Kauffman & Associates President Jo Ann Kauffman, Umpqua Bank Executive Vice President Marty Dickinson, Spokane Falls Community College physics professor and author Asa Bradley and Peg Currie, chief nursing officer at Providence Health Care. — LAURA JOHNSON YWCA Women of Achievement luncheon feat. Cheryl Strayed • Thu, Oct. 1, 11:30 am-1:30 pm • $125 • Spokane Convention Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • • 326-1190

LOCAL CELEBRITY THE TAMBOURINE MAN HAS LEFT TOWN From late-night dive-bar shows to huge community festivals, the Spokane music scene will soon be missing one of its biggest characters. MICHAEL RANSFORD, known as Tambourine Man, as he often wields the rattling instrument, is leaving Spokane. He’s not going too far away; just far enough to make it tough to shake his buns at local shows nearly every night. Ransford is moving back to Moses Lake, his hometown. He’s moving there to rest his aching body; he says all that dancing has been hard on him. While he says he plans to come back to town for large events, the question remains: Who will step up and fill his skintight pants in the meantime?

TV If you’re not the kind of person who jumps into midseason replacement shows, you might have missed one of last season’s sleeper hits, FRESH OFF THE BOAT. Based on the memoir of Taiwanese chef Eddie Huang, it’s about childhood Eddie and his family’s move to Orlando in the mid-’90s. The laughs come not so much from tired “fish out of water” tropes, but rather from unexpected sources like the father’s decision to open a cowboythemed steakhouse, Eddie’s obsession with gangsta rap, and especially from Constance Wu, the family’s “Tiger Mom” trying to help her family navigate the confusing Land of Disney. It airs Tuesdays at 8:30 pm on ABC. BOOK You might know Leonard Pitts as the Pulitzerwinning political columnist in your morning paper, but he’s also a pretty mean novelist. GRANT PARK, his new book, is a bit of historical fiction that bounces between 2008, on the eve of President Obama’s election, and 1968, when Martin Luther King, Jr. was dealing with a troubled campaign for equality in Memphis. In blending the stories of an aging black journalist trying to end his career with a bang and that of his longtime friend and white editor — as well as some bumbling white supremacists — Pitts navigates four decades of race relations in America. The book comes out Oct. 13. 

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The ensemble cast of Ignite!’s production of Play On!

Comedy Most Slapstick Ignite! opens its 11th season with a self-referential comedy about a murder mystery BY E.J. IANNELLI


lay On!, the over-the-top comedic opener to Ignite!’s 11th season, treads some dangerous ground for a community theater. This 10-actor ensemble piece by Rick Abbot (one of several pen names for Jack Sharkey, a playwright who was remarkably prolific, with rather unremarkable scripts) is a play about a community theater troupe unsuccessfully — nay, disastrously — trying to stage a play. The play within the play is Murder Most Foul, titled in ignorance of the famous Miss Marple film by Phyllis Montague (Gail CoryBetz), Sharkey’s wry self-caricature of his own profession. We don’t meet Phyllis until late in act one, but we’ve certainly heard all about her unwanted meddling from director Geraldine Dunbar (Brighid Rau), stage manager Aggie (Moira Moore) and diva-like Polly Benish (Kim Roberts), who, it turns out, has been pressing Phyllis for rewrites in the hopes of nabbing more lines for herself. Castmates Harry Benish (Jerry Uppinghouse), “Smitty” (Phletha Wynn-Hynes), Saul (Troy Heppner), Billy (Jordan Fugitt) and Violet (Tanya Morton-Brownlee) have been unhappily coping with these rewrites as well as all the plot holes and inconsistencies in Phyllis’ script, but as opening night rapidly approaches, not all of them are showing the same grasp of the material. The personalities exacerbate the circumstances. Wisecracking tippler Saul can’t resist making


digs at Polly. Harry, her husband, simply caves when she’s being unreasonable. Smitty’s overly anxious about the exam she’s meant to be studying for. Billy and Violet are not-so-secretly in love. Louise (Lisa Johnson) is finding that there’s no way to hammer discreetly. And each rehearsal full of script revisions and missed cues leaves everyone less prepared for opening night. What makes all this so precarious is that there’s an inherent risk of the actual production devolving into the very thing it’s sending up. Although there are some minor and not uncommon problems here with actors striking the right balance between casualness and theatricality, idle blocking among such a large ensemble (Violet, for example, kills an awful lot of time doing yoga poses), or finding gradations of hysteria rather than shifting between two extremes, they’re never severe enough to cross the line into selfparody. Directed by Adam Sharp, the Ignite! cast clears the biggest potential pitfall to deliver a warm-hearted, no-frills production of Sharkey’s comedy that never becomes more chaotic than the script calls for and abounds in slapstick yucks in all the right places. n Play On! • Through Oct. 4; Fri and Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm • $13-$15 • Ignite! Community Theatre • 10814 E. Broadway, Spokane Valley • • 795-0004


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b e r ö t in k O September

After a dry spell of more than 30 years, Oktoberfest returns to Spokane BY E.J. IANNELLI


ver the next few days, don’t be surprised if you hear resonant shouts of “Prost!” emanating from the Spokane Convention Center. An Oktoberfest celebration is returning to Spokane after a hiatus of more than three decades. The three-day event, called Oktoberfest at the River, is being realized through the auspices of Vision Marketing in partnership with the German American Society of Spokane. It’s modeled on the widely renowned 16-day Oktoberfest that has been held annually in Munich’s Theresienwiese fairgrounds since 1810 — with a little bit of regional inspiration thrown in for good measure. “We had gone to Oktoberfest Northwest in Puyallup last year, saw what they did and how many people they had come, which was tens of


thousands, all having a great time, and so we duplicated it here in Spokane,” says Tom Stebbins, co-owner of Vision Marketing. Emceeing the event is Manuela Horn, a multitalented actress, singer and dancer with a long international résumé in theater and entertainment. Though German-born, she’s known as the “Austrian Amazon” on account of her 6-foot-2 height. “She was taught to yodel by her father, was on America’s Got Talent, and was the swing girl at Oktoberfest in Puyallup,” says Stebbins. After the organizers there discovered she could also sing, Horn went from being a swing girl to the festival headliner. Because of her stage presence and popularity, Vision Marketing was keen to have her headline in Spokane.

“She comes on at 9 o’clock on Friday and Saturday night with her band. She’ll yodel and sing to rock songs and get the crowd going. She’ll be up on a swing hanging from the ceiling, where she’ll make announcements, and throughout the event she’ll be onstage making appearances and doing different things,” says Stebbins. Horn and her band are far from being the only scheduled entertainment. Before Oktoberfest at the River makes the shift to 21+ after 7 pm, the event is geared toward families and will feature activities like all-ages sing-alongs, arts and crafts, and root beer gardens. The AlpenBand is coming up from California to play German folk music over all three days. On Friday the German American Society choir will sing classic German songs. The Oom Pas and Mas, longtime veterans

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Yodler, actor and singer Manuela Horn hosts Oktoberfest by the River. of the Deutschesfest in Odessa, are scheduled to perform sets throughout Saturday as well. That music and dancing will be augmented by fun competitive activities like wiener dog races, Hammerschlagen (a contest of driving a nail into a log), cornhole games, and a 2-mile run called the Stein Chase. There will be plenty of TVs, too, so sports fans won’t have to miss watching their favorite collegiate and pro teams play. For food, the local German restaurant Das Stein Haus will provide affordable and authentic dishes like Wurst (sausages), Schnitzel (breaded meat cuts) and Spätzle (plump egg noodles) as well. And let’s not forget the beer. In keeping with Oktoberfest tradition, Mayor Condon will kick off the celebration by tapping the first keg on Friday evening as part of a big opening beer procession, which prominently features popular German beer Paulaner. “We’re going to have an Oktoberfest lager and a Hefeweizen,” says Stebbins. Volunteers from the German American Society — many in dirndls and lederhosen — will be helping to pour. For registered designated drivers there’s unlimited free root beer, and there’s an arrangement with Uber to drive anyone who’s indulged too much. Stebbins hopes that the free-flowing drinks and ample food, the lively atmosphere, the volunteer involvement and the exotic novelty of the event will make Oktoberfest at the River a time for community building as well. “When you go to a German beer hall, there are long picnic tables with tablecloths on them. It’s not like a four-top table where it’s just you and a couple of your friends. You’re there to be social and interact with other people, so when you sit down, you’re going to be meeting your neighbors.” “Ultimately we’re throwing a big party and we hope people come,” says Stebbins. “I’ve got my lederhosen. I’m going to get in the theme of it and have some fun.” n Oktoberfest at the River • Fri-Sun, Sept. 25-27 • $10 per day, $15/all three days, $5/Sunday • Spokane Convention Center • Additional pricing info and schedule at oktoberfestattheriver. com

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Fill ’er Up! Steady Flow Growler House brings beer by the jugful to the Valley BY FRANNY WRIGHT


hile stationed in Okinawa, Japan, Ashton and Cassaundra Preston lived near a bar that introduced them to world of craft beer. After moving to Colorado, the couple discovered that growlers could allow them to easily enjoy craft beer in their own home. They decided to bring this new passion back to Cassaundra’s hometown — and conveniently, where the craft beer scene was beginning to take off — Spokane. The Prestons opened Steady Flow Growler House over Labor Day weekend, giving away a free growler to the first 100 people each day of the weekend-long grand opening. “There are so many good breweries in this area and not enough places to sell their product,” Ashton says. He also emphasized the value of growlers. Opening Steady Flow Growler House — rather than a bar — provides people with an opportunity to taste a variety of beers in their own living rooms, then reuse the same growler to take something else home. Their tap list includes 39 options emphasizing seasonal beers, limited releases, brewery collaborations, favorite local craft beers, ciders, wines and cold-brewed coffee. A constantly updated slate of what’s on tap and how much


Downtown Spokane on Howard St.


Co-Owner Cassaundra Preston pours from one of the 39 taps at Steady Flow Growler House. of each keg is left can be found on their website. Believing that people should be able to taste a pint or half-pint before committing to filling their growler, the Prestons thought including a taproom to sample their selection was crucial. The walls of the taproom are covered in canvas prints of photographs they took of Inland Northwest breweries, indicating their priorities to offer local brews first, regional second and national third. “We just really enjoy supporting the local economy,” Preston says. “Our taps feature many breweries featured on the Inland Northwest Ale Trail, along with some from Oregon, California and Colorado.”


Beyond supplying the best local brews, the Prestons also want to help educate Inland Northwest beer enthusiasts about the beverage, so that they can better appreciate what they’re drinking. “We’re mostly just excited to become a part of what the Spokane Valley craft beer scene already is,” says Preston. “And hopefully we can help to develop it even more.”  Steady Flow Growler House • 328 N. Sullivan Rd., Suite 8, Spokane Valley • Open Mon-Sat, 11 am-10 pm; Sun, 11 am-8 pm • • 598-8297


Glass of Health The Wellness Tree brings fresh juices to South Perry BY QUINN WESTERN


he Wellness Tree Health Clinic and Juice Bar is like walking into an Apple store with a splash of Douglas fir. Maybe a little more than a splash. The white countertops and chairs, coupled with the wooden shelves and seating, create a clean and fresh atmosphere, just like the juice served up at the café. But when a patron walks into this juice bar on South Perry Street, they won’t just be served up a classic green drink, but a variety of healthy options prepared by doctors. Patrick Love and Lauren Boldebuck are naturopathic doctors who wanted a way to promote healthy living and their services — anything from remedies for the common cold to more serious illnesses. “Food can be medicine. That’s kind of what we’re trying to do with the juice bar — make

people feel better,” Boldebuck says. The juice bar, an open space with garagestyle windows, sits next to Perry Street Brewing. A faux wall made of Douglas fir shelving hosts plants and elixirs, and separates the bar from a waiting room and a long hallway with rooms for private sessions. Love and Boldebuck met while studying at the National University of Health Sciences in Illinois. Love, who is originally from Spokane and obtained his bachelor’s from Washington State University, is a chiropractic physician. Boldebuck is an acupuncturist with her master’s in Oriental medicine. “You can add a few herbs, make a drink that’s good for you and tastes good too,” Love says. Some of those include the refreshing Cool Down with watermelon, pear, cucumber, mint, lemon, and for a kick, cayenne and a pinch of salt. The bar also serves smoothies, coffee, acai bowls, shots and elixirs ($5-$7). Elixirs are essentially a medicinal drink, both tea- and juice-based, with herbs from South America, Love said. Wellness Tree also offers any juice steamed, which will allow customers to continue enjoying their fresh juices during the winter months. The Orangey Roots ($7) smells and tastes like hot apple cider when it’s steamed, but hold the extra sugar. It combines carrot, orange, sweet potato, lemon, burdock, ginger and turmeric. n Wellness Tree Juice Bar and Health Clinic • 1025 S. Perry • Open Tue-Sat, 7 am-5 pm • • 598-8557

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As the season changes, so does Beverly’s menu.

B E V E R LY ’ S

Seventh floor of the Coeur d’Alene Resort 115 S. 2nd St. | Coeur d’Alene | 208-765-2300


fter serving lighter food this summer, Beverly’s in Coeur d’Alene is joining many restaurants around the Inland Northwest soon switching to a fall menu full of savory comfort food. Combining hearty food in complex ways creates the big fall flavors showcased in some of their new entrées, such as bacon-wrapped diver sea scallops with roasted organic fingerling potatoes, Boursin, spinach and a pesto-and-roasted-pepper butter sauce ($38-

$40). They’ve also made a sweet potato gnocchi dish with local Chanterelle mushrooms sautéed in a brown butter sage sauce ($25). Their 5-6:30 pm Early View special includes three courses for $28 every day. Happy hour takes place at the same time, offering half-price appetizers and special pricing on specialty drinks and beer and wine by the glass. — FRANNY WRIGHT

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BURGERS D. LISH’S HAMBURGERS 1625 N. Division | 323-7130 D. Lish’s serves up juicy burgers that are, well, delicious. Go ahead and take a pass on the many fast-food joints lining North Division and hit up this classic place for a top-quality lunch or dinner. It’s cheap fast food with a lot more taste. Some liken it to California staple In-N-Out, but truth be told, D. Lish’s very well might have an edge. HUDSON’S HAMBURGERS 207 E. Sherman Ave. | Coeur d’Alene 208-664-5444 Don’t order fries (they don’t have ‘em). Don’t ask for lettuce, or tomatoes, or any frou-frou blue cheese on your burger (they don’t have any of that, either). Just order one of Hudson’s no-frills burgers. They’ll shape the patty in front of you, throw it on the grill, and once you take a bite, you’ll understand why Inlander readers consistently vote Hudson’s their Best Burger, and why after 115 years in business, it’s become an Idaho must-see.

POST STREET ALE HOUSE 1 N. Post | 789-6900 Post Street’s prime downtown Spokane location, across from the Davenport Hotel, draws a mix of businessmen, concertgoers, sports fans and college kids. If you go, try the burger, which pairs well with


Get the scoop on local food news with our weekly Entrée newsletter. Sign up at the house sauce. Feeling more adventurous? Go for the fried pickle, a sweet, deep-fried morsel that can be enjoyed with one of their 26 beers. THE RUSTY MOOSE 9105 W. SR 2 | 747-5579 It may only be five minutes west of downtown Spokane, but the ambience of the Rusty Moose makes you feel like you’re in a cozy mountain resort. The restaurant serves up 16 different types of burgers, as well as sandwiches, wraps and seasonally served fresh fish. You can leave with a full belly, but don’t leave empty-

handed. Rusty’s sells three exclusive varieties of spices, as well as glassware, coffee and signature wine. THRIFTY SCOTSMAN 12024 E. Sprague | 928-2214 They weren’t joking with the thrift thing. This place is cheap. Inside the small, unadorned block building is a smattering of old-fashioned arcade machines, but the real fun is going through the drive-thru. Trust us. Try a Scotsman Burger. You’ll be glad you did. WISCONSINBURGER 916 S. Hatch | 241-3083 Thanks to Wisconsinburger, Spokanites now have the opportunity to enjoy genuine, deep-fried cheese curds in all their Midwestern glory. The restaurant offers up a menu of hearty burgers and “fried goodies” that defy anyone who believes fresh-and-local is a synonym for health food. Try the Spooner — a burger topped with Wisconsin sharp cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, a fried onion ring and a spoonful of housemade bacon jam. n

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Why do people push themselves to the very edge?

Mountain of a Movie

Everest takes us to the top of the world for a tragic and riveting ride BY MARYANN JOHANSON


his is the kind of movie that movies were invented est. (Krakauer appears here, played by House of Cards actor for: big, visceral and intense, a heart-stopping Michael Kelly. The IMAX team is mentioned but does adventure that has you catching your breath and not appear.) gasping in shock as it takes you places most of us will By 1996, Everest had gotten commercialized. Outfits never get to, so as to engage in the sort of life-threatening like New Zealand’s Adventure Consultants, headed up thrills that, paradoxically, remind us that we are alive. by Rob Hall (Jason Clarke), and Seattle-based MounThat’s an argument that safety-minded hometain Madness, led by Scott Fischer EVEREST bodies like me scoff at when risk-takers make (Jake Gyllenhaal), were taking paying Rated PG-13 it, but Everest makes you understand it deep in customers up to the top of the world, Directed by Baltasar Kormákur your gut. and there were just too many damned Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Jason This is true even though Everest is the story people trying to get to the summit durClarke, Josh Brolin of what had been the deadliest climbing season ing the narrow windows of opportuon the mountain until the 2014 and 2015 nity. This year, 1996, is when “traffic avalanches. The events of 1996, which led to the deaths jams” at the very highest point on the planet began. of eight people, are generally well known to the public, It’s probably a sad fact that this movie is going to thanks to adventure writer Jon Krakauer’s best-selling make things even worse on Everest: this is a spectacular first-person account Into Thin Air — he was on Everest in experience that may well make some viewers hungry for ’96 on assignment for Outside magazine. There also was the real thing. We meet Hall and some of his clients, inan IMAX team on that mountain that year, shooting cluding Doug Hansen (John Hawkes) and Beck Weathers what would become the 1998 IMAX documentary Ever(Josh Brolin), on their long trip through Kathmandu and


up to base camp ... which, at 17,000 feet, is an achievement in itself. Director Baltasar Kormákur finds the most gorgeous vistas along the way: the trekkers passing over a narrow rope bridge above a deep mountain crevice is dizzying and breathtaking, and they haven’t even gotten to the amazing bit yet. (The film was shot partly in Nepal, including at the real Everest base camp.) The movie features a few moments in which the climbers discuss why they are doing something so dangerous, so expensive, and, some might say, so pointless. Their explanations are surprisingly compelling: Weathers finds relief from crushing depression; Hansen is motivated by the schoolchildren he inspires to imagine big things for themselves. But the clear exhilaration that the film sings out at the mountain’s summit says everything that needs to be said. “Because it’s there” suddenly makes a lot of sense to those of us down here. Those “down here” in the film include Keira Knightley and Robin Wright as, respectively, the stay-at-home yet supportive wives of Hall and Weathers, and Emily Watson as the manager of Adventure Consultants’ base camp. But they already get it. This is not an intellectual examination of what drives people to do apparently crazy things, but there are unspoken questions running through the undercurrent: “How do we most fairly police access to wild places?” might be the most important one. The unspoken answer of Everest is that this is something we need to figure out, because the only motivation we need to look to is this: Climbing a big ol’ mountain that might kill you along the way is ultimately a very human thing to do. We will push ourselves to the very edges of human endurance, because we can. If you never appreciated that before, Everest is here to show you the truth of it. n



The all-star monster cast returns in this family-friendly comedy from Sony Pictures Animation. When Mavis pays a visit to her human in-laws, Dracula enlists his grandson Dennis in a “monster-in-training” boot camp since he has yet to show proper signs of a blossoming young vampire. Things get a little scary when great-grandpa Vlad pays a visit to the hotel and finds things aren’t quite how they used to be. (MW) Rated PG


This thriller follows a group of college students who travel to Peru in an attempt to stop the destruction of the Amazon. Upon their arrival, the wide eyed activists are shocked to find the native people they intended to protect have other plans for them instead. Director Eli Roth will make you think twice about wanting to save the rainforest in this suspenseful horror. (MW) Rated R


Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway star in this feel-good comedy about second chances and unlikely heroes. De Niro plays a 70-year-old widower who, through the dull days of retirement, finds himself eager to get back in the game. When an opportunity arises for him to become a senior intern at

an online fashion company led by his daughter, he jumps right in and helps his younger colleagues navigate life with wisdom and wit in the process. (MW) Rated PG-13


The epic chess showdown between American kid Bobby Fischer and Russian master Boris Spassky captured the imagination of people in both countries at the height of the Cold War. Tobey Maguire stars as the Brooklynraised Fischer, trying to maintain his sanity and skills in the face of unbelievable pressure and unexpected celebrity, while Liev Schreiber plays his Russian rival in this movie that aims to make its centerpiece ’70s-era chess showdown as exciting as a Rocky IV fight scene. (DN) Rated PG-1


Val has been a nanny for a well-to-do family in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for more than a decade, enjoying a comfortable life along the way. But the daughter she left behind in her hometown to take the nanny job suddenly decides to come to Sao Paulo and live with her mother. With the addition of this outspoken young woman around the house, the structure of the family is thrown into turmoil. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R.



Bryson (Robert Redford) is an aging travel writer setting out to hike the Appalachian Trail. Steven (Nick Nolte) is a down-on-his-luck old friend of Bryson’s who volunteers to hike the trail with him. Directed by Ken Kwapis, the buddy film struggles to deliver the wit you’d expect from the talent of its cast, but does land a few zingers. (PC) Rated R

Director Scott Cooper’s adaptation of Black Mass tells the story of notorious Boston gangster Whitey Bulger, played here by Johnny Depp. The cast struggles with their Boston accents and Depp’s performance is lacking in energy, even if there are some menacingly exciting scenes. As a gangster flick it’s OK, but doesn’t do justice to the insanity that was Bulger’s life. (MB) Rated R



Jesse Eisenberg plays Mike Howell, a small-town stoner working at a convenience store whose spy-killer skills are suddenly “activated” by a mysterious stranger (Connie Britton). When dudes come to kill him, he fends off every attempt, along with some help from his girlfriend, Phoebe, played by Kristen Stewart. (MS) Rated R


This documentary takes us back to the precise moment when campaign coverage turned into entertainment as it recounts ABC News’ dramatic ratings gamble in 1968 to skip gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Democratic and Republican conventions in favor of a new, untested feature — a series of 10 debates between the arch-conservative magazine editor William F. Buckley, Jr. and ultra-liberal author and iconoclast Gore Vidal. (DN) Rated R

Captive tells the story of Ashley (Kate Mara), a single mother wrestling with a drug addiction, who is randomly taken hostage by a recently escaped prisoner on the run. The two form an unlikely bond as they help one another seek forgiveness, find redemption and discover the purpose of their messy and troubled lives. (MW) Rated PG-13

CAR PROWLS In recent times we’ve all noticed the surge in the criminal element to focus on cars – breaking in and stealing items of value or stealing the car entirely. It’s becoming quite an epidemic but there are things you can do to help yourself and avoid becoming a victim. • Make sure you keep your car locked at all times. Some criminals are merely opportunists who pull on doors and only enter cars that were unlocked to begin with. • Keep all items of value hidden, and do not store them in your car when possible. When an item of value is left in plain sight, it only entices criminals to take it. • If your car does not have an alarm system, consider investing in one. If an alarm system is not financially feasible, physical devices like “the Club” should also be considered as a deterrent. • When possible, park your car inside a locked garage. If that is not possible, ensure that the area your car is parked is well lit. • Finally, remember your local C.O.P.S. shop is always a great resource for dealing with crime. If your car does get broken into, C.O.P.S. volunteers will attempt to obtain fingerprints off of your vehicle to help catch the culprit through our Latent Fingerprinting program. To learn more about our programs and volunteering, visit www. or And remember, always call 911 for emergencies, and Crime Check to report crimes after the fact at (509)456-2233.


In their final ascent to reach the highest point on Earth, a group of climbers are engulfed by one of the fiercest blizzards ever experienced by man. The mountaineers are pushed to their limits as they face freezing temperatures, harsh winds, and dangerous terrain. Based on a true story, Everest shares the inspiring tale of survival against all odds. (MW) Rated PG-13 ...continued on next page

County S.C.O.P.E. Neighborhood Watch: 477-3055 City of Spokane C.O.P.S. Block Watch: 625-3301 This public service announcement brought to you by S.C.O.P.E., C.O.P.S., and The Inlander







is in the


Everything from RARE TO RETRO

October 2-3-4, 2015 Spokane Fair and Expo Center 4 0 4 N H AVA N A S T | S P O K A N E , WA





Robyn and Simon have just moved back to Los Angeles when they run into Gordo in a shop. Simon doesn’t remember the guy at all, except that he was a bit of an oddball, which seems proven when Gordo shows up at the house without invitation several times, bearing increasingly and inappropriately extravagant gifts, and only when Robyn is home alone. Then things get even weirder. (MJ) Rated R


Lily Tomlin, riding her hot streak from killing it in Grace and Frankie, is an acerbic loner whose 18-year-old granddaughter, Sage, shows up at her door with news that she’s pregnant. That sets off a hilarious day-long trip around the city in which she has to come to terms with the choices she’s made in life while Sage does the same. Also stars Sam Elliott, Laverne Cox, Marcia Gay Harden and Judy Greer. (MB) Rated R


Gamers will recognize Hitman Agent 47 for the video game series it is based on. Action film fans will see it as the reboot of the 2007 film Hitman, which has a similar structure — a bald white man is a genetically modified killer with superhuman abilities and, in the next 90ish minutes, there’s lots of action and conspiracy. However, the 2015 reboot is more about that main character, known as Agent 47. (MS) Rated R


Pixar’s newest film (following 2013’s Monsters University) is a major “emotion” picture — it’s about how choices between conflicting emotions drive the life of a Minnesota family. Young Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) and her parents (Diane Lane and Kyle MacLachlan) struggle with joy, sadness, fear, anger and disgust — that’s Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Bill Hader, Lewis Black and Mindy Kaling, respectively — and the personified emotions create their own problems inside Riley’s head. (MS) Rated PG


With her marriage falling apart and now lacking transportation, Wendy



Listen to Me Marlon




Straight Outta Compton




The Visit





It’s been about a decade since the last version of the Fantastic Four came out (2005), but apparently since Marvel movies are all the rage these days, it’s already time for a reboot. This time, the new kids on the block are Kate Mara as Sue Storm, Miles Teller as Reed Richards, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm/Human Torch and Jamie Bell as The Thing. The film starts from the beginning of the F4 canon, showing us how the four brainiacs got their superpowers, and immediately enters them into conflict to save the world from the despicable Dr. Victor Von Doom. (CS) Rated PG-13




A Walk in the Woods DON’T MISS IT


(Patricia Clarkson), a Manhattan writer, needs to learn how to drive. The man for the job is Darwan, a Sikh driving instructor played charmingly by Academy Award winning actor Ben Kingsley. United by their respective relationship troubles, Darwan and Wendy form a bond of friendship, driving this heartwarming film. (MC) Rated R


A remarkable documentary that charts the actor’s life through Marlon Brando’s own words, using public domain materials and never before seen or heard video clips and audiotapes from his personal archives, revealing a complicated human being who defied simple categorization by design. No talking heads here, just Marlon in all his magnificent complexity. For any cineaste, it’s a mind-blowing experience. At Magic Lantern (SD) Not Rated


This sci-fi sequel continues the story of the Gladers, a group of teenage boys who must survive the desolate outside world known as the Scorch in order to resist the dominating WCKD. The film portrays a desolate dystopian world the Gladers must find a way to save. (MW) Rated PG-13


Meru gets its audience emotionally invested in what’s happening on screen with the efforts of three mountain climbers to scale a 21,000-foot peak known as the Shark’s Fin on India’s Mount Meru. And it does it by some simple additions to the tried-and-true tropes of lesser films in the genre; namely, by giving viewers each of the climbers’ personal backstories, exploring their respective motivations for such a death-defying lifestyle, and illustrating the importance of the team’s interpersonal relationships in pursuit of a seemingly impossible goal. At Magic Lantern (DN) Rated R


Minions opens with a grand history of the race, starting with their evolution from tiny one-yellow-celled creatures from the Despicable Me movies floating in the primordial seas through the form we see them in now. The film is overly thick with backstory about the cute little buggers and distracts from the charm they brought to the original



films. (MJ) Rated PG


Nelly Lenz was a jazz singer before she was sent to a Nazi concentration camp. She survived, but was badly disfigured and underwent facial reconstruction surgery, leaving her almost unrecognizable when she returns to Berlin in search of her husband, Johnny, who thinks she’s dead. She finds Johnny, who may have helped surrender her to the Nazis in the first place, but he doesn’t recognize her. Still, he thinks Nelly looks enough like his supposedly dead wife to have her pretend to be her so that he can get her inheritance. The German-language period piece has been compared to Hitchcock films for its thrilling take on mistaken identity. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated PG-13


Meryl Streep plays Ricki, a mother of three who abandoned her family to become a rockstar. Ricki returns home to her remarried ex-husband, Pete, after their daughter Julie (Streep’s real-life daughter Mamie Gummer) suffers a great heartbreak. As Ricki confronts what has become her past, she seeks forgiveness and reconciliation. (MS) Rated PG-13


Pioneering gangsta-rap crew N.W.A. gets the movie treatment their story has long deserved in this docu-drama tracing the ’80s rise of the group led by now-icons Ice Cube, Dr. Dre and EazyE. Arriving from the dangerous streets overrun by L.A.’s gang culture, the group sold millions of albums thanks to songs full of violent and misogynist fantasies, inspiring a generation of West Coast rappers to follow suit — and the F.B.I. and President George H.W. Bush to label them domestic terrorists. (DN) Rated R


Zac Efron stars in another music-based movie as Cole Carter, a DJ who wants to make it big. He is soon torn by the people who represent his passions: his mentor who wants to help shape him into a successful DJ, his mentor’s girlfriend who he becomes romantically entangled with, and his friends with whom he has both struggled and partied. (MS) Rated R 



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Pumpkin spice burgers are here! Just kidding, have a beer.

Trapped by a generic plot.

Blood Story Eli Roth looks to have lost some of his horror touch with The Green Inferno

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10117 W State Rt 2 • 509-232-0444 PG-13




Daily (5:00) 6:50 Sat-Sun (11:00) In 2D (3:00) (4:30) 6:20 8:20 Sat-Sun (10:30) (12:30) (1:00) (2:30)


BY MARC SAVLOV fter making the festival rounds back activist who leads an annoyingly naive but nonein 2013, Eli Roth’s riff on the horror theless enthusiastic crew of like-minded cannibal subgenre of tropical cannibal movies has fodder to Peru where, following what feels like an finally arrived in theaters with less of a scream extremely requisite plane crash, they are set upon than a whimper. almost immediately by the tribe. As the initially It’s not that the film’s quasi-ironic take on skeptical Justine, female lead Lorenza Izzo gives privileged, white activist college students’ farcical one of the film’s only non-rote performances. attempt to save a fertile slice of the Amazonian Toward the end of the film, she’s painted solid rain forest from loggers already feels hackneyed white in preparation for a dire cannibal ritual, — that’s part of the “fun” in gore-tastic horrors which invariably leads to unwanted thoughts of such as this and Ruggero Deodato’s infamous Bo Derek’s mud treatment in 1981’s Tarzan, the Cannibal Holocaust (obviously a Ape Man. Sheesh. huge influence on Roth). Nor is it The Green Inferno does have the fact that these do-gooders un- THE GREEN INFERNO a few good things going for it, surprisingly end up captured and Rated R however, chief among them the slaughtered by a local tribe that hellishly good (and, indeed, halDirected by Eli Roth views any Anglo incursion to be lucinogenically green) cinematogStarring Lorenza Izzo, Ariel Levy, better suited for disembowelment Aaron Burns raphy of Antonio Quercia. Greg than displays of friendship. Nicotero and Howard Berger The Green Inferno’s problems lie of KNB EFX don’t stint on the more with its plot, which is generically routine. gore, either. One ocular incident, in particular, It is exactly what you think it is, and no more. will have audiences squirming long after they Unlike Roth’s best, most harrowing films (Cabin exit the theater. Despite those moments, the once Fever, Hostel: Part II), which contain plenty of unstoppable Roth seems to have entered into a caout-of-left-field shocks that double down on their reer cul-de-sac with The Green Inferno (the marketalready queasy story lines, The Green Inferno feels ing campaign has taken some serious negative hits like a retread of a retread. on Twitter of late, too). Like its protagonists, the Levy (of Nicolás López’s superior 2012 film’s mix of gutsy — pun intended — enthusiasm “Chilewood” effort Aftershock) is the head campus and scripted naiveté feels just slightly off-key. n


Daily (4:00) 6:40 9:10 Sat-Sun (10:50) (1:20) In 2D (4:50) 7:20 9:45 Sat-Sun (11:50) (2:20)

PG-13 Daily (4:10) 6:45 7:20 9:15 9:50 Sat-Sun (11:15) (1:45) (2:15)


MAZE RUNNER: THE SCORCH TRAILS PG-13 Daily (4:15) 7:00 9:15 9:40 Sat-Sun (11:00) (12:15) (1:30)


R Daily (4:30) 7:10 9:50 Sat-Sun (11:15) (1:50)


PG-13 Daily (3:10) (5:10) 7:15 9:20 Sat-Sun (11:00) (1:10)


PG Daily (3:15) (4:45) 6:15 8:50 Sat-Sun (11:45)


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Daily (1:20) (4:00) 6:40 9:10 Fri-Sun (10:50) In 2D (11:50) (2:20) (4:50) 7:20 9:45


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R Daily (12:20) (2:45) (5:00) 7:10 9:25


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PG-13 Daily (12:15) (1:30) (3:15) (4:15) 6:15 7:00 9:15 9:40 Fri-Sun (11:00)


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PG-13 Daily (1:10) (3:10) (5:10) 7:15 9:20 Fri-Sun (11:10)


R Daily (1:50) (4:10) 6:30 9:00 Fri-Sun (11:20)


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PG-13 Daily 6:40 8:50


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Should grading reward students in harder classes? PAGE 13


Profile of an artist: Devon Plopper


JANUARY 15-21, 2015






















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NOV 20 & 21


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kicks off Friday night with a favorite dish cook off and bingo. Saturday, enjoy parade, vendor fair, bed races and more.

HARRINGTON’S FALL FEST! Join in Saturday for a Parade, BBQ and Festival in the Park including a Fun Run, Vendors, Mudfest, golf and more. Additional info:


Rocker Soccer ’83

Def Leppard, circa 1983

A busload of baby-faced rockers and a mysterious soccer match — trying to piece together an epic August day from long, long ago BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.


ow, Def Leppard at the Arena — that’s a blast from my past. I saw them play live in Spokane… all the way back in 1983. I remember it all so clearly, their album Pyromania came out in January of ’83, the middle of my senior year at Gonzaga Prep. They provided the soundtrack to that pivotal year, but what was really cool was that before their concert here in, like, April, they played soccer at our school. Their tour bus pulled up, and the baby-faced band (they

were all in their early 20s) piled out while we wandered around taking pictures with giant “canyou-freakin’-believe-this” grins. To relive the glory, I call my old buddy Todd Weaver, who was there with me. “No,” he tells me. “I don’t remember any of that.” Wait, what? But you were taking the pictures! “Maybe,” he says. “But maybe we just heard about it. Maybe we missed it?”

Ah, the human brain — now I get why memoirs are so tricky. “I’m doing a Bing search,” Todd tells me over the phone. “Def Leppard Tours.” Bing search? Why didn’t I think of that? That Weav is always one step ahead. “There it is,” he says after a minute. “Spokane Coliseum, August 5, 1983 — the day before my 18th birthday.” August 5? I thought April. I swear we went to ...continued on next page



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“ROCKER SOCCER ‘83,” CONTINUED... that concert… didn’t we? “We definitely saw Def Leppard that night,” says Todd. “I remember the sleeveless shirts with the Union Jack flag. Chicks dug that.” So we haven’t settled anything about whether there was a soccer game, and I still feel like it was definitely April, not August. Am I crazy?


K, that whole part you just read — Weaver fact-checking me, the soccer game I probably imagined — I wrote all that back in 2009. Def Leppard was coming to play in Spokane again, but at the last minute the show was canceled. I filed this story away in the nether folders of my desktop, only to be fished out when the word came down in February that the band was coming back. That’s when I started thinking about it all over again: Did Def Leppard play soccer at Gonzaga Prep? Todd and I played soccer at Prep, so maybe we heard about it via our teammates. I start calling the ones who not only were on the team, but who were also into music. I first heard Spinal Tap, the album, in Tom Carriker’s basement; he’d remember. “Def Leppard? Yeah, I loved those guys. I definitely went to that concert,” he tells me from Seattle. “But a soccer game? At Prep? I do not remember that at all.” C’mon, Tom, you’re leaving me high and dry here! OK, how about Dan Vollmer? His brother worked at the Magic Lantern, so he was hip to cool music — and he was our team manager. “Oh my goodness, I’m thinking…” he says from Pullman, leaving a long, uncomfortable silence during which I could ponder my sanity, or fall back on my training and start asking more questions. “Were you a Def Leppard fan?” “Oh, for sure,” Dan says. “I went to that concert — I think I had a backstage pass I won from Rock 106. But a soccer game? Nope. Nothing.” OK, people’s memories are shot, that much is clear. But computers never forget. If Weaver could drop some Bing on me, well, two can play that game. So I dial up the Google and punch it in: “Summer 1983 Def Leppard Soccer.” Jackpot. Turns out, the boys from Britain were playing benefit soccer matches against teams from local radio stations during that 1983 tour; stories from Pennsylvania and Hawaii popped up. Wait, radio stations… Dan mentioned Rock 106, our go-to Spokane station back in the day. I know a few people around town who go back that far. So next I call Brian Paul, longtime KXLY exec who is now the GM of the Tri-Cities TV station KVEW. “Wow, I would have just missed that — I started with KXLY in 1985,” Brian says. “But have you talked to GA? I’ll give him a call.”

Would Def Leppard be up for another Spokane soccer match this time around? Oh, I could feel it — I was this close to breaking this mystery wide open. Now I know how Woodward and Bernstein felt when they met Deep Throat. “So,” the voice on the other end says, “I hear you’ve been asking around about Rocker Soccer ’83?”


hat’s right, not crazy! Gary Allen — aka “GA,” currently the program director for Rock 94.5 — says it did happen, they did pile out of their tour bus that August afternoon up at G-Prep, and they did wear those little Union Jack shortyshorts. “Just the way they got off the bus, they were totally livin’ the dream,” GA recalls. “And they were ready to kick some Yankee butt.” But in a Welcome-to-Spokane-NOT! prank, Rock 106 laced their team with ringers. Instead of a bunch of scrawny, asthmatic DJs, they brought in the Spokane Skyhawks. “I remember [lead singer] Joe Elliott running by, yelling, ‘That guy ain’t no bloody DJ!’ about our goalie,” says GA, still gloating after all these years. (What is it with KXLY and ringers? In a Hoopfest game between Team Inlander and KXLY’s Star 96.9 back in the late ’90s, the quartet of 6-foot-4 22-year-olds who pummeled us would only say they were “interns.”) “Have you talked to Calvin?” GA asks. “He was the first one off the bus.” Calvin? Turns out, one Calvin Lew, a regional director with Polygram Records back in ’83, was the band’s handler in the Northwest. Now he works at KXLY. “The guys in the band and the crew, they loved soccer,” Calvin tells me. “So I called up GA, and he put it all together.” So how’d they take the bum-rush treatment? “On the road, they were talking smack about Spokane for a week or two,” recalls Calvin. “I felt bad for my boys, but it was really funny.” I proudly tell him that I, too, was there, with a friend whose identity I’m having a little trouble with. “Do you remember what happened at the end?” A twist? Of there’s a twist. “A couple days before, in Seattle, we did a public appearance for Seafair,” Calvin recalls. “The boys were christening the radio station’s hydroplane — bottle of champagne,

the whole thing. Like, 3,000 fans showed up. No security whatsoever. And afterwards, the crowd started coming closer… and closer. Finally, it was feeling like the Beatles in Hard Day’s Night, and I screamed, ‘Run, and run fast! Go now!’” Having barely escaped whatever scrum of adulation may have befallen them, Calvin was quick to rush the boys back on the bus when the Spokane crowd started to move in after the match. Safely back on the bus, Def Leppard went on through that night in Spokane — and kept going. That summer, powered by MTV and their hairdressers, they went from rockers on the rise, to, in the immortal words of Donald Trump, “Huuuge!”


ou know that song that’s been lodged in your brain since you were 18? At the Music Cognition Lab at the University of Arkansas, professor Elizabeth Margulis argues that the “earworm effect” is neuroscience. In her book On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind, she writes about that condition where people feel “that the boundary between the music and themselves has dissolved.” Everybody has music that hit their central cortex at just the right time, and those songs never let you go. For me, Def Leppard’s “Photograph” instantly evokes a moment in time. Todd Weaver still doesn’t remember going to that soccer match. But he remembers exactly where we sat that night, when he was literally on the edge of 17, listening to the sounds of our youth in the old Boone Street Barn. Life was about to change for both of us; within a few weeks, we’d be sitting in our first classes at the University of Washington. “Yeah, that was the last summer with all our friends, before everybody spread out,” Todd says when I call to tell him I finally cracked the case. We’re different now, far from those two kids rocking out after school to Def Leppard and whatever else Rock 106 was beaming into our brains. But like the music we’re powerless to resist (hey, that’s just science), we’ve kind of stayed the same, too. “So when’s the concert?” Todd asks. “We’re going, right?”  Def Leppard with Styx and Tesla • Wed, Sept. 30, at 7pm • $75 tickets only • Allages • Spokane Arena • 720 W. Mallon • • 279-7000




Seattle act Death Cab For Cutie comes to Spokane for the first time since 2009.

Beauty in the Broken

Death Cab For Cutie gets in touch with its emotions again




n the Japanese art form kintsugi, artists take broken pieces of pottery and meld them together with precious metals, highlighting the imperfections rather than trying to conceal them. Death Cab for Cutie’s new album, named after the art style, gets up close and personal with those ugly ridges. Subsequently, it’s the best record the group has made in years. The writing is tight. There’s an electronic element to the sound, but the humanity shines through just as much as it did in the emotionally driven Transatlanticism more than a decade ago. Like so many artists and musicians before him, it seems that frontman Ben Gibbard had to get his heart shattered to create something worthwhile. In 2011, his divorce from New Girl star Zooey Deschanel, an indie rocker in her own right, was made painfully public. Last year, founding DCFC member and producer Chris Walla left the band, leaving Gibbard, bassist Nick Harmer and drummer Jason McGerr to fend for themselves. That’s a lot of feelings to try and work out. For the band’s eighth studio album, produced by Rich Costey, Gibbard put all of that into the lyrics. In “No Room in Frame” Gibbard starkly sings the lines: “Was I in your way / When the cameras turned to face you? / No room in frame / For two.” Gibbard has distanced himself from social media — of course, not having a Twitter account

means people will create one for you, as is the case of Fat Ben Gibbard who hails from BellingHAM, Washington — but here, recorded for all to hear, is a thinly veiled experience from Gibbard’s Hollywood marriage. Gibbard wants to remain a private person living in Seattle, but in the music he exposes his soul. This is what fans liked about DCFC in the first place. Back in the late ’90s and early aughts, emo Bellingham/Seattle kids latched onto the band’s indie rock music for dear life. Soon that devotion expanded to the rest of the country (at the expense of being called sellouts back home). Now these fans are adults with cracks of their own, and Gibbard’s lyrics continue to apply. Death Cab For Cutie’s most recent Spokane show was at Gonzaga University in 2009, and Gibbard’s side project the Postal Service played here in 2013. Next Thursday, the band is back here at the INB Performing Arts Center. If recent tour setlists are any indication, the trio will play much of the new album with all the big hits sprinkled in, helping fans get in touch with their emotions once more. n Death Cab For Cutie with the Helio Sequence • Thu, Oct. 1, at 7:30 pm • $35/$40 day of • All-ages • INB Performing Arts Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • • 2797000

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ometimes, one night just isn’t enough. So it’s understandable that for the release of Nixon Rodeo’s third studio album, the Spokane hard rockers are performing two nights in a row at the Big Dipper and featuring different local openers at each show. Nixon Rodeo’s new album, recorded at Amplified Wax, continues the band’s forward momentum — they played the Warped Tour at the White River Amphitheater in Auburn last month. Aptly named Relentless, the record moves between power-pop rock and screamo and lyrically focuses on a theme of never giving up. “Now You Got My Attention” and “Back and Forth” are incredibly catchy and will certainly excite the band’s fans. The four-piece’s album ends with a rousing rendition of “Billie Jean” — and hey, the Michael Jackson cover angle worked for Alien Ant Farm. — LAURA JOHNSON Nixon Rodeo album release shows with the Backups, Drone Epidemic, Windowpane (Fri) and Moretta, Free the Jester, Breakdown Boulevard (Sat) • Sept. 25 & 26 at 7 pm • $12/$15 day of • All-ages • The Big Dipper • 171 S. Washington • • 863-8098


Thursday, 09/24

ARBoR CReST Wine CellARS, Isaac Walton & Current Flow J BABy BAR, The Woolen Men, Von the Baptist, Ben Jennings J The BARTleTT, The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band J The Big DiPPeR, Fruition, Real Life Rockaz BoomeRS ClASSiC RoCk BAR & gRill, Randy Campbell acoustic show J BuCeR’S CoffeehouSe PuB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen J CheCkeRBoARD BAR, Lost Dog Street Band, Nathan Fox, Snailmate CoeuR D’Alene CASino, PJ Destiny CRuiSeRS, The Usual Suspects fizzie mulligAnS, Kicho The flAme, DJ WesOne hAnDleBARS, Muddy Frog Water John’S Alley, Douglas Cameron JoneS RADiAToR, Wild Pacific, Endolphins, The Dancing Plague of 1518 J lAgunA CAfé, Just Plain Darin lefTBAnk Wine BAR, Dirk Schwartz moon Time (208-667-2331), Son of Brad The Viking BAR & gRill, Casey Ryan zolA, Anthony Hall and Boomshack

Friday, 09/25

315 mARTiniS & TAPAS, Truck Mills BeVeRly’S, Robert Vaughn J The Big DiPPeR, Nixon Rodeo CD Release Party Weekend (See story above) feat. the Backups, the Drone Epidemic, Windowpane Bolo’S, Phoenix J BuCeR’S CoffeehouSe PuB, Vandal Town Block Party feat. Blue Funk Jailbreak The CellAR, The Looze Gazoonz CheCkeRBoARD BAR, Bitch Slapped,



iven the band’s Arizona home base, it makes sense that Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers’ sound incorporates touches of mariachi along with some twangy Americana roots. In fact, the band has hosted its own festival in Mexico for years, giving its fans from both sides of the border a chance to party down with a group whose style has allowed them to share stages with everyone from Johnny Cash to Sammy Hagar. Some might remember leader Clyne from his old band the Refreshments, a crew that had some minor ’90s hits and composed the theme song for long-running TV show King of the Hill. The Peacemakers took over where the Refreshments left off, touring like crazy every year to support their seven studio albums to date. — DAN NAILEN Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers with Buffalo Jones • Tue, Sept. 29, at 7 pm • $15/$18 day of • All-ages • The Big Dipper • 171 S. Washington • • 863-8098

the Drag CoeuR D’Alene CASino, Wyatt Wood CuRley’S, Uppercut fizzie mulligAnS, Karma’s Circle The flAme, DJ WesOne Ladies Night J foRzA Coffee Co. (795-8194), Warren iRon hoRSe BAR, Tracer The JACkSon ST., Steve Livingston, Triple Shot John’S Alley, Scott Pemberton kniTTing fACToRy, The Arrival, C.Ray, Cordell Drake, DJ Beauflexx, Menace Made Ent., Dirty Savage, Nobe, T.M.G., SoundCast, Phil-NThe Blank J lAgunA CAfé, Diane Copeland lefTBAnk Wine BAR, Nick Schauer and Rachael liTz’S BAR & gRill (327-7092), Amoriginal Live mAx AT miRABeAu, Chris Reiser & the Nerve

mooSe lounge (208-664-7901), The Usual Suspects J mooTSy’S, Oil Can, Siamese Suicide, Fun Ladies, Gorilla Rabbit Chicken PenD D’oReille WineRy, Jacob Cummings The RiDleR PiAno BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler SARAnAC PuBliC houSe (4739455), The Lands Council Brewtop Party feat. Marshall McLean SeASonS of CoeuR D’Alene, Son of Brad The RoADhouSe, Raised in a Barn Band The Viking BAR & gRill, The Bucket List zolA, The Cronkites

Saturday, 09/26

J BABy BAR, Heavy Seventeen farewell show, Holy Cows, Film Filmed

BARloWS AT liBeRTy lAke (9241446), Jan Harrison J The BARTleTT, The Holy Broke, And Yet, Terrible Buttons, Wildcat Choir, Bob Crash, Valley Fair, Dewi Sant BeASley ColiSeum (335-3525), [CAnCeleD] Ziggy Marley: The Fly Rasta Tour BeVeRly’S, Robert Vaughn J The Big DiPPeR, Nixon Rodeo CD Release Party Weekend feat. Moretta, Free the Jester, Breakdown Boulevard Bolo’S, Phoenix J BooTS BAkeRy & lounge, The Way Home J BuCeR’S CoffeehouSe PuB, Jon & Rand The CellAR, The Looze Gazoonz J CenTeRPlACe RegionAl eVenT CenTeR, Valleyfest feat. Yellow Dog, Spare Parts J ChAPS, Just Plain Darin J CoeuR D’Alene CASino, Indig-

enous CoeuR D’Alene CASino, Wyatt Wood CoeuR D’Alene CellARS, Eric Neuhausser CRAVe, Stoney Hawk CuRley’S, Uppercut fizzie mulligAnS, Karma’s Circle The flAme, DJ Big Mike, DJ WesOne hogfiSh, The Working Spliffs iRon hoRSe BAR, Tracer The JACkSon ST., DJ Dave John’S Alley, Lounge On Fire, Thick Business JoneS RADiAToR, The Pink Socks, Driven in Waves, Citback Davis, the Cammora J kniTTing fACToRy, Martin Sexton The lARiAT inn, The Ricks Brothers Band lefTBAnk Wine BAR, Kari Marguerite mAx AT miRABeAu, Chris Reiser & the Nerve

J MIRABEAU POINT PARK, Valleyfest feat. Devon Wade, Kozmik Deamzz, the Islanders MOOSE LOUNGE, The Usual Suspects J MOOTSY’S, Lions Beside Us, A Cryptic Ending, Reign of Ashes ONE 14 BAR & GRILL, Bobby Bremer Band J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Green Jelly, Dysfunktynal KAOS, Morbid, Inc, Armed and Dangerous REPUBLIC BREWING CO., Sista Otis


Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler J SPOKANE ARENA (OUTSIDE), Whiskey Rebellion THE ROADHOUSE, Raised in a Barn Band J THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Boat Race Weekend, The Bight, Sorority ZOLA, The Cronkites

Sunday, 09/27

ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Common Ground BIG BARN BREWING CO. (710-2961), Scotia Road J BING CROSBY THEATER, Beth Hart J CAFE AFFOGATO (868-0011), Bill

Price COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Bill Bozly DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church J GARAGELAND, Itchy Kitty Record Release Party J INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, Newsboys J KNITTING FACTORY, An Evening with Get the Led Out J MIRABEAU POINT PARK, Valleyfest feat. The Backups, Sweetgrass, Doghouse Boyz J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Mother Crone, Over Sea Under Stone J STEAM PLANT SQUARE, Food Truck Blues & Brews Festival feat. The Fat Tones and Charlie Butts & the Filter Tips ZOLA, Soulful Max Trio

Monday, 09/28

J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills JOHN’S ALLEY, Boneheart Flannigan LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Singer/ Songwriter Showcase J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Simon Says Die, Ghost Heart, All But Lost, A Cryptic Ending, Method of Conflict, Heart of an Awl ZOLA, Nate Ostrander Trio

Tuesday, 09/29

315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub J THE BIG DIPPER, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers (See story on

facing page), Buffalo Jones BROOKLYN DELI & LOUNGE, Open Mic CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Groovebirds CHECKERBOARD BAR, Drunken Day of the Dead Celebration feat. Storme FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of Open-ness KELLY’S IRISH PUB, Arvid Lundin & Deep Roots J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Caskey, Illest Uminati, Family First NW, Crowne Thorne Records SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List

Wednesday, 09/30 BABY BAR, Pageantry, Friends of Mine, The Dancing Plague of 1518 CRAVE, Stoney Hawk EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard THE FLAME, DJ WesOne J MARTIN WOLDSON THEATER AT THE FOX, The Beach Boys GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES (368-90870, Open Mic with T & T JOHN’S ALLEY, Miller Creek LA ROSA CLUB, Robert Beadling and Friends THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE, DJ Lydell LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 MAIN STREET BISTRO (443-3129), Just Plain Darin J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Local solo artist showcase

THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Jam with Steve Ridler SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic with Son of Brad J SPOKANE ARENA, Def Leppard (See story on page 47), Styx, Tesla ZOLA, The Bossame

Coming Up ...

THE BIG DIPPER, Miller Creek, the Tone Collaborative, B Radicals, Oct. 1 J INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, Death Cab for Cutie (See story on page 49), Oct. 1 WASHINGTON CRACKER CO. BUILDING, Terrain 8 feat. Wampire, Cathedral Pearls, Phlegm Fatale, Tone Collaborative, Haunted Tubes, Paisley Devil, the Backups, Twin Towers, Oct. 2 SPOKANE ARENA, Neil Young + the Promise of the Real, Oct. 2 THE BIG DIPPER, Bullets or Balloons EP Release, Bandit Train, Powerbleeder, Oct. 2 THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, Thunder & Lightning’s Spectacle of Boobs n Music feat. Witchburn, Invasive, Volcanoes on the Sun, Drop Off, Evolved, North Fork and more, Oct. 3 KNITTING FACTORY, Purity Ring, Hana, Oct. 3 THE BARTLETT, The Portland Cello Project, Oct. 3 KNITTING FACTORY, ZZ Ward, Marc Scibilia, the Young Wild, Oct. 7

MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BIG BARN BREWING • 16004 N. Applewood Ln, Mead • 238-2489 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BROOKLYN DELI • 122 S Monroe St # 101• 835-4177 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 CONKLING MARINA & RESORT • 20 W Jerry Ln, Worley • 208-686-1151 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • (208) 773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 THE FOXHOLE• 829 E. Boone • 315-5327 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent, Spokane Valley • 309-3715 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 THE JACKSON ST. • 2436 N. Astor • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 PINNACLE NORTHWEST • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 ROCKET MARKET • 726 E. 43rd Ave. • 343-2253 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SULLIVAN SCOREBOARD • 205 N Sullivan Rd • 891-0880 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 TAMARACK • 912 W Sprague • 315-4846 UNDERGROUND 15 • 15 S. Howard St. • 290-2122 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416



Don’t let the calm demeanor and almost reticent outward persona fool you; Todd Barry is a master of the stage when it comes to stand-up comedy. His carefully crafted one-liners and ad hoc improvised jokes — showcased in his recent “Crowd Work Tour” special, available on Netflix — are some of the best in the business, whether targeting the hypocrisy of hipsters, the stories behind bad tattoos or life in New York City. A friend and favorite of Louis C.K., Barry is the perfect fit for the Bartlett’s comedy night. — DAN NAILEN Todd Barry • Thu, Oct. 1, at 8 pm • $20/$23 day of • Allages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • thebartlettspokane. com • 747-2174


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The Beach Boys • Wed, Sept. 30, at 7:30 pm • $52-$75 • All-ages • Martin Woldson Theatre at the Fox • 1001 W. Sprague • • 624-1200

Greek Dinner Festival • Thu-Sat, Sept. 24-26; lunch from 11-2 pm, dinner at 4:30 pm • $15-$18 • Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church • 1703 N. Washington •

Fifty-four years after forming, the Beach Boys are surfin’ their way to Spokane on yet another tour. Minus most of their original band members — notably Brian Wilson — singer Mike Love and bassist/ singer Bruce Johnston (who first joined the band in 1965) continue to bring the eternally fun and harmonious California-influenced hits like “I Get Around” and “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” to the people, whether we want it or not. This show will be just the right dose of nostalgia and sunshine in the early days of autumn. — LAURA JOHNSON

Spokane’s Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church opens its parish to the community for the 80th annual Greek Dinner Festival. Beginning in 1935, the celebration has integrated Greek culture and faith through shish kebabs, gyros, drinks and dancing. Experience Greek hospitality in the form of beef kapama, orzo pasta, and authentic, Greek-style pastries and kafeneon (coffee). The festival also offers a market of imported foods and artifacts, a bookstore, church tours, and plenty of dancing. — MAKAYLA WAMBOLDT

Valleyfest • Fri-Sun, Sept. 25-27, event times vary • Entry to most festival events is free • Mirabeau Point Park and CenterPlace Event Center, Spokane Valley • • 922-3299


Jay Owenhouse has been entertaining audiences with his mind-bending illusions since his freshman year of high school. Friday night, the Montanabased illusionist interacts with Spokane audience members, using levitation, predicting the future, and yes, sawing an audience member in half. If magic alone doesn’t quite float your boat, accompanying the illusionist are his two stunning Bengal tigers, Shekinah and Sheena. Owenhouse is truly living his dream, having wanted to perform magic shows since he was 4 years old — nearly as long as he’s loved tigers. It’s all thanks to a painting that hung in his family’s house, and a magician performing at his sister’s birthday party, that Owenhouse’s journey has led him to where he’s at today. — MAX CARTER Jay Owenhouse: Dare to Believe • Fri, Sept. 25, at 7:30 pm • $29.50-$72.50 • INB Performing Arts Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. •



KENWORTHY ANNUAL GALA An evening of drinks and entertainment by the Portland Cello Project. The gala is the theater’s biggest fundraiser of the year, with all proceeds supporting its operating funds. Sept. 24, 8-11 pm. $35. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main. (208-882-4127) PAINT & PINTS’ AMERICAN CHILDHOOD CANCER FUNDRAISER A $10 donation from every painters’ admission goes directly to ACCOIN to benefit Spokane children battling cancer. Call or reserve online. Sept. 24, 6:30-8:30 pm. $35. Paint & Pints, 718 W. Riverside. (893-5444) SPOKANE EDIBLE TREE PROJECT HARVEST PARTY The nonprofit’s second annual “friendraiser” is set to fea-

ture an apple press, photo booth, auction, local beer and food. Sept. 24, 6-8 pm. $20. Philanthropy Center, 1020 N. Riverside. SPOKANE TRIVIA CHAMPIONSHIP The second annual event benefits learning and literacy for Spokane Public Library including STEM education. Form a corporate team, an individual team, or come out as one of the cheering members of the audience. Sept. 24, 7 pm. $15. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. (444-5318) GOLD DIGGERS AUCTION Annual fundraiser for the Historic Silver Valley Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center. Includes live/silent auctions, prizes, costume contest, music, food and more. Sep. 25, 5:30-9 pm. Shoshone Golf Club, 2000 Country Club Rd., Kellogg.

Fall Festival of Homes

Perpetually stuck in the shadow of its big brother to the west, the city of Spokane Valley isn’t about to let its biggest community festival be overlooked. Valleyfest boasts locally made hot-air balloons, the Hearts of Gold community parade and even bed races. Cross your fingers that the skies are calm and clear, so spectators all over can watch the colorful orbs floating high above the city at various times through the weekend. Now in its 26th year, one of Valleyfest’s newer events is the Lions Club Bed Races (Friday at 6:30 pm), a fundraiser that’s just what its name implies. Decorated twin beds on wheels will speed down East Sprague as costumed teams of five, including a pajama-wearing member in the bed, race to the finish line. — CHEY SCOTT

September 25-27 & October 2-4 from 10am-5pm Enter to win a $250 Visa Gift Card!† Eagle Ridge is once again a host site for one of the largest home shows in the Northwest; the Fall Festival of Homes will feature four homes from four of Spokane’s finest homebuilders. Visit us and see our unique homes by Greenstone, Hayden Homes, Morse Western Homes, and Paras Homes.

NEW HOMES STARTING IN THE $190,000’s 935 W. Basalt Ridge Drive, Spokane, WA • 509.443.2222



†EAGLE RIDGE FALL FESTIVAL OF HOMES SWEEPSTAKES: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE 50 UNITED STATES AND D.C. 18 AND OLDER. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. LIMIT ONE (1) ENTRY PER PERSON. Entry forms available at the model home and the Eagle Ridge Information Center. 935 W. Basalt Ridge Drive, Spokane, WA 99224. Official Rules available at the Eagle Ridge Information Center. This is not intended to be an offer to sell nor a solicitation of offers to buy real estate in Eagle Ridge to residents of Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Oregon, or in any other jurisdiction where prohibited by law. No guarantee can be made that completion of the Eagle Ridge community will proceed as described. THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE HAS NOT QUALIFIED, INSPECTED, OR EXAMINED THIS OFFERING. Genstar Land Company Northwest, LLC (“Fee Owner(s)”) is the owner and developer of the Eagle Ridge Community (“Community”). Certain homebuilders unaffiliated with the Fee Owner or its related entities (collectively, “Eagle Ridge”) are building homes in the Community (“Builder(s)”). Fee Owner has retained Newland Communities solely as the property manager for the Community. North America Sekisui House has an interest in one of the members in Fee Owner. Newland Communities and North America Sekisui House are not co-developing, co-building or otherwise responsible for any of the obligations or representations of any of the Builders, and shall have no obligations to any buyer regarding a home purchase from a Builder. Purchasers of homes from any of the Builders waive any claims against Newland Communities and/or North America Sekisui House arising out of their purchase transaction. Prices, specifications, details, and availability of a Builder’s new homes are subject to change without notice. © 2015 Eagle Ridge. All Rights Reserved.Eagle Ridge is a trademark of NASH Eagle Ridge, LLC, and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without prior written permission.

SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 INLANDER 53 EagleRidge_FallFestival15_091715_12V_JP.pdf





I SAW YOU LET'S DO IT AGAIN We met today 'on the street'. I must say the conversation with you, although brief, was by far the most stimulating conversation I have had in too long! Your name is Cara. I hope to hear from you. You know how to reach me. Best wishes. 'Dakota' SAASHA ROSE True change comes from within, Not from outside ones self. True love last a life time, one could only hope someday comes in this lifetime, But is willing to wait for the next. I will never give up on u or ever turn u away. Thank u again for always having faith in me and never given up love you always. David Lee. MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU To the couple who brought their dog to the vet today and had to say goodbye... I am so sorry for your loss. I can tell your dog meant a lot to you and I hope you can find joy in the memories you created with your pet. Take care. NORTH BARNES & NOBLE You: cute stock boy with the bald spot. Me: mysterious stranger.I saw you stocking the shelves 9/17 with Steve Jobs biography books. Those books were thick, just like my attraction for you. You lifted them so well. You must love books. I also love books. Coffee? PIZZA AND CHEESE CAKE We were talking a lot on line, almost every day. Then I saw you at the Bigfoot. We had such a good time and some laughs. It

was really inoccent night. But ever since you have pulled away. Dont know if something turned you off. I really hope note. Was a little drunk and nervous. Even asked to kiss you, what a dork. Please give me another shot at getting closer to you. And I promise we will have cheese cake. .and pizza after:-) YOUR COMPELLING BROWN EYES Friday lunch at Taste and I was mesmerized by your beautiful brown eyes (and everything below them). A gift from your Scandinavian father, you said. We talked, inside and crossing the street, but not enough and without sharing how to meet again. But you know where I work and I will have a Tasty lunch at noon every Friday, hoping you return. NYNE BAR 9/18 POOL PARTNERS We teamed up to play pool where my friend was singing some tunes and we talked and connected well I thought, you said you were a football coach at Rogers High School??? I gave you my number but I lost you in the crowd after and I don't know if you got it, I am interested and want to get in touch with you and get together for some pool again soon! Please get in touch with me if you're still interested in talking without filters about life?? :) DEAR SHANE/SEAN: I met you at Hauser Lake on 9/20/15 when you were so kind to help me load my kayak on my car. You were fishing with your son and I was too shy to talk much. I think I missed a perfect opportunity. Would love to hear from you. Coffee at Starbucks? CORRECTION I sent in "Compelling Brown Eyes" the other day and I meant to say "Captivating brown eyes", which is what I actually said. Also, I've decided not to publish an email address so if you choose my missive for publication, can you please change those two items? Thank you. UNEXPECTED HERO I saw you over two weeks ago at Manito Park. Out of nowhere you appeared at a heartwrenching moment. Your kindness and help during such a distressing event can never be repaid. I am so grateful for your presence that day, whoever you are. I hope that you feel somewhere in your own heart the gratitude that I have been sending you every day since. I will forever be grateful. I wish all good things to you.

I know you are scared to have surgery and are worried about what changes are on the horizon. You have more strength than you know. — YOU ARE LOVED

CHEERS SINGING MIKE I just came from the Rockwood Image Center on 5th & Sherman. My brother is battling stage 4 cancer. Out the door is wheeled out an old black man in a wheelchair. The receptionists seemed to know you well and called you Mike. You came out singing a song I grew up with. Surprisingly I never knew the artist. The song was "We Just Disagree." I looked up the artist and his name is Dave Mason. There you were, singing and smiling, and you brought a smile to my face that was much needed. I wanted to join in, but lost my nerve. I wanted to give you a big hug. Thank you for making me smile, I needed it. You are an angel. "So let's leave it alone, cause we can't see eye to eye... There ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy, there's only you and me and we just disagree." HIS & HERS @ SUBWAY Just want to give a shout out to the Subway at 1422 W. 3rd Ave. What a nice surprise to find our Subway sandwiches labeled "His" and "Hers" when we got home last night (Monday 9/14). How sweet! Thanks not only for making our sanwiches but making our day. We'll be back again soon. YOU ARE LOVED "I know you are scared to have surgery and are worried about what changes are on the horizon. You have more strength than you know. You have the strength to carry on with life, love, and have the courage, and determination to accomplish your goals. I will be by your side for every step and if you fall, pick you up and help you carry on. Love you in this life and forever. THANK YOU, SFD AND AMR! A few weeks ago I had to call 911 while volunteering downtown. The team promptly arrived were not only professional and effective, they also were kind, patient

SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”

and not judgmental. Your calm, pleasant disposition and your help were so appreciated! It's great to know you're out in the community, making a difference in so many lives every day. Thank you so much! I'VE GOT YOUR BACK BABE Mike, we have had some of the weirdest, most trying times together over the past few years but I am so thankful we've had each other. I am so proud of you for going back to school to become the type of awesome teacher our school needs. It won't be easy but I know you'll kill it, and I'll always have your back while you conquer your degree. And I know I can always count on you to support me in my endeavors with nonprofit and business I've decided to tackle. All my love forever — Alicia TIRE-RAMA ON HAMILTON Cheers to Travis and his crew. They had my truck in getting new tires and went to pull it into the bay and it would not start. They pushed it in and his mechanic found an aftermarket kill switch that was keeping it from starting. They bypassed it and got it running in no time flat at no charge! They sold me a nice set of Cooper tires with an extended warranty at a great price! Thanks guys, that is why I do business there. I recommend them to everyone! AWESOME Cheers to the guy in the giant blue truck and cowboy hat who was dancing up a storm while waiting for the light to change. You made me smile and dance too. Also cheers to the other guy in a white car for giving 5$ to the homeless man on the corner. I hope your day was awesome. A few bucks is a small price to pay for good karma. This town is full of great people. #spokanedoesntsuck


SPOKANE STREET DESIGNER HIGH DRIVE As a South Hill biker I sure enjoy the newly paved High Drive with bike trails, leading to Hatch and on to 57th. All great except the corner at the Rocket Market, where the bike trail disappears at a bad time. C'mon man.

S. HILL TURD BAGS/CITIZENS Yeah, you know who you are. "Responsible dog owners" We see you dutifully picking up after your dog, assuming someone is watching, You're responsible, right? Then a few yards down the trail or street you toss your turd bag to the side…of course you intend to pick it up on your way back…yeah right! Now that it's inside a bag it's preserved for all of us to enjoy for months to come. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, bad citizens. TIPS THE SCALE Jeers to the city of Spokane street dept. for their pisspoor job of patch work on Sunset Blvd. Comments by upper supervision of "we're just trying to save money", and "we didn't think about motorcycles" rates high on a CRAP-O-METER scale. Can only imagine the mess when they try to plow snow off that. If all they can muster is a half-assed job, then just leave the damn thing alone 


NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.

It’s good to be seen.

#wtbevents 54 INLANDER SEPTEMBER 24, 2015

EVENTS | CALENDAR LIBERTY LAKE & VALLEY LIONS 4TH ANNUAL BED RACES Come watch the Liberty Lake and Valley Lions host the fourth annual Bed Race fundraiser, on Sprague (between Gillis and Moffit Rd.) immediately before the Valleyfest Parade begins. Sep. 25, 6:30-7:15 pm. Free. (220-1557) CHENEY FIREFIGHTERS BENEVOLENT FUND CASH MOB The Cheney Firefighters Local 1919 hosts its Inaugural Benevolent Fund Fundraiser, which will support causes such as funeral costs for first responders, victims of disaster, scholarships and community engagement. Includes a silent auction, prizes, raffle drawing and live music. Sep. 26, 5-11 pm. Zentropa Pizzeria & Pub, 122 College. (235-4338) SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CENTER GARAGE SALE The community center’s annual community garage sale fundraiser features clothes, toys, books, housewares, furniture and more. Sep. 27, 9 am-4 pm. Southside Senior & Community Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. (535-0803) YWCA WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT LUNCHEON FEAT. CHERYL STRAYED Established with the goal of increasing community awareness and appreciation for the diverse contributions of women leaders in Spokane, this luncheon has honored over 200 women in the region. 2015’s keynote speaker is Cheryl Strayed, author of the bestselling memoir “Wild.” Oct. 1, 11:30 am-1:30 pm. $125. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (326-1190)


SIDEWAYS CINEMA Blue Door Theater players take a classically bad sci-fi movie, turn off the sound and re-dub it with on-the-spot improvisations. Sept. 24 and Oct. 29, at 9 pm. $3. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045) STAND-UP OPEN MIC Local comedians; see weekly schedule online. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. (483-7300) AFTER DARK A adult-rated version of the Blue Door’s monthly, Friday show; last Friday of the month, at 10 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) CREED BRATTON Live show featuring the actor know for his role on “The Office.” Sep. 25, 8 pm. $30/$20 standing. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague. I SAW YOU Blue Door Theater players use backpage newspaper ads and classifieds for improv inspiration. Bring your own clipped ads to the show. Fridays in Sept. at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045) STAND-UP COMEDY Featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third. (838-6688) A NIGHT OF IMPROV COMEDY Improv comedy show, with all proceeds supporting the Green Bluff Grange Society Scholarship Program. Sept. 26 at 7 pm. $10. Old Orchard Theatre, 9809 E. Greenbluff Rd. SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. blue- (747-7045) COMEDY NIGHT WITH TODD BARRY Live stand-up show. Oct. 1, 8 pm. $20/$23. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague Ave. GUFFAW YOURSELF Open mic night; every other Thursday at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First. (847-1234) JOHN MULANEY Mulaney was named one of Variety’s “10 Comics to Watch” in 2008, the same year he began working at Saturday Night Live where he appeared as a “Weekend Update” correspondent and co-created characters such as “Stefon” with Bill Hader. Oct. 1, 8 pm. $34-$49. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200)


NATIONAL DAY OF REMEMBRANCE FOR MURDER VICTIMS The Victim/ Witness Unit from the Spokane County Prosecutors office hosts a pre-function vigil for families/friends to connect (5-6 pm) and a candlelight vigil (6 pm) to honor the memories of murder victims and recognize the impact of homicide on surviving family/friends. The unit is also collecting gently-used shoes to represent each homicide victim. Volunteers of America will collect the shoes for the community. Sep. 24, 5-7:30 pm. Spokane County Public Works Building, 1100 W. Mallon Ave. (477-3640) REVIVING RURAL DOWNTOWNS WORKSHOP Held in historic downtown Ritzville, attendees can learn from more than a dozen professionals presenting a series of topical panels. Sept. 23, Ritzville Walking Tour and reception, 5:30-7 pm; Sept. 24 conference, 8 am-4:45 pm. $25$50. (509-331-2042) SPR TALKS: OUR WATER, OUR FUTURE Spokane Public Radio explores what the region-wide drought means for our communities now and in the future at an event moderated by regional Morning Edition Host Steve Jackson. Bring your questions to the forum and have them answered by the event’s panelists. Details online. Sep. 24, 6:308:30 pm. Free. Spokane City Hall, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (755-2489) BREWFTOP PARTY WITH THE LANDS COUNCIL A party hosted by the Lands Council to engage local young adults in the local nonprofit’s work, with free beer, food, live music and more. Sep. 25, 6-9 pm. Free and open to the public. Community Building, 35 W. Main Ave. (232-1950) FOURTH FRIDAY PUB PEDDLERS Group cycling ride, making a few stops along the way to a final destination. Meets at 7 pm, departs at 8 pm. Free. Swamp Tavern, 1904 W. Fifth. (251-2107) JUST BETWEEN FRIENDS A sale offering gently used infant to juniors clothing and shoes, maternity, layette, strollers, baby gear, bedroom decor, books, games and tons of toys. Sept. 25, 9 am-8 pm; Sept. 26, 9 am-4 pm; Sept. 27, 8 am-1 pm (half-price and free admission). $5 admission Sat & Sun. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. SPOKANE ARENA 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The open house celebration features self-guided tours, interactive photo opportunities, a chance to throw a football around on the Spokane Shock field, prize giveaways, birthday cake and a chance

to explore the backstage areas at the facility, including the Spokane Chiefs locker room, Tech World and more. Sep. 25, 5-8 pm. Free and open to the public. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. (279-7000) END AIDS WALK SPOKANE Washington State’s leading HIV/AIDS organizations have joined forces to promote their largest awareness and fundraising events. This collaboration brings the Spokane, Seattle, and South Sound regions together to build momentum and awareness statewide that through a reduction in new HIV infections, an End to AIDS in Washington state is possible. Sep. 26, 11 am-2 pm. $20. Riverfront Park. (455-8993) FREE MUSEUM DAY: MUSEUM OF NORTH IDAHO The museum is open to the public for free as part of the Smithsonian’s Free Museum Day. Current exhibit on display: “History Outside the Museum,” through October. Sep. 26, 11 am-5 pm. Museum of North Idaho, 115 Northwest Blvd. (208-664-3448) NATIONAL BALLROOM DANCE WEEK CELEBRATION Learn the fox trot, rumba, and swing dancing from experienced local instructors. The event also offers general dancing, refreshments, mixers, door prizes, and a drawing for one month of free dance lessons. Singles, couples, teens, and all levels of dancers are welcome. Sep. 26, 7-10 pm. $5-$9. Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 S. First Ave. STEP UP FOR DOWN SYNDROME WALK The seventh annual 1-mile walk hosted by Ds Connections benefits the nonprofit’s efforts to provide support and services to people in the community with Down syndrome. The walk is followed by snacks, games, prize drawings and more. Sep. 26, 9 am. $8-$12. Mirabeau Point Park, 2426 N. Discovery Place. (979-2242) TOUCH A TRUCK 2015 The event provides an opportunity to turn imagination into real-life by putting kids in the driver’s seat of fire engines, police cars, garbage trucks, street sweepers, tow trucks and more. Proceeds support the Junior League of Spokane in improving child literacy in our community. Sep. 26, 9 am-2 pm. $5/person; $20/family. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. (817-308-6555) HUB-APALOOZA FAMILY FUN FESTIVAL Celebrate the HUB’s 8th birthday with free drop-in basketball, volleyball, soccer and pickleball, as well as Zumba, speed/agility activities, karate and hip hop classes. Also includes a jump house, photo booth, local mascots and more. Sep. 27, 3-6 pm. Free. HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave. (927-0602) MOMS CLUB OF NORTH SPOKANE SOCIAL Learn more about the local club for stay-at-home moms. Breakfast and coffee provided, kids welcome. Sep. 28, 10-11:30 am. Free; RSVP requested. Sunrise Church, 4718 N. Ash. (703-380-8446) THE RAISING OF AMERICA: VIEWING AND DISCUSSION NO. 1 View an episode of The Raising of America, followed by a group discussion. The 5-part documentary series and public engagement campaign explores how a strong start for all our kids can lead to a healthier, safer, better educated and more prosperous and equitable America. Sep. 29, 6-8 pm. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy.

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Advice Goddess Do I Look InfAtuAteD In thIS?


Is there anything inherently bad about getting into a serious relationship quickly? I met this guy about a month ago. We hit it off instantly, became boyfriend and girlfriend two weeks later, and have been dropping I-love-yous. It all feels pretty great; I don’t have a history of poor relationship judgment; and I wasn’t desperate or even looking for a new partner. However, popular opinion seems to run against getting involved so fast. Your —Speedy thoughts?

Ah, yes…your love is like a summer’s day — if a summer’s day chased its lemonade with two Red Bulls and a five-shot latte. It’s easy for you to assume you’re in your right mind, just because you haven’t started throwing peanuts at people in the park while debating abortion with a squirrel. But there are three stages of love: the “falling in it” stage, the “figuring out how it’ll work” stage, and finally, the “you’re the one!” commitment stage. You’re in the starting days of the “falling in it” stage — getting hit by rushing hormones and neurotransmitters — which is to say that you’re chemically dazed. Which is to say that making any sort of decision about what you two have is like getting really high and going off to sign papers for a bank loan. In fact, according to research by psychiatry professor Donatella Marazziti, it’s likely that right now, you and this guy are each chemically different people — and thus behaviorally different people — than you will be once the chemical storm dies down. Marazziti found significant shifts in testosterone levels in both men and women who’d recently fallen in love. Compared with single people and people who’d been in relationships awhile, women newly in love had elevated testosterone, likely making them more sexually tigress-y, while the T levels of men newly in love dropped, likely making them more gooey and emotional — to the point where even a Navy SEAL might start sounding like a Valentine’s Day card. How long the biochemical inebriation lasts varies, but Marazziti’s research suggests that couples are pretty much out of the falling in love daze a year to two years later. It’s only then — once you sober up — that you find out what you actually have together. The kind of love that sticks around is not just a feeling but a feeling that inspires loving action. As novelist Marlon James, quoting a former lover, put it: “Love isn’t saying ‘I love you’ but calling to say, ‘Did you eat?’” Love that lasts should also inspire a sort of loving inaction — loving the person enough that you don’t hate them for all the ways they turn out to be a total idiot: how they can’t seem to understand that pee goes in the big white porcelain thing, not on the floor; that those gross phlegm-clearing sounds are not a mating call; and that socks left on the bedroom rug will not grow tiny legs, crawl up the hamper, and fling themselves in.

GroWInG MoLD toGether

I’m a 70-year-old man, and my wife is 68. I suffer from ED, and we both seem to have lost our sex drive. Don’t get me wrong; we are still very loving and affectionate with each other. We just don’t have sex. Is this a problem I should be addressing or just a side effect of aging? My male ego keeps telling me that I should still be a —Older Dude horndog. No need to pull out the hose if there’s no fire. So, on date night, you have a romantic dinner (early-bird special!) and then repair to bed for some rough hugging. Assuming your ED doesn’t stem from some more serious medical condition, the only thing that’s wrong with you is your thinking that something’s wrong with you. Okay, your sexparts aren’t as perky as they were back when Warren G. Harding (or whoever!) was president. Would you deem yourself less manly if you got osteoarthritis in your elbow? Probably not. But predictably, your elbow has probably stopped working as well as it did when you were 22 — just like Mr. Winky Senior. The reality is there’s much more to physical intimacy than being all Vlad the Impaler — a point sex therapist Dr. Marty Klein makes in his book “Sexual Intelligence.” Touch and affection are essential, and you have those. So instead of lamenting what you don’t have, focus on what you do. You might also consider that your level of manliness is reflected in your character — what you do when the chips are down — not by how, lately, your favorite thing to do in bed is sleep through the night without getting awakened by the twins: your bladder and your prostate. n ©2015, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (


EVENTS | CALENDAR WEE MAC EXPLORATION SESSIONS The MAC revives its pre-K museum educational sessions, with activities to foster exploration and social development in prep for Kindergarten. Kids and a parent engage in art activities and viewing, discovery walks, songs, story time and more. Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 am. For kids ages 4-5. $5/ two people. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. (456-3931) SIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES Join The MOOSE Project for beginning or intermediate sign language classes. A class for families, friends, educators, neighbors, students, health professionals, and anyone else affected by hearing loss. Sep. 30, 5-7:15 pm. $60/person. Northeast Community Center, 4001 N. Cook St. (443-5905) SPOKANE FOLKLORE CONTRA DANCE Weekly Wednesday night contra dance with Arvid Lundin and Deep Roots playing and caller Susan Dankovich. No experience needed, all are welcome. Beginner workshop at 7:15 pm. Sep. 30, 7:30-9:30 pm. $5-$7. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. (838-5667) CREEPY HALLOW The Northwest Renaissance Festival grounds convert from medieval history to creepy. Oct. 2-31; Fri-Sat from 7 pm to midnight. $5/person. Northwest Renaissance Festival, 6493 Hwy 291. CreepyHallow (276-7728)


80TH GREEK DINNER FESTIVAL The annual Greek food and culture celebration offers daily lunch and dinner, with dinners to go, a Greek pastry booth, Greek Deli and boutique, dancing, church tours, a book store, taverna and more. Sept. 24-26, opening daily at 11 am. $6-$15. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 1703 N. Washington St. (328-9310) SOUTHEAST SPOKANE COUNTY FAIR The 71st year of the fair includes a parade, fun run, 3x3 basketball, exhibits, animals, entertainment, kids activities, Saturday night dance, craft vendors and more. Sept. 25-27. Free. Southeast Spokane County Fair, 100 S. First St, Rockford. VALLEYFEST Spokane Valley’s 26thannual community festival includes a hot air balloon launch, the Lion’s Club Bed Races, a parade, fun run, car show, beer/food, live music and entertainment. Sept. 25-27. Free. Mirabeau Point Park, 2426 N. Discovery Place. (688-0300) WASHINGTON STATE CHINESE LANTERN FESTIVAL The inaugural event features 30 displays of more than 3,000 pieces of lit, Chinese Lanterns, built and installed by Chinese artisans throughout Riverfront Park. Other events include five weeks of Chinese cuisine, each week featuring a culinary region of China, prepared by award-winning Chef Jeremy Hansen (Thu-Sat, 5-10 pm) and live performances by Chinese artists nightly at 6 and 8 pm. The festival runs Sept. 26-Nov. 1, and is open daily: Sun-Thu, 5-10 pm, Fri-Sat 5-11 pm and daytime on Sat-Sun from 11 am-4 pm. $9-$60. Riverfront Park, 705 N. Howard St. FOOD TRUCK BLUES & BREWS FESTIVAL Featuring live music by Charlie Butts and the Filter Tips and The Fat

Ones, samples from Spokane food trucks, micro-breweries and cider houses. Proceeds benefit the Spokane chapter of Big Brothers Big Sisters, who celebrates their 50th anniversary with a special smokestacks lighting ceremony at dusk. All-ages welcome. Sep. 27, 12-7 pm. $10-$25. Steam Plant Square, 159 S. Lincoln St.


INFINITELY POLAR BEAR Mark Ruffalo is Cameron, a man who suffers from bipolar disorder. After a breakdown forces him to leave his family and move into a halfway house, he attempts to rebuild a relationship with his two daughters, and win back the trust of his wife. Sept. 24-27, show times vary. $4-$7. Panida Theater, 300 N. First. MR. HOLMES The story is set in 1947, following a long-retired Sherlock Holmes living in a Sussex village with his housekeeper and rising detective son. Rated PG. Sept. 25-27, show times vary. $3-$6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) SYMPHONY OF THE SOIL: AN IMPORTANT ENVIRONMENTAL WARNING: The UN General Assembly declared 2015 the “International Year of Soil.” This documentary film covers the importance of soil for food security and our sustainable future. Event sponsored by the Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane, Gonzaga University, ValleyFest, Ice Age Floods Institute, and Spokane County Master Gardeners. Sep. 26, 1:30-3 pm. Free. CenterPlace Regional Event Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place Dr. (477-2193) BANNED BOOK WEEK: OF MICE AND MEN In addition to exhibits and bookmarks calling attention to books that have been historically challenged during 2015’s Banned Book Week (Sept. 27-Oct. 3), the library hosts a free screening of the film based on the book of the same title written by John Steinbeck. Sep. 28, 6 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. (208-769-2315) TRAIL RUNNING FILM FESTIVAL The touring festival showcases the latest and best full-length and short films showcasing the challenges, beauty and community inherent in the world of trail running. Oct. 1, 6 pm. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. on.fb. me/1N0QUMc (327-1050) MANHATTAN SHORTS View and vote on the Finalist’s Film in the 18th Annual festival. Each audience member gets a card and is asked to vote for one film they think should win. The international winner is announced October 5. Screenings on Oct. 2, at 7:30 pm and Oct. 3-4, at 3 pm. $10. Panida Theater, 300 N. First. (208-255-7801) NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD See the 1968 classic, George A. Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” at the historic Sixth Street Theatre in Wallace, Idaho. Oct. 2, 7-9 pm. $3. Sixth Street Theater, 212 Sixth St.


OKTOBERFEST AT PERRY STREET BREWING The brewery pours special release beers, serves up German food and more. Sept. 24-25. Perry Street Brewing, 1025 S. Perry St. on.fb. me/1LskURt (509-279-2820) YAPPY HOUR The monthly event ben-

efits the Panhandle Animal Shelter, and includes live music, drink specials and more. Sept. 24, from 4-7 pm. Pine Street Bakery, 710 Pine, Sandpoint. (208-265-7297) COEUR D’ALENE OKTOBERFEST The weekend beer festival features traditional fall beers, German food, live music and more. Sept. 25, 4-9 pm and Sept. 26, 1-8 pm. $20. Downtown Coeur d’Alene. OKTOBERFEST AT THE RIVER The Spokane German American Society’s annual celebration returns after a 30year break. The event features beer tasting, live music by Maneula Horn, a German native who yodels to rock songs, and other bands performing German music. Also includes authentic German food and beer and familyfriendly activities during the day. Sept. 25-27, Fri from noon-midnight; Sat from 11 am-midnight, Sun from 11 am-6 pm. All-ages until 7 pm each night. $10$20. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (869-0343) COLD BREW COFFEE CLASS Learn how to make your own cold brew coffee at home in a class taught by Roast House’s barista experts. Sept. 29, from 10 am-noon. Price includes a free pound of coffee to take home. $20/class. Roast House Coffee, 423 E. Cleveland. “AN ELUSIVE SEASON” EQUINOX DINNER The gallery’s fall equinox dinner features a three-course dinner and live music. The fall art features the work of WSU Emeritus Faculty member, Tamara Helm, in an exhibition titled “40 Years of Art, through Oct. 24. Sep. 26, 6-8 pm. $35/person. Bank Left Gallery, 100 S. Bridge St., Palouse (878-8425) HOPTOBERFEST ‘Tis the time of the year to celebrate the harvest and the MickDuff’s brewers have brewed up a special Wet Hop IPA and a few other special beers for this fall event, which also includes live music, special beers, games and more. Sep. 26. MickDuff’s Beer Hall, 220 Cedar, Sandpoint. (208-209-6700) INLAND NORTHWEST COFFEE BREWERS COMPETITION Roast House hosts an event open to baristas and coffee aficionados, who compete with their own equipment. Event also includes food, beer, live music and prizes for competitors. Roast House also celebrates the release of its new El Limonar coffee. Oct. 1, 6 pm. $10/entry fee for competitors. Roast House Coffee, 423 E. Cleveland Ave. INLAND NORTHWEST CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL The annual beer fest returns, with 30+ craft breweries (half are all local) from around Washington state, pouring more than 100 brews. Also includes live music and food. Oct. 2-3. $15-$25. Avista Stadium, 602 N. Havana St. (535-2922)


TALES FROM THE FORGOTTEN KINGDOM A performance by the Guy Mendilow Ensemble, set to arrangements of old Sephardi songs. Sep. 24, 7:30-9:30 pm. Free. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU, Pullman Campus. performingarts. (335-8522) THEATER ORGAN CONCERT FEAT. JOHN ATWELL The renowned theatre organist from Melbourne, Australia

makes a special appearance in Spokane, playing on the historic Wurlitzer Theatre Organ for a “Pops” concert program of music for all ages. Sep. 24, 7 pm. Donations accepted. First Church of Nazarene, 9004 N. Country Homes Blvd. (467-8986) KENNY ENDO CONTEMPORARY ENSEMBLE Taiko master Kenny Endo is a leading artist in contemporary percussion and rhythm. He represents the vanguard of the taiko genre, paving new paths in Japanese-style drumming, blending taiko with rhythms influenced by his jazz background and international collaborations. Sep. 25, 7:30-9:30 pm. Free. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU, Pullman Campus. HOG HEAVEN BIG BAND The Hog Heaven Big Band has performed regularly at the Barn since its opening in 2006, and plays selections from the Great American Songbook. Sep. 26, 7:30 pm. $5. Dahmen Barn, 419 N. Park Way, Uniontown, Wash. (229-3414) SPOKANE JAZZ ORCHESTRA SJO at the Crossroads” concert featuring Spokanebased pop-country artist Nicole Lewis. Sep. 26, 7:30 pm. $24-$26.50. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. WASHINGTON IDAHO SYMPHONY Concert program features Felix Mendelssohn, “Hebrides Overture;” Carl Nielsen, “Flute Concerto,” featuring Ann Yasinitsky, Flute,

and Ludwig van Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 4 in B flat Major.” Sep. 26, 7:30 pm. $15-$25. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU Pullman Campus. (335-8522) SPOKANE STRING QUARTET The quartet opens its 37th season with a salute to the old and the new, performing works by Haydn, Beethoven, and “Nightshade” by Cary Boyce, a pianist and internationally known composer, better known to local audiences as president and general manager of Spokane Public Radio. Sep. 27, 3 pm. $12-$20. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200) “WHAT CAN I DO?” SPACESHIP EARTH Presentation by Laurie Dameron, a Billboard Magazine award recipient, whose profound connection with nature is the inspiration behind “What Can I Do?” Spaceship Earth. Combining her love of art, music and nature she has created a multimedia production with simple ideas that will compel you to action to help save our planet. Sep. 30, 4:30-6 pm. Free. South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry.



of Washington State Parks’ 102nd birthday, residents are offered access to any state park without needing a Discover Pass. Includes access locally to Riverside and Mount Spokane State Parks. Upcoming free days: Sept. 26, Nov. 11. Free. Riverside State Park, Spokane. HAPPY GIRLS RUN The popular women’s race series comes to Spokane for the second year, offering a course of varied terrain, pre- and post-race yoga, music and race swag bags. Includes 5K, 10K and half-marathon distance routes. Sep. 26. $30-$90. Mukogawa Institute, 4000 W. Randolph Rd. MT. SPOKANE OLD GROWTH FOREST HIKE A guided, six-mile hike through Mt. Spokane’s old growth forests, hosted by the Save Mt. Spokane Coalition. Bring lunch, water and plan to spend 4-5 hours hiking. Meet at the trailhead at the Upper Kit Carson Rd. Sep. 26, 10 am. Free. Mt. Spokane State Park, 26107 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. (209-2404) RIDE THE BULL BIKE RIDE A 6-mile fall bike tour through the refuge’s gravel auto tour routes, open to adults and families with children. Helmets/safety vests required. $3 park entrance fee per car. Sep. 26, 9:30 am-noon. Free, registration required. Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, 26010 S. Smith Rd., Cheney. fotnwr. org/activities.html (235-4723)


CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, THE MUSICAL Spokane Civic Theatre’s season premier of the musical about a precocious teenager whose lies take him into roles as a pilot, doctor and a lawyer, based on the hit film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, and a true story. Through Oct. 18; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $22-$30. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. (325-2507) ROCK OF AGES A musical comedy about big bands with big egos, big hair and big guitar solos, with a score that features the hits by Journey, Night Ranger, REO Speedwagon, Pat Benatar, Twisted Sister, and others. Through Oct. 10, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $23-$27. The Modern Theater Coeur d’Alene, 1320 E. Garden. RTOP AFTER DARK: VENUS IN FUR A new play series featuring award-winning, contemporary, adult-themed theatre. Shows may contain adult language and/ or themes. Sept. 23-26, at 8:30 pm. $10. Regional Theatre of the Palouse, 122 N Grand Ave,. (334-0750) SOLDIERS IN PETTICOATS A onewoman show by Tames Allen, telling the historical story of the the struggles of the suffragettes. Sep. 24, 6 pm. $13-$15. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. panida.

org (208-255-7801) OTHER DESERT CITIES A multiple Tony nominee and Pulitzer finalist, this play’s superbly crafted script exploits what happens when family wounds are exposed and lines are crossed. Sept. 25Oct. 11, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $20-$24. Modern Theater Spokane, 174 S. Howard. PLAY ON! The comedic story of a theater group trying desperately to put on a play in spite of maddening interference from a haughty authoress who keeps revising the script. Sept. 18-Oct. 4, Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10-$14. Ignite Community Theatre, 10814 E. Broadway Ave. (509-795-0004) MAGICAL STARS VARIETY SHOW Annual stage production by the Woodland Theater. Sept. 26 at 7 pm, Sept. 27 at 2 pm. $5. Woodland Theater, 120 W. Third Ave., Kettle Falls. woodlandproductions. org (509-738-6626) OPENING NIGHT VARIETY SHOW Lewis & Clark High School’s award-winning drama department presents its 2015-16 variety show, weaving individual and group performances into a story filled with songs, scenes, and dancing. Oct. 1, 7-9 pm. By donation. Lewis and Clark High School, 521 W. Fourth Ave. on.fb. me/1LLnNIA (354-7000)

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Social High A Spokane company launches a new cannabis-focused social media platform BY JORDY BYRD


arsh Sutherland wants you to get high with new friends. The Spokane entrepreneur has four tech startups under his belt. The latest, Social High, aims to unite marijuana enthu-




1 5 5 ,0



BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at

CALL 325-0634 xt. 215 EMAIL

siasts the best way that he knows how — through social media. The mobile app ( launched on iTunes on Sept. 12 and has since been downloaded more than 300 times. The platform fuses heavy hitters like Facebook, Reddit and Instagram, creating a user-friendly experience that shows users not only who is in their general vicinity (think Tinder) but what strains they have. “Most cannabis apps tell you what strains dispensaries have in your area; we tell you what people nearby have… ” Sutherland says. “We’re hoping to make real-life friends.” The platform allows users to create profiles, post content through a “weedcast,” search for strains and other users, send direct messages (that disappear in 24 hours) and more. Just like Facebook or Reddit, users can “puff” on content they like, and “pass” to unsubscribe. Social High is powered by Leafly and accesses the website’s giant database of strains. Users can even rate a meet-up, forewarning others if someone’s bag is all stems and their couch smells like

cat pee. “We have created a judgment-free social network allowing anonymous profiles, user ratings, disappearing chats, and a digital community to both share experiences and discover new cannabis knowledge from strain search and details,” says co-founder and CEO Scott Bettano. Sutherland says recreational and medicinal dispensaries are encouraged to create profiles, as the company plans to provide advertising options — and paid business accounts — in the future. Social High hopes to have 30,000 downloads by November, fueling growth and outside investment. The Android app is scheduled to launch by late October, with a desktop capability coming in the new year. Tools like video and hashtags — even support groups for medicinal users — are in the works. Sutherland describes the project as a BHAG: a big, hairy, audacious goal. “We are the Facebook for cannabis,” he says. “Except we are nice and sticky.” n

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Warning: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.


WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.



OPEN EVERYDAY 509.919.3467 9107 N. Country Homes Blvd. WARNING: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

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2015 FINE ARTS FACULTY EXHIBITION This biennial exhibition is an opportunity for visitors and WSU students to see the Fine Arts Faculty’s skills and theories put to practice in a diverse array of styles and media. Through Sept. 26. Museum open MonSat, 10 am-4 pm and Thu until 7 pm. Free and open to the public. Museum of Art/WSU, Wilson Road. museum. (509-335-1910) ARCHITECTS OF AIR: PENTALUM Architects of Air build ‘luminaria,’ inflatable mazes of winding paths and soaring domes where Islamic architecture, Archimedean solids, and Gothic cathedrals meld into an inspiring monument to the beauty of light and color. Sept. 24-27, Thu-Fri, 10 am-6 pm; Sat-Sun 10 am-6 pm. $5 admission. Washington State University, 2000 NE Stadium Way. ART IN BLOOM The Friends of the Moore-Turner Gardens present their annual flower and quilt show. Featured artists include Spokane artist Louise Kodis and quilter Florence Coffey. Anemone Flowers, The Gilded Lily and many other local florists also participate. Sept. 25, 1-4 pm, and Sept. 26, 10 am-4:30 pm. $5. Corbin Art Center, 507 W. 7th. (625-6677) PALOUSE PLEIN AIR 2015 The Moscow Art Commission’s sixth annual outdoor painting competition takes place across seven days, Sept. 19-25, and culminates with judging, an exhibition and art sale at the Prichard Art Gallery on Sept. 25, from 5-8 pm and Sept. 26 (sale) from 9 am-noon. Prichard Art Gallery, 414 S. Main. (208-883-7036) WILLIAM ELSTON: MY OLD HAUNTS An opening reception and artist meet and greet, as the artist shows his work in Spokane for the first time in 20 years. His new collection features urban and rural landscape paintings of iconic Spokane sights. Sep. 25, 5-8 pm. Dodson’s Jewelers, 516 W. Riverside Ave. (624-4163) ART ON THE AVE 2015 The 5th annual event along East Sprague between Napa and Madelia streets features 40+ artists showcasing their visual, music, interactive and other forms of art. Also includes a Kids Zone and after hours party until 9 pm. Sep. 26, 12-6 pm. Free. JESUITS IN THE ARTS SERIES An exhibition titled “Vivid in My Mind: The Visionary and Landscape Images of Father Andrew William Vachon, S.J. alongside “Befriending Sacredness: Works by Fr. Araujo, S.J.” in the museum’s Arcade Gallery. Sept. 26-Dec. 19, with a reception Sept. 25, from 5-7 pm. Gallery open Mon-Sat, from 10 am-4 pm. Free. Jundt Art Museum, 200 E. Desmet Ave. (313-6843) LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER ARTIST STUDIO TOUR See and purchase work from 28 professional artists while visiting three artist studios located within short distance of one another in the Little Spokane River Valley. No dogs allowed; free parking; light refreshments for sale. Details and map online. Sep. 26, 10 am-5 pm. Free. SPOKANE’S HISTORIC GHOST SIGNS Explore the faded but still-visible painted advertising signs surviving on brick buildings throughout Spokane’s historic city core. Sep. 26, 9:30 am-3 pm. $22.50-$25. The MAC, 2316 W.

First. CHRIS DREYER An evening of music, reading, and more with local artist Chris Dreyer, who celebrates the release of his first chapbook “The Toilet was Broken & other Awful Stories.” Sep. 29, 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main. (838-0206) LARRY ELLINGSON: FORCE OF ATTRACTION A mixed media sculpture exhibition. Sept. 29-Nov. 6; opening reception Sept. 29, from 5-7 pm. In the Boswell Hall Corner Gallery at NIC. Mon.Fri.. through Nov. 6. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. (208-769-3300) SPOKANE WATERCOLOR SOCIETY JURIED SHOW The MAC hosts 66 works of art by local artist members of the group, in a show juried by Bev Jozwiak, with featured artist Peggy Conrad. All art in the show is for sale. Sept. 30-Oct. 28; opening reception Oct. 2, 5-8 pm. Gallery open Wed-Sun, 10 am-5 pm. Museum admission applies. The MAC, 2316 W. First. (456-3931)


MARGOT KAHN & BROOKE MATSON: A sporting, historical tale, “Horses That Buck: The Story of Champion Bronc Rider Bill Smith” tracks one man’s remarkable story against the background of a rapidly changing American West. Seattle author Margot Kahn reads from the newly-released paperback edition and reflects on the blessings and hazards of writing biography. Sep. 25, 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main. YA AUTHOR KRIS DINNISON The Spokane-based author reads from her new young adult novel, “You and Me and Him.” Refreshment’s provided. Sep. 25, 7 pm. Free. BookPeople of Moscow, 521 S. Main. 100,000 POETS FOR CHANGE Poets, artists, and musicians around the world are planning individual events to take place simultaneously in conjunction with 100 Thousand Poets for Change in a demonstration/celebration of poetry, art, and music to promote social, environmental and political change. Sep. 26, 1-4 pm. Free. Evans Brothers Coffee, 524 Church St. (208-255-4410) CHILDREN’S AUTHOR ESTHER HILDAHL The Spokane resident hosts a signing of her children’s story, “Mr. Spider with an Attitude.” Sep. 26, 2-4 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) ENDOWED READERS SERIES FEAT. B.H. FAIRCHILD Fairchild has authored many collections of poetry, has won numerous honors, and has been a finalist for the National Book Award. In the Robinson Teaching Theatre. Sep. 29, 7 pm. Free and open to the public. Whitworth University, 300 W. Hawthorne Rd. (777-3253) GONZAGA VISITING WRITERS SERIES: KIMBERLY MEYER In addition to “The Book of Wanderings.” Meyer’s award-winning nonfiction work appears in numerous prominent publications. A Ph.D. graduate of the University of Houston’s Creative Writing Program, Meyer currently teaches in the Great Books program in the Honors College at the University of Houston. Oct. 1, 7:30 pm. Free and open to the public. Gonzaga University, 502 E. Boone. (328-4220) n




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Should you get an annual checkup?

About 45 million Americans receive a general checkup from their doctor each year, but Dr. John Swartzberg with Berkeley Wellness TIP OF THE WEEK says that getting a “onesize-fits-all” look-over from your doc doesn’t mean you’ll be totally healthy for the calendar year. In fact, he cites 14 different studies which concluded that an annual exam doesn’t reduce mortality rates. The main reason to consider regular checkups is to create a working relationship with your primary caregiver. (Berkeley Wellness)

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September 26th • 12pm to 6pm Artist Sam White’s painting “Everyone’s Talking” WILL COME ALIVE!

Time to let off some steam.

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You can really let them have it. Place a FREE ad in the Jeers section.

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ACROSS 1. Puts away, as luggage 6. Cosmetics applicators 11. “Viva ____ Vegas!” 14. Father of Leah and Rachel 15. “My Heart Skips ____” (1964 country hit) 16. Rev (up) 17. The last 10% of 110% 18. Longtime Vermont senator 19. Makeup of some burgers 20. “Wait for it ...” (see the starts of 27-, 34-, 44- and 52-Across) 23. Knee-slappers 24. Potential pipes 26. Season after printemps 27. Old Vegas clique follow a basic cooking instruction? 32. “Dawson’s Creek” actor James Van ____ Beek 33. Put on the Internet 34. U.S. region home to many oak

Haven Homes is looking for people to join our team as caregivers. Based in Medical Lake, our agency supports & cares for adults with developmental disabilities in their homes. Bring your strengths, dedication, & enthusiasm & see the difference you can make in the lives of our clients! All training is provided & is paid. Starting at $10/hr with opportunities for incentive pay, benefits for full-time. Full & part time positions available. Call Eric at 299-4768

I Saw You • You Saw Me • Cheers & Jeers •

THIS ANSW WEEK’S I SAW ERS ON YOUS trees? 38. Series starter 41. Like Beethoven’s Sixth 44. Someone who gives medical attention to a spud? 48. Cattle call 49. Factory-inspecting org. 50. Miraculous way to walk? 52. Having visions of a Japanese mat while asleep? 57. Jiffy 58. San Fran gridder 59. Opposite of sur 60. In the style of 61. Oscar winner for “A Fish Called Wanda” 62. Anthony who wrote the 2014 #1 bestselling novel “All the Light We Cannot See” 63. ____ Explorer 64. Party throwers

65. Richter and Roddick DOWN 1. Hammered hard 2. It affects your take-home pay 3. Not as quick on the uptake 4. Prepares, as leftovers 5. Hunter, at times 6. NYSE’s locale 7. Son of Eve 8. Kind of tide 9. “Fantastic Mr. Fox” author 10. Affliction whose name rhymes with its location 11. Caught, cowboy-style 12. Little blobs on slides 13. Austin Powers, e.g. 21. Pop singer Rita 22. Have ____ with (talk to) 25. Not automatic: Abbr.


28. Like the wars between Carthage and Rome 29. Police dept. broadcast 30. The Cavs, on scoreboards 31. ____ Nidre (Yom Kippur prayer)

34. Words after have or take 35. Where streets intersect: Abbr. 36. Quirky 37. Rock’s ____ Speedwagon 38. WWII command area: Abbr.

39. Easter colors 40. Odysseus, e.g. 41. Comment before turning in 42. “Keep Out” 43. Art fakers 45. U.S. Olympic swimming gold medalist Dara ____ 46. Scrabble value of every letter in TEN 47. Country with a gorilla on its 5,000-franc note 51. O’Neill’s “____ for the Misbegotten” 53. Egyptian “key of life” 54. “The Phantom Tollbooth” protagonist 55. “Last one ____ a rotten egg!” 56. Impact result 57. Cooke of soul


River Tales

A series of paintings by artist Kay O’Rourke (pictured) is hanging in Kendall Yards and has been reproduced in a book. YOUNG KWAK PHOTOS

The story of the Spokane River in 30 paintings BY JAKE THOMAS


ay O’Rourke likes to tell her own stories. For that reason, the local painter doesn’t typically do art commissions, where someone hires an artist to do a specific creative piece. But when her old friend Jim Frank, a Spokane art collector and developer associated with the Kendall Yards neighborhood, contacted her last year about creating a series of paintings telling the story of the Spokane River, she couldn’t turn him down. A year later, The River Remembers: A Visual History of the Spokane River Gorge is complete, and all 30 paintings, contained in 20-inch-by-20-inch frames, hang from the


walls in the Spark Center, a nonprofit learning center in Kendall Yards. The Spokane River is something people often see daily, but they’re not always aware of its past. O’Rourke says the project, open to viewing by the public, is intended to give the viewer a deeper perspective about the body of water that’s so integral to the city’s identity by telling the history of the river, from pre-human times up to Expo ’74, through art. “History only gives you facts,” says O’Rourke. “But the mythology and the folk tales give you the sound and the smells. [I tried to go] beyond the facts and capture the

essence of what was happening.” The paintings depict the relationship between Native Americans and the river’s once abundant fish. They also capture first explorers, settlers and the ensuing clashes with Native Americans, as well as historical figures such as Spokane Chief Garry, James Glover (the “Father of Spokane”), city benefactor Col. David Jenkins and other people who shaped the city. Major events, including the arrival of railroads and the Great Fire of 1889, are also present. Known for her surreal paintings, O’Rourke says it was a challenge to depict real events, people and places. To complete the project, she says she conducted historical research, sometimes having to reconcile competing narratives, and also drew on Native American folk tales to tell the story of the river as completely as she could. “We’ve always had the good and the bad,” says O’Rourke. “And a lot of time we gloss over it, but I think it’s important to know what the truths were.” n The River Remembers: A Visual History of the Spokane River Gorge • Spark Center • 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. •

know it all.




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