Inlander 11/26/2015

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NEWS after the storm 18 film knockout by creed 66 last word food and prayer 86

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rowing up, we celebrated the approach of the HOLIDAYS with a specific family ritual: cleaning every inch of the house. There was only so much we could do — the house sagged like a frumpy, worn-out couch, abused by us six kids — but that didn’t stop Mom from frantically scrubbing the floors on her hands and knees with a rag and bucket. It certainly wasn’t about showing off; Mom just wanted everyone to be comfortable as we welcomed in all comers: friends, distant relatives, even the neighbors we secretly disliked. The lesson I took from all that is this: Community is created when we actually make an effort to be decent to one another. We witnessed ample evidence of that during this past week, as a windstorm revealed how truly powerless we sometimes are and how, in the end, we still derive strength and support from each other. May you be warm and surrounded by the neighbors you like this holiday season! — JACOB H. FRIES, editor


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THE INLANDER is a locally owned, independent newspaper founded on Oct. 20, 1993. Printed on newsprint that is at least 50 percent recycled; please recycle THE INLANDER after you’re done with it. One copy free per person per week; extra copies are $1 each (call x226). For ADVERTISING information, email To have a SUBSCRIPTION mailed to you, call x213 ($50 per year). To find one of our more than 1,000 NEWSRACKS where you can pick up a paper free every Thursday, call x226 or email THE INLANDER is a member of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia. All contents of this newspaper are protected by United States copyright law. © 2015, Inland Publications, Inc. 509.808.2090 • 5406 N Division St


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COMMENT STAFF DIRECTORY PHONE: 509-325-0634 Ted S. McGregor Jr. (



J. Jeremy McGregor (x224) GENERAL MANAGER

EDITORIAL Jacob H. Fries (x261) EDITOR

Mike Bookey (x279)

CARMEN PICCOLO I would normally go to my husband’s office at City Hall, but I just didn’t feel like dressing up today. So instead I’m here at the library dressing down and using all of their outlets.


Chris Bovey (x248)


Dan Nailen (x239), Mitch Ryals (x237), Jake Thomas (x249), Daniel Walters (x263), Quinn Western (x282) STAFF WRITERS

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Right now, our family carried a propane grill inside the apartment to heat it and to cook food. Don’t worry, we opened the doors. Places like the library and the Salvation Army are also very helpful. We’re trying to convince the kids it’s not the end of the world.

Caleb Walsh


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Max Carter, Kailee Haong, Makayla Wamboldt INTERNS


Reading more books and playing more board games. Also sitting by a fireplace and drinking alcohol. You know, what most people probably do.

Kristi Gotzian (x215) ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Carolyn Padgham-Walker (x214), Emily Walden (x260)


Autumn Adrian (x251), Gail Golden (x236), Janet Pier (x235), Claire Price (x217), Wanda Tashoff (x222) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES

Kristina Elverum (x223)



CRYSTAL KENYON Can I be honest? I’m one of those people that’s lucky and didn’t lose power. But if it did go out, depending on the time of day, I’d find some place where the power is on that I could get a cup of coffee or wine.



Kristin Wagner (x210)


Justin Hynes (x226)


Taylor Phillips (x200) ADMIN ASSISTANT

It starts with a coffee shop. Somewhere in the middle of the day is a bar, a doggy day care for the pet, and the library. It usually ends with a restaurant or a bar, too. And exercise. It keeps you warm.

PRODUCTION Wayne Hunt (x232) PRODUCTION MANAGER Alissia Blackwood Mead (x228), Derrick King (x238), Jessie Spaccia (x205), Tom Stover (x265) GRAPHIC DESIGNERS



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Cowboy Butch Why is Governor Butch Otter so persistent in supporting Idaho’s tiny horse-racing industry? BY MARY LOU REED


daho’s governor, Butch Otter, was firmly put down by the Idaho Supreme Court in a case brought by the Coeur d’Alene Tribe. In a decision released in September, the justices unanimously agreed with the tribe that the governor just didn’t hand his veto work in on time. In the 2015 legislative session, advocates for the CdA Tribe convinced a healthy majority of legislators in both houses to repeal the two-yearold statute that legalized pari-mutuel betting on “historical” horse races. Unwisely, the horseracing industry had installed poorly disguised slot machines instead of the classy historic videos they had promised. Legislators were mad that they had been duped by the horsey set. The governor vetoed the repeal, but was tardy in getting the veto message back to the Senate. It’s a somewhat confusing tale. The governor and his staff simply messed up. The court’s decision showed that even governors have to play by the rules if the Constitution is in the mix. And certainly the horsey folks were pushing their luck by not living up to their promises. Gambling is still a touchy subject in Idaho. Many Idahoans, especially Mormons, would simply like gambling to disappear. Casinos are tolerated because of their economic boost to the tribes — and because federal rules control tribal gaming.


that the slots are simply making wealthy people wealthier. So why is the governor willing to place so many of his political chips on this one narrow slice of the political wheel? In his adult life, Butch Otter has always liked being a boots-and-saddles kind of guy. At heart, he’s a cowboy. Butch did indeed pull himself up by his bootstraps; he can be proud of that. And he’s definitely outgrown the “Mr. Tight Jeans” title that he won in 1992 at the Rockin’ Rodeo Bar in Boise. The horse racing crowd is made up of Butch Otter’s friends, who have supported him in the many campaigns he has run over the past 40-some years. Butch was elected to the Idaho House of Representatives in 1972 and has been in elected office most every year since. That’s a

“Gambling is still a touchy subject in Idaho.”

he horse industry’s wayward ways were brought to the attention of the legislature in January, and despite heavy lobbying by the horse-racing crowd, the repeal made it to the governor’s desk after racking up comfortable margins in both the House and the Senate. In his veto message, Governor Otter revealed his extraordinary commitment to horses, horse racing and to his longtime buddies in the horseracing business. He wrote: “I am seeking an alternative capable of restoring confidence in horse racing as a legitimate and even ennobling industry.” Recently, Otter tipped his hand by issuing a press release suggesting he will work hard in the coming session to help the “ennobling” horseracing industry. Otter says he won’t turn his back on an industry that “contributes hundreds of millions of dollars to our communities and economy.” That statement greatly exaggerates the significance of horse racing in our spud state. From where we sit in North Idaho, horse racing doesn’t touch the lives or fill the wallets of many Idahoans. To the contrary, it has been suggested that raising and running racehorses is an expensive hobby enjoyed by only a few wealthy people. And while the current slot-like machines are supposedly supporting the horse-racing tracks, it may be

lot of campaigns to finance, and the horse crowd has faithfully backed his campaign efforts. This may be payback time.


orses were never my passion, not even as a pre-teenager when most girls want a horse of their own. But I agree that horses are beautiful animals, worthy of the brushing they receive from young girls and professional grooms. I just want my governor to let those horses slip down on his priority list at a time when the state faces so many urgent needs. We have already lost millions of dollars because Idaho has not signed on for Medicaid reform; lives may also have been lost as a result. Our public schools have yet to catch up on the funding they lost in the recession years. Idaho is way behind most other states in early childhood and preschool programs. Improvements to the state’s roads and bridges need to be carefully planned and budgeted. Our jails and prisons are crowded, and as a state we need to focus on updating our justice system. Planning for climate change, drought and more forest fires is begging serious attention. The headlines say the governor wants our borders closed to humans: Syrian refugees. More than that, the governor wants to bring back the horse. He wants tomorrow to be yesterday. 


The Year of the Tree BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.


t always has to be a Tuesday. That’s the day we go to press — all the threads of the Inlander need to be pulled into a complete newspaper in time for the printer and you, the readers. So with word that trees were falling and lights were going out, we raced against time. Down in West Central, we still had power Tuesday afternoon. We sent most of the team home to beat the mess; a few of us stayed to finish up. Another paper done, we set out into the mayhem. The date? Nov. 19, 1996. That’s right, two days short of the 19th anniversary of Ice Storm, we had a do-over here in Spokane — and at Inlander HQ, just a few blocks away from our old office. Again disaster hits on a Tuesday (9/11 was on a Tuesday, too), and our team got another paper out on time. Again, most of us went home to darkness. For a place that prides itself on being immune to the weird phenomena of the rest of the nation — tornadoes, earthquakes, humidity — our list of disasters has become equally scary. (Don’t forget, we even had a volcanic eruption back in 1980.) To me, 2015 will go down as the Year of the Tree, as falling and burning trees have defined it. Maybe our tall, green friends are trying to tell us something? There are other notable similarities between the blackouts. The next days were surreal, dawning bright and calm, neighbors mobilized to help each other, and we all waited for every scrap of intel from Washington Water Power/Avista (they didn’t change their name until 1999). The differences are plain, too — today everybody’s desperate to charge their phone. Checking Facebook has taken on a whole new kind of urgency. It seems we only truly appreciate our land of plenty when it’s taken away; it’s such a shock, we’ll be talking about the hardship for years. It can recalculate our perspective, reminding us that Mother Nature is still in charge. There are other memorable moments, too: We slow down, see the stars clearly at night, hear the quiet, light some candles and reconnect — even playing those board games we got last Christmas. (And yes, there will be a batch of Wind Storm babies next August.) During Ice Storm, we all camped out at my parents’ house, including my grandma Hilda. We told stories, played cards and sat around the fire. It was the last quality time I got to spend with her before she passed away. I’ll always remember that part of it. Finally, Thanksgiving Day approached, and is approaching again, without power for many. These are the times, challenging as they may be, when the notion of thankfulness is no abstraction, the prayer is anything but rote and the food and family are true blessings. n JEN SORENSON CARTOON

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COMMENT | REFUGEES support his local family and send some resources home to relatives whose lives are in danger. “All of this, it is for them,” he told me with tears in his eyes when we first met. “Here, you must try my baklava, it is the best,” he insisted, changing the subject to a lighter topic. This man who brims with hospitality and concern went out of his way for my family when we were in need of some social support. Why is it so easy for our fellow Americans to forget the humanity of Syrian refugees in our common struggle against terror? In uncertain times, our compassion is tested. While some open their arms to joyously welcome those in need, others react by slamming their emotional garage doors shut. Some have hurtfully used certain groups of people, namely veterans, the homeless and white women, as arguments against offering Syrian refugees the basic protec-

Why is it so easy for our fellow Americans to forget the humanity of Syrian refugees in our common struggle against terror? CALEB WALSH ILLUSTRATION

Love Thy Neighbors Opening our hearts to those who have been terrorized is our most powerful weapon against suffering BY MARIAH McKAY


pon hearing about the Paris attacks, my heart raced through a painful series of blows. First I seized on the horror of the destruction of innocent life. Then I was hit by how this particular tragedy would be treated differently by Westerners than the many equally despicable killings of people in other countries. Now we are forced to confront the disturbing reality of

some people blindly confusing the victims of terrorism with the perpetrators. In this season of Thanksgiving and helping our neighbors after the windstorm, let’s challenge ourselves to extend our generosity to all people in need so we can overcome the violence that is besieging our global community. While some fearfully call for the wholesale rejection of Muslim refugees from our country, my thoughts turn to people like my Syrian friend who runs a small business here in Spokane. He has worked hard for years to

tions they deserve. How can they be so convinced there isn’t enough to go around, as if addressing the dire needs of refugees will necessarily deny others? It often turns out that these doubters have experienced scarcity and a painful lack of caring in their own lives that profoundly shapes the way they see the world. For those prone to alarmism, the facts only seem to assault their sensibilities rather than reassure them. Refugees go through the most rigorous screening process of anyone entering America, so resettlement programs are actually the last channel terrorists would attempt to use in gaining access to our country. The majority of people seeking asylum are women and children who are suffering from one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world today. We can be proud that Gov. Jay Inslee has stood up to welcome these refugees in need. Hopefully the rest of our nation’s decision makers will soon recognize the folly of their fear and change course. Over our dinner tables, our most precious sanctum of family and security, I invite you to stand ready with empathy and compassion for both those in need and those who would deny them.  Mariah McKay is a fourth-generation daughter of Spokane and a community organizer campaigning for racial, social and economic justice. She currently serves as a public health advocate.

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DON’T IGNORE SYRIA’S VICTIMS Although I deplore violence towards innocent victims, let us not collectively penalize all Syrian refugees for the atrocities of terrorists. Support President Obama and Governor Inslee in their courageous stand to uphold American values that welcome refugees and immigrants. Speak up against any type of discrimination that judges others based on their ethnicity or religion. Our recent power outage is a tiny taste of what refugees face on a daily basis. Even though I am currently inconvenienced by living without power, I know it is only temporary. I have resources and places to go to that will welcome me without having to pass a litmus test of whether or not I am “worthy” of receiving support. Encourage our leaders to uphold our American commitment to provide sanctuary to those in need. SUSIE LEONARD WELLER Liberty Lake, Wash.

MEGAN BUTLER: The winners are the community for helping each other out. SIMON FRANCIS MOORBY Let’s hope that this newfound “sense of community” is not quickly lost on those of us experiencing “poor people problems.” For many, this is not a mere inconvenience, but a constant struggle. The real winners learned a lesson much broader than how to make grilled cheese sandwiches atop a wood stove. They learned empathy and right action. ANTHONY MOORE: Roofing contractors are definitely winners.


J VON PITTENSTIEN: Winners: Plumbers and tradesmen, hotels, fast food restaurants, building supply stores. Losers: Insurance and reinsurance companies, families taking time off work to watch kids out of school. Consolation prize: People with wood fireplaces. JASON ST. CLAIR: This should have been an inconvenience to most of the people affected. A lot of people were caught flat footed with no emergency plan or supplies. Obviously, if a tree fell through your roof, you get a pass. JEREMY BRINKMAN: The whole city lost. All these people complaining about the people with no power who are complaining forget that modern society is powered by electricity. An entire city brought to its knees for nigh on a week is a huge hit to the economy. AMANDA VANDENBERG: The winners are the few lucky people who never lost power and the losers are the ones badmouthing Avista while they work around the clock trying to restore everyone’s power. 



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We asked Inlander readers: Who are the winners and who are the losers of the windstorm and its aftermath?

TONY DINARO: Hotels and restaurants are the winners, lol.

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It isn’t ideal for students to only attend Dishman Hills High School two or four days a week, Principal Julie Poage says, but for students with children or full-time jobs, it may be the only schedule that works.


Catcher on the Cracks Is the alternative Dishman Hills High School saving at-risk students, or leading them to drop out? BY DANIEL WALTERS


pokane Public Schools Superintendent Shelley Redinger always says she wants the district to offer a broad variety of educational options. But at an October school board meeting, she named one option she wanted Spokane to avoid. “We lose a pretty significant handful of high school students to Dishman Hills in the Valley because high school students hear how easy it is,” Redinger says. “We don’t want to open a school like that.” A hundred Spokane Public Schools students attend Dishman Hills High School, an alternative school in the West Valley School District where students only go to class two or four days a week. “We need to continue to counsel students: ‘That’s not a good option for you,’” Redinger says.

Indeed, Dishman Hills’ results on paper, from the percent of students who pass standardized tests to the percent who go on to college, appear dismal. Even when compared with the major alternative schools in other local districts — On Track Academy in Spokane, MEAD Alternative in Mead, Mica Peak in Central Valley and Three Springs in Cheney — Dishman’s four- and five-year graduation rates have been dead last for the past three years. West Valley administrators, however, argue that Dishman Hills takes the types of students other schools won’t and helps them succeed where other schools can’t. The central question: Is Dishman catching enough students before they fall through the cracks, or does its part-time model let too many slip through its fingertips?



The fate of Tylek Waite’s academic career at Cheney High School came down to a Pringles can. More precisely, it came down to the marijuana he’d tried to hide inside the Pringles can. Waite’s subterfuge was discovered, and he was hit with a long-term suspension. He ended the year with a whopping zero credits. After another bad experience at Cheney’s alternative school, Three Springs, he looked outside the district. Today, he’s a senior at Dishman Hills, in a small Spokane Valley building across the street from the abandoned University Mall. Here, there are no sports programs, no cheerleaders, none of the thousand-student chaos that can terrify a kid who doesn’t fit in. Here, about 70 percent of students only attend two days a week. The classrooms, where students pluck electric guitars and peer through microscopes to study sickle cells, are tiny. So are the class sizes. Teachers can give students like Waite personal tutoring. And the students, he says, are just as eager to help as the teachers. “We’re all just a big family, basically,” he says. “We all look out for each other.” Some students here were bullied, or live in poverty, or have full-time jobs, or have to take care of their own children. Some don’t have parents. Some are homeless. Waite knows some students, the sort who don’t care to show up, will probably drop out. But a lot of them, he ...continued on next page




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Dishman Hills is the region’s oldest alternative high school, but its structure has changed significantly in recent years.



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says, want to succeed. “They really want to get their life together,” he says. “They know that the only place they can do it is here. No other school will put in the effort.” Half the challenge is catching up: Students hammer away at computers, making up credits online — including physical fitness classes. Some alternative schools, like On Track Academy, require students to come in having already passed standardized tests; Dishman has no such requirement. Today, most students are sequestered away in classrooms, retaking those tests. Those who fail to pass take “collection of evidence” classes, compiling big portfolios as an alternative to the standardized tests. In Waite’s case, it’s been a wild success. He’s set to graduate on time, and is taking Running Start classes for college credit. But he’s an exception. Less than a fourth of Dishman Hills’ students in the class of 2014 graduated on time. Even if you give them five years, six out of every 10 Dishman students, on average, still fail to graduate. On average, only about a fourth of graduates go on to a two- or four-year college. West Valley takes a different view. “The way we measure it, every kid that graduates there is a kid who wasn’t going to graduate otherwise,” says West Valley Superintendent Gene Sementi. Dishman Hills graduated 532 students from 2009 to 2014. “We are one of the very last places in the county that I’m aware of who will take students who have multiple years of failure and have a credit deficit,” says Dishman Hills Principal Julie Poage. “They can come here and they can be accepted here.” Yes, close to half of Dishman’s graduates didn’t graduate on time. Sixty-three of those students took six years to graduate; 40 took seven years. But graduation is still graduation. “Those kids are welcomed,” Poage says. “They’re not stigmatized and they’re not scolded.”


In fact, the results used to be far worse at Dishman Hills. The nadir came a decade ago, when only 4 percent of the 2004 class graduated. Back then, Dishman was called “ContractBased Education Alternative Programs.” The CBE model was even more radical: Students would only come into school one or two hours

a week. Teachers would hand out big, thick packets, send them off, and hope, often futilely, that the kids would return the next week with the packets filled out. When Cleve Penberthy became principal of CBE in the fall of 2005, he knew the school had to change. With credit requirements increasing and standardized-test graduation requirements looming, the “contract-based” model was failing. “We’ve got to do a hell of a lot better. The kids that need the most are getting least,” Penberthy recalls thinking at the time. “We need more face time and more relationship time.” He upped attendance requirements, requiring students to attend either two or four days a week, and he moved the school a little closer to something traditional. “We ended up creating advisory groups and doing school-wide projects and having dances to try to put the social life into this thing,” Penberthy says. When Poage took the reins in 2011, she pushed teachers and students further away from the “contract-based” packets model. She mandated that to be a full-time student, kids had to take five classes. She created a class targeted to help new students and brought in an outside consultant to improve instruction. The results are encouraging. “Kids are going to class more,” Poage says. “Teachers are more rigorous in what they’re teaching.” In 2013, Contract-Based Education changed its name to Dishman Hills. It wasn’t just a matter of branding: Air Force and Army recruiters had considered CBE to be a “tier II” school — making military admission more difficult for its graduates. The Army and Air Force still considers Dishman tier II, but Poage says the more conventional name seemed to have to have solved the admission hurdle. Still, the way alternative-school graduates are treated — as if they’d received a lesser education — continues to grate on Poage and Penberthy. “Every goddamn kid who graduated from my school had to pass the exact same things that a valedictorian at Lewis and Clark had to do,” Penberthy says.


Dishman’s reputation as an easier school, however, remains.

“The teachers are going to be more lenient,” Waite says he had heard from friends before transferring to Dishman. “You’ll be able to do basically whatever you want in class. … It was chill.” Indeed, when he first started at Dishman, attending only two days a week, it did feel easy. Too easy. “I really felt like I wasn’t doing anything,” Waite says. “Most of the time you get your work done in class. You’re just sitting at home like, ‘What to do?’ Like, you know, what’s the point?” Four-day weekends every week left him feeling bored, disconnected and apathetic. He says he understands why students in that situation would be tempted to drop out. This is the catch-22: For students burned by traditional high schools, the prospect of spending less time in school may be appealing. But succeeding with a part-time structure takes a lot more motivation, which almost by definition, those students didn’t have. By contrast, last year Waite attended school four days a week instead of two. That meant double the work, but also double the number of credits. He felt more engaged. The work wasn’t easy, he says, but his teachers did a better job of helping him understand. At Dishman, the part-time model presents a massive challenge for teachers: They have to teach the same amount of material as other schools, but with only a fraction of the class time, to students who struggle far more. Dishman teachers have learned to slice off whatever isn’t necessary, Poage says. On one point, Poage agrees with Dishman’s critics: While the part-time model can work well for students with jobs or kids, it isn’t ideal. “If I had my preference they would go four or five days a week,” Poage says. “But we’re in a situation, since I’ve been here, that I realistically can’t get out of.” More days learning would mean hiring more teachers to keep class sizes low. And alternative schools like Dishman, Poage says, actually get a little less per student than traditional schools. Even if Dishman’s building could handle students attending five days a week, the district couldn’t afford to teach them.


THE COMMODORES Saturday, Nov 28 / 7:30pm


Since January, Rogers High School Principal Lori Wyborney, in the Spokane school district, has been trying to discourage a struggling Rogers student from transferring to Dishman Hills. “His girlfriend goes to Dishman Hills, and of course he wants to go there,” Wyborney says. For students like these, she stresses the importance of attending college, finds teachers they connect with and throws extra resources their way. “For me, it’s like, how do you get a kid to on-time graduation if they’re only going to a school two days a week or four days a week?” Wyborney says. “They’ll be in school longer, and these are typically kids who don’t even like school.” Despite these efforts, 39 students transferred from Rogers to Dishman Hills last year. Poage, frustrated with Redinger’s critique of Dishman, speculates that Spokane Public Schools is “discarding students” to make their scores look better. Wyborney is offended by the suggestion, fervently denying that Rogers’ graduation rate improvements came from throwing kids out. Ultimately, there are a higher percentage of West Valley students attending Dishman Hills than any other district, including Spokane. There are, however, some occasions where Spokane Public Schools does recommend that a student attend Dishman. “When I’ve done it, I’ve said this is a great short-term option,” says Dave Crump, director of student services. “I want them to come back.” But Spokane Public Schools struggles to figure out what happens when their students leave for schools like Dishman. It’s another crack in the system: As students ping-pong from district to district in different alternative schools, they’re hard to track and easy to lose. “I don’t want our district to lose our kids,” Wyborney says. “[We do] everything we can possibly and legally get away with so our kids will stay with us.” n

JOE NICHOLS’ COUNTRY CHRISTMAS Wednesday, Dec 2 / 7:30pm






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PHOTO EYE RIDING THE RAILS Shopping Tips for the Holidays! • Look for parking areas that are well-lit and within visibility of a passerby. Make safety a higher priority than convenience

• When leaving the vehicle, be sure to remove or hide valuables • Always lock your car….remember LOCK-TAKE-HIDE

• Invest in a steering wheel lock and/or install an alarm and be sure to use and activate them!

• If you will continue shopping and have purchased goods, move the car in case someone was able to watch you hide the purchases • Remain alert when walking to or from your car and hold your keys in your hand. For those without keys, remember you can push the alarm button on the fob to signal distress, so have the fob readily available

• And don’t let yourself get distracted by talking on the phone or listening to music while walking to your vehicle—items can easily be snatched when you are distracted

• Looking alert and ready to respond makes you less likely to be a victim

• Report suspicious people—whether to the security personnel at a mall, to retail shop personnel and/or to Crime Check: 456-2233


Owen Cline, 11, of Spokane Valley, rides the rails during warm-ups at the Washington Trust Rail Jam competition, part of the Inlander’s Snowlander Expo and PowderKeg Brew Fest held at the Spokane Convention Center last weekend.


REMEMBER: If you notice suspicious people or activities, please report them to Crime Check at 456-2233 For a list of the S.C.O.P.E. sub-stations, visit: or call the S.C.O.P.E. main office at 509- 477-3376. For a list of the C.O.P.S. shops, visit: or call the C.O.P.S. main office at 509-625-3300.

County S.C.O.P.E. Neighborhood Watch: 477-3055 City of Spokane C.O.P.S. Block Watch: 625-3301 This public service announcement brought to you by S.C.O.P.E., C.O.P.S., and The Inlander


FOR AND AGAINST About 1,000 people from both sides of the debate gathered on Saturday at Idaho’s capitol building. The Rally for Solidarity with REFUGEES, which doubled as a holiday drive to benefit refugees, homeless and in-need vets, was met by opponents of welcoming refugees into Idaho. The goal was “to have a public display to the community and the country that there are people who won’t let acts of terrorism scare them into not doing what is right,” said Sean Foster, one of the event organizers, before the event. There were about 700 refugee supporters on the steps of the capitol, and about 300 across the street chanting against. Global Neighborhood is running a similar campaign via GoFundMe to assist refugees resettling in Spokane: (QUINN WESTERN)

CUT DOWN A citizen-led panel has concluded that the MAYOR WILL GET A PAY CUT in the upcoming budget cycle. Last week, the fivemember Salary Review Commission voted unanimously to decrease the mayor’s pay rate from an annual $179,484 to $168,000 for the 2016 budget cycle. The decision means a 6.4 percent cut for David Condon, who earlier this month became the first Spokane mayor to be re-elected in 42 years. Previously, the city charter mandated that the mayor’s salary match that of the city’s highestpaid employee. A charter amendment passed by voters in August, with the support of the mayor and the city council, charged the commission with determining the salary of the city’s top elected official. The commission came to its conclusion after interviewing Condon and reviewing regional economic conditions, as well as salary data associated with the position. (JAKE THOMAS)


Gambling Big Washington lawmakers eye fantasy football; plus, Kootenai County takes on short-term rentals FANTASY WORLD

Washington is one of a handful of states that outlaw gambling in FANTASY SPORTS LEAGUES. Even the group of bros who each threw 20 bucks in for a friendly fantasy league are technically breaking the law. State Sen. Pam Roach, R-Auburn, is trying to change that. A new bill discussed last week would carve out an exception to state law with very specific parameters for fantasy sports players. According to the new bill, online fantasy leagues with a maximum of 50 players and a maximum buy-in of $50 would be allowed. The league would also have to last for the entire season and dues would have to be paid in cash, not online. The rationale, Roach says, is those parameters differentiate a league that requires skill from one based on chance, such as leagues that last a single day or weekend. “My bill is intended to put sideboards around what a fantasy league with friends would be like,” Roach says. The proposal comes as certain types of fantasy leagues are under scrutiny nationwide. In October, two major fantasy league companies — FanDuel and DraftKings — were involved in the fantasy football equivalent of insider trading. DraftKings inadvertently released data

before the start of the third week of NFL games that resulted in an employee winning $350,000 on FanDuel. Fantasy sports leagues are allowed under a provision in federal law that permits gambling for online games of skill and not chance, but also gives states discretion to decide for themselves. (MITCH RYALS)

make certain charter schools legal, he speculates, including linking them with public school boards — like the board of Spokane Public Schools. “I can confidentially say we’ll be a school in some public capacity for a long time,” Franklin says. (DANIEL WALTERS)



The hope that the Washington State Supreme Court would reconsider their CHARTER SCHOOL DECISION banning publicly funded charter schools was quashed Thursday. In September, the court had ruled that, because charter schools did not have an elected governing board, they were not considered “common schools.” And consequently, the court explained, funding them with public money was unconstitutional. A footnote to that effect left observers worried that not only would the decision ban charter schools, it would endanger other public schools without elected boards, including tribal schools and Running Start programs. While the court, in a 5-4 decision, refused to reconsider its larger decision, it did agree to remove that footnote, allowing Attorney General Bob Ferguson to claim a partial victory. “[Today] the court agreed with me on a crucial point,” Ferguson said in a statement. “Specifically, by removing footnote 10, the court eliminated a significant threat to programs like Running Start.” Travis Franklin, founder of Spokane International Academy, the first charter school to open in Spokane, was in Olympia when the ruling was announced. He wasn’t necessarily surprised, he says, but this doesn’t mean the end for Spokane International Academy. He wouldn’t get into details, but says there are several options for going forward. The legislature could create new categories that

Kootenai County officials and local business owners are calling for an ordinance that would put regulations on short-term vacation rentals from sites like AIRBNB, claiming that they often create more noise, trash, traffic and unfair competition. David Callahan, the county’s community development director, and his staff are currently drafting an ordinance, with plans for hearings in January. Here is what the ordinance would do: define what constitutes a short-term rental; create a system to track locations; and establish a procedure for rentals that don’t meet certain minimum requirements. Any ordinance would only apply to unincorporated areas of the county. As of right now, Spokane County does not have a similar ordinance in the works, although the Spokane City Council passed an ordinance in May that requires short-term rentals to buy a permit. Tina Hough, president of the North Idaho Bed and Breakfast Association and owner of the Roosevelt Inn and Spa, says these short-term rentals should also have to comply with the same taxes, building and fire codes since there is money exchanging hands. “These [Vacation Rentals By Owner] are going to put out legitimate businesses like bed and breakfasts and small hotels,” Hough says. “All we’re asking for is the local and state government to make a level playing field.” (QUINN WESTERN)

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An estimated 230,000 customers initially lost power after last week’s historic windstorm. Tens of thousands were still left in the dark ahead of this week’s winter storm warning.

Sound and Fury A look at the record-setting storm that swept through the Inland Northwest BY MITCH RYALS


eteorologists knew it was coming for days before the record-setting windstorm whipped through the Inland Northwest. They saw the disparity in air pressure moving off the Pacific Ocean. Low pressure — typically associated with stormy weather — moved west to east toward southern British Columbia. High pressure, indicative of calm and sunny conditions, developed to the south of Washington over Oregon. They also knew about the jet stream — air moving at extremely high speeds tens of thousands of feet above our heads — and how it would push the storm across land, feeding it as it moved. And they knew about the cold front dragging close behind, another indicator of strong winds. “Wind is air trying to get from higher pressure to lower pressure,” says Andrew Kalin, meteorologist with the National Weather Service office in Spokane. “So when you have a strong low pressure system, all that air wants to fill it.” All of those conditions converged last week to create


a windstorm with gusts reaching 71 mph in Spokane, breaking the previous record of 67 mph in 1972 for non-thunderstorm winds. (The record for the strongest recorded thunderstorm winds in Spokane is 77 mph in June 2005.) As the disparity in pressure moved across land, it gathered strength, which is unusual, says Nic Loyd, a meteorologist at Washington State University. Typically, mountains disrupt a storm’s momentum on its way to Eastern Washington, but this time a powerful jet stream shoved it across the state, fueling the storm further. “All the factors that had to come together to produce the windstorm seemed to be converging at the right time,” says Loyd. “Typically [storms] are weakening when they get to us, but this one was strengthening as it moved toward Eastern Washington. That’s a rarity for storms in this part of the world.”


A painting of a tree with no leaves sits on the mantel overlooking the living room. Embers blink in the


fireplace below as Seamus Kinsella picks blankets and pillows up off the living room floor. He slept there, along with other family members, in the cold for the first few nights after the windstorm took his mother, Lea Anne Scott. She was killed Nov. 17 in her backyard when a tree snapped in half and fell on her. Kinsella, who lives in Portland now, grew up in the house on West 14th Avenue in Spokane. He remembers the painting above the mantel from his childhood. “Trees were a recurring theme in her work,” he says of his mother, a lifelong artist. Family and friends gathered there from out of state and stayed without electricity, surrounding themselves with Scott’s whimsical persona. The place is packed with her paintings and sculptures. Family photos fill a shelf in the living room, a huge stack of old newsLea Anne Scott, in an papers yellowed with age rests on a undated photo baby grand piano and painted blue lines scribble across the back of a pair of sliding doors that lead to the dining room. The lines seem random at first, but Kinsella explains that they’re actually tracings of light beaming in from the nearby window and reflecting off the door. “Whatever muse would strike her, that’s what would come out,” Kinsella says. “She took what she had and made it into something amazing.” But Scott’s presence is felt beyond the artifacts that hang from walls and sit on shelves. One could say the home itself is actually one giant piece of art. The staircase to the second floor faces a different direction than it did when Scott first bought the house, Kinsella says. Original hardwood floors and woodwork on the ceiling has been restored, and the backyard is

Join us for Thanksgiving! carved into a garden that displays her work. Scott did most of that by herself. “It never occurred to her to contract anything out,” he says. “It needed to be fixed, so she just did it.” Kinsella points out each of his mother’s sculptures in the backyard. One is a concrete bust of no one in particular that Kinsella says weighs a couple of hundred pounds. The others mostly are faces, with a classical Greek influence, he guesses, but they’re more the result of her mood at the time she created them. Zippy, his dog who also grew up in the house, howls at squirrels and birds in the trees. The birds squawk back. That’s another detail Kinsella remembers about his childhood. The family was always overrun with animals. “She could never turn away a stray,” he says. “She was always rescuing something.” A crow, possibly one of the birds cawing at Zippy from the trees, was one of Scott’s recent rescues. She nursed it back to health when it fell into her yard, and sometimes it would come to rest on her shoulder as she worked in the garden, says her neighbor Sam Weber. “She was a soft-souled person, a pretty, sweet lady,” Weber says. “Always happy-go-lucky.” In between Scott’s backyard garage art studio and the chicken coop in the far corner, a vase of red roses rests on pine needles next to one of her sculptures. It marks the place where she died. The spot is precisely between the place where she cared for stray animals and the place she created her art.


Avista employees knew the storm was coming several days before it hit, though they had no idea it would cause the most power outages in the company’s 126-year history. On Monday morning, Nov. 16, Avista managers met to enact the emergency protocol that had developed from lessons learned during previous severe weather incidents. The protocol included stocking trucks with restoration equipment — poles, assorted wire and safety equipment — and halting any scheduled routine maintenance. They didn’t want anybody on the poles when the storm hit. Some employees were trained in damage assessment. When the inevitable destruction outnumbered Avista’s 28 in-house crews, assessors could speed up the restoration process by providing information about what kind of equipment would be needed at each site. Then all they could do was wait. Thousands of people began losing power Tuesday afternoon, and by 4 pm, Avista employees filed into a room with no windows for another meeting. The outage map projected onto a screen at the front of the room showed that 15,000 customers were without power. “We were thinking, ‘OK, this is serious,’” says Heather Rosentrater, Avista’s director of electrical engineering. The meeting lasted about an hour, and though the employees ...continued on next page

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NEWS | WEATHER “SOUND AND FURY,” CONTINUED... inside couldn’t see the wind’s effect outside, they saw it in the numbers. The outages grew to 25,000, then 80,000. By the time the meeting was over, 141,000 customers were without power, Rosentrater says. She even took a picture of the screen with her phone. Calls to local contractors, surrounding utility companies and volunteers went out for support. Calls from customers reporting trees toppling power lines kept rolling in, but crews couldn’t go out until the winds died down. In all, 42 transmission lines — which carry high voltages directly from the generation source — went down, along with 23 substations, the next leg of transmission. About 230,000 customers for three utility companies throughout the Inland Northwest were without electricity; 180,000 of those were Avista customers. Spokane Public Schools closed and Gonzaga, Whitworth and Eastern Washington universities all canceled classes Wednesday. About 200 trees blocked city streets. Three people in Washington state died, one man in Idaho was critically injured, and Gov. Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency statewide. The majority of the damage, authorities said, was in Spokane and Kootenai counties. By early Wednesday morning, before sunrise, Avista’s crews were deployed to develop a recovery plan. The company announced that it would take three to five days to restore power to the majority of its customers. As people continued to recover from the storm nearly a week later, a total of 123 crews, including local contractors and workers from San Francisco-based Pacific Gas and Electric and Puget Sound Energy, spread out across Avista’s coverage area. As of this Monday, 34,104 customers, or about 19

Avista called the windstorm the “largest crisis in our 126-year history.” percent of the original 180,000, were still without power. Jessie Wuerst, a spokeswoman for Avista, says the corporation doesn’t know how big the total bill for power restoration will be, or if it will translate to a rate hike. “The crew costs and material costs will all be evaluated after the storm,” she says. “We just don’t know at this point. It’s too early to tell [if rates will increase].”


Avista has called the windstorm the “largest crisis in our 126-year history.” Here’s a look at two other natural disasters in recent memory to see how they stack up: • The Ice Storm of 1996 (Nov. 19): Almost 20 years ago to the day, one of the region’s worst storms in 60 years swept through Spokane, coating the city with a slick glaze of ice. The temperature dropped to 27 degrees (and never rose above 33) as an inch of freezing rain


stuck to cars, buildings, roads, trees and power lines. Tree branches snapped, pummeling cars and homes. Power lines buckled under the weight. Four people died throughout Spokane and Kootenai counties, and the damage was estimated at $22 million, according to the National Weather Service. More than 100,000 homes and businesses — nearly half of the entire city — lost power, some for up to two weeks. • The Firestorm of 1991 (Oct. 16): Bone-dry conditions and fierce winds fueled a six-day-long firestorm throughout four Eastern Washington counties. Sparked by downed power lines spread over dry vegetation, and fueled by high-powered winds, 92 separate fires scorched more than 35,000 acres, destroyed 114 homes and killed two people — a 39-year-old woman from Nine Mile Falls and an Idaho firefighter. Wind gusts topped out at 62 mph, according to news reports. n

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Tara Steinmetz Sharing her work on social media jump-started this Spokane transplant’s artistic career BY CHEY SCOTT

Tara Steinmetz at work in her home studio. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO


n Oct. 14, Tara Steinmetz broke 11,000 followers on Instagram. A month later, she was nearing 15,000. One year into a move from the Portland area, the Spokane transplant’s art career is taking off, even if few locals would identify her signature style at a glance. She’s shown her work at a few events so far — two pieces hung

at Terrain in October, and she had booths at the South Perry Street Fair and another outdoor show, 29th Avenue Artworks’ Art on the Blacktop. She’s also been invited to show her work in a solo exhibition at South Perry Pizza in January. Still, most of Steinmetz’s fans from around the world find her on Instagram, buying the original art she sells

through her account, @taradawnart, on the social media app. Some even commission tattoo designs. “I always talk about Instagram and social media, but that really keeps me motivated,” she says from her home, tucked off a busy South Hill arterial and next door to the gallery where she showed and sold her work in August at ...continued on next page



Steinmetz has sold several pieces like this to her growing online fan base.

“ASCENDING ARTIST: TARA STEINMETZ,” CONTINUED... Art on the Blacktop. “I feel like, ‘OK, these people are following me on here for art, so I want to keep them interested,’” she continues. “I never thought I would even get to 1,000 followers, but it’s really humbling there are that many people who actually care to look at what I’m making.” When Steinmetz, 29, and her boyfriend moved into the house last year, they decided to use the bungalow’s master bedroom as an art studio instead of sleeping quarters, taking advantage of the natural light from windows on three walls and a surplus of space. Steinmetz’s mixed-media pieces cover the walls. Colorful abstract botanicals and impeccably symmetrical mandalas are dominant themes. She doesn’t display much of her own work elsewhere in the house because she “gets sick of seeing it.” In the corner behind a paint-stained easel, one of Steinmetz’s favorite pieces leans against the wall. She was nearly in tears when, at one of the summer shows, the canvas fell on the corner of a table and tore. On its white ground, a mermaid with her back to the viewer is frozen in a graceful pose. Fiery red hair fans out in the water above her head, growing into an abstract mass of swirls and splatters. The mermaid’s shadowy form mimics the soft effect of watercolors, but on canvas Steinmetz uses a combination of watereddown acrylic paint, ink and paint pens. Sometimes she draws fine-lined patterns with colored pens on nontraditional surfaces, like Starbucks coffee cups. Yet of all her artistic output, the most popular to her fans, and a favorite of hers to produce, are mandalas — highly detailed, symmetrical and geometric designs in a circular form. Mandalas originate from the religious and spiritual traditions of India, and for Steinmetz, their creation is akin to a philosophical, meditative practice. Other than using a template to create the beginning circle outlines, she freehand-draws every line of the mandala with a Micron pen. “Art calms me down. I just kind of check out. It’s like turning my brain off, but the opposite,” she says.



n her days off from work at Trader Joe’s across the street from her house, Steinmetz often heads to Perry Street Brewing, where her boyfriend Trevor is the manager. Sitting at a table or the bar top, she’ll grab a pint and open her sketchbook to a clean page. Her pens and pencils spilling out of a pouch next to her, Steinmetz draws, sketches and doodles, incorporating whatever has inspired her that day — the fall foliage, song lyrics, a pretty feather she found on her morning run and carried for 3 miles back home. “I never sit down and just say, ‘OK, I’m going to make something,’” she says. “If I plan too hard it’s not going to turn out how I planned, and that takes the fun out of it, and I’ll get flustered.” Many of the pieces she sells to customers all over the world are these daily sketches. On a good month, she sells everything she posts on Instagram. If a piece seems popular or she’s reluctant to part with the original, Steinmetz orders a few prints to sell, too. Growing up, Steinmetz never formally studied art, but rather was guided in her creativity by the artistic talents of her mother and grandmother. She remembers hanging out at her grandma’s and they’d watch Bob Ross on TV, and often do art projects together. She started taking art more seriously at 19, but in the years that followed she had less time for it. Several years ago, she got back into making art more regularly as a shared hobby with her boyfriend. Since moving to Spokane last fall, Steinmetz has slowly begun working her way into the local arts scene. There’s less competition here compared to the creative mecca that is Portland, and people she’s met here so far seem more supportive of local artists. “Spokane is smaller, and it’s more of a community, and everyone kind of knows everyone,” she says. “We fell in love with it. I love how it’s growing and flourishing, and I feel like [artists] are flourishing with it.” n Follow Tara Steinmetz on Instagram at @taradawnart and on Facebook at





BOOK Long before he was the assistant (to) the regional manager of Dunder Mifflin for nine glorious seasons of The Office as Dwight Schrute, Rainn Wilson was a chess-playing, orchestra and marching band member nerding his way through adolescence in the Seattle suburbs. He discusses this and much, much more in his new memoir THE BASSOON KING. If you know about his website and media company SoulPancake, you’re aware that Wilson is a deep individual with a lot on his mind. He opens that brain here, touching on everything from his Baha’i faith to his days as a struggling actor.

Quarterback Luke Falk was injured again Colorado and will likely miss the Apple Cup.

ashington State football players are no dummies. Teams coached by Mike Leach have a history of success on the field and in the classroom, and this year’s Cougars are no exceptions. Three months ago, it was difficult to fathom that success was imminent on the field. The Cougars face-planted in their opening game, losing to lightly regarded (and vastly underestimated, as it turned out) Portland State. The loss dropped Leach’s four-year record at WSU to 12-26. The villagers were ready to chase Leach with torches and set fire to the $2.75-million annual contract that makes him the highestpaid state employee in Washington. Twelve years removed from a winning season had made Wazzu fans just a bit testy. Now, all is well on the Palouse. The Cougars are 8-3 overall, 6-2 in the Pac-12 Conference, ranked 20th in the nation and headed for a bowl game after the Black Friday regular-season finale at Washington (12:30 p.m., FOX). The young, rebuilding Huskies (56, 3-5) need a win to become bowl-eligible. The contest got even more interesting this week with news that quarterback Luke Falk, who took a nasty blow to the head when we was swung down to the turf on Saturday night, will likely miss the game. But that said, how did the Cougars go from 3-9 to (potentially) 9-3 in the span of a year? There is no simple answer, but the seeds of success were planted long before the opening kickoff.

“It all starts with the attitude,” running back Gerard Wicks said during fall camp. “This year, the team attitude has totally changed.” “Totally different feel,” wide receiver Gabe Marks agreed. “The energy is so much higher.” Translation: The 2014 Cougars were not prone to gathering around postgame campfires to share cocoa and s’mores. “I think that’s the biggest thing that was missing last year — not a real tight locker room,” quarterback Luke Falk says. “We’ve got it this year.” WSU players credit Falk for boosting camaraderie by organizing off-season team functions. Teammates became friends, and friends go to great lengths to support one another. As Peyton Pelluer puts it, speaking in the delicate manner befitting the linebacker he is: “We’ll punch you in the mouth, and we’ll outplay you.” WSU’s pass-happy offense is explosive, the defense opportunistic, the special teams much improved. The Cougars have become masters of the fourth-quarter comeback. “This ball club is resilient, it’s focused and it really has taken on the entire personality of our head coach,” athletic director Bill Moos says. “We’ve been waiting for this.” — HOWIE STALWICK

TV I was nervous that Aziz Ansari’s career wouldn’t be able to overcome his Tom Haverford character from Parks and Recreation. Come to think of it, I had the same concern for Wilson. I was clearly wrong on both fronts. Ansari’s new Netflix series MASTER OF NONE has Ansari playing Dev, a character very much modeled after himself (à la Seinfeld), and the results are incredible. Not only do Ansari and co-stars like Eric Wareheim and Lena Waithe fire mile-a-minute zingers, but the stories in each episode meditate on real-life worries, like fear of potential parenthood, dealing with family and loneliness. Ansari, in case you didn’t know, is the complete package. ALBUM Givers, the Lafayette, Louisiana, band that broke out with the 2011 record In Light and then proceeded to light the stage aflame at damn near every major music festival in North America, seemed like they might have disappeared in recent years. But finally the act, known for incorporating a multitude of influences, including from their Cajun home, is back with NEW KINGDOM, which dropped last week. The record includes a lot more electronic feel — albeit via live instruments — than you’d expect from the deft musicians, but tracks like “Record High, Record Low” are replete with complex instrumentation, topped with Tiffany Lamson’s booming vocals. 



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A salsa class at Satori Dance Studio.

Conversation Starter


Satori dance studio emboldens people through passion of spoken language and movement BY LAURA JOHNSON


t’s as if no one else is in the room. Dancing cheek to cheek at the downtown Satori studio, the feet of Mario Garcia and Deanna Davidson shuffle across the hardwood floor, weaving and turning through steps. The couple, both in their 50s, feel the slow and sensual tango in unison, breathing through the movement. It was dance that brought them together. “I saw her that first day at class. She was putting on her shoes, not even looking at me, and that was it,” recalls Garcia, originally from Cuba. They tangoed down the wedding aisle as man and wife five years ago. Satori owner Victor Smith is quite proud of the multiple matches made through his classes, though he claims not to be a matchmaker. Tonight, there’s light, warmth and hot tea to be had in this basement space — hard to come by in a city that’s just been pummeled by a nearhurricane-level windstorm. Only the faithful have arrived tonight, which was scheduled for a Spanish and salsa lesson. Language paired with dance is something Smith has concocted, he says. There are no other studios offering simultaneous language and dance classes. On a normal evening, he’d play a Spanish language song, break down the meaning and the grammar and then eventually have everyone dance to the tune. “People can just do the dance, but to understand the culture, we must break down the language as well,” Smith says. Smith’s philosophy is all about having that light bulb moment (“Satori” is a Buddhist term for enlightenment) of the feel of the dance, rather than a rigid memorization of steps. Strict ballroom dance is about using the woman to show off, Smith says, but the salsa and Argentine tango are supposed to make the woman feel safe and beautiful. The focus should be on each other, not the audience. In general, Smith wants to create a safe space for all, like on weekend club nights when people


from all nationalities come to dance. Satori is an 18-and-up establishment and there’s no alcohol. “If you want to meet a woman with a few drinks in you, you can do that anywhere else in town on a weekend,” he says. “Here, you can really get to know someone.” A conversation with Smith, 54, is like his dancing, constantly changing directions and movements. He diverts between discussing the woman he learned to dance for 25 years ago, and when he lived in Mexico City, France and Italy and studied with various dance instructors. Growing up in Los Angeles, he says he’d never heard of Spokane until his parents moved here later in life. When his dad fell ill, he moved from Portland about 12 years ago to be closer. Since then, he’s been teaching at various locations until he opened his own studio two years ago. In this partner form of dancing, the men take the lead and women follow while wearing heels. It’s the leader’s job to assess how the female wants to dance in that moment, gentle or fierce, Smith says. Often couples don’t look at one another at all, adding another layer of difficulty. “I love being led around,” says Davidson, a surgeon at Lincoln County Hospital. “I’m in charge at work all day, and through dance, I don’t have to think, just feel. I would be here every night if I could.” Getting the men in the door is sometimes a challenge. “Men often think I’m going to try and make them look dumb in class,” Smith says. “But I only want them to build confidence. Ladies want to dance with their partners; they don’t care how amazing they are. Of course, I can help them improve if they want, too.” n Satori • 122 S. Monroe • Open Mon-Fri, 6 pm-close; Sat, 2 pm-close; Language classes (Spanish, Italian and French) are taught Mon, Wed and Thu; club nights Fri-Sat •


How to use THIS

Hidden Gems


Those cranberries on your Thanksgiving table could be from… Idaho? BY CARRIE SCOZZARO


ranberries. Good for jams, adding zing to your morning muffin, and, of course, something that will be on your Thanksgiving table this week, even if it’s one of the feast’s more overlooked dishes. Maybe that’s why you’ve never gave much thought to where those berries came from. It’s likely your cranberries crossed several state lines to make it to your table — Wisconsin, New Jersey, Oregon, Massachusetts and Washington lead the nation in cranberry production — but now there’s a chance you could be eating them from a very unexpected local locale: Idaho. Spokane’s Rocket Market, Pilgrim’s Market in Coeur

d’Alene and the Moscow Food Co-op all featured locally sourced cranberries recently, likely from the same cranberry patch whose legend has been floating around for years — as far back as the 1920s. According to various sources, that’s when someone planted the non-native cranberries, perhaps with the idea of commercial production. “I think it would be an amazing commercial crop,” says Annette Brusven with the University of Idaho’s Center for Forest Nursery and Seedling Research, who remembers her parents picking Idaho cranberries in the 1980s. Although Brusven knows of the cranberry patch, she has never foraged there. Instead, she successfully grows them in her ...continues on page 63

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ho day guide


DECEMBER 3-6 INB Performing Arts Center 28 INLANDER HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015

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_ Make more _

o m e E s m The best thing about the holidays is definitely not the gifts, no matter how much you pine for that one item on your list. Let’s move away from material obsessions over more things, and focus our energies on the people. Experiences and special moments with loved ones are the things we’re going to look back on years from now anyway. Whether it’s gathering around a home-cooked meal that everyone pitched in to prepare, or cozying up under blankets to watch the same classic movie the family watches every Christmas Eve, these cold winter days are made merrier by simply being together. In this year’s Holiday Guide, Inlander writers set aside space to share our own cherished holiday traditions, moments we anticipate year after year. So slow down, disconnect and stop stressing about the gifts and money and intangible things. Instead, be together, be joyful and be present.


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In lander Traditions: Deck the Green house

as the event has existed, starting back when I was in long as aps perh for year every g goin been has ily fam t Scot The ay season gets, we can’t miss holid the busy how ter mat No . ago) s year 3+ 1 was that middle school (for context, t stunning Christmas light displays mos the of One . Park o t i Man at lay disp light ay holid y ator the Gaiser Conserv as one of Spokane’s best kept secrets. out ed start t even o t i Man of ds Frien the n, regio the in see you’ ll ever to see more people discovering an event glad e r we’ But ded. crow r neve was t i and , lines no e wer There While decorating the green house’s botanical that’s become such a beloved holiday tradition for our family. c concept, the volunteers who spend specimens with strings of brightly colored lights seems like a basi dise plants and the more than Para of s Bird i, cact atop s light ging strin fully care -soever s countless hour y each year. After so many years going, you rentl diffe t bi a gs thin rate deco us cact as istm Chr d r-ol -yea 100 t to make this a cherished moment of notice the little things like that. If you and your loved ones wan open daily from noon-7:30 pm. It’s free the season, too, the 2015 event is set for Dec. 11-20, and is ito’s efforts. to go, but donations are welcome to support the Friends of Man


Eyes all aglow What would the holidays be without the soft glow of strung lights? From tiny, wide-eyed babes to the family’s oldest members, we’re all cheered by their joyful illumination, brightening the dark winter days with bursts of color and warmth. Opportunities to ‘Ooh’ and ‘Ahh’ at these twinkling orbs are plenty across the Inland Northwest this time of year, both indoors and out. Before Thanksgiving dinner was even prepared, the Coeur d’Alene Resort kicked off its annual Holiday Lights Show on the water, offering preview Journey to the North Pole cruises in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. Once the turkey’s eaten and the leftovers are stashed away in the refrigerator, the light show officially kicks off, on Friday, Nov. 27, with an opening ceremony and parade along Sherman Avenue, starting at 5 pm. Families then gather at the waterfront to sing carols and light candles before the evening’s finale, a spectacular fireworks show. The Lake City’s always popular light show draws thousands of people each winter from near and far, and its 29th year should be no different. Lit displays of animals and holiday symbols are placed across the water’s glassy, black surface, with lake cruises to Santa’s workshop departing from the resort nightly. Returning to the show this year is a massive, 60-foot-tall animated Christmas tree, joining the 250-plus other displays. Nightly, 40-minute lake cruises are offered Nov. 27-Jan. 3, and depart at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 pm. $20.75/adults, $19.75/seniors (55+), $6/kids ages 6-12, free/kids 5 and under;




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...continued on next page



fami es


Best pals Exceptions are definitely allowed, and encouraged. For the Spokane Public Libraries’ annual Teddy Bear Teas, local children are invited to bring along their best stuffed friend no matter their, um, species. Each December, public library branches across the city host kids’ storytime events to celebrate this classic icon of American childhood. The tradition of teddies dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when the stuffed toys named after President Theodore Roosevelt were first made. While some details of the toy bears’ origin story aren’t as lighthearted as their comforting nature suggests, it’s definitely true that teddies and their stuffed animal counterparts play an integral role in the imaginative adventures of childhood. Dec. 12, from 10:30-11:30 am, free, Indian Trail Library, 4909 W. Barnes. More event dates and locations at

Night lights in the park After a successful debut last year, the grounds of Riverfront Park are once again being illuminated in gem-hued lights for the second annual Spokane Winter Glow Spectacular. Only a few weeks after the glowing orbs of the Washington State Chinese Lantern Festival have been disassembled, the park is relit by millions of lights wrapped around more than 50 metal-framed displays spread through its grounds. To officially usher in the holidays, Winter Glow hosts an opening ceremony the day after Thanksgiving (Nov. 27, at 6:30 pm) with an evening fireworks show over the park. Then, because it’s clearly best to view Christmas lights after dark, the displays are electrified at 5 pm daily, through New Year’s Day. New this year is a North Pole display, with elves and reindeer. Also, a few new species have been added to the returning animal light zoo display. Nov. 27-Jan. 1, daily at 5 pm, free, Riverfront Park,

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Reason for the season For local families who don’t need to worry about having a safe, warm place to sleep or where their next meal is coming from, the holiday season can have a broader focus on sharing with those who have less. It can be an immensely rewarding experience to take the family out for a fun shopping trip to pick out gifts on the wish list of someone who truly needs them. The Tree of Sharing set up its donation stations at River Park Square, NorthTown and Spokane Valley malls a week ago, handing out tags with specific requests — basic necessities like clothing and personal care items â€” from clients of all ages served by more than 50 local social service agencies. It’s easy to fulfill someone’s request: Pick up a tag, go shopping, and then return the tag and your gifts to the Tree of Sharing tables by Dec. 13. More information at Toys for Tots is also ramping up collections of items wished for by kids across the Inland Northwest. Community members who can’t manage to get their children something special this season can put in specific requests to the nonprofit, run by the U.S. Marine Corps, to pick up a gift when the order has been fulfilled. Monetary donations (which can be made online) and donated toys both help the Marines fulfill these children’s wishes. Dropping off a donation is super easy, too — there’s an extensive list of participating drop-off sites at Likewise, the annual Christmas Bureau helps fulfill the basic needs of low-income families and individuals by collecting donations from the community. Raising hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, the multi-agency coordinated program uses the funds to purchase toys, books, food and other items to distribute in mid-December. For more information and to donate, visit ď Ž


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ndd 1 10/23/15 4:51 PM

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By e.J. i nei

In lander traditions: Second helpings

Two occurrences does not a tradition make, but I plan on seeing All Is Calm again this year with those closest to me. A heightened dramatic interpretation of the 1914 Christmas Truce during World War I, it’s a beautiful, bittersweet and necessary testa ment to individuals’ ability to find goodness when the world is in the throes of madness. What is that if not the artless fellow-feeling we mean by Christmas Spirit? It runs nightly from Dec. 17-20 at the Bing; tickets are $20.

A flurry of festive performances Already have visions of sugar plums dancing in your head? To savor every gingerbread-scented moment of the season, tune your radio to the station that’s had “Sleigh Ride” and “Last Christmas” in heavy rotation since Halloween, and head over to White Christmas, which opened about a week ago at the Spokane Civic Theatre ($22-$30; This marks the third time in six seasons that the Civic has staged Irving Berlin’s uplifting seasonal musical about two old army buddies organizing a hotel-rescuing benefit show, but it hasn’t been dubbed a timeless classic without good reason. It runs from now until Dec. 19. If you want to prolong the holiday high, catch The Great American Trailer Park Christmas Musical at the Modern Theater Coeur d’Alene ($27;; you’ve got until Dec. 20 to see this amusingly crass, adult-themed take on yuletide cheer. Executive Artistic Director George Green says it’s “not your typical holiday production. As I watch it, I’m laughing while shaking my head for two hours straight.” Far more wholesome is Christmas with Friends ($27.50;, Ellen Travolta’s popular annual celebration of all that is Christmas-y, which runs from Nov. 27-Dec. 20 at the Coeur d’Alene Resort. Directed by Roger Welch, who headed the Coeur d’Alene Summer Theater for two decades, this feel-good variety show also stars entertainment veteran Jack Bannon and cabaret talents Mark Cotter and Laura Sable. Starting Dec. 3, you’re truly spoiled for choice.


That’s when the Spokane Symphony and the State Street Ballet hold the first of five Dec. 3-6; spokanesymphoperformances (Dec. of The Nutcracker with local dancers cast alongside professionals. Youth ticket prices start at $12.50, so it’s an affordable way to introduce younger family members to this ballet featuring the iconic “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.” A Christmas Story: The Musical — which adds catchy tunes to the nostalgic tale of a kid and his longed-for Red Ryder carbine-action, 200-shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock — also opens on that day at the INB Performing Arts Center for an equally $32.50-$72.50; Dec. 3-6; inbpac. short run ($32.50-$72.50; ). Yet it doesn’t get much shorter than the com). one-night-only (Dec. 4, 7:30 pm) Holid at the azed and Confused Revue at Jones Theatre on the WSU Pullman campus ($16; ( ). Performed by Second City, the Chicago comedy troupe that helped launch the likes of Tina Fey and Steve Carell, it’s a song- and sketch-based satire of the usual holiday fare. For Christmastime comedy in Spokane, check out Season’s Greetings,, an improv show from the Blue Door Theatre that spins scenes out of audiencesuggested gifts (every Friday in December; Tickets are only $7.

...continued on page 36

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p form ntinued Christmas on the silver screen The Garland Theater screens $5 holiday films every Tuesday until Christmas. The series kicks off on Dec. 1 with Arnold Schwarzenegger flexing his comedic muscles in Jingle All the Way, followed on Dec. 8 by A Christmas Story,, the cherished film on which the aforementioned Broadway holiday musical is based. Dec. 15 brings The Polar Express, augmented by a pajama party and hot cocoa. The seasonal series concludes on Dec. 22 with Will Ferrell managing to be both ironic and earnest as a North Pole naïf in Elf. To catch Elf earlier in the month, the Inlander also presents a screening — also $5, at the Bing — to benefit Catholic Charities on Dec. 10. Two days after that, the Bing shows back-to-back film classics in its 10th annual Bing Crosby Holiday Film Festival.. For $10, you can see White Christmas and Holiday Inn plus a live performance of Bing’s best-known songs by his nephew, Howard Crosby. Details at and

Films on the radio on stage On Christmas Eve, Friends of the Bing stages It’s It s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play in partnership with the Civic and Spokane Public Radio. This is a clever adaptation of the 1946 Frank Capra movie

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starring Jimmy Stewart; each actor pulls double duty as a stage performer in the actual play and a radio performer in the play within the play. Alternatively, it’s possible to enjoy one-half of its charm by tuning in to the simultaneous audio-

only broadcast on KPBX. If you’ve got other plans on the night before Christmas, you can catch a production of the same play in historic Wallace, Idaho at the Sixth Street Theater ($15; from Dec. 11-13.

Free Up Your Winter With The New


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See a production of A Charlie Brown Christmas at the Spokane Civic Theater.

What the Dickens? And what December would be complete without multiple productions of A Christmas Carol? This season you can choose from three different regional versions of Charles Dickens’ redemptive paean to peace on earth and goodwill towards men. The first (Dec. 3-13) is put on by Idaho Repertory Theatre and University of Idaho Theatre Arts at the university’s Hartung Theater ($15; Between December 4-6 and 10-13, there will be an adventurous steampunk version of the play — think Ebenezer Scrooge meets Jules Verne — at Pullman Civic Theatre ($12; That’s bookended by another traditional version, this one at Pend Oreille Playhouse ($12; in Newport, Washington, Dec. 11-20.

Christmas in the Community Community theaters around the area are getting festive, too. Instead of performing the original script of A Christmas Carol, Liberty Lake Community Theatre is tackling Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some) ($12; Dec. 10-12, 18-19;, which is the story of what happens when three actors protest Dickens’ old warhorse with a manic performance of the wider holiday repertoire — in 90 minutes. Ignite! Community Theatre is doing something unique with Christmas on the Concourse ($15; Dec. 11-20;, an original musical about holiday travelers stranded in an airport waiting lounge. To see a production for kids by kids, check out the Spokane Civic Theater Academy’s production of A Charlie Brown Christmas (Dec. 5-6, 12-13). 

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In lander traditions: Televised Tradition

ision I grew up in a typical nuclear family at a time when cable telev watching offered all kinds of new and exciting viewing possibilities, so of what my parents called the “boob tube” was always a big part lled my life. That includes during the holidays, when for years I fi more my screen with classic yuletide flicks (White Christmas) and h modern features (Christmas Vacation, Bad Santa), along wit a steady diet of oh-so-c heesy made-for-television comedies and try to tearjerkers. I’m a little more discerning now, perhaps, but I still Otter’s at least make time each year for a childhood favorite, Emmet creator Jug-Band Christmas, a children’s book adapted by Muppets te sets Jim Henson into an elaborate, hour-long TV special full of orna 7. and great tunes. It’s as good today as when it premiered in 197

They come from the land of the ice and snow The Coeur d’Alene Symphony offers the perfect opportunity for Inland Northwest residents to have a special night full of stellar music. The city by the lake is always decked out in serious Christmas lights, and a night of holiday-themed classical music at the group’s annual “Realm of Ice and Snow” concerts is an ideal precursor to a night strolling snowy streets. The two shows feature Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 1 (Winter), as well as some Russian Christmas music and Holiday Pops. Dec 3-4, at 7:30 pm, $27/adults; $21/seniors; $10/kids,

Celtic Christmas The three women in Affiniti are all masters of their crafts, quite literally, as harpist Aisling Ennis, violinist Mary McCague and vocalist Emer Barry all hold master’s degrees in music. And while they all tour the world as soloists, the alchemy they share when they join forces makes Affiniti a must-hear experience, especially at their holiday shows. Blending classical, Celtic and pop influences on traditional Irish tunes and old holiday favorites, the trio truly evokes a spiritual vibe in every room they play. When they hit Spokane for one night only, they’ll be joined by Howard Crosby, nephew of the venue’s namesake. Mon, Dec. 7, at 7 pm, $22/general; $17/seniors and students; all ages,

...continued on next page



music ntinued Skanking with Santa Anyone who has seen the English Beat in concert knows there are few things more joyful than the ska band led by Dave Wakeling. The singer, still in fine form 30 years after the band’s heyday, cracks jokes at a rapid clip, the saxophone blasts along with the reggae-meets-pop vibes and the dancing is nonstop. You know the scene when Charlie Brown and the Peanuts crew break out into a dance party? Go to an English Beat show and feel the same kind of happiness. Thu, Dec. 10, at 8 pm, $40, all-ages,

Some holiday counterprogramming Even the most enthusiastic Ralphie or Hermey can get a little sick and tired of all the holiday festivities that seem to start at Halloween. A night to get away from all the eggnog and family hoopla can do you a world of good, and you can’t get much further away from the saccharine sea-

The Brian Setzer Orchestra plays Spokane the day after Christmas. sonal stuff than spending a night with Black Sabbitch, an all-ladies Black Sabbath tribute band in the tradition of AC/DC lovers Hell’s Belles and The Iron Maidens. All these women

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have rocked in original bands, including notables Betty Blowtorch and theSTART, and a night spent with them ripping through “War Pigs,” “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” and “Paranoid” might be just

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what you need to keep you from turning into a Grinch before Christmas. Thu, Dec. 10, at 7:30 pm, tickets TBA, all-ages.


Nixon Rodeo

A festival for the rockers on your list It can be hard to find any music that doesn’t involve jingling bells or choirs during the holidays, so consider what the good folks at The Pin! are doing a true public service. Over the course of two weekends, the venue’s “The Nightmare Before Christmas” festival will welcome more than 45 bands to its stages, most of them of the hard-rock/metal persuasion; this year’s lineup includes I Declare War, The Nixon Rodeo, Age of Nefilim and Boat Race Weekend, and many more. Dec. 11-13 and Dec. 18-20, at 5 pm daily, tickets TBA, all-ages,

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Swing your way through the post-Christmas blues It’s always a little strange when you see holiday-related commercials or Christmas movies on your TV once the holiday is over, and it’s even more odd to go see a Christmas concert after Dec. 25. That said, there is no good excuse for missing the Brian Setzer Orchestra on their 12th annual “Christmas Rocks!” tour when it stops in Spokane. Setzer is one of the baddest guitar men on the planet, a rockabilly legend and one-man old-school rock ’n’ roll revue, and his 18-piece orchestra brings the kind of classic swing sound guaranteed to put a smile on your face, even if you don’t get all you want under the tree. Setzer has several Christmas albums to his credit, like his brand new Rockin’ Rudolph, that are full of old favorites and originals. Sat, Dec. 26, at 8 pm, $52/$62/$82, all-ages, 


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night fe

By ura johnson

In lander Traditions: Just say “yes”

one. I’ve learned that I ’ve now lived in quite a few places where I knew next to no s to hang out. Sitting when you’re new in town, you say “yes” to people’s invitation was invited to an ugly home alone leads to having no friends. Two Decembers ago I at PJ’s Pub and only got sweater pub-crawl going up North Monroe Street. It began only trek to the Garland better from there. It was during this mostly cash-on ly/beerwall gems like Moezy District’s Rick’s Ringside that I was introduced to hole-in-the40 or so crawlers took Inn Tavern, the Hub and Hi-Neighbor Tavern. Our group of here was even a storming over each establishment in an eyesore cloud of green and red. T ue. With new friends of the Zip’s Drive-In on the way up the hill to Garland Aven come new traditions. I’ ll be there again this year.


You want me to wear what?

Go figure You already know about the ice skating downtown Spokane at the Riverfront Park’s Ice Palace — it isn’t new. But most likely, you didn’t realize all of the hours the park was open. Not only during the day, but also at night, you can skate in the semi-outdoors with the people you cherish most — family, friends and lovers. By no means is skating (in figure or hockey skates) easy; don’t let the Olympic competitors fool you. That’s why you need practice. No, alcohol isn’t allowed on or near the rink, which is actually best for all involved, but you can purchase warming beverages at the Pavilion Cafe. Ice Palace public skating late hours: Wed-Thu, 7 pm-8:30 pm; Fri-Sat and nights before holidays, 7-10 pm; plus additional holiday hours. Admission: $5; $3.50/ages 3-12, seniors (62+) and military with ID; Skate rental: $3.50.

Not a drag Up north off of Francis Avenue at the Palomino, Spokane’s newest music and events venue, the owners are ready to help get you in the holiday spirit with the Queens of the Palomino Holiday Drag Ball. Auditions, held earlier this month, brought out some of the best queens and kings around. Expect a lot out of local acts and royalty Savannah SoReal, Beyoncé Nieves, Neveah Belle, Ava Patron and Gypsie Hex Sexton. For those new to the drag scene, expect song (often lip-synched) and dance numbers, awe-inspiring makeup, wigs and outfits, and in the case of this show, a whole hell of a lot of Christmas cheer. There will be a dance for all after the show. Want more drag? Check out Irv’s Bar, 415 W. Sprague. Wed, Dec. 16, at 9 pm, $12/$15 day of, 21+,

Halloween has come and gone, but the season of dressing up in silly outfits is nowhere near over. First up on our list of costumed nighttime events is the Spokane SantaCon pub crawl. Bust out your redand-white Santa gear (we recommend warm clothing, people; nothing from Ms. Kitty’s) for this free event. Coordinators are, however, taking donations for the Tamarack Residential Treatment Center, which supports troubled youth. The event starts at the Checkerboard at 3 pm, moves to nYne and continues to downtown bars through the evening. (Sat, Dec. 12, 3-10 pm, 21+) PRO TIP: Safety first: Drink all the water, perhaps refrain from drinking at every bar stop along the way, and when the end of the evening comes, catch a ride. The ugly Christmas sweater party theme has been hot for the past few wintry seasons, and this year, the Big Dipper is getting into the trend. The awesomely funky Seattle act Down North headlines, with some favorite local rockers, Blackwater Prophet and Bullets or Balloons, opening the party. Expect a dance party for the ages with this lot. (Sat, Dec. 12, at 7:30 pm, $5/$8 day of, all-ages). One night earlier, Jones Radiator hosts its own ugly sweater party with Buffalo Jones, who just released their second album in 10 years as a local band, offering the entertainment. (Fri, Dec. 11, at 9 pm, free, 21+) PRO TIP: These days, all of the stores know you’re on the hunt for an ugly sweater. Nordstrom has gotten into the action, offering fresh, hideous sweaters for under $100, and even Goodwill plucks all of their ugly finds and racks them near the front of the store, with added cost, naturally. So how do you scout for the best? Purchasing in July would have been ideal, but if you’re reading this now, we suggest hitting up your relatives’ closets for vintage gems, or the smaller consignment/second-hand shops in town that won’t be as picked over.

No. 9 Ranked ninth best resort overall by SKI Magazine readers.

Making Fridays even brighter Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are into being in downtown Spokane; you should be too. First Friday, happening every month of the year, including December, makes cultured art galleries out of many downtown shops and venues. Put on by the Downtown Spokane Partnership, Business Improvement District and Spokane Arts, the event includes eclectic art shows (including drawings, paintings, prints, sculpture, ceramics and photography) by local artists, often accompanied by live musicians. It’s important to note that wine and light snacks are often served at many of the events. Fri, Dec. 4, 5-8 pm, free, all-ages and 21+, 

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Irv’s hosts Queens of the Palomino Holiday Drag Ball on Dec. 16.

Partially Located on National Forest Lands

Photo © Noah Couser, winter 14/15



f d

By fr ny w ght

In lander Traditions: M eaningful Snacking

My family is all about snacking, and the holidays are the perfect excuse to snack a little bit extra. Every year on New Year’s Eve, my parents make us an big appetizer spread, including their favorite snack — toasted bagels with crea m cheese, salmon, capers and red onions. I spent most of my childhood New Year’s Eves avoiding that plate because I didn’t particularly love seafood, but I’ve always loved the reasoning behind my parents making it. When they first started dating in California, they frequented the same little oyster bar near Ocean Beach for happy hour, and would order those salmon bagels. After they got married, they decided they always wanted to end the holiday season, and welcome a new year, by appreciating and looking back on all the time they’ve been able to spend with friends and family together since they first started eating those salmon bagels.

Frosting to fundraise

Edible education

Building gingerbread houses may seem like a children’s activity, but if there’s one event that proves it’s more than that, it’s the annual Christ Kitchen Gingerbread Build-Off. Watch local chefs and bakers construct gingerbread masterpieces at this event benefiting Christ Kitchen, held this year at the new Davenport Grand Hotel. Though not all of the creations are houses, they’re guaranteed to be incredibly intricate and fun to watch being constructed. There was even a recreation of the Great Wall of China and a huge, red-and-yellow Chinese dragon last year. Spectating is free, but you can get involved in the building process by purchasing one of the children’s gingerbread house kits for $7. Sun, Dec. 13, build-off from 10 am-1 pm. Davenport Grand Hotel, 333 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Visit for more information.

It’s hard not to love a holiday dessert, but how much do you know about the history behind some of your favorite sugary treats? In the third installment in The History of Yum Series at the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, food historian and educator Monica Stenzel explains the history of gingerbread, along with sharing the fairy tale behind its popularity. There will also be a lesson on how to create traditional icing patterns on gingerbread cookies provided by Madeleine’s Café & Patisserie. Children are welcome to attend, but participants under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. There is a limit to 30 attendees, so don’t wait to reserve a spot. Sun, Dec. 13, from 2-3:30 pm. $35/person. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. Register online at


2015 th*

ember 24 c e D – 0 3 r e b m ve o N (noon Dec. 24 ) th

pm Mon - Fri 9 am – 3 up to



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Latkes are a traditional dish of Hanukkah.

Cultural immersion The Chabad of Spokane’s annual Chanukah Family Celebration reminds us of the variety of foods enjoyed during the holiday season, both savory and sweet. Entertainment includes a live musical performance by the Spokane Klezmer band and a special video celebration. There’s also an opportunity to make candles and candy crafts to take home. One of the highlights of the Hanukkah celebrations — beyond the lighting of a 12-foot jellybean Menorah at this particular event — is definitely the latkes and sufganiyah, traditional Hanukkah foods. Latkes are potato pancakes made with ground potato, flour and egg. They can be paired with a variety of toppings, including sour cream, cottage cheese or applesauce. Sufganiyah is a jelly or custard-filled donut. Both latkes and sufganiyot are fried, and made specifically during Hanukkah to remember the miracle of the eternal flame that stayed lit for eight days. Community members, regardless of their affiliation, are welcome to attend this event to experience another cultural element of the holidays. Mon, Dec. 7, from 5:30-7:30 pm. $12. Southside Senior & Community Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. Visit for more information.

Toast local What better way to impress your relatives coming into town than by showing off the Inland Northwest’s ever-growing local beer, wine and cider scene? Purchase some around town, or if you need to escape the confines of a small living room, take the whole gang to one of the many local tap or tasting rooms to get the full experience. If you’re the one leaving town to visit family, don’t forget to bring some bottles or cans of the region’s best flavors to them. Orlison Brewing Co. The 2015 Edition of Roast House Stout is Orlison’s collaboration with Spokane’s Roast House coffee company, combining dark coffee and vanilla flavors. Visit the new Orlison tasting room at 1017 W. First Ave. One Tree Hard Cider The Caramel Cinnamon cider isn’t new this holiday season, but it’s made from Washington apples and tastes like apple pie. It’s the perfect addition to drizzle over ice cream — or even as a substitute for dessert. 9514 E. Montgomery Ave, Suite 25. 12 String Brewing Co. The 2015 version of the 12 Strings of Winter Ale combines complex hops with its sweet malt profile and a little vanilla, sure to keep you warm. 11616 E. Montgomery Dr., Suite 26. Craftsman Cellars This newly opened winery’s 2013 Syrah is a robust, deep ruby wine with lingering cherry and raspberry notes from the 22 months it spent aging in new French oak barrels. Visit the newly opened tasting room in Kendall Yards, at 1194 W. Summit Pkwy. 






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outd rs

By qUinn west n

In lander Traditions: Fake Plastic Trees Dear Dad, Can we please go back to our tradition of having a real Christmas tree? Some of my favorite holiday memories were weaving the lights around the tree with Mom, shaking needles off of my clothes and out of my hair, and how my hands would smell like pine afterward. Or how we would have to keep Jack the dog from drinking the water from the bowl in the Christmas tree stand. It’s just not Christmas with that fake, plastic toy we pull down from the attic. It comes in parts. Rather than assemble it, I want to tie our fresh tree to the top of the car, and then try to ďŹ gure out how to get it through the door. My favorite tradition is putting on the Christmas lights with Mom, but now they’re already attac hed. But if you still say no, I guess I can alter my other favorite tradition and put out fake cookies for you. Love, Quinn

A snowy, moonlit stroll Waking up to freshly fallen snow outside your window is a glimmering sight to see in the morning sun, but that shine becomes magically magnified at night. On a clear night, the moon illuminates the white-blanketed forest, making dark hour hikes accessible to cold weather hikers. Annual moonlight snowshoe hikes at Schweitzer Mountain are both a family-friendly activity and a perfect introduction to the popular wintertime activity. The hike winds through the mountain’s old growth forests out through Picnic Point, says Dani Demmons, the activities manager at Schweitzer Mountain. If the weather permits and hikers get a clear night, from Picnic Point the snowshoers will get a view of Lake Pend Oreille, she says. “[Snowshoeing] is a great way to explore the mountain environment for those who are non-skiers,� says Demmons. Snowshoeing is as simple as walking, but taking a bit wider steps. Once you get through waddling for the first few steps, it becomes fairly easy.


The guided Sandpoint hike is about a 3-mile round trip and is doable for all abilities and ages 13 and older. Some guides recommend bringing poles, though the trek is geared toward beginners and intermediates. Be sure to layer up to stay warm in the after-dark temperatures; it also doesn’t hurt to wear bright colors. Many new, excited snowshoers will arrive in jeans, unaware of how much snow you pick up, Demmons says. She recommends wearing snow pants and boots with good ankle support. “The biggest thing is dressing for it,� she says. “ Something that will keep you dry and warm.� Sat, Dec. 26, 5-8 pm. The $30 cost includes snowshoe and headlamp/ flashlight rental, trail fee, a guide, snacks and hot chocolate at the conclusion. Call to sign up at least a week prior at 208-255-3081 since there are only 18 spots. Schweitzer Mountain, Sandpoint, Idaho.




Get outside to experience the natural winter wonderland of Riverside State Park.

The not-so-dark side of the mountain Snowshoeing not quite your speed? Then pick up the pace on the slopes under artificial light. Gain momentum while night skiing or snowboarding at 49 Degrees North. Runs will be lit up on the lower and upper mountain for both young and experienced skiers and boarders to enjoy. Keep in mind that the slopes will be more slick when the temperature drops, so pack on some extra layers. There are four nights scheduled this season, with the first on Dec. 26, from 4-8 pm. Lift tickets are $4 along with two cans of food to be donated to the Chewelah Food Bank; otherwise it’s $15. Find more information and the other dates for the season at

Over the river and through the woods Stroll on foot or via hayride through the 2-mile Winter Wonderland event that’s again returning to Riverside State Park. The Bowl and Pitcher area, including the swinging bridge, are illuminated by thousands of lights, and by beaming smiles beside the blazing campfires. Organizers plan to host some live entertainment this year, either in the form of a storyteller or musicians, says park program specialist Cherie Gwinn. There’s also going to be an assortment of holiday treats and hot chocolate, and of course, Santa Claus. Dec. 11-13, open daily from 5-8:30 pm. Riverside State Park, Bowl and Pitcher area, 4427 N. Aubrey L. White Pkwy. $5/person; ages three and under free. No Discover Pass required.

Hockey holidays The Spokane Chiefs are home for almost the entire month of December, including two games against the nearby rival Tri-City Americans. The Dec. 12 game against Tri-City features the annual Teddy Bear Toss; bring a teddy to donate for the toy drive, tossing it onto the ice after the Chiefs score their first goal of the night. There’s also a throwback jersey night for the Dec. 19 game against the Portland Winterhawks, celebrating 100 years of hockey in Spokane. Then ring in the new year at a game on Dec. 31 with another showdown against Tri-City. Ticket prices range from $10 to $23; available at

Heigh-ho ho ho Just as holiday recipes are handed down in some families, so is the art of picking out and chopping down a Christmas tree. Permits cost $5, but lucky fourth graders in the Northwest can get a free tree-cutting permit from the Colville and the Idaho Panhandle national forests as a part of the Every Kid in the Park program. If this isn’t a tradition in your home, be sure to do research before heading out to the forest with an ax in tow. Some laws and regulations include harvesting at least 50 feet from a road and not harvesting from recreation areas, according to the Forest Service. Read up on the rules at For more information on getting that free pass, go to For other general information on obtaining permits, visit 

at the


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Brought to you by the Downtown Spokane Partnership and the Business Improvement District in conjunction with the Inlander.

Red Rolling Pin


' Home Decor I

nterior designer Sandra Lambdin, owner of DECORUM (126 N. Washington •, knows a thing or two about home décor. She’s also worked as a “stager,” someone who helps realtors get homes looking their best for speedy, top-dollar sales. “Decorum has the pieces that really pull the home together — all the little interesting things, such as vintage Schweitzer signs and wall prints that

Nov 27th

10 am - 4 pm

have sayings and inspirational quotes,” Lambdin says. For those who plan on entertaining this season, the store also has all the trimmings for holiday parties. “I have holiday napkins, quick appetizers, and a lot of holiday decorations. These aren’t your ordinary items. They have style and flair to give you an elegant holiday feel.” Decorum also carries niche gifts like hipster beard oils and athletic fanny packs.

Formerly known as Concept Home, FOREFRONT (401 W. First • facebook. com/tinroofforefront) is the modern wing of the Tin Roof Collection. It specializes in mid-century modern and contemporary furniture, accessories and artwork from top designers and brands. Thanks to the staff’s interior design expertise, they can give you advice on how to find that perfect gift to complement existing color schemes

and styles. At RED ROLLING PIN (159 S. Lincoln •, you can find even more to kit out your home from top to bottom. They have retro fans, classic office desks, maple butcherblock tables, rustic bakeware, industrialstyle hardware and antique-appearance lighting, plus all sorts of additional accents for the kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom.

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Holiday Events

Riverfront Park’s Ice Palace ICE SKATING Now Open Riverfront Park’s Ice Palace is now open through Feb. 28. Hours: TueFri, from 11 am-5 pm; also Wed/ Fri/Sat from 7-10 pm, Thu from 7-8:30 and Sun from 11 am-4:45 pm. Extended holiday hours TBA. Adults $5; kids ages 3-12, military w/ ID and seniors (62+) $3.50. Skate rental $3.50. Special pricing on Thursdays, $2 from 7-8:30 pm and Wednesday, $1 w/ college ID. Daily after school special for ages 17 and under, $5 including skate rental and lunch specials Tue-Fri, from 11 am-2 pm, $5 including skate rental. (625-6601)

Crosby film. Shows on Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm (also Sat, Dec. 19 at 2 pm). $22-$30. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard. (325-2507)

TREE OF SHARING Through Dec. 13 The 33rd annual program collects and distributes requested items to regional nonprofits and social service agencies serving low-income, disabled and elderly members of the community. Pick up a tag to shop and make sure to drop off items by Sunday, Dec. 13. Tags available at Northtown, River Park Square and Spokane Valley malls. (808-4919)

SPOKANE WINTER GLOW SPECTACULAR Nov. 27-Dec. 31 The new holiday event in Riverfront Park returns for its second year, featuring lighted displays through the park, including an animal lights zoo for the kids. Lighting ceremony on Nov. 27 at 6 pm; displays are lit daily at 5 pm, through Dec. 31. Free. Riverfront Park, 507 N. Howard.

WHITE CHRISTMAS Through Dec. 19 The Spokane Civic Theatre brings back this holiday classic made famous by the timeless Bing

DASHING THROUGH DOWNTOWN Nov. 27-Dec. 24 Enjoy downtown Spokane’s festive holiday sights by horse and

TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA Nov. 27, at 8 pm The progressive rock band returns to Spokane to help kick off the holiday season, performing “The Ghosts of Christmas Eve” and other popular hits. A portion of ticket sales to benefit Mobius Children’s Museum. Friday, Nov. 27, at 8 pm. Tickets $33.50, $45, $56, or $65. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon.


y + 5 0 P million 1 FREE

carriage, sponsored by Spokane Teachers Credit Union. Fridays from 3-8 pm (break between 6-7 pm); Sat-Sun from 12-5 pm (break from 2-3 pm), and Monday, Dec. 24, from 12-3 pm. Free. Pick-up at 573 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. CHRISTMAS TREE ELEGANCE Dec. 1-13 Eighteen elaborately-decorated holiday trees are displayed and available to win as part of a fundraiser raffle benefiting the Spokane Symphony. Trees, a Father Christmas sculpture and a three-story custom dollhouse are located on the mezzanine of the Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post (12 trees), and at River Park Square (six trees), 808 W. Main Ave., on the second floor. Free to view, raffle tickets $1 each.


Lights 2


admission is


THE NUTCRACKER Dec. 3-5 Santa Barbara’s State Street Ballet dances to the music of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite, performed by the Spokane Symphony Orchestra. Dec. 3-5 at 7:30 pm; also Dec. 5-6 at 2 pm. $25$75/adults; $12.50-$30/children. Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200)





Holiday Pulse



Indaba Coffee

New t� Downtown


rought to you by the same environmentally responsible and creative gastropub team behind the popular Manito Tap House, BLACKBIRD (905 N. Washington • now suffuses the historic Broadview Dairy building with the scent of its chef’s tantalizing culinary marvels. “Chef Molly Patrick’s scratch-made food revolves around our wood-fired smoker and grill,” says Patrick McPherson, who co-owns Blackbird. “While we have a definite focus on beer with 34 draught beers and 133 different bottles, we serve craft cocktails and have an extensive wine list too.” Patrons can sample indulgent nibbles like bacon fat popcorn and chorizo corn dogs, or dive into the tender flank steak, which is encrusted in coffee and black pepper and served with fig salsa.

Modeled after developer Walt Worthy’s favorite Italian restaurant in Palm Beach, Florida, TABLE 13 (333 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • in the new Grand Hotel is a sleek cocktail and whiskey bar that aspires to be Spokane’s trendy new spot for a bit of mouthwatering nosh and upmarket urban socialization. The flavorful $13 dishes are tapas-style and made for sharing before a night on the town. Earlier this year INDABA COFFEE (210 N. Howard • expanded beyond its West Central location, making the warmth of its coffee and its venue accessible to downtowners looking for a mix of relaxation and pick-me-up. A bag of Indaba’s batch-roasted coffee or exotic teas makes a great gift — or a wonderful post-shopping reward for yourself.

Double Do� Dare Ya! D

on’t shoot your eye out! Instead, be sure to snatch a ticket for the nationally touring production of A Christmas Story: The Musical. After an incredibly successful Broadway run, the stage-adapted version of the holiday classic film — showing on cable TV every night as soon as Thanksgiving dinner is cold — makes its way to Spokane. Follow wide-eyed Ralphie and the Parkers through a musical rendition of the story, with songs about leg lamps, Red Ryders and freezing flagpoles. Even if the plot is all too familiar, this new spin on Ralphie’s obsessive fervor to find the “official Red Ryder Carbine-Action 200Shot Range Model Air Rifle” under the tree on Christmas morning is a lively, family-friendly event to get everyone excited for the holidays. Tickets start at $32 •


For more information, go to

We can do it!

River Park Square (509) 456-TOYS

Orlison Brewing


Hi� Hangouts T

hese days, craft beers are all the rage. tal,” Silver says. “Stop by and try a sampler or But amid the range of choices, ORLISON a pint and see why we say Orlison ‘brews no BREWING (1017 W. First • orlisonbrewing. evil.’” com) is one of the area’s few small-scale brewFor a classic Irish pub atmosphere, there’s eries to focus on lager, named after the cold O’DOHERTY’S (525 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • storage crucial to the beer’s, where conditioning. “Our lagers are you can enjoy live musical crisp, clean and refreshing, entertainment as well as IN NEXT WEEK’S and they offer a change of hearty traditional pub fare pace from the traditional craft like Guinness fish and chips, beer experience. We brew shepherd’s pie, corned beef traditional styles but also play and cabbage, or bangers and and experiment with styles mash. NIGHTLIFE that have only really been With its chic interior of Movies and Music seen in the ale world,” says color-changing lights and masKristen Silver, Operations and sive TVs, THE GLOBE (204 SHOPPING Logistics Manager for Orlison N. Division • globespokane. Great Gifts Brewing. Though headquarcom) offers a little something tered in Airway Heights, their for everyone. It has the vibe recently opened downtown of a luxury sports bar, but the taproom offers a place to design of a swank nightclub. socialize and try out their inventive Seasonal On big game days — whether it’s NFL, UFC or Series brews. “Our taproom is the playground supercross — there are always food and drink for all of our beer, mainstream and experimenspecials.


Holiday Pulse

On the second level of River Park Square (509) 838-7115 •


Holiday Pulse



Shinin� Lights J





ust a few weeks after the spectacular Washington State Chinese Lantern Festival displays that graced Riverfront Park for nearly two months this fall came down, another lighted feast for the senses has take their place. Kicking off its inaugural festival of lights last year, the Spokane Winter Glow Spectacular is back for year two to bring holiday cheer to families across the region. As the pandas and koi fish from the lantern festival depart, taking their place are snowmen, Christmas trees, Santas and a massive “zoo” of animal lights. The free community event kicks off with a lighting ceremony the day after Thanksgiving at 6 pm. Free and open to the public, with lights on nightly starting at 5 pm. More at

The city’s parking enforcement staff also serve as parking ambassadors, and they can give you directions and answer your questions related to parking.

JUST FOR KIDS Kids 4-12 can find nice, affordable gifts at Santa Express. Proceeds from this annual fundraiser benefit the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery. Santa Express is located in the skywalk level of the Crescent Court, above MOD Pizza, and is open seven days a week, Nov. 23 through Dec. 23. Call 989-621-0902

Spa. Restaurants. Rooms. Retreat. This holiday season, give the gift cards that nourish your mind, body and soul. The Historic, Tower, Lusso and Grand Hotels

Also including Beautiful Grounds and Barrister Tasting Room


ho day treats

Spokane Symphony Music Director Eckart Preu. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

Benefit FREE THANKSGIVING YOGA Nonperishable food or monetary donations will be accepted at the door to support the Moscow Food Bank’s efforts to help families this holiday season. All are welcome. Nov. 26, 9 am. Moscow Yoga Center, 525 S. Main. (208-883-8315) SOAP FOR HOPE As you return from holiday travels or venture to clean out bathroom cabinets this winter, AAA invites the community to gather unused toiletry items to donate (hotel shampoos, conditioners, soap, extra unused toothbrushes or razors) to support local nonprofits. Donations accepted through Dec. 31 at the two Spokane AAA stores and the CdA store. TREE OF SHARING The 33rd annual program collects and distributes requested items to regional nonprofits serving low-income, disabled and elderly members of the community. Pick up a tag at NorthTown, River Park Square and Spokane Valley malls; drop off items by Dec. 13.

FESTIVAL OF TREES The Kootenai Health Foundation’s 28th annual benefit features 40 Christmas trees on display and then sold in an auction to help fund needed services at Kootenai Health. Nov. 27-30. Ticket prices for events vary. Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second. (208-265-4438) SANTA CLAWS FOR PETS & PEOPLE Washington Basset Rescue’s holiday fundraiser, with Santa photos, adoptable animals, local vendors/businesses on site, raffles, silent auctions and more. Proceeds benefit local animal rescue groups. Nov. 29, 12-4 pm. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. FATHER CHRISTMAS PHOTO FUNDRAISER Big Barn Brewing hosts Higher Ground Animal Sanctuary’s Santa photos fundraiser, also featuring a raffle, hot cocoa, beer, chili, live music and more. Dec. 4-7, from noon-7 pm. (No pets, please.) By donation. Big Barn Brewing Co., 16004 N. Applewood Ln. JINGLE BELL RUN This annual event is a fundraiser run for the Arthritis

Foundation, with holiday-themed costumes strongly encouraged. $35/ person; kids’ 1K run with the Elves is free without a T-shirt. Dec. 5, 9 am. $35/person. Riverfront Park, 705 N. Howard St. SANTA BREAKFAST Mobius Children’s Museum’s annual holiday fundraiser invites families to spend a morning with Santa over breakfast, with holiday festivities and more. Event sells out each year. Dec. 5, 9-11 am. $25/person. Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post St. (321-7121)

WHITE CHRISTMAS BENEFIT PERFORMANCE All ticket sales and auction proceeds directly benefit families housed at Hearth Homes, the only transitional home for homeless women and children in Spokane Valley. Doors open at 6 pm; show starts at 7:30. Wine and hors d’oeuvres included. Dec. 16, 6-10 pm. $45. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. (926-6492)

HOLIDAY LUNCHEON WITH ECKART & FRIENDS Have lunch with Spokane Symphony Music Director Eckart Preu and 10 orchestra members, who perform a program of favorites. Activities also included. Dec. 9, 11 am. $50/person. Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post St. (458-8733)

BLESSINGS UNDER THE BRIDGE WINTER EVENT The local nonprofit hosts an event to serve the community’s homeless population, offering a free hot brunch, hot drinks, holiday treats, distributions of winter clothing, blankets and gifts. At Fourth Avenue and McClellan Street. See Facebook page for a list of needed donations and for information on how to sponsor a table at the event. Dec. 19, 12-3 pm.

FESTIVAL OF TREES The Fry Healthcare Foundation hosts the 20th annual event, benefiting the Boundary Community Hospital. Dec. 12, 5-10 pm. $35/person. Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

PUTTIN’ ON THE RITZ Ring in the new year at the annual gala in support of the Spokane Symphony. Includes live music by Master Class Jazz Orchestra, hors d’oeuvres, champagne toast and more. Dec. 31, 9 pm-1 am.

$85/person. Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post.

Comedy BEFORE IT’S IN THEATERS The Blue Door players get creative with a themed improv show. Nov. 28, at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) TRIVIA + OPEN MIC COMEDY Trivia starts at 8 pm; stick around for open mic comedy afterward. Tuesdays, from 8-10 pm. Free. Checkerboard Bar, 1716 E. Sprague Ave. (535-4007) FIRST THURSDAY COMEDY Laugh out loud with live standup comedy the first Thursday of every month in Impulse Nightclub. Each edition of the show features funny local folks from around the region. Dec. 3. $10. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd. (242-7000)



ho day treats

with proceeds supporting the mission of the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery. Nov. 23-Dec. 23. Mon-Fri, from 11 am-8 pm; Sat, from 10 am-8 pm; Sun, from 11 am-6 pm. At 707 W. Main (skywalk level). SECOND HARVEST FOOD SORTING Join other volunteers to sort and pack produce and other bulk food items for delivery to local emergency food outlets. Ages 14+. Shift dates and times vary, sign up at inland.volunteerhub. com/events. Second Harvest Food Bank, 1234 E. Front Ave. THANKS FOR THE WALK SpokAnimal’s 8th annual gathering of pets and owners to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday. Coffee and treats available for purchase, with a 1-3 mile stroll around the park with well-behaved dogs. $10 suggested donation per family. Nov. 26, 9 am. High Bridge Park, Riverside Ave. and A St.

The Winter Blessing at Coeur d’Alene Casino. MARSHALL E. PETERSON JR. PHOTO SEASON’S GREETINGS A holiday greeting card-themed improv show. Fridays in December, at 8 pm (no show Dec. 25). $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. THE WINTER-WEIRD SHOW FEAT. DEREK SHEEN & JAY SHINGLE Former Spokane resident comedian Jay Shingle returns from Portland along with Seattle comedian Derek Sheen, and special guest Rizzle the Clown. Dec. 5, 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. BEAT CITY USA VARIETY SHOW A variety show featuring comedian Tom Meisfjord, artist Kiefer Jones, improv troupe The Ditch Kids, and musical guests. Hosted by Ryan Dean and the

Beat City Downtowners. Dec. 11, 7:30 pm. $5. Big Dipper, 171 S. Washington St. COMEDY FOR A CAUSE Come watch local comedians and help Second Harvest Food Bank. Bring nonperishable food for a chance to win prizes. Dec. 12, 8-10 pm. Checkerboard Bar, 1716 E. Sprague. (535-4007) NUTHOUSE IMPROV COMEDY WSU’s student comedy improv group performs. Dec. 12, at 11 pm. All shows begin at 8 pm. $5. Wadleigh Theatre at Daggy Hall, College Ave., WSU Pullman.

Community WINTER BLESSING An event embracing traditions ancient and contemporary, and open to all. Cultural Affairs Director Quanah Matheson offers a story and prayer, followed by traditional music and dancing, complimentary frybread and huckleberry jam and a fireworks show at 8 pm. Dec. 3, 6-10 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Casino, 37914 S Hwy 95. FREE BLACK FRIDAY STA RIDES Spokane Transit Authority offers free bus rides on all routes on Friday, Nov. 27. Annually, the organization provides one free fare day, and hopes by complimentary rides help ease the stress of driving and parking on one of

the busiest shopping days of the year. (325-6091) JOURNEY TO THE NORTH POLE Daily, 40-minute evening cruises on Lake Coeur d’Alene offer views of the CdA Resort’s annual Holiday Lights Show, and includes a visit to Santa’s Workshop. Through Jan. 3, departing nightly at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 pm. $6/ ages 6-12; free/ages 5 and under; $19.75/seniors (55+); $20.75/adults. Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second. (208-765-4000) SANTA EXPRESS The 22nd annual holiday store offers items at allowance-friendly prices (50 cents to $8) for area children (ages 4-12) to purchase for their friends and family,

Paint Buzz Select Varieties of Furniture, Gif ts, Housewares & Treasures

SANDPOINT TREE LIGHTING The community is invited to attend Sandpoint’s annual Christmas tree lighting and a visit from St. Nick, from 5:30-7 pm. Also enjoy holiday carolers, cookies and hot cider. Trees are lit through New Year’s Day. Nov. 27. Downtown Sandpoint. FAMILY PHOTOS AT THE CAMPBELL HOUSE The historic Spokane home opens its doors for a special event allowing local families to have their holiday photos taken next to the

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FESTIVAL OF FAIR TRADE The 31st annual event support Spokane’s local economy as well as communities in need across the globe. Features sweatshop-free handcrafts, clothing, jewelry and pottery from Nepal, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala and other far corners of the world. Nov. 27-29, from 9 am-5 pm. Free admission. Community Building, 35 W. Main.





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Christmas tree. Reservations required; only 30 spots available. Groups of up to 8 people welcome; no pets. Nov. 28, 10:30 am-4 pm. $50/group. The MAC, 2316 W. First. KELLOGG CHRISTMAS LIGHTING FESTIVAL The city of Kellogg hosts its annual kickoff to the holidays, with a fireworks show, night parade, craft show, tree lighting, Santa photos and more. Nov. 28, events from 10 am-7 pm throughout the town. Kellogg, Idaho; details at SANTA & HIS REINDEER Live reindeer are on site daily from Nov. 28-Dec. 23, and Santa visits on Saturdays, Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 12 and 19, from 10 am-4 pm. Ritter’s Garden & Gift, 10120 N. Division St. (467-5258) SHOP LOCAL PULLMAN The first ever local holiday store features homebased businesses, products and gift ideas. Open Nov. 28, from 12-4 pm and Dec. 5, from 12-6 pm. Located at 246 E. Main. COUNTRY CHRISTMAS SALE The fifth annual sale features antiques, vintage goods, arts and crafts, holiday decor, salvage items, baked goods and more. $5 admission; good all weekend, ages 12 and under free. Nov. 28, from 10 am-5 pm and Nov. 29, from 10 am-4 pm. Two Women Vintage Goods, 112 S. Cedar St. CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING The event includes games for all ages, a puppet show, live Nativity scene and caroling at 4 pm, followed by refreshments. Donations of toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, disinfectant wipes and baby wipes are being collected for Hearth Homes. Nov. 29, 3-5:30 pm. Spokane Valley United Methodist, 115 N. Raymond. CHRISTMAS TREE ELEGANCE Spokane Symphony Associates’ annual

holiday-themed fundraiser features 18 decorated trees on display to be raffled off (tickets are $1 each). See 12 trees at the Davenport Hotel mezzanine and six trees on the second floor of River Park Square, Dec. 1-13. Free to view trees. PAJAMA STORYTIME Local authors Thom Caraway, Kelly Milner Halls, Shann Ray Ferch, Sharma Shields and Maya Zeller read their favorite picture books at a special storytime, with games and songs. All ages welcome; kids 6 and under must bring an adult. Dec. 1, 7-8 pm. Free. North Spokane Library, 44 E. Hawthorne Rd. (893-8350) HOLIDAYS AT THE HEARTH Members of the community are invited to join staff and clients served by local nonprofit Women’s Hearth for an afternoon of sugar cookie decorating, carol singing and more. RSVP requested to Dec. 3, 4:30-6:30 pm. Women’s Hearth, 920 W. Second. (343-5091) JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM The walkthrough Christmas pageant features a cast of 100+ actors from eight denominations, as well as live animals including sheep, goats, donkeys, and a camel. Dec. 4-6; Fri 6-8 pm, Sat-Sun from 5-8 pm. Free. South Hill Seventh Day Adventist, 5607 S. Freya. BING CROSBY HOUSE MUSEUM OPEN HOUSE The public is invited to visit Bing Crosby’s home and museum and see it decorated for the holidays. Dec. 5, 1-4 pm. Free and open to the public. Crosby House Museum, 508 E. Sharp Ave. DRIVE-THROUGH LIVING NATIVITY Stay in your car and hear the story of Christmas on CD or tape as you drive through six scenes, featuring baby Jesus and camels, donkeys and sheep. Dec. 5-6, from 5:30-8:30 pm.

Free. (238-7955) KENDALL YARDS ARTISAN FEST The third annual event features 14 local artists, including Patti Simpson Ward, Anthony Gallaher, Jeannine Fruci and more. Dec. 5, 10 am-3 pm. Kendall Yards Welcome Center, 1335 W. Summit Pkwy. SCC HOLIDAY ARTS, CRAFTS & FOOD FAIR Hosting more than 130 vendors offering unique items just in time for the gift giving season. Dec. 5, 9 am-4 pm. Free. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene. (434-6576) VINTAGE FASHION TEA PARTY Tea, cookies and sandwiches are served, with all proceeds going to the “Shirley J. Phipps Vintage Fashion Collection” conservation fund. During tea service, watch a fashion show featuring pieces from the collection dating back to the 1880s. Dec. 5, 11:30 am-1:30 pm. $25/ person. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. SPOKANE HUMANE SOCIETY OPEN HOUSE Tour the shelter and clinic and learn more about SHS and how it cares for companion animals. Bring pets for photos with Santa Paws and enjoy cake, coffee and hot chocolate. Dec. 6, 11 am-2 pm. Free. Spokane Humane Society, 6607 N. Havana.

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CHANUKAH FAMILY CELEBERATION Chabad of Spokane invites the community to its annual celebration, lighting a 12-foot jelly bean Menorah, offering doughnuts and latkes, a special video, candy crafts and music by the Spokane Klezmer band. Dec. 7, 5:30-7:30 pm. $12. Southside Community Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. (443-0770)

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ho day treats

SPOKANE SANTACON The 4th annual worldwide pub crawl is locally raising money for the Tamarack Residential Treatment Center, which supports youth with mental health treatment. Event starts at the Checkerboard at 3 pm and moves to nYne at 4 pm, continuing to downtown bars through the night. Dec. 12, 3-10 pm.

CDA NEW YEAR’S EVE Iincludes fireworks shows at 8 pm and at midnight. Also attend a Great Gatsbythemed party (all-ages until 9 pm) at the Resort Convention Center; tickets $15-$75. There are also family lake cruises ($20/person), adult cruises ($25/person, 21+) and dessert cruises ($25-$35) during the fireworks show. Dec. 31. Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second.

Santacon has grown in many cities in recent years. PAJAMA STORYTIME Hear local authors Asa Maria Bradley, Kris Dinnison, Brooke Matson, Sharma Shields and Ellen Welcker read their favorite picture books at a special storytime. Dec. 8, 7-8 pm. Free. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main. (893-8400) COMMUNITY MEMORIAL TREE Hospice of Spokane displays its annual Memorial Tree to remember loved ones. Families and friends are invited to purchase doves to honor the memories of loved ones this holiday season. Proceeds benefit Hospice. Dec. 11-23. River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave. GAISER CONSERVATORY HOLIDAY LIGHTS The annual display features the greenhouse plants decked out in holiday lights, hosted by the Friends of

Manito. Dec. 11-20, open daily from 127:30 pm. Donations accepted. Manito Park, 1800 S. Grand Blvd. (456-8038) KIDS DAY DOWNTOWN: FROZEN FEST Afternoon events kick off by singing along with Frozen at 1:30, followed by crafts and an opportunity to take your picture with Elsa and Olaf. Come dressed as your favorite Frozen character. Dec. 12, 1:30-4 pm. Free. Downtown Spokane Library, 906 W. Main Ave. TEDDY BEAR TEA SPL branches host their annual storytime celebration of the American childhood icon. Dec. 12, 10:30 am. Free. Indian Trail Library, 4909 W. Barnes Rd. For other branch events, visit

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HOLIDAY STORIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD Bring your little ones in their favorite pajamas for a night of holiday stories from various faiths. Dec. 16, 5:30-6:30 pm. Free; register online. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. CARDBOARD GINGERBREAD HOUSE CONSTRUCTION Drop in and help construct and decorate a ginger-



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HAYDEN CHRISTMAS LIGHT SHOW A Christmas light walk through a neighborhood of heavily decorated homes, with hot chocolate, carolers, Santa photos, a live nativity and more. Dec. 16-20, from 6-8 pm nightly. Park at Candlelight Christian Fellowship, 5725 N. Pioneer Dr., CdA. Shuttles take visitors to the site every 15 min. Free and open to the public.


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MOBIUS WINTER BREAK CAMPS Head to Mobius for fun learning and exploration themed around marbles, elves, rockets and other things that you can launch. Offered Dec. 22, 23 and 29; times vary. $20-$25/session. Mobius Children’s Museum, 808 W. Main. (509-321-7121) SCHOOL’S OUT SCIENCE Mobius Science Center hosts four sciencebased day camps, for grades 2-4. Offered Dec. 22-23 and Dec. 29-30. Times and camp themes vary. $20$25/session. Mobius Science Center, 811 W. Main.

FIRST NIGHT SPOKANE Spokane’s annual New Year’s Eve celebration is a celebration of the performing and visual artists in our community. Admission buttons are on sale as of Nov. 24. See website for more event details as First Night approaches. Dec. 31. $15-$18. Riverfront Park & Downtown Spokane. (795-8691) FREE STATE PARKS DAY As part of the Discover Pass legislation, residents are offered access to any state park without needing a Discover Pass. Includes access locally to Riverside and Mount Spokane State Parks. Upcoming free days: Jan. 1, Jan. 17-18, March 19, March 26. Free.

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bread house made out of cardboard Dec. 18-23. Materials provided; you bring creative ideas. Free. South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry St. (444-5331)

NEW YEAR’S EVE FAMILY CELEBRATION Spokane Library branches host a family NYE event to ring in 2016 without having to stay up late. Includes stories, crafts, a countdown and more. At the Indian Trail, Shadle and South Hill branches. Dec. 31, 11 am-noon. Free.

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Film TOTALLY TUBULAR TUESDAY: HOLIDAY EDITION In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the Garland hosts screenings of holiday classics for its Tuesday special. Dec. 1, Jingle All the Way; Dec. 8, A Christmas Story; Dec. 15, The Polar Express; Dec. 22, Elf. All shows at 7 pm; $2.50. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland. RIFFTRAX LIVE: SANTA & THE ICE CREAM BUNNY The former stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000 aim their trademark funny commentary at this long-lost holiday film. Dec. 3 and Dec. 14-15, at Regal Cinemas Riverstone (CdA); also Dec. 3 and Dec. 15 at Regal Cinemas Northtown. WINTER WILDLANDS ALLIANCE BACKCOUNTRY FILM FESTIVAL SOLE hosts the film fest to raise funds for the SnowSchool Experience SM Program. Enjoy a series of juried and award-winning films, plus a raffle, silent auction and beverages for purchase. Dec. 4, 7 pm. $10-$12. Panida Theater, 300 N. First, Sandpoint. (208-255-7801) ELF The Inlander teams up with Catholic Charities Spokane for an annual screening of this modern holiday classic, with raffles, a photo booth and more. Proceeds support the work of CCS. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Dec. 10, 7 pm. $5. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. BING CROSBY HOLIDAY FILM FEST The 10th annual event includes screenings of the best-loved films starring Spokane’s own Bing Crosby, along with a gallery of photos of the famous entertainer and a live musical performance by Howard Crosby, son of Bing Crosby’s brother Ted. Dec. 12, 11

am. $10. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE Celebrate the season with the Kenworthy’s annual showing of this holiday classic. Dec. 17-20, at 7 pm. $3-$6; bring a canned food donation for $1 off. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St, Moscow. (208-882-4127)

Food / Drink COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER The local restaurant hosts its fifth annual free Thanksgiving dinner, open to all. Nov. 26, 11 am-4 pm. Free. Fedora Pub & Grille, 1726 W. Kathleen Ave. SMALL BITES FOR HOLIDAY NIGHTS Learn to make tantalizing appetizers to enjoy with your holiday guests, like Bruschetta, roasted baby red potato canapés and spinach pizzettes. Dec. 4, 6-8 pm. $49/person. Inland Northwest Culinary Academy (INCA), 1810 N. Greene. incaafterdark. (533-8141) LANTERN TAP HOUSE UGLY SWEATER WEEKEND The Lantern’s third annual ugly holiday sweater party, with beer specials, live music and food. Details TBA. Dec. 11-12. The Lantern, 1004 S. Perry. GINGERBREAD BUILD-OFF Christ Kitchen’s annual holiday fundraiser, with teams of bakers and architects competing to build a massive gingerbread house. Decorate your own house for $7. Free to watch the competition underway. Dec. 13, 10 am-4 pm. Davenport Grand, 333 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. THE HISTORY OF YUM: CHOCOLATE, COFFEE & GINGERBREAD Food historian and educator Monica

Stenzel teaches a three-session class about chocolate, coffee and gingerbread. Limited to 30 participants. Dec. 13, 2-3:30 pm. $31.50-$35. The MAC, 2316 W. First.

Come Jingle With Us!

1ST ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL MARMOT BEER FESTIVAL River City hosts a fest to celebrate its Midnight Marmot Stout, offering pours of 10 variations of the stout (complete list on Facebook event), a commemorative glass, growler fill specials and more. Dec. 19, 12-8 pm. $25-$30. River City Brewing, 121 S. Cedar St. on.fb. me/1I2ob4H (509-413-2388)

Spokane, WA December 5th Riverfront Park’s Northbank Shelter

CHRISTMAS DINNER AT THE DAVENPORT Dinner service on Christmas Day is offered at the Palm Court Grille, Safari Room and the Davenport Grand Restaurant & Lounge. Make reservations at 455-8888 or online. Dec. 25. Prices vary. Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post St.

More than 50 million Americans including 300,000 children have arthritis. Please help the Arthritis Foundation conquer this painful and debilitating disease. Register today, form a team and raise funds to put a jingle in your step this holiday.

Music TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA The band performs “The Ghosts of Christmas Eve” and other top favorites. Nov. 27, 8 pm. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. SHOOK TWINS The Sandpoint-native twins return home for the holidays to perform a concert with special guests Josh Hedlund and John Craigie. Nov. 28. $15/$20. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. (208-255-7801) CDA SYMPHONY: REALM OF ICE & SNOW A winter concert program featuring Symphony No. 1 (Winter) Tchaikovsky, Russian Christmas Music, Reed, Holiday Pops and more Dec. 3-4 at 7:30 pm. $10-$27. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd.

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ho day treats

HOT CLUB OF SPOKANE A multimedia experience with live music and archival footage celebrating the Spokane roots of Bing Crosby, Mildred Bailey, and Al Rinker. Dec. 6, 7 pm. $7.50-$15. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS WITH JOHN TESH The Emmy awardwinning pianist/composer puts a “big band” twist on Christmas favorites. Dec. 13, 7:30 pm. $45-$65. Northern Quest, 100 N. Hayford Rd. (242-7000)

John Tesh visits Northern Quest Resort & Casino on Dec. 13. SPOKANE SYMPHONY: THE NUTCRACKER The Symphony performs the score live, as the nationallyacclaimed Santa Barbara-based State Street Ballet and more than 75 local children dance to Tchaikovsky’s beloved music. Dec. 3-5 at 7:30 pm, Dec. 5-6 at 2 pm. $12.50-$75. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague.

PALOUSE CHORAL SOCIETY Celebrate the season with highlights from Handel’s “Messiah,” during a performance featuring soloists and the debut of PCS’s Children’s Choir. Dec. 4 at 7:30 pm and Dec. 6 at 4 pm. $4-$15. SPOKANE JAZZ ORCHESTRA “Hot Latin Jazz on a Cold Winter’s Night” features guest musician Nic Vigil, of the local band Milonga. Dec. 5, 7:30


pm. $24-$26.50. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. NW BACH FEST WINTER TOUR Featuring the Cypress String Quartet with Zuill Bailey, cello, and Timothy Christie, viola, playing the Brahms Sextets. Dec. 5, 5 pm. $40. At the Historic Jewett House, 1501 Lakeshore Dr., CdA. Also Dec. 6, 3 pm ($50), at Barrister Winery, Spokane.

AFFINITI: CELTIC CHRISTMAS A concert featuring its members’ arrangements of traditional Irish music and well-known Christmas standards. Affiniti is joined by Howard Crosby, Bing’s nephew. Dec. 7, 7 pm. $12-$20. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. EUGENE BALLET: THE NUTCRACKER Enjoy Clara’s journey through the fantasy world at this holiday tradition, hosted by the POAC. Dec. 7. $10-$25. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. (208-255-7801) GONZAGA SYMPHONY Cello soloist Matt Haimovitz joins the orchestra for a program including Smetana, Dvorak

and Barber. Conducted by Kevin Hekmatpanah. Dec. 7, 7:30-9:30 pm. $13. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200) THE OAK RIDGE BOYS The Country Music Hall of Fame’s newest members perform their holiday hits live. Dec. 7, 7:30 pm. $45-$55. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (509-279-7000) MUSIC IN HISTORIC HOMES The 24th annual concert series features a holiday program, tours of the home and refreshments. Dec. 9-10, at 3, 5 and 7 pm, in the Matthews-Woldson House, at 526 W. Sumner. $25/person. PAGES OF HARMONY CHRISTMAS CABARET An evening of holidaythemed entertainment with dinner and a raffle. Dec. 12, 6 pm. $10-$18. Southside Senior & Community Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. (443-1503) SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS Start the holidays and join the NIC music groups in their annual Christmas celebration. Dec. 12 at 7:30 pm and Dec. 13 at 2 pm. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. (208-769-3300)

WASHINGTON IDAHO SYMPHONY The “Family Christmas with the MidColumbia Singers” concert program includes a Christmas carol singalong. Dec. 12, 7:30 pm. $15-$25. Jones Theatre at Daggy Hall, WSU Pullman. (335-8522) WHITWORTH CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL Presented by 120+ student singers, musicians and narrators. The popular concert is concluded by candlelight. Dec. 12 at 8 pm, Dec. 13 at 3 pm. $15-$20. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200) HOLIDAY ON PIPES The Spokane Chapter of the American Theatre Organ Society presents its 15th annual Christmas concert, featuring organist Ken Fuller. Dec. 13, 6 pm. Free, donations accepted. First Church of Nazarene, 9004 N. Country Homes Blvd. (467-8986) CLARION BRASS: THIS IS WHAT CHRISTMAS SOUNDS LIKE The annual holiday concert featuring the local brass ensemble’s original arrangements of favorite holiday songs. Dec. 15, 7:30 pm. $15-$20. St. John’s Cathedral, 127 E. 12th Ave. Also Dec. 16, 7:30 pm, at the Kroc Center in CdA.

A PETER WHITE CHRISTMAS Contemporary jazz and holiday favorites, also featuring Rick Braun and Mindi Abair. Dec. 15, 7:30 pm. $45-$57. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. (227-7404) NORTHWEST SACRED MUSIC CHORALE Winter concert featuring guest artists Paul Grove and the Crescendo Community Chorus. Dec. 18 at 7 pm and Dec. 19 at 4 pm. $16-$22. Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N. Fifth St., CdA. (208-664-5743) SPOKANE SYMPHONY HOLIDAY POPS The Symphony’s annual performance of festive music, including the audience sing-along and a visit from Santa. Dec. 19 at 8 pm, Dec. 20 at 2 pm. $14-$62. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. (624-1200) THE BRIAN SETZER ORCHESTRA: CHRISTMAS ROCKS! The 12th annual tour comes in support of Brian’s first new studio Christmas album in 10 years, “Rockin’ Rudolph.” Dec. 26, 8 pm. $52-$82. The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. SPOKANE SYMPHONY NEW YEAR’S EVE The Symphony and

Chorale join the multitudes around the world with a performance of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Ninth. Dec. 31, 7:30 pm. $16-$28. The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague.

Sports / & Outdoors TURKEY TROT The annual fun run on Thanksgiving morning, hosted by the Bloomsday Road Runners Club, collects money and food for Second Harvest Food Bank. Race starts at 9 am, with the options of 2-, 3- or 5-mile routes. Includes prizes, coffee and cider. Nov. 26, 8:45-10:30 am. Free. Manito Park, 1800 S. Grand Blvd. (868-6433) SPOKANE CHIEFS Regular season hockey matches. Nov. 28 (vs. Tri City) and Nov. 29 (vs. Everett), at 7:05 pm. $10-$22. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. (279-7000) TURNBULL WINTERFEST Friends of Turnbull hosts a winter day at the Refuge, with tours offered at 9 am- and 1 pm (sign up online). Also enjoy activities in the classroom, a potluck or go for a winter hike. Dec. 5. Free. Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, 26010 S. Smith Rd. (235-4723)

WINTER WONDERLAND The Riverside State Park Foundation’s annual holiday walk through the park, with light displays in the forest and on the swinging bridge. Dec. 11-13, 5-8:30 pm each night. Riverside State Park, Bowl & Pitcher area. REINDEER RUN 5K A Christmasthemed 5K run through downtown CdA, with special holiday ornaments given to all pre-registered runners. Dec. 12, 8 am. $22. McEuen Park, 420 E. Front St. (208-765-7604)

Theater WHITE CHRISTMAS A musical based on the timeless film starring Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. Through Dec. 19, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $22-$30. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard. CHRISTMAS WITH FRIENDS Ellen Travolta’s annual holiday show, featuring Jack Bannon, Mark Cotter and Laura Sable; directed by Roger Welch. Nov. 27-Dec. 20, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 5 pm. $27.50. CdA Resort, 115 S. Second.

THE GREAT AMERICAN TRAILER PARK CHRISTMAS MUSICAL When a freak bout of amnesia strikes the trailer park Scrooge, neighborly love is put to the test in this musical comedy. Nov. 27-Dec. 20, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $24-$27. Modern Theater CdA, 1320 E. Garden Ave. (208-667-1323) A CHRISTMAS CAROL Idaho Repertory Theatre and UI Theatre Arts present the Charles Dickens story. Dec. 3-13, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm (no show Dec. 11). $5-$15; free/UI students. U. of Idaho Hartung Theater, 6th & Stadium Way. A CHRISTMAS STORY: THE MUSICAL The classic holiday movie comes to life on stage. Dec. 3-6, show times vary. $32.50-$72.50. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (279-7000) A CHRISTMAS CAROL An edgy, Steampunk-themed adaptation of the classic holiday story. Dec. 4-6 and Dec. 10-13, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. Pullman Civic Theatre, 1220 NW Nye St. (509-332-8406)








(of Milanga)


AT 7:30 PM




ho day treats

actors decide to perform every Christmas story ever told, plus other holiday traditions from around the world. Dec. 10-12 and Dec. 18-19, at 7 pm. $12. Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22910 E. Appleway. (342-2055) TRADITIONS OF CHRISTMAS A musical journey of all the greatest Christmas songs and traditions from around the world. Dec. 10-12, 17-19 and Dec. 22 at 7 pm; also Dec. 12-13, 19-20 and 23 at 3 pm. $20-$33. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. A CHRISTMAS CAROL A performance of the Dickens’ classic. Dec. 11-20, Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 3 pm. $6-$12. Pend Oreille Playhouse, 236 S. Union, Newport.

featuring contemporary, adult-themed theatre. May contain adult language and/or themes. Dec. 9-12, at 8:30 pm. $10. Regional Theatre of the Palouse, 122 N Grand, Pullman. (334-0750)

CHRISTMAS ON THE CONCOURSE An original musical focusing on a local airport and passengers who end up stranded there on Christmas Eve. Dec. 11-20, Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $13-$15. Ignite! Theatre, 10814 E. Broadway.

EVERY CHRISTMAS STORY EVER TOLD (AND THEN SOME) Instead of performing Charles Dickens’ holiday classic for the umpteenth time, three

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE RADIO PLAY The beloved holiday classic comes to life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. Dec. 11 at 7 pm, Dec. 12-13

Enjoy live performances of holiday classics at Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy, Dec. 17-19. MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET StageWest Community Theatre’s readers theater production is based on the Dec. 1948 radio play. Dec. 4-13; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 3 pm. Dinner theater ($30) Dec. 12, at 6 pm. $5-$12. Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 639 Elm St., Cheney. (235-2441)

THE SECOND CITY’S HOLIDAZED & CONFUSED REVUE Chicago’s famed sketch and improv comedy theater returns to WSU’s Jones Theatre with a new show. Dec. 4, 7:30 pm. $8-$16. Daggy Hall, WSU Pullman. (335-8522) RTOP AFTER DARK: THE TRUTH ABOUT SANTA An apocalyptic holiday tale as part of RTOP’s new play series

Tree Lighting and Santa’s Arrival

Friday, November 27th from 5:30-7PM at Jeff Jones Square Holiday entertainment, hot cider and Santa arrives at 6PM!

Small Business Saturday

Saturday, November 28th in Downtown Sandpoint Shop and support our local small businesses!

Women’s Shopping Night

Friday, December 4th in Downtown Sandpoint

Late night shopping, in-store events, refreshments & complimentary gift wrapping.

Men’s Shopping Night

Friday, December 18th in Downtown Sandpoint Late night shopping, in-store events, refreshments and complimentary gift wrapping.

Santa on the Cedar Street Bridge

Bring the kids every Saturday from November 28th to December 19th, from 11AM-3PM, to visit Santa Claus and stop by Creations on the Bridge to create your own free holiday ornament! 60 INLANDER HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015

at 2 pm. $15. Sixth Street Theater, Wallace, Idaho. ALL IS CALM An encore performance of last year’s production, set in 1914 on the Western Front of WWI during the Christmas Truce. Dec. 17-19 at 7:30 pm, Dec. 20 at 2 pm. $10-$15. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (227-7404) A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS & FROSTY THE SNOWMAN A live performance of the much-loved holiday classics. Dec. 17-19 at 7 pm, also Dec. 19 at 1 pm and 4 pm. $6-$8. Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy, 4904 N. Duncan Dr. (208-676-1667) IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE A radio play showcasing the perennial holiday classic on stage, a joint production of Friends Of the Bing and the Spokane Civic Theatre, featuring a five-member cast from the Civic. Dec. 24, 6 pm. $15-$20. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave.


giant sculptures created from nearly 500,000 LEGO bricks created by nationally-renowned, award-winning artist Sean Kenney, the first artist named a LEGO Certified Professional. Through Feb. 7, 2016. Gallery hours Wed-Sun, 10 am-5 pm. Museum admission applies. The MAC, 2316 W. First. (509-456-3931) ORNAMENTS & SMALL WORKS HOLIDAY SHOW The annual show kicks off the holiday season, featuring dozens of local artists’ work on display. Nov. 27, 10 am-5 pm and Nov. 28, 10 am-4 pm. Free. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland. 30-30-30 The annual exhibit showcases the works of 30 artists who each created 30 works in a 30 day timeframe. Each work is offered for sale at $30, plus sales tax. The 900 original works feature a broad range of mediums, including: photography, painting, mixed media, drawing, fiber art and more. One-day sale on Dec. 4, from 4:05-7 pm. Sneak preview Dec. 3, 12-7 pm. Third Street Gallery, City Hall, 206 E. Third St., Moscow. (208-883-7036) SMALL ARTWORKS INVITATIONAL The Art Spirit hosts its 17th

annual invitational, featuring works by 37 regional artists and more than 225 new works. Show runs Dec. 4-Jan. 2; open daily (except. Dec. 25) from 11 am-6 pm. Opening reception Dec. 4, 5-8 pm. Mon.-Sun.. through Jan. 2. Art Spirit Gallery, 415 Sherman Ave, CdA. (208-765-6006) FIRST FRIDAY Art galleries and businesses across Spokane host monthly receptions to showcase new displays of art. Dec. 4, from 5-8 pm. Free. Visit for complete event details. SMALL WORKS SHOW & SALE Saranac members’ annual event features unusual, interesting and sometimes outrageous artwork. Dec. 4-26; Thu, 2-6 pm, Fri-Sat, 12-8 pm. Saranac Art Projects, 25 W. Main. DAHMEN BARN HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Shop at the expanded gift shop, which includes specialty food items and other handmade gifts. Kids can meet Santa on Saturday, 1-3 pm, and door prizes will be given out. Dec. 11-13, 10 am-6 pm. Free. Dahmen Barn, 419 N. Park Way, Uniontown. (509-229-3414)

ETC. TRI-LINGUAL THANKSGIVING MASS The Thanksgiving Day mass is presented in Vietnamese, Spanish and English. All are welcome to attend. Nov. 26, 10 am. St. Joseph’s Church, 1503 W. Deave Ave. (328-4841) MY BUDDHIST CHRISTMAS Local author Jeremy Phillips shares stories from his book “My Buddhist Christmas” which was published in August. Dec. 1, 6 pm. Free. Indian Trail Library, 4909 W. Barnes Rd. (444-5331) SPOKANE POETRY SLAM Competitive performance poetry, in which poets are judged by 5 audience judges, chosen at random; winner gets a $50 prize. Held the third Monday of the month at 8 pm; doors open at 7 pm. $5. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague Ave. (747-2174) JOY TO THE WORLD A benefit production by Festival Dance & Performing Arts, featuring 50 local musicians and dancers, including klezmer music by Gefilte Trout, piano selections by Jay and Sandy Mauchley, the UI Women’s Chorus and Saxophone Club and students of Festival Dance. Dec. 5,

7:30 pm. $10-$16. U. of Idaho Admin. Bldg, 851 Campus Dr. HOUR OF CODE Join Gizmo in the world wide event that encourages people to come together to code for an hour. No experience is needed, and mentors will be on hand to help and answer questions. No math or technical prerequisites, and all ages are welcome. Dec. 9, 4-6 pm. Free. Gizmo-cda, 806 N. Fourth St.


Give the personalized gift that will leave a lasting impression


Aunt Kimmie Bebo

MYTHBUSTERS LIVE! An all-new, live stage show starring Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage, co-hosts of the Emmy-nominated Discovery series MythBusters. Dec. 11, 7:30 pm. $52$127.50. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE: SEASON 12 TOUR Top 10 finalists tour across the U.S. for a live show. Dec. 28, 7 pm. $30-$35. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (279-7000) n

MORE EVENTS Visit for complete listings of local events this holiday season.

Aunt Kimmie will be signing books at:

AFFINITY ART SHOW & SALE Dec 2 • 1 pm to 3 pm

12710 North Mill Road Books available to purchase at:


HOLIDAY GUIDE 2015 INLANDER ChristClinicKitchen_GingerbreadBuildOff_112615_10H_KE.pdf


DAVENPORT HOTELS HOLIDAY EVENTS Holiday Events Christmas Tree Elegance

Leave your Holiday Party details to us!

Dec 1

Tree lighting

Choose from The Historic Davenport Hotel

Dec 1-13

Tree displays

and The Davenport Grand

Dec 9

Holiday Luncheon with Eckart and Friends

Dec 12

Tree raffle at The Davenport

Great dates still available • 509.455.8888

Questions and reservations: 509.458.8733 Dec 5

Santa Breakfast Mobius Kids Mobius Kids 509.624.5437

Dec 13

Christ Kitchen Gingerbread Build off and Display at The Davenport Grand

Dec 13-26 Gingerbread Houses displayed 509.325.4343 Dec 25

Christmas Dinner— Palm Court Grill and Safari Room Fresh Grill & Bar The Grand Restaurant & Lounge at

Shop, Stay & Play overnight package Includes • $75 Dining Credit • Overnight deluxe room • $50 River Park Square Mall gift certificate • Valet parking Reservations: 800.899.1482

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10 S. Post Street Spokane • • 800.899.1482

FOOD | HOLIDAY “HIDDEN GEMS,” CONTINUED... garden from rootstock she bought in Wisconsin, which accounts for 57 percent of the 841 million pounds of berries harvested in the United States last year. True cranberries, of the vaccinium family, are cousins to blueberries, grouseberries and the much-revered huckleberry. Established cranberry bushes are prolific and cold-hearty. As recently as last week, even after several hard frosts, the berries were abundantly brilliant against a bed of verdant moss and decaying leaves. They ranged in color from cream with peachy-pink-rose speckles to crimson to purplish-maroon. Regardless of color, they’re united by a crisp tartness that might lessen their tastiness for much of the surrounding wildlife. Humans, on the other hand, have found numerous uses for the berry, which is high in vitamin C, manganese and antioxidants that may prevent or delay certain types of cell damage. Native Americans may have invented the first energy bar: dried berries mixed with animal protein to make what the Cree

At The Davenport Grand

Cranberry pickers are careful to keep North Idaho’s picking locations secret. DANI VARGAS PHOTO called pimîhkân or pemmican. In fact, dry-harvested berries — those found in the grocer’s produce section — keep up to four months in a cool, dry place or can be frozen for up to 12 months. Berries can also be crushed for juice — one gallon requires about 4,400 berries — a popular home remedy for urinary tract infections. And according to commercial cranberry giant Ocean Spray, Americans consume roughly 80 million pounds during the week of Thanksgiving. Dani Vargas likes to make vanilla cranberry bread and also boils them with sugar to make pungent cranberry vodka. A former produce manager and beer and wine buyer for the Moscow Food Co-op, Vargas is now a Moscow police officer. “We heard about the cranberry patch from a friend here in Moscow who heard from a friend,” she says. This is her second year picking, which she says is a cross between plucking and raking. It’s fast picking because cranberries — unlike huckleberries — do not bruise easily. Similar to huckleberries, however, is the territorial nature of pickers. Last year, Vargas encountered folks filling coffee bags full, enough for commercial resale. “They seemed concerned about us being there and being new,” she says. They told her it was “an unspoken rule that they would only bring one new friend out each year.” Why the secrecy? Overpicking can slow the growth or even irreversibly damage an area, while some damage is pure negligence: piles of branches slashed from the huckleberry bush with many of the smaller, rejected berries still visible on the branch. There’s also the matter of public lands jurisdiction — the Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Panhandle National Forest (which also forbids “commercial gathering” of huckleberries), Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s Wildlife Management Areas — to promote but also protect Idaho’s natural bounty. Hopefully, the arduousness of getting to the cranberries, which includes hiking through 5-foot-tall grass along game trails dotted with deer and moose poop, slogging through fetid, bootsucking muck and unpredictable weather, is enough deterrent, helping preserve one of Idaho’s hidden gems for at least another hundred years. n

Now open and serving highly addictive small plates from $6.50-$13 each Dinner and Whiskey Bar Tuesday - Saturday 5 PM - Close Open Table Online reservations — • 509.598.4300



Roll it Up

A salmon and capers crepe from Fleur de Sel’s new spot on Grand Boulevard.


Fleur de Sel expands with a speedy new creperie on the South Hill BY QUINN WESTERN


he employees at a rustic French creperie on the South Hill are already greeting some repeat customers by name. And they’ve been open only a week. The Fleur de Sel Artisan Creperie on Grand Boulevard is the little brother to the much-lauded Fleur de Sel restaurant in Post Falls. The Creperie, with its wood-accented walls contrasted by bright and colorful metal chairs, is casual


and quick, while maintaining good quality. If you’re not familiar with crepes, think of them as an upscale, flatter burrito. Just as fast and just as tasty and versatile. Laurent Zirotti and his wife Patricia had wanted to open something different, but with the same fine dining quality as their restaurant in Post Falls. “We knew that if we wanted to expand we wouldn’t be able to clone [Laurent],” says Patricia.

That’s why Laurent Zirotti sometimes works from 3 am to 10:30 pm, going back and forth between the two restaurants. But the Idaho-to-Washington-and-backto-Idaho commute is only temporary while training the staff. Harry Crase came over to be the creperie’s general manager after working in the Post Falls restaurant since its opening in 2008. His favorite — also among the customers so far — is the savory bison meatloaf and horseradish ($7.50) filled with juicy North Dakota bison, horseradish cream, kale mix and fontina cheese. Sometimes he throws an egg into the mix. Other menu items include salmon and capers, turkey and truffles, the classic Nutella, and lemon curd, the most popular of the sweet crepes. There are also daily soups and salads. The housemade lemon curd is a good dessert option for those who don’t like overly sweet treats. Add organic blueberries to complement the lemon. The Zirottis started serving crepes at the Post Falls restaurant about two years ago, trying to figure out what to offer at the creperie. “The menu was created by basically the palate of the clientele at Fleur de Sel,” said Crase, referring to the location in Post Falls. Most of the items, from the rich creams to the sweet balsamic dressing, are made in-house. Crase noted how the idea of a crepe may seem foreign to some, but it’s more familiar you might think. “All of the burrito bars are popular, and crepes are a French burrito,” Crase says. n Fleur De Sel Artisan Creperie • 909 S. Grand Blvd. • Open Mon-Sat, 8 am-5 pm • 242-3725 •


Wine Grotto has conceived a wide-ranging menu in North Idaho. CARRIE SCOZZARO PHOTO

International Comforts Wine Grotto Cafe brings European-inspired dining to Hayden BY CARRIE SCOZZARO


an Dirk van der Kolk knows how to feed a crowd. Born in Holland, he’s traveled the world, cooking for hotels (Switzerland) and oil rigs (Norwegian sea), owning restaurants (Spain) and feeding such diverse groups as health care workers and the former Queen of the Netherlands, Princess Beatrix. Now he’s brought his international savior faire to Hayden. In addition to baked goods, a deli and to-go

selection of beer and wine, half the space has been converted into a fine-dining area via European-themed décor and subtle lighting. The Wine Grotto Cafe, as it is called, was actually created by former owners Hans and Linda Paul, but had lapsed in recent years. It’s once again open for dinner (reservations recommended) with a European-inspired menu reminiscent of the former Wooden Shoe, which

van der Kolk operated in Post Falls four years ago. For appetizers, try escargot in garlic herbed butter ($12.95), Portobello mushrooms stuffed with sausage and cheese ($9.95) or a meat plate with sliced prosciutto, capicola and salami with port wine-soaked melon balls ($11.95). Entrées are a travelogue of comfort food favorites. From Germany, sauer braten (slow-cooked, marinated beef) and warm red cabbage ($19.95) or wiener schnitzel (ultra thin, breaded and pan-fried cutlet) with decadent potato gratin ($16.95/$17.95). The goulash, a savory stew with paprika and caraway, hails from Hungary ($17.95), while the coq au vin from France combines chicken with mushrooms, wine, garlic, bacon and thyme ($19.95). Chicken marsala offers the fragrant spices of India ($17.95). Elsewhere on the menu, the spaghetti ENTRÉE ($15.95) and meatloaf Get the scoop on local ($14.95) are a nod to food news with our weekly the Pauls, while prime Entrée newsletter. Sign up rib on Friday and Satat urday ($24.75/$27.95) is a restaurant industry tradition. A special occasion might warrant calling ahead for the bouillabaisse ($62), paella ($65) or chateaubriand ($65), all prepared for two. A lighter meal might be French onion soup ($5.50) and salad niçoise ($12.95), although entrée portions are plentiful enough for sharing. n Wine Grotto Cafe at the Hayden Corner Store • 702 E. Prairie Ave., Hayden • Open Tue-Sat, 10 am to 9 pm • facebook/Wine-Grotto-Cafe-in-the-Hayden-CornerStore • 208-762-3123

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Comeback Fight Creed smartly builds on the 40-year legacy of Rocky BY SCOTT RENSHAW


f anything should be painfully clear as we approach the release of a new Star Wars film, it’s how impossible it is to separate a movie from what we bring to it as viewers. The feverish anticipation is part of a 40-yearhistory, and an emotional connection that may be only incidentally connected to whatever J.J. Abrams ends up putting on the screen. William Faulkner’s celebrated quote — “The past is never dead. It’s not even past” — might as well be the marketing slogan for the perpetual reboot/remake cycle of contemporary filmmaking. Creed, coincidentally, also appears this year as the seventh installment in a 40-year-old franchise, and cowriter/director Ryan Coogler brings a fresh concept for revitalizing it. Yet it would be crazy not to acknowledge that much of what works about Creed is built on a larger film-history context. Rocky Balboa’s name may be nowhere to be found in the movie’s title, but it’s his soul that animates the story. In no way is that a slight to Michael B. Jordan, who plays Adonis “Donny” Johnson. We meet the character first as an angry orphaned teen, rescued from the fostercare system by the widow (Phylicia Rashad) of boxing legend Apollo Creed. She has learned that Donny is the illegitimate son of her late husband, and has decided to take responsibility for him — and that unique backstory as a tough kid brought into a life of privilege gives Jordan the opportunity for a terrific performance. Jordan has a


Stallone has just a supporting role in the latest installment of the Rocky franchise. fascinating face on screen, one that can melt in an instant genuinely intimate moment, not like an actor trying to from ferocity into the look of a scared boy, and Coogler get back into a character by reverting to familiar tics. — who directed Jordan in Fruitvale Station — takes advanCreed builds an affecting connection between Adonis and tage of those characteristics to let the actor shine. Rocky — one of them in need of a father figure, the other Coogler also tries to place his own stamp on the Rocky a lonely man looking for his own family ties — but there’s legacy both through his story and his direction, with little question that the connection is as potent as it is uneven results. It’s an unexpected shift from the tradibecause one of those guys is Rocky Balboa. tion of the series’ boxing sequences when Coogler shoots Coogler is savvy enough not to mess with the formuAdonis’ first big fight in one seemingly unbroken take, la of building up to one big showdown with a seemingly giving it an edgy energy that’s perfect for a young fighter invincible opponent, in this case a British champ (real-life still learning on the job. But he also introduces a romantic boxer Tony Bellew) looking for a last big payday before subplot — between Adonis and his neighbor, a hearingheading to prison. He even knows well enough to turn impaired musician (Dear White People’s that fight into a rock-’em sock-’em battle; CREED Tessa Thompson) — that feels about as the next time you see a guy fight defensively perfunctory as a romantic subplot can feel, Rated PG-13 in a Rocky movie will be the first time. Directed by Ryan Coogler the kind of thing that plays more like a But the buzz of familiarity starts long Starring Michael B. Jordan, Sylstudio script note than a relationship that before the fight itself, when we see Rocky vester Stallone, Tessa Thompson shapes Adonis in any way. pass on to Adonis that training technique That’s largely because the truly of chasing a chicken around a yard. Then significant relationship is between Adonis and Rocky comes the moment in the Big Fight’s final round when Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), whom Adonis seeks out in Coogler fires up Bill Conti’s rousing, old-school Rocky Philadelphia to train him when he decides that fighting is theme, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and his destiny. It’s hard to separate the appeal of Stallone’s audience members involuntarily applaud. By the time performance from seeing him return to the introverted, Creed concludes with a walk up the Philadelphia Museum big-hearted Rocky of the original film. When Coogler of Art’s iconic steps, it feels less like a passing of the torch shows him visiting the graves of his beloved wife Adrian than a recognition that torches we all carry for beloved and best friend Paulie, it feels like eavesdropping on a movies never really stop burning. n


Meet the People Who Shaped the Inland Northwest The Good Dinosaur


Donny is an angry orphaned teen, rescued from the foster-care system by the widow (Phylicia Rashad) of boxing legend Apollo Creed from the Rocky series. She has learned that Donny is the illegitimate son of her late husband and has decided to take responsibility for him — and that unique backstory of a tough kid brought into a life of privilege gives Michael B. Jordan the opportunity for a terrific performance. Donny then heads into the ring for a boxing career with help from his trainer, none other than Rocky himself (Sylvester Stallone, of course). (SR) Rated PG-13


This documentary’s premise is probably going to bring you into its curious grasp: a man finds an amputated leg inside of a grill bought at an auction, and then the man to whom that legs belongs becomes an odd sort of celebrity. But as the guy tries to get his leg back through a lawsuit, things get even weirder. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated R


The latest offering from Pixar is this computer-animated story that gives us



an Earth that was never hit by the asteroid that knocked off the dinosaurs, and thus people and the mega lizards live together on the planet. When an Apatosaurus named Arlo is orphaned after his dad dies in an accident, he tries to make his way home and along the way befriends a boy named Spot. (MB) Rated PG



A celebrated screenwriter (Kitty Foyle, Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo) and novelist (Johnny Got His Gun) when the Red Scare machine revved up, Dalton Trumbo was one of the more prominent Hollywood players to be called to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947 to discuss his perfectly legal involvement in the Communist Party. Here, he’s played brilliantly by Bryan Cranston in a story that can be overly theatrical at times. (KJ) Rated R


Actor Ravi Patel was nearing 30 and still single when he decided to let his family help find him a wife in the traditional Indian fashion. So, he took a camera along and documented the process in this comedic documentary about love, culture and family. At Magic Lantern (MB) Rated PG


Black Mass tells the story of notorious Boston gangster Whitey Bulger, played here by Johnny Depp. The cast struggles with their Boston accents and Depp’s performance is lacking in energy, even if there are some menacingly exciting scenes. As a gangster flick it’s OK, but doesn’t do justice to the insanity that was Bulger’s life. (MB) Rated R


Set in 1957, it’s the fact-based story of how Jim Donovan (Tom Hanks) came to be assigned as the public defender for Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance), a Russian spy facing possible execution for espionage. The prosecution and judge want the appearance of a fair trial that holds up America’s ideals during the peak of the Cold War, but they don’t really care about whether it’s actually fair. (SR) Rated PG-13



Gamers will recognize Hitman Agent 47 for the video game series it is based on. Action film fans will see it as the reboot of the 2007 film Hitman, which has a similar structure — a bald white man is a genetically modified killer with superhuman abilities and, in the next 90-ish minutes, there’s lots of action and conspiracy. However, the 2015 reboot is more about that main character, known as Agent 47. (MS) Rated R


In the last installment of the franchise, Katniss Everdeen (the amazing Jennifer Lawrence), doesn’t lead the rebels of District 13 in what everyone hopes will be a definitive assault on the Capitol. Instead, she’s bringing up the rear with the propaganda filmmaking team, making videos that will hope...continued on next page

Pick up Volume One to finish the set

Now on sale at these Inland Northwest retailers! • Atticus

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• Inlander Offices • Hastings (all four locations)

• Sacred Heart Hospital Gift Shop • The Well-Read Moose NOVEMBER 26, 2015 INLANDER 67


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NOW PLAYING fully sway the hearts and minds of the Capitol citizens, who naturally aren’t on the rebels’ side. She’s going to take down President Snow, no matter what it takes. (MJ) PG-13


The first family comedy of the holiday season comes sledding in hot with this extremely creative Christmas story about a dysfunctional family’s holiday reunion. If that scintillating plot isn’t enough to get you interested, Love the Coopers is complete with sassy little children, the classic dinner table scene that results in food being thrown on somebody, and the cutest old couple of all time in Diane Keaton and John Goodman. Despite a solid cast including Olivia Wilde, Amanda Seyfried and Ed Helms, the laughs and good times aren’t enough to pull this film out of the igloo full of stale holiday movies. (MC) Rated PG-13


From the director of epics like Alien, Gladiator and most recently Prometheus comes this chilling, definitive film about survival and the ongoing mission of life on Mars. When a devastating storm forces a NASA crew on Mars to head home, Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is lost in the chaos and presumed dead. But when Watney wakes up, alone and 140 million miles from home, he is faced with a decision; live or die. (MC) Rated PG-13

Searchable by Movie, by Theater, or Time


My All American chronicles the journey of Freddie Steinmark, an undersized defensive back who played his way onto the University of Texas football team in 1969. Already considered an underdog, Freddie was diagnosed with bone cancer above his knee following his legendary effort against the University of Arkansas in what was known the “Game of the Century.” Steinmark’s fight with cancer spurred the passing of the National Cancer Act of 1971, contributing greatly to the beginning of the modern fight against cancer. (MC) Rated PG





Facing the last Christmas Eve before the birth of his first child, Isaac (Seth Rogen) and his buddies Ethan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Chris (Anthony Mackie) take off on a quest to find the best Christmas party in New York City. In a massively surprising twist, The Night Before comes complete with a stoned Rogen, as well as the remnants of a bad-boy JGL from Don Jon. Featuring the mandatory appearance by James Franco, the absurdity bar seems to have been raised a little higher when it comes to holiday laughers. (MC) Rated R





(OUT OF 100)

The Martian


Bridge of Spies




HG: Mockingjay 2





60 55




The Little Red-Haired Girl has just moved into town, and Charlie Brown is simultaneously desperate to impress her, and terrified of actually interacting with her. So he embarks on a series of likely doomed endeavors to prove his worth: entering the school talent show; learning to dance so he can dazzle at a school event; binge-reading War and Peace so he can write the most erudite book report in third-grade history. (SR) Rated G


Julia Roberts reminds us why she is one of the most badass women in Hollywood as Jess, an FBI investigator who finds her daughter’s dead body while answering a call. Thirteen years after the murder, with the help of her old partner Ray (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and their DA supervisor Claire (Nicole Kidman), the three sleuths find a lead that may finally solve the case. Suspense abounds throughout The Secret in Their Eyes, as Jess will go to any lengths to find the man who killed her daughter — and serve up the justice that her daughter deserves. (MC) Rated PG-13


In the immediate aftermath of the events of Skyfall, Bond (Daniel Craig) has gone rogue, chasing hints of a big bad guy around the globe, while back in London, the new M (Ralph Fiennes) is battling with C (Andrew Scott), who is about to launch a new blanket electronic surveillance scheme that will replace the 00 program: something about drone warfare being more efficient than spies with a license to kill. (MJ) Rated PG-13


In 2001, the Boston Globe editor-inchief Marty Baron (Liev Schreiber) asked the paper’s “Spotlight” investigative news team — Walter “Robby” Robinson (Michael Keaton), Mike Rezendes (Mark Ruffalo), Sacha Pfeiffer (Rachel McAdams) and Matt Carroll (Brian d’Arcy James) — to turn their attention to the case of a Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing several children. And as they begin digging — at first reluctantly — into the case, they discover that the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston might be engaging on a mas-



sive scale in hushing up cases of abusive priests. (SR) Rated R


Steve Jobs, written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by Danny Boyle, touches on all these aspects of Jobs’ legacy. Framed as three distinct scenes, it follows Jobs in the minutes before three major product launches: the Macintosh announcement in 1984 that led to his firing from Apple; the introduction of Jobs’s first and only post-Apple project, the NeXT Computer, in 1988; and his triumphant return to Apple with the announcement of the first iMac. (PC) Rated R


Carey Mulligan stars as Maud Watts, a Londoner who was born and raised in a laundry, in 1912 London as the fight for women’s right began to take hold. As a group of women campaign for voting privileges in a movement led by Emmeline Pankhurst (Meryl Streep), a detective tries to undermine and dismantle their efforts. (PC) Rated PG-13

THE 33

It’s based on the real-life incident in which 33 workers at a gold-and-copper mine in Chile’s Atacama Desert were trapped after a massive rock fell and blocked the only exit, inspiring rescue efforts that drew international attention. The improbable circumstances behind their (historical spoiler alert) survival is a natural for cinematic treatment, one that could be inspirational both as an example of resilient faith and as a case study in institutional determination. (SR) Rated PG-13


Based on Naomi Klein’s book of the same title, this documentary goes around the world to take a look at the different faces of climate change, and also some of the factors causing it. Directed by Avi Lewis, This Changes Everything features the personal stories of four different subjects in different spots on the globe who illustrate the filmmaker and authors idea “that we can seize the existential crisis of climate change to transform our failed economic system into something radically better.” At Magic Lantern (MB) Not Rated 


Bryan Cranston as blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo.

Historical Miss

Bryan Cranston does what he can with the flawed Trumbo BY KIMBERLEY JONES


obody ever confused the 1997 Bond Trumbo dutifully clops through what came spoof Austin Powers: International Man before and after the HUAC hearings (though of Mystery with a historically accurate curiously skipping over the writer’s self-imposed portrayal of the swinging ’60s. And yet, in his exile in Mexico with his family) and namechecks first feature film — that groovy-baby, tsunamic famous people with the frequency of a celebrity success — director Jay Roach did catch some of mag. Helen Mirren, as the toady gossip columnist the flavor, the randy fever, of the times: Call it Hedda Hopper, benefits from playing someone history-adjacent. Disappointingly, the same modino longer emblazoned in filmgoers’ brain banks, fier must apply to the more sober-minded Trumbo, while the exceptional character actor Michael Roach’s too-twee and terribly theatrical rendering Stuhlbarg, miscast, paws the ground fruitlessly of the battle that blacklisted screenwriter Dalton trying to make inroads on the more iconic EdTrumbo (Bryan Cranston) fought and — if you ward G. Robinson. Trumbo surely does a public take the long view — finally won. service by reminding folks John TRUMBO A celebrated screenwriter (Kitty Wayne was kind of a jerk, and Rated R Foyle, Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo) and Ronald Reagan a friendly witness Directed by Jay Roach novelist (Johnny Got His Gun) when (yep, the jellybean king was a Starring Bryan Cranston, Diane the Red Scare machine revved up, rat), but that good deed is undone Trumbo was one of the more promi- Lane, Helen Mirren by the film’s ironic decision to nent Hollywood players to be called composite several Hollywood Ten to appear before the House Unwriters into a single made-up guy American Activities Committee in 1947 to discuss (played by Louis C.K. — not his fault). In a movie his perfectly legal involvement in the Communist explicitly about men stripped of their names, it Party. Trumbo declined to cooperate, along with seems exceptionally bad form to do the same in other subpoenaed writers and directors; that first service of narrative expediency. wave of unfriendly witnesses became immortalTrumbo certainly has pep. Theodore Shapiro’s ized as the Hollywood Ten, blacklisted from jazzy score doesn’t just boast a tom-tom — you future work in Hollywood. Trumbo, like so many could choreograph it with pom-poms. Roach does others, was forced to write under pseudonyms get good mileage from the sight gag of Trumbo (rightfully owed the Oscar for Roman Holiday, tapping out screenplays in his bathtub, stiff drink Trumbo was posthumously recognized), and he and cigarette at the ready — a true-to-life writing had a steady gig with the low-rent King brothers tic-turned-bronze monument in Trumbo’s home(John Goodman and Stephen Root), dirty-worded town of Grand Junction, Colorado. I wonder if it bright spots in a film that hoards the best quips has more dimension than this celluloid monufor Cranston. ment? n


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New Fruit Seattle’s Tacocat steps up its game BY BEN SALMON

acocat is tight. The Seattle pop-punk quartet has been a thing for eight years, all the while squeezing into practice spaces, writing songs and making long drives between tour stops together. Even when they’re not being a band, they’re buds — they hang out, goof off, have fun. Bassist Bree McKenna, drummer Lelah Maupin and guitarist Eric Randall actually live together in a place affectionately known as the Spruce House. (Tacocat’s fourth member is vocalist Emily Nokes.) Which is why it’s no surprise that a conversation with McKenna and Maupin takes many twists and turns, with one starting a thought and the other finishing it — and vice versa — with startling regularity. “When you get a new crop of songs, you can’t wait to play ’em live,” says Maupin. “And then you play them, like, a hundred times and you’re like, ‘OK, anything else.’” Here, McKenna jumps in: “And then you’re like, ‘I want to play a new crop and I want my new crop to be a different kind of fruit!’” To be fair, Tacocat has always been a different kind of fruit. When the band started, it was an anomaly on the Seattle scene: a lady-powered band that played bouncy pop songs with punk-rock ’tude. Now, Tacocat is part of a wave of talented and like-minded bands (regardless of genre), including Chastity Belt, La Luz, THEESatisfaction, Childbirth and more that are on their way up. “When we started, there weren’t a lot of women, and everyone basically thought pop-punk was horrible and dead and stupid,” Maupin says with a laugh. “But it’s not. It’s awesome.” Indeed, Tacocat’s most recent fulllength album — 2014’s NVM — is an unabashed good time. Its 13 tracks bop ...continued on next page



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by in under a half-hour, a candy-colored blur of indie-pop and cuddly punk, yes, but also surfrock, girl-group harmonies, perfectly buzzy guitars, cascading cymbal crashes and lyrics about skeevy dudes, shitty public transit and menstruation. (If you’ve not heard “Crimson Wave,” do so today. It must be the catchiest and cleverest tune ever penned about periods.) The world took note of NVM, whose name is a 21st century update of Nirvana’s breakthrough album. SPIN magazine called it one of 2014’s most overlooked albums. Legendary rock critic Greil Marcus ranked it as his favorite album of the year in The Believer. In March 2014, NVM reached the Top 10 of CMJ magazine’s college radio chart. All of which brings us to where Tacocat is today: “Trying to force our band into being a lucrative small business,” McKenna says. The quartet is ramping up to a spring release of their new record, which has no title or release date yet, at least publicly, but McKenna and Maupin are stoked to talk about it nonetheless. “We’re really, really excited,” McKenna says. “I think we all can agree it’s the best thing we’ve artistically done.” The new album was produced by Erik Blood, a Seattle musician and producer best known for his work with hip-hop acts like Shabazz Palaces and the aforementioned THEESatisfaction. Blood’s established aesthetic tends to be duskier and more brooding than Tacocat’s previous work. “Almost everything qualifies as darker than NVM,” McKenna says. “It’s very sunny, which we love. We all have a really strong sense of humor

30 Gif t Col lection Showcase


and we love silly songs and stuff. We were just trying to do something a little bit different. I guess the goal was to just keep progressing.” Says Maupin: “It happened really naturally, and when we heard the final produce, we were like, ‘Wow, we really changed!’ But it still sounds like us. I think we just wanted to challenge ourselves. We don’t need to make NVM again.” After digging deeper, it seems like Tacocat is growing up a bit. McKenna and Maupin talk about the band’s shifting perspective on songwriting; the quartet is spending more time examining great songs, dissecting their structures, paying attention to chord progressions and how lyrics work. Maupin and Randall worked hard to learn Taylor Swift songs for a Taylor Swift cover band, and Maupin is convinced that doing so expanded her skills and inclinations behind the drum kit. It’s all coming together: A desire to do something different musically. The decision to work with Blood. A push to turn a part-time band into a full-time career. Good tires on the van heading into a winter tour of the vast, mountainous West (with a first stop in Spokane). Add it all up, and you find yourself at an exciting and maybe a little bit scary point in Tacocat’s arc. “It’s almost like writing your college thesis,” McKenna says. “It’s like, ‘OK, I’ve learned all this stuff and I’ve got all this information, and now I’m going to spit it back out at you.” n Tacocat and Sallie Ford • Mon, Nov 30, at 8 pm • $12/$14 day of • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174

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Mootsy’s continues to be the place where people can celebrate Thanksgiving through music




ehind its mustard-yellow door, the tired and alone… and the thirsty gather here. Which is why it’s understandable that Mootsy’s has always been open for Thanksgiving — at least in the nine years since Daniel Sanchez has owned the 20-year-old watering hole. But with local singer-songwriter Tyler Aker’s help, the holiday often defined by family gatherings has come to mean something more. Three years ago, Aker, who had just moved back to Spokane from Seattle, played a solo Thanksgiving set at Mootsy’s that attracted all sorts of people: Those glad for a respite from family, as well as people without a family to celebrate with. It was also the night his alt-rock band Pine League formed. Last year, the band’s Thanksgiving show nearly packed out the bar. The happy, spirited crowd letting loose to loud music almost made the place feel like a house show. For local music fan Robert Manchester, the show has become a Thanksgiving tradition. “It’s sort of a thing where you hang out with your family all day and you get fat, and then you show up at Mootsy’s and listen to good music,” Manchester says. “We’re just hanging out and drinking cheap drinks and saying ‘Hi’ to friends. It’s the friend part of Thanksgiving.” Aker is comfortable at Mootsy’s, which is why he was drawn to play here. It’s one of the first places he let his gravelly singing voice ring

out for a crowd. As an only child, he says his Thanksgivings are pretty quiet. With this show, it’s the opposite. “I’ll be dancing with everyone in the crowd,” Aker explains. “There will probably be the occasional roll on the ground. I also have a mask that turns me into a Mexican wrestler. I have a feeling this show will be crazy.” Sanchez notes he opens the doors to his bar around 2 pm. Most years, somehow, a turkey with all of the fixings appears. “You really can’t manufacture what we do here,” says Sanchez, whose family doesn’t live in the area. “We just rock Thanksgiving every year. That sense of community — it’s not something you can create.” The important thing is to know your limits. Aker admits that eating so much food and then rallying to go out and play a show all in one day is tough. Last year he barely made it. “My advice is to just take it slow,” Aker says.  Erin Fasbender, a longtime Mootsy’s bartender, has recently been diagnosed with cancer. The show’s door charge will benefit her. Pine League with the Smokes, Ampersand and friends • Thu, Nov. 26, at 9 pm • $3/donations • 21+ • Mootsy’s • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570





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hen Allen Stone came through Spokane last fall, he was still tinkering with his latest album, Radius, perfecting the songs. But don’t take that attention to detail to mean that the Chewelah native was covering up all the humanity with slick studio tricks and Auto-Tuned vocals. As Stone told the Inlander at the time, “I think technology has taken a grip of our culture; it’s taken away the humanity. I don’t like that. I fall back to that earlier music in the ’60s and ’70s, the music that isn’t computer-based.” The real, soulful voice of Stone comes through the tracks of Radius, and even more so in his live shows, where he assured us what the fans hear coming from the stage is all live, real playing and singing, no backing tracks or laptops allowed. — DAN NAILEN Allen Stone with Bernhoft, My Brothers and I • Wed, Dec. 2, at 8 pm • $22.50 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 244-3279


Wednesday, 11/25


J J The BArTLeTT, Songwriter showcase feat. Feral Anthem, Grant Cole, Hope Hines eIChArDT’S, Charley Packard GeNo’S TrADITIoNAL FooD & ALeS, Open Mic with T & T The JACKSoN ST., DJ Dave The LANTerN TAP houSe, DJ Lydell LeFTBANK WINe BAr, Wyatt Wood LITz’S BAr & GrILL, Nick Grow LuCKy’S IrISh PuB, DJ D3VIN3 The PALoMINo, Thanksgiving Throwdown J PINNACLe NorThWeST, DJ Freaky Fred The rIDLer PIANo BAr, Jam with Steve Ridler SouLFuL SouPS & SPIrITS, Open mic The roADhouSe, Sammy Eubanks zoLA, The Bossame

Thursday, 11/26

Coeur D’ALeNe CASINo, PJ Destiny J MooTSyS, Pine League with the Smokes, Ampersand and friends (see story on page 73)

Friday, 11/27

ArBor CreST WINe CeLLArS, Fireside Music Series: Jordan Whitlock J The BArTLeTT, Christopher Paul Stelling, Bart Budwig BeverLy’S, Robert Vaughn J THE BIG DIPPER, Winter in June, Divides, Wake Up Flora, Matthew Winters BoLo’S, Chris Rieser and The Nerve J BuCer’S CoFFeehouSe PuB, Emilyann Pool The CeLLAr, Coldiron & French CurLey’S, Slow Burn FIzzIe MuLLIGANS, YESTERDAYSCAKE The FLAMe, DJ Big Mike & DJ Sassy GooDTyMeS BAr & GrILL, DJ



mong the three best-known musical collectives fronted by Maynard James Keenan, Puscifer is certainly the most experimental of the lot, and that’s saying something considering the lengths both Tool and A Perfect Circle have gone to avoid anything straightforward or mainstream in their various recordings and live shows. Keenan has called Puscifer the outlet for his subconscious, and when you buy that ticket and take that ride, expect the unexpected. At times, he’ll lead you to something beautiful and grand; at others, to places utterly disturbing and creepy. The songs on the new Puscifer album Money Shot actually lean toward the pretty, thanks to the interplay between Keenan and covocalist Carina Round. She’s part of the touring band on this fall run coming to Spokane, as is Ministry legend Paul Barker, so expect an aggressive, industrial edge to the proceedings. — DAN NAILEN Puscifer with Luchafer • Sun, Nov. 29, at 8 pm • $45 • Allages • INB Performing Arts Center • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • • 279-7000

WesOne hANDLeBArS, Nightshift THE HIVE, Sweatshop Union IroN horSe BAr, Phoenix J KNITTING FACTory, All That Remains, Devour the Day, Sons of Texas, Audiotopsy NorTherN QueST CASINo, DJ Ramsin PeND D’oreILLe WINery, Old Sap reD LIoN hoTeL rIver INN, Gladhammer Classic Rock Band The rIDLer PIANo BAr, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler SeASoNS oF Coeur D’ALeNe, GRE3NE/Ron Greene ShoT GLASS BAr & GrILL, Sammy Eubanks vIKING BAr & GrILL, Stepbrothers zoLA, Uppercut

Saturday, 11/28

J J The BArTLeTT, The Round No. 13 feat. Bob Riggs, N. Sherman, Ruth Henrickson, Fitz and Jon Deviny BeverLy’S, Robert Vaughn J J THE BIG DIPPER, Amnija and Minds Decay CD release show with The Dead Ones, Naked under the Bus BoLo’S, Chris Rieser and The Nerve J BuCer’S CoFFeehouSe PuB, Samuel Dickison J CALyPSoS CoFFee & CreAMery, Jimmy Walker The CeLLAr, Coldiron & French J ChAPS, Just Plain Darin CheCKerBoArD BAr, El Pelican CurLey’S, Slow Burn FIzzIe MuLLIGANS, YESTERDAYSCAKE The FLAMe, DJ Big Mike & DJ Sassy GooDTyMeS BAr & GrILL, DJ

WesOne hANDLeBArS, Nightshift hoGFISh, Moralcrux, Dead Sea Squirrel, Bird Fight IroN horSe BAr, Phoenix The JACKSoN ST., DJ Dave JoNeS rADIATor, Matthew Lindley with Buffalo Jones LA roSA CLuB, Open Jam The LArIAT INN, Texas Twisters LooN LAKe SALooN, Six-Strings n’ Pearls J NorTherN QueST CASINo, The Commodores, DJ Ramsin oFF reGAL LouNGe, Donnie Emerson & Nancy Sophia The PALoMINo, DJ Funk PeND D’oreILLe WINery, Truck Mills J J PINNACLe NorThWeST, Light Up the Sky reD LIoN hoTeL rIver INN, Gladhammer Classic Rock Band The rIDLer PIANo BAr, Dueling

Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler J The ShoP, Doug and El SPoKANe vALLey eAGLeS, Sammy Eubanks vIKING BAr & GrILL, Banish the Echo zoLA, Uppercut

Sunday, 11/29

Coeur D’ALeNe CASINo, Kosh DALey’S CheAP ShoTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church hoGFISh, Open Jam J INB PerForMING ArTS CeNTer, Puscifer (see story above) with Luchafer The PALoMINo, Echo Elysium J PINNACLe NorThWeST, Sirens, The Fine Constant, Phijor zoLA, Soulful Max Trio

Monday, 11/30

J BABy BAr, Lysol, Validation,

Sumerians J J THE BARTLETT, Tacocat (see story on page 71) and Sallie Ford J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills J INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, Alex Boye LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Monday Night Spotlight feat. Carey Brazil


Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

J J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Cancer Bats, Jedediah the Pilot, Cold Blooded, I Hate This City RED ROOM LOUNGE, Open Mic with MJ The In-Human Beatbox ZOLA, Fusbol

Tuesday, 12/01

315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub BROOKLYN DELI & LOUNGE, Open Mic J CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, B-Sharp Music Studio Performing FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of Open-ness KELLY’S IRISH PUB, Arvid Lundin &

Deep Roots J KNITTING FACTORY, Kamelot and Dragonforce SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List

Wednesday, 12/02 J THE BIG DIPPER, That One Guy EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES, Open Mic with T & T THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave JONES RADIATOR, Nate Greenburg J J KNITTING FACTORY, Allen Stone (see story on facing page), Bernhoft, My Brothers and I THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE, DJ Lydell LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Joe Nichols’ Country Christmas J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, DJ Freaky Fred POOLE’S PUBLIC HOUSE, Sammy Eubanks acoustic THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Jam with Steve Ridler SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic ZOLA, The Bossame

Coming Up ...

SPOKANE TRANSIT PLAZA, Kori Ailene, Dec. 4, 5-6:30 pm ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Fireside Music Series: Ron Greene, Dec. 4, 5:30-7:30 pm J J THE BIG DIPPER, Raw Fabrics, the Bight, Boat Race Weekend, Dec. 4, 7:30 pm

JONES RADIATOR, Now the Hot, Dec. 4, 8 pm J THE BARTLETT, David Wax Museum, Dec. 4, 9 pm NASHVILLE NORTH, Jeremy McComb Christmas Extravaganza feat. Rick Huckaby and guests, Dec. 5, 6 pm J THE BIG DIPPER, Sessionz Smooth Jazz feat. Heather Simmons, Dec. 5, 7:30 pm JONES RADIATOR, The Jesus Rehab, Dec. 5, 8 pm JOHN’S ALLEY, Klozd Sirkut, Dec. 5, 9 pm ZOLA, The Long Brothers, Dec. 6 J KNITTING FACTORY, Collie Buddz, Hirie, King Skellee, EpiK, Dec. 6, 7 pm J PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Hangman’s Joke, All But Lost, Dec. 6, 7:30 pm J J KNITTING FACTORY, Phantogram, HIBOU, Dec. 9, 8 pm J THE BIG DIPPER, Black Sabbitch, Dec. 10, 7:30 pm J J THE BARTLETT, The English Beat, Dec. 10, 8 pm THE PALOMINO, White Wonderland EDM Show, Dec. 11 ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Fireside Music Series: Karrie O’Neill, Dec. 11, 5:30-7:30 pm CHECKERBOARD BAR, Jazz Night, Dec. 11, 7 pm KNITTING FACTORY, The Winter Meltdown feat. Level Ground, Montana Montana Montana, Lou Era, Young West, Dyve, Sdot, Young Neves, Kosh and more, Dec. 11, 7 pm

. e c Ave Pacifi n, Spokan W 1 3 o i 19 Addit 73 e’s 3-19 Brown 509-36





J J THE BARTLETT, Bartlett Christmas Special feat. Cathedral Pearls, Friends of Mine, Loomer, Perenne and more, Dec. 11, 8 pm J J THE BIG DIPPER, Ugly Sweater holiday party feat. Down North, Blackwater Prophet, Bullets or Balloons, Dec. 12, 7:30 pm J THE BARTLETT, Beat Connection, Dec. 12, 8 pm J J KNITTING FACTORY, Della Mae, Mipso, Dec. 12, 8 pm NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Celebrate the Holidays with John Tesh, Dec. 13, 7:30 pm J J INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, [DATE CHANGE] Death Cab for Cutie, Dec. 15, 7:30 pm ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Fireside Music Series: Evan Denlinger, Dec. 17, 5:30-7:30 pm REPUBLIC BREWING CO., Rabbit Wilde, Dec. 17, 7 pm J J KNITTING FACTORY, Lil Dicky feat. Bonaphied, Bezzel, Neves, Artistic, All Day Trey, Dec. 17, 8 pm THE HIVE, The Lil’ Smokies, Dec. 18 J KNITTING FACTORY, Blue Christmas “A Blues Show” feat. Sammy Eubanks, Dec. 19, 8 pm J THE BIG DIPPER, Tricks of Light CD Release Party, Dec. 22, 7 pm J BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen, Thursdays at 8 pm BUCKHORN INN, The Spokane River Band, Thursdays at 8 pm COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, PJ Destiny, Thursdays, from 9 pm-1 am

2727 S South Mt Vernon Hil #5 509-4 l Spokan e 73-97 6 6

t. amilton S 1414 N H Spokane th or N -9087 509-368

This tribute to the big game features: ground beef from Toppenish, WA topped with Cougar Gold cheddar cheese from WSU in Pullman, grilled Granny Smith apples from Wenatchee and Yakima red onions. Served on a toasted Alpine Bakery bun with mayo and accompanied by a cup of Columbia Gorge lentil soup.

- Available november 27th - december 3rd Burger Bun - Spokane Burger - Twisp Cheese - Pullman

Apples - Wenatchee Lentil Soup - Palouse m

MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BIG BARN BREWING • 16004 N. Applewood Ln, Mead • 238-2489 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS • 3890 N. Schreiber Way, CdA • 208-664-2336 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • (208) 773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 THE FOXHOLE• 829 E. Boone • 315-5327 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent, Spokane Valley • 309-3715 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 THE JACKSON ST. • 2436 N. Astor • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN RAIL PUB • 5209 N. Market • 487-4269 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 THE PALOMINO • 6425 N Lidgerwood St • 443-5213 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 PINNACLE NORTHWEST • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SULLIVAN SCOREBOARD • 205 N Sullivan Rd • 891-0880 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 TAMARACK • 912 W Sprague • 315-4846 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416



You can hear the sleigh bells a-slaying as the Trans-Siberian Orchestra rocks into Spokane once again. Keeping the ’80s alive better than Guns N’ Roses and Whitesnake combined, TSO has perfected the epic power-metal sounds that resonate with Christmas cheer, bringing joy to holiday rockers year after year. The group’s popular album The Ghosts of Christmas Eve is the feature of their current tour. The tracks follow a young runaway who breaks into an old vaudeville theater, where she encounters ghostly visions from the venue’s past. — MAX CARTER Trans-Siberian Orchestra: The Ghosts of Christmas Eve • Fri, Nov. 27, at 8 pm • $33.50-$65 • Spokane Arena • 720 W. Mallon •


Submit events online at or email relevant details to We need the details one week prior to our publication date.




The Great American Trailer Park Christmas Musical • Nov. 27-Dec. 20: Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm • $24-$27 • The Modern Theater CdA • 1320 E. Garden Ave., CdA •

Carla Peperzak • Wed, Dec. 2, at 6:30 pm • $15 suggested donation • Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture • 2316 W. First • • 456-3931

The quirky cast of redneck characters from The Great American Trailer Park Musical, performed in spring 2014 at the Lake City Playhouse, are returning to the Modern Theater’s stage, but this time with a Christmas twist. Join Betty, Lin and Pickles as they navigate new neighbors and the trailer-park Scrooge. The musical comedy boasts a touch of risqué humor, a whole lot of laughs, upbeat music and a lighthearted holiday spirit. The characters convey relatable rednecks we can laugh along with — they’re not too far from the cast of crazy characters around our own Christmas dinner tables. — MAKAYLA WAMBOLDT

Spokane’s 91-year-old Carla Olman Peperzak is not your average great-grandmother. She’s a Holocaust survivor, serving as a Dutch resistance officer during World War II, and will share that story next week at the MAC. Peperzak helped hide dozens of Amsterdam’s Jewish residents from the Germans during the war. She also forged identification papers and assisted in publishing a newsletter of Allied Forces activities. The telling of her story is coupled with a screening of With My Own Eyes, a documentary featuring other Northwest Holocaust survivors. — QUINN WESTERN


For three decades, the folks of Ganesh Himal Trading, a Spokane-based wholesale company that imports goods from cottage industries in Nepal, have hosted an annual Fair Trade Festival to kick off the holiday season. Setting up shop inside the progressive Community Building in downtown Spokane, the festival offers sustainable, fairly traded products from around the world — handmade bags, accessories, jewelry, clothing and other goods — that Ganesh Himal (the name refers to a sub-range of the Himalayas) typically ships to retailers around the U.S. and Canada. The 31st annual festival lets locals jump-start holiday shopping while supporting a good cause. — CHEY SCOTT 2015 Festival of Fair Trade • Fri, Nov. 27 to Sun, Nov. 29, from 9 am-5 pm each day • Community Building • 35 W. Main • festivaloffairtrade


America’s Got Talent’s million-dollar prize winners, Richard and Nicholas Olate, are bringing their adorable canine act to Spokane. The duo’s daring, dancing dogs may put your own pup’s tricks to shame. Jumping rope on their hind legs, backflipping on demand, creating a canine conga line — the Olate dogs (many were rescued, upping the aww-factor of the act) put on quite the show. Richard began training dogs at the age of 12 in South America; son Nicholas followed suit. The two have been traveling as a family-friendly performance troupe for years now. Join the Olates and their 11 dogs for a fast-paced night filled with high-flying comedy, acrobatics, fur and music. — KAILEE HAONG The Olate Dogs • Thu, Dec. 3, at 7 pm • $22-$77 • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague • • 227-7638

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2015 - 7:30 PM INB Performing Arts Center

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FESTIVAL OF TREES The Kootenai Health Foundation’s 28th annual benefit features 40 Christmas trees and displays on display and then sold in an auction to help fund needed services at Kootenai Health. Nov. 27-30. Ticket prices for events vary. The Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second. (208-265-4438) SANTA CLAWS FOR PETS & PEOPLE Washington Basset Rescue’s holiday fundraiser, with Santa photos, adoptable animals, local vendors/businesses on site, raffles, silent auctions and more. Proceeds benefit local animal rescue groups. Nov. 29, 12-4 pm. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. on.fb. me/1OTHncE (509-477-1766) BOOKED FOR THE EVENING Includes a silent auction with rare and out-of-print

books, as well as a few less literary items, coupled with books. Complimentary wine and hors-d’oeuvres served. Dec. 3, 6-8 pm. $20. Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center, 405 N. William St. FATHER CHRISTMAS PHOTO FUNDRAISER Big Barn Brewing hosts Higher Ground Animal Sanctuary’s Santa photo fundraiser, also featuring a raffle, hot cocoa, beer, chili, live music and more. Dec. 4-7, from noon-7 pm. (No pets.) By donation. Big Barn Brewing Co., 16004 N. Applewood Ln. JINGLE BELL RUN This annual event is a fundraiser run for the Arthritis Foundation, with holiday-themed costumes strongly encouraged. $35/person; kids’ 1K run with the Elves is free without a Tshirt. Dec. 5, 9 am. $35/person. Riverfront Park.






I SAW YOU HUCKLEBERYHONEY I saw you in that white Tahoe you looked like a angel a queen on top of the world. Beauty so rare like the huckleberry. I saw you win huckleberryprincess in Thomson Falls and you won my heart forever and then forever again I miss you. Just in case you forgot I would turn around just to say you're beautiful. BURLINGTON COAT FACTORY I saw you on 11-19 at Burlington Coat Factory, while I was Christmas shopping with my mom. First off I must say, seeing you shopping with your daughter really made my day! I must have seen you in that store for hours going back and forth to and from the dressing room. You stopped and asked me for some advice on what clothes would be best and what the styles were these days. You looked so lost but never frustrated. If you ever needed a shopping buddy to help you pick out some things for your daughter, shoot me an email burlingtoncoatgirl@ PS. I wasnt sure if the fact you were shopping alone means your single or not, but thats email is also good for coffee. :) AFTER THE STORM ON N. DIVISION We were on N. Division creeping in traffic around 11 am. You were the handsome guy in the white Jeep with the beard and the great smile. I was the girl in pink in the red Jeep Patriot. We couldn't keep our eyes off each other between Mission and Indiana! Wanted to say Hi and see

if we could grab some coffee. If you remember me leave me contact info here so we can get together. Just address me as Pinky in the Red Jeep.

CHEERS THANKS INLANDER AND COMMUNITY The 20th anniversary of the Fall Folk Festival included two great days of music, dance, and arts thanks to sponsors like the Inlander. Thanks to Wanda Tashoff at the Inlander for all the publicity ideas. Kudos to all the performers, volunteers and community supports that made this such a special year. What talented folks we have in the Inland Northwest. Plan to join us next November! CHEERS TO THE MCDONALD'S EMPLOYEES! This Cheers is for all the McD's employees working so hard to keep everyone happy. You joked, reassured and tried to keep everyone's spirits up the morning after Nov. 17's bad windstorm. Thank you for warming my heart as well as my coffee. COFFEE LINE CHEERS Cheers to the 15-to-20-deep customers waiting in line at the Rocket Bakery on Howard the morning after the record setting windstorm power outage. They were patient and polite, and seemingly grateful that two employees woke up early from their cold and powerless homes to keep their customers happy. THANKS FOR THE HI-VIS VEST! To the dude in the white work truck as I was directing traffic at Highway 2 & Farwell on Tuesday when the lights were out: You handed me a Hi-Vis vest as you drove past, making it a whole lot easier for folks to see me as it got darker. I wanted to say thank you! You rock! BETTER THAN TOP GUN We flew back into Spokane on one of the last flights approved to land on Tuesday night. The wind at the airport- minutes before we landed registered at 71 mph. A shout out to the pilot on flight #2072 from Phoenix to Spokane. Southwest Airlines should commend you for a job well done. Everyone on the plane applauded loudly as you guided us to a soft landing. I wish I knew your name as I would love for you to know how much we all appreciated your professionalism and expertise. HELLO BATMAN Every day, every minute

I am thinking of you and the loving life we could share together. More weeks at Loon Lake in our favorite cabin, Luby Bay, drives to Montana in a snow storm. I would even consider another night at Bennett Bay if it meant being with you. Step back and take a look at the last 5 years and ask yourself if 5 more of the same are worth the unhappiness. I love you. Batgirl


POWER 2 PART Cheers to the linemen working hard to restore power. Jeers to the city for their precedence on who gets power. There is power for a basketball

peared off shelves by Wednesday & not one city agency offering ANY overnight 'warming center' for thousands without power? Why were library/school 'warming centers' only open a few hours, closing at sunset when temperatures started to drop? While the news outlets were praising Avista workers as if they were returning soldiers from war, Avista gave no advice at all to homeowners early

Cheers to the linemen working hard to restore power. Jeers to the city for their precedence on who gets power.

MEDICAL LAKE HEROES Just want to give a shout out to some very helpful and caring people in Medical Lake. With all the chaos of the wind storm, power outages and trees lost last week. There are some very caring people in this world. Stan the Postmaster visited some older residences bringing mail and making sure they were ok. Living in Spokane and not knowing what roads are open or closed it was very satisfying to know that Stan cared. During the clean up this weekend Scott the City Manager managed to get another trailer for tree debris, this helped my father and I out so we could get the yard totally cleaned before the snow sometime this week. I really appreciated Ken across the street who was willing to help my parents at anytime. There is something to be said about living in a small community, glad I went to school there, keep up the great support Medical Lake, your past residences appreciate it.

JEERS THIEF To the jerk who stole my darts out of King's bar and grill. Just so you know, you got about $30 worth of darts and accessories, which you probably threw away when you realized there really wasn't anything valuable in the case. I

SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”


hope karma finds you and brings to you tenfold. You see, my wife bought me those darts and because of our very busy schedule, that practically the only thing we are able to do together. I hope you feel proud of yourself! You are an as#!!!

— POWER 2 PART game at GU, however 2 blocks away on Superior the elderly in the assisted care center are sitting in the cold and dark all alone. Most of them are unable to just cross town to a friend or family home. Think of that tonight as you watch your game in the heated comfort of your home. They sit waiting alone in the cold, and dark. WINDSTORM 2015 JEERS TO... ...the many self-centered, thoughtless and haughty citizens in a community crisis who: 1) shove patient others aside in the checkout at the only open Safeway; 2) block the left lane on Division for a quarter-mile to get to a car wash; 3) ride bikes or walk pets on darkened streets without any reflective gear; 4) break into unlit homes to support drug habits or just to be a##oles, and 5) speed maniacally through residential intersections, then smash into my mother's car so she ends up in a local ER. On the positive side: CHEERS to the many wonderful people looking in on others and helping neighbors and families, and HUGE KUDOS to our law enforcement, fire department, school employees, and the hundreds of utility workers toiling to get our power restored.

on until pressed to do so, dodged all questions as unanswerable & annoying, refusing to say whether power would be gone for hours or weeks. Only answering their 'Media' phone line, but not the 800-number for customers over the weekend. Giving out misleading timelines & inaccurate maps of how many actually lost power. Really, Avista, each icon showing '5 or less' on street in total darkness? Are you kidding me?! Big fat Jeers for this epic failure. So very disappointed in our City. 


WINDSTORM FAILURES Generators, propane stoves, propane tanks disap-

NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.

EVENTS | CALENDAR MOBIUS SANTA BREAKFAST The Children’s Museum’s annual holiday fundraiser invites families to spend a morning with Santa over breakfast, with holiday festivities and more. This event sells out each year. Dec. 5, 9-11 am. $25/person. Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post St. (321-7121)


STAND-UP OPEN MIC Local comedians; see weekly schedule online. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. AFTER DARK A adult-rated version of the Blue Door’s monthly, Friday show; last Friday of the month, at 10 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) BEFORE IT’S IN THEATERS The Blue Door players get creative with a themed improv show. Fridays in November, at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third. (838-6688) SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. (747-7045) STAND-UP OPEN MIC Mondays; sign-up at 9:30 pm, show at 10 pm. Ages 21+. No

cover. The Foxhole, 829 E. Boone. TRIVIA + OPEN MIC COMEDY Trivia starts at 8 pm; stick around for open mic comedy afterward. Tuesdays, from 8-10 pm. Free. Checkerboard Bar, 1716 E. Sprague Ave. FIRST THURSDAY COMEDY Laugh out loud with live standup comedy the first Thursday of every month in Impulse Nightclub. Each edition of the show features funny local folks from around the region. $10. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd. WHOSE LINE IS IT? IMPROV GAMES At this fast-paced workshop, there is no script and we’ll play a variety of warmups and improv games. Comfortable clothes, shoes, and a water bottle are suggested. Register online. Dec. 3, 6-8 pm. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Parkway.


FREE STA RIDES ON BLACK FRIDAY Spokane Transit Authority offers free bus rides on all routes on Friday, Nov. 27. Annually, the organization provides one free fare day, and hopes by complimentary rides help ease the stress of driving and parking on one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Nov. 26, midnight. Free. (509-325-6091) JOURNEY TO THE NORTH POLE Daily, 40-minute evening cruises on Lake Coeur

d’Alene offer views of the Resort’s annual Holiday Lights Show, and includes a visit to Santa’s Workshop. Through Jan. 3, departing nightly at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 pm. $6/ages 6-12; free/ages 5 and under; $19.75/seniors (55+); $20.75/adults. CdA Resort, 115 S. Second. SANTA EXPRESS The 22nd annual holiday store offers items at allowancefriendly prices (50 cents to $8) for area children (ages 4-12) to purchase for their friends and family, with proceeds supporting the mission of the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery. Nov. 23-Dec. 23. Mon-Fri, from 11 am-8 pm; Sat, from 10 am-8 pm; Sun, from 11 am-6 pm. At 707 W. Main (skywalk level). THANKS FOR THE WALK SpokAnimal’s 8th annual gathering of pets and owners to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday. Coffee and treats available for purchase, with a 1-3 mile stroll around the park with your well-behaved dogs. $10 suggested donation per family. Nov. 26, 9 am. High Bridge Park, Riverside Ave. and A St. (509-534-8133) THE FESTIVAL OF FAIR TRADE The 31st annual Festival of Fair Trade helps support Spokane’s local economy as well as communities in need across the globe. Features sweatshop-free handcrafts, clothing, jewelry and pottery from Nepal, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala and other far corners of the world. Nov. 27-29, from 9 am-5 pm. Community Building, 35 W. Main. (448-6561)

SANDPOINT TREE LIGHTING The community is invited to attend Sandpoint’s annual Christmas tree lighting and a visit from St. Nick, from 5:30-7 pm. Also enjoy holiday carolers, cookies and hot cider. Trees are lit through New Year’s Day. Nov. 27. Sandpoint. KELLOGG CHRISTMAS LIGHTING FESTIVAL The city of Kellogg hosts its annual kickoff to the holidays, with a fireworks show, night parade, craft show, tree lighting, Santa photos and more. Nov. 28, events from 10 am-7 pm throughout the town. Downtown Kellogg, Idaho; details at PICS WITH SANTA Write your letter to the North Pole, visit Santa and get photos with your family. Pets welcome. Also includes a clothing drive for local teens in the foster program. Nov. 28-29, from 11 am-3 pm. $20. Creative Catch Studio, 1804 E. Sprague. (879-3262) SANTA & HIS REINDEER Live reindeer are on site daily from Nov. 28-Dec. 23, and Santa visits on Saturdays, Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 12 and 19, from 10 am-4 pm. Ritter’s Garden & Gift, 10120 N. Division St. (467-5258) SHOP LOCAL PULLMAN The first ever shop local holiday store features homebased businesses, products and gift ideas. Open Nov. 28, from 12-4 pm and Dec. 5, from 12-6 pm. Located in an empty storefront at 246 E. Main St. facebook. com/PullmanChamber (509-334-3565) SQUARE DANCING Square dancing fun

and fellowship. The public is welcome to join us to view the entertainment, food and fellowship. Nov. 28, 7-10 pm. $5. Western Dance Center, 1901 N. Sullivan Rd. GLOBAL CLIMATE RALLY An organized march with a marching band, electric car and bike rally, street performers and more. Meet at the Rotary Fountain. Nov. 29, 1-2:30 pm. Free. Riverfront Park, 705 N. Howard St. OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING The event includes games for all ages, puppet show, a live Nativity scene and caroling at 4 pm followed by refreshments. Donations of toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, disinfectant wipes and baby wipes are also being collected for Hearth Homes. Nov. 29, 3-5:30 pm. Free. Spokane Valley United Methodist, 115 N. Raymond Rd. CHRISTMAS TREE ELEGANCE Spokane Symphony Associates’ annual fundraiser features 18 decorated trees on display to be raffled off (tickets are $1 each). See 12 trees at the Davenport Hotel mezzanine and six trees on the second floor of River Park Square, Dec. 1-13. Free to view trees. PAJAMA STORYTIME Hear local authors Thom Caraway, Kelly Milner Halls, Shann Ray Ferch, Sharma Shields and Maya Zeller read their favorite picture books at a special storytime. Dec. 1, 7-8 pm. Free. North Spokane Library, 44 E. Hawthorne Rd. (893-8350)



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Advice Goddess SWeePinG BeAuty

My new boyfriend is messy. He drops his socks, underwear, and clothing on the floor by the bed. He’s not lazy or entitled, just a spacehead. It’s no big deal for me to pick this stuff up, as I feel like I’m showing him love by caretaking. However, he says his ex said she didn’t mind, either, and then was screaming about his socks eight months later. Is that my future? —Worried


It was so much easier when we only wore fig leaves and you could just rake next to the bed. To be human is to be annoying to some other human. Like by doing that weird clicking thing with your tongue or always leaving the kitchen cabinets ajar (very helpful for any dishes prone to claustrophobia). At first, such behaviors can seem oddly endearing — as does a new boyfriend’s abandoning his socks instead of making that harrowing 62.5-inch trek to the hamper. In time, however, a woman can start having some less-thanconstructive ideas. You know, little things, like nailing his socks and underwear to the floor or perhaps lying in wait for him to drop something and then spraying him with a water bottle like a cat on the counter. But as your boyfriend’s letting his socks fall to the bedroom rug like snow, do you think he’s all “Ha, I’ll show her!” — or more “Pillow, here I come!”? The air bag against resenting him is love — not love as a mere feeling but love as an activity, an action you choose to take. Assuming your guy’s basically a good person who loves you, try to behave as if you haven’t forgotten that you love him. Even when you hate him a little. Unfortunately, change is hard. Behaviors become habits, and the personality traits that contribute to them are biologically driven. However, psychologist Art Markman explains that we can structure our environment to help us reshape our behavior. In “Smart Change,” he advises building a reminder to do a desired behavior into your environment in a way that it can’t be avoided. Upon repeating a new behavior about 20 times, you create the beginnings of a new habit. In your situation, this could even be fun. Each night for a few weeks, leave a sheet of paper with a different message on his pillow, maybe starting with a Magic Markered smiling cartoon hamper saying, “Feed meeee!” (One night, you could even tuck the hamper in under the covers.) Should you fail to amuse him out of his laundry-leaving ways, try to maintain perspective. Consider the idiocy of some people who say they’ll do “anything” for love: move, quit, give up the British throne (sadly, a moot point for most of us). Their stance only changes once they have love — at which point “anything” involves stopping just short of picking up a small fabric item from the rug.

Minnie Mouth

I contributed to the ruin of my marriage with my big mouth, constantly sharing our intimate details with my girlfriends. Well, my wonderful new boyfriend is a pretty private person and has asked that I not share this stuff with my chick circle, and I’ve agreed. However, my friends have gotten used to living vicariously through my drama, and they aren’t liking my new tight-lipped approach. They even seem resentful, like I don’t trust them anymore. —New Boundaries Him: “I think I have psoriasis on my penis.” You, picking up your phone to text: “Ohh…that’s terr--…can you spell that for me?” Yes, I’ve heard — privacy is supposedly dead (buried in a shallow grave with a dial-up modem somewhere in Jersey). And yes, many people treat it that way. However, though the private details of our lives — our thoughts, emotions, and closed-door doings — aren’t things you can hold (like your “Hooked on Phonics” coffee mug), they are our possessions just like the physical objects we own. In an 1890 Harvard Law Review article, Louis Brandeis and Samuel Warren explain that privacy is a natural human right that comes out of our right to be left alone. Basically, unless you’re a public figure or you’ve done some bad thing that affects the public, the information about your life belongs to you. Gently inform your girl posse that the info cookie jar is now closed. Explain that this has nothing to do with them and everything to do with your boyfriend’s right to pick the privacy settings on his life. And no, the fact that you and he are in situations together doesn’t change that. He’s agreed to share his life with you, not your friends, your Twitter followers, and three cranky federal agents in the “Heating and Cooling” van outside his house. n ©2015, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (


EVENTS | CALENDAR WEE MAC EXPLORATION SESSIONS The MAC revives its pre-K museum educational exploration sessions, with activities to foster exploration and social development in prep for Kindergarten. Kids and a parent will engage in art activities and viewing, discover walks, songs, story time and more. Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 am. For kids ages 4-5. $5/two people. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. (456-3931) HOMEWORK HELP WITH THE ZAGS Need help with your writing homework, or homework in general? Stop by Spark Center from 3:30-5:30 pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays to get guidance from Gonzaga students. Program runs through Dec. 17. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. STORYTIME & ART AT SPARK A story time for toddlers and pre-schoolers. Parents and guardians are invited to sit with their little ones for an interactive story time that incorporates song, movement, and puppets. An optional art activity will follow stories. Wednesdays, from 9:30-10:15 am, through Dec. 16. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. TREE OF LIGHTS & REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY Community members are invited to attend the ceremony paying tribute to loved ones who have passed through music, readings and special ornaments bearing the names of loved ones. The Tree of Lights remains lit within the library throughout the holiday season for community viewing. Dec. 2, 5:30 pm. No cost. Colfax Library, 102 S. Main. (332-4414) COLFAX WINTERFEST Includes a visit from Santa, the Festival of Trees, extended retail hours, regional vendors, a lighted parade at 6 pm and fireworks. Dec. 3. Colfax. (397-3712) HOLIDAYS AT THE HEARTH The community is invited to join staff and clients served by local nonprofit Women’s Hearth for an afternoon of sugar cookie decorating, carol singing and more. RSVP requested to Dec. 3, 4:30-6:30 pm. Women’s Hearth, 920 W. Second. (343-5091) THE OLATE DOGS A show featuring the Season 7 winners of “America’s Got Talent.” Dec. 3, 7 pm. $22-$77. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. WINTER BLESSING: TRIBAL CULTURAL EVENT An event embracing traditions both ancient and contemporary, and open to all. Cultural Affairs Director Quanah Matheson offers a Winter Blessing story and prayer, followed by traditional music and dancing, complimentary frybread and huckleberry jam and a fireworks show at 8 pm. Dec. 3, 6-10 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Casino, 37914 S Hwy 95. ART OF FASHION DEDICATION An event to dedicate and celebrate the newly remodeled “Shirley J. Phipps Vintage Fashion Collection” housed by the Woman’s Club. Includes live jazz, holiday and operatic music, wine, a silent auction and vintage fashions on display. Donations and proceeds benefits the collection’s preservation and storage. Dec. 4, 5-9 pm. No cost to attend. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth.


PAN 12-year-old Peter finds himself whisked away from a London orphan-

age to the fantastical world of Neverland in this origin story of the famous character. Nov. 25-29, show times vary. $4-$7. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. (208-255-7801) FADE TO WINTER The latest film from Matchstick Productions muses on the changing of the seasons and the return of the winter sports peak. Nov. 27, 7 pm. TBA. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. THE TERMINATOR: COMEDY EDITION Spokane’s up-and-coming comedians are at it again with another screening of a classic movie that could use some poking fun at. Nov. 28, 7 pm. $12. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. (534-5805) STAGE TO SCREEN: HAMLET A screening of the National Theatre’s production of Shakespeare’s great tragedy with Academy Award nominee Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead role. Nov. 29, 2 pm. $10. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. CODE-CRACKING WITH CUMBERBATCH Join us for a night of fun and film as we learn how to write and crack some old-fashioned codes (and jokes), and then watch “The Imitation Game” starring Benedict Cumberbatch on our big screen. Ages 21+ only (alcohol will be served). Dec. 1, 6:30-9 pm. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Parkway. TOTALLY TUBULAR TUESDAY HOLIDAY EDITION In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the Garland hosts screenings of holiday classics during the “Totally Tubular Tuesday” special. Dec. 1, Jingle All the Way; Dec. 8, A Christmas Story; Dec. 15, The Polar Express; Dec. 22, Elf. All shows at 7 pm; $2.50 tickets. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. (509-327-1050) BRIDGE OF SPIES During the Cold War, the Soviet Union captures U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers after shooting down his U-2 spy plane. Sentenced to 10 years in prison, Powers’ only hope is New York lawyer James Donovan, recruited by a CIA operative to negotiate his release. Rated R. Dec. 3-6, show times vary. $3-$6. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) RIFFTRAX LIVE: SANTA AND THE ICE CREAM BUNNY The former stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000 aim their trademark funny commentary at this long-lost holiday film. Dec. 3 and Dec. 14-15, at Regal Cinemas Riverstone (CdA) and Dec. 3 and Dec. 15 Regal Cinemas Northtown. Regal Cinemas, 4750 N. Division. (509-482-0209)

SMALL BITES FOR HOLIDAY NIGHTS Learn to make tantalizing appetizers to enjoy with your holiday guests, like Bruschetta, roasted baby red potato canapés with crème fraîche, plus tomato and spinach pizzettes. Dec. 4, 6-8 pm. $49/person. Inland Northwest Culinary Academy (INCA), 1810 N. Greene. (533-8141)


TURKEY TROT The annual fun run on Thanksgiving morning, hosted by the Bloomsday Road Runners Club, collects money and food for Second Harvest Food Bank. Race starts at 9 am, with 2-, 3- or 5-mile routes. Includes prizes, coffee, cider. Nov. 26, 8:45-10:30 am. Free. Manito Park, 1800 S. Grand. (868-6433) SILVER MOUNTAIN PLANNED OPENING Pending some white stuff on the ground, Silver has set aside this day as its scheduled opening for the 201516 season. Nov. 27. Silver Mountain Ski Resort, 610 Bunker Ave. WHITE FRIDAY Stay tuned to local ski reports to see if there’s enough white stuff for the season to kick off. (Scheduled opening day is Dec. 5.) Nov. 27. Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park, 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. mtspokane. com (509-238-2220)

FREE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER The local restaurant hosts its fifth annual free community Thanksgiving dinner, open to all. Nov. 26, 11 am-4 pm. Free. Fedora Pub & Grille, 1726 W. Kathleen Ave. (208-765-8888) TASTEFUL THURSDAYS Weekly events feature live music and seasonal product samples from local and regional producers. Thursdays, from 5-7 pm, through Dec. 18 (except Thanksgiving Day). Free. Moscow Food Co-op, 121 E. 5th. NO-LI BREWHOUSE TOURS See what goes on behind the scenes and how NoLi’s beer is made. Fridays at 4:30 pm. Free. No-Li Brewhouse, 1003 E. Trent Ave. (242-2739)


TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA The band performs “The Ghosts of Christmas Eve” and other top favorites. Nov. 27, 8 pm. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon. (279-7000) SHOOK TWINS The Sandpoint-native twins return home for the holidays to perform a concert with special guests Josh Hedlund and John Craigie. Nov. 28. $15/$20. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. (208-255-7801) EWU ORCHESTRA EWU’s student orchestra explores works written for string ensemble, including Handel, Eller, Mozart and Sibelius in a concert led by conductors Dr. Jeremy Briggs Roberts and Svetlana Kalpakchi. In the EWU Music Building recital hall. Dec. 2, 7:30-9 pm. $3-$5. EWU, 526 Fifth, Cheney. (359-4211) COEUR D’ALENE SYMPHONY: REALM OF ICE & SNOW A winter concert program featuring Symphony No. 1 (Winter) Tchaikovsky, Russian Christmas Music, Reed, Holiday Pops and more Dec. 3-4 at 7:30 pm. $10-$27. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. (208-667-1865) SPOKANE SYMPHONY: THE NUTCRACKER The Symphony performs the classic score of the ballet live, as the nationally-acclaimed Santa Barbarabased State Street Ballet and more than 75 local children dance to Tchaikovsky’s beloved score. Dec. 3-5 at 7:30 pm, Dec. 5-6 at 2 pm. $12.50-$75. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague. PEPPER QUARTET HOLIDAY SHOW The award-winning a cappella quartet performs “Add a little Pepper to your Christmas,” with special guests Amore, Wishcraft, Off the Clock and the Mukogawa Women’s Ensemble. Dec. 4 at 7 pm, Dec. 5 at 2 pm. $10/adult; $5/ child; $25/family (2 adults, 2 kids). Holy Names Music Center, 3910 W. Custer Dr. (953-1231)






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BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at

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Turkey Time High Weed-infused recipes in time for Thanksgiving BY AZARIA PODPLESKY


ell, it’s that time of year again: Time to figure out how to answer the same questions from distant relatives about your career and relationship status a dozen different ways without losing your mind. While we can’t help you avoid noisy family members, we can help take the edge off with these weedinfused Thanksgiving dishes. These recipes may not be appropriate for a family dinner (unless your family is super chill), but they would fit right in at Friendsgiving. Here’s a simple stuffing recipe from the Stoner’s Cookbook.

You’ll need: 5 cups rye bread crumbs 2½ tablespoons poultry seasoning ½ cup raisins ½ cup almonds ½ cup celery ⅓ cup chopped onions 1 clove of garlic (optional) 3 tablespoons cannabutter, melted ½ cup cannabis bud 2 tablespoons red wine To make, simply mix the ingredients together and stuff into your bird of choice. ...continued on next page



ZONE “TURKEY TIME HIGH,” CONTINUED... And because it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie, here’s a recipe for Cannabis Pumpkin Pie, also from the Stoner’s Cookbook. You’ll need: ¼ cup cannabutter 2 eggs, beaten

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¼ cup sweetened condensed milk 1 teaspoon molasses 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ cup light brown sugar 1 (16-ounce) can pumpkin 1 (9-inch) unbaked pie crust

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Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. In a small saucepan, melt the cannabutter over low heat. 3. In a large bowl, combine the milk, eggs, molasses, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, brown sugar and pumpkin and mix well. Add the cannabutter to the mixture and stir to combine. Pour the mixture into the pie crust and bake for 50 minutes. The pie is ready when the filling has settled. n

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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

EVENTS | CALENDAR SPOKANE CHIEFS VS. TRI-CITY Regular season hockey match. Nov. 28, 7:05 pm. $10-$22. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon. SPOKANE CHIEFS VS. EVERETT Regular season hockey match. Nov. 29, 7:05 pm. $10-$22. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon. CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING BASICS Learn how to get started with crosscountry skiing, and learn about the differences between backcountry, telemarking and touring ski styles. Dec. 3, 7-8:30 pm. Free. REI, 1125 N. Monroe. (328-9900)



This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children.

WHITE CHRISTMAS Based on the timeless film starring Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. Nov. 20-Dec. 19, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $22-$30. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. THE WILD PARTY Based on Joseph Moncure March’s 1928 narrative poem of the same name, Queenie and Burrs decide to throw the party to end all parties. Nov. 6-29, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $23-$27. The Modern Theater Spokane, 174 S. Howard. (509-455-7529) CHRISTMAS WITH FRIENDS Ellen Travolta’s annual holiday show, featuring Jack Bannon, Mark Cotter and Laura Sable and directed by Roger Welch. Nov. 27-Dec. 20, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 5 pm. $27.50. Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second. THE GREAT AMERICAN TRAILER PARK CHRISTMAS MUSICAL A musical comedy set in the Armadillo Acres trailer park. But when a freak bout of amnesia strikes the trailer park Scrooge, neighborly love is put to the test. Nov. 27-Dec. 20, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $24-$27. Modern Theater CdA, 1320 E. Garden Ave. (208-667-1323) THE WIZARD OF OZ Join Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, the Cowardly Lion and Toto as they travel the universe of Dorothy’s imagination. Nov. 27-Dec. 20, Fri at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 2 pm. $12/adult; $8/age 12 and under. Spokane Children’s Theatre, 2727 N. Madelia. A CHRISTMAS CAROL Idaho Repertory Theatre and UI Theatre Arts present the Charles Dickens story. Dec. 3-13, Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm (no show on Fri, Dec. 11). $5-$15; free/ UI students. University of Idaho Hartung Theater, 6th & Stadium Way. bit. ly/1NeLYWL (208-885-6465) A CHRISTMAS STORY: THE MUSICAL The classic Christmas movie comes to life in a staged musical performance. Dec. 3-5 at 7:30 pm, also Dec. 5 at 2 pm and Dec. 6 at 1 pm and 6:30 pm. $32.50-$72.50. INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (509-279-7000) THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF DON QUIXOTE An old man who has lost his senses reading too many chivalric romances imagines himself a knight by the name of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Dec. 3, 5 and 10-11 at 7:30 pm, also Dec. 5 and 12 at 2 pm. $5-$10. Wadleigh Theatre at Daggy Hall, College Ave. MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET StageWest Community Theatre’s readers theater production based on the radio

play from December 1948. Dec. 4-13; Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 3 pm. Dinner theater ($30) only on Dec. 12, at 6 pm. $5-$12. Emmanuel Lutheran, 639 Elm St., Cheney. (235-2441)


NATURE CONNECTS: LEGO BRICK SCULPTURES The MAC displays 27 giant sculptures created from LEGO bricks, created by nationally-renowned artist Sean Kenney, the first artist to be named a LEGO Certified Professional. Through Feb. 7, 2016. Gallery hours Wed-Sun, 10 am-5 pm. Museum admission applies. The MAC, 2316 W. First. ORNAMENTS & SMALL WORKS HOLIDAY SHOW The annual holiday show kicks off the holiday season, featuring dozens of local artists’ work on display. Nov. 27, 10 am-5 pm and Nov. 28, 10 am-4 pm. Free. Spokane Art School, 809 W. Garland Ave. (325-3001) SPOKANE SOCIAL SKETCH Spend an afternoon drawing, sketching, collaborating, and socializing with other creatives. Social Sketch happens every last Sunday of the month, from 2-5 pm, and is open to all (and any skill level). Bring your art supplies. Free. Boots Bakery & Lounge, 24 W. Main Ave. SMALL ARTWORKS INVITATIONAL The Art Spirit’s 17th annual show featuring original pieces by local artists, all constrained to the dimensions of less than 12 inches. Dec. 4-Jan. 2; opening reception Dec. 4, from 5-8 pm. Gallery hours Tue-Sat, 11 am-6 pm. Art Spirit Gallery, 415 Sherman Ave. (208-765-6006)


MY BUDDHIST CHRISTMAS Local author Jeremy Phillips shares stories from his book “My Buddhist Christmas” which was published in August. Dec. 1, 6 pm. Free. Indian Trail Library, 4909 W. Barnes Rd. (444-5331) BROKEN MIC Spokane Poetry Slam’s longest-running, weekly open mic reading series, open to all readers and all-ages. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. CARLA PEPERZAK The 91-year-old Spokane resident shares her amazing story as a wartime Dutch Resistance operative and Holocaust survivor. Dec. 2, 6:30 pm. $15 suggested donation. The MAC, 2316 W. First. (456-3931)


TRI-LINGUAL THANKSGIVING MASS Presented in Vietnamese, Spanish and English. All are welcome to attend. Nov. 26, 10 am. St. Joseph’s Church, 1503 W. Deave Ave. (328-4841) SPOKANE MOVES TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION The local activist group meets on the first Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 pm. All are welcome. Donations accepted. Liberty Park Methodist, 1526 E. 11th. (844-1776) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Apply machine learning to practical problems involving real-world data, starting with a brief overview of the field and some theoretical background. Dec. 2, 6-8 pm. Free. Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Parkway. n


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ACROSS 1. Word in many Spanish place names 4. First name in crime fiction 10. It may be cruel 14. Hardly 100% 15. Rubik’s Cubes & troll dolls, once 16. Turning point 17. Novelist Tolstoy 18. William Penn, to Pennsylvania 19. Dial competitor 20. Akira Kurosawa or Ichiro Suzuki, e.g.? 23. Where things may be heating up 24. 60 minuti 25. Miracle-____ 28. Beech house? 29. Purplish shade commonly found in Oslo? 33. It’s a wrap in “Slumdog Millionaire” 34. Greek ____ 35. What Jaden Smith saw when his

dad was visibly upset? 39. Trap at a ski lodge, say 41. Its letters are aptly found in consecutive order in the name of Broadway’s Eugene O’Neill Theatre 42. Really fearful Egyptian snake? 45. Pop group with a backward “B” in its name 49. Schumer or Shaheen: Abbr. 50. Opposite of ‘neath 51. Direction indicator 52. Traditional pre-Christmas activity ... and what’s affected 20-, 29-, 35- and 42-Across 56. “Brandenburg Concertos” composer 59. Wrestler-turned-actor ____ “The Rock” Johnson 60. Memphis-to-Nashville dir. 61. Cookie in cookies-and-cream

ice cream 62. Tribal emblems 63. “Down with thee!” 64. Gucci contemporary 65. Burdens 66. “Oh yeah? ____ who?!” DOWN 1. “Get Low” rapper 2. Take ____ of absence 3. Calculus calculations 4. Chorus from the pews 5. Rubberneck 6. 2015 y 2016, por ejemplo 7. Fork part 8. Upper part of a barn 9. Capital of Eritrea 10. Throw for a loop 11. Firefighter’s tool 12. 1999 Frank McCourt memoir 13. Contractor’s fig.


21. Bug in “A Bug’s Life” 22. Puts away for future use 25. It soars over shores 26. Elvis’ label 27. Ref. with about 22,000 pages

29. Power ____ 30. “Either he goes ____ go!” 31. Lisa of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” 32. Close one

33. 12th grader ANSW WEEK’S 35. Withdraw by degrees I SAW ERS ON 36. Apt. feature, in the YOUS classifieds 37. Some fridges 38. “Doo ____ (That Thing)” (#1 hit for Lauryn Hill) 39. Mensa figs. 40. Pool player’s stick 43. Must 44. Gradually appealed to 45. Outfielder’s asset 46. Bill Clinton’s famous answer to an intimate question posed in 1994 47. Clyde’s partner 48. “Dang!” 51. Make ____ of things 52. Sif’s husband in myth 53. Duo with the 2003 hit “All the Things She Said” 54. Jim Beam and others 55. “By the power vested ____ ...” 56. Gymgoer’s pride 57. NPR’s Shapiro 58. Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer, beginning in 2012


Derek Mobley preps onions for Union Gospel Mission’s food service that feeds 5,000 every week. Mobley worked in the kitchen while getting clean. Now he’s the boss.

‘Ain’t No Soup Kitchen’ Derek Mobley’s ministry of cooking



obley aims to serve meals rivaling those served at the upscale eateries he once worked at, offering up fresh frittatas with bacon and a blend of cheeses, beef stroganoff, chicken parmesan velouté with cheese grits, and spaghetti and meatballs with a sauce cooked from scratch that’s simmered all day. “This ain’t no soup kitchen,” says Mobley, whose résumé includes stints cooking at the Davenport Hotel’s


came from a predominantly black neighborhood, so I was like, ‘Oh no, this is the wrong place.’” He called his friend who had recommended the program, saying he wanted to leave. His response: “Don’t leave; God has something for your here. Christians have no color.”


BY JAKE THOMAS t the kitchen at Union Gospel Mission, apron-clad workers scurry in and out of walk-in refrigerators. They chop vegetables. They chop meat. They roll dough into crescent shapes. Over the din of a radio, a worker asks Derek Mobley, the kitchen supervisor for Union Gospel Mission’s food services, about the stock for today’s soup that will feed hundreds of people. “Turkey rice!” booms Mobley, confirming the type of soup that’ll be served. “Wonderful!” his voice echoes through the kitchen as he notices that another worker is cutting steak. “He has found steak! Alright, beef stew tonight!” Every week, Mobley oversees the planning and preparation of 5,000 meals offered by UGM to anyone who wants one. It’s an offer usually taken up by homeless people, or those who just need another meal to make it through the week.


Safari Room and the Spokane Country Club. “What I tell the [diners] is, I am your personal chef. You tell me exactly how you feel about the meal, you know what I’m saying? I’m here to serve. … I’m here to cook for you guys.” That’s because he almost was one of those guys. Mobley, 52, came to the UGM from Vallejo, California, seeking one more chance to kick the drug and alcohol habit he’s struggled with most of his life. For Mobley, this kitchen is where he found himself and a home. But it didn’t always feel that way. Early in adulthood, he joined the Army hoping to straighten himself out. But while stationed in Germany, he discovered hashish and local beers. Back home in California, he used cocaine and continued to drink before completing a recovery program. He took a job in the oil fields near Colusa, California, where he worked 12-hour days, sometimes seven days a week. On days off, he was flush with money and surrounded by thirsty co-workers whose thoughts were far from sobriety. He got into old habits and his life unraveled. A friend and mentor recommended he make a big change and move to Spokane to enter UGM’s faith-based recovery program. “I came here and walked in and everything was white,” recalls Mobley of his first impressions. “And I

hile in the 18-month recovery program, he rediscovered his love for cooking, something he learned from his grandmother, who taught him to remember the taste of seasonings, and he worked in the kitchen while getting clean. That led to a job at the Davenport Hotel’s Safari Room and later another job at the Spokane Country Club. “There’s alcohol; there’s parties,” he recalls of working in restaurants while staying sober. “There’s young kids that can drink and can work, and go home and come back the next day. When you go out in that world, you have to be resilient; you have to be in prayer; you have to be steadfast in who you are. I can’t [go out and drink] because it turns me into the Hulk.” With continued support from UGM, he stayed sober. Two years ago, he was offered more money at the Spokane Country Club (which was facing a lawsuit that eventually would bankrupt it), but when a job supervising the UGM kitchen came up, he took it. “It wasn’t about the pay,” he says. “I knew I wanted to be here and give back, and to work on my ministry of cooking and speaking about Jesus and encouraging [others].” Dave Wall, UGM director of community engagement, says that despite his initial misgivings, Mobley fits right in. Wall says that as the boss, Mobley has a close rapport with the crew. That’s because, says Wall, “He’s serving the men he once was like.” n


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