Inlander 7/23/2015

Page 1


How to prepare for when the “big one” hits PAGE 8


From local librarian to rising literary star PAGE 29

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2 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

INSIDE JULY 23-29, 2015 | VOL. 22, NO. 40


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52 54 56 58 60 61 62

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Do zero-tolerance drug policies at rave festivals actually make the problem worse? PAGES 18

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How a longtime pizza shop owner and a brewer on hiatus gave birth to Bennidito’s Brewpub PAGE 35


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4 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015



J. Jeremy McGregor (x224) GENERAL MANAGER

EDITORIAL Jacob H. Fries (x261) EDITOR

Mike Bookey (x279) CULTURE EDITOR Chris Bovey (x248) ART DIRECTOR Laura Johnson (x250)

JILL MILTON I think I like the Steam Plant Grill building with the towers — the stacks. Why do you like it? Because I live in Cheney, so every time I come down the freeway into Spokane I see it, and lately they’ve been having it lit up with different colors, and I think it’s really cool.


Chey Scott (x225) LISTINGS EDITOR Michael Mahoney


Young Kwak


Caleb Walsh


Amy Alkon, Jordy Byrd, Robert Herold, E.J. Iannelli, Hilary Korabik, Mariah McKay, Scott Renshaw, Carrie Scozzaro, Franny Wright CONTRIBUTORS

Katy Burge, Erin Robinson, Matthew Salzano

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Lael Henterly (x282), Dan Nailen (x239), Mitch Ryals (x237), Jake Thomas (x249), Daniel Walters (x263)

! s l a i c e p July S

Probably Auntie’s, the bookstore. That’s just a classic, the design of it and everything. It’s cozy, it’s warm and the oak finish in there is just beautiful. Do you go there often? I do. I look in the historical section for used books that are out of print, and it’s a good place to go have a cup of coffee and read a book!

T PAYMEN S OPTION E BLFacebook for more information! Visit usAon AVAIL




The old Masonic Lodge. Why do you like it? I did a play there once. It’s pretty old!

Bruce Deming (x217), Carolyn Padgham-Walker (x214), Emily Walden (x260)


Autumn Adrian (x251), Bonnie Amstutz (x212), Gail Golden (x236), Janet Pier (x235), Wanda Tashoff (x222) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES

Kristina Elverum (x223) MARKETING DIRECTOR Denise Brewer (x216) MEDIA COORDINATOR Brynn Schauer (x247) EVENTS COORDINATOR Gilbert Sandoval (x242) SALES DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR


HARRY DANIELS-SCHATZ Oh my God, that’s a hard question! I would say my favorite building would be the Davenport. Why’s that? Because of the historical significance of it. That’s a lot of history about Spokane. Just walking through it, you can look at all the pictures and learn about the history of Spokane from it.

TRACY NEWMAN I love the Fox, just because of its historical value to Spokane. It’s kind of plain on the outside, and the inside is just magnificent. So it’s like a diamond in the rough.

PRODUCTION Wayne Hunt (x232) PRODUCTION MANAGER Alissia Blackwood Mead (x228), Derrick King (x238), Jessie Spaccia (x205), Tom Stover (x265) GRAPHIC DESIGNERS


JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 5

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Who Do You Trust? Republicans are howling about the Iran nuclear treaty, but after a century of bad advice, should we even listen?



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6 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015



one other than Republican Sen. Rand Paul stated that, on the foreign policy front, his party hasn’t been right about anything for the past 20 years. My only quibble is that the GOP hasn’t been on the smart side of a foreign affairs issue for at least a century. Here are a few lowlights: Republicans scuttled Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations, assuring the further isolation of Germany, thus hastening the rise of Adolf Hitler, who appealed to German nationalism. Then, Republican isolationists voted against Franklin Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease program, which saved the British Isles from German invaders in the early part of World War II. Republicans made hay out of Mao’s takeover of China — the “Who lost China?” charge would have an impact on national politics for decades. Lyndon Johnson escalated the war in Vietnam because he didn’t want Republicans to accuse him of “losing Vietnam,” as they were still accusing his party of “losing China.” In 1947 came the infamous 80th Congress — the first Republican-controlled Congress since 1933, playing to what historian Richard Hofstadter insightfully termed “the paranoid style of American politics.” That Congress gave America the House Un-American Activities Committee, which set the stage for Joe McCarthy, who never outed a single Communist but managed to decimate the Southeast Asia desk at the State Department. That would come back to haunt America a decade later in Vietnam. Republicans denounced the prospect of armistice in Korea and fawned over Douglas MacArthur, whose mantra was “There’s no substitute for victory.” To the contrary, the president and the entire military establishment took the position that the insubordinate MacArthur would bring us into “the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Republicans denounced Truman for firing MacArthur. Then Dwight Eisenhower, also a general, was elected president and signed off on much the same armistice deal that Truman had negotiated. Yes, there’s plenty of blame to go around when it comes to Vietnam, but the seeds of disaster were sown when Eisenhower stuck with the French, who wanted their colony back. But just as important was National Security Council memorandum #68, a little-known document written in 1950 under the direction of Paul Nitze for the National Security Council. Nitze took George Kennan’s existing “containment” strategy and transformed it from reliance on diplomacy to reliance on the rapidly forming “Military-Industrial Complex.” NSC 68 assumed a world dominated by monolithic communism, which led us to embrace the domino theory. President Obama has worked for more than six years to return the United States to Kennan’s vision; Secretary of

State John Kerry’s Iran nuclear treaty is the latest application of Kennan’s approach. Nixon opened relations with China, but only over the objections of his own party. Post-Watergate, with continued Republican opposition and Nixon gone, the hard work of normalizing relations fell to Jimmy Carter. Iraq? Well, Dubya’s WMDs turned out to be phony, as was his claim about “yellowcake,” as was his assertion that we were doing this to bring democracy to the Middle East. Moreover, the Bush occupation was managed by ignoramuses who didn’t know the Middle East from the Midwest — think of Hurricane Katrina and “Heckuva job, Brownie” and you get the idea. There were lots of Brownies in Baghdad, led by Paul Bremer, who disbanded the military, privatized public services, welcomed American profiteers and marginalized Sunnis, thus setting the stage for ISIS. More recently, the Republicans voted down the United Nations treaty that would take the Americans With Disabilities Act and expand it worldwide — a treaty supported by 155 nations and by former Republican senators Bob Dole and Richard Lugar and current Sen. John McCain. But our troglodyte Republicans bought into the arguments of America’s chief climatechange denier, Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe, who stated: “I do not support the cumbersome regulations and potentially overzealous international organizations with anti-American biases that infringe upon American society.”


ow comes yet another international and vitally important matter — the nuclear treaty with Iran. Once again, the isolationist, paranoid wing of the Republican Party is up in arms. International negotiations and compromises? Who needs that? On cue, Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Alabama), proposed a bill — “The American Sovereignty Restoration Act” — that would take the U.S out of the UN. In right-wing Republican circles, the more things seem to change, the more they actually don’t. Diplomacy is always better than suspicion, brinksmanship and war. As Winston Churchill put it, “Jaw-jaw is always better than war-war.” Somehow, Obama must convince both House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, along with few other Republicans, of the wisdom of Churchill’s statement. The president’s diplomacy, à la George Kennan, has actually produced results that neither sanctions nor bombing would. Not when more “jaw-jaw” holds the long-term answers.


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The Trumpenstein Monster BY TED S. McGREGOR JR.

S�ap Free


ommentators have been having a field day with Donald Trump. He’s good for at least one fresh controversy a day, along with one shocking insult per week. He’s been called Archie Bunker on a bad-hair day, Lord Voldemort if he was born in Queens and Frankenstein’s monster reborn. I’m kind of feeling the last one, especially when you consider some of the words that Frankenstein author Mary Shelley put in her monster’s mouth: “You are my creator, but I am your master; OBEY!” (“Hey Republican Party,” you can almost hear The Donald saying between the lines of his improvised stump speeches, “I’m in charge now. Oh yeah, and YOU’RE WELCOME!”) The politics of the past half-century have, indeed, created the force of nature that is Donald Trump. Politics that reward the outrageous, the simpleminded and that always fall back on what’s the most macho are perfectly manipulated by Trump’s media savvy. You could also say that Roger Ailes, the visionary behind FOX News, is the Dr. Frankenstein in this scenario. He has practiced the dark science of elections since working for Nixon, mixing wedge issues and well-tested Pavlovian responses to the point where they’ve been implanted in the American consciousness. Ailes’ animating spells seem to make Trump impervious to normal attacks. In fact, some polls show he’s the front-runner to be the Republican nominee. It will be interesting to see how FOX News treats its creation. In Shelley’s novel, the monster only wants to do Dr. Frankenstein’s will and is confused when his creator is horrified by what he made. Then the monster destroys everything Dr. Frankenstein holds dear. It’s no bedtime story. So will Ailes and the FOX team be pleased to watch Trump roam the lands, wreaking havoc on the GOP brand? Or will they get out the pitchforks? Republican plans for 2016 are already way off script. Too many candidates, again, are a problem. And in a time when the GOP needs to moderate to attract voters, Trump is sucking up all the oxygen with his media stunts. To get any attention at all, the rest of the Republican field may be forced to outcrazy the master. And debate season is still two weeks away. Sure, it’s unlikely that the GOP would ever nominate Donald Trump to carry its banner. But it may not matter. Trump is independently wealthy (to the tune of about $4 billion) and seemingly untroubled by sacrificing his empire. (“The Apprentice is canceled? Who cares!”) “Independent” is the key word, as Trump — in a move that could make Ross Perot look like Abraham Lincoln — may decide to launch and fund a third-party candidacy. And the monster can keep tormenting his creator.


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JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 7

COMMENT | DISASTERS With prolonged electric blackouts, water sanitation and delivery, as well as routine fire control, could be severely curtailed. Keeping potable water on reserve, along with water filtration equipment and chemicals, is a must. Imagine our telecommunications systems ceasing to function due to demand overload and possible damaged infrastructure. A battery-powered or hand-cranked radio

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Beware, Be Ready


Simple, sensible precautions can make all the difference when “the big one” hits BY MARIAH MCKAY


ast week, an exceptionally well-written essay in the New Yorker titled “The Really Big One” renewed popular attention in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a 700-mile coastal stretch from Vancouver, B.C., to northern California that is prone to infrequent, but potentially catastrophic, earthquakes. Geologists tell us there is a one-in-10 chance that such a “megathrust” quake could take place in the next 50 years. “The one thing I can say for sure,” says Gerry Bozarth with Greater Spokane Emergency Management, “is that it would change all of our lives for the

rest of our lives.” Here in the Inland Northwest, we have a double incentive to get serious about disaster preparedness. Not only do we have a responsibility to plan for our own health and safety during such a tragedy, we must become more ready to handle the influx of refugees that will follow if our sibling cities to the west are brought to their knees. With scientists uncovering this threat in just the past few decades and our region’s relatively “disasterresistant” past, our readiness as a population is unacceptably low. Fortunately, simple precautions we can take now could mean the difference between survival and a world of hurt.

is an essential survival tool and makes a great birthday or Christmas gift. You can also sign up for targeted alerts by registering your contact information at alertspokane. org. Basic preparedness does not have to break the bank: 25 pounds of rice is just $8 at Costco, and WinCo’s bulk food department offers prepackaged survival kits that are convenient if you are unable to make your own. The more dependents and physical, mental or material vulnerabilities you have, the more urgent it is for you to get prepared now. Discuss a series of concrete “if/then” scenarios with your family and friends, both locally and in other parts of the country. Know when you plan to stay in place, versus attempting to relocate to areas where hospitals will be less overwhelmed. As the major metropolitan staging area for the response to the worst potential disaster in our nation’s history, I’d feel more comfortable if Spokane declared a municipal holiday every few years, where our entire city could undergo disaster response training and take part in preparedness efforts. Or at least invest more than we do now in popular education and outreach. Many readiness activities have health, security and environmental benefits for our lives in advance of a catastrophe. You can turn over your survival food stash on your annual end-of-summer hiking trip, and have more than one reason to always make sure your bike is in good working order. When the big one hits, let’s make sure we are all still culturally near enough to nature to survive it. Mariah McKay is a fourth-generation daughter of Spokane and a community organizer campaigning for racial, social and economic justice. She has worked in biotech and government and currently serves as a public health advocate.

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Reactions to a story (7/16/15) on Airway Heights Mayor Patrick Rushing, who refuses to step down after the City Council asked him to resign, in light of a racist post Rushing made on his Facebook page.

VIRGINIA RHODES KORN: If you can’t be independent and represent all of the people, then you don’t deserve to represent the people in office. And, once again, free speech means you can say what you want and the government won’t put you in jail for it. It does not mean that, when you spout racist or misogynistic comments, people aren’t going to call you names, or stop patronizing your business, or stop buying your products, or find a way to get you out of office because you are insulting the voters and embarrassing the community. You work for the people. One way or another, if they don’t like you, you are out. But, go ahead, use your free speech. You won’t go to jail.

Reactions to a story (7/16/15) on the push to convert some parallel street parking into miniparks — “parklets” — in downtown Spokane:

MICHELE HALSTED: Parking is limited enough, it would make more sense to change downtown to diagonal parking. The city would double the number of meters and parallel parking would be eliminated.

JOEL BROOKS: The problem is that as a public official he is held to a different standard of behavior and scrutiny — he forgot this little factoid when typing his harmful comments. Also, to plead ignorance of what his words mean is simply childish and inexcusable. He ought to resign if for nothing other than the good of the community.

ASHLEY STRINE: Awesome!! This is exactly the kind of growth we need! If we want to be an urban center we need to shift our focus away from cars and towards alternative transportation. Walk, bike, bus! ED CROSBY: Love it! Maybe the naysayers could get out of their car and ride a bike if they’re so worried about the perceived lack of downtown parking. DEVON KELLEY: Seattle has a lot of these, and they seem really successful in getting people to spend a little extra time making that neighborhood feel like a community. With downtown Spokane having problems attracting shoppers and promoting urban density, I think these could really help change that.






AUG 13


JH ERNEST: The nice people who think this is a good idea haven’t talked to narrow-minded drivers who refuse to park downtown because they have to “walk from blocks away, and they charge us!”

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 11

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Eyvonne Bercier worries that her son’s mental illness worsened beyond repair after his 110-day stay in the county jail.

Barred from Help Why mentally ill inmates continue to languish in the Spokane County Jail BY MITCH RYALS


yvonne Bercier can tell when her son hasn’t been taking his medication. He jumps from one topic to the next, and often doesn’t make sense. When it gets really bad, the voices that creep in and out of his mind stay longer and speak louder. They say they’re going to kill him, he starts to hallucinate, and he doesn’t sleep for days. Sometimes he thinks his mom is trying to

kill him. This is what was happening before Shawn Rettinger was arrested on April 1, according to court documents. Recently, Rettinger’s doctors took him off lorazepam, one of the medications he had been taking for 12 years, and switched his antipsychotics. Then the voices grew louder, and he threw away any new pills his mother gave him.


He thought they were poison. Worried about her son, who is diagnosed with schizophrenia and was civilly committed 13 times between 2001 and 2015, Bercier took him to the psychiatric ward at Sacred Heart Medical Center. Again, he was committed for treatment at Eastern State Hospital, but before Rettinger was transferred, he allegedly assaulted a hospital worker and was thrown in Spokane County Jail. The voices grew louder still. For 110 days, Rettinger sat in a cell by himself, only allowed out for a hour every other day, Bercier says. If he was let out on a Friday, for example, he wouldn’t come out again until the following Tuesday. According to nurses’ notes from the jail, Rettinger was receiving Ativan, but he didn’t always take it. “He’s really far gone now,” says Bercier, who last visited her son a few days ago. “He’s deteriorating in there. I can tell he’s getting worse and worse every day.” On April 20, Rettinger’s public defender, Kari Reardon, requested a mental health evaluation to determine if ...continued on next page

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 13



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Corrections officers tazed Shawn Rettinger (seen here in court records) when he refused to return to his cell, saying someone was waiting to kill him. The incident occurred on July 16, more than two weeks after he was supposed to go to Eastern State Hospital.





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14 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015


Rettinger is competent to stand trial. Originally, Eastern State said that the end of June was the soonest they could evaluate him. The Inlander has previously written about the length of time it takes to complete competency evaluations in Washington, after Amanda Cook hung herself in December 2013 while awaiting an evaluation in jail. State law requires that evaluations be completed within seven days of the court order. Cook was waiting for more than 30 days when she took her own life. But it’s not as simple as getting an evaluation. The pipeline from jails to mental health treatment facilities is clogged at every step. Once an evaluation is completed, defendants must wait for a bed to open up. Despite the state law that says defendants must be transferred within

seven days, many are left to languish in jails for upward of 100 days.


n April, U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman ruled that the Department of Social and Health Services must start obeying the law. The class-action suit against DSHS, the state department responsible for providing competency evaluations and restoration services, alleged years of ignoring the seven-day wait period. “It’s like, my clients have to follow the law, but Eastern doesn’t have to?” Reardon asks. She has several clients either waiting for an evaluation or a bed, all of whom have been waiting for more than seven days. She likens the department’s noncompliance with the law to torture. DSHS was given until the beginning of 2016 to hire more evaluators and add more beds. A long-term plan submitted to the court on July 2

says Eastern State will add five forensic evaluators to its staff of six and 15 beds, bringing its total to 37. Western State Hospital will add eight evaluators to a current staff of 26 and 45 more beds, totaling 161. Funding for the 13 new evaluators and 60 new beds between the two hospitals comes from the $40.5 million that the state legislature gave DSHS in June.

“Jail is not the place for people with mental illnesses. You put them in jail and they deteriorate more and more and more.” Reardon says the long-term plan looks good on paper, but until it’s implemented, she’s still skeptical. “There have been significant improvements made in Western Washington,” she says. “But they’re not happening here. There’s a population difference, but that doesn’t make the mentally ill here less in need of treatment. I have hope that this will work.” Pechman’s ruling in April also called for more collaboration among prosecutors, defense attorneys, jail employees and the courts — something Reardon says could have helped Rettinger. “Judge Pechman’s ruling says prosecutors are supposed to make tough decisions about what they charge,” she says. “Does it make sense to charge somebody who’s in a psychiatric ward awaiting transfer to another mental health hospital for further treatment and stick them in jail for 105 days? That’s one of those tough charging decisions that shouldn’t have been charged.” She’s moving to dismiss the charge against Rettinger.


lack of bed space at Eastern State isn’t entirely to blame. Another one of Reardon’s clients, also a diagnosed schizophrenic, waited for a total of 140 days in the jail, 84 of which were after he was ordered to be transferred for treatment. The reason, Reardon says, is because the jail only used to transport people on Mondays and Fridays. Since it takes two days to admit a patient, Eastern State only schedules transfers Monday through Thursday. “If a bed becomes available, but a jail says they can’t get the person here for another week, then we have to offer it to the next person,” says Bonnie Bush, who works on scheduling and admissions in the administrative office at Eastern State. Sgt. Tom Hill, the supervisor of the jail’s medical unit, says he isn’t aware of any delays in treatment because of the transport schedule, but notes that he met with Eastern State last week to come up with a system that fits both facilities’ schedules. “Right now we’re transporting three or four at a time,” Hill says. “But that’s hard on them in terms of manpower. They’d rather take one or two at a time. So we’re looking at [transporting] on more days.”


ettinger was transferred to Eastern State Hospital last Monday, though his mother worries it’s too late. “Jail is not the place for people with mental illnesses,” Bercier says. “You put them in jail and they deteriorate more and more and more.” She talked with her son every day he was allowed out of his cell. With each phone call, Bercier could tell he was getting worse. He frequently said that someone was in his cell keeping him awake and trying to kill him. With each conversation, his comprehension of where he was and why he was there disappeared. The fear got so great one night that he refused to return to his cell, so detention officers tased him. Had he been in the hospital, he wouldn’t be locked in a cell all day or tased and handcuffed for misbehaving. “No disrespect to the jail, but they’re a jail,” Reardon says. “I think they do the best with what they can, but the amount of time he’s had to wait is egregious. It’s just not acceptable.”

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 15


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Westminster United Church of Christ Pastor Andy CastroLang rallies a crowd of 50 people who showed up at City Hall last Thursday to advocate for paid sick leave for all Spokane employees. The City Council expects to finalize the policy by the end of summer.




TREPPIEDI for Spokane Public Schools Board of Directors, POSITION 3

  Paid for by the committee to re-elect Rocky Treppiedi • P.O. Box 28337, Spokane, WA 99208

16 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

CALLED OUT | The number of potrelated calls to the WASHINGTON POISON CENTER has increased from 109 cases in the first quarter of 2014 to 133 cases in the first quarter of 2015. But Dr. Alexander Garrard, the center’s clinical managing director, says the rise in calls doesn’t necessarily mean that the newly legal status of marijuana is wreaking havoc in Washington. According to Garrard, the rise in calls could be due to more people being comfortable reaching out for help now that weed is legal. He also points out that most of these incidents were “minor” or “moderate” incidents, resulting in zero fatalities. Most calls involved people in age groups 13 to 19 and 20 to 29, which Garrard points out were more likely to experiment with drugs before legalization. (JAKE THOMAS)

AT THE SCENE | Ryan Holyk’s DNA WAS FOUND on the front bumper of Deputy Joe Bodman’s patrol SUV, according to recently released documents. The news comes despite three investigations that found the vehicle missed hitting Holyk and his bike by about a foot in Spokane Valley last year. Bodman was en route to help another deputy, traveling more than 70 mph without sirens or emergency lights when he crossed paths with Holyk. Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich says the presence of the “cellular DNA” resulted from contamination of the scene. Mike Maurer, the attorney for Holyk’s family in a civil lawsuit against the Sheriff’s Office, says that explanation is far-fetched. (MITCH RYALS)


Envision This! DSP is fighting the proposed Worker Bill of Rights; plus, finalists for Spokane’s police ombudsman WORKED UP

The Downtown Spokane Partnership, a group that advocates on behalf of downtown businesses, has called on Mayor David Condon to take legal action to prevent a sweeping initiative from reaching the ballot. On Monday, Spokane City Council voted to send the signatures for the WORKER BILL OF RIGHTS initiative to the county for verification. The initiative is the latest from Envision Spokane, a group that has twice qualified its Community Bill of Rights for the ballot and twice had them voted down. If passed by voters in November, the Worker Bill of Rights would establish a living wage for most employees, equal pay and the right to not be wrongfully terminated, while diminishing the rights of corporations. The DSP points to a legal opinion from the city hearing examiner that questions the constitutionality of two of the initiative’s provisions. “Frankly, every citizen ought to be deeply concerned about this getting on the ballot because it sounds like a chicken in every pot, but the reality is even the discussion about the initiative passing is having a stifling effect on the local economy,” says DSP President Mark Richard.

In 2013, a coalition of business groups (including the DSP), Spokane County and three city councilmembers convinced a Superior Court judge that a version of Envision Spokane’s Community Bill of Rights was outside the city’s scope and should be kept off the ballot. The decision was reversed by an appellate court in January and has been appealed to the state Supreme Court. Richard says the mayor, whose office did not respond by press time, would likely have better legal standing to challenge the Worker Bill of Rights initiative. “It’s the people’s choice, not the courts,” says Kai Huschke, coordinator for the Envision Worker Rights campaign. Huschke disputes the hearing examiner’s reading of the initiative and says his organization is ready to defend it in court if passed. (JAKE THOMAS)


Three finalists for the VACANT OMBUDSMAN POSITION were submitted to the Office of Police Ombudsman Commission last weekend. They are Robert Breeden, a former Florida Department of Law Enforcement agent; Raheel Humayun, an investigator for British Columbia’s Office of the Ombudsperson; and Allen Huggins, a private investigator in Coeur d’Alene and former police captain in Costa Mesa, California. Although the three names should come as a relief to those who have been clamoring for a new police ombudsman since January, it appears as though it will be September before someone is actually hired. That’s because three members of the five-member OPO Commission, which is responsible for selecting one of the three candidates, left after a whistleblower complaint alleged that the three altered meeting minutes, concealed vote counts to give the impression of unanimity and abused their authority. Until three more commissioners are added, the three ombudsman candidates will hang in limbo.

Two of the new commissioners will come from recommendations from Mayor David Condon and one will be selected by City Councilmembers Candace Mumm and Karen Stratton to represent District 3. City spokesman Brian Coddington says the city is conducting interviews and anticipates sending qualified candidates to the city council in a “couple weeks,” but there is no definite timeline. “I’m beyond frustrated,” says City Council member Jon Snyder, chair of the Public Safety Committee. “It is essential that we get the ombudsman office up and running again.” (MITCH RYALS)


In Idaho, 78,000 people make too much money to qualify for Medicaid but too little money to qualify for state subsidies. Unable to afford health insurance premiums without subsidies, these Idahoans REMAIN UNINSURED. Many are also among the 7.5 million people in the U.S. who were penalized an average of $200 — mandated by the Affordable Care Act — by the IRS for not having health insurance in 2014. The group Close the Gap Idaho is working to address this lapse in coverage, which they found primarily affects workers in the restaurant, agricultural, construction and office administration industries. Close the Gap found that getting everyone insured would save lots of money — $184 million in state and local funds over 10 years — and between 76 and 179 lives each year. It won’t be a quick fix, though. “The legislature has to expand Medicaid or find some other means of insuring those people, either through the governor’s office or the legislature,” says Idaho Department of Health and Welfare public information officer Niki Forbing-Orr. “The income limit is so low: if you’re an adult with no children, there’s virtually no options for your at this point.” (LAEL HENTERLY)

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JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 17


Just Say No Do zero-tolerance drug policies at rave festivals actually make the problem worse? BY LAEL HENTERLY


hen 22-year-old filmmaker and electrical engineering student Vivek Pandher was found unconscious at the Paradiso Festival at the Gorge Amphitheatre on June 27, he was way too far gone to tell anyone what had happened. Pandher was rushed to the Quincy Medical Center by ambulance, his temperature critically high. At the hospital, crisis mode was already in effect. Employees had been brushing up on their party-drug knowledge all year in preparation for the festival, and as temperatures climbed in the days leading up to Paradiso, the three-bed emergency room had tripled its staff to get ready for the deluge of dehydrated concertgoers. Pandher was one of 53 of them hospitalized during the festival, which was attended by 27,500 people on a weekend when temperatures reached 105 degrees.

18 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

Like Pandher, many patients arrived catatonic, their body temperatures critically high. “We saw illegal drugs, lots of impure molly, and it makes diagnosis and treatment more of a challenge,” says Quincy Medical Center’s Glenda Bishop. PandLETTERS her’s heart had stopped Send comments to and he was flown to a British Columbia hospital by helicopter. It would be too late. Deprived of oxygen, his brain had checked out. He would become the second casualty of this year’s festival. “The hospital told us he got heat stroke,” says his younger sister Kirad Pandher. Pandher’s tragic death isn’t an isolated incident. Young people have dying at electronic dance music (EDM) festivals like United State of Consciousness

The scene at the Paradiso Festival last month. USCEVENTS PHOTO (USC) Events’ Paradiso around the region and nation at alarming rates in recent years. “When people get in trouble with MDMA, they raise their heart rate so high that they basically sort of burn up,” says Tammy Anderson, a University of Delaware professor who studies rave culture. A 24-year-old man died at the Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas last month; a 20-year-old man died at USC’s Life in Color paint party in Tacoma in May; a 20-year-old man died at USC’s FreakNight party in Seattle in October; a 23-year-old woman died at the Safe in Sound Festival in Boise in October. Toxicology information isn’t available in Pandher’s case yet, says Barb McLintock at the BC Coroners Service. Anderson says no one knows how many of these deaths have occurred nationally, but numbers from the Drug Abuse Warning Network show emergency room visits for MDMA climbed from 10,227 in 2004 to 21,836 in 2010.


ave culture arrived in the U.S. in the 1990s. Back then, promoters at underground raves embraced the drug culture, and harm-reduction services like drug testing were the norm at events. Concern about drug use at raves reached a fever pitch in 1998 after 17-year-old Jillian Kirkland overdosed on ecstasy at a rave in New Orleans, and in 2003 Congress passed the Reducing Americans’ Vulnerability to Ecstasy (RAVE) Act. Now known as the Illicit Drugs Anti-Proliferation Act of 2003, the law made it possible for the federal government to prosecute promoters for drug use at their events, slapping them with fines to the tune of $250,000 and up to 20 years in prison. The law worked to shut down underground raves. But instead of disappearing,

the culture moved out of abandoned warehouses and into the mainstream; today the Association for Electronic Music values the industry at $6.2 billion. Promoters implemented zero tolerance policies to avoid running afoul of the RAVE Act. The drugs didn’t go away, though. “The rub with that is that rave culture always had drug culture worked into its fundamental fabric,” says Anderson. “Who can stay up and dance until 6 am without being on drugs?” Industry insiders don’t see it that way.

“Something needs to be done. Three deaths in 24 months is three too many.” “The electronic dance music industry does not have a drug problem,” says Edwin Reyes, USC’s health and safety director. “I do rock concerts that have the same amount of drugs.” Reyes says there’s only so much that USC can do to make their events safe. He’s added extra staff and free water stations, and he’s been promoting a message of abstinence and personal responsibility for years. “Ultimately it’s personal responsibility what you do; if you want to use drugs and you do all of them in line because you don’t want to get busted, that’s on you,” says Reyes. Anderson says she worries that promoters are hiding behind the RAVE Act and using it as an excuse to not offer better medical care and drug prevention education at their events. “The RAVE Act may have been well-intended, but it has ended up killing people,” says Inge Fryklund of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, a group of former law enforcement officers who advocate for legalizing drugs. “We’ve decreed the death penalty for people who are young and not too careful about who gives them what.”


s raves went mainstream, harm-reduction groups that attend events to offer drug-adulterant testing services and brochures with warnings about bad drugs headed underground. If the Bunk Police — a drug-test kit vendor — want to offer harm-reduction services at festivals, founder Adam Auctor has to smuggle in the baseball-sized kits. Many promoters turn a blind eye, but not USC or Live Nation (the company that manages the Gorge), Auctor says. “They don’t understand harm reduction,” he says. “They prefer to decrease liability by removing us and treating us like criminals.” Live Nation did not respond to requests for comment. Reyes says that allowing drug-test purveyors like the Bunk Police or DanceSafe — a harm-reduction group that tests drugs for adulterants at events and hands out educational materials — would essentially be condoning drug use. “Drug use is prohibited at our shows,” says Reyes. “To set up drug testing is to say it’s OK to come with your drugs as long as they’re good drugs.” Quincy Medical Center’s Bishop says Paradiso’s organizers need to do more, and that the patients who arrive from the festival are in far more critical condition than those who arrive during other Gorge events. “Something needs to be done,” says Bishop. “Three deaths in 24 months is three too many.” After Dede Goldsmith’s 19-year-old daughter died of MDMA-induced heat stroke at an EDM show in 2013, she started a petition to amend the RAVE Act and allow harm reduction back into the rave scene. But Anderson says amending the Act won’t happen quickly. “It will require a federal response by Congress or the president. I don’t see it on the agendas any time soon,” says Anderson. “The feds aren’t talking about ecstasy.” Pandher’s family are left to wait for the toxicology report and cope with their loss. “When we got here from India and went to the hospital and got to know he was no more, that he was brain-dead, the doctor told us that he came ... and donated all his organs. My father heard that and he clapped, and we felt better after hearing that,” says Kirad Pandher. “He lived his life completely and was very happy.”

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 19




“Architecturally, Spokane is distinctive; it is unique. Its people want the best and they have the facilities to get it. [Its buildings are] in harmony with the setting… of Spokane, the beautiful.” That description — preceded and followed by pages of praise extolling Spokane as “the best built modern city on the continent” — appeared in an issue of The Western Architect in 1908. That was just shy of two decades after the conflagration that started in an alley between Lincoln and Post consumed 32 downtown blocks, obliterating all but a handful of structures. The devastation created a tabula rasa that allowed the city, then still in

Opened in 1914, the Davenport Hotel came to, in many ways, define architect Kirtland Cutter’s career. (See story on page 27.) After falling into despair and ultimately closing, the hotel was reborn in 2002 under the care of Karen and Walt Worthy.

its teens, the opportunity to begin anew. Between the Great Fire and the fulsome article in The Western Architect, buildings such as the Review Tower (1890), the Carnegie Library (1904), the San Marco Apartments (1904) and the Hutton Building (1907) went up, and in the years afterward the American Legion Building (1910), the Old Spokane City Hall (1913) and the Crescent (1919) would be built. Their styles are delightfully eclectic, ranging from neoclassical and Renaissance Revival to hybrids of Chicago and Commercial. By 1921, so many noteworthy buildings had sprung up that another journal, The Architect and Engineer, made Spo-

kane its third city on the “Pacific Coast” to be the subject of a lengthy feature — just behind Portland and Los Angeles. The article’s author, Frederick Jennings, asked rhetorically why larger cities had so far proven incapable of matching the city’s architectural output. Similarly to the 1908 article, he highlighted the “character of design that is very distinctive.” Jennings also paid tribute to another building that hadn’t existed 13 years earlier: The Davenport Hotel. “It is hardly true,” he wrote, “as some people have said about Spokane, that the city is built around a hotel,” but he nevertheless cited it as one example of the “rare archi-

tectural force and genius for design of Mr. Kirtland Cutter.” Cutter’s name remains almost synonymous with early Spokane architecture, even to the occasional detriment of his partner, Karl Malmgren. “Cutter’s kind of client was a client for whom money was no object,” says Jim Price, a community historian and former chair of the Historic Landmarks Commission. “As long as he was in his prime, he was free-spending, and ultimately his carelessness with money and his carelessness with other people’s wives brought him down.” Once, as he was departing a streetcar at Manito Park, Cutter got a swift kick in the backside from an angry ex-

husband. It briefly became the talk of his high-society clientele. STREETCAR SUBURBS Of course, the streetcar was more than a public means for cuckolds to exact private revenge. The residential areas that arose along its tracks — “streetcar suburbs” as they became known — introduced the Craftsman homes that are so pervasive throughout areas like the upper and lower South Hill, East Central, West Central and Emerson-Garfield. “In the first decade of the 20th century, they were going great guns. Spokane was extending out in every ...continued on page 23

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spokane style

22 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

“That pretty much distills the u l t i m at e ex p r e s s i o n o f S p o k a n e modern design. Clean lines, lots of glass.”

ket was overbuilt and overextended.” The Great Depression would finish the collapse that land speculation precipitated. The Chronicle Building (1928), with its gallery of scaly rooftop gargoyles, and the Paulsen Medical and Dental Building (1929), both majestic, white terra-cotta buildings designed in whole or in part by Swedish-born architect G.A. Pehrson, were some of the last major buildings to be constructed in downtown Spokane before the stock market crashed in October 1929. Pehrson’s own staff shrank from 29 to two.

ABOVE: Craftsman homes, epitomized by the work of Greene and Greene out of California, emphasized decorative restraint, structural honesty and solid workmanship, as seen in this Spokane house owned by Kevin and Janet Conway.

LEFT: The Paulsen Medical and Dental Building (1929), designed by Swedish-born architect G.A. Pehrson, was one of the last major buildings to be constructed in downtown Spokane before the stock market crashed in October 1929. Pehrson designed it in the Art Deco style with Spanish and Moorish styled detailing.

...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 direction with streetcar suburbs,” says Diana Painter, an architectural historian and historic preservationist. “This period of growth coincided with the popularity of the Craftsman style. It was modern, it was efficient, and it fit Spokane’s aesthetic.” The broad template for Craftsman homes, epitomized by the work of Greene and Greene out of California, found favor because of its contrast to the lavishness

of the Victorian era. Eschewing the ostentatiousness of turrets and spindlework, the homes emphasize decorative restraint, structural honesty and solid workmanship. Despite their modesty, these Craftsman homes contribute as much to the city’s architectural identity as any skyscraper. “In Spokane there was a big drop-off of residential development in 1911,” Painter says. “Essentially the mar-

GOLDEN AGE OF MODERNISM A postwar construction boom helped to usher in what Aaron Bragg calls “Spokane’s golden age of modern architecture — the point at which Spokane went from traditional, old-school design to the idea that anything is possible.” Bragg is senior copywriter at helveticka, the local creative firm that curated the exhibition SPOMa: Spokane Modern Architecture, 1948-73 in 2013. The start of that period is marked by the year architect Kenneth Brooks arrived in Spokane. Brooks’ most famous local building is the Washington Water Power (now Avista) headquarters, which the magazine Architectural Forum praised as “a bold example for river-front renewal” in 1958. The main building uses an aluminum curtain wall design, whereby the façade offers no structural support. In line with Brooks’ broad principles, the campus has social spaces that commingle with the professional. The building primed Spokane for other forward-thinking edifices such as the Unitarian Church (1961) and the Spokane Civic Theatre (1967), both by Moritz Kundig; Gonzaga’s Kennedy Pavilion (1961; now the Charlotte Y. Martin Centre) by the firm McClure & Adkison; and the audacious Parkade (1967) by Warren Heylman. For a time, three former students of modernism founder Walter Gropius — Royal McClure, Bruce Walker and Bill Trogdon — were successfully working in Spokane. Like the other civic leaders of his time, Brooks was also actively involved in planning Expo ’74, where his ideas about space and community would come to bear on a large scale. One lasting example of that six-month event is the sleek, angular Spokane Opera House (1974; now the INB Performing Arts Center), designed by the firm Walker McGough as part of the World Fair’s Washington State Pavilion. “That pretty much distills the ultimate expression of Spokane modern design,” says Bragg. “Clean lines, lots of glass. All this extra filigree is stripped away and the materials are left to stand on their own. What’s most important is the acoustics of the space, and yet the exterior of the building has this stark beauty to it.” While Expo sparked new construction, it was also a time when Spokane was shaped by destruction. All but the clock tower of the Great Northern Depot was demolished to make way for Riverfront Park, leaving Spokane with what are today some of its greatest and most recognizable physical assets. What took place in the 1980s was less thoughtful. In the early part of that decade, Spokane lost its historic Crescent Block along Riverside. Historic schools such as North Central, Willard, Holmes and Emerson were demolished, and severe, bunker-style elementary schools were erected across the city. Even the fate of the illustrious Davenport was uncertain for the better part of two decades. Then in 2000, developer Walt Worthy stepped in to restore it (sans the splendid Pennington portion, which could not be saved), indirectly sanctioning a quasi-preservationist approach to Spokane’s historic buildings that continued with buildings including the Saranac and the Community Building. ...continued on page 28

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 23

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“These architects ... were constantly involved in civic groups, and they were always pushing the city to realize what its potential was.�

Kirtland Cutter Although his career has come to be defined in many ways by the Davenport Hotel, Kirtland Cutter (1860-1939) designed or helped design the Spokane Club, the Sherwood Building, the Monroe Street Bridge (1911) and the Washington Water Power Post Street Substation (1910), which won an industrial structure award in 1920 — not the last WWP building to do so, incidentally. Mining magnates (Amasa Campbell, Patsy Clark, John Finch), railroad tycoons (D.C. and Austin Corbin) and well-heeled professionals (W.J.C. Wakefield, James Glover, J.M. Corbet) used Cutter’s talents to compete with one another by building increasingly lavish residences on the lower South Hill and in Browne’s Addition. When the available pool of wealthy clients began to dry up in Spokane, Cutter moved to LEFT and TOP RIGHT: The angular Spokane Opera House (1974; now the INB Performing Arts Center) was designed by the firm Walker McGough as part of Expo ’74’s Washington State Pavilion. BOTTOM RIGHT: The 17-story Wells Fargo Buidling was completed in 1982.

Southern California, where he practiced from 1923 until his death. — E.J. Iannelli

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 25


Kenneth Brooks (1917–1996) came to Spokane in 1948, the same year he’d spent seven months traveling in Europe on a Plym Fellowship under the mentorship of Sven Markelius, a Swedish architect and city planner. That experience no doubt influenced his architectural philosophy. When commissioned to design the Washington Water Power headquarters in 1956, he took a holistic approach. Not only is the building a glinting example of curtain wall architecture (the first of its kind in the region), its landscaping by Lawrence Halprin is of a piece with the structure both functionally and aesthetically. In 1959 it won a national award from the American Institute of Architects. Brooks’ legacy lies not in the number of buildings he designed locally, but his populist ideas for urban renewal and civic architecture in Spokane. He outlined these visually in a series of influential displays titled Spokane: A Place in the Sun. — E.J. Iannelli 26 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

ABOVE: The Parkade (1967) by Warren Heylman. LEFT: Commissioned to design the Washington Water Power headquarters in 1956, Kenneth Brooks used curtain wall design — the first of its kind in the region. (See story on facing page.)

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 27


TOP: The Davenport Grand Hotel opened in June across from the INB. MIDDLE ROW: The living room of a Kendall Yards townhouse. Plus, gardens were built into the design of the Kendall Yards neighborhood. BOTTOM: An energy efficient home built by Pure Vida in the Vinegar Flats neighborhood.

28 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015


ANYWHERE, USA? What about the new buildings that are currently transforming the layout and skyline of Spokane? Kendall Yards sits on the periphery of West Central’s Queen Anne and Craftsman homes and exists in dialogue with buildings like the French Renaissance Spokane County Courthouse (1894; its architect, Willis Ritchie, was just 30 at the time) and Heylman’s smoked glass Riverfalls Tower (1973) across the gorge. The Davenport’s new Grand Hotel confronts the stark, sloping modernism of the Opera House. “The Grand Hotel might be OK,” says Glenn Davis, a local architect who got his start with Walker McGough in 1973, “this cliff façade that it’s got, the Opera House is massive enough to go toe-to-toe with that.” “There was a time,” adds Bragg, “when public-facing projects like these would have drawn some of the finest architects in the area.” Bragg and Davis say they see too much “Anywhere, USA” design these days and think it is reflective of Spokane’s uncertainty over its identity at the outset of the 21st century. What or who is Spokane? What does the city stand for? What does it hope to be? The answer to those questions, at least in part, rests in whether or not the distinctiveness once accentuated by The Western Architect and The Architect and Engineer is still visible in the buildings that are being erected right outside our windows. Just as a city is shaped by its architecture, it can be said that architecture — or want of it — is shaped by its city. Davis sees a correlation between Spokane’s architectural zeniths and how architects and their work were included in the cultural conversation: “Talking was a big difference between then and now. These architects like McClure and Walker, Brooks and Trogdon were constantly involved in civic groups, and they were always pushing the city to realize what its potential was.” One architectural area that has received attention, and where Spokane might carve out a niche for itself, is in environmentally conscious construction. There have already been several examples built or renovated locally, and Pura Vida CEO Gavin Tenold believes that gracefully designed passive buildings will become doubly attractive as the costs of climatizing and powering them increase. More than ever before, function will dictate form. “In passive house and energy-efficient construction in general, we’re calculating a building’s annual energy use and we’re optimizing the building for human comfort and human health,” Tenold says. “That isn’t to say we don’t create buildings with beauty. I don’t think that a building that is not pleasant to look at is going to be maintained and loved over the long term.”

n t o o g H n • i o d p l e o H How local librarian Stephanie Oakes penned a breathtaking tale about a girl who loses her hands to a cult BY CHEY SCOTT


tephanie Oakes has thought a lot about what it would be like to not have hands. If she had no hands, she’d never have been able to take pen to paper, the early versions of her debut young adult novel spilling into a notebook at the Rocket Bakery in downtown Spokane as she waited for a morning carpool out to Whitworth University. And if she had no hands, she’d never have been able to transcribe those pages of prose into digital form. Without hands, even the simple act of turning the pages of the novel that eventually materialized would be a challenge. There are a lot of things Oakes couldn’t do if she was handless. And although hers are very much attached at the wrists, casually resting atop each other on a worn, wooden table in the afternoon summer sun, Oakes knows better than most what it’s like to live without hands. The 27-year-old author spent the better part of five years — from that first handwritten draft to the final revisions — inside the head of a courageous and handless heroine, the first-person protagonist of her novel The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly. Set in the present, Oakes’ young adult novel is harrowing and traumatic at key moments, including when Minnow recounts the fateful moment that her hands are savagely sliced from her arms. ...continued on next page

Local author Stephanie Oakes’ debut novel began as a series of poems. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 29

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CULTURE | LITERATURE “HOLDING ON TO HOPE,” CONTINUED... “It has to be there, but it’s not going to be everyone’s favorite scene,” Oakes reflects. “That’s the most difficult for me, too, because it was not fun to write.” At 17, Minnow is the eldest daughter of parents who decide, when their daughter is only 5, to pack up and join a handful of other disenfranchised families on a quest to escape the sins of the world. Hungry to cultivate the seeds of hope planted in their minds by the Prophet, leader of the newly founded Kevinian religion, the group retreats into the wilderness of western Montana. There, the Prophet dictates every aspect of their lives — his deceptions are disguised as the command of God himself, who only speaks his wishes through this semi-divine man. A twisted soul formerly named Kevin, the Prophet orders young girls to be married off to polygamous husbands decades their senior. No one is allowed to read, and women are cast to the bottom of this patriarchal society, in which disobedience can bring the punishment of torture or death. Bravely defiant, Minnow is the only Kevinian who openly questions this sordid set of beliefs. It’s because of her doubt and acts of rebellion that the world as she and the other Kevinians know it crumbles to ash. At first glance, the premise of Oakes’ novel may seem horrifying. Although entirely fictional, its plot pushes boundaries in the same vein of other popular YA series, like The Hunger Games. “When you’re writing, you have an internal barometer of ‘Does this feel right and necessary,’ and when I wrote those scenes [of violence] they felt right to me. You see the characters without a mask — they drop their artifice and they are exactly who they are at that moment, and their reactions are authentic,” Oakes explains. As of last week, Oakes was waiting to hear back from her publishing agent, who was in talks with a film agent about optioning the rights for The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly. When she signed on with her publisher, Dial Books, a division of Penguin, Oakes entered into a two-book contract and is already deep into revisions for her second YA novel, titled The Arsonist, which is tentatively set to release in 2016.


innow Bly’s tortuous tale originated as a series of poems. Having completed her first two years at Eastern Washington University as a Running Start student while still enrolled at West Valley High School in Spokane Valley, Oakes entered EWU’s MFA program in creative writing to study poetry when she was only 20. For one class, students were instructed to choose an obsession, and craft the quarter’s worth of work around the theme. Oakes chose fairy tales, and was surprised at how quickly she ran out of ideas. “I was complaining about it to my mom, and then she gave me this book called Women Who Run with the Wolves, a nonfiction text about women in mythology, fairy tales and literature,” she says. “In it was the fairy tale The Handless Maiden by the Brothers Grimm, and I read it and really liked it, but I wasn’t sure I could retell it in a poem form.” Oakes didn’t start the first draft of The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly until she completed the MFA program. She then enrolled in Whitworth’s Masters in Teaching program, and now teaches research skills and runs the library at Libby Center, Spokane Public Schools’ gifted learning facility. But back in April of 2010, Oakes set out to write a poem a day in recognition of National Poetry Month. “I took out the line breaks and typed everything I’d written and had 5,000 words,” she recalls. “I still do that sometimes. Poetry is almost my first language, and it’s a mechanism to get the words out.” It wasn’t until much further along in the writing process, though, that Oakes says she really heard Minnow’s voice. Sitting in the car in the parking lot of Yoke’s on Argonne and Montgomery one day while her mom ran inside the store, Oakes pulled out her laptop. “I heard this line in my head: How do you handcuff a handless girl?” she says. “There was a little bit of punch and anger, and that was the first time I heard her voice. That was when I realized she was angry about what happened to her and the things she had done, so for a long time that was the first line of the book.” For announcements of upcoming readings, see



f you put someone (preferably someone naked) on an island and film this someone trying not to die, you’re no longer a sociopath, but rather a reality television producer in 2015. It’s almost laughable that audiences found the conditions presented in Survivor to be extreme when that show debuted 15 years ago, but that setup is a stay at the Hilton when stacked up against something like Discovery Channel’s Naked and Afraid. Now three seasons in, N&A is just a man and a woman, sans clothing, out in a jungle or a swamp or a desert, or any other locale replete with snakes and poisonous insects. They try to survive for 21 days. About half of them do just that, losing weight, their sanity and a whole lot of ego along the way. This summer brought us Naked and Afraid XXL (10 pm, Sundays on Discovery), which amps up the number of survivalists (all of whom had been on the original show) and amount of days (40) for a big ol’ Try-Not-To-Starvathon. But somehow, the latest iteration of Naked and Afraid is not the craziest survival show on TV. It’s also not that weird social experiment known as The Island that sputtered out on NBC or Bear Grylls’ other show, Running Wild, in which he shows the ropes of not dying to famous people, like Kate Hudson, who already proved her mettle by surviving You, Me and Dupree. No, to find the most bonkers hour of summer TV, flip to History for Alone (10 pm Thursdays). Here we have 10 trained outdoorsmen (no outdoorswomen, though, which is lame) dropped into the wilds of Vancouver Island with limited equipment and, yes, clothing. There’s a half-million in cash for the last man standing. There’s no camera crew (the guys are shooting it themselves), the place is crawling with bears and it seems to be raining nonstop. One dude was all “eff this” on the first day and

Naked and Afraid : It could save your life. four others tapped out in the days to come. In less than a week, there were only five guys left. It’s impossible not to find these shows a little exploitative, like watching lab rats stuck in the maze, but there’s some value. When 16-year-old Autumn Veatch made it out of the North Cascades last week after living through a plane crash that claimed her step-grandparents, guess what she credited with helping her on the two-day trek through the woods? Yup, survival shows. See, it’s not sadism, it’s actually education. — MIKE BOOKEY

COMIC BLOOM COUNTY RETURNS Thank Donald Trump for the return last week of Berkeley Breathed’s long-dormant Bloom County comic, via the artist’s Facebook page ( Originally running from 1980-1989, earning Breathed a Pulitzer Prize in 1987, Bloom County was home to characters like Opus the Penguin and Bill the Cat who often found Trump an inspiration for laughs. Asked if Trump inspired the rebirth, Berkeley responded: “This creator can’t precisely deny that the chap you mention had nothing to do with it.”


FILM | Director Penelope Spheeris spent years refusing to put her eye-opening, three-film documentary series about Los Angeles punks, metalheads and street kids on DVD or Blu-Ray, but happily her daughter finally convinced her to remaster all three and release them as THE DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION COLLECTION. The first Decline arrived in 1981, offering a gritty, black-and-white look into L.A.’s punk underground and nearly making a star of The Germs’ Darby Crash. Part II, aka The Metal Years, is a hilarious Technicolor trip on the Sunset Strip during the ’80s hair-metal heyday, while Part III dives into life as a millennial street kid. MUSIC | Jason Isbell is easily one of the best American songwriters working today, living at the intersection of rock, country and folk and consistently delivering searing songs that linger in your head, and heart, for ages after you first hear them. The evolution he’s made since being a young guitar-slinger with the occasional tune on the Drive-By Truckers’ mid-aughts albums into a solo headlining artist has been stunning, and his new album, SOMETHING MORE THAN FREE, won’t slow the momentum from his excellent 2013 set Southeastern. If anything, the more blatant country tinges might help him find an audience beyond “alt-country” cultists. TWITTER | Some use Twitter as a news-gathering source; I mostly use it for laughs. And I seldom laugh harder than when a tweet shows up in my stream from @NIHILIST_ARBYS. Purporting to be the dark voice of the fast-food roast beef purveyor, you get gold like this July 4 post: “Today, celebrate a crumbling empire by shoveling fistfuls of Arbys meat into your bloated face and then drunkenly blowing off your toe. #usa.” And the feed is not above taking part in trends. To wit: “Arbys #mancrushmonday goes out to man, crushed by the weight and cruelty of an indifferent universe. You’ll never be this young again.”

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JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 31



Premedia Artist: Katy Clove

INTO YOUR BEST DRIVE CarMax believes in making every step of buying a used car the best it can be – even the test drive. That’s why this summer, CarMax is sending 10 lucky drivers on a best drive. Choose your dream destination from mountains to spas, then choose your dream car from coupes to SUVs, and enter to win at


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32 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015 cm17177PM_9.3x11_Spokane_TheInlander June 23, 2015 11:38 AM



Enter for a chance to win this best drive from CarMax PRIEST LAKE


Many of us have seen the Priest Lake T-shirt that has an outline of the long skinny lake with the caption, “If


you have to ask, you wouldn’t understand.” This best drive takes you straight into the heart of huckleberry country. This is a North Idaho getaway — a haven, really — that promises downtime. You know what to do: Enter to win this best drive from CarMax, and pick out a sweet ride to meander your way through paradise.


Bear Country Jam-boree

Hill’s Resort has been owned and operated by the Hill family since the 1940s and is open all year. Swim, kayak, boat, water ski and fish on the lake’s clear waters; there are also trails for hiking — and picking huckleberries, the official fruit of North Idaho. And the food is an attraction all its own. Steaks are grilled to perfection, sauces are imaginative. You can eat fancy or dive into their baby back ribs with homemade BBQ sauce.

Get Closer To The Water

The 7.6-mile Lakeshore Trail takes you along the lake for a leisurely hike, with not much elevation gain — dogs are even allowed. Along the way, you can cross streams and access hidden little beaches and coves. The trailhead is about five miles east of Nordman. Keep your eyes open for wildlife!

Foregone Conclusion

Don’t forget your clubs, as the Priest Lake Golf Course is open to the public. While they can’t guarantee that you’ll have to hit a fairway drive over a moose, they will deliver a beautiful setting. You can even arrive by boat from the local resorts.

Rustic Is The Word




SPOKANE to PRIEST LAKE 1 HOUR 52 MINUTES | 92.9 MILES SPOKANE, WA Get on US-395 from N Park Rd, E Trent Ave, N Market St and N Freya St 8.8 mi At the traffic circle, take the 1st exit onto the North Spokane Corridor ramp to US -2 E 0.4 mi Follow US-2 E to ID-57 N in Priest River 47.7 mi Merge onto US-395 3.2 mi Use the right 2 lanes to merge onto US-2 E/N Newport Hwy toward Newport Continue to follow US-2 E 38.5 mi Turn right onto US-2 E/W Walnut St Continue to follow US-2 E Entering Idaho 6.0 mi Continue on ID-57 N. Drive to E Shore Rd 34.2 mi Turn left onto ID-57 N 22.4 mi Turn right onto Dickensheet Hwy 5.4 mi Turn right onto Cavanaugh Bay Rd/E Shore Rd Continue to follow E Shore Rd 6.4 mi PRIEST LAKE

As you’re driving, check out this mini town on the edge of Spokane, also known as “the most architecturally intact Railroad Town remaining in Washington State.”



Get the huckleberry milkshake at this ‘60s style drive-in, with friendly staff and generous portions. Just across from Riverside High School in Chattaroy; open daily at 10:30 am.



Seven miles southwest of Newport, this gem of a lake has public access and resorts, including a KOA Campground. The fishing — largemouth bass, yellow perch, bullheads, rainbow, and brown trout — is best May through October.



You’ll find very big sandwiches on awesome bread, and a creek flows underneath it! Is the bartender fishing from his bar stool? North of Priest River; open at 11 am daily.


Priest Lake, Idaho

Started in the 1930s as a hunting and fishing camp, Elkins Resort, just up the road from Hill’s, has become a destination for folks looking for that old Northwest experience. Cabins each have their own character, but access to the water is a constant. Their log cabin pizzas have earned a loyal following.

Now For Your Reward

As you’re driving home through tunnels of Northwest pine, don’t forget to post about the car you drove. We hope this best drive leads you to the perfect vehicle.

To enter for a chance to win this best drive and take the test drive to a whole new level, go to

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 33


The Grasshopper Festival in Republic (left) features the culinary work of “Bug Chef” David George Gordon (top right).

Buggin’ Out Republic’s new summer festival features an unlikely menu BY DAN NAILEN


34 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

evenge. It’s famously a dish best served cold, but when the people of Republic take their revenge on the grasshoppers who the past few years have invaded the town 90 miles northwest of Spokane, they’ll be serving the jumpy critters up cold, toasted, deepfried — you name it. This weekend marks the first-ever Grasshopper Festival in the town that festival founder Sarah Wilson calls “a quirky place, kind of the Sedona of the Northwest.” Where better to throw a party “celebrating” the bugs that have decimated the town’s gardens and yards, inspiring a Facebook thread last summer on which the locals fantasized about munching the bugs as payback? “’They ate my raspberries!’ ‘My rhubarb is destroyed!’ The revenge fantasies just burst forth on Facebook,” Wilson says. In the outrage, Wilson saw an opportunity to have a little fun. Summer festivals in America’s small towns glorify everything from local history to strawberries to 4-H Club pig-raising showdowns. Why not a grasshopper festival in Republic? The Grasshopper Festival will have all the typical activities: a parade, live music, face-painting for the kids, as well as educational panels about pest control and raising organic insects for human consumption. The festival menu, though, will be the real star, as locals offer a wide array of grasshopper and cricket-based dishes, including cookies, breads, crackers and three flavors of barbecued grasshoppers: plain, spicy and sweet. For help with the recipes, Wilson and her team of volunteers turned to David George Gordon, the Seattle-based “Bug Chef” who published The Eat-A-Bug Cookbook in 1998. He visited Republic in June and did a cooking dem-

onstration so the locals could learn some of his recipes, and try some of his dishes. “In Republic, I was very pleasantly surprised that the people were super-adventurous and tried everything I cooked, including a tarantula spider,” says Gordon, who will return to act as grand marshal of the Grasshopper Festival parade. Gordon, who’s traveled the world to introduce people to the idea of eating bugs, says Republic has hit on a great idea with the festival. He thinks that people will truly enjoy munching on the grasshoppers when they have the opportunity. “They’re meatier and larger than a lot of the other bugs, and they have more crunch to them because of their body armor,” he says. “I like to marinate them in teriyaki sauce, which gives them a little sugar and seasoning. If you do it right, they’re quite tasty.” Wilson’s first experience munching on a grasshopper didn’t come from Gordon, but from one of the festival volunteers who showed up to a meeting with a Chinese takeout box full of homemade chocolate-covered treats dusted with ground almonds. “Everyone said the same thing, ‘It’s like a Nestlé Crunch bar,’” Wilson says. “It’s crunchy, but delicate-crunchy.” After finding out how expensive edible insects are, Wilson has visions of turning Republic into a grasshopper-producing powerhouse. The Grasshopper Festival, in the meantime, offers Inland Northwesterners the chance to visit Republic and nibble on something a little different. The Grasshopper Festival • Fri, July 24 and Sat, July 25 • Republic, Wash •

Second Coming How a longtime pizza shop owner and a veteran brewer gave birth to Bennidito’s Brewpub BY MIKE BOOKEY


hris Bennett took the long road to establishing a brewery. The longtime owner of Bennidito’s Pizza on the South Hill, Bennett was toying with the notion of brewing his own beer after more than a decade of selling a well-curated tap list in his pizza shop. Then a regular customer of his turned out to be a veteran brewer, and the plan started to move forward, albeit slowly. But now, after about five years of starts and stalls, Bennidito’s Brewpub on East Sprague Avenue is a reality. “There were times when I just wanted to sell [the brewing equipment] and move on,” says Bennett, who owns the business with his ex-wife

Sigrid Bennett. The process included a Garland District space that Bennett thought was going to be the perfect home for his brewery, only to see it fall through; then there was slowly paying for a fermenter from Seattle’s Schooner Exact Brewing. In preparation for the brewery, Bennett also closed the Northside Bennidito’s. That regular, Zach Shaw, began his brewing career with Pacific Hop Exchange in Northern California back in 1992, a time when the craft beer industry was a shadow of its current state. Shaw eventually left the business by the late ’90s to work for a wine company, and hadn’t fired up a mash ...continued on next page


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36 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

tun since then until he began brewing last month for Bennidito’s. He’s using some old recipes from those early days in a beer market that’s changed drastically since Shaw began his beer-making career. “In some ways, I want to get back to the old days. That means beers being 70 to 80 IBUs (International Bittering Units) that still have big flavors,” says Shaw, a to-the-point guy who declines to give his age, because “age is just a number,” adding that three generations in his family goes back 300 years, for whatever that’s worth. For Bennett, whose South Hill spot is known to keep some exceptionally hoppy beers on tap, the idea of brewing high-gravity, high-IBU beers wasn’t necessarily a priority for the brewpub side of his business. “I’ve been selling beer for 15 years myself and have watched [hoppy beers] become the big thing, but that’s changing,” says Bennett. Shaw adds that relying on hop bombs as the cornerstone of a brewery’s beer lineup can be a way to paint yourself into a corner. “My old friends [in the beer industry] wish they could start dialing back the alcohol, but their market is so established that they’re stuck with what they’ve got,” he says. Currently, the brewpub is offering three beers — two IPAs and a pale ale. The beers are similar in style and color, but all are perfectly sessionable for this summer’s punishing heat. As promised, the most potent, the Tin Roof IPA, is tops out at 6.0 percent alcohol by volume. The Checkerboard Pale Ale, named after the beloved Checkerboard Bar, just up the street from the pub, is the crispest of the initial offerings. While staying away from big-hop beers is part of Shaw and Bennett’s aim, Shaw says he’s not ruling out some big beers, including a variation on a barley wine, a winter ale and a few


Bennidito’s Brewpub co-owner Chris Bennett (left) and head brewer Zach Shaw. YOUNG KWAK PHOTO other ideas he’s still kicking around. Don’t expect him to offer any Belgians or sour beers, neither of which Shaw has much patience for. The interior of the pub — created by Dave and Cody Coombs, a father-son team who were also behind Perry Street Brewing — is deftly modern and replete with wood and aluminum finishes throughout the mostly open space, including a lengthy, winding bar that takes up most of an entire wall. If you need a lesson in the first wave of Spokane brewing history, there are photos on the wall of historic beer-making operations to get you caught up. Those not familiar with this slowly gentrifying neighborhood will find the brewpub as a sort of hip oasis in a very old-school stretch of Sprague lined with storefront churches and mom-andpop shops. The brewery, its owners hope, will be a reason for beer lovers to venture out just a couple miles from downtown for something a little different. Once inside Bennidito’s Brewpub, there’s plenty of familiarity, especially when it comes to the menu. Yes, they do have the famous beer buddies — doughy, butter-and-parmesan-topped balls of goodness you can dip in marinara or other sauces — and the pizzas also made the trip over. The only difference is that the pies all come in 15-inch versions. Shaw and Bennett have a lot of plans for the future of the brewery, including an array of experimental beers (nothing too fancy, though, Shaw says) and have entertained the idea of distilling whiskey. For now, Shaw is getting settled back into the brewing industry, which isn’t too different than hopping back on a bike, he says. There is one key difference, and one that plays in his favor. “It’s so much easier to brew beer these days, because there are people who will drink it,” he says. Bennidito’s Brewpub • 1909 E. Sprague • Open daily, 11 am10 pm • • 290-5018

Food and Drink Specials • Times • Locations



Fruit Off the Vine Sheppard Fruit Wines offers a refreshing viticultural alternative BY CARRIE SCOZZARO


ruit wine may have gotten a bum rap with cheap, cloyingly sweet brands like Boone’s Farm, but wine from something other than grapes offers an interesting alternative with almost limitless possibilities. And it’s somewhat easy. If you have fruit, sugar and yeast, you’re well on your way (a friend makes something he calls trash-berry wine from all the wonderful fruit left over from their garden), making fruit wine a popular choice for homebrewers. Jim and Julie Sheppard, for example, created fruit wine as a hobby in 1998 with the abundance of fruit within reach of their Harrison, Idaho, home: blackberries, elderberries, raspberries, pears and plums. Although their first efforts weren’t very successful, says Jim, they persisted, encouraged by friends and family, including Julie’s mother, who remembered her aunt in England

Sheppard Fruit Wines has found a pleasant home and plenty of fans in Harrison, Idaho. CARRIE SCOZZARO PHOTO making fruit wine. “The wonderful nuances that came from the fruits were quite rewarding,” says Jim, who when he’s not making wine, is captain of the Harrison Fire Station. In 2007, the Sheppards turned their hobby into a business that continues to gain in popularity, nearly doubling sales every year, says Jim. They’ve expanded flavors, added a popular tasting room and are now capable of producing 500 cases per year. Sheppard Fruit Wines have been available throughout much of the Idaho panhandle — Harrison, Silver Valley, Sandpoint, Rathdrum, Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls — as well as online to 18 states via A recent

contract with a local distributor means that Sheppard Fruit Wines soon will be available in Spokane markets. The flavors range in sweetness from pear, raspberry, elderberry and blackberry to slightly more tart cranberry, rhubarb (all $12) and huckleberry ($20). However, unlike traditional fruit wines — Boone’s Farm included — their wines are not overly sweet, says Jim: “We also bucked the industry standard for fruit wines by aging and finishing them in the dry range, just like a fine grape wine.” Sheppard Fruit Wines • 102 N. Coeur d’Alene Ave., Harrison, Idaho • Open Mon-Sat, noon-5 pm • • 208-660-1842

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38 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015


A Smooth Move The Foxhole brings the Garland Drinkery fans across town BY FRANNY WRIGHT


hen Bill and Deb Weisgerber leased an old building on Garland Avenue in 2011, they planned to open a coffee shop. They also wanted to serve beer and wine for customers to enjoy while listening to live music at night, and after realizing it wouldn’t cost too much more to get a liquor license that included spirits, they dropped the whole coffee thing to focus on creating their first bar — the Garland Avenue Drinkery. Four years later, the couple decided it was time to take what they had learned from their Garland location and move into a newer space. They closed the Drinkery at the end of June with plans to open a more updated version, called the Foxhole, near Gonzaga. “We were going to still call it the Drinkery, but once we got in there we decided that it should have its own identity,” says Deb. Though the lit-up Drinkery sign hangs on a wall, the way this bar is tucked away behind




There’s plenty of muscle to serve up drinks at the Foxhole. many of the other businesses facing Hamilton Street inspired the Weisgerbers to name it the Foxhole. “It’s kind of a hidden gem, and we’re still keeping everything that the Drinkery was known for — the same kind of family vibe, patio and really good prices,” she says. “And we’re always open until 2 am.” The Foxhole serves $3 pizza by the slice every night, with talk of opening around 11 am and offering fast lunch specials starting in time for the school year. Their nightly drink specials are continually changing, though they plan to always sell $1 domestics on Mondays. Entertainment every night of the week starts at 9 pm,


featuring karaoke on Sundays and Tuesdays, open mic for comedians on Mondays, trivia at 8 pm on Tuesdays, open mic for musicians on Wednesdays and a live DJ on Fridays and Saturdays — not to mention their wall of pinball machines. “The Drinkery regulars have come over to the Foxhole with us because we created a Drinkery family,” says Deb. “And I’m really excited to add a whole new crowd of people to that, too.” The Foxhole • 829 E. Boone • Open daily, 4 pm-2 am • • 315-5327

Bands Playing ALL DAY! Crafts & Activities!






Sushi Sakai recently moved near Gonzaga after five years in the Valley.


829 E. Boone Ave., Suite B | 340-9743


fter five years in Spokane Valley, Sushi Sakai moved to Clementine Square this spring, trading in an old, run-down building for an airy new space better suited to showcase the fresh, colorful traditional Asian fare. Sushi is the obvious attraction, and a recent visit featured a remarkably tasty Rainbow Roll that balanced salmon, shrimp, white tuna, ahi tuna and crab. The Salmon Killer Roll is another must-munch for its combo

of spicy salmon and asparagus inside and fresh salmon wrapped around the outside. While it’s hard to resist sticking to the rolls, sashimi and nigiri, Sushi Sakai also offers traditional Japanese bento box combos, with specialties like chicken teriyaki, saba (grilled mackerel) or unazu (bbq eel), as well as yakisoba (pan-fried noodles) and udon (thick noodle soup) and a few Korean and Chinese dishes as well. — DAN NAILEN



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40 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015



PIZZA THE BOILER ROOM 6501 N. Cedar | 863-9213 Located in the new, mixed-use Cedar Crossing development, the Boiler Room serves up a menu of wood-fired craft pizza served piping hot on long wooden boards. Try the “Fireball,” topped with Italian sausage, pepperoni, pancetta, peppers, chili flakes and Sriracha hot sauce. The “swill” aspect of the Boiler Room’s tag line, “craft pizza and swill,” includes housemade cocktails named after neighborhood streets and places. The draft and bottled beer list even features a few brews from its next-door neighbor, Waddell’s Brewpub & Grille. BRICK CITY PIZZA 2013 E. 29th | 413-1541 The menu includes salads, calzones and flatbread sandwiches, but the bulk of the business is still thin-crust yet hardly skimpy pizzas. Try The Stallion — pepperoni, sun-dried tomatoes, pepperoncinis, mozzarella and feta — and grab a seat on a patio with one of the local brews on tap. Their happy hour — daily from 3 to 6 pm — features $5 12-inch pizzas that you can wash down with one of the many local beers they keep on tap.

More flavors than the ice cream man without the annoying music. Thai Me Up pizza from the Boiler Room. MEGHAN KIRK PHOTO EUROPA 125 S. Wall | 455-4051 Nice enough to take a date or Mom, Europa is a good option for dinner or splitting a bottle of wine and ordering one of their appetizers (from calamari to hummus and spinachartichoke dip). If it’s pizza you’re looking for, take a look at Europa’s 13 Tuscan-style pies. The wine list is long, varied and features something for every oenophile. LALO’S PIZZA 909 S. Grand Blvd. | 533-5256 Lalo’s on the South Hill offers freshmade dough and heaps of saucy cheese — try the specialty pie called Lava Flow, a uniquely spicy combina-

tion of Sriracha, jalapeños, and a house “Lalo sauce.” The pizza parlor works in tandem with next-door bar Press, sharing outdoor seating and offering single slices during latenight weekend hours. PACIFIC AVENUE PIZZA 2001 W. Pacific | 624-0236 Sit out on the patio in Browne’s Addition in the evening sun. Read the menu and then order a pizza — yeah, sandwiches are on the menu, but this place is about pizza — with a name like the Gladiator (meat, mushrooms, sausage, pepperoni) or the MAC (white and red sauce, chicken, artichoke, bacon). Or go with our favorite: the gourmet barbecue chicken. Vegetarians, try the Leonilda.

SECOND AVENUE PIZZA 215 S. Second Ave. | Sandpoint 208-263-9321 Ever actually weighed a pizza? The Juke Box Special at Sandpoint’s Second Avenue Pizza weighs in at a shocking 7 pounds. Other “piled-high specialty pizzas” are also heavyduty, with fresh ingredients for the summer boating crowd or those who need an after-mountain meal. Speaking of which, the Schweitzer Ski Flake might grab your attention with spinach, tomatoes, garlic, mushrooms, feta and asiago cheese and black olives.

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JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 41

Jake Gyllenhaal takes a swing at an Oscar in Southpaw.

Outside the Box-ing Southpaw upends familiar underdog sports-movie expectations BY SCOTT RENSHAW


hanks to Rocky, we all know how the story’s able level of ringside exposition about not just the fighter supposed to roll in a boxing drama about a guy but his wife, we wouldn’t even know there had ever been from the streets getting a title shot. The scrappy rags. underdog, lacking the resources of his rival, has to make But there’s a shake-up on the way in Billy’s life. A suddo with an old, never-quite-a-contender trainer who has den tragedy — captured with an emotional intensity that the fighter punching meat, or whatever new equivalent a left me holding my breath, so I’ll be damned if I’m gonna screenwriter can come up with. Maybe there’s a girlfriend spill the beans, even if trailers have already done so — — or a mother, or some other family member — to fret leaves Billy reeling. And there’s no escaping the realization over whether the focus on making it to the top that he was the one responsible. That’s is distracting him from important things like his when it becomes clear that Sutter and SOUTHPAW health. They’re economic fairy tales, of a sort — Fuqua are taking Southpaw in a surprisRated R visceral variations on an American tale of up-by- Directed by Antoine Fuqua ing direction. It turns into the story of the-bootstraps success, where their bodies are the Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Forest someone whose career success didn’t only currency they have to put in the game. change the quality that most threatens Whitaker, Rachel McAdams Southpaw — written by Sons of Anarchy creator his long-term chances for happiness. Kurt Sutter and directed by Antoine Fuqua Southpaw is going to have to break Billy (Training Day) — starts in a place that seems counterinHope down again in order to have him build himself back tuitive. Billy Hope (Jake Gyllenhaal), a kid from Hell’s up the right way. Kitchen raised in the foster care system, is already the Structurally, there’s a battle going on in Southpaw undisputed, undefeated light heavyweight champion of between the familiar sports drama it seems to be working the world when the film begins. He’s happily married to against, and its unique character arc. It’s still a movie in similarly up-from-the-’hood Maureen (Rachel McAdams), which the down-and-out Billy finds that old trainer — gym with a 10-year-old daughter, Leila (Oona Laurence), living manager “Tick” Wills (Forest Whitaker) — and it still gives a dream life in a mansion. There’s no rags-to-riches story us an old-school training montage on the way to the Big possible here; if not for Jim Lampley providing an improbFight, as a bankrupt Billy considers a big payday to face

42 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

the new champ (Miguel Gomez). Individual moments and snippets of dialogue make it feel as though Fuqua almost should’ve committed to pure melodrama, rather than gritty edginess. Maybe the goal is providing a pure crowd-pleaser; maybe it’s delivering something more complicated. Maybe it doesn’t always work, as Southpaw tries to tiptoe through the space between the two. Gyllenhaal, though, finds yet another reservoir of intensity for a tricky role, much as he did for last year’s Nightcrawler. Billy’s defining trait as a fighter is his refusal to defend himself — proving to himself that he can take any kind of punishment before his bottled rage takes over — and Gyllenhaal shows us the consequences in both emotional and physical form. His chiseled body may draw attention — the way it always seems to happen when an actor transforms him or herself physically — but he’s just as good at the subtle slurring of a guy who’s taken a lot of punches to the head, and the residual psychic damage of an early life dependent on never backing down from a challenge to your manhood, even if there are always consequences. A comfortable rapport never quite develops between Gyllenhaal and Whitaker — the latter mostly playing one note of no-nonsense coach-speak — and the script sometimes feels as though it’s jumping over key interpersonal dynamics between Billy and his entourage, including his slick promoter (Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson). Yet even as it builds to the obvious climactic fight in the ring — the kind where both boxers are pummeling one another in ridiculous fashion — Southpaw manages to remain focused on the idea that there’s no external enemy who needs to be vanquished. Billy Hope has already been the better fighter; all that remains is to find out whether he becomes a better man.


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Based on the John Green (known best for The Fault in Our Stars) novel of the same name, Paper Towns is the story of Quentin “Q” Jacobsen (Nat Wolff) and his neighbor-friend-turned-crush Margo Roth Spiegelman (Cara Delevingne). After being dragged on a night of revenge by Margo, Q goes to school the next day to find her missing. After some detective work, he discovers she has left clues for Q — as he tries to find her, he learns about himself, his neighbor and love. (MS) Rated PG-13


Mark Ruffalo plays manic-depressive Cam Stuart, a father of two girls and a husband to Maggie (Zoe Saldana), who he is desperately trying to keep. He does so by attempting to take care of his two stubborn, expressive and lively daughters to prove himself while his wife attends Columbia for an MBA. This upbeat comedy is the feature debut for writer-director Maya Forbes, whose 12-year-old daughter plays one of the Stuart sisters. (MS) Rated R


Billy Hope (Jake Gyllenhaal), a kid raised in the foster care system, is already the undisputed, undefeated light heavyweight champion of the

world when the film begins. He’s got a wife (Rachel McAdams) and a kid and things are well, at least until he finds himself responsible for an awful tragedy. He decides to get back in the ring and fight himself out of a hole. (SR)


After fighting the restrictions on educating women in the early 1900s, Vera Brittain has begun to matriculate at Oxford University. Suddenly, World War I breaks out and she watches as both her brother and her fiance are sent to the front lines of the war. Although it means leaving the school she worked hard to attend, she leaves Oxford to serve as a war nurse for the dying and wounded. (MS) Rated PG-13


The Wolfpack introduces the world to the six long-haired sons raised (or held prisoner, depending on your opinion) by Oscar and Susanne Angulo in a public-housing apartment on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, their only ideas of the outside world gleaned from flicks like Pulp Fiction, The Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween — all movies the boys gleefully reenact and film to entertain themselves in their home/ prison. At Magic Lantern (DN) Rated R

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A man decides to climb out his retirement home window and disappear right before his 100th birthday party. He goes to the local bus station and travels wherever the road takes him — it happens to involve a suitcase full of cash, a cadaver dog, an elephant and some unlucky endings for those who pursue him. This Swedish film with English subtitles is based on the best-selling Jonas Jonasson novel by the same name. At Magic Lantern (MS) Rated R


Amy Winehouse only made two albums, and her chaotic personal life drew far more attention than her Grammy wins, monster hits and stunning voice. The documentary Amy puts the focus back on the singer’s artistry, at least for 90 minutes, as it tells the story of how a girl focused on the joy of music rose to fame — only to have that fame push her toward a dramatic and tragic demise at just 27. (DN) Rated R


Scott (Paul Rudd) was just released from prison and a return to a life of crime seems like the only option — until Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) shows up with a high-tech suit and a unique offer. He wants Scott to combine the suit’s abilities — communicating with and controlling ants, in addition to

becoming the same size and strength as one — with his own breaking-andentering talents to shut down a sinister operation. Rated PG-13 (SR)


In 1986, in the sleepy town of Cokeville, Wyoming, a couple named David and Doris Young walked into an elementary school armed with guns and a homemade explosive. After they gathered all of the teachers and students into one classroom, the bomb detonated killing only the Youngs. (In real life, David killed Doris and then himself). Eyewitness survivor accounts say they were saved thanks to heavenly intervention. T.C. Christensen’s independent film The Cokeville Miracle vividly depicts the encounter and the aftermath of a small town trying its best to grapple with tragedy, skepticism and faith. At AMC (LJ) Rated PG-13


The bros from the HBO series are back and as bro-y as ever, bro. The film begins with Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) partying with a bunch of hot people in Ibiza and then he finds out he might do a remake of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde and he’s all like “Yo, Ari? Am I gonna do the movie?” and the Turtle is like, “Yo, is Vince gonna do the movie?” Add in some gay jokes and glamorization of Hollywood’s worst parts and apparently you have something that looks like a movie. (SR) Rated R

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 43

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Bathsheba Everdeen (Carey Mulligan) — an ambitious heiress who enjoys her independence — has drawn three admirers, and must navigate between her desires for love and her autonomy. “It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings,” she says, “in a language chiefly made by men to express theirs.” The story illuminates the nature of relationships, love and the value of strength through hardships. At Magic Lantern (MS) Rated PG-13







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44 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

In a dramedy made for those of a certain age, widowed Carol (Blythe Danner) has begun to feel lonely and depressed. Her friends (June Squibb, Rhea Perlman and Mary Kay Place) attempt to help her find some love and joy. After many awkward encounters, she meets the charismatic, affluent Bill (Sam Elliott) and goes on a date with him. At Magic Lantern (MS) Rated PG-13



Mad Max


The Wolfpack




Magic Mike XXL



56 39

Terminator DON’T MISS IT


scoring how sterile the genre has been. Warlord Immortan Joe (Hugh KeaysByrne) thinks he’s sending his trusted Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) on a mission to bring back fuel from Gas Town to the Citadel he rules with an iron fist, but she’s got a secret mission of her own: to free the enslaved “breeders” of Joe’s children and bring them to the Green Place far away that she remembers from her own childhood. (MJ) Rated R



Alfonso Gomez-Rejon’s adaptation of Jesse Andrews’ young-adult novel, this film pulled off the rare sweep of the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival in January. The story about a teenage boy guilted into befriending a classmate suffering from cancer is touching and provides a timely look at our culture’s narcissistic ways. At Magic Lantern (SR) Rated PG-13

This rock biopic about the life of Brian Wilson is an insightful look at two periods of the surfer boy’s life. In the midto-late-’60s segments, when Wilson was at his songwriting and producing peak as the creative genius behind the Beach Boys, he’s played by Paul Dano. In the parts set in the 1980s, Wilson, played by John Cusack, is now a drugaddled, empty shell of a man, under the “care” of psychologist Eugene Landy (Paul Giamatti), a short-tempered, delusional sociopath who seems to thrive only when he has total control. At Magic Lantern (ES) Rated PG-13


Fury Road is astonishing in a way that makes you feel like you haven’t seen a true action movie in a while, under-

(OUT OF 100)


“It’s not bro time, it’s showtime,” a club owner says to the male strippers of Magic Mike XXL. That memorable quote is not quite indicative of the film, however. The story starts three years after legendary stripper Mike Lane (Channing Tatum) retired at his peak. When he finds out the bros of his old crew, the Kings of Tampa, are going on a road trip for a “blow-out” finale, he can’t resist the memories — he comes along and takes it all off. (MS) Rated R



Inside Out

Pixar’s newest film (following 2013’s Monsters University) is a major “emotion” picture — it’s about how choices between conflicting emotions drive the life of a Minnesota family. Young Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) and her parents (Diane Lane and Kyle MacLachlan) struggle with joy, sadness, fear, anger and disgust — that’s Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Bill Hader, Lewis Black and Mindy Kaling, respectively — and the personified emotions create their own problems inside Riley’s head. (MS) Rated PG This reimagining of the beloved trilogy features a familiar plot line but an entirely new cast, and even a new direction. Though Steven Spielberg is executive producer, Colin Trevorrow has stepped up to the role of director for this fourth journey into the Jurassic extravaganza. Set 22 years postJurassic Park, the dreamed-about, fully functioning dinosaur amusement park is finally a reality. (KA) Rated PG-13





Minions opens with a grand history of the race, starting with their evolution from tiny one-yellow-celled creatures from the Despicable Me movies floating in the primordial seas through the form we see them in now. The film is overly thick with backstory about the cute little buggers and distracts from the charm they brought to the original films. (MJ) Rated PG


Director Tarsem Singh (The Cell, Immortals) doesn’t quite live up to expectations in this science-fiction suspense yarn about a multimillionaire New York real estate tycoon named Damian Hale (Ben Kingsley) who’s dying of cancer. Instead of kicking the bucket, he undergoes an experimental procedure that puts his mind into the body of a



younger man (Ryan Reynolds) in order to destroy his business rival. (SR) Rated PG-13


Director Paul Feig goes back to the well with Melissa McCarthy for their third movie together (Bridesmaids, The Heat). McCarthy plays a meek CIA agent thrust into an epic globetrotting adventure alongside professional asskicker Jason Statham and über-suave Jude Law as they try to hunt down sexy foe Rose Byrne, another Bridesmaids veteran. (DN) Rated R


When Ted (a talking stuffed bear voiced by director, writer and producer Seth McFarlane) tries to have a baby with his new wife, he asks his best friend, John (Mark Wahlberg), to provide the sperm. But his help doesn’t stop there. When Ted and his wife are denied custody unless Ted can prove he is human, the two best bros team up with lawyer Samantha L. Jackson (Amanda Seyfried) and take to the courts to defend Ted’s civil rights. (MS) Rated R


Neither a remake nor a prequel nor a sequel, it’s kind of a reinvention of the first two films, but with all sorts of new futures and pasts. Yet for the first halfhour or so, it appears that we’re reliving the first film from a different point of view. There’s John Connor (Jason Clarke) in 2029, pumping up his rebel followers with a rousing pep talk about how “this is the night we take back our world” from the machines..(ES) Rated PG-13


In addition to starring, Amy Schumer wrote the script for Trainwreck, casting herself as a monogamy-averse magazine writer who doesn’t know quite how to handle herself when she gets involved in a real relationship with an interview subject, a nice-guy sports orthopedic surgeon (Bill Hader). Directed by Judd Apatow, the story is predicated on the complicated relationship between Amy and her alcoholic father (Colin Quinn), and it’s clear that Schumer wants to say something about the familial baggage that can damage our chance for happiness. Rated R (SR)




Fri-Sat 12:40, Sun 12:15 Mon-Thu 12:40


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Tomorrowland Fri-Sat 5:00, Sun 2:20 Mon-Thu 5:00

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Sun 5:00, Tue 7:35 Thu 9:55

PG-13 Daily (12:10) (5:00) 9:40 In 2D Daily (11:30) (2:00) (4:25) 6:45 7:20 9:10


PG-13 Daily (11:00) (1:30) (4:00) 6:30 9:00

Two of the seven brothers documented in The Wolfpack.

Surreal World

Think your parents are strict? See The Wolfpack BY DAN NAILEN


magine living in New York City, one of the mentary, one is entranced by this glimpse into most vibrant, exciting cities in the world, how boys raised in such an atypical way seem but having parents so fearful of what lurked so… normal. outside that they almost literally never let you Access to television and electronic media preout the front door of your house. pared the boys well for director Crystal Moselle’s Then imagine those same overbearing interviews — the boys are clearly smart, and parents having no issue providing you with a funny, and know how to convey emotions on nonstop stream of TV and movies, from the camera. Those interviews also are the strongest violent to the fantastical to the profane, to occupy part of The Wolfpack, when the movie re-creations your time between home-schooling lessons. are pushed aside and the boys delve into the fear The Wolfpack purports to show the results of that ruled their lives growing up, leading to years just such an extreme upbringing by introducing when they were only allowed out of their apartthe world to the six long-haired sons raised by ment maybe once, if at all. They were trapped Oscar and Susanne Angulo in a public-housing in a house where their father was often drunk, apartment on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, their and physically abusive to their mother, until one only ideas of the outside world gleaned from of the boys snuck out for a day, and the others flicks like Pulp Fiction, The Nightmare on Elm Street eventually followed. or Halloween — all movies the Moselle never pushes the parboys gleefully reenact and film THE WOLFPACK ents for much explanation of why to entertain themselves in their they felt it necessary to “protect” Rated R home/prison. their sons to such an extreme, or if Directed by Crystal Moselle The film opens with several they knew the psychological damscenes from the boys’ adaptaage they were inflicting. Instead, she tion of Reservoir Dogs, and besides being struck by focuses the latter stages of The Wolfpack, with the their dedication to recreating Quentin Tarantino’s boys’ new experiences outside the apartment — hit heist movie (and one of the boys’ delivery of easily the weakest part of the film. Even so, she a spot-on Steve Buscemi accent), among other succeeds at introducing the world to a story, and homemade films shown throughout this docufamily, that is hard to believe.


R Daily (1:20) (4:15) 7:00 9:45 Fri-Sun (10:45)


PG-13 Daily (2:30) In 2D Daily (10:45) (1:20) (4:00) 6:40 9:10


R Daily (1:30) (4:15) 6:50 9:45 Fri-Sun (10:50)


PG Daily 8:50 In 2D Daily (11:45) (2:00) (4:10) 6:20


PG-13 Fri-Tue (1:30) (4:10) 6:50 9:30 Fri-Sun (11:00)



PG Daily (11:40) (1:50) (4:00) 6:10 8:30


PG-13 Daily (2:00) (4:30) 7:00 9:25 Fri-Tue (11:30)


Opens Wednesday! R Wed-Thu (12:30) (2:45) (5:00) 7:15 9:35


12622 N Division • 509-232-7727


PG-13 Daily (12:10) (5:00) 9:40 In 2D Daily (11:30) (2:00) (2:30) (4:25) 6:45 7:20 9:10


PG-13 Daily (11:00) (1:30) (4:00) 6:30 9:00


R Daily (1:20) (4:15) 7:00 9:45 Fri-Sun (10:45)


PG-13 Daily (11:40) (4:40) 9:40 In 2D Daily (1:20) (2:10) (4:00) 6:40 7:10 9:10 Fri-Sun (10:50)


R Daily (1:30) (4:15) 6:50 9:45 Fri-Sun (10:50)


PG Daily 9:15 In 2D Daily (11:45) (12:40) (2:00) (2:50) (4:10) (5:00) 6:20 7:10 8:40 Fri-Sun (10:30)


PG-13 Daily (1:20) (4:00) 6:40 9:20 Fri-Sun (10:40)

MAGIC MIKE XXL R Fri-Tue 7:20 9:50


PG Daily (11:40) (1:50) (4:00) 6:10 8:30


PG-13 Daily (1:30) (4:10) 6:50 9:30 Fri-Sun (10:50)


PG Fri-Tue (2:30) (4:50) Fri-Sun (11:50)


R Daily (2:00) (4:30) 7:00 9:45 Fri-Sun (11:35)


Opens Wednesday! R Wed-Thu (12:30) (2:45) (5:00) 7:15 9:35

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JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 45

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46 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

Drinking Songs, And Then Some Whitey Morgan’s independent streak makes him a must-hear modern country outlaw BY DAN NAILEN


f you’re unfamiliar with Whitey Morgan, it’ll take you roughly 10 seconds of listening to his new album Sonic Ranch to get the gist. That’s the point when the Michigan native’s baritone kicks in, after a few tasty guitar chords, on a tale of a lonely man seeking solace in a bottle. “I gave up on running ’round / She gave up on me,” Morgan sings. “I gave up the cocaine / Now it’s just me and the whiskey.” Spending the past eight years or so on a perpetual tour in venues including traditional honky-tonks, punk-rock dives and theaters ...continued on next page

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 47

MUSIC | OUTLAW COUNTRY “DRINKING SONGS, AND THEN SOME,” CONTINUED... means that Morgan isn’t likely to be alone with that bottle very often. His fan base has grown exponentially as he’s toured the same towns over and over, word of mouth spreading the news that there’s a young artist in town who evokes the sound — and more important, the attitude — of his childhood influences: Waylon Jennings, Townes Van Zandt, Bobby Bare and other icons of so-called “outlaw country.” Morgan cov• Lydia Loveless, Somewhere Else ers all three of those artists on • Sturgill Simpson, Metamodern Sounds Sonic Ranch, his in Country Music (Playing Knitting Facthird studio album tory, Nov. 10) and the first on his


own label, Whitey Morgan Music. Jen- • Nikki Lane, All or Nothin’ nings’ “Goin’ Down • The Delines, Colfax Rocking” evokes images of dusty barroom floors with its • Justin Townes Earle, Harlem River mid-tempo swagger, Blues and Van Zandt’s “Waitin’ ’Round to Die” is an epic ballad slathered in pedal-steel, given the perfect urgency by Morgan’s voice. “I’ve played so many covers over the years. There’s always those that when you sing them, you can feel them,” Morgan says of picking others’ songs to record in an

interview from the road. “They can seem like something that would come from you, that you would write.” Indeed, the covers are some of the new album’s highlights, but Morgan originals like “Me and the Whiskey” and “Good Timin’ Man” stand strong right alongside those legends’ tunes. Morgan and his band, the 78’s, took five years between studio sessions — time spent extricating himself from a bad label deal and touring nonstop — and the time and effort he put into making Sonic Ranch his best album to date comes through loud and clear. Morgan partly credits his decision to record at the remote Texas desert studio that gave the album its name for its excellent sound. It’s a 3,000-acre complex where the band slept in haciendas, ate with other musicians and took full advantage of the studio’s retrofitted equipment. It’s hard to imagine the soaring steel guitars and roundhouse piano licks sounding much better. “It’s kind of a middle-of-nowhere place where you can chill out and create,” Morgan says. “It’s nice and secluded. If you have an issue, you can get away. You don’t go sit in some damn studio waiting room or on the street.” Morgan’s intensity comes through the phone line when he talks about jump-starting his label to put out Sonic Ranch. He notes that plenty of labels came calling when he got out of his old deal, “but most of them didn’t want to give me anything I couldn’t do myself.” And he sure wasn’t going to have any label suits take a cut of his earnings for doing virtually nothing. That’s the DIY attitude Morgan takes from his working-class hometown of Flint, Michigan, and from the punk rockers he grew up idolizing along with the country greats. “I’ve been doing this way too damn long on my own, and I’m not about to give it away,” he says, noting that some bands spend $1,000 a day on a tour bus. “I’m out playing 200 nights a year. I’m not paying $200,000 for a bus!”

AUGUS T 2015

Whitey Morgan says that the older you get, the more you appreciate country music. While Morgan’s renegade spirit and independent nature keep him tied to the punk roots of his youth, the move to country as he got older was natural. His grandfather was a bluegrass picker and gave him his first Gibson guitar, and the traditional country sounds he makes now are a natural extension of that gift. “The older you get, the more you appreciate what the songs are about in country,” Morgan says. For those who claim to hate country music based on what the mainstream Nashville scene is shoveling out to the world, consider Morgan an ideal introduction to how good the genre can be in the right hands. Whitey Morgan and the 78’s • Wed, July 29, at 8 pm • $18/$20 day of • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174


6 › Arlo Guthrie with Jonatha Brooke 7›Ziggy Marley “The Fly Rasta Tour” with Maw Band 8 › Vince Gill with The Barefoot Movement & Troy Bullock 9 › Family Concert with The Festival Community Orchestra “Seasons’ Greetings” 13 › Lake Street Dive with The Ballroom Thieves 14 › The Devil Makes Three & Trampled By Turtles 15 › Wilco with Vetiver & Owen & McCoy 16 › Grand Finale The Spokane Symphony Orchestra “Viva Italia” Conducted by Gary Sheldon with featured soloist Vadim Neselovskyi, piano

208.265.4554 O R 800.325.SEAT I N F O & O R D E R T I C K E T S O N L I N E : 48 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015




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The Sweeplings perform as part of last weekend’s Red Lion Hotel at the Park concert series. AUSTIN ILG PHOTO

Roarin’ Forward

509-835-4177 • 122 S Monroe St Event/Music Contact:

The new concert series at the Red Lion Hotel at the Park is the first in a string of changes BY LAURA JOHNSON


he number of live shows available to Inland Northwest music lovers multiplies the moment it’s warm enough to hang out on a patio. This summer, the Red Lion Hotel at the Park upped its outdoor concert game with free events every weekend through the end of August. That meant hiring a promoter to bring in better-known regional and some national talent, and building a brand-new vaulted stage. “In its 40 years, this hotel has had such a connection with so many people,” says general manager Michael Fear. “Through music, we’re trying to bring the community in once again.” Right off the Spokane River Centennial Trail and idyllic Riverfront Park, the hotel’s stage sits between the upper bar patio and pool, beckoning passersby to stop and take a breather on the lawn or concrete patio. In years past, the hotel has hosted singer-songwriters on its outdoor bar patio; they’ve already brought in acts like the Sammy Eubanks Band, Hey! is for Horses, an Eagles tribute band, and last weekend, Cami Bradley’s new act, the Sweeplings. Fear says that each weekend has been better attended than the last, and the music has caused more than one hotel guest to come

RED LION HOTEL AT THE PARK CONCERT LINEUP JULY 24: Soul Proprietor JULY 25: Bakin’ Phat with Slow Cookin JULY 31: Nicole Lewis AUG. 1: Devon Wade Band AUG. 7: Devon Allman Band (Gregg Allman’s son), Echo Elysium AUG. 8: Sara Brown Band AUG. 14-15: Dodgy Mountain Men, Folkinception AUG. 21-22: Harliss Sweetwater AUG. 28-29: British Export: a Beatles Tribute Band

out and dance on their balconies. This is all part of a new direction for Red Lion Hotels, which is expanding all over the country. Red Lion Hotel at the Park is undergoing a complete renovation — including a climbing wall in the lobby — and is poised to change its name to Hotel RL soon. Fear is working to make this transition as smooth as possible. In Spokane for the past 17 months, but in the industry for 30plus years, he says the idea for the concert series wasn’t hatched until April. The first show scheduled out of the gate in early June, featuring the Oregon-based Cherry Poppin’ Daddies (of “Zoot Suit Riot” fame), had to be canceled as the large, box-shaped, uncovered stage wasn’t yet completed. In the midst of a growing year, they’ll have all of fall and winter to finalize a lineup for next year’s roster, Fear says — and hopefully get the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies back. Red Lion Hotel at the Park concert series • Every Friday and Saturday through Aug. 29, 6 pm • Free • All-ages • Red Lion Hotel at the Park • 303 W. North River Dr. • 326-8000 •


LUKE JAXON BAND With DJ TOM! Ladies Night Friday Drink Specials Free Dance Lessons






FOR JUST $25!!


JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 49




hings can happen quickly for a band when they know the right people. As the guitarist for Mikal Cronin and later bassist in Fuzz, one of Ty Segall’s groups, Chad Ubovich eventually got busy recording his own stuff in his bedroom. In 2012, Segall released those recordings on tape, which led to a record deal for Ubovich and a fulllength release last year. Now with a touring band, Meatbodies is showing off Ubovich’s psychedelictinged California fuzz-rock all over the West Coast this summer, including the Capitol Hill Block Party and Pickathon Festival and a stop at the Bartlett next Thursday. Prepare for a show that stands to get heavy and then groovy, all in a few quick seconds. — LAURA JOHNSON Meatbodies with Loomer • Thu, July 30, at 8 pm • $8/$10 day of • All-ages • The Bartlett • 228 W. Sprague • • 747-2174


Thursday, 07/23

219 Lounge (208-263-9934), Truck Mills ArBor CreST Wine CeLLArS, Larry Myer The BArTLeTT, Land of Plenty feat. Mama Doll, Windoe, Lotte Kestner and Hannah Reader BooMerS CLASSiC roCK BAr & griLL, Randy Campbell acoustic show BuCer’S CoFFeehouSe PuB, Open Jazz Jam with Erik Bowen CheCKerBoArD BAr, Three For Silver Coeur D’ALene CASino, PJ Destiny Coeur D’ALene PArK, Browne’s Addition Summer Concert Series feat. Chris Rieser DALey’S CheAP ShoTS, Ticking Time Bomb Fizzie MuLLigAnS, Kicho The FLAMe, DJ WesOne The JACKSon ST., Acoustic Jam John’S ALLey, Doog N’ Toots LAgunA CAFé, Just Plain Darin The LAnTern TAP houSe, DJ Lydell Moon TiMe (208-667-2331), Son of Brad norThern rAiL PuB (487-4269), Open Mic with Johnny & the Moondogs PenD D’oreiLLe Winery, Nate Vernot & Carly Fetzer of Wartime Blues PinnACLe norThWeST, Forever Came Calling, Like Pacific, You, Me, and Everyone We Know, the Revision Scheme, Rise & Shine, Seasons Change The ViKing BAr & griLL, Jimmy Nuge zoLA, Island Soul

Friday, 07/24

1210 TAVern (208-765-1210),

50 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015


he Oklahoma-bred Turnpike Troubadours are quickly making a name for themselves through live shows that manage to combine a honky-tonk spirit with full-blown rock spectacle. In their home state and neighboring Texas, their fiddle-fueled throwdowns draw thousands to famed venues like Billy Bob’s in Fort Worth and Stubb’s in Austin. The quintet’s upcoming self-titled album, due in September, could help them find their way to success among the mainstream country crowd, following the trajectory of Old Crow Medicine Show. Following the strong songwriting on their past two full-lengths, Goodbye Normal Street and Diamonds & Gasoline, singer/guitarist Evan Felker and company are primed for a serious breakthrough. — DAN NAILEN Turnpike Troubadours with Silver Treason and Levi Daniel Band • Thu, July 30, at 8 pm • $15 • All-ages • Knitting Factory • 919 W. Sprague • • 244-3279

Numbats BABy BAr, The Bight, City of Pieces The BArTLeTT, Land of Plenty feat. Lemolo, Cami Bradley, Abby Gundersen, Anna Tivel BeVerLy’S, Robert Vaughn The Big DiPPer, Acoustic Fest feat. Tyler Lang, Gary Cook, Aleisha Simpson, Bryce Kennedy, Zaq Flanary and many more Big SKy’S TAVern, Earl Wear, Haywire BoLo’S, FM BuCer’S CoFFeehouSe PuB, Blue Funk Jailbreak CALyPSoS CoFFee & CreAMery, Celeste Flock CArLin BAy reSorT (208-6893295, Karma’s Circle CheCKerBoArD BAr, Slightly Committed, Bitch Slapped, Mothers Whiskey Coeur D’ALene CASino, Ron Greene,

Strictly Business ConKLing MArinA & reSorT, The Cronkites CrAVe, Stoney Hawk CurLey’S, Dragonfly FirST STreeT BAr & griLL, Phoenix Fizzie MuLLigAnS, YESTERDAYSCAKE The FLAMe, DJ WesOne Ladies Night gATeWAy MArinA AnD reSorT (208-582-3883, Shiner iron horSe BAr, Tell the Boys The JACKSon ST., Tracer John’S ALLey, Highlife Band MAx AT MirABeAu, Ticking Time Bomb MuLLigAn’S BAr & griLLe (208765-3200), Truck Mills neCTAr TASTing rooM, Son of Brad norThern QueST CASino, DJ Ramsin nyne, DJ Patrick PAoLA’S rAinBoW reSorT (208-

262-9001), Bill Bozly PArK BenCh CAFe, Paul Grove PAViLLion PArK, Barefoot in the Park PenD D’oreiLLe Winery, Justin Lantrip rAThDruM CiTy PArK, 9 Lives reD Lion hoTeL AT The PArK, Soul Proprietor (See story on page 49) The riDLer PiAno BAr, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler The ShoP, Dry and Dusty SiLVer Fox (208-667-9442), The Usual Suspects SuLLiVAn SCoreBoArD, Cary Fly SWAxx, Perfect Giddimani, Lil Ras TAMArACK PuBLiC houSe, Just Plain Darin The ViKing BAr & griLL, Christy Lee and the Nine Lives zoLA, Uppercut

Saturday, 07/25

BArLoWS AT LiBerTy LAKe (9241446), Jan Harrison BeVerLy’S, Robert Vaughn The Big DiPPer, Sessions Smooth Jazz feat. Heather Simmons BoLo’S, FM BuCer’S CoFFeehouSe PuB, Atlas CArLin BAy reSorT, Karma’s Circle ChAPS, Just Plain Darin CheCKerBoArD BAr, Aft3rbirth, the Earwigs, Ritual Hate, Tcmishb CLArKSTon, Rockin’ on the River feat. Collective Soul Coeur D’ALene CASino, Ron Greene ConKLing MArinA & reSorT, The Cronkites CrAVe, Stoney Hawk CurLey’S, Dragonfly DoWnTWon hArriSon, Harrison Summer Concerts feat. Down South

DOWNTOWN SANDPOINT, Sandpoint Summer Sounds Special Crazy Days edition feat. Backstreet Dixie, Carl Rey and the Blues Gators, Northern Exposure, Hoodoo Two FIRST STREET BAR & GRILL (2762320), Phoenix FIZZIE MULLIGANS, YESTERDAYSCAKE THE FLAME, DJ Big Mike, DJ WesOne GATEWAY MARINA AND RESORT, Shiner GORGE AMPHITHEATER, Train with The Fray, Matt Nathanson HOGFISH, Blackwater Prophet, Northern Stakes, AAI IRON HORSE BAR, Tell the Boys THE JACKSON ST., DJ Dave, Gaint Pong JOHN’S ALLEY, The Student Loan Stringband JONES RADIATOR, The Oracle’s Kitchen THE LARIAT INN, Dude Ranch LITZ’S BAR & GRILL (327-7092), Left Over Soul MAX AT MIRABEAU, Ticking Time Bomb


Email getlisted@inlander. com to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.

MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILLE, Son of Brad NORDSTROM (455-6111), In Transit NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, DJ Ramsin NORTHERN RAIL PUB, The Usual Suspects NYNE, Alyse Black, Kari Marguerite, DJ C-Mad O’SHAYS IRISH PUB & EATERY, America/Folk Festival feat. Richard Byford PALOUSE, WASH., Palouse Music Festival feat. Blue Funk Jailbreak, Bart Budwig, Lindsay Street, Svenge Brothers, Jens Hegg, Panhandle Cowboys and Effie and the Echos PAVILLION PARK, Barefoot in the Park PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, The Electric Cole Show RED LION HOTEL AT THE PARK, Bakin’ Phat, Slow Cookin REPUBLIC BREWING CO., Blake Noble Band THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Dueling Pianos feat. Christan Raxter & Steve Ridler ROCKET MARKET, Karrie O’Neill SOUTH PERRY PIZZA, South Perry Street Fair feat. Marshall McLean Band, Water Monster, Mama Doll, Dead Serious Lovers, Silver Treason & Real Life Rockaz SULLIVAN SCOREBOARD, Cary Fly TAMARACK PUBLIC HOUSE, Martini Brothers THE VIKING BAR & GRILL, The Adarna, Elephant Gun Riot, Children of Atom

ZOLA, Uppercut

Sunday, 07/26

ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Hot Rod Deluxe BIG BARN BREWING CO. (710-2961), Karrie O’Neil CHECKERBOARD BAR, Nathan Kalish, Half Way band COEUR D’ALENE CASINO, Kosh, Kicho COEUR D’ALENE CITY PARK, CdA City Park Concert Series COEUR D’ALENE CITY PARK, Stagecoach West CONKLING MARINA & RESORT, Bob and Pat Cronkites Duo CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN, Wyatt Wood CURLEY’S, FM DALEY’S CHEAP SHOTS, Jam Night with VooDoo Church IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL, Back Road Toad THE JACKSON ST., Steve Livingston KNITTING FACTORY, Theory of a Deadman THE LARIAT INN, The Usual Suspects PAVILLION PARK, Barefoot in the Park ZOLA, Soulful Max Trio

Monday, 07/27

1912 CENTER (208-669-2249), Plaza Concert Series feat. The Snake River Six CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Open Mic CHECKERBOARD BAR, Joshua Kloyda EICHARDT’S, Monday Night Jam with Truck Mills LEFTBANK WINE BAR, Monday Night Spotlight feat. Carey Brazil ZOLA, Nate Ostrander Trio

CRAFTED TAP HOUSE + KITCHEN, Casey Ryan DOWNTOWN COEUR D’ALENE, Live After 5 feat. The Rub EICHARDT’S, Charley Packard THE FLAME, RockStarzz Karaoke GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES (368-9087), Open Mic with T & T JONES RADIATOR, Whiskey Wednesday with Old Suze Revival LA ROSA CLUB, Robert Beadling and Friends LUCKY’S IRISH PUB, DJ D3VIN3 NYNE, Open Mic PEND D’OREILLE WINERY, David Lane Walsh PRINCE OF PEACE (465-0779), POP Summer Concerts: Darin Hilderbrand THE RIDLER PIANO BAR, Jam with Steve Ridler SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE, Kosh SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS, Open mic with Son of Brad ZOLA, The Bossame

Coming Up ...

THE BARTLETT, Meatbodies (See story on facing page), Loomer, July 30 THE BIG DIPPER, Quiet Company, Boat Race Weekend, the Backups, July 30 BING CROSBY THEATER, Keb’ Mo’, July 30 COEUR D’ALENE PARK, Browne’s Addition Summer Concert Series feat. Just Plain Darin, July 30 KNITTING FACTORY, KYRS Pres-

ents: Turnpike Troubadors (See story on facing page) with Silver Treason and the Levi Daniel Band, July 30 NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Jackson Browne, July 30 PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Shramana, Saxeus, Progenitus, East Sherman, July 30 KNITTING FACTORY, Sammy Eubanks and friends, July 31 SWAXX, Too Short feat. Young West, Franchise, C.a. Rod, L.O.U., Demon Assassin, July 31 THE BIG DIPPER, The Hoot Hoots, Bollets or Balloons, Fun Ladies, Dem Empire, Aug. 1 THE BARTLETT, Mon Cheri, Friends of Mine, Aug. 1 PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Fallen Kings, Odyssey, Blackwater Prophet, Aug. 1 KNITTING FACTORY, Michael Franti & Spearhead, Aug. 3 NEATO BURRITO, Sarah Bethe Nelson, Hannah Reader, Loomer, Aug. 3 JONES RADIATOR, White Mystery, Siamese Suicide, 66beat, Aug. 4 NEATO BURRITO, Heaters, Bigfoot Wallace & His Wicked Son (feat. members of Kithkin), Aug. 5 WAR MEMORIAL FIELD, Festival at Sandpoint feat. Arlo Guthrie, Jonatha Brooke, Aug. 6 WATERFRONT PARK, Blue Waters Bluegrass Festival feat. Laurie Lewis and Kathy Kallick, Phillips Grier & Flinner, Growling Old Men, and many more, Aug. 7-9

Tuesday, 07/28

315 MARTINIS & TAPAS, The Rub CALYPSOS COFFEE & CREAMERY, Julia Finch FEDORA PUB & GRILLE, Tuesday Night Jam with Truck Mills JOHN’S ALLEY, Bowen, Hagen, Jarocki, & Ward JONES RADIATOR, Open Mic of Open-ness KELLY’S IRISH PUB, Arvid Lundin & Deep Roots PINNACLE NORTHWEST, Redeem The Exile, This Vast Ocean, I Hate This City, Aesh, 37 Street Signs ROCKET MARKET, Starlight Motel SHERMAN SQUARE PARK, Master Class Big Band SWAXX, T.A.S.T.Y with DJs Freaky Fred, Beauflexx ZOLA, The Bucket List

Wednesday, 07/29 THE BARTLETT, Whitey Morgan and the 78’s (See story on page 47) THE BIG DIPPER, Catharsis Engine Features Zaq Flannery, Bret Allen, Shawn Murphy and more BING CROSBY THEATER, Ana Popovic CHAPS, Land of Voices with Dirk Swartz CHATEAU RIVE, Korby Lenker & Jesse Terry

Look for the sticker at The Inlander’s more than 1,000+ locations throughout the Inland Northwest and pick up your weekly edition.

MUSIC | VENUES 315 MARTINIS & TAPAS • 315 E. Wallace, CdA • 208-667-9660 ARBOR CREST • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. • 927-9463 BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 847-1234 THE BARTLETT • 228 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2174 BEVERLY’S • 115 S. 2nd St., CdA • 208-765-4000 THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 863-8098 BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 467-9638 BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 227-7638 BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague • 891-8357 BOLO’S• 116 S. Best Rd. • 891-8995 BOOMERS • 18219 E. Appleway Ave. • 755-7486 BOOTS BAKERY & LOUNGE • 24 W. Main Ave. • 703-7223 BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main, Moscow • 208-882-5216 BUCKHORN INN • 13311 Sunset Hwy.• 244-3991 THE CELLAR • 317 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-6649463 CALYPSOS • 116 E Lakeside Ave., CdA • 208665-0591 CHAPS • 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. • 624-4182 CHATEAU RIVE • 621 W. Mallon Ave. • 795-2030 CHECKERBOARD BAR • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007 COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw Rd., Worley • 800-523-2464 CONKLING MARINA & RESORT • 20 W Jerry Ln, Worley • 208-686-1151 CRAFTED TAP HOUSE • 523 Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-292-4813 CRAVE• 401 W. Riverside Suite 101. • 321-7480 CRUISERS • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • (208) 773-4706 CURLEY’S • 26433 W. Hwy. 53 • 208-773-5816 DALEY’S • 6412 E. Trent • 535-9309 EICHARDT’S • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208263-4005 FEDORA PUB • 1726 W. Kathleen, CdA • 208765-8888 FIZZIE MULLIGANS • 331 W. Hastings Rd. • 466-5354 THE FLAME • 2401 E. Sprague Ave. • 534-9121 FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague • 624-1200 GRANDE RONDE CELLARS • 906 W. 2nd • 455-8161 HANDLEBARS • 12005 E. Trent Ave.• 924-3720 HOGFISH • 1920 E. Sherman, CdA • 208-667-1896 THE HOP! • 706 N. Monroe St. • 368-4077 IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman Ave., CdA • 208-667-7314 THE JACKSON ST. • 2436 N. Astor • 315-8497 JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. 6th, Moscow • 208-8837662 JONES RADIATOR • 120 E. Sprague • 747-6005 KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 244-3279 LAGUNA CAFÉ • 4302 S. Regal St. • 448-0887 THE LANTERN TAP HOUSE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 315-9531 THE LARIAT • 11820 N Market St, Mead • 4669918 LA ROSA CLUB • 105 S. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-255-2100 LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington • 315-8623 LUCKY’S IRISH PUB • 408 W. Sprague Ave. • 747-2605 MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. • 924-9000 MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague • 838-1570 NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128 NECTAR• 120 N. Stevens St. • 869-1572 NORTHERN QUEST • 100 N. Hayford • 242-7000 NYNE • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 474-1621 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 O’SHAY’S • 313 E. CdA Lake Dr. • 208-667-4666 PARK BENCH CAFE •1976 S Tekoa St • 456-4349 PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545 PINNACLE NORTHWEST • 412 W. Sprague • 368-4077 RED LION RIVER INN • 700 N. Division St. • 326-5577 RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 838-7613 REPUBLIC BREWING • 26 Clark Ave. • 775-2700 THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside . • 822-7938 THE ROADHOUSE • 20 N. Raymond • 413-1894 ROCKET MARKET • 726 E. 43rd Ave. • 343-2253 SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 209 E. Lakeside Ave. • 208-664-8008 THE SHOP • 924 S. Perry St. • 534-1647 SOULFUL SOUPS & SPIRITS • 117 N. Howard St. • 459-1190 SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon • 279-7000 SULLIVAN SCOREBOARD • 205 N Sullivan Rd • 891-0880 SWAXX • 23 E. Lincoln Rd. • 703-7474 TAMARACK • 912 W Sprague • 315-4846 TEMPLIN’S RED LION • 414 E 1st, Post Falls • 208-773-1611 UNDERGROUND 15 • 15 S. Howard St. • 290-2122 THE VIKING • 1221 N. Stevens St. • 315-4547 ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 624-2416

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 51


After a one-year hiatus, the Royal Fireworks Concert is back. A highly anticipated annual event for 35 years before its final concert (until now) in July 2013, new support from donors and musicians who’ve performed in the perennial event has allowed it to return in true form. The event continues under a new nonprofit, Spokane Historic Concerts, which also organizes the Music in Historic Homes series. Preceding the concert, which includes the traditional performance of Handel’s Musick for the Royal Fireworks, are two baroque ballet performances by Spokane Ballet Studio in the Riverfront Park Lilac Bowl. Another piece in the program will serve as the background for a famous speech by Chief Seattle, which was performed daily at the 1974 World’s Fair. — CHEY SCOTT Royal Fireworks Concert • Sun, July 26, concert at 9 pm; ballet performances at 7 and 8 pm • Free • Riverfront Park floating stage •

52 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015



Reading/Q&A/Signing with David Neiwert • Sat, July 25, at 7 pm • Free • Auntie’s Bookstore • 402 W. Main •

Christmas in July • Sat, July 25, at 3 pm • Free admission • River City Brewing Co. • 121 S. Cedar •

Investigative journalist and author David Neiwert is no stranger to the Northwest. Raised in Idaho Falls, he got his start writing for newspapers in Washington, Idaho and Montana. Since, he’s won the National Press Club Award, and his book And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border won the 2014 International Latino Book Award for general nonfiction. Neiwert’s latest book, Of Orcas and Men: What Killer Whales Can Teach Us, plunges into every aspect of the lives of orca whales and their relationship with humans throughout history. Neiwert pairs education and research with beautiful descriptions and anecdotes. — KATY BURGE

Malty, winter seasonals on an 85-degree day might seem like a weird choice, but a cold beer is a cold beer, right? Down in the cellar of River City Brewing, several leftovers from the past winter are waiting to be finished off; in an attempt to do so, the brewery is hosting a holiday-themed one-off, pouring a line up that includes its 2014 Deep Thaw Winter Warmer, the Oako-Coco Nitro, and a firkin of the Holiday Spiced River City Red. All these brews are limited in quantity, so a couple will only be offered as a single 8-ounce pour per person. To encourage the holiday spirit, River City is also hosting a drive for Toys for Tots. — CHEY SCOTT


Email to get your event listed in the paper and online. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.



Published more than 70 years ago, The Little Prince is now coming to the stage thanks to the efforts of the Idaho Repertory Theater. Follow the Little Prince, who experiences a plane crash in the Sahara Desert and tries to journey home while meeting several characters on the way who teach him lessons of friendship, love and loss. The production, directed by the award-winning Matt Foss, will charm play-goers with imaginative stage and lighting design, custom-designed puppets and live actors — Lo Miles and Dan Poppen — who recently returned from a month of theater training in the other Moscow. — ERIN ROBINSON The Little Prince • July 23-25, July 31, Aug. 1 and Aug 7-8 at 7:30 pm; July 26, Aug. 2 at 2 pm • $5-$15 • Hartung Theater • 625 Stadium Dr., Moscow • • 208-885-6465

SHOWCASE HOST. NBC and Golf Channel broadcaster, Todd Lewis, will be returning to the Inland Northwest to emcee on-course events, including a clinic with PGA Tour players, during the Showcase presented by GoPro on August 3rd at the Coeur d’Alene Resort Golf Course.

AUGUST 3, 2015

Tickets visit



The South Perry Street Fair is yet another way to experience the hip vibe of this revitalized neighborhood. For one day only, head over to the district for a parade beginning at 10 am, then stay and explore the booths full of vendors and community groups. Live music begins at 1:30 pm and includes awesome local acts Real Life Rockaz, Silver Treason, Dead Serious Lovers, Mama Doll, Water Monster and Marshall McLean. Note that nearby Grant Park will host South Perry Yoga at 8:30 am (free!), and also a children’s fair. Proceeds from the event go to Odyssey Youth Center and Liberty Park Child Development Center. — LAURA JOHNSON South Perry Street Fair • Sat, July 25, from 10 am-10 pm • Free • Grant Park and along South Perry Street between Ninth and 11th Avenues • SouthPerryStreetFair




JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 53





I SAW YOU ROSAUERS IN BROWNE'S ADDITION @ CLOSING ON THE 17TH JULY You saw me as I was walking along the Beer said hello in passing... I said hi back... then you followed me thru the store... I turned and said that the store looked said, ''oh, they are closing soon?" You look Russian and seem to have an accent likewise..and that is soooooo wunderbar heiß....I was just beginning to feel the hunt we were in..... then I lost you when I went to the Ice Cream section...Oye!!.the last time I was hit with this strong a meeting was in Berlin on the Schoenhauser Allee UBahn stand.. .I went thru the store to find you, but you had vanished...I can still see you there very tightly dressed in black and looking like some well honed ballet dancer... beautiful eyes and a tasteable smile... I placed this here that the fates might be kind and line us up again.. .and be this so, I promise to capture you and share some more smiles with you..... Je regardais partout pour vous que je suis sorti , dans l'espoir de poursuivre cette nite SASSY You are MAGIC. We had an instant connection in Feb at the GYM. What I thought was innocent flirting, has proven to be deeper. I watch you WHIP, I watch you NAE NAE, and I can't help but smile. I've never laughed so much with someone in my life — THERE'S THAT & THAT'S A THING. You've taken me places I've never been before. You're a 10... like a

Bud Light PLATINUM, or an OREO SHAKE with no whip cream! You consume my mind, and I know it will NEVER STOP. I know if I ever needed anything, you'd be there, with a HAIR TIE ON YOUR WRIST. I want you to know that I CHOOSE YOU. I'm normally not good with SURPRISES, but you are the biggest surprise of my life — a DARK HORSE. I love you HUGE. Love, SALTY PITA PIT DELIVERY GIRL You: short blond hair, funny, Cheerful. Me: student at Gonzaga Law. You delivered my lunch one day, and gave me your back to sign the receipt; the next time I came in you gave me a knowing smile from the grill. Do you remember me? Do you feel something between us? If so I'd love to take you for coffee sometime. WELL DONE SHELDON I saw you standing tall against the world on your shoulders. You are a strong man with a giant heart. You bright blue eyes so full of age and wisdom. I saw you fight for your beliefs, I saw you cry from your mistakes, I saw your smile full of pure happiness. A genuine man full of creativity and integrity. Me, I'm just the little girl with bright green eyes full of love and the same giant heart you gave to me. I love you Dad! WATER CHESTNUTS @ ROSAUERS You were in line in front of me at Rosauers Monday evening getting stir-fry ingredients, and I told you about Best Asian Market on Division. You were lovely, and seemed so nice and rad. If you ever want to talk more I'd be down for coffee! Hope to see you again one day! Email me at

CHEERS POST FALLS NURSES AT WALLACE BLUES FESTIVAL Thank you for taking this orphan in on Saturday night. Sharing company is always better than not. The party plan has been slightly altered for next year. More Blues (oh, yeah), less brews (uh, huh) and I will bring my own chair! Cheers from "The Guy Who Doesn't Dance". ANNIVERSARY GIFT RESCUE Big Cheers to Joshua at Hobby Lobby. I am completely inept when it comes to creative design and crafting. Thanks for preventing my 1st-year anniversary gift

from turning out like an ADD kindergartner project. She loved it! PIZZA FOR A RETURNING VET Thanks to Papa Murphy's near Shadle Park for the pizza! I mentioned it was my first pizza since I just came back from Afghanistan and they comped me. I am astonished at how thoughtful that was.

You pull in front of someone and they hit you, even from behind, it is still your fault. RCW 46.61.190 requires merging traffic to yield to the traffic already in the lane On ramps are acceleration ramps. You are not to accelerate after getting on the highway. BLIND BARBER Jeers to the long-haired,

managers. This group were so loud and vile that other patrons made comments as the left. Then they announced that they were owners of a particular pub and that they were going to have people fired for this night out. Screaming in the lobby and in the parking lot "do u know who we are??" Well, I do know now who you are, and by your actions makes me

You’re a 10... like a Bud Light PLATINUM, or an OREO SHAKE with no whip cream!

DUTCH BROS STAFF A heartfelt Thank You goes out to the Dutch Bros staff at the Division & Magnesium and Francis & Nevada locations. I had recently taken my faithful companion on some "bucket list" rides, some of which included these stands. The people we dealt with became aware of the nature of our visits and were very thoughtful and compassionate. He enjoyed his special treats very much, so thank you for your kindness and for contributing to our long list of happy experiences! In memory of my Luke GLAD YOU'RE HERE Wow... new Hillyard Bistro.. I saw an interesting variety of plants outside of your place... when I came in... Wow... awesome everything. Art of all kinds.. Plants of every variety.. Tasty menu... a beautiful waitress. Thank you for coming to the community.

JEERS RE: LEARN TO READ (AND DRIVE) Irony. I love irony and apparently so do you. You are very concerned about the sign that warns I-90 traffic of merging traffic. You are so busy with that, you miss the huge Yield sign for your merging lane. While you are learning to read, read the law. You are to merge in. Traffic is not to stop or slow to let you in. You must merge in at the flow of traffic in that lane. Yes, there is a short on-ramp. You know it. Maybe you need to take a different route so you can mosey in.

SOUND OFF 1. Visit by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “,” not “”

redheaded blind barber at the men's haircutting place in the Valley. I went in the other day to get a light trim. I was very specific and told her no hair on my head was to be shorter than 2 inches and that it was not to be tapered in the back or on the sides as I was growing it out. she went so far as to pull out a ruler and measure it on her comb. When I was done, I could have been on a Marine recruiting poster. I went off on her, and she agreed I did not have to pay. I wrote an email on the company website, and got no response. This tells me they only care about my money! Believe me, if you see a guy on a barstool in the Valley that used to have blond hair over his ears and it is now high and tight, he will be more than happy to tell you in person where not to go, unless you want to look like your hair was cut by a weed whacker! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE.... REALLY? What was suppose to be a celebration with my family for my college graduation, turned into a not so pleasant experience. Having dinner at a Wandermere restaurant on 7/18 we encountered a very rude group of young ladies with family out for a bachelorette party. These ladies were extremely nasty, condescending and just plain rude to the staff and managers at this establishment. Not once but 4 times did we count that the staff tried to ease the temperaments of this party and continued to do so as they continued to berate the staff and

not want to go into YOUR establishment nor give you any of my business. I have been coming to this restaurant and have always had great service and great food. Maybe next time you go into another establishment, treat your servers and managers better and you end result may surprise you. OBNOXIOUS MAN Jeers to the man on July 20th at 5:30 pm on Mission and Argonne who yelled obscenities at a 75-ish-year-old woman. She had accidentally moved into your lane of traffic. Did it make you feel like a man saying such disrespectful filth to a elderly woman? Obviously you are perfect and have never in your life made a mistake. It must be awesome being you!!! My condolences to your mother, wife, girlfriend, etc. How proud they must be.


NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.

It’s good to be seen.

#wtbevents 54 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015



PANIDA THEATER CRAZY DAYS SALE The 23rd annual sale offers records, CDs, DVDs, VHS, audio books and equipment, with proceeds benefiting local students studying performance arts. To donate call the theater (208255-7801). July 25, 8 am-2 pm. Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave. WINE, WOMEN & SHOES The event offers wine tasting, shopping, a fashion show, auctions and more, and benefits the Idaho Youth Ranch of CdA. July 25, 5:30-9:30 pm. $150-$200/person. The CdA Resort, 115 S. Second. (208-660-6707) OFF THE LEASH MOTORCYCLE & CAR SHOW A fundraiser for the Spokane Humane Society, with a silent auction, show-n-shine ($5), live music and more. July 26, 2-6 pm. The Lariat Inn, 11820 N. Market St. (466-9918) ZAK! CHARITY OPEN The annual dinner, auction and golf tournament benefits the Rypien Foundation, which supports local children with cancer. Dinner and auction July 26 at Northern Quest; golf tournament July 27 at the Manito Golf & Country Club. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd. (244-8656)


GUFFAW YOURSELF Open mic comedy night; every other Thursday at 10 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First. (8471234) STAND-UP COMEDY OPEN MIC Local comedians; see weekly schedule online. Thursdays at 8 pm. Free. Uncle D’s Comedy Underground, 2721 N. Market St. (483-7300) EXPEDITION Live improv comedy show. Fridays in July and August, at 8 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (7477045) STAND-UP COMEDY Live comedy featuring established and up-and-coming local comedians. Fridays at 8 pm. No cover. Red Dragon Chinese, 1406 W. Third Ave. (838-6688) SAFARI Fast-paced short-form improv games based on audience suggestions. (Not rated.) Saturdays at 9 pm. $7. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. (747-7045) STAND UP / SHOW DOWN Live comedy, Mondays at 8 pm. Free. Sapphire Lounge, 901 W. First.

spokanecomedyfan IMPROV JAM SESSION An open-mic style improv comedy night, open to all regardless of experience. Tuesdays in July and August. $5. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland. OPEN MIC COMEDY Wednesdays at 8 pm. Ages 21+. Free. Brooklyn Deli & Lounge, 122 S. Monroe St. (835-4177)


KIDS SUMMER SAFETY FAIR A day filled with exhibits, resources and activities for the whole family, including info on fire safety, police, water safety, bike safety, drawings, snacks, games, crafts, community resource booths and more. July 23, 10 am-2 pm. Free. Harmon-Shipley Park, 6000 N. Market St. (741-0776) ADA 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Disability Action Center NW hosts a free family event to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act, signed into law in 1990. The event features live music, speakers, arts and crafts and disability resource booths, kids activities including face paintig, prizes and a free barbecue. July 24, 10 am-2 pm. Free. Riverstone Park, 1800 Tilford Ln., CdA. (208-883-0523) FOURTH FRIDAY PUB PEDDLERS Group cycling ride, making a few stops along the way to a final destination. Meets at 7 pm, departs at 8 pm. Free. Swamp Tavern, 1904 W. Fifth Ave. (2512107) FUN FRIDAYS @ THE PARKS Each Friday in July, Spokane Valley Parks program leaders head to two different city parks with fun activities planned to engage park users. See schedule and locations online. Free. ParkPassport COMMUNITY DANCE A community dance at the City Beach basketball court, with free dance lessons and a potluck dinner. July 25, 6:30-9:30 pm. Free. City Beach, Sandpoint. usadancesandpoint. org GLASS ON THE GRASS The Spokane Corvette Clubs annual car show ‘n’ shine event. July 25. Free and open to the public. Riverfront Park, 705 N. Howard St. WANDERMERE COMMUNITY FAIR The second annual event offers a farmers market, arts/crafts vendors, music, a kids zone and more. July 25, 9 am-1 pm. Free. Numerica Credit Union Wandermere, 405 E. Farwell Rd. numericacu. com/events (343-7785)

CELEBRATING MEDICARE’S 50TH BIRTHDAY Various speakers including WA state Rep. Marcus Riccelli and a statewide health insurance benefits advisor explaining why Medicare needs protection. Celebrate with cake and entertainment by the band 8 Tracks. July 30, 4:30-7:30 pm. Free. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. (487-2158) TWILIGHT PET MEMORIAL Remember your past pets while helping ensure the future of the animals at SCRAPS. The event starts with a brief reflection followed by our luminary lighting. Attendees may purchase a luminary in honor of their pets, past and present. July 30, 8 pm. SCRAPS, 6815 E. Trent Ave. on.fb. me/1OiBKAk (509-477-2532)


ROAD TO STURGIS RALLY Festivities include live music, drag races, biker games, vendors, stunt shows, free camping and more. July 23-26. Cruisers, 6105 W. Seltice Way. (208-7734706) BAREFOOT IN THE PARK The City of Liberty Lake hosts a new community event offering a barefoot soccer tournament, car show, live music/bands, inflatables, family entertainment and more. July 24-26; Fri 5-9 pm, Sat 8 am11 pm, Sun 8 am-3 pm. Free. Pavillion Park, 727 N. Molter Rd. libertylakewa. gov/387/Barefoot-in-the-Park (7556726) DOWN RIVER DAYS North Pend Oreille County’s 59th annual celebration on the river, including the Tri-Town Float Down poker paddle. July 24-26. Ione, Wash. (509-442-3435) GRASSHOPPER FESTIVAL The mission of the fest is to celebrate the science and fantasy of the grasshopper and to promote local and global value of this abundant resource. July 24-25. Republic, Wash. HARRISON OLD TIME PICNIC The three-day community celebration culminates on Sunday with a parade, community picnic and old-fashioned contests like sack races an obstacle and more. July 24-26. Harrison, Idaho. NORTHWEST YOGA FEAST The 6th annual event’s name does not include a typo, it really is a “feast” of yoga and food, with Seattle guest chef Karrian Neal. The weekend retreat offers yoga practice, food and personal development. July 24-26. $300-$350. Eureka Institute, 513 Oak St.

Saturday, August 8th Riverfront Park 11:00am - 5:00pm Free activities for kids of all ages including inflatables and games!


Get Ready with:

DOWN RIVER DAYS July 25th & 26th North Pend Oreille Valley Lions Club


Scenic Excursion

Train Rides July 25 & 26 Saturday: 1pm & 3pm Sunday: 11am & 1pm

Cowboy Breakfast 7-10am Ione Park Train leaves from Ione Station

For information & reservations visit or call 1-877-525-5226, Mon-Fri 6am-5pm. Reservations highly recommended.

㄀ ㌀㄀䬀䌀䐀䄀⸀挀漀洀

SATURDAY SEP 26th women’s race Do what makes you smile!

• A 12-week 1/2 marathon training program • A pre-race course clinic for all registered participants of the Happy Girls 1/2 Marathon • Training program coaching, and weekly communication. • Participant will receive a coupon code for the Happy Girls 1/2 Marathon for $25 OFF. Regular $100, Now $50 for Happy Girl participants Sign Up Now!

Trail Training Groups: * 1/2 Marathon Distance * Explore Trails $25 for Happy Girl Participants (regular $50) Fleet Feet Spokane is the official training group partner for the Happy Girls Spokane.

Register at

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 55


Advice Goddess MourninG BreAth


I was engaged to a woman 20 years ago. We were in college and in our mid-20s. I realized that I wasn’t ready to get married and called off the engagement. I loved her and wanted to stay with her, but she broke off the relationship. I’ve had relationships since then, but I still regret not marrying her. She’s married now, and I shouldn’t even be thinking about her so many years later, but I can’t seem to shake the loss of her. How do I get her — and, moreover, the regret — out of my head? —Stuck

The reality is, you’re the envy of a number of people — like those who ran up $80,000 in legal fees battling for joint custody of the suede sectional and are now working as a manservant for their divorce lawyer while living in a tent in his backyard. You’ve got a bad case of the “coulda shouldas,” which, in psychology, is called “counterfactual thinking,” as in thinking “counter” to the actual “facts” of what happened. It’s basically a mental redo of the past — imagining what could have been. There’s healthy counterfactual thinking — using how things turned out as a reminder to act differently in the future. Also healthy is recognizing that things could have turned out worse, like with all the divorcey fun above, plus having to borrow your kids like library books on alternate weekends. The unhealthy kind of counterfactual thinking is what you’re doing — setting aside the now to obsess over how great things surely would have been, “if only…” Never mind how pointless this is, considering that the closest thing you own to a working time machine is probably a battery-operated cuckoo clock your grandma gave you. And never mind how this woman is forever 24 in your head — preserved like a bug in amber at the peak of her hotitude — and never does things those pesky real women do, like nagging you to fix that broken thingie until your head is about to explode all over the kitchen wallpaper. You can get out of Regretsville. You just need to have a funeral for your relationship. And yes, I know this sounds like a ridiculously hokey stunt, but more and more, researchers are finding that the physical is tied to the psychological — like that physical acts of “closure” lead to psychological closure and that treating thoughts as physical objects makes them as disposable as objects. In a study by psychologist Pablo Brinol, participants who wrote down troubling thoughts and then ripped them up were found to have “mentally discarded them” and actually experienced relief. Following their lead, put this behind you psychologically by doing it physically: Write down what happened. Burn the paper in a dish. Maybe do a little ceremony. And then scatter the ashes as you would those from Fluffy’s urn. And, finally, have a little compassion for yourself. Okay, so it’s best not to follow up “Will you marry me?” with “Uh…take-back!” But you were young and probably immature, and you realized that you’d gotten yourself in over your head. And to your credit, you had the guts to admit that you weren’t ready, unlike all the people who come to the realization that they aren’t but go through with the wedding anyway. (“Who’ll join me in a toast to ‘miserably ever after!’?”)

Jerk du Soleil

A good male friend (going back 20 years) is a great guy — fiercely ethical and very kind — and is irate about the jerks I’ve been out with recently. He has two guy friends he thinks I’d like. Is it safe to assume that they’ll be cool/respectful because this is coming through our mutual friend? (I figure it can’t be worse than truly blind dating online.) —Jerk Magnet A friend who cares about you wouldn’t knowingly put you together with jerks — which would be like recommending a prospective tenant to his landlord with “He just wants a quiet, safe place…” and neglecting to mention “…where he can pursue his hobby of balcony chicken farming.” And the good news is that a good guy is likely to have friends “of a feather.” Studies by psychologist J. Philippe Rushton suggest that we have a genetically driven preference for both mates and friends who are similar to us — especially in age, ethnicity, and educational level but also in opinions and attitudes. So, if this guy likes and respects women, there’s a good chance his friends do, too. But a “good chance” is not the same thing as an “ironclad guarantee.” In other words, go in with your eyes wide open, because it’s still largely a gamble; it’s just less likely that your friend will be all “Found the perfect guy for you. We all call him ‘B’ — because it’s easier than saying ‘Beelzebub.’” ©2015, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. • Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or email (

56 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

EVENTS | CALENDAR OBON JAPANESE CULTURAL FESTIVAL A two-day Japanese Cultural Event with Japanese-Hawaiian food, Japanese art and music, kids crafts, local anime cosplayers, and more. The highlight of the festival is the Bon Odori Dancing at 6 pm each night, which are audience participation dances. July 25, 11 am-8 pm and July 26, 11 am-7 pm. Free admission. Spokane Buddhist Temple, 927 S. Perry St. SpokaneBuddhistTemple. org (534-7954) SOUTH PERRY STREET FAIR The 16th annual neighborhood parade (10 am) and street fair takes place in Grant Park and along Perry between 9th and 11th Avenues. Events include live music, beer garden, and more. Proceeds benefit the Odyssey Youth Center and Liberty Park Childhood Development Center. July 25, 10 am-10 pm. Free.


SPOKANE FILM SOCIETY The local group screens a film to get audiences thinking, with each month focusing on a new theme. Beer/wine and food for purchase during the show. Thursdays at 9 pm. $5. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. CINEMA PARADISO Film screening at dusk. July 24. Rocky Hill Park, Mission Ave. & Winrock St. MOONLIGHT MOVIES: AN AMERICAN TALE Outdoor movie screening hosted by Airway Heights Parks and Recreation; movie starts at dusk. July 24. Free. Sunset Park, S. King St., Airway Heights. SUMMER OUTDOOR MOVIES: PADDINGTON The family movie night includes crafts for kids an hour before the show starts. July 24, 8:50 pm. Free. Mirabeau Park Meadows, 13500 Mirabeau Parkway. (688-0300) IRON MAN Escape the Ordinary during a screening of this Marvel film about its title superhero. July 25, 2-4 pm. Free. Downtown Library, 906 W. Main. (444-5336) MOVIES IN THE PARK: BIG HERO 6 Screening of the Academy Award Winning (Best Animated Feature) film at dusk. July 25. Free. Pavillion Park, 727 N. Molter Rd. (755-6726) SATURDAY MARKET CARTOONS Join the Kenworthy every Saturday morning, 9 am-noon, from June to September for a showing of classic cartoons. Free. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127) SOUTH PERRY SUMMER THEATER: THE PRINCESS BRIDE The annual summer movie series returns, screening at the parking lot of The Shop. Movies start at dusk, preceded by a fundraiser for a local charity. July 25. Free. The Shop, 924 S. Perry St. (534-1647) SWIM & A MOVIE: BIG HERO 6 The summer movie series at the Spokane County Aquatic Centers returns, with a two hour swim time preceding each screening at dusk. The Northside and Southside facilities screen the same movie each week. July 25. $2.50-$5. Spokane County Aquatic Centers. ADA 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION & FILM SCREENING In the 1930s, the Nazis implemented a program in which 300,000 people with disabilities were murdered. “Menschen” depicts a German officer who befriends a boy with Down syndrome and in doing so

calls into question his loyalty. The film is an opportunity to explore the societal attitudes that marginalize people with developmental disabilities. Also includes a post-film discussion. July 26, 2-4 pm. Free; RSVP to 789-8327. AMC River Park Square 20, 808 W. Main. (789-8327) SUMMER CAMP 2015: DIRTY DANCING The Garland’s summer movie series returns, and includes beer specials from River City Brewing. Tuesday’s showings also include contests and prizes. July 26, 28 and 30. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. (327-1050) FULL DRAW FILM TOUR A bowhunting film festival. July 28, 7 pm. $10-$14. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. (227-7404) SUMMER MATINEE SERIES: HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON The midweek summer matinee movie series screens family friendly films through the summer. July 29-30 at 1 pm. $3 or $20/summer movie pass. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-882-4127)


SOUTH PERRY FARMER’S MARKET FOOD TRUCK RALLY The Thursday Market hosts an amped up edition with a Food Truck Rally. Shop for local produce, honey, eggs, bread, meat and crafts while enjoying live music. Then grab dinner from an array of local food trucks. July 23, 3-7 pm. The Shop, 924 S. Perry St. FRUGAL TRAVELER SERIES: CHILE & ARGENTINA ON A DIME Sample three white and five red wines from Chile and Argentina, all available for $8-$12/ bottle. Includes cheese and bread. July 24, 7 pm. $20, registration requested. Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd Ave. (343-2253) HOT SUMMER NIGHTS: THE LAST SPEAKEASY The annual summer party features live music by Atomic Jive, The Camaros and SpokaneVoice DJs. Also includes casino games to win prizes, food and Arbor Crest wines. July 24, 5:30-10 pm. $25-$50. Arbor Crest Wine Cellars, 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. arborcrest. com (509-927-9463) VINO WINE TASTING Friday, July 24 is a tasting of wines from Bertani of Verona, Italy, from 3-7:30 pm. Saturday, July 25 highlights Buried Cane/ Cadaretta of Washington state. Wines also available by-the-glass. Vino!, 222 S. Washington St. (838-1229) CHRISTMAS IN JULY River City has dug into its cellar to bring out a line-up of winter beers, being poured for one day only. See link for full line-up of beers and event details. July 25, 3 pm. Free admission. River City Brewing, 121 S. Cedar St. (413-2388) COLD BREW COFFEE CLASSES Learn how to make your own cold brew coffee at home in a class taught by Roast House’s barista experts. Classes offered July 25, Aug. 29 and Sept. 29, from 10 am-noon. Price includes a free pound of coffee to take home. $20/class. Roast House Coffee, 423 E. Cleveland. (995-6500) PINTS FOR PRESERVATION PUB CRAWL Spokane Preservation Advocates’ second annual Pints for Preservation Pub Crawl, featuring drink specials and history on some of Spokane’s most loved historic buildings in the East Downtown Historic District. Also includes an architectural scavenger hunt with prizes. Ages 21+.. July 25, 3-8 pm.

$15. Downtown Spokane. (344-1065) FARM TO TABLE WORKSHOP Joseph’s Grainery in Colfax has teamed up with SCC’s ACT 2 program and the Whitman County Library for a morning packed with yummy goodies and a trip to the farm to see just how Joseph’s Grainery takes whole grains and legumes from farm to table. July 27, 9 am-1 pm. $13. Colfax Library, 102 S. Main St. whitco.lib. (509-279-6030) PAINT & PINTS Monthly paint night with instructor Linda Thiele. No experience needed; fee includes all supplies. Offered July 28 and Aug. 11 at 7 pm. Each class limited to 15, register at the brewery. $30. Republic Brewing Co., 26 N. Clark Ave. (509-775-2700) MARGARITA-VILLE GRILLE Chef Josh Martin hosts an evening all about tacos, margaritas and salsa. July 29, 6-8 pm. $59. Inland Northwest Culinary Academy (INCA), 1810 N. Greene St. (533-8141)


BLUEGRASS & ART IN THE PARK The annual music festival features bluegrass, folk, rock and more, alongside local artists, a vendor fair and food/ drink. July 25, 11 am. Spirit Lake, Idaho. DOLCE CANTO & MONROE CROSSING Concert by Missoula, Montana’s premiere vocal ensemble, in collaboration with award winning bluegrass artists, Monroe Crossing. July 25, 7-9 pm. $10$15 suggested donation. First Presbyterian Church, 521 Lakeside Ave., CdA. (208-667-8446) MADELINE MCNEILL The local, trained operatic singer crafts performances of opera and jazz to express the intellectual, whimsical and sensual female psyche. July 25, 4 pm. Free. Hillyard Library, 4005 N. Cook St. (444-5380) PALOUSE MUSIC FESTIVAL The 2015 music fest lineup includes: Effie and the Echoes, Panhandle Cowboys, Jens Hegg, Svenge Brothers, Lindsay Street, Bart Budwig and Blue Funk Jailbreak. At Hayton-Greens Park. July 25, 11 am-8 pm. $5-$10. Palouse, Wash. (878-1701) SPOKANE GEAR SWAP A swap meet for musical gear, including instruments, amps, pedals, records, radios, vintage gear, parts and more. $25 for seller table space. July 25, 10 am-5 pm. $3 general admission. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague Ave. SPOKANE TAIKO PERFORMANCE Dynamic Japanese drumming as part of the South Perry Fair on the stage at the corner of 10th and Perry. Spokane Taiko is a local group of drummers who have been performing at festivals, museums, schools and libraries in the Spokane area for 18+ years. July 25, 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Free. Spokane Buddhist Temple, 927 S. Perry St. (534-7954) ROYAL FIREWORKS CONCERT The 35-year-old summer tradition returns, thanks to new support from donors. Dancers from the Spokane Ballet Studio perform baroque ballet at 7 and 8 pm in the Lilac Bowl, followed by the concert on the Floating Stage at 9 pm with the choreographed fireworks display to Handel’s “Musick for the Royal Fireworks.” July 26. Free. Riverfront Park, 705 N. Howard St. CHRISTOPHER MOLL Concert by the

singer-songwriter and musical theater performer, in a show titled “Be The One. My Stories. My Songs.” July 27, 7 pm. $15. Jacklin Arts & Cultural Center, 405 N. William St. (208-457-8950)


Kendall Yards: The Nest (next to Central Food)

Enjoy an evening of wine tasting and food in a lovely outdoor setting with picturesque views of the Spokane River. Featuring over 30 wines from Spokane wineries.

Buy your tickets today at

40 each / $75 for two


The Inlander’s Annual AUG. 28-SEPT. 3, 2014






EMPIRE THEATER COMPANY: CUPIDS Performance of the original romantic comedy by Hazel Bean. July 22-Aug. 2, Wed-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third Ave. THE LITTLE PRINCE The Idaho Repertory Theatre performs a stage adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s beloved classic. July 23-25, July 31-Aug. 1, Aug. 7-8 at 7:30 pm; also July 26 and Aug. 2 at 2 pm. $5-$10. University of Idaho Hartung Theater, 6th & Stadium Way. (208885-6465) MOSCOW ART THEATRE (TOO): ROMEO AND JULIET A performance of Shakespeare’s greatest romantic tragedy, with the company’s trademark focus on storytelling, simplicity and truth. July 23-24 and July 30 at 7:30 pm; also July 25-26 and July 30 at 2 pm and Aug. 1 at 2 pm and 7:30 pm. $8-$12. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. (208-8824127) THE SECRET GARDEN An original adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel, “The Secret Garden.” Through

THURS, AUGUST 6TH, 2015 5:30PM - 7:30PM



July 27; Thu-Fri at 7 pm and Sat-Sun at 1 pm. $10-$12. Spokane Children’s Theatre, 2727 N. Madelia. (328-4886) SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN CST presents what’s often referred to as the “greatest movie musical of all time.” Through July 26; Thur-Sat at 7:30, Sat-Sun at 2 pm. $49/adult, $42/senior, $27/children. Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Rd. (208-6602958) THE TROUBLE WITH THE THEATRE OR WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THAT? Can brother and sister Malcolm and Imogene Terris save their theatre from the evil Victoria Von Whiplash III, or will it be curtains for their beloved playhouse? An original play written/ directed by Sean Shelley. Through July 26; Wed-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Sixth Street Theater, 212 Sixth St. (208-752-8871) ASSASSINS A controversial musical juxtaposing the American Dream with dark motives. July 24-Aug. 9; Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. The Modern Theater Coeur d’Alene, 1320 E. Garden Ave. (208-6671323) CDA MURDER MYSTERY THEATRE A dinner theater production of “My Alma Martyr,” about a 10-year reunion marred by the tragedy of an alumni’s recent passing. 1940s or ‘50s-themed attire suggested. July 24 and 31, from 6-8:30 pm. $35. Coeur d’Alene Cellars, 3890 N. Schreiber Way. (208-664-2336) SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL Students in the Civic’s summer Academy Main Stage Performance camp perform this Dr. Seuss-inspired musical. July 24Aug. 2, Wed-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10-$19. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. (325-2507) TIKKI TIKKI TEMBO A stage adaptation of the story from the 1968 picture book telling the story of a Chinese boy with a long name who falls into a well. July 24-Aug. 2; Fri-Sun. Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22910 E. Appleway Ave. (342-2055) MCMANUS & ME To celebrate 20 years of performing the McManus Comedies through 23 states and two Canadian provinces, Patrick F. McManus and Tim Behrens have created a new show that includes favorite stories from the previous shows that will be interrupted, interspersed, and intertwined with tales of Tim’s life on the road. July 25, 7 pm. $15. Cutter Theatre, 302 Park St., Metaline Falls, Wash. EMERGE: UNVEILING THE TRUTH WITHIN US Participants are led through a 5-day session of formal theatrical training based on the research, work, and principles of world-renowned directors Jerzy Grotowski, Michael Chekhov, Constantin Stanislavski, and Antonin Artaud. July 29-Aug. 4. $800. Eureka Mountain Center, 6162 Eureka Rd., Sandpoint. (208265-4000) THE VAMPIRE WHO LOVED IN VEIN OR ONE MONSTER OF A MELODRAMA! Will Count Guano infiltrate the Frankenbein’s castle, stealing the family secret (and the girl) while he’s at it? An original play written and directed by Eli and Brady Bourgard. July 29-Aug. 23; Wed-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $10. Sixth Street Theater, 212 Sixth St., Wallace, Idaho (208-752-8871)


DINNER CRUISE & EAGLE WATCHING: Enjoy casual dining with a buffet-style dinner prepared by local caterers as you cruise to an area to observe the resident bald eagles. Must reserve no later than noon the day of the cruise, 15-passenger minimum required. Offered Tuesday and Thursday, from 5:30-8 pm, through Aug. 27. $37-$43. Sandpoint. (208-2555253) WALLACE ATV JAMBOREE The annual event offers a week filled with hosted trail rides (4-6/day) organized into varying difficulty levels. July 20-25. Downtown Wallace, Idaho. (208-512-5465) CLAYTON PRO WEST RODEO The traditional rodeo event is also a fundraiser for the Clayton Community Fair. July 24-25, from 7-10 pm. $10/adults, $5/ children. Clayton Fairgrounds, Clayton, Wash. SUMMER SHAKEDOWN SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Spokane Parks & Rec’s first annual tournament takes place at Dwight Merkel and the Franklin Park Sports complexes, with divisions for all skill level; men’s, women’s and coed. July 24-26. Dwight Merkel Sports Complex, 5701 N. Assembly. sports SPLASH KIDS DAY Kids can bounce and slide on the Big Kahuna all day and attend sessions on life jacket safety, archery, line casting and rubber duck races. July 25, 10 am-4 pm. Free. Cabela’s, 101 N. Cabela Way. postfalls (208-777-6326) JEDERMANN GRAN FONDO BIKE RIDE Translating from German to “Everyone’s great ride,” this 4th annual, timed, recreational bike ride offers 30-, 66- and 100-mile routes, with a pancake breakfast, live music, beer garden, post-ride barbecue and more. July 25, 7 am. $20-$100. Cheney, Wash. SPOKANE SHADOW VS. OLYMPIC FORCE Men’s team game for the Evergreen Premier League season. July 25, 7 pm. Spokane Falls Community College, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Dr. SPOKANE SHOCK VS. PORTLAND THUNDER Arena football game. July 25, 7 pm. $15-$60. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon. (2427462) UPPER PRIEST LAKE CAMPOUT & VOLUNTEER PROJECT Camp out at Upper Priest Lake for a fun overnight trip while volunteering alongside ICL and Forest Service staff. Volunteers are needed to help maintain campground facilities, sand and paint picnic tables and outhouse exteriors, clean up and place fire rings, and other miscellaneous activities. Registration required. Free. BARE BUNS FUN RUN The nudist ranch hosts its 31st annual clothing-optional 5K fun run/walk. July 26, 9:30 am. $20. Kaniksu Ranch, 4295 N. Deer Lake Rd. (327-6833) SPOKANE BADMINTON CLUB Meets Sun, from 4:30-7 pm and Wed, from 7-10 pm. Also meets for beginner-

friendly nights at the HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo, Liberty Lake, on Tue, from 7-9 pm. ($5) $8/visit. West Central Community Center, 1603 N. Belt St. (869-9229) SPOKANE TABLE TENNIS CLUB: Pingpong club meets Wed from 6:30-9 pm and Sun from 1:30-4:30 pm. $2/visit. Southside Senior & Community Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. (535-0803) SPOKANE VALLEY CYCLE CELEBRATION The third annual cycling festival offers scenic, supported routes throughout the Spokane Valley area for all levels of rider: 10, 25 and 50 miles. July 26, 8 am-noon. $20/person (or $8/child without shirt). Mirabeau Park Meadows, 13500 Mirabeau Parkway. (922-3299) U-DISTRICT FOUNDATION SUMMER FUN RUN SERIES The annual fun run 5K series takes place the last three Tuesdays in July (14, 21 and 28), from 5-8 pm. Runner’s Soul and David’s Pizza are on site at each event. $5/ race (adults); free/ages 17 and under. U-District PT, 730 N. Hamilton St. (458-7686) SPOKANE HORSESHOE PITCHERS ASSOCIATION The local group invites those interested in learning more about this outdoor activity to stop by during games on Wednesdays, from 6:15-8:15 pm, through Sept. 2. Free to check out, $15 to join the team. Franklin Park, 302 W. Queen Ave. (230-0072) SPOKANE INDIANS VS. EUGENE EMERALDS Five-game series, July 29Aug. 2, starting at 6:30 pm Wed-Sat and at 2:30 pm on Sunday. July 31 is Yoke’s $1 Family Feast night, with select $1 concessions. Aug. 1 includes a postgame fireworks show. $5-$20. Avista Stadium, 602 N. Havana St. WEDNESDAYS IN THE WOODS: SPOKANE MOUNTAINEERS, 100 YEARS Mountaineers historian Chic Burge educates and inspires outdoor enthusiasts of all ages and abilities with his presentation about 100 years of mountaineering in Spokane. Pre-register to save a spot. July 29, 6:30-7:30 pm. Free. Riverside State Park, Bowl & Pitcher.

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A battle over Spokane ’s private ambulan ces



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JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 57



Sweet Relief Cannabis smoothie recipes are the perfect summer treat BY JORDY BYRD


reen drinks just a got a little greener. For decades, health nuts have touted the benefits of juicing raw leafy greens, fruits and vegetables to increase vitamin intake and boost immune systems. Cannabis enthusiasts are no different, claiming that green drinks made with raw cannabis leaves, raw buds or tinctures can relieve everything from stress, to pain, to inflammation — they just won’t get you high. As with most recipes, the fresher the ingredients, the better. If you don’t have access to fresh leaves, substitutes will work. Whatever you do, don’t use 1.7 w

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WARNING: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.


BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 and Initiative 502). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington State, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor Control Board at



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dried marijuana leaves or buds. Now plug in that blender and try these summer smoothie recipes that we found in The Stoner’s Cookbook, Leafly and the High Times Cannabis Cookbook:

CANNABIS WATERMELON JUICE Ingredients 1 small seedless watermelon ½ cup water, distilled ¼ cup sugar 1 lemon, juiced 4 tablespoons cannabis tincture 6 mint leaves

Carve watermelon to remove all the fruit. Cut watermelon in small cubes before adding to the blender. Add water, sugar and lemon juice. Blend for 30 seconds or until everything is well mixed. Filter the watermelon juice through a sieve and into your pitcher. Discard the pulp. Stir in the cannabis tincture and mint leaves. Chill in the refrigerator before serving or serve immediately over ice.

CREAMY CANNABIS SMOOTHIE Ingredients 2 tablespoons cannabis butter 2 cups milk 1/3 cup half and half

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58 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015


9/22/14 4:48 PM

½ cup Greek vanilla yogurt 1 banana ½ cup frozen blueberries ½ cup frozen strawberries 2 teaspoons honey 3 ice cubes Directions Melt cannabis butter over low heat in pan. Place the melted butter in the blender with the milk, half and half, Greek yogurt, banana, blueberries, strawberries and honey. Blend mixture until smooth. Add three ice cubes and blend until the consistency is creamy and smooth.

RAW CANNABIS AND SWEET POTATO SMOOTHIE Ingredients 12 raw cannabis leaves 2 sweet potatoes 2 pears 2 cups orange juice Water as desired

Directions Mince cannabis leaves. Dice sweet potatoes and pears. Blend the leaves, potatoes, and pears until everything is mixed well, then add orange juice and blend. Add water for desired consistency.




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Warning: This product has intoxicating affects and may be habit forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Should not be used by women that are pregnant or breast feeding. For USE only by adults 21 and older. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.

This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of marijuana. There are health risks associated with the use of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children.

Time for a vacation? Spokane’s premier recreational marijuana retailer 1421 N Mullan Rd | 7011 N Division St


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ARTWORK BY RYAN DESMOND An overview of the works of local artist Ryan Desmond, created from 20132015. Desmond earned his BFA from EWU in 2009 and has been a member of Saranac Art Projects since 2012. Closing reception Aug. 21, from 5-8 pm. Show runs through Aug. 21; gallery open Thu, 2-6 pm and Fri-Sat, 12-8 pm. Free. Saranac Art Projects, 25 W. Main Ave. SPOKANE ARTS ALL MEDIA JURIED EXHIBITION A group exhibition featuring the work of artists across the region. Show runs through Sept. 29; an artist reception is to be held on Friday, Aug. 7, from 5-9 pm in conjunction with First Friday. Chase Gallery, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. LAND OF PLENTY An all-women showcase of collaborative art, music and design. July 23-24, at 6 pm. $10/ night. All-ages. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague Ave. THE SUMMER OF FLOOTIE A summerlong exhibition featuring regional artists John Thamm, Richard Warrington, E.L. Stewart, Tom Hanson, Cheryl Halverson, Ginny Brennan, Debbie Hughbanks, Natalie Stewart-Utley and many others. Show runs through Sept. 19; gallery open daily from 10 am-5 pm. The gallery also hosts an Arts Market on July 25, from 10 am-3 pm and Aug. 27, from 5-8 pm. Free. Pacific Flyway Gallery, 409 S. Dishman Mica Rd. UPROOTED: JAPANESE AMERICAN FARM LABOR CAMPS DURING WWII The exhibit showcases the life of individuals who lived in and worked at Idaho and Oregon farm labor camps. Exhibit runs through Sept. 19; open Mon-Fri, 10 am-5 pm. Free, donations accepted. Human Rights Institute, 414 1/2 Mullan Ave., CdA. GARDEN OF ARTISTRY A fine arts show featuring the work of dozens of regional artists in various mediums and styles. July 24-26; Fri 1-8 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun 10 am-3 pm. Ponderay Garden Center, 477703 N. Highway 95. SARANAC ART PROJECTS A display of art by 16 members of the Saranac Art Projects, a local nonprofit artist cooperative. July 24-Sept. 20. Museum admission (5-$10) applies. Participating artist are: Nancy Hathaway, Bernadette Vielbig, Carrie Scozzaro, Lisa Nappa, Roger Ralston, Bradd Skubinna, Hannah Koeske, Tobe Harvey, Jenny Hyde, Lance Sinnema, Katie Creyts, Jo K. Quetsch, Kurt Madison, Margot Casstevens, Dan McCann and Jeff Huston. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. (456-3931) SOCIAL SKETCH Spend the afternoon, sketching, collaborating and socializing with other creatives. Bring some art supplies - open to all. #socialsketch July 26, 2-5 pm. Free. Boots Bakery & Lounge, 24 W. Main. socialsketching


BLURT & BLATHER An all-ages open mic series, on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Open to poetry, stories and other spoken word performances. Free. Boots Bakery & Lounge, 24 W. Main Ave. facebook. com/blurtnblather

POETRY OPEN MIC No sign-up sheets, censors, or microphones. New poets are especially encouraged to attend. Held on the fourth Thursday of every month. Free. Monarch Mountain Coffee, 208 N. Fourth. LOCAL AUTHOR NIGHT Local author Andrew Britt, who recently released “Frenzy and Cover Up: The Death of Otto Zehm,” is joined by Kurt Bubna, author of “The Rookie’s Guide to Getting Published.” Both authors speak about their books and host Q&A sessions. July 24, 6-7:30 pm. Free. The Well-Read Moose, 2048 N. Main. CHILDREN’S AUTHOR B. EMMETT JACKSON Jackson reads from and celebrates his children’s book about knights and dragons, “Oscar, Jerome, and Otis O. Kay.” July 25, 6 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main. DAVID NEIWERT The award-winning investigative journalist and author presents his new book, “Of Orcas and Men: What Killer Whales Can Teach Us.” July 25, 7 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main. DENNIS THOMAS BOOK SIGNING The Spokane veterinarian signs and celebrates his debut book, “Whole- Pet Healing: A Heart-to-Heart Guide to Connecting with and Caring for your Animal Companion.” July 25, 1-3 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. INK: ORIGIN STORIES Local authors and artists help kids ages 9-14 create their own superheroes, complete with an Origin Story. Please plan on attending all 5 sessions of this multi-day workshop. Free, registration required. July 27, 1:30 pm. Hillyard Library, 4005 N. Cook St. (444-5380) THE ART OF STORYTELLING Join members of the Spokane Storyteller’s League for a workshop on how to craft your storytelling abilities. July 27, 6 pm. Free. South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry St. MYSTERY & THRILLER WRITING WORKSHOP Touring national author Jenny Milchman visits Auntie’s to celebrate the release of her third Random House thriller, “As Night Falls,” and also hosts a workshop for writers and interested readers. July 28, 6 pm. Free. Auntie’s, 402 W. Main Ave. (838-0206) WAR BONDS Local author Cindy Hval shares stories from her book “War Bonds: Love Stories From the Greatest Generation,” which tells the stories of 36 couples who met/married during or shortly after WWII. July 28, 6 pm. Free. South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry St. (444-5385)


TENANTS UNION OF WASHINGTON STATE MEETING Join tenants, family and friends who seek housing justice in Spokane and organize to make it happen. July 23, 5:30-7 pm. Community Building, 35 W. Main. COME FEED THE BUFFALO Take a tour at Win-Tur Bison Farm, offered Fri– Sun, every on the hour between 12-4 pm, through Sept. 30. Visitors learn the farm’s history and bison facts, and get to meet the herd and hand-feed buffalo. Groups welcome; cash or check only. No pets, please. $5-$6. Win-Tur Bison Farm, 4742 W. Highway 231.

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 59






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Swim Safely After Rain



If you’re out at the lake this summer, be cautious about jumping in right after heavy rain. That goes for rivers and other bodies of water, too. Water is more likely to be polluted with bacteria and other unhealthy particles right after a storm. Always check for local warnings about water pollution, especially if anyone swimming has recent injuries or a compromised immune system. (HHS)

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ACROSS 1. With 37-Across and 54-Down, man Beethoven called the “original father of harmony” 7. Easy wins 12. NBA All-Star ____ Anthony 14. Well-bred 16. With 21-Down and 20-Across, evolutionary biologist who wrote “Hen’s Teeth and Horse’s Toes” 17. “Scary Movie” actress Carmen 18. Backside 20. See 16-Across or 21-Down 21. See 56-Across 26. With 62-Across, U2 bassist ... or with 62-Across and 71-Across, Civil Rights leader who represented Harlem in the U.S. House of Representatives 28. Mixed bag 29. Off the beaten path

to advertise:

City View Large 1 Bedroom, Heat paid, newly renovated, hardwood floors, dishwasher, Laundry, secure nonsmoking bldg, Pets (no dogs) 1324 W 5th $560 509-747-7630

31. Compete 32. See 40-Down 33. Bronx cheer recipient? 34. B&Bs 36. ____ Khan 37. With 54-Down, Skid Row frontman 40. Juilliard subj. 43. Polynesian drink 44. Snorkeling sites 48. Copies 50. One in a cage 51. See 40-Down 52. E. Coast highway 53. Former “Meet the Press” host Marvin 55. John, Paul and John Paul 56. With 46-Down, Motley Crue drummer ... or with 46-Down and 21-Across, he played Cobb in “Cobb”


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58. Afternoon socials 60. Where the Robinsons of ‘60s TV were lost 62. See 26-Across 68. Reporter’s aid 69. Writer Belloc 70. Least desirable 71. See 26-Across DOWN 1. Chasez of ‘N Sync and others 2. Feedbag morsel 3. Much of central Eur., once 4. Rev (up) 5. Book after Ezra: Abbr. 6. D’back or Card 7. First Amendment subj. 8. Universal donor’s type, informally 9. Highest peak in N. Zealand 10. 1968 Julie Christie movie

11. “The Twilight Zone” host 13. ____ Day (vitamin brand) 14. Tennyson’s “____ and Enid” 15. Largest lake in Europe 19. Prudent

24. Squeals of alarm 25. Streamlined 27. Like a McJob 30. Go ashore 35. Stopped lying? 38. Flew 39. Say ____ (refuse) 40. With 51-Across, German theologian who wrote “The 95 Theses” ... or with 51-Across and 32-Across, Time’s 1963 Man of the Year 41. So far 42. Looks like it does 45. Southpaw on a diamond: Abbr. 46. See 56-Across 47. AARP focus: Abbr. 49. Smirk THIS 54. See 1-Across or 37-Across 57. Pound sounds ANSW WEEK’S “JAY GOULD” 59. Stumble I SAW ERS ON 61. Burmese, for one YOUS 21. With 20-Across, robber baron Conde 63. Spanish greeting Nast Portfolio once ranked as the 64. Veer off course 8th worst American CEO of all time 65. Knot 22. Friend ____ friend 66. NBA’s Magic, on scoreboards 23. “Delta of Venus” author 67. “Tutte ____ cor vi sento” (Mozart aria)

JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 61

Shake Down When a 9.0 magnitude earthquake rocks Western Washington, what will happen in the Inland Northwest? BY LAEL HENTERLY


t’s a chilly February morning in Seattle when the dogs begin to bark. Thirty seconds later the ground is shaking. Two minutes later it’s undulating. Vases and computers and furniture are toppling. It’s hard to drop, cover and hold when every single thing is sliding and shaking and falling. After five minutes, the 9.0 magnitude earthquake is over. People flood out of the darkened buildings, holding their iPhones up and praying for a signal. The worst is yet to come: In 10 minutes, a tsunami will flood the West Coast from Mendocino, California, to the northern tip of Vancouver Island. “It’s as if the ocean has raised up 40 feet and flows inland,” says Washington National Guard Lt. Col. Clay Braun, who has been planning for an earthquake along the Cascadia subduction zone for the past two years. Last week, an article speculating on a mayor Cascadia quake in the New Yorker drew attention to the havoc the “big one” will wreak on the West Coast. But how will such a devastating earthquake affect those living farther inland? We will feel the earthquake, but Braun says our roads and buildings will mostly remain intact. Little is known about specifics, because the Federal Emergency Management Agency didn’t include Eastern Washington in their Cascadia earthquake models. “There’s absolutely zero FEMA modeling for east of the Cascades,” says Braun. The power may go out, and Internet and phone service could be affected. Erin Swearingen, Avista’s enterprise business continuity program manager, is confident that our electrical grid wouldn’t be crippled, though. She’s more worried that Avista will lose Internet or communications services that come from the west side of the state.


fter the tsunami subsides, the FEMA planning scenario predicts that 13,000 people will have perished, though Washington Emergency Management’s Mark Stewart says the number of casualties could vary greatly based on the time of day and year.

62 INLANDER JULY 23, 2015

There will be fewer deaths if it occurs at night; more in the summer when people are at the beach. Braun says 410,000 people will be displaced and another 1.25 million will be in need of food. The National Guard will shift their headquarters east, activating their backup headquarters in Spokane “as we figure out who survived, relocate and rebuild over there,” says Braun. Fairchild Air Force Base will become a crucial relief transportation hub. Stewart says they will be “using Eastern Washington as a staging area for a lot of equipment and supplies that would be coming in to aid in the recovery: food, water and a variety of equipment to help a community get restored after such a catastrophe.” Helicopters will bring injured earthquake survivors to our hospitals. “Your hospitals and airports will be way over capacity,” says Braun.


e may not see it every day, but Eastern and Western Washington are intrinsically connected. Our goods arrive through the Seattle and Tacoma ports and our exports cross the Cascades by road and rail. But after a Cascadia quake, those ports and connections will be gone. “There are so few routes across the Cascades,” says Seattle Times science reporter Sandi Doughton, who wrote a book — Full-Rip 9.0: The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest — about the potential Cascadia quake. “Landslide danger would be really high, all mountain roads will be closed by landslides, bridges will be down.” Braun says it would take six months to build a simple replacement bridge; the Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup estimates it will take between one and three years to restore grand transportation infrastructure. “If you can’t sustain the population with food, water and the employment, people are going to leave. If the roads are all closed, they’ll walk out,” says disaster consultant Eric Holdeman. “They will relocate to other areas of the state, or the nation, where they have family and friends.” For many, those family and friends will be here. “There’s been a statistic thrown around for a number of years that one in three people on the west side have a relative or know someone on the east side,” says Greater Spokane Emergency Management Disaster Recovery Specialist Gerry Bozarth. “If people can get over the mountains, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that displaced citizens would come here.”



AUGUST 14 -15 TH





B U Y T I C K E T S AT W W W. G E N T L E M E N O F T H E R O A D . C O M JULY 23, 2015 INLANDER 63

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