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HOT 100
Services and Suppliers
Spice readers have delivered their verdict on the Hot 100 Services and Suppliers for 2024. Votes have been tallied and the events industry’s brightest and best are acknowledged in our annual feature. From equipment hire, event tech and theming, to entertainment, merchandise and marketing, we present this year’s honour roll of excellence.

Best event management company
The Production House Events @theproductionhouseevents
Every Bit Counts @everybitcounts_au
Funktionality Events and Experiences @funktionality

Scope Productions @scope_productions
JT.Production Management @jt.productionmanagement
Best event technology company
Hire Intelligence IN: Hire Intelligence International – Technology Rental Specialists
Entegy Events @entegy
Sprintr @sprintr_australia

Events Air @eventsair01
Technical Direction Company @technicaldirectioncompany
SPICE READERS LOVE: Encore Event Technologies
Encore’s amazing styling completely transformed our event.
Best AV or staging company
Microhire @microhire_au
AV1 @av1_australia

Encore Event Technologies @encoreapac
AVisual Productions @avisual_productions
Scene Change @scenechangeav
A fantastic company to work with that meticulously plans every detail.
Best theming, props and design supplier
JAK Creative & Events @jakcreative
D PLUS D Events @dplusd_events
The Sydney Props Group @sydneypropsspecialists

The Prop House Collective @theprophouse_
Funktionality Events and Experiences @funktionality
SPICE READERS LOVE: Laissez-faire Catering
Their creative grazing stations and variety of cuisine is exceptional.
Best event caterer
Laissez-faire Catering @laissez_faire_catering
Cook & Waiter @cookandwaiter

Spicy Catering @spicycateringsydney
Radish Events @radish_events
AlFreshCo Catering @alfreshco_catering
Best Beverage
Laissez-faire Catering @laissez_faire_catering
Cook & Waiter @cookandwaiter
Spicy Catering @spicycateringsydney

Kubarz Australia – The Beverage Experience Experts @kubarz
Cosmic Cocktails & Events @cosmiccocktails
Best individual
Briony Dawson @brihonydawson
Hot Dub Time Machine @hotdubtimemachine
Juliane Di Sisto @disistomusic

Miss Renee Simone @missreneesimone
Christo Alexander @christoalexandermusic
Best exhibition construction company
Harry the Hirer @harrythehirer
Exponet @exponet_aus
Outstanding Displays @outstandingdisplays

Creative Hire @creativehire_aus
Pyramid Displays IN: pyramid-displays
Best event equipment hire company
Complete Function Hire @completefunctionhire
Social Event Hire @social.eventhire
Bennelong Hire @bennelongeventhire

SamiKata Tipi Events @samikata_tipi_events
Class Occasion Hire @class_occasion_hire
SPICE READERS LOVE: Solution Entertainment
These guys sure know how to bring the fun.
Best entertainment agency
SongDivision @songdivision
Rutherford Entertainment @rutherfordentertainment
Jetpack Entertainment @jetpackevents

ICMI Speakers & Entertainers @icmi_speakersandentertainers
Solution Entertainment @solutionentertainment
Best team-building provider
SongDivision @songdivision
Be Challenged @bechallenged
Hidden Door Experiences @hiddendoor_experiences

Pinnacle Team Events @pinnacleteamevents
Party Higher @partyhigher
Best amusement hire
Brophys Amusements @brophys_nq
Joylands Amusements Facebook: JoylandAmusements
Planet Entertainment @planet_entertainment

Carnival Rides of SA @ridessa.com.au
Bubbling With Energy Entertainment @bubblingwithenergy
Best corperate gift and merchandise supplier
JAK Swag @thesustainableswag
ADZ Impact @adz_impact
Honeycomb Agency @honeycomb_agency

Promo Pros @promo.pros
You’ve Been Promoted @ybpaustralia
Best fireworks, lighting or visual effects company
Show FX Australia @showfxaustralia
Foti International Fireworks Pty Ltd @fotifireworks

Howard & Sons Pyrotechnics Facebook: howardsfireworks
Ballistic Fireworks Facebook: BallisticFireworks
KC’s Fireworks Displays @kcsfireworks
Best event florist
Style by Nature Flowers @stylebynatureflowers
Botanics of Melbourne @botanicsmelbourne

Flowers By Varu @flowersbyvaru
Pomp & Splendour @pompandsplendour
Hermetica Flowers @hermeticaflowers
Best transport company
Murrays Coaches IN: murrays-coaches
Hughes @hughesaustralia
Luxcoach @luxcoach

Tropic Wings Tours and Charters @tropicwingstours
CTL Event Management @ctl_event_management
SPICE READERS LOVE: Oneill Photographics
They are super professional, capturing all our event's best moments
Best photographer or videographer
Oneill Photographics @oneillphotographics
Event Photos Australia @eventphotosau

Dreamworld Productions @dw.productions_
Camera Creations @cameracreationssydney
Organic Photo IN: francescovicenzi
SPICE READERS LOVE: Inspire Speakers
So much incredibly professional keynote talent on their books.
Best PR and marketing company
Zadro Agency @zadro_agency
Milestone Creative Australia @milestonecreativeaus
Forum Group Events & Marketing @forumgroup_

Think HQ @think_hq
Revolution Lane @revolutionlane
Best virtual event platform
EventsAir @eventsair_
Create Engage @createengage

Encore Event Technology @encoreapac
Cvent @cvent_inc
Jomablue IN: Jomablue
Best support services
Apex Event Recruitment @apex_event_recruitment
THE MONDAY GROUP @themondaygroup
Perfectly Paired @perfectlypairedaus

Sprintr @sprintr_australia
Inspire Speakers @inspirespeakers.com.au