The Interneuron: Canada's Role In Neuroscience Research

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Volume 5. Issue 1. | October 2017




Canada’s Role in Advancing

Neuroscience Research

Editor’s Note Who am I? An interesting existential question we might ask ourselves. Although it may seem uneasy to answer this question adequately, this concept can be seen in a more straightforward light. What defines us is a three-pound collection of grey tissue stuffed into the hollow cavities of our skull; also known as “The Brain.” We may come from different backgrounds, we may all have different life stories, but the foundational structure that is supposed to make us all unique is still the same. This interesting fact has baffled many sophisticated minds, and has made the investigation of the brain a worthwhile endeavor. For some, the study of the brain is a way to understand and connect different elements of the self, and for others, it is a way of understanding the evolutionary imperative of the mind. The point is, no matter who we are, this similarity in the structure of our brains connects us all. But to understand what is happening inside each of these magic boxes, countless scientists from around the world are in the midst of pushing the boundaries in neuroscience research to try and seek the answers. The history of neuroscience research is vibrant indeed, ranging from the hieroglyphic appearance of the word “brain” in the Edwin Smith Papyrus from ancient Egypt, all the way to the discovery of place cells in the brain. There is just far too much even to scratch the surface in this issue. Therefore, we decided to focus on the neuroscience research that has been conducted in Canada. As we all know, the University of Toronto is home to a large number of aspiring neuroscientists, and it is crucial for us to realize our heritage and our future in this expansive and exception-

al discipline. In this issue, we hope to introduce those Canadian scientists who desire to bring us one step closer in unraveling the mysteries behind the inner workings of our magic boxes. We would like to extend a big thank you to all our contributors for making Interneuron a success. We would also like to thank our fantastic executive team, without whom, we wouldn’t be able to publish such high-quality work. As always, if you would like to write or create some artwork for our magazine check out our social media pages or send us an email at: Thank you and have an amazing year!

Waleed and Parandis CO-EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Acknowledgements: We would like to Thank Kelsey Yang, for generating the idea for the theme as well as assisting in the preparation of some of the pitches.

Contributors Aisha Adil Carol Chen Denitsa Vasileva Dorsa Rafiei Marietou Daou Nuzhaat Sabreen Pascale Tsai


A Brief Overview of Neuroscience Research in Canada BY PASCALE TSAI Over the past century, Canadian research in neuroscience has undergone tremendous growth, contributing immensely to the bank of neuroscience knowledge that the world maintains today.


In 1934, Montreal’s first neurosurgeon, Dr. Wilder Penfield, established the Montreal Neurological Institute. 1 This institute, now North America’s largest neuroscience graduate program 2, allowed surgeons, researchers and physiologists to share and guide novel neurological research.


Shortly after, in 1939, Dr. Herbert Henri Jasper worked alongside Penfield to open the Institute’s EGG Department. This revelation came just after Jasper’s groundbreaking research inconsciousness, learning, and epileptic discharge, through his use of the electroencephalogram to study electrical activity in the brain. 3


Neuropsychology was established in 1949 when Dr. Donald Olding Hebb, known today as the father of neuropsychology and neural networks, introduced “The Organization of Behaviour”, a model of the interplay between the brain and the mind. Hebb’s work inspired psychologists to study and understand the mind’s processing functions, and led towards the creation of “thinking machines”; computers that mimic the living nervous system. 4


In 1963, Dr. Endel Tulving, known today as the most insightful memory theoretician, defined “encoding specificity”, a principal detailing the relationship between contextual learning and retrieval. He also conceptualized the two different kinds of explicit long-term memory, episodic and semantic. 5


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The world’s most commonly used “kindling” model for the study of epilepsy was developed in 1967 by Dr. Graham Godard and Dr. Dan McIntyre, who stimulated rat brain cells to develop and locate epileptic seizure trigger areas within the temporal lobes of the brain. 6


The 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Dr. David Hunter Hubel and Torsten Wiesel for their research on visual information processing. Their findings that ocular dominance develops irreversibly during childhood development led to innovation in the study of childhood cataracts, strabismus, and cortical plasticity, establishing the foundation for visual neurophysiology. 7


In 2003, Dr. Michael Salter and a team of researchers identified a molecule that causes neuropathic pain. Following this discovery, in 2005, Salter along with Dr. Yves De Koninck discovered the key protein involved in neuropathic pain, with broad implications for chronic pain therapeutics. 8 In the same year, Dr. David Kaplan found a protein, p53, causing the death of nervous system cells. He determined that by inhibiting p53, thousands of people affected by neurodegenerative disorders and spinal cord injury may have a greater chance of survival. 9


In 2007, Dr. Peter St. George-Hyslop of the University of Toronto led a team to isolate the SORL1 gene responsible for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). 10 George-Hyslop’s work has had profound implications on the design of experiments on AD, through his papers published in leading peer-reviewed journals including Nature and Science. 11


Canadian neuroscience research throughout the 20th century established profound advances in medical awareness and diagnoses of neurological disease. The discoveries of Canadian neuroscientists since 1934 have inspired countless neuroscientists today, through providing the framework for innovative studies in neuroscience academia.

References 1. Canadian achievements in neuroscience. Retrieved from 2. About the neuro. Neuro. Retrieved from 3. Canadian achievements in neuroscience. Retrieved from 4. Canadian achievements in neuroscience. Retrieved from 5. Canadian achievements in neuroscience. Retrieved from 6. Canadian achievements in neuroscience. Retrieved from 7. Wurtz, R. H. (2009). Recounting the impact of Hubel and Wiesel. The Journal of Physiology, 587(Pt 12), 2817–2823. http://doi. org/10.1113/jphysiol.2009.170209 8. Huppe, J.F. (2005). Researchers identify key protein involved in neuropathic pain. SickKids. Retrieved from AboutSickKids/Newsroom/Past-News/2005/Researchers-identify-key-protein-involved-in-neuropathic-pain-2005-release.html 9. Canadian achievements in neuroscience. Retrieved from 10. CBC News. (2011). New alzheimer’s genes identified. CBCNews. Retrieved from 11. Professor peter st. george-hyslop. University of Toronto. Retrieved from



Canada 150: Neuroscience Edition Nuzhaat Sabreen This year we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation, which has not only given Canadians the opportunity to learn more about the history of our country, but also the chance to reflect on what Canadians have accomplished today for a better tomorrow. Particularly, it has been an accomplished year for Neuroscience in Canada. Here’s a look at some of the discoveries Canadian researchers have made this year:

A key discovery amidst the current opioid crisis in Canada: The current public-health crisis in Canada has seen an escalating number of opioid-related deaths within the last few years [1]. In January, researchers at the University of Calgary discovered a target in the spinal cord of mice, called pannexin-1, that plays a role in producing opioid withdrawal symptoms [2]. Common withdrawal symptoms experienced by opioid users include insomnia, nausea, sweating and body aches, though the severity of symptoms depend on the type of opioid used [3]. An anti-gout drug that is effective in its ability to reduce the effects of pannexin-1 was tested on opioid-dependent rodents, which resulted in a reduction of the symptoms of morphine and fentanyl withdrawal, two popular types of opioids [4]. This discovery will allow neuroscientists in Canada to further understand withdrawals and develop treatments for opioid addiction for those in high-risk areas in Canada.



opiod withdrawal

A step closer to understanding CTE in sports: Researchers at McMaster University in August published a study examining the brains of 22 retired Canadian Football League (CFL) players, and is the first to conduct research on the brains of retired players that are alive [7], given that Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disease that can only be diagnosed post-mortem [8]. Their results found that compared to men of the same age with no prior history of concussions, the brains of former CFL players had significant thinning of the cerebral cortex, which suggests decreased ability to process thoughts and information [7]. The study also found that former players had increased problems with memory, as well as an increase in symptoms of depression [7]. This study plays a significant role in the advancement to finding a link between CTE and concussions in sports, and allows neuroscientists to understand how we can discover early signs of CTE in young athletes in Canada before it may be too late.

Volume 5. Issue 1. October 2017


Mapping early brain development in infants with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Dr. John Lewis and researchers at McGill University have discovered that signs of brain inefficiencies appear in infants with autism as early as 6 months, and could predict the severity of symptoms of autism at 24 months old [5]. Network efficiency in the brains of infants at 6 months were studied; this meant looking at the length of connections between regions of the brain and how well they communicated with each other [6]. This is developing our understanding of how autism first develops in the brain [6], and providing new ways to approach diagnosis and treatment to better the lives of the many Canadian children currently and potentially diagnosed with ASD.

Celebrating Canada’s 150 has allowed Canadians to show pride for our country, and it is our dedication to the improvement of the lives of each individual that make it worth being proud of. The discoveries made by Canadian Neuroscientists this year provide advancements in research and stepping stones for future researchers to make new discoveries, and it’s no doubt something to take pride in. We can only wonder what groundbreaking discovery in the field of Neuroscience our fellow Canadians will make next!

References 1. Wells, P., (2017, September 12). Canada’s new health minister faces the opioid crisis. Maclean’s. Retrieved from 2. Trang, T. et al. (2017). Blocking microglial pannexin-1 channels alleviates morphine withdrawal in rodents. Nature Medicine, 2017; DOI: 10.1038/nm.4281 3. Government of Canada. (2017). About Opioids. Retrieved from 4. University of Calgary. (2017, January 30). Researchers identify drug that alleviates opioid withdrawal: Existing drug is effective in preventing withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent rodents. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from 5. Lewis, J. D., et al. (2017). The emergence of network inefficiencies in infants with autism spectrum disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 82(3), 176–185. 6. Hayward, S. (2017, August 29). Pinpointing the origins of autism. Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – McGill University. Retrieved from 7. Buist, S. (2017, August 30). Collision Course: A Spectator report on the science of hard head knocks. The Hamilton Spectator. Retrieved from 8. Bradford, A. (2017, September 30). Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. LiveScience. Retrieved from




Canada has been on the forefront of neuroscientific research discoveries for decades. Canada has not only published a high number of neuroscientific articles but also it has ensured that these articles distinguish themselves for their quality1. The areas in which Canadian minds excel the most include pain research, neuroimaging studies and mental health1. Work done in these fields has developed accurate results and analysis for current and future scientists.

and as such Dr. Peveer’s hope is that future neuroscientists might figure out how to use it as a preventative diagnostic tool to catch diseases like Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia at early onsets, and develop possible neuroprotective strategies3.

With regards to memory research, an fMRI study, conducted by Katherine Duncan’s group at the University of Toronto, showed that memory formation is triggered by novelty, while memory retrieval is This year specifically, some interesting findings de- triggered by familiarity3 which could lead to new lineated potential developments in stem cell therapy, strategies for memory improvement and could open neurodegeneration and depression. First, a Univer- the door to understanding the neurochemistry of sity of British Columbia team led by Dr. Wolfram Tet- Alzheimer’s disease, and consequentially diagnoszlaff (that studies spinal cord injuries) observed that ing and treating it3. Another study about memory CNS stem cells produce oligodendrocytes precursors at Western University by Dr. Tim Bussey uncovered directly in the injury zone and not in peripheral tis- how interconnected different brain regions are and sues. These precursors later migrate to the site of in- implied the important role of interference in memterest. This observation is significant because it holds ory loss3; memory improvement might be achieved potential for developing future stem cells therapies by controlling interference in future development. for spinal injuries by stimulating the endogenous production of Schwann cells to reconstitute damaged These are only few of the numerous discoveries areas2. The significance of such application of stem made continuously in Canada, which means that cells in translational medicine would be incredible. with such a thriving field basis for future and further studies are continuously established and Multiple approaches to studying the neurobiology the possibilities are expanding and ever-growing. of sleep have unfolded new paths in neurodegenerative studies. One such study done by Dr. John Peev- On another note, Canada has multiple reer showed a link between REM sleep behaviour dis- search centers focusing on the different fields of order and neurodegenerative synucleinopathies3. neuroscience. However, in order to implement deREM sleep behaviour disorder could be a marker for velopment it is crucial to interconnect these centres possible future development of neurodegeneration3 into a synergistic network, which, besides being 10

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one of the pillars of the globalized scientific community, could contribute to advancing Canadian neuroscience research even further. In fact, most times a research finding is not compartmentalized for the scope is intended to, as it also provides insight and application in different fields. Therefore, communication and continuous feedback between researchers implemented by a strong network are crucial. At the 2017 Canadian Association for Neuroscience Conference, May Lynn Raymond and Yves DeKoninck presented a proposal for a ‘Canadian Brain Research Strategy”. Their goal is to develop a national collaborative strategy for neurological and mental health development in order for Canada to be a global leader in brain research. This program would serve to utilize some of the best qualities of Canada: open-mindedness, curiosity- driven investigational spirit and collaborative spirit and ambitious results-driven accuracy. However, we cannot pretend to have an exact picture of what the future holds for Canadian neuroscience since scientific developments are also tightly linked to contemporaneity. For example, the opioid crisis we are facing right now and the urgency to end it led to understanding how by targeting microglia and Panx1 molecule is possible to reduce the symptoms of opioid withdrawal4. These findings in turn led to significant applications in medicine and in pain treatment and delineated area of future research in the same way other future events will.

Despite all these promising results, practical issues due to insufficient funding might compromise future progresses. In fact, although new discoveries are continuously being made, government funding has not changed since 20085. This has caused laboratories to face the challenge of having to close in the future. Although this statement might sound shocking and extreme, the reality of the situation is that lack of funding today could impact our future health. Freezing advancement and resources availability will prevent researchers from finding solutions to modern-day epidemics like Alzheimer’s and mental illnesses. Given the fact that current studies introduce implications that might take years to take to fruition, poor government support will impact even current progresses by preventing them from reaching completion in the future. In order to define tomorrow’s Canadian Neuroscience, we cannot overlook today. The knowledge being built now is foundational, and although it presents promising and exciting developments in a variety of areas, it is extremely delicate and susceptible to multiple influences, such as funding, contemporary and future national and global newness and ability to overcome current issues, solve current queries and build an interconnected and functional national network of exchange. These influences will impact the number of opportunities in the field and the success level of future Canadian neuroscience. Therefore today is critical in paving the way for a bright tomorrow.

References 1. Lariviere V., Macaluso B., Robitaille J., Lemelin P., Mirabel P., Marcottte E.& Gendron Nathalie. Bibliometric analysis of INHMHA-related research, 1997-2008. Observatoire des sciences et des technologies. 2010 2. Assinck P, Duncan GJ, Plemel JR, Lee MJ, Stratton JA, Manesh SB, Liu J, Ramer LM, Kang SH, Bergles DE, Biernaskie J, Tetzlaff W. Myelinogenic Plasticity of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells following Spinal Cord Contusion Injury. J Neurosci. 2017 Sep 6;37(36):8635-8654. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2409-16.2017. 3. Press Release CAN 2017 found at 4. Burma NE, Bonin RP, Leduc-Pessah H, Baimel C, Cairncross ZF, Mousseau M, Shankara JV, Stemkowski PL, Baimoukhametova D, Bains JS, Antle MC, Zamponi GW, Cahill CM, Borgland SL, De Koninck Y, Trang T. Blocking microglial pannexin-1 channels alleviates morphine withdrawal in rodents. Nat Med. 2017 Jan 30. doi: 10.1038/nm.4281. 5. Canadian Association for Neuroscience. Ncreased investment in brain research must be a priority for the next Canadian government. Canadian Association for neuroscience. 2017



Revolutionizing Treatments for Stroke Prevention: Dr. Antoine Hakim Carol Chen According to the American Heart Association, stroke ranks No. 5 among all causes of death in the US in 2017¹. Ischemic strokes occur when an artery to the brain becomes blocked, preventing oxygen and nutrients to the brain, eventually leading to brain cell death. Emeritus professor at the University of Ottawa, Dr. Antoine Hakim has revolutionized the treatments for stroke prevention in Canada and around the world. Dr. Hakim has investigated the biochemical events causing stroke and the ways to prevent cerebral ischemic damage. He has published more than 130 scientific papers and received an excess of $65 million in research funding². His most significant contributions include leading the Canadian Stroke Network (CSN) and establishing stroke prevention clinics across the country. The CSN instituted a national education program to change the delivery of acute stroke care, and their novel stroke strategies are now practiced by health care providers in eight provinces. Dr. Hakim has also travelled to European countries in collaboration with the European Stroke Network to produce an international standard of stroke care practices. Dr. Hakim’s research laboratory greatly advanced the field of cerebral ischemia, where they were one of the first to use Position Emission Tomography (PET)

in order to distinguish between dead and living cells in brains of stroke patients². Dr. Hakim wrote numerous papers about the pathological damage associated with vitamin deficiencies and hyperglycemia, a disorder where one has an excess of sugar glucose in the blood. In one of his well-known papers, he focused on the correlation between vascular disease and dementia, a syndrome of brain disorder where there is a progressive decline in cognitive function. He suggested that by preventing vascular problems associated with hypertension and diabetes, and by actively stimulating the brain, one could offset and lower the risk of dementia³. Highlights from his other papers include investigating the link between depression and dementia⁴, and the cardiovascular consequences of children born to mothers with preeclampsia, an onset of high blood pressure during pregnancy⁵. Throughout his scientific career, Dr. Hakim has received numerous awards, including the the Award of Excellence by the Canadian Stroke Consortium and the Canada Gairdner Wightman Award in 2017. On May 2, 2013, Dr. Hakim was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame². One of the greatest healthcare innovators of the 21st century, Dr. Antoine Hakim has helped pave the road for treating and eliminating stroke worldwide.

References 1Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2017 At-a-Glance. N.d. American Heart Association. Retrieved Sept. 28th, 2017. 2Antoine Hakim. N.d. Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. Retrieved Sept. 28th, 2017. ahakim/research-activities 3Hakim AM. Depression, Strokes and Dementia: New Insights into an Unfortunate Pathway. Cardiovasc Psychiatry Neurol. 2011. doi: 10.1155/2011/649629 4Willis K, Hakim A. Emerging Approaches to Modifying Risk and Delaying Onset of Dementia: Stroke Prevention and Cognitive Reserve. Front. Neurol. 2013. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2013.00013e 5Hakim J, Senterman M, Hakim A. Preeclampsia Is A Biomarker For Vascular Disease In Both Mother & Child. The Need For A Medical Alert System. Int J Pediatr. 2013. doi: 10.1155/2013/953150


Volume 5. Issue 1. October 2017


Wilder Penfield

Wilder Penfield is one of the foremost medical scientists of the 19th century and is considered the grandfather of neurosurgery (1). Born in the United States, Penfield spent most of his career at McGill University where his work on the brain revolutionized the then-nascent field of neurosurgery (1). Throughout his career, Penfield developed various techniques that propelled the field of neurosurgery (1). For example, one of his primary achievements was the so-called “Montreal Procedure” which made it possible for patients to stay awake while different areas of their brain are simulated during surgery (2). This was a ground-breaking procedure that is common place today and has been the cornerstone for many innovative procedures since (2). Moreover, Penfield devoted much of his career to creating elaborate maps of the cortex of the human brain which he then used to treat epileptic patients (1). However, perhaps his biggest contribution to medicine were not the procedures he developed, but rather his reimagining of the discipline of neurosurgery and the way it was taught (2). Dr. Penfield considered medicine a collaborative endeavour in which scientists, researchers, and doctors all worked together, constantly striving to develop new inventions (2). To that end, he created the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) in 1934 (2). There, clinicians and scientists from various fields worked together to advance the field of neurosurgery and help better patient lives (2). As a result of Dr. Penfield’s vision, hope, tenacity and dedication, neurosurgical programs in Canada and particularly the MNI carry international renown to this day. References 1. Penfield, W. The Canadian Encyclopedia) [Internet]. [cited 2017Oct9] Available from 2. Wilder Penfield (1891-1976) [Internet]. Wilder Penfield (1891-1976) | About McGill - McGill University. [cited 2017Oct9]. Available from:



Dr. Pete r St Geo rge-Hys genera lop is D tive Dis irector e ase nearly 4 of the T 00 pape s and Professo anz Cen r at the rs in lea tre for R authors Univers ding pe esearch in the fi it e y e r in Neur ld of Toro reviewe jor cont odento. He d journ ribution of Alzheimer’s h als and as publ disease s to the as Park is is u r hed o esearch n inson’s, . Additio ne of the most and Fro derstanding of cited nally, h ntotem other n e has m poral Lo eurode ade ma genera bar Deg tive dise eneratio ases, su n/Moto c h r Neuro n Disea se.

Canada's Role in Advancing Neuroscience Research Aisha Adil


Now a University of Toronto professor and acclaimed Director of the Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Disease, Dr. Peter St George-Hyslop began his research journey by pioneering the use of genetic and molecular information in exploring the mechanisms causing neurodegenerative diseases with a specific focus on the molecular basis of Alzheimer Disease (AD), Parkinson’s Disease, and Fronto-Temporal Dementia¹ ². On a closer look, all of these three diseases happen

to share a common mechanism – neuronal cell death, or the loss of function and structure in neurons found in the central nervous system³. These diseases often develop particular abnormally folded neuronal proteins which develop into toxic aggregates4. Through his own research and collaborative research, many genes associated with AD were identified. By optimizing the use of Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) methods, he also discovered nine novel genes associated with late onset AD5. Through his tireless research for more than 30 years, Dr. Peter St George-Hyslop aided in laying the framework for first generation therapies for Parkinson’s, motor neuron disease, and the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease6. Even in his pursuit of

Volume 5. Issue 1. October 2017

examining the molecular basis of AD, he contributed major findings and insight into both other neurodegenerative diseases (such as Spinocerebellar Ataxias), and several non-neurological diseases ranging from Inflammatory Bowel Disease to hereditary cataracts7. These insights were discovered through molecular genetics techniques where Dr. Peter St George-Hyslop was able to detect specific mutations in select genes that gave rise to these non-neurological diseases8.

As one of the most cited research authors, with over 33 000 times records of being cited, it is evident that his discoveries have helped form the basis of discovery and research in other fields9. Professor St George-Hyslop himself finds that his wide acclaimed recognition serves as a significant indicator of how the understanding of neurodegenerative diseases has grown, a much-needed step in recognizing the impacts it has on not only individuals but associated relatives and members of society.

References 1Peter Henry St. George-Hyslop Medicine. (2015, April 8). Retrieved October 1, 2017, from scientistprofile.php?pID=392 2Professor Peter St George-Hyslop. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2017, from 3Peter St George-Hyslop. (2017, June 16). Retrieved October 1, 2017, from 4ibid ⁵McCurdy, C. (n.d.). Peter St George-Hyslop wins the Ryman Prize. Retrieved October 1, 2017, from ⁶A Home Base for Canada's Best and Brightest. (2010, January 3). Retrieved October 1, 2017, from ⁷Peter Henry St. George-Hyslop Medicine. (2015, April 8). Retrieved October 1, 2017, from scientistprofile.php?pID=392 ⁸Peter Henry St. George-Hyslop Director.. Retrieved October 1, 2017, from 9McCurdy, C. (n.d.). Peter St George-Hyslop wins the Ryman Prize. Retrieved October 1, 2017, from https://www.rymanhealth15



Introduction to Neuroscience A course review by Dorsa Raifiei With Dr. Franco Taverna’s enthusiasm for teaching neuroscience and his engaging lectures, HMB200: Introduction to Neuroscience is sure to be an enjoyable learning experience for all. The course content covers a range of compelling topics, from classical conditioning, to addiction, even love! Class participation is encouraged through an online poll system, where you can also submit questions throughout the lecture for Dr. Taverna to answer. As you may already know, spaced learning is the most effective way to study — and this course supports that wholeheartedly! Aside from regular lectures and tutorials, the online pre-lecture reading quizzes, online tutorial quizzes and recorded video lectures (posted after each lecture) maximize students’ exposure and familiarity with the content. A note about the online quizzes: you only get one attempt per quiz — that ensures you take them seriously! The majority of the midterm and final exam consist of multiple choice questions and a couple of short answer questions. To get a 4.0, make sure to answer the short answer questions with specificity and detail in addition to doing the readings, as there will be questions solely based on the textbook. The short answer questions are not marked generously, similarly, neither is the debate essay. The debate essay is a great component to the course that allows 16

“...covers a range of compelling topics, from classical conditioning, to addiction, even lore!” students to explore any topic in neuroscience that interests them and use their critical thinking skills to compare two primary journal articles. However, clearer instructions and a rubric would be greatly beneficial. The tutorials complement the lectures well and give students the chance to focus on more important concepts with the TA. There are also opportunities for group activities; whether it’s to prep for the debate essay or to go over challenging midterm questions. All in all, despite the fact that the content isn’t necessarily difficult, an active effort will be required from the student to do well in this course.

Volume 5. Issue 1. October 2017

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