December 31 edition

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BREAKWATER Beginning Friday, January 22 through Sunday, January 31 203 Carteret Street | Beaufort | 843.379.0052 |


The Island News



DECEMBER 31, 2015-JANUARY 6, 2016

he world is your oyster... The Island News would like to thank Beaufort for a fabulous year! For 2016, we wish you clear forecasts on beach days, perfectly seasoned Frogmore Stew, winning raffle tickets at Island Girls Night Out, warm hugs from a newly graduated Marine, perfectly timed beach strolls to catch a Loggerhead turtle hatching, a fully charged camera during the Water Festival parade, and pure enjoyment from reading your award-winning local newspaper.

From all of us to you & yours,



Thumbs Up celebrates 20th anniversary.

see page 2


Water and Woods – Lowcountry staples What says South Carolina and the Lowcountry more than “Water and Woods?” This all-encompassing title is the theme for an exhibition of paintings in oil, acrylic, gouache, and pastels by Lowcountry artist Tom VanSteenbergh opening January 3rd at the Beaufort Art Association Gallery. Born and raised in New Jersey, Tom is an alumnus of the prestigious Cooper Union Art School in New York City. And it was in New York where he worked for 40 years as an Art Director for several top advertising agencies, conceptualizing, designing and producing ads and commercials for such clients as Chemical Bank, Paine Webber, Crane Corporation, CF&I Steel, US Air Force, Guard and Reserve, Martin Marietta Aerospace, ITT Communications, Westinghouse Corporation, Forbes Magazine, Orrefors Crystal, Heineken Beer, Remy Martin, and Champagne Krug. Now retired from advertising, Tom devotes his time and abilities to

creating image of his adopted home, the Lowcountry of South Carolina. As an active member and past president of the Beaufort Art Association, Tom has had the joy of painting the area’s live

oaks and palms, woodland trails and pine forests, beaches, calm seas and stormy waves and skies, and the well-researched square-rigged sailing ships of his seaadventure imagination. As Tom noted, “From drawing and painting a visual description of what an advertiser would see in print or TV of his message, I’ve become a delineator of not just the item or service that was being offered by the client, but the imaged idea of what made the product or service unique or ideal. That’s what I can now enjoy doing with the natural wonders of what we see here in the Lowcountry.” Tom loves his life in the Lowcountry and wants to share his images with you in this exhibit which runs through the end of February. A wine and cheese reception will be held on Friday, January 8th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. For more information about the “Water and Woods” exhibit call the BAA Gallery at 843-521-4444.


Get the champagne lowdown for your New Years Eve festivities.

see page 12


Community 2 Voices 4 Real Estate 7-10 Business 11 Wine 12 Games 13 Directory 14 Classifieds 15

Won’t you give these beauties a “Thumbs Up”?

The 5th annual Fundraiser Antique & Classic Car Show benefitting the afterschool learning center at “Thumbs Up” was recently held in Habersham. The Car Show was sponsored in part by Butler Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep. Everyone enjoyed a lovely afternoon of fabulous cars while

listening to music, munching on yummy food and thinking of times gone by. “Thumbs Up” is a year round program that focuses on academic achievement and character development by working one on one with referred youth, their families and their teachers.

These volunteers partner with parents, who often lack the skills necessary to help their children with school work, their teachers and their schools. Referred children, ages 6-12, and their families, participate in a multi-year program that builds trusting relationships, positive

parent involvement, and generates improved school results. “Thumbs Up” wants these struggling children who are at risk of failing in school, to become proficient readers, to improve their academic performance and graduate on time.

community Two benefactors together at the Thumbs Up Celebration Miss Candice Glover and Sister Mary Trzasko shared the stage at the Thumbs Up 20th Anniversary Celebration held on December 11-12, 2015 at the Dataw Island Club and Battery Creek High School. Candice performed a live benefit concert to a full house on the 12th, singing soulful renditions of Christmas carols, as well as her own original hits. Sister Mary and Candice are also benefactors who share a passion to help young people achieve their goals through programs such as the Thumbs Up Children’s After-School Program of Beaufort. For more information, visit

Candice Glover and Sister Mary Trzasko


While shopping for furniture and accessories to fill your new home, make sure to add basic safety supplies to your list. As important as stocking the cupboards with pots and pans, equipping your home with safety products like the ones below can help keep you, your property and your possessions safe. Smoke detectors Purchase dual sensor alarms and install one on every level of your home, inside every bedroom and outside sleeping areas. Test alarms every month to be sure they’re operating properly. Fire extinguishers Purchase an “ABC” dry chemical extinguisher for your kitchen and every level of your home and learn how to use it “This will cover the most

common types of fires in a home,” says Tess Benham, program manager at the National Safety Council. These include wood and paper fires, grease and oil fires and electrical fires. Carbon monoxide detectors Install these battery-operated devices outside sleeping areas—especially if your home uses fuel-burning appliances—to help protect you from deadly carbon monoxide gas. First aid kit Be prepared in the event of an injury with a well-stocked first aid kit. Purchase a kit or put one together on your own. The American Red Cross offers a full list of first aid supplies that are important to have in your home. Emergency kit Have the proper items ready in case of severe weather or a natural

disaster. “This kit should include food and supplies to keep your family comfortable for 72 hours,” Benham says. The Federal Emergency Management Agency suggests this list of emergency supplies to keep on hand. Protective supplies If you’re planning to make home improvements, Benham also recommends purchasing proper personal protective equipment, including gloves, safety goggles, hearing protection and dust masks. When you’re shopping for safety products, always look for an independent testing laboratory’s mark of approval to be sure the product meets established safety standards See more at: https://learningcenter.

The Island News

Publisher Sisters’ Publishing, LLC Elizabeth Harding Newberry Kim Harding Newton

EDITORIAL/DESIGN Editor In Chief Molly Ingram theislandnews@ 843-352-8616

Art Director

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SALES/BUSINESS Advertising Sales Betty Davis betty.islandnews@ 843-252-9076

Advertising Sales

Michael Gable michael.theislandnews@ 843-812-6311


April Ackerman 843-575-1816

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Ginger Wareham 843-641-9478


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ROTARY CLUB OF THE LOWCOUNTRY SERVES COMMUNITY DURING CHRISTMAS SEASON Rotary Club members get a wonderful feeling serving others during the holiday season in Beaufort. Even during the hustle and bustle of Christmas, they embody the motto of “Service above Self.”


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the island news | december 31, 2015-january 6, 2016 |

Lou Vellia lou.theislandnews@ 843-898-3461 The Island News is published on Thursdays with the Beaufort Real Estate Review published the first week of each month.

DISCLAIMER: Unless otherwise credited, all content of The Island News, including articles, photos, editorial content, letters, art and advertisements, is copyrighted by The Island News and Sisters Publishing LLC, all rights reserved. The Island News encourages reader submissions via email to All content submitted is considered approved for publication by the owner unless otherwise stated. The Island News is designed to inform and entertain readers; all efforts for accuracy are made. The Island News provides a community forum for news, events, straight talk opinions and advertisements. The Island News reserves the right to refuse to sell advertising space, or to publish information, for any business or activity the newspaper deems inappropriate for the publication.

DEADLINE: Articles & advertising – 12 noon on Friday for the next week’s paper.


Add stormwater fees to the Bluffton cost deluge By Bill Rauch

Careful readers will find another unanticipated cost of the growth explosion in the Bluffton area that was triggered by the Beaufort County Council’s unanimous 1991 vote to approve with few or no revisions Sun City Hilton Head’s proposed zoning. Beaufort County’s top priority for 2016 is cleaning up the waters in its creeks and marshes, Council Chairman Paul Sommerville said last week. At the outset it appears County Council has demonstrated the necessary resolve to push the initiative forward. It wasn’t, of course, all voluntary. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) was required recently by the Federal Government to take a look at Bluffton’s water quality and the government found that the County had to clean up Bluffton, or face fines. Attracted in 2013 by the shellfish beds near US 278 that were being restricted or closed because of stormwater runoff from parking lots in the Bluffton area, DHEC put Beaufort County on notice in 2014 that it must begin phasing in the infrastructure to bring the county into compliance with the Federal Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) requirements, or find itself in violation of the US Clean Water Act and face fines of up to $37,500 a day. Beaufort County now has about 11 months to take substantial steps to satisfy DHEC that it is cleaning up its waters, or face fines. Bluffton was targeted, according to DHEC’s public affairs chief Jim Beasley, because, of its recent growth, it now meets the criteria under the US Census Bureau’s definitions of an “urbanized area.” That is the series of events that led to the County recently raising its stormwater fees. “Everyone’s paying more,” the County’s Director of Environmental Engineering Eric Larson who directs the Stormwater Utility said last week. No doubt about that. The department’s budgeted revenues from fees in FY’16 are $5,555,030, up nearly double from the $3,080,341 collected in FY’15.

A reporter, publisher, ghostwriter and author, Bill Rauch was the mayor of Beaufort from 1999-2008. Email Bill at TheRauchReport@

Ironically, the waters in the northern part of Beaufort County will see more benefit from the county’s MS4 program than will those in the south. That’s because there are more shellfish beds closed in the northern part of the county than in the South. The difference is the shellfish beds around Port Royal Island (especially around the municipalities of Beaufort and Port Royal) have been closed for decades because of the fresh water and pollutants that accompany stormwater runoff from the streets and ditches that were built there before “runoff ” was even a word in the dictionary, and because Port Royal Island is not defined by the US Census as an “urbanized area.” Starting with a $327,000 “up-fit” of the county’s own parking lot at Boundary and Ribaut Road, the 2016 MS4 capital improvements program calls for a number of projects that will clean up Battery Creek. These are accompanied by runoff control projects to clean up Factory Creek and Albergotti Creek as well. There are an approximately equal number of similar projects to be undertaken in the Bluffton area. But, make no mistake, it was the newly-closed shellfish beds in the “urbanized area” around Bluffton that drew DHEC’s attention to Beaufort County and required the state to impose the Federal mandate which, in order to

This South Carolina Department of Natural Resources map shows the closed shellfish beds around Port Royal Island in the black shading, and the restricted beds elsewhere in the county in the lighter shading.

comply, caused Beaufort County to have to nearly double its stormwater fees. None of this is to imply that Beaufort County doesn’t want the waters here to be clean and isn’t willing to go to the mat to ensure that they are. The county’s resolve was demonstrated clearly this past December 3rd when it sent a team of lawyers into Circuit Court to seek to persuade Judge Mullen that Jenkins Creek Marine and Charters Lic, plaintiff et al VS Beaufort County (sometimes called “The Jellyball Case”) should be dismissed with prejudice. Readers will recall earlier this year the jellyball refiners were making another run at Beaufort County, especially in the Lobeco and Corners neighborhoods. But by passing an ordinance prohibiting discharging jellyball effluent into Beaufort County waters the county government effectively shut down their plans. The Jenkins Creek Marine case is the lawsuit that the jellyball companies brought against Beaufort County that

sought to find unconstitutional the county’s ordinance. The case is being dismissed. The difference between the case being dismissed with or without prejudice relates simply to whether at a later date the plaintiffs can reinvigorate their present case, or whether to challenge the ordinance at a future date they must bring a new one. But it is equally clear that the county’s $20.6M stormwater capital improvements program would not have been jammed into place and the fees nearly doubled overnight to pay for it had not the stormwater runoff from the newly developed areas in the “urbanized area” around Bluffton lit up the warning lights at DHEC in Columbia. Taxpayers in the northern part of Beaufort County can add these costs to the increased costs of schools, roads and other government services for Bluffton that they have been asked to bear over the past two decades as a result of County Council’s unanimous 1991 vote.


“Earth to Lee. Earth to Lee.” is one of my husband’s favorite lines. He says it when he sees me take off on some marvelous adventures. These little journeys are more like Walter Mitty trips than actual adventures. My spouse understands my propensity for daydreaming, where I find myself in new places and extraordinary situations, and he has to bring me back to reality. No, it is not dementia, it is imagination. It happens all the time while doing some mundane task. I get to visit new places and imagine new quests. Like the James Thurber character, Walter Mitty in the book “My world and welcome to it” I playfully imagine myself in different settings. Like recently, while riding in the car down a road lined with 4

Now what?


Lee Scott, a writer and recent retiree, shares her everyday observations about life after career. A former commercial banker responsible for helping her clients to reach their business objectives, Lee now translates those analytical skills to her writings. She recently moved to St. Helena Island with her husband and two cocker spaniels. She enjoys boating, traveling and reading.

moss laden oak trees, I transformed into a Confederate Soldier returning home from the war with my Southern Belle spouse running towards me. And as we near the spot where we are actually going to meet, I snap to awareness wanting to avoid the inevitable hangman’s noose. If you don’t understand the reference, then look up “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”.

While at the Air and Space Museum, sitting in one of the jets, I suddenly found myself as the first female pilot of an F-35; streaming through the clouds with Maverick and Goose, characters from the Movie “Top Gun”. As I soared in my jet, I started to hear the voice of the security guard telling me to get out of the jet. What a spoilsport. I was just getting ready to fly through the

the island news | december 31, 2015-january 6, 2016 |

Grand Canyon. As children, we are told to use our imagination all the time. But somewhere between jobs and marriage we are encouraged to be more practical. Yet how many of us would love to walk the beach and envision a friend or family member who has died walking beside us and chatting about our life. What is wrong in closing your eyes on a rainy cold day and picturing yourself laying on a beach in Monte Carlo with your yacht right off the shore? And so, shopping downtown, I suddenly find myself backing up to the wall with Walter Mitty. We light our last cigarettes as the Firing Squad prepares to aim. Then I hear in the background a soft male voice, “Earth to Lee. Earth to Lee.” right before the gunshots are fired.

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January 2016 | Beaufort & Surrounding Areas | A publication of The Island News | To advertise call Kim Newton at 843-575-0396

4 New Year’s resolutions for prospective homebuyers Provided by StatePoint

Writing out your New Year’s resolutions? If you’re thinking of buying a home in 2016, it’s time to add these four resolutions to your list: • Get your financial house in order: Good credit is key to getting a mortgage at a reasonable interest rate. If it’s been more than a year, find out what your credit score is. You can improve your credit by paying your bills on time. • Figure out how much you can afford. What do you earn? What do you spend? How much do you have in savings? Answering these questions will help you learn whether you are financially ready for homeownership. • Explore your mortgage options. Don’t assume you don’t have enough for a down payment or won’t qualify for a mortgage without 20 percent down. In fact, about

40 percent of today’s homebuyers are making down payments that are less than 10 percent • Find out if you’re eligible for any local or state

down payment assistance programs. Remember, some options may be as low as three percent. But keep in mind that if you’re not putting at least 20 percent down, you’ll pay extra each month for mortgage insurance. Contact several mortgage lenders to shop around and get the best deal. • Get pre-approved for financing. It’s highly recommended that you work with your lender to get pre-approved before you begin house hunting. Pre-approval will tell you how much home you can afford and can help you move faster and with greater confidence in competitive markets. For more tips and resources, visit


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Build with someone who knows Beaufort: CHANDLER TRASK CONSTRUCTION

Beaufort native Chandler Trask specializes in building custom homes and remodeling existing ones in Northern Beaufort County. He started building homes in the early 1990s and later created Chandler Trask Construction. He originally worked as a real estate appraiser and owned his own company, Trask Appraisal. While working as a real estate appraiser he was able to see all types of construction up close — from the good to the not-so-good. Says Chandler, “I started building spec homes at first and found that I really love building. It was fun to see a project come together and it’s a wonderful feeling of accomplishment to provide someone with a home they love.” His work philosophy is simple. “The way I see it, it’s their house, they are the customer,” Chandler says. “My job is

Chandler and Amy Trask

to give them the house they’ve always dreamed of, on time and within their budget. I am so proud of the work I have done and it makes me feel really good to see them enjoying their new home. My wife Amy and I recently attended an open house at a home I built and I just loved to

see how excited they were to entertain and show off their new place. That’s why I do what I do.” Both Amy and Chandler are big fans of Beaufort. “I can’t really imagine living anywhere else,” says Chandler. “Fishing and boating are a huge part of my life. Just the natural beauty that you see even driving around town between job sites is enough to take your breath away. When I get busy I have to remind myself how lucky I am to live here, especially when I’m waiting for the bridge!” Chandler grew up watching his dad do construction. His father developed the Plaza Shopping center (on the corner of Boundary and Robert Smalls Parkway) and started the Plaza Theater, which the family still runs today. When it comes to his business, Chandler says, “Well, I’m a one man show

so I’m in charge of everything. That helps me give my customers a personal touch (and keep costs down). If they hire me to build their house, they’re going to deal with me and only me. I will be on the job site every day. I encourage my clients to call me on my cell at anytime. I love that personal connection. One of the things my past clients say about me is how easy I am to work with. I want them to be happy because, for most of my clients, this house is something they’ve been dreaming about for many years. I want the house and the whole building experience to exceed their expectations, and it usually does!” If you want to build your dream house or remodel your present one, you can get in touch with Chandler at 843-3219625, or you can go to his website at or email





736 North Reeve Road


Darling cape barely lived in since built. Golf cart garage, chef’s kitchen, pond and big greens view. Immaculate!

614 Island Circle East


Architect designed 4/4 with two masters on main. Cypress study, slate floored foyer. Fabulous millwork. Must see!

461 BB Sams Drive


3/2 home with two car garage, top of the line products, & luscious landscaping

758 Island Circle East


Move-in ready and immaculate! Delightful floor plan 3/3 with two fireplaces, golf garage, pond view and MORE!

843-605-3414 ERA EVERGREEN

14 Doe Point


Wide water view. Watch the boats go by! Heart pine floors!

405 BB Sams Drive


469 BB Sams Drive

Darling 3/2 with fabulous curb appeal. Lots of updates and priced to sell!


Recent updates, 3/3, big screened porch & lot!

8 Reeve Court


Beautiful tidal creek lot!

MARY HANBY | “FAIRY GODMOTHER OF REAL ESTATE” | 1001 BOUNDARY STREET, SUITE B, BEAUFORT, SC 29902 When You Are Ready To Buy OR Sell Consider A Team Loaded With Experience In The Beaufort Market

DARE TO BE DIFFERENT UNIQUE GEODESIC DOME in private waterfront community situated on a tidal creek with a fabulous panoramic view from the covered pier overlooking marshes of Eddings Creek. MLS 143709 Call PAT $360,000


RENOVATED brick ranch home with beautiful courtyards and stunning mature landscaping/hardscapes. Open floor plan with attractive wood floors and tile. Within steps of the Spanish Moss Trail. MLS 145035 Call MIKE $350,000

the island news | december 31, 2015-january 6, 2016 |

RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL - 3 Rental units including lower floor space utilized as a flower shop. 4BR, 4BA, large upper deck off upstairs rental unit. MLS 145926 Call MIKE $525,000

Collins Group Realty

Structured to Serve

Build your Lowcountry dream home on one of these fantastic waterfront lots!

1425 Pigeon Point

126 Heyward Point Road

130 Heyward Point Road

Lot F, Cassique Creek

12 Woodstork Landing

Under Contract! Downtown Beaufort

Heyward Point

Heyward Point

Palm Key

Callawassie Island

Rare opportunity to build your Lowcountry dream home in beautiful Beaufort! Spectacular 0.75 acre waterfront lot on intracoastal waterway features a 20’ bluff with private beach. Located in the charming Pigeon Point neighborhood that’s just minutes to the very best of downtown Beaufort.

Lake-front acreage for only $70,000! This 1.26 acre, estate-size homesite provides expansive water views, mature live oaks, & ample area to build your custom home. With a community preserve to the right, and adjacent lot to the left available, you have the potential for +-10 acres of privacy.

1.49 acre, lake-front homesite available for purchase in Heyward Point, a 515 acre gated community nestled between the Colleton and Okatie Rivers. Amenities include a quiet, intimate environment, boat storage and clubhouse. Adjacent lot at 126 Heyward Point also available for purchase.

Offering panoramic views of the Broad River, this beautiful .5 acre home-site offers the best location and value combined for waterfront living. An incredible opportunity to live on a private cul-de-sac with quick access to Bluffton, Beaufort, Ridgeland and Hilton Head Island. Ready for city water and sewer.

Fantastic, bank-owned homesite in one of the Lowcountry’s most beautiful areas. Come and see this .65 acre lot with creek views on a private, cul-de-sac street. Luxurious amenities include tennis, river club, fitness center, boat docks, security and some of the most scenic landscapes around!






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the island news | december 31, 2015-january 6, 2016 |


A LOOK AT NEW HOME SALES (2014 – 2015)


Over the last two years or so new home construction has picked up the pace. Local realtors knew that it was only a matter of time before demand would encourage new home construction again. At this point, we are probably into the third year of a recovery of the housing market. If so, the sale of new homes should serve as a gauge of the speed of the recovery. Following is a comparison of this year’s new homes sales compared to the previous year plus a look at the role they played in the total market.

A look at new home sales (2014 – 2015) By Everett Ballenger

Over the last two years or so new home construction has picked up the pace. Local realtors knew that it was only a matter of time before demand would encourage new home construction again. At this point, we are probably into the third year of a recovery of the housing market. If so, the sale of new homes should serve as a gauge of the speed of the recovery. Following is a comparison of this year’s new homes sales compared to the previous year plus a look at the role they played in the total market. If we take into account that we are about three years into the recovery, an overall decrease of only 1.0% in new home sales is quite encouraging. Mossy Oaks did well with a +2.0% increase. For a very established older neighborhood, nine new homes is comforting to see. We have seen a trend over the last year or so, that Port Royal and Burton enjoyed robust new home construction.

But eventually, for a variety of reasons, such growth had to slow down to some degree. This year it did slow down with a – 4.0% reduction for Port Royal and – 3% for Port Royal. When you remember that in 2011 these two areas had a total of 28 new home sales this year’s total of 110 new homes is still pretty healthy and an indication of the direction of the new home market. Beaufort City looks as though there was only one “new” house constructed over the last year. This is not really the case, as a number of lots have been sold directly to a purchaser. A new house was built, but as there was not a real estate agent involved, thus the construction was not entered in our MLS. This could effect some appraisals and the ability to find (comparables) when trying to ascertain the value of similar properties. Lady’s Island held steady with 33 new homes built (+ 3%) accounting for 12% of all homes sold on the market.

Area Beaufort Mossy Oaks Port Royal Burton Lady’s Island Total.

New Home Sales 2014 (in parentheses) vs 2015 New Sales Total Sales % of Total Sales (0) 1 (95) 97 (0%) 0.1% (5) 9 (64) 91 (8%) 10% (53) 54 (110) 122 (48%) 44% (61) 56 (269) 288 (22%) 19% (25) 33 (261) 276 (9%) 12% (144) 153 (799) 874 (18%) 17%

Change +0.1% +2.0% -­‐4.0% -­‐3.0% +3.0% -­‐1.0%

importance of new IfThe we take into account thathome we are about three years into the recovery, an overall decrease of only 1.0% inbenew home sales is quite encouraging. Mossy Oaks did well construction cannot over with a +2.0% increase. For a very established older neighborhood, nine new homes is emphasized. comforting to Not see. only does it increase the tax base, but local We have seen a trend over the last year or so, that Port Royal and Burton enjoyed jobs arenew created and millions ofBut eventually, for a variety of reasons, such growth had robust home construction. to sloware down to some degree. This year it did slow down with a – 4.0% reduction for dollars injected into the loPort Royal and – 3% for Port Royal. cal economy. Overall, it is still a When you remember that in 2011 these two areas had a total of 28 new home sales this year’s total of 110 new homes is still pretty relatively healthy environment healthy and an indication of the direction of the new home market. for new home construction in Beaufort City looks as though there was only one “new” house constructed over the last Northern County, year. This isBeaufort not really the case, as a number of lots have been sold directly to a purchaser. new house was are built, but as there was not a real estate agent involved, and new Adevelopments thus the construction was not entered in our MLS. This could effect some appraisals coming on stream at a steady and the ability to find (comparables) when trying to ascertain the value of similar and sensible pace. profitable) New Year! properties. I would like to wish all the LIBPA Everett Ballenger is the owner/B.I.C of Lady’s Island held steady with 33 new homes built (+ 3%) accounting for 12% of all members a Very Merry Christmas and Ballenger Realty and the former President of homes sold on the market. hope each of you have a healthy (and the Beaufort County Association of Realtors. The importance of new home construction cannot be over emphasized. Not only does it increase the tax base, but local jobs are created and millions of dollars are injected into the local economy. Overall, it is still a relatively healthy environment for new home construction in Northern Beaufort County, and new developments are coming on stream at a steady and sensible pace.


Manorhouse is offering stylish new finishes in the few remaining homes in Somerset Point as they prepare for the ground breaking expansion. In keeping with the craftsmanship and quality that residents have come to enjoy, Somerset Point will be expanding with an additional 36 homesites in just a few short months. Future home owners are already reserving their choice of new floor plans along with gorgeous lots guarded beautifully by live oaks in the $250-$350k price point. Currently Somerset Point has homes under construction with the latest in stylish finishes, true Hardi-Plank siding and floor plans to suit a variety of needs including homes with marsh/river views, homes ready to personalize, homes ready for move in now and homes nearing completion. Somerset Point continues to be one of the most sought after communities offering spacious yards, incredible quality and the low country landscape of beautiful Lady’s Island. Manorhouse Proudly Offer Military Incentives Builders offers Military Incentives, options to customize and a reliable warranty that offers peace of mind to homeowners. The Sales Office is open Wednesday-Saturday 12-5 and by appointment.


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the island news | december 31, 2015-january 6, 2016 |

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From big to little, great choices in Champagnes By Celia Strong Well, it’s New Year’s Eve. The end of another year. Hopefully a good one for all of us. But, before we’re completely through with this year, we have to choose our New Year’s bubbly. One last hurdle. Thankfully, we have some great choices this year. Deal pricing on some, assorted bottle sizes. One just right for each of us. And, because we are choosing for New Year’s Eve and, possibly for New Year’s Day, it only seems right that we look at Champagne. First, before we get to brand names and prices, let’s take a quick look at bottle sizes. A “regular” bottle is a 750 milliliter. About 28 ounces. For most wines that’s about four servings, but for bubbly it’s more like five or even six. Depends on the size of your flute. The best price per ounce is almost always in the 750 size. The smallest size bottle Champagne comes in is 187 milliliter. One glass in a bottle. Officially, this is called a “split.” Cute, convenient, great for travel. Great for self-control. But never a bargain. These little bottles cost more to make, so they don’t make sense pricewise. The cost per ounce is much higher. (Four splits are a bit less Champagne than a 750 milliliter.) A half bottle is 375 milliliters. Two glasses, but still pricier per ounce. A magnum is a liter and a half. Two “regular” bottles in one. Very impressive on your bar or table. A better way for your Champagne to last, if you’re going to hang on to a bottle. But, still not the best cost per ounce. There are many more size bottles, larger and largest. With great names for each size. Unfortunately, we have not seen many of them since the millennium. The really, really big New Year’s Eve. But, time for our choices. For the first time in a long time, we have real Champagne in a split that is not way out of most people’s price range. Mumm Cordon Rouge. Mumm, established in 1827, is located in Reims, a northern city in the Champagne region. Mumm’s is one of the largest Champagne producers. Their house cuvée, non-vintage, is blended from 77 different crus (lots). This wine is 45% Pinot Noir which gives the wine structure and strength, 30% Chardonnay for finesse and elegance, and 25% Pinot Meunier for fruitiness and roundness.

S e rv i n g


Celia Strong works at Bill’s Liquor & Fine Wines on Lady’s Island.

Each grape variety from each lot is crushed and fermented separately. Then the wines, 77 of them, are blended to make the final cuvée. Twenty-five to thirty percent of them are reserve wines from previous years. These give the Champagne depth. But, back to our splits! For $8.97, they are excellent! Especially when you do the math. Four splits are just shy of the same amount of Champagne as a 750 milliliter bottle. Which is $34.99. So, for once the 187 milliliter split is cost efficient. Plus, these baby bottles look great in ice buckets spread out on your table. They’re fun because everyone gets to open their own. And, as long as it’s a party anyhow, you can share bottles. Fun! Moving on, to our other special bottle size, the magnum. A double bottle which, again, is usually more expensive than buying two 750 milliliters. Because the glass for the bottle itself is more expensive. Ours, this year, is a 2004 vintage bottle of Laurent-Perrier. LP, as it is called, was established in 1812. Their non-vintage rosé is the third largest selling Champagne in the world. Their 2004 vintage is a blend of 50% Chardonnay and 50% Pinot Noir, from Grand Cru vineyards. LP owns about 150 acres of vineyards, but that’s only about 10% of what they need. The rest they get from trusted growers spread over 55 villages in the Champagne region. Being a vintage Champagne means all of the grapes come from a single vintage. Not something they can do every year in this region. The 2004 was an exceptionally good year! This wine is full of citrus and floral notes, along with toast and minerality. The LP house style is always clean and crisp and refreshing. The 750 milliliter bottle of 2004 Laurent-Perrier Brut costs $49.99 and the magnum is $99.97. So, see! No extra charge for the special size magnum bottle. And fun for a group! Two lovely Champagnes. Two special

L o w c o u n t ry

bottle sizes. For celebrating, or just enjoying with friends. Which always makes Champagne appropriate. Of course, our supply is limited. Special



bottle sizes, I mean. Not friends, or occasions to drink Champagne. And definitely not Champagnes! Happy New Year! Enjoy.

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What is Your risk tolerance? The most important thing to know about investing is that it involves risk. In fact, all investments carry some degree of risk. Even if you hide your money in a shoebox under the bed, there is still a risk that it might be stolen or that its value will decrease over time due to inflation. The best thing to do then is learn how to potentially minimize the risk, and make good judgments based on your individual risk tolerance. Here are some tips to help you identify your risk tolerance so you can make smart investment decisions. First, identify your investment goals. Do your goals include retirement, college funding, or a major purchase, such as a home? Then determine your time frame for each particular goal. Generally, the longer the time frame, the more risk the investment portfolio can absorb, because there is potentially more time to recover from the ups and downs of market cycles. That means that your age and the length of time

Owen K Hand CFP®

until your retirement might be a factor when you determine what types of investments to include in your portfolio. Time, however, is not the only indicator of your own personal risk tolerance. There are other important factors such as: your ability to tolerate stress, how much you worry about your finances, how much savings you need to have in the bank to feel comfortable, and how your financial decisions affect your family. Experts advise people to have at least six months worth of income on hand to tolerate cash flow emergencies like job loss or illness. When determining your risk tolerance for investing, the most important thing to consider is what is needed to keep your financial home safe. After that, your individual time frame can influence the decision of whether or not you can afford the investments with a little more risk.

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Registered representatives of INVEST Financial Corporation. This information is general in nature and should not be construed as tax or legal advice. INVEST Financial Corporation does not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax and/or legal adviser for guidance on your particular situation. The information in this report has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable but we do not guarantee that the forgoing material is accurate or complete. This article is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security, and may not be reproduced or made available to other persons without the express consent of INVEST Financial Corporation. Securities, advisory services and insurance products offered through INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA, SIPC, a federally registered investment adviser and affiliated insurance agencies. INVEST is not affiliated with Hand & Tanner Financial Group, Inc.

French Onion Soup with Sausage and Cheese Quiche

www. • 843.524.6310 39 Professional Village circle, BeauforT, sc 29907 the island news | december 31, 2015-january 6, 2016 |


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