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DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
AG takes over Greenway investigation
Fourteenth Circuit Solicitor Duffie Stone in Okatie, July 6, 2023. File/ Tony Kukulich/Post And Courier
By Tony Kukulich The Post And Courier The Office of the Attorney General is taking over an investigation of Eric Greenway, the former Beaufort County administrator who was fired last summer. The State Law Enforcement Division and the Public Integrity Unit, a team of prosecutors and senior investigations run jointly the by the solicitors of the First and 14th circuits, had been leading the investigation into potential political corruption by Greenway. The decision by Attorney General Alan Wilson follows a request by 14th Circuit Solicitor Duffie Stone that Wilson
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impanel a State Grand Jury to assist with the investigation. “This investigation would benefit from the use of the State Grand Jury, as it is an investigative grand jury equipped to issue subpoenas and compel sworn testimony in or-
der to discover public corruption,” Stone wrote in his letter dated Nov. 28, adding that the state grand jury has broader investigative powers than county grand juries. Wilson replied Dec. 4 stating that, after a review, his office will take over all prosecutorial actions related to the case. The response gives no indication as to whether Wilson will impanel a State Grand Jury. “In general, we never confirm or deny what matters might be before the State Grand Jury, unless and until it issues an indictment,”
Q&A with Cromer, Sutton By Delayna Earley The Island News The Island News presented the two candidates in the special election for Mayor of the City of Beaufort — Phil Cromer and Mike Sutton — with the same six questions. Along with a brief background on each, here’s how each candidate responded: Phil Cromer From: Charleston, S.C.
City of Beaufort Mayoral candidates Phil Cromer, left, and Mike Sutton, right, took to the stage on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023 at the University of South Carolina Beaufort’s Performing Arts Center in a forum hosted by the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce. Delayna Earley/The Island News
Time to choose
Beaufort Mayoral candidates face off over tough questions By Delayna Earley The Island News City of Beaufort Mayoral candidates Phil Cromer and Mike Sutton took to the stage on Monday, Dec. 4, at the University of South Carolina Beaufort’s Performing Arts Center and answered pressing questions about how they would handle hot button topics if they were elected as Beaufort’s next mayor. The event was hosted by the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce and was organized by interim CEO and President Megan Morris.
The two candidates are running to fill the vacant mayoral seat in the city after Stephen Murray resigned from the position on Sept 15, 2023, with a little more than a year left in his term. Cromer and Sutton have each served for two terms on the City of Beaufort’s council and Sutton previously ran against Murray for the mayoral seat and lost. Sutton is a retired member of the U.S. Coast Guard and is currently the owner of Sutton Construction which focuses on restoring historic properties in the Beaufort area,
Special Pull-Out Holiday Gift Guide
according to Sutton. He also currently serves on the Historic District Review Board and Building Board of Appeals. Cromer is currently retired, but previously he has worked as a town manager in Ridgeland and Port Royal and as a risk management consultant for the Municipal Association of South Carolina. More than 100 concerned citizens came to watch the candidate forum to help get answers to questions
Education: Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science from University of South Carolina, Master’s in Public Administration from College of Charleston, Associate Degree in Risk Management from the Insurance Institute of America Job: Retired Age: 73 years old Political Career: 8 years on Beaufort City Council Been in Beaufort: Phil Cromer is not originally from here but has lived here for quite some time. Cromer has experience in local government as he worked as town manager in Ridgeland and in Port Royal. He retired from City Council in Winter 2022. 1. Why do you want to be mayor of Beaufort and why do you think you’re the best person for the job? Why should people vote for you? Well, the reason I want to be mayor is that I care about the future
Menorah lighting set for Thursday in Waterfront Park.
Erickson’s proposal would replace SCHSL with legislators’ own governing board.
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Habersham’s Ron Callari captured this Friends Of Hunting Island sea turtle volunteer crew on Hunting Island on a Wednesday earlier in the season. They’re not celebrating anything in particular, they’re just always that happy. To submit a Lowcountry Life photo, you must be the photographer or have permission to submit the photo to be published in The Island News. Please submit high-resolution photos and include a description and/or names of the people in the picture and the name of the photographer. Email your photos to
Beaufort’s Rick Canavan, 63, joined the United States Marine Corps in Winchester, Tenn., in 1978. After Boot Camp at Parris Island, he attended Heavy Equipment Operator training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. He was then assigned to a unit at Camp Pendleton, Calif., from which he made many temporary duty de-
Rick Canavan
ployments, including one to the
RICK CANAVAN high Sierra Nevada mountains for 18 months. He was released from active duty in 1982 as a Sergeant. He used his training as a heavy equipment operator to gain employment in that field. In 1988 he moved to the Beaufort area and later worked as a concrete contractor for nine years. He
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remains active with local military organizations including our AMVETS Post, where he is a trustee.
Amanda Hanna
– Compiled by John Chubb, American Legion Post 207. For Veteran Of The Week nominations, contact
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Prayers are answered
On December 3, we had one of the most fabulous Christmas Parades that I can ever remember in the City of Beaufort. From the very beginning there was a threat of rain. Even though I told everyone it does not rain on my parades, I knew full well that it was always a possibility. All I could say to everyone was – Please Pray for No Rain! OUR PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED! Even though it was overcast the temperature was low 70’s and the entire community enjoyed all the floats, bands, dancers, costumes and decorated vehicles. What a privilege and joy it was to see our community young, old, black, white, rich and poor come together as one
OBITUARY Louis Edward Rabinowitz
Louis Edward Rabinowitz, 85, husband of Sarah Brown Rabinowitz, of Beaufort, SC, died Sunday, December 3, 2023 at his residence. Graveside funeral services was held on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in Beth Israel Cemetery. Mr. Rabinowitz was born on August 16, 1938 in Savannah, GA.
Sandy Schepis 678-641-4495 sandyschepis@
April Ackerman
was very pleased it opened its doors on the post-holiday Sunday. Most home studio artists reported a steady flow of visitors, commissions and art sales, and there was a receptive audience at USCB’s Visual Art and Design building to applaud the winners of the bike rack design competition. Organizers at Freedman Arts District are very appreciative of support received – Pat Harvey-Palmer, St. Helena Island from Beaufort Area Hospitality Association, the Beaufort Cultural District, S.C. Arts Commission, and Beaufort’s City Council Wet but wonderful to make the day’s efforts possible. All in all, Yes, the weather wasn’t ideal for Artists for Beaufort’s first foray into participating Sunday on November 26, but even with the in this nationwide event, we artists, too, are cold and rainy conditions, there were silver very thankful. linings for many area artists. – Linda Sviland, Beaufort I. Pinckney Simons Gallery on Bay Street
april@ aandbbookkeeping. com Billing questions only.
CONTACT US PO Box 550 Beaufort, SC 29901
He is the son of the late Henry l. and Ethel Lipsitz Rabinowitz. He attended Beaufort County Schools and was a graduate of Staunton Military Academy and The Citadel, class of 1960. He lived and worked in Columbia, SC for over 30 years before he and wife, Kristina "Kris" retired to Beaufort to live in the house where he grew up on the Beaufort River. Surviving in addition to his wife Sarah of 12 years; one
December 10
2010: Harriet Keyserling, who, as a champion for women’s issues, represented Beaufort for 16 years state legislature, dies of kidney failure at Beaufort Memorial Hospital at the age of 88. She was elected to Beaufort County Council in 1975. Then from 1977 to 1993, Keyserling spent her time in Columbia focused on energy, nuclear waste, the arts, education, women’s rights and ending the
granddaughter, Ami Rabinowitz OBITUARIES and her two sons, Max Rabinowitz The Island News will publish and Amos Rabinowitz; his sister, obituaries up to 300 words for Bettye R. Danish (Michael no charge. This service also includes a photograph. The Danish); and numerous nephews Island News will have a charge and cousins. of .25¢ per word of obituaries In lieu of flowers, the family beyond 300 words. Email suggests that donations be made to Friends of Caroline Hospice, 329 Friends Lane, Ridgeland, SC Endowment Foundation, 29936; Beth Israel Synagogue, Columbia, SC. Beaufort, SC; Congregation Anderson Funeral Home and Agudath Achim, Savannah, GA; Crematory is serving the family. and Beth Shalom Synagogue
fillibuster in the House. She was the mother of longtime Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling.
December 13 2022: Scott Marshall is announced as the Beaufort City Council’s selection to replace Bill Prokop, set to retire as City Manager in January 2023. – Compiled by Mike McCombs
PAL PETS OF THE WEEK Cat of the Week: Cache is one handsome guy! This guy has a big heart that is eager to share his love with a family. Cache is often found waiting for a yummy snack or wrestling with his buddy, Slice. He came to us from another shelter and has not known a home in far too long. Cache is 3 years old, neutered, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped. DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
843-343-8483 amanda@
big family and celebrate the upcoming Holiday Season. A very special thanks to members of my Lions Club for their support and help as well as David Jennings along with his faithful group of Ham Radio Operators. The parade would not be the same without them. Now all we can do is look forward to next year. Blessings to you all.
Dog of the Week: Chaise may sound like a lounger, but he is full of spunk! This spry guy loves to find the best smell around and follow it. He understands commands and is eager to please for a tasty treat. He would make a great addition to an active family who enjoys outdoor adventures. Chaise is 4 years old, neutered, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
If you are interested in adopting Cache, Chaise, or any of our other pets, call our adoption center at 843-645-1725 or email us at info@ palmettoanimalleague. org to set up an appointment.
DEADLINE For press releases and advertising, please submit by noon on Friday for the following week’s paper.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor should consist of fewer than 275 words and be emailed with a name and contact information to
DISCLAIMER All content of The Island News, including articles, photos, editorial content, letters, art and advertisements, are copyrighted by The Island News and Island News Publishing, LLC, 2022, all rights reserved. The Island News encourages reader submissions via email to All content submitted is considered approved for publication by the owner unless otherwise stated. The Island News is designed to inform and entertain readers and all efforts for accuracy are made. Guest columns do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The Island News, its publisher or editors. Content published from Care Magazine® is intended as a reference and options source only, not as a guide to self-treatment or substitute for profession medical advice. It is provided for educational purpose only. Readers assume full responsibility for how this information is used. The Island News reserves the right to refuse to sell advertising space, or to publish information, for any business or activity the newspaper deems inappropriate for the publication.
Don’t look now, Christmas time is upon us
BEAUFORT he Christmas season has officially begun. Sure, sure, stores were displaying Christmas decorations practically since Labor Day and Black Friday sales were promoted weeks before Thanksgiving, but the city of Beaufort and several hundred volunteers “officially” launched the season this past week with the threeday extravaganza – Friday’s Night on the Town, Saturday’s Gullah Christmas Rice Cook-Off then the Boat Parade and Sunday’s Christmas Parade. Turnout for all – despite threats of rain and fog that rolled in from the Beaufort River on Saturday night engulfing the downtown – was reportedly “packed” as residents and visitors took the opportunity to meet and greet and even do some shopping. Parking along the residential section of Bay Street, always a good indication of crowd turnout when cars are backed up past the Beaufort Elementary School. And parking in the back streets was more congested than usual. Oh where, Santa Claus, is that parking garage when we need it?? Kudos to all those who brought the hand-bellers and the choral groups, the
waste management trucks and the politicians, the dancing girls and marching bands together for our enjoyment. And FYI, if you missed the city’s kick-off, the county kicks off the season Friday night, Dec. 8 with a Christmas tree lighting and a visit from Santa who will explain our tax bills. The town of Port Royal, still waiting for its new mayor Kevin Phillips to be sworn in during the first Dec. 13 meeting, is scheduled to light the lights Dec. 6. The town’s annual golf cart parade is Dec. 9. Lots of “old-timers” – and those still worried about the rising rates of COVID and CRV – opt not to attend and just view the activities on the various streaming agencies like Facebook. Some, you couldn’t keep away, not even with the threat of rain or lack of parking. There were remarks made that the weekend was another example of what
makes Beaufort “what it is.” Others were heard to say they didn’t go “because it’s too big. … It’s not the same.” Well Harvey’s Barbershop on Bay Street may no longer be a standard check-in point for Night on the Town, and the Gullah Christmas Rice Cook-off in the Waterfront Park was a new addition. But Tutti-Frutti, who actually died in 2013 after leading the Beaufort High band for many a local parade, was there in white shirt and pants, cap and whistle, thanks to impersonator Christopher Dantlzer, representative of the many spirits of Christmases past. May the good spirits generated by the weekend carry the community through the month, particularly past the Dec. 12 mayoral election. If the trees are gone, will we be able to see the forest? BEAUFORT – Last Friday was also Arbor Day in South Carolina, and certainly in the city where trees are merrily planted in public ceremonies and quietly cut down while the public’s not paying attention. While the National Arbor Day is celebrated in April, other states recognize the holiday
on different dates. In the Palmetto State – named for a Palmetto tree for those who might not know – that celebration takes place the first Friday in December, considered an ideal time for planting trees. The city Public Works crews planted a redbud tree at the Pigeon Point Park, accompanied by the city’s five-member Parks and Tree Commission. The Lady’s Island Garden Club, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year as the oldest garden club in Beaufort, worked with local landscaper and plantsman extraordinaire Jay Weidner, who donated a bald cypress for planting on the campus of Beaufort High School, accompanied by students from a BHS biology class. Beaufort, in case you might not have guessed, is a one of the National Arbor Day Foundation’s 3,400 Tree Cities USA and has been for the past 32 years. To earn that recognition, the city has to have a tree board (that would be the Parks and Trees Committee), a tree ordinance, an annual Arbor Day program and a community forestry program (which would be the city street survey done in 2002). Friday’s planting at the Beaufort High School campus came less than a mile
away from the new Harris Teeter location on Lady’s Island where roadside tree-cutting three weeks ago shocked many passers-by and prompted the question, once again: what the heck is going on with our trees? Turns out the latest tree murders were done in compliance with plans approved by the city planning staff over several years. The developers did have to pay close to $17,000 to make up for the trees they removed. And it also turns out, the S.C. Department of Transportation, somewhere in its vault of long-range projects has plans for a right-hand turning lane from the Sea Island Parkway onto Sams Point Road, a project which would have required the trees to be removed anyway. So the latest bulldozing follows the history of the site beginning with the tree-cuttings that accompanied the original Publix building on the site in 1997, cuttings which promoted a three-year court battle which ended with the wooded lot still being cleared. Tree-huggers reading this column may see this as just another example of the abused environmental charm Beaufort claims to cherish and tourism folks
love to feature in photographs of the area, trees ripped out of the ground all over the place, in compliance with existing regulations and by developers willing to pay fees to get rid of the hurdles for new construction. It remains to be seen if the Beaufort City Council, under new mayoral leadership next year, will choose to follow the town of Port Royal’s lead in tightening the ordinances, making the fees imposed on developers for special tree removal the highest in South Carolina. They’ll have the opportunity, if they choose, to do so as they continue their review and updating of the city’s development code in January. Or maybe they’ll just opt to focus on trees planted for Arbor Day and the special planting projects in the various parks, not really worrying whether we can see the proverbial forest. Lolita Huckaby Watson is a community volunteer and newspaper columnist. In her former role as a reporter with The Beaufort Gazette, The Savannah Morning News, Bluffton Today and Beaufort Today, she prided herself in trying to stay neutral and unbiased. As a columnist, these are her opinions. Her goal is to be factual but opinionated, based on her own observations. Feel free to contact her at
or more than two decades, Dr. Louis F. Plzak III and the team at Coastal Carolina Urology Group have been providing the highest quality of care to patients suffering from kidney stones, urinary incontinence, bladder cancer and other urological concerns. On December 4 the practice reopens as Beaufort Memorial Urology Specialists, where together with the same caring and efficient staff, its board-certified providers will continue to provide
superior expertise and care in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary system diseases and conditions in both men and women. Providing access to outstanding specialty care is critical to Beaufort Memorial’s mission to enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve. And we are proud to welcome these skilled, compassionate professionals to our growing team of specialty care providers in Beaufort, Jasper and Hampton counties.
Patients will recognize the same friendly faces of the medical and administrative staff they’ve come to rely on for excellent urological care.
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
Answering the call
Woman hospitalized, after shooting Friday on St. Helena From staff reports A St. Helena woman is in stable condition at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) after being shot Friday night, Dec. 1. At approximately 11:40 p.m., a woman arrived at Beaufort Memorial Hospital suffering from a gunshot wound. According to the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, the 23-year-old woman was shot as she was driving away from a Melody Lane residence by Vincent Medlock. Medlock allegedly fired shots at the victim’s car and a bullet penetrated the exterior of the vehicle, striking the woman. Medlock drove her to the hospital to seek treatment after realizing that she was injured. The victim remains at MUSC. Medlock is incarcerated at the Beaufort County Detention Center and charged with attempted murder.
The City of Beaufort/Town of Port Royal Fire Department responded to a structure fire in the City of Beaufort on Friday, Dec. 1. Just after 1 p.m., the City of Beaufort/Town of Port Royal Fire Department responded to a structure fire involving a two-story town home off Johnny Morral Circle. Firefighters arrived on the scene in less than four minutes to find smoke and flames showing from the first floor of one of the units. They were able to quickly extinguish the fire before it reached the common attic and adjacent unit. Approximately 25 firefighters responded to the scene. No injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire is under investigation. The City of Beaufort/Town of Port Royal Fire Department, Beaufort County EMS, Beaufort Police Department, and Dominion Energy all responded to the call. Photos courtesy of The City of Beaufort/Town of Port Royal Fire Department
New assistant city manager to start in January
From staff reports John J. Sauve, an attorney and public safety professional with extensive government experience, will join the City of Beaufort as assistant city manager the week of Jan. 8, 2024, according to a December 4 news release from the City. Sauve, who goes by JJ, currently oversees operations, training, and compliance, and is the risk and compliance administrator for the Landrum (S.C.) Fire & Rescue District, a position he has held since October 2021. Since 2019, Sauve has also managed his own law firm, The Sauve Law Firm, where he represents local governments and public safety organizations across western North Carolina. As part of his legal practice, Sauve also currently serves as the
staff attorney and public information officer for the Polk County (N.C.) Sheriff’s Office, where he provides legal, administraJohn J. tive, fiscal, and Sauve operational guidance to the Sheriff’s Office, and handles all public information, media, and press responsibilities, including community education and engagement. “JJ’s experience, education and talent provide a solid foundation for a successful career in local government administration,” City Manager Scott Marshall said in the news release. “We feel fortunate that he is joining us and look forward to welcoming him and his family to Beaufort.” “I’m excited to join the City
of Beaufort team,” Sauve said in the news release. “The sense of community pride my family has always experienced when visiting Beaufort made it a natural choice when this position came open. I can’t wait to get involved in the community and hit the ground running on the many projects happening in the City.” From April 2016 to March 2019, Sauve served in an assistant district attorney role, assigned primarily to Polk and Henderson counties in North Carolina, where he evaluated and prosecuted misdemeanor and felony cases in District and Superior Court. Sauve has considerable public safety experience, beginning as a junior volunteer firefighter at the Tryon (N.C.) Fire Department and including as a seasonal forest ranger and fire crew leader for the
North Carolina Forest Service. He was also a corporal and field training officer with the Tryon (N.C.) Police Department and a firefighter with the Asheville (N.C.) Fire Department. Sauve earned a Master of Public Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2021, and a Juris Doctor from the Charlotte School of Law in 2017. He also earned a Bachelor of Applied Science in Psychology and Criminal Justice, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, both from Waldorf University. Sauve is also a graduate of the International City/County Management Association High Performance Leadership Academy and the Drucker Institute’s Public Sector Leadership Program. Sauve is an active member of the North Carolina Bar Associa-
tion, the International City/County Management Association, the American Society of Public Administration, Engaging Local Government Leaders, and many other government-affiliated organizations. He is a past president and vice president on the board of directors of the Foothills Humane Society, and past chair and vice chair of the Polk County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council. He has earned numerous certificates in various government management programs and several commendations, including a 2020 administrator excellence award from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. Sauve and his wife, Nicole, who is a Realtor, have two young children. “We are looking forward to settling into the Beaufort community,” he said.
Palmetto Animal League invites community to help spread holiday cheer to shelter pets
From staff reports Palmetto Animal League is hosting a Holiday Open House at their Adoption Center in Okatie on Saturday, Dec. 9 from 1 to 5 p.m. Guests are invited to drop by for cookies, hot cocoa, coffee, and good cheer. “PAL is bustling right now with joyful decorations, holiday adopters, and
wonderful pets filled with hopeful anticipation,” PAL President Amy Campanini said in a news release. “It really is a beautiful time of year to visit the PAL Adoption Center.” PAL is waiving adoption fees for cats, kittens, and adult dogs during the event as a part of their month-long Season of Second Chances.
“If you are looking to add the warm, fluffy, loyal presence of a pet to your home, PAL’s Open House is the perfect time to find your next great love,” PAL Adoption Coordinator Sally Dawkins said in the news release. “And if you can’t adopt, that’s OK. Bring all those you hold dear to make some holiday memories and
spread cheer to shelter pets.” As a part of their mission, PAL is collecting much-needed food and other supplies for less fortunate pets, including cat and dog food, toys, treats, pet beds, and cozy blankets. PAL will distribute the donated items to area pantries to help pet owners experiencing food insecurity.
General from page A1
AG office spokesman Robert Kittle wrote in an email to The Post and Courier. Greenway, who held the top spot in Beaufort County government, was the subject of a criminal misconduct complaint filed with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office in May and made public in early July. The Sheriff’s Office completed an investigation after which Sheriff P.J. Tanner conferred with Stone on the matter. They referred the complaint to the Public Integrity Unit for further investigation. “Beaufort County Sheriff P.J. Tanner and I discussed the complaint and agreed that this matter requires an independent review,” Stone said in a written statement dated July 5. County Council Chairman Joseph Passiment initially said that no action would be taken against Greenway until the conclusion of the investigation. On July 24,
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
Beaufort County Council was asked to authorize the nearly $800,000 payment for the installation of an Americans with Disabilities Act-certified playground at the Port Royal Community Center, seen here Sept. 22, 2023. Parks and Recreation Director Shannon Loper authorized the expenditure without first receiving approval from County Council. File/Tony Kukulich/Post And Courier however, Greenway was placed on paid administrative leave. He was terminated four days later.
Following Greenway’s initial suspension, the Finance and Economic Development Committee
was authorized to: hire outside professional services, scrutinize all purchases made by the county this year, review all contracts executed by the county in 2023 and review the county’s procurement policy and conduct an audit of all purchases made using the county procurement card for fiscal years 2019-22. The reasons for Greenway’s termination were kept confidential until he contested the firing and requested a public hearing. It was revealed during that hearing that Greenway was terminated for numerous alleged improprieties related to hiring practices and to the execution of a contract with a company called Elementzal LLC. Council members voted unanimously to uphold the termination, making Greenway ineligible for his pension. Greenway earned $220,500 a year. Greenway’s firing was the first act of a tumultuous summer for Beaufort County government. Weeks after he was let go, Deputy County Administrator Whitney Richland quietly resigned. Later,
an email from then-Chief Financial Officer Hayes Williams to county Attorney Brittany Ward outlined Richland’s attempt to conceal the purchase of $36,000 worth of weighted blankets from a company owned by Richland and her husband. It was revealed in September that Parks and Recreation Director Shannon Loper had bypassed county controls when she authorized spending $800,000 on playground equipment — an action that far exceeded the limits of her authority. County Council voted to pay the invoices as the equipment had been installed by the time the invoices came to light. Loper was later terminated, but it’s not clear if her termination was related to the purchase of the playground equipment. Reporter Thad Moore contributed to this report. This article is published through The Post And Courier News Collaborative, a partnership created to inform readers across the state.
Gullah Taste of Christmas
Louise Murray gives a live re-enactment of Laura Towne, co-founder of Penn School, during the Gullah Taste of Christmas celebration Saturday at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. The event was moved under the pavilion at the park because of light rain in the area. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Jamelle Hay-Prather, far right, of Singleton Gullah Catering on Lady’s Island, dishes out out a plate of rice and chicken wings for a youngster during the Gullah Taste of Christmas on Saturday at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. The event was moved under the pavilion at the park due to light rain in the area. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
One more book removed from BCSD as review process draws to a close
By Delayna Earley The Island News The final set of books have been reviewed by committees, bringing the total number of removed books in the Beaufort County School District (BCSD) to five of the original 97 books challenged. The final six books were Beautiful by Amy Reed, grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, Layla by Colleen Hoover, The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle, YOLO by Lauren Myracle and A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee. Of the books reviewed during the last book review meeting on Nov. 29, three books were returned to library circulation without re-
strictions, two were returned for specific grades. One book, Beautiful by Amy Reed, will be removed from Beaufort County School District (BCSD) libraries for five years before it can be re-evaluated. Layla by Colleen Hoover, grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters and YOLO by Lauren Myracle were all returned without restrictions, while A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee and The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle were returned to Grades 9 through 12 only.
In total, there are five books that have been removed from BCSD libraries, 91 books have been reviewed and returned in some capacity and one book, Breathless by Jennifer Niven, which was never reviewed due to the fact that it was never in any BCSD libraries. As the year-long process of reviewing the books draws to a close, list originator Ivie Szalai and Melinda Henrickson, head of Families Against Book Bans (FABB), commented on the process of reviewing the books.
Szalai said that she feels that the process has been extremely frustrating and has not been a fair process as she feels that the district has the authority to remove any book that is not educationally suitable or age appropriate. During the review process, she said that she knows people who submitted interest in serving on a committee but were never chosen. Hendrickson, while generally happy with the outcome of the review committees, said that he is also frustrated with the process and wishes that Beaufort County School District had followed their own policies instead of removing all of the challenged books from
library shelves. She is also frustrated that most of the books were able to be removed from circulation following a committee meeting involving, in some cases, only three committee members in attendance. As for what is next, both women said that they are turning their attention toward new legislation at the state level that is being discussed regarding banning books in South Carolina. Delayna Earley formerly worked as a photojournalist for The Island Packet/The Beaufort Gazette, as well as newspapers in Indiana and Virginia. She can be reached at
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
Christmas events around Beaufort BEAUFORT CHRISTMAS PARADE
Crowd favorites Gunny Claus (Ray Cording) and Pvt. Fanklin Norbert Elf (Dave Robles) ride in an old jeep driven by none other than the Grinch himself as they make their way through the annual Beaufort Christmas Parade on Sunday, Dec. 3. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Santa and Mrs. Claus wave to the crowd at the end of the Beaufort Christmas Parade on Sunday, Dec. 3. Judging from the size of crowd, the hour and-a-half long parade was a huge success. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Andrew Arias, from Beaufort, carries his 3-year-old daughter on his shoulders Friday, Dec. 1, 2023, while watching the Christmas tree lighting at Night on the Town at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park in downtown Beaufort. Amber Hewitt/For The Island News
Spotlights pierce the foggy night as lighted boats make their way toward the sea wall during the Lighted Boat Parade on Saturday night, Dec. 2, along Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. Nine-year-old Ian Sivla assisted with this photo. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Have Breakfast with Santa at Amvets
The Ladies Auxiliary is hosting Breakfast With Santa from 9 to 11 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 9 at Amvets Post 70 at 1831 Ribaut Road in Port Royal. Photos with Santa will be available and there will be gifts, pancakes, sausage, juice, hot cocoa and cookies. The event is open to the public.
County hosting electronics recycling event
The Beaufort County Department of Solid Waste and Recycling will host two free electronics recycling events for County residents Saturday, Dec. 9. They will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at River Ridge Academy, 3050 River Ridge Drive, Bluffton; and Beaufort County
Public Works, 140 Shanklin Road, Beaufort. Items that will be accepted for recycling include personal computers, laptops, CRT monitors, LCD monitors, CRT televisions, non-CRT televisions, printers, hard drives and miscellaneous electronics (cell phones, tablets, and fax machines). Items not accepted at this event include microwaves, vacuums, stereos, speakers, tuners, VCRs, DVD players, lamps, etc. These can be taken to the Convenience Centers for disposal and will not be unloaded at the event. The County asks residents to stay in their car during the event. Staff will unload electronics. Residential only. If you have questions about Beaufort County recycling events, please call the Solid Waste and Recycling Office at 843-255-2736 or visit the website.
or location, the Assessor’s Of- grant applications this year," said County Assessor fice webpage will be updated to President and CEO Darrin Goss. hosting events for reflect rescheduling. "Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to award Quadrennial Property $370,000 more in regional grants Nearly $2 Million Reassessment than last year. This grant fundBeaufort County Assessor Eb- awarded in CCF’s ing stays right here in our home ony Sanders is hosting multiple communities. CCF will continue Regional Grant Cycle community events at County Library Branches to allow the public an opportunity to meet with her staff and share questions and concerns regarding Quadrennial Reassessment Notices. Each event will be from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The remaining dates are as follows: The dates are as follows:
Wednesday, Dec. 13 – Bluffton Branch Library Thursday, Dec. 14 – Hilton Head Island Branch Library In the event of an unforeseeable change in the date, time,
Coastal Community Foundation (CCF) recently distributed close to $2 million in regional grant funding. Nonprofits can apply for the annual grant program based on their service area. Regional grants were awarded to nonprofits across the Tri-County region of Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester counties and the Southern Lowcountry region of Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper counties. $1.4 million in grant funding was awarded to 117 organizations in the Southern Lowcountry thanks to The Beaufort Fund. "We had a record number of
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DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
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to invest in our region and create opportunities so everyone has a pathway to achieve their goals.” CCF’s next grant cycle is open now through January 15, 2024. These grants are awarded based on the mission of the nonprofit. This includes grants supporting education, affordable housing, community development, the environment, racial equity, health and wellness, and the creation of local art. For more information, visit and click Competitive Grants. – Compiled from staff reports
Missing Snoopy and Woodstock returned to Lady’s Island traffic circle
By Delayna Earley The Island News Snoopy and Woodstock have made their way back to their home on Lady’s Island. The beloved holiday decoration was returned on Tuesday, Nov. 28, by a person dressed in a Grinch costume riding on a four-wheeler. The person responsible for the decoration’s return has identified solely as “The Grinch,” and when reached for comment, they proceeded to answer in character. The holiday season is steeped in tradition, and one that the residents of Lady’s Island have come to love is seeing the entire Peanuts gang set up in the island of the roundabout on Sam’s Point Road. The decorations went up right after Thanksgiving, but it was not long before Snoopy and Woodstock went missing. There are two parties responsible for the Peanuts Christmas decorations, one puts up Charlie Brown, Linus and decorates and the tree with the iconic single red ornament, and the other puts up Schroder playing the pi-
ano, Snoopy and Woodstock with Snoopy’s house – and new this year are the three girls – Peppermint Patty, Sally and Lucy. Charlie Brown and Linus seem to have made their debut between Thanksgiving Day and Friday, Nov. 24, and the other characters followed shortly after on Saturday, Nov. 25, but Snoopy and Woodstock were reported missing sometime between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 26. The party who puts up Charlie Brown, Linus and his tree is still a mystery to The Island News, but the Lady’s Island residents who made, painted and puts up the other characters spoke with us and wishes to not be named. Although the two parties work together to put the Peanuts scene up every year, they have not met one another. But the family that has made the missing decoration is very interested in meeting up with those responsible for the Charlie Brown decoration. Several posts were made about the missing decorations on Facebook which
“We don’t want to, but if we can’t trust that the decorations will be safe then we will have to pull them down,” the decoration’s creator said. “The Grinch” admitted to taking the cartoon dog and his bird friend home with them to “Whoville” so that they could be seen by the town vet, “Cindy Lou Who.” When the decoration was returned, it was wearing a protective dog cone and had a bandage on its head. “The Grinch” also said that he and Santa would be visiting the traffic circle very soon again and would be bringing something in Santa’s sack. Will this be the continuation of a prank, or an attempt The whole Peanuts gang as seen on Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023, in the roundabout on Sams to add to the festive nature of the roundabout? Point Road on Lady’s Island. Charlie Brown and Linus were set up by one party, and Schroder, Snoopy and Woodstock’s Woodstock, Snoopy, Peppermint Patty, Sally and Lucy were wet up by another family the creator hopes that it is the following day. Amber Hewitt/For The Island News later so that the actions of one will not ruin everyone’s drew a lot of upset com- hope with the first one be- turned, they are worried that holiday fun. ments from locals who have fore trying to fill the void the antics of “The Grinch” come to love and appreciate with a new one,” the decora- shown in a video posted Delayna Earley formerly worked originally to a Facebook acthe annual appearance of the tion’s creators said. as a photojournalist for The Island While the family re- count for a “Jacob Burger” beloved characters. Packet/The Beaufort Gazette, as well “Replacing a lost creation sponsible for Snoopy and will encourage others to pull as newspapers in Indiana and Virginia. She can be reached at delayna. is like replacing a lost pet. Woodstock are grateful that their own pranks on the You don’t want to give up the decoration has been re- nuts gang.
Girl Scouts hosting tree decorating, lighting on St. Helena
From staff reports Girl Scout Troops 4105, 4777 and 836 will host a Community Christmas Tree Decorating and Lighting on Sunday, Dec. 10 on The Green at Martin Luther King Jr. Park at the corner
of Martin Luther King Jr Drive and Sea Island Parkway on St. Helena Island. The tree decorating will take place from 1 to 3 p.m., while the lighting will happen at 5 p.m. There will also be caroling, hot
chocolate, hot apple cider, cake and cookies. Attendees are asked to bring their own Christmas tree ornaments and decorations, along with their singing voices, spirits of glad tidings and great joy.
Since this is an outdoor event, attendees are advised to dress appropriately for the weather and bring their own chairs, as well. Parking will be available behind the Gullah Grub at the South Carolina Coastal Development
Corporation parking lot. Restrooms are available next door at the St. Helena Lodge No. 4. For more information, contact Barbara Gardner Hunter at 347497-9326 or Renee Jenkins at 678-764-5113.
Mike Sutton brings a lifetime of experience to our community— benefiting ALL of Beaufort. • Local Business Owner Creating New Jobs • 8 Years Experience on City Council • Retired U.S. Military • Vice-Chair Beaufort’s Historic Review Board • Certified Law Enforcement Officer
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
Questions from page A1
didn't know how much input the city had on that, but it seems like this is a project looking for funding. It came out of the blue and I don't know if it originated with the county. I think they were trying to do a sales job and they call them charrettes, I call them charades because really and get your and the public support for something, but everyone came out and opposed this thing. I didn't know many who really like the idea of two-laning Ribaut Road, it is usually the same people who live along there. I was looking at it from a public safety standpoint, and if you're mayor you have to look at things like that – number one is public safety. So if you got a medical emergency, navigating two main roads with bumper traffic and you've got to make your way through roundabouts just to get to the hospital – if that person had a cardiac arrest and died on the way there because of delays that's not a good thing. So, I would say no because of public safety issues. I'm opposed to the two lanes. I am in favor of putting the power lines underground, widening the sidewalks and if they come back with a plan that's actually really just a beautification Ribault Road, I think that would be good.
of our community. I think Beaufort is a special place and I want to see it remain special for future generations. I always felt that citizens should give back to their community in some capacity, and for me I ran for City Council and was fortunate to have been elected and served two terms. You know, having recently retired and with the mayor’s resignation, it kind of forced me to kind of say, “OK I need to get back in here, maybe steady the ship a little bit and try to lower the temperature,” because at the time it was you know a little bit division going on in the community. You know we need to diversify our economy and at the same time we need to make sure that we preserve our sense of place. The concern I have about the overall area’s rapid growth and how that might negatively impact our city, so I wanted to get in to make sure that we don't allow that to happen. We need to have growth, obviously, we need to grow our tax base, but at the same time we need to preserve what's special about Beaufort. That's what makes Beaufort, Beaufort. That’s what makes people come here, 5. In a matter of about eight visitors and newcomers, so that’s years, the price of rent on a why I got into the race. 1,000 square foot home or apartment has doubled. There 2. There has been a lot of dis- is obviously an affordable cussion regarding preservation housing crisis in Beaufort. Is vs. development in Beaufort, this something we can fix? but particularly in the historic We can make small steps in district. How do you balance that direction, and I think the preservation with progress? city's already taken some of that. Well, it is a balancing act, You know number one we're there's no doubt about it, but I partnering the Regional Housing think to me with preservation Trust fund with Beaufort County, you have to preserve what you Jasper County and all municiobviously need to preserve. palities within that. The just got What's special about Beaufort, off the ground in January of this those are the things you want to year, so it will be a while before protect. We’ve got the same these we see any food out of that. but buildings, we need to make sure in the past, when I was on counwe have a viable National Land- cil, we gave two pieces of propmark District, and I have to give erty that city owned one to haba lot of credit to HBF (Historic itat on Mossy Oaks Road where Beaufort Foundation) because they built two homes, and then without them we wouldn't have we gave the land on the corner of the Verdier House and then the North and Ribaut where there's start of trying to save all these two complexes actually side by old buildings, which is what's at- side you would you think the two tracting people to Beaufort. It's single houses but there are actupart of who we are, but I want ally eight apartments total, and to make sure we do what we can we gave that to the Housing Auto preserve our history, our cul- thority. I think they've been very ture, our environment, because successful on that. We need to growth affects the environment do more we can work with your and our quality of life. I was re- Housing Authority on the repocently asked about tourism and sitioning. maybe get a few more one of the things I mentioned places here where we could have was that you can have too many some affordable housing when tourists. Just look at Charles- they repurpose their property. ton. If we have too many, what There's not much large land left happens is you kind of degrade to do anything on but there are the quality of life. All you have two projects underway right now. to do is look at the traffic, that's One is on Boundary Street which the first indicator that you've got is the low income housing tax some issues with the quality of credit development and another life, and we’re kind of landlocked one down at the old jail two block which even exacerbates the prob- area there they're going to put in lem even more. We’ve got rivers some houses, but you know afall around us, the only way we get fordable and Beaufort you know around this place is by bridge. like and to define that because to It's a balancing act, we have to do me if you having you know if you infill and we have to do redevel- can't get rent of $1000 it's not afopment. We need to concentrate fordable. most of our development into our urban core in suburban areas 6. I always ask this as a last and for the landmark districts, question but is there anything that's where a lot of these kinds that you would like to add or of pressures have come. We have talk about that I haven’t asked to do it in appropriate manner, about? and the way I’m looking at it, if I guess it's the difficulty of we’re going to need to do infill it being fiscally sustainable, that's needs to be appropriate, it needs what we have to look at because to fit in with the fabric of the sur- we have to live within our means rounding area. the best we can and we're always trying to from strive for ways to 3. Do you believe that the proj- save money, about maybe lookects that have been initiated in ing reasonably for sharing serdowntown Beaufort have any vices or consolidation services chance of being stopped? like that that we need to look at. If I was a betting man I would You also have to be mindful of say no, and the reason I say that that because every year we have is that they have already gone to balance our budget and you before a couple of judges already know Mike brought up the fact and they ruled in favor of the that our body just pulling out city and Dick Stewart on that. of those. I'm just throwing out I don't know that this appeals stuff off the top of my head but court thing will change anything, I guess you everything would be I would be surprised if it hap- transportation and that hadn't pened. been discussed I think one of the things that we can help with on 4. Reimagine Ribaut – Do you the housing front people can't agree with the direction it’s go- live within the city they're going ing? Yes or no and why? to certainly try to live around it if No, it's sort of popped out they work in the city and it might of nowhere. I remember some- be something that we need to one said that you have the city look at is where our transportawas involved and all that, well I tion options. They’ve got Palmetwas off council at that time, so I to Breeze down South of Broad;
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
for building. There is no structure in town, that I know of, that has been built without approval. So that is an important part of the conversation that needs to happen, that we have a process, and it is followed and there is maybe a very small group of folks who don’t like the outcome and are trying to take another bite at the apple. I will say that change is tough for everybody.
City of Beaufort Mayoral candidate Mike Sutton speaks with City Councilman Neil Lipsitz Monday, Dec. 4, 2023 at the University of South Carolina Beaufort’s Performing Arts Center after a forum hosted by the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce. Delayna Earley/The Island News it's bringing people down to Hilton Head Island and Bluffton and all that. I think we're doing a little bit up here, but we need to see if we can get some options here to get people to work. I think a trolley system would be great to help people get to all these events from parking lots in Port Royal and Lady’s Island. Mike Sutton From: Fripp Island, S.C. Education: Extensive training in environmental response work, chemical work and oil spill control work in the U.S. Coast Guard, Massachusetts Maritime Academy for qualified individual courses related to oil spill control, Texas A&M for certified courses in environmental work. Job: Owner of Sutton Construction Age: 65 Political Career: 8 years on Beaufort City Council Been in Beaufort: Sutton was born and raised in Beaufort County. He called Beaufort home until 1977 when he left to join the U.S. Coast Guard. He stayed away until 1998, when he retired and moved back to Beaufort. 1. Why do you want to be mayor of Beaufort and why do you think you’re the best person for the job? Why should people vote for you? I really don’t want to be the mayor, this is something that no one wishes upon themselves, but I think the issue comes to civil service attitude. I served a long time – working as a military man, then working as a sheriff’s deputy, and now on citizen boards and committees and city council. Somehow when you do that, you get engrossed into city business and understanding how we got here and how we move forward, so I’m focused on Beaufort. When the mayor resigned, I felt like it was probably time to step back into the arena based on things that were starting to happen in our city. I made the conscious choice to go in, there were a lot of phone calls and support from folks across the town saying now is the time for Mike because of the type of character I am. I feel like I’m a brick and mortars type, not just from being a builder, but because I have been so involved in so many parts of our city and I like to do research and I just felt like it was the right time to do it. 2. There has been a lot of discussion regarding preservation vs. development in Beaufort, but particularly in the historic district. How do you balance preservation with progress? We have it spelled out in our Civic Master Plan, we’ve had documents and processes in place for quite some time. Unfortunately, newcomers maybe don’t understand that process and there are some old-timers who just disagree with it. What I see is that we have a good process in place and our historic district is protected and we have the means by which we can continue to protect it. The city has established itself as a certified local government which follows state law which sets out how projects are reviewed to protect the historic district and that process has been followed. The boards have come and gone with different people, but basically all the projects today have been approved
3. Do you believe that the projects that have been initiated in downtown Beaufort have any chance of being stopped? I don't think they have any chance of being stopped. The economy drives everything and that's kind of how the process unfolds. If the economy doesn't stay strong, projects like this often will just fall to the wayside and not get built. When the economy is strong, it if everything goes to play, then you know this stuff comes out of the ground and it gets built. So, development is tough, and the developers seldom use their own money to build things, so if they can't get the funding they might make a big plan and aggravate a lot of people with trying to get something designed and then when they get to the end of the day it never gets built the financing doesn’t pulled through. In this case we have a hotel that looks like it's going to come out of the ground and it's it looks like it's been approved. I actually like the design of the hotel, I think it's been misrepresented continuously as a big red box, that has scared people. I’ve had people actually tell me why are they building a red hotel downtown and I’m sitting here thinking that’s totally crazy. Some people just don't want to do their homework. Some people hear the word Marriott for example and they're thinking of a big square Marriott on the side of interstate somewhere and they don't realize it's a boutique hotel with Marriott brand. It’s not it's not what people perceive it to be. It has a New Orleans flavor to it with the Lowcountry architecture, it has porches, columns, it has all the things that we ask for our in our Beaufort code. It met all the requirements for building in size in the preservation manual, you know contrary to anything you may hear. It meets all the requirements of the preservation manual and again if we don't like that then we need to change the preservation manual. If the public says that we don't want it to happen again, they need to have that community discussion and that's the thing time to fix it. It's just unfortunately after the fact is not the best way to do it, but it you learn from experience. 4. Reimagine Ribaut – Do you agree with the direction it’s going? Yes or no and why? No, not at all, I think it was ill-conceived from the beginning and I believe the process is broken in the sense that we had an entity that had marching orders to produce the documents and they were about the way they normally do it by hiring it consultants to come in and put up you know some public meetings and talk to the public about what they want and I don't think they really connected with the city local government first to say here's what we're thinking. They should have had a good roundtable discussion with the city mayor and council to understand first of all what was it planned for Ribaut [Road] in the years earlier. I mean we have institutional knowledge of things that we've talked about for the last 20 years about Ribaut [Road] and they're in our civic master plan, but that that plan that was presented didn't even meet that requirement. So you know, I feel like we kind of they went about it backwards, so now I don't support the Reimagine [Ribaut] as it was presented. I do support is burying power lines and widening sidewalks and making connections to get the pubic from one neighborhood to another neighborhood across Ribaut. So instead of speeding traffic up, we need to figure out how we can get the public safety increased, slow the traffic down, we can do that by narrowing our roads, we
City of Beaufort Mayoral candidate Phil Cromer speaks with people in attendance Monday, Dec. 4, 2023 at the University of South Carolina Beaufort’s Performing Arts Center after a forum hosted by the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce. Delayna Earley/The Island News can bury the power lines, we can stop butchering our trees and we can try and accommodate better sidewalks for both pedestrians and bike traffic. Those are the things that would have been a home run. If they came out and said they simply want to improve pedestrian access to Ribaut Road across neighborhoods, connecting trails to downtown and trails to the hospital area, trails to Port Royal. If they just said they wanted to bury the power lines to save our trees and make those other public safety improvements, it would have been a home run, and we would all be happy thinking that was going to happen when funding became available. 5. In a matter of about eight years, the price of rent on a 1,000 square foot home or apartment has doubled. There is obviously an affordable housing crisis in Beaufort. Is this something we can fix? It's not something that people can fix as a government, this is going to have to be a community effort and that means. It’s not in my opinion. It's not the responsibility of government to provide and structured pricing on housing or beating the market for housing but it is the responsibility of government to remove roadblocks to keep affordable housing from happening and to look at ways to find funding through sources that are available but not off the tax rolls. I mean, I can't justify taking real estate tax money from citizens working hard to keep their homes to put it into homes for other people to live in, like just can't do. 6. I always ask this as a last question but is there anything that you would like to add or talk about that I haven’t asked about? Yeah, I mean I think there's a lot of issues that face a city our size and timing is everything. The regional growth and how it's impacting us is the bigger issue. We know that affordable housing is a challenge, but we have issues other than the infrastructure stuff. Just on humanity scale we have mental illness issues, we have homeless in the park and problems that are not going away by ignoring them. It's maybe nothing that a small government like Beaufort has can handle or deal with but we have to some point we're going to have to be bold and take our own actions. We can't be hiding in the shadows of what's happening on the West Coast, you know we can look at other communities for solutions, but if there's solution is causing us a problem, we shouldn't follow that at all times we need to find our own solutions. So right now, I have concerns about issues related to homelessness and how it relates to addictions afflictions and mental illness related issues. The community needs to talk about it, we must get the communities to start talking about or it will never go away, and we don't have a way to manage it. I think those are discussions we need to have. Not just about traffic and not just about history, but quality of life that affects us all. Delayna Earley formerly worked as a photojournalist for The Island Packet/The Beaufort Gazette, as well as newspapers in Indiana and Virginia. She can be reached at
Election Day – What you need to know From staff reports Tuesday, Dec. 12, is the Special Election Day for the City of Beaufort Mayoral race. Polling places will be open at 7 a.m. and will remain open until 7 p.m.
couraged to check their polling place at before heading out on Tuesday. The polling places in the City of Beaufort are as follows: • Beaufort 1 (part), 2 and 3 – Charles L. Brown Activity Early voting Center – 1001 Hamar Street Early voting in Beaufort Coun- Polling places • Burton 2C (part) – Love ty runs through Friday, Nov. 8. House Ministries – 423 Parris Polling places on Election Day Island Gateway The polls are open from 8 a.m. are subject to change under cer• Mossy Oaks 1A, 1B, 2 – Beautain conditions, so voters are ento 5 p.m. Any registered voter can visit the Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County (Main office), 15 John Galt Road, Beaufort, S.C. 29906 and vote like they would at their polling place on Election Day.
fort Middle School Gymnasium – 2501 Mossy Oaks Road • Burton 3 (part), Seabrook 1 (part), Seabrook 3 (part), Sheldon 1 (part) – Beaufort County Public Works – 120 Shanklin Road • Lady’s Island 1A (part), 1B (part), 3B (part) – Lady’s Island Elementary School Gymnasium – 73 Chowan Creek Bluff Road
What you need to vote You must have a valid Photo ID to vote (or voter registration card if you do not have a Photo ID). The following are acceptable type of photo IDs: • S.C. Driver’s License • S.C. DMV Identification Card • S.C. Voter Registration Card with a Photo • Federal Military ID • U.S. Passport
from page A1 that they have before Tuesday’s election. Early voting for the election has already begun. During the forum, the candidates answered 15 questions about topics that are important to Beaufort citizens such as parking, preservation versus development and crime. PROGRESS Does there need to be a third bridge built from Beaufort to Lady’s Island? Sutton believes that the growth of the island has surpassed the ability of the two bridges currently connecting Lady’s Island to Port Royal and downtown Beaufort, but he also believes that it is necessary to do more research to decide if a third bridge will fix the problem. Cromer believes that a third bridge may be necessary in the future if growth continues on Lady’s Island, but he also wants to maintain the Woods bridge and have it listed on the historic register of places. Both candidates addressed the lawsuits that the
City of Beaufort Mayoral candidates Phil Cromer, left, and Mike Sutton, right, took to the stage on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023 at the University of South Carolina Beaufort’s Performing Arts Center in a forum hosted by the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce. Delayna Earley/The Island News City of Beaufort has been battling in court. Sutton and Cromer agree they are a problem and are eating up tax dollars. “Lawsuits only make money for certain people, and they take money out of your pockets,” said Sutton. He believes that the best course of action isn’t to settle matters in the courtroom, but instead to get everyone in a room and talk things through. Cromer on the other hand, believes that these issues should be addressed and resolved before they escalate to
the courtroom. PRESERVATION Projects that are currently underway in downtown Beaufort were a topic of discussion for both candidates on Tuesday. As the population of the city and number of tourists continue to grow every year, the issue of additional parking in the downtown area was very important yesterday. Currently, construction of a parking garage is underway in downtown Beaufort, and while both candidates agreed that parking is an issue
downtown, they disagreed on how to address it. Cromer feels that the better approach is to have trolleys bring people in from additional parking in surrounding areas such as Lady’s Island and Port Royal. Sutton disagreed and said that they need a parking structure and the best place to build one is in a parking lot. The uninhabitable homes in the Northwest Quadrant neighborhood of the historic district were also discussed. There are vacant, historic homes that cannot be lived in
due to disrepair. Sutton says that the city has done very little to help families improve these homes, and Cromer said that neighborhood development corporations might be the answer.
as mayor of a small city to help with housing. Sutton thinks that the issue needs to be addressed regionally, not just locally, as Beaufort is a tiny city and is simply running out of land. He also doesn’t think that tax dollars should be used to help citizens get homes. They both agreed that this is an issue that the city cannot handle alone. Crime was another issue that they both spoke about on Monday night. Sutton said that the city needs constant policing to dissuade would-be wrongdoers from breaking the law. Cromer agreed that there need to be more cops in the downtown area and on the streets. He would also like to see more cameras and lights in high crime areas. Early voting has already begun for the special election and polls open on Tuesday, Dec. 12, for registered voters in the City of Beaufort to cast their votes for their candidate.
PEOPLE Affordable housing and helping the homeless were two big issues discussed by Delayna Earley formerly worked the candidates. as a photojournalist for The Island Both candidates agreed Packet/The Beaufort Gazette, as well that there is a problem as newspapers in Indiana and Virginia. with both. She can be reached at delayna. They also agreed that there isn’t very much they can do
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
Theft of SC symbol of power remains a mystery 8 decades later
The priceless relic could be at the bottom of a lake … or in somebody’s attic – Theories abound.
By Seanna Adcox COLUMBIA — Call it South Carolina’s “National Treasure” mystery — except, in this true caper, the lost relic’s existence was never in doubt, and there is no hidden map with clues on its location. At least, not that anyone’s discovered since it went missing nearly 83 years ago. How South Carolina’s original sword of state, which dates to at least 1704, disappeared remains the subject of speculation and Statehouse legends. Theories range from the simple – that a tourist snatched it from the Senate dais, shoved it down a pants leg, and walked out with the hilt hidden under a coat — to the absurd. The 5-foot sword with a snakelike blade, reminiscent of the flaming sword in Genesis guarding the tree of life, was stolen by Nazi sympathizers obsessed with the occult, one story goes. After all, it was 1941. “We’re getting way out there, but there are tons of theories because nobody knows,” said Charles Reid, clerk of the South Carolina House. Compounding the conspiracy theories is that the theft seemed to go largely unnoticed at the time. No police report exists. The official Senate journals contain just a couple of mentions. The longest records the presentation a month later, in March 1941, of a temporary replacement from the Charleston Museum. Was it a practical joke on the part-time sergeant-at-arms, a barber, that went too far? Did a powerful-yet-disliked senator take it as a concession after he was forced out? Depending on the tale, the sword may be rusting away at the bottom of what’s now Lake Wateree. It might be buried in a concrete vault with the long-dead thief. It might be secreted away in a Masonic lodge somewhere in the state. Or “it could be sitting in grandma or grandpa’s attic somewhere, and they don’t know what they have,” Reid said. Clerk since 2004, Reid probably knows more about the sword than any living person. But after researching various rabbit trails to literal and figurative dead ends, he stresses that almost everything about the sword remains an enigma.
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Few photographs exist of South Carolina’s original sword of state, which disappeared from the state Senate in February 1941. The 50-inch sword has a flamberge, or wavy, blade. This is the photograph in the FBI National Stolen Art File. Photo provided by the S.C. House clerk’s office Still, professional historians and “It was hidden so well, the peohistory buffs, including Reid, hold ple who hid it either died or forgot out hope that the priceless, sil- where it was,” Reid said. ver-handled sword will eventually It turned up in 1819, after former be returned. Charleston Congressman Langdon Cheves became president of Other missing artifacts found the Second National Bank of the They can look to South Caroli- U.S. and found it in a vault in Philna’s northern neighbor for encour- adelphia. agement. It disappeared again in 1971 and In 1865, a Union soldier stole was recovered 21 days later in FloriNorth Carolina’s then-76-year- da by the chief of the State Law Enold copy of the Bill of Rightscas a forcement Division. souvenir from the occupied CapiA former Statehouse security tol, then sold it for $5 when he got guard stole the mace after he was home to Ohio. It remained in the fired for being drunk on the job, same family for 134 years before Reid said. When he turned up in a Connecticut antiques dealer a Veterans Affairs hospital with a bought it and tried to resell it, re- mental breakdown, then-Chief Pete sulting in the FBI seizing the doc- Strom took the state plane down ument in Philadelphia in 2003. It to Gainesville, used a crowbar to was returned to North Carolina open the ex-guard’s car, grabbed two years later. the mace and flew back to Colum“That’s an example of how some- bia, according to news accounts at thing can be kept in one family and the time and SLED documents. passed down,” said Eric Emerson, Since 1998, when the Legislature director of the South Carolina De- moved back into the Statehouse partment of Archives and History. following a renovation, the mace The sword “could be in some- has rested in a bombproof, bulletbody’s house even today,” he added, proof glass safe on the back wall of speculating that maybe it will show the House. A key and combination up on some future episode of “An- are needed to access it. Reid says he tiques Roadshow.” neither has nor wants either. It also wouldn’t be the first stolen As with the Senate’s replacesymbol of power to be returned to ment sword of state, when the the Statehouse. mace is put on its rack at the start The South Carolina Mace, the of each legislative day, the lights emblem of authority for the House, on the rostrum light up. It signihas gone missing twice, the first fies that the lawmaking body is in time for roughly 40 years. session. (The sword in use since During the Revolutionary War, it 1951 was a gift to South Carolina was hidden out of fear that Loyal- from Lord Halifax, then the British ists in Charleston — then the state ambassador to the U.S.) capital — would steal it. The mace, made in London in
The South Carolina Daily Gazette is an affiliate of States Newsroom, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit supported by grants and a coalition of donors and readers. The Gazette retains full editorial independence. Its name comes from the state’s first successful newspaper, the SouthCarolina Gazette, first printed in 1732. Seven years later, it also became the first newspaper in colonial America edited and published by a woman.
1756 and bought by the colonial South Carolina Assembly, is the nation’s oldest symbol of state legislative authority still in use. Made of silver and covered in gold, the mace is a beautiful work of art, Reid said. “But if our sword was still here, it would be older,” he added. ably made in Germany, where the flaming, or wavy, blade originated. Mysterious origins, too It may have already been old when According to the earliest re- purchased in 1704. Or, it may have cords, the sword was bought by been a replica. There’s no way to the Commons House of Assem- know, Reid said. bly — the only elected branch of Regardless, it’s a priceless piece the colonial government — for the of South Carolina’s history that appointed governor in 1704 for 26 should be returned — if it still exBritish pounds, the equivalent of ists. The mystery is what’s so inabout $6,000 today. In 1776, after triguing, he said. South Carolina first adopted an “Everybody wants a mystery independent state constitution, to be solved,” he said. “It’s somethe newly elected president of the thing we should know more about. Senate was escorted to the cham- The fact that we don’t leads to all ber by the Charleston sheriff car- the speculation of ‘what if,’ ‘what rying the sword. could be.’” The ceremonial sword has And while the speculation can be preceded senators on state occa- fun, he added, there’s also a serious sions ever since. At some point, a reason why people should care. Senate sergeant at arms replaced “South Carolina has a history the sheriff. unlike any other state. It’s a histoBeyond that, even its origins are ry of so many highs and so many a mystery. According to the official lows that it’s important to rememhistory written after it disappeared ber that there are some symbols and still printed in the annual legis- that still tie us to who we were and lative manual, the sword was made will hopefully take us on to who by a Charleston silversmith. But we’re becoming.” historians agree that’s probably bunk, as there were only two silverSeanna Adcox is a South Carolina native smiths in Charleston at the time, with three decades of reporting experience. and neither had the expertise for She joined States Newsroom in September such a complex sword, according to 2023 after covering the S.C. Legislature Reid and experts he corresponded and state politics for 18 years. Her previous with during his research. employers include The Post and Courier The thinking is that it was proband The Associated Press.
New SC sickle cell disease registry aims to fill gaps, speed up treatment
By Skylar Laird COLUMBIA — South Carolinians with sickle cell disease can voluntarily add their names to an online registry that’s meant to eventually increase access to care and speed up treatment. The state’s public health agency announced the launch Friday, Nov. 29 of the secure, private registry accessible by patients, their
caregivers and doctors. More than 100,000 people in the country have the genetic disease that affects red blood cells. But the total number, including how many people have it in South Carolina, is unknown. The disease is more common in Black people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates one in every 13 Black babies is born with the gene for sickle cell
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and one in every 365 Black people have the disease. Sickle cell disease causes red blood cells, usually round, to make a C-like shape similar to the curved blades on the farming tools for which the disease gets its name. Instead of flowing through the veins, the curved cells are stiff and sticky, causing them to get stuck in blood vessels. This can cut off the flow of blood and oxygen to a person’s limbs, causing them pain. Systems like South Carolina’s new registry can help give researchers and medical professionals a better idea of how many people have it and where they live. That can in turn tell the state’s health agency how it can help and where to send aid, said Malerie Hartsell, manager for the state agency’s Bleeding Disorders Program. Without the data, it’s difficult to say where people need the most help, she added. The data “helps us to understand where those gaps are,” Hartsell said. The registry can also serve as proof for patients entering an emergency room or
An example of what a sickle cell looks like compared to a normal cell. People can sign up for the state sickle cell registry starting Dec. 1, 2023. Photo provided by DHEC urgent care center, where they’re not being seen by their typical doctor. The hope is that this will help people get pain relief more quickly, said Rep. John Kin. The Rock Hill Democrat sponsored the legislation to create the registry, which passed both chambers unanimously last year. When his nieces with sickle cell disease visit the hospital for pain medication, doctors and nurses often brush them off as just looking to get drugs, he said. Sen. Mia McLeod, who was diagnosed with sickle cell disease her freshman year of college, said she’s used to her pain being dismissed when she visits the hospital in the midst of a flare-up.
“I’ve gotten the side eye many times from health care practitioners, doctors, nurses, emergency room personnel who thought I was faking or just embellishing the pain,” said the Columbia Independent. Because of those sorts of doubts, people with sickle cell disease are often left to sit in waiting rooms for hours, Hartsell said. The registry will hopefully get them seen faster. Once a person puts their name on the registry, their primary physician will get an alert and must confirm the person’s sickle cell diagnosis. “These people are in extreme pain,” King said. “I hope it will lessen the
amount of time they’re spending in medical facilities and the ER.” The registry is just a first step. Along with using the data to decide how and where to spend money, another big piece will be educating people, particularly medical professionals, on how to treat people with sickle cell disease, King and Hartsell said. King said he hopes the Medical University of South Carolina can help lead that effort through its newly expanded Rena N. Grant Sickle Cell Center, named for the legislative analyst who had sickle cell disease and died in 2020. “As we continue to find ways to improve sickle cell care, the South Carolina Sickle Cell Disease Registry will be a step forward to improving health care access and outcomes for South Carolinians,” MUSC President David Cole said in a news release. Skylar Laird covers the South Carolina Legislature and criminal justice issues. Originally from Missouri, she previously worked for The Post and Courier’s Columbia bureau.
Menorah lighting set for Thursday in Waterfront Park
From staff reports To celebrate the 2023 Chanukah season, Chabad Greater Hilton Head will be holding its third annual Public Menorah Lighting at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park in downtown Beaufort. Chabad Greater Hilton Head will light a 9-foot public Chanukah menorah at 5 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 7, the first night of the eight-day Festival of Lights. The event will feature Grand Menorah Lighting music, latkes and donuts. Complimentary Chanukah menorahs and candles will be distributed as well for participants to light at home. “Everyone is especially excited about Chanukah this year,” said Rabbi Mendel, Rabbi of Chabad Greater Hilton Head. “You see, the war in Israel is being fought everywhere. Our defense is not guns and bombs ... it’s something much more powerful: our strength as a people. Standing together. Supporting one another. Celebrating, connecting, as we have done through the centuries … Just like the Maccabees of old. They fought their war, lit the Menorah, and reunited the community. Our community can rally around during Chanukah. It says ‘We are here! It boosts the pride and courage of everyone.’ “People are preparing to celebrate with family and friends, to fill their homes with the light of Chanukah, and there’s palpable joy. The public Chanukah celebration is about sharing this light
and joy with the broader community and the entire Greater Hilton Head.” Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, begins this year on the evening of Thursday, December 7th and concludes the evening of Friday, Dec. 15. It recalls the victory of a militarily weak Jewish people who defeated the Syrian-Greeks, who had overrun ancient Israel and sought to impose restrictions on the Jewish way of life and prohibit religious freedom. They also desecrated and defiled the Temple and the oils prepared for the lighting of the menorah, which was part of the daily service. Upon recapturing the Temple, only one jar of undefiled oil was found, enough to burn only one day, but it lasted miraculously for eight. In commemoration, Jews celebrate Hanukkah for eight days by lighting an eightbranched candelabrum known as a menorah. Today, people of all faiths consider the holiday a symbol and message of the triumph of freedom over oppression, of spirit over matter, of light over darkness. Chanukah emphasizes that each and every individual has the unique power to illuminate the entire world. It was to encourage this profound idea that the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, launched the Hanukkah awareness campaign in 1973, of which Beaufort’s public Hanukkah activities are a part of.
Who: Public Menorah Lighting When: 5 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 7 Where: Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park, Beaufort Cost: Free and open to the public
The menorah faces the street, the Rebbe notes, and so passers-by immediately feel “the effect of the light, which illuminates the outside and the environment.” In the half-century since, the Rebbe’s campaign has brought Chanukah into the mainstream and altered awareness and practice of the festival, returning what some mistakenly dismissed as a minor holiday to its roots as a public proclamation of the triumph of freedom over oppression and a mainstay of Jewish cultural and religious life. Throughout the State of South Carolina, Chabad will be presenting several Chanukah events and celebrations, including celebrations in Bluffton and Hilton Head. For more information about Hanukkah and a local schedule of events, visit jewishhiltonhead. org/beaufort and Chabad Greater Hilton Head offers Jewish education, outreach and social service programming for families and individuals of all ages, backgrounds and affiliations. For more information visit or contact Rabbi Mendel at 843-301-1819 or
Rabbi Mendel Hurtz of Chabad House of Bluffton, dances with his daughters Leah, Rochel and Leibel during the traditional Lighting of the Menorah to kick off the eight days of Hanukkah in December 2022 at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. Bob Sofaly file/The Island News
Does the sin we commit in secret only hurt us?
he sin of Achan found in Joshua 6:17-19 is a powerful example of how one person committing evil in private can negatively affect their family, church congregation, or place of employment. “Now brother, what people do is their own business and it has nothing to do with me. If people want to cheat others, or lie, curse, and steal, or watch porn, what’s that to me?” I can tell you what God’s word says about it. Being dedicated to others through the bond of our word, and especially if we are a spiritual family bound together in a sacred covenant with God, our association with them means we represent them and we are accountable for our attitudes and actions. Listen to this story found in Joshua Ch. 6 and how what this
fleeing. She did and turned into a pillar of salt. Anyway, during the heat of battle, Achan saw an opportunity to make a few bucks, so he took a fancy garment, 200 shekels of silver, (about $300 in today’s value), and a BILLY HOLLAND wedge of gold (worth about $25,000 today) and buried one man did in secret beit in his tent. No one saw came devastating to those what he did, and he did not he loved and everyone he even tell his family. How was committed with. many parents and church Israel had just conquered members have secret sins the city of Jericho in an hidden in their closets that amazing display of God’s no one knows about, all the power and favor. The Lord while acting like everything had instructed Israel to not is fine? take any of the spoils of The next battle was with war for themselves but to a small city called AI which devote “everything” to God. should have been an easy Very specific and when God victory, yet Israel’s army makes a command, He is became paralyzed with fear not just kidding around. and in the chaos, 36 of their Remember Lot’s wife was soldiers were killed. Wives told to not turn around and lost their husbands and look at the city as they were children lost their fathers.
Joshua and the elders fell on their faces and cried out to God because they did not understand what in the world had happened. God said that someone had disobeyed His orders and that He had withdrawn His blessing and favor in this military confrontation. This was not just an individual crime, it was a national sin that affected everyone. The sin of one part was the sin of the whole. When one succeeded they all were victorious, but when one failed, they all failed. Do you believe this “one body” analogy is still true today? We should also notice that God was personally involved. It was, after all, His nation. Today we see that it’s also His church, and the way His people conduct their lives is of intense concern to Him. This story
contains a clear illustration of sin’s leavening effect also mentioned in Galatians 5:9. This wicked deed was not just going away. Until a correction was made, the damage was increasing. The Lord told Joshua what to do and through a lengthy process of investigating, Achan was brought before Joshua, and he confessed what he had done. He had stolen from the Lord. Joshua sent servants to dig them up and the items were brought before him and all the congregation became a witness. What was the sentence? Here is Chapter 7 and Verses 24-26. “And Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the garment, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent,
and all that he had: and they brought them unto the valley of Achor. And Joshua said, Why hast thou troubled us? The Lord shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones and burned them with fire after they had stoned them with stones. And they raised over them a great heap of stones unto this day. So the Lord turned from the fierceness of his anger. Wherefore that place was called, The valley of Achor, and is unto this day.” Does this story bother you? It does me. Next week we will discuss more about secret sin and whether God has become more lenient in His discipline.
Billy Holland is a Christian minister, author, and community chaplain. Read more about the Christian life at
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Beaufort Academy’s Kamirah Freeman, left, moves the ball against Bridge’s Prep’s Alysa Neal during the second quarter of their basketball game Monday night, Dec. 4 at Beaufort Academy. The Lady Eagles won the contest, 53-36. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
BA girls, Bridges boys come out on top
Eagles give Sowers two wins in debut Their two biggest stars are gone to the next level, but Beaufort Academy’s girls basketball team found a new dynamic duo in their season opener. Kamirah Freeman poured in 22 points, including a trio of triples, and Claire Tumlin added 18 to lead BA to a 53-36 win over Bridges Prep on Tuesday. But the Bucs flipped the script with a 65-39 blowout in the boys contest. BA’s girls raced out to a 29-9 lead midway through the second quarter, and Bridges leading scorer Makayla Lapp left with a foot injury, so it looked bleak for the Bucs. Freshman Raelynn Reeves sparked Bridges with 14 points, 11 rebounds, and four blocks, helping the Bucs pull within five late in the third quarter before BA pulled away. Tumlin scored six points in the fourth quarter, and Symone Green and Olivia Dinkins each added two buckets in the final period to help the Eagles hang on. The Bridges boys were in command from the jump and rolled to their sixth win in seven games to start the season after routing Lowcountry Leadership, 80-39, and beating Memorial Day, 58-38, last week.
Cross’ Elijah Samuels, top, nearly pins Beaufort’s Ian Newell during the first period of their 132-pound wrestling bout Thursday night, Nov. 29, at Beaufort High School. Newell reversed the near pin and pinned Samuels. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Beaufort Academy’s Zeke Gonzalez gets fouled on the side of his head while going up for a basket during the second quarter against Bridges Prep on Monday, Dec. 4 at Beaufort Academy. The Buccaneers proved to be too much, outscoring the Eagles, 65-39. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
With the score tied at 54 and only 10.3 seconds left in the game against Whale Branch Early College High School, Beaufort’s Amani Cleckly makes one of his two foul shots to give the Eagles a one-point lead to win the game, 55-54, on Friday night, Dec.1, at Beaufort High School. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Eagles scrape out two vs. Warriors After two steals, two clutch free throws, and three bounces on the rim at the buzzer, Beaufort High’s boys basketball team escaped with a 55-54 win over visiting Whale Branch on Friday on Kirkland Court, capping off a hard-fought sweep for the Eagles.
Laron Wright’s baseline jumper at the buzzer bounced softly on the rim multiple times before falling off and allowing the Eagles to steal a win — literally — after trailing by one in the waning seconds. Samari Bonds came up with a steal and hit the second of two free throws to tie it, then Amani Cleckley swiped
the inbounds pass and went back to the line, hitting the second for a onepoint advantage. The Eagles came up with another steal but were whistled for a travel, giving the Warriors one last shot. Wright got a good look from the
HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING ROUNDUP Beaufort High’s wrestling team made it a victorious debut for first-year head coach Jake Sowers last week when the Eagles routed Cross High 57-18 and edged an upstart John Paul II program 42-39 in a home match Wednesday night. The Golden Warriors, who also defeated the Trojans, 57-24, earlier in the night, took a 33-30 lead on Chris Orta’s pin at 190 pounds, But football star Will Codding came up with a pin at 215 to clinch the win for the Eagles before each team was awarded a win by forfeit in the final two weight classes.
DeGroat leads Dolphins
Battery Creek’s Gunnar DeGroat picked up where he left off
after winning a Class 3A state title last season, starting his senior campaign with a perfect mark after capturing the 190-pound title Saturday at the Lowcountry Invitational at Waccamaw High School. DeGroat also went 3-0 in the Dolphins’ opener, earning individual wins in team victories over Berkeley (57-18) and Timberland (47-33) as well as a 45-36 loss to Academic Magnet. The Dolphins placed 10th among 15 teams in Saturday’s tournament, with six wrestlers placing in the top five in their weight classes. In addition to DeGroat’s title, Leroy Tyus was second at 285, Andrew Legree was third at 157, Quinn Mathews (106) and John Coker
Erickson’s proposal would replace SCHSL with legislators’ own governing board Idea would ditch the independent, dues-paying organization legislators have complained about for years
By Skylar Laird COLUMBIA — After studying for months how to level the high school playing field, a House GOP leader believes the answer is to ditch the South Carolina High School League and create a new board to govern student athletics. Calls to change the classifications of high school sports teams have ramped up for years following the rise of athletics-focused charter schools that can attract students from anywhere in the state. Coaches, students, parents and principals of traditional high schools say it’s unfair to pit their small teams against schools where students spend half their day training and practicing. Among other things, the proposal considered last Thursday by a House study panel would create a new governing board made up largely of legislators’ appointees. It would consider how well a team performs against other schools in its bracket, along with geography and student population, in de-
ciding whether to bump the school up a level. In South Carolina, high school sports consist of five brackets, with Shannon 1A made up of the Erickson state’s smallest schools by student population and 5A consisting of the largest. “If you are trouncing your opponents with double-digit scores in baseball games or soccer and they’re not scoring anything, or you’re winning all your playoff games and your championships at a lower level and it’s consistent at a two-year pace, that’s a competitive advantage,” said House Education Chairwoman Shannon Erickson, a Beaufort Republican leading the charge for the new approach. Two weeks ago, the South Carolina High School League’s executive committee, made up of representatives of member schools, adopted what’s known as a multiplier for all students out-
side a school’s normal attendance boundaries. Under the new multiplier rule, every student outside that boundary, whether they play sports or not, would count as three students when it comes to classifying the school. By triple-counting students who live outside the lines of the local school, the decision would bump those athletic charter schools into higher brackets. While written for them, the rule doesn’t just apply to charter schools. It would do the same to any school with students outside its boundaries, which would mean private schools too that are part of the league. That creates the potential for smaller schools to be pushed up a bracket because of out-of-district attendance, just perpetuating the problem of unfairness, Erickson argued. “They’ve just flipped the scale,” Erickson said. “It’s really kind of mind-blowing, that you would go from one bad scenario to another bad scenario.” The South Carolina High
Dolphins approaching last year’s win total Since returning to his alma mater as head boys basketball coach, CJ Brown has known that his Battery Creek squad had young talent coming through the pipeline. The results have been slower to come than Brown would have hoped, but the Dolphins are showing signs of a breakthrough so far this season. After winning only three games a year ago, Battery Creek won two of its first three — and felt like it let the other one get away. After a 65-43 win over Stall to open the season, the Dolphins stumbled in a 63-58 loss to Ridgeland-Hardeeville on Friday before rebounding to beat John Paul II, 55-46, on Saturday. Creek had another setback Tuesday, losing, 56-51, at home against Whale Branch. Nonetheless, the Dolphins have a budding star in Alizjah Mathis, who scored 17 points with five steals in his debut against Stall and was in double-digits while stuffing the stat sheet against the Jaguars and Golden Warriors, and they have a solid supporting cast. Gabe Leegette is a threat from deep, Jayvorie Cole and Ethan Cox are giving good minutes inside, and Que Williams and Kelvin Willis have also shown a scoring touch. The Dolphins (2-2) are at Ridgeland-Hardeeville on Friday.
from page B1 baseline, and it bounced on the rim multiple times but didn’t go down. Bonds finished with 20 points, eight rebounds, and four steals to lead the Eagles, while Naiim Pope added nine points, eight rebounds, and three steals, and Cleck-
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
What else is proposed? Other changes in the proposal include allowing student athletes to transfer schools only once in middle school and once in high school while continuing to play a sport, to deter teams recruiting athletes from one another. Another complaint against the athletic charters has been that they draw students from the state’s largest high school schools. A bill with similar requirements passed through the House last year and is awaiting a hearing in the Senate. Private school students would also be allowed to try out for public school teams if they can’t
muster enough players for a team of their own, a process already allowed for homeschooled students. Overseeing the decisions would be the new, 11-member board. Beyond legislative leaders, the state Superintendent of Education and Governor could also name their picks. Erickson contends that would provide increased scrutiny from the state, including financial audits and more oversight. It remains to be seen whether Erickson can gather the support needed to turn the proposal into law. Legislators have long threatened to eliminate the High School League but never followed through. “I think it’s about time for us to look at this process so we can make it better,” said Rep. Terry Alexander, D-Florence. Skylar Laird covers the South Carolina Legislature and criminal justice issues. Originally from Missouri, she previously worked for The Post and Courier’s Columbia bureau.
Cross School’s Savannah Hollings, right, puts the pressure on Holy Trinity’s Selah McGrew during the second quarter Friday night, Dec. 1, at Holy Trinity. The Lady Stingrays defense proved too much for the Lady Mighty Lions and Cross came away with a 66-21 win. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
JPII girls continue strong start
Holy Trinity’s Gray Chumney, right, manages to block the shot of Cross School’s Jose Garcia during the first quarter Friday night, Dec. 1 at Holy Trinity. The Cross Stingrays defeated the Mighty Lions, 65-42. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
games last season, the Golden Warriors have doubled that total after a 61-28 win over Palmetto Christian on Monday. JPII has gotten a boost from transfer Nicholai Atkinson, who scored 19 points in Saturday’s loss to Battery Creek and has been the leader of a balanced offensive attack. JPII (4-3) plays at Andrew Jackson Academy on Wednesday and hosts St. Joseph’s Catholic JPII wins again After winning only two on Friday.
School League is an independent, dues-paying organization that sets and oversees the competition rules for participating middle and high schools. A spokesperson for the league did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Executive committee members at the meeting declined to comment because they had not yet read the proposal.
ley had nine points and six assists. Greggory Gilbert had 13 points, seven rebounds, and five blocks to lead Whale Branch, while Wright added 12 points and five boards, and Bradford Thompson contributed 12 points and six rebounds. The thrilling win finished a sweep for the home team after Beaufort’s girls held on for a 30-25 win behind big
Stingrays take down HT
Holy Trinity couldn’t muster a second-half comeback after trailing by nine at the half Friday against visiting Cross Schools. Rivers Palmer and CJ Champion each scored 13 points to lead Cross. The Mighty Lions (0-3) also lost a tough matchup, 49-41, at Holly Hill Academy on Monday and are back in action Thursday at Bethesda Academy.
games from Anaiya Houseal and Leiya Watson. The Eagles were back in action Tuesday with the girls falling, 53-33, to May River and the boys claiming a 60-49 victory. The Whale Branch girls earned their first win, 29-22, at Battery Creek on Tuesday, with the Warriors finishing the sweep with a 56-51 win in the boys game. After two early losses against quality competition, John Paul II’s girls basketball team has rattled off four straight wins — all in the span of a week. The Golden Warriors avenged one of those early defeats with a 53-45 win over Cathedral Academy last week before following it up with a 75-21 rout of Charleston Collegiate the next night. Gracie Henderson rained 3-pointers in both wins, scoring a teamhigh 18 against Cathedral and pacing JPII with 20 the next evening. After posting 14 points and seven rebounds against Cathedral, Brady Mahoney collected 18 points and eight boards against
Charleston Collegiate and continued her outstanding play in two more wins. Mahoney had 27 points and nine rebounds in a 58-30 win at Battery Creek on Saturday and racked up 21 points, 15 boards, five assists, and three blocks to power JPII to a 57-40 win over Palmetto Christian on Monday. JPII (5-2) plays at Andrew Jackson Academy on Wednesday and hosts St. Joseph’s Catholic on Friday.
Dolphins earn first win
Audrey Jefferson made a pair of free throws with two seconds left after Battery Creek denied Ridgeland-Hardeeville’s effort to tie the game, lifting the
Dolphins to a 45-41 win Friday night. The win evened Battery Creek’s record at 1-1 before it fell, 56-30 to John Paul II on Saturday and 29-22 at home against Whale Branch on Tuesday.
Mighty Lions fall at home
Holy Trinity was no match for an up-and-coming SCISA 1A power in Cross Schools, which routed the Mighty Lions 66-21 at home Friday. Ryan Mayers had 16 points, five rebounds, and seven steals, while PJ Benson added 13 points, four assists, and four steals, Savannah Hollings scored 13, and Genesis Wilson had 10 points and four steals.
3-2 on Saturday at the Hammond Holiday Hustle, including a 54-27 win over defending SCISA duals champion Ben Lippen to from page B1 start the day. The Golden Warriors also routed Augusta Christian, 66-6, and beat Heathwood, (120) each placed fourth, and Christian 48-34, with their losses coming against Fess was fifth at 165. Hammond School (48-34) and Cardinal Newman (66-18). Alex Mercer (5-1, 4 pins), Chris Orta (4-1, JPII off to strong start After a season-opening split with Cross 4 pins), and Daniel Snyder (4-1, 2 pins) have High and Beaufort High, John Paul II went been the top producers for JPII thus far.
Sign-ups for K-12 vouchers to start in January unless SC high court intervenes Supreme Court has yet to respond to whether it will directly take the case
By Seanna Adcox COLUMBIA — South Carolina parents can start applying for $6,000 in taxpayer-paid scholarships toward private K-12 tuition, tutoring and other school expenses in January, unless the state Supreme Court decides to block them. The voucher sign-up process must open to parents no later than Jan. 30. Applications may be taken as early as Jan. 15, according to the law signed by Gov. Henry McMaster in May that created South Carolina’s first broad K-12 private school choice program. “The actual timeline, of course, will be dictated by the court schedule,” state Education Department spokeswoman Laura Bayne told the S.C. Daily Gazette last month. She was referring to a lawsuit filed in October by the South Carolina Education Association, state conference of the NAACP and half a dozen parents. They argue the taxpayer-funded payments violate the state constitution’s ban against public funds directly benefiting a private school. The expected challenge asked the state Supreme Court to take the case directly and quickly settle the matter. “There is no question that a serious and substantial constitutional question exists here that will require guidance from this court,” reads their Oct. 26 request to justices. A prompt resolution is needed, the petition continued, to “provide guidance to parents, students, schools and state officials as to the validity of the voucher program and the availability of voucher funds
before any decisions must be made to apply for or approve participation.” But as of Dec. 1, more than a month later, the court has provided no response at all. It’s unknown whether justices will even take the case — much less settle it — before the program must launch by law. Preparing to launch Meanwhile, the state Department of Education is moving ahead as if there is no lawsuit. Notably, challengers did not ask the court to suspend the law pending a final verdict. So, unless the high court actually throws out the law as unconstitutional, millions will be awarded — potentially starting in the coming days. Under the law, pushed through the Republican-controlled Legislature after two decades of GOP infighting, $6,000 will be awarded to the parents of up to 5,000 students for the school year starting in August 2024. To be eligible for the first year of private school aid, students must be attending a public school in South Carolina now and qualify for Medicaid. The money will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. There’s no waiting until the end of the application process — March 15, by law — to decide who gets the money. Each $6,000 scholarship, or taxpayer-funded voucher, must be awarded once an application checks out as meeting the criteria. The money will be put into an account accessible online by parents, who can then spend it starting next school year on a variety
of allowed expenses. Beyond private tuition, those include tutoring services, textbooks, and computers. But before anyone can apply, the online portal to be used by parents, participating schools and businesses must be ready. It will look much like an online health savings account, with one main difference, Bayne said. Parents will be able to dole money to the school and/or vendor of their choice and monitor their balance online. But there will be no online reimbursements or cash paid out. All transactions will be handled and approved through the site. The education agency is currently evaluating proposals from companies looking to create and run the portal. Bids were due by Nov. 21, Bayne said Thursday. The winner could get up to $2 million that legislators allowed the agency to spend to set up the voucher program, though some of that could be reserved for marketing, she said. She didn’t specify when a contract might be signed, but the agency hopes to open applications as close to Jan. 15 as possible, she said. And that’s just over six weeks away. ‘Families need clarity’ Patrick Kelly with the Palmetto State Teachers Association said he can’t fault the agency for moving forward. That includes asking legislators to pay for the program. The agency’s budget request for 2024-25 includes a request for $30 million to fund the scholarships for next school year. “Whether I agree with
State Education Superintendent Ellen Weaver addresses students Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023, at Allendale-Fairfax High School about college opportunities paid by the Meeting Street Scholarship Fund. Before being elected superintendent, Weaver led a conservative think tank in South Carolina that advocated for K-12 vouchers and other forms of school choice. Photo provided by the Meeting Street Scholarship Fund. the policy or not, I can’t disagree with the department for implementing the law,” said Kelly, who’s also a Blythewood High School history teacher. “The department is doing exactly what they’re required to under the law until the court says otherwise.” He added that he hopes the court resolves the issue quickly. “Every day that goes by without resolution, the department will continue to invest human resources and actual dollars into the process of standing up this program,” Kelly said. Beyond that, he said, the delay could be unfair to parents. “There are families who
will apply in January and start to make educational plans for their children,” he said. “Those families need clarity on what the 2024-25 school year will look like.” It wouldn’t be the first time South Carolina’s high court directly settled a voucher question. In 2020, justices blocked a one-year K-12 voucher program that Gov. Henry McMaster tried to create unilaterally with federal COVID aid. They ruled the attempted temporary program flouted the constitutional ban on public funds directly benefiting private schools. That program was stopped before it started. In their petition, challengers to the law McMas-
ter signed argue justices should rule the same way for a program that’s “even more sweeping in scope and duration than the program this court struck down.” Republican lawmakers counter the law was crafted in a way to get around the direct benefit prohibition, with parents deciding how money in their account is spent. If the law stands, both the number of eligible students and the income cap will rise in future years. For next school year, eligibility ends once the income of a family of four tops $60,000. In 2025-26, 10,000 students can participate, and their household income can be up to 300% of the federal poverty level, or $90,000 for a family of four. Once fully phased in the following year, up to 15,000 students in a household earning 400% of the poverty level can participate. That’s currently $120,000 for a family of four but the cap will be higher in 2026-27 and beyond, since federal poverty guidelines are adjusted annually. If 15,000 students participate, that’s $90 million worth of vouchers. Statewide, about 790,000 students attend K-12 public schools. On average, the state spends $8,100 per pupil this school year. Adding local and federal taxes brings the total spent per student in South Carolina to about $17,500, according to the state Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office. Seanna Adcox is a South Carolina native with three decades of reporting experience. She joined States Newsroom in September 2023 after covering the S.C. Legislature and state politics for 18 years. Her previous employers include The Post and Courier and The Associated Press.
Royal Live Oaks Academy earns recognition, awards From staff reports Hardeeville’s Royal Live Oaks Academy of the Arts and Sciences (RLOACS) earned five different awards in recognition of their outstanding academic performance in the 2022-2023 school year at the Charter Institute at Erskine’s Academic Showcase on Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. RLOACS’ Elementary School earned a Gold School of Distinction award for outperforming the local school district and demonstrating Above Average growth in English Language Arts (ELA)
and Mathematics in the 20222023 school year. The elementary school also earned a Palmetto Silver award from the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE). RLOACS’ Middle School also brought home numerous awards, earning a Gold Local School of Distinction award for outperforming the local school district and demonstrating Above Average growth in ELA and Math-
ematics. Additionally, the middle school program received recognition from the Institute as a Palmetto Silver School and Excellent Rated School, both awarded by the SCDE. “The strength of the team and the relationships — relationships among staff, relationships with students and among students — play a major part in us being able to grow our students to the next level,” Executive
Director Dr. Karen Wicks said in a news release. At the showcase, charter schools from around the state were celebrated for their academic achievement and outstanding growth. RLOACS was one of 14 schools recognized at the event and was asked to present their strategies for academic growth with their peers. Royal Live Oaks Academy of the Arts and Sciences is located in Hardeeville and serves grades K-12. The school’s community strives to provide a rigorous learning en-
vironment where all children can maximize personal and academic growth. Enrollment is currently open at RLOACS — visit https:// to learn more. The Charter Institute at Erskine is the fastest-growing school district in South Carolina. Serving 27 schools and 26,000 students across the state, the Charter Institute at Erskine is committed to innovative, creative, high-quality methods of education. For more information about the Institute, please visit
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VOICES Editor’s Note: The opinions of our columnists in the Voices section are not necessarily the opinions of The Island News.
Content knowing that debate is ‘happily solved’
t is Sunday, and it’s cold. This is a good day for a fire, and a novel, but this morning I am without any unread fiction. But I do have the “Yearbook of the New York Southern Society, 1915-1916.” The New York Southern Society was founded by men, some of whom were veterans of the defeated Confederate Army, who made their way to New York City after the Civil War. These refugees were mostly welcomed into this opportunistic, commercial landscape. One such refugee — Byrd Walker — was my wife’s ancestor. Each year in December, the Southern Society had an elaborate, sit-down dinner at the Waldorf Astoria. At each of these formal dinners there were speakers (Josephus Daniels, Woodrow Wilson, William McAdoo) and those speeches were thereafter transcribed, word for word,
in the Society’s Yearbook. This morning I’ve been reading two of these speeches, the first by John Skelton Williams (Comptroller of the Currency) who began his 1915 talk by saying that “The political side of the negro question, as far as the South is concerned, is thus happily solved …” Intrigued by the phrase “happily solved” I continued to read. “Nobody knows yet the capabilities or possibilities of the actual negro. Brought to us a slave and a chattel, a wild savage chased down and captured in his home
jungles like an animal, he has adapted himself to our civilization and standards with amazing facility. The mutual affection established between the races, in the very face of the naturally antagonistic relation of master and slave, owner and intelligent creature, is a marvel.” “There are many good mulatto citizens, but it is true undisputedly that any mixture of the races makes … ultimately, an inferior blend. It is for the good of the country, the negro and the white, that the races be kept apart.” “I submit that considering the loss and destruction the South suffered, we have done great work of caring for, educating and developing the negroes left in our charge. The figures show that the black people have gained far faster in education and property under white rule than they did while the fearful
experiment of giving them control was in progress.” After the U.S. Comptroller ended his speech, he was followed by George W. Wickersham (formerly the Attorney General of the United States) who had the temerity to disagree. “But, Mr. Comptroller of the Currency, without entering too deeply upon the delicate nature of the problem you have touched upon, of the relation between the white and black races, may I be permitted to say that I do not believe that that problem can ever be solved by the total disfranchisement, for all time, of ten millions of American Citizens.” “I believe that no people can thrive and advance on the ways of freedom and right living, if side by side there are working with them ten millions of people, disfranchised from all voice in the affairs of government. God knows it is a difficult problem; God knows, and
He alone knows, how it will be solved.” “I believe there is no problem facing the American people more difficult of solution; but, believe me, it is not solved by the means to which you refer.” As I re-read the remarks of Williams and Wickersham, I thought that here — about a year and a half before we got ourselves into World War I — there was pointed, public exchange about segregation and voting rights and, of course, I wondered how Byrd Walker came down on these issues. Walker had arrived in New York City in the late 1800s — he was not a veteran — and then built a chemical company in New Jersey that made Naphthalene. During World War I, Naphthalene, along with creosote, was made into a paste that was applied to military uniforms that diminished the population of body lice. An applica-
tion which helped prevent “trench fever.” When Walker’s daughter, Elizabeth, died 15 years ago, I got his tuxedo, his formal waistcoat; the mother-of-pearl cufflinks he must have worn to Society events. I sometime wore his cuff links, but I never read the six Yearbooks that I also acquired. As I sit in front of my fire, I consider the dramatic increase in mixed-race high school dating, and marriage; and the increased use of mixed-race families in television advertising. If these are any indication, the Comptroller’s theory about an “inferior blend” has been consigned to history’s dumpster. I find some contentment knowing that debate is “happily solved.” Scott Graber is a lawyer, novelist, veteran columnist and longtime resident of Port Royal. He can be reached at
Good news? We can continue to hope
sat at my computer on Sunday, trying to determine a topic of good news that might brighten our day just a bit. It was dismal and gray outside, not exactly a harbinger for positive thoughts. But after all, ’tis the season to be jolly, right? It doesn’t hurt to try, even when the odds are against a person. I went so far as to type in “good news,” and the results weren’t exactly encouraging, although I discovered that there are 40 acknowledged “Good News” websites, including Jane Goodall’s “Reasons to be Cheerful.” I will definitely access this when I have finished my column as I have always admired this woman. While researching, I saw an inquiry from someone asking, “What news site can I access that has good news?” Apparently, there are those who feel as I do, that these seem to be few and far between. If that inquirer delves deeper into this subject as I did, he or she will find that most of these “good news” sites have a religious bent. As an example, “The Good News Story equips new believers to understand the purpose and redemptive nature of the Bible while allowing ‘more seasoned’ believers to ponder everything in light of this better story.” I’m curious as to what “more seasoned” looks like, but I digress.
It goes on to say. “Truly, if we understood this fully, we would see the answers to many of the world’s problems.” I have written before about my beliefs as well as my not adhering to organized religion. Thus I have to respectfully question this Biblical panacea. But back to the news of the day, the good, the bad, and most definitely the ugly! Looking at one of the sites for major news, these are just some of the up-todate stories. Our own Senator Lindsey Graham laments that he has lost all confidence in Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin after his recent remarks saying Israel risks a “strategic defeat” if it doesn’t take actions to protect civilians. Austin was quoted as saying, “The center of gravity is the civilian population, and if you drive them into the arms of the enemy, you replace a tactical victory with a strategic defeat.” Graham rebuked Austin’s comments in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“He’s so naïve. I mean, I’ve just lost all confidence in this guy,” he said. “Strategic defeat would be inflaming the Palestinians? They’re already inflamed.” Ah, senator, what a fine and astute ambassador you would make. This is simply more “good news” from the extreme right in their ongoing attempt to undercut anything and anyone affiliated with the Biden administration. And then there is the young man of Palestinian descent who is paralyzed from the chest down, after being shot (as were his two friends, also Palestinian), simply because of their wearing of scarves that denote their ethnicity. Add this to the number of demonstrations on college campuses, advocacy for both sides of the horrendous Israel-Hamas war, and you find no good news there. Let’s not forget Ukraine and the Russian aggression that is taking place in that war-torn country. But then we seem to have done just that … forget. Russia certainly has to be loving our memory loss. Having written about that before, I will not “beat a dead horse,” as my Dad used to say. Then there is the suspect who is in custody for shooting and killing three homeless men in Los Angeles. This person was identified by his car (reportedly
Can we assume that in this season of goodwill, even those who resort to thievery have a conscience? We can only hope that having a conscience becomes contagious.” a 2024 BMW, really? You can make this stuff up) and the gun found in it. A gun? Still another ‘really?” I can’t wait to hear the so-called reasoning on the part of his lawyer. Lest we should forget, one more dictator again “struts and frets his hour on the stage”. Kim Jong Un of “love letter” fame says North Korea has begun spy satellite operations. Why not? He can’t let Israel and Hamas, as well as Russia’s attack on Ukraine hog the spotlight! Maybe the only good news of the week, considering where you are on the political spectrum, is the expulsion of George Santos. I say good news for just about everyone, including those Republicans who finally, FINALLY, have had enough. It took long enough, and while it provides a glimmer of hope that there are some remaining conservatives who care about the
character of those who represent them (after all, you are judged by the company you keep, or so my Mom used to drill into me), I humbly suggest those same conservative Republicans have “miles to go before they sleep.” Just a hint for cleaning house: Green, Bobert, Goetz, and quite frankly, your newly elected speaker. But honestly, to end on a positive note, “good news” if you will, the Grinch apparently returned Snoopy and Woodstock to the turnaround on Sams Point Road. Can we assume that in this season of goodwill, even those who resort to thievery have a conscience? We can only hope that having a conscience becomes contagious. Carol Lucas is a retired high school teacher and a Lady’s Island resident. She is the author of the recently published “A Breath Away: One Woman’s Journey Through Widowhood.”
The Greatest Gift: Freedom’s Blessings and Challenges
recently attended an event that featured a very interesting speaker who had some thoughts on what we should be thankful for this holiday season. Something the speaker said really hit home with me. He said,” After life itself, freedom is possibly our greatest gift of all.” Until that moment I never really thought of freedom as a gift, it’s just something that I have always had, something that I took for granted because I born a citizen of the United States. For most of us, it truly is a gift, because we have done nothing to earn it. We have paid no price, we have made no sacrifice, it was simply given to us by those who did pay the price. This precious gift that is
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
given to us at no charge is routinely denied to millions of people around the world. The United States is one of the few places where the right to freedom is guaranteed in writing. Our Bill of Rights guarantees several fundamental human rights. Unfortunately these rights are always under attack by the radical left. They believe that the needs of the state should take precedence over individual rights and freedom.
When I see what is happening on college campuses around the country, where mobs of students are attempting to cancel free speech, free enterprise, freedom of religion, and recently anti-antisemitism. I can’t help but think what would happen to those same students if they lived in Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela or any other of communist dictatorships with which they seem so enamored. I am pretty sure that they would end up in jail or worse. They have the freedom to speak out and protest only because they live in a nation that they deem to be evil. It is a gift that they don’t even know they were given. Russia recently passed a law that if you are critical of the government or the war in
Ukraine you can be arrested and sentenced to up to 15 years in prison. Is that what they would like to see here? No one should ever be denied the right of peaceful protest, or to say what they believe. The thing that distresses me most is that these young people do seem to believe in what they are doing and saying is right. The only conclusion that I can draw is that they are being taught to forgo freedom and embrace socialism. The Wall Street Journal reported that according to a 2022 Pew Research poll that nearly half of 18 to 29 year olds favor socialism over a market economy. I think it was Vladimir Lenin who said “The goal of socialism is communism.” They seem to want the socialist state
in spite of the fact that it’s a free-market economy that is allowing them to spend upward to $70,000 a year to attend colleges like Yale and Harvard. There is something very wrong with this picture and it doesn't bode well for the future of the United States if these people are ever in charge of government or business. We can only hope that they have an epiphany before that happens.Sometimes reality leads to truth. Fortunately it seems that the nation is beginning to wake up to what has been going on in American schools for the past several decades. Parents are starting to take an interest in what their children are being taught and are speaking out against the Woke and social-
ist agenda. It is becoming a political issue that is high on the list of what people want changed by elected officials around the country. It’s an issue that cuts across political, racial, and economic lines. Let’s hope that it is not too late to change the direction and the drift toward the loss of our most precious gift, freedom, to the evil of the collective state.
Born, raised and educated in the Southwest, Jim Dickson served in the U.S. Navy Reserve in Vietnam before a 35-year business career. Retired to St. Helena Island, Dickson and his wife are fiscally conservative, socially moderate and active in Republican politics, though they may not always agree with Republicans. Having lived around the country and traveled around the world, Dickson believes that the United States truly is the land of opportunity.
VOICES Editor’s Note: The opinions of our columnists in the Voices section are not necessarily the opinions of The Island News.
Reduce the influence of lawyerlegislators in selecting SC judges
he 2024 session of the South Carolina General Assembly will face a major controversy over the question of whether the current system of selecting state judges should be changed to reduce the influence of lawyer-legislators over the judges that they elect and practice before. This is an old controversy dating back to the troubled period when the Judicial Merit Selection Commission was created in 1997 after Operation Lost Trust prosecutions. They included Circuit Judge Tee Ferguson, who was convicted of bribery and cocaine in 1991 just a year after he was elected while in the House by the General Assembly and voted for himself. The major problem at present is that it’s widely suspected that lawyer-legislators who elect and re-elect all circuit and appellate state court judges exercise undue influence over the judges they practice before and get favored treatment in court. Sen. Wes Climer (R-York) recently announced that he would put objections on all judicial candidates seeking election until the judicial election system is reformed. On Oct. 3, House Speaker Murrell Smith (R-Sumter) appointed a committee to make suggestions about im-
proving judicial selection. Currently the Judicial Merit Screening Commission has three lawyer representatives, three lawyer senators, three practicing attorneys and one non-lawyer. None of the members have ever been judges and have no special expertise in evaluating judicial candidates. The 10 may, in fact, vote for judges based on cronyism and partisan and identity politics rather than on qualifications. One way to prevent favoritism by judges would be to elect to the commission only non-lawyers and retired attorneys and judges who would not be practicing law before the same judges they elect. Another problem which has provoked controversy at the Statehouse since the 1980s is the argument that women and Black South Carolinians have not been selected in fair numbers as state judges. However, that issue has diminished in recent years as more minority
and women judges have, in fact, been elected. The major problem at present is the issue of six lawyer-legislators having majority control over the 10-member Judicial Merit Selection Commission and the fact that, according to an article in The Post and Courier on Jan. 4, 2023 — based on data from the National Conference of State Legislators — some 27% of South Carolina representatives and 46% of senators are attorneys. (The national average of lawyer-legislators is 14%.) Perhaps one reason lawyers run for the Legislature is to be able to pick the judges they practice before. Any serious reform of judicial selection would remove all lawyer-legislators from the Merit Selection Commission to eliminate conflicts of interest and diversify membership on the commission to prevent favoritism by judges to lawyer-legislators and provide for more disinterested and more widely experienced retired attorneys and judges and non-legislator commissioners. I suggest new legislation which would restructure the new judicial selection commission by changing the parties who make the appointments. And, while the House study committee is considering several propos-
The South Carolina Supreme Court in Columbia. Mary Ann Chastain/Special to the S.C. Daily Gazette als for changing how judges are selected, none create a new commission made up primarily of retirees. Under my proposal, only two of 12 members could be legislators. The Senate president and House speaker would each appoint one member from their chamber, though neither could be an attorney. Other members would include a retired sheriff, a retired police chief, and non-practicing attorneys selected from each of the state’s two law schools. At least four of the remaining seats would be retired judges. The governor would have the choice of appoint-
ing either a non-lawyer teristics of the candidates citizen, retired attorney or for judicial office. retired judge. And the president of the South Carolina John Crangle is a graduate of the Bar could pick a retired University of South Carolina School attorney or retired judge. of Law and member of the South The proposed qualificaCarolina Bar. He was a member of tions to the Judicial Merit a commission appointed in 1991 Selection Commission that proposed ways to improve the would be much more diselection of judges. Approved changes verse than the qualifications included a ban on sitting legislators of the 10 current members voting for themselves for judicial of the commission. They positions and the creation of a would replace lawyer-legJudicial Merit Selection Commission islators on the commission to screen judicial candidates. He with retired judges and also participated in reforming the attorneys who have trial magistrate system. Changes effective and appellate expertise, in 1996 included requiring new making them better able to magistrates to have a four-year college evaluate with disinterest the degree and pass a course in the basic qualifications and characlaws magistrates enforce.
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DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
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Smartphone use may cause low sperm count, male infertility A large populationbased study shows decreased sperm concentration and total sperm count with increased mobile phone use.
Compromised male fertility is thought to contribute to approximately half of clinical infertility cases. Male infertility is a growing public health concern as experts have observed a 50% decline in male sperm counts over several decades. Searching for answers, researchers have been investigating various environmental factors for their potential influence on sperm quality. These may include radiation exposure, endocrine disruptors, and lifestyle habits (i.e., diet, stress, alcohol, drugs, and smoking). In a recent study, scientists with the University of Geneva and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute examined the effects that mobile phone use and placement may have on male infertility. The 13-year study suggests that smartphone use may be associated with lower sperm concentration and total sperm count (TSC) in young adult males. The findings were recently published in Fertility and Sterility. Why is male sperm count going down? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a male with a sperm concentration below 15 million per milliliter may take more than a year to conceive a child with a partner. Moreover, the chances of pregnancy are lower if the sperm concentration falls under 40 million per milliliter. Research indicates that sperm count has lowered to an average of 47 million sperm per milliliter
• Health experts have searched for environmental and lifestyle influences behind decreasing male sperm count for half a century.
• Some researchers believe mobile phones emitting lowlevel radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may affect male fertility. from 99 million. This is especially so in Western nations. There are additional factors that affect sperm count, such as drug use (prescription and illegal), alcohol use, tobacco use, stress, and physical inactivity. Do cell phones affect male infertility? For the study, researchers recruited 2,886 men ages 18 to 22 between 2005 and 2018 at military recruitment centers. The laboratory specialists captured semen samples and recorded sperm concentration, total sperm count (TSC), and motility. Participants answered questions regarding their reproductive and overall health, education, and lifestyle habits and were asked how often they use their cell phone devices. Median sperm concentration was markedly higher among the men who reported using their phones once weekly compared with those who used their phones more than 20 times daily. Moreover, the link between smartphone use and sperm concentration appears to align with the progression of technologies from 2G to 3G to 4G, corresponding to a decrease in the mobile phone’s output power. Does it matter where you carry your phone? Study models did
not show any association between carrying phones in the pants and lower semen quality parameters. Does cell phone radiation have long-term effects? The researchers collaborated on this large-scale, cross-sectional study on mobile phone use and semen quality. Their work gathered over a decade of data on thousands of men in Switzerland. This study only covered males ages 18 to 22. The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by cell phones on older men are yet to be explored. Older cell phones may cause reproductive harm. “While the exact mechanism of impact remains a subject of debate, the correlation highlights the need for cautious use, particularly with older phone models associated with higher emissions,” Dr. Houman added. The researchers concluded: “The lack of clear evidence for a negative association between mobile phone use and male fertility, as well as the dramatic increase in cell phone use over the past decade, underscores the need for further research in this area.” Many factors affect fertility rates. While the Swiss study is in-
teresting and warrants further investigation, there may be a bigger picture affecting stress and fertility rates that’s worth examining. Other factors contributing to stress and declining fertility rates could also include economic factors, ongoing negative world news, pressures of social media. Indeed, some experts wonder if mobile phone use, in and of itself, might significantly affect male fertility. Although this study concluded that cell phone usage affects sperm concentration, there were many factors it found no association with. In summary, most research supports the use of lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and dietary adjustments to help a male manage and improve a low sperm count. Such lifestyle changes include adopting a regular exercise regimen and sleep schedule, as well as avoiding tobacco, excess alcohol, and illicit drugs. It may also help to avoid particular prescription medications. Taking herbal supplements, such as fenugreek and ashwagandha, may also help. Dietary changes that promote a higher sperm count include reducing the intake of trans fatty acids and increasing polyunsaturated fatty acid and vitamin D intake.
• A large Swiss population study revealed decreased sperm concentration and total sperm count with increased mobile phone use. • The findings indicate that advanced phone technologies may have less impact on sperm quality. Maintaining a healthful, balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables is the best way to boost sperm count through the diet. Sources: Excerpted from an article by Jeanna D. Smiley — Fact checked by Jill Seladi-Schulman, Ph.D.; Chidiebere Emmanuel Okechukwu, Does the Use of Mobile Phone Affect Male Fertility? A Mini-Review. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC7727890/; Barazani, Y., et al. (2014). Lifestyle, environment, and male reproductive health [Abstract].
Feet of Endurance— keep your feet healthy for a lifetime
Feet accumulate the wear and tear of travelling distances, bear the stress of daily work—whether sitting, or standing for long hours, or carrying heavy loads. We use feet for walking, running, climbing, driving, standing, and even for balance. Unlike a tire change on a car, we are unable to change the feet on our bodies. When they become worn and torn, it is imperative to take notice of any ongoing foot pain, discomfort, or abnormality.
What are common signs of feet who need care?
Foot fungus, blisters, plantar warts, corns, bunions, ingrown toenails, cracked skin, even minor cuts are all possible problems that can arise when foot health is overlooked and not monitored on a consis- Simple solutions for sustaining tent basis. If there are any unknown causes healthy feet are daily preventative of bleeding, skin discoloration, or numb- routines. ness along with loss of feeling this should • Inspect your feet daily be communicated with your health pro• Keep feet washed and clean thorfessionals as there could be more serious oughly between toes and underside undiagnosed conditions such as diabetes. • Dry feet after shower as fungus and These issues can vary in severity levels other bacteria thrive in moist condidepending on when they are addressed, tions however, attack any foot related concerns • Trim overgrown nails and confirm no at the earliest warning signs. Seek consigns of ingrown toenails. sultation from your primary health prac• Wear proper footwear—socks and titioner first, and then if needed, they can shoes. In relation to the environment, recommend foot care specialists such as foot size, proper walking mechanics, podiatrists, endocrinologists, or even masand even athletic related activities can affect your feet health. sage therapists.
Benefits of giving back
Holidays are a great time to give back to those in need. And as an added perk, it can boost your mood too! “Helping other people is an example of a win/ win situation,” said Susan Albers, PsyD, psychologist for Cleveland Clinic. “Not only does it benefit the receiver, but it also creates a boomerang effect where the positive impact comes back to you, boosting your physical and your mental health.” Dr. Albers said studies have shown those who volunteer may have lower blood pressure, live longer,
and tend to be happier. She explains that when you help someone, your brain secretes “feel good” chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. It also releases the hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel connected to other people, along with endorphins. She said that’s why it’s often referred to as a “helper’s high.” And no act of kindness is too small. There are many ways to give back this holiday season. “Making a financial contribution is one way that you can contribute to a cause that you care about
or a non-profit. Use Charity Navigator's ratings and resources to find and support highly rated charities that align with your passions and values at https://www. You can also contribute by volunteering your time, your energy, your skill, your expertise, to a local organization such as a food pantry or an animal shelter,” Dr. Albers said. She continues, “Volunteering also gives you the chance to meet new people and provides you with a sense of purpose.” Source:,
The content offered in this Care magazine® supplement are here to educate consumers on health care, wellness, lifestyle, and medical issues that may affect their daily lives. Nothing in the content, products or services should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The articles, references and options contained herein do not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing, or other professional health care advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. None of the products or services offered through this publication represents or warrants that any particular service or product is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. We advise readers to always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions regarding personal health or medical conditions. —Care magazine® editor,
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
HEALTH & WELLNESS Options & References for a Healthier Life
How to settle a stomach bug
Over indulging during holiday meals can unsettle your tummy, but viral gastroenteritis is an intestinal infection marked by watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting, headache, muscle aches and sometimes fever. It's often called a stomach bug or the stomach flu, but it's not actually the flu or influenza, which is a respiratory illness. This infection often develops though contact with an infected person or by ingesting contaminated food or water. An upset stomach is a common symptom of a stomach bug, which can make eating sound unappealing, even though you may be hungry. Knowing what to eat is difficult because you don't know what will agree with your stomach.
Follow these tips for fueling your body when you have viral gastroenteritis: • Let your stomach settle. Avoid eating solid foods for a few hours. Instead, drink liquids like broths, teas, sodas or noncaffeinated sports drinks. • Hydrate. Focus on drinking in small amounts of liquid fre-
quently to stay hydrated. • Ease back into eating. After you can tolerate drinking clear fluids, start eating smaller meals of bland, low-residual foods, such as mashed potatoes, plain noodles, crackers, toast, gelatin, bananas, rice, and chicken. • Be cautious with medications. It's best to use overthe-counter medications like ibuprofen sparingly as they can cause an upset stomach. Discuss your medications with your healthcare team to avoid any potential side effects. If your symptoms are severe, you may need to use an over-the-counter medication to help decrease diarrhea symptoms or an anti-nausea medicine to help you keep food and fluids down with vomiting. The main complication of a stomach bug is dehydration, which is a severe loss of water and essential salts and minerals. You can lower the risk of dehydration by drinking enough fluids to replace those lost from vomiting or diarrhea.
Depending on the cause, viral gastroenteritis symptoms generally appear about one to three days after exposure. Symptoms can be mild or, at times, severe and last for a few days to a week.
When to see a healthcare professional.
Although viral gastroenteritis is extremely common, it can usually be managed at home. Red flags or worrisome symptoms that would prompt a visit to your healthcare team are severe dehy-
dration, not being able to keep fluids down, bloody stools, severe abdominal pain or when symptoms last longer than one week. Young children, older adults and people with compromised immune systems are more likely to have complications related to viral gastroenteritis.
Good hand hygiene and proper food handling are essential to prevent you from getting sick and to limit the spread of viral gas-
troenteritis within a household, school, workplace, and the community. Ensure you wash your hands with soap and water, especially after using the bathroom, before preparing food and eating. Stomach bugs most commonly are seen in the winter and spring, so it's important to be diligent, especially this time of year. Source: Adapted from an article by Joel Streed; discussion/best-foods-to-eat-when-youhave-a-stomach-bug/
Keep reflux at bay during the holidays
Holidays are occasions when heartburn, the most common symptom of GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), can easily arise and put a damper on festivities. GERD is a chronic disease that can occur when stomach contents repeatedly flow backwards into the esophagus (food pipe). Though generally a treatable disease, serious complications can result if GERD is not treated properly. See your doctor if you have symptoms of GERD, like frequent or longstanding heartburn, difficulty swallowing, or a sour taste in the mouth among others. It's not uncommon for people to get heartburn now and then, but individuals with GERD more regularly experience heartburn. Heartburn that happens more than once a week, worsens, or continues over time may signal a more serious condition like GERD. It's important that those with GERD work with their doctors to develop a personalized treatment plan, but there are also general strategies that can help minimize symptoms.
The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD, offers up 15 suggestions for curbing your gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms this holiday season.
Here are proven tips to help reduce GERD symptoms this holiday season:
• Schedule an earlier meal. It's best not to eat late at night if you suffer from GERD. • Serve light appetizers. Fatty foods like chips, dips, and cheeses are slow to empty from the stomach and more likely to aggravate symptoms. • Stay active. Stick with your exercise routine during the holidays, as weight loss can help alleviate GERD symptoms. • Don't smoke. Nicotine weakens the muscles within your food pipe that prevent back flow (reflux) of stomach contents. • Nix the juice. Citrus fruits and juices, like grapefruit, orange, and tomato, are acidic and can worsen GERD symptoms.
• Season lightly. Spicy foods, as well as things like onions and garlic, often bother people with GERD and make heartburn worse. • Limit your drinks. Whether wine at dinner or beer during the game, alcohol can worsen reflux. • Pass on deep-frying your turkey. Fried foods are known to exacerbate GERD symptoms.
• Use smaller plates. Eating large meals can trigger symptoms, so try smaller meals spread throughout the day. • Substitute water for soda. Caffeinated and carbonated beverages are both notorious heartburn aggravators. • Watch the desserts. Chocolate might be a favorite, but it often bothers people with GERD. • Skip the after-dinner mint. Peppermint is another heartburn irritant. • Slow down. Physical exertion after a meal can lead to reflux. • Stay awake! While the turkey might make you sleepy, fight the urge take a nap. Lying down within 3 hours after eating can cause GERD symptoms to flare up. • Talk to your doctor. An accurate diagnosis is the first step to receiving the most effective treatment. For more information about the condition, visit IFFGD's dedicated website,
Why you should still test for COVID-19
Even though cases of COVID-19 have declined considerably since the start of the pandemic, it’s still important to get tested for the virus. Daniel Rhoads, MD, microbiologist with Cleveland Clinic explains why.
“Right now, we’re seeing RSV and influenzas emerging, and COVID-19 is still around,” said Dr. Rhoads. We test so we can figure out which virus is causing disease. It’s important when detecting one of these viruses to know how
it can impact patient care or decision making.” Dr. Rhoads said when it comes to testing, lab tests for COVID-19 are going to be the most reliable but notes the results can take longer. However, if you’re looking
Book Your Life Passages In
for something more affordable or convenient, he suggests buying an over-thecounter antigen test. And if you already have some athome tests sitting around, don’t forget to check the expiration date. The test won’t be as accurate if you try to
use it after it’s expired. Dr. Rhoads said in some cases, the test could give you a false-negative. “Now, if an expired test yields a positive result, it’s likely that it’s a true positive result. There’s no scientific reason why an expired test
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would falsely yield a positive result,” he said. Even though there are different strains of COVID-19 circulating, Dr. Rhoads said the tests available are still able to detect them all.
CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (all cancers) 4th Wednesday each month from 1 - 2 p.m. Beaufort Medical Plaza
989 Ribaut Road, Beaufort • Classroom 350 (3rd floor) Scan the QR code or visit for a full calendar listing (as dates may change), and to reserve your spot. For more info call Kianna Brown at 843.522.7328. Thank you to for generously sponsoring this ad. DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
Recruit Training Regiment, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, 8 December 2023 Recruit Training Regiment • Commanding Officer, Colonel C. B. McArthur 2nd Recruit Training Battalion • Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel K. R. Sile Commander of Troops, Captain S. Z. Sheikh • Parade Adjutant, Captain G. A. Hubble Company “H”, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion • Commanding Officer, Captain S. Z. Sheikh Drill Master • Staff Sergeant E. B. Owrey, Staff Sergeant I. D. Colon Dominguez PLATOON 2104
Senior Drill Instructor SSgt J. B. Winebright
Senior Drill Instructor SSgt S. J. Dotson
Senior Drill Instructor SSgt M. A. Valentine Williams
Senior Drill Instructor SSgt J. Bautista
Senior Drill Instructor SSgt M. C. Vazquez
Senior Drill Instructor SSgt J. King Jr.
Antunez, G. D.
Akerele, G. K.
Alexander, S. E.
Albino Jr, F. D.*
Allen, A. J.
Abreu, S.
Aquinovalcarcel, J. E.
Alonso, S. I.
Armstrong, N. C.
Arcuri, S. D.
Andrueswech, A. V.
Almarazgarcia, A.
Atkins, T.
Alvarezgrimaldo, L. B.
Aronow, S.J.
Attalla, Y.
Aquino, A. B.*
Alvarengavelazquez, L. J.
Auxford, A. L.
Barr, A. O.*
Batista, J. J.
Bittar, N. J.
Atreidis, F. D.
Amezquita, H. D.
Beaulieu, T. J.
Bond, A. M.
Benitezmartinez, M. O.
Bowen, A. C.
Avilacastro, B.J.
Arthur, D. A.
Begic, N. M.
Caranguilliguicota, I. A.
Bolding, M. T.
Brown, T. R.
Barrerazeas, D. M.
Arzuaga Jr, C. G.
Bell, K. D.
Carvajalangarita, L. Y.*
Book, K. M.
Chavesramos, I. N.
Bodnar, A. J.
Balbuenaaguilar, K. V.
Bradley V, F. E.
Colonrodriguez, Y. M.
Briggs, W. M.
Cheek, T. W.
Cardonoaserrano, J. J.
Bell, K.D.
Brown, D. C.
Colta, S.
Brown, K. D.
Cortes, N. I.
Casanova, J. S.
Belmontjahuey, G. B.
Byers, X. B.
Covington, T. M.
Bush, T. A.
Couture, J. O.
Castro, C. J.
Bowman, T. J.
Calixtro, J. K.
Cunningham, R. D.
Byrne, R. P.
Cuyagoharo, B. A.
Collins, J. A.*
Butler, T. J.
Castroaguirre, M. A.
Dejesuscastillo, N.
Chrzanowski, T. J.
Davis, E. N.
Colonalverado, S.
Cannova, J. N.
Chancey Jr, D. J.
Clendaniel, R. G.
Dayman, J. W.
Colonillanes, E. M.
Christ, T. J.
Dominguezreyes, A.
Church, C. M.
Coley, J. A.
Diaz, J. A.*
Cruzcaso, J.
Clover, W. V.
Clark, M. D.
Dossantos, G.
Covert, K. A.
Frierson, N. E.
Erne, A.
Coffman, J. C.
Coles, D. P.*
Dudley, R. A.*
Craven, T. Q.
Fulton, G. D.
Escribatapia, N. A.
Cook, R.
Davis, E. J.
Fernandez, M.
Dawley, M. L.
Garciacuevas, L. D.
Espinozazuniga, J. M.
Defelice, A. J.
Elbrecht, E. L.
Garciacabana, M. A.
Delgado Jr., E. F.
Garciamorales, D. H.
Fegert, C. J.
Depazmejia, O. I.
Evans, D. A.
Gills, N. G.
Englertadevedo, E. J.
Gardner, R. T.*
Fryman, K. D.
Deters, C. J.
Fierro, J. J.
Habicrivera, M. E.
Evans, M. R.
Gomes, D. O.
Gallen, W. M.
Donaldson, D. L.
Fischesser, J. L.
Harmon, K. N.
Flannery, C. P.
Guldner, Z. F.
Gaston, H. L.
Dubuque, K. J.
Fitzpatrick, G. R.
Jackson, C. A.
Foraker, D. G.
Guzman, A.
Gonzalezacevedo, Y. J.
Fields, I. M.
Fiveash, C. B.
Jappa, K. N.
Friday, J. D.
Henderson, M. M.
Gutierrez Jr., A.
Fogg, L. G.
Johnson, L. A.
Goff, T. N.
Hueca, A. R.
Harmon, P. D.
Garrison, J. P.
Flores, J. D.
Kendall, K. A.
Goodwin, C. J.
Jeffries, D. M.
Innocenzi, V P. G.
Garzonsarango, T. E.
Fonseca, M. P.
Lamour, S.
Green, J. W.
Jimenez, J.
Jackson, C. J.
Gay, T.
Lewis, P. K.
Henry, I. J.
Jordan, W. A.
Jimenez, E.
Guiracocha, B. A.
Honsberger, G. O.
Joyner, N. A.
Jones, D. S.
Hinojosa, L. E.
Horton, E. S.
Juarezmorales, U.
Kanji, K. B.
Jensen, T. P.*
Iadonisi, G. U.
Kiser, T. J.
Klein, K. B.
Jimenezavila, B. O.
Jackson, A. K.
Lal, J. S.
Lewis, J. J.
Kentner, L. K.
Forcucci, E. D.
Francis, J. B.
Fulton, D. A.*
Lunavargas, F. N.
Gascoigne II, S. M
Martinezarteaga, A.
Greenfield, W. C.
Mata, A. M.
Hanshaw, M. L.
Moreno, M. A.
Joseph, J.
Lamitie, J.
Limardocruz, E.
Khan, S. M.
Hernandezramirez, V. M.
Nonette, D. R.
Khdaidi, A.*
Lamond, M. D.
Lyons, J. G.
Lee Jr, A. C.*
Herrerarodriguez, V.
Oukfripp, K. T.
Lacouture, G. A.
Lewis, N. S.
Maglaque, C. F.
Lunanash, N.R.
Hicks, T. R.
Patrocinoaybar, C. C.
Light, I.T.
Lindor, N. N.
Maldonaoarias, R.
Marrero, E.
Ives, J. R.
Pereira, P. K.
Loja, A. S.
Luisgarcia, S.
Maravilla, J. A.
Masterson, M. J.*
Ivey, A. H.
Pereztorres, J.
Lopez, M. P.
Mandzii, V.
Martinezortiz, W. A.
Mateo III, M. E.
Jackowski Jr, J. E.
Prince, H. I.
Mackprentice, J. D.*
Mason, R. C.
Mckinney, E. R.*
Mayancelagarcia, C. A.
Johnson, M. J.
Ramos, A. M.
Mahle, A. J.
Mendozamartinez, E. M.
Mckinnon, J. L.
Medina, S. D.
King, T. J.
Riveramarin, D.
Marotta, M. J.
Mesidor, D.
Mendezcruz, A. F.
Miles, D. S.*
Kong, W. D.
Robinson, B. A.
Martinez, Z. A.
Moles, K. T.
Miles, J.A.
Moritz, J. A.
Labghaly, Y. D.
Ruggiero, S. S.*
Mathews, T. M.
Mulder, D. M.
Montanezmontalvo, E. J.
Moyapina, S. G.
Lampert, A. M.
Sotelotorres, K.
Maturo, A. W.
Napolitano, I. T.
Morrow, J. J.
Paredes Jr, G. H.
Lausier, A. J.
Uribe, A.
Mazack, Z. M.
Nicholson, K. M.
Mpunzi, E. E.*
Patrice, I. B.
Logan, A. H.
Vera, S.
Mccarty, C. M.
Pavon, M. E.
Orriabones, V. A.
Perez, A. J.*
Lowe, J. E.*
Waleed, S. M.
Mejiabaez Sr., Y. O.
Paz, C.
Perezcruz, C. R.
Phipps, J. L.
Lucas, W. J.
Walker, A. N.
Noel, C. M.
Peltier, A. G.
Perezmatos, C. R
Powers, J. L.
McCullough, S. K.
Weber, F.A.*
Orozcodiaz, E.
Perry, C. M.
Porter, J.M.
Privado, A. D.
McFate, B. A.
Palacios Jr., F.
Posey, C. J.*
Powell, S.N.
Quinones, J. M.
Young, K. G
McNiel, K. I.
Paulino, R. E.
Ramirez, J. A.
Price, C. J.
Ramirez, K. E.
Orozco, E. A.
Rauch, S. H.*
Ramosorellana, N. D.
Pruitt, J. D.
Rivera, G. R.
Owens, W. G.
Reyes, K. O.
Randant, W. L.
Rakyta, A. D.
Rosalesmaquilon, J. P.
Parker Jr, R. S.
Riddick, A. K.
Rastetter, C. J.
Rodriguezrico, J. A.*
Samulski, J. N.
Peterson, I. L.
Riverasantana, A. N.
Ribeirosilva, A. G.
Ruiz, E.
Sherrill, S. A.
Powell, B. M.
Rubio, D. A.
Rivas Jr., D. E.
Scocca, J. A.
Sierratorres, D.
Ramirez, E. G.
Salg, M. F.
Riveralopez, G. M.
Scottbrizuela, M. A.
Solares, C. E.
Riofrioroque, D. A.
Shammana, Y. I.
Robertson, I. P.*
Serranocontero, F. J.
Sueltotinjaca, E. S.
Rosso, R. T.*
Sweigart, G. P.
Roblescardoso, G.
Singleton, L. A.
Teixeira, H. G.
Sydenstricker, A. J.*
Rodriguezferreira, L. E.
Stewart, D.
Tiffertmoroney, J. P.
Santiago, V. J.
Teuchtler, I. T.
Ruiz, D. A.
Stewart III, S. L.
Tojong, T. A.
Santos, D. E.
Townsley, C. T.
Ruizdavila, A. S.
Torrestorres, F. E.
Torresortega, J. O.
Sevilla, C.
Uzhcaremache, J. K.
Saucedo, A.
Valentinedejesus, E. A.
Tweed, M. S.
Shaw, B. R.
Vernet, D.
Srithong, T.
Vega, M. B.
Uhrinek, J. T.
Shepherd, T. C.
Waters, J. S.
Swope III, S. D.
Villatorogamboa, V. M.
Vasquezdelarosa, A.
Streeter, G. J.*
Weaver, I. A.*
Thomasvenegas, J. C.
Witbeck, A. G.
Williams, G. C.
Taylor, S. L.
Whitesell, A. W.
Vieau, M. D.
Zunigaaguilar, N. A.
Williams, P. G.
Tran, S. G.
Woody, B. J.
Wells, J. C.
Zduniak, J. D.
Verne, G. S.
Williams, J. C.
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
*Denotes Meritorious Promotion
Posting security
U.S Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kellan Royce, an aviation ordnance systems technician with Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS) 36, posts security Friday, Dec. 1 during Stand-in Force Exercise 24 at Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan. SIFEX 24 is a division-level exercise involving all elements of the Marine Air-Ground Task Force focused on strengthening multi-domain awareness, maneuver, and fires across a distributed airtime environment. Royce is a native of Beaufort. Lance Cpl. Nemos Armijo/USMC
Tips on preparing for Compensation & Pension (C&P) Exams
fter writing three arformation with you to your ticles on “What vetC&P Exam: erans should know • When, where, and how about VA Claim Exams” your injury-wound-illfor The Island News on Noness-HAZMAT convember 16, 23, and 30 2023, tamination happened? I realized I should provide • What, when, how, and veterans with a summary of which military, VA, and “TIPs” that should help them LARRY DANDRIDGE private hospitals and get a positive medical opindoctors treated you? ion from the VA Examiner. • What medical diagnoTip 3 Those TIPs include: sis and symptoms do Read the information on you have? the VA web page titled VA Tip 1 • What medications (preClaim Exam (C&P Exam), Read about how to file scription and non-pre a claim for military serscription/doses and vice-connected disability at frequency) and what the following VA web pages: Tip 4 medical devices (cane, Meet with your VSO • How to file a VA Diswalker, pain patches, ability Claim at https:// and ask him or her, “What knee brace, back brace, should I do to prepare for tens unit, cervical neck my C&P Exam?” • VA Fully Developed traction device, pain Claims Program at medications, acupunc Tip 5 ture, deep massage, Ask your VSO to go over • Evidence needed hearing aids, etc.) you with you the rating levels for your disability use to help treat the for your disability because claim at https://bit. condition? Be certain different symptoms may ly/3w6YGAN. to tell the Examiner entitle you to different • Read all of the referhow much you rely enced VA sources found amounts of compensation. on assistance devices on the above web pages. Learn more at https://bit. (occasionally, often, or ly/3WQlPEm. all the time). Tip 2 • What is your current Find a VA-accredited rep- Tip 6 pain range (Level 2 Submit all of your medresentative (Veterans Serwhen sitting, Level 6 vice Officer (VSO), attorney, ical and other evidence when standing, Level 8 and read the medical and or claims agent) to explain when walking, Level 9 your VA benefits to you and other evidence in your file when lifting, etc.), mohelp you file your claim. Vet- at home that supports your bility, range of motion, erans should normally use a claim. Ask your VSO to reand ability to live a view your service-connectVSO because VSO services normal life? ed disability compensation are free, and VSOs work on • How frequently do you file for your specific claimed behalf of veterans, service have symptoms (pain, disability (condition) to members, and their depenloss of mobility, falls, ensure you have submitted dents and survivors. headaches, dizziness, Find S..C County VSOs at all of the evidence you can etc.)? muster. • How does your condiFind Georgia VSOs at tion affect your ability Tip 7 to work? Has your Prepare yourself by forYou can also search for condition made parts mulating a written summaVA-accredited representaof your job impossible ry of your disability and the tives nationwide at https:// (can no longer climb impact that disability has, and you safely up and down on your life. Write down the can search for VSOs at VA tracked vehicles and answers to the following Regional Offices at https:// turn heavy wrenches, questions and take that etc.)?
• Does your condition, disease, injury, or wound, cause work attendance problems? • Did your condition cause you to quit work or be laid off? • Has your pain and other symptoms become worse over time?
Tip 8 Before your C&P Exam, read the information on the VA webpage, Compensation (Private Medical Evidence, How to Submit Private Medical Evidence, How to Incorporate Federal Records With Your Claim, Public DBQs, and Claims Assistance) found at Tip 9 Review the appropriate VA Public Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DPQ) so you know what questions to expect from the VA Examiner and what answers you need to provide. If you are not sure which DPQ to use, ask your VSO. If you have any medical questions about the DPQ, ask your doctor. All VA DPQ Forms are available at https://bit. ly/4861vmz. Tip 10 Wear comfortable clothes so you can move freely during the exam. Plan to arrive at your C&P Exam appointment 15 minutes early or earlier. You do not want to feel rushed or become overly anxious about the exam. However, remember that if you are late, the VA may cancel the exam. Tip 11 If you need assistance devices to walk, sit, or func-
tion, wear them on exam day as you would normally. This would include hearing aids, eyeglasses, cane, leg braces, knee braces, ankle braces, back braces, neck braces, etc.
Tip 12 VA Examiners may emphasize the role of your pre-military or post-military service jobs, events, accidents, injuries, or illnesses over your in-military service wounds, injuries, illnesses, or HAZMAT contaminations. So, BE thorough when discussing your military injuries, wounds, illnesses and HAZMAT contaminations. Tip 13 If you did not report your injury, wound, illness, or HAZMAT contamination while you were on duty, be sure to tell the examiner why. For example, “I was a pilot or crew chief and I did not want to tell the flight surgeon that I had PTSD and Sleep Apnea because I was afraid the flight surgeon would ground me, my flight pay would be stopped, and my aviation career would be ended.” Read about Lay Witness Statements at https://bit. ly/3sPpxD8; https://bit. ly/3NdlOqv; and https:// Tip 14 Bring your notes to the C&P Exam and use them! Do not wait for the examiner to ask you the questions you came prepared to answer. VA and VA Contract Examiners are frequently overworked, pressed for time, and may not ask detailed questions on their
own accord. Be polite but be proactive in describing what happened to you while serving in the military. Be proactive in describing what you are experiencing now (pain, increasing pain, anxiety, depression, nightmares, loss of sleep, uncontrollable thoughts about a traumatic event, feeling hopeless about the future, difficulty maintaining close relationships, hypervigilance, easily startled, intense grief, overwhelming guilt, shame, irritability, angry outbursts, loss of job, abuse of alcohol, abuse of medication, use of illegal drugs, suicidal thoughts, loss of mobility, loss of energy, loss of range of motion, loss of touch/feeling, loss of smell, loss of hearing, loss of sight, etc.). Tip 15 Bring someone as moral support and to help you remember everything in your notes or checklist to go over with the examiner. The bottom line Consult with a VSO before filing a claim for federal or state veterans’ benefits. Larry Dandridge is a Vietnam War wounded warrior, disabled veteran, ex-Enlisted Infantryman, ex-Warrant Officer Pilot, and retired Lt. Colonel. He is a past Veterans Service Officer, a Patient Adviser at the RHJ VA Hospital, the Fisher House Charleston Good Will Ambassador, and the VP for Veteran Affairs for the local Army Association Chapter. Larry is the author of the award-winning book Blades of Thunder and a contributing freelance writer with The Island News. Contact him at LDandridge@ or 843-276-7164.
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LEGAL NOTICE Public Notice Abandoned/Derelict mobile home. The following mobile home declared to be abandoned and derelict under code 6-1-150SC is in custody of Nina Martinez-Bennett at 126 County Shed Road, Beaufort, SC 29906, 843 525-1447: 1971 Taylor Model Green/White Serial #1209. The owner and/or lienholder may reclaim this mobile home within thirty (30) days of this notice by paying the custodian all charges incurred after such abandonment. Failure of the owner and/or lienholder to exercise their right to reclaim the mobile home within the time frame provided, all rights and interests in the property are surrendered.
THEME: HAPPY HOLIDAYS ACROSS 1. Bag holder 6. P in mpg 9. Eye part 13. Dog 14. ____ Gershwin 15. *Eggnog ingredient 16. Hold the floor 17. ____ Mahal 18. Anti-elderly one 19. *Breaking news, to a caroler 21. *Coming, in Latin 23. ____'easter 24. "Begone!" 25. Parent-child divide 28. Fur-dwelling parasites 30. Lacrosse stick 35. Kiln for hops 37. Feline vibration 39. Little Richard's "____ Frutti" 40. Cream-filled treat 41. *Number of candles in kinara 43. Mountain goat terrain 44. *"Prancing and pawing of each little hoof," e.g. 46. Carpenter's joint 47. Drug-induced state 48. Make lovable 50. "Cheers" regular 52. *Max to #57 Across
53. Overwhelming defeat 55. Thailand native 57. *Dr. Seuss' spoilsport 60. *Santa chute 64. Water border 65. "What?" 67. D in LED 68. Carved 69. Stars and Stripes land 70. Astronomer ____ Hubble 71. Hitler's sidekick 72. Joaquin Phoenix' 2013 movie 73. Crows' homes DOWN 1. Dick's and Jane's dog 2. Famous Amos 3. Cormac McCarthy's "The ____" 4. Join the cast of (2 words) 5. Carbolic acid 6. Deodorant target 7. Pitcher's stat 8. Indian prince 9. More than suggest 10. Blood tunnel 11. 90 degrees, on compass 12. Invoice qty. 15. Romp around 20. Key ___ on a movie set, pl.
22. Med school grad 24. Passepartout to Phileas Fogg 25. *Popular traditional holiday entree 26. Home run hero 27. Impostor 29. Prompted 31. "That hurts!" 32. Vegas' main drag 33. Coach-and-four 34. *Number of days in Hanukkah 36. Muscle quality 38. Word processor command 42. *Like Santa's pole 45. Repaired, as in socks 49. Mythical giant bird 51. Unmarried woman, archaic 54. Affirmative interjection 56. What timidest and polyimide have in common 57. Clarified butter 58. Theater seat arrangement 59. Wraths 60. Burn to a crisp 61. "____ your chance..," contraction 62. Make changes 63. Yearnings 64. "Be quiet!" 66. Don't waste
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
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DOWNTOWN | MLS 182511 .13acre Corner Lot | Zoned TN-4 Prime Location Edward Dukes 843.812.5000 Don’t be fooled. The CCAN and the new ‘Support St. Helena’ brand only support a golf resort on Pine Island. It seems obvious CCAN and Pine Island golf course supporters are the same.
Don’t be fooled. Protect St Helena Ad paid for by St Helena residents not affiliated with a developer
Catholic? Come Home! Maybe you have been away from the Catholic Church for a little while, or for a long time. Maybe you have felt a tug at your heart, the Lord inviting you to come back. This is a wonderful time of the year to say yes to this loving invitation from God. No matter how long you have been away, you are part of our Catholic family and we have missed you! We are your brothers and sisters in Christ, and we want to help welcome you home! Despite the human brokenness of his followers, Jesus is still working through his Church today. He wants to forgive you, nourish you, and strengthen you in your journey with him. Like the loving Father in the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15), Jesus is waiting for you and can’t wait to joyfully welcome you home!
Sacrament of Reconciliation Come experience the Lord’s mercy! Special opportunities will be offered for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our main church. Even if it has been decades, the priest will help you and rejoice with you as you experience the Lord’s forgiveness and mercy. Every Saturday in December ............................ 11am – 1pm Monday, Dec 18, Advent Penance Service .... 6pm – 7:30pm (multiple priests available to hear confessions) Saturday, December 23 .................................... 11am – 1pm
Christmas Masses Christmas Eve ........................................... 4:00pm, 6:00pm Christmas Day ....... 12am (Midnight), 11am, 1pm (Español)
70 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort, SC 29907 843-522-9555 • •
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): TIMOTHY M. TERRY, JR. & RACHAEL TERRY 28423 POST OAK RUN MAGNOLIA, TX 77355 Contract Number: 10248903; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9129, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9129-G-38; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time-Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2191; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WILLIAM FREAS & RITA S. FREAS 8 KENTBURY WAY BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814 Contract Number: 1151482; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9132, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9129-G-18; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time-Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2189; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BRIAN E. FAKAN & MICHELE A. FAKAN 2590 WEYMOUTH HINCKLEY, OH 44233 Contract Number: 1526361; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9133, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9133-S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2193; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MAR-
RIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BRIAN E. FAKAN & MICHELE A. FAKAN 2590 WEYMOUTH HINCKLEY, OH 44233 Contract Number: 1526361; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9133, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9122-S-47; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2203; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): SHELBY ROBERTSON & KEVIN SMITH 24 prosperity lane Palm coast, FL 32164 Contract Number: 9105830; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9134, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9134-G-38; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2201; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the
following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD J. KALINOWSKI & CAROL D. KALINOWSKI 5300 RIVERSIDE DR., APT. 255 UPPER ARLINGTON, OH 43220 Contract Number: 2823222; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9135, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9135-G-13; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2213; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT P. LAYMAN & NANCY LAYMAN 590 ISAAC PRUGH WAY KETTERING, OH 45429 Contract Number: 3534189; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9219, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9219-G-20; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2229; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): THE CORONEOS FAMILY TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1998, WITH PAUL P. CORONEOS AS TRUSTEE AND WITH HARRIET CORONEOS AS CO-TRUSTEE 5406 SAWGRASS CT GARLAND, TX 75044-5034 Contract Number: 6743377; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9231, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9231-P-34; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South
Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2239; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): CARL R. HANSEN & MARYLOU BATSON 611 MANTUA BLVD SEWELL, NJ 08080 Contract Number: 6896893; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9239, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9239-G-35; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2249; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 1,316.75. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WALTER B. CREWS & IRIS T. CREWS 136 HAMPTON WAY MACON. GA 31220 Contract Number: 4236812; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9241, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9241-S-11; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2257; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time
before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOHN E. KELSCH, TRUSTEE OR SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, OF THE JOHN E. KELSCH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JANUARY 11, 2005 832 WALKER STONE DR CARY, NC 27513-8379 Contract Number: 11541951; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9245, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9245-G-39; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2259; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBIN M. LICATA, DAVID W. ROSSER & LINDA M. ROSSER 11700 FILLMORE DR FREDERICKSBURG ,VA 22407 Contract Number: 11528859; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9251, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9251-G-17; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 149/99; 156/2291; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subj m m m m m m m
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LEGAL NOTICES judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT V. BAKER & SHEILA L. BAKER 350 MONON BLVD APT 401 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032-2379 Contract Number: 1946861; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9411, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9411-G-40; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2317; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HOWARD G. MCNISH & CHERYL L. MCNISH, TRUSTEES OF THE HOWARD G. MCNISH AND CHERYL L. MCNISH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JUNE 11, 2009 2767 WHITESPIRE COURT FINDLAY, OH 45840 Contract Number: 8631267; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9411, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9411-S-52; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2321; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ANTONIO V. BAUTE 2313 WHITING BAY COURTS KENNESAW, GA 30152-6726 Contract Number: 4500698; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9425, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina,
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9425-P-34; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2325; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): PAUL A. MAINZER 23730 MEADOW DR NE AURORA, OREGON 97002 Contract Number: 9456645; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9512, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9512-G-36; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2347; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ARNOLD D. HILL & VIRGINIA A. HILL 8103 BAY TERRACE HARVEY CEDARS, NJ 08008 Contract Number: 8397146; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9522, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9522-G-18; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2357; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due
loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): PAUL P. TORRES 8035 NW MASTERN AVE PARKVILLE, MISSOURI 64152-4003 Contract Number: 2858879; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9525, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9525-P-34; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2361; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DONALD MORACZ & MOLLY MORACZ 32429 LEGACY POINT PARKWAY AVON LAKE, OH 44012 Contract Number: 2850034; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9537, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9537-P-27; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2371; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ASHOK D. AJGAONKAR & GITA R. AJGAONKAR 1840 TINKERS COVE RD. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911-7413 Contract Number: 3092653; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9546, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9546-S-09; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 32/2232; 156/2387; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3
of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ASHOK D. AJGAONKAR & GITA R. AJGAONKAR 1840 TINKERS COVE RD. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911-7413 Contract Number: 3092653; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9546, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9546-S-10; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2403; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RONALD J. SUCHECKI & MELINDA SUCHECKI 1237 AUTUMN OAK CIRCLE CHINA SPRING, TX 76633-2864 Contract Number: 1645966; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9639, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9639-B-03; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 151/22 ;157/729; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT L. JOHNSON & ANN JOHNSON, AS TRUSTEES OF THE JOHNSON FAMILY TRUST OF FEBRUARY 22, 2005 325 NEVIS TRAIL MT PLEASANT, SC 29464 Contract Number: 7136138; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9646, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort
County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9646-S-05; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2415; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DAVID F. KELLY, LORINE M. GETZ & KENNETH L. GETZ 1717 HOMEWOOD BLVD APT#342 DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445-6804 Contract Number: 3604820; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9647, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9647-B-50; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing M O M
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LEGAL NOTICES the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2023; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Rita G Christopher 15 PRIMROSE LEDGE ESSEX CT 06426 Contract Number: 11532795; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8821, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8821-S-47; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2043; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HAROLD R. HEISER AND MARGARET R. HEISER 742 MONTANA RD NW ATLANTA GA 30327 Contract Number: 716752; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8912, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8912-S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2051; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in
writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HAROLD R. HEISER AND MARGARET R. HEISER 742 MONTANA RD NW ATLANTA GA 30327 Contract Number: 716752; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8912, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8912-S-47; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2055; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BARBARA B GAMBRELL, unmarried 445 ZELKOVA ROAD WILLIAMSBURG VA 23185 Contract Number: 10687062; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8916, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8916-S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2057; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BRYAN H. BISSON AND MIRIAM BISSON LA PETITE MARETTELA RUE DES MARETTES
GUERNSEY GY4 6JH Contract Number: 1078339; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8936, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8936-G-39; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2075; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Julie A. Jenkins and John A. Jenkins, III 290 KINGSTOWN WAY UNIT 299 DUXBURY MA 02332-4638 Contract Number: 7999380; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8937, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8937-G-41; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2079; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ELLEN FAUVER AND RONALD SALUPO AS CO-TRUSTEES OF THE ARTICLE III MARITAL TRUST OF THE JAMES S FAUVER REVOCABLE TRUST U/A DTD 07/23/2004 FBO ELLEN FAUVER 1262 10th Street North Naples FL 34102 Contract Number: 8557276. the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8938, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further
revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8938-S-12; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2085; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ANNE.S. ROSE AS TRUSTEE OF THE ANNE S. ROSE LIVING TRUST, DATED JULY 23, 1996 126 N. HOLCOMB CLARKSTON MI 48346 Contract Number: 2652025; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8952, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8952-S-06; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2089; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): VAN R. POINDEXTER AND BONNIE M. POINDEXTER 1225 STADLER RIDGE RD WINSTON-SALEM NC 27106-5048 Contract Number: 1110533; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8917, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8917-S-05; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2059; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date
of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): NABIL A. JACOB 5095 VENTURA DR DELRAY BEACH, FL 33484-8381 Contract Number: 29579 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No .3917, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 36, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2387; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorne H O
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DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
LEGAL NOTICES 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ASHLEY M RICHARDSON 684 PERRY RIDGE RD CARDONDALE, COLORADO 81623 Contract Number: 10290066 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3923, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 31, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2391; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,640.76; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Richard R. Crow and Mary J. Crow 2488 WOODFIELD CIR LEXINGTON, KY 40515-1200 Contract Number: 3205099 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3923, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 46, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2392; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,640.76; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Robert Meade Willis 316 CHESTNUT KNOB RD BOONE, NC 28607-9315 Contract Number: 17367 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3942, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 24, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2406; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,640.76; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Bart Foreman and Phyllis Foreman 4770 UNDERWOOD LN N UNIT D MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55442-2373 Contract Number: 25110 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3947, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 37, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2410; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,678.79; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): EDWARD CASSAVELL and LOIS CASSAVELL 22190 RED LAUREL LN ESTERO, FL 33928-2975 Contract Number: 17619 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3951, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 13, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2412; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,641.22; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): John L. Battle and Mary A. Battle 1704 POPE CT WILMINGTON, NC 28405-4127 Contract Number: 23778 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3953, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 18, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2417; Total Amount Presently Delin-
quent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,640.76; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DOUGLAS R. WAAGE & RENEE MARTIN WAAGE 1478 GROVE MEADOW CT GERMAN TOWN, TN 38138 Contract Number: 5541049 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 107, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 19, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 107, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2431 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): STUART H. NECTOW & PATRICIA P. NECTOW 60 Killdeer Island Rd Webster, MA 01570 Contract Number: 117386 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 121, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 3, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 34, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 121, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2447 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default.
Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ZIMMERMAN FAMILY VACATIONS, LLC 123 W 1ST STREET, SUITE 675 CASPER, WY 82601 Contract Number: 9730213 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 209, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 4, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 209, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 116/1070 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RUTH L. HAMM, AS TRUSTEE OF THE RUTH L. HAMM TRUST UNDER DECLARATION OF TRUST DATED 7/6/95 4 SERENO LANE HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, AR 71909 Contract Number: 1822379 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 214, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 2, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 2, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 214, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2465 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WENDY LYNNE RUOCCO, LYNNE COX MOSER & TERRI LYNNE MOSER 156 E SELWOOD LANE COLUMBIA, SC 29212 Contract Number: 9213441 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 307, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas
appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 11, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 307, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2475 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD CARL SNIVELY, TRUSTEE OF RICHARD CARL SNIVELY LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 3, 2020 730 BELLEMEADE PL ALPHARETTA, GA 30004 Contract Number: 9397701 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 311, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 1, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment a M m m M w H H m m m O Ow M Ow m O m m m m M
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LEGAL NOTICES tal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 8, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 323, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2493 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MICHAEL D. WALTON & DIANE M. WALTON 5710 FOUNTAIN GROVE CIRAPT 251 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28304-2661 Contract Number: 9522281 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 420, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 3, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 21, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 420, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2515 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MATTHEW WALSH & MEGAN WALSH 409 DARTMOUTH LN WEST GROVE, PA 19390 Contract Number: 7935326 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 123, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 3, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 1, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 123, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2449 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare
estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): LYNN M. SMITH and THE GARY L. PIKE TRUST AGREEMENT DATED 2/23/00 4698 STATE ROUTE 136 GREENSBURG, PA 15601 Contract Number: 9476908 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 214, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 2, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 42, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 214, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2463 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOHN BALDUCCI 115 LINDBERGH ST MASSAPEQUA PARK, NY 11762 Contract Number: 16460 the following described property: An undivided 0.02 (TWO%) percent interest in that certain condominium unit, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Unit No. 3121, Heritage Club Horizontal Property Regime, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, said Master Deed being dated September 26, 1988, and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on September 26, 1988 in Deed Book 511 at Page 933, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Plat of Heritage Club", a section of Harbour Town, Sea Pines Plantation said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. # 11059 said plat being dated the 16th day of September, 1988, and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, in Plat Book 35 at Page 257 on September 26, 1988. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described condominium Unit as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Heritage Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 29, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time for said foregoing Unit(s) in Heritage Club Horizontal Property Regime, said Supplemental Declaration being attached as Exhibit "H" to the aforementioned Master Deed Lien Book and Page 156/2132; Total Amount Presently Delinquent $2,975.22. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Heritage Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): TED M. MORTER & BARBARA E. MORTER 2936 PARKSIDE DR JENISON, MI 49428-9144 (Obligors) Contract Number: 586541 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage inter-
est determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 16 in UNIT NO 3631, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase VIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase VIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/4; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MANUEL P. SALINAS 2336 CAMINO ESCONDIDO FULLERTON, CA 92833-1542 (Obligors) Contract Number: 2405452 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 51 in UNIT NO 3523, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase II, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase II, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2551; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DON E. HESKETT & DOROTHY M. HESKETT 12279 RIVERSIDE DR WHITE PIGEON, MI 49099 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5208 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 2 in UNIT NO 3525, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase II, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase II, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2554; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DON E. HESKETT & DOROTHY M. HESKETT 12279 RIVERSIDE DR WHITE PIGEON, MI 49099 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5208 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 3 in UNIT NO 3525, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase II, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of
Phase II, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2563 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): PAUL F. MCCUE & GRACE M. MCCUE 91 STERLING AVE DALLAS, PA 18612 (Obligors) Contract Number: 10841 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 35 in UNIT NO 3525, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase II, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase II, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2557 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DAVID W. DUNCAN & ELAINE ROSEANNE DUNCAN 20 SUSAN DR BARNEGAT, NJ 08005-7010 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3234 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 18 in UNIT NO 3545, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase IV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase IV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2572 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WILLIAM E. WOOSTER & CYNTHIA R. WOOSTER 3864 STILL MEADOW LN LEXINGTON, KY 40509-2950 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5420 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 9 in UNIT NO 3611, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase VI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase VI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2581 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq.
and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): FRED A. PASKAS & JOAN E. PASKAS 1024 W MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE MESA, AZ 85201 (Obligors) Contract Number: 766292 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 27 in UNIT NO 3621, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase VII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase VII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2590 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and m m w m m m m m m m m m m
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DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
LEGAL NOTICES and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT C. BLAZER & HELLA C. BLAZER 21 FOUR SEASONS DR NORTH CALDWELL, NJ 07006 (Obligors) Contract Number: 403119 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 20 in UNIT NO 3716, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/52 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,219.52. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): CLYDE R. BALLARD & JANIECE P. BALLARD 1511 BURLWOOD DR GREENSBORO, NC 27410-3801 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6308 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 44 in UNIT NO 3722, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/61 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): A.L. MCDANIEL & JANET ADAMS MCDANIEL 308 Larry Dr Kannapolis, NC 28083 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5627 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 27 in UNIT NO 3737, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/73 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BILL BARTHOLOMEW 29 JACKSON DRIVE STONY POINT, NY 10980 (Obligors) Contract Number: 9752278 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 52 in UNIT NO 3737, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/79 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOSEPH F. LOPEZ & LUCILLE J. LOPEZ 25 WADSWORTH LN WALLINGFORD, CT 06492-2876 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6220 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 3 in UNIT NO 3756, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/94 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,219.52. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOSEPH F. LOPEZ & LUCILLE J. LOPEZ 25 WADSWORTH LN WALLINGFORD, CT 06492-2876 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6220 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 14 in UNIT NO 3756, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/97 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,198.32. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and
trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): THOMAS M. TROJA & JAMES P. MITCHELL 107 1ST ST S APT 401 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902-5088 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7180 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 14 in UNIT NO 3811, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/103 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): GRAHAM A. BEST 2111 RESERVE DR NE ATLANTA, GA 30319 (Obligors) Contract Number: 598795 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 13 in UNIT NO 3823, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/115 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD L. CROUSE & CAROL A. CROUSE 149 ST GEORGE PL ADVANCE, NC 27006-8542 (Obligors) Contract Number: 475 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 47 in UNIT NO 3823, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/133 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure pro-
ceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOANNE H. GIESSLER 41 Roeliff Meadows Drive Copake, NY 12516 (Obligors) Contract Number: 8954917 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 26 in UNIT NO 3834, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/121 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ELENITA M. SALERO 8937 INVERRARY DR SE WARREN, OH 44484-2552 (Obligors) Contract Number: 1696518 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 12 in UNIT NO 3847, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/136 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,195.08. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): AUDREY P. PACKER 7 BROOKS BEND DR NEW HOPE, PA 18938 (Obligors) Contract Number: 2458506 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 18 in UNIT NO 3847, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/151 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel
C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD F. SCHWEIG 1000 W WASHINGTON BLVD UNIT 448 CHICAGO, IL 60607-2137 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3985072 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 37 in UNIT NO 3851, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/139 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): EDWARD A. SCHWEIG 77 HICKORY FOREST DR HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29926 (Obligors) Contract Number: 214090 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 38 in UNIT NO 3852, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/142 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Prope m M O OW H O m
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LEGAL NOTICES Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 155/2425; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): THOMAS M. ROUEN AND JANET C. ROUEN 762 REGENCY RESERVE CIR 2001 NAPLES, FL 34119(Obligors) Contract Number: 1429882 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6202 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 13, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 155/2426; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Pedro Rivera Jr. and Diana H Rivera 710 S DEXTER DR LANSING, MI 48910-4642(Obligors) Contract Number: 32139 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6231 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 9, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 156/2145; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a
personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WAYNE FRANKLIN WOOTEN II, a married man 1574 LANDS END RD ROCK HILL, SC 29732(Obligors) Contract Number: 10213661 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6302 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 15, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 156/2151; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Charles Michael Hollingsworth and Christina Mariko Hollingsworth 5515 MOUNT VERNON RD MURRAYVILLE, GA 30564(Obligors) Contract Number: 34544 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6331 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 51, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 156/2157; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): GREGORY C. SIMPSON AND JOAN C. GENS 2509 SKYBLUE CT WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110 (Obligors) Contract Number: 1797657 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5135 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch
Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5135-S-44 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/171 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RYAN L. CROCKETT AND AMANDA C. CROCKETT 51 PERCHERON LANE HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29926 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7135460 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5141 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5141-P-26 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/177 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ALETA D. HAITH 8610 FLUTTERING LEAF TRAIL UNIT 302 ODENTON, MD 21113 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7103112 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5142 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5142-B-03 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/179 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee
before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT P. LAYMAN AND NANCY LAYMAN 590 ISAAC PRUGH WAY KETTERING, OH 45429 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3534189 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5153 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5153-S-48 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/183 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT P. LAYMAN AND NANCY LAYMAN 590 ISAAC PRUGH WAY KETTERING, OH 45429 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3534189 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5153 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5153-S-51 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/185 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MEREDITH A. SCOTT 511 HOLLY AVE CAPE MAY POINT, NJ 08212 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6066855 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5314 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book
01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5314-S-08 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/195 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BRYAN H. BISSON AND MIRIAM BISSON LA PETITE MARETTELA RUE DES MARETTES GUERNSEY, GY4 6JH (Obligors) Contract Number: 1078339 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5314 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5314-P-24 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/197 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the de w m w w m Hw w m m m m m m m
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DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
LEGAL NOTICES Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5338-S-11 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/219 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JAMES J. TREAT AND Jessica Ann Treat 1350 SPRUCE PARK DRIVE #242 LAS VEGAS, NV 89135 (Obligors) Contract Number: 10508559 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5348 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5348-P-23 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/227 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RALPH C. HEMECKER AND TOZIA B. HEMECKER 459 PASSAIC AVE APT 506 WEST CALDWELL, NJ 07006-7428 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5831031 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5349 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5349-S-44 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/231 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure.
DECEMBER 7–13, 2023
However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOAN D. WILSON 3615 FREDERICA RDROOM 304 ST SIMMONS IS, GA 31522-5555 (Obligors) Contract Number: 4844485 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5147 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5417G-20 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/239 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,042.44. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Donna J. Jackson 5140 MEETING PLACE WOODBRIDGE, VA 22193 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5783582 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5424 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5424-B-03 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/245 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Roderick Jones 5950 MAYFIELD ROAD MAYFIELD HEIGHTS, OH 44124 (Obligors) Contract Number: 11582306 the following described property:
An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5426 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5426-B-02 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-251 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): LAWRENCE N. CLARK, JR AND PATRICIA M. CLARK 3013 RABBITS TAIL DR LEANDER, TX 78641-1435 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7374026 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5437 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5437-B-49 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-261 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MICHAEL E. FOLEY AND LEANNE H. FOLEY 854 DEER RUN ROAD CENTERVILLE, OH 45459 (Obligors) Contract Number: 21043 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5446 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5446-P-27 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-271 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the
date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MARCIA E. MACARTHUR AS TRUSTEE OF THE MARCIA E. MACARTHUR REVOCABLE TRUST DATED MARCH 18, 2008 1661 PINE ST APT 545 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109-0419 (Obligors) Contract Number: 8105372 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5456 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5456-P-32 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-279 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MARCIA E. MACARTHUR AS TRUSTEE OF THE MARCIA E. MACARTHUR REVOCABLE TRUST DATED MARCH 18, 2008 1661 PINE ST APT 545 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109-0419 (Obligors) Contract Number: 8105372 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5456 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5456-P-33 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-327 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,162.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JAMES S. BECKSTEIN AND JANET E. BECKSTEIN
8529 N 200 WEST MARKLE, IN 46770 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5654250 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5522 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5522-S-47 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-283 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): PAUL J. MCGLYNN AND MARIE B. MCGLYNN 1225 LONG CREEK DRIVE SOUTH OLD, NY 11971 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5151586 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5623 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal m O m m
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