7 minute read
Applying for a Specialty Adapted Housing Grant (SAH) or Special Home Adaptation Grant (SHA)
Veterans can learn more about how to apply for a SAH or SHA grant at http://bit. ly/3SGUot2 and the VA’s eBenefits website http://bit. ly/3Ik9YHC
Steps to take before starting an application
Veterans should follow these steps to prepare before starting a Specialty Adapted Housing Grant (SHA) or Special Home Adaptation (SHA) Grant application.
Step 1 Ask a VA-accredited Veterans Service Officer (VSO) or VA-accredited Attorney or VA-accredited
Claims Agent to help you understand your veterans’ benefits and apply for those benefits. VSO services are free. Veterans and their family members and caregivers need to read the important information at the VA’s ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE website https://www. benefits.va.gov/vso/
There is a Veterans Service Office in every county of SC. Go to the list of names, phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses at the SC Directory of VSOs at http://bit.ly/3qbLVSL to find your county VSO.
The VA’s Office of General Counsel also maintains a list of VA-recognized organizations and VA-accredited individuals that are authorized to assist in the preparation, presentation, and prosecution of VA benefit claims at http://bit. ly/3QnCk5M
Veterans can also find a representative of a recognized VSO, attorney, or claims agent by state/territory, by zip code, or by the VSO’s name online using eBenefits at https://bit. ly/3Ik9YHC. Veterans can also find a recognized VSO in the nearest VA Regional Benefit Office, by using the VA’s Directory of VA-recognized VSOs found at https:// www.benefits.va.gov/vso/ varo.asp
Step 2 Find out if you are eligible for an SHA Grant by reading the eligibility criteria at http://bit.ly/3I8JrNu
Step 3 Find your Social Security number and your VA File Number or Claim Number (if you have one).
A veteran’s VA File number is found on all mail sent to the veteran by the VA. The veteran’s file number is also found on the veteran’s VA benefit checks. If a veteran has never filed for any VA benefits, then the veteran will not have a VA File Number.
Step 4 Print out a copy of VA Form 26-4555, Application in Acquiring SAH or SHA Grant. Download and read about the VA Form 26-4555 at http://bit.ly/3kbXGsS. The form is available as a Pdf File and is found at https://bit.ly/3Z3pw9u
Step 5. Ask your VA Primary Care Provider and Social Worker for help. Take the time to read about the great things VA Social Workers do for veterans at http://bit. ly/3ZostBV
How to apply Veterans can apply in the following ways.
Online. Apply online on eBenefits at the HOW TO APPLY FOR A SAH and SHA GRANT Website http://bit.ly/3SGUot2
When a veteran goes to the eBenefits website, they may need to sign in with their DS Logon account to access the application. If a veteran does not have a DS Logon account, they can register for one at https://bit.ly/3I8JrNu
By mail. Fill out an Application in Acquiring a SAH or SHA Grant (VA Form 26-4555) and mail the completed application to your nearest VA Regional Loan Center. Find a VA Regional Loan Center near you at http://bit.ly/3IjV6ca
Regional Loan Centers are closed to the public. If a veteran has trouble accessing the form, they should call the VA toll-free at 800-827-1000, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time and ask to have a claim form mailed to them.
Warning. Be patient if you call the VA. The phone system and its prompts can be confusing, and frustrating, and you may have to wait a long time for a representative. A veteran will probably do better asking a VSO to help them find the nearest VA Regional Office. In person. Fill out an Application in Acquiring a SAH or SHA Grant (VA Form 26-4555). Bring the completed application to your nearest VA Regional Office. Veterans can find a VA Regional Office near them at http://bit.ly/3BpjKET. Veterans can also call the VA at 800-827-1000 and a VA representative will give the veteran the address and phone numbers for the nearest VA Regional Office and help them. Again, a veteran will probably do better asking a VSO to help them find the nearest VA Regional Office.
VA Specialty Adapted Housing staff members can help veterans
The VA has SAH and SHA staff members that a veteran can contact by email or phone for help. Veterans can email them at sahinfo.vbaco@va.gov or call them at 877-827-3702. Get more information
Learn more about the adaptation design options and other information in the VA Housing Design Handbook found at https:// bit.ly/3IF8hpB
Other helpful references can be found at:
The VA’s Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) YouTube video found at http://bit. ly/3Sms8gI
The Island News article dated July 21, 2022, titled “Veterans should know their VA Social Worker,” found at http://bit.ly/3cyKM4r
(If you live in Charleston, Berkely, or Dorchester Counties) contact Tim Taylor, the Tri-County Veterans Support Network Co-Founder and Director at tim@tcvsn. org or 843-410-3616 and download the TCVSN Directory at https://bit. ly/415vUyZ
The bottom line
Filing for SAH and SHA Grants is complicated. Appealing a VA decision denying a claim for a SAH or SHA Grant is more complicated. So, make sure you use a VSO and, if needed a VA-Accredited Attorney to help you. Also, please do not forget that every veteran enrolled in VA Health- care has a Social Worker assigned to that veteran and his or her care team. Social Workers are known for “Finding a Way.”
Even if a disabled veteran finds out he or she is not eligible for a VA SAH and SHA Grant, there are hundreds of other organizations like Veterans Service Organizations (VFW, Disabled American Veterans, American Legion, Vietnam Veterans of America, AMVETs, Paralyzed Veterans of America, etc.), Knights of Columbus Councils, Rotary Clubs, Exchange Clubs, and others who may be able to help get a home modified to help a veteran.
Larry Dandridge is a Vietnam War wounded warrior, disabled veteran, ex-Enlisted Infantryman, ex-Warrant Officer Pilot, and retired Lt. Colonel. He is a past Veterans Service Officer, a Patient Adviser at the RHJ VA Hospital, the Fisher House Charleston Good Will Ambassador, and the VP for Veteran Affairs for the local Army Association Chapter. Larry is the author of the award-winning book Blades of Thunder and a contributing freelance writer with The Island News. Contact him at LDandridge@earthlink.net or 843-276-7164.

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