4 minute read
from June 15 edition
June 15
Jeff & Margaret Evans
Elizabeth Harding Newberry Kim Harding
Editor-in-Chief Mike McCombs theislandnews@ gmail.com
Art Director Hope Falls ads.theislandnews@ gmail.com
Assistant Editor Delayna Earley delayna. theislandnews@ gmail.com
Sports Editor Justin Jarrett LowcoSports@ gmail.com he worked until separation in 2013. He then worked at Beaufort Memorial Hospital before using the GI-Bill at TCL and Park University (aboard MCAS Beaufort) to complete a BS degree in Information Technology. Since 2018 he has worked with the Marine Corps Community Services at Parris Island, MCAS Beaufort and Laurel Bay as a civil service IT specialist. For 10 years, he’s been a member of the Sons of Beaufort Masonic Lodge and is now in its top position as Worshipful Master.
– Compiled by John Chubb, American Legion Post 9. For Veteran Of The Week nominations, contact jechubb1@gmail.com
Winning the battle, losing the war
Our home is located in Dulamo subdivision, which borders Pine Island/St. Helenaville. We have lived here for 33 years. As past president of our HOA for nearly 20 years, Dulamo and Pine Island have had a great relationship. We’d like to see that relationship continue.
Dulamo residents will be the ones who are impacted the most with the proposed development.
One fact is crystal clear, that the Coastal Conservation League and uninformed Beaufort County citizens may not realize that the owner and developer WILL build. To that end, it seems logical that we’d prefer 65 homes and a golf course built rather than 166 homes built.
The Coastal Conservation League and vocal opponents to the development would have won the battle but lost the war.
– Scott and Dawn Shipsey, Dulamo – St. Helena Island
Trash pickup and recycling that is normally scheduled for Mondays will not be interrupted. The City of Beaufort wishes its residents, businesses, and visitors a very happy holiday weekend.
LWV hosting Medicaid help sessions
League of Women Voters Beaufort volunteers are hosting drop-in Medicaid help sessions from 2 to 4 p.m., on Wednesdays, June 21 and June 28 at St. Helena Branch Library at 6355 Jonathan Francis Senior Road, St. Helena Island.
Assistance is available with the Medicaid renewal and enrollment process. Help is free with no appointment necessary. Information
1943: Naval Air Station Beaufort is commissioned for advanced training operations of anti-submarine patrols during World War II.
1976: Joe Frazier loses to George Foreman by TKO in an NABF heavyweight title fight in Hempstead, New York. It would be Frazier’s last fight for more than 5 years.
June 18
2020: Col. Karl R. Arborgast takes command of MCAS Beaufort from Col. Timothy P. Miller.
Pal Pets Of The Week
Cat of the Week: Karambit arrived at our adoption center with her two young kittens, all in a dire state. They were covered in fleas, emaciated, and losing hope. Since that first day, she has shown our staff that she is a fighter. She is an incredible mother and has become a surrogate mom to many more kittens. Karambit is 7 years old, spayed, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
June 19 is available on the end of automatic renewals (Medicaid unwinding) and on Medicaid expansion efforts in the state. St. Helena Branch Library.
Malkin featured speaker at June Indivisible Beaufort meeting
Josh Malkin, Legal Fellow and Legislative Advocate at the ACLU, will be the featured speaker when Indivisible Beaufort holds its June meeting at 11 a.m., Saturday, June 24 at the Downtown Beaufort Library at 311 Scott Street. The meeting is free and open to the public.
– Compiled from staff reports
2020: Brig. Gen. Julie Nethercot takes command of MCRD Parris Island from Maj. Gen. James Glynn.
June 21
2020: About 400 people turn out for a silent March For Justice beginning and ending at the Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park and organized by retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Harold “Mitch” Mitchell.” The event was meant to call attention to recent killings of black citizens across the nation, including George Floyd by the police in Minneapolis.
– Compiled by Mike McCombs
Advertising Sales Director Amanda Hanna 843-343-8483 amanda@ lcweekly.com
Accounting April Ackerman april@ aandbbookkeeping. com
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Dog of the Week: Yoshi is a goofy ball of energy! He loves to spend his time outdoors and playing with friends. He is a very smart dog who would make a great sidekick to any family. He is friendly with other dogs and cats. Yoshi is 8 months old, neutered, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
If you are interested in adopting Karambit, Yoshi or any of our other pets, call our adoption center at 843-645-1725 or email us at info@ palmettoanimalleague. org to set up an appointment.
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