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Howard hosting transportation meeting
from June 15 edition
From staff reports
Council Member Alice Howard will host a community meeting for the residents of Shell Point on Thursday, June 15, at 6 p.m., at Shell Point Baptist Church, 871 Parris Island Gateway.
This meeting will focus on transportation improvements in the area and will provide an open forum for residents to express their concerns, share ideas, and actively participate in the decision-making process regarding transportation enhancements within the Shell Point community.
Public Information Officer Deputy Chief Stephenie Price said police couldn’t say at this time who the gun involved in the incident belonged to.
from page A1 farewell to 4th Battalion in a deactivation ceremony that concludes her glorious tenure, closing the final chapter of integrating recruit training. We are forever grateful to the Drill Instructors, staff, and legions of Marines who so proudly call 4th Battalion home.”
The Visitor’s Gate to the base will open at 7 a.m. and all vehicles will be subject to inspection. Marines and signage will direct all visitors to the Peatross Parade Field upon entry to the base.
The ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. and should last approximately one hour.
Following the conclusion of the ceremony, transportation from Peatross Parade Field will be provided for all guests who would like to tour 4th Recruit Training Battalion.
Alice Howard
Representatives from Beaufort County Engineering will be present to listen to community members and gather valuable input. The meeting will cover various aspects of transportation improvements, such as road enhancements, pedestrian safety measures, and any other topics of concern raised by the community. The insights gained from this meeting will aid Beaufort County Engineering in formulating a comprehensive transportation plan tailored to the needs of the Shell Point community. This gathering presents a unique opportunity for Shell Point residents to engage directly with local officials and professionals involved in transportation planning and development. It is an occasion to voice opinions, discuss existing challenges, and propose innovative solutions that can contribute to the overall improvement of transportation infrastructure in the area.
For more information please email Council Member Howard at ahoward@bcgov.net, or call her at 843-986-7403.
For information contact Amanda Hanna 843-343-8483 or Amanda@LCWeekly.com
From 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., guests will have the opportunity to tour the barracks, participate in/observe a drill competition, and fellowship with current/former 4th Recruit Training Battalion staff.
For more information about this event, please contact Sgt. Kathryn Karamitros at 4thBN_DeactivationCeremony@usmc.mil or 843-228-2916.