Health, Wellness &Beauty a blank slate media/ litmor publications special section june 29, 2018
46 HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY • Blank Slate Media Newspapers, Friday, June 29, 2018
Kate Spade suicide not a rare case BY TOM F E R R A RO Sport Psychologist Kate Spade was a wildly successful 55-year-old fashion designer and her suicide came as a shock to the world. How could someone who has achieved such fame, wealth and recognition be in such anxious despair that she felt compelled to take her own life? Unfortunately, suicide is by no means a rare thing. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. Women attempt suicide about two to four times as frequently as men and suicidal thoughts are more common in women. The more famous cases of depression leading to suicide include Marilyn Monroe, age 36, Virginia Woolf, age 61, Sylvia Plath, age 30 and Diane Arbus, age 48. Why do women get depressed enough to want to die at midlife? An explanation of depression at midlife is nicely explained in Italian masterpiece “The Divine Comedy” written in 1320 by Dante Alighieri. It is about a man who is at midlife crisis. He cannot find his way forward gets lost in the woods and falls into deep despair.
In Dante’s tale he wants to find his way out of his depression. And it takes the arrival of the poet Virgil to save him. Virgil tells Dante he must first go through hell before he can free himself from his depression. “The Divine Comedy,” written nearly 700 years ago, is the first book ever written about man’s unconscious. The simple message in “The Divine Comedy” is that you will need a guide in order to take your through the hell you are presently in denial of. And the tragedy is that without a guide people sometimes opt for suicide. In the case of Kate Spade, Virginia Woolf, Diane Arbus and many others they were not able to find an able guide with which could lead them out of the darkness and into happiness. Suicide may be the worst form of self-destructive behavior but other forms of depressive self-destruction also exist and include drinking, drugs use, smoking, overeating, neglect of health, self-mutilation, asceticism, martyrdom, breaking norms, accident proneness, frigidity, gambling, stress-seeking behavior and undergoing multiple operations.
Suicide is a multi-determined process and often will include incredibly misplaced guilt, an unrelenting anxiety about the future, social withdrawal and hopelessness. Major depression will often include loss of appetite, agitated depression in the morning, shame, anhedonia and an imbalance between the life instincts and death instincts. The award-winning film which explored depression in women was “The Hours” directed by Stephen Daldry and starring Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore and Nicole Kidman. This Academy Award-winning film was based upon the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Michael Cunningham. It contained three separate plots all about suicide and depression at midlife. The book and the film are based upon the Virginia Woolf classic “Mrs. Dalloway.” Many ask why at depression hits at midlife. The answer is that midlife presents you with a series of subtle losses, the worst of which is the growing awareness that one may not achieve the idealized success one had hoped to achieve.
Very ambitious people will then become vulnerable to experiencing major depression when this occurs. Some very successful people become exhausted by their own success and opt out of life. Some have such extreme guilt over minor infractions that they wind up killing themselves as punishment. They are the jury, judge and executioner. I interviewed Alyson Taylor Schwartz, the powerhouse and prime mover at Fusion Academy in Woodbury and she remarked that women may be especially susceptible to depression because the culture expects them to be excellent mothers, good wives, perfect homemakers and career women as well and all that’s an impossible task to fulfill. I was reminded of the famous line that Cosmo editor Hellen Gurley Brown once said back in the early ’70s. She is remembered mostly for the quote that “women can have it all.” She meant that women have the right to a career, a family and a good sex life but sadly enough this was quickly interpreted as not only a right but as a required goal. Needless to say ‘having it all’ is
not quite as easy as it looks. The result of this cultural mandate is that women will often feel like they are failing in their life and this can precipitate not only disappointment at midlife but depression. Kate Spade was an example of a woman who ‘had it all’ but having it all seems to have exhausted her, disappointed her and in the end even may have killed her. We live in a world where images of perfection are all around us. Madonna always looks good. Lady Gaga makes a fortune. Hellen Gurley Brown ran Cosmo and had it all. But these images are incredibly misleading and potentially damaging because it subtly suggests that you too can have it all. All you have to do is to work a little bit harder and voila, here comes happiness. Kate Spade’s life and death tell us very clearly that what appears to be a perfect life may in fact simply be crossing the Acheron river and entering the first circle of hell. So be careful what you pray for and if you do decide to take that journey make sure you bring along Virgil to keep you company and to get you safely out the other side.
HEALTHY FEET FOR SUMMER FUN What are your plans this summer? Are you going to the beach, swimming in the pool, hiking, traveling? Whatever those plans may be, don’t allow warts or fungal nails to ruin your fun! Know the warning signs of warts and fungus to prevent any serious foot problems. If you have dry, cracking or flaking skin, yellowing, white powdery, brittle and thick nails, or painful bumps on your heel or toes – you may be experiencing the symptoms of warts, or fungal nails. Warts begin as black dots or calluses. Toenail fungus is a serious condition that manifests itself with a variety of unpleasant symptoms. These include discoloration of nails and foot odor. It can even lead to severe pain and discomfort. Nail Fungus starts as skin discoloration and separation of the nail. While warts are caused by viruses, nail fungus is caused by bacteria that spreads through water. Warts and nail fungus can be spread at the gym, wet concrete around pools, and beach stations where you wash your feet. The best way to protect yourself is knowing how to prevent these misfortunes from occurring. Protect your feet by wearing shoes, sandals or flip flops at all times. Also don’t forget to put sunscreen on your feet too! The skin on your feet is vulnerable to sunburn and skin cancer, too. If you are one of the tens of thousands of Long Islanders suffering from the pain and soreness associated with toenail fungus or warts, call Dr. Mary Carlson. She and her friendly staff offer personalized care with state-of-the art technology. Dr. Mary Carlson has dedicated her entire career to providing patients with a superior in-office experience, state-of-the-art pain-free procedures, and most importantly, proven results. Dr. Carlson has old fashioned values- she even
does house calls! Fire Department, Police Department, Emergency Workers, and E.M.T’s receive V.I.P. treatment with no waiting time. We accept Medicare and offer VIP treatment to NYSHIP Members. Meet Dr. Mary Carlson Dr. Mary Carlson is a graduate of the New York College of Podiatric Medicine and has spent her entire career providing superior care to each and every one of her patients. She does this by creating an office environment that fosters warmth and compassion, treating every patient with the respect and dignity that they deserve. With state-ofthe-art laser technology and imaging devices located on-site, she is able to diagnose and treat most conditions right in the comfort of her own office. If you would like to schedule an appointment or find out more information on the services Dr. Mary Carlson offers, please contact her office at 516-248-8188. Community Awareness Dr. Mary Carlson’s passion and commitment to serve extends far beyond her the workshe performs in her office. As founder and president of “Shoes for All,” a non-profit organization that collects and distributes new and gently used shoes to families in need, she has helped men, woman, and children all across Long Island obtain one of the most basic necessities that many of us take for granted. Everybody can help make a difference by donating shoes that they no longer wear. Monetary donations are greatly needed to provide poverty level children with back to school shoes so they can start the new school year off on the right foot. It’s that simple! Please check out or call 516-506-SHOES to donate. All donations are greatly appreciated!
Blank Slate Media Newspapers, Friday, June 29, 2018 • HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY
Mercy Medical Center’s Pain Management Service treats a variety of patients suffering from issues such as back and neck pain, soft tissue pain, neuropathic pain and cancer pain. We utilize pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic methods to address acute and chronic causes of pain. The goal of Mercy’s Pain To ensure you the best care possible, we employ a multidisciplinary approach. Depending upon the diagnosis, this may include using invasive or noninvasive Management Service is techniques and could include nerve and epidural blocks. In addition, our to offer you the greatest highly skilled professionals can perform or recommend cryosurgery, radiofrequency, and in some cases, implantable devices. Physical relief possible. reconditioning is also an essential part of our treatment plan. The department works closely with Mercy’s well-known inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation units. Because we develop an individualized program for each patient, an initial assessment is generally recommended. Beyond providing specialty medical care, the pain team also acts as a patient advocate. The Pain Management Service works closely with other Mercy Medical Center departments such as neurosurgery, orthopedics, and oncology. Our professional staff can navigate you to the services you need, helping to coordinate care with other medical specialists at Mercy. The goal of Mercy’s Pain Management Service is to offer you the greatest relief possible.
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48 HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY • Blank Slate Media Newspapers, Friday, June 29, 2018 ADVERTORIAL
Microblading - 24/7 Eyebrows of your dreams! Read any fashion magazine today and you’ve probably heard about microblading, the new semi-permanent esthetic treatment for enhancing eyebrows. When you've tried every pencil, powder, pigment, gel, and stencil at your favorite cosmetic counter and your brows are still thin or not shaped as you wish, microblading is a semi-permanent solution to thin brows. This treatment promises to change your brow life! It doesn't matter if you like
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Blank Slate Media Newspapers, Friday, June 29, 2018 • HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY
50 HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY • Blank Slate Media Newspapers, Friday, June 29, 2018
ACUPUNCTURE Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. Dazhi Chen, Ph.D N.Y.S. Lic. Acupuncturist. NCCAOM Chinese Herbology Credentialed Acupuncturist North Shore Hospital
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Blank Slate Media Newspapers, Friday, June 29, 2018 • HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY
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52 HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY • Blank Slate Media Newspapers, Friday, June 29, 2018 ADVERTORIAL
Four Simple Ways to Reduce Arthritic Pain Do you suffer with the 54 million Americans who have Arthritis? You’re not alone. Specialized Peak Performance Physical Therapists UHFRPPHQG WKHVH IRXU VLPSOH ZD\V WR UHGXFH MRLQW LQÀDPPDWLRQ SDLQ DQG DUWKULWLF GLVFRPIRUW Read more below: 1. Aquatic Therapy Water works wonders on your joints! The buoyancy of water decreases joint pressure– allowing you to move with ease and gain strength in the affected joints. During aquatic therapy sessions, a specialized therapist will work with you individually and guide to towards recovery.
3. Strength & Mobility Sessions How strong are your joints? Strength and mobility sessions are LQFUHGLEO\ EHQH¿FLDO IRU DUWKULWLF SDWLHQWV This combination of orthopedic focused SK\VLFDO WKHUDS\ DQG ¿WQHVV WUDLQLQJ LV JUHDW for more active individuals who want to UHWXUQ WR WKHLU W\SLFDO ¿WQHVV UHJLPHQ
4. Low Impact Exercise Exercise is great for arthritis! Introducing a low impact exercise regimen can actually help improve your arthritis symptoms and relieve joint pain. Exercises like swimming, yoga, and cycling all SURYLGH IXO¿OOLQJ ZRUNRXWV ZKLOH NHHSLQJ pressure off of the affected joints.
Visit our site for more information about arthritis treatments and our other major programs at Peak Performance Physical Therapy:
2. Prehabilitation (prehab) What is prehabilitation? Prehab is therapy before undergoing a total joint replacement surgery. Studies show 30% of patients who go to physical therapy sessions before surgery see better outcomes than those who don’t.
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