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House Speaker Murrell Smith gets results

It is an honor to be recognized by our community in the Best of Sumter 2023 publication.

As your state representative in District 67, I have experienced the highs and lows of being an elected official. But never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be chosen by my fellow House members for what many believe is the most influential position in state government, Speaker of the House of Representatives.


It is the honor of a lifetime and could not have been achieved without the support and backing of the great people of Sumter County. For more than 20 years, the residents of our community have given me the privilege of representing them on issues that impact our collective future. My family and I cannot thank you enough.

So how did this happen? How did a small-town, local attorney become Speaker of the House of Representatives?

The answer is simple: faith, family and friends.

With an unwavering commitment to my faith and the support of my amazing family and friends, I have been able to navigate the tricky politics and problems that accompany elected office. I try to make good, common-sense decisions that always put Sumter County and the state of South Carolina first. As Speaker, it is my pledge that I will continue to operate in that same manner.

Among many other things, thus far this year in the House, we have cracked down on drug traffickers to reduce preventable Fentanyl-related deaths by increasing penalties for anyone who sells Fentanyl in our community. I have also focused on adoption reform to remove barriers for parents who want to provide loving homes to children who need them.

Last year, a bill I authored also led to the largest tax cut in state history. Stewardship of our state funds is a top focus of mine as House Speaker, and I believe you should keep more of what you earn.

For quite some time, I have worked with others to recruit Scout Motors to our state. In March, Scout announced it would be building a large vehicle manufacturing plant in the Midlands, a multi-billion-dollar investment and one of the largest ever in our state. This monumental deal will provide thousands of jobs and create tremendous, long-term opportunity for new small business here in Sumter to open their doors and provide supplies and materials Scout will need to manufacture its electric vehicles. These good-paying jobs will provide stability for families for decades to come, and I am pleased to see this project get off the ground.

As an attorney at the Smith Robinson Law Firm, I am also keenly aware of how important it is to have the support of one’s co-workers. For that reason, I am profoundly grateful to my fellow attorneys, staff and friends at the law firm for allowing me the time to do my “other” job.

Most importantly, words cannot express the appreciation I have for my wife, Macaulay, and our children, Bee and Murrell III. They are unwavering in their support, and their love is absolutely unconditional.

Thank you again for the honor of serving you.

Rep. Murrell Smith

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