Food Stamp Challenge Participant Handbook

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Americans receive food stamp benefits

47% of food stamp benefits go to children




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1.50 per meal


31.50 per we e k


average food stamp benefit

16.2 million children in the United States struggle with hunger


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Table of Contents

What is the Food Stamp Challenge?.................................................3

Taking the Food Stamp Challenge.................................................... 4

How to Register................................................................................. 5

Multiplying Your Impact.................................................................... 6 Supporting Anti-Poverty Advocacy, Programming, and Direct Service................................................ 6 Ask your Member of Congress and Local Public Officials to Take the Food Stamp Challenge.......... 9

Where Your Money Goes................................................................. 11

Food Stamp Challenge FAQ............................................................ 13

SNAP/Food Stamps FAQ................................................................15

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Thank you for joining so many others across the country who are concerned about the crisis of hunger that plagues millions in America. Since the Fall 2011 mobilization over 1,000 individuals have taken the Food Stamp Challenge, committing to live on the food budget of the average food stamp recipient – just $31.50 for the week, a scant $1.50 per meal. Your commitment to taking the Food Stamp Challenge couldn’t come at a more critical time. In the midst of economic turmoil and threats of severe cuts to government programs to address our nation’s debt and deficit, hunger in America has reached historic levels with no relief in sight. Recent studies highlight this disturbing trend: between 2007 and 2010, the number of food insecure households increased more than 33%; nearly one in four U.S. households with children reported an inability to afford enough food. And the U.S. Census Bureau reported that the U.S. poverty rate rose to 15.1% in 2010, with one out of every six Americans, or 46.2 million, living in poverty last year. Not surprisingly, enrollment in federal food and nutrition programs is dramatically on the rise. In April 2012, SNAP/food stamp participation rose to a record level of more than 46.2 million Americans – an increase of more than 1.5 million people compared with one year before. Yet even as the number of Americans enduring the gnawing pain of hunger increases, proven federal hunger relief programs such as SNAP are being targeted for significant cuts and potential restructuring that would irreparably limit the government’s ability to bring relief to millions of Americans suffering from hunger. Yet sadly, there is a deafening silence when it comes to protecting programs that serve the poor, the hungry, and the downtrodden. This situation is simply unacceptable. As Jews, and as Americans, we are guided by a moral vision of how we must treat the most vulnerable members of our society. We cannot stand idly by. As the prophet Isaiah says, “If you offer your compassion to the hungry and satisfy your famished neighbor, then your light will shine in darkness.” (58:10) We encourage you to multiply the impact of the Food Stamp Challenge by asking your family and friends to support direct anti-hunger services and advocacy. Contributions in increments of $31.50 (the average weekly food stamp benefit) will allow those in your network to help you reach your

fundraising goal and support the JCPA’s vital anti-poverty efforts. This handbook and the Food Stamp Challenge website will make it easy for you to participate in this meaningful anti-poverty activism and enhance fundraising efforts. Your engagement makes a difference. We are excited that you will join us in this special opportunity to be part of a personal and transformational experience that makes a resounding statement about our collective commitment to confront poverty. Thank you in advance for your support and involvement. Sincerely, Cantor Shannon McGrady Bane Representing American Conference of Cantors Cantor Jack Chomsky Representing the Cantors Assembly Rabbi Leonard Gordon Representing Jewish Council for Public Affairs/ United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Rabbi Steve Gutow President, Jewish Council for Public Affairs Rabbi Jay Korsngold Representing The Rabbinical Assembly Rabbi Harold Kravitz Representing MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger Rabbi Susan Talve Representing the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Shawn Zevit Representing the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association

What is the Food Stamp Challenge? The Food Stamp Challenge is a commitment to live on the food budget of the average food stamp recipient for 1 week. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for administering the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps), the nationwide average monthly benefit in FY 2010 was $133.79, which breaks down to approximately:

$31.50 a week $4.50 a day $1.50 a meal Rabbis from all four denominations and community members across the country are taking the Food Stamp Challenge to help them better understand the impact of the SNAP program on a personal level and to highlight the continued need for and importance of programs to alleviate hunger in the United States. SNAP currently helps more than 46 million low-income people purchase food for their families – that’s 1 in 7 Americans. The program is designed as a safety net to help ensure that people have access to food during difficult times, with the majority of people leaving the program within nine months. Half of food stamp recipients are children; eight percent are over 60 years of age. Recently, SNAP and other federal food assistance programs have faced the possibility of restructuring and significant funding cuts that would result in fewer people receiving this vital assistance. Now is the time to say “enough.” Even in these difficult economic times, no one in the United States should go hungry. We must ensure that SNAP and other programs that alleviate hunger are protected in the federal budget and appropriations process, and Agriculture Committee legislation such as the Farm Bill.


Taking the Food Stamp Challenge In taking the Food Stamp Challenge, you will personally experience the challenges of hunger in the United States – challenges that the 1 in 7 Americans who use food stamps, including nearly one quarter of all American children, face daily. This is a time for education and understanding; a time to say “enough.” When you take the Food Stamp Challenge, you will join thousands of others across the country, including religious leaders, elected officials, celebrities, and other concerned community activists, to build the public and political will to end hunger in the United States.

Participation Guidelines: 1. Each person should only spend a total of $31.50 on food and

beverages during the week.

2. All food purchased and eaten during the Challenge week, includ-

ing fast food and dining out, must be included in the total spending.

3. During the Challenge, only eat food that you purchase for the

project. Do not eat food that you already own (this does not include spices and condiments).

4. Avoid accepting free food from friends, family, or at work, including at meetings or social events.

5. Keep track of receipts on food spending and take note of your experiences throughout the week.

Please Note:

You may find it difficult to complete the Challenge due to schedule, dietary restrictions, or health considerations. We still encourage you to register to participate and to complete as much or as little of the Food Stamp Challenge as you are able.


How to Register


Register to participate in the Food Stamp Challenge online at When you register, you’ll sign the pledge below to participate in the Food Stamp Challenge.

I, ___________________,


pledge to participate in the Food Stamp Challenge and will live on an average food stamp budget for one week.

The registration page will prompt you to fill in your name and contact information, set a goal for your personal fundraising efforts, and create your personalized Food Stamp Challenge fundraising webpage. You will also receive up-to-date information about the Food Stamp Challenge, SNAP, and further opportunities to make a difference fighting hunger in America.


The website will allow you to share your personal Food Stamp Challenge website with your friends, family, and colleagues. Please personalize the sample note and enter contact information for those in your network. It’s just that easy to get started.


Multiplying Your Impact In addition to registering to take the Food Stamp Challenge, the website offers additional ways to multiply your impact. You can encourage your friends and family to join you in taking the Challenge, raise funds from your network to support MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger and the JCPA’s Confronting Poverty campaign, and add your voice to advocacy efforts to protect funding for SNAP. All of these options are available at

Supporting Anti-Poverty Advocacy, Programming, and Direct Service To multiply your impact, we encourage you to raise money to help us make hunger and poverty alleviation a key priority, both in government and within the organized Jewish community. The money you raise will support the JCPA’s coordinated anti-poverty advocacy efforts, innovative programs and mobilizations (like this one!), creative resources and tools for community engagement. Funds raised will benefit the anti-hunger efforts of the JCPA and the denominations in the United States and Israel. When you reach out to your network – congregants, family, friends, colleagues, and other contacts – for their financial support, you are enabling them to join you in taking action to overcome hunger. Your personal page will serve as a portal to raise funds for anti-poverty assistance, education, advocacy and programming. Think of this like a bike ride or walk for a cause. You are taking an important action and asking others to support that effort. This section is designed to assist you in your fundraising efforts around the Food Stamp Challenge. Don’t panic – fundraising is easier than you might think. The key is asking people with whom you are comfortable. If you don’t ask, you won’t receive. Many people care deeply about the unacceptable numbers of Americans living in poverty and will want to support an effort that addresses this problem. Those you reach out to will also want to support you in achieving your personal fundraising goal as part of the Food Stamp Challenge. Think of your outreach to people close to you as giving them the opportunity to support you and support a cause about which they care – you are just letting them know about an exciting opportunity to show their support.



million Americans receive food stamp benefits





Fundraising Checklist Family □ Immediate and Extended Family Religious □ Members of Your Synagogue □ Chavurah Groups □ Rabbi/Other Clergy Friends □ Alumni Groups □ Sports Clubs/Teams □ Hobby/Interest Groups □ Social Networks □ Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn □ Children’s Groups/Carpool Business □ Employer □ Colleagues □ Customers or Clients □ Partners or Affiliates □ Professional Associations □ Board Members Professionals With Whom You Work □ Lawyer □ Accountant and Bookkeeper □ Insurance Agent □ Real Estate Broker/Agent □ Banker □ Doctors □ Coaches or Consultants

Setting your Fundraising Goal

We encourage you to set a personal fundraising goal in a multiple of the average weekly individual food stamp benefit ($31.50). Please consider one of the following goals:

Subject Line

I’m Taking the Food Stamp Challenge – Will You Support Me? Dear friends and family,


I just signed up to take the Food Stamp Challenge with the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger.


For one week I will live on the average food stamp allotment of $31.50, or just $1.50 per meal. It won’t be easy, but personally experiencing the challenge of daily hunger will help me better understand the struggles too many Americans face daily. Will you support my participation in this challenge?

(One month for an individual) (One month for a family of four)


(One year for an individual)


(One year for a family of four)

You can request your friends, family, and colleagues to support your Food Stamp Challenge through the website. Please visit and click the Tell-A-Friend link! You will then be able to send an email such as the one below that you can personalize even more.

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Students □ Clubs, Teams □ Events □ Teachers/Advisors/ Administration □ Hillel/Other Campus Groups 7

Please show your support for my action by making a donation to support the advocacy and direct service in an increment of the weekly average food stamp benefit ($31.50). Would you consider a contribution of $126 (the average food stamp benefit for an individual for one month)? Your support will help me achieve my fundraising goal of _______ and will send a strong message about our shared commitment to ending hunger and poverty in the United States. Your donation is fully tax deductible. I am grateful for your support. If you are interested in taking the Food Stamp Challenge with me, go to to learn more and sign up. Thank you for supporting my commitment to ending hunger and poverty in the United States. Together, we can make a difference. Thanks for joining me in this important effort! – Your name here

Opening: Quickly tell your supporters what this email is about. The Cause: Describe the cause in whatever amount of detail you feel comfortable with. Ask for Money: Don’t be shy – ask for support. Method: Make it easy for your supporters and tell them exactly how they should make the donation. Your Goal: Tell how you hope to achieve your goal. Tax Deduction: Mention that their donation is taxdeductible. Sign Off: Indicate your affiliation (so they remember who you are if you are writing to business contacts) and provide a means for them to contact you directly.


Ask your Member of Congress and Local Public Officials to Take the Food Stamp Challenge Ask your Members of Congress to take the Food Stamp Challenge with you! When you commit to taking the Challenge, send invitation letters to your Members of Congress and other local elected officials to describe the Food Stamp Challenge, explain why you are taking it, and invite them to take the Challenge along with you. Inviting local public officials to join you will raise the profile of your Food Stamp Challenge and put pressure on Members of Congress to learn more about federal feeding programs and hunger in the United States. When asking Members of Congress to take the Food Stamp Challenge, we have found it more effective to focus on the Food Stamp Challenge as an educational tool, rather than advocacy opportunity. Hunger exists in every Congressional district, and it is important that Members of Congress understand the needs and challenges of their constituents. However, not all Members of Congress will use this knowledge in the same way, and we want to ensure that no Member opts out of the Food Stamp Challenge because of discomfort with the request to protect SNAP (food stamps) and other feeding programs from budget cuts or structural changes.


I’m Taking the Food Stamp Challenge – Will You Join Me? Dear Senator/Representative ___, Scripture reminds us that often, “The poor person’s wisdom is despised and words are not heard” (Ecclesiastes 9:16). Although there are more than 46 million Americans living below the poverty line and millions more hovering just above it, we too often close our eyes and ears to their plight and do not hear the call for justice. As part of a national Jewish effort involving American Conference of Cantors, The Cantor’s Assembly, The Jewish Council for Public Affairs, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, The Rabbinical Assembly, The Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, The Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, and The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, I will be taking the “Food Stamp Challenge” from _____ through _____(dates), living on the national average food stamp benefit of just $1.50 per meal per day ($31.50 per week). Nearly 45 million Americans, over half of them children, depend on this program for basic nutritional sustenance.

of americans now live below the poverty line

oneinsix american households are struggling against hunger

I invite you to join me in this effort to learn about and highlight the continued challenge of hunger in the United States.



We are called to “Defend the poor and the orphan; deal justly with the poor and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy” (Psalm 82:3-4). Over 1,000 community members, including Members of Congress have already taken this important Challenge. Please join me in heeding this call and taking the Food Stamp Challenge. If you have any questions, or would like to commit to joining me in taking the challenge, please contact Robin Rosenbaum, Poverty Campaign Coordinator at the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (, 202-212-6037). Sincerely,




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per meal

31.50 per week


average food stamp benefit


Where Your Money Goes Funds Raised through the Food Stamp Challenge Will Support: About the JCPA’s Confronting Poverty Campaign The Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) is the representative voice of the organized Jewish community. The JCPA serves as a catalyst that heightens community awareness, encourages civic and social involvement, and deliberates key issues of importance to the Jewish community. For more than sixty-five years, the JCPA has identified issues, formulated policy, developed strategies and programs, and given expression to a strongly united Jewish communal voice on a wide range of domestic and international issues. The JCPA has an unparalleled capacity to mobilize grassroots activism through our network of 14 national organizations and 125 local Jewish Community Relations Councils.

About Denominational Anti-Hunger Efforts A percentage of the money raised in this effort will go to support efforts by the Masorti movement in Israel to fight hunger and food insecurity.

The Jewish community’s commitment to ending poverty is encapsulated in the Torah, where it is commanded, “If there is among you a poor man, one of your brethren… you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother” (Deuteronomy 15:7). Inspired by this commitment to care for and support the most vulnerable among us, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs has advocated on behalf of low-income individuals through its national Confronting Poverty campaign.

From top to bottom: Rabbi Steve Gutow taking the Food Stamp Challenge in New York City, NY. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) receiving a letter advocating for the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act, signed by attendees of the National Child Nutrition Seder in Washington, DC. Participants from the Arkansas Child Nutrition Seder holding up the Hagaddahs and advocacy letters to Senator Blanche Lincoln. A Seder plate. Participants at the National Child Nutrition Seder in Washington, DC.

The JCPA’s Confronting Poverty campaign powerfully engages the Jewish community in anti-poverty advocacy, education, outreach, and activism against a backdrop of profound need. The Confronting Poverty campaign has successfully raised poverty as a priority on the Jewish communal agenda by mobilizing activists and community organizations to fight poverty in a coordinated, sustained, and effective way. The JCPA works actively with our national and local partners to speak out loudly on behalf of vulnerable populations and to champion the protection of human needs programs that provide essential services and help bring wholeness back to the millions whose lives have been fractured by recent challenges.


Clockwise from top: A member of the 2010 African American/Jewish Community Leaders Mission to Birmingham painting the home of a low-income senior. Rabbi Steve Gutow and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) volunteer at the Washington, DC Central Kitchen. Participants in the Child Nutrition Seder event coordinated by the Miami JCRC’s Intergenerational Advocacy Initiative. Volunteer and recipient of services at the Fighting Poverty with Faith Resource Fair for the homeless in New York City, NY. University of Arizona student helps build a Habitat for Humanity home with the Tucson JCRC. Participants of the 2010 African American/ Jewish Community Leaders Mission to Birmingham. Participants of the 2011 African American/Jewish Community Leaders Mission to Detroit.


Food Stamp Challenge FAQ 1. What is the Food Stamp Challenge?

The Food Stamp Challenge is a personal opportunity for you to experience the challenges of a foodstamp recipient for one week, living on the food budget of the average food stamp recipient – just $31.50 for the week, a scant $1.50 per meal.

2. Who is organizing the Food Stamp Challenge?

The Food Stamp Challenge is a national Jewish community campaign sponsored by American Conference of Cantors, The Cantor’s Assembly, The Jewish Council for Public Affairs, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, The Rabbinical Assembly, The Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, The Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, and The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.

3. How do I register to participate in the Food Stamp Challenge?

Register to participate in the Food Stamp Challenge online at When you register, you’ll sign the pledge to participate in the Food Stamp Challenge and be prompted to reach out to your network to ask for support of your participation. You will also receive up-to-date information about the Food Stamp Challenge, the SNAP program, and continued opportunities for involvement.

6. Why should we do a Food Stamp Challenge now?

The Food Stamp Challenge is important for several reasons. Food stamps and many other federal feeding programs are facing steep cuts and possible restructuring in a number of pieces of federal legislation, including the budget. These cuts would severely restrict many families’ access to healthy food and could also limit spending, thus impeding economic growth. Block granting the food stamp program would greatly restrict its flexibility, which could prove traumatic for many families in the event of another economic recession or natural disaster.

7. The food stamp program, also known as SNAP or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, is meant to be supplemental. Why is it worthwhile to attempt to live on food stamps alone for this Food Stamp Challenge?

Although the food stamp program is meant to be supplemental, it represents the majority of the food budget for many families enrolled. The Food Stamp Challenge provides a tangible demonstration of how food and other resources are inequitably distributed in the United States. As such, the Food Stamp Challenge experience can only begin to touch upon these issues. We cannot fully recreate the many complex ways poverty manifests itself. We cannot address all the problems associated with lack of access to healthy food, healthcare, education, and employment opportunities, and the realities of the day-to-day struggle in one breath. But we have to begin somewhere. And learning about hunger and the food stamp program through a personal experience is a powerful and effective place to start.

4. How do I turn my Food Stamp Challenge into a long term action to overcome hunger?

To multiply the impact of your Food Stamp Challenge, you can reach out to your networks to raise money to help us make hunger and poverty alleviation a key priority, both in government and within the organized Jewish community. When you reach out to your network – family, friends, colleagues, and other contacts – for their financial support, you are enabling them to join you in taking action to overcome hunger and poverty. Your personal page can serve as portal to raise funds for the JCPA’s Confronting Poverty campaign and direct service through MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger.

5. Why is supporting advocacy and direct service important?

The current rates of poverty in the United States are simply unacceptable. The JCPA, through our Confronting Poverty campaign, has been a leader in advocating for public policies and programs that make a difference in the lives of millions. Taking the Food Stamp Challenge and asking those close to you to make a contribution to support your participation is a meaningful way to demonstrate personal commitment to the cause of ending hunger and poverty in the United States. Your support makes possible the JCPA’s coordinated anti-poverty advocacy initiatives, innovative programs and mobilizations (like this one!), creative resources and tools for community engagement, and community grants to JCRCs to deepen local anti-poverty engagement. By participating in the Food Stamp Challenge and helping to raise funds for the JCPA’s Confronting Poverty campaign, you are supporting Jewish leadership that makes a meaningful difference in the struggle to fight hunger and poverty.




SNAP/Food Stamps FAQ 1. What is SNAP?

SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It is the program formerly known as ‘food stamps’.

2. What does SNAP do?

6. Why is SNAP needed?

From 2010-2011, SNAP provided more than 45 million Americans with much-needed food; more than half of these were children. Without SNAP, those people would have gone hungry and faced serious nutritional and other health issues.

7. What is the average benefit from SNAP?

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for administering the Food Stamp Program, the nationwide average monthly benefit in Fiscal Year 2010 was $133.79, approximately $4.50 a day or $1.50 a meal.

SNAP helped put food on the table for 44.5 million people in March 2011. It provides low-income households with electronic benefits they can use to purchase food at stores authorized by the US Department of Agriculture. SNAP is the cornerstone of federal food assistance programs and provides crucial support to needy households and to those making the transition from welfare to work. The U.S. Department of Agriculture administers SNAP at the federal level through its Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). State agencies administer the program at state and local levels, including determination of eligibility and allotments, and distribution of benefits.

8. Who can apply for SNAP?

3. What is the intended purpose of SNAP?

9. Where can I go for more information?

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is meant to supplement a family’s food budget. Although SNAP is intended to be supplemental, for many recipients it is their entire food budget.

The SNAP program is administered by the US Department of Agriculture; for more information, please visit

4. Why is the SNAP program beneficial for communities?

The Food Research and Action Center is also an excellent resource for information about SNAP and other federal feeding programs:

Although SNAP benefits may be used to purchase only food, a typical food stamp household will use some of the cash previously used to buy food to meet other pressing needs, including housing, energy, and medical goods that compete for a household’s budget. Thus, food stamps not only increase spending for food purchasing but also increase the household’s non-food spending at community-run businesses. Additionally, SNAP is fully funded at the federal level; at present, states are responsible only for administration costs. Thus, enrolling eligible individuals and families increases the amount of capital flowing into the communities, which leads to economic stimulation and a stronger local economy.

5. How much does SNAP cost?

The costs of SNAP to the federal government fluctuate with the economy and with the pattern of poverty in America. As the number of people in poverty rises, SNAP participation grows, and the total program costs increase. When poverty decreases, so does reliance on SNAP. Participation and cost data for the latest available month can be found on the US Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service website. The list below shows changes in participation and federal costs over the history of the program: • In 1970, it served 4.3 million people a month and cost $577 million. • In 1980, it served 21.1 million people a month and cost $9.2 billion • In 1990, it served 20.1 million people a month and cost $15.5 billion • In 2000, it served 17.2 million people a month and cost $17.1 billion • In 2005, it served 25.7 million people a month and cost $28.6 billion 15

Anyone can apply for SNAP benefits, but eligibility varies by state and is based on financial and other factors. In general, the federal government requires that households earning below the federal poverty line and with less than $2,000 in countable resources, such as a bank account, be considered eligible for SNAP benefits. However, many states allow families with slightly higher incomes to be eligible as well.

The number of people in poverty in 2010

From 2004-2007,

31.6 %


of Americans experienced poverty for at least 2 months.


is the largest number since the Government BEGAN publisHING data. 16

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