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LSJS 2021 Graduation takes place in person

Over a hundred guests came together in person to celebrate the 2021 LSJS Graduation which took place on Tuesday. Many more guests watched the event take place live online, including all LSJS graduates who are based outside of the UK as well as Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum, Dean of LSJS who was struck by the “pingdemic” so delivered his address via Zoom. 59 students across the LSJS teacher training and degree programmes graduated after completing their studies during a very challenging period. Commenting on the difficulties faced by students over the past year LSJS Chief Executive, Joanne Greenaway, said “our teacher training trainees have had to deal with schools in the most challenging of times: bubbles, synchronous and asynchronous learning, periods of isolation, mental health repercussions. And that is not to mention the training year being, at the best of times, an exceedingly intense one”.

Kirsten Jowett, CEO of JCAT (Jewish Community Academy Trust) which runs the School Direct primary programme with LSJS said “After such a challenging year it was a privilege to join our Primary Schools Direct graduates in person to celebrate their achievements. We at JCAT wish

LSJS 2021 Graduation ceremony them every success for their future”. Avi Markiewicz, who graduated with a BA (Hons) Jewish Education and with Qualified Teacher Status via the Assessment Only teacher training programme, said “the degree has really helped me to develop the skills necessary in order to grow into a far better educator. The staff at LSJS went above and beyond in making sure that this wasn’t just an academic exercise but one that enabled me to genuinely grow in my personal development and steer me towards the realisation of my passions.” Guest speaker at the event was Stuart Roden, Chairman of Unlocking

Potential, who described the event as “an uplifting and joyous occasion - sending the graduates on their path to become important agents of change in society through their teaching of the next generation.” LSJS offers a range of courses for people to train to become teachers and develop leaders. These include,

School Direct (Primary and Secondary) including the Teach to Lead wrap around programme for excellent Jewish studies teachers, SCITT (School

Centred Initial Teacher Training),

Assessment Only as well as a BA and

MA in Jewish Education. LSJS teacher training programmes are rated

Outstanding by OFSTED and all the degrees are validated by Middlesex University, who recently commended the organisation on the support and ethics of care towards the students, intellectually rich curriculum content and creative use of online pedagogy. For more information on teacher training or degrees at LSJS please visit ww.lsjs.ac.uk or call 020 8203 6427.

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JNF opens Biblical Garden at Hasmonean Primary School

Dr Alan Shaw, Dr Shai Bezalely and Hasmonean pupils

JNF UK has officially opened a Biblical Garden at Hasmonean Primary School.

The facility is inspired by the land of Israel and features 35 plants that appear in the Tanakh.

The setting offers hands-on gardening activities, is suitable for quiet contemplation and builds a deeper connection to the Jewish heritage of pupils.

The garden, funded by JNF’s Israel education grants programme, will become central to learning about historical and contemporary agriculture in Israel.

Pupils have tried their hand at planting and cultivating trees and plants. Future activities may include wine making, oil pressing and cooking. The garden will also be used as a working example of how Shmitah is part of the natural cycle in Israel.

Hasmonean’s Tina Whiteson produced hand-painted murals for the garden.

The ceremony featured Year 6 pupils, representatives from JNF and Hasmonean including Headmaster Dr Alan Shaw who designed and officially opened the garden.

The ceremony marked his retirement from teaching. He has worked as a headteacher in Jewish schools for over three decades, including eight at Hasmonean.

Dr Shai Bezalely, JNF UK’s CEO, presented Dr Shaw with a tree certificate to mark his commitment to Jewish education. Dr Shaw thanked JNF for sponsoring the school resource.

“Our Biblical Garden gives our pupils the opportunity to see, feel, smell and even taste the plants they are studying in their lessons,” he said.

Dr Shai Bezalely, JNF UK CEO, explained that its grant system supports innovative ways of connecting pupils to Israel. “It’s been wonderful to see Dr Shaw’s vision literally bear fruit in this incredible garden,” he said.

Dr Shaw and David Goodman, JNF’s Director of Community Relations, addressed pupils. Both linked gardening and teaching as careful nurturing enables subjects to reach full potential.

Goodman connected the garden to JNF’s work in undeveloped areas in the Negev.

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School’s out at Kisharon

Kisharon presents Sharon Mullish with a special award

Kisharon Noé School invited parents to an art festival where pupils showcased work and celebrated their achievements over the past academic year.

During the festival, there was an extra special moment where three generations including pupil, Eitan, placed a new mezuzah on a classroom door.

And at an COVID-19 Safe barbecue the school said farewell to interim headteacher Sharon Mullish. Chief Executive Richard Franklin praised Sharon for being an “incredible inspiration” always encouraging pupils to achieve.

Emma Castleton, chair of governors, presented Sharon with a print by a pupil from a recent art exhibition at the school.

“I couldn’t ask for a more fitting last day of term, lunch with those who matter, the pupils,” she said.

The Hershel Weiss Summer programme which is dedicated to the memory of Avraham Yaakov Ben Pinchos Zelig Ciffer z”l , who wanted all children to experience the joy of fun and holidays.

50 Secondary School Jewish Studies teachers came together for the National Jewish Education Conference for Secondary School Teachers, organised by LSJS last Wednesday. For the second year running the conference had to take place via Zoom but this did not stop lively debates and fascinating presentations exploring topics such as “Spirituality in our Schools”, “Teaching Torah to Teenagers” or “Breaking Out of the Jewish Bubble”.

Chief Rabbi Mirvis gave an inspirational keynote address before the teachers were able to select their first session. With 11 speakers spread out across three slots throughout the morning it was a busy schedule, but with recordings available for any sessions teachers could not join live ensuring no one missed out.

Dr Helena Miller, Co-Head of Teacher Training and Director of Degrees, said ” after such a challenging year, it was great to be able to give our Jewish Studies teachers opportunities to learn with and from their colleagues. Teachers went back to their classrooms refreshed and energised”.

Bradley Conway, who teaches at Immanuel College said “Thank you so much! It was a great morning. The talks have been really interesting and beneficial.”

The LSJS National Jewish Education Conference for Secondary School Teachers 2021 was set up following on from the success of the conference for Primary school teachers which runs every January and is now in its tenth year. For more information on LSJS teacher conferences or to find out about our range of please training and professional development courses please visit www.lsjs.ac.uk or call 0208 203 6427

Enjoying Rowing on the Heaton Park Boating Lake which is very popular with the Manchester Kehillah during the annual Summer holidays.

Rowing on Heaton Park Lake


Southend and Westcliff’s young blood

Following the Southend and Westcliff Hebrew Congregation`s Annual General Meeting, in respect of the Board of Management, the position of the Honorary Officers and Board of Deputies Representatives remain unchanged. In addition, there are 8 General Board Members including three new General Members who were elected for the first time. It is expected these younger members of the Community will bring in a fresh vibrancy with lots of enthusiasm, new ideas and creativity. All propositions it put to the Community were passed on a show of hands.

Southend and Westcliff Hebrew Congregation is marking it`s 115th anniversary this year; has a large beautiful shul, function hall, kosher shop, mikveh availability, a cheder, many clubs and societies. www.swhc.org.uk



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Chai’s Club 18 golf yournament

Club 18 winners Earlier this month 92 golfers teamed up to compete in our annual Club 18 Golf Tournament in aid of Chai. The event, hosted by the dedicated Club 18 Golf Committee, Ronnie Gottlieb OBE, Michael Lubliner, Michael Lerner and Michael Davis raised in excess of £40,000 for additional counsellors to ensure that Chai can continue to provide extra support and care to everyone who turns to them.

Congratulations to the men’s winning team - Paul Engelberg, Howard Peterman, Trevor Steele and Faz Hussein for scoring a fantastic 89 points and to the women’s winning team - Phillipa Wainer, Sandra Joseph, Angela Stern and Rosamund Balcombe, with a wonderful score of 70 points.

People supported by Norwood return to pre-Covid haunts

Laurie enjoying being back

It was smiles all round at Norwood’s Kennedy Leigh Centre, as Laurie and Sophie returned to their old haunt for a long-awaited reunion with Centre & Quality Manager Julie. Julie treated them to a lovely lunch as thanks for all their hard work in Sara’s Kitchen. Laurie was especially excited to revisit his happy memories from his time working there pre-pandemic and all his friends who made his experience there so wonderful. You can see from the three friends’ faces how good it felt to be reunited, laughing, chatting and tucking in to the delicious spread Julie provided! The easing of lockdown restrictions means they can now look forward to meeting up more regularly. Thanks to the beautiful weather, they were also able to enjoy some time in the garden, testing out the play area equipment.

LSJS Tanach Course Siyum

Tanach Siyum

Over the past year 160 students have taken part in the LSJS Tanach course which returned due to popular demand. This time the course was run via Zoom with the option to do the class in the evening or morning, enabling people from all over the world to join in. Running at a time when many were feeling isolated and disconnected from their friends and family, the course provided a wonderful opportunity for people to connect and study together. Not only did students get to know each other through the breakout rooms and Zoom chat but families were able to get together, albeit virtually. One example of this is the grandmother in South Africa doing the evening class and her grandson in the UK doing the morning session, they would meet up “virtually” after their classes to discuss the material covered.

The course covered the entire Bible in five sections throughout the year. Starting with the five books of the Torah, then the rise and fall of Israel’s first kingdom, prophets of despair and hope, the five scrolls of love and loss before ending with the books of wisdom, exile and return. To mark the end of the course the students enjoyed a Siyum (included in the picture on the top row are Rabbi Dr Zarum, LSJS Adult Education Programme Manager Sarah Guthartz and Esther and Romie Tager making a l’chaim with the students).

Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum. Dean of LSJS said “I am so thrilled that our online Tanach course was such a great success, reaching people across the world who all share a love of the Hebrew Bible.”

LSJS is very grateful to Esther and Romie Tager for sponsoring the course in memory of Esther’s late parents Reverend and Mrs Leo Sichel.

For more information on LSJS courses and events please visit www.lsjs.ac.uk or call 0208 203 6427

Fun stands were full in the King David Primary School hall for these year 6 end of term pupils.

Jewish Care begins to welcome community centre members back

Jewish Care has begun welcoming the community back in-person to its community services. The first members arrived at The Dennis Centre for people living with dementia and The Sam Beckman Centre for people living with dementia at The Betty and Asher Loftus Centre for the first time in 16 months this week, with balloons, banners and smiles all round.

From July through to October, the organisation will be carefully and safely reopening all of the dementia day centres, community centres and Connect@ services. Jewish Care’s Meals on Wheels, telephone befriending, online activities and social work and family carers support services will all also still be there to support the community.

“It’s good to be back among old friends,” says David Rom, who is a member of The Dennis Centre for people living with dementia in Ilford.

Roberta, whose husband, Henry is also a member, says, “Henry’s been looking forward to coming back. It’s been hard for everyone to be home for such a long time. It’s good to know that Henry can enjoy spending the day here and I can go and do

Jewish Care centres reopen a few things without worrying about him.” Richard Shone, Director of Community Development, says “It’s wonderful to see each other face to face again, we have all really missed seeing our members in person. “Whilst older people at home have been isolated for so many months, it’s been especially hard for those people who are living with dementia, many of whom find online programmes less accessible. Our staff and volunteers are so pleased that the community centres are able to reopen in-person to support older members of the community to connect, enjoy stimulating activities and socialise with one another again. We know now more than ever before, how vital that is for everyone’s wellbeing.” Jewish Care’s JC Presents online programme and events, which are attended by hundreds of older people each week in the community will continue, along with the befriending services and Meals on Wheels. “Members of community centres have exciting choices in the way they want to attend our activities or centres,” continues Richard, “We are also working on new ways to enable members to access activities that happen in-person, online too.”

Safety is still the priority, and the organisation will follow enhanced hygiene training and practices and regular Covid testing for staff and volunteers, who will wear masks indoors throughout the centres to protect clients, staff and volunteers.

Jewish Care has been working together in partnership with Ilford Federation Synagogue to reopen The Dennis Centre at the shul which is across the road from the centre’s previous home, since the site has been repurposed as the hub for Jewish Care’s Home Care services and Meals on Wheels. Since the start of the pandemic the organisation has made over 64,000 meals, which have been delivered with the help of dedicated volunteers.

“We’re delighted to be working in partnership with Jewish Care, we always had the idea that we would like to be more involved with the wider community, so it’s exciting for us that The Dennis Centre will be running from the shul, to support people who are living with dementia” says David Hiller, Chair of Ilford Federation Synagogue.

Jewish Care’s Dennis Centre for people living with dementia opens one day a week initially on Tuesdays and will open two days a week. The Sam Beckman Centre for people living with dementia is based at The Betty and Asher Loftus Centre in Friern Barnet, is opening on Wednesday 28 July and will be open on additional days going forward. For more information about the reopening of Jewish Care’s community services, please contact 020 8922 2222 or helpline@ jcare.org


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JLGB Give It Forward

GIFT were visited this week by two lively & very helpful groups of JLGB participants giving their time for National Citizen Service.

The groups volunteered as GIFT Box ambassadors standing outside supermarkets inviting shoppers to purchase extra items for the GIFT food bank; followed by packing fresh fruit and vegetables back at the GIFT Hub. 16 year old Samuel Brodie, a pupil at JFS told us “I am a participant on the JLGB NCS summer programme. For our social action project we decided to raise awareness outside supermarkets for the charity GIFT.

We then volunteered at the GIFT Hub and I got to see the incredible amount of food they give out and how every single item of food donated into the GIFT boxes really help! I look forward to volunteering more at GIFT in the future as it is a fantastic charity that helps so many people and inspires people to become givers.”

Benjamin Furman a JLGB/NCS leader noted “The young adults started their day collecting outside supermarkets asking for either monetary donations or extra food. We were astonished by the positive reaction from the local community filling up our food baskets to the top. The young adults helped in the distribution centre by packing food parcels and organising orders. Through their passion for the project

GIFT volunteers

and communicative teamwork, the young adults got through stocks in a matter of hours that would normally have taken all day.”

GIFT provide £7,700 of weekly support packages to over 1,000 people across London & Manchester who are struggling financially or with chronic physical or mental health difficulties.

To give your time volunteering at GIFT’s food bank over the summer, contact info@ jgift.org or call 0208 457 4429

World Jewish Relief raises £470,000 for global Covid-19 recovery in 36 Hours

Since the pandemic hit last year, World Jewish Relief’s partner communities in 18 countries have experienced the disastrous impact of Covid-19. As we cautiously emerged from our own lockdown to enjoy relative normality, the charity launched a 36-hour fundraising campaign for communities that are still struggling, for whom a return to normal is still unimaginable.

An incredible 123 of World Jewish Relief’s supporters volunteered as Team Leaders, sharing why the charity’s work is so important to them, and encouraging more than 1,300 people to donate to the campaign. All donations were matched by a group of generous funders. World Jewish Relief successfully raised an incredible £470,000 in 36 hours, and the total is still rising as donations come in.

The impact of the pandemic has been catastrophic for World Jewish Relief’s global family. From Eastern Europe, where 60% of the people the charity supports have had their access to basic healthcare cut, to the 74% of vulnerable and marginalised people they support who have lost their jobs, devastation coupled with scarce state support have had awful consequences. And for people whose lives had already been shattered by natural disasters or forced displacement, the pandemic made an already unstable situation even worse. In Cox’s Bazer in Bangladesh for example, where one million refugees live in extremely cramped conditions, provisions of hygiene equipment and PPE are scarce and many lack access to basic information about the symptoms and prevention of Covid-19.

So far, World Jewish Relief have reached 29,530 people in 13 countries with lifesaving and life-changing support, aiding Covid-19 recovery. Thanks to the support of the UK Jewish community, who have shown that they refuse to turn their backs on the world’s most impoverished and vulnerable individuals, they will be able to extend this support to many more.

World Jewish Relief’s Chief Executive Paul Anticoni says: “I am astounded at the response and generosity of so many supporters to our Global Recovery Campaign which ran on the 11th and 12th July. When there is such pressure on our services from those within and beyond the Jewish community, from Ukraine to Uganda and Belarus to Bangladesh, this support will enable us and our partners to scale up our response. It has helped us replace event income which couldn’t take place and I cannot thank our Team Leaders and supporters enough.”

Three groups of fundraisers raised a total of £5,676 for Jewish Women’s Aid

The first fundraisers, a group of 16-yearolds doing their National Citizen Service, came together to create a group called ‘New Respective’ and chose to raise money for Jewish Women’s Aid after hearing our education team talk in their schools. As well as interviewing our Volunteer Coordinator and Safer Dating Project Worker for their podcast, ‘The Bitedown’, they also did a sponsored 12k walk across Hampstead Heath on the 21st July, and raised an incredible £2,423 for our education fundraising campaign.

Next, mum and daughter trekking partners, Nicole and Daisy Goodman, aged 44 and 13, took part in a 3-day trek up Hellvelyn in the Lake District, from the 23rd to 25th July, to raise money for Jewish Women’s Aid as part of Daisy’s Bat Mitzah. The pair raised 445% more than their original target, reaching £2,227! Daisy said “I wanted to raise money for Women’s Aid because my school did an assembly on the charity and I was very moved at the work they do. I feel that all women and children should have the right to feel and be safe, especially in their own homes.” Daisy has donated a percentage of her Bat Mitzvah money to the cause.

Twelve-year-old Charlotte Bloom took part in the same trekking challenge, and also chose Jewish Women’s Aid as the charity she wanted to support. Charlotte said, “This charity does amazing work supporting Jewish women and children affected by domestic and sexual violence.” She completed the trek and raised an amazing £1,026.

Jewish Women’s Aid Fundraiser Julia Kay, said, “We’re so grateful to all the fundraisers involved for their amazing support and awareness raising over the last week, and we’re proud of all of them for completing their sponsored walks and treks. It’s also brilliant to see this being driven by young people, who are becoming more aware of our work across the community, especially in schools.”

We are fully open

We are welcoming everyone to the restaurant, and asking politely that masks are worn when not seated, for the security and comfort of our other customers. We will continue to offer hand sanitiser, perform temperature checks, and the tables will still be ‘socially spaced’.

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