1 minute read
Family Fun Korach
As if the lessons of the previous Sidrot had not been learned, we are now faced with another traitor. This time it’s a prominent person - Korach. It began with “small” jealousy of cousin Elitzaphan who had been appointed a leader of them and then it grew to jealousy and suspicion of no less than our dear leader Moshe Rabbeinu. He gathered a group of characters from the tribe of Reuven and 250 “respectable” people and they all challenged Moshe by questioning- “we all stood at Har Sinai and therefore what right do you have to rule over us? Why are you and Aaron the leaders?” (Um. You were at Har Sinai not long ago?! Did you not hear Hashem talk to Moshe?) It was suggested to bring Ketoret the following day. When they did so, a fire came out and consumed them. This didn’t prevent Korach from continuing his campaign. Moshe and Aaron were told by Hashem that the entire community would be punished but Moshe pleaded with Hashem not to. Moshe then proclaimed, “If Korach and co die a usual death then it’s not Hashem who appointed me. If however, a unique incident occurs and the ground swallows Korach and (whatever was left of) his crowd, then you will know that these people (haven’t merely started up with myself, they have) have tried to fight Hashem Himself!”
Korach and his family and accomplices were all swallowed along with their possessions.
The pans which the faulty Ketoret were brought on were melted and used