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TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 Introducing the Jteen Summer Camp Wellbeing Programme

With the summer holidays approaching many teenagers will be planning a summer with their friends in one of the many sleepaway camps available. Summer camp is a time to have fun, relax with peers, take part in high octane activities and generally have a great time. Yet for some teenagers it is not quite so plain sailing.

Jteen was founded just over a year ago and has quickly become a vital support for many teenagers dealing with any sort of emotional wellbeing challenge. Jteen runs various programmes for parents and in schools but its core services are its text line and more recently a phoneline has been introduced. Last summer the Jteen text line saw a huge increase in teenagers contacting the organisation for support with camp-related challenges. Taking advantage of Jteen’s anonymous text support service, teenagers shared worries ranging from general anxiety, homesickness and bullying to difficulties forming friendships.

This year Jteen is launching a campaign to promote mental health and wellbeing in summer camps throughout the UK.

Ofsted praise Kisharon Nursery

Ofsted has acknowledged Kisharon’s Tuffkid Nursery as “outstanding” for a third successive year.

The pre-school nursery in Golders Green for mainstream children and those with special needs has an integrated approach to learning through play.

Ofsted inspectors said the nursery had excellent education and nurturing to enable children to flourish.

Nursery staff won praise for tailoring the environment and activities to ignite the children’s curiosity and challenge their abilities. The children’s emotional well-being was also commended.

The Ofsted report said relationships with parents were exceptional and praised the response to Covid-19 when play resources were supplied to children and online sessions were run every day.

“Impeccable” was how the report described children’s behaviour.

Nursery Head Janice Marriott said, “We have regular access to and learn from some of the world-leading pedagogical practitioners in early years education.”

Tuffkid was the first nursery in Barnet to win a gold Healthy Early Years London award for promoting good health and well-being last November. Bringing together acknowledged experts in teen emotional health, Jteen is introducing a camp counsellor training programme with in-house training and a specially produced handbook. This will help camp leaders and counsellors to connect to their campers, ensure that they are aware of the emotional health warning signs, as well as empowering them with strategies and techniques to help their campers overcome the various challenges and difficult situations. For the camps who join the programme, Jteen has also produced a camper wellbeing guide with expert professional input which will be sent out to all campers and their parents. It will contain effective tips and strategies on how to ensure that camp is the positive, life-enriching experience it is meant to be. Yaakov Barr, Clinical Supervisor, Therapist and Founder of Jteen, remarked that “Jteen is widely acknowledged as being a leading provider of emotional support for teenagers. We want to make their summer camp experience memorable for all the right reasons. The data we gather from our phone and text services enables us to react to issues and trends – like the spike in teens reaching out to us last summer. We know how much teenagers will benefit from this is innovative and proactive programme.”

For more information or to join the programme please contact Jteen at admin@ jteensupport.org.

Barmitzvah boys get handy with GIFT & DIY expert to build a life of giving

GIFT’s vision is a community engaged, supported & empowered by the gift of giving. A group of Barmtzvah boys in year 8 volunteered last week to be part of the GIFT mission. This most recent Barmitzvah programme taught a new skill set to 18 Bnei Mitzvah at GIFT’s London office. The boys learned some essential skills such as drilling, screwing in and hot gluing under the supervision of DIY expert Ben Cowan. Sensory boards decorated with buckles, zippers, handles and keys, thanks to our group’s new DIY skills, are to be given to Kisharon School students and GIFT recipient families with young children. As seen here, the young men were very engaged and spent time meticulously putting together each board.

In addition to getting hands-on for a good cause, the Barmitzvah boys who attended the DIY workshop enjoyed each other’s company along with a great meal from Bagels Bar Grill House.

Esther Zneimer, GIFT’s Bnei Mitzva Coordinator noted,

GIFT Barmitzvah boys Our Bar Mitzvah ‘ Build a Gift’ event on Wednesday evening sold out. The boys were so creative and designed the boards so beautifully. We donated the boards to Kisharon and to special needs children of families supported by GIFT. We also had an interactive discussion about how we can give with all of our 5 senses and a delicious burger dinner was enjoyed by all.” 13 year old Zac Stross, from Hasmonean, who attended the session explained “It was a lot of fun and a great social. Everyone was very friendly, the food was good & the activity was cool. It was nice to think someone else will have fun from it. I’d definitely be up for doing this more regularly.”

From learning a new skill to building a gift, Bnei Mitzvah experienced yet another impactful session of giving. By putting their skills in action, this activity proposed an enjoyable way to perform a charitable act. After feeling a strong sense of autonomy, the group was all the more inspired to Give It Forward to our community’s children in need. Mrs Freda Yoffey who has just celebrated her 100th birthday being introduced to the Chief Rabbi by Mr Phil Reed. Higher Prestwich Hebrew Congregation President.

Chief Rabbi with Freda Yoffey PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL

PaJes launch programmes

PaJeS has marked its first term as an independent charity by launching two leadership programmes.

The Jewish Schools Leadership Project is the largest delivered in the UK. It aims to develop and nurture future Jewish school leaders.

In a unique partnership with the Ambition Institute, PaJeS has welcomed 65 participants from the Jewish schools’ community to one of five NPQ programmes, including 22 undertaking one in Headship.

Ambition are delivering core aspects of the programme to cohorts from Jewish schools.

PaJeS are providing a varied programme focussing on aspects of Jewish leadership relevant to each group.

Last week marked the first of PaJeS in person sessions where three of the five NPQ cohorts met with peers.

In parallel, PaJeS has launched a programme to support new Headteachers.

Currently one third remain in post for less than three years. PaJeS’ support project will provide a bespoke support programme that includes one-to-one mentoring and coaching, as well as ‘New to Headship’ training sessions and discussion groups.

Professor David Latchman, Wohl Legacy chairman, said, “Headteachers face considerable challenges as they endeavour to lead their schools. They play an essential role in our community.”

Susy Stone, Heads’ programme for PaJeS, added, “Recruiting, developing and retaining high quality leaders is vital to ensure the best possible outcomes for our Jewish schools.”

The importance of these programmes follows the release of the government’s White Paper, ‘Opportunity for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child’.

Initiatives will ensure highly trained leaders are available in the future.

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