24 minute read
Camp Simcha’s family support to reach more families
Camp Simcha is extending its services to include serious mental health conditions amongst the childhood illnesses it supports, after the completion of a successful 18-month pilot project.
Announcing the news, Chief Executive Neville Goldschneider said: “This decision means Camp Simcha can be there for even more families who need us. Using the existing model of pastoral support services that we offer to the family when they have a seriously ill child, the pilot programme has demonstrated that Camp Simcha has a vital and unique contribution to make towards a huge need within our community. Throughout the past 18 months we have worked collaboratively with organisations such as the JLC JAMI, Norwood and Noa Girls, being careful to avoid duplication and maximise co-operation - and will continue to do so going forward.
“Families we have supported via the pilot project particularly referenced the huge
benefits of services such as our Family Liaison Officer support; sibling art sessions and group; volunteers for siblings, as well as family support and respite activities. They also fed back how invaluable it was just ‘knowing Camp Simcha was there’.” Mum Talia Price, whose family were supported as part of the pilot, said Camp Simcha had made a huge difference Camp simcha CEO Neville Goldschneider to their life, “delivering joy”. “My son has been in hospital for 2 years now. Prior to this, looking after him at home for 2 years has had devastating effects on my husband’s health and mine. “It was very tough to not be able to visit the hospital during lock-down but I am very grateful to Camp Simcha for the 1-1 with my family liaison officer, going for walks and meeting up outdoors. The family days outs and arts sessions for my younger son were a lifeline, plus the art and relaxation programmes for me were life-changing, a real emotional boost.” In response to the announcement, JLC co-chief executive Claudia Mendoza said: “We are delighted that Camp Simcha has confirmed it will now be providing a permanent support service for families of a child with serious mental health issues. From the work we have been doing with organisations focusing on this issue, it is clear that there is a huge need for this service and we are delighted that Camp Simcha will bring its own unique form of whole family pastoral support to help so many families who need them.”
The eligibility criteria for referrals will follow the pilot: families who have a child with a serious mental health condition with a significant impact on the family. In all cases Camp Simcha can only step in if there is an existing clinical care team supporting the child.
Mr Goldschneider added: “We are expanding our team to meet this increased service need, beginning with a new mental health professional, clinical psychologist Lauren Topper, to oversee the service delivery and provide ongoing training and support.
“We will also continue to work collaboratively with all other organisations in order to avoid duplication and maximise impact.”
Satmar Rabbi YC Horowitz, addressing the L’Chaim in the Ateres Rochel hall, Ohel Torah to celebrate the purchase of the new building for the Community Centre, Shul, Beis Hamedrash and Mikvah. The house was originally owned by the Father of the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva.
The Ateres Rochel Hall
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Win a copy of ‘Rabbi Sacks And The Community We Built Together’
The United Synagogue has produced a new book to honour the memory and teachings of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt’’l and Jewish Weekly readers can win a copy.
Rabbi Sacks And The Community We Built Together contains over 250 pages of Torah, recollections, photographs and stories from Rabbi Sacks’ colleagues during his Chief Rabbinate as well as some of Rabbi Sacks’ own writings from that period.
Rabbi Sacks served as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the UK and Commonwealth from 1991-2013, during which time his expositions of Judaism and community in particular helped him to become one of the most influential rabbinic figures globally.
Lady Elaine Sacks said, “So many friends and colleagues have opened their hearts and joined in making this a very special tribute.”
The United Synagogue’s Rabbi Michael Laitner noted, “Ahead of Rabbi Sacks’ yarzheit in Cheshvan/October, the United Synagogue wanted to honour his memory, bring some comfort to his family and all those mourning him and to share some of the most important lessons of his Chief Rabbinate for today’s and future generations. We hope readers enjoy learning from some of the people who knew Rabbi Sacks best and who learned so much from him. We thank our contributors and sponsors and all those who brought this book to fruition.” United Synagogue member households will have a copy sent direct to them, free of charge. To enter, send an email with your full name to info@thejewishweekly.com by 17 September 2021. Copies to purchase: www.theus.org.uk/ RabbiSacksBook
Competition terms and conditions: One copy of the book is available to win. There is no cash alternative. The winning name will be drawn at random from emails received by the deadline. The winner will be asked for a postal address to have the book sent to them. By entering this competition you agree to sharing your email address with the United Synagogue to receive a weekly email. You can unsubscribe at any time. The editor’s decision is final.

Britain’s oldest synagogue under threat of closure from developers
Bevis Marks Synagogue is under threat as City of London planners evaluate two high-rise developments.
One development has already been approved blocking sunlight over the Grade 1 listed synagogue making daily services almost impossible. Trustees highlight a “systemic planning failure” with “total disregard” for the Jewish community should plans get the go-ahead.
Bevis Marks is the home of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community and the only non-Christian house of worship in the City of London.
Rabbi Shalom Morris of Bevis Marks, which celebrates 320 years of regular services on Shabbat, described the possibility of all three developments passing as “catastrophic”.
Proposals are offices, a 21-storey building in Creechurch Lane and 48-floor tower in Bury Street. A decision is expected early October.
“While each new development on its own is unacceptable, all of them together would be catastrophic,” Rabbi Morris explained. “The very survival of our great synagogue as a place of worship is at stake.”
He added, “We find ourselves as a community alarmed and frustrated that the City policy of focusing tall, high-density development in the Eastern City Cluster has failed to take into account the importance and extreme sensitivity of this Grade I listed synagogue. It represents the unique historic connection between the Jewish community and Britain, and plays such a vital role in London’s heritage.”
Bevis Marks Synagogue Rabbi Morris continued, “Not only will light be blocked, on which the building depends for ambiance, spirituality, and atmosphere, but the very foundations will be at risk. Yet the Jewish community’s British heritage is treated by the planners and developers as just another building.” Jonathan Solomons, Bevis Marks Chair, commented, “Due to the pandemic, there’s already unfortunately a surplus of office space in the City so it doesn’t need another tower block. We’ve been good neighbours for many years and tolerated new developments but these latest applications are a step too far, riding roughshod over cultural sensitivities. Enough is enough. “The City of London Corporation has no comprehensive framework in place to identify heritage features of outstanding importance within or near the cluster. They are leaving us to the mercy of individual site owners who come forward randomly, put applications in, change them, don’t change them, push them, abandon them, build them, don’t build them. This is a piecemeal and opportunistic approach that threatens not just Jewish but everyone’s heritage.”
Multiple reports submitted to the City of London Corporation’s planning committee show current light levels are “dangerously low”. The most significant feature of the synagogue, known worldwide, is that it is lit by up to 240 candles. These were supplemented in 1928 by limited electric lighting, which now cannot be enhanced due to restrictions enforced on Grade 1 listed buildings.
Historic England has criticised the planning department about the local authority’s policies and proposals for future land use in the area.
In a letter, it stated, “We believe that fundamental shortcomings in the draft Plan risk encouraging development that will seriously harm the significance of the City’s historic environment, including some of the country’s most important heritage assets (Bevis Marks). In its current form we consider that the draft Plan should not be considered sound”. Former Lord Mayor of London and former City of London Planning Committee member Sir Michael Bear noted, “I have been an ardent supporter of the City’s policy for increasing the modern office stock in the City and the principle of appropriately sited tall buildings. I believe the City has steered a responsible course in this respect, balancing the many competing demands and challenges of creating a global
PHOTO: FLIKR financial powerhouse in a medieval street pattern. However, I am both bewildered and perplexed at the way that the genuine considerations of heritage and the impacts of wind, light and community have been treated. This is a total disregard for one of the only surviving examples of an intact Wren style City place of worship with original interior.”
Known as the “cathedral synagogue” of British Jewry, Bevis Marks was built when Jews were allowed into England in 1656. It is the oldest synagogue in Europe in continuous use.
Initially for local residents, today it is a centre of worship for people from all over the world.
Built in 1701 in the Ward of Aldgate after the Jews banished from England by Edward 1 in 1290 were allowed back by Oliver Cromwell, the synagogue has survived the Blitz in World War Two and two IRA bomb attacks in the 1990s.

Ariel Korn 15, a Yavneh King David Student blows the Shofar after davening.

A reception was held at Talmud Torah Chinuch Neorim Sunday evening in aid of School funds.

Kisharon are among Jewish charities who have joined forces to support hospital patients over Rosh Hashanah.
The learning disability charity will bring a smile to patients who need to stay in hospital with a kiddush box containing grape juice, honey, dried apple and a card printed with blessings to be recited on the Jewish New Year.
Patients will be able to fulfil the apple and honey tradition and say the kiddush in a joint initiative with Bedside Kosher which provides fresh kosher meals for hospital patients.
Kisharon’s kiddush boxes, which have been paid for by an anonymous donor, will be presented to patients with a hearty L’Shana Tova meal.
Each box has been packed by people with learning disabilities and volunteers in Kisharon’s Rosh Hashanah social
Kisharon and Bedside Kosher unite for the New Year enterprise project, which offers training and employment opportunities. Four thousand families will open gift sets following sales of products to shuls, community groups and the Armed
Forces. Barnet General, the Royal Free and other hospitals in north London will have 220 kiddush boxes to distribute to Jewish patients.Packed in a protective box with a brightly-coloured sleeve, patients can take home the gift to share with families. “Increasingly Kisharon is moving into the space of cross-communal initiatives,” commented Kisharon’s
Richard Franklin. “I am so pleased we can work alongside Bedside Kosher to mutually improve outcomes for people both charities will support.
Collaboration for the greater good is core both to our social enterprises and to what we stand for at this important time of year.” Anthony Shaw of Bedside Kosher added, “We genuinely believe food is medicine and that maintaining good nutritional status during hospital is vital. During Rosh Hashanah, patients in hospital won’t get the chance to celebrate, and, due to Covid restrictions, they currently don’t have access to friends, family, or their local synagogue.”

Jewish communities suffer hate crimes
Graffiti of a swastika was recently discovered outside Ajex House in Stamford Hill.
The block of sheltered housing is tailored towards Jewish people with priority given to ex-servicemen and families.
The incident was reported by Jewish volunteer neighbourhood Stamford Hill Shomrim.
Hackney Police are reportedly investigating the hate crime.
If you have information, contact the police on 101 or Stamford Hill Shomrim on 0300 999 0123, quoting reference number: CAD 3103 30/08/21.
Meantime, a bust of Italian anti-fascist Guglielmo Miliocchi defaced with graffiti stating “Scimmia Ebrea” (Jewish Monkey).
The bust was located in the gardens next to the Church of Sant’Ercolano in Perugia, in central Italy.
Andrea Romizi, Mayor of Perugia, confirmed there will be an investigation.
A statement on the official website of Umbria, the region in which Perugia is the capital, said that the vandalism was “strongly condemned” by the entire administration.
It added, “It offends the Perugian community and will be the subject of a thorough investigation by the local police to reach the authors as soon as possible.”
Eintracht and Reynolds shine in Metropolitan CC loss

A depleted Belmont and Edgware first team fell short against Metropolitan CC on Sunday, despite strong performances with the bat and ball from allrounders Jonny Eintracht and Josh Reynolds.
With the first’s captain and vice, as well as the two’s skipper, all absent this week, Jack Mendel took over at the helm and continued the long-respected tradition of losing the toss.
After being inserted to bat, veteran batsman Michael Blasebalk quickly got into his stride, before Clive Hyman was dismissed in the 7th over.
Matt Gittleson looked in good nick at number three hitting a number of nice boundaries, as he and Blasebalk rotated the strike well, before the former was undone by a straight delivery.
With many regulars unavailable, Aussie quick bowler Jonny Eintracht was promoted to number four, and played a sparkling innings. He lost Blasebalk for a well-made 37, as the total was approaching 100, just after drinks. He continued to hold the innings together, unfurling some lovely drives and busily running between the wickets. Contributions were made right down the order, with Joel Azulay hitting a boundary-laden 18, and Josh Reynolds finishing 13 not out, including a big six, to end the innings on 185.
Eintracht finished on 42 as he tried to accelerate, tantalisingly short of his maiden fifty - which he would have richly deserved.
While probably under par on the pitch, the score felt competitive and respectable. Eintracht, fresh off his batting display, opened the bowling with three maiden overs, and had a very close LBW shout. His partnerin-crime, Josh Reynolds, bowled with pace and accuracy, dismissing the opener with his very first delivery and nabbing the other opener, bowled.
The duo got through six overs each before the opposition decided to go on the charge, hitting Joel Winston for 24 off two overs, and captain Mendel for 19 off his first two.
Off-spinner Steven Kaye was brought on to stem the flow, but a few short deliveries were

Jonny Eintracht after being dismissed dispatched, as the opposition’s numbers 3 and 5 continued to score at an impressive rate.
With one last throw of the dice, Mendel turned back to Eintracht and Reynolds, and they didn’t disappoint, taking a wicket each and making it difficult for Metropolitan CC to close out the innings.
While it was frustrating not to have made a better fist of it after the opening burst, there was a lot of enthusiasm and effort against a strong opposition.
Captain Mendel said: “While the score may show us as having lost the game quite comprehensively, there were a number of moments which could easily have gone our way. If two close LBWs had been given and two catches had been taken it may have been very different. It was great to captain a team which had so much energy, with everyone contributing in the field. It was also very positive that a depleted batting line up had the concentration to bat through 40 overs and post a competitive total on a slow pitch. Hats off to Jonny Eintracht for showing he can bat higher up, and taking responsibility for the team. Now let’s finish the season well now!”
1st night of Selichot service at the Stenecourt Shul. Chazan Zev Kraushar was on the Bimah and the Sameach Choir was led by Buchy Gluck with young soloist 15 year old Yitzi Toron.

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New Sefer Torah in memory of Dayan O Y Westheim zt’l. The Sefer Torah was carried from the home of his late Father to Agudas Yisroel Shul in Northumberland Street. Greater Manchester Police cordoned off parts of Broughton Park so the crowds could follow and watch the Chupah pass by.

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Jewish New Year Financial Resolutions – Vol 1
By Marc Ovits Firstly let me take this opportunity to wish all readers a Shana Tova! What with the Jewish New Year approaching perhaps it’s not just our spiritual and social behaviour that has scope for improvement? Maybe it’s time for us to spend a little more time optimising our finances? Individuals should be making annual family budgets whilst also making the most of the tax reliefs and allowances currently available. What’s interesting is that in all the years I have been providing financial advice, I am yet to meet a single prospect that fully optimises their finances. Yet taking advantage of tax reliefs and allowances can save families thousands of pounds annually. Now that’s a worthwhile investment!
Below is a checklist of 5 of the top 10 financial planning opportunities to take advantage of together with the key information you need to make these opportunities a reality.
1. PENSION SAVING: MAXIMISE TAX RELIEF Additional and higher rate taxpayers may wish to contribute an amount to maximise tax relief at 40% or 45%. For those with income over £100,000, the point at which the personal allowance is eroded, an individual contribution can reverse this. Those with sufficient earnings can use pension carry forward to make contributions in excess of the current annual allowance. For couples, consider maximising tax relief at higher rates for both, before paying contributions that will only secure basic rate relief. Many individuals don’t know they can top-up pensions for their partners - and not just by £3,600, but up to their partner’s earnings. And their partner can get tax relief on top.
2. HIGH EARNERS: MAKING A PENSION CONTRIBUTION BEFORE THE TYE COULD INCREASE THEIR ANNUAL ALLOWANCE High income individuals could face a cut in the amount of tax-efficient pension saving they can make, although the thresholds before this kicks in are higher this year. This means some high earners will be able to pay more in this year than last. The standard £40,000 annual allowance is reduced by £1 for every £2 of ‘income’ over the new ‘adjusted income’ limit of £240,000, until the allowance drops to £4,000. If an individual exceeds the adjusted income limit, it’s possible that some of these individuals may be able to reinstate their full £40,000 allowance by making use of carry forward. The tapering of the annual allowance won’t normally apply if income less personal contributions is £200,000 or less (the ‘threshold income’ limit). A large personal contribution using unused allowance from the previous three tax years can bring income below £200,000 and restore the full £40,000 allowance for 2021/22.
3. INDIVIDUALS APPROACHING RETIREMENT: BOOST PENSION SAVING NOW BEFORE TRIGGERING THE MPAA Anyone looking to take advantage of income flexibility for the first time may want to consider boosting their pension pot before April, potentially sweeping up the full £40,000 annual allowance from this year, plus any unused allowance carried forward from the last three years. Triggering the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA) will mean the opportunity to continue funding into DC pensions will be restricted to just £4,000 a year - with no carry forward. If income is required, it might be worth considering other ways of meeting that need. In this way, the MPAA can be deferred and the full annual allowance retained for a while longer . Alternatively, individuals who do need money from their pension can avoid the MPAA and retain the full £40,000 allowance if they only take their tax free cash. 4. EMPLOYEES: SACRIFICE BONUS FOR AN EMPLOYER PENSION CONTRIBUTION The tax year end often coincides with business year ends and, for some employees, this could mean a bonus payment. ‘Exchanging’ a bonus for an employer pension contribution before the tax year end can bring several benefits. The employer and employee National Insurance (NI) savings made could be used to boost pension funding, giving more in the pension pot for every £1 lost from takehome pay.
5. BUSINESS OWNERS: TAKE PROFITS AS PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS For many directors, taking significant profits as pension contributions could be the most efficient way of paying themselves and cutting their overall tax bill. Of course, if the director is over 55 they will have full unrestricted access to their pension savings, although this might trigger the MPAA of £4,000 if any income is taken in addition to tax free cash. There’s no NI payable on either dividends or pension contributions. Dividends are paid from profits after corporation tax and will also be taxable in the director’s hands. By making an employer pension contribution instead, tax and NI savings can boost a director’s pension fund.
Employer contributions made in the current financial year will get relief at 19%.
In many cases, effective tax year planning can produce a higher level of savings than the investment return you generate from the amount you invest! Many people are unaware of all the tax reliefs and allowances they could take advantage of. So why not do yourself a favour and get in touch with a competent financial adviser find out what you are missing out on. Expert advice could be of substantial benefit to YOU!
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Lisa Nandy MP Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs was in conversation with members of North Manchester’s Jewish community. Interviewed by Mark Addlestone followed by a Q&A session. The first question put by Mr Addlestone was about the situation in Afghanistan and should we talk to the Taliban, “Yes we should” replied Ms Nandy.

Chaverim, An Action-Packed Summer
This year, Camp Chaverim held its milestone 20th Annual Summer Camp on a picturesque campus in Ascot a location truly fit for royalty, as the Queen’s grandchildren attended this school. As always, the camp ran an immensely successful, fun programme with real Torah values for the campers, bochurim and madrichim.
The camp balances its outstanding adventure programme with an equally outstanding learning programme. Rav Yitzchok Weitz once again joined as Camp Rov, and the entire staff and campers were fortunate to hear his daily shiurim, beautiful droshos on Shabbos and enjoy his unique ability to reach each camper on his own level.
The Camp Rov’s shiurim focused on emunah and bitachon. Rav Weitz gave indepth shiurim equipping the campers with practical tools that they will be able to use throughout the year. Under the tutelage of the enthusiastic shiur madrichim, the campers learned and benefited from small group sizes and access to quality learning material which ensured their continued shteiging throughout the summer.

The Camp Leader was Reb Betzalel Solomon, who has had many years’ experience as a popular Camp Chaverim madrich. He was ably assisted by Mordy Rabson and Yehuda Emmanuel, both Chaverim alumni. The madrichim, led by Yisroel Meir Heilpern, were handpicked from yeshivos all around the world. Each madrich was chosen for their strong hashkafos, sterling middos, being a great team player and knowledge of how to have healthy, Toradige fun.
In addition to regular outings that are expected of all summer camps, Chaverim is known to go above and beyond in delivering a packed programme, full of diverse, exhilarating trips and activities. Chaverim’s exceptional programme was carefully put together by alumnus Uriel Adler months in advance and included trampolining, go-karting, paintballing, bowling, swimming and water sports, Go Ape, ice skating, the two-day hike, military day with real life training led by members of the British Armed Forces, fantastic night activities, football tournaments, and Thorpe Park. In addition, campers were able to relax on the beautiful grounds of the school. Facilities included an indoor swimming pool, tennis courts, squash courts, indoor and outdoor football pitches, an auditorium and a fully equipped sports hall.
The campers were spoiled this year with R’ Pinchos Goldberg as camp cook. Throughout the week and at each Shabbos seudah, the individually plated meals were extremely tasty, incredibly plentiful with salads and dips, and on a standard that was next level.
The atmosphere on Shabbos was unforgettable. The rousing tefillos, uplifting seudos, stirring zemiros which lasted to the early hours of Shabbos morning and the stimulating divrei Torah given by the Camp Rov and various madrichim and campers, made Shabbos in Chaverim an experience to remember.
The Leil Shishi Kumzitz was an exceptional hit. Yanky Rothschild led the singing, accompanied by Sender Uri on the keyboard and Lazer Abeles on the electric guitar. For the first time, parents were invited to camp to participate in the kumzitz. Deep connections and emotions were clearly seen as fathers, sons and madrichim linked arms joining in with the kumzitz, and the achdus that could be felt in the air with the boisterous singing and dancing that followed.
On the last night of camp, the Grand Finale was a culmination of the fun and tremendous growth experienced by everyone. The Camp Rov spoke about Chaverim’s unique initiative, which is to identify the positive attributes of each camper throughout the summer, and how campers are given countless opportunities to shine – during davening, whilst singing zemiros, saying divrei Torah, in sports competitions and talent shows
Chaverim’s Executive Director, R’ Shmuel Yosef Davidsohn presented the Camp Prizes. Prizes were awarded to campers in each group for Best Camper and Best in Shiur. In addition, there was the Overall Best Camper Prizes as well. This year’s Best Camper Prize went to Amitai Kiselstein from North West London. Runner Up Best Camper Award was presented to Yitzi Calek of Manchester. The winning group was rewarded with a ride home in a 16 seater stretch limousine.
To conclude the evening, Reb Shmuel Yosef Davidsohn spoke about how Chaverim 5781 had been an outstanding experience and all the lessons that had been learned throughout the summer. He thanked the whole team, with special thanks to all the Support Staff - exceptional bochurim who dedicated their summer holiday in order to be able to positively influence young teens.
It goes without saying that with Chaverim’s unique approach, the summer camp isn’t simply about having a good time. Rather, the character of the campers is built up through positive experiences and they are taught how to have fun in a frum and kosher setting.
Chaverim Camp is just one part of the organisation. As we begin the long winter months we are already working with local schools and have created exciting after-school programmes, with plans for Winter Camp already in full swing.