2 minute read
The Box Show

Junkyard Beats and critical stages touring presents
created by oded Prior
In the hands of Junkyard Beats, ordinary household items are transformed into extraordinary musical instruments and unwanted junk comes alive in exciting and surprising ways!
The Box Show excites the imagination of children and adults alike. Follow four characters during their daily activities in a world made of cardboard boxes and junk. The contents of an abandoned kitchen and wheelie bins become the greatest drum set in the world; plastic bags are an amazing musical instrument and the human body becomes a unique sound machine.
Tag along for a day in the life of a bunch of musical misfits as they reinvigorate the junk that the world has forgotten.
Learn about sustainability with this high energy, imaginative and interactive performance combining drumming, dance, theatre and comedy. With a language of gibberish and rhythm, this show is accessible to any age and nationality.
WINNER Critic’s Pick
2018 jUNKYARD ORCHESTRA WORKSHOP suitable for Ages 5 – 12
see the show, then join the team from Junkyard Beats for their award-winning workshop to learn basic body percussion skills and how to turn recycled materials such as buckets, PVc pipes, broomsticks, plastic bins and drums into musical instruments, so you can create your own Junkyard orchestra. limited places available – Book early to avoid the disappointment of missing out! suitable for Ages 5 – 12 and their supervisors
Winter School Holidays
Friday 8 July at 10am & 1pm Saturday 9 July at 10am & 1pm
Friday 8 July at 2:30pm Saturday 9 July at 2:30pm
60 minutes (No interval plus 15-minute Q&A following 10am performances)
45 minutes (No break)
Child $35
SHOW ONLY childcare, oosh, Vacation care
and home school groups: $20 per child and additional supervisors (1 free supervisor per 10 children) general Public: Standard Ticket $25, Family of 4 $90
Please Note: Supervisors and parents of children participating in the workshop are welcome to stay and watch, but must book a free workshop ticket when booking for the show.
This production contains loud noises and music.