1 minute read

Sustaining President



Fall is the perfect time to reflect on the theme for this League year, “Be the Change: Passion, purpose and progress.” As the season changes and we look toward an exciting season of League activities – A Christmas Affair, Coats For Kids, and more, we can all evaluate how we can be part of moving the League forward with passion and purpose. This is how we progress as a community and as a League.

As this year’s sustaining president, I can say I am very proud of what the League has accomplished over the years and where we are headed into the future.

So far this year, we have seen The Junior League of Austin step into this “new normal” with resiliency and strength. It is clear what our purpose and our passion is: we are a group of women that care deeply about serving the community. As we all work to make Central Texas a better and more equitable place to work, live, and play, I have witnessed the resiliency of our volunteers. Our members have carried out hundreds of hours of volunteer work for 30 nonprofit organizations as well as our Signature Programs. And as you know, the volunteering of today looks different than it did just 22 months ago, but I am incredibly impassioned by how these incredible women have worked to fulfill important needs in Central Texas.

The League couldn’t continue to evolve, progress and change without the support and guidance from our Sustainers. Whether it is purchasing a ticket to one of the many events that the League hosts, volunteering for Coats for Kids, or serving as a sustaining advisor, your support can help bolster the League and catalyze a new generation of volunteers and leaders. We can help Be the Change in the League and our community.

Lauren Price

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