The Junior League of Austin is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women ’ s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.
The Junior League of Austin is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women ’ s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.
A Christmas Affair (ACA) began as 30 booths in the Driskill Hotel in 1976, and the event has since grown into the largest and most anticipated JLA fundraiser! JLA recently celebrated its 48th annual market, A Cosmic Holiday, which attracted an estimated 25,000 shoppers to browse 218 vendors’ booths. The event raised more than $1.2M for our signature programs and nonprofit community partners
ACA funds JLA’s mission, programs, outreach and allows us to continue our work empowering women and serving our community.
Annual Holiday Market is set for Nov. 20–24. See you there!
Coats for Kids (CFK) is an annual community project that collects and distributes coats to eligible children and teenagers across Central Texas Since its inception 37 years ago, CFK has collected and distributed 1,035,135 coats! JLA gives coats to Del Valle ISD, Austin ISD, and Pflugerville ISD schools, as well as to charter schools and 78 community organizations.
30,963 30,963
March 7, 2024
35 35
local bartenders and chefs featured this year
$67,000 $67,000 in business fellowships awarded since 2020
Austin Entertains, JLA’s annual tasting event, attracted 450 attendees to sample culinary offerings from Austin’s top innovative bartenders and chefs while raising money for JLA’s signature programs. Participants can apply to be awarded one of three fellowships for their business.
bags of food distributed to 900 students during the 2023–2024 school year
turkeys donated to Del Valle ISD families for Thanksgiving meals
“FIT is a blessing for our families. The students have food for the weekend and the parents have less to worry about when they have to make ends meet and need to work on the weekends.
The Food In Tummies (FIT) program is a unique project of JLA designed to provide weekend nourishment to children in economically disadvantaged situations FIT benefits the entire student population of two schools in the Del Valle Independent School District, which currently report 96% of students are considered economically disadvantaged
“The Kids In Cool Shoes (KICS) program is an annual community project designed to provide a new pair of athletic sneakers for every child attending 10 high-need Central Texas-area schools During the celebratory annual KIC-Off Day, volunteers fit the children into their new shoes, followed by sports and activities for all participants
1105 05
volunteers helped, with the biggest distribution to date
2,845 2,845
pairs of shoes distributed in February 2024
Kids Giving Back (KGB) aims to organize a volunteer event for the children of JLA members each month, with a focus on supporting JLA signature programs and community partners. This year, KGB hosted 11 volunteer events, including the annual Back to School supply drive, Trunk or Treat for Halloween and collecting slime kits and coloring books for Dell Children's Medical Center.
5,500+ 5,500+ school supplies delivered to Baty & Hillcrest Elementary schools this year
Board of directors? Mid-year* community investments Mid-year* community funds raised
* All figures are for the 2023–2024 League year, as of Feb 29, 2024
Our accomplishments were possible due to the support of many partner organizations and individuals. Thank you for helping to make 2023–2024 a success.
Please see JLA’s website for a full listing of our essential supporters: www.jlaustin.org/our-supporters/
Legacy Partners:
Nyle Maxwell Family of Dealerships, Chevron, Jack Brown Cleaners, iHeartMedia
Benefactor Partner:
The Harry E. and Eda L. Montandon Charitable Trust
Grand Partners:
Carl C. Anderson Sr. & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation, ARCA Continental Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages, Bank of America, Amber Carden, H-E-B, Infineon, The Lola Wright Foundation, Pearlstone Partners, Primizie Catering, Primrose Schools, St. David’s HealthCare, Strong Events
Patron Partners:
Brandywine Realty Trust, Donald D. Hammill Foundation, Hyde Park Schools, Initiate Government Solutions, KVUE ABC, Prominence Homes, Riverside, St. David’s Foundation
President: Haley Gardiner
Administrative VP: Amy Miller
Community VP: Shelley Davis
Membership Development VP: Julia Null
Treasurer: Rami Legha
Nominating Chair: Andrea Pratt
Sustaining President: Julie Hall
Treasurer-Elect: Jennifer Williams
Member-At-Large: Rekha Roarty
President-Elect: Courtney Dickey
Communications VP: Missy Sharpe
Fund Development VP: Carolyn Ragsdale
Recording Secretary: Courtney Spencer
Bylaws/Parliamentarian: Jennifer Wu
Strategic Planning Chair: Elizabeth Andrews
Technology Chair: Erica Shelgren
Member-At-Large: Sarah Covey
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