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few pests and disease problems in most gardens. They enjoy six hours or more of sun a day but will tolerate lesser amounts.

Daylilies are not invasive like their ancestor, the ditch lily. Instead they will form a nice clump of fans that make great centerpieces in a garden. They are also wonderful companion plants. Daylilies offer a multitude of color choices and combinations, including orange, yellow, pink, red, green, purple, cream, peach, coral, brown, black, for bloom size. Blooms can range from two to twelve inches or more. Most blooms average around five to seven inches.

Another consideration when selecting daylilies is the season of bloom. When a daylily is registered in the American Daylily Society database, a seasonal time of bloom is listed. Daylilies have early, mid, and late-season bloom times. To extend your daylily bloom season in the summer months, consider selecting plants with varying bloom

“I’m preaching to the choir.” If they would be new to you, give them a try! Daylilies have been referred to as one of the perfect perennial plants. When you visit your garden during daylily bloom time, you’ll feel like it’s Christmas, and there are presents to unwrap every morning.

Mo-Kan Daylily Society is holding a daylily sale at the Garden Center Building located in Loose Park at 51st and Wornall Road in Kansas City, Missouri. It will be and gray. There are no blue or truewhite daylilies yet, but hybridizers are working on it. Daylilies offer a variety of bloom scape heights from 8 inches to 60 inches. There are even a few daylily scapes with a height of 72 inches. The majority of daylily scapes are between 24 and 40 inches tall.

Daylilies come in different bloom shapes. Circular, triangular, flat (pancake), recurved (bagel), and unusual form (UF) are some of the common ones. Daylilies also give gardeners many choices times. Keep in mind, though, that the time a daylily starts to bloom may vary in different geographical areas, in different climate conditions, and even in different years in your own garden.

I have been sending pictures of daylilies in my garden to a friend in Baltimore, Maryland. His response was “we have thousands of this orange daylily here, but I didn’t realize there were all of these other beautiful ones.” There are currently 98,718 registered daylilies.

If you already grow daylilies, on Saturday, August 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (or until sold out).

Customers can select from hundreds of bare root daylilies, with pictures and descriptions. There will be a planting corner with demonstrations, tips from expert daylily gardeners, and educational materials. All plants are grown locally in members’ gardens. There also will be a bargain table. You certainly will find irresistable deals. Payment is by credit card or cash. Club membership information will be available at the sale as well.

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