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iting sunlight. The branches naturally die off. Old decaying wood is weak and eventually will fall off. This is natural as it happens in the forest all the time.

Fertilized And The Rain Never Came

Question: How long does fertilizer last once applied? I applied, hoping for rain, and it never came for a week or two.

Answer: I have not given my patent “it depends” answer for some time. Fertilizers are manufactured in many ways. Some are formulated to release immediately, while others are encapsulated to with fertilizer. They can be unstable, and the nutrients can quickly be broken down by sunlight, morning dew, and temperature. The best recommendation is to time all applications which need to move into the soil with irrigation or natural rainfall.

Peace Lily Needs Encouragement To Bloom

Question: I have had a Peace lily houseplant for a few years, and it never blooms. Do you have any tips to get this plant to send up the pretty white flowers?

Answer: Peace lily or Spathiphyllum is a popular houseplant bound. The key to flowering is all about the amount of light. While it will tolerate low light levels, flowering is best achieved with better light conditions. Bright light, or a sunny window should stimulate sporadic flowering.

How To Grow Big Broccoli

Question: What is the secret to growing nice broccoli? I see people posting online these nice big heads while mine are small.

Answer: There are three keys to growing nice broccoli in the garden. One, planting at the correct time. Two, using a shorter season variety. Three, proper fertilization. Broccoli should be planted as a transplant. Depending on the season, it should be planted between mid-March and the end of March. Select healthy transplants and avoid overgrown and stressed plants, as they may never develop a nice head. The plant needs to be established before the late spring heat arrives. Planting into April does not allow enough time for the plant to develop before the heat arrives. This plant likes long, cooler springs.

break down over time. These methods of release are once they are moved into the soil based on water and microbial activity.

Your question is about before moving into the soil. Again, it depends on the formulation. The best recommendation is for water to move into the ground within 24 to 48 hours. Again, it depends on the fertilizer analysis and how the particles are coated. The other best answer is to read the label for the manufacturer’s recommendations. It also depends on if there are other products in the fertilizer. Herbicides and insecticides can be mixed as it tolerates low light levels in the home. It is prized for its strapping green leaves and occasionally white flowers. Many think it’s a funeral plant as it is often given in memory of a loved one.

Peace lilies do best with excellent drainage and even moisture. Uneven moisture can cause leaves to turn yellow. The plant often has brown leaf tips due to low humidity. Fertilize during the spring and summer and withhold during fall and winter as the light levels decrease.

Flowering is best achieved when the plant is slightly root

Varieties for the KC area include should mature between 50 and 70 days. Longer days to maturity may succumb to hot summer weather. Recommended varieties include Diplomat, Green Comet, Gypsy, Imperial, Packman, and Premium Crop.

A large head requires a big green leafy plant to produce enough energy to support a dinner plate head. Fertilize before planting, water in with a transplant solution, and then sprinkle a little fertilizer around each plant every two to three weeks. Nitrogen is the nutrient needed in the greatest quantities. Use a teaspoon or so per plant sprinkled out and around each plant. Keep evenly moist. You really cannot over-fertilize broccoli. It would be best if you harvested sometime in mid to late May.

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