Kennel Gazette April 2018

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April 2018 £5 00 £5.00

The Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen is this month’s judges’ choice

In conversation with famous terrier expert and judge Peter Green The official publication of the Kennel Club Apr_cvr.indd 1

07/03/2018 11:41

Luisa Scammell/The Kennel Club ©

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17/11/2016 08:52

Contents Opinion From a member of the Board


Dispelling a few myths about the Kennel Club boardroom

6 Viewpoint 11 Political progress

The role of social media in the dog world

Including the latest news on shock collars and third party sales

Art & culture Sniffing the past


A new smartphone app explores human-canine histories


From canvas to screen

Another of the Kennel Club’s many treasures


April 2018


Peter Pete Pet er Gr er Green

role of the Kennel Club 20 The field officer

Meet the team tasked with ensuring that dog shows run to Kennel Club regulations and set high standards

Health matters Could it be meningitis?


Taking a closer look at this potentially deadly disease, which affects the central nervous system

Judges’ choice The Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand)


The breed standard, breed history, plus breed experts pick their three favourite show dogs



Personality profile A Welsh hero


Terrier expert and judge Peter Green

Special features Celebrating 40 years of agility


The remarkable rise of one of the world’s most popular dog sports

16 Dog photographers of yesteryear Recalling the great photographic talents of the past

The Kennel Club, Clarges Street, London W1J 8AB Chairman: Simon Luxmoore Vice Chairman: Steve Croxford Chief Executive: Rosemary Smart Secretary: Caroline Kisko Customer services: 01296 318540 Petlog Main Number: 01296 336579 Petlog Lost & Found: 01296 737600 Library/Gallery: 020 7518 1009 Insurance Enquiries: 0800 369 9445 Editor: Carrie Thomas Editorial Manager: Sara Wilde Editorial Panel: Bill Moores (Chairman), Terrie Cousins-Brown, Ian Gabriel, Philippa Gilbert, Robert Greaves, Revd. Bill King, Gay Robertson


Dog Photographers

Editorial enquiries: The Kennel Club, Clarges Street, London W1J 8AB Subscriptions: 020 7518 1016 Kennel Gazette is published monthly on behalf of the Kennel Club by BPG Media To advertise contact Andrea Walters Printed by Warners Midlands Plc Kennel Gazette is the monthly publication of the Kennel Club. Views and opinions expressed within the Kennel Gazette are the personal opinions of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Kennel Club.

Cover photo: Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Ch/Ir Ch Tarmachan Cartier, ‘Fergus’, bred and owned by Fiona Buchanan and Michael Maclaren. Sired by Ir Ch Tarmachan Albanwr and Ch/Ir Ch Tarmachen Arc-en-Ciel EW09 ShCM. Fergus is currently the breed record-holder with 27 CCs. He was also crowned the Crufts 2018 Best of Breed winner. Photographers: ©Fiona Buchanan and Michael Maclaren.

/The KennelClubUK @thekennelclubuk @TheKennelClubUK

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14/03/2018 11:57

On my mind

Setting the record straight The Kennel Club boardroom is an often misunderstood world By Liz Stannard

Photo: Morley von Sternberg©/MCM


aving been elected to the Board nearly 12 months ago, I thought it time to dispel a few rumours and myths. Firstly, we do not go down to London to drink champagne, eat five-course lunches and have lots of jollies! I have to get up before 6am, and for those that know me, they will tell you I am not a morning person. In fact to me six o’clock is the time you feed the dogs’ tea, or put your own in the microwave. Driving to the railway station in the pitch-dark on unlit country roads is no fun, especially in the winter. Also, as I have three oldies and two cats, I pay someone to come in twice a day — and it’s me who pays, not the Kennel Club! I have been involved in dogs in different ways for nearly 50 years; as a breeder, exhibitor, judge, liaison officer, committee member, secretary, chairman, and so on. But at the first Board meeting I attended I did not say a word because I realised that although I had been on the Show Executive Committee and the Breed Standards and Stud Book Committee for over 15 years, this was a whole different ball game. This was business and big business! The chairmen of the different committees, some of whom I had not heard of, were experienced and very knowledgeable. I realised to hear them talk of finance, property, audit and risk, governance, risk strategy and so on, that I should keep quiet and listen until I had some idea of what was going on. Obviously, that did not last long as those who know me will also tell you, I find it hard not to ask questions or speak my mind. Those were two of the reasons a number of people had told me they had voted for me, as I would ask questions that exhibitors wanted the answers for. And with that in mind, I could not let them down so I started speaking up, especially when items raised were often referred to by initials. Do many of you reading this know what KCCT, GDPR, KCAI, DSPWP, ICO, mean? I didn’t, so I asked.

The Kennel Club boardroom is the scene of many top level discussions and decision making

A number of people on the Board are businessmen, running their own companies or working high up in large organisations, and they probably thought my ‘blonde’ questions were nonsense, but from the chairman down they have never made me feel foolish. I realise that even after this short time the Kennel Club is a medium-sized business with a large turnover. This means that things like pensions, property management, staffing, maintenance, PR and legal matters must be dealt with on a day-to-day basis, which all seems a long way away from dogs, dog shows and dog clubs. Yes, I suppose it is a business based on a dog club, and from the view of the people in the show ring it seems rather distant, especially since it has become a limited company. But, with all the rules and regulations that companies have to abide by from Government and the EU, the days have gone when it was just a case of picking up the phone and getting a simple answer and

carrying on. Sometimes in the past we didn’t even wait for an answer, we just carried on; well with litigation and social media we can no longer do that. The people employed at the Kennel Club are very well trained in their own departments and, despite what some people think, are there to help. With over 220 staff it can sometimes take a little while until you get to the person who has the correct answer to your question. Having been in the offices, I can assure you that they are not just sitting there waiting for the phone to ring. As well as all the dog exhibitor questions, they are there to answer queries about all the other disciplines such as agility, obedience, flyball, field trials, working trials, rally and heelwork to music. I know some show people think they are the only important people in the dog world as they believe they bring a lot of income to the Kennel Club, but until you know the facts about these other dog-related areas it might be better to keep quiet. Without the Kennel

4 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

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13/03/2018 16:30

Photo: Alan V Walker©

Photo: Heidi Hudson/The Kennel Club©

On my mind


The Kennel Club offices in Clarges Street

Photo: The Kennel Club©

Club speaking on our behalf in the wider world we might not have any dog activities; in fact we might not even have some of our dogs left due to the anti-dog brigade! I have joined the Board at a very interesting time in the dog world with the advent of the Judges Competency Framework, changes in how breed clubs will function, more information online; in fact the Kennel Club is moving quickly into the 21st century. Too quickly some might say, but as I said earlier, this is big business. Life has changed in every aspect; the days have gone when open shows had great entries every weekend because now there are so many other calls on people’s time and money. Families have access to so many other leisure activities and children no longer go along with their parents because there is not much else to do. Nowadays with social media every member of a family has a different interest or hobby. So, changes have to come with regard to dog shows, maybe for some it is too much

Those who work in the various departments are well-trained in their specialisms and keen to help

at once and they feel they cannot carry on, but as with anything, when people retire or leave, others must be encouraged to come on board. It is up to those of us who still care passionately about dogs, whether it just be our own breed, or the whole package, to embrace the changes where we know they will improve things, and question things sensibly when change might not be the right thing. By that I do not mean ranting on social media as that just makes your argument look like a school yard squabble. Instead, put your ideas forward through the proper channels, for example via club committees or AGMs, writing to or emailing the person in charge. That way you will have more chance of making a difference. When I set off on the early morning train journey to London I do so with a very thick pile of papers, and even though a lot come through email, there is still ample to carry. They all have to be thoroughly read before the meeting, because there is so much to get through each month, you do not have time to start asking questions. That is done through the various chairmen beforehand so you can get a clear answer. I often wonder do those people who believe we have a fun time down at Clarges Street realise that it will be at least 12 hours before I get home having given up my time freely because I was honoured to be elected to the Board. I regret that I did not have the opportunity earlier, and so now if I want to make an impression I only have a few years to do it in. ●

Liz started in show dogs in 1969, and bred her first champion Pekingese in 1970 with her late husband Paul. Since then she has bred/owned 16 British champions. Liz also bred and owned the top Toy in the 1970s and won many groups and major awards during the 1970s and 1980s. She has won over 150 CCs in Pekingese and Griffons. Liz first awarded Challenge Certificates in 1977, judged Pekingese at Crufts in 1992, and since then has judged a number of breeds at Crufts including the Toy Group in 2004. She awards CCs in 23 breeds over the Toy and Utility Groups. She’s been involved in Pekingese breed health, and has been joint health co-ordinator for many years. Liz gives talks on the breed at seminars and has presented the film on the breed for the Kennel Club Academy. Liz imported the first Bolognese and established the breed in this country in 1990. Now retired from showing and breeding, Liz decided to not accept any more new breeds at CC level when she was nominated for the Board. Although she has just retired as Secretary of Stockport Toydog Association after 30 years, she remains Secretary of Leeds Championship Dog Show, Chairman of Birmingham Invicta Pekingese Club, and Chairman of the British Bolognese Club. Liz has been a member of the Kennel Club since 1987, and a member of the Show Executive Committee, Breed Standards and Stud Book Committee for over 15 years. When elected onto the Board she had to regrettably retire as Breed Liaison Officer and Show Liaison Officer. Liz, who could not imagine being without animals, enjoys travel, reading, and wildlife conservation.

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13/03/2018 16:30


Viewpoint By Simon Parsons


’ve written before about the role of social media in the world of dogs and it’s still something about which I have very mixed feelings. For many years I was involved in various capacities, including editor, with a canine newspaper and of course we always had to be careful about what we published, on the grounds of accuracy and good taste and even, on occasions, to avoid the possibility of libel. Fortunately, in most cases, the very act of putting pen (or typewriter) to paper caused most people who contributed to the newspaper to think before they wrote. On to the email age, and there was more of a tendency for some people to say something ill-advised and then press the send button rather than reflecting on the wisdom of their comments before submitting them, but the delay before publication did give us all time for second thoughts. Now, of course, we are in a different era and the social media, Facebook in particular, have enabled instant publication of even the most nonsensical items. Some posters just forget to think – I know from my own experience how tempting it is (especially after a glass of wine!) to fire off a barbed reply, and confess that I, for one, haven’t always succeeded in resisting the temptation. But sadly, others have more malicious intent; indeed it seems to bring out the absolute worst in some people. There are, of course, many upsides too, not least the chance to disseminate

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important news quickly (though the danger of ‘fake news’, or at least of hearing only one side of the story, applies as much to the dog world as to ‘real life’, and I’m often appalled by people’s gullibility and their readiness to accept as true whatever they read and to join in disseminating it). Facebook also gives the chance to have meaningful discussions on the issues of the day and there are various opportunities for this in addition to one’s personal posts. To declare an interest, I have, since the demise of Dog World, organised one such group in order to continue the type of material we used to print. I have stressed that discussion should be polite, relevant and respectful and the vast majority of contributors have abided by this, though inevitably there is a small minority who can’t resist going over the top, or getting personal when that is not appropriate. That’s when the equivalent of the editor’s blue pencil has to be wielded. I, for one, feel passionately that discussion of issues facing the dog world should be as keen as possible. The Kennel Club is, of course, our governing body and its decisions affect many more people than simply its membership so genuine openness and transparency are essential. Participants in our world, be they Kennel Club members or otherwise, must be free to express opinions, even when these differ from the party line, without fear of retribution. But such opinions, on all sides, must be couched in polite and respectful

terms and there is never any excuse for personal abuse or malice. We all pay lip service to the idea that we desperately need to attract a new generation to our world; an unpleasant atmosphere engendered online is hardly likely to make them feel welcome. By the way, from now on the Kennel Gazette will be available to all, not just Kennel Club members, as it will be published online a couple of weeks after the print version appears. It’s great news, I feel, that the interesting and enjoyable material which the editorial team sources each month will now reach a wider readership, and I’m sure this will help ensure a flourishing future for the Kennel Club magazine. Another thing I feel passionately about is that the club should produce a printed publication for the benefit of its membership, as it has done for well over a century with only a very short break. But if this is complemented by a version which allows many more to enjoy it, then that’s a very welcome development.

SIMON PARSONS Simon Parsons has owned a variety of breeds but his first loves are the Corgis. He worked for Dog World newspaper for 39 years and awards Challenge Certificates in 13 breeds. In 2014 he instigated the revival of the Kennel Gazette

09/03/2018 09:00


Sniffing the past - a new smartphone app

The Kennel Club Charitable Trust (KCCT) provides grants to various canine organisations nationwide, many of which are involved in the rescue and welfare of dogs. In 2017, the KCCT gave grants totalling nearly £675,000.

In January 2018 Phil Pearson (pictured here with Kennel Club Chairman Simon Luxmoore) launched his new book ‘HPR License to Hunt’. Phil Pearson has owned and worked German Shorthaired Pointers for 38 years and is an A panel HPR field trial judge. His book encompasses every aspect of training and working an HPR, with comments and anecdotal accounts of days in the field. Monies from the sale of the book will go to breed rescue charities. A copy of the book can be found in the Kennel Club library.

Your support is essential to us and by giving whatever you can afford, you can help make a difference for dogs.

Courtesy of the University of Liverpool

Jacqueline Ferris-Woods / The Kennel Club ©

Photo: Heidi Hudson/The Kennel Club©


his free smartphone app offers an insight into the role dogs have played in urban history — their stories providing dog lovers with a fresh perspective on some of the world’s most iconic cities. Chris Pearson, a Senior Lecturer in the department of History at the University of Liverpool, has been researching dogs, humans and history in modern London, New York and Paris. His research covers the history of pet and stray dogs, rabies, animal protection societies, and police dogs. The Kennel Club played a key role in this history, as did its counterparts in New York and Paris. These stories have often remained hidden from urban history, so to highlight them Chris has launched a free smartphone app called Sniffing the This illustration by Christopher Rodenhurst can be seen on the Kennel Club site in the app Past. Produced with the University of Liverpool’s contemporary photographs, as well as illustrations beautifully drawn User Interface & Mobile Development Team, the app allows users to by Christopher Rodenhurst. The sites include Battersea Dogs & Cats explore human-canine histories as they walk around London, New Home, the former dog pound in Paris, dog runs in New York, dog York and Paris (or from anywhere else!). cemeteries, and lesser known places, such as Quai de Tournelle in Using Google and Apple maps, the app features text and images Paris where the Parisian police force unsuccessfully introduced a river that illustrate key sites and stories. The images include historical and rescue dog unit. The app also includes the Kennel Club’s headquarters on Clarges Street. Founded in 1873, and responding to the growing dog fancy in Victorian Britain, the Kennel Club recorded the history of breeds and devised breed standards against which pedigree dogs were judged at shows. It also recorded the results of dog shows and field trials as these were the activities around which the dog fancy was organised. The app is interactive meaning that users can upload their own human-canine sites and choose to share them with others. Available on Apple and Android, the app provides a fresh perspective on London, New York and Paris, and aims to increase awareness and understanding of compelling human-canine urban histories. The app can be downloaded at

The KCCT has three objectives, the funding of: • Science - research into diseases and other health conditions in dogs • Support - The training of dogs to help humans • Welfare - The rescue and re-homing of dogs which need help For further information and to make an online donation, please visit:

Registered Charity Number 327802

April 2018 - Kennel Gazette 7

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12/03/2018 13:58

Personality profile

A Welsh hero

In conversation with famous terrier expert and judge Peter Green

By Revd. Bill King

“Thank you for asking me to write about my long career in dogs, doing so has been a trip down memory lane for me and bittersweet, as so many of those remembered are no longer with us. “When I was a young boy my mother gave me a Wire Fox Terrier puppy but my father did not like dogs. He said the pup ran way, but I know he must’ve given it back to the breeder. “My great grandmother lived with my great uncle Harold Snow who had the famous kennel of Felstead Welsh Terriers. If I called in to see her she would always give me an apple from the orchard. One day

Peter Green pictured handling Sealyham Terrier Am Ch Dersade Bobby’s Girl, ‘Binny’, winning Best in Show at Westminster Kennel Club in 1977. Binny went on to have a fabulous career

she asked if I could help with the kennel as everyone in the house had the flu. I did this for a few days until everyone was well. The following weekend my uncle met me in town and asked if I would like to go to a dog show with him. I said yes as he had a car and the only one in our family who did! From that time on I helped him in the kennel every day after school and after work, and to show dogs until I was 18 and left to do my national service. “The first dog show I attended was the Glynneath Canine Society. The judge was Mr Leo Wilson, the editor of Dog World. Every Saturday night I would go to match shows on the bus with a dog in a box. The shows were mostly in pubs and I would have to go in the back door as I was not old enough to be in the pub. I usually had my dogs pretty well-trained and trimmed so I won many best in matches.”

Clearly you became enthusiastic about showing dogs and you went to America in 1958. That is no small achievement for a young man; would you like to tell us how this came about?

“In 1958 Mrs Smit, who had a famous terrier kennel, moved to California with her new husband Mr Joseph Urmston, a famous Kerry Blue breeder. They built a beautiful new kennel in Malibu; it was all white and very hard to keep clean with a kennel of about 50 terriers! Mr Urmston passed away before I arrived and I had to take care of the whole kennel and show and trim the dogs all by myself. After about 18 months I

Photo courtesy of Peter Green

Peter, can I begin by asking where does your love of dogs come from? Do you remember the first dog show you attended and the name/breed of the first dog handled by you?

Photo courtesy of Peter Green


eter Green was born in Neath, South Wales and began showing Welsh Terriers and Wire Fox Terriers at the Felstead Kennel of his uncle Mr Harold Snow. He went to America in 1958, became homesick, and returned to Wales in 1960. Back in Wales he became a successful handler, returning to America to work at Pool Forge Kennels in 1963. In the mid-1960s, Peter began his career to become one of the most respected and successful professional handlers, winning four Westminster Best in Shows (BIS), nine Montgomery County BISs, and six Dog of the Year awards. He has handled dogs to BIS at most of the major shows in the United States and is one of only two handlers to go BIS at both Crufts and Westminster. Honours include an AKC Lifetime Achievement Award, four Kennel Review Handler of the Year awards, two Gaines Handler of the Year awards, a Nature’s Recipe Handler of the Year award, and the Bow Tie Dogs in Review Lifetime Achievement Award. He has judged at top dog shows around the world, and in 2009 Peter judged BIS at Crufts, the Terrier Group at Westminster, and BIS at Montgomery County Kennel Club. As to character, Peter has a ready smile; he is courteous and respectful to all who speak with him. He wears greatness lightly.

Peter Green with Norfolk Terrier Am Ch Yarrow Venerie Winning Ticket, ‘Winston’, winning his last Best in Show at Montgomery County in 2014

8 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

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12/03/2018 12:23

Personality profile

Photo courtesy of Peter Green

returned to Wales to show dogs and open a pet trimming shop in Neath. The best part of my stay in California was meeting my lifelong friend Rick Chashoudian and, in spite of our long rivalry showing top terriers, we remained best friends until Rick passed away. “While showing dogs in Wales, George and Olive Jackson became my main clients. Under the Jokyl kennel name we showed many great terriers: Welsh, Lakelands and of course Airedales. When I was offered the job at Pool Forge, Mr Jackson gave me the confidence to try by assuring me that if things did not work out I would always have a place with him in England. On every trip home he provided me and my family with a car to drive and someone to meet us at the airport. Both he and Olive were lifelong friends until Olive’s recent passing.”

Five years after your first visit to the United States, you went to work at Pool Forge Kennels. I Googled the kennels and read about its owner Dorothy Wimer — as a young man you were given an amazing opportunity to work with one of the ‘A’ list of American kennels. What was it like? Tell us how you found probably their best Sealyham Terrier? What was your first big win in America?

Championship Show, told me of a wonderful Sealy they had seen. I did not see her at the show but learned from the catalogue that she had been bred by a good friend of mine who had sold her locally as a pet. My friend and I called around to see the dog and when her owner opened the door she ran to greet us. I knew she was special and I had to have her for Mrs Wimer. At first the owner refused to part with her because she was the children’s pet, but every night for a week my friend, her breeder Derek Thomas and I, would go to the pub and try to convince the family to send her to the United States to become famous. Finally they relented, we shook hands and took her right away which was a good thing because when Gaynor went to take them the money the next day they were all in tears. Of course ‘Binny’ (Am Ch Dersade Bobby’s Girl) went on to a fabulous career, winning all the

major shows including BIS at Westminster Kennel Club in 1977. And for the record, Binny was always our house pet.”

I know many people regard you as a hero of Wales, and you are held in very high esteem. Who were your heroes and mentors? “Over the years I have had many mentors who have helped me along the way. Certainly the terrier men: George Thomas, Bob Barlow, the great Percy Roberts, and of course Dr Josephine Deubler who was for many years the Show Chairman of Montgomery County Kennel Club. She took me under her wing early on and was a good friend through life. And of course Jane Forsyth for teaching me how to run a business showing dogs.”

Crufts 1967 Best in Show winner Lakeland Terrier Ch/Am Ch Stingray of Derryabah, Peter won his first Westminster with him in 1968

Photo: ©ISF/photographer

Photo: The Kennel Club©

“When I came to Pool Forge in the early 1960s it was with the understanding that I would not show the Sealyhams. I showed the Wires, the Welsh, the Smoothies and the Lakelands winning at many of the major shows in the East. My first big win was at Montgomery County in 1965 with the Wire Fox Terrier Am Ch Rogador Right Again. This was the first of nine BISs I have won at Montgomery. The last was in 2014 with a Norfolk Terrier I co-owned with my partner Beth and Pam Beale, Am Ch Yarrow Venerie Winning Ticket. “When I stopped being a private handler for the Wimers I bought property in Bowmansville and started my own business. Mr Farrell of the famous Foxton terrier kennel, who I had met through Bob and Jane Forsyth, wanted to get me a dog to start out with. I found him a Lakeland but could not get him until after Crufts, and wouldn’t you know, he went BIS! Fortunately, he had already been paid for and I took him home and showed him through the year, winning my first Westminster with him in 1968. This was Ch/Am Ch Stingray of Derryabah. “Even after I stopped as a private handler, I still showed some dogs for the Wimers. Which was why, when I was in Wales for the Welsh Kennel Club show, Mr and Mrs John Marvin who had been to Windsor

Wire Fox Terrier Ch/Ir Ch Galsul Excellence handled by Peter Green, pictured winning Best in Show at Montgomery County Kennel Club

Crufts 2005 winner Norfolk Terrier Ch/Am Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre, ‘Coco’

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Photo: Lisa Croft-Elliott/The Kennel Club©

Personality profile

Photo: Lisa Croft-Elliott/The Kennel Club©

Peter Purves interviewing Peter Green before Crufts Best in Show 2009

Peter Green with his Crufts 2009 Best in Show winner Good & Middlebrooks’ Sealyham Terrier Am/Can/Su Champion Efbe’s Hidalgo at Goodspice handled by Margery Good

How does it feel to be one of only two people who have ‘done the double’ and won both Westminster and Crufts? “To have won both Westminster and Crufts was a great honour and of course having won Crufts (2005, with ‘Coco’, Norfolk Terrier Ch/Am Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre) after I had already won a few Westminsters was definitely the high point of my career. Then to be invited to judge Best in Show at Crufts in 2009 was certainly all one could hope for; such a great honour. I am thankful I have had the good fortune to have such wonderful dogs to show to their best advantage.”

Photo: Lisa Croft-Elliott/The Kennel Club©

What advice would you give to any youngster starting out in dogs today?

Peter Green taking up position on the famous green carpet before Crufts Best in Show 2009

“Today in the United States there are so many shows. Someone starting out has to be dedicated and should apprentice themselves to a handler he or she respects and admires. Learn from a mentor, work hard and be polite to everyone you meet. Remember, you can always learn more.”

How do you relax from the pressures of the show scene? “Now when we are not off judging or showing our Norfolk pups or Affenpinschers,

I watch a lot of football — Manchester United and of course Swansea.”

Finally, who would you invite from the past or present to lunch at the Kennel Club? Dogs may come too. “Who would I take to lunch at the Kennel Club? Why the Norfolk Terrier, Coco of course, Dr Josephine Deubler, my best friend Rick Chashoudian and my father; I would really like to see him there. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share some of my life in dogs. The dog world has given me much to be thankful for, not the least of which is all the wonderful people I have met along the way and whose friendships I cherish.” ●

REVD. BILL KING Bill has substantial experience of dog shows, obedience, heelwork to music and field trials. He has finally managed to soothe an itch which began in 1965 when in 2015, at Lincoln Cathedral, Bill was ordained as a priest. He is now an associate Priest in the Trinity Parish, Grantham

10 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

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12/03/2018 12:24

Political progress

Political progress An update on how the Kennel Club is helping shape political policy By Melissa Cradock and Ed Hayes Shock collar victory As trailed in the October 2017 Political progress column, the Kennel Club hosted a round table event in the Scottish Parliament on the need to ban electric shock collars. This event was well attended by Members of the Scottish Parliament, animal welfare, and veterinary organisations. Following the event Maurice Golden, Conservative MSP, and Ben Macpherson, SNP MSP both promoted petitions and worked with the Kennel Club to put pressure on the Scottish Government to ban these devices. At the end of January 2018, we were very pleased to hear that the Government listened and announced it will implement a ban. Following the announcement in Scotland, the UK Government was under more pressure than ever before to ban the use of shock collars in England. The Kennel Club organised an event on this topic in Parliament with Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, the British Veterinary Association, Dogs Trust, Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home and the Scottish Kennel Club, which was hosted by MPs from all the major parties. Following this event the Government announced a consultation on banning the use of electric shock collars in England, which is great news for dogs across the country. We will continue to update you as this issue progresses through Parliament.

KC Dog works with the Home Office on Public Spaces Protection Order Guidance The Kennel Club public affairs team has taken a leading role in updating Home Office guidance on introducing dog restrictions.

At the end of December 2017, the Home Office released its updated guidance on the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. This included advice on how local authorities should use Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) which are used to introduce restrictions on dogs, among other things. The public affairs team has worked with councils and dog walkers across England and Wales to ensure that if these are brought in they are fair and proportionate to all users of the space. In October 2016 the team released the report: ‘Out of order: the impact of access restrictions on dogs and their owners’, which looked at good and bad use of PSPOs. At the event to launch this in Parliament the public affairs team called on the Home Office to update its guidance on the use of PSPOs and since then has worked closely with the Home Office to ensure that dog owners are represented in this document. The Kennel Club is now recognised as the leading authority in this area – no other animal welfare organisation was mentioned in the new Home Office guidance nor in the Defra guidance on how to use PSPOs. This means that local authorities are advised to contact the Kennel Club when introducing a restriction which would impact on dogs.

New breeding regulations Prior to Christmas the prime minister confirmed that the Government is developing regulations to improve the health and welfare of puppies through updated dog breeding regulations in England, an issue which has needed addressing for many years. This is one of the reasons the Kennel Club introduced the Assured Breeder Scheme

(ABS), which sets a much higher standard for dog breeding than the local authority licensing system. The public affairs team has been working with Government to try to ensure the ABS is incorporated into new regulations, in order that puppy buyers can easily identify where to get a happy, healthy puppy and ensure that local authorities can target their resources where they are most needed. The new regulations are likely to come into force in October 2018 and are expected to result in the lowering of the licensing threshold for which a local authority licence is required, from five litters currently to three litters in a 12 month period. This will mirror previous reductions in Wales and Northern Ireland. The finer details of the new regulations are still to be decided upon. The Kennel Club, as the leading organisation offering advice, guidance and regulation on the breeding of dogs, will continue to work with Defra on this matter.

Third party sales The Government is currently consulting on banning third party sales of dogs, which is an issue that the Kennel Club has campaigned on for over 10 years, to help improve the welfare of puppies. Buying puppies from third parties such as pet shops or puppy dealers increases the risk of acquiring an unhealthy and poorly socialised puppy. The Kennel Club is keen to see this policy introduced as it highlights the importance of buying from a responsible breeder. ●

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11 Political Progeress CS.indd 11

12/03/2018 12:03

Health matters

Something is affecting the central nervous system

Could it be meningitis? By Dr Giunio Bruto Cherubini DVM, Diplomate ECVN, MRCVS

Photo: ©Dick White Referrals


an dogs have meningitis? The answer is yes, they can. While most dog breeders and owners are aware of steroid responsive meningitis-arteritis (SRMA), they are probably less familiar with other, similar disorders affecting the central nervous system (CNS). The general public is also aware of the high risk to people of contagious bacterial meningitis, but in addition to meningitis (inflammation of the meninges, the external layer of the central nervous system), people, dogs, cats - any animal - can also suffer from encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord) and meningoencephalomyelitis (diffuse inflammation of all three components of the central nervous system). In people, the cause of encephalitis/ meningitis is unknown in up to 60 per cent of cases and is considered to be immunemediated, i.e. secondary to a dysregulation of the immune system. But whatever the underlying cause (bacteria, fungi, virus, protozoa or immune mediate), both encephalitis and meningitis carry a high risk of secondary debilitated neurological dysfunction and/or death. It is the same in dogs. In fact immune mediated inflammatory diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS) are the second most frequent cause of CNS dysfunction in dogs (approximately 14 per cent). This condition is known as MUA – ‘meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown aetiology’ (cause) - and is thought to be due to an alteration of the function of the immune system which produces antibodies and white blood cells attacking the CNS. The most common of these disorders are granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME), necrotising leucoencephalitis (NLE), necrotising meningoencephalitis (NME), steroid responsive meningitisarteritis (SRMA) and eosinophilic meningitis, but all cases where a nonaetiological has been identified should be

Diagnosis requires in depth specialist knowledge and advanced diagnostic tools

included in this group. Due to their immunemediated nature, none of this group are infectious or contagious.

JA Halsted said, “A physician who depends on the laboratory to make his diagnosis is probably inexperienced...” MUA can occur in any breed and crossbreed, however, Pugs (Pug encephalitis), Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, West Highland White Terriers and terrier breeds in general; Boxers, Beagles, Weimaraners, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Pointers and Whippets are over represented. In a predisposed breed, young female dogs are thought to be most often affected. The problem is that there are infectious CNS diseases that can mimic MUA disorders. They are not common in this country, but represent approximately five

per cent of total canine CNS encephalitis/ meningitis. They include extended inner ear or nasal cavity infection to the brain, distemper, toxoplasmosis, neosporosis, tick-borne diseases, leishmania, bacterial, fungi, yeast and parasites. So, rather than automatically assume that a dog showing signs of disease to the central nervous system requires immune modulatory treatment, it is essential to determine first whether it has one of the above infectious CNS diseases. In fact, the immune modulatory treatment for suspected MUA can make the CNS infections worse, thus this can be life-threatening not just to the patient, but to others in contact with him. The clinical signs of MUA are varied, depending on whether brain, spinal cord or meninges are involved. The onset can be hyperacute, acute, or chronic progressive. It occurs most commonly in young to middle-aged animals, although even old dogs can be affected. Systemic signs such as fever, generalised pain or discomfort, neck pain, vomiting and/or diarrhoea can be present. Many animals present with only neurological signs: from being a bit wobbly to unable to walk, acute blindness or deafness, subtle personality changes or severe behaviour disorder, head tilt/turn, circling, and last but not least, seizures. These may not respond to treatment, developing to status epilepticus. These clinical and neurological manifestations

12 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

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12/03/2018 13:45

Health matters

Photo: ©Gay Robertson

are very unspecific and could be caused by a wide plethora of disease affecting the central nervous system as primary or by secondary CNS involvement due to organ dysfunction - liver or kidney failure - or to cancer in any part of the body spreading to the central nervous system or triggering an immune mediated CNS disorder. The diagnostic work-up requires an in depth specialist knowledge and advanced diagnostic tools. Initially, MUA presumptive diagnosis can be made on the basis of breed pre-disposition, accurate and detailed history taking, neurological signs and blood results, but cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, culture, serology and PCR assays for infectious agents are also key. In addition, MRI studies of the brain and spinal cord CNS are an all-important diagnostic tool in reaching a final diagnosis. And even after all this diagnostic work, the results can be pretty unremarkable in up to 20 per

Although a breed may be over represented in cases of SMRA, before treating the dog, the vet still needs tests to be sure that it does not have bacterial or viral meningitis for which the treatment is different

cent of dogs who do have MUA. As a famous human medic, JA Halsted said: “A physician who depends on the laboratory to make his diagnosis is probably inexperienced; one who says he does not need a laboratory is uninformed. In either instance, the patient is in danger.” Dogs with suspected MUA are a classic example where the expertise from an RCVS recognised specialist in veterinary neurology is crucial, not only in reaching a correct diagnosis but in prescribing the most appropriate treatment for a serious condition with significant high morbidity and mortality. While the treatment of infectious CNS diseases depends on the primary cause of the condition and will be a specific antibiotic or antiviral agent as necessary, MUA requires a combination of immune modulatory drugs such as steroids and chemotherapy. Patients, both human and canine, with MUA should be treated as soon as possible with an aggressive immunomodulatory protocol because any delay in diagnosis or inappropriate treatment can have a detrimental outcome. This means that a dog presenting with lethargy, neck pain, fever, seizures or some other clearly neurological disorder cannot just be assumed to have a CNS inflammatory disorder, even if his breed is considered at risk of MUA. Unfortunately, the appropriate diagnostic work-up can be a significant cost: £1,000 - £2,000 in most UK referral hospitals. However, the cost of an incorrect diagnosis and consequent inappropriate

treatment can not only be higher but pose a significant risk to the life of the animal. The assumption that any animal with any type of neurological symptoms will benefit from some sort of steroid treatment is clinically unjustified and fundamentally wrong. We would not treat a sick person in this way and we should start considering our pets as full members of our family who deserve the same quality of care and health treatment. Reported average survival times can vary from a few days for those who do not respond to treatment, to a complete resolution of clinical and neurological signs. A significant percentage of dogs may need lengthy or lifelong immunomodulatory treatment but can nevertheless enjoy a good quality of life. For a successful outcome, the owner needs to have a good understanding of the disease, life expectancy, treatmentassociated complications, and be in a strong, triangular collaboration with the referring vet and the specialist veterinary neurologist. Vaccines are an essential prophylactic treatment to maintain a healthy UK pet population but future ‘booster’ vaccinations should be given to MUA pets only after a deep assessment of the pros and cons by the vet responsible and if judged strictly necessary. The efficacy of vaccines in dogs undergoing immunological treatment is in any case questionable and there have been many anecdotal reports in the UK, Europe and USA of MUA dogs considered cured, relapsing after routine vaccinations. ● As Hippocrates (460-370 BC) the father of modern medicine was to say in his oath, “First, do not harm”. This is one of the principal medicine ethical precepts still taught to medical students. It reminds us that it can be better not to do something or even do nothing than to risk causing more harm than good with inappropriate treatment. If it is valid for humans, why can it not be the same in veterinary medicine?

This six-year-old male Schnauzer shows neck pain, antalgic posture and a sad expression but he does not have meningitis. He was suffering from a slipped disc and recovered well after surgery

Dr Giunio Bruto Cherubini is Head of Neurology/ Neurosurgery at Dick White Referrals. He is a European Veterinary Specialist in Neurology, RCVS recognised specialist in Veterinary Neurology, Hon. Assoc. Professor in Veterinary Neurology at the University of Nottingham, and a member of the Society of British Neurological Surgeons

© Måns Engelbrektsson

Photo courtesy of Giunio Cherubini


April 2018 - Kennel Gazette 13

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12/03/2018 13:46

Special feature

Celebrating 40 years of agility What started out as a time-filling demonstration developed into one of the most popular dog sports in the world By Jill Spurr

Photo: ©Rosemary Tappin

First agility course, 1978 – by kind permission of AgilityNet from an original by Peter Lewis

Photo: ©Rosemary Tappin


og agility is well established as an attraction at Crufts, Olympia, and at hundreds of shows around the country every weekend. Originally formed as an entertainment to fill a space in the programme at Crufts, in 40 years it has grown to be one of the biggest canine activities in the world. While there are marked changes in agility today, it is still recognisable in the demonstration of February 1978. John Varley, a Crufts committee member at the time, was tasked with filling a time slot in the programme. He enlisted the help of experienced dog trainer Peter Meanwell and together the pair set about devising a display that drew from Varley’s equestrian experience and elements of working trials that Meanwell trained. They decided that a team event would add to the spectacle, so enlisted two clubs to go head to head: Meanwell’s Lincolnshire Alsatian and All-Breeds Training Society (as it was called then) and Yorkshire Working Trials Society. The members of both teams embraced the idea, helping with training ideas and developing the equipment. The first agility course was a figure of eight, starting and finishing on a table at the centre of the ring, with 12 obstacles, including weave poles and contact equipment. The crowd loved it, ensuring the activity would return to Crufts the following year – as indeed it has every year since. Other clubs started to train agility, making their equipment out of whatever was available. Almost immediately, people had a second prestigious final to aim for, as in December 1979 the first ever Agility Stakes was run at Olympia with support from Pedigree Chum. That competition, too, has endured, and celebrates its 40th anniversary next year. It is still, to this day, considered one of the most prestigious finals to attend; with an unusually large ring and soft running surface, it brings a completely different challenge and atmosphere to all other competitions. As early as 1980, the demonstration had become a test under Kennel Club rules, which enabled more clubs to hold

Early agility equipment varied in design and was often homemade

14 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

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Amber had a successful career at large before measuring into medium

Change came gradually, and the changes that did come at first were largely down to the varied skills and day jobs of people who enjoyed agility, as it was still very much a cheap hobby, with individual entries only costing £1 per run. More professional and consistent equipment, made by carpenters, started to appear in the 1990s. Electronic timing was introduced, which was a huge step forward. Prior to this, each ring needed a manual timer with a stopwatch, who was required to time the entire class to ensure consistency. This meant timers were unable to otherwise participate in the show, which invariably had an impact on volunteers. Agility is resource-heaving, requiring expensive kit and many volunteers to ensure the smooth running of a ring, and yet entry fees are still significantly less than other dog sports and even breed showing, typically around £3 – £3.50 per run. Agility gained momentum during the 1990s. It became more and more popular with more dogs competing, and it became apparent that the sport needed to continue to adapt. A third height category was introduced in the mid-90s, midi, for dogs 15 – 17 inches at the withers, jumping 20 inches. As with the development of the mini category, almost all of the classes held for midi dogs were open, meaning any and every dog could enter. The more prolific larger dogs enjoyed classes split by experience, like elementary and starters for new handlers, to

Photo: ©Brenda Tenten

“Undoubtedly, agility remains as popular as it ever was”

Jump height was originally 30 inches

senior or advanced for those who acquired enough wins. Many of the dogs able to run at midi due to their size, were also capable of winning at the larger jump height of standard, so at first some handlers ran large for the qualifiers and midi at other shows; a loophole in the rule wording made this legal. This loophole was eventually closed, shutting off qualifiers, so a proactive group of handlers set about organising ring parties to encourage shows to hold classes, and secured sponsorship for a national midi final. This competition, along with the Anything But Collie (ABC) was eventually adopted by the Kennel Club, and became part of the Olympia portfolio. By the end of the 1990s, it became clear that there was both the quality and quantity in agility dogs to warrant the award of Challenge Certificates, although at first only for the standard and mini categories. The first champion, Ag Ch Waggerland Whoosh of Nedlo, handled by Lesley Olden, was crowned in 2001, with the first mini champions made up the following year and midi in 2006. Also, in 2006 saw far reaching changes to the structure of agility: the height categories were renamed and

Photo: ©Jill Spurr

shows. Initially, all dogs ran over the jump height of 30 inches, including small dogs like shelties and terriers. As the sport grew, and more people started working smaller dogs, a new category, mini, was introduced from 1985, for dogs below 15 inches at the withers. A Mini Agility Dog of the Year competition was held at Olympia from December 1987 following qualifiers throughout the year. Much of agility has changed little from the original concept. An agility round includes the contact obstacles of A-frame, dog walk, and see-saw. Each has differently coloured contact points that the dog is expected to touch – failure to do so incurs five faults. Jumping rounds exclude the contacts but can feature all of the other obstacles like the long jump, wall, tyre, tunnel and weave poles. The judge sets the course according to the grade(s) that are competing, and the winner is the dog that negotiates the course in the shortest time with fewest faults.

Photo: ©Brenda Tenten

Special feature

Touching the contact avoids faults

redefined, becoming small, medium, and large, and jumping new heights of 35, 45 and 65cm. Classes were renamed, changing the old starters, novice, and senior to a series of numbered grades from grade 1 (new handlers and dogs) up to grade 7, depending on experience and achievements. New ways of progressing, via collecting warrant points, were also introduced. Undoubtedly, agility remains as popular as it ever was, with thousands taking part in competitions each weekend. People come from around the world to compete at the Kennel Club’s own agility show, the International Agility Festival. The four-day, 20-ring show is thought to be the largest agility show in the world, a far cry from the eight-dog competition where it all began. ●

JILL SPURR Jill Spurr is a media professional and dog trainer from Buckinghamshire. She has owned Border Collies for 25 years, breeding under the Dreamwork kennel name, and regularly competes in breed, agility, and obedience

April 2018 - Kennel Gazette 15

14-15 Agility CS.indd 15

12/03/2018 13:33

Special feature

Dog photographers of yesteryear This is the first in a new series of articles which will feature dog photographers who have portrayed dogs over many years. Various freelance photographers have captured winning dogs at Crufts and championship dog shows but a few names dominate dog show history, among them Diane Pearce, Cyril Cooke (C.M.) and Thomas Fall. By Heidi Hudson


og photography is occasionally undervalued within the world of dogs, whether as an art form and/or a historical record in comparison to other dog show ephemera such as trophies and paintings. Over the last few years the Kennel Club Picture Library has strived to develop the overall history of pedigree dogs by acquiring or seeking photographic donations, aiming to place the pedigree dog ‘in the picture’ in terms of British heritage. We appreciate there is a long list of photographers to acknowledge over the years, but we hope to feature some in the coming months and highlight their contribution to the history of pedigree dogs.

One of the most treasured photographic collections the Kennel Club Picture Library holds to date is the Diane Pearce Collection. Diane Pearce has been recalled by many dog exhibitors who once knew her as ‘one of the most skilled and talented dog photographers’ on the show scene. Diane’s detailed and comprehensive archive now safely resides in the Kennel Club Picture Library, and features many named dogs from championship shows and Crufts from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

Diane was known not only for her photographic skill and patience with both dogs and clients, but more importantly for her comprehensive dog knowledge enabling her to capture each breed correctly. She had a large cache of toys, ranging from squeakers

to furry balls to bait the dog’s attention to her camera. However, her secret weapon was her Persian cat. When all else failed in getting dog’s ears up and alert, her partner Marjorie would ‘bring out the cat’ and Diane would then capture the perfect picture (pictured below). Both members and dog show exhibitors have fond memories of Diane working at Crufts and at all the big shows.

An abundance of props to catch the dog’s eye

Dobermann Ch Hensel Midnight Max

All photos Diane Pearce Collection/The Kennel Club©

Diane Pearce

16 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

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14/03/2018 11:48

Photo: The Kennel Club©

Special feature

Diane Pearce Collection/The Kennel Club©

Diane Pearce Collection/The Kennel Club©

Diane Pearce, informally posing for Best in Show. This photo was discovered in the Dog World archives recently acquired by the Kennel Club

Diane and her comprehensive dog knowledge enabled her to capture each breed correctly

Keeshond Valmijk of Vorden

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14/03/2018 11:48

Special feature

Cyril Cooke Another photographer who worked alongside Diane Pearce as a friend and, on occasion, competitor in the dog photography realm, was Cyril Cooke (also known as C.M. Cooke). Many exhibitors referred to him as simply “Cooke” or “Cookie.” The Kennel Club Picture Library has several photos from Cooke in the Crufts photo collections, mainly from the 1960s and 1970s, and occasionally we receive donated photos with his credit on the back. Cooke would run around the show taking photos of every Best of Breed and group winner – in particular at Crufts. He was so successful at photographing most winning dogs that he was commissioned by the Kennel Club in 1960 to compile a pocket book of ‘Champion Dogs’ which sold quite well in its day. Sadly, Cooke’s photo archive was lost forever when it was destroyed soon after his death.

Nadia Howard-Price (Montfleuri) with her Miniature Poodle

All photos CM. Cooke/The Kennel Club©

Cooke was commissioned by the Kennel Club in 1960 to compile a pocket book of ‘Champion Dogs’

The last Dalmatian to win Crufts Best in Show in 1968, Ch Fanhill Faune. As this photo illustrates, taking photos of Best in Show has not changed much!

Cooke would run around the show taking photos of every Best of Breed and group winner

18 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

16-19 Photography CSspNF.indd 18

14/03/2018 12:45

Special feature

English Setter Sh Ch Shiplake Swift

CM. Cooke/The Kennel Club©

C.M. Cooke/The Kennel Club©

CM. Cooke/The Kennel Club©

The Kennel Club Art Gallery will be hosting a special photographic exhibition solely on ‘Thomas Fall Photography’ in September 2018. The exhibition, which will run until March 2019, will be a historical overview dedicated to the three photographers who worked as part of Thomas Fall Photography, from 1875 to the late 1960s. They were Thomas Fall, Edward Hitchings Parker, and the late Barbara Burrows.

Pointer Sh Ch Stonethorpe Stedfast

The Kennel Club©

Cooke took photos in and around the rings at championship shows

All photos Thomas Fall/The Kennel Club©

A rare photo of Diane Pearce and Cyril Cooke getting ready to take photos at Crufts

Skill, knowledge and expertise In the coming months leading up to the Thomas Fall Photography Exhibition, we will also be featuring interviews with some of our dog show photographers of the immediate past who made significant contributions to British pedigree dog history through their skill, knowledge and expertise.

Here is a picture of an Alsatian long before they became the German Shepherd Dog!

April 2018 - Kennel Gazette 19

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14/03/2018 11:49

Special feature

The role of the Kennel Club field officer Meet the team who help to raise standards at shows

Photo: ©Heidi Hudson/The Kennel Club

is checked to ensure everything is in place, particularly health and safety. If something can be put right on the day, the field officer will help and advise the secretary to enable them to achieve an excellent grade, but if that is not possible, at the end of the show the field officer will talk through any items raised in the report book ensuring the society achieves an excellent grade the following year. The field officers do not grade the reports which are sent back to the London office to be checked and graded. Societies that achieve an ‘excellent’ grade receive a certificate and their show is listed in the Kennel Club Journal while those that have issues to be addressed for future events receive a letter outlining the items to be put right to help them organise an ‘excellent’ show next time.

Pictured from left to right are: (back row) Fred Boulton, Jane Thorpe, Jenni Connery, Terry Pearson, Andy Longley; (front row) Chris John, Laurie Phillips, Val Phillips, Jan Hunter, Ian Kettle; (absent from picture) Bob Dyke, Geoff Jackson-Haines, Mark James, Mike Vines


he simple words ‘field officer’ are sometimes all it takes to strike fear into the heart of even the most rule-abiding canine society or club. Perhaps the public opinion of the field officer is misguided as the perception of a field officer visit is that they have come to the show specifically to find fault, try to catch the secretary out or trip them up when questioned. Nothing could be further from the truth, as they have more to offer dogdom than a rule book. The role of field officer was first suggested in 1986 to ensure dog shows were run to Kennel Club regulations and to raise standards. At first, only the late Mr Geoffrey Farrand served the entire country, but as this was extremely demanding it was decided that the country should be geographically divided between four people. Their attendance at shows was always clearly advertised and they were only expected to attend championship shows, but after much thought this was extended to include general championship shows.

Their remit was almost the same as it is now except they were not expected to check the paperwork too closely, as it was not considered important. The field officers could only be recruited from members of the General Committee or selected members of the Kennel Club as it was decided they were the only people who would have the broad knowledge required. Today there are 14 field officers covering the UK and Northern Ireland each monitoring a specific region. They are recruited from all walks of life because of their vast knowledge and experience in just about every aspect of organising a dog show, which they have gained over many years. The field officers now attend every type of show, from small limit shows to general and group championship shows covering several days. Over the years more disciplines have been introduced and they are now expected to attend agility, obedience and heelwork to music shows and also rally competitions. The administration side of the show is now considered to be very important and

An example of a copy of the ‘excellent certificate’ that the office now sends out to societies that have run an excellent show

Their role has always been to help and support the show secretary and to provide impartial advice where needed and this has undoubtedly helped to raise the standard of dog shows for the benefit of all dog enthusiasts. A seminar is held annually at the Kennel Club in London when all the field officers enjoy coming together to discuss the changes in the regulations and any issues raised from their many show visits during the year. The Kennel Gazette spoke to a selection of field officers to get their views on their role. We asked Terry Pearson what made him apply for the role of field officer? He replied: “I am at a stage in my life when I realise

20 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

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07/03/2018 12:24

Photo courtesy of Chris John

Photo courtesy of Jane Thorpe

Photo courtesy of Jenni Connery

Special feature

Jenni Connery who covers Northern Ireland

with a heavy-handed attitude. I have found the best way to assist people is to gain their trust and advise rather than dictate. Always remember, whatever discipline you visit that organisers have probably spent many hours in the preparation of a show or event, often with little or no thanks whatsoever. But they do that with an unstinting ability to serve a particular club or society. Without ignoring anything which contravenes Kennel Club rules, be fair and honest.”

In Northern Ireland Jenni Connery attended her first show visit alongside the highly experienced Jan Hunter. She said: “I felt a little apprehensive beforehand, but this was not to last as Jan immediately made me feel at ease and, with her strong work ethic and meticulous training, I soon felt at home in the role. The support offered from both the Canine Activities Team at the Kennel Club and the other field officers was so tremendous that when I went on to attend shows in Northern Ireland on my own it was a natural transition.” Jenni added, “If you enjoy

Mark James who covers the Midlands region

“Be patient, listen and do not regard yourself too highly” It was similar motives that attracted Laurie Phillips to the role. He said: “When the advert appeared in the Kennel Gazette I applied for the position of field officer specifically for the obedience and agility disciplines. I felt that being a field officer would afford me the opportunity to give something back to a sport that, over many years, had given me so much pleasure.” Mark James, who covers the Midlands area, told us about his first show visit in the field officer role. “I was very nervous, however the secretary who was new, was even more nervous than me and we worked together to make everything right. I always find it amazing that as soon as a field officer arrives in the car park the jungle drums start working and committee members scurry around in anticipation of you walking through the door. Most problems can be worked out and we are not there holding a heavy stick!

Photo courtesy of Laurie Phillips

Jane Thorpe who covers the East Anglian region

just what the world of dogs has given to me over the years. I therefore was very keen to become a field officer to enable me to give back something to the sport. I dislike the word ‘inspector’ which is sometimes used for our visits. I see the visits as being very much advisory, where any secretary or committee member feels able to speak to me about any concerns in the running of the club.” So, what advice would Terry give to anyone who wants to become a field officer in the future? “The best advice I would give would be do not enter the confines of a show

Photo courtesy of Mark James

Chris John who covers the West Country

Laurie Phillips who covers the North West region

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Photo by

Special feature

Jenni Connery (left) and Jan Hunter (right) in conversation ring side at a recent championship show

all types of dog shows and dog activities and care about the future of ensuring the highest standards are maintained through the UK’s largest organisation dedicated to the welfare of dogs, go ahead and apply when an opportunity arises within your area, you won’t regret it.” Val Phillips who covers the South East, touched on some amusing incidents.

“I’ve had many memorable visits, most of them with very good results. One was funny because I was giving a dog a real cuddle and it decided to relieve itself up my leg. Another, not so funny, was doing a visit, giving not such a good report and the secretary was a little upset, so she complained about a coat I was wearing. My poor partner was upset because it was my Christmas present! Apart from going to a visit on the wrong day and being on the M25 in stationary traffic for three hours, my visits have been most enjoyable”. Jane Thorpe who is responsible for the East Anglian area said: “I would say my most memorable visit was to a show in the early 1990s when a fight broke out between two handlers in the ring! This eventually led to a disciplinary hearing at the Kennel Club.” Jan Hunter’s reply was succinct. Jan who covers Scotland said, “I enjoy turning up with an open mind and being delighted by shows which excel and are doing a grand job to provide a great day out for the exhibitors.” Finally, we spoke to Andy Longley who covers the South East area about his best advice to prospective field officers. “Quite simply”, said Andy, “Be patient, listen and do not regard yourself too highly.”

With ever changing regulations, higher demands and expectations from exhibitors and spectators resulting in increasing pressure and responsibilities for show organisers, the field officer’s role is increasingly important to dog shows. As long as there is a demand for dog shows, there will be a field officer to ensure that the high standards of the shows of today will continue to prevail at the shows of tomorrow. ●

Current field officers and regions each cover: Jan Hunter - Scotland Bob Dyke - Wales Jenni Connery - Northern Ireland Terry Pearson - North West Laurie Phillips - North West Fred Boulton - North East Jane Thorpe - East Anglia Mark James - Midlands Mike Vines - Midlands Geoff Jackson-Haines - Home Counties Chris John - West Country Ian Kettle - South West Val Phillips - South East Andy Longley - South East

22 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

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07/03/2018 12:24

Treasures of the Kennel Club

From canvas to screen This latest treasure combines modern craftsmanship with 19th century art By Valerie Foss

Photo: ©Kennel Club


his latest treasure is an unusual piece. These are three paintings by the well-known 19th century canine artist George Earl set into a beautiful, three-fold, modern screen made of ash which is from the David Linley workshop. George Earl came from a family of artists. His older brother Thomas first became an artist and George studied under his tuition. He also attended a drawing school where he worked alongside a number of well-known artists. The family artistic tradition continued when his daughter, Maud Earl, became a famous canine artist in her own right. His son, Thomas Percy Earl, was an equestrian artist and his grandson, Jack Beaumont, was a marine artist. The three Pointers shown in individual paintings were well-known in their day and also lie at the back of today’s Pointer pedigrees. The portraits of Ch Hamlet and Ch Drake were at one point in William Arkwright’s own art collection. Ch Hamlet is signed and dated 1868. Hamlet was a renowned Pointer, successful at stud, and bred and owned by Mr JH Whitehouse. George Earl, a sportsman as well as an artist, shot over him and so saw Hamlet at his best. Ch Bang is signed and dated 1876. He was bred and owned by Sam Price and was the grandson of Ch Hamlet and a successful stud dog. Bang was only beaten in the show ring once, and in the field he had no equal. Ch Drake makes up the third painting and this is signed and dated 1875. This painting appears in Arkwright’s famous book ‘The Pointer and his Predecessors’ and a copy of the book can be found in the Kennel Club library. The following paragraph written by Arkwright in the book describes Drake: “This is a portrait of Champion Drake. He was bred and owned by Sir R Garth QC and was one of the most sensational winners of Trials that has ever lived. Drake’s legs

The beautiful screen

and feet are here made too wooden; but his head is nice, though both skull and stop are rather lacking. I fancy that the artist must have tried to idealise the dog; as I am told that he possessed an ample head, but that it was not famous for beauty”. ●

The Kennel Club Art Gallery is open Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 4.30pm by appointment. To make an appointment please contact the art gallery at or on 020 7518 1064.

VALERIE FOSS Valerie Foss assisted with the formation of the KC Gallery, and is on the Library & Gallery Panel. She is a well-known judge all over the world and judged BIS at Crufts in 2010. She is an honorary life member of the KC and a member of the General Committee until retirement

April 2018 - Kennel Gazette 23

23 Treasure of KC CS.indd 23

13/03/2018 16:55

Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) breed standard Breed standard


he tallest of the Basset breeds, the Grand (GBGV) is built on long lines: the longest legs of the Basset family, the longest body, longest ears and a noble head. He is rough coated and should retain a rustic appearance. He was originally used for hunting hare and rabbit.

● GENERAL APPEARANCE Well-balanced, medium height, rough-coated hound. Slightly longer than height at withers, with straight forelegs. A friendly and intelligent looking hound with noble bearing.

● CHARACTERISTICS A strong, active and courageous hound, possessing great stamina, with a good voice freely used.

● TEMPERAMENT Happy and outgoing. Independent and a little stubborn, not easily agitated, yet willing to please with firm handling.

● HEAD AND SKULL A noble head, carried proudly. Skull domed, without heaviness, elongated and not too wide; well cut away under the eyes. Occipital bone well developed; stop clearly defined. Muzzle square at its extremity, noticeably longer than from stop to occiput. Bridge of nose slightly roman. Nose protruding, well developed with wide open nostrils; solid colour: black except in white/lemon, white/orange coats where brown is tolerated. Lips well developed, just covering the lower jaw and giving the front of the muzzle a square shape. Well covered with long hair, forming good beard and moustache.

24 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

24-25 Breed standard CS.indd 24

07/03/2018 15:41

Photo: ©Marc Henrie

Borzoi Griffon Basset breed standard VendeenJudges’ (Grand) choice breed standard

Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Bedlington breed standard Terrier

● EYES Large, dark and oval, showing no white, with a friendly, intelligent expression. Haw not visible. Long eyebrows, standing forward but not obscuring eyes.

● EARS Supple, narrow and fine, covered with long hair, folding inwards, ending in an oval shape, reaching to just beyond the tip of the nose; set on low, not above the line of the eye.

● MOUTH Jaws strong with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, with upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.


Photo: ©Carol Ann Johnson

Long and strong, set into well-laid shoulders; thicker at the base; without dewlap.

Photo: ©Marc Henrie

● FOREQUARTERS Shoulders clean and well laid back; elbows close to the body, never turning out. Forelegs straight, thick and well boned. Pasterns strong and slightly sloping. Knuckling over is unacceptable.

● BODY Back of good length, without exaggeration, with level topline. Slight rise over solid, well-muscled loin. Prominent forechest, brisket broad and deep. Ribs moderately rounded, well let down to elbow and extending well back. Flanks rather deep; belly never tucked up.

● HINDQUARTERS Well boned, strong and muscular with moderate bend of stifle. Heavily muscled thighs with well-defined second thigh. Hocks turning neither in nor out.

● FEET Large and tight padded. Pads firm and solid. Nails strong and short.

● TAIL Rather long. Set on high, thick at the base, tapering gradually, well furnished with hair, carried proudly sabre-like or slightly curved but never too far over the back or bent at the tip.

● GAIT/MOVEMENT Free, with great drive. Front action straight and reaching well forward; hind action easy and elastic, hocks turning neither in nor out.

● COAT Rough, of moderate length, with a flat structure, never silky or woolly, fringing not too abundant; thick undercoat. The coat may be tidied, but over-trimming or stylising should be penalised.


● COLOUR White, with any combination of lemon, orange, sable, grizzle or black markings; tricolour.

● SIZE Height at withers: dogs 40 - 44cms (15 3/4 17 1/2 in); bitches 39-43 cms (15 1/2 - 17in). A tolerance of 1cm (3/8 in ) more or less is permissible.

● FAULTS Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Photo: ©A-Sensitive-Kind

Tibetan Terrier For advertising opportunities within Judges’ Choice please contact

April 2018 - Kennel Gazette 25

24-25 Breed standard CS.indd 25

07/03/2018 15:41

Breed history

The Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen The rise of this French hound in the UK By Vivien Phillips


Photo courtesy of Linda Skerritt

that litter subsequently became the first UK GBGV champion, even though by that time he was already nine years old. Barbu had won the Winner Show in Amsterdam in 2000, and on his return to the UK was awarded three groups, the first by Terry Thorn and as top Hound that year he put the breed in the UK very much on the map. Flambeur’s litter to Bien Venue at Dehra from the second quarantine litter was lovely, lines from which were the foundation for several breeders. Their son Dehra Esperance de Debucher was the first GBGV in 1997, when the breed was recognised by the Kennel Club, to compete

Bien-Fait du Greffier du Roi was mated to Efficace du Roc de Deymier and produced Debucher le Barbu

Photo: ©Marc Henrie

Photo courtesy of Vivien Phillips

Flambeur du Roc de Deymier, from the wonderful kennel of Yves Audouy

in all-breed shows, and he won the BOB at Birmingham National under judge Zena Thorn-Andrews. A subsequent Flambeur litter to Jolanda du Hamel de la Renaudie (imported from Renaud Buche) produced Debucher Jaromir, another relevant stud dog. Since the arrival of the Pet Passport I am delighted that several breeders have imported other GBGVs from various countries. The Pet Passport has helped the breed immensely in bringing in new lines, many of which have been successfully integrated into the breeding programmes of various kennels. Also since 2006 some very good champions have gained their titles, to date 16 dogs and 20 bitches. The GBGV is one of many hounds developed in France, the homeland of the hound. First and foremost the GBGV is a hunter, the fastest and tallest of the Basset breeds. During the latter years of Louis XIV’s reign, with the hounds too fast for the old king (who kept falling off his horse!) they

Dehra Allo Allo at six months, daughter of I’m Dutch du Greffier

Photo courtesy of Vivien Phillips

n March 2006 at Crufts the first CCs were awarded to the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (GBGV) after 17 long years when the first hounds arrived here in 1989. The bitch, I’m Dutch du Greffier du Roi whelped in quarantine and her four puppies were brought through into the UK while she returned home. Of the four, only one went on to be shown, Dehra Allo Allo. Other hounds that came through quarantine in subsequent years were Flambeur and Efficace du Roc de Deymier, from the wonderful kennel of Yves Audouy, who sadly died and whose hounds were dispersed to various other kennels. These two are behind a large percentage of pedigrees in the UK today. Qu-Pid du Greffier du Roi and Jolanda du Hamel de la Renaudie were also imported through quarantine in the 1990s. In 1996 I brought the first GBGV, Bien-Fait du Greffier du Roi, into the UK on the Balai Directive. I mated him to Efficace du Roc de Deymier and he produced his first, and her fifth and final litter in 1997. Debucher le Barbu from

Debucher le Barbu who became the first UK champion

26 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

26-27 Breed news CS NF.indd 26

12/03/2018 12:40

Photo courtesy of Vivien Phillips

Breed history

Four Griffon Vendeens showing the difference in size

were bred down using various other hound breeds. In 1907 the French formed the ‘Club du Griffon Vendeen’ with its President Paul Dézamy. Provision was made for the two sizes with the four varieties included. It was Paul Dézamy who proclaimed the larger Basset type hound of around 42cm was the ideal height (subsequently known as the ‘42 Dézamy’). In 1975 the breed standard was agreed with a 39 – 44cm height and a centimetre tolerance. In 1976 inter breeding between the Grand and Petit was no longer allowed and the GBGV finally gained its own FCI breed standard. The GBGV is not an easy dog to breed to produce uniform litters, due to the fact that they were bred firstly to shorten their legs (Basset) down from the Grand Griffon Vendeen. In the early years in order for this breed to have the speed and agility to hunt deer, and in some areas wild boar, they were bred back to the larger breeds (Grand Griffon Vendeen and Briquet Griffon Vendeen) to make them longer in the leg and the tallest of all Basset breeds. Because of this breeders strive to produce uniform puppies, but as all experienced breeders know the ‘long-legged gene’ can sometimes appear in litters and usually the very ‘Bassety’ hounds but with good breed type will be in the same litter. Since recognition in 1997 the GBGV has achieved many BIS awards at open shows, and happily nowadays they are often shortlisted and placed in Hound groups at the major championship shows. In 2003 I wrote and privately published a book, ‘This is the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen’ which I updated in 2014. A copy of the book can be found in the Kennel Club library. ●

Dehra Esperance de Debucher was the first Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen to win a Best of Breed at a championship show in 1997

In 2018 the Basset Griffon Vendeen Club celebrates its 40th anniversary. When the club was formed in 1978 the name was carefully chosen to accommodate the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (PBGV) and the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (GBGV), although it was 11 years before a GBGV litter was born in the UK. When the GBGV was recognised by the Kennel Club it was placed on the newly introduced Imported Breed Register until it became more established in the UK. In July 1991, the Kennel Club published the GBGV Interim Breed Standard and Imported Breed Register classes for GBGVs were held at the BGV Club’s 1992 Open Show. The breed had its own classes in 1997 when the GBGV transferred to the Breed Register, and in the following year there were classes for the breed at Crufts, with an entry of 36. The standard was reviewed when the breed received CC status in 2006. Although a numerically

small breed, over the years GBGVs have achieved many BIS awards at open shows and are often placed in Hound groups at major championship shows. The GBGV is participating in the Animal Health Trust Give a Dog a Genome research project progressing researches into epilepsy and, in 2017, Linda Skerritt set up a Facebook World Health Committee page, allowing health representatives from many countries to contribute. The aims are to share information and best practice on relevant serious health matters related to BGVs with the ultimate goal of alleviation and/or eradication of such conditions. This has already proved invaluable in discussions about minor health issues; Information on these is on ● Thank you to Linda Skerritt, Secretary of the Basset Griffon Vendeen Club for her assistance with this piece.

April 2018 - Kennel Gazette 27

26-27 Breed news CS NF.indd 27

12/03/2018 12:40

Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Judges’ Choice

Jeff Horswell ■ Drakesleat

Mark Cocozza ■ Freecloud

I started in dogs as a young school boy, initially with my mother’s Great Danes, and then my own Miniature Wire-Haired Dachshunds. I have made up 26 UK champions in three breeds. I judge all the hounds at CC level and judged the Hound Group at Crufts in 2016, followed by Best in Show in 2017. I have judged the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (GBGV) since the import register days, awarding CCs since 2007. The GBGV arrived in the UK much later than the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, but its band of devoted followers established the breed quickly and successfully and there has always been good cooperation between breeders all around the world. Over the years there have always been good GBGVs about, typical with the correct breed traits and always with delightful temperaments. I think as long as the small number of breeders continue to work together the breed will stay strong.

I have been interested in the breed since the early days in the UK and through being involved in the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen I naturally took a keen interest in the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (GBGV). An understanding of what makes these two breeds different is paramount to understanding either breed. They are not separated by size, which some believe, but by proportions and the relative length of certain features. I have acted as an assessor at many club run assessments and have awarded CCs since they were first recognised in the UK in 2006. My placings are based only on dogs in the UK that I have seen and had my hands on.

1Bien-Fait du Greffier du Roi

My third choice is from the consistently successful Tarmachan kennels, who always seem to be showing something good. I find it very hard to choose between Ch/Ir Ch Tarmachan Arc-en-Ciel, (pictured), who I placed in a group, and her son the current breed record-holder Ch Tarmachan Cartier. Both are such good moving and typical GBGVs with all of the essential breed features.

Photo courtesy of Vivien Phillips

3Ch/Ir Ch Tarmachan Arc-en-Ciel EW09 ShCM Photo: onEdition/The Kennel Club©

Ch Tarmachan 3Ch/Ir Arc-en-Ciel EW09 ShCM

She was easily my BOB at Crufts. A granddaughter ddaughter of ‘Ben’, Ben , she had the correct proportions and moderate balance for the breed and moved like a true hound. She had the most beautiful domed majestic head and correct muzzle length, correct eye placement and expression and low set ears of correct length and texture. Sparingly shown, she was made up in three consecutive shows before spending b f d some time being campaigned in Europe to great success. Head proportions, skull shape, along with body, neck and tail length are essential for breed type. The three hounds mentioned all had type and were undeniably GBGVs. We are currently seeing GBGVs winning with head proportions and body proportions that are alien to the breed.

Photo: ©The Kennel Club

I had the pleasure of judging the GBGV at Crufts in 2011, and it turned out to be rather a field day for the Dutch. My BOB winner was Eur Ch Barbabelle V TumTums Vriendjes. I thought her to be quite lovely. She was well made, typey and so very beautifully presented.

Photo: ©The Kennel Club

Ch Barbabelle 2Eur V Tum-Tums Vriendjes

2Ch/Dutch Ch Holmchappell Bien En Vie

Another very correct GBGV. I gave her one of her first CCs with BOB and later placed her 4th in my first championship show Hound Group. Again she had the specific correct proportions, with a little length in all the right places and was excellent on the move in profile with a lovely feminine typical head, even better she has gone on to produce champions, including her son the new CC breed record-holder. Like all the hounds mentioned here, she was not over glamorous but that is correct and also essential to type. It is worrying to see over sculpted exhibits becoming normal in many parts of the world. They can be tidied certainly, but they must retain that rustic charm and be true to their heritage.

Photo: ©The Kennel Club

My first choice is the breed’s first UK champion. Barbu did the bulk of his winning in the pre CC days, and really helped put the breed on the map. I think I awarded him about four championship show BOBs and a group place. He was top GBGV for an amazing six years, won three UK groups, his Dutch title (where the breed has always been strong) and BIS at the Amsterdam Winner Show. Barbu was nine when the breed got CCs, and fittingly he won his title that first year.

Photo: ©Carol Ann Johnson

1Ch/Ger/Dutch Ch Debucher le Barbu

Bred in Holland by Jolanda Huisman, ‘Ben’, came to the UK to live with Viv Phillips. While attaining success in the ring when the breed was still in the Imported Breed Register, it was as a stud dog that he excelled. He produced a stamp of excellent type with correct proportions, typical heads and workmanlike attitude and movement. Amongst many top winners for many kennels he produced Ch Debucher le Barbu whom I awarded his crowning CC, to make him the first UK champion in the breed.

28 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

28-32 Judges Choice CS NF2.indd 28

12/03/2018 15:08

Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Judges’ Choice

Phil Freer ■ Switherland

Colin SY Gillanders ■ Helmsdown

I first judged the breed in the UK in 1998. I awarded my first set of CCs at the Hound Association in 2008, and to date have judged the breed in the UK on four occasions with CCs on offer. My last appointment being the BGV Club in 2016. I have judged the breed in Poland, Czech Republic and Denmark on more than one occasion. I was chairman of the Basset Griffon Vendeen Club from 2004 until 2007.

Although I have never owned or bred this lovely breed, it has been my pleasure to have been involved with them and judge them ever since their introduction to the UK in 1989.

Without hesitation this is my first choice,, an outstandingg tricolour hound owned and shown by Viv Phillips who was my BOB at the Basset Griffon Vendeen Club Championship Show in 2005, the year before the breed attained CC status. He stood out for breed type, temperament, construction and quality and like all important hounds, had that something extra. He was the first GBGV champion in the UK, five times BOB at Crufts, including in 2006 when the first set of CCs were awarded, won three Hound Groups, Best in Show at the Winner Show, Amsterdam in 2000, was top Hound in the UK in 2001 and twice won the Champion Class at the Nationale d’élevage, remarkable achievements considering the breed were granted CC status relatively recently in 2006. My blueprint for the breed.

1Ch Tarmachan Cartier

Bred by Mrs F and Mr M Buchanan and Maclaren, I judged him as a puppy at South Wales in 2012, giving him Best Puppy in breed, d, stating on the day he was a dog to watch out for in the future. I wasn’t disappointed in him on my next appointment at SKC in 2014 when I awarded him the CC and BOB. I wrote on the day; “This dog has matured as I thought he would into a dog that typifies this breed, full of breed type. He has correct size and balance, his free movement is a pleasure to watch as he covers the ground with ease, and so sound on the up and down. He has a correctly proportioned noble head without heaviness, ears set low just below the line of the eye; they are supple and fine, reaching just beyond the end of the muzzle. His head is carried proudly on a long strong neck leading into a clean well-placed shoulder with correct equal length of upper arm. He has good bone and tight, well-padded feet. Prominent forechest, ribs moderately sprung and well let down to the elbow. Level back and good underline, tail set high and carried sabre like. Uses his hindquarters to advantage on the go around. Rough jacket with dense undercoat very well presented with no exaggerations”. He has gone on to prove me right and become the present breed record-holder with 27 CCs.

Photo courtesy of Phil Freer Photo: ©Alan V Walker

My third choice from an array of lovely bitches is a tricolour bred and owned by Fiona Buchanan and Michael Maclaren. As a youngster she won the RCC at Crufts in 2008 under me from post graduate and having fulfilled d her earlier promise, followed this up at the h Welsh l h Kennell Club l b in 2010 where I awarded her the bitch CC and BOB. She has such lovely breed type, is of beautiful construction and proportion, has a true temperament and, although very much a hound, she is sweetly feminine. She has won 17 CCs (12 with BOB including Crufts and the club show) and 17 RCCs, and has two champion offspring to date.

Photo: ©Michael Maclaren

Tarmachan Arc-en3Ch Ciel EW09 ShCM

3Ch/Dutch/Ger Ch Debucher le Barbu

Bred by Ms V Phillips, I awarded him BOB on no less than three occasions, the last being Manchester 2006. He was then nineyears-old. I wrote: “A dog I have given top honours on two previous p occasions, still sound and well-balanced, spot on for size and proportions length to height. In hard condition and held his toplinee on the move, covered the ground with ease on the go around, sound and parallel movement both ways. Harsh jacket, BD and BOB. A great ambassador for the breed in its early days in the l d h UK”.

My second choice is another dog, a light sable bred by Viv Phillips and owned and shown by Claire Cooper and Viv Phillips, who was my dog CC and BOB at The National in 2015. This is an upstanding stallion hound of beautiful breed d type and impeccable quality, possessing the most glorious head, leathers and expression. Beautifully constructed with everything in proportion and possessing a lovely temperament, this is the best moving GBGV I have had the pleasure to judge. To date he has won 16 CCs (12 with BOB) and 13 RCCs and was BOB at the club championship Show in 2015. Still relatively young for a GBGV at five years-old, to date he is the sire of one champion.

Photo courtesy of Vivien Phillips

2Ch Debucher Matisse

2Ch/Ir Ch Tarmachan Arc-en-Ciel EW09 ShCM

Bred by Mrs F and Mr M Buchanan and Maclaren, I first judged her at South Wales in 2012 when only one CC was on offer. I awarded her CC and BOB and wrote; “ I just loved this bitch full of breed type, b b yp , correct size with all the GBGV features. She has a super outline and balance, feminine well-proportioned noble head, with supple low set leathers with correct inward curl. Clean, long, strong neck leading into well placed front assembly, well-padded feet, good depth of chest and prominent forechest. i f h Moderate spring of rib, level back, short loin and high set tail. Strong muscular hindquarters, excellent rough jacket with thick undercoat. This girl excels on the move with good forward reach and great drive from behind. On the up and down she is sound both ways”. At present she still holds the bitch CC record with 17 CCs. She has also proved herself as a producer, being the dam of Ch Tarmachan Cartier.

Photo: ©Ruth Dalrymple

1Ch/Ger/Dutch Ch Debucher le Barbu

April 2018 - Kennel Gazette 29

28-32 Judges Choice CS NF2XX.indd 29

13/03/2018 16:23

Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Judges’ Choice

Gavin Robertson ■ Soletrader

Linda Lewis ■ Tangaer

Being asked to write about the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (GBGV) is always a challenging task, not because I don’t like them, but because there is still much variation in the breed around the world. Having been involved with the breed on a handling basis for much of the breed’s early days and watching the breed in France on numerous occasions. I have had the privilege to have judged the breed in many countries around the world as well as in the UK since the breed were awarded CC status. Presentation plays a major factor unless you get your hands on each dog. The breed, like its Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen cousin, still has crossovers in breed points, heads being the main debate and then angles. Nothing is more impressive than a classic GBGV head with such a noble look and those typical long ears the breed is known for. We are seeing sadly too many flashy over angulated GBGVs in the ring today which may look eye catching in the main ring, but the standard clearly states moderate angles throughout. This is an endurance hound not a sprinter!

I have been involved with this delightful, relatively new breed for almost 20 years. My first appointment was at the Hound Show in 2000 before the breed gained championship status. Best of Breed was my first choice, the wonderful male then simply known as Debucher le Barbu. His owner/breeder Vivien Phillips has worked tirelessly importing some wonderful Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens (GBGV) to really extend the gene pool. A few other kennels have followed suit. I like to see the breed tidily presented for show, not sculptured. There are some very nice GBGVs in the ring today.

Ch Sacree de 3Dutch/Lux L’Oustal Viel A really lovely feminine bitch with real quality throughout. ‘Sublime’ had d some style about her with clean balanced lines. She was a positive mover, holding her topline and correctly carried tail at all times with some width in her rear on the move. Her coat was crisp and d harsh. h h She h had strong bone and was well constructed. She had a lean skull with a prominent stop, and had typical long ears. She did well in the ring across Europe as well as winning BOB at Crufts.

Ravensbeech 3Ch Bayeux Photo courtesy of Gwen Huikeshoven

Bred in Holland by Jolanda Huisman and owned in the UK by Viv Phillips. This dog was a lovely unexaggerated example of the breed and really helped put the breed on the UK map being a prominent stud dog and the sire of the breed’s first champion. He was of correct size with lovely bone and straight forelegs, s, which was an issue in the early days. A super coat texture with ha lovely sabre tail carriage. Long ears and had a definite GBGV head and appearance.

Photo courtesy of Vivien Phillips

2Bien-Fait du Greffier du Roi

My second choice is bred and owned by Buchanan and Maclaren. A beautiful typey bitch with all the attributes of a true GBGV. I awarded her BOB at the Hound Show in 2013 closely followed by her son Ch/Ir Ch Tarmachan Cartier with the dog CC. Apparently she was not happy being a mother. Her one and only litter was hand reared. A case of quality not quantity. From it came Cartier and his sister Florentine who were top dog and top bitch in 2017. I awarded Arc-en-Ciel’s mother Ch/Ir Ch Melanter Toot a Lou of Tarmachan, another lovely bitch, BOB from veteran who went on to win BIS at the BGV Club Championship Show in 2009.

My third choice is Pain and Lewis’s Ch Ravensbeech Bayeux, born in 2000. Son of the lovely pair, Debucher Jaromir and Debucher Karess at Ravensbeech. I admired this super workmanlike hound for many years. Beautifully constructed d so well-balanced ll b l d throughout, with such a steady temperament, typically GBGV. Impeccable, sound movement. Nothing exaggerated. Everything I look for in a GBGV. Shown very sparingly but with three CCs; awarded by Vivien Phillips, Marion Nixon (BOB at Crufts in 2009) and his third under Mark Cocozza. The last two as a veteran. He was the grandsire of top dog and top bitch 2017.

Photo courtesy of Linda Lewis

Ch Tarmachan Arc2Ch/Ir en-Ciel EW09 ShCM

Photo courtesy of Linda Skerritt

My first choice is a current dog and I had the pleasure to award this dog the CC and BOB at Crufts in 2014, and he has gone on to become the current breed record holder. He is a GBGV from all angles, his head has correct detail with a lovely roman nose and that real noble look with a domed skull, nicely cut away under beautiful d the h eyes and d those h b if l long folded ears. He is a male all through and he has such typical moderate and balanced movement. Never any need to run the dog at 100 mph and his tail carriage is correct at all times. I think he is a very worthy ambassador for the breed currently.

Photo: ©Michael Maclaren

1Ch Tarmachan Cartier

Barbu was an outstanding GBGV, oozing type and quality with fabulous temperament. Handsome head, kind eye, super pigment and great coat and of perfect balance. To watch him move was mesmerising. His ring presence commanded attention. He was awarded BOB at Crufts in 2006 for the fifth time when CCs were first time awarded. Little wonder he achieved the wins he did. I witnessed him winning the CACIB at the World Show in Dortmund under R Buche. He had won it previously in Amsterdam as well as BIS at the Winner Show in 2000. His show career was legendary – a wonderful dog.

Photo: ©Hartley

1Ch/Ger/Dutch Ch Debucher le Barbu

30 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

28-32 Judges Choice CS NF2.indd 30

12/03/2018 15:09

Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Judges’ Choice

Linda Skerritt ■ Monkhams

Dr Jessica Holm ■ Holmchappell

My other choices go to dogs I had the pleasure of judging at Crufts in 2013. One was Fiona Buchanan and Michael Maclaren’s Ch Tarmachan Cartier, whom I awarded Best Puppy. At that young age, he carried all the attributes of a dog that would go far. A nicely shaped skull, chest fitting comfortably into a neat, straight front, superb, balanced outline and tightly made all through. His gait was easy with the ‘elastic’, flowing movement so typical of the breed. An outstanding dog, one I comfortably predicted would go on to be a force to be reckoned with. He was top GBGV in 2017 and is the breed record-holder currently on 27 CCs.

3Ned/Int Ch Xpreszo du Greffier du Roi

Bred and owned by Jolanda Huisman. This dog personifies the essential nobility and unexaggerated rustic charm of our breed. He comes from a dynastic lineage: his father won BIS at the French national three times. He is well made, with a magnificent head, powerful presence and is sound as a bell. Always presented in the correct natural condition, without poofing and primping, he is just as a GBGV should be in my mind’s eye. He is currently taking the USA by storm, and I hope American breeders can appreciate how lucky they are to have a quality template for judges to ‘get their eye in’.

Ch Et Caetera du 2Multi Greffier du Roi Bred and owned by Jolanda Huisman. Many years ago this lovelyy bitch helped a much younger me to understand that the GBGV is a head breed. Without quality in the head, something of the soul of this breed is lost. A beautiful domed skull; long foreface with huge black nose; long, low set leathers and dark eyes full of characterful expression. Without a wonderful head, it’s just a hairy hound, and of little interest to me.

pp Bien En Vie 3Ch/Dutch Ch Holmchappell Photo courtesy of Jolanda Huisman

My BOB at this show, and was a visitor from the Netherlands, Jolanda Huisman and Marlou Könings’ Ned/Int Ch Xpreszo du Greffier du Roi. Again that all important noble, domed head carried proudly on a strong neck. Well-constructed and with a superbly harsh coat. He covered the ring with good front extension and easy hind movement. He had previously gone BIS at the Basset Griffon Vendeen Club Championship Show in 2012 but, unfortunately, after one further visit in 2013, never returned to try for that all important third CC which would have made him an English champion. A mature and great representative of this breed, he is sire of Ch/Multi Ch Palomino du Greffier du Roi who, early this year, became the first American champion when the breed became fully AKC recognised on 1st January this year.

Ch Palomino 1Ch/Multi du Greffier du Roi

Made up in three shows in the UK; four in Holland (where she also won groups and BIS and was second in the group to Gavin and Sara Robertson’s BIS winning ‘Jilly’, at the Amsterdam Winner Show), En Vie was probably the closestt I came to breeding a great quality GBGV. She was more Classique in type than Dézamy, so less extreme in characteristic features. An all-rounder, she had quality in correct type, construction and movement. What wins her a place here though is her very typical GBGV character: comical and happy with a pinch of stubborn and a whole bucket load of independence. Essentially GBGV!

Photo: ©Dr Jessica Holm

2Ch Tarmachan Cartier

Photo courtesy of Michael Maclaren

My first championship show appointment ointment for GBGVs was Bath 2003, where my choice for BOB went to Vivien Phillips’ Ch/Ger/Dutch Ch Debucher le Barbu. He stood out, carrying that all important noble head, strongly made and shown in excellent condition, moving with ease and drive. Born in 1997, the year the GBGVs came off the Imported Breed Register, his sire was Bien-Fait du Greffier du Roi and dam Efficace du Roc de Deymier. As a well matured six-year-old at Bath, he was the early ambassador of this breed, carrying all the attributes of a great dog. He had gone BIS at the 2000 Amsterdam Winner Show, achieved top Hound in 2001 and with a stunning show career, notched up many more prestigious wins.

Photo: ©Hartley

1Ch/Ger/Dutch Ch Debucher le Barbu

Photo: courtesy of Jolanda Huisman

My background is scientific but I currently work as an artist/illustrator; dog breeder and broadcaster. I have been in Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens (GBGV) for more than 25 years, owning and breeding top show bitches over six generations, and importing many new bloodlines to the UK. Choosing three GBGVs of importance to me personally was an interesting exercise. I have rated many dogs over the years for different reasons and the choices I make here reflect different aspects of what I feel makes a good GBGV.

Photo courtesy of Jolanda Huisman

Having had Petit Basset Griffon Vendeens since 1983, I was keen to see the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (GBGV) after it arrived in this country in 1989 but it was to be six years before I actually judged the breed.

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Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Judges’ Choice

Vivien Phillips ■ Debucher

I judged her as a young bitch in Holland. She epitomized to me true GBGV bitch type. Bred by M Galibert and owned by Gwen Huikeshoven, she won BOB at the Amsterdam Winner Show in 2002 and BOS to Debucher le Barbu the following year. She was BOB under Horst Kliebenstein at Crufts in 2004. An excellent size with a noble feminine head and wonderful long leathers. An orange/white with excellent pigment, super construction and sufficient bone for a bitch. Fabulous on the move. I was fortunate to use her son Barbapapa V Tum-Tums Vriendjes and bring her grandson Can Can and granddaughter Frou Frou V Tum-Tums Vriendjes Debucher into the UK, who proved important additions to the gene pool.

Photo courtesy of Gwen Huikeshoven

1Dutch/Lux Ch Sacree de L’Oustal Viel

I saw this heart stopping male at 18 months at the Nationale d’élevage in 1992 having just won the Reserve CAC. Yves Audouy offered him to me for sale and despite the pitfalls with quarantine I could not refuse. He went to Holland to gain his championship and at three arrived in the UK and was top Imported Breed Register all-breeds for two years and top Imported Breed Register Hound for a further year. A most noble hound with a fantastic head and expression. He had phenomenal bone and strength throughout his well-constructed body. At a perfect 43cms, he oozed type. A stallion hound with incredible presence, who powered round the show ring, but most importantly stamped his type on his progeny.

3Ch/Ir Ch Gairside I’m Still Waiting

A lovely bitch of super-size and proportions. Awarded her first CC at SKC by Zena Thorn-Andrews on just our second set in 2006. I was delighted to award this feminine, but houndy quality bitch her fourth CC at the BGV Club show in 2008. She won eight CCs, 10 RCCs and RBIS at the BGV Club Championship Shows 2007 and 2008. She was graded ‘excellent’ at the Nationale d’élevage 2007. Joint top GBGV in

Photo courtesy of Vivien Phillips

Ch Flambeur 2Dutch du Roc de Deymier

2008, she won 16 Green Stars and a CACIB in Ireland. She was BIS at the BGV Club Open Show in 2010. A Flambeur granddaughter of great quality. A ‘show off’ in the ring. I was delighted at the World Show in Paris in 2011 when she was awarded the CACIB and BOS. She was of classic type and importantly produced well. I was thrilled to award CCs to her daughter Ch Gairside Sans Souci, and granddaughter Gairside Good Gracious. s.

Photo: ©Lewis

CCs in the breed in 2008 at the BGV Club show and Crufts 2010. I have bred eight UK and 14 overseas champions. I include seven GBGV UK champions who, in my opinion, deserve a mention; Ch Ravensbeech Bayeux, Ch Tarmachan Arc-en-Ciel - to both of whom I awarded their first CC. Ch Melanter Toot a Lou of Tarmachan, Ch Tarmachan Cartier, Ch Gairside Sans Souci - to whom I awarded her third CC. Ch Wilmit Fanfare, and my own Ch Wilmit Braconnier de Debucher. Also Dehra Esperance de Debucher sadly 11 when CCs were awarded.

I saw my first Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (GBGV) at the Nationale d’élevage in 1986 and it was a ‘Coup de Foudre’ moment. In 1995 when my then partner Nick Frost (Dehra) went to the USA I started the Debucher kennel name and developed my own lines importing via the Balai Directive and Pet Passport. I judged the breed at the BGV Club show in 1997, the year of KC recognition, and in 2002 at Crufts awarding BOB to Dutch Ch Jugeote du Greffier du Roi and BOS to Ravensbeech Bayeux, without CCs on offer. I first awarded


32 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

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Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Judges’ Choice

Zena Thorn-Andrews ■ Drakesleat The Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (GBGV) is quite different to the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, and should be judged as such. I look for good conformation, hard coats not too ‘tidily’ prepared, sound hounds with the lovely heads that are so appealing in the breed.

Photo: ©Dewerstone Photography

2Ch Debucher Rigole

Next I would place Ch Debucher Rigole, I gave him his 11th CC and BOB in 2013, where he equalled the dog CC record. Another typey and sound Debucher hunting type who was so full of quality.

Photo: ©Ruth Dalrymple

My favourite ever GBGV has to be Ch/Ger/Dutch Debucher le Barbu. His show wins were legendary, winning all over Europe, and of course here in the UK. Top GBGV for six years before CCs were first awarded to the breed in 2006, he became the first champion as a veteran. He was such a fabulous dog, which demonstrated that the great ones never ‘go off ’. I judged him without CCs in the early days, where he won, and was privileged to award him his second CC and BOB in that first year of CCs. He h had d a superb b body, b d was dead d d true moving with a wonderful temperament. Five times BOB at Crufts over the years, breed specialist Jessica Holm gave him his first CC pictured here in 2006, and Mark Cocozza his third and qualifying.

3Ch Debucher Matisse

My third was yet another Debucher hound bred by Viv Phillips, Ch Debucher Matisse, winning his 15th CC and BOB at the Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show in 2016. He was made up to champion at under twoyears-old, and had the same lovely family stamp of his forebears. All three of these boys are closely related, and have sired champions. They are a tribute to a great kennel and breeder.

Photo: ©Will Harris

1Ch/Ger/Dutch Ch Debucher le Barbu

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Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Judges’ Choice

Championship Show Judges Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) 2018 Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd

Mrs J Peak


Scottish Kennel Club

Ms M Rodgers


Southern Counties Canine Association

Mrs EA Macdonald


Three Counties Agricultural Society

Mr MG Cocozza


Windsor Dog Show Society

Mr EA Webster


Hound Association

Mr A Mease


Paignton & District Fanciers’ Association

Mr Tom H Johnston MPhil


Welsh Kennel Club

Mrs PJ Aldous-Town


Scottish Kennel Club


Driffield Agricultural Society

Mr SJ Mallard


South Wales Kennel Association

Mrs LC Skerritt


Basset Griffon Vendeen Club

Mrs LA Mackenzie


Ladies Kennel Association

Mr NR Luxmoore-Ball


This information is correct at the time of going to print, however appointments may change due to unforeseen circumstances

Breed clubs and societies take the welfare of their breeds very seriously and work tirelessly to provide help, support and homes for dogs in need.

Crufts BOB Winners

Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) 2006 – 2018 2006


























Basset Griffon Vendeen Club Mrs LC Skerritt


Basset Griffon Vendeen Club Rescue Mrs Fiona Buchanan

Tel: 01567 820603 and 07795 068860

Missed out on an interesting article?

Basset Griffon Vendeen Pet Supporters Club December 2017

The official publication of the Kennel Club

March 2018

£5 00 £5.00


The Old English Sheepdog is this month’s judges’ choice

£5 00 £5.00

The king of the terriers: the Airedale Terrier is this month’s judges’ choice

Merry Christmas

February 2018

With an alert expression the Great Dane is this month’s judges’ choice

January 2018

£ £5.00

Staying together, the importance of dogs in care homes The official publication of the Kennel Club

Peter Purves on his 40th Crufts show The official publication of the Kennel Club

The official publication of the Kennel Club

For a full list of all back issues still available call: 020 7518 1016 Or visit the online shop at:

Rose Phillips For further information of breed rescue contacts in your area, please visit or contact Anita Tabrett, the Relationship Manager – Welfare & Breed Rescue on 01296 718154 and

34 April 2018 - Kennel Gazette

34 Supporting info NF.indd 34

14/03/2018 16:39


The Emblehope & Burngrange Estate Northumberland A Centre of Excellence for Working Dogs

This beautiful moorland estate stretches to some 7,550 acres and is absolutely ideal for walked up trialling and training for Retrievers, Spaniels and HPRs. The estate offers both Pheasant and Partridge shooting and the varied terrain offers opportunities for all breeds of Gundog to demonstrate their natural working abilities. Woodland cover provides excellent hunting for Spaniels whilst the stretching moorland is ideal for challenging retrieves and for the pointing breeds to show off their hunting abilities to the full.

As a Centre of Excellence for Working Dogs, the Estate also welcomes the full range of working dog activities including: • Field Trials including Pointer and Setter Spring Stakes • Gundog Working Tests • Gundog Training Days • Live Game Training Days • Pointing Tests • Working Trials • Bloodhound Trials • Activity Training Days • Shooting and Gundog Activities

Book your training activities with the Emblehope Estate: Email: Tel: 01296 318 540 ext 290

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© Steve Magennis and Nigel Dear

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