Frame #2

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Feb. 2014

-Artist IndexIn order of appearance

Paola Nagaya, Traviz Williams, and curtis tucker Alexander curtiss adam hughes barbara ford david weidner jason cirkovic daniel couvreur lyndsay mcillroy rachel clark nicola fester caito foster The frame would like to apologize for not crediting caito foster for their amazing photography on the cover of our first issue.

letter from the -art director

Working on this magazine has been an eye opening experiance and I am so lucky that the chance was given to me. Being able to work with the amazing artists from Colorado Mountain College is incredible. Students that submit make this magazine what it is and give me the chance to do this, and thats why we do it. Not so we can say we published a magazine, but to have your art work show cased for future employes, and admirers. Thank you for putting the work in to create this art work, and the time to submit, With out you guys this would not be possible! Art Director Cody Andrew Evan Burgess

Cody Andrew

Evan Burgess

Letter from the Editor

Welcome to the first issue of 2014! Thank you for your continued support of FRAME and the Zine Club; we wouldn’t be here without our readers. I would like to also thank all the amazing artists that submitted their work to make this issue possible. Another big thank you goes out to SGA for approving our budget for this semester and allowing Zine Club to continue growing. Keep an eye out for upcoming Open Mic Nights and other events. I look forward to growing this publication and the club this semester. Stay strong and keep creating!

Photo by Aerin Peterson © 2013

Curtis Tucker

Great Friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, impossible to forget. There are people that affect you in the most extraordinary ways in which only thoughts can prevail. When you think of that one person that impacts your life in the most influential way, and has inspired you to be as passionate as possible; you really understand the meaning of life and the amazing adventures it contains. We often never think about how time is the key to every moment, which only makes us cherish the memories that have been created. Andrew Meader is the reason why we have created the bonds that will forever teach us the way of life in its significant meaning. Not only did we get to see the side of him that made us love him for who he was, but he was there when we need someone to inspire us to keep moving forward. His charisma and character was like no other person in this world, he could make you laugh with just a single look, and his vocabulary is one that made him our walking encyclopedia. His motto was to acknowledge everyone around him; to have conversations that could get people thinking in ways that captivate and inspire endlessly. There’s not a second that goes by that we don’t wish you were here, if only we could go back in time to tell you how much we love you because there will forever be an empty spot in our hearts. We will forever thank you for the experiences you have given us, and your inspirational thoughts will be with us until we can have adventures once again just beyond those pearly white gates. Until then and forever we will always remain that amazing group of friends.

Rest in Paradise.

In loving memory of Andrew Meader | June 20th 1990 - Janurary 7th 2014 Words from Paola Nagaya & Traviz Willams, Design from Curtis Tucker.

1986. Remember when you were a child and people would ask-----you that infamous what if you were---stranded on an island question? I suppose it served its purpose as a fun game to signify what was-----------meaningful and important in life.---------------------------------------------------The idea of starting over with your own personal island was an astonishing thought provoking idea for a child, especially for someone as curious as--------------------------I was… Of course I misinterpreted the question almost every time by-------------------------answering with unrealistic ideals of being surrounded by material goods,---------------mass amounts of pleasure, and of course, my favorite hip hop and------------------punk albums.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First, here is a quick run down of whom I am.---------------------------------------I was born into a working class neighborhood just outside------------------of downtown St. Paul.-------------------------------------------------------------It was here where my earliest memories thrived into------------------stories, covered in ice.------------------------------------------------------Truth be told, growing up in a Midwestern----------------------------city probably had me blanketed with comforts and---------------amenities to which many urban areas have to--------------------offer. This could be why the very question of starting--------over on an island was almost always filled with-----------narcissistic answers.-----------------------------------------------As an adult, the imagination of an island is slightly---------more difficult. Mostly due to trying to make it a more-------livable place, you know, one without all the doom-----and gloom of our current society. Yes, no longer being a child has had its difficulties. I’ve managed to replace narcissistic ideals with hints of cynicism. Although, I just recognize it as being self-aware.------------------------------I now begin to imagine my place on an island with family, friends, and--------------------------------------------------------------------resources that require to be carefully managed.------------------------The island is one thousand acres, about the size of San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Everyone has a job to do here. Whether it’s large or small,---------------------------the people have an equal opportunity for individual entrepreneurship.-----------As a whole community we work together to insure our footprint does not surpass that of the islands carrying capacity. Trades would be trans disciplinary among the islands inhabitance; builders would know agriculture and farmers would know how to build.

Everyone would know how to teach one another.-----------------------------------By Alexander H. Curtiss

-Adam hughes-

-barbara ford-

-David weidner-

ugh winds do shake the darling buds of M Shall I compare thee to a summ h all too short a date: Sometime too hot th Thou more lovely and more t d often art is his gold complexion dimm’d;


WHERE ARE YOU? by Jason Cirkovic Where are you I can’t seem to find you in this darkness that lurks around me This torch that I’m holding feels like it is useless as All I can see around me are the people don’t matter to me When I call out for your name all I hear is the echo of this cave that I am in It feels like the cave is mocking me because it shouts out the words that I cry out When I pick up my ukulele, all I feel is pain and sorrow wrapped around these strings that I strum Oh so quietly Quietly like your voice when you cuddle with me with all of those nights When I play our song all I feel are the lyrics eating me up Like the demons that rest inside my cursed soul Let’s cut out all the ropes as you watch me fall And now all of my love is wasted Like the homeless man whose only means of medicating is booze so he can hide From all of the skeletons that float around in his mind No matter how many times I played this song in the darkness All I can feel is loneliness caressing me in her arms and sadly it is the only love I will feel for a long time.

May, And summer’s lease mer’s day? he eye of heaven shines,


THE PATH TO PIÑON PINES Darkness defines the path behind Piñon pines As the lunar hours Lurk about the sky

by Daniel Couvreur

There is no land And There is no sky There is no terrain Or sign of life

The moon and stars Went off to hide

There is only The sound

From a mountain side With a watchful eye And Without a source to enhance my sight

Of the wild At night As the Darkness defines The path behind Piñon pines

The Darkness defines The path behind Piñon pines

Now Periodically A road’s exposed In the distance Beneath a lamp That cast a definite light But, Every time I step In that direction The lamp loses focus And The Darkness defines The path behind Piñon pines

-lyndsay mcillroy-

- rachel clark-

-nicola fester-

-caito foster-

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