The King’s College New York City Your college education is about more than just getting a diploma—it’s a transformative experience. At The King’s College in New York City, this experience is carefully designed to shape you intellectually, spiritually, personally, and professionally. The Core Curriculum teaches you the foundational disciplines that answer the fundamental questions of life: What is good? How can we best promote human flourishing? How do we order a peaceful society? The academic programs are rigorous and complement the industries New York City is known for. The City is a classroom of its own, full of excitement and possibility, and opens the door for you to gain real-world experience through internships. The Honor Code and House System build character and encourage you to become the man or woman that God created you to be. All of this is crafted to equip you to fulfill the mission of The King’s College: to shape and eventually to lead the strategic institutions that define our world.
Purposeful and Personal Education Live in one of the most exciting and diverse cities in the world while gaining a world-class education that prepares you to succeed no matter where your career path leads. You’ll learn how to think, not what to think, through a carefully crafted interdisciplinary Core Curriculum that is foundational to each major at King’s. The Core’s emphasis on critical thinking and communication prepares you to shape and eventually lead in your field. Industry-expert faculty will expose you to profound ideas and challenge you to measure them against the truths of Scripture. They’ll invite you to their homes, greet you by name in the hallways, and help you discover your calling.
Put Theory into Practice Your education extends far beyond the classroom. Through internships and practicums, you’ll take what you’ve learned and apply it at one of the top firms or organizations in your field of interest. Interact with key industry professionals and build a robust professional network that is vital for landing that first job—all before graduation. Internships aren’t just for a handful of students, either. Over 85% of our graduates complete at least one internship before graduation, working at places like NBC, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Goldman Sachs, the U.S. Senate, Paramount Pictures, International Justice Mission, the United Nations, and Penguin Random House.
Fulfilling the Mission Your King’s education, supportive community, and experiences in New York City will perfectly equip you for life after college. Our graduates attend some of the top graduate programs for business, law, creative writing, philosophy, economics, art curation, poetry, and education, to name a few. They’ve been accepted into institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Georgetown, Fordham, NYU, Duke, London School of Economics, Notre Dame, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, and King’s College London. Of our Class of 2016 alumni, 98% were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. You can find our alumni at Hamilton: An American Musical, The Wall Street Journal, the United Nations, J.P. Morgan, Louis Vuitton, Universal McCann, charity: water, Boeing, Deloitte, and Amazon.
Engage Culture Don’t retreat from culture—engage it directly in one of the world’s largest cultural melting pots. Part of the mission of The King’s College is to understand and directly engage with the ideas and beliefs that shape our society. You’ll learn to balance competing ideas and engage others winsomely and persuasively. You’ll be mentored by professors who are writing plays, books, and essays; leading discussions on criminal justice reform; training small businesses; and serving as subject-matter experts at national news outlets. You don’t have to wait until after graduation to make a difference in the world.
International Experience Study at Oxford University in England for a semester, or join one of the Best Semester programs that take place on five different continents each year. Along with traditional study abroad opportunities, you’ll have the chance to participate in King’s unique international experiences, planned and led by our own faculty. Spend a summer studying art in Paris or political philosophy in Florence; take a short-term trip to study theology and international relations in Israel or to learn about Islamic education in Indonesia. These trips enable students and faculty to grapple with critical issues in foreign countries and focus on engaging three key areas: ideas, institutions, and people of influence.
New York City is Your Campus The City is a great place to be a college student, and not just for the academic or career opportunities. Camp out for free Saturday Night Live tickets, ice skate in Central Park, kayak on the Hudson, walk the boardwalk at Coney Island, see van Gogh’s Starry Night at the Museum of Modern Art, go to a game at Yankees Stadium, or get student rush tickets for a Broadway show. Visit one of the City’s 1,700 parks, or explore countless restaurants with cuisines from around the world.
Live in Community At King’s, you will be known and supported by a close-knit community in the heart of a big city. Start the year by travelling with faculty, staff, and the entire student body to the annual Fall Retreat in the beautiful mountains of New York State. You’ll form new friendships and interact with faculty and staff outside of the classroom. Join a student organization, team, or club, or start your own. Come alongside the community by serving local ministries like The Bowery Mission in the Annual Day of Service, or through the House-sponsored service projects throughout the year with organizations like the American Red Cross and charity: water.
Be at the Top of Your Game Student athletes are leaders in our community, and are regularly recognized for their academic and athletic successes. Our soccer, cross country, basketball, and women’s volleyball teams compete in the Hudson Valley D3 USCAA Conference. As a student athlete at King’s, you will have coaches and teammates who push you to excellence and strength, both on and off the field. Whether you are a student athlete or a dedicated fan, the athletic program at The King’s College has something for you. Come cheer the team on or join in yourself.
The House System The Houses are the foundation of student life at King’s. Each of the ten Houses is named for a man or woman who embodied the ideals of The King’s College and transformed society through principled leadership, such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Susan B. Anthony, Sir Winston Churchill, and Sojourner Truth. You’ll grow spiritually and intellectually, explore New York City, and compete for the House Cup with your Housemates. Your House is your community from day one. Your student leaders, faculty and staff advisors, alumni, and upperclassmen will help you acclimate to life at King’s and provide important points of connection and mentorship opportunities.
Own Your Faith There is no such thing as a Christian bubble in New York City. Your college years are the time to grow in and take ownership of your faith. Instead of attending required chapel services, you are encouraged to join one of the many vibrant church communities in the City. On campus, the King’s Liturgy helps you read Scripture as a community and encourages spiritual discipline. You can also participate in Refuge, our student-led worship service, or your House’s Bible study, or take advantage of opportunities to serve the City. Your professors are committed Christians, dedicated to helping you develop into the person God created you to be.
A Community of Honor At The King’s College, you’ll be asked to sign and uphold a code of honor to which the whole community has committed. The Honor Code cultivates a campus-wide community of integrity and personal responsibility to love, sharpen, and serve one another to the glory of God. You will grow under the guidance of our Student Life staff, your House advisors, and other members of the community, who will help you navigate difficult situations and encourage you to learn the principles of truth, grace, and goodness. “It’s not a list of rules and regulations. It is instead a commitment to make this world look a little bit more like that world that is to come.” —Michael Martinez, 2017–2018 Student Body President
An Invitation from the President The Book of Daniel recounts some of God’s most spectacular rescues, including Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace and Daniel from the lion’s den. But let’s not miss why these four friends—captives in exile, no less—reached the highest positions in Babylon: They were sharp, informed thinkers who learned the language and literature of the culture. They stood face to face with the global power of their day, and shoulder to shoulder in faith and kinship—and flourished. We at The King’s College in New York City can say the same of our students, young men and women who desire to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and faith in the cultural nerve center of the world. As president, I have the privilege of being chief emissary, relaying stories of how our community is transforming society. Being a King’s student means being embraced by a Christcentered community of academic rigor that strives to sharpen one another and make a meaningful difference in the world. It’s not for everyone, but if your pulse quickened as you turned these pages, I exhort you: Stand face to face with the opportunities only New York City can offer. March shoulder to shoulder with faithful friends towards a life of purpose. Join us at The King’s College. All joy and courage,
Gregory Alan Thornbury, Ph.D. President
King’s at a Glance ARE AS OF STUDY * Business Management Creative Writing Cultural Criticism Culture and the Arts Economics English Finance Hebraic Studies History Humanities Interdisciplinary Catholic Studies Interdisciplinary Orthodox Studies International Affairs *Includes majors, minors, and concentrations
International Business Journalism Journalism, Culture and Society Literature Media and Film Studies Media Studies Media, Culture, and the Arts Philosophy Politics Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Pre-Law Religious and Theological Studies Theater Theology
Presidential Scholarship
Founders Scholarship
The Presidential Scholarship is based on your academic performance. For freshmen, SAT and ACT composite scores are considered along with high school grades. Transfer students with over 30 credits are only evaluated on their college GPA.
The Founders Scholarship is a full-tuition award that is determined through the Founders Competition. Four scholarships are awarded each year to incoming students. To compete, you must write an essay on this year’s prompt, and come to campus to present before faculty, staff, and alumni.
To be considered, apply at and submit your transcripts and test scores.
Learn more at
of new students receive scholarships or grants from The King’s College
of the Class of 2016 completed at least one internship as a student
of full-time faculty members have a terminal degree in their field
is the ratio of students to faculty members
of the Class of 2016 were employed or in graduate school within six months
is the average class size
CL ASS OF 2021 PROFILE The Class of 2021 comes from
38 states and 11 countries.
27 1280 3.7 The majority of the Class of 2021 students came from these five states:
Average ACT Composite
Average SAT Composite
Average High School GPA
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