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Creating Opportunities from Times of Crisis

Exhibition is an inquiry in which Year 6 students investigate real world problems. It is the culmination of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, through which students demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions, while investigating issues of significance.


In 2020, we found ourselves living through a time of global significance, as the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we lived, worked, learned and interacted as human beings, who share one planet.

This year, Exhibition afforded students an opportunity to capitalise on this moment in time. The inquiry was launched as they returned from a period of social isolation and distance learning. The boys were invited to examine their own experiences, and to ask questions about the future. They chose to explore issues that were of interest to scientists, historians, economists and sociologists. In essence, they joined a global inquiry into life in 2020.

They began by asking questions, including: How will this pandemic go down in history? How will isolation affect the economy? How will we rebound socially and emotionally? Will we go back to the way things were, or will this change our lives forever?

To be clear, this was not an inquiry into the devastating effects of a pandemic. Rather, this was an exploration of the challenges and opportunities humans face as they co-exist on Earth. It was an inquiry into how people respond to problems as informed, empowered citizens. Care was taken in guiding the inquiry, to ensure that students’ learning was age-appropriate and hopeful in nature. The boys identified broad concepts that were worthy of investigation. They decided to focus on enduring ideas such as: change, impact, opportunity and responsibility.

Each student submitted a research proposal and then formed a collaborative, inquiry group. Each group focused on a single issue about which they were passionate. As a grade, Year 6 2020 published a collection of essays, in the form of a book. They tackled issues such as: economic downturn, international relations, disease control, racism, social isolation and misinformation in the media.

At each step of the way, the boys knew that their research would serve as a time capsule for future generations who might seek to understand what happened in this time and place. The students developed strong research skills and reached out to primary sources to elevate their learning. Over 25 professionals joined the inquiry, via Zoom conferences. The students spoke to doctors, psychologists, a professional cricketer, an aircraft engineer, a conservationist, a human rights lawyer and a representative from the United Nations.

In 2020, our Year 6 students discovered that times of crisis change lives and create opportunities. They learned that, at the age of 12, they are capable of grappling with global problems and contributing to solutions. They learned that humans working together can create hope in adversity.

David Guild, Karen Mackey, William Sandwell and Jordy Wickham Preparatory School Teachers

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