Senior School Years 8-12 Boarding Handbook 2025

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Years 8 – 12

Boarding Student Handbook

The King’s School is a Christian community that seeks to make an outstanding impact for the good of society through its students, and by the quality of its teaching and leadership in education.


Welcome from the Director of Boarding

It is my hope that during your time with us, you thoroughly enjoy your boarding experience and immerse yourself in all that the School has to offer.

As part of a unique community, it is your responsibility to respect the positive traditions of The King’s School. Take comfort in the knowledge that every Kingsman has an unequalled opportunity to learn. Choose to spend your time wisely – find those things that you are passionate about and pursue these interests with great vigour. Above all, make the most of those opportunities available to you – get to know your peers and forge life-long friendships that will stand you in good stead, now and into the future.

Learning to live in a community is a vital skill for life. Research teaches us that boarders develop close friendships and values, such as resilience, tolerance and independence, often much earlier than others who are not given the same educational opportunities. Living at School offers many advantages. Time that would otherwise be allocated to travel can be better utilised, enabling boarders to be fully engaged in their school work, sporting endeavours and other co-curricular activities. Our boarders have access to academic support from a selection of qualified tutors and patrons who are available throughout the day and in the evenings. The tutors and patrons assist boarders with their homework, providing direction and enabling them to make the most of their preparation time outside of the classroom.

The King’s School offers unparalleled boarding facilities with large, purpose-built boarding houses staffed by qualified and dedicated teachers. We are committed to providing the very best in residential accommodation and have, in recent years, made a significant investment to ensure that the King’s boarding environment is the very best available. We embrace the use of technology and all boarders have access to the same services as those found within business, but we are mindful of the balance between technology and no technology. Accommodation is available in dormitories, twin-shares and single bed-studies that feature king single beds and climate controlled air-conditioning. Situated on more than 320 acres of land with swimming pools, tennis courts, gym facilities, sporting fields and a mountain bike track, the School is conveniently located in the geographic centre of Sydney, enabling its boarders to enjoy a country schooling experience in the heart of Australia’s largest city.

A note to all boarders: an incredible and exciting adventure awaits your significant contribution. Get involved, enjoy all that is on offer, make the most of this amazing opportunity and find those things that you are truly passionate about. Do these things, and I guarantee that you will thoroughly enjoy a lifetime of learning within The King’s School and its Boarding community.

Our Values


We do not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. We are human and we share in the humanity of others. Being humble arises from our Christian belief that we are equal in the sight of God because we are all created in His image. Humility is a fundamentally Christian value and is the starting point for all our other values, for it is when we are humble that we are able to be honest about ourselves and with others.



We celebrate with gratitude to God and each other. Gratitude is important in celebrating excellence in others, for keeping us humble and protects us from a spirit of complaint.



We strive to be excellent for others and ourselves. We do this in order to make an outstanding impact for the good of society. Striving for excellence means seeking to improve and better ourselves; to be always growing. Our striving for excellence is that we may be excellent for the sake of others. Excellence begins with an attitude of Humility that enables us to be Honest with ourselves and each another, so that we might Respect each other, taking Responsibility for ourselves and each other, as a community of Integrity and Compassion.


We live to serve one another. Having compassion means caring for others, being kind and gentle. Compassion is stronger than sympathy or empathy; it is much more active and intentional. In a Christian sense, it is going out of one’s way to help others, to be generous towards others, to care for others and stand up for others. Compassion flows from our humility, honesty, respect, responsibility and integrity, and underpins our understanding of excellence.


We are honest about ourselves and with others. Honesty means being trustworthy, sincere and authentic. We are true to ourselves, and one another. We do not mislead or misrepresent each other. Honesty depends on an attitude of humility. It is when we are honest about ourselves and towards each other that we are able to respect one another.



We respect one another and ourselves. Respect involves valuing people and property so that neither is dishonoured, and follows from our humility and honesty. We respect other’s beliefs and points of view. We do not bully or impose our will on others, whether in thought, word or deed. We do not gossip or spread rumours. Respect is important for being willing to take responsibility for ourselves and each other.


We take responsibility for ourselves and each other. Responsibility means recognising that we share our lives with others in a shared world. Living and learning in community means taking responsibility for contributing positively and actively to our community and our world. Responsibility depends on our respect for ourselves and each other, and is essential for living lives of integrity. TAKE


We live our lives with integrity. To demonstrate integrity means to live a life that is integrated and balanced, cohesive and coherent. As a community of integrity, we are unified and work together for the common good. We are trustworthy and reliable, we follow through with conviction and courage. Integrity arises from our humility, honesty, respect and responsibility, and allows us to serve one another as a compassionate community.



Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Rev Stephen Edwards (02) 9683 8442

Deputy Head - Students & Community

Mr Josh Hoogland 0455 098 243

Director of Boarding

Mr Ben Chadwick 0411 759 243


Baker Hake

Mr Patrick Hilgendorf 0411 247 870

Bishop Barker Harris

Mr Tom Ruddock 0455 087 327

Broughton Forrest

Mr Will van Asperen 0455 098 246

Macarthur Waddy

Mr James Peters 0455 098 244

School Sergeant

Mr Aaran Booth (02) 9683 8411

School Regimental Sergeant Major

Mr Rob McIntyre (02) 9683 8691

Health Centre

Senior Nurse: Kerry Milosevic (02) 9683 8409

Senior Student Absentees

Mrs Megan Mansfield (02) 9683 8539

School Chaplain

Rev Jason Hobba (02) 9683 8414

Main Reception and Transport Enquiries (02) 9683 8588


Housemaster: Phone: Email:



Boarders live in a community, and therefore must conduct themselves in a manner that shows mutual respect for others and one that upholds the dignity of everyone in the community. Accordingly, common sense, courtesy, concern and consideration for others are essential.

Boarders must respect their own property, others’ property and School property. It is expected that all boarders will be polite, respectful and courteous to their fellow boarders and to adults within and outside the School community. All boarders should care for others’ welfare, speak at all times in a courteous manner, and avoid any coarse/bad language or behaviour. Smoking, vaping, drinking or the consumption, possession or use of any illicit drug (including alcohol) whilst on campus, is strictly forbidden and will result in suspension and possible expulsion. Personal hygiene and dental care are very important and should be practiced at all times.

Boarders should also have respect for their environment by ensuring that it is kept clean and tidy. Any damage to property should be reported to the boarding staff member on duty as soon as practicable. If a boarder wilfully damages School property, the cost of repair or replacement will be charged to parents.

New boarders in Years 8–12 are allocated to a Senior boarding house based on where there are vacancies or depending on a family association if a vacancy exists. The School endeavours to place new boarders with a group of peers with whom they may have some common interests.


As students progress through the years, they share their rooms with fewer students, until when in Years 11 and 12, they have their own individual study/bed space.

All senior houses contain lockable cupboard space for each student. Internal (common areas and corridors) and external security is provided by strategically placed CCTV cameras and a security company is employed to patrol the School grounds during the evening.

The School’s facilities are occasionally used by outside agencies during holiday periods. Students are expected to secure personal items in their lockers during term breaks and to clear their rooms completely at the end of Term 2 and at the end of Term 4 as the facilities may be used by sporting and cultural groups.

All boarding houses have large screen TVs and other audio-visual equipment, pool and table tennis tables and a number of areas for recreation and relaxation.

Clothes drying facilities are provided, but all laundry is done by the School.

A kitchenette is provided in each House for the preparation of supper and snacks and it is expected that the boys clean up after themselves.

Each House is set in its own attractive natural environment and boys are expected to assist with some jobs around their House to aid in the maintenance of this setting.

Pastoral Care, Supervision and Medical Services

House Staff

Boarding Housemasters are assisted by a variety of staff who deal with such matters as pastoral care, health, academic issues, social outings and supervision. All residential staff are trained in basic first aid (Level 2 Senior First Aid Certificate).

Attached to each House are Mentors who meet regularly with the students and guide them in both academic and pastoral matters. Mentor and Year Group meetings are held regularly.

Boarding Housemasters are assisted by at least four resident members of staff and a resident House Manager or House Mum. Between them, these staff are responsible for monitoring the whereabouts of each boarder, 24 hours per day. Tutorial support in the boarding houses is provided by the Housemaster, the resident staff and additional members of the teaching staff, as well as Old Boys of the School who assist with academic and pastoral care of students and are instrumental to the Tutor and Patron Program of King’s Boarding.

House Managers

Each of the five boarding houses has a live-in weekday House Manager or House Mum who is an integral part of the pastoral “family”. While their major responsibility lies in domestic affairs within the boarding house, they also provide that friendly ear, listening to home news, social relationships, classroom issues and sporting achievements. The Manager will liaise with the Health Centre when there are issues related to the health of boarders.

Staff Supervision

Residential staff are rostered for duty in the boarding houses on a schedule prepared by each Housemaster. Their duties include waking the boys, getting them off to breakfast and ensuring they are ready for school. Each evening they supervise homework and recreation time. Staff are assisted by senior students in running the House. Staff are also rostered on at weekends to supervise the boarding houses.

House Monitors

Monitors have a long tradition in the School and assist in the efficient running of the School and their Houses.

Within the boarding house, Monitors and senior students assist residential staff in maintaining good order and cleanliness, ensuring students abide by the School rules and encouraging boys to make a contribution to School life. Each House has a House Captain who has the responsibility of co-ordinating student duties and House activities. Student leaders are accountable to their Housemaster in discharging their duties.

Other senior students are allocated tasks in conjunction with the duty staff to assist with the day to day running of the boarding house. If a boarder has an issue, it should be directed to the Housemaster in the first instance.

Health Centre

Nursing and medical care is provided in the School’s Health Centre by qualified nursing staff. A registered nurse is in residence every night, providing 24 hour care. The School Doctor provides regular clinics. The doctor and nurses support Housemasters and House Managers in monitoring the physical health of boarders.

The Headmaster, Head of Senior School and Senior staff are also residents on campus in a supervisory and ‘on call’ capacity.

Health Centre Procedures

It may not be possible for the nursing staff to let you know every time your son visits the Health Centre, but you will be kept informed in the following cases:

• After your son is seen by the School Doctor, you may receive a telephone call outlining the problem and treatment. This may include an x-ray or blood test, which will be bulk billed. If there has been a serious accident or incident, the Health Centre staff will endeavour to contact you immediately by phone.

• If your son has a serious injury and requires emergency treatment, you will be contacted immediately. Please ensure that you have completed the Medical Consent form on KingsNet. This gives legal status to your son’s Housemaster or certain senior members of staff to sign for consent if you are unable to be present.

• If your son is in the School’s Health Centre overnight, the Duty Nurse will contact you by phone.

Procedure for Administration of Regular Medications

Students on regular medication must present to the Health Centre in the morning before school where the Nurse on Duty will check their details, including dosage, expiry date and the identity of the child who is given the medication.

We ask that parents bring or send their son’s medication to the Health Centre at the beginning of each term.

The medications must be packed by your pharmacist in a Webster pack.

We also require a letter from your doctor stating the condition and medication dosage being prescribed.

The medication record is to be completed and any remaining medication is stored appropriately in a locked cupboard/trolley or refrigerator if required. No prescription medications are to be stored in the Boarding Houses. If there are any queries regarding this, the Health Centre needs to be consulted.

If by mid-morning, the boy has not presented for his medication, a telephone call will be made to the Absentee Receptionist to contact and remind him to go to the Health Centre.

If boys are habitually not attending the Health Centre for their medication/s, the Housemaster will be notified and a plan of action will be devised.


Currently NSW Health conducts an Adolescent Vaccination Program. The Clinics will be held at the School and include a Year 7 vaccination program which is mentioned in the Year 7 Handbook. Year 10 students will be offered a single dose of Meningococal ACWY vaccine.

Medical Consent

If your son is new to the School, the Medical Consent and details need to be completed by you online via KingsNet.

If parents would like to visit the Health Centre at some stage, they may make an appointment to meet the School’s Health Centre staff.

Health Centre Contact Details

Telephone: 02 9683 8409

Facsimilie: 02 9683 8493


Consent to Anaesthetics, Operations and Other Treatment

The Medical Consent and details need to be completed by you online via KingsNet. This form is required for the following reasons:

• When a boy requires urgent treatment such as an operation, an official consent to an anaesthetic / operation and treatment has to be signed.

• Hospitals are now required to use the official Health Commission form, to be signed by a relative, or by the child’s legal guardian.

The form should be signed at the hospital in the presence of the doctor, who has explained the nature of the operation required.

In order to give the Housemaster (or in their absence, certain senior members of staff) the legal status which satisfies the Health Commission, parents are asked to ensure the consent box on KingsNet has been ticked as this is your consent for medical treatment.

Dental and Orthodontic Services

The School Health Centre can recommend outside dentists and orthodontists commonly used by boys at the School. Appointments and transport to and from these services can be arranged via the Health Centre.

Physiotherapy Services

A physiotherapist service is attached to the School Health Centre and if appointments are required they maybe coordinated by the nursing staff.

Parents are billed directly for physiotherapy services.

Visiting Chemist

A local chemist visits the Health Centre most days and will accept orders for pharmaceuticals and other non-prescription items. Boys can place their order at the Health Centre and parents will be charged through their school accounts. In addition, the Braeside Shop sells a range of toiletries including toothpaste, deodorant and combs.


Dining Hall Meal Times

Boys are expected to attend all meals and to eat a balanced and healthy diet. The Dining Hall operates in a cafeteria style where boys queue at the servery for their meal. Boys then sit at a table with friends. It is the responsibility of each boy to clean any items off the table and return his plate and other items to the collection stations at the end of his meal.

Uniform at Meals

Boarders must be neatly dressed in the appropriate version of the School uniform for meals. Uniforms may not be mixed and matched. The clothing requirements vary according to the day of the week as follows:

Monday – Friday


• Half Blues

• No.1 Uniform.

Special dietary requirements can be catered for – please advise your Housemaster and Deputy HeadStudents & Community.

This information will be collected by the Health Centre via the Medical Form under the Allergies/Dietary Requirements section and then passed on to the catering company and your Housemaster.


Monday – Friday: 7.10am – 8.30am

Saturday: 7.10am – 9.10am

Sunday: Brunch in each Boarding House


Monday – Friday: 12.30pm – 1.40pm


As per the sports fixtures notice


Each Boarding House cooks its own BBQ


Monday – Sunday: 5.15pm – 6.30pm


• Half Blues

• No.1 Uniform.

Saturday (All meals)

• Half Blues

• No.1 Uniform

• Smart, clean, neat casual clothes, including a collared shirt and closed shoes.

Sunday (Dinner)

Smart, clean, neat casual clothes, including a collared shirt and closed shoes, or

• No.1 Uniform

• Full PE uniform

• Full School Tracksuit.

Supper and Snacks

Supper is provided immediately following prep and prior to students preparing for bed. The supper generally consists of biscuits, toast, fruit and Milo.

Supper is consumed in the Recreation Room and students are rostered to clean up prior to going to bed. The kitchen area attached to each House includes cutlery and drinking cups. Fruit is available in the Dining Hall.

Parents are asked to supply some healthy snack foods and keep lollies or caffeine products to a minimum. We are a nut aware boarding community.

Students should not eat food in their rooms, so as to keep the House clean and free of pests. Any snack foods should be stored away in a boy’s cupboard and in a sealed container.

Contacting Staff

Due to the busy nature of the School, it can sometimes be difficult to reach staff by telephone (they may be in class, coaching sport or in the boarding house). For matters that are non-urgent in nature, it is usually easier to email the Housemaster or teacher with a basic query and ask them to contact you when convenient.

For more urgent matters or emergencies, please do not hesitate to contact the Housemaster, Director of Boarding, Deputy Head (Students & Community), Health Centre or Reception. Important telephone numbers and email addresses are listed at the front of this handbook.

Communication Academic Matters

Telephone and Mobile Phones

Each House has two telephones for the use of boys and parents or guardians.

Mobile phones are not permitted to be used during class or during prep.

Please do not make telephone calls to boarders between 7.00pm and 9.00pm, as this is prep time and it disrupts homework.

If it is hard to contact your son or if he is not calling home often enough (perhaps because he is enjoying himself), email the Housemaster and he can either pass on a message or remind the boy of the importance of keeping parents/guardians up-to-date as to how he is going at school.

Letters to the Housemaster, staff or boys should be addressed: (Staff/Boarder’s Name) (Name of Boarding House)

The King’s School PO Box 1 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124

Boarders are encouraged to write or email home every week unless they are seeing their parents/guardians on the weekend.

A letter or email should be sent, even if boys speak to their parents/guardians on the telephone. We regard this as an important practical application of the boys’ education and ask parents to support their son’s letter writing by commenting on how the letters are eagerly anticipated, encouraging friends and relatives to write to the boys, and by letting the Housemaster know if letters are not received regularly.

Prep (Homework)

All boarding students have prep each week night. During this period, students are expected to complete homework, projects and assignments as well as undertake an individual study program.

Prep commences at 7.00pm and the first session is completed by 8.30pm. A short break for devotions, meetings and supper is followed by a second session, usually of an hour’s duration for the senior students.

Each boarder is required to have his own computing device as specified by the School. Boys can gain wireless access to the School network from their Boarding House.

Boarders are not to have VPN (Vitual Private Network) installed on thier laptops or technical devices.

Years 11 and 12 undertake prep in their individual rooms, Years 8–10 do so in shared rooms.

Staff supervise prep progress, but in addition, senior students regularly support junior students as academic mentors.

Specialist tutors, covering a broad spectrum of subjects, are available during the week during prep and are generally located in the Library or can be accessed in the Boarding Houses through the Patron Program. This tutoring is provided at no additional cost to parents.

External Tutoring

While prep is supervised by staff, parents sometimes employ outside tutors in subjects where their sons may be experiencing difficulty. It is preferable that these private arrangements occur outside formal prep and they must be approved by the Housemaster. The tutors must confirm they possess a current WWCC. Parents/ Guardians are requested to liaise with the relevant Housemaster before employing a private person to tutor their son on site, as this allows relevant child protection protocols to be observed.


Washing and dry cleaning is undertaken by the School laundry. All items of clothing must be clearly marked with the boy’s surname, initials and the House number – sewn to the inside centre back of each garment (not on the sole of socks please).

Each boarding house is assigned a House number so the laundry comes back to the correct House.

Bed linen and shower towels are provided by the School. The School towels are plain white. To avoid confusion, please do not send personal towels in this colour. Boys are not allowed to take School towels out of Boarding houses (e.g. to the pool gym).

Two mesh bags are required for the washing of socks and other delicate items, and can be purchased from the Braeside Shop. These bags must be clearly named with permanent marker or sew-on clothing tags.

House Managers organise the collection of dirty clothing and the distribution of washed items on a regular basis. Most washing is returned on the day following collection.

Boarders are not provided with doonas and doona covers in the Senior Houses, but may supply their own. Blankets are available on request.

Boys can bring their own pillows from home, but the School does provide them if need be.



All boys in the Senior School are involved in the School device program. They can access KingsNet, the School’s intranet, Canvas and the School’s Learning Management System via the wireless network. Students and parents must read, accept and abide by the ICT Acceptable Use Policy. KingsNet provides parents with access to a range of useful information including news and notices, key events and academic, co-curricular and community information. For further information, please contact the ICT Service Desk on

Electrical Equipment

Students should minimise the number of electrical items they bring to school and should switch off appliances when not in use. Students are not permitted to bring personal televisions, fridges, heaters, electric blankets or air conditioners. Students wishing to bring a fan, are advised to purchase a small, desktop fan and not a large pedestal fan. Stereos or computer speakers should be small and played at a reasonable volume which does not disturb or annoy other residents.

Parents should also note that in most cases, the School’s insurance does not cover for repair or replacement of items which may be damaged or stolen while at school. It is recommended that parents enquire about having valuable items covered under their family’s household insurance.

Tagging of Electrical Equipment

Tagging of all privately owned electrical equipment is a mandatory Workplace Health and Safety requirement. All privately owned electrical equipment located in the houses will require periodic testing to ensure that it meets the safety requirements as set down in the Australian Standards in-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment program. No electrical item is excluded from this mandatory requirement and legislation requires that the equipment is tested and tagged as safe every 12 months.

Accordingly, all privately owned electrical equipment brought into boarding houses must be tagged. Boarders can have their items tested and tagged by an accredited electrician and this service can be charged to the student’s account.

School Rules and Conduct

This Code of Conduct is a guide only and is reviewed regularly. They are kept to the minimum necessary to fulfil the School’s responsibility as a guardian; to ensure the safety, welfare and happiness of all its members; and to make the essential arrangements for community where study can flourish, and where each boy has the opportunity to develop his own talents in an atmosphere of self-discipline and mutual respect.

The possession or use of alcohol, illegal drugs, smoking/vaping, pornography and firearms is forbidden.

A guide to conduct and School rules can be found in the front of the School Diary and should be read in further detail.

Policy on Bullying

The King’s School has a reputation as a safe and friendly school and does not tolerate bullying. Its published primary aim is to provide an education “founded on the Christian faith” and central to this faith is a consideration and respect for both the individual and the community.

The School strongly believes that every student has the right to a safe, supporting and caring environment free from intimidation of any kind, the right not to be hurt, scared, made fun of or harassed in any particular way. The School will not tolerate any student behaviour that denies these rights.

The School’s policy on bullying can be found in the School Diary and on KingsNet and should be read in further detail. This includes strategies for dealing with bullying.

While bullying is common in society, the School does not condone bullying and reserves the right to use a variety of methods to deal with a reported case of bullying.

If a boy feels he is being bullied, he should speak with his Mentor, Housemaster, House Manager or duty staff, one of the senior boys in the House, a teacher, a member of the Counselling Team, Director of Boarding or the School Captain.

Our comprehensive Anti-Bullying Policy is available on KingsNet.

Also available on KingsNet is the following document:

• Complaints and Grievances Resolution Procedure

We welcome your comments and suggestions by emailing them to:

Boarding Technology Policy

• Mobile phones are collected at 7.00pm for Years 8–11 and returned 7.30am the next morning.

• No gaming until Friday afternoon.

Bikes, Scooters and Skateboards

While they are fun, boarders are not permitted to have bikes, scooters or skateboards at the School, as the internal roads carry considerable traffic.

The School is working on a policy for Boarders to use the mountain bike track of a weekend. Bikes must be certified and properly serviced with an up to date record and riders must be of a qualified ability.

Motor Vehicles

Boarders are not permitted to have motor vehicles parked within the School grounds or in the nearby neighbourhood.

• An application can be made to the Head of Senior School by Year 12 parents, only if they believe their son requires a vehicle for extraordinary circumstances.

• If approved, the keys must be kept with the Housemaster at all times and the car to be parked in the Day Boy student car park or the Music Block Hill.

Pocket Money

It is part of a boy’s education that he should learn to be responsible in the handling of money – to be selective in his spending, purposeful in his savings and generous in his giving to charity.

Such training can only be effective with the full cooperation of parents, relatives and friends.

Bartering, hiring, leasing or renting between boys is not permitted. Most senior boys tend to have their own ATM card and the amount of money allocated and frequency is up to each family.

However, boys do not need large amounts of pocket money and, as they get older, it is a good idea to get them to take greater responsibility for managing their own finances.

Typically, boys spend a few dollars each week at the local Kingsdene shops or at Parramatta to buy other essentials, or on a pizza as a special treat on Friday or Saturday night only.

House Levies

Senior Boarding Houses impose an annual levy to cover minor expenses incurred within the House.

House Levies for next year will be confirmed during Term 4, of this year prior to appearing on the School account.

Boarders’ Leave

Rules and Responsibilities

During School terms, it is important for boarders to be able to take leave, and for parents, relatives and friends to have access to them. The School wishes to maintain flexibility with leave arrangements, however, boys should not regard leave as an automatic right. On rare occasions, the School reserves the right to nominate in advance that a specific weekend will be “closed” and no leave will be granted. Parents must have the confidence that the School is exercising leave arrangements as carefully and responsibly as possible. The School has an online leave system to streamline and improve the process of negotiating weekend leave.

The following leave regulations apply to all boarders:

• Special leave requests must be directed to the Head of Senior School via the KingsNet form. Please note that the School will generally refuse all leave requests that impact on the School’s academic program.

• Other leave is administered by the Housemaster, who will require a written list of people, other than the parents/ guardian, with whom the student is allowed to visit whilst on leave.

• Taking leave generally means being taken out by, or visiting, an adult who is then responsible for the boy while he is on leave.

• For senior houses, request for leave is required prior to 8.00pm on the Thursday before the weekend on which leave is to be granted, so that weekend catering arrangements can be completed.

• The School and Housemaster can remove the boy’s right to go on leave as a sanction.

• The School has an online leave system. Boys apply for leave and an email is automatically sent to parents/guardians confirming this leave application. Leave is not approved until there is communication between the parent/ guardian and the Housemaster. Parents/guardians then endorse the leave and the Housemaster, in agreement, will approve the leave.

• The Housemaster may allow boys to go on leave with other School families, but they must apply via our online leave system.

• No boy may take overnight leave without the knowledge and agreement of his parents or Housemaster. All boys are expected to write a thank you note to their overnight leave hosts.

Leave Times

Departure Times

Saturday: From after breakfast and when House and School obligations have been fulfilled. On GPS Home winter games, the Regatta and the GPS Athletics, leave does not commence until after the final game or event.

Sunday: From after breakfast and when House and School obligations have been fulfilled.

Return times

Saturday: 9.00pm

Sunday: Either 9.00pm, or 30 minutes before full Boarders’ Chapel, this commences at 8.00pm.

Overnight Leave: An overnight leave means overnight on Saturday night. In special circumstances, leave on Friday night may also be allowed. Departure and return times are as for day leave.

Lunch and Dinner Leave may be taken in the grounds or at a local restaurant at weekends on request. Dinner leave during the week will only be granted to country or overseas boarders to be with parents. Parents must return their son to the House before Prep time.

Evening Leave: The need for evening leave usually arises when Housemasters arrange for groups of boys to attend group outings or sporting events with staff. Boys must request permission from the Housemaster to be absent.

Kingsdene: Boys are allowed to visit the Kingsdene (KD) shops after signing out using our online system. No boy is allowed to visit Kingsdene after 4.30pm on any day. Boys must not ask other boys to run errands for them to Kingsdene.

The Ampol Service Station is strictly out of bounds to boarders.

Early Leave End of Term: Early leave at the end of term will only be granted under very special circumstances and then only by the Head of Senior School via the KingsNet form or Housemaster.

Returning Late at the Start of Term: Parents or guardians must inform the Housemaster and School as soon as possible if there is a delay in a boy returning to school at the start of term. Boarders are expected to be in residence by 9.00pm of the evening preceding the first day of lessons for the term.

Weekend Leave: Arrangements must be made via our online system.


Parents, relatives and the friends of students are welcome to visit the School, preferably out of school hours, to share some time together, to picnic in the School grounds or to explore the campus. Visitors must first make contact with the House duty staff of the day as a matter of courtesy and security. Visitors would be expected to respect normal routines and times, such as school hours, prep hours, meal times and lights out.

Toilets for visitors are located under the Doyle Canteen, under the Thomas Memorial Pavilion White Oval scoreboard, in the Sports Centre and Old Gym, Futter Hall and Quadrangle area, and are indicated on the School map (inside back cover). Parents may also use the Parents’ bathroom in houses or the bathroom nearby the Manager’s flat.

Boarders’ Travel Arrangements


Travel for boarders to and from The King’s School is arranged by the RSM. Boarders are required to be issued with a Boarder’s Travel Pass to be eligible for free travel.

Note, that boys who reside outside NSW are not entitled to free travel. Eligibility and applications for the Boarder’s Travel Pass can be found online under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS).

Applications need to be forwarded as a PDF file to the RSM at to process.

Boarders’ Belongings

Boys are expected to take everything home at the end of Term 2 and Term 4 to allow for cleaning requirements.

School Holiday Travel

The RSM will notify boarders when bookings are required to be made for school holiday travel. It is the boarder’s responsibility to notify the RSM of his travel requirements before the cut-off date. Parents/guardians will also be notified by way of a notice through KingsNet.

Travel Subsidy

Boarders who have to travel by private means to and from the nearest railway station or Countrylink stop are eligible to apply for a conveyance subsidy. There must be no alternative coach or train route. Applications are processed through the RSM. Early leave before holidays is granted only in exceptional circumstances. Applications must be made to the Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School via the KingsNet form.

Additional Information

Saturday Sport

Along with a good education, sport is an important aspect of life at King’s. There is a wide range of sports on offer and it is compulsory for every student to participate in sport, which includes two training sessions per week and a competition fixture on Saturdays.

Playing sport and supporting other teams is an important part of the School culture and a great way to make new friends. Cheering on crews at the Head of the River, our Athletics team, the 1st XI Football or 1st XV Rugby teams are key times to build School spirit.

For families, Saturday sport is an important part of life at King’s and a great way for parents to meet their son’s new friends and their families. There are a number of canteens located at the White Oval or the Doyle and Massie Grounds where parents can purchase breakfast, lunch or a cup of tea or coffee.

All boarders are required to watch either the 1st XI Football and/or 1st XV Rugby on Home Saturday afternoon games. Boarders who are staying in for the weekend must attend the 1st XV Rugby whether the match is Home or Away. For parents, they too can gather at the White Oval to catch up with other parents and watch the School in action. Parents are free to bring along brothers, sisters or grandparents.

For Away fixtures, boys who are not returning to School for lunch, will be provided with a meal allowance. This money is not charged to your School account, as it is in lieu of a meal in the Dining Hall.

Parents can look up their son’s sporting fixtures and times on KingsNet by about Wednesday evening of each week, so they can plan their weekend visit.

Social and Extracurricular Activities

There are a variety of activities available after school, on weekends or in the holidays.

Each Friday evening, the woodwork and metalwork classrooms are open to students interested in this activity; called ‘Clubs’. ‘Clubs’ is supervised by trained staff. A range of other activities or hobbies are offered throughout the year, eg Friday Shooting Club at the rifle range under the Old Gym.

Boarding activities and excursions are also organised for some weekends and boarders can sign up for those that interest them. Some weekends are unscheduled to allow boarders time to relax, to go to Parramatta with friends, or catch up on schoolwork.

From time to time there are overseas trips for History, Languages, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or sport, in which students may elect to participate.

Local Restaurants, Accommodation and Activities

Carlingford Bowling Club has a selection of well-priced and tasty meals that would suit a simple family meal together (turn left at the traffic lights out of King’s and then north along Pennant Hills Road for about 3 kilometres on the right hand side).

Carlingford Court Shopping Centre is easy to get to, has basic cafes, supermarkets and department stores and easier parking than Westfield at Parramatta. Carlingford Court is located at the corner of Pennant Hills Road (Cumberland Hwy) and Carlingford Road. However, if you want a greater variety of stores, restaurants or cinemas, then Westfield Parramatta is the better option; parking is off Campbell and Marsden Streets, Parramatta.

Mannelli’s Café Blackwood Place, Burnside Village, North Parramatta is a good café for a pleasant meal or light refreshment.

Church Street, Parramatta has a large pedestrian mall with a variety of restaurants and cafes stretching from the Riverside Theatre down to Westfield Parramatta.

Old Government House, Parramatta is an interesting historic building with a child friendly guided tour. There is also a good café there, which is very pleasant for lunch. Lake Parramatta is located on the western boundary of the School, but is accessed by car from Illawong Drive. Turn right at the traffic lights out of the School, head down Pennant Hills Road across James Ruse Drive, then right into Sutherland Road, right onto Gloucester Avenue, left onto Bourke Street before turning right into the access road to the lake. A good picnic spot with nice walks around the lake (if you’re adventurous you can walk to/from School on one of the bush tracks) and a café.

Parramatta Park is located near CommBank Stadium and Parramatta Leagues Club on O’Connell Street, Parramatta. The park has a number of cafés and is nice for a stroll or a picnic too.

There is a range of local hotels and serviced apartments to suit different needs and a number of these offer packages at a discount to King’s families. Please contact Boarding Housemasters for further information.

Key Events

The School Diary and calendar list all of the major activities and events for the coming year. Upcoming events are also advertised on KingsNet:

• Boarder Parents’ Round Ups (typically early Term 1 and mid Term 3)

• All Boarders Sunday Chapels (twice per term)

• Boarders’ Monday Evening Chapel (in the Memorial Chapel) once per term.

• Boarder Community Parent Function

• Cadet Corps Annual Ceremonial and Passing Out Parade

• Camps Week

• Festival of Lessons and Carols Service

• GPS Athletics Championship

• GPS Head of the River Regatta

• Parent/teacher Interviews

• School Carnivals – athletics, swimming, cross-country and JR Blomfield Cup

• School drama and musical productions

• Year 12 HSC Showcase

• Year 12 Graduation

• Presentation Day

School Shop

The Braeside Shop

The King’s School Foundation runs the Braeside Shop, a fully-stocked shop at the School. It is situated on Ryrie Road, beside the King’s Theatre. Items purchased can be charged to Visa, Mastercard or EFTPOS. The Braeside Shop stocks all School uniform clothing requirements including school shoes. The Braeside Shop is the sole retailer of uniforms for The King’s School.

Uniform Fittings by Appointment Only

The Braeside Shop will commence appointments for 2025 new student uniforms from October 2024. You should allow 1 hour for a fitting appointment. Fittings are strictly by appointment only. Appointments can be made on KingsNet.

To ensure your child is able to purchase all the required uniform items in their size, it is strongly recommended that you outfit your child before the end of Term 4 2024. Generally, January fittings are allocated to overseas, interstate and late enrolment students.

Opening Times

2024: Monday to Friday (8.00am - 4.00pm) until Friday 13 December 2024.

The shop is closed from 14 December 2024 to 14 January 2025.

2025: Monday to Friday (8.00am - 4.00pm) from Tuesday 14 January 2025.

Monday to Friday only until School resumes then Monday to Saturday.

Closed on Australia Day (26 January 2025).

Contacting the Braeside Shop

To book your fitting appointment, please contact the Braeside Shop

School Term Dates 2025

Term 1

School commence

Wednesday 29 January

Term concludes Thursday 10 April

Easter Break Good Friday 18 April – Easter Monday 21 April

Senior School Camps Week Friday 4 April – Thursday 10 April

Term 2

Classes commence Tuesday 29 April

Classes conclude Friday 27 June

King’s Birthday Weekend Friday 6 June – Monday 9 June

Anzac Day Friday 25 April

Term 3 (Years 7-11)

Classes commence

Phone: 02 9683 8463

Fax: 02 9683 8480

Email: or

Tuesday 22 July

Classes conclude Thursday 25 September

Term 3 (Year 12)

Classes commence Tuesday 22 July

Classes conclude Friday 26 September

Term 4

Classes commence

Wednesday 15 October

Classes concludes Thursday 4 December

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